
mgcclhi guys... seems like the ubuntu installer destroyed my hard drive partition02:02
twbThat's a feature02:03
mgcclI'm going to quote that on my blog... xD... that's cheers me up... xD... anyway... is there anything to fix it? or I have to do the erase entire disk feature?02:04
twbWell, clarify what you mean by `destroy'02:04
twbDid it clobber the partition table?  The partition itself?  Did it just create a new filesystem on that partition, probably leaving most of the blocks untouched?02:05
mgcclI don't know... what happened is, it originally have a NTFS partition, now after resizing it and change the new part into ext3, I get 2 unknown file systems02:06
mgccldo I have to erase everything... in the drive and create a new partition? all my stuff will be gone..-.-02:09
mantiena-baltixsuperm1_: how often xivulon joins here ? Almost every day or not so often ?08:58
superm1_mantiena-baltix, lets see08:58
superm1_he was on today at 17:50-19:14 my time08:58
superm1_and i'm central standard time08:58
superm1_usually daily though08:59
mantiena-baltixsuperm1_: thanks for info, what is your localtime now ?09:00
superm1_mantiena-baltix, 3:0009:00
superm1_whew.... i should be in bed :)09:00
mantiena-baltixsuperm1_: yea, my localtime is 11:00 ;)09:01
mantiena-baltixI just waked ;)09:01
superm1_mantiena-baltix, okay on that note i'll hit the sack :)09:01
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