
=== jjjja is now known as nictuku
=== paul_____ is now known as pschulz01
pablassostupid question, i made some users with useradd, but the prompt for them looks horrible, it looks like 'sh-3.1$', even though i copied the same .bashrc to their home that im using on the root account with a beauty prompt, what could it be?07:39
halcyonCorsairdoes anyone here know much about snmp?07:49
avatar_whats your problem?08:00
halcyonCorsairi want to add some 3rd party mibs08:03
halcyonCorsairand then look up the information they reference08:03
halcyonCorsairhelp anyone?08:11
avatar_halcyonCorsair__: mbrowse - a SNMP MIB browser08:26
halcyonCorsair__avatar_: does it let me add 3rd-party mibs?08:28
avatar_halcyonCorsair__: you can open 3rd-party mibs in mbrowse08:28
halcyonCorsair__can i get snmpwalk to show the names of stuff, rather than iso. kind of thng?08:31
captbaritone_anyone about?10:02
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:05
CrummyGummyHi, any idea what this is?10:32
CrummyGummyCan't exec "/tmp/sun-java6-bin.config.4051": Permission denied at /usr/share/perl/5.8/IPC/Open3.pm line 168.10:32
CrummyGummyopen2: exec of /tmp/sun-java6-bin.config.4051 configure  failed at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/ConfModule.pm line 5810:32
CrummyGummyIt seems to show up quite often in installs.10:32
sorenCrummyGummy: Is your /tmp a separate partition mounted with noexec, perhaps?10:51
CrummyGummysoren: yes10:53
sorenAnd you're still curious why it won't execute scripts in /tmp ? :)10:53
soren"Can't exec "/tmp/sun-java6-bin.config.4051": Permission denied at  /usr/share/perl/5.8/IPC/Open3.pm line 168.10:53
sorenIt can't possibly be more clear than that :)10:53
CrummyGummynope, now I'm curious if its important. I wa under the impression that having noexec mount for scripts is a good way to do things...10:54
sorenYou've mounted it noexec. Hence, if something tries to execute something there... It won't work.10:54
soren...and apparantly the package in question extracts stuff into /tmp and tries to execute something there.10:54
* CrummyGummy is off to change the mounting options.10:57
sorenFeel free to file a bug against the package, though. It's bound to cause problems for others as well.10:58
CrummyGummyI'll do that, thanks.11:00
CrummyGummychmod 766 /tmp/ should fix the security problem.11:02
sorenEr.. no.11:02
soren...but it will likely make a lot of stuff blow up in your face :)11:02
CrummyGummyreally, there weren't any problems (besides above) when it was mounted noexec. How is this so different?11:03
sorenCrummyGummy: Revoking execute privileges on /tmp from anyone but root?11:21
sorenCrummyGummy: Um, it'll only make every other user's attempt at doing pretty much anything in /tmp fail.11:22
frippzis there a way to import a csv-export file from a Windows 2000 Server DNS-server into BIND?12:33
Kamping_Kaiserfrippz, does the server use AD?12:34
Kamping_Kaiserif its a non-AD server it will be saving to a bind compaitible config file12:34
frippzwell, I'm not entirely sure. this is just a zone that I'm exporting12:35
frippzthe win2k-server is not a primary dns12:35
Kamping_Kaiserthe above is all i know about windows and dns server :)12:36
frippzok :)12:36
frippzhmm, well there must be a migration guide somewhere on the web for this12:41
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Kamping_Kaiserfrippz, long shots, but try #bind and ##windows12:44
frippzKamping_Kaiser: thanks, will give that a go as well12:45
Kamping_Kaisergood luck12:45
susscorfai just instaled apache and latex2html on a ubuntu machine but there are latex2html files in the /var/www is there any good reseason for that or where should i pose this question12:52
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=== Drazha is now known as Drazha[away]
randomwalkerhi, i have a bunch of sites running on the same machine, and because of this apache seems to take like 10 seconds to start19:22
randomwalkernot sure why19:22
randomwalkerany idea how i can make it start faster?19:23
sommerrandomwalker: you might check which modules you have loading and make sure you have to have them.19:25
sommerls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/19:26
randomwalkersommer, thanks, just checked, looks like only a few basic modules19:26
sommerfrom my experience I've had mod_perl cause Apache to start slower than normal... upgrade of memory helped that though :)19:26
randomwalkerbasically i didnt' change the ubuntu defaults19:26
randomwalkerthing is, when there's only 1 site it loads immediately19:26
randomwalkerso i'm thinking its redoing everything for each site19:27
sommeryou might double chech your vhosts...19:27
randomwalkerwhat should i check for?19:27
sommergood question19:27
randomwalkerits ok, no big deal, i was hoping there was an easy fix19:28
sommeryou might also disable all but one than re-enable them one at a time to see if it's a specific one causing the slowness19:28
randomwalkerah, good idea, thanks19:28
sommeryou could also search on optimizing apache... I've tweaked some of the Min/MaxSpareServers settings and had good results before19:30
sommerbut you'll definitley want to be careful doing that... could have a negetive affect under laod19:30
sommer*load rather19:30
randomwalkeroh ok19:31
davidlondoni'm a bit stuck, trying to set up a 2 interface lan at work with an ubuntu server and 3 xp machines19:31
davidlondoneth0 connects to the net via adsl modem and eth1 is the internal lan-should eth0 be dhcp?19:34
davidlondonanyone know a good guide for a 2 inteface server install20:27
mralphabetwth, stay around for an answer why don't you20:31
sommeroh sweet... autocomplete in irc!!!  Woot and stuff20:39
* sommer feels like noob20:39
sommermralphabet: just think if he hadn't left I would have kept copy and pasting peoples names... heh20:40
sommerlamont: ScottK, I've added a Mail Filtering section to the system docs.  Is it cool if I send it to you for review?20:41
mralphabetsommer: hah!  well don't let me stop you from your copy / paste fun . . .21:25
dthacker-workThe file-print server and easy-business server blueprints seem dormant.  Are there any plans for these around Hardy?21:49
mralphabetdthacker-work: I believe so, yes21:52
dthacker-workmralphabet: are there other more current documents I should be looking at?21:53
mralphabetdthacker-work: I am not sure, I just remember them talking about those things after gutsy release21:53
mariocesar_boHello, I just install Ubuntu Server just few seconds ago ... I am getting Fatal Errors when I try to use sudo. like $sudo ls, outputs: sendmail: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf no such file or directory23:24
mariocesar_bohello, any help?23:25
Triplee23Hi, anyone with knowledge on sysctl.conf?23:53
leonelman sysctl.conf ?23:55
Triplee23Yes, i know but it is not working. I am trying to permanently change the value of net.ipv4.igmp_max_memberships but every time I boot the value is reset to 1. Any idea on how to manage this?23:56
Triplee23I have added this to sysctl.conf "net.ipv4.igmp_max_memberships=4" but this does not help. sysctl.conf is run during boot by /etc/rcS.d/S17procps.sh23:58

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