
humboldtanybody there?01:09
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:10
humboldtWhen I boot my LTSP gutsy thin clients, after loading the kernel via tfpt I see a message "done". then I have to wait about 4 minutes before the thing actually starts booting.01:18
humboldtwhat is wrong there?01:18
kgoetznot sure. could be dns or nfs (my first two guesses)01:19
humboldtI am using rom-o-matic boot roms and disks01:19
humboldtthought nfs is not used anymore.01:19
humboldtand what about dns? how is that used in there?01:20
kgoetznfs may have been dropped - i havent used 7.10 myself01:20
humboldthow is dns involved in all this?01:26
kgoetzif th dhcp server gave out a hostname not an ip in the path to the file you could hae timeouts01:27
kgoetzafk though, lunch01:27
humboldtthis is really weird01:36
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kgoetzhi all. how does one go about contributin to the edubuntu docs now its in bzr? is launchpad the canonical place to checkout from for changes?04:45
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edistarhey, does anyone know how i can disable the dhcpserver when booting?11:15
Kamping_Kaisera server? yes11:15
Kamping_Kaiseroh, how11:15
Kamping_Kaiserlet me check a 6.06 box... not sure about the latest release/s11:15
edistarI suppose it's the same11:16
edistardo I need to change a ltsp.conf file too? I suppose not, I will tell the dhcp server all the options needed..11:16
Kamping_Kaiseredistar, you could remove its interfaces from /etc/default/dhcp3-server to stop it listening, use update-rc.d to remove it from startinga t all11:18
edistarokey, thanks11:18
sbalneavMorning all12:42
sbalneavMorning Kamping_Kaiser12:43
Kamping_Kaisermorning mate12:44
=== RichEd-2 is now known as RichEd
MasterOnehi guys, i just installed edubuntu 7.10, and now I am trying to install the cups pdf printer, but it keeps asking for a password, and the normal user password is not accepted. any hint, what to do?15:14
musashi1does anyone know why firefox does not have a the "copy image" on the right click menu? can it be added?15:18
sbalneavMasterOne: You're doing this on the server as the admin user?15:19
sbalneavmusashi1: Mine has "Save image as"15:20
sbalneavI think some web pages disable image saving, maybe you're on one of those.15:20
sbalneavWell, it already has a cups pdf printer by default.15:21
sbalneavyou haven't set a root password, have you?15:21
RichEdhighvoltage ... pingggggg15:21
MasterOnesbalneav: this is a fresh edubuntu 7.10 installation on my LTSP5 server, but there is no printer installed by default (so also no cups pdf)15:22
sbalneavwhat happens if you enter, at a gnome-terminal, "gksu system-config-printer"?15:23
MasterOneproblem solved :)15:24
MasterOnethanks sbalneav15:24
LaserJockRichEd: geeze, that ping was so loud it woke me up ;-)15:24
RichEdLaserJock: it resonated across the oceanic divide and the general internet echo15:25
MasterOnemy fault, I wasn't logged in as the sysadmin, but as my testuser (who I also granted sysadmin rights, but who's main group is not sysadmin, but users)15:25
RichEdLaserJock: sorry if i disturbed your "I'm avoiding my dissertation nap"15:26
LaserJockRichEd: no it was my "I don't wanna go to group meeting, mom, please can I stay in bed"15:27
RichEdLaserJock: one of them AA things again ?15:27
musashi1sbalneav: we have the save as too but not the copy image. i know some sites disable it but firefox doesn't have the copy image for any images. it's just missing altogether.15:28
MasterOnedoes the folder "public" in my homedir have a special meaning? i just tried copying a file into that folder, but it does not show up when looking into that folder from another user account15:31
sbalneavmusashi1: I've never seen "copy image", just save image as,15:36
sbalneavMasterOne: No idea15:37
MasterOneis there a preferred method, to share files on an edubuntu LTSP5 server installation for all connected thin client users?15:39
musashi1sbalneav: right, that's the problem. firefox in wondows has this but it seems absent in ubuntu. in some ways it's good since students shouldn't be copying images anyway but the reality is that they do and since they have to save everything it only adds to the percerption that the linux lab isn't as good. i'm trying to fight that perception.15:47
sbalneavmusashi1: Well, I don't know anything about the windows version, seeing as how I haven't used windows since '9915:53
sbalneavIf it's a feature you want, check on the firefox site.15:53
sbalneavMasterOne: Probably set up a shared directory, /home/share15:56
LaserJockRichEd: you guys figure out what to do with the LiveCD?16:16
sbalneavWe're in the spec now16:16
MasterOneis it a known issue, that mplayer is not working on edubuntu 7.10?16:16
sbalneavBut no-ones talking.16:16
RichEdLaserJock: this session now ... waiting for one mr colin watson16:16
MasterOneI meant edubuntu 7.10 64bit installation16:16
RichEdwho has just stepped in16:17
sbalneavMasterOne: mplayer isn't installed by default, it's totem that we support.16:17
MasterOneI know, I just installed mplayer in addition with automatix16:17
LaserJockouch :-/16:18
sbalneavAutomatix DEFINITELY isn't supported.16:18
MasterOneis that a bad thing?16:18
sbalneavMost of us think so.16:18
LaserJocksbalneav: supposedly there's a "how to make Automatix and Ubuntu  play nicely" BOF this time16:18
MasterOneat least it was the fastest way to install all missing av codex16:18
sbalneavYeah, I've seen it.16:19
sbalneavDidn't bother to go.16:19
LaserJockMasterOne: it has been known to cause serious problems for some people, and in the past did very uncool things16:19
LaserJockI've heard that the more recent versions are not so evil16:19
LaserJockbut if you want to get support don't mention you've installed Automatix ;-)16:20
MasterOnelatest version is available for gutsy and also as amd64 edition16:20
LaserJockMasterOne: it's actually probably not the easiest way16:20
LaserJockalmost all the stuff in Automatix can easily be done in Gutsy16:20
MasterOnenevertheless, seems like mplayer 2:1.0rc1-0ubuntu13 is broken (when starting gmplayer it just segfaults)16:21
sbalneavWell, it's not a package in "main", but in "Universe", so it's supported by the community, not via official channels.16:21
LaserJocksbalneav: ?!?!16:22
LaserJock #ubuntu-motu isn't official?16:22
sbalneavWell, it's not main16:22
LaserJockthat just means Canonical doesn't support it16:22
sbalneavThat's what I mean.16:22
sbalneavit's supported by the community16:22
MasterOneLaserJock: i just installed edubuntu 7.10 in my intended xeon LTSP5 server, and I am now testing thin client behavior, totem was complaining about a missing codec for my HDTV test, and it didn't want to download the missing codec, so I just used automatix, which seems to have done the job16:23
LaserJockan official community16:23
LaserJockMasterOne: ok, but now mplayer is messing up?16:23
sbalneavOk, so the "official community" has to fix it :)16:23
LaserJocksbalneav: thanks ;-)16:24
LaserJocksbalneav: fine MOTU you'd make :p16:24
MasterOneLaserJock: I think I just ticked the "64bit Mplayer Firefox Plugin" option in automatix, which installed mplayer, it installed without a problem, but when I just tried to test it by running gmplayer in a terminal window, it just outputs some info in the console and then segfaults16:25
sbalneavWhat, so if I get motu, I'm automatically responsible for EVERY package in universe?16:25
MasterOnejust wanted to know if this is a known issue16:25
sbalneavMasterOne: Have you checked Launchpad for mplayer bugs?16:26
sbalneavI don't use it, so I don't know.16:26
LaserJocksbalneav: actually yes16:26
LaserJocksbalneav: MOTUs are responsible for all of Universe and Multiverse16:27
sbalneavSo, an individual motu doesn't just care for his/her own packages that they package?16:28
LaserJocknot particularly no16:28
LaserJockthere are no maintainers in Ubuntu16:28
LaserJockwe co-maintain the whole thing16:28
LaserJocksometimes people attach themselves to particular packages or areas16:29
LaserJockbut any MOTU can upload any package16:29
sbalneavI understand that, but if there's a bug with mplayer, there'll be ONE or maybe a few motus out there who will be interested/responsible for fixing the bug.16:30
LaserJockthese days it's more likely to be just some random person16:30
LaserJockMOTUs are more into the sponsorship game these days16:30
LaserJockMasterOne: I'm looking through https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mplayer/16:31
LaserJockthere are 84 open bugs so I'm not sure what to look for exactly16:32
LaserJockbut perhaps you can find it16:32
MasterOneno idea, when I start gmplayer in a terminal windows, I just get:16:33
MasterOne$ gmplayer16:33
MasterOneMPlayer 2:1.0~rc1-0ubuntu13 (C) 2000-2006 MPlayer Team16:33
MasterOneCPU: Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.20GHz (Family: 15, Model: 4, Stepping: 1)16:33
MasterOneCPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 0 3DNow2: 0 SSE: 1 SSE2: 116:33
MasterOneCompiled with runtime CPU detection.16:33
MasterOnexscreensaver_disable: Could not find XScreenSaver window.16:33
MasterOneSegmentation fault (core dumped)16:33
sbalneavNow that the codecs are installed, can you use totem?16:33
MasterOnewhen I try to start mplayer with the file to play in a terminal window, it just ends the output with something like:16:34
MasterOneMPlayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: preinit_libvo16:34
MasterOne- MPlayer crashed by bad usage of CPU/FPU/RAM.16:34
sbalneavCan you try totem?16:35
MasterOneis it possible, that this has something to do with the fact, that I am trying to run this from a thin client?16:35
MasterOnetotem works16:35
sbalneavSo, totem works, and is what edubuntu officially ships with, so I'd either recommend to use totem, or check in #ubuntu-motu if you want to get mplayer going.16:36
MasterOnejust strange, I don't even want to use mplayer, but I thought I test the behavior on the thin client, when playing a 1080i file16:38
LaserJockwhat codecs where you looking for?16:39
MasterOneno idea, what was missing before, but it was fixed by the codecs installation from automatix16:40
LaserJockyeah, I find that ubuntu-restricted-extras gets pretty much everything16:41
LaserJockand it's even easier than automatix ;-)16:42
musashi1sbalneav: some of us aren't so lucky and have to use windows at work. i'll check firefox site. thanks for the suggestion16:43
MasterOnemay be a stupid question, but wha's ubuntu-restricted-extras? is this an additional repo to add?16:44
LaserJockwe created an package call ubuntu-restricted-extras that install the "goodies" that people want16:45
MasterOnesomething "restricted" is already activated in synaptic16:45
LaserJockit does Flash, Java, DVDs, mp3s, etc.16:45
LaserJockthe thing is, we *have* most of the codecs already in the repos16:46
LaserJockpeople just don't find them immediatly or don't think to look cause they assume we don't have them16:46
MasterOnewell, ubuntu-restricted-extras is already installed (may have been done by automatix)16:46
LaserJockcould be16:46
LaserJockin any case, it's a good package to remember16:47
LaserJockand in fact, with gusy I think you can install it  by going to apt://ubuntu-restricted-extras in firefox16:47
MasterOneI am actually just playing around on my testinstall, it's a dual xeon 3.2 em64t LTSP5 server, and my test thin-client is my laptop, and I am trying to find out, if it is possible to play HDTV content up to 1080p on the thin-client16:48
MasterOne720p seems to work fine16:48
MasterOnebut I seem to not have a proper 1080i and 1080p test file16:49
MasterOnealso the LCD on my laptop is actually only 1600x120016:49
LaserJockmine is 1024x768 I think :/16:49
MasterOneit would be so cool if a thin client without hdd (and the only moving part being the case fan) could be used to feed a LCD TV or video projector ;)16:50
highvoltageRichEd: Pongggggg... (leaving again in a minute)17:01
dtraskHi Laserjock and highvoltage!17:02
highvoltagedtrask: hi! got to run now, will catch up with you a bit later!!!17:06
Nubaehey there, its probably late, but I'll try my luck asking anyway....17:47
NubaeI've got 2 chroots running, and when I load a cdrom etherboot cd , the nbd server gives it the wrong image every time...17:48
Nubaeit should be giving it an image based on the nbdport I thought, but now I'm just not sure...17:48
humboltoI am having a problem with gutsy LTSP.17:56
Nubaedoh! of course... by default its gonna load on port 200017:56
Nubaeunless I change the cdroms pxe path17:57
humboltoThe boot process seems to stop for about 5 minutes right after tftp download is finished.17:57
humboltoanybody any idea?17:58
humboltois ogra around?18:03
humboltodoes anybody have some insights on the ltsp boot process?18:10
sbalneavhumbolto: Yup, I do.18:15
sbalneavWhat would you like to know?18:20
humboltoI upgraded from edgy to feisty. I am booting from rom-o-matic roms and disk images. Now, after the image is loaded via tftp I see the DONE message and then nothing happens for about 4 minutes.18:27
humboltoAfter that time, it boots up normally.18:28
humboltoSo I would like to find out, what is wrong.18:28
humboltoThere must be some timeout or something.18:28
humboltosbalneav: It would already help me losts, if I could get the kernel to boot verbosely. Then maybe I can see, where it hangs.18:29
sbalneavWell, there should be a kernel command line option.18:31
sbalneavI know where it is for pxe18:31
humboltoAny idea what could cause the delay?18:32
sbalneavit's in the /var/lib/tftboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default18:32
sbalneavSo, it gets the kernel? and then delays?  Or it's delaying before the download.18:33
humboltoI have a custom dhcpd.conf, but with all the options that come with ltsp-server-standalone18:33
sbalneavcan you paste the dhcpd.conf file to the pastebin?18:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:33
humboltono, it shows lots of ....... for the tftp download then DONE and than nothing.18:33
Nubaefunny... I get the same thing on some of my clients18:38
Nubaejust 3 or 4 out of 50 though18:38
Nubaeeventually they load up18:38
humboltosbalneav: dhcpd.conf http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/43034/18:43
humboltoNubae: how do you boot the clients in question? rom/disk/pxe?18:48
sbalneavroot-path shouldn't have an ip address on it.18:50
sbalneavit's not used with LTSP518:50
humboltosbalneav: did not have it fist. Just put it in there, because it was in an older config, which worked. So I also had the problem without the IP.18:52
humboltoDo I need to specify anything in lts.conf?18:54
humboltoIf I want to leave everything at auto.18:55
sbalneavThe default lts.conf should be fine.18:57
humboltosbalneav: the default is empty except for the version information18:59
musashi1sbalneav: re the firefox and copy image menu, it seems it's been filed as a bug but not likely to get fixed. https://bugs.launchpad.net/firefox/+bug/2003619:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 20036 in firefox "Contextual menu item 'copy image' inexistent" [Unknown,Confirmed]19:09
sbalneavRight, it's a mozilla/firefox issue19:10
sbalneavso if they don't implement it, we don't have it :)19:10
musashi1seems so. kind of annoying. is there another "good" option for a browser on edubuntu? epiphany? never used it so not sure.19:12
musashi1firefox is kind of a resource hog anyway19:12
sbalneavEpiphany's ok, but it's using the gecko engine, same as firefox.19:12
sbalneavIn hardy, Epiphany will switch over to webkit19:13
sbalneavwhich will be lighter weight.19:13
musashi1that sounds like a good plan19:13
musashi1any other options for short term?19:13
sbalneavLots.  Konqueror, opera, links2, etc.19:14
musashi1well, konqueror and opera are probably no better than firefox (maybe worse). or do you think one of them would be a good option for a thin client lab. i don't know links2. i'll check it out19:15
sbalneavWell, there's nothing wrong with firefox, other than it doesn't have your copy feature.19:16
musashi1true, but for a lot of what teachers are using the lab for it's a point agaist a lab they don't like on principle. they "look" for reasons to complain. i'm trying to reduce the reasons :)19:18
sbalneavSo putting in something wildly different will generate less complaints than something very close to what they're used to execpt for one minor feature? :)19:21
musashi1good point. probably not. i was just looking to give them options. "if you don't like that, try this" kind of approach.19:22
humboltosbalneav, Nubae: Do you guys have any suggestion on where I could start looking to resolve this issue?19:22
humboltosbalneav: Nubae: And can the lts.conf file really be empty or do I need at least a SERVER=x.x.x.x in there?19:23
bryangmusashi1, it does seem to be very dependent on the site serving the images19:23
musashi1bryang: i think it's missing in firefox altogether. there is a bug report19:24
musashi1though more a missing feature than a bug19:24
sbalneavSERVER=x would help, humbolto19:24
bryangmusashi1, fwiw, filed the gutsy install issue/bug -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ltsp/+bug/15952619:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 159526 in ltsp "Edubuntu 7.10 install fails on system with 3 NICs" [Undecided,New]19:26
musashi1bryang: did you need the syslog from that install? or did i give it to you19:28
bryangyou did give me the syslog (and included the relevant snippet in bug report)19:29
musashi1bryang: some did ask for more info. do we have it?19:30
bryangah, yes, will supply the whole file, sorry, didn't see the follow-up19:31
bryangthis the installer syslog, right ?19:32
bryangmusashi1: /var/log/installer/syslog, right ?19:33
musashi1uh, no. just /var/log/syslog i think19:33
musashi1didn't save dmesg19:35
* bryang nods19:35
musashi1shoot, went to get some pics of the lab and first time in two days no one is there :(19:47
bryangany good/bad comments from today ?19:48
musashi1not really. same classes as yesterday. they seem to like it but complain about it being different. ot, but dispite what teachers believe, most students are NOT tech literate.19:49
musashi1at least not in this building19:49
bryangi did notice that more yesterday when there19:49
musashi1thanks to ms, if a certain sequence of clicks doesn't do what they want they are lost19:50
musashi1tobacco companies were sued for damaging public health, ms should be sued for damaging tech literacy :)19:51
musashi1i just started installing all the supported ed apps. hope that's okay19:51
bryangoh, ya, apt-get on ;)19:52
musashi1should have installed by default. not sure why they didn't19:52
bryangprolly no room on cd (tis why there's a 2nd one, iirc)19:52
musashi1maybe, but it asked for the cd when i tried to install them19:52
musashi1something is obviously there19:52
bryangnope, the cd is still in /etc/apt/sources.list, you can delete with the software sources GUI19:53
* bryang or vi/gedit/... of course ;)19:53
musashi1i though it did that on it's own.19:53
musashi1i still need to test the local media stuff too. seems inconsistent19:54
bryangdoes comment, but also leaves one in place too19:54
LaserJockRichEd: still around?20:34
stgraberLaserJock: he has just left de room, but his laptop is still here so he'll be back soon :)20:37
leonardI just have a quick question: If I install edubuntu on parallels on my mac, what option should I use? In other words, what form of linux os is it? There is no listing for edubuntu...20:42
scrapbunnyhello, i am having a problem with tux paint and tux math freezing on my thin clients I am testing out. are there any fixes for this?20:42
leonardthere is redhat20:42
leonardanyone know of a solution?20:42
stgraber(if there is no ubuntu)20:43
leonardok-thanks a lot :D20:43
leonardsorry for logging off so quickly-did you change something?20:43
leonardyou said to use debian?20:43
leonardis that right?20:43
stgraberyes, if there is no ubuntu in the list20:43
RichEdLaserJock: am now20:51
LaserJockRichEd: so, how'd the DesktopCD discussion go?20:53
RichEdLaserJock: well in principle20:53
LaserJockhmm, that sounds like a "but in practice ..." :-)20:54
scrapbunnyany fixes for tux math and tux paint freezing?20:54
LaserJockscrapbunny: they're both doing it?20:55
scrapbunnyyea first tux paint frooze and I tried tux math and it froze20:57
LaserJockon Gutsy?20:57
scrapbunnyI only have 3 clients up pxe booting from edubuntu 7.1020:57
scrapbunnyi am trying to see which programs have sound and run best before I add more clients20:59
outofrangeShould a default 7.10 server install have NFS?  Looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPCrossArchSetup and I don't have etc/exports on my server.21:04
Burgundaviano, it doesn't21:08
Burgundaviayou need to install nfs-kernel-server21:08
LaserJockscrapbunny: so this is on gutsy thin clients that they freeze?21:09
LaserJockscrapbunny: and when do they freeze?21:09
outofrangeDoesn't looks like I'll have any luck anyway,  I can get the Server CD to boot in the G4, but the Desktop Live CD hangs.  And I think I need the live CD to install the powerpc environment on my i386 server.21:10
LaserJockwhy do you need a Desktop CD?21:12
outofrangeI need to boot a powerpc machine to build the /opt/ltsp/powerpc on the i386 server so I can boot my powerpc thin clients.21:13
outofrangeAt least I think that's what I need.;)21:13
scrapbunnylaserjock- yes gutsy clients and I can't see a pattern to when they freeze. they will work for 20 minutes sometimes, 40 minutes other times21:15
LaserJockscrapbunny: hmmm, that's hard to debug21:16
scrapbunnyare there certain programs that run better on thin client set ups?21:18
scrapbunnyor don't run well?21:18
LaserJockhmm, the only things I've really heard of are really CPU intenstive things21:18
LaserJocklike if everybody goes to a Flash site or something and it bogs down the server21:18
scrapbunnyso tux math and typing and paint should be ok to run on 32 stations from one server right?21:20
LaserJockI think so21:22
LaserJockas long as the server is got enough resources21:22
LaserJockyou're not going to want to put it on a 1GHZ P4 with 256MB of RAM ;-)21:22
humboltowhich inetd daemon to use in combination with LTSP?21:29
humboltocan I use xinetd and openbsd-inetd in parallel?21:29
scrapbunn1sorry, internet dies21:32
outofrangeOk, so I found a spare hard drive and I'm installing 7.10 on a G4.  When I'm done can I just copy /opt/ltsp/powerpc to my (real) i386 ltsp server?21:36
LaserJockthat seems a bit excessive to me21:37
outofrangeWHich part?  installing the server?21:38
LaserJockwell, ltsp only needs a minimal Ubuntu installtion21:38
outofrangeWell, all I have is the Edubuntu Server and Desktop cds.21:39
outofrangeAnd the Desktop Live CD won't boot21:39
LaserJockhmm, there's no option for ltsp-build-client to build a ppc chroot?21:39
outofrangeNot that I'm aware of, but I'm new to LTSP.21:40
humboltoI have a weird weird issue with LTSP booting in gutsy!21:40
humboltoAfter the tftp nib.img download, which ends with "...... done" nothing is happening for about 5 minutes.21:41
LaserJockit's probably good to email edubuntu-users guys21:46
LaserJockthe Ubuntu Developer Summit is just wrapping up so ogra and some of the other LTSP guys are not here at the moment21:47
LaserJockI'm of virtually 0 use with LTSP unfortunately21:47
=== RichEd-1 is now known as RichEd
purpleposeidonYou can plug a usb drive into a thin client, and it will be shown on the server, right?22:37
Kamping_Kaiserit should show on the client22:37
purpleposeidonWhat about other USB devices?22:39
lns__can anyone tell me why lts.conf "RCFILE_XX" wouldn't work in Gutsy?22:39
lns__i have "RCFILE_01=/etc/init.d/ipaqsoundfix.sh" in lts.conf (located in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386)22:39
lns__with ipaqsoundfix located at /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/init.d22:40
Kamping_Kaiserpurpleposeidon, not sure.22:40
lns__and it does not get executed upon thin-client boot22:40
purpleposeidonKamping_Kaiser: What is it that makes that happen?22:40
lns__sorry.. s/ipaqsoundfix/ipaqsoundfix.sh22:40
Kamping_Kaiserpurpleposeidon, not sure, i havent used 7.1022:42

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