
rbrevoortunable to play dvd on an ibm thinkpad using totem on ubuntu 7.1000:00
colourAggaand to be honest i really don't know what a cartesian-plane thingy is :p00:00
ader10colourAgga: Any other programs?00:00
rbrevoortunable to play dvd on an ibm thinkpad using totem on ubuntu 7.1000:00
soundrayader10: are you trying to create an X-Y scatterplot?00:00
rbrevoortunable to play dvd on an ibm thinkpad using totem on ubuntu 7.1000:00
ader10colourAgga: not a scatter plot, a regular "graphing calculator style" thing00:00
rbrevoortunable to play dvd on an ibm thinkpad using totem on ubuntu 7.1000:01
Paddy_EIRErbrevoort, did you read !dvd00:01
Oli```How do I edit the protocol handlers? It currently thinks ftp:// should be handled by firefox and I'd really rather nautilus did it00:01
rbrevoortyeah sort of00:01
Paddy_EIREread it00:01
rbrevoortunable to play dvd on an ibm thinkpad using totem on ubuntu 7.1000:01
PriitMHi! I got external HDD what reports 2gb free room while using ubuntu and 100gb free room on windows system. Folder .trash is 64kb. What could be the problem?00:01
Paddy_EIRE!repeat | rbrevoort00:01
uboturbrevoort: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:01
soundrayader10: you can do that in oocalc00:01
rbrevoortunable to play dvd on an ibm thinkpad using totem on ubuntu 7.1000:01
nareshovrbrevoort, try something else, like ogle00:01
niftysoundray: i typed the rebuil xorg.cong file command in terminal now what do i do00:02
digitori__ader10 this link may be wirth a look http://groups.google.com/group/alt.math/browse_thread/thread/a5dc535d64607660/90613e2d6be93c7000:02
=== daedric_ is now known as daedric
ader10soundray: I have open office calc00:02
colourAggaader10: you could try rlplot00:02
rbrevoortcan't install it00:02
jrib!dvd > rbrevoort (read the private message from ubotu)00:02
ader10soundray: I can't figure out how to make a graph though00:02
colourAggabut i really wouldn't know :)00:02
nareshovapt-get install mplayer00:02
rbrevoortcan't read00:02
niftysoundray: it says "Package `xserver.xorg' is not installed and no info is available.00:02
niftyUse dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,00:02
niftyand dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.00:02
nifty/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: xserver.xorg is not installed"00:02
ncksllndoes somebody have an idea why I can't get to the ubuntu login screen? thanks00:02
rbrevoortunable to play dvd on an ibm thinkpad using totem on ubuntu 7.1000:02
jribrbrevoort: can't read?00:02
Paddy_EIREMez, rbrevoort is being intentionally annoying00:02
koderbrevoort: type sudo apt-get install mplayer in a terminal00:02
rbrevoortnot really00:02
soundraynifty: you typed it wrong00:02
jburdSo when will RealTek 3189D ethernet cards be supported by Ubuntu/Linux?00:02
PriitMHi! I got external HDD what reports 2gb free room while using ubuntu and 100gb free room on windows system. Folder .trash is 64kb. What could be the problem?00:02
jribnifty: - not .00:03
pike_BlueRider: hmm.. sudo pkill gdm; sudo pkill Xorg perhaps. or mayebe 'ps -A | grep X | awk {"print $ 1"}| sudo xargs -i kill -9 {}'  :-)00:03
MezPaddy_EIRE, and you tell ME why?00:03
niftysoundray: what is it00:03
Paddy_EIREMez, lol00:03
golemzI've got a script pharerouge.sh that starts the java pharerouge hl client.  i tried creating a new  menu item, choosing terminal application, and choosing the pharerouge.sh file as the command, but it just flashes the terminal w/out running the program. any advice?00:03
presto101i wanted to see if anyone has heard of an issue while installing the live cd where you get a input output error00:03
soundrayader10: I'll guide you00:03
pganHi - my eth0 connection does not come up when I start; I have to run dhclient manually.  According to /var/log/syslog, NetowrkManager disables it: http://pastebin.com/m65148fa0  What can I do?00:03
Renghey guys i accidently removed all the "dev" packages. will this cause a major issue?00:03
niftysoundray : what do i type00:03
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jribReng: shouldn't00:03
nareshovpreaction_, yeah, the hard disk cable was loose00:03
preaction_Reng, no. the *-dev packages are only needed to compile things00:03
ader10soundray: That would be awesoem-o-rific00:03
NightDragonok, it said that it failed00:04
rbrevoortunable to play dvd on an ibm thinkpad using totem on ubuntu 7.1000:04
pike_Reng: well you can no longer call yourself a devoloper.00:04
NightDragoni ran envy00:04
Rengthnz guy00:04
preaction_nareshov, kay, thanks00:04
rbrevoortunable to play dvd on an ibm thinkpad using totem on ubuntu 7.1000:04
jribrbrevoort: go read the page, you've been given the answer, stop repeating your question00:04
soundrayader10: you need your X and Y numbers in a pair of columns. Have you got that?00:04
preaction_!dvd > rbrevoort (read the private message from ubotu)00:04
ader10soundray: hold on 1 moment00:04
nareshovSATA cables are notorious, they're stiff and you move them around a bit and things get loose00:05
steel_ladyHi! I recently installed sometging to run IE ON WINE but I do not remember the name and how to run it. help please!00:05
rbrevoortwhich plugin do i choose?00:05
rbrevoortunable to play dvd on an ibm thinkpad using totem on ubuntu 7.1000:05
Paddy_EIRErbrevoort, if you are unwilling to read then there is no help for you here!00:05
rbrevoortjust read it00:05
colourAggarbrevoort: destroy your timer00:05
ncksllnif someone could point to where a log file would be for the start up bit till just before where I would type my name in that would be useful, then I can have a look and try and work it out.... I'm pretty frustrated with it, it's been working fine up till now and it's going up to an exhibition tomorrow!00:05
FluxD!w32codecs | rbrevoort00:05
uboturbrevoort: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs00:05
niftysoundray: i typed it correct this time00:05
pike_steel_lady: ie4linux if you ran that script you now have a ~/bin directory in your home so just cd ~/bin and ./ie00:06
rbrevoortwhat's that?00:06
jburdsteel_lady: ie4linux00:06
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:06
pike_steel_lady: there is also a link in your menu or should be00:06
ader10soundray: What chart type?00:06
Paddy_EIRE!dvd | rbrevoort00:06
preaction_nckslln, /var/log/boot.log or 'dmesg | less'00:06
uboturbrevoort: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs00:06
digitori__steel lady open a terminal window and type wine iexplore00:06
ncksllnpreaction: ok thanks I'll have a look....00:06
digitori__hit enter00:06
soundrayader10: are you on gutsy or feisty?00:06
steel_ladypike there is no link in the menu00:06
soundrayader10: try "Line"00:07
digitori__steel lady open a terminal window and type wine iexplore then hit enter00:07
jimmygoonI admit this is a hardware problem, but I would like to know what y'all think: when I turn my screen (the hinge on the laptop/lcd fold) the screen "glitches" and goes loopy and cuts in and out.... I JUST had the system board replaced at the factory... loose cable?00:07
niftyHo do you take screen shot in ubuntu00:07
presto101im trying to install 7.10 and im getting a input output error 7.04 works ok and other distros do as well does anyone know about this issue00:07
ader10soundray: Data range?00:07
jimmygoonnifty, press the screenshot button00:07
soundraynifty: Applications-Accessories-Screenshot00:07
jimmygoonnifty, or run "gnome-screenshot"00:07
colourAggajimmygoon: cable problem00:07
rbrevoortis there an issue with 7.10??00:07
Palintheusjimmygoon: yes, cable problem00:07
jimmygooncolourAgga, ugh! I guess the warranty did just run out so I can open it up and have at it00:07
Renghow do you guys respond the the person with red lettering?00:07
soundrayader10: select your data columns with the mouse00:08
preaction_!who | Reng00:08
ubotuReng: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:08
jribReng: use thir nick in your response00:08
pike_jimmygoon: nope if they introduced it id make em fix it00:08
rbrevoortis there an issue with 7.10?00:08
colourAggajimmygoon: yes you could but opening a laptop is a hell and they use proprietary cables00:08
nonix4Grr... install-css.sh => install-css.sh00:08
Palintheusrbrevoort: what kind of issue?00:08
jribrbrevoort: if you don't stop being annoying, you're going to be banned00:08
colourAggayou can't just solder it, it's all really small and tidy00:08
rbrevoortdon't is there one?00:08
nonix4I meant, checking for C compiler default output... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables00:08
jimmygooncolourAgga, I've been through everything. I ripped apart two laptops last christmas ALL the way 100% and built picture frames out of them... so I'm not worried about that00:08
colourAggai know, i used to have a client who repairs these stuff00:09
golemzi've just connected to an smb share, opened rhythmbox, and dragged a folder to the playlist.  Nothing :(00:09
pike_rbrevoort: there are several but that is true of every os in every version00:09
preaction_there are a couple known issues with 7.10, none related to DVD playback00:09
jburdnonix4: sudo aptitude install build-essential00:09
ader10soundray: I'm having the hardest time figuring out what you mean00:09
ader10soundray: Let's start from the beginning00:09
colourAggajimmygoon: the problem is you can't repair the cable and  you almost never can buy a loose cable00:09
jribrbrevoort: because people have given you answers but you refuse to accept them00:09
elusiveu guys on ubuntu using mirc?00:09
nonix4jburd: yeah thought I had it but guess missed it in upgrades on this 'puter00:09
colourAggaso you have to hope it's just loose00:09
jimmygoonpike_ I just went through hell and back to get them to fix the AC adapter .... I shipped it to them and they replaced the system board and didn't fix my AC cord.... They conceded to just mail me a new adapter but I was told that it was the "last business toshiba would do with me on this computer" :P00:09
rbrevoortis 7.04 more stable?00:09
colourAggaelusive: no, bitchx00:09
Palintheuselusive: I use irssi00:09
soundrayader10: you have to have some numbers from which to create a chart.00:09
jimmygooncolourAgga, :S00:09
pike_elusive: xchat or konversation or pidgin or irssi in terminal00:09
colourAggathose cables are melted together or something, it's a hell00:10
jimmygoon(maybe I'll just ignore it hum)00:10
Paddy_EIRErbrevoort, we have already provided you with several plain english guides on how to play dvds but you have been unwilling to read them... I am now putting you on /ignore I'd assume many others will do the same!00:10
colourAggabut that's the way they make money00:10
Paddy_EIRE!attitude | rbrevoort00:10
uboturbrevoort: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:10
rbrevoortit's not about the dvd00:10
jribrbrevoort: so what issue are you having?00:10
queenelikuti             khala00:10
rbrevoortwhich is better 7.04 or 7.1000:10
Paddy_EIRE!offtopic | rbrevoort00:10
=== MatthewTr is now known as dosnubbie
uboturbrevoort: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:10
jribrbrevoort: whichever one is better for *you*00:11
pike_jimmygoon: have your lawer call em. im not litigious but i wouldnt put up with that at all00:11
rbrevoortunable to add/remove software00:11
nareshov7.04 was released in April? and 7.10 last month - you choose00:11
colourAggammm this is strange, my screen notifies me of activity in screen 2, i switch, and nothing is there00:11
ader10soundray: :D Thanks, I figured it out from that last statement00:11
ader10soundray: Thanks again!00:11
golemzhow can i play mp3 files that are avail via a smb share, not on the local system?00:11
elusivecan someone message me to answer questions about ubuntu?00:11
FragmaticGood evening :)00:11
jrib!pm | elusive00:11
ubotuelusive: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.00:11
mneptokelusive: please just ask on-channel00:11
colourAggaelusive: you could also ask here00:11
BlueRiderpike_:  heh, kill gdm did work, but it brought me in the text mode window you get by pressing alt ctr backspace, and from there i didn't know what to do.00:11
Fragmatic(or morning, considering its past midnight)00:11
jimmygoonpike_ mmmm... I guess. Maybe I just being a pushover since I got a free 3 year warranty based off a class action lawsuit that was for something with the speakers or something00:11
Slashhi mens00:12
soundrayader10: glad you worked it out00:12
elusiveo ok00:12
DUSURPcan someone help me with some vb code?00:12
DUSURPit should be easy00:12
FragmaticSorry to bug you guys, but I have a question - I just got me an ASUS eeepc and I'd like to install ubuntu, but alas, I don't have a USB CD Drive, is there any way to install it from a pendrive?00:12
Slashthe kxdocker work in ubuntu or only in kubuntu... :s00:12
jribDUSURP: not here, look for a vb channel or try ##programming maybe00:12
Paddy_EIREDUSURP, this is a ubuntu support channel00:12
pike_BlueRider: i dont know what youre are doing i was just trying to kill x :)  what are you trying to do?00:13
rbrevoortthink so00:13
Palintheus!enter | rbrevoort00:13
uboturbrevoort: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:13
golemzyeah, so, can anybody see this text? just checking, not being sarcastic00:13
NightDragoni ran envy00:13
elusivei have a ati x1600 video card where can i get drivers for it for ubunutu00:13
NightDragonand it didnt work00:13
Palintheusgolemz: yes00:13
Paddy_EIREDUSURP, you could also ask in ##windows perhaps they know of a specific channel for VB.00:13
golemzok thanks ;-P00:13
arghh2d2ten four golemz00:13
colourAggaelusive: you could use the proprietary drivers or the OSS00:13
soundrayNightDragon: congratulations, you have probably wrecked your system now00:13
LuigiIs there a more... lively programming channel than ##programming? Anyone know?00:14
elusivebut my movies look messed up00:14
mechunganyone here ever used quanta plus with apache?00:14
jribLuigi: the channel for your language00:14
presto101im trying to install 7.10 and im getting a input output error 7.04 works ok and other distros do as well does anyone know about this issue00:14
pike_jimmygoon: unless you have a spare lappy for parts i wouldnt be optimistic about fixing it. i guess something may just be loose but unless you are exp working on laptops im not sure i would00:14
Paddy_EIRE!envy | NightDragon00:14
preaction_Luigi, there are channels for just about every language00:14
ubotuNightDragon: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »00:14
colourAggaelusive: what do you mean 'messed up' :)00:14
Luigijrib: I'm looking for a language ;-)00:14
BlueRideri want to install nvidia drivers but when i do it, i get that message. i don't really have an idea how i was supposed to install them with no visual context running, but ..00:14
NightDragonno it just says its not supported00:14
Slashthe kxdocker work in ubuntu or only in kubuntu... :s00:14
rbrevoortdunno 7.10 is better presto00:14
pike_Luigi: there are language specific channels00:14
jribLuigi: try #ubuntu-offtopic00:14
elusivelike the color of the character in the movie skin is blue00:14
elusiven leaves are white00:14
colourAggaelusive: i think it's a codec issue or else all colors would be messy00:15
pike_Luigi: what lang?00:15
rbrevoorti'm having problems with 7.10 as well00:15
NightDragonwho talked to me before?00:15
elusiveo ok u guys are all on ubuntu right now?00:15
NightDragonsomeone was helping me00:15
=== redspike_ is now known as rspike
colourAggaelusive: i am00:15
NightDragonbut no envy just gave an error00:15
Luigipike_ : I'm trying to choose between C, C++ and Python.00:15
soundrayNightDragon: I warned you, but you chose to ignore me00:15
NightDragonwhat do i do now?00:15
soundrayNightDragon: reinstall00:15
colourAggaLuigi: pick python00:15
jribLuigi: #ubuntu-offtopic, not here00:15
elusivewat irc client can i use for ubuntu00:15
pike_Luigi: yeah /join #ubuntu-offtopic00:15
kodeelusive: xchat00:15
Luigipike_ : Each has advantages, each is quite popular.00:15
NightDragonreinstall ubuntu00:16
RedBanddoes anyone know how to get foxytunes working with amarok?00:16
=== RAVTUX-AWAY is now known as RAVTUX
soundrayNightDragon: yes00:16
elusivethnx  im going to download it n instal ubunutu again00:16
elusivethnx guys00:16
Fragmaticnevermind, found it :)00:16
FragmaticTime to play with the eee :D00:16
NightDragonwhy? thats dumb... it didnt actually *do* anything to my system00:16
NightDragonENVY ERROR: Envy does not recognise your card as compatible with any version of the driver.this might happen because either your card is not supported by the driver or Envy's hardwaredetection failed. You can try the manual installation at your risk.00:16
NightDragonthats the error00:16
jrib!envy | NightDragon00:16
ubotuNightDragon: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »00:16
elusivequestion again can u use limewire on ubuntu?00:17
Paddy_EIREso NightDragon whats the problem...00:17
=== liberfiasco is now known as libervisco
jimmygoonpike_ hm, ok, well thanks for your advice :)00:17
rbrevoortcan't install vlc??00:17
colourAggaelusive: no but you have alternatives which use the same network00:17
soundrayNightDragon: maybe you've been lucky then00:17
Paddy_EIRENightDragon, we wont support you using envy00:17
NightDragonbut the problem is my ati drivers arent listed in restricted manager00:17
colourAggaamongst others00:17
jribrbrevoort: have you enabled the universe repository?00:17
jrib!who | rbrevoort00:17
uboturbrevoort: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:17
elusivewhat can i use on ubuntu to download music besides limewire00:17
jribrbrevoort: go to System -> Administration -> Software Sources  and ensure that you have enabled Universe00:18
colourAggaelusive: torrents, peer to peer, newsgroups, ftp?00:18
Paddy_EIRE!piracy | elusive00:18
ubotuelusive: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o00:18
NightDragonsorry guys00:18
jrib!universe > rbevoort (read the private message from ubotu)00:18
golemzdoh, i forgot to add any gstreamer multimedia plugins00:18
NightDragondoing like 5 things at once00:18
colourAggaThere are a lot off downloading tools.00:18
ncksllnpreaction: (or anyone else) I had a look through my log files the boot log files hadn't been modifyed for ages, but in the /var/log/auth.log I find a line saying "pam_nologin(gdm:auth): cannot determine username" from just about the time it started not getting to the login screen... it doesn't appear before there and appears plenty of times after with loads of lines saying "last message repeated 52 times" etc. any idea?00:18
Slashwork the kxdock in ubuntu...? can any say me this please? (sorry about my english)00:18
NightDragonbut yeah... i dont see any ATI drivers in restricted drivers manager00:18
Paddy_EIREcolourAgga, try not to discuss illegal activities in here00:18
QuinthomasOdd that frost wire does not seem to load with ubuntu00:18
jrib!ati > NightDragon (read the private message from ubotu)00:18
Paddy_EIREQuinthomas, have you installed the Java Runtime00:19
NightDragonthanks, jrib00:19
RabidWeezlehow do I get a root terminal up?00:19
colourAggaPaddy_EIRE: p2p, torrents and newsgroups don't need to be used for illegal activities and in my country it is legal to download any music/movie but i can see where you are going ;)00:19
jrib!sudo > rabidweezle (read the private message from ubotu)00:19
QuinthomasNo, I have not...00:19
QuinthomasThank you though.00:19
colourAggaRabidWeezle: in a terminal do "sudo bash"00:19
colourAggaor something like that.00:19
NightDragonhey guys00:19
=== _etotheip is now known as etotheipi
mechunganyone here ever used quanta plus?00:19
preaction_why do "sudo bash" when you can do "sudo -i"?00:19
NightDragonmy video cared is "M7"00:19
RabidWeezlewasn't looking to sudo every command hehe00:20
NightDragonjust to let you know00:20
soundrayRabidWeezle: that's not recommended -- sudo -i is better00:20
jribcolourAgga, RabidWeezle: sudo -i  is preferred if you really need it00:20
nareshovsudo -s00:20
Quinthomas-idle to install runtime..00:20
RabidWeezleI do according to this wiki00:20
soundraycolourAgga: with sudo bash, you get mixed environment variables. Please don't recommend it.00:20
RabidWeezlesetting up internet connection sharing and it says NOT SUDO use a root terminal00:20
preaction_nareshov, sudo -s doesn't load root's profile (it's the difference between sudo su and sudo su -)00:20
colourAggaokay didn't know that, i always use su -00:21
IntelligitimateMy evolution mail is messed up.00:21
IntelligitimateIt won't display properly.00:21
Paddy_EIREIntelligitimate, explain?00:21
RabidWeezleforgot about su, thanks00:21
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:21
NightDragonoops... m6 i meant00:21
DirtbagHi all, whats the best wireless software to use in 7.10? gnome network manager is very inconsistent. i have an internal intel00:22
IntelligitimatePaddy_EIRE, you can't see anything. It's like frozen or something.00:22
digitori__Slash: look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56679400:22
Paddy_EIREIntelligitimate, 1 sec00:22
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com00:24
BlueRiderpike_: what was that first command again, please? (to stop X server, not kill)00:24
BlueRideri'll write it down now :P00:24
retourhow to pass parameters to kernel for the type of boot I need. My old BIOS has old ACPI so I have to  set it ACPI=FORCE00:24
golemzi love how the volume keys on my ancient apple pro keyboard just work :)00:24
stefg!boot | retour00:25
uboturetour: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto00:25
billhello.   could somebody help me with the installiation of 'aMSN'?  i have installed aMSN, just now when i press signin it tells me to get TLS ? how do i install that ?00:26
IntelligitimatePaddy_EIRE, would reinstalling via Synaptic require me to put in all my settings again and/or erase my messages?00:26
underwatercowIs there a reason that my numpad randomly stops working until I re-login? Didn't ever do this in Feisty...00:27
retourstefg: thank you!00:27
rbrevoortwhen i installed ubuntu it comes up with a message about security update?00:28
arghh2d2Question: My cd burner reads but doesnt write...is there maybe a way to update the driver?00:28
queeneliam i wasting bandwidth by joining too many channels especially big ones because texts takes up KB. over night 2 2 -  7 days can add up to GB of bandwidth which easily could be avoided if closed most channels00:28
NemesIs it true that I could configure my own hotkeys (Ctrl + Alt + <letter>)? If it's so, how?00:29
IMORByes u can do it00:29
soundrayNemes: System-Preferences-Keyboard shortcuts00:29
rbrevoortwhy am i getting a message during installation?00:29
Nemessoundray, thanks00:29
arghh2d2where are my carkeys?00:30
billi took them00:30
stefgNemes: http://www.nongnu.org/xhotkeys/ is the most simple solution imho00:30
IdleOnearghh2d2: locate keys should find them00:30
jribrbrevoort: tell us the message you get and what you are installing.  Use paste.ubuntu-nl.org.  Do not paste in the channel00:30
rbrevoortjrib: just a security message and i shuold look into it00:31
Nemesstefg, thanks!00:31
digitori__rbrevoort where in the install are you getting this message?00:31
digitori__whats the message00:31
SlokunshialgoDoes anybody know why Eclipse (with CDT plugin) can't recognize ncurses functions?00:31
billcould anybody help me with the installation of aMSN >?00:31
rbrevoortdigitori_: around 80% installled00:31
digitori__whats the message say?00:31
queeneliam i wasting bandwidth by joining too many channels especially big ones because texts takes up KB. over night 2 2 -  7 days can add up to GB of bandwidth which easily could be avoided if closed most channels00:32
rbrevoortdigitori_: i shuold look into updates of security or something00:32
IdleOnebill: sudo apt-get install amsn00:32
arghh2d2Ok, next question, should i assume my cd burner is faulty because it doesnt write, even tho it reads?  or should i try a new driver or tweak it somehow?00:32
jribqueeneli: you are using bandwidth of course, whether they are a waste or not depends on you00:32
IdleOnequeeneli: do you have a limit?00:33
rbrevoortqueeneli: lol00:33
digitori__well once you have installed you immediately get the chance to install update and security updates00:33
Sulo_SeppaIs there a Finnish channel for ubuntu?00:33
ubotuSuomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi00:33
queeneli<IdleOne> yes only 60 gb00:33
Paddy_EIRE_queeneli, lots00:33
rbrevoortdigitori_: i'm unable to update my system00:33
IdleOnequeeneli: then it is up to you what you want to keep open I guess00:33
apo`_Anybody here who has a Jabber IM with OTR capabilities? I wanna do a quick test before going to bed00:33
Paddy_EIRE_queeneli, I would not worry about irc text lol00:34
stefgalthough the unofficial finnish channel is #ubuntu-offtopic00:34
jimjamAnyone know why my wireless connection will disable my ethernet connection? Specifically, eth0 disables when I plug my computer back in to the wall port.00:34
IMORBwhat does it say rbrevroot00:34
rbrevoortimorb: i shuold look into updating my system once it installed00:34
Paddy_EIRE_queeneli, is that 60gb per month?? and just how many channels do you have open?00:34
queeneliPaddy_EIRE how much bandwidth do you think i waste if i leave channel open like #ubuntu over 2 days?00:35
Paddy_EIRE_queeneli, I wouldnt worry about it00:35
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/00:35
NightDragonOk... so is it a little less hectic in here? :)00:35
queeneliPaddy_EIRE 5 channels00:35
digitori__rbrevoort: have you tried opening a terminal and typing "sudo apt-get update"00:35
NightDragonWhen someone has time to help, I need help enabling 3d acceleration on my Raedon M6 LY.00:35
IdleOnequeeneli: I have 17 channels on 3 networks00:36
Paddy_EIRE_queeneli, clear your mind of worry...lol00:36
rbrevoortdigitori_: ok will do00:36
clay__how do i make apps e.g. epiphany use dmix instead of trying to directly access the sound card?00:36
pike_BlueRider: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop00:36
clay__my asound config file already says that it is the default.00:36
BlueRideri found the open drivers, they seem to work at changing refresh rate :)00:37
rbrevoortdigitori_: just done that00:37
digitori__rbrevoort: i take it youve tried You can also star GUI tool by Clicking System > Administration > Update Manager00:37
queeneliPaddy_EIRE ok i'll do that, do i still waste fat bandwidth and computer electro power (green) for the ping pong?00:37
rbrevoortdigitori_: my comp have just been installed00:38
kurisutofuaaDoes anyone know if a Palm Pilot T|X handheld works with 7.10?00:38
digitori__well if you are not getting the gui popping up to check your system or nothing is updating when you are using the commandline, looks like youll need to re-install....im puzzled.00:38
fribuntuHi all00:39
Paddy_EIRE_rbrevoort, have you tried using mplayer?00:39
rbrevoortdigitori_: shuold i reinstall with an internet connection on or off?00:39
digitori__rbrevoort: the pdate manager should work imeddiately00:39
buttercupsNightDragon, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=246746, fglrx is unsupported with that card00:39
digitori__update manager00:39
fribuntuI have a question about ubuntu 7.10 on a thinkpad laptop. When I set the brightness with the up/down keys, it seems to work fine.00:40
NightDragonwhats fglrx00:40
DirtbagAnyone using a wireless connections?00:40
fribuntuBut after a minute or so, it resets to full brightness.00:40
Paddy_EIRE_!anyone | Dirtbag00:40
ubotuDirtbag: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:40
rbrevoortdigitori_: it's weird aye for some reason this comp doesn't update itself?00:40
fribuntuCan anyone tell me where to set brightness in a more permanent way?00:40
digitori__if its only been installed within the past couple days you should still have been asked if you want to update by the comp00:41
Paddy_EIRE_!who | digitori__00:41
ubotudigitori__: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:41
rbrevoortdigitori_: yeah i know ubuntu got an auto update feature as well right?00:41
digitori__rbrevoort: yes00:42
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes00:42
digitori__rbrevoort: what distro of Ubuntu are you using?00:42
buttercupsNightDragon, Thats why envy didn't work for you, fglrx is the ATI proprietary driver00:42
=== Paddy_EIRE_ is now known as Paddy_EIRE
rbrevoortdigitori: 7.1000:42
rbrevoortgutsy i think00:42
digitori__rbrevoort: ah ok the latest00:42
digitori__rbrevoort: when you run the update manager do you get the update manager gui popping up00:43
rbrevoortdigitori: hold on i'll try it right now00:43
niuqhow can i modify my touchpad properties?00:44
NightDragonbuttercups: Aaah. Same driver your going to find gonig through amd.com (ATI website)?00:44
buttercupsNightDragon, yes00:44
Paddy_EIRE!synaptics | niuq00:44
ubotuniuq: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad00:44
IntelligitimateEvolution is broke.00:44
rbrevoortdigitori_: it's coming up with a gui pop up now00:45
Paddy_EIREIntelligitimate, did you do what I told you?00:45
rbrevoortdigitori_: this happened after i enabled universe00:45
digitori__rbrevoort: you should see a button on there to check system...click it00:45
NightDragongood, i missed that landmine. So what should i do to get 3d accell (and homefully beryl/compiz-fusion) running on my machine, buttercups?00:45
IntelligitimateI didn't see what yoiu told me to do.00:45
rbrevoortdigitori_: it says that i don't have any update? is this correct?00:45
gordboyquick plug. gutsy .deb & source tarball of xspect spectral analyzer for ALSA sound under Linux - http://sourceforge.net/projects/xspect/00:45
gordboyanyone wants to get involved in development pm me. thanks00:46
digitori__rbrevoort: thats correct no updates are needed for your system at this time.00:46
t0dk0nis there any other visual effect engines for rhythmbox/totem besides Goom and Monoscope?00:46
IntelligitimatePaddy_EIRE, I don't see where you told me to do anything.00:46
rbrevoortdigitori_: now i'm trying to install vlc but i have a conflict what do i do?00:46
Paddy_EIREIntelligitimate, open a terminal and type 'killall evolution' then type evolution and notify me of any errors that come up...00:47
digitori__rbrevoort: if you wish  to run the update manager regular it will tell you when updates are ready. Although the system should notify you auto.00:47
Paddy_EIREIntelligitimate, I did already you must not have been paying attention00:47
rbrevoortdigitori_: by default it's auto?00:47
arang2guys fast what do i install to be able to open rar, zip 7z files with file roller?00:47
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free00:47
digitori__rbrevoort: yes it should be auto by default00:48
Intelligitimate(evolution-2.6:6153): evolution-mail-WARNING **: ignored this junk plugin: not enabled or we have already loaded one00:48
digitori__rbrevoort: vlc one momnet00:48
rabidweezlewoot, I got internet connection sharing working ahaha00:48
Intelligitimate(evolution-2.6:6153): e-utils-WARNING **: Plugin 'Bogofilter junk plugin' failed to load hook 'org.gnome.evolution.mail.junk:1.0'00:48
t0dk0n!info unrar-free00:48
ubotuunrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20070515-1 (gutsy), package size 40 kB, installed size 124 kB00:48
Intelligitimate(evolution-2.6:6153): camel-WARNING **: camel_exception_get_id called with NULL parameter.00:48
Paddy_EIREIntelligitimate, what is evolution itself doing... has it crashed00:48
IntelligitimateIt just hangs, doesn't display anything.00:48
digitori__rbrevoort: whats your conflict when installing vlc?00:48
t0dk0n!info visualization00:48
ubotuPackage visualization does not exist in gutsy00:48
buttercupsNightDragon, follow that link I gave you, its specific for your card to get 3D Acceleration working, I am not sure about compiz00:48
rabidweezleok, what's that command to set video modes x uses? it was like dpkg reconfigure <something>00:49
rbrevoortdigitori_: ok will try again and tell you soon one minute00:49
Paddy_EIREwhat had you been doing before this started happening Intelligitimate00:49
stefg!fixres | rabidweezle00:49
uboturabidweezle: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto00:49
digitori__rbrevoort: are you installing via comman line or via synaptic?00:49
fribuntuRabiddog: check in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. It says in the comments at the top.00:49
NightDragonbuttercups: okay, i'm reading... but i have feisty, and it gives instructions specifically for edgy and dapper. should i still follow it? (Link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=246746)00:50
=== Aresilek|Videos is now known as Aresilek|Away
fribunturabidweezle:  check in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. It says in the comments at the top.00:50
fribuntuRabiddog: sorry, wrong "tab" extension :)00:50
rbrevoortdigitori_: i'm not sure00:50
rbrevoortdigitori_: can't understand you sorry00:50
IntelligitimateHow do I backup email from evolution? I'll just compile the newest release.00:51
digitori__rbrevoort: run synaptic package manager00:51
Paddy_EIREIntelligitimate, 1 sec00:51
robert_how do I run x apps in a 32-bit chroot?00:51
rbrevoortdigitori: don't know that but here is the msg: Switch to the 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict.00:51
digitori__rbrevoort: ok youl find synaptic under system00:52
rbrevoortdigitori_: where is synaptic00:52
rbrevoortdigitori_: found the manager .. now what?00:53
buttercupsNightDragon, yes, If you run into any problems you can always reconfigure your xserver, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:53
digitori__rbrevoort open the synaptic manager00:53
rbrevoortdone that00:53
jimmygoonOperation Laptop-LCD repair was a success :) pike_ it was just a loose cable in the back yay!00:54
digitori__rbrevoort: once manager is running click search button type in vlc into pop up window00:54
rbrevoortdigitori_: ok brb00:54
eko_hermiyantogood morning guys... I have a little problem with .sit file00:55
eko_hermiyantohow to open it in ubuntu?00:55
eko_hermiyantoI have tried to search the web and only able to find proprietary software to open it00:55
rbrevoortdigitori_: done that00:55
kelviewhat's the name of hte package that holds the proprietary nvidia drivers?00:55
eko_hermiyantois there one from repository which able to open the file?00:55
mike503is there any way to stop "update-grub" from changing my root= line to a UUID every time?00:55
digitori__rbrevoort: ok hit search button on pop up00:55
jimmygooneko_hermiyanto, what is the file type? like... what is a "sit" file?00:55
eko_hermiyantoxarchive and file-roller seems do not capable to open the file00:55
crdlbkelvie: nvidia-glx, nvidia-glx-new, or nvidia-glx-legacy00:56
crdlbdepending on which card you have00:56
eko_hermiyantojimmygoon, it's just an archive file, just like tar but different00:56
mike503oops. i think i figured it out00:56
rbrevoortdigitori_: just finished searching for vlc00:56
digitori__rbrevoort: you will now see a list of everything containing vlc scrol down to vlc00:56
rbrevoortdigitori_: ok00:56
digitori__rbrevoort: click the box next to vlc to select it00:57
jburdeko_hermiyanto: Get the file into a Mac, convert it to another format like zip or tar.gz or tar.bz2 and get it back on your linux machine.00:57
m_tadeuhi everyone00:57
harry_I'd like to watch bionic woman online at nbc.com but the current movie player will not allow a full screen view like the bill gates revenge system does....  Any Ideas on what I can use to watch full screen00:57
jburdAFAIK, SIT is a proprietary format.00:57
jburdAnd only stupid Mac users use it.00:57
rbrevoortdigitori_: now do i tick vlc?00:57
m_tadeuis there a similar program to ksubtitleripper?00:57
eko_hermiyantojburd, then, there is no other way to do that in ubuntu?00:57
digitori__rbrevoort click the box beside it and then click mark for installationon the pop up click00:57
jburdeko_hermiyanto: There might not be.  You may need to do it on Windows or OS X.00:58
_ebirtaiddigitori: you are very patient ;p00:58
eko_hermiyantojburd, ohh ok. thanks dude00:58
jburdeko_hermiyanto: Avoid using .sit files.00:58
rbrevoortdigitori_: can't mark all files00:58
digitori__rbrevoort: now click the button called mark00:58
eko_hermiyantojburd, well, I actually get the file from my friend. it's the first time I know that kind of file00:59
martiianyone using pure-ftpd with TLS enabled?00:59
jburdeko_hermiyanto: Macs can easily produce zip files.  Ask your friend to send you a zip file instead.00:59
digitori___erbitaid: patience was taught to me.00:59
rbrevoortdigitori_: vlc:00:59
rbrevoort Depends: vlc-nox but it is not going to be installed00:59
rbrevoort Depends: libsdl-image1.2 (>=1.2.5) but it is not installable00:59
rbrevoort Depends: ttf-dejavu  but it is not installable00:59
_ebirtaidrbrevoort: do you have all reporotories enabled?01:00
GinI tried to install gimpshop, but the interface is nothing like photoshop and instead it's the same as  before01:00
_ebirtaidexcept spelled right01:00
choudeshHello all.01:00
Ginjust like gimp01:00
rbrevoort_ebirtaid: dunno what's that?01:00
kodehello choudesh01:00
digitori___ebirtaid: i forgot about those repos01:00
_ebirtaidgin: did you run gimp or gimpshop?01:00
Gin_ebirtaid, the command gimpshop does not exist01:00
tazhello to alll01:00
PhydouxHow would I mount a thumb drive?01:00
choudeshTough question - even stumps myself; what is a good program to monitor hard drive usage? (Non-graphical, CLI only)01:00
harry_can someone recomend a player that will allow me to watch online tv episodes in FULL screen01:01
_ebirtaidrbrevoort:  you need to go to edit then repostories I thuink?  enable universe and you should be cool01:01
_ebirtaidmaybe multiverse also01:01
digitori___erbitaid: do you wanna show rbrevoort how to install the repos or shall I?01:01
_ebirtaiddigi:  I am kind of drunk you may be better equipped01:01
jimjamAnyone know how I can edit the Places menu? I have a few folders that I'd like easy access to.01:01
tazdo u know about remote assistance do it have ???01:01
rbrevoort_ebirtaid: what do i do?? or digitori_: what do i do??01:01
digitori__rbrevoort: go to settings on synaptic...top of program gui01:02
digitori__rbrevoort: click it then click repositories01:02
kodetough one if not graphical choudesh01:02
jburdjimjam: Drag and drop directories to the panel below your places panel in Nautilus or add bookmarks.01:03
PhydouxCan someone tell me how to mount a thumb drive? For some reason I have to do a manual mount as root.01:03
choudeshkode: I know. Think a dev would know some tricks - but I am all out of tools. ;-)01:03
rbrevoortdigitori_: ok .. what should i do now?01:03
digitori__rbrevoort on first tab youll see five boxes make sure first four are selected01:03
_ebirtaidphydoux:  mount -t auto /dev/whatever /mountpoint01:03
tazi try to find where is remote assistance and how it work ? please any one know about ???01:03
_ebirtaidtaz what is remote assistance01:04
PhydouxThats what I need the "whatever" part...01:04
jburdtaz: System > Preferences > Remote Desktop01:04
_ebirtaidphydoux: after you plug it in type dmesg it will tell you what the device name is01:04
brokenGot a question, for "ubuntu studio" is it possible I can grab it in CD image size as opposed to DVDs?01:04
tazi can enter to other computer..01:04
jburdtaz: If you'd like to connect to another computer that is running the server, use Applications > Internet > Terminal Server Client.01:04
blahblahxOkay so I've remastered Ubuntu Gutsy (started with the minimal install, built up on it using gnome-core and other apps). The livecd works great, has all the programs I want on it.01:04
blahblahxWhen I fire up ubiquity, it can go through the install steps perfectly, but when I click the big ol install button, it starts installing things I didn't have on my livecd like openoffice, language packs, etc...01:04
cake4567can I transfer my firefox passwords from vista to ubuntu's firefox?01:04
blahblahxWhy is ubiquity doing this? Shouldn't it just copy over the contents of my livecd onto the HD?01:04
blahblahxIf I need to edit some files to make ubiquity only install the apps on my hd, then where do I find those? Is there a script I can use to let ubiquity know to only install the apps on my cd?01:04
=== T1m is now known as T1m0thy
rbrevoortdigitori_: it's installing now :)01:05
digitori__rbrevoort: click the next tab "Third Party Software"01:05
jimjamjburd: Took me a while to figure out what you meant, but it worked!01:05
tazjburd yes that one01:05
jburdjimjam: It's easier than Windows.  :-)01:05
ryanakcaHow can I connect to a SSL NNTP server with the 'tin' newsreader?01:05
rbrevoortdigitori_: wil tell you how i go brb01:05
cake4567can I transfer my firefox passwords from vista to ubuntu's firefox?01:06
jimjamjburd: Honestly! Now do you know how I can edit the icon?01:06
RagingBulli had to pass a few thing to the kernel when i installed 7.04 how do i edit those settings now that the system is already installed01:06
jburdDo you mean Emblem?01:06
digitori__rbrevoort: its worthwhile going back to the rpositories and installing "partner" and "free none free from the Third Party Software tab01:06
blahblahxOkay so I've remastered Ubuntu Gutsy (started with the minimal install, built up on it using gnome-core and other apps). The livecd works great, has all the programs I want on it.01:06
blahblahxWhen I fire up ubiquity, it can go through the install steps perfectly, but when I click the big ol install button, it starts installing things I didn't have on my livecd like openoffice, language packs, etc...01:06
blahblahxWhy is ubiquity doing this? Shouldn't it just copy over the contents of my livecd onto the HD?01:06
blahblahxIf I need to edit some files to make ubiquity only install the apps on my hd, then where do I find those? Is there a script I can use to let ubiquity know to only install the apps on my cd?01:06
jimjamjburd: No, not the emblem. If you go to the properties page, you can change the actual icon01:06
digitori__rbrevoort dont tick the source boxes at this time01:06
jimjam!tab I just want it to be a drive, not a folder icon01:06
digitori__rbrevoort: enjoy vlc01:07
jimjamjburd:  I just want it to be a drive, not a folder icon01:07
tazjburd  please explain it me how it work01:07
Mo9a7iHello guyz01:07
brokenIf have an Core 2 Duo do I grab the amd64 cd?01:07
clay__anyone know how to get europea (eclipse) for ubuntu?01:07
jburdAh, I'm afraid you couldn't do that for individual directories like on Windows.01:07
cake4567if I hit alt f2....how do I end a prog?01:07
oxeimonanyone know how to do a condition macro in a makefile?01:07
jburdYou'll need to use an emblem.01:07
_ebirtaidbroken: believe so01:07
lixbroken: intel core2?01:07
jburdJust add an emblem if one doesn't exist to satisfy your needs.  :-)01:07
_ebirtaidlix is there another kind? :D01:08
jimjamDoes anyone know where the icons for folders/drives/etc. are stored?01:08
brokenlix: yessir01:08
Chris33broken, how much ram u have?01:08
Mo9a7ii'm a new ubuntu user , what's the way that i can switch between workplaces with that cubic view in the commercials ?01:08
docenergydoes cdrecord need options can i cdrecord /file /dev/device?01:08
Ginhow can I remove the gimp package without removing ubuntu-desktop?01:08
Chris33yer better of 32 bit. less hassle.01:08
lixbroken: i've got intel core2 as well. i used xte ix86 CD01:08
PhydouxIt sees it as a SCSI device? "scsi 3:0:0:0: Direct-Access     KINGSTON DATA TRAVELER    1.11 PQ: 0 ANSI: 1 CCS"01:08
kodeMo9a7i: That's compiz01:08
jburdtaz: Someone else running a VNC server can let you connect to their machine.  However, you need a client to connect to them.  Terminal Server Client lets you do exactly that.  Just type in their IP address, choose the protocol of their server, add authentication information if necessarry and click Connect.01:08
brokenWhy should ram have anything to do witht he matter.01:08
Mo9a7ihow do i get it kode01:09
Ginhow can I remove the gimp package without removing ubuntu-desktop?01:09
_ebirtaidphydoux:  most hdd's are viewed as dsx for some reason\01:09
rbrevoortdigitori_: thanks a lot for that you're a god !!! now i can add and remove software !!! :)01:09
lixbroken: amd64 is for AMD-64 bit processors not for intel coreX01:09
Chris33if u have more than 4GB, 64bit makes more sense. At 2GB, it doesn't matter01:09
jburdGin:  Why do you want to remove the GIMP package?  ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage, removing it does no harm.01:09
=== sahaj is now known as greencookie
pipegeekMo9a7i: you already have it installed, but to configure it, you need to install the control panel for it (by default, you can only turn on and off a few things)01:09
lixbroken: RAM>no matter01:09
Ginjburd, because I want gimpshop01:09
oxeimondoes anyone know how to write conditional macro's in a makefile?01:09
kodeMo9a7i: first you need to enable the desktop effects01:10
pipegeekMo9a7i: install compizconfig-settings-manager from synaptic01:10
blahblahxOkay so I've remastered Ubuntu Gutsy (started with the minimal install, built up on it using gnome-core and other apps). The livecd works great, has all the programs I want on it.01:10
blahblahxWhen I fire up ubiquity, it can go through the install steps perfectly, but when I click the big ol install button, it starts installing things I didn't have on my livecd like openoffice, language packs, etc...01:10
blahblahxWhy is ubiquity doing this? Shouldn't it just copy over the contents of my livecd onto the HD?01:10
RagingBulli had to pass a few thing to the kernel when i installed 7.04 how do i edit those settings now that the system is already installed01:10
blahblahxIf I need to edit some files to make ubiquity only install the apps on my hd, then where do I find those? Is there a script I can use to let ubiquity know to only install the apps on my cd?01:10
jburdGin: Why do you want GIMPSHOP?  Do you know it's not being maintained?01:10
pipegeekMo9a7i: then configure compiz through the "appearance" control panel.01:10
blahblahxanyone here actually know something about ubuntu?01:10
kodeand then do like pipegeek said01:10
thedefenderhow do i access the ATI control panel01:10
Chris3332 bit doesn't support more than 4GB, so 64 bit is an advantage if you have 4 or more01:10
digitori__clay__: did you get an answer for eclips?01:10
Ginjburd, I like its interface better01:10
greencookieHey quick question peeps. If I wanna install oracle database 10g, would it be best to download it or install it via termina using apt-get. I need this to practice my SQL is there any alternative? thanks in advance.01:10
Mo9a7immmm ok i'll check it out ,, thanx kode & pipegeek01:10
lixblahblahx: some of us ;)01:10
_ebirtaidblahblahx: your request is kind of esoteric we all know SOMETHING about ubuntu ;p01:10
jburdGin: Probably because you are an ex-Photoshop user?01:10
kodeyou're welcome01:10
lixblahblahx: what do u wanna know?01:10
blahblahxOkay so I've remastered Ubuntu Gutsy (started with the minimal install, built up on it using gnome-core and other apps). The livecd works great, has all the programs I want on it.01:10
blahblahxWhen I fire up ubiquity, it can go through the install steps perfectly, but when I click the big ol install button, it starts installing things I didn't have on my livecd like openoffice, language packs, etc...01:11
blahblahxWhy is ubiquity doing this? Shouldn't it just copy over the contents of my livecd onto the HD?01:11
blahblahxIf I need to edit some files to make ubiquity only install the apps on my hd, then where do I find those? Is there a script I can use to let ubiquity know to only install the apps on my cd?01:11
brokenlix: the ix86 is for 32 bit archietectures no?01:11
jburdGin: I'd suggest getting accustomed to the GIMP user interface instead.  Gimpshop will lack a lot of functionality.01:11
_ebirtaidbroken yes01:11
Ginjburd, nope, I just don't like gimp having so many small windows around the  screen01:11
greencookieHey quick question peeps. If I wanna install oracle database 10g, would it be best to download it or install it via termina using apt-get. I need this to practice my SQL is there any alternative? thanks in advance.01:11
lixbroken: afaik01:11
greencookieGin: Maybe you need a bigger screen?:)01:11
jburdGin, heh,  I used to hate that too, but you know what?  It's not that bad at all once you get used to it.01:11
thedefenderhow do i access the ATI control panel01:11
blahblahxOkay so I've remastered Ubuntu Gutsy (started with the minimal install, built up on it using gnome-core and other apps). The livecd works great, has all the programs I want on it.01:11
blahblahxWhen I fire up ubiquity, it can go through the install steps perfectly, but when I click the big ol install button, it starts installing things I didn't have on my livecd like openoffice, language packs, etc...01:11
blahblahxWhy is ubiquity doing this? Shouldn't it just copy over the contents of my livecd onto the HD?01:11
blahblahxIf I need to edit some files to make ubiquity only install the apps on my hd, then where do I find those? Is there a script I can use to let ubiquity know to only install the apps on my cd?01:11
jribblahblahx: do not do that01:11
digitori__Gin: you can arrange the gimp windows in a manner similar to photoshop01:12
blahblahxsorry i messed up only mean to paste it once01:12
Paddy_EIREjrib, I already told him twice01:12
brokenlix: yes, so if you want to use your 64bit processor o the full potential you have to use the amd64 cd01:12
greencookiesomeone please advice me how to install oracle 10g01:12
jribblahblahx: shorten your question to a single line, or summarize it and pastebin the details01:12
digitori__Gin: only main difference is photoshops gui border01:12
tazopps ever mind that number01:12
jburdGin, besides using GNOME you can keep all the tool windows in GIMP on top on its own workspace too.01:12
brokenlix: well, thats not true I clicked on the link for 64bit processors and it brough me to an amd64 download.01:12
brian1san00bI have a total noob question.  When I minimize my programs they are just kinda "gone" and I dont know how to get them back.  Is there some kind of task bar that I closed that shows what programs are open?  I swear I have 50 firefoxes open right now... please help.01:12
thedefender!ati control panel01:12
Gindigitori__, I want all the small windows in one single big window01:12
lixbroken: you told me you got intel core201:12
jburdGin: That helps a lot if you want to see everything.01:12
blahblahxits a simple question: why does ubiquity install stuff that isnt on my custom livecd and if i need to, what files do i edit to change it jrib01:12
=== RAVTUX is now known as RAVTUX-AWAY
Pici!away > RAVTUX-AWAY (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)01:13
jribblahblahx: I don't know anything about it01:13
greencookiebrian1san00b: you need to right click on taskbar then add to panel then add workspace switcher.01:13
_ebirtaidfn'brian1san00b: right click panel add applet task list01:13
brokenlix: intel core 2 duo01:13
=== RAVTUX-AWAY is now known as RAVTUX
twiztrIs there virtual machine software for Ubuntu?01:13
digitori__Gin: think outta the box, your gui is that windowyour01:13
brian1san00bokay I will try that01:13
thedefenderanyone know how to access the ati control01:13
brokenlix: the only one that has core 2 in the name is the duo, the other one is core duo01:13
blahblahxof course no one does here01:13
_ebirtaidtwiztr: vmware or virtualbox or qemu01:13
jrib!virtualizers > twiztr (read the private message from ubotu)01:13
Paddy_EIRE!attitude | blahblahx01:13
ubotublahblahx: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:13
blahblahxyoud think there would be one person that knew something other than the pretty GUI01:13
lixbroken: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57970701:13
boontooDoes anyone know how i can change the GRUB boot menu so that when i select say "Ubuntu English" it boots into ubuntu with the default language as english however if i select "ubuntu japanese" ubuntu boots with japanese as the default language? anyone01:13
jrib!support > blahblahx (read the private message from ubotu)01:13
blahblahxand of course no one answers on the forums either :)01:14
riotkittieyou'd think that someone who would have the gall to get so.... <shuts up and leaves lest she find herself banned>01:14
avgeneralHow do I enable mod_rewrite in apache2?]\01:14
=== RAVTUX is now known as RAVTUX-AWAY
yadayadawhat are some steps i could take to make ubuntu 100% secure for a webserver01:14
digitori__blahblahx: there are people here with a wealth of knowlegde, we can only focus on one thing and person at a time01:14
blahblahxdigitori__: everyone but me huh?01:14
jburdblahblahx: Patience.01:15
mEck0I use wallpapoz to make it possible to have different wallpapers on each workspace, but it is annoying that it is a delay when switching desktop before the "right" wallpaper is loaded. Can this be fixed in some way?01:15
digitori__blahblahx: we all started where you are, keep that in mind01:15
twiztrThanks! I'm out. :D01:15
marcioapfi have a (idiot) doubt: why some of my video icons change to one of its frames, and other don't?01:15
Paddy_EIREblahblahx, so far I dont see why anyone would want to help you ;)01:15
desertcjburd: hehe01:15
riotkittieblahblahx: perhaps people were here before you.01:15
kodeblahblahx: people also need to want to help you, and that atitude isn't helping01:15
brokenlix: yep, i have an amd64 using the 64bit version of gentoo on it everything seems to working fine, actually flash is running more troubleless on the 64bit computer lol01:15
_ebirtaidha kode01:16
lixbroken: yes. there are less maintained deb packages for amd6401:16
digitori__digitori started at the beginning but dived right in and the "water" is lovely01:16
jburdGutsy is the most enjoyable distribution I have used.01:16
avgeneralHow do I enable Mod_Rewrite in my Apache2?01:16
jburdGood work.01:16
Paddy_EIREHe's gone... and really non-deserving of any help anyway01:16
Jenkemhow's everyone01:16
_ebirtaidjburd: arch is good01:16
=== t74team is now known as TROJAN
_ebirtaidalso fedora01:16
brokenjburd: yes perhaps I will put ubuntu on my family computer as opposed to open suse01:16
_ebirtaidsuse sucks though ;p01:16
brokenoh yea01:16
blahblahxsorry i got logged off did anyone answer my question?01:16
brokentell me about it, it was soo fine and dandy at the beginning now its all this crap that doesn't work.01:17
digitori__Paddy_EIRE: such a shame about blah's attitude01:17
_ebirtaidI believe it01:17
riotkittiei did but i lost my buffer and cant be bothered to type it all out again.01:17
jburd_ebirtaid: I haven't given arch a try, but fedora?  No way.  I've lost faith in RPM based distros.01:17
marcioapfi have a (idiot) doubt: why some of my video icons change to one of its frames, and other don't?01:17
_ebirtaidrpm sucks but fedora served its purpose in having my wireless work better than ubuntu01:17
_ebirtaidplus its default ui is nice01:17
blahblahxjeez im pissed of01:18
_ebirtaidbut arch is +fav nnow01:18
brian1san00b<_ebirtaid> and <greencookie>:  Thank you, it worked.01:18
avgeneral[problem] I can't get apache2 to work with mod_rewrite01:18
digitori__blahblahx: whats up dude?01:18
_ebirtaidbrian: coolness01:18
jburdI'm trying out Sabayon on a box at the moment.  Mandriva was a PITA.01:18
munk_anyone here work with KDevelop?01:18
_ebirtaidnever tried either, I have heard nice things about sabayon though01:18
nonix4is playback of css dvds on amd64 w/ gutsy possible w/out resorting to medibuntu/other-more-questionable-sources-for-w64codecs?01:18
digitori__munk: I have but not been doing so for very long01:18
marcioapfwhy some of my video icons change to one of its frames, and other don't?01:19
yadayadawhat are some steps i could take to make ubuntu 100% secure for a webserver01:19
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:19
digitori__yadayda: unplug it from the net!01:19
Styrbjornhmm do www.sidvicious.se work for you?01:19
jburdI helped someone install Gutsy over the phone today.  She was thrilled that it took only 7 page tabs to install Ubuntu.  "Oh my God!  All done in FIVE MINUTES?!"01:19
cake4567hey....how do I transfer saved firefox pwrods from vista to ubuntu?01:19
MilitantPotato!security | yadayada01:20
ubotuyadayada: If you feel the need to adopt security measures for your system, check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server01:20
yadayadaalright fine.. 99.9% secure01:20
crdlbmarcioapf: generally that means that totem couldn't read it when it tried to make a thumbnail01:20
_ebirtaidjburd: haha yea, ubuntu is prolly the easiest install I have evr had01:20
munk_digitori__: how do I get it so that I can include xlib.h, it says it not found (I am used to ide's coming with common libraries)01:20
jburd"That's the fastest and least painful installation I have ever done.  Thank you soooooo much"01:20
jimcooncatyadayada: have a separate box for it, virtualize, host it somewhere else ...01:20
brokenmunk_: rofl01:20
brokenare here01:20
jburdNow, that speaks for itself coming from someone who has NEVER used Linux.01:20
marcioapfcrdlb: oh ok.01:20
digitori__yadayada: Im glad you understood....I wish i  could help you...im not too up on apache security at present01:20
greencookiebrian1san00b: You're welcomee01:20
twiztrHas anyone came out with a fix for why flash files in Firefox just stopped playing sound, when I updated a few weeks ago?01:20
brokenwhat channel am i on... why is crdlb here?01:21
brokenand why is munk_  here?01:21
* broken is going insane01:21
arghh2d2cuz glitchie gibbon upgrade blows01:21
twiztr broken: they are stalking you.01:21
yadayadajimcooncat, could you elaborate please?01:21
munk_broken: why not?01:21
brokencrdlb: the same crdlb off compiz-fusion / gentoo channels?01:21
brokenmunk_: john? is that you01:21
arang2guys can i ask something kind of offtopic?01:21
crdlbbroken: indeed01:21
jimcooncatyadayada: I suppose it all depends on what you mean secure is. What are you securing against?01:21
* digitori__ wonders why people upgraded and not fresh installed gutsy01:21
munk_broken: nope01:21
_ebirtaidarang: no01:22
twiztrSo was that a no they haven't fixed it yet, then?01:22
brokenwell munk_ is a friend of mine he goes by that alias01:22
brokenand he is using ubuntu01:22
yadayadajimcooncat, anything, making sure my database cannot be altered, deleted, etc01:22
brokenJust kinda weird, you don'tr eally see that name twice.01:22
munk_broken: there are a number of munk's in this channel01:22
brokenyea i see that now.01:22
* broken goes to buy dvd's01:22
* digitori__ thinks this might be a monastery?01:22
brokenbe back later. cheers.01:22
=== arghh2d2 is now known as cosmic_charlie
jaredOkay I just fixed up ndiswapper on my laptop, and it's on livecd. It says I need to reboot, but I can't. What do I do?01:23
digitori__jared: why cant you reboot?01:23
jimcooncatyadayada: then you need to make sure anything that can alter that database is locked down. Not just an apache problem, right?01:23
jareddigitori__, i'm in a live cd01:23
jburdSomeone told me Mandriva is better than Ubuntu and you should go try it out.  I downloaded it, tried installing on a box and poof.  The installer sucks, and it doesn't even list India in the country list.  What kind of stupid distro misses a big country like that and has Myanmar and Tuvalu?  Not to mention, they don't even have a 64-bit version on offering.01:24
yadayadajimcooncat; correct01:24
cake4567jburd: whys that important?01:24
_ebirtaidjburd: nice01:24
digitori__jared: good point....youll lose settings if you reboot yes!01:24
jimcooncatyadayada: you using php? perl? something else to process the requests?01:24
jaredwhat can I do?01:24
yadayadajimcooncat; php01:24
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:24
jburdcake4567: Why isn't it?01:24
cake4567cuz this is ubuntu chat lol01:25
yadayadajimcooncat: php and php only01:25
jburdcake4567: Ah, well.   I'm praising Ubuntu for its goodness.  :-)01:25
cake4567if ubuntu didnt it would be a problem01:25
jimcooncatyadayada: you write the php code or using someone else's?01:25
cake4567alright yay ubuntu01:25
yadayadajimcooncat: i have but i have spent so much time protecting it from sql injection and other hacks, that is why i want to make sure i take my time with this server so i dont find myself getting hacked01:26
fstpierrei have a Question about cron jobs01:26
_ebirtaidyadayada: set you root pass to password, that is a good start01:27
_ebirtaidthen open all ports01:27
* digitori__ says what?01:27
_ebirtaidjoke ;p01:28
fstpierreif i add 00 03 0 0 0 /etc/init.d/courier-imap restart it should restart courier-imap at 3 oclock everyday correct?01:28
desertcjburd: everyone thinks their distribution is the best... but it comes down to support and who stands behind the product01:28
digitori___ebirtaid: im glad somebody has a sense of humour01:28
fstpierreif i add 00 03 0 0 0 /etc/init.d/courier-imap restart to the crontab it should restart courier-imap at 3 oclock everyday correct?01:28
_ebirtaiddesertc: also depends on what your goals are for the OS01:28
jimcooncatyadayada: so your server only does your webhosting, right?01:28
MrSmurfingjoin #cisco01:28
_ebirtaidI do wgat I can digi01:28
* digitori__ says support it yourself is best line01:28
yadayadajimcooncat: well idk, its the only server i have, so its gotta do it all, but that should be it, right?01:29
desertc_ebirtaid: hardest thing about open source is not putting features onto a disk, it's getting the bugs fixed.01:29
_ebirtaidvery true01:29
yadayadajimcooncat: pm?01:30
greencookiehey guys how do I know if i have compiz enabled?01:30
jimcooncatyadayada: sure, pm me01:30
fstpierreif i add 00 03 0 0 0 /etc/init.d/courier-imap restart to the crontab it should restart courier-imap at 3 oclock AM everyday correct?01:30
_ebirtaidgreencookie: cube is a good indicator01:30
greencookieum how do I get the cube?:)01:30
_ebirtaidsuper+mouse click should let you drag01:31
_ebirtaidor ctrl alt left/right should rotate it01:31
greencookie_ebirtaid: super?01:31
_ebirtaidwindows key01:31
digitori__windows key arrg01:31
_ebirtaidthats why I said super ;)01:31
greencookie_ebirtaid: lol. ok i get a beeping sound.01:31
digitori__mines gonna be a penguin soon01:31
greencookiewhen i change workspace. no cube.01:31
_ebirtaidgreencookoe: from a terminal try compiz --enable01:32
kodeyou just get an arrow?01:32
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
_ebirtaiddigi I hardly look at mine so its not relevant01:33
digitori__greencookie: install compiz manager from synaptic too then go to your settings menu and run advanced desktop effects settings01:33
_ebirtaidI guess I could get a sticker or something01:33
greencookieok digitori__will try that01:33
IntelligitimateEvolution is broke.01:34
digitori__greencookie: you will then get access to loads of nice effect settings01:34
m_tadeuis there a program similar to ksubtitleripper?01:34
Paddy_EIREm_tadeu, tried searching the repos for 'subtitle'01:35
greencookieok digitori__ thanks, I'll try that01:35
Jenkem 01:35
greencookiealso digitori__ I just installed oracle db 10g but I cant get to database homepage, anything u know bout that?01:35
digitori__greencookie: the program is compizconfig-settings-manager01:35
greencookieok i guess i can apt-get that01:36
golemzhaving a merry old time, installed awn, some fun themes - but i can't find where to set the number of workspaces anymore01:36
golemzmy cube isn't a cube, it's a nasty polygon01:36
fstpierreanyone good with cronjob01:36
digitori__greencookie: I was going to have a look into oracle 10g but havent it yet so cant help you there sorry01:36
fetenfetennhello, i'm having problems with gnome-appearance-properties01:36
greencookiedigi its ok01:36
Paddy_EIREjrib, whats the FloodBot's all about :/01:36
fetenfetennanyone can help?01:36
digitori__greencookie: i use mysql01:37
jribPaddy_EIRE: look at the n=01:37
greencookiedigitori__: I just need it to run some sql scripts for homework. you think i should get mysql?01:37
jmslouiehi all, i need help about my newly installed gutsy. i am using feisty before and everything works fine but when i installed gutsy there's been a problem01:37
Paddy_EIRE!anyone | fetenfetenn01:37
ubotufetenfetenn: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:37
jmslouieneed help01:38
Jenkemalways a problem01:38
greencookieI'm going to reboot.01:38
digitori__greencookie: mysql is already in the ubuntu repos, you can install via synaptic01:38
JenkemI sell jenkem; who wants some?01:38
greencookieok digitori__ thanks01:38
fetenfetennubotu: oh ok, well the programs just freezes, thats it01:38
=== digitori__ is now known as digitori__afk
Paddy_EIREfetenfetenn, ubotu is a bot... and your question is extremely vague :/01:39
digitori__afkback shortly01:39
Jenkemwell this is cool I guess; Ubuntu channel is getting bigger and bigger01:39
_ebirtaidbyes digi01:39
hansinI have done a minimal Ubuntu install, and am building up package by package.  Does anyone know what package I need to get the Firefox spell-checking to work?  Thanks.01:39
Jenkemnearly 120001:39
fstpierreanyone good with cronjobs?01:39
Paddy_EIREjenda_, I've seen it eclipse 1500+01:40
Pelofstpierre,  what is your question ?01:40
fetenfetennPaddy, i dont know what to add, i just launch the program, and it freezes, cpu goes up to 100% and i can only push te close button, nothing else01:40
_ebirtaidpaddy I am unimpressed! ;p01:40
fstpierre00 03 0 0 0 /etc/init.d/courier-imap restart will that restart courier-imap every morning at 301:40
mechungquestion.... i use quanta plus with apache and when i save the quanta files i save them in /var/www/  and i was under the assumption that once that was done it would show up...ie  i put in localhost and see nothing but the apache folder open it and all it says is " Its Working!" what am i doing wrong???01:40
Thoris there a program that manages like bootsplash, GDM, and all that kind of stuff?01:41
munk_anyone here work with KDevelop?01:41
Paddy_EIREfetenfetenn, the name of the program would be a good start ;)01:41
JenkemPaddy_EIRE: I'm not jenda_01:41
_ebirtaidthor: what?01:41
Pelofstpierre, it should, but I suggest you try it out by giving it a restart time a few minutes away01:41
fetenfetennPaddy: well, it was in my first line: gnome-appearance-properties01:41
Paddy_EIRE_ebirtaid, unimpressed by what?? :/01:41
jmslouiewhy does the sound after showing the login window repeat continuously?01:41
_ebirtaid1500 users01:41
_ebirtaidthank you for killing ym joke :(01:41
Pelofstpierre, actualy,  try the /usr/bin/courier-imap line instead01:41
SiegeX0 3 * * *  <--- every day at 3AM01:41
Paddy_EIRE_ebirtaid, oh.. lol01:42
Styrbjornhmm can someone try to surf http://www.sidvicious.se01:42
Pelofstpierre, SiegeX  is right about the time,  my mistake01:42
Jenkem_ebirtaid: what joke?01:42
Thor_ebirtaid: i had this program before i upgraded to gutsy that managed stuff like bootsplashes, gdm's, GTK stuff01:42
Styrbjornor do you get a timeout?01:42
fstpierreok 46 20 * * * /etc/init.d/courier-imap restart01:43
_ebirtaidthor: not sure, gnome-theme-manager comes to mind but I doubt thats what you mean01:43
PeloStyrbjorn, it opens for me01:43
Thorit was something i found in the repo's but i cant remember the name of it01:43
_ebirtaidbut you should be able to change gdm gtk etc through gnome-control-center01:43
unikonhello does anyone get beeping sounds while typing using 7.10 gutsy01:43
StyrbjornPelo: ahh great thanks :)01:43
Pelofstpierre, 45 * * * * would have done as well for a test01:43
Styrbjornnow it's time for bed01:43
stgmavricki see it alot in enlightenment screenshots, but what app(s) do the computer information on the desktop?01:44
_ebirtaidfn'stgmavrick: conky?01:44
renee_how do i create /dev/video101:44
_ebirtaidor gdesklets or screenlets?01:44
falconerwhat is a good svn gui for a newbie?01:45
stgmavrickwhich is a fav of everyone?01:45
Pelostgmavrick,  gdesklets, screelets or another wone gtkrll or some such01:45
_ebirtaidI like conky, shrug01:45
fstpierrehow do i check the stas01:45
mechungi use quanta plus with apache and when i save the quanta files i save them in /var/www/  and i was under the assumption that once that was done it would show up...ie  i put in localhost and see nothing but the apache folder open it and all it says is " Its Working!" what am i doing wrong???01:45
fstpierrehow do i check the status01:45
Pelostgmavrick, gdesklets if you run gnome,  screenlets if you have compiz enabled01:45
renee_how do i create /dev/video101:45
Jenkemchannel #ubuntu is 6th biggest channel on IRC according to this site http://searchirc.com/top100.php01:45
stgmavrickPelo:  yeah i have compiz enabled01:46
_ebirtaidpelo: you can use screenlets with xcompmgr also01:46
jimcooncatmechung: you'd need to check your apache conf01:46
Pelofstpierre, top , look for the process and check the start time , or try with  system monitor01:46
_ebirtaidany compositor01:46
mechungjimcooncat: check it for what?01:46
stgmavricki just see some of these desktops and dont even begin to wonder how to get mine like that01:46
Pelostgmavrick, you can get screenlets from their website , google for it01:46
_ebirtaidfn'stgmavrick: google linux eyecandy ;)01:47
Pelostgmavrick, give us a screenshot of what you want andwe can maybe tell you where to start01:47
_ebirtaidyes porobably01:47
renee_how do i create /dev/video101:47
Pelorenee_, modprob I think01:47
_ebirtaidwhich one of these?01:47
stgmavricki've been running gnome for about 2 years and so far all i can do is just change some menus around01:47
jimcooncatmechung: if it's standard, maybe you got an index file in /var/www/ and it's showing that.01:48
orcamageasl pls??01:48
Pelostgmavrick, which of those desktop do you like that you want us to give you advise on ?01:49
mechungjimcooncat: i do should i delete that index file??01:49
Peloorcamage, more details01:49
renee_how do i create /dev/video101:49
domorhELLO HELLo01:49
m1k3I need help, I can't log into root so how the hell can I change the permissions of a folder/location ?01:49
Pelorenee_, try asking in ##linux or check in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org01:49
jimcooncatmechung: rename it or move it, and try again. you should see a list of the other files you stuck in there01:49
domorWho had problems wiht the nividia driver01:49
Pelom1k3,   with sudo01:49
_ebirtaidm1k3:  if it is not in your home directory you cant01:49
Ktronm1k3, sudo chmod01:49
_ebirtaidwithout root access01:50
mechungmik3: sudo -l i think01:50
Ktronm1k3, and sudo chown01:50
Ktronm1k3, or sudo su01:50
desertcdomor: Someone doesn't have problems with the nvidia driver?01:50
Pelo_ebirtaid, sudo gives you admin priviledges01:50
sahajhi need help on compiz01:50
_ebirtaidyes I know01:50
m1k3I know about sudo01:50
Pelosahaj, ask in #compiz-fusion01:50
mechungjimcooncat: thanks ill try01:50
Jack_Sparrowm1k3: gksudo for gnome gui    kdesu for kde gui   as root01:50
_ebirtaidI read he cant log in as root as he doesnt have root access at all01:50
sahajk thnx Pelo01:50
domori insallted it and couldn;t boot01:50
jribm1k3: that is how you do it, you use sudo01:50
m1k3How can I actually create files and shit without being denied access01:50
Peloorcamage, we need more details , you didn,t ask any question01:50
jribm1k3: you use sudo.  Tell us what happens when you try01:51
m1k3How can I change permissions of a folder in the terminal01:51
_ebirtaidorcamage wants some booty I think01:51
Jack_Sparrowm1k3: gksudo nautilus  or gksudo gedit or ...01:51
BlueRiderSame problem. Can anyone explain me (even in private) how am I supposed to shut down the X server AND be able to do an install (write command line instructions) afterwards?01:51
stgmavrickPelo:  i guess i like a good majority of the "enlightenment" desktops ppl customize01:51
m1k3No, no I wanna be able to create folders without terminal but it's saying I don't have the right permissions..01:51
PeloBlueRider, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop01:51
BlueRiderit doesn't do anything, pelo01:51
Pelostgmavrick, pick one01:52
BlueRiderit says it stops it, but it doesn't do anything01:52
jribm1k3: what folders are you creating?01:52
stgmavrickPelo:  i like my desktop to look "3dish" similar to how OS X pulls it off01:52
m1k3I installed an apche server01:52
m1k3And I'm trying to make html files01:52
PeloBlueRider,  do it when you are in the desktop01:52
sahaj!compiz | stgmavrick01:52
ubotustgmavrick: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion01:52
stgmavrickPelo:  lol thats like telling a kid to pick one at a candystore01:52
stgmavricksahaj:  compiz is enabled01:52
fstpierrethx pelo and SiegeX01:53
jribm1k3: setup a group for web development and give it access to /var/www01:53
_ebirtaidthey are all kind of ugly though ;p01:53
BlueRiderthe installer still says an X server is running. should i hit ctr alt back after i give that command?01:53
m1k3gksudo nautilus worked thank you01:53
_ebirtaidblue yes01:53
Pelostgmavrick,  I have no idea what 3dish means and I have never used osx,  start with  www.gnome-look.org you might find that easier to start01:53
Jack_Sparrowm1k3: use sparingly01:53
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* Pelo goes back to watching his show 01:53
BlueRiderwell if i do that, then i will be transported to a text window where i don't receive a prompt01:53
BlueRideri can write stuff on the screen but i can't write commands01:54
_ebirtaidhit ctrl alt f1 and it should bring you to a prompt01:54
Jack_Sparrowm1k3: It is a huge app ...  I would like to suggest thunar  if you want to do that very often... it is lighter and less likely to mess up something01:54
Pelo ,01:54
Pelo .j01:54
BlueRideri don't have F1 working on this keyboard :((01:54
PeloBlueRider,  what is it you are trying to do ?01:54
_ebirtaidthen f2 ;p01:54
asnAnyone who knows stuff about IP cameras?01:54
_ebirtaidf1-f6 will work01:54
_ebirtaidf7 will bring you back to your gui01:54
BlueRiderok i'll give it a shot01:55
Pelodomor,  this channel is too busy for us to click random links without knowing what the issue is,  just tive us the basics01:55
digitori__asn: whats an IP camera?01:55
bastid_raZorif i have an iso mounted how might i force it to unmount?01:55
SiegeXinternet accessable camera01:55
SiegeXim assuming01:55
LordKowBlueRider, try alt+f keys _ebirtaid mentioned too before giving up. I read a couple howtos last week that told me to do alt+f7 to pop-up gdm01:55
SiegeXyou know, for like web porn and stuff01:55
_ebirtaidip is a funny acronym for that01:55
Pelobastid_raZor, sudo umount /mountpoint01:55
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bastid_raZorthanks Pelo01:56
digitori__All: like webcam01:56
domorpelo: ok im haing problems wiht video driver01:56
BlueRider * Stopping GNOME Display Manager...                                     [ OK ]01:56
domorpelo: some people have allreayd tryed helping me but i havn;t fixed it01:56
Pelodomor,  bit more details01:56
BlueRidernow i hit alt ctrl back, right?01:56
ltkunCan I delete files in hfs+ partition under Ubuntu?01:56
bastid_raZorPelo, i get device is busy which i don't care.. i want to unmount it anyway.01:56
_ebirtaidif you want to get to a tty hit ctrl alt f2 now blue01:56
_ebirtaidif you want to kill x server hit ctrl alt bksp01:56
domorok well i installed driver in restricted drivers then restarted computer and screen just switches off01:56
digitori__asn: are you having driver problems for your webcam?01:56
Pelobastid_raZor,  man umount, look for the option to force it , I dont, know it by heart01:56
bastid_raZorPelo, okay, thanks01:57
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domorPelo: some guy helped me so that i could boot back in but the driver isn't running01:57
Jack_Sparrowdomor: at the blank screen.. sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:57
Pelodomor,  boot recovery ,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   , review the info or select the vesa driver01:57
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code01:57
digitori__asn: you have ten seconds to reply then i move on...you have driver problems?01:57
bastid_raZorPelo, -f .. what should of been a given. ;)01:57
brokenmunk_: ! :P01:57
bastid_raZorwhat == that01:58
_ebirtaidshould've also bastid ;)01:58
Jack_Sparrowdomor: Just as often as the video card config I find people have not setup their monitor correctly in xorg.01:58
Pelobastid_raZor, but not always01:58
BlueRiderit didn't work. after i hit alt ctrl back, the visual interface kicked in again01:58
stgmavrickhttp://www.tuxmachines.org/images/blfsp3/desktop01.jpg  the information in the top right hand corner is something that i'd like01:58
domorPelo: someguy helped me and now i don;t have a xorg.conf file please vist my forum01:58
_ebirtaidbluerider: go to a tty and use killall gdm01:58
Oli```Does cron run as the user who writes the entry?01:58
_ebirtaidand kill any processes using xorg01:58
digitori__domor: always back up anything your working on01:58
_ebirtaidoli: I think01:59
bastid_raZordigitori__, your == you're01:59
Pelodomor, if you are using X you have xorg.conf , you cannot avoid it, if you don'T have an xorg.conf file that would explain why you are not getting any screen action01:59
centralmay i ask for some help01:59
asnGreetings. I was planning on installing Ubuntu to a friends PC tomorrow (He knows nothing about computers in general, and he is willing to learn so it's an ideal chance), but I just remembered that he has no Internet connection (He will get one in a month or so), and Ubuntu doesn't come with mp3 support by default.01:59
Jack_Sparrowdomor: cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/Desktop/xorg.conf.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T)          is a way to make a copy.. for next time...01:59
digitori__bastid_raZor: that shoulda been your01:59
_ebirtaidcentral: of course not01:59
bastid_raZordigitori__, true, my mistake02:00
domori didn have xorg file but some guy was telling me all these command to try and fix it vist http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=612587 i got a pic of files in etc/X1102:00
PeloOli```,  you can have cron for the user by editing with just crontab, if you want to run a cronjob as root  edit with  sudo crontab02:00
domorjack_sparrow: visit http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61258702:00
SlizeKalferthere sure are updates a lot02:00
bass1231234Hey, i know this is a very simple question, i can get most things to work... But for some reason there is just nowhere to change my icons, on the forums and interent it says go here i do it and its not there.... so i dont know??????????????????????02:00
digitori__domor: you would have had an xorg config file as soon as you installed the system02:00
Jack_Sparrowasn: If you have a mp3 working on your system.. copy var/cache/apt/archives folder to a cd...  use it as source for his update02:00
centrali need to change a config and to add a line in to it , so i use terminal and log as root then i go to the right directory where in that config file  then what in the commande to edit that config txt file02:01
Pelobass1231234,  change the icon theme or just a specific icon ?02:01
Jack_Sparrowdomor: run that command I posted and see what happens02:01
domordigitior_: i did but some guy helped me before and he made me change the names and that02:01
bass1231234icon theme02:01
mEck0is it possible to use my fingerprint reader on my laptop to log in to ubuntu?02:01
domorvisit that for screen shot http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61258702:01
Pelobass1231234, goto  menu > system > prefs> appearance02:01
digitori__domor: see Jack_sparrows comments02:01
stgmavrick_ebirtaid:  looking at screenlets is nice, but i was hoping to have something more textual like in this guys top right hand corner http://www.tuxmachines.org/images/blfsp3/desktop01.jpg02:01
Jack_SparrowmEck0: No..02:01
bastid_raZordomor, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will give you a new xorg.conf02:01
BlueRiderok thanks it worked, i pressed ctrl alt F3 and i got a prompt02:01
sfearsso i02:01
bass1231234k im in it02:02
domorjack_sparrow: the sudo dpkg.................. command02:02
_ebirtaidfn'stgmavrick: that is conky02:02
Pelobass1231234, then select the theme tab,  at the bottom click the personnalised button,  and then the icon tab02:02
BlueRiderthen after i finished i ran the command again with start and it worked02:02
_ebirtaiduse sudo apt-get install conky02:02
desertcIs the guy who was asking about changing the GNOME splash screen still around?02:02
Jack_Sparrowdomor: cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/Desktop/xorg.conf.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T)02:02
digitori__All: Xorg does my head in my wife deals with that02:02
mEck0Jack_Sparrow, okay, do you know if there is any distro which it does work in?02:02
sfearsi'm in the middle of distro upgrade, it finished fetching the upgrades, it has an arrow beside installing the upgrades but i think it's stuck, is there a way to see if it's working02:02
jimcooncatstgmavrick: that's pretty, I think I'll get conky if it can do that02:02
bass1231234thanckyou so much02:02
Jack_Sparrowdomor: that will copy your xorg.. if it exists to your desktop02:02
wease|hello folks02:02
_ebirtaidconky is tight :D02:02
stgmavrick_ebirtaid:  noob to eye candy, not linux ;)02:02
bass1231234on the internet they were all saying go somewhere else haha02:02
sfearsit's still at 0% and i don't see anything moving02:02
_ebirtaidah :D02:03
Pelosfears,it will fetch more files if they are needed , be very patient if you are upgrading online02:03
_ebirtaidwell yea conky is the name, iots in repos, configs can be found in the forums if you search thread titles fopr beautiful conky02:03
Pelobass1231234,  depends on the release you are running02:03
sfearsit finished fetching.. now it's stuck at installing02:03
Rengwhen you guy use wine to install program like steam. how do you remove steam from your computer? i do not see any uninstaller?02:03
digitori__sfears: you could kill that program and try again02:03
desertcbass1231234: be sure to update the website to help the next guy02:03
_ebirtaidit is a very good monitoring app02:03
stgmavrick_ebirtaid:  thanks, it looks like it is02:03
Pelosfears, like I said, once it has fetched, it might need some more files,  be very patient02:03
centralwhat is the commande to edit a txt file in the terminal please ?02:04
Pelocentral, nano02:04
Jack_Sparrowcentral: sudo nano02:04
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digitori__sfears:Pelo is correct give it some more time02:04
_ebirtaidif you google conky variables it will also give you a list of all available options for it to monitor02:04
lockddoes anyone know of a good MIDI to "raster" audio format converter?02:04
domorjack_sparrow: cp: cannot stat `/etc/X11/xorg.conf': No such file or directory02:04
_ebirtaidwhich can cinlude temp mpd/xmms staus02:04
_ebirtaidits really neat :D02:04
stgmavrick_ebirtaid:  rgr02:04
stgmavrick_ebirtaid:  i use banshee02:04
lockdanyone who has used timidity can surely see the 50Meg files generated from 20kb sources02:04
Pelolockd,  try soundconverter , it might be able to do it02:04
_ebirtaidhmmm dont think banshee is supported02:04
buttercupsdomor, Jack_Sparrow command will not work, you need to rename one of those 3 xorg files to xorg.conf or reconfigure like suggested02:05
stgmavrick_ebirtaid:  i wasnt a fan of xmms, i used it when i ran gnome on gentoo and just wasnt all that happy with it02:05
domorive got xorg files but not called xorg.conf they have other stuff after them screenshot of files here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61258702:05
centralwhat is the command to edit a txt file in the terminal please ?02:05
lockdPelo: thanks02:05
domorbuttercups how do i rename and delet the other ones02:05
Pelodomor,  just rename one xorg.conf02:05
stgmavrickcentral, which one?02:05
domorpelo: how02:05
_ebirtaidnano central02:05
Jack_Sparrowdomor: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:05
bastid_raZorPelo, heh, i'm brain numb.. i was in /media/iso and that is why it would not umount..02:05
stgmavrickcentral:  i use nano, but thats just me02:05
_ebirtaidit is the best02:05
centrali need to edit a config file in terminal02:05
Pelodomor,  cp whateverthefilenameis xorg.conf02:06
Jack_Sparrowcentral: and we told you how to do it02:06
Pelodomor,  in your case  cp source destination02:06
Pelodomor,  with sudo02:06
bass1231234How do i put the icon themes ive downloaded into the icons things02:06
Pelocentral,  which file ?02:06
domorpelo: im newbie sorry what you mean02:06
_ebirtaidbass: extarct the file to ~/.icons02:06
stgmavrickbass1231234:  install theme02:06
_ebirtaidthat also02:06
Jack_Sparrowbass1231234: drop the tar onto the theme manager02:06
GodscapeCan someone help me convert proprietary video (MPEG, Apple Quicktime) to open source formats (Ogg Theora) please?02:06
digitori__central cd to folder of your file type vi in the terminal then name of your file02:06
Pelobass1231234,  just drag drop the tar.gz file onteh manager02:06
Pelodomor, give me the name of a file you want to rename02:07
bass1231234k thancks02:07
_ebirtaidgodscape: try pacpl? I think it does video02:07
bastid_raZorGodscape, goodle handbrake..02:07
stgmavrickPelo:  thats one thing i do enjoy about gnome, themes are easymode02:07
bastid_raZorGodscape, google rather..02:07
Rengwhen you guy use wine to install program like steam. how do you remove steam from your computer? i do not see any uninstaller?02:07
Godscapeblastid_razor, what's handbrake?  _ebirtaid, what's pacpl?02:07
_ebirtaidwineuninst I think?02:07
_ebirtaidthey are stored in ~/.wine02:07
domorpalo "xorg.conf_old"02:07
kantlivelonghey all02:07
centralthe privoxy config as far i need to be as root i want to edit this file02:07
_ebirtaidjust delete the folder02:07
bastid_raZorGodscape, a conversion app for convertng videos02:08
kantlivelongim having odd lag w/ nvidia on gutsy02:08
Pelodomor,  use  the command   sudo cp xorg.conf_old  xorg.conf02:08
Jack_Sparrowcentral: sudo nano02:08
Pelostgmavrick, this one guy , was so surprised after I told him he thought I was puttnig him on02:08
domorpelo: done! now what02:08
fluffmanany recommendations for a good torrent client in gnome?02:08
digitori__Reng: try wine uninstaller in terminal02:08
GodscapeDevelopers, why is there no more music previews when you hover the mouse over an Ogg Vorbis file?  That was a neat feature!02:08
FluxDfluffman: deluge02:08
Pelodomor, now you have a file called xorg.conf do to it what ever you need to do02:08
_ebirtaidfluffman: transmission all the way02:09
Pelofluffman,  utorrent running on wine02:09
domorpelo: i don;t kow what to do i ca't boot that my problem screen turns off02:09
bastid_raZorfluffman, actually i use kTorrent for kde in gnome.. but i've heard transmission is very good as well. even deluge is nice02:09
Jack_Sparrowcentral: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst          as an example02:09
desertcfluffman: What's wrong with the default?02:09
GodscapeGusty removed the beautiful splash and Ogg Vorbis previews.02:09
fluffmanI'm used to ktorrent, but the fam can't figure out kde...it's too difficult02:09
bastid_raZorPelo, get out of town. ktorrent kicks utorrent in the head with a steel toe boot02:09
_ebirtaidyou can run ktorrent in gnome02:09
Pelodomor, try booting now,  now that you have a xorg.conf file something should happen , if not , sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:09
stgmavrickPelo:  lol, i actually found it out by accident like the 2nd day i had gnome installed02:10
Rengdigitori_, you want my to uninstall wine?02:10
pganHi - my eth0 connection does not come up when I start; I have to run dhclient manually.  According to /var/log/syslog, NetowrkManager disables it: http://pastebin.com/m65148fa0  What can I do?02:10
fluffmandesertc: what's the default02:10
domorpelo: it won;t work02:10
desertcfluffman: The default bt app in GNOME works well.02:10
Pelodomor, try it02:10
mike32hello, what is the difference of ubuntu dvd.iso vs. desktop cd.iso? does the dvd contain all the extra package02:10
fluffman.torrents don't open in FF02:10
domorpelo: thats th reason why i changed the names and all that so i could get back in02:10
GodscapeTotem makes this girl sound like a guy!02:10
Pelodomor,  consider a clean install02:10
GodscapeAnd it skips!02:10
digitori__Reng: no, open terminal window and type wine uninstaller02:10
domorpelo: hat if it doesn;t work i have no idea what to do02:11
mike32 hello, what is the difference of ubuntu dvd.iso vs. desktop cd.iso? does the dvd contain all the extra packa02:11
bastid_raZorfluffman, as they shouldn't.. .torrents open in the torrent program02:11
digitori__Reng: this will give you the application to uninstall apps you have installed via wine02:11
_ebirtaidmike not all but more02:11
domorpelo: everyone keeps saysing in the xorf.cong you have th cnage the type of driver or osmething like that02:11
Rengdigitori__: thnx02:11
desertcfluffman: gnome-btdownload02:11
digitori__Reng: your welcome02:11
lockdokay, soundconverter fails miserably at converting from MIDI to anything02:11
smultrondo new PC laptops (like Vaios) come with a Windows restore CD?02:11
Pelodomor,  a clean install will get you back to square one,  from there you can do it right , currently you are probably so messed up that it would be impossible to get you back to where you need to be02:12
sfearshow do i upgrade thru konsole02:12
lockdI can PLAY it in timidity.. but it's godawfully huge02:12
brokensmultron: yea02:12
sfearsapt-get install ubuntu-gutsy02:12
Jack_Sparrowdomor: we have told you repeatedly how to do it02:12
mike32ebitaid: so if i will download the dvd version. the add/remove will not connect to the internet anymore?02:12
bastid_raZorsfears, sudo apt-get upgrade02:12
Rubixhackercan anyone help me with an apple laptop?02:12
lockdand export choices are dreadfully lacking02:12
IdleOnesmultron: no you have to make them yourself. ##windows can help you with that02:12
desertcfluffman: use gconf-editor to increase the maxport by 5-6 for more download streams02:12
digitori__sfears: what version you on now?02:12
sfearshow can i tell?02:12
smultronIdleOne: alright, thanks02:12
domorjack_sparrow: i now have a xorg.conf file what did you say before to change in it if im having booting problems with driver02:12
_ebirtaidmike: it still will depending on what you want to install02:12
Pelodomor,  you can change the driver in xorg.conf but if you don't know what you are doing you are better off doing  dpkg-reconfigre with will change your xorg.conf file for you properly02:13
Jack_Sparrowdomor: Paste your xorg to the pastebin and post the link in here so we can help you02:13
_ebirtaidsfears: cat /etc/issue02:13
domorpelo: thanks02:13
m1k3How would I run nautilus as root?02:13
domorjack_sparrow: how do i do that02:13
* Pelo grabs the gratitud and runs with it 02:13
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mike32ebirtaid: so it does not have all the packages in it, though some?02:13
IMORBi am having trouble with videos02:13
_ebirtaidthere are like 20k packages available for ubuntu02:13
* IdleOne hands Pelo the e .. you forgot it 02:13
Jack_Sparrowdomor: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org02:13
Pelom1k3,  gksu nautilus02:14
m1k3Thank you02:14
m1k3Now I remember the command02:14
PeloIdleOne,  I was just so excited02:14
IMORBwhen i play them my laptop shutsdown02:14
m1k3I used gksudo nautilus..02:14
mike32 ebirtaid: so it does not have all the packages in it, though some?02:14
IdleOnePelo: figured :)02:14
digitori__sfears: I hope your at least running dapper if your gonna upgrade...I may be wrong but I hope.02:14
centralok thx i can edit do my changes but how to save it ?02:14
stgmavrick_ebirtaid:  is there a howto on conky? i cant seem to find the app in my menu02:14
_ebirtaidsome yes mike02:14
PeloIdleOne,  running compiz ?02:14
sfearsit says 7.0402:14
Jack_Sparrowm1k3: Check out thunar for a lighter file manager.02:14
mike32ok thanks dude02:14
sfearsit's that feisty?02:14
IdleOnePelo: nope cant on this machine02:14
digitori__sfears thats ok go ahead n upgrade02:14
Pelosfears, 7.04 is feisty yes02:15
domorjack_sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44675/02:15
_ebirtaidfn'stgmavrick: go to the forums and search beautiful conky, all you need to do is edit your ~/.conkyrc file02:15
sfearsapt-get install ubuntu-gutsy02:15
sfearswhat's the syntax02:15
_ebirtaidand then run conky from a terminal02:15
mike32i like fiesty than the latest one02:15
sfearsor the line command02:15
sfearsor whatever you call it02:15
PeloIdleOne,  what player are you using , and is it all videos or just the one or just one format ?02:15
_ebirtaidupdate-manager -c 0d02:15
_ebirtaid-c -d rather02:15
Pelo!enter | sfears02:15
ubotusfears: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:15
IMORBit is any player02:15
sfearssorry bout that.. bad habbit02:16
xclhi all ,who have installed vmware sgx server in 7.10 ????02:16
digitori__sfears: apply all updates first02:16
PeloIMORB,  is this a new problem or as it always been like this ?02:16
lockdanyone at all?02:16
IdleOnePelo: I use a mix of xmms, listen, muine, totem, I have no favorites i like to install as many as possible and see what I can get used to most02:16
jwbbccpgot a major noob question that could be easily answered hopefully...02:16
digitori__sfears: look here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading02:16
Pelolockd,  check in the forum  www.ubuntuforums.org02:16
IMORBi have seen this just in the last few days02:16
Pelojwbbccp, jsut ask02:16
gogetaIdleOne xmms ownez you02:16
sfearswill check it out02:16
domorjack_sparrow: you get that02:16
_ebirtaidxmms sucks ;)02:16
jwbbccpcan i install ubuntu on an external drive partition and then boot from the external?02:16
PeloIMORB, i'm stumpped02:17
_ebirtaidjwbbccp: yes02:17
_ebirtaidjust move your usb hdd to the top in bios02:17
desertcjwbbccp: sure, go nuts02:17
stgmavrickjwbbccp:  does your bios have the support for it?02:17
IdleOnePelo: and rhythmbox02:17
Jack_Sparrowdomor: Looking now.. sorry .. but trying to do too many things atm02:17
w0rmhello why doesn't desktop effect load my compiz settings at startup?02:17
digitori__sfears:let me know how you get on02:17
jwbbccpdunno... major noob...02:17
jwbbccpmac mini intel core 2 duo02:17
IMORBPelo, i am sorry this never happened in feisty but happened three times in gutsy02:17
lockdPelo: i've dug and scoured, and I accept even solutions from other Unices.. so I've searched everywhere02:17
Pelojwbbccp,  yes you can, I recommend you install grub on the external drive as well, try setting the external as boot partition in the bios while you run the install02:17
Pelo!install | jwbbccp02:17
ubotujwbbccp: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:17
lockdPelo: a way to force mencoder to use NO VIDEO would be acceptable02:18
m1k3:S gksu works but gksu nautilus doesn't make the nautilus window popup..02:18
desertcjwbbccp: _ebirtaid: he should put the GRUB partition on an internal drive02:18
mneptokIMORB: have you used anything like Automatix? if so, that may well be contributing to the problem.02:18
_ebirtaidif he does that it will have to boot from the primary drive in bios02:18
sfearsmy computer shut down in the middle of installing upgrades last night, now it hangs when i try to download & upgrade.  Is there a way i can flush everything out and start over?02:18
gogeta lockd use vid=null02:18
_ebirtaidnot usb02:18
PeloIMORB, check in appearance, see if you have compiz enabled , there are 3 levels I beleive make sure you are completely disabled02:18
gogetano video02:18
IMORBmneptok: no I have not used any of those packages02:18
desertcPelo: I like that - put grub in both places.  clever02:18
IMORBPelo I will try that02:19
sfearswait.. looks like it's movinbg02:19
mneptokIMORB: invoke Totem from the command line and see what errors it spews.02:19
desertc_ebirtaid: I like what pelo said, put it both places02:19
_ebirtaidthat would work also02:19
Pelodesertc, actualy I mean just put grub on the external,  ie the same hdd you have ubuntu on , that way when you remove the hdd the boot process is not affected02:19
_ebirtaidpelo: yes :D02:20
IMORBmneptok: it says jackd not found02:20
desertcPelo: Putting it in both places would be more resilient.02:20
* Pelo has two hdd one with windows and one with ubuntu and he can remove either, the other way , he can't remove any 02:20
sfearsthat's not the first time my computer has shut down in the middle of upgrades.  I think linux should have some kind of resume, windows works pretty well02:20
gogetadesertc agreeed removing a hd and having grub on a non removable = truble02:20
cappicardthis is getting extremely annoying. In KDE, everytime i accidentally hit control-backspace, it kills KDE and I'm left with a beige background with just my cursor.  anyone have this happen?02:20
IdleOnedesertc: then wich grub boots wich hdd?02:20
desertcIdleOne; whichever is configured in BIOS02:21
gogetaits ctrl alt backspace02:21
mneptokIMORB: "totem /path/to/video.mpg"02:21
domorjack_sparrow: Cheers, there is alsot going on on here cheers thought a much appreciated02:21
gogetacappicard its ctrl alt backspace kills x02:21
cappicardgogeta: I know02:21
Pelodesertc, not realy,  grub is in two parts,  phase one on the boot sector of the bios boot hdd, phase 2 on which ever partiton ubuntu is located,   if  phase one can'T find phase two you are screwed which is why it is better to have both on the same hdd02:21
cappicardX is still running,but KDE is dead.02:21
GodscapeCan someone help me convert proprietary video (MPEG, Apple Quicktime) to open source formats (Ogg Theora) please?02:21
dahitokirido you guys know of a free library designed for accessing multiple archive formats (7z, rar, zip, tar, gz, bzip2)?02:22
IdleOnedesertc: then he would have to set bios everytime he removes the drive. leaving it on the external and setting bios to boot for usb and then from hdd makes more sense I would think02:22
John_Rwhat are the advantages of using kde over gnome?02:22
jwbbccpi'm going to check out those sites the bot sent me to... thx for the help, i'll be back if i have more questions...02:22
cappicardi have to kill X with ctrl-alt-bksp02:22
gogetacappicard you mean gdm is starting back up its supposed to02:22
golem_fascinating.  desktop cube, emerald, os-x-like theme, awm all working great.. then i click on the workspace switcher in the dock, and the dock loses all icons, the top menu disappears, and no windows are display.  alt-f2 works, though.  does this ring a bell w/ anyone? using restricted ati driver and xgl02:22
digitori__sfears: did you apply the upgrades first?02:22
pganHi - my eth0 connection does not come up automatically; I have to run dhclient when I log in.  /var/log/syslog says NetowrkManager disables it: http://pastebin.com/m65148fa0  What can I do?02:22
IMORBmneptok: video plays but still says jackd not found02:22
PeloGodscape,  google or search the forum for  mov2avi02:22
digitori__sfears: sorry the updates02:22
desertcPelo: Phase two happens when you select a kernel, so you just don't select the kernel when the drive is removed.  ?02:22
mneptokIMORB: no shutdown?02:22
PeloGodscape, or some such02:22
cappicardgogeta: after i kill the X server, yes.02:22
domorjack_sparrow: what you think?02:22
_ebirtaidjhon_r: kde is more like windows02:22
_ebirtaidand sucks02:22
IMORBmneptok: i am having this problem once in 3-4 days02:22
GodscapePelo: ffmpeg2theora?02:22
cappicardbut i keep hitting control-backspace02:22
computer_01hi, id like to have dual boot, windows vista and ubuntu. which one should i install first or it does not matter?02:23
desertcIdleOne: Your BIOS doesn't let you set a boot order?02:23
cabldevili am formating a 2 drive 800 gig lvm what is the best file system to use ext3 or ext2 or something else?02:23
gogetacappicard oh its not killing gdm02:23
cappicardleaving me with a useless session until i restart X02:23
IMORBmneptok: no shutdown02:23
sfearsno.. i didn't, i went straight to distro upgrade02:23
mneptokIMORB: that's somewhat reassuring02:23
cappicardgdm returns to the login sreen02:23
sfearsi figured they'd all be packaged in there with it02:23
Pelodesertc, phase two is the grub menu.lst file wich is located in the ubuntu partiton under /boot/grub/menu.lst02:23
Oli```cd #sh02:23
Oli```doh >_<02:23
mneptokIMORB: and it plays despite the error?02:23
gogetacappicard its supposed to02:23
digitori__right whos gonna merge the best of gnome with best of kde02:23
desertcPelo: Oooohh...02:23
pgancomputer_01: I would guess you have to install Vista first, Ubuntu second02:23
IMORBmneptok: i know i wanted to know is this coz of the hd issues02:23
IMORBmneptok: yes it does play02:23
gogetacappicard what you whant it to do crash to text?02:24
pganPrevious versions of Windows would wipe out the disk when they installed02:24
mneptokIMORB: what HD issues?02:24
computer_01pgan, thanks. can any1 confirm this? :)02:24
digitori__ah gotta go folks02:24
kodecomputer_01: yes windows first02:24
desertcPelo: Well, just copy that file to both drives.  That's not too bad.02:24
domorjust out of interest anyone had any rpoblesm with "restricted vido drivers" and booting02:24
IMORBmneptok: I was reading on launchpad about hd spinning too much02:24
computer_01ok thnx02:24
Pelodesertc, phase one only points to one files on one partition02:24
mneptokIMORB: you own a laptop?02:24
kodeyou're welcome computer_0102:25
pgancomputer_01, ... but why would you even want to have WIndows weigh you down??02:25
IMORBmneptok: yes i do wn a laptop02:25
desertcPelo: So you have two disks, two boot loaders, and two /boot partitions....02:25
IMORBmneptok: it is a toshiba02:25
mneptokIMORB: and it's not plugged into the wall?02:25
cappicardgogeta: no. i want KDE to stop crashing when i hit ctrl-backspace.02:25
computer_01pgan, its for a customer :\02:25
desertcPelo: Depending on which disk the BIOS chooses, will be set up to boot and select either disk02:25
gogetacappicard dont hit ctrl backspace02:25
IMORBmneptok: it is and I have my battery out02:25
mneptokIMORB: then the issue does not affect you02:25
IdleOneodd key combo ctrl-backspace02:25
cappicardgogeta: i keep hitting it accidentally when i type fast.02:25
computer_01i tried telling them to only use ubuntu but you know....02:25
cappicardIdleOne: it should not cause kde to die02:26
gogetacappicard well thats a x-kill command02:26
IMORBmneptok: oh ok then it must be my heatsink02:26
computer_01so i have to slit the HD and have a dual boot02:26
IMORBmneptok: not my laptop then02:26
Pelodesertc, I guess you can have an internal hdd with it's own phase one , pointing to phase two on that same internal hdd, with a menu.lst file on that hdd that has an entry poiting to a kernel on the external hdd and vice versa on the external hdd,  if you like things complicated02:26
gogetacappicard get a penny or some tape and a pice a paper marked no lol02:27
IMORBmneptok: thanks a lot02:27
* Pelo doesnt, realy want to talk to desertc anymore he just makes simple things realy complicated 02:27
IMORBPelo: thanks, I think it is my hardware issue02:27
mneptokIMORB: the jackd error is safely ignored.02:27
pgancappicard:, is it KDE or X which crashes?02:27
PeloIMORB, I didn'T help much but I'm a sucker for gratitude  so I'll take it02:27
gogetapgan: hes hitting the kill command02:27
GodscapeHow can I make VLC the default application for DVDs and videos?02:28
cappicardX is still running.02:28
IMORBmneptok: yes it is safely accepted02:28
IMORBmneptok: what is jackd02:28
pganthen I dunno, sorry02:28
cappicardi have no choice but to restart X at that point02:28
PeloGodscape, menu > sytem> prefs > removable media02:28
kloshm is there a xchat totem now playing plugin ??? :)02:28
desertcPelo: The added complexity is to accommodate whether the external drive is booting or not, and when it is removed, the computer isn't disabled.  It's not any more complex than setting up a bootable USB stick.02:28
gogetacappicard i would check your keybord maybe the alt key is stuck down02:28
gogetactrl backspace shouldent kill it02:28
gogetaalt needs to be pressed02:29
scguy318the combination is Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, yes02:29
Pelodesertc, what you need to consider is , what do you ahve on the internal hdd ? jsut windows ? then forget about putting grub on that , it won'T need it , just put grub on the external and boot from the external when you have to02:29
crazymanhello :)02:31
GodscapeThanks, Pelo!02:31
pgancappicard: try using the DontZap option for your keyboard.  See "man xorg"02:31
gogetapgan but wouldent that disable killing from keybord02:31
crazymani have a question. when I try to mount the windows partition from gnome it says it can't and gives me an error msg that if i want to mount it i could force mount it ... any ideas?02:31
pganHi - my eth0 connection does not come up automatically; I have to run dhclient when I log in.  /var/log/syslog says NetowrkManager disables it: http://pastebin.com/m65148fa0  What can I do?02:32
gogetapgan you need that sometimes02:32
scguy318crazyman: are you dual-booting? make sure you cleanly shutdown Windows02:32
gogetapgan cant he just change the hot keys from that combo to another maybe ctrl alt delete02:32
stgmavricklol so used to /join #gentoo, took me a minute to realize where i was02:32
domorJack_Sparrow: If you can help me please email me, little_lethal@hotmail.com02:33
gogetaoh wait02:33
pgangogeta: yes, I was guesing that the key combo was killing X02:33
domorim off02:33
gogetapgan ctrl alt home02:33
crazymanscguy318, yea maybe thats the issue im going to double check thanks!02:33
gogetapgan cant he remap it02:33
stgmavrick_ebirtaid:  its funny, that guide says most users cant get conky to work properly but i dont see whats so difficult about it02:33
pgangogeta and cappicard: I good idea, I don't know KDE.  cappicard - check for that02:34
fluffmanok, so I realized my torrenting problem...I imported my old firefox settings from Kubuntu, and it was listing Ktorrent.  I removed those settings, and my torrents opened in the default BitTorrent client, but they aren't downloading.  Where are the options for BitTorrent so I can enter my forwarded ports from my router?02:35
gogetapgan well having dontzap can be bad swence if x does lock he whont be able to force kill it easly02:35
_ebirtaidfn'stgmavrick: it is pretty straight forward02:35
gogetapgan well i guess sudo killall x would work02:35
stgmavrick_ebirtaid:  since i have my top bar enabled, i want to edit # Gap between borders of screen and text02:35
stgmavrickgap_x 1002:35
stgmavrickgap_y 1002:35
stgmavrick correct?02:35
stgmavricksorry about that!02:35
pgangogeta, cappicard: alright, check if you can change the KDE bindings first02:36
_ebirtaiddepending which axis you want it to be different on02:36
pganHe can also use Alt+F1 to get to a console, then killall X02:36
gogetayea i said that02:36
desertcfluffman: use gconf-editor to increase the maxport by 5-6 for more download streams02:37
pganSorry, Control+Alt+F102:37
=== holymoly is now known as holycow
gogetabut i have had some nasty locks befor not even that worked02:37
Dethlokhow can i make my gdesklets icon show in my taskbar?02:37
gogetacouldent get to text02:37
gogetabut in most cases yea killall works02:37
pganMy eth0 connection does not come up automatically; I have to run dhclient when I log in.  /var/log/syslog says NetowrkManager disables it: http://pastebin.com/m65148fa0  Ideas anyone?02:38
Dethlokhow can i make my gdesklets icon show in my taskbar?02:38
untungi have ubuntu 7.04 loaded into my virtual machine using vmware02:39
gogetaDethlok just add em02:39
s00pvm's are for wimps! :P02:39
PeloDethlok, it usualy doesn't and when it does ppl ask how to make it go away , why do you want it ?02:39
_ebirtaidthats good untung02:39
untunghow can i upgrade to unbuntu 7.1? should i use download or use the cd?02:39
Dethlokits easier to turn it off with that little icon =)02:39
_ebirtaiddownload is easier02:39
cappicardok... it's shift-backspace that is killing kde02:40
Dethloki just did the update and it worked great for me02:40
Pelountung,  I recommend you get the alt cd or the dvd and upgrade from that , it's actualy a bit quicker02:40
gogetaPelo people ask on how to make windows go away to hehe02:40
Pelogogeta, linux is the only AV i found that gets rid of windows02:40
gogetaPelo hehehe02:41
cappicardoh wait... xgl has shift-backspace mapped. wtf02:41
* Pelo just needs to convince his brother02:41
untungpelo: in my case should i reinstall using the cd?02:41
Home-User_I've got an Xsession error02:41
_ebirtaidwhy reinstall?02:41
gogetaPelo man thers a markting sceme there conserder it stolen02:41
Pelountung, no you can upgrade using the cd , but you can clean install to if you want02:41
Home-User_its quite a long read so could someone take a look at it please?02:41
gogetaPelo linux antivires effectly gets rid of the windows virise02:42
boontooi want grub to be able to let me choose which default language to boot into anyone kno how?02:43
Pelogogeta, the slogan : " Mcaffe coudln't to it , Symantec couldn'T do it , Avast couldn't do it, only linux can cure your computer of Windows"02:43
cappicardok... wtf decided to assign shift-backspace to restart xgl needs to be shot02:43
gogetaPelo hehe02:43
Peloboontoo,  your best bet would be to ask in #grub, but I donT, think it is possible , you can choose the default language from the ubuntu login screen however02:43
gogetaPelo 2008 edtion now removes the vista trojen02:43
cappicardthere we go. if i assign a default layout to my keyboard, it effectively disables that key sequence.02:44
cappicardis that in the FAQ?02:44
boontooPelo: ok wel is there a way that i can use a different language automatically depending on who is logged in? eg for me its english but when my gf logs in its japanese02:44
Pelogogeta, I got a coworker to try gutsy,  I 'm gonna have news about it tomorrow,  he was gonna format his hdd anyway , he had a bunch fo viris the couldn'T get rid of02:44
gogetaPelo hehe bet that worked out great02:45
gogetaPelo all dead in 1 swoop02:45
Peloboontoo,  I think that is default,  meaning  language is part of the user's prefs02:45
boontooPelo ok02:45
=== nrp_ is now known as nrp
Pelogogeta, the coworker in question is fairly green,  I hope he can manage it on his own,  but since he's clean installing anyway and using he whole hdd it shouldn'T be too bad02:46
BADKITTYHello maytees02:46
_ebirtaidpelo: is he computer literate at all?02:47
JeruvyI moved my hard disk from one system to another.  Everything seems to be working ok, but I'd like to drop the res of the screen to 1024x768, but it doesn't respond.  If I edit the xorg.conf and remove the not wanted display setting and restart X would that fix it?02:47
gogetaPelo thats all auto partating then02:47
gogetaPelo 1 click02:47
Home-User_(process:5301): Gtk-WARNING **: This process is currently running setuid or setgid. This is not a supported use of GTK+. You must create a helper program instead. For further details, see: http://www.gtk.org/setuid.html02:47
Home-User_Refusing to initialize GTK+. (process:5305): Gtk-WARNING **: This process is currently running setuid or setgid. This is not a supported use of GTK+. You must create a helper program instead. For further details, see: http://www.gtk.org/setuid.html Refusing to initialize GTK+.02:47
pganHi - my eth0 connection does not come up automatically; I have to run dhclient when I log in.  /var/log/syslog says NetowrkManager disables it: http://pastebin.com/m65148fa0  Ideas anyone?02:47
Home-User_/etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup... mkdtemp: private socket dir: Permission denied02:47
Home-User_Sorry to spam that02:47
Pelogogeta, pretty much,  the only quesiton is , did he have the guts to try02:47
Home-User_But that's the error I'm getting02:47
LjL!paste > Home-User_    (Home-User_, see the private message from Ubotu)02:47
BADKITTYJeruvy: maybe if you reconfigure X??02:47
munk_where is the list of programs that start with Ubuntu?02:47
munk_I wanna add one02:47
LjL!startup > munk_    (munk_, see the private message from Ubotu)02:48
tgelterhey all. does anyone know of a command-line torrent client that supports selecting portions of a torrent to download?02:48
PeloHome-User_, is this a fresh install ?02:48
BADKITTYmunk_: that start with ubuntu? You mean like load when ubuntu starts?02:48
Home-User_Its an upgrade02:48
Home-User_Fiesty Fawn -> Gutsy Gibbon02:48
JeruvyBADKITTY: I can try that thx02:48
aibi have my own apt repository, and upon installing Gusty Gibbon, when you add my repository, you get the following message: please insert the disc labeled 'Kubuntu 7.10 _Gusty Gibbon_ - Release i386' in the drive  '/cdrom/' and press enter02:48
gogetaPelo everytime you install vista god kills a kitten everytime you install linux a kitten lives02:48
Home-User_Pelo, send a PM to me02:48
_ebirtaidtgelter: transmission or deluge02:48
aibwhat does the ubuntu disc have to do with my repository?02:48
Home-User_And i'll show you the error02:48
munk_BADKITTY: Yup, LjL got it02:48
PeloHome-User_,  upgrades are not 100% reliable ,  if you get a ms like this I would suggest you back up your data and clean install02:48
PeloHome-User_,  I don'T do pm , sorry02:49
tgelter_ebirtaid: those are GUI apps..unless they can be run on the command line as well...02:49
|neon|i'm having a strange issue i can use my computer for hours almost an entire day as i do sometimes and it works  great, if i leave it on for some reason it will reboot after a while  is there is anything i can do?02:49
Home-User_This is the 2nd time the PC had to be reinstalled.02:49
druggistquestion about netowrking02:49
Home-User_So there's no solution to it eh?02:49
druggisti need to uninstall madwifi drivers02:49
_ebirtaidyou didnt specify cli ;p02:49
druggisthow do i do it02:49
BADKITTY|neon|: Perhaps your cpu is overheating is it an older tower or a laptop?02:49
tgelter_ebirtaid: I did...reread..02:50
druggisti typed .madwifi-unload.bash but it says wlan_scan+sta is in use02:50
BADKITTYdruggist: did you look in synaptic?02:50
_ebirtaidahhh my bad02:50
ihope_Is ulimit -Hu 20 supposed to set the current terminal's hard process limit to 20? It gives the message "bash: ulimit: max user processes: cannot modify limit: Invalid argument" and does nothing.02:50
BADKITTYdruggist: eh nm02:50
tgelterso does anyone know of a cli torrent client that supports selecting parts of a torrent to download?02:50
rocketsAnybody know where plugins go for firefox 3 (NOT extensions, plugins)02:50
druggistdo what?02:51
pganneon: have you seen it reboot?02:51
|neon|BADKITTY: water cooled rig02:51
Pelorockets, probablay in ~/.mozilla/...02:51
rocketsPelo, Yes, I looked there.02:51
|neon|besides it works great while i am using it no matter how long02:51
BADKITTY|neon|: OIC well that shouldn't be the problem then ... how is the hard drive?? New / old .. good condition?02:52
gogeta|neon| lol water cooled no wonder why its a overclocked unstable02:52
|neon|sunday i was on it for almost 9 hours without a hitch , i lefted unattended for about an hour and it rebooted02:52
BADKITTYdruggist: I think Im on crack.. the drivers wouldn't be showing in synaptic would they?02:53
gogeta|neon| well i told ya why when you overclock you lose stabilty and have heat isues02:53
gogeta|neon| and reduce your prossers life by a larg amount02:53
gogeta|neon| next time dont be so cheap just buy a faster prosser02:54
progvbwho does know about CSS??02:54
BADKITTYWhat is the best media player for ubuntu?02:54
stgmavrick_ebirtaid: is it not possible to desktop items over top of conky?02:54
|neon|you aremissing my point it was an overheating issue it will do it while i use it like i mentioned sunday for 9 hhhrs straight it reboots when i am not using the computer within a few minutes of not using it02:54
LjL!best > BADKITTY    (BADKITTY, see the private message from Ubotu)02:54
gogeta|neon| well your prossers overclock i whont be suprised if it dies soon02:54
BADKITTYLjL: alright well popular then...02:55
RiMHELP ANYONE HELP  I suddenly lost my gnome desktop, when I boot up I get an xfe desktop. The last thing I did to the system was update it.02:55
_ebirtaidfn'stgmavrick: what do you mean?02:55
LjLBADKITTY: popular as in "hey, you 1156 people in this channel, tell me all what you're using for a media player"?02:55
phaedraRiM, Check the default in the login...02:55
gogetaRiM just go to session on your login screen and sitch it back to gnome02:55
progvbwho does know about CSS??02:55
|neon|gogeta: you keep refering to my cpu been oveclcok but have not adress my question, my temps are well within limits trust me on that one02:55
_ebirtaidljl whats with the floddbots02:55
BADKITTYLjL: sure .. are y ou trying to make my day more miserable then it already was?02:55
LjL_ebirtaid: they're fine. they're a test.02:56
stgmavrick_ebirtaid:  i have a file on my desktop i tried to drag over top of my conky read out...the file went behind conky and i wasnt able to see the file anymore02:56
gogeta|neon| ill repeate your cpu is now unstabl02:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i686 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 386 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 686 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pentium3 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:56
PeloDRtuxthepenguin, what do you need to know ?02:56
jrib!msgthebot | DRtuxthepenguin02:56
ubotuDRtuxthepenguin: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.02:56
gogeta|neon| you get all kinds of weardness when you mess with them02:56
_ebirtaidfn'stgmavrick: ah, yea conky uses pseudo transparency so it will do that02:56
gogeta|neon| isue = hardware02:57
_ebirtaidyou may want to try messing with own window settings it may help02:57
stgmavrick_ebirtaid:  bummer02:57
DRtuxthepenguinPelo: is ubuntu optimized for pentium 302:57
ridgei'm looking for a good editor for Python....i don't like IDLE....02:57
PeloDRtuxthepenguin, usg the i386 version02:57
pganHi - my eth0 connection does not come up automatically; I have to run dhclient when I log in.  /var/log/syslog says NetowrkManager disables it: http://pastebin.com/m65148fa0  Ideas anyone?02:57
Peloridge,  ask in #python for their opinion02:57
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:57
BADKITTYLjL: I'm looking for something like Amarok but less KDEish02:58
ridgePelo: i don't know how to join #python.....irc is saying that i need to be identified, or something like that02:58
phaedrapgan, Run network-manager and re-enable it.02:58
LjL!info exaile > BADKITTY02:58
_ebirtaidbadkitty: exaile02:58
Pelopgan,  you might be able to chagne the default in menu > sytem >admin > network02:58
_ebirtaidha beat you02:58
|neon|i agree oc'ing the cpu can create issues if i used the computer for 9 hrs withouit a hicup and then when i do not touch the keyboard for any number of minutes it reboots itself and this can be replicated as i found out the computer had rebooted today then i used it for about 2 hrs nothing happened , then i went away for about 1/2 hr to when i returned the computer had rebooted since then almost 302:58
LjL_ebirtaid: not on my screen.02:58
BADKITTYebirtaid: exaile vs . rhythmbox is it??02:58
_ebirtaidwack ljl02:59
Peloridge, type  /nickserv help register for info on registering, then you will be able to join02:59
JeffDsince my notebook went on battery power, my external drives are mounted with umask 077; how to fix?02:59
_ebirtaidbadkitty how do you mean02:59
ridgePelo, thank you :)02:59
gogeta|neon| thats called being unstable wile idle02:59
JeffDone of these drives is my mail store, so now Thunderbird won't work02:59
BADKITTY_ebirtaid: what are the differences? and I was asking if that was the name of one .. rhythmbox?02:59
gogeta|neon| overclocking weardness can be anywhere03:00
pganphaedra: re-run it once?  Is that supposed to make it connect by default?03:00
_ebirtaidrythmbox is a gnome media player, yes; exaile is also just more amarok-ish03:00
_ebirtaidI dont use either personally03:00
pganpelo: the default is now roaming mode.  What should it be?03:00
PeloJeffD,  changing power source shold not affect your fstab settings,  see if you have a backup of yoru fstab file and try restoring it03:00
BADKITTY_ebirtaid: what do you use?03:00
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Pelopgan, I'm not an expert but try jsut setting it to eth1 which is the one you want I beleive03:01
BADKITTY_ebirtaid: any reason?03:01
=== ridge is now known as ginger
_ebirtaidwhen I log out of x it still plays03:01
gogeta|neon| i would look up your prosser spechs on all the weardness you get wile overclocking03:01
gogeta|neon| thats where you will find a fix03:01
RiMI tried switching users, and I tried logging out and relogging on. I did not see any option to switch back to gnome, or for that matter any option at all pertaining to logins03:01
pipegeekthe noscript plugin package in gutsy depends on iceweasel, rather than firefox, and so won't install.03:01
Pelopgan,  is this an upgrade to gutsy ?  I know I had to redo my network config because it ddint, import properly , you might want to consider doing that if you upgraded03:01
pipegeekthat seems silly.03:02
RiMIs there a command to switch from a terminal?03:02
aibwhy does Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon have a line in /etc/apt/sources.list that causes it to look for packages in the installation CD by default?!03:02
pganPelo: thanks.  Perhaps you can compare with yours.03:02
BADKITTY_ebirtaid: ahh I see.. is that the main reason? I can't see myself spending so much time on this box outside of X03:02
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JeffDPelo: apparently it's hotplug rather than fstab-related - any ideas? fstab has nothing about the external drives03:02
Pelopgan, I jsut have a basic dsl connection, nothing you can realy compare with03:02
|neon|gogeta: i will do this again tonight , i will boot into windows and run prime 95 on all 4 cores and i guarantee you tomorrow morning when i get up the computer will have not rebooted then i will let it sit all day at idle while on windows and again it will not reboot , now i am not saying windows is better i am jsut saying that maybe i am missing something03:02
phaedrapgan, No, you run it to set eth0 back up.  System>Administration>Network03:02
tatterdemalianWhy does avahi keep stealing my IPv4 protocol? For that matter, HOW does it keep stealing it?03:02
ToddEDMhey, any of you guys notice that since installing Ubuntu on a laptop, that the screen is not as bright as it was in XP?03:02
_ebirtaidbadkitty:  it also has an mpd extension and command line controls which is nice for me03:02
r00723r0how do i set a download speed limit in rtorrent?03:02
_ebirtaidI dont need a gui for my music player its just preference03:02
pganPelo, me too.03:02
PeloJeffD, sorry I don't know , maybe change the drive owner ?03:02
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:02
gogeta|neon| unstable wile idel03:02
JeffDPelo: how?03:03
gogeta|neon| if you keep it busy it whont reboot03:03
_ebirtaiderrr conky extension03:03
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:03
|neon|gogeta: i been doing this for a while trust me is not hardware related03:03
gogeta|neon| windows normaly always has something taxing it a bit03:03
Pelopgan,  I though you were wifi ? just redo your  pppoecomf then and reenter your data03:03
adorablepuppy:) That bot is useful.03:03
pganPelo and phaedra: Under the Network Settings dialog, I have a wired connection and a modem connection...03:03
PeloJeffD,  sudo chown /dev/whatever  user:user I think03:03
JeffDPelo: oh, yeah. (*thwack*). Let me check03:04
xyyzzzHow do I zip something from the command line?03:04
gogeta|neon| its in the power managment i would assume03:04
Pelopgan,  should be in wired, if you donT' have a wifi just uncheck the roaming setting you don'T need it03:04
BADKITTY_ebirtaid: do you know if exaile requires mysql?03:04
phaedrapgan, It's the wired...03:04
pganPelo, I tried that, but NetworkManager still starts up03:04
gogeta|neon| trys to shutdown the prosser to save power sence its doing knothing and couses it to mess up03:04
|neon|gogeta: i unistalled the powernowd already03:04
ToddEDMany of you guys notice that since installing Ubuntu on a laptop, that the screen is not as bright as it was in XP?03:05
gogeta|neon| turn same feature on windows bet it will rebooot03:05
JeffDPelo: currently set uid root and gid plugdev; is that what it should be?03:05
Pelopgan,  network manager must start,  it's jsut starting wrong03:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about brightness - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:05
gogeta|neon| linux uses more then powernow03:05
gogeta|neon| it also uses acpi03:05
pganphaedra: under the Wired properties, I have roaming mode enabled03:05
gogeta|neon| and apm03:05
PeloJeffD, that's a bit over my head03:05
|neon|gogeta: now we are getting to my question03:05
_ebirtaidbadkitty: dunno03:05
|neon|how can i turn those off03:05
phaedrapgan, Do you have the wireless icon in the top right of the screen?03:06
gogeta|neon| boot commands03:06
JeffDwhoever was asking about brightness - yes, it did that for me the first time, too; use your Fn keys to adjust and it should stay adjusted after you reboot03:06
gogeta|neon| acpi=off apm=off noapic03:06
pganphaedra: no, I don't have a wireless card either03:06
JeffDthanks anyway, all.....03:06
gogetalinux will have no power mangment03:06
xyyzzzWhat command do you use to zip something from the command line? Which man page should I be reading?03:06
Peloxyyzzz, man tar03:06
xyyzzzPelo, thanks, will read that now =+)03:07
|neon|gogeta: will try that once i do some reading on them and see i will 1st try regular speeds on the cpu+memory before i go turning off stuff03:07
gogeta|neon| just add em to grub03:07
Peloxyyzzz,  there is also a man zip03:07
fiveironanyone know why modprobe would say a module isnt found even after i successfully do a "insmod" on it, and lsmod shows that it is loaded?03:07
pganPelo: when I disable roaming mode, it NetworkManager still starts and disables eth0.03:07
phaedrapgan, Okay...  Can you bring up the network settings manager and select the wired connection then click on properties?03:07
Pelofiveiron, spelling mistake ?03:07
fiveironPelo, nope03:08
gogeta|neon| well it seems your overclock cant go idel without crashing03:08
fiveironI can screenshot the entire process for you03:08
tatterdemalianCan anyone help me? I tried asking on #avahi, and they just told me "Ubuntu sucks, use FreeBSD instead"03:08
fiveironif you'd like03:08
RiMHELP I lost my gnome screen, do not know how. IN response to a prior questio n I tried to get it back by switching users but it did not work, neither did logging out/backin and neither did a reboot. Does anyone know the terminal command to start up gnome? I know there was one in redhat, don't remember it and don't know it it exists in ubuntu03:08
gogeta|neon| probly stable at normel modes03:08
pganphaedra: OK, Network Settingss manager is up, selected "wired connection" and Properties button03:08
|neon|gogeta: it is a possibility that's why i will try running nnormal speeds for a while and see how it behaves03:09
PeloRiM, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start ?03:09
BADKITTYWhat is the package that allows ubuntu to access stuff on NTFS partitions03:09
PeloBADKITTY, ntfs-3g03:09
phaedrapgan, Deselect the Enable roaming mode03:09
BADKITTYPelo: Does Gutsy come packaged with it already?03:09
LjL!ntfs-3g > BADKITTY    (BADKITTY, see the private message from Ubotu)03:09
pganthen selecting Configuration: Automatic (DHCP)03:10
aibwhy does Gibbon keep have `cdrom' as a source of packages after installation? how many people keep the CD in after installation?03:10
BADKITTYthanks LjL03:10
PeloBADKITTY, gutsy is suppose to read/write ntfs by default out of the box, but I upgraded so I can'T verify03:10
desertcaib: people in poor countries03:10
phaedrapgan, Under connection properties use the pulldown to select dhcp.03:10
tatterdemalianIs Gutsy suffering from the same avahi bug Edgy had? If so, why can't I remove it without making my system crash?03:10
tonytthas anyone encountered a problum installing ubuntu with a particualar ati video card ?03:10
stgmavrick_ebirtaid:  hey what does it mean if i want "conky to be forked in the background"?03:10
gogeta|neon| linux behaves drffrently in windows so just couse overclocking is stable in windows dosent mean it will be in linux03:11
Peloaib, I keep the dvd in, it saves on bandwith when I install progs I don'T never tried before03:11
tatterdemalianPelo: Mine did OTB03:11
gogeta|neon| nature of the trade03:11
Pelotatterdemalian, thanks for comfirming03:11
=== _ebirtaid is now known as ebirtaid
gnychiscan somebody help me with a problem pertaining to a apt-get install -f error? http://rafb.net/p/6YQCeK50.html ... i would greatly appreciate it, as it is blocking the installation of any packages03:11
aibwhere do I complain about this behavior?03:11
softoninoxhowto repair file mail.log?03:12
phaedrapgan, connection settings rather...03:12
|neon|gogeta: since i am new to linux i will take that to face value :) and run the system at stock speeds for a while instead of oc'ed03:12
techie.net 666703:12
RiM_HELP Again I lost my gnome interface I tried starting it via the terminal, received a message telling me it was stsrting up, then nothing. Even lost my irc connection and had to reconnect03:12
tatterdemalianIt did fine transferring files from a Vista partition, which is the latest NTFS version03:12
NightDragonHello, i am trying to enable 3d Acceleration (and more importanlty, compiz-fusion) on ubuntu gutsy, and i went through the tutorial on how to do it , did all the steps, still doesnt work. I own an Radeon mobility M6 LY, and my machine is a Sony Vaio PCG-Z1VA. any help? :)03:12
ToddEDMany of you guys notice that since installing Ubuntu on a laptop, that the screen is not as bright as it was in XP?03:12
Peloaib, what behavior ? if you donT' like the cd used as a source jsut remove it from the source list,  menu > sytem < admin> sofware sources, uncheck it on the first tab03:12
gogeta|neon| but the 3 commands i gave you for for adding to grub kills the power managment meaning the prosser will run at full power at al times03:13
BADKITTYNightDragon: What is it doing / not doing?03:13
Pelog'night folks03:13
BADKITTYPelo: night.. thanks03:13
gogeta|neon| linux acully will clock down a prosser via softwhere to save power03:13
softoninoxHello, howto repair file mail.log?03:13
sfearsi had problems on my gateway laptop after i installed ubuntu.. it would shut down becuase it was too hot03:13
gogeta|neon| i bet that overclock doesent like that at all03:13
tatterdemalianToddEDM: Not really, but I came in from Vista... screen seems mighty bright to me, maybe it's an acpi problem?03:13
NightDragonbadkitty: it wont enable "extra visual effects"03:14
scguy318sfears: is it actually really hot or is it misreading the temperature sensor(s)?03:14
pganhitting OK and closing03:14
sfearsreally hot03:14
BADKITTYNightDragon: Did you install the package already?03:14
sfearsburn my leg hot03:14
scguy318sfears: ah, probably some fans aren't getting turned on or ze daemons03:14
BADKITTYHey sfears :-P03:14
scguy318or CPU scalin03:14
|neon|gogeta: thx for the great info i will do some reading and try a few of the things you suggested03:14
sfearshello BADKITTY03:14
NightDragoni followed what was in that tutorial on the advice of you guys.03:14
tatterdemalianMy laptop does do some funny things, like not dim the screen on battery power when I tell it to...03:14
NightDragonwhen i try to hit the "extra" radio button on visual effects, the following error occurs:03:15
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NightDragon"Desktop effects could not be enabled"03:15
tatterdemalianAnd, of course, randomly disconnects me from the internet when avahi steals my IPv4 protocol, and nobody believes me when I tell them about it03:15
YouKnowMeI can't get any sound to play from kmid, other sounds work, but not kmid even though it says it is playing. Help?03:16
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BADKITTYNightDragon .. did you ever do this: sudo aptitude install compizconfig-settings-manager03:16
gogeta|neon| well if i rember overclock its a incrase in power cpu scaling is probly gonna conflict03:16
tatterdemalianNightDragon: That happens if you can't use 3d hardware acceleration... I had that problem until I installed the restricted nVidia drivers03:17
sn00zeranyone know how to tell aptitude that packages are not unused and stop trying to remove them?03:17
pganphaedra: After I disanled roaming mode, my connection died.  I had to run dhclient to re-connect.  The /var/log/syslog output is at http://pastebin.com/m635c607103:17
BADKITTYNightDragon: Have you tested to see if your 3d acceleration is wkg?03:17
NightDragonworks fine on windows03:17
NightDragon(dual boot)03:17
amjadwhy can not i configure my network in gutsy gibibon, even though i am root03:17
BADKITTYNightDragon: I'm guessing it's something to do with not having the restricted drivers...03:18
amjadit says HAL initlization failed03:18
ebirtaidamjad: error?03:18
desertcYouKnowMe: Talk with the kmid people yet?03:18
ebirtaidis hal enabled?03:18
tatterdemalianamjad: I don't know much yet, but that sounds bad03:18
NightDragonwhat kind of restricted drivers?03:18
BADKITTYThe restricted drivers for your video card03:18
NightDragonyeah ususally any error with "HAL" in it is realyl bad03:18
NightDragondont know where to get them03:19
tatterdemalianHAL is the interface to the hardware... if that goes down, odds are you can't use critical parts of your machine03:19
phaedrapgan, Yes...  you'll need to also set the connection properties to dhcp too.  If you do that you can restart the net with 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart'03:19
BADKITTYNightDragon: What kind of card do you have? ATI?03:19
|neon|gogeta: i am running a Q6600 2.4 stock at 3.9 memory also oc'ed just slightly the entire rig is water cooled , while that does not guarantee anything i regularly rn stress test to make sure components are not degrading hard to really tell but at least doing so gives me an indication now i am quite familiar with the windows works but not so familiar with linux tho i am learning03:19
NightDragonati mobility M603:20
BADKITTYNightDragon: System-Administration-Restricted Drivers Management03:20
markjameshow do I burn an ISO DVD via the command line?03:20
tatterdemalianRestricted drivers are drivers that aren't open-source... usually hacked or reverse-engineered Windows drivers03:21
orlandhow to change thunar font in fluxbox ?03:21
gogeta|neon| well its probly in the linux power managment unfortanly its just not all that great disabling it should allow the overclock to avoideing cloiiding with the cpu scaling03:21
perrakoAnyone know what packages to use for DVD- Audio playback in linux?03:21
pganphaedra: isnt' the /etc/init.d script supposed to be run automatically when I start up?03:21
BADKITTYtatterdemalian: What kind of nvidia card do you have? I never had problems getting mine to work right03:21
gogeta|neon| at normal sppeds there shoudent be a issue03:21
NightDragontheres nothing that is realted into the display driver in there03:21
tatterdemalianBADKITTY: Geforce Go 610003:21
|neon|brb wanna try something03:21
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buliohow do I burn an ISO DVD via the command line?03:22
BADKITTYtatterdemalian: hmm strange.. there has always been good nvidia support ... wonder if it is just the go series that wasn't included03:22
phaedrapgan, This script is the network startup and yes it does, but when you change these settings you need to restart the net for the settings to take hold.  You don't need to reboot ala-windows.03:22
pganphaedra: now that roaming is disabled and dhcp selected, I'll restart and see if the connection comes up automatically.  Right?03:22
BADKITTYNightDragon: Do a google search for something like ubuntu ATI restricted driver03:23
phaedrapgan, No...  just use the networking script...03:23
tatterdemalianBADKITTY: Oh, the restricted driver works fine, I just had to tell Ubuntu to install and use it first... it doesn't, out of the box, due to the licensing issues03:23
phaedrapgan, Or you can reboot to test...03:23
pganphaedra: my initial problem was that the connection does not come up automatically when I start up.  That's the problem I want to solve03:23
orlandhow to change thunar font in fluxbox ?03:23
phaedrapgan, Okay...  Go ahead and reboot then.03:23
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:23
BADKITTYtatterdemalian: Oh yeah ok of course!03:23
tatterdemalianNightDragon: There may not be one, if it's a brand shiny new card. Hacking and reverse enginnering takes time, and obviously ATI isn't going to lift a finger to help03:24
mavi-actually amd/ati released their specs and are collaborating on a driver or two iirc03:26
BADKITTYNightDragon: try glxgears in a terminal03:26
carl_hey guys, hello, I want to install ubuntu on hp desktop computer, I was conected through USB conection, so, will ubuntu conect to internet automaticaly , my computer doesn't have a ethernet conection.03:26
desertcmavi-: correct.  the 2d driver is already out03:26
NightDragonguys my machine is from 200303:26
tatterdemalianmavi-: Cool... wonder if that includes NightDragon's card?03:26
NightDragonand its a popular card, if a whole forum tut was written on it03:26
desertccarl_: I believe so.03:27
NightDragoni just am total linux noobishness03:27
phaedracarl_, Is there a usb networking card on the usb port?03:27
tatterdemalianNightDragon: Okay, didn't know that... I don't keep up on graphics card news like I used to03:27
BADKITTYcarl_: yeah i think it should depending on the card ... do you have the iso downloaded?03:27
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NightDragonits all good...03:27
BADKITTYNightDragon: try typing glxgears in a terminal and tell me if it runs03:27
tatterdemalianI grabbed the reins after going a thousand dollars into debt buying six cards in the space of about a month03:28
carl_phaedra, there is not, mi modem is a device outside, and it is conected throght USB only03:28
tatterdemalianBack when Voodoo was still around03:28
Vovkhey, is there a way that I can set an alarm on my computer to wake me up at 6:40 by playing a song? assuming the computer is on and logged in to my account03:28
NightDragonglx gears = displays some gears03:28
desertcvovk: cron03:28
Vovkdesertc: please explain? :)03:29
carl_phaedra, conection will be detected automaticaly or I have to do something ?03:29
desertcvovk: please google.  :)03:29
NightDragonlol tatter... poor 3dfx.. voodoo wasnt half bad back in the day03:29
scguy318Vovk: yep, add something to your cron :P03:29
jmolek28i was trying to install ubuntu today and my cd drive stopped working.. has this happened to anyone else?03:29
Vovkdesertc: fair enough :)03:29
jmolek28the drive worked fine until the live cd03:29
BADKITTYNightDragon: Ok hold on I gotta see how to output info into a window to test how well its wkg03:29
tatterdemalianBADKITTY: Uh, it might just run... but at about one frame every ten seconds, and bring the system to its knees in the process03:29
desertcjmolek28: did you check the integrity?03:30
phaedracarl_, Okay...  that might pose a problem.  Your best bet is to check to see if the usb modem is supported or just boot the livecd to see if it is recognized.03:30
BADKITTYtatterdemalian: Yeah thats why i wanna see the specs03:30
phaedracarl_, Boot the cd and try lsusb from a terminal after you login.03:30
CryoniqAnyone been able to access a shared folder with bluetooth from a mobile phone? Like.. I connect from my mobile phone, get a directory in it from my computer where I can choose files to download from it?03:30
tatterdemalianI found that out too, since the first thing I did was play with the screensavers... OpenGL is more willing to do software rendering than I am to wait for it03:31
carl_phaedra, I was reading a paper, in wich I think it is needed to load any module :(03:31
Vovknew question... is there a GUI for cron? I just need to do it tonight and I would prefer not taking an hour or so to learn how to do it... (although I will if need be)03:31
phaedracarl_, What brand of modem is this?03:31
billeniumi want to copy and paste soemthing to lib, how do i do this?03:31
CryoniqAll features I found out so far is to send from phone, send to phone or browse phones memory from computer.. but not browse a specified directory ON my computer from my mobile phone over bluetooth...03:31
carl_phaedra: 2WIRE INFINITUM telmex,03:32
CryoniqIf anyone know if this is possible and if there is a solution it would be great..03:32
tatterdemalianI thought I had crashed the system when I first previewed Solarwinds03:33
desertcvovk: no03:33
carl_phaedra, it has two conection, one for ethernet conection (this I ocupy for my laptop) and one USB for my desktop computer from windows03:33
BADKITTYtatterdemalien: haha03:33
desertcvovk: it's not complex -- you should learn it03:33
phaedracarl_, I found a link but it's in spanish...  You want it?03:34
BADKITTYI have a second HD that isn't auto mounting, and I don't know if I am seeing it at all in linux .. any help?03:34
Vovkdesertc: ok then :)03:34
carl_phaedra, I speak spanish :D03:34
carl_phaedra, could you give it to me ?03:35
sizzamhow do i control the resolution that is displayed when i go into CTRL+ALT+F1?  Im on a widescreen laptop and the screen is cut off when i go into that terminal screen03:35
tatterdemalianBADKITTY: Have you looked in the Hardware Informatin for it?03:35
nightdragon_its me again03:35
shirishhi guys, does anybody know of some good project management systems/PMS they can tell me?03:35
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tatterdemaliannightdragon_: I knew it was gonna crash03:35
BADKITTYnightdragon: THis time let gears run and tell me how many fps you are seeing03:35
nightdragon_badkitty: sorry, i tried to enable desktop effects and it crashed, lol03:35
phaedracarl_ Okay ;)  Si esta aqui...  http://www.ubuntu-es.org/index.php?q=node/6759603:35
carl_phaedra, ok thanks man.03:35
jmolek28is there a way to install ubuntu from a usb drive?03:36
phaedracarl_,  np...03:36
desertcjmolek28: yes03:36
desertcjmolek28: sorry, *from* a usb drive.  I'm not sure, never heard of that03:36
tatterdemalianjmolek: Wow. Maybe if your BIOS will let you boot from USB03:36
Vovkyou're right, it's not very hard at all.   I see how to set it to run on a single day in a week, but how can I get it to run every day except for the weekends (without writing all the stuff over 5 times?)03:36
BADKITTYtatterdemalian: looking ... dont see it .. its a new 500 gig drive...03:36
tatterdemalianBADKITTY: If you don't see it, Ubuntu isn't recognizing it... dunno what else to say03:37
pganphaedra: My eth0 network still did not come up after I rebooted.  Roaming mode is still disabled and DHCP is enabled in Network Settings.  The messages in /var/log/syslog are at http://pastebin.com/d45d5c2b903:37
Vovkone more question about cron, does the week start on monday or sunday for the day of the week setting?03:38
dfcarneyBADKITTY: do you see any related messages when you type 'dmesg' ?03:38
nightdragon_is there seriously 1135 users in this channel? jeez03:38
pganWhat seems strange to me is the message "NetworkManager: <information>^IDeactivating device eth0."03:38
dfcarneyBADKITTY: also (and I'm sorry if you already answered this), but do you have another OS installed that can see the disk (i.e. Windows)?  Do you know if it works at all?03:40
BADKITTYdfcarney: This is a whole bunch of output: I didn't see any msg... I do have a xp installation that can see the drive fine03:41
BADKITTYnightdragon: How many fps are you getting in glxgears?03:41
phaedrapgan, check /etc/network/interfaces for the card...  I see it's a xircom.  I have a Thinkpad too but I use wireless only now.03:41
jimjamIs there a way to mount NTFS partitions in fstab such that I have continual RW permissions?03:41
dfcarneyBADKITTY: is it connected via USB, by SATA, or IDE?03:41
nichoscan anyone tell me where the config file is for grdesktop?03:42
sarswhere can I find example for conforming of  apache2.2.6+tomcat6.0.14 ?03:42
nichosits not in the documentation03:42
BADKITTYdfcarney: I have both the installation drive and the second drive using Sata: I also have two USB drives that do show up (when they are plugged in) and a third SATA that is sitting doing nothing cause my board only has 2 sata ports03:43
sarswho can  give me the url for my need03:43
pganphaedra: Yes, it's a xircom.  /etc/network/interfaces includes the lines "iface eth0 inet dhcp" and "auto eth0"03:43
nightdragon_badkitty: like 800 or so03:43
dfcarneyand both the SATA drives are on the same controller?  hmmm...03:43
Vovkok... some questions about crontab03:43
nightdragon_nope... 19703:43
VovkDo I have to run sudo in front of crontab -e? what day of the week does it start on? do I have to do anything besides edit the file?03:44
dfcarneyBADKITTY: type something like "dmesg | grep sd" and browse the output to see if the second drive shows up in the messages03:44
BADKITTYnightdragon - yeah I doubt you have the correct drivers ..mine is outputting atleast 2000 - 350003:44
pganphaedra: I have a Thinkpad A21m which does not have a network card, and I can't find a PCMCIA one that works with Linux.  But that's another issue.03:44
dfcarneyBADKITTY: you should see entries for sda, sdb, etc... for each disk (if they're detected)03:44
tatterdemalianHow many letters are allowed in freenode quit messages?03:45
scguy318pgan: if that PCMCIA card doesn't have a native Linux driver try ndiswrapper03:45
BADKITTYdfcarney: I think I see it as sdb, its the only one with 500 gigs ...03:45
dfcarneyBADKITTY: so the kernel sees it03:46
dfcarneyBADKITTY: that's good.  is it listed in /proc/scsi/scsi?03:46
nightdragon_badkitty: how to fix?03:46
sfearsi wish linksys would just get with it and have linux drivers... bastards03:46
BADKITTYnightdragon: hang on bud..03:47
brokenIs it like possible that software won't work after building a computer.03:47
dfcarneyBADKITTY: if so, type 'cat /proc/partitions' to see if the partition table on the disk is recognized03:47
sfearswhat about internal wireless network, i have it on my laptop, but i have no idea how to work it, anyone know where i should start?03:47
brokenIt seems eveyrthing is just dieing03:47
pganscguy318: it doesn't work too well with ndiswrapper either.03:48
BADKITTYdfcarney: I think it is in there, how do I use cat?03:48
jordanis it possible to use compiz in gutsy with ATI drivers (fglrx)?03:48
BADKITTYoh I mistyped no wonder03:48
pganscguy318: I wish I could just buy something that has Linux drivers :-/03:49
sfearswhat does the cat command stand for?03:49
BADKITTY   8    16  488386584 sdb03:49
BADKITTY   8    17  488384001 sdb103:49
BADKITTY   8    16  488386584 sdb03:49
BADKITTY   8    17  488384001 sdb103:49
dfcarneysfears: concatenate03:49
BADKITTYSorry for that03:49
pgansfears: open a terminal and type "man cat"03:49
tomd123does anyone know of a utility for linux so i can transfer mp3's into my ipod?03:49
phaedrapgan, there are plenty of pcmcia cards that work in linux...  I use a trendnet on my thinkpad with 7.04...  the interfaces file is fine.  I think it might be the xircom...  dmesg reports that 'xircom_cb' doesn't support carrier detection.03:49
dfcarneyBADKITTY: (don't paste output to the forum).  anyhow, looks like the partition is there03:49
sfearsif this was scrabble i'd make you look that word up03:50
scguy318sfears: concatenate03:50
BADKITTYdfcarney: I know thats why i siad sorry.. i figure 2 lines max is ok03:50
phaedrapgan, It looks like it's the driver...03:50
dfcarneyBADKITTY: you'll want to try something like "sudo mount -t <filesystem type> /dev/sdb1 /media/disk"03:50
duvnellubuntu doesn't use sysv init.. what do you call what it does use?  I wanted to read up on it03:50
BADKITTYtomd123: cli or graphical?03:50
dfcarneyBADKITTY: make sure that "/media/disk" exists and isn't used by something else03:50
scguy318duvnell: Upstart I think03:51
tatterdemalianHow do I get avahi to leave mt wlan0 interface alone?03:51
dfcarneyBADKITTY: it can be any directory -- you just need a mount point03:51
pganphaedra: I saw that message... so the driver does not support it, eh?  But can't I stop NetworkManager from disabling the connection?03:51
tomd123badkitty: graphical03:51
dfcarneyBADKITTY: is it ntfs?03:51
pganphaedra: and supposedly your xircom card worked as expected  - connection was up when you boot?03:51
pganphaedra: perhaps if I upgrade to gutsy?03:52
BADKITTYdfcarney: Yeah it should be.. thats how I remember formatting it03:52
dfcarneyBADKITTY: so you'll want to use "sudo mount -t ntfs ..."03:52
cubedsiif anyone is using X.org to disply multi screens or devices on ubuntu could you pastebin me your xorg.conf03:52
BADKITTYtomd123: Umm doesn't rhythmbox have ipod ability?03:52
dfcarneyBADKITTY: that'll give you read-only access.  for read-write, you'll want to read up on ntfs-3g03:52
cubedsii mean multi-x or dual head display03:52
BADKITTYdfcarney: it didn't work it said no such file ... FUSE mount point creation failed03:53
BADKITTYcubedsi: sure.. can you gimme a minute03:53
tomd123badkitty: will it let me transfer files to my ipod?03:53
tjsG'day, I'm running the latest release, I've installed xfonts-jmk to get the 'neep' font for my terminal, I've run sudo fc-cache -f -v  to update the cache, its still not available as a font to gnome-terminal, nor is it appearing in fonts:/// from nautilus03:53
cubedsiyeah, YES TY!03:53
Evanlecanyone here got hackintosh running? ;p03:53
Jupp2Evanlec, yes03:53
sfearsnope.. but i saw the video yesterday, looks cool03:53
EvanlecJupp2, yea?03:53
dfcarneyBADKITTY: so create the directory first with "sudo mkdir /media/disk"03:53
BADKITTYtomd123: I really think so.. google rhythmbox ubuntu and read the abilities. its either that one or  ....03:54
EvanlecJupp2, i just got a Leopard disc03:54
kutahow to update kubuntu manaually03:54
Jupp2Evanlec, retail?03:54
EvanlecJupp2, i pop it in my drive and it comes up as "bootcamp"03:54
BADKITTYdfcarney: Oh did I not pay attention when you said it had to exist already?03:54
EvanlecJupp2, not sure, my stepmother got it from apple in the mail...03:54
phaedrapgan, My eth0 always worked it's just the modem section that always gave me trouble.  7.10 might be better...  The drivers are all up to date.03:54
dfcarneyBADKITTY: hehe, no, you didn't pay attention :)03:54
cubedsiwhat is hackint0sh?03:54
sfearsi guess it wasn't a video.. and at the end it said you have to leave the cd in the drive to boot everytime. is that true?03:54
Jupp2Evanlec, you have to modify it in order to install in a PC03:54
EvanlecJupp2, right, im aware03:54
EvanlecJupp2, but how do u extract the contents off the disc?03:55
EvanlecJupp2, it seems to be hiding the guts from me, all it shows is this bootcamp stuff03:55
Evanleccubedsi, its a patch for mac os 10.5 that lets it run on pc hardware03:55
pganphaedra: Thanks.  I am kinda afraid to upgrade to Gutsy, don't know what will break :-/03:55
Jupp2Evanlec, you really can't modify it in Linux afaik03:55
EvanlecJupp2, what?!?03:56
EvanlecJupp2, what can u modify it in then? windows? lol03:56
cubedsioh nifty hackintosh03:56
multidexhello all03:56
owlinHello. I'm having a problem with Ubuntu. Recently, and I'm not sure why, all the window frames disappeared. Could anyone help me with this?03:56
Jupp2Evanlec,  all the guides I found to modify the disk assumed you had Tiger installed so they explained how to do it under osx03:56
EvanlecJupp2, i see, well she has leopard installed already, can i do it from there/03:57
desertcowlin did you search online yet?03:57
phaedrapgan, I'm running 7.04 on mine...  Haven't gone to 7.10 yet.  You'll probably need to use no acpi to boot it...03:57
owlinNo. But, I more or less want to know if this is a simple bug. Or something serious.03:57
desertcpgan: got space on your driver for another partition?03:58
pganphaedra: why not acpi?  acpi=force works fine up to 7.0403:58
Crozarwhattt issssssss Trac!!!!03:58
BADKITTYcubedsi: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44679/03:58
Crozarmy head will explode going deep into linux~!03:58
Jupp2Evanlec,  if you have leopard already installed then you can follow this guide: http://forum.osx86scene.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=200803:58
JimmytakeoverI am unable to play mkv files with mplayer. how come?03:58
Jack_Sparrowowlin: curious, have you used any scripts to install things...  automatix or others like it..?03:58
ice9__getting upgrade error03:58
Jimmytakeoverits saying cannot connect to socket.03:58
Crozarim so deep that im lost help me what is Trac and what is many other things like evpoint03:58
ice9__from update-manager03:58
owlinI only use synaptic or the terminal to install things.03:58
multidexi messed up my graphic card / monitor settings - I need to boot in low graphics mode, but I set grub to skip the menu of choices, it says hit ESC for menu, but ESC doesn't make it give the menu03:58
Jimmytakeoveralthough i don't see how. plays fine with vlc/movie player03:58
owlinAnd I haven't installed anything recently.03:59
pgandesertc: thanks, I plan to try with another laptop dirve03:59
Jack_Sparrowowlin: HAve you changed repos or added things from outside the repos03:59
owlinNo. I didn't do anything out of the normal listening to music, talking to friends using Pidgin, and using Firefox.03:59
wintubuntuhello everybody...i'm a new to ubuntu...i have a query...could someone please help me out?03:59
BADKITTYdfcarney: cool I got it to mount ... now will it auto mount for me if I were to reboot?03:59
owlinI just started my computer up one day, and saw the window frames missing.04:00
Jupp2wintubuntu, what's your problem?04:00
EvanlecJupp2, thx04:00
desertcpgan: many people have said they had no trouble.  as for me, I recommend backing up your data04:00
BADKITTYcubedsi: Did you find it?04:00
wintubuntui have 2 hard drives a scsi and an ide 1. ubuntu is installed on the scsi 1 along with dual boot xp04:00
tatterdemalianIs there any way I can tell all avahi-related daemons to never ever screw with my wlan0 interface?04:00
Evanlecahhh, what processors support sse3?04:00
Jupp2Evanlec, I recommend that you get some of the iso floating around since modifying is not an easy task04:01
phaedrapgan, I just didn't want to force it...  Here's a link to check out.  http://www.nabble.com/IBM-Thinkpad-t4677243.html     there are some others on that site too.04:01
dfcarneyBADKITTY: no.  for that, you need to install it in /etc/fstab04:01
EvanlecJupp2, really? i was gonna grab a torrent, but 6gb is a longgg download04:01
dfcarneyBADKITTY: i just wanted to make sure it would mount04:01
wintubuntuin ubuntu, only the first partition of ide hdd is displayed. if i do a fdisk -l, the other partitions are displayed but not mounted. how do i get ubuntu to mount these automatically?04:01
EvanlecJupp2, n since i knew she was gettin this today, i thot this would be easier04:01
ice9__from update-manager04:01
Jupp2Evanlec, don't get that!! look for the ToH release04:02
MidnighTokerwintubuntu: stop using the return key as punctuation, you dont type fast enough04:02
EvanlecJupp2, on bittorrent?04:02
phaedrapgan, BTW I don't use the no acpi anymore.  7.04 does handle it fine...04:02
dfcarneyBADKITTY: you may want to google for "mounting ntfs in ubuntu" or "mounting windows partition in linux" for a good set of instructions04:02
ice9__using the command do-release-upgrade04:02
Jupp2Evanlec, ues04:02
dfcarneyor, you could type "man fstab" and delve into the technical mumbo jumbo04:02
Jupp2Evanlec, yes04:02
EvanlecJupp2, k04:02
MidnighTokerwintubuntu: you want to add them into /etc/fstab to auto-mount them on boot04:02
Jupp2Evanlec, it fits on a single layer dvd04:02
dfcarneyBADKITTY: or, you could type "man fstab" and delve into the technical mumbo jumbo04:02
Jupp2is SSE2 and SSE3 compatible04:03
multidexHow do I force Grub to offer the list of systems to boot, it says "hit ESC for menu" but ESC doesn't work04:03
BADKITTYdfcarney: Ok I got the basics:  eg ~ man mount ... but yes I would like to figure out how to auto mount it everytime and have write access to it as well04:03
EvanlecJupp2, i found one 4.22gb , 0 seeders tho :(04:03
MidnighTokerJupp2: compatible with what?04:03
Jupp2iEvanlec, iss SSE2 and SSE3 compatible04:03
dfcarneyBADKITTY: then read up on fstab and ntfs-3g04:03
nightdragon_anybody still around?04:03
wintubuntuis there anywhere where i can get a step by step tut 4 this?04:03
Jupp2Evanlec, iss SSE2 and SSE3 compatible04:03
BADKITTYnightdragon: nah04:03
pgantjs: Is neep better than freetype fonts?04:03
EvanlecJupp2, okay04:03
dfcarneyBADKITTY: in fact, if you install ntfs-3g then it may run you through an installer that will set things up for you04:03
MidnighTokerwintubuntu: if you look in /etc/fstab its pretty slef explanitory, or man /etc/fstab04:03
EvanlecJupp2, i found the ToH release on isohunt but 0 seeders04:03
Jupp2Evanlec, I tried modifying my own DVD which I bough on the store and it was a major headache04:04
desertc!ask nightdragon_04:04
tatterdemaliannightdragon_: Sort of, what up?04:04
Jupp2I downloaded mine a couple of days ago, and it works fine04:04
EvanlecJupp2, alright, well thanks for the tip, i kinda just wanted to fool around with it anyway, glad u save me that trouble04:04
ojwhat plugin do i need in order to watch full screen videos on spikedhumor.com ?04:04
dfcarneyBADKITTY: the trick with setting it up in /etc/fstab is that you have to set the mount permissions properly so that you can actually read/write to it04:04
BADKITTYdfcarney: I have gutsy though, it came with it04:04
nightdragon_i'm still having problems getting 3d accelleration to work04:04
wintubuntuthanks every104:04
EvanlecJupp2, can u point me to a good torrent link?04:04
pganphaedra: I have used acpi=force for 6.10 and 7.04 and I get hybernation, but with some problems.  APM never worked for me04:04
MidnighTokerJupp2: Evanlec not wanting to have a go, but a quick pointer about not talking warez in the channel?04:05
dfcarneyBADKITTY: well, typing "dpkg-reconfigure ntfs-3g" may kick-start it (though I'm not certain)04:05
BADKITTYnightdragon: I have no experience with the ati drivers, id like to help more04:05
EvanlecMidnighToker, its not warez...04:05
owlinNevermind. I've fixed it. Strangely it was with the "extra" setting I was using with the more attractive visuals. I hope the bug is fixed soon. Thanks anyone for helping.04:05
MidnighTokerEvanlec: its against the EULA for OSX, unless you own a copy, and its still illigal unless you're using your own media. its hardly kosher04:05
EvanlecMidnighToker, i own a copy and it is my own media04:06
lou_caroline says04:06
EvanlecMidnighToker, im looking at it04:06
phaedrapgan, Okay...  I just searched 7.10 and the xircom is in linux-restricted-modules  check to see if it's in 7.04 - It should be.04:06
menkohi, is it possible to upgrade using the live cd?04:06
EvanlecMidnighToker, its shiny and black and purple with a big X04:06
BADKITTYdfcarney: Well it did something, everything was undercover though so, well see.. atleast I have the basic idea04:06
tatterdemaliannightdragon_: Do a google search for your card and Ubuntu / GNOME / Debian, I really can't tell you anything else04:06
cubedsithanks badkitty04:06
SudoKingwhere can I find the ubuntu login sound? Want to replace KDE login sound with Ubuntu sound...?04:06
MidnighTokerEvanlec: lucky you, my apologies -but the torrent?04:06
menkoSudoKing: try /usr/share/sounds04:06
pganphaedra: thanks, will check04:06
EvanlecMidnighToker, the torrent is to download a patched version of the OS04:07
multidexHow do I boot Gutsy in command-line only?04:07
SudoKingmenko: I don't have Ubuntu04:07
BADKITTYcubedsi: did that work for you  Basically the added line with twinview was almost the only addition I had to make04:07
SudoKingI just want the Ubuntu login sound04:07
adp10390multidex: there should be an option for that in your GRUB menu04:07
scguy318multidex: boot in recovery mode04:07
menkodo you have the cd?04:07
cubedsihaven't tried yet i am bz for a few04:07
phaedrapgan,  you have to search under ltmodem04:07
multidexyes, it doesn't give me the menu, it says hit esc for menu, but that doesn't work04:07
menkohi, is it possible to upgrade using the live cd?04:08
BADKITTYAnyone else have twinview enabled with compiz-fusion??04:08
multidexis there another way to get the menu?04:08
menkofrom 7.04 to 7.1004:08
adp10390multidex: use your install cd to reinstall grub04:08
SudoKingCan't I find a copy of the original Ubuntu login sound online?04:08
BADKITTYmenko: I think you must have the alternative cd04:08
ojhey how do i fix it so i can maximize videos on spikedhumor.com ?04:08
TwoDI'm trying to run svnserve from xinetd, but it refuses to listen on the port..04:08
adp10390multidex: or check your /boot/grub/menu.lst file04:08
menkoI don't have the time or bandwidth to get the alternative, there must be some way to use the live cd04:08
pganphaedra: funnily enough, when I go to System -> Admin -> Restricted drivers manager, I get a message: "your system does not need any restricted drivers"04:08
multidexadp10390: thank you04:09
BADKITTYmenko: alright well I really don't think so04:09
menkowell that's really silly if you ask me04:09
BADKITTYmenko: I didn't make the rules, but yah, kinda silly04:09
phaedrapgan, Hmmm...  It's probably using the 'free' drivers...04:10
phaedrapgan, you can open synaptic and search for ltmodem.04:10
tatterdemalianSudoking: Looking for it now04:11
Pir8What player in ubuntu can play rm files ?04:11
Pir8I do not want to install real player04:11
s00preal player is evil04:11
SudoKingthanks tatterdemalian04:11
pganwith the 7.04 repos, ltmodem does not come up04:11
JairunCalothscreen = pwn :)04:11
tatterdemalianWould be nice if there was a directory that told us which directory these things were stored under...04:12
phaedrapgan,  brb-afk04:12
IanLiuis there a GUI to make GTK applications?04:13
dfcarneytatterdemalian: for what are you searching?04:13
SudoKingtatterdemalian: lol04:13
tatterdemaliandfcarney: The directory Ubuntu system sounds are stored in04:13
dfcarneytatterdemalian: /usr/share/sounds, i'm willing to bet04:14
dfcarneytatterdemalian: if you know part of the filename, you can use "locate" to find it04:14
mcgrewhaving some trouble getting an external hard drive to work, it was working before, but now ubuntu doesnt seem to realize its plugged in.04:14
dfcarneymcgrew: type 'dmesg' after plugging it in to see if there are any status/error messages04:15
IanLiuis there a graphical user interface to make GTK layouts?04:15
tatterdemaliandfcarney: Thanks, that was it04:15
dfcarneytatterdemalian: no problem04:16
Ademanwhee, i gave out 5 cds in 10 minutes04:16
mcgrewddfcarney: alright, I did that, what am I looking for to see if somethings amiss?04:16
pganphaedra: sorry, ltmodem is in the 7.04 repos, but xircom is not listed04:16
brokenCan someone explain to me why ubuntu has set its display on 1280x1024 when this should be 1400x900?04:17
SudoKingtatterdemalian: how do i accept?04:17
dfcarneymcgrew: there's no easy answer to that :)  basically, error messages about a SCSI drive or disk (most likely)04:17
nickrudI'm trying to use networkmanager in automatic mode, along with named nameservers, any pointers?04:17
dfcarneymcgrew: if you plug something in to a USB port then the kernel should detect it and try to deal with it04:17
KalamarenkuCAn I connect to a Windows Xp computer with Ubuntu's RDP?04:17
tatterdemalianSudoking: Uh... your client doesn't show you an accept button?04:17
scguy318Kalamarenku: sure04:17
dfcarneymcgrew: messages about that kind of thing can generally be seen by typing 'dmesg'04:18
druluxDoes X-Chat allow standard mIRC commands?04:18
druluxLike /server -m etc.04:18
SudoKingI have Konversation...and it said [23:16] [DCC] tatterdemalian offers to send you "startup.wav" (1.3 MB)...04:18
druluxI'm new to this thing.04:18
Kalamarenkuscguy318: just by entering the account name and IP address?04:18
mcgrewI dont see any error messages. I get a bunch of info, but nothing that appears to be an error.04:18
KalamarenkuNevermind, I will do my Homework :)04:18
nickruddrulux: no04:18
druluxHow do I connect to multiple servers?04:19
tatterdemalianSudoking: Danged if I know... never used Konversation04:19
tatterdemalianThat worked04:19
SudoKingah, tatterdemalain: it finally opened! yay! thank you so much04:19
tatterdemalianSudoking: No prob, it's not compressed tho04:19
tatterdemalianSudoking: Might want to run it through mp3enc04:20
robert_(gens:11195): Pango-WARNING **: /usr/lib/pango/1.6.0/modules/pango-basic-fc.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6404:20
SudoKingDanged if I know where I put it04:20
robert_what did I do wrong?04:20
robert_I can't get my 32-bit arch support working agin04:20
ikoni need some good tutorials about bash on ubuntu04:20
brokenbash is universal04:21
tatterdemalianrobert_: You need to re-roll your elf, nobody will believe you rolled 20s eight times in a row04:21
billeniumhow do i upgrade to ubuntu 7.10?04:21
tatterdemalianSorry, I couldn't resist that one04:21
BADKITTYikon: You might look for a .pdf of bash04:21
VovkI've got a few questions about cron. I'd like it to run the shell script "alarm" that i've written and placed into my "~/Music/alarm" directory04:21
ikoni need some good tutorials about bash on ubuntu04:21
* robert_ brutally murders tatterdemalian for being an idiot04:21
BADKITTYikon: or some other e-book04:21
VovkI've done this command to test it tonight at 11:20    20 23 * * * /home/mykola/Music/alarm/alarm04:22
mcgrewso I dont see a error message with dmesg, so is there anything else I can do to try and get this external hd to work?04:22
Vovkit didn't work04:22
nickrud!upgrade | billenium04:22
ubotubillenium: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:22
Vovkwhat am I doing wrong?04:22
ikonbadkitty: yes04:22
VovkI know that the shell script works, i've run it just fine before04:22
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto04:22
waan_Can anyone help me get ubuntu installed, it fails after loading the linux kernel when I boot from the CD, leaving a whole bunch of errors like this -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44629/04:22
=== ryan_ is now known as Celinde
nickrudmcgrew: try tail -f /var/log/syslog in a terminal, and watch for any output when you plug it in04:23
jimjamAck! When playing NWN, the sound stutters. Is there a way to fix that?04:23
jimjamIs it a problem with sound synching?04:23
desertcwaan_: bad disk04:23
Vovkyes jimjam, it's on the NWN linux forums under stuttering sound04:23
brokenwaan_: yea bad disk04:23
dfcarneymcgrew: in short, yes...but it's hard to debug hardware issues remotely.  basically, look through dmesg and try to figure out the disk (sda, sdb, etc...)  Then, look up the partition you wish to mount in the /proc/partitions file.  After that, you'll want to mount it with "mount".  To get it to mount automatically, you'll want to google for that info.04:23
jimjamVovk: Nice. Thanks.04:23
ikonbadkitty: where can i find it?04:24
BADKITTYikon: look on suprnova or isohunt04:24
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Vovkjimjam: iirc, the first solution on the forums doesn't work. the second one should04:24
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weltschmerzi can't share my music with another user on this machine, even though everything in my music directory is chmod to 750, and the group is users, and the user in question is in users.04:25
weltschmerzany help appreciated.04:25
nickrudVovk: you used crontab -e to edit the crontab, right?04:26
mcgrewDfcarney: the partions file doesnt display anything. it seems blank to me04:27
Vovknickrud: yes, crontab -e .  then I set it to 20 23 * * * and then the command (which i copy/pasted out of my terminal after testing to see that it worked)04:27
nickrudweltschmerz: did you log out the other user, and log him back in? (group adds don't take effect until a logout)04:27
Vovknickrud: it should have gone off at 11:20 right?04:27
Crozarthis is insane04:28
Crozarhow can i study more linux04:28
pganweltschmerz: do you have openafs installed by any chance?04:28
brokenhows ubuntu and broadcom wireless adapaters doing?04:28
nickrudVovk: should04:28
dfcarneymcgrew: blank?  does typing 'cat /proc/partitions' on the command-line yield any output?04:28
ubotuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI04:29
pganbroken: see the networking and wireless section of the forums04:29
Vovknickrud: is there anything else I have to do? close the crontab file or whatever? right now it looks like this - # m h  dom mon dow   command04:29
Vovk20 23 * * * /home/mykola/Music/alarm/alarm04:29
pganbroken: there is a link to a page listing which cards are suppprted and to which extent04:29
nickrudVovk: yes, you have to close & save :)04:29
mEck0I can't play music from the internetradio-station http://sc10.radioseven.se:80 or with www.radioseven.se/128.pls. I have downloaded the file but it doesn't happen anything if I open it with Banshee or Exaile. Though it works with VLC, so I assume I miss some codecs, think it is a mp3- stream ("usual" mp3's are working for me). Know how to fix?04:29
Vovknickrud: lol... i did that as well04:30
nickrudVovk: try installing gnome-schedule, and building it that way04:30
tatterdemalianI thought GTK was a Gnu graphics library needed for multiple applications?04:30
nickrudstarted for the gimp, adopted by many iirc04:31
Vovkjust got schedule, it seems to be in there04:31
Vovkwe'll see, i just set it for 23:3204:32
tatterdemaliannickrud: Oh, okay... never used it for anything but GIMP myself, heh04:32
Vovknow it is that time, the script has not executed (it has permissions)04:32
nickrudtatterdemalian: gtk is what draws the stuff inside the windows borders04:32
Crozarguys i have been studying many stuff in linux i found out im not only learning them im in a path where then i can understand and build my own stuff ..04:32
Crozari dont want to build stuff , i want to use the built stuff from people but what makes it easier? nothing!!! all the stuff is built are for the other geeks who can deal with them and use them but not for the world04:33
desertcCrozar: outstanding!  (send some of your learning materials to vovk.... :(  )04:33
nickrudVovk: I usually use   touch /home/rich/testfile  for testing my cron stuff, isolates script errors as such04:33
Crozarthe world want to use such stuff , i dont blame the builders but i blame UbuntU and linux the big boys who doesnt make such app or tunnel for just accepting the build ones into the right prespectives , example pidgin plugin = easy put by put and install... ect..04:34
mcgrewI followed the steps on the ubuntu forums for mounting my external, but when I try it I get this message: mount: can't find sdb in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab    note that I've not told it anything about /ect/fstab or /ect/mtab, so I'm not sure what those have to do with anything.04:34
desertcCrozar: I like to say Windows was built by marketing for managers.  Linux built by engineers for engineers.04:34
Crozarwhy !!!!!104:34
tatterdemalianCrozar: Fortunately we geeks couldn't care less what the world wants04:34
fousthats funny04:34
nickrudah, tatterdemalian has nailed it :)04:34
hexibot43Can anyone help me?  I am trying to do a "Make Config for v4l-dvb" and it is telling me a do not have the full kernel sources installed - for kernel 2.6.22 any ideas or can you point me in the right direction. thanks04:35
Vovknickrud: i've already tried this script from a terminal though. it works, but it's not working with cron04:35
brokenyea i have the WMP54G2 pgan, i believe it should work.04:35
Crozarbut if linux want to win beleive me the first one who will do a excellent work , like mac example , will win $$millions04:35
brokenI had to actually cut the firmware on my gentoo installation.04:35
pganCrozar: it is not easy to make it easy to use, but people are trying04:35
brokenBut I hope that it will work out of the box with feisty.04:35
fousI have a question I need help with my wireless drivers for ubuntu04:35
Crozari am trying my best until i realized that im working for to become a geek (W TF )04:35
desertccrozar: I recommend you read "The UNIX Philosophy"04:35
pganbroken: OK, and have you tried it?04:35
nickrudVovk: try bash <script> in the crontab, but I'd do the touch thing04:36
Crozari stopped instantly because i cant waste my time here my major is not IT!04:36
tatterdemalianCrozar: Win what? The right to be as overwhelmingly stupid as Microsoft has been? I don't even want to be a part of that contest04:36
ikondesert: i need some documentation about bash on ubuntu04:36
druluxCould someone tell me how to connect to multiple servers as well as how to clear the sever and channel list in X-Chat04:36
druluxserver even04:36
desertcikon: man bash04:36
druluxI am stumped.04:36
nickrudikon: abs-guide , install that (advanced bash scripting) also, look at tldp.org04:36
pganCrozar: one way to make it easier is to talk to people who are builting it and make suggestions04:36
Crozarwin the world ,the next generation system , if linux wants to be back as the father it must act like one instead of being underground tatterdemalian04:36
tatterdemalianCrozar: If you're looking for a warrior to overthrow the mighty Windoze, keep looking04:36
desertcCrozar: Get involved: write documentation, file bug reports, build supporting websites04:37
Campfire1whats the easist way to get ubuntu running side by side xp04:37
VovkCampfire1: do you mean a virtual machine or dual boot?04:37
Crozarno not the people who build them , the people build them but the pipe lines for the built program must take place and the builders dont have authority to make it do the things which also needs permission act , ubuntu and linux Distro must work on thiS!!! pgan04:37
tatterdemalianHate just doesn't motivate people any more, thank gawd04:37
desertcCampfire1: The installation program will help you get a dual boot configuration by repartitioning your Windows partition04:37
nickruddrulux: it's kinda awkward (or not) but you can use xchat->network list and select an additional server.04:37
centralhello Please I use ubuntu 7.10 and i want to know how to start as root user ?04:38
nickrud!sudo | central (and sudo -i will give you a root shell)04:38
ubotucentral (and sudo -i will give you a root shell): sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:38
druluxnickrud: Ya I noticed. Isn't there a command though?04:38
nickruddrulux: probably, but I'm (still) irc illiterate04:39
Campfire1ty desert04:39
druluxHaha okay.04:39
centralok thanks04:39
druluxWell thanks.04:39
pganCrozar: Ubuntu only has a small workforce.  And, yes it is talking to the developers of gnome apps for example.  But it's better if you yourself talk to them on mailing lists and submit bug reports04:39
Vovkcentral: you will not need to actually log in as the root user, instead use the command sudo in front of textual things that you need root permissions for and gksudo in front of GUI commands you need root permissions for04:39
tatterdemalianIf Linux ever replaced Windows, it would become just as "evil," anyhow... mostly because Microsoft isn't evil, just incompetant, as all large organizations must become04:39
dwielanyone know a command that I can type while a script is running so that it flashes when it is done?04:39
dwiellike gaim does when you get an IM04:39
fousI have a dell wireless card and I used the windows drivers with the app wireless network driver utility but my issue is how to make it run at start up04:39
desertcnickrud: I think there's a reason why root login is difficult to obtain ... maybe not a  good idea to tell people how to bypass sudo04:39
Crozari never knew i would find such a system and with all my life windows is just crap compared to linux and mac , im involved waay much into using the internet , using very important accesories , im a guy who want my printer to work , mouse keyboard touch screen cd r drive and have important app's like paltalk realplayer ect..04:40
nickruddesertc: that's not bypassing sudo, that's a feature that sudo has04:40
cerealkillerhey how can dual linus OS my pc, i mean installing 2 linux distro04:40
desertccerealkiller: just set it up in grub04:40
nickruddesertc: useful when doing multiple commands in /var/www for example04:40
desertcnickrud: Oh, I see.  Sorry!04:41
Crozarpgan, desertc i am very much involved i submit'ed to bugs from my 11 i have found , i cant blame it to be bugs but it might be a conflict or just a hair stuck on my lens . i am hopeing myself to write a book of needs and wants from the world to linux but i dont think they will read such lo04:41
nickrudI don't think windows is evil or corrupt or incompetent, they just have this incredibly diverse user base they have to satisfy, with ancient/cutting edge hardware. I hate how they hide the metal from me, though04:41
tatterdemalianHeck, Linux isn't even particularly competant either, even at 5% of Windows' size... my wlan card won't run right04:42
desertcCrozar: You might consider talking about this in #ubuntu-offtopic - better reception04:42
djmeltdown_hi everyone04:42
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:42
* nickrud just spend 20 minutes figuring out why his net stopped working04:42
djmeltdown_just finished my ubuntu uprgade to 7.104:42
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djmeltdown_love it04:42
tatterdemalianAnd nobody seems to know why04:42
cerealkillerhow can i install a widget in ubuntu04:42
desertc7 is year, 10 is month04:42
djmeltdown_oh, learned something new today04:42
Crozarhehe nickrud i understand , but peep's who are professional with windows understand every thing in windows , by even calculating such .dll files those people can consider windows th best , they run at 8 processes all the time imagine that 8 processes from the world who runs windows with 30 + processes~!04:43
Crozardesertc, its a st0ners house theyr04:43
djmeltdown_question tho...04:43
Crozardesertc, nobody talks04:43
djmeltdown_i installed samba, but im having trouble seeing other MS windows workstations in my workgroup04:43
djmeltdown_i made sure they were all set to MSHOME04:43
desertcIt'd pretty active, usually -- and this channel is for support04:43
cerealkillerhow can i install a widget in ubuntu04:44
nickrudCrozar: good point, but I can't rip out 80% of windows and still have a functioning machine, I could with ubuntu04:44
desertc!patience > cerealkiller04:44
thenewguy1216anyone out there who could help me change the boot order in the boot loader?04:44
Crozardjmeltdown_, watch the youtube guide http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ad17kma8rNM04:44
desertcthenewguy1216: google grub settings04:44
pganthenewguy1216, what boot loader are you using?04:44
sethkdjmeltdown_, sometimes you need to override the user name and password with one that exists on the windows side.  I think enabling guest on the windows side is another alternative.04:44
nickrudthenewguy1216: you'd do it by renumbering in /etc/rc2.d, but you really shouldn't, many of them start in parallel04:44
djmeltdown_crozar - will do, is there a guide to compiz-fusion too, i can get to the settings, but i dont know the keyboard shortcuts to make anything function04:44
TwoDnickrud: hehe, true, but functioning =/= useful ;)04:44
tatterdemaliannickrud: I could... all it really needs is DOS and HIMEM6404:44
Jupp2djmeltdown_, did you turn the samba service on?04:44
Crozarcerealkiller, widgets you can use screenlets and have it attached with compiz manager or just get gDesklets04:45
sethkthenewguy1216, you just edit the file and move the lines04:45
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nickrudTwoD: who needs more than mutt, elm, elinks, and g++ ?:)04:45
sethkthenewguy1216, assuming you know which file and which lines, of course  :)04:45
bluefox83drwxr-xr-x  2 bluefox bluefox   4096 2007-07-30 14:17 tmp  <---what does the number 4096 represent?04:45
thenewguy1216grub, as far as I know04:45
sethkbluefox83, size of the file04:45
Crozardjmeltdown_, you just got ubuntu fresh install out of the box? wat is it gnome or kde?04:45
mcgrewdfcarney: cat  /proc/partitions gave me a list. it seems the external is both sdb and sdb104:45
tatterdemalianHeck, I used to code DLLs using EDLIN04:46
nickrudtatterdemalian: but what would you run? (I'm getting way off topic, so I'll leave the last word)04:46
thenewguy1216yah, I'm poking around in menu.lst04:46
bluefox83sethk, there's no way, i have dozens of none-related files that all say 409604:46
thenewguy1216hopefully this works out04:46
sethkbluefox83, directories always show as 409604:46
mcgrewso what command do I need to feed it to make it mount?04:46
cerealkilleri cant uninstall wine04:46
djmeltdown_crozar - i upgraded, but i did a complete install... gnome i believe04:46
* TwoD ponders if he should go to bed... 5:45am here and I finally got my svn-server up!04:46
djmeltdown_way i can check?04:46
sethkbluefox83, in unix, a directory is really another type of file, and it has a fixed initial size of 409604:46
tatterdemalianEDLIN had an integrated disassembler, not many people know that04:46
desertctatterdemalian: EDLIN... lol  -- what - couldn't handle DEBUG ?04:46
Crozardjmeltdown_, last question to my basis , when you  upgraded from feisty did you had compiz installed at feisty before upgradeing?04:47
bluefox83sethk, any reason why whenever i move a file over to my nfs server, it gets the user group number of 1000?04:47
bluefox83and why my nfs mount is listen as 1000?04:47
bluefox83it was 100104:47
Crozardjmeltdown_, good , you have saved 20 minutes of my time :D04:47
djmeltdown_glad i could help04:47
Crozardjmeltdown_, you need !ccsm04:47
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion04:47
djmeltdown_i already sudo apt-got ccsm04:47
djmeltdown_its installed04:48
tatterdemaliandesertc: I knew people who could... I never got that far though, because MASM came out04:48
Crozardjmeltdown_, then you can press system > prefrences > advanced compiz setin04:48
desertctatterdemalian: I barely touched either one, except to run patches.04:48
Crozari mean advanced desktop effect settings djmeltdown_04:48
ztomicwoo-hoo! Feisty works so much betta on older machines.04:48
flypp3rIs there a reason that my Google Browser Sync for Firefox makes the browser go extremely slow?  I'm on amd64 7.1004:48
martmananyone running JeOS in a vmware? i cant seem to get my fresh install to finish booting04:48
martmannot sure what could be wrong04:49
djmeltdown_crozar - ok, i went in a tooled with it today, and set up the cube settings, but how do use it??  when i press alt+tab, i still get a scroll with my open windows instead of a cube04:49
bluefox83sethk, when i rsync a file over to my fileserver, or just plain move it on nfs, the files get the group owner 100or 100004:49
tatterdemalianMASM was awesome... I wrote an entire 3d engine in it, that interfaced with DirectX 904:49
Crozarztomic, what do you mean >? gutsy is very good aswell , its maybe you have the known issues and its already solved like resoloution , graphics , and network failure04:49
Crozartry Ctrl + ALT + right arrow04:49
GeekChick|How do you configure the grub boot loader graphically? Everytime I update ubuntu in anyway it just steals the top position in the boot order and I want Windows XP to always be first. In fact, this time it deleted Windows XP so it could be at the top. I'd like to prevent this from ever occurring again.04:49
djmeltdown_crozar - ctrl+alt+right arrow shifts me to the next desktop04:50
ztomicCrozar:  Main problem is that Daphne wont run on fresh install.04:50
nickrudGeekChick|: move the windows stanza above the line that has BEGIN AUTOMAGIC KERNEL CONFIG (or some such)04:50
nickrudGeekChick|: it'll stay at the top permanently04:50
MidtronicGeekChick|: check /boot/grub/menu.lst04:50
brokenubuntu doesn't see that i have 1400x90004:50
Crozardjmeltdown_, you can configure your bindings in many ways by going in the cube or forexample any plugin and clickong on the action tab you will see bindings , click on the arrow04:51
GeekChick|nickrud, it has not staid at the top for the last 3 times and i moved the windows stanza to the top last itme04:51
nickrudGeekChick|: above that line, and it'll stay untouched.04:51
tatterdemalianI should put "girl" in my name somewhere... people would be falling all over themselves to help me then04:51
djmeltdown_crozar , so in short i can set my own shortcut keys04:51
kolinabcan I ask someone a question about installing a program from a tarball?04:51
Midtronictatterdemalian: I know, right?04:51
Crozarztomic, im not a fan of Daphne what good does it do :p teach me so i can be a part of your world brother04:51
ztomicyeah i know it's silly but ...04:51
rj__does any one know the beryl project?04:51
MidtronicI try to be gender neutral and only answer things I know how to do :-P04:51
Crozaryes djmeltdown_ example how many windows y ou ahve running now?04:51
GeekChick|tatterdemalian, lol04:52
Crozardjmeltdown_, clikc the windows icon the one that is in your keyboard between Ctrl and ALT , click on that icon hold it and click TAB]04:52
GeekChick|tatterdemalian, you're more likely to get A/S/L Cam/Pic04:52
nickrudtatterdemalian: ah, I take good care of poor kids, too :)04:52
tatterdemalianMidtronic: Me too, that's why I'm sitting here reminiscing about assemblers instead of helping04:52
james296does anyone know if its possible to install the 32 bit version of Ubuntu over the 64 bit version without having to reformat the HD?04:52
Midtronictatterdemalian: well, maybe you can help this... if I update /etc/hosts.allow or hosts.deny, can I push those changes to my kernel without rebooting?04:53
thenewguy1216how do I access /boot/grub/menu.lst with the necessary permissions to save the file?04:53
nickrudjames296: yes, just tell the installer to wipe that partition04:53
Crozardesktop cube > action tab > general click on the arrow , you will see the bindings which you want to reconfigure djmeltdown_04:53
Midtronicsince I updated to gutsy I can't ssh into this box via wan04:53
nickrudthenewguy1216: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst04:53
tatterdemalianMidtronic: Nope, sorry... I may be god of machine code, but I'm still a Linux n00b04:54
james296Im sorry, I meant the entire HD including Ubuntu itself..04:54
Crozarcan any1 help me make touch screen work? i installed ezpoint and nothing worked yet04:54
thenewguy1216nickrud: how do I start that up04:54
james296I dont wanna lose the way I have all the settings set at and I cant use Opera since Im running the 64 bit version :-(04:54
rj__how do i get a pic behind the cube while transparent beryl04:54
Midtronictatterdemalian: wish I'd had you when I was taking a systems class ;-)04:54
nickrudthenewguy1216: apps->accessories->terminal, type it there. The terminal is where you do any system level work.04:55
Midtronicjames296: there's a fix/hack/thing to get such things as java and flash working on 64-bit machines04:55
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Midtronicbut it's mozilla-based, not opera04:55
NutubuntuI'm running 32bit Feisty on my A64 X2 desktop box and figuring to upgrade to Gutsy. What should I be concerned about? And what should I expect to need to reconfigure after the upgrade? Java? Sound stuff? Nvidia stuff? How has it gone for people?04:56
GeekChick|nickrud, thank you. that worked (until next time)04:56
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james296but I want Opera...lol, without having to lose everything on my Ubuntu partition, is this possible or not?04:56
MidtronicNutubuntu: I dist-upgraded on the same proc., but I'm 64-bit linux04:56
MidtronicI had no issues04:56
nickrudGeekChick|: try sudo update-grub, and reboot. That's the command that the kernel upgrade uses to rebuild grub. See if it survives04:56
tatterdemalianMidtronic: No you don't... it's like having the King of Slide Rules in your class: fun the first time you see him work his magic, but by the end of the day you're about to make him wish his slipstick really was that slippery04:56
bluefox83i seem to be having trouble mv'ing files from one directory to another in terminal, isn't it simply mv foo/ bar/04:56
djmeltdown_ok - i figured out how to rotate the screen, but it seems like my cube is a square, its only 2D, has front and back, no top and bottom04:57
Crozarmany people keep saying i dont want to learn about linux i want the programs insatlled like in windows , ( well here is an answer . before compiz , when it was manual , the geeks had them first and was ok , then made a video , the noobs was i want that , then said comon make it easy install wtf is this ,.. here goes life ) if the people dont learn linux then by days and times new stuff will come created by the community the fan lovers the ge04:57
Crozareks , and they will not put tutorials but speak by 2 - 4 sentences geek understanding and they will be the only ones to have them , the wants who undersatnd linux , but the noobs will suffer unless they buy support or learn themselves ... or wait for help on a cry prayer04:57
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desertcNutubuntu: nice nick... I'm running 64b -- no worries04:57
ikondesertc: are you geek?04:57
james296whats everyones opinion on the Aerora theme engine?04:57
NutubuntuMidtronic,  desertc, thanks both. 64bit working well for you? I am guessing I ought to stay with 32bit since I'm running it now and don't want to do a full reinstall04:58
nickrudNutubuntu: I always update in place, make sure you have no third party repos enabled, and if you used automatix, all bets are off04:58
shinygiftsonhi all04:58
tatterdemalianYay, I spent 20 years learning how to write assembler programs with hex editors, and what is that skill good for today? Jack squit.04:58
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:58
jturekhey, how do i get my virtual consoles working in Gutsy,  when i hit ALT-F1 or whatever, usually it drops me to a shell,  but now it just goes to a blank screen04:58
desertctatterdemalian: embedded processing is the new plastics04:58
nickrudjturek: ati chip?04:59
MidtronicNutubuntu: it works well for me.. I've only had a few issues.  It took me a while to get flash working.. the only thing that's really pissed me off has been that there's some texmaker bug so that it won't run on 64-bit systems... which really sucked when I had to do a research paper04:59
NutubuntuThanks nickrud - no automatix, but I do have some additional repos enabled ... I'll go turn those off first...04:59
MidtronicI wrote it inside a 32-bit ubuntu virtual machine04:59
jtureknickrud: intel04:59
shinygiftsonwhile i'm trying to upgrade my ubuntu to the latest one, i'm getting  E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:59
pganCrozar: While things are experimental, they are not always stable, easy to use and documented04:59
nickrudjturek: then I don't know, I have an ati and had problems when using fglrx04:59
jtureknickrud: 82915G04:59
NutubuntuMidtronic,  latex is a big deal for me right now ... in fact, back in Dapper, I think, I had to backport it to get pdftex working ...05:00
shinygiftsonwht should i do to debugg05:00
jtureknickrud: i thought maybe it was my resolution or something,  so i did VGA=79205:00
jturekand it still doesn't work05:00
Midtronicyeah.  LaTeX works just fine.. it's just texmaker that doesn't05:00
tatterdemalianpgan: Too bad nothing in Linux ever moves past the "experimental" phase05:00
nickrudshinygiftson: could you put the complete run of apt-get -f install on a pastebin (if that doesn't fix it)05:00
MidtronicI should have written it in vim :P05:00
Crozari have a wacom touch screen while its not working out of th ebox :/ is it a conflict?05:00
bluefox83tatterdemalian, everything does05:00
NutubuntuUm ... yah ... sure ... ::backs away slowly::05:00
FireHazrdHello, Im having an issue with add/remove in 7.10 fresh install. The list of applications is not available... I am connected to the internet using a wireless connection.05:00
shinygiftsonnickrud: i tried tht also05:01
* nickrud wonders about tex , experimental?05:01
vladuz976i need info on font.conf file, and what I can do with it. I can't find good resources. can anybody point me to information?05:01
EvanlecCrozar, try apt-get install wacom-tools05:01
BADKITTYafter I install virtualbox, is there any other packages I need to install for it to work?05:01
tatterdemalianbluefox83: Only if it has to, like your customers are threatening lawsuits. No customers, no lawsuits, no progress05:01
CrozarEvanlec, you have a touchscreen/05:01
tatterdemalianHell, even grep is still in beta05:01
EvanlecCrozar, no i just have a regular wacom tablet05:01
Midtronicvladuz976: read the manpage? (man 5 fonts-conf)05:02
nickrudvladuz976: http://fontconfig.org/fontconfig-user.html05:02
CrozarEvanlec, btw wacom is hp? or compaq?05:02
pgantatterdemalian: I agree a lot of things should be easier to use.  I make long lists of those and post them as bug reports, describe how things should work05:02
EvanlecCrozar, i dno, i thot wacom was wacom05:02
Crozarmy laptop is not wacom05:02
bluefox83tatterdemalian, they keep the projects open so they can continue to develop things and make them better, it's a lot more than can be said of anything done in windows05:02
Crozarits hp05:02
EvanlecCrozar, yea...but wacom made the touchscreen05:02
Midtronictatterdemalian: I dunno if experimental/beta are the right words.. how about feature-rich and under development?05:02
Midtroniceuphemisms :-)05:02
CrozarEvanlec, :D05:02
NutubuntuSo ... dist-upgrade would go like (1) make sure ubuntu-desktop's installed, (2) disable third party repositories, (3) run the upgrade tool, (4) smile and pour a cool refreshing beverage ... more or less ... ?05:02
EvanlecCrozar, cuz thats what they make ;)05:03
shinygiftsonnickrud: even i tried to fix broken packages using synoptic manager05:03
FireHazrdIs anyone else having issues with add/remove - 7.10?05:03
shinygiftsonbut i couldn't05:03
CrozarEvanlec, then i need wacom-tools05:03
tatterdemalianbluefox: Yeah, in Windows they finish one project before going to the next... sometimes05:03
shinygiftsonmono-xsp and mono-xsp2 r broken05:03
EvanlecCrozar, it might help, i never heard of touch-screen + ubuntu tho, it might be unsupported05:03
nickrudshinygiftson: then the pastebin would be helpful, the real problems will be mentioned before that error message you spoke of05:03
bluefox83or in the case of windows itself, they release it broken, and leave millions upon millions of filed bugs unfixed05:03
MidtronicI'd rather have a project that works where there's still stuff to do than a broken unfinished project.  Plus the nature of open source is sort of.. buggy05:03
bluefox83where-as in linux, the community goes out of it's way to fix bugs05:04
nickrudmmm, bugzilla, good05:04
EvanlecCrozar, esp if its really new, and a little exotic05:04
desertctatterdemalian: why do you say grep is in beta?05:04
brueniggrep in beta?05:04
CrozarEvanlec, many people like touchscreen for private purposes05:04
bluefox83grep is no-where near beta05:04
CrozarEvanlec, example , presentation05:04
nickrudok, this is a bit over the top, grep vs compiz05:04
tatterdemalianMidtronic: In that case, I'm an experienced youngish cuddly male who is good with his hand05:05
bluefox83grep is used in production servers, and has been for a long time now05:05
Midtronictatterdemalian: you should get a touchscreen... for private purposes.05:05
tatterdemalianInstead of a fat old geek with a sticky keyboard05:05
MidtronicI'm a moderately experienced young geek, I suppose.05:05
brueniggrep > compiz05:06
nickrudgrep >> most tools05:06
djmeltdown_anyone know why my compiz cube is 2d only05:06
bruenigtwo >'s?05:06
* bluefox83 24, my body isn't exactly a runner's body, but it's not fat, and my keyboard is far from sticky05:06
nickrudmuch greater than05:06
bruenigsed > grep05:06
Frogzoodjmeltdown_: cos compiz isn't running05:06
desertcgrep: Do one thing, and do it well.05:06
Crozardjmeltdown_, you need to add more windows to make it a CUBE :)05:06
brueniggrep does a lot of things actually05:06
bluefox83djmeltdown_, add more work desktops/work spaces to it05:07
Nutubuntugrep 'grep' beta05:07
Crozardjmeltdown_, you mean 2 D as 1 paper double side05:07
stephansdid the Gonme Screensaver applet get simplified?!05:07
rabidweezleTrying to upgrade using update manager to gutsy from feisty05:07
nickrudstephans: it's lobotomized05:07
kolinabI downloaded a program as a tarball (http://sourceforge.net/projects/golly/) and just extracted it to the desktop. It runs except crashes if I open the preferences or help menu. Do I need to compile it or something? Or install it in some better fashion?05:07
Frogzoostephans: sadly yes05:07
djmeltdown_crozar - i have 4 desktops, but only 1 has active programs running, for some reason it wont let me send a window to another desktop05:07
Crozaryes djmeltdown_05:07
rabidweezleget an error: Failed to fetch http://gandalfn.club.fr/ubuntu/dists/feisty/motu/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found and Failed to fetch http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42/dists/feisty/a/source/Sources.gz 404 Not Found05:07
Crozardjmeltdown_, do you have expo plugin enabled?05:07
stephansHow can I edit the individual screensavers now?05:07
nickrudrabidweezle: you should disable all 3d party repos while upgrading05:08
Midtroniccomment out those servers in your sources.list05:08
djmeltdown_again, not sure, where would i check05:08
tatterdemalianstephans: You don't, I've tried05:08
ikondesertc: are you a geek?05:08
Crozardjmeltdown_, Expo go in that and click actions  , its  in ccsm05:08
stephansthat sucks!05:08
nickrudI wonder if xscreensaver still works in place of the gnome one05:08
Crozardjmeltdown_, the place where you did your own bindings05:09
Midtronicikon: I'm going to go ahead and say that you can assume that if someone is on IRC, he's probably a geek05:09
stephansI like GLSlideshow...  and I want to tell it to use my own pictures.05:09
tatterdemalianI think they took out all the options the screensavers used to support... I managed to change the command line and environment variables, but they had no effect at all05:09
djmeltdown_i just enabled it05:09
riotkittieMidtronic: wrong.05:09
ikonwhy Midtronic?05:09
Crozardjmeltdown_, i want you to bind expo ( the current bidnings is Super + E , leave that but beside it is None ok right unders screen edge double click it and tick on TopLeft and press ok05:09
=== christian is now known as _Christian
Midtronicmaybe it's just me.  Mostly because the only people I've ever known who ever use IRC are geeks05:10
riotkittiei've been on irc since 94, and i'm so not a geek.05:10
tatterdemalianMidtronic: I dunno, AOL and mIRC have lowered the bar05:10
NutubuntuMidtronic may be wrong, but it's a fair bet that if someone's in debian.gr he's a greek05:10
Midtronictatterdemalian: true.. mIRC at least has a functional, decently powerful scripting language.  It gave me the foundations of programming, back in the day05:10
nickrudriotkittie: you made a ralink work, you're tagged, for better or worse05:10
tatterdemalianI've known some really ignorant rednecks on IRC... never in the programming channels though05:10
tarelerulzIs there any way to clone a hard drive with XP and Ubuntu on it?05:11
Crozardjmeltdown_, now put your mouse pointer to the edge of topleft and tell me how many desktops you see05:11
riotkittienickrud: i used ndiswrapper and windows drivers.05:11
shinygiftsonnickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44681/05:11
shinygiftsonthis is the full track of the error05:11
hhp2kHey everyone.. just installed a fresh Gutsy and wanting to configure compiz, but the config tool isn't installed (odd.) Tried command-line "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-setting-manager" but it couldn05:11
Midtronictarelerulz: clone?05:11
hhp2k*couldn't find it. All repo's enabled in Synaptic.05:11
Crozardjmeltdown_, compiz has wonders :D , you must see the shiftswitcher aswell ( windows icon button + TAB )05:11
tatterdemalianThey're the guys that spam you with ten million A/S/L messages whenever you enter #freemp3s05:11
BADKITTYCrozar: dusion rocks hu?05:11
* rabidweezle kills all the 3rd party repos and starts the upgrade05:12
Midtronictatterdemalian: touche.05:12
BADKITTYCrozar: Compiz-Fusion**05:12
rabidweezlethanks for the info :)05:12
tarelerulzMidtronic , an exact copy of the information on the hard drive .05:12
Crozarbtw djmeltdown_ if want to add more work space , dont do it through ubuntu coz now compiz is incharge  , so go in ccsm click on General options then DesktopSize tab add it from theyr and check it out05:12
nickrudshinygiftson: If we're really lucky,   sudo invoke-rc.d mono-xsp start  will fix that05:12
CrozarBADKITTY, yes girl05:12
djmeltdown_crozar - ok, now i'm able to send windows to different desktops, but i still only have a 2d sheet of paper05:12
Midtronictarelerulz: dd will do a bit-for-bit copy05:12
rabidweezleneed to free up some disk space :o05:13
rabidweezleman, one of those days I NEED to get an ide controller...05:13
shinygiftsoni'm getting  * Sorry, there is already a xsp running, stop it first nickrud05:13
ikonwhere are you from Midtronic?05:13
Crozardjmeltdown_, when you add more workspace it will become a box , more you go th emore it becomes better , btw if you will want to make it a cube i want you to enable cube reflection so the cube looks slick :)05:14
MidtronicUS, east coast.  Originally near Philly05:14
tarelerulzMidtronic , Thanks for the help . I did not know that. I was going to get norton ghost program to do it ,but if I don't have to then that would be better05:14
domorHow can't boot into ubuntu my screen turns off when starting up, this started happening after installing "restricted driver"for video card05:14
nickrudshinygiftson: does mono-xsp have a command front end? like mono-xsp stop?05:14
riotkittiealthough i did get it to work with the serial monkey drivers under feisty. hmm.05:14
tomdtarelerulz: you can do this with norton ghost. i don't know of a free software alternative but I'm sure there is one. just look on the net, youll need to use a livecd and put both hard drives in one machine, if you're on a laptop, thats a bit more complicated05:14
scguy318domor: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in Recovery Mode05:14
domorO Ok05:15
shinygiftsonnickrud: no05:15
CrozarBADKITTY, how bad are you?05:15
tarelerulzWell, tomd I am on laptop  .  I will look into it05:15
rocketscan somebody help me with my sound issue? Sound only works in Gnome-apss05:16
CrozarBADKITTY, i mean my first question is how is you great or fat05:16
nickrudshinygiftson: ok, then could you put the contents of the file /var/lib/dpkg/info/mono-xsp.prerm on a pastebin05:16
brokenAnyone use the X1950Pro ATi card with ubuntu succesfully?05:16
Midtronictarelerulz: on the upside, norton ghost is probably more user-friendly05:16
rocketse.g. if i use pidgin in kde i get sound05:16
domorscguy318: what happens when you put that command in" im a newbie05:16
rocketsbut not if i use kopete05:16
tomdtarelerulz. your problem is that of sending the drive image somewhere, you can use ethernet, serial, a usb hard drive05:16
Midtronicrockets: check what your sound output plugin is in gnome05:16
NutubuntuSo ... dist-upgrade would go like (1) make sure ubuntu-desktop's installed, (2) disable third party repositories -- including archive.canonical.com/ubuntu feisty-commercial? -- (3) run the upgrade tool, (4) smile and pour a cool refreshing beverage ... more or less ... ?05:16
Midtronickopete/etc. are probably trying to use a different one05:16
shinygiftsonnickrud: ok05:16
riotkittieew. this is getting creepy.05:16
nickrud!upgrade | Nutubuntu (but that's essentially it)05:16
ubotuNutubuntu (but that's essentially it): For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:16
rocketsMidtronic: huh. . . . I'm talking about getting sound in KDE apps, RUNNING inside KDE.05:16
ikoni need a basic e-book about terminal on ubuntu05:18
BADKITTYsweet .. getting virtualbox up and running05:20
robert_how do I launch X apps from a 32bit chroot'ed environment?05:20
Midtronicrockets: right.  You might need to configure KDE to use a different sound output plugin05:20
Nutubuntut/y nickrud  (and my buddy ubotu too) :)05:20
djmeltdown_crozar - YAY! i finally got it05:20
osxdudeAnyone know where the sounds for Pidgin are located?05:20
tomdtarelerulz: i've also seen devices that allow you to plug laptop hd's into desktops.. you can probably just back it up to an external drive, or, maybe use ethernet or serial.. it depends on what software you use... actually, i think you can just do this with the dd command..05:20
djmeltdown_not sure how, but i think it had to do with the virutal vertical size or something05:20
shinygiftsonnickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44682/05:20
Crozardjmeltdown_, ya its a bug they will fix it soon05:20
Crozari mean conflict djmeltdown_05:20
djmeltdown_this is going to take alot of tinkering to learn05:20
tomdtarelerulz: with caution, and enough space on your drive, you can probably back it up with dd if=/dev/yourharddrive (like hda, sda) of=./backupfile05:20
djmeltdown_well its working now05:20
Crozargood to hear that djmeltdown_05:20
riotkittiedjmeltdown_: virtual horizontal size05:20
BADKITTYI'm thinking since I have dual monitors and twinview + compiz-fusion, I'll have a linux desktop on one monitor, and winxp on the other (of course with compuz cube enabled)05:20
djmeltdown_im starting to think learning PHP is easier...lol05:20
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rocketsMidtronic: ok05:20
Crozardjmeltdown_, i failed my course just to learn how to run compiz in feisty and many other stuff like my laptopscreen05:20
brettmrHey, So i recently got a DELL 20" widescreen flat panel, and i have not been able to get it working with my laptop yet, as Extended Desktop. I have an intel video card05:20
djmeltdown_failed course on what PHP?05:20
brettmri have been playing around with Xrandr, but so far no luck05:20
Evanlectomd, is he trying to backup his whole filesystem?05:20
tomdevanlec: his entire drive with xp/ubuntu05:20
MidtronicEvanlec: whole hdd05:20
Evanlecoh i c05:20
nickrudshinygiftson: ok, on line two in that file, put    exit 005:20
Evanlecback it up to where tho05:20
scguy318!bash | ikon05:20
ubotuikon: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:20
Midtronicbedtime.  'night all05:20
Crozardjmeltdown_, and i dont want anybody who is in trouble to not be solved because everybody hashes own life , and we are all brothers in the end and put aside the ego system and life with media and politics05:20
scguy318ikon: google Linux terminal and the first hit should help you out05:20
nickrudshinygiftson: then run the apt-get -f install again. If mono-xsp is running, it'll stay running, you can kill it afterwards with sudo killall mono-xsp05:20
NutubuntuBe well, Midtronic05:20
rocketsMidtronic: the test sound plays fine. in kcontrol05:20
BADKITTYikon: did you look on isohunt or suprnova?05:21
Midtronicikon: http://pizza.unbsj.ca/content/help/tutorials/crash.html looks decent05:21
djmeltdown_i hear that crozar05:21
Evanlecikon, http://www.linuxcommand.org05:21
Crozarscguy318, how can i run wacom touchscreen tablet on an hp laptop? i downloaded ezpoint05:21
riotkittiehttp://www.linuxdevcenter.com/linux/cmd/ is good, as well... albeit not an ebook05:21
nickrudikon: you can find good bash manuals at tldp.org as well05:21
djmeltdown_just greatful that other peeps are willing to helpout, i pitch in when i can05:21
vontuxlets say I have formated a usb drive with gparted, how can I change the hard drive over from root permissions so that I can write to it w/ lower than root level permissions?05:21
rocketsMidtronic: I'm setting everything to use ALSA05:21
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Midtronicrockets: sounds like a plan.. I'd love to stick around and get it working with you, but I've got work tomorrow and had a loooong day05:22
Midtronicso good luck :)05:22
EvanlecCrozar, amen05:22
rocketsMidtronic: heh, thanks for your help.05:22
nickrudvontux: mount the usb drive, then use either chown or chmod to taste on it's mount point05:22
rocketsim pretty sure its solved05:22
djmeltdown_crozar - how do i use the desktop zoom, i see the controls talk about <super>?05:22
djmeltdown_whats super?05:22
scguy318Crozar: no clue, sorry05:22
bruenigsuper is the windows logo05:22
djmeltdown_oh, thanks05:22
vontuxnickrud: thank you sir05:22
Crozardjmeltdown_, super is thewindows key ( its the key on your keyboard that is between Control and ALT )05:23
Crozardjmeltdown_, its windows button  logo05:23
cake4567I need help finding the location of my firefox profile info05:23
Crozardjmeltdown_, hold super and use your mousewheel05:23
Crozarcake4567, everything in yourhomefolder05:23
xclhi all05:23
cake4567I'm in my home folder05:23
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:24
Crozarcake4567, press Control +H to show hidden files then click .mozilla or search firefox , somthin liek that you will find05:24
vontuxnickrud: I tried to do the same thing earlier w/ no luck, I must have mistyped the command I think I did chmod ugo + r w or something05:24
nickrudcake4567: ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/05:24
vontuxthe space screwed me up :(05:24
shinygiftsonthx nickrud :)05:24
nickrudvontux: yup, no spaces05:24
shinygiftsonits updated05:24
cake4567if .mozilla isn't in the home folder what do I do then nick?05:24
nickrudshinygiftson: yw05:24
shinygiftsonis it make any problem to run mono nickrud?05:24
xclI installed  vmware workstation 6 in my ubuntu 7.10 ,then installed gentoo in vmware ,but gentoo can't fond eth0 and eth1 ,why ???05:24
=== xopher- is now known as xopher
riotkittiecake4567: are you viewing hidden files? CTRL +H in nautilus  ... ls -a in a term05:25
nickrudcake4567: then you don't have a firefox profile05:25
Evanleccake4567, .mozilla not in homefolder? well that just won't do!05:25
nickrudcake4567: try ls -a ~/.* :)05:25
xclanyone can help me ?05:25
Nutubuntu!ask | xcl05:26
ubotuxcl: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:26
nickrudshinygiftson: no freaking clue, I know nothing about mono.05:26
desertcxcl: VMware isn't a good topic for this channel05:26
EvanlecNutubuntu, he did ask a question above05:26
cake4567it has my passwords memorized so I must have a profile?05:26
Crozari downloaded evtouch , its a touchscreen driver ,and it still doesnt work , must i get wacom-tools aswell >?>? to work tablet touchscreen?05:26
NutubuntuSorry xcl, Evanlec ... I think my coffee quotient is finally too low for intelligent survival05:26
Evanlecxcl, besides vmware, gentoo is a whole nother level of complication05:26
brettmrHey, So i recently got a DELL 20" widescreen flat panel, and i have not been able to get it working with my laptop yet, as Extended Desktop. I have an intel video card05:26
nickrudxcl: the gentoo people would know much more about how it acts inside a vmware machine05:26
brettmri have been playing around with Xrandr, but so far no luck05:26
scguy318xcl: ask the #gentoo people05:26
EvanlecNutubuntu, lol05:26
brettmrAny ideas?05:27
BADKITTYxcl: You should try out virtualbox anyway05:27
cake4567that terminal code didnt list the profile folder05:27
eazyasswhen i try to compile something and get05:27
eazyasstest1.c:(.text+0x1f4): undefined reference to `ga_chromosome_char_to_staticstring'05:27
eazyass/usr/local/lib/libgaul.so: undefined reference to `random_unit_gaussian'05:27
eazyasswhat does that mean i have to do05:27
eazyassi installed it with the standard ./configure;make;make install05:28
djmeltdown_crozar - ok, now im getting a grasp on this, what are some cool things to do..05:28
cake4567stupid me...hidden folder!05:28
BADKITTYdjmeltdown: for what?05:28
xclI have two operation system in my notebook,one XP ,one ubuntu,i think i can't use my xp vmware hard disk in ubuntu ,so use vmware,not use virtuabox05:28
djmeltdown_compiz - bad kitty05:28
Evanlechmm, cool things to do on linux....well u could recompile your kernel!05:28
djmeltdown_evan : lol thanks05:29
Crozardjmeltdown_, test :D05:29
Evanlecthats always fun :)05:29
djmeltdown_has anyone gotten a chance to use gOS yet?05:29
nickrudEvanlec: don't say that, I'm considering recompiling a kernel for the first time in years to get fglrx suspend to work :(05:29
BADKITTYxcl: I'm not sure if that made sense at all.. I have dualboot ubuntu and XP and I am installing XP in virtualbox in ubuntu right now05:29
kolinabOK, I think I might understand why this program I have extracted from a tarball keeps crashing - it seems all the files (including preferences files) are all read only for some reason - think that's why it's crashing on me?05:30
BADKITTYdjmeltdown: Oh, yah Did you turn on all the effects?05:30
Evanlecnickrud, heh, i recently have been doing kernel compiles, i had done it before 8 years ago05:30
Evanlecnickrud, but doing them just for fun / performance / tweak / learning05:30
kenkenshin           hi a lot of my windows buttons have diapered the minimize and maximize buttons are not on my windows to get out of them i am using the 7.10 ubuntu desktop05:30
kenkenshinand my terminal is not working ether it just i a white box what can i do about this what will fix it05:30
kenkenshini just install 7.10 and it was working before it started when I installed wine05:30
nickrudEvanlec: I gave it up when they stopped releasing stable versions, around 2.6.2 or 3 or so05:30
Crozardjmeltdown_, my best is shiftswitcher , rain , expo , reflection cube , and do some random animation like vacuum for closeing stuff :D get kiba-dock to make it look like a next generation system05:30
Evanlecnickrud, ive heard ppl say that before....but um, im running and its prety darn stable05:31
Evanlecnickrud, i wouldnt bother trying to install 2.6.24-rc2 tho05:31
BADKITTYcrozar: I like expo alot and the shrink to show displays .. super+E on mine05:31
nickrudEvanlec: I wouldn't call switching out fundamental stuff like slab & slub maintaining a stable kernel tree :)05:31
Evanlecnickrud, well since i dont really know what those do, it doesnt seem to bother me05:32
djmeltdown_badkitty : i tried to enable them, but it seems like everything is greyed out now??05:32
BADKITTYCrozar: Do you have twinview?05:32
ikondjmeltdown: what are you talking about?05:32
djmeltdown_ikon : compiz effects05:32
CrozarBADKITTY, no its a tablet laptop05:32
BADKITTYdjmeltdown: some of the plugins seem to turn others off so you gotta pay attention to that05:32
cake4567how do I move my vista firefox profile to ubuntu05:32
cake4567copying and pasting the profile folder didn't wrok05:33
Crozarcake4567, youmean bookmarks?05:33
cake4567saved passwords etc05:33
robert_firefox32 segfaults05:33
BADKITTYCrozar: Oh ok, my cube turned into a hexagon and I have no idea why, I have it set to 4 desktops05:33
robert_for no reason05:33
nickrudEvanlec: just an example, it used to be that even point releases just got bug fixes, not major new features which broke stuff. But I can't complain, really, the kernels in debian/ubuntu are really polished, it's not the kernel guys fault that ati drivers suck05:33
Crozarcake4567, save it from the firefox menu of vista  , by clicking bookmarks manage then export , save it put it in a floppy then login ubuntu go to manage bookmarks import then import from floppy finish.05:33
Nutubunturobert_,  only on odd-numbered or even-numbered dates05:34
Evanlecnickrud, the kernels in debian/ubuntu are designed with "enable everything even if they dont need it" philosophy05:34
Shadowsok so i've been fighting with the blankscreen ever since 5.4 and until now useing the Vesa driver has worked fine but now Ubuntu is on my main machine. The Problem is that with vesa my comp boots to blank still05:34
djmeltdown_badkitty, crozar : hmmm, it seems like ALL my options are greyed out05:34
robert_Nutubuntu, no, it segfaults under gutsy64.05:34
nickrudEvanlec: shades of microsoft :)05:34
cake4567but i'm more worried about the pword05:34
CrozarBADKITTY, go to general options , DesktopSize , and Horizantal virtual size increase that to 2 or 405:34
Evanlecnickrud, exactly05:34
robert_and yes- I got the reference05:34
Crozarcake4567, your passwords >?05:35
Evanlecnickrud, i mean the buntu kernel is good, its hardware compatibility is definitely great, i just wanted to see if i could get a faster kernel with some more bleeding edge features ;)05:35
Crozarwrite the passwords down cake456705:35
Nutubunturobert_, all the time ... does it in Feisty 32 too, I think it's been doing this back into Dapper05:35
Shadowsso what I'm trying to say is HELP :(05:35
djmeltdown_well everyone, its my bedtime, i'll play more with compiz tomorrow at work, thanks for all your help!05:35
kolinabcake4567: to my knowledge you should be able to do the same with your entire profile folder. you should be able to transplant its contents into your ubuntu profile from vista. You know how to find your profile in vista?05:35
Evanlecnickrud, are u saying that the newer vanilla kernels dont have slab?05:36
Crozarfrom windows firefox click edit menu > prefrences > security > Show passwords05:36
nickrudEvanlec: I'm thinking about going whole hog paring it down to my hardware, or just swap back to the old memory allocator.05:36
Crozarcake4567, then you can see the usernames and passwords for which sites , write them down.05:36
BADKITTYCrozar: it is at 405:36
nickrudEvanlec: they switch to slub, http://lwn.net/Articles/229984/ for a quick description05:36
CrozarBADKITTY, and the last 2 are 1's?05:36
Evanlecnickrud, thx, what do u mean swap back to the old memory allocator?05:36
kolinabshouldn't he be able to transplant the profile folder into ubuntu? that's what I do with thinderbird and it keeps my extensions and everything05:37
cake4567ya I just tried copying it over05:37
tomdcake4567, What directory did you copy it to?05:37
Crozarthen  from the desktop workspaces of your ubuntu change that , that requires attention because they conflict with compiz , you must appropirate them both for such numbers to get you wants , BADKITTY05:37
BADKITTYCrozar: Ok sweet I had both at 2 and that fixed it.. although is there a setting to make both monitors move as one large cube as there was with beryl?05:37
cake4567slightly different  folder setup05:37
nickrudEvanlec: the old code is there, I can switch back in kconfig really easily. But I need a day when I don't really need the machine :(05:37
tomdput it on ~/.mozilla/firefox05:37
CrozarBADKITTY, large cube?05:37
brettmrYou know, i don't know what to do, i've been using Ubuntu for like 2 years now on my laptop. I just got this new screen and can't get extended desktop to work.  I am considering downgrading back to feisty, but i like much of the new packages of Gutsy, not to mention that it took me like a month to set up dual head mode in feisty, and even then it wasn't True extended desktops. So i am considering firing up windows again, but i don'05:38
CrozarBADKITTY, you mean 1 paper double side?05:38
cake4567ya thats what I did05:38
tomdcake4587, try creating a profile then dumping all the files from the profile into the new profile05:38
Crozarbrettmr, you dont need to downgrade05:38
desertcbrettmr: Have you looked on the forums?05:38
Evanlecnickrud, so ur gonna make a super-lean kernel with only the hardware support you need, but use SLAB instead of SLUB ?05:38
BADKITTYCrozar: cube with two monitors. cube goes accross both monitors instead of cubes in each individual monitor05:38
brettmri have played around with xrandr but no luck05:38
desertcbrettmr; Have you posted on the forums?05:38
tomdcake4567, that way ffox will definitely know about the profile05:39
desertcbrettmr: You aren't the first person with a monitor and a laptop05:39
brettmri think my monitor is actually too big to work well05:39
kolinabcake4567, the way I do it is, save the entire profile folder from vista. Then DELETE the information in the new ubuntu profile folder, but keep the ubuntu profile name and everything alone, then just transplant the contents from your vista profile into your ubuntu one. does that make sense?05:39
CyberAgeVoodoohi, 2 quick questions. anyone know where the screensavers are kept in linux (directory) also... can windows screensavers be converted for linux05:39
desertcbrettmr: that is an extremely common monitor05:39
brettmrfrom what i have read xrandr has a max virtual size05:39
kenkenshin  hi  my windows buttons have diapered the minimize and maximize buttons are not on my windows to get out of them i am using the 7.10 ubuntu desktop and my terminal is not working ether it just i a white box what can i do about this what will fix it i just install 7.10 and it was working before. it started when I installed wine a few days ago05:39
nickrudEvanlec: one or the other. I have the weekend where I won't need the laptop for work, I'm probably gonna do the replacement (and look over the config, haven't in a long time) and then decide about doing a custom one.05:39
cake4567kolinab...just tried it...no go05:39
Crozarbrettmr, it runs great its just a known issue in gutsy and must do couple of things for some of the screens out theyr , but overrall people run great with gutsy only the unlucky ones have such problems , read more about xorg.conf files and fix for screen TV or crt or DFS laptop screen have an options for it like option dps true somethin like that if you need more info i might ge tyou the link05:39
desertcbrettmr: I've got two and they work fine with xrandr05:40
BADKITTYCrozar: crap no it didn't fix it, it gave me a cube but only 2 desktops05:40
CrozarBADKITTY, youmust add more workspaces it shouldbe 4 to be a cube05:40
Crozarmake horzinal to 4 then BADKITTY05:40
kolinabcake4567: I'm thinking. hmm05:40
Evanlecnickrud, yeah...i even tried to compile a 2.6.23 with -mm1 patch...didnt wanna behave properly tho, wasnt suprised05:40
CrozarBADKITTY, yes im using 2 desktops :p thatsmy options lo05:40
nickrudEvanlec: the restricted modules would either require manual replacement or recompile, etc. Not sure of the ramifications05:40
tomdcake4567, someone in #firefox will probably know why this is05:40
cake4567you need to mess with xorg.conf ...that graphics control panel just wont do it...my 24" isn't work yet05:40
BADKITTYCrozar: it is set to 4 but it gives me a hex instead05:40
CrozarBADKITTY, who wants more desktops lol , btw you can through the same method just addmore. increase05:40
cake4567thanks kolin...I can always just run firefox in wine05:41
riotkittiekenkenshin: as a quick fix for win decorations, ALT + F2 and type metacity --replace [or compiz --replace or emerald --replace]. if youre using compiz-fusion check the decorations plugin, assuming you have !ccsm installed05:41
Evanlecnickrud, all i had to do was use the nvidia binary drivers from nvidia.com instead of the restricted drivers05:41
Evanlecnickrud, tho that wasnt exactly painless05:41
brettmrdesertc: did you set a virtual size in xorg.conf?05:41
Crozarhmm BADKITTY then right click workspaces prefrences , and change that aswell , fidle around with the ubuntu workspace prefrences and compiz desktop tab where i appiointed you.05:41
kolinabcake4567: there really is a way to do it. you just need to properly 'trick' firefox, that's all. Make sure firefox is closed when you do the file xfer, that could screw things up perhaps?05:41
desertcbrettmr: I'm not using xrandr now05:41
nickrudEvanlec: yeah, I'll have the ati ones, and that's actually pretty easy now, with the ubuntu packaging code in the package from ati05:42
shinygiftsonthx nickrud05:42
cake4567I've been closing it05:42
BADKITTYCrozar: I have been I can't get them to align properly.. this is nuts05:42
nickrudshinygiftson: all good then?05:42
cake4567I'll just play around some more05:42
tomdcake4567: don't give up and do that! thats fugly05:42
shinygiftsonys :)05:42
kolinabcake: k, good luck!05:42
Crozarjust fiddle more to be a good girl BADKITTY  :P05:42
Evanlecnickrud, ati has a ubuntu package? lol05:42
shinygiftsonbut xsp server making problem as tht script is not working05:42
shinygiftsoni've to do something else to debugg it05:42
nickrudEvanlec: the option --buildpkg Ubuntu/7.10 :)05:42
open_ladhow do i see if my laptop is 32 bit or 64bit.???05:42
Crozarok work completed for today , guys il be here tommorow at 4:30 ... cya's.05:43
cake4567its 3205:43
nickrudEvanlec: creates a driver deb, and kernel module source deb. REALLY nice05:43
multiverseHow do I recompile BIGMEM into Ubuntu 7.10 Desktop05:43
NutubuntuOkay ... g'night all ... off to dist-upgrade to Gutsy (wish me luck)05:43
Evanlecnickrud, really...but u can only do that with ati?05:43
nickrudEvanlec: I don't know if nvidia has it or not05:44
Evanlecmultiverse, u will need to recompile your kernel05:44
Evanlecnickrud, well if they did im guessing i woulda heard about it somewhere05:44
nickrudEvanlec: it's part of the ati-driver-installer*.run ati distributes05:44
multiverseYeah, I know.  The question is how?05:44
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages05:44
Evanlecnickrud, nvidia's is a .run script too i believe, but never saw any debs05:45
Evanlecis bigmem available in the buntu kernel?05:45
multiverseyes, the server edition has it by default05:45
Evanlecnickrud, why not just use 64-bit?05:45
=== Tomek- is now known as Tomek
multiverseHey ubotu, I reviewed that documentation, but it references Debian stuff.05:46
scguy318!bot | multiverse05:46
ubotumultiverse: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:46
nickrudEvanlec: I'm lazy05:46
Evanlecmultiverse, ubotu is just a bot...don talk to it05:46
brokenhe seriously just spoke to a bot05:47
multiverseI love you ubotu.05:47
brokeni am petrified05:47
druluxIs there any way to make Ubuntu more organized by somehow dumping the content of the root into a /sys/ subfolder or something05:47
nickrudmultiverse: ubuntu is closely tied to debian, uses the same tools05:47
Evanlecnickrud, o well believe me if i could download nvidia-drivers.deb from their site i would in a heartbeat05:47
multiverseThose tools were not present.05:47
kolinabCan I ask someone to indulge me and install http://sourceforge.net/projects/golly/ to see if it works for them? The program runs OK for me but crashes on the preferences screen, and I'm not sure I'm installing it right.05:47
nickrudmultiverse: one word: kernel-package05:47
multiverseDespite following the instructions in that article.05:47
duvnellokay, I've read some about upstart, but I don't see any reference to configuration files/tasks/etc except for /etc/events.d .. now my events.d directory doesn't have just a whole lot in it.. where is the rest of the config?05:47
kolinabit's the golly-1.2-gtk version I'm trying to run05:48
multiversemultiverse@multiverse-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install kernel-package05:48
multiverse[sudo] password for multiverse:05:48
multiverseReading package lists... Done05:48
multiverseBuilding dependency tree05:48
multiverseReading state information... Done05:48
multiversekernel-package is already the newest version.05:48
multiversekernel-package set to manual installed.05:48
multiverse0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:48
Evanlecmulti dont paste in here05:48
duvnellstill mostly done by rc#.d scripts?05:48
rubydiamonddo anybody know good svn client for ubuntu05:48
Evanlec!pastebin | multiverse05:49
duvnellrubydiamond: I like the cmd line05:49
ubotumultiverse: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:49
multiverseThank you ubotu.05:49
nickrudduvnell: that's it. It doesn't need any more, most of the configs are from the individual packages05:49
Evanlecmultiverse, u will probly want kernel-source as well05:49
ubotusubversion is an open source application used for revision control. It is sometimes abbreviated to svn in reference to the name of its command line interface. Look here for a Subversion How To on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion05:49
ubotusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/05:49
Evanlecmultiverse, and build-essential05:49
duvnellnickrud: so it looks like everything is still pretty much started from rc#.d scripts?05:49
nickrudrubydiamond: I like svn-workbench , it has nearly everything05:50
nickrudduvnell: exactly, it's just a drop in replacement for inittab (with fancier parallelism as I understand it)05:50
Shadowswhat is a good chan for xserver issues05:51
scguy318Shadows: here is good05:51
duvnellnickrud: hmm.. yeah.. but from the way it sounded, it would be very different.. perhaps it's all still in transition05:51
Shadowsoh heya scguy05:51
scguy318Shadows: hello05:51
duvnellI know they wanted to maintain backwards compatability05:51
rubydiamondduvnell: how can I know from the root folder of app from command line that...some file is conflicted05:51
duvnellsvn status -q05:51
Evanlecnickrud, why do they need all this repo systems, cvs, svn, git ... what else am i missing? lol05:51
nickrudduvnell: I'd think so, there's a lot of work done on those rc scripts :)05:51
ShadowsI did what you sudgested with the text install so I could reconfigure xserver but I still get the blankscreen of doom05:51
scguy318Shadows: mm, reconfigure but specify vesa this time05:52
nickrudEvanlec: so you can roll back mistakes, track multiple releases, work nicely together, I usually require the first often05:52
SephirothUbuntu recently rebooted and had to start up in safe graphics mode, and I reinstalled the restricted drivers and got Ubuntu to not boot in safe graphics mode. However, while in safe graphics mode, I was able to choose what graphics driver I wanted to use. How would I bring that window back up again?05:52
multiverseSee, this command fails:  debian/rules updateconfigs05:52
multiverseFollowing instructions here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile05:52
ShadowsI's did05:52
Evanlecnickrud, yes but why so many different ones, why dont everyone just use cvs?05:52
scguy318Sephiroth: SYstem -> Admin -> Screens and Graphics I think05:52
duvnellrubydiamond: or perhaps svn status | grep ^C05:53
k90xkHow do I change my external hard drive from being in read only mode?05:53
scguy318Evanlec: because they each have their own advantages05:53
Evanlecnickrud, o i c05:53
nickrudEvanlec: hm, different needs, different tools. CVS doesn't track multiple releases easily, for one05:53
bazhangk90xk: ntfs drive?05:53
Evanlecnickrud, i never tried any of em, only would use em to get the latest version, tho im temped to install git:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelGitGuide05:54
multiverseI use locate to find updateconfigs, but it isn't found.05:54
Shadowsscguy318: it woked fine on 5.4 but 7.10 not so much05:54
rubydiamondduvnell: what is meant by ^C05:54
Sephirothscguy318: Thanks.05:54
primaryHello. Whenever I play many different songs in Ubuntu, eventually Ubuntu "hiccups" or something and loses its record of file associations. I'll double click on an icon and it'll turn into a piece of paper ,and properties will describe it as a "program" no matter what the file actually is. I have to reboot in order to fix this, which is annoying. What is going on, and how can I fix it?05:54
nickrudEvanlec: overkill for me, I just need something that tracks my boo boos on my web stuff.05:54
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:54
Evanlecnickrud, im not a programmer so i spose that doesnt effect me much05:54
scguy318Shadows: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, pick vesa this time05:54
scguy318Shadows: that will get you back definitely05:54
Shadowsi did05:54
Shadowsstill nope05:54
scguy318Shadows: mm05:55
nickrudEvanlec: I last did real programming in the 80's and believe you me, I wish I had had them then05:55
tatterdemalianprimary: Playing them at the same time?05:55
Evanlecnickrud, ur web stuff? is it a community project?05:55
bazhangk90xk: see the link (6 lines up)05:55
scguy318Shadows: pastebin your xorg.conf, any way you desire05:55
k90xkthank you bazhang!05:55
primarytatterdemalian: No. For instance, I'll play one song, it'll finish, and then I'll double click on another song to begin playing that one. If I do this too many times, my file associations disappear temporarily05:55
bazhangk90xk: no worries :}05:55
kolinabnobody know how to install software from a tarball? I just don't know if I'm missing a step or what, all the files get extracted but are read only. I think that has something to do with my problem05:55
duvnellrubydiamond: a grep takes a regular expression (aka regex) and you're looking for lines in "svn status"'s output start start with the letter C.. in regex you can place a ^ symbol infront of the pattern to make it match only if that pattern is at the beginning of a line.. therefor | grep ^C makes it find lines that start with a 'C'05:55
Shadowssorry but paste my what?05:56
scguy318!make | kolinab05:56
ubotukolinab: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:56
scguy318Shadows: /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:56
duvnellrubydiamond: svn status shows conflicted files with a 'C' infront of them05:56
kolinabscguy, k reading about !make, thx.05:56
duvnellrubydiamond: run svn status -q (q for quiet.. meaning don't show files that aren't versioned) without the grep first.. then you'll see what the grep does05:57
duvnellrubydiamond: you can always do svn --help or svn <command> --help05:57
tatterdemalianprimary: That's weird... I'm under the impression that Ubuntu disassociates files if it attempts to run a file with the associated application but fails. So, basically after starting enough files from the manager, something is making your player crash, and Ubuntu reacts by removing the association.05:57
tatterdemalianOr does it disassociate all file types?05:57
primarytatterdemalian: Except it seems to remove every file association. I can't open text files, music, pictures, documents...anything05:58
HaemothI'm trying to run deluge but it is not working. It usually works after a reboot but how do I get around there? It shows this under the processes but it's not going away.... wotanist  6214  0.1  1.7 103116 36560 ?        Sl   06:26   0:03 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/deluge05:58
tatterdemalianWow, never heard of that before. Ubuntu does some pretty weird stuff to my file associations too, nothing that extreme yet. Not sure how to fix it.05:58
bruenigHaemoth, kill it05:58
multiversehi all05:59
bruenigHaemoth, just kill python since that is what is really running05:59
Haemothbruenig: How? I tried kill 6214 but it's still there05:59
multiverseAnyone got time to help trouble shoot how to compile BIGMEM into 7.10 Desktop05:59
bruenigdeluge is getting really buggy05:59
primarytatterdemalian: It isn't a big thing, since I can still open programs and have them open the files...Still, just something I was curious about05:59
=== smoenux is now known as WinterWeaver
kolinabit seems there is no ./configure file - does that mean I don't really need to compile?06:00
Haemothbruenig: How do I kill python?06:00
bruenigHaemoth, killall python06:01
brokenwhy would you want to?06:01
Haemothbruenig: Says no process killed.06:01
rubydiamondduvnell: could u give me list of svn commands... like u gave above.. which are essential and mostly used06:01
kirikadoes anyone know if i can copy my desktop settings from my root account to my user account because my borders are gone and now i cant get them back06:01
shishiouse a knife ti kill that phyton, joke06:01
tatterdemalianprimary: It sounds like a glitch in Ubuntu's routines, but it could also be your player taking over all its associations and dropping them, out of the blue. I can't really tell you much more than that, sorry.06:01
Evanlecduvnell, is there any reason to use svn if you're not a developer?06:01
duvnellrubydiamond: again, svn --help will list them.. but I mostly use svn update, commit, diff, status06:02
brokenkirika: why did you store your settings in root to begin with?06:02
tatterdemalianObviously Ubuntu can recover from it, though, if rebooting fixes it06:02
ianmcorvidaekolinab: Look in the folder and see if there is a README or INSTALL file and read those. They'll typically tell you the installation procedure.06:02
duvnellEvanlec: you can use it to version anything.. and by version I mean that you want to create a file, and modify it from time to time but always be able to get back to any revision in the past06:02
Evanlecduvnell, oh ok, so u could just use it for personal use?06:03
duvnellEvanlec: you obviously have to 'commit' the current state of the file so that you can get back to any commited version06:03
duvnellEvanlec: sure06:03
nickrudEvanlec: a good use is to track changes to /etc , I used rcs for that in debian06:03
Evanlecduvnell, if u were developing like even a webpage for example?06:03
duvnellEvanlec: definately06:04
Evanlecduvnell, track changes to files u edited in your /etc folder?06:04
kolinabianmcorvidae: there is a readme file, all it says that seems relevant is that I can install the program wherever I like. So I just extracted the tarball to the desktop. Then it says I can run it by double clicking the icon, which runs the program OK until I try to open the preferences screen. Then it just closes, and I thought maybe I didn't install it right. Like it didn't have read permission to alter the prefs file or something.06:04
duvnellEvanlec: plus you can use it for collaberative development.. i.e. multiple people editing the same web site and being able to undo other people's chagnes or whatever06:04
Evanlecduvnell, sorta like a rollback safety feature?06:04
=== Shadows is now known as Shadix
duvnellEvanlec: yep06:04
kirikabroken, well what happened was i usually use my normal user account but somehow my borders on all my apps are gone and i cant minimize anything so i can only run 1 app at a time then i have to file then quit it to do something else06:05
kirikaso i wonder if i can take the other settings and maybe transfer them and then restart06:05
Evanlecduvnell, yea i knew it was used for big projects with multiple ppl working on it, didnt realize it had any use for an individual06:05
Evanlecduvnell, i mean, u could just incrementally save your file with a date in the filename instead i spose ya?06:06
duvnellyou could skim a couple of the key chapters of the book (http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn-book.html) and know pretty quick what it could be used for (chaps 1 and 2 perhaps)06:06
duvnelljust ignore the stuff specific to software development06:06
sfearsi'm trying to configure ndiswrapper and i'm having trouble with the header files.  They are not there and i use the command "ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build" but there is no such file or directory and i'm not sure how to create it because i don't know what the uname directory is06:07
duvnellEvanlec: that's one way.. but having it checked into a repository would be a bit cleaner as you wouldn't have tons of files lying around06:07
Evanlecduvnell, alright cool, thx, one more question, would it be better to use svn, cvs, or git? for personal projects?06:07
duvnellEvanlec: plus it's more efficient with space06:07
HaemothSomeone please tell me how to kill python.06:07
duvnellHaemoth: with a hoe?06:07
duvnellHaemoth: killall python06:08
HaemothI did that already.06:08
HaemothIt's not going away06:08
Evanleci actually laughed quite loudly at that06:08
duvnellHaemoth: killall -9 pythong ?06:08
HaemothTried that too06:08
duvnellyeah thonh..06:08
kirikaHaemoth, dude just open sys monitor and look for the process number and open terminal and type "kill ***" where ** is number06:08
HaemothI did that too06:08
Evanlectry HTOP! :)06:08
Evanlecyea, apt-get it06:09
duvnellwell I'm off to bed06:09
duvnell(or just top)06:09
bullgard4[Gnome about box] English help wanted. What is meant by Synaptic's description: "Informative little about thing that lets us brag to our friends as our name06:09
kirikaHaemoth, try it again06:09
Evanlecduvnell, just one more question06:09
SephirothOkay, for some reason, Ubuntu loses the title bars when I enable Desktop Effects now, when they worked before. O_o06:09
Evanlecduvnell, for personal projects: svn, cvs, git ? or another?06:09
duvnellEvanlec: svn for sure06:09
Evanlecduvnell, why does many projects use cvs?06:09
bullgard4[Gnome about box] English help wanted. What is meant by Synaptic's description: "Informative little about thing that lets us brag to our friends as our name  scrolls by, and lets users click to load the GNOME home pages"?06:09
Haemothkirika, been trying it from the past half n hour.06:09
kirikaHaemoth, try a resart yet06:10
Evanlecduvnell, ok nvm, u dont hafta explain that to me, u answered my question06:10
Haemothkirika, well that is my question. How do I do it without restarting? This happens to be everyday.06:10
kirikadoes anyone know if i can copy my desktop settings from my root account to my user account because06:10
nickrudbullgard4: lol, system->about gnome06:10
HaemothMy friend has the same problem.06:10
duvnellEvanlec: git is for distributed development and cvs is dinosaur treats files one by one.. svn tracks all commits as a single change .. so if you commit 10 files it's not 10 checkins in the logs and such.. so if you want to go back to a previous change, it's sure to revert all files affected since that change to that point. etc etc..06:11
newguyhey there, why does sound stop working in 7.10 after like 5 mins after booting up?06:11
duvnellgit would just be overkill06:11
eko_hermiyantoI have wine on my ubuntu06:11
newguyive tried looking at all the resources and troubleshooting for sound06:11
desertcnewguy: Did you check alsa settings?06:11
kirikaHaemoth, the only way i know how to do it is with the terminal using the process number06:11
newguybut nothing works06:11
eko_hermiyantoI want to install a software which is windows software06:11
newguyalsa settings?06:11
eko_hermiyantobut it require ie5.0.106:11
Evanlecduvnell, really, interesting06:11
eko_hermiyantoI have installed the IE06:11
desertcnewguy: oooh -- probably something taking over your sound06:11
newguylike "test" in the sound preferences06:11
Evanlecduvnell, so why i see mostly projects using cvs?06:11
eko_hermiyantobut why it still could not be installed06:11
duvnellEvanlec: definately at least skip chap 1 and 2 of http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn-book.html06:11
desertcnewguy: did you restart alsa?06:11
newguybecause when i try to "test" my sound, it doesnt work06:11
ussereko_hermiyanto: what software is that?06:12
newguyit gives some error message06:12
bullgard4nickrud: It is nice that you laugh out loud. Your statement is not helpful.06:12
eko_hermiyantoit still display message internet explorer 5.0.1 is not in your system06:12
newguysorry how do i restart alsa?06:12
* syc_ slaps eko_hermiyanto06:12
eko_hermiyantousser, I want to install TRITON06:12
ussereko_hermiyanto: installing ie wouldnt help wine uses its own html engine gecko06:12
duvnellEvanlec: because svn has become stable in maybe the last 3 years.. any projects before that wouldn't have used it.. but a lot are switching.. it's a pain to switch tho06:12
desertcnewguy: more troubleshooting: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems06:12
ussereko_hermiyanto: which should work for most apps06:12
syc_eko_hermiyanto the servant06:12
Evanlecduvnell, oh i see06:12
ussereko_hermiyanto: except really retarde ones06:12
newguydesertc how do i restart alsa btw?06:12
ussereko_hermiyanto: did u check winehq appdb?06:12
duvnellok zzzzzzz06:13
Evanlecduvnell, cool man, never realized these things were so nifty ;p06:13
eko_hermiyantousser, I think Triton is not in the appdb06:13
eko_hermiyantobecause it's not a widely used software06:13
ussereko_hermiyanto: yea its not06:13
nickrudbullgard4: I showed you where to see what that description was about. And I laughed a the  "lets us brag to our friends as our name  scrolls by". I enjoy self depreciating humor06:13
Evanlecduvnell, nickrud, u using svn for making webpages n stuff?06:13
eko_hermiyantosyc_, hei bro.. you are here too :D06:13
nickrudEvanlec: yes, there's some php in there and I've altered a few drupal modules, it's good for seeing what I've done06:14
kirikanewguy, try "alsa restart" in terminal06:14
eko_hermiyantoeven actually I have various version of Internet Explorer on my Ubuntu system06:14
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eko_hermiyantomy beloved Gutsy06:14
cake4567hey can someone help me setup dual monitors on my 12" laptop/24" external...I need to use twinview and edit xorg.config but getting lost06:14
bullgard4nickrud: The Gnome main menu System does not contain a menu item 'about gnome'.06:15
newguykirika bash: alsa: command not found06:15
Evanlecnickrud, yea well duvnell just explained in brief to me about svn, i'd like to start using it for my html/css and perhaps some of my very young bash scripts06:15
=== m4st3r is now known as bless09
nickrudbullgard4: on mine, it's right above about gnome06:15
kirikanewguy, so do you have alsa installed06:15
newguykirika yes06:15
nickrudbullgard4: er, above about ubuntu that is06:15
newguykirika im looking at the volume control right now06:15
newguykirika alsamixer works in the terminal06:15
newguykirika but nothing is muted06:16
kirikanewguy, ill check hold on06:16
weltschmerzi can't share my music with another user on this machine, even though everything in my music directory is chmod to 750, and the group is users, and the user in question is in users.06:16
desertcnewguy Please look at the link I provided you.06:16
cake4567anyone familiar with twinview?06:16
nickrudEvanlec: you really should, and svn-workbench is a good front end for examining/committing stuff. You have to create the repo on the command line, and the redbook is very good06:17
Evanleccake4567, mm, a little06:17
Evanlecnickrud, the redbook? :p06:17
cake4567evan..i edited it a lilttle...lemme see If I got it working...if not I'll b back in 1006:17
nickrudEvanlec: yeah, you were getting good advice from someone who obviously used it more seriously than I :)06:17
bullgard4nickrud: Using your remark, I have found the menu item 'about gnome'.06:18
eko_hermiyantois it any way to install .Net with wine to make my Triton program works in Ubuntu?06:18
Evanlecnickrud, yeah...but what is the redbook?06:18
kirikanewguy, try /usr/bin/alsamixer restart06:18
kirikaor cd to usr/bin06:19
kirikanewguy, and try alsamixer restart06:19
cake4567didnt work...I adjusted the 2nd monitor in screens and graphics and it really messed up the resolution of the other06:20
newguykirika that gets alsa restarted, but still no sound06:20
nickrudEvanlec: unless I've mixed it up, it's slang for the svn manual06:20
cake4567that screens and graphics config just doesnt wrok06:20
Evanlecnickrud, he told me to skip chapters 1 and 2? lol, i think the introduction is where i'll start06:20
kirikanewguy, well i dont really know what your initial problem was i was just try to help sorry im not sure06:20
newguykk np06:21
nickrudEvanlec: I think that was a typo, skim is more likely06:21
newguywell this is driving me nuts, all the troubleshooting does nothing06:21
Evanlecnickrud, yea i think ur right06:21
kirikanewguy, what was the problem06:21
newguydesertc that page you gave me did not help much06:21
newguywell when i boot my pc up right, after like 5 minutes i cant listen to music or any sound at all06:21
brettmrHmmm, So i managed to get this "extended desktop" working with xrandr, although apparently they have to be one on top and one below it, because of the older intel chip limitations.06:21
desertcnewguy: you hadn't even tried restarting alsa, so I don't know how much troubleshooting you did... :P06:22
brettmranyways it behaves really strangely, i am guessing it is gnome that is being weird06:22
newguyso when i go preferences->sound and try "test" it gives me: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Resource busy or not available.06:22
newguyi have no idea what the hell that message means06:22
newguyscarely it reminds me of the windows days too06:22
Evanleci feel sorry for anyone using an intel video chip06:22
newguydesertc i did restart alsa06:22
cake4567nvidia blows06:22
kirikanewguy, that used to happen alot to me i would just resart my system and it would fix it06:23
cake4567damn you dual support06:23
desertcresource is busy06:23
newguydesertc still not helping the sound problem06:23
Evanleccake4567, i suggest u try the nvidia-settings app06:23
newguykirika yeah but this means i have to restart my computer every 5 mins just to hear sound06:23
newguykirika duno bout you, but that soon gets a bit tirring06:23
brettmrOne issue i read  about is that randr makes the VGA the primary monitor and puts the panels there, this does happen, but when i switch workspaces, it switches workspaces for both monitors, and if i put an icon on one screen, it will stay there even if the display is turned off through xrandr06:24
cake4567nvidia-settings: invalid option: "app"06:24
kirikanewguy, yea i get it, but i wonder what else is using it06:24
Evanlecnewguy, this might be a shot in the dark, but that sounds like an IRQ problem, perhaps try disabling APCI on boot?06:24
newguyok, in BIOS disable onboard sound chip you mean?06:24
kirikaoh yea thats a good idea06:24
Evanleccake4567, type '06:24
Evanleccake4567, 'sudo nvidia-settings'06:25
newguyok, ill try that, brb06:25
desertcHe's not even checked his devices or anything.  People just come in here complaining and demanding help.06:25
Evanlecdesertc, it does happen a lot i agree06:26
kirikaso does anyone know if i can copy my desktop settings to use on my normal user account because i cant seem to fix my issue06:26
cake4567in the nvidia app but there is nothing I can change?!!?06:26
Evanlecdesertc, but i'll admit ive jumped into here asking a question once or twice when i probly coulda found it on google....06:26
desertcI missed the end of my show because I was getting brow-beat by him over him not getting to hear him MP306:26
Evanlecdesertc, lol06:27
desertcsigh - and that's when I know it's time to depart from #ubuntu for the night.  Good luck all with resolving your issues.06:27
nickruddamn, desertc that's dedication!!06:27
Evanlecdesertc, good night, keep up the good work :)06:27
nickrudkirika: what's the issue?06:28
Evanleci feel very satisfied with the ubuntu community, i installed it 3 months ago and got lots of help, now here i am helping others, if only everyone did that...we'd be all set06:28
cake4567thanks evan..... I dont see any changed I can make in sudo nvidia-settings though?06:28
kirikanickrud, oh sorry its just my borders on my apps in my normal user settings are gone and i cant seem to get them back so i wonder if i can maybe copy settings from another user say root and use those settings to fix it06:29
Evanlecin fact, i think the primary reason i dont switch to Arch or another more "technical" distro is because of the ubuntu community06:29
cake4567unless I have a EDID file06:29
rbilcake4567: what are u trying to do?06:29
ggoogihow do i start keyring daemon?06:29
cake4567dual monitors06:29
nickrudkirika: in compiz?06:29
rbiland what's the prob?06:29
cake4567nvidia laptop grpahics card06:29
newguywell i turned off the onboard sound card in the BIOS i have no sound now lol06:29
jimjamDoes anyone know why, on a reboot, my desktop is completely black? When I go into Appearances to change my desktop image, it changes back to my normal image, but my icons are gone. Anyone know why?06:29
Evanleccake4567, 2nd menu item: X server display configuration06:30
newguyas i dont have a soundcard in a PCI slot, the only soundcard i do have is the onboard one06:30
newguywell going to reboot now06:30
cake4567Failed to set MetaMode (1) 'CRT-0: nvidia-auto-select @1920x1200 +0+0, DFP-0: 800x600@60 @800x600 +1920+0' (Mode 2720x1200, id: 52) on X screen 0.06:31
jimjamI can't access Nautilus, either?06:31
nickrudjimjam: I've been seeing problems with other things, but it may be related. I log into alt-f1, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop, killall gconfd-2, and then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start06:31
gotenksquestion about apt-get06:31
cake4567errr Failed to set MetaMode (1) 'CRT-0: nvidia-auto-select @1920x1200 +0+0, DFP-0: nvidia-auto-select @1280x800 +1920+0' (Mode 3200x1200, id: 53) on X screen 0.06:31
jimjamsure thing06:31
nickrudkirika: try alt-f2 metacity --replace06:31
sfearsis there a way other than ndiswrapper to configure wireless06:31
rbilcake4567: u using twinview?06:31
gotenkshow do i know what version the application is?06:31
Evanleccake4567, can ur monitor do 3200x1200? cuz mine can't ;p06:32
jimjamnickrud: Do I need to log out first?06:32
cake4567hahah no06:32
nickrudjimjam: you could, but I never have anything running that matters at that point :)06:32
cake4567thats not what it says on the display though.. I want 1920 x 1200 by 1280 x 80006:32
rbilwhat does your Screen ... Option show for metamodes in your xorg.conf?06:33
brettmrcake4567: are you trying to get extended desktop working with Nvidia card?06:33
Evanleccake4567, yes but that error u just posted says (Mode 3200x1200, id: 53)06:33
Evanlecbrettmr, yes he is06:33
cake4567the layout gives the correct resolutions06:33
ads001can someone do me a favour and /whois adante and get the ip for me -- i'm trying to find my own ip but this retarded client won't let me06:34
kirikanickrud, im using xfce06:34
gotenkscan anyone help me?06:34
scguy318ads001: adante is n=adante@124-171-164-125.dyn.iinet.net.au * Kagehisa Anotsu06:34
brettmrjust a thought i am preseltly reading this thread, and it seems to apply somewhat06:34
ads001thanks scguy31806:34
levanderIs anyone else trying to use a Keyword Search in Firefox for the Ubuntu Forums?06:34
rbilads001: go here to get your ip addy ... http://w-3productions.com/myaddress.mv06:34
Evanleccake4567, you might want to try using a default xorg.conf and just try getting things working usng only the nvidia-settings panel06:34
nickrudkirika: ah, nm then. Yes, you could pull in your config from root if it's working, do chown -R kirika:kirika ~/ afterwards to set the files to yourself06:35
ads001rbil: yeah unfortunately my computer is at home and i am not :)06:35
cake4567how do I default the xrog again06:35
cake4567I already have  a backup of it06:35
Evanleccake4567, replace with backup i'd say06:35
jd_can anyone help i want to view networked computers in xubuntu dapper drake its not like ubuntu no network folder06:35
Evanleccake4567, oh, um06:35
Evanleccake4567, do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:35
levanderI keep having to delete and recreate my Keyword Search in Firefox for the Ubuntu Forums.  Does that happen to everyone who's doing that?06:35
jimjamhmm... a "killall gconfd-2" didn't kill anything06:36
nickrudcake4567: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg06:36
kirikanickrud, hmm wierd i didnt think of that thanks i will try06:36
Evanleccake4567, yea nickrud's is better :)06:36
brettmrI thought it was -phigh xserver-xorg06:36
rbilcake4567: I can show you my xorg.conf and you can develop yours from it. I have dual monitors with 2 LCDs and nvidia card06:36
bazhanglevander: sounds like an issue for Mozilla channel06:36
nickrudjimjam: I have problems with no nautilus and no panel, that works for me06:36
ezzieyguywufanytime i try to run xine or totem-xine, i get the splash screen then it shuts down immidietley. any help?06:36
jd_does anyone know what i sould do or where i can find help with this06:36
Evanlecnickrud, i really gotta start keeping a list of these useful commands, always forget the -pcritical part06:36
nickrudbrettmr: -pcritical asks no questions at all06:36
jimjamthanks anyways nickrud06:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about postbin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:36
brettmrAh i see06:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about postebin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:37
rbilanyone give me a postbin addy?06:37
Evanlecnickrud, it asks no questions at all? what does it do then? lol06:37
bazhangrbil pastebin06:37
rbilah so06:37
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:37
cake4567xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration06:37
cake4567   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2007111601371006:37
nickrudEvanlec: there are so many, and they change, you might want to put it in revision control :P06:37
Evanlecnickrud, LOL06:37
jd_i need some help please06:37
nickrudcake4567: normal, it made a fresh backup for you06:38
kirikajd_, whats the prob06:38
ezzieyguywufcan someone help me with totem crashing every time i start it up?06:38
jimjamHow can I see which users are logged in? I've logged in twice and I want to kill my other profile.06:38
Evanlecnickrud, pcritical asks no questions? so it just uses some base defaults like vesa and pc101 kbd?06:38
cake4567alright nick06:38
rbilcake4567: here's relevant part of my xorg.conf ... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44684/06:38
kirikaezzieyguywuf, use vlc totem crashes alot for me as well06:38
cake4567now do I go back to the nvidia thing/06:38
nickrudEvanlec: it tries to probe for the right stuff, it's essentially what a fresh install does06:38
nickrudjimjam: who in a terminal06:39
Evanlecnickrud, ohh ok, coolness06:39
ezzieyguywufvlc has a lot of pops and whatnot with the sound. any help with that?06:39
jimjamnickrud: any way to force log out?06:39
brettmrDoes anyone know why/about any issues with extended desktop using XrandR and gnome, like why the when you switch worskspaces it switches on both monitors06:39
kirikaezzieyguywuf, hmm never had that problem are you on a slow computer06:39
Evanlecezzieyguywuf, probly a codec problem, try playing different a different media type and see if it occurs06:40
jimjammike     tty1         2007-11-15 22:3406:40
jimjammike     tty9         2007-11-15 22:35 (:0)06:40
jimjammike     pts/0        2007-11-15 22:39 (:0.0)06:40
ezzieyguywufkirka: ok. my comp is not slow :-D06:40
jd_kirika i cant view my networked computers on xubuntu dapper drake.06:40
Evanlecjimjam, be careful pls, no pasting over 3 lines is the general rule...06:40
kirikajd_, are they connected06:40
nickrudjimjam: I'm sure there is, but I run single user machines, never had to look for it.06:40
jd_yes they are06:41
jimjamAnyone else know how I can force a user to log out?06:41
jd_there is no network folder like regular ubuntu06:41
ezzieyguywufkirika: ok, with an .ogg file there are no pops, but when i play a dvd it pops left and right06:41
jd_you have to set it up with fusesmb06:41
kirikaezzieyguywuf, may be a codec problem06:41
Evanlecjimjam, /kick ;p06:41
jd_i did in xubuntu gusty but my wireless card does not work in gusty06:41
jimjamEvanlec: So many stories with that command :P06:42
Evanlecezzieyguywuf, yea that confirms that its a codec issue06:42
multiverseHow do I compile BIGMEM into 7.10 kernel?06:42
ezzieyguywufkirika: any help? :-D06:42
jd_so i went to dapper and i cant get this to work06:42
Evanlecjimjam, heh06:42
ezzieyguywufevanlec: any help?06:42
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Evanlecezzieyguywuf, u grab the codecs from medibuntu repository?06:42
Evanlec!dvd | ezzieyguywuf06:42
ubotuezzieyguywuf: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs06:42
ezzieyguywufhow can i set the default soundcard in VLC?06:42
Evanlecezzieyguywuf, i know others have had issues with dvd playback as welll, but im not sure of solutions, i would search ubuntuforums.org06:42
randomcommandoconnect irc.hackthissite.org06:43
kirikaezzieyguywuf, it should auto detect sound card06:43
kirikarandomcommando, why06:43
ezzieyguywufkirika: i have an external 5.1 i want to use06:43
ezzieyguywufevanclec: i been in the forums for days now :-) haha06:43
kirikaezzieyguywuf, oh, well im not sure how to do that06:44
jd_well im lost06:44
kirikaezzieyguywuf, i have an old pc with the most basic stuff06:44
jd_nobody awake in xubuntu06:44
kirikajd_, sorry man did you google at least06:44
jd_is there like irc for dapper06:44
jd_yes i did06:45
jimjamHmm... killing X didn't do it. I don't want to have to restart this thing.06:45
jd_i cant find anything but what i have found for the gusty06:45
jimjamIs is normal to have three responses from "who" for a simple graphical log in?06:45
jd_the gusty one worked well set it up in five minutes06:46
jd_but my wireless card locks up in gusty with ndiswrapper06:46
nareshovjimjam, yeah, if you have terminals open06:46
makavelihow do i install a .tar.gz file?06:46
jd_never did in fiesty though06:46
bruenigmakaveli, what is it06:46
nareshovjd_, is there no native driver now?06:46
cake4567still giving me the stupid Failed to set MetaMode (1) 'CRT-0: nvidia-auto-select @1920x800 +0+0, DFP-0: nvidia-auto-select @1280x800 +1920+0' (Mode 3200x800, id: 52) on X screen 0. ....nick didnt your code reset my xorg config?06:46
jd_makaveli i have a good doc for this06:46
rbiljimjam: I think this will kill a user .... skill -STOP -u <username> .... start with sudo06:46
makavelibruenig, hydra-5.4-src.tar.gz06:47
bruenigmakaveli, a .tar.gz file is a gzipped tape archive, it is like asking how do I install a .zip or something in windows. It doesn't have any inherent thing to do with it, it is just an archive.06:47
jimjamrbil: I'll give it a try. Can't do any real damage.06:47
jd_i though he meant compile06:47
bruenigmakaveli, that looks like a programs source code, so you want to extract it, and read the documentation on how to install it06:47
makaveliok gotcha06:47
rbilor this one jimjam ... skill -KILL -u <username>06:47
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:48
makavelijd_, yes06:49
makavelijd_ i gotcha thanks06:49
jd_this is a very user friendly guide06:49
gOLdenHaWK3Dhi all06:49
rbiljimjam: do ... man skill  ... to learn more06:49
jd_i think ill just go back to fiesty i like how well xubuntu runs06:52
jd_does anyone know what might have changed for ndiswrapper to make my computer lock up06:53
jd_form fiesty to gusty06:53
eko_hermiyantowow... i can install windows program on ubuntu which need .net06:54
rbiljd_: possibly gutsy handles your wireless nic without need for ndiswrapper?06:54
eko_hermiyantowine-doors is really amazing06:54
jimjamrbil: It totally worked06:54
rbiljimjam: good to know06:54
jd_then how whould i check this06:54
jimjamrbil: I was concerned because I was also logged in. A blank screen for a few seconds also races the heart a bit06:54
jimjamrbil: But everything's good06:55
jimjamrbil: Thanks06:55
dwf_starbandif I just installed ubuntu on a computer, is there a way to use the updates and packages from my main ubuntu desktop, without downloading them off the internet?06:56
cake4567hey whats that command again to get into the nvidia X control panel?06:57
rbilcake4567: sudo nvidia-settings ?06:57
eko_hermiyantois it possible to setting an odbc in ubuntu?06:58
corevettehelp edit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Mobile_and_Embedded_Edition06:58
eko_hermiyantoodbc into mysql server?06:58
bazhangdwf_starband: stuff you have already downloaded not in the installer cd?06:58
bazhangdwf_starband: aptoncd06:59
msinghmad props to you ubuntu guys .. for the first time suspend actually works right on my laptop07:00
bruenigmsingh, no one in here had anything to do with nor did anyone with ubuntu have anything to do07:00
cake4567now my stupid awn bar is off centered :907:01
bruenigmsingh, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux07:01
bmt2hello to all07:01
msinghbruenig, im sure if i used fedora or some shit it wouldnt suspend07:01
bruenigmsingh, kernel...07:01
bazhangmsingh: language..07:01
msinghbruenig, no, this is the work of someone who went the extra mile to make a great user experience07:01
bruenigmaybe this is why ubuntu gets so much praise, the users don't know enough to understand why their stuff actually works07:02
bruenigthey think, this is happening when I install ubuntu, therefore ubuntu did it07:02
msinghi know that the silly linux kernel has supported suspend forever, but it never worked for me until now07:02
bruenigI guess that makes sense07:02
bmt2i just tried to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10, and got an error that stated : Faild to fetch http://www.debian-multimedia.org/dists/feisty/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found07:02
bmt2can anyone help ?07:02
msinghi just have a question.. is there a way to get ubuntu to run /etc/init.d/networking restart when the machine wakes up?07:03
shishiobmt2: whts ur internet speed?07:03
bruenigwait you mean ubuntu didn't add that when they programmed it into the kernel as you think they have done?07:03
bmt2shishio: i am using cable internet07:03
Evanleccake4567, i usually run sudo nvidia-settings because otherwise it wont save changes to your xorg.conf07:04
whaboTHANK YOU UBUNTU 7.10 for making my LIFE a little bit easier .. and FOR ALL OF YOU GUYS WORKING TO PERFECTION IT.. THANK YOU07:04
msinghbruenig, i dont think you know what you're talking about07:04
bruenig!caps | whabo07:04
ubotuwhabo: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:04
bruenig!ot | whabo07:04
ubotuwhabo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:04
bazhangbmt2: someone else had a similar problem last night--may be a server issue07:04
shishiobmt2: is ur internet connection Ok? somethimes it fails to fetch when internet connection is slow07:04
bruenigmsingh, I bet I do07:04
bmt2shishio: my internet connection is working properly07:05
cake4567thanks...my monitors are working a lot better07:05
bmt2bazhang: think i should try later ?07:05
ginitaanyone using macbook pro? i just install ubuntu on my macbook pro (intel with ati video card)07:05
jdlizardok i have another ?07:05
bruenig!anyone | ginita07:05
ubotuginita: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:05
bazhangbmt2: certainly :}07:05
ginitai wonder how can i make my wifi works in ubuntu? with macbook pro?07:05
Evanlecnickrud, this svn thing has got me almost motivated to start doing css again, but what i really want is a way to get an instant preview of any changes i make (for example changing width of x from 124px to 128px) gotta see the results to know what ur doing ya know07:05
cake4567why would you put linux on a mac laptop?!!!?!?107:05
bruenig!madwifi | ginita07:05
ubotuginita: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:05
ginitaii just did cake07:05
Evanleccake4567, because linux is more fun07:06
bruenigginita, look for madwifi07:06
jdlizarddoe anyone know when u upgrade from feisty to gusty does the kernel change07:06
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nickrudEvanlec: install firebug in firefox, you can alter the page live07:06
bruenigjdlizard, it does07:06
Evanlecjdlizard, yes, gutsy kernl is 2.6.22-1407:06
bazhangginita: you may also want to check ubuntu-tutorials .com07:06
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greencookieFor some reason, my gnome xchat gui does not have any maximize or minimize buttons. It occupies whole screen and I dont have my panels. please help!07:06
bruenigbazhang, try not to spam07:07
Evanlecnickrud, yea someone suggested that to me before, it does what i asked but, i wanna be working on the actual file and be able to save it very frequently, last time i used firebug i opened another page and all my work was gone07:07
Big-Egreencookie _ same thing happened to me on my gutsy update - restart and that will remedy it.07:07
bazhangbruenig: that isn't07:07
jdlizardok evanlec my wireless card works in gusty on my desktop computer fine in gusty this was after a upgrade from feisty07:07
bruenigjdlizard, what card07:07
jdlizardbut my laptop was a fresh install could u explain any of this if posible07:07
Evanlecjdlizard, cool07:07
jdlizardit is a webstell usb07:08
nickrudEvanlec: try running apache on your local machine, I do that for development. I have /home/www owned by me07:08
jdlizarduses prism207:08
jdlizardi have used ndiswrapper for this since efty07:08
bruenigjdlizard, ok do that again then07:09
Evanlecnickrud, yea i had that setup before too, so i would save the css file, reload the page in f-fox...but...i know this sounds picky...i really got tired of pressing ctrl+f, click on ffox, ctrl+r07:09
jdlizardbut thats what im doing right now as we chat07:09
Magohi all07:09
Evanlecnickrud, wanted a way so that whenever i saved the page would refresh automatically07:09
cubedsihey riotkittie, that twinview didn't work i think its because of my SLI07:09
jdlizardthis will be a long night07:09
cubedsii have 2 devices each with 1 screen07:09
bruenigjdlizard, all I see in the kernel is prism54, so yeah07:10
Evanlecnickrud, but if u work like me, u would understand, i probably hit ctrl+s and ctrl+r about 100 times in half an hour07:10
bruenigjdlizard, try resetting up the whole thing07:10
rbiljdlizard:  see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/prism2_usb07:10
jdlizardim just curious about why this works this way, by the way im using this card right now to make sure it does not crash and it doesnt07:10
ajvhi all, I deleted my ubuntu partition and now grub is screwed. How do I fix it  ?07:11
UDZGuruhi there07:11
UDZGuruanyone here who can help me?07:11
riaalI'm running a local ftp server with vsftp'd, Anyone know where the root folder for an anonymous login is? :S07:11
jdlizardi ahve done everything from compileing ndiswrappers lattest version and nothing only in gusty would it crash07:11
jdlizardbut right now im using gusty with the card and it works fine07:11
nickrudEvanlec: yeah, too bad firefox seems to have lost the -remote() command07:11
ajvon the remaining partition I have winxp install07:12
jdlizardso im installing feisty and then i will set up ndiswrapper then upgrade to xubuntu gusty07:12
Evanlecnickrud, it has? someone suggested that to me too, but it seemed it would always reload in a new tab...but now thats completely out?07:12
NutubuntuHi - was upgrading from Feisty to Gutsy; the download finished; the installation was in progress, and Firefox segfaulted and it looks like everything stopped. What should I do to restart this process?07:12
jdlizardi hope this works07:12
jdlizardi been up late for three nights tryin to get this to work07:12
ajvI need to fix the MBR so that it will run xp again. I am in the command line of ubuntu 7.04. what do I need to run to fix my mbr?07:12
rbilajv: if ubuntu partition is gone, grub is gone07:13
cake4567its easy with a windows install disk07:13
cake4567fdisk /mbr07:13
Evanlecjdlizard, if ur using gutsy and the card works fine, what is the problem?07:13
ajvcake4567: I try running the winxp cd and it tell me can't find the harddisk07:14
jdlizardwell this is it this is my desktop that i upgraded to gusty, my laptop i did a fresh install and it would crash07:14
Evanlec!mbr | ajv07:14
ubotuajv: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:14
NutubuntuHi - was upgrading from Feisty to Gutsy; the download finished; the installation was in progress, and Firefox segfaulted and it looks like everything stopped. What should I do to restart this process? I'm not sure Update Manager will run ... doesn't seem to :/07:14
nickrudEvanlec: I haven't tried in a while, I'm parroting what I've heard07:14
Nylei plug in my usb and it shows up in konqueror07:15
scguy318Nutubuntu: try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade07:15
Evanlecjdlizard, okay but thats a desktop and a laptop...hardware is all different, can't say it was because u upgraded or clean-installed07:15
=== keir_ is now known as keir
Nylei don't have to go mount anything07:15
jdlizardnow usb is usb07:15
Nylethis is what plug and play is all about... go kubuntu07:15
Nutubuntuscguy318,  thanks - will that try the download over again? is it possible to save that hour or two ?07:15
scguy318Nutubuntu: the download should be cached I think07:16
jdlizardnot u sorry07:16
Nutubuntuthanks again, scguy318 ... I'll keep my fingers crossed07:16
Nylenot me?07:16
scguy318Nutubuntu: so hopefully it shouldn't re-d/l again07:16
rocketsGrr, I can't get the pidgin music-tracker plugin to work.07:16
jdlizardim lost07:16
Evanlecnickrud, can u see how something like that would be useful for web development tho?07:17
NutubuntuRunning sudo dpkg --configure -a ... ...07:17
mrbisterWhat's the easiest what to change default O/S to load in grub?07:17
nickrudEvanlec: yup07:17
Evanlecnickrud, i dont know why there isnt any easy solution to this07:17
cubedsi what is the super key?07:18
Evanlecnickrud, i really hate using wyswyg editors, but even those didnt do what i wanted exactly07:18
Evanleccubedsi, its the key with the windows logo07:18
scguy318cubedsi: the Windows key07:18
rbilmrbister: change default <n> in menu.lst to reflect what u want to load by default ... note: start counting from 007:19
Evanlecya know, the one u always ABHORED in windows ;p07:19
FlynsarmyDo updates downloaded/installed with the update manager get stored in the apt folder and therefore be saved with aptOnCD?07:19
* nickrud wonders what Evanlec would have thought of using sidekick and windriver as a development environment07:19
scguy318Flynsarmy: yes07:19
cubedsiwhat is the super key? i know i just asked but i accidently left the room07:19
* Evanlec wonders what sidekick and windriver are07:19
scguy318cubedsi: the Windows key07:19
hdevalencekinda offtopic, but i'm looking for a bleeding-dge distro to run in a vm so I can test new stuff. What's a good one?07:19
nickrudEvanlec: lol, dos 2.11 times07:19
Evanlecits that key that drove me to pry off when i used windows07:20
nickrudhdevalence: gentoo07:20
scguy318Evanlec: scrap it off and stamp Tux :P07:20
fdd__it should be replaced with Tux07:20
Evanlecnickrud, yea i figured u were being facetious07:20
rbilhdevalence: what's more bleeding edge then gutsy?07:21
Evanlecgod need to think of something funny to say to that07:21
bazhanghdevalence: hardy07:21
Evanlecbut i cant07:21
raynixhello everybody!07:21
Nutubuntuscguy318,  dpkg --configure gives me "errors were encountered while processing" then lists half a dozen pkgs: compiz, gnome-panel, gnome-control-center, volumeid, libdataserverui1.2-8, gnome-applets, gnome-power-manager, and initramfs-tools.07:21
nickrudEvanlec: yeah, sidekick was a text editor with only one paste buffer, and wind river was a c compiler. You tied it together with batch files. Sucky07:21
hdevalencebazhang: afaik, there have not been any hardy alpha releases07:22
jdlizardwell i guess i might have to stay here to let u guys know how this works out07:22
Evanlecnickrud, yuck, and on DOS? yes that sounds like a nightmare07:22
nickrudEvanlec: state of the art07:22
Evanlecnickrud, lol07:22
hdevalencebazhang: also, afaik, since it's an LTS, they're not using kde407:22
scguy318Nutubuntu: can you pastebin all the errors?07:22
pradalvrcan i setup a proxy with konversation?07:22
bazhanghdevalence: in a couple of weeks should be--for now go with what nickrud said07:22
Nutubuntuscguy318,  that was the only one I saw07:22
scguy318Nutubuntu: well, can you pastebin all the text?07:23
jdlizardif this works i will be happy but still confuzed on how it did07:23
nickrudhdevalence: hardy will be broken badly and often probably until January07:23
Evanlechdevalence, Arch Linux is designed for bleeding edge07:23
Evanlechdevalence, and ive read great reviews for it07:23
dahitokiriwould anyone happen to know of an image viewing program that displays all images in a folder recursively?07:23
Evanlecdahitokiri, oh like it would open them all inside the app?07:24
dahitokiriEvanlec, yeah07:24
Nutubuntuscguy318,  would it work to re-run dpgk --configure -a and redirect the output to a file? Or would that cause a problem? I'm not sure my terminal will scroll back through all of it. I'm guessing that some dependencies aren't satisfied but it's a guess07:24
hdevalenceyeah, if i'm trying gentoo, i've actually got a long weekend to play with it, so it should be good. their install page reminds me of the bash.org "It only takes three commands to install gentoo...."07:24
scguy318dahitokiri: gthumb07:24
dahitokiriEvanlec, open them sequentially07:24
Evanlecall images in X folder and all images underneath07:24
dahitokiriEvanlec, yeah, one at a time07:24
Evanlechow would it know what order to put them in?07:24
scguy318Nutubuntu: that should be fine, the top is probably the important stuff07:24
dahitokiriEvanlec, it wouldn't matter07:25
scguy318Nutubuntu: make sure you redirect standard error07:25
Nutubuntukthx scguy318 :)07:25
Evanleci wonder if u could do some sort of symlinking magic to do that07:25
dahitokirifuck. if it doesn't exist, i should make it. it's not that hard...07:26
bazhang!ohmy | dahitokiri07:26
ubotudahitokiri: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:26
dahitokiriah, sorry07:26
dahitokiriheh, nice trigger07:26
dahitokirivery 1950s07:26
hdevalenceideally I'm looking for something to play with kde4 in; I tried openSUSE but i'm having problems with it; and I found a debian kde4 live cd, but it doesn't have the option to install. Also it's an opportunity to try new distros.07:27
dahitokiriis kde4 even out yet?07:27
FallenHitokiridahitokiri: no07:27
dahitokiridoesn't it have a month for a release?07:27
rbilnight folks07:27
FallenHitokiridahitokiri: they _plan_ to release in december07:27
hdevalencebut they've been having problems07:28
Evanlechdevalence, a distro like Gentoo or Arch gives u complete control, such that, u install a base operating system, and then install whatever desktop u want (gnome, kde4, etc)07:28
dahitokiriit won't be useful to general users till 4.1 anyway07:28
dahitokiriespecially because of QT's redesign07:28
e|64how to change the console screen resolution ?07:28
Nutubuntuscguy318 - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44689/07:28
hdevalenceI hear they have some nice APIs07:28
FallenHitokirihdevalence: I know that there are packages for archlinux,...07:28
Evanlecah, an arch user speaks07:29
hdevalenceAnyways, I need to go to bed in 2 hours ago, so goodnight.07:29
cerealkillerneed help07:29
cerealkillerhow to install new icon themes07:30
scguy318Nutubuntu: that is all?07:30
Nutubuntuscguy318,  yes, I think so ... should there be more?07:30
cerealkillerhow to install new icon themes07:30
scguy318Nutubuntu: i suppose you could try either explicitly installing the dependencies the errors mention or07:30
Evanleccerealkiller, download em from gnome-look.org07:30
FallenHitokiricerealkiller: drag & drop in system -> settings -> look (or whatever it is caled in english)07:30
scguy318Nutubuntu: try doing sudo aptitude dist-upgrade07:30
Nutubuntuoktanouc, will do, thanks scguy31807:31
raynixyes, gnome-look.org07:31
cerealkillerand then where can i put the downloaded file07:31
Evanleccerealkiller, then install them in the appearance window07:31
Evanleccerealkiller, put it in ur home folder07:31
Evanleccerealkiller, but dont extract them07:31
kirikanickrud, hey sorry i asked this earlier but i seemed to have got all the settings from another account on my normal user but do you now which file or where its located to use the desktop settings of say root07:32
Evanleccerealkiller, just leave the .gz file siting there, then go to system>preferences>appearance, click install, browse to your .gz file07:32
tony_trying to get steam to install. downloaded steam.msi. doesnt read.07:32
Nutubuntuscguy318,  aptitude wants to remove compiz, compiz-gnome, desktop-effects, libwnck18 and ubuntu-desktop???07:32
nickrudkirika: root's settings are in /root07:32
Evanlectony_, ur using wine ya?07:33
qcodeThe package aircrack sounds interesting07:33
Evanlectony_, try #winehq first pls07:33
ExtravertWhere can I find Linux example source files of C programming?07:33
rocketsah man07:33
kirikanickrud, sorry, i figured, but basically i need the windows settings as in how each window looks if that makes sense07:34
scguy318Nutubuntu: mm07:34
EvanlecExtravert, probably all over your system...?07:34
scguy318Nutubuntu: say no07:34
ExtravertEvanlec: ??07:34
EvanlecExtravert, or download any tarball07:34
qcodeExtravert: Try www.freshmeat.net07:34
Extravertqcode: thanks07:34
EvanlecExtravert, open it up and look for .c files07:34
kirikai have all the regular settings changed like in the menus but i still have no borders on my screen07:34
nickrudkirika: where xfce keeps that, I'm not sure. I'd look for files in .xfce*07:34
scguy318Nutubuntu: sudo apt-get install compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra libcompizconfig007:35
kirikanickrud, ok i will check that thanks07:35
Nutubuntuscguy318,  now it offers to install libcompizconfig-backend-gconf and libcompizconfig007:35
Evanleckirika, we get about 1300 people with that problem in here each day07:35
cerealkillerin kdesu konqueror in kde whats in ubuntu07:35
scguy318Nutubuntu: go ahead07:35
Nutubuntuscguy318,  that's before the apt-get install you just mentioned -07:35
WGGMkQuestion about SSH. My server is running SSH and im able to access it locally. but no where else.. its not running thru a router because it is its own DHCP and DNS. on a cable provider using DynDNS.com to update automatically. I was able to log in once accross WAN but not anymore07:35
Evanlecnickrud, would u mind if i asked what your workflow is for web dev?07:36
kirikanickrud, sorry most of my problem i can solve myself but this one stumped me07:36
FlynsarmyI'm using samba to connect to a windows drive through a network. I found a file on the drives top level called nautilus-debug-log.txt containing around 2900 lines of "0x8177800 2007/11/01 02:56:29.3725 (USER): debug log dumped due to signal 11". Is that normal?07:36
bullgard4Is there a tutorial how to access hard disk files using the Ubuntu life CD?07:36
nickrudkirika: I've not really used xfce, I started with gnome years ago and never really left07:36
scguy318Nutubuntu: proceed with aptitude if you wish07:36
Nutubuntuokay ... it's busily downloading things ... the linux-image ...07:36
rubydiamondhow to install eclipse on ubuntu07:36
e|64How to change the console resolution07:36
scguy318Nutubuntu: cool cool I suppose :)07:36
* Nutubuntu crosses fingers07:37
nickrudEvanlec: code, look, debug, look, debug, look, debug, revision. Rinse and repeat07:37
kirikanickrud, me too but i switched for a faster console because my computer is old and slow07:37
Evanlecbullgard4, probably no tutorial needed, just hit places > computer and open the disks up07:37
Evanlecnickrud, lol, okay, but maybe a little more specific, what apps?07:37
Flynsarmyrubydiamond: Add/Remove programs. It should be in the list07:37
nickrudEvanlec: I pretty much use eclipse, it handles mixed php css xhtml very gracefully, and has a decent task tracker and svn plugin07:38
Evanlecnickrud, it has an svn plug-in?? ooh now that sounds INTERESTING07:38
Nutubuntuscguy318,  when aptitude finishes this, should I also get the pkgs you mentioned earlier (compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra libcompizconfig0)?07:39
WGGMkQuestion about SSH. My server is running SSH and im able to access it locally. but no where else.. its not running thru a router because it is its own DHCP and DNS. on a cable provider using DynDNS.com to update automatically. I was able to log in once accross WAN but not anymore07:39
nickrudEvanlec, it has plugins for a kitchen sink :)07:39
Evanlecnickrud, im sold07:39
Evanlecnickrud, tho of course, my lovely vim may just come back to me07:40
pablassostupid question, i made some users with useradd, but the prompt for them looks horrible, it looks like 'sh-3.1$', even though i copied the same .bashrc to their home that im using on the root account with a beauty prompt, what could it be?07:40
Evanlecnickrud, holy lord, apt-get eclipse: im guessing around 40 packages totalling 114mb asking to be installed07:40
nickrudEvanlec: get the one from eclipse, not the one from ubuntu. I used to use vim for simple stuff, emacs for bigger. Now eclipse for bigger & emacs for the rest07:40
bullgard4Evanlec: Thank you for commenting.07:40
rubydiamondhow to install eclipse with aptana on ubuntu07:40
rubydiamondsimplest and best way I want07:41
nickrudEvanlec: Yeah, eclipse is written in java, you will need a fairly strong machine07:41
Evanlecbullgard4, is that sarcasm? if so i probly deserve it ;p07:41
Evanlecnickrud, Java? (shudders)07:41
=== sahaj is now known as greencookie
Evanlecnickrud, im on x86_64...07:42
greencookieThis is wierd.07:42
bullgard4Evanlec: Yes. There is more about this than only the one procedure which you described.07:42
greencookieMy gnome xchat doesnt have any minimize or maximize buttons07:42
nickrudEvanlec: I run a 1.6 gig dual 64, works just fine07:42
Evanlecbullgard4, okay well that was my understanding of your question07:42
greencookieI have compiz enabled and this happened.07:42
greencookieHas anyone gotten a similar problem?07:43
Evanlecnickrud, but java and 64 ? i cant imagine this working nicely07:43
Nutubuntuconsiderable updating and replacing going on ... scguy318, when this is done, is there a way to check that it's happily complete ?07:43
nickrudEvanlec: ah, probably a problem. Maybe you can learn about chroots :)07:43
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:43
scguy318Nutubuntu: not sure, I would guess a simple sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:44
NutubuntuMakes sense ... thanks again, scguy31807:44
Evanlecnickrud, i'd much rather not, how did u manage it07:44
greencookieHi can someone tell me how to get my minimize and maximize and close buttons back in gnome xchat?07:44
greencookieits eating the entire desktop.. kinda like eclipsed the whole things.07:45
nickrudEvanlec: I run the 32 bit version, I don't do heavy number crunching or video processing, the apps I use aren't optimized for 64bit07:45
kevinis the problem with "no minimize buttons" only occuring with the chat window?07:45
kevini had that happen to me, but it was every window07:45
Evanlecnickrud, u just said u run a 1.6gig dual 6407:46
nickrudgreencookie: maybe the window is just bigger than the screen, try alt-click the window and dragging it down to the left07:46
nickrudEvanlec: chip, yes, os, no07:46
Evanlecnickrud, oh, boooo07:46
computer_000hi i have 2 laptops both with ubuntu, one of the laptops dont have wireless access. how do i share a wired connect between both laptops?07:46
greencookienickrud: nopes there is no you know the thing at top of all windows. the horzontal bar which contain the max min and close buttons? that is not there.07:47
computer_000hi i have 2 laptops both with ubuntu, one of the laptops dont have wireless access. how do i share internet with a wired connection between both laptops?07:47
nickrudgreencookie: try alt-f2 emerald --replace07:47
kevinhey greencookie are you using compiz?07:47
Evanlecnickrud, how many times have u dealt with the no window borders problem in here? lol07:47
greencookiekevin yes07:47
nareshov!repeat | computer_00007:47
ubotucomputer_000: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:47
kevinthat happened to me after i upgraded to gutsy07:47
nickrudEvanlec: several times myself07:48
kevini assume it was because i had altered my xorg.conf by hand and during the upgrade it wasn't updated automatically07:48
bazhangcomputer_000: on a home network?07:48
Evanlecnickrud, i usually see about 20 or 30 ppl with that problem on a typical day in here07:48
computer_000yeah, i have both laptops with me07:48
nickrudkevin: no, it's probably because your window manager didn't get started, that's emerald07:48
ianloic_hey, I think the most recent gutsy kernel broke my sound07:48
kevinmake sure you're using 24 bit color07:49
ianloic_is there an apt repo I can point at with old version?07:49
bazhangcomputer_000: and you have a router with wired and wireless capability?07:49
computer_000i try to share my wireless laptop with another laptop but wired07:49
computer_000no router07:49
ianloic_I remember debian had some special repo with everything that was ever built but I can't find that07:49
ianloic_and launchpad confuses me07:49
Evanlecianloic_, you dont wanna do that07:49
bazhangcomputer_000: adsl/cable?07:49
nickrudEvanlec: I switch back & forth with alt-f2 compiz --replace emerald --replace  & metacity --replace , never have got it working automatically myself07:49
greencookieI dunno what ure talking about nickrud and kevin whats emerald? i just got compiz on my machine07:49
Evanlecianloic_, many ppl have had some issues with gutsy and sound, it is fixable tho, search ubuntuforums.org07:49
SlimG2What command unloads a module temporarily uintil next boot, what command entirely removes a module from the system, and what command blacklists modules on a system?07:49
nareshov!hda-intel | ianloic_07:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hda-intel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:49
ianloic_Evanlec: whynot? It used to work and now it doesn't - I'd like to be able to narrow it down07:49
nickrudgreencookie: emerald is the app that draws the window borders (and title bar)07:50
greencookieand now this gigantous xchat screen is hogging my desktop, panels, everything:)07:50
newguyhey there how do i get iptables to log events under System-->Administrator-->System logs ?07:50
computer_000this pc is wireless and i can go to the net, but the other the wireless dont work07:50
greencookienickrud: Ah ok. I sense emerald is being lazy and not doing its job on poor gnome xchat. how do I fix him?07:50
Evanlecianloic_, going back to an older kernel would be more of a headache i think07:50
WGGMkQuestion about SSH. My server is running SSH and im able to access it locally. but no where else.. its not running thru a router because it is its own DHCP and DNS. on a cable provider using DynDNS.com to update automatically. I was able to log in once accross WAN but not anymore07:50
ianloic_Evanlec: yes, but I don't feel like manually installing things - that sucks for maintainance07:50
bazhangcomputer_000: adsl/cable?07:50
nickrudgreencookie: hit alt-f2, you should get a dialog box. type emerald --replace in it07:50
ianloic_Evanlec: it shouldn't be - there was an older gutsy one07:50
Evanlecianloic_, manually installing a kernel probably sucks for maintainence i imagine07:51
greencookieemerald --replace07:51
bazhanggreencookie: try the command emerald --replace in the alt +f2 window07:51
ianloic_Evanlec: is there nowhere to to get older kernels?07:51
FlynsarmyI'm using samba to connect to a windows drive through a network. I found a file on the drives top level called nautilus-debug-log.txt containing around 2900 lines of "0x8177800 2007/11/01 02:56:29.3725 (USER): debug log dumped due to signal 11". Is that normal?07:51
Evanlecianloic_, its probably not even the kernel07:51
greencookiebazhang: nickrud there is nothing popping up when I hit alt+f207:51
nareshovgreencookie, your wm is down?07:51
Evanlecianloic_, trust me, many ppl had this problem with gutsy, search the forums, the solution is not to downgrade kernel07:51
nickrudgreencookie: hm, you have bigger problems then. No panel at all07:51
nareshovfire up a terminal from the menu07:52
kevingreencookie: if you disable the visual effects, the titlebar should come back07:52
bazhangcomputer_000: any reason you can't connect wired and wirelessly?07:52
pipelineaudiocan someone help me with this quote? "sometimes utility shows error (you dont have a permissons). The easiest way to solve it, is to boot from Linux livecd (ubuntu or gentoo), and type in terminal 'sudo cfdisk'. Then you should create Darwin UFS partition (A8). Now you can boot to OS X installer again and skip work with partition manager"07:52
pipelineaudioI did that but it still said no permissions07:52
ianloic_Evanlec: I just want to restore my machine to its previous, working state07:52
ianloic_I'll look elsewhere07:52
Evanlecianloic_, then clean install feisty07:52
computer_000i want my other laptop to connect to the net through this laptop07:53
bazhangpipelineaudio: sounds like an Apple issue07:53
Evanlecif ur gonna be that stubborn about it07:53
pipelineaudiowell with the ubuntu cfdisk, I got it to say UFC partition I think07:53
bazhangcomputer_000: what wireless card07:53
nareshovbazhang, that's the osx-x86 issue :P07:53
pipelineaudiobut it doesnt let me format still07:53
Evanlecinstall dapper and never upgrade anything again lol07:53
sahajhey bazhang this is greencookie.07:53
pipelineaudiois there a way to format to hfs in linux somehow?07:53
sahajbazhang. my xserver is not responding. I have to use irssi:(07:54
computer_000broadcom or something07:54
nickrudbreezy was my last troublefree ubuntu07:54
Evanlecpipelineaudio, hfs is mac filesystem right?07:54
nickrudmy only trouble free os, ever07:54
nareshovpipelineaudio, you need to create a hfs type partition, fdisk can do that07:54
sahajnickrud: this is greencookie using irssi. cuz my xserver crashed apparently07:54
Evanlecpipelineaudio, i would suggest the gparted live cd , google for it07:54
nareshovjust relabel a newly created partition07:54
computer_000my other laptop dont have wireless, just wired07:54
bazhangcomputer_000: could you be more precise--can't give precise help without it :}07:54
pipelineaudioI have gparted it doesnt make hfs07:54
sahajwhen i hit crtl alt f7 i get blank screen07:54
computer_000i want my other laptop to connect to the net through this laptop07:54
levanderHas anyone seen a list of graphics cards that have Linux hardware acceleration support?  Are there alternatives to ATI and nVidia?07:54
computer_000get it?07:55
Evanlecnickrud, eh, it doesnt feel like linux to me if there isnt just a few problems07:55
psychehow i can hack ubuntu locally?07:55
nareshov!hcl | levander07:55
bazhangpipelineaudio: I'm guessing no hfs through linux07:55
ubotulevander: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport07:55
nickrudsahaj: hm, what did you do, just before it crashed (if anything, that is)07:55
psychemy friend lost his passwords and im trying to fix it07:55
pipelineaudiobazhang: do you understand how to use cfdisk? I think I did it wrong07:55
psychecant reinstall it because he has his files in there07:55
sahajnickrud: you told me alt+f2 when it didnt work i hit ctrl alt f1 to get into terminal to type emerald --reset07:55
Evanleclevander, there are no good alternatives to ati or nvidia07:55
bazhangpipelineaudio: this is for dual booting on a mac?07:55
psycheso i need some good advice how i can bypass login07:55
nareshovpipelineaudio, use fdisk, press t and select partition to relabel07:55
nickrudsahaj: ah, alt-f7 to get back to X07:56
pipelineaudioquad booting07:56
sahajand when i tried to go back to ctrl alt f7 it shows blank screen07:56
pipelineaudionareshov: fdsik from windows?07:56
nickrudsahaj: try alt-f8 and alt-f907:56
nareshovlinux livecd07:56
Evanleclevander, i'd say in order of linux support it goes Nvidia > ATI > Intel > anything obscure07:56
SlimG2What command unloads a module temporarily uintil next boot, what command entirely removes a module from the system, and what command blacklists modules on a system?07:56
pipelineaudioinstead of cfdisk?07:56
nareshovIntel > ATI07:56
greencookiealt f9 worked07:56
bazhangcomputer_000: yes I get it--sorry no idea07:56
Evanlecnareshov, i beg to differ07:56
bazhangpipelineaudio: using boot camp?07:57
Evanlecesp now with the new drivers coming out for ati07:57
levanderEvanlec: What's wrong with Intel, haven't they opened up the source for their drivers?07:57
pipelineaudiousing ubuntu grub eventually07:57
nickrudSlimG2: rmmod removes it, and adding it to a file in /etc/modprobe.d/ (using blacklist there as a template) will blacklist it. Don't remove it from the system07:57
pipelineaudioI dont have it on except live right now though07:57
pipelineaudiogotta finish the osx install07:57
Evanleclevander, mm, not that i know of, the other problem is that they make onboard video cards, which ive always avoided like the plague07:58
bazhangnareshov: you called it07:58
pipelineaudiogparted shows the partition as fat32, cfdisk and mac show it as unix07:58
rocketsAnybody reccomend a good icon editor?07:58
pipelineaudiosudo cfdisk07:58
nickrudrockets: inkscape07:58
Evanlecpipelineaudio, i suggest gparted live cd because it has support for a lot more filesystems, including hfs, than regular gparted07:58
rocketsnickrud, oh yeah, guess I could use Xara xtreme too.07:58
pipelineaudioI followed the instructions in that quote, but it didnt say what to do, like write it or what07:58
pipelineaudioI have the gparted live cd07:59
nickrudrockets: svg icons are the way to go07:59
pipelineaudiogparted live is showing the partition as fat3207:59
rocketsnickrud, xara does svg.07:59
nickrudrockets: wasn't disagreeing, more agreeing07:59
Evanlecrockets, yes i agree with nickrud, i'd never used inkscape before and i made a snazzy icon in about half hour07:59
D-Elitesleepy time nows07:59
nareshovpipelineaudio, the installer you're using needs to see a hfs type partition which it selects and formats+installs onto07:59
arooni-mobilehey folks!  is there a way to make thunderbird cache my online network calendars?08:00
nareshovso use fdisk to relabel a newly created partition08:00
pipelineaudioso according to that quote, you can use cfdisk in ubuntu to set up that partition which osx will then format08:00
pipelineaudiobut Im not sure how to use cfdisk correctly08:00
EvanlecreLABEL ? i think that is not what u mean08:00
nareshovhe needs to relabel it, the osx installed will format+install08:00
Evanlecdisk labels are used by Solaris I think08:00
nickrudpipelineaudio: cfdisk is pretty simple, your options are at the bottom.08:01
greencookienickrud: why isnt ctrl alt f7 not working while alt f9 is??:(08:01
nareshovrelabel as in, call it a hfs TYPE partition08:01
pipelineaudioso, gparted klive shows the partition as fat 32, cfdisk is showing it as Darwin UFS08:01
Evanlecperhaps u mean format it08:01
rocketsah i cant use xara xtreme, minimum size is too big08:01
greencookiealso do i  type emerald --remove?08:01
Evanlecformat as hfs ya08:01
gdubzguruis there an installation guide for Beryl that works with the new Gutsy Gibbon release?08:01
zapakitulhey guys08:01
zapakitulany ideea how to install wow dvd with wine?08:01
nareshovgdubzguru, compiz-fusion08:01
zapakitulits on dvd and i cannot find the install.exe08:01
zapakituli just bought the game08:02
nickrudgreencookie: because your X is running on vc9, not vc7 like it should be. Happened to me a couple of times on gutsy, I went to vc1 and restarted gdm (sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop , sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start)08:02
pipelineaudioshould I delete it from gparted then run cfdisk? maybe thats why its still fat3208:02
rocketsnickrud, where is the damn pencil icon08:02
ZaidenHas anyone Successfully installed Ubuntu onto a Flash Drive?08:02
gdubzgurui'll check it out. thanks08:02
nareshovpipelineaudio, listen to me carefully08:03
greencookieok nickrud if i do "sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop/start i can get it back in vc7 im guessing08:03
nickrudrockets: locate pencil08:03
nareshovyou know the partition number you created?08:03
rocketswhat do you mean locate pencil08:03
rocketshow do i "locate" it08:03
nareshovgood, now is your hard disk /dev/sda or /dev/hda ?08:03
nickrudgreencookie: ah, yes, that's what I meant :) And it cleared up other problems at the same time.08:04
nickrudrockets: in a terminal, type locate pencil08:04
rocketsnickrud, i meant in Inkscape.08:04
pipelineaudio its /dev/sda308:04
rocketsnickrud, how do i use a regular pencil style brush08:04
nickrudrockets: ah, lol08:04
nareshovpipelineaudio, do sudo fdisk /dev/sda08:04
nareshovyou'll get the fdisk prompt08:04
nareshovtype "t"08:04
nareshovhit enter, type 3, hit enter08:05
sahajnickrud: awesome. but you know what nick? I'm beginning to like irssi:) hahaha as crazy as that sounds.08:05
detectiveinspektHi, I installed the nvidia drivers but I always need to install the to startx after a restart. What is the solution?08:05
nareshovnow type a8 hit enter, then type w and hit enter08:05
=== sahaj is now known as greencookie
nickrudsahaj: a lot of people run it in a terminal in X08:05
nareshovand then get back to your installation08:05
rocketsnickrud, I realize that its SVG but I'd liek to do "pixel by pixel" drawring08:05
nickrudrockets: it's on the right vertial menu bar08:05
rocketsyeah the freehand drawing tool sucks though08:05
rocketsit makes my lines squiggly for no reason08:05
nickrudrockets: ah, that's why I use inkscape, I hate pixel by pixel. Vector drawing doesn't include it08:06
greencookienickrud: I run it in vc1. quick question what does vc stand for? virtual console.08:06
rocketsnickrud, so how DO you draw08:06
pipelineaudioyeah thats what I did last time nareshov08:06
rocketson that small of a level nickrud08:06
greencookienickrud: how well do you know irssi?:)08:06
nareshovand what happened?08:06
nickrudgreencookie: virtual console08:06
nickrudgreencookie: I use xchat :)08:06
pipelineaudiogparted still shows fat32 while fdisk shows darwin ufs08:06
nareshovwhat did the installed say?08:06
nareshovosx installer08:07
nickrudrockets: for the stuff I did, I created patterns and overlayed them08:07
pipelineaudioand osx still says I cant format it and doesnt recognize it as an installable partition08:07
nareshovis it a primary partition?08:07
nareshovof course08:07
greencookienickrud: brb08:07
nareshovwhy don't you use the disk utility in the osx installer itself, worked for me08:07
Evanlecrockets, if u want to draw raster graphics, use gimp08:08
pipelineaudiobecause it says "you dont have the necessary permissions"08:08
pipelineaudiohold on lemme type the quote again08:08
rocketsEvanlec, yeah its a favicon so it wont be resized which means raster is fine08:08
pipelineaudiocan someone help me with this quote? "sometimes utility shows error (you dont have a permissons). The easiest way to solve it, is to boot from Linux livecd (ubuntu or gentoo), and type in terminal 'sudo cfdisk'. Then you should create Darwin UFS partition (A8). Now you can boot to OS X installer again and skip work with partition manager"08:08
Evanlecrockets, oh ok08:08
nickrudrockets: it didn't matter what size I did the drawing in, it's vectorized. When I exported to bitmap, then I chose the size08:08
inversekinetixi just tried xfce by accident, why isnt it the default for ubuntu?08:09
rocketsim going to try baby gimp08:09
Evanlecrockets, tho personally i'd like a vector image just as a "master" incase i needed to change it08:09
bazhangpipelineaudio: macbook?08:09
pipelineaudiowhats that?08:09
nickrudinversekinetix: because it sucks ;)08:09
bazhanguh never mind08:09
marybuntuanybody familiar with asterisk?  i *think* i downloaded it from synaptic, but it doesn't appear in any of my menus...08:10
inversekinetixnickrud: no it doesnt08:10
pipelineaudiorestarting ubuntu live08:10
nareshovpipelineaudio, whatever that quote wants you to do with cfdisk is equivalent to what I told you to do in fdisk, I'm surprised it doesn't work >_>08:10
pipelineaudiolemme see what it says now08:10
pipelineaudioI think I better delete the fat32 partition in gparted08:10
inversekinetixnickrud: I can imagine it is so much easier for people switching from windows to adjust to08:10
nickrudinversekinetix: really, the reason ubuntu chose gnome (I think, anyway) is it requires less from the user to create a usable config08:10
pipelineaudioI dont know why gparted still says fat3208:10
nareshovinversekinetix, some think KDE does the job better08:11
GmacGood morning08:11
greencookiemy xchat is MESSED up:(08:11
nareshovpipelineaudio, can you do the fdisk procedure and check once more?08:11
inversekinetixnickrud: III agree with that, if xfce had a couple of default congifs it would be perfect for a newcomer08:11
Gmacquick question, ive got flashplugin-nonfree installed through the package manager, but Firefox still won't display flash (7.10)08:11
nareshovand make sure you write the changes08:11
inversekinetixive yet to try kde08:11
pipelineaudioshouldnt i delete it in gparted first?08:11
nareshov"w" not "q"08:11
SlimG2nickrud: Does rmmod and modprobe -r do the same thing?08:11
nareshovdoesn't matter08:12
greencookienickrud: How do I shut down vc7? its still on:)08:12
pipelineaudioit does hfs but not hfs+08:12
nickrudgreencookie: close xchat, and try rm -r ~/.xchat208:12
Gmacdo I have to do anything within FireFox to get Flash working?    (fresh 7.10 32bit install)08:12
nickrudSlimG2: yes08:12
greencookienickrud: i've already deleted the .xchat2 folder in my home directory. no use.08:12
rocketsEvanlec, but i dont get how to draw on such a small scale without doing it pixel by pixel.08:12
nickrudgreencookie: did you install xchat-gnome or xchat?08:13
EvanlecGmac, just go to flash.com or do 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree08:13
greencookienickrud: gnome08:13
greencookienickrud: xchat-gnome.08:13
GmacEvanlec: its already installed08:13
Evanlecrockets, scale is...irrelevant, since vectors can be scaled infinitely08:13
rocketsEvanlec, mm.08:13
EvanlecGmac, then ur all set, go to youtube08:13
nickrudgreencookie: close xchat, and try gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/xchat-gnome , and removing the .xchat2 dir again08:14
Evanlecrockets, only proportion is relevant, relevant to other objects in your drawing08:14
GmacEvanlec: YouTube doesn't work :)08:14
greencookienickrud: wow hold up..how do u copy paste in irssi?:)08:14
pipelineaudiook booting up now08:14
bazhangGmac: did you have firefox running when you installed flash?08:14
GmacEvanlec: ive not done anything out of the book, just downloaded the flash plugin and its never appeared to work for some reason.08:15
turtlethereGmac: you need additional drivers to play flv08:15
pipelineaudiogparted is still showing fat3208:15
GmacEvanlec: Im sure I closed it when I did, but possibly?08:15
EvanlecGmac, k wel try flash.com08:15
nickrudgreencookie: if you're running it in a terminal in X , just high light the text, move to another terminal, and press the middle button08:15
riaalcan winrar unpack .tar? :S08:15
e|64hi I've tried the vga=773 oprtion in menu.lst but I still get a blank screen till the x starts while booting08:15
Avelonriaal: Yep.08:15
turtletherei.e. flash video08:15
greencookienickrud: unfortunately im running it in vc1:(08:15
nickrudgreencookie: if you're doing this in two vc's, install gpm and do the highlight and paste08:15
pipelineaudiofdisk shows darwin ufs08:16
pipelineaudiogparted shows fat3208:16
GmacEvanlec: Flash is certainly not loading08:16
nareshovtrust fdisk and try the osx installer once08:16
pipelineaudioIm gonna delete the partition in gparted then try it again08:16
turtlethereI was not able to watch flv until Tomcat asked me to install drivers for QT.08:16
AvelonQuestion... I've heard good things about Ubuntu...is it Microsoft-newb friendly?08:16
greencookienickrud: quick question how do i exit out of 'vi' editor on my vc2?:)08:16
GmacEvanlec: Should I try a full uninstall/reinstall making sure FF is closed at the time08:16
pipelineaudiois there anything bad of deleting it with gparted?08:16
bazhangAvelon: yes very much so08:16
nickrudgreencookie: <esc>:q08:16
eko_hermiyantohi, is there any manual on how to setup odbc connection in microsoft sql in ubuntu?08:16
Draco_Hello everyone, can anyone recommend a good program for me to write an .ISO image to a DVD ?08:17
Evanlecnickrud, if u go to flash.com what does it say? does it say ur missing flash?08:17
Evanlecnickrud, oops not to u sorry08:17
greencookienickrud: thnx..phew..vi sucks.. well for now:) i couldnt type anything lol:)08:17
EvanlecGmac,  if u go to flash.com what does it say? does it say ur missing flash?08:17
tony_can i use dramweaver? or what is the linux equivalent?08:17
greencookienickrud: I'm gonna restart my xserver hold on.08:17
GmacEvanlec: No, nothing appears at all where I assume it should08:17
eko_hermiyantogreencookie, well, you use gnu emacs :D08:17
bazhangDraco_: gnomebaker, k3b are two08:18
Evanlectony_, dreamweaver is windows app, i would suggest Kompozer or Screem08:18
nickrudgreencookie: nano is a decent editor for the console, simple stuff08:18
GmacEvanlec: white screen, (same as YouTube for where the flash player should appear08:18
greencookieeko_hermiyanto: what in the world is that:) hehe08:18
Draco_thanks bazhang08:18
Avelonbazhang: Thanks. I've been thinking of setting up my new rig (finally getting a modern machine - I'm on 700MHz >_<) with a dual boot. Would you say Ubuntu is my best bet for getting into the -ix scene?08:18
bazhangno problem08:18
EvanlecGmac, okay, sounds like ur install got borked08:18
nickrudgreencookie: and emacs is great, but overkill for this :)08:18
tony_where i do get kompozer?08:18
bazhangAvelon: without parallel :}08:18
greencookienickrud: mind giving me command to restart gdm?08:18
eko_hermiyantoGNU Emacs is superb, I love it very much :D08:18
GmacEvanlec: Ive just done an full unintall/reinstall -- about to try again with some luck08:18
EvanlecGmac, i would do sudo apt-get remove -purge flashplugin-nonfree08:18
Gmacright will do08:19
hamm_sandCan anyone help me with a Beryl install on Ubuntu 7.1 AMD 6408:19
NutubuntuSeems to be done, scguy318 -- I'm going to reboot, wish me luck, and thanks08:19
nickrudgreencookie: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop && sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start08:19
marybuntuanybody familiar with asterisk?  i *think* i downloaded it from synaptic, but it doesn't appear in any of my menus...08:19
Avelonbazhang: Okay! Thanks. I'll do some more reading.08:19
greencookienickrud: you know, I think I like vcs:) I might go x-less for a couple of days.08:19
Evanlechamm_sand, Beryl is deprecated, compiz-fusion is its replacement08:19
GmacEvanlec: Purge is unknown command08:19
nickrudgreencookie: great learning experience. You might enjoy linux from scratch. I learned a lot from it08:19
dgjones!nvu | tony_08:19
ubotutony_: kompozer is WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project. It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy, !Backports on !Feisty, and from  « deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tonyyarusso/ubuntu edgy universe » for Edgy.  (Dapper still pending)08:19
GmacEvanlec: one sec, my fault08:19
Evanlecgreencookie, vcs?08:20
pipelineaudioshould it be bootable?08:20
greencookieEvanlec: Virtual consoles:) hehe. I'm on ctrl alt f1 irssi:)08:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gpm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:21
hamm_sandLF Help installing Beryl on Ubuntu 7.1 nvidia 8500GT08:21
Evanlecgreencookie, oh the tty's08:21
GmacEvanlec: comes up with Command Line option 'p' [from -purge] is not known08:21
Evanlec!info gpm08:21
ubotugpm: General Purpose Mouse Interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.19.6-25 (gutsy), package size 372 kB, installed size 708 kB08:21
EvanlecGmac, yea my syntax is not correct, 1 sec08:22
gdubzguruFor the guy that wanted to install World of Warcraft... here's the instructions: http://russellthedigitalninja.com/wordpress/?p=908:22
Extravertcan someone recommend me a good C programming tutorial?08:22
Extravertehh full of em08:22
MilitantPotatoI keep getting Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server when I try to use kdesudo, running sudo xhost +local:jason makes it so I can run kdesudo.   But I have to do this every login, and it seems to also be breaking my display (whatever the issue is) because it keeps putting me in fail safe grafics mode.08:22
EvanlecGmac, i guess its just apt-get purge <package>08:22
GmacEvanlec: will try08:23
pipelineaudiocan I somehow become root at the bootup options?08:23
pipelineaudiofor osx?08:23
pipelineaudiolike get to terminal or something?08:23
marybuntuanybody familiar with asterisk?  i *think* i downloaded it from synaptic, but it doesn't appear in any of my menus...08:23
eko_hermiyantoanybody know how to create odbc microsoft sql server connection from ubuntu?08:23
Evanlecpipelineaudio, for OSX? i think this channel is for Ubuntu Linux08:23
greencookieEvanlec: Ok whats tty now?08:23
greencookietele type ?08:23
pipelineaudioyeah but you guys are about 450 times smarter by volume than the mactards08:23
eko_hermiyantoI need it badly, but, I could found no one information from the net08:23
nickrudmarybuntu: it's not a graphical app, the instructions should be at /usr/share/doc/asterisk08:24
Evanlecgreencookie, i think its just another way of saying a shell session, not positive on that tho, someone correct me?08:24
greencookienickrud: yeah I'm loving this brute feel of the tty. I might just use irssi, lynx and nano:)08:24
GmacEvanlec: sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree worked great08:24
Evanlecnickrud, what does tty mean?08:24
marybuntunickrud: what a bummer. no gui?08:24
greencookieEvanlec: ah ok thanks08:24
hamm_sandOh nevermind all thank you Evanlec for updating my brain **08:24
incorrecti don't know if i am just mistaken, but the fonts on my screen seem huge08:24
nickrudgreencookie: yeah, try elinks, links, links2, and then you have mutt for mail08:24
GmacEvanlec: should i now just reinstall through the package manager?08:24
incorrectthe dpi is set to 9608:24
nickrudEvanlec: teletype terminal08:24
Evanlechamm_sand, np :008:25
nickrudmarybuntu: no, it's a server app08:25
greencookienickrud: you think its possible to give up the worldy comforts of the Ubuntu gui and live the life of a VC monk for a month?08:25
marybuntunickrud: how do i navigate to that file? search with thunar?08:25
nickrudgreencookie: I did for months on end, while I was compiling linux from scratch. Ate my own dogfood while I was learning08:25
Evanlecnickrud, and why do they call it that? its the same as a virtual terminal accessed by ctrl+alt+f(x)08:25
GmacEvanlec: should I then just reinstall through package manager :)08:26
nickrudmarybuntu: yes, you navigate to it08:26
EvanlecGmac, this time u mght try installing it thru firefox08:26
nickrudEvanlec: from the days when a terminal was a keyboard and a printer08:26
greencookienickrud: haha! I will try to do this for a week, since i've only had ubuntu for about a month and I'm new to the entire "linux" thingie.08:26
GmacEvanlec: right, sorry for the step by step questions - how do I do that?08:26
marybuntunickrud: i mean, HOW do i navigate to it?  me not so smart.08:26
Evanlecnickrud, lol, ohh, like a true terminal08:27
greencookienickrud: is there anything the GUI can do that the terminal cant? apart from obvious things like games.08:27
nickrudmarybuntu: ah, I don't use thunar, but I would expect it to act similar to explorer08:27
Evanlecgreencookie, not that i can think of off my head, only dealbreaker for me was web browsing...lynx is nice but...its not very practical08:28
brownie17why won't graveman accept any audio for burning to an audio CD except WAV's?08:28
brownie17that doesn't really seem like a useful function08:28
greencookieEvanlec: I understand. esp if i wanna browse facebook.com:)08:28
MilitantPotatoI keep getting Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server when I try to use kdesudo, running sudo xhost +local:jason makes it so I can run kdesudo.   But I have to do this every login, and it seems to also be breaking my display (whatever the issue is) because it keeps putting me in fail safe grafics mode.08:28
pipelineaudioprobably cant distro lame with it08:28
Evanlecbrownie17, sounds like a highly application specific error, i would search on their website08:28
nickrudgreencookie: graphics in general, although you can get an app zgv to view them08:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gpm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:28
brownie17Evanlec, k thanks08:28
nickrud!info gpm | greencookie08:28
ubotugreencookie: gpm: General Purpose Mouse Interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.19.6-25 (gutsy), package size 372 kB, installed size 708 kB08:29
Evanlecgreencookie, yea, or pornotube.com ;)08:29
GmacEvanlec: do I just do it through Firefox Extensions ?08:29
jdlizardwell evaniec still going through the long process08:29
greencookieEvanlec: LMFAO. Thats what television is for:)08:29
Tarkus_anyone know how to install affinity in gutsy?08:29
EvanlecGmac, no just go to any flash page, and the firefox thing will pop up saying this page requires additonal plugins, just click that08:29
nickrudMilitantPotato: you might try asking on #kubuntu, they know kde better over there in the ghetto :)08:29
jdlizarddoes anyone know about the you tube thing08:29
Evanlecgreencookie, well i duno about u but i dont get free porn on my tv08:30
inversekinetixhow do you set cpu affinity in ubuntu08:30
greencookieEvanlec: nickrud: what if i wanna write a paper using just terminal. is there something like microsoft word for tty?:)08:30
Evanlecinversekinetix, affinity? like use this cpu over that? or priority?08:30
MilitantPotatonickrud: I am, I believe it has something to do with X user permissions, so I had hoped i'd get some help here08:30
GmacEvanlec: FireFox doesn't seem to want to know (no addon popup)08:30
greencookieEvanlec: lol. ok.08:30
=== mizz is now known as mel
nickrudgreencookie: emacs08:30
nickrudMilitantPotato: ah, does gksudo work properly?08:31
greencookienickrud: thnx I was typing 'emac' not 'emacs'08:31
EvanlecGmac, hmm, that suggests the problem lies within firefox, check firefox plug-ins see if anythings in there08:31
Evanlecgreencookie, VIM!08:31
greencookieEvanlec: you mean 'vi' ?08:31
john__hey guys so I have a dell imspiron 5150 running ubuntu gutsy...basically the screen freezes and i have to restart my whole laptop...i have a restricted nvidia driver installed08:31
inversekinetixEvanlec: which cpu to use08:31
NeoTubNinjathere is vim also08:31
Evanlecgreencookie, yes, vim is just vi enhanced08:31
NeoTubNinjanot just vi08:31
greencookieEvanlec: I didn't even know how to exit that thing.08:32
greencookieEvanlec: ok once I finding apt-getting emacs:)08:32
bullgard4English help wanted. The normal Ubuntu 7.10 disk has a menu option "Start in Safe Graphics mode" or similar. What is its precise English name?08:32
MilitantPotatonickrud: yes.08:32
NeoTubNinjajedit anybody?08:32
Evanlecinversekinetix, i heard someone say that was possible, but not so simple as like windows task manager style08:32
nickrudMilitantPotato: then it seems to be a kde issue, not X08:32
Evanlecinversekinetix, otherwise i dont know sorry08:32
MilitantPotatonickrud: ok, thanks :)08:32
Evanlecgreencookie, emacs is not that easy either08:33
pipelineaudionareshov: its saying its not mounted08:33
inversekinetixEvanlec: np, i thought it should be easy in linux, i wanna use all my cores at once, not just max one out08:33
marybuntunickrud: found it; can't make heads or tails of it... lol ... do you know of any open source pbx that comes with graphical interface?08:33
Evanlecgreencookie, i know, i was frustrated with vi too when i stated, but once i started learning it, just fell in love08:33
nareshovpipelineaudio, mount it08:33
pipelineaudioI click the mount button and no go08:33
pipelineaudioin the osx installer I mean08:34
Evanlecinversekinetix, recent linux kernels will do symmetrical multi-processing automatically08:34
nickrudmarybuntu: no, I don't know of any. asterisk is the only pbx I know of, but it's not something I know much about08:34
inversekinetixEvanlec: Im running supre PI  and it only uses one cpu, the calculation time is slow08:34
Evanlecnickrud, why did u just convert him to emacs?! WHY?? :(08:34
marybuntunickrud: k, thanks for your help.  i'll search around...08:35
greencookieEvanlec: I will try both. also, I will try lynx08:35
Evanlecinversekinetix, im not familiar with that program...what is it?08:35
inversekinetixEvanlec: its a program that figuires out PI to millions of decimal places08:35
Evanlecgreencookie, oh, well lynx might be crap, its just the one i tried to use in a pinch to change router config, the others might be better08:35
sfearsi saw a video of a person who could recite pi to millions of decemial places08:36
Evanlecgreencookie, but I am stubbornly in support of Vi over emacs08:36
ZombieAnyone run OpenVPN on Ubuntu?08:36
sfearsi was impressed08:36
Evanlecinversekinetix, ooh, that sounds like good stress tester ;)08:36
greencookieEvanlec: I will definitely consider it since emacs is taking so darn long to apt-get:) lol08:36
Evanlecinversekinetix, can i apt-get it?08:36
nickrudmarybuntu: and I stand corrected, there's a gui in development, I found http://www.asteriskguru.com/tutorials/asterisk_gui.html08:36
greencookieEvanlec: lynx looks like a pretty "cool" browser:) hehe08:36
sfearswhat's the apt-get uninstall command?08:36
sfearsapt-get install remove08:36
nickrudsfears: apt-get remove08:37
greencookieEvanlec: as for Irssi, i'm already finding it irreplaceable.08:37
Evanlecgreencookie, thats because emacs is huge and bloated, and installs all sorts of helper apps and what not, it tries to integrate itself into every bowel of your system08:37
inversekinetixEvanlec no08:37
nickrudEvanlec: heresy. It is the bowel of your system08:37
Evanlecinversekinetix, can u point me to it? it could just be that app...i can test on my system08:37
inversekinetixEvanlec: http://files.extremeoverclocking.com/file.php?f=3608:37
Evanlecnickrud, well, i'll agree with that08:37
incorrectfor some strange reason ubuntu can't find my audio hardware08:37
nickrudouch. I walked into that one08:38
Evanlecnickrud, lol08:38
Evanlecnickrud, are u an emacs user?08:38
greencookieEvanlec: (gasp) virus?:)08:38
inversekinetixEvanlec: you might get a kick out of this too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eSwf5LxGAM08:38
brownie17ugh. i REALLY need a faster computer. even converting a couple of tracks to burn to CD takes half an hour08:38
carl_hi guys, I am trying to install a ubuntu 7.1 on my hp desktop computer (128 mb, 533 Mhz, celeron), but, when the instalation starts, this pass through indicator bar, and then try to load desktop of ubuntu, I can see the arrow, and backgroudnd, but never load gnome, how can I do ?08:38
greencookienickrud: do you think lynx would be a good browser for a beginner like me?08:39
nareshovcarl_, try fluxbuntu08:39
nickrudEvanlec: I used vim for years, and switched to emacs when I first started getting my feet wet on programming again, before moving to eclipse. vim is now replaced by nano08:39
Evanlecgreencookie, ?08:39
pipelineaudioholy crap its installing08:39
brownie17nareshov, what is that?08:39
nickrudgreencookie: sure, and try links, and elinks, and links208:39
nareshovnickrud, emacs eh?08:39
eko_hermiyantois there any driver for odbc for microsoft sql in ubuntu?08:39
nareshovfluxbox desktop08:39
greencookieEvanlec: yes?08:39
Evanlecnickrud, nano? isnt nano like the dumbed down version of all text editors?08:39
carl_nareshov, it is more slight I can think08:40
Evanlecnickrud, and why switch from vi to emacs for programming?08:40
MongooseWAmoblock is blocking irc servers and gmail. how can i add stuff to its whitelist?08:40
nickrudnareshov: yeah, but I wasn't happy with it's handling of mixed html & php08:40
rapidemacs is a good os08:40
brownie17nareshov, what what is fluxbox?08:40
greencookienickrud: umm wow so many options. I plan to use eclipse eventually:)08:40
nareshovemacs is nice when you're debugging C/C++08:40
greencookieEvanlec: sometimes small is beautiful08:40
nareshov(which I haven't done)08:40
bnqnqanyone knows about WiFi not starting on 7.10?08:40
nareshovbrownie17, fluxbox is a barebone window manager08:40
greencookierapid: emacs is an OS??08:40
rapidjust about08:41
nareshovideal for less-powerful machines such as carl_ 's08:41
nickrudnareshov: I got annoyed with the modes. For system files it was fine, but I grew up using sidekick & other single mode editors, when I need a lot of text I don't like switching08:41
greencookiebnqnq: what wireless card is it?08:41
raynixany thinkpad users here?08:41
brownie17nareshov, oh okay. and it is compatible with all programs that gnome is?08:41
carl_nareshov, thanks man I am goint to see08:41
nareshovwhat do you mean compatible?08:41
bnqnqgreencookie: dunno, but it worked with EE08:41
Evanlecgreencookie, emacs behaves like an os08:41
Bambang_arjunaneed help on installing internal modem please08:41
greencookierapid: I don't understand the joke, but I find it funny. cuz its still downloading for me:)08:41
greencookieEvanlec: no wonder its so big:)08:41
greencookiebnqnq: and whats EE?08:42
Evanlecgreencookie, yea, u said soething about virus?08:42
bnqnqgreencookie: Ubuntu 7.0408:42
Bambang_arjuna need help on installing internal modem please ..............08:42
Pie-rat2anyone else here have a problem with a blank or distorted splash screen on ubuntu startup? i just figured out how to fix it and wanted to share my knowledge. i'll probably add a wiki entry somewhere in the community support site08:42
greencookieEvanlec: lol is tehre any virus in linux?:) hehe08:42
sfearsmy splash doesn't work08:42
greencookiebnqnq: you mean FF08:42
visik7anyone use vmware-server 1.0.4 on feisty ? apt want continuoisly upgrade vmwareserver 1.0.4-1feisty1 with 1.0.4-1feisty1 yes the same version and every time I run the upgrade it ask me for another upgrade08:42
sfearssays can't be found08:42
nickrudgreencookie: you can use emacs for mail and web browsing as well. Some people never leave emacs except for graphics08:42
bnqnqgreencookie: yes08:42
brownie17nareshov, i mean does it affect the usability of any repo programs?08:42
greencookienickrud: ok im getting08:42
nareshovgreencookie, even IRC :D08:43
Evanlecgreencookie, there is virtually none08:43
GmacEvanlec: got it working thanks! it was because I must of accidentally copied a couple of files over when transferring bookmarks.08:43
sfearsi'd like to hear what worked for you pie-rat08:43
greencookieEvanlec: wow.08:43
Pie-rat2visik7: there's a bug with apt. there's no way to fix that problem, the same thing happens with compiz. you just have to ignore it08:43
EvanlecGmac, great, how did u fix it?08:43
MongooseWAmoblock is blocking irc servers and gmail. how can i add stuff to its whitelist?08:43
greencookienareshov: nothing can replace irssi for me:)08:43
nareshovbrownie17, I still don't get you, can you give me a specific case?08:43
visik7Pie-rat2:  :(08:43
sfearsoohh yeah.. i'll ignore you08:43
magnetron!virus | greencookie08:43
ubotugreencookie: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2108:43
greencookienareshov: unless xchat starts working again08:43
Evanlecgreencookie, http://librenix.com/?inode=2108:43
visik7Pie-rat2: have you a link into launchpad ?08:43
greencookieok how do I click that?08:43
nareshovknock of ~/.xchat and startover08:43
Pie-rat2visik7: you can pin the version in synaptic so it doesn't bug you with an icon08:43
Pie-rat2visik7: no, i don't.08:44
greencookiefrom irssi in tty108:44
Bambang_arjuna need help on installing internal modem please ..............08:44
visik7Pie-rat2: any reference ?08:44
brownie17nareshov, does firefox still work as normal? does rhythmbox still work as normal? or does the window manager not affect that at all?08:44
nickrud!dialup | Bambang_arjuna08:44
ubotuBambang_arjuna: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up08:44
Pie-rat2visik7: but i was told by the compiz repo maintainer that it was a bug with apt, not with their repo08:44
GmacEvanlec: Well before I copied over my old FireFox files I had made a back up of the fresh installed .mozilla directory. So I rolled back to that one, then re-copied over bookmarks back ontop.08:45
Bambang_arjunayes, my internal modem not detected, i have compiling the slmodemd and wingrabmodem, but with no luck08:45
visik7Pie-rat2: ok I start to digg on google08:45
nareshovbrownie17, in your fluxbox startup script add "exec /usr/bin/gnome-settings-daemon"08:45
nickrudBambang_arjuna: that's about all I know about internal modems, sorry.08:45
EvanlecGmac, ah i c08:45
GmacEvanlec: I think I must have accidentally picked up the extensions file by mistake at the time.08:45
brownie17nareshov, okay thankyou08:45
EvanlecGmac, yea08:45
bullgard4English help wanted. The normal Ubuntu 7.10 CD has a menu option "Start in Safe Graphics mode" or similar. What is its precise English name?08:45
Pie-rat2dialup in ubuntu seems kind of silly. you shouldn't have to download drivers to get a connection working. i had the same problem on a friends computer, i expected it to just work like most other things and it didn't.08:45
GmacEvanlec: one other question if I could? (not FF related)08:46
* Evanlec wants a core 2 quad08:46
EvanlecGmac, sure08:46
magnetroni just installed gutsy. after the first boot, compiz worked without problem. however, after rebooting, i loose window borders. how can i get the window borders back?08:46
rubydiamondwhat is best mysq gui client in ubuntu?08:46
Pie-rat2magnetron: nvidia?08:46
magnetronPie-rat2: yes08:46
linxuz3rhey guys08:46
nareshovrubydiamond, phpmyadmin :P08:46
Pie-rat2magnetron: proprietary drivers?08:46
nickrudrubydiamond: I use mysql-admin and mysql-query-browser08:46
magnetronPie-rat2: yes08:47
GmacEvanlec: I installed Wine backalong, uninstalled it as the application I wanted to run didn't work, and my Gnome Menu has been left with a load of shortcuts to nothing in the Other folder.08:47
MongooseWAmoblock is blocking irc servers and gmail. how can i add stuff to its whitelist?08:47
Pie-rat2magnetron: sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals i think08:47
Tarkus_is LAMP installed/setup by default in gutsy? if not. where is the proper installation documentation for setting up LAMP on gutsy?08:47
GmacEvanlec: I can't delete them through the Gnome Menu Manager08:47
nickrudrubydiamond: a lot of people swear by phpmyadmin, it's a web browser based version08:47
nareshovkmysqladmin if you're on KDE?08:47
greencookiewhoa @ emacs08:47
nickrud!lamp | Tarkus_08:47
ubotuTarkus_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:47
* nickrud makes a note to look at kmysqladmin08:48
EvanlecGmac, hmm, well there is a way u can get into the config files for the menus, but thats a little rough08:48
EvanlecGmac, my suggestion is to just apt-get install wine and see if u get actual menu items, then try uninstalling if u so desire08:48
GmacEvanlec: it seems strange that its left a load of rubbish08:48
EvanlecGmac, it happened to me too08:49
GmacEvanlec: so reinstall wine, then try and de-install?08:49
EvanlecGmac, wine's not so great at making menu entries08:49
Bambang_arjunainterl modem, wvdial no carrier "" problem08:49
GmacEvanlec: problem is it was for a game, so I will need to reinstall the game :) ok thanks - will give it ago.08:49
EvanlecGmac, yea, actually, dont apt-get, download the deb from winehq.com08:49
greencookieEvanlec: nickrud: ok I think it might take me some time (maybe a couple of years will do) to learn emacs. In the meanwhile is there any command based mp3 players? if such a thing exists lol!08:49
GmacEvanlec: will do,08:49
EvanlecGmac, i think thats what i did, and my menu items work nicely now08:49
Tarkus_nickrud, there is nothing in there for 7.10, do i just follow to 7.04 one?08:49
pipelineaudioam I more likely to encounter college twerps with suse or ubuntu?08:50
sfearswhat command brings konsole back to prompt?08:50
nickrudTarkus_: yes, that hasn't changed08:50
pipelineaudiotrying to decide which to put on my laptop08:50
greencookiepipelineaudio: ubuntu I think08:50
Evanlecgreencookie, save urself the trouble and learn vim :) just type vimtutor at the cmd line08:50
Pie-rat2how can i get an ubotu factoid added or edited?08:50
greencookiepipelineaudio: I'd vote for ubuntu.08:50
GmacEvanlec: Right, thank you for the help!    Got to go08:50
EvanlecGmac, you're very welcome08:50
Bambang_arjuname too08:50
greencookieEvanlec: ok I think ill go with you for now and when I get my degree in IT ill switch to emacs:)08:50
pipelineaudiothe jacklab guys will kick my but for installing ubuntu but ubuntu has synaptic08:50
pipelineaudioits almost possible for me to figure it out almost sort of08:51
Tarkus_nickrud, so for me to get a LAMP server install, etc.. i just run "sudo tasksel install lamp-server"?08:51
pipelineaudiosuse scares me08:51
Bambang_arjunaif suse scre u, try gentoo08:51
greencookienickrud: hehe. How do I exit emacs:)08:51
nickrudTarkus_: yup08:51
pipelineaudiowhats gentoo?08:51
nickrudgreencookie: ctl-f c08:51
greencookienickrud: nvm ctrl+c08:51
pipelineaudioman I wish all you linux guys would just get along lol08:52
greencookienickrud: got it.08:52
Bambang_arjunaanother distro, but u have to compile everything08:52
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nickrudnah, linux from scratch, no automated builds :)08:52
greencookiepipelineaudio: go for ubuntu08:52
nickwashereJust updated and my ndiswrapper doesnt seem to be working anymore.  Anyone here help me out.  Cant live without wifi ;o)08:52
greencookienickrud: are you a professor in Caltech?:)08:53
nickrudgreencookie: lol, no, I'm just a putz who's been playing around for a while08:53
nucc1hi, I don't have dri enabled on my ati x1600 anymore, anyone kjnow why?08:53
nickrudgreencookie: and on the scale of skill here, I maybe rate a 608:53
pipelineaudiogreencookie: Im following this guide (with relevant updates of course) so since its written for ubuntu, that should be a plus08:53
pipelineaudioonly trouble I had with last install of ubuntu was getting the wireless working08:54
gregoroviusI just tried to boot the realtime kernel, and after booting my computer becomes unresponsive, what can it be?08:54
greencookienickrud: 6/10? wow. I must be a -15000e579 out of 10 lol08:54
Evanlecgreencookie, type play at the cmd line, it will tell u what package to grab08:54
greencookiepipelineaudio: im a complete newbie and ubuntu is working great for me.08:54
gregoroviusI can switch ttys, and type my login name, but it doesn't even ask me for a password, and there's no HD activity at all08:54
Tarkus_nickrud, hmm.. i got an error "tasksel: aptitude failed (100)"08:54
Evanlecgreencookie, sudo apt-get install sox08:55
greencookieEvanlec: i'm running vimtutor on tty2:)08:55
nickrudgreencookie: I was feeling kinda big when I wrote that, it's probably less. One always sees oneself from the wrong side of the telescope08:55
gregoroviusheh, pipelineaudio is one of REAPER's greatest evangelists :)08:55
nucc1hey, dri help please, anyone08:55
Evanlecgreencookie, sweet, next u can start using screen to be really l33t08:55
greencookienickrud: wise words, wisely spoken:)08:55
pipelineaudiothats me :)08:55
nickrudTarkus_: I used sudo aptitude install apache2 mysql-server-5.0 php508:55
john__I HAvE one quiblle with UBUNTU my computer keeps freezing up08:55
pipelineaudioand I am going to spread the reaper madness even unto the linux world08:55
greencookieEvanlec: lol whats screen and whats l33t?08:55
Tarkus_nickrud, do i have to setup anything after installing the 3 packages though? or is that it?08:55
pipelineaudioat least the ones that arent already online08:55
pipelineaudiothe college guys are the ones Im after at the moment08:56
gregoroviusi'm using reaper on linux already ^^08:56
pipelineaudiogregorovius: are you on ubuntu?08:56
Tarkus_whats the difference between "apt-get install" and "aptitude install"?08:56
pipelineaudioshould I grab libjack 0.5? or 0.1 or what?08:56
Evanlecgreencookie, screen allows u to have multiple "windows" inside one terminal, effectively having many terminals inside one08:56
gregoroviusto install wineasio, pipelineaudio?08:56
pipelineaudioI think so08:56
nucc1hello everyone, dri suddenly stopped working on why laptop... can someone help me out?08:57
pipelineaudioIm just following dave's guide and grabbing whatever is newest08:57
nickwasherendiswrapper not working after update.  Anyone with knowledge have a sec to help me get it back up?08:57
gregorovius0.5, I think, use the newest08:57
jimcooncatTarkus_: aptitude keeps track of dependencies better for when it's time to remove your app08:57
pipelineaudiowhat soundcard are you using?08:57
jimcooncatTarkus_: I don't know why it's not the default08:57
nickrudTarkus_: you shouldn't, but if your php doesn't seem to be working, do sudo a2enmod php508:57
Evanlecnickrud, i just did sudo apt-get install apache2   that sql php stuff guess i'll have to install that later, only need php for doing <? php include ?> right now08:57
greencookieEvanlec: screen sounds l33t! hehe first lemme get sox08:57
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Evanlecgreencookie, ;)08:58
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nickrudTarkus_: and your web root is at /var/www08:58
pipelineaudiocan I just install regular windows asio drivers with wineasio? or am I SOL if theres not a linux driver for my card?08:58
jimcooncatgreencookie: screen is very powerful stuff08:58
greencookieEvanlec: I'm running out of ttys already. lol imi on tty5 by now. hehe08:58
gregoroviuspipelineaudio, you have to use linux native drivers for the sound card, which one do you have?08:58
nickrudooohhh, screen. greencookie you will be a geek very soon08:59
greencookiejimcooncat: I think I might need that pretty soon.08:59
Tarkus_nickrud, hmm, since its not in /home then do i need to do everything as root when im working in /var/www?08:59
* greencookie grows a pair of geek glasses.08:59
Evanlecgreencookie, yea, thats where screen is nice, its especially nice if ur using SSH or somewhere u have only ONE terminal ;p08:59
pipelineaudiothe one thats on the laptop I use for demoing reaper is some sigmatel garbage, all it needs to do is play back, but I have this really cool line6 kb37 thing that I like to take with me08:59
jimcooncatgreencookie: takes a little while to get used to. Ctrl-A ? is your friend08:59
greencookieEvanlec: ok and whats sox again08:59
nickrudTarkus_: yes. a useful mode is sudo -i , that will give you root privs without having to type sudo each line, type exit to quit08:59
pipelineaudiobut I can take a motu 8pre or 896 or traveller if need be08:59
Evanlecgreencookie, command line audio player09:00
Evanlecgreencookie, just type play <file>09:00
greencookiejimcooncat: I will keep that in mind.09:00
greencookieEvanlec: ok thanks. No chance of something with playlist eh? lol music library must be a dream:)09:00
nickrudhah. I don't have to go to work tomorrow. Just realized it. Gotta get some sleep so I can play. See you all about09:01
gregoroviuspipelineaudio, don't know which ones are supported, I think the motus shoudl be09:01
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NotPullinuh, so, if I installed a new kernel only having the linux-headers for it, what is the "right" way to build a new module from the source tree that wasn't included?09:01
Tarkus_nickrud, alright, thanks.09:01
greencookiejimcooncat: tho I think ill get screen once I learn irssi and lynx first09:01
gregoroviusI don't record and output through spdif, so my soundcard doesn't matter09:01
Evanlecgreencookie, well, u said command line...i gave u about the simplest cmd line music player there is09:01
pipelineaudioI saw some project for making the podproxt work Ill try warping it to my kb37 heh09:01
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Evanlecnickrud, lucky u, laters09:02
greencookieEvanlec: hehe ok. I'll try it out for sure.09:02
sfearsis there a way to rebuild menu icons, a lot of my K menu icons disapeard, the program still seem to work but graphics are blank09:02
Evanlecgreencookie, me personally, i use folders as my library09:02
Evanlecgreencookie, never cared for playlists and all that jazz09:02
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greencookieEvanlec: brb work:(09:04
Evanlecgreencookie, k09:04
melbleh why doers nautilus go liek greyish color n freeze all the time when I tell it to delete a few files09:05
melhi brobostigon09:05
greencookieEvanlec: back:) I work call centre so at times I get angry cussing customers:) heh09:06
kahrytan?Can someone help me set up ubuntu to work with a 1680x1050 widescreen monitor?09:06
nucc1nobody has dri working on an ati card?09:06
greencookieEvanlec: folders work for me:) heh09:06
nucc1kahrytan: what video card?09:06
rapidnucc1: i did, but it was mega suckie09:06
kahrytannucc1,  nivida, builtin09:06
legolas-SanWhy doesn't Ubuntu have a "boot-only" CD version like FreeBSD does? Seems stupid like hell to waste bandwidth to download a 600 MB ISO and burn it when you could just get a few-MB installer which fetches all necessary (and UPDATED) files via FTP.09:07
nucc1kahrytan: use the 'screen and graphics' tool in the admin menu09:07
kahrytannucc1,  nope09:07
nucc1legolas-San: if you were complaining of insufficient speed to grab the image, your case would have been stronger09:07
nucc1kahrytan: I mean, use that tool to configure the monitor09:08
kahrytannucc1,  but it doesnt work09:08
nucc1you enable the "widescreen" check?09:08
nucc1kahrytan: because I am using 1680x1050 atm, only gripe I got is no dri on my ati card09:09
kahrytannucc1,  It doesnt detect the monitor.09:09
nucc1use 'generic'09:09
magnetroni just installed gutsy. after the first boot, compiz worked without problem. however, after rebooting, i loose window borders. i use nvidia restricted driver. how can i get the window borders back?09:09
legolas-Sannucc1: What?09:09
nucc1kahrytan: and choose the correct resolution09:09
nucc1legolas-San: I'm saying that your suggestion is a good one09:10
hamm_sandanyone here can help me with Emerald Theme-manageR?09:10
greencookiewow navigating lynx is a skill in itself.09:10
tomdlegolas-San: debian has that.. i think it would create confusion to most new ubuntu users.. ill bet 5 bucks thats why if thats really so09:10
kahrytannucc1,  Now it wont let me choose generic09:10
nucc1legolas-San: but given that the cost of getting those 600MB is mostly negligible these days, I won't consider it worth the trouble09:10
d34dh4ckits not bad after awhile, (i used linux when i set up a lfs box once, for the whole time i had that box running, never put x on it...lol09:11
kahrytangeeze  Ubuntu cant support widescreen monitors  cant it09:11
nucc1kahrytan: you can't choose screen model 'generic'? and then get the correct resolution?09:11
d34dh4cklol...lynx not linux09:11
nucc1kahrytan: I am using a widescreen monitor at 1680x1050 right now09:11
kahrytannucc1,  cI cant get it to work09:11
nucc1kahrytan: and I had no trouble configuring it.09:11
blinkhi all09:11
greencookied34dh4ck: yep:)09:11
kahrytannucc1,  Right now. model says 1680x1050 and resolution menu is blank09:12
brobostigoni use the alternate install cd, becuse i just think the live cd is daft an d idiotic, the live cd s for me just have never run properly,and are extremly slow.09:12
nucc1kahrytan: enable the 'widescreen' check09:12
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tomdnucc1... true, doesn't ubuntu just mail you the cd for free?09:12
greencookieis there a multiplayer game for ttys?09:12
tomdi think I remember receiving a  few of those :-X09:12
kahrytannucc1, I did but it doesnt keep when I press ok09:13
proqesi`where can I get a list of new graphics cards supported by ubuntu?09:13
nucc1kahrytan: you selected the right resolution and all?09:13
NotPullinman kernels are complicated09:13
nucc1kahrytan: but it doesn't apply whe you click ok?09:13
blinkanybody know how to change mac addres of a ethernet card during startup of ubuntu, becouse i have two network cards with the same mac address09:13
tomdlegolas-san: you don't have to download the 600mb, you can have ubuntu mail you some free cds!09:13
kahrytannucc1, There is no apply and I choose LCD 1680x105009:13
humblerodentproqesi`: AFAIK you can't go wrong with NVidia, and with ATI most cards should probably work as well, but NVidia is generally better for Linux09:13
nucc1kahrytan: click all the ok buttons you see09:14
TheSBHi I am want to buy laptop (Dell Latitude 520) and the ‎GPU is "Intel® 950GML"  does any one knows if it is supported by ubuntu?09:14
nucc1kahrytan: 'ok'09:14
brobostigonthey dont mail powerpc cds, so if you use a macintosh, forget it.09:14
jimcooncatblink: that's very strange, they're all supposed to be unique09:14
kahrytannucc1,  IT DOESNT WORK09:14
sidletDoes anyone have a copy/link/mirror to the Banshee iPod Playlist plugin? I've been searching forever with no results :-|09:14
nucc1kahrytan: what drivers did you chose in the 'graphics card' tab?09:14
biotroxplease help, i'm building a bash script to scan a lot of devices to check if they have a snmp capabilities or not... but my script error can anyone help me..? http://pastebin.com/m5d62414209:15
kahrytannucc1, I cant push OK to save graphics prefs.09:15
proqesi`humblerodent: yeah my ATI card doesn't have 3d support so I'll probably try nvidia now09:15
blinkjimcooncat: i know but i changed it once permanently on my 3com and now i cant reverse it09:15
nucc1kahrytan: check that you are using the correct driver09:15
jimcooncatblink: I would think one of them has to be changeable, maybe it presents a way to set it when you first boot?09:15
sidletTheSB, It'll work. Probably wont have any kind of 3d accelleration but it will work ;)09:15
nucc1what video card do you have?09:15
humblerodent^ there is a list, proqesi`, but from what I can tell, at least looking at the NVidia list, it is incomplete.09:15
nucc1kahrytan: chck the 'graphics card' tab09:15
kahrytannucc1, Nvida09:15
tomdbrobostigon, you can use the airport extreme to download it and invisible skateboarders will shred up cyberspace bringing you back your iso at the speed of light09:15
nucc1kahrytan: use 'nv' in the driver place09:15
humblerodentproqesi`: also, you DID install the 3D accelerated driver right?  Ubuntu doesn't come with complete accelerated drivers out of the box.09:15
misc--hello, I've been using ubuntu then a few updates were done and my power went off and now my X craps itself saying it can't load the nvidia driver. Am using the nvidia driver through restricted driver manager, should I just run nvidia-installer --update to let it download another driver to install?09:16
TheSBsidlet:  thanks - so I will not be able to us compiz - right ?09:16
biotroxplease help, i'm building a bash script to scan a lot of devices to check if they have a snmp capabilities or not... but my script error can anyone help me..? http://pastebin.com/m5d62414209:16
kahrytannucc1, I prefer Nvida drivers.09:16
nucc1misc--: my dri suddenly disappeared after yesterdays update... it feels annoying.09:16
misc--nucc1: oh good I'm glad I'm not the only one =)09:16
sidletTheSB, Thats the theory. it uses GL extensions pretty heavy.09:16
nucc1kahrytan: what model specifically is your card?09:16
kahrytannucc1,  I always go with mfg drivers over OSS drivers09:17
kahrytannucc1, It's not a card09:17
kahrytannucc1,  Nvidia Geforce 6150SE09:17
blinkjimcooncat: need to know where to disable it during reboot , not to load the forcedeth module which is used by nvidia ethernet card09:17
nucc1kahrytan: you are using the proprietary drivers. not a problem, is that what is currently set as your driver?09:17
Ximidentigy xim09:17
Ximidentify xim09:17
hamm_sandanyone know how to change skydomes in ubuntu 7.1 with compiz-fusion (emerald-theme-manager)?09:18
biotroxplease help, i'm building a bash script to scan a lot of devices to check if they have a snmp capabilities or not... but my script error can anyone help me..? http://pastebin.com/m5d62414209:18
kahrytannucc1,  What?09:18
magnetroni just installed gutsy. after the first boot, compiz worked without problem. however, after rebooting, i loose window borders. i use nvidia restricted driver. i already tried sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals, no difference.  how can i get the window borders back?09:18
proqesi`humblerodent: no, I didn't09:19
rapidbiotrox: #bash09:19
magnetronhamm_sand: use ccsm09:19
misc--is there a way to reinstall the restricted nvidia driver?09:19
TheSBsidlet: thanks again - now I am new to ubuntu (currently using mandriva and centos ) , any pitfalls which I should know about beside the fact that root does not exists?09:19
magnetronmisc--: reinstalling doesn't change anything in linux09:20
sidletUhm... depends on what your doing ;) I've been using *nix since 95 and its almost 100% different from what I remember. I'm 3 months back into using linux and Ubuntu hasn't given me any "pitfalls" so far. Just a learning curve.09:20
glanceI am wondering if anyone seen any regression in the latest samba-update?09:20
kahrytannucc1,  Okay. I got it set ti 1680x1050 but the resolution sucks. Text is messed up09:20
magnetronmisc--: see if "restricted drivers manager" will help you09:20
sidletglance, define "regression"09:20
kahrytannucc1,  parts of letters would be erased.09:20
magnetronkahrytan: enable subpixel hinting09:21
glanceon my sambaserver the nmbd SIGABRT's when it tries to become master ower a workgroup.09:21
DaBonBonthe "compiz" package in ubuntu main repo includes stuff from both compiz and compiz-fusion ?09:21
Tarkus_nickrud, hmm. apache works fine.. but php isnt.. when i try to open the test .php file i made firefox tried to download the file, (i guess because its unable to read it).. any ideas?09:21
kahrytanmagnetron,  where09:21
glancethis is in dapper.09:21
misc--magnetron: mine did that too when I used beryl with the standard theme (emerald). I switched to another theme and it works (however I always have to restart beryl window manager upon login of X)09:21
sidletTarkus_, you need to enable the PHP extensions in apache.09:21
greencookiecan someone tell me where to download mp3 using lynx:)09:22
magnetronmisc--: i don't use beryl09:22
misc--magnetron: I tried that, all thats in there is the nvidia driver. I guess I could try disabling then enabling it again... it's currently set to dsiabled09:22
misc--err I mean enabled09:22
greencookiehow do I page up in tty?09:22
kahrytanmagnetron,  where or how?09:22
EvanlecTarkus_, i think nickrud went to bed ;p09:22
Evanlecgreencookie, shift+pgtup09:22
misc--magnetron: ok. Not sure then sorry. Never had a problem with just compiz09:22
Tarkus_sidlet, alright. so im trying to setup LAMP.. so all i did so far was "sudo aptitude install apache2 mysql-server-5.0 php5"09:22
clarezoeis anyone using compaq presario B180009:23
Tarkus_Evanlec, ah, kk09:23
DaBonBonthe "compiz" package in ubuntu main repo includes stuff from both compiz and compiz-fusion ? i mean, if i do apt-get install compiz, i don't need to do anything extra to get compiz-fusion ?09:23
greencookieEvanlec: shift+pgup doesnt work for me09:23
EvanlecTarkus_, probly requires some more configuration than that09:23
nucc1kahrytan: restart your x server09:23
sidletTarkus_, I havent set up a LAMP server in forever. but I know that your problem is with apache's config. Its not setup to feed your php code to the PHP engine.09:23
nucc1kahrytan: or log out, and then back in09:23
greencookieEvanlec: does sox do streaming?09:23
DaBonBoni really don't understand what's the stuff with compiz compiz-fusion compiz-fusion-plugins-foo .. what is the difference between all these !09:23
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:24
Evanlecgreencookie, streaming from or to?09:24
nucc1misc--:  is your dri working? mine's not, and I don't have any clues09:24
Evanlecgreencookie, it might, check 'man play'09:24
greencookieEvanlec: Since I don't have any mp3's on this newly ubuntued laptop I was wondering if I could play my last.fm radio from terminal hehe09:25
greencookieok Evanlec ok will do09:25
misc--nucc1: my whole X isn't working, let alone dri... all because of the nvidia module failing to load09:25
kahrytannucc1,  It didnt help, text is still broken.09:25
TheSBsidlet:  :-) . I am using perl alot - mandriva support perl very well so a lot of modules comes out of the box (GD for example) - I also use kde - but now I see that gnome is much more usable. so I will have to learn to operate those issues  - what else should I learn? do you run virtual machin on your ubuntu ?09:25
magnetrongreencookie: why from terminal?09:25
Evanlecmagnetron, cuz he likes terminal ;p09:26
greencookiemagnetron: I'm trying to turn into a geek:)09:26
kahrytanCan someone please help me setup ubuntu to work with 1680x1050?09:26
greencookiemagnetron: I was wondering if its possible to just "LIVE" in the terminal alone for about a month:)09:26
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:26
sidletTheSB, Nah. wine takes care of everything I dont use OSS for.09:26
rapidkahrytan: ^^09:26
magnetrongreencookie: then stop listening to last.fm ;) (irony)09:26
kahrytanrapid,  lol try again09:27
EvanlecTheSB, for virtualization, i recommend virtualbox09:27
rapid!resolution > kahrytan09:27
greencookiemagnetron: I guess I'll have to;).09:27
xanax`Can someone help me find out what is the root password for these (k)ubuntu vmware appliances ?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Player09:27
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:27
amirfcan i run crontab manualy by ? "/etc/crontab" ?09:28
kahrytanrapid,  again, try harder again09:28
magnetronkahrytan: subpixel hinting is in the font preferences09:28
fonkhi - is it known or can anyone confirm that samba in lts is broken after the last update and nmbd crashed, or is it just my setup?09:28
ubotunickrud: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:28
magnetron!root | xanax`09:28
ubotuxanax`: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:28
rapidamirf: ? man crontab09:28
sidletHas anybody here built Banshee from source using their instructions? I've got a ? for you if you have.09:28
xanax`ubotu, sudo asks me to type a password...09:28
glancewhen i downgrade to the old samba version it works.09:29
kahrytanmagnetron,  does it need x restart?09:29
magnetronxanax`: type your OWN password09:29
glancesomething in the security fix broke the nmbd09:29
bullgard4English help wanted. The normal Ubuntu 7.10 CD has a menu option "Start in Safe Graphics mode" or similar. What is its precise English name?09:29
magnetronkahrytan: try it09:29
kahrytanmagnetron,  yes or no.09:29
sidletglance, I run a simple 3 machine setup. and samba isnt broken in my instance. Wish I could help.09:29
kahrytanmagnetron,  yes or no.09:30
Evanlecbullgard4, use option if having error09:30
TheSBsidlet:  WOW - i never figured out how to install wine on my machines - it was broken after the compilation each time i tried. but I am using the virtual machines to test thing on linux machines so I can roll back to the last successful snapshot. (I am too lazy to reinstall )09:30
magnetron!attitude > kahrytan09:30
=== Tomcat_` is now known as Tomcat_
sidletTheSB, I use ubuntu packages for wine :)09:31
kahrytanmagnetron,  I cant see windows in xchat due to ubuntu's inability to display widescreen09:31
_trinedo the madwifi drivers in Ubuntu still need to be patched to allow injection using the Atheros chipset ?09:32
timewriterwhat is libunixprintplugin.so ?09:32
greencookiebrb smoke break!09:32
greencookieI'm seeing too much ascii09:32
kahrytanmagnetron,  so just answer my question. does it require x restart to use subpixel?09:32
sidlettimewriter, its a binary plugin for printing under linux for whatever application you are using.09:32
ClouseHello all,09:32
glancesidlet: have you upgraded to the latest security fix as of this morning?09:33
bullgard4Evanlec: I do not believe that your answer is correct. What I am looking for is the name of a menu option. I do not think that "option if having error" is the name of a menu option.09:33
timewriterits in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins09:33
timewriterdo i need it ?09:33
ClouseI just installed 7.10 and I can't get a web page.09:33
blizzkidlo all, How would one get an n with a tilde? I see in /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/fr that it's AC09, but have no idea how to type it. My kb layout is French09:33
sidletglance, oh. this morning? no. I was thinking of the update last week or so.09:33
Evanlecbullgard4, the menu option means....to start Xserver with default driver09:33
sidletglance, fiesty or edgy?09:33
nuccocan anyone help me get dri back?09:33
Evanlecbullgard4, failsafe mode09:33
magnetronkahrytan: no09:33
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource09:34
glancesidlet: USN-544-1 dapper.09:34
sidlettimewriter, Do you plan on printing?09:34
glancesidlet: the bulletin whent out last night.09:34
sidletglance, i'm on fiesty.09:34
kahrytanthen magnetron, changing the font setting doesnt work.09:34
timewriteri dont have printer09:34
sidletglance, i'm assuming that would make a difference?09:34
glancesidlet: that security announcement is covering feisty allso09:34
ClouseI can ping ok and I can get to web sites fine with the IP but not with the URL.09:34
sidlettimewriter, you could always rename it and restart firefox to see if it breaks ;) if it doesnt, then theoretically no you dont need it.09:35
glancesidlet: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/16304209:35
timewriterok :)09:35
magnetronClouse: yoe have a DNS server problem09:35
sidletglance, have a link for me? I might want to break my samba install too :P09:35
timewriterit doesnt bother me if its there09:35
ClouseIs the DNS screwed up in 7.10 out of the box?09:35
misc--I fixed my nvidia problem. Just had to disable the restricted graphics driver then re-enable blah blah...09:36
misc--goodo now my windows go on fire before they close!09:36
glancesidlet: thats the link to the launchpad bug.09:36
ThcManhey, where's that site that generates a sources.list?09:36
sidletClouse, try adding to your /etc/resolv.conf09:36
glancesidlet: or do you want any other link?09:36
nuccomisc--: hmmm, mine's fglrx, but lemme try that too09:36
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource09:36
ClouseIs this a known bug or is it just me09:36
ClouseOk sidlet thanks09:36
misc--nucco: why are you using that driver? Hmmm, I think fglrx is for ATI09:36
DarkMageZClouse, dns works fine on 7.10... something with your setup or isp.09:36
sidletglance, nah. that link should do. afk reading.09:37
glancesidlet: just poke me if you find anything09:37
sidletClouse, thats an earthlink public DNS server. It should fix your resolution issue09:37
ClouseOK thanks DarkMageZ09:37
bullgard4Evanlec: I am sorry that you did not give me the correct answer.09:38
nuccomisc--:  I've got an x160009:38
sidletClouse, and i beleive you need to add nameserver before that ip... let me check real quick.09:38
ClouseOK thanks again sildlet09:38
Evanlecbullgard4, im sorry too, i dont know what you want me to tell you09:38
=== adante_ is now known as adante
sidletyeah, prefix that with nameserver. it should look like this. "nameserver" - minus the quotes. ymmv09:39
bullgard4Evanlec: Thank you for your effort, anyway.09:39
kahrytannucco,  I fixed the problem09:39
SlyerFoxhello this is my first time on here wondering if any of you may be able to help me out09:39
nuccokahrytan: how?09:39
kahrytannucco,  Nvidia driver works better then nv09:39
ClouseCheers, I will reboot into Ubuntu and try, thanks again09:39
blizzkidlo all, How would one get an n with a tilde? I see in /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/fr that it's AC09, but have no idea how to type it. My kb layout is French09:40
sidletTheSB, heh.. i dont want to break my samba install tho :(09:40
nuccokahrytan: good for you... I still don't have DRI :(09:40
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:40
kahrytannucco,  dri?09:40
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:40
SlyerFoxi installed ubuntu then had to format windows as it had a problem (dual boot) reinstalled the grub menu with a bit of effort all seemed wel but when i go into ubuntu it wont let me access any of the drives an does not see its own partition  says unable to mount volume on every drive help plz ???09:41
nuccokahrytan: I've got an ati card. dri enables OpenGL acceleration. Its not working for me, that means 3d stuff is slow09:41
pipelineaudioshit the osx install wiped the disk again :(09:41
pipelineaudiook Im at gparted09:41
pipelineaudiosays set disklabel09:41
kahrytannucco, I am on my parents computer in hawaii. It has vista. I cant stand it09:41
pipelineaudioshould I just use msdos?09:41
kahrytannucco,  are you in -offtopic?09:41
pipelineaudiokahrytan where you at?09:42
nuccokahrytan: what is -offtopic?09:42
pipelineaudioIm from oahu09:42
kahrytanpipelineaudio,  Waianae09:42
mm2000yo dudes! how can i install php5 apache-proxy module?09:43
NotPullindamnit, git checked out the wrong version of this kernel09:43
pipelineaudiowhen i lived there, if you didnt live waianae, you NEVAH go waianae :)09:43
captbaritoneI have a strange problem where my server crashes and the keyboard can't type, but I can still switch terminals. Any ideas?09:44
kahrytanpipelineaudio,  it's not so bad here09:44
pipelineaudioI know, its all getting mellow09:45
magnetronhow do i enable frequency scaling in gutsy?09:45
magnetron!ops | shelly0815_1131309:46
ubotushelly0815_11313: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici09:46
sidletDoes IRC have spam bots now? or is shelly0815_11313  looking for help by spamming a url?09:46
sidletI guess that answered my question heh.09:47
greencookieguys quick question: If I ever wanna view a picture (jpeg file) through a tty, is it even possible?09:47
kahrytanpipelineaudio,  This is offtopic conversation join me in #kahrytan09:47
gordonjcpgreencookie: yes09:47
sidletgreencookie, sure is if you have frame-buffer support enabled.09:48
gordonjcpgreencookie: well, depends what you mean by tty09:48
greencookiegordonjcp: teach me that and I'll appreciate it:)09:48
greencookieframe-buffer sidlet meaning apt-get frame-buffer09:48
greencookiegordonjcp: I am trying to stay away from GUI part of ubuntu and strictly adhere to tty's:)09:48
magnetronhow do i enable CPU frequency scaling in gutsy? i have a pentium 409:48
half_drunklogged in as a different user, what command do i need to use to install with root access?09:48
=== half_drunk is now known as sFEARs
sidletwhen you load ubuntu do you see the frilly splash screen with the loader-bar?09:48
gordonjcpgreencookie: ... oh-kaaay....09:48
greencookiesidlet: yes:)09:49
gordonjcpgreencookie: each to their own I suppose09:49
greencookiegordonjcp: hehe I know crazy idea but I'm digging it so far:) so just wanted to know what my options are:)09:49
gordonjcpgreencookie: and now that you're not running X, you can't get at your pr0n, is that right?09:49
greencookiegordonjcp: I've already stopped gdm:)09:49
greencookiegordonjcp: its not always about pr0n unfortunately09:49
gordonjcpgreencookie: google for something like "linux framebuffer image viewer"09:49
greencookieok gordonjcp here goes my lynx:)09:49
gordonjcpgreencookie: links or elinks is better09:50
gordonjcpiirc elinks supports images on the framebuffer09:50
sidletgreencookie, thenk you have fb support ;)09:50
greencookiesidlet: fb?:)09:50
sidletfb = framebuffer09:51
greencookiesidlet: awesome:)09:51
bullgard4What are the properties of the 'safe graphics mode' of the Ubuntu Desktop CD?09:51
tomdgordonjcp: you can watch pr0n with svga you don09:52
tomdt need X09:52
jimcooncatgreencookie: save this url for when you're ready for screen09:52
tomduse -vo svga on mplayer compiled with svga support.09:52
jimcooncatgreencookie: http://www.redhatmagazine.com/2007/09/27/a-guide-to-gnu-screen/09:52
tomdalthough this is racy for #ubuntu09:52
Moniker42anyone know of a good app for gutsy that does ER diagramming?09:52
tomdand I'm not even talking ASCII, i mean full resolution09:53
jimcooncatgreencookie: it's got a good setup for you, see the .screenrc list near the end of the article09:53
tomdalthough, ascII can be arousing09:53
gordonjcptomd: I know09:55
tomdfrom experience :-X09:55
gordonjcptomd: I can watch pretty much anything over a serial console, if I want09:55
gordonjcptomd: it doesn't work so well on an DEC LA-36 though09:55
tomdwell, thats when you resort to ascii.. although I can't say ive used a computer like that09:56
sFEARswhen i use the sudo command logged in as a different user i don't get root access.  Anyone know how i can?09:56
ZAKhandvd is not playing on my 7.10 .. wat should i do?09:56
gordonjcptomd: I use computers that have no framebuffer device and indeed no concept of framebuffer every day09:57
greencookiejimcooncat: silly question:) how do I select that link out of irssi im runnin in tty1:)09:57
Evanlecalright i got a question: I want to save my current session (all apps open, window locations, files open, etc), but i want to be able to save it to a file or a list, so i can load it anytime...is this possible?09:57
bullgard4ZAKhan Check if you are a member of the group 'audio'09:58
jimcooncatgreencookie: if you had screen you'd be able to copy it, lol09:58
jimcooncatgreencookie: I'll shorten the url for you09:58
greencookiejimcooncat: appreciate it man:)O09:58
greencookiemeanwhile lemme apt-get install screen on tty509:59
jimcooncatgreencookie: http://shortify.com/555609:59
ZAKhanbullgard4, there is no group as audio10:00
greencookiejimcooncat: thats a really helpful website:) shortify.com10:00
BeastageI have some issues with pixelized movie watching in 7.1010:00
greencookiebtw it seems I already have screen, now to use it:)10:00
buttercupssFEARs, You need to give that user  Administer the system privileges,System >Admin>Users and Groups10:01
jimcooncatgreencookie: I use it all the time to send urls by email10:01
Beastageanything I can do to improve movie and video quality in ubuntu?10:01
greencookiejimcooncat: are u using ttys and irssi as well?10:01
bullgard4ZAKhan: If you want to play audio from your DVD you need to be a member of the audio group. If you are not, join it.10:02
greencookiejimcooncat: does lynx have (gasp) tabbed browsing?:)10:02
jimcooncatgreencookie: haven't used irssi; been a while since I really used screen, but I think I'll get back into it now10:02
Evanlecahhhh, sessions control panel seems lacking some features........10:02
greencookiejimcooncat: yay! you have my full encouragement.10:03
jimcooncatgreencookie: One of them does I think: lynx, links, elinks, don't remember10:03
sidletlynx = moot. Try links or elinks10:04
BeastageI have problem with unsmooth and pixelized videos, anything I can do?10:04
bullgard4Beastage: Yes. Read a lot in the Ubuntu forums about 'Multimedia'10:04
greencookiejimcooncat: I hope its lynx, I don't wanna learn how to pilot a new webbrowser:)10:04
ZAKhanbullgard4, i cannot play video dvds .. totem gives an error "cannot read from resource" where is the same dvd works on my dvd player10:04
greencookiesidlet: explain what you mean by moot:)10:04
Evanlechah! shortify.com that is very clever10:04
greencookiesidlet: I'm also using vi as my microsoft word, is there something better? not emacs, thats wild for me:)10:05
greencookieEvanlec:  it is ..lol10:05
sidletgreencookie, use links or elinks and you'll see why i use the term "moot" ... (this is a family oriented channel :) I try to keep it PG)10:05
Beastagebullgard4: hmm, in general is it easy to fix? o10:05
Evanlec!dvd | ZAKhan10:05
sidletgreencookie, vim > *10:05
ubotuZAKhan: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:05
ThcManchecking for gcc... gcc10:05
ThcManchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables10:05
bullgard4ZAKhan: Yes. You need to check if you are a member of the Unix group 'audio'.10:05
ThcManwhat's wrong with my C compiler? :x10:05
greencookiesidlet: lol ok..10:05
greencookiehaha vim > * Evanlec you dig?:)10:05
Evanlecno actually i dont get it, if thats a linux joke10:06
ThcManno one? any one?10:06
nanonymegreencookie, did you mean: /dev/null? ;)10:06
Evanlecokay i get it10:06
_trinedo the madwifi drivers in Ubuntu still need to be patched to allow injection using the Atheros chipset ?10:07
Ubuntu_Noobhey can someone help me compile dazuko in 7.1010:07
EvanlecThcMan, sudo apt-get install build-essentials10:07
bullgard4Beastage: No, in general, not. But it will be easier for you if you know a lot about Multimedia in Ubuntu.10:07
greencookienanonyme: what /dev/null?10:08
Evanlecbullgard4, what language?10:08
greencookieEvanlec: doh! even I get it lolol. * = wildcard character for everything10:08
Evanlecyea ;p10:08
greencookiebut I dont get nanonyme's joke10:08
Evanlectook me a second too10:08
nanonymegreencookie, meh, missed the joke :P /dev/null instead of *10:08
greencookiestill got a lot to learn10:08
Ubuntu_Noobanyone knows how to compile dazuko in 7.10....without teh errors...10:08
bullgard4Evanlec: In English there is the most documentation available.10:09
_trinedo the madwifi drivers in Ubuntu still need to be patched to allow injection using the Atheros chipset ?10:09
sidletgreencookie, everyone has to start somewhere. I started in console too ;)10:09
greencookieah lol@nanonyme10:09
sidletgreencookie, i'm just beyond the point of wanting a console. I'd rather have my bells and whistles.10:09
guyvdb_I am trying to set up a SOCKS proxy with command: ssh -nNT -D 10xxx user@domain.com -p SSHD_PORT but i get bind: Address already in use. Where though? Workstation side or server side? What am i doing wrong?10:09
=== adante_ is now known as adante
greencookiesidlet: I started at GUI and dropped to console cuz things were so much simpler down under.10:09
greencookiesidlet: bells and whistles = good entertainment.10:09
greencookiesidlet: consoles = good work:)10:09
greencookiefor me at least... so far;)10:10
LenkoI'm trying to update from 7.04 to 7.10 but the updater freezes after advise me that many packets not been supported by canonical and deleted after the actualization10:10
sidletgreencookie, Been there done that. I live by the theory "If you have to use a mouse to administer your machine, ship it to me and i'll pick up the S&H :))10:10
SpeeFakcan some give me some tipps where i can find a channel which discusses unattendend installations for windows ?10:10
greencookiesidlet: lmfao!10:10
Lenko(excuse my english :-) )10:10
Evanlecconsole is definitely a good thing to learn10:10
magnetron!windows | SpeeFak10:10
ubotuSpeeFak: For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents10:10
Evanlecthere are many things much easier to accomplish on a terminal than a gui10:10
greencookieSpeefak #windows10:10
ThcManagreed ^^10:10
SpeeFak @ work i have 2 use MS10:10
greencookieEvanlec: and its interesting.10:10
guyvdb_Does anyone have a SOCKS proxy via ssh working?10:11
Lenkocan I update the system from the iso?10:11
SpeeFakk i try greencookie10:11
Evanlecbut there are also some things much easier to accomplish with a gui than a terminal, so it equals out, depending on your needs10:11
greencookieSpeeFak: whats ure native language?10:11
tomdguyvdb_: are you doing that as root? maybe the port # is reserved10:11
Evanlecgreencookie, yea, u know how to do tab completion right?10:11
greencookieEvanlec: yep, the right tool at the right time = win.10:11
Pie-rat2how do i find out how much RAM my ATI integrated graphics card is allowed to use?10:12
sidletheh... prepping a build environment for banshee... this reminds me of that other distro that uses portage *cough*10:12
greencookieEvanlec:  you mean type 'evan' then press tab key to let it fill ure name?10:12
NotPullinsweet jesus why is it so impossible to get the "right" kernel source10:12
guyvdb_tomd: I am not as root and have tried 10000 10001 which should be accessable by non priv user10:12
ThcMani do almost everything with a terminal nowadays, except xchat and firefox and mousepad ("text editor")10:12
Evanlecgreencookie, yea, and that works in the terminal to when ur typing filenames10:12
ThcMani still don't get vim, and nano's ugly <_<10:12
greencookieThcMan: i switched to vim :P10:12
sidletThcMan, put the joint down and read a book :P10:12
tomdguyvdb_ weird that bind() would complain about what you're doing10:12
Evanlec"vim isnt just a text editor, it's a way of life."10:13
hujiHi all. How can I change the URLs for apt-get downloads? (the regional xx.archive.ubuntu.com is not working well today, so I want to connet to another server)10:13
greencookieEvanlec: yep! I noticed, and boy does it save u time typing all those dots/dashes/underscores/numbers:)10:13
Evanlecgreencookie, yea, and of course u know the up and down arrow keys to recall cmds10:13
guyvdb_tomd: ssh asks me for password, i assume it authenticates with other side and then i get error message10:13
sidletgreencookie, i bet tab completion saves me about a billion keystrokes a year... and people wonder why I dont have stress injuries :D10:13
greencookieEvanlec: I learnt that the hard way.10:13
TheFlyingfoolhow do i find my cpu clockspeed10:13
d34dh4ckit has to be, lol...i cant use it, i allways for get the commands and stuff....nano is so much easier....10:14
sidletThcMan, btw that was just a joke :P10:14
guyvdb_tomd: is the command correct ssh -nNT -g -D 10001 user@domain.com -p 123410:14
EvanlecTheFlyingfool, cat /proc/cpuinfo10:14
ThcMan<sidlet> ThcMan, put the joint down and read a book :P <=- lol10:14
jimcooncatgreencookie: elinks supports tabbed browsing!10:14
greencookienano....hmm whats all this hype about nano:) maybe me should try it.10:14
TheFlyingfoolEvanlec: thanks10:14
guyvdb_tomd: where remote sshd is running on port 123410:14
sidletgreencookie, its similar to pico, and dos EDIT10:14
Evanlecnano is a dumbed down editor in my opinion10:14
greencookieooo jim!! superb. thanks! now i just have to install that and a delicious plugin for elinks;)10:14
EvanlecVi is much more powerful10:15
sidleta stripped out emacs with zero bloat10:15
d34dh4cki agree10:15
hujiany idea?10:15
d34dh4ckit does what i need lol10:15
greencookiesidlet: emacs=gigantous.10:15
d34dh4ckemacs is an os disguiesed as a text editor....lol...10:15
d34dh4cki love that quote...10:15
sidletd34dh4ck, you nailed that one :10:15
Evanlecyea, well i understand the overwhelming number of commands in Vi10:15
tomdguyvdb_ yes you're right10:16
sidletthe emacs vs vi war is so timeless10:16
sidletbut really it belongs in #troll not in #ubuntu :D10:16
greencookierofl d34dh4ck10:16
Evanlecbut, if ur gonna learn a text edtior, might as well start with one that has room to grow as you grow10:16
tomdguyvdb_ the socket ssh is trying to name doesn't exist so bind returns the address in use error10:16
Evanlecsidlet, yea, but, no ones really awake right now ;p10:16
tomdguyvdb_ whatever the problem is is on the other end, because you're failing to connect10:16
Beastagetoo many threads10:16
tomdguyvdb_ I *think*10:17
sidletwe are, whats that say about us evan?10:17
Beastagewhen's the next ubuntu release?!10:17
greencookiewell i've just used emac and vi for about 10 minutes each.10:17
greencookieand so far I like vimtutorial:)10:17
_trinedo the madwifi drivers in Ubuntu still need to be patched to allow injection using the Atheros chipset ?10:17
Evanlecit says that i have a really f*cked up sleep schedule10:17
guyvdb_tomd: it prompts for password then nothing... if i simply do ssh user@domain -p port i connect fine10:17
_trinecome guys10:17
Evanlecand that linux hacking keeps me awake ... far too often10:17
_trineits only yes or no10:17
greencookieI'm workin sidlet Evanlec :)10:17
sidletgreencookie, do a touch ~/.vimrc    then hit up dotfiles.org and look for some vimrc ideas to put in yours.10:17
Evanlec_trine, i dont think anyone knows the answer to your question, theres not that many of us here..10:17
Evanlecgreencookie, doing what? lol10:18
greencookiesidlet: o.0 customizing vim?:)10:18
sidletgreencookie, you have much to learn o padewan10:18
Evanlecsidlet, thats a very l33t idea10:18
greencookieEvanlec: lol good question. I'm working in customer service for an airline company.10:18
nikin_guyvdb_: can you tell the problem again? when does it not connect?10:18
nubaeI'm trying to install php4 on Gutsy... is this still possible?10:18
Evanlecgreencookie, oh sweet, i'd love to hack linux while getting paid10:18
greencookiesidlet: hehe, yep yep. im ready for the journey:)10:18
sidletget to it10:19
nubaeAn application I require will work only with php4 and not php510:19
greencookieEvanlec: lol.10:19
nubaeI'd like to install php4 along side it really10:19
guyvdb_nikin_: when i do ssh -nNT -g -D 10001 user@domain.com -p 1234 i get password prompt then bind:Address already in use10:19
Evanlecnubae, perhaps try the backports, or find a .deb10:19
greencookieok so I just started getting comfortable with lynx and now to get links? :-(10:19
nubaethink I have backports in my repos10:19
sidletEvanlec, are the packages from getdeb.org pretty trustworthy?10:19
magnetronguyvdb_: use another poert after yhe -D switch10:20
sidletEvanlec, I'm re-thinking this whole compiling banshee from source bit. I really dont want all this bloat10:20
Evanlecgreencookie, apparently elinks is the better terminal browser10:20
guyvdb_nikin_: i have tried a few ports after D10:20
Merijnhow do I give write access to a folder for a certain user?10:20
Beastagegawd this is depressing10:20
nubaeah no I dont...10:20
Evanlecsidlet, i'd say so yea10:20
sidletBeastage, what is buddy?10:20
greencookieEvanlec: ah.. make up your mind. lol ..k im getting elinks:)10:20
Evanlec!info banshee10:20
ubotubanshee: Audio Management and Playback application. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.1+dfsg-3 (gutsy), package size 2150 kB, installed size 6432 kB10:20
Beastagereading the forums video and mutlimedia threads10:20
sidletfeisty only has 0.12.110:21
greencookieEvanlec: I used to like amarok.10:21
Evanlecyea, amarok is good, there's several ones that are great10:21
sidletAmarok is a KDE app. I'm a gnome sloot. :P10:21
* greencookie loves sox now ;)10:21
Evanlecright now im happy with plain ol' rhythmbox10:21
sidletbut for tty i used mpg12310:21
Merijncan someone help me please?10:21
d34dh4ckXMMS FTW....lol10:21
Merijnhow do I give write access to a folder for a certain user?10:21
Evanlecseems to be lacking an EQUALIZER tho...lord10:21
guyvdb_magnetron: is the port on the workstation or the remote (server) side. netstat shows port not in use on both sides?10:21
ThcManraise your hand if you know where i can get a driver for "VIA VT6102 PCI 10/100Mb Ethernet Controller"10:21
Evanlecumm, isnt XMMS deprecated?10:21
sidletBeastage, theres alot of issues with multimedia home-fry. I feel your pain.10:21
magnetronguyvdb_: local10:22
ThcMan2.6.20-15-generic <=- meh kernel10:22
jimcooncatgreencookie: in elinks, use F9 to activate the menu. All should be easy from there10:22
sidletAudacious is the revived xmms10:22
greencookiesidlet: mpg123 does it have library or playlist?10:22
nubaePackage libapache2-mod-php4 is not available, but is referred to by another package10:22
tomdguyvdb_ have you tried specifying different bind addresses for -D10:22
greencookiejimcooncat: ok ill get elinks.. sec10:22
sidletgreencookie, nope just a standalone player.10:22
nubaethast with backports enabled10:22
ThcManEvanlec: Audacious is a fork of xmms that's actually developed nowadays iirc10:22
greencookiesidlet: ok10:22
guyvdb_tomd: no10:22
Evanlecyea, audacious is its replacement10:22
sidletoh my i'm so pimp10:22
sidleti mentioned audacious first10:22
Beastageexaile aint bad10:22
* sidlet is almost l33t at 4:30 in the morning10:22
d34dh4ckprolly, i use it for streams...10:22
ThcMansidlet: i was prolly more concerned with my lack of wireless card drivers :x10:23
greencookiejimcooncat: was it elinks that had tabbed browse?10:23
d34dh4cklol...i didn't know that....i will start using that then...10:23
nubaeall I see is php4-interbase in the repos10:23
tomdguyvdb_ -D [bind_address:]port  .... * means all, if localhost is specified only the local machine can connect, etc.10:23
guyvdb_magnetron:, tomd: just tried 50000, 50001, 60000, 60001 all same response10:23
greencookieguys which command line player allows listening to radio streams?10:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:23
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!10:23
d34dh4ckhmmm...does the xmms plugins for stuff work with it? like gkrellm?10:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about php4 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:23
nikin_guyvdb_: -D needs a hostname... i think you need -b ... look man page10:23
ThcManmplayer is the only cli player i've ever even used10:23
Evanlecnubae, check getdeb.org10:24
d34dh4cksame here thcman10:24
greencookieThcMan: whats cli10:24
d34dh4ckcommand line10:24
greencookieThcMan: thnx.10:24
jimcooncatgreencookie: yes, elinks10:24
nubaeso its no longar supported through ubuntu channels?10:24
Evanlecnubae, it would appear not10:24
greencookiejimcooncat: ok so i used links, it looks like the evolution of browsers. first lynx, now that looks crude in front of links lol.10:24
Evanlec!info php410:24
ubotuPackage php4 does not exist in gutsy10:24
greencookiejimcooncat: now aptgetting elinks10:25
guyvdb_nikin_: hmm.. don't i need -D for the local end of the proxy?10:25
nubaegetdeb.org takes me to a domain for sale site10:25
magnetronnubae: it is if you use 6.06 LTS IIRC10:25
* greencookie puts on his thinking cap.10:25
Evanlecdoes anyone know whats up with Saving sessions? am i just missing something?10:25
Evanlechow do i dooo it??10:25
tomdguyvdb try it with -D *:1000110:25
nubaemagnetron, I'm running edubuntu Gutsy LTSP so thats not an option10:25
tomduse the wildcard10:25
magnetronnubae: there is no gutsy LTS10:26
NotPullinuh, is is possible to build a module for my kernel having only the linux-headers for it, and not the actual source?10:26
HaemothI enabled subpixel smoothing but it looks strange and not easy on the eyes. Is that because of my screen resolution (1920 x 1200)? Is subpixel smoothing intended only for low resolution screens?10:26
nubaelinux terminal server project10:26
EvanlecNotPullin, i believe it is, but i've never been succesful :)10:27
menkohi, is it possible to upgrade using the live cd?10:27
menkofrom 7.04 to 7.1010:27
greencookieOk its official, I think elinks is IT for me:)10:27
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »10:27
nanonymei can see why not10:27
Evanlecwhat nanonyme ?10:27
nanonymethe menko's question10:28
magnetronmenko: no, only if you use the alternate cd10:28
nanonymejust edit /etc/apt/sources.list to have the cd as a repository10:28
Evanlechow do i save my current session!@!@!10:28
mr_gnemy ubuntu don't see the integrated webcam, on a asus v1s, driver not supported, can you help me, i'm new...10:28
greencookieEvanlec: hibernate?:)10:28
nanonymemagnetron, erm, are you sure livecd doesn't work as a repository?10:29
Evanlecnoooo, i wanna save it in a box and have it for later!10:29
nubaeits getdeb.net, not getdeb.org btw...10:29
AintaerOkay after 4 hours of attempted setup, I give up.  How do I get MythTV to display the composite in on my generic philips 7134 card?10:29
lixmr_gne: a german howto: http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/127919/10:29
Evanleci have my web development layout setup here, got all the apps, websites, files i need....if i could have it all come back again that would be MARVELOUS!10:29
nanonymesince if it does, you could just change /etc/apt/sources.list to have gutsy instead of feisty and use the cd as the first repository10:30
nanonymethen after updating apt, you can upgrade to gutsy using the cd10:30
anthonyyou know when you download something from the internet it saves in cache how do i delete cache to gain more hdd space10:30
magnetronanthony: you web browser has a menu for clearing cache10:31
greencookieEvanlec: you need something like norton ghost maybe?10:32
Evanlecgreencookie, no thats different, all i want is it to remember what apps i have open10:32
ZombieAintaer: I have one of those.10:32
Evanlecgreencookie, and it will do that sorta, but i need to have that info saved so i can call it up whenever10:32
ZombieBut don't use it for output, only inpuyr.10:32
ZombieBut don't use it for output, only input.10:32
greencookieEvanlec: hmmm. I wish I could help you. but I have little knowledge:)10:33
Evanlecgreencookie, how long u been using *nix ?10:33
greencookieEvanlec: needless to say, you've googled rite?10:33
bullgard4What are the properties of the 'safe graphics mode' which you can choose as a menu option and operating mode of the Ubuntu desktop CD?10:33
greencookieEvanlec: about 2 months straight now.10:33
Evanlecgreencookie, im searchin the forums10:33
greencookieI started using *nix after quitting World of Warcraft. hehe. this is my WoW rebound i guess;)10:33
Evanlecgreencookie, this is ur first foray into the CLI?10:33
greencookiejimcooncat: I looooooooooove the f9 key:)10:34
Evanlecgreencookie, well atleast when ur doing this it looks like ur doing something important rather htan just playing a game10:34
greencookieEvanlec: rest assured it is. adventurous times for me:)10:34
ZombieAnyone here use OpenVPN?10:34
jimcooncatgreencookie: I'm enjoying it too, you may have brought me back to the console!10:34
magnetronplease join me in #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support stuff10:34
nubaejeez, so php4 is nowhere to be found... this is a pretty stupid decision10:34
nubaeit still has a release coming in december10:34
greencookiejimcooncat: woohoo. what a way to utilize the 256 dedicated ram on my ati radeon card:)10:35
Evanlecnubae, i dont know much about it honestly10:35
nubaethere must be thousands of devs with code that doesnt work on php5 yet10:35
nubaenow they cant use their apps anymore10:35
buttercupsEvanlec, enable automatically remember running applications when logging out?10:36
greencookiejimcooncat: if only tty had sort of a growl notification system or something lol. But i guess we shudn't be too greedy:)10:36
magnetronnubae: they can, using old operating systems10:36
greencookieis there a msn messenger clone for cli?10:36
Evanlecbuttercups, okay, but thats just going to remember them if they're running when i log out and restore them when i log back in...10:36
Evanlecbuttercups, i want to be able to pull up a saved session at any time10:37
guyvdb_How do i set up a socks proxy with open ssh ?10:37
nubaemagnetron, as I explained before, I cannot use an older system, for example, because I require ltsp 5.010:37
nubaethats only in edubuntu gutsy10:37
nubaeits a stupid decision10:37
nubaewhy take php4 out without putting it in backports or at least multiverse10:37
Evanlecnubae, if backports said it referred to php4, i would look a little harder10:38
ghost_Someone able to assist with a resolution problem in 7.10(Eventually wanting twinview)10:38
nubaeits not backports evanlec, its apt that refers to it10:38
detectiveinspektHello what is a good music player for ubuntu, mp3 in particular?10:38
nubaedoing a apt-cache search reveals only interbase-php4 in there10:38
Evanlecyes but usually when i get that message, it means the package is somewhere just different name10:39
magnetron!mp3 | detectiveinspekt10:39
ubotudetectiveinspekt: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:39
whyking_I have an existing, bootable windows install on my hd, whats the best way to start that from linux? qemu, vmware...?10:39
nubaeevanlec, maybe some other repository u mean?10:39
Evanlecwhyking_, choose to boot into it when u start ur computer ... no virtualization stuff for that10:40
Evanlecnubae, yea maybe10:40
greencookieWow! elinks even got a password manager. rofl! awesomeness.10:40
nubaewell all I see on a php4 gutsy apt-get search is many many angry web pages of people that are having the same problem as me10:41
conatichi, i d like to test kde4 how could I do ?10:41
Evanlecwell the worst may be reality10:41
whyking_Evanlec, sure, thats what I have.. but I want to have it start under linux10:41
Evanlecconatic, subscribe to their cvs repo10:41
Evanlecwhyking_, well, i had the same question, apparently it is possible, but highly not recommended10:42
mneisenHi, I just installed amavis on a fresh Ubuntu Gutsy. When I start amavis using the init-script, I get the following error:10:42
mneisenNov 16 11:39:01 neu amavis[24473]: Net::Server: Accept failed with 29 tries left.10:42
Evanlecyou are better off just installing a new windows vm, then copying ur data from your old windows partition10:42
mneisenNov 16 11:39:01 neu amavis[24473]: Net::Server: Accept failed with 28 tries left.10:42
mneisenAnd so on, until the number of tries left reaches 0.10:43
mneisenNov 16 11:39:01 neu amavis[24472]: Net::Server: Ran out of accept retries!10:43
mneisenAnd the whole thing starts a-new.10:43
whyking_Evanlec, hm.. there are so many solutions.. qemu should work jsut fine10:43
Evanlecmneisen, okay, stop spamming please10:43
mneisenDoes anybody know what I did do wrong?10:43
mneisenEvanlec: sorry, but i cannot see where this is spamming.10:43
ghost_Hi, Trying to get my resolution to 1440x900 but keeps dropping back to 800x600, any ideas? (Gutsy)10:43
Evanlecmneisen, u just put out 9 lines in a row10:44
Evanlecits called trolling/spamming/pasting what have you10:44
Evanlecits frowned upon here10:44
mneisenNo, I think spamming is when I paste a huge file into IRC.10:44
mneisenI just posted three lines of output and asked a question.10:45
Evanlecim not gonna argue with you about it10:45
Evanlecbut u didnt make a great entrance10:45
mneisenEvanlec: OK, I will try to behave in the future.10:45
Evanlecwell, dont do it for me, do it for yourself if u want someone to help you10:45
mneisenEvanlec: Will do.10:45
Evanleci have no idea what amavis is so i cant10:46
mneisenEvanlec: Could you please tell me how I could have handled this any better?10:46
Evanlecu couldve just said, I'm having trouble amavis, anyone help me?10:46
Evanlecthen if someone offers, u could paste ur output and what not10:47
mneisenEvanlec: OK, I just read in some article about netiquette that you should give more specific details when asking a question. Sorry to have done it wrong here.10:47
Evanlecwell generally yes thats a good idea, but this is a very busy channel10:47
Evanlecits not right now because of the time10:47
Evanlecbut it is usually a madhouse in here10:48
mr_gnehelp me if u can... integrated laptop webcam not supported10:48
Myrttiwhat's going on here10:48
Evanlecand people printing more than 3 successive lines are usually kicked out10:48
sidletgreencookie: Having fun customizing vim yet?10:48
ghost_Evanlec. what time does it generally pick up?10:48
Evanlecshouldnt be long now when the UK ppl get on10:48
sidletEvanlec: you using irssi?10:49
Evanlecnah, xchat ;p10:49
mneisenI'm having trouble amavis, anyone help me?10:49
Evanleci like irssi but...theres some things xchat just makes easier10:49
rishabh_Hi all! Jack refuses to connect: loading driver ..   apparent rate = 44100     creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|1024|2|44100|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit     control device hw:0     the playback device "hw:0" is already in use. Please stop the application using it and run JACK again   cannot load driver module alsa    no message buffer overruns10:49
sirbijanhey room10:50
Evanlecmneisen, lol, u dont have to quote my typos verbatim10:50
sirbijangot a stupid easy question, care to answer?!10:50
sirbijanquoting verbatim's cool!10:50
mneisenEvanlec: Just tried to learn from the master :-D10:50
sirbijani like a clean desktop10:50
buttercupsEvanlec, create multiple users, save sessions, switch back and forth, good question =)10:50
rishabh_When I play audio files, I get proper sound. Sound in Firefox doesn't work at all.10:50
Evanlecmneisen, mm hm10:51
sirbijanbut ubuntu puts my partition names (hda1, ....) on the desktop and I can't just delete'em10:51
sirbijanany remedy?!10:51
Evanlecbuttercups, that sounds like a less than elegant solution...but im glad ur thinking!10:51
rishabh_sirbijan: Press Alt+F2, type "gconf-editor"10:51
Evanlecbuttercups, can u see how it would be useful tho? for example, if i wanna do web development, there's a bunch of apps, windows, files/folders, and websites/info that i need open, it would be nice to just be able to have it all open for me with 1 click10:52
sirbijanthen? going to desktop and then...10:52
rishabh_sirbijan: navigate to "apps" and to "nautilus"10:52
wiseleoGood evening :)10:52
rishabh_sirbijan: uncheck "volumes visible"10:53
sirbijanwow, then volums_visible10:53
sirbijancool man10:53
Evanlecwiseleo, good morning10:53
dooglusI want to use a webcam with gutsy.  do I need to be careful which one I buy?  do they all work?  is there anything to look out for?10:53
ToMaKhow to uninstall ubuntu 7.0410:54
buttercupsEvanlec, i agree10:54
Evanlecbuttercups, u see my point?10:54
nuccoany one so kind as to help me resolve my DRI issues??? :(10:54
wiseleoSo far failed to install gforge with.. gutsy, fiesty... now going back to dapper...10:54
greencookiesidlet: lol no. sorry for late reply, was with customer. I havent even finished vim tutorials yet:)10:54
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:54
rishabh_Can anyone help with my sound drivers? ?10:54
buttercupsEvanlec, yes now its bothering me not knowing how =)10:54
greencookiesidlet: <3 elinks tho:)10:54
Evanlecbuttercups, there must be a way to do it, the functionality is already there, i just need to be able to save sessions persisently10:54
sidletgreencookie: Thats good :)10:55
sirbijanone more question, where are my desktop trash files stored?10:55
sirbijanoddly there are some files in the trash I can't delete10:55
nuccohey, is anyone using an ati x1600 in here?10:55
sirbijani need to go to the directory manually and delete'em by root i guess10:55
Slartsirbijan: there are .trash or perhaps .Trash directories in lots of places10:55
Evanlecgreencookie, u dont need to do the entire vimtutor in one session, just do like the first 5 lessons, then practice it a bit outside10:55
ToMaKi want to uninstall ubuntu7.04 on my lapetop.anyone know the best way to uninstall it10:55
Slartsirbijan: check your home directory10:56
EvanlecToMaK, delete the partition...10:56
greencookieEvanlec: loving 'h''j''k''l';)10:56
sirbijanwow, i got it, i looked for .trash, but the true name is .Trash!10:56
sirbijanthanks Slart10:56
ToMaKevanlec - i had already done that10:56
Evanlecgreencookie, yea its great,10:56
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Slartsirbijan: yes.. that one got me a few times too.. nasty case sensitive os =)10:56
EvanlecToMaK, then it should be gone, use a windows disc to overwrite your MBR10:56
penguincentralhi.  I have a plantronics usb headset, and I want the audio that is played in firefox to come out of my headset instead of my speakers.  how can i do this?10:57
rishabh_Hey! How do I find out if any process is using "hw:0"? Jack control says it's blocked!10:57
ToMaKevanlec - owh icic thx for the tips10:57
buttercupsEvanlec, have you heard of Xnest?10:57
Evanlecbuttercups, no, please enlighten me :)10:58
sirbijanhey guys, this question doesn't relate to ubuntu, but now that i can feel the cacoon of friendship here, i shoot, don't get mad at me!10:58
ToMaKwhat is the diffreances of ubuntu, kubuntu and xubuntu?10:58
dooglusToMaK: different default packages is all10:58
wiseleodifferent flavors... same thing10:58
sirbijanwhat cell phone do you personally suggest me to buy?! I wana know your ideas10:58
buttercupsEvanlec, me either just ran across it , http://lifehacker.com/software/notag/run-multiple-sessions-at-the-same-time-with-xnest-268745.php10:58
ToMaKand wich oone is better?10:58
wiseleosir - Windows Mobile 6.0 device :)10:58
sirbijani have some money i wana get a cell, i'm just too picky!10:59
dooglusToMaK: they're all the same quality10:59
wiseleo<- "slightly" biased...10:59
sirbijanwiseleo: ;)10:59
ToMaKdooglus - ooo icic10:59
dooglusToMaK: since they're the same thing, just with different initial package lists10:59
buttercupsEvanlec, not sure about saving them though for later10:59
wiseleosirbij - they are the best... I have ssh on mine :)10:59
SlartToMaK: ubuntu uses gnome, kubuntu uses KDE, xubuntu uses xfce.. they look different.. behave a little different and xfce differs by being a little lighter on system resources10:59
Evanlecbuttercups, yea....11:00
dooglusToMaK: ubuntu can use xfce or kde, kubuntu can use gnome or xfce, etc.11:00
SlartToMaK: and by uses I mean, it uses by default.. you can still run KDE on ubuntu if you want to11:00
dooglusToMaK: I'm currently running xfce in ubuntu, for instance11:00
wiseleosirbij - but full disclosure... I work with Palm on promoting WM6 and with Microsoft's Windows Mobile team as a presenter... as I said "slightly" biased.11:00
Evanlecbuttercups, think i may be on to something: http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/GNOME.html11:01
dooglusToMaK: you can install all 3 at once if you like, and have a choice of which desktop environment to run each time you log in11:01
ToMaKwhat is a KDE and XFCE(i'm still a noob)11:01
ghost_Hey, trying to get my resolution to 1440x900 but keeps dropping back to 800x600, anyone got any ideas?11:01
dooglusToMaK: KDE and XFCE and GNOME are three different desktop environments11:02
wiseleoTomak - it really doesn't matter for you at this stage yet.11:02
wiseleoLearn the system, then look into customizing it. Far less headaches11:02
ToMaKdooglus, wiseleo - oooo....icic....thx guyz for the tips11:02
pontehello, i have problem with installation fluxbuntu 7.10, i've download image and burn cd with k3b but when i boot computer it hasn't started from cd. I remember to change boot sequance in bios, so it must be sth diffrent. Have You got any idea?11:02
SlartToMaK: why not download and burn the 3 live CD's for the different distros.. then you can try them out and see how they behave and which you like11:03
wiseleoponte - test the CD image in vmware. If you can boot from it in VM, then it's computer-specific problem11:03
ToMaKslart - i try download the kubuntu and xubuntu11:04
ToMaKafter i install my ubuntu it messup my bios now it can't detec my cdrom11:04
dooglusToMaK: don't worry about it too much - any program with run in any desktop environment11:04
ToMaKdooglus - OK11:04
Evanlecthere is no way that ubuntu could have messed up your BIOS11:04
dooglusToMaK: kubuntu and xubuntu will have the same problem almost certainly11:04
wiseleoCoincidence. We don't mess with BIOS11:04
SlartToMaK: ubuntu ate your bios?? never heard of that before.. is it even possible??11:04
greencookiehow do I suspend from cli?11:04
Slartgreencookie: perhaps "shutdown" with some sleepy, suspendy parameter? just a guess11:05
ToMaKi don't know11:05
wiseleoSo, who else uses dapper :)11:05
ToMaKi'm using fetsy11:05
GuHHHhey, about mail listing services... whats the most simple to configure, mailman or majordomo?11:05
wiseleoguhh - apt-get install mailman - try that ;-)11:06
Evanlecgreencookie, dont ask me how i pulled this so fast, but i had just seen it:    /usr/sbin/pmi action suspend11:06
Evanlecgreencookie, might need a sudo11:06
ToMaKwich one got better effect Feisty Fawn or Gutsy Gibbon or Dapper Drake?11:07
EvanlecToMaK, gutsy11:07
wiseleoTomak - define "effect"11:07
wiseleoVisuals? Always the latest distribution11:08
nuccoI can't believe no one has an x1k series ati card in here11:08
Evanlecthink he means desktop effects, compiz11:08
tarelerulzI don't know if it is just be ,but the ubuntu irc server are down a lot and I can't get on for seem like days at a time11:08
ToMaKwiseleo - hemmm...maby the texture11:08
wiseleonucco - nope, just an old 9600aiw11:08
joe_i had a x1300 at work that wouldnt boot ubuntu11:08
Evanlectarelerulz, its just you...i never seen them down11:08
Nom-Howdy... I've got fakeraid running on my drive, and the system is running extremely slow while transferring files around.  Even Windows Vista is able to maintain responsiveness under similar conditions, so is there some settings I can play with to improve the system load?11:08
nuccowiseleo: I've got an x1600, no dri. was working with fresh install11:08
ToMaKlast night i try to use compiz effect i messup my cube effect...-.-'11:09
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greencookiejoe_: I have x1300 that I just CANT get to run right. are you in a similar problem?11:09
tarelerulzEvanlec, What could I be doing to make it so I could not get on Ubuntu's irc servers?11:09
icaniccan someone help me with the compiz rain effect?11:09
wiseleonom- by default, drives are in write-through mode. Write-back cache improves performance11:09
Nom-wiseleo: Is there a guide somewhere I can find instructions on how to set that up ?11:10
ToMaKwiseleo - what is the diffrencs of XP and ubuntu????beside the ubuntu effect?11:10
wiseleoNom- don't know, I'll be looking for it11:10
Evanlectarelerulz, hard to say, check firewalls, ports open, proxies (irc dont like open proxies), try changing the port u connecting to to 8001, check for things like peerguardian, check basic connectivity (dns, ping, etc)11:11
wiseleoTomak - uh... you really don't want to ask me that question (I know Windows too well)... short answer - nothing in common11:11
Nom-Also, i've just noticed with SLI turned on that i'm getting a flickering when switching between virtual desktops... it only seems to happen on terminal screens (so far)11:11
tarelerulzEvanlec,  thanks .11:11
Nom-Any ideas on that one? :)11:11
ToMaKwiseleo - hahahaha....11:12
Evanlectarelerulz, of course, try different irc clients too11:12
wiseleoTomak - seriously. I am a Microsoft MVP nominee... lol11:12
Ginwhen using a smaller monitor, my ubuntu system feels faster, why is that?11:12
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wiseleoGin - resolution is different.11:12
ToMaKwiseleo - LOL....-.-'...OMG(i'm shocker)11:12
tarelerulzI use pidgin for irc and yahoo so maybe that is it11:13
alcestequick question: does ubuntu SPARC server edition support sparc32 ?11:13
Ginwiseleo, what does resolution have to do with performance11:13
nuccoGin: maybe your display card is not so fast11:13
bullgard4!envy/lastlog bullgard411:13
wiseleoGin - X performance? Screen redraws happen faster at lower resolution in suboptimal configuration11:13
GinI have to say that I got an onboard inte video card11:14
ToMaKhey thanks guyz for helping me11:14
ToMaKgtg now11:14
nuccoGin: if you're using the right drivers, performance difference shouldn't be noticeable11:14
nuccoGin: btw, what resolution is the bigger monitor?11:14
wiseleoGin - using an optimized X server for your card will make that difference go away...11:14
ToMaKmaybe i will use my laptop onlu for ubuntu...HAHAHAHAHAHA11:14
bullgard4What are the properties of the 'safe graphics mode' which you can choose as a menu option and operating mode of the Ubuntu desktop CD?11:15
mavi-Gin: happens to me to, its just they way it works, with more pixels to draw it takes more time to calculate them11:15
tarelerulzI was having problems with  adobe flash player and amarok not use my usb sound ,but I set the usb sound card as my default sound card ,but when I use windows media player with Wine it uses my other sound card any ideas how to change that11:15
Ginit is 1280x1024 17" lcd monitor11:15
Evanlecbuttercups, figure anythin out? u know what a gtkRC script is?11:16
Ogre-EaterIs there a fix for the trackerd service from consuming large amounts of memory on an AMD64 install11:16
wiseleoInstall optimized X drivers and watch night and day performance difference11:16
EvanlecOgre-Eater, yea, kill it11:16
Ginwiseleo, what do u mean optimized X server driver?11:16
Ogre-EaterEvanlec, Yeah thats what Im doing at the moment + disabling indexing. Other than searching should it cause any problems though?11:16
Ginhow can I get it?11:17
EvanlecOgre-Eater, none whatsoever, it is only for the deskbar search applet11:17
wiseleoGin - look at documentation that has to do with optimizing Xorg perforamnce11:17
buttercupsEvanlec, no, don't think devilspie can either, I'm out of ideas11:17
wiseleoGin - I don't know ubuntu-specific steps11:17
Ogre-EaterEvanlec, thank you I dont use search anyway :D11:17
Evanlecbuttercups, well, i know it can be done, did u see that link i sent u?11:17
krisbo9000hey, how do i find out where my azuereus is installed11:17
wiseleorun 'which azureus'11:17
EvanlecOgre-Eater, yea, i was hoping more from it...i was dissapointed with it, i only use locate on the cli now11:18
stefanoi have copied a lot of files (about 100GiB), now i have to chown them all. how do i chown recursively?11:18
Ogre-EaterEvanlec, lol11:18
wiseleochown -R11:18
slatka_gvABE CISH BON11:18
Ogre-EaterEvanlec, A fix is comitted though and it seems to be on the high list11:18
EvanlecOgre-Eater, and of course the ol' nautilus search, which kinda blows11:18
slatka_gvMIR SE VJEN11:18
slatka_gvUNE JOM ELMEDINI11:18
stefanoi dont want to break anything, but i'll try thx wiseleo11:18
kritzstapfhi, everytime i boot my pc, gnome fails loading some settings and theres a error message and the windowcontents look like those in windows 95 :P, after restarting gdm one or two times it works fine, whats wrong?11:18
slatka_gvKURSE KY OSHT LIRIMI11:18
wiseleokrisbo - that assumes your azureus is in your search path, which it likely will be11:19
buttercupsEvanlec, yes, did not see anything that caught my eye.  My brother would know, I'll bug him later =)11:19
EvanlecOgre-Eater, actually of all the lameness of vista, one thing i really liked about it was its search feature, it was pretty slick and would pull up just about anything, not just filenames11:19
greencookieEvanlec: could you tell me the command to start gmd?:)11:19
stefanookay, the system seem quite busy. hope it works11:19
sidletG'night greencookie, Evanlec11:19
wiseleostefano I am assuming this is for web? chown -R www-group:www-group ./*11:19
Evanlecbuttercups, alright, that'd be awesome, if u get any leads drop me a line: evanlec@gmail11:19
Evanlecsidlet, nite11:19
greencookiesidlet: goodnight:) cya later.11:19
Evanlecgreencookie, /etc/init.d/gdm start11:20
theelbermungsterhi, i'm new to ubuntu, and i have a few questions.11:20
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Ogre-Eatertheelbermungster, Ask them :D11:20
stefanowiseleo: not it is for a new server i just set up in my local network. i have a user called stefano and a bunch of files and folders all in the directory 'unsorted'. i want all of them to belong to 'stefano' i did this: 'sudo chown -R stefano unsorted/' is this right?11:20
greencookieEvanlec: also can you tell me how to shut down tty7?11:21
wiseleostefano - yeah, you won't hurt anything11:21
theelbermungsterwell, first i am a very up to date person on software.11:21
wiseleotheelber - ask your question please.11:21
greencookieEvanlec: nvm:) i got gdm on tty911:21
theelbermungsterand i can't update my packages.11:21
theelbermungsterhow can you update them?11:22
Evanlecgreencookie, yea..usually just type exit to log out of a tty11:22
krisbo9000how do i give permission to write to one of my harddrives11:22
Merijnfirestarter keeps closing for no apparent reason, is there a way to find out what's wrong with it?11:22
Evanleckrisbo9000, check if its hardware or software locked first, try writing to it with sudo11:23
Ogre-Eatertheelbermungster, I think sudo apt-get update should try to update . Unless you havent told us about an error you get when you do that11:23
stefanowiseleo: thank you very much, worked perfectly. now i'll set up ftp and such.. bye11:23
krisbo9000once i work out how to do that as well i will ...11:23
dibbalaminhi every one11:23
MorticeOgre-Eater: apt-get update only updates the list of available packages. apt-get upgrade actually 'updates'(upgrades) your packages.11:24
theelbermungsteroh, and another thing, i'm not keen on terminal commands either.11:24
krisbo9000i really just want to have permission to do anything -it is after all, my computer11:24
Ogre-EaterMortice, woops that too =x11:24
Evanlectheelbermungster, well, start learning them, it'll really help11:24
gordonjcpkrisbo9000: that's a fairly bad idea11:24
Morticetheelbermungster: assuming you're running gnome (ubuntu standard), a tray icon will tell you if there are available updates. You can install them from there.11:24
krisbo9000im just trying to save a file to my harddrive11:25
wiseleokris -  missed your question11:25
lirimwats ap11:25
raddyHello Everybody11:25
gordonjcpkrisbo9000: generally by the time you're proficient enough to know *why* it's a bad idea to have full access to everything all the time, you're skilled enough to get away with having full access to everything all the time11:25
gordonjcpkrisbo9000: now, what exactly are you trying to do?11:25
krisbo9000wiseleo, i'm trying to write files to my hard-drive sdb1.11:25
raddyMy mouse stops working after resuming from suspend11:26
theelbermungsteranother problem is, how can i kill a service?11:26
GaryUSHTARI_GV, stop that11:26
raddycan anybody help?11:26
krisbo9000i dont permission however11:26
Evanlecgordonjcp, thats a good little anecdote on security11:26
wiseleokrisbo - so create a directory and give yourself permissions11:26
gordonjcpEvanlec: born of experience, I'm afraid11:26
Evanlecgordonjcp, :)11:26
krisbo9000a new directory somewhere else?11:27
wiseleoWindows' "I'll let you mess me up" attitude costs my clients over $2000/mo... thankfully Unix is more sane11:27
gordonjcpEvanlec: "hey look, I can just run as root!  Oh bum, what happened there?"11:27
Evanlecgordonjcp, u wouldnt know how to save a gnome/xsession permanently (for later use) would u?11:27
wiseleokrisbo - why not...11:27
wiseleomkdir ~/sdb11:27
gordonjcpEvanlec: I think there's an explicit "Save session" thing in a menu11:27
krisbo9000because that is my storage drive - i dont have room fomr stuff anywhere else11:27
wiseleomount /dev/sdb1 ~/sdb11:27
gordonjcpkrisbo9000: what kind of drive is it?11:27
gordonjcpkrisbo9000: like, what filesystem?11:28
Evanlecgordonjcp, yea but all that does is save it for the next logon, i wanna be able to open that session anytime i want11:28
wiseleoYou can expand your file system capacity nearly infinitely transparently11:28
krisbo9000its an external sata 500gb drive, formatted ext311:28
raddycan anybody help me on thatttttt11:28
gordonjcpEvanlec: hm, good question11:28
gordonjcpEvanlec: I must admit that while I admire the problem, I don't really have a solution11:28
Evanlecgordonjcp, like rite now i have all the apps/windows/files/websites/etc. layed out for doing web development...i'd like to save this, for when i wanna do web dev again11:28
gordonjcpEvanlec: yeah11:29
Evanlecgordonjcp, would be such a timesaver11:29
gordonjcpEvanlec: suggest it to a dev...11:29
Evanlecgordonjcp, aww it can't be that hard11:30
gordonjcpEvanlec: presumably not11:30
Evanlecgordonjcp, there are xsession files stored somewhere, just not sure where11:30
gordonjcpEvanlec: figure out what saves the session11:30
gordonjcpEvanlec: find . | grep xsession ?11:30
carl_why windowmaker has no upgrade, :(, it is the best :(11:30
prologichey all, I have compiz running with compiz --replace but I can't seem to get it to do anything - none of the hotkeys work and no compiz plugin or feature seems to be working (I do have everything installed and there are no visible errors)11:30
wiseleocarl - you are welcome to work on it ;-)11:30
Evanlecgordonjcp, whats the . for11:30
gordonjcp"this directory"11:31
wiseleo. - current directory11:31
Big-EHave you managed your advanced desktop effects settings, prologic?11:31
crdlbprologic: installed how?11:31
gordonjcpEvanlec: assumes you're somewhere sensible for starting to look for xsession files11:31
Evanlecgordonjcp, oh, well i wanna seearch a little broader than that11:31
Evanlecgordonjcp, mm, sensible, yes ;p11:31
gordonjcpEvanlec: find will rattle through the directory and any subdirs11:31
Evanlecgordonjcp, yea11:32
Evanlecgordonjcp, how often does find update its database? and how does it compare with locate?11:32
wiseleoactually you want find -name :)11:33
rubydiamond_what is best gui svn client for ubuntu11:33
crdlbfind doesn't use a database11:33
nantaxcan i play divx movies in xubuntu?11:33
rubydiamond_and also what is best gui mysql client for ubuntu11:33
rubydiamond_nantax: ofcourse11:33
wiseleoruby - web apps tend to be most advanced11:34
rubydiamond_gordonjcp: do u know any mysql and svn gui client for ubuntu11:34
rubydiamond_and which is best11:34
* Big-E likes when people ask questions and you help them, then they leave.11:34
nantaxhow do i go about installing the divx codec?11:35
crdlbBig-E: lovely indeed11:35
wiseleoThere are what... maybe 10 clients?11:35
nantaxi just switched to xubuntu the other day11:35
Evanlecwiseleo, find -name ?11:35
Big-ESure is, crdlb.11:36
ezquerrohi to everybody11:36
ezquerrosince couple days ago i'm having some problems with compiz11:36
wiseleoevan - yeah... works better "find . -name whatever*11:36
ezquerrothe title bar disappear in all the windows11:36
ezquerroand i have to exit the session to restore them11:37
ezquerroit's a little annoying11:37
ezquerroanyone knows why is this happening and if there's a solution?11:37
ezquerroi'm using gutsy11:38
JimmytakeoverHi, i am getting this error message saying 'hdd is not ready for command'.11:38
Jimmytakeovershould I use hdparm to reset the drive?11:38
Evanlecezquerro, it hapens to everyone, just do somethin like emerald --replace, or metacity --replace11:38
Jimmytakeoverand funnily enough, this happens everytime i use k3b to create a disc image.11:39
Evanlecits quite literally the MOST common problem in this channel11:39
crdlbezquerro: you *never* get titlebars in compiz now?11:39
wiseleoOne more reason why I don't install GUI :)11:39
ezquerrocrdlb, i get the titlebars, but sometimes they disapear11:39
dreamkeeperhi there...is some1 here that actually knows ubuntu and he has 3 min to help me on something plz?11:39
benpiccoHi, when i plug in my usb stick, i get an message saying "mount refused" - only whan i mount it manually using sudo it works - but then there are right issues+11:39
Big-EGUI's are pretty, and just like pretty girls, they are fun to look at - wiseleo. ;)11:39
crdlbezquerro: are you using emerald?11:40
ezquerrocrdlb, yes11:40
Evanlecwiseleo, how does it work better than find . | grep ?11:40
crdlbezquerro: emerald is very buggy,  so it crashes sometimes11:40
wiseleoBig-e - yeah I know I just get annoyed at linux guis. I just answer "server"11:40
benpiccoshould i past the last lines of dmesg output?11:40
whyking_how can I install vmware server? Its not in automatix11:40
wiseleoEvan - find is a very flexible command on its own. No grep necessary11:40
wiseleowhyking - 32bit or 64bit?11:41
Big-Ewiseleo - True, when I get back to my house (currently else where playing rugby) I plan on setting up some boxes and running ubuntu server with no GUI and really learn some linux. ^^11:41
stefanoi'm behind a NAT Firewall. how can i retrieve my outside ip-adress without flooding anyones server? (e.g. via google.com)11:41
ezquerrocrdlb, is there any window decorator more stable and nice?11:41
wiseleostefano - whatismyip.com11:41
Evanlecwiseleo, oh i c11:41
zaharazodwhois yourself?11:42
Evanlecwhyking_, get it from their website11:42
wiseleotrying gforge on yet another distro.. Dapper this time lol11:42
Big-Estefano - http://whatismyip.com/11:42
crdlbezquerro: the default gtk-window-decorator is extremely stable11:42
Evanlecwhyking_, or getdeb.org11:42
Big-EOpps, already mentioned.11:42
ezquerrocrdlb, metacity?11:42
Evanlecwhyking_, or perhaps apt-get11:42
greencookieisnt there a way I can keep different wallpapers for different desktops? I'm using Gnome.11:42
crdlbezquerro: it uses your metacity theme, but it isn't metacity11:43
stefanowiseleo: i dont want to get a file, cut it here and there and then save it. besides those sites dont like it when you retrieve your ip continously. isnt there a more clean way where i can use somebodys server who has way enough bandwith like google?11:43
stefanooh i should say i want to make it a cronjob11:43
ezquerrocrdlb, thanks a lot11:43
ezquerroi'll remove emerald11:43
crdlbezquerro: if you want to use it, then uninstall emerald11:44
Evanlecgreencookie, actually if there is a way, i think its much more than simple11:44
wiseleostefano - hmm you can always abuse google analytics11:44
Big-Estefano - use something like dyndns.com11:44
wiseleoit's dyndns.org11:45
stefanowiseleo: if i type traceroute www.google.com it tells me my ip in the fifth like, i want to use that,  it doesnt generate much traffic i suppose and neither google nor my provider will complain11:45
wiseleostefano ah, you want your first upstream? Just use dyndns and forget it11:45
stefanoBig-E, i dont want a dynamic dns, i just want my server to know its ip.11:45
Big-Ewiseleo - dyndns.org redirects to dyndns.com ;)11:46
wiseleogood :)11:46
stefanothere has to be a way to cut the output of traceroute www.google.com down to just the ip, in a nice and clean way11:46
Big-Estefano - check http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/556/12.html#topic711:47
Evanleccan anyone suggest a relatively easy command line avi to dvd converter?11:47
gdubzgurui've spent the evening installing and configuring ubuntu after a friend turned me onto this. screw ms vista. thx so much for this os11:48
stefanoBig-E, that looks quite complicated :(11:49
Evanlecgdubzguru, welcome to the club ;)11:49
Big-EUm, well set up your nat as a DMZ.11:49
blenbbis there a repository with virtualbox in it?11:49
stefanothat will probably not work with my router i suppose11:49
benpiccois there some way to tell the ntp client to use a proxy?11:49
stefanoi could grep the ip adress from the output of tracerout with a regular expression, coudnt i?11:50
Evanlecblenbb, should be on universe11:50
Evanlecblenbb, or grab the deb from vbox website11:50
kutais there a adobe illustrator for ubuntu? or equivalent11:51
melhi, how to find which version libtorrent i have11:51
Evanleckuta, inkscape!11:51
glassfacehi! where can I get all 3rd party codecs for totem?11:51
ikoniamel: dpkg -l- | grep libtorrent11:51
Mortice!RestrictedFormats | glassface11:51
ubotuglassface: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:51
Evanlec!media | glassface11:52
ubotuglassface: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs11:52
Traveler4helo ppl11:52
melikonia, that doesnt seem to work :-S11:52
ikoniamel: show me what it says11:53
meldpkg: unknown option --11:53
meletc etc11:53
melso i delete 1 -11:53
meland now it does nothing11:53
ikoniamel: dpkg -l11:53
melyah i figure that :P11:53
melit just goes to new line11:53
stefanowiseleo, Big-E: i will just write a little php script and put it on my co-location server. then i'll get the output with wget. that ought to work11:53
melbash prompt11:54
ikoniamel is libtorrent a package or a libvary11:54
benpiccocan someone help me with an usb device issue?11:54
greencookieEvanlec: lol so i can't have different wallpapers for the different desktops on gnome?:) that sucks, kde lets u do that rite?11:54
ikoniabenpicco: maybe if you tell us the issue11:54
benpiccowhen i plug it inm, i get "mount refused"11:54
melikonia, i think library \11:54
Big-EAlright, if I think of anything easier ill let ya know.11:54
Big-EI am usually floating around here.11:54
greencookiebenpicco: is it an ipod?11:54
ikoniamel: ok - so you need to find tha pcakge name its contained in or just ls -la on the library and look atht eversion11:54
benpiccono, a normal usb sd card reader - dmesg tells me http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44718/11:55
ikoniabenpicco: whats the problem ?11:55
benpiccogreencookie, i can mount it using sudo manually, but then only root has acces to it11:55
melook ikonia thanks11:56
benpiccoikonia, it's not mounted by HAL11:56
* greencookie scratches his head while looking at Evanlec .11:56
Evanlecgreencookie, im not if any of them do....i could be wrong tho11:56
ikoniabenpicco yes, because of the "usefree" option11:56
greencookieMan I still have to figure out how to access weblinks from irssi tty11:56
benpiccoikonia, how got this option there?/how to disable it?11:56
ikoniabenpicco:  you need to change the hal rules/options for that device, but i've not got an ubuntu box to hand to check the default11:56
Evanlecoh u mean urls?11:57
ikoniabenpicco: it will be somehing like /etc/hal.d/hal.conf11:57
greencookieEvanlec: yep.11:57
Evanleceasiest way i think is install gpm and use the mousey ;)11:57
Myrttigreencookie: where are you running irssi in11:58
Myrttigreencookie: vty or a terminal app?11:58
benpiccoikonia, there is a /etc/hal/fdi11:58
ikoniabenpicco don't know fdi ?11:58
greencookieMyrtti: tty11:58
Myrttiurgh :-(11:59
greencookieMyrtti: ive heard VC (virtual console) tty(tele tyle) whats vty:) hehe11:59
Morticegreencookie: the openurl plugin should work. It uses w3m to open pages by default, iirc.11:59
greencookieMyrtti: im reading the man tho:)11:59
greencookieMortice: erm. I'm just using irssi, so isnt it built in?12:00
Morticegreencookie: nope.12:00
Morticegreencookie: at least, not as far as i know12:00
Evanleccan anyone suggest a relatively easy command line avi to dvd converter?12:00
EstethHey all. Every time i open nautilus, it crashes. I then force-quit it, but it just opens again and isn't crashed. But once i start using it, it crashes again. Any idea what's wrong, and how to downgrade nautilus if possible?12:00
greencookieMortice: ok.12:00
greencookieEvanlec: lol cli FTW!12:00
Evanlecgreencookie, heh ;p12:00
Evanlecgreencookie, yea!12:00
wiseleoit's possible to downgrade12:01
Ogre-EaterI can play wma files one Ubuntu if I wanted by using installing the w64codecs correct?12:02
soundrayEsteth: I suspect that your nautilus is okay on a system level, and that the problem is in your user configuration. You could run nautilus as another user to test if that's true.12:02
Ogre-Eater=S I thought i saw it called somethign like that somewhere12:03
Evanlecyea u'll be all set12:04
Estethsoundray: You appear to be right12:04
Ogre-EaterIm sorry but there is a w64codec right?12:05
ricanelitewhen i take out songs from my ipod using the Music Player and I click on my ipod icon on my desktop the songs are still there12:05
EvanlecOgre-Eater, theres lots of 64 codecs12:05
greencookieO.k I guess irssi does not have built in support to use links.12:05
* greencookie looks for a workaround.12:05
wiseleohere we go again... I am tempted to go visit gforge, llc witha  shotgun tomorrow12:05
Morticegreencookie: openurl is very good.12:05
Evanlecgreencookie, use the mousey12:05
greencookieMortice: does it work with irssi?12:05
RoyKI just installed this old laptop with an 802.11g pcmcia card, and networking works, for a while, but after starting ubuntu update, it downloads for 20-30 seconds and so on and then networking dies until I reboot. a ping running in the background works until this happens, then pauses, and then fails with 'sendmsg: No buffer space available'. Same happens with two different cards (d-link and CNet). Any ideas what might cause this?12:06
soundrayEsteth: have you laboriously customized your nautilus?12:06
Morticegreencookie: it's an irssi plugin, so yea :)12:06
greencookieEvanlec: lol, my mousie's been MIA for about 8 hours now.12:06
Evanlecgreencookie, oo12:06
Morticegreencookie: http://irssi.org/scripts/scripts/openurl.pl12:06
greencookieMortice: oh lol, didnt know. so apt-get install openurl?12:06
greencookieMortice: sad part is i can only gawk at that url from my tty112:06
Morticegreencookie: download that file into $HOME/.irssi/scripts/autorun12:06
wiseleoaptitude is a neat little tool12:06
Estethsoundray: Not as far as i know. I upgraded from feisty to gutsy, but the problem appeared a few weeks after. If it helps, my emblems are really really small, but that's not something i set myself.12:06
greencookiemortice ok hold on12:07
Picigreencookie: no, if you have the irssi package installed, its already in /usr/share/irssi/scripts/ probably.12:07
Morticepici: good point, it probably is12:07
MarcoPaugutsy is automatically finding my nikon digital camera but I can't find where it's mounted. can anybody help^12:07
soundrayEsteth: if you don't mind resetting your nautilus configurations, log out, choose a failsafe terminal session, log in and do 'rm -r ~/.nautilus .gconf/apps/nautilus', then log out and test within a normal session.12:08
Evanlecgreencookie, http://shortify.com/SD412:08
Evanlecgreencookie, i shortiffied it...but a little too late12:09
soundrayEsteth: correction12:09
soundrayEsteth: 'rm -rf ~/.nautilus ~/.gconf/apps/nautilus' (doesn't actually matter unless you cd away from your home directory)12:09
Estethsoundray: Ok, thanks. I have to reboot to get failsafe terminal?12:10
greencookieEvanlec: you just love shortifying dont ya:)12:10
Evanlecgreencookie, its pretty nifty12:10
=== Thecks2 is now known as Thecks
greencookieEvanlec: it says firefox is already running, but I dont see it. Its invisible. is there a way I can kill something that I cannot see?12:11
greencookiePici: so openurl should already be working rite? how do i goto a link from irssi?12:11
Evanlecgreencookie, yes my son, you must feel your enemy with your fingertips, not with your eyes12:11
Morticegreencookie: you need to load it first with /script load12:11
anzanEvanlec pkill firefox12:11
Morticegreencookie: and once that's done, every time someone posts a url, openurl will echo "Openurl (a number)" to the screen12:12
Evanlecgreencookie, then u must give the ultimate blow kill -9 firefox !12:12
imduffyhow do i dual boot windows xp and ubuntu using  NTLDR12:12
Morticegreencookie: then you just type /openurl (that number) to open the link12:12
wiseleoFor a good time as root... "kill -1"12:12
nikolamDoes anyone use UDF CDRW or DVDRW disks?12:12
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:12
soundrayEsteth: no, just log out and choose it from the session options at the login window12:12
soundrayMarcoPau: a 'mount', entered in a terminal by itself, should tell you. Look at the last line.12:12
soundrayMarcoPau: if it's not mounted, then gutsy communicates with your camera via a special protocol. PPTP I think it's called.12:12
chimaerahello, is there a way to prevent gdm from restarzing after X crashes?12:13
MarcoPausoundray: how can I normally mount it?12:13
MarcoPausoundray: there's no record for it under mount12:13
soundrayMarcoPau: you have to change a setting in your camera setup to enable USB mass storage support.12:14
MarcoPausoundray: dmesg says scsi6 when I connect it to the usb, but I don't know which device to mount12:14
soundrayMarcoPau: not in Ubuntu12:14
Evanlecgreencookie, hvin some issues with elinks, cant even get to my router config page, must be lacking cookies, or someting12:15
soundrayimduffy: there are instructions on the web, but they are "inofficial". Why don't you want to use grub?12:15
MarcoPausoundray: it's already mass storage12:15
ThcMancan someone tell me what this error means when i try to make alsa-utils? http://rafb.net/p/aSyTRk29.html12:15
imduffy<soundray>  because i format my windows xp alot and its annoying having to install grub each time12:16
soundrayMarcoPau: hm.  Run tail -f /var/log/syslog while you plug your camera. It might be more informative than dmesg12:16
Evanlecsoundray, because hes a damn foo12:16
soundrayEvanlec: please, that's unnecessary12:17
MorticeThcMan: It means there's a mv command in the makefile which tries to move t-ja.gmo, but it can't find that file.12:17
Evanlecsory, it was a joke ;p12:17
NeanTwhat version of java should I install on Gutsy x64 cuz Azureus keeps crashing with IcedTea 1.7..12:17
Evanleci think i need to get some rest12:17
ThcManMortice, that's a weird error for something as big as alsa innit? :(12:17
soundrayimduffy: I haven't tried this, but have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20895112:17
ThcManthey ought to know better :x12:17
imduffythanks <soundray>12:18
MorticeThcMan: what version is it? development? Release?12:18
MarcoPausoundray: says sdb, but with no number. mount /dev/sdb /media/camera won't work12:18
ThcManMortice, Stable Release 1.0.1512:18
MarcoPauehm... mount /dev/sdb1 I meant12:18
MorticeThcMan: interesting. You haven't messed with the source directories at all?12:19
soundrayMarcoPau: what does 'mount | grep sdb1' say?12:19
MarcoPausoundray: there's nothing like that12:19
meezfoghihi alll12:20
MarcoPausoundray: not even with sbd only12:20
soundrayMarcoPau: I mean enter that in the terminal and tell me what the output is12:20
ThcManMortice, i'm following http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-via82xx#Quick_installation ; the alsa-driver and alsa-lib parts worked fine.12:20
MarcoPausoundray: no output, that's what I meant12:20
kutaany macromedia flash equivalent?12:20
imduffy<soundray> yeah i did all that earlyer but when i select to boot into ubuntu it just turns to a black screen with grub on it and then reboots my computer12:20
meezfoghihow to open/extract file .r0012:20
MarcoPausoundray: with either sdb1 or sdb12:20
ThcManMortice, alsa-utils complained of no ncurses when i first tried it, so i installed some curses libs, and now i get my current problem12:20
meezfoghianyone please12:20
ThcMan(this is a pretty fresh install of Ubuntu Feisty)12:21
soundray!rar | meezfoghi12:21
ubotumeezfoghi: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free12:21
ThcManas opposed to Rare Soft?12:21
daedrici could bet it was rarlabs12:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about udf - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:22
MorticeThcMan: Sorry, I'm not sure what would cause that. You could try getting in touch with the alsa people or googling for that filename...12:22
soundrayMarcoPau: that's unusual...12:22
ThcManMortice, cheers :x12:22
MorticeThcMan: good luck!12:22
ThcMani'll need it :p12:22
sameerhey guys12:22
soundrayMarcoPau: do you have a card reader for your camera medium?12:22
sameeri m trying to change my mac address on gutsy12:23
sameerbut i can do it mannually12:23
greencookieok Mortice thanks for the tip.12:23
sameerbut with /etc/network/interfaces12:23
greencookieEvanlec: I killed the fox!12:23
sameeri get error12:23
sameerso i cann't do it on reboot12:23
soundray!enter | sameer12:23
ubotusameer: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:23
MarcoPausoundray: no12:24
sameerok  ok sorry12:24
sameerhwaddress ether 00:61:...... doesnt work with gutsy any know know why ?12:24
Octoberplease,End compile the kernel, not the start screen, boot black screen, directly into GDM, the other not, I would like to ask you how do?12:25
soundrayMarcoPau: does /dev/sdb1 show up when you run 'sudo fdisk -l'?12:26
MarcoPausoundray: nope12:26
soundrayMarcoPau: what's your /dev/sda -- hard disk?12:27
greencookiegeez *nix is all bout permissions innit? i cant even drag and drop files around:)12:28
Tomcat_greencookie: If you don't have the perms, it's usually a good idea that you can't move them around. ;P12:28
greencookiesudo mv ~/Desktop/openurl.pl /usr/share/irssi/scripts/ ?? should that work?12:28
Evanlecgreencookie, the fox?12:28
Morticegreencookie: stick it in your own irssi directory, which lives in $HOME/.irssi12:29
greencookiehehe Tomcat_ thats prolly true. Once upon a time in windoze I deleted a bunch of files that i shudnt have. and well...:)12:29
=== The_Marauder__ is now known as marauder
Morticegreencookie: the exact path it should go into is $HOME/.irssi/scripts/autorun12:29
greencookieMortice: oh ok. i thought it was /usr/share/irssi/scripts/12:29
Morticegreencookie: and you may have to create the autorun directory12:29
greencookieMortice: thanks12:29
Morticegreencookie: that directory is for shared scripts, so you can put it in there if you want12:30
ThcManwhere would alsa's config file be?12:30
greencookieEvanlec: I killed the fox, elinks replaced it temporarily:)12:30
Morticegreencookie: but you need root access for that12:30
greencookieMortice: I dont share my comp with anyone:) i am root:)12:30
Morticegreencookie: and it won't autorun when you start irssi if you do it that way.12:30
Fish-FaceHi all. I'm trying to use a CD Drive as a SATA drive under Ubuntu, using an IDE -> SATA adaptor. The adaptor seems to work; the drive is detected by the bios correctly. However, ubuntu doesn't create a device for it.12:31
Evanlecgreencookie, lol, wow12:32
greencookielots of flights getting canceled, hence high call volumes:)12:33
Fish-FaceI get "ata3: SATA link up 1.5 Gbps (SStatus 113 SControl 300)" in dmesg but still no device is created for the drive.12:33
RoyKI just installed this old laptop with an 802.11g pcmcia card, and networking works, for a while, but after starting ubuntu update, it downloads for 20-30 seconds and so on and then networking dies until I reboot. a ping running in the background works until this happens, then pauses, and then fails with 'sendmsg: No buffer space available'. Same happens with two different cards (d-link and CNet). Any ideas what might cause this?12:34
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bullgard4What are the properties of the 'safe graphics mode' which you can choose as a menu option and operating mode of the Ubuntu desktop CD?12:34
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Octoberplease,please,End compile the kernel, not the start screen, boot black screen, directly into GDM, the other not, I would like to ask you how do?12:34
gidnawho has mathematica wolfram 6?12:34
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soundrayRoyK: no idea, but I've had a similar issue and it got a lot better after I disabled ipv612:34
soundray!ipv6 | RoyK12:35
ubotuRoyK: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv412:35
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greencookieoooh ooh. looks like openurl loaded. !12:36
=== marauder is now known as The_Marauder
greencookiewow, guess a lot of people decided to call it a night.12:37
RoyKsoundray: thanks. trying....12:38
theflyingfoolupdates are evil...12:39
theflyingfoolwell they are good but they take way to long12:39
greencookieon dialup.12:40
MarcoPausoundray: sorry was afk. yes, sda is my hard disk12:40
nuccoanybody know what password this printer configuration tool keeps asking me for?12:40
djm62excuse me, my friend has burned me the gutsy alternative CD and I'm trying to upgrade but the cdromupgrade script on the CD doesn't work (references a nonexistent directory)12:41
gordonjcpnucco: probably your normal password12:41
gordonjcpnucco: what exactly does it say?12:41
nuccogordonjcp: which i've typed over and over12:41
djm62I've never upgraded via CD before, what's supposed to happen?12:41
IdleOnenucco: tried leaving it blank?12:41
nuccogordonjcp: it says password for fanucci on localhost12:42
RoyKnucco: are you an admin?12:42
greencookiehow do I not display quit/join messages in irssi?12:42
nuccogordonjcp: i'm trying to add a wondows-shared printer12:42
nuccoyes, i'm admin12:42
Morticegreencookie: google for irssi levels. Be warned, it's pretty complicated12:42
nuccoand i have created a samba login with the same name and password as my account12:42
H-Townwhat's the easiest way to format my harddrive and delete everything under ubuntu?12:42
nuccoRoyK: i'm an admin12:43
Morticegreencookie: e.g. http://wouter.coekaerts.be/site/irssi/wclf12:43
H-Towni mean completely wipe clean my hard drive12:43
nuccoIdleOne: yes, i left it blank, didn't work12:43
soundrayMarcoPau: have you looked at the settings under System-Preferences-Removable drives ?12:43
nuccoi've even restarted samba, changed my workgroup ...12:44
H-Towni've already tried putting in my vista cd but it seems that ubuntu has a firm grip on things12:44
RoyKsoundray: nope. didn't help. but then - it's not _slowing_down_ the network part, it's breaking it12:44
soundrayH-Town: boot from a live CD and do it with gparted12:44
soundrayRoyK: I know, it was like that here12:44
nuccoH-Town: if your vista bootable cd doesn't work, it has nothing to do with ubuntu12:44
nmditkaH-Town:  what happens when you put in your vista cd?12:45
H-Towni have to return this laptop and get it replaced, so i'm putting the original OS on it and i'm putting ubuntu back on the new laptop, fyi12:45
soundrayRoyK: I just tried the ipv6 thing as a general speed measure and it seemed to help with that, too. Too bad it doesn't work for you. What chipset do you have?12:45
RoyKsoundray: but it still fails. if leaving a ping running, it fails after downloading ~16MB of data12:45
H-Townwell, it goes through the motions to format the harddrive, but the last step errors12:45
MarcoPausoundray: what am I supposed to check?=12:45
nmditkawhat is the error?12:45
nuccowait, how do i find out which usernames can logon to samba shares?12:45
H-Towni can't remember, it's been a few days12:46
greencookieMortice: wow, trippy:) I'm not going to try that.12:46
soundrayMarcoPau: what it's set to do when a camera is connected12:46
H-Towni was hoping there would be some sort of terminal command I can enter and my harddrive procedes to wipe itself clean12:46
MarcoPausoundray: usually I do open in digikam12:46
greencookieMortice: Cant I make elinks default browser for irssi? and get it opened in new tty?:) heh12:46
soundrayMarcoPau: just to play around a bit - disable all automatic thingies, maybe then the manual mount will work12:47
MarcoPausoundray: but even if I say "open in a new window" it'll open it, I will see the first two directory levels but when I get to the pictures it won't open them12:47
soundrayH-Town: what's the problem with booting a live CD?12:47
MarcoPausoundray: yes that's what I wanted to do. Thus I said "do nothing" but I don't know how to mount it then...12:47
soundrayMarcoPau: 'sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt'12:47
MarcoPausoundray: won't work12:48
soundrayMarcoPau: what does it say?12:48
H-Townthe vista cd won't format my harddrive.. i'm trying to remember what happens... shit i can't!... i'll try it again i guess and i'll come back here to report what happened12:48
EtteSBanyone else have problems with the linux of Skype?12:48
MarcoPausoundray: specify the filesystem12:48
soundray!language | H-Town12:48
ubotuH-Town: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:48
nuccooh my... i'm still typing password after password.12:48
theelbermungsterdoes anyone here have Tor and Privoxy?12:48
soundrayMarcoPau: 'sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt'12:48
H-Townoh sorry12:48
nmditkaH-Town:  can you boot into the LiveCD though?12:48
MarcoPausoundray: did that also, won't work12:49
soundrayH-Town: so why don't you follow my suggestion?12:49
soundrayMarcoPau: you need to say what the error is12:49
nmditkathere is also a command for that but my memory is buggy12:49
MarcoPausoundray: hold on let me try to disable a few thing12:49
nmditkai'm looking up the man pages12:49
H-Towni'm not sure what you mean by do it with gparted, i'm at their website checking it out though12:50
MsK`I have a problem with xmame, I don't have any sound, the only error I get is : "no mixer plugin available"12:50
=== clarezoe is now known as feifei
nmditkagparted is a program that should be on your LiveCD12:50
soundrayH-Town: open a terminal on the live system and run 'gksudo gparted'12:50
=== feifei is now known as clarezoe
grahamjust a quickie - i hope! - my mysql.err log is always empty and i need to see what's going on - setting up replication12:51
MarcoPausoundray: cause even if I say "do nothing" I will see it mounted12:51
MarcoPausoundray: thus that thing won't actually disable the automount12:51
soundrayMarcoPau: close digikam in case it interferes12:51
H-Townok what's that going to do?12:51
aladinsanei have added a few icons on my panel and i wonder how i can re-arrange them (without removing them and adding them again in a new order), anybody know?12:51
ThcManhey, what are the odds that upgrading from Feisty to Gutsy will fix my sound? :x12:51
MarcoPausoundray: well yes that's already closed... it's ubuntu that mounts it automatically12:52
IdleOnealadinsane: right click and move12:52
H-Towni still have to back up a few movie files before I format my harddrive12:52
EtteSBanyone else have problems with the linux Client of Skype?12:52
H-Townbut i wrote that down12:52
H-Townfor later12:52
soundrayH-Town: it's a front-end for a partitioner. You can simple delete all partitions with it12:52
aladinsaneIdleOne: so simple...thnx!12:52
MarcoPausoundray: do you know whare to disable automount from?12:52
H-Townis it a graphical application or is it done through terminal?12:52
nmditkaH-Town you can also format the partitions to NTFS with it12:52
IdleOnealadinsane: np12:52
nmditkait's a graphical app12:52
soundrayMarcoPau: use the same dialog, maybe on a different tab12:53
soundrayH-Town: graphical12:53
__machinehow do i disable port 111 sunrpc?12:53
H-Townok, so gparted should wipe my harddrive clean and the partititions so that i can boot with the vista live cd afterwards and install windows?12:53
gordonjcpnucco: probably some sort of password for that machine then12:53
nmditkaunless there's a problem with your harddrive12:53
soundrayH-Town: it will give you the option to do so12:53
TehDaveH-Town: Why would you ever want to install Vista? -_-12:53
H-Towni have to12:54
nmditkahe borrowed the laptop12:54
TehDaveahh...nvm then12:54
H-Towni'm returning my laptop to be replaced, the sound card was defective12:54
nuccogordonjcp: i did this same procedure on another machine, didn't ask for a password.12:54
soundrayTehDave: please don't start this kind of discussion here12:54
greencookieH-Town: get peatnuts, or knoppix, or suse:) or..UBUNTU:)12:54
gordonjcpnucco: hm, no idea then12:54
TehDavesorry 'bout that12:54
grahamanyone help me with my blank mysql.err log?12:54
MarcoPausoundray: I don't have any other tabs12:54
* greencookie is almost done with work.12:54
gordonjcpgraham: have you enabled logging in my.cnf12:54
nuccogordonjcp: i give up. first, no DRI, now i can't print. hmmm12:54
H-Towni'm installing ubuntu on the replacement laptop, cross my heart and hope to die :-)12:54
graham#Enter a name for the error log file. Otherwise a default name will be used.12:55
soundrayMarcoPau: System-Preferences-Removable drives has multiple tabs12:55
greencookiegluck H-Town :)12:55
gordonjcpgraham: sounds about riught12:55
greencookieI need to figure out how to make wireless work on my desktop as well:)12:55
greencookieand ATI drivers:D12:55
raphael_now i work on ubuntu feisty and connected by wireless12:56
MarcoPausoundray: I guess we're not talking about the same window.. where do you load that from?12:56
TehDavegreencookie: I almost dropped Ubuntu 'cause of my wireless drivers (Broadcom 4318)12:56
soundrayMarcoPau: are you in KDE or gnome?12:56
MarcoPausoundray: kde12:56
greencookieTehDave: is that for laptop? dell b130? cuz I think i need the bcm43xx drivers for this lappy as well:)12:56
soundrayMarcoPau: never mind then.12:57
TehDavegreencookie: nope, desktop...Linksys WRT54GS12:57
grahammaybe i could run mysqld manually to get a log?12:57
soundrayMarcoPau: perhaps you should describe your problem to the people in #kubuntu12:57
TehDavebut the router's upstairs, and I can't run a wire12:57
greencookiemy laptop works perfect now, its just my desktop with netgear wg111v2 usb adapter thats giving me BIG problems.12:57
grahami'm lost :12:58
greencookieTehDave: ndiswrapper destroyed my system:)12:58
=== dan-erik is now known as garyuu
greencookielol @ TehDave. Same situation, router in living room, PC in room:)12:58
TehDaveI ended up finding the restricted drivers under administration12:58
greencookieTehDave: lucky you.12:58
grahami've set up a MASTER and a SLAVE for mysql replication - i do START SLAVE an it wont connect 2 master12:59
TehDaveYeah...lucky I still had my old wired card lying around XD12:59
greencookieTehDave: lol12:59
* nucco wonders why he's constantly inclined to go back to ubuntu dapper12:59
* greencookie wonders along with nucco.13:00
* soundray joins in the wondering13:00
greencookiehow do u post a link copied from the GUI?13:00
* greencookie thinks its a wonderful world.13:00
TehDavedunno...first time seriously using a linux OS personally13:00
greencookieTehDave: welcome to the club:)13:00
grahams'ok guys i'll keep racking my brain - have a nice day13:00
TehDavesome years ago I tried out some random distro of Linux and was confused as hell13:01
soundraygraham: consider joining #mysql13:01
grahamgood thinkin13:01
nuccoevery upgrade since i left dapper has left me frustrated in one way or the other... :(13:01
greencookieTehDave: that random distro was mandrake 10 for me:)13:01
=== Gorgory is now known as Gorgory-Out
TehDavegreencookie: I have _NO_ idea what it was13:02
greencookieTehDave: rofl.13:02
Pici!away > Gorgory-Out (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)13:02
* greencookie is finally done with work!13:02
greencookieok guys. I'm out13:02
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:02
greencookiebye Evanlec , TehDave13:02
soundraynucco: it's a good idea to dual boot between dapper and a fresh install of the latest13:02
greencookie!bye | magnetron13:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bye - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:03
magnetron/join us in #ubuntu-offtopic13:03
nuccosoundray: dapper happens to not support most of my hardware. but it works fine if i chose to work with a cripled system13:03
TehDaveWhat's better about Dapper vs. Gutsy?13:03
theelbermungstercan someone tell me how to uninstall Tor and Privoxy?13:04
soundraynucco: does gutsy run well off the live CD, or is that frustrating, too?13:04
nuccosoundray: the lack of persistence on the livecd isn't so useful13:05
magnetrontheelbermungster: use if you used synaptic to install, use synaptic for uninstall13:05
xeerhi everyone. i'm having a horrible experience upgrading from fiesty to 7.1013:05
soundraynucco: I'm asking because I was going to suggest a fresh install13:05
xeerfirst of all, it crashed during the update13:05
nuccosoundray: my install is about a week old. i haven't used software from outside official repositories13:05
xeeri restarted, typed 'dpkg --configure -a' and let it finish13:05
mewtIm trying to isntall libflashsupport for pulseaudio but the script says that i need pulseaudio 0.9.7 - anyone know of a repo for pulseaudio that has the latest packages ?13:06
mewtthe one in the repos is 0.9.613:06
xeerrestarted again, and now i can't even login.. gdm seems to crash when trying to get to the desktop13:06
doviendeanyone know about suspend-to-ram and resume problems?  i can suspend-to-disk and resume with no problem, but i can't resume from suspend-to-ram.  I know it worked previously, but i can't do it now13:06
doviendei'm trying all sorts of options with s2ram13:06
nuccosoundray: yesterday, i applied the available updates, today i realised i no longer had DRI13:06
doviendeis there anything else i should try?13:06
theelbermungstergusty is da bomb13:07
nuccosoundray: i would've downgraded, but compiz works much better after the updates... leaves me in a fix.13:07
nuccowhy not disable compiz? switching workspaces is *much* easier in compiz. and expo is useful. that's my only reason for sticking13:08
xeeranyone know what could be the cause of my issue? the only session i'm able to login to is the failsafe terminal13:08
nuccoxeer: what error message?13:08
theelbermungsterthx, magnetron.13:08
garyuudo we have any R experts around?13:08
Picigaryuu: have you tried #R ?13:09
xeernucco, no error message. gdm just restarts back to the login screen13:09
garyuuPici: I'm in there right now, but can't figure out what's wrong and that guy is on a mac/OSX machine13:09
nuccoxeer: try creating a new user in a terminal with 'adduser'13:09
nuccoxeer: then login with that user13:09
theelbermungstersorry, i meant to say that on offtopic.13:09
garyuuPici: got an installation issue...13:10
Picigaryuu: ah.13:10
xeernucco, as in it loops.. it never reaches the desktop13:10
xeernucco, what about my other users that i have?13:11
nuccoxeer: try that first... then we can assume its a corruption in their home directory13:11
nuccoxeer: that is, if a new user works.13:11
xeeralright, brb i guess =/13:11
theelbermungsteri got a problem in compiz. the close/minimize bar doesn't show up when i enable compiz.13:11
bullgard4What are the properties of the 'safe graphics mode' which you can choose as a menu option and operating mode of the Ubuntu desktop CD?13:12
e|64hi I have problems with wifi13:14
nmditkawhat are your problems with it?13:15
e|64I cannot connect to a accesspoint with wpa sec.13:15
nuccoe|64: using network-manager?13:15
xeerback, i tried a new user.. i had the same restart problem with gdm13:16
nuccoe|64: is dhcp available on the network?13:16
TehDaveso...has anyone gotten Hellgate: London to run on Gutsy?13:16
e|64on windows it works fine13:16
nuccoe|64: what wireless card?13:16
xeernucco, that should rule out corruption.. right?13:16
nuccoxeer: i had that issue once, can't remember what exactly it was that fixed it...13:16
e|64but it works on other (non secured) nets13:17
nuccoxeer: check your xorg configuration...13:17
k3itomy sound has suddenly stopped!!!!  the volume cotrol now has a no entrey oogo over it and if i click it it returns this error no volume control gstreamer plugin and/or devices. after running lshw this is the outcome for my sound device http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44725/ HELP!!!!13:17
nuccoe|64: i mean which manufacturer13:17
nmditkae|64:  are you sure you're using the right encryption?13:17
e|64t-sinus 15413:17
chazcoHi... done suppose anyone can help with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608760 ?13:18
bauermy irc in ubuntu starts quanta up when i click on links. How do i change that to firefox ?13:18
e|64in the system it is isl3890 prism sth like13:18
sluimersHi, I'd like my alarm notifier to launch a program in a terminal, can that be done?13:18
rahmenHi! I'm having some trouble with my wireless connection. "lshw -C network" gives me "*-network DISABLED".. how do I enable it? this is the same problem as I get: http://www.nabble.com/getting-wireless-card-to-work-t4339881.html13:18
e|64yes it is wpa personal13:18
infuzzerhi, need help with bluetooth dongle13:19
infuzzercan someone help me?13:19
nmditkawpa what?  64-bit?  128-bit?13:19
e|64but I cannot choose that here in ubuntu13:20
MtJBoh, my brothers, hear my plea, cuz my g/f, she can't see me!13:21
MtJBnot on my macbookpro running 7.10, that is13:21
MtJBanyway to make that built-in ivideo cam work under Ubuntu?13:21
nmditkaoops i screwed up WPA and WEP nm13:21
infuzzersomebody can help me with bluetooth>13:21
nuccoinfuzzer: you should have asked the question straight away13:21
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)13:21
infuzzerI cant connect my Nokia13:21
infuzzerIt;s all13:21
MtJBluckily, apple airport is immune to fuzzing13:21
nuccoinfuzzer: connect to what?13:21
infuzzernucco, usb dongle13:22
nuccoinfuzzer: as in connect to which program?13:22
rahmenI have this problem: http://www.nabble.com/getting-wireless-card-to-work-t4339881.html and I'm using gusty gibbon and the "Networking" option in system -> admin doesn't exist13:22
nuccoinfuzzer: is the device detected and made discoverable?13:22
infuzzernucco, yes13:22
nuccoinfuzzer: which program to connect to? or you just want to send files?13:22
infuzzernucco, i have problems with passkey13:22
infuzzernucco, i want to spare them13:22
bulmerrahmen-> at which point does it fail?13:23
nuccoinfuzzer: see /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf13:23
infuzzernucco, it's all ok13:23
infuzzernucco, where i can get bluez-passkey-gnome ?13:24
nuccoinfuzzer: i think there's a place to specify default passkey in there13:24
infuzzernucco, Ubuntu 7.1013:24
infuzzernucco, i need bluez-passkey-gnome13:24
Andycassswhat happens when i log out in middle of update?13:24
AndycasssCos i just accidently did13:24
Shaoran-samaMtJB: Perhaps this one helps: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22562113:24
PiciAndycasss: Was it downloading or installing?13:25
nuccoinfuzzer: i doubt if there's a gui for that... on ubuntu at least13:25
nuccoinfuzzer: never got it to work anyway.13:25
PiciAndycasss: Thats probably 'A Bad Thing'13:25
k3itomy sound has suddenly stopped!!!!  the volume cotrol now has a no entrey oogo over it and if i click it it returns this error no volume control gstreamer plugin and/or devices. after running lshw this is the outcome for my sound device http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44725/ HELP!!!!13:25
infuzzerIs there bluez-passkey-gnome for Gutsy x32?13:25
infuzzerSynaptic can't find it.13:26
joarI need some special characters like f.example lambda , does anybody know how to get those in ubuntu ?13:26
twistiesQuick question. Can I set my LiveCD as a software source and do a Gutsy update through the update manager?13:26
twistiesinstead of A] downloading it or B] reformatting with a LiveCD install13:26
Picitwisties: Unfortunately, no.  Upgrades can only be done with the AlternateCD.13:27
joarI'm using 'character map' from accessories (gnome, ubuntu) but can't find lambda nor any other special chars13:27
twistiesoh damn13:27
twistiesjust received my LiveCD in the mail too13:27
twistiesI guess i'll hold off till I go to a big lan soon. I'll grab the Alternate ISO there13:27
twistiescan't justify downloading a CD iso at the moment13:28
Picijoar: Change the script type on the left13:28
nmditkak3ito it detects your sound card fine so maybe gstreamer is conflicting with another program13:28
nuccoinfuzzer: for edgy i found this: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/gnome/bluez-passkey-gnome13:28
infuzzernucco, i'm under Gutsy13:28
k3itonmditka it says UNCLAIMED though. is that right?!13:29
EiccaWhat are the kubuntu alternate installs username and password?13:29
MyrttiEicca: the ones you gave to it13:29
Myrttisame as in desktop installation13:29
joarPici: thnx, I tried, but none of them seem to have lambda... I think I've found both lambda and other special characters in there before ... is there some packages I can install supporting more characters ?13:29
nuccoinfuzzer: if you just want to change the pin, perhaps you just change the default in that hcid.conf file13:29
infuzzernucco, that's the point, it doesn't work13:30
nuccoi can't find the package in gutsy myself13:30
nuccothe default pin isn't accepted?13:30
EiccaMyrtti: I didn't give anything yet, login screen appeared and asked for username and password..13:30
Picijoar: If I go to script type Greek, I see the lambda there.  Not every font has unicode extensions.13:31
nmditkaK3ito i'm not the best at linux hardware.  i didnt want your problem to go ignored though13:31
nmditkai do often find that restarting helps but im a noob13:31
k3itono worries ;)  I'm just stumped.  it was working fine a second ago13:31
MyrttiEicca: fun13:32
EiccaMyrtti: what is?13:32
nmditkai think its some conflict.  are you running kde on that system13:32
joarPici: you're right, found it, cheers :)13:32
Eiccanmditka: I took alternate install and just pressed http://r.servut.us/kubuntu that button13:32
Picijoar: the search tool works too, just make sure you check the 'search in character details' box13:32
joarPici: yep, search tool made it a lot easier :913:33
nmditkaK3ito:  so you do have KDE on that system.  are you running in it right now?  I ask because when I had KDE on my system a whole lot of stuff would clash and not work.  Gnome properties would hang, audio would stop running in KDE.  i ended up just picking Gnome and everything works fine.13:34
Eiccanmditka: was that supposed to come to me?13:35
nmditkaoh wow..  i mixed up usernames really badly13:35
PriitMHi! I got external HDD what reports 2gb free room while using ubuntu and 100gb free room on windows system. Folder .trash is 64kb. What could be the problem?13:36
EiccaI don't have anything on my system, just windows xp13:36
EiccaI am installing it right now13:36
k3itonmditka: yes, but it has worked fine before13:36
Eiccakde + ubuntu13:36
PiciPriitM: can you pastebin the output of df -h ?13:37
Pici!paste | PriitM13:37
ubotuPriitM: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)13:37
nmditkaK3ito: a software conflict is the only idea i have.  but i don't know much.13:37
PriitMPici, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44730/13:38
PriitMit's /media/Elements drive13:38
k3itonmditka: i tried updating some software and it hung then i hard reset adnd noticed it.  don't know 100%that was the cause but it's possible13:39
nmditkado you know what file it hung on?13:39
MarcoPausoundray: disabled automount and mounted sdb1 manually. all regular13:39
PiciPriitM: Hm.  I'd try using the Graphical Disk Map on it from Gnome, I believe its in Applications>Accessories, just point it at the mountpoint.13:39
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto13:39
__machinehow can i get a list of all packages installed by apt-get?13:39
jrib__machine: aptitude search '~i'13:40
bullgard4What are the properties of the 'safe graphics mode' which you can choose as a menu option and operating mode of the Ubuntu desktop CD?13:40
Pici__machine: dpkg -l will list all your installed packages, apt-getted or not.13:40
PriitMPici, I'll check it out, thanks13:40
nmditkaK3ito: well i would think that would mess more with your graphics than your sound, but it might have something to do with it13:40
nmditkadid you finish the update?13:41
PriitMSeems that Disk Usage Analyzer is displaying hard drive size wrong - it appears as 203Gb drive, but df -h shows it as 370Gb drive13:42
IdleOnePriitM: what's 160gigs between friends :)13:43
PriitMRight.. too bad, this harddrive isn't big friend of mine :<13:43
=== Allistra is now known as Alistra
* genii gulps a coffee13:48
simp_lgHi! I have a question. How lead out string with necessary number in Bash from STDOUT? I have used next construction: first: STDOUT>list.txt, second: cat -n list.txt | grep -m 1 $number_of_string | cut -f 2. But is very hard :\. Exist simple comands or other constructions? Help me please.13:49
jribsimp_lg: can you give an example?13:50
jribsimp_lg: do you just want to get a certain line?13:50
jribsimp_lg: sed -n 'Np'     where N is the line number you want13:51
k3itoaplay -l13:51
k3itoaplay: device_list:222: no soundcards found...13:51
k3itonmditka: ^^13:51
nmditkawelp then im completely dead wrong13:52
simp_lgjrib: thank you!13:52
k3itogonna restart and check that it is seated in the pci slot correctly13:52
chanibalhi, could someone help me with iptables rules? i need to ban outgoing ports except 80 and 443, i have two interfaces eth0 - internet, eth1 - local (nat works)13:52
grindcorecan someone help me with couple question about install ubuntu 7.10 ??? thx a lot13:54
xeeris it just me or is gutsy sluggish?13:54
chanibali tried: iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 80 -j ACCEPT; iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -j DROP    but that closes all my traffic13:54
IdleOne!ask | grindcore13:54
ubotugrindcore: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)13:54
grindcoreok. how I must make partiotions ?13:55
IdleOnelet the installer do it13:55
grindcorehow many a sizes i mean13:55
IdleOnegrindcore: minimum 10gigs for Ubuntu is recommended13:55
smyclopsi also use ubuntu 7.10 the problem is that if i copy files from another machine windows the file will appear with a lock onj it so i can delete it ,so can someone help me on this13:56
rubydiamondwhat is the best svn gui client for ubuntu?13:56
grindcoreso if I put 20giig for ubuntu and 1 gig for boot, thats all ?13:56
hujiCan we assign keyboard shortcuts like Super+K?13:56
KIAazebut svn is easy compared to cvs13:56
hujiI mean, can Super key be used in combination with other keys?13:56
IdleOnesmyclops: right click , properties, unlock it13:57
smyclopsthats where the problem is, it fails to unlock it13:57
tantradnya-ChanServ-: do u copy files from windows to Linux or from another machine to linux?13:57
rubydiamondwhat is the best svn gui client for ubuntu?13:57
IdleOnesmyclops: hit alt+f2 then type gksu nautilus navigate to your files and unlock them13:58
knoppixsi, io ci ho provato, ma quando digito i comandi mi dice. COMANDO SCONOSCIUTO!13:58
smyclopsunder permissions i try to unlock it but nothing happens there13:58
void^chanibal: as far as i can see, you're allowing source ports there - those are usually random13:58
IdleOneknoppix: wrong channel try #ubuntu-it13:59
jribrubydiamond: try them all and use what you like best.  KIAaze made a suggestion earlier.  There is also rapidsvn13:59
tantradnyasmyclops: do u copy files from windows to Linux or from another machine to linux?13:59
smyclopsfrom windows to linus13:59
peppeniello••• Sîåø •••13:59
peppeniello••• Sîåø •••14:00
peppeniello»—› smyclops ‹—« ••• Sîåø •••14:00
tantradnyasmyclops: did u try "gksudo nautilus"14:00
=== _shoot^ is now known as shoot^
peppeniello»—› shoot^ ‹—« ••• Sîåø •••14:00
jribpeppeniello: stop14:00
peppeniellocosa stop14:00
gordonjcp!ops | peppeniello14:00
ubotupeppeniello: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici14:00
peppeniellomy italian14:01
gordonjcp!it | peppeniello14:01
ubotupeppeniello: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!14:01
smyclopslet me try that14:01
rubydiamond!svn gui client14:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about svn gui client - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:01
ubotusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/14:01
rubydiamond!svn ubuntu14:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about svn ubuntu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:01
gordonjcprubydiamond: probably you're looking for tortoisesvn14:01
gordonjcprubydiamond: What exactly are you trying to do?14:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tortoisesvn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:01
peppeniellobut here not yes discharge '14:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about super - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:02
jribrubydiamond: stop guessing factoids, we've told you two gui's to try14:02
rubydiamondjrib, what are they?14:02
Pici!msgthebot | rubydiamond14:02
uboturubydiamond: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.14:02
hujirubydiamond:  can you suggest a graphical SVN client for Ubuntu as well14:02
jribrubydiamond: I suggested rapidsvn and KIAaze suggeste smartsvn I believe14:03
smyclopswhen it asks run program as root wat do i type there14:03
hujijrib what is the difference?14:03
tantradnyasmyclops: enter ur root password14:03
KIAazeyes, smartsvn, it works in windows too since it's java-based14:03
jribhuji: try them, I have only tried rapidsvn14:03
Pici!sudo | smyclops14:03
ubotusmyclops: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.14:03
chi11ysmyclops, that may also just be your user password14:04
ackdeshahuji: There is a svn plugin for Eclipse IDE that works well (also java)14:04
smyclopsok i see now14:04
hujiackdesha: I have nothing (including Eclipse) installed other than what comes with Feisty14:04
peppenielloI do not only understand inglese.volevo to say not yes discharge here14:04
peppeniellofilm, musìx14:04
peppenielloI speak little14:05
aimtrainerhi! I cant start google-earth.. it hangs on the start window.. I googled a bit but wasnt really successful. can anyone help me pleaseß14:05
peppeniellohour the stò speaking from the translator14:05
peppeniellohour the stò speaking from the translator14:05
EstethAfter deleting ~/.gconf/apps/nautilus and ~/.nautilus, i'm having problems with lots of things. The sound mixer applet in the gnome-panel won't launch with an error, i get no desktop background and cannot right click the desktop, and nautilus file manager won't open. What should i do?14:05
smyclopsthanks guys sudo now works for deleting the files ,so how do use it to unlock the file14:05
dgjones!it | peppeniello14:05
ubotupeppeniello: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!14:05
smyclopswat command should i write?14:05
peppeniellosi :(-øk-):14:06
peppenielloyes ok14:06
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ubstud_I recently installed wine14:06
jribsmyclops: what are you unlocking exactly?14:06
tantradnyasmyclops: how do u copy files from windows to linux?14:06
=== Love is now known as daluv
ubstud_but whenever I try it run it..it locks up my computer forcing me to restart14:06
smyclopsi just specify the ip address of the machine then it connect me to shared files14:07
tantradnyaubstud_:which program did u try to run using wine?14:07
arghh2d2Hello, good morning, or evening wherever you are...  I just set up a dual boot ubuntu/fedora install and i want to revert to my ubuntu version of grub, how do i do that?14:07
smyclopsso when i copy them they will have a lock on the file14:07
HunterKillerI'm having graphical glitches, like lines showing up on my screen but they go away if I move my mouse over them14:08
ubstud_tantradnya, wine just came under applications and I tried to open it from there14:08
HunterKilleris that a setting glitch or a driver glitch do you guys think?14:08
WhitorHi, I'd like to Have Gnome running on Virtual terminal F7, and KDE running on Virtual Terminal F8. Is this possible? and can you reccomend a guid on how to do this?14:08
tantradnyasmyclops: oh, then when u open nautilus using gksudo command, right click on file and set permissions as u do it in windows14:08
ubstud_tantradnya, I'm trying to run winefile14:08
foushow do I set up permissions on samba n also writing to my hard drive?14:09
tantradnyaubstud_: see wine can be used to run windows applications under linux (not all, but many)14:09
brett_hey, has anyone had a problem playing dvd's with w32codecs and libdvdcss2 installed?14:09
thomas_Hi Guys14:09
ankitwhat's difference between java and c++14:09
arghh2d2whitor, i think kde start menu has that option but it sends the second vt to f9 by default14:10
ankithi thomas14:10
HunterKillerit's a different language14:10
brett_ankit they're two completely different programming languages14:10
ubstud_tantradyna, I know i've used wine before...but when I installed it on the new ubuntu it won't work at all..it just jams up my computer14:10
jribankit: that's offtopic here, please ask in a programming channel or #ubuntu-offtopic14:10
ubstud_I can't even open winefile to RUN an windows app14:10
Whitorarghh2d2: really? I don't care what Terminal it send it to really ... I'll check that out. Thanks !14:10
tantradnyaubstud_: oh ok14:10
tantradnyaubstud_: oh ok, i dont have problem currently14:11
thomas_i have a huge problem: i installed the nvidia*.run driver and had the nvidia-glx-new packet installed... know the xserver wont start properly... :/14:11
smyclopsits giving mi this error : (nautilus:9101): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:14:11
smyclopsAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.14:11
HunterKilleranyone know if white lines on my screen that go away if I mouse over them is a compiz settings problem or a driver problem?14:11
Whitorarghh2d2: if its possible in KDE... it must be possible from Gnome too ...14:11
Whitorarghh2d2: thaks, its a help knowing that its possible14:11
jribHunterKiller: I would turn off compiz and see if it happens14:11
ubstud_anyone here using xchat?14:11
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ubstud_how can I change the port what it uses to connect to freenode?14:12
HunterKillerjrib, it still happens if I go to my appearance settings and select 'none'14:13
thomas_Better: How can I deinstall a [nvidiadriver].run installation?14:13
arghh2d2Whitor, possible sure, but alot easier to just login with kde first and start gnome second.  i dont think you can have the same user login in simultaneously tho.14:13
jribHunterKiller: then it can't be a compiz problem14:13
rubydiamond best GUI client for mysql on Ubuntu?14:13
HunterKillerso, most likely a driver thing14:13
w0nderhow do I set the root password in ubuntu?14:13
dgjonesubstud_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit14:13
Pici!sudo | w0nder14:13
ubotuw0nder: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.14:13
Whitorarghh2d2: true, I'll see how KDE does it first, and see if I can apply the same procedure in gnome .14:14
arghh2d2Question, Fedora wiped out my Ubuntu grub, how do i restore it?14:14
pipelineaudiois there a "yast" in ubuntu?14:14
pipelineaudioor do I find some way to edit the grum menu by hand?14:15
ankitcan i installed yahoo voice messanger on linex14:15
Pici!grub > arghh2d2 (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)14:15
aladinsanecan i somehow change the settings for windows so the don't snap to the left of my screen when i open them, maybe even so they open in the same place as the last time the were open?14:15
martin_____hey, i've got a tft monitor connected to the vga port on my laptop, and it's refusing to accept any other resolution than 800x600, whether i set it in the screen and graphics applet or dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, any ideas?14:15
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:15
doviendeok, solved my suspend problem on gutsy:  there seems to be a problem with the 2.6.22-14-generic kernel that makes my suspend-to-ram not work.  if i go back to using 2.6.20-16-generic then i can suspend-to-ram just fine14:15
thomas_How can i deinstall a .run package?14:16
jribthomas_: what are you trying to install?14:16
elkbuntudoviende, excellent make sure you check launchpad to see if there's a bug for it :)14:16
Tomcat_thomas_: Manually... find the files, remove them. It's bad practice to install .run files... sorry. :-\14:16
thomas_jrib: i tried to install a nvidia driver... :////14:17
doviendeelkbuntu: ok will do14:17
ubstud_guys how can I change the port# on xchat?14:17
jrib!nvidia > thomas_ (read the private message from ubotu)14:17
Tomcat_ubstud_: In the network settings, there is a server tab, there you can change it.14:17
ubstud_tomcat..I don't even see network settings14:18
ubstud_I see network setup under preferences14:18
ubstud_but I don't want to enable a proxy I just want to connect to freenode using another port14:18
Tomcat_ubstud_: Well, I can't give you exact names, having a German version here.14:18
Tomcat_ubstud_: Oh wait... xchat or xchat-gnome?14:19
fousI have an error writing to disks how do I setup my hard drives to write to them?14:19
minus198Can someone help me get my Logitech ClickSmart 310 webcam to work? When I try to start camorama, it complains about: "Could not connect video device (/dev/video0). When I check for the /dev/video0, there is no such thing. What should I do?14:19
ubstud_tomcat, I have both14:19
Tomcat_ubstud_: I can only help you with xchat-gnome.14:19
Piciubstud_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit under heading "Fix 1: Change port" details how to change the port for many different clients.14:19
Tomcat_ubstud_: The settings dialog should have a network list, and there you can change the servers.14:19
thomas_jrib, : The problem is i installed accidentaly the *.run driver... know every time i reboot xserver says cant find my graficcard :(14:20
ubstud_tomcat, okay I have xchat-gnome open I can change the servers but there is no box to change the port14:20
HunterKillerI have a "Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950" graphics card using the "Intel 945GM" chipset and ubuntu has me using the intel i810 driver. It seems to work but I think it is the reason for the ghost lines on my screen. Is there anything I can do about it?14:20
jrib!xconfig > thomas_ (read the private message from ubotu)14:20
Tomcat_ubstud_: The servers are always given in "servername/port" notation... so irc.freenode.net/1234 will work.14:21
jribthomas_: reconfigure and fall back to the 'nv' driver, then uninstall what you installed, then use the instrucions ubotu first gave you to install them properly14:21
zaharazodminus198:  try running dmesg in a terminal after you plug in the camera; it may tell you what video device was created14:21
komputesthomas: Hi14:21
minus198zaharazod, [ 5170.638261] /build/buildd/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-2.6.22/debian/build/build-generic/media/gspcav1/gspca_core.c: USB SPCA5XX camera found.(SPCA500+unknown CCD)14:21
WhitorIs there any way to change from Gnome to KDE mid session?14:22
zaharazodminus198:  if it created something other than video0, you may have to give camorama a device option (-d or -c, iirc)14:22
komputesdarn, Does anyone know what in Ubuntu takes care of the brightness?14:22
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zaharazodminus198:  does it mention creating anything under /dev ?14:22
komputeswhat file is responsible for brightness buttons?14:22
minus198zaharazod, Nope.. Doesn't say anything...14:23
Whitorkomputes: I have the same issue... But I have a woorkaround14:23
doviendeHunterKiller: i've got a 945GM on my laptop and i'm using the "i810" driver with no problem14:23
komputesWhitor: whats your workarround, gotta link?14:23
minus198zaharazod, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2024/14:23
minus198Thats what it gives me14:23
ubstud_that's messed up. Whenever I try to add /8001 after it it just automatically goes away14:23
Whitorkomputes: switch to a virtual terminal ... use your control keys to bring up your brightness, then switch back to ctrl-alt-f714:23
fousreally what kind of labtop u use?14:24
minus198zaharazod, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2025/ thats the lsusb output14:24
ubstud_k got it14:24
Tomcat_ubstud_: Mh. Try :8001?14:24
=== SaLo is now known as SaLoMoN
kpearcehi. I'm having a problem launching an external application (java web start) from Galeon on Ubuntu. It correctly detects the MIME type, and lists Web Start as one of the handlers for it, but when I try to open it I just get the web-start cache, which would seem to imply that the filename argument isn't getting passed in. Any ideas?14:24
Whitorkomputes: what window manager are oyu using ?14:24
HunterKillerdoviende, what model of laptop? I have an hp dv5167cl14:24
ubstudalright now could someone help me out with wine?14:24
HunterKillermy laptop's spec sheet: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c00620024&lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&product=1843738&rule=42259&lang=en14:24
bill_hello... i'm having a problem with an ext2 fs not recovering space from my deleted files... presumably something has something open(), but lsof and fuser deny that...  but my space is not being recovered and umount says it is busy...14:24
doviendeHunterKiller: Toshiba satellite a10014:24
Whitorubstud: whats your question?14:25
zaharazodminus198:  hmm.. don't know about that camera specifically.. its possible you might have to give some options to the module14:25
minus198zaharazod, maybe so..14:25
ubstudI install wine from synaptic..after finishing installing wine comes under the "applications" tab and I go to that and try to run wine14:25
doviendeHunterKiller: you could try using the vesa driver, but that would turn off accelleration14:25
ubstudbut it just jams up my computer14:25
HunterKillerIf it's not compiz and it's not my graphics card, why would I be getting glitchy lines on my screen that go away if I mouse over them?14:25
zaharazodminus198:  are there any files under /dev/video/, perhaps?14:25
Whitorubstud: Not saying I can help.... just suggesting you might want to put that out there...14:26
minus198zaharazod, no /dev/video exists...14:26
zaharazodi'm not sure how udev under ubuntu labels those things by default14:26
Whitorubstud: how does it jam up your compiuter?14:26
minus198zaharazod, It just isn't there..14:26
ubstudWhitor, I can't do anything can't move my mouse all of a sudden it freezes14:26
BituHi folks. I have an old scanner (microtek scanmaker 3740) that works fine on 7.04. I'm trying to make it works on 7.10 64 bit, but gets "Faild to open device 'sm3840:libusb:004:002': Access to resource has been denied". What to do?14:26
Whitorubstud: can you switch to a virtual terminal?14:26
HunterKillerwell, not really mouse over them... they go away if I do a selection box over that part of the screen, so I think the dimming effect of the selection box is fixing the glitches temporarily... it could be related to another bug I'm having14:26
zaharazodminus198:  lsmod output?14:26
Piciubstud: What are you trying to run with Wine? Its not a windows emulator.14:26
ubstudWhitor, virtual terminal?14:27
ubstudPici, I know I'm just trying to run a game but I can't even open up wine to run it14:27
Whitorubstud: Pici's Q14:27
Whitoryou don't open wine...14:27
HunterKilleryou know when the password prompt comes up on the screen and everything else dims? That dimming effect seems to be incorrectly calculating my resolution because it doesn't fill the whole screen. I think that's likely because I use an external monitor for my laptop because my laptop's LCD is broken14:27
Piciubstud: You dont open Wine to run games, you need to run something like `wine game.exe`14:27
Whitorwine opens programs14:27
ubstudPici, I've always used winefile to run apps14:27
ubstudyeah I like the winefile method..that way14:28
BituHi folks. I have an old scanner (microtek scanmaker 3740) that works fine on 7.04. I'm trying to make it works on 7.10 64 bit, but gets "Faild to open device 'sm3840:libusb:004:002': Access to resource has been denied".14:28
ubstudthat way* I don't have to type in a bunch of stuff into terminal14:28
ubstudI'm still here that other ubstud_ was when I was using a java irc..couldn't get xchat working14:29
thomas_Me again. dpkg doenst find a working graphic card... Xserver still says "Running in low graficmode, please select your display manually"14:29
komputesWhitor: Virtual Terminal? My Fn+F5 or F6 don't work, and those control brightness, how do I troubleshoot?14:29
BituHi folks. I have an old scanner (microtek scanmaker 3740) that works fine on 7.04. I'm trying to make it works on 7.10 64 bit, but gets "Faild to open device 'sm3840:libusb:004:002': Access to resource has been denied".14:30
HunterKilleralso, anyone know why my screen temporarily blacks out every time I open the screen and graphics dialog or I open the Totem Movie Player?14:31
BituHi folks. I have an old scanner (microtek scanmaker 3740) that works fine on 7.04. I'm trying to make it works on 7.10 64 bit, but gets "Faild to open device 'sm3840:libusb:004:002': Access to resource has been denied".14:32
dgjones!repeat | Bitu14:32
ubotuBitu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience14:32
shi have a question about running windows live writer under wine on ubuntu - can anyone help me out?14:32
ubstudno one else is experiencing the same problem?14:33
HunterKillerIt's extremely easy to feel ignored here because no one acknowledges what you say for the most part. There's 1200 people in here and about 90 percent of my questions go completely unanswered14:33
Bitudgjones: I'm feeling ignored. I'm just assuming that people comes and goes here very often. If now nobody knows the answer, in a few minutes there is a chance some one else will14:33
djm62when trying to upgrade using the alternative CD from Feisty->Gutsy I get "Could not calculate the upgrade" error.  How can I track it down?14:34
ariczHi, anyone know a *good* .XM/.MOD/S3M player for linux?14:34
_Al3xokay very confuddled here, phoronix reckon they got an x1950 running with full support with the fglrx drivers, although i cant get them to wrok at all, the drivers section on the ATI site says fuck all about the x1950... seriously cofused, any takers?14:34
Pici!language | _Al3x14:34
ubotu_Al3x: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:34
komputesWhitor: Gnome (X Windows)14:34
dgjonesBitu, they don't change that quick, I'd suggest trying again in half an hour or so, you get a reasonable changeover or users in the channel then14:35
Bitudgjones: Thanks.14:35
HunterKillerthey don't change that quick? Since this whole 'don't repeat yourself' thing started I've seen a dozen parts and joins14:36
nuccoanyone used the gnome-voice-control thingy?14:36
dgjonesHunterKiller, but when there's 1200 in the channel, a dozen isn't that many, I'd have said that 100 joins/parts would be more likely to make a difference14:37
HunterKillera dozen joins in a couple minutes is a high turnover14:38
zeroflagis there any way to get frameless window emulation in gnome/ubuntu?14:38
zeroflag**windows emulation14:38
jribzeroflag: what is that?14:39
zeroflaga little more concrete: is there any way to get frameless windows emulation in gnome/ubuntu? I'd like to open a windows program (visualstudio = C++/CLI = incompatible with wine and mono) but have it's windows managed by gnome/compiz.14:39
HunterKillerzeroflag: you mean like a windows app running inside a virtual machine without having to see that virtual machine's desktop and whatnot14:39
zeroflagHunterKiller: pretty much, yeah.14:40
HunterKillerzeroflag: do a google search of something like 'cohesion linux windows'14:40
HunterKillerzeroflag: There's a lot of tutorials on how to get a cohesion-like effect in linux. I tried it and it works ok14:40
zaharazodminus198:  hmm.. i would expect to see videodev14:41
zaharazodminus198:  it could be built-in on your kernel though.. can you try modprobe'ing it?14:41
zaharazod(ie. modprobe videodev)14:41
HunterKillerzeroflag: I'll find you a specific link if you give me a few minutes.14:41
broken_What do you guys recommend , aptitude or apt-get to install from terminal? And what is the default?14:42
zaharazoddid dmesg output anything?14:42
minus198zaharazod, not a thing..14:42
xeerhi everyone. my gnome panel and desktop wont load. i can't alt+F2 either. what could be wrong?14:42
jribbroken_: aptitude handles dependency tracking better imo.  There is no default14:42
minus198xeer, something is wrong with nautilus maybe14:43
zaharazodminus198:  does it show up in lsmod?14:43
maul^I started my ubuntu, now it asks me for my username&password via GUI. when  ubuntu is in that state, I cannot connect it via VNC. what should I do?14:43
xeerother applications are acting weird as well, such as firefox crashing unexpectidly14:43
broken_jrib: thansk.14:43
minus198zaharazod, video                  18060  014:43
minus198is that what you wanted?14:43
jribzeroflag: there were some instructions on a wiki page about qemu about that, but I can't find them right now14:44
minus198zaharazod, gspca                 608336  014:44
minus198videodev               29312  1 gspca14:44
minus198v4l2_common            18432  1 videodev14:44
minus198v4l1_compat            15364  1 videodev14:44
jrib!paste | minus19814:44
ubotuminus198: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)14:44
Pici!paste | minus19814:44
nuccohey, is it just me, or does xgl consume more memory than the regular xorg?14:44
xeeri just installed gutsy. i have to login with failsafe gnome just to pass the login screen14:44
geniibroken_: I personally prefer apt-get but mainly for the stupid reason that the other commands I use a lot all begin with same sort of command-name and it is easier to remember etc  eg: apt-cache apt-get apt-proxy apt-mirror14:44
Picixeer: You've been running this whole time in the failsafe session?14:45
jribzeroflag: here we go https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SeamlessVirtualization14:45
xeerPici, yes14:45
Picixeer: What video card do you have? Have you attempted to install restricted drivers?14:45
dweesanyone know anything about mtlm_auth version 3.0.25 or greater?14:45
xeeri have an ati radeon X1600, i have the restricted drivers enabled14:45
xeerfglrxinfo reports ati14:46
HunterKillerzeroflag: Still there?14:46
Picixeer: and you've never been able to start the regular gnome session?14:46
geniiWhats with these floodbots? I first noticed them day before yesterday14:46
xeernot since i've updated to gutsy14:46
jribgenii: tests, ignore them14:46
=== sharpie is now known as Sharpie
geniijrib: Ah, OK14:46
dweesI'm trying to get wine to work, and it seems to be requesting that application14:46
HunterKillerzeroflag: http://lifehacker.com/software/linux-tip/run-windows-and-linux-apps-side+by+side-274907.php14:47
Sharpieis there a good program I can use to backup my system? (i mean, regular backups of specific files/folders)14:47
jaymwhere do i go to adjust my lcd its way to dim14:47
xeeralso with failsafe it takes about 3-4 times longer to login14:47
jrib!backup > sharpie (read the private message from ubotu)14:47
HunterKillerSharpie: There's a clone of Mac's Time Machine if you want something like that14:47
nuccopls, how do i disable xserver-xgl without uninstalling it?14:48
NutubuntuIs there a how-to on reconfiguring xorg.conf after upgrading from Feisty? For some reason my monitor and mouse settings don't seem to be detected, so I'm back at 800x600 with a generic mouse   :/    do not want14:48
dgjonesSharpie, There's an application called Unison which seems quite useful for backing up14:48
SharpieHunterKiller: yeah i remember reading about it in slashdot14:48
Picixeer: Did you install xserver-xgl?14:48
xeerPici, i reinstalled it and reconfigured14:48
AndycasssIs there a way to remotely control the whole system (including console) ?14:48
AndycasssI think i heard something about ssh14:49
SharpieAndycasss: you can use vncviewer14:49
xeerPici, oh wait.. xgl.. not that i'm aware of. something else could have installed it14:49
AndycasssSharpie, I cant control the console with it14:49
Andycasssit just locks14:49
jaymwhere do i go to adjust my lcd its way to dim14:49
xeerPici, yes it's installed14:49
SharpieAndycasss: hm, never tried that so i dunno, i'm no help then =[14:50
Andycasss(ctrl alt f1)14:50
naut-lkwhat's the console command for deinstallation?14:50
NMajikWhere does aircrack-ng output the results of the WEP key resolution if none is specified? (I'm only testing my network; I can't enable WPA because some of the computers who connect wirelessly don't seem to like it)14:50
deadlockim trying to do an install but the auto partioner stales at 0%when scanning the partition table, are there scans or something I should do to, clean up my currenttables/system to make it easier for another install.14:50
Picixeer: If you create a new user, can they login sucessfully?14:50
xeerPici, i tried creating a guest account. it suffered the same issues.14:50
geniinaut-lk: sudo apt-get remove <packagename>               optionally with --purge to remove old conf files and so on14:51
Sharpieoh, another thing - earlier i needed to unlock a folder that contained a few image files and it was a root folder, so i opened nautilus as root and then went over all the files and set their owner as my user. is there a better way to do it? (cause the way i did it was really slow)14:51
naut-lkgenii: thanks --purge to remove old config? will they stay on the hd if i don't purge ?14:52
geniinaut-lk: If you don't use the --purge next time you install same app it will use the old configs14:52
xeerPici, is there a way to restart the gutsy update process? it was installing the packages and froze midway. I had to resume it after i restarted, i'm sure something got screwed up14:52
eZtaRIs there a way of doing an 'advanced filesearch' in ubuntu?14:52
naut-lkgenii: ok, thanks14:52
geniinaut-lk: Yes, they remain otherwise in (usually) /etc14:52
eZtaRi need to search by date added/changed14:53
AndycasssPici: do you know, does ssh enable control of the console (alt ctrl f1)14:53
Picixeer: If your sources.list contains gutsy lines, you can just do an `apt-get update` apt-get dist-upgrade`14:53
carl_hey, do happen nothig after tiping enter, for xubuntu instalation ¡¡ what can I do ? :(14:54
PiciAndycasss: Can you rephrase that, I'm not sure what you're asking.14:54
geniiPici: He wants to know if you ssh in can you switch consoles on remote box usual way14:54
geniiAndycasss: No, you can't14:55
tomassoanyone know a cron gui in ubuntu?14:55
PiciAndycasss: if you mean what genii, said, then no.  you need to use something like screen if you want to use that.14:55
Sharpieearlier i needed to unlock a folder that contained a few images in it and it was a root folder, so i opened nautilus as root and went over all the files and set their owner as my user. is there a better (and faster) way to do it?14:55
systemd0wnAnyone know of a app i can use to monitor some http servers uptime?  Somthing simple. GUI.14:55
jaymhow can i fix the brightness on my lcd. can barely see it14:56
ThecksSharpie, use the console? :p14:56
AndycasssPici: Yeah, thats what I meant. Its a pity since I dont have anything else connected to my linuxbox than a power cable and an eth cable14:56
xeerPici, it says my dist-upgrade is already complete. how can i force it?14:56
SharpieThecks: and do what? :\14:56
Ballenais the maximum size of an FAT32 partition 32 GB?14:56
ThecksSharpie: Or even just select all the files? (Control+A)14:56
systemd0wnjaym, Laptop? you try the function keys on the keyboard? Try the gnome brightness applet?14:56
SharpieThecks: can't14:56
Pici!screen | Andycasss14:57
uhlivehey guys can anyone of you help me get a boot splash working14:57
ubotuAndycasss: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen14:57
HunterKillerthe dimming effect when a password prompt appears is apparently detecting my resolution wrong because the dimming effect only fills the top left two-thirds of my screen. How can I fix this?14:57
SharpieThecks: i mean, then it doesn't have the permissions tab14:57
ThecksSharpie: sudo chown username *14:57
jaymthe applet says cannot get laptop brightness applet14:57
SharpieThecks: * means all the files?14:57
jaymthe applet says cannot get laptop panel brightness14:57
Picixeer: Does it give you errors, or just says that there are 0 files to upgrade?14:57
SharpieThecks: (so i have to cd to that directory?)14:57
jaymfunction keys dont work either14:57
Thecks* means all files and folders in the current directory :)14:57
Gandalf84i'm using pacpl but i don't understand where to download and install MAC, http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/mac-port/ no more exist14:57
geniisystemd0wn: There is webalizer, but it keeps more stats than just that, etc14:57
chrisbuddyi am trying to execute a program from an .sh file but it says that gine does not give permission.  is there any way to work around this?14:57
xeerPici, says 0 files to upgrade14:57
genii!info webalizer14:57
ubotuwebalizer: web server log analysis program. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.01.10-32 (gutsy), package size 334 kB, installed size 1516 kB14:58
systemd0wngenii, thanks! :)14:58
ThecksSharpie: Yes or use /home/username/* if you don't want to CD14:58
Picixeer: Sounds to me that the upgrade is done.14:58
geniisystemd0wn: np14:58
systemd0wnjaym, hrm.  When did it dim?14:58
djm62quick question, before I break my system: if I run the cdromupgrade script, and select the default Yes about downloading updates from the net, will it preferentially take updates from the CD to save me money downloading, or will I have no luck there?14:58
jaymi just loaded it and it came up dim14:58
xeerPici, yes because i finished it after the crash. i'd like to redo it if possible14:58
jaymworks fine on xp should i reboot?14:58
SharpieThecks: ok, so let's say the folder's called A, i do sudo chown user ~/myfolder and then sudo chown user ~/myfolder/*. correct?14:58
Moduliz0r__!info linpopup14:58
ubotulinpopup: X Window System port of Winpopup, running over Samba. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-8.2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 78 kB, installed size 344 kB14:58
systemd0wnjaym, ya give that a shot. come back if its not OK.14:59
SharpieThecks: ok i just realised i'm retarded. ignore the A14:59
Inuyasha32246hi all14:59
Picixeer: You cant 'redo' an upgrade if its done. It just doesnt work like that.14:59
ThecksSharpie for all files in myfolder then yes :)14:59
Inuyasha32246finally got my radeon 9200se working14:59
Thecks*. won't do all files14:59
ThecksNot all files have extensions14:59
xeerPici, so if files got corrupted when it froze, i'm pretty much screwed on my dist?14:59
djm62it's asking me "Do you want to start the upgrade?" and giving me dire warnings about downloading 1253M.  I can't afford to download that, which is why I had the CD sent to me.14:59
erUSULdjm62: it will take the things that have not been updated from the cd14:59
SharpieThecks: i meant . as the end of the sentence14:59
Inuyasha32246DON"T UPGRADE YET14:59
geniiSharpie: Wouldn't sudo chown username -R ~/foldername           be more efficient?14:59
Pici!caps | Inuyasha3224615:00
Sharpiegenii: i really haven't ever used chown. i'm kidna new to linux15:00
djm62erUSUL: so that should be at most a couple of hundred meg?15:00
erUSUL!caps | Inuyasha3224615:00
Inuyasha32246i knpo15:00
Inuyasha32246i kno15:00
ubotuInuyasha32246: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:00
BituHi folks. I have an old scanner (microtek scanmaker 3740) that works fine on 7.04. I'm trying to make it works on 7.10 64 bit, but gets "Faild to open device 'sm3840:libusb:004:002': Access to resource has been denied".15:00
PiciInuyasha32246: If you know, then why are you doing it?15:00
Inuyasha32246chill homie15:00
ThecksWas about to say you can use recursive if you want to do all files and folders no matter how deep15:00
erUSULdjm62: it depends on what you have installed on your machine15:00
Sharpiegenii: so i'm guessing -R means the dir and everything in it?15:00
LjLdjm62: if it's going to *download* 1253M (download, or *install*?), then a CD will save you about half of that, but no more15:00
systemd0wngenii, you use webalizer before?15:00
broken_Whenever I turn on my computer (19 inch widescreen) my monitor goes blank until the login page says something about out of sync 90hz / 60 refresh15:01
geniiSharpie: Yes, Recursivley15:01
broken_How can I fix this?15:01
ThecksSharpie: -R is recursive, so it will do all files and folders in that directory even the files 10 folders deep15:01
geniibleh typos15:01
hussamahh good ol ubuntu15:01
Sharpiegenii: ok, thanks =o15:01
Picixeer: If anything didn't install or configure properly, then it would have said so and prompted you to fix it.15:01
jmagderHas anyone had a problem where they restart their computer, and it resumes from a hibernate file, even though they "restarted" and didn't hibernate?15:01
systemd0wngenii, Its a log analyzer?  I was looking to monitor a remove server15:01
Inuyasha32246so suddenly firefox font zoom is fuked up15:01
hussamjmagder: statee it15:01
Inuyasha32246and no i didnt accidentally ctrl+15:01
geniisystemd0wn: Since the web logs also contain the uptime of the webserver it is there too15:01
jmagderhussam: Sorry, not sure what you mean. :)15:01
hussamjmagder: did u reboot it from the system or did u force one?15:02
Inuyasha32246any ideas?15:02
jaymnow its fine and bright15:02
jattW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/smbfs_3.0.22-1ubuntu3.4_i386.deb15:02
jatt403 Forbidden15:02
djm62LjL: at this stage I'm confused.  it's reporting that it's going to download 1253M, but I'm running it off the cdrom and presumably most of that should be on the CD.  I can't imagine that I have the default install plus a gigabyte plus of random extras.  if I do, I can afford to remove them, but I can't download that much15:02
systemd0wngenii, right but if the server is down i wont know right now. i will know when i have access to the logs again :)15:02
Sharpiei'll be more specific this time, let's say i want to backup my firefox profile folder (~/.mozilla/..) every day. which program would be best suited for the task?15:02
jmagderhussam: I think I just restarted from the shutdown menu.  I had hibernated a reboot before that.15:02
jatttrying to update dapper15:02
hussamare u sure this is a linuX problem15:02
hussamthis happens in Xp quite a few times15:03
ThecksSharpie: A cron job15:03
hussamooo wait15:03
hussamlogg the session off15:03
LjLdjm62, try changing the sources.list manually to gutsy (keep a backup!), and doesn't an apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade, but WITHOUT saying "Yes"... just look at what it says it's going to download.  just to make sure it's not just update manager going mad15:03
Inuyasha32246sudo apt-get install sbackup15:03
jmagderhussam: Yes, its a linux problem.  Unfortunately it corrupted my HD.  I rebooted and so many inodes were then linked together.15:03
LjLdjm62: then restore the backup sources.list15:03
Inuyasha32246for sharpie15:03
geniisystemd0wn: A simple thing you could do is write a shell script that does a ps |grep apache         then if not true emails you a note the webserver is not running15:03
LjLdjm62: and when i said "and doesn't", i meant "and do".15:04
SharpieInuyasha32246: try to start the sentence with "Sharpie:", that way it's highlighted15:04
SharpieInuyasha32246: anyway, i'll try it, thanks15:04
djm62LjL: Good Call, and exactly the sort of advice I was looking for15:04
hussamjmagder: hrmmm...... force an unpected reboot like directly from the cpu15:04
jmagderhussam: you mean using sudo reboot?15:04
Inuyasha32246so any ideas why my firefox fonts suddenly changed in size?15:05
dimeotaneis there a way to edit the xubuntu menu?  I want the kids account not to show accessories or system tools15:05
hussamcutt the supple of power15:05
hussamthen plug it back it15:05
geniisystemd0wn: As far as some gui app which you can monitor the webserver...consider, if the server is down and the app runs there, you will be in a catch-22 of not being able to access it and so know the server is down etc15:05
broken_Whenever I turn on my computer (19 inch widescreen) my monitor goes blank until the login page says something about out of sync 90hz / 60 refresh :/15:05
dimeotaneInuyasha32246: you can change fonts with mouse scroll button and alt +15:05
Picidimeotane: I suggest asking in #xubuntu, most of us here use Gnome not xfce.15:05
Inuyasha32246thats nice and all, but should I worry that they changed on their own?15:06
dimeotanehow do I configure the gnome menu then15:06
SharpieInuyasha32246: um, is there a GUI in this app? :\15:06
Sharpieuh, where15:06
jattis security.ubuntu.com down?15:06
clockbiscuitctrl + mouse scroll does fonts15:06
Picidimeotane: right click the menu title and go to edit.15:06
Inuyasha32246system-administration-simple backup config15:06
erUSUL!fixres | broken_15:06
ubotubroken_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto15:06
HunterKillerI have few graphical bugs... I get visual artifacts in the form of lines across my screen until I do something like drag a selection box over the area or move a window over the area and the dimming effect when I'm asked for a password when I open the package manager doesn't fill my whole screen.15:06
systemd0wngenii, Well its shared hosting so thats not going to work. :)  I suppose i could write something for nmap, have it Ping the remote webserver then have it check to see if port 80 is open.  Ya im looking to run something on my laptop to check if the remote webserver is functioning.  Something to give me a basic uptime graph.15:06
akincerbroken: your refresh settings are not right for your monitor as configured for x.org it sounds like15:06
SharpieInuyasha32246: thx =o15:06
gunashekarjatt: looks like it is down15:06
=== MattJ_ is now known as MattJ
Gun_SmokeHas there been any thought into spliting the Ubuntu channel?  Not as in +1 or -offtopic, or the like.  But to limit traffic?  I've been visiting this channel for some time now.. I remember when there would only be around ~400 in the channel an it was much easier to follow along with what was going on.15:06
jattgunashekar: ok thanks15:07
strk_since upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy I get this: ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/cairo/_cairo.so: undefined symbol: cairo_clip_extents15:07
strk_any idea how to fix it ?15:07
broken_akincer: how can i fix this?  I remembered something about dpkg-reconfigure-xorg-server15:07
Inuyasha32246Gun_Smoke \ thats a good idea15:07
gunashekarjatt: it is working now15:07
geniisystemd0wn: Or just have a dummy file that you wget and report if success or no15:07
PiciGun_Smoke: Yes, its been discussed many times. The decision is always not to do it.  Short answer, we'd end up with so much traffic sending people to other channels that its not even worth it.15:08
akincerbroken: First find the settings for your monitor. Most new monitors have the settings on the sticker on the back15:08
systemd0wngenii, ya that could work :)15:08
Inuyasha32246yeah thats true enough15:08
Symmetriaurgh can someone tell me how to configure ip addresses on interfaces in ubuntu in cli, which files do i edit15:08
* Symmetria has used bsd for far 2 long15:08
systemd0wngenii, ah :( but i wanted pretty graphs and stuff... eh' oh well i guess i will have to take functionality over form this time15:08
NutubuntuAfter upgrading from Feisty my monitor and mouse settings don't seem to be detected, so I'm back at 800x600 with a generic mouse, how do I reconfigure to get my old settings back?15:08
Inuyasha32246sudo apt-get install xorg-edit15:08
=== ^kaminix is now known as kaminix
geniiSymmetria: /etc/network/interfaces  normally. Do man interfaces for help15:09
Symmetriathanks gentii15:09
Symmetriagenii I mean15:09
akincerbroken: Then you can do one of two things -- 1) Use the screens and graphics utility under System > Administration > Screens and Graphics OR 2) Hand edit your xorg.conf file15:09
Inuyasha32246Sorry Nutubuntu15:09
Inuyasha32246that was to you15:09
geniiSymmetria: np15:09
broken_akincer: this monitor supports up to 76hz refresh rate supposedly, but right now i can only use 60hz15:09
Inuyasha32246whats wrong with 60hz15:09
broken_akincer:  can I not reconfigure xorg?15:09
NutubuntuThanks Inuyasha32246 ... I saw "xorg" and figured that it must be :)15:09
akincerbroken: I actually recommend editing xorg.conf by hand in cases where things don't seem right15:09
Inuyasha32246of course you can15:09
freak124I have deinstalled ubuntu and now I'm trying to reinstall it, thoug there is something strange going on: nautilus can see my other partitions and so can windows, but the installer and gparted can't, so I can't install ubuntu again. I could try the alternate cd to install, but that wouldn't solve the problems. I hope someone can help, I've been asking this for about 3 months now...15:09
akincerbroken: Sure, you can do that if you prefer15:09
broken_Alright.. one of my concerns is I can actually see the background twitching the pixels or I don't know what it is..15:10
Inuyasha32246during install list option no acpi15:10
strk_FYI: I found it was due to a cairo package manually installed, uninstallign the manual installation fixed it15:10
broken_I'm not sure what attributes to that.15:10
Symmetriahrm thats odd, in /etc/network/interfaces I have a definition that looks right but it doesnt start on boot15:11
djm62LjL: that's weird, dist-upgrade says it needs to get 1616M, as opposed to 1253M which would imply that  only 363 MB of packages would come off the CD.  is that sane?15:11
akincerbroken: You need to make sure both your horizontal and vertical refresh rates are in line with specs15:11
Inuyasha32246I dont know why but that worked for me and I had the same problem15:11
Gun_SmokeAt the moment I can only keep about ~30 sec of posts in the window, with larger post such as freak124's its even less.  Perhaps the topic should be revisited.15:11
NutubuntuInuyasha3224 - do I need to enable some non-default repos for xorg-edit? can't find it in aptitude15:11
freak124Inuyasha32246, where is that?15:11
Inuyasha32246h/o freak15:11
Inuyasha32246nutu, yes15:11
xeeri'm so confused. when i login my gdm will blank the screen brown and then do nothing. eventually it restarts back to the login.15:11
broken_akincer: on the back of my monitor it says "50/60Hz" im not sure what the first number is, but the second is refresh?15:11
akincerbroken: Newer monitors often will alert you when your settings aren't optimal with a little box that says something like "For best performance, use . . . ."15:12
Inuyasha32246you need to open a web browser, type in google.com, and search for xorg-edit15:12
SharpieInuyasha32246: i'm in sbackup but the destination dialog doesn't let me choose a different partition (or even browse to the /media dir)15:12
LjLdjm62, no, it doesn't sound very sane to me... try giving me a pastebin of your sources.list15:12
akincerbroken: When in doubt, go to the manufacturers website15:12
Inuyasha32246why would you want to backup a media drive15:12
snowniak_does anybody knows how to set the ulimit's on linux??15:12
Inuyasha32246thats temp storage15:12
SharpieInuyasha32246: i wanna backup from sda to sdb15:13
ikoniasnowniak_: ulimt is the command15:13
snowniak_like stacksize?15:13
Inuyasha32246no shiz15:13
zeroflagis there any way to get frame-/seamless windows emulation in gnome/ubuntu? I'd like to open a windows program (visualstudio = C++/CLI = incompatible with wine and mono) but have it's windows managed by gnome/compiz. the seamless solution on the wiki 1) doesn't work 2) for me.15:13
snowniak_but ulimit only shows15:13
Symmetriahrm what is the name of the graphical network config app in ubuntu btw?15:13
SharpieInuyasha32246: so is there no way to do it with sbackup? :\15:13
ikoniasnowniak_: no you can use ulimit to set15:13
Symmetriaif I wanted to start it manually with a command15:13
Inuyasha32246ok real quick, any one who i am helping, plz comment now15:13
Inuyasha32246i forgot15:13
pshrsbackup sucks, just do a tar backup of the things u want backed up15:13
jribzeroflag: "doesn't work"?  You need to provide more details15:14
SharpieInuyasha32246: is there no way to choose another partition in sbackup?15:14
DavidVectorI'm having a strange php error on restarting apache -- Ubuntu Gutsy -- http://pastebin.com/m2ad5aed.  Ideas anyone15:14
djm62LjL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44741/ there it is15:14
Inuyasha32246yesyes there is15:14
Sharpiehow? :\15:14
ikoniaDavidVector: you've messed with your php.ini15:14
Inuyasha32246you obviously figured out the using custom part15:14
zeroflagjrib: 1) it's kinda bitchy in what it likes to launch and what it doesn't and 2) I need my target application to spawn new windows and even processes (it's an IDE with debugger after all) which won't work with the proposed solution.15:15
Inuyasha32246under include15:15
Inuyasha32246add directory15:15
SharpieInuyasha32246: yes, i chose the dir i wanted15:15
SharpieInuyasha32246: but the destination is the problem15:15
djm62LjL: the new version was just that with s/feisty/gutsy/g15:15
kalpikDavidVector, maybe there is a file included round about near that line.. so the problem could be in another file..15:15
h1voltageI need to blacklist a kernel module before booting to the Gutsy livecd.  Anyone know the boot parameter for that?15:16
Inuyasha32246im not getting your drife15:16
Inuyasha32246you want to backup TO a partition15:16
broken_akincer: in my xorg.conf there is no area that talks about refresh rates, and / or syncs15:16
SharpieInuyasha32246: i want to set /media/sdb as my destination15:16
ikoniaDavidVector: you did use the php and apache versions out of the official ubuntu repo's didn't you ?15:16
Inuyasha32246not your primary i suppose?15:16
SharpieInuyasha32246: nope15:16
ikoniaDavidVector: did you change anything in your php.ini15:16
Symmetriahrm other than sticking an interface definition in /etc/network/interfaces is there anything else I need to do to make it process that definition on boot15:16
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork15:16
SharpieInuyasha32246: but the dialog only shows root and home15:16
akincerbroken: What do you see under Section "Monitor"15:16
Ax-Axif I want windows on a partition, should I install Windows first?15:16
DavidVectorikonia: yes I did.  I changed a few settings in the php.ini file, but nothing big.15:17
pshrAx-Ax: yes15:17
ikoniaDavidVector ok so its going to be sometehing silly like a comment being uncommented or a line not ending with ;15:17
Inuyasha32246use custom local backup directory15:17
DavidVectorikonia: Here is the php.ini: http://pastebin.com/d335351e515:17
soundrayAx-Ax: yes15:17
Symmetriaactually stuff it will do this from home :)15:17
broken_akincer: just my monitor name, default depth (24) and the modes (1440x1100)15:17
bazhangAx-Ax: either way will work--installing windows first is just a bit easier15:17
SharpieInuyasha32246: but it only shows root and home =\15:17
Inuyasha32246navigate backwards to sda115:17
Inuyasha32246in /media/15:17
SharpieInuyasha32246: oh there it is :D15:18
SharpieInuyasha32246: lol i'm an idiot15:18
Inuyasha32246look CAREFULLY15:18
akincerbroken: what make and model is your monitor?15:18
DavidVectorikonia:  I thought so too, but could not find anything interesting near the line.  Also, I get this error if I delete php.ini altogether (!)15:18
LjLdjm62: it's a bit of a mess with repeated repositories, but that shouldn't really affect anything... but there IS one thing, i would NOT keep the proposed repositories enabled, ever, and especially when upgrading. i don't know if that might account for such a huge difference in downloaded size... but try removing them and seeing15:18
SharpieInuyasha32246: i'm not really used to gnome :P15:18
Inuyasha32246next to home15:18
SharpieInuyasha32246: yeah15:18
SharpieInuyasha32246: that button is so thin >_<15:18
ikoniaDavidVector: do you want my php.ini files to diff against ?15:18
NutubuntuLater all -- be well15:18
Inuyasha32246you gettin it now?15:18
SharpieInuyasha32246: yeah15:18
DavidVectorikonia: YES, thanks!15:18
SharpieInuyasha32246: thx15:18
broken_akincer: LG 194WTX15:18
ikoniaDavidVector: what ubuntu version ?15:18
ikoniaDavidVector: 2 minutes15:19
DavidVectorGutsy, I mean :-)15:19
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:19
broken_akincer: (speaking of which my dvi-d connection gives me no video at all, but maybe this is due to the computer I just built it yesterday)15:19
DavidVectorikonia:  Thanks, I'll do the comparison, but how could I get such an error with a line number if there is no php.ini file (when I delete it)?15:19
ikoniaDavidVector so you've deleted the php.ini file and its still complaining15:20
Inuyasha32246broken_, once the silicon settles in it'll all work just fine15:20
DavidVectorikonia:  Yes, I can move it out of the directory and it still complains about line 269!15:20
Inuyasha32246so who is having xorg woes?15:20
h1voltageHow do you disable a kernel module in LiveCD? Anyone?15:21
ikoniaDavidVector: and it still complains about /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini15:21
soundrayInuyasha32246: unless the bit rot has started by then15:21
ikoniaDavidVector: the path didn't change15:21
Inuyasha32246ive gotten pretty good at fixing the fuker15:21
Inuyasha32246hehe, nice.15:21
Pici!language | Inuyasha3224615:21
ubotuInuyasha32246: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:21
DavidVectorikonia:  Yes.  No, the path didn't change, it's the same error . . . one moment and I'll reconfirm.15:21
erUSULh1voltage: rmmod it when it is running15:21
graulichafter any time I watch/hear anything on youtube, xine can't play anything on amarok anymore. any way to release xine afterwards, or better yet stop this from happening?15:21
ikoniaDavidVector: thats odd15:21
Inuyasha32246that word means "to fluff"15:21
h1voltageerUSUL: im trying to disable ata_piix before it loads at boot so that ahci module catches my harddrives15:22
Inuyasha32246graulich: man, im sorry i just had this happen15:22
freak124Inuyasha32246: I don't see the option no acpi anywhere?15:22
broken_Inuyasha32246: really? Thats an issue?15:22
Inuyasha32246heres what you do, under sounf in system-pref, turn off esd15:22
=== elkbuntu_ is now known as elkbuntu
Inuyasha32246freak124: you have to type it in15:23
DavidVectorikonia: Just tried it again, error: PHP:  Error parsing /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini on line 26915:23
freak124Inuyasha32246: when starting the live cd?15:23
akincerbroken: Are you located in the US or another country?15:23
freak124ok ty15:23
ikoniaDavidVector: thats super odd. DavidVector it doesn't mean line 269 on the apache.conf that is referencing it does it15:24
broken_akincer: Canada15:24
Inuyasha32246press 6 at the first screen15:24
Inuyasha32246and add no -acpi15:24
akincerthought so. that helps15:24
=== jordi__ is now known as JordiGH
graulichInuyasha32246, could you be more specific? I can't find the ESD option, maybe I'm not looking in the right place15:25
JordiGHHm, Kubuntu has been giving me issues. Why won't it mount the Windows partition?15:25
Inuyasha32246its in the second tab15:25
JordiGHAlso, the fstab has this weird UID thing. UUID=hexcrapcrapcrap15:25
DavidVectorikonia:  I looked at apache2.conf, that line is comments.  php.conf is just a few lines, no ref to the ini file.  I also de-installed and re-installed php5 . . .15:25
EiccaI tried to run gparted live cd, but after "Activating Device-Mapping RAID(s)" and like 5 minutes, nothing happens. Then it just gives errors15:25
JordiGHWhy does it have that instead of /dev/sdawhatever ?15:25
Eiccaand finally it gives this "Invalid boot location /gparted.dat"15:25
akincerbroken: Add these lines to your xorg.conf under the Section "Monitor"15:25
ikoniaDavidVector very unusual15:26
erUSULh1voltage: why don't you enable ahci in bios (if that's possible)15:26
soundray!uuid | JordiGH15:26
broken_akincer:  ok.15:26
ubotuJordiGH: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)15:26
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DavidVectorikonia: yup.15:26
Inuyasha32246oh ish, i forgot broken_, sorry man15:26
akincerHorizsync       30.0-83.015:26
graulichInuyasha32246, second tab where?15:26
Ax-AxDoes the Windows-installer destroy my partitions?15:26
Inuyasha32246oh jezus15:26
akincerVertrefresh     56.0-75.015:26
ikoniaDavidVector: isn't there a command line option for php that will print config , eg: php --info and you can see where it wants to look for the config file, it prints the ssame as "phpinfo();"15:26
PiciAx-Ax: Only if you tell it to.  Otherwise it just overwrites the mbr(grub)15:26
Eiccaand finally it gives this "Invalid loop location /gparted.dat"15:26
Inuyasha32246which version are you on?15:26
djm62LjL: after that change it still claims that I have to download 1143M, so it had an effect15:27
broken_akincer: ok got that, Horizsync 30-83 Vertrefresh 56-7515:27
graulichInuyasha32246, I'm on Gutsy running xubuntu-desktop (but I have all the gnome stuff from before I put on xubuntu-desktop)15:27
JordiGHsoundray: I ask because it looks like I'll have to manually add an entry to fstab for the NTFS partition. Do I have to do it with that UUID thing?15:27
HunterKillerI have few graphical bugs... I get visual artifacts in the form of lines across my screen until I do something like drag a selection box over the area or move a window over the area and the dimming effect when I'm asked for a password when I open the package manager doesn't fill my whole screen.15:27
akincerbroken: Yep, one per line15:27
HunterKillercan someone help me?15:27
broken_akincer: and this all goes under section monitor?15:27
Inuyasha32246im in full gnome, so I'm not sure if you even have the same sound properties window as i do15:28
Eiccacan someone help me?15:28
akincerbroken: then restart X15:28
soundrayJordiGH: no, you can use old-style device names and UUIDs interchangeably. Your NTFS partition does have a UUID though -- find out with blkid15:28
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Inuyasha32246can i get a verify on the following terminal command to help graulich15:28
Inuyasha32246rm mod esd15:28
DavidVectorikonia: phpinfo shows that it is looking for the .ini file in /etc/php5/apache215:28
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broken_ok akincer one sec15:29
soundrayInuyasha32246: no, that's wrong15:29
djm62LjL: crazy-ish idea.  if I transfer the files from the CD to /var/cache/apt/archives would that fool it into believing that I already have them?15:29
Inuyasha32246were getting to you15:29
gunashekarEicca: just type your request fully. i am sure someone will have an answer15:29
Inuyasha32246Eicca: were getting to you15:29
ikoniaDavidVector: that is very odd15:29
Inuyasha32246it is15:29
DavidVectorikonia: It also gives a series of other files that are being parsed . . . perhaps I'll need to track them down.15:29
Inuyasha32246ty sound tray15:29
JordiGHsoundray: So is this UUID a level of generality I need not concern myself with?15:29
graulichInuyasha32246, "no such directory"15:29
broken_akincer: xserver fatal error15:29
ikoniaDavidVector possible, I've not seen that behaviour before15:29
soundrayJordiGH: please look at the links that ubotu sent.15:29
ganeshhegdehow to run cpp file15:30
akincerbroken: That's the right setting for you monitor. Something else is wrong15:30
JordiGHsoundray: There's a bunch of acronyms there I have no idea what they are. Should I look them all up in Wikipedia?15:30
Inuyasha32246ok basically you want to figure out how to remove esd from the startup modules15:30
soundrayJordiGH: I personally would use a UUID whenever possible15:30
ganeshhegdehow to compile c++ program15:30
broken_akincer: let me look at out[put15:30
Inuyasha32246you wont have that happy go lucky startup noise any more15:30
ikoniaganeshhegde if you have to ask, you shouldn't be doing it15:30
Tomcat_ganeshhegde: g++ myprog.cpp15:31
Inuyasha32246but it should fix the problem of breaking xine after playing sounds in a web browser15:31
JordiGHBtw, the ubot factoid is wrong. blkid doesn't need sudo.15:31
soundrayJordiGH: what's the problem you're trying to solve? Just mounting an NTFS partition through fstab?15:31
broken_"Horizsync" is not a valid keyword in this section akincer15:31
Inuyasha32246ganeshhegde: get geany15:31
broken_akincer: if memory serves me right its "HorizSync" ?15:31
DavidVectorikonia:  I put this into launchpad early this morning as #17967 -- if you think of anything, pls post there.  Perhaps there's a debug troface of some kind that can show every step of PHP initialization?15:31
ikoniabroken_ HorizSync15:31
Inuyasha32246sudo apt-get install geany15:31
JordiGHsoundray: Yep. I'm running afoul of some KDE bug where such automounting isn't happening automatically.15:31
ikoniaDavidVector: I will, I'm just running a test on a 7.04 box as my 7.10 box is not turned on15:31
graulichInuyasha32246, I have access to all the gnome setting panels; where would I find this option?15:31
akinceron mine, it's Horizsync15:31
sanguisdexso a song just ended on banchee and now no more song will play and when I try any thing else that uses the sound card it play w/o sound (and yes I have checked my volume leves) what do I have to restart?15:31
ikoniaakincer maybe I'm wrong15:32
JordiGHAnd how does ntfs-3g work? Does it go under fs type instead of plain ntfs?15:32
graulichhappen to know the command to that Inuyasha32246?15:32
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soundray!ntfs-3g | JordiGH15:32
ubotuJordiGH: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions15:32
DavidVectorikonia: you are a prince.  I'll sign out now, but contact me via the launchpad note if you find anything.  Thkx much!15:32
ikoniaDavidVector I wll15:33
akincerlooks like x.org has it as HorizSync15:33
JordiGHAnd is it really stable? I've heard horror stories.15:33
akincerI'm not certain it's case sensitive15:33
Inuyasha32246one sec grau15:33
broken_akincer: yep, its case sensitive however I cannot get back to the xorg.conf15:33
broken_to edit it.. :/ lol15:33
sanguisdexInuyasha3224: ok when I test the sound events I get "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open resource for writing."15:33
akincerhaha. safe boot15:33
Inuyasha32246oh my jezus15:34
broken_akincer:  how do you propose i do that?15:34
ganeshhegdeTomcat_:i have gcc instaled15:34
akincerinteresting that my computer doesn't complain with the S lower case15:34
Inuyasha32246i cant handle this15:34
akincerReboot and go into grub boot options15:34
JordiGHAre aptitude and apt-get interchangeable in Ubuntu? Under Debian, they heavily disagree on what to install, with aptitude being smarter. Does apt-get in Ubuntu install recommends by default?15:34
broken_yes akincer  but remmeber i don't have a display :)15:34
Inuyasha32246anyone who i am helping IM me at surfjdh on aim yahoo msn or icq15:34
akincerthat won't matter on boot15:34
graulichthx Inuyasha32246 :)15:34
techjimany1 have a problem where the mouse cursor leaves behind sticky frames?  videos also have low fps on gutsy.  worked fine on feisty15:34
grindcorecan someone give me couple of answers about install ubuntu 7.10 on private chat?15:34
akincerIf your monitor isn't showing boot screens, you've got a broken monitor15:34
broken_Its not displaying it because of sync issues15:35
broken_Oh oops, I missed that.15:35
akincerbroken: X isn't running at boot15:35
Inuyasha32246akincer: If your monitor isn't showing boot screens, you've got a broken monitor"      what?15:35
soundrayJordiGH: use my nick so I don't miss your replies. Yes, ntfs-3g is stable15:35
Inuyasha32246no x at boot man15:35
soundrayJordiGH: the usual wisdom about backups applies15:35
akincerYou know, ram checks, Dell/HP/whatever splash screens15:35
akincerI'm not sure what's so difficult to understand about that15:36
godzirrahowdy folks.  How come ubuntu doesn't execute .bashrc or .bash_profile if I'm using bash as my shell?15:36
WinterWeaverI cannot connect to the router on my network. the Page just keeps loading, but nothing shows. Please help15:36
broken_akincer: in either case i got in, I changed the spelling to "HorizSync" and it outputs the same error "HorizSync" is not a valid keyword fo this section.15:36
Inuyasha32246i am no longer trying to help people in this chaos15:37
MattJgodzirra: I think it does for me...15:37
broken_This is under monitor.l15:37
Inuyasha32246if you need help with gnome, xorg, or ati15:37
MattJgodzirra: I use it to set a colour prompt15:37
Inuyasha32246give me an external15:37
akincerUnder root heading Section "Monitor"15:37
JordiGHsoundray: I'm not always replying to you. Sometimes I simply ask in general. :-)15:37
godzirraMattJ: Well crud.  it doesnt for me.15:37
kutahow to keep my kubuntu updated ?15:37
godzirra MattJ and I've no idae why :/15:37
soundrayJordiGH: fine, your loss15:37
broken_akincer: sorry I must be on something this morning.. probably lack of sleep, I was typing it in screen >.<15:38
akincerbroken: it will be the very first time Section "Monitor" appears15:38
MattJgodzirra: I use .bashrc, don't know about _profile15:38
ganeshhegdeI hav gcc installed how to compile a c++ program?15:38
grindcorecan someone give me couple of answers about install ubuntu 7.10 on private chat?15:38
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.15:38
JordiGHganeshhegde: Is this a programe you wrote yourself?15:38
WinterWeaverI cannot connect to the router on my network. the Page just keeps loading, but nothing shows. Please help15:39
JordiGHganeshhegde: In general, for C++ you'll need the g++ package which, technically, yes, is part of gcc.15:39
MattJgodzirra: Maybe an error in the script?15:39
MattJgodzirra: Permissions not right?15:39
akincerbroken: did that fix it?15:39
broken_akincer: startx, and it worked fine, shoudl I be worried that I do have the otpion for higher then 60hz in the screen resolution options?15:40
ganeshhegde JordiGH:ok...i wrote it in turbo c....need to compile in linux platform15:40
broken_akincer: but other then that it worked.15:40
broken_I haveto reboot to see if I get a load up screen.15:40
JordiGHganeshhegde: Did you use standard C++?15:40
akincerbroken: I always trust the documentation and not what options I'm given in the OS15:40
JordiGHganeshhegde: E.g. none of this #include <conio.h> crap? :-)15:40
alunohshjkjf;klf;siufiuf bfufũf9]] 8]0w980  u ew15:41
aluno fuyfew ar7t yer JHF15:41
Picialuno: stop15:41
alunoIUSD~WS9809QOW 0IFD SOEI15:41
kutaany syn program like in Mac OSX syn?15:41
dgjones!ops | aluno15:41
ubotualuno: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici15:41
broken_akincer: no, analog out of range ....15:42
* broken_ sighs15:42
JordiGHkuta: What is syn? What does it do?15:42
kutais there a sync program for me to connect my motorola V3 to backup contact?15:42
broken_akincer: would you know why that is occuring still?15:43
broken_I will try my dvi-d cable now see if that changes.15:43
kutahow to backup handphone contact using a usb cable?15:43
JordiGHGreat, ntfs-config isn't actually doing anything and my ntfs partition still isn't mounted. :-/15:44
ganeshhegdeJordiGH:I used it...#include<conio.h>15:44
akincerbroken: Under monitor, do you have any modeline settings? For example15:45
JordiGHganeshhegde: That's not standard C++. It won't compile under a GNU system.15:45
akincermodeline  "1024x768@75" 78.8 1024 1040 1136 1312 768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync15:45
Inuyasha32246if you need help with gnome, xorg, or ati give me an external, aim=surfjdh15:45
kutais there a iSybc like in OSX for ubuntu?15:45
ganeshhegdeJordiGH:then what should i do?how co compile?15:45
JordiGHganeshhegde: If your code is short, paste it somewhere. I can help you figure out what parts of your code aren't standard C++ and thus won't compile.15:45
JordiGHganeshhegde: You'll have to modify your code.15:46
broken_akincer: no15:46
soundraykuta: search in synaptic for "motorola phone" and you'll see a few relevant packages15:46
ganeshhegdeya i ll pestbin it15:46
akincerbroken: I think that might be part of your issue. What res are you wanting to operate at?15:46
Inuyasha32246ok josh is trying to fix his sound15:46
Inuyasha32246im back beyatches15:46
broken_75 hz if it is possible akincer15:46
akincerbroken: No, I mean 1024x768 ...15:47
ushabais it possible to alter the desktop menus in gnome the way one can in kde?15:47
broken_Ugh i'm so irritated, I plug in this dvi-d cable and it gives me no signal either.15:47
broken_akincer: 1400x90015:47
ushababasically making middle-click the desktop menu and right click an applications menu?15:47
JordiGHAh, ntfs-config worked now. But it wouldn't let me mount wherever I wanted.15:48
akincerbroken: I'm trying to figure out how to construct that modeline for you15:49
ganeshhegdeJordiGH: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44745/15:49
broken_akincer: much appreciated15:49
kutaany opensource for ubuntu to create flash?15:49
ushabaany gnome gurus here?15:50
JordiGHkuta: Flash isn't open source, so no.15:50
o00wwhat does "install: missing destination file operand after " mean?15:50
JordiGHkuta: The format itself, I mean.15:50
Inuyasha32246right here ushaba15:50
ushabaok, inuyasha15:50
mavi-there is opensource flash players15:50
JordiGHganeshhegde: Wow, you're using some very pre-standard C++. #include <iostream.h> is waaaay deprecated.15:50
mavi-but no creators15:50
ushabai just have a question about editing the desktop menu15:50
kutabut I need to create flash15:51
ushabai want to make the right click raise an applications menu15:51
JordiGHkuta: Then perhpas you'd like to help the people who are reverse engineering flash.15:51
ushabaand the middle be the original desktop menu if possible15:51
Inuyasha32246lets see15:51
ushabais this a nautilus script problem?15:51
ushabaor is there an easier way to accomplish this?15:51
kutajordiGH: what u mean?15:51
Inuyasha32246oh theres an easier way15:51
ushabai basically want it to work like fluxbox or even kde does15:52
JordiGHkuta: Reverse engineer flash. Help us write a flash creator. For this, we have to first figure out how flash works, since Adobe won't tell us.15:52
broken_On a side note, is there a way to monitor cpu temps with ubuntu? A nice gui progrm15:52
Paddy_EIRE      kuta there is no alternative to flash professional on linux15:52
Aw0Lanyone know how to install a package with support for something specific?  like nmap with or without X support?15:53
soundrayushaba: gnome isn't very customization-friendly like that.15:53
soundraybroken_: use mbmon. You can run it from a script and use zenity to create GUI output.15:53
ushabasoundray: i've noticed15:53
mavi-JordiGH: there is open source flash programs15:54
ushabathis is the only big problem i have with gnome though15:54
PiciAw0L: nmap doesnt have X support...15:54
Paddy_EIREushaba, perhaps you should try xfce?15:54
JordiGHmavi-: Which are not yet complete.15:54
ushabaeverything else is decent and reliable, and chinese works fine15:54
JordiGHmavi-: And like you said, only players.15:54
ushabalast time i used xfce, applications would mysteriously die constnatly and had to be killed from the terminal15:54
ushabathat was last year, maybe it's better now15:54
ganeshhegdeJordiGH:then which is d standard 1?can u help in compiling this?15:54
* Rabiddog bbl, gotta goto work15:54
mavi-JordiGH: there is several projects developing IDEs for creating them to15:54
mavi-no need to reverse-engineer anything15:54
Aw0LPici, no nmap gui in ubuntu huh?  Well, what I really want is rsync with acl support...how can you specify this is ubuntu/debian?15:55
JordiGHmavi-: Flash isn't completely reverse engineered yet, is it?15:55
Paddy_EIREno its not JordiGH15:55
=== joeyowns is now known as joenewb
JordiGHmavi-: I thought the Gnash people still had issues figuring out parts of Flash 9.15:55
soundrayushaba: is using the logo keys an option?15:55
ushabalogo keys?15:55
=== joenewb is now known as Isolder
JordiGHkuta: Btw, you may want to take a look at Processing. It isn't exactly flash, but it's close.15:55
ushabathe so-called windows keys?15:55
akincerbroken: modeline  "1440x900" 105.75 1440 1488 1520 1600 900 903 909 931 +HSync -Vsync15:55
PiciAw0L: if thats not how the rsync package was compiled, then you'll have to compile it from source.15:55
akincerbroken: try that. I'm not convinced it will work15:56
soundrayushaba: between Ctrl and Alt in my case, and there's one showing a menu pictogram on the right as well15:56
JordiGHkuta: Processing is based on Java which isn't free yet, but it's a lot closer to being free than Flash is.15:56
ushabayeah, it's a think pad15:56
=== WorkRoey is now known as Roey
Aw0LPici, ok, thanks15:57
Isolderi have just installed ubuntu server for the first time and i am totally unsure what's up15:57
JordiGHganeshhegde: I'm not sure if it's worth it. Basically, you should be doing #include <iostream> instead of #include <iostream.h> and #include <cstdlib> instead of #include<stdlib.h>15:57
PiciJordiGH: Saying that processing is close to flash is a bit of a stretch imo.15:57
ushabathere must be some text file somewhere in gnome where i can tell it to listen to me15:57
ushabait can launch the debian menu for all i care15:57
IsolderAm I supposed to have sudo access with the initial user I set up during server install?15:57
JordiGHPici: It's for writing interactive web apps. ;-)15:57
PiciJordiGH: Yes, I've made a few things in processing.15:58
akincerbroken: Did that work?15:58
Inuyasha32246well, I tried a script bind, but gnomes all mighty main menu kicked itd arse15:58
JordiGHganeshhegde: Then you'll need some namespace declarations.15:58
xeerhi. when i startx i get the X and the tiled background, that's it though. what could cause it to not load all the way?15:58
Inuyasha32246sorry all I fail, Ill be back on later, ushaba I am actually interested in trying this now, so im me at surfjdh=AIM15:59
JordiGHxeer: Your .xsession, perhaps?15:59
Inuyasha32246im stepping out for a smoke15:59
Inuyasha32246thats my screen name15:59
IsolderWhat would cause me to not have sudo access on a fresh server install? that can't be default.. otherwise I'd be unable to do anything?16:00
soundrayIsolder: is your user member of the admin group?16:00
xeerJordiGH, i don't receive an error or any kind of prompt16:00
IsolderI don't know.. I think the server install said the user would not have administrative privileges16:01
IsolderI'm confused how I could set up anything ifi'm not admin though16:01
JordiGHxeer: Do you have Gnome/KDE/Xfce installed?16:01
WinterWeaverI cannot connect to the router on my network. the Page just keeps loading, but nothing shows. Please help16:01
soundrayIsolder: let's just verify that: run 'groups' and see if 'admin' is listed16:01
xeerJordiGH, yes i have Gnome installed16:01
IsolderI tried reading the documentation.. but I guess I can't find where it says anything about a server install. everything seems gui16:01
ganeshhegdeJordiGH:which r those?16:02
JordiGHganeshhegde: I'm not sure about ctype.h What does that do?16:02
Isolderno, I am not in the admin group16:02
idefix_how can you invite search bots to your site?16:02
JordiGHganeshhegde: I recommend you move this discussion to ##c++ They'll be able to tell you more about how to make your code standard and thus compilable on a GNU system or, theoretically, on any system.16:02
soundrayIsolder: to fix this, you can reboot in recovery mode (grub menu option) and run 'adduser username admin'16:03
ganeshhegdeJordiGH:ya ....thank u wery much....16:03
soundrayIsolder: did you only create the one user during install?16:03
saculHOLA, hay alguien que habla español ????????????????????16:03
idefix_soundray, you can find my FT-report on my site16:03
broken_akincer: got my dvi-d working and its fine now, it doesn't have teh sync issues just nothing to see for about 10 seconds until ubuntu loads.16:03
soundray!es | sacul16:03
ubotusacul: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.16:03
IsolderYeah I only created the one user during install. that's all the option it gave me16:03
xeerJordiGH, is it that X is in a deadlock? is there a log i can view?16:03
hypa7iai'm having some trouble with i think compiz, getting multiple keypress events being recieved when there should be only one16:03
IsolderIs that the only way to get server up and running every time? reboot and go through the recovery process?16:04
JordiGHxeer: Have you logged in from gdm already?16:04
soundrayIsolder: no, once will fix it.16:04
Isolderyeah, but do you always have to do it once on a fresh install?16:04
akincerbroken: that's great! did any of those settings prove fruitful?16:04
soundrayIsolder: after that, you'll be able to use sudo16:04
Isolderseems odd16:04
broken_akincer: i believe so16:04
broken_thanks :)16:04
xeerJordiGH, yes i've logged in through gdm and it seems to just stall16:04
soundrayIsolder: no, somehow you've created a non-default install in that respect.16:05
akincerbroken: no problem. just spread the love. pay it forward16:05
JordiGHxeer: See if there are any clues in /var/log/Xorg.0.log, near the bottom.16:05
broken_heh )16:05
Isolderthat's odd.. i did everything it said step by step in the installation16:05
Ax-AxIf I have a Ubuntu install and a FAT32 partition, can I install Windows 98SE on it without killing my other partitions?16:05
Isolderi think i'll rerun the install to see if it somehow skipped the admin user..16:05
soundrayIsolder: odder things have been known to happen.16:05
hypa7iaAx-Ax: the windows install would kill your mbr, but you can just re-fix that with a livecd16:06
IsolderSo does it initially set up an admin pass and a non admin user?16:06
Isolderif it goes right, i mean16:06
Paddy_EIREAx-Ax, 1 sec.. I'll get you a guide16:06
soundrayAx-Ax: remember, we're not Windows experts here. Most of us, at least.16:06
Ax-Axhypa7ia, Does it touch my ubuntu partitions?16:06
hypa7iaAx-Ax: it shouldn't16:06
Isolderyou should have a really good reason to install 98se.. in the first place16:07
hypa7iaIsolder: lol, true16:07
soundrayIsolder: no, normally it sets up one user and adds that to the admin group automatically16:07
Isolderi see... very odd..  i am pretty sure it specificallys said the user wouldn't be admin.. oh well. i'll run the install again and see what happens16:07
Isolderthanks for your help16:07
Paddy_EIREAx-Ax, just adapt this guide to 98se http://apcmag.com/5459/dualboot_ubuntu_and_windows_xp16:08
Ax-AxIsolder, 98 is the best version of windows16:08
Paddy_EIRE2000 imo16:08
Ax-AxPaddy_EIRE, Does the 98 installer work the same way?16:09
soundrayemacs22 always shows the welcome screen first instead of the file I open -- annoying. Is there an easy way to turn that off?16:09
Isolder98 is the best version of windows?16:09
Isolderyou haven't used windows in 10 years?16:09
hypa7iaAx-Ax: if by "very best" you mean "completely unsupported and not security-patched in 5 years16:09
Paddy_EIREAx-Ax, there should really only be a few subtle differences.. otherwise come back here if you have any trouble16:10
Isolderseriously.. 98 is not even close to a good version anymore16:10
Paddy_EIREIsolder, best version of windows is the version that you dont run16:10
hypa7iaAx-Ax: lots of software won't even run on it anymore16:10
hypa7iaPaddy_EIRE: true!16:10
Paddy_EIREIsolder, or 2000 pro at a push16:10
soupedany advice on setting up an xp/ubuntu dual boot?16:11
Ax-Axhypa7ia, Isolder, I only want to run some programs, that doesn't even work on XP.16:11
Isolderax.. like what?16:11
Paddy_EIREsouped, http://apcmag.com/node/5162/16:11
soundray!dualboot > souped, please read ubotu's private message16:11
Isolderyo'ure putting the internet at risk by running 98se. and that's the truth ^_^16:11
Ax-AxIsolder, reeeal old games16:11
soundraysouped: if you already have XP, it's easy. Just let the installer resize the XP partition.16:11
ariczAx-Ax, like? you have w9x-"emu" in winxp16:12
Isolderyou'd be better off running vmware16:12
Isolderand indeed, xp can run most any 98 apps in compatibility with no trouble16:12
fifafrazerI have a very odd issue with a network printer. The printer is an old Minolta CF910 color laser printer/copier with a Fiery X2 printer server. I can easily print to using WinXP, but I have some problems using CUPS. I've tried with Samba, IPP and LPD protocols. LPD 'almost' works. I can send documents to the printer, and in the printer's web spooler application, I notice some action in the RIP queue, but the document is never send16:12
fifafrazer to the print queue, and nothing happens... I'm using the CUPS daemon.16:12
Ax-Axaricz, isolder: I WANT 98 anyway :(16:12
aricztsss.. you stubborn you.. ;) good luck16:12
dmi3onhi, i have shared folder in windows vista and i can't makelink of this folder16:14
Isolderdon't user the net on that 98 install then.. it's a bad idea and a security risk that affects others than just you16:14
ariczaffects others?16:14
soupedso comments on ubuntu vs kubuntu vs xubuntu for dual boot for web development?16:14
dmi3onif i try to move to desktop its just copy folder16:15
Isolderyes, affects others16:15
soundraysouped: install ubuntu, then add the kubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop packages. Then you can compare them all side-by-side16:15
hypa7iaAx-Ax: if they are that old, have you looked at dosbox? i've found really old games often run better on that16:15
ariczdo I really have to add a "how?"16:15
Ax-AxIsolder: If i get viruses, only Windows users get them from me16:15
Isoldera 98 machine could easily be compromised and used to perform malicious actions against other networks16:15
soundrayAx-Ax: what about spam?16:16
Isolderthose networks could also be running linux boxes16:16
Isolderso it won't just affect windows users16:16
fifafrazersouped, ubuntu vs kubuntu vs xubuntu depends on what desktop environment you prefer16:16
soundrayIsolder: is Windows MR any better in that respect?16:16
Ax-Axsoundray, what about not using mail?16:16
IsolderMe, you mean?16:16
soupedfifafrazer: i guess kde for development16:16
soundrayAx-Ax: doesn't help, if your machine is subsumed into a botnet16:16
fifafrazersouped, Then it must be kubuntu :)16:17
soupedfifafrazer: and gnome for home16:17
fifafrazerI prefer xfce4 for both16:17
soundrayIsolder: indeed, I mean ME ;)16:17
PHuberhey there -  i just upgraded to gutsy and have a question to compiz: ( i dont know how the effect is called .. when u move the cursor to the right upper corner and all opend windows are "fly" next to each other an u can pick one to work with )  ... how is this called and how can i deactivate this or change the corner .. its VERY annoying because its very close to the close buttons..16:17
Isolderyou put a 98 machine on an open network, and chances are it will be ruined by the end of the day.. unless you're very lucky16:17
nibsa1242Hi, I have a problem on my laptop. If I don't use it for a while, (and I have suspend & hibernate turned off) my keyboard stops responding. This seems to happen more often (or only) if I close the screen and its idle long enough for the screensaver to come on, but it still happens if I turn screensaver off. My mouse/touchpad still works when this occurs. Any help?16:17
Isolderand yeah i'd say ME is just as bad16:17
soupedfifafrazer: what about xubuntu, would it take up less space on a dual boot situation?16:18
Paddy_EIREPHuber, err.. move the close button16:18
Paddy_EIREPHuber, the effect is called 'Scale' by the way16:18
Ax-AxIsolder: I'm on a little LAN with some safety16:18
soundrayIsolder: okay, I'll keep it in mind (got an old ME laptop that I sometimes use for serial devices)16:18
Isoldersoundray: installing the server again and i dont think it's going to give me admin privileges, this isn uts16:19
zechsHi all--is there something like 'gnome-dock' that is both available and working?16:19
soundrayIsolder: what's your install source? Ubuntu Server CD?16:19
PHuberPaddy_EIRE .. hmm, dont what about " move the close corner"... but thx, ich will serch for this effect16:19
Paddy_EIREzechs, gnome-dock is both available and working16:19
Ax-AxIsolder: there is viruses for Linux too16:19
fifafrazersouped, I think it would use less space, but I'm not sure... You could pick the alternative disk and do a minimum install. That would use less space :)16:19
Isolderyeah.. i downloaded the 7.10  server image yesterday16:19
nibsa1242soundray: you can get a usb-> to serial adapter if you want to use those devices with XP... and possibly Linux16:19
soundrayAx-Ax: yeah, in laboratories16:19
soupedok kubuntu it is16:19
fifafrazerI prefer xfce over gnome, because it has almost the same functionality, but is faster. I dont like the KDE look and feel, but I dont know for what reason :P16:20
nibsa1242I need help with fixing an issue where my keyboard doesn't respond to any key presses if I leave my laptop idle for >2hrs or so.16:20
soundraynibsa1242: I know -- but a Thinkpad 240 is a really nice machine. The Asus Eee may be the first real competitor ;)16:20
Paddy_EIREPHuber, err lol.. I did not say to move the corner... move the button.. you do know you can put it anywhere16:20
soupedfifafrazer: kde has the kio that seems to integrate with the file manager...16:21
soundrayIsolder: I'll quickly check launchpad for reports...16:21
dmi3onwhen i try to make "link here' the shared folder which is in windows, its says "error unsupported operation"16:21
dmi3oncan any one help plz16:21
narothepharohhow do i open a 7zr package?16:21
Paddy_EIREPHuber, also you can use System> Preferences > appearance to access the compiz-fusion control center... from there you can change which corner scale works on16:21
nibsa1242soundray: don't know about that particular model, but every Thinkpad I've ever used has been a nice solid machine... haven't used one in a few years though16:22
soupedfifafrazer: so i can open up an ftp site from kdevelop16:22
Tomcat_dmi3on: Windows partitions don't support links.16:22
jimjamWhat do I use to run an M3U playlist?16:22
Isolderax-ax: a little lan or no little lan it's irresponsible to so blatantly disregard better security practices16:22
Tomcat_jimjam: Most music players can read it... rhythmbox, amarok, xmms, bmp16:22
ariczAx-Ax , install w98se and surf pr0n for 1 hour.. you'll understand.. \:D/16:22
jimjamTomcat_ Good to know. Thanks16:22
soupedso looking at the iso... what is alternate vs desktop16:22
Tomcat_souped: Alternate is a text-only installer-only disc16:23
dmi3onTomcat_: i have to make in linux folder and shere it with other com. ?16:23
PHuberPaddy_EIRE thx, it worked. just changed the corner -> now it should be fine16:23
Tomcat_souped: desktop is a LiveCD with GUI installer.16:23
narothepharohhow do i open a 7-zip archive?16:23
Tomcat_dmi3on: No idea what you want to do, sorry.16:23
soundrayIsolder: it's been reported: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/158952  -- could you please add a comment confirming it?16:23
jimjamTomcat_ Do you know if there's any way to import iTunes playlists?16:23
Tomcat_jimjam: No idea.16:24
Isoldersure, i'll get an account made and do that soundray16:24
Isolderthanks for looking for me16:24
jimjamTomcat_ Darn. Thanks anyways.16:24
Tomcat_jimjam: But from experience I'd say both rhythmbox as well as amarok support it.16:24
dmi3onTomcat_: i what share files betwwen win and ubuntu, and have this folder on ubuntu desktop16:24
soundrayIsolder: great, thank you16:24
Tomcat_dmi3on: Go on.16:24
Tomcat_dmi3on: Need to go though... but I guess somebody else can help you if you tell more.16:25
soundrayIsolder: did you test the workaround I suggested?16:25
soundrayIsolder: the report mentions fixing /etc/sudoers, which shouldn't be necessary IMO16:25
jattupdating dapper fails with16:25
jattW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/smbfs_3.0.22-1ubuntu3.4_i386.deb 403 Forbidden16:25
Isolderi haven't tested the workaround yet, install is still finishing up16:26
Isolderi'm sur eit will work though16:26
dmi3onTomcat_: if i can make link  windows shared folder on desktop, then i can make on desktop folder in ubuntu and share it with windows  ?16:26
Isolderand yeah.. it's a ridiculous step16:26
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »16:26
soundrayjatt: what a pain. Please report a bug.16:26
AndycasssIs there a command to view all wireless networks?16:26
fifafrazerThe alternate disc provides more install options, doesn't it? Like a minimum install option?16:27
jakelfenixhello to all16:27
harveydis there a way for cp to just create a directory if im trying to copy into one that doesnt exist16:27
harveydi tried -f but it didnt work16:27
soundrayAndycasss: 'iwlist wlan0 scan' or 'iwlist wlan0 ap' (substitute wlan0 with your wifi devicename)16:27
jakelfenixsome to install cell sdk on ubuntu?16:28
soundrayAndycasss: interface name, rather16:28
dmi3onTomcat_: if i cant make link with windows shared folder on desktop, then can i make on desktop folder in ubuntu and share it with windows  ?16:28
Andycassssoundray: Thanks!!16:28
soundrayAndycasss: you may need to use sudo16:28
jattis that a bug?16:29
_deliriumsomething keeps consuming all my hard disk space - i think it might be trackerd - where does trackerd keep its index files?16:29
jattthe server is not working16:29
jattsort of16:29
soundrayjatt: it certainly is -- the parent directory opens fine16:30
Isoldercheck somewhere in /var/log16:30
jakelfenixhelp please!16:30
Isolderthat might have the trackerd stuff16:30
nibsa1242My keyboard seems to stop responding after a variable amount of time of leaving Ubuntu idle. Anyone have any ideas how to fix? Only thing that seems to work is to use mouse to restart.16:31
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nibsa1242/var/log can fill up if you have something that likes to report errors constantly, had an issue with that and a buggy sd card reader... computer refused to boot16:31
rishabhAnyone know anything about "UMAX Astra 4100" scanner drivers?16:32
soundray!who | nibsa124216:32
ubotunibsa1242: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:32
graulichInuyasha32246, the gnome sound thingo didn't really disable esd... it says it did but the problem is the same and there's still a tartup sound.16:32
Isolderi once was running a copy of webdna that was supposed to store sent mails.. and i mistakingly removed the permissions from the folder for that that would keep the sent mail16:32
Isolderit started resending the mail every second to try and get the emails through.. resulted in many spammed users16:32
Isoldersad day.. it was..16:32
soundrayrishabh: first thing to check is the compatibility list on http://www.sane-project.org/16:33
dmi3oncan any one help me how can i share folder between ubuntu and windows and have this folder on desktop in ubuntu16:33
rishabhsoundray: it's "unsupported"16:33
soundrayrishabh: that's bad news I'm afraid16:33
TomFar_hey you are all doooooods???16:34
rishabhsoundray: There's no other place where you can get drivers?16:34
mrmondayIs there likely to be an update in pidgin to fix the security vulnerability in the repos?16:34
soundraydmi3on: in Windows, install ext2fsd -- then you can mount and use your entire Ubuntu partition16:34
soundrayrishabh: not that I know of. People who write free scanner drivers tend to contribute their code to the SANE project16:35
arthur_kalmdoes _anyone_ know how to get the bloody D-Link DWL-G122 Rev: A2 to work in Gutsy. It's a nightmare :(16:35
narothepharohhow do i open a 7-zip archive?16:35
nibsa1242dmi3on: soundray: and then when window's crashes you'll have to fsck your entire ubuntu partition16:35
soundray!7zip | narothepharoh16:36
ubotunarothepharoh: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression16:36
soundraynibsa1242: yes -- dmi3on, best to mount the Ubuntu partition when needed, and unmount it afterwards.16:36
stefgarthur_kalm: if it worked in feisty you might consider going back to it.... gutsy has some bad regressions16:36
nibsa1242Any one have any idea what log file to look in (and what to search for) to try to figure out why my keyboard stops responding after my laptop sits idle for about two hours or so.16:37
arthur_kalmstefg, hrm, yeah it did work in Feisty. And Gutsy did indeed screw several things up. I'll go look for the Feisty ISO then...16:37
arthur_kalmstefg, thanks16:38
desertcAnyone looked at or own the Walmart gOS machine?  I wonder what they are doing for support.16:38
RemoteViewerjatt: samba dapper security update is broken, so this is intentional16:38
RemoteViewerjatt: https://launchpad.net/bugs/16304216:38
franz1789does xfce use gconf?16:38
stefgarthur_kalm: wise decision. if you want compiz fusion i think amaranth has backports for it16:38
_deliriumno worries - its ~/.cache/tracker16:38
megasquidi'm installing a binary version of software, where's the best location to install the software?16:38
arthur_kalmstefg, naw, it's my bosses computer. I don't think he has anything except an onboard video card16:39
arthur_kalmmegasquid, is it a deb?16:39
jattRemoteViewer: oh I see so it was blocked. Thanks! I will try to upgrade the non-samba related packages then16:39
franz1789sure xfce does not use gconf?16:40
narothepharohubotu thank you16:40
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:40
megasquidarthur_kalm, its a tar file with a binary16:40
megasquidits not a package16:40
arthur_kalmmegasquid, well the choice is really yours but I believe the standard is into /usr/local/bin16:40
soundraymegasquid: I tend to put stuff like that under /usr/local. FHS also suggests /opt16:40
bloonyanyone know about any good program to fix id3 tags on mp3 files?16:41
arthur_kalmmegasquid, if it needs to be compiled, then it'll install where it needs to16:41
soundray!info exfalso | bloony16:41
ubotubloony: exfalso: audio tag editor for GTK+. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 516 kB, installed size 2152 kB16:41
megasquidarthur_kalm, its already compiled16:41
arthur_kalmmegasquid, so /usr/local/bin :P16:41
soundraybloony: that's just my choice -- there are several tag editors16:41
bloonysoundray: thx16:41
bloonysoundray: is it with a gui or is it terminal based?16:41
megasquidarthur_kalm, what about the supporting files?16:41
soundraybloony: gui16:42
rishabhsoundray: I downloaded the CVS, which seems to have a little bit of driver code. But it16:42
aoupi_my sound worked last week, but now I've played around with sound settings everywhere and it's not working, how can I reset all sound preferences?16:42
rishabhsoundray: it's not making properly16:42
desertcaoupi_: It's probably muted.16:42
arthur_kalmmegasquid, oh it has supporting files? hrm. Well in that case do as soundray said. I usually make a new directory in /usr/local and shove everything in there16:42
soundrayrishabh: I take it you've installed the build-essential package?16:42
rishabhsoundray: certainly16:43
jimjamAck! I think aMule is being firewalled. How can I get downloads working?16:43
desertcaoupi_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/15693016:43
megasquidarthur_kalm, ok thanks16:43
arthur_kalmmegasquid, you can then make a link to the programs executable in /usr/local/bin so it'll be in your PATH, or just add it to your PATH16:43
arthur_kalmmegasquid, no problem16:43
harveydsamson, sorry to be annoying, but can that command be easily changed to not cd16:43
desertcjimjam: don't use emule?16:43
soundrayrishabh: I don't know then, but the developers might be interested in your feedback16:43
jimjamdesertc: It happens with bt too.16:43
arthur_kalmmegasquid, but really, it's up to you. As long as you put it in your PATH, it makes no difference16:43
soundrayrishabh: they usually put an email address in the README file16:43
rishabhsoundray: epkowa.desc: Warning: Backend `epkowa': 8 USB devices without :usbid      viceo.desc: Warning: Backend `viceo': 1 USB devices without :usbid    brother2.desc: Warning: Backend `brother2': 10 USB devices without :usbid16:43
deejoeErr http://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security/main smbclient 3.0.22-1ubuntu3.4 403 Forbidden16:44
aoupi_desertc: no, I've checked that, it's more screwed up than that :)16:44
deejoealso, wtf? ;-)16:44
soundrayrishabh: this doesn't tell me anything, and you shouldn't paste here anyway16:44
=== Simeon is now known as Ansaguy
bloonyanyone know about a torrent program where you can set a time where it should start download.. or where you can set it to change to a different max speed at a certain time? I got a cap'ed connection and got offpeak period at night, but I normaly go tobed befor that starts16:45
gambakufuwhere can the name of the wireless device in my computer? (company/product/version) and so on...16:45
SmarKhi there :)16:45
rishabhsoundray: There's some new feature in the "bullet proof X" that allows you to install graphics drivers on Ubuntu using the Windows driver CD. Apparently it extracts meaningful data from the .INF file. Shouldn't that be possible for a scanner, too?16:45
desertcaoupi_: What's aplay -l  tell you?16:45
soundraydeejoe: have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/163042  (and please don't use that abbreviation in here :)16:45
=== Ansaguy is now known as ansaguy
aoupi_desertc: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44751/16:46
brobostigongambakufu: lspci/lsusb16:46
desertcaoupi_: I bet it's muted.16:46
deejoesoundray: thanks16:46
aoupi_desertc: it's not muted16:47
desertcaoupi_: That's what everyone says.16:47
=== ansaguy is now known as Ansaguy
desertcaoupi_: Just before they say it's muted.16:47
stefgbloony: imho azureus can do that, or has a plugin for that. another option would be a combination of a cli torrent program like rttorrent with cron16:47
gambakufuI can't see anything that qualifies as wireless...16:47
soundrayrishabh: in principle, why not? It's just that Windows graphics drivers interface with TWAIN, which I believe is proprietary. So it might be an uphill battle developing a wrapper.16:47
brobostigonganbakufu: ifconfig/ iwconfig16:47
Isoldersoundray: i'm now trying to recover and i think i may have been wrong16:48
desertcaoupi_: Your device is fine, and ALSA sees it, so the problem is between the Linux device and, well, you.16:48
Isoldersoundray: i'm reading the group file and it shows adm: redone16:48
Isolderi had initially been looking for the admin group16:48
Isolderbut adm is actaully admin isn't it?16:48
brobostigongambakufu: try dmesg16:48
soundrayIsolder: no, adm != admin16:48
IsolderI didn't think so but this help page is showing it is.. anyhow.. ok16:48
Isolderin the group file there is *no* admin group at al16:49
damipI have an USB <-> serial adapter and I'm not able to read data from it.16:49
damipMy program is running as root and uses open("/dev/ttyUSB0") as read/write and then read(), asynchronously16:49
damipopen() works, parameter settings too16:49
damipbut read returns -1 with errno to EAGAIN.16:49
damipcan you give a piece of advice please ?16:49
gambakufubrobostigon: that shows me the wireless connection, but no info on the device16:49
deejoeoh, haha.16:49
deejoeI did an aptitude forget-new to see if I could get the bad samba stuff out of my package list16:49
aoupi_desertc: it's not muted thou http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44754/16:49
soundrayrishabh: also, it's always worth ringing up the manufacturer's support hotline and asking for a Linux driver. They probably won't give you one, but it's a good thing if they know that there is demand.16:49
desertcaoupi_: Turn everything up like my link said16:50
desertcaoupi_: Follow my instructions and let me know how it goes16:50
aoupi_desertc: I tried that, but I don't wanna go deaf once it starts working :)16:50
brobostigongambakufu, have you tried hardware info in system/prefs16:50
deejoeI guess it's easier to 403 those than to remove them from the list. and by easier, I guess I mean faster.16:50
desertcaoupi_: The ringing in your ears is a reminder I was right.16:50
bloonystefg: hmm.. ok16:50
desertcaoupi_: :-D16:50
aoupi_desertc: hehe :)16:51
akinceraoupi: are these external speakers?16:51
stefgbloony: but don't use the azureus package from the repos, that's broken16:51
bloonystefg: but I have a problem with azureus.. it just crash 2 seconds after I start it16:51
stefgbloony: but don't use the azureus package from the repos, that's broken16:51
bloonyhehe yeah16:51
Isolderit would seem that the admin group itself isn't even being created16:51
bloonystefg: where do I find another version?16:51
rishabhsoundray: Actually, a lot of companies, like HP, have drivers for their "MFD's" . My UMAX is pretty old and not so popular, so that's probably why no one has bothered to develop it much16:51
stefgbloony: http://azureus.sf.net16:52
gambakufubrobostigon: yes. couldn't see it there either.16:52
gambakufuhttp://rafb.net/p/ld0D5F39.html  perhaps I'm missing something?16:52
soundrayrishabh: other UMAX scanners are supported, though. I guess they use different chipsets in different products ("OEM")16:52
brobostigoni dont know then gambakufu, iam sorry.16:53
AndycasssWhy cant i use my wireless?? Ive set the options under networking administration, but when i iwconfig it says no essid and AP invalid16:53
soundrayrishabh: HP is quite a good citizen, overall16:53
stefg!wifi | Andycasss16:53
ubotuAndycasss: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:53
akinceraoupi: Might I suggest booting with a liveCD to see if sound works in a stock environment?16:54
rishabhsoundray: I should think it would be easier to just build on a standardised chipset, wouldn't it?16:54
aoupi_akincer: I'l give it a try16:54
aoupi_akincer: using headphones btw16:54
rishabhsoundray: Anyway, thanks a lot for your help! I've got to leave now.16:54
soundrayrishabh: I don't know, I'm not an OEM ;)16:54
akinceraoupi: Also make sure your speakers (assuming it is speakers) are actually plugged in. I beat my head against a wall troubleshooting sound for a week once only to discover that somehow, they had become unplugged16:55
desertcaoupi_: Did you turn everything up yet??16:55
soundrayrishabh: okay, see you16:55
rishabhsoundray: bye!16:55
desertcWe need FULL POWER.16:55
aoupi_desertc: yea, up to 100%, didn't work, set everything back to 50%16:55
akinceraoupi: try the liveCD to make sure you don't have a hardware failure16:55
Andycassshow to change systems language?16:56
Jimme1I have tried enabling the mic in my SB Audigy SE, but I have absolutely no idea what to do. The options I see in the volume control include Digital Source, and Shared Mic/Line in. When recording sound I can record from inputs AUX, Phone, Microphone and Line in. I don't know what any of these is. I just want to go on Teamspeak :-P Can anyone help me?16:56
desertc50% is okay, but you had most of your channels set to 3%, which was NOT helping.16:56
aoupi_akincer: ok, booting into livecd now, bbiaw16:56
jsschmid1hi folks16:56
desertcJimmel: It's probably muted.16:56
jsschmid1is the current kernel version 2.6.20-16-generic16:56
desertcJimmel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/15693016:56
stefgaoupi_: intel HD audio ?16:56
Jimme1desertc, I've unmuted everything that looks soundcapture related.16:56
desertcJimmel: Everything means everything16:57
soundrayjsschmid1: for feisty, yes16:57
desertcJimmel: You just said you don't know what to do, so why are you choosing which channels are appropriate?16:57
dmi3onhow to share folder betwwen windows and ubuntu16:57
Jimme1desertc, I can get sound from the card16:57
akincerHow handy would it be to have a command that simply unmutes everything audio related?16:57
stefg!samba > dmi3on16:58
Jimme1desertc, if all of them are unmuted, then it would probably work, was my philosophy at the time16:58
akincerassuming one doesn't exist16:58
soundraydmi3on: what was wrong with my suggestion earlier?16:58
desertcJimmel: Let's see if it works first.16:58
dmi3onsoundray: nothink i will try16:59
dmi3onsoundray: thnks16:59
SmarKAnyone can help? had problems during upgrade to gutsy, and my compiz it's all messed up. I tryed uninstalling compiz and reinstalling compiz fusion but i cannot make it function properly16:59
soundraydmi3on: did you mean sharing across a network?16:59
Jimme1desertc, what input should I record from? Aux, phone, mic, or line i n?16:59
Andycassshow to change systems language?16:59
RoudiHey folks!  Question: I'm considering Ubuntu for a fresh machine I'm about to purchase.  How can I determine if the new machine's hardware is supported by Ubuntu before I buy it?16:59
stefg!compiz | SmarK16:59
ubotuSmarK: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion16:59
Pici!locale | Andycasss16:59
ubotuAndycasss: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf16:59
freak124http://users.telenet.be/rsspro/Screenshot.png -->can anyone help me on this? I don't want to make a new partition table, cause I would loose my old partitions16:59
soundrayAndycasss: System-Administration-Language Support17:00
akincerRoudi: Get the list of hardware and search around on Google17:00
akincerRoudi: It won't take as long as you think17:00
stefg!info testdisk  | freak12417:00
ubotufreak124: testdisk: Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.6-1 (gutsy), package size 668 kB, installed size 2624 kB17:00
flithmhey everyone... I found an ubuntu wiki page that says all you need to do to install phpmyadmin is apt-get install it, restart apache and point your browser to an url.  This doesn't work for me... anyone know what might be going wrong here?17:00
merovingianhi guys, i just installed Ubuntu but somehow it installed LILO also. I have Grub installed as well.how do i get rid of LILO?17:01
akincerRoudi: If it is a machine in a store that you can pop a CD in and boot, take a liveCD with you. Just ask permission first17:01
RoudiI'll try that.  If I have any further questions, I'll pop back in.  Thanks.17:01
stefg!software > merovingian17:01
freak124ty stefg17:01
merovingianstefg: thanksssss17:01
simpaannågon svensk? :)17:02
stefg!se | simpaan17:02
jsschmid1soundray: thanks, I was looking for the include directory but I couldnt find it. How can I obtain those files? In the directory of the previous kernel (I upgraded a couple of days ago) the /build/include directory is present17:02
ubotusimpaan: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se17:02
fattonyhi does somebody know about bugs in regnum online with vdso (core dumped)17:02
gsuvegme crash many of gnome-panel applest, like the weather, system apps, mixer.17:02
ubotuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents17:02
soundray!headers | jsschmid117:03
ubotujsschmid1: To install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages17:03
stefgmerovingian: you have that factoid as a pm from ubotu. no need to torture the overstressed bot again :-)17:03
kutawhat ftp program for ubuntu?17:03
Pici!ftp | kuta17:03
ubotukuta: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd17:03
akincerkuta: I like FileZilla personally17:03
merovingianstefg: lol sorrry still a noob :p17:03
kidbuntuwhy does gutsy doesnt work properly on a laptop acer aspire 452017:04
AndycasssI still cant make my wireless work17:04
jsschmid1ubotu: when I do that it says: Package linux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic is not available, but is referred to by another package.17:04
jsschmid1This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or17:04
jsschmid1is only available from another source17:04
akincerkidbuntu: That's an extremely vague question. How doesn't it work properly?17:04
=== gumtrolium is now known as Gumtrolium
simpaanwhy will me steam not work with ubuntu?17:05
AndycasssIve set the options in network-admin but iwconfig tells me that there are no options set??!17:05
AndycasssIve activated the device too17:05
aoupi_akincer: just got back from the livecd, sound didn't work there either17:05
kidbuntuakincer: i don't know myself. its not my laptop.. its my friends. he said something about after installing it. the gutsy doesnt boot anymore17:05
desertcaoupi_: Are the speakers plugged in?17:05
aoupi_akincer: tried 2 pair of headphones but nothing17:05
stefgjsschmid1: try sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic , that should pull the right headers as dependency.17:05
aoupi_desertc: yea17:05
akinceraoupi: There's a chance you have a hardware problem especially if sound used to work17:05
aoupi_akincer: bummer17:05
akinceraoupi: As long as there are no physical switches that would mute the sound17:06
Picisimpaan: Steam is a windows program, and must be run with wine.  Please join #winehq for specific program help once you get wine installed.17:06
santh_plz tell the terminal command for installing gstreamer plugings and unrar files17:06
aoupi_akincer: hm, too bad. well, I'll have to get me a new soundcard then17:06
* soundray ponders that yes, indeed, there is such a thing as a stupid question17:06
santh_plz tell the terminal command for installing gstreamer plugings and unrar files17:06
stefgjsschmid1: it might be that your sources.list is screwed. get afresh one at !easysource then , and sudo apt.get update afterwards17:06
desertcaoupi_: I don't know how people can instantly respond that their speakers are all plugged in, without failing to check.17:06
Andycassshow to reinitialize network?17:06
AndycasssSimilar to windows "repair" command?17:07
wirechief1kidbuntu well maybe he has a bad burn17:07
akincerkidbuntu: Short of Googling and seeing if anyone else had a similar problem, there's little chance anyone here can divine an answer on a problem someone you know is having of which not even you know exactly what the nature of the problem is17:07
aoupi_desertc: I've checked more than 100times, taking 'em out putting them in :)17:07
cake4568I need to hold down the power button to turn my xps1210 laptop off when I try to use hibernate/suspend17:07
Jimme1Does anyone know how I can record sound with a SB Audigy SE?17:07
stefgAndycasss: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart17:07
jsschmid1stefg: than it says: linux-headers-generic is already the newest version. ... I mean the headers are present in the directory of my old kernel, but in the new one they are not17:07
desertcaoupi_: The CD-ROM elimated all the software, so look at your hardware, sir.17:08
desertcJimmel: Did you follow the instructions that I just sent to you in a link?17:08
aoupi_desertc: yea... :(17:08
zeptinis there a list anywhere of motherboards that Ubuntu has support for?17:08
cake4568any settings I can change to fix suspend?17:08
soyoiae pessoar17:08
santh_plz tell the terminal command for installing gstreamer plugings and unrar files17:08
BlinkizHello. I would like to get a beautiful desktop I will see every day. The November 2007 desktops thread at ubuntuforums.org makes me go WOW. So how can I get these beautiful GUIs? I really like this one http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=48708&d=119393342417:08
kidbuntuwirechief1: i'm not my sure myself though.. but i know he's aware of the bad burn stuff. let me just try it again.. since i just got the ubuntu CD from shipment. i'll give him one.17:09
stefgjsschmid1: look in /usr/src . is there a linux-headers-2.6.20-16 dir ?17:09
soundraykidbuntu: there is a forum thread about this laptop: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51035217:10
* tbf wonders if the stuff in linux-source-2.6.22 really contains the code for linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic17:10
kidbuntusoundray: thanks let me check17:10
cake4568blinkiz they are using AWN probably...(its the cool launch bar right?)17:10
stefg!hardware > zeptin17:10
wirechief1kidbuntu best to be sure do the media check before a install or trying to figure out any problems17:10
MilhousePunkRockHello everyone!17:10
jsschmid1stefg: : no, just two for the previous kernel (normal / generic )17:10
Inuyasha32246hi milhouse17:10
santh_plz tell the terminal command for installing gstreamer plugings and unrar files17:10
MilhousePunkRockIs it possible to remove the session lock after hibernate/standby?17:10
MilhousePunkRockIf so, how? ;)17:10
Blinkizcake4568: Yeah. I think everything that is used is written in the screenshot. But I dont know what to download17:11
tbfwhen booting the stuff built from linux-source-2.6.22, my machine just hangs17:11
stefg!easysource |  jsschmid117:11
ubotujsschmid1: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic17:11
Inuyasha32246sudo apt-get install gstreamer-plugins?17:11
MilhousePunkRocktbf: Using restricted-modules?17:11
newguyWell, after using ubuntu for about 5 months im ready to delete my windowsxp partition, before i do was wondering, should i use gparted for this or the live cd?17:11
Inuyasha32246just look up both of those in synaptic17:11
Inuyasha32246LIVE CD17:11
desertcnewguy: Congratulations!17:11
newguyty :-)17:12
Inuyasha32246oh and congrats17:12
desertcWelcome to the New.17:12
Inuyasha32246welcome to the community17:12
newguyanyway, ive been using ubuntu so long i forgot my winxp password anyway lmao17:12
cake4568does anyone know how to fix hibernate/suspend problems?17:12
stefgnewguy: if you don't need to resize you can just kill it with a short console commnd17:12
MilhousePunkRockI still have my XP partition... But the activation expired after playing with vmware... :D17:12
akincerWelcome to freedom newguy.17:12
soundraynewguy: use gparted from the live CD17:12
Inuyasha32246that'll work too17:12
tbfMilhousePunkRock: IPW3945, well - but that kernel doesn't even manage to find the root partition17:12
newguyw00t, gona reboot with live CD, ty for advice c u all soon :)17:13
Inuyasha32246good luck17:13
MilhousePunkRocktbf: Maybe it's something with your menu.lst?17:13
BlinkizSo, how do I get more fancy themes for my gnome?17:13
cake4568use AWN17:13
damipI have a serial mouse     and       a laptop with only USB ports,I also have an USB - SERIAL adapter cable, but when I put all together... nothing happens, the mouse is simply ignored... (I dont wanna buy a new mouse :p)17:13
damipCan you help me please ?17:13
stefg!themes | Blinkiz17:13
ubotuBlinkiz: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy17:13
bnovcis it possible to restart a computer via x forwarding? i.e. what setuid command is run to restart the computer via kde/gnome?17:13
Blinkizoh, nice links17:13
BlinkizAWN you say...17:13
tbfMilhousePunkRock: menu.lst entries are identical, expect for the kernel image name17:14
wirechief1kidbuntu 64bit can be bad in any distro best to only use 32bit and if Ubuntu 7.10 doesnt work there are other options.17:14
tbfMilhousePunkRock: but i've got an idea!17:14
kidbuntuwirechief1: as far as i know he used a 32bit17:14
tbfMilhousePunkRock: update-initramfs ! ;-)17:14
Jimmeydesertc, that link seems to be about playing sound - I have no trouble playing sound, only recording it17:14
BlinkizAWN can be found at https://launchpad.net/awn17:14
soundraydamip: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto should help17:15
wirechief1kidbuntu: did it pass the media check ?17:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about awn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:15
damipsoundtray :  thx17:15
kidbuntuwirechief1: i didnt know if he did a check.. the link soundray gave me has the same hardware specs and same problem my friend had17:16
nox-HandSince upgrading to gutsy, I can't use a projector over 640x480? :|17:17
cake4568my computer dies when I try to suspend/hibernate...does anyone know of a solution?17:17
stefgcake4568: yeah.... don't suspend/hibernate17:17
BlinkizI have lost my keyboard layout. Where do I change keyboard layout in ubuntu?17:17
cake4568thanks stefg!!! its a laptop though so its sorta useful17:18
adac2can someone help me? I'm not able to get my 3com wireless usb to work17:18
soundraycake4568: have a look at the things you can set in /etc/default/acpi-support17:18
albec1cake4568: its a known problem17:18
majwhen i add new hardware to the box (NIC in my case) how do i initialize it to the system?17:18
=== albec1 is now known as albech
majin 6.0617:18
scipioBlinkiz, system-preferences-keyboard17:18
tyler_I'm trying to get my 3d cube to work with compiz fusion and i can only  get two workplaces that i can switch between17:19
santh_sudo apt-get install unrar17:19
santh_Reading package lists... Done17:19
santh_Building dependency tree17:19
santh_Reading state information... Done17:19
santh_Package unrar is not available, but is referred to by another package.17:19
santh_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or17:19
santh_is only available from another source17:19
santh_E: Package unrar has no installation candidate17:19
bloonyhow do I give write access to an external disk to a user? all folders and subfolders17:19
stefgcake4568: usually its some driver which spoils it. For example the nvidia-glx has a bug and will never come back after suspend. you have to track down the offending piece of hardware and adapt the suspned script o unload that driver before suspend, and loading it back after17:19
tyler_My 3d "cube" only has 2 sides how can i fix it17:20
cake4568so its probably my graphics card? Nvidia 7400?17:20
soundraycake4568: sometimes it helps to debug the ACPI DSDT, but that can be involved.17:20
stefgcake4568: yeah17:20
santh_sudo apt-get install unrar17:20
santh_Reading package lists... Done17:20
santh_Building dependency tree17:20
santh_Reading state information... Done17:20
santh_Package unrar is not available, but is referred to by another package.17:20
santh_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or17:20
santh_is only available from another source17:20
santh_E: Package unrar has no installation candidate17:20
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
soundraysanth_: do not paste here!17:20
stefg!paste | santh_:17:21
ubotusanth_:: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)17:21
cake4568can you provide any info on how to do that driver trick stefg?17:21
scipiotyler_, http://forlong.blogage.de/article/2007/8/29/How-to-set-up-Compiz-Fusion17:21
scipiosanth_, you probably need to enable all the repos17:21
estratfordsanth_: do you have the multiverse repos enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list?17:21
BlinkizHow do I remove all these joins and quits from this channel? Am using pidgin.17:22
santh_how to enable repos17:22
punzadaanyone know why my wifi would work with my newer 54mbps linksys router and not my older dell truemobile 11mbps one? I can connect but it won't correctly route when connecting to the outside world, it works fine right now booted into windows17:22
stefgcake4568: googling for 'ubuntu nvidia suspend' yields http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79295 for instance17:22
majwhen i add new hardware to the box (NIC in my case) how do i initialize it to the system in 6.0617:22
soundraycake4568: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ACPIBattery explains how to fix the DSDT17:22
scipiosanth_, system-admin-software sources. check everything17:22
cake4568thanks I'll look into it17:22
soundraycake4568: first stop is /etc/default/acpi-support though17:23
jsschmid1how can I upgrade from feisty to gutsy, I tried "update-manager" but this says I am already up to date...17:23
apo`upgrade-manager -c -d17:23
soundrayapo`: no such file or directory :)17:24
aoupi_desertc: I got it working pluging the headphones into the back instead of the front, I guess it's just the front jack that's broken17:24
soundray!upgrade > jsschmid1, please read the private message from ubotu17:24
stefgjsschmid1: think twice if you really want to upgrade. I'm quite suspicious you broke your conf already by use of automatix or some other 'helper'-script, so you have a pretty high chance to hose your install in the process. And IMHO gutsy is quite pointless for the majority of users17:24
MilhousePunkRockstefg: I just solved that yesterday... Try Option "NvAGP" "1"17:25
jsschmid1apo`: d is just for developement versions, right? as it is already released i wouldn't need that one, right?17:25
Ubuntupwnsstefg, 'pointless' is an understatement ;)17:25
* stefg deflects MilhousePunkRock 's answer to cake456817:25
soundrayjsschmid1: that's right, gksudo update-manager -c should be all you need. Do read the page that ubotu tells you about, though17:26
jsschmid1stefg: the only thing is that i included some source repos17:26
desertcaoupi_: Oh, that's strange.  At least you got it figured out.  Thanks for the update.17:26
newguydeleting winxp partition in progress :D17:26
Andycassswhere can i see a list or running processes?17:26
Inuyasha32246yayzaurs newguy17:26
jsschmid1stefg: but  didnt use automatix or something like17:26
soundrayAndycasss: gnome-system-monitor17:26
MilhousePunkRockstefg: Yeah, I just read up and realized you were not the asker...17:26
brobostigontoooooooooooooooop will show you the running processes17:26
MilhousePunkRockcake4568: Look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaLaptopBinaryDriverSuspend17:27
stefgjsschmid1: so did you regenerate your sources.list and apt-get update 'd ?17:27
majwhen i add new hardware to the box (NIC in my case) how do i initialize it to the system in 6.0617:27
MilhousePunkRockcake4568: "Works for me"17:27
MilhousePunkRockmaj: Not much to do for yourself, other than adjusting the network configuration to make use of the new interface17:27
Inuyasha32246so who's down for some insurance fraud?17:27
stefgjsschmid1: but take my word. you're going to regret the upgrade, so make a backup first17:27
minus198Is it possible to hack a passphrase to a file that has been encrypted with gpg?17:28
majMilhousePunkRock, so modifying interfaces file would be enuf?17:28
Davaohello how to install .exe file in ubuntu 7.04?im trying to install chikka txt messenger www.chikka.com...thanks.. =)17:28
holycowis the default shell in gutsy dash?17:28
Davaothe file is chikka.exe17:28
santh_how to enable multiverse repos estratford17:28
MilhousePunkRockmaj: Most likely... You can probably do it via GUI if you don't dare... Everything on the low level should be done by the kernel itself17:28
soundrayholycow: yes.17:28
Davaohow to install wine?17:29
Inuyasha32246so no one is down for some crazy insurance fraud?17:29
soundrayholycow: change with 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash'17:29
jsschmid1stefg: lsb_release says anyway that I am already gutsy17:29
Inuyasha32246sudo apt-get install wine17:29
MilhousePunkRockmaj: I just put a new soundcard in one of boxes yesterday, it was really boring, nothing to do manually... ;)17:29
stefgjsschmid1: huh ?17:29
newguysudo apt-get moo17:29
Piciholycow: /bin/bash->bash /bin/sh->dash17:29
devilsrejectwhat up all17:29
JebJoyahey, very quick one, i can't seem to write to CDs atm, comes up immediately with an error saying something along the lines of "an error occurred while writing".  Drive is a Sony DRU-700A.  It used to work on my old Feisty install.  Any suggestions?17:29
soundrayholycow: immer gern17:29
Inuyasha32246hi devilsreject17:29
Inuyasha32246got a problem17:29
dmi3onsoundray: i am very new in linux what you give me is to complex17:30
Inuyasha32246you wanna fight about it17:30
dmi3onthere is any other way to share foder ?17:30
devilsrejectim havin problems gettin the vid card driver installed im runnin 7.10 and i have an ati radeon 8500 i have the 50 meg .run file dl from ait's site for linux but i dont know how to install it im on the how to but the command isn't working17:30
Inuyasha32246sudo apt-get install samba dmi3on17:30
jsschmid1stefg: is my kernel 2.6.20-16-generic the current kernel for gutsy?17:30
Davaook i will try wine17:30
MilhousePunkRockdmi3on: Share to what?17:30
excitatoryalrigh, so i have a radeon 9600 with dual heads (VGA & DVI).  I want to add a second monitor to the dvi port and have a spanning or extra wide desktop.  someone told me not to use xinerama anymore and to look into randr 1.2.  i've searched around and everything i find is a bit confusing.. is there a coherent guide for setting this up?17:30
devilsrejectsh ./ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run is the cmomand but i cant get it to run17:30
minus198devilsreject, don't use the driver from ATI.. Install the one from the repository17:30
santh_when i tried to install gstreamer E:  Couldn't find package gstreamer what to do17:31
MilhousePunkRockdmi3on: If you are sharing among linux boxes only, NFS is a better choice17:31
dmi3on\MilhousePunkRock: share between win and ubuntu17:31
soundraydmi3on: just to check: have you got one Windows and one Ubuntu machine, or both systems on one dual-boot machine?17:31
stefgjsschmid1: no, that's the feisty kernel. and using the feisty kernel with gutsy results in quite a couple of issues17:31
dmi3onand to have folde on desktop in ubuntu17:31
wirechief1excitatory: yes there is a wiki for using randr17:31
santh_soundray help me17:31
minus198devilsreject, use the driver from System -> Administration -> Restricted Drivers17:31
Inuyasha32246excitatory yt?17:31
dmi3oni have 2 machines17:31
=== excitatory_ is now known as excitatory
MilhousePunkRockdmi3on: In that case samba is your choice..17:32
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:32
soundraydmi3on: did you get the message about samba?17:32
Inuyasha32246duh, samba rules17:32
MilhousePunkRock!samba | dmi3on17:32
ubotudmi3on: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT17:32
devilsrejectminus198 -- i think thats the one i origonaly had and WARSOW still said i needed some sort of driver to play17:32
dmi3onthnks very much17:32
excitatoryInuyasha32246: what is yt?17:32
devilsrejectWARSOW is a linux package17:32
=== ConstyXV is now known as ConstyXIV
Inuyasha32246you there17:32
minus198devilsreject, ok.. :/17:32
Inuyasha32246welcome to the internet17:32
bloonyhow do I check free space on a partition?17:32
stefgbloony: df -h17:33
minus198devilsreject, well..do this: "chmod 777 file.run"17:33
minus198devilsreject, and then do "./file.run"17:33
excitatorybloony: for a nice graphical representation, install filelight17:33
devilsrejectjust at any terminal???17:33
Inuyasha32246ok so who had the ati problem?17:33
jsschmid1stefg:  so how could this happen and how can I fix it?17:33
minus198devilsreject, yes17:33
andreashi, annyone know where to download a driver for Nvidia GeForce Go 7300 (the ubuntu reposit one dosen't work)17:34
Davaonewguy: done downloading wine..but when i double click chikka.exe it says "Cannot open /home/eversun/Desktop/chikkasetupv4.exe: No application suitable for automatic installation is available for handling this kind of file."17:34
minus198Inuyasha32246, devilsreject has that problem17:34
Inuyasha32246bloony, dont punctuate with enters17:34
excitatoryInuyasha32246: that was i..17:34
bklineI'm installing Ubuntu 7.10 and I've been looking at "Checking for packages to remove ..." for about an hour now; how long is this supposed to take?17:34
o00wis anyone familiar with Suse Novell Client 2.0 also known as Netware I can't seem to install on Ubuntu 7.04 using the script provided get an error "install: missing destination file operand after `./ncl_install17:34
wirechief1excitatory: yes there is a wiki for using randr http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1217:34
Inuyasha32246ok, well there are multiple guides to enable the tv out on radeon cards17:34
devilsrejectdevilsreject@DevilsReject:~$ chmod 777 file.run17:34
devilsrejectchmod: cannot access `file.run': No such file or directory17:34
newguyDavao is there a wine icon under the "applications" menu?17:34
kahrytanbkline,  It shouldnt take but few minutes. how fast is your system?17:34
ganymedethis channel is funnier than TV17:35
devilsrejector was i supposed to put the name of the file in there17:35
greencookieHello there.17:35
excitatorywirechief1: well, that was the howto that was confusing and not working.. but i'll give it another try if that's the best resource..17:35
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:35
Paddy_EIREganymede, anything is funnier than tv17:35
ganymedePaddy_EIRE: this channel is funnier than most comedies17:35
geniiHmmm itinerant bot17:35
stefgjsschmid1: i don't know what you did, so i can't tell what happened. My suggestion would be to make a backup and do clean reinstall of feisty (prolly a netinstall with the minimal .iso), so you don't need to upgrade after install, but have immediatly all the latest (feisty-)packages installed17:35
GerritHello, the wireless router changed from 802.11g to 802.11b, and now I cannot connect anymore17:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 802.11b - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:36
Inuyasha32246but they mostly fail, you have to add this under your devices in xorg.conf = Option"UseFBDev""true"17:36
bklinekahrtyan: can't get cat /proc/cpuinfo to respond, but it's a reasonably fast AMD64 (tho this is the 32-bit version I'm installing)17:36
Inuyasha32246and then get the ati tv out patch17:36
Inuyasha32246compile and install it17:36
ushabai've got a problem with swap that is not solved by simple swapon17:37
Inuyasha32246how bad is it17:37
ushabawell, top lists swap as being cached17:37
ushababut it is not usable17:37
ushaba(i never use this laptop, so it's full of problems)17:38
Inuyasha32246hooray for bad page filing17:38
* genii sips a coffee and ponders swap partition types, mkswap and swapon17:38
ushabaMem:    774960k total,   739304k used,    35656k free,    96400k buffers17:38
ushabaSwap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,   432932k cached17:38
ushabalooks pretty representative to me17:38
=== kal0_ is now known as kal0
* greencookie pours genii another cup.17:38
ushabathe swap is there, it's just not able to be activated17:38
JimmyDeeguys I'm having a bit of a problem, how do you get it to recognize a library? i.e. libami.so.1 no such file. bleh17:38
Inuyasha32246but no successfull fb referancing17:38
dmi3onsudo mkdir /media/mountname what that means ?17:38
geniigreencookie: Thanks :)17:38
greencookiegenii: anytime.17:39
Inuyasha32246failed swaps(bane of thine existance)17:39
ganymedethat should be an error message17:39
ushabai'm thinking it is because of how the swap was initially created17:39
ushabai'm pretty sure there's a tiny 10 MB partition before the swap within the extended partition17:39
greencookieanyone know why ctrl+alt+f1 (or f2,3-9) isnt working for my gutsy?17:39
geniiushaba: The partition type descriptor must be of linux swap type.17:40
ganymedesomeone is swallowing the key combinations, or it is disableed in xorg.conf17:40
Inuyasha32246sounds like a space crush17:40
greencookie!ot | FloodBot417:40
ubotuFloodBot4: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:40
genii(hex 82)17:40
Davaonewguy: thanks.i saw it.but  i will try to download again the chikka.it was corrupt hehe.17:40
stefgushaba: sudo mkswap /dev/<foo> , then 'sudo blkid' to gett the UUID of the newly created swap space. edit /etc/fstab to reflect that UUID, then sudo sudo swapon -a17:40
Inuyasha32246something like that, you know improper initialization of swap file allocatting17:40
Picigreencookie: ?17:40
newguyDavao np17:40
Picigreencookie: those are bots we're using for testing, please ignore :)17:41
rahmenHi! I'm having some trouble with my wifi connection. "sudo lshw -C network" gives me "*-network DISABLED". How do I enable it?17:41
Inuyasha32246!swap file17:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swap file - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:41
Inuyasha32246!swap crash17:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swap crash - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:41
greencookieoh Pici lol! I thought someone was fooling around with mIrc flood bots:)17:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fusion - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:41
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion17:41
stefg!msgthebot | Inuyasha3224617:42
ubotuInuyasha32246: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.17:42
ushabai'm checking out gparted again17:42
dajhorngreencookie: The CTRL+ALT+F consoles are called virtual terminals.  They are defined in the /etc/inittab file.17:42
ushabai'll let you know the situation17:42
Inuyasha32246ubotu | sorry17:42
ubotuIt's ok, I can't stay mad at you.17:42
merovingianhi guys, i uninstalled LILO thru Synaptics Manager , it says it has uninstalled it , but when i restart my UBUNTU, it still starts up with LILO17:42
Nylei have some mp4 files I got from a camera phone I recorded with.  I need to edit the videos, how can I do this? what video editor should I use. one with a basic easy interface?17:42
ganymede*sigh* kids these days17:42
greencookiedajhorn: how would i go about enabling them?17:42
dmi3onhere "//servername/sharename  /media/mountname  smbfs  guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode  0  0"17:42
Inuyasha32246ubotu | can I have a hug?17:42
ushabais ubotu a person or a bot?17:43
dmi3onwhat i have to write //servername/sharename17:43
ushabawhy does it apologize?17:43
Inuyasha32246im talking to a robot17:43
ushabathat's weird behavior17:43
geniiushaba: a bot17:43
Inuyasha32246it didn't, I did17:43
ushabaactually, it must be a bot17:43
ushabaah, i see17:43
bklineInstaller for 7.10 seems to be stuck on "checking for packages to remove..."; how do I find a console where I can see more granular progress messages?17:43
dajhorngreencookie: Look at the /etc/inittab file and ensure that the section "getty invocations for the runlevels" looks okay.17:43
Piciushaba: uBOTu17:43
Davaohow to filter downloads of my workstation?17:43
Nyleanyone help?17:43
ushabaa person would never have manners17:43
Inuyasha32246ubotu | do you love me17:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about do you love me - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:43
geniigreencookie: Heh :)17:43
Nylei have some mp4 files I got from a camera phone I recorded with.  I need to edit the videos, how can I do this? what video editor should I use. one with a basic easy interface?17:43
ushabacan someone remind me how to list all partitions from the terminal?17:44
dmi3onhere "//servername/sharename  /media/mountname  smbfs  guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode  0  0"17:44
ushabagparted is hiccuping17:44
dmi3onwhat i have to write //servername/sharename17:44
=== Zedde is now known as Varazir[NA]
greencookiedajhorn: ok. But i dont know what you mean by 'looks ok' :D17:44
stefgmerovingian: that's because you uninstalled the userland part of lilo. it's still in the MBR of your harddisk. run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub' to overwrite lilo in the MBR with grub17:44
wirechief1fdisk -l17:44
ganymedeushaba: ls /dev/hd*17:44
dajhorngreencookie: It should look like this: http://pastebin.com/m790dc71f17:44
pucko_merovingian, and you want grub back? you need to tell grub to write a new mbr. sudo update-grub should probably do it.17:44
geniiwirechief1: sudo with that17:44
devilsrejecthey all17:44
dajhorngreencookie: This stanza is also where you can add, remove, or change the behavior of CTRL+ALT+F bindings.17:44
devilsrejectthi sis the error i get when i try to run WARSOW17:45
ushabathe swap partition claims to be just over 1 Gig17:45
ganymedeushaba: or sd* if you're on SATA/SCSI/external USB17:45
ushabatype 8217:45
AndycasssUmm any idea why I cant access net with my ubuntu? Ive set the options correctly, I can ping from outside but not from inside17:45
Inuyasha32246ubotu | what is the answer to life, the universe, and everything17:45
ushaba/dev/sda5            4198        4328     1052226   82  Linux swap / Solaris17:45
wirechief1genii ha keep forgetting ubuntu needs that.17:45
Pici!botabuse | Inuyasha3224617:45
ubotuInuyasha32246: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.17:45
ushabaso why doesn't it activate with swapon?17:45
bklineIs this the wrong channel for asking questions about a stuck installer?17:45
Inuyasha32246meanie PMs17:46
devilsrejectYou're OpenGL installation dosn't support direct rendering.  If you have an NVIDIA or an ATI card you'll probably need to install the propritary driver.17:46
devilsrejectthats the error im gettin17:46
merovingianstefg: THANKSSSS :) will try it now17:46
devilsrejectcan i install direct rendering or change it so it does have it17:46
merovingianpucko_: yeah i want to do that.... :)17:46
jsschmid1stefg:  what I did is installing via USB stick and netinstall, because my laptop hasn't got a CDROM. After that I updated because of the more comfortable Bluetooth support. I didn't find an option to install gutsy directly with the netinstall17:46
Yasumotobkline: no, but sometimes no one really knows enough about the issue to help too much :/17:46
abadtoothHey everyone,I got a new Acer AL2223W and I want to display 1680x1050, I have a Nvidia Geforce7950GT and all very high end specs, I an only display 1400x1050. does anyone know how to get it to display 1680x1050 WITHOUT editing the xorg config file?17:46
Yasumotobkline: do you think it could be a bad CD burn?17:46
devilsrejectushaba - whats up17:46
jsschmid1stefg: is it possible to upgrade the kernel on it's own?17:46
ushabayou could always try vesa...17:46
ushabaas the driver for the card temporarily17:46
ushabait'll be guaranteed to install17:47
bklineYasumoto: verify came out clean.17:47
dmi3onwere i can read my  //servername/sharename17:47
Yasumotoabadtooth: do you know what driver you're using?17:47
ushabaand you can get the proprietary driver after17:47
devilsrejectim usin the restricted driver17:47
Yasumotobkline: hm, that's interesting17:47
devilsrejectnow and it works17:47
abadtoothYasumoto: 1 sec17:47
devilsrejectim just tryin to get this game workin17:47
ganymededmi3on: mount.cifs //server/sharename /some/directory && cd /some/directory17:47
vispiciao a tt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!17:47
ushabawhich kind of card is it again?17:47
ushabait's all going so fast!17:47
Pici!it | vispi17:47
ubotuvispi: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!17:47
greencookiewow i cant find /etc/innitab folder17:47
abadtoothYasumoto:  100.14.1917:47
devilsrejectWARSOW its a linux package its not a winblows game17:47
Pici!upstart | greencookie17:47
ubotugreencookie: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/17:47
Yasumotobkline: hm, where are you running into problems?17:47
ushabaah, i know warsox17:48
geniiushaba: good. 1/4 the way there. Next is: sudo mkswap /dev/sda5      then: blkid  to find the uuid of it. then make an entry in /etc/fstab with the uuid and specify sawp as fstype. then to do the sudo swapon -a17:48
Yasumotoabadtooth: is that the restricted driver?17:48
abadtoothYasumoto:  yessir17:48
dajhorngreencookie: /etc/inittab is a file.17:48
ganymedethis is what happens when computer manufactured start pre-installing ubuntu17:48
stefgjsschmid1: so you did a gutsy netinstall with a feisty installer... hmmm, i wonder that it worked at all. Man, don't screw around with that unclean state. Start over with a clean gutsy installation medium17:48
geniibah typos17:48
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
devilsrejectushaba -- any idea on how to get this direct rendering started up with the restricted driver17:48
Inuyasha32246!fglrx | devilsreject17:48
ubotudevilsreject: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:48
ushabawhat is blkid?17:48
bklineWhere do I go to find out more details about what the installer is doing?17:48
rahmenI have some trouble with my "nVidia Corporation MCP51 Ethernet Controller". Do I need to download drivers or something to make this work?17:49
Yasumotoabadtooth: hm, that's obnoxious. I had that issue with 7.04, then I reinstalled, and it worked in 168017:49
Picidajhorn: Ubuntu doesnt use init anymore, we use upstart.17:49
geniiushaba: A command to find the uuid of a drive17:49
greencookiedajhorn: I dont see any inittab file I see iftab file.17:49
Inuyasha32246devils reject | I can help17:49
abadtoothYasumoto:  I'm using 7.1017:49
dajhornPici: Is upstart the default for Gutsy installs?17:49
genii"BLocK ID"17:49
Yasumotoabadtooth: yeah, that's why it should work17:49
LjL-Tempushaba: "man commandname" to know what a command does17:49
xt600eHi! I just installed ubuntu 7.10 in a vmware player and I wanted to install epiphany-browser. I get "package epiphany-browser has no installation candidate". What to put into sources.list?17:49
tehlam3is there a way of installing a debian package including all dependencies cause everytime i try and install a patched dillo version it says unable to install due to dependencies and install -f just removes the patched package ...17:49
Picidajhorn: Its been the default since at least feisty, perhaps earlier.17:49
greencookiethanks for link Pici now to see if my /openurl option works.17:49
ushabai just do blkid /dev/sda517:49
LjL-Temp!info epiphany-browser | xt600e17:50
brobostigondoes it use upstart on powerpc too, the boor manager is yaboot??17:50
ubotuxt600e: epiphany-browser: Intuitive GNOME web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 2.20.1-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 3527 kB, installed size 14412 kB17:50
devilsrejectalready did that17:50
greencookiext600e: i think you need firefox17:50
ushabai was just surprised i've never even heard of it17:50
ushabawasn't sure if it was a command or not17:50
abadtoothYasumoto:  I like 1400x1050 but I think it's squashing a little..17:50
Kenzumisome problem to update samba17:50
stefgtehlam3: no way. you need to build from source or you will get caught in dependency hell17:50
devilsrejecthttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI <--- did everything there the drivers working fine i only need DIRECT RENDERING working17:50
LjL-Tempxt600e: nothing. it should be there. check your sources.list - if you didn't have networking during installation, some repositories (all) will have been commented out.17:50
greencookiext600e: to install epiphany i think u need firefox as well.17:50
desertctehlam3: did you check in Synaptic for it?17:50
Kenzumierror 40317:50
rahmenAnyone who knows if nVidia eth controllers tend not to work using ubuntu? I just installed ubuntu and my wireless doesn't work17:50
LjL-Tempxt600e: re-enable them from Synaptic.17:50
abadtoothYasumoto:  I mean the 1050..17:50
Picigreencookie: negative.17:50
Inuyasha32246devilsreject | I CAN HELP YOU17:50
Inuyasha32246send pm17:50
greencookiePici: ah. ok. always thought they had a similar feel:)17:50
xt600eI have firefox17:50
desertctehlam3: Talk with the MOTU team about adding the package to the Ubuntu repository.17:51
Inuyasha32246i have herpes17:51
Kenzumiit seems that the debs are not in the server17:51
Inuyasha32246your point17:51
geniiushaba: Yes, blkid /dev/devicename17:51
Picigreencookie: actually.. I lied.17:51
devilsrejectInuyasha32246 -- swet thanx what i got to do17:51
adac2do i need ndiswrapper for 3com 3CRUSB20075 ?17:51
Kenzumihope it will come up soon17:51
Inuyasha32246open a pm17:51
Yasumotoabadtooth: if you ever accidentally screw over your x server configuration, man xorg.conf is your friend17:51
xt600esynaptic  gives me an error message aswell17:51
=== _weltall is now known as weltall
Kenzumii know17:52
abadtoothYasumoto:  I've always screwed them up whenever I messed with them..17:52
bklineWhat do I do to get the installer to tell me more about what it's doing when it's spending an inordinate amount of time on one step?17:52
Kenzumithe debs in question are not in the server in fact17:52
gamed|phhi, anybody knows how to see the i/o load of my harddisk? the load of my system is high and i think the hdd is the bottle-neck...17:52
Inuyasha32246i sent a pm17:53
brobostigonuse the alternate install cd, and press alt/f4, and that will show you all the messages during installaltion17:53
rahmenIs there any known trouble with the new ubuntu version? Like that wireless doesn't work?17:53
greencookiecan someone help me fix up the ctrl+alt+f1-f9 keys on my ubuntu?17:53
desertcrahmen: There are thousands of open bugs.17:53
geniigamed|ph: Try dbench17:54
Inuyasha32246is he afk?17:54
desertcHelping to triage and close bugs is greatly appreciated!17:54
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots17:54
ganymedegreencookie: are they disabled in xorg.conf? i think ubuntu started disabled them because doze users pressed them and died17:54
bklinebrobostigon: thx17:54
rahmendesertc: You know if there's any trouble with nVidia ethernet controllers? Do I need any drivers for it?17:54
PiciInuyasha32246: You need to be registered and identified to send pm's.17:54
Pici!register > Inuyasha32246 (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)17:54
xt600eLjL-Temp: What should I check for in sources.list - I have checked but I don't know what to enter in order to get epiphany-browser...17:54
greencookieganymede: that might be how can I check?17:54
stefggamed|ph: sudo hdparm -Tt /dev/<yourdrive> will give you a bogus benchmark on hd performance. If you need better benchmarks then 'apt-cache search benchmark' and look for bonnie or some other i/o profiler17:54
brobostigonwelcome bkline17:54
Inuyasha32246my AIM is surfjdh17:55
LjLxt600e, put it into the pastebin and i'll uncomment the needed stuff for you.17:55
Inuyasha32246IM me17:55
genii!info epiphany17:55
ubotuepiphany: clone of Boulder Dash game. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-4 (gutsy), package size 63 kB, installed size 236 kB17:55
JimmyDeeguys I could really use a hand here, it wont recognize a library I need, a little help?17:55
Picigenii: epiphany-browser17:55
genii!info epiphany-browser17:55
ubotuepiphany-browser: Intuitive GNOME web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 2.20.1-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 3527 kB, installed size 14412 kB17:55
geniipici: LOL yes i realised17:55
ushabai'm gonna need some help with this fstab file17:55
ganymedegreencookie: grep -i dontzap /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:55
Yasumotoabadtooth: there's a command using dpkg that will allow you to change your xorg settings17:56
ushabai've got a listing for /dev/sda5 which claims it is swap17:56
mtinocoi used mplayer -dumpstream to get a single vob file from a dvd, and now I'm looking for a good graphical tool to compress it down, any ideas?17:56
Yasumoto(it's not actually a gui, but sorta like that)17:56
ushabaand now i've got the UUID from blkid17:56
geniiushaba: a line like: UUID=8534898e-024d-4c49-95c2-aa6280b1e9c5 none            swap    sw              0       017:56
abadtoothIs there a way to Display 1680x1050 on my new Acer AL2223W I have Gutsy and a Geforce 7950GT with the Nvidia restricted drivers installed the driver version is 100.14.19, the max resolution I can seem to display is 1440x105017:56
harushimohow do I download codecs like xvid, mp3, ogg media17:56
geniiushaba: except use your uuid and not mine17:56
abadtoothYasumoto:  with a text editor?17:56
ushabawhat about the previous line for /dev/sda5 ?17:56
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:56
ushabais that to be deleted or commented out?17:56
aladinsaneit took me 2 weeks but now im finished configuring and installing everything i need in Xubuntu and it works perfectly, my question is: is there anyway i can save the whole shebang in case something happens so i can just revert to this super state?17:56
geniiushaba: comment out the old line17:57
stefg!backup | aladinsane17:57
ganymedealadinsane: dd the partition elsewhere17:57
ubotualadinsane: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning17:57
SwitchHi guys; I'm having trouble installing UT2K4 on my Ubuntu 7.10; It keeps saying my key is invlid17:57
PiciJimmyDee: What are you looking for?17:57
dmi3oni dont understan what i should type //servername/sharename  /media/mountname  smbfs  guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode  0  017:57
ganymedeSwitch: contact your vendor?17:57
aladinsaneok, thnx guys!17:57
geniiWork, AFK a minute or 217:57
Yasumotoabadtooth: hm, I'm looking up the command17:57
JimmyDeelooking for the command that will link a library to an executeable, i.e. the asterisk manager to libami.so.117:57
Yasumotoabadtooth: it's a 'gui' (kinda) but in the terminal17:58
abadtoothYasumoto:  Okay, thanks ;)17:58
ushabait works!17:58
sethkJimmyDee, that happens at compile time17:58
ushabathanks all17:58
Switchganymede: I bought it some time ago, so I cannot return it17:58
Yasumotosorta like how the alternate installer looks like/works17:58
ushabathanks genii17:58
JimmyDeesethk, that would be what time it is RIGHT NOW17:58
Picidmi3on: I've always had to specify the IP address of the server when making my fstab lines, not the name.17:58
abadtoothYasumoto:  yeah I think I used that once17:58
sethkJimmyDee, ok, that helps; can you be more specific?17:58
Switchdoes anyone know how to install UT2K4 manually? without the installer script?17:58
greencookieganymede: whats dontzap supposed to do? I'm ganymede ok I got my Xorg.conf open in front of me17:58
folliahello everyone. here is the scenario i have if someone can help17:59
ganymedegreencookie: dontzap disabled the ctrl+alt+backspace combination, don't remember if it disables the other ones, too17:59
JimmyDeeI know its a ./configure --with-ami-lib=/usr/local/lib but that doesnt seem to work17:59
brobostigonthe time it takes to boot the live cd, it takes the same time to install entirly from alternate cd.17:59
bts3685hey, does anyone know off the top of their head where i can find the Code of Ethics? is it on the wiki, on ubuntu.com?17:59
abadtoothSwitch: You should contact the games help service..17:59
ushabai think there is an installer description on the ubuntuforums for ut2k417:59
greencookieganymede: ctrl+alt+bkspc already worked:) its just the others that didnt.17:59
ushabaat least for the demo17:59
folliaI have a beautiful laptop that has its USB not working and with no cd rom17:59
dmi3oncan any tell my how to set up network between win and ubuntu i install SMBFS, i can see in windows ubuntu com. but cant access asking for pass17:59
Switchthx guys!18:00
sethkJimmyDee, what are you building?18:00
folliaI took off the hdd and installed ubuntu on that hard drive on another machine18:00
JimmyDeeasterisk gui manager18:00
stefg!install | follia18:00
ubotufollia: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate18:00
sfearsi'm trying to apt-get something and it tells me i need to have the 6.10 CD.. i have no such cd.  How do i procede?18:00
follianow i need to make that hard drive bootable?18:00
jsschmid1stefg: i did a feity install with a feisty installer (netinstall) and upgraded to gutsy. So usally it should work... Where can I find the gutsy netisntaller? on the .ISO? Because I have to build a bootable USB key 'cause I dont have a CDROM...18:00
JimmyDeesethk, and the asterisk people are snoozin18:00
greencookiesfears: checked ure repo list? maybe update them?18:00
bts3685ushaba: who was asking about UT2K4?18:00
Yasumotosfears: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list18:00
dmi3oncan any tell my how to set up network between win and ubuntu i install SMBFS, i can see in windows ubuntu com. but cant access asking for pass18:01
folliaubotu, you are right, and I know that, but I don't have other ways at the moment, not through network18:01
sethkJimmyDee, try using the full path to the library, rather than just /usr/local/lib18:01
Yasumotoand comment out the thing in the beginning line about using a cd as your archive18:01
sethkJimmyDee, /usr/local/lib is the default, so that argument isn't going to change anything  :)18:01
Yasumotosfears: ^18:01
stefgjsschmid1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation has some tricks for you18:01
JimmyDeesethk, thats the directory the lib is installed in, I can see the dern thing, but it cant18:01
adac2i wanna install ubuntu on a lvm where also a fedora system is on there. Is tihis possible?18:01
sethkJimmyDee, is it telling you it can't find the library?18:01
ganymededmi3on: -o username=someusername,password=somepassword18:02
JimmyDeesethk, ama: error while loading shared libraries: libami.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory18:02
sethkJimmyDee, I know that the library is there, I'm just saying that, since it's the default location, providing the directory to ./configure can't fix the problem.18:02
sethkJimmyDee, you mean when you are trying to run it?18:02
JimmyDeesethk, good point18:02
greencookieshould I dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?18:02
JimmyDeesethk, yes at execution time18:02
greencookieto reset keyboard layout.18:02
dmi3onhow to set up network between win and ubuntu i install SMBFS (and need help), i can see in windows ubuntu com. but cant access asking for pass, in ubuntu i can access foder which is in windows but cant link  it on desk to18:03
dmi3onplz help18:03
sethkJimmyDee, try        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH18:03
Yasumotoabadtooth: sweet, the command's located in xorg.conf (/etc/X11/xorg.conf)18:03
Yasumotoabadtooth:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg18:03
abadtoothYasumoto:  okay lemme check18:03
RoudiHey folks!  Purchasing a new machine with the intention of installing Ubuntu on it, and checking out hardware compatability.  I've been Googling every piece of hardware and everything seems supported except for the graphics card.  It's an  Nvidia GeForce 8500 GT 256 MB.  Most I can find on Google is that some people do have driver issues, and Envy might solve them, but I've found no definitive help.18:03
sethkJimmyDee, first do    echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH    see what the current value of it is18:03
dajhornadac2: Yes, but be very careful.18:03
Yasumotoabadtooth: it's at the very end of the comments18:03
abadtoothYasumoto:  okay, lemme try it, thanks!18:03
folliaubotu, I have been there and 1- i don't have a running installation on the same machine, the OS it was running is damaged 2- i don't have cdrom 3- i dont' have a working usb18:04
RoudiCan anyone confirm that there is, indeed, a method of getting a GeForce 8500 running under Ubuntu?18:04
kladiusI need help with dvd playback can some one help me?18:04
GerritHow do I tell my WLAN-card to connect using 802.11b rather than 802.11g? It is a Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection.18:04
JimmyDeesethk, thank you kindly sir, its on like donkey kong now18:04
folliacan Iplug the hdd as a usb and make it bootable?18:04
sethkJimmyDee, excellent  :)18:04
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GerritIt seems to try to connect using 802.11g to a wireless router which is configured to use 802.11b; hence, it fails (at 28%, according to knetworkmanager)18:04
dajhornkladius: Start here: http://www.medibuntu.org/18:04
sfearsalright.. that kinda worked, guess that package was only avail on the 6.10 cd18:05
Yasumotoabadtooth: you have to use spacebar to select things, I believe. make sure that you have 1680 highlighted18:05
sethkRoudi, In general, yes.  sometimes there are less general problems; does 3d work, does DRI work, that sort of thing, but in general it certainly works.18:05
santh_what is gnome how to install it18:05
Yasumotoabadtooth: and if it breaks, go to a console and redo the command back to 140018:05
sethkRoudi, I don't run that particular nvidia card, but I run four other nvidia cards without significant issues.18:05
dajhornkladius: Ubuntu is not bundled with the libdvdcss2 package, which is what you need to play movies on DVD media.18:05
sethkRoudi, if you are a gamer, though, my opinion is worthless18:05
Picisanth_: Gnome is the default desktop environment for Ubuntu.18:05
golem1so i'm going to set up ubuntu on a pc that'll sit under a TV and play xvid/dvd files.  choice of geforce 4000mx or radeon 9200.. which would you suggest?18:05
abadtoothYasumoto:  what would I type for that?18:05
santh_kde means18:06
Roudisethk - I wouldn't say I'm a gamer, but I definitely intend to try running The Orange Box on this new machine (using Wine to run Steam and the games).18:06
jadrus /m irc.supernut.de:700018:06
santh_is it possible to chat personal matter here18:06
bts3685whoever was asking about Unreal Tournament 2004: check out the list of channels here and the howto- http://pastebin.ca/77729118:06
sethkRoudi, then you probably need to find someone who at least runs wine with that particular card18:06
abadtoothYasumoto:  I'll need to restart x wont I?18:07
dajhorngolem1: Go with the nvidia card.18:07
dmi3oni dotn understand this #18:07
dmi3onhe name of the share is sharename.18:07
dmi3onYou want to mount the share in a folder mountname18:07
bts3685Roudi: i have a 7950 GT, let me know how it goes!18:07
kladiusdajhorn I am new to linux how do i install libdvdcss2?18:07
ron__is there a trick to get tftp-hpa running on ubuntu18:07
Yasumotoabadtooth: yeah, ctrl+alt+delete18:07
RoudiThat could be tough, sethk ;) Awfully specific combination.  I'll hit Google again and see if I find any more specific answers.  At least I know the machine itself will run with the card.  Thanks!18:08
Yasumotowait, ctrl+alt+backspace18:08
dmi3onwhat it means The name of the share is sharename.18:08
Yasumotothat restarts the x server18:08
abadtoothYasumoto:  whats the revert command in case it's broken?18:08
bts3685Roudi: also, ask in #gametome18:08
dajhornkladius: Click it and read it:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu18:08
bts3685and ##opengl18:08
bts3685and #linux-gamers.net18:08
Yasumotoabadtooth: that same dpkg one18:09
thesourcei just install ubuntu and my wirelee card dont wokr18:09
Yasumotoabadtooth: check out xorg.conf to see it again18:09
golem1dajhorn, thanks for the advice18:09
thesourcei have bradcom wierless card18:09
jarnosHi, anybody know in which package gnome-sound-recorder is?18:10
RoudiThanks, bts368518:10
thesourcei need driver for my wireless card18:11
dajhornjarnos:  gnome-media and gnome-media-common18:11
bts3685thesource: last i checked, you need to use ndis-wrapper and the firmware cutter. but that was way back with feisty...18:11
thesourcewhat what im using18:11
dmi3oncan any one help me with network plz18:11
dmi3oni have win. com and ubuntu com.18:11
dmi3onand what share folder18:12
dmi3oni am very new18:12
abadtoothYasumoto:  thanks man! worked like a charm :D18:12
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:12
desertcI saw you here last night, dmi3on18:12
hExDjI am using the LiveCD to try out Ubuntu18:12
hExDjhow can I find out what fonts are installed?18:13
desertchExDj: Glad to hear it!18:13
dmi3ondesertc: i am here all the time from now18:13
Paddy_EIRE!samba | dmi3on18:13
ubotudmi3on: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT18:13
dmi3onPaddy_EIRE: i dont understan every think there18:13
magnetronhow do i change which keyboard gutsy should use? it have to be available pre-login18:13
MilhousePunkRockHow can I turn off the need to enter the password when waking up from hibernate/suspend?18:14
dmi3onPaddy_EIRE: like #18:14
dmi3onThe name of the share is sharename.18:14
dmi3onYou want to mount the share in a folder mountname.18:14
hExDjhow can I find out what fonts are installed whe using the LiveCD18:14
dmi3onups sorry18:14
MilhousePunkRock!paste | dmi3on18:14
Paddy_EIREdmi3on, its very straight forward just take your time and read through it :)18:14
ubotudmi3on: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:14
jarnosdajhorn: thanks, I might use it in Xubuntu.18:14
thesourcehow od i updat to to gusty18:14
magnetron!upgrade | thesource18:14
ubotuthesource: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes18:14
abadtoothYasumoto:  thanks again for your help ;)18:14
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dmi3onPaddy_EIRE: i understand i read it like 2 hours and still can't get it plz give me some tips :)18:15
bloonyIm trying to install speed shaper, a plugin for azureus,but I get error saying no suitable parser found.. whats wrong?18:15
sfearsi managed to get my linksys wireless card working, now i'm trying to tackle the internal 802.11b, i found the chip set Prism 2.5, but can't seem to find drivers for it, i copied over my working windows drivers but it said installation may be incomplete18:15
Paddy_EIREdmi3on, all that I can say is that I followed that factoid and viola!.. works18:16
core64are there currently security problems w/ the samba packages? I cannot install them?18:16
grindcorewho can spend 20 minutes to give me some answers about install ubuntu 7.10 ? pls18:16
Paddy_EIREdmi3on, !ask18:16
hExDjhow can I find out what fonts are installed whe using the LiveCD18:16
PiterDeVrieshi, I'm trying to install kubuntu 6.1 and I have some hard time trying to: 1. Start it from the CD, 2. Running the system after installing in text mode. Any tips on where can I find some additional info on instalation? I couldn't find anything relevant on ubuntu.com :/18:16
void^hExDj: open nautilus and go to fonts://18:16
core64grindcore: ask your questions, and someone will try and reply18:16
ganymedegrindcore: just ask18:16
dmi3onPaddy_EIRE:  The name of the share is sharename. what is means18:17
sfearsPiter: it might be some kind of bios setting.. sometimes the cdrom is set to auto and doesn't auto detect correctally18:17
thesourcewill dping this update set my wireless ?18:17
sfearsi think it's  primary master.. set it to cd-rom instead of auto18:18
grindcorewhat i need to do before boot ubuntu for install ? i tried and was there plenty of files which wasnt loaded - i need to make all partitions without ntfs - put together to unpartitioned space,.. something more ???18:18
PiterDeVriessfears: I don't think so. I was able to install the system in text mode...18:18
minus198I have this weird thing with videos. If I play them, they look like this: http://dump.myskul.net/files/compizplusvlcsux.png But if I take a snapshot while playing them, they look like this(perfectly fine..): http://dump.myskul.net/files/vlcsnap-6990050.png18:19
minus198wth is causing that?18:19
minus198I use compiz, and thats probably the thing that fails18:19
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT18:19
Lunar_LampIs there a known issue with the samba updates not being able to be downloaded at the moment?18:19
pucko_peterdevries, so you have installed it? it just doesn't run as you expect?18:19
sfearsPiterDeVries: where does it hang now that you have it installed with text mode18:19
PiterDeVriessfears: the problem seems to appear after the initial system load. The LCD turns into "unsupported mode" and everything stops... I don't even know where to look for the source of the problem18:20
grindcorewhat i need to do before boot ubuntu for install ? i tried and was there plenty of files which wasnt loaded - i need to make all partitions without ntfs - put together to unpartitioned space,.. and something more ???18:20
core64Lunar_Lamp: I'm having the same problem, and asked the same question18:20
sulanwhat causes lshal to report "power_management.can_suspend_to_ram = false  (bool)"? What would make it 'true'?18:20
sethkminus198, if the frame buffer feature (in X) is on, turn it off.18:20
minus198sethk, How do I do that then?18:20
Lunar_Lampcore64, any response? ;-)18:20
minus198sethk, something I can edit in xorg.conf?18:20
PiterDeVriessfears: I get the kubutu logo with the blue line and when it finishes it stops18:20
core64Lunar_Lamp: none yet. waiting patiently....18:20
musashii'm still looking for an easy tool to recode an .iso or .avi (or other format) to a smaller size for playing on a psp, etc. I've tried k9copy, devede, and vlc. none seem to offer a simple way to select a target resolution and shrink. note this is not encrypted video.18:20
minus198musashi, ffmpg..18:21
sethkminus198, yes, but first look in the X log and see if it is actually on.  Look for fbdev or fbmod (frame buffer device or frame buffer module) or something similar.18:21
gordonjcpmusashi: ffmpeg or mencoder18:21
sfearsPiterDeVries: ohh, i had that problem after my 7.10 upgrade. if i used my real time kernel i got the same thing. i used the generic kernel and didn't have a problem18:21
musashiminus198: yeah, actually tried ffmpeg but it wasn't overly "simple" didn18:21
dajhornminus198: Use "SystemPreferences -> Appearance -> Effects " and set it to none, and try it again.18:21
musashi't try mencoder18:21
sethkgrindcore, the installer can do its own partitioning.  You only have to worry about partitions if you are keeping an existing installation and want to dual boot18:21
agreifwhich python version is in feisty?18:21
minus198dajhorn, already done.. And it didn't help.. I need to restart X to get it to work18:22
sfearsPiterDeVries: i'm gonna need some more help on this one, but if you edit your boot/grub/menu.lst file and point to a different kernel (not sure how to figure out which one) a generic kernel it will proally fix you up18:22
dajhornminus198: Okay, per mushashi, you probably have a framebuffer or a driver glitch.18:22
grindcorei have winxp with 2 partiotions and I want to put down everything what is there - make a clean install of ubuntu18:22
musashigordonjcp: is mencoder command line? i was hoping to find a simple gui. i'm trying to impress hs students with the variety of cool tools available18:22
dajhorns/mushashi/musashi/  (oops)18:22
sethkgrindcore, if you want to destroy what's already on the disk, just tell the installer to use the entire disk18:23
sfearsactually you might not have a boot/grub/menu.lst file yet, so you might have to make one18:23
Ubuntupwnsagreif, just look in the synaptic package manger for "Python" and  it will show what version is installed or not18:23
PiterDeVriessfears: I'll try playing with CD boot options18:23
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minus198musashi, Non of those fbmod fbdev was found in Xorg.0.log18:23
grindcorebut i cannot start properly the boot of ubuntu - start loading - lot of tasks are good - and then is plenty unloaded files for install18:23
sethkminus198, probably not the issue, then.18:24
musashiminus198: sorry, i don't get the reference to xorg18:24
grindcorecannot start properly install, sorry, my mistake18:24
sethkgrindcore, what happens, exactly?18:24
sethkmusashi, he was responding to my comment and got the nicks mixed.  :)18:24
core64Lunar_Lamp: I did a search for samba_3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb (I'm on 64bit) on google, and I found this website. It explains some... http://secunia.com/advisories/27679/18:24
minus198musashi, I meant sethk... I saw your lines and accidentally tabbed your name :P18:24
jsschmid1I am running GUTSY with kernel 2.6.20-16-generic, obviously something went wrong during the UPDATE... is it possible to update my kernel or will it even worse as before?18:24
musashino worries18:25
sethkjsschmid1, we can't know if it will make it worse unless you tell us how bad it already is  :)18:25
core64jsschmid1: what went wrong? why do you think you need to update kernel?18:25
Poul|RaiderEvery time i boot up, and logged on, it prompt me to ask if i want to keep gnome settings or use x(keyboard). if i press keep gnome the keybord is configured right, but if i say use x its useing wronge settings, but if i check my xorg.conf then it is set to the right setup pc105 and dk etc18:25
minus198sethk, So you are out of ideas?18:26
grindcoreafter boot - i select the install, then was quick loading of parts of install or whatever and then some type of files - just changing the code number- was slowly trying to load- but wasnt successfull18:26
jsschmid1core64: because it is not the current Kernel of Gutsy but of Feisty, so I think there are some issues. One of it beeing missing header files for my 2.6.20-16-generic Kernel18:26
sethkminus198, yes, unfortunately, that's the only thing I've seen that causes that problem.  Not saying there aren't other reasons, just that I don't know about them.18:26
scottjHow do I search for the largest files on / (and not include other partitions mounted like /home)?18:26
Rengcan you use "hddtemp" to detect external drive temperature?18:27
sfearsPiterDeVries: what version are you installing?18:27
jsschmid1sethk because it is not the current Kernel of Gutsy but of Feisty, so I think there are some issues. One of it beeing missing header files for my 2.6.20-16-generic Kernel18:27
bts3685Reng: i wouldn't see why not18:27
PiterDeVriessfears: 6.118:27
minus198sethk, ok.. But where can I dissable it then? I can give it a shot eventhough it isn't in the logs...18:27
core64is synaptic or aptitude recommending a kernel upgrade?18:27
sfearsyou should download a new live cd and see what happens18:27
PiterDeVriessfears: any idea how to get deatails what the heck is going on instead o blue progress bar with kubuntu logo?18:27
dajhornscottj:  $ find / -xdev -size +100M (or somesuch)18:28
Renghow can you manual setup "hddtemp" to detect external drive temperature?18:28
sethkminus198, you can look in xorg.conf, for a module that has anything relevant to frame buffer.  I don't think you'll find it, though, because it would be reflected in the log.18:28
sfearsmabey alt+ctrl+f118:28
sfearsi don't know if that works at boot or not18:28
PiterDeVriestried that :/ without success18:28
sethkjsschmid1, that's not really a problem; the headers are not installed automatically but it is easy to install them.18:28
sfearsi'm posotive there's a way to do that18:28
YasumotoPoul|Raider: I have that issue too. I know there's a fix, but I haven't had time to find it yet18:28
PiterDeVriesdid show something but lost it very fast18:28
YasumotoPoul|Raider: lemme google it really quick18:28
bruenigPiterDeVries, sed -e 'si/qu\ietiig' -e 'sisplashiig' -i /boot/grub/menu.lst18:28
Poul|Raideroki Yasumoto18:29
jsschmid1sethk: should be easy, but it doesnt work with get-apt ...18:29
sfearsi think there's an extra slash in there18:29
sethkjsschmid1, what happens?18:29
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dajhornscottj:  Try also "Applications -> Accessories -> Disk Usage Analyzer"18:29
sfearspiter i think your solution lies in that boot/grub/menu.lst file18:29
minus198sethk, didn't find anything, as you predicted..18:29
bruenigPiterDeVries, first command was off my fault typo, here it is: sed -e 'siqu\ietiig' -e 'sisplashiig' -i /boot/grub/menu.lst18:30
Poul|RaiderAnyone know if i am able to make any use of my remote control(from a creative-xfi front). If there is any way to use the inputs sent by the remote to execute things?18:30
PiterDeVrieswhere should I enter these? I can't get any console or any other input18:30
PiterDeVriesthe only thing I'm left with are boot options of installer DVD18:31
sfearsyou have a command line there18:31
sfearsi think it's f618:31
PiterDeVriesok, thx :) I'll check that18:31
powhatanBobhow can i find where java is installed on my machine?  Specifically i need to set the javapath variable in a makefile to compile18:31
bruenigPiterDeVries, oh you don't actually have it installed yet?18:31
PiterDeVriesI did, but it's unable to load :/18:31
sfearsPieter.. press c at the boot menu18:32
void^powhatanBob: 'which java', 'update-alternatives --list java'18:32
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PiterDeVriesactually Esc helped18:32
sfearswait.. crap, you have the live cd boot menu or a grub boot menu.. if it's grub it will say loading grub, then show a menu18:32
PiterDeVriesLive CD boot menu18:33
PiterDeVriesnow I've got "boot:"18:33
powhatanBobTYVM void18:34
regis_bonsoir tt le monde18:34
=== follia is now known as something__
PiterDeVriesso I'm more or less in the point: "boot options" :/18:35
sfearslet's see if this works, at boot hit f6, should bring up a command line, type sudo gedit boot/grub/menu.lst18:35
brueniggksudo gedit18:35
sfearsi don't think it will work18:35
PiterDeVriesok, just a sec18:35
sfearsyeah yeah gksudo gedit18:35
bruenigwait, no, not gedit at all18:35
regis_do you speak french???18:35
brueniggedit is graphical, you will need to use vim or nano or joe or any of those18:35
sfearsno gedit?18:36
sfearsohh yeah18:36
PiterDeVries.... nope. I'm back in live CD menu :/18:36
bruenigvi too if you want to use that18:36
PiterDeVriesF6 gives me boot options18:36
sfearsbackspace all the way18:36
Peakerhttp://security.ubuntu.com is returning 403 forbidden errors?18:36
Cooliogood evening18:37
PiterDeVriesI'm not sure if the commandline is available here anyway18:37
sfearsthose boot options are a command line18:37
gavi_sorry i was disconnected. could anyone give me some info on starting a webhosting service...18:37
BlueDevilPeaker: i'm getting the same 403 forbidden18:37
PeakerBlueDevil: any idea why?18:37
BlueDevilPeaker: nope :(18:37
PiterDeVriesbut when I tried to play with them it got me to the point that it expects me to point a kernel to load18:37
Hilikusdoes anyone have an idea on this?18:37
PiciBlueDevil, Peaker: I think its a routing issue, I'm not having an issue here.18:38
PiterDeVriesso, ok it's a command line but definatelly not a shell ;)18:38
gavi_im using ubuntu 7, i installed apache, php mysql and zpanel.. all the plugins for zpanel arent working yet, but im not even sure if i should continue because this is a regular desktop pc18:38
BlueDevilPici: can you install samba?18:38
sethkHilikus, probably need to add some udev configuration18:39
PiterDeVriesok, I managed to get startup details from boot options =]18:39
sfearsanyone know a bash text editor that would be on 6.1?18:39
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PiciBlueDevil: Could I?18:39
sethkgavi_, as opposed to what?18:39
RoudiProbably a dumb question,  but from the Desktop CD, is it possible to install Ubuntu on a machine with no previous OS?18:40
sethksfears, vim, nano, gedit,18:40
sfearsgedit is graphical18:40
Kl4mhttp://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/samba-common_3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb = 403 Forbidden ???18:40
RoudiGood to know.18:40
gavi_sethk well im using a desktop computer which i freshly installed ubuntu18:40
sfearstries to load hardware or something.. doesn't work from boot18:40
BlueDevilKl4m: apparently so18:40
sfearsi'll try vim18:40
sethksfears, yes, it is still run from the shell.  If you mean console, say console.18:40
sfearsnope.. not console18:40
sfearsboot menu18:40
sfearslive cd boot menu18:41
gavi_what is required of me to make this a lugit hosting server, or do i need something else?18:41
sethkgavi_, I'm not clear about what you are asking.18:41
sethksfears, you are in the grub shell there18:41
charsetdisastersorry guys18:41
PiterDeVriesok, can I hold the booting sequence a bit? Tried the Ctrl+I but nothing happened and I'm back in the same spot... without shell18:41
jsschmid1sethk: now it works, there were some deactivated repos, I think that was why it wasn't working ... but I am still with my feisty Kernel using gutsy18:41
sfearsvim & gedit give me all kinds of errors18:41
sethkjsschmid1, that's not, in general, a problem18:41
charsetdisastersorry how can i see character enciding windows-iso in linux?18:41
gavi_sethk, i want to make a profitable web hosting "server"18:42
sethksfears, start with vim, it's simpler, and give us the first error18:42
charsetdisasterin order to see subtitles18:42
gavi_i want to offer webhosting to people whom need it18:42
joevac 18:42
gavi_at prices i choost, and not reselling another web hosting company18:42
jsschmid1sethk: ...wait ... I installed and apt-get did something, but I cant find the headerfiles anyway18:42
sfearsnano give invalid compressed format system halted18:42
charsetdisasteri came to windows dual boot18:42
sethkgavi_, the only real difference between a server and a workstation is whether you run the GUI on the machine.  Any machine can act as a server.18:42
Kl4msfears, sethk: the GRUB shell doesn't have access to programs, Linux isn't loaded yet18:42
charsetdisasterwith ubuntu18:42
arthur_kalmHi everyone, I'm using a D-Link DWL-G122 revision A2 USB wireless adapter. Every time the computer boots up it connects perfectly to the wireless network. However, when I try to access the internet, the connection magically disappears. The strangest part is that behaviour is happening on one account but not another.18:43
gavi_sethk, this i know, but i dont know any legal issues18:43
sethkKl4m, indeed, so he is not really in the boot menu, but I don't exactly know where he is.18:43
golem1for a few small-load sites an average desktop pc will do just fine, however i highly suggest you have at least a second 'identical' testbed server, for trying things without hosing your production box18:43
charsetdisasterand i can't see the files writen in notepad like srt (subtitles)18:43
gavi_sethk, what about client backups?18:43
Kl4msethk a recovery console?18:43
n4p1hello, a questioin to imwheel: is it possible to configure a mousekey, which gets the function of pressing three keys (from the keyboard). for example Alt_L|Control_L|Right.18:43
arthur_kalmI've tried removing and reading the troublesome account but that has not helped. I can't see how it would make a difference based on the account.18:43
sethkgavi_, I don't see what any of that has to do with the hardware.18:43
openexplorerhi all, anybody here to solve a problem with an ati graphic card x1300/1550 series please? the issue: after ubuntu's splash screen and before login, the screen becomes black. unfortunately i said yes to proprietary drivers install... i red all the suitable posts and the question is: reconfigure xserver-xorg through the command line?18:44
sfearshe has no boot menu & boot up fails before gnome is loaded.. how do you get in to edit files?18:44
sethkopenexplorer, sure, you have nothing to lose by trying it.18:44
Kl4mopenexplorer: press ctrl+alt+f1 to get a command line, then18:44
jsschmid1sethk: there is no /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/build/include18:44
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Kl4mopenexplorer: login and sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:44
charsetdisasterctrl + F118:44
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gavi_sethk, i dont believe big hosting companies are using desktops like myn, they have these big computers which look like refridgerators which i assume auto mirror the entire webserver to other locations daily18:45
jsschmid1what is the current gutsy kernel version?18:45
charsetdisasteryes ctrl alt f118:45
Renghow cant setup "hddtemp" to detect 2 raid external drive?18:45
bruenig!info linux-image gutsy18:45
ubotulinux-image: Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 24 kB, installed size 52 kB18:45
Ax-AxMy Ctrl-Alt-F1  doesn't work :(18:45
arthur_kalmopenexplorer, or you could edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and restore it back to the generic driver18:45
golem1are you trying to compete with dreamhost or bluehost or something gavi? ;-)18:45
bruenigjsschmid1, just one point release behind18:45
nivekc1anyone have any tips on how to make bit torrent more efficient on ubuntu?18:45
charsetdisasterbut  please tell me how do make linux recognize windows  character encoding????????????//18:45
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bruenignivekc1, forward your ports on your router18:46
bruenigget on torrents that have seeders and so forth18:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:46
Nylehow do you mount usb key18:46
core64nivekc1: don't use comcast as your ISP18:46
bruenignivekc1, anything which makes bittorrent efficient on any other OS18:46
frank_Some files in http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/ are not marked readable. I can't access an update.18:46
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:46
arthur_kalmcharsetdisaster, what do you mean?18:46
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl18:46
Nyle!mount usb18:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mount usb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:46
openexplorerKl4m:thanks, and what do you think about 8.42.3 proprietary driver? can it be safe to try a new install?18:46
charsetdisasterE please tell me how do make linux recognize windows  character encoding?18:46
nivekc1thats what i thought i did port forwarding18:47
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter18:47
openexplorersethk: thanks... :)18:47
frank_who can change permissions on the security.ubuntu.com server?18:47
charsetdisasterE please tell me how do make linux recognize windows  character encoding?18:47
sfearsnyle is your usb drive plugged in18:47
JordiGHHow do I disable that annoying bash thing for when I type the wrong command.18:47
BlueDevilfrank_: we don't know. we're having the same issue :)18:47
tbicI have a exchange account in evolution how do I get tracker to index it18:48
charsetdisasteri searched everywhere but nothing!!!18:48
gavi_sethk, maybe i should refrase my question, is creating a webserver from a ubuntu desktop machine recommended?18:48
frank_Jordigh, the thing that says install this command18:48
charsetdisasterE please tell me how do make linux recognize windows  character encoding?18:48
JordiGHfrank_: Yes.18:48
BlueDevilcharsetdisaster: what do you mean by "windows character encoding" ?18:48
Kl4mopenexplorer: I don't like installing low-level stuff such as drivers when there is no Ubuntu package18:48
frank_I think it is something with the command 'set'18:48
minus198Does anyone know what do do with this: http://dump.myskul.net/files/compizplusvlcsux.png18:48
minus198All files are like that18:48
nivekc1is there anyway to access advanced settings in the bit torrent client that comes with gusty??18:48
openexplorerarthur_kalm:well i am a newbie and i'd prefer not to fix manually.  ;)18:49
frank_command_not_found_handle ()18:49
frank_    /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/command-not-found -- $1;18:49
frank_    return $?18:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gryb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:49
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:49
frank_JordiGH, it is a function set with 'set'18:49
sfearsclueless minus18:49
charsetdisastertBluedevil i mean that every file i have that is encoded in ansi or windows-iso*** in linux looks like a shit18:49
sfearslooks like a divx driver problem18:49
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arthur_kalmopenexplorer, ah.. hrm. Did anyone else answer your question yet?18:49
JordiGHfrank_: Wow. I see. I'm grepping through it now.18:50
YasumotoPoul|Raider: I haven't found anything yet, but I'll post something in the forums18:50
charsetdisasterso please Bluedevil do ypu understand e?18:50
Niteyehow can i make it so a user cannot su to another user anymore18:50
gavi_is creating a webserver from a ubuntu desktop machine recommended?18:50
openexplorerKl4m:I see, well hopefully ati should give good packages because we all have paid for their stuff... don't u agree?  :)18:50
frank_type 'unset command_not_found_handle'18:50
JordiGHfrank_: Is there a package I can remove?18:50
dajhornJordiGH:  # apt-get remove --purge command-not-found18:51
frank_I think it is just defined in a config file18:51
JordiGHdajhorn: Thanks. I want this thing GONE. :-)18:51
openexplorerarthur_kalm:yes, Art i got the suggestion of reconfigure xserver...18:51
arthur_kalmopenexplorer, OK good :)18:51
BlueDevilcharsetdisaster: are you talking about movie subtitles?18:52
openexplorerarthur_kalm: :)18:52
JordiGHI admit it's a clever hack, though. I don't want it, unfortunately.18:52
charsetdisaster yes Bluedevil yes18:52
whabohey guys ... i would like to check my computer's motherboard temp. how can i do that? its a laptop18:52
BlueDevilcharsetdisaster: what player are you using?18:52
golem1whabo: i use mbmon18:52
whabombmon > you find it from teh package manager?18:53
golem1yeah. and there should be an xmbmon or something if you want a gui18:54
openexplorerKl4m:bye... i am going to start the reconfig show!  ;)18:54
whabookay thank you18:54
Kl4mopenexplorer: do you have a flat screen ?18:54
kazim59is there any command in linux that I can know the filename given its inode? (opposite of stat)18:54
Kl4mopenexplorer: I mean LCD?18:54
openexplorerKl4m:yes, 1280*1024 LCD.  ;)18:54
Renganyone know how to get Im-sensors to work with the dell e520?18:55
dajhornkazim59: $ find -inum 1234518:55
Kl4mopenexplorer: OK then don't bother with the monitor frequencies questions, just put defaults18:55
whabogoleml: one more thing .. what is teh normal CPU temperature? coz i have no idea what to expect.. thank you.18:55
kazim59dajhorn: thanks18:55
golem1depends on your cpu!18:55
golem1my amd3500 runs at a whopping 57 deg C, with the crappy stock heatsink/fan18:56
wedgehoehow do I monitor packets?18:56
whaboits a celeron 2.4 GHZ18:56
openexplorerKl4m:do u mean 60hz?18:56
whaboowww okay thx18:56
wiseleowhabo - tomshardware lists benchmark cpu temps18:56
Kl4mopenexplorer: probably 60hz18:56
cake4568whats the best alternative to pidgin...its giving me problems18:56
ntoxinHi gang could someone help me get my sound chip running in ubuntu???18:56
desertc!sound | ntoxin18:56
ubotuntoxin: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:57
dmi3onthat what i needed http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/share-ubuntu-home-directories-using-samba/18:57
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:57
dmi3onthnx all18:57
desertcntoxin: Almost always, some sound channel is muted.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/15693018:57
openexplorerKl4m:have a nice day and thanks again.18:57
whabogoleml: i just installed xmbmon where can i find the program. thx18:57
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charsetdisasterenybody tell me a good character converter? because linux display windows text badly unreadable18:58
kazim59dajhorn: find searches the disks... I think the kernel never searches once it knows the inode?18:58
H-Towni'm trying to completely format my hard drive, and someone earlier thismorning in this room told me to use gparted18:58
charsetdisasterI have Ubuntu feisty with all updates on18:59
H-Towni opened the terminal and typed 'gksudo gparted' like he said and then it asked for my password and nothing happene18:59
whabogoleml: i just installed xmbmon where can i find the program. thx18:59
golem1whabo, in a terminal type 'sudo xmbmon'18:59
whabooww thx18:59
dajhornkazim59: If the file is already open and has a kernel handle, then use a utility like `lsof` or `fuser` instead of `find`.18:59
cake4568my buddy list keeps disapearing on AWN and I can only see my IM window...any help?18:59
frank_do you have one hard drive, H-town18:59
charsetdisasterhow can i make linux display the windows character encondig in texts?????????????????18:59
charsetdisastere anybody there knows anybidy19:00
frank_burn gparted onto a cd19:00
frank_just a sec h-town19:00
Pici!patience | charsetdisaster19:00
ubotucharsetdisaster: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:00
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:00
frank_http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/  h-town19:00
merovingianhi guys. I cant install my downloaded ATI Drivers while following the steps on UBUNTU website.19:00
charsetdisasterok UBUTU i will go take a look at there thanks19:00
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:00
frank_you can't format the drive while gparted is on it, h-town19:01
FireHazrdHas anyone got Photoshop CS3 working on Ubuntu?19:01
wiseleoWhy not boot from an Ubuntu CD in rescue mode? :)19:01
golem1FireHazrd, in vmware or something?19:01
H-Townso make a live cd and boot with it in my drive and it should wipe my harddrive clean?19:01
BlueDevilguys, aparently the samba 403 - forbidden errors are intentional to prevent people from getting broken packages19:01
frank_what are you trying to do, charset?19:01
frank_yep, samba is broken for now.19:02
FireHazrdgolem1: Vmware or wine, anyway... i want to get off of windows all together19:02
merovingianI followed the Binary Driver How To steps exactly and it still doesnt work, the package driver installs itself and I cant disable my restricted drivers19:02
charsetdisasteri am trying to make subtitles readable in linux!!19:02
H-Townok i'll give it a shot, thanks frank!19:02
godzirraIs there any sort of tool to tell if a file is binary or not?19:02
RagingBullunder gutsy 64bit i cant seem to get all dvd's to copy even after following the directions here. I can watch all dvd and burn some dvd's , but on some k3b still wont get all the css keys. Anyone know what the problem could br19:02
zeeeeeis there a vnc client that supports clipboard (copy/paste)? also, is there a program that can send clipboard text as keys input to whatever window has focus?19:02
godzirra"is a binary" or not.19:02
akincerBlueDevil: Are you referring to the broken smbfs in the latest versions? Jeremy Allison just announced 3.0.27a to be out on Monday19:02
frank_yep, h-town19:02
dajhornkazim59: You probably want something like `lsof -Fi [...]`.19:02
golem1oh wow, the ability to hold alt/option and click _anywhere_ on a window to move it is excellent19:03
BlueDevilzeeeee: look at autocutsel19:03
pipegeekJust for the record, for those of you who use yakuake....19:03
frank_subtitles on a video, charset?19:03
godzirraAnyone know if there's a tool to check if a file is a binary or not?19:03
charsetdisasterfrank i want somehow to make my linux os to display correct dubtitles and whatever is in windows encoding19:03
dajhorngodzirra: Use the `file` program to identify a file.19:03
pipegeekI've finally tracked down a weird issue that was causing x to crash while compiz-fusion was running and the system was under load.  Turns out there's a strange interaction specifically between yakuake and compiz fusion, such that if you run anything cpu-intensive from yakuake while c-f is running, x will likely die in a few minutes (or seconds!)19:03
godzirradajhorn: thanks.19:04
dajhorngodzirra: Rather, `/usr/bin/file` is a hepful program.19:04
godzirrathat was what I needed.  i'll go read.19:04
pipegeekIt's existed since feisty, apparently, and also has turned up in gentoo.  But #126732 on launchpad.19:04
grindcorelocal boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) [168.866054 and another files with different numbers] bcm43xx error: microcode ''bcm43xx_microcode5fw'' is not available or load failed ??? who can help, please19:04
alagesAnyone having trouble when upgrading samba (403 forbidden)?19:04
charsetdisasterfrank any idea?19:04
dajhornalages: The samba upgrade was removed because it is broken.19:04
Picialages: yes: http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/16311619:04
alagesOk, thanks.19:05
=== amidanie1 is now known as amidaniel
thesourceFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/libsmbclient_3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb 403 Forbidden19:05
thesourceFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/smbclient_3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb 403 Forbidden19:05
thesourceFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/samba-common_3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb 403 Forbidden19:05
Pici!Paste | thesource19:05
ubotuthesource: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:05
frank_what are you using for the video, charset?  xawtv?19:05
grindcorelocal boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) [168.866054 and another files with different numbers] bcm43xx error: microcode ''bcm43xx_microcode5fw'' is not available or load failed ??? who can help, please19:06
zeeeeeBlueDevil, thanks for the pointer. it doesn't seem to do what i need, though. (correct me if i'm mistaken)19:06
golem1this is a petty complaint but.. can't i change the key-bindings in rhythm box so that spacebar toggles pause/play instead of starting a song over?19:06
BlueDevilzeeeee: it worked in my case; i use x11vnc as vnc server and realvnc as client19:07
Switchhey everyone; when trying to run celtx it gives me this message: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5 what should I do about this? I'm a total noob...19:07
frank_there are many listings for your problem, grindcore19:07
=== Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Current samba upgrade is broken. see: http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/163116
BlueDevilzeeeee: before using autocutsel clipboard copy/paste would work only one way19:07
grindcorefrank_  i just trying to install ubuntu and i cannot ,...19:08
charsetdisasterfrank is windows utf-8 with signature and line endings (CR +LF)19:08
charsetdisasterand frak those can't be displayed in linux19:08
cronHey, im compiling a custom kernel to enable more serial ports. When I install all pre-req packages ala kernel-source. Run the compile then make-kpkg and install my kernel im loosing my ethernet driver (note with the generic kernel the driver its an e1000_ich9) but on my custom its unconfigured. Am I missing custom patches or something for the 2.6.x kernel)19:09
charsetdisastersorry frank for typing frak19:09
grindcorelocal boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) [168.866054 and another files with different numbers] bcm43xx error: microcode ''bcm43xx_microcode5fw'' is not available or load failed ??? who can help, please19:09
frank_no problem about the name, charset?19:09
snkmadcan i remove evolution from ubuntu? i only use gmail webmail here19:09
dajhornsnkmad: Yes, the Evolution package is safe to remove.19:09
Switchlibstdc++.so.5 where can I get this? anyone?19:09
snkmaddajhorn thx19:10
charsetdisasterok frank19:10
sfearsi've installed compiz but can't seem to find it anywhere19:10
frank_here''s a start grindcore http://www.mail-archive.com/rlug@lists.lug.ro/msg10859.html19:10
sfearshow can i tell if my graphics card is working properly19:10
snkmaddajhorn should i do it on synaptic package manager or apt-get remove evolution ??19:10
charsetdisasterdo you know how to make text readable19:10
Kl4mcharsetdisaster, frank_ :  I think gedit reads Windows line breaks ok, but I don't know which editor can save with those. Maybe kate19:10
RagingBullk3b isnt loading all css to decrypt dvd for some dvds, but works fie with others?19:10
taz_hi guys19:10
charsetdisasteri mean it is encoded under windows19:10
RagingBullwhat is the problem ?19:10
dajhornsnkmad: I removed it with apt, but use whatever is comfortable.19:10
charsetdisasterso linux can't display correct19:11
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snkmaddajhorn id rather apt too, thx19:11
Kl4mcharsetdisaster: is it file contents or file names?19:11
PiterDeVriesany idea how to stop kubuntu 6.1 boot at the login point? without running X? Add. info: I don't have shell so I can't edit any cinfig files19:11
Bill_GatesMicrosoft exelent19:11
sfearspiter.. you do have shell19:11
sfearsjust have to figure out how to get to it19:11
charsetdisasterit is text file it is a *.txt or a *.srt file19:11
frank_charset, I find the program 'subtitles' to display subtitles in 'xawtv', but I am not sure what you want.19:11
PiterDeVrieshmm, ok yes :)19:11
charsetdisasterit is encoded under windows19:12
sfearsyou said that you see the kubuntu splash screen and the blue bar working it's way to the right? it almost finishes but never does?19:12
charsetdisasterand linux media player19:12
sd32help, when i get the recent updates it tell me that some packages cannot be retrieved from the server,and then it gives a error message, how do i fix this problem?19:12
taz_update manger  it said 3 update but it an error occured19:12
charsetdisastercannot display correct19:12
frank_oh you want subtitles from a file displayed on a video.19:12
taz_why it cant download ??19:12
grindcorefrank - i had torn on my wireless card - u think thats can be a problem ?19:12
charsetdisasterfrank yes19:12
minus198Does anyone know what do do with this: http://dump.myskul.net/files/compizplusvlcsux.png19:13
PiterDeVriesat the boot I switch to text mode, receive few msgs and just after showing the login: it tries to switch to X and everything halts... any idea how to avoid that?19:13
snkmadis it safe to install the latest nvidia-glx-new update? its been sitting here for more than 3 days, im just afraid something will go wrong19:13
charsetdisastertell me19:13
BlueDevilPiterDeVries: boot to single user19:13
taz_it said W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/smbclient_3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb19:13
taz_  403 Forbidden19:13
wiseleoPiter - ctrl-alt-f2 will give you a terminal if you need it. Alt-f7 to get back to X19:13
frank_samba's broken, taz_19:13
BlueDeviltaz_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/16311619:13
Picitaz_: see topic19:14
charsetdisastercan you give me a link Frank?19:14
PiterDeVrieswiseloo: tried that, not working :/19:14
grindcorefrank_  can be a problem because my wireless card was turned on ?19:14
frank_I also found this http://dominia.org/djao/dvdsub.ver3-3.html  charset19:14
sd32is samba going to be fixed any time soon?19:14
frank_I don't think so grindcore19:14
charsetdisasterthanks i will take a look at19:14
wiseleoPiter - if ctrl-alt-fX does not work... ouch. What caused this for you?19:14
PiterDeVriesBlueDevil: how can I do that without being able to edit anything19:15
frank_the page is about adding subtitles from a file to a video, charset19:15
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sfearspiter: ctrl+alt+f1 shows you verbose boot19:15
grindcorefrank_ i have a laptop with this broadcom card, so what i need to do ?19:15
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT19:15
charsetdisasterthanks i will see19:15
frank_http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/subosd.html charset19:15
PiterDeVriesI know :) and switching to text console works till a certain point19:15
frank_these are the formats of subtitles that mplayer can use charset19:15
golem1ooh nice link, mounting windows shares permanently19:15
ntoxinDoes someone know how i can dual monitor through the s-video port of my ATI card?19:15
sfearswhat happens when it stops? it doesn't give you a command prompt?19:16
PiterDeVriesas I stated earlier - I get to the point where a login text shows up and apparently system continues to load X, but every console crashes19:16
BlueDevilPiterDeVries: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/grub-boot-into-single-user-mode/19:16
charsetdisasterok i will take a look19:16
frank_grindcore can you use ubuntu right now or are you still in install?19:16
PiterDeVriesnope, nothing happens.19:16
sd32can samba be uninstalled?19:16
PiterDeVriesBD: thanks. I'll try that19:16
wiseleoPiter - what was the last thing you did on a working system that led to this?19:16
stefanosfears, i dont know what you mean but when i logon to my server at the machine itself the please login message gets overwritten with kernel broadcasts19:17
charsetdisasterbut i use vlc media player because mplayer always crash and i don;t know why?19:17
PiterDeVriesI installed it. It never worked. Also a live CD does the same, graphic install kernel etc.19:17
frank_what card do you have grindcore?19:17
PiterDeVriesI managed to install the system using text installer and that's it19:17
frank_vlc player? just a sec19:17
wiseleoPiter - can be disk drive, video, keyboard...19:17
sd32man, im striking out today19:17
charsetdisastermplayer crash immidiateley and pop-up a message that says can't open!!!!!!!!!!119:17
grindcorefrank_ i have just one laptop with me and i cannot install ubuntu, this is why i'm here, i have enough of windows, i can do lot of with computers but linux is absolutely new for me, never tried before,...19:17
wiseleoPiter - does your keyboard have an F-lock key by chance?19:18
zkjellbergHello, simple question: Is there a way to force .txt files to open with Text Editor instead of having the prompt to choose?19:18
stedyhello. i have a Niveus Media remote controller. UR88A whit a USB RF transponder CM21A. I think this is the same devices as in Nvidia Remote. Is there any way to get this device to work in ubuntu?19:18
yeniklasorrWho got worked Ati radeon x1600 successfully? I have problems with beryl and tv capture card. Can you help me?19:18
PiterDeVrieswiselo: F-lock? I don't think so. It's a logitech slim - regular keyboard19:18
charsetdisasterFrank i want to avoid reencoding the subtitles in windows so they can fit on linux19:18
BlueDevilcharsetdisaster: can you send me a subtitle file that doesn't work?19:18
stefanozkjellberg, this should be in the nautilus preferences19:18
frank_charset, when you said the subtitles were in windows format what do you mean?19:18
zkjellbergstefano: How would I access such?19:19
grindcorefrank_ i have a broadcom 802.11 abg19:19
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wiseleoPiter - the reason why I asked is because some keyboards have their F-keys disabled until you hit F-lock19:19
grindcorefrank_ my laptop is HP 6715b19:19
=== sacul is now known as Bill_Gates
stefanozkjellberg, open up nautilus and go to "edit" -> "preferences" (or something like that) i cant tell you exactly where the setting is, because i have a localized version19:19
charsetdisasterFrank i mean that in windows by default whatever is saved in notepad is unreadable in linux19:19
=== RoRzaz is now known as RoRzazz
cake4568I'm having trouble with my dual monitors...first I cant move windows between the two monitors...also on my laptop monitor I'm unable to grab/move windows at all. any ideas?19:19
ntoxinAnybody manage to get dual monitor running?19:19
charsetdisasterbluedevil how can i sent you the file?19:20
cake4568I have em ntoxin19:20
RagingBulli keep getting access denied when doing file transfer with kopete or any other IM prog19:20
yeniklasorrcharsetdisaster : Use "kate"19:20
BlueDevilcharsetdisaster: what irc client are you using?19:20
charsetdisasterdo you wantto upload it to some server and give the link???19:20
RagingBullwhat is restricting the sending of a file?19:20
PiterDeVriesBlueDevil: I don't think I can do the single-user. I can't get to "grub screen" it simply boots ubuntu. The instalation was a bit weird (I didn't even had a chance to pick packages)...19:20
snkmadi just rebooted, and the update manager still wants to update some evolution packages, although i have removed evolution here19:20
BlueDevilPiterDeVries: you don't get a chance to pick packages during the initial install19:21
charsetdisasterblue devil i amusing a java applet is not exactly mirc19:21
BlueDevilPiterDeVries: AFAIK19:21
zkjellbergstefano: That worked, thankyou.19:21
=== Bill_Gates is now known as Sacul
stefanozkjellberg, it's under nautilus > edit > preferences > behaviour > executable text files > view executalbe text files when they are opened19:21
stefanooh great :D19:21
BlueDevilPiterDeVries: you need to press "Esc" to get the grub menu19:21
stefanoyoure welcome19:21
SMFS_UsagiI tried booting with the CD and after the in itial screens all I get is gibberish, blinking colors19:21
yeniklasorrWho got worked Ati radeon x1600 successfully? I have problems with beryl and tv capture card. Can you help me?19:21
charsetdisasterfrank any idea19:22
wiseleoPiter - what I do is build from a netinstall CD... you may have CD issues19:22
PiterDeVriesyay :) finally some progress :)19:22
stefanoyeniklasorr, i havent got an ati graphics card but have you tried to find a solution and the ubuntu wiki?19:22
stefanomaybe theres an howto19:22
sd32samba isnt even installed on my system ant it still is giving me errors19:22
PiterDeVrieswiselo: I tested the DVD and it seemed ok. I'll try with single-user19:22
frank_I am looking for program to re-encode the file using linux19:23
* PiterDeVries got a grub command line and is so pround of it :D19:23
yeniklasorrstefano : I tried and couldn't find a solution :(19:23
charsetdisasterWith VLC i am able to use any file i want so i boot to windows i re-encode but then boot again19:23
sfearsusing escape Piter?19:23
charsetdisasterFrank thanks for your patience19:23
jsschmid1hi! how can i get the firmware.agent?19:23
charsetdisasterthanks a lot19:23
sd32strike 3, im outa here19:23
stefanoyeniklasorr, sorry i dont have one either, i know that there is one on the german ubuntu support site, but you dont speak german do you?19:23
sfearsgoogle translates stefano19:24
SMFS_Usagican someone please help me?19:24
yeniklasorrstefano : no but maybe translate.google.com can help19:24
charsetdisasterYES FRANK THA WOULD BE GRATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19:24
jsschmid1jsschmid1: please dont say apt-get19:24
sfearshelp you with what SMFS19:24
SMFS_UsagiI tried running from the CD and at first I got graphics19:25
SMFS_Usagithen I got blinking colors19:25
PiterDeVriessfears: yes. And I've found the proper boot option and now I've got shell. Finally :D19:25
stefanoyeniklasorr, those are the links, http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/ATI-Grafikkarten and http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/ATI-Grafikkarten/AIW hope that helps19:25
BlueDevilPiterDeVries: what video card are you using?19:25
yeniklasorrstefano : thanks I'm looking19:25
PiterDeVriesATI Radeon 960019:25
bloonyIm trying to remove all the id3 tags with ex falso.. but on some tags I get a pad lock icon on some of the files.. I tried to do "chmod a+w /folder" but its still there.. its a external ntfs drive19:26
sfearsalright Piter.. now you need to edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst file, and make sure your pointer to a generic kernel19:26
ericvwHas anyone been able to download the latest Samba updates for Gutsy?19:26
BlueDevilPiterDeVries: change the video driver to "vesa" in xorg.conf19:26
ericvwI get the forbidden 403 Error19:26
Niksteranyone know of an alternative to XCompMgr? i can't get XGL to run on my old Nvidia geforce 219:26
dgjonesericvw, see /topic19:26
BlueDevilPiterDeVries: you compiled a custom kernel?19:26
Niksterand xcompmgr crashes if i use shadows and fades19:26
PiterDeVriesBlueDevil: live CD seemed to try to boot with vesa but with same result as regular boot19:27
ericvwdgjones, thanks...I probably should of read that first19:27
PiterDeVriesBlueDevil: not now. Now I'm using live DVD kernels19:27
\prybarI need help installing Hamachi.. any takers?19:27
sfearsPiter: ls -a /lib/modules, that will list all of you current kernels19:27
BlueDevilPiterDeVries: what video driver do you have not in xorg.conf?19:27
PiterDeVriessfears: what should I do with /boot/grup/menu.lst?19:27
newguyok ive just deleted my winxp partition on my HD, now full time ubuntu user, one last thing though, how do i remove the "windows xp" entry from the grub menu list?19:27
grindcorefrank_ can u help me ?19:27
sfearslet's find out what kernels you have first Piter19:27
sfearsls -a /lib/modules19:28
PiterDeVriesgot only one kernel - 2.6.17-10-generic ...19:28
sfearsahhh crap19:28
BlueDevilPiterDeVries: uname -a19:28
davidlondoni am trying to set up a 2 inteface lan at work but all the docs only mention one connection to the net- any ideas, i am a bit lost19:28
BlueDevilor uname -r19:28
PiterDeVriesok, that's the kernel I've posted earlier19:29
Nikster\prybar: what's your problem?19:29
sfearsthere's no recovery in there?19:29
BlueDevilPiterDeVries: what ubuntu release are you running?19:29
PiterDeVrieskubuntu 6.119:29
davidlondonis there a ubuntu server forum19:29
BlueDevilany reason not to use the latest?19:29
sfearsare you connected? mabey you could try a distro upgrade?19:30
stefanodavidlondon, the ubuntu server installation is really reasy19:30
PiterDeVriesdidn't have any other :/ and with crappy inet connection downloading a new iso is not an option19:30
Picidavidlondon: #ubuntu-server19:30
stefanoyou can try it in virtual box first19:30
davidlondonif it was easy i would have it working19:30
PiterDeVriesI thought more of upgrading it after installing with smaller packages19:30
sfearswhen your boot freezes, do you still have the progress bar on the screen?19:30
KtronAre the permissions wrong or something on http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/smbclient_3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb ?19:30
PiciKtron: see topic19:30
BlueDevilPiterDeVries: you would have to do several upgrades19:31
KtronPici, got it19:31
BlueDevilPiterDeVries: you're better off with installing the latest from the start rather than upgrading19:31
PiterDeVriessfears: nope. LCD turns into "unsupported mode", then get's back into balck screen and nothing more19:31
* Ktron apologizes19:31
amonkeyi installed the murrine engine package, how do i "enable" it now?19:31
sfearsohh.. dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg you could try that19:32
sfearssee if you can set the display to 600x800 or vesa or something or other19:32
PiterDeVriesBD: I'll probably do that i the download is complete at the night, but I wanted to get this pc running today. My wife is mad at me for taking control over both pcs ;)19:32
BlueDevilPiterDeVries: try what sfears said19:32
stefanoapt-get remove her temporarily :)19:32
LuitvDhow do I use Synaptic to install software on a different installation then my current one?19:33
PiterDeVriesI'll try that. :)19:33
BlueDevilPiterDeVries: [21:33] <sfears> see if you can set the display to 600x800 or vesa or something or other19:33
KtronHow about monodevelop, is monodevelop broken right now too?19:33
=== Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Samba upgrade is broken, see: http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/163116
PiciKtron: I think there are some bugs logged for monodevelop, I know I had issues installing it a few weeks ago.19:33
BlueDevilLuitvD: use the synaptic on the different installation than your current one :)19:33
LuitvDBlueDevil: from a live session19:34
KtronSorry, /quit'd instead of /part'd a side channel-- anyone else notice if monodevelop is broken?19:34
LiMaO[17:33:39] <Pici> Ktron: I think there are some bugs logged for monodevelop, I know I had issues installing it a few weeks ago.19:34
magicrobotmonkeyhow can i play a realmedia file in gutsy?19:34
PiciKtron: I dont have specific bug numbers in front of me though.19:34
somnambulistmagicrobotmonkey, realplayer, i'd imagine19:35
roerichor helixplayer19:35
magicrobotmonkeywhoa didnt know there was a linux version19:35
Pici!real > magicrobotmonkey (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)19:35
UbuntupwnsIs there an RSS link for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ ?19:35
somnambulistyeah go with helix player19:35
sfearsa geeforce nvdia graphics card would be a voodoo chipset correct?19:36
KtronPici, I think I just missed your first comment when I was briefly dc from the channel19:36
somnambulistsfears, no19:36
whabohello does anyone know where i can find ATI 340M drivers?? thank you19:36
BlueDevilsfears: huh? :)19:36
SMFS_UsagiMy video card is Nvidia GeForce4 TI 4200 w/ AGP 8X  -- I cannot get graphuics to work, I get a screen with blinking color squares19:36
sfearsmabey not19:36
nickrudsfears: no, voodoo defunct these days, although nvidia bought it19:36
KtronLiMaO, I had it working until today's batch of updates19:36
sfearsi don't know which chipset to set in the xorg19:36
charsetdisasteri saw that http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html but did not actually help19:37
nickrudsfears: tdfx for voodoo19:37
sfearsi have a geforce19:37
BlueDevilsfears: use "nv"19:37
sfearsat least that what the box says19:37
sfearsohh yeah.. duh19:37
charsetdisasterI am looking for program to re-encode windows-enconding under UBUNTU19:37
LiMaOKtron: i don't know anything about it, just copied that msg, because as you disconnected you didn't read it =)19:37
BlueDevilBlueDevil: you'll get prompted to install the restricted drivers afterwards19:37
charsetdisasterofcourse in utf-819:38
hunger__hey all19:38
the_master7hey hunger__19:38
charsetdisasterhey hunger19:38
KtronLiMaO, Pici, oh, got it, thanks LiMaO, Pici19:38
martinoi have a problem19:38
whabodoes anyone know where to find ATI 340M drivers??? THX19:38
hunger__anyone notice that oo2.3 is crashing when trying to access any menu items?  I googled around and as far as I have read its only been when trying to sort records19:38
hunger__hey master, charset19:38
martinowhen i change dir in nautilus19:38
LuitvDwhabo: the new ATi bèta drivers perhaps?19:38
martinoit crash19:39
malianxwhat's a good eyecandy alternative to gdesklets?19:39
malianxfor system monitoring19:39
charsetdisasterHey  hunger thanks for that "master" haha19:39
martino0x8187480 2007/11/16 20:18:06.4146 (USER): finished loading window 0x81f6138: file:///home/martino19:39
martino0x8187480 2007/11/16 20:18:06.4709 (GLog): file nautilus-navigation-window.c: line 834 (activate_nth_short_list_item): assertion failed: (index < g_list_length (window->details->short_list_viewers))19:39
martino0x8187480 2007/11/16 20:18:06.4709 (USER): debug log dumped due to signal 619:39
hunger__there's adesklets too19:39
martinothis is the log19:39
hunger__charset LOL19:39
LuitvDmalianx: gkrellm?19:39
charsetdisasterlol lol19:39
hunger__charset suppose I should've used a ; instead of a , LOL19:39
the_master7that is not funny19:39
wiseleoWow... a week later... I have a functioning Gforge site... Holy [censored]19:39
* the_master7 giggles19:39
whaboluitvD: nope i mean for old ATI cards 340M :( is there a site i can findout about ATI drivers?19:40
snkmadi just removed evolution, but the update manager wants to update evolution-data-server, its the same program?19:40
martinono one??19:40
LuitvDwhabo: hmm, not sure...19:40
davidlondoni have no idea what the ubuntu server people do with their server maybe they just install it and look at it19:40
charsetdisasterhunger i need a program to re-encode windows -encoding in linux19:40
whabothx anyway19:40
Hexagramhello! I recently installed dancer-ircd and dancer-services and configured them both according to a tutorial I found, but dancer-services doesn't seem to be working, can somebody help?19:40
BlueDevilsnkmad: not the same program19:40
charsetdisasterdo know anything about19:40
nickrudsnkmad: sorta, that's a back end that evolution and some other apps can use to read your evo phone book and the like19:40
BlueDevilsnkmad: try apt-get autoremove19:40
snkmadBlueDevil nickrud so its safe to remove that one too?19:41
kasansweatI've got a burner "pretending" to burn cds, that is, i burn the iso, it goes through the motions, but when the disc is reinserted, it acts as if it is blank. Physical inspection of the CD makes me think it is still blank. Any help?19:41
nickrudsnkmad: yes19:41
BlueDevilsnkmad: yes19:41
snkmadBlueDevil autoremove did nothing19:41
davidlondonkasansweat: what you using to burn it19:41
martinono rensponse19:41
BlueDevilkasansweat: make sure you deselect "test mode" in the program you use to burn the cd19:42
snkmadgonna try apt-get remove evolution-data-server19:42
martino.. thanks by19:42
LuitvDhow can I get something like a list of installed packages (not necessarily versions and all) and use that on another installation of ubuntu?19:42
soundray!clone | luitvd19:42
Pici!aptoncd | LuitvD19:42
ubotuluitvd: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate19:42
ubotuLuitvD: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers19:42
nickrudLuitvD: dpkg --get-selections > mypackagelist19:42
kasansweat(tried brasero and the 'internal one' - I do believe i disabled "test" in brasero19:42
nickrudLuitvD: on the other machine, dpkg --set-selections < mypackagelist && apt-get dselect-upgrade19:42
kasansweat(internal = nautilus)19:43
LuitvDthanks soundray, Pici, nickrud ;)19:43
BlueDevilLuitvD: http://www.glatzor.de/blog/blog-details/select_category/1/article/list-of-software-changes/?tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=4&cHash=def44f791719:43
nickrudah, a factoid19:43
LuitvDBlueDevil: thnx19:43
Hexagramhey guys where should I go for dancer-ircd support?19:43
BlueDevilwho maintains ubotu?19:44
kasansweatYes, "simulate the burning" was deselected when I "burned it" within Brasero19:44
davidlondonkasansweat: maybe try a proper gui like gnome baker-but k3b is the best and works ok for me19:44
clay__i can a set my asoundrc so that oss apps will see a dummy device that is really dmix?19:44
snkmadpackages marked with a star on synaptic are the installed ones?19:44
PiciBlueDevil: The ubuntu-ops have priveleges to edit the factoids.19:44
* nickrud misses open access to ubotu, it was such fun ;)19:44
soundrayBlueDevil: I think it's mainly cafuego19:45
BlueDevili suggest replacing the factoid for "clone" with http://www.glatzor.de/blog/blog-details/select_category/1/article/list-of-software-changes/?tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=4&cHash=def44f791719:45
kasansweatdavidlondon: yes, I seem to find myself drifting more towards kde-land lately19:45
Hexagramhey guys where do I go for dancer-ircd support19:45
davidlondonkasansweat: it also depends if you actually did make the iso properly and what you are trying to do-is it data or video19:45
soundrayubotu, nickrud is a competent and helpful support volunteers on #ubuntu19:46
e|64hi how could I install java in ubuntu19:46
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre19:46
PiciBlueDevil: See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots on how to suggest the factoids yourself.19:46
e|64how to enable these backports19:47
kasansweatdavidlondon: Downloaded iso - (damn small linux actually) seems like it should be fine. burning w/ k3b now.19:47
Hexagramhey guys, where should I go for dancer-ircd support?19:48
mediabuntuhi guys im having to reinstall the nvidia drivers every time i start X.19:48
=== amidanie1 is now known as amidaniel
jsschmid1How can i optain firmware.agent?19:49
mediabuntuevery time i reboot sorry19:49
BlueDevilPici: thx19:49
mediabuntui get a blue screen with asking to to s some log. and that gdm has been stopped.19:49
=== loucas is now known as SoteriouLoucas
nickrudmediabuntu: so read the log, you might see the cause19:50
kasansweatdavidlondon: bizarre- same outcome. k3b reports success, and when disk is reinserted, it's coming up blank19:50
mediabuntu=-Oi did. i didnt see any thing unusual19:50
LuitvDif I 'chroot' into a mounted root filesystem, can I simply `apt-get update` and `dpkg --get-selections` and get the package list I'm after?19:50
BlueDevilkasansweat: did you insert the disc upside down? :))19:51
nickrudLuitvD: yes, it will use the list from the chrooted root19:51
minus198Can someone tell me what do to with this: http://dump.myskul.net/files/compizplusvlcsux.png All videofiles are like this till I reboot X, and then I can play a couple of videos till it goes back to that.19:51
gherkhi i've checked all over the forum and google and i can't seem to resolve this problem. i had a microSD with an adaptor, and I switched off the physical lock on the adapter (there isnt one on the little microSD), and i even fiddled with /etc/fstab to mount it with rw option. but as soon as its inserted, its automounted ro19:51
LuitvDnickrud: cool, thanks19:51
gherkand if i try to mount it manually i get: block device /dev/mmcblk0p1 is write-protected, mounting read-only19:51
nickrudmediabuntu: save a copy of the log file, get your X running, and post the error log to a pastebin, someone may see something19:51
kasansweatBlueDevil: Ha no-- not only that, I've tried multiple disks. This is so bizarre. I've burned successfully with it before.19:51
mediabuntuany one.19:51
=== Didi_ is now known as Diogofsr
unbeatablhi, if i have just one IP, can i add SSL on it?  and still be able to virtual host other users on that IP?19:52
narothepharohhow to open a .uif file?19:52
mediabuntunever mind ...... i give up. sick of it all19:52
jsschmid1How can i optain firmware.agent?19:52
Tsarindoes anyone run a tumblelog?19:52
skyhookwhen you add/remove a program does it remove everything, including config files and etc.?19:52
TsarinI'm looking to run one and want to chat about what works on Debian/Ubuntu19:53
charsetdisasterbye bye all thanks a little19:53
nickrudskyhook: remove leaves config, remove --purge (or remove completely in synaptic) will remove configs19:53
charsetdisasterbye bye19:53
SMFS_UsagiIs there a way to change the video driver that the liveCD uses19:53
charsetdisastercharacter conversion = none;19:53
kasansweatand I was able to mount the iso on its own successfully, so I dont think it's that19:53
kasansweatvery odd19:53
skyhooknickrud: thanks19:53
ubotuIrssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help.19:54
daedra!info irssi19:54
ubotuirssi: terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.11-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1027 kB, installed size 2796 kB19:54
charsetdisastergrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I am angry you did not help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19:54
mark___hello, i added myself to the group sudo, relogged, and i set %sudo ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL in /etc/sudoers, why do i still need to password to use sudo?19:54
daedrashould be installed be default really19:54
minus198charsetdisaster, No need to shout :319:54
narothepharohhow to open a .uif file?19:54
charsetdisastercharacter conversion = NO HELP AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19:55
minus198Can someone tell me what do to with this: http://dump.myskul.net/files/compizplusvlcsux.png All videofiles are like this till I reboot X, and then I can play a couple of videos till it goes back to that.19:55
mark___sed 's/to/a/'19:55
BlueDevilcharsetdisaster: http://www.ubuntu.com/support19:55
nickrudmark___: try changing %sudo to your user name19:55
ubotu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes19:55
=== Diogofsr is now known as diogofsr
daedra#sudo su19:55
nickruddaedra: sudo -i is more elegant19:55
mark___nickrud: hmm ok, but i actually want it for a couple of users19:55
=== gherk is now known as rajman
LuitvDI did dpkg --set-selections < ./packglist but it didn't really install anything... what should I do?19:56
nickrudmark___: then add lines for them19:56
rajmananyone know what to do with the sd card issue ?19:56
nickrudLuitvD: you missed the last part, sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade19:56
mark___nickrud: ok i changed to my name, logged in on tty2, and i still need a password19:56
LuitvDnickrud: doesn't do anything...19:56
drewzfWhat is Ubuntu JeOS?19:57
mark___nickrud: sorry i wrote to /etc/sudoers.tmp19:57
nickrudLuitvD: I've done it several times, are you sure you have the right package list?19:57
DanaGIs there a way to get a list of all Avahi hosts Ubuntu knows about?19:57
LuitvDnickrud: not sure19:57
nickrudmark___: you did use visudo to edit by the way?19:57
Hexagramhey guys where would I go for dancer-ircd support?19:57
kazol2Can I install XP Media Center, run GParted to resize the NTFS partition to 50%, and then install Ubuntu?19:58
mark___nickrud: yes, i changed it using visudo, the line now has my name instead of sudo, and it still prompt for the password, im in wheel, sudo, etc19:58
LuitvDnickrud: apt-get update won't work after chroot19:58
DanaGI'd like an equivalent of /etc/hosts, but with all hosts listed.19:58
TehUnikazol2: i guess, but why not just install winmce to a partition that's 50% of the drive?19:58
jsschmid1Where can I get the FIRMWARE.AGENT ... anyone ?? PLEASE!!19:58
mark___LuitvD: have you bound dev and proc on the chroot env?19:59
rajmanhi i've checked all over the forum and google and i can't seem to resolve this problem. i had a microSD with an adaptor, and I switched off the physical lock on the adapter (there isnt one on the little microSD), and i even fiddled with /etc/fstab to mount it with rw option. but as soon as its inserted, its automounted ro, and if i try to mount it manually i get: block device /dev/mmcblk0p1 is write-protected, mounting read-only19:59
LuitvDmark___: I'm not sure what you mean, so I guess I haven't19:59
aekcan i install winxp on the master disk, ubuntu on the slave?19:59
mark___LuitvD: mount -o bind /dev /mnt/chroot/dev19:59
Picijsschmid1: What firmware.agent, I dont think anyone knows what you are talking about.19:59
kazol2TehUni: The stupid OEM install disk is meant for the average computer user. I even find Ubuntu's installation to be extremely simple.19:59
mark___LuitvD: mount -t proc none /mnt/chroot/proc/19:59
mark___LuitvD: then chroot, then apt-get update20:00
jsschmid1Pici: it schould be located in /etc/hotplug20:00
Aqwis"Err http://security.ubuntu.com gutsy-security/main smbclient 3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.1 403 Forbidden" - anyone?20:00
drewzfcan someone give me an example use of the JeOS releases?20:00
LuitvDhmm..., thanks mark___, I'll try :P20:00
mark___Aqwis: i got the same :S, think they set their permissions wrong20:00
mark___LuitvD: np20:00
dgjonesAqwis, see topic, its mentioned there20:00
jsschmid1Pici: as far as I know it is used to load firmwares in eproms20:00
H-Towni'm starting to feel like ubuntu is programed in a way so that it's very difficult to uninstall ubuntu, format my harddrive and reinstall vista :-P20:00
BlueDevilrajman: check dmesg20:00
Menaciecan anyone help me re-size my screen please?20:01
HexagramH-Town: just put the vista disk in and install it20:01
grimboyHmm, seems I can't have libumfpack4 and libsuitesparse installed because the both contain the files /usr/lib/libamd.so.1 and /usr/lib/libumfpack.a . Can anyone give me some sort of workaround?20:01
H-Townit doesn't work20:01
Aqwiskind of makes it impossible to upgrade right now, or is there a workaround?20:01
drewzfH-Town: Quite the opposit20:01
H-Townwhen I press install vista says it can't read ntfs20:01
dajhornMenacie: Click "System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution"20:01
Hexagramyou need to hit advanced20:01
Hexagramand delete the partition20:01
Hexagramthen make a new one20:01
drewzfUbuntu is configured in a way to allow you to isntall to a seperate partition from your Vista machine, and easily dual boot, or simply take your grub partition out of the primary boot in bios ;)20:02
Menaciesorted, now beryl?20:02
drewzfAnd revert20:02
Hexagramdrewzf: it's more him not knowing how to use the vista installer to hit advanced and delete the ext3 partition to make a new ntfs one20:02
H-Townyou're probably right20:02
HexagramI know I'm right20:02
drewzfHexagram: But that's not necessary if properly configured20:02
Hexagramdrewzf: to install vista? on top of ubuntu? yes, it is.20:03
minus198Can someone tell me what do to with this: http://dump.myskul.net/files/compizplusvlcsux.png All videofiles are like this till I reboot X, and then I can play a couple of videos till it goes back to that.20:03
drewzfOh install vista on top20:03
H-Townhow do i know your right? which is why i say you are probably right20:03
drewzfWhy would you do that?20:03
Menaciei have 7600gs graphics card20:03
BlueDevilminus198: open a bug report please20:03
mark___vista sucks balls20:03
HexagramH-Town: because I fixed the same problem about 25 minutes ago fora f riend20:03
drewzfYou install Ubuntu on top of Vista, that way Grub picks both up20:03
BlueDevilmark___: most of us know :)20:03
drewzfmark___: My thoughts exactly why the hell use it20:03
Hexagramdrewzf: he doesn't want that20:03
rajmanhi i've checked all over the forum and google and i can't seem to resolve this problem. i had a microSD with an adaptor, and I switched off the physical lock on the adapter (there isnt one on the little microSD), and i even fiddled with /etc/fstab to mount it with rw option. but as soon as its inserted, its automounted ro, and if i try to mount it manually i get: block device /dev/mmcblk0p1 is write-protected, mounting read-only20:03
H-Towndo you know of a place I can look online that can teach me how to do what you said?20:03
LuitvDmark___: still doens't work...20:03
mark___LuitvD: well what error msg does it give?20:04
H-Towni have to replace my laptop and i got to put vista back on it before they will take it in20:04
drewzfH-Town: Read your vista user manual regarding partitioning?20:04
BlueDevilrajman: did you check dmesg output?20:04
LuitvDmark___: still doesn't update...20:04
mark___H-Town: Just format and install...20:04
HexagramH-Town: here, it's really easy write this down: do the whole setup as normally planned, then when you choose which disk to install it on hit advanced options, select the partition, hit delete, then ok, then hit new, and make it the full size of the disk, hit ok, then continue with installation20:04
unbeatablso it IS possible to have more than one domains on single ip to share SSL20:04
sfire_unbeatabl: no20:04
rajmanBlueDevil: yes it shows that its been mounted ro20:04
LuitvDmark___: fails to fetch apt sources20:04
H-Townok thanks, i'll give it a shot20:04
drewzfHexagram++ - Step by step20:04
rajmanBlueDevil: regardless of what i do20:05
LacrymologyFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/smbclient_3.0.24-2ubuntu1.3_i386.deb  403 Forbidden20:05
nickrudLuitvD: you don't really need to update, since you only want a list of packages that are already there.20:05
Hexagramdrewzf: what's that?20:05
PiterDeVriesyay :D Got X started :) VESA, 800x600 and 16bit colors, but.... it seems that my configuration was overriden anyway :/ Got 1280x1024 and 24bit color. Not that I'm complaining, but It's a bit weird. I'll try with restart :)20:05
drewzfHexagram: I increased your karma, that was a great step by step dumbed down answer :)20:05
BlueDevilrajman: did you try to flip the switch back and forth a couple of times?20:05
Hexagramoh, haha thanks, is there actually a karma system here?20:05
mark___LuitvD: are you sure they are set right in /etc/apt/sources.list, and are you sure that server is up?20:05
drewzfI miss peelSA :(20:05
LuitvDnickrud: I want to install them now...20:05
aeki am trying to compile ktorrent-2.2.2 and when ./configure is done, it tells "KTorrent requires gmp (http://www.swox.com/gmp)" any idea?20:06
rajmanBlueDevil: yes, i've tried both up and down, and did it a few times20:06
nickrudLuitvD: in the chroot?20:06
LuitvDmark___: I copied the sources.list file from the other chroot20:06
LuitvDnickrud: yes20:06
BlueDevilrajman: does it work with a different OS?20:06
sfire_rajman: can you write to it as root?20:06
LuitvDmark___: and the servers are the archive.ubuntu.com servers20:06
=== etotheipi is now known as _etotheip
Menaciesudo apt-get install beryl= beryl-core= beryl-manager= beryl-plugins= beryl-plugins-data= beryl-settings= beryl-settings-bindings= emerald= libberyldecoration0= libberylsettings0= libemeraldengine0=
BlueDevilsfire_: he can't, since it's mounted as ro20:06
rajmanBlueDevil: i dont know all i have is linux.20:06
MenacieE: Couldn't find package beryl20:07
Pici!beryl | Menacie20:07
ubotuMenacie: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz20:07
rajmansfire; i cant write regardless of what user i am20:07
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion20:07
mark___LuitvD: and you have internet running in the chroot? e.g. you can ping, for example, www.google.com20:07
zeroflaghow do I get emerald themes applied with gnome/compiz?20:07
BlueDevilrajman: paste your fstab20:07
kasansweatWell folks, for what its worth - gnomebaker succeded where brasero, k3b and nautilus-cd-burner failed20:07
Piciaek: try doing `sudo apt-get build-dep ktorrent` that will get the build dependencies for the version of ktorrent thats in the repos, which are probably the same packages you need for your version.20:07
LuitvDmark___: I'm chatting here, aren't I?20:07
=== Thecks_ is now known as Thecks
ajmannenHi, how do i make a folder called /boot/grub/splash as boot? (running ubuntu 7.10)20:07
rajmanBlueDevil: cat /etc/fstab                                                                                   [15:07 pts/2]20:08
rajman# /etc/fstab: static file system information.20:08
rajman# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>20:08
rajmanproc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       020:08
rajman# /dev/sda420:08
rajmanUUID=98bc248b-5170-4f3f-89a2-843b41ac59b6 /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       120:08
rajman# /dev/sda120:08
mark___LuitvD: maybe not fromt he console in the chroot? i dont know your setup20:08
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)20:08
rajmanUUID=30d1c50e-57c1-42f3-9c3e-179b7ded934b /boot           ext2    defaults        0       220:08
rajman# /dev/sda320:08
=== IVBela1 is now known as IVBela
unbeatablanoyne have any idea what this could mean? http://www.geotrust.com/products/ssl_certificates/georoot.asp  ?  does that mean i can run my own verisign.com with this ?20:08
BlueDevil!pastebin | rajman20:08
uboturajman: please see above20:08
LuitvDmark___: it's the same computer AFAIK :P20:08
Pici!bot paste rajman20:08
Pici!paste > rajman (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)20:08
ajmannen how do i make a folder called /boot/grub/splash as boot? (running ubuntu 7.10)? plz answer...20:08
nickrudLuitvD: what was the error? you need both dev and proc mounted for that, i believe20:08
LuitvDmark___: if that's the answer to your question...20:08
Picirajman: dont do that again. understand? use the pastebin.20:09
LuitvDnickrud: I just did that... but it won't work... I'll doublecheck now...20:09
rajmanBlueDevil: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44781/20:09
=== Big-E is now known as mattyd
mark___LuitvD: that doesnt matter, if i, for example, am building a gentoo system in a chroot, i can have internet on the running system, but not in the chroot, because proc wouldnt be bound or whatever20:09
PiciMenacie: Did you read ubotu's message?20:09
Menacieso beryl isn't supposed no more?20:09
LuitvDmark___: bah, so I need to initialize the internet connection there ?20:09
mark___LuitvD: we are talking about the same chroot right? like chroot /mnt/chroot ?20:10
mark___LuitvD: you need to bind proc, as i have told you, mount -t proc none /mnt/chroot/proc/20:10
PiciMenacie: Is there a particular reason you want to use Beryl over Compiz-fusion?20:10
LuitvDmark___: it's /mnt/sda1, and I've mounted ./dev and ./proc accordingly20:10
LuitvDnone on /mnt/sda1/proc type proc (rw)20:11
nickrudunbeatabl: if you have $5m in assets, and a few other things, yes20:11
mark___so you mounted the filesyste in a dir, bound dev and proc on that filesystem, then chrooted, then tried pinging/updating?20:11
JayCYi'm having trouble with wine. it's telling me i have broken packges during install.  #winehq told me it's an ubuntu issue20:12
kbrooksLuitvD, you need to copy /etc/resolv.conf20:12
LuitvDright, I'll try20:12
mark___LuitvD: yes that too, the dns20:12
JayCYthey said it's bad that ubuntu has a dependency on binfmt-misc20:12
dajhornDo any of the SSL certificate vendors give referral kickbacks to Debian or Ubuntu?  (I need to buy one soon.)20:12
rajmanBlueDevil: i'm using the sdricoh_cs module if that helps20:13
nivekc1anyone know how i get the xvid codec for ubuntu?20:13
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:13
noob69hello everyone20:13
ProfanephobiaJayCY, are you trying to compile wine from source?20:13
Pici!compiz > Menacie (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)20:13
BlueDevilrajman: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_SD_and_MMC_card_readers20:14
LuitvDYES, it works, thanks mark___, kbrooks and nickrud20:14
noob69anyone having getting the 3 security update using their server20:14
LuitvDapt-get update works now20:14
noob69i get this error message20:14
BlueDevilrajman: "At the moment the driver is reported to function read-only with both SD and MMC cards. For the write capabilities, you'll need to modprobe with the appropriate module option and experiment."20:14
nickrudkudos to kbrooks for looking thru the chaff ;)20:14
noob69W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/smbclient_3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb20:14
noob69  403 Forbidden20:14
JayCYProfane,phobiai'm following the instructions on their website, by adding adding repository key and the repository to the list of apt sources20:14
Picinoob69: see topic20:14
BlueDevilnoob69: see topic20:14
Profanephobia!paste > noob6920:14
kbrooksnickrud, np20:14
JayCYand then i apt-get update and try to install. but then that's where i run into issues20:15
ProfanephobiaJayCY, whats the error20:15
LuitvDnickrud: indeed, though I realized DNS was the defunct part just before he said I needed resolv.conf20:15
=== mattyd is now known as Big-E
rajmanBlueDevil: thanks so much ! i knew i missed gentoo for some reason....but stupid compiling from source i have no patience for it doesnt optimize anything noticeable on my old laptop haha20:15
LuitvDkudos indeed :P20:15
=== Big-E is now known as Mattyd
nivekc1i dont see anything there for xvid20:16
BlueDevilrajman: np20:16
BlueDevilrajman: gentoo has an excellent wiki20:16
JayCYThe following packages have unmet dependencies: wine: Depends: infmt-support (>= 1.1.2) but it is not installable. E: Broken packages20:16
nickrudnivekc1: the codecs part, that has xvid stuff in it20:16
noob69what does 'regression' in Ubuntu's support team mean20:16
shavexwhere can i go to get help with VNC viewing/ remote desktop control20:16
=== reconnect is now known as recon
nickrudnoob69: means something that worked doesn't anymore20:17
noob69how vague lol20:17
JayCYSome packages could not be instlaled. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming20:17
dgjones!info infmt-support20:17
ubotuPackage infmt-support does not exist in gutsy20:17
noob69thanks for the info.20:17
wiseleoregression testing - test something on current and prior releases.20:17
mark___i wonder what the ubuntu guys did to poor sudo to make it misbehave in such way...20:17
newbe21000I need to install the moveit.dll can some 1 help me ?20:17
nickrudnoob69: it carries a subtext of damn, we screwed up :)20:17
LuitvDyay, 900MB's of packages coming in :D20:17
JayCYi meant binfmt-support20:17
dgjones!info binfmt-support20:18
ubotubinfmt-support: Support for extra binary formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.10 (gutsy), package size 20 kB, installed size 148 kB20:18
ProfanephobiaJayCY, try sudo dpkg --reconfigure binfmt-support20:18
=== J_- is now known as J-_
suppamanis there a oneliner for ati closed source hardware acceleration ?20:19
JayCYit's telling me --reconfigure is an unknown option20:20
wiseleojaycy - it's --configure20:20
soundraywiseleo: no20:20
somnambulisthow do i list all dependencies of a package?20:20
sfire_suppaman: in one line... ATI sucks and all equipment should be destoryed20:20
Profanephobiasry its --configure JayCY20:20
newbe21000can any 1 help me ?20:20
soundrayJayCY: dpkg-reconfigure -- it's a command, not dpkg plus an option20:20
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JayCYit's alright.20:21
suppamansfire_: it's not a computer of mine, anyway you have to cope with existing hardware20:21
Profanephobiageesh ill get it right in a sec lol JayCY20:21
wiseleosound - yep that too. I think one calls the other anyway20:21
LuitvDI want ubuntu on my mobile phone :P20:21
soundrayoops, I take it all back, wiseleo.20:21
sfire_suppaman: there are lots of guides but no 1 line fixes20:21
nickrudsomnambulist: apt-rdpepends20:21
ProfanephobiaJayCY, also do a sudo apt-get clean20:21
suppamansfire_ it's not for me, it's for a friend that's not physically here20:22
sfire_suppaman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI20:22
suppamansfire_: I remember there were oneliner on debian, so I tried asking here20:22
KtronJesus, what happened to my system after these updates? aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv now core dumps....20:22
wiseleoapt-get clean just erases the cache..20:22
somnambulistnickrud, i don't seem to have an apt-rdepends in my new install. where can i get it?20:23
newbe21000does any 1 knows how to install a dll on wine?20:23
wiseleonewbe - is regsvr32.exe implemented on it?20:23
JayCYi don't think i have a binfmt-support, or i'm doing something terribly wrong20:23
wiseleoJaycy - have you tried using Aptitude?20:23
nickrudsomnambulist: sudo apt-get install apt-rdepends , or use synaptic20:23
JayCYi have not20:23
\prybarCould someone help me with remote desktop to XP?20:24
wiseleoAptitude makes resolving deps much easier. Give it a try :)20:24
newbe21000wiseleo were can i find it?20:24
Profanephobia\prybar, sure whats the problem20:24
wiseleonewbe - don't know, but I use regsvr32 to manually register DLLs on actual windows20:24
nickrudnewbe21000: I would think it would go into ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system3220:24
newbe21000yes i found it20:25
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wiseleonewbe regsvr32 'path to dll' then20:25
wiseleoregsvr32 /u 'path to dll' to uninstall a DLL20:26
newbe21000on the terminal?20:26
ProfanephobiaJayCY, did aptitude work20:26
databuddyanyone else having trouble updating samba?20:26
databuddygetting a 403 forbidden20:26
databuddyYou don't have permission to access /ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/smbclient_3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb on this server.20:26
nickruddatabuddy: I didn't, but the topic says it's broken20:26
unbeatablanyone know what cacert.org do?  if you use them,  can you get ssl site without that SSL error popup warning message?20:26
databuddynickrud ok good thanx20:26
marty_Yep trouble updating samba for sure20:26
LiENUSis there a solution to do a server install of ubuntu 7.10 from a usb drive?20:27
newbe21000wiseleo were to regsvr32 /u 'path to dll' to uninstall a DLL20:27
merovingianhi guys, just updated my UBUNTU, it had SAMBA updates, previously my hsemates MAC can view my shared files, now after updates, cant see my files. I followed video on youtube again abt sharing files thru windows network, still no luck. Anyway to rollback update?20:27
databuddyusb flash or usb hdd20:27
databuddyand from or to20:27
Menaciehow do i check the ip on my network?20:27
LiENUSfrom usb hdd20:27
databuddyand also from usb dvd/cd drive?20:27
Aqwisjesus, it's been 6 hours and they still haven't fixed an error which makes it *impossible* to upgrade20:27
LiENUSno cd or dvd drive20:27
LiENUSis there a solution to do a server install of ubuntu 7.10\ from a usb drive?20:27
databuddyMenacie open terminal : ifconfig20:27
databuddyLiENUS are you in windows atm?20:28
wiseleonewbe - yeah20:28
databuddyMenacie np20:28
LiENUSthe computer has no os on it20:28
wiseleoAqwis - hmm call your support line on your support contract and complain? :)20:28
Aqwisdon't be sarcastic please20:28
databuddyLiENUS ok20:28
databuddywhat is currently on the hdd?20:28
databuddyand how do you plan to put something on it?20:29
nickrudAqwis: put samba on hold, upgrade the rest20:29
LiENUSi plan to install from a usb hard drive20:29
powhatanBobHow can i upgrade from 6.06 to the current version?20:29
LiENUS<LiENUS> is there a solution to do a server install of ubuntu 7.10 from a usb drive?20:29
databuddyLiENUS listen carefully20:29
merovingiananyway to rollback updates? after updating, i cant view computers on my home network20:29
Aqwisnickrud, how, exactly?20:29
Aqwiscan't find anything in man apt-get20:29
* mhnoyes wonders if anyone is aware of the smb file permission issues in the 7.04 upgrade repository.20:29
databuddyyou have compy with hdd in it and no cdrom20:29
databuddyyou have external hdd with nothing on it20:29
nickrudpowhatanBob: you'd need to go thru edgy & fiesty first, makes more sense to reinstall20:29
=== ubuntu is now known as Jonty
LiENUSforget it you're just asking me the same things over and over20:29
databuddynow how do you plan to put something on the external hdd so that you can install to that computer20:30
LiENUSforget it you're just asking me the same things over and over20:30
databuddydo you have another computer that you can hook it up to?20:30
wiseleopo - are you sure you want to? apt-get dist-upgrade will get you to 6.10 and then you can install from backports as well20:30
LiENUS<LiENUS> forget it you're just asking me the same things over and over20:30
AzzmodanHaving a computer that only has a hd isn't that wierd, nor is the want to put the installed on an usb stick20:30
\prybarCould anyone help me with Getting Terminal Server Client to work with hamachi to access a WinXP machine?20:30
Jontyach. Can GParted actually move partitions yet?20:30
nickrudAqwis: sudo aptitude hold20:30
databuddyyour asking a nonsense question - its not evolution it wont just spontaniusly put something on that external drive20:30
powhatanBobhow come it didn't automatically upgrad to 6.10, then 7.04 etc when they came out?20:30
databuddynow answer the question.20:30
LiENUSdatabuddy, i answered your questions20:30
nickrudAqwis: with package names after hold20:30
LiENUSyou ignored my answer20:30
LiENUSi am not answering anything else for you20:30
Azzmodan\prybar, what is there to help with? Enable Remote Desktop, connect hamaci, connect?20:31
databuddyno you didnt answer the last question20:31
LiENUSeither go back and reread20:31
databuddythen go throwup on yourself20:31
LiENUSor dont try to help when you dont understand20:31
databuddyok ok thats a bit much20:31
ubotuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which always turn into flamewars: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space or time travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) - Thanks.20:31
nickrudpowhatanBob: not sure, I don't use the automatic upgrade stuff20:31
databuddybut with a compy with nothing on the hdd and an empty hdd your presenting an impossible situation20:31
databuddyone MUST have an os to put information on either of these20:31
LiENUSdatabuddy, quit trolling20:31
powhatanBobright on, any idea how i could get java 1.6... instead of the 1.5... i have now?20:31
LiENUSif basic logic fails you then get off the internet20:31
databuddyso either you have another computer somewhere with an os to put onto the external hdd or you cannnot install anything.20:32
databuddynow if you had a flash drive with even 1GB space i could show you -20:32
LiENUScan someone who understands english give me a hand?20:32
wiseleopo apt-get install java-6-sun20:32
sfire_why do people get so upset with free help... you ungrateful twits20:32
sahilhey, i just got xfce4 from synaptic and was wondering how to set it up as the default instead of gnome?20:32
databuddyProfanephobia while i'm with you look at what he's asking.20:32
databuddyhe's the troll :P20:32
wiseleopo - should be in backports. edit /etc/apt/sources.list to enable that20:32
LiENUSdatabuddy, read my question20:32
merovingianafter updating Ubuntu, which had Samba updates, now i cant view/see shared folders over my home network..help?20:32
databuddy<LiENUS> <LiENUS> is there a solution to do a server install of ubuntu 7.10 from a usb drive?20:32
LiENUSnow what part do you not understand?20:33
\prybarAzzmodan did you get that msg?20:33
nickrud!install | LiENUS (this has usb stick install I believe in it somewhere)20:33
databuddyand it requires that you hook that drive up to another computer that HAS AN OS20:33
ubotuLiENUS (this has usb stick install I believe in it somewhere): Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate20:33
powhatanBobyeah i just found that on the website for ubuntu, lemee see if i can get backports working20:33
LiENUSnickrud, it does not explain how to do a server install20:33
Azzmodan\prybar, no?20:33
databuddynickrud dont bother he doesnt want that one20:33
lastelement0does anyone have experience with ubuntu in Virtualbox?20:33
tom__hi, how can i make NetworkManager use a different mtu, i.e., change the mtu when my wireless connection is brought up20:33
wiseleoLienus - what specific question do you have about server install20:33
nickrudLiENUS: a server install is no different, just use the server image20:33
databuddylastelement0 what cha need20:33
LiENUSdatabuddy, actually as i said before that is EXACTLY what i want to do except that that does not present me with the option to do a server install20:33
Profanephobialastelement0, yes whats the problem20:33
databuddyLiENUS get the alternate cd20:33
databuddyinstall cli/text system20:34
stonkihello, I am trying to update but receiving 403 error forbidden on http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/smbclient_3.0.24-2ubuntu1.3_i386.deb20:34
LiENUSdatabuddy, did you not read what i said?20:34
wiseleoI am actually using mini-iso for server installs. Less stuff to delete :)20:34
nickrudstonki: see topic20:34
databuddybut you need that iso20:34
Markon1hi Iknonia20:34
LiENUSseriously if you're not going to read quit trolling20:34
AzzmodanI like to use the mini image for everything20:34
databuddyLiENUS look20:34
lastelement0i am trying to modify my xconf to add my screen resolution however it is not working20:34
databuddy!ops LiENUS trolling hard20:34
ompaul!install | LiENUS read that page and it will tell you your options - if it is not there you need to do some serious hacking20:34
databuddy!op LiENUS trolling hard20:34
ubotuLiENUS read that page and it will tell you your options - if it is not there you need to do some serious hacking: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate20:34
LiENUSsolution found20:34
ShokaStonki see link at the top of the page20:34
LiENUSdatabuddy*!*@* added to ignore list20:34
databuddyo good20:34
stonkiShoka & others: sorry20:34
databuddythats one list i'm proud to be on20:35
LiENUSompaul, i want to do a server install from a usb disk20:35
nickruddatabuddy: you can be my buddy ;)20:35
databuddyhi ompaul20:35
Profanephobialastelement0, so youre trying to edit the ubuntu's resolution on a virtualbox?20:35
* databuddy pats nickrud helped u the other day anyway20:35
wiseleoCan't we all just get along...20:35
\prybarAzzmodan how do I msg you?20:35
LiENUSthe alternate install cd presents you with the option to do a server install with isolinux20:35
ompaulLiENUS, read what I said - that is the list of ways to install - read it20:35
databuddywiseleo we try....20:35
LiENUShowever the usb memory stick install doesnt use isolinux20:35
* nickrud has never had an answer here ;(20:35
Profanephobia\prybar, /msg <nick>20:35
lastelement0yes. i was able to do so on my fedora which is also on virtualbox20:35
merovingiani did latest update containing Samba updates, now cant view network computers and files; vice versa.20:35
databuddyompaul explain to him to do the pendrive solution with the alternate cd20:35
isforinsectsAny idea when a simcity/micropolis package will be available?20:35
Profanephobialastelement0, ok so you have youre xorg.conf file open?20:36
LiENUSit use to use the isolinux configs converted to syslinux however the new method does not20:36
e|64when I try to run netbeans6 install I get /usr/share/themes/Clearlooks/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:42: error: lexical error or unexpected token, expected valid token20:36
databuddyits just a manner of booting a live image more or less and will work either wya20:36
ompauldatabuddy, it is documented on that web page afik20:36
\prybarhmm.. that is what I did and my msg did go through20:36
DShepherdnickrud, maybe your just too smart20:36
\prybardid not go through20:36
Azzmodan./msg <nick> <message> should work20:36
lastelement0Profanephobia, yes i do20:36
AzzmodanWhat client are you using?20:36
LiENUSompaul, where on the webpage is it documented?20:36
askandDoes anyone know of a tool to put several jpgpics into a short movie? :)20:36
Profanephobialastelement0, ok paste it into a pastebin if you could20:36
\prybar./msg Azzmodan test20:37
LiENUSthe only link on that webpage to usb stick explains how to do it with 6.0620:37
AzzmodanWithout the dot :)20:37
Profanephobia\prybar, no .20:37
LiENUShttps://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/boot-usb-files.html tells how to do it with 7.04 and up20:37
lastelement0Profanephobia can u link me to pastebin?20:37
LiENUSbut does not explain how to do a server install20:37
databuddyaskand check out the tovid thread on the forums20:37
databuddyor um makedvd?20:37
nickrudDShepherd: nah, I love google20:37
* sfire_ shakes head @ LiENUS :(20:37
Profanephobialastelement0, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org20:37
wiseleotype cli for server install?20:37
askanddatabuddy: thanks20:37
semnomeserver irc.lleida.net20:37
\prybarit doesn't seem like they are going trhough..20:37
DShepherdnickrud, nah, google loves you20:37
databuddyit basically makes the jpg's into an mpeg20:37
LiENUSwiseleo, when where?20:37
LiENUSit never presents me with an option to type cli for the server install20:37
LiENUSas it does not use isolinux20:37
Profanephobialastelement0, then just send me the link when youre finished20:37
AzzmodanLiENUS, "The installer will look for an Ubuntu ISO image on the stick as its source for additional data needed for the installation. So your next step is to copy an Ubuntu ISO image" pick the mini iso20:38
LiENUSthe option for server install is in isolinux20:38
nickrudDShepherd: I stay a month or so behind the curve, Worked For Me™ letting others do the dirty stuff20:38
ompaul!repeat | LiENUS20:38
ubotuLiENUS: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:38
LiENUSompaul, when did i repeat myself?20:38
=== databuddy is now known as starscalling
wiseleoLienus - ah.. fun20:38
DShepherdnickrud, heheh.. see you are smart!20:38
starscallingAdding an ISO image20:38
weisswursthow to create a 150 mb file with zeros with dd?20:38
starscallingthat means ANY iso image20:38
starscallingincluding the one thats a server install == alternate20:38
=== starscalling is now known as databuddy
isforinsectsEA released their SimCity to the OLPC project.  The GPL version is called Micropolis.  Is the Micropolis package going to make it into the 'buntu sources any time soon?  And where could I check on something like that's progress?20:39
AzzmodanIsn't lincity better then simcity by now anyways? :)20:39
wiseleoisfor - is there a dep or rpm for it? use alien20:39
Profanephobiaisforinsects, best bet is to google it20:39
databuddythere u go weisswurst20:39
databuddyhttp://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=dd+create+file+of+0&btnG=Google+Search  <<--20:40
\prybarOK Azzmodan here is my problem:  I''m trying to Remote Desktop form Ubuntu to WinXP using Hamachi.  I'm using the Terminal Server Client, but i'm getting a connection error20:40
=== databuddy is now known as icangoogleit
Azzmodan\prybar, can you ping the XP machine?20:40
rorrahello, when I try to access http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/samba_3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb I got a permission error, where can I report this error?20:40
dgjonesisforinsects, its unlikely to make it into the Gutsy repo's because once its released its just bug fixes etc, it may appear in future versions, but you'd probably need to look on their website or in the ubuntu forums20:40
dgjonesrorra, see topic20:40
\prybarAzzmodan, through Hamachi I can browser all the shared folders, so I have a good connection20:40
nickrudrorra: see the topic20:40
Profanephobia\prybar, is this from outside or inside the network20:40
Azzmodan\prybar, and you're sure you have remote desktop enabled?20:41
* nickrud considers making an auto replace for that20:41
Azzmodanhamachi creates a vpn like situation20:41
wiseleoPry - XP has too many useless firewalls. Can you reach it form another XP?20:41
Clearze1When I try to update samba related components I'm getting a 403 forbidden error. Is this happening to anyone else?20:41
dgjonesClearze1, see topic20:41
rorraok thank you :D20:41
\prybarDo I have to enable remote desktop in Ubuntu if I'm going from Ubuntu to windows?20:41
Azzmodan\prybar, no just on the xp machine20:41
nickrudrorra: welcome to the queue ;)20:41
Profanephobialastelement0, what res do you want20:42
Clearze1oh, thanks20:42
Menaciehow come my azureus closes straight away?20:42
wiseleoYour call is important to us... if you feel otherwise, press 1...20:42
\prybarAzz, YesI have UltraVNC server installed and tested with another XP machine20:42
icangoogleitcongrats \prybar20:42
sfire_\prybar: works perfect using rdesktop ... thats how I access the windows machines.. I use RDP though20:42
lastelement0Profanephobia, 1280x80020:42
wiseleoPry - so are you using VNC or RDP?20:42
ProfanephobiaMenacie, start is from terminal using -v20:42
* nickrud got samba updated, wonders why others have issues20:42
icangoogleitbtw x11vnc does the same functionality in that you can join a live X session iirc20:42
ProfanephobiaMenacie, azureus -v20:42
icangoogleitbut you have to say the session like: ip.ip.ip.ip:020:43
icangoogleitso that would join X session on 0:020:43
Azzmodan\prybar, try "telnet <ip of xp machine> 3389"20:43
=== mivo is now known as mivotoo
Azzmodan\prybar, Also the test you did from the other xp machine, was that through hamachi as well or just lan?20:44
\prybartelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused20:44
Lunar_Lampnickrud, I think the ubuntu team have blocked samba updates as the packages were broken,.20:44
PinkFloydOh so that's what it is20:44
PinkFloydI just came in here to ask that20:44
\prybarI tested the XP machine through Hamachi using XP and Vista20:44
Profanephobialastelement0, back up your existing xorg.conf then try this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44789/20:44
wiseleopry - make sure Remote Desktop is enabled.20:44
wiseleoit listens on port 338920:45
PinkFloydLunar_Lamp, I just got the 403 Forbidden when trying to upgrade and came here to ask. :p20:45
\prybarRemote Desktop is Enabled on the XP machine using UltraVNC Server20:45
mhnoye1W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/smbclient_3.0.24-2ubuntu1.3_i386.deb20:45
ManuPis there a possibility to link from a nfs dir to another dir on the server, so that the linked dir is accessable via nfs? i tried ln -s but it hadnt the wished effect.20:45
wiseleoPrybar - Sorry, you are confused. XP remote desktop is NOT provided by VNC20:45
Lunar_LampPinkFloyd, same here - from what I can tell the samba updates have been blocked as the packages are broken.20:45
Profanephobiamhnoye1, see topic20:45
PinkFloydLunar_Lamp that's not good20:45
Shokamhnoye1 see header, known fault with samba update20:46
Lunar_LampPinkFloyd, don't quote me on that - that's just a guess really.20:46
mhnoye1Profanephobia: Thanks.20:46
Profanephobia\prybar, right click my computer then turn on remote access from there20:46
wiseleoPrybar - if you wish to enable native XP remote desktop (a Pro-only feature), right click on my computer, choose properties, click remote, click the "allow remote control" or whatever it's called.20:46
\prybarI do not want to use the XP remote desktop20:46
Markon1lhi all20:46
\prybarthat is why I have UltraVNC installed and working correctly20:47
aragojaHow can I import a Microsoft Windows theme into Ubuntu_20:47
Lunar_LampPinkFloyd, according to the link in the topic the packages hae been stopped awaiting a fix of the patch they applied etc etc.  2hours ago they said it would be fixed soon.20:47
icangoogleitaragoja you need something called gnome-art20:47
PinkFloydLunar_Lamp ok20:47
wiseleoprybar - are you connecting to XP through a VNC client or through an RDP client? On what port is your UltraVNC server on XP?20:47
icangoogleitthen grab the wallpapers20:47
icangoogleitand find a compatable theme from gnome art20:47
icangoogleitthere are several20:47
aragojaThank you icangoogleit.20:47
icangoogleitor if you want it more exact - you need kde + guide20:47
icangoogleitnp aragoja20:47
\prybarI'm trying to access the XP machine from Ubuntu using the Terminal Server Client20:48
Profanephobiathats remote desktop /pry20:48
PinkFloyd\prybar type vncviewer20:48
wiseleoprybar - to minimize confusion, please refrain from referring to VNC as remote desktop. They avery different20:48
icangoogleitlook at that one aragoja20:48
wiseleoTerminal services client does not speak VNC20:48
Azzmodan\prybar, is there any setting in hamachi that might be blocking the 3389 port? Or maybe the windows firewall has the port limited to a specific subnet20:48
icangoogleithttp://www.google.com/search?num=50&hl=en&safe=off&q=kde+windows+xp+theme&btnG=Search   <<--- search terms20:48
aragojaicangoogleit: , when I click at Download on art.gnome.org I find myself redirected to downloads of Gnome itself... I thought Gnome Art would be an application for importing various themes including MSWindows ones?20:49
wiseleoAzz - he's confused. Trying to use wrong software to connect to a VNC20:49
\prybarthat worked pink20:49
Markon1Does anyone know how to get the Ubuntu 7.10 Visual effects (compiz/beryal combo) options to work in ubuntu 7.10 with a VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400] (rev b2)20:49
Markon1 (old dell dimension 8100)  . I had it working great on ubuntu 7.10 using the nv11 driver set, i tried it and the restricted drivers , both dont work when i try to enable the visual effect at any level20:49
\prybarwhy does not work through the terminal server client?20:49
icangoogleitaragoja install gnome-art package from synaptic or apt20:49
nickrudLunar_Lamp: I have the latest one in the pool installed ...20:49
icangoogleitsudo apt-get install gnome-art20:49
PinkFloyd\prybar that's actually RealVNC but it'll work20:49
Profanephobia\prybar, VNC is not RDP20:49
PinkFloyd\prybar terminal service doesnt work because it acts like SSH20:49
Markon1oops type i meant to say i had it working on 7.0420:49
aragojaIs there a Google Talk client for Ubuntu?20:49
wiseleoprybar - terminal services client operates over RDP protocol. VNC has nothing in common with it.20:49
aragojaThank you icangoogleit.20:50
\prybarah ok20:50
icangoogleitthen its in the system > preeferences > art manager20:50
Lunar_Lampnickrud, you want to downgrade?20:50
icangoogleitconvienient front end20:50
icangoogleithas lots of goodies20:50
Profanephobiaaragoja, pidgin has google talk client20:50
\prybarwell thanks alot for the help everyone20:50
icangoogleitand indexes gnome-art iirc20:50
nickrudLunar_Lamp: security.ubuntu.com pool20:50
aragojaThanks Profanephobia.20:50
Profanephobiaaragoja, welcome20:51
Azzmodan \prybar, Terminal Server Client is specifically for accessing through the Remote Desktop option, it's quite a bit speedier then vnc too20:51
nickrudLunar_Lamp: but, since I don't samba except from nautilus, and I'm not going to be using it till next week at work, I'm cool20:51
* wiseleo *loves* RDP :-)20:51
Profanephobialastelement0, let me know if it works.. im curious :)20:52
Markon1 (old dell dimension 8100)  . I had it working great on ubuntu 7.04using the nv11 driver set, i tried it and the restricted drivers , both dont work when i try to enable the visual effect at any level20:52
Markon1Does anyone know how to get the Ubuntu 7.10 Visual effects (compiz/beryal combo) options to work in ubuntu 7.10 with a VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400] (rev b2)?20:52
ruthbuzzarddo I need something else to make the cube windows in gutsy? is there a difference between compiz and compiz fusion?20:52
wiseleoGF2 MX is quite old. I wouldn't be surprised if it were not fully supported for effects.20:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about csmmccsm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:53
MasterOneanybody present, who has experience with setting up encrypted partitions with luks? please have a look at this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3784270 because I am experiencing a very weird problem when trying to add another passphrase or keyfile20:53
icangoogleitruthbuzzard yes there is a diff b/t compiz and compiz-fusion20:53
icangoogleitbut lets back up a bit and get you going ok?20:53
Profanephobia!ccsm ruthbuzzard20:53
icangoogleit1. what hardware do you have?20:53
icangoogleit[cpu / ram / vid card]20:53
icangoogleitalso install that ccsm Profanephobia had bot link u to20:53
nickrudlol, icangoogleit you can be funny20:53
ruthbuzzardubuntu classroom icangoogleit20:54
draremwhat's a decent gtk/gtkmm editor with visual form editing?20:54
Markon1wiseleo i was curious if it was dropped because i  worked fine in 7.04 on the same machine20:54
Profanephobiaruthbuzzard, sudo apt-get install ccsm20:54
wiseleoMarkon - sorry can't help with this.20:54
ruthbuzzardtoo busy in here having a hard time following it20:54
Markon1thank you anyway20:55
Profanephobiaruthbuzzard, if you do sudo apt-get install ccsm you can enable the cube20:56
sayanrijuhow do i change my mouse to a left-handed config W/O using the GUI?20:56
icangoogleitruthbuzzard ubuntu classroom?20:56
icangoogleitnickrud thanx lol20:56
ShokaMerovingian see the link in the header, known issue with samba20:56
TD-Linuxaieeeeeek 403 forbidden?20:56
icangoogleitruthbuzzard install it how Profanephobia said for ccsm - thats what lets you adjust the settings - and plugins20:56
wiseleoHmm.. Merovingian.. is that name from Mxo by any chance?20:56
TD-Linuxhas something gone terribly wrong?20:57
nickrudTD-Linux: yes, see topic20:57
ShokaTD-Linux see header - yes20:57
ProfanephobiaTD-Linux, what are you trying to access20:57
TD-Linuxthat's it20:57
Profanephobiaoh that again20:57
TD-LinuxI usually read topics20:57
nickrudubotu should auto reply to 403 forbidden for a while :)20:57
TD-Linuxbut when they start with a bunch of links.... tl;dr20:57
draremNo!  No!  glade is the answer, ok?   glade20:58
fraguehi all20:58
alwiaphi ^_^20:58
ruthbuzzardit is another channel I am alreasy in20:59
fraguethere is a right problem on the server20:59
Profanephobiafrague, look at topic20:59
Shokafrague - see header, known issue with samba20:59
ruthbuzzardReading state information... Done20:59
ruthbuzzardE: Couldn't find package ccsm20:59
Sharpienearly every time i restart my pc, the icons on my panels get mixed up (in order). any idea why/how to fix this?20:59
ruthbuzzardicangoogleit /join #ubuntu-classroom21:00
fraguesynaptic is unable to download this file, 403 error (permission denied on the server)21:00
crackintoshIs there any way I can add two ip addresses (internal/external) to my known_hosts file, I want two hosts to share the same IP.21:00
williamwadei now you must get this alot. but, how do i solve azureus crashing straight after loading?21:00
crackintoshI want two hosts to share the same key I mean.21:00
Sharpiewilliamwade: don't install
nickrudsayanriju: add the line Option "ButtonMapping" "3 2 1" to your mouse section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:00
Shokafrague see header known issue with samba21:00
williamwadei changed my java to gcj21:00
Profanephobiaruthbuzzard, sry its sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager21:00
DrCortexwill having two bash windows open at once cause nay problems21:00
crackintoshwilliamwade: why'd you do that21:00
DrCortex* any21:00
williamwadecrack:i read some people had solved it that way21:01
Sharpiewilliamwade: azureus from the repo doesn't work, get or 321:01
williamwadehow can i downgrade below
mdickinsoncrackintosh: host1 host221:01
mdickinsonshould work21:01
Sharpiewilliamwade: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=8412221:02
Sharpiewilliamwade: you can get the jar and replace it with the one and it'll work21:02
crackintoshwilliamwade: I think gcj is depreciated in recent ubuntu releases and the community in general, but i might be wrong.21:02
fragueok, I've seen21:02
williamwadecan i do that with the 3.0 jar?21:02
fraguesory and good night !21:02
ruthbuzzardProfanephobia: I have no installed anything else but nvidia driver, I only have what is installed by default21:02
sayanrijunickrud: is this how the GUI tools do it in the backend?21:02
Sharpiewilliamwade: i guess, but i prefer over 321:02
wiseleojava-6-sun might be a good idea...21:03
nickrudsayanriju: I'm not sure how the gui tools do it, I'd venture a guess they use xmodmap21:03
DrCortexwine looks like 'whine' like ur 'whining' you cant use you're windows programs so you get wine21:03
Sharpiewilliamwade: and, make sure you have sun-java6-jre21:03
sayanrijunickrud: yeh...it shld do it 'live', i.e wo restarting X21:04
fragueabout torrent grabbers, I use foxtorrent, it's realy a good client21:04
sayanrijunickrud: thanx all the same. I'l check xmodmap21:04
webmareni'm receiving a 403 error when trying to make samba update21:04
nickrudsayanriju: true, but you'd have to do it each time you started X, xmodmap is transient21:04
webmarennvm just read title21:04
icangoogleitwould you like some api with that wine DrCortex ? ~_^21:04
=== davi_ is now known as davi
sayanrijusayanriju: hmm...is there any standalone GUI which I can use with my fluxbox21:04
sayanrijui don't need all those gnome deps!21:05
nickrudsayanriju: if you go the xmodmap route, and use gnome, add the xmodmap command to ~/.gnomerc (create it if necessary)21:05
DrCortexlol, I installed wine with bash21:05
fraguebye all21:05
DrCortexit's kool installing programs with bash21:05
DrCortexthat's how they did it in the 90's21:05
nickrudDrCortex: o.O , I feel so old now21:06
newbe2100I need help from a pro, any 1?21:06
Menaciei still cant get azureus to run21:06
williamwadewhats the path for the azureus files?21:06
Menaciei installed it, yet it closes straight away21:06
nickrudMenacie: try running it from the command line, see what kind of errors you get21:06
sidlet_nickrud: dont feel bad. I'm only 24 and that statement makes ME feel old :P21:06
riotkittieit shouldn't.21:07
Menacieozzy@ozzy-desktop:~$ azureus21:07
Menacie# An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:21:07
Menacie#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0xb44d874b, pid=16065, tid=308411892821:07
Menacie# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.6.0_03-b05 mixed mode, sharing)21:07
nickrudsidlet_: lol, you're a CHILD :)21:07
Menacie# Problematic frame:21:07
Menacie# C  [libglibjni-0.4.so+0xb74b]21:07
Sharpiewilliamwade: sudo cp ~/..whereever/Azureus2.jar /usr/share/java21:07
Menacie# An error report file with more information is saved as hs_err_pid16065.log21:07
Menacie# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:21:07
Menacie#   http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp21:07
sidlet_nickrud: in some ways :)21:07
MenacieAborted (core dumped)21:07
LuitvDI'm getting an error while updating smb support21:07
newbe2100I managed to install icq6 but i can't run the app.21:07
LuitvDfrom security.ubuntu.com servers21:07
LuitvDErr http://security.ubuntu.com gutsy-security/main smbclient 3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.121:07
LuitvD  403 Forbidden21:07
nickrudLuitvD: see topic21:07
LuitvDnickrud: where?21:08
wiseleolui /topic21:08
ShokaLuitvD see forum header - known issue with samba21:08
LuitvDah, i see21:08
wooooshsimple q: when there are updates to ubuntu, is there a published list of what is being updated, what day and why?21:08
DrCortexand why do I have to defragment every time before I turn off windows to be able to use the files from drv3_vol1 from ubuntu21:08
erUSUL!paste | Menacie21:09
ubotuMenacie: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:09
LuitvDright, gone again21:09
Sharpie!paste > Menacie21:09
Sharpiejust so he won't miss it :P21:09
nickrudwoooosh: not that I've seen, but the changelogs are available in synaptic and aptitude21:09
newbe2100ppl can any 1 help me with a icq installation on wine ?21:09
erUSUL!im | newbe210021:10
ubotunewbe2100: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !kopete21:10
wooooshaha, ok - i guess thats kind of understandable - thanks :)21:10
wiseleohit C in aptitude for a changelog...21:10
Lifeisfunnywhat is samba?21:10
nvidiadudehey. is it possible to quad-boot xp x32, ubuntu 7.10 i386, vista x64, and mac osx?21:10
newbe2100ubotu but the oner of this comp. want's icq621:10
akincernewbe2100: As someone has pointed out, Pidgin will handle your ICQ account for you without any unwanted stuff the closed source program has (if any)21:10
nickrudwoooosh: or aptitude changelog <package>21:10
apple-gunkiesI rebooted gutsy and all of a sudden sound doesn't work at all... can anyone help?21:11
LifeisfunnyI got some updates for samba but they don't install21:11
LiENUSnvidiadude, as long as you have a mac yes21:11
wooooshall good, thanks again everyone21:11
nvidiadudethank you my man21:11
akincernewbe: There isn't much to it to give WINE a shot, but I wouldn't hold your breath that it will work21:11
nvidiadudeive always loved ubuntu cause of this channel21:11
nickrudLifeisfunny: see topic21:11
newbe2100but the pidgin does not have all the flash and games as the windows ver21:11
wiseleonvidia - I had 10 OSs on my 286 once... an exercise in masochism :)21:11
Lifeisfunnynickrud, ok21:12
LiENUSi'd skip the vista if i were you though21:12
Dr_Willisnewbe2100 one mans flash is another mans "useless bloat'21:12
newbe2100I managed to install it21:12
akincernewbe: Are you sure Ubuntu is the right fit for this person?21:12
LiENUSvista networking is hell21:12
nickrudLifeisfunny: but with aptitude interactive, you can fix the dependency problems21:12
newbe2100after installing some dll's but it won't run21:12
Flare183Is there a such thing as a pie graph for a flash drive in kde?21:12
LiENUSbtw you probably need to install windows xp and vista first21:12
Menaciehow do i restore panels?21:12
Dr_WillisFlare183 you want a pie-chart of the free space of a drive?21:13
riotkittieMenacie: right click on an existing panel > new panel21:13
akincernewbe: Grab the latest version and give it a shot21:13
newbe2100the error is:err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {0000000c-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, failing with error 0x8000400221:13
Flare183dr_willis:> yeah something like that21:13
ctx144k_hello all, someone uses ubuntu7.10 with xen?21:13
Lifeisfunnynickrud, could you give me some info like what is samba?21:13
nickrudMenacie: sudo killall gnome-panel should restart them, if they are running but not giveable21:13
nickrud!samba | Lifeisfunny21:13
ubotuLifeisfunny: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT21:13
ctx144k_a friend get the follow error while starting xen:21:13
TNDThey, im having problems manipulating wii iso files21:13
nickrudLifeisfunny: basically a way to see windows shares21:13
Dr_WillisFlare183 thers several 'disk space' graphical tools out. Some are for KDE. they should work for a flash drive as well.21:13
TNDTaside from not being able to move around files larger than 4gb21:13
ctx144k_Error: Device 0 (vif) could not be connected. Hotplug scripts not working.21:13
ctx144k_vif = [ 'type=ioemu, bridge=xenbr0' ]21:14
TNDTi cant even open the iso files, although windows seems to do it fine21:14
Flare183dr_willis:> can you give me any examples?21:14
TNDTany ideas on either issue?21:14
akincernewbe: I saw a similar error on an application. It might be a regression. There have been some in the most recent versions21:14
newbe2100any ideas ?21:14
KOJVHow can I create Windows File shares in Ubuntu? I.e. share my hard drive so a Windows box on the network can read it.21:14
Lifeisfunnynickrud, ok thanks.  I don't need it actually since I don't have a windows os21:14
Dr_WillisFlare183 not really - i havent used tehm in ages. fire up the package manager and look for 'disk space' or similer search terms21:14
erUSUL!samba | KOJV21:14
ubotuKOJV: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT21:14
KOJVThank you erUSUL!21:15
nickrudLifeisfunny: ah, you are intellectually advanced, then21:15
akincernewbe: Try the very latest version (0.9.49), download Crossover and give it shot or try to download and compile an older version21:15
ricaneliteis Envy a good way to install Nvidia Drives on my new Geforce 6800GS?21:15
nickrudFlare183: try apps->accessories->disk space analyzer21:15
erUSUL!envy | ricanelite21:15
uboturicanelite: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »21:15
Dr_Willisricanelite avoide envy.21:15
newbe2100it's the latest version21:15
akincernewbe: what version?21:15
Dr_Willisricanelite the 'restricted-manager' tool installed the needed drivers for my 6800 just fine.21:15
Lifeisfunnynickrud, hahaha, not really just want to get away from what seems to be a permanent drain in the wallet.21:15
erUSULricanelite: same for my 7300gt21:16
ricaneliteokay, and I really mean21:16
ricanelitethe 6400GS21:16
newbe2100when I tried an early version the istallation creashed ubuntu21:16
KOJVHow would my bank's applications run in Wine?21:16
newbe2100when I tried an early version the installation crashed ubuntu21:16
akincernewbe: Did you grab the latest that is provided via Ubuntu repositories or the latest via these instructioins: http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb21:16
undauntedspiritAnyone know of a cumulative bandwidth logger?  (That keeps stats after a reboot?)21:16
akincerThe two are NOT one in the same21:16
ricanelitewell the reason what im having is when I get into to the login screen the resoultion is high but then when I hit the desktop the screen resolution goes into normal resoultion21:17
erUSUL!fixres | ricanelite21:17
uboturicanelite: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto21:17
nickrudricanelite: try system->prefs->screen resolution, if the X is working, that should be also21:17
newbe2100I install the latest wine from wineHD its .4921:17
KOJVIs Wine generally a good idea for running those Win32 applications a converted user just can't go without?21:18
erUSULricanelite: System>Admin>screen and graphics solved those kind of problems for me also you can try nvidia-settings21:18
JordiGHIn Debian, it's generally a bad idea to switch betwen aptitude and apt-get. Is the same true here?21:18
akincernewbe: Then there's not much more you can do short of contacting the WINE list and seeing if they know more21:18
Dr_WillisKOJV if it can run them and do a good job of it.. why not.21:18
Menaciefuck i cant restore the panels bacl21:18
kazol2What's a good amount of swap for 2GiB of RAM?21:18
TNDTanybody know how i can move files larger than 4gb or how i can open a wii iso (i can open other isos without a problem)?21:18
akincertry the latest versions. I expect another one will come out in a week or so21:18
bruenigkazol2, 300 mb21:18
JordiGHkazol: 500 megs, probably less.21:18
Dr_Williskazol2  this a laptop? You going to use hibernate or suspend?  i always do 512 at least.21:19
fett2kanyone, i cant find the patch for my wifi card Intel 4965 AGN, so i cant re-inject packets to the network... anyone knows where can i find the patch?21:19
levanderNo one knows how to copy and paste from a PDF document do they?21:19
JordiGHlevander: Most PDF readers can do it.21:19
Dr_Willislevander i thouhg ive just selected the text, and cut/pasted befor.21:19
Dr_Willisunless of course the PDF doc is just a lot of jpgs :)21:19
JordiGHI'm not sure if the default Gnome PDF reader, but kpdf certainly can.21:20
newbe2100I was very glad that i managed to install the icq6, I didn't think it would not run21:20
JordiGHDr_Willis: Even in that case, some pdf readers do OCR.21:20
erUSULDr_Willis: or is protected21:20
xivanarihello folks21:20
xivanarii have a problem i need some help with21:20
DrCortexI added a windows program to wine but it wont show up in the menu for it21:20
akincernewbe: WINE is still being developed. They have occasional regressions that take a while to sort out (like now)21:20
akincerDrCortex: Give winefix a try21:21
bruenigfett2k, I assume you are using iwlwifi?21:21
DrCortexdoes linux have to be this complicated21:21
Dr_WillisDrCortex wine is not linux. :)21:21
Dr_WillisDrCortex wine is  a very complex tool.21:21
fett2kbruenig how can i see that?21:21
DrCortexkurt@ubuntu:~$ winefix21:21
DrCortexbash: winefix: command not found21:21
akincerDrCortex: I could argue that point a thousand different ways with Windows, so relax21:22
nivekc1how can i extract an .rar in  ubuntu21:22
sn00zerimo linux isn't complicated, just unfamiliar21:22
bruenigDrCortex, the wine menu is a very new thing, it is completely artificial21:22
akincerDrCorex: Try Google21:22
newbe2100I'm trieng to "sell" ubuntu to this owner but he demands ICQ and OFFICE21:22
Dr_WillisDrCortex the fact it dident make an icon.. well.. you could always go make an icon for it. Or a script that launches whtever it is you want. Its also possible that your menus just need to get refreshed.21:22
bruenigDrCortex, wine only runs exes actually21:22
akincerhang on . . .21:22
nickrudnewbe2100: if he requires office, give him microsoft, it's the only way21:22
akincerDrCortex: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Utilities/Winefix-31532.shtml21:22
Dr_Willisnewbe2100 then you can charge extra for the anti-virus and other things. :)21:22
erUSULnewbe2100: pidgin claims to support icq21:23
nickrudlol, Dr_Willis must be a consultant21:23
Dr_Willisnickrud im just sick of being everyones free tech support at work.. so now i have a pricelist. :P21:23
Dr_Willisnickrud i did make $20 salvaging some Pictures off a dead hd. :)21:23
newbe2100but does pidgin run the flash games ?21:24
Dr_Willis"Funny looks are still Free"21:24
sidlet_Hmm.. Bibble = crud21:24
nickrudDr_Willis: heh. Sadly, I am the windows guy in the office, and I totally skipped from 98 to vista. Sucks21:24
Dr_Willisnewbe2100 no its not a web browser. its an IM client.21:24
erUSULnewbe2100: do not think so...21:24
nickrudnewbe2100: and shockwave doesn't run on linux either21:24
Dr_Willisnewbe2100 if your client wants  ICQ just for the games.. id say RUN the other way...21:24
nivekc1how do i extract an .rar in gusty21:24
newbe2100in ICQ6 their is flash games !!21:25
erUSUL!info unrar | nivekc121:25
ubotunivekc1: unrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.7.3-1.1 (gutsy), package size 94 kB, installed size 232 kB21:25
nickrud!rar | nivekc121:25
xivanariis anyone here?21:25
xivanariwhew has 12s lag!21:25
xivanarior my network just died.21:25
ubotunivekc1: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free21:25
akincernewbie: If someone wants flash games, I don't think ICQ is the best place for that. But I'm not familiar with ICQ21:25
ivan_hey.. anybody know how to setup tomcat on ubuntu? or a link to a GOOD howto that isn't outdated?21:25
frojnddoes anyone know for the name of GUI torrent client, it's something like pedgu or smth..?21:25
Dr_Willisnewbe2100 so!!  :)  they got some browser/parts built into the client now.. :)21:25
ivan_trying to setup centriccrm.. but don't have any exp. with java stuff =(21:25
Dr_WillisI have been able to get a lot of PopCap Games working with Wine. :)21:25
akincerMe too. Bookworm Deluxe works21:26
Dr_Willisakincer Yep. :) and been doing Peggle21:26
nickrudWine is kinda cool, but I don't think I'd depend on it for productive work21:26
sn00zerfrojnd i use azureus for torrents21:26
DrCortexhow do I give a specific program permission to do things21:26
fett2kanyone knows where can i find the patch for Intel 4965 AGN (wifi card) so i can re-inject packets?21:26
Dr_WillisDrCortex what 'things' ?21:26
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nickrudDrCortex: it'd depend on the app and what21:26
DrCortexim using wine to install a program to /home/documents21:27
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DrCortexand it just says it doesnt have permission or soemthing21:27
somnambulist_what is the ubuntu way of loading modules automatically at boot time? should i edit /etc/modules? i come from gentoo21:27
Dr_Williswine normally installs things to the .wine/drive_c/ directory21:27
akincerDrCortex: WINE has its own way of installing stuff. Try not to fight it21:27
Dr_Williswine keeps a 'fake' windows install in .wine21:27
godzirraCan anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here:  http://pastebin.com/d7eec4543  I keep getting an error saying  unreported exception java.io.FileNotFoundException; on lines 5 and 6.21:27
TNDTanybody know how i can move files larger than 4gb or how i can open a wii iso (i can open other isos without a problem)?21:27
godzirraWrong channel.21:27
nickrudsomnambulist_: that's the canonical spot, yes, if the kernel doesn't autoload them21:27
akincerThat's why I pointed you to winefix--it will put menu items in the Applications menu21:27
erUSULTNDT: where are those files located? ntfs or fat partition? maybe that's the problem21:28
Kl4mgodzirra: ##java21:28
somnambulist_nickrud, i had to build this module manually, it's got a BSD license, not included in the linux source21:28
TNDTtheyr starting out on a ext3 partition and im trying to move them to a fat3221:28
nickrudsomnambulist_: yes, add it to /etc/modules on it's own line21:28
jshriverI just rebooted my machine now X seems to freeze on starting. I get the gdm login then it goes to the screen that normally has the "loading x, y, z" and stopping there21:29
somnambulist_nickrud, is that all i need to do then? and of course i'll modprobe it manually21:29
jshriverrunning Gutsy21:29
nickrudsomnambulist_: those modules get loaded at boot21:29
jshrivertried /etc/init.d/gdm stop then start21:29
jshriverno help21:29
Dr_Willisfat32 has a 4gb file size limit? i forget...21:29
void^TNDT: you can't store files larger than 4gb on a fat32 partition.21:29
somnambulist_nickrud, ok thx21:29
fett2kanyone knows where can i find the patch for Intel 4965 AGN (wifi card) so i can re-inject packets?21:29
bamsambaHi, i can see the files I share on a windows machine from Ubuntu, but not the other way around. heck, i can't see the files i've shared on my ubuntu box from nautilus either. Well, i can see them, just can't execute/open folders. here's the conf file: http://rafb.net/p/APzRD377.html21:29
Henkieprevious version(s) of ubuntu used evms as default, why the change?21:30
frojndsn00zer, no not azureus it's something liter... the name is like pedgu or smth ..21:30
zerokoollol kool now i have mirc on ubuntu with wine21:30
erUSULsomnambulist_: yes edit /etc/modules21:30
Menaciei cant restore panels, can anyone help?21:30
DrCortexactually lol I'm already on with mirc21:30
godzirraKl4m: hence me saying its teh wrong channel :)  I meant to paste it to ##java :)21:30
jshriverzerokool: just use xchat21:30
zerokoolxchat sucks21:31
akincerI use Pidgin for IRC21:31
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT21:31
jshriverok whatever you like best :)21:31
* jshriver is using irssi21:31
zerokoolyou canl't write scripts for xchat21:31
jshriversince X is broken!21:31
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.21:31
jshriverCan someone help me out?21:31
nickrudMenacie: if alt-f2 killall gnome-panel didn't work, try alt-f2 gnome-panel21:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:31
erUSULjshriver: cheers21:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about c:\ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:31
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:31
ata4ixhi there, anybody knows  how to complitely disable ipv6 in ubuntu?21:31
neumindin testphp is some useful information for hackers?21:31
erUSUL!botabuse | zerokool21:32
ubotuzerokool: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.21:32
Kl4mOf course X-chat has scripting21:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ip6 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:32
erUSULnickrud: ipv621:32
zerokoolwell there's more for mirc21:32
jshriverOk I changed the session and was able to load blackbox21:32
Kl4mzerokool: You mean, existing scripts, then yes21:32
nickruderUSUL: I'd claim typo, but that would be lying ;)21:32
jshriverso guessing Gnome is what's screwed up21:32
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:32
jshriverany tips?21:32
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv421:32
zerokooland mirc doesnt make a beeping noise come out of my harddrive when i press backspace when there's no text behind the cursor21:32
erUSULnickrud: ;) lol21:32
jshriverX works and blackbox will work if I change session, but gnome wont load21:33
sn00zerfrojnd: have you tried uTorrent?21:33
erUSULjshriver: have you tried a clean user? )not yours)21:33
Kl4mzerokool: Hehe I never realized that. Yes I agree it's annoying21:33
jshriverhrm let me try...21:33
ntoxinAnybody get Guild wars running with wine???21:34
frojndsn00zer, is it for linux already? I don't install programs with wine..21:35
erUSUL!appdb | ntoxin21:35
ubotuntoxin: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org21:35
frojndsn00zer, is it for linux already? I don't install programs with wine..21:35
sn00zerfrojnd: there's also deluge, don't know anything about it tho21:35
frojndsn00zer, is it for linux already? I don't install programs with wine.. sorry my network is in ***21:35
ata4ixnickrud> 10x21:35
jshriverstill doesnt work21:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iwlwifi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:35
jshriveradduser test, then tried logging in as test21:35
erUSULfrojnd: deluge is a nice client21:35
jshriverstill have that light brown/tan color background21:36
jshriveralmost like gnome isn't even loading21:36
frojnderUSUL: thanx I was looking for deluge, just couldn't remember the n  ame :)21:36
jshriveralso how do you turn off the firewall?21:36
erUSULfrojnd: there's also transmission21:36
jshriverusually use firestarter but can't since X is borked21:36
ata4ixmy hp kaserjet 1020 dont work under kubuntu 7.10 :( dirvers are installed and there is ok, but not print pages :(21:36
Polygon89hello, are the repos misbehaving for anyone else here? i keep getting 403 forbidden errors and i cant install something cuase apt is yelling about it....21:36
akincerjshriver: Why would you want to do that?21:36
ata4ixanybody can help?21:36
frojnderUSUL: I'll stick with deluge21:37
Core2QUADi have an .avi file that i need to make into a video CD and it looks as though K3B will only do mpeg files is there something else i can use?21:37
jshriverakincer: just want it down while I dd some things over a ssh tunnel21:37
jshriverdont feel like poking a hole for a machine that will only be on my switch a couple hours21:37
hanasakiwhat do I need to change in exim as it ships so that I can send outgoing mail after authenticating?  it is saying "relay denied" but does allow me to send to my own domain21:37
jshriverIs it possible to completely remove gnome and reinstall it fresh?21:37
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jsschmid1how can I obtain the source files in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/SOURCE ? is there a way with apt-get21:38
hanasakijsschmid1:  check the kernel source packagers21:38
jshrivernvm /etc/init.d/firestarter stop :)21:38
jshrivernow to get X working21:38
jsschmid1hanasaki: ? check, what do you mean by check?21:39
fett2kanyone knows where can i find the patch for Intel 4965 AGN (wifi card) so i can re-inject packets?21:39
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages21:39
ata4ixhow to change console resolution on boot? from 80x25 to more21:39
Core2QUADi have an .avi file that i need to make into a video CD and it looks as though K3B will only do mpeg files is there something else i can use?21:39
jsschmid1ubotu: thanks :-)21:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks :-) - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:39
Dr_Willisata4ix the grub menu.lst has a vga= option that can change that, or on the fly i think you can use the fbset command (install it if you need it)21:39
jsschmid1Dr_Willis: thanks...!21:40
Dr_WillisCore2QUAD convert it to mpeg then use k3b?21:40
ata4ixDr_Willis, :)21:40
newbe2100how do i change group permission ?21:40
ata4ixDr_Willis, i can change this from os, without rebooting?21:40
Core2QUADi may lose video quality?21:40
jshriverhrm I just tried failsafe gnome, still doesnt load21:40
Dr_Willisactually a .avi could be a mpg codec.21:40
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jsschmid1Dr_Willis: where can I find a list of the commands for ubotu?21:40
jshriver.avi is just a container could have anything pushed into it21:40
Dr_Willisata4ix on the fly - use the fbset command21:40
erUSULnewbe2100: right click on the file select properties then the permissions tab21:40
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:40
jshrivercheckout mplayer21:41
nickrudjshriver: you tried creating a new user, and gnome didn't work there either?21:41
jshrivernickrud: aye21:41
jsschmid1Dr_Willis:  great, thanks!21:41
Core2QUADso the easiest thing to do would be make it insto an mpg??\21:41
jshriverjust goes to that startup screen after the gdm login Doesnt even show the progress window. Just shows the background screen21:41
Core2QUADi dont want to lose any audio or video quality21:41
ata4ixDr_Willis, 10x you very mach!21:41
Dr_WillisCore2QUAD theres other tools out for making dvd vbideo. But i never mess with converting things to dvd. So i dont know how well they work21:42
newbe2100erUSUL it says that i'm not the owner !21:42
jshriverCore2QUAD: try mencoder and transcode it into whatever you want21:42
Dr_WillisCore2QUAD a lot depend on the quality of the initial video21:42
Core2QUADthe quality is superb21:42
rpereiraHey Guys do you know a list of update releases from Ubuntu Dapper LTS?21:42
Core2QUADis there a linux program similar to sonic dvd creator?21:43
erUSULnewbe2100: it's that true, are you the owner of the file?21:43
jshriverHow can I kill my gnome settings and just have it default to the original settings?21:43
ata4ixreally cool chanell!21:43
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto21:43
newbe2100erUSUL  I think I have to do it from sodo21:43
newbe2100the owner is root21:43
erUSULnewbe2100: then use chmod21:43
jshriverNero for linux is very nice.21:44
erUSULnewbe2100: sudo chmod g+[rwx] file21:44
jshriverand cheap21:44
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages21:44
Dr_WillisCore2QUAD i imagine most in here have no idea what 'sonic dvd creater' even is. :) othe rthen by guessing from its name.  -  Making a dvd under linux is normally not a 'click' and its done task.21:44
nickrudjshriver: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde has a section on removing gnome completely, be warned that the end of the line installs kubuntu-desktop, you'll want to edit it to ubuntu-desktop21:44
ata4ixfbset -s21:44
ata4ixopen /dev/fb0: No such file or directory21:44
JordiGHjshriver: And non-free and unnecessary since k3b does everything.21:44
icangoogleitjshriver so is k3b21:44
torpedo|dogHow do I set output to the USB sound card? I've selected it in the Gnome sound preferences window, but the sound still plays through my laptop's internal speakers21:44
ata4ixwhat does it mean?21:44
icangoogleitthe nero is easy to find serial for21:44
icangoogleiter scratch that21:44
meherenis there a way to add to a finalized cd-r?21:44
Dr_Willisata4ix looks like you may not have the framebuffer enabled.21:44
jshriverJordiGH: doesnt k3b require you to premaster iso's with mkisofs beforehand?  I like nero because it build the iso fs as it's burning. Can make a DVD in about 15 minutes21:45
icangoogleitmeheren never tried21:45
icangoogleitbut i believe probably so21:45
ata4ixDr_Willis, how i can enable them?21:45
icangoogleitgoogle is your friend.21:45
Dr_Willisata4ix i always disable the framebuffer anyway. I hate it. :)21:45
JordiGHjshriver: No, it doesn't need you to do that.21:45
ata4ixwhy ^)21:45
DaveRMI am having a problem with google earth servers for the last 2 days. I'm using 7.10/64bit. Any one else with the problem?21:45
Dr_Willisata4ix  i thoght i was enabled by default. It may depend on your video card.21:45
jshriverlast I checked k3b would make the iso's for you,but it still used mkisofs to generate the image in /tmp first21:45
JordiGHjshriver: You want to burn some files with k3b, you select (click and drag), you click the burning disc icon, and that's all.21:46
ata4ixati x160021:46
jshriverso you had to have k3d master the iso first, then burn it. instead of burn on the fly21:46
jshriverand buffer protection support sucked21:46
jshriverhrm nifty21:46
Menaciecan anyone show me a pic of their desktop please21:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about git - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:46
jshriverwell I haven't used k3b or tested it in 2 years so I'll give it some slack, prob a lot better now :)21:46
JordiGHjshriver: Try it out. It roxx0rz. No need to recommend non-free software at least in this area.21:46
jshriveralrighty :)21:47
Kl4mAbout the scripts in /etc/rc?.d/, are they executer in "alphabetical" order?21:47
jshriverwhat was that package again gnome-desktop?21:47
nickrudKl4m: alphanumeric, yes21:47
Dr_Willisk3b does keep getting better and better.. of course it has more tools then i need.. :) but people seem to think that cd-burnign tools now a days need to have instant avi->dvd buttons.21:47
fett2kanyone knows where i can find patch for Intel 4965 AGN (wifi card) so i can re-inject packets?21:48
nickrudKl4m: S?? in that order on run level start, K?? in that order on runlevel stop21:48
Dr_WillisKl4m numerical order. :)21:48
Dr_WillisS01   then S02.. ect...21:48
jshriverDr_Willis: Linux does need a good DVD authoring program. I have yet to successfully make a video DVD. I created the mpeg2 stream using mencdoer and followed every doc out there, used dvdauth.. nothing ever worked.21:48
friedrichHi. How can I disable precompiled driver during the load?21:48
Henkiejshriver, qtdvdauthor21:48
Dr_Willisjshriver i just cheat and use mythtvs feature that can do that. :) but i just record tv shows.21:49
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu.  Upgrading to Fesity: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/21:49
nickrudfriedrich: blacklist it in a file in /etc/modprobe.d , see blacklist in that file for the syntax21:49
ubotuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - New Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents21:49
Dr_WillisI saw that nero8 was out in the stores now.  :)21:49
erUSUL!blacklist | friedrich21:49
ubotufriedrich: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »21:49
the_mugis anyone else getting 403s when doing an update? http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/smbfs_3.0.22-1ubuntu4.3_i386.deb21:49
riotkittiesomeone needs to spellcheck those factoids :x  fesity. heh.21:50
bici get a 40321:50
biclibsmbclient, samba-common, smclient for these packages21:50
icangoogleitjshriver there is a great thread in the forums on tovid21:50
friedrichnickrud, it doesn't work21:50
bicwhats wrong?21:50
jsschmid1which is the current KERNEL of Gutsy again?21:50
friedrichit's built-in module, does it matter?21:50
icangoogleitos[Linux 2.6.22-14-generic - Debian lenny/sid - Ubuntu DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu ( http://www.ubuntu.com )] | up[1 hours, 50 minutes] | cpu[Genuine Intel(R) CPU            2160  @ 1.80GHz SMP (2 processors), 1800.000 MHz (7196.09 bogomips)] | chipset[Intel Corporation 82946GZ/PL/GL Memory Controller Hub (rev 02)] | video[Intel Corporation 82946GZ/GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) at 1800x1440 (32 bits)] | opengl[Mesa DRI Intel(R) 946GZ 4.1.321:50
icangoogleit002 x86/MMX/SSE2 powered by Tungsten Graphics, Inc with driver 1.4 Mesa 7.0.1] | xchat[Version: 2.8.4] | [sysinfo-dg 1.1-DocTrax_1.46]21:50
the_mugsomeone needs to chmod those 11/16/2007 files21:50
erUSULthe_mug: someone on #ubuntu-es is21:50
nickruderUSUL: I've wondered about that factoid, doesn't a modprobe update overwrite that, or miss out on a needed change if it's been edited?21:50
nickrudfriedrich: is it listed in /etc/modules ?21:51
fever84how do u multiply 2 variables ?21:51
wedgehoeis there a way to monitor pings?21:51
erUSULnickrud: maybe you are right i do not use blaclist myself...21:51
friedrichnickrud, no21:51
Henkiefever84, ?21:51
Henkiebc can do it :)21:51
Henkieor bash21:51
Henkieecho $((2 * 2 ))21:51
erUSULicangoogleit: please do not spam the channel like that ;)21:51
friedrichnickrud, it's an skge network driver which I want to replace with marvell's one21:52
fever84i am learning shell scripting in linux and i am trying to multiply X and y21:52
Henkiefever84, bash?21:52
erUSULjsschmid1: 2.6.2221:52
nickrudfriedrich: that's worked for me, for example I added blacklist-bcm43xx to that dir, with blacklist bcm43xx as the only line in it, Worked For Me™21:52
fever84yea bash21:52
icangoogleiterUSUL two lines isnt spam21:52
Henkiefever84, echo $((2 * 2))21:52
Henkiethere you go21:52
friedrichbut it still load together with new sk98lin despite being blacklisted in modprobe.conf21:52
jsschmid1erUSUL:  thanks!21:52
icangoogleitand fyi lines are defined by <enter> or [pagebreak]21:53
fever84thanks henkie21:53
erUSULicangoogleit: 7 lines on my screen21:53
icangoogleit4+ lines == spam21:53
Henkie"expr" also does it21:53
icangoogleiterUSUL thats not how many lines it is. thats how many lines to display it21:53
icangoogleiteach time i push enter21:53
icangoogleityou see my name?21:53
icangoogleitthose are "lines" that we define the spam by.21:53
nickrudicangoogleit: hair picker ;P21:53
* erUSUL gives up21:53
icangoogleitnickrud no thats ter rules21:53
* icangoogleit pats erUSUL 21:54
DaveRMis anyone having problems with google earth servers>>21:54
ruz322Ubuntu sucks you nerds21:54
DrCortex0000001e (D) C:\mirc\mirc.exe21:54
DrCortex        00000020    021:54
DrCortex        0000001f    0 <==21:54
DrCortex        0000000c    021:54
* Dr_Willis feels the love.21:54
DrCortex        0000000b    021:54
buttercups!offtopic | icangoogleit21:54
ubotuicangoogleit: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:54
DrCortexis that somehting bad?21:54
nickrud!enter | icangoogleit (you earned that one)21:54
ubotuicangoogleit (you earned that one): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:54
icangoogleitruz322 most people who say it sux dont know how to configure it.21:54
erUSUL!paste | DrCortex21:54
IntelligitimateI love Ubuntu.21:54
ubotuDrCortex: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:54
icangoogleitbuttercups actually i'm on topic giving guidelines for the channel21:54
Dr_WillisDrCortex theres no need to paste 'windows app crashed under wine' error messages. :)21:54
DrCortexit's 6 lines im not wasting my time with pastebinm21:55
icangoogleitnickrud had the correct one, though i was making a point21:55
Dr_WillisDrCortex I suggest you dont use mirc and wine. :)21:55
icangoogleitDrCortex as per earlier guidlines, 4+ is considered spam21:55
fever84henkie can i pm you ?21:55
DrCortexwell xchat can;t use kool scripts21:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:55
Dr_WillisBut i do know a lot of people are running mirc and wine.21:55
noob69? if i have a wireless router and my server ip is can computer outside (e.g. internet) can connect to my server21:55
Dr_Willisxchat has more powerfull scripting then mirc.. but it does take more to learn how to script it.21:55
icangoogleitDr_Willis yeah it can be done but with a lot of channels its not very nice. how many networks/ channels do you do?21:55
Henkiefever84, sure21:55
icangoogleityou might want to check out konversation instead21:55
icangoogleitit does do tileing21:56
Dr_Willisicangoogleit I use Xchat under windows and linux normally. :)21:56
erUSULDr_Willis: on a 1000 user channel 6 lines is way too much. i do not have time to waste on your probs either :)21:56
KaurHi! I remember that i messed with a file to disable the sytem loging, Now as you can probably understand /var/log/messages contains almost no information? Which could be the file I messed with? If i am correct, there was only 1 line in it.21:56
icangoogleitnoob69 sure it can, you need to open / forward a port21:56
erUSULDr_Willis: sorry not for you21:56
Dr_WilliserUSUL  :)21:56
icangoogleitDr_Willis as do i sir21:56
chazcoHi... is there a version of ffmpeg available with MP3 (encoding as an output, lame iirc) available on any of the feeds?21:56
erUSULDrCortex: on a 1000 user channel 6 lines is way too much. i do not have time to waste on your probs either :)21:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ffmpeg - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:56
Dr_Willisicangoogleit been testing out 'jircii' lately however. :)21:56
* nickrud feels the love as well21:56
DrCortexhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44811/ ya wtf is this about21:57
ubernewhacksHow hard is triple booting ubuntu 7.10, vista x64, and windows xp x3221:57
DrCortexthis stuff keeps coming up in bash21:57
DrCortexby itself21:57
icangoogleitDr_Willis o?21:57
icangoogleitubernewhacks very easy21:57
eidodoes anyone know of a good GUI FTP program...I was using FlashFXP on windows21:57
icangoogleiteido gftp / filezilla21:58
DrCortexhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44811/ ya wtf is this about21:58
wiseleoI wonder if I am the only one who keeps getting hared crashes in VM on gutsy...21:58
DrCortexthis stuff keeps coming up in bash21:58
DrCortexby itself21:58
nickrudeido: gftp or fireftp in firefox work well, gftp supports many protocols21:58
icangoogleitDrCortex try #winehq21:58
icangoogleitsounds like you might be missing a few things21:58
friedrichnickrud, I did exactly as you said... Both are loaded, skge is used inetead of sk98lin. I need to reload it manually. May be precompiled drivers should be disabled in other way?21:58
icangoogleitand try their website as to instructions - there might be some special stuff21:58
chazcoeido: The native file manager in Ubuntu can do FTP (Places -> connect to server) or I quite like gFtp21:58
icangoogleitand you might not be able to have platinum level install on latest mirc21:58
Dr_WillisDrCortex the wine sites have some info onusing it and mirc ---> http://wine-review.blogspot.com/2007/10/mirc-63-on-linux-with-wine.html21:58
erUSULeido: filezilla21:58
nickrudfriedrich: if there's another way, I'm not aware of it. I'm not familiar with those modules, either21:59
wiseleoeido - filezilla should be available perhaps?21:59
DeathchantGuys, I have a question about printing. It seems that the bottom of the page is cut.21:59
icangoogleitfriedrich what cha trying to do21:59
rdpbhi to all21:59
rdpbdid someone have a kubuntu install in raid 0 sata disks? or to stop trying..?21:59
friedrichicangoogleit, I need to disable kernel driver during the boot. Blacklist isn't working21:59
eidothank you I am downloading gftp.22:00
erUSUL!raid | rdpb22:00
uboturdpb: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto22:00
erUSUL!hi | Vinc122:00
ubotuVinc1: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:00
friedrichAnd I really don't want to recompile the kernel22:00
=== Gunirus is now known as Violet
icangoogleitfriedrich what driver22:00
=== Deathchant is now known as HPd2300
friedrichicangoogleit, skge22:00
nexactHello all, how can I read .hlp files ?22:00
friedrichicangoogleit, I have sk98lin instead22:01
HPd2300Guys, I have a question about printing. It seems that the bottom of the page is cut.22:01
ubernewhacksso what is the name of the program or method for vista xp ubuntu22:01
* nickrud remembers deleting kernel modules to prevent their use back in his slash and burn days22:01
wiseleonexact - linux doesn't use them... why?22:01
rdpbubotu i have seen it but im wondering if someone can manage to do it22:01
cellofellownickrud: why not blacklist?22:01
kazol2Should I use bcm43xx-fwcutter for a Broadcom chipset BCM4306 wifi card (Belkin) or is there a better driver?22:01
rdpbi suppose that im not very good on this i cant make it working22:01
friedrichrdpb, it really depends if it's hardware or software raid. Some of them aren't supported. You should use linux software raid instead22:02
nexactwiseleo: I have a file from windows .. I need to read it22:02
eidothanks gftp looks to be exactly what I need in terms of layout22:02
nickrudcellofellow: because blacklist didn't exist then22:02
cafuegokazol2: the cutter should work. if not, i have a package that does.22:02
cellofellowOk, how do I create an ad-hoc wireless network. I can't find anything about it in the forums. Just want(ed) to use the Avahi IP addresses and Samba networking.22:02
jordanHello, I have a question about general hardware (pertaining to an ubuntu machine).  Should I ask here?22:02
stroyanHPd2300: Perhaps you are using A4 formatting with 8.5"x11" paper.  With that paper you should use "letter" format.22:02
cellofellownickrud: gotcha22:02
friedrichnickrud, I can't delete it, it's in kernel22:02
cafuegokazol2: http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/dists/gutsy-cafuego/bcm43xx/22:02
ubernewhacksso what is the name of the program or method for vista xp ubuntu22:02
friedrichIf I could I haven't asked you :)22:02
nickrudfriedrich: in the kernel, or a module that's loaded by the kernel?22:03
Henkierdpb, try using dodmraid on the kernel boot promtp22:03
kazol2cafuego: I need something that will support WPA-I installed the same card on another system a while ago, I was expecting an updated version.22:03
cafuegoubernewhacks: dual booting22:03
friedrichnickrud in the kernel22:03
nickrudfriedrich: blacklist only works on modules, not stuff compiled into the kernel22:03
cafuegokazol2: Yep, it does that just fine.22:03
rdpbi have 2 sata disks on raid 0 via bios and i want to have in the same raid disk vista and kubuntu22:03
Henkienot sure if you want to install on it, but it's great to read from it22:03
ubernewhacksand how would would I go about that?22:03
rdpbfor now i have manage to do it only with fedora 822:03
Whisperkillerusing nano, how do i save changes to a config file im working on>?22:03
rdpbwith very easy installation but i dont like to have fedora i want the kubuntu22:04
friedrichnickrud, I can unload it with rmmod. Is it possible for kernel drivers?22:04
cellofellowWhisperkiller: CTRL+o CTRL+x to exit22:04
nickrudfriedrich: ok, that22:04
Henkierdpb, dont install on it, unless it's really hw raid22:04
cellofellowWhisperkiller: ^ = ctrl, on the bottom of nano.22:04
nickrudis a module, do locate skge.ko , that's the file that gets loaded into the kernel22:04
kazol2cafuego: So I should just open the .deb file and it should automatically install?22:04
Whisperkillerit says i dont have permission22:04
friedrichnickrud, there is no skge.ko22:04
Whisperkillershould i have opened with sudo?22:05
cellofellowWhisperkiller: did you use sudo?22:05
cafuegokazol2: Double-click it it it should take care of itself.22:05
Whisperkillerno lol22:05
cellofellowWhisperkiller: try sudoedit thefile22:05
Triplee23what command can I run to see all services/daemons that are running?22:05
nickrudfriedrich: it's /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/net/skge.ko on my machine.22:05
rdpbim comfuse about this hw raid or sf raid22:05
cellofellowWhisperkiller: uses a temp file to run nano as user, then copies the temp file to the edited file22:05
HenkieTriplee23, ps axu22:05
Dethlokhow do i configure my firewall?  i think its blocking me from uploading images to myspace22:05
kazol2Whisperkiller: Remember, whenever you run a cmd that is potentially damaging to the system, always include "sudo."22:05
erUSULTriplee23: ps ax | less22:05
HPd2300Stroyan OK thanks, I'll try that22:05
erUSULTriplee23: htop22:05
javaJakeDethlok, which firewall? The one on your computer?22:05
erUSUL!firewall | Dethlok22:06
ubotuDethlok: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).22:06
rdpbi have a motherboard that can do raid 0,5,10 with a menu from bios. is this hd or sf?22:06
Whisperkilleryes im a bit rusty....been in winblows hell for quite some time and recently moved back to linux22:06
erUSULDethlok: no firewall is enabled by default in ubuntu22:06
=== [1]Netham45 is now known as Netham45
friedrichnickrud, I use xen kernel22:06
Dethlokoh ok i wasnt sure22:06
nikosapihello, I'm trying to download today's security updates and I encountered this error: E: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/smbfs_3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb: 403 Forbidden22:06
nickrudfriedrich: ah, I have no experience with xen kernels, so I think I'll just have to shut up. Sorry22:06
erUSULrdpb: sf it is known as fake raid22:06
Henkierdpb, hmm, really depends on the make, normally the sw raid is capable of raid 0 or raid 122:06
Triplee23Thanx, how do I enable a service starting during boot?22:07
nickrudnikosapi: see the topic22:07
friedrichThanks :)22:07
=== drewzf is now known as drewzf`unloved
Henkienot sure if software raid from bios can also engage in raid522:07
cafuegonikosapi: Yeah, so has everyone else. it'll get fixed eventually, I'm sure.22:07
cellofellowany knowledge of "ad hoc" wireless networks here?22:07
stroyanTriplee23: If you are into using a GUI, there is also the "system->administration->services" menu that runs services-admin.22:07
nikosapinickrud: heh, damn irssi putting the topic at the top of the nick list :P22:07
nikosapithanks btw22:08
rdpband again if it is hd raid why cant install kubuntu?22:08
nickrudnikosapi: ah, you terminal junkies, why isn't the gui good enough for everyone?22:08
rdpbi try so far 8 times22:08
riotkittiethe mind. it boggles.22:08
friedrichHenkie, rdpb, new nforces and ICH8R can do Raid522:08
Intangirgot a question: on windows when find some files to play on winamp, and then open winamp, i can click and drag the files from explorer (without explorer poping up on top) to the winamp window(which is still ontop of explorer) so i  can drag and drop files into winamp real easuy22:08
friedrichbut it;s software22:08
Triplee23stroyan: I want to run netatalk during startup but it is not visible i services-admin (GUI)22:08
rdpbICH8R i have22:08
erUSULrdpb: for fake raid you need to enable the dmraid module/driver22:08
cafuegoHenkie: Eww.22:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dmraid - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:09
Xklarkcan anyone help? I can't install samba through apt-get - the package is getting a 404 error22:09
IntangirALSO i can click and drag it to the taskbar dock, till winamp ppops up, then drag it to winamp22:09
Henkierdpb, linux normally bypasses the bios22:09
Intangirhow can i do that on gnome/nautilus22:09
cafuegoBios raid sucks, but bios raid5 would be - ewww.22:09
nikosapinickrud: because I can ssh into a screen session from school/work and chat :)22:09
XklarkErr http://security.ubuntu.com gutsy-security/main samba 3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.1 403 Forbidden22:09
Henkiefriedrich, ah tnx, didnt know that22:09
friedrichrdpb, you can try22:09
cafuegoXlark: Yeah, so has everyone else. it'll get fixed eventually, I'm sure.22:09
jordanHello - I have a machine running an ubuntu / mythtv media center, and I wanted to put my older Ati x850xt in there.  I did so, and plugged my HDTV in (HDMI - DVI cable).  Now the TV doesnt show any picture, just flashes of text on bootup (POST, not UBUNTU).  The VGA port works fine, however.  What can I do/try?22:09
nickrudnikosapi: oh, you even ssh, you junkie ;)22:09
friedrichIf you don't worry to lose your data22:09
cafuegoIf you can at all manage, do not use bios raid. Linux sw raid is a far better idea.22:10
Xklarkcafuego: how can i set it up without apt-get?22:10
Xklarkdo i have to compile the source myself?22:10
erUSULrdpb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FakeRaidHowto22:10
w0rmwhy is that i have to run compiz thru command line for it to work? shouldn;t it load automatically at startup?22:10
cafuegoXklark: You could find a non-broken mirror I suppose.22:10
SMFS_Usagican someone please help with a nvidia graphics problem ?22:10
kodeIntangir:  : you can do that exactly as in windows, it's standad22:10
Xklarkill try22:10
Xklarkcafuego: thanks22:10
friedrichcafuego, best raid is raid which is presented for OS as a large drive22:10
JakesHi - Anyone aware of a decent PPTP VPN Client GUI for 7.10? Is pptpconfig the only reaon option?22:10
friedrichAnd doing all tasks himself22:11
nickrudXklark: you gan get it from mirrors.kernel.org, but you have to fix the dependency errors by hand22:11
TD-Linuxjordan, sounds like you have the wrong display set up22:11
w0rmwhy is that i have to run compiz thru command line for it to work? shouldn't it load automatically at startup?22:11
rdpbi hv read it all of this22:11
cafuegofriedrich: No, the best raid is *expensive* hardware raid with a large battery backed cache. bios raid is worse than sw raid in pretty much all cases.22:11
TD-Linuxconfigure the driver to use the other port as primary22:11
TD-Linuxgoogle how to do that22:11
jordanTD-Linux I understand this and tried to fix it, but it will not even show a POST screen on the television, my 7900 GS did show the post screen22:11
deadlylifeHow can I make Emerald do a gaussian blur on transparent decorations?22:11
dooglusdoes anyone know how I can get a logitech pro 9000 webcam working in gutsy?22:12
jordanTD-Linux it seems as though the TV is getting signal, but it is merely a black screen being displayed22:12
dooglus!webcam doesn't help22:12
TD-Linuxwiggle the mouse?22:12
TD-Linuxbesides that22:12
dooglusubotu: I know you're not intelligent22:12
Henkiewiggle it good!22:12
us-roboticswhere to join free chat channel22:12
Intangirkode: oops, ya it seems dragging and waiting over the taskbar window DOES work now, i dont recall it working before..22:12
rdpbso i think that i cant have me kubuntu on my machine22:12
dooglusus-robotics: this one's free22:12
jordanTD-Linux this is on boot up, wiggling does not work22:12
w0rmwhy is that i have to run compiz thru command line for it to work? shouldn't it load automatically at startup?22:13
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:13
TD-Linuxdo any of the ports output video?22:13
rdpbto bad that ubuntu not have a installer that can manage this like gentoo and fedora22:13
jordanTD-Linux yes the VGA port works to a separate monitor22:13
deadlylifeWhat is the Compiz channel?22:13
cafuegofriedrich: Thing is, with bios raid, you're depending on an underpowered controller running proprietary software (the bios raid controller) for your data security.22:13
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion22:13
TD-Linuxyeah ubuntu's installer is still lacking22:13
deadlylifejoin #compiz-fusion22:13
TD-Linuxin comparision to even fc3, for example22:13
jordanTD-Linux but the DVI port going to TV does not work.. I should try the DVI to a computer mon brb22:13
stroyanTriplee23: I have never experimented with netatalk.  I see that the package includes a /etc/init.d/netatalk script that should be configured to start and stop the service.22:13
TD-Linuxsomeone should change !compiz22:14
BerylliumHas anyone here been having problems with the Nautilus process going haywire on multiuser systems, using 100% of the CPU?22:14
TD-Linuxnobody uses XGL anymore22:14
SMFS_Usagican anyone please help with a nvidia graphics card problem ?22:14
Xklarknickrud: I can't find the samba package on that mirror site you gave me - what would it be under?22:14
schokomuffingood morning boys and girls22:14
cafuegofriedrich: Linux md raid (swraid) is handled in-kernel, has no such bottleneck and is likely to be 1) far faster and 2) can be moved to any other machine without needing an identical bios raid chip.22:14
rdpbso i have to decite if i will be with kubuntu and windows without raid or only with windows and raid22:14
friedrichcafuego, If I have server I'd prefer hardware solution.22:15
nickrudXklark: a sec22:15
schokomuffinjoin #wikipedia-de22:15
cafuegofriedrich: Sure, but bios raid != hardware :-)22:15
friedrichWhich will rebuild automatically22:15
TD-Linuxrdpb, did you try the alternate installer?22:15
xivanariheya folks22:15
jimjamHow can I add NWN to the Games menu? Or rather, how can I add two commands to a launcher?22:15
kazol2cafuego: When I installed the driver, the system worked erratically and I got an error msg at startup saying it can't start the settings daemon for the GUI.22:15
DigitalNinjadoes gutsy gibbon server have a LAMP option?22:16
cafuegoI'd prefere a $4000 raid card too, but with that kind of cost I wouldn't be abl to afford any disks to plug into it <heh>22:16
friedrichcafuego, ok, but hardware raid = bios raid :-P22:16
xivanarii am having a pretty bad problem with my ubuntu22:16
xivanariall the titlebar fonts are ridiculous22:16
rdpbTD-Linux: not i havnt try the alternate22:16
nsteevesis anyone else getting "403 forbidden" errors when trying to update http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/smbclient_3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb ?22:16
Xklarknsteeves: yes22:16
cafuegofriedrich: No, hardware raid = raid with a *dedicated* *hardware* controller.22:16
Xklarki just asked about that22:16
Flummoxed`yes, nsteeves22:16
cafuegonsteeves: Yeah, so has everyone else. it'll get fixed eventually, I'm sure.22:16
friedrichcafuego, with it's own BIOS? :)22:16
nickrudit's there, under the name samba. you would change your /etc/apt/sources.list to use mirrors.kernel.com rather than archives.ubuntu.com22:17
cafuegofriedrich: Yup, which does the initialisation, NOT all processing.22:17
friedrichand, possibly, management console22:17
kazol2cafuego: ?22:17
rdpbmy mb is msi p965 platinum22:17
rdpbis this a fakeraid ?22:17
Core2QUADanyone know how to use mencoder??22:17
friedrichrdpb, sure22:17
nickrudXklark: s/kernel.com/kernel.org/22:17
TD-LinuxCore2QUAD, google22:17
cafuegofriedrich:   http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Hardware/sata.html#fakeraid is a good read in that regard.22:17
TD-Linuxit's kind of difficult22:17
nsteevesglad to hear it's not just my ISP doing something weird.  (service has been spotty this week)22:17
TD-Linuxnot too bad once you figure it out22:17
Henkierdpb, yes  :)22:17
Triplee23How can I see if samba is running or not?22:17
Xklarknickrud: thanks22:17
tenexugh, fakeraid/pseudoraid is evil22:17
cafuegokazol2: The bcm43xx-firmware made you *X* break?22:17
Core2QUADi have the commands i cant figure out all the stuff about frame rates and what not22:17
jimjamTriplee23: You could check the process list.22:18
Core2QUADall i want to do is make an avi into an mpeg22:18
rdpbwhy is fakeraid22:18
nickrudXklark: same with security.ubuntu.com, that's mirrors.kernel.org as well22:18
xivanariheya does anyone know how to figure out how to fix the ginormous fonts problem?22:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:18
rdpbi dont understand the difference22:18
tenexCore2QUAD: outstanding, then google will work well for you22:18
nsteevesnickrud: kernel.org tends to be really fast.  thanks for the tip, I didn't know that there was a kernel.org mirror22:18
kazol2cafuego: It did not break X, but it made the keyboard unresponsive and hanged when the system turned off. When it booted it could not load GUI settings for my profile but still did show GUI (though it lacked effects).22:18
TD-Linuxxivanari, you can change the dpi of your monitor22:18
jimjamTriplee23: System > Administration > System Monitor. Then the Processes tab22:18
cafuegordpb: fakeraid = raid via closed source software in raid bios.22:18
xivanariwhat do i change it to TD-Linux22:19
Henkierdpb, real raid is done in hardware with expensive hardware22:19
nickrudnsteeves: yw (I knew I should have kept it to myself :)22:19
xivanariand how do i change it22:19
cafuegokazol2: Do you have ndiswrapper enabled or something?22:19
TD-Linuxxivanari, lower it22:19
`m0hello can we install tcl in the system?22:19
xivanarii am a major linux newb22:19
TD-Linuxwindows always assumes 72 dpi22:19
Core2QUADi have been on google for an our trying to figure it out22:19
friedrichnickrud, something tells me that new driver presented as both skge and sk98lin, if it's possible22:19
rdpbhw = controller card with its own cpu about raid on  it?22:19
TD-LinuxI dunno where the config for that is :(22:19
jsschmid1how do I get the KERNEL MAKEFILE ... while trying to make I get the error "Kernel Makefile not found at '/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/source/"22:19
Triplee23jimjam: I don't have the GUI22:19
xivanariso it should be 72dpi?22:19
NatureTMhey, I'm on a core 2 processor trying to decide which distro (32/64) to install.  I figured 64 would be correct, but looking at the download page i'm not so sure anymore.  which is the one for me?22:19
kazol2cafuego: I just installed the x64 version of Ubuntu.22:19
cafuegordpb: Yes.22:19
TD-Linuxor you can just change the font sizes22:19
bruenigNatureTM, pick 3222:19
nickrudfriedrich: no clue, but it's not impossible I guess22:19
Henkierdpb, yes, and onboard ram22:19
bruenigyou won't regret it22:20
TD-LinuxSystem -> Preferences -> Fonts maybe?22:20
rdpband can i do something to install without to be a linux guru?22:20
xivanarino its not there22:20
bruenig!english | rpereira22:20
nsteevesnickrud: ;-)22:20
uboturpereira: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat22:20
bruenig!hi | Arko22:20
ubotuArko: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:20
TD-Linuxthat's random guessing22:20
xivanarii think its under the appearance that the fonts is22:20
friedrichNatureTM, if you don't want to work with Xen you should use 64-bit version22:20
TD-LinuxI don't have ubuntu running atm22:20
ArkoAfter upgrade, no sound22:20
cafuegokazol2: Hmmm. I've not ever tested a 4306 on amd64, only on i386 and powerpc. I don't know how that behaves.22:20
xivanariahh okay22:20
jimjamTriplee23: Then try the "top" command22:20
Arkoany help?22:20
bruenig!sound | Arko22:20
ubotuArko: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:20
rdpbi dont want to give up and stay only in windows :(22:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:20
kazol2cafuego: What should I install then?22:20
TD-Linuxxivanari, just poke around22:20
cafuegokazol2: But if it stops behaving after instalkling that firmware, I suippose best bet is to remove it.22:20
dooglusdoes anyone know how I can get a logitech pro 9000 webcam working in gutsy?22:20
Henkierdpb, it will take some reading, and understanding22:20
TD-Linuxdpi might be in display settings22:20
xivanariTD-Linux:  i have pmed you22:21
xivanaridid you get it?22:21
=== KondDrakul is now known as aguitel
kazol2cafuego: What driver should I install? It doesn't have an internet connection at all.22:21
cafuegokazol2: Well, you *somehow* need firmware to work with that chip.22:21
xivanarihow do i do that register thing on here?22:21
TD-Linuxyou have to be registered on Freenode I think22:21
Henkierdpb, those motherboards are kinda faking it22:21
kazol2cafuego: Are there any other drivers?22:21
rpereiraubotu && bruenig: sorry. Wrong tab.22:21
Henkieall in the drivers22:21
NatureTMso 64 distro should work fine, asside from a few compatability issues with software?22:21
Arkothere is no "volume control" to double click22:21
TD-Linux/msg NickServ HELP22:21
nickruddooglus: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/mandriva-30/logitech-quickcam-pro-9000-uvc-driver-596901/ talks sensibly about that, since it's kernel it shouldn't matter that they're on mandriva22:21
bruenigrpereira, I meant that for rdpb actually so my fault22:21
xivanarii just changed the dpi22:22
cafuegordpb: if you have windows in "raid" already, then using fakeraid in Linux is your only option. It's not ideal, but it *WILL* work.22:22
xivanariit changes the size of all of my fonts22:22
schmickanyone know anything about linux based cell phones?22:22
rdpbyestarday i try to do it and i find a good guide on this article but when i came to the part tha mount /target and do chroot i stoped because i couldnt do cp in the /target22:22
jimjamAnyone know how I can add NWN to the Games menu? As in, how can I add two commands to a launcher?22:22
xivanaribut not the size of the titlebar ones.22:22
xivanarithey are still the exact same ridiculous hugeness22:22
xivanariany ideas anyone?22:22
rdpbsorry for my bad english22:22
Dr_Willisjimjam make a script that runs the commands - then add a launcher for that script22:22
bruenigjimjam, /usr/share/applications, write a .desktop drop in there22:23
Henkierdpb, i am not sure about ubuntu but i dont think there is a easy22:23
jimjamDr_Willis> I'd hoped it wouldn't have to come to that.22:23
nickrudxivanari: system->prefs->appearance ->fonts tab, window title font doesn't affect it/22:23
KOJVCan I get Pidgin for Ubuntu with apt-get?22:23
rdpbi see the guide from http;//wiki.eyermonkey.com/   a good guide22:23
friedrichNatureTM, usually you will not see difference22:23
nickrud? that is22:23
Dr_Willisjimjam in the time it took ya to reply. You proberly could of done it. :)22:23
gnuskool<rant>9/11 was an inside job!</rant>22:24
rdpbHenkie: you mean with other distribution?22:24
FydaHey, something's wrong with the nautilus-share package in the repos: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/samba_3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb 403 Forbidden22:24
rdpbi did a installation with fedora 8 and suse 10.3 and workinig22:24
kazol2cafuego: Are there alternate drivers? What should I do?22:24
rdpbfull auto from installer22:24
nickrudFyda: see the topic22:24
friedrichFyda, I see the same22:24
Fydanickrud: Gah, sorry22:24
cafuegokazol2: bcm43xx and ndiswrapper or driverloader are your only options afaik.22:24
friedrichThey will fix it22:24
jimjamDr_Willis: Oh, irony22:25
Henkierdpb, dont know about them, but i would recommend againt using the motherboard-raid22:25
friedrichHave somebody seen today's kernel game?22:25
cafuegokazol2: driverloader costs actual money, ndiswrapper pmay or may not work on amd64.22:25
nickrudFyda: np, so many problems, such a short topic, why would you expect it there ;)22:25
friedrichThey had 7 releases during two hours22:25
jsschmid1how do I get the KERNEL MAKEFILE ... while trying to make I get the error "Kernel Makefile not found at '/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/source/"22:25
nickrudlol, and this is a *stable* tree22:25
zetherooI am trying to install the Ubuntu updates... but I get this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44814/22:25
cafuegoSo we avoid .23 then? :-)22:26
rdpbHenkie: you mean do take out the raid?22:26
rdpbto take out the raid?22:26
patricknevillehey whats a good anti-virus software for ubuntu, i have some windows one that keeps sending messages via pidgin to people, with windows commands haha22:26
friedrichThey said there are too many patches of different groups22:26
jimjambruenig: Can I add more than one exec to a .desktop file?22:26
kazol2cafuego: I'll look for driverloader on ThePirateBay or something.22:26
tenexpatrickneville: you aren't vulnerable to those viruses, anyway22:26
bruenigjimjam, nope22:26
us-roboticswhere to join free chat channel22:26
Henkierdpb, yes, at least from your bios's perspective, and using the sw-raid from linux itself22:26
us-roboticswhat channel for channel i22:26
friedrichzaharazod, topic22:26
weirdbroI'm getting a download error on the latest security update22:27
friedrichsorry. zetheroo22:27
Henkiebut that's just my opinion22:27
cafuegokazol2: Thank you for not warezing on an official support channel.22:27
aguitelpatrickneville: is neccesary at less 4 antivirus in ubuntu22:27
patricknevilletenex: i know this, but i dont like pidgin sending out these texts22:27
maxbweirdbro: see /topic22:27
bruenigjimjam, the Exec is what runs when you click on it in the menu, so yeah you can see where that would be practically impossible22:27
Ax3hey guys, im using pidgin, and the background is black, and everyone typing are using black color fonts, so i can't see anything... how do i adjust the irc colors?22:27
zetheroofriedrich: thanks... ha22:27
us-roboticswhere to join free chat channel22:27
us-roboticswhere to join free chat channel22:27
us-roboticswhere to join free chat channel22:27
us-roboticswhere to join free chat channel22:27
bruenig!ops | us-robotics22:27
ubotuus-robotics: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici22:27
ubernewhacksIn what order do i install the os's to get xp 32 vista 64 and ubuntu 7.10?22:27
nickrudus-robotics: this is free chat22:27
friedrichAx3, may be you're goth? :)22:27
rdpbHenkie: and what about windows?22:28
* nickrud thinks that might have been overkill22:28
wiseleoWell. I did it! Gforge runs on 7.10 now. Will write up the steps in the Wiki22:28
jimjambruenig: I see.22:28
Ax3friedrich: i can see you typing because you said my name heh, can't see anyone else22:28
tommax1083how i can connect to ##java channel?22:28
zetherooplease help with this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44814/22:28
wiseleoThat only took some 40 hours of work... lol22:28
nickrudtommax1083:  type /join ##java22:28
eidosorry I don't see settings in gftp for ssl does it support it?22:28
friedrichzetheroo, topic-topic-topic22:29
Henkierdpb, dont know enough about windows, but the raid is still done from software22:29
Sonderbladeim getting 403 forbidden from security.ubuntu.com when running apt-get upgrade??22:29
zetheroofriedrich: huh?22:29
maxbRe the disabled samba security update - wouldn't it be better to remove it from Packages, so that it didn't break apt for getting other security updates?22:29
maxbSonderblade: /topic22:29
Triplee23How do I prevent samba from starting during boot? Anyone?22:29
friedrichzetheroo, Sonderblade it's broken22:29
Pyrobytehello, i was wondering if there were any sort of service startup logs, and if so where to find them22:30
Sonderbladewhat is samba doing in ubuntu-desktop anyway?22:30
rdpbHenkie: i mean that if do linux raid sw then i cant have access from windows right?22:30
zetheroofriedrich: whats broken?22:30
Ax3restarted pigdin, problem solved i guess22:30
Triplee23I have the server version22:30
Henkierdpb, sorry, yes  :)  (you cant access it)22:30
nsteevesahhh. /topic is how one views the whole topic.  since switching it irssi years ago, I've always wondered, but never knew (and perhaps was lazy in not bothering to look it up or experiment)22:30
CydeAnyone know what's up with this error message?22:30
CydeFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/libsmbclient_3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb  403 Forbidden22:30
kazol2cafuego: What to do....I'll install x32 then.22:31
nickrudSonderblade: it's there for sharing (many use it) removing /etc/rc2.d/S20samba will disable startup22:31
Sir_SidCyde,  its a known bug22:31
cafuegokazol2: it's probably worth a try anyway, yes.22:31
Sir_SidCyde, Look at the topic of the channel22:31
zetherooCyde: I am getting the same nonsense22:31
grimboyHmm, seems I can't have libumfpack4 and libsuitesparse installed because the both contain the files /usr/lib/libamd.so.1 and /usr/lib/libumfpack.a . Can anyone give me some sort of workaround?22:31
Sonderbladenickrud: for sharing my disk with windows users?22:31
CydeSomeone mess up file permissions I suppose?22:31
CydeGlad to know I'm not the only one ..22:31
Kl4mCould anybody explain me why this script wouldn't run on startup if it's in /etc/rc5.d and 777? http://ubuntu.pastebin.ca/77762022:31
ubernewhacksIn what order do i install the os's to get xp 32 vista 64 and ubuntu 7.10?22:31
Sir_SidCyde,  no idea lol, but its a known bug and im sure it will be fixed soon22:32
jsschmid1how do I get the KERNEL MAKEFILE ... while trying to make I get the error "Kernel Makefile not found at '/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/source/"22:32
friedrichTriplee23, update-rc.d samba remove22:32
Kl4mXp, then Vista, then Ubuntu22:32
nickrudSonderblade: for whatever, I use it for accessing shares at work, and sharing a bit22:32
CydeSir_Sid: My guess is file permissions are set wrong on the package on the server.22:32
zetherooCyde: nobody has touched my machine... but when I came this morning and wanted to perform the usual updates I got those same errors22:32
rmajhow to download a   http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=1234 something to hard drive (as a file to play offline)?22:32
Triplee23How do I know which runlevel I am in?22:32
Cydezetheroo: No no no, I mean file permissions on the update server, not on your local computer.22:33
XklarkXML Parsing Error: not well-formed22:33
XklarkLocation: chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/unknownContentType.xul22:33
XklarkLine Number 1, Column 7:22:33
nsteevesspeaking of file permissions:  if mirrors.kernel.org rsyncs with archive.ubuntu.com, won't the over-restrictive permissions be preserved?22:33
nickrudzetheroo: it's a problem at their end, not yours. Read the topic22:33
Xklarkwhy do i get that error when trying to downlaod something?22:33
nsteeves(in the mirror)22:33
mneptok!paste | Xklark22:33
ubotuXklark: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)22:33
Morrowynhi, i have a question, when i open /etc/fstab, i see this #/dev/hda1 UUID, doesnt the # mean that that line is commented out, yet the system mounts /dev/hda1 to / any idea why this is or do i need to configure the mounting of other harddisks somewhere else in ubuntu?22:33
=== Didi_ is now known as diogofsr
zetherooCyde: yes, it would have to be on their end22:33
ubernewhackskl4m: ok, after I install vista I'll come back and get someone to help me with learning how to get ubuntu also. that sound good?22:33
zetheroonickrud: what topic?22:33
friedrichMorrowyn, it just uses uuids instead of names22:33
nickrud!uuid | Morrowyn (new naming scheme, for libata compatibility)22:34
ubotuMorrowyn (new naming scheme, for libata compatibility): To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)22:34
kazol2cafuego: So it depends on the OS, not the actual CPU architecture?22:34
nsteeves:-D  I guess over-restrictive permissions weren't preserved.22:34
jsschmid1how do I get the KERNEL MAKEFILE ... while trying to make I get the error "Kernel Makefile not found at '/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/source/"22:34
friedrichsomebody kill zetheroo22:34
nickrudzetheroo: the channel topic, if you're in xchat it's the window at the top; you can see it by typing /topic22:34
Morrowynso, i just add my new harddisk to /etc/fstab, but using this new naming schema right?22:34
Kl4mubernewhacks: you should keep some space for the other os(es) partitions(s) on every install22:34
nickrudMorrowyn: yes, and blkid will tell you the uuid22:34
zetheroonickrud: oh ok.... I had to double click on it to see it22:35
friedrichMorrowyn, you can use old schema22:35
rdpbfunny think happens ok22:35
Kl4mI think gparted can help with adding disks22:35
larson15can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong when i try to use my ubuntu live cd?22:35
Morrowynyeah, /dev/sda1 means more to me, than, UUID=and-lot-of-numbers22:35
rdpbin ubuntu i manage to start installation with dmraid support22:35
rdpbin kubuntu is more difficult22:36
xivanariheya ill ask again, does anyone here know a way i could fix the problem with the huge titlebar fonts?22:36
nickrudMorrowyn: be aware though, that the dev/<id> can change out from under you some day22:36
friedrichlarson15, in what way do you use it?22:36
box1I'm trying to do basic updates on a fresh gutsy install however I get the error: "Err http://security.ubuntu.com gutsy-security/main libsmbclient 3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.122:36
box1  403 Forbidden22:36
box1"  Will someone please guide me?22:36
mneptokbox1: /topic22:36
rdpbi know that i will have problem next with grun installation :( in raid. if i can manage to go so far22:36
Morrowynnickrud, good point there22:36
erUSULbox1: see the topic22:36
larson15i have a laptop and all i need is to run a slideshow but the computer does not have a hard drive22:36
friedrichrdpb, why not install ubuntu and kubuntu after that?22:36
jsschmid1how do I get the KERNEL MAKEFILE ... while trying to make I get the error "Kernel Makefile not found at '/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/source/"22:37
rdpbfriedrich: i didnt realize that it will more easy in ubuntu from kubuntu and i dont know the why22:37
nickrudjsschmid1: have you installed linux-source ?22:37
rdpbi dont like gnome and that why i didnt use it at all the ubuntu22:37
box1Ok, so I wanted to remove all samba related packages, and uninstalled ubuntu-desktop, however upon reinstall of ubuntu-desktop, it wants to install samba again, hence my problems.  Is this a system reinstall?22:38
Triplee23How do I know which runlevel is active? I don't have GUI?22:38
larson15<friedrich> did you see my post22:38
nickrudTriplee23: runlevel in a terminal22:38
Arthanixnow what did ubuntu do.... can't update anything.... just because of the samba...22:38
stroyanTriplee23: netatalk should have been configured to run when you installed the ubuntu package.  You can check if it is failing on start by running "sudo /etc/init.d/netatalk restart" and studying the resulting output.22:38
erUSULbox1: just wait untill the issue is resolved... (maybe as a workaraund you can disable security updates tempor...)22:38
friedrichlarson15, only about of livecd using way :)22:38
stroyanTriplee23: You can also try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure netatalk" to see if it reinstalls better than the first time.22:39
box1mneptok erUSUL: I removed ubuntu-desktop22:39
larson15i have a laptop and all i need is to run a slideshow but the computer does not have a hard drive22:39
Xklarki downloaded the packages from a mirror site, yet when i try to install it - it still keeps trying to download the other 2 files from ubuntu22:39
nsteevesoh my...22:39
larson15<larson15> i have a laptop and all i need is to run a slideshow but the computer does not have a hard drive22:39
nsteevesTurns out there were more problems with the patch and all releases have been disabled. Updated packages for Dapper, Edgy, Feisty and Gutsy will be provided soon.22:39
nickrudArthanix: yeah, someone did a booboo for sure22:39
Xklarkand getting the 403 error22:39
friedrichbox1, try to disable security updates22:39
stroyanTriplee23: You can see the current runlevel with "who -r"22:39
Xklarki have all the files its triyng to download..22:39
box1erUSUL: If I disable security, can I reinstall ubuntu-destkop with no samba?22:40
* box1 tries22:40
nsteevesI shouldn't have switched mirrors22:40
erUSULbox1: it will use the version aviable on the other repos afaics22:40
nickrudXklark: you have an ubuntu source listed somewhere ... and I think you should read what nsteeves just posted if you need samba functionality now22:40
larson15<larson15> i have a laptop and all i need is to run a slideshow but the computer does not have a hard drive, can anyone contact me in a private chat or msn messenger22:40
Xklarkso my best bet is just to wait?22:41
Xklarktill they fix it?22:41
larson15or aol chat22:41
friedrichbox1, yes22:41
box1erUSUL: trying now...22:41
friedrichIt must be update concerning recent CIFS hole22:41
Arthanixgrrr.. I was installing my brand new mythtv box... now I can't finnish it because of this samba crap22:41
Triplee23Thanx nickrun and stroyan!22:41
Pelo!install | larson1522:41
ubotularson15: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate22:41
friedrichArthanix, you too22:41
pipegeekboth tilda and yakuake in gutsy are broken22:41
maxbIt's very irritating. Surely it would be better to just have removed the samba update from the Packages file22:41
Xklarknickrud: should i just wait till they fix it? then try it later?22:42
box1erUSUL: friedrich: It's downloading samba now, thanks for your help22:42
erUSULbox1: no problem22:42
Xklarkwait, box1 how did you do it?22:42
friedrichXklark, disable security updates22:42
erUSULbox1: enable security again asap22:42
Triplee23I update the value in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/igmp_max_memberships from 1 to 2 but every time I boot, the value is reset to 1. Anyone who knows how I can prevent this?22:42
blah569I want to install Ubuntu, but before I do, most of the stuff I do is Windows related, but, I need Ubuntu for some C++, but, since the most of the stuff I do is Windows only, I can't quiet think of any reason to actually boot up into Ubuntu constatly, can anyone give my some conviceing reasons to actually use Ubuntu constasntly?22:42
Xklarkok thanks22:42
nickrudXklark: I'd wait till it was fixed; you could also take erUSUL 's advice and comment out security for now22:42
box1erUSUL: Righto22:42
Peloblah569,  just try the live cd , see if you like it22:43
box1Xklark: Got it?22:43
Kl4mCould anybody explain me why this script wouldn't run on startup if it's in /etc/rc5.d and 777? http://ubuntu.pastebin.ca/77762022:43
blah569I've tried the Live CD, countless of times before.22:43
nickrudblah569: run ubuntu, and windows in a vm.22:43
jalguyblah, was in the same shoes a few months ago, I found work arounds and am enjoying linux very much22:43
Xklarkexplain again box1 - sorry im new :(22:43
blah569I have.22:43
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages22:43
PeloKl4m, permission maybe ?22:43
blah569I have emulated Ubuntu a lot, as well.22:44
Xklarki have the update settings opened22:44
box1Hey, any idea how soon the samba package will be fixed?22:44
blah569I've been messing with Ubuntu at like the beginning of 2006.22:44
friedricherUSUL, you was first. Sorry, haven't seen your advice :)22:44
mynymlif i installed an app with make install, is there usually a way to uninstall it? what would the file be called?22:44
box1Xklark: I just edited my sources.list file but you should probably use synaptic22:44
friedrichmynyml, make uninstall22:44
ubernewhacksso can anyone give me a link to a tut for xp vista ubuntu before i start formatting my harddrive?22:44
friedrichif it supports.22:44
jsschmid1nickrud: I did the following: sudo apt-get build-dep linux-source-2.6.22                       apt-get source linux-source-2.6.2222:44
nickrudmynyml: if the developer was kind, make uninstall22:44
tommax1083i cant connect to ##java channel... when i try system reply that username are not registred...how i can connect to ##java channel?22:44
erUSULfriedrich: bad bad bad :P trying to steal my patented fix-o-matic for ubuntu XD22:45
friedrichtommax1083, /ns register help22:45
Peloblah569,  if messing with ubuntu since 2006 has not given you sufficent reasons to use it as your main os, there is little we can say to change it22:45
stroyanTriplee23: Set the net.ipv4.igmp_max_memberships value in /etc/sysctl.conf so it will be set at boot time.22:45
friedricherUSUL, :`(22:45
friedrichWill you sue me?22:45
nickrudjsschmid1: not sure then, I haven't done a kernel compile in a couple of years22:45
Xklarkbox1: i still get the 403 error when installing from synaptic22:46
erUSULfriedrich: for a trillion $'s no less XD22:46
Triplee23stroyan: thanx22:46
friedricherUSUL, damned22:46
box1Xklark: Ok, I will help you stand by22:46
nickrudXklark: you need to do update (reload?) first22:46
blah569I need Ubuntu to do some C and C++ stuff, however.  I just wonder if I should buy another laptop, and install Ubuntu on that, because I can't quiet thing of any reason I wouldn't constantly boot into Ubuntu unless I'm doing some C or C++ work.22:47
Xklarknickrud: what? sorry im new to ubuntu :(22:47
box1Is this the same chan on freenode as the ubuntu servers?22:47
rapidblah569: you should look at virtualization if you'd like to save some money22:47
rmajblah569: hmm?22:47
rmajblah569: you can obviusly devleop c++ in ubuntu22:47
box1nickrud: I'll help him in a sec,can you answer my question? ^^^22:48
blah569I know.22:48
friedrichblah569, xen rules!22:48
dejaiJust install wine22:48
nickrudXklark: the reload button will update your sources, removing the security sources.22:48
nickrudbox1: which one?22:48
box1Is this the same chan on freenode as the ubuntu servers?22:48
Nadhr_will  AutoCAD run on wine?22:48
dejaiWith Ubuntu with a bit of configuring you should be able to do, a lot more than you can on any other non unix like operating system22:48
Pelobox1,  the ubuntu server is on freenode22:49
PeloNadhr_, not realy , r14 works but is clucky22:49
nickrudbox1: I do believe so, this is the 'official' channel22:49
Xklarknickrud: i have no idea what reload button your talking about22:49
Xklarksorry for being slow22:49
dejaiIt should allow the application of programs such as that but its at you personal discretion to try that.22:49
nickrudXklark: on synaptic, left button below the menu bar22:49
dannyi need help getting a mac like theme for ubuntu 7.1022:49
friedrichNadhr_, if you have enough money for Autocad you should have enough for WinXP Home22:49
Nadhr_is it better to run it under virtual box22:49
Pelodanny,  just drag drop the tar.gz file on the theme manager22:50
dejaiHmm, a mac like theme for Ubnuntu22:50
dejaiDo you also wish to get a mac dock?22:50
Xklarkok, now what nickrud ?22:50
Pelormaj, just ask a question,  stuff like this will get  you booted22:50
Nadhr_am trying to let my company go for linux22:50
dejaiGive me 20 seconds I will pull some stuff up for you :D22:50
nickrudXklark: mark all upgrades, then apply22:50
friedrichNadhr_, windows on xen just for autocad22:50
rmajanyone can download to hdd and play offline following: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9208418729889410819 ?22:50
rmajPelo: ^22:50
box1nickrud: Ahh, but my nick is only registered with freenode, thanks :022:50
FluxDI am getting this error "You don't have permission to access /ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/samba-common_3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb on this server."22:51
nickrudbox1: what domain are you logged onto, I only know of the irc.freenode.net getting me here22:51
FluxDis the file not there anyomore?22:51
dejaiThat is the most likely resource to find a mac theme (http://www.gnome-look.org/_22:51
Nadhr_i've tried virtualbox but xen22:51
Pelormaj,  look play it in the browser and then ( without closing the browser) , check in /tmp22:51
Xklarknickrud: i did that, still getting the same error22:51
gogetaNadhr_ depends on the pc22:51
nickrudFluxD: it's broke, wait a while.22:51
rmajPelo: /tmp O_o ?22:52
dejaiAs for the Ubuntu/ Mac Doc (http://www.digg.com/linux_unix/Mac_Dock_on_Ubuntu_Howto)22:52
box1nickrud: Doesn't matter, are you helping Xklark?22:52
Nadhr_is xen faster than virtualbox22:52
gogetaNadhr_if they have hardware vitulation then using kqemu would be ast22:52
Pelormaj,  the /tmp folder on your hdd22:52
FluxDnickrud: thx22:52
Xklarknickrud ill leave you alone - i can ask box1 if you want22:52
gogetaNadhr_ otherwise vmware is gonna preform the best22:52
Xklarkbox1, query?22:52
SliMMis there an equivalent of ctrl+alt+del from windows in ubuntu (gnome)22:52
scottdkoderXklark: Check your pm, I am box122:52
friedrichNadhr_, really, if it works - son't touch it22:53
dejaiMay I ask if anyone has found a functional IDE with a friendly interface ?22:53
nickrudXklark: then you haven't disabled the security source yet, settings->repositories, updates tab, uncheck important security updates22:53
gogetaSliMM yea ctrl alt delete22:53
erUSULdejai: emacs XD lol22:53
=== scottdkoder is now known as scottDkoDer
friedrichLinux just for linux... You'll spend more money and time to make it work22:53
gogetaSliMM or do you mean the prosses manager22:53
icaniccan someone help me with ubuntu on imac :-)22:53
nickrudXklark: then reload, mark for upgrades, and apply22:53
SliMMdejai: i like gedit, but geany is quite good22:53
=== loucas is now known as SoteriouLoucas
SliMMgogeta: what does ctrl alt del do?22:53
gogetaSliMM reboots system22:54
* nickrud thinks a joke just whiffed22:54
gogetaSliMM ctrl alt backspace reboots x22:54
kodeSliMM: reboots system if in console22:54
* scottDkoDer thinks #ubuntu should be divided into specific topic sections22:54
ticnailer69how can I change my settings from 16 bit color to 32 bit color?22:54
Nadhr_what do u mean?22:54
SliMMyeah, well a process manager with a high nice value would be great22:54
Vladimir32tlhi! can anyone help: ive got a c: and d: (empty) drive and wish to install ubuntu on d: if i rub the live cd will ubuntu give me a chance to install on d: and still get dual boot with xp (which is on c:) without having to do any partitions?22:54
* Pelo pats nickrud on the shoulder: it happens 22:54
gogetaSliMM in a term use ps -A22:55
* nickrud preens, cuz it wasn't his :)22:55
gogetashows everything running22:55
JuerdMy screen keeps blanking after a while22:55
dannyat www.gnome-look.com is it gdm themes?22:55
ticnailer69I'm trying to run a game and it says that a window cannot be created without using 32 bit color setting22:55
friedrichNadhr_, think twice before moving your office to linux22:55
JuerdI've disabled the screen saver, set the time to "never" in the energy options, even did "xset s off", but the damn thing keeps blanking after a while. Even during video playback!22:55
gogetaSliMM you can eyther use the number to kill like kill 7564 or kallall appname22:55
JuerdAny hints?22:55
SliMMgogeta: this is my scenario: i'm in a game on my not-so-good computer, and it freezes, what do i do?22:55
PeloVladimir32tl, yes pretty much,  but I suggest you set your bios to boot from d before installing, that way grub will install completely to d and leave c alone,  you'll be able to remove either hdd with no issue22:55
smallfieldshi, i have a fresh installation of ubuntu 7.10, i have done some updates, but i cant do others, i get an error "W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/smbclient_3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb22:55
smallfields  403 Forbidden"22:55
nickrudAnd hello, Pelo22:56
Kalamarencu!setup RDP22:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about setup rdp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:56
erUSULsmallfields: see the topic please22:56
Arkoi got this error: "Please install the package with full kernel sources for your distribution". Which package should I install?22:56
gogetaSliMM ps-A find game in list killall game22:56
ticnailer69Nadhr_, That is just what they require. I don't know why to be honest.22:56
Pelosmallfields,  don'T worry to much about it , the server might be having some issues,  try again later22:56
Triplee23stroyan: I added this to /etc/sysctl.conf  "net.ipv4.igmp_max_memberships=2" but unfortunately it was reset to 1 after boot. Any ideas?22:56
gogetaSliMM if using dedega then its always killall wine22:56
Kalamarencuanyone knows how to set up RDP to connect to a windows xp machine?22:56
friedrichNadhr_, it's an excellent system but you should decide why exactly do you need it. If it's just a wish "I don't like Windows"... it's not good idea22:56
smallfieldsok, thank you very much22:56
gogetaSliMM ctrol alt f1 to get to a text term22:56
SliMMgogeta: good, how do i open the terminal if i am in the game?22:56
gogetaSliMM if x is frozen22:57
* ifco is desparate22:57
SliMMgogeta: thanks22:57
Kalamarencuanyone knows how to set up RDP to connect to a windows xp machine?22:57
Peloifco,  needs to state his problem22:57
ifcohey quys22:57
gogetaSliMM ctrl alt f7 to return to x22:57
stroyanTriplee23: Does "sysctl net.ipv4.igmp_max_memberships" report 1?22:57
ifcoyeah, my problem is big22:57
pike_Kalamarencu: i normally just use rdesktop   like rdesktop ipaddress22:57
Vladimir32tlPelo: what happens if i dont go into bios to change anything, will i still get dual boot option even if its not grub?22:57
Pelo!enter | ifco22:57
ubotuifco: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:57
ifcocurrently on livecd, my win or lin wont boot :(22:58
sutabiAnyone know of any graphics cards that just work well on ubuntu? Right now I have a radeon 9600 but there is no 3d acceleration, plus its getting outdated so I want to buy a new one anyways22:58
pike_Kalamarencu: imo its alot better than the windows tool i prefer it anyway as a client22:58
ata4ixhmm... grab 1.5 is allows to edit the line of the boot cmd, but not save them after restart :(22:58
Triplee23stroyan: I reports 2 now but I set it to 2 manually after boot.22:58
ata4ixwhat need to do?22:58
=== Martinp24 is now known as Martinp25
RichWifco: bootloader?22:58
PeloVladimir32tl,  you wil have grub phase one on one hdd and phase two on the other, wich means that you will always need both hdd in the comp to use either, my way you can remove either and still have a working comp22:58
ifcoyeah bootloader22:58
friedrichsutabi, modern nvidia and amd-ati cards both work good22:58
Kalamarencupike_,I do not use the command line, It is the one with gui22:59
nickrudata4ix: if you mean grub, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to make those changes permanent22:59
RichWifco: lots of guides on fixing grub, its not hard22:59
ifcoam quite a newbie to linux, have been searchin for help in forums and everywhere, nothing helped22:59
friedrichsutabi, even Radeon 9600 with propietary drivers will be excelent card22:59
Vladimir32tlPelo: i only have one hdd but with 2 partitions on it already (c: is used by xp and d is empty)22:59
jjfourtwentyi use supergrub for all gurb probs22:59
jjfourtwentyits easy22:59
pike_Kalamarencu: try grdesktop22:59
Kalamarencupike_, are we talking about the same thing? If I connect to a Windows XP machine do I need to create a user?22:59
PeloVladimir32tl,  ignore everything I said then, just install ubuntu to your d partition and be happy22:59
Kalamarencupike_, will Do :)23:00
ifcoi have just burnt it on other pc but even the super grub wont boot from cd!!23:00
gogetaKalamarencu can use your reg xp user name if connecting to xp23:00
stroyanTriplee23: Does "sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.igmp_max_memberships=4" set it to 4? Does "sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf" get back to the setting you want?23:00
ifcoeverything else boots from cds, dunno why is that23:00
ata4ixthanks! ^)23:00
Vladimir32tlPelo: thanks! im a first time linux user. and by the way, if i decide to uninstall ubutnu on d:, is it possible?23:00
gogetaVladimir32tl very23:00
PeloVladimir32tl,  you'll just hve to restore the windows mbr to get rid of grub23:01
sutabifriedrich: I am running ati's propietary driver the most recent and right now it just throws me to the config to detect my card and display23:01
Vladimir32tlPelo: how do i restore windows mbr?23:01
Cpudan80Getting rid of GRUB is a simple procedure23:01
gogetaPelo no he whont if installing again it will replace grub23:01
PeloVladimir32tl, google23:01
ifcomy problem is that i installed ubuntu on a partition on an external hdd, i guess it messed up my mbr or whatever23:01
ata4ixand how to set the screen resolution in text mode for grub? at high i have only 80x60 vga=6... but how to set 120x80 and other custom resultions?23:01
Cpudan80Vladimir32tl: cross that bridge when you come to it23:01
Cpudan80if you come to it23:01
Cpudan80Vladimir32tl: ##windows23:01
Pelogogeta, I think he meant to just remove ubuntu and still have is windows install working properly23:02
ata4ixVladimir fdisk /mbr23:02
JuerdFound the solution for the screen blanking.23:02
pike_thats one reason i think ubuntu should setup a sep /boot partition23:02
SliMMgogeta: well, X failed to resume23:02
Vladimir32tli hope things work well. im getting tired on windows (especially the new vista version(s)<-- 6 versions or something?) i think linux is much better because of its open source advantage23:02
gogetaVladimir32tl use xp install cd and push the buttion for recovery console login with your admin account type fixmbr23:03
lakinArgh.  No sound in enemy-territory and I've followed all of the instructions I can find in the forums23:03
Cpudan80Vladimir32tl: MS is hemorrhaging customers because of Vista23:03
=== Nadhr_ is now known as mnadhro
ata4ixagree with gogeta23:03
ifcopike_ so what, should i set another boot partition or ..23:03
Juerdata4ix: I asked a question 8 minutes ago, and found the solution myself.23:03
Cpudan80Many are either staying with XP or switching to *nix23:03
gogetaSliMM well you can ctrl alt backspace to reboot x23:03
Pelolater folks23:03
gogetaSliMM when game frezzes23:03
Cpudan80Vista's sales figures are only propped up by the OEMs23:04
Whisperkillerhow do i change user to root in terminal?23:04
hubuntuanyone knows how to redirect a page to another page in moin moin (ubuntu wiki)?23:04
Vladimir32tlgogeta: but since ill have dual boot in grub, cant i enter xp and delete all files on d: drive -- or will that not work?23:04
Cpudan80Whisperkiller: sudo -i23:04
pike_ifco: well you dont need to i just like to have my mbr and /boot intact if i decide to wipe a partition or whatever23:04
ata4ixJured where is you found this? :) please tell me23:04
ata4ixthe same quaestion? not23:04
SliMMgogeta: yes, i know that, but i would rather stop the game and continue my work23:04
Juerdata4ix: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=341617 the post by Juantao23:04
erUSUL!root | Whisperkiller23:04
ubotuWhisperkiller: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:04
hubuntuor is there a channel for ubuntu wiki?23:04
erUSULWhisperkiller: you can get a "root shell" via 'sudo -i'23:04
hubuntu!moin moin23:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about moin moin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:05
hubuntu!ubuntu wiki23:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu wiki - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:05
gogetaVladimir32tl no you have to reformat d to a windoes format23:05
Some_PersonIs there an error in security.ubuntu.com?23:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntuwiki - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:05
ifcopike_ right thats u but i dont have it so my grub just stops with the error 21 everytime..23:05
Whisperkillerthats what i wanted to know23:05
RichWwhat is ubuntu going to do about #ubuntu as it gets more popular, wont it get overcrowded?23:05
nickrudSome_Person: see the topic23:05
Some_Person!wiki | hubuntu23:05
ubotuhubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.23:05
Whisperkillerhow do i close the root shell?23:05
SliMMgogeta: is it because i have just 100 MB of swap why i can't resume X?23:05
gogetaVladimir32tl and if you do that befor fixing the mbr your system whont boot when you do couse grub will crash23:05
erUSULWhisperkiller: exit23:05
Some_Personthanks, nickrud23:05
nickrudRichW: lol, it's gone from 200 or so to 1200 now, I don't think so23:05
Whisperkillerthanks so much23:05
andi5is there something like a "floating topic line"? ;-)23:05
lounge-abouti need some help removing a stubborn package23:05
gogetaSliMM no idea might be a video card issue23:06
bruenigRichW, the combined stupidity of such a room will reach infinity causing the universe to implode I think23:06
gogetaSliMM aris can be flaky23:06
Vladimir32tlgogeta: makes sense... so what would be the easiest wall to reformat d: to ntfs?23:06
eugmanI want to make some simple econimc diagrams, anyone know of a good program to make cartesian graphs?23:06
RichWnice reply :)23:06
humboltoWhy does the Xen kernel not support CPU frequency scaling? Does not make much sense considering that some people want to use Xen for running Windows and Linux side by side on their laptops.23:06
Ax-Axi cant get into bios, but i guess this isn't is the right chanel23:07
gogetaVladimir32tl  you can use the linux installer cd to format it to vfat i beleve23:07
dannyi need help im at www.gnome-look.org and i have ubuntu 7.10 i want a mac os x theme and i dont know what tap i chose GDM theme GTK 2.x or GTK 1.x23:07
gogetaVladimir32tl then use windows to make it ntfs23:07
nickrudlounge-about: could you put the output of apt-get -f install on a pastebin?23:07
andi5danny: GTK 2.x23:07
nanonymei'm getting 403 forbidden for http://security.ubuntu.com23:07
jonteHey people.. Any ideas on how I can create an EXPANDING truecrypt volume? I don't want it to allocate space directly when created.23:07
crdlb!sambabug | nanonyme23:07
ubotunanonyme: A defect has been identified in a recent security update and as a result the associated packages have been taken offline. Please disregard any 403 errors you may receive when trying to apply updates. They will disappear once this problem is resolved.23:07
dx9s_homeanybody have an expected timeframe on fixing the permissions issue on *samba* 3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.1 stuff?23:07
Vladimir32tlthanks gogeta23:07
gogetaVladimir32tl or partation magic for windows23:07
lounge-aboutnickrud: possibly?23:07
PriceChilddx9s_home, will be done when its done23:08
Some_Personnonoyme: look at the topic23:08
PriceChilddx9s_home, please just be patient23:08
nickrudlounge-about: that will show the errors, probably fixable ;)23:08
gogetaVladimir32tl oor evein the xp installer cd23:08
gogetaVladimir32tl or even plain old fdisk23:08
lounge-aboutnickrud: i have the error already, i just dont know what to do23:08
Triplee23stroyan: Yes, what did I do?23:08
dx9s_homePriceChild, TY ... just curious seems like it is a simple permissions thing thing ... perhaps there is more ;)23:08
dweesanyone know when the samba upgrade will be 'unbroken'?23:08
gogetaVladimir32tl plenty of ways23:08
nickrudlounge-about: so show it already23:08
ElyHello everyone23:08
eugmanAnyone know a program I can draw graphs with?23:08
Vladimir32tlgogeta: i dont have xp installer cd, i bought the pc without one, instead i have a "recovery disk" but all that does is restore the pc to when i first bought the pc23:09
dweeseugman: what kind of graph?23:09
dweeseugman: function type?23:09
crdlbdx9s_home: they changed the permissions because the package is broken (to prevent people from downloading it)23:09
erUSULeugman: a spreadsheet ??23:09
dweeseugman: Geogebra23:09
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:09
dx9s_homecrdlb, I figured as much23:09
dx9s_homecrdlb, TY23:09
RichWthat might be useful to someone here23:09
Some_PersonIs there a Windows Media Center-type thingybob for Ubutnu?23:09
PriceChilddx9s_home, permissions have been changed on the files so you can't download them23:09
lounge-aboutRemoving opendchub ...23:09
erUSULSome_Person: mythtv23:09
gogetaVladimir32tl ack23:09
lounge-aboutStopping Open DC Hub: opendchubTerminated23:09
nickrudlounge-about: stop23:09
lounge-aboutinvoke-rc.d: initscript opendchub, action "stop" failed.23:10
lounge-aboutdpkg: error processing opendchub (--remove):23:10
lounge-about subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 14323:10
lounge-aboutStarting Open DC Hub: opendchub already running.23:10
lounge-aboutErrors were encountered while processing:23:10
lounge-about opendchub23:10
ArkoI typed cd /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ubuntu/media/ and it says that there is no such file or directory. Did I miss any package during installation?23:10
ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV23:10
gogetaVladimir32tl then you need to use the grub live cd to restore the mbr23:10
ljpphi ppl, what is the Pidgin settings directory in ubuntu?23:10
Amon_ReHey peeps23:10
RichWSome_Person: See what ubotu said.23:10
dweeseugman: www.geogebra.org23:10
gogetaVladimir32tl thers a gpartationd cd to23:10
Amon_ReDoes anyone have any links on information on how to make .deb files?23:10
Some_PersonerUSUL, RichW: MythTV only does the TV stuff23:10
gogetaVladimir32tl you can use to restore the drive to a windows format23:10
eugmandwees: just like a f(x) kind of graph23:10
ljppI want to create an ln to my windows pidgin settings but cant find them in Ubuntu23:10
Vladimir32tlanyways, i dont see how windows will stay up: the fact is linux is a much better os and its free - hopefully thanks to ubuntu microsoft will slowly dwindle to nothing23:10
nickrudlounge-about: run apt-get -f install , copy and paste the whole thing to paste.ubuntu-nl.org23:11
gogetaVladimir32tl then why remove it23:11
RichWSome_Person: I use it for everything, music, movies the works23:11
dweeseugman: yeah see www.geogebra.org, it's a Java based program23:11
eugmanerUSUL: No, more like simple lines or curves on a grid to show a point23:11
eugmandwees: ohhh23:11
lounge-aboutnickrud: is that another channel?23:11
nickrudriotkittie: a bad day?23:11
andi5ljpp: ~/.purple?23:11
erUSULeugman: gnuplot, scigraphica23:11
riotkittienickrud: no :x23:11
eugmanthanks guys23:11
nickrudlounge-about: no, it's a web site you can paste text to for all to see23:11
fox32i need help with WIFI and debian23:11
bruenigfox32, ask23:12
Vladimir32tlgogeta: well i realize no os is perfect, so its just a matter of understanding the process in case anything happens23:12
gogetathe partationer23:12
ata4ixhow i can autostart some programs with logon under X for concretical user?23:12
erUSULfox32: /join #debian23:12
Vladimir32tl...or to completely remove windows from c if it comes to that23:12
PriceChild!startup | ata4ix23:12
ubotuata4ix: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot23:12
fox32erUSUL: they arent helping much23:12
Vladimir32tli really like ubuntu (used live cd and wubi before) but it seems it still lacks the "simplicity" factor. but again every os has problems and hopefully ubuntu will get better (although its already easy to use)23:13
desertcHow could it be more simple?23:13
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:14
ata4ixhow to setup xorg for DVI?23:14
raranpecho desertc23:14
dweesthere's tonnes of information on the web to help out ubuntu users23:14
dweesas a new ubuntu user myself I can verify that it has helped me get up to speed quickly on the basics23:14
Some_PersonVladimir32tl: What do you mean by "simplicity factor'?23:14
RichWWhere does LIRC put its error logs? As it crashed.23:14
Vladimir32tlwell.. i gues those who have been using windows have this sort of "bridge" to cross over - many gui things are different -- it just takes time to get used to23:14
desertcReally - if there were ways to make it simpler, then I think Ubuntu would like to move in that direction.23:14
LattywareThat's not simplicity, that's 'being exactly like windows'23:15
Lattywarewhich is not the aim23:15
Gorgorynem desisto de config o fluxbox aff23:15
raranpI believe windows would be harder to learn from scratch23:15
gogetaVladimir32tl http://supergrub.forjamari.linex.org/23:15
andi5raranp: seconded23:15
Lattywareraranp: indeed23:15
kevindoes anyone know why cd burning fails for me with gutsy?23:16
desertcWindows is harder to learn -- they've done some human factor studies on it.23:16
nickrudI kinda like the philosophy of writing stuff to scratch itches, luckily many of my itchy places match coder's23:16
andi5kevin: are you using the file browser (nautilus)?23:16
Vladimir32tlalthough ubuntu is great, nonetheless its different... but again if everyone used linux at first then making a switch to windows would be difficult--its just a perspective23:16
gogetaVladimir32tl using those 2 live cds you can reformat d and restore your mbr23:16
dx9s_homedesertc, pre vista study ?23:16
kevini've tried nautilus, k3b, and brasero23:16
desertcDon't use Windows first?23:16
dweesinteresting fact23:16
jburdkevin: Have you tried using slower burning speeds?23:16
eugmandwees: looks nearly perfect, is it possible to makesomething like a parabola?23:16
andi5kevin: what do you mean by "fails"?23:16
dweeshere in Thailand I can buy a laptop without windows23:16
Vladimir32tlgogeta: thanks for the tip23:17
ljppwhere are the Pidgin settings located in Gutsy?23:17
dweeseugman: type y = x^2 into the input line and press enter23:17
kevinbut the lowest choice was 16 x23:17
andi5ljpp: so have you tried ~/.purple?23:17
jburdljpp: ~/.pidgin I suppose?23:17
dweesand it costs 2/3 of a laptop with windows23:17
jburdor .purple yes23:17
raranpdwees is a lucky person23:17
eugmandwees: awesome. Thanks a lot.23:17
RichWkevin: Try playing with BIOS settings regading your hard drive/ide/sata configuration23:17
kevini heard it was something to do with the kernel23:17
desertcdwees: But is it a supported solution?23:17
lounge-aboutnickrud: ok i pasted it there23:17
Cpudan80What media player do you guys recommend?23:17
Cpudan80Ie. iTunes23:18
PriceChildCpudan80, rhythmbox23:18
raranpprobably the same laptop you would get here without the branding23:18
PriceChildCpudan80, comes installed by deafult23:18
dweeswell it comes with linux instead, so I just install the version of linux I like23:18
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs23:18
Vladimir32tlbtw vista is auwful! so slow on my machine i had to use xp for now -- but want to switch to linux completely... hopefully more commercial areas will be more linux oriented23:18
kevini can successfully burn in windows though23:18
dweesthey have themed it so it looks a lot like Windows23:18
Cpudan80I kinda like banshee23:18
nickrudlounge-about: ok, now you need to give me the link so I can find it :)23:18
xivanarihow do i restart a process like gtk-window-decorator23:18
dweesI think they are trying to rip people off, which is funny because that's a common thread here23:18
Cpudan80I was just lookin for some opinions23:18
gogetaVladimir32tl i  dont think it can format ntfs but it can fat32 so you can then use xp to makeit ntfs again23:18
desertckevin: I'd like to burn Windows, too.23:18
ljppandi5: .purple it seems...wtf is .purple..23:18
ElyHello guys how can I make the text under my desktop icons on Ubunto Bold? and is it possible to change its color too?23:18
xivanarimore specifically, how do i restart the process gtk-window-decorator23:18
Cpudan80LjL: Pidgin23:19
lounge-aboutnickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44818/23:19
kevini've also tried burning as root23:19
jburdHow does one setup dual-booting Linux installations?   Can I share /boot?  And, if I use LVM per distro, does it cause any problems?23:19
Cpudan80ljpp: pidgin23:19
dx9s_homeVladimir32tl, heh you got that right... DRM up the arse! Vista users have been declared enemy combatants and all the DRM is huge... 400MB is memory used on a fresh installed/booted Vista machine? F! that sucks23:19
dweesmy students all have Vista on their laptops and they hate it23:19
dweesand they know NOTHING about computers23:19
gogetadx9s_home vistas pretty mutch the enmy of any pc23:19
Cpudan80The more people who hate vista the better23:20
lounge-aboutthis package is keeping me from completely upgrading because it always fails =/23:20
xivanarii hate vista.23:20
Cpudan80MS needs to learn from this colossal mistake23:20
kevini don't plan to ever use vista23:20
Cpudan80They should have learned it back with ME23:20
Cpudan80Apparently they didnt23:20
xivanariokay so how do i get permissions to edit a .conf file23:20
gogeta6 years delys and its still garbage23:20
nickrudlounge-about: now, post /var/lib/dpkg/info/opendchup , since I don't have it installed. We'll probably make a small change there to allow you to uninstall23:20
xivanariapparently i cannot save after i edit it23:20
xristianehlo sckrz, any fckn idea how to convert a wav file to mp323:20
xivanaribecause i dont have the permissions.23:20
dx9s_homeI am sure most have read parts of this: http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~pgut001/pubs/vista_cost.html (cost of vista)23:20
desertcI don't like talking about Windows.  It's boring.  Can we get back to the discussion of Ubuntu?23:20
xivanaribut i am the sole user of this computer, why wouldnt i have permissions23:20
Arkowhich package has snd_hda_intel module?23:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about windows\ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:21
nickrudlounge-about: erm,  /var/lib/dpkg/info/opendchup.prerm that is23:21
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents23:21
dx9s_homegood night time reading .. puts you to sleep or gets you sooo heated... you can't sleep!23:21
xivanarigod sometimes ubuntu can be really freakin stupid though lol23:21
kevinthere was an episode of security now where they talked about all the DRM in it, and that was enough to keep me away23:21
Vladimir32tldwees: exactly! the only reason people use windows is because they dont know everything, now im the same but i want to learn about linux and get away from the fake perceptions that ms is giving the public - lets face it, how can windows defeat linux in the long run?23:21
buttercupsEly, change your desktop font to bold, font settings23:21
xivanarii mean i have to jump through so many hoops to fix the dozens and dozens of bugs and errors.23:21
xivanarii dont even know what is going on23:21
xivanariand all my friends who said they would help me have disappeared23:21
nickrudVladimir32tl: easily, laurels don't always go to the best23:21
Blank_hate to annoy anyone, but has anyone else been receiving 403 errors on the security repository?23:22
jburdxivanari: They did the right thing(tm).  :P23:22
jburdxivanari: That's how you learn.  :P23:22
Elybuttercups, yes but where?23:22
ubotuthe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org23:22
nickrud!sambabug| Blank_23:22
ubotuBlank_: A defect has been identified in a recent security update and as a result the associated packages have been taken offline. Please disregard any 403 errors you may receive when trying to apply updates. They will disappear once this problem is resolved.23:22
dannyhow do i install an con package on ubuntu 7.10?23:22
dx9s_homeBlank_, yes.... those debs are down to fix a problem23:22
Blank_o =/23:22
dweesvladimir32tl: I noticed that new computers are more often than not having Firefox and Internet Explorer installed23:22
desertcxivanari: Consider purchasing a system with Ubuntu installed where they also support it.23:22
dx9s_homeBlank_, (pure guess) but I suspect it will be fixed well within 24 hours ;)23:22
buttercupsEly, System>Preferences>Appearance, font tab23:23
Blank_oh ok23:23
xivanaridesertc: no can do, am off to thailand technology free in 11 months23:23
Elyoh man yeah I just got it23:23
Blank_yeah, i was hoping the problem wasnt anything more serious23:23
* dx9s_home taunts winholes .. try THAT for turn around time ;)23:23
Vladimir32tlinternet explorer is a joke! version 6 was slow and 7 is even worse - i use firefox always...23:23
dweesI need to upgrade my version of winbind...23:23
arianehi. i'm trying to emulate N64 games with mupen64 and kamefu but neither of them is working. i downloaded roms, unzipped them in a folder and kamefu doesn't even see the files.  mupen64 sees the files but does nothing with them. could someone help me work this out please ?23:23
xivanarii am attempting to edit the file gdm.conf23:23
xristianlet me tell u somethin. acer is selling nice laptops with linpus precharged23:23
AceOnejimmy the krack korn and i don't care23:23
lounge-aboutnickrud: the file is empty23:23
xivanariand it will let me edit it fine23:23
xivanaribut it refuses to allow me to save it.23:23
mariocesar_boHello, I just install Ubuntu Server just few seconds ago ... I am getting Fatal Errors when I try to use sudo. like $sudo ls, outputs: sendmail: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf no such file or directory23:23
ata4ixhow to change the resolution of console 80x25 to something like a 120x60 or something else, in process of loading of the system? after grub processing23:23
andi5xivanari: open it as root  (from the commandline: gksudo gedit the_file_name23:24
mariocesar_boI am getting so much problems, anyone could helpme with this23:24
toresnhow can i change the dpi settings in Ubuntu? I tried doing it by editing xorg.conf, but the lines seems to be ignored...23:24
TD-Linuxariane, a lot of emulators are designed to load the .zips23:24
nickrudlounge-about: damn, if you saw my correction, it was wrong also. This is the correct one: /var/lib/dpkg/info/opendchub.prerm , I had a p in place of the b23:24
TD-Linuxand decompress them on the fly23:24
xivanariandi5:  how do i open it as root23:24
arianeis mupen64 one of them ?23:24
xivanarii dont understand command line in ubuntu23:24
simplechatgksudo gedit /23:24
toresnthe default font size is just too big...23:24
gogetaisnt that a nice video23:24
simplechatxivanari, what don't you get?23:24
dannyhow do i install an icon package on ubuntu 7.10?23:24
xivanaria lot of things simplechat23:25
nickruddanny: open system->prefs->appearance, drag the icon package onto the window23:25
desertcxivanari: Why are you configuring gdm.conf?23:25
xristianany audio pro here this room? need to c0nvert wav to mp3.. that too difficult ?23:25
xivanariok so i should put gksudo gedit gdm.conf?23:25
andi5ata4ix: do you mean the resolution of you consoles?  you could specify vesa numbers in your grub configuration (e.g. vga=791 choose 1024x768, iirc)23:25
simplechatxivanari, whats the first thing? is it just lack of experience or what?23:25
lounge-aboutnickrud: actually that file doesnt exist?23:25
arianeTD-Linux: anyway, mupen64 sees the files but it just doesn't do anything with them23:25
dannysays file format is invalid23:25
xivanarii am configuring it because my font size is way off23:25
xivanariand i need to change the dpi stated within that file.23:25
desertcxivanari: You're complaining about it being too complicated, while you are trying to do super complicated and unnecessary actions.23:26
xivanarimy title font size is bugged to fuck23:26
Vladimir32tldoes ubuntu have some sort of ctrl-alt-del feature?23:26
andi5Vladimir32tl: feature?23:26
tyler_My Intel GMA 950 video card is running on a lower res than it's native res, how can i fix it?23:26
xivanaridesertc:  it isnt unnecessarily complicated23:26
xivanarithere is no other fix i have found for this23:26
ata4ixandi5, yes of console in text mode when system is starting the services...23:26
xivanariand ive been reading threads in forums on the subject for close to 3 hours now.23:26
Vladimir32tlwell will it ever freeze to the point where i cant get out?23:26
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desertcxivanari: How did your fonts get all screwed up?23:27
andi5Vladimir32tl: the feature is that the system keeps quite reponsive even in loaded situations23:27
ata4ixand how to set 1280x1024?23:27
xristianacer is selling linux precharged on laptops23:27
nickrudlounge-about: it has to be, do ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/opendchub*23:27
dx9s_homeVladimir32tl, yes... which one are you interested in.. (and it's not an ubuntu exclusive) .. control-alt-backspace restart's X ... control-alt-F1 to text mode console then control+alt+del will reboot machine23:27
andi5ata4ix: choose your number from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VESA_BIOS_Extensions23:27
kevini'm very happy with the "ehnahced zoom" plugin in compiz, its great23:27
xivanaridesertc: it is a bug inherent in ubuntu gutsy that randomly appears on peoples machines for no (yet) identifyable reason23:27
tyler_My Intel GMA 950 video card is running on a lower res than it's native res, how can i fix it?23:27
ata4ixandi5, arigoto!23:27
Vladimir32tldx9s_home: thanks23:28
xivanarithe list of links could go on23:28
erUSUL!fixres | tyler_23:28
ubotutyler_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto23:28
desertcxivanari: Uninstall Compiz23:28
erUSULtyler_: System>Admin>Screen and...23:28
desertcxivanari: Easy fix, right?23:28
tyler_!fixres gives me "event not found"23:28
nickgoeshereWhat distro should I use for a Torrent + UseNET server?  I have an old P3 800Mhz 256Mb of ram... I am new to linux and would like something with a GUI, I figured go Ubuntu, but will it be too much for my old system?23:29
lounge-aboutnickrud: ok ya, now it shows up...odd, i scrolled all the way to the top and it wasnt there...oh well now what23:29
erUSULtyler_: see the msg from ubotu directed at you23:29
nickrudlounge-about: ok, put a copy of it on the pastebin, so I can read it.23:29
dx9s_homeI think one thing that surprised me is the older (pre fusion) compiz work on an older dell (5150 w/ GeForce FX mobile) and upgrading to 7.10 + Compiz Fusion .. nada!23:29
xristianever heard about how to convert wav to mp3 under ubuntu ?23:30
xivanariwhat is compiz and what does it do.23:30
xivanariwill uninstalling it negatively effect my system?23:30
tyler_yeah read that thread but i can't find out what my refresh rates are23:30
tyler_suppsed to be23:30
dx9s_homexivanari, just less/no eye candy23:30
desertcxivanari: Just change the Preferences->Appearance->Visual Effects23:30
dx9s_home*should* be able to remove compiz via something from command line like: "sudo apt-get remove compiz*"23:31
lounge-aboutnickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44819/23:31
michomhello, how do i extract a .bin file (it's a cd image but i need to extract it)23:31
LiMaOmichom: convert it to ISO then mount it23:31
grigoraI keep getting a 403 Forbidden error from  http://security.ubuntu.com gutsy-security/main libsmbclient 3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.1. Anyone knows what's up?23:31
michomLiMaO: just renaming?23:32
LiMaOmichom: nope. you need a bin to iso converter23:32
_hopexdoes anyone have a BroadCom WiFi card? I'm using Ubuntu and can't make it work, with or without the restrictive driver. Can you help or write a link please?23:32
dx9s_homegrigora, not exactly .. just they disabled access in order to fix something23:32
nickrudlounge-about: ok, sudo nano /var/lib/dpkg/info/opendchub.prerm , replace set -e with exit 0 , save , and you're good to go23:32
xivanari_desertc: sounds like an easy fix, but what does compiz do?23:33
xivanari_i dont want to uninstall something that is an essential program on my machine23:33
lnsWHO here uses iced-tea java (from the new DOKO repository) for Ubuntu Gutsy AMD64 and can verify it's stable?23:33
dx9s_homexivanari, should search YouTube for videos23:33
lounge-aboutnickrud: is nano a text editor?23:33
dannycan somebody give me a nice mac os x icon theme for ubuntu 7.1023:33
=== rmaj is now known as balmer
Blank_sure is lounge-about23:33
nickrudlounge-about: yes, a good quick one23:34
* dx9s_home laughs... yes nano is a text editor.. but still prefers good old vi23:34
danny!find mac icon23:34
ubotuFound: emacs-goodies-el, emacsen-common, gij, gij-4.2, libapache2-mod-macro (and 98 others)23:34
nickruddx9s_home: erm, vim is evil, emacs is good, nano is always there ;)23:34
LiMaOam i the only one who likes pico over anything else?23:34
dx9s_homeyeah.. well I actually prefer elvis over vim23:35
nickrudLiMaO: ooh, you still use that non free thing?23:35
andi5LiMaO: yes23:35
kevindoes anyone know of a simple program to record video from a tv card to theora?23:35
LiMaOnickrud: never knew it isn't free hehe23:35
lounge-aboutnickrud: ok changed, lets see if it works23:35
erUSULtyler_: and in System>Admin>Screen and...graphics?? (my system is spanish so maybe i got the name wrong)23:36
LiMaOactually nano looks exactly the same as pico23:36
andi5emacs users might like jed23:36
nickrudLiMaO: yeah, it was designed that way, even named for it23:36
tyler_yeah thats right23:36
LiMaOto say the truth, when i run 'pico' it says 'gnu nano' on top of the terminal23:36
hello_there can someone show me a sample of /proc/kmsg23:36
lounge-aboutwoot i think its working23:37
dx9s_homeLiMaO, yes... pico and nano are same bin23:37
raranpbeen in vi too long to change, or want to23:37
lounge-about*high fives nickrud23:37
LiMaOdx9s_home: oh ok23:37
tyler_erUSL then what?23:37
nickrudlounge-about: yw, it's my speciality here :)23:37
dx9s_home/usr/bin/pico -> /bin/nano  as well as /usr/bin/nano -> /bin/nano23:37
mosibfuhi, i have a problem with gnome, gnome-failsafe session works fine, but normal session doesnt (it just stays orange after the login sound, no bars, nothing works..) anyone know how i can fix this?23:37
lounge-aboutnickrud: so why was that giving me the error? i like to understand why things dont work ;)23:38
nickruddx9s_home: yeah, like I said, nano is always there23:38
andi5dx9s_home: the actual behavior might differ though, as it is with sh vs. bash ($0 is interpreted)23:38
Triplee23stroyan: I am still having problems with net.ipv4.igmp_max_memberships, any ideas?23:38
nickrudlounge-about: there was some issue with your dchub server, it wasn't reacting properly23:38
dx9s_homenickrud,  and with a "sudo apt-get install elvis" ... the king is back!23:38
desertcmosibfu: play around with your graphic modes23:38
hello_there can someone show me a sample of /proc/kmsg ?23:38
erUSULtyler_: set the desired resolution and refresh rate23:38
lounge-aboutnickrud: i mean, what did "set -e" break?23:39
hello_therenobody ?23:39
nickruddx9s_home: one day when I was trying to be really slick ( /usr on it's own partition) having nano in /bin saved my machine. Pre live cd's, and I didn't have a toms around23:39
fever84hey... is there any faq on displaying text files from a bash script23:39
stroyanTriplee23: If the sysctl -p did set the value as you want, then perhaps it is not being run from /etc/init.d/procps.sh at startup.23:39
pwnt-how to setup firefox so it view any broadcast streaming with VLC in the browser. I want to make that a default. anybody know?23:39
andi5hello_there: why that?23:39
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mosibfudesertc: graphic modes? everything worked fine till about 16 mins ago.. err wtf SLI is disabled and i didnt do a thing23:40
hello_thereandi5 just curious23:40
andi5hello_there: sounds desastrous to me :-D23:40
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mosibfudesertc: omg that just might be it, sli is on (says nvidia-settings) but it also says second card has NV driver instead of nvidia23:41
dx9s_homenickrud, yeah... well personal history .. been using slackware (as well as recently ubuntu) since 0.99rXX days .. and it came with elvis...vim is enough different to make me prefer the older one (elvis) over vim ;)23:41
fever84when bash scripting how do i display text from a file ?23:41
Triplee23stroyan: I have added this line to sysctl.conf "net.ipv4.igmp_max_memberships=4", but the value i reset to 1 every time I reboot.  What is procps.sh?23:41
andi5fever84: cat23:41
pwnt-hello. anybody know? :o23:41
nickruddx9s_home: haven't really used elvis, I probably should at least become familiar with it. Never know what twisted person's machine I might be on ;p23:41
dx9s_homenickrud, elvis aims at a *classic* replacement for vi ... vim is (as it stands for) an improved version of vi. minor differences yes. personal preferences :P23:42
pike_fever84: what are you wanting to display? the whole file?23:42
tenexelvis was part of the minix project and is tiny for simplicity23:43
tenexnot usability23:43
dosnubbieHey I'm running auto updates right now and I keep getting a 403 error on all updates pertaining to Samba. Any Ideas?23:43
pwnt-how can I setup VLC to be the default player for my browser(firefox) as in if i click on a feed or streaming it opens it up with VLC23:43
Triplee23stroyan: when I run /etc/init.d/procps.sh the value is set correct. Any ideas?23:43
lounge-aboutomg dosnubbie so am i23:43
fever84pike_ yes a text file23:43
hegurudosnubbie: read the topic23:43
nickrud!sambabug | dosnubbie23:44
ubotudosnubbie: A defect has been identified in a recent security update and as a result the associated packages have been taken offline. Please disregard any 403 errors you may receive when trying to apply updates. They will disappear once this problem is resolved.23:44
dx9s_homedosnubbie, they took the files down while the folks are fixing an issue check back in within 24 hours23:44
=== diog_ is now known as diogofsr
dannyi need help23:44
pwnt-danny: me too23:44
dosnubbieOkay thanks23:44
stroyanTriplee23: /etc/init.d/procps.sh is linked to /etc/rcS.d/S17procps.sh.  It is supposed to run at boot time.  It invokes sysctl -p to use the sysctl.conf settings.23:44
lounge-aboutwoot, ok, ill update l8r, im off to get an XL Garbage Burrito from Rosa Maria's!!!23:44
andi5uh oh23:44
digitalangelI'm having an issue dual booting x64 and ubuntu.  For some reason when I boo tinto windows and reboot it overwrites grub, any ides on how to fix this?23:44
pike_fever84: say you had a servername in a log file and you wanted that line because the user asked for that names activity. you could MYVARIABLE=$(grep someservername /var/log/mahlog)   then later on youd echo server activity: $MYVARIABLE  <-- or someth'n23:44
digitalangelx64 = Windows XP x6423:45
dannyi tryed using compiz on my desktop and its says The Composite extension is not available23:45
lounge-aboutnickrud: thx again, l8r23:45
pike_fever84: thats a really simple example23:45
dx9s_homedigitalangel, sounds like windows being a pig and thinking it owns the entire machine ;) -- I really don't know ...23:45
nickrudpwnt-: install mozilla-plugin-vlc , and remove totem-mozilla23:45
stroyanTriplee23: It seems that either the procps.sh script is not run or the setting is being changed again after that runs.23:45
pwnt-nickrud: thanks! <323:45
Triplee23stroyan: is S17procps.sh run at all runlevels. I use RL 2?23:46
sushkohello, I installed opensuse and now Ubuntu is not in Grub menu how to bring it back23:46
fever84pike i just put "cat $filename"23:46
fever84and that worked23:46
pike_lol ok23:46
pwnt-nickrud: i'm on add-ons TAB now. there is no plugin "totem-mozilla"23:46
fever84whats cat stand for ?23:46
dannyi need help when i try to enable desktop effects it says this The Composite extension is not available23:46
andi5fever84: that is a command (/bin/cat)23:46
andi5fever84: conCATenate (files)23:46
nickrudpwnt-: both of those are packages you install/uninstall in synaptic23:46
pwnt-nickrud: awesome23:47
dx9s_homeandi5, :P23:47
fever84ah thats confusing to display a file23:47
andi5fever84: no, it is pretty handy23:47
digitalangeldx9s_home: I'm just so confused I have looked all over the place, I would guess there is something ont he windows side that is trying to take over, unfortunatly I don't have the faintest of that that might be.  Mind you I do not have a problem like this on the x86 version23:47
dx9s_homefever84, also can use "less"  as less is more than "more" ...23:47
andi5fever84: what do you try to achieve, btw?23:47
stroyanTriplee23: All of the links in /etc/rcS.d are supposed to be run at boot time.  It doesn't depend on the run level.23:47
pwnt-nickrud: I just saw that both of them were installed. mozilla-plugin-vlc and mozilla-totem23:48
sushkohello how to add ubuntu entry to grub menu in opensuse23:48
pwnt-I removed mozilla-totem23:48
pwnt-but now how do I tell firefo to use vlc instead23:48
fever84andi5: working on a small script to display a text file when i run it and then be able to edit it23:48
nickrudpwnt-: try about:plugins in mozilla, it should see them automatically23:48
andi5pwnt-: install mozilla-plugin-vlc?23:48
nickrudpwnt-: erm, firefox that is :)23:49
pwnt-andi5: I did, but it doesn't run the videos now.23:49
pike_pwnt-: you remove the totem plugin and install the vlc one23:49
buttercupsdanny, are you using the ATI proprietary driver, fglrx?23:49
blueeyesmikehi, when I updated the linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-14-generic encounters a segfault and can't finish installing so every time I install something now I get a message about it. Any way to fix this?23:49
dx9s_homedigitalangel, there might be something on getting grub to work with Windows (XP/Vista) x64 -- however I would of thunk both 32 and 64 dual booting (with grub boot manger or perhaps using NT boot manager to boot a linux os) would be the same (reguardless of 32/64)23:49
pike_pwnt-: or the mplayer one23:49
pwnt-pike_: I did. but doesn't run the streaming videos for me now23:49
andi5pwnt-: and you restarted firefox and checked the url "about:plugins"?23:49
digitalangeldx9s_home: it boots, just seems windows overwrites it23:49
andi5(that url contains a smilie, eek)23:49
stevenrushing_fresh instal of 7.10... got java running, all extra codecs and such, but no new apps... trying to get it to run on my nvidia 5500 with 256M, anyone mind walking me through it?  (i installed the nvidia drivers, not legacy and not new, but regular, and can't make it work)23:49
dx9s_homedigitalangel, over writes what?23:49
* nickrud feels an echo around here :)23:49
dx9s_homedigitalangel, the MBR?23:50
digitalangeldx9s_home: Yup23:50
digitalangeldx9s_home: which takes out GRUB23:50
pwnt-andi5: yeah I did.23:50
wolfprintQuestion: I have Ubuntu v.7.10 w/gutsy and was wondering where if I have the file .conkyrc and if I dont have such file can you steer me in the right direction for modifing my desktop thanks (newvie)23:50
stevenrushing_master boot record  =)23:50
digitalangelsushko: how did you install SuSE?23:50
dx9s_homedigitalangel, do you know if x64 Windows (vista or XP) is classic MBR or that new partition format (that Intel Macs also use, forgot the name)23:51
sushkodigitalangel: from DVD23:51
pwnt-it all uses MPlayer looks like23:51
andi5fever84: you want to show a file F and be able to edit it? ... that is less, please go read "man less" and see the key "v" :-)23:51
digitalangelsushko: From everything I have understood it is the same,23:51
nickrudpwnt-: ok, remove mozilla-mplayer as well23:51
fever84thanks andi5 :)23:51
stroyanTriplee23: You could experiment with changing some other harmless setting in /etc/sysctl.conf and seeing if the new value is used.  That would point to the other value that you care about being overwritten somehow.  But I don't know where you would hunt for that happening.23:51
digitalangelsushko: did you do a full install like formatting and what not on a seperate drive23:51
mosibfuwell that didnt work, how can i reset the "sessions" and startup scripts?23:51
andi5pwnt-: i am sorry, i did not follow the discussion, so i will shut up now :-)23:51
digitalangeldx9s_home: it uses the same thing23:51
pike_wolfprint: open a terminal and type ls -a  you are in your home dir when you first open the terminal and that is where all the 'hidden' config files are. these are your profile config files and each user has em23:52
sushkodigitalangel: no its on the same drive23:52
nickrudandi5: you chimed in at the right time, actually23:52
digitalangelsushko: diffrent partition?23:52
Vladimir32tlcan you install compiz-fusion with add/remove programs or synaptic package manager23:52
pike_wolfprint: of show hidden in file manager23:52
mosibfuproblem: i played with sessions, and can only get into failsafe gnome now.. how do i fix/reset it?23:52
sushkoI used the ubuntu CD to reinstall grub however the opensuse grub menu got reinstalled23:52
pike_wolfprint: or23:52
dx9s_homedigitalangel, I wish I knew .. I try to avoid dual booting ;)23:52
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:52
dx9s_homedigitalangel, try to have windows on any machine for that manner23:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sessions - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:53
sparkydogim having trouble getting online with my ubuntu23:53
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:53
sparkydogits not wireless, its just a standard plug in ethernet cord23:53
digitalangelsushko: alright here is what I am going to suggest Sushko, open up a terminal and cd bak to /23:54
ganjist!Seen ara-fat3223:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen ara-fat32 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:54
andi5sparkydog: does a dhcp server serve your network?23:54
pwnt-andi5: can I send to you a screenshot?23:54
ganjistis eierless something god?23:54
kazol2cafuego: Are you there?23:54
andi5pwnt-: of course23:55
pwnt-nickrud: also you, can I send to you a screenshot?23:55
digitalangelsushko: then enter your boot directory, and you shoudl see the kernels23:55
menkohi, can someone confirm for me if there is an unofficial way to use the live cd to ugrade from 7.04 to 7.10?23:55
sparkydogi dont know... how do i find out?23:55
cafuegokazol2: Kinda, in the middle of work.23:55
kazol2cafuego: It still doesn't work in x32.23:55
mosibfuproblem: gnome doesnt load past the orange screen+sound (after login) no bars nothing is show, mouse works, failsafe gnome works fine.23:55
dxdtAnyone know of a program that would be an open source version of melodyne uno.  A friend has challenged me to find one.23:55
isforinsects_I need help setting up backuppc, I can't seem to log in as admin, when I log in I don't have admin control.23:56
digitalangelsushko: now do you have 7 or 9 files in that directory?23:56
isforinsects_anyone know the program that can help?23:56
Vladimir32tlis it possible to install compiz-fusion from add/remove programs?23:56
menkodxdt: move your ~/.gnome* to a backup location23:56
dxdtmenko: not for me, you mean someone else23:56
jedixcan someone help me with a samsung ml-1210 printer?23:56
nickrudpwnt-: take your browser to http://fredrik.hubbe.net/plugger/test.html test some codecs23:56
jedixit refuses to print23:56
jdhoreMy gutsy install is freezin at 90% (Detecting Hardware), how can i fix this?23:56
menkomosibfu: move your ~/.gnome* to a backup location23:56
andi5pwnt-: does vlc start up the stream if you start it from the command line with the url as parameter?23:56
pwnt-you see, this is a live stream, after 30mins there will be an online live stream for me there, a Match will be play in this video. but I don't like this kind of video. with this I can only see it this size. or see it as a full screen.23:56
jedixjdhore: try disabling acpi during boot23:56
TailsfanDo you guys still help with Breezy Users?23:57
jdhorejedix, how would i go about doing that?23:57
pwnt-andi5: no vlc doesn't start23:57
mosibfumenko: ty, will do23:57
blueeyesmikeproblem: when I updated the linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-14-generic encounters a segfault and can't finish installing so every time I install something now I get a message about it. Any way to fix this?23:57
TailsfanBecause Breezy is teh only system I can use on my Compaq Deskpro23:57
sushkodigitalangel: yes there are a couple23:57
jedixjdhore: during boot specify acpi=off23:57
andi5pwnt-: vlc does not start at all? ;-) .. it should really print _something_23:57
nickrudpwnt-: video in browsers is problematic sometimes... and maybe andi5 knows more about it than I23:57
=== Counter`User2 is now known as roks
digitalangelsushko: I need to know how many files, as to give you some privacy to how many kernels you have on yoru system is the number 723:58
pike_pwnt-: can you run firefox from a terminal and watch messages there ?23:58
jdhorejedix, thanks, thought it was something like that23:58
raranptailsfan, you really running breezy?23:58
rokswhere are acc23:58
andi5pwnt-: or check ~/.xsession-errors23:58
pwnt-nickrud: your website I clicked it. and when i clicked "Quicktime" Old codec. it shows the same as my screenshot, the (No video) in the middle like that23:58
kazol2Can someone help me with bcm43xx-fwcutter?23:58
TailsfanYeah rar23:58
jedixjdhore: not sure it it will help, but it si something to try23:58
TailsfanIt's the ONLY Ubuntu that runs good on my Deskpro23:58
kelvieHow does ubuntu make sudo/pam return immediately on a SIGINT?23:58
sushkodigitalangel: I cannot identify the kernels from the other things...23:59
kelviea custom patch? or a setting somewhere?23:59
zenohey, trying to install ubuntu over an older install of fedora core 3; have 3 hard drives... one ATA, two SATA. My BIOS is set to boot from the first SATA drive (the newer kernels call it sdb), but I *think* the Ubuntu installer is changing the boot record of the PATA drive (now called sda, used to be hdg)23:59
jedixcan someone help me with a samsung ml-1210 printer?  I've added it in kde but it doesn't print :(23:59
digitalangelsushko: hence why I asked you for the number of files23:59
kelvieor is that question too advanced for this channel? :/23:59
zenowhen I boot I just get a grub prompt and it can't find my /boot/menu.lst23:59
pwnt-andi5: I'll be back in 15mins, will you be here?23:59
zenoer, /boot/grub/menu.lst23:59
andi5pwnt-: yep23:59
pwnt-ok brb23:59
kazol2Can someone help me with bcm43xx-fwcutter? My system freezes after configuring it.23:59
pike_zeno: well, what did you do to it?23:59

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