
idonghi! was trying to install xubuntu from iso... it stops after i was able to detect the iso file..16:06
=== idong is now known as garuhhh
garuhhhhi! was trying to install xubuntu from iso... it stops after i was able to detect the iso file..16:06
garuhhhooops.. i got disconnected..16:16
garuhhhanyone have installed xubuntu from iso?16:16
reload123I just started using xubuntu, when I click terminal I get a black screen and it logs me out from the user interface17:02
reload123does anyone have the skills to solve this problem?17:03
reload123aynone here?17:07
jarnosAnybody else have the problem that you have to click shutdown twise to get it work?17:07
reload123what do you mean?17:09
reload123didn't understand17:09
kwhkhi, TheSheep, u there?17:13
reload123anyone, please let me know when you can help17:20
jarnosreload123: could you make a bug report in launchpad.net? And use a different terminal in the mean time.17:23
jarnosAnyone have this problem: You have to click Applications > Quit twice to get the session dialog.17:26
marist1does somebody have problems with cd burning under 7.10?17:26
jarnosmarist1: Well I could not adjust burning speed in brasero. Once burning had error even though brasero did not report me one.17:28
jarnosWhat is the normal memory usage of Xubuntu when desktop is empty. Mine is 63MB, though I have added few items to a panel.17:49
jarnosIt is half of the RAM in the machine!17:50
zoredachejarnos: it is time to consider adding more ram...  even the light systems prefer at least 256...17:53
LiENUSzoredache, why should ubuntu prefer at least 256 mb of ram?17:56
LiENUSi remember a time when linux wouldnt even auto detect more than 128 mb17:57
jarnoszoredache: Well, I could add 64MB, the PC is used for text processing mainly.17:57
zoredacheLiENUS: because almost all programmers in the last 2-3 years have realized that it is cheaper to buy new hardware then it is to waste time optimizing code17:58
LiENUSat the time it wasnt optimizing code to support less than 128mb of ram17:59
zoredacheyou are of course free to use older versions17:59
zoredache6 years ago when 128mb was standard programmers weren't trying to emulate functionality from Vista or OSX18:01
LiENUSwhat functionality?18:01
zoredachesee compvis/beryl...  Checkout the desktop search features, checkout the automagic wifi reconfiguration18:02
jarnoszoredache: Don18:02
LiENUSi doubt jarnos is running comviz/beryl18:03
jarnosLiENUS: =18:03
jarnosLiENUS: I don't want those wasting resources.18:04
zoredacheYes, but he probably is running network manager, hald, and so on and so forth...18:04
LiENUSso why not suggest he turn those things off18:04
zoredachebecause it is not trivial, and a person who needs to ask the question probably won't be able to manage...  Plus, I have never really cared enough to figure out how18:05
LiENUS/etc/rc.d/hald stop is non trivial?18:06
jarnosI am going to turn Network Manager and Update notifier off from automatically started applications, since the PC is not used in internet connection.18:06
jarnosLiENUS: What is the benefit of hald and how much does it take resources?18:06
Pres-Gasso, can a group be a member of another group?18:07
zoredachePres-Gas: last time I looked, no...18:07
Pres-GasI thought so, zoredache, but was not sure.18:08
LiENUSjarnos, iirc hald handles adding/removing hardware18:29
jarnosLiENUS: like USB DISK?18:31
LiENUSlike sound cards18:31
LiENUSit might handle usb disks too18:31
LiENUSbut im not sure18:31
ibolmohey, where's the Network Places in xubuntu ? :D18:51
zoredachethere is no equivalent to network places in xubuntu18:52
zoredachethere are several examples in the forums where people have use fuse and smb to get some smb mount functionality18:53
zoredacheor you could just manually mount things from the command line18:54
ibolmothanks zoredache19:02
ibolmohey zoredache, my "Autostarted Applications" in the Settings menu is missing, what's the package that I'm missing?19:20
zoredacheno idea19:21
ibolmohehe, i'll google thanks19:21
zoredachethe file seems to be xfce4-autostart-editor19:22
ibolmoweird, not found19:25
zoredacheif this was debian, I would suggest you do a search at packages.debian.com.  I don't think ubuntu has a similar system though...19:26
ibolmono worries, i'm looking it up19:26
tehkCan anyone suggest a light filebrowser/client that supports fish19:28
ibolmoit's in my /usr/bin but not in the menu19:28
monty_hello, i have just installed xubuntu , from where can i lock my desktop ?19:39
zoredachelock your desktop?19:40
zoredacheas in nobody else can use it until they enter your password?19:40
monty_yes , for eg i have to go and i dont want any one to see or use my desktop19:40
zoredacheRight click on any one of the panels, and choose add.  From the panel items list choose 'action button'19:41
zoredachethe action button type should be 'lock screen'19:41
monty_zoredache : thank you , its there19:41
zoredachenow all you should have to do is click the button to lock19:42
monty_thanks , its working  :)  , let me go and explore more  thanks again bye19:43
longjohni have a dsl connection but no router. do i have to install my modem? if not, how can i find out which is the correct device in /dev/* ? thanks19:48
zoredacheDoes the DSL get directly connected to your computer, or does it go to a box that connects to an ethernet card in your computer?19:49
longjohnyes directly19:50
longjohnor wait19:50
longjohnfrom modem to pc-ethernet card19:50
zoredacheYou would probably need to figure out what kind of card you have in your cmputer and then search to see how to get it working under linux...19:50
longjohnthe card works19:51
zoredacheah, so you do have a modem...19:51
longjohnyes. like i said =D19:51
zoredachehow do you know the ethernet card works?19:51
zoredacheusually ethernet devices don't show up in /dev.  You can get a list of ethernet devices by using the 'ip link' command in a terminal19:52
longjohnonce a friend of mine was here with his router which was able to get connected to the pc19:53
longjohni mean i was able to administrate the router from this pc with this network card19:53
zoredachewell anyway to get the dsl modem connected you will need some information from your ISP.  Like do they need PPPOE, do they assign addresses via dhcp, if not do you need to statically enter ip addresses19:55
longjohnwhy do i need more than username and password? even windows can handle it with this data19:56
zoredacheThe reality is that Linux isn't as easy to install as windows in some cases...19:57
zoredachehow does windows think the modem is configured?19:58
zoredachedid you have to install some software from the isp, or?19:58
MatBoyis Terminal Service Client broken in Xubuntu Gutsy ?20:08
zoredacheI have 4 sessions open right now... so I don't think it is broken...20:08
MatBoyzoredache, wierd, it does not work here anymore... does rdpc works full screen at your side too ?20:11
zoredachekrdc?  I thought you where talking about tsclient ...20:12
shortjohnzoredache ree, i disconnected. what other data could be required? dns ips ? i could get these easily20:12
zoredacheMatBoy: tsclient seems to go to full screen just fine.20:13
MatBoyzoredache, indeed that worked before here too... it doesn't anymore in a strange way...20:14
MatBoyzoredache, with krdc I can use compiz, I can't with tsclient20:14
MatBoyzoredache, it tries --F here :S20:17
MatBoyoik solved that20:18
MatBoyzoredache, can you skip to another dekstop when in tsclient ? I mean when you opened tsclient, can you switch to a linux desktop ?20:19
zoredacheI almost never am in full screen20:20
zoredacheso yes, I can switch back in forth I just use alt-tab...20:21
MatBoyok, I need krdc again in full screen20:21
MatBoybut it's not possible :(20:21
arsenipanyone have a TX series vaio with xubuntu / ubuntu?20:34
arsenipinternets died, anyone have a TX vaio with buntu ? :p20:44
zoredacherather then doing a poll about who has what, why not ask your question if you have one20:45
ronnieone of them miniature notebooks right arsenip? make sure acpi and stuff runs nicely20:48
ronnieirqs a bit odd on them too20:48
arsenipit has some extra keys20:48
arsenipon the lappy20:48
arsenipthere is rarely drivers that work20:48
arsenip(or never used to)20:48
arsenipso im wondering if anyone has one with working media keys on it now20:48
ronniemake sure under system services hotkeys service is enabled20:48
arsenipsystem services?20:49
ronnieyeah applications> system> services20:49
arseniponly just installed xubuntu .. not touched xubuntu in a year, so im not sure where that is :p20:49
arsenipseems to be already on21:03
NullNameANyone know why my volume control disapears from my panel in xubuntu 7.10?21:58
NullNameI can't add it anymore either21:58
NullNameonce in a blue moon when I add it it will appear21:58
NullNameit used to appear with no problems21:58
zoredacheare you logging in with a different account perhaps?22:10
NullNameonly one account22:11
NullNameusing xfce no crazy mods or anything22:11
NullNamestandard setup22:11
NullNameit worked in 7.0422:11
NullNameI upgraded and my volume control was gone22:11
NullNameand now only once in a while can I get it back22:12
NullNameit seems to have no pattern22:12
NullNameand when I reboot the damn thing is gone22:12
suranapHi, anyone know how to run a minimal X session? I just want to run remote X sessions. I don't need a desktop most of the time.22:32
retourI need help with wine. I can access *.exe file to start using midnight commander but from under console folder /wine/drive_c/Program Files is invisibe (Only Program Files) so I cant make a launcher to it22:45
zoredacheretour: you probably need to try a wine channel, or the #ubuntu channel...  I don't think this channel is high volume enough to have someone who can answer you22:48
retourwell I've installed Xubuntu so I was hoping thats my best bet as it may be a simple acess settings bug22:50
arsenipare there any issues with beryl and xfce4?22:55
arsenipscratch that23:21
arsenipanyone using xubuntu 7.10 with compiz-fusion?23:22

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