[03:41] https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/postfix.html has a broken link which points to https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/web-servers.xml#creating-a-self-signed-certificate . is that something to filea bug on? [03:47] (yes) [03:48] ok. [03:48] crimsun: against ubuntu-website? [03:49] IIRC, yes. [03:49] * kgoetz searches === bhuvan_ is now known as bhuvan [07:14] kgoetz: ubuntu-docs bug please [07:15] ubuntu-website is just for www.ubuntu.com really [07:39] mdke, i'll have to move it [07:42] moved [07:43] New bug: #162794 in ubuntu-doc "7.10 serverguide contains broken link to self sign certs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162794 [07:43] ^^ me. [21:21] I am looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems [21:21] Is this something that the documentation team maintains? [21:31] desertc: the documentation team sort of keeps a vague eye on the documentation wiki; but the whole community is welcome to edit and improve any page [21:32] I think I will do a quick insert. [21:32] Thanks for the feedback. [21:32] Kamping_Kaiser: thanks for moving it [21:36] Would you double check my change? [21:37] desertc: I can't right now, but maybe some one else will, or you can write to the mailing list.