
posingaspopularhi, how to file a documentation bug in kubuntu02:18
somerville32posingaspopular, Against the product02:18
posingaspopularummm... KDE help02:19
posingaspopularso search KDE help in LP?02:19
posingaspopularsorry im not finding it02:21
somerville32Ubuntu documentation02:21
posingaspopularhmm, sorry cody im not getting this at all02:26
posingaspopularim at the /filebug page and i duno02:26
mptavila, did you make it to UDS at all?02:47
avilaoh no, I worked from home today so I wasn't in Cambridge at all.02:47
mptposingaspopular, can you tell me the URL of the page you were on when you searched for "KDE help"?02:48
posingaspopularbasically if you go to KDE help and click 'applet manuals' there is nothing under that topic/section etc.02:53
mptposingaspopular, ok, to put you out of your misery, the place to start is https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-doc02:57
posingaspopularsigh... thanks. im only used to filing bugs in firefox02:57
mptNow I'm wondering how we could fix that navigation problem in Launchpad02:57
posingaspopularlaunchpad bugs02:58
mptdoesn't return ubuntu-doc02:59
mptthough, actually, maybe it shouldn't, since missing help in KDE's "applet manuals" section might not actually be an ubuntu-doc bug03:00
mptbut the team will at least know where to move the bug report.03:00
posingaspopularbut that's part of the ubuntu docs, or KDE?03:00
posingaspopularbecause from what i can tell it's Kubuntu docs03:01
posingaspopulari wish nixternal was at his keyboard tonight, he would fix it in 2 seconds03:01
posingaspopularbut he's performing in a rodeo instead03:01
nixternalfix what?03:10
posingaspopularoh nothing, i was trying to file a docs issue03:11
posingaspopularin kde help and being confused03:11
nixternalwhat is it?03:11
nixternalif you find a bug in kde help (khelpcenter), it would be best to report it upstream (bugs.kde.org)03:12
posingaspopularoh is that a KDE thing03:12
nixternalkhelpcenter is03:12
posingaspopularbecause on top it says 'kubuntu documents'03:13
posingaspopularor is that just the one section?03:13
nixternalthat is just one section03:13
nixternalwhat is the problem? I can tell you if it is valid or not03:13
nixternalie. is it a bug or a wishlist item03:13
posingaspopularapplet manuals03:13
posingaspopulardoesn't actually return anything03:14
posingaspopulari'd like to put somethign in03:14
nixternalI do believe that is already filed upstream03:14
posingaspopularor get it removed... or something. it's bugging me out (no pun intened)03:14
nixternalisn't major enough for a 3.5.x fix, but I can guarantee it will not be there for kde 403:14
posingaspopularnice. kde 403:15
michael_gutsygood evening gentlemen03:16
michael_gutsyi have a newbie doc team question03:17
nixternalgo for it03:17
michael_gutsyI joined the mailing list yest03:17
nixternaland good evening to you as well :)03:17
michael_gutsyand talked to jjames last night03:17
nixternaljjesse :)03:17
michael_gutsyoh yeah03:17
nixternalalthough, I do call him jesse james03:17
michael_gutsywas thinking jesse james for some realson03:17
posingaspopularoh that guy03:18
nixternalhehe, ya, it got me too03:18
michael_gutsyI would like to work up to WikiTeam eventually03:18
michael_gutsybut for starters I am good with proofreading03:18
michael_gutsyhe said that I could start with the Help file03:18
michael_gutsyand i was wondering if there is a single doc that I could print out instead of reading it through the helpviewer03:19
nixternalcan't say that there is03:19
posingaspopularnixternal: why is there no /skim documentation in KDE help center either03:19
nixternaldo you have skim installed?03:19
nixternalor just scim?03:20
michael_gutsyok, I guess that I will use the Help Center then...thanks03:20
posingaspopularno documentation for krecipes either...03:20
nixternalsorry about that...that is something I hope to work out with Hardy, is getting some printable materials again, as it seems a lot of people have been asking for it03:20
posingaspopulareven though i clearly have that installed03:20
nixternalposingaspopular: that either means a) neither app has documentation or b) neither app registers their documentation with khc03:21
michael_gutsyi have not joined the LP team yet...i wasn't sure when I should do it03:21
posingaspopularif they don't register the documenation with khc, could I take it upon myself to submit the documentation without asking them?03:22
posingaspopulardo that as a 'learn documentation' type thing03:22
nixternalnope, you need to get in touch with them and off to document their app03:22
posingaspopularnixternal: emailing them now03:27
posingaspopularmichael_gutsy: if i get the green light, would you like to help me write the krecipes documentation?03:28
shirishhi all, can somebody help me with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin?highlight=%28phpmyadmin%29 the entry seems to be incomplete. I can't get phpmyadmin running/configuring03:28
michael_gutsyi am not familiar with kde, but I am willing to learn03:29
michael_gutsyposingaspopular: http://krecipes.sourceforge.net/ does not load a page...03:30
posingaspopularah i think i did 'sudo apt-get install krecipes'03:31
posingaspopulari could get back to you on that one though03:31
michael_gutsybut I do love to cook03:32
michael_gutsyi am just looking for info to start learning03:32
michael_gutsythere is a Handbook...http://docs.kde.org/development/en/extragear-utils/krecipes/03:32
posingaspopularokay so the doc.kde./whatever isn't loaded into the Khelp center then?03:34
nixternalposingaspopular: sudo apt-get install krecipes-doc03:34
nixternalthat is why you don't see the docs, you don't pay attention to the recommends when a package is installed...tisk tisk03:35
nixternalI knew there were docs because I edited them in the past03:35
posingaspopularah i see03:36
michael_gutsyok, project DONE! LOL03:37
posingaspopularmichael_gutsy: win03:38
ardchoilleI fixed some grammar and typos in the wiki.03:40
ardchoilleheh, I've been proof reading and editing the wiki and help docs for ubuntu for over a year.03:40
ardchoilleI signed up as a student. What must one do in order to become an official docs team member (move out of "student" status)?03:42
Madpilotyou signed up w/ docteam on LP, ardchoille?03:42
ardchoilleMadpilot: I signed up here:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Mentoring03:43
ardchoilleWhat is LP?03:43
ardchoilleOh, I don't think so. How/ehre do I do that?03:43
ardchoilleI just followed this.. Mentoring program:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam03:44
michael_gutsyI am also interested in the mentoring program for the doc team.03:45
Madpilotardchoille, you've got a launchpad account, tho, right?03:45
ardchoilleMadpilot: yes, https://launchpad.net/~ardchoille4203:46
ardchoilleok, the LP page for ubuntu docs team says to do a few things and I have done them.03:47
Madpilotthen sign up. matt or one of the other admins will approve you eventually.03:48
ardchoilleMadpilot: I'm sorry, but I don't see where to sign up03:48
Madpilotthere should be a green "Join this team" button in the middle of the screen03:49
Madpilotif you're logged into lp03:49
ardchoilleThere's a "Mentoring available" button03:50
Madpilotif you don't see a "Join This Team" button next to that, you're already a member03:50
Madpilotcheck your LP profile page03:51
ardchoilleardchoille is not an active member of any Launchpad teams.03:51
ardchoilleThe ubuntu-doc LP page says I'm not a member03:51
ardchoilleI think I might be doing something wrong.03:51
Madpilotping matt once he's online03:52
Madpilot@now london03:52
ubotuCurrent time in Europe/London: November 03 2007, 03:52:27 - Next meeting: Edubuntu Team in 4 days03:52
Madpilotno chance he'll be awake right now :)03:52
Madpilotwell, slim, anyway03:52
ardchoillemdke shows "away" here03:53
Madpilotlikewise - 3hrs and some idle03:53
Madpilotthere's also recently been a big re-arrangement of the doc teams on LP, I don't quite understand the new setup.03:53
* Madpilot hasn't actually done any documenting for months...03:54
nixternalyear+? :p03:54
Madpilotquite likely. haven't even done any wiki editing in ages.03:54
nixternalyou have been hibernating03:54
Madpilotbeen doing loco stuff (Ubuntu Canada) and real-world stuff03:55
nixternalyou haven't edited wiki pages since I started it...I mean really editing them...we used to hit the category cleanups like it was going out of style03:55
nixternalthat's been a while now03:55
nixternalgoing on 2 years03:55
Madpilotya, Dapper was my big docteam effort, since then I've been doing other stuff03:55
Madpilotdocteam got me Ubuntu Membership, then I stopped doing it ;)03:56
* posingaspopular resists an offensive joke03:56
nixternal22:57:00 [notice(ChanServ!ChanServ@services.)] An access level of [10] is required for [OP] on #ubuntu-doc03:57
nixternalcount your blessings posingaspopular03:57
ardchoilleIf I see a wiki page that has no category, I won't hurt anything by assigning it a category will I? As long as I assign the correct category?03:57
posingaspopularardchoille: go for it03:57
nixternalMadpilot: tell posingaspopular to quit being scared..he was going to say this to you:03:57
nixternal[posingasp] i was going to tell Madpilot 'hit it and quit it!'03:57
Madpilotnixternal, who *does* have ops here, anyway? I don't either.03:58
nixternalwhat a girly mahn </ahnold voice>03:58
* Madpilot wishes @lart still worked.03:58
nixternalya, they removed them out of the important channels03:58
Madpilot @lart doesn't even work in #ubuntu-offtopic anymore, or -ops03:58
posingaspopularno i was just resisting the urge to break the CoC in a public chan. PM's and ubuntu-chicago don't count richard03:59
posingaspopularalso you're an ass03:59
Madpilot<pedant>wrt the CoC, #ubuntu-chigaco probably does count</pedant>03:59
nixternalsignum, jdub, mdke_, your brother, and jerome are the only ones with ops03:59
Madpilotchicago, even03:59
nixternalso really, just mdke_ I guess03:59
nixternalI made posingaspopular blush04:00
nixternalubuntu-chicago and the coc is like drug dealers having a coc04:00
posingaspopularactually i dont think I've signed the CoC yet...04:00
Madpilotnixternal, is that your blog that has "sending propietary software to sleep with the fishes' as a tagline?04:01
nixternalposingaspopular: if you haven't signed the coc, then you can't edit docs04:02
nixternalwe don't trust you is what I am saying :p04:02
Madpilotnot technically true. except maybe in Chicago.04:03
posingaspopularneed help creating a wiki page plz05:11
TimBosseWhat's up?05:12
TimBosseI am no "expert", but I might be able to help.05:12
posingaspopularTimBosse: I'm trying to create a page for a codesprint/hackathon thrown by the Ubuntu-illinois team.05:13
posingaspopularwe are not an official team yet, but we are going to try and make it ubuntu specific as possible05:13
posingaspopularwhere should this page be created05:13
Madpilotposingaspopular, does ubuntu-illinois have a team page yet?05:13
Madpilotthen do your events as subpages off that page05:14
Madpilotlike the Ubuntu Toronto release party page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Toronto/GustyGibbonReleaseParty05:15
posingaspopularright right, but how do i Create05:15
TimBosseYou need to edit the wiki page for ubuntu-illinois.05:16
Madpilotthat'll automatically create a subpage for you ^^^05:16
TimBosseand add a link to the page.05:17
TimBosse...or go with Madpilot's method :)05:17
Madpilotposingaspopular, no apostrophe in "get's" in the IllinoisTeam intro blurb, BTW05:18
Madpilotand no 'e' on the end of 'aid' there, either05:18
Madpilot</pedant editor>05:19
posingaspopulari got it05:19
Madpilotand to be really, really evil - technically, the Ubuntu Trademark Policy sez, "putting things inside the Ubuntu logo to create team logos is a no-no."05:19
posingaspopulardoes that work05:20
posingaspopularisn't the logo also open source... ish?05:20
Madpilotit's just not enforced very stringently on LoCoTeams05:21
posingaspopulari see05:21
MadpilotI took it as a challenge when I created the Ubuntu Canada logo, though. Restrictions foster creativity.05:21
Madpilotthe Aussie Team had a great contest, with discussion on what is/isn't allowed: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Archives/Logo05:25
posingaspopulari really like the first one05:28
Madpilotthe green kangaroo one? again, falls foul of the trademark policy05:39
Madpilotor the dot-map one they adopted? that one's great.05:39
ardchoillemdke_: ping13:45
mdke_ardchoille: (In case I'm not around at the moment, please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I get back)13:45
ardchoillePerfect Timing13:45
ardchoillemdke_: I desire to join the documentation team as an official member and be assigned tasks. I do really well when given tasks to perform.13:46
ardchoilleI don't do so well when told to "find something to do".. possibly because I don't know what is available13:47
ardchoillemdke_: I have been proofreading and editing the wiki and help docs for over a year. I don't know Docbook, but am willing to learn. I still write my web pages in raw html in a text editor so I feel that learning XML will come easy.13:49
ardchoilleI have been using Linux since 2001 and *buntu since 2004. I'm not good with programming or packaging so I believe that helping with documentation and bug reports are the only way I am able to "give back" to the Ubuntu community.13:50
ardchoilleThis is an awesome distro and I would like to officially help keep it that way :)13:51
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lamber1so what is the difference between the ubuntu wiki and the community section of help.ubuntu.com21:39
astro76lamber1, help.ubuntu.com/community is for ubuntu documentation, wiki.ubuntu.com is for development, team and project coordination... anything but documentation21:51
ardchoilleastro76: You wouldn't believe the amount of people who don't realise that21:53
astro76I bet21:54
somerville32It was recently changed21:57
mdke_recently = over a year ago22:21
mdke_ardchoille: for joining the team, we ask that people contribute some patches and show us an ability to use our toolchain and send reliable commits before adding them. However if you feel that you'd prefer to have tasks assigned to you, the best thing is to ask on the mailing list22:22
mdke_ardchoille: specify the area you're interested in, and the people working on that area will give you pointers22:22
mdke_ardchoille: we have a Tasks page (which may be vaguely up to date) and lots of bug reports which you can look at for things to do. The wiki also has plenty of tasks22:23
ardchoillemdke_: Joining the team requires all of that? I had no idea it was so involved.22:24
ardchoillePatches? What kind of patches? I can't program22:24
somerville32Patches to the documentation :)22:24
ardchoilleWhat toolchain? It's just documentation. I know how to use a text editor22:25
mdke_ardchoille: have you not seen our team pages yet?22:25
mdke_they explain in simple steps what is involved22:25
ardchoilleHmm.. I think I'm in the wrong place.22:25
mdke_nope, it's as easy as falling off a log22:25
ardchoilleI wanted to join the team that works on text documentation22:25
mdke_I'll explain more slowly22:25
mdke_you shouldn't be scared by the word "patch", all it is is a way to send some changes you make to the documentation to us for us to review and apply to our files22:26
mdke_ardchoille: basically, you don't have to have "commit access" to contribute to the documentation team, you just need to send us some of your proposed changes. We'll then review them and apply them22:27
mdke_after you've sent a few and we know that you are doing good work, we'll give you access to send those changes directly to the files.22:28
mdke_all that applies to the system documentation in Ubuntu.22:28
ardchoilleOh, I can do that easily.22:28
mdke_contributing to the wiki is much more straightforward22:28
mdke_you just login and edit22:28
ardchoilleyes, I've been editing the wiki for a while22:28
mdke_If you read all of this, you'll understand exactly what is involved: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/GettingStarted22:28
ardchoillemdke_: So, I find problems in the documentation (khelpcenter?), then send proposed changes to you for inspection?22:29
mdke_as for tasks on the wiki, some are listed here - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiToDo22:29
ardchoilleI've read all of that. Either it isn't straight forward enough, or I'm an idiot.22:29
mdke_you probably want to read the pages which are linked for further explanation in the particular section of page you're interested in22:30
mdke_for example, for the system documentation, "Repository" and "Contribute"22:31
mdke_but feel free to ask here or on the mailing list for any help22:32
mdke_nixternal: saw you edited libs/global.ent in the kubuntu branch - could you remember always to merge common changes across the various branches if you make them, or if you haven't got them, send a mail to the list to give a heads up?22:35
nixternalroger....all I have right now is kubuntu-docs22:35
somerville32mdke_: Why don't you isolate that into one branch its self?22:36
mdke_yeah, it can be a bit heavy to get them all. But there is a tarball with the revision history if you want to get them, save you download time22:36
mdke_somerville32: we thought about it, but then it won't be possible to build packages out of a single branch22:36
somerville32Use the new nested-tree functionality22:36
mdke_I think that causes problems with the format we use. But I'd be interested in hearing how it works22:37
somerville32Me too actually, lol22:38
somerville32Lifeless just told me about it 5 seconds ago for an unrelated query22:38
ardchoillemdke_: Well, I found some problems with documentation and submitted bugs. Here they are:22:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 159463 in knowit "KnowIt docs in the wrong place" [Undecided,New]22:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 159471 in kompose "Kompose handbook is a mess" [Undecided,New]22:40
ardchoillemdke_: Was that not the right thing to do?22:40
somerville32Kompose handbook is a mess isn't very descriptive :/22:40
ardchoilleI did give examples from the handbook22:41
somerville32mdke_, ConfigManager22:47
mdke_perhaps we could use that in the future. Lifeless didn't mention it in our discussion about structuring the branches, neither did jameinel22:48

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