
jjesseinterseting on bzr merge for kubuntu-hardy i get /home/jameinel/dev/mdke/ubuntu-hardy is not a branch?01:00
jjesseworking under kubuntu-hardy01:00
LaserJockjjesse: what are you merging?01:01
jjesseLaserJock: hrmm got messed up01:01
LaserJockjjesse: that reminds me, I need to push edubuntu-hard :/01:04
LaserJockjjesse: yikes, good luck with that serverguide thing ;-)01:07
jjesseLaserJock: the server time is excited about it01:11
jjessespent a lot of time talking documentation w/ them during uds01:11
LaserJockyeah, I noticed01:12
LaserJockI would like to see them work with/in the doc team01:12
LaserJockjjesse: but I think one of the concerns mdke had about going to bzr was creating too many branches01:13
jjesseLaserJock: well it currently is way hard to find out what the current server guide is01:14
jjessemeant where01:14
LaserJockjjesse: sure, but if you're in the doc team it's easy01:14
jjesseLaserJock: but if your in teh server team and want to contribute01:15
LaserJockjjesse: join the doc team01:22
LaserJockis my point01:22
jjesseLaserJock: I already am a part of the doc team01:27
jjesseLaserJock: think on it from the view point of somoene who is on the server team and wants to help with the docs01:27
jjessehow does that happen?01:27
jjesseand before you say it won't, they have a specific role in the server team to work on documentation01:27
LaserJockbut that's what I'm saying01:31
LaserJockif they want to work on docs they should maybe join the doc team01:31
jjesseforce them to join thedoc team to contribute?01:31
jjesseok interesting01:38
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tonyyarussomdke: were you the dreamhost customer?05:17
michael_mactonyyarusso: i am a DH customer05:18
tonyyarussomichael_mac: What are your thoughts so far?05:19
michael_macthey have had some issues when I first joined them (apr 2006)05:19
michael_macbut I have not had any problems since then05:20
michael_macthey had a couple of outages, but then you know, that is a possibility for any host05:20
tonyyarussohow long were they?05:20
michael_macnot more than 4 hours, if i recall05:22
tonyyarussoah, okay05:22
michael_macthe couple of times that I had to use support, they were very responsive and helped me solve my problem05:23
tonyyarussoGood to know.05:28
LaserJockmichael_mac: ever get dugg or ./'d?05:29
LaserJockthat's what I'm worried about05:29
michael_macwell, that can take down anyone though...05:30
LaserJockI've occasionally heard that they shut down accounts05:30
michael_macactually, a budy of mine got dugg and was down for almost 48 hrs05:32
michael_mac"After several go-rounds with my webhost?s support staff, things seem to be back to normal."05:32
michael_macnot sure what that entailed05:33
nixternalDreamhost will only shut down accounts if you abuse them...thus far I haven't had any issues05:34
LaserJockyeah, that's the kind of thing I'm worried about05:34
nixternalplus, you can get support right here on IRC :)05:35
LaserJocknixternal: I've heard of people's accounts getting messed up because of being dugg05:35
nixternaland, you get shell access05:35
nixternalI have been through a digg and a slashdot for the Classroom thing we did last year with the new user network05:36
nixternalnothing happened to me05:36
nixternaland my sight was toast05:36
michael_macthat seems a little ridiculous to me05:36
LaserJocknixternal: what do you mean by toast?05:36
michael_macespecially in this age of digg and /.05:36
nixternalLaserJock: you couldn't look at it05:36
nixternalthey dont have the digg /. clause anymore, because they realised it isn't your fault05:37
michael_macthere is no way a host can guarantee being able to survive a digg05:37
LaserJocknixternal: right, but I've heard that dreamhost doesn't withstand getting dugg well05:37
LaserJockthey turn you off before you reach your bandwidth limit, etc.05:37
nixternalprobably don't, but that is what you get with any "low-price" hosting account05:37
michael_macI will say this...I am totally happy with DH05:38
michael_macI have two blogs on it and just put our Alabama LoCo blog on it05:38
nixternalmichael_mac: I am with you05:38
michael_macIf I get dugg, and my site goes down, so be it05:38
nixternalplus the referrals are a nice addition05:39
michael_macI don't run ads on any of my sites, so it is no skin off of my back05:39
nixternalI have had enough referrals to pay for my account for the next few years05:39
michael_macmy Productivity blog has over 5600 subscribers, so I have traffic05:40
michael_macLaserjock: what exactly are you worried about?05:40
LaserJockrunning a blog and having downtime05:41
michael_macok, so what does the downtime cost you?>05:42
nixternalthe only downtime I have had in the past year was really due to me shutting off the wp cache05:43
nixternalI am on the mt. dew server and it has been pretty rock solid...even the recent power outtages out there didn't even effect my service05:44
LaserJockmichael_mac: well, if you've got a popular post and you're down that's no good05:45
michael_macbut it will be there when the site is back up05:45
LaserJockbut the downtime can be a bit costly05:46
LaserJockit's not bad05:46
LaserJockwell, you lose people when the get a 40405:46
michael_macnot in this day of RSS feeds, you don't05:47
nixternallol, I was gonna say...da planet, da planet :)05:47
michael_macI RARELY visit the actual site of any of the 110+ blogs in my reader05:47
michael_macI would not even notice the outage unless someone else is talking about it05:47
michael_macthen I would go to the site, and it would be down05:48
LaserJockhmm, true05:48
michael_maci would watch for it to reappear in my reader then move on with my day05:48
michael_macI really struggle with the design of my sites nowadays because of the feed reader revolution05:49
michael_macwhy waste my time making it pretty when 90% of the readers will only see the text05:50
michael_macDon't even get me started on abbreviated feeds05:50
michael_macI will drop a blog in NO TIME flat that abbreviates their feeds05:50
LaserJockyeah, most of the feeds I read do that05:51
LaserJockreally annoying05:51
michael_maci think that it is a ploy to get you to the site to activate their ads05:51
michael_macanother reason that I drop them05:52
michael_macwell, NOW I am going to bed...05:53
michael_machave a nice day/evening/night to all05:53
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ubotuNew bug: #160435 in ubuntu-docs (main) "Typo in template "hardware" (Gutsy)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16043511:10
nixternal^^ server folks read this too...14:11
nixternalshe actually provides a little constructive criticism at least14:12
michaelrammtonyyarusso: Did you get your Dreamhost questions answered adaquately last night?14:15
tonyyarussomichaelramm: pretty much14:15
michaelrammok, I know that nixternal is a supporter also, but if you have any more questions, feel free to hit me at michael AT 1manit DOT net14:16
sommernixternal: good article... I'm now on a quest to help make Ubuntu the best documented Linux distor ever... :)14:17
sommerDoes the doc team contribute to the release notes ?14:19
nixternaldon't know on the Ubuntu side if they do, but Kubuntu, Edubuntu, and Xubuntu docs people do14:22
sommerah... I guess knowing there's a problem is half the battle, heh14:24
michaelrammSo, I posed this question after the "debate" yesterday when matt and nix left for awhile...14:26
michaelramm**this is coming from a 1 week veteran of the DocTeam **14:26
michaelrammis the problem not enough people to do the documentation, or not enough 'trained' people to do the documentation?14:27
sommermichaelramm: I'm still pretty new too, but from the ML it seems like there is a lot of folks in the mentoring program.14:29
sommerso maybe's it's a training issue?14:30
michaelrammsommer: i am interested in doing that also, i need to set up the bzr stuff and start learning docbook14:30
sommermichaelramm: I haven't found DocBook to be really that hard, but most of my contribution has been edits/expansions of current docs.14:31
michaelrammnixternal: who 'runs' the mentoring program?14:31
sommerI think once you learn the tags and how the docs are structured it's pretty smooth sailing14:31
nixternalmichaelramm: not enough people14:31
nixternalmentoring program was created by Phil Bull, so I would blame him :)14:32
michaelrammSo do the 'veterans' just pick someone off of the list and help them (if they have the same interests)? Or does someone assign them to someone in the area that they are interested in?14:34
sommermichaelramm: from what I can tell you send a message to the list requesting a mentor, Phil responds asking what you're interested in14:43
sommeryou're free to work on whatever area you'd like, and if you have any questions you can ask here an on the ML14:44
sommeryou should be aware that the above may not be entirely accurate, just my interpretation of how things work14:45
michaelrammsommer: i just read your wiki page...very interesting views on server and doc14:46
sommerfor example every patch I've submitted has been QA'd by bhuvan, who then either commits it or gives feed back14:46
sommermichaelramm: heh... thanks, just my ramblings14:46
rgreeninghey, if someone wanted to write a book for ubuntu, what is the process? Any support places I could go and research?14:54
michaelrammrgreening: what kind of book would you like to write?14:56
rgreeningI was looking at writing something focused on KDE/Kubuntu, as there seems to be little in the way of KDE desktops written. It would be a moving to Kubuntu for beginners (at least thet['s my thoughts. I have successfully converted 5 people so far, and would like to reach a broader audience14:57
rgreeningI have been using and developing for Linux since '93, and work in the telecommunications industry.14:57
rgreeningI've used many distro's and have recently switched to Kubuntu (from Gentoo).14:58
rgreeningGiven the future direction of KDE4 and it being ported to windows, I feel there is a need to provide a transitional from Windows w/ KDE Apps to Kubuntu14:59
rgreeningDoes this sound interesting?14:59
rgreeningAny ideas where I can get started?15:02
WaltzingAlongthe beginning15:05
rgreeningI mean, who do I approach to see if this idea will fly, get permission and who to submit a treatise/draft, etc to.15:06
rgreeningWriting the book will be easy.15:06
rgreeningGetting support and published if there is interest is what I need to garner15:06
rgreeningI'd also like to make the book available online with Kubuntu/Ubuntu as part of their documentation.15:07
rgreeningas a way of contributing15:07
michaelrammmorning, jjesse15:52
jjessemorning michaelramm16:23
actuallypopularhey guys, I was reading some docs and noticed that the xubuntu hardy docs don't actually talk about WHY we have 3 different package manners, how to use them properly, when to use them, when not, the rationale behind it etc.  thoughts?16:58
actuallypopular<-- posingaspopular at school btw16:59
eddieftwwhoops sorry i came in as actuallypopular just a moment ago if anyone is reading this as logs later17:06
ubotuNew bug: #160587 in ubuntu-docs (main) "Provide the server guide in textfiles" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16058719:30
somerville32mdke: Can you remove "Xubuntu is not supported by Canonical" from UbuntuHashes on h.u.c/community please.21:08
jjessesomerville32: just curious what support is there for xubuntu rom cannonical?21:09
somerville32It is equivalent to the other official flavours except they do not sell technical support for it.21:10
jjesseoh ok, so will xubuntu be an lts?21:10
jjessefor 8.0421:10
somerville32jjesse, The same as the others21:10
somerville32And besides, it is _completely_ irrelevant on a Ubuntu website.21:10
somerville32Ubuntu and Canonical are separate entities.21:11
jjessei understand that21:11
jjessei just ahd heard that 8.04 was not going to be an LTS for Xubuntu and there was no support so got a little confused21:11
somerville32jjesse, Where did you hear that?21:12
somerville32jjesse, Xubuntu shares the same repositories with the other flavours so it is impossible for Xubuntu not to be LTS if the other flavours are.21:12
jjessesomerville32: i asked someone at UDS and thats what they told me, can't remember who21:13
somerville32jjesse, The status of Xubuntu is not entirely clear to some people.21:14
somerville32Sort of like how the distinction between wiki.u.c and help.u.c is not well known21:14
jjessesomerville32: totally understand that21:14

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