
elmook,s eriously15:10
elmohow  on earth do you restore a 'Stopped' printer with the new gutsy printer UI?15:10
elmoI ended up going through the web ui, the gnome one was so devestatingly unintuitive15:10
Hobbseeelmo: cant be done.  too many options there already.15:11
seb128elmo: second tab, first option?15:12
seb128elmo: it's a checkbox though which doesn't look intuitive at all15:12
elmooh, blah15:12
elmoseb128: right, thanks.  that would have been it15:12
siretartthere used to be a enable(1) command as well, IIRC15:12
* seb128 dislikes this new UI too15:12
* ogra wholehartedly agrees15:13
KeybukI like the new UI about as much as I like ritual disembowelment15:15
seb128pitti: any gut felling about sg3-utils?15:20
fabbioneseb128: they are good :)15:21
seb128the new libgpod version use it to do a scsi inquiry on the new ipods15:21
seb128which would mean main promotion15:21
* cjwatson_ would like to ask the same question about libsmbios, for the sake of Dell systems15:22
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seb128I'm wondering if that would be worth trying to do without the libsgutils115:22
cjwatsondellWirelessCtl seems to make network-manager a lot happier15:22
cjwatson(or rather hal)15:22
fabbioneseb128: in my experience they are pretty good.. i used them as Suggests: for multipath-tools for a while because I didn't want to go through the pain of MIR15:23
fabbioneseb128: and they had a smaller and more specific user target15:23
fabbionebut if it's required for iPod stuff, then it changes and MIR is worth it15:23
seb128fabbione: ok, thanks, I'll do a MIR then ;-)15:23
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PriceChildKeybuk, Hey, I'm packaging gizmod3.4 for universe, and upstream's provided a udev file he's like included http://gizmod.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/gizmod/dist/debian/gizmod.udev?view=markup (other packaging there is half mine, all old and irrelevant) I know nothing about udev and someone suggested I talk to you about this.15:30
KeybukPriceChild: well, the udev file is bogus15:31
Keybukevent is already handled by our default rules15:31
Keybukquite why he wants them owned by group "admin" I have no idea15:31
PriceChildKeybuk, mind if i invite him in...?15:33
KeybukDEBUG:root:python-distutils-extra: ubuntu is 1.91ubuntu315:34
KeybukDEBUG:root:python-distutils-extra: debian is 1.91ubuntu315:34
KeybukDEBUG:root:python-distutils-extra: base is 1.90 (1.91 wanted)15:34
Keybukcan anyone see what happened here? :P15:34
Keybukelmo: I thought the Debian archive prevented that?15:35
elmoprevented what?15:35
dokoKeybuk: I'll have a look, but python-distutils-extra wasn't my invention15:35
flithmPriceChild: hey I just got your email15:35
Keybukdoko: I'm not blaming you, Sebastian Heinlein <glatzor@ubuntu.com> uploaded it- just alerting you because it's python-*15:36
elmoKeybuk: I don't reject stuff with 'ubuntu' in the version, if that's what you mean, I looked at it, but it would have caused a lot of rejections of existing packages15:36
Keybukelmo: ah, ok15:36
pittiseb128: hm, I never heard about this thing15:37
Keybuk(this really screws up MoM :p)15:37
PriceChildCool flithm, keybuk's here if we can figure out how we can do what you want to do?15:38
flithmKeybuk: so adding a udev rule into the deb isn't a good idea?15:39
Keybukflithm: that udev rule isn't a good idea15:41
Keybukudev rules in debs are ok15:41
Keybukjust that rule is wrong Wrong WRONG! :p15:41
flithmKeybuk: okay, so what's the best thing to do... my original idea was to create a separate group that allows read access to /dev/input/event* and then add the current user to that group.   Ultimately I think that'd be better.15:42
flithmbut do you have any ideas?15:42
Keybukflithm: what does your program do?15:44
KeybukI assume it doesn't work when X is running?15:45
flithmKeybuk: it does.  It allows scripting of input events, and supports all sorts of input devices.  Ie use a usb dial, or foot switch to change virtual desktops, or scroll firefox, that kind of thing.15:46
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Keybukflithm: is it only intended to be run under X?15:47
flithmKeybuk: no it's meant to run under both X and console15:47
flithmbut most people run it under X15:47
Riddellbdmurray: able to test bug 17595?15:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 17595 in hwdb-client "failure to parse xorg output leads to a hung gui." [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1759515:48
Keybukflithm: ACLs are probably the best solution15:49
flithmKeybuk: you mean posix file system ACLs?  or some sort of crazy udev thing I'm not aware of.  If you mean file system stuff that's really not a good.  They'll need to be reset every time the user restarts udev15:50
Keybuknobody restarts udev :p15:50
flithmKeybuk: when you restart your computer you do15:50
pittiseb128: so, I have used evolution for 20 minutes now, and wrote down a list of usability things which make it inefficient for me15:50
Keybukcurrent plan is to deprecate "access to particular devices" groups15:50
Keybukespecially things like plugdev15:50
seb128pitti: excellent ;-)15:50
pittiseb128: where do you think should I discuss this? create upstream bugs for each item?15:50
Keybukand instead set ACLs on the devices for the individual users that can use them15:51
Keybuke.g. "the set of users currently logged in on a console"15:51
seb128pitti: can you copy it somewhere for me so I can tell you what is already known, etc15:51
flithmKeybuk: nice that sounds ideal... how are the acls made to be permanent?  some sort of script that runs after udev starts?15:52
Keybukflithm: HAL/udev/DeviceKit will set them15:52
bdmurrayRiddell: there are a couple of more people on the SRU team now15:53
bdmurraybut I'll do that one15:54
flithmKeybuk:  right now I am just hoping to find a way to let users install gizmod without having to manually create a udev rule.  Whatever the best method is, I'm all for it... if it's udev or ACLs, no matter to me.  Is it possible to get the deb file to set the current user to have read / write perm to dev/input/event*?15:55
Keybukflithm: in the short term, a "gizmod" group would probably suffice15:55
pittiseb128: I created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MartinPitt/EvolutionMailUsability15:55
seb128pitti: thanks15:56
flithmKeybuk: yeah I just looked and it appears as if ubuntu defaults to having ACLs turned off on the root partition anyway... so for now is creating a group, adding the current user, and applying a udev rule that uses the group gonna be okay?15:57
Riddellbdmurray: ooh?  who's new?15:57
pittiseb128: it can be summarized as 'keyboard shortcuts suck' and 'not enough space for email content (smaller fonts)'15:57
seb128pitti: what is the smaller fonts about? text inside the preview area? or widgets?15:57
Keybukflithm: /dev is its own tmpfs15:58
seb128pitti: about "no easy way to switch between a large mail list, and a small list and viewing the email in a large window", enter and ctrl-W?15:58
Keybukflithm: as long as it's a unique group, and not abusing the admin group, it's ok15:58
pittiseb128: the control elements are ok, and I guess if evo would have the two modes between "select email from a list" and 'view email in large window' the font size doesn't matter so much15:58
bdmurrayRiddell: pedro and ogasawara15:58
pittiseb128: let me try15:58
Riddellbdmurray: groovy15:59
pittiseb128: yeah, I think that will do15:59
seb128pitti: "does not remember changed column width; date uses 1/3 of the width, and is mostly empty, and space for subject is too small; changing this permanently is impossible"? are you sure15:59
flithmKeybuk: cool... yeah a unique group is best, I just didn't know how to put that into the deb build script15:59
pittiseb128: I tried it several times16:00
Keybukflithm: addgroup --system in your postinst16:00
flithmPriceChild: do you know how to add a group and add a user to that group in the build scripts?16:00
seb128pitti: it doesn't share the settings between boxes so you have to do it once for every single box which is grrrr, but then it should be ok16:00
pittiseb128: I'll remove the view mode item from the list then, thanks for the hint16:00
seb128box = folder16:00
flithmKeybuk: cool thanks16:00
pittiseb128: ah, indeed; that's it16:01
pittiseb128: modifying that, too16:01
seb128pitti: note that pressing "space" do "scroll to the bottom of mail and jump to next unread mail (different folder if all the mails in the current one are read) then"16:01
seb128pitti: so theorically you just have to keep pressing space to read everything16:01
pittiseb128: right; I think this could be subsumed under the 'cannot reorder folders' point then16:02
seb128s/to the bottom/jump a page/ rather16:02
pittiseb128: I don't always read all the mails in a folder to get to the next one, though16:02
seb128thanks for the list, there is some valid points there16:02
seb128the "one key without modified" thing is unlikely to be changed, the other ones are mostly valid ones I think16:03
pittiseb128: updated the list16:03
* seb128 hugs pitti16:04
pittiseb128: I think the default bindings are ok and Gnomeish16:04
pittiseb128: but I'd like to configure my own, with the option of not using modifier keys16:04
seb128right, that's basically down to "evolution still use bonobo instead of GTK"16:04
seb128once it'll use GTK modifying the menu keybindings will work like in any other GNOME application16:05
pittiseb128: let me add some proposals how these things could be addressed16:05
PriceChildflithm, not yet but I will in a little I'm sure ;) So we're still using some sort of udev?16:10
pittiseb128: page updated16:10
flithmPriceChild: yeah Keybuk suggested it's the best short term solution... but we can't abuse the admin group16:11
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PriceChildflithm, ok so get the udev file sorted and I'll get it going. (I don't think we can get the user automatically added to the gizmod group, but perhaps we could provide some sort of hint that it should be done somewhere)16:12
flithmPriceChild: okay sounds good, I'll post up a new udev file... let's go with the "gizmod" group?16:12
seb128pitti: do you have a way to trigger the 100% CPU usage?16:13
pittiseb128: unfortunately not16:14
nakeeethere is a bug, in gdm 2.20 when ipv6 enabled and you are on ipv416:14
pittiseb128: when I have, I'll create a proper bug report; don't worry about it for now16:14
nakeeethe get host addr call fails16:14
seb128pitti: ok, same for the trash not working? ;-)16:14
nakeeeshould I create a bug report about it?16:14
pittiseb128: well, that still happens16:14
seb128nakeee: I think there is a bug in launchpad about that16:14
PriceChildflithm, cool. Little busy atm but should be able to work on it in a short while. Will check svn for new udev file16:14
seb128pitti: what do you try to do and what happens?16:14
flithmPriceChild: I'll send you a message, i gotta take care of a few things first too16:15
seb128pitti: do you try to press delete with mails in the trash selected?16:15
pittiseb128: I deleted a few mails with the Delete key, they land in "Trash"16:15
pittiseb128: right-click on Trash, "Empty trash", doesn't work16:15
pittiseb128: neither does the menu item in "File"16:15
seb128hum, k, weird16:16
seb128any error on the command lineĀ§?16:16
nakeeeseb128,  I created a patch that seems to fix it16:16
nakeeeseb128, do you know where the bug is? I can't find it..16:17
nakeeeit's funny I reported that bug in debian on gdm 2.1816:17
seb128nakeee: no, just read some comment about that in the thousand of desktop mails I get every week16:17
nakeeeI don't see it, oh well on the worst case it will be another double bug16:25
seb128nakeee: let me have a look16:26
seb128way to much bugs there :(16:26
seb128nakeee: in fact I think that was the current comments on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/gdm/+bug/7525416:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 75254 in gdm "XDMCP not working in ipv6, gdm should be compiled with --enable-ipv6=yes" [Low,Fix released]16:27
bddebianToo many bugs period :-(16:27
pittiseb128: no, nothing on command line16:31
nakeeeseb128, yea that from 2.18 I reported it then and they fixed it16:32
nakeeeseb128, it reappeared in 2.20:)16:32
seb128nakeee: could you open a bug upstream rather if you have an account on bugzilla?16:33
seb128nakeee: otherwise we will just act as a gateway and forward your comments and upstream comments which creates extra work and doesn't bring lot of value16:33
nakeeewhy does no one make a bugzilla that support openid..16:38
pittiArneGoetje: can I leave the ttf-arphic-uming merge to you?16:53
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seb128mjg59: could you try to send GNOME patches you work on upstream? that would avoid us rant like the gnome-power-manager one on planet gnome18:18
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mjg59seb128: I've already replied to Richard. To the best of my knowledge, all the others have been Ubuntu-specific integration.18:19
seb128mjg59: right, there is very few patches not sent upstream he just picked on specific example18:19
mjg59That one was an oversight - I wrote it against a development version and thought it had already been fixed upstream18:20
seb128I mentioned it because we also have a bunch of gnome-control-center patches you wrote which have not been sent upstream (the synaptic one)18:20
mjg59Yes, that's not mergable18:21
seb128arguably they are not upstream material but GNOME guys like to have those in bugzilla anyway so they know what distros are doing and can comment18:21
mjg59I'd really rather that didn't go to bugzilla - it'll just encoruage other people to ship it18:21
mjg59At which point it becomes much harder to fix it properly18:21
mjg59I'm working on this with X upstream18:21
seb128mjg59: maybe you could blog respond to the post since you are also on planet gnome? All the distros have quite some patches and some not sent upstream for whatever reason would be nice to point there ;-) I'll do post after diner maybe if you don't18:39
seb128anyway dinner time for now18:39
mjg59seb128: I've commented on the post18:40
seb128not sure many people read the comment but right18:41
Keybukenv AUTOBUILD=1 NOEXTRAS=1 fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic  1935.23s user 303.32s system 95% cpu 39:03.72 total19:11
Keybukoh, that's just taking the piss19:11
Keybukmy laptop took close to 4 hours to build the exact same kernel image19:11
giskardoboe@oboe-laptop:~$ aumix19:23
giskardThe program 'aumix' can be found in the following packages:19:23
giskard * aumix19:23
giskard * aumix-gtk19:23
giskardTry: sudo apt-get install <selected package>19:23
giskardbash: aumix: command not found19:23
giskardthis is a impressive feature19:23
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Keybukjcastro: don't suppose you can remember whether the newest items in an RSS feed are at the top or at the bottom? :p19:30
jcastrotop usually19:30
KeybukGoogle didn't respond ... my first reaction was to check my internet connection19:36
amitkKeybuk: get Intel to send you one of their software development platforms. Rumor is that they do one flavour in 17 minutes19:52
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YokoZarjcastro: sup21:20
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jcastroYokoZar: hi!21:26
YokoZarjcastro: so, let's talk team formation.  The first step is pointing me to a good wiki template21:28
YokoZarActually, I do need to get the BetterIntegratedWineSpec ready for review too21:28
jcastroYokoZar: gimme 5 minutes, gotta shift gears to get you all set.21:31
jcastroYokoZar: see pm21:37
YokoZarBy the way, Valve tells us that at least 10 thousand Steam users are using Wine at this point.  They just started a new survey, so there'll be more accurate data in a week or so.21:38
* ajmitch wonders how many WoW players are using wine :)21:39
YokoZarajmitch: I would guess at least 30k, given that WoW is about 3x as popular (3 million monthly users for Steam, I think there are about 9 million WoW players)21:41
jcastroYokoZar: are you getting my pm's?21:41
YokoZarIn IRC?  no.21:41
jcastrois there an #ubuntu-wine or something where we could do this?21:42
YokoZarYes, join it21:42
mdkehas anyone used the gutsy installerfor a thinkpad t43? It seems to hang at the partition stage - gparted also just keeps scanning for devices continuously and I can't find /dev/hda or /dev/sda in order to try fdisk22:16
mdkeah, gparted has finished now with "no devices detected"22:19
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mdkeif anyone can give me a tip for debugging I'd be grateful. Otherwise I'll file a bug22:23
norsetto!support | mdke22:23
ubotumdke: the official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org22:23
* mdke slaps elmo 22:24
mdkeok, tail -> legs22:25
elmowell.. I was about to try and help you, but if you're going to be like that...22:25
* mdke hugs elmo22:25
elmomdke: well, I was kinda lieing, I'm probably not all that useful; but check dmesg for any mention of 'ata' 'sda' or 'ide', case insensitively?22:26
mdkeelmo: yes,ata22:26
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sorenajmitch: You've put yourself as maintainer of libvirt rather than motu or core-dev.. Does that mean that I can just tell you to go update it, or will you now claim it was a mistake? :)22:30
mathiazdoko: Are you planning to merge nfs-utils soon ?22:30
ajmitchsoren: that pre-dates the general (required) practice of using the teams as maintainers22:31
ajmitchit's already been updated by others anyway22:31
sorenajmitch: Alright. Should I change the maintainer, then?22:32
ajmitchif you wish22:32
ajmitchsince I haven't touched it for awhile22:33
sorenajmitch: Will do.22:33
keescookarchive admins: I've sub'd you to 160454.  I'd like to get wider testing for the pcre update before rolling it out for real.  Can you approve the dapper/edgy/feisty/gutsy-proposed uploads?22:39
keescookcjwatson: ^^ if you're still awake.22:39
sorenkeescook: Er.. It's a security update, isn't it?22:39
keescooksoren: yes, but I'm putting it into -proposed first to get more testing.22:40
sorenThat bad, huh?22:40
keescookit's a major version upgrade, so ... yeah.22:40
keescookon the plus side, it's ABI compatible.22:40
keescookall my testing shows it as happy, but I just want To Be Sure.22:41
ajmitchit'd cause some issues if it weren't22:41
keescookunderstatement of the year.  ;)22:41
ajmitchsoren: I understand you're going to do a bit with libvirt & co then?22:41
sorenajmitch: I might :)22:41
sorenajmitch: Someone will. I'm doing it right now.22:43
ajmitchright, I saw the ad22:43
sorenajmitch: Ah, I was just about to mention that.22:43
ajmitch'virtualisation specialist' seems to cover a bit more than virtualisation there :)22:44
cjwatsonkeescook: awake but buried in other stuff and probably best not to get sidetracked or I'll never get to sleep ...22:45
keescookcjwatson: okay, no problem.22:46
cjwatsonmdke: fwiw it's not gparted any more, hasn't been since feisty22:46
ajmitchthough I see there's a subsequent server developer position that seems to cover much of the same22:46
Mithrandirkeescook: I'm not here, but I'll poke at it for you anyway.22:47
keescookMithrandir: heh, thanks.22:47
Mithrandirkeescook: we don't really have a policy for how to do those kinds of things.  Want to make up a policy here and now?22:48
keescookMithrandir: sure... closest to this has been the firefox updates (new origs) and the mozilla 1.5 dapper update (new major version)22:49
Mithrandir"If a security update includes major version updates, it should, if possible, go to -proposed first for testing.  Any upload by a security team member to -proposed for a security vulnerability it will get accepted immediately without ack from -sru in a similar fashion to regular security fixes being installed into -updates without further ado"?22:50
keescookMithrandir: sure, that reads well.  Should I add that to the SRU or the SUP wiki?22:50
sorenMithrandir: s/vulnerability it will/vulnerability will/22:51
Mithrandirsoren: sure.  I was just typoing it out over a lossy and slow SSH link.22:51
Keybuk^ \o/ that actually seems to be working22:51
sorenKeybuk: Ooh! Shiny!22:51
Mithrandirkeescook: sure.  And mail -devel, I suppose22:51
Keybukexcept the links are wrong, oops22:52
sorenKeybuk: Well... except that the links don't work?22:52
sorenKeybuk: :)22:52
Keybukand they're in the wrong order22:52
sorenKeybuk: Would it be much extra work to add an rss feed of atomic/ubuntu ?22:54
Keybuksoren: the plan is to have an rss feed of most things22:54
Keybukthough I need to know what things to put *in* the rss feed ;-)22:55
Keybukie. what to link to22:55
sorenKeybuk: Well, in the case of the atomic patches that's straightforward, right?22:55
sorenOr am I missing some detail here?22:55
Keybukby-release/atomic is I guess22:56
Keybukthe rss feed should probably be per-package though, not global, right?22:56
sorenHm... Per package would probably also be useful, but I actually meant global.22:56
sorenIt would be like the hardy-changes rss feed Seveas maintains, only better.22:57
Seveasso I can finally get rid of it? :)22:57
Keybukwe already have pretty much that in ubuntu-patches@lists.ubuntu.com22:57
sorenKeybuk: That doesn't send out the atomic diffs, does it? It sends what's in by-release/ubuntu ?22:58
Keybuksoren: sends out atomic diffs except at -1 time22:58
sorenKeybuk: Oh. I just picked a random e-mail from that list and it said it contained the diffs from the base Debian version, but now that I look more closely that is indeed only in case of an ubuntu1 revision. That's *exactly* what I was looking for.23:00
Keybukwhat's a good name for such things23:00
Keybuk"subscriptions" sounds wrong23:00
Keybuksyndicate! :p23:01
sorenEr.. In which contexT?23:01
Keybukjust a name for the python program23:02
ivokspysub :)23:02
Mithrandirkeescook: accepted.all accepted.23:04
* keescook hugs Mithrandir23:04
Mithrandirkeescook: happy to help, hopefully it all works out fine.23:04
* keescook holds on to his hat23:05
Mithrandirand with that, I'm off to bed.23:05
LaserJock_MMA_: ping23:12
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_MMA_LaserJock: Yo23:14
LaserJock_MMA_: got it :-)23:14
_MMA_w00t!! Hooray for UPS! :D23:15
Keybuk^ there, that should work better23:19
Keybuk(note: sample data :p)23:19
Keybukthere's also http://patches.ubuntu.com/by-release/atomic/patches.xml now23:19
Keybukfor comparison23:20
* Keybuk stops spamming the Debian PTS23:29
Keybukla la la23:29
Keybuk^ per-package rss feeds23:34
* Keybuk taps the data centre23:40
Keybukerr, hawlo?23:40
elmoKeybuk: err?23:42
Keybukit's back :)23:42
* Spads throws a rock on Keybuk 23:43
sorenKeybuk: You're still just testing this with a few packages, correct?23:48
sorenKeybuk: Ok.23:49
Keybuk^ by-package ubuntu->debian packages.xml23:54

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