
DaSkreechNothing much00:00
RLoggiayou using ati?00:00
lordofthepigsardchoille: Can it display a history graph?00:00
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ardchoillelordofthepigs: History? I don't see that in the System Panels tab, no :(00:01
RLoggiaDaSkreech: when i install the driver and enable the restricted driver....it gives me the can not find screens error :(00:01
aztyx__whats the whisper commando in mirc?00:01
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Gulars /msg00:01
DaSkreechRLoggia: dunno. Installed the ATI driver once crashed my system got fed up00:01
RLoggiaDaSkreech: so you stopped using ati?00:02
DaSkreechRLoggia: No I stopped using fglrx00:02
ardchoilleI had nothing but problems with that Restricted Manager, I finally installed the drivers via command line and it's been great since.00:02
RLoggiaDaSkreech: ohh...so how did you get it working?00:02
DaSkreechRLoggia: I used the ati driver. The fglrx driver is made by AMD00:03
DaSkreechthe ati one is open source00:03
t3ch13Does anybody know where I can find the how to to fixthe boot splashscreen problem in Gutsy? I kno you have to change the usplash.conf file to 1024x768 resolution but can't remember the 2nd step00:03
RLoggiaDaSkreech: where you get it from?00:04
RLoggiaDaSkreech: ait opensource00:04
RLoggiaDaSkreech: ati even00:04
DaSkreechIt ships by bydefault00:04
RLoggiaDaSkreech: in the apt-get?00:04
RLoggiaDaSkreech: as the resticted driver?00:05
DaSkreechNo the restricted driver is fglrx00:05
RLoggiaDaSkreech: you know the apt-get command for the ati driver?00:05
RLoggiaDaSkreech: would you be willing to walk me through plz? im pretty new to linux00:06
RLoggiaDaSkreech: just know the basics00:06
DaSkreechDid you read the page eh bot sent you?00:06
RLoggiaDaSkreech: just do what that page says?00:06
DaSkreechRLoggia: What are you trying to get working?00:06
RLoggiaDaSkreech: 3d rendering00:06
RLoggiaDaSkreech: and extended desktop00:06
DaSkreechThen you just follow he page00:06
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama00:07
DaSkreechthen that page ^^^ :-)00:07
nzkSomehow, my session was saved a few weeks ago. Since Firefox crashes and freezes my computer 20 or 30 times a day, I have to restart extremely often. Anyway, how do I keep those programs from running upon startup?00:07
RLoggiaDaSkreech: ERROR: Module ati does not exist in /proc/modules00:08
DaSkreechFor which command?00:09
DaSkreechnzk: The easy way is close all the rpograms and logout00:09
RLoggiaDaSkreech: travis@MOCHO:~$ rmmod ati00:09
DaSkreechRLoggia: that's fine00:11
RLoggiaok so just go to next step?00:12
DaSkreechRLoggia: YES00:14
flicki have switched to kubuntu, and decided to stay this way... how do i remove the gnome crap from my system?00:19
ubotupurekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »00:20
flickthanks a lot, DaSkreech!00:21
MerrittkrMmm, another one joins the KDE side... :)00:23
FireHazard17ok my new kernel is done and loaded but my video is vesa and my sound is gone, i must be missing modules how do i fix this00:24
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DaSkreechflick: welcome to Kubuntu!00:24
FireHazard17i suppose i will have to compile them for this kernel, where are they located ?00:24
DaSkreechFireHazard17: install the modules for your hardware00:25
aks44Did anyoen have issues with "giant fonts" in 7.10?00:25
FireHazard17DaSkreech: how00:25
FireHazard17no package is available00:26
FireHazard17please ban eric00:26
LJeric eric eric00:26
flickDaSkreech, oh thanks! i was fedup with the way i could do nothing with gnome, i installed KDE - i really like the way i can do everything here. after keeping gnome for 1 month, and visiting it one last time, i still see no desire to go back. hence i bid good bye to gnome00:26
=== NiklasofVienna is now known as NoV
* FireHazard17 is away: 00:27
DaSkreechflick: Hope you enjoy it :)00:27
RLoggiaok that didnt work00:27
DaSkreech!away | FireHazard1700:27
ubotuFireHazard17: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines00:27
DaSkreechFireHazard17: What hardware do you have?00:27
RLoggiaDaSkreech i tried that and got the same error i've been getting00:27
flickoh you bet! thanks for the purekde link, it's nice - i didn't expect cleaning up all the crap will be that easy.00:27
RLoggiahad to log into safe graphix mode from disk00:28
DaSkreechRLoggia: Which is?00:28
FireHazard17well the video is integrated nvidia 615000:28
LJeric eric eric eric eric eric00:28
LJeric eric eric eric eric eric00:28
RLoggiaDaSkreech: can not find screens00:28
DaSkreech!nvidia | FireHazard1700:28
ubotuFireHazard17: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:28
FireHazard17but even the open source nv drivers do ont work00:28
FireHazard17DaSkreech: that is not helpful00:28
DaSkreechFireHazard17: the 6150? Hmm have you tried #ubuntuforums ?00:29
FireHazard17it is becuase i hand compiled my kernel00:29
lordofthepigsHow do I get Dolphin to display a nice tree view?00:29
DaSkreechOk then yeah you need to compile in support :)00:29
RLoggiaDaSkreech: everyone says thats how they got it working but those steppes on that forums just gets me to the same place00:29
FireHazard17it works of i go back to he defualt kernel00:29
RLoggiaDaSkreech: compile in support?00:29
LJwhere's Eric00:29
DaSkreechRLoggia: you are setting it up with two monitors?00:29
DaSkreechRLoggia: Wasn't meant for you00:29
RLoggiaDaSkreech: you mean starting the whole process with 2 installed?00:30
RLoggiaDaSkreech: or two hooked up rather?00:30
DaSkreechRLoggia: do you have two monitors hooked up now?00:30
RLoggiaDaSkreech: ya00:30
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto00:30
DaSkreechRLoggia: try that link ^^^00:30
LJi got one monitor hooked up00:31
aks44glad to see everyone here bothers about newcomers. nice meeting ya, cya around.00:31
ubotuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.00:32
* DaSkreech waves at aks4400:32
RLoggiaDaSkreech: ok here's the problem though...i think i have to reinstal linux again in order to be able to do that :(00:32
DaSkreechRLoggia: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:33
lordofthepigshmm... is it possible to replace the bookmarks panel in dolphin by a filesystem tree view?00:33
RLoggiaDaSkreech: from the command line that it puts me at when i take the disk out?00:33
niosopHello, I'm trying to get an interactive script to run from rc.local, but it's not working.  The script runs, and output works, but it's supposed to wait for input, and it doesn't, just goes to the login prompt (which won't accept keystrokes).  Any ideas?00:34
DaSkreechlordofthepigs: not sure not that I've seen00:34
ubotuHelp! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal or PriceChild!00:35
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Merrittkrlordofthepigs: Ty ^_^ was wondering why the hell Konqueror was still opening folders instead of Dolphin.. I like dolphin better even if it has almost 0 config options lol00:36
DaSkreechThanks nalioth00:37
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MerrittkrCleanup time apparently..00:37
ardchoilleGood thing I have "hide joins/parts/quits" enabled I guess :)00:38
DaSkreechardchoille: Yup00:38
lordofthepigser... I guess I will use konqueror then00:39
lordofthepigsI don't find file managers without a tree view very practical...00:39
ardchoillelordofthepigs: Same here. And I gotta have a tabbed ui in a fm00:39
MerrittkrKonqueror just works too damn slow.00:40
sniffy96anyone here know if there will be beta4 packages available for gutsy?00:41
DaSkreechsniffy96: yes00:42
sniffy96DaSkreech: cool. thanks. any idea when they'll be available? will i need to add an additional repository?00:43
DaSkreechMost likely on the day that Beta4 ships00:43
=== travis is now known as RLoggia
RLoggiaDaSkreech: ok got my stuff back but........00:45
RLoggiaDaSkreech: i unhooked the other monitor and thought maybe i could enable the restricted driver that way...same thing though00:45
sniffy96DaSkreech: that's what i thought, but beta 4 was released on Oct 30 and i haven't seen anything yet00:46
DaSkreechOh They are at the UDS00:46
DaSkreechWhen they get back00:46
RLoggiahow do i fix this error?00:47
RLoggiatravis@MOCHO:~$ compiz --release00:47
RLoggiaChecking for Xgl: not present.00:47
RLoggiaNo whitelisted driver found00:47
RLoggiaaborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity00:47
RLoggiano /usr/bin/metacity found, exiting00:47
sniffy96ah right. i suppose i could wait a couple of days ^_^00:47
RLoggiaanyone know?00:48
RLoggialol im about to just find somebody to hack my system...get the freaking driver going and then hack out...this whole deal is becoming gay00:49
RLoggiajoin #kubuntu-offtopic00:50
mneptokRLoggia: "gay" as an epithet is entirely unwelcome in #*ubuntu channels00:51
RLoggiamneptok: ohh sorry my bad but this crap is getting on my nerves00:52
DaSkreechcompiz --replace ?00:54
RLoggiathat doesnt help me00:54
RLoggiathats the command i tried and got that message that i paste above00:54
DeadCPUhack hack ,sorry just a fur ball00:55
DaSkreechyou had --release00:55
=== travis is now known as RLoggia
DaSkreechGotta run00:57
RLoggiaDeSkreech: this sucks lol00:58
=== RLoggia is now known as Travis
=== Travis is now known as RLoggia
RLoggiaanyone using the ATI HD Radeon 2600?01:04
mneptokRLoggia: are you trying to get Compiz working with KDE and a Radeon?01:05
RLoggiamneptok: yes01:06
amazen720is there any other site like KDE-look,org because that site looks like it's down01:06
mneptokdon't bother01:06
RLoggiawhy not?01:06
donsdwI lost my ability to log in to kubuntu after a boot.  Asks for username and password, but does not accept them.01:06
RLoggiamneptok: is there no way to do it?01:06
mneptokRLoggia: because ATI's drivers are terrible, Compiz isn't working as well with KDE as with GNOME, and it's not a critical feature01:06
RLoggiamneptok: should i try running gnome?01:07
amazen720oopse my bad it's up again01:07
sjati+compiz = lose.01:07
sjfrom my experience, anyway01:08
RLoggiahow do i switched to gnome from kde?01:08
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gusty and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.01:08
RLoggiasj: i know your pain lol01:08
mneptokRLoggia: why would you do that?01:08
LjLRLoggia: same as above, but ubuntu-desktop01:08
mneptokRLoggia: why are you going through this crap for *Compiz*?01:08
mneptokit's *optional eye candy*01:08
mneptokstop picking at your scabs and start doing something meaningful with your machine ;)01:09
RLoggiamneptok: its eye candy period lol....i have nothing else for my graphix lol01:09
RLoggiamneptok: and i want my duel monitors01:09
RLoggiamneptok: ya lol01:09
mneptokand Compiz won't help with that01:09
RLoggiamneptok: there's a way to get without compiz?01:10
sjif you're having driver issues in kde, chances are you'll have them in gnome.01:10
mneptokthat's like saying "how do i tear the engine out of my HummVee? i'm trying to get the stereo louder."01:10
* mneptok fails to understand this fascination with Compiz01:11
RLoggiamneptok: if i can get dual monitors i really dont care about compiz lol01:11
* sj comes for the compiz, but stays for the linux.01:12
mneptok!info xinerama01:12
ubotuPackage xinerama does not exist in gutsy01:12
LjLmneptok: it's not lying01:13
mneptokLjL: xinerama got pulled?01:14
keekeehow do you add a startup script?01:14
LjLmneptok: there is no package called that.01:15
LjL!find xinerama01:15
ubotuFound: libxcb-xinerama0, libxcb-xinerama0-dbg, libxcb-xinerama0-dev, libxinerama-dev, libxinerama1 (and 2 others)01:15
keekeeid like certain programs to startup on boot01:15
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto01:15
AzzcoI'm not able to boot from CD (only displays ISOLINUX version and date) is this a bios setting, and if so what could it be?01:32
hagabakahmm, how do I start using beryl?01:35
tuxwulfAzzco: It seems to me if you see the isolinux thingy your system *is* booting from CD. I myself had similar problems with a damaged CD.01:35
Azzcotuxwulf: I've tried with half a dozen of CDs now..01:36
tuxwulfAzzco > ... I see... Have you tried the CDs in another cdrom drive?01:36
tekteenhas anyone gotten the install cds to work in qemu01:36
Azzcotuxwulf: only got one I'm afraid01:37
tuxwulfAzzco > oh.... YOU see, I have also had the experience that CDs work in one drive but not another. I think because tracks and/or sectors are not completely aligned. Did you burn the CDs in the same player as which you are trying to boot from...?01:38
Jucato!compiz | hagabaka01:39
ubotuhagabaka: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion01:39
Jucato(beryl's "gone" btw)01:39
Azzcotuxwulf: Yeah, also tried with one that wasn't01:39
tuxwulfAzzco > ... Can your system boot from any cdrom? Any at all? Or none at all?01:40
AzzcoI haven't tried anything except for LiveCDs so I'm not sure, going to see if I've got a winXP cd or something01:41
AzzcoOh yeah I've tried the alternate install CDs aswell01:41
tuxwulfYes... if it can boot from CDROM, then it suggests your BIOS and stuff is ok, then the problem has to be the LiveCDs01:41
AzzcoWell since it displays ISOLINUX Debian 3.36 2007-03-08 I guess it can boot from CDs01:42
tuxwulf.. I agree01:43
keekeeha, people in the gentoo irc are badmouthing ubuntu01:44
tuxwulfPerhaps you can try a different LiveCD. Is your syste of  unusual hardware ?01:44
Azzcotuxwulf: The thing is though... after upgrading to gutsy my CD isn't detected in ubuntu either... so I can't watch DVDs or anything anymore01:44
tuxwulf... oh.. Mmm.... I have an idea about that but it is a bit too wild....01:45
hagabakais beryl more "gone" than compiz?01:48
posingaspopularJucato: good news01:49
Jucatoyo posingaspopular!01:49
posingaspopulari got jumped on my way home by these kids trying to get my money/ipod01:49
posingaspopularit was awesome.01:50
posingaspopularhalloween is the best01:50
coreymon77posingaspopular: apparently me and you have different opinions on what counts as awesome01:51
Jucatoand apparently, sarcasm is lost in transmission over the internet :)01:51
coreymon77Jucato: not really, im just in school english paper mode01:52
coreymon77Jucato: so that stuff doesnt work on me atm01:52
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coreymon77Jucato: :P01:53
ardchoillehagabaka: fwiu, beryl and compiz merged and the product is compiz-fusion01:55
posingaspopularyea it was awesome01:56
posingaspopularhaters try to take my stuff and can't handle01:56
pagan0nehey, anyone here have expirence with running gutsy off a usb pen drive?01:57
Angelusis there some kbfx guide?01:58
funcrushWhen I turn off my system in KDE, what command is run?01:58
funcrushI can't boot my pc after turn off my system in kubuntu01:59
funcrushat once01:59
shindawas wondering I got a fresh install, and was trying to load up vlc player, but it keeps giving a wxWidgets error, I tried grabbing a bunch of the gtk libraries and installing those, then even tried compiling wxWidgets from source and installing that but still getting the same error anyone else experience this?02:02
NickPrestashinda, which error, specifically?02:03
shindaNickPresta -> " skins2 interface error: no suitable dialogs provider found (hint: compile the wxWidgets plugin, and make sure it is loaded properly)"02:04
aztyxhow do i update steam with wine? its a commando i think02:04
shindaThen when I try to click the open button I get -> skins2 interface error: no suitable dialogs provider found followed by the same02:04
NickPrestashinda, do this in a Konsole: vlc -v --reset-config --reset-plugins-cache -l | grep wx02:05
funcrushAfter turn off my system in kubuntu(kde), my pc can't boot up at once, should push the power button repeatly How can I resolve this? somebody help me plz02:06
NickPrestashinda, that will probably tell you about unresolved symbols, which should shed some light on this problem02:06
aztyxGAAH Im thinking of go back to windows. sadly02:06
dasKreechfuncrush: can You give some more info?02:06
funcrushdasKreech: Sorry my english is bad T-T02:06
shindahmmm, missing a wxWidgets interface module, and dialogs provider02:06
LjLaztyx: if your primary use case is Windows games, that's probably a good option02:06
dasKreechaztyx: you should just update it normally i think02:06
dasKreechfuncrush: Which language ?02:06
aztyxno it stops a 26%02:07
funcrushdasKreech :  Korean...02:07
shindaby any chance would you know what they'd be called in the repos?02:07
aztyxLjL: what do you mean?02:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:07
dasKreechdamn :-)02:07
funcrushdasKreech: k02:07
aztyxis somebody in here playing cs 1.6 in kubuntu? wondering if its laggy02:07
LjLaztyx: uhm, you seemed to be frustrated with WINE in relation to gaming software.02:08
NickPrestaaztyx, it's frame rate is similar, if not identical to Windows02:08
funcrushdasKreech: There is no problem in turn off my system in window XP02:08
NickPrestashinda, both VLC and wxwidgets were installed from the repos, correct?02:08
dasKreechfuncrush: right. What happens in Kubuntu?02:08
aztyxLjL: yes. but i dont want to get virus. all i need is 1.6 ventrilo and no more02:08
aztyxexept some music02:08
funcrushdasKreech: when I turn off in kubuntu and then, I push the power button on my PC,02:09
aztyxso thats better cuse other i will install some un-usefull program. that i wont use02:09
aztyxi know it02:09
dasKreechfuncrush: to turn it back on?02:09
funcrushdasKreech: monitor says, there is no signal02:09
funcrushdasKreech: what u mean? (my english is so bad)02:09
shindawell VLC was, and I did install the wxwidgets lib also, but after since I was still getting the errors I tried installing it form source also02:10
dasKreechfuncrush: you press the power button to turn the computer back on?02:10
shindaNIckPresta, but vlc was downloaded and installed from the repo's with apt-get02:10
dasKreechafter it turns off?02:10
funcrushdasKreech: hm.. I turn off my system and sleep.. and next day I push the button to use my pc02:11
NickPrestashinda, well, VLC works here from the repos (VLC also grabbed various wxwidgets packages) so i don't know what to tell you other than uninstall VLC, uninstall your source build of wxWidgets and try to install VLC again02:11
funcrushdasKreech: and then, monitor says, there is no signal. So I turn off my pc again and push the button02:11
dasKreechfuncrush: ok cool then what?02:12
funcrushdasKreech: I should turn off and on one more to use my pc02:12
pagan0neso, has anyone had any expirence running gutsy off a pendrive?02:12
dasKreechfuncrush: ok What videocard do you have?02:13
funcrushdasKreech: Geforce 7300 gt02:13
dasKreech hold on02:13
funcrushdasKreech: yup thank you very much02:13
tekteenanyone know how to install kubuntu on kubuntu with qemu?02:14
pagan0neill take that as a no... well does anyone know how to get nvidia drivers installed onto a pen drive, and for the system to auto detect which driver would be best for the system its running on?02:14
sunny_I have install kde4, but not startmenu, why?02:16
sunny_No startmenu in kde4?02:17
dasKreechfuncrush: Just in ase there is a #ubuntu-ko02:19
pagan0neso no-one here has any expirence running gutsy off a usb pen drive? let alone trying to get nvidia drivers up and running?02:19
funcrushdasKreech: well thx for helping02:19
funcrushdasKreech: I'll try to there02:19
dasKreechfuncrush: Just asking have you ever waited to see if it boots after a little bit?02:22
funcrushdasKreech: well sorry I feel my english is so bad I'll search more info in web02:31
dasKreechfuncrush: how long did you wait before pressing the power button02:31
dasKreechwhen you got the no signal message?02:31
funcrushdasKreech: 1 minute or a night(I mean sleep)02:32
dasKreechfuncrush: ok then you get the no signal message?02:33
dasKreechThat might help02:33
funcrushdasKreech:well, the fan of power supply is work, but the monitor says there is no signal and02:34
funcrushdasKreech:the LEDs on Keyboard has no light02:34
dasKreechfuncrush: did you wait after it said no signal?02:34
dasKreechand when you press caps no LED turns on?02:34
funcrushdasKreech: yes02:35
dasKreechfuncrush: I don't know if it will help02:35
dasKreechBut next time logout first then shutdown02:35
dasKreechSee if that makes a difference02:35
funcrushhm.. yup02:35
funcrushdasKreech: ok, I see. I'll try it02:36
funcrushdasKreech: thank you for helping02:36
CPrgmSwR2Is beta4 of kde4 being worked on02:37
dasKreechhey CPrgmSwR202:37
kubuntuthi! how to install network printer?02:37
JucatoCPrgmSwR2: #kubuntu-devel :)02:37
kubuntuthey Jucato good morning...02:38
nosrednaekimkubuntut: is it on windows, linux or standalone?02:39
kubuntutwindows network attached to other machine02:40
nosrednaekimkubuntut: is samba working?02:40
kubuntuti think cause i can see/browse other pc machine02:41
kubuntutjust the shared printer i can't see02:41
nosrednaekimkubuntut: ok, did you run the new printer wizard?02:43
kubuntutyes i did02:43
kubuntuttried to use the scan thingy but doesn't work :)02:44
nosrednaekimkubuntut: and you seletced the windows printer option?02:44
taylanhi all I am using kmldonkey but I can not fint my downloaded files.02:44
kubuntutalmost all option :)02:44
nosrednaekimkubuntut: try running it as root02:44
kubuntutchange the   parameters02:44
kubuntuti did also in root :)02:45
nosrednaekimkubuntut: I don't know exactly how smaba works or any of that stuff02:45
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows02:45
kubuntutmaybe i will try again cause i update02:45
kubuntutbut why in ubuntu is as easy as pie in adding network printer?  :)02:45
nosrednaekimkubuntut: cause most of the development is focused that way, Kubuntu is ALMOST and afterthought it seems sometimes02:46
kubuntut"error returning browse list: NT_STATUS_ACCES_DENIED"02:47
nite613__My laptop is crashing coming out of resume; not every time, but about half the time. I've tried the usual stuff with blacklisting (and whitelisting) the NIC module in the acpi config, but that doesn't seem to affect it.02:47
nite613__Is there a decent way I can tell what module is causing the hang?02:47
kubuntutthats the error when i tried to access the machine whose printer attached02:48
nosrednaekimnite613__: video card probably02:48
nosrednaekimnite613__: do you have an ATI?02:48
nite613__nosrednaekim: nvidia using the restricted glx driver02:48
kubuntutmaybe i will go back to Ubuntu :)02:48
nite613__Dometiems works, sometimes gives black screen, sometimes gives black screen with cursor in top left02:49
kubuntutcan i dpkg this KDM?02:49
nite613__I haven't confirmed that the machine is inaccesible from network in each scenario....02:49
kubuntutsince i installed kubuntu and added the gdm02:49
dasKreechkubuntut: You want to install kdm ?02:49
SteveRhello all02:49
kubuntuti have this kubuntu and install the gdm...02:50
kubuntutcan i uninstall kdm?02:50
kubuntutokay lemme try that :)02:51
SteveRI wonder if someone could help me with a wireless problem02:51
nite613__SteveR: Maybe02:51
SteveRthx nite61302:51
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:52
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:52
SteveRI've read wirelss docs, and still can't get it going02:52
dgtl___I'm attempting to tunnel X through a 2 leg ssh connection. but I'm having problems with it. I wrote out everything out in the following pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42881/02:53
nite613__Start by telling us your problem and asking a question02:53
SteveRhow can I tell if wpa supplicant is working02:53
SteveRtype that into the console?02:54
nite613__Start with `man wpa_cli`02:54
SteveRnite613 okay so I've got an encyclopedia about wpa02:56
nite613__" Start by telling us your problem"02:56
SteveRMy problem is that when I enter all of the required parameters into network administrator, I can't connect02:57
SteveRI enter then essid02:58
SteveRI enter password type  as wpa personal02:58
aaron_so was gaim magically replaced with pidgin in 7.10?02:58
SteveRI enter the net password02:58
nite613__"netowrk administrator"?02:58
SteveRsorry network settings02:59
Jucatoaaron_: yes. though nothing magic about it02:59
SteveRby the way (this is ub 7.10)02:59
dasKreechaaron_: magically?02:59
aaron_if you type gaim in console it runs pidgin, I call that "magic" even though I understand what its02:59
aaron_and, it maintained your account settings, also "magic"03:00
nite613__SteveR: Do you know the correct module for your card and if it is loaded?03:00
dasKreechaaron_: man:/magic :)03:00
SteveRnite613 not sure, but I believe that when I did te network troubleshooting process that it was working03:00
Jucatoaaron_: pidgin, after all, it the next version of gaim. so naturally it would use gaim's accounts and settings. those would be carried over. and gaim is linked to pidgin for the transition :)03:01
nite613__SteveR: I'm not familiar with that process. Can you type ifconfig <interfacename> and see the card?03:01
SteveRok will try03:01
aaron_oh, pidgin is a version of gaim?03:01
aaron_I didn't know that03:01
dasKreechaaron_: It is gaim03:02
aaron_did not know that03:02
SteveRnite613 it shows teo ath0s one ath0 and one ath0:avah03:02
SteveRboth hardware addresses 00 0D 88 94 aa c903:03
SteveRboth up03:04
SteveRcorrection "two ath0s03:04
corporealhappy halloween all03:05
aaron_grdesktop is pretty slick03:05
SteveRnite613 short answer, yes, I see it and it is up03:06
SteveRnite613__ still there?03:10
nite613__SteveR: At that point I'd usually try to get the card associated manuall via iwconfig.03:10
nite613__TBH I have no idea how the default "network settings" dialog actually deals with setting up the card. I've always used manual scripts in the past and NetworkManager (since using kubuntu)03:10
=== hydrogen_ is now known as hydrogen
nite613__I would suggest checking /var/log/debug to see if there is info about what stage it gets to successfuly03:11
SteveRnite613__ I see Essid is "" and no WPA line03:11
nite613__iwconfig ath0 essid <blah> key <haha>03:12
andresjI recently upgraded to kubuntu gutsy, and now kvm is not working (it opens, but then it just hangs up the machine). I am using the linux-rt kernel, which might be the problem (but I used this kernel--well actually, I used the lowlatency one--with kubuntu feisty and it worked well). Any suggestions as to what I should do?03:12
SteveRok will try03:13
kubuntutwhat is the equivalent of peachtree in linux03:19
aBadNickif I want to update boost and qt, what command should I run?03:20
mrukusumm hi03:24
mrukusim really new to kubuntu and am having issues with some commands03:24
mayecokubuntut: nothing03:25
mayecobut try gnucash03:25
kubuntutmayeco: thanks...03:25
posingaspopularmrukus: which commands?03:25
mrukusumm an echo command03:26
mrukusim trying to set the acer_acpi03:26
mayecokubuntut: np, www.gnucash.org03:26
mrukusand i was following a thread03:26
mrukusand it gave this command03:26
mrukusecho "enabled: 1">/proc/acpi/acer/wireless03:26
mrukusand i get this error03:26
mrukusbash: echo: write error: Invalid argument03:27
Bonsterany good program to hide porn with?03:29
ardchoillemrukus: You can't do redirection like that03:29
ardchoillemrukus:  echo "enabled: 1" | sudo tee -a /proc/acpi/acer/wireless03:30
mrukushow do i do what that line is trying to do then, i have no clue. im just following what teh thread said to do in order to get my wireless working03:30
hydrogenBonster: mv.03:30
mrukusenter that command?03:30
Bonsterwhat is that03:30
ardchoillemrukus: That thread didn't take into account folks who use sudo instead of logging in as root03:30
ardchoillemrukus: That is the proper way to perform that command using sudo03:31
pagan0newheres the best place to go to get help with compiz-fusion?03:31
alexbobpI tried to shrink my Linux partition, and the partitioner (Partition Commander, I think) crashed.  Now I have the full partition intact, but with the partition table showing the last 10 gigabytes as empty space, so it won't boot.  Is there a tool that can fix the partition table without further editing partitions?  I'm on an Ubuntu liveCD right now.03:32
dasKreech!info kmymoney203:32
ubotukmymoney2: personal finance manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.7-2 (gutsy), package size 7078 kB, installed size 14424 kB03:32
dasKreechalexbobp: try gparted03:33
mrukusnow i get this error msg tee: /proc/acpi/acer/wireless: Invalid argument03:33
posingaspopulari dont think ive used echo before, sorry03:33
alexbobpgparted can resize partitions, but right now I need to change the partition table without touching partitions.03:33
ardchoillemrukus: Are you sure that is a file which you can actually write to?03:33
mrukusfrom what i have gathered, that command is trying to put that text line, in the file /proc/acpi/wireless03:33
alexbobpgparted says something like "can't mess with this partition because it's superblock says it's [large number] size but it's actually [smaller number] size", which pretty much agrees with what I think happened03:34
mrukusbut i can't do it no matter what ive tried03:34
ardchoillemrukus:  Tell me what this command returns:  file /proc/acpi/acer/wireless03:34
topfacehow do I update boost?03:34
ardchoillemrukus: I'm betting yu can't actually write to that file03:35
kubuntuthi i'm using kopete and here at kubuntu... how can i join other channel?.... /j #channel/s03:35
ardchoilletopface: sudo apt-get upgrade03:35
topfacethank you03:35
ardchoillekubuntut: /join #channel   (where channel is the channel name)03:35
mrukus  /proc/acpi/acer/wireless: empty03:36
kubuntut/jjoin #ubuntu-ph03:36
mrukusthats what i get, had to put the space in there, sry03:36
ardchoillemrukus: I don't think you can write to files in /proc/*03:36
ardchoilleBut, I may be wrong.03:36
ardchoille!wifi | mrukus03:37
ubotumrukus: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:37
mrukusive been there too03:37
mrukusand on the forums doing what the threads tell me to do, and i always run into garbage like this03:37
blackwaltzhmm, this is a new development :D I'm getting 3.0MB/s over a Wireless-G connection ... with sftp no less.03:38
kubuntuthow to use this compiz-fusion?03:38
ardchoillekubuntut: /join  #compiz-fusion03:38
kubuntutjust tell me how.. i can't see here :)  i installed compiz setting already03:39
kubuntutits in the system setting?03:40
ardchoille!compiz | kubuntut03:40
ubotukubuntut: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion03:40
dgtl___i get a the following error when I try and run xterm on a remote server (with x being tunneled through SSH): "xterm Xt error: Can't open display:" anyone have any ideas?03:41
mrukusis there a wireless/networking/hardware/laptop channel that i can try03:43
kubuntutwhy i cant close this "adept notifier"?03:43
pagan0nedoes anyone know how to install binary nvidia drivers onto a pen drive install of Gutsy?03:44
ardchoillemrukus: I would recommend trying the forums03:46
MasterShrekhow come k3b doesnt want to burn mp3s to a cd, it wants me to use wavs03:46
mrukusjust a general questions, does it matter if my wireless device is listed as an ethernet controller or is that normal03:46
mrukusit recognizes the type of chip it is03:47
mrukusbut it lists it as an ehternet controller along with my real one03:47
mrukusthe real one is realtek the wireless is artheos, both are listed as ethernet controllers03:47
mrukusunder the comand lspci03:47
sir_joshimus_how do you play an "rm" file03:48
sir_joshimus_real movie03:49
dpooledoes anybody know this problem i upgraded from kubuntu 6.10 to 7.04 and now i have no sound what could be the problem..or how to fix it?03:49
sir_joshimus_for real player03:49
pagan0nedoes anyone here have any expirence with nvidia drivers and a usb pen drive install of Gutsy?03:49
mrukusdpoole what computer is it on03:49
MasterShreknvm, sudo apt-get install libk3b2-mp303:49
MasterShreksir_joshimus_, check out medibuntu.org03:50
dasKreech!real | sir_joshimus_03:50
ubotusir_joshimus_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:50
dpooleits on a toshiba satellite03:50
dpoolethe 6.04 version still has sound when i boot in that version03:51
mrukustry to access the surround channel in the mixer03:51
mrukusand unmute that03:52
mrukusi had the same problem03:52
mrukusin my search i remeber hearing about that notebook as well03:52
dpoolehow do i access the surround channel i don't see it on there03:53
mrukusit was a tuffy for me to find as well03:53
mrukusdid you try right clicking on the speaker03:53
mrukusicon in the tray03:53
mrukusor just open up kmixer03:53
dpooleyes only says master channel03:53
dpoolei got it open don't see surround channel03:54
mrukusallright let me find a site for you that i used, after i entered the commands it allowed me to see the surround channel03:55
mrukusand the best part about that, if it doesn't work, you can just delete the file03:56
mrukushope that works for ya03:56
dpoolei don't know much about linux i don't know how to do all of that stuff03:57
mrukusallright its not that hard03:59
mrukusare you using kubuntu or gnome03:59
dpoolei'm using kubuntu04:00
mrukusgreat, so am i04:00
mrukusnow open up your storage devices04:00
Angelushow can i associate the mms:// with a program???04:00
mrukussry i mean storage media04:01
dpoolethey are open04:01
mrukusgo to the partition that has linux on it04:01
mrukusnow there should be a folder called etc04:01
mrukusis there one04:01
dpoolei don't see one04:02
mrukuson the right hand side, under your bookmarks, is there a root folder04:02
mrukusare you sure your on teh right partition04:04
kubuntunewbieis this the official kubuntu irc channel?04:04
mrukusthe one where linux is installed04:04
dasKreechkubuntunewbie: yes04:05
dpoolei have one for windows and the other one doesn't really have the installed linux show i just upgrade to 7.1004:05
kubuntunewbiecan anyone recomend a good PCI wireless card for a 1999 compaq p304:05
dpooleor is there a way to configure the sound system the same as my 6.1004:06
mrukusim way too new to linux to remember 6.1004:06
mrukusif you know how to do that, try it04:07
mrukusit might work04:07
dasKreechkubuntunewbie: you can try in #hardware as well04:07
dpoolehow do i upgrade to 7.10 in my 704.04:07
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:08
mrukusdoes anybody know what the terminal commands would be to create that file04:08
mrukuswould mkdir file /etc/modprobe.d/sound work?04:09
ardchoillemkdir only makes a directory, "touch" makes a file.04:09
ardchoilletouch /path/file04:09
hydrogenor you can just start editing it04:10
hydrogenand save it04:10
mrukusohh with like kedit04:10
mrukusand just save it as  /etc/modprobe.d/sound04:11
ardchoilleyou can use kedit, but you'll need to use kdesu04:11
ardchoillekdesu kedit04:11
mrukusthat lets you write to files with permissions right?04:11
mrukus"super user"04:12
posingaspopularcan't you sudo nano the file too?04:12
hydrogenyou can if you want04:12
ardchoillemrukus: right04:12
mrukusim learning this stuff, its really cool04:12
hydrogenalso kate is a nicer editor than kedit04:12
ardchoilleYes, kate is much better04:12
Dr_WillisI like mc and mcedit :)04:12
Dr_Willisbut im old-skool04:12
hydrogenI hold out for ed myself04:13
hydrogenbut i'm oldestschool04:13
Dr_Willishydrogen:  i rember ircing on a Greenbar printing terminal....04:13
Dr_WillisIf you know what a greenbar printer - then ya know  how old that is. :)04:13
mrukusummm, i can remeber windows 9804:13
mrukustalk about oldschool04:13
Dr_WillisPhhht! kids....  Stay off my lawn!04:13
Dr_Willisand pull your pants up!04:14
mrukusgood stuff man04:14
Dr_WillisBring back the Poodle Skirts!04:14
* Dr_Willis is not THAT old.04:14
ardchoillenow *that* is old school04:14
mrukusallright im off to try and fix this wireless, ill be around though if you guys don't mind04:15
kazuma_hi, can anyone tell me where is the KDE theme?04:19
kazuma_i just installed a .kth theme04:19
kazuma_but i don't know how to use it04:19
Dr_Williswell ya got to learn how kde uses themes.. :)04:21
Dr_Willisa theme is composed of 'parts' such as the window decoration, the widgets, the colors, and err icons.04:21
kazuma_can you explain it?04:21
Dr_Willis a 'theme' file just defines what parts to use.04:21
kazuma_i used to have04:22
Dr_Willisa theme file   dosent really have the decor or other bits.04:22
kazuma_and there was something called04:22
kazuma_kde theme manager04:22
Dr_WillisTheres a Theme factoid on the bot that details it. there ARE a great many  kde themes and parts NOT installed by default04:22
Dr_Willis!find kwin-04:22
ubotuFound: kwin-style-crystal, kwin-baghira, kwin-style-alphacube, kwin-style-blended, kwin-style-dekorator (and 4 others)04:22
Dr_WillisTheres like 10 themes in the package manager not installed by default04:22
draremin konqueror, what are all those little key-looking icons in the 'status bar', there's a long row of them04:23
Dr_WillisAnd the theme control panel icon is under Appearance (i think)04:23
ardchoillekazuma_: System Settings > Appearance04:23
Dr_WillisI always 'add to panel' -> control Panel icon.  :)04:23
Dr_Willisor whatever its called04:23
kazuma_what is the function of it?04:23
ardchoilledrarem: sounds like the "https" icon04:23
Dr_Willisit lets yoi get to the settings items easier04:24
Dr_Willisor course if you use Compiz, then the window decoration is controled by "emerald" :)04:24
kazuma_and why it's easier to have themes04:24
kazuma_in fedora ?04:25
Dr_WillisI doubt if its any harder or easier.04:25
Dr_Willisinstall the themes. run the appearance tool and select a theme.04:25
kazuma_i have a yellow package04:25
kazuma_and if i click it it says04:25
Dr_WillisThey just packaged them differently I guess.04:25
kazuma_open with04:25
kazuma_theme manager04:25
kazuma_or something like that04:25
Dr_Willisi cant recall ever downloading a .thm file itself.. since they dont do much by itself.04:26
Dr_Willisi aint used fedora in ages. could be they just  got some file assoiucations set up.04:26
=== anonymous_ is now known as sup3rw0p
* feffer ...be back later: Gone away for now.04:26
ardchoillekazuma_: That's a theme manager theme, as long as you have all the other components (wallpaper, icon theme, etc) it'll work04:27
kazuma_and how do i install theme manager?04:28
ardchoilleyou already have it04:28
ardchoillekazuma_: System Settings > Appearance04:28
ardchoillelast item in the list04:28
kazuma_gtk styles and fonts?04:29
* Dr_Willis is not in kde.. so cant lead anyone around the menus...04:29
ardchoillekazuma_: No, sorry, I misread04:29
ardchoillehold on04:29
Dr_Willisof course it pays to explore the menus :)04:29
ardchoilleThis is why I hate System Settings04:30
kazuma_i'm really nwe here04:30
Dr_WillisI always add that Icon to the panel - its always the same layont then. :)04:30
dasKreechDr_Willis: fluxbox?04:30
kazuma_that's why i ask a lot of things sorry04:30
ardchoillekazuma_: open kcontrol: alt+f2, type in kcontrol04:30
dasKreechkazuma_: Welcome to Kubuntu!04:30
Dr_WillisdasKreech:  sshing to the linux box at the moment. :) and irssi04:30
dasKreechDr_Willis: heehee04:30
kazuma_a menu appears04:31
Dr_WillisTrying out some Photo editing programs for the wife under windows.04:31
ardchoillekazuma_: In kocontrol, go to Appearance & Themes, you'll see the Theme Manager04:31
kazuma_thanks ardchoille and thanks Dr_Willis04:31
ardchoillekazuma_: Lots to explore there :)04:31
Dr_Willistrying to find some idiot friendly program for the wife. she wants to be able to set one photo as the background 'faded' then select a 2nd picture  that goes on top of the background thats not faded. but smaller/in the corner. Like you see in the Photo taking places04:33
bazhangFedora might have some prettier artwork out of the box. But Kubuntu is way easier to install themes, artwork, etc.04:33
Dr_WillisI can do it in the gimp.. but SHE cant handle that. :)04:33
Dr_WillisYep Ubuntu could use a bit of work in that area . not that i really care for themes and stuff. :004:33
ardchoilleDr_Willis: I was just about to say "use layers in the gimp", lol04:33
sup3rw0pHi, I was wondering how to uninstall glx, or xgl. I tried to install it with compiz to get the neat effects, but my video card cant handle it.04:33
Dr_Willisardchoille:   she had a program that could do it (under windows) that was just drag, drop, slide teh slider. select teh overlay.. but i cant find the disks. :)04:34
Dr_Williscant even rembe4r the name of the program04:34
ardchoillesup3rw0p: What video card?04:34
sup3rw0plol, the onboard intel card04:34
sup3rw0pAfter I rebooted, even scrolling firefox is really laggy04:34
bazhang945 Intel?04:35
sup3rw0pI'm not too sure...04:35
ardchoillesup3rw0p: Hmm.. not sure, I don't use onboard video04:35
sunny_kde4 no startmenu04:35
ardchoilleDr_Willis: Show her how powerful the gimp is and she may not go back to that other stuff :)04:35
sup3rw0pI was just wondering how to uninstall stuff so I can get rid of it.04:35
ardchoillesunny_: kde4 is barely usable atm04:36
sunny_and the panelbar to04:36
ardchoillesunny_: What did you expect from beta software?04:36
bazhangsup3rw0p: you want to get out of compiz, or just save disk space?04:36
sup3rw0pI got rid of compiz using the add/remove button, but I can't find glx in there.04:37
sunny_I want to try to use kde4, if it's good or not04:37
Kr4t05Does anyone know if Seveas has a Gutsy repository, yet? The Wiki doesn't say/04:38
ardchoillesunny_: It's not meant for daily use right now, it's still in testing phase04:38
bazhangno need for it04:39
mrukusim back, with a question on kubuntu04:39
bazhangseveas repo, that is04:39
ardchoilleKr4t05: From what I understand, the medibuntu repo has replaced Seveas in Gutsy04:39
mrukusi might have been trying to do way to much04:39
hydrogenkde4 can actually be used daily04:39
hydrogenits just not that enjoyable to use it04:39
hydrogenat this point04:39
mrukusstracth my right ear with my left hand04:39
mrukushow can i get to teh restricted drivers area of kubuntu04:39
ardchoillemrukus: You might need sudo for that, lol04:40
Dave__what are the requirements for kubuntu?04:40
hydrogenrun restricted-manager-kde04:40
bazhangDave__: in terms of ram? cpu?04:41
Dr_Willisrather minimal :)04:42
bazhangram --512MB can do it, but oneGB is better, CPU--that's a bit sketchier--perhaps 1Ghz plus04:42
ardchoilleiirc, 192Mb ram for the livecd04:42
Dr_Willisive ran on less then 512mb and under 1 ghz.. but xfce may be better for anything loser.04:42
ardchoilleDave__: If it's an older machine, you might look into running a window manager like fluxbox instead of a full desktop04:43
Dr_Willisit MAY be easier to just tell us the system specs. :)04:43
Kr4t05ardchoille: Eh... Medibuntu was awful slow last time I used it.04:43
se7en^Of^9strange no upgrades since one week ???04:44
mrukusdarn...well, at least its not somethign stupid04:44
ardchoilleKr4t05: Try it again, I've noticed it being faster recently04:44
Dave__i have a 600 meg p-3, will it work on that?04:44
bazhangDave__: with enough ram it should do04:45
ardchoilleDave__: I have an old PIII and fluxbox runs great on it04:45
Dr_WillisDave__:  it should.. but dont expect it to be a powerhouse. :)04:45
bazhangmight be a bit laggy though04:45
Dr_Willisive ran on Less.04:45
mrukusis ndis wrapper worth it?04:45
Dave__cool, thanks everyone04:45
sunny_I known, Just curiosity04:45
bazhangas a fish wrapper, yes.04:45
mrukusits coming on a week with no wireless, when i go to work this weekend i will be without internet for a few days04:45
mrukuswhat are my alternatives04:46
bazhangmrukus: which wireless card?04:46
Dave__im just having problems booting the live cd04:46
mrukusatheros AR5006EG04:46
mrukustheres so many threads about it, its gives people alot of problems04:46
mrukusbut none work04:46
bazhangmad-wifi-tools installed?04:46
mrukushow can i check that04:47
mrukusdoes it come by default with gutsy04:47
ardchoilleDave__: the Alternate cd is a text-based installer (no livecd) and it can run better on an old machine04:47
Kr4t05ubotu: medibuntu > me04:47
bazhangor perhaps restricted drivers for non-free atheros04:47
Dave__ardchoille, ok thanks04:47
mrukusi have the driver enabled that is provided, it does say that there is no free driver avalable04:47
mrukusso i disable it?04:48
bazhangis it the restricted one?04:48
ardchoilleDave__: I know that fluxbox and windowmaker (both are window managers) are nice and fast, and they are in the repos04:48
mrukusyes, i enabled my ati driver as well04:48
Dr_Willisicewm and jwm are also nice and fast. :)04:49
Dave__ardchoille, what are those?04:49
ardchoilleDave__: Window managers04:49
Dave__what are window managers?04:49
Dr_Willisthe program that does the actual management of all windows. :)04:50
ardchoilleDave__:  http://fluxbox.org/  and  http://windowmaker.info/04:50
Dr_Willislinux is all about 'layers and legos' :)04:50
Dave__ok thanks04:50
Dr_Willisblocks of programs that form the layers of the os.04:50
ardchoilleDave__: KDE is a full DE (desktop environment) and uses kwin as the window manager. you can use a good window manager in place of a DE04:51
draikIs there an app to convert a DVD for PSP format?04:51
Dave__im not that advanced04:51
Dr_Willisavidumz can do that I belive04:51
Dr_Willis!find avid04:52
ubotuFound: avida-base, avida-qt-viewer, avida-viewer, sword-comm-tdavid, avidemux04:52
Dr_Willis!find avidmu04:52
Dr_WillisI never an spell its name right04:52
ubotuPackage/file avidmu does not exist in gutsy04:52
Daisuke_Idoi think i hit the fabled Ballmer Peak today...04:52
mrukusone last thing i swear, how can i back up my settings now so i can revert back to my present setting if i screw something up04:53
Dave__il just try the alternate cd04:53
mrukuscan i make like a backup dvd or somethign to restore my system to its present condition04:53
Daisuke_Idofor two weeks i've been sitting down almost daily at my laptop, opening jbuilder, and false-starting on this project for class04:53
ubuntu__anyone can give me a serial and authorization key for autocad 200704:53
Dr_Willispersonal settings are in /home/username - just backup that dir to cd/dvd04:53
ardchoillemrukus: You can burn your home directory to a cd/dvd04:53
Daisuke_Idotoday, i sat down, fired it up, and i had the entire base of the game done in two hours04:54
ardchoilleubuntu__ Don't bother asking that kind of thing in here04:54
bazhangis it permissible to mention the name of Ubuntu-based distros here?04:55
draikardchoille: You mean I can't ask how to hack the Gibson in this channel?04:56
ardchoilledraik: lol04:56
ardchoilledraik: hacking is one thing, but what he asked was outright piracy04:56
Jucatobazhang: perfectly permissible to just mention it. of course don't expect to be able to get full support :)04:57
draikardchoille: I also cannot install avidemux. Here is the error message............ avidemux: Depends: libfaad2-0 (>= 2.0.0+cvs20040908+mp4v2+bmp) but it is not going to be installed04:57
Dr_Willisand offtopic! :)04:57
Daisuke_Idodraik: bring me the head of matthew lillard on a stick!04:57
bazhangthanks Jucato04:57
Dr_Willis!info libfadd04:57
ubotuPackage libfadd does not exist in gutsy04:57
Dr_Willis!info libfadd204:57
ubotuPackage libfadd2 does not exist in gutsy04:57
Dr_Willis!find libfad04:57
Daisuke_Idoinfo libfaad204:57
Daisuke_Ido!info libfaad204:57
ubotuPackage/file libfad does not exist in gutsy04:57
ubotuPackage libfaad2 does not exist in gutsy04:57
* Dr_Willis cleans his glasses04:57
Dr_Willis!find libfaa04:57
Daisuke_Ido!info libfaad2-004:57
ubotuFound: libfaac-dev, libfaac0, libfaad2-0, libfaad2-dev04:57
ubotulibfaad2-0: freeware Advanced Audio Decoder - runtime files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.0.0+cvs20040908+mp4v2+bmp-0ubuntu5 (gutsy), package size 197 kB, installed size 396 kB04:57
draikDaisuke_Ido: I love that movie. I know it's false, but it was just interesting for what it was at its time04:58
Dr_WillisBe sure Multivers is enabled.04:58
* Jucato teaches Daisuke_Ido the !find trigger04:58
Dr_Willis!info  avidemux04:58
ubotuavidemux: a small editing software for avi (especially DivX). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:2.3.0-0.0ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 3270 kB, installed size 8256 kB04:58
* posingaspopular teaches Daisuke_Ido the !jucato trigger04:58
ardchoillelibfaad2-0 is in multiverse04:58
Daisuke_IdoJucato: i knew i was soooo close :)04:58
Dr_Willisapt-get update, upgrade, and try again04:58
Jucatoposingaspopular: SEGFAULT04:58
draikI'm not Gutsy. I'm Feisty.04:59
posingaspopularomg where?04:59
* draik waves at Jucato04:59
Jucatodraik!!!!!!! long time no talk :D04:59
ardchoille!info libfaad2-0 feisty04:59
ubotulibfaad2-0: freeware Advanced Audio Decoder - runtime files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.0.0+cvs20040908+mp4v2+bmp-0ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 193 kB, installed size 544 kB04:59
Jucatowould you look at that? same version!04:59
CainenAlright, I'm using a computer with multiple users.  How do I downsize someone else's user folder if they're not going to use it?04:59
Dr_Willisi seem to recall that libfaad was not on one of the repos i was using.. had to change to another.05:00
draikIt wants to remove ffmpeg libavcodeccvs51 libavformatcvs51 libfaad005:00
ardchoilleWell, if avidemux and libfaad2-0 are in the same repo, why is he getting that error?05:00
Dr_WillisCainen:  you mean delete their stuff?05:00
CainenThey don't -have- stuff in their user folders.05:00
draikardchoille: I don't want to remove ffmpeg05:01
Cainenthey're taking up gigs of space that they don't use;.05:01
JucatoCainen: if they don't have files in their user folder, then they're not taking up space at all05:01
Angelusis there some tool to terminate unneeded processes in linux or to clear the memory?05:01
Cainenthat's not what I mean <_>05:01
ardchoilledraik: does libfaad2-0 provide the same functionality as ffmpeg?05:01
Dr_WillisJucato:  :) i was wondering that also.05:01
* Jucato looks05:01
anton_Hello there, I'm trying to install Nvidia graphics card drivers for linux (I have Kubuntu 7.04), and I get a message saying that x-server is already running. What can I do to change this? I am a newbie at Linux.05:01
Jucato!nvidia | anton_05:01
ubotuanton_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:01
Jucatojust follow the guide for nvidia and kubuntu 7.04 ^^^^05:02
Daisuke_Idoanton_: first, you install them from the repo, not the .run you got from nvidia's website...05:02
Kr4t05ardchoille: Medibuntu is only giving me about 6kbps. :/05:02
JucatoCainen: yes please do explain05:02
Cainenbasically, I want to resize the alloted space so I can use it myself.05:02
Daisuke_Ido!repositories | anton_05:02
ubotuanton_: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu05:02
anton_Thank you.05:02
JucatoCainen: why? are the other users' home folder in a different partition from your own home folder?05:02
ardchoilleKr4t05: No idea why it's faster for me. Maybe a different country?05:02
CainenNo, and that's the problem.05:03
Angelusandresj:  K-menu , system settings, restricted drivers. switch to administrator mode and mark the nvidia driver, a window will open press enable, it will install the nvidia driver, when it finishes it will tell you it needs a computer restart, so reboot you're computer. :)05:03
CainenIt's cutting the space inbetween the users.05:03
andresjAngelus, I already got that.05:03
Angelus* anton_:   K-menu , system settings, restricted drivers. switch to administrator mode and mark the nvidia driver, a window will open press enable, it will install the nvidia driver, when it finishes it will tell you it needs a computer restart, so reboot you're computer. :)05:03
JucatoCainen: what do you mean? all user folders are under /home, and /home is in a separate partition?05:03
Dr_WillisCainen:  simple fix. is just make a directoy on the other partition, chown it to be owned by who you want to use it. then just link it to the Users home dir as /home/user/Otherstorage or similer05:03
andresjoh ok05:03
JucatoAngelus: there's no restricted manager in 7.0405:03
Angelusandresj: my bad, i mistaken the nick05:03
andresjAngelus, I thought you were answering my question from about 4 hours ago :)05:04
Angelusoh he's using 7.0405:04
JucatoDr_Willis: you understood what he meant? good for you :/05:04
Cainenlet me see.05:04
Angeluswhat was you're question andresj05:04
anton_Angelus: I can't find "restricted drivers"05:04
Kr4t05ardchoille: I'm USA Eastern, what about you?05:04
Dr_WillisI have a user with storage dirs on 4 different hds :)05:04
draikFor everyone here using Gutsy. How do you like it? Stable enough for novice users to use?05:04
JucatoAngelus: Linux is smart about memory management. the memory that apss don't use is used for disk cache. if more apps need more memory, it reallocates05:04
andresjwhat could I do to get kvm working, because now it doesn't work (I recently updated/replaced with gutsy)... I think it doesn't work because I'm using linux-rt kernel, but I'm not sure.05:05
ardchoilleKr4t05: Seattle. I don't know what to say then, medibuntu is good here05:05
Kr4t05That's strange.05:05
Angelusanton_:  you're running an outdated and unsupported version of kubuntu, download / upgrade to kubuntu gutsy05:05
JucatoAngelus: wrong05:05
anton_Mind giving me a link?05:05
JucatoFeisty is supported until 8.1005:05
ardchoilleAngelus: It *is* supported05:05
Cainendraik: I haven't had issues with it that weren't caused by unsupported hardware.05:05
AngelusJucato: aint the only version supported more then 6months kubuntu dapper?05:06
* Dr_Willis will stick withy Gutsy05:06
Jucatoall regular (non-LTS) releases are supported for 18 months05:06
Angelusand still, its a good idea to update05:06
JucatoAngelus: no.05:06
Jucatothe lifespan is 18 months not 6 months05:06
Jucatothe development cycle is the 6 months one05:06
Angelusanton_:  http://kubuntu.com , go to download, and download. :)05:06
anton_Sure, I'll update if anyone could give me a link with some info. I'm really new to this. :)05:06
Jucatoanton_: the guide for upgrading is in the channel topic05:06
* Jucato doesn't recommend upgrading just to get the restricted devices manager05:07
draikCainen: What isn't supported?05:07
Jucatoit's not a necessity, only a convenience05:07
* posingaspopular doesn't recommend upgrading via a GUI05:07
Angelusanton_: if you want the dvd version , download the torrent file and use a torrent client to download. if you want the cd version choose a link near you or a link of you're country05:07
AngelusJucato: its still a good idead to upgrade but no?05:07
Jucatono. not always05:08
Cainendraik: My laptop's sound card chipset.05:08
CainenDoesn't work with headphones.05:08
* andresj agrees with posingaspopular05:08
Daisuke_Idothe...  chipset doesn't work with headphones05:08
* andresj didn't have luck using adept updater to get gutsy05:08
CainenOr synaptic05:08
CainenBoth crashed.  I just dist-upgraded.05:08
Jucatoposingaspopular: unfortunately, only the GUI method upgrading to gutsy ensures that you get the correct packages before starting the upgrade05:08
Jucato(before and after)05:09
Angelusits a good idea to download the cd/dvd and format, thats the best way05:09
ardchoilleI only upgraded once, it broke almost everyting.. I'll never do it again05:09
CainenI upgraded from 6.06 to 7.10.05:09
CainenOnly encountered one bug, and it's not killing my comp.05:09
Jucatostraight from 6.06 to 7.10?05:09
* ronin_ yawns and puts his candy down, opting for tea05:09
ardchoilleCainen: I hope you didn't skip releases05:09
Cainenfrom 6.06 to 6.10 to 7.04 to 7.10 RC305:09
Jucatooh ok. good05:10
=== rich__ is now known as Cacher
Daisuke_Idothat edgy > feisty upgrade was dicey at best05:10
draikWith the upgrade to the new repos, what happens to the old ones? Medibuntu, Mintbox, Compiz/Beryl, etc?05:10
draikWhy can't you skip on upgrades?05:10
Daisuke_Idowell, beryl no longer exists and isn't supported05:10
Jucatodraik: the upgrade tool disables the 3rd party repos05:10
mm_202Im sure everyone asks this, but whats the url for the guide of how to upgrade to 7.10 from 7.04?05:10
Jucatoand compiz-fusion is in the official repos already05:10
Daisuke_Idocompiz is in the main repos05:10
Cainendraik: because you need to upgrade step-by-step05:10
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:10
mm_202ardchoille: danke05:11
Daisuke_Idomm_202: it's in the topic, you just joined, it should be visible05:11
Jucatodraik: because it's not supported (skipping releases)05:11
ronin_Is anyone having ANY luck with OpenGL and the new ATI 8.43 driver perchance?05:11
Angelusan upgrade requires a computer reboot i bet?05:11
draikAngelus: Not true05:11
Daisuke_IdoAngelus: eventually, you're going to a new kernel...  if you want to take advantage of it, then yes05:11
Angeluswell gutsy uses a different kernel05:11
draikWhat happens to all of my current apps?05:12
=== rich__ is now known as Cacher
anton_"Could not verify the integrity of the upgrader application" <---What does this mean?05:12
Jucatoyou only need to reboot if you want to use the new kernel. you can keep on using the same kernel until you reboot05:12
ardchoilleI have a feeling they'll solve that too someday (switching kernels without reboot)05:12
Jucatodraik: they get updated05:12
Jucatoardchoille: most probably not...05:12
Jucatothat's kinda technically impossible...05:12
draikWhat if there isn't an update/upgrade? Beryl for example.05:12
Jucatodraik: they remain the same.05:12
mm_202Daisuke_Ido: yeah, sorry, read the last two lines, missed the first.05:12
Angelusi heared there is somekind of tool05:13
Jucatounless they somehow conflict w/ something in the official repos, in which case they might get removed.. not reallysure05:13
Angelusto switch kernels05:13
ardchoilleJucato: so was getting to the moon at one time05:13
Angelusi forgot the name dought05:13
Dr_Willisi recall hearing about the switching kernels thing also.. but not sure how usefull that would be for a average user. :)05:14
Jucatoardchoille: maybe. but unless they figure out a way to take the floor from under you,without you falling... then I'd say it would be impossible at this point05:14
Jucatoof course, I could be wrong (always)05:14
Dr_Williswho knows what kernel 3.0 will be like. :)05:14
Jucatowho know if 3.0 will ever happen at all?!?05:14
ardchoilleDr_Willis: I read that there won't be a kernel 3.005:14
Dr_Willisproberly has ESP modules you will load. and FemBot support.05:15
* Jucato thinks he'll see 2.6.1000 before he dies...05:15
ardchoillelol @ FemBot support05:15
Dr_Willis Plug and play support.......05:15
Dr_WillisThen Pay05:15
Jucatoor Pray05:16
ardchoilleI read an interview with Linus Torvalds and he said he didn't see the need for kernel 3.005:16
Angeluswhy there won't be a 3.0 version?05:16
Jucatobecause the main man himself said so?05:16
ronin_There will only be incomplete FemBot support.  Limited resources for documentation in the community. However, NeckBeard Manager will automagically config itself perfectly every time05:16
Dr_Williswho knows what new cpu/hardware will be arund in 10 years.. :)05:16
ardchoilleDr_Willis: Good point05:16
draikWhere is the CLI instructions for Feisty to Gutsy upgrade/05:16
bazhangwe'll be wearing hardware in ten years time05:17
ardchoilledraik: It isn't recommended05:17
Dr_WillisQuantum  computer chips, optical/holographic media...05:17
Jucato(because it's not recommended/completely supported)05:17
Dr_Willisand i bet we STILL have lame Copy prtetion on games05:17
draikDr_Willis: I'm still waiting on my flying car05:17
Jucatobasically: if you insist on doing the command line upgrade, we presume you already know what you're doing :)05:17
ardchoilleheh, I knew what I was doing and it still broke05:18
draikJucato: You know me. What makes you think I have a clue?05:18
Jucatodraik: that you're asking for command line upgrade instructions :)05:18
Angelusmaybe finally i will see bioweapons walking in the street! people injected with T-virus and mutated05:18
draikWell, I guess I will upgrade my laptop right now05:19
Angelusformat it05:19
Angelusclosing all apps05:20
Angelusto switch to compiz05:21
draikWhat is that package that is required prior to upgrade?05:21
=== ubuntu__ is now known as pagan0ne
ronin_So no luck with OpenGL and the latest fglrx, anyone?05:22
pagan0neanyone know why, in a fresh install of gutsy, kopete appears to not function, i enter all the info, and it wont connect to msn, yahoo, or aim... no error... not even attempthing to connect05:22
Dr_Willisronin_:  i recall some people having a guide url in #ubuntu but i dident follow/read it05:23
ronin_Dr_Willis: Thanks.  I'll check it out.  It actually installed like a dream (Envy), but as I was warned earlier, OpenGL is flakey in this point release for some reason05:24
bazhangpagan0ne: not used kopete before, but gaim err pidgin works well here05:25
ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!05:26
pagan0nebazhang: well i think its a problem with kwallet, as kwalletmanager wont let me create any new wallets, its asif the wallet subsystem is froze up05:26
bazhangpagan0ne: can you turn off the kwallet functionality?05:27
pagan0nebazhang: i can but it doesnt fix the kopete problem, not sure if its actually turning off though05:27
pagan0neMasterShrek: im not contecting ubotu, but in my expirence envy is a godsend, as the repo's still dont configure nvidia drivers properly straight out of the box....05:27
ardchoillepagan0ne: What's so hard about typing "sudo nvidia-xconfig" ?05:28
MasterShrekwell im of the idea that using a script like envy is defeating the purpose of using linux at all, you arent actually learning how things are working05:29
lnxkdeanyone knows when is the beta 4 going to be realesed for kubuntu?05:29
ardchoilleMasterShrek: I agree05:29
ardchoillelnxkde: Not until at least 8.1005:29
pagan0neardchoille: the fact that it left my system (straight out of the 32bit gutsy install) with a broken x server05:29
Jucatolnxkde: sorry, but the most definite answer I can give now is "when they're ready"...05:29
lnxkdeI am talking about KDE 4 beta405:30
Jucatolnxkde: see my reply in the other room05:30
ardchoillelnxkde: See Jucato's previous post :)05:30
lnxkdebtw: what is so ^*(&$%^*($%(# bad about asking !05:31
ardchoillepagan0ne: I've installed the nivida driver on 100+ machines, never had a problem doing from command line and it only takes 1 minute05:31
pagan0neardchoille: well it seems every version of kubuntu from edgy on has always managed to botch the xorg.conf file up on my system05:32
pagan0neardchoille: complete format, install fresh from dvd or cd, and then using that versions reccomended method has always resulted in a system (for me) where x would fail to start, however envy works every time05:32
ardchoilleFunny how my 8 year old niece was able to install nvidia drivers without envy05:34
MasterShrekpagan0ne, thats why it doesnt work, because you dont know how to fix it because youve used envy all the time, i cant guarantee it but i would guess that after one kernel upgrade youll be left without x05:34
pagan0neardchoille: look im not trying to start a fight, ive gotten nvidia drivers up on many systems, but on THIS system, the one click method doesnt work at all05:34
ardchoilleSeriously, my 8 year old niece uses Ubuntu, she loves it. If that's not a testament to how easy Ubuntu is, I don't know what is05:35
MasterShrekpagan0ne, what card is it may i ask?05:35
Daisuke_Idohow would i go about passing the output of a string of piped grep commands to wget as a url list?05:35
pagan0neMasterShrek: been through a couple kernel upgrades, and it doesnt cause many issues, i do know how to install nvidia drivers even the binary blobs, however apt just doesnt do it right for me05:35
pagan0neMasterShrek: its dual Nvidia 8800 GS's on PCI-E05:35
MasterShrekpagan0ne, i never use apt for my nvidia drivers, so i got no idea how they work05:35
CacherDaisuke_ido:  in bash:    for url in `piped grep command` ; do wget $url ; done05:36
pagan0neMasterShrek: well _usually_ it just does, however on this system, it leaves me with "no screens found" and it refuses to load the nvidia kernel module05:36
pagan0nebut thats not my problem right now05:36
Daisuke_IdoCacher: neat05:36
ardchoillepagan0ne: iirc, that's the current dirver.. easy to install05:36
Cacherpay attention to the ticks,  ` != '05:37
Daisuke_IdoCacher: that i know, ` delimits a command.  for instance, i already have /home/`whoami`/.kde/share/apps...  and so on05:38
pagan0neardchoille: it may be easy, but if it leaves me with a broken x on restart (when installed through apt) i wouldnt call it "easy"... fresh gutsy install, no extras, enable restricted drivers, and bam, on reboot x wont load05:38
MasterShrekbut Daisuke_Ido ~/ is your home dir also, no matter where it resides05:38
Daisuke_IdoMasterShrek: i'm aware of that05:38
MasterShrekok didint know :)05:38
pagan0neanyway, thats completly irrelivent to the problem im having, and like i said im not trying to start a fight05:38
pagan0nei just need help with kopete05:39
Daisuke_Idobut this assumes you may not necessarily be looking in your own home dir :)05:39
Cacherand ~/ will work after you change your home to something other than /home/username05:39
Daisuke_Idothat wouldn't work :D05:39
Daisuke_Idomaybe i should just keep it as is05:39
Cacherwell, ~username/ will always work05:39
MasterShrekbut if you are root, ~/ will point to /root, where as /home/`whoami` would point to /home/root which probably doesnt exist05:40
MasterShreka symlink would work tho i spose...05:40
Cacher~root would work05:41
Cacher~ =  my home05:41
Daisuke_Idoi'm gonna go with ~/ for now05:41
Cacher~user = user's home05:41
Daisuke_Idountil i get it working, at least :)05:41
Jucato~ = the current user's home05:41
Daisuke_Idoseems i need to strip the urls out of these lines before this will work :\05:42
Cachercan you provide the output of the piped grep command?05:42
Cacheror a couple lines05:42
Cacheror even the input maybe we can find a better solution05:43
Daisuke_Idoit worked05:43
Daisuke_Idowget's throwing errors for parts of lines it doesn't like05:43
Daisuke_Idobut it's definitely getting the URLs...05:43
Cacherif it's throwing errors, make sure they aren't empty files05:44
Cacherthe command i gave you should work provided that the output of your grep is a whitespace-separated list of valid urls05:45
pagan0neanyone know how to fix kopete? it wont connect, fresh install, problem looks like it may be related to kwallet....05:45
Daisuke_Idoit's grabbing every whitespace-separated entry, urls and not05:45
Cacherdo you have whitespaces in your urls?05:45
Cacherwell it would, my command did not filter urls out05:46
ardchoilleshould use  %20  instead of spaces in url's, no?05:46
Cacherthe $url variable was just a name i picked, not a filter or anything05:46
Daisuke_Idooh, there's no whitespaces in the urls05:47
Daisuke_Idobut these are log lines05:47
Daisuke_Ido[Sun Oct 14 2007 TIME] <nick> URL05:47
Daisuke_Idoit's grabbing each of those first parts then the url05:47
Cachercan you paste the output of your grep filter, without my script wrapped around it?05:48
Daisuke_Idothe output?  not without incriminating myself :)05:48
Cacherokay than05:48
Cachercan you describe it05:48
Daisuke_Idoi just did05:48
Daisuke_Idothe actual piped grep commands?05:49
Cacherlet me take a wild guess05:49
Daisuke_Idothat i can do...05:49
Cacheris each line of output looking like this:05:49
Cachermon day year url05:49
dasKreechJucato: I know what kernel 3.0 will be like05:50
Daisuke_Idorunning the bare grep command now05:50
Daisuke_Idowaiting for results...  there's a lot to trudge through :D05:51
draikReady or not, here I upgrade05:51
Daisuke_Ido[Thu Nov 1 2007] [00:58:54] <Demonbaines>  http://05:51
Cacheradd one more pipe to that05:52
Daisuke_Idogrep -i Demonbaines ~/.kde/share/apps/konversation/logs/* | grep -i http\: | grep -i \.jpg$05:53
ardchoillehe gets too many pipes and he's going to need roto rooter, lol05:53
Daisuke_Idothat's the current set05:53
sunny_How to install intel graphic driver05:53
Daisuke_Idosunny_: gutsy?05:53
draikJucato: Is there an issue with canonical (feisty)?05:53
sunny_kubuntu gusty05:53
Daisuke_Idosudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel05:53
Cacher add this at the end:  | sed 's/$.*http:/http:/g'05:53
sunny_thank you,05:54
draikDaisuke_Ido: I don't think there's a dash between xorg and video05:54
Daisuke_Idoooh, thought i might need sed to extract the urls05:54
Daisuke_Ido!find video-intel05:54
ubotuFound: xserver-xorg-video-intel05:54
Cachercorrection  add this at the end:  | sed 's/$.*http/http/g'05:54
draikDaisuke_Ido: Sorry.05:55
Daisuke_Idodraik: i was double-checking myself too :)05:55
draikPreparing the upgrade is stuck at Fetching file 90 of 9505:55
draikI cannot click on Show Terminal >>> since it is greyed out05:56
Cachermy bad:  | sed 's/^.*http/http/g'05:56
Daisuke_Idodraik: only been a couple minutes, you're okay :)05:56
sunny_I tried, but It's says I have install the driver05:56
draikDaisuke_Ido: How long will this part take?05:56
Daisuke_Idodraik: i dunno05:56
Daisuke_Idoi don't really remember :)05:57
Daisuke_Idotook me a few minutes, i know that05:57
dasKreechJucato: http://lkml.org/lkml/2005/3/2/24705:57
Daisuke_Idosunny_: it says it's already installed?05:57
Daisuke_Ido... so what's the issue?05:57
JucatodasKreech: ??05:57
sunny_but I use glxgears to check05:57
dasKreechJucato: catching up05:58
sunny_only 1110FPS05:58
dasKreechThe kernel 3.0 discussion05:58
draikWell, I have to go to work early tomorrow.05:58
sunny_So I can open google earth05:58
JucatodasKreech: I do believe they have scrapped that convention as well. no more ood-even unstable-stable scheme05:58
draikI will leave this overnight05:58
Daisuke_Idoit's integrated graphics.  the fact that glxgears worked to begin with should have told you you had the 3d drivers installed :)05:58
draikThank you all for your help. As always, you're great help.05:58
dasKreechJucato: I know. The odds were just as stable05:59
dasKreech but kernel 3 will be written in VB!05:59
Daisuke_Idobyebye stability05:59
Daisuke_Idoand everything else, too!05:59
dasKreechthat's the point I think ;-)05:59
sunny_3D driver? I can't anywhere05:59
sunny_I can't find anywhere06:00
Daisuke_Idosunny_: in a terminal, type 'glxinfo | grep direct'06:00
Daisuke_Idowithout 's06:00
* Jucato inserts a -i after grep06:00
Daisuke_IdoJucato: never needed it before :)06:01
Jucatooh yeah.. hm..06:01
Daisuke_Idoexact same output06:01
Jucatooh! it's needed if you grep for yes06:01
anton_Hello there. I'm trying to use bittornado, but I get an error everytime I try to download a torrent. Do I need to be in root mode or something? It says permission denied.06:01
anton_If that's the case, how do I go into root mode?06:01
sunny_direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)06:02
Daisuke_Idoanton_: if you need to be superuser to use a torrent client, something's wrong with it.06:02
Daisuke_Idosunny_: i965 chipset?06:02
Daisuke_Idothought so.06:02
Daisuke_Idosame thing that's in my 1420n06:02
sunny_what's worng06:02
Daisuke_Idoi fixed it, but i don't remember how...06:02
anton_Daisuke_Ido: I see.06:02
sunny_How you do it06:02
sunny_Oh! my gay06:03
anton_Daisuke_Ido: Recommend any other bittorrent client?06:03
sunny_Don't you Recommend a littled about it? tell me the condition about that06:04
Daisuke_Idoanton_: ktorrent06:05
Cacherktorrent works fine for me06:05
Daisuke_Idoor deluge-torrent06:05
Daisuke_Idosunny_: change your colour dept to 16 bit06:05
bazhangtransmission is a good client as well06:05
Daisuke_Idothe igp isn't getting enough shared memory to handle DRI at 24 bit06:06
Cachertab-completion on nicks <- brilliant06:06
Daisuke_IdoCacher: amen :)06:06
Daisuke_Idohowever, sometimes i catch myself getting mad at tab-complete when it won't finish normal words for me :\06:06
CacherDaisuke_Ido: lol i know.  I should be able to hit the tab and it types my current thought06:07
Daisuke_IdoCacher: it'll be in kernel 3.0!06:07
anton_Thanks, KTorrent seems to be working fine!06:07
Daisuke_Idoyou're welcome. ktorrent's nice06:07
Cacherwith VB though?06:08
Daisuke_Idonah, that was just a rumour06:08
Cacheryou'll need to install 3 gigs of M$ devoloper libraries before it'll work06:08
Daisuke_Idothey're writing it in perl06:08
Cachercan you fit a perl interpreter into a MBR?06:08
=== sir_joshimus_ is now known as sir_joshimus
sunny_change in xorg.conf?06:09
Cachersunny_: what are you trying to do?06:10
Daisuke_Idosunny_: or under system settings > display and monitor (i think)06:10
Daisuke_IdoCacher: lower default res from 24 to 16 bit06:10
Cacherit's a one-liner in xorg.conf06:10
MerrittkrCan anyone suggest a channel for general chat, that actually has living people in it? :)06:10
sunny_chang colur06:10
sunny_in 16bit06:11
sunny_display and monitor on this item06:11
Cachersunny_: sudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:12
Cacherps do we have good reason for doing this?06:12
sunny_sudo kate /etc/x11.xorg.conf06:12
Daisuke_IdoCacher: not enough shared memory to enable direct rendering at 24 bit06:13
Daisuke_Idointegrated graphics processor06:13
Cachersunny_: ctrl-f06:13
Cachersunny_: DefaultDepth06:14
Daisuke_Idochange 24 to 1606:14
Cacherbut don't close yet06:14
sunny_yes, i have change now,06:15
Cachermake sure there is a 16-bit display subsection06:15
Cacherbelow, see "depth 24"06:15
Cachersee "depth 16"?06:15
Cacherin no, change also06:16
sunny_Am'I need to restart X06:16
Cacherif you get stuck out of X, can you ise vim or a text-based editor to fix it back?06:17
Cacherif tis fails i mean06:18
Cacherooh i know06:18
Cachersave kate06:18
Cacheri hope he comes back06:19
Daisuke_Idoi forgot about checking to see if there was a 16 bit depth section06:19
Daisuke_Idoi just take it for granted that it's there :\06:19
Cacheri was gonna tell him to save, then to do a "new session" from the k menu06:19
Cacheryeah it's not there on mine06:19
Cacherdo we know what chipset he has?06:20
Jucatoa new session doesn't restart X or start a new X session06:20
Jucatoer.. I mean a new X session that uses the new xorg.conf06:20
Cacheryou sure?06:20
Daisuke_IdoCacher: intel 96506:21
Jucatoand when I tried before06:21
posingaspopularJucato: i liked your post on the planet about kubuntu06:21
Cacheri have that chipset i think06:21
Jucatoposingaspopular: heh thanks :)06:21
Daisuke_Idoi've got it in my 1420n06:21
* Jucato is surprised he hasn't been flamed... yet...06:21
CacherJucato: long before there was an easy way to do it (k menu), I used to start multiple X servers, it was just "startx -- :Z" where Z was the display number you wanted to use06:22
posingaspopularyea how has the response been so far06:22
Daisuke_Idowhat's the word, sunny_06:22
JucatoCacher: I don't remember that option in the K Menu, but yeah that's how you usually start a fresh new X session06:23
sunny_I chang colur dept, and check, no use06:23
sunny_sunny@SUNNY:~$ glxgears06:23
sunny_6051 frames in 5.1 seconds = 1192.842 FPS06:23
sunny_6120 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1212.484 FPS06:23
sunny_XIO:  fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0"06:23
sunny_      after 25338 requests (6722 known processed) with 0 events remaining.06:23
Daisuke_Idoglxinfo | grep direct06:24
Cachernope i got the 94506:24
Daisuke_Idothough i'm thinking it'll still be no06:24
Jucatoposingaspopular: so far so good. only got a few idiot comments :)06:24
Cachersunny_: did you install 915resolution ?06:24
sunny_sunny@SUNNY:~$ glxinfo | grep direct06:24
sunny_direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose06:24
posingaspopularah thats because i havent commented and up'ed the stupid06:24
Jucatoposingaspopular: hahah! I doubt it :)06:25
* Daisuke_Ido thinks for a moment06:25
sunny_I'm have install anything, just come with system's06:25
Daisuke_IdoCacher: the new driver is supposed to make 915resolution redundant06:25
Cacherwell, what driver is he using?06:26
Daisuke_Idorather than -81006:26
Daisuke_Ido(which needed 915resolution)06:26
sunny_Where I get it06:26
lordofthepigsHello! If I add a script to /etc/init.d will it get executed automatically, or do I need to do something else?06:26
Cacherauto i think06:27
Cachersunny is on gutsy?06:29
* Cacher is on gutsy with a 945 chipset, 915resolution and the i810 driver, and is loving him some 3d goodness06:30
Daisuke_Idosunny_: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE06:30
CacherDaisuke_Ido: nice trick06:31
Daisuke_Ido!paste | sunny_06:31
ubotusunny_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:31
Daisuke_IdoCacher: borrowed it from the forums :D06:32
sunny_sunny@SUNNY:~$ cat /var/log/xorg.log | grep EE06:32
sunny_cat: /var/log/xorg.log: No such file or directory06:32
sunny_sunny@SUNNY:~$ cat /var/log/Xorg.log | grep EE06:32
sunny_cat: /var/log/Xorg.log: No such file or directory06:32
Cacher /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:32
Cacher[Error] var/log/Xorg.0.log: Unknown command.06:33
Daisuke_Idoi get that occasionally06:33
Cacherbeen a while away from irc for me06:33
Cacher!paste | sunny06:34
ubotusunny: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:34
Daisuke_Idoyou definitely want to use pastebin for something like this :)06:34
sunny_Cacher What's !paste | sunny mean06:35
sunny_how can i do06:35
Daisuke_Idosunny_: see the message from ubotu06:35
lordofthepigsWhere do I have to register a init.d script to have it executed at startup?06:35
sunny_ !paste | sunny06:35
ubotusunny: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:35
Cacherlord of the pigs: give the name of ANY script from your init.s folder06:36
Daisuke_Idogo to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:36
Daisuke_Idopaste the output there06:36
sunny_I get It06:36
Daisuke_Idoand once you submit, it'll give you a url06:36
Cacherlordofthepigs: you have to symlink the script into one of the /etc/rc?.d/ folders06:38
lordofthepigsoh, I see06:38
Cacher? being whatever your default runlevel is06:38
lordofthepigsi've just read about something called update-rc.d06:38
Cacherlikely 2 or 306:38
Cacherthat may work for you, I am old-school06:38
Cacherthe symlinks all have prefixes that determines the order tey are run in06:39
lordofthepigsI want to use the undervolt script of PHC 0.306:40
lordofthepigsso I would need it to run during boot time06:40
lordofthepigswhat runlevels would I need to register it with then?06:40
sunny_Daisuke_Ido on gusty, if we need to setup Intel graphics06:40
Daisuke_Idosunny_: go to the pastebin website, paste the error messages, and give us the link06:42
Daisuke_Idowe can't do anything without that link.06:42
sunny_I have paste it aready06:42
Cacherlordofthepigs: you can place your script anywhere, and add it to the end of /etc/rc.local06:42
Daisuke_Idowhat's the link?06:42
Daisuke_Idoyou have to tell us, or we won't be able to see it :)06:43
dotzcan i use kubuntu as a server?06:43
anton_Best audio player for Kubuntu?06:43
Daisuke_Idoamarok, hands down06:44
anton_Hm, couldn't get any sound from it, but I got sound from Kaffeine06:44
Daisuke_Idothat's odd06:44
sunny_I just put my name there, how can I tell you?06:44
Daisuke_Idowhen you click the paste button it will give you a link06:45
Cachersunny_: put in name, then paste into big box, then scroll down and hit "paste" button06:45
Cacherthen copy the link at the top of your browser and paste the link in here06:45
Daisuke_Idoi've got about 5 minutes before i have to crash06:45
sunny_yes I do all what you say06:45
Daisuke_Idoclass in 6 hours :\06:45
dotzcan i use linux as an active directory server?06:46
Daisuke_Idosunny_: except the pasting the link in here part06:46
Cachersunny_: tell us the http:// of the page you are on06:46
Daisuke_Idoisn't AD an ntfs thing?06:46
sunny_Ok, now i paste another one aready, can you see it06:46
Daisuke_Idoyou have to give us the link in *here*06:46
Cachersunny, what page are you on06:46
anton_Hm, what could be wrong if I get sound from kaffeine, but not amarok?06:46
Cachersunny_: tell us the URL06:47
Cacheranton_: amarok volume all the way down06:47
anton_Cacher: Nope.06:47
sunny_I don't what is URL06:47
squarebottleI don't have the option to shutdown. It only gives me the option to log out. Any thoughts?06:48
dotzcan i use samba as AD?06:48
sunny_my net page?06:48
Cachersunny_: top of browser ->  http://dkkfsfksfldskfjds06:48
Cachertell us http06:48
Cacherwebpage where yu see your paste06:49
squarebottleDoes anybody know how I can make the option to shutdown come back?06:49
sunny_thank you06:49
anton_I can't find any audio settings in Amarok...06:50
sunny_This one is OK06:50
anton_So, how can I get any sound from it? :P06:50
Cacher(EE) intel(0): I830 Vblank Pipe Setup Failed 006:50
anton_The "welcome file" worked...but not my mp3's06:50
Cacherthat is how pastebin works06:50
sunny_what'a worng with it06:50
posingaspopularanton_: can you get sound outside of the welcome sound?06:50
Cacheryou paste, then tell us the web page06:50
Daisuke_Idothat's not the i965...  is it?06:50
posingaspopularstream music, etc06:50
Daisuke_Idoanton_: libxine1-ffmpeg06:51
Daisuke_Idoinstall that :)06:51
anton_posingaspopular: I get sound with kaffeine, and that welcome-file worked, too...06:51
Daisuke_Idothe welcome file is an ogg06:51
anton_Daisuke_Ido: Howto? :)06:51
Daisuke_Idoanton_: sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg06:51
Cachersunny_: lspci | grep VGA06:51
sunny_Daisuke_Ido Are you talk to me?06:51
anton_Big thanks! :)06:51
anton_Daisuke_Ido: Still doesn't seem to work :S06:53
sunny_can you see it06:53
supert0nesdoes anyone know of a way to dock pidgin?06:53
posingaspopularsupert0nes: permenantly?06:53
supert0nesyeah and windows move out of the way06:53
Cachersunny_: tell us paste webpage06:53
posingaspopularright click on the pidgin icon06:54
posingaspopularand look at interface06:54
anton_Daisuke_Ido: Sure you didn't mean -ffmp3 or something? :)06:54
posingaspopularafaik, that's about the best you can do06:54
sunny_I tell you before06:54
Daisuke_Ido!find libxine-06:54
ubotuFound: libxine-dev, libxine1-doc, libxine-xvdr06:54
Cacher00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G965 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)06:54
anton_What does that mean? :)06:54
Daisuke_Idoit's the 965...06:54
sunny_yes, this is my imformation06:54
posingaspopularthere might be a plugin or two that would help you do that do06:54
Daisuke_Ido!info libxine1-ffmpeg06:55
ubotulibxine1-ffmpeg: mpeg related plugins for libxine1. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.7-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 435 kB, installed size 908 kB06:55
supert0nesposingaspopular: ya ive been playing with pidgin and looking at the plugins but i just cant seem to find one06:55
supert0neskde offers some placement options like keep on top of other windows but not that06:56
supert0nesheck compiz might even be able to help me out06:56
Daisuke_Ido!info kubuntu-restricted-extras06:56
ubotukubuntu-restricted-extras: Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 10 (gutsy), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB06:56
sunny_Cacher can find any problem06:56
Cachersunny_: I am googleing06:56
Daisuke_Idoi am at a complete loss here06:56
Daisuke_Idoand i have GOT to get some sleep, or i'll be a zombie tomorrow06:57
Daisuke_Idoer...  today :(06:57
posingaspopularsupert0nes: doesnt look like an option :(06:57
anton_Hm ok...I'll use Kaffeine for now, then. When is it ok to post question again? :)06:57
anton_Thanks for helping btw.06:57
supert0nesgaim used to have a plugin for windows06:57
supert0nesi have  a widescreen and it makes good use of the space06:58
tuxwulf_My laptop just froze and now I have to use my alternate ID in here, Konversation,, it seems... any way to switch back...?06:59
posingaspopulartuxwulf_: is your other ID still logged in?06:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nickserv - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:00
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration07:00
anton_Posting question again: Hm, what could be wrong if I get sound from kaffeine, but not amarok?07:00
tuxwulf_Posing > .. If it is, I am not seeing it in the list n the left07:00
tuxwulf_....right, I mean07:01
sunny_Daisuke_Ido can I ask you one questions07:01
posingaspopularso why can't you do /nick (oldnick)07:01
=== tuxwulf_ is now known as tuxwulf
posingaspopularor is that the command you need07:01
tuxwulfposing > ...wow, that seems to have worked....cool07:02
tuxwulfI just started with irc two days ago or so, I am not yet familiar with many posibilities... thanks!07:02
posingaspopularno problem07:03
Jucato!helpersnack | posingaspopular07:03
ubotuposingaspopular: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!07:03
posingaspopulartuxwulf: i remember being new to IRC as well. didn't know how to do /nick either07:03
tuxwulfBTW... have you ever played around with KwifiManager ...?07:03
posingaspopularcoooookie monster07:03
tuxwulfyou = anyone here07:03
tuxwulfYes, cookie for Posing... !07:04
posingaspopularJucato: kwifimanager?07:04
posingaspopularive never used it msyelf07:04
Jucatodon't look at me :)07:04
ubotuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!07:04
Lam_is there a way to set the storage media button back to the way it was before, in that it linked to /media instead of system:/media07:04
tuxwulfOK, no problem... Just saw that KwifiManager on Kubuntu s different than KwifiManager on BackTrack07:05
Dave_help, i messed up my wireless settings!!07:05
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.07:06
posingaspopularDave_: more details please ;p07:06
Dave_wireless card will not connect anymore,hows that?:)07:08
dotzhi, if i am administrating for more than 2 kubuntu computers, how do i update all end users in one shot?07:10
Dave_guess ill have to reinstall because i dont know how i messed it up07:11
tuxwulfDave: When you start your computer, does your wireless automatically connect?07:12
Dave_it used to, now it looks like a ethernet connection07:12
posingaspopularDave_: what commands have you tried running07:13
Dave_i tried to go into knetwork manager but i messed somehing up in there07:13
se7en^Of^9dotz: let me know that too ... all i found out was that you can upgrade one box and than scp /var/cache/apt/archives/*deb to the other box that would save you downloading all the .deb's again ...07:13
anton_Another good audio player for kubuntu would be?07:14
posingaspopularmanual configurations Dave_07:14
anton_I would like something like foobar2000...07:14
Dave_noe it keep telling me the ip address is wrnog07:14
posingaspopularanton_: vlc07:14
posingaspopulartry running 'ifconfig'07:15
anton_posingaspopular: yeah...I use vlc for videos....would like another for audio though.07:15
posingaspopularor sudo dhclient07:15
Dave_what will those tell me?07:16
dotzse7en^Of^9: if its a big organisation (100 computers), it will be very troublesome to rsync all the deb files, and ssh in to do update..although i think i can make a script to do that07:17
dotzbut isn't there a better way to do it?07:17
se7en^Of^9dotz: i hope so but i could not find one ... if you do please let me know :)07:18
posingaspopularthose should tell you the ip adress and configure your internet settings so you can connect07:18
posingaspopularthose are the commands I had to run when knetworkmanager wasn't configured properly07:18
Dave_no working leases in persistant database07:18
dotzse7en^Of^9: yeah because so far i'm only managing 6 end users kubuntu..and it is tiring to go around upgrading it from edgy..to fiesty..to gutsy07:19
tuxwulfDave > So that means your wireless is not connecting....07:20
tuxwulfDave : try "/etc/init.d/dbus restart" ....?07:20
Dave_ok, so how do i fix it?07:20
tuxwulfIt worked on mine quite well a couple of times07:20
se7en^Of^9dotz: yes i understand your problem i have the same07:21
=== felix_ is now known as felix__
hagabakadid anyone else lose mouse gesture presets after updating KDE?07:22
Dave_i get a bunch of permissions denied07:22
posingaspopularsuper user do07:22
se7en^Of^9dotz: rsync or scp works ok all you would have to do is update the other box and than upgrade but i am sure there is a better way07:23
posingaspopularDave_: see also http://xkcd.com/149/07:23
servicecan someone help me please? how do i delete a mountpoint?07:23
Lam_how do i get "Storage Media" to point to /media instead of system:/media?07:25
se7en^Of^9service: a mountpoint should be only a folder ...07:25
tuxwulfDave : Oh, as root, or with a preceding sudo07:25
Dave_it took, do i need to restart?07:25
servicei deleted it in admin mode07:26
tuxwulfDave : No, you shouldnot have to restart. What does "ifconfig" and "wconfig" tell you now...?07:26
tuxwulfwconfig --> iwconfig07:26
Dave_i dont even see a wireless icon near sound icon anymore07:27
Dave_let me see07:27
Dave_a bunch of mumbo jumbo as far as i can tell :-)07:28
posingaspopularDave_: pase the ouput07:28
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:28
Dave_its on a different system07:29
posingaspopularah okay... hmmm.07:31
Dave_it says it started and stopped  some services but no change07:32
tuxwulfDave > Is the correct module loaded?07:32
Dave_and which one would that be:-/07:33
tuxwulfDave > What wireless thingy is giving you trouble ...?07:33
tuxwulfDave > USB, PCMCIA, PCI, ...? What brand, chipset ...?07:34
tuxwulfCan you find it in the list you get with lsmod?07:35
Dave_just a sec07:36
Dave_not that i can see07:38
tuxwulfThen you can first try "sudo modproble <module>"07:39
Kamerheimeri need help with install, never installed linux before but computer knowledgable07:40
Kamerheimerit is giving me full red screen taht keeps dimming07:41
posingaspopularKamerheimer: what does the red screen say?07:41
Kamerheimernothing just colors07:41
Kamerheimerlike an array of red hues07:41
Kamerheimerdid it 3 time07:41
Kamerheimersmae thing with ubuntu07:41
posingaspopulartry rebooting. i'll walk you through it if i can, but it sounds like a hardware issue07:41
Kamerheimeri picked the first option on the boot cd list07:41
posingaspopulartried booting from Kubuntu/Ubuntu live cd07:42
Kamerheimeri got thsi one07:42
posingaspopularthe install/run option right?07:42
Kamerheimer7.10 downloaded from it07:42
Kamerheimerga tech rather07:42
Kamerheimeramd64 one07:42
Dave_modproble: command not found07:43
posingaspopularhmmm strange.07:43
posingaspopularcan you try installing it via an alternate cd, or the DVD version07:43
Kamerheimeri got a turion 64 x2 mobile07:43
Kamerheimerwas i supp to do other one07:43
tuxwulfDave: Oh sorry, my mistype> modprobe07:43
Kamerheimerwhat is alternate cd version or dbd07:43
Kamerheimerdvd versioin07:43
Kamerheimerlink would be nice07:43
tuxwulfminus the 'l'07:43
posingaspopularKamerheimer: same pace, scroll down07:43
Kamerheimeroh ok i see alterane now07:44
Kamerheimerwhats difference between alt and desktop07:44
posingaspopulari think the alternate cd installes the server edition and you have to build the desktop on top07:44
posingaspopularor the DVD version lets you install with lost of other packages optional, so you can choose as you please, afaik07:46
Kamerheimerahhhhhh i dotn have dvd version07:46
Kamerheimeri mean dvd burner on this comp07:46
Kamerheimerso ill have to do that one another time07:46
posingaspopularalternate cd07:46
posingaspopularbest bet i think07:47
posingaspopularJucato: what's the difference between alternate and normal cd07:47
Dave_i give up, this is too complicated, thanks for the help anyway, ill just reinstall :-/07:47
JucatoDesktop CD = Live CD w/ very simple/basic graphical installer. can't install w/o X/GUI07:47
JucatoAlternate Install = ncurses/text based installer, more options, can be used to install on low-end machines that can't run the Desktop CD comfortably07:48
posingaspopularah okay, so Kamerheimer can use alternate to install. he's having some issues with the installer07:48
* Jucato nods07:48
JucatoI only use the Desktop CD for demos and giveaways :)07:48
tuxwulfDave : ... sorry to hear that though ...07:48
Kamerheimerso is this gonna install it on my hard drive or just run it07:48
posingaspopularKamerheimer: both07:49
Kamerheimeroh itll give me choice07:49
JucatoAlternate Install CD just installs. Desktop CD, you need to run it first before you can install07:49
Kamerheimeroh ok07:49
* posingaspopular learned something today07:49
JucatoAlternate CD doesn't have a Live CD feature.07:49
Dave_knetworking is definatly not for newbies07:49
=== david_ is now known as dmgilbert
KalElhi there is only one thing that is preventing me from a complete switchover to KDE07:53
posingaspopularKalEl: click 'install' ;p07:53
KalElwhen i use remote desktop, it seems kfrb uses almost 100% CPU07:53
KalElwhereas the gnome "vino-server" uises no CPU at all07:54
KalElon the server machine07:54
posingaspopularKalEl: can't you run vino-server on kde?07:54
posingaspopularor does kde not like that07:54
KalEli never tried that don't know how to07:54
posingaspopular<-- runs gnometrics on his computer07:54
posingaspopularif you go to the kmenu-addremoveprograms07:55
posingaspopularup on top you can search for any suite, kde, or gnome07:55
posingaspopularand you should be able to find the vino-server and iinstall it on kde07:56
posingaspopularhowever, i dont know how well it will run, if at all07:56
posingaspopularhmmm.... not seeing it in adept actually07:57
KalElyeah i could make it run08:00
emilsedghanyone knows how could i rip a dvd with a specified subtitle language?08:00
KalElseems like vino is much much ahead of krfb in terms of CPU usage!08:00
dwidmannknetworkmanager is ticking me off :(08:02
olavxxxle crappie.. the soundcard on my fujitsu siemens didnt work in linux :(08:03
dwidmannWow, on an interesting note, I found a way to make knetworkmanager segfault consistently. Leave it to me to find ways to break things :)08:05
PolitikerNEUJust a question: Where can I post feature requests?08:07
dwidmannPolitikerNEU: launchpad.net08:07
dwidmannPolitikerNEU: or perhaps the ideal pool subforum of the hardy heron development subforum of ubuntuforums.org, though the first is a much better bet.08:08
KalElhi, i tried desktop sharing with 'krfb' (KDE) and 'vino-session' (comes with Gnome). krfb uses 100% CPU whereas vino_session uses only 0-4% CPU. why is that? could i have done something wrong while setting up krfb?08:08
dwidmannLooks like my laptop dropped the connection again ... this is getting really annoying08:13
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:17
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philipp__i wanted to use qemu with kqemu acceleration08:44
philipp__i use gutsy. I installed qemu, set up a virtual machine, etc. and installed kqemu-common too... but a modprobe kqemu isn't working - althouh /etc/modprobe.d/kqemu exists.... can somebody help me please?08:45
kazuma_anyone knows the file ./coolbg08:46
kazuma_to make the screensaver the wallpaper?08:46
kazuma_anyone know it08:49
cramc00I am very content with this Kubuntu version08:53
smorggusty is xorg 7.2 right?08:53
cramc00are ther more wallpapers possible with advanced desktop settings?08:55
cramc00i mean different wallpapers08:55
tobykazuma_: Use xwinwrap I think?08:56
cramc00i will try08:56
kazuma_i'm new friend08:58
tobykazuma_: I'm afraid I don't know - I don't have xgl running yet.08:58
kazuma_oh ok man thanks08:58
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kazuma_i found itt09:08
kazuma_it's cool xD09:08
kazuma_toby do you want the scrypt?09:09
kazuma_it's easy to use x309:09
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tobykazuma_: I'll wait for Gutsy to roll out before I try Compiz, and I'll wait for Compiz before I try coolbg, but thanks09:20
tobykazuma_: Did you use xwinwrap in the end?09:20
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Jucatotoby: Gutsy has already been released. 2 weeks now09:22
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tobyJucato: Yes, I know, but you still need to enable pre-release repos to install it. I'm waiting for it to come into the normal repos.09:29
tobyShould be any day now according to J Riddell: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuGutsyComments?action=recall&rev=909:29
mooperhttp://rafb.net/p/OhGyDB40.html -why is my ssh doing this?09:29
Jucatotoby: that won't happen09:29
Jucatotoby: enabling the pre-release repo is necessary to download the version of Adept that enables upgrading to Gutsy09:30
Jucatotoby: the separate repository is necessary so that those who do not want to upgrade to Gutsy will not be affected. only those who want to upgrade will need to enable that repository09:31
tobyJucato: Really? I didn't know that :)09:31
Jucatotoby: the pre-release repository itself doesn't do any upgrading to gutsy. it only upgrade Adept (and a few other packages). you'll still remain on Feisty even after doing that. you still have to trigger the upgrade09:32
tobyJucato: So there is no mechanism to suggest an upgrade to users automatically? (i.e. I imagined the update manager to eventually say "Would you like to dist-upgrade?" or similar.09:32
Jucatotoby: that's the mechanism. after you've updated Adept to the version in the pre-released repository, you will be asked if you want to upgrade to the new release09:33
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Jucatothat way, those who want to remain in feisty won't be bothered at all09:33
emonkeyONkde4Jucato: If you've got a second, I've trouble compiling kdebase, the other problems from yesterday are gone. maybe it has sometinh to do with xkrb, but I don't find a package with that included. http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/17101 http://www.nabble.com/Error-while-compiling-kde-base-of-kde-4-(svn-ver.-727433).-t4658128.html09:33
JucatoemonkeyONkde4: the relevant error messages come before those you pasted09:35
tobyJucato: well it looks like I've got a fun dist-upgrade weekend lined up then!09:35
Jucatohave fun! :)09:35
emonkeyONkde4Jucato: :( ok I'll try it again an this time I do log with tee09:36
DreskenWhen I try to mount my NTFS external HDD I get a message saying: $Logfile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0) Failed to mount '/dev/sdc1': Operation not supported Mount denied because NTFS is marked to be in use.09:36
DreskenAnyone has any idea how to fix this? o_o;09:36
kazuma_anyone knows how to install a cursor theme?09:38
kazuma_i'm new here x309:39
* baudthief goes away09:39
baudthiefnope :\09:39
JucatoSystem Settings -> Keyboard and Mouse -> Mouse -> Cursor Theme09:39
JucatoClick Install New Theme then browse to the .tar.gz (or .tar.bz2 or whatever) file of the cursor theme09:39
kazuma_thaanks dude09:40
Jucato(you don't need to unpack/extract the cursor theme)09:40
baudthiefis it worth the upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10? Or will I encounter huge amounts of problems09:40
Jucatowarning, you will need to restart the X server for the cursor theme to take effect09:40
kazuma_thanks jucato09:40
emonkeyONkde4Jucato: do you know how to change the language of the errors? I don't you understand german: Fehler: unvollständiger Typ »QAction« in geschachtelter Namensangabe verwendet09:41
Jucatonope :)09:41
emonkeyONkde4it was somethin wiht LC_ALL or so09:42
Jucatoyou can probably ask in #kde4-devel maybe someone German is around...09:42
emonkeyONkde4Jucato: thx for hint09:42
kazuma_what is the format to use09:42
kazuma_or the extension09:43
kazuma_with cursors09:43
kazuma_i donwloaded 2 themes and error09:43
Jucatowhat file format do the cursor themes come in? and where did you get them09:43
kazuma_from kde look09:43
Jucatocan you give me a link to check?09:43
Jucatohm.. weird. hold on09:46
kazuma_ok man09:46
Jucatoer... this one needs to be installed differently09:46
Jucatoit has a special script to install it09:47
kazuma_is it difficult=09:47
Jucatonot really. just.. um... unusual... and I don't know how reliable09:48
kazuma_thanks man09:48
Jucatojust extract the contents of the archive, go to the folder where install.all is in, then double click. that *should* do it. but I'm not 100% sure09:49
kazuma_nothing happened09:51
kazuma_my god xD09:51
Jucatogo to System Settings -> Mouse -> Cursor theme and check if it's there. you might need to restart X for it to take effect09:52
Jucato(or you can just look or another, more sane, theme)09:52
kazuma_nothing happend09:56
kazuma_can you recommend me any cursor theme?09:56
Jucatocan't think of anything09:57
javier_estoy empezando a trastear con kubuntu09:59
javier_veo que existe kubuntu para amd64 pero para intel funciona09:59
kazuma_can you tell me09:59
kazuma_if this works?09:59
Jucato!es | javier_10:00
ubotujavier_: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.10:00
javier_100kius jeje10:00
mikkaelmy sound is a lot more quiet on kubuntu compared with windows xp10:02
mikkaelAC'97 onboard sound10:02
jbbarnesno hay muchas personas que hablan espanol aqui10:03
jpatrick!es | jbbarnes10:03
ubotujbbarnes: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.10:03
Jucatokazuma_: it works... sort of10:04
kazuma_i did10:05
kazuma_something else10:05
jbbarnesWanted to reply to him. Didn't realize the bot would catch it.10:05
kazuma_i guess it worked10:05
kazuma_it worked!!!10:06
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angusis anyone else having trouble when trying to change their desktop resolution?10:19
combiniowhy if i'm pressing CTRL+X buttons it is copy&paste and not cut&paste ? (kub-7.04)10:23
combinioi mean an icon becomes grey color but it still there where it was (some backup system (?) )10:24
combiniogrrrr :[ no answers :(10:26
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kaoskinkaedesde españa10:49
Jucato!es | kaoskinkae10:49
ubotukaoskinkae: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.10:49
kaoskinkaegracias es la primera vez un saludo desde aqui.. hello10:50
dhqi forgot my username and password10:58
dhqhow do i login10:59
vgedhq: this might help : http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/recovery.html11:01
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joebleacki have e question11:08
LynoureWhat is it?11:08
joebleackcan i instal kubuntu on my system and conect it to the internet using an adsl monem from tomson11:09
joebleackmodel 33011:09
joebleackit is on usb11:09
se7en^Of^9joebleack: should work but try it form the live cd first11:10
joebleackit dosent work11:11
joebleackit finds it dos not run11:11
joebleackiahave set the country conds for the vci and vpi11:11
joebleacki set the username and pasword11:12
Jucato_pppoe adsl?11:12
Jucato_try setting it up with "sudo pppoeconf" from Konsole11:12
joebleackyah with papsecrets and capsecrets11:13
Jucato_worked for me before :(11:13
joebleackdoo you have a config file11:14
joebleacki tryed pclinux2007 ubuntu suse slack fedora11:15
joebleacknone of them worked11:15
joebleackthe only way i se it posible is to ghet a adsl modem with 1 ore more eth conectors11:16
joebleackbut it is knda expensive :(11:17
ubuntuhi, i have a problem with the gutsy live cd and automounting my hd partitions. I got "hal-storage-fixed-mount refuses uid 999" as an error. Any ideas (except mounting manually)?11:24
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DreskenSorry for all the questions, first time linux user, but how do I change the ownership of my external ext3 HDD?11:36
fkeferDresken: you don't change ownership of the whole HDD but rather each single file and directory11:37
DreskenWell I can't seem to even create a directory on the HDD..11:37
fkeferyou can do this via chown on the terminal and i'm sure you can do the same with konqueror or dolphin11:37
ceeis there some kde-beta4 packages available?11:38
fkeferthen you don't own the hdd's root directory :-)11:38
DreskenSo how do I fix that?11:38
fkeferchown <user>:<group> /media/path_to_hdd11:39
DreskenDidn't seem to change anything lol11:43
fkeferdo you have the respective access rights ?11:44
fkeferls -l /media11:44
fkeferit should say that you the user are allowed to write11:44
fkeferif you aren't then grant you these rights - again either via some GUI tool or chmod u+w /media/path_to_hdd11:45
=== artyom is now known as VitaminCPP
VitaminCPPI wanna switch keyboard layout with alt+shift, how do I configure that?11:46
DreskenAgain, nothing has changed, the terminal would just take the commands and not show anything in return <_<11:47
DreskenAnd I have now idea what to make of the things the ls -l /media command displayed11:48
arash_Dresken , doesn't 'ls -l /media' return anything?11:48
fkeferthe terminal only shows anything in return when something went wrong; that's the unix way of saying "hey, everything went well, i don't bother you!11:48
fkeferok, that should well return something11:48
DreskenIt does return some thing11:49
DreskenI just have no idea what to make of them lol11:49
arash_!pastebin | Dresken11:49
ubotuDresken: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:49
arash_Post the return there, unless you think there are 'private' info in the return11:49
fkeferThe disk does belong to root, and you the user do only have tights to read and "execute"11:52
fkeferlook at the first block of codes:11:52
fkefer(in the line that says "disk" at the end - that's your harddisk)11:52
fkeferit says "drwxr-xr-x11:53
fkeferthat means: d -> it's a directory11:53
arash_I can't view the pastebin result, why is that?11:53
fkeferthen always three symbols go together: the first three are the rights for the user owning the dir11:53
fkeferthe second three for the group the dir belongs to11:54
fkeferand the third for "everybody else"11:54
arash_ah, firefox's fault11:54
DreskenI see11:54
arash_for more details about that system11:54
fkeferso the first trippe says "rwx" meaning "read write eXecute"11:54
arash_!chmod | Dresken11:54
ubotuDresken: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux11:54
DreskenSo how do I change it so I can read, write and execute from it?11:54
arash_Dresken Or you can always make yourself root when writing to the disk, up to you to decide11:55
DreskenI'd prefer to have myself write to it from this user instead of always changing when wanting to write to it =P11:56
arash_Dresken, you don't have to log out and in lol, just type 'gksu konqueror' (or 'gksu Dolphin' depending on file browser)11:56
DreskenTyped that and still can't write to it =P11:57
icewater1anhow does kubuntu know when to mount a new volume?11:58
icewater1anbecause i have some encrypted disks i also want to mount automatically11:58
arash_Dresken 'sudo chmod 777 <drivepath>' I think11:59
arash_Dresken, 777 means everyone can write to it aswell, dunno if that is waht you want.11:59
DreskenYeah well even that command didn't do anything, for some reason the permission didn't change =P12:01
arash_Dresken, so 'ls -l /media' returns the same thing?12:02
fkeferhit: try "sudo chmod 777 /media/disk"12:02
Dreskenpretty much12:02
fkeferyou can't change permissions when you don't _have_ permissions to change them12:03
Dreskenthat worked I think12:03
arash_!startup | arash12:03
ubotuarash: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot12:03
DreskenYeah that worked, I can write to it now12:03
DreskenThanks =P12:03
arash_Doesn't ubotu write different things in #kubuntu ?12:03
alex___hi everyone12:07
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Ginnungagaphi everyone, too12:07
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ita-sandrois there anyone?12:08
ita-sandroc'è qualcuno?12:08
GinnungagapMy problem is, that I can't make my Asus MyCinema-P7131 analog TV-Card show video and audio. I managed to find channels with KDETV. I hope you can help me.12:10
arrouanhi, i have a 2 CD/DVD burner in PATA and they are detected as SCSI burner by Kubuntu, and k3b and cdrecord refuse to burn anything, (i have a IT7MAX2 motherboard with HPT374 chipset) anyone have an idea ?12:16
* Cacher is away: working12:17
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Tolsty_KotHello! How I can share folders, which are out of my home folder by samba? for example /media/hda1/Audio12:27
tobyTolsty_Kot: you can link to them with ln from within your home directory.12:29
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tobyTolsty_Kot: ...or study smb.conf.12:29
Tolsty_Kottoby I have errors. I can see my share folders (by smb.conf or by links), bat brouser says that there are not folders12:33
tobyTolsty_Kot: You could try relaxing the permissions on the folder perhaps?12:33
melkorbonjour tout le monde12:35
melkorhello everybody12:36
melkoris there frend user here?12:36
Jucato!fr | melkor12:37
ubotumelkor: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:37
Jucatoah the patience of users :)12:37
Tolsty_Kottoby permissions for which group or user? I can do it by sudo12:37
JuJuBeeTrying to install DBDesigner 4 and I need libXft.so.1  where can I get it?12:47
tobyTolsty_Kot: I don't know - why not pull out your WAN connection temporarily, set the dir to 777, and then reduce permissions until it breaks again?12:48
tobyTolsty_Kot: then you'll find out what permission is required.12:49
eindbaasHi, I need to run the command xmodmap -e "kecode 94 = backslash bar" to remap one of my keys, where can I best put this so that it runs every time I log on?12:51
arrouanwhen i try to blank a cd with cdrecord, i have this error cdrecord: Input/output error. blank unit: scsi sendcmd: no error but it s a pata burner not a scsi12:53
Carnage\eindbaas: ~/.xmodmaprc12:56
eindbaasCarnage\: cheers13:04
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giuhi, i am trying modify the default runlevel in file /etc/event.d/rc-default but nothing happens13:11
eindbaasCarnage\: doesnt seem like it is running that file, after i reboot the key is not remapped, but if i manually type xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc it works again13:12
L_U_D_A_Khello! :D13:12
L_U_D_A_Kdoes anybody have some programs for kubuntu13:12
L_U_D_A_KI'm new user... :D13:12
giui need starting in text mode (runlevel 3)13:12
Carnage\eindbaas: Yeah, you have to manually run it13:13
Carnage\put xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc into your ~/.bashrc for example13:13
* genii sips a coffee13:14
eindbaasCarnage\: ah okay, i'll try13:14
vgeis there a text editor that shows all characters, including newline chars?13:16
lophytehey all, I've got compiz fusion running on kubuntu gutsy, but the minimize animation doesn't seem to be working... any suggestions?13:17
schubbysalut tout le monde13:18
schubbyest il possible d'avoir un peu d'aide ici ?§13:19
Jucato!fr | schubby13:19
ubotuschubby: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.13:19
marco_si puo?13:19
Jucato!it | marco_13:19
ubotumarco_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:19
icewatermanlophyte: do you know a howto for installing compiz=13:19
Jucato!compiz | icewaterman13:20
ubotuicewaterman: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion13:20
Jucatorawr!... too many ! :D13:20
giukubuntu starting in text mode...how to? any suggestion?13:21
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JucatoI think *buntu uses runlevel 3 as the default multiuser with GUI and networking...13:22
Jucatoemonkey-p: I'm guessing all went well then :)13:23
sub[t]rnlhrm, I think the default runlevel is 213:26
sub[t]rnlat least I can't remember changing it..13:26
giui modify /etc/event.d/rc.default13:26
giuput telinit 2 or telinit 313:27
giubut nothing happends =(13:27
sub[t]rnlgiu: to change the runlevel, do sudo init 3, or you can remove kdm from /etc/X11/default-display-manager13:27
JucatoUbuntu doesn't use the traditional sys v init system13:28
Jucato!upstart | giu13:28
ubotugiu: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/13:28
sub[t]rnli c13:28
flithmhey everyone... I'm having a weird issue with kde + compiz where adept_notifier always comes up with its own window rather than a sys tray icon.  Anyone else seeing this?13:29
geniiinit levels 2,3 and 4 on ubuntu are equivelents for a while now13:29
sub[t]rnlflithm: Yeah I've seen it.  How are you starting compiz?13:30
flithmsub[t]rnl: __GL_YIELD="NOTHING" compiz --replace --sm-disable --ignore-desktop-hints ccp13:30
sub[t]rnlflithm: hrm, I assumed --replace fixed it, but I guess not13:31
flithmyeah not sure what the solution is13:32
lophyteugh.. having troubles moving applets around on my panels, and they're not locked.. :\13:37
Jucatowhat troubles?13:37
lophytethere's no way to move them13:38
CthuloidAren't there handles you can turn on to help move them, lophyte?13:38
lophytein Edgy/Feisty there was a small bar on the side of the applet that you could click on to access the applet menu13:38
Jucatowhat are you trying to move? some have handles as Cthuloid mentioned13:38
lophyteyeah, none of mine have handles13:38
lophyteand I didn't see an option to turn them on13:39
Jucatoright-click on the panel -> Configure Panel -> Appearance -> Advanced options button13:39
lophyteugh.. didn't even see the advanced options button13:39
Jucatoapplets that are single icons can be easily moved with middle-click + drag13:40
letaliswould there be a way to load gkrellm before kicker? kicker always throws gkrellm out of where i have it setup when it loads13:40
letalisits a stupid question, but it something that just urks me a little bit13:41
[ifr0g]letalis, gkrellm has an option to save placement.13:44
letalisyeah ive set it and kicker and gkrellm dont play nice what happens is when gkrellm loads it tries to move kicker out of the way whhich kicker moves, but "squishes" out gkrellm13:45
letalisso i wind up having to put it back in its spot every single time13:45
letalisits not a super big deal, but itd be nice if theyd both stay put13:46
[ifr0g]Maybe it would work if you set kicker on auto hide13:46
letalisthats a possibility13:49
letalisi may play with the panel placement options and see if that makes a difference13:49
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ardchoilleletalis: I use gkrellm and I put an autostart item for it in Autostart. gkrellm always starts up in the sam eposition13:54
[ifr0g]letalis, got it..13:55
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letalisardchoille: is yours setup to be treated like a dock?13:55
[ifr0g]letalis, tick, "allow other windows to cover the panel"13:55
ardchoillekicker shouldn't have anything to do with where gkrellm is placed, that would be the job of the window mnager13:55
ardchoilleletalis: no13:55
ardchoilleOh, well, if you want to cover the panel, that's a different story13:56
letaliswell once i move it into position, kicker moves enough to let gkrellm sit right next to it13:56
[ifr0g]letalis, tick, "allow other windows to cover the panel" and it wont move gkrellm13:57
letalisbut the initial load it attempts to do it itself and kicker shoves out gkrellm from its position13:57
[ifr0g]In panel configuration13:57
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:57
ardchoilleletalis: That is the way kicker is supposed to act because kicker takes the entire row at the bottom. Unless you tell the window manager to allow windows to cover kicker, as [ifr0g] stated13:58
andreaI'm running kubuntu festy and i want to upgrade to kubuntu 7.10 how can I do this?13:59
andreawithout reinstalling the operating system13:59
ardchoille!upgrade | andrea14:00
ubotuandrea: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes14:00
=== guh is now known as GuHHH
ZHANGLEIhi, everyone14:03
ZHANGLEIchould i install ubuntu in vm-ware14:04
andreaI followed the instructions given here: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade14:04
andreabut i can't see the dist upgrade dialog14:04
MarcCHow do I fix an "error getting killswitch power" error from Network Manager?14:04
eeanmis there a list of everything that starts up on boot?14:04
andreaall kinds of updates are enabled14:04
MarcC"Error getting killswitch power: org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.KillSwitch.NotSupported - Access type not supported"14:05
BluesKajHowdy all14:05
nosrednaekimhey BluesKaj14:05
ardchoillehi BluesKaj14:06
nosrednaekimMarcC: your radio can't be turned off..14:06
eeanmlike is there some handy tool to control the daemons14:06
hydrogenwhich is obviously short for boot up manager14:07
* eeanm wonders if hydrogen is serious14:07
MarcCnosrednaekim: thanks, that's what I figured...how do I fix it?14:07
hydrogenI actually am14:07
ardchoilleeeanm: I use sysv-rc-conf14:07
MarcCwhat is /usr/sbin/nscd used for?14:07
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes14:07
christosanyone knows how to make an intel hd audio sound card work on kubuntu 7.10? i've tried everything I had in mind, but there's still no sound14:07
sedekiBest coding editor (php, html, python) for KDE?14:07
MarcCchristos: mine works ok14:07
nosrednaekimMarcC: I'm not good with NM14:07
hydrogensedeki: kate14:08
hydrogenor vim14:08
eeanmsedeki: kate or kdevelop14:08
nosrednaekimsedeki: you mean an IDE?14:08
ardchoillesedeki: kate14:08
sedekinot an ide14:08
hydrogenhe said editor14:08
hydrogennot ide14:08
hydrogenkate kate kate14:08
hydrogenkate kate kate kate kate14:08
nosrednaekimsedeki: kate FTW14:08
hydrogenokay, i'm done!14:08
sedekiand kate's bundled with kubuntu14:08
ardchoilleok, no more coffee for hydrogen14:08
christosMarcC: in my case, vrything seems ok, but there's no sound14:08
MarcCkate is OK but it's kinda primitive14:08
eeanmardchoille: I doubt it'd help14:08
* genii hides hydrogen's coffeemug14:09
MarcCchristos: tried Alsamixer?14:09
hydrogenthats okay14:09
hydrogenthats why I have a bag of crack!14:09
ardchoilleeeanm: are you wanting to turn on/off daemons that autostart?14:09
hydrogeneeanm: i told you, use bum bum bum14:09
christosMarcC: I don't remember if i did, I'll try it...14:09
Jucatoor System Settings -> Advanced tab -> System Services (a.k.a. serviceconfig)14:10
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ardchoilleJucato: System Settings -> Advanced tab -> System Services . When I click that there is a small window popup that sticks on "0%"14:11
christosMarcC: I can't find Alsamixer, i found Alsamixergui..... is that the same?14:11
icewatermanhow can i have ubuntu automatically mount an encrypted partition when it is decrypted?14:11
Jucatoardchoille: weird...14:11
MarcCchristos: that should work fine - alsamixer is run from a terminal window14:11
MarcCalsamixergui is the same though14:12
icewatermani want to use th automounter kubuntu uses14:12
ardchoilleJucato: yeah, especially since I never install anything that isn't in the repos and I never upgrade14:12
Jucatoardchoille: it's part of kde-guidance. installed by default14:13
BluesKajhi ardchoille, nosrednaekim ...was away for a bit getting some breakfast14:13
Jucatoardchoille: can you try manually starting it? "serviceconfig"14:13
ardchoilleJucato: Any way I can fix that?14:13
Jucato[22:13] <Jucato> ardchoille: can you try manually starting it? "serviceconfig"14:13
Jucatoardchoille: it might be a bug....14:13
geniiMarcC: Perhaps see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/13183514:13
BluesKajchristos, type alsamixer in the konsole14:14
genii!bug 13183514:14
MarcCwhich version of network manager should I have in Gutsy?14:14
MarcCI have 0.214:14
ardchoilleJucato: http://ardchoille.pastebin.us/4262114:14
genii!info knetworkmanager gutsy14:14
ubotuknetworkmanager: KDE systray applet for controlling NetworkManager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.2ubuntu1-0ubuntu5 (gutsy), package size 11 kB, installed size 40 kB14:15
nosrednaekimMarcC: knetoworkmanager chould be .214:15
MarcCgenii: thanks, I had just found that bug14:15
christosBluesKaj: i did..... everything looks fine14:15
Jucatoardchoille: bug report time? :)14:15
ardchoilleJucato: Ah, thank you14:15
geniiMarcC:  0.2 looks normal for gutsy14:15
* Jucato makes hot water for tea in the meantime...14:15
MarcCok, thanks14:15
BluesKajchristos, all the ctrls have 00 and no M for mute ?14:15
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots14:16
christosBluesKaj, yes14:16
geniiWeird I thought ubotu knew about some bugs... once in a while when they are mentioned in casual convo he goes on about it etc14:17
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots14:17
BluesKajchristos, I came in late ...you have no audio ?14:17
genii[ifr0g]: Specific bugs LOL14:17
christosBluesKaj, exactly, I've installed kubuntu 2 days ago and i can't find out why I have no audio14:18
chusoHi :)14:18
geniigenii: testing etc mentioning bug 131835 also bug #131835 bug number 131835 etc etc14:19
nosrednaekimhi chuso14:19
nosrednaekimchristos: what sound card?14:19
BluesKajchristos, have you set up audio in system settings?  namely this  ; k-menu/system settings/sound system/enable sound system,then choose hardware tab/select the audio device/Advanced Linux Sound Architecture, click apply14:19
huyterhi guys, did any of you upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10?  is it very problematic??14:19
chusoWhen I try to send or receive files over kopete through msn protocol it always crashes. As I can see, its a known bug. Is there any workaround to fix it? Thans in advance! :)14:19
chusohi nosrednaekim14:19
eeanmI can't wait for kubuntu to get its new boot system. this bash script hell rc.d stuff is so annoying.14:19
christosHDA Intel, that's what it sais on alsamixer gui14:19
nosrednaekimchuso: not sure,I don't use MSN, you might want to ask in #kde14:20
chusook, thank you nosrednaekim!14:20
BluesKajchuso, there is AMSN if you think kopete is the culprit14:21
eeanmor pidgin14:22
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.14:22
eeanmneed to update that14:23
christosBluesKaj, I've done that but still no sound14:23
sedekiHow about a good ftp client?14:24
eeanmyea konqueror14:24
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spirooIs there any solution on the bookmark error: When you quit Dolphin it says, cannot save bookmarks, perimissions denied?14:24
sedekihow about dolphin?14:24
eeanmthat works too :)14:25
eeanmspiroo: hrm14:25
MarcCdolphin does ftp? had no idea14:25
emilsedghthis is why KDE Rocks!14:25
eeanmMarcC: it does all the KIO stuff14:25
MarcCoh, right14:25
spirooeeanm: hrm, means you consider a solution or what?14:25
[ifr0g]!bug 12314:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bug1 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:26
eeanmspiroo: from your home directory, do sudo chown -R spiroo:spiroo .14:26
nosrednaekimspiroo: its because you started it as root once.. so that happens14:26
[ifr0g]genii, you can only ask for bug num in pm ..14:26
[ifr0g]Not here :(14:26
eeanmnosrednaekim: that doesn't really make sense14:26
eeanmroot has its own ~/.kde14:27
genii[ifr0g]: Weird. i knew it did work tho.14:27
nosrednaekimeeanm: I mean,as sudo14:27
spiroonosrednaekim: What do you mean exactly?14:27
nosrednaekimspiroo: if you have ever kdesudo'ed dolphin, thats what happens14:27
eeanmspiroo: just do what I said, it will probably fix it14:27
spirooOkay, I go to Konsole and type that or what?14:28
eeanmspiroo: yes14:28
BluesKajchristos, open kmix and enable Master &PCM on the output tab , thenCD& IEC playback (if listed)in the Input tab , next make sure Mix & IEC958 are enable in the switches tab , then click on settings /configure kmix and appy14:28
ardchoilleJucato: Anything I need to put into that bug report besides the konsole output?14:29
spiroochown, does not work14:29
eeanmspiroo: what does that mean14:29
ardchoilleeeanm: root's .kde is nothing but symlinks here14:29
spirooIt says operation is missing after spiroo:spiroo14:29
eeanmspiroo: did you put the . ?14:30
spiroothe dot?14:30
BluesKajfrustrating when ppl won't wait for an answer :(14:30
spirooah okay, now I did, not sure if it worked, but not error XD14:30
ardchoilleBluesKaj: impatience :(14:30
spirooAnyway, what did that command exactly do?14:31
BluesKajinstant gratification is the norm these days14:31
eeanmardchoille: not here14:31
huyterhi guys, did any of you upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10?  is it very problematic??14:31
eeanmspiroo: if any files were owned by root, it changed them back to being owned by spiroo14:31
nosrednaekimhuyter: fresh install here, but I haven't been hearing many problems14:32
eeanmhuyter: it went fine for me and my friend14:32
spiroookay, not sure why that would work, but yea maybe14:32
nosrednaekimhuyter: mostly bad/swamped mirrors14:32
eeanmlol spiroo14:32
spiroohuyter: I have same problem, a lot of errors :D14:32
spirooFor instance, trashcan does not work14:32
spirooIt did before with development edition XD14:33
* eeanm has a local on-campus mirror14:33
eeanm2 mbps downloads :P14:33
ardchoilleJucato: is /root/.kde/* supposed to be nothing but symlinks? Because that's the way it is here.14:33
huyterok, thx for the answers, i'll take the risk14:33
eeanmardchoille: do you have a /root/.kde/share ? what does it link to?14:33
nosrednaekimardchoille: could be some kdesudo junk..14:33
spirooDoes anybody know if KDE 4 will solve some bugs in some apps?14:33
eeanmspiroo: there will be an entirely new set of bugs14:34
eeanmKDE 4 is mostly rewritten14:34
spirooeeanm: haha14:34
ardchoilleeeanm: There is no /root/.kde/share14:34
eeanmso there won't be the old ones14:34
eeanmardchoille: well so you haven't run a kde app as root that needed to store anything14:34
spirooeeanm: yes, probably. But for instance, msn in Kopete does not work at all, as I see it anyway14:34
eeanmI'm not sure what the status of Kopete is in kde 414:35
ardchoilleeeanm: I have, but it uses my user configs in ~/.kde/*14:35
eeanmthis must be some new trick14:35
spirooeeanm: As I have heard they will release Kopete for KDE4, but not sure what that will do in the future.14:35
ardchoilleeeanm: I noticed that when I setup kate as user and then ran kdesu kate and the settings were identical14:35
eeanmpermission problems seem likely :)14:36
nosrednaekimardchoille: it has to do with KDEsudo14:36
eeanmI always use just plains sudo I suppose, except for the stuff that runs kdesudo by itself14:36
ardchoillenosrednaekim: Ok, I also noticed that when I run konqueror as root, I do't have perms to change anything14:37
ardchoille!kdesu | eeanm14:37
ubotueeanm: In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)14:37
eeanmyea I know what kdesu is ;)14:37
MarcCit's a japanese word14:38
eeanmwell desu is14:38
eeanmdunno about kdesu14:38
MarcCthey should just call it desuka14:38
MarcCkeeps the k14:38
ardchoilleeeanm: kdesu for gui apps, sudo for cli apps14:38
MarcCkore wa k desu14:39
* Jucato wonders if MarcC is being serious or joking...14:39
eeanmardchoille:  "These errors occur because sometimes when sudo launches an application, it launches with root privileges but uses the user's configuration file."14:39
* MarcC isn't as serious as he looks14:39
eeanmso you must be using sudo14:39
ardchoilleeeanm: I use kdesu for gui apps, sudo for cli apps14:39
Jucatoardchoille: can you brief me? what's the problem14:39
MarcCI use gksudo when I want my screen to go dim14:39
Jucato(provided it's installed)14:40
eeanmardchoille: but that doesn't jive with what you said... bah whatever14:40
ardchoilleJucato: launching "kdesudo 'kfmclient openProfile filemanagement /root'" launches konqueror but with locks on everything, I can't change anything. And /root/.kde/* is nothing but symlinks (no /root/.kde/share)14:40
spirooDoes anybody know, I think if not sure that it is a hardware problem. Anyway my monitor when I restart sometimes blinks and does not boot OS. Then I wait for awhile and then it works, some kind of overheat I guess somewhere. And sometimes when I watch on movies, the monitor just freeze the image or everything. Then I just have to shut the power off and restart, and the boot problem there again. Very dran annoying. Is14:41
spiroothere something wrong with my power supply as someone has said before?14:41
Jucatoardchoille: lemme check. gutsy I presume?14:41
ardchoilleJucato: yes, Gutsy14:41
spirooI wanna know if it is my monitor or something else like Power Supply is getting problem?14:42
nosrednaekimspiroo: maybe your graphics card is overheating?14:43
spirooOr if it could be a bug in Kubuntu/Ubuntu Core maybe.14:43
ysmahello, I'm having troubles with X incorrectly "detecting" screen DPI on Gutsy14:44
spiroonosrednaekim: Naa I do not think so, not quite convincing that it could be. My graphic card is quite new. Could it be my CPU or something like it, it sounds a lot when it happens, or it could be power supply too.14:44
boguhhow can i use compiz with kubuntu?14:45
ardchoille!compiz | boguh14:45
ubotuboguh: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion14:45
spirooI think when I reboot my Power Supply sometimes does not stabalize the Grpahic Card to send signals to monitor or something like it.14:45
ysmathe strange part is that am able to have a working display only when I kill kdm from the terminal and launch it with startx14:45
nosrednaekimspiroo: just cause ts new doesn't mean it can't overheat! what type of card is it?14:46
Jucatoardchoille: all confirmed. now the problem is, I don't know if it's an intended behavior.14:46
spiroonosrednaekim: It is a Nvidia Geforce 7950 GT14:47
nosrednaekimspiroo: does it have a fan on it?14:47
spiroonosrednaekim: Yes14:47
ardchoilleJucato: What do you get when you launch: kdesudo 'kfmclient openProfile filemanagement /root'14:47
Jucatosame as you. locked .kde14:48
ardchoilleAh, ok14:48
spiroonosrednaekim: I do not think the problem is the Graphic Card, not the hardware anyway. Maybe something else.14:48
ardchoilleJucato: ty :)14:48
Jucatoand yes, everything in /root/.kde  are symlinks. as they should be I think14:48
nosrednaekimspiroo: ok then.... but don't rule that out.14:49
strebskiHello friends! Does anyone knows something about official ubuntu packages of openoffice 2.3 for (k)Ubuntu 7.04?14:49
ardchoilleJucato: But they weren't symlinks in Feisty, I think that change is due to kdesuo14:49
spiroonosrednaekim: huh? "rule that out"?14:49
ardchoilleI'm glad I brought it up, for a moment there I thought my system was screwed.14:50
thomax_strebski: what about them?14:50
strebskithere will be available? :)14:50
thomax_uhm no idea, they are present in 7.10 repository14:51
strebskiyes, i know that...14:51
thomax_strebski: try downloading them there and install them manually14:52
strebskibut i'm looking for ooo 2.3 for 7.04 :)14:52
strebskifrom 7.10 reposidory?14:52
thomax_should work fine as it is java14:52
strebskiok, i'll try, great thanks!14:52
ardchoillestrebski: It's a bad idea to mix repos, if that's what you had in mind.14:52
strebskinope, i will only dl packages from 7.10 repository (on www)14:53
strebskiand try... :)14:54
ardchoillestrebski: I think you'll end up in dependency hell14:54
strebskiwhats what is your idea?14:54
strebskiupgrade to 7.10?14:54
ardchoilleThat's what I would do before using 7.10 apps in 7.0414:55
ardchoilleOr just be happy with the OO.o in 7.04 ?14:55
randygusty upgrade error: been sitting at preparing to configure libexpat1 and got two error boxes about debconf and x11-common. What do I do now. Been stalled for over 2 hours14:56
thomax_ardchoille: or go to ooo site and download an manually install it14:56
nosrednaekimrandy: kill it and restart from the command line14:57
randynorednakim, how do it restart it?14:57
strebskiis there a big difference between ooo from ubuntu repository and from official ooo website?14:57
ardchoillethomax_: that's an idea too14:57
nosrednaekimrandy: "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"14:57
randyThank you, I will try that.14:58
internI need to get xfce window system installed14:58
wathekhello all I've a problem with K3B it says that I've no CD/DVD writer !14:58
ardchoilleintern: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop14:59
BluesKajwathek, insert a dvd or cd , then check system menu/storage media15:00
wathekBluesKaj: I've not storage media in system menu15:02
randynosrednaekim got lock error, rm lock, ran dpkg --configure -a, completed with error, ran apt-get dist-upgrade stopped with E:Unmet depdencies. Try using -f. Should I?15:02
BluesKajwathek, what do you have listed in system menu ?15:03
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nosrednaekimrandy: I see,what are there unmet deps for?15:03
wathekBluesKaj: Adept, dolphin, HPLIP, Kcron15:03
wathekBluesKaj: keep, kinfocenter, konsol15:03
randykipi-plugins, gwenview and digikam15:03
wathekBluesKaj: ksysguard, ksystemlog and Kubuntu device database15:04
BluesKajwathek, I'm referring to the compuer icon in the panel not kcontrol or the k-menu15:04
nosrednaekimwathek: everything else installs fine?15:04
nosrednaekimsorry, randy15:05
BluesKajerr learn to spel computer15:05
randyThe original upgrade stoped at 2%, but those are the only erroors I get with apt-get15:05
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: it overused its "spells" last night.....15:05
BluesKajwathek, do you see the computer icon in the panel ? click on it15:06
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wathek_BluesKaj: Adept, dolphin, HPLIP, Kcron, keep, kinfocenter, konsol, ksysguard, ksystemlog and Kubuntu device database15:08
BluesKajwathek, I repeat ,do you see the computer icon in the panel ? click on it15:08
nosrednaekimrandy: humm, run "apt-cache policy kopete", what version does it say?15:08
Jucatowathek_: not K Menu -> System15:08
Jucatowathek_: beside the K Menu icon, there should be a computer icon15:09
wathek_ah ok15:10
wathek_storage media and then ?15:10
wathek_I've an icon where it's written blank DVD+R15:10
randynorednaekim, it says insalled: 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu9 Candidate: Version table: 500 http//archive.ubuntu.com ggutsy/main Packages *** 100 /var/lb/dkg/status15:11
BluesKajok walthek, that means your cd/dvd drive is being recognized15:11
BluesKajwathek what mades you think that your drive wasn't being seen ?15:11
nosrednaekimrandy: run a -f I guess :)15:11
wathek_BluesKaj: when I start K3B it says No DVD/CD Wirter found15:12
nosrednaekimrandy: just checking if you have all repositories right and all15:12
nosrednaekim*i was just checking15:12
gilhola buen dia. alguien en español15:12
randyNosrednaekim, Ok, thanks. I'm runing it now. We'll see what happens15:13
gilany body know a irc spanis channel?15:14
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.15:14
Jucato!es | gil15:15
ubotugil: please see above15:15
gilok gracias15:15
Daisuke_Laptopquick q: what's the hdparm command to change the number of boots between hd checks?15:17
BluesKajwathek_, hmm, the only thing I can suggest is to try to configure K3B15:18
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wathek_BluesKaj: how N?15:19
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: I think its in the fstab15:19
Daisuke_Laptoptune2fs is what it was :s15:20
baudthiefok, I just upgraded to Gutsy and nothing broke (thank god!) However, compiz-fusion wasn't installed by default, I had to install it myself15:20
BluesKajwathek , open K3B/settings/configure K3B15:21
baudthiefHow do I start it?15:21
Jucatobaudthief: that's normal. compiz was never installed by default on Kubuntu15:21
Jucato!compiz | baudthief15:21
ubotubaudthief: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion15:21
baudthiefahh, thanks!15:21
baudthiefwent to the trouble of backing up EVERYTHING onto 6 dvd's lol (just in case the upgrade broke my install)15:22
Daisuke_Laptoptune2fs -c max-mount-counts15:22
Daisuke_Laptopfor anyone who's wondering15:22
nosrednaekimcya Daisuke_Laptop15:25
baudthiefJucato: damn, not working :(15:25
baudthiefI've got a nvidia 7600GS which ran fine under beryl about an hour ago15:27
icewatermanbaudthief: my condolences :)15:28
nosrednaekimbaudthief: whats glxinfo giving you?15:31
baudthiefI get this over and over: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".15:31
baudthief(also in #compiz-fusion, they said I need to get a new driver)15:31
nosrednaekimbaudthief: are you using the one in restricted-manager?15:32
Black_Monkeyhi, any idea if kde4 beta4 is gonna be in the gutsy repos soon?15:32
baudthiefnosrednaekim: Before upgrading to gutsy, I used the restricted drivers from nvidias website15:32
emilsedgh_Black_Monkey: if you have a good connection, compile it yourself, thats easy15:32
baudthiefwhether or noth thats changed now, I'm not sure15:32
nosrednaekimbaudthief: there is your problem :) you need to reinstall it since you did a kernel upgrade15:33
Black_Monkeyemilsedgh_: my connection is a bit erratic, really need to get a new router...15:33
baudthiefnosrednaekim: any issues with installing the driver on nvidias website? or is there something special I need for gutsy lol15:33
emilsedgh_Black_Monkey: youre on dialup?15:33
emilsedgh_Black_Monkey: if no, thats not a problem15:34
Black_Monkeyno, broadband15:34
nosrednaekimbaudthief: its probably easier to install them with the restricted-manager in system-settings15:34
babeckDoes anyone know if there is any plans to release KDE 4 Beta 4 packages on Kubuntu?15:35
nosrednaekimbabeck: there are.15:36
Black_Monkeynosrednaekim: any sort of idea when?15:36
nosrednaekimBlack_Monkey: probably soon, Riddel was saying something about the build system being slow, prbably the gigantic merges.15:37
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »15:40
SeanTaterBuaorchid: state your problem15:43
BuaorchidI cancled my dist upgrade script... what no?15:44
SeanTaterwhile it was upgrading?15:44
Buaorchidya, downloading15:44
SeanTaterso it had not yet installed anything15:44
davideciao a tutti15:45
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!15:45
SeanTaterBuaorchid: If it did nit get to the "Setting up" part then you have little to worry about15:46
SeanTaterWhat error are you getting? what does -> apt-get <- return15:47
Buaorchidapt-get? just the help15:48
spawn57are you trying to install a package with apt-get?15:48
Buaorchidi cancled the upgrade cause net connection broke down, got that back up and running, but don't know what to do15:49
spawn57oh adept crashed on you?15:49
spawn57do sudo apt-get upgrade *15:49
spawn57it'll probably tell you to do apt-get -f install ..15:50
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »15:51
Buaorchidis it ok to use apt-get dist-upgrade?15:51
bazhangfrom Feisty?15:51
spawn57that's to get the latest version of ubuntu..15:51
spawn57..if you update your sources.list, go for it15:52
Buaorchidthe script, i think dist-upgrade.py from the net did that, cause i was at the downloading part already15:52
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes15:53
Buaorchidthnks, running now15:54
spawn57np, enjoy =]15:54
methodshow do i run dbus ?16:10
ardchoilleMy launchpad page says I am not a member of any teams. How do I join teams?16:10
bazhangubuntu teams?16:11
dergringoDoes anybody know a repo that offers cdemu for gutsy?16:12
bazhangwhat does cdemu do?16:12
ardchoillebazhang: Yes, I think that is it16:12
internI installed xubuntu-desktop from kubuntu, how do I switch over?16:12
dergringobazhang: http://cdemu.sourceforge.net/16:12
bazhangintern: in the log in screen, you will something marked session; click on it and choose xfce16:13
bazhangdergringo: mplayer will do that --watch a bin/cue file.16:14
ben__hey all16:14
ardchoillebazhang: so it's "ubuntu teams" I need to join?16:15
ben__i cant mount my ext3 partitions in kubuntu gutsy16:15
ben__i get the hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 1000 error16:15
bazhangardchoille: not sure, will check.16:15
dergringobazhang: I know :) But I need cdemu.16:15
ben__i cant mount my ntfs partition, but not my ext3's16:15
ben__i mean16:16
ben__i can mount my ntfs16:16
=== andy__ is now known as Black_Monkey
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:17
bazhangdergringo: the install instructions seem pretty clear--you need to get the kernel source and then install cdemu youself16:17
ben__any ideas?16:17
Black_MonkeyI just put in a cd, and it caused my computer to be completely unresponsive, and after rebooting, amarok still won't load, and freezes any program using it when I try to load it :/16:17
bazhangpatience ben__16:18
dergringobazhang: I've seen it. I just try to avoid self compiling as long as possible. So I found Kiso in the repos, it'll do the job16:18
W8TAH|Classim familiar with the issues around non free software and patent issues ect - -can someone please point me to the page that tells how to get stuff like online vids etc to play on my new gusty machine16:19
W8TAH|Classi know theres one out there that ive used in the past - -i just cant find it16:20
bazhangardchoille: it seems there are different teams involved--beta testers, and others--which do you wish to join?16:20
unfim havin some problems installind kde4 from the repositories16:21
bazhangW8TAH|Class: you need to enable the repositories in adept, then fetch updates--alternately, you can go to medibuntu and they have very explicit instructions on how to get that going.16:21
unfi follow the instructions in kubuntu.org, but it didnt work. i dont have kde.desktop nor startkde in kde4 directory16:21
W8TAH|Classbazhang: ok --16:22
W8TAH|Classim searching the wiki for it mediabuntu and not getting hits that are useful16:22
ardchoillebazhang: Well, I'm good with docs16:22
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.16:22
bazhangben__: is it an external drive?16:23
ben__bazhang: no its an internal drive16:23
bazhangardchoille: how about nurs..err never mind16:23
ben__i searched the kubuntu forums, but most of what i found was for external drives16:24
ben__no real solutions...16:24
bazhangben__: what does fdisk -l reveal?16:24
bazhangW8TAH|Class: that's medibuntu16:25
thomas__can someone help me with an HTML question16:26
ben__nothing...it doesnt do anything...16:26
bazhangardchoille: I believe you want #ubuntu-doc16:26
unfanyone can help me?16:27
ardchoillebazhang: ty16:27
bazhangfrom here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam16:27
thomas__can someone help me with an HTML question please :) ?16:28
bazhang!ask thomas16:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask thomas - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:28
bazhangwhat's the question, thomas_?16:29
Jucatothomas__: this isn't really the place for learing HTML16:30
bazhangben__: is it the disk you are using now?16:30
Jucatoyou can try #ubuntu-offtopic or #kubuntu-offtopic or ##web (not sure if they entertain those questions in the last one)16:30
bazhangor a second internal disk?16:30
bazhangcan he pm me Jucato?16:31
ben__yes, the partions that i am trying to mount are on the disk i am currently using16:31
ben__my ntfs partition that does mount is on another HD16:31
bazhangben__: you want to resize the partition?16:32
thomas_did I laggout ?16:32
ben__i just want to mount my ext3's16:33
=== marius is now known as testx_p
thomas_and I have 4 pictures. I have a table, 3 pictures are horizontally aligned on one row and I have the one picture that I want to align on the second row, but it doesn't align to center....I don't know whats wrong16:33
bazhangthomas_ pm me16:33
ben__do i need to resize something?16:33
=== testx_p is now known as E_Sound
thomas_bazhang: shoot, I'm trying, I thought I registered but for some reason today I can't do it16:34
bazhanggoogle html cheatsheet16:35
bazhangben__: if you want to reclaim that drive space for your current partition then I believe so16:36
ben__no i dont want to do that16:36
ben__i have 2 other distros i want to keep16:36
ben__on those partitions16:36
Jucatobazhang: sure. we have no control over pm's ;)16:36
bazhangben__: and they are not showing up in your grub list?16:37
ben__i just want to mount them, and everytime i try i get that error...16:37
ben__yeah they are16:37
ben__i can boot into them16:37
ben__i just cant mount them in kubuntu16:38
bazhanggot me there ben__16:38
ben__ugh...kubuntu is crap if it cant even mount my other linux partitions...16:39
ben__and nobody seems to have any answers16:39
ben__for this problem16:39
ben__i'll try making a forum post i guess16:40
bazhangben__: there are answers. just the experts are not here right now.16:40
bazhangthey'll sort you in no time. sorry not to be of any help.16:40
ben__k, thanks for your help!16:40
=== thomas_ is now known as thomas_newbie
[ifr0g]i got 2 linux part and both ways are mounted, so its not kubuntu.16:40
=== thomas_newbie is now known as thomas_newbie__
[ifr0g]what error did he get ?16:41
bazhangright. what distros were on the other partitions:linspire and xandros? :}16:41
[ifr0g]he left ..16:42
bazhang[ifr0g]: hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 1000 error16:43
Fleckhi all16:43
Fleckwhen i type: host www.google.com  - response is sooo slow :(16:44
Fleckwhy is that?16:44
Fleckthis happens when i  browse too (looking up...)16:44
bazhangstorm botnet?16:44
[ifr0g]There is a similar problem on ubuntuforums16:45
bazhangFleck: I've got really slow internet response of late too, think it's not related to Linux at all16:45
Fleckbazhang well, on the same network another box - works great16:45
Fleckwhen connection established - works fast16:46
Fleckonly resolving :(16:46
thomas_bazhang: can you read my pm? does it work?16:46
[ifr0g]Fleck, what if you load in the browser ?16:47
bazhangthomas_: can you join kubuntu-offtopic channel?16:47
Fleck[ifr0g] werry fast16:47
robbyi just got BSOD with kubuntu :/16:47
[ifr0g]Blue ???16:48
robbyi'm trying to figure out a way to log what ports some of my favorite programs use so i can configure my firewall better16:49
robbyis there a way to do this with my firefall program Guarddog?16:49
Fleck[ifr0g] speedtest.net show - speed about 20Mbit/sec16:49
bazhangthat's slow?16:50
[ifr0g]Freaking Light Speed :D16:51
Fleck[ifr0g] but DNS is so slow... :(16:52
Fleckwhy is that?16:52
robbymine was only 5234 kb/s16:53
[ifr0g]Fleck, you want want to try opendns..16:53
[ifr0g]Fleck, https://www.opendns.com/start?device=ubuntu16:53
bazhangoy. where is the straight up and down character on my keyboard?16:54
[ifr0g]!find network-admin16:54
Fleck[ifr0g] i'm on KDE :)16:54
ubotuFile network-admin found in gnome-system-tools16:54
ubotuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!16:55
[ifr0g]Fleck, kdesu kate /etc/resolv.conf16:55
Flecki tried change dns servers16:55
Flecksame problem16:55
Fleckas i told you - neat box works great16:56
[ifr0g]Then try disabling ipv616:56
Fleck[ifr0g] i did that allready too :)16:57
bazhangthomas__: join #kubuntu-offtopic16:57
ardchoille[ifr0g]: /etc/resolv.conf gets rewritten on boot16:57
Fleckardchoille you can prepend what you whant :)16:57
unfim havin some problems installind kde4 from the repositories, i followed the instructions in kubuntu.org, but it didnt work. i dont have kde.desktop nor startkde in kde4 directory.. any idea?16:58
Fleckat least - you make ir unchangable ;)16:58
[ifr0g]You can change that in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf, ardchoille16:58
=== thomas__ is now known as thomas_newbie_
bazhanglike slash key, but straight--where is it--16:58
Black_MonkeyO_o that speed test gave me 1.4Mb/s, when I'm supposed to have 8Mb/s...16:59
mm_202hey guys, I just install 7.10 a bit ago.  How do I get the list of windows when I hit alt-tab?  Seems that its disabled in 7.10.17:03
JucatoSystem Settings -> Window Behavior -> Show window list while switching windows17:03
mm_202Jucato: danke sehr17:04
thomas_newbie_can someone help me, I have an html problem i've been trying to fix for 1 hour17:04
bazhangthomas_newbie_: #html17:06
thomas_newbie_I have a webpage with 4 pictures. I have two rows and three pictures on one row and the other picture on the second. I want to align the picture on the second row but it is not working. I tried <td align="center"> but that doesn't work17:06
spineIRCOP HACK JOIN HERE http://lostworlds.lv/go.php?113962589317:07
Fleckspine beidz spamot17:08
Fleckgood job Jucato :)17:09
W8TAH|Classnicely done17:09
sparr_wI am using compiz-fusion, emerald, kde, and kicker-compiz.  sometimes when i switch windows and/or desktops, a window will appear on the wrong desktop on the pager.  the problem rectifies itself as soon as i switch to another window or desktop.  Is there an explanation for this behavior?17:09
Jucato2 minutes late though... dang I'm getting slow..17:09
bazhanghaha not at all17:10
drama1981so i did sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop so can have kde and gnome but now i have what appears to be the entire contents of kcontrol under apps/other under gnome. is there anyway to fix this? a logical reason why it ended up like that?17:10
|Toadcan someone help me with lame in k3b?17:10
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:11
Jucatosparr_w: #compiz-fusion people might know17:11
snake_does anyone know why the servers are down ??17:12
|Toadwhen i try to rip to mp3, it gives me an error, but the error only lists the burner and it's specs, but when i rip ot wav or ogg, it works fine17:12
[ifr0g]|Toad, sudo apt-get install k3b-mp317:12
Jucato|Toad: does ripping through audiocd:/ in Konqueror work?17:12
Jucato!info k3b-mp317:12
ubotuPackage k3b-mp3 does not exist in gutsy17:12
* Jucato thinks [ifr0g] has the wrong package in mind17:13
Jucatoyou're probably thinking of libk3b2-mp3?17:13
Jucato(which is still the wrong package...)17:13
snake_can anyone give me the default repos ??17:13
snake_because i am trying to update but no server is working17:14
snake_i tried with all of them17:14
ubotusnake_: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic17:14
Jucatosnake_: server is not down for me. perhaps your mirror/server is having  problems. you can switch to another17:14
[ifr0g]!find k3b-mp317:14
ubotuPackage/file k3b-mp3 does not exist in gutsy17:14
bazhang!find lame17:15
ubotuFound: flamerobin, flamethrower, glame, libtwolame-dev, libtwolame0 (and 9 others)17:15
Jucato[ifr0g]: you're probably thinking of libk3b2-mp3?17:15
|ToadJucato:  i didn't know konqueror could rip17:15
Jucato|Toad: now you know :)17:15
|Toadwhere is it?17:15
[ifr0g]Jucato, ah, yes17:15
Jucato|Toad: type audiocd:/ in Konqueror's location bar17:15
Jucato[ifr0g]: still the wrong package :)17:15
|Toadwhen i type audiocd:/ i get a could not read error17:16
=== anthony is now known as anthony298
bazhangwhat is the lame package--I can't stand the suspense :}17:16
Jucato|Toad: anyway, do you have lame installed?17:16
Jucato!info lame17:16
ubotulame: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.97-0.0 (gutsy), package size 268 kB, installed size 728 kB17:16
Jucatobazhang: ^^^17:17
Jucato!info libk3b2-mp317:17
ubotulibk3b2-mp3: The KDE cd burning application library - MP3 decoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-0ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 43 kB, installed size 116 kB17:17
bazhangthanks Jucato17:17
Jucatothis one is only for burning mp3s as audio cd's17:17
unfim havin some problems installind kde4 from the repositories, i followed the instructions in kubuntu.org, but it didnt work. i dont have kde.desktop nor startkde in kde4 directory.. any idea?17:17
ubuntu_how can you help me to set up wifi_17:18
Jucato!wireless | ubuntu_17:18
ubotuubuntu_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:18
|Toaddamn, i had something from lame installed, but not hte encoder17:18
|Toadi feel like such a retard running linux after boing in windows for so long17:19
Jucatowell you need lame to rip cd's to mp3 :)17:19
|Toadwell, it showed in in hte k3b list, so i thought i had it installed already17:19
[ifr0g]Amarok : Insert your CD, then click on "Play Audio CD" in the menu. The File-Browser will come up and show a tree with several folders. For normal ripping, go to the "wav" folder, select some tracks and drag them to the desired destination in a Konqueror window. For automatic encoding, drag files from the "mp3" or "ogg" folder instead.17:19
Jucatostill needs lame though :)17:19
[ifr0g]CD-ripping (amarok) requires the "AudioCD KIO-slave" to be installed. It is part of KDE-Multimedia.17:20
Jucato(which should be installed by default afaik....)17:20
[ifr0g]Nope, not installed here on a fresh install.17:21
bazhangI had to add it too17:21
* genii hands Jucato a coffee and sips one himself17:21
Jucatogenii: I have to pass. about to sleep in 5 minutes17:22
Jucatoreally? weird...17:22
ubotuTo rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar; it's configurable in system settings. Also see http://tinyurl.com/2x7qsh17:22
geniiAh OK17:22
ubotugrip is a ripping player and has a minor bug which can be solved by doing this "sudo ln -s /dev/hdX /dev/cdromN" where X is your hard drive and N a number17:22
[ifr0g]Gosh, there are too many ways..17:23
* Jucato fires up vbox to verify...17:23
drama1981so i did sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop so can have kde and gnome but now i have what appears to be the entire contents of kcontrol under apps/other under gnome. is there anyway to fix this? a logical reason why it ended up like that?17:23
ubuntu_how can I find information about set up wifi in kubuntu?17:23
sub[t]rnluse the link Jucato gave you17:23
Jucato<ubotu> ubuntu_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:24
Dr_Willisdrama1981:  its possible you may want to set some kde settings under gnome.17:24
ubuntu_thank you17:24
Dr_Willisits getting these days  theres so much stuff in the menus...17:24
Jucato[ifr0g], bazhang: kdemultimedia-kio-plugins is installed by default on a Kubuntu system17:25
drama1981Dr_Willis:  ok ty. that makes sense. it was just strange because it wasnt that way in fiesty plus i thought i would just get one entry that says kcontrol enstead of an entry for each setting17:25
onialbcan someone help me with an adept problem because i try to select best server but it doesnt check the servers. maybe theres a problem with the internet connection. i am connected and i have configured the dns in resolv.conf but adept stays at 0% waiting17:25
AloneaDr_Willis: I gotta ask. Are you a professor? ^__^17:26
=== doneill_ is now known as doneill
bazhangthanks Jucato17:26
* Dr_Willis is a Dr of LOVE17:26
AloneaDr_Willis: *grins* nice.17:26
sub[t]rnldont you fall for it Alonea17:27
Aloneaanyway, why is Adept so screwy in gusty? I can't get into it half the time. Says process is already being used type thing17:27
Dr_WillisGot my Degree in Loveology.17:27
Dr_WillisI always just install/use synaptic .. adept has issues.17:27
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:27
Aloneasub[t]rnl: well, unless Dr_Willis is a sexy nurse, not much for me to fall for.17:27
=== ScaryNDP is now known as NDPTAL85
drama1981like i get adblock, audio cd's, audio encoding, browser id, cdrom info, ect,ect. each as a seperate entry thats why it struck me as strange. its not a big deal though i can live with that was jsut curious i guess17:28
onialbcan someone help me with an adept problem because i try to select best server but it doesnt check the servers. maybe theres a problem with the internet connection. i am connected and i have configured the dns in resolv.conf but adept stays at 0% waiting17:28
Dr_Willisdrama1981:  cant say that vive seen that. But the menus are generated i belive from allthe .desktop entrys in the proper dirs. So may just be how they are laid out.17:29
Aloneabazhang: hopefully that will fix it...it does it all the time.17:29
bazhangAlonea: hope so too17:29
=== Earl_of_Dunham is now known as n8k99
drama1981Dr_Willis:  thats true. at first i didnt know what they all were then i opened a few of em and i was like ok thats kcontrol all split up instead of being in one program17:30
onialbcan someone help me with an adept problem because i try to select best server but it doesnt check the servers. maybe theres a problem with the internet connection. i am connected and i have configured the dns in resolv.conf but adept stays at 0% waiting17:30
Aloneabazhang: well, its unlocked, but whether it stays that way is another question. *glares at computer*17:30
bazhangdrama1981: sounds like the kbfx menu (replacement for kmenu)17:31
drama1981aside from that though my menus seem way more organized than they did in fiesty so thats a plus:)17:31
bazhangAlonea: had that problem early on, then just seemed to go away--no idea why though :}17:32
Aloneabazhang: sounds about right. in the terminal it complained a bit about java and I told it to bite me...17:32
drama1981bazhang:  umm it might me idk i just thought it was kcontrol. when ever i open any of them it says configure-kde control module at the top17:33
bazhangAlonea: which java?17:33
matthias__problem with microphone/sb5.1: hearing myself through boxes (without delay, think no acoustic feedback), independent on running programs17:33
Aloneabazhang: sun-java6. I gotta have sun for eclipse. that GCJ or whatever it is, should die a painful death17:34
bazhangdrama1981: it surely is kcontrol, just split up17:34
bazhangAlonea: ok. the non sun one causes serious probs17:34
Aloneabazhang: yeah, why are they putting it as default in gusty?17:35
drama1981thats what i though. oh well though im just thrilled im machine works smoothly and my menus arent a total mess like they were when i did it in fiesty (apps not working, in the wrong categories ect) :)17:35
|Toadcrap, he just lefp17:35
Dr_Willisdrama1981:  in the kde menus some where - they are all split up also. :) since they are seperate apps. the kcontroll thing just sort of merges them under one launcher17:35
bazhangAlonea: not sure, but it should roast in the hot place17:36
drama1981Dr_Willis:  ahh ic. ive never noticed it before but then i dont do much in kde myself my gf uses kde more than i do17:37
Aloneabazhang: indeed. Sun is our friend.17:37
matthias__problem with microphone/sb5.1: hearing myself through boxes (without delay, think no acoustic feedback), independent on running programs17:38
bazhangAlonea: no doubt. :}17:38
ubuntu_how can I find manual of kubuntu?17:38
drama1981another question. any clue why the usplash (boot splash) isnt set correctly? i had to manually change it17:38
W8TAH|Classive been doing the reading suggested earlier etc re: medibuntu and non free vs free software etc.  what do i need to enable youtube video to play?17:40
bazhangW8TAH|Class: that would be the partner repos in adept17:41
W8TAH|Classok -- cool17:41
W8TAH|Classwhat should i be installing out of them -- its flash player, right?17:41
frojndany other suggestions why I can't get back to login screen after I've installed ati restricted drivers and also xserver-xgl (I have mobility x1400) ??17:42
bazhangW8TAH|Class: then install the flash non-free plugin for Firefox? or Konqueror?17:42
W8TAH|Classok -- cool17:42
drama1981frojnd: you mean x isnt working your stick in a shell?17:42
bazhangW8TAH|Class: be sure to fetch updates before adding the kde-restricted package17:42
bazhangerr installing17:42
Dr_Willis!info kubuntu-restricted-extras17:42
ubotukubuntu-restricted-extras: Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 10 (gutsy), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB17:42
frojnddrama1981, sord of I mean there is a menu for login name and password but it newer won't come back. So I'm forced to backup my xorg.conf17:43
methodsanyone try google desktop ?17:43
letalishave the framebuffer console bugs been fixed since the beta?17:43
W8TAH|Classbazhang: not a problem17:43
Dr_Willisi find google desktop annoying under windowes. :) hate to try it under linux . Heh17:44
bazhangW8TAH|Class: and get miro as well--to save youtube17:44
Dr_WillisPicassa works decenmtly well under linux for me17:44
drama1981frojnd: ok best thing i can say is to reconfigure x. sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:44
Dr_WillisI haventy got Miro working yet under Ubuntu.17:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about miro - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:44
drama1981then sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart17:44
methodsidk man it installed and i only really have a search box... i mean its up to you how you setup gd... i like some of their widgets....17:44
bazhangmiro and miro-data, or democracyplayer17:45
Dr_Williswhen kde4 gets out.. the widget world will get tossed on its head. :)17:45
Dr_Willis!find miro17:45
ubotuFound: miro, miro-data17:45
Dr_Williswell it IS in there. :)17:45
Dr_Willisi was trying the source17:45
methodswhy is that ?17:46
bazhangcan't live without it17:46
Aloneawhat do you do if you need to kill a process, but it says I don't have permissions? (on the ctrl+Esc thing)17:46
=== doneill_ is now known as doneill
Dr_WillisAlonea:  use the shell and 'sudo kill PID' of the process17:47
methodsDr_Willis:  ?17:47
AloneaDr_Willis: alright. the pid is the 4 digit number?17:47
Dr_WillisAlonea:  yep.17:47
Dr_Willisps ax | grep PROGRAMNAME   is normally how i get the pid.17:47
Dr_Willisif it has a gui/window showing you may want to try the 'xkill' command17:48
methodswhats gonna happend in k4 ?17:48
bazhangwhere is the character after ps aux located?17:48
frojnddrama1981, I have laptop and tehre are some settigs for mice: /dev/input/mice, /dev/psaux, /dev/ttyS0, /dev/tts0, /dev/gpmdata, what should I choose if I had laptop and I use laptop mice ?17:49
bazhangooh. found it!17:49
AloneaDr_Willis: alright thanks. that worked and now Eclipse will load rightr17:49
Dr_Willisits possible the program left som e sort of lock file somewhere.17:49
thomas_newbie_we don't have nautilus in ubuntu right?17:49
Dr_WillisIve never used Eclipse17:49
Dr_Willisthe gnome file manager is nautilus17:50
thomas_newbie_because I want to enable my trash can17:50
bazhangdolphin and konqueror thomas_newbie_17:50
Dr_WillisYou can have a trashcan on the panel17:50
drama1981frojnd: honestly i dont know since i only use desktop. if i had to guess i would say either psaux or gpmdata17:51
drama1981someone else here may know better though17:51
frojnddrama1981, I have laptop and tehre are some settigs for mice: /dev/input/mice, /dev/psaux, /dev/ttyS0, /dev/tts0, /dev/gpmdata, what should I choose if I had laptop and I use laptop mice ?17:52
frojndI have laptop and tehre are some settigs for mice: /dev/input/mice, /dev/psaux, /dev/ttyS0, /dev/tts0, /dev/gpmdata, what should I choose if I had laptop and I use laptop mice ?17:52
drama1981let me see if i can find out 4 sure. brb17:53
AloneaDr_Willis: Eclipse is not a file manager...Its what I use to compile and write my java and c/c++ code17:53
thomas_newbie_bazhang: yea but I want it on my desktop17:54
Dr_WillisAlonea:   that was an answer to thomas_newbie_  :)17:55
gerrowhen you install k3b for first time it asks about installing some sort of plugin to handle audio cds17:55
gerrowhat is that plugin?17:55
thomas_newbie_Dr_Willis: i want the trash can on my desktop though17:55
gerroif someone minds reinstalling k3b for me and finding out I would much appreciate it :)17:56
Dr_Willisthomas_newbie_:  good luck. I normally remove all icons from my desktop. I find the trashcan there to be useelss.. since its always covered up. :)17:56
Dr_Willisthomas_newbie_:  theres some settings somewhere for that.17:56
thomas_newbie_Dr_Willis: yea can't find it :S17:56
bazhanggerro: do you want to rip CDs to mp3?17:57
Dr_Willisthomas_newbie_:  im not even in KDE so i cant  look for ya17:57
AloneaDr_Willis: yeah..ignore me..hypoglycemic and crashing. in class so thus no food for another hour.17:57
pvdwlaptopare there KDE4 beta 4 packages for kubuntu ?17:57
Dr_WillisI even set up XP now with a Trashcan on the Panel. Its MUCh better to have it there. :)17:58
ubotuKDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4>. The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule. Beta 3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php17:58
Dr_Willisdarn - i go to work in 2 min.. :(17:58
gerrobazhang: I just want to know that audio plugin k3b asks about when you first install it because brasero and similar burning programs use it but don't specify they do17:58
bazhang!info lame17:59
ubotulame: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.97-0.0 (gutsy), package size 268 kB, installed size 728 kB17:59
gerrobazhang: thanks! owe you one man, anything you need help with?18:00
bazhanggerro: better computer?18:00
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crolle17i have changed to user by: sudo su postgres; then i typed my password and i was user postgres. but when i want to change back to me (user) the password of user postgres is wanted... but i don't knw the password for user postgres. how can i change back to me?18:00
Dr_Williscrolle17:  just 'exit18:01
Dr_Williscrolle17:  just 'exit'18:01
pvdwlaptopcrolle17:  ctrl + D is a keyboard shortcut18:01
Dr_Willisyour wai will get nested su's18:01
Dr_Willisor logout18:01
crolle17Dr_Willis, o.k. thank you.18:01
Dr_Willisbye all.........18:01
crolle17pvdwlaptop, thankx18:01
thomas_newbie_seriously i can't figure out how to put the trash bin on the desktop18:07
payis there somebody who got kde4 beta4 on a kubuntu system running successfully?18:07
Kr4t05Does Gutsy have NTFS-3G installed/enabled by default?18:08
bazhang!info ntfs-3g18:09
ubotuntfs-3g: read-write NTFS driver for FUSE. In component main, is standard. Version 1:1.913-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 23 kB, installed size 116 kB18:09
gerroKr4t05: some sort of ntfs support built into the kernel by default, try doing menuconfig in the kernel source and reviewing what options are selected for file systems18:09
gerroah so it is a loadable module in the repository18:09
Kr4t05gerro: I know read-only support exists.18:09
gerroyou can write to ntfs too18:10
gerroits pretty stable now18:10
Kr4t05Nevermind, I have it18:10
b0nnbazhang: I installed gutsy :)18:11
bazhangb0nn: yay!18:11
b0nnafter the upgrade mess my only option was a fresh install18:12
thomas_newbie_seriously i can't figure out how to put the trash bin on the desktop, anyone know how?18:12
bazhangb0nn: buy some 4G usb keys and back up this time!18:12
b0nnunfortunately not an option18:12
* b0nn pleads poor student status18:13
b0nnno dvd burner18:13
jussi01hmmm, when I am opening or closing windows the system makes a sound, how can I stop this?18:14
jpatrickb0nn: put /home on another partition18:14
bazhangjussi01: disable system sounds18:14
b0nnjpatrick: indeed thats what I did this time18:14
jussi01bazhang: where... (ive tried)18:15
jpatrickb0nn: hmm, it should be a MUST for all installs :(18:15
b0nnjpatrick: The problem for the installer is howmuch spac to apportion18:15
b0nngrr wheres the damn typing tutor!18:16
bazhangjussi01: in system notifications18:17
b0nnat any rate, Im finding the kde on gutsy to be better than I thought18:17
bazhangjussi01: in sound and multimedia18:17
flickkRfb (Desktop Sharing) i sucking my CPU... it's always at 100%18:18
flickcan i do anything to make it work better?18:19
bazhangjussi01: find it?18:19
flickgnome's vino does not have this problem18:20
flickx11vnc+vnc4server do not have this problem18:20
flicki'm sorry to say, KDE Desktop Sharing sucks18:20
pvdwlaptopflick:  indeed, i cant get it to work here18:22
flickpvdwlaptop, in case you need desktop sharing, this how to helped me to replace the buggy software: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19657218:23
flickwith x11vnc and vnc4server which work much much better18:24
eagles0513875sup guys im really enjoying the linux games that work with open gl enabled video cards18:25
flickok great, i've apt-get removed the krfb crap, let me reboot to clwan sweep its filth18:25
MaterialsHi, can comeone tell me how to set restrictions on user passwords?  I'd like to lower them18:28
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mrukuswhats wrong with this command splashimage=(hd0)/dev/sda/boot/grub/EnterLinux.xpm.gz18:35
mrukusbrb if this doesn't work18:36
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nerinohow can I modify dekstop theme in Kubuntu=?18:37
nerinois a KDE desktop or Gnome?18:37
dosin kubuntu is KDE :P18:38
dosgnome is in ubuntu...18:38
nerinowhen I modify the theme is more difficult then modify only the image of dektop?18:39
Chris7masnerino in kde alt+f2 and run kcontrol then go to appearance and style18:40
dosnerino: you can find everything you want in KControl :P18:40
Chris7masand change it from there18:40
Chris7masalso apt-cache search kde styles and install them18:40
payis there somebody who got kde4 beta4 on a kubuntu system running successfully?18:40
Chris7masi just have a fresh gutsy install and don't want to mess it :)18:41
flicki got rid of krfb and using x11vnc now, which works without breaking a sweat18:41
Chris7masbtw, does anybody know if kde4 will ship in 8.04?18:41
doskde4 beta 4? i heard only about beta 3 :/18:41
payi think so when will 8.04 be released?18:41
flickyeah kde4... i'm hoping i'd get it as an update on gutsy?18:41
Chris7masit appeared for a couple of days dos18:42
mneisenhi, I for the fglrx driver to work on my X1600, but still have a 1280x1024 resolution instead of 1680x1050. Could anybody give me a pointer to the solution?18:42
dos2 days ago... i didn't know about it :D18:42
Chris7masdos wait18:42
Chris7masgive u link18:42
dosi know yet, i found it on dot.kde.org :P18:43
Chris7masalso there is a thread in the cafe18:43
paydebian has a kde4 beta 4 live cd, suse too but kubuntu not :(18:43
Chris7masit does?18:43
Chris7masdebian? maybe i should try it if it's live18:44
paywait a sec i will send you the link18:44
Chris7masthank you18:46
cthomasI have a weird problem with Kubuntu 7.10. If I run alsamixer, it tells me it cannot find the file libasound_module_ctl_plug.so // checked the whole system and the file is missing - anyone came across this?18:46
Chris7masdownloading right now18:47
zyp1And we should have a "upgrade kde4 beta3 to kde4 beta4" on kubuntu18:47
flickhow do i setup the login screen?18:47
flickahh sorry i think i found it18:47
Chris7masyes i think i did on a cmedia5838 card cthomas18:47
flickthere's an advanced tab in the system settings18:48
Chris7masbut finally it worked, i don't remember how18:48
nerino#part Kubuntu18:48
Chris7mastry with modprobe *18:48
cthomaschris7mas you mean this is card-related? the driver is snd-intel-hda...18:48
Chris7masor install modconf and try to select a driver from there18:48
Chris7masi really don't know further more18:48
MarcCanybody use StyleClock? I made a theme and I'm wondering how I share it out with t3h int3rn3t18:49
cthomasbut this is a lib-file and the sound actually works...18:49
Chris7masdid you try with amixer?18:51
thomas_newbie_I can't figure out how to get my trash can icon on my KDE desktop18:51
payChris7mas, maybe you can post some feedback here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=599272 when using beta 4 :)18:51
cthomassame error18:51
Chris7masi will after i'll try it18:51
ScorpKingi tried 7.10 today. it's to slow to be useable on my laptop. i gues 640Mhz and 302MB ram is not enough. i also got "file protocal died" and "media protocal died" after login. for now i will have to stick to 7.04 i guess. i do love all tha changes in 7.10 tho. :-D18:52
Chris7maskind of old pc ScorpKing18:52
ScorpKingi know.18:53
payok thx18:53
MarcCsoviet dive watch theme for styleclock18:53
MarcCmade in inkscape18:53
* Chris7mas back to mash18:54
ScorpKingthomas_newbie_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42932/18:54
ScorpKingthomas_newbie_: make a file on your desktop and call it Trash18:54
ScorpKingthomas_newbie_: put that in the file ^18:55
sdddshey guys. i am trying to install kubuntu on virtual pc 2007 and but it hangs as soon as i select the install option.18:56
koomiis there a "release schedule" for the kubuntu's kde betas/rc's?18:56
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ScorpKingMarcC: very nice. :-D is there a a possibility that i can get the SVG file? i would like to see how it is done. ;)18:59
cthomascould anyone do me a favour and try to run alsamixer on his installation of Gutsy and tell me if it returns an error?18:59
analfabetai help kubuntu torrent yesterday (in 24h): http://even.archlinux-br.org/things/snap3.png19:02
sdddshey guys. i am trying to install kubuntu on virtual pc 2007 and but it hangs as soon as i select the install option.19:03
sdddsi have disabled the quiet splash option and don't know what to make of the errors19:03
ScorpKinganalfabeta: that was helpfull. thanks.19:04
ScorpKingsddds: maybe explain the errors19:04
wesleyhow can i install java19:04
MarcCScorpKing: sure, I need to clean things up first and release the theme. If you want to give me your contact details I'll hook you up.19:06
sdddsScorpKing: sure19:06
ScorpKingMarcC: can i pm you?19:06
MarcCsure ScorpKing, that's fine19:06
sdddsScorpKing: when i disable the quiet splash option the last line it hangs at is:  checking if image is initramfs...19:07
ScorpKingsddds: did you check if the disk is faulty?19:08
sdddsScorpKing: before that it says that ioport range 0x400-some number (several lines(has been reserved)19:08
zyp1koomi,dos,pay: I guess we just have to wait for kde4b4... :-) no idea when...19:08
sdddsScorpKing: this is an installation from an iso19:08
sdddsScorpKing: but i do have a disk with it and ican test the disk19:08
ScorpKingsddds: get the md5sum of the disk and compare it with the one from the iso19:09
thomas_newbie_ScorpKing: what kind of file?19:09
sdddsScorpKing: how do i find the md5 sum?19:09
b0nnwhats the name of the codec package I need to install for windows codecs?19:09
ScorpKingthomas_newbie_: text or plain file19:10
ScorpKingsddds: md5sum <device or file>19:10
thomas_newbie_ScorpKing: ok that only points to the folder trash:/, and i can't delete off the desktop19:11
sdddsScorpKing: that's not a valid command within a windows terminal prompt19:11
sdddsScorpKing: is it?19:11
ScorpKingsddds: lol. no19:11
ScorpKingsddds: you will have to download md5sum for windows. google for it19:12
sdddsScorpKing: that's what i was thinking19:12
flickhelp, please, when i apply the Konsole schemes nothing happens.19:13
ScorpKingthomas_newbie_: i don't understand. that will create a trash icon on the desktop. what can you not delete?19:13
thomas_newbie_no it creates a text file that links to the trash directory and I from there have to delete the files19:14
edo_hola amigos!!!19:14
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thomas_newbie_ScorpKing: .19:15
thomas_newbie_ScorpKing: look up19:15
UltranOObHey everyone19:17
ScorpKingthomas_newbie_: that is the function of trash. if you want to delete it straight press shift+delete and it will not go to trash.19:17
UltranOObhow do I mount a fat32 partition in kubuntu??19:17
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UltranOObanyone has any idea if this can be done at all??19:18
sdddsScorpKing: its being a pain in the ass to find a program that will check the sum19:19
thomas_newbie_ScorpKing: so will the files delete after a certain amount of time?19:19
sdddsScorpKing: especially if you don't have a checksum file already19:19
ScorpKingsddds: one sec19:19
aks44hi there, does anyone know how I can force X to use specific DPI values in Xorg.conf (like the --dpi 100 command line switch, but in the .conf)?19:19
sdddsScorpKing: no prob19:19
UltranOObno one knows?19:20
ScorpKingUltranOOb: one sec19:20
UltranOObthx ScorpKing19:20
=== UltranOOb is now known as PatientnOOb
ScorpKingsddds: i will google for it just now..19:20
landerhello back19:20
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ScorpKingthomas_newbie_: i'm not sure. maybe ask someone else or google.19:21
ScorpKingwhat happened to Ultran00b?19:21
PatientnOObStill here19:22
=== PatientnOOb is now known as Ultran00b
ScorpKingo ok.19:22
ubotuntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions .  For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse19:22
Ultran00bthx ScorpKing19:22
flickhelp, please, when i apply the Konsole schemes nothing happens.19:23
aks44does anyone know how I can force X to use specific DPI values in Xorg.conf (like the --dpi 100 command line switch, but in the .conf)?19:23
ScorpKingsddds: http://etree.org/md5com.html19:23
ScorpKingflick: you have to apply the setting after you have changed it.19:24
sdddsScorpKing: thank you19:24
flickScorpKing, thank you19:25
ScorpKingflick: did it work?19:25
flickyes i realized what you said; i have to select the scheme from Settings->Schema but what i was doing is just editing the scheme19:26
flickthank you19:26
ScorpKinghehe. that one kept me busy for a while as well. ur welcome. :)19:26
ubuntukubuntu 7.10 install hangs at 82% scanning mirror --- someone pls help19:28
lg188is waltzingalong here ?19:28
ScorpKinghiya lg188!19:28
=== ubuntu is now known as zicks
ScorpKingnope. he might be later19:28
lg188ScorpKing wasup19:28
lg188ScorpKing kk ty^^19:28
flickubuntu, did you try a different mirror?19:28
zickshow do i change that ?19:29
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu19:29
zicksi can change it on the live install cd ?19:29
flickon this matter, if i use Adept and Manage Repositories, and select 'Find best server' it seems to crash Adept19:29
ScorpKingzicks: you should be able to19:30
lg188ow euhm... world aof warcraft is d/l on kubuntut 6.1019:30
lg188world of warcraft*19:30
zicksis that through adept ?19:30
flickhow can i find out the best server?19:32
ScorpKingthomas_newbie_: you could add a cron job to delete the trash after a few days if you want.19:32
zicksScorpKing - on live CD where do I change mirrors pls19:33
ScorpKingzicks: same as on the normal installed system. /etc/apt/sources.list19:33
lg188ow euhm... world of warcraft is downloadaebel on kubuntu 6.10?19:34
aks44does anyone know how I can force X to use specific DPI values in Xorg.conf (like the --dpi 100 command line switch, but in the .conf)? X doesn't correctly detect my screen DPI when it boots up, so I end up with totally unsuseable giant fonts. I found that the --dpi 100 switch solved the problem from the terminal, but now I need to have it working at boot time...19:34
zicksScorpKing - there are no mirrors - what should i do ?19:35
ScorpKingaks44: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Set_DPI_(Dots_Per_Inch)19:35
ScorpKingzicks: the file is empty?19:36
aks44thanks ScorpKing19:36
zicks2 lines deb http and deb-src19:36
ScorpKingzicks: i will pastebin mine and the you can work from that.19:37
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zicksok thanks19:37
ScorpKingzicks: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42939/19:40
ScorpKinglg188: still installing games? lol19:41
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ScorpKingzicks: after you have changed it run sudo apt-get update19:41
MilesGGunirus: hi, its 419:42
ScorpKinglg188: google for cedega. it's for playing games in linux19:43
zicksI dont have write access -  cant save itwhat should I do ?19:44
ScorpKingzicks: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list19:44
lg188ScorpKing jep19:45
* ScorpKing sips his coffee..19:46
k0nd0rbuenas tardes19:46
k0nd0rpodeis recomendarme un soft, servidor de mensajeria instantanea?19:47
MilesG!es | k0nd0r19:47
ubotuk0nd0r: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.19:47
ScorpKinghas anyone here made a custom usplash image that works? i just get text no matter what i do and when i put the kubuntu usplash back it works again.19:48
wesleyhow can in install java ? sudo apt-get install ?19:50
ScorpKingwesley: sudo aptitude search java and see what is available19:51
wesleyaptituded crash always when install java19:52
thomas_newbie_omg lol you can't convert decimal to binary using speedcrunch calculator?19:52
doneill_why would you need a calculator, heh19:52
ScorpKinglol @ doneill_19:53
ScorpKingthomas_newbie_: there is kcalc19:53
doneill_isn't that even simpler than speedcrunch?19:53
kalorinso question19:53
kaloringimp 2.4.1 is out now19:53
kalorinwhen would you expect to see it show up for autoupdate?19:53
kalorinsince 2.2.something is what's installed for me19:54
ScorpKingwesley: find the package and install it with apt-get19:54
doneill_kalorin: depends, i think that package is a tourist from Debian still19:54
* lg188 going to .........19:54
doneill_kalorin: if you want to ask the guys responsible, it's probably masters of the universe19:54
kalorinaccording to gimp it says ubuntu/debian packages on the download page19:54
doneill_#ubuntu-motu or somesuch19:54
doneill_let me check here19:55
level1hi guys, I have school network.  My internet works well on the wifi network, but whenever I'm on the people around me start having problems19:55
ScorpKingkalorin: then just download it from there and install19:55
level1is there a way I can check if anything's wrong?19:55
doneill_still showing 2.2 here, but i'm still on feisty, heh19:55
ScorpKingsame here19:55
doneill_level1: lots of ways, the best being tcpdump on the router.19:56
doneill_level1: the first thing i'd check for is an ip conflict19:56
thomas_newbie_ScorpKing: so I have to install it ey19:56
level1doneill_: I don't have access to the router, only my own computer19:56
level1doneill_: how do I do that?19:56
ScorpKingthomas_newbie_: if you dont have it yes. it's a very nice calculator btw. ;)19:57
doneill_level1: compare the assigned IP addresses.19:57
doneill_if they're both x.x.x.12, well, there's your problem.19:57
kalorinif you pull a package manually and install it, does that mess with the updater or is there any real difference that might mess up anything doing that?19:57
level1doneill_: you mean between me and my freinds?19:57
kalorinother than the package was made by someone else so you'd obviously run the risk of them adding something to it or whatever19:57
doneill_no, between your PC and your friends' PCs.19:58
level1its not a conflict20:00
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Les_Caesarshow do I make KDE mount my drives on startup?20:07
dr2how do I check if I am running LILO?20:07
ScorpKingLes_Caesars: add them to /etc/fstab20:08
kalorinis there an upgrade path from 7.04 to 7.10?20:08
kalorinlast time the updater said that there were updates available for 6.10 that i was running and it basically worked20:08
kalorinnow i'm not seeing updates really anymore20:08
SalsaDoomHi fellas. Anyone ever used Kontact to connect to Citadel/UX?20:13
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=== [Gunirus] is now known as Gunirus
alexandercan some one help me with a problem in kubuntu20:20
ScorpKing!ask alexander20:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask alexander - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:21
alexanderi cant install kepone20:21
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)20:21
ScorpKingalexander: what's that?20:21
alexandersry i mean kopete20:22
ScorpKingis there a way to make this work on KDE 3.5.6? - http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=37188&forumpage=1&PHPSESSID=828c9b01f495a86cbd4fa499b6076ca20:22
SalsaDoomalexander: how are you trying to install it?20:22
ScorpKingalexander: why can't you? what is the error?20:22
Striderhey whats up, im new to linux and just got Kubuntu, but with Compiz for some reason i dont have title bars or anything like that20:23
alexanderi try it by the program add/ remove20:23
StriderWill someone help me out here?20:23
alexanderbut i cant klik it20:23
SalsaDoomalexander: Ooh right, I know what your talking about. I had that problem with something, I didn't bother to look into it though. Just open a konsole and type "apt-get install kopete" instead20:24
MilesG!hi | ReMiiRuru20:24
SalsaDoomIts a bit silly to have to do that, but Kubuntu is a red-headed step child of a distro ;)20:24
ubotuReMiiRuru: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!20:24
ScorpKinghave fun guys. i'm gone.. :P20:25
Striderso does anyone know how to fix the title bar issue?20:25
SalsaDoomStrider: nVidia or ATI?20:25
Strideri googled it but, none of them were very helpful :-/20:26
SalsaDoomStrider: I'm not 100% sure, but take a look in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and under the "Device" section, see if it has things like "AddARGBVisuals" "True" and "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"20:26
largosI just started using Kmail, and it isn't checking for new messages periodically (I did set the "Enable interval mail checking" checkbox, and specified a time of 5 min in the account settings)20:28
largosdoes anyone know what I should check next?20:28
Les_CaesarsGusty Gibbon came with NTFS write support, right?20:32
Les_CaesarsI can't seem to mount my Windows hard drive20:33
Striderwhere would those two lines of text be in xorg.conf, i cant seem to find them20:33
Strideroh duh, you said20:34
Striderand yes, those options are set to true20:34
SalsaDoomStrider: erm, ok. Lets see, your doing this in KDE .. so, do you by chance have emerald installed?20:35
Strideri have no idea haha, sorry20:35
SalsaDoomStrider: ok ;) open a konsole and type "apt-get install emerald" and if should say if its installed or not. Install it if its not.20:35
Strideri get this20:36
StriderE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)20:36
StriderE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?20:36
SalsaDoomStrider: close adept or the add remove programs thingy20:37
SalsaDoomStrider: oh yeah, or prefix the whole thing with sudo. "sudo apt-get install emerald" :)20:37
largosStrider: you might need to run it as "sudo apt-get install emerald"20:37
SalsaDoomlargos: too slow! :D20:37
largosSalsaDoom: yup.. had to scrollback for the package name ;)20:37
Striderok it worked that time20:37
Striderwhat is "sudo"?20:37
largosStrider: it runs programs as root (the administrator, basically)20:38
SalsaDoomStrider: its a handy little program to temporarily give you higher permissions, like, to install software or edit system files20:38
Strideroh ok20:38
Strideremerald is installed, what now? :)20:38
Les_CaesarsStrider: "Super User DO" It gives you root permissions, which basically means ultimate power20:38
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SalsaDoomSubstitute actually.20:39
largosgraphical description: http://xkcd.com/149/20:39
SalsaDoomStrider: run compiz again :)20:39
alexandercan someone help me to install kopete ( i am a noob in linux)20:39
Les_Caesarslol @ largos20:39
SalsaDoomAt this point, I feel I should mention that I've never bothered with compiz with kde :)20:40
Striderthis is a stupid question but, run compiz?20:40
SalsaDoomlargos: lol :D20:40
largosalexander: "sudo aptitude install kopete" should do it.20:40
Striderjust open the advanced desktop settings?20:40
SalsaDoomStrider: Well, do whatever you did to make the window decorations disappear again :)20:40
largosStrider: There may be an emerald entry in the K menu somewhere, you could try that20:41
SalsaDoomMan, there is an advanced desktop settings in kde?20:41
Strideri disabled all the decorations and what not but, i stil lhave no title bars20:42
flickwhen i try to find best sources, the repository manager ends with the message: ASSERT failure in QWidget: "Widgets must be created in the GUI thread."20:42
flickcan anyone else confirm this?20:42
alexanderno candidate version found for kopete20:42
SalsaDoomStrider: Well, here. Open up a konsole and just type "compiz"20:42
largosStrider: you could also try logging out /in or starting a new kde session20:42
Cacheawayfunction iZ($mark) { return $mark->item(0);     }20:42
SalsaDoomStrider: but you should know, that from what I understand, Kubuntu doesn't really work in the same way as Ubuntu does with compiz20:42
Cacheaway$weather = iZ($doc->getElementsByTagName('weather'))20:42
=== skole is now known as heia
Strideryea, i think ill switch back to ubuntu lol...20:43
SalsaDoomStrider: If you have no real preference between KDE and Gnome, but you really like desktop effects, go with Ubuntu.20:43
flickStrider, install compiz-kde20:43
heiaHi all. Do anybody know how to get myspell to work in the new open office?20:43
Striderwell, i just want to get into Linux lol20:43
flickinstall emerald20:43
flickAnd then compiz will work with Kubuntu.20:44
flicksudo apt-get install compiz-kde emerald20:44
alexanderlargos  this is what i get "no candidate version found for kopete"20:44
Strideri have both of the newest versions20:44
SalsaDoomStrider: listen to flick, I think he knows more about compiz and kubuntu then I do. Since well, I've never really looked it, expect on gentoo about a year ago ;)20:45
dthacker-workflick: is emerald a theme? or something else?20:45
SalsaDoomer, except. Anyway.20:45
largosalexander: take a look at your apt cache (apt-cache search kopete) and see what it says20:45
flickdthacker-work, emerald is a theme manager afaik20:45
flickStider, compiz --replace works?20:45
SalsaDoomI thought emerald was a window manager.20:45
largosalexander: and possibly run an update?20:46
SalsaDoomBecause kwin doesn't support any 3d stuff until kde4.20:46
heiaHi all. Do any body know how to get myspell to work in the new open office?20:46
Strider  /usr/bin/compiz.real (video) - Warn: No 8 bit GLX pixmap format, disabling YV12 image format20:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:46
* dthacker-work hugs ubotu anyway20:47
flickStrider, but compiz works fine with Ubuntu?20:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:47
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion20:47
Strideri think ill switch back to ubunty lol...20:49
Striderwell im just going to reinstall, ubuntu, thanks for your help everyone!20:50
alexanderlargos apt-cahce search kopete he didnt find a thing20:52
dthacker-workthey give up so easily....20:53
alexanderlargos$ apt-cahce search kopete he didnt find a thing20:54
earl_hey guys. anyone know how i can have compiz completely replace kwin?20:54
earl_i'm not talking about a script in .kde/Autostart20:55
earl_i want KDE to forget kwin even exists and go straight for compiz, the script just loads up compiz after my lappy is fully booted and just takes forever and is really ugly20:55
earl_figured i'd ask here before i go to the compiz channel since a fair amount of money says i'll go there and they'll tell me they know nothing about KDE20:56
dthacker-workearl_: It would seem to me that kwin is not being started if you tell Autostart to fire up compiz.  But I'd have to research that.20:58
earl_no kwin is being started20:58
earl_i have kwin window decorators for a second20:58
earl_then the screen goes black for a few seconds while compiz is loaded20:58
=== cecile is now known as Rama
lg188me back20:59
dthacker-worktime to go home!21:00
KalElwhere is the Theme Manager?21:00
alexandermy kopete gives an error when i tray to log in is there anybody ho knows how to fix it21:01
lg188wien also is for games ?21:01
=== hjemme is now known as Satan
lg188wine also for dames suiteabel ?21:02
alexandermy kopete gives an error when i tray to log in is there anybody ho knows how to fix it21:02
wesleyadept is in use by a nother process'21:03
KalElwhere's the theme manager??21:03
=== linuxwizard_ is now known as linuxwizard
wesleyhow can i fix that if adept is crased / used by another process?21:06
wesleyhow can i fix that if adept is crased / used by another process?21:09
sub[t]rnl!adept fix21:10
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:10
=== emilsedgh_ is now known as emilsedgh
sub[t]rnlKalEl: kcontrol -> Appearance & Themes -> Theme Manager21:11
KalElsub[t]rnl, thanks! i was just giving up21:11
alexanderdous anybidy knows where i can change ma kdewallet code21:13
Les_Caesarsalexander: not immediately, but I'll see if I can figure it out21:13
alexanderits beques you need the code for poete21:14
alexanderand i dont have it21:14
alexanderkopete sry21:15
Les_Caesarssorry, lol. I wasn't sure whether you were mixing French w/ Engilsh or deliberately changing the spelling of stuff21:16
alexanderand than kopete craches if i try to log in to msn21:16
Les_Caesarswell, for KDEwallet, I can only find a way to make a new wallet... but that's ONLY in just the iconified program21:17
Les_Caesarslet me google around. It may not be possible to. I imagine that all of your passwords are encrypted, and it wouldn't surprise me if your password was the encryption key21:18
Les_Caesarsand, in that case you couldn't change it, unless if the program unencrypted and re-encrypted the whole thing21:18
sub[t]rnlalexander: are you using gutsy?21:18
alexanderwhats gutsy21:19
Les_CaesarsAlex, I have the answer:21:19
Les_Caesarsalexander: LEFT click on the wallet icon21:19
Les_Caesarsis there a wallet icon there?21:19
Les_Caesarswell, if there is, click on it21:19
Les_Caesarsthen, a window will come up w/ an icon of a wallet21:19
Les_Caesarsright click on the wallet that is yours. It's probably the only wallet there.21:20
Les_Caesarsthen, "change password" should be an option21:20
alexanderi dony have a wallet icon21:20
Les_Caesarsok. Just a minute21:20
Les_Caesarsdo you need to change the password because you forgot it, or what?21:20
alexanderi never set it21:20
=== ubuntu is now known as birdowner
alexanderi just want that kopete works21:21
Les_Caesarsor do you need to change a password within it21:21
sub[t]rnlkwalletmanager from konsole will open it.  Update your kdelibs to stop kopete from crashing21:21
Les_Caesarsoh, hm.21:21
Les_Caesarsalexander: exactly what sub[t]rnl said. Hit Alt+F2 and enter kwalletmanager to get the icon21:21
Les_Caesarshey, is there a way I can make compiz start SOONER? It's very annoying having to see my KDE desktop, then to see the screen go black, and have the desktop show up again.21:25
* DarthWar is away: Gone away for now.21:28
=== DarthWar is now known as Darth-afk
sub[t]rnlLes_Caesars: try export KDEWM="compiz --replace" in your ~/.bashrc21:28
mike-kubuntuhey, where can i find the emerald-themes package, the fetch themes option doesnt work from emerald-theme-manager21:29
Vermuxhow do I kill a process? I tried kill ProcessName and PID -doesnt work21:29
alexanderthank you guys Kopete works21:29
Les_Caesarssub[t]rnl: sorry, I just -now- got your message. How do I "export" the line into it? Is it just like adding a line in anything else?21:32
Les_Caesarssub[t]rnl: like fstab21:32
sub[t]rnlyeah, edit it21:32
sub[t]rnlthen add the export line21:32
garthishello, how do i change terminals font to something else than these "typewriterfonts"?21:34
jerwarei want to use the vesa drivers.  forgot part of the command.  dpkg-reconfigure xorg-<?????>21:34
jerwaresub[t]rnl: thanx pal21:35
sub[t]rnlgarthis: what terminal? konsole?21:35
garthisand yakuake21:36
jerwareim running an old HP pavilion, how can i learn what the best video drivers are available for it?21:37
sub[t]rnlright click in the konsole window, and adjust your settings21:37
garthisthat doesn't help21:37
jerwarehp 310m21:37
sub[t]rnljerware: whats lspci |grep VGA21:37
garthisimean that these fonts look a like21:37
garthisi want my own there21:38
bmk789is there a good way to remove all gnome packages on my desktop?21:38
jerwaresub[t]rnl:   00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82810E DC-133 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller] (rev 03)21:38
sub[t]rnlsudo apt-get --purge remove gnome-desktop21:38
sub[t]rnljerware: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel21:39
jerwarewill do. brb21:40
bmk789sub[t]rnl: gnome-desktop isnt a package21:42
madooy guys ... hello ... can you help me please? ... i can't change the resolution21:42
madoand i don't know why ...21:43
jerwaresub[t]rnl: ok i have installed those intel drivers.  am i now supposed to look for a particular driver name while im reconfigureing xserver ?21:43
sub[t]rnlyup, intel21:43
jerwareahh of course.  thanx pal :P21:43
sub[t]rnlbackup your xorg.conf first21:43
=== cocco is now known as djjuliano
madothe german speaking guys told me to install the proprietary driver and to change some lines in the "xorg.conf"-file ... well ... it didn't work ... so ... what are you guys suggesting me?21:44
sub[t]rnlbmk789: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE21:44
mado*is waiting now*21:45
sub[t]rnlmado: try setting your resolution with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:45
madosub[t]rnl, ... ok ... thank you ... is it difficult to set with this command ... i don't know if you know but i'm a beginner21:48
bmk789thanks sub[t]rnl21:48
jerwaresub[t]rnl: should i keep the glx module ?21:50
tekteenAnyone know how to write spanish accents with a english keyboard?21:50
jerwareis that speciffic to nVidia?21:50
=== anonymous_ is now known as When_I_Was
jerware(which was my previoius card)21:50
sub[t]rnlfglrx is ATI21:51
sub[t]rnlnot sure21:51
jerwarewell if anything goes wrong i'll just go back and select it.21:51
sub[t]rnler, glx is openGL for x-windows21:51
When_I_WasHi. I just installed Kubuntu today, and I'm looking for a virtual cd rom drive program.21:52
When_I_WasI used to use Daemon Tools on Windows.21:52
Q-collectivemount -o loop?21:52
tekteenAnyone know how to write spanish accents in kubuntu21:52
Q-collectiveWhen_I_Was: read man mount and read about the loop device and howto use it21:53
tekteenWhen_I-Was: u also need to use sudo21:53
tekteen(to be root)21:53
When_I_WasI read online that it won't mount bin/cue files, or mdf21:53
Daisuke_Laptopcorrect and correct.21:53
Daisuke_Laptopnothing else will do it either21:54
Daisuke_Laptopyour options are...  convert to iso21:54
Q-collectivethere are simple scripts that convert these images to iso images21:54
yakuzidoes anyone knows what can be the source of an error by Kdesu? because i get an error everytime i boot my laptop..21:54
* Daisuke_Laptop tries to remember the one he used...21:54
When_I_WasOk, that'll work. Thank you very much.21:54
Daisuke_Laptopoh yeah...  acetoneiso21:54
yakuziand i got this eror after i played around with compiz-fusion, i removed it already (exact the same packages as i installed)21:54
sub[t]rnltovid > *21:54
sub[t]rnlyakuzi: whats the error?21:55
yakuziit's something with it has to close kdesu because some argument is missing21:55
Daisuke_Laptopyou're gonna have to come a little more specific than that21:56
yakuzithe thin is, i didn't write the error down...and i have it only after booting my laptop :s21:57
jerwaresub[t]rnl:  to safely restart X with out having to reboot the machine, ctrl-F2; startx correct?21:59
sub[t]rnlsudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart22:00
sub[t]rnlor just kmenu-> logout, then alt + e22:01
Les_Caesarssub[t]rnl: I added the line (KDEWM="compiz --replace") into the bashrc, but I don't know whether it did anything or not. It runs compizicon automatically, but there aren't any programs in .kde/Autostart. Where else is KDE's autostart?22:04
sub[t]rnlits running compiz automatically because your setting the window manager to compiz instead of kwin in your environment22:05
sub[t]rnldid that help your black screen problem at all?22:05
Les_Caesarssub[t]rnl: well, my desktop shows up, turns black (for a very long time), and then shows up again w/ compiz up.22:06
Les_Caesarssub[t]rnl: no unfortunately. I think that it's possibly reloading compiz22:06
skeethey everyone i have a prob i am tryin to get beryl running on my kubuntu desktop but i dont think that i can do it22:06
skeeti used to have ubuntu but then i switched to kubuntu cause i like it better22:07
sub[t]rnlLes_Caesars: the black flash is a common deal, I still havn't got it ironed out on my box.22:07
sub[t]rnlbut its only a quick blip on my monitor22:07
sub[t]rnlI've read some posts about it, I'll see if i can dig one up22:07
skeetwhen i had ubuntu i also had beryl but i dont know anything about kubuntu22:07
yakuzii'm going to try to reproduce the error by loging out and relogin... see if it pops up again22:08
skeetso if someone could help i would appreciate it a bunch22:08
Les_Caesarssub[t]rnl: it's a rather long wait for me. In gnome, it works as soon as I see the screen. I don't care if it takes longer to load up everything first and then show me. I just don't want to be teased by the screen.22:08
Les_Caesars*see the desktop22:08
sub[t]rnlyeah, compiz-fusion was designed for gnome22:09
wronusiasomebody know how install canon ip4200 in 64 bit kubuntu 7.1022:09
mismiscan any1 plz tell where i can get codecs22:10
=== brian_ is now known as EightyFiveOnline
sub[t]rnl!info w32codecs22:10
ubotuPackage w32codecs does not exist in gutsy22:10
sub[t]rnl!info w32codec22:10
ubotuPackage w32codec does not exist in gutsy22:10
EightyFiveOnlinehello i need help with kubuntu server22:11
tekteenyou can get codecs from medibuntu22:11
yakuzithe thing i get is this: "No command arguments supplied ! Usage: kdesudo [-u <runas>] <command> KdeSudo will now exit...22:11
tekteenMismis:  go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu22:11
mismisthank u tekteen22:11
EightyFiveOnlinehow do i set up kubuntu server?22:12
tekteenA server is not kubuntu22:13
Les_Caesarssub[t]rnl: looks hopeful: http://www.samogitia.lt/mintys/22:13
ubotuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support22:13
tekteenkubuntu assumes a x interface22:13
EightyFiveOnlinei installed ubuntuserver then the kubuntu gui22:13
tekteensudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop22:13
EightyFiveOnlineyes i have kubuntu installed22:14
EightyFiveOnlinehow how can i use it as a LAMP server22:14
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)22:14
Quelhi there22:16
Quelcan someone tell me on which distribution kubunto builds? Is it DebiaN?22:16
Les_CaesarsQuel, ubuntu. Which is Debian based22:17
EightyFiveOnlinekubuntu is the kde gui as apposed to ubuntu which uses gnome22:17
Quelcan i add gnome as desktop too?22:17
Quelwhat about apt-get commands? is it included in kubuntu? (based on debian)?22:18
frank_alguien habla español22:18
EightyFiveOnlinetakes up a bit of space but you can use both22:18
Quelfrank habla aleman?22:18
EightyFiveOnlineyes it uses the apt-get22:18
Quelok. is kubuntu for HD installation?22:18
EightyFiveOnlineyou can run it off a live cd22:18
Quelthats pretty cool :)22:19
frank_y porq aleman?22:19
EightyFiveOnlinekubuntu and ubuntu have the same kernel but different user interfaces22:19
QuelI want to have a linux operating system on my computer and in gießen was a linux-meeting. I found kubuntu there and got a cd22:19
Quelfrank_ si me habla aleman y english y para espanol22:20
EightyFiveOnlinesudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop22:20
Quelwhich filesystem does it need?22:20
EightyFiveOnlinewhat mines on22:20
Les_Caesarsok. I want KDE to NOT launch kwin before compiz.22:21
tekteenI suggest ext322:21
Quelso i am going to take ext3.. :); another thing: i have 2 GB Ram... do i need a swap?22:21
frank_me puedes ayudar a instalar firefox en kubuntu22:21
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.22:22
Les_CaesarsQuel: Probably not. But it's not a good idea NOT to have it. I'd at least have 2 GB of swap22:22
tekteensudo apt-get install firefox22:22
tekteenfrank_: sudo apt-get install firefox22:22
frank_y de ahi22:23
tekteenlo siento no hablo espanol22:23
Quelfrank_ habla con tekteen --> ayuda ^^22:23
tekteenno me gusta mucho la clase de espanol22:23
frank_despues de sudo apt-get install firefox22:24
Quelmy spanish sucks :)22:24
tekteentype y22:24
Quelhabla english frank_?22:24
frank_les entiendo algo22:24
Quelah okay :)22:24
frank_pero no22:25
tekteenno comprendo22:25
tekteenlo siento22:25
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.22:25
QuelCan I instasll Kubunto on dev/sda1 and got my privat data on dev/sda2 or should i throw both together and just create /dev/sda122:25
earl_hello guys. i'm trying to compile something using this howto:22:26
ardchoilleQuel: Lots of people put $HOME on its own partition22:26
earl_when i do "make", i get an error message22:26
Quelsounds good, i am a newcommer :)22:26
earl_i get all the usual make stuff up until that happens22:27
Quelhmm bad booting screen... hope I can add my graphic driver O_o22:27
earl_anyone know what's wrong?22:27
ardchoilleQuel: For nvidia? ati?22:27
=== brian_ is now known as EightyFiveOnline
Quelati... motherboard driver22:28
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:28
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion22:28
EightyFiveOnlinewhat does it take to get ubuntu to run lamp-server22:28
Queli can use CTRL + ALT + F1 for shell ^^22:28
makuserucan someone tell me the command to change the reslution by using Mplyer or FFMpeg?22:29
Angelushow can i restart my internet connection on kubuntu? there's no /etc/init.d/eth0 :S22:29
sub[t]rnlifconfig eht0 down22:29
jpatrickAngelus: /etc/init.d/networking restart22:29
Queljesus christ... it seems he cant even show the desktop without driver :D22:30
sub[t]rnleven better22:30
ardchoilleEightyFiveOnline: lamp is not a server.. it is an abreviation for Linux Apache Mysql Php22:30
Angelusi did it22:30
Angelusand i dint get disconnected from IRC22:30
Quelis there a possibility to download and use the ati xpress1250 driver while grub is laoding?22:30
Quelah shell started22:31
=== brian_ is now known as EightyFiveOnline
Quelis there another command like infobash -v in kubuntu?22:33
frank_cuando abro kopote22:34
frank_me dice22:34
frank_me dice q la aplikacion gestor de paquetes adept fallo y provoko la señal  6 SIGABRT22:34
frank_q pasa22:34
dr2how do u create a static link to /usr/bin in /bin so the files appear to be local?22:34
frank_me ayudan22:34
ardchoillefrank_ please join the #ubuntu-es or #kubuntu-es22:36
ardchoillefrank_ hay necessito usar ingles en esta canal22:37
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.22:37
EightyFiveOnlineanyone know how to get ubuntu server working?22:37
acemoEightyFiveOnline: what server application?22:37
ardchoilleEightyFiveOnline: Was that page not helpful?22:37
icewatermandr2: man ln22:37
madohttp://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/17579 -> guys ... what should i choose here?22:38
EightyFiveOnlinei want to run lamp. i cant find anything online that will help me get started22:38
madoany ideas? -> http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/1757922:38
Quelhow can i boot kubuntu with an ati radeon xpress 1250 driver?22:38
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)22:38
ardchoilleEightyFiveOnline: ^^22:39
acemoEightyFiveOnline: tried this link yet?22:39
EightyFiveOnlineyah i get errors22:39
mado*is waiting*22:39
frank_hola como entro a un canal en spañol22:40
acemo!es frank_22:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about es frank_ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:40
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.22:40
tekteen!es | frank22:40
ubotufrank: please see above22:40
Quelhow can i boot kubuntu with an ati radeon xpress 1250 driver? Is there a boot command?22:40
acemotekteen: tnx for showing how it works =)22:40
madohttp://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/17579 -> anybody?22:41
donsdwHow do I change my screen resolution?  Kubuntu, KDE 3.5.8.  System Settings:Monitor & Display shows 800 x 600 as max.22:41
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto22:42
acemoif i make a symlink to my tomcat/webapps folder inside a ftp folder, would this allow me to put files in there trough ftp or would it cause problems? (asuming i set the rights correct)22:42
frank_TIENEN MSN22:42
EightyFiveOnlinebeen working on this all day...shouldnt be this hard22:43
krawekfrank_: pls...22:43
manolodo someone know for what the "type1" module of the xserver is good for?22:45
tekteenfrank_: estas aqui?22:46
tekteenfrank_: que quieras?22:46
frank_de nuevo22:47
frank_tengo problemas22:47
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.22:47
tekteenvamanos: #kubuntu-es22:48
=== ubuntu_ is now known as nhe
ardchoilleI bought a new music cd and want to rip the tracks to mp3. What is the best way to do that in kubuntu?22:49
BluesKajardchoille, you could use amarok, k3b or soundkonverter22:49
ardchoilleBluesKaj: Ah, thanks22:50
BluesKajsoundconverter is fast22:50
BluesKajerr soundkonverter22:50
Daisuke_Laptopmy personal recommendation22:52
Daisuke_Laptopardchoille: wanna see something cool?22:52
Daisuke_Laptopin konqueror: audiocd:/22:52
Daisuke_Laptop(audio cd kioslave)22:52
Daisuke_Laptopthen drag the (whatever format you prefer) folder to where you would like it stored.22:52
sub[t]rnli use konqueror for ripping and encoding on the fly myself22:52
Daisuke_Laptopthat right there is perhaps the thing that impresses me the most about konqueror22:53
* sub[t]rnl sighs22:53
sub[t]rnlyeah, can't argue that22:53
sub[t]rnlit is nice22:53
Les_CaesarsIs there a way I can tell KDE not to load KWIN at startup?22:53
Les_Caesarsand instead load compiz, or metacity, or anything else22:53
Daisuke_Laptopyou want a desktop but no windows?22:53
=== Gunirus is now known as [Gunirus]
UnknownUniverseHi does Kubuntu come with libgtk as default?22:54
nhehe might want another window manager :x22:54
Daisuke_Laptopwell...  you could add an autostart for dompiz or metacity22:54
EightyFiveOnlineanyone specialize in ubuntu server?22:54
Daisuke_Laptopnhe: i caught on22:54
sub[t]rnlthat still loads kwin first though22:54
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Daisuke_Laptoplet me look at something22:54
UnknownUniverseAnyone mind checking if they have libgtk installed by default?22:54
Daisuke_Laptopit should be22:54
tekteenEightyFiveOnline: what is the problem22:55
sub[t]rnlLes_Caesars: that export for KDWIN="compiz" in your .bashrc will load it as default instead of kwin22:55
EightyFiveOnlinei cannot get lamp installed or nething to make it like my http,sql,php server22:55
sub[t]rnlKDEWM="compiz" rather22:55
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)22:55
Les_Caesarssub[t]rnl: but KDEWM= wasn't already line in bashrc. should that be a problem?22:55
AnacrusisCan somebody help me track down the cause of system lockups?22:56
EightyFiveOnlineyah ive read that and doesnt work22:56
UnknownUniverseAm I invisible, I'm not demanding much22:56
nheI'm running in one laptop (acer 4002 wmli) and in the last version of kubuntu (gutsy) I can't boot properly... I just get a black screen little after kinit goes after an image to resume. Is this a common bug?22:56
nhethis is after installing from a cd22:56
SanneUnknownUniverse: maybe nobody knows. I have libgtk, but I don't know if it got installed with the system22:57
tekteenUnknownUniverse: I can not check because I might have installed it with a gtk program22:57
UnknownUniverseI'll check the forum22:57
Les_Caesarsok, now how do I make it so that I log out w/o saving my session?22:57
sub[t]rnlkmenu->system settings-advance-session22:57
EightyFiveOnlinesee no help for server out ther22:58
Les_Caesarsthanks sub[t]rnl22:58
Daisuke_LaptopEightyFiveOnline: this is for #kubuntu, ubuntu server would be #ubuntu at best, as we specialize in *K*ubuntu.22:58
SanneEightyFiveOnline: if the page people link to "doesn't work", it would be helpful to knwo what exactly didn't work.22:59
tekteenanyone know how to use spanish accents in kubuntu22:59
BluesKajnhe , perhaps X needs reconfiguring , try to do so using the live cd ...in the konsole, ' sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg '.22:59
Daisuke_Laptopnow, as far as whoever was wanting to start compiz or metacity as kde's default window manager...22:59
Daisuke_Laptopyou *could* potentially edit startkde22:59
nheBluesKaj: already did that... got the same thing :\22:59
nheI was expecting it would be a common bug but I didn't find anything anywhere :(23:00
BluesKajnhe , choose the vesa driver in oder to get a screen23:01
nhethere is another thing I forgot to say...23:01
nheif when I'm with a black screen23:01
Daisuke_Laptopah HA!23:01
nhei change to another screen (ctrl + alt + F1,2,3) it will start23:01
BluesKajnhe, try to get to the tty prompt , ctrl+alt+F123:02
nheif I do that KDM will start normaly :\23:02
nheI looked in logs and things like that and I didn't find anything that caught my eye!23:03
garthiswhy does firefox look different in gutsy?23:03
marco_how to seep up KDE?23:03
BluesKajnhe, after you get to the tty then reconfig X , but use the vesa driver23:04
ardchoilleDaisuke_Laptop: Whoa! Nice23:04
nheinstead of ati?23:04
sub[t]rnlnhe: check /boot/grub/menu.lst and make sure your not passing a vga= in the kernel boot options.  The current kernel and framebuffering are buggy23:04
Les_Caesarsok. Well, the bashrc seems to have made things faster... I -think-. Is there just some way that I can make all of my startup programs load BEFORE the desktop shows up?23:04
nheI'm in a live cd so I can't see it right now... I'll do that asap (reboot the laptop in a few minutes...)23:05
frojndOk guys. I have installed mobility x1400 somehow. Now When I click on a system -> prefererences ->  appearance ->visual effects extra or any other It says, that it couldn't be loaded. Do i have install some more packages for compiz ??23:06
sub[t]rnlsounds like you need #ubuntu23:06
Les_Caesarssub[t]rnl: I'll try. Thanks for your help so far23:06
sub[t]rnlLes_Caesars: any time23:07
BluesKajyes nhe, use vesa to get a screen then you use system settings to configure your ati driver , prolly the restricted driver in the advanced tab should work23:07
sub[t]rnlfrojnd: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager23:08
tekteenanyone know how to create spanish characters in kubuntu23:08
frojndsub[t]rnl, I allready have this package23:09
BluesKajtekteen, you mean like Don Quixote23:10
tekteenwhat is that23:10
BluesKajnevermind ...yer history education is obviously not a priority :)23:11
nhekernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=a76620a4-2b28-4cba-bdb23:11
nhed-c7f89efedcaa ro quiet splash23:11
nheinitrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic23:11
tekteencan you help me?23:11
nheI see no VGA there23:11
nhe[I mounted the partition]23:11
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer23:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about characters - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:12
BluesKaj!info characters23:12
ubotuPackage characters does not exist in gutsy23:12
crolle17what mozilla-add-on do i have to install fr watching you-tube-videos?23:13
sub[t]rnlnhe: check for this # defoptions= in your menu.lst, make sure there isn't a vga= in that23:14
nhekernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=a76620a4-2b28-4cba-bdb23:14
nhed-c7f89efedcaa ro quiet splash23:14
nheinitrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic23:14
nhethats what I got23:14
ardchoilleDaisuke_Laptop: audiocd:/ doesn't work :(23:14
sub[t]rnlk... now check for the defoptions thing23:14
nheoh sorry23:15
=== dracspat is now known as drackspat
drackspathey, Im having an issue with compizConfig settings manager23:16
drackspatit's blank and I'm at a loss on how to get filters in there23:16
Daisuke_Laptopardchoille: audiocd: ?23:16
Daisuke_Laptopno /23:16
Daisuke_Laptopand of course, you'll need the proper codecs installed (lame if you want to do mp3, flac if you want to go that way)23:17
juan_me pueden ayudar?23:17
skeetcan anyone help me?23:17
krawekgutsy supports squashfs ?23:17
krawekjuan_: #kubuntu-es23:18
Daisuke_Laptopskeet: i've been asking myself that very same question for the past 27 years...23:18
nhedoesn't "#" in the begin of a line stands for a comment?23:18
nhe## additional options to use with the default boot option, but not with the23:18
nhe## alternatives23:18
nhe## e.g. defoptions=vga=791 resume=/dev/hda523:18
nhe# defoptions=quiet splash23:18
skeetthis sucks23:18
Daisuke_Laptopnhe: yep23:18
Daisuke_Laptop!ask } skeet23:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask } skeet - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:19
Daisuke_Laptop!ask | skeet23:19
ubotuskeet: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)23:19
ardchoilleDaisuke_Laptop: Malformed url23:19
sub[t]rnlnot all the time23:19
sub[t]rnlthe single #'s in menu.lst get read23:19
skeetisnt there anyone on this channel that can actually help someone23:19
Daisuke_Laptopskeet: what do you need?23:19
Daisuke_Laptopcoming in here and blithering about "can anyone help anyone?" isn't getting things done.  if you have an issue, raise it.  if you have a question, ask it.23:20
BluesKaj!ask | skeet23:20
Daisuke_LaptopBluesKaj: already did that :)23:20
ubotuskeet: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)23:20
skeetok here is my problem, im trying to get my beryl/compiz fusion working but im a noob and need help my graphics card is an ati radeon 9550, whenever i try to open compiz fusion/ beryl i get a stupid error then my screen flashes once and i have to restart my comp because everything loses its tabs and stuff23:21
BluesKajgood , Daisuke_Laptop :)23:21
Daisuke_Laptoploses its tabs?23:21
Daisuke_Laptoplike...  thte titlebars and such?23:21
skeetyes like the blue part right above everything23:22
Daisuke_Laptopah.  well then, that is a problem23:22
BluesKajoh the price of eye candy ... frustration and gnashing of teeth for window dressing23:22
Daisuke_Laptopno window decoration...23:22
sub[t]rnlsudo apt-get install emerald23:22
nhedo you have an emerald icone in your tray?23:22
Daisuke_Laptopthat's a good first step :)23:23
Daisuke_Laptopfusion-icon's another, if it ever gets added to the repos23:23
nhethen do what sub[t]rnl told you to do :)23:23
skeetthats what im doing right now =)23:24
nheif I remove quiet and splash from these options23:24
JimBobhey folks, if i'm booting from a kubuntu 7.10 dvd how can i tell if it is installing or booting a live image? the menu entry just reads 'start or install' ...23:24
nhedo I will see more messages?23:24
sub[t]rnland the kernel will spit more stuff into your logs23:24
nheI'll remove them23:25
Daisuke_LaptopJimBob: start or install launches the live environment23:25
skeetthe emerald thing is done23:25
bjwebbhm any good linux media player that does music and videos?23:25
Daisuke_Laptopfromthat live environment you can run the installer (big icon on the desktop, you can't miss it)23:25
JimBobaaah, I got kinda worried since i only wanted to take a first look at it - thanks23:25
sub[t]rnlbjwebb: i like mplayer23:26
Daisuke_Laptopwell, you can try it out...  hit alt-f2 and try compiz --replace23:26
bjwebbsub[t]rnl: hmm,23:27
Daisuke_Laptopbjwebb: the difference is linux's philosophy - do one thing and do it well23:27
bjwebbi would like one with a gui :D23:27
Daisuke_Laptopamarok for music23:27
Daisuke_Laptopkaffeine for video23:27
bjwebbDaisuke_Laptop: but some people want both23:27
nheI can't get kaffeine to play lots of videos... VLC does it :\23:27
Angeluswhy when i go to System Settings > Advanced > Windows Applications , its continously telling me that i don't have wine installed? and i have wine installed23:27
Daisuke_Laptopbjwebb: then you're not going to find a good one23:27
bjwebbwhy hasn't anybody forked amarok yet to stick video in it23:27
sub[t]rnlbjwebb: mplayer has a gui23:27
bjwebbisn't it mostly cli?23:27
Daisuke_Laptopbecause amarok is a music player.  to add video would involve a complete rewrite and that's kinda pointless23:28
bjwebbDaisuke_Laptop: would it involve a complete rewrite?23:28
ardchoilleDaisuke_Laptop:  system:/media/hdc/ does have a Ogg Vorbis folder in it, tho23:28
bjwebbim actually trying to prove to someone that itunes is not the beall and endall for music23:28
sub[t]rnlyeah, but thats true for 99 percent of all gui apps, they just run cli programs and stick something shiny on it23:28
Daisuke_Laptopactually, i'm not sure, but i am sure that adding video would be non-trivial23:28
Daisuke_Laptopardchoille: that's what you're looking for :D23:28
ardchoilleDaisuke_Laptop: Nice :)23:28
Daisuke_Laptopbjwebb: then show them amarok23:29
ardchoilleDaisuke_Laptop: Thanks for the info23:29
Daisuke_Laptopamarok > itunes23:29
Daisuke_Laptopardchoille: you're welcome23:29
bjwebbno thats crap it doesn't do video and it has nothing like coverflow....23:29
Daisuke_Laptopbjwebb: you're NOT LISTENING.23:29
Daisuke_Laptopyou're not going to get that on linux unless you go write it yourself23:29
bjwebbi know23:29
Daisuke_Laptopmost apps are designed to do one thing and do it well.23:30
bjwebbits just annoying23:30
bjwebbyeah, but music + music videos?23:30
Daisuke_Laptopin amarok's case, it's music management23:30
Daisuke_Laptopand it does it extremely well23:30
bjwebbDaisuke_Laptop: they are actually working on a coverflow like thing23:30
Angelusstop critisising amarok, amarok is the best media player i ever saw bjwebb23:30
Daisuke_Laptopthat's lovely23:30
nheshould I change to vesa the driver in xorg.conf ?23:30
nhe[I'm not sure if its there]23:30
bjwebbAngelus: it is23:31
bjwebbi just want an itunes killer to show the world23:31
sub[t]rnlnhe: your the one with the intel card?23:31
sub[t]rnlnhe: lspci |grep VGA23:31
Daisuke_Laptopbjwebb: itunes didn't always do video either23:31
nhe4002 laptop23:31
Daisuke_Laptopamarok IS your itunes killer23:31
nhecard is23:31
nheati 9700 mobily23:31
Daisuke_Laptopif they want video, use another program.23:31
Angelussomebody knows why when i got to System Settings > Advanced > Windows Applications its continously telling me that i don't have wine installed???????????23:31
Angelusdo i need to format my computer because of this?23:31
nhe(I'm the one from the black screen)23:31
Daisuke_Laptopbecause you don't have wine installed?23:31
Angelusor there's  wy to fix it?23:31
AngelusDaisuke_Laptop:  i have it installed23:32
bjwebbDaisuke_Laptop: nah but it does now23:32
Daisuke_Laptopsudo apt-get install wine23:32
Daisuke_Laptopbjwebb: so?23:32
Angelusi have it install Daisuke_Ido23:32
Angelus* Daisuke_Laptop23:32
Daisuke_Laptoptry installing it again.23:32
Angelusi tried23:32
Angelusi did it million times23:32
Daisuke_Laptopthat's a bit of an exaggeration23:32
Daisuke_Laptopbut okay23:32
Angeluswhat is the package "Windows Applications" called?23:33
Angelusmaybe i'll try to re-install that23:33
Daisuke_Laptopokay, i'll be back shortly, i need a smoke, my head is going to burst :)23:33
Angelusman help me first, i'll send you some good weed23:33
BluesKajwine, Angelus23:34
AngelusBluesKaj:  im talking about Windows Applications manager23:34
Angelusthe kubuntu one23:34
BluesKajfor running windows apps on linux23:34
AngelusSystem Settings > Advaced > Windows Applications23:34
Angelusthat one23:34
BluesKajyup, wine23:35
drackspatquick question, I have emerald theme manager up and running, I just don't know how to apply them23:35
AngelusBluesKaj:  that option is available even if you don't have wine installed23:35
bjwebbDaisuke_Laptop: okay here's a good question23:35
BluesKajI prefer to install wine with apt , that option is buggy for me23:35
drackspatOr emerald themer I mean23:35
bjwebbis there any linux app for video _management_23:36
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BluesKajdefine video management bjwebb23:36
bjwebblike amarok does for music23:36
nhesub[t]rnl: sorry I didn't get your answer23:37
nheI have an 9700 mobility, from ait23:37
BluesKaja player like kaffeine , mplayer etc ?23:37
sub[t]rnlnhe: you need the fglrx driver23:37
nheshould I change to vesa the driver in xorg.cong?23:37
nhehum... ok I'll install it23:38
nherebooting now23:38
bjwebbBluesKaj: one that would allow you to manage a library of videos23:38
nhethanks for the help23:38
michal_jest ktos z polski..??23:38
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl23:38
michal_mam problem...23:38
michal_bo nie moge chodzic po necie a kadu chodzi aktualizacje sie pobieraja i nie rozumiem ..23:39
michal_wlaczam koncouera i nic..;/23:39
bjwebbmichal_: type /join #ubuntu-pl23:39
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michal_jak nie moge wejsc na zadna strine .;/23:39
michal_co robic..??23:40
BluesKajbjwebb, dunno , I just store 'em in a folder and choose one when I launch kaffeine23:41
BluesKajsimple enuff IMO  :)23:42
bjwebbim stuck then23:42
bjwebbmy mate can say linux is crap23:42
coolerI googled around but couldnt find anything23:43
coolerI am relatively new to linux (tried ubuntu and now running kubuntu) and I have pretty big problem with Firefox - when I want to download ANY extension, I click on install now button (addons.mozilla.org) but nothing happens23:43
coolerI googled around but couldnt find anything23:43
coolercan anybody help23:43
BluesKajreally , what exactly do you need to do ... you can make aplaylist in VLC if that's what you're looking for but organizing videos like mp3 is a bit of over kill23:44
coolerdid anybody have similar problem?23:44
bjwebbcooler: have you used firefox before?23:44
bjwebbokay, i dunno then23:44
BluesKajbjwebb, try VLC , it may meet yer needs23:45
cooleronce it did work but after a minut or so - but just once23:45
bjwebbBluesKaj: basically i want to show there is an alternative to itunes23:45
bjwebbbut ive never actually used it23:46
coolerso I really don't know what to do...23:46
bjwebbcooler: are you familiar with irc?23:46
BluesKajhmmm  ... search for yourself , google works in linux too23:46
bjwebbbecause you could try #firefox23:46
bjwebbBluesKaj: i know, there are copies for music but not video23:46
coolerused it before - why?23:47
bjwebbcooler: they might know in #firefox23:47
bjwebband also there is #firefox on irc.mozilla.org23:47
coolerI'll try there :)23:47
ubotuGoogle is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux23:48
bjwebbcoreymon77: was that meant to be directed to me?23:48
bjwebbbtw how good is the /linux one?23:48
coreymon77not fully23:48
gorf_hi, i got 2monitors connected to a nvidia fx 5200 one monitor is fine but the seconday blinks garbage when under x23:48
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=== ubuntu__ is now known as JimBob
JimBobhey, is there any way to activate the ati restricted driver pre boot for a live dvd?23:56
morphineis there a way to convert a pdf document to something reasonable to read/edit in ooo?23:56
goodhabitI need a voip system under kubuntu.23:57
sub[t]rnlJimBob: sudo update && sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic restricted-manager xorg-driver-fglrx && sudo depmod -a23:57
goodhabitHelp )23:57
marco_how can I set up audio?23:58
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:58
JimBobsubtrnl: and when (where) would I type that? ;)23:59
sub[t]rnlmount a driver, ifconfig your interface device, and type it23:59

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