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ToHellWithGAis a macbook an appropriate testing platform?  i'm running ubuntu gutsy 32-bit on one / partition and 64-bit on another / partition and sharing /home02:46
Hobbseeshould be fine.02:46
ToHellWithGAi figure there's always new fun stuff to learn02:46
ToHellWithGAhey man how you doin?02:46
ToHellWithGA@lart 28 to you :)02:46
Hobbseeconsidering options and such ;)02:48
crimsun'lo sarah02:48
ToHellWithGAso right now is before alpha 1, will an s/gutsy/hardy/g and a dist-upgrade get the ball rolling?02:49
HobbseeToHellWithGA: yeah.  but maybe too far, though.02:49
ToHellWithGAunless yall are running some super keen new svn madwifi i'd have to build a wireless module anywho02:49
Hobbseesome of it's awfully unstable.02:49
ToHellWithGAit's my toy installation, it can break a lot :)02:49
ToHellWithGAi dunno how package selection goes, but is virtualbox possibly going to be included in hardy's repositories?02:56
ToHellWithGAthe open source edition is a fairly easy-to-use virtualization package, and the private use and evaluation license version works nicely for individuals to setup some pretty slick integration of VMs02:57
crimsunvirtualbox-ose | 1.5.0-dfsg2-1ubuntu3 | gutsy/universe | source, amd64, i38602:58
crimsunvirtualbox-ose | 1.5.0-dfsg2-1ubuntu3 | hardy/universe | source, amd64, i38602:58
ToHellWithGAok then02:58
crimsunIIRC, stevenk uploaded it for gutsy, even.02:58
ToHellWithGAi guess i've had their repostiory in my sources.list too long XD02:58
ToHellWithGAsynaptics entries in /etc/X11/xorg.conf are not being respected05:24
ToHellWithGAi'll check back tomorrow to see if a bug has been filed or an update has fixed the problem, but until then imma sleep05:25
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_StefanS_what kernel is expected to be included in hardy ?09:18
Amaranth_StefanS_: 2409:28
_StefanS_good, thats what I was hoping ;)09:28
_StefanS_anyone know why amd64 versions always display "Kernel Alive" in the bottom of the screen.. seems kinda wierd :)09:32
Amaranth_StefanS_: The developers like portal?09:33
AmaranthThey want you to know the kernel is still alive09:34
_StefanS_heh, so the kernel is usually more dead on 64bit then ? because its not displayed on x86 :)09:34
AmaranthI don't think you got the reference?09:34
_StefanS_probably not. But I'm also tired.09:35
_StefanS_please rephrase09:35
Amaranthportal is a video game09:40
AmaranthIf you haven't played it, drop everything and start doing so09:41
_StefanS_Amaranth: does it work for linux?09:50
Amaranthit's hl2 based so it works perfectly with wine09:51
_StefanS_uhm okay09:52
IdleOneanybody know when boinc-manager will be fixed?13:56
HobbseeIdleOne: when someone (like you) fixes it?13:58
IdleOneHobbsee: I wish I had the know how to do that13:58
Toma-whats wrong with it?13:59
Hobbseelearn it :)13:59
IdleOneToma-: it is broken apperrently and apt removed it13:59
IdleOnecouple days ago13:59
Toma-ill have a glance at it, but im no programmer14:00
IdleOneToma-: nm seems it wants to install now. I'll let you know if it works14:00
IdleOneToma-: btw thanks for jumping in and offering to help :)14:01
Toma-np :)14:01
IdleOneI just tried to install it after I asked about it14:01
Toma-waiting for e17 to compile. kinda bored14:01
Toma-you might want to check out https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/boinc/+bug/48768 if it works14:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 48768 in boinc "boinc-manager startup program fails to log in" [Medium,Confirmed]14:02
Toma-theres a work around for it14:02
IdleOnegoing to let it install and see what happens14:03
IdleOneboinc-manager seems to be working fine for me :)14:06
IdleOneyay! back to crunching14:06
IdleOnee17 how is it looking?14:07
Toma-im making a theme for it14:07
IdleOnehavent played with it in a while14:07
Toma-so damn sexy ;D14:07
IdleOnereally? what is the theme?14:07
Toma-ill snapshot it14:07
IdleOnewhy you compiling and not using the package?14:07
IdleOnehmmm thought there was as package maybe not14:08
ubotuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.14:08
Toma-need up-to-date builds to keep the theme code crisp14:09
IdleOneI see14:09
IdleOnethink I wanna break my system and compile it also lol14:09
Toma-gimme a sec, ill throw u a script14:10
IdleOneepiphany-browser is acting up again . wont load14:10
Toma-window borders are a work in progress14:10
IdleOneerrrr this darm machine is slow14:12
Toma-it will pull in all the ubuntu packages for you to build14:12
* IdleOne needs to get a new pc with less slowness and more fastness14:13
PiciI hear computers with that feature are all the rage nowadays14:14
IdleOneyeah me too14:14
IdleOneif rage is what your looking for I can send this computer to you Pici14:14
Picihehe, No thanks. I have enough of that right now.14:15
IdleOneToma-: under the fireball and a impact crater with molton rocks or sumsuch :)14:15
IdleOnebut it looks good to me14:16
Toma-thx :)14:16
Toma-need to get cracking on this border, because its yuck14:16
IdleOneToma-: can I add a desktop background image in e17? there is a certain image of a motorcycle that I like having on my desktop. reminds me that I need to go and buy it for myself14:30
Toma-of course14:30
Toma-Config > Wallpaper > Picture14:31
IdleOneahh ok well then I will install14:31
Toma-btw, theres no systray.14:31
IdleOnelmao my only requirements is that I can add a picture to my desktop. wether it works or not  means nothing :)14:32
IdleOneis there a command to list the number of files on my system?14:34
IdleOneI mean everything14:34
* Hobbsee would assume some use of "file"14:35
Hobbseeand linecount14:35
IdleOneToma-: sh get_e.sh correct?14:36
Toma-chmod +x get_e.sh14:37
IdleOneCheck /etc/ld.so.conf sanity14:38
IdleOneAdd /usr/local/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf please.14:38
IdleOnealso says check sudo access14:38
IdleOneabove those lines14:38
IdleOnehmmm ok ?!14:39
Toma-Youll need to do that :)14:39
IdleOnehehe how?14:39
Toma-gksudo gedit /etc/ld.so.conf14:39
Toma-type - /usr/local/lib14:39
Toma-save exit14:39
IdleOneI need to add that line at the end?14:40
IdleOnejust /usr/local/lib or include /usr/local/lib14:40
Toma-and when its all done, ¨sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/xsessions/enlightenment.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/¨14:41
Toma-just the path14:41
IdleOneok done14:41
Toma-when its ALL done14:41
Toma-Trying to get that problem fixed14:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 162326 in xorg "Should include /usr/local/share/xsessions" [Undecided,New]14:42
Toma-kind of embarrassing that ubuntu doesnt respect /usr/local14:43
IdleOneYour distribution is not supported. Please adit this script and14:43
IdleOneadd a section to detect your distribution and then to install14:43
IdleOnerequired packages for it.14:43
Toma-....what distro are you using?14:43
Toma-ill tweak it for you then14:44
IdleOnehehe ok14:44
Toma-you can do this14:48
Toma-text editor > swap all instances of gutsy with heron14:48
Toma-and go14:48
IdleOnesure thing14:49
IdleOnewhy not use the e login manager? you have it set to not compile14:52
IdleOneor it is set to not compile14:52
Toma-its set to not compile14:53
Toma-most folks already have a login manager14:53
Toma-and then more folks have no idea how to setup entrance as a login manager :)14:53
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IdleOnewhere is toma- when you need him17:30
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hydrogenswapping gutsy for heron is really going to eff up your system19:01
nanonymehydrogen, with x86 plain you still have chances of getting a working heron, right?19:02
hydrogenyoiu have a cahnce of getting a working hardy19:02
hydrogennot a working heron19:02
nanonymei think i'm confused and am unsure if it's because of the anime music of the terminology19:03
nanonymegah, too confused to do replaces, apparently...19:03
IdleOnenanonyme: read the topic. DO NOT RUN HARDY it is not stable or near stable and it will break19:05
nanonymeIdleOne, well, i understand it's still very deep in developing, i just didnd't get the hardy vs. heron bit19:06
IdleOneahh well 8.10 is codename Hardy heron and normally the codenames are shortened to the adjective in this case hardy or Fiesty or Gutsy19:07
IdleOneand so on19:07
IdleOnejust one of those things. not a set rule but one ppl seem to follow19:08
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