
s1024k1soren: i grab-merge the package "yappy". my teacher norsetto told me to modify the changelog and add my name and e-mail address. but i don't know how to do.00:00
sorens1024k1: It's a textfile. Open it in an editor and go nuts. :)00:00
sorenEither that or use "dch -e"00:00
s1024k1soren: what does "dch -e" do?00:01
sorenOpen the changelog in an editor and changes the e-mail adress to yours.00:01
s1024k1soren: okay. thanks. so after i modify the file, must i re-compile the package?00:02
sorenYou could just try it or look at the man page if you think I'm trying to trick you into something evil :)00:02
sorens1024k1: Depends on what you want to do.00:03
s1024k1soren: i want to upload it of course, after the job has been done...00:03
sorens1024k1: Then you just need to create the source package.00:03
sorenI suppose you could say "compile the source package".00:04
* ajmitch usually forgets about the various things that dch does00:04
ajmitchmostly because emacs spoils me :)00:05
soren"spoils" is not quite the word I'd use.00:05
s1024k1soren: i used "grab-merge" to grab and merge the package already. and then i modify the changelog and the control file, add my messages in the files. and what next?00:05
ajmitchtreats me to a gourmet meal with fine wine? :)00:05
sorenajmitch: Rather something that starts with a b and rhymes with cutpuck.00:06
ajmitchs1024k1: build the source package with something like 'debuild -S'00:07
* ajmitch tries to think of a word that fits00:07
slangasek"backpacker potluck"00:08
s1024k1ajmitch: thank you. after i building the package again i can get something final for upload already?00:08
ajmitchthat builds a source package - you can use that to build binaries using pbuilder, if you have that setup00:08
s1024k1ajmitch: thank you.00:09
* ajmitch wonders why soren is even still awake & on irc :)00:09
* soren wonders the same thing00:09
ajmitchtoo busy with server stuff, I'm sure00:10
slangasekbecause he's DEDICATED00:10
ajmitchthat's one word for it00:10
s1024kbjust now i want to get a new account in irc.freenode.net, but i found that my nick name in irc.ubuntu.com was changed... strange. does anyone know why?00:24
StevenKirc.ubuntu.com == irc.freenode.net00:24
freakabcdhi all00:26
freakabcdFujitsu, is octave2.9.17 in the repos?00:26
s1024kbStevenK: okay, thanks. but i want to use the same nickname to login because people know me as that nick name... but when i use pidgin just now, i saw my nick name was changed...00:26
s1024kbStevenK: now i am in window, using Xchat. I am afriaid that when i comeback to Pidgin the same thing happen...00:27
StevenKIf you try and sign in using both xchat and pidgin the same thing will happen00:27
freakabcdhow do i find the latest version of a package?00:28
freakabcdi think its some ! trigger and ubotu or someone responds00:28
StevenK!info libc6 hardy00:28
ubotulibc6: GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.6.1-6ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 4093 kB, installed size 10136 kB00:28
freakabcd!info octave2.9 hardy00:28
s1024kbStevenK: no, i am using one tool each time.00:28
ubotuoctave2.9: GNU Octave language for numerical computations (2.9 branch). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.9.12-2ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 7869 kB, installed size 26840 kB00:28
freakabcdumm.. seems like its not in yet00:29
freakabcdthanks StevenK00:29
StevenKs1024kb: Shrug. Ask in #freenode?00:29
Fujitsufreakabcd: Nice timing. The sources are, but something strange happened with wx 2.6, so it was uninstallable.00:29
freakabcdwx 2.6 ?00:29
freakabcdwhats the deps with wx ?00:29
FujitsuIt needs the development packages to build, and they are currently uninstallable.00:31
freakabcdFujitsu, ok. i know what you mean. but you said '...wx 2.6...'00:31
freakabcdwhat is this dependency? i don;t think octave needs this00:31
freakabcdFujitsu, is it possible to have the src package backported to gutsy _before_ getting it ready for hardy? i'm pretty sure we can get it going on gutsy00:33
FujitsuIt is against policy to backport it before it's known to work in the development release, for good reason.00:33
FujitsuFor what reason do you need it so absolutely urgently?00:33
freakabcdwell, i've already got octave and octave-forge compiled and installed on my machine (manually, no debs). just thought it would be nice to have packages. Also, octave-forge packaging is being discussed actively right now, so i thought i might be able to contribute.00:35
freakabcdbut i don;t run hardy and can work only in gutsy.00:35
freakabcdFujitsu, were there non-trivial changes to be made changing the src package from 2.9.12 to current(2.9.17?)00:40
freakabcdif not, i want to have a go at building a package for octave2.9.17 (obviously this is not to be made for universe, just personal use)00:40
bddebianHeya gang00:41
Fujitsufreakabcd: You could always grab the source package from Debian and build it for your own system. That should work, and is fairly trivial.00:41
FujitsuHi bddebian.00:41
bddebianHeya Fujitsu00:42
superm1_imbrandon, you here still?00:43
freakabcdFujitsu, i've got another question: why is g77 still noted in deps for some packages? i thought gfortran was a drop in replacement00:54
Fujitsufreakabcd: I'm pretty sure it's not a drop-in replacement, as there were/are migration issues.01:01
=== asac_ is now known as asac
freakabcdFujitsu, fair enough. would there be some webpage mentioning/discussing the issues encountered?01:07
FujitsuPossibly, but I really have very little idea.01:09
freakabcdFujitsu, is there a way to find out which packages depend on g77 ?01:14
freakabcdi'd like to see this list and find out the reasons (if any) they fail to work with gfortran01:15
StempIs there an howto about "ubuntise" a debian package ?01:15
FujitsuStemp: Nothing should be necessary, other than rebuilding it in an Ubuntu environment.01:16
bddebianShouldn't need to if it's in Debian01:16
alvincaren't there changelog naming conventions to adhere to?01:17
alvincwith regard to Stemp's question01:17
bddebianOnly if it needs to differ from Debian01:17
alvincwell, the repos are named differently, yes?01:17
alvincmain/restricted/universe/multiverse versus main/contrib/unstable, etc01:18
Stempand gutsy/hardy01:18
alvinci had built some source the other day, tried to upload it to PPA and it complained to me for the changelog naming01:18
changelogchangelog? where? :P01:18
changelogchangelogs don't complain, they bitch and wine :-|01:19
alvincUnable to find distroseries: unstable01:19
alvincFurther error processing not possible because of a critical previous error.01:19
alvincis what PPA sent to me01:19
alvincred wine?01:19
alvincwith cheese?01:19
Fujitsualvinc: You could have just uploaded to /hardy or /gutsy or similar.01:19
FujitsuMost of our packages have unstable in the changelog, because they're taken bit-identically from Debian.01:20
alvincah.  as my PPA ignorance shines through01:20
alvincFujitsu:  If you wouldn't mind pointing me at the correct procedure for that, I'd be much obliged01:20
alvincI tried doctoring it in changelog01:20
alvincit got a little further01:21
Fujitsualvinc: There's a bug open about the lack of documentation.01:21
FujitsuI think that if you upload to ~username/ubuntu/somerelease it should override.01:21
alvinchere was the second round of PPA giving me the finger:01:21
alvincUpload is binaryful, but policy refuses binaryful uploads.01:21
alvincUpload is source/binary but policy refuses mixed uploads.01:21
alvincPPA uploads must be for the RELEASE pocket.01:21
Stempso it should be easy, just dch -i and dbuild -S -sa right ?01:21
alvincI really need a motu mentor, by the way.  :(  Been trying to get one for a month now.01:22
alvincI wonder if I can get one on EBay01:22
Fujitsualvinc: You didn't build with -S.01:22
alvincjust kidding01:22
alvincExactly.  :)01:22
FujitsuYou tried to upload _i386.changes, when you needed _source.changes.01:22
alvincBut it got past the distro error01:22
alvincMy final attempt worked01:22
alvincbut, as i said, i had doctored the changelog to make it work01:22
alvinc(with all due respect to changelog)01:22
alvinchere is what i put:01:23
alvinciscsitarget (0.4.15-ubuntu1) gutsy-backports; urgency=low01:23
alvinc  * Added initd.ubuntu, due to Ubuntu using /bin/ash as the default target01:23
alvinc    of /bin/sh, changed debian/iscsitarget.init (Fixes: #160106)01:23
alvinc  * Fix build failure on feisty and gutsy (Fixes: #160104)01:23
alvinc -- Alvin Cura <alvin.cura@gmail.com>  Wed, 14 Nov 2007 21:32:37 -080001:23
alvinci bet i'm not supposed to do that.  :)01:23
FujitsuYou can't upload to backports.01:23
FujitsuTHat's the RELEASE pocket error. -backports is the BACKPORTS pocket.01:24
alvincah ha...01:24
alvinc*sigh* so much to learn01:24
Stempubuntu1 not 0ubuntu1 ?01:24
RAOF(And that would be the wrong version number if you were uploading to backports)01:24
FujitsuThis isn't actually documented anywhere, of course.01:24
FujitsuStemp: Why are you changing the versioning?01:24
alvincNow I am *really* going to cry01:24
alvincI googled a lot trying to find docs on it01:24
alvincThen I started hack-n-slashing01:24
FujitsuAnd there is a bug open about allowing uploads to the various other pockets.01:25
StempFujitsu: because on my package (midori) Debian packager changed the home page to debian.org01:25
FujitsuWhat is the Debian version?01:25
Stempactuelly 0.0.1001:26
Stempbut the source is since yesterday 0.0.1101:26
alvinci really need to get this stuff all figured out01:26
FujitsuThat's the whole Debian version? No -1 or anything?01:26
alvinci've got various fixes for several bugs ready to go, but i'm a moron on uploading.  :(01:26
alvinclots of stuff that broke in linking /bin/sh to dash, you see.01:27
alvinceasy fixes01:27
Fujitsualvinc: Why are you uploading them to a PPA?01:27
FujitsuWouldn't it be better to have them in the Ubuntu archive?01:27
alvincDon't they need to be evaluated first?01:27
slangasekFujitsu: nah, the Debian version for midori is 0.0.10-101:27
StempFujitsu : 0.0.10-101:27
alvincI was going to have a friend apt-get my work, test it on his boxes01:27
Fujitsuslangasek: Thanks.01:27
alvincand then annotate the bug01:27
FujitsuStemp: Right, so the version with Ubuntu changes would be 0.0.10-1ubuntu1.01:28
alvincI don't know how to upload to the actual archive anyway.  ROFL01:28
alvincI can't even upload to PPA01:28
Fujitsualvinc: You can't upload to the actual archive; you need to attach a debdiff to a bug and get it sponsored.01:28
StempThanks Fujitsu, it's so obvious, i feel dumb :D01:28
alvincThought so.01:28
alvincSo that was why I was trying to put it in my PPA and make notes in the bug01:29
alvincSo that someone could read it01:29
FujitsuYou will need to attach a debdiff and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors. We don't review from PPAs.01:29
alvincI really was about to make a repo at home and make notes in the bug01:29
alvincah ha.....01:29
alvincgoogling ubuntu-universe-sponsors now01:30
alvincthanks Fujitsu.  :)01:30
FujitsuDamn, one less word I can tab-complete :(01:30
Fujitsualvinc: Why googling?01:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sponsor - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sponsorship - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:30
FujitsuMust be here somewher.e01:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uus - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:30
FujitsuSee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing.01:31
FujitsuThat has useful information on what you're trying to do.01:31
alvincso...  communication here is done in a mailing list?  not in launchpad?01:31
FujitsuWhat gives you that idea?01:32
alvincYou said to subscribe to the list?01:32
alvincI'm sorry, did I misunderstand?01:32
FujitsuAttach a debdiff to the bug, and subscribe the ubuntu-universe-sponsors team to the bug.01:33
alvincThanks Fujitsu01:33
StempI have another dumb question, I get the debian package source from midori. I don't want the change (google.com to debian.org).  So I remove the patche directory, run dhc -v 1ubuntu1, add to changelog New upstream ? is that all ?01:38
FujitsuIt's not a new upstream...01:40
FujitsuYou would say `Dropped patch to change homepage to debian.org' or similar.01:40
Stempand if there is nothing to change ?01:41
FujitsuThen you don't make any changes, and it should be synced automatically.01:42
alvincFujitsu, for updating a bug in Launchpad....01:42
Stempthanks Fujitsu01:42
alvincIf I attach a debdiff, do I check "This attachment is a patch"?01:43
Fujitsualvinc: You should yes.01:43
alvincThank you01:43
=== asac_ is now known as asac
alvincThanks again Fujitsu.  I attached debdiffs and subscribed ubuntu-universe-sponsors to the bug01:48
Fujitsualvinc: Thanks.01:48
alvincFujitsu, what is the criteria for differentiating universe from multiverse, I'm curious?01:52
imbrandonuniverse is free software, multiverse is not01:53
imbrandonbtw heya01:54
alvincokay, so better question:  the difference between restricted and multiverse?  ;)01:54
alvincor partner and multiverse?01:54
imbrandonpartner is software that is not redistributable except by the vendor , multiverse can be distributed but is not OSS01:55
imbrandonrestricted is binary blobs required to run the system, like frirmware01:56
Fujitsurestricted is like multiverse, but supported.01:56
FujitsuLike main to universe.01:56
alvincthanks.  :)01:57
LaserJockrestricted doesn't have software does it?01:57
LaserJockonly drivers and firmware01:57
imbrandonafaik yes01:58
LaserJockdoh, should have looked at imbrandon's response first01:58
FujitsuLaserJock: It has MySQL documentation too.01:59
StempI don't know if it's the right channel to post my question but how do you get some extras packages into your pbuilder system ?01:59
FujitsuAnd probably some other things.01:59
imbrandonStemp: one way is to "sudo pbuilder login --save-after-login" and install them, but that will taint your pbuilder for further use and you should make a backup of the tgz first02:00
imbrandonand restore it once finished02:00
StempI want to include libwebkitgtk and I hope it will be in Hardy ;)02:01
FujitsuWe have webkit in Gutsy...02:01
Fujitsu!info libwebkitgdk0d02:01
Fujitsu!info libwebkitgdk0d gutsy02:02
Stempthat's the problem02:02
Stempgdk not gtk02:02
imbrandonWeb content engine library for Gtk+02:03
imbrandonlooks gtk to me02:03
FujitsuIt is the GTK+ variant.02:03
FujitsuWhat do you want it for?02:03
Stempfor epiphany-webkit and midori02:04
Fujitsuepiphany-webkit builds with the aforementioned package.02:04
Fujitsu(I know because I've done it multiple times)02:04
FujitsuWe have that in Hardy.02:05
ajmitchhey Hobbsee02:05
imbrandonStemp: its in hardy02:05
Stempyes it's probably in Hardy but in my pbuilder (hardy) it is not :(02:06
* ajmitch chased hobbsee away02:06
imbrandonyou probably need to run "sudo pbuilder update" then02:06
StempI did it02:07
ubotuDebian bug 445060 in libwebkitgdk0d "webkit: should be renamed to libwebkitgtk0d" [Minor,Fixed]02:07
Fujitsualvinc: ?02:08
alvincsorry, spelling error, i found it funny02:08
alvincgdk versus gtk02:08
imbrandonStemp: if you ran pbuilder update and its still not avail then you have other issues02:08
FujitsuIt's not a spelling error.02:08
Stempok imbrandon02:08
FujitsuUpstream renamed it.02:08
imbrandoneither your not running hardy pbuilder or dont have universe enabled02:09
imbrandonthe latter is more likely02:09
Stempuniverse for webkit ?02:09
imbrandonlibwebkitgtk0d is in universe02:09
* ajmitch tries not to chase Hobbsee away this time02:09
RAOFIt's certianly not officially supported by Cannonical :)02:10
Stempwhy ? not free software ?02:10
Fujitsuuniverse is unsupported free software.02:10
FujitsuCanonical can't support *everything*...02:11
ajmitchunsupported or community-supported02:11
RAOF*Especially* libraries that haven't even been released.02:11
alvincspeaking of Canonical...  what's the name of the team that takes care of main?02:11
Stempbut webkit ~= khtml ? no ?02:11
alvincis there stuff to read?02:11
imbrandonalvinc: ubuntu-core-dev02:11
FujitsuStemp: It forked quite some time ago...02:11
alvincfrankly i'm still interested in the varrun varlock drama that causes all kinds of headaches when I FAI a new box.  :)02:12
imbrandonStemp: no, its a fork of khtml but != khtml02:12
Hobbseeajmitch: sorry.  konvi borked.02:12
imbrandonapple forked the code quite some time ago02:12
ScottK2Heya Hobbsee.02:12
Hobbseegreetings ScottK202:12
imbrandonello Hobbsee02:12
ajmitchHobbsee: ok, so you're not running away?02:12
Hobbseeajmitch: afraid not.02:12
ScottK2Hobbsee: How goes the battle against the evil corporate consipiracy?02:12
HobbseeScottK2: erm...i cant talk about it :)02:13
ScottK2Ah.  Right, wouldn't want to dampen the mood.02:13
* ScottK2 holds big smile and thinks happy thoughts02:13
ScottK2So I came back to my hotel for lunch today and found the building next door to be on fire.  Hopefully the evening will be quieter.02:15
Hobbseeas in, i did not get a gag order - i'm just choosing not to talk about various bits, related to canonical.02:15
Hobbseeyay, fire!02:16
* ajmitch takes the matches& petrol away from Hobbsee 02:16
* Hobbsee still has teh sparklers and looks for an aerosol can.02:16
ScottK2It had really great big billowing clouds of black smoke, but actually got put out pretty quickly.02:16
joejaxxGood Evening Everyone02:16
joejaxxScottK2: from the build daemons?02:17
ScottK2joejaxx: No, the building next to my hotel.02:17
ScottK2Business travel is fun!02:17
RAOFFire is more fun.02:17
RAOFBut combining the two...02:17
tritiumScottK2: no it's not!02:17
ScottK2Ah.  forgot the </sarcasm>02:18
alvincgah.  i suspect my question was already answered, but my scroll buffer is full02:20
alvinci'm sorry02:20
alvinchere goes:  how does one submit a package from debian experimental for consideration for ubuntu universe?02:21
zulthe leperchaun told me to burn things02:21
RAOFalvinc: You ask for it to be sync'd, after you're really sure that the reason it's in experimental doesn't matter :)02:22
imbrandonalvinc: there isnt a strict policy, it could be a sync or could go through REVU, i'd push the REVU way, its in expirmental for a reason02:22
ScottK2imbrandon: Why not a sync?02:23
alvincwell, it's new, for sure02:23
ScottK2If it needs a change to deal with whyever it's in experimental, then merge it.02:23
alvinclzma-dev and friends for squashfs02:23
imbrandon..... , its in expirmental for a reason02:23
ScottK2imbrandon: Right, but REVU doesn't help that.02:23
* Fujitsu would strongly advise against touching squashfs stuff.02:23
alvincFujitsu: ?02:23
imbrandonScottK2: it dosent? Reviewing new software before it hits the arcive never hurt either02:24
FujitsuThe Canonical distro team will likely deal with that, and get annoyed if you meddle in it.02:24
* ScottK2 has only sync'ed from Expermental twice. One of those experiences convinced him to be very careful.02:24
alvincScottk2:  Do tell?02:24
ScottK2imbrandon: Sure, but a sync bug sent to UUS would accomplish the same goal.02:24
alvincFujitsu:  Annoyed?  Did I step in a steaming pile with this one?  ;)02:25
Fujitsualvinc: What are you wanting to do with squashfs? No sponsor is going to go near that, as it's very touchy and prone to breaking on a lot of systems.02:25
ScottK2alvinc: Yeah, I didn't understand why something was in experimental, needed it to fix something else, and then it took 3 or 4 uploads to fix why it was in experimental, including having to Tom Sawyer nixternal into fixing some stuff I couldn't figure out.02:25
ajmitchno wonder he went to vista...02:26
alvincI'll try to be brief.  Kind of hard to do.02:26
StevenKHaving to Tom Sawyer? Is that like volutold?02:26
alvincAMD low power hardware comes cheaply here in Silicon Valley these days02:26
alvincCisco hardware is still very spendy02:26
pwnguinfixing bug is so fun!02:26
alvincBut use of aufs, squashfs with lzma, and friends....02:26
alvincI can fit a Quagga router onto a compact flash02:26
ScottK2StevenK: No, it's convincing someone that work you are supposed to do will be fun/interesting so you won't have to do it.02:26
alvincAnd run it reliably drawing 47 Watts02:26
alvincvery very useful02:27
pwnguin47 sounds like a lot02:27
StevenKScottK2: Haha02:27
ScottK2StevenK: In Tom Sawyer, he gets told to paint a fence and does such a great job convincing other people painting the fence is fun, he avoids having to do it himself.02:27
imbrandon47 watts is kinda high for low power stuff :)02:27
alvincSo with the combination of google, and some headache in finding the right concoction of sources.list.....  I got a kernel to build which boots squashfs/lzma off a compact flash, does the AUFS thing, and voila02:27
pwnguinScottK2: they dont read american classics in australia i guess02:28
alvincWell, of course imbrandon...  But this is off-the-shelf parts02:28
ScottK2pwnguin: I guess not.02:28
pwnguinalvinc: So is ARM02:28
alvincYou can Newegg yourself an OSPF router this way, without funky cases and MiniITX boards and stuff02:28
ScottK2StevenK: You should read some Mark Twain.  Very good stuff.02:28
StevenKI have read Tom Sawyer - it was just over ten years ago02:28
ScottK2StevenK: Ah.  OK then.02:28
alvincpwnguin:  I have a little Buffalo Terastation which I believe has an embedded ARM processor02:29
StevenKScottK2: You'll let me off with that, then? :-)02:29
imbrandonalvinc: heh or i can just load openwrt on a off the shelf router, but i see your point ( kinda )02:29
alvincI'm a little less than impressed at its RAID-5 performance02:29
ScottK2StevenK: No.  I was just about to mention that's probably 15 years more recently than I've read it.02:29
pwnguinwell, raid5 involves xoring massive amounts of data02:30
alvincBut seriously, at today's cheap RAM  prices...  I cheaply scored a MicroATX mobo, and Antec Minuet case, 2G of ECC RAM, la la la02:30
StevenKScottK2: Hah02:30
alvincno moving parts02:30
alvincCompact Flash booting02:30
alvincAnyhow, it was nifty02:30
pwnguinalvinc: there's also gumstix ;)02:30
alvincpwnguin:  You're gonna make me google that now?  lol02:30
pwnguinalvinc: and the nlsu202:30
imbrandongumstix or nano-itx02:30
imbrandonw/ cf cards02:31
pwnguinalvinc: the nlsu2 should have better raid502:31
* pwnguin wonders if anyone ever got a gumstix to commect to a usb keyboard, mouse and CRT02:31
pwnguinbecause that would be l33t02:31
* nixternal remembers ScottK2's intentions02:31
alvincwow, that's slick.  but pwnguin...  that gumstix mobo costs the same as all the parts i picked up new...  with a hole lot less RAM02:32
nixternalcvc cook ScottK2.recip02:32
pwnguinalvinc: well, you're ignoring the power costs, but point taken ^_^02:32
nixternalcvc add ScottK2.recipe && cvc ci02:32
pwnguinalvinc: size costs02:32
* ajmitch throws a copy of vista at nixternal 02:32
* nixternal throws a copy of Foresight at Ubuntu!02:32
imbrandonalvinc: you can build a nano-itx x86 with the same specs much smaller and just as cheap02:32
alvincsize, power, and parts to break02:32
alvincalso your gumstix thing means less spares to keep02:32
imbrandonplus less watts02:32
* nixternal wants PICO!02:33
pwnguinless spares of what?02:33
* nixternal needs PICO MONEY!02:33
nixternalwell, mucho money02:33
alvincthings that break.  RAM sticks, spare mobo, spare cpu, etc etc etc02:33
imbrandonyea the pico-itx are sweet, just a bit pricy02:33
zulwhoever uses pico should be shot02:33
nixternalimbrandon: you got me addicted sauce lapper02:33
imbrandonnixternal: lol02:33
alvincIf I were to propose using such a thing at work, I'd definitely get the book thrown at me for spares and stuff02:34
nixternalwith that damn c64 keyboard02:34
alvincI had to sneak in a Quagga router as it was02:34
imbrandonzul: a MB CHIP RAM , basicly everything in a pack of smokes == pico-itx02:34
alvincI wanted to subnet, and they didn't want to spend on a Cisco, and I didn't want to wait02:34
zulimbrandon, ah i thought you were talking about the text editor02:34
pwnguinalvinc: spare RAM?02:34
alvincI don't know about you, but DDR2 has been pretty finicky for me02:35
alvinc240 pins, more stuff to screw up02:35
pwnguinwell its soldiered on pretty good and designed to be compatible02:35
imbrandonalvinc: either way , back to the real topic, yes you can do the expirmental thing, but you will have to bug the right people in core-dev as it will be tricky02:35
alvincI've had 3 different guys at work break several boxes by He-Man(tm)-ing the RAM into slots02:35
nixternal[       zul] imbrandon, ah i thought you were talking about the text editor02:35
nixternalzul: so people who use nano should be shot as well right?02:36
nixternallets get um!02:36
pwnguinnano's nice when emacs isnt installed02:36
alvincvi 4tw02:36
alvincsorry.  :)02:36
imbrandoncant nano run IN emacsOS ?02:36
nixternalvi vi vi - the mark of the beast!02:36
crimsunnixternal uses notepad.exe from Vista.02:36
zulnixternal: oh hell yes02:36
pwnguinimbrandon: of course. but why?02:36
nixternalI am using Emacs in Foresight :)02:37
pwnguinimbrandon: it also can run vim :P02:37
imbrandonany text editor that i can start but not close without reading a manual ( vi AND emacs ) isnt for me02:37
alvincso embarassing.  am i the only person who doesn't live their whole life in emacs?02:37
nixternalimbrandon: emacs manual? you mean bible?02:37
alvinci've seen some people do crazy stuff in emacs.  lol02:37
imbrandonnano for life!02:38
nixternalI don't think I have seen any emacs documentation smaller than an entire encyclopedia index02:38
alvincnano comes from pico, doesn't it?  the editor that came with pine?02:38
* pwnguin wrote a small guide ages ago, just enough to write ML programs02:38
imbrandoni even used up 100k of my 1.1mb space on my router to install nano ;)02:38
pwnguinnano and pico are related, yes. one is not GNU free enough I gather02:38
imbrandonalvinc: no it works like pico but no code is the same, pico/pine are non-free02:39
alvincyou know, it tried using emacs on my ibm 3170 terminal in 89.  it crashed a lot.02:39
alvincand i never used it since.  lol02:39
pwnguinany editor that decides deleting a new line is a different mode than writing text gets a -- in my book :P02:39
imbrandonnano == pico emulator so to speak, no code in common02:39
alvincah.  it is the OSS descendant, i get it02:40
alvincalthough funny, i didn't realize pico/pine wasn't free02:40
FlannelI'd use the term 'clone' not emulator02:40
alvincwe downloaded it and built it all the time02:40
imbrandonalvinc: sure but you cant distribute binarys of it per the Uni Wash lic02:40
pwnguinalvinc: Free Enough.02:40
alvincwell, on SunOS 4.1.1_U1 through Solaris 2.5.1, anyway.  ROFL02:40
ScottK2alvinc: IIRC you aren't free to modify it and distrubute.02:40
alvincoh...  that's right02:40
alvinci remember it now.  you're right.  U-Dub didn't let you do that.  but you could download it and make at reckless abandon02:41
imbrandononly source, and un-modified source at that02:41
StempBye all, thanks a lot for your help. But I'm sure I will be back soon :D02:41
pwnguinhmm. i wish i could use yahoo pipes to make a diff between rss feeds02:41
pwnguinive got a pipe set up to nab from 4 feeds and union/uniq them02:42
imbrandonyou know, i have noticed, fluxbox + small apps isnt any slower on this computer than a full blown gnome or kde desktop02:42
pwnguini wanna know which elements don't have a corresponding one in another feed02:43
pwnguinie, the elements with only one source02:43
imbrandonerr faster02:43
pwnguinalso, i'd like to add an enclosure to the feeds02:44
pwnguinso liferea can automatically launch a torrent on new episodes ;)02:45
alvinchave a good one folks, thanks for the q&a02:48
pwnguinawesome. compiz locked up my desktop again02:52
=== rick_h is now known as deuce868
crimsunecho $?02:53
crimsunerr, sorry02:53
=== deuce868 is now known as rick_h
=== rick_h is now known as rick_h_
tritiumcrimsun: you're fond of aptitude, yes?03:30
crimsun"fond" is imprecise; I would rather be disconnected from the package manager completely.03:32
crimsun(I tend to use it more often than apt-get, however.)03:32
tritiumAs do I.  It typically works well for me, but not tonight.  I was expected it to remove the dependencies of xubuntu-desktop.  It did not, however.03:33
crimsunright, that symptom appears to have struck numerous times03:33
tritiumIs that so?03:34
crimsunfor that particular metapackage, yes.  I can't speak for others.03:34
tritiumOkay, thanks for the info.03:35
tritiumNot that I didn't love xfce.  I did, after all.  But I was just checking it out.03:37
freakabcdi am getting an error when i try to build refblas3 using gfortran-4.1 instead of g7703:47
freakabcdi modified the dsc file, the control file and rules file. everything is built and the tests pass as well. just at the end dh_gencontrol says:03:48
freakabcdwarning: can't parse dependency ${gfortran-4.1}03:48
freakabcderror: error occurred while parsing Depends03:49
freakabcdhow do i correct this?03:49
freakabcdthe resulting debs will be for personal use only03:49
LaserJockphew, got that done03:57
LaserJocknow I've got a new gutsy box03:57
HobbseeLaserJock: must be hardy time, then.03:57
LaserJockhmm, possibly03:58
StevenKLaserJock: Ponies!03:58
LaserJockah, right03:58
LaserJockgeeze, I'm still feeling so crappy03:58
LaserJockbut I'll try03:58
ajmitchhey LaserJock03:59
ajmitchgood to see you're still alive enough for irc03:59
crimsunfreakabcd: incorrect syntax & semantics.03:59
ajmitchthough I suspect that they'd have to prise a laptop out of your coffin ;)04:00
crimsunfreakabcd: that is, if that's precisely what you have in your modified debian/control04:00
freakabcdcrimsun, i was kinda expecting that you would be the one to respond04:00
crimsun(I have no idea how to interpret that.)04:01
freakabcdheh, anyway i changed ${g77} to ${gfortran-4.1} in the Depends line for the dev package04:01
freakabcdshouldn;t that have been just gfortran-4.1 instead?04:01
crimsunright, the ${} is wrong04:01
freakabcdgreat. i did that and built the debs already and was waiting for someone to respond04:02
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi
LaserJockajmitch: you know it04:06
freakabcdone interesting question: why would installing ubuntustudio-sounds would uninstall ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-sounds ?04:06
StevenKProbably because ubuntu-sounds and ubuntustudio-sounds conflict, due to having the same files04:07
freakabcdi can understand it removing(replacing rather) ubuntu-sounds, but why would it want to uninstall ubuntu-desktop as well?04:07
crimsunwhat StevenK said04:07
freakabcdwhat i just said04:07
crimsun(see `apt-cache show ubuntustudio-sounds|awk '/^Conf/'`)04:07
LaserJockubuntu-desktop deps on ubuntu-sounds I think04:07
* StevenK beats crimsun with grep04:07
crimsunand what LaserJock just said.04:07
LaserJockwe tag team it here04:08
* StevenK high fives LaserJock and crimsun 04:08
freakabcdi understand it from the package point of view. but don;t understand it from a user point of view04:08
TheMusoYes, ubuntu-sounds and ubuntustudio-sounds share the same filename space, so must conflict.04:08
crimsunand there's the man who packaged it.04:08
freakabcdif i want a different sound 'theme' why would my desktop metapackage need to be uninstalled so that further upgrades might create problems?04:08
TheMusoFor UbuntuStudio, we wanted different sounds to what are on offer for Ubuntu.04:09
freakabcdTheMuso, sure. and i love the ubuntustudio-sounds compared to ubuntu-sounds04:09
TheMusofreakabcd: Because ubuntustudio-desktop depends on ubuntustudio-sounds, which conflicts with ubuntu-sounds, which is depended on by ubuntu-deskto.04:09
StevenKfreakabcd: Because ubuntu-desktop Depends on ubuntu-sounds. If ubuntu-sounds gets removed ubuntu-desktop needs to be04:09
freakabcdgrr.. i'm not talking about the package point of view!04:09
TheMusoWell theres not much more to it.04:10
freakabcdi mean, you guys allow various GDM themes to exist, various usplash themes to exist.04:10
TheMusoSo far as I see it.04:10
freakabcdwhy not various sound 'themes' ?04:10
crimsunfreakabcd: well, the "user" frustration is due to some packaging issues.04:10
TheMusofreakabcd: Because the architecture in GNOME does not yet allow this.04:10
TheMusoI wrote a spec to try and address this, at least from a packaging perspective, but that spec hasn't been considered for a development summit yet.04:10
freakabcdTheMuso, really? it should be pretty trivial to work around. maintaining symlinks and all04:10
TheMusoThis is something I'd like to see addressed also.04:11
TheMusofreakabcd: Unfortunately, its not quite that easy.04:11
TheMusoAnd its all got to do with how GNOME stores sound event configurations.04:11
TheMusoWhich, might I add, is separate to gconf, and, the config files also store sound event translations.04:11
freakabcdreally? afaik all gnome needs is to have the right filenames for the various sounds.04:11
TheMusoSo, things are very much nontrivial.04:11
freakabcdso symlinking the right files shouldn;t be a non-trivial *workaround*04:12
TheMusofreakabcd: But if you want multiple schemes, you want different filenames, to be able to set a scheme by default, etc.04:12
TheMusofreakabcd: Doing that gets you into the apckaging trap we are already in.04:12
crimsun(which arguably KDE does properly)04:12
freakabcdcrimsun, how does kde the sound theme thingamajiggy?04:12
crimsunI think we lamented this at the pizza place during UDS-Boston04:12
TheMusocrimsun: We did.04:13
ajmitchmmm, pizza04:13
TheMusoI'd work on it, but it requires desktop team/GNOME colaboration.04:13
crimsunfreakabcd: it's not so much sounds but themes in general in KDE.04:13
* TheMuso ate a lot of pizza in Boston...04:13
freakabcdcrimsun, so entirety of themes are b0rken in gnome?04:14
TheMusoGNOME simply does not allow a custom sound theme mechanism.04:14
freakabcdi don;t think so. just the sounds aren't part of the themes yet. which i believe is true for kde too!04:14
crimsunfreakabcd: no, not the /entirety/04:14
TheMusoIMO whats needed is something like what Windows has, where you can create custom themes, load, and save presets etc.04:15
* TheMuso is unaware as to whether KDE has such a setup.04:15
freakabcdTheMuso, yes. and for the moment we can do it as a workaround with symlinks04:15
TheMusofreakabcd: If you want to package the themes, no you can't.04:15
tonyyarussoShouldn't there just be a gnome/themes/sound/somesoundtheme kind of setup?04:15
TheMusoAnd also note, that by default, only the startup and shutdown themes are enabled by default.04:16
TheMusotonyyarusso: Yes.04:16
freakabcdsure you can. just put the themes in their own directories. then just synlink the right directory to 'default'04:16
freakabcdor 'current'04:16
tonyyarussoTheMuso: Would that be very difficult to do?04:16
crimsunfreakabcd: yes, that's akin to what already is done.04:16
nand`I have a question : when I'm triaging, how do I close bug which are obviously non bug? "Invalid" ?04:17
TheMusotonyyarusso: No, once we decide where else to put the sound event name translations.04:17
freakabcdcrimsun, which is why i said it is a non-trivial *workaround*04:17
crimsunfreakabcd: now to do it all properly, the alternatives system could be used.04:17
freakabcdcrimsun, yes. thats a step further. but still a non-trivial *wordaround*04:17
TheMusocrimsun: WHich is what I proposed in my spec. Atm, ubuntustudio has to use dpkg-divert...04:17
crimsunfreakabcd: right, what TheMuso just said.04:17
freakabcderr.. wait a minute./.04:18
TheMusoThe UI and architecture changes can come later.04:18
freakabcdi've been using the complete opposite word!04:18
freakabcdit is a *trivial* workaround04:18
freakabcdis what i meant to say04:18
freakabcdgrr.. head's not working after lunch04:18
crimsunyou may have meant "trivial," but it's currently "non-trivial."04:18
* Fujitsu notes that crimsun and TheMuso do really know what they're doing, so should probably be trusted on this matter.04:19
ajmitchsymlink migration is never fun to do04:19
crimsunwell, TheMuso's the authority on this one, since he suffered through it04:19
freakabcdcrimsun, its a bit difficult for me to realise why it would be non-trivial. but i will agree with you for now04:24
crimsunfreakabcd: see the bit above about config files also storing sound event translations04:25
crimsun(I need to catch the train, so I'll have to step out here)04:25
freakabcdyeah, best would be to do it in a proper way.04:26
TheMusoWhich means doing it in GNOME.04:26
TheMusoIf I had the coding knowledge, I'd step right in and help do it.04:26
freakabcdTheMuso, yeah. i'll check if i can peek into it04:27
tonyyarussoIs there anything besides Flash that is still a PITA on 64-bit?04:27
StevenKFlash on 64 bit should be okay04:28
Fujitsutonyyarusso: Isn't Flash no longer a pain, due to nspluginwrapper automation?04:28
TheMusoBy saying that, I am able to read, and work out msot C code, and could work out how to modify the UI to add a text box element etc, with time and patience. However, the real problem here is working out where to put the translations for the sound events.04:28
tonyyarussoFujitsu: I didn't actually know about that.04:28
freakabcdtranslations ?04:28
tonyyarussoStevenK, Fujitsu: So it's pretty much on par these days?04:28
FujitsuAs far as I know.04:29
TheMusofreakabcd: The names of sound events in languages other than English.04:29
nand`btw, is REVU uploading still broken?04:29
FujitsuThere are issues with Wine, probably, but that's about it.04:29
freakabcderr.. storing the sound event translations is the problem?04:29
StevenKFujitsu: Both ajmitch and I are happy playing WoW on amd6404:30
TheMusoMost likely you'd make them part of the aprent app that includes the sound applet, but there is likely a reason why the translations are stored where they are.04:30
tonyyarussogood to know04:30
TheMusofreakabcd: Not storing them, deciding where and how to store them, other than in the config files themselves.04:30
TheMusofreakabcd: eIf you are using GNOME, take a look at /etc/sound/events/gnome-2.soundlist04:30
freakabcdhow are the other translations for themes stored?04:30
TheMusofreakabcd: Visual/window themes are done correctly, and have translation issues sorted.04:31
TheMusoAs far as things go for Sound, having a sound theme was just a quick add-on for GNOME, as it didn't seem to be of importance.04:31
TheMusoThats how I see things anyway.04:31
freakabcdwhere are the translations for the visual elements stored?04:32
freakabcdsomewhere through gconf?04:32
TheMusofreakabcd: No, I'm not entirely sure.04:33
TheMusoGconf is never used for translation.04:33
TheMusoAs far as I know anyway.04:33
freakabcdi meant gconf prolly has the location of the translations storage04:33
TheMusoNope I don't think so.04:33
TheMusoTranslations are either part of te theme index file itself, or somewhere in /usr/share/locale. I think its the former.04:34
freakabcdso we just need to find out where the translations for the visual elements are stored and lump the sound translations along in the same place04:34
TheMusofreakabcd: No, I think not., They are two totally separate systems.04:34
TheMusoAs I said earlier, it seems most sensible to ahve the translations as part of the main applet package, which is gnome-control-center I think04:35
TheMusoHowever, again as I said, there may be a good reason why the translations are stored where they are.04:36
freakabcdbddebian, are you taking care of debian packages?04:41
LaserJockfreakabcd: some, he does a lot of stuff04:45
bddebianfreakabcd: I am on the games team now, why?04:45
freakabcdsorry, maybe my mistake.04:45
freakabcdwhen you do an apt-get source. it grabs the dsc, orig.tat.gz and the diff.gz file ,right?04:46
bddebianWell I am maintainer for colorgcc as well04:46
freakabcdthen how does it apply the patch?04:46
freakabcdgoes into the src dir, then patch -p1 < ../blah.diff ?04:46
Fujitsufreakabcd: It gunzips it and pipes it through patch, presumably.04:46
FujitsuSomething like that.04:46
freakabcdFujitsu, with p1 ?04:46
freakabcdor p0 ?04:47
Fujitsup1, I would presume.04:47
StevenK                 '-V','never','-g0','-b','-z','.dpkg-orig') or &syserr(_g("exec patch"));04:47
freakabcdah, its p1. ok cos i thought it was weird. my bad.04:48
freakabcdok, time for games (badminton) after which i'll build my octave2.9.17 and then start working on building source packages for the various octave-forge bits04:49
freakabcdback after few hours04:49
freakabcdthanks all04:49
dholbachgood morning06:40
imbrandonheya dholbach06:41
LaserJockdarn, we almost went two whole hours of silence06:42
StevenKLaserJock: Ponies!06:42
* StevenK works on giving LaserJock a complex like the one he gave mvo06:42
imbrandonugh i give up on django untill ajmitch or Fujitsu can school me06:42
dholbachhey imbrandon06:42
warp10Hi all!06:43
TheMusoHey dholbach.06:45
LaserJockimbrandon: but it's supposed to be so easy :-)06:46
imbrandonbetter in the long run maybe but easy it is not06:47
LaserJockI did the "hello world" but that's about it so far06:48
dholbachheya TheMuso06:48
dholbachTheMuso: MOTU BLOGGING!06:48
TheMusodholbach: Thats just one of the things I intend to blog about.06:49
imbrandonLaserJock: i dident even get that far before i said <?php echo "Hello Wold"; ?> :)06:49
dholbachTheMuso: ROCK :)06:50
LaserJockimbrandon: pfftt06:52
* Hobbsee ponders blogging06:59
LaserJockuh oh07:00
* imbrandon hides Hobbsee's keyboard07:00
Hobbseeimbrandon: this is a laptop.  :P07:00
imbrandoneven more of a trick then, now its a tablet :)07:00
TheMusoHobbsee: Of course you want to blog. Everybody on planet Ubuntu wants to blog.07:02
HobbseeTheMuso: why?07:02
TheMusoHobbsee: Because there is so much interesting stuff to talk about.07:02
* StevenK gags TheMuso07:02
TheMusoStevenK: That doesn't stop me typing you know.07:03
* StevenK unplugs TheMuso's speakers07:03
* TheMuso pats his braille display.07:03
* StevenK places a null modem between the computer and the braille display's serial interface07:04
* TheMuso uses his notebook with internal speakers.07:04
TheMuso...and prepares to write another entry, just to stir StevenK.07:04
StevenKJust because they're internal doesn't mean they can't be unplugged07:05
imbrandonjust pour water on the speaker cones07:05
imbrandonif it dont mess the speakers it'll get the proc07:05
TheMusoimbrandon: ssh. Don't give him any ideas.07:05
StevenKActually, the processor may miss out, depending where on the board you hit07:06
TheMusoHobbsee: Yes, you really really should blog, considering when your last entry was written...07:09
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
pwnguinpochu: your liferea bug has the wrong version listed in the title :P07:39
HobbseeTheMuso: there.  blogged.07:43
imbrandonugh LaserJock mr edubuntu how good is your ltsp-foo ?08:02
dholbachimbrandon: you could also ask ogra :)08:02
imbrandonheh, true08:03
imbrandoni just wanna build a ppc ltsp root on a x8608:03
imbrandonwithout installing ubuntu first on the ppc heh08:03
JazzvaWhat's the process in case of FTBFS sync from Debian? Should I supply the .debdiff that will fix the source?08:10
HobbseeJazzva: usually a good idea08:13
Hobbseedoes it ftbfs in debian too?08:13
JazzvaHobbsee: Dunno... I will setup a debian chroot to test.08:14
JazzvaHobbsee: It looks like it's ok. The version that fails to build in Ubuntu is in Debian...08:18
TheMusoHobbsee: Very good. You really should do it more often. :p08:20
HobbseeTheMuso: it was to customers_suck, though08:20
* ajmitch waves08:21
Hobbseegreetings ajmitch08:22
=== soren_ is now known as soren
FujitsuOh dear, it looks like it was a mistake to post to launchpad-users. I've had three seemingly random people reply privately saying `[they] want [their] Ubuntu' or similar, completely offtopic.09:22
huatsmorning everyone09:22
FujitsuHi huats.09:23
KillerKiwi2005kubuntu live cd - xdg utils cant install.. does anybody have a fix work around?09:23
StevenKBlah. WoW randomly pauses09:24
AmaranthFujitsu: the first reply was so awesome09:25
Amaranth"Hi I'm on the universe security team and would like launchpad to do this, this, and that" "universe doesn't have security support, you should talk to the universe security team to see what they need"09:26
pochupwnguin: lol, right :)09:27
pwnguinpochu: so im trying some advanced liferea stuff here with torrents.09:28
pwnguinpochu: but i cant figure out how to get liferea to launch azureus on enclosure urls09:28
pochupwnguin: no idea, but you can ask in #liferea :)09:29
pochuoh, you're there!09:29
pwnguinkinda small09:29
pwnguinsurprsing really09:29
pwnguinliferea's rather nice09:29
Fujitsupwnguin: liferea probably has it blacklisted to preserve your sanity.09:29
FujitsuIt is rather nice, yes.09:29
pwnguinoh azureus09:30
pwnguinwell, any torrent would do, even bittornado09:30
pwnguinthe deal is, it keeps asking me what to do with an enclosure of type org/get/98402309:31
pwnguini guess its just that feed09:33
DaveMorrisHi, I've uploaded a new version of my package (opensg-dev) to revu after fixing the issues siretart found with the previous upload.  Can someone take another look at it for me please.  http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=opensg-dev09:38
=== Igorot_ is now known as Igorot
siretartDaveMorris: I'm currently busy at work.sorry :(09:46
DaveMorrisnp, I really only mentioned your name to say I'd fixed your comments09:48
* DaveMorris Should of learnt to package with a simpler program09:49
siretartDaveMorris: please use the correct syntax in debian/changelog, so that the bug gets closed on upload09:50
siretartDaveMorris: and tbh, I'd keep the config.status rule, call configure from there and depend from the build rule09:51
TheMuso\whois \sh09:51
TheMuso\sh: Re your ldtp merge. You managed to leave Maintainer: as part of the XSBC-Original-Maintainer.09:52
TheMuso\sh: And, generally one doesn't need to mention any previously closed bugs in a new changelog entry for a merge, since they are documented earlier in the merge changelog.09:52
DaveMorrissiretart: I had that before but it seemed not to be working, I'll have a look to see if I was doing something wrong.  Regarding the changelog syntax, do you know of a package I could use as an example09:52
FujitsuTheMuso: I've seen some uploads by other MOTU (I won't name names) which are 'Maintainer: Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>'09:53
TheMusoFujitsu: Right.09:54
TheMusoSounds interesting.09:55
siretartDaveMorris: the syntax is ' LP: #12345', see hardy-changes@l.u.c mailing list archive for examples09:55
siretartDaveMorris: the generated .changes file must contain a Launchpad-Fixes-Bugs header09:55
siretartthat's what the archive looks at09:55
StevenKHrm. test, aren't you supposed to you know, exit 1 and kill make?09:56
s1024kbRAOF: hi, want to ask you some questions...09:59
* StevenK replaces test with an exit. Skip that, make10:00
s1024kbdholbach: excuse me, may i ask you some questions about merge?10:01
dholbachs1024kb: sure, fire away10:02
dholbachs1024kb: just ask in the channel, somebody will reply :)10:02
\shTheMuso: hmm...I would say it's a copy and paste bug ,-=)10:03
\shTheMuso, will provide a fixed debdiff soon10:03
s1024kbdholbach: thanks. yesterday i followed my teacher and have merged my first package with "grab-merge". He told me to do the last step. So i should modify the changelog and control file in the /debian?10:04
s1024kbdholbach: shall i replace "-- Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic <mom@ubuntu.com>" with my own name and e-mail address in changelog?10:06
dholbachs1024kb: yes, you should do that and explicitly list what kind of changes are necessary over the debian version10:07
TheMuso\sh: Ok thanks. I've left a comment int he bug also.10:08
s1024kbdholbach: and then i modify the control file? i replace "Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Team <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>" with my own name and e-mail address?10:12
Fujitsus1024kb: Which package is this?10:12
s1024kbFujitsu: yappy10:13
dholbachs1024kb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField has more documentation on it - depends if it's in main or universe10:13
dholbach(update-maintainer of the ubuntu-dev-tools package will do it for you too)10:13
s1024kbdholbach: so i only modify the changelog, add the list of changes and then use "debuild -S", my name and my e-mail will be updated automatically?10:15
dholbachs1024kb: it won't get updated in debian/control10:16
* Fujitsu recommends that the Maintainer field be set to the properly compliant value.10:16
s1024kbdholbach: so i have to modify it by hand?10:17
dholbach<dholbach> (update-maintainer of the ubuntu-dev-tools package will do it for you too)10:17
dholbachthank god somebody wrote the tool :-)10:17
s1024kbdholbach: excuse me, what command i should type? (sorry, this is my first time...)10:17
* TheMuso has been thinking of changing it slightly so it only changes debian/control, and doesn't add a changelog entry. I sometimes think that the changelog entry it adds is sometimes too verbose...10:18
dholbachinstall ubuntu-dev-tools, then run update-maintainer10:18
dholbachTheMuso: good idea10:18
dholbachI had cases, where I sponsored an upload and the updated maintainer field was missing; update-maintainer changed the changelog so that I was the "uploader"10:19
TheMusodholbach: Yes theres that too.10:19
TheMusoI'll do that now.10:19
* dholbach hugs Super-TheMuso10:19
* TheMuso hugs dholbach back.10:19
s1024kbdholbach: so what i must do by hand is to add the change list to the changelog? Is it all what i should do?10:20
dholbachs1024kb: if the rest of the merge looks good to you, yes, that should be it10:21
s1024kbdholbach: i even don't need to update my name and e-mail address, i only write the change list, and run the tool to gen my name and e-mail?10:21
dholbachs1024kb: update-maintainer will only make changes debian/control (according to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField)10:22
TheMusoHmm. Maybe we should also switch update-maintainer-field to use rmadison, so one can use it in gutsy for example, yet let it still find a package in hardy.10:22
StevenKTheMuso: It uses apt-cache currently?10:23
TheMusoStevenK: Aye, apt-cache madison.10:23
s1024kbdholbach: okay, so plus my name and e-mail adding to the changelog. Okay?10:23
StevenKRight, that should be easy to kill.10:23
TheMusoAnd, I think this code could be cleaned up a little... Especially the code that displays usage info...10:24
* StevenK bzr pull's down ubuntu-dev-tools10:24
dholbachs1024kb: yes10:24
StevenKTheMuso: Do you want to do it, then? :-)10:24
TheMusoStevenK: I'm going to be adding an extra command-line argument, so yes I'm happy to do it.10:24
s1024kbdholbach: so after do these things, my package is finished?10:24
dholbachs1024kb: after that you can put it up for review10:25
* dholbach is off for a bit10:25
StevenKIsn't it @foo to have make no echo the command?10:26
s1024kbdholbach: so how to put it up for review? (sorry, and thank you very much for guiding me on my first task. :-))10:26
StevenKnot echo, even10:26
StevenKMeh. It doesn't seem to be anyway10:27
jpatricks1024kb: dput revu file.changes10:27
Fujitsujpatrick: It's not a new package.10:30
s1024kb jpatrick: in my case, i should type "dput revu file.changes" in my terminal? but i can't find any file.changes in all the directories?10:30
s1024kbFujitsu: could you please tell me what is the last step?10:30
jpatrickFujitsu: sorry, I thought he wanted to know how to upload to revu10:31
s1024kbjpatrick: aha, "she" wanted to, :-) :-)10:31
jpatricks1024kb: sorry, again, I didn't know :)10:32
s1024kbjpatrick: okay, i know that you don't know, :-)10:32
s1024kbjpatrick: actually i really don't know how to upload to revu, because i had never did it.10:33
jpatricks1024kb: have you made the source package?10:33
s1024kbjpatrick: i am not sure. because i only typed "grab-merge" and downloaded all the files and directories, my teacher said that this package was a special one - it happened to be not having conflicts. so he told me last evening to do the final things to finish it.10:35
jpatricks1024kb: there should be a merge-buildpackage script, have you ran that after checking everything?10:36
s1024kbjpatrick: not yet. where to find it?10:37
jpatricks1024kb: in the dir of the merge10:37
s1024kbjpatrick: ah, see it. and also see another one "merge-genchanges"10:38
s1024kbjpatrick: shall i run them both?10:39
jpatricks1024kb: yes, that's right :), buildpackage would be better if you plan to get it into revu10:40
Fujitsujpatrick: It is not a new package. It will not be heading to REVU.10:42
* persia notes that debdiffs against debian are preferred for merges, rather than uploads to REVU10:42
Hobbseepersia: you prefer upstream spew in them?  strange :)10:43
* Hobbsee likes both, and checks different bits in each.10:43
persiaHobbsee: debdiff against *Debian*10:43
persia(for merges)10:44
Hobbseeoh, against debian.  got it.10:44
Hobbseethat's the best of both worlds, then :)10:44
persiaHobbsee: Exactly :)10:44
s1024kbjpatrick: after running the scripts, the file.change will appear, right?10:45
jpatricks1024kb: should do, but I'm not sure what you're doing..10:45
* TheMuso does some code cleanup in update-maintainer.10:47
s1024kbjpatrick: you mean...? i am working in my first package "yappy", i grabbed it with "grab-merge", that was all what i had done.10:47
s1024kbpersia: hi, persia, just now we're talking about my first package "yappy". Last evening my teacher had explained it to me. i had did the "grab-merge" step, my teacher asked me to finish the last steps.10:49
StevenKpersia: Can I borrow your C++ skillz?10:50
persias1024kb: Hi.  Have you been successful so far?10:50
persiaStevenK: Ummm...  I don't have any, but you can certainly borrow my random language code reading skills :)  What's the issue?10:51
StevenKpersia: Helix doesn't build. Do you want run screaming now?10:52
persiaStevenK: Nah.  I'm not smart enough to become afraid yet.  Does LP have the buildlog?10:52
s1024kbpersia: just now i was asking them if i should add the change list to the /debian changlog, and that's okay. there is no conflicts in the merge.10:52
StevenKpersia: Not a current one, since I redid the build system.10:53
persias1024kb: That sounds right, but you want to check the merge carefully, and only include the changes are are still there.10:53
StevenKpersia: Let me generate one, hang on10:53
persiaStevenK: Could you also tell me the package name?  apt-cache and aptitude are stumped :(10:55
StevenKpersia: helix-player10:55
* persia wonders why `apt-cache search helix` didn't show that, but isn't going to investigate any time soon10:55
s1024kbpersia: after that step i can send it for revu?10:56
persias1024kb: No.  You'll want to generate a debdiff against Debian.  See https;//wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing for the commands10:57
s1024kbpersia: okay, thanks. so what is the final thing i should hand out for revu?10:58
persias1024kb: You will want a debdiff for review.  REVU is only for new packages.10:58
DaveMorrisStevenK: I can look at it building if you want, not sure how much help I'll be but I program in C++10:58
StevenKDaveMorris: It's wierd error.10:59
s1024kbpersia: okay. so after i think that i had finished everything, who shall i contact to or i upload the files myself?10:59
DaveMorrisStevenK: can you pastebin the log?10:59
persias1024kb: You'll want to upload them to your merge bug, and request sponsorship (see the MOTU/Contributing link)10:59
StevenKDaveMorris: I'm still waiting for it to fail11:00
StevenKDaveMorris: I'll tell you and persia when I've put the log up11:00
s1024kbpersia: thanks11:00
persiaDaveMorris: for context, you can look at the last build log (with a different build system) from http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10375047/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-amd64.helix-player_1.0.9-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz11:00
persiaThe code is full of ugliness that doesn't look good :)11:00
StevenKpersia: THe current error is nothing like that.11:01
persiaStevenK: You cleaned up all the warnings?  I'm extremely impressed.11:01
StevenKpersia: I did not. I changed the build system that means it won't try and do stupid stuff during a build, like CVS checkout.11:02
persiaStevenK: Ah.  It would make sense that release code would be cleaner :)11:02
StevenKpersia: That, and the fact that the buildds don't have Internet access, so a CVS checkout is pointless11:03
StevenK"Build killed with signal 15 after 150 minutes of inactivity"11:05
StevenKpersia, DaveMorris: I'm a bozo, re-generating a log that will fail the right way now.11:06
persiaRAOF: About kvm/qemu: are you still in discussions, or does it make sense to just push the USB path issue to hardy / gutsy?11:09
StevenKpersia, DaveMorris: My upstream bandwidth sucks, so if you want the orig tarball, grab it from a mirror.11:10
persiaStevenK: OK.  Which version?  1.0.9?11:10
StevenKRight, 1.0.911:10
persiaStevenK: That's already in the archive :)11:11
StevenKpersia: Right. -0ubuntu2 isn't.11:11
persiaAha!  Now I'm beginning to understand...11:11
nand`hiya! Is REVU uploading still broken?11:12
StevenKpersia, DaveMorris: http://wedontsleep.org/~steven/helix-sucks/ contains a build log, and the .dsc and .diff.gz for -0ubuntu211:12
DaveMorrisnand`: no it's fixed11:12
DaveMorrisI uploaded around 15 mins ago11:12
nand`DaveMorris: Ok thanks.11:12
DaveMorrisStevenK: got a link I got download the orgi.tar from to make sure I'm on the same song sheet11:13
ograimbrandon, you need a ppc to build the chroot/image on (depending on the release, gutsy uses an image) ....11:13
StevenKDaveMorris: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/h/helix-player/helix-player_1.0.9.orig.tar.gz11:14
persiaStevenK: Quick answer before I dig the code: likely a missing header #include (new gcc doesn't like header including header).  Looking explcitly now...11:14
StevenKpersia: I thought so too, but I think digging proved me wrong11:14
* persia is grateful for the waving of warning flags when blind alleys are considered :)11:16
DaveMorrisStevenK: I'm looking at the source however I can't see the header files it's meant to include in the same path as chxmimemanager.cpp (I'm prob been stupid though)11:18
StevenKDaveMorris: If you look at the build log, there's a whole bunch of -I flags11:19
DaveMorrisgrrr, I dislike that programming style11:19
StevenKIf you want to try and build it, it takes about 4 minutes to fail on my hardware11:20
DaveMorrishow do I apply the patch again, my brain has balnked11:20
nand`I request a REVU package review of ike please : http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=ike11:21
persiaDaveMorris: Put the .dsc, .diff.gz, and .orig.tar.gz all in the same directory, and use sbuild or pbuilder11:21
nand`all should be fixed11:21
StevenKDaveMorris: dpatch apply-all11:22
StevenKOr apply, I forget11:22
* StevenK wonders if he broke persia 11:25
persiaStevenK: No, I'm just trying to see if I can decode the mess that is DEFINE_GUID.  I'm guessing the problem is that the parser can't match the interface in the referenced location, but I don't know enough about DEFINE_GUID yet to be confident of my hypothesis.11:26
StevenKI couldn't even find DEFINE_GUID11:26
persiaStevenK: It's a built-in, that allows one to create a symbolic reference to a binary blob (as far as I can tell so far)11:27
StevenKOh, right. I didn't know that bit.11:27
persiaApparently, it is used quite commonly to compile against Windows drivers when accessing interfaces that aren't supposed to be exposed.11:27
persiaStevenK: I didn't know it either until Google just told me :)11:27
StevenKOh, right11:28
persiaStevenK: Unforuntately, I'm not finding lots of docs, although I thought http://www.devdaily.com/scw/c/cygwin/src/winsup/w32api/include/ddk/ndisguid.h.shtml was amusing :)  Demonstrates the significant benefits of having access to library headers.11:31
StevenKI just don't see why it would fail. DEFINE_GUID should get replaced by the C++ preprocessor to something sane, the parser should see it and it should be declared.11:33
* StevenK can't find any mention of DEFINE_GUID under /usr/include11:35
persiaStevenK: Interestingly enough, ":~/src/scratch/foo/gcc-4.2-4.2.2$ grep -r DEFINE_GUID *" returns nothing...11:36
TheMusoOk. Update-maintainer for hardy now uses rmadison, and the code is somewhat more readable now, at least IMO.11:37
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
StevenKTheMuso: Yay11:37
TheMusoStevenK: Agreed. It at least means I can now use it on hardy changelogs from within gutsy.11:38
TheMusoAnd, its now possible to change the field without adding a changelog entry.11:38
TheMusoJust use --nochangelog11:38
persiaHrm.  `rmadison -u debian` fails in my hardy chroot...11:39
StevenKpersia: Fails how?11:40
persiaStevenK: "<br /><b>Warning</b>:  stat(): Stat failed for /srv/ftp.debian.org/backup/dump_2007.11.03-20:44:50 (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in <b>/org/qa.debian.org/web/madison.php</b> on line <b>82</b><br />"11:41
StevenKAh, then qa.d.o is borked :-)11:41
RAOFpersia: What discussions?  The kvm fix has already been pushed into hardy (I think).  I haven't really been tracking the gutsy-proposed parts.11:41
TheMusopersia: I get similar behavior here, but in gutsy also.11:41
TheMusoSo that would explain why requestsync is giving me incorrect version numbers then.11:42
* TheMuso has had to take the contents of what requestsync presents and file bugs manually.11:42
persiaRAOF: You posted to the bug about the qemu, and wondering which would be the right solution.  After that, the submitter let a small comment, and I presumed additional offline discussions.11:42
TheMusoOnce the version number was altered.11:42
persiaStevenK: Right.  Nothing to worry about then.11:43
RAOFpersia: No, actually.  I've just looked at it again, and remembered to subscribe to it this time.11:43
rexbronmorning persia11:43
persiaevening rexbron11:43
rexbronFeeling better?11:43
* Hobbsee waves to rexbron, when she's actually awake11:43
persiarexbron: almost.11:43
rexbronhey Hobbsee11:44
* StevenK sighs. DEFINE_GUID is black magic11:44
persiaStevenK: At least it's explicity defined as black magic :)11:44
* rexbron needs some review McLovin: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=openlibraries and http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=genpo11:45
StevenKpersia: Are you still digging, or have you thrown down the shovel?11:45
persiaStevenK: I'm digging upstream, as DEFINE_GUID is proving sufficiently opaque that I'd need new X-Ray specs11:46
DaveMorrisI'm digging in between other tasks11:46
* StevenK chuckles11:46
StevenKpersia: Digging where?11:46
persiaStevenK: https://player.helixcommunity.org/11:47
* StevenK idly ponders being evil and putting the DEFINE_GUID macro call in the .cpp file directly11:47
persiaStevenK: From the little I've been able to discover, one has to jump through special hoops when mixing DEFINE_GUID with other header information.  Putting it in the .cpp makes me think it won't work at all.11:48
persia(plus, it gets used two places in the source)11:48
StevenKI've only seen one11:49
persiaStevenK: player/app/gtk/mimetypes.cpp:100 + player/app/gtk/mimetypes.cpp:53411:49
persiaErr..    That's player/mime/util/chxmimemanager.cpp:100 + player/app/gtk/mimetypes.cpp:53411:50
* StevenK nods11:50
* persia is a big fan of grep -rn11:50
* StevenK too11:50
\shguys, what do you think about getting rid of ircii-pana aka bitchx?11:51
persiaStevenK: The release notes for 1.0.8 seem to say that people should install 1.0.8.  This could be a typo, but it may also indicate some unconscious opinion...11:51
persiaUmm..  Release notes for 1.0.9 (see I did it too)11:51
StevenKOh. That's ... wierd11:52
zul\sh: why? do people still use it?11:52
\shzul, there are some security exploits ... but upstream looks like dad11:52
* persia thinks dead upstream + security exploits + available alternatives is a recipe for removal11:53
=== cprov-away is now known as cprov
zul\sh: sure ok with me11:53
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
rexbronsiretart: Have time to discuss ffmpeg?11:54
StevenKpersia: I can't see other header files doing anything special with regard to DEFINE_GUID11:54
DaveMorrisStevenK: have you tried telling it to use the g++-3.4 compiler rather than g++ (which prob points to 4.1)11:55
siretartrexbron: what's up?11:55
StevenKDaveMorris: I'd rather avoid that if I can help it11:55
siretartrexbron: you want to help porting the patches to the next upstream version?11:55
DaveMorrisyeah, but there are big changes between them, which might be causing this.11:55
DaveMorrismight be worth the 5 mins to patch it and build it11:56
rexbronsiretart: I am terrible at c/c++ but I can take a look and do what I can11:56
rexbronsiretart: FFmpeg now includes support for Avid's DNxHD codec11:56
* persia notes that chxmimemanager.cpp no longer appears in upstream nightly builds on AMD6411:56
siretartI have some local uncommitted chagnes, which would need to be reviewed11:57
StevenKHah, neat.11:57
siretartthe most terrible patches the inline assembler ones11:57
rexbronsiretart: and the BBC has released a library (libMXF) for working with .mxf files produced by Panasonic cameras and avid workstations11:57
rexbronsiretart: which depends on those new features in ffmpeg11:57
siretartI see11:58
rexbronsiretart: !!, I have _no_ real understanding of assembally11:58
rexbronsiretart: Are they bug fix patches?11:58
StevenKDaveMorris: Trying your idea11:59
StevenKpersia: In the source, or build logs?11:59
siretartrexbron: I'd suggest you check out the svn and have a look for yourself12:00
persiaStevenK: build logs: I'm trying to grab CVS now, but it keeps asking me for a password...12:00
rexbronsiretart: On the upside of all of this, there has been a huge swing in momentum for the underlying FOSS video libraries12:00
StevenKpersia: Ah. This could be due to a different in the build system - I'm not using build/bin/build.py, which I bet they are.12:01
rexbronsiretart: DVCPRO HD will be supported soon, according to the ML12:01
persiaStevenK: They certainly are.12:01
StevenKpersia: build/bin/build.py does CVS checkout and other stupid shit which I really really want to avoid.12:01
persiaNote that if their build system excludes this file, it may be that this file doesn't need to be compiled...12:01
StevenKHey, I'm just running $(MAKE) :-)12:02
Fujitsu\sh: I agree.12:02
persiaStevenK: Can't you just comment that out or something?12:02
FujitsuI was looking at that a couple of days back (and filing bugs) and wondering wth. we were going to do with it.12:02
StevenKpersia: 1) The Python code for build.py is spread over about 30 files, and 2) It isn't just the CVS checkout that's a problem, the bigger one is fundamental.12:03
\shFujitsu, see mail to u-d-d and u-m...please reply there...so we have some thoughts12:03
Fujitsu\sh: Right, I saw that mail, hence the response.12:03
* Fujitsu checks Debian.12:03
StevenKpersia: Do any other files under player/mime/util get built?12:04
\shFujitsu, the bugs are known in debian, too...but nico is unable to fix it12:04
\shFujitsu, at least one bug12:04
rexbronsiretart: Looking at the diff12:04
Fujitsu\sh: I saw one of them had a fix, but the other not.12:05
rexbronsiretart: from debian, there is a fair amount of inline patching, is that advisable?12:05
Fujitsu\sh: Might want to discuss this with #debian-security@OFTC12:05
persiaStevenK: I don't have the log in front of me now: I'll check in a couple minutes (unless you find it first - in the nightly builds section)12:05
\shFujitsu, the last fix I did for ircii-pana for ubuntu, thx to debian....12:06
\shFujitsu, thx for the reminder...I was missing  a tab in my xchat ;)12:06
DaveMorrisStevenK: I tried it and it didnt work (using g++3-4)12:07
Fujitsu\sh: bitchx does have quite a few users, judging by popcon.12:07
StevenKpersia: Nighty builds is for 2.012:08
\shFujitsu, tbh, I don't care of those scriptkiddies...12:08
\shFujitsu, I don't find newer upstream versions neither I do find any healthy website or ML12:08
FujitsuThere are three open CVEs, two of which don't have patches anywhere.12:08
FujitsuUpstream is well and truly dead.12:09
persiaStevenK: Hrm.  That might explain it :)12:09
Hobbseeset it on fire.12:09
Hobbseeproblem solved.12:09
FujitsuI would prefer to talk with Debian first.12:09
persia(still, it would be nice to be able to find the anonymous CVS hook)12:09
StevenKg++-3.4 gives a nice error12:09
StevenKchxmimemanager.cpp:99: error: `IID_IHXMimeAssocManager' was not declared in this scope12:10
StevenKchxmimemanager.cpp:99: warning: unused variable 'IID_IHXMimeAssocManager'12:10
TheMusoNight folks.12:10
persiagood night TheMuso12:10
Fujitsu\sh: I also see that somebody adopted it, and it only built for a very short time.12:10
\shFujitsu, do you have a link to popcon stats?12:10
persiaStevenK: Isn't that about the same thing as we see in 4.2?12:10
Fujitsu\sh: popcon.ubuntu.com12:10
Fujitsu /by_inst.gz12:10
StevenKpersia: No warning in 4.212:10
StevenKpersia: It's the warning and error that makes me laugh12:11
persiaStevenK: Ah.  I missed that :)12:11
StevenKpersia: I found a link to a browsable CVS repository - only using ViewVC, sadly12:13
persiaStevenK: I see it now: https://player.helixcommunity.org/2005/downloads/ (for 1.0.9) ends up pointing to 2.0 for nightly builds.  Apparently it takes 3-4 days to get CVS access (and I'm not that motivated), and there aren't any reported bugs.12:13
persiaStevenK: You did?  Where?12:13
persiaAh.  Found it.  Handy little "CVS" link :)12:13
persiaStevenK: Now I'm back to "Where?".  I see nothing at https://helixcommunity.org/viewcvs/player/player/12:15
StevenKpersia: I've found a bunch of stuff under /app/gtk12:17
StevenKpersia: /player/player is a red herring. Everyting you want is under /player12:18
persiaStevenK: Right.  The tarball is so stripped, I didn't even recognise it.12:19
StevenKLooks like stuff under player/mime hasn't been touched in over 3 years12:20
Fujitsu\sh: Filing the ircii-pana bug?12:21
FujitsuHm, but what to do about it in stable releases...12:21
persiaStevenK: There was a license change ~4 months ago to exclude GPLv3 for the file calling DEFINE_GUID.12:21
\shFujitsu, jepp...even for debian :)12:22
Fujitsu\sh: So I saw. Very good, I'll be glad to see it go.12:22
\shFujitsu, good to know what nion speaks my mother language ,-)12:23
StevenKpersia: Yeah, but that isn't a code change12:23
* persia cheers the UUS queue being at 3 bugs, and hopes someone feels like pushing a couple merges12:24
* Hobbsee should give away more of her stuff, if it turns out like that then :P12:24
persiaStevenK: Right.  Just a touch.  I'm just not sure why it might work for them, and not for us.  1.0.8 had a sad time in Debian as well.12:24
Nightrosedidn´t he set that recently? well... doesn´t matter12:26
Nightroseah sorry - wrong channel :)12:27
* StevenK kicks umake12:27
StevenKYou can pass a profile to build.py, but not umake12:28
siretartrexbron: its all with quilt, no inline12:30
rexbronsiretart: ok12:30
DktrKranzpersia, about u-u-s queue (especially that seven-task bug), I'm going to look at it soon12:30
rexbronsiretart: TBH, I don't understand enough of the code base to beable to really help12:30
persiaDktrKranz: TJ is currently working on that bug, and I'm a big fan of letting the submitter create the debdiffs if they are willing.  It's the other 3 that need quick hits.  I suspect dspam is likely most interesting: the others are just merges.12:31
DktrKranzpersia, related to dspam, I asked blueyed if he would like to investigate for dapper, edgy and feisty too, but if you need additional testers for /dev/bus stuff, count on me12:32
StevenKNeat. I found a problem that managed to defeat persia12:33
persiaDktrKranz: Thanks.  I'm fairly certain that feisty qemu/kvm works, as I remember testing it shortly before release: I believe the kernel change is new for gutsy.12:33
FujitsuStevenK: That's not possible.12:34
persiaStevenK: I found the macro definition on common/include/hxcom.h, so I'm not defeated yet, just wounded, tired, and with a broken blade12:34
StevenKpersia: I've found a difference between the build systems in -0ubuntu1 to -0ubuntu2, so I'm seeing if that makes a differnce12:35
persiaStevenK: That'd be nice.  I'd prefer a silly mistake on your part to actually determing how to mangle the unique identifiers for the upstream binary blobs (or whatever it's using DEFINE_GUID to define)12:36
=== zul_ is now known as zul
persiaStevenK: You know, if you statically link everything, it doesn't actually call the referenced path...12:37
StevenKFunny. I didn't know what powdered tooth enamel tasted like.12:38
persiaIt's just wrong to use random binary references to manage malloc calls.  Just wrong!12:39
StevenKExcellent. Now it applies the same profile.12:43
persiaStevenK: What happens if you include hxcom.h in chxmimemanager.cpp ?12:44
persiaI'm wondering if chxmimemanager just can't figure out what DEFINE_GUID means...12:45
StevenKpersia: Hold on, I've got a build currently running12:45
persiaStevenK: Ah.  Too bad.  I was hoping you'd have a good reason to shoot that down :)12:46
StevenKpersia: This is the build-system fix build, so now I get to see if it still fails12:46
pkernpersia: I got the reason for the longish repair of my lappy:  the technician fried the system board when replacing the LCD.12:47
persiaStevenK: Right.  Let's hope it does, as at this point, I'm poking blindly at namespace models.12:47
pkernOr rather... the repair is finished today, they'll check it again if it was s.th. which fried it... it might leave them today, though.12:47
pkerns.th. else12:47
StevenKHow do you fry a system board when replacing an LCD?12:47
persiapkern: Aha!  Did they give you a new delivery estimate?12:47
pkernpersia: Maybe today, if they don't screw up again and it passes the QA test.12:48
pkern(Or rather shipping, not delivery.)12:48
persiaStevenK: apply the wrong voltage because the LCD regulator isn't tuned properly: I'm sure there are other ways as well, but that's the only one I've had success with.  It really only fries the controller, but you can't usually easily extract just that.12:48
StevenKSure you can, given infinite time. :-)12:49
pkernpersia: Yeah the system board is one replacement component, so if there's s.th. broken the whole time gets replaced.12:49
pkernWTF is happening with me.  Low on coffee or what.12:49
StevenKUsually because that's quick and simple.12:49
persiaStevenK: Right.  When you're a big OEM, simple is key.  It's dangerous to trust monkeys with soldering irons12:50
pkernpersia: They already fscked the LCD replacement.  So... ;)12:51
StevenKpersia: I *think* it's gotten further.12:54
persiaExcellent.  I'll hold off manually backtracing the #ifdefs then :)12:54
siretartrexbron: it is indeed a complicated matter, and I understand that we really need a newer ffmpeg snapshot12:55
siretartPerhaps I should consider dropping patches that aren't really necessary in ubuntu.. hm12:56
StevenKHrm. I'm *much* happier with this build system.12:58
persiaStevenK: Does it work?12:59
StevenKpersia: It fails 17 minutes in, as opposed to 4.13:00
DaveMorrisStevenK: progress :)13:00
persiaStevenK: What's the error this time (and I only need the last ~50 lines of the buildlog)13:00
StevenKpersia: It's not even a code error.13:01
persiaWhat's the error?13:01
StevenKmake[3]: Entering directory `/build/steven/helix-player-1.0.9/player/installer/archive'13:02
StevenKtest -d ../../../debug || mkdir ../../../debug13:02
StevenKcp dbg/symbols.tar.gz ../../../debug13:02
StevenKcp: cannot stat `dbg/symbols.tar.gz': No such file or directory13:02
persiaThat sounds like the build worked, and it's just dealing with cleanup.13:02
StevenKpersia: Do you want to look at the new build log?13:05
persiaStevenK: Only in combination with the new build system: I don't think I can chase that from upstream code.13:05
StevenKpersia: http://wedontsleep.org/~steven/helix-sucks/build-log if you want to look13:07
* StevenK stops calling $(MAKE) copy13:09
slomo_who wants helix anyway ;)13:09
StevenKMy employer.13:10
persiaslomo_: At least someone has it installed according to popcon.  I'm sure neither StevenK nor I would object if you went there and uninstalled it :)13:10
persia(well, maybe StevenK then)13:10
persiaWelcom LeRoutier13:12
persiaStevenK: Looking at that build log, I'm placing full blame on the build system.  It looks like it's just setting up the installer, etc.13:13
StevenKpersia: It looks like make copy is doing it, so I'm rebuilding with it.13:14
persiawith?  without?13:14
StevenKEr, yeah. :-) Without13:15
* persia waits 22 minutes13:15
StevenKI'm not sure if I can, it's 12:16am here :-)13:15
persiaStevenK: Right.  Time change.  I'm more than happy for that: I'd rather sleep anyway :)13:16
StevenKTBH, I'm much happier with my NWO of build systems13:16
StevenKI know how $(MAKE) behaves and how to debug it - a threaded Python app - not so much.13:17
persiaStevenK: How are you doing it?  All make?13:17
StevenKpersia: -0ubuntu1 set some environment variables and called build/bin/build.py with a bunch of command line arguments.13:17
StevenKpersia: -0ubuntu2 iterates over every Umakefil it can find, and runs build/bin/umake.py on it to generate Makefiles and then runs $(MAKE) directly.13:18
persiaStevenK: Ah.  Autotools in python.  Nifty, and lots easier to debug :)13:18
StevenKpersia: One of the problems with the build system in -0ubuntu1 is that if a bit failed to compile, it would log to stderr "Make failed" and *keep going*13:19
persiaThat gives me a new definition to "mistrust" when it comes to build systems.  At least with "-$(MAKE)" I can see the character that shouldn't be there.13:20
StevenK-$(MAKE) clean/distclean I can understand, -$(MAKE) is just wrong13:21
StevenKpersia: Also note the checking I do in debian/rules after the umake.py call13:21
persiaStevenK: -$(MAKE) is what you've described for -0ubuntu1 though...13:21
StevenKpersia: Who can tell? It's being run in an opaque manner13:22
persiaStevenK: Right.  The behaviour was -$(MAKE), but it's taken significant time for two people to figure that out.13:23
persiaThree people13:23
\shFujitsu, filed removal request and subscribed u-u-s13:23
StevenKIsn't Helix fun?13:23
* persia wishes make was happier with indenting for if/endif13:23
StevenKAs soon as you indent, it isn't a make directive13:24
persiaStevenK: Don't use "for" in a makefile!  That's why $(foreach ...) exists.13:25
LeRoutierin what shape are PPA buildbots today ?13:25
StevenKpersia: If you want to paste a better line in /query, I'm happy to use it13:25
* persia goes off to play with make13:26
StevenKpersia: I can't remember $(foreach) semantics, but I can remember how to write for loops in shell, and how to escape them so make doesn't hate me, so ....13:26
persiaStevenK: Sure.  I can never remember syntax either, it's just that "for" in make tends to make makefiles less makey13:29
* StevenK chuckles13:29
StevenK"less makey"13:29
persiaRight.  $(foreach ) isn't even the right syntax for this...13:31
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\shdholbach, you don't need to be member anymore to become a motu?13:38
dholbach\sh: MOTU membership includes ubuntumembers membership13:38
\shdholbach, yeah but as I understand your post on p.u.c, that there is no splitted application necessary anymore? or did I miss something?13:39
dholbach\sh: no, only one application13:39
dholbachwe have that for nearly a year now13:40
LucidFoxnorsetto> the Debian developer for Psi has just uploaded 0.11-3, which incorporates all Ubuntu changes13:40
norsettolucidfox: \o/13:40
norsettoLucidFox: you should ask for a sync then13:41
\shdholbach, well, I was still thinking, that you need to apply for plain ubuntu membership first and then in the second round apply for motuship...well, I'm getting old ;)13:41
LucidFoxIt's still in incoming.debian.org, though - not yet moved to the archive. Should I wait? And should I submit a separate bug or reopen that one?13:41
persia\sh: That was only true for about 18 months.13:41
norsettoLucidFox: just submit a new bug once its in the debian archive then13:42
\shpersia, well, I was one of the old farts who had to deal with sabdfl in the first round and mdz in the second...13:43
persia\sh: I know :)13:43
StevenKSo did I13:44
\shoh wow...good to know that I don't use mac osx13:44
Hobbsee\sh: that's just scary.13:45
* Hobbsee had to deal with keybuk and such first, then mdz for core.13:45
\shHobbsee, oh yes, for the third round I just forgot ;)13:46
* Hobbsee remembers the first round as she was still on a mostly-canonical call, as was keybuk, and we didnt have quorum for my TB meeting, and they couldnt do it without me there.13:47
Hobbseeer, last round13:47
norsettoah, the good (!?) memories13:48
Hobbseeyeah.  was good neough13:49
zulheh when I went for core I was eperiencing a shortness of breath13:49
* Hobbsee just answered questions on how she found UDS, and hammered them on not being more organised. *shrug*13:49
Hobbseeand about release management, and my plans for that, i think13:50
StevenKI had mako for membership, keybuk/someone else for MOTU, and mdz/mjg59 twice for core13:50
\shnorsetto, mindi: read the comment :) I really don't know where you looked for the control file, but distributions/debian/ is just not the right location :)13:51
norsetto\sh: I just searched for /control in patch, heck, there are about 100 of them ;-)13:51
\shnorsetto, in the diff? no...just use the plain debian package and patch it with the debdiff...13:52
norsetto\sh: but please edit the patch with the remaining issues, I really don't understand why you want to have linux-image as a reccomend13:52
\shnorsetto, I just realized, that the mom/dad merge sources are really a pain in my a*s13:52
norsettorecommend even13:52
\shnorsetto, because debian recommends all their flavours...we just need the one package to rule them all..it just catches up with the installed kernel already.13:53
norsetto\sh: yes, but whats the point? We should add linux-image as a Depends to all packages really .....13:53
\shnorsetto, oh you want it as dependency...now I got that point :)13:54
persianorsetto: That very much doesn't work.  Firstly, because many packages don't need it, and nexenta, etc. would suffer, and secondly because it's insufficiently specific for version issues.13:54
norsetto\sh: no, I don't think we need it at all13:55
zulno you shouldnt add linux-image to Depends because that changes alot13:55
norsettowell, whats the point of having linux-image as a recommend?13:55
\shnorsetto, if you be safe, you would need to "OR" all ubuntu kernel flavours, like debian is doing it....it needs at least one image to build boot/root media ... so debian is giving the user a choice...I don't, that's why I recommend linux-image (which matches the installed kernel) only13:57
norsetto\sh: yes, but why do we need it explicitely as a recommend?13:57
norsetto\sh: I mean, do we have ubuntu installations without linux-image? Isn't linux-image part of the Base package?13:58
norsetto\sh: I'm not talking about a fancy arch here, its i386, amd64 and ia6413:59
\shnorsetto, no...but we have -generic, -server etc. as flavour...Imean I could put them as well as recommends, because the package just works with the installed kernel...13:59
\shso I remove linux-image, and put all flavours in, that's the debian way...14:00
norsetto\sh: exactly, so, why do we want to have a recommend?14:00
\shbecause you could install more kernel flavours...then the default...yes, I think it's more serious to add all flavours14:01
norsetto\sh: yes, but what mind wants its a kernel, do we need to recommend that a kernel is installed?14:01
\shnorsetto, it needs at least "one kernel" not "the installed kernel"14:02
\shyou can choose the kernel version or flavour of what boot/root media you want...14:02
\shso if you want boot/root media for -server flavour you need to have the linux-image-server installed14:02
\shand this applies for all other flavours14:03
norsetto\sh: yes, so how linux-image is going to solve that? Its just telling you that a kernel is recommended, do we need that recommendation?14:03
\shnorsetto, that's why I realized now...I just add linux-image-generic | linux-image-server  to recommends14:04
norsetto\sh: yes, but why? I still don't see the need14:04
\shnorsetto, because of the choice14:04
norsetto\sh: what choice? Unless you want for instance to restrict it to non -rt for instance14:05
\shnorsetto, do you know what mindi does?14:05
norsetto\sh: no idea at all14:05
\shit creates boot/root disks :) and for this you have the choice of the kernel14:05
\shit creates those disks with your choosen kernel, modules, tools and libs...so you have a choice here14:06
\shlike mkinitrd or mkinitramfs does, too :)14:06
norsetto\sh: right, so, how does a recommend in your package help you with that?14:06
\shnorsetto, the user doesn't have all kernels installed, but the user (mostly admins) have an advice, which kernels we/debian have/has...it's more accurate14:07
\shso they see what they can install...14:07
norsetto\sh: you now that apt-get will install the recommends now?14:08
pkernRecommends will be installed by default soon?14:08
pkernOr even now.14:08
norsettopkern: I think it does already14:08
pkernYou could add Suggests.14:08
\shnorsetto, it's been discussed yes...14:08
\shas I understand the mail from this morning on u-d-d correctly..so right now, recommends is the right place, and for the future, when debian goes with the same decision, we will move it to suggests14:09
pkernDebian already installs recommends by default.14:09
\shpkern, ugh...14:10
pkern\sh: Since Oct 114:10
pkernThat one I know for sure. ;)14:10
\shpkern, bad14:10
\shpkern, habbit ,-)14:10
\shpkern, hopefully there is a switch in d-i to stop the packagemanager of installing them14:11
siretartnorsetto: not yet, but mvo is going to do this change in hardy RSN14:22
siretartnorsetto: that change has already reached debian14:22
norsettosiretart: right .... talking about what if I may ask :-)14:23
\shnorsetto, ok...I'll change the recommends to suggests (for the kernels) and add all flavours14:31
norsetto\sh: ok, please also remove the version change for mindi-busybox, I think its not needed anymore14:31
siretart\sh: exactly. that change makes maintainers to think about the difference between recommends and suggests. and makes them actually useful for something14:32
Rospo_Zopponorsetto: hi, can I ask you something about build-depends ?14:37
norsettoRospo_Zoppo: sure, ask the audience too ;-)14:38
Rospo_ZoppoI'm trying to merge foobillard14:38
Rospo_Zoppobut I have two different build-depends fields14:38
Rospo_Zoppobetween the old Ubuntu version and the new Debian version14:39
\shnorsetto, attached new diff14:39
norsetto\sh: thanks14:39
Rospo_Zopponorsetto: this is the old version14:40
Rospo_Zoppoand this is the new one14:40
Rospo_Zopponorsetto: maybe it's transitional stuff or something like that ?14:41
norsettoRospo_Zoppo: I didn't look at the second, but I recognise some transitional package in the first, yes14:42
Rospo_Zopponorsetto: thanks14:47
frafuHello, I am preparing a package for revu. The C-source code files are under GPL v3,but there is no indication in the config, makefiles, intltool, etc. Do each of this files also need a few lines at the top about the license?14:48
frafuMoreover, the package includes a manual under GFDL 1.1,but the text of the license is not included in the package. Do I have to add a file with the gfdl 1.2 text to the source package? Or does a link in debian/copyright be enough?14:53
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norsettofrafu: the gfdl needs to be mentioned in copyright, same type of mention as the gpl (a link is not enough)15:04
norsettofrafu: are u upstream too?15:05
frafuyes,  I am also an upstream maintainer of the package15:06
Lutinsiretart: bzr-buildded is syncable, isn't it ?15:06
siretartLutin: yes, it is!15:07
siretartand should be in sync, in fact15:07
Lutinsiretart: ok15:08
norsettofrafu: ok, then as you mentioned you should add the gfdl in COPYING (or whatever it is you use) too15:08
Lutinsiretart: just want to make sure. the current ubuntu version is a no-change upload from debian, right ?15:09
Rospo_Zopponorsetto: it's not necessary to do a merge only for a .desktop clean-up right ?15:09
siretartLutin: http://patches.ubuntu.com/b/bzr-builddeb/bzr-builddeb_0.90ubuntu1.patch15:10
norsettoRospo_Zoppo: if its just an aesthetic change I would say not, report it to debian and we will take it from them15:10
Lutinsiretart: ok15:11
frafunorsetto: are you telling me to add the text of both, the gpl and gfdl, to the file named COPYING? It currently contains only the text of the gpl license.15:11
norsettofrafu: yes, that would be good15:11
Rospo_Zopponorsetto: it's only for the icon field, I will do a sync request15:12
norsettofrafu: you can also add two different files, lets call them GPL and GFDL and link them in COPYING15:13
frafuBut changing the COPYING file, the source package will not be identical anymore to the release that I am preparing for revu. Should I increase the release version number?15:14
norsettofrafu: the release number for revu is practically irrelevant, it only need to record the first release, you may leave it unchanged15:15
frafunorsetto: what kind of link do you have in mind?15:15
norsettofrafu: a textual one: "this and this file are released under the GPL etc., a copy of the license is in the file foo/GPL ...." this type of things15:16
norsettofrafu: you are pretty free to do what is best for you, as long as there is a clear unique reference to what license is used for what source in one general license file (for instance COPYING)15:17
frafunorsetto: what about the makefiles, config*, intltool, etc. Does each file also have to mention a license?15:18
norsettofrafu: the way I understand it, its not needed for autogenerated files15:18
frafunorsetto: thanks for your help. If I have further questions I will come back :-)15:19
norsettofrafu: sure, np, for license questions you may also ask in ubuntu-devel, as most archive admins hang in there15:20
frafunorsetto: thanks for the tip about ubuntu-devel, too15:21
Rospo_Zoppomr_pouit: I've seen that you patched foobillard, now I'm trying to merge it but I don't know how to deal with this change you made "* Bump DH_COMPAT to 5, bump build-dependency: debhelper (>= 5)."15:23
DaveMorriscan someone please point me in the right direction, or tell me the answer in how to fix this lintian error?  postinst-must-call-ldconfig15:23
norsettoRospo_Zoppo: he is not logged at the moment15:23
norsettoDaveMorris: is your package packaging shared libraries?15:24
norsettoDaveMorris: and you are not using dh_makeshlibs?15:24
DaveMorrisnorsetto: http://pastebin.ca/77528515:25
norsettoDaveMorris: because that will also add the call to ldconfig for you15:25
DaveMorrisyeah I am15:25
norsettoDaveMorris: how many binary packages you have?15:26
DaveMorristhe other one doesn't have the error15:26
norsettoDaveMorris: ok, so you get the error in the -dev package I guess?15:27
DaveMorrisactually no, the dev package is fine15:28
norsettoDaveMorris: outside your question, I would nont add the .la files since you have the *.pc already15:29
DaveMorrisok, thanks15:29
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norsettoDaveMorris: see if specifying the package with -p helps in your call to dh_makeshlibs15:30
Rospo_Zopponorsetto: can you tell me what that "bump" means ? :)15:30
Rospo_Zopponorsetto: I mean, is it a change to reproduce ?15:31
norsettoDaveMorris: if you add an "export DH_VERBOSE=1" this will also add some verbose output from the debhelper calls which may give you some hints15:31
norsettoRospo_Zoppo: bump means raise, so bump debhelper to >= 5 means raising it from whatever it was before (4 or lower) to 515:33
* norsetto -> has tea15:37
DaveMorrisnorsetto: thanks, it appears they are been made but not installed to the correct dir15:38
DaveMorristhey are appearing in debian/ rather than debian/libcpptest/DEBIAN15:40
LeRoutiercould someone tell me if we get a mail after uploading to REVU ?15:44
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Nightrose\sh_away: have a look at facebook - I finally changed "it" as promised ;-)16:04
norsettoDaveMorris: ah, but that is because you are calling dh_installdeb before dh_makeshlibs then16:17
DaveMorrisyep, that was it, thanks16:18
nixternalalrighty, give me a quick and dirty rule about man pages?16:33
nixternalwhy would a plugin need a manpage? why would a guy app that has far more extensive help documentation need a manpage?16:33
nixternalit is absolutely stupid, a waste of space, and a waste of time16:33
azeemnixternal: why do you think a plugin needs a manpage?16:34
nixternalI don't think a plugin needs a manpage16:34
nixternalI don't think a gui app that doesn't even use the command line needs a man page, especially when a majority of apps come with documentation16:34
nixternalsupposedly there is this really dumb rule that says "binaries should have manpages"16:35
sorennixternal: In that case, the man page could just explain in 15 words what the binary is for.16:38
sorennixternal: Well... It's not all binaries. Just the ones in {/usr,}/{,s}bin16:39
sorennixternal: if it's a plugin for something and is not meant to be called directly, it doesn't belong in a {/usr,}/{,s}bin. It's quite simple.16:39
nixternalquite simple, and at times quite silly16:41
apacheloggersiretart: ping16:46
siretartapachelogger: please don't do contentless pings16:47
apacheloggersiretart: ping, revu is eating my uploads key: 1024D/72F23991 mail: apachelogger@ubuntu.com16:48
apacheloggereating = I upload and the upload never shows up -.-16:48
siretartwhat package did you upload?16:49
apacheloggersiretart: khalkhicards16:49
siretartapachelogger: and you are absolutely sure you uploaded it to review? check your .upload file16:50
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded kopete-plugin-thinklight_0.3-0ubuntu1.dsc to revu.tauware.de.16:51
apacheloggerah, wrong one, sorry16:51
apacheloggersiretart: hm, something is really wrong here... I'll try again16:52
gnomefreaksiretart: same problem that me and a few others had?17:15
gnomefreakwhere uploads are stuck in a dir. and not pushed to revu page?17:15
siretartgnomefreak: that he failed to upload it to the right host? probably yes :)17:16
gnomefreaki uploaded 3 times after nov 13th 7:00 and they never showed up, people have found the issue but its still not fixed17:16
DaveMorrisgnomefreak: it's fixed17:16
DaveMorrisI've uploaded since and I had the same problem17:16
gnomefreakDaveMorris: my page wasnt updated17:16
gnomefreakshould i re-upload it?17:17
siretartgnomefreak: oh yes, there has been some upload swallowed yesterday, that should be fixed now17:17
siretartgnomefreak: what package was that?17:17
gnomefreakok ill re send it. lightning-sunbird17:17
siretartyes, please reupload17:17
Lutinjoejaxx: what's the need of the libglu1-mesa-dev -> libglu1-mesa-dev | libglu-dev change in antennavis ? can't get it17:17
gnomefreakok re uploading17:17
gnomefreakty siretart and DaveMorris17:18
apacheloggersiretart: ok, khalkhicards went online, but it seems like kopete-otr seems to be stuck somewhere17:18
siretartapachelogger: if you uploaded it yesterday, please reupload17:18
apacheloggersiretart: tried 8 minutes ago17:19
siretartACCEPTED /srv/uploads/khalkhicards_0.2.2-0ubuntu1_source.changes17:20
siretartbut no trace of kopete-otr17:20
apacheloggerreally strange17:22
apacheloggersiretart: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44630/17:22
siretartcare to paste your kopete-otr .upload file as well?17:23
apacheloggeragain the wrong package -.-17:23
apacheloggersiretart: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44632/17:23
* apachelogger kicks khalkhi to the moon for always blocking his clipboard17:24
apacheloggersiretart: here's the .upload file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44633/17:27
siretartwhen was that?17:28
apacheloggersiretart: 16 minutes ago17:28
siretartapachelogger: what's the problem with this? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=kopete-otr17:29
apacheloggerhonestly, I really shouldn't do any work today17:30
apacheloggersiretart: well, thanks for looking anyway17:30
LutinStevenK: are you ok with a cynthiune.app sync ? seems that your patch has been applied in debian17:37
bddebianHeya gang17:47
pochuhey bddebian17:48
bddebianHi pochu17:48
geserHi bddebian18:06
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bddebianHeya geser18:18
Lutingeser: don't you think we should drop the description typo fix in edenmath.app and just sync it ?18:29
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geserLutin: I looked at it today and asked that myself18:30
geseron one side it isn't important enough to keep on the other side it closed an LP bug18:31
Lutingeser: yeah, but do we want to keep a diff against debien for such a minor bug ?18:31
Lutin(I would not even call that a bug anyway)18:32
gesernot really18:33
Lutingeser: let's sync then :)18:39
norsetto_lutin, geser: submitting the bug to debian is not even an option?18:40
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Lutinnorsetto: the bug has already been reported to the BTS18:41
norsettolutin: ok, and they just couldn't care less or what?18:41
Lutinnorsetto: reported 9 days ago, can't tell :)18:41
Lutinno answer yet, quite normal18:41
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* norsetto thinks that this place looks differently without scottk18:48
\shwhat's up with scottk?18:49
norsetto\sh: didn't you see his email to the lists?18:51
\shnorsetto, need to start my email client18:51
norsetto\sh: need an help? I can push while you steer18:52
\shnorsetto, I just setting up claws mail...after thunderbird with enigmail doesn't like cardreader for gpg cards...:(18:53
proppynorsetto: ScottK gone ?18:53
norsettoproppy: no, but stepping down considerably18:53
\shnorsetto, hmm...I just got the mail about the mentoring from him18:55
* norsetto checks his incoming mail18:56
\shnorsetto, thinking about u-m@l.u.c18:57
norsetto\sh, proppy: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2007-October/002581.html18:57
\shoh this one...old one :)18:58
\shnorsetto, and tbh, I agree with him in some points...19:00
\shnorsetto, yeah I saw that too late (mindi)...I wonder what grab-merge.sh (the moms way) is doing to the original debian package or whatever...I'll merge it now cleanly...I'm tired of mom19:02
norsetto\sh: well, its uploaded already with those changes19:02
norsetto\sh: I added all linux-images- for the 3 arches btw19:03
norsetto\sh: I think you have an amd64 since you only added those for that arch?19:03
norsettohiya ajmitch19:03
\shnorsetto, there is no arch for linux-image-generic ... don't add the arch specific ones...that's wrong19:05
\shnorsetto, and no...I just have i38619:05
\shall flavours are available19:05
\shnorsetto, linux-image-{generic,server,rt,virtual} are meta packages where dependencies are set during build time for the compiled arch (afaik)19:06
\shnorsetto, so you will find for linux-image-generic on i386 an i386 dependency to the real kernel...and on ia64 for ia64 and so on...19:07
zulmost if not all -source packages for hardy in universe will not build against 2.6.2419:12
\shwho wants to fix wireshark for feisty and down?19:13
\shhttps://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2007-0709.html looks really interesting19:13
zul\sh: assign it to me and ill get to it19:14
\shzul, don't bother, I'm grabbing the patches and file a bug19:16
\shoh this is so crap...why can't they put the cve in the svn/cvs log19:27
\shhey ivoks19:28
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
proppyany debian bugs report guru here ?19:53
slangasekproppy: what's the question?19:53
proppyslangasek: I forgot to set the severity of a bug, can I change/add it by replying to the bugmai l?19:54
azeembts <nnnn> severity foo19:54
azeemhrm, or does bts go to LP by default?19:54
azeemproppy: actually, it's bts severity <nnnn> foo19:55
RainCTi've seen a "Homepage:" entry in debian/control some days ago. is this new policy or just something strange? :P19:55
proppyazeem: it bts a command, or something I should put in the mail content pseudo header ?19:55
norsettorainct: new policy19:55
jpatrickRainCT: new policy19:55
azeemproppy: command19:55
azeemproppy: you can also mail control@bugs.debian.org19:55
azeemproppy: see http://bugs.debian.org19:56
proppyok thanks19:56
proppyazeem: thanks19:56
RainCTnice. will synaptic add it automatically to the description?19:56
KmosRainCT: that need to be adapted :) synaptic get that field from package20:01
Kmosit's new dpkg feature =)20:01
proppyazeem: few done by mail20:01
proppydo not really know how to feel about mail based bts :)20:02
proppywonders if day to day use feels easy20:03
proppySeverity set to `wishlist' from `normal' Request was from Johan Euphrosine <proppy@aminche.com> to control@bugs.debian.org.   (Thu, 15 Nov 2007 20:03:06 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.20:04
proppy   Severity set to `wishlist' from `wishlist' Request was from Gerfried Fuchs <rhonda@debian.at> to control@bugs.debian.org.   (Thu, 15 Nov 2007 20:03:10 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available.20:04
proppyahah :)20:04
norsettoproppy: isn't that the one from viewcs?20:15
proppynorsetto: nop, just a bug I found out in a package I've just installed20:16
proppynorsetto: I've not received any news for the viewvc one20:16
norsettoproppy: don't know why but the nickname rings a bell20:16
proppynorsetto: which nickname ?20:17
norsettoproppy: rhonda20:17
proppynorsetto: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=409864 not updated20:17
ubotuDebian bug 409864 in viewvc "viewvc: No such file or directory: '/usr/lib/templates/directory.ezt' for SVN, but CVS works OK" [Important,Open]20:17
warp10Hi all!20:24
norsettohiya warp1020:24
warp10norsetto: :-)20:25
norsettoI have seen some strange versions but this is pretty funny20:25
norsettoyou like this warp10: 2.~-1.0~beta1-1 ?20:26
warp10norsetto: Indeed it has a kind of artistic sense20:27
* proppy hugs norsetto20:31
norsettothats what I call a hug and run offense20:32
\shnow...let's see if wireshark compiles...20:43
geserwhere does I find the current section list for the Debian menu?20:49
frafuHello, I am preparing a package for revu and had to do a few changes to conform to the rules concerning the submission of a new package. These changes now imply that it is not equal anymore to the release tarball that I had when I started. Could anybody please tell me how to proceed about the versioning?20:50
mdomschfrafu, you'll have an .orig.tar.gz from upstream20:51
mdomschand a set of patches you apply20:51
mdomschand a patch that contains the debian/ dir and files20:51
mdomsch-0ubuntu1 would be the -release part of your version-release20:52
frafumdomsch: no, I did the changes in the source itself20:52
mdomschfrafu, are you the upstream maintainer?20:52
mdomschok, then you can either a) release a new upstream version with your changes, or20:53
mdomschb) see above, so it's your last upstream version, plus a patch20:53
mdomschplus the debian/ dir patch20:53
\shoh damn...we should host all dapper stuff in bzr or whatever20:54
frafumdomsch: I will try b). (I am new to this); To be sure: could you confirm that I can use the b) route, even if there is no package submitted to revu yet?20:59
=== Martinp24 is now known as Martinp23
mdomschfrafu, you bet21:01
frafumdomsch: thanks21:01
mdomschfrafu, debian developers occasionally have to fix code, e..g a diff from the upstream released version21:01
mdomschif only to get it to build properly on debian/ubuntu21:01
mdomschthere's a 'dpatch' mechanism, and others I'm sure, for applying a set of patches cleanly21:02
mdomschduring debuild21:02
frafumdomsch: does debuild automatically see the patches? In other words: I can call 'debuild -S' as usual!?21:04
mdomschfrafu, this I'm not sure, I haven't needed to use dpatch myself yet21:05
mdomschbut I'm told I should have once before :-)21:05
\shfrafu, for additional dpatches you need to add them to 00list in debian/patches21:05
TheMusoAnd, if the apckage doens't yet use dpatch, you need to change debian/rules to knwo about it.21:06
geserand also build-depend on dpatch21:06
\shand if you want to be c0ol use quilt ,-)21:06
\sh(forget about that ,-))21:07
frafuDo I have to change debian/rules manually?21:08
\shfrafu, when debian/rules doesn't know anything about dpatch, yes21:09
frafuIt does not yet use dpatch yet. My debian rules is auto generated... I will have to look now for the details. Thanks to all for pointing me in the right direction.21:12
mdomschit looks like cdbs has its own patch system, if you happen to be using that21:12
frafuno, I am using debhelper21:13
\shautogenerated debian/rules?21:13
frafufrom dh_make21:13
\shoh it's the initial debian/rules21:14
\shso you need to add the magics from dpatch, which are written down in man dpatch21:14
\shinclude /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make21:14
\shand the next 2 makefile targets you need to find out yourself in man dpatch :)21:14
frafuI did not have to change it yet (apart one line in the clean target)21:15
\shFujitsu, can you set the importance of bug #132915 to high?21:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 132915 in wireshark "WireShark versions prior to 0.99.6 vulnerability" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13291521:15
geser\sh: done21:16
\shgeser, thanks :)21:16
frafuthanks again21:16
\shI wonder if all this patching works down to dapper21:17
Fujitsu\sh: We have bigger problems in Dapper, of course.21:17
FujitsuWe even need 0.99.4 down there, IIRC.21:17
* Fujitsu checks.21:17
\shFujitsu, 0.99.4 is just finished...(feisty)21:17
\shdapper has 0.90.x21:18
FujitsuOh, it was Ethereal back then, wasn't it?21:18
\sh0.99.0 as ethereal21:18
FujitsuI simply don't think we can support that.21:18
FujitsuOther distros backported 0.99.4 because they couldn't pick out the security stuff.21:19
\she.g. there is another cve hanging (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-3391) which doesn't apply for us in general, the functionality is not in our versions from feisty downto dapper...21:19
ubotuWireshark 0.99.5 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) via a malformed DCP ETSI packet that triggers an infinite loop. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-3391)21:19
\shFujitsu, well, we can try...for a vital app like ethereal/wireshark that's one of the important things for ubuntu and it's community driven support21:20
\shFujitsu, I think when we can show the outside people, that motu is able to support the community section for about 5 years, it would be the greatest thing on earth ,-)21:21
FujitsuWe might have a chance for Hardy, if we get a sane security tracker up and running.21:21
Fujitsu\sh: Were you able to nominate bug #132915 for Dapper today?21:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 132915 in wireshark "WireShark versions prior to 0.99.6 vulnerability" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13291521:22
\shi just did that (10 minutes ago)21:23
\shand I think it's a bug ,-)21:23
FujitsuRight, I'm filing it.21:23
FujitsuBecause I can't approve it.21:23
FujitsuOr decline it.21:23
FujitsuIt's just stuck there forever.21:23
=== bdmurray_ is now known as bdmurray
\shFujitsu, sorry...21:24
FujitsuHeh, it's LP's problem.21:24
FujitsuSo you're going to backport those 4 CVE fixes to Edgy/Feisty?21:24
\shFujitsu, feisty is just building21:25
FujitsuVery good.21:25
\shFujitsu, edgy will be the last..I'm trying dapper first21:25
\shi think it's more important the bumpy edgy21:25
FujitsuThere are others that need fixing in Dapper.21:25
FujitsuI'll try and get a list some time today.21:26
\shFujitsu, I'm going down the security list of our security team...21:26
\shphp4 is something21:26
Fujitsuphp4 should be doable for another month, but then we're completely screwed.21:26
\shFujitsu, no ubuntu-security-team21:26
FujitsuThat's probably more complete.21:26
\shthere are a lot of bugs, and no one bothers to go down the road an start working on really low hanging fruit21:27
\shin the last days, i did some other bugfixes...21:27
* keescook is excited to see activity. :)21:27
FujitsuI did about 20 from ~motu-swat a week ago.21:27
\shkeescook, dude, I'll spam ,-)21:27
keescookcool; I need to get the list of tested debdiffs now, so I can start uploading them.21:27
* Fujitsu can also do more starting later today, as there will be no more damn exams.21:28
Fujitsukeescook: Thanks.21:28
FujitsuThey should all be searchable by In Progress + patch.21:28
keescookFujitsu: perfect!21:28
\shah some of themI didn't set to progress21:28
\shbut will do in a moment21:28
Fujitsukeescook: Can you please look at bug #132915, and tell me if you can decline the Dapper task? As you're core-dev, you may have more powers than I.21:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 132915 in wireshark "WireShark versions prior to 0.99.6 vulnerability" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13291521:28
keescookFujitsu: we don't have a way of marking a debdiff as "tested" though, do we?21:29
Fujitsukeescook: Not at the moment, but I believe I've tested them all.21:29
* Fujitsu checks.21:29
\shkeescook, build test or exploit tests?21:29
keescookFujitsu: I mean actual run-the-program testing (not just build-tests)?21:29
keescookFujitsu: yup, dapper declined.21:30
Fujitsukeescook: In most cases I've tested the functionality of the program around the fix, yes.21:30
Fujitsukeescook: Thanks, that's a bug,.21:30
keescookFujitsu: that works for me.  While it'd be great to test PoC or exploits, the critical bit is to avoid regression.  :)21:31
Fujitsukeescook: I've tested exploits which were easily findable.21:33
\shFujitsu, some parts I can fix I think for dapper/ethereal21:33
Fujitsu\sh: Oh, good. Are you able to find the CVEs fixed in .1-.5?21:33
\shFujitsu, when you read the debdiff for wireshark, there are bug reports from upstream...there are some demo code inside ,-)21:34
\shFujitsu, well I think I can manage, but it takes time...right now my wife comes home..so end of business today :)21:35
FujitsuOK, talk to you tomorrow, then. Thanks for the work you've done!21:35
\shFujitsu, I'll work tomorrow from office...then I have time :)21:35
\shcu good night21:36
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
FujitsuThat's one nasty changelog entry in the feisty/wireshark debdiff.21:38
alvincholy server link batman22:01
DaveMorriscan someone nuke my package on revu as I'm sorting it out http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=opensg-dev22:01
bddebianDaveMorris: Done22:13
JazzvaHmm... any idea why "cp {file1,file2}.extension somewhere" works when I build from source in Debian, but it doesn't in Ubuntu? It works in Ubuntu too, if it's not run from Makefile...22:46
geserJazzva: dash vs bash22:47
Jazzvageser: Hmm... Thanks. I'll supply a debdiff for this one, then...22:47
geserapachelogger: did you try to upload gtkmm-utils 0.3.0-0ubuntu1 to Debian?22:56
apacheloggergeser: wah, I did -.-22:56
apacheloggersomeday I might get dput configured right22:57
JazzvaHmm... another question. If I'm submitting a fix for package that needs to be synced, is that similar to a merge (in a way there are some Ubuntu changes, but they're not from previous versions, unlike in merge)?23:00
FujitsuJazzva: It would be performed identically to a merge.23:01
FujitsuExcept for the merging old changes bit; you'd just merge the new changes instead.23:01
JazzvaOk... thanks :).23:02
FujitsuJazzva: Make sure you note in the sponsorship bug that that's what you've done, to avoid confusing people and to make sure they generate the .changes properly.23:02
JazzvaFujitsu: I suppose I should change the status to match the merge request... right?23:04
FujitsuJazzva: Of the bug? Probably.23:08
* Fujitsu blinks.23:10
FujitsuWhy is rhythmbox segfaulting in main()!?23:11
Lutinsomeones know who added the 'no need to sync' comment for xt on DaD ? is it you zul ?23:41

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