
ArafangionHey, how do I send all processes the SIGTERM and SIGKILL signals?03:28
ArafangionI do not have killall5 on this machine.03:28
Keybukyou need killall03:28
ArafangionKeybuk: How do I do it with killall?03:28
Keybukor, if it's a Linuxish thing03:29
Keybukkillall -103:29
Keybukkill -TERM -1 will do it too03:29
ArafangionWhat does the -1 do? It does not appear in the man page.03:30
Keybukall processes03:30
ArafangionCool. I wonder why it's undocumented.03:30
Keybukit isn't03:30
Keybuk A PID of -1 is03:30
Keybuk       special; it indicates all processes except the kill process itself  and03:30
Keybuk       init.03:30
Keybuk       kill -9 -103:31
Keybuk              Kill all processes you can kill.03:31
ArafangionAhh, cool.03:31
Arafangionkillall -1 doesn't seem to work. :(03:51
Arafangionbash-3.2$ killall -103:52
ArafangionUsage: killall [OPTION]... [--] NAME...03:52
Keybukdepends on your killall variant03:52
ArafangionThis is a pure upstart system.03:52
ArafangionThis is from psmisc.03:52
Keybukupstart doesn't have a killall yet03:53
ArafangionHmm, so how else would I do this?03:59
Keybukdo what?04:00
Arafangionkill everything. :)04:00
Keybukcopy killall in from sysvinit04:00
Keybukkillall5 sorry04:00
ArafangionHmm, I suppose I have to.04:01
ArafangionGot another problem with dbus.  Whenever I start my dbus script, via: sudo initctl start dbus, it hangs - never returns unless I hit ^c.07:07
ArafangionThe job itself just has an 'exec dbus-daemon --system', and the respective configuration file has had the fork removed.07:07
ion_Try adding ‘respawn’ to the job config.07:08

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