
=== nothlit_ is now known as nothlit
`23meghi all15:56
`23meghow can I override the icons used in evolution's toolbar?15:57
andreasnI'm not sure you can do that in the stable release15:57
andreasnmontreal have a couple of patches to trunk to make it work though15:57
`23megI remember doing it before; I just replaced some icons somewhere15:58
andreasnany particular icon you're thinking about?15:58
`23megthe "new", "send/receive" etc. icons in the toolbar15:59
andreasnah, those16:00
andreasnhold on16:00
andreasnit should be mail-send-receive.png16:01
andreasnalthough, evo might still use a old name for that16:01
andreasnif you have icon-naming-utils at hand it will rename it though16:01
andreasnlet me check what the old name could be16:01
`23megthe human theme mostly inherits them from the gnome theme, right?16:02
andreasndon't you get the new gnome-icon-theme icon in evo?16:03
andreasnhm, there is gnome-stock-mail-new16:04
andreasnand mail_new16:04
`23megI think this is it: /usr/share/icons/gnome/22x22/actions/stock_mail-send-receive.png16:05
andreasnah, yeah, that sounds right16:05
andreasnit will probably break next evo release though16:05
andreasnmontreal said his patches didn't get into 2.20, so it's still the old names16:10
_MMA_andreasn: Hello sir. How was your flight home? Have you heard from Lessig? (I forgot how to spell his name.)16:13
andreasnLasse you mean?16:13
_MMA_Yeah. :)16:13
_MMA_I also got to find his email as he said he had a friend that wanted to work on Ubuntu Studio.16:13
_MMA_Awesome. Thanx.16:14
andreasnbut no, I haven't chatted with him since I got home16:14
darkmattermornin' ladies.. err.. "lads" >_>16:14
_MMA_andreasn: Did you fly out Saturday in all that rain?16:16
andreasnno, I flew out on friday16:17
andreasnquite some turbulece in the air though16:18
andreasnwas your flight home good?16:19
_MMA_Yeah. I flew out Saturday and it was pouring. Take-off was bumpy but after that was fine. :)16:19
_MMA_My flight was only 1.5hrs.16:19
* _MMA_ waves.16:35

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