
rexxx#join tor01:46
Angelusif i compiled a kernel using make-kpkg not usib debian/rules script. and i wanna compile the restricted-modules. what abi version should i put in the control script of the restricted-modules?02:22
Angelussorry i disconnected by mistake02:23
Angelusso my question was: if i compiled a kernel using make-kpkg not using the debian/rules script, and i wanna compile the restricted-modules, what abi version should i put in the control script of the restrected modules ?02:24
Angelussorry , i meant what abi version should i put in the debian/rules script of the restricted-modules02:28
=== zul_ is now known as zul
=== asac_ is now known as asac
DavieyHey, anybody tinkered with 2.6.24-rc1 here?09:40
havoque is there some boot parameter that should be entered at the gutsy install prompt to force the use of old pata drivers, because with the default install options the new libata subsystem loads, thus treating my hdd as sda instead of hda, and imposes a limit of 15 partitions, i have 20, and want to install gutsy in hda17(/) and hda 18 (/home)?09:52
havoquei don't know where to ask this question really09:53
fdvHi. anybody know how to specify a custom name suffix when building a kernel using debian/rules? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile doesn't really get into that, and the result isn't really named any differently from the stock kernels either.10:04
fdvsorry if this is the wrong channel for support requests like this10:04
sridharhi everbody, I need to create live come install CD for our distro which is based on debian, but iam following the procedure of "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization", but iam getiing error, while loading kernel " /init: .: 163: Can't open /scripts/casper  Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!" plz13:57
gene6482if there is a bug in the kernel (already reported) is this where one would go to discuss it?14:12
aboganisridhar: You must install casper package into squashfs file.14:13
JanCgene6482: in theory, yes, but the developers are at the UDS in Boston14:19
gene6482JanC: thanks, I'm just trying to get my sound working and apparently it's a kernel bug, and I'm bashing my head off a wall trying to figure it out :-)14:20
zullamont: you are evil15:15
lamontzul: ??15:30
lamontwhat did I do now/15:30
zullamont: you were talking about that planet post..15:30
* zul is listening in btw15:31
gene6482i have an issue where even though i use a custom dsdt(worked with feisty - toshiba p100) the kernel seems to ignore it and thus i have no sound, any ideas?15:41
zulBenC: is is just going to be -generic for the daily builds?15:46
gene6482this is the url for the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/13646915:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 136469 in linux-source-2.6.22 "toshiba p100 series dsdt acpi error no sound, works with acpi turned off." [Medium,Triaged] 15:49
lamontzul: generic only in the daily builds15:56
fritschI found two patches applied in 2.6.22-14-generic which break suspend to ram on my thinkpad system (on this model for everybody else), i have filed this as a bug16:25
fritschshould i provide a patch which reverts these two patches?16:25
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=== asac_ is now known as asac
DavieyWhere can i find the Hardy git tree?17:06
Hammerheadanyone using shfs and Fiesty?18:03
HammerheadHello all  BTW18:03
HammerheadCan't get it to suild18:03
Hammerhead make[4]: *** [/usr/src/modules/shfs/Linux-2.6/dir.o] Error 1               ▒18:05
Hammerhead                │ make[3]: *** [_module_/usr/src/modules/shfs/Linux-2.6] Error 2             ▒18:05
Hammerhead                │ make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic'      ▒18:05
Hammerhead                │ make[2]: *** [default] Error 2                                             ▒18:05
Hammerhead                │ make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/modules/shfs/Linux-2.6'               ▒18:05
Hammerhead                │ make[1]: *** [binary-modules] Error 2                                      ▒18:05
Hammerhead                │ make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/modules/shfs'                         ▮18:05
Hammerhead                │ make: *** [kdist_build] Error 2  18:05
Hammerheadsorry for the paste18:05
=== ivoks_ is now known as ivoks
havoqueis there some boot parameter that forces the gutsy install process to use the old ide drivers rather than the new libata subsystem which treats hda as sda and thus limiting the number of allowed partitions to 15, i have 20 partitions as i am a multidistro user/tester and can't install gutsy at the moment, my hdd is pata, not scsi23:06
havoqueso, no gutsy for me?23:07
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Mithrandiryou could just use lvm instead of a bajillion partitions23:26
havoqueisn't lvm for peeple who have not already configured partitions?23:30
fdvI've added a string to EXTRAVERSION in debian/rules.d/0-common-vars.mk. This works when compiling and installing, but apparently not when building debs (compiled using 'AUTOBUILD=1 fakeroot debian/rules binary-debs'). Does anybody know where this is governed?23:33
fdvor, I might be mistaken, it might not be the deb compilation that fails, but rather the initrd step23:35
fdvthe point is that at some point in the installation process, files are expected to be found under 2.6.22-14-386, rather than 2.6.22-14-386-slab (as I set EXTRAVERSION to 14-386-slab), meaning there must be someplace else I need to update as well23:41
=== chuck__ is now known as zul
gene6482is there a place where one could check on changes between kernel versions, i have a regression in audio support since i've upgraded to gutsy and it appears to be kernel related, wasn't sure where to go (bug is already filed)23:57
havoquewhen will, and will ever, libata-pata allow more than 15 partitions23:58

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