
MythbuntuGuest02interesting.  When I first launched tsclient, I couldn't choose VNC.  Now I can.  Is there any way to force a screen resolution?00:07
directhexvnc screen resolution is set by the server00:11
mythbotI die more than I should.  It's my prerogative.  Watch out though, one of these day's I'm taking ubotu with me.00:19
solarbabyI've put soooo much effort into trying to get my Hauppauge 350 TV out working, I could cry00:51
solarbabyI'd rather cry when it starts working though00:51
solarbabywhat ticks me off the most is my video out only works for 4 seconds as I shut down the computer01:05
MitoTraninsounds like it's working in hardware then01:05
MitoTraninjust need to get the software to use it properly01:05
MitoTraninhave you checked out the ivtv mailing lists?01:05
solarbabythats harder then you'd believe01:05
solarbabyI've spent days01:06
MitoTraninsolarbaby: I have a pvr-35001:06
solarbabyMitoTranin: I could cry01:06
solarbabyMitoTranin: its been unbelievable01:06
MitoTraninBUT, I've never tried to get the tv out to work... and I don't plan on it anymore either, since the sound on it is busted01:06
solarbabyah i see.. well as far as my 350 recording it does fine01:07
MythbuntuGuest43Hello, I have a emachines W3506 that the PVR-350 crashed on.01:12
MythbuntuGuest43I have installed 20-30 times over the weekend.01:12
JThundleyan emachines crashed?! stop the presses!01:12
MythbuntuGuest43Hmmm, your telling me something.01:13
MythbuntuGuest84Hi again01:15
JThundleyI thought I offended you and you ragequit on me :p01:16
MythbuntuGuest84Please tell me that this emachine wil work.01:17
MythbuntuGuest84( I am new to IRC, I didn't know you uhad to keed java open ;-)01:18
MythbuntuGuest84Ok, now I see no more messages ??!!01:21
MythbuntuGuest84I must have screwed up again. Over and out01:22
MitoTraninok, I'm confused...01:22
MitoTraninI am trying to write a bash script to run on startup that will check to see if my tuner's firmware got loaded properly, and if not, load it manually01:23
MitoTraninright now, the firmware is loaded properly... but the check to see if the /dev/video0 file exists is telling me that the file doesn't exist01:24
MitoTraninBUT, when I check manually, it's there01:24
MitoTraninI am guessing that this is because it's a device and not a file...01:24
MitoTraninbut how do I check for that instead then?01:24
MitoTraninright now my check is:  if [ -f /dev/video0 ]01:25
MitoTraninanyone know what I should do different?01:25
JThundleyyeah, I think there's a better way, give me a second01:29
JThundley-f is for files01:29
JThundleyFILE exists and is a regular file01:29
JThundleyuse -e01:29
JThundley-e is for if something exists01:29
MitoTraninthat worked, thanks :)01:29
JThundleyman test :)01:30
MitoTraninI had also tried -d as that was for directories, but as expected that didn't work either01:30
MitoTraninI had tried man if01:30
MitoTraninbut it didn't like that :001:30
MythbuntuGuest48I'm trying to add a second backend, but the primary doesn't seem to recognize the capture card.  Is there something I need to re-configure, or will it simply use it when needed?01:40
adamg_can mythbuntu work on an xbox as a frontend ? the system requirements seem to say no but I am using an old distro for mythtv on xbox (forget name) based on 2.4 kernel which works pretty well01:41
JThundleyI've seen xbox stuff in the mythtv setup01:44
JThundleyI can't imagine it's supported any worse01:44
MitoTraninadamg_: yes, solarbaby I believe uses his without problems01:45
JThundleyI just switched from an old ass mythtv setup too, I was running .17 or something01:45
MitoTraninadamg_: by far the easiest way to do it would be to download mythbuntu and use it as a livecd01:45
mythbotMythbuntu is a combination of Ubuntu and MythTV.  The current version is based on Gutsy Gibbon.  Unlike other MythTV distros, Mythbuntu is closely knitted with Ubuntu.  This allows an easy someone to easily convert between a Ubuntu Desktop and a Mythbuntu Standalone and back again.01:45
JThundleywhere does irexec get started up on mythbuntu?01:46
JThundleyI grepped through my whole /etc looking for it01:46
adamg_MitiTranin: how do you complete the installation, given that you pretty much need to install it to a loopback filesystem as opposed to a partition ?01:46
BHSPitMonkeyadamg_, how would you rig a tuner in there?01:47
MitoTraninMythbuntuGuest48: what type of capture card are you trying to use?  and are you saying that the primary backend doesn't see the secondary backend, or?01:47
adamg_BHSPitMonkey: the xbox is just a frontend, I have the backend upstairs :)01:47
MitoTraninadamg_: the way I was refering, you don't use the xbox as a backend, you use it as a frontend only01:48
BHSPitMonkeyMitoTranin, he said "the primary doesn't seem to recognize the capture card"01:48
MitoTraninyou'd still have to have a separate machine acting as the backend01:48
BHSPitMonkeyadamg_, oh.  Missed that part.01:48
MitoTraninBHSPitMonkey: I know what he said... my point was that he never said if the capture card was in the primary, or if it was in the secondary01:48
MitoTraninBHSPitMonkey: also, those are for two different people...01:49
MitoTraninadamg_: with using the xbox as a remote frontend, you don't ever need to install anything... you just use the live cd without installing it....01:49
BHSPitMonkeymythbot, what are "those"?01:49
MythbuntuGuest48the primary backend doesn't really seem to recognize the secondary backend exists at all.01:50
adamg_I will download the iso and see how it goes, but I was wondering how to get the install onto the xbox HDD so I can boot without the CD.... \01:50
MythbuntuGuest48the primary has one capture card, the secondary backend has another capture card01:50
adamg_and without needing to re-enter the config each time.... and since I have no keyboard on the xbox, how would I config it in the first place.....01:50
MitoTraninadamg_: are you planning on using the xbox as an xbox still?  if so, then it gets complicated... if not, then just install as normal should work01:51
MitoTraninMythbuntuGuest48: during setup of the secondary, did you do a customized mythbuntu install, or typical?01:51
adamg_MitoTranin: no, I also use the xbox media center and xbox games .... all my games are from the HDD so the kids don't scratch them/etc....01:51
MitoTraninadamg_: then it gets a lot more complicated :)  you'll have to setup a dual-boot partition etc... and I wouldn't even think about starting it until you get that drive backed up.01:52
MythbuntuGuest48although it seemed to be very straight-forward.  It asked for the myth primary info and happily moved along.01:52
MythbuntuGuest48it also picked up the schedules direct info and ran mythfilldatabase01:53
directhexlinux on xbox is extremely slow01:53
MitoTraninMythbuntuGuest48: after install, did you go through the setup on the secondary backend and tell it to use the primary server etc?01:53
directhexyou need a distro which can cope with the tiny amount of ram - and boot times are high, as is the system noise01:53
MitoTraninthen I would think you should be all set....   but I've never ran more than one backend on my system, so I don't know01:54
adamg_directhex: yes and yes.... those are two issues that I want to address eventually :)01:54
directhexvaguely related: http://gaming.hexus.net/content/item.php?item=1027301:54
adamg_MitoTranin: do you know of some howto/guide that will help me with how I need to do that?01:54
directhexadamg_, in general, xbmc is MUCH better regarded than myth on xbox linux, as a myth frontend. ram's the killer.01:55
adamg_directhex: but how do you use the XBMC to access the mythtv recorded programs and/or livetv ?01:56
directhexadamg_, not sure. i know it's possible though01:56
directhexe.g. http://sourceforge.net/projects/xbmcmythtv/01:57
superm1_solarbaby, i just got back01:57
superm1_you still here?01:57
directhexsuperm1_, my ps3 linux article has landed \o/ waiting to see if it stirs up the hornet's nest01:58
superm1_cool directhex  :)01:58
superm1_directhex, where'd it land?01:58
MitoTraninsuperm1_: you got a minute?01:58
MitoTraninsuperm1_: I'm still fighting with my remote and trying to get it to respond... I can't get anything to come from irw01:59
superm1_what remtoe?01:59
MitoTraninthen I realized that I've never used this serial port before, so I don't even know if it works or not02:00
superm1_and you irrecorded it?02:00
superm1_or what02:00
MitoTraninthe remote itself I used an lircd.conf from the internet02:00
MitoTraninspecifically: http://www.vulturesnest.net/mythtvremote.html02:01
superm1_have your made sure you are seeing button presses in general (even if they dont match up) [a'la mode2 or similar]02:01
MitoTraninthat's what I was trying to do with irw02:01
MitoTraninbut nothing shows on the screen02:01
directhexsuperm1_, http://gaming.hexus.net/content/item.php?item=1027302:02
superm1_well but you dont know that the remote config is good02:02
superm1_so you may want to try to use mode202:02
MitoTraninanyways, so I backed down further and right now I'm trying to test to see if the serial port itself works at all, via plugging in a serial mouse02:02
superm1_to see if it even sees button presses period02:02
MitoTraninand that's not working... but I then realized that I still have my usb mouse plugged in, and that is working, so that could be it02:02
MitoTraninok, I can re-enable the reciever serial things02:03
MitoTraninbut do you know of a way to find out if this is com1 or com2 easily?02:03
MitoTraninit's the only com port on the system, so I would assume com1, but I've seen those be com2 sometimes too02:03
directhexMitoTranin, nothing in dmesg about it?02:04
MitoTraninI don't even know what to grep for in the dmesg02:04
MitoTraninand it's too huge to read line-by-line and not miss something02:04
MitoTraninit just says that there is both a com1 and com202:05
superm1_MitoTranin, you probably had to modify setserial options02:05
directhexthat's odd, linux doesn't use names like com1 or com202:05
superm1_when you turned on your support for the irreceiver02:06
superm1_it uses02:06
superm1_like directhex said02:06
superm1_directhex, i'm reading through your article :)02:06
MitoTraninwell, I'm using names com1 and com202:06
superm1_are you a full fledged normal editor for hexus?02:06
directhexsuperm1_, in rare cases it has other names, e.g. ttySG0 on an sgi altix02:06
superm1_or ttyUSBX02:06
MitoTraninit has: serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A02:07
directhexsuperm1_, freelance writer02:07
MitoTraninfor both ttyS0 and ttyS102:07
directhexsame I/O and irq for both?02:07
MitoTraninand: 00:09: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A02:07
MitoTraninfor the same02:07
directhexthat would cause breakage02:07
MitoTranindirecthex: no you silly... I just didn't want to flood the chan02:07
MitoTraninthey are the correct irq/IO02:08
superm1_MitoTranin, when you used the lirc_serial driver02:08
superm1_you were turning off the uart right?02:08
directhexsuperm1_, time for setserial, to test, y'think?02:09
MitoTraninI followed the guide you wrote for gutsy superm1_02:09
superm1_MitoTranin, well i dont recall what i put in there, but it should have walked you through turning off the serial port's uart02:09
superm1_but if it is showing that it 16550A, its not off02:09
MitoTraninyes, /dev/ttyS0 uart none02:09
superm1_can you try manually running that?02:10
MitoTraninin both /var/lib/setserial/autoserial.conf and /etc/serial.conf02:10
superm1_sudo setserial /dev/ttyS0 uart none02:10
superm1_and see if it changes the behavior?02:10
directhexsuperm1_, you put it in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_Lirc_Gutsy#head-11f21cd416f984d51b87dc9dca2c21b890bf82d502:10
MitoTraninwell, right now it has no behavior :)02:10
directhexsuperm1_, and if you'll excuse me, it's 2:10am, and time for bed02:11
levanderDoes anyone know why whenever I leave the MythTV install going unattended, I come back and the machine has crashed somehow?  It seems like if I sit there, poking at stuff, it goes through without hitch.02:11
superm1_night night directhex02:11
superm1_your article is pretty intriguing though02:11
MitoTraninnight directhex02:11
superm1_i've wanted to see someone review the possibilities02:11
superm1_levander, checkout your logs02:11
superm1_that's the way to figure it out ;)02:11
levandersuperm1_: which log? /var/log/syslog?02:12
superm1_and /var/log/syslog02:12
levanderk, i'll check that, tx02:12
directhexsuperm1_, i'm pretty disgusted that no look at ps3 ubuntu has ever mentioned the glaring issues - even when they include full-screen screenshots at sub-vga dimensions02:12
superm1_directhex, i'm wondering why we don't have full resolution displays02:12
superm1_seems absurd02:12
MitoTraninsuperm1_: permission denied for uart none on both ttyS0 and S102:13
directhexsuperm1_, lack of testing, lack of polish. nothing more, nothing less. feel free to post a link on planet or somesuch :)02:13
directhexsuperm1_, anyway, BED02:13
superm1_MitoTranin, do sudo setserial02:13
MitoTraninstandard "you called me without a command option" type help output02:14
MitoTraninalso, I'm in a root console (via sudo su)02:14
adamg_btw, I was unable to download the iso images from the website, I just got a blank page saying "done". I assume this was a result of the javascript stuff required or something... using wget from a command line gave me the html file from which I got the proper iso url, and that worked.....02:18
superm1_MitoTranin, i dont know why that would happen02:19
superm1_do you have something using /dev/ttyS002:19
superm1_adamg_, let me check02:20
superm1_adamg_, worked fine for me02:20
superm1_i wonder if you found a bad host02:20
superm1_because that link load balances02:21
superm1_adamg_, yeah i've refreshed at least 12 times no issues02:21
adamg_supermi_: sorry, I think it is because I use firefox with the AdBlock Plus which blocks the http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js URL(I haven't confirmed that, but is my assumption)02:22
superm1_adamg_, i use adblock plus as well02:22
superm1_and that url is not blocked for me by default02:22
superm1_adamg_, but that is our click tracker02:22
solarbabyadamg_: did you get your xbox thing worked out or do you need some help?02:22
superm1_adamg_, so i really hope its not blocked :)02:22
adamg_supermi_: well, adblock doesn't block anything by default, but I subscribed to one of the lists, and I assume that list does block it02:23
solarbabysuperm1_: welcome back02:23
superm1_adamg_, yeah me too02:23
superm1_adamg_, i subscribed to the first list02:23
MitoTraninsuperm1_: well, as I said, my plans were to try get it to work via a mouse just to find out which serial port it was (0 or 1) so I would guess that the kernel is using it02:23
superm1_when i installed it02:23
adamg_solarbaby: I'm at work right now, I downloaded the iso, and am looking at the XBMCMythTV plugin .... will see how I go when I get home02:24
solarbabyadamg_: question..  is your xbox modified? is it version 1.6?02:24
MitoTraninBUT, I have a recording running right now, so I can't reboot to clear it... any way to remove them from the kernel without rebooting?02:24
adamg_solarbaby: it is modified and it is not 1.602:24
superm1_MitoTranin, if X is using them change yoru x config02:24
MitoTraninX isn't, because the mouse wasn't working.  my usb mouse was still controling the mouse, not the serial mouse02:25
MitoTranin(also to note: I didn't change the x config yet)02:25
solarbabyadamg_: very good..  then you can freely use either of the MythTV frontends..  the iso of Xebian Myth is a since to install, really youjust copy it to your e drive and load it and thats that..  it takes nearly 5 minutes to bootup.. it requires no formating of your xbox because its just a bootable image andyou can boot it from your file manager02:26
MitoTraninwell... I didn't change it to tell it to use the serial mouse yet, I was about to do that when you got back02:26
solarbabyadamg_: the Xbmcmyth.py is really useful it boots up nice and fast and supports commercial skipping02:26
adamg_solarbaby: I currently use xebian but wanted something newer with more recent mythtv version02:26
solarbabyadamg_: thats something I cant help you with.. its a real pain in the butt to upgrade02:27
solarbabyadamg_: its actually very recent..02:27
adamg_supermi_ my adblock is using Easylist + EasyElement + ABP Tracking Filter02:28
superm1_adamg_, yeah i use easylist and that's it02:29
adamg_solarbaby: I wanted to use one of the very new versions of mythtv to support recording two shows where one is right after the other but both have an start early/finish late, using only a single recording card.....02:30
adamg_I have a dual channel card, but I always set a start early/finish late, and often there are two channels where I want 4 shows from, and I end up missing two of the shows....02:31
solarbabybeen there02:31
MitoTraninsuperm1_: any way to tell the kernel to stop using the serial ports without restarting?02:32
adamg_I considered buying another dual channel card, but I think my backend wouldn't handle the load anyway (1.6GHz AMD Athlon CPU)02:32
solarbabyyour setup sounds more impressive then mine.. cept my computer is faster02:33
solarbabyI just have 1 recorder02:34
superm1_MitoTranin, i dunno02:34
superm1_solarbaby, okay you want me to try to briefly try to work with you once mroe02:34
levanderWell, I found it why my installation died when it was unattended.  There was an error on the disc.  Then, when I came back the Mythbuntu background was there, but nothing else.  I'm reburning another Mythbuntu CD now.02:36
=== superm1_ is now known as superm1
MitoTraninsuperm1: you still around?03:15
MitoTraninok, I'm setting back the options in setserial and /etc/serial.conf to be no uart , and I was getting ready to edit my /etc/modprobe/lirc03:16
MitoTraninwill setting the lirc_serial module to both ttyS0 and ttyS1 cause a problem?03:16
MitoTraninie: do I *have* to only use one, or can I use both, even though only one of them will actually have the receiver attached to it?03:17
superm1do only one03:19
superm1you can switch between the two03:19
MitoTranineinie, minie, miny, moe... ttyS0 first :)03:20
ericim running ubuntu 7.10.. i've verified that my tv tuner card works (i can watch tv fine in tvtime).. i installed mythtv via the mythbuntu control centre.. went through the configuration.. i can connect to the database just fine.. the problem that i am having is when i try to go to the mythtv frontend and then select "watch tv".. i hear audio from my cable comming in, but then instead of any video being displayed, i just get the myth03:21
MitoTranineric, do you plan on using this system *only* for mythtv?03:21
erici'd like to use it as a desktop when not using mythtv03:22
MitoTraninok, as if you were, I was going to suggest just using mythbuntu as a whole03:22
MitoTraninthat's fine though03:22
MitoTranindid you tell the mythtv-setup to use the correct tuner type and tuner input?03:23
erici may try that.. though i'd like to try to get this issue resolved first03:23
MitoTraninit sounds like you have the sound input correct, but the video input set to the wrong input03:23
erichmm.. let me take a look03:23
MitoTraninsuperm1: ok, so it's back up and running, how do I test this mode2 thing?03:25
ericyes, it is using /dev/video0.. just as tvtime is03:25
superm1MitoTranin, look at the man page03:26
superm1i've never had to use03:26
MitoTraninah, ok03:26
ericany other ideas?03:27
ericwhere are the log files located?03:27
ericgot it.. /var/log/mythtv03:28
CCB0x45anyon know if there is a way to make the03:31
CCB0x45nvidia drivers do no validation checking03:31
CCB0x45at all?03:31
ericin frontend.log.. got it.. in mythfrontend.log VideoOutputXv: XvMCTex: Init Failed.. VideoOutputXv: XVideo Adaptor Name: 'Xgl Generic Texture Video'.. mythfrontend.real: Fatal IO error: client kille03:32
ericany ideas?03:34
CCB0x45no idea03:35
superm1turn off Xgl03:36
superm1its a horrible idea to have with myth03:36
CCB0x45superm1, do you know anyway to make the stupid nvidia drivers do absolutely no validation checking?03:36
superm1CCB0x45, that's not the problem03:36
superm1it crashed because of Xgl03:36
superm1not validation checking03:36
CCB0x45for myself03:36
CCB0x45it always throws out my modes03:37
CCB0x45it is so annoying03:37
CCB0x45it wont ever try them03:37
superm1oh sorry i mixed up your two posts03:37
superm1eric, and yours03:37
superm1my bad03:37
superm1late night :)03:37
CCB0x45its cool03:37
CCB0x45I just figured you might know03:37
superm1CCB0x45, in the nvidia readme there is an option03:37
CCB0x45ive been struggling with it for a week03:37
superm1or something very similar03:37
CCB0x45ill try UseEDID false03:38
superm1CCB0x45, there are other options to pair with it03:38
superm1that you need03:38
CCB0x45isnt there just one blanket one03:38
CCB0x45to do no validation checking03:38
CCB0x45UseEDID false says that it globally disables all uses of the EDID03:39
superm1CCB0x45, you can enable them all03:39
superm1CCB0x45, but you need to turn off the other checks each03:39
CCB0x45what section should this be on?03:39
CCB0x45that is so annoying03:39
CCB0x45because I dont know what one is fricken making it fail03:40
superm1search for useedid03:40
superm1its all there03:40
CCB0x45I know03:40
CCB0x45I am looking for it03:40
CCB0x45im in there03:40
superm1it lists them all right there03:40
CCB0x45but ive turned off every single one03:40
superm1the other options03:40
CCB0x45and it still doesnt validate03:40
CCB0x45why the hell do they have so much stupid validation checking03:41
CCB0x45the drivers are such peices of shit03:41
superm1because you can break your hardware03:41
CCB0x45old crts03:41
CCB0x45you can break03:41
solarbabysuperm1: brb gunna step out for a cigerette03:41
superm1they are failsafes to make sure that you cant override03:41
CCB0x45I just dont get why my friend with the same damn hardware03:41
superm1you can break modern devices too03:41
CCB0x45and the same tv03:41
CCB0x45im using the same xorg03:41
CCB0x45and it works on his03:42
superm1on the tv03:42
CCB0x45and doesnt validate on mine03:42
CCB0x45how hard is it to honestly just put out 720p03:42
CCB0x45every single hdmi device can just put out 720p03:42
CCB0x45but linux is still ass backwards on it03:42
superm1there is a fair share of handshaking that happens03:43
superm1to communicate smaller details of outputting such a resolution03:43
CCB0x45it cant be that hard03:43
CCB0x45there is TONS of hdmi devices out there03:43
CCB0x45for very cheap amounts of money03:43
CCB0x45that plug and play and work03:43
superm1CCB0x45, i wouldn't attempt to claim the difficulty of such a task unless you have first hand experience03:43
CCB0x45nvidia is proprietary drivers03:44
CCB0x45they could do it easily03:44
CCB0x45especially since it works on windows03:44
CCB0x45its just half assed support03:44
superm1well go complain to them in the forum then :)03:44
CCB0x45but why does ubuntu sometimes go to safe mode03:44
superm1complaining to me isn't going to get anything changed.03:44
CCB0x45I never even know if it is actually using the xorg.conf03:44
superm1it goes into failsafe if the X server crashed03:45
superm1or couldn't use the xorg.conf03:45
CCB0x45its so frustrating that you can plug an xbox in on any tv in hdmi and it works fine03:46
CCB0x45and you can configure a driver for weeks on end03:46
CCB0x45and it wont fucking output the resolution you KNOW you need03:47
CCB0x45I know I need 1280x720 60hz03:47
CCB0x45shouldnt be this hard03:47
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.03:47
CCB0x45what determines "couldnt use the xorg.conf"03:47
CCB0x45sorry but its frustrating03:47
CCB0x45ive had the black bars around my thing for 2 weeks, the only problem with my box03:47
CCB0x45because of terrible drivers03:48
tgm4883_laptopwhat card?03:48
CCB0x45its an onboard nvidia 7 series03:48
tgm4883_laptopwhat tv?03:48
CCB0x45mitsubishi 6262803:50
CCB0x45it just needs 1280x720 60hz03:52
CCB0x45I am so pissed03:53
CCB0x45I have turned off all edid stuff03:53
CCB0x45still says no valid modes03:53
tgm4883_laptophave you set a modeline?03:53
CCB0x45why wont it say WHAT is making it not validate03:53
tgm4883_laptopwhich driver03:54
CCB0x45it wont ever attempt to use my modeline03:54
CCB0x45always says no valid mode03:54
CCB0x45but gives no output WHY its not valid03:54
tgm4883_laptopnvidia, nvidia-legacy, nvidia-new?03:55
CCB0x45its just called nvidia03:55
CCB0x45from 7.1003:55
CCB0x45I dont know which one it is03:55
tgm4883_laptopdpkg -l | grep nvidia03:57
CCB0x45ii  nvidia-glx-new                             100.14.19+              NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver03:58
tgm4883_laptopwhat modeline did you use?04:00
CCB0x45let me fine it04:00
CCB0x45find it04:00
tgm4883_laptopcan you pastebin your whole xorg.conf04:00
CCB0x45this is it before turning off validation checks04:01
CCB0x45im turning off every single one I can see currently04:02
CCB0x45that is one of about 500 xorgs that ive created04:03
CCB0x45and tried04:03
CCB0x45this one works on my friends tv which is the same tv04:03
CCB0x45and its using what is reccomended by the tv04:03
CCB0x451280x720 60hz04:03
tgm4883_laptopwhere did you get your modeline from?04:04
CCB0x45I didnt make that one04:05
CCB0x45my friend did04:05
CCB0x45from one of the tools04:05
CCB0x45but I tried modelines from every different tool I could fine04:05
CCB0x45I have just turned off04:05
CCB0x45every single check possible listed in the nvidia04:05
CCB0x45readme file... and it STILL says no valid modes04:05
CCB0x45how is that possible?04:05
superm1CCB0x45, you'll need to start your X server in verbose mode04:06
superm1to determine which aspect of your modeline is failing04:06
CCB0x45how do I do that?04:06
superm1in verbose mode the driver will intelligently tell you what's gonig wrong04:06
superm1startx -logverbose 504:07
superm1i think would do it04:07
superm1or it might be04:07
superm1startx -- -logverbose 504:07
superm1i dont know the exact syntax04:07
CCB0x45if X is running can restart it with verbose04:07
superm1but that is the general jist of it04:07
CCB0x45from the command line?04:07
superm1you have to do this outside gdm04:07
superm1or edit the gdm-cdd.conf to include the verbose logging option when it starts the x server04:07
superm1however you want to do it04:08
CCB0x45do you know where in the gdm-cdd?04:09
superm1the syntax however04:10
superm1startx -- -logverbose 504:10
superm1to get it from command04:10
superm1as i just tried04:10
CCB0x45yea im in there04:10
CCB0x45I meant in the gdm04:10
CCB0x45it doesnt call start X04:10
CCB0x45it calls user/bin/X04:10
CCB0x45I guess the one I want is server-Standard for X04:11
superm1i'm saying if you do it from command line04:11
superm1that is the way to do it04:11
CCB0x45I want to edit the gdm04:12
CCB0x45so it logs it every time04:12
CCB0x45since im sure ill be doing it a lot04:12
CCB0x45I just set it for all the different x server instances04:12
CCB0x45in gdm04:12
superm1well then just add the -logverbose 504:12
CCB0x45I figure standard server is the main one though04:12
superm1to the end of the command04:12
CCB0x45I did04:12
CCB0x45rebooting... lets see04:12
tgm4883_laptoppost the output of04:14
tgm4883_laptopgtf 1280 720 6004:14
CCB0x45WW) NVIDIA(0): Unable to use mode "1280x720@60" for DFP-0; cannot compute04:14
CCB0x45(WW) NVIDIA(0):     backend DFP timings (mode is larger than native backend04:14
CCB0x45(WW) NVIDIA(0):     640 x 480).04:14
CCB0x45what does that mean?04:15
CCB0x45  Modeline "1280x720_60.00"  74.48  1280 1336 1472 1664  720 721 724 746  -HSync +Vsync04:15
CCB0x45thats the gtf output04:15
superm1CCB0x45, have you tried letting 'nvidia-auto-select' handle this already?04:16
CCB0x45of course04:16
superm1well but i mean putting it in the modes section04:16
superm1and seeing why it fails04:16
superm1with verbose output here04:16
superm1you can find out a lot better04:16
CCB0x45nah I can try that04:17
CCB0x45one sec04:17
superm1be sure to comment out Horizsync Vertrefresh04:17
CCB0x45you mean with the edid stuff turned on?04:17
superm1because they can be the caused04:17
superm1yes with edid stuff on04:17
superm1no overrides04:17
superm1nvidia will tell you which override you need04:17
superm1and hopefully how much04:17
levanderHow well is Mythbuntu going to work if I use the ati and not the fglrx (sp?) driver?04:18
CCB0x45restarting now04:19
superm1levander, well try it and see!04:19
superm1levander, :)04:19
CCB0x45superm1, if it chooses auto select?04:19
CCB0x45you mean04:19
CCB0x45is it alright if I make it in a way I know it will default to autoselect?04:19
superm1CCB0x45, if you include "nvidia-auto-select"04:19
superm1as a mode04:19
superm1it will try it04:19
superm1and use the edid to do it04:19
levandersuperm1: how do I change the driver after I've already gone through the install?04:19
superm1and if it cant, verbose mode will tell you why04:20
superm1that's all i'll say :)04:20
levandersuperm1: X-Windows isn't coming up with fglrx04:20
superm1levander, erk04:20
superm1levander, you can remove fglrx from a console, but i'm surprised BulletProofX didn't kcik in then04:20
levandersuperm1: When I came back to the machine, there was something about "X is running in low-configuration mode", but it was like there were digital artifacts that followed the mouse around04:21
levanderI rebooted, and nothing after the Mythbuntu and progress bar splash screen.04:21
superm1levander, okay so it did kick in.04:21
superm1levander, redo your install without it, probably the fastest method to fix at this piont04:22
CCB0x45I dont exactly know what to look for in here04:22
CCB0x45it does say this04:22
superm1well then pastebin it04:22
CCB0x45ill pastebin04:22
levandersuperm1: your kidding me? wait, doesn't "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" reconfigure X-Windows?  I just don't remember if that lets you rechoose the driver or not.04:23
superm1levander, you said that it freezes after tath04:23
superm1so i mean that would be the easiest solution04:23
superm1"nothing after the Mythbuntu and progress bar splash screen."04:23
levandersuperm1: i can use grub to boot into recovery mode, then X won't try to start, it's probably freezing when X tries to start...04:23
superm1levander, well this being the case, apt-get remove xorg-driver-fglrx04:24
superm1and then dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:24
levanderyou're sure i need to remove xorg-driver-fglrx first?04:24
levanderi just wouldn't expect that is all04:24
levanderokay, thanks superm104:24
superm1it diverts a libGL04:24
superm1for its driver to work04:25
superm1that's the reason it cant be installed and working side by side with open source open gl04:25
BHSPitMonkeyhey all04:26
BHSPitMonkeywhere is the main spot media is stored on a mythbuntu install?04:26
solarbaby/var/lib/mythtv i believe04:27
BHSPitMonkey(I'm using a separate OS partition, and I need to know what to be mounting my "big" partition as.)04:27
BHSPitMonkeyah, so I should mount it as /var/ then?04:27
CCB0x45that is the one using the nvidia autoselect04:27
CCB0x45showing all the mode info04:27
solarbabyHAHAHA YOU DID IT superm1 !!04:28
* solarbaby is rolling on the floor laughing04:28
CCB0x45the edid stuff has the modes I want in it04:28
solarbabysuperm1: you did it04:28
superm1solarbaby, ah finally!04:28
solarbabymy tv has been on for 2 days waiting for sucess04:29
CCB0x45superm1, why does the EDID stuff there list the exact modes I want04:29
CCB0x45but doesnt show up?04:29
superm1solarbaby, okay you can finally try out that other mythtv package04:29
superm1for the second part04:29
superm1to see if my patch works04:29
superm1this has been an extended way to tst that patch :)04:29
tgm4883_laptopCCB0x45, just a question, is it plugged into the 1st or second HDMI plug on the TV?04:29
superm1CCB0x45, igive me a sec to look at this04:29
levanderSome of these video cards have S-Video/HDTV out ports.  I thought you could just use a DVI out as an HDTV out?04:29
CCB0x45tgm4883, the second port04:30
CCB0x45and I can set up my tv so it reads that port as a computer input04:30
solarbabysuperm1: you really live up to your nickname..  that whole xorg.conf thing was killing me..  what do you mean finally try out that other mythtv package?04:30
CCB0x45or just a regular hdmi04:30
CCB0x45ive been trying with both04:30
CCB0x45thanks superm104:30
tgm4883_laptopapparently it's not supposed to work for the first port04:30
superm1solarbaby, there is a second part to getting this working04:30
superm1its not all there04:30
superm1in that link i gave you earlier04:30
superm1i have newer mythtv packages on a PPA of mine04:31
superm1that should allow pvr-350 to do the output04:31
superm1they include a patch i came across a few days ago04:31
superm1solarbaby, so install those, and then restart the computer04:31
solarbabysuperm1: Ok.. i'll plug in my monitor again, and check it out04:31
solarbabysuperm1: ok04:31
superm1solarbaby, you will need to enable the option in the frontend too after you've got them on04:32
superm1solarbaby, and then lastly, after this is all working, this needs to all be assembled into a single thread post04:32
CCB0x45this really annoys me because the EDID information contains the exact modes I want04:32
CCB0x45I thought at least it was getting a bad EDID04:33
superm1yeah see it is good edid04:33
superm1as i expected04:33
superm1er suspected04:33
superm1not expected04:33
solarbabysuperm1: at first glance.. i've got some more work to do with my monitor04:33
CCB0x45so why does it get those modes... and then they arent in the mode pool?04:34
solarbabysuperm1: tv out looks great..  my desktop monitor just has a blue line at the top and the rest of the screen is black04:34
superm1CCB0x45, hm i wonder.04:34
superm1CCB0x45, let me keep poking here04:34
CCB0x45it even lists 1080i04:35
superm1solarbaby, doing two monitor setup is really messy with the 35004:35
CCB0x45as an available mode04:35
superm1so i would just stick to one of them04:35
=== MythbuntuGuest79 is now known as stevetv
solarbabysuperm1: thats good to know04:35
BHSPitMonkeycan anyone confirm that media is stored under /var?04:35
stevetvi can04:35
tgm4883_laptopBHSPitMonkey, what media?04:36
tgm4883_laptopCCB0x45, what resolution is the TV reporting?04:36
BHSPitMonkeytgm4883, -multi-media?04:36
superm1CCB0x45, can i see what your xorg.conf looked like when you ran this with nvidia-auto-select?04:36
CCB0x45superm1 sure04:37
CCB0x45tgm_laptop http://pastebin.com/mf011a5e04:37
CCB0x45there is my log04:37
CCB0x45and superm1 one sec let me paste it04:37
tgm4883_laptopCCB0x45, no, the TV should be reporting that it is receiving a signal and tell you the resolution that it is receiving04:38
tgm4883_laptopBHSPitMonkey, /var/lib/mythtv/04:38
CCB0x45tgm, you mean when it works or when it doesnt work04:38
CCB0x45when its on 1048 it says XGA04:38
tgm4883_laptopwhen it does04:38
CCB0x45I mean 102404:38
CCB0x45superm1 its here: http://pastebin.com/m91b85e504:38
CCB0x45its never validated a mode when its trying for 720p04:39
CCB0x45so I dunno what it says04:39
superm1i thought i said take out the horizsync and vertrefresh04:39
CCB0x45I did04:39
CCB0x45sorry on the one I tested I did, not the one I posted there04:39
superm1according to that xorg.conf they are still there?04:39
CCB0x45my bad04:39
CCB0x45but its exactly like that with those 2 taken out04:40
CCB0x45I didnt want to sftp it off04:40
superm1and modes has "nvidia-auto-select" added to it?04:40
CCB0x45no, I didnt think I needed to04:40
CCB0x45since it defaults to it04:40
tgm4883_laptopCCB0x45, looks like 1280x720@60 is only supported on HDMI port 204:40
CCB0x45well its on hdmi port 204:40
CCB0x45so that shouldnt matter04:40
tgm4883_laptopok, just checking04:40
CCB0x45it does have that written over port 204:41
CCB0x45it be like04:41
CCB0x45Modes "1280x720@60 nvidia-auto-select"04:41
solarbabysuperm1: is this what you want me to install? Download the xorg video driver (thanks superm1)04:42
superm1solarbaby, No04:42
solarbabyi386 version: wget http://ppa.launchpad.net/superm1/ubu...~ppa3_i386.deb  I did install that much earlier..before we got all this working04:42
superm1solarbaby, its the PPA link i linked you to04:43
superm1CCB0x45, well just Modes "nvidia-auto-select 1280x720@60"04:43
superm1comment out yourmodeline04:43
superm1i wonder if you are accidently overriding04:43
superm1the one that is coming via EDID04:43
CCB0x45ill try that04:44
CCB0x45rebooting it04:44
superm1you know you can restart gdm without rebooting04:44
CCB0x45haha no04:45
CCB0x45didnt know that04:45
CCB0x45but ive been doing it like this04:45
superm1sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:45
superm1will just restart gdm04:45
superm1solarbaby, once you add that ppa, it should just be an apt-get update / apt-get upgrade04:46
solarbabysuperm1: im just  not sure what you linked me too earlier..  I can't access mybookmarks on the mythserver04:47
solarbabyis that it?04:48
superm1solarbaby, add this repository to apt:04:48
superm1 deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/superm1/ubuntu gutsy main04:48
superm1click applications->system->software sources04:48
superm1and pick third party sources04:48
superm1and paste that in04:48
superm1and hit close and it will reload the package lists04:48
CCB0x45now it wont even boot04:48
CCB0x45grub loading error 2504:49
solarbabysuperm1: hehe you said click.. I can only ssh in now04:49
superm1solarbaby, okay well then add it to /etc/apt/sources.list04:49
superm1and apt-get update/upgrade04:49
solarbabysuperm1: ok04:49
superm1solarbaby, you could always VNC too if you setup VNC already04:49
stevetvhopefully this is an appropriate lull in the conversation. ive managed to break samba.  putty still works fine, but i cannot see my videos, recordings et al directories in my network places on my windows box.. hense i cant transfer files to my mythbox..04:50
CCB0x45it wont boot now04:50
CCB0x45because I did a forced restart04:50
CCB0x45and it cant find the disk04:50
CCB0x45error 25...04:50
CCB0x45anything I can try to get it to boot?04:50
superm1stevetv, in mcc, hit reconfigure on the services tab's samba box04:50
superm1stevetv, and it will make you a new samba configuration04:50
CCB0x45or do I just have to reinstall?04:50
superm1CCB0x45, this is what i see from a quick google: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117271&highlight=grub+error+2504:51
superm1i've never gotten such an error myself04:51
stevetvsuperm1.. tanks .. giving it a try04:52
CCB0x45screw this04:52
CCB0x45im done for the night04:52
CCB0x45is there any other idea you have04:52
CCB0x45why its not using the resolutions04:52
CCB0x45that it gets from it04:52
CCB0x45that I can try tomorrow?04:52
stevetvsuperm1.. you genius!04:52
superm1CCB0x45, well04:52
superm1CCB0x45, with that stuff in for nvidia-auto-select04:53
superm1dont turn off EDID04:53
superm1but you can use those disabling checks04:53
superm1*one by one*04:53
CCB0x45theres no way for it to say04:53
superm1in verbose log mode you'll see what happens from each of them04:53
superm1normally it does tell you which ones fail04:53
superm1i'm surprised to not see it in your log04:53
CCB0x45lots of things about my setup04:53
CCB0x45are very surprising04:53
superm1but it might only be when nvidia-auto-select is the requested resolution04:54
superm1which it wasnt for you04:54
CCB0x45ill try that tomorrow04:54
superm1if you do a reinstall tomorrow and activate the driver during install04:54
CCB0x45after I reinstall04:54
superm1it generates an xorg.conf like that04:54
superm1with nvidia-auto-select the default04:54
CCB0x45you cant activate nvidia04:54
CCB0x45during install04:54
CCB0x45it only has nv04:54
CCB0x45dont you have to install04:54
CCB0x45then activate it?04:54
superm1well yeah "during installation process"04:55
superm1the installer has an option for it04:55
superm1on the proprietary graphics page04:55
CCB0x45is that in advanced?04:55
superm1page 12 or 13 or something04:55
superm1its in standard and advanced04:55
CCB0x45thanks alot04:55
CCB0x45I am sick of this pos for tonight04:56
superm1have fun tomorrow :)04:56
CCB0x45I cant even look at it its so frustrating04:56
CCB0x45the drivers are terrible04:56
CCB0x45but your help is awesome04:56
CCB0x45cya later04:56
superm1stevetv, glad that worked :)04:56
superm1that's why that option is in there04:56
solarbabysuperm1: got about a 15 min wait for my upgrades04:57
superm1solarbaby, oh yeah the middle of nowhere problem :)04:57
superm1solarbaby, too bad you couldn't do these before04:57
solarbabysuperm1: im sorry you had to suffer asa a result of it04:57
superm1solarbaby, well i need to get to bed04:58
superm1solarbaby, i've got an early spec that i have to be at tomorrow04:58
solarbabysuperm1: the instruction page just sez nstall it (choose the version you downloaded)...04:58
superm1solarbaby, so hopefully this works out, leave a message in the thread or here :)04:58
solarbabysudo dpkg -i xserver-xorg-video-ivtv_1.0.0~svn4049-3~ppa3_i386.deb04:58
solarbabyand then what?04:58
superm1solarbaby, that's the wrong one04:58
superm1whati  was telling you was the mythtv package04:58
superm1that i patched04:58
superm1for ivtv pvr 350 support04:59
solarbabyI never saw those.. maybe they are coming through apt-get04:59
superm1well make sure they are04:59
superm1but those add the pvr-350 support, and if they work right then i want to release them as stable release updates05:00
solarbabyI'll have to make a script that switches xorg.conf on me and reboots gdm05:00
solarbabyin case I need my monitor for any reason ;)05:00
superm1it runs off the existing session05:00
solarbabyyeah I guess in the scheme of things thats what works05:00
superm1so you wouldn't need to mess with that sort of thing05:00
superm1its very easy to activate too05:01
solarbabyI could just put my computer under the tv now05:01
superm1well assuming this patch works out right05:01
solarbabyits a tiny computer  it looks good by the tv05:01
superm1if it doesnt, then that's a different story05:01
superm1i've no way to test it05:01
solarbabyso if the patch auto installs.. everything should just work?05:01
superm1well you need to reboot05:02
superm1and then enable the option in the frontend05:02
superm1to use pvt-350 out05:02
superm1and that should be it05:02
solarbabyfrontend was already enabled05:02
solarbaby350 in mythfrontend was enabled05:02
superm1okay then you should be good to go05:02
superm1okay good night !05:02
solarbabyG'night buddy..  I can't thank you enough for the extra effort05:03
levanderWhere is the default runlevel specified?  I have no /etc/inittab on my machine.05:30
levanderAfter I start browsing a few pages in Firefox, my Mythbuntu box freezes up.  I have to pull the power plug to get it to turn off.  Is that common?06:13
=== MythbuntuGuest76 is now known as stevetv
stevetvhi.. anyone help with getting subtitles going in mplayer?07:15
cbrunnerhey anyone around?08:05
cbrunnernvidia says08:07
cbrunnerthat a mode is validated08:07
cbrunnerbut doesnt add it to the mode pool08:07
troy_sstevetv: If they are properly formatted, they should appear, no?08:08
cbrunnerthis is so damn weird08:09
cbrunnermy log says:08:09
cbrunner(II) NVIDIA(0):   Validating Mode "1280x720":08:10
cbrunner(II) NVIDIA(0):     1280 x 720 @ 60 Hz08:10
cbrunner(II) NVIDIA(0):     For use as DFP backend.08:10
cbrunner(II) NVIDIA(0):     Mode Source: EDID08:10
cbrunner(II) NVIDIA(0):        Pixel Clock      : 74.25 MHz08:10
cbrunner(II) NVIDIA(0):        HRes, HSyncStart : 1280, 139008:10
cbrunner(II) NVIDIA(0):        HSyncEnd, HTotal : 1430, 165008:10
cbrunner(II) NVIDIA(0):        VRes, VSyncStart :  720,  72508:10
cbrunner(II) NVIDIA(0):        VSyncEnd, VTotal :  730,  75008:10
cbrunner(II) NVIDIA(0):        H/V Polarity     : +/+08:10
cbrunner(II) NVIDIA(0):     Mode is valid.08:10
cbrunnersorry for that spam08:10
cbrunnerright later says08:11
cbrunner: No valid modes for "1280x720"; removing.08:11
stevetvtroy_s, i needed to add -slang eng to the mplayer string for that particular file... i figured it out and it works great.  thanks for reading08:15
solarbabyit doesn't look like it'll be too easy to use lirc to broadcast my channel changes through my usbuirt (which it already does) and listen for remote control through Hauppauge 35008:58
solarbabyat least not with out recompiling lirc..08:59
arcticbluehaving a little bit of a problem here with watching videos.  it seems as though anything that uses XV as the video output only displays these green corrupt-looking blocks, but the sound plays fine.  i can only watch videos in VLC using the X11 output module.13:37
directhex|workarcticblue, nvidia?13:37
arcticblueon-board 6100 i believe13:37
arcticblueit sometimes happens during tv playback also, but it seems to be at random times13:38
arcticblueoh, yeah, that's exactly what i get13:38
arcticblueugh... you'd think they would catch crap like that before the release.  oh well, back to feisty i guess13:39
arcticblueYeah, I'm not expecting any fix to be released.  Just like many other bugs, someone will just say "submitted to upstream"13:47
arcticblueso frustrating...13:48
directhex|workarcticblue, the bug will never be looked at13:48
Davieydirecthex|work: ping14:31
superm1directhex|work, did you file some bugs to ubuntu?14:33
superm1directhex|work, regarding the PS3 shortcomings you saw14:33
superm1like the resolution and such14:34
directhex|worksuperm1, no, not yet14:34
directhex|worksuperm1, a lot of it seems like things to file as a blueprint. or things to file against some of the black hole packages (e.g. the kernel people don't read or respond to or fix bugs, just ask arcticblue who was here a few minutes ago)14:35
superm1what'd he say?14:35
superm1the upnp in japanese thing?14:36
Davieysuperm1: you intercepted/stole my pong from directhex|work - get your own!14:36
Davieydirecthex|work: IIRC you use a playstation remote for myth?14:37
* directhex|work beats Daviey with a ping-pong paddle14:37
directhex|workDaviey, it's an ongoing project. i am capable of doing so, but the driver i wrote is very raw14:37
superm1directhex|work,that's an nvidia-glx-new thing i thought14:37
superm1directhex|work, you can switch to nvidia-glx14:37
superm1cant you?14:37
Davieydirecthex|work: how are you pushing commands into mythfrontend?14:37
directhex|workDaviey, uinput, emulating a keyboard14:38
directhex|workhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0C8QN3Hux4g shows it in use14:38
Davieydirecthex|work: I've written a little script that uses telnet localhost.. it's fast - but kinda ugly14:38
directhex|workDaviey, my problem is one of pairing properly - pairing & waking up without needing to do a 1-time pair all the time14:39
directhex|workDaviey, http://www2.apebox.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/cakemote.py contains my uinput code, if you're curious14:40
DavieyI'm in the market for a new remote setup.. my new frontend doesn't have a serial port.. so can't decide between USB-UIRT or BT14:40
directhex|worki completely redesigned the key scanning cpde used by the most common ps3 remote test script, the idea of doing a string comparison on all 51 buttons & button combos made me feel ill14:41
DavieyI needed to force input for the buttons on the front of the case..14:41
superm1Daviey, mceusb2!14:41
directhex|workDaviey, my python is terrible, but i don't speak python14:41
Davieysuperm1: MCEusb2?14:41
superm1i talk python14:41
Davieysuperm1 never stops talking snake14:42
* directhex|work can manage a pidgin dialect of c#14:42
superm1its called parsel tongue14:42
directhex|workor java or perl, at a push14:42
Davieysuperm1: MCEusb2 reciever small enough to fit in the case?14:42
superm1Daviey, you put it on top of the case usually14:43
superm1it probably 3" x 1.2"14:43
superm1maybe  a little larger14:43
superm1i dont have one near me14:43
Davieygo home and measure14:43
* tgm4883 goes and measures14:43
tgm4883not some crappy metric system14:44
superm1so i wasnt too far off14:44
Davieyhttp://www.ocinside.de/go_e.html?http://www.ocinside.de/html/modding/usb_ultra_ir_receiver/usb_ultra_ir_receiver.html  <-- thinking about this as it also functions as a power switch directly to mobo14:45
Davieyand fits inside the case \o/14:45
Davieymind you, have you got the MCE2usb working with "wake on usb"?14:46
superm1i did14:46
superm1for one release cycle14:46
superm1during dapper14:47
Davieyhmm.. sounds hit and miss then14:47
superm1oh man it was sweet when that worked14:47
Davieysweet as pie i bet14:47
superm1agostino claims that the performance with a wubi loopback isn't too bad14:48
Davieysuperm1: when.. i'm listening14:48
superm1just now14:48
superm1did you not hear us?14:48
Davieyi heard a yank yapping.. was that you?14:49
Davieytalking about kernel ticks now?14:50
superm1i'm not14:50
Davieyam i in the right room?14:51
superm1colin and agostino are14:51
Davieythey know that the default is 250Mhz tick right?14:51
superm1they are talking about with loopback14:51
DavieySo.. that USB-UIRT works out at $34.60 USD14:52
DavieyExcept the power, doesn't work with MCE remote :(14:52
directhex|workusb IR keyboard14:53
directhex|workplus learning remote14:53
directhex|workyou can set many bioses to power-on on a particular keypress...14:53
Davieygood idea!14:54
directhex|worki'm full of 'em14:54
Davieybut.. i want the reciever insdie the case - reckon it'll fit?14:54
superm1Daviey, just put it in a plant14:54
directhex|workdepends how handy you are with a drill14:54
Davieybtw.. i'm on a different machine now - bloody laptop battery died14:54
superm1and when the lady asks you why you put a plant by the tv, say that's it necessary14:54
superm1it encourages stability14:55
directhex|workblame the feng shui of the room on any crashes you encounter14:55
Davieysuperm1: you are nuts.. i'm glad my mic is muted!14:55
superm1i am?14:55
superm1why am i nuts?14:55
Davieyhide a ir reciever in a nearby planet.. made me laugh14:56
Davieyplanet = plant obv.14:56
superm1its quite sensible.14:56
Davieyany suggestions what plant to buy? I'm considering a plastic one.. i just kill normal ones14:57
directhex|worka cactus!14:57
directhex|workso nobody pokes it to check WHY it's there!14:57
Davieynext item on the agenda.. recommendations for remotes..14:58
DavieyThe silver h'page one is being decommisioned14:59
directhex|workcos it looks like *doodie* and feels like a kid's toy?15:00
Davieyand the buttons are wearing thin15:04
DavieyI've on my second one in 3 years15:04
directhex|worki have some spare!15:04
directhex|worki'd never use a remote like that15:04
Davieybut you use an unreliable playsation one?15:05
directhex|workat least it looks good!15:05
directhex|workactually, i rarely use mythfrontend on the tv15:05
Davieyanyway.. back to the topic..15:05
Davieywhich one:15:05
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic15:05
Daviey /kick superm115:05
superm1solarbaby, what happened yesterday?15:06
Davieydirecthex|work: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Brand-New-Mini-Universal-TV-Television-Remote-Key-Chain_W0QQitemZ320176991575QQihZ011QQcategoryZ91388QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting ?15:08
directhex|workDaviey, not really my style15:08
DavieyLogitech nice ones are £70+15:09
* directhex|work recommends people never work with children, animals, or ncurses15:09
Davieyncurses rocks15:09
directhex|workncurses is a horrible, absolute-position-based toolkit of doom15:10
directhex|workdoom i say!15:11
tgm4883directhex|work, dont be shy, tell us how you really feel about ncurses15:13
directhex|workncurses is a horrible, absolute-position-based toolkit of doom15:14
directhex|workdoom i say!15:14
directhex|workdoom i say!15:15
DavieyLogitech Harmony 555 -- not bad, but overpriced15:20
directhex|workncurses-based progress!16:04
solarbabysuperm1: it works.. TheGUI is a little large for my tv but not horribly. vnc will not work so long as the 350 TV out is the primary video source :(17:01
superm1solarbaby, okay but the myth patch works17:01
superm1that's the important part17:01
solarbabyyeah..  I watched a few hours of shows with no crashes17:02
superm1solarbaby, okay i'm going to need to get you to comment on a bug after i upload an SRU then17:02
solarbabyOk.. however I've never seen the bug.. what was the bug?17:02
superm1but dont comment until after the upload17:03
solarbabynot a problem17:03
solarbabyit appears its not going to be easy to get lirc to broadcast only to my satalite box (which it already does) & also listen for my Hauppauge Remote on the Hauppauge 350 (Which it does not do at themoment)17:09
solarbabyIm gunna repeat that so TGM can hear it17:10
solarbabyit appears its not going to be easy to get lirc to broadcast only to my satalite box (which it already does) & also listen for my Hauppauge Remote on the Hauppauge 350 (Which it does not do at themoment)17:10
solarbabyfrom what I've seen this involves multiple installs of lirc and recompiling?17:11
superm1no it doesn't17:13
superm1one install17:13
superm1multiple lircd instances running17:13
tgm4883_laptopstupid cheap dvd drive17:13
solarbabysuperm1: im anctious17:14
tgm4883_laptopprobably with each having it's own config files17:14
superm1anctious ?17:15
superm1what does that mean?17:15
superm1follow the h.u.c page for Install_Lirc_Gutsy17:15
tgm4883_laptop^^ probably17:15
superm1and it has info for a second device17:15
tgm4883_laptoparg again17:16
solarbabymy spelling sucks.. its true..17:24
cbrunnerhey tgm and superm1, I fixed my problem last night after I reinstalled17:30
cbrunnerthe nvidia drivers are basically broken btw17:30
tgm4883_laptophow did you fix it?17:32
cbrunnerwell its a long story17:33
cbrunnerbut after turning verbose logging to 617:33
tgm4883_laptopreaders digest version?17:33
cbrunnerI saw that it was validating the modes I needed17:33
cbrunnerbut not adding them to the mode pool17:33
cbrunnerbut it would say The mode is valid17:33
cbrunnerso I tried turning on checks one at a time17:34
cbrunnerfor validation17:34
cbrunnerand it actually made it validate the wrong modes17:34
cbrunnerbut they worked17:34
cbrunnerand it worked on hdmi 1 which it isnt supposed to17:34
cbrunnerfor other people17:34
cbrunnerbasically randomness17:34
cbrunnerbut nvidia would say "this mode is valid"17:34
cbrunnerand never add it to the mode pool17:35
cbrunnermore super annoying than strange17:43
cbrunnerbut whatever17:43
cbrunnerit works in 720p now17:43
cbrunnerI might even be able to get 1080p17:43
cbrunnerbut im happy with 720p17:44
superm1what you doing here?18:28
joejaxxi have no idea :P18:28
Daviey..@fluxbuntu/founder/joejaxx..  very posh cloak eh?18:36
solarbabysuperm1: Im not following the directions for mutiple lirc very well.. they are leaving out too many questions and answers in that post18:45
solarbabyDaviey: has joejaxx come to steal our halloween candy?18:46
Davieylets hope not!18:47
solarbabyDaviey: are you any good with running 2 lirc devices?18:47
Davieyi'm good with everything!18:47
solarbabyIm happy to hear that18:48
Davieybut your particular problem, no - never done it. sorry18:48
solarbabyIm following directions that confuse me therefor im doing this wrong18:48
Davieysolarbaby: got it working with one?18:48
Davieywhy do you need two?18:49
solarbabyit uses my usbuirt to tune the channels for me, now I just want it to accept remote control commands from my hauppauge 35018:49
solarbabyit'd be nice to flip through the channels with a remote instead of a keyboard18:49
Davieyahhhh.. i thought you mean't two lirc recievers18:50
solarbabynaw..  just the basics here18:50
Davieyshould be pretty easy..18:50
Davieycan i see your lircrc?18:50
solarbabyis that in mythtv's user directory?18:51
Davieyand /etc/lircd.conf.18:51
solarbabyactually.. let me compile in a archive all the lirc files that work indevidually18:51
solarbabyit might help you understand18:51
Davieydo you want to email it?18:52
solarbabyI was just thinking bout opening up a web server to drop it on.. but its still all behihnd a firewall for good reason18:58
Davieysolarbaby: davewalker#ubuntudotcom18:58
solarbabydid that email arrive?19:15
solarbabyDaviey: did that email arrive?19:15
Davieysolarbaby: yes19:17
nitrocksi've got mythbuntu 7.10 installed.. everything seems to be working fine except the sound19:17
solarbabygood deal19:17
nitrocksi can not hear any sound when watching tv.. although i can hear mp3s and such fine when playing them on the desktop19:17
solarbabyMythbuntu detected and used my onboard soundcard justfine.. I was impressed19:18
Davieysolarbaby: what happens when your cat the two together?19:18
Davieysolarbaby: hte lird.conf19:18
solarbabyDaviey: so far, neither of them work when I do that..but then again I dont really know what im doing19:18
nitrockspreviously i had to use a jumper from my tuner card to my line in order to hear sound.. any ideas?19:18
tgm4883nitrocks, what tuner?19:19
Davieysolarbaby: they look okay.. kinda confused19:19
solarbabyDaviey: actually I was following the directions herehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_Lirc_Gutsy bottom of the page19:19
nitrockswintv happauge radio i believe19:19
tgm4883nitrocks, can you pastebin the output of lspci19:20
nitrockshmm.. yeah, hang on19:20
Davieysolarbaby: literally just do "$ cat file1 file2 > newfile"19:22
solarbabyDaviey: huh..  I'll try that19:23
nitrockshere's lsmod | grep snd.. http://pastebin.com/m43ff818e19:23
Davieyobv. not file1 and file2 :)19:23
Davieysolarbaby: file1 and file2 = each lircd.conf19:23
nitrockstgm4883: any ideas?19:30
bendaileynitrocks: what do you get if you do a amixer -c 0 info and an amixer -c 1 info?19:30
nitrocksalsamixer -c 0 info.. brings up all the alsamixer sliders as usual, and i've got everything turned up that i can19:31
nitrocksalsamixer -c 1 info..  "no mixer elems found"19:31
bendaileynitrocks: can you do an lsmod | grep cx19:33
bendaileynitrocks: do you still have the tuner card connect to line in on your sound card or are you trying to get audio directly now?19:34
solarbabyDaviey: that splicing thing didn't work out too well19:34
nitrocksbendailey: nope.. i unplugged the jumper as it is my assumption that I need to get the sound working directly in order to have audio on my recordings19:35
Davieysolarbaby: how so?19:36
solarbabyDaviey: after splicing them together.. and then restart lirc noneof the devices function19:36
Davieysolarbaby: you currently have 4 it Hau'page one.. all you are doing is adding an extra one19:38
solarbabyyeah thats true.. and in the hardware.conf I had # out the working stuff and left in the beta stuff  in the copy I sent you19:39
nitrocksbendailey: what are you looking for in the output of my lsmod?19:39
bendaileynitrocks: I cam looking for info on this page: http://www.linuxtv.org/v4lwiki/index.php/Cx88_devices_(cx2388x) look at the last bullet under audio19:40
bendaileynitrocks: "issue lspci -n. If supported, you should see a 1471:8801 or 1471:8811 PCI device."19:41
nitrocksi've got a 1471:8801.. but no 1471:880119:42
bendaileynitrocks: you should be able to get dma audio working then19:43
bendaileynitrocks: do ls -lh /dev/dsp*19:43
nitrocksi've got /dev/dsp and /dev/dsp219:43
bendaileyok try amixer -c 2 info not alsamixer19:44
bendaileynitrocks: can you use alsamxier -c 2 now to unmute or adjust the volume19:47
nitrocksbendailey: im sorry, my statement about the lspci -n was a typo19:47
nitrocksi meant to say i've got 14f1:8801, but no 1471:880119:48
tgm4883does that thing have a hardware encoder or a software encoder?19:48
bendaileynitrocks: does changing settings using alsamixer -c 2 give you any audio output?19:50
nitrockstgm4883:  i'm not sure.. here are the specs.19:50
tgm4883yea im looking at that, it doesn't tell me much19:50
nitrocksbut i believe it is hardware since the system requirements are so lo (90mHz cpu)19:50
solarbabyDaviey: I left in only the essentials..  and it tries to turn the channel when asked to do so.."Watch Live TV" will respond with 5 seconds of Black Screen, and then returning to Main Menu19:50
Davieythat's bad right?19:51
solarbabyDaviey: yeah its bad19:51
nitrocksbendailey: i've only got one mixer listed under alsamixer -c 2 info called "capture", and it is up to 100%19:51
Davieymythbot: wb19:51
therethinkerapparently, cron doesn't like me19:52
bendaileynitrocks: is it unmuted?19:52
tgm4883looks like it uses PCI BT878A19:52
solarbabyDaviey: and on the other side.. it does not respond to any Hauppage Remote functions19:52
nitrocksbendailey: i'm not sure.. how can i tell?19:52
Davieysolarbaby: hmm.. it's really frustraiting not being there to "hands on"19:52
Davieysolarbaby: yeah.. but no remote :(19:53
solarbabyDaviey: I push the Button!19:53
Davieynitrocks: "speaker-test" will help19:54
nitrocksbendailey: there is no 'm' below that mixer19:54
Davieysolarbaby: go on then, lets have a look19:54
bendaileyok then it is unmuted but you may need to set it as the capture device19:54
bendaileycan you pastebin amixer -c 2 ?19:54
nitrocksDaviey: speaker-test is giving me output from my speakers.. sounds like static19:55
Davieysolarbaby: can this wait 14 hours or so?19:55
Davieynitrocks: aplay -l # to list sound devices19:56
tgm4883nitrocks, how many tuners do you have?19:56
nitrocksits odd though that i can play mp3s just fine through vlc..19:56
nitrocksjust 1 tuner19:56
solarbabyDaviey: sure19:56
tgm4883thats not odd at all19:56
tgm4883did you post your lspci?19:56
bendaileynitrocks: sorry can you drop the info and just paste amixer -c 219:56
Davieynitrocks: speaker test is designed to play 'white noise' etc19:57
nitrockstgm4883: yes.. http://pastebin.com/mcde953a19:57
nitrocksDaviey: gotcha19:57
nitrocks..aplay -l and amixer -c 219:59
Davieyincidently i'm having a similier problem with my -c1 http://pastebin.com/m3d4bd7fc19:59
tgm4883I can't tell if this has a hardware encoder or not (I dont think it does), and IME, this is how you have to do it with software encoders, is run the audio into your line in on your sound card20:01
bendaileyok try amixer -c 2 set 'Capture' 95% cap; amixer -c 0 set 'Capture' 95% unmute20:01
solarbabyDaviey: I rebooted and it seems to all work20:02
Davieysolarbaby: woooooooot20:02
solarbabyDaviey: its all working through the USB Uirt.. which surprised me20:02
Davieydid you restart lirc between changes?20:02
bendaileyin mythsetup do you have the option to set the audio device for capture card?20:02
solarbabyDaviey: I thought it was going to use the 350's Infra Red Device too20:03
solarbabyDaviey: I did..20:03
Davieysolarbaby: it will use which one hardware.conf is set to :)20:03
nitrocksbendailey: ok..20:03
bendaileynitrocks: do you audio now?20:03
Davieynitrocks: "asoundconf list" ?20:04
solarbabyas long as I dont cancel out a Tuner change  by all the inrared talk then im ok20:04
nitrocksbendailey: no :(20:04
Davieynitrocks: and "cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec"20:04
bendaileyok be back on in a minute going to run home and get in front of my myth box20:04
solarbabyDaviey: so far im very happy with this.. Thanks Daiey20:05
Davieysolarbaby: glad to hear20:05
solarbabyDaviey: I would not have imagined it was that easy20:05
Davieysolarbaby: When i first used lirc i battled with it for 2 weeks >:/20:06
solarbabyDaviey: I feel bad for you.. I did the same thing gettingthe UIRT to work with Dish Network20:06
Davieyguides have come on somewhat since then :)20:07
solarbabyDaviey: not in my case.. so I wrote one20:07
Davieysolarbaby: wiki'd?20:07
tgm4883nitrocks, can you repost the current problem for me?  I need to know whats connected to what and I see that others have been troubleshooting for awhile20:07
nitrocksDaviey: asoundconf list: Names of available soundcards: ICH5, UART, CX880120:07
solarbabyDaviey: its in the Ubuntu Forum..20:07
Davieysolarbaby: ewww! get it on the wiki!20:07
* Daviey is very anti forum "how to"s20:08
nitrockstgm4883: i've got a wintv happague radio card (which worked under ubuntu 7.10 while having line out on my tuner connected to line in on my onboard sound).. i'm now running mythbuntu 7.10 (fresh install).. i have disconnected the jumper cable (so i can configure direct audio recording).. i now have video in mythtv working, but no audio20:11
tgm4883nitrocks, and you don't have a cable (inside the computer) running from your wintv-radio card to your sound card?20:12
tgm4883ok, thats the problem, you need to have a cable running from your tuner to your sound card.  Either internally (not availble on all models) or externally via the line out on the tuner to the line in on your soundcard20:13
nitrocksok.. let me hook that back up and see if it works20:13
nitrocksstill nothing20:14
tgm4883but it was working this way before correct?20:15
nitrocksyes.. under ubuntu 7.10 with tvtime.. but i have done a fresh format and installed mythbuntu20:15
tgm4883ok, good to know20:16
nitrocksin the audio settings in mythtv.. i've got..20:16
nitrocksaudio output device: alsa:default20:16
tgm4883ok, good20:16
nitrockspassthrough output device: default20:17
nitrocksmixer device: /dev/mixer20:17
nitrocksmixer controls: pcm20:17
tgm4883that all sounds good.  Have you tried playing a mp3 though mythmusic?20:17
nitrocksno.. let me try that20:17
nitrocksi've got an mp3 file on my desktop.. where should i place it so that it is recognized by mythmusic20:19
tgm4883/var/lib/mythtv/music/ or you could point mythmusic to use whatever directory you want20:20
nitrocksok.. mythmusic plays just fine20:21
tgm4883thats good20:22
tgm4883that means that mythtv frontend is setup right for the auido20:22
bendailey_tabtgm4883: did you get nitrocks problem solved?20:23
tgm4883so it looks as if all we need to do now is set your tuner to be able to record from that line20:23
tgm4883bendailey_tab, not yet20:23
tgm4883still working on it20:23
tgm4883but were on the right path now20:23
bendailey_tabok is the audio device set right in mythsetup?20:23
tgm4883I dont know, haven't looked at that yet20:23
tgm4883about to though20:23
nitrocksis mythsetup the same as utilties/setup -> setup -> general ?20:24
tgm4883sec, i need to check something20:24
tgm4883_laptopgot it20:27
tgm4883_laptopnitrocks, go into mythtv-setup20:27
tgm4883_laptopunder capture cards, you need to now set your audio source for the card20:27
nitrocksok.. it is currently set to /dev/dsp20:28
tgm4883what are the other options?20:28
nitrocksthe only other option is /dev/dsp220:28
nitrocksshould i change it to that?20:28
nitrockscard type: analog v4l capture card20:29
nitrocksvid devie /dev/video020:29
tgm4883thats good20:29
nitrocksprobed info hauppague wintv 34xxx models [cx8800]20:29
nitrocksvbi device /dev/vbi020:29
tgm4883bendailey_tab, did you guys figure out which device the sound card was?20:29
bendailey_tabtgm4883 yeah /dev/dsp220:30
tgm4883nitrocks, then switch to /dev/dsp220:30
tgm4883bendailey_tab, just out of curiousity, what is /dev/dsp20:30
nitrocksgot it.. i dont need to run mythfilldatabase do i?20:30
tgm4883then test it out20:31
nitrocksawesome.. works20:31
bendailey_tabtgm4883: is his onboard intel card and /dev/dsp1 is missing for some odd reason20:31
nitrocksalthough the audio is a bit distorted20:31
tgm4883nitrocks, good, is there any sort of delay?20:31
nitrockssounds kind of "robotish"20:31
tgm4883define distorted?20:31
tgm4883yea im still not following20:32
tgm4883like an echo?20:32
nitrockshmm.. overmodulated maybe?20:33
nitrockssounds like the teacher on charlie brown is talking behind the correct audio track20:33
nitrocksmaybe i need to play around in alsa mixer20:34
tgm4883so it sounds like the audio may be playing twice?20:34
nitrockspossibly.. but with no delay, so they're right on top of eachother20:34
tgm4883i'm going to have to go out on a limb here, as there is a common problem with software encoders20:35
tgm4883you need to mute the audio coming from either the card or from line in20:35
tgm4883i think20:35
tgm4883a way to test this i think it to record something, then go watch the recording20:35
tgm4883it's been a while since i used one of these cards20:36
bendailey_tabnitrocks: you may want to bounce your box to reset you mixer settings to default you maybe getting duplicate audio because of the amixer commands I had you run :)20:36
nitrocksbounce?.. as in reboot?20:37
nitrockstgm4883: i just rewinded my live tv.. and i still have the same sound issue20:39
nitrockslet me reboot and see what happens20:39
bendailey_tabyes reboot20:45
bendailey_tabbecause I had you unmute the wrong thing probably and the settings should return to default on reboot at least the do on my gentoo box20:46
nitrockshmm.. now i'm experiencing a delay20:49
nitrocksafter i mute line there is no delay20:51
nitrocks..let me try a reboot again, because it was working for just a second20:52
tgm4883thats how it should work20:52
nitrocksaudio sounded fine on line at one point..20:53
nitrocksthen i exited myth.. and the audio kept playing20:54
nitrocksthen i went back in and tried to watch tv.. and it told me that all devices were being used at the moment20:54
tgm4883thats why you have to mute the one input20:54
nitrocksnow when i try to use line.. (after reboot) it is distorted.. but not the same way that capture is distorted20:55
nitrocksi need to troubleshoot a bit more to find out exactly whats happenin20:55
nitrocksyou guys have been a great help thus far though.. thank you so much20:55
nitrocksok.. i've got line up and capture muted.. audio sounds fine20:57
nitrocksnow, when i exit mythtv.. i still hear audio20:57
tgm4883what happends when you reverse that20:57
tgm4883mute line up and unmute capture20:57
solarbabyIm very surprised to see the Hauppauge TV playing AVI21:01
solarbabyI thought it was only limited to mpeg21:01
solarbabyHauppauge 350 TV out playingn AVI..  is jumpy but its playing it21:01
nitrockstgm4883: i've got teh distorted audio, but no delay21:01
tgm4883nitrocks, what happends if you mute both?21:02
nitrockswtf.. i still hear the distorted sound21:03
nitrocksdo i have to restart alsa for settings to take effect?21:04
tgm4883no, it's playing back from your hard drive21:04
nitrocksim not sure i understand?.. i'm watching live tv21:05
nitrocksok.. now when i unmute line (which was the clear audio).. even though i dont have mythtv started, i've got a contant buzz comming from my speakers21:05
nitrocksand now in mythtv, i have a delay21:06
nitrocksand both tracks are distorted21:06
nitrocksthe only time that i dont have distorted sound is when i reboot.. go into alsa. and mute capture and unmute line21:07
nitrocksif i unmute capture and mute line i get distorted sound (1 track)21:08
nitrocksif i then go back and mute capture and unmute line i get distorted sound (2 tracks, with delay)21:08
tgm4883nitrocks, your not actually watching live tv.  Your watching tv that was recorded to your HD 4 seconds ago21:08
tgm4883my thoughts are21:09
tgm4883that the distorted audio no delay is your correct setting, you just need to finesse some settings around to fix the audio21:09
nitrockswell.. i can get sound that isnt distorted(reboot, then capture mute, line unmute).. but with that setting, when i exit mythtv "watch tv" or out of frontend as a whole, the audio does not stop playing21:12
tgm4883i just ran accross something21:13
tgm4883that may be of interest21:13
tgm4883is this your card Hauppauge WinTV-radio with dbx-TV stereo, model 40121:14
nitrocksi'm not sure to be honest with you.. i purchased it about 2 years ago21:14
nitrocksi could yank it out of the machine and try to find a model number if need be?21:15
tgm4883that would be preferable21:15
nitrocksok.. hang on21:15
tgm4883sorry to make you do this21:15
tgm4883but if it is indeed that card21:15
tgm4883then i think you are going to want to try this21:15
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nitrocksno prob.. should just take a second21:16
nitrockshmm.. looking at the card it doesnt say right away other than its a wintv from hauppaugge..21:20
nitrocksi'm gonna do a bit of googling for some of these numbers, see if i can come up with anything21:21
nitrocksi cant seem to find the model number21:23
nitrocksif i had to guess, i'd think it was 53021:23
tgm4883i suppose it's worth a shot at this21:24
tgm4883let me link you and we'll see what you think21:24
BalachmarHi, my mythtv isn't shutting down anymore, anyone know how to fix this?21:26
BalachmarBecause it should power on/off automatically21:26
BalachmarAnd it was doing so, until a few days ago21:26
nitrockstgm4883: may be worth a shot21:27
aidansis there a script to automate the database setup? I installed myth from a standard gutsy install then apt-get install mythbuntu-desktop21:27
nitrocksi gotta run.. i really appreciate your help21:28
tgm4883aidans, the database should already be setup21:28
tgm4883providing you don't have a mysql password set21:28
aidanstgm4883: well, I didn't specify one for mythtv, but there's no user..21:31
aidanstgm4883: is it in the package postinst?21:31
tgm4883aidans, did you have mysql previously installed?21:31
aidanstgm4883: don't think so, but it's posisble21:32
aidans(it's not important, dedicated machine etc.)21:32
tgm4883well there is a mythtv-database package21:32
tgm4883that should be installed with mythbuntu-desktop21:33
nitrockstgm4883: i think i may be building a new machine in the near future strictly for mythtv.. and im thinking of purchasing a mid-high end tv-tuner card for it.. any suggestions21:33
tgm4883nitrocks, HD or SD?21:33
nitrocksnot hd21:34
nitrocksi'm not sure i know what sd means21:34
tgm4883Standard Dev21:34
aidanstgm4883: ah ha! thanks. dpkg-reconfigure :)21:34
tgm4883Hauppauge PVR-150 works out of box21:34
nitrockswhat if i wanted hd?.. what would be the way to go?21:34
tgm4883np aidans21:34
tgm4883Silicon HDHomrun21:34
tgm4883dual tuners, very nice21:34
tgm4883external via ethernet21:35
aidansalso, what the hell happened to mythmusics browse mode?21:35
tgm4883aidans, what do you mean21:35
aidanstgm4883: the last version I used (0.20.1 IIRC) had a "browse my albums" bit, not just the playlist and editor21:36
tgm4883sec, let me look at mine21:36
aidansit's usable but an extra 5-10 clicks to escape back up to it is a bit lame...21:37
tgm4883idk, I don't really use it that often.  I was looking for something in settings21:39
tgm4883but i don't see anything that jumps out at me21:39
aidansach well21:40
aidansyet another reason to hack on elisa then ;)21:40
solarbabyDaviey: to my surprise the Hauppauge 350 card plays AVI, but after you play a AVI, it only plays AVI and no longer plays mpg until you reboot22:33
solarbabyDaviey: I doubt i'll find an answer to this one22:34
Davieysolarbaby: let me know if you do22:34
DavieyI've never heard of it, and never used a 35022:35
Davieysounds painful tho22:35
solarbabyDaviey: so far I dont know anyone else who uses the TV out of the 350 yet22:35
Davieywell why do they buy a 350 then?22:35
Davieyisn't that the only difference between that and a 150?22:36
solarbabyThey usually buy it for GBPVR,SageTV,ALl the other windows pvrs22:36
DavieyTV out is evil IMO22:36
solarbabyhow do you do it?22:36
DavieyVGA / DVI / HDMI is what real me use :)22:36
solarbabyhehe..  I need a new tv for that22:37
solarbabyI always have my xbox.. just thought i'd try this out22:37
solarbabyI'd rather have 1 computer on then 222:37
Davieysolarbaby: a tv that supports one of the 'kind' methods must be only $45022:38
Davieymake the xbox and ex-box and sell your car22:38
solarbabyI dont think i should be taking you too seriously right about now ;)22:38
solarbabysuperm1: have you any ideas who I can watch mpeg through my 350's tv out, and then watch avi, but then i can't watch mpg again unless i reboot22:52
=== MythbuntuGuest41 is now known as stevetv
therethinkerLifehacker plug!23:26

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