
KalEli had some trouble running compiz with KDE - even after i got it running, i couldn't fix the one thing - applications which flash the taskbar won't do it when compiz is running in KDE00:00
Mark76Must... switch... off... time... stamp00:01
Mark76Bye Kal00:01
KalElMay I should sleep too... it's 5:31am00:01
Mark76Night all00:01
KalElGood night then. See ya, thanks :)00:01
KalElzengen, thanks for the information, i will keep it in mind in case i also face the same problem00:02
KalElDoes xubuntu also have the 'auto update' feature? (I rather like to do the updating in my own time though)00:04
HehawOKHello, does Xubuntu,or Linux in general, start to "tear down" after a few months like Windows?00:17
HehawOKIE: starts to boot up taking 5 mins + for no good reason at all00:18
HehawOKWhen it only took a few mins maybe to start with00:18
HehawOKInteresting.  That seems even more of a reason to switch.  I hate formatting just cause the system is getting slower than an old "slug bug" with sugar in it's tank.00:19
zoredacheof course windows doesn't really do that either unless you are frequently installing lots of crap00:19
HehawOKLOL bull00:19
somerville32Stuff easily gets installed without you knowing it on windows00:26
somerville32And things often run without you knowing it00:27
HehawOKyeah, like big.ass.ago.bot.exe00:27
HehawOKor RXdaddybot.exe00:27
HehawOKOh yeah another thing is, I was getting "username/pass" on our windows machine, when I was setting up shared folders.  Is there a way to turn that off, so they can just \\ip# , instead of having a user/pass ?00:36
HehawOKlike the shares in windows00:36
zoredacheare you asking how to make windows not require authentication for access to shares?00:37
zoredachelater version of windows don't allow that...00:38
HehawOKI am sharing my folders just fine using both versions of windows00:39
HehawOKI went in to Slowbuntu, uh.. Mollsesubuntu, er.. Ubuntu about a week ago and setup folder sharing, and the windows machine had to have user/pass00:39
zoredacheyou are still authenticating.  It is likely that you just have the same username/password on both, and so the autentication was invisble00:39
HehawOKBefore I got tired of Ubuntu lagging worse than XP with fading00:40
zoredachepass-through authentication is what it is called00:40
HehawOKSo I would have to tell them my user/pass ?00:40
HehawOKWhat good does it do to lock the screen when I am away if they know my user/pass ?00:42
s|ksimplejson is escaping my forward slashes in strings and I don't want it to do that01:07
s|kany suggestions?01:08
s|kI'll just remove them once they're strings :/01:18
brick_|how can i login to my xubuntu instalation from work. using rdp and stuff like that+01:35
brick_|i have setup my router with dyndns, since my ip change, but when i enter that host in webbrowser, i just get the login to my router,, what program must i have installed in xubuntu to enebale remote login from windows using remote desktop connection?01:37
somerville32brick_l: You can use remote desktop but you need to configure your router to forward the applicable ports.01:38
brick_|ok. thats no problem. ill just nat them.01:39
brick_|but what must i enable in xubuntu/install in order for it to allow remote logins to it?01:39
brick_|somerville32, ok.. just install vnc and connect to it using regular rdc in windows ?01:41
somerville32You'd use a vnc client01:41
brick_|ok.. what vnc client would you recommend for xubuntu ?01:42
somerville32Well, Xubuntu would run the VNC server.01:48
somerville32Your other box would run the client;.01:48
=== dave_ is now known as kupesoft
brick_|ok. im testing freenx right now, if that does not work ill try the vnc solutions.. but if i understand correctly, freenx provides better speed etc. is that correct +02:03
homebrewciderhey guys, can someone help me please? I have 2 HDDs, first has Windows, second has Xubuntu, I had the MBR obviously on HDD 1, when I reinstalled windows, it obliterated it obviously. I need to put a boot loader on the second HDD, I need to do this so I can boot to Xubuntu via the boot menu on startup, so the wife and kids can go straight to windows without touching anything, and I can select boot menu, then select the second HDD to02:29
homebrewciderI should point out that I am using the install cd LIVE now02:29
tonyyarussohomebrewcider: I'm not quite sure I understand you.  Why would that be required to let them boot to Windows?02:33
homebrewciderit's not02:34
homebrewciderit's required to let me boot to xubuntu02:35
zoredachewhy not just put the boot loader on the first drive and set windows as the default option?02:47
homebrewciderthe way I ant to get it back to was the way it worked best. Rest of family wanted to use windows they turned the computer on and windows booted, no screen for them to read, I want to boot to Linux I turn on, select boot menu>(appropriate HDD) and it boots to the second HDD which has linux. This is because both OSs were install with the other HDD unplugged. HOWEVER new computer, sealed up, just reinstalled windows, boot loader was o02:51
darkangelin xbuntu how do i remove drive shortcuts like the floppy (on the desktop)02:57
darkangeli have a cell phone (lg??7000) how can i connect it to my laptop03:09
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup03:13
darkangeli have a cell phone (lg??7000) how can i connect it to my laptop03:13
darkangeli have a cell phone (lg??7000) how can i connect it to my laptop (usb)03:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about phone - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:13
darkangeluh maybe if i try enough i cna help my self03:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cell - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cellphone - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:14
darkangel!cell phone03:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cell phone - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:14
darkangeli give up03:14
darkangeli have a cell phone (lg??7000) how can i connect it to my laptop (usb)03:14
tonyyarusso!repeat | darkangel03:15
ubotudarkangel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:15
tonyyarussoand read the link from ubotu03:15
tonyyarussoor just plug it in and see what happens03:15
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
homebrewcidercan someone help me please? This HDD has Xubuntu on it, but boot partition was on another HDD that is now gone, is there a way to fix this without reinstalling?04:19
homebrewcideranyone had any experience with this04:27
teenbeat2007guy having small problem, cant remember xorg.conf setting like gfl gfx....05:36
Jyzygzel-hmm how much does fresh Xubuntu install take space?05:41
ajrionhey, does xfce have a battery monitoring utility for laptops like ubuntu does? i have a hp 53006:47
ajrionadn i am worried about my battery06:48
ajrionits a new lapp06:48
The-Kernelyes it does06:56
ajrionThe-Kernel what is it called?07:00
ajrioni have a big problem i just wanted to turn of a HP 530 on wich i booted xubuntu from CD and it wont turn of! the power LED is on and the usb flash drives are stil shining and the fan s working and i cant turn it on or of! please help!!07:05
The-Kernelajrion hold the power button for 5 seconds07:06
ajrioni did, nothing happenes07:07
ajrioni turened it off normlay, on teh exit icon and then shut down07:07
The-Kerneland it's doing that?07:07
ajrionits off now :) thenk you the kernel ... id didnt wanna turn off before07:07
ajrionit didnt do that with ubuntu ....07:08
The-Kernelwow, um...what happened?07:08
ajrioni tried again to hodl for 6 or 7 sec, and ok it turend off07:08
ajrionbut ubuntu gave me no such problem07:08
ajrioni had to turnof SATA beause i want to put winXP first on it, and xp doesnt see the hard drive so i found an answer on some forum07:09
The-Kernelxubuntu == ubuntu with just a different Windows Manager07:09
ajrioni know, but ubuntu didnt give me such truble07:09
The-Kernelwhat did you do before you tried to turn it off?07:09
ajrionbut i quit the terminal so i guess the hdparm was allso quited right?07:10
ajrionhdparm -t /dev/sda07:10
ajrionand i put a couple of usb flash drives, and it didnt wanna unmount them :(((07:11
The-Kernelwell, now you know, always hit ctrl+c then exit07:12
The-Kernelmake sure it dies07:12
ajrionok thanks :)07:15
ajriono darn, i put watch hdparm -t .. :)))07:15
ajrionmy cd with xubuntu is making wierd noises while running hdparm .. ubuntu gave me no such trouble :) what is that? could it because it is a CD rw?07:17
The-Kernelyeah, a bad burn it sounds like07:18
ajrionmaster the kernel yoda07:36
ajrionhey how big must a partition be to instal xubuntu? how big the / and how big the /home?08:02
hyper__chajrion: how much space do you have?08:05
ajrion80 - 5 - 20 gb08:29
ajriontotal - freedos (dont know why that is there, came with the lapp) - 20 xp (i put it, i need it 4 games :)08:30
jadelrabajrion, well home depends on your needs .. root may be 10 but i like to make it more (20 for me ) the swap is 1 as i use old machine ( 256 ram) but you can make it at least double of your ram09:05
HehawOKDoes Xubuntu run a lot smoother once you install it ?09:05
jadelrabHehawOK, what is your machine spec.09:10
HehawOKjadelrab P2 , 10 GB HD, Voodoo3 8 MB, 320 something RAM09:11
HehawOK450 MHz09:11
HehawOK(the p2009:11
HehawOK(the p2)09:11
jadelrabHehawOK, well i think yes it will be much smoother than the cdrom .. not sure as i did't test it on P209:13
HehawOKjadelrab: Ubuntu did not run well at all09:13
HehawOKWorse than any windows ever09:14
jadelrabHehawOK, maybe gnome requires high spec. i don't know if this will be smooth on xfce or not ..09:14
jadelrabHehawOK, if not try to use lighter DE like flux or pekwm09:14
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
HehawOKjadelrab: so it would be worth a try going back to Xubuntu ?09:25
HehawOKI'm kind of afraid of installing it, after having the lag of my life.09:25
HehawOKAnd the big disappointment09:25
jadelrabHehawOK, well i'm sure it will be better than gnome but don't know if you will like it or not .. but anyway ..take my word it deserve a try09:27
HehawOKjadelrab: yes, I am now noticing why I wanted to switch, after installing all this damn security stuff back.09:28
HehawOKjadelrab: AV, anti-virus, validate to install this, validate to install that, validate, validate, validate!!!09:28
HehawOKspyware this.. spyware that09:28
jadelrabHehawOK, is linux need all of this ?09:28
HehawOKNo, I am back on XP after Ubuntu gave me a bad experiance09:29
jadelrabHehawOK, ah  .. got you09:29
HehawOKBut just running the live disk, it seems Xubuntu ran better09:30
HehawOKbut that's not saying much from a CD-RW09:30
HehawOKI guess there's only one way to find out09:31
* HehawOK sighs09:31
jadelrabHehawOK, actually xubuntu saved me from buying a new pc .. i still use my old p3 256ram that i bought 5 years ago09:31
HehawOKThis was bought about 9909:32
HehawOKAnd all I have been hearing is "your system would run better in a linux"09:32
HehawOKAnd after Ubuntu, I have to disagree and be skeptical09:33
HehawOKAlthough, once it finally loaded up a program, like VLC09:33
HehawOKIt ran the videos , and things a lot better09:33
HehawOKand no skips09:34
HehawOKOther than the damn WMVs09:34
jadelrabHehawOK, recommended cpu for ubuntu is 500 MHZ09:38
HehawOKWhat about Xubuntu09:39
jadelrabHehawOK, If you have an old or low-spec computer, using a lightweight desktop system such as Xubuntu is recommended, as it should make more efficient use of your system's resources.09:45
jadelrabHehawOK, this is what ubuntu wiki says on low resources pcs09:46
HehawOKYeah, I suppose one day when I get really tired of windows again, I'll redo it in to Xubuntu09:49
HehawOKAnd hopefully things will work out better09:50
jadelrabHehawOK, don't wait that day .. move now to xubuntu09:57
jadelrabHehawOK, brb ..09:57
Jyzygzel-can tasksel be used to remove software?10:28
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
Mark76Hey, if you ping a web address what's supposed to happen?11:55
Mark76Should it keep going forever?11:56
TheSheepMark76: you can't ping a web address11:56
Mark76Are you sure?11:56
TheSheepMark76: yes, I'm sure. you can ping an IP address or a domain name11:57
hyper__chMark76: that was a question I suppose11:57
hyper__choh :)11:57
Mark76Okay, tell me if this is working for you http://www.skyscrapercity.com11:57
TheSheepMark76: what do you exactly mean by "working"?11:58
Mark76What happens when you open the link?11:58
TheSheepMark76: "open"?11:59
Mark76Just click on it12:00
TheSheepMark76: no use, they don't have a web server runnin12:00
Mark76It's them who've ballsed up12:00
TheSheep80/tcp closed http12:00
PumpernickelJyzygzel-: Can, in theory.  In practice, bug 131202 and similar make it seem unsafe.12:01
Mark76So you can't open the page?12:01
TheSheepMark76: what page? there is no page, they don't do www12:01
Pumpernickelbug 13120212:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131202 in tasksel "tasksel remove lamp-server trashed ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13120212:01
Mark76It's a bloody web site12:01
Mark76I've been there hundreds of times12:02
Mark76It's got thousands of members12:02
TheSheepMark76: there is no web server running there12:02
Mark76Are you calling me a liar?12:02
Pixilarionmaybe this is going to sound noobish, but I'm going to ask it anyway :) I'm running Xubuntu 7.10 and I want to make it more MacOSX-like so I want to install avant-window-manager. But for that I figured out I need something like Compiz? Can someone point out the basic steps to get avant running (I'll figue out the details myself :) )12:03
PumpernickelThere's no server running there, at the moment.  It could just be down.  Calm yourselves.12:03
TheSheep!compiz | Pixilarion12:03
ubotuPixilarion: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion12:03
Pixilarionso I just type "sudp apt-get install compiz"?12:03
hyper__chTheSheep: Pumpernickel:  you got a notebook? If so, are you aware of this?  https://launchpad.net/bug59695.html12:04
PumpernickelNo, and no.12:04
PumpernickelEr, make that no and yes.12:04
Pumpernickel(I read of it elsewhere.)12:04
hyper__chPumpernickel: does that also apply to desktops?12:05
TheSheephyper__ch: all my laptopos run Vista ;)12:05
hyper__chTheSheep: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo12:05
PumpernickelUnlikely, since most people don't bother with the powersaving features with desktops.12:05
hyper__chthe only thing I use is turn the screen off after a certain time12:06
totalwormfacecopy that12:19
Mark76Mark: Headache12:20
Mark76Mark: Bleurgh12:20
TheSheepMark76: is tha a command12:20
MatBoysomeone already solved the krdc fullscreen issue ?13:44
TheSheepMatBoy: check the bug report13:44
TheSheepMatBoy: you can also subscribe to its changes13:45
michaelrammQUESTION: Is the main difference between Xubuntu and Ubuntu the Xfce Manager?13:48
TheSheepmichaelramm: it's the most visible one13:49
michaelrammdoes Xfce have lower req than Gnome?13:50
michaelrammok, so I have some older gateway machines (the old pizza box models) and I want to run *buntu on them13:51
michaelrammi guess Xubuntu would be the best option13:52
TheSheepmichaelramm: what cpu and ram?13:52
michaelrammProbably P1 with under 51213:52
michaelrammhave not booted them up in awhile so not 100% sure13:52
TheSheepp1 is a little slow13:52
michaelrammthey are PII (E-3200s)13:53
michaelrammthat is the GW model number13:54
michaelrammlooks like PII 333MHz13:55
michaelrammmaybe 256-328MB RAM13:55
michaelramm384MB that is13:55
TheSheepshould be pretty usable13:55
TheSheepdon't expect miracles, of course :)13:55
michaelrammwhat is the minimum13:56
michaelrammnot going to be my main machine13:56
TheSheep64MB ram and any pentium13:56
TheSheepbut that requires a lot of patience :)13:56
michaelrammwant to set up a little network monitoring station13:56
TheSheepmichaelramm: do you really need GUI for that?13:57
michaelrammI do...not very linux proficient14:01
michaelrammbut learning....14:02
MatBoyTheSheep, ok, it was reported before, I have seen that !14:20
somerville32michaelramm, This is a 333mhz with 192mb and it works alright. My other box is also 333mhz and has 256mb and runs well.14:22
michaelrammsomerville32: cool, thanks for the reassurance...I am d/l the Live CD now to test on it14:23
Wizardhello there14:24
somerville32michaelramm, I'd use the alternative cd14:24
Wizardwhat meta-package should i install to install gnome on xubuntu ?14:24
Wizardubuntu-desktop ?14:24
somerville32Wizard, yup14:25
somerville32That'll install "Ubuntu"14:25
Wizardheh.. 7.10 is available..14:25
michaelrammsomerville32: i am doing the Live cause I have never used Xfce before (only seen pics of it)14:26
somerville32michaelramm, The live cd might not work. The live cd is pretty heavy.14:26
TheSheepsomerville32: it will work with <192MB ram14:29
sockycan anyone help me with wireless, i'm almost there14:49
sockyi can see the network with iwconfig14:50
sockyi just forgot the command that will connect me to it14:50
sockyi did ifconfig eth1 up14:50
sockythen iwconfig14:50
sockyi can see my network ESSID14:51
sockywhat do i do next?14:51
socky(i remember there was some command, like dnsserver ESSID or something...)14:51
sockyfound it "dhclient..."14:58
gerrostupid question but... how do I format my flash drive on xubuntu?15:05
michaelrammi did not know that there were memory concerns with using the live CD15:06
gerromichaelramm: cd reads slow so more needs to be uploaded to memory15:06
TheSheepmichaelramm: it runs whole in your memory15:06
michaelrammahhh, understandable15:07
gerroTheSheep: isn't that only if you use the load to memory option? then it just dumps the whole iso to memory15:07
somerville32gerro: Yes15:08
somerville32But all temporary stuff is written to virtual memory15:08
michaelrammi had not thought of that, may have to go scavengar some RAM15:08
gerrotoram option it is15:08
gerromichaelramm: could try the ubuntu 7.10 server image, just apt-get install xubuntu-desktop15:08
michaelrammnow there is an idea15:09
somerville32The server image doesn't have live-cd, I don15:09
somerville32't think.15:09
michaelrammi always forget that you can add the desktops15:09
michaelrammno it does not15:10
somerville32So why not use the alternative cd for xubuntu-desktop?15:10
michaelrammno pressure, this is just a play project for me15:10
* neozen nods.... you can just install a command-line system from the xubuntu alternate install15:17
neozenwhich is somewhat equivalent to the packages included in ubuntu-server (aside from different kernels)15:18
cliebowany solution for a stock gutsy install on hp laptop...no pcmcia services...16:25
evil_technewer laptop or old? you could check the HCL to see if the PCMCIA controller is supported16:28
cliebowi must say xubuntu rockS on this pow power machine..after removing evms16:28
cliebowevil_tech,  quite old...16:29
evil_techhmm then that shouldnt be an issue16:29
evil_techperhaps it is incorrectly identifying the device and using the wrong driver16:29
evil_techive had that problem with sound on old thinkpads16:30
cliebowill watch logs ..sdee if i can get a feel for it16:30
cliebowim one of the ltsp group..nice to find a willing hand here  8~)16:30
cliebowyep..sure sees the ted16:32
cliebowthe card inserted16:32
tombarhello, im having some problem with opengl17:17
tombarcan someone point me to a link/tutorial about xubuntu and open gl17:18
tombaror is it just a driver issue of my ati card?17:18
evil_techwhat are you trying to do?17:19
tombarim trying to run ioquake engine and its giving me the following error17:19
tombarSys_Error: GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem17:20
tombarSys_Error: GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem17:20
tombarsorry for double post..17:20
evil_techhmm dunno17:22
Barr1Greetings. I'm looking for info about whether I should switch from ubuntu 7.04 to xubuntu 7.10, and what that will entail.17:23
Barr1My understanding is, xubuntu runs better on older boxes, as the interface requires less processing to render, right?17:24
evil_techits overall just lighter17:25
Barr1Thanks, evil_tech. That imposes restrictions, though, right? Doesn't it limit what you can run under it? For example, will Open Office run under X?17:26
evil_techtombar: it could be a ATI driver issue. I had opengl installed and was running compiz but opengl games wouldnt work (though google earth worked fine)17:27
evil_techBarr1: you can run openoffice17:27
Barr1OK. Do you know if wxWidgets function there? I use this (antique) laptop for some Python development.17:28
evil_techjust keep in mind that if you start using heavy apps (which openoffice is compared to Abiword or others) then system performance will go down17:28
evil_techdont know about the widgets. theoretically yes.17:28
Barr1OK. I can't imagine they'll run any slower than they do under Gnome. My ThinkPad 390E takes about two minutes to even open the OpenOffice word processor.17:29
evil_techyou could try fluxbuntu. though you have to be pretty comfortable with command line and editing files to configure it to your liking17:30
Barr1So, given that nothing is free, what do you lose going to X? Prettiness and flashiness and menus and icons with shadow effects and stuff?17:30
evil_techpoint and click, drag and drop and all the usual bells and whistles that come with a graphical interface17:31
Barr1Those aren't there in X?17:32
gerrowow peeps on here sure are chatty today17:32
evil_techthey are17:32
evil_techi hope by x you mean xubuntu17:32
gerroBarrl: I use abiword instead of openoffice but you can have a preloader app going to load openoffice faster17:33
Barr1I don't do much with OpenOffice on this laptop anyway, so that isn't really an issue -- more of a benchmark.17:33
evil_techthings dont work as seamlessly on xubuntu as they might on ubuntu or kubuntu17:33
evil_techpeople generally forget about us :(17:34
Barr1But, then there are new converts, too...17:34
gerroalso depends on what modules it loads I think, there an article here and 2 other after it that involve mainly tweaking openoffice http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/830817:34
gerroevil_tech: eh tough luck for them xubuntu is awesome ^^17:35
evil_techyeah i know i prefer it. just wish it worked as seamlessly with some things like kubuntu and ubuntu17:35
gerrowhat exactly are you speaking about anyway evil_tech?17:36
Barr1So, if I still have Firefox, and I still have Gaim, and a tolerable text editor and/or Idle for Python work, and I'm not a gamer, and I'm running on a Pentium II laptop from 1999, what reason would I have to NOT convert? What kind of quirks and non-seamless things should I expect?17:36
evil_techwell on my machine automounting works only half the time, compiz set up isnt as easy as it is on ubuntu,17:37
gerroBarrl: gaim is called pidgin now, and is it a laptop your using?17:37
Barr1Yes, a Thinkpad 390E.17:37
evil_techopengl in fact flat out crashes X11 half the time17:37
evil_techgranted this is all mostly unnecessary stuff. the basic functions all perform fine17:38
Barr1So, automounting of, say, a USB thumb drive will be less reliable? What about Samba connections to a Windows box for file sharing and printing?17:38
evil_techthat and im a total noob still trying to not do things the microsoft way17:38
gerroevil_tech: but that has nothing to do with anything implemented in xubuntu specifically that would effect all ubuntu derivative works that rely on X11 (xorg)17:39
evil_techthe automounting is an issue17:40
Barr1The USB port on this laptop is flaky to start with. 6.10 was the first Linux I've had on it that had it working right anyway. (Several generations of RH/Fedora, and earlier Ubuntus had not recognized it out of the box.)17:40
gerroBarrl: all those are pretty much the same, the only thing I have noticed is regular ubuntu has that funky vnc app that looks awesome. However I like to use direct rendering accelleration in my vnc setup as well as different encryption support17:40
evil_techcause it works fine when im in ubuntu on the same computer17:40
gerroevil_tech: what file system is your usb using anyway?17:41
gerroperhaps you recompiled your kernel and removed support for that file system17:41
Barr1I've not recompiled. There are just known issues with the USB on this hardware.17:42
evil_techfile system doesnt matter. device doesnt matter either17:42
Barr1I got it working once with a patch under Red Hat 9, but never managed to get it working in Fedora Core 1 or 2.17:42
RandyboYIm having a bit of a problem with my display settings... They keep changing without me doing anything... Where is the settings saved so i can take a backup and maybe restore when the problem occurs? And how do i reset xfce4 from a remote ssh session?17:42
gerroso its the same kernel your using for both?17:42
gerroBarrl: can you give us some specs and perhaps the exact problem your having? is it an amd processor?17:43
evil_techamd sempron 280017:43
evil_tech1gb ram17:43
Barr1I'm not having a problem now. Ubuntus since 6.10 have recognized the USB and mounted properly. I just want to make sure if I go to Xubuntu, I'm not going to lose that.17:44
evil_techboth ubuntu and xubuntu are using kernel 2.6.22-1417:44
evil_techyou wont17:44
evil_techi think it is just my machine17:44
gerroRandyboY: its probably changing because you have the multiple desktop support set to different display settings, and you can issue gdm a restart to restart from ssh. /etc/X11/xorg.conf has graphical settings17:45
Barr1OK. That's all good news.17:45
Barr1How hard is it to switch from ubuntu to xubuntu?17:45
gerroohhh I know what it is17:45
gerroBarrl: 6.10 first implemented a power saving mechanism in usb17:45
gerroI had to create specific udev rules for 6.10 and 7.04 for a usb based wireless nic17:45
gerrobecause that new feature didn't quite work right for it17:46
evil_techBarr1: go to synaptic and install xubuntu-desktop17:46
gerroBarrl: not at all hard, if your using a pentium 2 you might want to just use xubuntu apps on blackbox desktop though, that's what I do with my laptop to save power17:46
gerroBarrl: yeah you can switch which environment opens by changing its gdm session17:47
Barr1Power's not the issue as much as speed, gerro. My battery is so shot, I'm tethered anyway.17:47
gerropower == speed17:47
gerromore speed then more power required17:48
gerroer.. something17:48
Barr1So, how do I "change its gdm session"?17:49
gerrowhen you login there will be spot talking about sessions17:50
gerroswitch it from gnome to xfce17:50
RandyboYgerro, what can i do to resove the problem? Is backing up the settings(where ever they are stored) a solution? /etc/X11/xorg.conf doesnt seem to have other settings than different screen and monitor names.. No specific settings...17:50
gerrothen go about like normal17:50
Barr1OK. Sounds easy enough. Thanks, evil_tech and gerro!17:50
gerroRandyboY: if xorg.conf isn't correct you could grab xorg.conf off of the live cd which auto configures things when it boots.17:51
gerroBarrl: here a nice howto for low performance computers, explains how to handle *box based window managers: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12508417:52
ciro314hello !!. i've installed all gstreamer codecs and plugins from add/remove but "brasero" does not handle mp3 files to create an audio cd. How could i fix it ? thanks in advance17:53
gerrociro314: had the same problem with k3b before but it auto installed the correct files to give that support, let me check a sec17:54
RandyboYgerro, the resetting of the xorg.conf doesnt seem to be a problem. " If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated again, run the following command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" But i was looking for a config file for my session which i could restore and then restart xfce maybe?17:54
evil_techRandyboY: have you tried saving your session at logout?17:56
gerroRandyboY: if you want to play around with xorg, try reading man xorg.conf or googling it. Find out a lot of info on tweaking performance17:57
gerroRandyboY: yeah session saving might be problem like evil_tech says had that happen to me before17:57
evil_techi forget where those are stored but you could try clearing em out. might be loading one you dont want17:58
RandyboYevil_tech, yeah, but im not planning logging out and in... The login screen doesnt "fit" my flat-tv...17:59
RandyboYso then i type in blinde17:59
gerrociro314: its lame your missing it allows you to do audio stuff with burning17:59
ciro314ok. thanks i ll try17:59
ciro314gerro: ubuntu restricted ?18:00
gerrociro314: I don't know perhaps it is and that is why its optional18:02
gerrociro314: all I know is burning apps use it for audio related stuff18:02
gerrohey anyone know of a technique or app to send directly to other wireless devices without crossing a routing device? It would be a nice idea to share nfs wirelessly without wasting bandwidth for the hop18:07
evil_techyou'd have to set up an ad-hoc network18:08
evil_techwhich would mean the devices would have to stop talking to the ap or router talk to each other and when done reauthenticate themselves with the router or ap again18:11
gerroyeah I thought doing such while staying authenticated with the router would probably require some wireless card specific driver hacks18:12
evil_techthe nature of wifi prevents you from doing it18:12
gerroevil_tech: do you use an ad-hoc network? I mean does it add latency with unneccesary hops?18:12
evil_techno i use a routed network18:13
evil_techi dont transfer big files by wireless. 54mbps is just not fast enough18:13
evil_techand besides gotta make use of that gigabit ethernet somehow18:13
gerroI hear the newer wireless protocol n has much higher mbps18:14
evil_techad hoc is fine for a very small number of devices18:14
gerroI don't know how well it is supported by open source standards though18:14
evil_techwireless n is supposed to more than double current bandwidth18:14
gerroyeah 100mbps or more, about same as ethernet18:15
gerrounless you get the fancy nics18:15
evil_techthey are trying to compete with 100mb ethernet so they want to beat it so they need faster than 200mbs (100mbs full duplex = 200mbs)18:16
gerroevil_tech: you got to factor in though can your hard drive write faster than 54mbps?18:16
evil_techmine yes i have a 5 320gb SATAII raid 5 array18:16
gerroand I heard without certain patches linux kernel lags a bit when processing lot more than hard drive can keep up with something about pdflush however that might be old news18:17
evil_techso 54mbps is a bottle neck18:17
gerromostly have laptops when dealing with wireless and their hard drives aren't that fast though18:17
gerromine barely clears 54mbps18:18
evil_techyeah transferring from a laptop youll never hit the 54mps18:18
gerrowhat do you mean?18:18
evil_techlaptop hard drives just cant spit data out fast enough18:19
gerroohh upload rate less than download rate?18:19
evil_techyes and no18:19
evil_techwireless is a half duplex (unless you are using MIMO or draft N maybe)18:20
gerroI need to run some more tests on my drives. I tried using hdparm some but don't know that much about them18:20
gerroohh that's interesting to know18:20
gerroso 54mbps is actually 27mbps?18:21
evil_techwell you can get 54mps but only in one direction. the ap orrouter cant send data to you and recieve from you at the same time18:21
evil_techwhereas wired ethernet can send and recieve at the same time (provided you are using a switch and not a hub)18:22
gerroI read some where nfs is lot faster than samba and to expect some where around 48mbps over ethernet. I was curious how wireless would handle it18:22
evil_techsuppose it would be best to just play with it and find out what works18:22
gerroso your saying only upload or download don't do both18:22
gerrothat explains a lot of lag I had gaming over wireless lol18:22
evil_techyeah wireless can only talk to one device at a time and only send or recieve at any one time not both18:23
evil_techyay i finally got to use some more of this stuff im learnign in school18:23
evil_techyay cisco18:23
gerrolol I took that class 2 years before18:23
gerrowhined they never said much about wireless18:24
evil_techits becoming very prevalent specially since they are getting closer and closer to wired 100mb/s ethernet18:24
gerroyeah and new studies on cellular phone based solutions to wireless networks18:25
evil_techi have wireless DSL18:26
gerrowhen lower cost raid systems come out like how they're creating multi core processors, write speed will be able to keep up with higher bandwidth ethernet features and that should surpass wireless though18:27
gerroevil_tech: interesting, how's that going?18:27
evil_techyeah thats true18:27
evil_techit goes fairly well18:27
evil_techits only 1.5mp/s18:27
gerrohigher upload than download ratio?18:27
evil_techbut it works pretty much anywhere here is seattle18:28
evil_techno higher download than upload :(18:28
evil_techonly 256mbps up18:28
gerrojust saying because my friend has the common adsl setup and gets higher upload than download18:28
evil_techthat isnt common. usually the other way around18:29
gerrowhen gaming on dsl the dedicated connection makes it seem so smooth in latency even though its a bit laggier18:29
gerrosomeone mentioned though dsl isn't good for streaming but I think that is if you use udp for streams instead of tcp18:29
evil_techreally wish US ISP would roll out sychronous dsl18:30
evil_techwell streams by nature are supposed to be UDP18:30
evil_techyou need the speed UDP offers rather than the reliability of TCP18:30
gerrooh wait I'm sorry it wasn't higher upload than download, higher ratio in relation to my own cable internet. I wrote specs down here18:30
gerrostreaming used for gaming is tcp based which makes it seem more smoother on dsl18:31
gerronot as bursty is the term I was thinking of18:32
evil_techhalf tempted to go back to europe just so i can get synchronous dsl18:34
gerroI wish the UN would come to an agreement on power specifications to remove all these diversities between technical devices18:37
gerrowhat you move to united states for?18:38
evil_techits where i am from. didnt have any marketable skills to stay in germany after i got out the military18:39
gerroohh so you were positioned over there18:40
gerrogermany used to be a nice spot with open source projects and things but current restrictions on security based software is just ignorant18:41
gerrolike how US. has encryption export restrictions18:41
gerroalways makes me wonder about repository I'm using for downloading stuff from if I'm out of the US.18:41
gerromaybe that thing compiled to support different standards that won't give me the best secure linux system18:42
gerrospeaking of wireless and specifications I was eaves dropping on this fictional show and there was a drama about foreign electronics interfering with fire alarms is that an urban legend?..18:44
gerroin some environments though could some sort of.. radio or wireless whatever interface be applicable for an emergency umm thing18:45
gerrolike how when I go to capital here they have these devices you press to call for help and I noticed elderly sometimes have them in their home18:45
evil_techconsumer electronics arent allowed to interfere with commercial emergency stuff18:46
gerroyes but what if foreign supplied electronics did interfere18:46
evil_techthat would suck18:46
gerrobecause of non standard compliances18:46
evil_techand the fcc would find out and not allow the device to be used or have the manufacturer fix it18:47
gerroI was surprised to see that issue being displayed in a kiddie show but it caught my attention lol18:47
gerrocould you be fined for using such a device? how could someone track you anyway?18:47
evil_techsomeone would complain and once enough complaints are generated an investigation would start18:48
evil_techthere are all sorts of geeks out there with spectrum analyzers that love to find stuff out like this18:48
gerroI read an article about some guy in iraq giving out linux distros to people building IT networks there and how they made systems out of old nintendo boxes18:48
gerroI could just imagine some lazy terrorist running through with hacked up router having fire department freaking out thinking city on fire18:48
gerrokinda funny if you think about it18:49
evil_techthe german government got very upset with my unit because we were transmitting wireless at 5 watts and it was interferring with cordless phones used in the building by base18:50
gerrohow much would a sort of spectum analyzer (home made or otherwise) cost anyway? I know ethernet testers are huge kick in the wallet18:50
evil_techhave no clue18:51
evil_techim sure someone with some experience in radio frequency and electronics could build one fairly cheap18:51
gerroI've seen certain home made laptops go far over cheap price but most do it just to say they built it themself18:51
evil_techthere are schematics for jamming devices on hack a day18:51
gerrolol was just reading about those18:52
gerrowould you happen to know if those things are illegal in maryland state?18:52
evil_techno clue18:53
evil_techim pretty sure that they are illegal anywhere in the us18:53
gerroI would be interested in testing one since only my next door neighbor has wireless network here18:53
evil_techviolating the fcc rule that all consumer devices must not cause interference with commercial and must accept all interference from other devices18:53
gerrohe don't mind though I called him up once to get him to switch frequency to higher setting so I could turn my router down to channel 5 for gameboy ds18:54
gerrods linux is fun ^^18:54
evil_techthere is linux for the ds?18:54
gerroevil_tech: only problem is its not a consumer device since your not selling it18:54
gerroevil_tech: heck yeah it even has X support18:55
gerroI can do links frame buffered pages in graphics18:55
TDBarnardTheSheep: you available to answer a few more questions? still trying to track down why my a20m laptop won't successfully get an ip address from wildblue.18:55
TheSheepTDBarnard: shoot18:55
gerroTDBarnard: thesheep is always watching with them creepy sheep eyes *shiver*18:55
* TheSheep looks at gerro 18:56
* gerro ducks under desk18:56
TDBarnardTheSheep: i've been running tcpdump (tcpdump -ltvvv) on both the working desktop ubuntu system and the problem laptop18:56
* TheSheep rises an eyebrow and the desk disappears in a puff of logic18:56
TDBarnardTheSheep: the laptop is accessing the net. i'm getting the following (typing it in, may take a little bit)...18:57
gerroTheSheep: how foolish of me forgot to tinfoil the desk too *nods*18:58
gerroTDBarnard: what is tcpdump -vvv is that verbose level? How many terminals does it take to issue that command? heh19:00
TheSheepgerro: try aptitude moo19:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about moo - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:01
TheSheepgerro: with differtent -vvv19:01
zoredache_humm, uboto doesn't moo?19:01
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
zoredachedpkg knows how to respond to moo....19:02
gerrozoredache: I just love it when noobs do !moo lol is there an app called bark? rofl19:05
TDBarnardIP (tos 0x10, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 328) > BOOTP/DHCP, Request from 00:00:86:4b:fc:bd (oui Unknown), length 300, xid 0x5449d335, Flags [none] (0x0000)19:05
TDBarnard    Client-Ethernet-Address 00:00:86:4b:fc:bd (oui Unknown) [|bootp]19:05
TDBarnardIP (tos 0x10, ttl 255, id 40779, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 389) > BOOTP/DHCP, Reply, length 361, xid 0xf64a55f82, Flags [Broadcast] (0x8000)19:05
TDBarnard    Your-IP
TDBarnard    Server-IP
TDBarnard    Gateway-IP
TDBarnard    Client-Ethernet-Address 00:15:e2:d4:8d:3e (oui unknown)19:05
TDBarnard    sname "10.230.40."[|bootp]19:05
gerroah lag stop it barnard19:05
gerroyeah I know you accidentally hit the paste macro, could you please disable that in your client TDBarnard?19:06
TDBarnardTheSheep: From this I gather that wildblue is responding back so the question is what's preventing the xubuntu system from configuring the IP19:06
TDBarnardsorry 'bout that guys19:06
gerrothink my paste shortcut still works for xchat19:07
TheSheepTDBarnard: maybe you should try that alternate dhcp client?19:09
TDBarnarddid... same problem19:09
TheSheepTDBarnard: that tcpdump was done on the laptop that didn't work?19:10
TDBarnardTheSheep: yep19:10
gerroevil_tech: anyway nice chatting with you, pm me your SN if you want to chat later g2g19:11
TDBarnardTheSheep: so it appears the ethernet card is working but for some reason dhclient3/dhcpcd are failing to complete the configuration - but i have no idea why19:13
TheSheepTDBarnard: they claim they didn't get any response19:13
TDBarnardTheSheep: yeah, it's weird19:14
TheSheepTDBarnard: have you tried to set those values you see in that bootp response as a static ip?19:14
gerrocan't you set those clients as static ips instead of dhcp?....19:14
gerrodhcp over wireless is an insecurity anyway19:15
TDBarnardTheSheep: yes, and it works for a short time, then i'm guessing the lease is expiring19:15
TheSheepgerro: but that's not a good long-term solution19:15
TDBarnardgerro: not wireless, wired... satellite provider19:15
gerrodepends on his network size I guess, I meant only settings those as dhcp not the entire network19:15
gerrobleh I mean static sorry19:15
gerroohh wired sorry all this talk about wireless I was confused19:16
TDBarnardgerro: wildblue (satellite broadband provider) will assign me a static ip, IF i'm willing to pay them an extra $75/mo... no thanks19:16
gerroare you the provider or the consumer?19:16
gerroohhh I see19:16
TDBarnardgerro: consumer19:17
gerroand you say your device is not receiving a dhcp address.. hmm19:17
gerrois it an ubuntu firewall server or something you got setup?19:17
gerroI would probably call them up and see if problem on their end19:18
gerroseeing as you got logs of everything19:18
gerrohas it worked in the past?19:18
TDBarnardgerro: that was my working idea until i ran tcpdump... i am receiving the addressing but dhclient is saying no offers received... not a prob on there end as i also have an ubuntu system working just fine... laptop is running xubuntu19:18
gerroif your lazy like me could setup a tcpdump script as a sort of wrapper to manually assign address19:19
gerrobut that isn't a very good solution ^^19:19
gerroTDBarnard: what is the device your laptop is plugged into exactly?19:20
TheSheepTDBarnard: just an idea. what if you skip the hub?19:21
TheSheepTDBarnard: and connect directly?19:21
TDBarnardgerro: both the laptop and desktop plug into a dumb 4-port hub which is plugged into a broadband modem (sutfbeam satellite modem) provided by wildblue19:22
TDBarnardTheSheep: tried that again this morning when i got dhcpcd loaded.. makes no difference19:22
TheSheepTDBarnard: are the mac addresses you get in the reply ok?19:23
gerroTDBarnard: I would recommend getting a router, don't see why people use hubs usually get odd errors like this19:25
TDBarnardTheSheep: in both cases (desktop and laptop) the reply says (Unknown); however that causes no problem with the desktop system - as it's working fine. i called wildblue techsupport - they know nothing about linux but stated they don't care what the MAC address is, i.e., no need to register it with them19:25
TheSheepyes, bnut the reply must be for the right mac, otherwise it's ignored19:26
TheSheepTDBarnard: dhcpcd has an option to be very verbose19:26
TheSheepTDBarnard: maybe start it with that option?19:26
gerroa hub plugged into modem, that brings to mind so many network errors that could dos your system...19:26
TheSheepgerro: what?19:27
gerroTDBarnard: just whatever you do don't let friend use vista to video stream on your network ^^19:27
gerrowas reading about that yesterday19:27
TDBarnardTheSheep: well i tried plugging the laptop directly into the surfbeam modem and get the exact same behavior. i wouldn't mind doing that right now if it made a difference, unfortunately tried that earlier today and same problem - no difference in tcpdump either19:27
TheSheepTDBarnard: maybe the dhcpcd would tell why it is ignoring the response?19:28
gerroTDBarnard: can we fallback to plan B and do something newbieish like copy random network stuff from /etc over to xubuntu laptop?19:28
BarryHello. I've just switched from gnome to the xubuntu desktop, and so far I'm pleased. But, music files are no longer playing. The volume dial on my laptop is up all the way, In both RhythmBox and Movie Player, the volume icon indicates my system volume is all the way up. But I get nothing. This is an MP3 that played without issue before I switched to xubuntu. Any ideas?19:29
TDBarnardgerro: i suppose so... how much of a difference is there between an Ubuntu /etc vs. Xubuntu /etc? desktop is ubuntu, not xubuntu19:30
gerroBarry: use the sound mixer app for xubuntu panel. Make sure gstreamer plugins are installed and think there is some sort of xine-totem thing that causes issues with plugins I forget what though19:30
TDBarnardgerro: incidently, already tried reinstalling xubuntu from scratch... no difference doing that19:30
TheSheepBarry: you migth need to install libxine-extracodecs, xubuntu uses a different set of libraries than gnome, and it might be missing the codecs19:30
gerroTDBarnard: its more a hardware difference than environment one and you'd have to ask sheep what files could be related to the issue, I'm no expert in that category19:30
gerroTDBarnard: have you tried spoofing the mac address of your desktop computer?19:31
gerroTDBarnard: might be an issue with your hub too try using its port19:31
BarryThanks gerro and TheSheep. Both players seem to think they're playing the file -- progress bar moves, no errors. Just no sound.19:31
gerrothe same one your desktop does that is19:31
TheSheep"Dear Sir, if you could please direct the orders to *me* next time, I will be able to do them faster, and not rely on the kindness of random people you send them to.19:31
BarryI'll try the libxine-extracodecs and see if that does it.19:31
gerroBarry: did you reinstall the system or just the xubuntu-desktop?19:32
TDBarnardgerro: haven't tried that yet19:32
Barrygerro: Just the desktop.19:32
TheSheepBarry: another think you can check is opening 'alsamixzer' in a terminall and making sure no channel is set to 'mute'19:32
gerroTheSheep: isn't that mute feature present in xfce's mixer app?19:33
TheSheepgerro: I don't trust it :)19:33
gerroI usually use the alsamixer on my laptop and never noticed much difference seeing as I rarely change sound volume19:33
gerroBarry: one very very weird issue I had before is there was this audio jack option that when disabled turned back on my sound for one computer I hear it is a common problem with certain sound cards19:34
TheSheepsorry, sorry19:35
TheSheepkeyboard trouble :(19:35
gerroTheSheep: keyboard is *not* food :P19:35
gerroTheSheep: sorry my little sister teething, tried to chomp on my keyboard before :(19:35
BarryThe alsamixer did the trick. Thanks, TheSheep!19:36
Barry(By the way, Jonathan Coulton rocks.)19:37
gerroBarry: what genre? what codec?19:38
Barrygerro: investigate at www.jonathancoulton.com  He does music for geeks and other humans. Rock, With a touch of humor. Creative Commons license, mp3 format.19:39
gerrowhat is with that whole debate of ogg vs mp3?19:40
Barryogg is free. End of debate.19:40
BarryOn the other hand, my mp3 player plays mp3s.19:40
gerrowhat about performance factor?19:40
gerroyeah some music players don't play ogg I heard or fully support some of its specifications19:41
gerroflac hmm isn't that the more formal term for ogg?19:42
TheSheepgerro: no, flac is a loseless format19:43
TheSheepgerro: used for various advanced uses19:43
gerrooh I thought .ogg was just a file extension thing. nvm19:44
TheSheepgerro: yes, .ogg is just a container19:44
gerrowhat do you mean by that?19:44
TheSheepgerro: ogg files can contain multiple audio and video streams19:44
gerroahh so ogg is an upper layer file type19:45
gerrothat's very interesting19:45
TheSheepgerro: most multimedia formats are like that19:46
gerroI thought you meant multiple as in some sort of video stream layering stuff like done in jpeg photos for odd transparency kicks19:47
gerroeh I'll just rtfm thx for trying to explain it though sheep19:48
BarryMeanwhile, hit his site or youtube for RE: Your Brains, or Code Monkey, and enjoy the Coulton. Thanks for the help!19:49
gerrowhatever you say buddy19:50
TheSheepsigh, free ads19:51
PixilarionTheSheep: I'm looking for a terminal command that will display what grapichs card I have20:05
Pixilarioni googled but didn't find anything yet20:05
Pixilarionmaybe you can help?20:05
PixilarionTheSheep: found it20:06
Pixilarionjust randomly tried :)20:06
Pixilarion"lspci" did the job20:06
t41treskouh, might be a lame q, but how do you change languages in xfce?20:07
t41treskooh, sorry! lol, language support20:08
cliebow nighto20:08
t41treskoflash, tv, java, and whatnot out of the box! wow, thanx a bunch!20:18
senkinanyone happen to know why the new ati driver freezes x everytime i run an opengl program? :p20:24
Mark76Hey Evil20:52
Mark76Evening vonck20:53
Schroomsdous anny one know how i can save my screensaver settings?20:54
Schroomsbecouse when i reboot my screensaver is turned off , again20:55
Mark76How strange20:57
Schroomsindeed strange , when i star my screensaver setting app int ask me to start it and i press the yes button?20:59
Schroomsthen i reboot and my screensaver is turned off20:59
Mark76Maybe you shouldn't21:00
Mark76I want a Doctor Who vortex screensaver21:02
Mark76Or flying Daleks :)21:03
Schroomsi like the particle thingies21:04
Mark76What are those?21:07
Schroomsmulty collor pixels grouped together forming a shape21:10
totalwormfacedoctor who has a vortex of his own? :O21:11
Mark76The time tunnel thing in the opening titles sequence21:12
totalwormfaceyeah i know, didn't know it was the doctor's personal vortex21:13
Mark76It is now21:15
Mark76All the other Time Lords are dead21:15
totalwormfacethe time war was a scam21:15
totalwormfaceall timelords have transported into the time after the end of the universe21:15
totalwormfacethe doctor will too, one day21:16
totalwormfaceunfortunaly they took the daleks with them21:16
totalwormfaceopening a whole new spectrum for adventures21:16
Mark76Sontarans are back next season, btw21:17
Mark76What's the best Linux app for dealing with a cloned warrior race?21:17
somerville32Look sideways21:21
Mark76Anyone know how to get RSS working in Epiphany?21:21
Mark76Suspend doesn't work21:40
Mark76Funny, it used to21:49
Mark76Anyone know how to save a google map image?22:09
Mark76Anyone know how to create transparent shapes in Inkscape?22:22
TheSheepMark76: at least 3 ways22:23
TheSheepMark76: 1. make the whole object transparent, setting the global transparency for it22:23
TheSheep2. make its filling trasparent, by setting the transparency of its fill color22:23
Mark76How do I do that?22:24
TheSheep3. use some gradient or something22:24
TheSheepMark76: just edit the color and move the transparency slider?22:24
Mark76Found it!22:25
Mark76IS there an easy way to create concentric circles in Inkscape?22:26
TheSheepMark76: sure22:27
Mark76Go on22:27
TheSheepMark76: create one, then make 'linked offset'22:27
Mark76Linked offset?22:27
Mark76Which menu?22:28
TheSheepMark76: but personally I would just create one crice, duplicate it, make it bigger, duplicate again, make bigger, etc.22:28
Mark76How do I expand it?22:29
TheSheepMark76: select it, hold ctrl and rag one of the corners22:30
TheSheepMark76: sorry, shift+ctrl22:30
Mark76ISn't there a more accurate way?22:30
TheSheepzoom in22:31
TheSheepMark76: if you hold down shift, the circle will remain centered22:34
TheSheepMark76: and the ctrl will keep it a circle22:35
Mark76I want each each circle to be 2x the previous one22:35
samdude9(not a good start)22:36
TheSheepMark76: just make some rules first22:36
SeveredCrossAny suggestions for getting GStreamer apps to run on Xubuntu?22:36
TheSheepMark76: you can use the rulers at the edges for exact placement22:37
samdude9does anyone know how to get a intel fed card to work with 7.10?22:37
SeveredCrossNo matter what I tried, I couldn't seem to get Banshee/Rhythmbox/Exaile to fire up, all kept reporting some sort of registry problem (don't remember the exact text now).22:37
TheSheepsamdude9: fed?22:37
SeveredCrossInstalled all kinds of gnome dependencies, GStreamer stuff, everything.22:37
SeveredCrossI'd rather not use Audacious/XMMS, they're horrific.22:37
samdude9sorry my typing is terrible as in on a pda22:37
TheSheepSeveredCross: works for me, maybe you should investigate that "some kind of registry problem", which is pretty weird, because Linux doesn't have registry22:38
tonyyarussoSeveredCross: same as TheSheep here22:38
SeveredCrossNothing useful comes up Google...Maybe it's some weird PowerPC thing. :-\22:38
SeveredCrossLet me reinstall Rhythmbox and try it again.22:39
TheSheepSeveredCross: maybe try disabling other apps that might be using sound22:39
samdude9anyway, in having some problems getting cedega to pass its 'opengl' and '3d acceleration' tests22:39
SeveredCrossDid that, but I'll try things again.22:39
samdude9I expect my drivers are awful wrong but in not sure what to do22:39
samdude9any suggestions?22:40
Mark76Okay, what about grouping?22:40
TheSheepsamdude9: I don't know, but you might get better answers on #wine22:40
TheSheepMark76: what about it22:40
samdude9in thx22:40
Mark76I want to group the rings so I can duplicate them and use them again22:40
TheSheepMark76: what stops you?22:41
SeveredCrossI wonder if it's just something to do with the fact that this is running on an ANCIENT iMac.22:41
SeveredCrossRev. A, 1998, 233 Mhz.22:41
Mark76I don't know how22:41
TheSheepMark76: there is a command in the menu, on the toolbar *and* in the popup menu for that :)22:41
TheSheepMark76: choose one22:42
TheSheepMark76: ah, sorry, not in the popup22:42
Mark76I tried the Group command but it didn't work22:42
TheSheepMark76: works for me22:42
Mark76I'm used to having to select the objects to be grouped first22:43
TheSheepMark76: yes22:43
TheSheepMark76: that's how the "Group selected objects" command works22:44
Mark76Yah, but I don't know which keys to hold down22:44
TheSheepyou don't need to hold any keys, just select the circles and select the group command from the menu or toolbar22:45
SeveredCrossWell, I think I may have found it.22:45
SeveredCrossI'm missing ~/.gstreamer-0.10/registry.powerpc.xml22:45
TheSheepSeveredCross: if it's in your ~, then shouldn't it be created when needed?22:46
SeveredCrossI would think so, but GStreamer doesn't.22:46
Mark76The circles are all on top of each other22:46
SeveredCrossUgh, known bug in gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg on PPC...Let's see if removing ffmpeg helps.22:46
TheSheepSeveredCross: is the dirtectory writebale for you?22:46
brick__i see that latetly the wish process has been using more and more cpu res. what exactly does it do?22:46
TheSheepbrick__: it's a TCL interpreter22:47
SeveredCrossActually, it doesn't exist. Hmm.22:47
* SeveredCross creates it.22:47
brick__hmm. amsn then.... its the only thing i have that uses tcl i think.. atleast tcl was installed with amsn .22:47
SeveredCrossSame thing.22:48
TheSheepMark76: you can just drag with the selection tool to select multiple objects22:50
TheSheepMark76: or you can shift+click with it to select-unselect single objects22:51
TheSheepMark76: you should have the help displayd at the bootom in the status line22:51
Mark76Thanks :)22:52
TheSheep!ot | Mark7622:57
ubotuMark76: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:57
SeveredCrossBah. I found a fix for the error (liboil downgrade), but it leaves gstreamer plugins borked.23:05
SeveredCrossBah. Looks like I have to rebuild liboil.23:06
TheSheepSeveredCross: report the bug, please23:06
SeveredCrossAlready reported.23:07
SeveredCrossThe bug status claims its libvisual related and a fix was issued, but there's no damn fix that I can see.23:07
SeveredCrossApparently there's a patched liboil deb there that I missed...Let's see if that works.23:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 72814 in libvisual "Crash at login" [Medium,Confirmed]23:08
SeveredCrossIf you read the discussion, you'll see it's not at ALL related to libvisual.23:09
TheSheepSeveredCross: then change it23:09
SeveredCrossWorking on it--I'm doing this on 233 Mhz iMac, takes a little while. :-P23:11
TheSheepjust use the right tools (lynx)23:12
SeveredCrossOr maybe the fixed deb didn't fix it. What the balls.23:17
TheSheepSeveredCross: at least they have one more tester to help them fix it :)23:20
Mark76Anyone who says Linux never crashes is a big fat liar23:39
evil_tec1it crashes less and recovers quickly23:40
Mark76Still crashes though23:41
Mark76And I hate having to keep cold booting23:41
Mark76It's no fun when you can't even alt ctrl exc your way out of a malfunctioning program23:42
Mark76Because its locked the mouse and keyboard23:43
Mark76Please tell me it's not just my computer that happens to23:46
TheSheepMark76: it's juts your computer23:49
TheSheepMark76: alt+ctrl+f1 doesn't work either?23:49
Mark76When this particular thing happens, no23:50
TheSheepMark76: any details on "this particular thing"?23:50
Mark76Nothing responds and pressing the on switch on the computer turns it straight off23:50
TheSheepMark76: and you might want to examine your kernel log to see what happened23:51
Mark76No boot down or anything23:51
Mark76It seems to happen most often when I use programs that rely on openGL23:51
Mark76I ahve a kernal log?23:51
Mark76Where is it?23:52
TheSheepMark76: in /var/log23:53
TheSheepMark76: like all the logs23:53
Mark76I have two23:53
SeveredCrossYou should always be able to use the magic SysRq keys.23:53
TheSheepMark76: what graphics card?23:53
Mark76Kern.log and kern.log.023:53
TheSheepSeveredCross: that's not guaranteed :)23:53
SeveredCrossTrue. :-)23:54
TheSheepMark76: the second one is the old one, from the previous run23:54
Mark76Nvidia Riva TNT2 Sheep23:54
TheSheepMark76: you use binary drivers from nvidia?23:54
Mark76I have the restricted drivers enabled23:54
TheSheepMark76: blame nvidia23:54
Mark76Otherwise I wouldn't be able to play some of the games23:55
TheSheepMark76: their drivers are a pile of crap code23:55
Mark76Yeah, but the Linux ones don't give you 3D23:55
evil_tec1ive given up on trying to any intensive 3d gaming in linux23:56
TheSheepMark76: I have an nvidia card here too, it works fine when I boot a cold computer. But when the GPU is warm and I have AGP enabled, it just hangs, pretty much like yours23:56
evil_tec1just never seems to work23:56
evil_tec1stupid piece of **** computer of mine is mostly to blame23:56
TheSheepMark76: of course doesn't happen with the open source drivers23:56
TheSheepMark76: Graphics Processing Unit, like CPU but on the graphics card23:57
Mark76But the OS drivers don't do 3d acceleration.23:57
TheSheepMark76: unfortunately23:57
TheSheepMark76: that's because nvidia hogs the documentation23:58
Mark76Why do they do that?23:58
TheSheepMark76: as soon as the docs are out, you'll have 3d faster than on windows23:58
Mark76Do they think we'll all rush out and make pirate copies of their hardware?23:58
TheSheepMark76: they have some patented code in there23:58
Mark76Will the docs ever be out?23:59
TheSheepMark76: and some that's not patented, but a 'trade secret'23:59
TheSheepMark76: bugeer them with e-mails :)23:59
evil_tec1but i want SLI and 3d in linux!!!! :'(23:59
Mark76Bugger them?23:59
TheSheepMark76: there is a project to reverse engineer them, but it's slow, they have some features of some cards working already23:59
Mark76I'm not sure that would be appropriate23:59
TheSheepMark76: bug, sorry23:59

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