
keescookI've been browsing docs, but I haven't found mention of client-side hooks.  does such a thing exist?00:38
keescooke.g. I'd like to have a pre-checkin hook that runs a script (say to verify syntax, etc)00:38
beunokeescook, plugins?00:38
beunoinstalled locally00:39
beunoyou can wrap around the commit/push command00:39
beunoand make it do whatever magic you need00:39
jamkeescook: there is a precommit hook00:39
keescookhmm... but that won't follow the repo for branchers?00:40
jamlook in bzrlib/branch.py00:40
jamfor BranchHooks00:40
jamshould describe the list of hooks00:40
jamI think there might be another documentation in doc/*00:40
jamkeescook: the precommit fires after we have built up all the commit information00:40
jambut just before the branch is updated00:40
keescookjam: so follow http://bazaar-vcs.org/WritingPlugins and use precommit ?00:41
keescook(there isn't a PQM on the client side?)00:42
keescookjam: hm, there isn't a precommit listed in class BranchHooks(Hooks):00:43
=== mw is now known as mw|out
jamkeescook: what version of bzr do you have00:43
keescookhm, looks like 0.90.0 ... one sec00:44
jamit looks like 0.90 doesn't have pre_commit00:44
jamit was introduced in 0.9100:44
keescookcool, 0.92 installing now...00:44
keescook(I've been waiting for kernel/lrm in hardy before doing a full-blown dist-upgrade)00:45
keescooksweet, yup, pre_commit.  :)00:45
keescookhttp://bazaar-vcs.org/WritingPlugins could use some updating.  ;)00:45
jamkeescook: looks like, one of the problems with doing monthly releases00:46
jamlots of stuff changes every month00:46
jamand you really need a full documentation audit each time00:46
keescookI will write up a plugin for "pre commit test"...00:47
keescookjam: do you have any examples of plugins using hooks?  There's nothing in bzrtools that calls install_hook01:08
jamkeescook: bzr-email01:09
jamlp:bzr -email01:09
keescookjam: cool, thanks.01:09
keescookjam: is there a way to abort the checkin if a hook fails?01:12
jamraise an exception01:13
* jam => baby time, be back lateer01:13
Odd_BlokeBaby time.01:17
jamOdd_Bloke: you can't touch this01:42
fullermdYou'll both be receiving a bill from my therapist...01:43
jamfuller time01:44
* fullermd dons his parachute pants.01:44
* keescook hammer-slides out of frame01:51
ubotuNew bug: #163266 in bzr-pqm "pqm-submit returns "Connection timed out" error and traceback" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16326602:41
PengOooh. I didn't know bzr check might use a gig of RAM.03:14
* Peng swaps.03:14
* Peng watches the mouse cursor skip across the screne.03:17
PengUsually lag goes the other way.03:18
PengOh good, it's done.03:39
Penglifeless: Is your pack-repository.knits branch abandoned now?05:19
PengHmm. Loggerhead and paramiko both had a couple inconsistent parents.05:31
lifelessPeng: that branch? yes, no need to update it at the moment as everyone with bzr 0.92 or new can read it05:43
lifelessPeng: you might try my faster-smaller reconcile patch, to do check.05:43
lifelesssame logic, so check will use less ram05:43
Penglifeless: So it's not abandoned entirely, just for the moment?05:47
lifelessrepository is actiove05:47
lifelessthe knits version is just lagging as theres not much point to it just now05:48
Peng(I'm upgrading everything to packs, and I'm rm -rfing old things too.)05:48
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=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
arjmy machine crashed while commiting. I still have the changes but now bzr says that the repo is locked for at least 5 minutes12:46
arjis there anything I can do to be able to commit again quicker?12:46
datoarj: `bzr break-lock`12:46
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=== turbo0O is now known as me_too
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=== Verterok_ is now known as Verterok
gnomefreakis there a way to fix Unable to obtain lock file:///home/gnomefreak/nobinonly/lightning-sunbird-0.7%2Bnobinonly/.bzr/repository/lock its held by me in my gutsy chroot but i dont have a process for it nor do i have gutsy chroot open20:20
Verterokgnomefreak: try with `bzr break-lock`20:48
gnomefreakVerterok: ok ty20:48

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