
ubotuI phear the stick so shhhhh02:52
jjesseposingaspopular: what's going on?03:40
posingaspopularnot much, i haven't talked to you since you came to chicago03:40
posingaspopular<-paper/crazy night03:40
jjesseposingaspopular: yeah been busy03:41
posingaspopularjjesse: are you going to work on the hardy docs, or the ubuntu book again?03:42
jjesseposingaspopular: hopefully both03:43
posingaspopularnice. i'd like work on docs lots more this release but we'll see. the next two months are super busy03:43
posingaspopulari'd like to work some on packaging and more loco type stuff though, so we'll see where the priorites stuff. are you still doing lots of traveling?03:48
jjesseyeah i am,that's what i do for a living03:54
jjessesorry a little slow responding, at UDS Boston03:54
posingaspopularhow is that? i wish i coulda gone but im not a mad hacker like you, you know :(03:55
=== bhuvan_ is now known as bhuvan
mdkemorning all08:08
posingaspopularmdke: morning? it's 3am!08:10
mdkeisn't that morning?08:11
mdkeif it isn't, I don't know what it is08:11
posingaspopularit's 'night' if my clock is correct08:12
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
michaelrammQUESTION: Does working on your team wiki (AlabamaTeam US) count as the wiki experience that the doc team is looking for?14:27
jjessemichaelramm: i would vote that it does14:28
michaelrammcool, I would like to start with something like proofreading, but move up to WikiTeam eventually14:29
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
=== Gwaihir_ is now known as Gwaihir
konputerI've written some of the meat of a tutorial on how to move from ms exchange to a free mailserver using Maildirs and it happened to be under ubuntu. Do you think that this should be under ubuntu's docs or standalone faq/tutorial?17:57
jjessekonputer: on the help.ubuntu.com/community wiki would be a great place to start17:59
jjessekonputer: let me kow when you get it done, would love to read it :P17:59
konputerWell I'm as of yet not sure where to start17:59
konputerI have much of the process written down17:59
konputerbut I'm not sure as to whether to write it as qmaiL-specific or just for any mail server that uses maildirs and can authenticate against pam18:00
konputerthe key points that I haven't seen covered online anywhere are how to synch up the exchange tree with users' Maildirs18:00
konputerand how to get the linux mail server to authenticate against windows domain.18:01
jjessewho was the last person that worked on the serverguide?20:17
jjesseok in a talk here, do you have to have differnt access to post on help.ubuntu.com/community?20:27
sommerjjesse: I've been submitting patches and from what I can tell an LP account gets you access.20:28
jjessenixternal or mdke you there?20:28
nixternaljjesse: yo yo21:08
jjessenixternal: is there a difference in acces between posting soemting to h.u.com/communit instead of w.u.c21:09
nixternaljjesse: I don't believe there is, I know with h.u.com though, not everyone can delete a page21:11
ardchoilleI'd like to join the documentation team but I use Kubuntu. Will that be a problem?21:34
nixternalardchoille: HECK NO!21:44
nixternalyou are just the poor sould I need21:44
nixternalI mean, great contributor I need :)21:44
nixternalto bad I write Kubuntu documentation and can't spell worth a damn21:44
ardchoilleWell, I'll introduce myself.21:45
ardchoilleMy name is Ian MacGregor, but I go by my online nick: ardchoille21:45
ardchoilleI worked for a time for Mandrake Linux as their chief editor for their newsletter, and I also edited their website.21:46
ardchoilleI took a lot of journalism in college and I like to write.21:46
nixternalwell well well, you sound like the Mandrake version of me :)21:46
nixternalhow are your docbook skills?21:47
ardchoilleI joined the ubuntu-docs list so I should be hearing something from that soon.21:47
ardchoilleI know nothing about Docbook XML but an really wanting to learn.21:47
ardchoilleIs there an IDE for Docbook?21:47
nixternaloh man21:47
nixternalno IDE for it21:47
nixternaljust Kate21:47
ardchoilleI love Kate21:48
nixternalactually, as long as you can read and write english, you are da man!21:48
nixternalif you can do html, then docbook/xml will come easy21:48
ardchoilleI'm Scottish, but don't hold that against me :)21:48
nixternalhey, our leader of Kubuntu is Scottish, and we haven't held it against him yet21:48
ardchoilleheh, I still write my webpages in html instead of using an IDE21:48
nixternalalrighty, back21:51
=== oldmanstan2 is now known as oldmanstan
ardchoilleThe docs team hasn't had a meeting since July?21:59
nixternalprobably not....we are a rather busy group and the people who contribute usually know what is going on ahead of time...most of us have been doing this since Ubuntu started21:59
nixternalthe mailing list is usually where a lot of our work with people who aren't so versed usually takes place22:00
nixternalwe try to have a meeting though when we are about to do something big...other than that, our goal is just to document the OS, so following development is one of the biggest things22:00
ardchoilleAh, ok22:01
mdkewelcome aboard ardchoille22:10
ardchoillemdke: Thank you22:11
* mdke goes through and merges / deletes a few team wiki pages22:43
mdkewe have too much stuff around, best to keep things as simple as poss22:44
ardchoilleCan I createmy own team wiki page? Or must I be an official team member first?22:46
mdkemembers of the team don't have wiki pages. You can create a personal page, sure - any user of the wiki should22:46
mdkei mean, members of the team have wiki pages, but it's nothing to do with being a member of the team :)22:47
mdkeclear as mud eh22:47
nixternalwasabi mr. matt!22:48
mdkehmm, help.u.c still hasn't been updated22:49
nixternalya, anything *.com has been a little slow around here22:50
mdkeI mean, the 7.10 help hasn't been uploaded22:51
nixternalI thought you had access to that22:51
mdkeno, you don't get access to some servers unless you are a canonical employee22:52
nixternalsue um!22:53
mdkeI have enough suing to do22:53
mdkeit's nice to take a break from suing when I get home22:54
somerville32mdke: You sue people for a living? lol23:02

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