
chowmeinedso are there plans to start migrating sysvinit scripts to upstart?01:55
Arafangionchowmeined: Of course there are.01:58
Arafangionchowmeined: Once upstart is considered "complete".01:59
chowmeinedoh, i missed that part because i keep seeing how upstart is being used in ubuntu.. but its not complete?01:59
ArafangionOtherwise you'll just have a half-hearted init system (as mine is, as I do not use sysvinit compatibility), and have to rewrite all the scripts again for the complete syste02:00
ArafangionYeah, it's augumented by sysvinit.02:00
Jc2kKeybuk: is there a IRC room for each UDS room?14:38
Jc2kKeybuk: bleh14:50
Jc2kwe got about 1.30 warning about the times for the sync meeting14:50
Jc2kpoor john is in NZ and i just had to pull him out of bed at 3am :)14:50
Keybukthere's VoIP and stuff14:52
Jc2knzjrs is investigating VOIP14:53
Jc2kim at work14:53
Jc2kso cant14:53
Jc2kbut will be ircing and icecasting14:53
Jc2kKeybuk: my gaffa wants to participate in Hunsaker B, have you got anyway to poke them for us?15:09
Jc2khe's hoping they can look at irc cos he's having voip troubles..15:09
KeybukI'm in A15:11
Jc2ki was hoping you could bang on the wall or something :)15:12
Jc2ksorry for interrupting :(15:12
Jc2kKeybuk: he managed to get in on voip17:01
Jc2kand he found gobby17:01
Jc2kreally like gobby17:01
Jc2khope your gdm session went well17:01
Keybukmmm, ServiceKit19:30
Jc2ks/Conduit/SyncKit/ and i'm in to ubuntu then?19:30
Keybukyou'd get everywhere! :)19:30
Keybuk(having a side conversation about the merge of HAL and udev being called DeviceKit)19:31
Keybukwhich sidelined into "if we called Upstart 'ServiceKit' D-BUS people might stop hating it"19:32
Jc2klol :)19:32
Jc2ki had the same thought with a low level part of Conduit totally seperately19:32
AlexExtremewhat merge of hal and udev?19:33
Jc2kalthough, s/D-BUS/Havoc/19:33
AlexExtremeor are you joking?19:33
KeybukJ5 actually19:33
KeybukHavoc's pretty pro-Upstart19:33
Jc2kmaybe J5 would <3 Conduit19:33
Jc2kHavoc's pretty into reinventing sync for parts of his online desktop stuff :(19:33
KeybukI had thought of calling the "just the service manager" bit of Upstart "ServiceKit"19:33
Keybukand using Upstart as the name for that plus the event handler19:33
Keybukyeah, much of OD amuses me19:34
Keybuklike they implemented a tomboy sync plugin19:34
* Jc2k baffles19:34
Keybukand spent ages implementing a bigboard slot for google calendar19:34
Keybukjust so you can have desktop notifications19:34
Keybukwhen the eds google calendar backend gives you that and more much better19:34
Jc2kluckily i'm pretty close with the tomboy guys - tis how i got my svn in fact19:35
Jc2kso i hope we can at least collaborate on sync even if they won't use us or opensync...19:35
* Jc2k drifts off into his comfort zone where there arent 15 reimplementations of every technology19:37
Keybukwe like conduit19:37
Jc2kwho's we *innocent looks*19:38
* Jc2k reists urge to do a happy naked dance19:38
Keybukno plans until +1 though at this point19:39
Jc2kaye, i think it would be daft to put anything big and new like conduit/opensync in to an LTS19:39
Jc2kbut we could really do with some help on packaging synce - even if its only in universe19:40
AlexExtremeany chance of native upstart bootup in hardy? *hopeful look*19:40
Jc2ki mean we have debs, but the integration side is a bit o.o19:40
KeybukMOTU are the people to get help with that19:41
Jc2kKeybuk: anyone in particular or any place in particular?19:42
Keybuknot that I can think of19:42
Jc2kok, i will continue to poke martin :)19:42
Keybukhe's a very good person to poke19:43
Jc2kthe martin from the syncintegration spec19:43
Jc2kmartin owens19:43
Keybukah right19:44
Keybukdon't know him19:44
Jc2klol ion_ :)19:49
Jc2kthats how to stop people hating NetworkManager...19:49

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