
ubotuIn ubotu, somerville32 said: no, xfce-themes is <reply> Themes for Xfce4 are simply GTK2+ themes which means Gnome themes are also compatible with your xfce4 desktop. To install themes, unpack it in ~/.themes/  To install icons, unpack them to ~/.icons/ - Visit http://www.xfce-look.org/ for all kinds of eyecandy for your Xfce4 desktop! - See also !themes for other GNOME theme sites00:55
Hobbsee!no, xfce-themes is <reply> Themes for Xfce4 are simply GTK2+ themes which means Gnome themes are also compatible with your xfce4 desktop. To install themes, unpack it in ~/.themes/  To install icons, unpack them to ~/.icons/ - Visit http://www.xfce-look.org/ for all kinds of eyecandy for your Xfce4 desktop! - See also !themes for other GNOME theme sites00:57
ubotuI'll remember that Hobbsee00:57
tonyyarussoAre there any licenses approved by the FSF and not by the OSI?00:58
somerville32FSF believes their license is the only true open source license :P01:00
mjryou managed to get two errors in that sentence01:00
mjrway to go01:00
somerville32mjr, Could you identify the errors please.01:02
mjr1) The FSF don't care about "open source" 2) even if you substitute "free", it remains factually incorrect01:03
mjroh wait, 3) The FSF have many licenses01:04
somerville32Forget I said anything.01:05
mjreasily said and done01:06
AndrewBHey all you gentoo-ops!01:25
jribhi, where are they?01:25
LjLsleeping mostly, i suspect01:26
AndrewBI dunno, I just saw on the ML01:26
LjLso you can USE courtesy tomorrow perhaps ;)01:26
* somerville32 didn't understand that transaction.01:42
jdongLjL: was that a gentoo USE flags pun?01:44
LjLjdong: i'm not taking any credit, see ubuntu-irc ML01:45
jdongLjL: still. I wish I had kicking powers in here for that terrible pun ;-)01:45
* jdong grins01:46
LjLkick seveas then01:46
jdongLjL: hehe I think I'd get a lot of fireworks if I did that ;-)01:47
LjLand who said you don't if you kick me? >:01:47
jdongupon reflection, I've realized I have made more bad puns in #*buntu* :)01:47
jdongLjL: yeah yeah, that too :)01:47
jdongah, done with homework for the entire week. And I have a long weekend. Boy do I feel happy right now01:49
somerville32I met a guy once who could make puns out of everything.01:49
tonyyarussowe have visitors?01:49
LjLi met a guy once who could make innuendos out of everything01:49
somerville32tonyyarusso, And you're not a very good host. Where are the cookies and juice?01:49
tonyyarussosomerville32: umm....the boy scouts ate them yesterday01:50
LjLtonyyarusso: sleeping ones01:50
tonyyarussoLjL: ah01:50
jdongLjL: I'm like a cross between those two guys.01:50
jdongLjL: rather, I have both of those guys in me.01:50
LjLmc44? i thought you were gone to bed01:50
jdong20:44 -!- nicio [n=nicio@AMarigot-102-1-3-16.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined 01:51
jdongok, why does that hostmask worry me.01:51
jdonganyone? :)01:51
LjLjdong: yeah01:51
jdongerrrrr /whois confirms.01:52
LjLjdong: look at the real name01:52
jdongjust saw01:52
LjLhe was talking in #gentoo01:52
LjLasking how to install and stuff01:52
LjL(he was told that if he wanted something simple he should use ubuntu *grin*)01:52
jdongLjL: that's not as bad as somerville32's taunt :)01:53
* jdong pastebins01:53
jdong20:46 < somerville32> Please see #ubuntu for user support and #ubuntu-ops for  operators.01:53
LjLjdong: it's ##unavailable for operators01:54
jdongLjL: it sure is :)01:54
jdongand who's "nicio" now?01:55
jdongthere's so many names in this story I can't keep up anymore01:55
LjLjdong: yet, while he changes nicks and idents and all, there's always *something* he leaves as a clue to its former identities01:56
LjLi said "its"?01:56
LjLi swear it wasn't intentional.01:56
jdongLjL: I'm pretty sure he does it on purpose01:56
jdongLjL: his realname has changed from last time.01:56
LjLjdong: it's the only logical conclusion.01:56
LjLjdong: it sure has, since "mii" anyway is something he only came up after being banned a few times already01:57
LjLs/up/up with/01:57
jdongdidn't he once join a client with each, and exchange wii! and mii!'s for half a page? :)01:57
LjLi don't remember that... but he might have01:58
jdongI'd really like to meet some of these people in real life. I wonder if they are clever jokers or genuinely dysfunctional....01:58
jdongthere are seriously times that I don't believe the latter01:58
LjLjdong: uhm, i know some people *in real life* i wonder the same about02:01
LjLso i'm not entirely sure RL would even help02:01
jdongLjL: point made :)02:01
jdongLjL: for the sake of remaining optimistic for our species, I always calm myself by saying they are just clever witty people wanting a laugh.02:02
LjLjdong: clever witty people wanting a laugh collect #ubuntu quotes02:02
somerville32Do we have a database of quotes?02:03
jdongsomerville32: the bantracker? ;-)02:04
LjLnah. you'll have to scroll back in -offtopic... if you aren't there, too bad for you :>02:05
* jdong is probably in -ot02:05
jdongas long as ops was called in there since the last reboot :)02:05
LjLyou are in there02:05
LjLwhich reminds me...02:06
LjLno, i'm too tired for setting up complicated banforwards02:06
jdonghehe lucky for me02:06
jdongwhat do circular banforwards actually do?02:06
LjLjdong: that's a good question you should have thought better before asking02:07
jdongother than make a lot of staff angry at me? :)02:07
LjLuhm, and at me i guess. there's a point.02:07
jdongso does it actually try sending the clients in a loop or is the ircd smart enough to notice?02:08
LjLi'll tell you in a moment02:09
LjLor, depending on what happens, i won't02:09
LjL-Tempor even, perhaps the server decides to start lagging me as hell before i can even try02:10
LjL-Temp[03:10:59] [470] ##ljl ##metabot Forwarding to another channel02:11
LjL-Temp[03:10:59] [470] ##metabot ##ljl Forwarding to another channel02:11
LjL-Temp[03:10:59] [470] ##ljl ##metabot Forwarding to another channel02:11
LjL-Temp[03:10:59] [513]  Maximum forwarding reached02:11
LjL-Temp[03:10:59] [474] ##metabot You're banned from that channel02:11
jdongso at some point in a forward chain, it gives up and considers it a ban.02:11
LjLjdong: i suspect it wasn't in the original design, but was introduced after some server crash :)02:12
jdongLjL: :)02:12
LjLbit like ubotu's circular alias protection ;)02:12
=== elkbuntu_ is now known as elkbuntu
Hobbseesigh, he's trying again03:05
gnomefreakcan we change #freenode's !ops trigger?03:21
gnomefreakit is same as in #ubuntu and shouldnt be since we dont have rein over it03:22
naliothgnomefreak: ubot3 is not supposed to be in #freenode 03:23
gnomefreakhe is03:23
gnomefreaki got !ops messages in my /away from that channel03:24
gnomefreakat 17:41 EST03:24
naliothyes, i know.03:24
gnomefreakoh ok03:24
naliothi DO wish the folks in there would get it in their heads that there is no bot03:27
gnomefreakthey like bots i guess 03:29
Seveas3hrs of sleep04:12
Seveasand off to work again04:12
* nalioth gives Seveas his coal bucket and hardhat04:16
somerville32!shortcuts-#xubuntu is <reply> Keyboard shotcuts in Xfce4 can be set via Applications > Settings > Keyboard Settings. See the "shortcuts" tab04:20
ubotuIn ubotu, persia said: packaging is The packaging guide is at  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources - See also !backports05:28
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources - See also !backports05:28
Tm_Twhy wiki not docs, meesa dont see05:29
compu73rg33kMay I be allowed back in #ubuntu?06:33
Tm_Tyou are banned? by who?06:33
Tm_Tand why06:34
Tm_Tcompu73rg33k: I see06:36
compu73rg33kI was idling and apparently was just banned06:37
compu73rg33k--- LjL sets ban on compu73rg33k!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic06:38
compu73rg33kso Tm_T "join #ubuntu-ops and ask to be tested"06:41
naliothcompu73rg33k: have you followed the instructions in #ubuntu-read-topic ?06:46
compu73rg33kIt said I have a bug in my router? I'm fairly certain I don't...06:46
compu73rg33koh nvm so they want me to connect through port 8001 instead eh06:47
naliothlet's see06:47
naliothtsk tsk06:48
naliothcompu73rg33k: dunno, did you change your port?06:49
naliothi'm not a 'm'  :)06:49
naliothand you're not very honest06:49
naliothcompu73rg33k: please reset your client to connect to port 8001, and restart the client06:50
compu73rg33kI guess i"ll restart ht client but I told it connect through port 8001, I Thought .I'm using gnome-xchat and i went to the preferences -> networks -> Freenode and appended /8001 to "irc.freenode.net" in the servers dialog box06:51
naliothxchat-gnome again06:51
naliothyou ready, compu73rg33k ?06:53
compu73rg33kwould you happen to know anything about luks encryption of partitions?06:54
naliothcompu73rg33k: you can join #ubuntu now and thanks for your patience   :)06:54
compu73rg33kno, thanks for your patience, I admittedly didn't read the thing before I asked heh my bad :x06:55
Tm_Thappy customer07:01
fr00dI'd like to ask for an ubuntu cloak at freenode. I'm operator in #ubuntu-de and I should have one so our bot can recognize me as admin.07:32
ompaulubuntu cloaks are only available to ubuntu members however07:32
ubotu#ubuntu and related channels prohibit access from proxy servers due to a high level of abuse. Project cloaks allowed: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks07:32
ubotuAttention tor users.  You may think you are anonymous, but you are not.  Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself.   Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc.  If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks07:32
ompaulyou can get a unique cloak with that url ^^07:33
ompaulfr00d, actually more specifically: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup07:34
fr00dOf course.. I'd like to have an ubuntu cloak and I'd like to get an ubuntu member.07:36
ompaulfr00d that information is on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMemberHowto07:36
fr00dSo I think I've just wait for an answer of my inquiry.07:36
Mezer, why did I get an ops call in #freenode?08:23
Mez<#freenode/ubot3> Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici08:23
Mezyes codey?08:26
somerville32Mez: How do I get a list of highlights and crap08:26
somerville32I always leave my irc on over night and my highlights have always scrolled off08:27
somerville32It seems like you guys have a little event log or something08:27
AndrewBawaylog is cool :)08:27
Mezoh, I use a script called tabify08:27
somerville32Mez, xchat?08:27
somerville32Mez, sendy please :)08:28
somerville32cody-somerville@ubuntu.com if no DCC08:29
Mez00000000dont think DCC is allowed on freenode is it?08:29
Mezoh, I'm thinking SN08:29
somerville32Where do I place it again?08:30
ubot3Factoid xchat2 not found08:31
Tm_Twhois somerville32 08:32
* somerville32 is Cody A.W. Somerville <cody-somerville@ubuntu.com>08:33
Tm_Tasking because you dont have + and also I dont know you before08:33
somerville32hl me please08:33
AndrewBsomerville32: 08:34
somerville32Much love.08:34
Tm_Tsomerville32: anyway, nice to meet you, I'm Tm_T, old hermit from snowy mountains08:34
Tm_Tnow back to my cave ->08:35
somerville32Tm_T, Nice to meet you too! :) I'm a Canadian 08:35
Mezsomerville32, =- (ex?) xubuntu guy08:36
somerville32Mez, eh?08:37
Mezsomerville32, weren't you the xubuntu guy?08:37
somerville32Is that a good thing or a bad thing?08:38
Mezsomerville32, you were the guy who started off xubuntu werent you/ 08:38
somerville32Oh, no.08:38
somerville32That was Jani08:38
somerville32Although people often think that of me. I dunno why :/08:39
somerville32Although I am an Xubuntu developer.08:39
PriceChildI thought nvidia for 8800s was fixed :O08:53
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, macogw said: !ops mmg0 is being disrespectful09:42
ubotumacogw called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (mmg0 is being disrespectful)09:43
Tm_TI hate this crippled feeling09:43
MyrttiI hate this "I'm so stupid"-feeling09:58
Tm_TMyrtti: I'm getting used to it =)09:58
MyrttiI wish I've had time to get to know more open source development apps, but no.09:59
Tm_Tdoing all research alone is time consuming09:59
Tm_Tthats why I would love to fiddle these things in team of 2-4 persons10:00
Myrtti/me cries10:00
* Tm_T hugs Myrtti 10:01
Myrttiand every goddamn irc channel is full of people from work and I've got no place to cry privately10:01
Tm_Tthat reminds me, #leikkinurkka is dead :((10:02
Myrttihead --> keyboard10:02
Tm_TMyrtti: I hope I'm not still hugging when you do that or I'll get hurt10:03
* MenZa hugs Myrtti10:55
MenZaAlso, what's this I hear about some Gentoo ops popping in?10:55
* MenZa shudders and closes the window.10:57
Tm_Tsomerville32: there's been a LOT of random idlers behind tor lately11:17
Tm_Tsomerville32: you cant get a single word out of them11:17
elkbuntuTm_T, you're not an offtopic op, are you?11:19
Tm_Twhat offtopic channel?11:19
Tm_T#ubuntu-offtopic ? no11:20
Tm_T#kubuntu-offtopic yes11:20
Tm_Telkbuntu: I have had several frustration moments in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic because of (my) lack of op powers11:21
somerville32Tm_T, I've only been logging with this computer for the last week or so11:22
Tm_Tsomerville32: aye11:23
somerville32Tm_T, but I can see 12 different nicknames with a tor mask.11:23
Tm_Tsome of them are real people I'm sure11:23
Tm_Tsome maybe not11:23
Tm_TI became suspicious after several tor idlers started ping timeout and reconnect simultaneously11:23
somerville32A lot of them have the same nick but #'s appended.11:24
somerville32And number is actually 1411:24
Tm_Tsomerville32: see them speaking too?11:26
Tm_Tnalioth: that hoora fellow is becoming hilarious11:28
somerville32Tm_T, None of them.11:29
somerville32No one with a tor mask has spoken.11:29
Tm_Tsomerville32: if any of them is currently with you in some channel, try to get some noise out of them, just for fun :-p11:30
somerville32If you picked a command to operate a bot, what would it be?11:31
somerville32I'm thinking if you communicate with these people the "right way" they might respond11:31
nintendo64Why am I banned from #ubuntu11:32
Tm_Tinteresting question11:32
ubotuerUSUL called the ops in #ubuntu (simmie TROLL)11:33
MenZahey Hobbsee11:33
Tm_T#ubuntu simmie needs hug11:33
Hobbseehey MenZa 11:35
somerville32Tm_T, hora and gamblex are the only ones on right now11:35
Tm_TI see11:35
somerville32Tm_T, ctcp version to hora is ignored11:35
Tm_Tsomerville32: its not11:35
Tm_T1324 [ctcp(hoora)] VERSION11:35
Tm_T1329 CTCP VERSION reply from hoora: mIRC v6.16 Khaled Mardam-Bey11:35
Tm_Tits just that slow :-P11:36
somerville32Well, gable6x returns an away message and Purple client11:36
MenZaelkbuntu: \o/11:36
elkbuntunintendo64, it seems you told someone to rm an entire drive as a joke. we look on such behaviour very seriously as many people dont know what's a joke and what is advice11:37
elkbuntunintendo64, if that's the attitude you have, your ban will not be lifted11:37
nintendo64is the 'connect to server' thing supposed to be for hacking11:37
Hobbseenintendo64: can i ask how old you are?11:38
nintendo64* 1211:38
nintendo64my keyboard is broken lol11:38
Hobbseeyou might want to be more mature in the future, and think about your actions.11:39
Hobbseeelse, you will see us again and again11:39
Tm_THobbsee: or once and for all with k-line :(11:40
MenZaherro Amaranth15:34
stefgHi, would you consider this a linkable resource for a factoid? http://bapoumba.wordpress.com/2007/10/29/common-bugs-in-gutsy-with-workarounds/ 17:14
jdongstefg: I don't like factoids with a shotgun-scatter of relevance17:15
jdongstefg: it'd be better to make individual factoids with the useful information.17:16
jdongone for each important issue17:16
stefgok... VT's missing is most important17:16
jdongyeah, a factoid about that is good17:17
jdongthe other stuff seems questionable in relevance to me17:17
jdongfor example, the USB automount bug is CAUSED by running a Feisty kernel on Gutsy17:18
stefg!novt is No Virtual Terminals in Gutsy? see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=582962 for a workaround17:18
jdongwhich is not a good idea for so many other reasons17:18
ubotuIn #ubuntu-ops, stefg said: !novt is No Virtual Terminals in Gutsy? see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=582962 for a workaround17:18
jdongstefg: can you isolate that link to a specific post with the solution?17:18
jdongit's kinda annoying to send users to a thread where the answers seem to be 8 or 9 down17:18
PriceChildIsnt' there a novt factoid already?17:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about novt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:23
PiciPerhaps you're thinking of !ttyerror17:24
ompaulyeah I had to change the topic in -offtopic I actually have logs to prove I saw that 20:13
ompaulbut I think I would not like to publish them 20:13
ompaulPici, check topic next door20:13
ompaulPici, I saw that and blinked several times it did not go away20:14
PiciThere was someone earlier today who wanted to know how to add universe to yum20:15
Pici10:46:35 <_hp_> how do i add the universe repository using command line, i am using yum and the only documentation i can find is for apt20:15
Pici11:04:27 <_hp_> can one of you send me the universe part of your /etc/yum.repos.d ?20:15
PriceChildompaul, which bit?20:16
ompaulPriceChild, the last bit20:16
PriceChildgoogle hq bit?20:16
ompaulafter that20:16
PriceChild<$user> think i messed with some setting...20:17
ompaulPriceChild, yeap20:17
PriceChildahhhhh sorry I get it now20:17
PriceChildI thought you were going on about someone maliciously changing the topic20:17
PiciMe too20:18
PriceChildI love jdong's sig on the forums atm...20:18
ompaulPriceChild, share - if suitable20:18
PriceChild< Toxicity999> I think I often know better than apt20:18
PriceChild< Toxicity999> and often I am wrong.20:18
PriceChildtitled, "A user's lesson with manually monkeying around with apt's domain..."20:18
PriceChildThe "monkeying" bit just makes it for me.20:19
ompaulbut it is linux you can do anything you want .... correct ...... but it may not work afterwards20:19
* ompaul wonders when I become a bot20:22
PriceChildompaul, ubotu replies in pm20:23
ompaulno0tic, you like being here twice ;-)20:28
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
ubotuIn ubotu, tobi said: what is dejavu21:10
LjL!bot > tobi    (tobi, see the private message from Ubotu)21:15
somerville32We should have a factoid for people asking for help "cracking"21:19
naliothwe do.  !coc or !guidelines21:21
ubotupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o21:22
somerville32I was thinking there should be something specific to address people asking for help breaking into accounts :P21:22
somerville32LjL, looks good21:22
somerville32!piracy is <alias> cracking21:22
ubotuIn #ubuntu-ops, somerville32 said: !piracy is <alias> cracking21:22
LjLother way around21:22
LjL!cracking is <alias> piracy21:23
ubotuI'll remember that, LjL21:23
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
sladen_Please can we kill the #ubuntu-unregged business22:57
=== sladen_ is now known as sladen
sladenI think it's starting to be a case of the system trying to be too clever22:58
PriceChildsladen, no-one else has been "caught"?22:58
sladenPriceChild: lucky that somebody who has half an idea what's going on "found" it then22:58
sladenPriceChild: we'll never know how much genuine users might have been caught and left confused aswell22:59
PriceChildWe also managed to dump 5 spammers in there the other day who would have disrupted #ubuntu before their k-line22:59
PriceChildI do not believe that it is our fault you're ending up in -unregged :/22:59
PiciI'm confused.22:59
PiciI thought people only got stuck in unregged if we set +r or +R?23:00
* Pici has a bad memory for modes23:00
crdlbPici: join throttling23:00
naliothPici: #ubuntu is currently +J23:00
PriceChildsladen, is there any chance you could check your server window just to see when/why you ended up in -unregged?23:28
PriceChildWhen you get forwarded, there'll be a message there.23:28
sladenPriceChild: can't see any, I did a /close #ubuntu-unregged (window disappeared) and I only log privmsgs23:30
sladenif it happens again, I'll keep more debugging information23:30
PriceChildOk cool thanks, I think it could be quite useful to know that to figure out why you're being singled out.23:31

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