
jdong19:00 < Sam1337> Somebody told me that Ubuntu means "can't install Debian" is  this true?00:03
PriceChildjdong, where's that?00:03
mneptokjdong: that's a Mark Pilgrimism00:05
jdongmneptok: why am I not surprised :D00:06
mc44mneptok: it's been around longer than that00:09
* Seeker` has also heard it means "can't compile gentoo"00:12
naliothand can't cook a pudding, either00:13
PriceChildhow about just "can't"00:13
PriceChild*smiles at -offtopic's topic*00:55
Madpilotdriveby ops ftw00:56
ubotuIn #ubuntu, desertc said: !nohelp is If you are having trouble getting your question answered here, then you might consider posting on the Ubuntu Forums, in the support section.  Also, check out your Ubuntu Local Community team mailing lists, so you can get support and help support your community01:26
desertcIsn't this snazzy.  The man behind the curtain.01:27
Hobbseepleia2: ping01:44
jdonglooks like gaylapdancer is on LP too04:07
jdongand asking for backports04:07
jdong(wow those two together sound so.... *shudder*)04:08
jdongok now I'm gonna have nightmares04:08
Madpilotjdong, sick puppy04:08
Tm_Tumm, his wikipage doesn't exist :(04:08
jdongTm_T: I know, I was deeply disappointed too04:09
Madpilots/"deeply disappointed"/relieved04:09
Jucatoer.. is lol banned here too?04:10
Tm_Tnot (yet)04:10
Madpilotmerely discouraged04:10
Tm_Talso I wondered what would be "lol" in this04:10
Tm_Tmaybe I'm just bit tired04:10
* Jucato shrugs04:11
Tm_T"look, I have tires now!"04:11
MadpilotI have non-sobriety now04:12
elkbuntujdong, i'm rather amused at what he wants backported ;)05:33
Jucatooh wait.. is a single ':)' also disallowed/discouraged?05:35
Jucatook :)05:36
stdinit's just the 'lol's and 'zomg's that are horrible ;P05:37
Jucatoso I've been told05:37
elkbuntuthe odd one is forgivable, but in -offtopic when 10 people lol, it's a little ridiculous05:39
persiaDo I need to make any special arrangements for a transcript of a session in #ubuntu-classroom?08:34
popeypersia: i happen to be logging this place if that's any good to you09:10
popeypersia: http://popey.com/~alan/%23ubuntu-classroom.log09:10
persiapopey: Actually, since realise that my prep research was insufficient: the logs are on irclogs.ubuntu.com.  Thanks though.  I just thought I might need to poke a bot (but I don't).09:11
persiaErr, "I since realise..."09:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nohelp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:13
=== jenda_ is now known as jenda
elkbuntuhmm.. cypherdelic is either high, borderline or both11:30
cypherdelicwas I too sarcastic inside #ubuntu-offtopic, or why have I been banned? Excuse me please, I will stop that.14:53
elkbuntucypherdelic, you were being offensive with all the nazi and fuhrer references14:54
cypherdelicelkbuntu: i live in germany, I own against those facist, I am left-side oriented, i just wa smaking fun14:54
cypherdelicelkbuntu: can you please remove the bann, i am going to stop with that14:55
cypherdelicelkbuntu: may i receive a different treatment then being banned from offtopic?14:57
elkbuntucypherdelic, i dont care where you are from. your ban will stay for at least a day14:57
cypherdelicelkbuntu: you are right, i will take the time to read the Wiki, can you please post the mentioned point at the topic of #ubuntu-offtopic to this channel, since i cannot enter anymore?14:59
cypherdelicelkbuntu: about rules about what is allowed to say and what is not?15:00
elkbuntu!o4o | cypherdelic15:02
ubotucypherdelic: Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-ops. Controversial topics, which always turn into flamewars: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space or time travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) - Thanks.15:02
ompaulcypherdelic, rule one) you bring your common sense rule two) see rule one 15:03
ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/15:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about guideline - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:03
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:03
cypherdelici immanentisize that, that means no offense except software lecensing in offtopic15:03
ompaulhave a read of those - it will give you something to do with your time15:04
Garyimmanentisize - is that a word?15:04
cypherdelici read fast ;)15:05
ompaulthere is no s or i15:05
cypherdelicGary: i don't know ;) maybe a creation of a word :D15:05
ompaulMore recently, it has been used by conservatives as pejorative against what they perceive as utopian schemes, such as socialism, communism, etc. It is also being used by libertarians to criticise George W. Bush and the neo-conservative movement [1]. In this context it means "trying to make that which belongs to the afterlife happen here and now (on Earth)" or "trying to create heaven here on Earth."15:06
Tm_Tompaul: hi15:06
ompaulTm_T, I was looking for you - I had some questions ;)15:07
cypherdelici mean "understand" with that word but you are quite conspirative15:07
ompaulna wikipedia is 15:07
ompaulI just grabbed what I could15:07
LjLwikipedia is conspirative?!15:07
elkbuntucypherdelic, i know ompaul well enough to know he wouldn have bothered to type it out like that15:07
Garycopy n paste ftw15:08
cypherdelicyes maybe, anybody could post his conspirative impressions into a wikipedia thread, this one looks like for me15:08
cypherdelicdo you think it is wrong to make earth a better place, instead of reaching for new planets?15:10
cypherdelicdo you believe in afterlife, i think, this is not conspirative but of a personal matter, and it belongs to offtopic, i beeter stfu15:11
ompauldo think you are trolling15:11
elkbuntui think i made the right call15:11
PriceChild!forget sambabug15:13
ubotuI'll forget that, PriceChild15:13
Jucatofixed now?15:14
ompaulcypherdelic, is there anything else we may help you with?15:17
LjLwhat's !sambabug?15:26
PriceChild!unforget sambabug15:26
ubotuI suddenly remember sambabug again, PriceChild15:26
ubotuA defect has been identified in a recent security update and as a result the associated packages have been taken offline. Please disregard any 403 errors you may receive when trying to apply updates. They will disappear once this problem is resolved.15:26
PriceChild!forget sambabug15:26
ubotuI'll forget that, PriceChild15:26
LjLcypherdelic, please leave this channel now and come back later, and we'll review your ban again15:27
ompaullater being +24 hours or so15:27
crdlbdid you mean to leave LiquidHelium +q'd?15:30
ompaulnot overly15:31
uboturambo3 called the ops in #ubuntu ()16:23
cypherdelicLjl ok thanks for audience16:25
TheSheepoops, soryr16:25
cypherdelicim sorry for idling16:25
=== GazzaK is now known as Gary
juano__hello all18:04
PriceChildDid you ever go in #ubuntu-effects?18:04
juano__has anyone considered a multi-room irc support for ubuntu ?18:04
PriceChildWe have yes18:04
juano__hehe cool18:05
PriceChildDid you ever go in #ubuntu-effects?18:05
PriceChildok well that's going to be my backing for this discussion18:05
Tm_Tmulti-room irc support for ubuntu ?18:05
juano__im fowarded to compiz-fusion18:05
PriceChildbasically, it was extremely easy so direct people with compiz problems to -effects... annoying them18:06
PriceChildHowever directing helpers there wasn't easy at all.18:06
PriceChildand most people never got answers18:06
juano__i see18:06
Tm_Tloco channels are enough I believe18:06
PriceChildjuano__, I agree there's a problem with #ubuntu...18:07
juano__PriceChild: it would be cool to redirect #ubuntu to #ubuntu-01  , ubuntu-02 , etc or somethin like that when i single room is to crowded18:08
juano__and keep track of how many helpers per room or somethin18:08
PriceChildjuano__, keep track of helpers?!18:09
PriceChildwhat happens if we decide there aren't enough?18:09
PriceChildhelpers don't want to be in 5 channels at the same time... its just diluting things18:09
PriceChildand why on earth would they want to move channels upon request? :/18:09
juano__PriceChild: nope, theyll be in just one18:10
juano__PriceChild: that is if there were sufficient helpers18:10
PriceChildbut if it turns out there's people asking questions in room 3, but no-one answering.... what happens?18:11
juano__PriceChild: yep, thats a problem.18:12
juano__PriceChild: or maybe list out on ubuntu the different ubuntu channel types18:12
juano__ubuntu-harddrives , ubuntu-effects , ubuntu-network , ubuntu-...18:12
Tm_T2006 <+Tm_T> loco channels are enough I believe18:13
Tm_Tsplitting it more just wont work18:13
PriceChildjuano__, same problem as effects18:13
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines18:13
Tm_Twe just have to get more people to be also in loco channels18:14
nealmcbSeems to me that the #ubuntu topic should now read in the past tense:  "Samba upgrade was broken with 403 errors, see: http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/16311618:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 163116 in samba "libsmbclient: upgrade fails with error 403" [Undecided,Fix released] 18:31
Tm_Tnealmcb: agreed there18:31
nealmcbPriceChild: folks are still getting the errors as noted in that bug, so I think leaving the bug in the topic until all the mirrors are upgraded and perhaps even until folks get their updates done (once a day?) may help18:33
gnomefreakwas it released to archives?18:39
gnomefreakif not than dont change it18:40
gnomefreak13:40 -!- Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Archive: OPEN | samba security update is  broken and deliberately 403 18:40
gnomefreakit still says it in -devel18:40
Tm_Tgnomefreak: fix was in main mirror already18:41
Tm_Tso it's "outdated"18:41
gnomefreakpeople set fixreleased when its pushed to NEW18:41
gnomefreaksome people *18:41
gnomefreakperson who fixed it should have added LP: #bugnumber in changelog so its closed when released not pushed18:43
nealmcb Seems to me that the #ubuntu and #ubuntu-devel  topics should now read in the past tense:  "Samba upgrade was broken with 403 errors, see: http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/16311618:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 163116 in samba "libsmbclient: upgrade fails with error 403" [Undecided,Fix released] 18:48
nealmcbsince folks are still experiencing problems and asking about them18:48
gnomefreaknealmcb: the topic wont help in that18:48
gnomefreaknoone reads them18:48
nealmcbgnomefreak: it is released and working for many18:48
nealmcbgnomefreak: not everyone does, but it is good to train them to do so18:48
gnomefreaknealmcb: just tell them to wait or use a diff mirror18:48
ompaulgnomefreak, my computer pulled down the update and did the upgrade18:49
ompaulit did not do it yesterday ;-)18:49
gnomefreaknealmcb: feel free to try but we have always tried to train people18:49
gnomefreaki never said it wasnt fixed but adding it was fixed to topic isnt needed IMHO18:49
nealmcbanyway - thanks all!18:51
ubotusoundray called the ops in #ubuntu (cole^broderick spamming)19:38
jdonglol did I just see 3 ops on top of each other on that call?19:39
LjLguys, are you ready?19:39
gnomefreaki was going to but i was too late19:39
=== jdong is now known as notjdong
* gnomefreak always ready19:40
PriceChildnotjdong, liar19:40
notjdonglol my timing was off19:40
=== notjdong is now known as jdong
LjLah wait you didn't dodge my kick, since chanserv hadn't opped me yet anyway19:40
jdongwould've worked better if done as a trigger on mode +o19:41
PriceChild*reads back and realises what was just happenning*19:43
gnomefreakcan someone on gutsy try something quick for me19:44
* jdong laughs at reports that Hushmail sent PGP private keys to the NSA...19:44
* gnomefreak not sure if its mkdir(whateversourceis) is borked or not19:44
Tm_Tgnomefreak: um?19:44
gnomefreakbuiltin i think19:45
gnomefreakTm_T: mkdir #fun19:45
gnomefreakmkdir #whatever you want19:45
gnomefreakmkdir fails to make it in hardy19:45
PriceChildjdong, hushmail?19:45
Tm_Tjust mkdir ?19:45
jdongPriceChild: hushmail is a PGP webmail service that prides on security19:45
gnomefreakTm_T: yes make sure you start the dir name with a #19:46
PriceChildjdong, they create the pgp keys at their end etc. ?19:46
PriceChildjdong, and they gave them all away?19:46
Tm_Tgnomefreak: mkdir \#foo19:46
jdong[jdong@jdong:/tmp]$ mkdir \#foo 19:46
gnomefreakoh you have tro use \19:46
jdong# will be inhaled by bash unless escaped.19:46
jdongPriceChild: right, they creat PGP keys on their end, store them, and use java applets to interface with you19:47
* Tm_T slaps gnomefreak 19:47
jdongPriceChild: and now reports surface they gave *3 CD's worth* of keys to the feds just because they asked.19:47
jdongI'm pretty sure 3 CD's is pretty much their entire customer base19:47
gnomefreakTm_T: i didnt think bash would choke on #19:48
Tm_Tgnomefreak: come on, you didn't even try otherwise?19:48
* Tm_T is disappointed19:48
jdonggnomefreak: I think # is used for some sort of matching/sub19:48
gnomefreakTm_T: who would have thought you needed a \19:48
PriceChildjdong, what i'm reading says 12 cds19:48
jdongPriceChild: even worse19:49
Tm_Tgnomefreak: me atleast, and jdong 19:49
gnomefreakjdong: that makes sense but i didnt see anything in ~/.bashrc on it19:49
PriceChildjdong, this seems to mainly be for users who don't use the java option?19:50
jdonggnomefreak: actually, bash treats # as a comment regardless where it is19:50
jdonggnomefreak: nope, only after a space19:51
gnomefreakah damn19:51
gnomefreakthats right19:51
jdongif you put # after a space everything is ignored19:51
jdongif you do foo#bar, bash will take it literally19:51
gnomefreakjdong: yeah that works, im testing dolphin since it cant open file#bleh or any other file with # in it19:52
gnomefreakunless you right click and open with dolphin19:52
jdonggnomefreak: that's... not a good sign that it's not escaping properly19:52
gnomefreaknautilus has no issue with it19:52
Tm_Tnor Konqueror19:52
jdonggnomefreak: does opening file;rm -rf / cause anything to happen?19:53
gnomefreakjdong: mhb is working on it19:53
jdong(don't test on valuable system)19:53
jdonggnomefreak: are there security implications of this?19:53
* gnomefreak scared or rm -rf in any context19:53
gnomefreakjdong: not sure i was just in testing it19:53
jdonggnomefreak: try file;touch foo then19:54
jdongand see if foo exists19:54
* jdong installs dolphin19:54
gnomefreakasking mhb about securoty implications atm19:55
jdonghmm seems fine so far19:55
gnomefreakjdong: try to open a file with # in dolphin19:56
gnomefreakwith a # in name19:56
jdonggnomefreak: yeah playing with it now....19:56
jdongseems like everything after # is stripped19:56
jdongit is a "security problem" that clicking on foo#bar opens foo19:58
jdongif foo existed as a malicious file and the user is tricked into clicking foo#bar19:59
jdongbut that's a stretch -- not a big deal IMO19:59
gnomefreakhes pushing it as security relkease19:59
jdonggnomefreak: found a related regression20:00
jdonggnomefreak: test#foo is expanded as the URL test%23foo20:00
jdonga la HTML20:01
jdonggnomefreak: however, if I create a directory test%23foo, it goes to test#foo20:01
gnomefreakyeah i saw20:01
gnomefreakhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dolphin/+bug/138374 is the bug on it20:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 138374 in dolphin "dolphin breaks when you try to open a directory with a # sign in it. " [Undecided,Confirmed] 20:01
gnomefreakjdong: that is what fdoving just said in #kubuntu-devel ;)20:01
GrahamAI was banned from #kubuntu like... months ago... when does that end?20:34
PriceChildGrahamA, one moment please20:34
GrahamAIt's still you.20:34
GrahamAIn the other channel.20:34
PriceChildah yes20:35
PriceChildAha I remember this one.20:36
GrahamAI remember you.20:36
PriceChildagain, freaky20:37
PriceChildGrahamA, Why do you want to go back into #kubuntu btw?20:37
GrahamABecause I like... use Kubuntu...20:37
PriceChildand you just wanna talk about that?20:37
GrahamAAnd I'd like help with 1 or 2 problems I have.20:37
PriceChildaha you want help...20:37
Myrttisomeone might need tlc at -offtopic20:37
GrahamAIt's not like I do nothing...20:37
PriceChildand you go to #kubuntu... because its a support channel?20:38
PriceChildMyrtti, hmm?20:38
PriceChildGrahamA, agreed?20:38
GrahamALike... IRL some of my friends have #kubuntu I helped them get it set up.20:38
GrahamAPriceChild: I'm not going to spam crap if that's what you mean?20:38
PriceChildGrahamA, no no... i'm just getting to the reason for the original ban.20:38
PriceChildGrahamA, so we're agreed that you want help in #kubuntu, *because its a support channel* ?20:39
GrahamAYes... :/20:39
PriceChildGrahamA, ok.... which would make a channel like #kubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-offtopic for what?20:39
GrahamAQuiz time!... answer... A OFF TOPIC DISCUSSION!20:40
GrahamADo I win a cookie?20:40
PriceChildWe have a winner! :D20:40
PriceChild*awards GrahamA 10 brownie points*20:40
GrahamAI like brownies.20:40
LjLand what is the word "fuck" and its colleages, with respect to the Ubuntu channels?20:40
Pumpernickelmmm, brownies20:40
PriceChildGrahamA, so... if you're trying to get some help in there... and there's a few people constantly chatting offtopic... stifling your conversation, meaning people don't see your pleas for help.... you wouldn't like that would you?20:41
PriceChildLjL, pardon?20:41
GrahamANo mister.20:41
LjLPriceChild: just noticing he's been !ohmyed and kicked because of that and other related words more than a couple of times.20:41
PriceChildGrahamA, so we are agreed you won't be persistently offtopic in #kubuntu again?20:41
PriceChildLjL, GrahamA?20:42
PriceChild(I only ran up the ban so far)20:42
LjLPriceChild: can't tell for sure, someone with the same ident at least, it's hard to follow20:42
GrahamAI hereby swear that I shall not talk offtopic or use profanity on any channel with *buntu* in it's name20:43
PriceChildGrahamA, have you read the channel guidelines?20:43
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:43
GrahamAYes.... yes I have...20:43
LjLGrahamA: make very sure you follow them from now on.20:44
PriceChildGrahamA, you may rejoin #kubuntu.20:45
GrahamAI don't mean offense.20:45
PriceChildNo problem.20:45
GrahamAI will avoid it in future.20:45
GrahamASorry to of bothered you.20:45
PriceChildGrahamA, out of interest, why did you go to #ubuntu-irc originally?20:46
LjLprobably looked at the channel list on the wiki, it makes somewhat sense if you need to be unbanned from somewhere20:47
PriceChildLjL, I'll edit it to put -ops above -irc20:49
LjLPriceChild, it isn't? i thought i put -irc as the last in the teams list20:50
PriceChildLjL, -ops isn't listed there is it?20:50
LjLuhm probably not20:50
PriceChildonly at the very bottom wrt cloaks20:51
* ompaul is wondering what #ubuntu-irc is there for20:51
* ompaul goes on a trip20:51
Myrttijust a question20:52
ompaulMyrtti, don't ask to ask 20:53
MyrttiI'd like to know where my patience, compassion and positivity has gone, has anyone seen it? about ye small . no one in -offtopic has seen it20:53
ompaulMyrtti, it was snooked away and put in a photo with the small furry ones look on one and smile ;-)20:53
PriceChildMyrtti, chocolate heals all20:53
Myrttii feel so short-tempered these days20:54
* ompaul disabuses PriceChild20:54
PriceChildompaul? :O20:54
MyrttiI've left ALL my irc channels20:54
Myrttime, who not so long ago had 2520:54
ompaulPriceChild, ehh chocolate is something that I can't eat 20:55
PriceChildompaul, awww how mean :(20:55
PriceChildMyrtti, whatcha mean?20:55
MyrttiI dunno20:55
PriceChildI would go on about how everyone should be able to enjoy the wonder that is chocolate on demand but that'd be rubbing it in.20:55
ompaulMyrtti I took up reading novels when I felt so fed up20:55
MyrttiI just feel like either the whole world is filled with idiots20:56
Myrttior rhen it's just me20:56
Myrttii'd like it to be just me20:57
Myrttibecause one person being an idiot is far less discouraging than the whole population of the world20:58
Myrttiwhich results in me leaving all my irc channels so I don't snap at people20:59
gnomefreakMyrtti+> I just feel like either the whole world is filled  with idiots  <<< it is, more each day21:00
PriceChildMyrtti, you're thinking this in general, or on irc?21:02
Myrttigood question21:03
PriceChildif you have to think about this at all...21:03
PriceChildi suggest you logoff21:03
PriceChildand go out with some friends21:03
ompaulafter a warm cup of tea21:03
naliothit's been a long time since i had a good cup of tea21:04
MyrttiI was planning amelie21:04
MyrttiI'm on babysitting duty21:04
PriceChildand try and find hat dream cuddly geek21:04
Myrttiwith 11y runescapist21:04
Myrtticuddly geek :-P~~~~21:05
MyrttiI actually have met someone who doesn't treat me like some sort of a pink invisible unicorn21:09
Myrttibut it remains to be seen where it goes21:09
Myrttiit's nice to be able to talk shop face to face without people looking down on you21:10
PriceChildtalk shop?21:12
Myrttilinux, floss21:12
PriceChildone day21:14
Seeker`my girlfriend doesn't get computers21:15
TheSheepSeeker`: seh has to buy them herself?21:16
Seeker`TheSheep: WEll, yes, but she doesn't understand them either21:16
TheSheepSeeker`: you mean grok :P21:17
* TheSheep <-- learned English in the bad part of the Internet ;)21:18
Seeker`isn't the bad part of the internet just "The Internet"?21:18
TheSheepSeeker`: www != Internet :P21:19
Seeker`I never said it was21:20
TheSheepSeeker`: some parts are worse than others21:20
Seeker`but that doesn't mean that any of it is good :P21:20
TheSheepSeeker`: I never said it was21:21
OldPinkAny news on my offtopic ban?23:16
* SudoKing never hears of anything...23:17
* OldPink doesn't either, unfortunately 23:18
SeveasOldPink, every time you ask it'll be extenden...23:23
SeveasSudoKing, and your ban will last a long time afaik, so there's no real use for you being in here23:23
SudoKinghuh, banned from what?23:26
Seveashmm, I thought sudoking was banned from #ubuntu, but apparently not23:32

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