
DaSkreechRukus-: Better look into a Windows recovery Live CD00:00
Rukus-i see00:01
Rukus-it appears that Partition Magic is garbage00:02
Rukus-and i should have used qparted00:02
monchonecesito ayuda y en Kubuntu-es al parecer no hay nadie00:02
DaSkreechHa ha which version of parition magic?00:02
Rukus-the newest00:03
Rukus-maybe i should just reinstall windows as i already backed it up00:03
Rukus-should i inmstall vista?00:03
Rukus-ha ha00:04
DarkLegacyCompiz with all of the goodies on00:05
DarkLegacyKick Vista's aero00:05
ardchoillemoncho:  Hay necessita usar Ingles en esta canal. Por favor vas a #ubuntu-es00:06
Rukus-i wish i could get it to work!00:06
DarkLegacyI don't know how I got it to work00:06
DarkLegacyI destroyed my system00:06
DarkLegacyBrought it back from the dead00:06
DarkLegacyThen I was like00:06
DarkLegacy /sigh, plz work.00:06
DarkLegacyAnd it did.00:06
=== ubuntu is now known as xoxa
ardchoilleDarkLegacy: Nice, you have a system that listens00:07
Rukus-i got a headache so not today00:07
Rukus-my system listens for the most part00:07
DarkLegacyYeah, wobbly windows!00:07
DarkLegacy:D :D :D00:07
Rukus-suprised for an HP00:07
Rukus-if i reinstall windows, will it overwrite my grub?00:07
DarkLegacyI finally understood how Grub works00:08
ardchoilleyes, but that's easily fixed00:08
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:08
DarkLegacyIt mounts stuff00:08
xoxahello, i installed kubuntu, uninstalled it, removed grub with fixmbr . but F9 during boot doesnt take me te recovery partition anymore.00:09
Rukus-should i stick with my HP windows home edition (i need a windows partition for various reasons) or download an xp pro00:09
xoxahello, i installed kubuntu, uninstalled it, removed grub with fixmbr . but F9 during boot doesnt take me te recovery partition anymore. How can I fix it?00:09
Rukus-i need it for a course i am taking, unless i can emulate or run windoiws apps in ubuntu, i'll get rid of it00:10
DarkLegacyOh my god, Linux is getting so much easier to use by the minute00:10
Rukus-if i could go withouyt windows all together and not dual boot00:11
Rukus-i am ok00:11
Rukus-i dont understand my options tho00:11
ardchoilleRukus-: Why do you need Windows?00:11
ardchoilleRukus-: Have you tried wine?00:11
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.00:11
Rukus-to run a simple power engineering learning CD00:11
Rukus-thats the only specific thing00:11
Rukus-otyher than that, i've found everything i need00:12
Rukus-in ubuntu00:12
sebrhow do i manage compiz with kubuntu?00:12
ardchoille!compiz | sebr00:12
ubotusebr: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion00:12
sebryeah i installed it then just ran it00:12
sebrseems to work00:12
sebri'll check the link, cheers ardchoille00:12
ubotuvista is the new operating system by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org00:14
=== bubba is now known as shadowraven
Rukus-i have wine, i dont think it works properly00:15
DaSkreechxoxa: What machine?00:16
DaSkreechDarkLegacy: Wait till KDE400:16
DaSkreechRukus-: Drink more. It kicks in after a while00:16
Rukus-wine just hangs there loading application the nstops00:18
DaSkreechRukus-: how are you running it?00:18
Rukus-i click on it00:18
Rukus-its on a cd00:18
DaSkreechhmm ok00:18
xoxaDaSkreech: asus F3sa00:19
Rukus-i really have no idea what i am doing00:19
DaSkreechAnd it has a recovery partiton ?00:19
xoxaDaSkreech: yes00:20
DaSkreechRukus-: I normally run wine from the command line00:20
DaSkreechxoxa: You took off Kubuntu?00:20
ardchoilleDaSkreech: I'm thinking that when xoxa installed kubuntu, the recovery partition was overwritten00:20
Rukus-ok lets do that00:20
DaSkreechand you don't want Grub on the machine ?00:20
xoxanom the partition is here00:20
DaSkreechardchoille: Probably not00:20
ardchoilleoh, ok00:20
DaSkreechxoxa: Was it a visible parition ?00:21
_Angelus_somebody had gave me a real good program to convert avi to mpeg2 :( from this channel00:21
xoxathe pb is  that when i removed grub with fixmbr00:21
xoxait changed the function of f9 during boot00:21
ardchoille_Angelus_: avidemux  ?00:21
DaSkreechxoxa: and you don't have a recovery Cd ?00:21
_Angelus_it was a QT one00:21
DonalRdaskreech - I haven't seen a new machine w/ a recovery CD in a while00:22
DaSkreechDonalR: Bully for you00:22
xoxaDaSkreech: i hqve a recov dvd00:22
xoxabut i want to use my recov partition00:23
DaSkreechxoxa: Ah it's a recovery parititon..00:23
DaSkreechF9 was triggered by the Bios or by Windows ?00:23
xoxabefore installing kubuntu F9 sent to recov partition00:24
DonalRdaaskreech - it was probably an option in the boot loader menu00:24
DaSkreechbut was that a message on the BIOS boot up screen00:24
xoxasince installing kubuntu, and removing kubuntu and grub, f9 has another function00:24
DaSkreechhow did you run fixmbr ?00:25
xoxai downloaded and ran fixmbr.exe00:25
vsudilovanyone know why Kubuntu 7.10 upgrade isn't showing up when I use adept manager to fetch updates? I'm running 7.0400:26
DaSkreechxoxa: >_M00:26
rahul_hey I was wondering does anyone know how to change the function for the media button? i can't figure out where thats set. it launches amarok00:26
DaSkreechxoxa: try in ##windows00:26
xoxafrom a site im trying to find back00:26
DaSkreechvsudilov: You followed the instructions on the site ?00:27
rahul_vsudilov: you need to change repos and update00:27
rahul_then upgrade00:27
DaSkreechJust click on the word :) it shoudl take you to the windows channel00:27
vsudilovI'm following the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades00:27
NickPrestavsudilov, run: kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade"00:28
vsudilovIll try it00:28
vsudilov--version-upgrade is an unknown option...00:29
lovrewhen will KDE 4 be released?00:29
rahul_vsudilov: use --dist-upgrade00:30
rahul_does anyone know how to change the function for the media button? i can't figure out where thats set. it launches amarok00:30
vsudilovagain, unknown option00:30
rahul_what all did you type?00:31
DaSkreechlovre: about 4 months before it's finished00:31
vsudilovkdesu adept_manager --version-upgrade00:31
DaSkreechvsudilov: you are fully updated ?00:31
vsudilovI don't know.00:32
vsudilovAccording to adept, I am00:32
rahul_kdesu "adept_manager --dist-upgrade"00:32
DaSkreechvsudilov: ^^^ You need quotes00:32
vsudilovkdesu "adept_manager --dist-upgrade"00:32
vsudilovadept_manager: Unknown option '--dist-upgrade'.00:32
vsudilovadept_manager: Use --help to get a list of available command line options00:32
lovreDaSkreech: lol00:33
lovreDaSkreech: will it be good ? :S00:33
rahul_meh i just edited /etc/apt/sources.list with vim00:33
DaSkreechvsudilov: did you fetch updates after you added the new repos?00:34
DaSkreechlovre: KDE4 or KDE 4.0 ?00:34
rahul_and used aptitude to upgrade and update00:34
vsudilovdaskreech: yes00:34
lovreDaSkreech: is there a difference?00:34
vsudilovyes, no new updates after I enabled the repositories00:34
DaSkreechlovre: Very much00:34
lovreDaSkreech: can you explain shortly00:34
rahul_does anyone know how to change the function for the media button? i can't figure out where thats set. it launches amarok00:34
DaSkreechvsudilov: and alt+F2 -> kdesu "adept_manager --dist-upgrade" doesn't work ?00:34
vsudilovI copied the output to that above00:35
Rukus-i made my linux partition 25gb is that fine?00:35
DaSkreechlovre: KDE4 is the target theyare aiming at KDE 4.0 is the first step out of the starting block00:35
DaSkreechRukus-: very00:35
Rukus-what if i need more room? should i split up my 50gb windows partition into 2? thus having a smaller windows partition, and a single "storage" partition for linux?00:36
Rukus-i am reinstalling windows00:36
lovreDaSkreech: so KDE4 is all KDE 4.x00:37
DonalRrukus - what will you be using more often and how much 'stuff' will you have in your HD?00:37
DaSkreechlovre: yes00:37
Rukus-i am going to start using ubuntu more00:37
DaSkreechlovre: which many people consider to start at KDE 4.1 :-)00:37
vsudilovAny more suggestions, DaSkreech?00:38
Rukus-if anything, all i ever have is music, and movie, and i will handle that with linux00:38
Rukus-does it hurt to have 3 partitions? 2 bootable and 1 not?00:38
DaSkreechvsudilov: Run it from a konsole see what it says00:38
DonalRrukus - meh, a 50 / 50 split of your HD sounds like a good start00:38
DaSkreechRukus-: Nope.00:38
vsudilovDaSkreech, I copied that output above00:38
lovreDaSkreech: i see. Another thing. Will it be easy to upgrade to new KDE?00:39
Rukus-well i already installed kubuntu and i dont wanna mess with the partition00:39
DaSkreechvsudilov: can you pastebin the output of adept_manager --help00:39
DaSkreech!paste | vsudilov00:39
DaSkreechlovre: We intend it to be00:39
DonalRI always keep /home on a seperate partition myself, and I keep it big cause I collect a lot of crap on my PC00:39
vsudilovI'll paste it here -- its only 3 lines00:39
DaSkreechDonalR: Preach it :)00:39
vsudilov kdesu "adept_manager --dist-upgrade"00:40
vsudilovadept_manager: Unknown option '--dist-upgrade'.00:40
vsudilovadept_manager: Use --help to get a list of available command line options.00:40
_Angelus_vsudilov:  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:40
DaSkreechvsudilov: I know run adept_manager --help and pastebin that00:40
Rukus-can qparted resize partitions? and if i do resize my kubuntu partition will i ruin it?>00:40
DaSkreechHi ubotu00:40
DaSkreech!paste | vsudilov00:40
maverickwhy does it have to be when dist-upgrade GUTSY something goes wrong !!!!!00:41
DaSkreechRukus-: Yes, no00:41
Rukus-ok thanks00:41
Rukus-50/50 i go00:41
Rukus-maybe 60/4000:41
Rukus-60 on kubuntu00:41
DaSkreechmaverick: Better that than on mondays00:41
DonalRrukus - qparted can resize but there's always a risk of data loss - or so I'm told.  I've never doen it myself00:41
lovreDaSkreech: to whom do you refer when you say "We" when you say "We intend it to be"?00:41
DonalRI backup everything and start from scratch00:41
DaSkreechlovre: Umm Us all :)00:41
vsudilovDaSkreech: http://pastebin.com/d4e130b5200:41
DaSkreechlovre: Distros and KDE00:42
DaSkreechlovre: good habit00:42
maverickDaSkreech: i did the latest dist-upgrade last night and compiz has gone crzy...it was working like a charm before this freaky update00:42
DonalRrukus - that sounds like a good start.  Personally I00:42
Rukus-well i havnt got too far in my kubuntu00:42
DaSkreechvsudilov: and alt+F2 -> kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" doesn't work ?00:42
Rukus-i might start all over again00:42
maverickthe thing is u never know what went wrong00:42
vsudilovDaSkreech: That is correct, it doesn't wor00:43
DonalR'd go with WIN 20GB, / 10GB, /home everything else00:43
DaSkreechmaverick: compiz is a strange beast00:43
Rukus-anyone here knows how to get flash working on an amd64 machine?00:43
DaSkreechmaverick: remove it and re-install it?00:43
maverickDaSkreech: u think ?!00:43
DaSkreechvsudilov: That's not the same as I put before.00:43
lovreDaSkreech: ok, thank you for your time!00:43
DonalRhas flash even been released for 64 bit?00:43
Rukus-i got it working00:43
DonalRit will be a pain otherwise00:43
Rukus-but i forget how00:44
Rukus-thats why i dont wanna reinstall00:44
DaSkreechRukus-: Flash as in the online movie thingy?00:44
DaSkreechHi nikkiana00:44
Tm_TDaSkreech: no bot00:44
vsudilovDaSkreech: You're right, I just tried it. It did add a version upgrade toolbar to adept, but it says "the integrity of the update manager cannot be verified"00:44
Tm_TDaSkreech: we are working on it00:44
DaSkreechTm_T: Thanks gratefully00:44
ardchoilleTm_T: Good to know, I've become dependent on the bot(s) :)00:45
_Angelus_Rukus-: you want flash working on 64bit?00:45
DaSkreechLjL: Bad bot!00:45
vsudilovDaSkreech : Him I tried it two more times, seems like 3rd time is a charm...downloading now...00:45
thomas_newbie__does anyone know how farpd works?00:45
Rukus-no i got it to work, i am afraid if i reinstall i wont be able to do it again00:45
DaSkreech!info farpd00:46
DaSkreechRukus-: there is a page on the wiki00:46
Tm_TDaSkreech: umm, still no bot00:46
Rukus-ok good to know]00:46
lovreis there a way for me to see how my website will look on internet explorer? Im on kubuntu 7.10...00:46
DaSkreechTm_T: damn! :-(00:46
DaSkreechTm_T: stupid relex00:46
n1loHow can i active my webcam?00:46
ardchoilleDaSkreech: lol00:47
thomas_newbie__DaSkreech: thers no page on farpd lol00:47
ardchoilleDaSkreech: And I thought *I* was dependent on the bot :)00:47
DaSkreechardchoille: being 3/4 asleep doesn't help00:47
_Angelus_Rukus-: its easy, just install nspluginwrapper , extract the flash plugin from adobe's site to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins and use the command "nspluginwrapper -i /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so"00:47
DaSkreechlovre: IE4Linux00:48
_Angelus_Rukus-: that converts libflashplayer.so to 64bit and installs it in your home directory in some .nsplugin folder00:48
_neon_using gutsy and everytime i use openoffice it crashes i have the latest install per the gutsy repo any suggestions ,  i read that there was a bug with gutsy and oo any suggestions00:48
_Angelus_np :)00:49
DaSkreech_Angelus_: it does not00:49
DaSkreechn1lo: Sorry bot fell asleep00:49
mike-kubuntumy net keeps disconecting, i use dhcp with a cable connection00:49
mike-kubuntui know the connection is not going down because my laptop thats plugged into the same router has no trouble keeping the connection active00:50
_Angelus_DaSkreech:  it works on my 64bit system00:50
DaSkreech_Angelus_: yes but not by the mechanism you just said00:50
DaSkreechIt cant make it 64bit00:50
_Angelus_explain me what it does then00:51
DaSkreech_Angelus_: it drops it in a chroot environment and passes out calls but you would have to recompile it for it be converted to 64bit00:51
_Angelus_i see00:52
DaSkreechBye ubo300:52
_neon_everyone sleeping at openoffice anyway i really need this going os is uselees without a working office suite, anyway every time i try opening one of the apps from oo it does not work i did some reading on the ubuntu bugs and there are a couple talilking about the issue tho no solutiion is oofered00:54
Rukus-ugh how do i unmount a partition00:54
mike-kubuntuwhen i try the kde4 beta kicker never shows up, and i cant really do anything but open a picture box, is this normal?00:54
mike-kubuntualso the little animation in the upper right hand corner is really slow and choppy00:55
Tm_Tmike-kubuntu: its beta/alpha so yes00:55
DonalRrukus: sudo unount /partition/path/here00:55
mike-kubuntuTm_T: just looking at the concepts, i don't like it at all for a desktop currently. whats the point of having a zoomable panable desktop00:55
mike-kubuntuTm_T: looks really ugly and awkword to me00:55
Rukus-ok thx00:56
mike-kubuntuif anything the desktop might scroll and zoom, but not the background00:56
Tm_Tmike-kubuntu: its not ready or for users00:56
DonalRrather, that is: sudo umount /partition/path/here00:56
DaSkreechn1lo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam00:56
DaSkreech_neon_: what do you need to do?00:56
DonalRmy index finger confuses n and m all the time00:56
Tm_Tmike-kubuntu: or do you say "this house is not for living" when walls havent yet built?00:56
DaSkreechRukus-: that's umount00:57
_neon_DaSkreech: i mostly use the spreadsheet and word processor to do homework and work related stuff00:57
DaSkreech_neon_: You need to do some scratch work now?00:58
lovreits quite buggy but its ok for testing purposes00:58
DaSkreech_neon_: you can throw on Kword and Kspread00:58
DaSkreechlovre: What is?00:58
lovreDaSkreech: ie4linux00:58
_neon_DaSkreech: are those on the repos?00:58
DaSkreechmike-kubuntu: Which Beta?00:58
DaSkreech_neon_: Yes00:59
_neon_DaSkreech: let me install the real quick brb00:59
DaSkreech_neon_: Should tide you till they sort out OO.o00:59
DaSkreechlovre: Oh yeah. It does have the nice effect that you can install all the IE's at the same time. Try that on Windows!01:00
lovreDaSkreech: im not saying anything. Its ok. And i got to hate windows over time :D But it still has bugs... i can live with them tho. (Try opening www.net.hr, the js is fooking with it, its flickering)01:01
thomas_newbie__anyone know how to use arpd?01:02
lovreDaSkreech: anyway, is this legal? using IE w/o paying for it? (its not that i care, its just that i want to know)01:02
DonalRIE is free (as in beer).  you can't 'steal' it01:04
DaSkreecharpd? There is an arp daemon?01:04
DaSkreechDonalR: You can mis distribute it though01:04
DaSkreechDOn't think there is any legal issue01:04
_neon_DaSkreech: thx i think kword and kspread will do till they figure out oo01:05
DaSkreech_neon_: No problem. Isn't it great to have choice ?01:06
thomas_newbie__DaSkreech: yes01:06
DonalRdaskreech - meh01:07
mike-kubuntuDaSkreech: beta 301:09
DaSkreechmike-kubuntu: Beta 4 is a nice jump. it's >  < that far from everyday use01:10
mike-kubuntuTm_T: i know its not done yet and still have faith in the kde team, especially thier ui designs, i just see many areas where improvement could happen that isn't in making things more complete or more coding, but in base design01:10
mike-kubuntuthinks daskreech, i'll check it out, g2g though reading for class tomarrow01:12
DaSkreechmike-kubuntu: See you soon01:12
lovreDonalR: how come IE is free? I thought M$ owned it01:12
DaSkreechlovre: as in beer01:13
lovreDaSkreech: beer aint free01:13
DaSkreechlovre: go live on a campus01:13
lovreDaSkreech: i think something is lost in translation here. Im missing your point. But it doesnt matter01:14
mike-kubuntulovre: its not free for you, but its always free for your friends01:14
DaSkreechlovre: beer makers sponsor parties and events in which they give out trucks of free beer01:15
DaSkreechlovre: Not cause they love you but cause they want you to get drunk and buy more of thier beer01:15
lovreDaSkreech: i see. Thanx for clearing that out :D01:15
DaSkreechIt's not free as in speech01:15
NickPrestaWhy does my KDE Menu Editor slowly keep restarting the "Updating System Configuration" process? It keeps looping. I can't cancel it or the menu item isn't there. Any help is appreciated01:15
DaSkreechwhen they decide that the freeness is over. It's done01:16
Tm_T!away > _human_blip_away01:16
DaSkreechTm_T: Umm. the nick didn't change01:17
Tm_TDaSkreech: ever?01:18
DaSkreechNickPresta: Woah.What are you editing01:18
DaSkreechTm_T: I haven't seen it change. It's been away for a good while now01:18
NickPrestaDaSkreech, KDE Menu. Open KMenu, right click > Edit Menu01:18
thomas_newbie__does anyone know how to set up a honeypot?01:18
DaSkreechNickPresta: I know. I've just never had to use it01:18
DaSkreechthomas_newbie__: Install windows01:18
thomas_newbie__DaSkreech: ?!01:19
DonalRthomas_newbie - a honeypot is a box that's set up to attract attacks, so . . .01:19
Tm_Tthomas_newbie__: is that Kubuntu related question?01:19
DaSkreechthomas_newbie__: A honeypot is a box that people try to break into. To make one just install windows and give it a public IP address by week's end you'd have goten some flies01:19
thomas_newbie__i don't need windows01:20
thomas_newbie__DaSkreech: i want to configure one on my kubuntu machine01:20
Tm_Tthomas_newbie__: umm, and they break into what?01:21
DaSkreechthomas_newbie__: Good luck with that :)01:21
Tm_Tanyway, this is going to be very offtopic soon I afraid01:21
Rukus-well it looks like i may never run windows on my laptop again01:21
thomas_newbie__DaSkreech: i want to break into my own server....practise01:21
DaSkreechthomas_newbie__: That's pretty silly :)01:21
Rukus-it shut off unexpectantly for no reason while in windows setup01:22
Tm_T!o4o | thomas_newbie__01:22
ubotuthomas_newbie__: Some things are inappropriate for #kubuntu. Controversial topics, which always turn into flamewars: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space or time travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) - Thanks.01:22
Rukus-just great.01:22
DaSkreechRukus-: Welcome :)01:22
DaSkreechJucato: dood!01:22
Rukus-it shuts off unexpectantly for no reason while in windows setup01:22
Rukus-something isnt right01:22
NickPrestaRukus-, welcome :)01:22
JucatoDaSkreech: hm?01:22
Rukus-stop that01:23
DonalRrukus - and the myth is that Linux is dificult to install . . .01:23
draikWhat is required for Kaffeine to play a DVD?01:23
DaSkreechJucato: morning01:23
Rukus-oh well01:23
Tm_Tthomas_newbie__: also, if you dont know what you going to break ...01:23
Rukus-the road to kubuntu here i am!01:23
DaSkreech!dvd | draik01:23
ubotudraik: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs01:23
draikI keep getting "insufficient rights to /dev/dvd"01:23
Jucatodraik: encrypted?01:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvdcss - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:23
DonalRmaybe it will install better in a VM - I had 98 running under qemu for a while01:23
* draik waves to Jucato01:24
thomas_newbie__Tm_T: sorry what?01:24
* Jucato waves to draik01:24
DonalR^^the above was intended for rukus ^^01:24
DaSkreechthomas_newbie__: Better find a securoty chan and ruminate in there01:24
Tm_Tthomas_newbie__: #kubuntu-offtopic01:24
DaSkreechthomas_newbie__: join the offtopic chan01:24
Rukus-no i get01:24
Jucatodraik: libdvdcss2 I think. from the instructions given by ubotu01:24
Rukus-"error loading operating system"01:24
Rukus-now kubuntu is fucked01:25
Rukus-sorry for swearing01:25
Safe_is there a a device manager in kubuntu?01:25
NickPrestaRukus-, what's wrong with Kubuntu?01:25
Rukus-all it says is01:25
Rukus-"error loading operating system"01:25
NickPrestaRukus-, I assume this is the LiveCD you're having trouble with?01:25
DonalRrukus - did you try to reinstall Win after you installed ubuntu?01:25
Rukus-i never made it that far01:26
DaSkreech!ohmy | Rukus-01:26
ubotuRukus-: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.01:26
Rukus-i created and was in the middle of formatting a partition, and my laptop shut off01:26
draikJucato: Well, here's the thing. I copied all of my installed packages and installed them on my friend's computer.01:26
draikHe should have everything I have, right?01:26
Jucatodraik: not really sure01:26
draikHe should also be able to play DVDs if I can, too, right?01:26
dedilooking for a id3 tagger which also tries to gather informations from the internet. do anyone know something like that or an other very preferable id3 tagger?01:26
KijutsuI was installing Kubuntu, switching from Gentoo.  I just told it to format, and install on my old gentoo drive.  However, i've seem to run into a couple of problems.  1.  It broke Windows on my first drive, i had to reinstall the NT boot loader.  2.  Kubuntu doesn't want to boot, it drops into a text environment with an error about not finding a resume image at the specified UUID.  Can someone point me in the right direction?01:26
shadowhywindhay all having a bit of an issue with openoffice in gutsy. I have no titlebar, and most screens are full screen01:26
Rukus-this laptop is garbage01:27
Rukus-what do i do now01:27
dediKijutsu: press e when grub shows up, then you can replace the uuid with /dev/hdx01:27
DaSkreechRukus-: Live Cd and fix it?01:28
brentphi, what kernel image does one use for smp support?01:28
Jucato!generic | brentp01:28
ubotubrentp: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)01:28
Kijutsudedi, yeah i tried that.  and it drops into a text environment and X refuses to load with an error about Process already existing or something.01:28
DaSkreechbrentp: if your uname -r says generic then you have it01:28
DonalRwell, if the Win partition is still there I'd attempt installing again, maybe running 'memtest' first to check your RAM01:28
Safe_can anyone help me configure a ethernet card in kubuntu?01:28
Kijutsudedi, so I sudo killall x && sudo killall kdm && sudo kdm and it still fails to load X01:29
brentphere's my prob: http://rafb.net/p/YBVdp454.html01:29
Rukus-i hate computers01:29
dediKijutsu: first edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and replace the uuid there, so that is fixed01:29
Safe_or at least give me a hint where to look01:30
Rukus-how do i fix my ubuntu installation?01:30
DaSkreechSafe_: Sorry what kind of configuration ?01:31
dedifor the x problem, try ps -ax ! grep /X and say if there is any output (typo is here cant do the right symbol, repace ! )01:31
DonalRrukus - well, if it never finished installing there's nothing to fix - starting over is always an option01:31
Safe_Daskreech, to enable it01:31
Kijutsudedi, let's do this.  Let me reinstall.  But tell me this please, is there a way to get Kubuntu to simply leave my Windows drive (primary master) alone entirely and install as if it were on a single drive system on primary slave?01:31
_Angelus_how can i extract a .deb file01:32
DonalRif you're having odd, random problems, run 'memtest' for a while first01:32
biovore_Angelus_: there ar archives..01:32
DaSkreechSafe_: ah try System settings -> network settings01:32
_Angelus_name me one01:32
dediKijutsu: switch the first drive pyshically, so that the linux system is the first hard disc. you can then do a switch hd in the grub config file to get windows boot01:33
brentpso, i've installed linux-image-generic, and rebooted, still only 1 cpu. and uname still says -386-- though i'm not sure what it's supposed to say.01:33
dediKijutsu: but you have to search for a howto for that grub entry01:33
Kijutsudedi, what i used under gentoo was a simple grub installation and used my bios to choose which drive to boot from.01:33
DonalRrukus - good luck dude.  I'm gonna hit the hay01:33
Safe_daskreech, its not showing up in there01:34
dediKijutsu:  when you choose linux boot disc before booting from cd there sould be no diffrence after installing01:34
Rukus-what do i do now01:37
DaSkreechRukus-: Wat's up?01:37
Rukus-cant boot into kubuntu now01:38
vbgunzcan someone please explain to me why this -> '/dev/sdh1 /media/sdh1 auto user,uid=1000,gid=1000,noatime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,suid 0 0' WHEN trying to unmount results in a misrable failure -> 'umount: only root can unmount /dev/sdh1 from /media/sdh1' ?????01:38
Rukus-its messed01:38
vbgunzHTH can only root umount that??? why in the world did I add uid, gid 1000??? any one know whats wrong?01:38
hydrogenvbgunz: did you mount it as root or as the user?01:38
vbgunzI log in and they're already mounted01:39
Rukus-i am just going to fresh install01:39
Rukus-screw it01:39
vbgunzI am trying to have them automatically mount when I log in. I can red them, I can write to them, but I cannot umount them :/01:39
vbgunzdamn... in matter fact I cannot even write with that current line... I f***king hate this so much already. this is just insane :(01:40
vbgunzI swear I just don't get it. I put uid and gid 1000. I am treated like I said nothing about it. I have no rights over this, it is too frustrating to bear01:41
tuxwulf...since I started with linux I also started to refuse to reinstall01:43
vbgunz'/dev/sdh1 /media/sdh1 auto nouser,uid=1000,gid=1000,noatime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,suid 0 0' that results in 'Device to unmount is not in /media/.hal-mtab so it is not mounted by HAL' ... /media/.hal-mtab is EMPTY!!!01:44
vbgunzno matter what I do, I cannot get the behavior I need... what is the black magic required here? all I am really trying to do is give mount/unmount, read/write access to a certain group. anyone not in that group should NOT have access to the device!01:45
_Angelus_is it posible to create a chroot envirement, install a 32bit kubuntu01:46
vbgunzI am bugging!!!! can anyone help??01:49
draikJucato: Is there anything else on DVD playback? That was for the Totem player, not Kaffeine01:49
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Jucatodraik: which one was for Totem?01:49
draikI need something on Kaffeine01:49
DaSkreechvbgunz: what's up?01:50
blendtuxhi hi vbgunz01:50
Jucatodraik: which one was for Totem?01:50
Safe_help, my ethernet card is not showing up in my network interfaces window!!!01:50
bonfire89wow, This is my first time on this chat. I'm having problems with wpa. I have knetworkmanager. Is there anything easier? Thanks01:51
DaSkreechSafe_:  can you pastebin the output for sudo ifconfig -a ?01:51
sven_bonfire89, knetworkmanager actually is  quite easy.... I also thought that it was difficult but turned out it was me.. :)01:51
DaSkreech!paste | Safe_01:51
ubotuSafe_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:51
Safe_dascreech,ok just a sec01:52
bonfire89sven_ heh, well I am a linux newbie. heh. Oh I will tinker with it a bit more.01:52
vbgunzall I am trying to do in fstab is give external devices every right imaginable *BUT* only to a certain group!!! if you're in the group, you have the rights!!! if you're not, you have nothing!!! i cannot do this at all... it should be childs play but I am convinced I am up against a massive bug here :(01:52
sven_bonfire89, Im not a diehard as well..01:52
sven_bonfire89, what is your problem?01:52
DaSkreechardchoille: ping01:53
bonfire89sven_ can't connect. Shouldn't I be able to select the network I want to connect to off a list somewhere?01:53
snakecan anyone tell me an applet to record videos of my desktop while i am working ???01:54
vbgunznow I am getting kde media manager not running errors :/01:54
Safe_dasskreech, command not found01:54
DaSkreechsnake: recordmydesktop01:54
snakeDaSkreech: thanks01:54
vbgunzmy god, I am just venting, forgive me. this shouldn't be so hard or so buggy. this should be a piece of cake :(01:54
DaSkreechSafe_: what did you type?01:54
Safe_sudo ipconfig -a01:55
sven_bonfire89, well, the network should show up in a list already01:55
DaSkreechvbgunz: you want the user to unmount?01:55
DaSkreechSafe_: no ifconfig01:55
sven_bonfire89, if it does not do that, then you have the first problem to fix01:55
lovrewhy cant i play wmv files with koffeine? do i need to install something?=01:55
sven_bonfire89, do you know a tiny little bit of shell and or bash?01:55
Safe_daskreeck, ok sorry01:56
bonfire89sven_, mmm I don't think so, sorry.01:56
sven_bonfire89, okay.. do you know how to open up a shell?01:56
vbgunzDaSkreech: something like this -> /dev/sdh1 /media/sdh1 auto defaults,gid=46,noatime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0 ... if you're in group 46, you have those rights and yes of course you should be able to umount without problems, errors, excuses... I just cannot get the idea to ever work :(01:56
Jucato!w32codecs | lovre01:56
ubotulovre: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs01:56
_Angelus_somebody knows if there's a way to install a 32bit kubuntu to chroot into it?01:57
DaSkreechvbgunz: Shouldn't you have users in the list of options ?01:57
sven_bonfire89, and before that, if you press right mouse button on the knetworkmanager icon, do you see the access point in the list? do you see any access point there?01:57
Safe_dascreech, sory cant copy, on windows system01:57
bonfire89sven_, by shell do you mean konsole by any chance?01:57
DaSkreech!chroot | _Angelus_01:57
ubotu_Angelus_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box01:57
DaSkreechSafe_: you are using putty?01:58
DaSkreechSafe_: oh right duh!01:58
Safe_daskreech, putty?01:58
sven_bonfire89, sure, anything that gives a shell01:58
DaSkreechSafe_: it can't connect to the net01:58
bonfire89sven_, oh okay, then yeah, I know some stuff.01:58
draikJucato: The first link from !dvd01:58
DaSkreechSafe_: how many cards do you see?01:58
DaSkreechlo and ?01:58
sven_bonfire89, okay.. first off, please tell me:  if you press right mouse button on the knetworkmanager icon, do you see the access point in the list? do you see any access point there?01:58
vbgunzDaSkreech: I can put users and it makes no difference. I'll tell you exactly what happens right now with users in that line. one sec01:59
snakeDaSkreech: is there another applet that is not command line only ??01:59
bazhangHi Jucato01:59
draikHello bazhang02:00
bazhangdraik: how is it going?02:00
Jucatodraik: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs02:00
bonfire89sven_,  if I goto options>show networks   then I see a wep network that I have connected to in the past. I don't see anything else, there should only be one wpa network where I am.02:00
vbgunznow I get kde mediamanager is not running error... wtf??02:00
Jucatodraik: actually the libdvdread thing works for both Ubuntu and Kubuntu02:00
vbgunzyou see what I mean, no matter what I do, something goes wrong...02:00
Jucatodraik: and I'm guessing you need more than that, you need libdvdcss2 for encrypted stuff02:00
bazhangJucato: nice write up in distrowatch yesterday :}02:01
DaSkreechsnake: Yeah I don't recall the name though02:01
Jucatobazhang: er... thanks?02:01
Safe_daskreech, it dosent mention anything about cards, just link encap local loopback, net address...none02:01
Jucatobazhang: I didn't write up anything for DW... they just quoted me :)02:01
draikJucato: I have all of these apps installed and I can view a DVD without a problem. He has them installed as well and cannot view DVDs02:01
Jucatodraik: weird..02:02
AT0M1CB0MB3Rhow do i make the icons on my desktop bigger02:02
bazhangJucato: I meant a mention of your article--nice one, btw02:02
Jucatobazhang: thanks02:02
DaSkreechSafe_: in the far left column how many entries do you see?02:02
JucatoAT0M1CB0MB3R: System Settings -> Appearance -> Icons -> Advanced tab02:02
vbgunzbrb, need to log out and back in. this is insane :(02:02
sven_bonfire89, okay.. first of all, in konsole, type top02:02
bonfire89sven_,  done02:02
sven_bonfire89, and tell me if you see "NetworkManager" on the top of the list with 99% or so02:02
blendtuxAT0M1CB0MB3R: go to kcontrol, then go to icons02:02
lovrei cant download it.02:02
sven_bonfire89, true? or not?02:02
blendtuxand change there the desktop size02:02
draikJucato: That's what I'm saying02:03
Safe_daskreech, just a "lo"....none02:03
DaSkreechSafe_: Oh yeah then it's really not seeing your card02:03
DaSkreech what's the card name?02:04
bonfire89sven_, false (I think, I'm looking in the command column for NetworkManager)02:04
MerrittkrIs there a way to restrict your desktop icons to their own desktop, the way you can restrict open window buttons on kicker to their seperate desktop?02:04
Safe_daskreech, realtek 10 100 made by encore electronics02:05
sven_bonfire89, okay.. do you have the iwlist command available?02:05
bonfire89sven_, nope, I can install wireless tools though02:05
Safe_daskreech, enl832-tx-rent02:05
lovrePackage w32codecs has no installation candidate02:05
DaSkreechSafe_: That's the module name?02:06
DaSkreechlovre: Did you read the link?02:06
sven_bonfire89, not sure which package contains iwlist... but with that one, you can at least scan and see if you actually have an AP available or not02:06
Safe_daskreech, yes02:06
Safe_modle no02:06
DaSkreechSafe_: lsmod. Tell me if it's loaded02:06
lovreDaSkreech: yes, i added repos02:06
sven_bonfire89, with that you can see if the error is with knetworkmanager, or maybe a non functional wifi AP02:06
Safe_daskreech, how do i check?02:07
bonfire89sven_, iwlist is now available02:07
DaSkreechSafe_: type lsmod and tell me if you see the module02:07
lovreDaSkreech: i installed but i still cant play wmv files.... do i need a restart or something?02:07
DaSkreechlovre: Shouldn't02:08
lovreDaSkreech: :(02:08
bonfire89sven_, I ran scanning, and I see the network I want to connect to.02:08
DaSkreechlovre: You got it installed? what are you playing it through?02:08
Jucato<lovre> Package w32codecs has no installation candidate <--- means you dont' have it installed yet02:08
sven_bonfire89, okay, so the problem must be knetwork manager.. try this in konsole:02:09
lovreyes, but then i downloaded it via http and i installed it manually.02:09
sven_bonfire89, kill -9 `pgrep Network`02:09
sven_bonfire89, sorry, sudo kill -9 `pgrep Network`02:09
sven_bonfire89, then sudo NetworkManager02:09
AT0M1CB0MB3Rhow come sometimes firefox crashes02:10
sven_bonfire89, while doing that, in the knetwork manager, you should see that all network devices are gone, and reappear again.. Then wait a few secs for the WiFi to scan and get results.. in a little while you should see all access points...02:10
Safe_daskreech, what would the module be called?02:10
sven_AT0M1CB0MB3R, because it has bugs.. :) sorry but I cant get a better answer02:10
bonfire89sven_, kk, currently it says that knetworkmanager is not running02:11
lovrehow do i uninstall w32codecs02:11
sven_bonfire89, it... ? what is it? where?02:11
sven_lovre, adept manager02:11
sven_lovre, or apt-get02:11
sven_lovre, man apt-get02:11
Ind-29hello ppl, i re-installed winxp and now my kubuntu has disappeared and grub is gone too, how do i get it back?02:11
bonfire89sven_,  sorry, when I click on network manager it says that it is not running02:11
AT0M1CB0MB3Rsven_: do you know what audio driver i should use for mplayer ?02:12
AT0M1CB0MB3Rsven_: and what video driver02:12
lovrei see rubish when playing avi file now. Same with wmv02:12
DaSkreechSafe_: Lets go one step lower02:12
ardchoilleDaSkreech: What's up?02:13
tomaskoWhen I run ksnapshot and select a region to snap, I get a line trace of where my mouse hovered while I selected the region.02:13
tomaskoAnyone else get this problem?02:13
DaSkreechSafe_: type in sudo lshw -C network and tell me what it says02:13
sven_AT0M1CB0MB3R, windows32 codecs ought to do it02:13
DaSkreechardchoille: vbgunz had an issue but got very frustrated and left. It's ok now02:13
sven_bonfire89, did you restart network manager?02:13
sven_bonfire89, sudo NetworkManager02:13
AT0M1CB0MB3Rwhere do i get those sven_02:13
ardchoilleDaSkreech: Ah, ok.02:13
DaSkreech!grub | Ind-2902:13
ubotuInd-29: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:13
tomaskoI might have to ask the #kde folks as well just to confirm it isn't just a Kubuntu problem.02:14
sven_AT0M1CB0MB3R, adept manager.. you can start it from the menu. Then in the filter you just type windows or w32 or codec and you'll find it02:14
DaSkreechtomasko: dunno I disabled Ksnapshot02:14
tomaskoDaSkreech: What do you use instead (if at all?)02:14
ardchoilleDaSkreech: Sounds like vbguns just needed to chmod/chown the mount point to take care of that issue02:15
DaSkreechDunno when I need to take a screenshot I'll let you know02:15
lovreok, this is what happens: i can hear sound, but i cant see image, just many many static colors on screen. How to fix this?02:15
bonfire89sven_, just did. it's try icon seems to indicate that I don't even have a wired connection (clearly do heh)02:15
DaSkreechardchoille: Ah well send him a note on memoserv ?02:15
ardchoilleDaSkreech: Sure :)02:16
sven_bonfire89, you mean the UTP connector icon?02:16
sven_bonfire89, don't worry about that one.. give an RMB on the icon.. do you see anything about wireless?02:16
Safe_daskreech, it just gives me usage options02:16
AT0M1CB0MB3Rhow come in adept it says full upgrade02:17
bonfire89sven_,  when I click the icon it still says that its not running.02:17
DaSkreechSafe_: sudo lshw -C ?02:17
DaSkreechbig C makes a difference02:17
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=== kubuntufan is now known as kevin_
Ind-29hello ppl, i re-installed winxp and now my kubuntu has disappeared and grub is gone too, how do i get it back?02:17
ardchoille!grub | Ind-2902:17
ubotuInd-29: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:17
Safe_daskreech, you had the network option on the last line02:17
sven_bonfire89, thats weird... in console, type ps `pgrep Network`  gives result?02:18
DaSkreechSafe_: yes I did I still need it there I"m just checking if you used a upper case C02:18
Safe_ohh no02:18
Safe_let me try again02:18
DaSkreechSafe_: You can just press up and change that one leter02:18
bonfire89sven_, does not appear to do anything.02:19
hdevalencehow do i make a process fork itself a bunch of times? like not an infinite loop i don't want to forkbomb but like "stop when there's 300 processes" type thing?02:19
Safe_daskreech, it still just gives me options02:19
DaSkreechSafe_: Just type sudo lshw02:19
DaSkreechsee if that works02:20
bonfire89sven_,  if I click the tray icon and goto manual configuration... in the console this appears02:20
bonfire89kbuildsycoca running...02:20
bonfire89kcmshell (kdelibs): WARNING: Could not find module 'kcm_knetworkconfmodule'.02:20
Safe_daskreech, a whole bunch of stuff02:20
sven_bonfire89, knetworkmanager relies on NetworkManager to run.. so you first have to start that one..02:21
DaSkreechSafe_: ok hold shift and press PgUp till you see network and tell me what it says02:21
hdevalenceI want to make a really cool-looking pstree02:21
sven_bonfire89, sudo NetworkManager02:21
DaSkreechhdevalence: a for loop that runs 300 times maybe >02:22
bonfire89sven_, there we go, now its running.02:22
DaSkreechSafe_: That's very strange. What version of Kubuntu are you running?02:22
bonfire89sven_, "pgrep Network"  now gives 617302:23
hdevalenceDaSkreech: Wouldn't that make a straight line instead of a tree02:23
DaSkreechhdevalence: not if it's recursive02:24
ImpaledOnRebardolphin sucks ppl.02:24
sven_bonfire89, bingo.. now try again, RMB on the icon?02:24
sven_bonfire89, see anything about wireless?02:24
Safe_daskreech, intel 82713/AB/MB pII x4acpi02:24
AT0M1CB0MB3Rwhats the best media player for mozilla that will play every video fine02:24
DaSkreechSafe_: Ah it's the motherboard network card?02:25
ardchoilleAT0M1CB0MB3R: Ther's no such animal02:25
AT0M1CB0MB3Rardchoille: i just need a good one02:25
Safe_pci card02:25
DaSkreechAT0M1CB0MB3R: huh?02:25
ardchoilleAT0M1CB0MB3R: mplayer would be my recommendation02:25
DaSkreechSafe_: interesting02:25
AT0M1CB0MB3Rardchoille: i dont like mplayer it never works right02:25
bonfire89sven_, What do you mean by RMB? When I click on it I only see things about wired devices.02:25
sven_AT0M1CB0MB3R, there is an mplayer mozilla plugin..... adept manager.... hint...02:26
sven_bonfire89, RMB = Right Mouse Button02:26
AT0M1CB0MB3Rsven_: yeah but i dont like mplayer02:26
sven_bonfire89, do you this time see a list of wireless AP's?02:26
AT0M1CB0MB3Rhydrogen: i dont like mplayer02:26
ardchoille!info mozilla-mplayer02:26
ubotumozilla-mplayer: MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.40-5ubuntu5 (gutsy), package size 505 kB, installed size 1760 kB02:26
sven_AT0M1CB0MB3R, try kaffeine02:26
ubuntu_i'm an idiot who filled up his HD.  I have booted off of a live CD and I can see the drives but I don't know how to mount them so I can get to them to delete the files02:26
hydrogenAT0M1CB0MB3R: well then, I guess its your loss >_<02:26
bonfire89sven_,  lol, heh, left mouse button did the same. No I just see a button for wired02:26
AT0M1CB0MB3Rsven_: whats kaffines plugin for mozilla02:26
ardchoilleubuntu_: man mount02:27
sven_ubuntu_, your system does no longer start because of a full HD?02:27
sven_AT0M1CB0MB3R, kaffeine is a media player02:27
bonfire89sven_,  If I goto options, I have the ability to disable wireless though.02:27
ubuntu_sven_ it boots into read only mode02:27
AT0M1CB0MB3Rsven_: yeah i know that02:27
sven_bonfire89, try disable02:27
sven_bonfire89, then reenable02:27
ardchoilleAT0M1CB0MB3R: kaffeine uses mplayer, so the mplayer plugin should be enough02:27
sven_ubuntu_, thats weird02:27
bonfire89sven_, done, no apparent progress as result.02:28
BluesKajAT0M1CB0MB3R, it depends on what media is used on the website that you want to watch ... youtube requires flash & java plugins  , as do most others these days as well as W32codec for windows media02:28
AT0M1CB0MB3RBluesKaj: where can i get the w32codec02:29
ardchoille!medibuntu | AT0M1CB0MB3R02:29
ubotuAT0M1CB0MB3R: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org02:29
bonfire89sven_,  somthing still seems wrong, if I click manual configuration I get this in the console02:29
bonfire89kbuildsycoca running...02:29
bonfire89kcmshell (kdelibs): WARNING: Could not find module 'kcm_knetworkconfmodule'.02:29
AT0M1CB0MB3Rardchoille: will that fix all my problems02:29
AT0M1CB0MB3Rwith media02:29
BluesKajthx ardchoille02:29
DaSkreechSafe_: Hmm I'm not seeing this card anywhere02:30
Safe_Daskreech, actually it says nothing about a network(sorry, was reading bridge info)02:30
DaSkreechSafe_: So it doesn't see the network card at all?02:30
thomas_newbie__i can't save a text file in /etc because I don't have permission how do i do it?02:30
ardchoilleAT0M1CB0MB3R: There is no one package that will fix all your media problems because there are lots of different types of media. Keep in mind that even the flash 9 plugin won't play some flash 9 movies.02:30
DaSkreechSafe_: Shut down and check that' it is seated properly02:30
sven_bonfire89, I think this problem is out of my league... sorry02:30
BluesKajAT0M1CB0MB3R, we don't know what your probs are so it's hard to say02:30
DaSkreechor possibly move it to a new slot02:30
bonfire89sven_, no problem. the help is definatly appretiated. Thanks a bunch for trying.02:31
ardchoilleBluesKaj: He wants to be able to play every possible media type02:31
Safe_dascreech,I did and tried several pci slots, no light comes  on the ethernet card02:31
posingaspopularthomas_newbie__: you need to sudo it02:31
thomas_newbie__how though? I'm in Kate and it won't let me02:32
posingaspopularsudo nano /etc/x.org or sudo cat /etc whatever02:32
Safe_guess im sol, have to take the card back02:32
thomas_newbie__posingaspopular: does it have to be done in console?02:32
Safe_wifi worked just fine02:32
ardchoillethomas_newbie__: Why are you trying to save a text file in /etc?02:32
posingaspopularthomas_newbie__: i duno, because ive never edited an /etc file in kate02:32
DaSkreechSafe_: make sure the card is seated properly02:33
thomas_newbie__ardchoille: actually in /etc/honeypot/02:33
posingaspopularbut kate does have a terminal/konsole in it...02:33
ardchoillethomas_newbie__: Open kate as admin user, but be careful with it:  kdesu kate02:33
Safe_daskreech ,i think the motherboard is too old to see the card02:33
AT0M1CB0MB3Rdoes anybody get sound when playing this video http://streaming.vegaspbs.org/videos/25216/pgr25216_256k.asf02:33
DaSkreechSafe_: <_O02:33
DaSkreechthat's a rough deal02:34
Safe_asus p2-9902:34
BluesKajAT0M1CB0MB3R, not me02:34
DaSkreechwell I got as far as PII02:34
ardchoilleThat's not only old, it's slow02:35
Safe_plus it has a windows vista sticker on it that might have somethinng to do with it02:35
BluesKajAT0M1CB0MB3R you need : mplayer/mencoder, flashplugin-nonfree ,java , w32codecs02:35
AT0M1CB0MB3RBluesKaj: gah!!02:35
Safe_drove 50 miles to get it alson02:36
AT0M1CB0MB3RBluesKaj: i have java and i think flashplugin-nonfree02:36
BluesKajAT0M1CB0MB3R, you can check your browser plugins by typing :about:plugins , in the adressbar02:36
Rukus-how do i install ndiswrapper?02:37
Rukus-every timei do it something goes wrong02:37
Rukus-and make it work too02:37
dominus_help... konqueror not connect in internet02:37
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:37
draikMy friend put a DVD in his DVD drive and got this error message...02:37
draikNo plug-ins found for the sources?02:37
draikNo plug-ins found for the sources02:37
Rukus-ok sweet02:37
Safe_well guess ill put the wifi card back in02:37
DaSkreechdominus_: Just Konqueror?02:37
hdevalenceis there a way to pipe AND print to terminal?02:38
sMonkcan anyone help with Vista/Kubuntu Bootmgr problem? please?02:38
Safe_daskreech, thanks any way02:38
dominus_I connect in internet, use konia 6630 and bluetooth, firefox connect ok.. konqueror no connect02:38
draikhdevalence: command | command >> filename02:38
draikhdevalence: I'm guessing that should work, but I could be wrong02:39
hdevalencedraik: but I don't want it in a file02:39
DaSkreechSafe_: Sure02:39
Rukus-i'm in a 64bit environment02:39
Rukus-some of those instructions are flaky for me02:39
hdevalencedraik: I want to pipe to another command and put it onto the screen02:39
draikhdevalence: -v   (verbose)02:39
DaSkreechRukus-: chroot them02:39
Rukus-whats that mean02:40
DaSkreech!chroot | Rukus-02:40
ubotuRukus-: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box02:40
AT0M1CB0MB3RBluesKaj: what should it say02:40
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:40
draikI have the necessary packages installed on my friend's computer. I still cannot read DVDs. What am I missing and/or doing wrong?02:40
Rukus-why all the configuring02:41
BluesKajAT0M1CB0MB3R, it should list all enabled media plugin apps02:41
Rukus-i'm just going to use the native driver02:42
AT0M1CB0MB3RBluesKaj: ill copy the page and paste in pastebin and show you?02:42
Rukus-it works for me02:42
DaSkreech!dvd | draik02:42
ubotudraik: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs02:42
draikDaSkreech: Yeah, I did that.02:42
BluesKajdraik, libdvdcss2 installed ?02:42
draikBluesKaj: Yes02:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about konqueror - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:42
tiboriodraik: I just joined the channel a second ago and answering you withouth knowing your history but I found that on my new Thinkpad I had to set the region for my DVD player. Go figure. I never had to do that before.02:43
BluesKaj!info konqueror02:43
ubotukonqueror: KDE's advanced file manager, web browser and document viewer. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 2002 kB, installed size 5340 kB02:43
draiktiborio: How do you set the region?02:43
tiboriodraik: just apt-get regionset and run it with sudo02:43
draiktiborio: cool02:44
draiktiborio: Thank you02:44
DaSkreechAnyone use akregator?02:44
BluesKajDaSkreech, yup02:44
DaSkreechdominus_: Other Kapps can go online ?02:44
DaSkreechBluesKaj: has it been tearing for you in Gutsy ?02:44
BluesKajtearing ?02:45
BluesKajseems fine , DaSkreech02:45
DaSkreechtiborio: You roK02:45
tiborioDaSkreech: Did it work for you too?02:46
DaSkreechBluesKaj: When I'm in an article and srolling up/down the list of feeds tries to do the same02:46
DaSkreechtiborio: no just such instant help ;002:46
tiborioDaSkreech: it just happened to me yesterday02:46
_Angelus_i install a 32bit chroot enviroment02:46
_Angelus_now  i must install packages in the chroot env and run them from there02:46
draikHow do I convert a mass of OGG to mp3?02:47
=== narg_ is now known as narg
BluesKajDaSkreech, I use the external browser02:47
DaSkreechBluesKaj: for each headline ?02:47
BluesKajyes DaSkreech , double click , like winows  :)02:48
DaSkreechBluesKaj: Wow that's horrible :)02:48
draiklol @ DaSkreech02:48
BluesKajDaSkreech, works ok in konq02:49
_Angelus_what is the difference between these 2 packages02:49
DaSkreechBluesKaj: But that's soooooo slow02:49
_Angelus_root@POTcore:/# apt-cache search psx02:49
_Angelus_pcsx - Sony PlayStation emulator02:49
_Angelus_pcsx-bin - Sony PlayStation emulator -- binary02:49
DaSkreech!info pcsx02:50
ubotupcsx: Sony PlayStation emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.699df-rc3-1 (gutsy), package size 8 kB, installed size 40 kB02:50
DaSkreech_Angelus_: don't know but I assume if you install one it installs the other02:50
_Angelus_DaSkreech:  i know what pcsx is , i want to know whats the difference between pcsx and pcsx-bin02:50
_aibi started a vncserver on one system, and i connected to it from another, but I got a completely new desktop. is there anyway to access the actual desktop?02:50
BluesKajDaSkreech, make sure you've got IPv6 disabled02:50
DaSkreechBluesKaj: I just press left on the keyboard no new processes and I can glide through the news02:51
BluesKajdunno what you mean02:52
_Angelus_is the universe enabled by default on gutsy02:53
DaSkreechBluesKaj: You have the 3 panel view right?02:53
DaSkreech_Angelus_: I seem to recall it being enabled02:53
_Angelus_i see02:53
thomas_newbie__anyone know what this error means? : "ip_open: Operation not permitted"02:53
DaSkreechBluesKaj: Feeds in a column on the right. Two panels one on top of each other on the right ?02:53
_Angelus_cuase packages.ubuntu.com is saying that pcsx-bin is for amd64 , and i have no pcsx in my adept, i had to install a 32bit chroot enviroment to get it02:54
BluesKajno i use 2 panels , just old fashioned I guess02:54
=== user_ is now known as Romina
DaSkreechBluesKaj: Ah I have 3 so it's a no mouse easy glide02:55
=== josue is now known as momo4001
DaSkreech_Angelus_: sounds about right02:55
Rominawhat is the differende between the packages "gaim" and "pidgin"  in  Gutsy Gibbon ?02:55
DaSkreechRomina: nothing02:55
RominaDaSkreech: sure?02:55
DaSkreech!info gaim02:56
ubotugaim: transitional package to Pidgin. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.2.1-1ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 115 kB, installed size 156 kB02:56
Rominaso I can install one of them02:56
Rominawhat does transitional mean?02:56
DaSkreechgaim installs pidgin02:56
DaSkreechthat's what it means.02:56
froggles_firefox doesent complete its downloads02:56
froggles_whats up with that.02:56
RominaDaSkreech: Thank you!02:56
DaSkreechIt helps people transit from gaim to pidgin02:56
=== morphine is now known as morphinex
morphinexAnyone use gnash? How does it work?02:56
AT0M1CB0MB3Ri use gnash morphinex02:57
morphinexdoes it work pretty well?02:57
Dragnslcr_aib- x11vnc can start a VNC server on display:0. I'm not sure if there's a better program to do it or not02:57
AT0M1CB0MB3Rmorphinex: not really02:58
draikDaSkreech: I wish mozilla-thunderbird would have been removed and point to thunderbird itself (from Feisty to Gutsy)02:58
momo4001hi ubuntu in spanis02:58
morphinexAT0M1CB0MB3R: haha, too bad02:58
AT0M1CB0MB3Rmorphinex: why02:58
draik!es | momo400102:58
ubotumomo4001: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.02:58
momo4001ok gracias02:59
draikmomo4001: You're welcome.02:59
user_DaSkreech: do you have the history since I came in here?02:59
morphinexAT0M1CB0MB3R: I was interested in switching to it if it worked02:59
=== user_ is now known as Romina
morphinexAT0M1CB0MB3R: the regular flash plugin doesn't work too well either it seems, crashes all the times02:59
RominaDaSkreech: when I came in the first time02:59
Rominayou used some words I want to look up02:59
draikRomina: transitional03:00
AT0M1CB0MB3Rmorphinex: try it tho it flash works well for me03:00
Rominadraik: there was an other one too03:00
Rominadraik: do you see the history?03:00
RominaI quit the connection before03:00
_aibDragnslcr tx03:00
BluesKajwell, nodding off here , still not adjusted to std time ...nite folks03:01
RominaI just identified at nickserv so I can receive private messages03:01
draikRomina: gaim? pidgin? transitional? transit? That's about it.03:01
=== danny is now known as zerone
froggles_whats up with this linux shit not working?!?!?!?!03:02
froggles_firefucks doesent even complete it's downloads.03:02
draik!language | froggles_03:02
ubotufroggles_: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.03:02
draikHow do I convert a mass collection of OGG to mp3?03:03
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!03:03
Tm_Tdraik: no need to make extra noise with bot :(03:03
Tm_Tdraik: bit of bash and ffmpeg?03:04
draikTm_T: extra noise?03:04
draikubotu is quiet03:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is quiet - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:04
froggles_why doesent firefox do it's job?03:05
mrtimbo2uwhen i upgraded to 7.10 my volume only shows up to 11 percent and down to 003:05
mrtimbo2uhow do i fix it03:05
_Angelus_the pcsx-bin package was on packages.ubuntu.com .. but wasn't on adept03:05
froggles_open source. what a hack! sheesh.  i guess you get what you pay for.03:05
Tm_Tfroggles_: you know, there's other browsers than Firefox too if you dont like it03:06
mrtimbo2uand i tried to change my keyboard layout03:06
draikfroggles_: You can always use IE 7.0 ;)03:06
_Angelus_froggles_: or you get depends on what brain you have and not one what big mouth you have03:06
_Angelus_froggles_: give a try to opera or konqueror03:07
froggles_draik: at least IE does it's job and is suffice regardless of bells and butt whistles03:07
draikfroggles_: Then use win03:07
froggles__Angelus_: how hard is to to download03:07
froggles_you dont need  brain for that.03:07
Tm_Tthat ranting isnt helping any03:07
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!03:08
froggles__Angelus_: i already punched in my pornsite passwords.03:08
_Angelus_of course you need froggles_ without a brain you won't click a button03:08
DragnslcrI've never had a problem with downloading files with Firefox. Thought about the possibility of it being your ISP?03:08
froggles_it's always the ISP's fault.03:08
froggles_how is it the ISP's fault.03:08
_Angelus_OMG LOL03:08
Tm_Tfroggles_: you should calm down, really03:08
draikDragnslcr: It's a farfetched thing, but I have heard of a few ISPs blocking "friendly" sites03:08
_Angelus_a win z0mbie03:08
Tm_T_Angelus_: and dont push it03:09
_Angelus_LOL my bad Tm_T03:09
DragnslcrI'd consider a problem like connections being dropped while downloading files to be on the ISP and/or other networking equipment before I'd think of it being a problem with Firefox03:09
draikDragnslcr: I second that!03:10
froggles_i have been connected to IRC this whole time and havent been kicked.03:10
DragnslcrOf course, downloading the same files with a different browser would be a good test03:10
Tm_Tfroggles_: doesnt matter, irc handles packet loss differently03:10
draikfroggles_: Did you want to?03:10
DragnslcrAnd IRC (usually) doesn't transmit large files03:10
Tm_Tdraik: ?03:10
froggles_fine i'll try konquerer,03:10
_Angelus_i somtimes coulnd't access internet pages but could use IRC03:10
* froggles_ manually types the passwords of his favorite porn sites.03:11
mrtimbo2udoes anyone know03:11
draikTm_T: he said he hasn't been kicked. Kind of an invitation.03:11
Dragnslcrmrtimbo2u- is that in KMix?03:11
Tm_Tfroggles_: also porn isnt topic in this channel03:11
n8k99froggles_:  !offtopic03:11
_Angelus_you mean03:11
wilsonmaybe froggles should just stick with windows or mac or whatever other fruity thing he was using before03:11
_Angelus_!offtopic froggles_03:11
froggles_but i like the bash shell03:12
_Angelus_!offtopic | froggles_03:12
n8k99yes thanks _Angelus_03:12
ubotufroggles_: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!03:12
Tm_Twilson: dont bush it03:12
froggles_and package managers03:12
_Angelus_that one :D03:12
draik_Angelus_: 3rd times the charm03:12
Tm_Tand that is even wrong factoid in this matter03:12
n8k99ooh Jucato is here03:12
draikJucato: Hey there03:13
Tm_TJucato_ isnt here03:13
draikLet me IM him03:13
Tm_TJucato you are not here03:13
draikAh, there you are03:13
mrtimbo2uoh sorry yes03:13
mrtimbo2uit worked in fiesty03:14
froggles_kde wallet is such a pain in the ass. is there a way to save passwords with out having to fiddle with this wallet?03:14
Tm_Tfroggles_: no03:14
Tm_Tatleast not that I know03:14
draikfroggles_: Keep wallet open03:14
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:15
Dragnslcrfroggles_- sure, put them all in a text file. Then give us access to your computer so we can see all your passwords stored in plaintext03:15
mrtimbo2ubut now it changes but doesnt effect the sound03:15
Tm_Tmadar: you know, you can /msg ubotu too03:15
Dragnslcrmrtimbo2u- adjusting the master volume?03:15
mrtimbo2uany of them03:15
Dragnslcrmrtimbo2u- what kind of sound card/chipset?03:16
Rukus-ahah sweet03:16
Rukus-i love when there is easier ways to do things03:16
hellhounddoes anyone know how to get xine to play xvid files?03:16
Jucatohellhound: install libxine1-ffmpeg03:16
draikRukus-: What did you simplify?03:16
mrtimbo2ui can change it if i go to mixer03:16
hellhoundJucato: it is installed03:17
mrtimbo2ubut the multi keys are no longer working03:17
mrtimbo2uwell vol control at least03:17
Jucatohellhound: hm...03:17
draikTm_T: Sorry, I totally forgot about your comment to mass conversions.03:17
draikTm_T: Anything with a GUI?03:17
Dragnslcrmrtimbo2u- on the switches tab, what's the IEC958 source?03:17
Tm_Tdraik: not that I know03:17
hellhoundJucato: i get a flickering black screen and it acts like it is playing (the video time progresses) but there is no sound and the black screen continues to flicker03:18
draikTm_T: ok. thx03:18
hellhoundJucato: it happens in both xine and mplayer03:18
mrtimbo2ui dont get it03:19
Jucatoeven mplayer? hm... weird.03:19
bazhanghellhound: is compiz enabled?03:19
hellhoundbazhang: yes... how would that cause a problem03:19
bazhanghellhound: conflict--I get the same thing. need to disable it to view vids03:20
Tm_Tbazhang: hellhound: use different vo03:20
mrtimbo2ui dont see a thing that says source03:21
bazhangTm_T: what is a vo03:21
Tm_Tvideo out03:21
bazhangok; disabling it does the same though, and since I never use compiz, no matter here03:22
* froggles_ is happy because he is downloading sex movies.03:22
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.03:22
draikfroggles_: Sorry? That was your 3rd time being told03:23
Tm_Tfroggles_: you really have to stop that03:23
bazhangyeah, take it to #offtopic03:23
mrtimbo2uwell how do i down grade kmilo03:25
mrtimbo2uto the last ver03:25
hydrogenfroggles_: a good rule to follow is read that this is not aol03:25
draikmrtimbo2u: sudo apt-get install kmilo03:25
Tm_Tdraik: that doesnt downgrade?03:26
mrtimbo2ui have it installed03:26
DaSkreechdraik: what?03:26
hellhoundbazhang: how do i kill compiz?03:26
mrtimbo2ugoogle is telling me that i need to downgrade it03:26
mrtimbo2unot install it cause its installed03:26
bazhanghellhound: alt +f2 kwin --replace03:26
DaSkreechmrtimbo2u: I think you can apt-get intsall kmilo=versionstring03:26
draikbazhang: you beat me to it. I've done it enough times as is.03:26
bazhangdraik: haha03:27
draikbazhang: For some strange reason, I cannot use "nvidia", only "nv"03:27
draikStrange, huh?03:27
bazhangdraik: I use nv as well03:27
draikbazhang: I used to have nvidia with Feisty03:27
draikbazhang: I guess I feel a bit strange since certain things weren't as they were with Feisty.03:28
mrtimbo2uit said that i need the version from 7.1403:29
mrtimbo2uand that fixs it03:29
bazhangdraik: I'm the opposite--Fesity was too unstable for me--came back with Gutsy03:29
bazhangerr Feisty03:30
DaSkreechThre was a 7.1403:30
draikDapper > Edgy > Feisty > Gutsy03:30
DaSkreechthat was  a strange yar03:30
draikbazhang: Making up your own editions?03:30
draikI remastered Kubuntu to be just as my desktop. I called it DraiKubuntu03:31
bazhangtake out the u03:31
madarhello looking for help with nvidia drivers install, I have tried several ways, most recently with the restricted drivers section of system settings03:31
ardchoilledraik: How did you remaster the livecd?03:31
draik!nvidia | madar03:31
ubotumadar: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:31
draikardchoille: Don't recall. This was with Edgy. Possibly early Fesity03:32
draikdarn you bazhang03:32
ardchoilledraik: Sounds like maybe Rekonstructor03:32
draikardchoille: No. That's not it.03:33
madardoh x not playing nice restarted03:33
draikardchoille: I'll have to look for it. I recall it being CLI only03:33
madaranyway I can't get to the Monitors & Displays module to load and apparently the nvidia driver isn't stable either03:34
madaranyone have any advice as to getting the nvidia binary drivers working in Gutsy03:34
hellhoundhummm still no dice with playing xvid files after turning off compiz with "kwin --replace"  I am getting the exact same output03:34
DaSkreech!info kmilo feisty03:35
bazhanghellhound: bizarre03:35
ubotukmilo: laptop special keys support for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 64 kB, installed size 240 kB03:35
DaSkreechmrtimbo2u: try sudo apt-get install kmilo=4:3.5.6-0ubuntu203:35
hellhoundbazhang: know of anyway to check what the problem might be?03:36
thomas_newbie__how do I enter process table with root?03:36
bazhanghellhound: xvid.avi files?03:36
draikardchoille: remastersys03:36
ubuntualquien nme puede ayudar03:36
DaSkreechthomas_newbie__: kdesu ksysguard03:36
mrtimbo2u"was not found03:36
draik!es | ubuntu03:36
ubotuubuntu: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.03:36
DaSkreech!es | ubotu03:36
ubotuubotu: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.03:36
thomas_newbie__DaSkreech: ty03:36
DaSkreechArgh Whoops03:36
hellhoundbazhang: yes... the whole file is xvid-lol.avi03:37
draiklol @ DaSkreech03:37
=== ubuntu is now known as ubuntuholla
=== ubuntuholla is now known as ubuntu
bazhanghellhound: using kaffeine?03:37
hellhoundbazhang: actually is it dsr.xvid-lol.avi     if that helps03:37
draik!es | ubuntu03:37
ubotuubuntu: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.03:37
hellhoundbazhang: using xine03:37
modjoho every body03:37
=== jared is now known as oldwulf
bazhanghellhound: have you tried kaffeine?03:38
hellhoundbazhang: installing now to try03:38
oldwulfHey all03:38
modjoanybody here have programmed prolog in ubuntu/kubuntu?03:38
MagicCowIs Compiz Fusion a pretty buggy program in general? It seems to slow up stuff, and make things crash quite a bit and I just want to know if it's a common thing, or something that I can tweak and make work.03:38
biovoreMagicCow: yes..03:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compviz - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:39
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion03:39
=== _demonspork_ is now known as demon_spork
bazhangMagicCow: a bit of a memory hog, and has some leakage problems--fun, bu unstable03:39
bazhangerr but03:39
DaSkreechmodjo: ok. Do you have a question?03:39
ardchoilledraik: Ah, thanks03:40
draiknp ardchoille03:40
=== user_ is now known as Romina
Rominahey :)03:40
modjoyes daskreech, do you know any prolog interpreter03:40
MagicCowYeah, I really enjoyed some of the things.. I wish there was a lite version, with only the coolest things, and not all the extra junk.03:40
DaSkreech!find prolog03:40
ubotuFound: gprolog, gprolog-doc, prolog-el, swi-prolog, swi-prolog-clib (and 6 others)03:40
hellhoundbazhang: yeah kaffiene is getting the same thing03:40
DaSkreechmodjo: Ah swi-prolog should do nicely03:40
RominaQuestion:  I successfully installed the gimp   (package name "gimp") on gutsy gibbon.    Then I wanted to install       "libgimp-perl"   but this happened:          http://phpfi.com/274169    What may I do?03:41
modjodaskreech: is that a gui prolog interpreter?03:41
DaSkreechAs I recall03:41
modjolemme try it03:41
bazhanghellhound: do you get an error message, or just the black screen03:41
DaSkreechTm_T: do you know anything about the bot?03:41
hellhoundbazhang: just the flickering black screen... i can tell that it is one of those tv ratings.. i have tried multiple files that i know work03:42
MagicCowAre there any programs for linux that allow video as wallpaper?03:42
DaSkreechMagicCow: how about linux?03:42
modjodaskreech: heres the tough question03:42
hellhoundbazhang: what i mean by the tv rating is that the flickering is the flickering of the TV14 at the beginning of a video03:43
bazhangTm_T: said to change the video out, though not certain how to do that03:43
* DaSkreech gets out the hammer03:43
ardchoilleMagicCow: I think that would put your cpu near 100% and keep it there, don't you?03:43
modjodaskreech: where is the program? i already installed in console03:43
MagicCowWell, maybe not VIDEO.. but an animated gif or something.03:43
MagicCowBasically the Dream something program for Vista.03:43
ardchoilleMagicCow: you can use a screensaver as the desktop wallpaper03:43
MagicCowOh really?03:43
hellhoundbazhang: but despite how long i leave it one.. it continue to flicker this sign but the video time continues to progress03:44
MagicCowI was wanting to use a visualization as wallpaper.03:44
modjodaskreech: have u used prolog before?03:44
DaSkreechmodjo: type swi<tab>03:44
DaSkreechmodjo: yeah but I was in windows at the time03:44
modjoi see the swi runs in konsole03:44
Tm_TDaSkreech: ?03:44
modjodaskreech how do i get out of it"?03:44
Tm_TDaSkreech: what about the bot?03:45
DaSkreechMagicCow: you can use any app as the root window03:45
DaSkreechmodjo: ^C ?03:45
DaSkreechTm_T: how do you actally see more?03:45
bazhanghellhound: my only suggestion at this point is to try some other programs, like vlc, etc; not sure how to change video out per Tm_T03:45
Tm_Tmplayer -vo help03:45
modjodaskreech: it opened console and i got to help03:45
oldwulfMagicCow: you can try compiz fusion03:46
modjotnx a lot :D03:46
* froggles_ still got dropped downloads with an other web browser.03:46
Tm_Tkmplayer and Kaffeine has settings03:46
Tm_Talso ummmm03:46
DaSkreechmodjo: Excellent03:46
Tm_Tfiddle about03:46
modjodaskreech: can i ask, where you used prolog before?03:46
MagicCowI had it installed, it made my system act funny so I got rid of it.03:46
Tm_Tfroggles_: see, its not about browser03:46
DaSkreechTm_T: Thats' for me?03:46
DaSkreechmodjo: AI class03:46
Tm_TDaSkreech: no03:46
ardchoilleMagicCow: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3087286.msg92487#msg9248703:46
DaSkreechTm_T: ok03:46
Tm_TDaSkreech: I dont know about your bot issue sorry03:46
froggles_hmm how can i trouble shoot this.03:46
MagicCowAh cool, there we go.03:46
modjodaskreech: bachelor computers major?03:47
DaSkreechTm_T: When you do a !find and it says (and more)03:47
DaSkreechmodjo: Yep03:47
draikAnyone here familiar with regionset?03:47
hellhoundTm_T: ok i see the various choices... they are the same as the gui preference interface.  i am just not sure which one to choose03:47
modjodaskreech: whtas the toughest programming language you used?03:47
draikError: could not open device "{null}"!03:47
froggles_i was downloading about 12 large mpg files at once.03:47
bazhanghellhound: looking at kaffeine, (thanks Tm_T!) there are parameters you can set for xine engine in it03:47
DaSkreechmodjo: language or what I implemented in it03:47
modjodaskreech: language03:48
DaSkreechmodjo: Maybe C++ it's simple but has really funky corner cases03:48
draikWhat would cause a Live CD (Gutsy) to not load? I had CLI, no GUI03:48
DaSkreechToo many little fiddly ways to twist it03:48
modjodaskreech: i know what you mean, its really WIDE03:48
hellhoundbazhang: ok i am looking in kaffiene and say the xine engine parameters... under video i see drivers that match vo list that Tm_T also showed under mplayer.  i just don't know which one to choose03:49
modjodaskreech: thanks for your help and comments, nice to meet more sick people like us that gets into computers major03:50
MagicCowOkay, so VLC has the option to play video as wallpaper.03:50
bazhanghellhound: try each one03:50
hydrogenthe toughest programming langauge ever03:50
hydrogenis obviously whitespace03:50
DaSkreechmodjo: Ha ha Wait till you meet those that enjoy it :)03:50
hydrogenespecially if your editor isn't set up properly03:50
hydrogenand converts tabs to spaces03:50
hydrogentalk about hard to find bugs :/03:50
DaSkreechhydrogen: dot dot DASH dot03:50
modjodaskreech: its my ninth semestre i seen enough03:50
Tm_Thellhound: try and see03:50
mrtimbo2ustill dont know how to downgrade it :(03:51
modjodaskreech: take care and keep on :D03:51
* DaSkreech keeps03:51
DaSkreechmrtimbo2u: My suggestion didn't help?03:52
mrtimbo2u"was not found" is what it said03:52
mrtimbo2uE: Version '4:3.5.6-0ubuntu2' for 'kmilo' was not found03:53
DaSkreechmrtimbo2u: try take out the 4:03:53
mrtimbo2ugoogle is not being my friend tonight lol03:54
DaSkreechmrtimbo2u: I think that's the right command I just never tried it cross relelases before03:54
draikAny reason why I cannot run VMware?03:55
mrtimbo2ua whole bunch of post saying the downgraded it just not how they did it03:55
ubuntu_what's the recommended way for compiz fusion on gutsy again? i feel like the one on the ubuntu wiki is outdated (someone mentioned something about the fusion icon a while ago)03:56
ubuntu_wow, ubuntu_... what a name....03:56
=== ubuntu_ is now known as GuyFromHell
mrtimbo2ufound a way around it03:58
mrtimbo2unow it just dont show what level its at03:58
DanielHolthHI there, I am using Amarok on Kubuntu with Postgresql as the backend, but it won't let me set "Automatically add to media device transfer queue" on my podcasts.03:58
hellhoundbazhang and Tm_T: i just tried them all xmga, xv, x11, gl, gl2, dxr3, xvidix, and xvmc and none worked.  xv, x11, gl and gl2 where the only ones that did not return a fatal error "Could not initialize video filters or video output"03:59
DanielHolthI wonder if I will have to edit the source so Amarok will store postgresql booleans in a better way, or if perhaps I am missing a postgresql option.03:59
draikdoing regionset does this...03:59
draikERROR:  Could not open disc "(null)"!  Please ensure there is a readable CD or DVD in the drive.03:59
hellhoundbazhang: is there a converter available?04:02
Tm_Thellhound: xshm works here with gl04:03
hellhoundTm_T: i am not sure what you mean?04:03
Tm_Thellhound: xshm driver works with gl active04:04
Tm_Thellhound: that means: when you have opengl somewhere used04:04
hellhoundTm_T: yeah I have an nvidia card.  i beleive it always uses opengl.. oh wait... no that should just enable it... but my window decorations may be using opengl.... this is alot of work to simply play a file... is there a converter that can change these xvids to simple avi?04:06
clydelooking for a good drawing program for Kubuntu, am used to Corel X3. Help please.04:07
crazy_busI'm trying a burn a dvd in k3b.  But I get this error.  I have tried three times and got this error http://pastebin.ca/76309404:07
Tm_Thellhound: no, nvidia doesnt use opengl all the time =)04:07
Tm_Toff ->04:08
oldwulfLater all.04:08
DaSkreechcrazy_bus: Maybe the .IFO file is bad?04:10
crazy_busIs their anyway to fix it?04:10
=== Agrajag` is now known as Agrajag
verswhy does adept say some other program is using it?...i cant do anything on adept without closing the other program but i dont know what it is04:11
DaSkreechcrazy_bus: I don't know how to test a .IFO04:11
=== danny is now known as zerone
DaSkreech!adept crash fix | vers04:11
ubotuvers: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »04:11
crazy_buswould it be k9copy that made a bad ifo or is it the dvd I'm trying to copy04:11
DaSkreechcrazy_bus: Lets go with k9copy and hope ;)04:12
verspipe it through less or more?04:12
DaSkreechvers: neither04:13
DaSkreechhi Riddell04:13
versso its good.....04:14
contrast83Any word on if/when Beta 4 is hitting Gutsy's repos?04:16
versi love this..thanks ubotu04:16
DaSkreechcontrast83: Anyday now04:20
DaSkreechTm_T: Hey what was that with mplayer -vo help ?04:21
kalorin_hey question04:21
kalorin_the xorg nvidia drivers04:21
kalorin_they should do dual monitor right?04:21
=== Agrajag` is now known as Agrajag
DaSkreech!dualhead | kalorin_04:22
ubotukalorin_: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama04:22
kalorin_via xinerama right04:22
kalorin_how can i tell if i'm using them right now?04:22
DaSkreech!xinerama :)04:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xinerama :) - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:22
sub[t]rnlnvidia-settings will take care of you too04:22
kalorin_is that a package?04:23
kalorin_with gusty, I was running the nvidia drivers04:23
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead04:23
kalorin_trying to decide if I want to use the xorg drivers now or not04:23
kalorin_in fact, fi I've got an nvidia card, is there any reason not to remove all the other drivers other than the nv driver?04:27
DaSkreechNight all04:27
=== Agrajag` is now known as Agrajag
X314Z159is amarok supposed to be all slow and stuff everytime you do something with it?04:29
MagicCowDamn, I gotta say, after using linux, namely ubuntu, for 2 months, there is not really any going back.04:30
MagicCowThis information has to get out.04:30
=== danny_ is now known as spectator
str8wakhello all04:33
MagicCowI'm curious, how do people who don't know how to program help linux?04:34
hydrogenlearning to program!04:34
Jucatoand learning *not* to program04:35
MagicCowId like to help.. but I don't have the time to learn to program.04:35
str8wakI have a quick question, if you don't mind - I just installed kubuntu from ubuntu - so i have kubuntu and gnome - i was going to remove gnome and go to pure kubuntu - but being a newby, I wasn't sure if Synaptic was used on kubuntu or if that was a gnome specific?04:35
hydrogen.. learning how to make good jokes...!04:35
hydrogen(you can see jucato is still practicing..)04:35
MagicCowKubuntu has Adept.04:35
MagicCowI believe.. I am new too.04:35
hydrogensynaptic is more polished than synaptic04:35
Jucatostr8wak: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde04:36
MagicCowOh, but I did learn that you can remove all of the gnome applications, so you don't need to fresh install kubuntu.04:36
vsudilovOk how do I enable openGL once I've installed and enabled my nvidia-legacy driver?04:36
Jucatohydrogen: what? :)04:36
MagicCowYes, via tht link ;)04:36
Jucatohydrogen: how can synaptic be more polished than synaptic? :P04:36
MagicCowThan the older versions?04:36
kalorin_I like it better04:36
hydrogenJucato: oh well, you know04:36
hydrogenit just is!04:36
hydrogenits a gnome thing.04:36
kalorin_ok is there an nvidia control panel for nvidia's free drivers?04:37
str8wakJucato, thank you. so i'm assuming Synaptic=adept ..? if i remove gnome, will it also remove adept?04:37
JucatoMagicCow: there are many, many ways to help without knowing how to program. the ones that hydrogen listed04:37
str8wakerr, if i remove gnome, will it remove synaptic?04:37
kalorin_I jsut want to be able to configure these monitors04:37
Jucatostr8wak: just follow that guide. and yes, synaptic will be removed04:37
MagicCowI believe so.04:37
kalorin_dang, nice netsplit04:37
Jucatobut you can reinstall it if you want04:37
MagicCowBut Adept isn't terrible.. you just have to think a bit more.04:37
hydrogenand pray a bit more04:38
str8wakok, I will give it a try, i am really liking kubuntu - works great and has alot more options!04:38
hydrogenand not actually use parts of it04:38
MagicCowNever had a problem with it.04:38
str8wakthank you for your help, you guys are great!04:38
MagicCowYeah, I made the k switch about a week ago.04:38
hydrogenhave you ever tried to actually install something using add/remove programs?04:38
MagicCowReally happy I did.04:38
JucatoMagicCow: you can also learn and help w/ packaging without knowing much programming (or so they say)04:38
JucatoMagicCow: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/EasyWaysToHelpUbuntu and http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate04:39
MagicCowExcellent, thanks04:39
* str8wak away04:40
X314Z159meep. still, is amarok suposed to stop for 5-10 every time you do anything with it?04:40
MagicCowOh, another question: Is it illegal to burn and distribute Ubuntu? I know it seems like a silly question seeing as it's open source.. but they say "Buy a CD and pass it around."04:40
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:40
MagicCowWhy not just download and burn, then pass around.04:40
juanhi all!!!!!!!! what does "acpi=off" on a laptop do?04:41
X314Z159any idea why it is doing that?04:41
hydrogenyou can download and burn MagicCow04:41
JucatoMagicCow: not illlegal04:41
JucatoMagicCow: of course, by buying you're helping to support the distro :)04:41
aleksk onda?04:41
hydrogenyou could also request a bunch via shipit04:41
Jucatoyou can even sell it to others, and that's not illegal either04:41
hydrogenand "harm" the distro!04:41
hydrogenit all depends on your muud04:41
Jucatomuud = Multi User User Dungeon?04:42
hydrogenI like that better!04:42
MagicCowACPI (Advanced Configuration Power Interface) refers to a Power Management specification developed by Intel, Microsoft and Toshiba. The specification allows an operating system to control the power distribution to peripherals such as hard drives, it was originally intended for laptops/notebooks where power saving is vital.04:42
hydrogenJucato: the first one is multi user underwater dungeon04:42
MagicCowI heard sometimes linux has problems with ACPI, so in some instances it is prefered to turn it off if having trouble starting up.04:42
susana_alquien me ayuda04:42
Jucato!es | susana_04:43
ubotususana_: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.04:43
susana_quiero entrar a la sala en español04:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about inuitikuk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:43
Dr_WillisI think the problem is more of  a "The Bios Makers Mucked up the APCI standard, and dident follow it" issue.04:43
hydrogenI thought so :/04:43
Dr_Willisoops acpi :)04:43
juanthe thing is that i have a toshiba laptop with no sound and there is a possibl solution but with acpi=off04:43
MagicCowFor the eskimo in all of us.04:43
Dr_WillisEskiMOOO ? :)04:44
X314Z159Dr_Willis: standards where made to be broken... apparently04:44
Dr_WillisX314Z159 :) yep. blame linux for it! :004:45
Dr_Williswhile windows can define their own standards.. then break them :)04:45
kevin_windows has standards?04:45
X314Z159Dr_Willis: I blame Society! and most of all.. cthulhu04:46
Dr_WillisStandard for windows  -> "Milk all the $$ you can out of the Cattle we call users" :)04:46
Dr_WillisX314Z159 do not mention he that must not be named!04:46
hydrogenstandard for this channel -> stay on topic!04:46
hydrogenbet you didn't see that one coming!04:46
=== ubuntu is now known as sege
X314Z159Dr_Willis:  hehe :P04:47
=== sege is now known as serge
kevin_My computer crashed when I upgraded to Gutsy04:48
X314Z159hydrogen: well.. do you have a clue what to do with my amarok problem?04:48
hydrogenfix it.04:48
kevin_so i had to get the disk04:48
kevin_an lose all my data04:48
X314Z159hydrogen: Good idea -.-04:48
X314Z159hydrogen: how?04:50
ubuntuk ondaaa04:51
Jucatonetsplit again? O.o04:51
FireTekhey, can someone please help me install my printer drivers on here04:52
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion04:52
kevin_compiz rocks04:53
FireTekPLEASE :)04:53
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:53
tuxwulfWhat is compiz and why do some people type a ! in front of it ...?04:54
X314okay. I have a problem. if amarok stops for 5-10s if i do anything with it.. change song, or whatever.. how does one fix that?04:55
Jucato!es | ubuntu04:55
ubotuubuntu: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.04:55
Dr_Willistuxwulf ! are bot commands04:55
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!04:55
Dr_WillisSee A:004:55
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:56
tuxwulfDr_Willis: What is a bot command?04:56
vers!adept crash fix04:56
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »04:56
Dr_WillisCompiz is the 'program' that gives ubuntu the fancy 3d desktop effects04:56
Dr_Willistuxwulf  a !botsnack  is an example of a bot command04:56
Jucatotuxwulf: a bot command is a command that you give the bot (ubotu)04:56
ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.04:56
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com04:57
kalorin_anyone have any idea what would cause nvidia-config to segfault?04:57
tuxwulf.... eh...? Oh. So ubotu is literaally only a bot, like compiz to KDE, an irc enhancement....04:57
kalorin_gives me a core04:57
Jucatotuxwulf: ubotu (the bot) has nothing to do with compiz, kde, etc04:58
kalorin_sudo or otherwise, I get a segfault and core04:58
Dr_Willistuxwulf ubotu is most likely some programed/scripted IRC client thats running on a machine somwehre. :)04:58
kalorin_well it says core dumped but I don' tsee one04:58
froggles_he probobly meant #kde04:58
tuxwulfJucato, Dr Willis> Check... I think I get it.. thanks!04:58
Jucatotuxwulf: ubotu is an IRC bot. period04:58
Dr_WillisUbotu us just a simple bot :) he can also do some other neat tricks04:59
Dr_Willis!find  rocks04:59
ubotuFound: rocksndiamonds04:59
Dr_Willis!info rocksndiamonds04:59
uboturocksndiamonds: Arcade style game. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 3.2.3-3 (gutsy), package size 384 kB, installed size 1256 kB04:59
Dr_WillisThats a MUST get game for your Ubuntu install. :)04:59
kevin_!find woot05:00
kevin_didn't work05:00
ubotuPackage/file woot does not exist in gutsy05:00
kevin_it did05:00
FireTekgot it... thanks :)05:00
kevin_what is ubotus script/where can i get it?05:00
Jucatoubotu: tell kevin_ about ubotu05:01
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:01
Dr_Willisthat site may say. :)05:01
JucatoDr_Willis: I think we've had enough !factoids in here already :)05:01
Dr_WillisJucato now if the people would READ them. :)05:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jucato - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:02
JucatoDr_Willis: redirect the factoid, and they will notice :)05:02
Dr_WillisI wonder who put in the !love factoid.05:02
Jucatoit's an old one... can't recall05:02
kalorin_xorg nvidia driver05:03
kalorin_I can't get it to run the nvidia-xconfig05:03
kalorin_just segfaults on me05:03
tuxwulfSo what does !Jucato do ...?05:03
Jucatotuxwulf: nothing05:03
kalorin_I hate to install the propriatary drivers because I think that's what blew up my upgrade from 7.04 to 7.1005:03
hydrogenmakes the Jucato angry that we keep highlighting him!05:03
hydrogenright Jucato?05:03
tuxwulfJucato: Hydrogen is joking, I guess ...?05:03
Jucatotuxwulf:  <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about _______ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi <--- standard reply if there's no factoid or info about it05:04
Jucatohydrogen: yes05:04
Jucatotuxwulf: yes05:04
susana_sala en español05:04
hydrogenokay Jucato05:04
hydrogen!es | susana_05:04
ubotususana_: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.05:04
Jucatohydrogen: although the highlighting is less annoying than the beeping....05:04
* Jucato has set konvi to beep when highlighted/PM'ed...05:05
tuxwulfInteresting, and I thought ubotu was some arch-father of Ubuntu, multilingual and everything...05:05
* hydrogen uses the osd instead of teh beep05:05
tuxwulfHow come ubotu showed up in a new window in y Konversation ..?05:06
Jucatoyou didn't read the wiki page about the bot did you?05:06
tuxwulfJucato > ... eh no.. I will do that right now ..05:07
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:07
Jucatothere it is again.. for the *fourth time*!05:07
Dr_Willisi dident do it. :)05:08
Jucatoof course you dident05:08
Dr_WillisIm reading up on the Asus Eee machine. :)05:08
Dr_WillisLooks cool. but its a bit more $$ then id heard.05:08
Jucatoit came out a bit more expensive than planned... yet still within budget05:09
=== bipolar__ is now known as bipolar
Dr_WillisFor a toy for me for Xmas.. its a little harder to justify. But  I imagine in a few Mo. the prices will drop.05:09
Jucatothere will be 8GB and 16GB versions. imho it's more than just a toy. halfway to serious work :)05:10
Dr_WillisI aint going to do any work with it. :)05:12
Dr_Willisi plan on using it as a video/Comic book reader05:12
Dr_WillisI figured as soon as i get one.. the wife will take it.. so i will need to get 205:12
Jucatohehe well if ever you do decide to do work on it, it will be possible :)05:12
Jucatounlike other devices...05:12
Dr_WillisI just wonder how well it can do video05:12
Jucatoit uses mplayer05:13
Dr_WillisAll i do with my laptop at work is watch videos :)05:13
Dr_Willisand read .cbr comic book files05:13
Dr_Willisand impress window users with my Linux-Fu05:13
Jucatoheh I'll probably use mine to read ebooks in bed, on the road, or around the house :)05:13
Jucato*if* I get one :P05:13
hydrogenall I do at work is not sleep for days on end..05:13
Dr_WillisI was able to get a laptop on sale for like $350 for the wife a few weeks back.05:14
Dr_Willisso getting this little thing. may get her mad at me. :)05:14
Jucatohehe almost the same price as the Eee PC... except it's probably bigger/heavier, no SSD, etc.05:14
Dr_Willisbut it has a CD/DVD burner.. and so forth...05:15
Dr_Willisfor her needs - she just sits it on her desk.. its only moved from one room to the next05:15
Dr_Willisand of Course she sets the REs to be 800x600 so EVERYTHING is real big...05:15
Jucatodifferent answers for different needs :)05:15
Dr_Willisso she dosent need her glasses to play Solitare.05:15
roobhello all im on a new insall of 7.10 and i cant seem to use konqueror to use the internet...im trying to set up my sources05:18
Dr_Willisroob is Irc working?05:18
kevin_does knetworkmanager work?05:18
roobDr_Willis: yea05:20
roobim using konversation.05:20
roobi can ping google.com05:20
Dr_WillisSo New Kubuntu install, IRC works, konqueror does not.05:20
roobi just cant go there in konqueror05:20
Dr_Willisput in the ip address of google. that you get from the Ping reply05:20
roobpossible old ~/.kde mucking things up?05:20
Dr_WillisIve seen other people pop in here with "irc works" "web browser dont" issues.. but never have seen a actual fix/problem/reason as to whats going on.05:21
roobAn error occurred while loading
roobCould not connect to host
Dr_Willisor even How its possible.05:21
Jucatousually a DNS problem afaik05:22
Dr_WillisHmm that url isent working here either. :)05:22
roobwhat repositorys should i uncomment from my sources.list?05:22
roobJucato when i ping it....it dns's dine05:22
kalorin`seriously, is anyone using the xorg nvidia drivers?05:22
kalorin`and having any luck with the nvidia-xconfig application?05:22
Dr_Willisis NOT going to google for me either.05:22
kalorin`mine just keeps segfaulting05:22
Jucatokalorin`: you mean the "nv" drivers?05:22
kalorin`no idea why05:22
kalorin`Jucato, yes the nv drivers05:23
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu05:23
Jucatoah. hm...05:23
Jucatokalorin`: I'm not sure if the nv drivers use nvidia-xconfig in the first place...05:23
Jucatojust not sure, I always use nvidia-glx05:23
roobim gonna try somthing brb05:24
posingaspopularJucato keeps all thesuper secret video configurations under his cushions05:24
* Jucato doesn't have cushions :P05:24
=== radius_ is now known as gridl0ck
kalorin`what's the difference between that and using the one you can download from nvidia?05:25
Jucatonvidia-glx vs nvidia.com driver?05:25
kalorin`I had an ATI radeon card, nad I was using the ATI driver for it05:25
kalorin`then I got this nvidia and got the nvidia driver05:25
kalorin`when i tried to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 it blew up on some glLib stuff05:25
kalorin`yeah nvidia-glx vs nvidia.com05:26
kalorin`or for that matter nvidia-glx-new vs the others?05:26
Jucatonvidia-glx is packaged and tested to run on *buntu. nvidia.com driver you'll have to do the heavy lifting yourself05:26
kalorin`I just want to get it right so it doesn't blow up05:26
Jucatonvidia-glx-legacy, nvidia-glx, nvidia-glx-new are the 3 types of drivers depending on the support for your card05:26
kalorin`will it be able to do an upgrade without hopefully having a package that it needs to both install and update (that's what it saida bout this package)05:26
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:26
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu05:27
roobtunrs out it was the old ~/.kde05:27
ubotuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - New Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents05:28
kalorin`ok I can go with the -new variety, i thin the 8600gt will do taht :005:30
=== center is now known as lubashka
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=== center__ is now known as lubashka
kalorin`ok that's a winner05:35
kalorin`actually, it's the very newest version off the website from nvidia as well which is interesting05:36
john__hello  ... alguien habla español???05:36
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.05:36
ardchoille!info netstat05:37
ubotuPackage netstat does not exist in gutsy05:37
LynoureI'm getting weird hotplug behaviour: stuff basicly gets prompted for twice, once with my normal icon theme on the window, once with the default one.05:37
john__gracias ...05:37
ardchoilleI typed "netstat" in a terminal and it was basically blank. Is it supposed to be blank?05:38
* center ÝØçÕÓÞ ÝÕ ÜÞÖÕâ ßàÞçØâÐâì ØÑÞ ÝÕßÞ-àãááÚØ05:40
=== center is now known as lubashka
lubos_when I start x by X command I can see mouse piinter as a cross(X) is it possible to change it to arrow?05:40
Lynoureardchoille: did you let it run its course or did you interrupt it after waiting a bit? :)05:41
Lynoureardchoille: it's not the fastest command in the world, by far05:41
ardchoilleLynoure: netstat -n was faster05:43
posingaspopular!hi | mohsen05:43
ubotumohsen: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!05:43
Lynoureardchoille: yes, it is, no name lookups. I think they would have done well setting defaults the other way around05:44
mohsenhi, I am first time in thie chat. must I somthing to do?05:45
ardchoilleLynoure: I agree05:45
Lynouremohsen: nothing, really. Ask or answer support questions.05:45
ardchoillemohsen: This channel is basically for help with Kubuntu. You can watch and learn, like I do, or you can ask questions :)05:45
meuhlolhi all05:46
Lynoureardchoille: I assume you don't have the weird double prompt thing I described above?05:46
ardchoilleLynoure: I don't05:46
Lynoureardchoille: ok, I'll dig into it a bit before taking in seriously, then :)05:47
posingaspopular!hi | meuhlol05:53
ubotumeuhlol: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!05:53
purpleposeidonposingaspopular: .... wow. I am impressed.05:53
posingaspopularpurpleposeidon: at my ability to !hi everyone?05:55
purpleposeidonAt your lack of humanity.05:55
mohsenI want to register in another Chat too, but I can not.  The Server is irc.freenode.de  and the Channel:#easy-club. can you help me?05:56
posingaspopularim just busy with other homework....05:56
Jucatomohsen: go to the freenode site for instructions on how to register a channel.05:57
Jucatomohsen: or try to go to #freenode (or #freenode-social)05:57
kyled185!hi | kyled18505:58
kyled185well that's no fun05:58
purpleposeidon!hi | ubotu05:59
ubotuubotu: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!05:59
zhaoyangi'm new to irc05:59
purpleposeidon!hi | !hi ubotu05:59
ubotu!hi please see above05:59
purpleposeidonoooh, tough guy, eh?06:00
kyled185anyone know when KDE beta 4 binaries will become available06:00
zhaoyangi'm using kubuntu06:00
zhaoyanglooking forward to KDE beta 4,too06:00
posingaspopularkyled185: i know for sure that it's available for checkout via subversion, i can find out in two seconds06:00
Jucatoposingaspopular: he was looking for packages...06:01
Jucatonixternal: ping ^^^^ :)06:01
contrast83zhaoyang: Is that hitting the repos soon?06:01
posingaspopularJucato: yea i just pinged him in the loco chan06:01
Jucatonixternal:  <kyled185> anyone know when KDE beta 4 binaries will become available06:01
Jucatohahah! he's in demand :)06:01
nixternalthey are in our ppa, we need to fix a couple FTBS on kdelibs and kdebase, then upload to universe06:02
nixternalgotta wait for the man to say yes though :06:02
Jucato*the* man? oh ok :)06:02
* Jucato lets nixternal go to sleep now :)06:02
nixternalthanks boss!06:02
Jucatohahaha ;)06:02
zhaoyanga little slow06:03
zhaoyangi couldn't tell there's much different between gnome06:04
contrast83Gutsy is kicking my wireless card's arse... Could someone please help me out? I've tried pretty much everything at this point, and gotten nowhere.06:04
ubotudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.06:05
kyled185I've been having issues with my ipw3945 as well. I think I've just accepted that it's a crappy card and am getting on with life.06:05
purpleposeidonHow big are the repositories?06:05
eagles0513875i need help with dpkging wicd as well as hydrogen i get an error06:05
contrast83Well, this card worked pretty much flawlessly in Feisty. Now it'll just randomly lose the connection and rebooting is the only thing that gets it working again.06:05
eagles0513875purpleposeidon: with all repos anabled there r about 23,000 pkgs06:06
purpleposeidonYes, but in GB?06:06
kyled185contrast83, me too what kind of card do you have?06:06
purpleposeidoncontrast83: That's interesting, I have the same problem in fiesty06:06
eagles0513875i think u would be able to get all the repos cuz canonical is based in the uk06:06
contrast83I've already tried restarting the networking and dbus init scripts, no dice. I also switched to wireless-tools from NetworkManager, which seemed to help for a little while, but maybe that was just an illusion.06:06
contrast83Cisco Aironet06:06
eagles0513875contrast83: did u uninstall it06:07
contrast83eagles0513875: What, networkmanager? Yeah.06:07
eagles0513875contrast83: i keep getting a dpkg error06:07
contrast83Umm... ?06:07
zhaoyangi gotta to the classroom,buy guys06:07
eagles0513875when trying to install wicd and when i try tondencies remove network manager it says it will break depe06:07
contrast83I'm unfamiliar with wicd.06:08
contrast83I'm just using KWifiManager as a frontend to the wireless-tools CLI apps, which are installed by default.06:09
contrast83You sure wicd doesn't depend on networkmanager?06:09
eagles0513875contrast83: its a wired and wireless manager06:10
eagles0513875well i got to go for now ill wry abou tthis when i get home06:10
contrast83Good luck. Later06:10
eagles0513875thanks times for a long day of java lecture 4 hrs of it06:10
eagles0513875im an IT major so it comes with the degree lol06:12
eagles0513875i enjoy it as long as we rnt learning somethign new then i get rather frustrated06:12
eagles0513875later guys06:12
contrast83lol I thought learning new things was the point of paying someone to lecture you about it. :-P06:13
tuxwulf!ubotu | tuxwulf06:14
divadis it possible to change the resolution in kubuntu?06:22
tuxwulfWhich movie player is suggested?06:28
tuxwulfdivad > Yes, but it depends on your hardware06:28
divadvlc player, I hear is good06:29
divadI have an intel intergrated video card. on xp I get 1024x76806:29
tuxwulfAnd on Kubuntu...?06:29
divadi dont know but it doesnt look like 1024x768. how do i find out?06:30
koyotewhat would I use to convert flv to mpeg4?06:30
=== SuprUsr is now known as Kr4t05
koyoteactually, I suppose mpeg4+aac for my ipod would be best06:31
tuxwulfdivad > K menu - system settings - monitor& display06:31
krawekkoyote: ffmpeg, mencoder...06:32
Safehelp, i need help setting up my wireless network?06:32
tuxwulfSafe > Tell me...06:32
koyoteokay, I'll look. that's all I needed.06:33
Jucato!wireless | Safe06:33
ubotuSafe: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:33
Safecard is active but i cannot connect to the web06:33
Ayabarahey. I'm running kubuntu with ati graphics in "big desktop" mode. when I try to maximize emacs it won't work. on my primary laptop screen it doesn't fill the screen, and on the secondary it seems to try to maximize but gives up and snaps back to the size it was.06:33
kyled185*cough* vi *cough*06:34
Safeit says theres no linux driver for my card but it worked before06:35
Ayabarakyled185: :-)06:35
supert0ne1any word yet on kubuntu kde beta 4?06:35
Safewhats the ndis wrapper program?06:36
Jucato[14:02] <nixternal> they are in our ppa, we need to fix a couple FTBS on kdelibs and kdebase, then upload to universe [14:02] <nixternal> gotta wait for the man to say yes though :06:36
Jucatosupert0ne1: ^^^^06:36
divadok it is set at max. guess the task bar is just huge06:36
JucatoFTBS = Failed to Build from Source, btw06:36
tuxwulfdivad > That can be right-clicked and adjusted06:38
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:39
Safeyeah those ubuntu docs are pretty worthless06:46
Safeamd ou of date06:47
Safeand out of date06:47
Safewell i guess its back to ubuntu since theres so little documentation on kubuntu06:49
tuxwulfSafe > I got all mine working on Kubuntu....06:52
Henri24hi, kubuntu is wasted, grub is not doing its job, the HDD where kubuntu was is still working trough.. so i can fix grub from insde when it tries to boot ?07:01
Henri24i know how to boot windows from the grub interface, just not how to save that07:01
Henri24is urgent, can someone help me ?07:02
=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP
Novellhi, is the profiles in knetworkmanager broken ? I tried setting up 3 different profiles, but it really doesn't seem to work. Whatever I do, I can't get it to set a static IP for two of the profiles, it just gets another IP I used for a different network.. I'm using gutsy07:03
Novellthe third one is using dhcp and seems to be set to dhcp correctly07:04
=== paolo is now known as paolino_
=== paolino_ is now known as paolino__
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:31
sirjoshimushas kde4 been released?07:40
tuxwulf!wep | tuxwulf07:41
sirjoshimushas kde4 been released?07:41
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gusty and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.07:41
sebri have a bit of a catch 2207:46
sebrseb@hammerhead:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a07:46
sebr   [snip]07:46
sebr /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: line 13: getopt: command not found07:46
sebrseb@hammerhead:~$ sudo apt-get install util-linux07:47
sebrE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.07:47
=== malik_ is now known as malik__
progress0rhaving a weird problem here. Just did a fresh install of gutsy. Apparantly i have no mixer. Bizarre. I cant see anything in dmesg either. If I go to a mixer it says 'select mixer' of which there are no choices. I have set it to alsa which i have always done before and it restarted but nada.07:58
=== Earl_of_Dunham is now known as n8k99
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iceape - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:15
ubotuIceweasel's homepage is http://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ with more detailed information at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iceweasel08:15
=== dad_ is now known as dad__
dad__Anyone here?  I've never used this08:18
=== ubuntu is now known as ubuntu__
=== ubuntu__ is now known as kopi___
kopi___hi now im on live cd my x has crashed after installin nvidia-gl-new driver.....how do i fix this problem?.....im a newbie......can any one help?08:22
kopi___hi now im on live cd my x has crashed after installin nvidia-gl-new driver.....how do i fix this problem?.....im a newbie......can any one help?08:24
se7en^Of^9kopi___: change your /etc/X11/xorg.conf back to Driver nv and restart X08:26
kopi___can any one help plz with how to restore x?08:27
kopi___se7en^Of^9: how do i do that?08:27
kopi___se7en^Of^9: how do i do that?.....im on live cd08:28
se7en^Of^9kopi___: boot in your system and log in the terminal08:30
kopi___se7en^Of^9:what do i do after that?08:30
se7en^Of^9run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to reconfigure your x server ... if you are finished run startx from the termimal and x should start again08:32
bazhangkopi___: you installed the new driver, right? take out the live cd and reboot, then start up in safe mode change to nv then you'll be ok08:32
bazhangor do it se7en^Of^9's way, kopi___08:33
bazhanghmm. wonder if he did it.08:35
se7en^Of^9bazhang: i think he is on the way ... :008:36
bazhanggood to know se7en^Of^9 :}08:37
=== malik_ is now known as malik__
malik__ow do i know if i have installed RC version or full version or kubuntu 7.10?09:02
bazhangsudo lsb_release -a malik__09:03
bazhangalso check if you have about 500 updates or so :} malik__09:04
bazhangerr that would be the beta..90 updates or thereabouts09:05
ardchoillebazhang: Don't really need sudo for lsb_release09:05
malik__its says ubuntu 7.10 gutsy09:05
bazhangardchoille: ok. thanks! :}09:05
ardchoillebazhang: On the other hand, it doesn't hurt anything either :)09:06
bazhangmalik__: are you up to date?09:06
bazhangardchoille: my thinking exactly :}09:06
malik__how do i know that?09:06
ardchoillemalik__: sudo apt-get safe-upgrade09:06
malik__ardchoille: nothin happened......says 0 installed or upgraded or removed09:08
ardchoillemalik__: Then your system is up to date09:08
bazhang!welcome | malik__09:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about welcome - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:08
ardchoilleI thought that was a valid factoid09:09
bazhangme too09:09
bazhangperhaps !hello is the one09:09
ardchoilleI remember !welcome being a vlid factoid. I think someone erased it09:09
ArsaneritHi, I'm trying to relay mail to a smarthost using SSL and SMTP AUTH with exim4, and I downloaded a certificate. How do I install the certificate and tell exim4 to use it?09:10
bazhangwell the bot was down yesterday, so maybe he still has the flu.09:12
bazhangArsanerit: which mail client?09:16
Arsaneritbazhang: Forwarding with procmail and sending with mutt.09:17
bazhangArsanerit: anyone in #mutt?09:17
Arsaneritbazhang: So the mail should be delivered to the local MTA, which should relay it to the relayhost/smarthost.09:17
Arsaneritbazhang: Mutt is not involved.09:18
Arsaneritbazhang: The configuration is exim.09:18
Arsaneritbazhang: Whether I forward with procmail, send with 'mail' or 'mutt' or use another application, exim4 should relay my e-mail to the smarthost.09:18
bazhangArsanerit: nice to know; not really my limited area of knowledge--sorry09:19
ArsaneritI will ask in #exim but it's kinda quiet.09:19
bazhangArsanerit: you could come back here when the true knowledge hounds are awake as well.09:20
ArsaneritWhen is that?09:21
bazhang9-10 am edt09:21
Arsaneritwhat is the current time in edt?09:22
ardchoilleTuesday, November 6, 2007 at 4:24:12 AM EST09:24
ardchoilleArsanerit:  http://www.timeanddate.com/09:24
Arsaneritardchoille: The timezone abbreviation is not unique, but okay.09:24
ArsaneritHm, I found a reference: http://lists.exim.org/lurker/message/20051015.144822.88a377c1.html this person is at the same uni as me09:25
=== flokuehn_ is now known as flokuehn
ardchoilleArsanerit: Oh, sorry, I thought you were looking for Eastern Daylight Time09:26
ArsaneritIt seems exim4 does not support it: http://lists.exim.org/lurker/message/20051015.151258.b9b77e80.en.html09:27
ArsaneritThat is unfortunate.09:27
bazhangsad to hear09:27
enoj_Is there a good alternative to KNetworkManager, which alows for being connected to wired network and wireless at the same time?09:27
bazhangenoj_: some have recommend wicd; never used it myself--wicd.longren.com09:28
bazhangenoj_: oh wait--at the same time? why would you even want that?09:28
enoj_Also, isn't it possible to use a 128-bit hex key for WEP with KNetworkManager? I try to connect but the option never appears, and I've tried with all the other options and it fails.. And it's not a problem with the network, I just configured a windows computer with the exact same credentials.. Any ideas?09:28
enoj_bazhang: I'm unable to connect to a wireless network which uses 128-bit hex key for WEP .. (don't ask me why, not my network), and I want to be online using wired while trying to connect to wireless09:29
bazhangenoj_: as far as I am aware, that is not possible--if you are wired, then the wireless can be configured, but having both at the same time doesn't work.09:31
enoj_bazhang: well nevermind that then, it's not that important. Do you have any idea regarding 128-bit WEP hex ?09:32
ubuntuhuj wam w dupe09:32
crolle17where to start the firefox -profilemanager?09:32
bazhangubuntu: this an English language channel09:33
Jucatocrolle17: Press Alt+F2 and enter the command09:33
enoj_And I'm really not trying to be rude or anything now, but shouldn't the NetworkManager utility really be improved, to be able to compare to the Windows options? In Windows you can't risk not being able to connect to your network, at least .. I've had a bunch of issues with Knetworkmanager, where I've been unable to connect to networks, while the windows computer connects and works immediately ..09:33
crolle17Jucato, command == profilemanager?09:34
bazhangenoj_: I've had tons of issues with knetworkmanager in the past as well, usually just connect via the command line09:34
Jucatocrolle17: "firefox -profilemanager" I think09:34
Jucatonot really sure09:34
AT0M1CB0MB3Rhowcome it takes my limewire so long to open09:35
enoj_bazhang: what tools do you use for that? I'm only aware of 'ifconfig', do you configure wireless there as well?09:35
crolle17Jucato, but no profilemanager is openening09:35
Jucatocrolle17: I'm not sure of the command09:35
bazhangenoj_: I tend to use iwconfig09:35
crolle17Jucato, it just opens the firefox itself09:35
DonalRenoj_ - the iwconfig is used to configure wireless09:35
enoj_bazhang, DonalR: thanks09:36
bazhangenoj_: no worries :}09:36
ardchoillecrolle17: does man firefox have anything interesting?09:36
ardchoilleNote to self: it helps to actually have the app installed before you try alunching man <app_name>09:37
Jucatocrolle17: what command are you entering? are you sure you didn't forget the dash before profilemanager?09:37
DonalRenoj_ - I've found that 'iwconfig' and some of the GUI config tools sometimes conflict with one another on my lappy.  It may be dificult to use both09:37
=== nipa is now known as Nipa
crolle17ardchoille, not at all09:38
crolle17Jucato, firefox -profilemanager09:38
Nipahello everyone09:38
Nipai've joined the IRC because i have a problem with my dualmonitor setup09:38
Nipai wish to use twinview,09:38
crolle17ardchoille, in the man-page there is no profilemanager mentioned.09:39
Nipabut i need one monitor 90 degrees rotated09:39
bazhang!twinview | Nipa09:39
ubotuNipa: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead09:39
Nipaif i add in two lines in xorg.conf, it rotates both09:39
Nipawait, i have another idea09:39
Nipaif i get rid of the dualmonitor support09:39
Nipai only have one monitor09:39
Nipathe one that should be rotated09:39
Nipahow can i use my OTHER monitor09:39
Nipawith the one that should be rotated disabled?09:40
bazhangNipa: hardware-wise?09:40
enoj_DonalR: well, I'm just thinking to screw knetworkmanager alltogether and learn iwconfig :)09:40
bazhangenoj_: a wise choice09:40
Nipalet me explain my situation: i have two monitors, a 15" and a 17"09:40
Nipamy 17" is my main monitor09:40
Nipamy 15" is a rotated monitor09:40
Nipain kubuntu09:41
Nipai've got both monitors working09:41
Nipabut my 15" isn't rotated09:41
Nipaand i want to use twinview: seperate x screen isn't the solution i want09:41
Nipaand if that can't be done09:41
Nipahow can i disable my 15"09:41
Nipaand use my 17" primary?09:41
=== faritz is now known as Awwfaj
DonalRenoj_ - I want to say that knetworkmanager runs as a 'daemon' of some sort.  You may find that things you set with 'iwconfig' change back unexpectedly sometimes if knetworkmanager is still hanging around09:42
=== Awwfaj is now known as AwhFuj
bazhangNipa: try to keep your replies on a couple of lines, instead of using the enter bar for puncutation09:42
SteamMachine Hi, I'm looking for an app that will allow me to plan the layout of a house/room. Anyone know of such an app?09:42
=== sam_ is now known as ssaamm4422
Nipaoh okay09:42
Nipai'm used to doing that, because i keep thinking i'll hit a character limit or something09:43
bazhangNipa: did you look at the twinview wiki posted above?09:43
Nipai'll have a look now, thanks09:43
bazhangno problem09:43
enoj_DonalR: so there's a deamon as well?09:44
DonalRSteamMachine - Gimp comes to mind.  have different objects in the room as seperate layers and you should be able to move, resize, rotate, etc. each one seperatly09:44
SteamMachineHrm. It's possible - though not quite what I was hoping for.09:44
SteamMachineI'll keep it in mind.09:44
ubuntujakie jest polecenie domontowania cd09:44
DonalRenoj_ - I quoted "daemon" for a reason . . . I don't think the term in accurate09:45
DonalRnone the less I've whitnessed the two 'fighting' with one another on my lappy.09:45
bazhang!pl | ubuntu09:45
ubotuubuntu: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl09:45
muchanicSteamMachine - as an alternative to gimp, a vector program like inkscape might be easier to use09:46
enoj_DonalR: Ok i'll check it out.. thanks for all your help09:46
DonalRperhaps if you removed knetworkmanager, than maybe iwconfig would work better.  I am guessing, because I still use knetworkmanager without too many issues09:46
Nipaokay, i've looked through, and come up with another idea: forcing the 15" to have 768x1024 resolution. what would that do?09:46
SteamMachinemuchanic: ah, possibly.09:46
bazhangNipa: test it out :}09:46
Nipaand if it fails, what do i do?09:47
DonalRnipa - well, hopefully you've backed up any files you've been messing with.  If it doesn't work, just restore the backup and you're where you started again09:49
Nipaokay. here goes09:49
steffhi, where do i find a repository list that uses servers from a specific country. now the list contains servers from germany, but it would be nice if there is a place where i can get a list over servers from Denmark. is that posible?09:50
ubuntujest ktos z polski ???????????????????/09:50
bazhangubuntu: you need to type /join #ubuntu-pl09:51
=== Merritt is now known as Merrittkr
DonalRsteff - I'm not sure that there are servers for every country.  Just stick with one that's fairly close to home and you should be fine09:52
ardchoille!easysource | steff09:52
ubotusteff: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic09:52
bazhangsteff: in adept, there should be a drop down menu, first which would list 'servers from germany', click on it and see whether it allows you to choose those Danish servers09:53
steffardchoille: i try, thanks!09:54
bazhangardchoille: does source o matic still work? It was down during Feisty, at least09:54
steffhuh, i'm running gutsy09:54
ardchoillebazhang: Not sure, I'll try it now09:54
steffi can choose both gutsy and denmark so i think its good.! :)09:55
ardchoillebazhang: Seems to be working here09:55
DonalRsteff - the instructions at http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic are pretty clear, and you should have no prob generating a list for gutsy.  BTW - there do appear to be servers for Denmark09:55
bazhangardchoille steff thanks! good to know09:56
steffyep, that source-o-matic thing is pretty cool, actually09:56
tmske__hi, after setting network settings manually (manual configuration), how can you revert to let knetworkmanager do everything automaticly again?09:57
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DonalRtmske - I think you just install / use knetworkmanager and it should just take over . . . I think10:00
tmskeDonalR: I chose manual configuration in the menu of knetworkmanager, but I can't disable those settings10:02
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bazhangtmske: do you have the knetworkmanager applet in your panel?10:04
ssaamm4422hi i'm just starting on linux and i installed gusty but i didn't want it to delete everything on my desktop so i didn't get the k screen  and now i want to download it were do i get it10:05
ardchoillessaamm4422: Do you mean the kde desktop?10:06
bazhangssaamm4422: when you say the 'k screen', what are you referring to?10:06
ssaamm4422ehm yes thanks10:06
ssaamm4422kde desktop10:07
ardchoillessaamm4422: If you are referring to the kde desktop environment, open a terminal and run: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:07
ssaamm4422ok thanks alot10:08
ardchoillessaamm4422: Be aware that it will download a lot of packages10:08
DonalRtmske - what bazhang said, and, what did you change in the manual configuration?10:08
tmskebazhang, DonalR: yes I have the knetworkmanager applet10:10
bazhangtmske: right clicking on it should bring up the option configure10:11
ssaamm4422it didn't want to it said it was already a is the newest version10:11
tmskebazhang: yes, but I don't see an option to let knetworkmanager take over, so that the manual configuration doesn't matter any more10:12
bazhangssaamm4422: are you sharing kubuntu with XP?10:12
ssaamm4422no with vista10:13
tmskeI changed somthing about wireless, but now I don't want those settings anymore, I just want knetworkmanager to work automaticly again10:13
ssaamm4422but it worked with my brothers desktop10:14
DonalRtmske - do you recall what you changed?10:14
tmskeDonalR: yes, set a static ip, but I've undone that allready, I've set it to dhcp now but that doesn't solve the problem10:15
tmskeI think I should uncheck everything, because it's like that in my wired configuration where I didn't change anything, but I don't know how10:16
tmskethere is also a button "defaults" but it's not enabled...10:16
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DonalRtmske - what version of Ubuntu are you using?10:18
tmskeDonalR: kubuntu gutsy10:19
HrastGood Morning.. Can someone help me to get my Note Pavilion DV6000 work fine on Kubuntu 7.10?10:21
DonalRtmske - I 'think' you should be able to go to the Network Interfaces tab, click on the interface you want to configure, click the Configure Interface button, and choose Automatic under the TCP/IP Address int the new window.  Make sure dhcp is chosen in the dropdown list10:22
bazhangtmske: the phrase work automatically and knetworkmanager don't often happen together; some reason not to stick with current config (assuming it works)?10:23
DonalRtmske - I also have 'Activate when computer starts' selected in my config10:23
bazhangHrast: you need to be more specific--what is the problem10:23
Hrastbazhang, I must start my Note with the acpi=off command.. and the soud seems to be "locked" with the mouse..10:24
tmskebazhang: because I switch networks a lot, and knetworkmanager did everything fine, untill I changed something in manual configuration, now I have to change things when I switch network10:24
HrastI cannot install the Nvidia driver as well.10:25
bazhangHrast: shared with Windows, or only the Kubuntu install?10:25
Hrastbazhang, I have XP Pro too.. but see, with Kubuntu 7.04 I had no such problems..10:26
WaltzingAlongtmske: so remove the ethx lines in /etc/network/interfaces, knetworkmanager should take over again10:26
bazhangHrast: what do you mean sound is locked with mouse--screen freezes?10:27
loshi the room10:27
Hrastit seems so.. supose you log out.. it freezes.. If you move the mouse, the sound comes up, and it logs out..10:28
losi would like to install gnome on kubuntu but not the whole desktop is this possible?10:28
WaltzingAlonglos: yes10:29
WaltzingAlonglos: install just the packages you need10:29
Jucato(although technically GNOME *is* a Desktop (Environment))10:29
losi just need it for some apps like firestarter to run properly?10:30
bazhangfor those less discerning tastes, that is :}10:30
tmskeWaltzingAlong: thanks, it works :-)10:30
tmskebazhang, DonalR: thanks for the time10:30
HrastBazhang, it seems so.. supose you log out.. it freezes.. If you move the mouse, the sound comes up, and it logs out..10:30
Jucatolos: then just install the needed packages. Adept will take care of pulling those in10:30
DonalRlos - 'sudo aptitude install firestarter'10:30
WaltzingAlong!info guarddog10:30
ubotuguarddog: firewall configuration utility for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.0-1ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 482 kB, installed size 1436 kB10:30
bazhangtmske: good luck.10:31
losi've allready tried that but firestarter after a while closes it's shelf..10:31
DonalRtmske - fagedaboutit10:32
SpinBosonanyone try KDE4 beta yet?10:33
emilsedghSpinBoson: yes10:34
DonalRlos - it has a shelf?  (not familiar with it)10:34
bazhangSpinBoson: yes10:34
SpinBosonWorth trying it? I mean, can I use it without it dying every 20 minutes?10:34
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bazhangSpinBoson: there is a current liveCD you could try, the compile your own one, not so sure10:35
emilsedghSpinBoson: applications are in a very good shape, most of them are stable enought to be used, but workspace (almost plasma) is not stable yet10:35
colucci__do you know where can i download a bi file in order to install divx plugin for mozilla firefox ???10:36
SpinBosonemilsedgh: So it's basically good enough to play around in, then go back to 3 for some serious work?10:36
emilsedghSpinBoson: im using mix of them, i start a kde3 session + plasma and application from outside, when i need something that (for example) plasma panel hasnt, i use kicker (i hide it)10:37
SpinBosonemilsedgh: Do you find a lot that plasma doesn't have?10:37
emilsedghSpinBoson: no, i found many things that plasma have10:37
emilsedghSpinBoson: but it hasnt some basic things, like system tray10:38
DonalRcolucci - check out http://www.medibuntu.org/10:38
SpinBosonemilsedgh: Odd - I'd think that'd be one of the first things they'd bring in10:38
WaltzingAlong!info mozilla-mplayer | colucci__10:38
ubotucolucci__: mozilla-mplayer: MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.40-5ubuntu5 (gutsy), package size 505 kB, installed size 1760 kB10:38
sjckWhere do i find my CD/DVD-Rom? media/?10:38
WaltzingAlongSpinBoson: why is that10:39
emilsedghSpinBoson: first thing to do for a major release 'is' libraries10:39
WaltzingAlongfoundation then cosmetics10:40
emilsedghi should say that i cannot wait for a working systray applet inside the panel10:41
SpinBosonSpinBoson: True, so app development can be done. It's just turned into a common thing for me, I suppose?10:41
Goodgamehave someone ever used http://www.debuntu.org/iptables-how-to-share-your-internet-connection-p2 ?10:42
SpinBosonemilsedgh: Yeah I bet. Do you like the other changes?10:42
SpinBosonemilsedgh: I'm just trying to figure out if it's worth (possibly) screwing up my system10:42
emilsedghSpinBoson: i love everything at there10:43
SpinBosonwow there's a lot of packages for it10:43
emilsedghSpinBoson: plasma is so cool, atm it does many jobs, except the basic ones :P10:43
SpinBosonemilsedgh: lol. go figure, right?10:44
emilsedghSpinBoson: why you do not try it?10:44
SpinBosonemilsedgh: did you install all the packages or just kde4base?10:44
SpinBosonemilsedgh: I am about to =)10:44
emilsedghSpinBoson: no, i compiled svn10:44
emilsedghSpinBoson: thats so easy10:44
AwhFujone of the rare moments where i need to restart ym ubuntu box10:44
WaltzingAlong!info guarddog | Goodgame10:45
ubotugoodgame: guarddog: firewall configuration utility for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.0-1ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 482 kB, installed size 1436 kB10:45
SpinBosonemilsedgh: svn = ?10:45
WaltzingAlong!info guidedog | Goodgame10:45
ubotugoodgame: guidedog: NAT/masquerading/port-forwarding configuration tool for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-3ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 124 kB, installed size 444 kB10:45
emilsedghSpinBoson: oh, the kde repositories where the developers commit their changes to = latest possible10:45
SpinBosonemilsedgh: oh duh. it's like cvs but different. I knew that =)10:46
emilsedghSpinBoson: yeah, svn is something like cvs10:46
SpinBosonemilsedgh: I've used it just had a brain fart10:46
emilsedghSpinBoson: no, there is a tutorial in techbase.kde.org that helps you step by step to compile10:47
SpinBosonemilsedgh: Cool, i'll check it out10:48
OuZohi, im trying to setup a home network with 2 kubuntu pc's, they can both ping each other, were can i look for help? thanks10:53
emilsedghOuZo: whats the problem now?10:58
emilsedghOuZo: so whats the problem now?11:01
OuZosmb:/ says it cant find any local workgroups11:02
OuZothen it sugests i could be behind a firewall11:02
OuZowhich im not11:02
OuZoor @ least im not aware i have any enabled11:03
emilsedghOuZo: why you use smb when they are both kubuntu? install openssh-server on one of them11:04
SpinBosonemilsedgh: So it looks pretty - but I can't run anything from inside plasma, it seems11:04
emilsedghSpinBoson: ??11:04
SpinBosonemilsedgh: So I've got it open in a Xephyr window. There's no start menu or anything like it11:05
emilsedghSpinBoson: hm, i open it in my kde3 session, kickoff menu is there11:05
emilsedghSpinBoson: also there is a launcher named 'lancelot' (which is playground), thats cool too11:05
OuZoemilsedgh: under "configure network connections" where it asks for "domain name", i take it can put anything but it must be the same on both pc's?11:06
emilsedghOuZo: i dunno about smb, but if install openssh-server you will be able to share files easily using ssh11:06
ubuntuHi all11:06
OuZoemilsedgh:  well i would like to be able to browse for computers on the network...11:07
ubuntuA fully-Linux network ?11:08
emilsedghOuZo: dunno, but openssh-server is reallyu easy to setup, you could use konqueror to browse and share files11:08
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OuZook thanks im trying it11:08
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SpinBosonemilsedgh: ooo I found kickoff. It's nifty11:10
emilsedghSpinBoson: yup11:10
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SpinBosonCan I disable strigi?11:28
contrast83SpinBoson: sudo apt-get autoremove --purge strigi-daemon strigi-plugins11:31
SpinBosonsweet ty. takes up way too much processor time11:31
contrast83SpinBoson: Or do you just mean temporarily?11:31
SpinBosonnope. It finds files, I know where my files are =)11:31
OuZowere can i change the braudcast address in kde?11:31
* contrast83 longs for a dual-core processor so he can actually use things like desktop search11:31
contrast83SpinBoson: Yeah, that's how I looked at things like Strigi for a long time too...11:32
SpinBosoncontrast83: What do you want it for then?11:32
contrast83It's still useful though, for things like searching through browser history, meta info (id3 tags, .exif data for pictures, etc.), e-mails, and so forth.11:33
SpinBosonI suppose so. All of those things have internal searches though, and they don't run all the time.11:33
contrast83Internal searches?11:33
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.11:33
SpinBosonmy e-mail program has a search, my browser does, my mp3 player does11:34
contrast83SpinBoson: I don't think you can, for example, search for a certain phrase that was on a web page in your browser history. Or am I missing something?11:34
SpinBosonHmmm that is true. This strigi thing kept track of all the text on all the websites I look at?11:35
reinholdRiddell: I just upgraded from feisty to gutsy and now korganizer is severly broken. In particular, whenever I start korganizer, kontact gets started, too. And second, the IMAP resource no longer works (originally, kmail didn't even recognize the groupware folders any more, but after fixing this, korganizer still does not load anything from kmail).11:35
contrast83I believe so, yes.11:35
SpinBosoncontrast83: I'm not sure I like that anyway =) But I can see its usefulness. If I was willing to waste the processing power, then yeah11:37
babinderhello! ho can i install under kubuntu 7.10 nvidia driver? with ubuntu i can install the driver with "one klick"11:38
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contrast83babinder: You can in Kubuntu too. Did you not see a notification when you first logged in about restricted drivers?11:38
babinderi've installed kubuntu befor one hour and i'm searching for it11:39
contrast83babinder: I forget the executable's name - I already uninstalled it. Try running restricted-manager-kde?11:39
babinderthere is it11:40
babinderthx - i try the driver11:41
contrast83That's weird that it didn't come up when you first logged in. Was there not even a little icon in your system tray that looks like a processor?11:41
contrast83No problem.11:41
contrast83Oh... Right.11:43
contrast83babinder: Any luck?11:44
Xemanthvolume change - and + buttons on my keyboard, how do I know what it tries to change?11:44
Xemanthwhere its configured11:44
contrast83Xemanth: Erm... Not sure what you mean. Are the keys not working?11:45
Xemanthye they work, they change something11:45
Xemanthnot volume i think11:45
Xemanthi can tune between 0% and 11%11:45
contrast83But not past 11?11:46
contrast83That's... strange. :-\11:46
Xemanthhda-intel is my chip11:46
contrast83They usually in/decrease the volume in 11% increments.11:46
Xemanthcard: HDA ATI SB and chip: Realtek ALC88311:47
contrast83Did you consult with Google already?11:47
Xemanthi even installed the latest alsa libs and stuff from source but still no go :(11:47
Xemanthi don't know right words which to use in google11:47
contrast83Ohh... That probably wasn't necessary. You may want to go ahead and uninstall that. I hope you didn't already delete the folders you compiled from?11:48
Xemanthmaybe fn+volume down and fn+volume up tries to change wrong volume settings11:48
funcrushwhat is 'Queue Track' in desktop-dolphin?11:48
babinderi think it's working11:48
contrast83babinder: Did you reboot already?11:48
babinderand now - how can i active 3d effects ;)11:49
babinderno only xserver restartet11:49
contrast83babinder: You need to reboot after installing nVidia's prop. drivers.11:49
babinderok - bye11:49
contrast83Xemanth: Let's try this... Open Konsole and run alsamixer11:49
funcrushanyone knows 'Medium System Folder' in gutsy?11:49
Xemanthcontrast83: already on11:49
Xemanthcontrast83: when i change volume from keyboard with fn+blablab buttons down and up nothing slides11:50
Xemanthfirst selection in alsamixer in headphones11:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lock - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:50
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)11:51
funcrushwhat mean 'Flip Vertically' in desktop-dolphin?11:51
contrast83Ohh ok... Right-click on KMix in the system tray -> Select Master Channel...11:51
contrast83funcrush: It's only for images, right?11:51
funcrushcontrast83: I don't know exactly11:52
Xemanthwhen i change from kmix mixel volume it changes pc speaker volume11:52
contrast83funcrush: What's your native language, by the way?11:52
funcrushcontrast83: Korean....11:52
contrast83Xemanth: This is after changing the master channel?11:53
babinderand now how can i active the 3d effects ?11:53
funcrushcontrast83: My  English is bad :(11:53
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babinderor how can i install compiz fusion11:53
contrast83funcrush: Were you unable to install Kubuntu in Korean? I'm thinking you should be able to.11:53
contrast83!compiz | babinder11:54
ubotubabinder: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion11:54
contrast83babinder: <FusioBot> Compiz Fusion Icon is a tray icon that provides quick access to CCSM, Emerald Theme Manager, and basic functions (eg. switching/reloading WMs or WDs). For debian sid users, it is included in shame's repo. To install from GIT, do the following: git clone git://anongit.opencompositing.org/users/crdlb/fusion-icon && cd fusion-icon && sudo make install11:54
funcrushcontrast83: ah.. I translate a package desktop-dolphin, even I can't insatll gusty cuz I can't upgrade and install11:54
Xemanthcontrast83: hehe, no didn't change master channel... it was pc speaker by default :D now its PCM, but still volume change with FN button doesn't work :(11:54
babinderok i try it11:55
funcrushcontrast83: I can't use so I can't get the word exactly11:55
Alarmcompiz fusion is something similar with beryl ?11:56
contrast83funcrush: Ahh, I see11:56
contrast83Alarm: Beryl's no longer developed or supported. Compiz-Fusion replaces it.11:56
Alarmoh i see11:56
Alarmdidnt know that11:57
funcrushcontrast83: I don't know why I can't upgrade to gutsy or install it :(.. sigh11:57
contrast83Alarm: Compiz-Fusion's the result of the re-merging of the Compiz and Beryl projects.11:57
funcrushcontrast83: anyway, 'flip vertically ' used in image file?11:57
Alarmcompiz doesnt exist either anymore ?11:58
reinholdDoes anyone else experience strange lockups (kmail, konsole, kicker) in gutsy? Every now and then, kmail will simply lock up for about a minute. AFter that it works again.11:58
contrast83funcrush: Kind of like turning it upside down, but rather than turning, it *flips* it, like looking in a mirror... Sorry that's not a very good explanation.11:58
funcrushcontrast83: these are left, 'Flip Vertically', 'Flip Horizontally', 'Mail as Attachment..', 'Open Medium System Folder', can you help me?11:58
contrast83Alarm: It does.11:59
malik_how do i start compiz in kubuntu 7.10 ?becoz its not starting by default11:59
contrast83But Compiz-Extra doesn't, IIRC.11:59
contrast83!compiz | malik11:59
ubotumalik: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion11:59
dennisvwhy is there no image editor in gutsy (eg krita)? it's not hard to install it, but I just wonder why it's not included by default?11:59
contrast83dennisv: OpenOffice.org Draw?12:01
funcrushcontrast83: well well u are very busy, I'll try resolve my self :) thx for helping12:01
contrast83funcrush: np, good luck12:02
funcrushcontrast83: thx12:02
dennisvcontrast83 you're right (although I prefer krita)12:03
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Xemanthwelcome back, me12:03
contrast83Yeah... I think even though Krita might be a bit better, it was a wise decision to only go with apps from one suite.12:03
Xemanthkonversation killed itself12:04
funcrushanybody knows what mean 'Mail as attachment..'???12:04
Alarmfuncrush,  to send the mail as a file attachment. as a file12:04
funcrushAlarm: send a mail which include a mail?12:05
funcrushah I see thank you:)12:06
* contrast83 respectfully wonders if funcrush might be better off trying to contribute in ways other than translating apps. :-)12:06
contrast83Xemanth: So now your volume keys aren't doing anything, or it's just still capping at 11%?12:07
Xemanthsame than before12:08
contrast83You set the master channel to PCM?12:08
Xemanthcontrast83: yeah12:09
contrast83What happens when you set it to Master?12:10
Xemanthfrom where does 'fn+volume up' and 'fn+volume down' read its settings12:10
Xemanthi can now tune pcm volume from kmix easier12:10
jesus_hi! does anyone now how to show the UUID of my external drive? its device name is /dev/sda112:10
contrast83Xemanth: The master channel should be set to Master. Did you try that already?12:11
contrast83Xemanth: Settings -> Configure Global Shortcuts12:14
jesus_please can someone tell me the command to show the UUID of my external drive? /dev/sda112:17
contrast83jesus_: Sorry, man. I have no idea.12:17
Alarmjesus_,  i suppose to have an id , it has to be a user. sda1 is a device12:18
jesus_yes but i need something called UUID to bind the device into the fstab (i think)12:20
Alarmthats the users id12:20
Alarmthat will be able to mount it12:20
contrast83Erm... I recently read something about partitions and such having their own UUID's. I have no idea how one would find it out though.12:21
jesus_okay... my two other drives have completely different UUIDs...aren they specific for each device? it looks like some kind of hardware adress12:21
contrast83jesus_: Are you just trying to make it so it automatically mounts on boot?12:21
Alarmwhy would this be needed in the fstab ?12:21
bob__can someone tell me if .gnupg folder in my home folder should have root permissions like mine does?12:21
reinholdAlarm: the UUID is the unique ID of a harddisk. You can then mount /dev/disks/by-uuid/YOUR-ID and have different mount-points for different external hard disks.12:21
Alarmdidnt know that12:22
funcrushwhat is 'Medium System Folder' in gutsy? somebody help me plz ^^12:22
Dragnslcrjesus_- sudo vol_id /dev/whatever12:22
reinholdAlarm: Sorry, UUID is the ID of a partition...12:23
DragnslcrBy the way, I found that in the first result from Google for "find uuid of hard drive"12:23
bob__should the .gnupg folder in my home folder be locked - anyone please?12:25
jesus_thank you dragonslicer!12:29
poison--mornin guys12:30
jesus_i googled myself and didnt find it! :-) must be the false search item12:30
Xemanthcontrast83: i rechose shortcuts to my fn+volumeup and down buttons, kde recognices my buttons but still no go :(12:31
Xemanthreally, really odd12:32
contrast83Xemanth: And you *are* able to raise the volume as much as you like in alsamixer, right?12:32
Xemanthcontrast83: yeah, and it even changes hearable volume :)12:33
Xemanthcontrast83: no12:39
Xemanthcontrast83: i read your sentence wrong :D12:40
Xemanthcontrast83: now i can mute volume with FN+Mute, but volume sliding ain't working12:40
contrast83i'd google around for the model of your sound card and "ubuntu"12:40
contrast83if that fails, try replacing "ubuntu" with "linux"... and if that fails, file a bug report. sorry, not sure what else to tell ya at this point.12:41
Xemanthblah :(12:42
Xemanthstupid keyboard shortcut :(12:42
|dthacker|Hi, I'm trying to set up kmail and I'm getting an "unrecognized transport protocol" when I try to send.  How can I debug this?12:44
nosrednaekim|dthacker|: smtp right?12:45
|dthacker|yes,it should be.12:46
nosrednaekimare you sure you have server right?12:46
nosrednaekimit may need a prefix of smtp.<domain>12:47
|dthacker|nosrednaekim: It's smtp.central.cox.net12:47
funcrushanyone knows why I don't have permission in upload page of launchpad (https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/dolphin/+pots/desktop-dolphin/ko/+upload)12:47
nosrednaekimare you trying to send it encrypted or the password in another way other than plain text12:48
nosrednaekimfuncrush: what are you trying to upload?12:48
|dthacker|In the past, the server has not required authentication...12:48
funcrushnosrednaekim : po_desktop_dolphin-ko.po   file12:49
nosrednaekimfuncrush: you can't upload stuff to the actual source unless you are a officail developer for that app..12:50
nosrednaekim(or a MoTu12:50
funcrushnosrednaekim : yup i see thx for helping:)12:50
|dthacker|adding login/pw did not help.  Let's try setting this account as default....12:51
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bosnianboyhi all12:53
|dthacker|nope, that didn't work.  this is puzzling...12:53
bosnianboygot problem with kubuntu 7.1012:53
nosrednaekimbosnianboy: go ahead...12:53
bosnianboydhcp... manual... nthn works12:54
bosnianboyblacklist inet6...12:54
funcrushanyway, everybody have a good day:) cya12:54
bosnianboy /etc/init.d/networking restart12:54
nosrednaekimbosnianboy: what chipset is it?12:55
bosnianboylspci ?12:55
nosrednaekimbosnianboy: via's should work...12:56
bosnianboyshould... but I wouldn be here...12:56
nosrednaekimbosnianboy: does ifconfig show it?12:57
bosnianboyshow what ?12:57
nosrednaekimthe interface12:59
rohani read in a review that i can use a bluetooth mobile to lock kde. how do i do that on kubuntu ?13:02
nosrednaekimnoooo clue13:03
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bosnianboyhow do I uninstall avahi ?13:03
nosrednaekimbosnianboy: I think its part of zeroconf13:07
downixOk, Windows just lost the last reason I ran a copy13:07
downixKubuntu just sucessfully ran my game13:08
rohandownix: and that was ?13:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ahavi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about avahi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:08
downixrohan: City of Heroes, on Wine13:08
downixran twice as fast on the same hardware, and looked slicker13:10
downix(literally twice as fast, went from 16fps to 32fps)13:10
SpinBosondownix: That's awesome you got it to work13:11
SpinBosondownix: I've yet to try WoW on it13:11
downixI tried WoW before, after CoH it felt like a major step backwards.13:11
downixWoW == EQ with prettier graphics to me13:12
downixBut, to each their own13:13
bosnianboyapt-get remove avahi-daemon ... network-manager... bla bla bla13:13
downixthere's a reason why EQ is still played after all these years13:13
bosnianboyremind me never to use kubuntu again...13:14
downixbosnianboy: hrm?13:14
downixWhy didn't he just use add/remove programs?13:14
SpinBosonI asked this earlier but I dont know if the person is still here: anyone check out kde4?13:17
LynoureSpinBoson: it's there, but not officially supported by Kubuntu yet.13:18
SpinBosonLynoure: I know. I'm just wondering if anyone's used it13:19
boubbini have keyboard with intehrated media buttons, but kmix has binded the volumebutton to its volumecontrol's, id like it to unbind it so i can bind the buttons to affect amarok instead.13:20
LynoureSpinBoson: I don't because many of my fave things are not ported to QT4 yet, so I cannot bother.13:21
LynoureSpinBoson: try on #kde4, I bet one exists13:22
emilsedghwe should have a #kubuntu-kde4 channel too!13:22
SpinBosonemilsedgh: Ha it was you i was talking to =)  I was going to ask - all you did was build the svn version right? the 4.0 beta?13:23
emilsedghsvn versions are not beta or alpha o foo...they are like r<revisionNumber> were the revision number is the number of the last commit13:24
poison--anyone used a barcode printer with gutsy?13:24
emilsedghi have r73333513:24
Jucatoemilsedgh: unless he gets from tags/ instead of trunk/... then there are alphas and betas...13:24
emilsedghJucato_: then thats not called 'svn', is that?13:25
Jucatobut then what's the point of building from SVN :)13:25
|dthacker|argh.  removing the server name didn't help.  what does this smtp server want?13:25
Jucatoemilsedgh: it's still SVN13:25
SpinBosonemilsedgh: I tried building the 4.0 beta at http://download.kde.org/unstable/3.95/src/platform/kdebase-runtime-3.95.0.tar.bz2 etc. But it complains that it needs a bunch of other stuff13:25
yavirkubuntu gutsy + compiz-fusion = problems with kicker. it crashes sometimes. is it normal?13:25
emilsedghJucato: sure thats 'svn' but thats not 'svn', you know what do ie mean?! :P13:25
Jucatoemilsedgh: svn has three main branches: tags (milestone releases), branches, and trunk (main development)... but I now you know that already :P13:25
nico_kde suck13:26
nico_konqueror doesn't allow me to browse internet, why?13:27
SpinBosonemilsedgh: How do find out what version I'm building?13:27
nico_it's seem like it is off line13:27
yavirbecause kde sucks, you've already said that13:27
emilsedghSpinBoson: follow this: http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/KDE413:28
nico_yes but i'm using konversation and it work13:28
downixI love KDE13:28
downixalmost as much as E13:28
nico_E? Enlightment?13:28
infosistemhi all13:28
yavirE - Explorer... ^D13:28
SpinBosonE is nifty also13:29
SpinBosonvery pretty13:29
SpinBosonemilsedgh: that's what I'm following =)13:29
downixused it since 0.1413:29
victoramalguem fala portugues?13:29
Jucato!pt | victoram13:29
ubotuvictoram: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.13:29
nico_(this is a try) ciao13:29
emilsedghSpinBoson: so go to your src/kdelibs and type svn info13:30
nico_anybody speak italian?13:30
Jucatoubotu: tell nico_ about it13:30
yaviranybody speak chinese13:30
nico_speak or speaCk?13:31
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:31
SpinBoson733480, apparently13:31
Jucato!it | nico_13:31
ubotunico_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:31
jussi01Hmmm, got a small issue, wondering if someone knows how to fix it. If unplug the power cord on my laptop, the screen dims a bit - this is good, it saves battery etc. However, when i plug back in the screen does not brighten back up - and I cannot find a way to do so. The only thing that works is to resart. anyone got a fix?13:31
Xemanthyavir: do you mean can anybody write chinese? or understand chinese13:32
yavirthat was just for fun..13:32
yavirdoes anybody know whta to do with that damn kicker, i'm tired of CTRL+ALT+BCKSPC to fix that..13:34
tuxwulfI do13:34
SpinBosonMmmm compiling kde4 is sloooooow =)13:34
yavirno problems with kwin. jusy with compiz13:34
JucatoSpinBoson: you're compiling something big. of course it's slower than compiling a single app :)13:35
emilsedghjussio1: what happens if you press fn+<up>/<down> (or pageup/pagedown instead?13:35
yavirtuxwulf, what i need to do?13:35
SpinBosonI know that =) I've done all this before, it's just time-consuming =)13:35
JucatoSpinBoson: but if you have ever tried to compile something like openoffice or firefox...13:35
SpinBosonI've compiled kernels etc13:35
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Jucatobah. still not the same :)13:36
tuxwulfyavir: What is the Chinese question?13:36
Jucatokernels are smaller (depending on how you've configured it)13:36
MementoMoriwhen I plug my webcam ubuntu loads a kernel module, I want to develop a my own driver so I dont want it to loads the module. How can I tell it to makes its own business?13:36
emilsedghJucato: you have svn?13:37
Jucatonot right now13:37
yaviraaa.. it was just a joke, i don't speak chinese well. just a couple of phrase like "nihao", "zhe shi...", "yi, er,san ,si..."13:37
emilsedghJucato: get it and join us in #kde4-krush on saturdays13:38
emilsedghJucato: i was excepting to see you there13:38
* Jucato is too busy doing something else..13:38
JucatoI would have loved to... but I have some reasons :)13:38
tuxwulfyavir: ...Cool....that will get you around qute well...13:38
emilsedghJucato: so i hope that you will get enough time soon13:39
Jucatoprobably by december ;)13:39
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yavirare form there or just know chinese lang?13:41
tuxwulfyavir : just studied Chinese13:41
studenthi all13:41
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ProrokAny polish here?13:42
yavirhave you ever been there?13:43
Jucato!pl | Prorok13:43
ubotuProrok: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl13:43
SpinBosonyavir: I have13:43
ProrokIn poland?13:43
SpinBosonOooo done building kdelibs! on to the next....13:43
malik_i have installed compiz and its emerald theme manager without any error msgz and downloaded some themes into but i still can figure out how to enable or start using those themes plus cube effect is not happening............................can any one help?13:43
yavirwhere actually?13:44
ProrokKraków, Crocow13:44
tuxwulfyavir > .. me...?13:44
SpinBosonyavir: Sichuan, Beijing and Shanghai13:44
downixThe only thing I miss with Konq is flash13:44
Lynouremy konq has flash, I'm pretty sure.. (not home, so cannot check)13:45
Jucatodownix: hmm?13:45
|dthacker|Is there a way to get the actual dialogue between kmail and the mail server?  Can I enable a log somewhere?13:45
yavir<malik_>: you need to set @horizontal virtual size in general options to at least 4 to get the cube13:45
Prorokdamm kubuntu, I don't get it ;p13:45
downixLynoure:  not seeing any of my usual flash sites working, such as Pandora13:45
Proroki like windows xp :D13:45
Jucatodownix: have you installed flashplugin-nonfree already?13:46
downixJucato: not yet13:46
downixProrok:  nobody's forcing you to run Kubuntu if you don't want to13:46
yavirmalik_: general ->Desktop Size13:46
Jucatodownix: then that's the reason why you don't have Flash working13:46
garrymalik: I haven't tried to do the 3d desktop, but in MandrivaOne the command to swing it was either Ctrl+Alt+left/right or Alt+left/right.. Something like that.. Assuming you've got it installed.. 8^)13:47
ProrokI know that ^^ but i am on lesson now, (inforatics) and I must run Kubuntu ^^13:47
LynoureProrok: you can use whatever you wish, just don't come here trolling about it13:47
studentjazda z kurwami13:47
yavirSpinBoson: lucky:) I 've been only to Dalian13:48
Prorokkto następny?13:48
nico__why i can access internet only with konversation?13:48
yavirits a doom13:49
nico__konqueror and akregator doesn work13:49
JucatoProrok: English only in here please13:49
|dthacker|nico_: what happens if you try to go to google with konqueror?13:49
ProrokGee, i get baned in 3 sec13:49
malik_yavir: how do i do that?....i didnt really get what u mean......im just a newbie13:49
ProrokKiss my ASS.13:49
downixjucato:  trying now to figure out how to install it13:50
JucatoProrok: stop that13:50
nico__|dthacker|: Could not connect to host http://www.google.com/.13:50
ProrokOr what...?13:50
Jucatodownix: just "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"13:50
Jucatodownix: or use Adept Manager13:50
MementoMorinico__: apri una konsole e  prova un ping13:50
yavirhmm.. press K menu, then Settings->Advanced Destop Effect.... there you need to choose Genral section in the top of the page13:50
ProrokBla bla bla.. You will never catch me...13:50
JucatoProrok: please behave or leave. this channel is for Kubuntu user support (in English)13:51
Prorokfuck you. bb13:51
tuxwulfWhich bringd up a question I have been meaning to ask...13:51
nico__MementoMori: ping work well in console13:51
tuxwulfIs it possible to ignore ppl here ...?13:51
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Jucatotuxwulf: no need to. he's gone13:52
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Jucatotuxwulf: you can also right-click on a nick and select Ignore13:52
downixgot an error, which told me the solution, there we go13:52
nico__MementoMori: non posso chattare in prv perche non sono registrato a quanto pare13:52
tuxwulfJucato > Check ...! Thanks!13:52
MementoMorinico__: join here #xxxxxxxxx13:53
yavirmalik: set these params as i wrote, then turn on "Destop Cube" and "Rotate Cube". after that you need only to press Ctrl+Alt+ plus mouse button 1 and try to rotate you cube13:54
yavirbye everyone13:55
hansenany fortran users here? (no jokes please :)13:58
* Jucato thinks they'd be in #fortran if it exists :)13:59
SpinBosonhansen: yup13:59
hansenmy problem is specific to the gutsy gfortran packages13:59
hansenInstall "g77" and you get gcc-3.4+g77-3.4, install "gfortran" and you get gcc-4.2+gfortran-4.2. The default gcc is 4.1.3, ie. none of the ones you get with the fortran packages14:00
xtaticdoes anybody here knows how to hack? For Example.. To Join from Your Pc To Another Pc Without The Other Person Knowing...14:00
downixxtatic:  to hack is to modify programming.  You're talking about cracking, not hacking.14:00
hansenso to get a fortran compiler that matches the 4.1.3 gcc that is the default compiler, I have to install gfortran-4.1 (which provides a g77 binary and not a gfortran binary to make the joke complete)14:00
hansenany idea why it's so messy?14:01
Jucatoxtatic: 1. That's cracking as downix said, and 2. we don't condone illegal activities here14:01
downixxtatic:  if you're going to go to random channels at least get the terminology right.14:01
SpinBosonhansen: No idea why it's so messy, but does it really matter? I use f95 which works... do you need a specific compiler for a specific purpose?14:01
xtatici was just kidding..14:01
downixok, installed the flashplayer and konq still doesn't show flash14:02
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_Shade_how do i determine iwhether my cpu's 64 bit or not?14:02
bazhangwhat'd I miss?14:02
Jucatodownix: in Konqueror, Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> Plugins -> Scan for new plugins button14:02
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)14:02
downix_shade_: which CPU do you have?14:02
hansenSpinBoson: problem is linking. I have a mixed C/C++/FORTRAN project. the fortran stuff is build into a static lib and in the end it's linked together with everything else. g++ is used for linking14:02
malik__hello ppl again, cant seem to get emarald theme manager in kubuntu to use any of the themes its showing that it has, how do i go around that?14:02
xtaticlook its my first time here Plus its my first time using linux... so shine some light to me ... what does linux Kubuntu do?14:03
SpinBosonhansen: sec brb14:03
hansenSpinBoson: and the version of the g++ used for linking determines the version of libgfortran that it links to, and here it breaks if the version dont match14:03
Jucato!kubuntu > xtatic14:03
bazhangxtatic: what do you want it to do? pretty everything windows and mac do, only better and faster :}14:03
Jucatoxtatic: read the message the bot sent you14:03
downixjucato:  Man I've lived in CLI for too long....14:03
SpinBosonhansen: Force it to use a specific version14:03
Jucatodownix: come into the light!!! :D14:03
downixxtatic:  Anything you want it to if you give it enough time.14:03
_Shade_downix: an intel cpu here14:04
bazhanghaha Quo Vadis Jucato? :}14:04
hansenSpinBoson: how do I do that? the libgfortran.so symlink is inside the version-specific subdir of /use/lib/gcc/14:04
endo602question: i get "can't get /etc/mtab~ lock filesmbmount failed: 1" when mounting from fstab14:04
Jucatobazhang: :P14:04
downix_Shade_: then likely 32-bit unless you have a Xeon.  The Core/Pentium 64-bit modes are not worth the effort in my experience.14:04
xtatictnx guys14:04
_Shade_downix: Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual  CPU  E2140  @ 1.60GHz14:04
endo602someone know that issue14:05
downix_Shade_: you *have* a 64-bit mode with it, but performance is hardly optimal.  I have the same CPU, and performance in 64-bit mode was worse than 32-bit mode.14:05
hansenok, with default gcc/g++ (4.1.3) and gfortran-4.1 and all the other g77/gfortran packages removed it works!14:05
SpinBosonhansen: Do you know which version you need?14:06
SpinBosonhansen: Okay then =)14:06
_Shade_downix: so i should use 32 bit binaries rather?14:06
hansenI think the code is not picky, it will work with either f77 or f9514:06
SpinBosonhansen: f95 will compile f77 code14:06
hansenfor gcc-4.1.3 the matching fortran compiler is f7714:07
downix_Shade_:  I'd recommend it, yes.14:07
SpinBosonhansen: I just checked the other way around: my f77 is linked to 3.4.6, f95 is linked to 4.2.114:08
SpinBosonhansen: but gcc tells me it's version 4.1.3 hahaha this makes no sense14:08
hansenSpinBoson:  yes, that's the setup I had initially. the code got compiled with f95 (gcc-4.2, libgfortran-2), but linking was done with default gcc (gcc-4.1, libgfortran-1) => disaster14:09
AlarmJucato,  hello, yesterday i was asking about theme installation, and you mentioned about one file that i had to edit by my self14:09
hansenSpinBoson: but thanks for agreeing with me that it makes no sense :)14:09
Alarmcould you please remind me ?14:10
JucatoAlarm: what kind of theme was it?14:10
* Jucato can't remember either :P14:10
_Shade_and how can i check if the installed system is 32 or 64 bit?14:10
Alarmhad to do with debian, that it wasnt changing cause of on file (guess i am in the wrong channel :P)14:10
endo602anyone know anything about my problem?14:10
spawn57hi, do any of you know how to get compiz-kde in kubuntu working?14:10
JucatoAlarm: aaah.hm... you actually don't need to. afaik the kdmtheme manager was patched to make it work on Kubuntu... but in case it still doesn't, you need to go to /etc/default/kdm.d/ and copy the file there, rename it to have a higher number, and edit that instead14:11
Alarmwhat do u mean to rename it to the higher nunmber ? and which was the filename :)14:11
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JucatoAlarm: it's 20-something-something by default, copy that file and give it a higher number in the filename, like 30-something-something14:13
JucatoAlarm: have you tested the kdmtheme app already?14:13
Alarmok, i will do that14:13
Alarmtest it how ? well it runs, it adds the themes, but thats all14:14
Jucatoit doesn't apply the new theme?14:14
JucatoI mean it doesn't let you change themes?14:14
Alarmi can change themes, choose which one i want. but they dont take effect14:15
Jucatohow are you testing it?14:15
Alarmwhen i run again the theme manager , the checkbox "activate" is disabled14:15
Alarmwell rebooting computer or restarting x14:15
Jucatohm.. strange..14:15
nico__how can i disable view of backup file (for example for mytextfile~) on my desktop?14:15
Jucatook then, time to change it manually :)14:15
nico__i just want to see mytextfile, not also mytextfile~14:16
Alarmone more tip. you said "copy the file there," didnt mention which file14:16
Jucato<Jucato> Alarm: it's 20-something-something by default, copy that file and give it a higher number in the filename, like 30-something-something14:17
JucatoI did. and there should only be one file there by default14:17
Alarmin the /kdm.d there is no file at all14:17
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Jucato /etc/default/kdm.d/ ?14:18
Alarmnop. its an empty dir14:18
Jucato_there should be a 20_kubuntu_default_settings file int there14:18
Alarmthere isnt , i will google it14:19
Alarmin case i will find out i'll let you know :)14:19
JucatoAlarm: by any chance, are you on a default Kubuntu install? do you have kubuntu-default-settings installed?14:19
Alarmnot at all14:20
Alarmi'm on debian14:20
Jucatothat would explain it :P14:20
* Jucato wants to thwack Alarm on the head14:20
Alarmhehe, do so :)14:20
JucatoAlarm: iirc, I also told you to ask in #debian :P14:21
Alarmi'll do that also14:21
Alarmiceweasel is allready on the search as well14:21
xtaticsry from interrupting u.. bt.. what exactly do u do with kubuntu ..?:/14:23
tuxwulfplay with linux and kde14:24
bazhangxtatic: as many said before, what do you want to do with it? surf the web, watch vids, etc? same as Windows or Mac, just better :}14:24
downixxtatic:  On this machine I play my MMO and do work.  On my other one, I run a webserver and database server.  On the third one, my son studies for his homework.14:24
RurouniJonesGood evening all, new laptop finally arrived (Hurrah), installed Gutsy on it (Hurrah and shazam). All is working well apart from one thing:14:26
downixRurouniJones: if you say wireless I'll laugh14:26
RurouniJonesAt random times Kubutu decides that it is no longer plugged into the mains14:26
RurouniJonesand switches to battery mode14:27
RurouniJonesA minute or so later it realises it was plugged in all along and engages main mode again14:27
RurouniJonesNow before I start thinking hardware issues, has anyone had this on a Centrino laptop?14:27
heroshazam, eh?14:27
bazhangRurouniJones: thinkpad?14:27
RurouniJonesNo, MSI14:28
downixRurouniJones: I had the same problem on my wifes old Inspiron laptop, but that was while running Windows.14:28
RurouniJonesAlthough I just found a post on the ubuntu forums that seems to be the same (Reads)14:28
alessiohi u all!!!14:28
alessioanyone could help me?14:28
bazhangRurouniJones: let the battery run down after a full charge--then plug it in and recharge it14:28
RurouniJonesEugh, looks like it isn't just me, other MSI users are having the same problem14:28
bazhang!ask | alessio14:29
ubotualessio: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)14:29
alessioI've problem booting windows vista with grub :(14:29
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alessiook ty :D14:29
alessioi had vista installed14:29
alessiothan decided to install ubuntu 7.114:29
RurouniJonesbazhang: Is this a "I think this may work" or a confirmed solution?14:30
alessioin grub menu there's vista option but when i choose it to boot14:30
alessioit just restart my computer14:30
bazhangRurouniJones: this is accepted practice with a new device14:30
alessioi can't undestand what's the problem14:30
bazhangalessio: dual boot vista and Kubuntu?14:31
alessionot kubuntu just ubuntu14:31
RurouniJonesOk, I'll give it a go, althouhg judging by the numer of other users having this issue I don't think it will be the final solution ;)14:31
alessiobut i think its the same14:31
bazhangalessio: probably want to join #ubuntu14:31
alessiook i thought could be the same but i'll join #ubuntu thank you anyway bye ;)14:32
bazhangRurouniJones: this will extend your battery life--as far as the problem you have now, first do this, then see if it re-appears14:33
tzangergood morning14:35
tzangerI see cups has been updated, but I still cannot print ot a remote cups server from my local one... but if I tell kde that the only cups server is the remote one, it works great14:35
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tzangerdoes *anyone* have cups-->cups-->printer printing working??14:35
RurouniJonesok cheers bazhang14:35
bazhangRurouniJones: no problem :}14:35
RurouniJonesluckily with this laptop draining the battery should take, oooof 20 minutes?14:37
bazhangRurouniJones: :}14:37
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timritzanger: Had similar pbs this morning, had to restart the server14:39
tzangertimri: I've had this problem for 2 months now14:40
tzangerit's like the 'ipp' helper program is screwed14:40
timritzanger: Ouch! dont know about that, unfortunately14:40
timritzanger: Do you have some meaningful error mesages in /var/log/cups/* ?14:41
jjonesWoohoo, ok, internet works on new machine, how can you force adept installer to refresh the sources, since I am now online I want to see the online repositories14:43
bazhangjjones: why force them?14:44
timrijjones: Menu Adept -> manage repositories14:45
jjonesthe repositories are showing up in the edit source menu14:47
jjonesbut whe I go to the main pakacg selection it can onlt see the 1000 or so that are on the CD14:47
bazhangjjones: you need to disable the cd and enable the other repos14:48
timrijjones: And then choose "fetch updates"14:50
jjonesvia adept, or is there an easier way to do it (Like uncommenting a config file)14:50
timrijjones: Uncomment repos in /etc/apt/sources.lst14:51
jjonesJust has a look, already uncommented14:52
jjonesthe universe repos anyway14:52
timrijjones: then issue sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade14:52
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timrijjones: make sure adept is closed, though14:53
rgreening/joinh #ubuntu-doc14:53
timrirgreening: typo :)14:53
jjonesyep, that did it, thanks timri14:53
rgreeningyup. I can't spel14:53
endo602question: I can mount sambashare in cmd prompt but i cant get it to mount in fstab, please help14:58
tattersfresh install of ubuntu IPW2200 wireless works perfect with  wpa2 AES and 255 (64 hex) passphrase,,,,install Kubuntu desktop Wireless and IPW2200 Broke  :(15:00
tattersIs kubuntu poor mans ubuntu?15:01
timriendo602: For a quick gui solution: aptitude install smb4k15:02
downixtatters: no15:02
bazhangtatters: reverse that, then yes15:02
timritatters: Catch much?15:02
tattersY does kubuntu break ubuntu wireless15:03
tattersI love kubuntu desktop but it seems so unstable compared to gnome desktop15:03
timritatters: "Kubuntu desktop Wireless" - what package is that ?15:03
endo602timri i get it working in the command prompt15:03
timriendo602: Ok15:04
tattersI just installed kubuntu package nothing else15:04
timritatters: You mean kubuntu-desktop ?15:04
jjonesyeehar, thanks timri, that definitely did the job15:04
tattersyes kubuntu-desktop15:04
timrijjones: :)15:04
endo602timri I need it for fstab15:04
* timri is ssh-ing into a box that has it in its fstab... stand by15:05
WaltzingAlong!info kubuntu-desktop15:06
ubotukubuntu-desktop: Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.59 (gutsy), package size 16 kB, installed size 44 kB15:06
timritatters: Perhaps you just have to re-enter your wireless credentials in the kde network thingy?15:06
tattersIt also breaks my rt200, rt73usb and rt2500pcmcia15:06
timritatters: rt2500 works fine here15:07
tatterstimri  the kde network thingy option to enter passphrase are greyed out15:07
timritatters: whoa! that is indeed bugreport-worthy15:07
giuseppinuxbuenas a alguien que hables español15:07
tatterstimri u using wpa AES?15:07
timritatters: Yes15:08
timriendo602: Example: //sjoebox/archive        /shares/sjoebox/archive        smbfs guest,uid=smbguest,gid=smbguest,rw,fmask=0770,codepage=cp850,iocharset=utf8 0 015:08
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.15:08
tatterstimri are u using rt2x00 drivers?15:09
endo602timri that is what i do15:09
timritatters: Yes, the serialmonkey ones, iirc.15:09
endo602i get an mtab lock error15:09
tatterstimri with network manager?15:10
tatterstimri or rtutilt15:10
timritatters: Yes (Gutsy, didnt work under Feisty)15:10
timriendo602: I sortof remember a hal problem in kde (could not obtain lock on mtab, or words to that effect)15:11
tzangeroh hey15:11
tatterstimri with network manager or the rtuiLT15:11
tzangerI got remote cups printing working15:11
tzangeryou can't define a printer on a remote server15:11
tzangeryou have to let it find it15:11
tzangerthen it works just fine15:11
endo602what should i do?15:11
timriendo602: You could try using the nomtab param (it wont get recorded in mtab that way),15:12
timritatters: With network manager15:12
timritzanger: So you got it sorted out? cool15:13
timritatters: did you remove ubuntu-desktop ?15:14
tattersWith gnome desktop all my wireless works fine , if I then install kde-desktop it breaks , did you go this route or just install kubuntu?15:15
tzangertimri: yeah, it's a little counterintuitive... it clearly lets you set up a printer on a remote cups server, but it just won't let you print to it.  howver if you configure the server ot find remote cups servers and show their printers, then print that way, it works fine15:15
timritzanger: Ah, ok15:15
tattersno I kept gnome-desktop, is there any reason why i should remove it/15:15
WaltzingAlongtatters: when you no longer want it15:16
timritatters: No, just guessing some weird package conflict. By the way you do mean ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop, do you?15:16
timritatters: I did a fresh install, kubuntu x8615:17
tattersyah, I installed ubuntu cd then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop15:17
WaltzingAlongpure kde  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde   how to get rid of gnome or xfce to have just kde15:17
timritatters: Looks like you did the right thing. strange15:17
cschneehello, how can I avoid that new users need to change their pw ? Where can I set/modify this policy ?15:17
timritatters: do you have network-manager-kde installed?15:19
timritatters: because I just noticed a small depends pb that could result in your difficulties15:19
tatterstimri yes I thing it the network-manager-kde causing the problem15:20
timritatters: Tell me what you see when you right-click the kde networkmanager applet15:21
aUserOfIRCHelp: how to netboot a system with simple kernel such as ETH,VFS...15:23
tatterstimri in gnome desktop the option for wireless has completly disappeared and in kubuntu desktop the option change encryption allows me to put in my passphrase but will not allow me to save changes15:24
tatterstimri this is my ipw2200 card btw15:25
WaltzingAlongremove references to ethx devices in /etc/network/interfaces15:26
tatterseth0 and eth1 ?  eth1 being my wireless15:26
timritatters: fwiw, my /etc/network/interfaces contains only the following:15:27
timriauto loiface lo inet loopback15:27
timriWaltzingAlong: I do not really see how that could have introduced his problem, though15:28
tatterswell I will give it a shot ,, I woulda thought it needed to show in there to work?15:28
VermuxI tried to create alias mkdir='mkdir -v' in .bashrc file but it doesnt work. help!15:29
WaltzingAlongneither do i but in my experience networkmanager needs there to be no manual settings in order to work; feel free to make a backup first15:29
timriWaltzingAlong: Yeah, but why is the same networkmanager working in his ubuntu session?15:30
SpinBosonVermux: Dumb question: are you using bash?15:30
tattersWhen I use the network manager to connect to an AP where does it write the settings ?15:30
WaltzingAlongVermux: how about mkd or something else. otherwise you may get an infinite loop; 'mkdir -v' expands how when mkdir=mkdir -v ?15:30
SpinBosonWaltzingAlong: I don't think there's a problem with that15:30
VermuxSpinBoson: yes15:31
WaltzingAlongVermux: ok after you set the alias you could close konsole, open a new one15:31
VermuxWaltzingAlong: it suppose to tell me when I creates a directory, no?15:31
VermuxWaltzingAlong: right!15:31
WaltzingAlongVermux: my question is how does it know that mkdir is the command or the alias15:31
SpinBosonVermux: Yes it is. When you type 'alias' is it in the output?15:32
VermuxWaltzingAlong: but there is command that causes it to work right away but I forgot it. something with "source"15:32
SpinBosonVermux: source .bashrc15:32
SpinBosonVermux: or rather: source ~/.bashrc15:32
* timri has to go, bye everyone!15:33
jjonesWhat is the package name for the build essentials?15:33
VermuxSpinBoson: thanks15:33
SpinBosonjjones: build-essential15:33
eagles0513875what are the known bugs with cups15:33
jjonesThanks, I was using the plural15:34
SpinBosonjjones: apt-get supports tab-completion15:34
SpinBosonjjones: So you could have done apt-get install build-<tab>15:34
VermuxWaltzingAlong: why infinite loop\?15:34
VermuxWaltzingAlong: what is mkd?15:35
WaltzingAlongVermux: three letters you use as the name of the alias15:35
VermuxWaltzingAlong: ok, but what did u mean about the loop?15:35
WaltzingAlongVermux: alright so how does it not work? what do you see instead?15:36
jjonesah, thanks SpinBoson15:37
jjonesWelp, this laptop seems to think it is plugged into the mains, despite the fact it hasn't been plugged into since it started15:37
jjoneskubuntu power management + MSI = bad juju15:38
WaltzingAlongjjones: had an issue like that with my emachines, needed a new motherboard15:38
VermuxWaltzingAlong: it didnt work because I forgot to type source .bashrc or log out. I guess source .bshrc tells the system to use the new updates in .bashrc file?15:38
SpinBosonVermux: source just runs the script15:38
SpinBosonVermux: within the current shell15:38
jjonesWaltzingAlong: This is happening with a bunch of MSI machines15:38
WaltzingAlongVermux: understood. it should work like want it to work15:38
jjonesOthers are reporting it on the forum15:39
WaltzingAlongjjones: openbios to the rescue?15:39
VermuxWaltzingAlong: it's working now15:39
downixI am learning OpenBIOS15:39
jjonesI have no idea what that is15:39
downixjjones:  an opensourced version of Open Firmware15:39
WaltzingAlongjjones: the issue is probably a bug in the bios either acpi or apm15:39
kEEGAnhi my display has crashed how do i change my display setting from the command promt15:39
spawn57hey, has anyone run compiz-fusion on kubuntu 7.10?15:40
VermuxSpinBoson: the .bashrc script runs when the system logging in?15:40
eagles0513875how can i change the amount of video memory in virtualbox15:40
jjonesWaltzingAlong: Worth disabling acpi and rebooting, then try again but disabling apm insteadl, see if it works with one disabled?15:40
SpinBosonVermux: then you would not have to source it15:40
WaltzingAlongspawn57: yes15:41
WaltzingAlongKubuntu Gutsy is not shipping with compiz-fusion installed (or enabled). It can still be installed though. Follow the instructions for gutsy at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion . for more, ask in #compiz-fusion & see http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/ | spawn57, check here for instructions on how15:41
spawn57WaltzingAlong:  thanks man15:41
VermuxSpinBoson: does the kernel runs .bashrc automatically when rebooting?15:41
SpinBosonVermux: .bashrc is run every time you open a new terminal15:42
jjonesWhat is the command to see the current runlevel?15:42
SpinBosonVermux: even if already open terminals exist15:42
VermuxSpinBoson: its purpose is for alias?15:43
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox15:44
eagles0513875is there a virtualbox irc channel15:44
jjonesWaltzingAlong: If I look at the system services and see both acpid and apmd enabled and startup but not running currently, woul that be a bad thing?15:45
SpinBosonVermux: you can put ALL kinds of stuff in there15:45
VermuxSpinBoson: ok15:46
WaltzingAlongeagles0513875: #vbox ?15:46
eagles0513875WaltzingAlong: ty15:46
WaltzingAlongjjones: not necessarily15:46
jjonesOk, computer just shifted back to "Oh, I am not plugged in" mode15:46
jjonesand back again15:46
hyppolytusokay, so my friend has kubuntu and can't remember his password, is there any kind of password reset for it? I know how to do it on a macintosh, but with linux, I have no idea.15:47
hydrogenyou need to login on a livecd15:50
ubotuForgot your password? Boot into recovery mode. What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords15:50
hydrogenor into recovery mode apparently!15:50
vsudilovis KasBar incompatible with Compiz?15:57
Chrom_hi all16:00
Chrom_I Was wondering if there's a particular procedure for installing compiz-fusion in kubuntu 7.1016:01
Chrom_just apt-get install compiz?16:01
TimSCould someone talk me through setting up a new partition along side my current one with qtparted on the live cd?16:02
TimSThe options resize and move are greyed out, what does this mean?16:03
hydrogen!compiz | Chrom_16:04
ubotuChrom_: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion16:04
contrast83Anyone know what package one would install if they want *only* the GNOME desktop environment with as few of its actual applications as possible?16:05
Chrom_ubotu: thanks, I was looking exactely for that info.16:05
Chrom_oops I'm talking to the bot :)16:05
tekteenanyone know of any packages I can take off the kubuntu alt. install cd (like language files)?16:06
WaltzingAlongTimS: cannot move or resize them16:06
WaltzingAlongif they are greyed out it means you cannot move or resize them16:07
TimSDamn, so I have to reformat it.16:07
TimSSo I need to get as much possible off16:07
bazhangChrom_: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compiz-kde emerald16:07
WaltzingAlonghave you tried the gparted live iso?16:07
TimSNo, but Ill do it this way, it will be fine16:07
* contrast83 hugs apt-file16:10
contrast83The answer was gnome-session, in case anyone was curious. :-P16:11
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT16:11
TimSWhere is the sources.list stored again?16:11
contrast83  /etc/apt16:12
Centzcan any1 help me plz?16:13
Centzi have some question need to ask16:13
tekteenask away16:13
TimS!ask | Centz16:13
ubotuCentz: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)16:13
SpinBosonTimS: /etc/apt16:13
Centz:D thanks you guys are very friendly16:13
Centzi'm a newbie16:13
=== miles_ is now known as MilesG
Centzi'm trying to install kunbuntu now16:13
MilesGare there any professional programmers in here?16:13
Centzi'm using amd/msi k9n sli16:14
Centzi just dl the image n burned16:14
tekteen32 or 64 biy16:14
Centzso i boot it16:14
SpinBosonMilesG: I do program on a regular basis16:14
Centz64 bit16:14
[ifr0g]I am a professional HTML programmer :)16:14
Centzhow am i able to install it?16:14
TimSMilesG: Depends what you mean, try #kubuntu-devel or -dev I cant remeber which16:14
Centzi press the 1st choice...(use or install16:14
MilesGwell i just have a career question, i guess ill go ask it in #ubuntu-offtopic16:14
=== princecouengolez is now known as pan|c
Centzdo i need to use cd to boot everytime when i wan to use it?16:15
Centzi wish to install it to my hdd16:15
WaltzingAlongTimS: locate sources.list16:15
Centzwat shud i do?16:15
tekteenCentz: ok16:15
tekteenboot into it16:15
tekteenthen on the desktop there should be an icon that syas "install"16:15
Smackwarehi. Is there any channel here ment for musicians on linux?16:15
pan|chello. can you vote for my blog? anyone?16:15
Centztekteen: only the INSTALL rite? not the install/use rite?16:16
pan|cmy blog is nominated for blogger of the week.. anyone intesrted to vote please PM me.16:16
Centztekteen: it did ask me for a driver...16:16
bazhangpan|c: care to join #kubuntu-offtopic?16:16
tekteenboot into install or use.16:16
poison--does anybody have a workin smb.conf there that can share?16:16
tekteenthen click install on the desktop16:17
Centztekteen: oh...then i successful going in...16:17
pan|cmy blog is nominated for blogger of the week.. anyone intesrted to vote please PM me.16:17
Centztekten: so it does mean i need to install in the deskstop rite?16:17
llutzpan|c: stop spamming pls16:17
Centztekteen: thanks...what else i need to prepare?16:17
Centztekteen: such as the driver16:17
tekteenr u doing dual boot16:18
tekteen(windows and linux)16:18
Centztekteen: yeap i will but at 1st i dunno how to use grub so i directly use another hdd for testing16:18
tekteenon same cpu?16:18
Centztekteen: yes...but i disable the (window) HDD...16:19
Centztekteen: so i use another hdd just for kubuntu16:19
MaDiNfO_i have 2 sound boards where can i choose from each i want to use ?16:19
tekteenthat means dual boot because it is on the same computer16:19
Centztekteen: yes...16:19
=== francesco__ is now known as pincopallo
tekteenyou need to know how to assign partitions.16:20
TimSIs there anyway to create a list of every package installed on a hard drive? Or is there a pre-existing list somewhere?16:20
Centztekteen: ok let me explain16:20
tekteendo you have another computer so I can walk u through it as u do it16:21
Centztekteen: 1 hdd (windows) <--- i remove the power plug 2 hdd (kubuntu) <---have 3 partition16:21
Centztekteen: i'm a poor guy16:21
Centztekteen: 2nd hdd (1st partition) 10gb fat3216:21
tekteenhow do u get internet?16:21
Centzlol now i cannot install...i gather all the info 1st16:22
tekteendialup. or better16:22
tekteenboot the disk and then use the client built in to connect16:22
Centztekteen: can i pm u privately?16:22
tekteencentz: I am trying to pm u16:24
Centztekteen: i though we r in the pm?16:24
MaDiNfO_i have 2 sound boards where can i choose from each i want to use ?16:25
lovrehi all16:25
tekteencentz: do u know how to pm?16:25
Centztekteen: =.=16:26
Centztekteen: dunno16:26
bazhangclcik on the users name16:26
bazhangerr click16:26
tekteenwhat client r u using16:26
lovredoes anyone know of any extension or something that can help me download flash animations that appear on a web page, i use firefox16:26
Centztekteen: lol i did it man...16:26
Centztekteen: i can seen ur replies...16:26
Centztekteen: but how come u cannot c my replies?16:26
Centztekteen:  :(16:26
Jyzygzel-what do you need to be able to print with ubuntu?16:27
Jyzygzel-print with a printer16:27
Centztekteen: do u have msn?16:27
Centztekteen: nvm...i think my irc have some problem16:28
tekteenaol, yahoo, gmail16:28
Centztekteen: ermz...16:28
tekteenI am not an MS fan16:28
bazhangtekteen Centz join #kubuntu-offtopic16:28
slot_Hello. I have used Debian for yers now but I wanted to try something different, but still in the Debian style. I liked KDE, so I picked Kubuntu. Im currently trying to install my NVIDIA drivers, but the installer program is complaining about som glibc headers. How do I find these headers? I cant look them up via aptitude or adept. I cant even look glibc up.16:31
Dr_Willisslot_ what 'installer program' ?16:32
slot_The official.ø16:32
llutzslot_: use ubuntu-packages nvidia-glx....16:32
Dr_WillisThere is ubuntu packages for the nvidia drivers thats the 'reccomended' way to isntall them.16:32
slot_Oooh :O16:32
TimSDr_Willis: In kubuntu live cd I am accessing my hard drives and some folders have locks on and wont let me enter, why is this and is there a way arround it?16:32
_Angelus_i don't know if this is a "legal or illegal" issue but i find more as a bug. i have many playstation games which im trying to make a backup **not to copy** but **to use on a playstation emulator**. and K3B reports sector errors on all playstation games and its always in the same sector. any help? some other program that can do better? some guiede? thanks16:33
TimSI am trying to get my konversation logs16:33
Dr_WillisTimS these are Linux or windows drives?16:33
brentphi, i've upgraded from 7.06 where i had smp working to 7.10 where i now see this: http://rafb.net/p/YBVdp454.html  where should i start looking to get it to recognize multiple cpus?16:33
Dr_WillisTimS you may need to be root to access them.  Since the 'owner/user' on the live cd is different from your isntalled linux owner/user16:33
TimSSo it cant be done?16:33
Dr_Willisslot_ i tend to install the 'resticted-manager' tool and run it. and let it install them16:34
Dr_WillisTimS this is linux.. of COURSE IT CAN be done. :)16:34
TimSHow then? :P16:34
Dr_WillisTimS you are stumbling on a security  feature16:34
Dr_Willissudo cp /whatever/ whever16:34
Dr_Willisis one way16:34
TimSWhat does cp dp?16:35
slot_Dr_Willis: Do you know what version this driver is? Because i tried one of these "smart ways" in Debian Etch, and the by that road, far, far down it, I found a one year old driver :)16:35
Dr_WillisNow is the time to read a few bash tutorials. :) shell guides16:35
Dr_Williscp = copy16:35
Dr_Willismv = move16:36
Dr_Willisslot_ nvidia just released a new driver like this week. so its NOt the latest.. but its just a month or so old.16:36
slot_God good.16:36
Dr_Willisslot_ they work for my 6800 and 8800gts16:36
Dr_Willisor was it ati that released one this week? i cant keep up16:36
Dr_WillisGutsy Just came out  Oct 18th.16:37
slot_How do you tricker the "resticted" program updater device? :D16:37
Dr_WillisI run it with 'sudo restricted-manager'16:37
slot_It is self trickered on the first startup but I said no back then.16:37
Dr_WillisI may do things the hard way.16:37
slot_Kool, thanks16:37
Dr_Willisproberly an icon somewhere also16:37
slot_Couldnt find it.16:38
TimSYay I have my IRC logs :D16:39
slot_100.14-19. Pretty new driver. Thanks Dr_Willis.16:39
Dr_Willis!info restricted-manager16:39
uboturestricted-manager: manage non-free hardware drivers - GNOME frontend. In component restricted, is optional. Version 0.33.1 (gutsy), package size 38 kB, installed size 316 kB16:39
Dr_Willisslot_ you may want to isntall 'synaptic' if you perfer that package manager tool also.16:40
unpersonHi, I've been trying to upgrade kubuntu from feisty to gusty, but the upgrade tool had some errors and then ground to a halt midway through.  I'm trying to figure out what to do now.16:40
unpersonFor the moment, my system is functional, but I'm not certain it will continue to be after a reboot.16:40
brentpanyone have any ideas? i've installed linux-image-generic, but my uname shows its not and SMP kernel.16:40
Dr_Willisbrentp you did select the proper kernel at reboot?16:40
unpersonIs there a way for me to resume (or even re-start) the version upgrade?16:40
slot_I have always used commandline aptitude. But I like Adept.16:41
TimSDr_Willis: On the livecd whats the best way to safely remove a usb memory stick16:41
brentpoh. no. i'll try that. thanks Dr_Willis16:41
slot_I have never read about the synaptic though.16:41
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto16:43
TimSI cant remeber the cli for safely removing something16:44
TimSOh its gone :D16:44
Dr_WillisTimS umount  it16:44
Dr_Willisnote NO    N in umount16:44
TimSOh, diddnt know that :P16:45
=== hydrogen is now known as negordyH
Dr_WillisHeh - now we are back to the 'linux basics/shell/fundamentals' :)16:45
=== negordyH is now known as Hydrogen
Dr_WillisIt pays to learn the FUNdaMENTALs16:45
Dr_Willisand yes. it took me some time and a lot of twiddling to learn them16:45
TimSYeah :P16:46
TimSI have never needed to mount an unmout before16:47
Dr_WillisYou UNmount stuff you Mount. :)16:49
unpersonI've tried to restart adept, in hopes of running version upgrade again, but it says another process is using the apt system so it can't do anything.  After the upgrade tool stalled I closed it and did a kill -TERM on all the processes that appeared to have something to do with adept, so I don't know what process that might be.16:49
unpersonIs it possible there's a leftover lock file somewhere that just has to be removed?16:49
Dr_Willishmm.. Im on vista for 10 min this morning . and its allready crashing..  :)  time to reboot to linux16:49
TimSexcept its umount :P16:49
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »16:50
kelvie__is there a way to have kde auto-mount usb drives (with pmount or similar) like the gnome lv manager does?16:50
Dr_Williskelvie__ i though it allready did that.16:51
Dr_WillisThey pop up when ever i pop mine in. :)16:51
Captain_RedbeardWhy isn't KDE4 Beta4 yet not in the backports when all of the previous betas which has been far less usable has been released and announced on the webpage?16:52
WaltzingAlongCaptain_Redbeard: ye16:53
WaltzingAlongCaptain_Redbeard: perhaps you could speed up the process by contributing to the building of packages?16:53
kelvie__oh.. you need any special permissions to mount usb drivers?16:54
WaltzingAlong!info pmount16:54
ubotupmount: mount removable devices as normal user. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.16-4 (gutsy), package size 84 kB, installed size 656 kB16:54
kelvie__yes I know about pmount :P16:54
kelvie__does kde use pmount internally?16:55
kelvie__if that's the case she has to be in the plugdev group16:55
kelvie__I believe...16:55
Captain_RedbeardWaltzingAlong, I most certainly could :) I'm actually building them for x64 at home as we speak... My question was mainly if there was plans on adding them any time soon or if I should submit them myself16:55
NovellI'm trying to set up 3 different profiles in knetworkmanager, but it really doesn't seem to work. Whatever I do, I can't get it to set a static IP for two of the profiles, it just gets some old random IP I've used in the past, when selecting the profile with dhcp, it works as it should, starting dhcp client etc.. I'm using gutsy16:55
WaltzingAlongCaptain_Redbeard: then you could ask in #kubuntu-devel16:55
Captain_RedbeardWaltzingAlong, thanks for pointing me in the right direction mate.16:56
TimS2 cd drives has its benifits in live cds :D16:56
WaltzingAlongNovell: as in something contained in a lease already obtained? /var/lib/dhcp3/ *.leases ?16:56
NovellWaltzingAlong: for the dhcp profile or the other ones ?16:56
TimSI think im done with backups now16:56
TimSTime to reinstall kubuntu16:56
atlfalcons866how much ram is needed for kubuntu16:57
TimSWould someone like to tell me how to install it with a different home partition? Also, should I unmount my HD from the livecd before installing onto it?16:57
NovellWaltzingAlong: the static ones get a static ip I used on the switch/router network the other day..16:58
jussio1!home | TimS16:58
ubotuTimS: Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For mounting your home folder on a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome16:58
WaltzingAlongatlfalcons866: well it would work with small amount, i think the recommendations are 256 plus or minus16:59
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
WaltzingAlongatlfalcons866: sure17:01
WaltzingAlongnot the best user experience perhaps17:01
bazhang192 iirc17:01
jhutchins_ltYou'll get lots of swapping to disk.17:03
jhutchins_ltYou'll also want to turn off any visual effects in KDE.17:03
unpersonOk, I still can get the version upgrade tool to work.  It still says that it thinks some other instance of apt is running.17:04
unperson'fuser -v /var/lib/dkpg/lock' shows nothing17:04
SpinBosonCan anyone help me with 'startkde' dying?17:04
jhutchins_ltunperson: Running it with kdesu?17:04
WaltzingAlongunperson: so kill any apt-get aptitude adept17:05
TimSDr_willis: I cant umount my hda and I cant install kubuntu while its mounted17:05
Dr_willisTimS,  close all programs accessing it.17:05
TimSumount /dev/hda1 gives me device is busy17:05
unpersonjhutchins_lt: Yes17:05
TimSThey are cloesd17:05
unpersonWaltzingAlong: Already done.17:05
TimSCan I get a list of programs using it?17:05
x_linkavant-window-manager isn't in Gutsy right?17:05
stepz_what happened to the vmware player package?17:05
gnurph69I'm trying to install an FTP server on kubuntu - but using add/remove programs, I don't see one.  where might I look?17:06
Dr_willisTimS,   You just backed stuff up off of hda1 and now want to do a clean install?17:06
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd17:06
TimSOh LOL17:06
Dr_willisTimS,  so you  basicially want to reformat hda1 now?17:06
WaltzingAlongunperson: so how about removing the file /var/lib/dpkg/lock ?17:06
WaltzingAlong!info filezilla17:06
TimSDr_willis: I was in the hda on the cli17:06
ubotufilezilla: Port of the famous Win32 graphical FTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.0-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 827 kB, installed size 2176 kB17:06
TimSYeah I do17:06
unpersonWaltzingAlong: Yeah, I did that too.17:06
gnurph69Dr_willis:  an FTP server - not a client17:06
Dr_willisTimS,   then you can just reboot.17:06
WaltzingAlongunperson: probably lots of python scripts running then17:07
Dr_willisgnurph69,  ------------->       - See also !FTPd17:07
ubotuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP17:07
TimSI got it now17:07
TimSI hate dolphin so much17:07
jhutchins_ltgnurph69: Running an FTP server on your system is a guaranteed way to get hacked.17:08
unpersonWaltzingAlong: When I try to run adept it gives me the error about something else running.  And afterward the dpkg lock file has reappeared.17:08
WaltzingAlongunperson: yes i read that. there are python scripts running as the upgrade tools17:08
Dr_willisI was waiting for everyone to chime in 'dont use ftp, use ssh' :)17:08
WaltzingAlongsftp to the rescue!17:08
TimSdont use ftp use ssh17:08
gnurph69jhutchins_lt:  just need it temporarily and I have firestarter in place allowing access only from my specific client's IP17:08
unpersonWaltzingAlong: Ordinarily, I'd probably just reboot or something, but this is (if you missed this part) in the middle of a botched version upgrade, so I don't think the system would be in a usable state.17:08
gnurph69lol @ ssh comment.17:08
vbgunzdoes the Tangerine Icon theme break hard on Kubuntu for anybody?17:08
unpersonWaltzingAlong: Yes, this may be.17:08
WaltzingAlongunperson: so from the !terminal or !konsole  what do you see with   sudo aptitude -f install17:09
TimSvbgunz: Yeah It did for me17:09
unpersonWaltzingAlong: I'll see if I can find anything.17:09
TimSNot hard, but yeah :P17:09
WaltzingAlongunperson: ksysguard17:09
vbgunzTimS: thats a great theme... bad breakage :(17:09
TimSWhats the advantage of a seperate home directory17:09
jhutchins_lt!find vsftpd17:09
ubotuFound: vsftpd17:09
jhutchins_lt!info vsftpd17:10
ubotuvsftpd: The Very Secure FTP Daemon. In component main, is extra. Version 2.0.5-2ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 111 kB, installed size 408 kB17:10
jhutchins_ltTimS: Theoretically you can reinstall more easily without overwriting it.17:10
unpersonWaltzingAlong: grepping the output of 'ps aux' for 'python' gives only one result.  It's something about hpssd, which I assume is an unrelated service.17:10
jhutchins_ltTimS: Of course, if you have backups like you should that's not an issue.17:10
vbgunzTimS: you mean putting /home on it's own partition?17:10
unpersonWaltzingAlong: I can try your aptitude command and see what the output is.17:11
WaltzingAlongunperson: alright17:11
TimSI guess I dont really need it, I could figure out how to reinstall without overwriting it anyway :P17:11
TimSJust move it afterwards17:11
jhutchins_ltPartitioning just guarantees that when you need space, it will be available on the wrong partition.17:11
vbgunzI personally enjoy doing that so if ever I need to say reinstall, I'll link to my home directory but won't format it. then a reinstallation will go in perfectly without overwriting my home directory17:11
TimSI have a lot of work to do, I need to get nvidia drivers, compiz fusion and all that malarkey working17:12
WaltzingAlongTimS: most of the work has been done already17:12
WaltzingAlongTimS: you merely click a few buttons17:12
unpersonWaltzingAlong: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/43560/17:12
Dr_willisYep. that stuff takes me all of like 3 min on a new install..17:12
Dr_willisNot that i reccomdne compiz17:12
Dr_willisIn fact - i susggest avoiding it.17:13
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion17:13
hdominikHello good people of the world!17:13
unpersonWaltzingAlong: The short version is that it says I should run dpkg --configure -a17:13
WaltzingAlongok and running that gets you?17:13
unpersonWaltzingAlong: Ok, well now it's configuring all the packages that the (incomplete) upgrade process installed.  This may take a while.17:14
WaltzingAlongunperson: right. so after this completes, sudo aptitude -f install && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade  should finish the process17:15
unpersonWaltzingAlong: I think it was done with the download phase and was into the conf phase, so I considered just doing this.  I wasn't sure, though, if there was necessary cleanup or other stuff that wouldn't get done if the version upgrade tool didn't complete successfully.17:15
TimSBye Bye 20 gigs of movies and TV17:15
unpersonWaltzingAlong: Ok, I'm giving that a try.  I'll let you know how it comes out.  Thanks for your help so far.17:17
unpersonWaltzingAlong: I'm fairly comfortable with normal apt-get stuff, but I was just uncertain as to what all the version upgrade tool was doing.17:18
WaltzingAlongunperson: understandable17:19
WaltzingAlongunperson: you could use apt-get in place of aptitude where i had it17:19
SpinBosonI get an problem on KDE startup, it seems there's a fatal IO error.... anyone deal with this before?17:19
ScorpKingSpinBoson: what is the full error?17:20
unpersonWaltzingAlong: Right.17:20
SpinBosonScorpKing: Well I scrolled up to where I think the first error message is: kdeinit4: Fatal IO error: client killed17:20
SpinBosonScorpKing: I guess it should be noted that this is in a Xephyr window17:21
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ScorpKingSpinBoson: you using kde4?17:21
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ScorpKingi have not seen that before. ;)17:22
sysopjhutchins_lt:  okay, why doesn't add\remove programs show vsftpd as an option to install?17:22
SpinBosonTrying to compile it, yes. But this isn't just a kde4 error, I think.17:22
=== sysop is now known as gnurph69
unpersonWaltzingAlong: I don't understand why Ubuntu's version upgrade process seems to be more convoluted than debian (where it really is just changing your sources.list and doing a dist-upgrade AFAIK).17:22
ScorpKingSpinBoson: no idea17:23
sam__My usplash is too high resolution and my screen cannot display it (signal input out of range) How do i fix this so it works fine on my 1440X900 monitor?17:24
WaltzingAlongunperson: which you could do and which the kubuntu upgrade tool does. makes a backup of the sources, comments out 3rd party ones, goes from there. but i suppose has more checks for different packages or conflicts; i have gone from edgy to feisty by merely changing the lines in sources.list but for gutsy i ran the tool17:24
jhutchins_ltunperson: Because it's not just a matter of installing new versions of the software you already have.  Some of the packages change, like the init/start-up system.17:24
SpinBosonScorpKing: This is interesting.  I used the normal startkde instead of the kde4 one. It runs, and I get a mix of the two =)17:24
WaltzingAlongunperson: ^^ jhutchins_lt and i think this was the issue with previous jumps17:24
WaltzingAlongSpinBoson: so you are asking here for support on a beta build of kde4?17:25
jhutchins_ltThe script helps clean up config files and such too.17:25
SpinBosonWaltzingAlong: Nope. Just clarification of what the error means (which is not a kde4 thing)17:25
unpersonWaltzingAlong, jhutchins_lt: I see.17:25
WaltzingAlongSpinBoson: so a better place may be to ask in #kde as the issue does not appear to be kubuntu specific17:25
SpinBosonWaltzingAlong: Good point.17:25
perguntai have problem: i can't install any software17:26
perguntaall grey17:26
perguntaand i cant tick v17:26
ScorpKingsam__: google for grub vga modes and set it there. also look in /etc/usplash.conf17:26
ardchoillepergunta: are you running the installer with sudo?17:26
sam__ScorpKing thanks17:26
gnurph69bah!  I installed ftpd but can't figure out how to configure it - no man pages and if I ftp to localhost I get "connection refused"17:26
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ardchoillepergunta: are you running it as root?17:27
perguntai just log in17:27
perguntawith pass17:27
perguntaand give the pass to the installer17:27
perguntaand i cant tick any v17:27
perguntaonly remove17:27
ardchoillepergunta: So you can remove software but you can't install anything?17:28
ardchoillepergunta: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file?17:29
sam__ScorpKing: LOL my issue was so simple sorry for wasting your time i've edited my /etc/usplash.conf now and all should be well.17:29
ardchoille!paste | pergunta17:29
ubotupergunta: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)17:29
ScorpKingsam__: or maybe not. :P17:29
WaltzingAlonggnurph69: something in /etc/... ftpd or whatever?17:30
The_Machineanyone else have a broken miro?17:30
perguntawhat do u mean?17:30
administradorcomo faço pra instalar um servidor de email?17:31
ardchoilleadministrador: Italiano o portuguese?17:33
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:33
TimSDr_willis: I cant connect to the network, I have put the settings in, but no pages load, what is a default gateway17:33
sam__brb checking if my usplash works now17:37
TimSWhy does the KDE network not wor? I cant select Hexidecimal, only ASCII17:39
WaltzingAlongTimS: what are you using?17:41
TimSAnything I can, KNetworkManager doesnt find any wireless devices, and manualy, I cannot select hexidecimal17:42
tekteenanyone know what packages are not needed on the alternative install cd?17:43
dencryptGod... I LOVE kubuntu :)17:43
dencrypt(first time user)17:43
tekteendencrypt: dido17:44
WaltzingAlongdencrypt: tekteen: welcome17:44
WaltzingAlongTimS: sudo iwlist eth1 scanning shows?17:44
tekteenI am a long time user17:44
tekteenI just agree with the first part17:44
dencryptI've been sitting configurating kde for 10 hours and finally I find it home-like :D17:45
tekteen(as long time as a 14 year old can)17:45
TimSSorry WaltzingAlong17:45
_Angelus_is it posible to start an X server from a chrooted enviroment17:45
WaltzingAlongTimS: what else have you been using to scan? has it ever been connected? encrypted?17:45
TimSIt was a fresh install yesterday17:46
sam__I've edited my /etc/usplash.conf but my monitor still says signal input out of range what else can i do?17:48
sam__What's going on?17:49
_Angelus_what i mean is, im already in KDM , logged into my user, but i want to open a new Xserver from a  chrooted enviroment from console17:51
Dr_willisIm not sure that you can open a new Xserver from a choorted env.17:51
Dr_willisi wonder how it would handle the various kernel modules...17:51
jussi01hmm, anyone know the key combination for forward in firefox?17:51
tekteenis there anyway to make kdm look like it did in 7.0417:51
SpinBosonI dont think you're supposed to be using chroot in that sense anyway17:51
_Angelus_i want to run a 32bit GUI prog17:52
WaltzingAlongjussi01: alt+right arrow?17:53
jussi01WaltzingAlong: :) thanks17:54
WaltzingAlong_Angelus_: when you get into the chroot, use the -d switch i think to preserve environment details (like where the display is) then you can just launch the app from the chroot into the current display17:54
TimSI cant set wireless networking up, I dont know what it means by gateway17:54
Dr_willisPC --> gateway machine --> internet17:54
blackwaltztekteen: might noot be particularly easy, but of course there is a way17:54
_Angelus_thanks alot WaltzingAlong17:55
Dr_willisgateway ip is often the ip of the wireless router17:55
tekteenblackwaltz: do u know the way?17:55
TimSDr_willis: okay thanks17:55
blackwaltztekteen: probably comes down to finding the package that holds the theme, and changing it, I could take a look around for you if you want17:55
tekteenno thanx17:55
blackwaltzno? okay then17:56
WaltzingAlong!info schroot17:56
ubotuschroot: Execute commands in a chroot environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.5-1.1 (gutsy), package size 521 kB, installed size 1552 kB17:56
tekteenI need to know more what packages I can remove from the alternative cd17:56
tekteenI am building a install disk and need to make room17:56
_Angelus_WaltzingAlong: unknown :s17:56
TimSDr_willis: I have all my settings in, I know the usb device works on kubuntu, but it doesnt do anything, I can even get to my routers page17:57
WaltzingAlong_Angelus_: it may be -p or so. check the man page17:57
_Angelus_WaltzingAlong:  man page only tells --help and --version17:57
Dr_willisTimS,  if you cant ping the IP of the router.. well thats a sign that the network device is not set up properly.17:57
TimSDr_willis: whats broadcast?17:57
blackwaltztekteen: first place I would start would be the language packs/font files17:57
Dr_willisI forget what broadcast is. :) its always autofills in on my systems.17:57
tekteenwhere are they17:57
Dr_willisip.of.the.network.255 i think17:58
ScorpKingTimS: check the default gateway17:58
_Angelus_WaltzingAlong:  the one you said is schroot!!!!!17:58
WaltzingAlong_Angelus_: schroot -p17:58
blackwaltztekteen: search for packages with i18n in them and/or packages that start with ttf-, that will be some of the17:58
WaltzingAlong_Angelus_: sure, i prefer schroot over dchroot anyway17:58
_Angelus_WaltzingAlong: i was using chroot not dchroot :p17:58
blackwaltztekteen: for fonts I usually just keep ttf-dejavu and ditch the rest17:59
WaltzingAlongor chroot i meant, alirght17:59
tekteenblackwaltz: what is !18n17:59
=== mehdi is now known as QMehdi
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 18n - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:00
emilsedghtekteen: i18n = InternationalizatioN18:00
emilsedghtekteen: there are 18 characters between I and N18:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i18n - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:00
tekteenhow do I strip everything except english18:00
blackwaltztekteen: it's an abreviation of internationalization18:00
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:00
WaltzingAlongtekteen: a better place to ask may be #kubuntu-devel18:01
tekteenno one is home18:01
blackwaltztekteen: well, you have to do it for a lot of packages, for example things like firefox and openoffice have large internatlionalization files18:01
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blackwaltztekteen, also search for files with "locale" in the name, those are generally translation files as well.18:03
tekteenfirefox only comes with english :-(18:03
tekteennothing to remove18:03
tekteenwhat is en-gb and en-za18:04
tekteencan I remove those18:04
WaltzingAlongtrial and error18:05
dennisvenglish great britain and english south africa18:05
GuyFromHellHow can i get those darned konqueror gestures to work?18:06
tekteenI tried to remove linux-sources.18:06
tekteendisk lost all needed drivers18:06
WaltzingAlongGuyFromHell: used it in feisty? not working in your upgrade to gutsy?18:06
blackwaltzGuyFromHell: I gave up and used Opera18:06
GuyFromHellWaltzingAlong: new gutsy install18:06
GuyFromHellblackwaltz: eh, i wanted to try a new browser for the hell of it, my main is already firefox but i think i'm going to go "a week of konqueror" for myself18:07
WaltzingAlongGuyFromHell: then you should define some18:07
GuyFromHellWaltzingAlong: i'm in the settings thing and everything looks enabled already though and i unchecked the "disable globally" box18:08
Hydrogenuse opera18:09
Hydrogenits much best!18:09
GuyFromHellhehe convincing argument :P18:10
blackwaltzGuyFromHell: I'm with hydrogen on that one18:10
WaltzingAlongGuyFromHell: which mouse button did you want to use?18:12
GuyFromHellWaltzingAlong: 318:12
WaltzingAlongGuyFromHell: did you set that?18:12
GuyFromHellWaltzingAlong: right below the "disable mouse gestures globally" checkbox18:12
GuyFromHellDo i have to like, restart khotkeys or something?18:12
WaltzingAlongGuyFromHell: not sure what to tell you. i just enabled them here, forward and back, both working in konqueror. had to set which mouse button18:13
GuyFromHellWaltzingAlong: lemme try a diff button then18:13
* GuyFromHell ponders which one to use18:13
WaltzingAlongGuyFromHell: i set which button because #9 was selected but this mouse does not have that many18:14
_Angelus_WaltzingAlong: (<unknown>:7193): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:18:14
WaltzingAlong_Angelus_: firefox?18:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 32bit - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:16
WaltzingAlong!info nswrapper18:16
ubotuPackage nswrapper does not exist in gutsy18:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 32 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:16
ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.18:17
tekteen!info ndswrapper18:17
ubotuPackage ndswrapper does not exist in gutsy18:17
Rukus-for someone who hates messing around with lots of terminal commands, scripts and adept manager are the shizzle, but i know it doesnt compare to doing it yourself, but as long as stuff works, i donmt care18:17
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:18
_Angelus_WaltzingAlong: no , pcsx18:18
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nspluginwrapper - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:18
tekteen!info nspluginwrapper18:18
ubotuPackage nspluginwrapper does not exist in gutsy18:18
_Angelus_it does exist18:19
_Angelus_i have it18:19
_Angelus_sudo apt-get install nspluginwrapper18:19
* GuyFromHell sighs, "Okay i'll do a week of Opera then..."18:20
nosrednaekimindeed... it IS in the repositories18:23
WaltzingAlong!info nspluginwrapper18:24
ubotuPackage nspluginwrapper does not exist in gutsy18:24
Dr_willisya MAY want to learn to use the !find command18:24
Dr_willis!find wrapper18:24
ubotuFound: kio-umountwrapper, linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-386, linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-generic, linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-server, ndiswrapper-common (and 10 others)18:24
WaltzingAlong!find foun18:25
ubotuFound: command-not-found, command-not-found-data, libfoundation-data, libfoundation-tools, libfoundation1.0 (and 1 others)18:25
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:25
sharkphi guys18:27
sharkphow can I change the kicker text colour?18:27
nosrednaekimhey sharkp18:28
sharkphey nosrednaekim18:29
boubbinhow to check if nvidia drivers are properly installed?18:29
sharkphow can I change the kicker text colour?18:30
nosrednaekimsharkp: you mean the taskbar colors?18:30
dencryptIt's in /etc/environment you change locales, right?18:30
sharkpnosrednaekim, so?18:31
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.18:32
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org18:32
affanHi all, i am having trouble with the Adept Manager.... every time it crashes when i try to install something it says there was an error commiting changes... possibly there was an error downloading packages or the commit would break packages18:32
tekteenwhat fonts can I get rid of from the alt install cd?18:32
tekteenare there any that are not english?18:34
nosrednaekimsharkp: right click on panel-> configure panel-> taskbar->text color18:35
dencryptaffan: paste your sources.list somewhere (preferably pastebin)18:35
WaltzingAlong_Angelus_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins18:35
schisteOk got a pretty anoying problem18:37
schistejust upgraded to gutsy18:37
schisteand amarok is no longer working18:37
schisteas well as kmix18:37
dencrypthave you tried to turn it off and on?18:37
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)18:38
affandencrypt: i solved it... i wasnt agreeing to the JDK terms and conditions.... the check box was hidden way down the page.... thanks for ur help18:38
schistedencrypt: rofl yeah of course :)18:39
dencryptschiste: the usual apt-get remove --purge and reinstall also=18:40
schistenot yet18:40
schisteI was wondering if it could be because of my sound drivers18:40
dencryptI say go for it, and call me in the morning-18:40
dencryptwhy do you think that?18:40
schisteBecause kmix isn't working either18:41
dencryptschiste: well try removing them both, with purge and reinstall them.18:41
affanHi, to play videos in Firefox, do i need XINE plugin or MPLAYER plugin?18:41
dencryptand do a apt-get update while your at it18:41
fwinterelhi... i got a problam installing beryl... i have some graphics card that i can't find it's drivers... ati redeaon18:42
fwinterelsome1 knows where i can find it?18:43
fwintereland how to config beryl or what package to d/l?18:43
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:43
WaltzingAlongfglrx ati howto wiki http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide18:43
WaltzingAlongKubuntu Gutsy is not shipping with compiz-fusion installed (or enabled). It can still be installed though. Follow the instructions for gutsy at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion . for more, ask in #compiz-fusion & see http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/ | fwinterel18:43
fwinterelit's an old ati driver i suppose .. could i even bother?18:44
WaltzingAlongup to you18:45
tzangerquick question, where is the default language for kubuntu/debian stored?  I know I can just change LANG but when it boots, where does it figure out what the default language is18:45
fwintereldamn.. i hope it won't mass up my computer18:45
schistedon't work18:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sine - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xine - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:46
tekteen!info xine18:46
ubotuPackage xine does not exist in gutsy18:46
tekteen!info xine_ui18:47
ubotuPackage xine_ui does not exist in gutsy18:47
WaltzingAlong!find xine18:50
ubotuFound: amarok-xine, kaffeine-xine, libxcb-xinerama0, libxcb-xinerama0-dbg, libxcb-xinerama0-dev (and 29 others)18:50
tzangerif one wants to remove all remnants of anything that depnds on X, how would I tell apt-get ot do so?18:51
tininI can not upgrade to gutsy with Adept Manager. What is the command to do so in a terminal?18:51
anabelleHi, im really annoyed with the "password too simple" warning, i wrote this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=603994 and the answer i got was really lame, how can i make my suggestin a reality?18:52
Rukus-make a stronger password and suck it up18:52
WaltzingAlongtinin: change the 'feisty' to 'gutsy' in the sources.list but not the recommended way18:52
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gnurph69okay, i'm trying to copy a file - i am ssh'ed into the kubuntu box from a (looks around) windoze box using putty.  CD'ed to correct directory.  what next?18:53
tininWaltzingAlong and then do i do sudo aptitude dist-upgrade?18:53
WaltzingAlongtinin: then update and dist-upgrade, yeah18:53
tininand why is it not recomended?18:54
tekteenit brakes the machine18:54
tekteenI tried it.18:54
tinindoes Adept do something more than those commands?18:54
anabelleHi, im really annoyed with the "password too simple" warning, i wrote this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=603994 and the answer i got was really lame, how can i make my suggestin a reality?18:54
WaltzingAlongadept no but there is a special upgrade tool that does;18:54
WaltzingAlonganabelle: thanks but no need to repeat so often18:55
WaltzingAlonganabelle: maybe you want to check with #ubuntu18:55
tininI can not upgrade to gutsy with Adept Manager because it complains about the ubuntustudio mirrors beeing down18:55
WaltzingAlongtinin: also you should enable the feisty-proposed (pre-release) too, make sure you have all the feisty latest, then go to gutsy from there18:55
Rukus-i seriously despise ndiswrapper. i cannot get it to work. i have it installed along with windows drivers, was working whe ni instaleld it, but upon reboot it stopped working18:55
Rukus-any help?18:55
tininI guess I'll remove the ubuntustudio line18:55
tininWaltzingAlong I've done so18:56
tininI'll try again18:56
PoloGoombaI would like how to put the Wireless connection18:56
WaltzingAlongRukus-: ndiswrapper -m is it?18:56
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:56
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tininWhis me luck, I need to do a presentation for tomorrow18:56
Rukus-"module configuration already contains alias directive"18:56
Rukus-thats the feedback i get whe ni use that command18:57
nosrednaekimRukus-: "ndiswrapper -l"18:57
PoloGoombaI have put the log-ins but ... it's can't work (I have Gusty 7.10 in my Laptop)18:57
WaltzingAlonggnurph69: maybe you want sftp through konqueror or scp18:57
WaltzingAlongRukus-: and depmod -ae18:57
Rukus-driver installed18:57
nosrednaekimgnurph69: you want to use sftp, not ssh to transfer files18:58
Rukus-device present18:58
nosrednaekimRukus-: try "iwconfig"18:58
tzangerquick question, where is the default language for kubuntu/debian stored?  I know I can just change LANG but when it boots, where does it figure out what the default language is18:58
nosrednaekimdo you see a wireless device?18:58
PoloGoombaYes my wireless card is reconized ;)18:58
lg188WaltzingAlong hello :) long time ago18:59
nosrednaekimPoloGoomba: is it a WEP protetected AP?18:59
WaltzingAlonglg188: greetings18:59
PoloGoombaNot protected !18:59
nosrednaekimPoloGoomba: then why do you need a password?18:59
Rukus-demod -ae hangs18:59
PoloGoombai don't need a password18:59
PoloGoombaI put the SSID18:59
PoloGoombaBut it still can't work19:00
PoloGoombaThe Ip is obtained19:00
PoloGoombaand it's all :(19:00
PoloGoombaI go to a website and it's say a error19:00
Rukus-ok nonme of that got it working19:00
nosrednaekimdidn't it see your AP with knetworkmanager?19:00
nosrednaekimRukus-: what does "iwconfig" show.19:00
PoloGoombaThe Ip is obtained and it's all19:01
lg188WaltzingAlong i have WoW on my Kubuntu but i am not on it now how do i make a private server ?19:01
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nosrednaekimPoloGoomba: lp?19:01
WaltzingAlonglg188: ask google19:01
Rukus-i'm not sure what u want me to tell you19:01
lg188WaltzingAlong that is a good idea why do i not think at that ? :s19:02
nosrednaekimRukus-: pastebin the results of that command19:02
Rukus-it shows me alot19:02
Rukus-i dont have that computer on the internet19:02
Rukus-one sec19:02
Rukus-gonna wire it in19:02
PoloGoombaSoo what can i do now?19:03
nosrednaekimRukus-: no need... does one of them show something other than "no wirless extensions?19:03
nosrednaekimPoloGoomba: the IP is obtained? then its probably a DNS issue19:03
nosrednaekimthanks Rukus-19:03
lg188WaltzingAlong  taht is wy i like linux en c°19:04
PoloGoombaI don't know how to put the DNS19:04
nosrednaekimPoloGoomba: just a second..19:04
Rukus-i have a "windows wireless Drivers" app installed but it doesnt load19:04
nosrednaekimPoloGoomba: try running "ping"19:05
nosrednaekimRukus-: run "iwlist eth1 scan"19:05
PoloGoombaIf i haven't put the DNS i can't work anything soo19:05
Rukus-no scan results19:05
PoloGoombaSoo why do a Ip ping? ;)19:06
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT19:06
nosrednaekimPoloGoomba: it bypasses DNS19:07
nosrednaekimRukus-: what chipset?19:07
Rukus-broadcom 431819:07
PoloGoombaAha ;)19:07
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:07
PoloGoombaAnd i type where these line?19:07
nosrednaekimPoloGoomba: in the terminal19:08
PoloGoombaOk , i do that later because i've shutdown my laptop19:08
PoloGoombai record what must i do ;)19:08
Rukus-ok i am going to start over again19:09
lg188i like it to be back19:09
Rukus-i'll be back19:09
tekteencan someone help me. My preseed file is not working. It does not seem to be answering any questions. I pasted it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/43569/.19:09
snowdonkeyHi.  How do I SSH to a local computer in my network?19:09
PoloGoombaGoodbye ;)19:09
WaltzingAlongsnowdonkey: ssh user@ip19:09
WaltzingAlongsnowdonkey: through konqueror sftp://user@ip19:09
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snowdonkeywaltzingalong: Ah, thanks.19:10
WaltzingAlongsnowdonkey: maybe you want ssh -CX  for compression and forwarding X too19:10
WaltzingAlongsnowdonkey: and you may want to read about passwordless ssh log in19:10
snowdonkeywaltzingalong: is passwordless SSH like using a key?19:13
tekteencan someone help me. My preseed file is not working. It does not seem to be answering any questions. I pasted it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/43569/.19:14
snowdonkeyOk cool.19:14
Wolven_Pariah_UKim having trouble with truecrypt..19:16
Wolven_Pariah_UKneed GLIBC_2.419:16
Rukus-i am going to go freakin nuts19:17
nosrednaekimRukus-: :(19:19
nosrednaekimRukus-: did you read the sticky on the forum about braodcom?19:19
downixYa know, I don't get why I can't install mozilla...19:19
Rukus-i hate lots of compiling stuff19:19
Rukus-and i run amd6419:19
nosrednaekimRukus-: oh... are you trying to use a 32 bit windows driver?19:20
downixWaltzingAlong: Yes.  I apt-got it, but got an error19:20
Rukus-i dont know what i am doing19:20
WaltzingAlongand the error?19:20
downixno such file or directory19:20
WaltzingAlongyou did what to see that19:21
downixjust ran aptitude.19:21
WaltzingAlongsudo aptitude              then you see no such file or directory?19:21
nosrednaekimRukus-: I betcha you are using 32 bit windows drivers.19:21
downixsudo aptitude install firefox  then no such file or directory after it checks the database.19:22
WaltzingAlongRukus-: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx          and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NdiswrapperOnAMD6419:22
WaltzingAlongdownix: aptitude search firefox19:22
WaltzingAlong!find firefox19:22
ubotuFound: firefox-themes-ubuntu, mozilla-firefox-locale-af, mozilla-firefox-locale-ar, mozilla-firefox-locale-be, mozilla-firefox-locale-bg-bg (and 71 others)19:22
downixtrying through the gui util this time19:23
Rukus-now i cant even connect wired on that pc19:23
Rukus-fuck fu c19:23
WaltzingAlongRukus-: take a breather, come back later19:24
Rukus-i'm finbe19:24
Rukus-how do i connect wired now19:24
WaltzingAlongput in the wire19:25
WaltzingAlongrunning a dhcp server? sudo dhclient eth0 force a request to the server19:25
Rukus-are you trying to be helpful? or trying ot infuriate me further?19:25
Rukus-lol thanks19:25
WaltzingAlongyou need the right mindset to arrive at the solution19:26
Rukus-ok that works now19:27
Rukus-that amd64 wiki19:27
Rukus-is it fine for gutsy?19:27
bobirashi guys, how u play subtitles in an avi file?19:27
downixok, it works from the gui19:27
downixstill not used to using a gui for anything but web browsing19:27
WaltzingAlongRukus-: it shows at the top that for newer releases you can just install ndiswrapper19:28
Rukus-what do u mean19:28
frank23how can I get my wireless network connected using WPA at bootup instead of having to enter my password at the prompt when I login?19:28
Rukus-apt-get ndiswrapper ?19:28
WaltzingAlongRukus-: so with your card the choices are ndiswrapper and perhaps bcm433;19:28
Dreskenwonder if I can get the terminal to fetch me a cake19:29
Dreskenapt-get cake!19:29
Rukus-i'm rather confused at what you are trying to tell me19:29
WaltzingAlongRukus-: you can install ndiswrapper that way but then you need to follow the rest of the instructions (starting at "install driver")19:29
Rukus-so apt-get install ndiswrapper-common correct? and then follow ndiswrapper conmfiguration following that?19:30
Rukus-thats what i did before. lasted until a reboot19:30
zyntaxwere can i download drivers for g-force2 mx40019:30
zyntaxrealy need help19:31
KirOHi, is there any know bug on the installation of kubuntu 7.10 while "partitioning" the hard disk?19:31
TimSApart from the default wireless networking tool, is there another good one I could download, one that might work?19:31
Rukus-WaltzingAlong ?19:31
WaltzingAlongRukus-: wireless is not working, right? there needs to be a module (driver) that allows it to work. bcm43xx is the native linux one, ndiswrapper is another which just wraps around native windows19:32
WaltzingAlongRukus-: ok if it is not loading each boot, then19:32
WaltzingAlongsudo ndiswrapper -m19:32
lg188!galcking | lg18819:32
Rukus-how do i install ndiswrapper19:32
nosrednaekimapt-get install ndiswrapper?19:33
WaltzingAlongseems like you installed it already, should already be there. check it   ndiswrapper -l19:33
KirOSomebody knows what is happening here http://yokese.asubola.es/instant%C3%A1nea1.png ?19:33
Rukus-its not installed19:33
WaltzingAlong!find ndiswrapper19:33
ubotuFound: linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-386, linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-generic, linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-server, ndiswrapper-common, ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 (and 3 others)19:33
Rukus-you need to listen to what i need help on, and lets go step by step, if you throw down sometrhing thats helpful and i am not prepared for it, its not helping me. because i do appreciate the help but i want to avoid both of us getting frustrated19:34
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:34
frank23how can I get my wireless network connected using WPA at bootup instead of having to enter my password at the prompt when I login?19:34
WaltzingAlongfrank23: enter the details in /etc/network/interfaces19:35
WaltzingAlongfrank23: or with wpa_supplicant19:35
mike-kubuntumy disc mounting seems to me messed up in gutsy19:35
mike-kubuntumy laptop takes a while to recognize any cds/ usb sticks and doesnt mount sometimes, and my desktop just stopped recognizing usb drives, camera's, and cds19:35
mike-kubuntusometimes i can get it to go by taking them out and putting them back in a bunch19:36
frank23WaltzingAlong: where do I put the wpa password?19:36
WaltzingAlongfrank23: read up on wpa_supplicant19:36
WaltzingAlongRukus-: ok19:36
frank23WaltzingAlong: in other words RTFM19:36
WaltzingAlonglol :D19:37
WaltzingAlongfrank23: it would be in the wpa_supplicant config fil19:37
frank23WaltzingAlong: ok19:37
WaltzingAlongRukus-: sudo aptitude install ndiswrapper-common19:37
Rukus-ok installing ndiswrapper-common using apt-get19:37
Rukus-ok done19:38
WaltzingAlongRukus-: sudo aptitude install ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper-utils-1.919:38
WaltzingAlongthen you need the ms windows 64bit driver too19:38
Rukus-ah i see19:38
Rukus-i will locate that on the internet19:38
Rukus-one sec19:38
Rukus-aptitude = apt-get ?19:38
WaltzingAlongmore or less19:39
Rukus-what is aptitude?19:39
WaltzingAlong!info aptitude19:39
ubotuaptitude: terminal-based apt frontend. In component main, is important. Version (gutsy), package size 1507 kB, installed size 9072 kB19:39
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WaltzingAlongRukus-: then you can follow these instructions starting with "installing windows driver"  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper19:39
Rukus-is it better than just using apt-get ?19:39
KirOmay someone help me with my problem?19:39
WaltzingAlongRukus-: i prefer it but to each one's own19:39
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.19:40
WaltzingAlongKirO: or explain the messages in english for this channel19:40
Rukus-ok thanks waltzing along19:41
KirOok im translating19:41
KirOjust a moment19:41
KirO. WaltzingAlong ok, the message says "An error have happened while saving changes of storage devices. \n\n The size adjust operation was interrupted"19:43
KirOnobody knows what may be the problem?19:50
Rukus-it wont work19:50
Rukus-this is retarded19:50
Rukus-i cant get ndiswrapper to work with my wireless card19:50
TimSHow can I find out what chipset my wireless usb stick runs on, is there a command I could run?19:50
KirO. TimS lsusb19:51
unpersonWaltzingAlong: Well, I'm back.  I was letting aptitude run and had to go do some other things.  After running apt-get dist-upgrade a few times, it got to the point where it didn't want to install or uninstall anything else.  I then did apt-get install kubuntu-desktop (which had been removed at some earlier point).19:51
unpersonWaltzingAlong: That packaging situation now seems to be sane.  I think everything has been updated to gusty packages.19:51
TimSKirO all i get is Belkin Componenets F57050 ver 1000 wifi19:51
TimSI wanted to know if its ralink or whatever19:52
unpersonWaltzingAlong: Of course, I guess I'll really find out if I reboot.19:52
KirOsearch google for the line who has the info of the stick, maybe you'll get the driver info19:53
hhghgWhat have I to do when Kubuntu Live Ask me for root password?!19:56
hhghgI want to change and mount my partitions!19:56
hhghgMy System is down!19:57
unpersonhhghg: What happens if you put in no password?19:58
Rukus-npw my wireless connection doesnt even show up19:58
hhghgLogin Faild!19:58
Ze_Mcan anyone tell me an application to check wifi sinal?19:58
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KirO. Ze_M iwlist <device> scan as root19:59
KirOI'm going dinner, bye :P19:59
unpersonhhghg: Sorry, I don't have experience with the live CD.  Maybe someone else does.20:01
Ze_MKirO: it have GUI?20:03
hhghgThanks I found sth with Dr.Google I`m Going to test!maybe it work!20:03
hhghgOpen up a terminal and type sudo passwd root #-o20:03
Ze_Mcan anyone tell me an application with GUI to check wifi sinal?20:03
unpersonhhghg: That will allow you to set a root password.20:04
unpersonhhghg: Is that what you wanted to do?20:05
unpersonhhghg: (and setting a root password enables the root account)20:05
mkzwhere is it configured in gutsy to automount devices such as cd's, dvd's, memory sticks, etc?20:06
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_Shade_i'm looking for some screencast program for qt. Can you advice something?20:08
emilsedgh_Shade_: screenKast or something like that, google it20:09
KalEldoes kubuntu have a 'Startup' equivalent? how do i start certain programs when i log in?20:10
ScorpKingKalEl: link it in .kde/Autostart20:10
hhghgFrom what I find in net I understood(I`m not english maybe my grammer is wrong) that It`s not Active by default but the system terminal doesn`t take care and ask for a passwd that is not out there!20:11
KalElok thanks, ScorpKing20:11
tininthe tool for upgrading seems to have stopped downloading packages at 17%, what could I do?20:11
tininwhile upgrading to 7.1020:11
KalElScorpKing, also is it possible to set my screen geometry to something different from my actual resolution?20:12
ScorpKingnot sure what you mean. look in kcontrol20:12
KalEltinin, i had the same problem - it was solved when i changed to a different mirror20:13
tininSo I'll have to stop it and change my spanish mirrors I guess20:14
KalEltalking about mirrors, there seems to be a bug in adept - when i try to search for the best mirror it crashes!20:14
KalElso 'search for best server/mirror' thing doesn't work20:15
KalEland the kde remote desktop server is not compatible with knetwork for kde 3.520:16
KalElother than that my experience with kubuntu is smooth.20:16
tininAdept has always seemed very buggy and difficult for me. It is a tool developed for kubuntu specifically, and at early stages. Synaptic does not fail20:16
KalEloh it's developed for kubuntu? i didn't know that... there must be some alternative then? the norm for kde?20:17
dencryptI've been using adept 2 times since installation 6 hours ago :) Haven't made me cry yet :)20:17
KalEldencrypt, could u confirm if find best servder' works - it's in 'manage repositories'20:18
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto20:18
KalElit works fine with synaptic for me though.20:19
KalElunfortunately i got rid of synaptic when i switched to kubuntu20:19
dencryptone moment20:19
tininNow the distribution upgrade tool is workng again, It was just a slow server20:19
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ScorpKinghiya poison--20:20
dencryptKalEl: yes, works here.20:20
KalElwow that's nice :)20:20
KalElmeaning i might also be able to get it work somehow20:21
KalElthanks, dencrypt20:21
lordofthepigsHello. Is Gutsy supposed to automount NTFS USB HDD?20:23
Fleckhello, i think this is not just kubuntu releated, but knetwork manager just sucks ;( for example - if i have 2 networks, one home with name "foo" and another in work with name "bar", then if i don't turn my laptop off while drive home, i allmost every time have problem to connect to home network and vice versa20:23
Downixlordofthepigs: Who uses NTFS on a USB drive?20:23
lordofthepigsDownix: They used to be Desktop drives, and I shoved them in an enclosure20:24
lordofthepigsAnyway, do you actually know if it is supposed to?20:24
Downixit depends on which version of ntfs20:25
lordofthepigsIt was created with WinXP20:25
DownixGutsy handled my 1.0 and 2.0 drives no problem20:25
lordofthepigsAnd it mounts without warnings when I use mount -t ntfs-3g20:25
Downixtells me nothing, XP has used 2.0 and 3.0 depending on some whim of Microsoft.20:25
Downixlikely you have a 3.0 then20:25
Downixwon't mount automatically for some reason20:25
DownixI reformatted mine to JFS awhile back20:25
lordofthepigshow can I found out my version of NTFS?20:26
Downixyou could hex-edit the boot block20:26
Downixotherwise, that's about it20:26
Downixthat I know of, anyways20:26
lordofthepigsBy the way, is there any journaled FS that will be mounted by both linux and windows (other than NTFS)?20:26
poison--hi ScorpKing20:27
lordofthepigsI know ext2 has windows drivers, but it's not journaled20:27
DownixNTFS is journaled?20:27
lordofthepigsyeah, of course it is.20:27
DownixSince when?20:27
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lordofthepigswell... since the beginning I guess20:27
froggles_what does it mean for a file system to be journaled ?20:27
DownixI've used it since the mid-90's, it very much wasn't journalled when I began with it.20:28
Downixfroggles_: it's complex, but the basics mean you're less likely to mess up the drive if something goes wrong.20:28
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:28
Downixlordofthepigs: xfs and jfs both have Windows drivers I believe20:28
lordofthepigsfroggles_: It means that it will make sure that you can't leave the filesystem in a corrupt state without beeing able to recover from the corruption20:28
lordofthepigswell, theorically, at least20:29
lordofthepigsI guess NTFS has journaling since windows 200020:30
Downixlordofthepigs: I checked, NTFS has a journalling system, but is not a journalled FS.  It's journalled in the same way ext2 is to make ext3.20:30
lordofthepigswhat's the difference?20:31
lordofthepigspractically, I mean.20:31
Downixlordofthepigs: One has it as part of the FS itself, one doesn't, it's a service added on top of it.20:31
Downixpractically it means that weither it's journalled or not depends on what is reading it at the time.  Something not-journal aware, well, it's not journalled.20:31
Downixexample, I had NTFS corrupt on me awhile back when XP's filesystem driver was messed up.20:32
Downixcorrupted the jorunalling system, which in turn damaged the filesystem20:32
lordofthepigsI see20:33
Downixwhile systems like ReiserFS, XFS, and JFS have the journalling inherent to the design itself, so you cannot have it bypassed, or damaged20:33
froggles_is it safe for your filesystem if you just pull the plug rather than the shutdown command ?20:34
lordofthepigsIs there anyway I can setup ubuntu to automount my NTFS drives20:34
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lordofthepigsfroggles: no, because sometimes the OS doesn't write to the disk immediately (for optimization purposes)20:34
Downixfroggles: Nope20:35
lordofthepigsif you just unplug the drive, the OS can never write this data to the disk20:35
lordofthepigswhich might (or might not) fuck up your filesystem20:35
frogglesthat probobly explains why i need a new harddrive every month or so.20:35
Downixyou likely don't, you just need to reformat20:36
vbgunzI cannot find any man page in my system for umask. the docs I find online don't say much about it. how do I learn more about umask? what is great reading here?20:36
lordofthepigsfroggles: Well, It shouldn't damage your hard drive itself though20:36
lordofthepigsjust the data on it20:36
frogglesmust be the power supply then.20:36
vbgunzI got a wikipedia article on it. checking it out now20:36
frogglesso why doesent linux need applications to defragment the hard drive ?20:37
lordofthepigsHeh, it's more like they can't, AFAIK20:37
lordofthepigsAnd it seems that the default linux filesystem is pretty smart when it comes to file placement, which reduces fragmentation a lot20:38
Downixfroggles:  The linux filesystem structure is more rigid than Windows, fragmentation is at a minimal as a result20:39
Downixand it self-corrects as well20:39
Downixalso, depends on which filesystem you refer to.  ext2/3? JFS? ReiserFS? XFS?20:39
* froggles uses ext320:40
vbgunzhow can I restrict a user from using mount in any way, shape or form? including but not limited to external USB devices?20:41
ivan_hi all20:45
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:45
ivan_is there some app that could help me just DRAW and DESIGN GUIs?20:45
vbgunzivan_: qt designer20:45
ivan_i don't need it to actually program it..20:46
ivan_i'm writing a spec for an app that will be developed soon...20:46
vbgunztry that20:46
xstHas anyone any experiences with gutsy on a IBM lenovo T60 laptop?20:46
ivan_and i just need to create a mockup with the basic elements and how they will look20:46
vbgunzxst: whats the deal? curious, your mouse is freaking out?20:47
ivan_i just don't want to install visio on this notebook =)))20:47
crolle17what package do i have to install for seeing all the nice flash-videos on youtube & myspace?20:48
xstvbgunz: Nope, I just want to hear some success stories before I upgrade from Feisty20:48
vbgunzcrolle17: kubuntu-restricted-extras20:48
vbgunzcrolle17: also, try out ubuntu-restricted-extras20:49
ivan_qt designer isn't exactly at what i would need, it still presumes that you are going to actually develop this exact interface...20:49
vbgunzsome packages are found in ubuntu not in kubuntu. not sure if they're really required but I don't think they hurt20:49
ivan_eh.. where's my crossover deb =(20:49
crolle17vbgunz, thanx i'll do so.20:50
frojndDoes anyone know how would I rotate page for 90˚ to the left. Somehow kghostview turn every slide for 90˚ to the right ??20:52
tininI had to stop the distribution upgrade tool because the selected servers were too slow, How do I start it again?20:53
crolle17vbgunz, do you also know how to list all packages fitting to a grep? dpkg -l | grep search_string only will list all installed packages.20:53
linuse2ciao a tutti20:54
OuZohi, i just installed ubuntu-serverguide but were did the files install to? thanks20:54
blackwaltzHumm, anyone around happen to know much about initramfs stuff?20:54
vbgunzcrolle17: sudo apt-cache search kubuntu | grep restricted20:54
vbgunzcrolle17: use apt-cache search <keyword> | grep <filter>20:55
crolle17vbgunz, dpkg is not able to search the sources.repos?20:55
vbgunzcrolle17: not sure, I use apt-cache search20:55
crolle17vbgunz, i installed all these nice extras, but youtube & myspace don't want to show me the videos.20:56
_Angelus_what is util-linux20:57
crolle17maybe the flash-player has be installed seperately?20:57
_Angelus_cause linux32 wants to uninstall it20:57
crolle17vbgunz, that is the ne i installed before...20:59
crolle17vbgunz, this was my first idea...20:59
crolle17vbgunz, i also got libflash-mozplugin20:59
rewolf_laptopis there a reason why, when upgrading to gutsy, the updater just disappears.  it finsihed downloading all the install files, and immediately after, it disappeared? it didnt start installing20:59
vbgunznot sure what the issue is :(20:59
crolle17thank you anyway.21:00
frogglesps aux | grep tty # shows a list of terminals.  how can i find out which process (such as this irssi session) is using which terminal ?21:02
blackwaltzfroggles: maybe you could get the type of info you're looking for with pstree -p instead?21:05
_Angelus_why isn't there ia32-libs-gtk on gutsy?21:08
blackwaltz_Angelus_: I think it may be included in the ia32-libs package, seeing as the two packages conflict, same thing goes for nvidia-glx-ia32(as of gutsy), ia32-libs-sdl(as of gutsy), and ia32-libs-openoffice.org(as of feisty)21:10
_Angelus_i don't think so21:11
_Angelus_it doesn't include libgtk-1.2.so.0 as far as i can see21:11
blackwaltz_Angelus_: odd21:14
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roobhello all i have a pvr-150 tv card...it worked untill i did ivtv-tune -c 52 (to change the channel) i then lost all sound......changing to a new channel doesnt bring the sound back....anyone have any ideas?21:24
WaltzingAlongaptitude search <keyword> | grep <filter>21:28
ScorpKingthat is usefull ^21:29
ScorpKingunless you search for g++ ;)21:29
ScorpKingnite guys. have fun.21:30
WulongHow I can make dolphin understand that mplayer is my default player?21:36
iiggoorri am going to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10, but have alsa (and ACPI4asus) installed via "make install", will i have some problems after upgrade? Will conf files be handled in a right way?21:37
_Angelus_someone tell me how am i gonna get a 32bit libgtk-1.2.so :(21:38
_Angelus_pleasee somebody help me21:38
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arrouan_Wulong: Start kcontrol then go to KDE Components/File Associations, then click on video. Here you have a list of file types with the list of applications that can open them.21:43
bobirasdoes anyone know who i can fix the prob. "There was an error committing changes. Possibly there waasa a problem downloading some pachages or the commit would break packages"?21:43
=== jonathan_ is now known as rage144
rage144I just got started with kubuntu, and I was wondering if anyone in here could tell me how or what program I can get, to open .zip files.21:46
Wulongarrouan_: thanks21:46
blackwaltz_Angelus_: Well, there is another way to do it21:46
Wulongrage144: ark21:46
rage144It does not work :/21:46
WulongJust install unzip and zip packages-21:46
blackwaltz_Angelus_: download the 32-bit deb file, extract it with dpkg -x, copy the contents to /lib3221:46
_Angelus_blackflag:  how21:46
_Angelus_* ok21:46
rage144Wulong That does not work either21:46
_Angelus_from packages.ubuntu.com blackflag right?21:47
blackwaltz_Angelus_: come to think of it there's a not cleaner but *easier* way to do it21:47
Wulongrage144: did you install them with apt-get? did you restart ark afterwards?21:47
rage144Wulong: It came with the distro21:47
WulongUnzip and zip is not bundled or it was one of them.21:48
WulongType in terminal: sudo apt-get install zip unzip21:48
blackwaltz_Angelus_: there's a script floating around, cappy wrote it, I forget what it's called21:48
rage144Its already at the newest version it says.21:49
_Angelus_blackflag: yeah, thats a funky problem, finding the unamed21:49
rage144Maybe I am typing in an incorrect term while extracting, what would be a good command to type?21:49
blackwaltz_Angelus_: found it21:49
Wulongrage144: click on a file and open it in ark.21:50
blackwaltz_Angelus_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=474790&highlight=cappy21:50
_Angelus_thats what imtalkin' bout21:50
WulongIf it don't work use "unzip file.zip".21:50
bignallI'm having trouble with adobe acrobat reader in gutsy.  I've used the previous versions many, many times to print a file in landscape, but now all it will do is print in portrait no matter what I do.  Can someone please help me?  I'm desperate to get it working correctly!21:50
rage144Yup, still doesnt work21:50
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_Angelus_blackflag: think i'll stick to the "do it yourself" way21:52
mac__anyone have experience building their own kernal?  apperently I have to do that if I want sound support on a dell inspiron 1720 but I'm afraid to do it myself since I'll most like just destroy my install21:53
rage144Ok, well I tried the zip thing again just for kicks, and it gave me an error21:53
rage144End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not21:53
rage144  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the21:53
rage144  latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on21:53
rage144  the last disk(s) of this archive.21:53
rage144unzip:  cannot find zipfile directory in one of DezerUI-1191397953.zip or21:53
rage144        DezerUI-1191397953.zip.zip, and cannot find DezerUI-1191397953.zip.ZIP, period.21:53
rage144and it did not work21:53
Daisuke_Laptopmac__: modprobe snd_hda_intel21:54
Daisuke_Laptopdoesn't work?21:54
xiscoginahola, tengo un problema con el kde21:54
Daisuke_Laptop!es | xiscogina21:54
ubotuxiscogina: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.21:54
mac__one sec I'll try that21:54
Daisuke_Laptopi'm on a 1420, it might be somewhat different21:54
Daisuke_Laptopoh, and...21:55
rage144hablamos ingles21:55
Daisuke_Laptop!paste | rage14421:55
uboturage144: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)21:55
rage144Can anyone help me with my zip/unzipping problems?21:56
rage144I cant find any programs that will recognize zip files.21:56
mac__is it supposed to have an output when it does that?  It just goes to the next line whether I use sudo or not21:56
blackwaltzmac__: it's not _too_ hard to do really .. most of the process is so automated that it's really just down to making sure you can follow a howto and picking the right settings21:56
Daisuke_Laptopmac__: there shouldn't be output21:56
Daisuke_Laptopbut now you might want to try sound21:57
snowdonkeyHi.  I want to give my static IP to someone so they can SSH to my computer.  However when I do "ip addr" my static IP isn't listed for eth0; only the local address.21:57
Daisuke_Laptopsnowdonkey: go to a site like whatsmyip.com21:57
snowdonkeydaisuke_laptop: Ok thx.  Is it a problem though that it isn't showing up?21:57
Daisuke_Laptopor better yet, hit up dyndns.org and get a hostname21:57
Daisuke_Laptopsnowdonkey: nope, it will only show the local because that's the ip it believes it has21:58
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Daisuke_Laptopassigned by the router21:58
rafael_carrerasrage144: zip and unzip are installed by default, that's all you need21:58
Daisuke_Laptoprage144: if it doesn't work, it ain't a zip.21:58
rage144rafael_carreras It does not work21:59
snowdonkeydaisuke_laptop: I see, thanks.21:59
rage144Daisuke_Laptop: But it is a zip21:59
Daisuke_Laptopjust because it says .zip doesn't make it a zip21:59
rage144Daisuke_Laptop I am not a retard21:59
xiscoginai got troubles with my linux21:59
rage144Daisuke_Laptop: I zipped it myself on a previous computer.21:59
mac__theres a red X over my volume control and it says mixer not found22:00
Daisuke_Laptopmac__: double-click and open the volume control22:00
vgehmm, where can i check the sources for example kde panel application?22:00
mac__the list of mixers is empty22:01
Daisuke_Laptopvge: kde.org?  or even kde-look, i think they have applets22:01
Daisuke_Laptopmac__: i see :\22:01
=== Extrapan100 is now known as Extrapan100^BNC
xiscoginawhen I try to open konqueror, it says "It's not formatted"22:01
vgeDaisuke_Laptop: im more looking the sourcecode of those applets?22:01
mac__theres a bug report in for it that says you have to build a custom kernal...22:02
mac__but I haven't the slightest idea how to do that22:02
Daisuke_Laptopvge: as most of them are gpl, the source will be there.22:02
Daisuke_Laptopin fact, i think the vast majority of them, if not all, are gpl22:03
vgethere as where?22:03
Daisuke_Laptopanywhere you can find the applets22:03
GuHHHin case i need to backup my services configurations, which dirs should i backup? /etc/ and /usr/local/ ?22:04
Daisuke_Laptopmac__: i've never built a kernel, but as someone else said, it's a matter of picking choices from a menu and following a howto22:04
vgeDaisuke_Laptop: "build in" ones?22:04
Daisuke_Laptopvge: for those you'd have to download the source packages22:05
Daisuke_Laptopi don't know what they are, though :\22:05
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Daisuke_Laptopheya soulrider22:05
xiscoginahow can I go back to a previos day to my linux, to remove some thing I did wrong22:06
Daisuke_Laptopxiscogina: there's no system restore like in windows, if that's what you're asking22:06
xiscoginadaisuke laptop yes that's what I want to know22:07
blackwaltzAnyone around by an off chance happen to know why update-initramfs might fail, *displaying the gzip usage information*22:07
Daisuke_Laptopxiscogina: if you didn't back up, there's not much you can do22:08
soulriderhey Daisuke_Ido22:08
Daisuke_Laptopalthough i won't say that's definite without knowing the extent of what you may have done22:08
blackwaltzif all you did was delete a file then it may be vaguely possible to recover it if the blocks that contained it haven't been overwritten since then22:09
xiscoginadaisuke: the thing is that when I try to open konqueror, it says " not formatted"22:09
Daisuke_Laptopbut what partition/directory is konqueror trying to access?22:10
xiscoginadaisuke: it seems I have lost my configuration22:10
xiscogina'/usr/share/applications/kde/konqbrowser.desktop'  this is what I read22:10
Daisuke_Laptopno, when you launch konqueror, what does it say isn't formatted?22:11
xiscogina('/usr/share/applications/kde/konqbrowser.desktop' is not formatted), this is what the screen shows22:12
deniseHi i used to use Windows XP and just got a new computer I was wondering if anyone can help me22:12
deniseIm trying to download stuff but there is a arrer22:13
blackwaltzdenise: sure, what sort of error?22:13
denisein adapt maniger22:13
denisesorry not that great at spelling22:13
tekteenno problem22:13
deniseit says its already in use22:13
tekteenrestart your machine22:14
tekteenit should work22:14
blackwaltzoops, I disappeared for a minute ...22:18
blackwaltzThis would probably be an easier way to have fixed it denise:22:18
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »22:18
deniseit says another package is useing the system and would you like the resolve this problem yes or no22:19
denisewhen i click yes it crashes22:19
denisewhen i click no it just goes into it and i can not do anything in adept manager what can i do22:20
tekteen!adeptfix | denise22:20
ubotudenise: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »22:20
moparisthebestsomehow I hid my KDE panel and I can't get it back22:20
moparisthebestanyone know how to run the configuration manager without it?22:20
denisein the termanil22:20
blackwaltzmoparisthebest: perhaps pressing alt+f2 and typing "kicker" will bring it back22:21
moparisthebestERROR: kicker is already running!22:21
moparisthebestive restarted, and it works with other user accounts22:21
moparisthebesti pulled up the configuration editor earlier and must have changed something22:22
deniseok this is what it says22:22
moparisthebestyou know how you can right click on it and click 'configure panel'22:22
denisedpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of sun-java5-jre:22:22
denise sun-java5-jre depends on sun-java5-bin (= 1.5.0-13-0ubuntu1) | ia32-sun-java5-bin (= 1.5.0-13-0ubuntu1); however:22:22
moparisthebestcan I get that menu up without the panel in the first place?22:22
denise  Package sun-java5-bin is not installed.22:22
denise  Package ia32-sun-java5-bin is not installed.22:22
blackwaltzmoparisthebest: how about running kcontrol instead then?22:22
denisedpkg: error processing sun-java5-jre (--configure):22:22
denise dependency problems - leaving unconfigured22:22
deniseProcessing triggers for libc6 ...22:22
deniseldconfig deferred processing now taking place22:22
deniseErrors were encountered while processing:22:22
denise sun-java5-jre22:22
snowdonkeymoparisthebest: kcmshell %i kicker_config kcmtaskbar22:22
denisenow what22:23
denisedo i put in22:23
blackwaltzdenise: sudo apt-get -f install22:23
moparisthebestthanks snowdonkey, worked perfectly :)22:23
snowdonkeymoparisthebest: np, it was in the menu of my zenwalk install w/ kde so I just looked at its command  :)22:24
denisei love copy and paste22:24
moparisthebestthats what I tried to find from another account, but couldn't quite find it :)22:24
deniseok its done22:25
denisesays setting up java22:25
denisethats what i was trying to get going java for yahoo games and firefox22:25
deniseshould i try adept manager agian22:26
moparisthebestdenise, are you saying java applets don't work in firefox?22:27
deniseno i was trying to get the browser firefox22:28
denisei like that one22:28
moparisthebesteither through adept-manager or 'apt-get install firefox'22:28
deniseand its working now thanks so much22:28
tekteendenise: have you installed sun-java[5 or 6]-plugin22:28
qolohey whats the pottery whell called in pottery22:28
denisenot the plugin yet i can do that now22:28
moparisthebestdo it after you have installed firefox22:28
tekteensudo apt-get install sun-java5-plugin22:29
roobhello all...ive set up ndiswrapper....ive got my driver installed i have a wlan0, ive set it up to static ip.....but it wont work....i cant ping my router or google.com22:29
roobanything im missing?22:29
deniseoh ok22:29
deniseum theres alot witch one22:30
denisejust firefox22:31
denisetheres one that says that22:31
roobwhen i set up the wireless to use dhcp i get a weird ip of "" ....which is neither my lan ip or my wan ip22:32
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vsudilovI know I have a sound chip on my motherboard that is interfering with my sound system -- how do I find out what to entry to add to modprobe.d/blacklist?22:32
moparisthebestroob, how is your router set up? with dhcp or static IPs?22:32
roobmoparisthebest: it can do both....i want it to be a static ip...but was testing with dhcp because static wasnt working for wireless22:33
Alyxanderroob did you set up your dns in the laptops or the wireless clients22:33
Alyxanderroob i sometimes find that dns will not populate without dhcp22:34
roobAlyxander: yea i have name servers in /etc/resolv.conf22:34
deniseThanks you guys are really smart im going to enjoy my internet now22:34
moparisthebestare you using knetwork manager to connect or something else?22:34
roobmoparisthebest: i opened systemsettings22:34
rooband set it up using that22:34
lovrehi all22:34
ScorpKinghi lovre22:34
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lovreis any1 here doing PHP programming / graphics developing? i have an offtopic qurestion22:34
ScorpKingi found the problem when connecting with dialup and not having internet on the kde apps like konqueror.22:35
Rukus-why does ndiswrapper fuck my system up22:35
Daisuke_Ido!language | Rukus-22:35
ubotuRukus-: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.22:35
moparisthebestroob, try using knetworkmanager22:35
Alyxanderlol becaus its trying to use windows drivers Rukus22:36
roobmoparisthebest: ok will try now :-)22:36
Rukus-!language Daisuke_Ido22:36
moparisthebestor gutsy calls the package network-manager-kde i think22:36
lovreok, that question was not put right. Anyway, i was wondering if im offered to work on a site, and do everything from graphics design to complete CMS programming, web shop etc... How much could i charge a company for this? (I have no company of my own, i would work on a student contract)22:36
Rukus-!language | Daisuke_Ido22:36
ubotuDaisuke_Ido: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.22:36
Daisuke_IdoRukus-: no really, watch your language22:38
vsudilovOk how do I remove the middle mouse botton copy/paste functionality22:38
Daisuke_Idovsudilov: stop using X22:38
Daisuke_Idoit's part of X, not the desktop environment22:38
ScorpKingwhen there is no network connection knetworkmanager thinks there is no default route so thats what it tells konqueror even tho ppp0 is active. i uninstalled knetworkmanager and now everything seems fine. (i have 45sec lag for some reason. was this posted?)22:38
vsudilovah hah22:38
vsudilovnot going to happen22:39
Alyxandervsudilov its in your pointer behavior settings22:39
moparisthebestthere has to be a way to disable it though22:39
vsudilovwhere is that file?22:39
Daisuke_Idooh i'm sure22:39
Alyxandervsudilov kde or gnome22:39
Daisuke_Idobut after getting used to it, you won't want to :D22:39
Alyxandereither way its in system preferences22:39
roobhmm i still cant configure my wireless device :-/22:40
snowdonkeyvsudilov: Make sure your mouse in configured to use only 2 buttons in your xorg.conf22:40
drx0drx0Can anyone help a newbie copy some data from a Linux system to a Windows system, a Novell server, or a Hybrid USB drive?22:41
vsudilovsnowdonkey: No, I want it to have 3 button configuration...I just want the 3rd button to do something else22:41
qoloman cp :P22:41
* Minataku meows22:41
lovrewhats compiz official channel?22:41
vsudilovsnowdonkey: I've got it set up for the action I want, but it ALSO copies/pastes in addition to that function22:41
MinatakuHi ScorpKing, Daisuke_Ido22:41
Daisuke_Idoqolo: not how things are done here.22:41
snowdonkeyvsudilov: ah22:41
MinatakuHi ScorpKing22:41
ScorpKinghi Minataku22:42
Alyxandervsudilov system settings keyboard and mouse22:42
=== blackwaltz is now known as dwidmann
rewolf_laptopahhhh.  ok my gutsy upgrade crashed twice. so now gutsy is partly installed. half the stuff doesnt work. i have all the packages in cache, but it died during the installation. is there anything i can do to fix this?  It even crashes when i go into System Settings22:42
Wulongrewolf_laptop: apt-get update;apt-get upgrade;apt-get dist-upgrade22:43
dwidmannrewolf_laptop: might be better off reinstalling, be sure to check the disk for errors. Half finished installations are an absolute pain to work with. Last time I had that happpen it was because the cd was corrupt22:43
vsudilovalyxander: Its not there, I already checked22:44
rewolf_laptopWulong if this worx i will cry of happiness. coz apt-get upgrade is doin stuf22:45
rewolf_laptopdwidmann, i upgraded over the net22:45
dwidmannrewolf_laptop: ah, my mistake22:45
dwidmannrewolf_laptop: it probably just missed some packages for some reason or another, always best to check after upgrading/dist-upgrading just so you know it'll start up ..22:46
dwidmannGranted,it's a lot smoother than it used to be, like from dapper -> edgy, that was pretty bad.22:46
rewolf_laptophow do i check?22:47
rewolf_laptopwat is backgroundrc about, wat happens if i keep my own one?22:47
rewolf_laptopsoz im a noob22:47
dwidmannrewolf_laptop: the same way you are right now, re-running the upgrade/dist-upgrade, another way is to run something like "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", that works too22:48
rewolf_laptopcoz the setup is asking me if it should keep mine22:48
rewolf_laptopok shot22:48
dwidmannrewolf_laptop: usually you don't want to keep yours, unless you know you changed it yourself.22:48
rewolf_laptopok thanks again. yoh, ur helpful. if i paid u would u live in a cage next to my pc. so i can get help all the time. ill give u food... occasionally22:49
bignallIs there some way to install an older version of a package... specifically I want to back up to an older version of Adobe Acrobat REader.22:49
WulongJust let it replace everything to make sure it works. If you know the file it want to replace, you know what to do.22:49
Wulongbignall: sure, find the package and use "dpkg -i package.deb".22:49
trappistbignall: with acroread it shouldn't be too hard.  just uninstall what you have and find an older package.22:49
trappistbignall: in general it's not recommended, because you'll potentially break a lot of dependencies, but no core packages could possibly depend on acroread22:50
bignallThanks.  I'll try it... I really have to print landscape and this version won't do it.22:51
trappistbignall: tried kpdf?22:51
dwidmannbignall: should be able to get it out of dapper/edgy multiverse, or possibly from medibuntu ...22:51
WulongI suggest using something other than acrobatreader.22:51
* ScorpKing slaps usplash..22:51
dwidmannrewolf_laptop: thanks but I think I'll pass on that22:52
bignallI've never been able to get KPDF to print in landscape.  I fyou know how, please tell me and I'll use it.22:52
ScorpKing"Loading /usr/local/lib/usplash/usplash-kubuntu-new.so failed: /usr/local/lib/usplash/usplash-kubuntu-new.so: undefined symbol: usplash_theme"22:52
* ScorpKing cries..22:52
dwidmannScorpKing: could be worse .. I've been playing with initramfs for the last couple days and finally managed to really screw things up, not even google could get me out of this one :(22:52
moparisthebestmy panel only shows up on my #1 desktop and not any of the others, anyone know how to fix that? :/22:52
WulongScorpKing: apt-get install --reinstall uspash22:53
WulongMaybe kubuntu-artwork-usplash too.22:53
ScorpKingi've been at this for a few days now. i can't get my custom usplash theme to work. at least now i get errors. ;)22:54
dwidmannmoparisthebest, there should be a screen number option in the config dialog you went to before, somewhere or another, that lets you select the display number, at least that's what I get on my desktop.22:54
ScorpKingWulong: the default one works fine.22:54
dwidmannScorpKing: I've resorted to a reinstall after update-initramfs decided to start failing to work, instead printing out the gzip usage information o.O22:54
WulongUse a how-to guide.22:54
moparisthebestdwidmann, I don't see an option for which desktop to show on22:55
ScorpKingdwidmann: hehe. ouch.22:55
moparisthebestim talking multiple desktops, only one monitor to be clear22:55
dwidmannmoparisthebest: I'd take a screenshot, but my desktop is presently down due to reasons cited above22:55
ScorpKingWulong: i used these - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8283522:55
dwidmannmoparisthebest: ah, that would be why, sorry about the confusion22:56
moparisthebestyou are talking the 'Configure - KDE Panel' app dwidmann ?22:56
moparisthebestoh, alright22:56
BluesKajno dekstop icons in the panel ?22:56
bignallHow can I specify to install a different package version than the newest one?  Or do I have to go find the .deb and install?22:56
BluesKajerr desktop22:56
moparisthebestno panel on any desktop besides #122:56
Wulongbignall: you have to find it, or maybe adept have a option for searching older packages.22:56
bignallTrappist: yes, I tried KPDF, it won't rotate the pages.22:57
WulongHow can I get knetworkmanager to reconnect my AP when connection is lost? I assume someone else have had the same issue.22:57
bignallWulong: I wish it did... one nice thing about symanntic :/22:57
dwidmannmoparisthebest: perhaps it would be easier just to create a new user account and move your files over to it .... then everything would be straight again for sure :)22:58
Wulongbignall: what's nice about synaptic?22:58
bignallWulong: how do I search the packages on medibuntu.22:58
bignallWulong: You can select which version of a package to install from the repository.22:58
trappistWulong: I just say sudo dhclient22:58
moparisthebestprobably dwidmann, but I have KDE exactly like I want it :(22:58
Wulongbignall: so install synaptic...22:58
BluesKajmoparisthebest, have you tried system settings/desktop/multiple desktops ?22:58
ScorpKingmopar is the best ;) hehe22:59
dwidmannmoparisthebest: doesn't mean you can't move most of those config files that you know you've done something with too22:59
Wulongtrappist: it don't reconnect acess points.22:59
moparisthebestyes BluesKaj, but I can't find any options there for the panel22:59
bignallWulong: I used it a lot when I was using debian. I installed synaptic on feisty, but couldn't get it to work.22:59
trappistWulong: maybe I misunderstood your question - your AP is on your box?22:59
trappistmoparisthebest: run 'kicker'?23:00
moparisthebestalready running trappist23:00
Wulongtrappist: AP is short for access point, wifi sharing point if you will.23:00
trappistWulong: right :)  if I need to reconnect *to* my AP I say sudo dhclient.  if you're using your wifi card as an AP... that's different.23:01
BluesKajmoparisthebest , there's a slider at the top of the multiple desktops page , giving the number of desktops options23:01
moparisthebestyes, ive tried changing that BluesKaj23:01
dwidmannmoparisthebest: the first place I would check would be kcontrol -> (filter for panels), but I'm sure you've already looked there ...23:01
moparisthebestthe problem is the panel only shows up on desktop #123:01
Wulongtrappist: dhclient is in by default and knetworkmanager is using it. dhclient does not reconnect to my AP, and I'm not using my wlan as AP. Reconnect to my rotuer then.23:02
dwidmannmoparisthebest: what if you reduce the number of desktops to 1, apply, then re-expand the # of desktops to X23:02
BluesKajif you did change , have relogged in , moparisthebest ... that's usually requires after a system settings change/23:02
moparisthebesttried that first dwidmann23:02
BluesKajerr required23:02
dwidmannI hate how since Edgy or so they've made the installer cds scan the mirrors and such, it makes the install go SOooooooooooooooooo much slower23:03
Wulongdwidmann: remove them.23:04
dwidmannWulong: the thing is, even with the text mode installer, at the last phase of the install it checks the repositories for some sort of updates or something ... takes forever23:04
dwidmann(forever being 5-10 minutes at least)23:05
dwidmann(and seeing as the whole install process doesn't less that doesn't take more than 10-15, it really ticks  me off that it does it)23:05
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deniseok got a problem used to use windows23:05
dwidmanndenise: I fail to see how the "used to use windows" part is relevant23:06
dwidmanndenise: you've already fixed that problem :D23:06
denisemy brother told me to put that in23:06
deniseok i can not get java downloaded23:06
NickPrestadenise, have you followed the instructions on !java?23:07
NickPresta!java > denise23:07
moparisthebesti think its a pipe |23:08
dwidmannKeeping in mind that there is also *icedtea* in gutsy, though I've heard it works less than well enough (probably because it's a pitiful hybrid of gcj and java7)23:08
NickPrestamoparisthebest, I told ubotu to /msg denise23:08
dwidmannmoparisthebest: using > makes it a pm instead of a channel message23:08
moparisthebestah, thanks :)23:08
denisewhen i go to the java site it says i do not have the proper one loaded23:09
NickPrestadenise, which Java site? Did the installation complete and succeed? Did you restart your browser?23:09
fernando__can some one helpe ... how can i crack wep using ubuntu n what are the commands ...23:09
moparisthebestdenise, possibly because you installed sun-java5 instead of sun-java623:09
deniseyes about 5 times23:09
Wulongfernando__: apt-get install aircrack-ng23:10
ScorpKingdenise: try sudo aptitude search java23:10
denisedo i remove java 523:10
NickPrestafernando__, I would hope "cracking wep" is for educational purposes :)23:10
BluesKajdenise, are you using the package manager ?23:10
moparisthebestsudo apt-get remove sun-java5-bin sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin23:10
dwidmann!info icedtea-java7-plugin23:10
ubotuicedtea-java7-plugin: Java plugin based on OpenJDK and gcjwebplugin. In component universe, is extra. Version 7~b21-1.4+20071007-0ubuntu6 (gutsy), package size 12 kB, installed size 128 kB23:10
denisei did java 5 and 5 on manager23:10
fernando__it is23:10
moparisthebestsudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin23:11
moparisthebestrun those two commands23:11
WulongIs icedtea better? open?23:11
dwidmannWulong: it's in main :)23:11
dwidmannWulong: it's a temporary fork of openjdk, AFAIK23:12
fernando__thank you23:12
moparisthebestive never heard of it, i wonder if the plugin works with amd64 browsers? :)23:12
Jack_Phoenixyay :D23:12
Jack_PhoenixLjL: thanks a lot :)23:13
dwidmannmoparisthebest: it should, but seeing as it's based on gcj also, I've heard it doesn't work too terribly well yet23:13
dwidmannI could try it now though and let you know what I find out23:13
LjLJack_Phoenix: you're welcome, sorry for the hassle.23:13
moparisthebestdwidmann, im trying it, and anything is better than nothing right? :)23:13
Jack_Phoenixno problem at all :)23:13
dwidmannmoparisthebest: right23:13
deniseok should i restart my comp or not23:14
denisei put the two comands in23:14
moparisthebestcurrently I have a 32bit firefox and a 32bit java that I run when I need applets, anything is better than that23:14
moparisthebestno need to restart denise, not windows anymore :)23:14
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BluesKajmoparisthebest, I'm running amd64 , but use konq broswer and have only encountered probs with sites that are poorly built , but haven't seen any media playback pobbs so far.23:15
moparisthebestkonqueror handles java differently iirc, doesn't use the plugin23:15
moparisthebestbut besides java I have no problems, nspluginwrapper works for flash23:16
moparisthebestdoesn't work here dwidmann, just a white screen23:16
BluesKajno it just has be enabled in konq/config23:16
dwidmannmoparisthebest: shame :(23:17
testabluci sono italiani?23:17
moparisthebestbut its handled differently, it doesn't use the java plugin BluesKaj23:17
moparisthebestinstead it actually calls 'java'23:17
MasterShrek!it | testablu23:17
ubotutestablu: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!23:17
BluesKajactually , that's a good thing moparisthebest , the less java the better :)23:17
dwidmannbah, I actually like java23:18
moparisthebestand for some reason it doesn't work on my machine with konq either BluesKaj23:18
ScorpKingJack_Phoenix: welcome. ;)23:18
moparisthebestand yea, java is pretty sweet I think :)23:18
BluesKajdwidmann, we all have diff tastes ... i bet you use azureus too23:18
drx0drx0 is copying files from ext3 to a Windows XP Pro share using smb://<ip> via Network Servers reliable?23:18
lovreis there a calc anywhere in kubuntu?23:19
* dwidmann doesn't use torrents at all23:19
BluesKajsure drx0drx0 , i do it all the time23:19
susanaen español23:19
susanadonde estan23:19
dwidmannlovre: speedcrunch, katapult, run command23:19
BluesKaj!es | susana23:19
ubotususana: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.23:19
moparisthebestdrx0drx0, you can do it easier ways23:20
moparisthebestntfs-3g works great from linux23:20
moparisthebestand there is an ext2 driver for windows as well23:20
lovredwidmann: thank you23:20
dwidmannlovre: you're welcome23:20
mac__there is no java for 64bit linux right?23:20
moparisthebestthere is mac__23:21
dwidmannmac__: wrong23:21
moparisthebestbut no java plugin, for browsers23:21
dwidmannmoparisthebest: will be in the java7 release AFAIK23:21
moparisthebestJava HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.6.0_03-b05, mixed mode)23:21
moparisthebestthats what java -version gets me23:21
moparisthebestits actually alot faster than other versions too23:21
moparisthebestsupposedly dwidmann , I hope so :)23:22
mac__will that work with my web browser?23:22
moparisthebestonly if you use konqueror23:22
trappistmac__: you can get a 64bit java vm, but not a 64bit java plugin.23:22
BluesKajdrx0drx0, konq and samba work very well together on a network ...just type smb:/ in the addressbar23:23
deniseok its still not working this is what comes up23:23
deniseOops! You don't have the recommended Java installed.23:23
denise  Your Java version is 1.4.2-02. Please click the button below to get the recommended Java for your computer.23:23
moparisthebestremove it23:23
moparisthebestim not entirely sure what the package is called23:23
moparisthebesttype java in adept-manager and youll see23:24
mac__thanks for the info guys - have a good one23:24
dwidmannmoparisthebest: it's called gcj, or at least has that in its name23:24
otto_hi there, I have a bluetooth question23:25
moparisthebestyea, somethinig like that23:25
denisei have java package and java common23:25
moparisthebest#dentist otto_23:25
moparisthebestok, that was a bad joke, carry on23:25
otto_when I view my mobile smart phone with bluetooth in konqueror it only shows file transfer en OBEX push (works!)23:26
otto_but not the other services, i can find with sdptool23:26
deniseand java 6 bin23:27
moparisthebestdenise, remove any package without 'sun-' in front of it23:28
dwidmannmoparisthebest: why not just run sudo update-java-alternatives instead?23:29
moparisthebestbecause I didn't know that existed? :)23:29
dwidmannmoparisthebest: you do now23:29
otto_do i need a dentist?23:30
deniseok its done23:30
denisenow what23:30
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dwidmannack, I'm lagging like five seconds23:32
moparisthebestdenise, start up firefox and see what happens23:32
moparisthebestotto_, if you have blue teeth you do ;) (sorry, I don't have any experiance with bluetooth)23:32
Rukus-ok my wireless card is enabled, but i cant find or connect to any netwoprks23:32
Rukus-i am so confsued23:33
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:33
otto_haha, never mind ;)23:33
Rukus-ya thanks23:33
Rukus-\i read all that23:33
schisteI've juste updated to gutsy23:34
schisteand till the upgrade23:34
moparisthebestRukus-, try Wireless Assistant instead of knetworkmanager23:34
schisteI don't have any sound23:34
schiste(neither on amarok/kaffein23:34
schisteneither onvlc23:34
schisteit tells me the audio output isbusy23:34
schisteany idea ?23:34
BluesKajschiste,  k-menu/system settings/sound system/enable sound system,then choose hardware tab/select the audio device/Advanced Linux Sound Architecture, click apply23:35
dwidmannHmm, I wonder if there's any way to get the startup scripts to wait so I can have truecrypt ask me for a password :\23:35
deniseit says i need to install java runtime23:37
Rukus-weird, knetwork-manager is installed but my system says it is not.23:38
Rukus-so i tried to install it23:38
schisteHmmm does it take a so long time normally ?23:38
denisei looked for java runtime in the adept and I see a bunch whitch one should i dowload23:38
BluesKajdenise, type about:plugins in the FF addressbar and check if java runtime is listed and enabled23:40
denisein the termal23:41
deniseor browser23:41
denisetheres a java bin 723:42
schisteBluesKaj: ok it's rebooting for 5 minutes :)23:43
schisteI guess something wrong :)23:43
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Avt3kkI have LMCE dvd which is based on kubuntu and I have no desktop because my video card is E Gforce 8800 GTS23:45
Avt3kkim so close but so far :/23:45
moparisthebestAvt3kk, ive got the same card, no problems here23:45
Avt3kkyou guys got ideas?23:45
Avt3kkno desktop23:45
moparisthebestwhat do you mean by no desktop?23:46
Avt3kkhow do I start LMCE with E zGforce 8800 GTS23:46
moparisthebestwhat is LMCE?23:46
Avt3kkI didnt add video card its linux media center edtition23:46
Avt3kkbased on kubuntu it has kubuntu desktop23:46
moparisthebestit should work out of the box23:46
Avt3kksupposed to have which I no have23:46
moparisthebestlook at /etc/X11/xorg.conf Avt3kk23:46
moparisthebestand change the driver to 'nv'23:47
Avt3kkI get some funky looking console on the upper left23:47
moparisthebestthen save and restart and see what happens23:47
susanaen español23:47
BluesKajAvt3kk,  in the konsole : sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:47
* artheart sips a large coffee23:47
Avt3kkjust no driver for nvidia23:48
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Avt3kkI turn it on23:48
susanasala en español23:48
webvictim!es | susana23:48
ubotususana: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.23:48
* jameswf uses magicwand to make genii 's coffee irish23:48
webvictimdoes anyone know how you change the volume slider that kmilo affects?23:48
Avt3kkhow to start in term?23:48
Avt3kkin LMCE23:48
geniijameswf: Aye, and yer a good lad23:49
BluesKajwe already showed susana that23:49
moparisthebesthow to start the X server Avt3kk ? startx23:49
Avt3kkoo ty23:49
webvictimsusana: ningun hablas espanol aqui23:49
Rukus-whats the command to enable wired connections?23:49
Rukus-i cant find it23:49
webvictimifconfig <connection> up?23:49
webvictimthat too23:49
Nukedhi Im currently testing kde 4, and I noticed there is no "startbar/kicker"23:51
Nukedis there a package I may have neglected to install or something?23:51
ubotuKDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4>. The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule. Beta 3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php23:51
BluesKajisn't there a kde4 chat ?23:52
NukedI was not aware of one BluesKaj23:52
Avt3kkI started the recovery console and typed startx :D yay now to sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:53
BluesKajNuked, there is but it's not very populated :(23:53
Nukedand BluesKaj, none of the information ubotu provided is new information23:53
Kernelanyone here use ivtv-channel.py ...for some reason its not working for me on 7.1023:54
BluesKajyeah, Nuked I realize that now , thought it would give you a forum or chat23:54
NukedI take it everyone is staying away from kde4 in here23:54
kubuntunewbieKde4 is out?23:55
kubuntunewbiesince whne?23:55
dwidmannNuked: I probably am until KDE 4.1 is out23:55
Nukedtesting kubuntunewbie23:55
Avt3kkits installing the kubuntu desktop23:55
BluesKajnot much luck in my experience , Nuked23:55
ubotuIVTV can be installed on Edgy by following the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_IVTV_Edgy23:55
Avt3kksudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:55
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Avt3kkBluesKaj thankyou so much :D23:56
BluesKajAvt3kk, i'm surprised it wan't installed23:56
Avt3kklinux media center edition should be awsome I found a youtube video on it23:56
kubuntunewbiejust out of curiosity... say you called dell and wanted to order a computer. and they were like it will be 899.99 and then you tell them that you dont want winblows on it.  is there a price drop?23:57
Avt3kkBlueKaj it has the nvidea driver or no?23:57
Avt3kkit autostarts the orbital thingy23:57
Avt3kkbut with no driver it cant start23:57
BluesKajyeah Avt3kk, a little daunting to setup...saw a tutorial on it a while back23:57
Dragnslcrkubuntunewbie- probably not, because they only sell specific models with Ubuntu on it23:57
Avt3kktutorial were?23:57
Dragnslcrkubuntunewbie- having said that, I bought a 1420N for my girlfriend and installed kubuntu-desktop on it, and she's doing quite well with it so far23:58
Avt3kkBluesKaj im trying to play it on my flatscreen23:58
Avt3kkmaybe turn this also into a gaming box23:58
Avt3kkgaming box media center23:59
BluesKajAvt3kk, k-menu/system settings/monitor&display/hardware-tab/admin mode/graphics card/configure. Find your card in the list and "apply" , same goes for the monitor, if possible.Click "test". If all is well, logout and back in again.23:59
deniseok im back23:59

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