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Ahmuckcan i assume that feedback to ubuntu-devel@ubuntu.com can be directed here as well?03:23
FujitsuAhmuck: It's less likely to get lost on the mailing list, particularly as most of the developers are in Boston, either asleep or drunk. Or both.03:25
Ahmuckhah.  ubuntu release party ?03:26
FujitsuUbuntu Development Summit.03:26
Ahmuckdeveloping a hangover?03:30
BurgundaviaAhmuck: what is your feedback?03:30
LaserJocka Hardy one ;-)03:30
Burgundaviathere might be a better place to redirect your feedback03:31
Ahmuckoh, i was working on a ltsp installation on kubuntu via virtualbox ... wasn't getting it right.  it seems like there are tons of docs out for doing something, all of which are different.  getting lost in wrong or old docs is becomeing a chore03:32
Burgundaviathat is a matter for the doucmentaiton03:32
Burgundaviawow, I can spell03:32
Burgundaviathe best thing to do is to simply fix the docs03:33
Ahmuckis there a reason there is not a universal package for ltsp?  it seems that there are two different versions, one for *buntu, and a pre-installed one for edubuntu03:35
LaserJockit's not really different versions03:38
LaserJockit's the same LTSP, but edubuntu does a lot more setup with it03:38
AhmuckLaserJock: some of the docs say, "don't do this" or "do this for *buntu, but not on edubuntu", etc.  i have to wonder why edubuntu setup is turn key but kubuntu is not03:48
Ahmuckor ubuntu03:48
LaserJockAhmuck: because Edubuntu is built as an LTSP server03:48
LaserJockhowever, in the future it looks like LTSP will become more of an Ubuntu Server thing03:49
LaserJockAhmuck: there is a universal package for ltsp, Edubuntu just goes further currently because it's setup at install03:51
* Ahmuck hopes for the future03:52
LaserJockwell, it's still pretty easy03:53
jsgotangcoyo LaserJock did you go to Boston?04:07
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LaserJockjsgotangco: nope04:29
pwnguinAhmuck: as far as I know the policy is basically if it didn't happen on the ML it's not official or something like that. as in, IRC is not a primary means of communication. anything worthwhile on IRC should be duplicated on the ML if you expect other developers to respond04:48
jonmasterssladen: I'm around a little over the next few days.07:53
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[Gutsy]TuTUXGanyone can tell me if i can r/w to hfs+ with gutsy?08:20
[Gutsy]TuTUXGvfat sucks i need large file capability with my ipod08:20
Hobbsee[Gutsy]TuTUXG: /topic08:21
RAOFHobbsee: The answer is "yes*", incidentally :)08:51
HobbseeRAOF: ahh.  i thought it might be08:53
RAOFThe * is: as long as you never, ever, fail to unmount it cleanly.08:54
RAOFAt which point the kernel will refuse to mount it r/w until you've run fsck on it... and we don't have a hfs+ fsck.08:54
RAOFYou can hunt down some source from a gentoo wiki, but it's not 64bit safe.08:56
imbrandonRAOF, or just disable the journal in OSX and mount it with hfs not hfs+ :P08:56
RAOFimbrandon: hfs+ != hfs + journal, though?08:56
RAOFimbrandon: Also, the kernel won't write to a journalled hfs+ filesystem at all.08:57
imbrandonsame as ext2 vs ext3 , ext3 == ext2 + jornal08:57
imbrandonthat and btw if you get fskck.hfs from darwin and compile it your much safer09:00
RAOFThat's where the one I used came from initially, IIRC.09:01
imbrandonworks great here, i386 , x86 and ppc , not sure where you mhad problems09:02
imbrandongah i cant type09:02
RAOFimbrandon: HFS+ != journalled HFS, at least according to http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn/tn1150.html#HFSPlusBasics :P09:02
RAOFHm.  It's been some time since I tried, anyway.09:03
imbrandonRAOF, yea but as far as our drivers are concerned it is, e.g. turn off the journal in OSX with the  disk utility and linux can read write it with hfs(-plus) just fine09:03
RAOFOh, yeah.09:05
RAOFUntil you need to fsck it... but maybe that works now :)09:05
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sladenjonmasters: good good, no overflowing our convenicences12:13
sladenwin 612:18
Keybuklose 1212:18
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zulhey dendrobates13:06
dendrobateszul: hi13:32
bddebianpitti: If you happen to come around and have time, I put a new clanbomber on mentors.  It's just a maintainer change to the Debian games team and added a desktop file:  http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/c/clanbomber14:26
pittibddebian: any chance you could put a debdiff there?14:26
bddebianHmm, I don't think I can put one on mentors but I'll stick one on my site14:27
pittibddebian: or just pastebin it14:28
pittibddebian: could you add me as an Uploader:?14:33
dahitokiriin LDD3 it says that i have to have the complete kernel sources and link against them when making device drivers but in ubuntu's package manager it says "If you are simply trying to build third-party modules for your kernel, you do not want this package. Install the appropriate linux-headers package instead." so which one is true?14:34
bddebianpitti: Of course, sorry, I meant to do that14:35
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bddebianpitti: http://www.bddebian.com/packages/debian/clanbomber/clanbomb_7.debdiff  and a new upload is on mentors with you as an uploader.  Thanks again.14:47
=== pitti_ is now known as pitti
pittibddebian: looking14:49
pittibddebian: looks fine to me, please upload14:49
bddebianpitti: If only I could :-)14:50
persiapitti: Please help :)  bddebian has been massively fixing games, but doesn't have the right keyring for Debian...14:50
pittibddebian: ah, I see; I'll sponsor it then14:51
bddebianpersia: Yeah, though I'm starting to wonder why I'm doing anything in games :-(14:51
pittibddebian: you shold apply to become a DM14:51
ScottKbddebian: Makes it easier for you to have something to complain about.14:51
bddebianScottK: Hah, now that's a good one at least ;-)14:52
bddebianpitti: I don't know much about DM's yet.  And I'm not exactly some of Debian favorite person ;-)14:52
persiabddebian: Stop trusting IRC.  Debian is primarily email communication.14:53
bddebianpersia: Oh I get flamed on e-mail and Mailing Lists too ;-P14:54
somerville32Poor bddebian14:58
ScottKbddebian: Of course that easily gives you something else to whine about.15:01
bddebianDamn I can't even get any love here anymore :'-(15:03
bryycepitti: if you have a moment, our xserver build is currently blocking on libpixman-1-dev which is not yet in main.  I've filled out a MIR for this and added to the queue - would you mind reviewing?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportPixman15:03
* LaserJock hugs bddebian and runs away15:09
bddebianHeh, thx LaserJock ;-)15:10
pittibddebian: uploaded clanbomber15:16
bddebianSweet, thanks pitti15:17
Riddellbddebian: bug 145709 is ready for verification now15:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 145709 in qt-x11-free "7.10: Qt3 /etc/qt3/qtrc owner root result in ugly appearance" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14570915:46
Riddellwell, I was expecting bdmurray15:48
Riddellbut all help welcome :)15:48
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mathiazzul: are you dialed in for the virtualization session ?15:58
zulmathiaz: im listenting on the icecast im currently at work16:00
mathiazzul: ok.16:01
mathiazzul: if you wanna say something I can relay it for you.16:01
zulmathiaz: sure..16:01
MithrandirStevenK: do you have svn snapshots of tinymail packaged?16:04
Mithrandirit seems modest needs a newer version.16:05
StevenKMithrandir: Bugger. 0.0.3 was released, but I've not updated my packaging. I can do that if you like.16:09
ogra__keescook, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/edubuntu-content-server we have a session about the moodle stuff this evening, probably it would make sense if you could join for some mins to talk about the packaging layout so we can add that to the spec16:11
keescookogra__: sure!  that sounds good.  there was some discussion earlier about common webserver packaging methods too.16:12
ogra__like replacing wwwconfig-common ?16:13
mvoRiddell: I uploaded a new compiz to hardy that should fix a lot of the crashes in kwd, I would be interessted feedback, if it is good, its definitely something for gutsy-updates16:22
keescookogra__: well, fixing or replacing, yes.  mostly just evaluating the debian web packaging policy16:23
Riddellthanks mvo, I don't expect it'll get compiled any time soon though16:36
mvoRiddell: oh, ok16:39
Riddellalthough if you have n i386 .deb yourself I'm happy to test16:40
StevenKmvo: Where's my patch? :-P16:42
mvoRiddell: yes, I can do and upload it16:58
mvoStevenK: I can give you a compiz one ;) ?16:58
StevenKmvo: Hah17:01
* StevenK fixes orbit.17:06
thomStevenK: higher or lower?17:09
StevenKthom: :-P17:12
thomwell, with all this talk of burnout i'd hate to see you burn up instead17:12
MithrandirStevenK: when you have the time, yes, please.  I'm slowly getting to the point where modest seems to compile.17:12
StevenKMithrandir: libtinymail 0.0.3 building locally17:18
StevenKCome on, libtinymail.17:28
StevenKI forgot it took ~ 11 minutes to build.17:28
StevenKAnd it goes bang. Sigh.17:31
StevenKI see your ccache, and raise you the quad core machine John was talking about yesterday17:32
Mithrandirwhich one, the personal one I have in a rack or the quad dualcore opterons I have access to? :-P17:36
StevenKMithrandir: libtinymail goes bang due to fun firefox things17:46
MithrandirStevenK: huzzah.  Or something.  Does it build on gutsy?18:02
StevenKMithrandir: And upstream has removed the hard libalarm dependancy in modest. \o/18:02
StevenKMithrandir: Trying. libtinymail 0.0.3 under Gutsy18:03
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StevenKMithrandir: Same failure on Gutsy18:13
MithrandirStevenK: gnr.  If you could poke at it, that'd be appreciated, if not, just pass it along and I'll poke it.18:14
StevenK/usr/lib/firefox/libgtkembedmoz.so: undefined reference to `nsACString_internal::~nsACString_internal()'18:15
StevenKMithrandir: It's whole bunch of stuff like that - my linking foo isn't good enough.18:15
Mithrandircare to put what you have, somewhere?18:15
StevenKMithrandir: Remember that modest URL?18:16
Mithrandirmy shell does, at least.18:17
Riddellcjwatson: desktop bof is wanting to know why partner isn't enabled by default18:47
StevenKMithrandir: Speaking of buildds, can you bump the priority of the orbit 0.5.17-11.1ubuntu4 builds?18:50
MithrandirI can18:52
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Keybuk<Riddell> cjwatson: desktop bof is wanting to know why partner isn't enabled by default18:56
pwnguinare the UDS icecasts down at the moment?19:08
ScottKI think19:09
ScottKpwnguin: --> #uds-boston19:09
StevenKMithrandir: orbit built on sparc and ppc at least. :-)19:11
Mithrandirasac: so, using midbrowser, is there any way to access installed extensions, like greasemonkey?19:12
StevenKAh, you're missing greasemonkey ...19:13
Mithrandirwhich makes this ever so slightly painful19:14
StevenKMithrandir: You could hit up pitti for his Python script19:15
MithrandirStevenK: I could, but then I would have to find my ssh key19:15
StevenKMithrandir: It screenscrapes Launchpad19:16
StevenKI didn't say it was elegant. :-)19:16
sladenpwnguin: 19:21 <Ng > the icecast streams are back up19:22
pwnguini saw that19:24
StevenKMithrandir: Did you poke at libtinymail?19:37
MithrandirStevenK: yes.  It's simple enough to fix.19:41
* StevenK hands Mithrandir a clue bat.19:42
StevenKPlease, enlighten me.19:42
Mithrandirsr/bin/ld: warning: libxpcom_core.so, needed by /usr/lib/firefox/libgtkembedmoz.so, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)19:42
StevenKAh ha. That's the crux of the problem.19:43
pittikeescook: does the cups security issue affect 1.2.x as well?19:43
Mithrandirso either we need to fix firefox to set that, or we need to set ld_library_path or we need to use the xpcom linknig mechanism thingabob.19:43
Mithrandir(if the latter doesn't make sense to you, that's fine.  It's just Mozilla NIH)19:43
StevenKI don't know the last one.19:43
keescookpitti: yes, though I have so far been unable to reproduce the issue.19:44
pittikeescook: fun; but nice to see that my paranoia isn't unfounded at all19:44
StevenKMithrandir: We could just hack in -L?19:44
keescookpitti: the updates are building right now.  Yeah.  and hplip was similar.  :(19:44
pittikeescook: except that we don't confine the latter because of sheer insanity of its architecture19:44
keescookpitti: true19:45
KmosStevenK: can you get gimp 2.4.1 into gutsy? :)19:48
seb128Kmos: no new versions in stable19:49
* ajmitch saw this discussion merely an hour ago19:51
StevenKI'd be amused, but he is the fourth person to ask me19:51
seb128I've read several bugs and comment about it19:51
StevenKseb128: I think we need to tag team and take an Overfiend approach19:52
ajmitchlove the cup19:52
Nafallois there anything wrong with the current gimp? :-)19:52
Kmosseb128: ups :)19:52
seb128people just ask new version to get a new version19:53
seb128you would make no change or add like some crashers19:53
seb128they would ask for the update anyway ;-)19:53
Nafalloyea :-)19:53
Nafallo"but... the numbers look shiny..."19:53
pwnguinso what can we inferr about Ubuntu's perception of upstream release engineering if they'll run an RC but not a final?19:54
seb128pwnguin: there was nothing else available for gutsy19:55
ScottKpwnguin: You can infer that they don't change anything after release without a good reason.19:55
StevenKrc3 was out when we froze, and the final was out the day after we released. What can we do?19:55
seb128pwnguin: we can't delay because new versions will be available, there is always a project which will roll a new version soon19:55
seb128update might be possible19:56
seb128there is this SRU procedure, you can look at it19:56
seb128like debdiff, justifications of the changes and why we need them, testing, etc19:56
pwnguinStevenK: well, if you trusted upstream rel-eng, you'd deploy it ;)19:56
seb128everybody make mistakes19:57
seb128anyway reason gimp upstream would be special?19:57
seb128new stable versions sometime introduce regressions19:57
pwnguinwell, in the universe of open source projects, they probably represent one of the better projects in terms of release engineering. whether that's anywhere near good enough, I doubt19:58
pwnguinim merely trying to point out that users have a different and probably incorrect theory on release engineering versus distro developers19:59
Kmosseb128: http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.4 -> i only see these fixes.. it's mostly bugfixes from the current rc319:59
seb128Kmos: bug fixes can also introduce regressions, did you read the changes carrefully, are those bugs we really care about and did users filed bugs about those?20:02
Kmosseb128: i didn't check that at LP.. but maybe the fixed crashs with scripts and plugins, rendering problems, and float numbers in script-fu are good ones to have the final version..20:07
Kmosan SRU20:07
seb128Kmos: there is a SRU procedure, what about reading it and opening a bug with the required details rather than comment on IRC?20:08
seb128Kmos: discussing that on IRC is not going to get you anything done most likely20:08
Kmosseb128: i was just commenting to know what developers think about it20:08
seb128Kmos: can't say before having the details required in the SRU bug20:09
seb128looks like a possible candidate20:09
seb128but we need to look at the diff, the bugs closed, etc20:09
pwnguinwhere does ubuntu draw the line on fonts?20:16
StevenKMithrandir: I added -L/usr/lib/firefox, no effect20:16
StevenKMithrandir: Next idea?20:19
asacMithrandir: doesn't it appear in the tools menu?20:23
Mithrandirasac: no20:24
Burgundaviapwnguin: in what sense?20:31
pwnguinBurgundavia: license20:31
Burgundaviawhat is the context of the question20:31
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pwnguinit would be really great if cellwriter used a handwritten style font instead of the default font20:32
pwnguinbut if I have to not only find a suitable font but convince the owner to liscense it under something they've never heard of or dont care for20:33
Burgundaviaopl is a good one20:34
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asacMithrandir: you can open the greasemonkey manage user scripts dialog by opening chrome://greasemonkey/content/manage.xul21:11
asac(in url bar)21:11
asacMithrandir: i will ask cwong to look into why it doesn't find its anchor point in the tools submenu21:12
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=== warsocket changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: OPEN | Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with hardy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty/gutsy | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Hardy opened, go wild! | UDS in #uds-bosto
=== warsocket changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: OPEN | Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with hardy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty/gutsy | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Hardy opened, go wild! | UDS in #uds-boston
warsocketdidnt know i was allowed to do that21:52
HammerheadHi I was wondering how to go about offering a small script for a package.22:06
HammerheadFirehol is missing the "try" option in the init script22:06
ScottKfirehol is in Universe, so ask in #ubuntu-motu.  Someone there should be able to help you.22:07
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cavedonhi all!22:12
cavedonfor package wengophone, there is a new bugfixing-only new upstream release22:12
cavedonwould it be an update or a backport?22:13
cavedonI mean , should it go to proposed-updates, or backports22:13
somerville32backports unless it meets the criteria for an SRU22:15
somerville32In that case, you'd only patch the stuff that meets the SRU criteria22:15
cavedonsomerville32: tnx22:17
krawekgtusy supports squashfs?23:36
crimsun_krawek: yes23:38
kraweki'm trying to mount with -t squashfs but it says squashfs is unknown23:40
crimsun_krawek: install linux-ubuntu-modules-$(uname -r)23:48
krawekthanks crimsun_ =)23:50

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