
Dr_willissourcemaker,  thers the new 8800 out now  Or out soon. :) about the best bang for the $$00:00
Lazarusim using a riva tnt2 model 64 on this box00:00
sourcemakerI am sorry for my language00:00
Lazarusi got the drivers to work00:00
NeoFaxWhat driver did you try to use nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-legacy>?00:00
Excelsiorzibrah3ed: It is a trendnet twe-421PCI card00:00
sourcemakerI am just sitting 5 hours on pc... for installing a simple nvidia card00:00
Excelsiorzibrah3ed: I might also add that it worked fine under Feisty00:00
NeoFaxExcelsior: What is the chipset00:00
ExcelsiorNeoFax: Nforce400:00
NeoFaxNo, the chipset on the WiFi card00:01
sourcemakerLazarus : You are absolutly right00:01
NeoFaxsourcemaker: Did you do sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-legacy or nvidia-glx?00:01
sourcemakerNeoFax : I have tried both... but alway the same result of an api missmatch00:02
Lazarussourcemaker: i think my card is older than yours though, heh00:02
DreskenI've updated Kubuntu and I still get the "hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 1000" when I try to mount an ntfs partition, any idea how to resolve this issue?00:02
Lazarusive got to be to the gym00:02
Lazarusgood day talking gents00:02
NeoFaxExcelsior: Try doing lspci and getting the ID for that wifi card and do a google search to get the chipset00:02
* Excelsior is on Windows as a result of thius00:02
* Excelsior *this00:02
sourcemakerLazarus : be happy :-)00:02
bbm4nhello ppl00:03
NeoFaxsourcemaker: Try sudo apt-get purge nvidia-glx, then do sudo apt-get install sudo nvidia-glx-legacy00:03
bbm4ncan anyone help me with adept manager?00:03
sourcemakerNeoFax: nice try... I have also tried this00:03
ubuzztusudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk seems to be working00:03
ArkardHi to everyone00:03
ArkardI need some help with the update please00:04
NeoFaxsourcemaker: Do lsmod | grep nvidia00:04
sourcemakerNeoFax: here you are: nvidia 4713780 0 nvidia_agp 9500 1 i2c_core 22656 3 i2c_ec,nvidia,i2c_nforce2 agpgart 35400 2 nvidia,nvidia_agp00:04
Arkardi just get the Kubuntu 7.10 CD ROM, and i want to update from it, i try using this command: kdesu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade"00:04
DreskenAnyone? o_o00:05
Arkardcan anybody help me please?00:05
NeoFaxsourcemaker: And you still get the same error in Xorg.0.log?  That is strange as the driver is loaded otherwise you would not have gotten anything from that last bit of code00:06
NeoFaxArkard: Do you have Fiesty already installed?00:06
Arkardand already updated too00:06
NeoFaxThen just do sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and change every instance of Fiesty to gutsy.00:07
sourcemakerNeoFax : same error00:07
ardchoilleNeoFax: That's not the recommended method to upgrade, he'll miss apps with that method.00:07
sourcemakerexcept... the API missmatch is not written to the log file...00:07
NeoFaxWhat does your /etc/X11/xorg.conf look like in the devices section for the video card00:07
ArkardNeoFax: is that i wish to update to GG from the CDROM00:07
ardchoille!upgrade | Arkard00:07
ubotuArkard: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes00:07
bbm4nwhats that?00:08
NeoFaxMinataku: Is that Thai?00:08
MinatakuIt's Japanese00:08
MinatakuI setup Japanese input today00:08
sourcemakernice upgrade notes... but the GUI Upgrade does not work... when java is installed on your system... :-)00:08
MinatakuHad to restart X11 at least 10 times before I got it set up correctly00:09
andreas_what do i need to install to watch divx movies in firefox?00:09
|neon|is there a channel for dsniff00:09
NeoFaxArkard: You can, just comment all of the apt lines except for the CD-Rom one.00:09
ArkardOk NeoFax let me try00:09
sourcemakerandreas_:  @mozilla-mplayer?00:10
NeoFaxsourcemaker: Have you tried mv /etc/X11/xorg.onf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.nak and let BulletproofX try and figure out a good setting for your card?00:10
NeoFaxArkard: Why would u want to upgrade from the CD?  There has been plenty of updates since 7.10 came out and now you r upgrading twice00:11
sourcemakerNeoFax : Well.... i think there is no xorg config problem... it is the same as in feisty... and yes... i have try some autoconfigure tools :-)00:11
ArkardNeoFax: is that i have a very slow Internet connection, and i really wish to update to 7.1000:12
Dr_willisTheres the Kubuntu-restricted-extras package also -that good to install to get a lot of the media-stuff going00:12
NeoFaxThe problem seems to not be the driver as well.  I think it is glx on your sytem being messed up and nvidia will not start X without this00:12
sourcemakerArkard : Keep on feisty... in gusty... there are a lot of bugs... :-)00:12
Arkarda lot of BUGS????00:13
ardchoillesourcemaker: Maybe for you, I haven't seen any big problems in Gutsy00:13
Dr_willisUpgrading works good for some..  not so good for others.00:13
Dr_willisI advise clean reinstalls when possible00:13
ardchoillesame here00:13
ardchoilleArkard: Why not just backup personal files and do a fresh install from the 7.10 cd?00:13
NeoFaxI have had quite a few problems so far.  Actually I cannot boot right now because of a update in Gutsy.00:13
Arkardardchoille: im really close to do it man00:14
Dr_willisi keep my /home on its own HD. :) clean installs are easy00:14
Dr_willisi also make a script that installs the packages i always normally install.00:14
Arkardwhat about all the Packages i have downloaded?00:15
Dr_willisyou can use a command to get a list of all the ones you have installed00:15
ardchoilleI have written a master script (app installs, tweaks, etc) so a fresh install requires that I be in front of the computer a total of 10 minutes.00:15
MinatakuHeya, Dr_Willis :D00:16
sourcemakerardchoille :- the upgrade gui: hangs on 10%... because of an dependy of java... there was a .deb file witch required user input (boom) :-)- My NVidia Card... does not work- The network was done... because of an configuration problem after upgrade00:16
Minataku!es | ricardo_00:16
uboturicardo_: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.00:16
ardchoillesourcemaker: I don't do upgrades ;)00:16
ricardo_this is the forst time i use kubuntu00:17
ricardo_*first sorry00:17
ardchoillericardo_: Welcome :)00:17
Minatakuricardo_: Indeed, welcome :300:17
ricardo_what is this channel about00:18
sourcemakerardchoille : I also prefer fresh install... but I do have no time... to maintaince my system every 3 months from scatch00:18
MinatakuKubuntu assistance00:18
ardchoillericardo_: Kubuntu, What can we help you with?00:18
MinatakuIf you just dropped in to chat, there's #kubuntu-offtopic00:18
sourcemakerardchoille : But it whould be better... 00:18
ricardo_jeje thank you00:18
ardchoillesourcemaker: So write a bash script or two to automate things, that's what I have done.00:18
MinatakuThough it's a bit quiet in there at the moment00:18
ricardo_im from mexico00:19
MinatakuI'm farther north00:19
ricardo_well i like kubuntu00:19
ricardo_ohh i see official kubuntu support channel00:20
ricardo_well im ok00:20
ricardo_see you00:20
crxyemso did 7.010 drop support for ppc00:21
ubotuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ00:21
Dr_willisthere is a ppc cd/image  for 7.10  i recall./ but never tried it.00:22
ArkardNeoFax: i have a problem, i insert the CDROM but it doesnt mount the cdrom in /cdrom, what can i do?00:22
Arkardit apears like this: /media/Kubuntu 7.10 i38600:23
NeoFaxArkard: Where does it mount it?00:23
sourcemakerNeoFax: "Error: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has the version 1.0-9755, but this X module has the version 1.0-9631. Please make sure that the kernel module and all NVIDIA driver components have the same version." using nvidia-glx-legacy00:23
Minatakucrxyem: To answer the question, "sort of"00:23
ArkardNeoFax: /media/Kubuntu 7.10 i38600:23
Dr_willisive never seen kubuntu mount the cd to /cdrom00:23
Dr_willis  normally its /media/cdrom for me.00:23
ardchoilleHe'd have to edit fstabd for that I believe00:24
crxyemI just pick up an g3 imac, and I wasn't given the mac osx 10.3.9 discs so my next idea was to use linux00:24
Arkardso, when i try to add it as a REPO, it says "There is no CDROM Inserted"00:24
NeoFaxArkard Try ln -s /media/cdrom /media/Kubuntu 7.10 i38600:24
NickPrestaArkard, is there a reason you need to have your CDROM as a repo?00:24
Arkardupdate from FF to GG00:24
Minatakucrxyem: There's also FreeBSD, but that's more than a touch harder00:25
MinatakuThough not TOO difficult00:25
MinatakuThough you're not likely to get much help out of #freebsd00:25
ArkardNeoFax: doesnt work00:26
sourcemakerdpkg-query -l | grep nvidiaii  nvidia-glx                                 1:1.0.9639+              NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver00:26
MinatakuI've got an older PPC machine myself00:26
MinatakuThough mine is PReP, not Mac00:26
Dr_willisI got an imac DV - its running OS-x right now. Linux always ran ... weird on it.00:26
MinatakuThat's because Macs suck00:27
NeoFaxsourcemaker: Can you open adept and do a search on legacy and tell me what you show installed with this?00:27
MinatakuIf you want a proper PPC machine, get an RS/600000:27
Dr_willisa PS300:27
MinatakuI said PROPER00:27
sourcemakerroot@sourcemaker-desktop:/home/sourcemaker# aptitude search legacyp   edubuntu-addon-legacy                                                            - Edubuntu add-on packages from older releasesp   kmilo-legacy                                                                     - non-standard plugins for KMilop   legacyhuman-theme                                                                - Legacy Human GTK themep   nvidia-glx-leg00:27
sourcemaker                - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'legacy' driverc   nvidia-glx-legacy-dev                                                            - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'legacy' driver development filesp   nvidia-legacy-kernel-source                                                      - NVIDIA binary 'legacy' kernel module sourcep   xkb-data-legacy                                                                  - Classic00:27
MinatakuNow you're REALLY scraping the bottom of the barrel with THAT suggestion, Dr_Willis00:27
Dr_willisPegaOS machine.00:28
MinatakuThat Cell POS is barely a proper PPC chip itself00:28
vzduch!paste | sourcemaker00:28
ubotusourcemaker: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)00:28
Dr_willisit helps to paste usefullinfo also. :)00:28
MinatakuI've got an IBM RS/6000 43P-14000:28
MinatakuPowerPC 604e @ 233MHz00:29
NeoFaxsourcemaker: Try uninstalling nvidia-glx with the purge option and installing the nvidia-glx-legacy with the legacy kernel drivers00:29
sourcemakerubuntulog: great to know... thanks00:29
MinatakuGigantic machine, it's taller than a Sun Ultra 200:29
MinatakuA touch thinner and a touch longer, as well00:29
NeoFaxYour problem is you have mismatching drivers.  With two different drivers installed, the kernel gets confused and cannot run.00:30
MinatakuBut it's got a cool sliding door over the front parts00:30
sourcemakerNeoFax: Thanks for you help... but i will buy a new card...00:30
MinatakuWhich includes a little orange, 4-character, LED display :300:30
DreskenDoes anyone have any idea about how to resolve the "hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 1000" issue?00:31
Hakmadum, can someone help me with Kubuntu installation? I booted the CD, but now what?00:31
Dr_willisHmm.. Ive seen that Uid refused issue asked in here a lot.. wonder what the forums say about it,00:31
Dr_willisHakmad,  ya got a desktop? see an icon that says 'install' ?00:32
HakmadI clicked it...nothing :(00:32
Arkardim still cannot update GG from CDROM00:32
Dr_willisdouble click?00:32
HakmadIt shows a little icon on the mouse, but then it goes away and nothing00:32
sourcemakerNeoFax: When did you start using linux ? (in years?)00:33
NeoFaxsourcemaker: Roughly May of 199900:33
spyder79Hello, I had some kind of glitch during a full upgrade and now adept won't actually update anything, any ideas?00:33
MinatakuThat's not supposed to be in hiragana00:33
MinatakuMy bad00:33
NeoFaxMy first install was RedHat 5.200:33
sourcemakerNeoFax: Okay... Now i know your skills :-)00:34
sourcemakerNeoFax: Great :-)00:34
MinatakuThat's more like it00:34
NeoFaxYou want to tsalk about learning to install linux.  That was fun.00:34
MinatakuI've installed numerous different OSes myself00:34
HakmadDoes anyone know what i should do? It won't install :(00:34
MinatakuBut that's because I'm a collector00:34
NeoFaxMinataku: What ones that aren't UNIX based or Windows?00:34
MinatakuOf both OSes and Computers00:34
NeoFaxJust OSes00:35
MinatakuWell, I've installed CP/M-8600:35
MinatakuI've installed DEC RT-1100:35
MinatakuDEC RSTS/E00:35
Dr_willisive only used the alternative install cd - not sure how to troubhe shoot the live cd installer.  Could run the install command from a terminal.00:35
sourcemakerNeoFax: Have you also installed gentoo from stage 1... thats fun :-)?00:35
MinatakuSyllable is POSIX, not Unix, BTW00:35
bbm4ncan anyone help me with unistalling stuff?00:35
Minatakusourcemaker: I have00:35
NeoFaxsourcemaker: Yes.  I used Gentoo for a long time.00:35
MinatakuPiyoko's install used to be a Stage 100:35
andreas_Cant get mplayer working with konqueror00:36
MinatakuBut when I reinstalled to her new HDD, they had deprecated Stage 100:36
NeoFaxMinataku: You have me beat.  Ever use Be?00:36
sourcemakerbbm4n: apt-get remove $package00:36
MinatakuBut I recompiled everything anyway00:36
Dr_willisI used BeOS for a while. :)00:36
Hakmadhow do I run install command from terminal?00:36
MinatakuSo it ended up being technically a stage 100:36
MinatakuNeoFax: Yes, I have00:36
sourcemakerbbm4n: apt-get remove --purge $page-name (also delete config files=00:36
Dr_willisHakmad,  right click on that install icon, select properties. and see what command its running,00:36
MinatakuThe PDP-11 OSes I installed on a VM, BTW00:37
MinatakuHooray for SIMH00:37
NeoFaxWhat is your favorite?00:37
bbm4nbasically i want to remove a package with all the other packages that because of the dependencies installed too00:37
MinatakuProbably Linux00:37
MinatakuWith NetBSD a close second00:37
bbm4nis there a log file or something to use?00:37
NeoFaxI would say Linux as well.  It has got to be the most versatile sytem I have used.00:37
MinatakuI've installed A/UX on a semi-supported system00:38
MinatakuThat was an adventure00:38
MinatakuI've got A/UX 3.1.1 running on an Apple Macintosh Quadra 65000:38
NeoFaxI have multiple different setups using the linux kernel.  That is just amazing to me.00:38
Arkardim still cannot update GG from CDROM00:38
sourcemakerMinataku: the old amiga workbench was the best... insert the floppy disk and everything was working (*joke*)00:38
NeoFaxMinataku: I remember using those in high school the Apple Quadra I mean00:39
MinatakuUbuntu could do well to rip off some of the features from A/UX00:39
Dr_willisThat QNX floppy disk desktop a few years back was neat also. :)00:39
bbm4ni would vote for windows vista, rofl00:39
MinatakuI've got screenshots of A/UX00:39
MinatakuLemme pull 'em up00:39
Minatakuhttp://s95018220.onlinehome.us/random/auximages/ << Enjoy :D00:40
=== spyder79 is now known as spyder79_
sourcemakerbbm4n: Yes... you can buy the newest pc... but vista is working very slow because of different drivers problems00:40
NeoFaxArkard: You need to link the /media/Kubuntu to /media/cdrom.  Also, you will need to enclose the Kubuntu part or use the \ character as Linux does not like spaces.00:40
sourcemakerMinataku: nice pics00:40
MinatakuThank Apple for Ctrl+Shift+300:40
Arkardyeah, i fix it NeoFax, but it doesnt make the Symbolic Link00:41
MinatakuThen thank ImageMagick for converting them from MIFF to PNG00:41
bbm4n<sourcemaker>: yes i know my laptop freaked out with them, i have an original copy sitting on my desk :)00:41
MinatakuBut yeah, thank me for getting the pics X300:41
NeoFaxMinataku: R u a Naruto fan?  I noticed the name Sasuke00:41
MinatakuThis was untouched by Jobs (A/UX, that is) so it's actually usable and not too filled with evil00:41
MinatakuNot really00:42
MinatakuNaruto is rather cute, though >.>00:42
MinatakuThe series has excellent character design XD00:42
MinatakuBut that's about all it does excellently00:42
spyder79_Can anyone help me with an upgrade problem?00:42
sourcemakerNeoFax: Do you know the configuration... to open dophin instead of konqi?00:42
NeoFaxYes, but sometimes it takes forever for the plot to move00:42
MinatakuAs for the name, all my systems are named after anime characters00:42
MinatakuI happened to be thinking about Naruto when it came time to name the Q65000:43
Hakmadtok, my LiveCD thingy just froze on me...:(00:43
MinatakuOr something00:43
MinatakuI don't quite remember00:43
MinatakuSasuke, not as cute00:43
MinatakuSakura, though... Wow. ;300:43
NeoFaxsourcemaker: Try kcontrol and setting the default filemanager configuration.  Or try changing the type in konqueror like when you change mpg viewer from noatun to kaffeine00:43
Dr_willisHakmad,  im wondering if your cd image file was burnt badly, or messed up in downloading00:44
andreas_Cant get mplayer working with konqueror00:44
MinatakuAt least Naruto isn't as bad as DBZ00:44
NeoFaxMinataku: I like Hinata.00:44
NeoFaxShe is an introvert like me.00:44
Hakmadmaybe Dr., is there anyway to get a CD that just installs it?00:44
MinatakuWhere what little plot there was (none) moved along slower than frozen molasses00:44
|neon|i know is offtopic but i just installed fc8 on my spare sys , what a freaking joke of OS00:44
NeoFaxMinataku: I used to like DBZ, but it started to wear on me.  Have you watched DeathNote?00:44
bbm4nanother question why w32codecs cannot help me play a .avi file?00:44
MinatakuI haven't, no00:45
StingballSince i upgraded to gutsey my machine has taken about a 40% proformance hit00:45
MinatakuI prefer comedy stuff00:45
Dr_willisHakmad,  thats the 'alternative install cd' that i always use. it should be mentioned on the kubuntu web page/download links00:45
NeoFaxbbm4n: What is the fourcc code?00:45
Stingballany one know where i can start looking00:45
bbm4ndeathnote is awesome btw!!!!!!!!!!!!!00:45
Hakmadok, ill try that00:45
sourcemakerNeoFax: thanks00:45
semistud2354can someone tell me how to trick a website that requires internet explorer00:45
MinatakuI just finished watching "Lucky Star", "Magical Pokan" and "The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi"00:45
semistud2354i think theres a mozilla plugin but i am unable to find it00:45
Dr_willisHakmad,  thats the 'alternative install cd' that i always use. it should be mentioned on the kubuntu web page/download links00:46
NeoFaxDeathNote is like Bleach, but way darker.  You kinda have to be morbid to get into it.00:46
Dr_willisoops :) heh00:46
Hakmadok Dr, im goign there right now...00:46
MinatakuYeah, you can see my tastes in that selection up there00:46
semistud2354its important becuae im using linux....and im taking an online class00:46
bbm4nfourcc, what do you mean?00:46
semistud2354i dont want to install windows JUST for one class00:46
NeoFaxsemistud2354: Change what your system is telling the website.  I forget what it is called, but in Konqueror you can configure it00:46
Minatakusemistud2354: User Agent Switcher00:47
StingballNeoFax: Wine?00:47
MinatakuThat's what it's called00:47
semistud2354is there a way to make mozilla do it00:47
Stingballuse active x I doubt it00:47
MinatakuThe Firefox extension is called "User Agent Switcher"00:47
bbm4n <NeoFax> : fourcc, what do you mean?00:47
NeoFaxbbm4n: AVI is just a container.  You can shove xvid, divx, all kinds of codecs inside it.00:47
semistud2354whats better the konqueror one or the plugin for firefox00:48
HakmadWillis, Im at the download section...I see stuff about Gutsy Gibbon and Dapper...dont see "alternate cd" anywhere...00:48
NeoFaxfourcc tells you exactly what type of codecs are used on that vid file00:48
semistud2354firefox one is better00:48
MinatakuFirefox also offers a manual change ala Konq00:48
MinatakuBut Firefox is 1200% better in all respects anyway00:48
MinatakuPlus the aforementioned extension is far easier00:48
bbm4n<NeoFax> : how can i see the fourcc code?00:49
semistud2354konquer is good for file browsing00:49
NeoFaxFirefox is way better as it has been supported and upgraded.  Konqueror has been slowly dying ever since the maintainers(many, not all) have moved to webkit AKA Safari00:49
NeoFaxIn linux I am not sure.  I would try running mplayer from the command line and see what it spits back.  Or, you can use fourcc from doom9.org inside wine maybe.00:50
semistud2354konqueror is dying00:51
NeoFaxAlso, if mplayer doesn't play it with w32codecs, then it probably won't play.  Try vlc though to00:51
semistud2354whats the replacemnet going to be for konqueror00:51
semistud2354when everyone...i guess quits00:51
* Minataku meows00:51
semistud2354DOLPHIN NOOOO EWWWWW00:52
NeoFaxfor the file manager and webkit for html00:52
semistud2354i like the simplicity of konqueror...donlphin....00:52
NeoFaxsemistud2354: I am with you on that one00:52
bbm4n<NeoFax> :thanks i'll try that later cause i am upgrading to gutsy now :D00:52
NeoFaxI hate how simple dolphin has become.00:52
NeoFaxIt is almost as bad as Nautilus.00:53
semistud2354i thought konqueror was actually pretty good00:53
MinatakuI never did00:53
NeoFaxYou can't even sort by size or show the size00:53
semistud2354not a bad browser...NOT THE BEST but not bad...for emergency use00:53
semistud2354aka...live cd...no firefox00:53
MinatakuLinks is for emergency use00:53
semistud2354onlne test...lol00:53
bbm4ni love links :D00:54
NeoFaxMinataku: That is harsh.00:54
semistud2354is there a java..based linux web browser00:54
MinatakuWhat? Links is a very good browser.00:54
MinatakuIt even has graphical modes for framebuffer, SVGAlib and X1100:54
NeoFaxIf I had a choice, it would be firefox, but with better memory usage, or Opera with better KDE compatibility00:54
MinatakuI refuse to use Opera00:55
bbm4nLinks kept me sane while i was using gentoo with no window system support *sighs00:55
NeoFaxLinks is good if you are a sadist00:55
MinatakuI'm not going to use a lousy proprietary browser when a superior free one exists00:55
pacmananyone familiar with asus motherboards?00:55
wols_pacman: ask your real question00:56
NeoFaxCan you get to the Mozilla source?00:56
MinatakuFirefox is open source00:56
wols_NeoFax: mozilla/firefox is Free software00:56
MinatakuAs is Mozilla00:56
evil_cowhi channel, i just installed Kubuntu 7.10 and my K menu is kinda messed up with things like "Entries in k menu" instead of the app name, is there an easy fix for this or should i go and re-do the menus ?00:56
MinatakuAnd all their other projects00:56
NeoFaxYes, but Opera is free as well, just not open00:56
MinatakuIt's proprietary00:56
pacmanI have 2GB of RAM plugged into the motherboard, and the BIOS only says I have 512 MB00:56
wols_pacman: #hardware00:57
NeoFaxDo you watch movies on your PC?00:57
semistud2354aww....man...i see tricking the websight didnt help00:57
HakmadLinux is starting to piss me off...00:57
semistud2354it uses activex00:57
semistud2354or the microsoft java00:57
Minatakusemistud2354: Demand support for non-Windows platforms00:57
MinatakuOr demand your money back00:57
NeoFaxOr run Windows in Virtualbox00:58
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
MinatakuOr that, yeah, but the point is that one shouldn't have to00:58
Minataku99% it's probably for some stupid DRM, too00:58
NeoFaxI agree, but until openness becomes the majority, it will not change00:59
pacmanhow do I look and see how much RAM kubuntu is detecting?00:59
wols_pacman: if your bios only sees 512MN, then linux won't see more01:00
HakmadAnyone know how to get the Alternate Installer CD fro kubuntu?01:00
wols_pacman: fix your BIOS first01:00
pacmanthat's what I figured01:00
NeoFaxAnyone know how to fix my problem?  "weird, boot cpu (#15) not listed by BIOS"01:00
evil_cowswitching to name only fixed it :P :)01:01
MinatakuNeoFax: Sounds like an MP fault01:01
NeoFaxI only have a single processor system01:01
MinatakuIs it causing any issues other than an error?01:01
NeoFaxIt is a P8M8-V01:02
NeoFaxIt will not boot.01:02
=== NetersLandreau_ is now known as NetersLandreau
MinatakuThe default kernel is compiled for MP01:02
NeoFaxIt hangs at that point.01:02
MinatakuLikely the board is MP-capable, but is broken01:02
NeoFaxI am using and was using it for about a week with no problems until today.01:02
papa_hi there: can anyone help me figure out why i am not getting any sound . i am using feisty01:02
NeoFaxI was told it could be a microcode problem01:03
MinatakuIt's entirely possible that a fault has developed somewhere in the mainboard01:03
MinatakuThe value is interesting in itself, since it's 0xF01:03
NeoFaxThat is what I was dreading, just when I gave my old system away01:03
wols_NeoFax: tried noapic?01:04
Minataku15d == Fh == 1111b01:04
NeoFaxwols_: I tried disabling ACPI in the BIOS01:04
HakmadDoes anyone know where to obtain the Alternate Install CD?01:04
wols_apic is not acpi01:04
MinatakuIs there an option to disable MP?01:04
MinatakuOr force UP?01:04
NeoFaxOK, will try that, not in the bios as it only supports non mp cpus01:05
MinatakuI can't imagine why a CPU which should be unit 0 would suddenly identify as 1501:05
NeoFaxI am running a Socket 478 Intel Celeron 3.2 Ghz(don't laugh)  with the Via kt400 chipset01:05
MinatakuHey, Piyoko here is a Pentium 4 @ 2660MHz01:06
MinatakuI make my computers last01:06
HakmadDoes anyone know where to obtain the Alternate Install CD?01:06
MinatakuStrict no-overclocking rule, for one01:06
NeoFaxSorry for the caps01:06
MinatakuWhat comes in that pack?01:06
gnomefreakMinataku: apt-cache show package  will tell you what it depends on01:08
MinatakuI don't use Kubuntu01:08
Dr_willisHakmad,  http://mirrors.gigenet.com/ubuntu/kubuntu/gutsy/01:09
Dr_willisHakmad,  http://mirrors.gigenet.com/ubuntu/kubuntu/gutsy/kubuntu-7.10-alternate-i386.iso01:09
HakmadWillis, thanks, I will need that.01:09
HakmadtYES! :)01:10
MinatakuCaps down01:10
Dr_willisif its taken a few minets for the install window to appear.. well.. that may be a sign somthing else is wrong. :)01:11
Dr_willisor you are on a C64 :P01:11
HakmadNo, I did what u said and ran the command from the Terminal01:11
Dr_willisOh :)01:11
=== yovan is now known as yovan_
macdohi, got a problem - kubuntu gutsy freezes with proprietary Nvidia driver. What can I do (apart from not have 3D :-) ). Where should I go?01:19
MinatakuHey, NeoFax, why don't you hang out in #kubuntu-offtopic01:25
MinatakuThat way we can talk about anime or something01:25
Dr_willisits too full of weirdos. :)01:25
Dr_willisya know.. ASL/ CP/M :) that sort of pervisions.01:26
MinatakuI was wondering why you were never in there, Dr_Willis XD01:26
papa_can anyone help me with my audio. i am not getting any sound? anyone?01:27
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:27
Dr_willisChecked their troubleshooting yet?01:28
HakmadIs your volume up?01:28
=== Aresilek is now known as Aresilek|Videos
staceyok...stupid noob question...how so I start compiz?01:29
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion01:29
staceyah thanks very much :)01:30
hagabakadoes compiz-kde require xserver-xgl?01:30
Dr_williscompiz --replace      will start it  - if installed.01:31
foeniglol soundsession tonight ... question (kubuntu 7.10) ... my sound output had changed ... it sounds "chappellike"01:31
Dr_willisxgl is needed for the ati cards isent it.01:31
hagabakai do have an ATI card and use fglrx01:31
foenigworks fine till today01:31
hagabakaxgl seems very slow...01:31
macdokubuntu gutsy freezes with proprietary Nvidia driver. What can I do (apart from not have 3D :-) ). Where should I go?01:32
stdinhagabaka: that's because it is slow01:32
hagabakai see01:32
Dr_willismacdo,  freezing is weird.. what video card?01:32
WaltzingAlonghagabaka: then you may want to use the more recent fglrx which supports AIGLX01:33
WaltzingAlongfglrx ati howto wiki http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide (for 3d support on older radeon cards, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver for data) | hagabaka, this one01:33
stdinhagabaka: the fglrx driver can't use aiglx, so it need to preform most computations in the system cpu rather than the graphics cards one (that's what xgl does)01:33
hagabakaeven the new fglrx?01:34
stdinthe new "unsupported" one can apparently use aiglx, but not the packaged version01:34
WaltzingAlongfglrx 8.42.3 supports AIGLX01:34
hagabakaah, ok01:34
hagabakai installed it with package from ATI01:34
papa_Dr_willis: still going over the page01:35
hagabakabut i seem to need to add it to compiz's whitelist01:35
WaltzingAlonghagabaka: which is also explained on the wiki link i sent01:35
hagabakaxgl seems to show everthing in a higher vertical resolution...i kind of like it because my screen is normally too small for me01:36
foeniglol soundsession tonight ... question (kubuntu 7.10) ... my sound output had changed ... it sounds "chappellike"01:40
foenigone part "okk" - one part echolike from "behind"01:40
Zombocomhow do I configure the output so that one screen is one desktop, and another is another01:51
ZombocomI have two screens hooked up to my computer01:52
Zombocomhow do I make it so one is another screen entirely?01:52
excitatoryi would also like to know the same01:53
excitatoryi hear randr 1.2 is the new way to do it, but all howto's i find don't work or are confusing..01:53
excitatoryso idk..01:53
Zombocomwell thanks anyway01:53
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion01:54
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:55
Autoscumubotu: mp301:55
Autoscumokay... the bot is ignoring me :(01:55
Autoscumoh, there01:55
Dr_willish3ll0 :)01:55
Autoscumhello, Dr_willis01:55
* Dr_willis charges the bot.01:55
AutoscumNo, it's not his fault. :D01:56
* Zombocom charges his lazah01:56
AutoscumBots are just dumb. :P01:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about laser - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:56
Autoscumnothing personal, ubotu01:56
stdinit's smart enough not to repeat itself01:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about death - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about god - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:56
stdin!botabuse > Zombocom01:56
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:56
Autoscumall-knowing, rofl01:56
Zombocomubotu just pulled me aside and told me to stfu01:57
stdin!stfu | Zombocom01:57
ubotuZombocom: Acronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.01:57
Autoscumyeah, no swearing :P01:57
AutoscumGod said so ^^01:57
Zombocom"<ubotu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)"01:57
=== wolfger__ is now known as wolfger
Autoscumbut still02:00
Autoscumi can't play mp3's :/02:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kaffeine - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:00
draik!info kaffeine02:00
ubotukaffeine: versatile media player for KDE 3. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.5-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 2180 kB, installed size 6128 kB02:00
NickPrestaWhat is the suggested way to proceed when your livecd hangs and the cd stops spinning? drop to tty1 and run startx/startkde?02:00
Autoscumwhen i search for ubuntu-restricted-extras in add/remove nothing is found02:00
Autoscumkaffeine... sure, i'll try :>02:01
stdinAutoscum: search in adept manager then02:01
Autoscumi did02:01
Autoscumnothing there either02:01
stdinyou're on feisty ?02:01
stdinthen it is there02:02
Autoscumit should be02:02
stdin!info kubuntu-restricted-extras02:02
ubotukubuntu-restricted-extras: Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 10 (gutsy), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB02:02
Autoscumbut amaroK says it can't play mp3's02:02
stdinmake sure you have libxine1-ffmpeg02:02
draikI'm working on my friend's computer, but I cannot get Kaffeine to play. I get the following error messages: You do not have sufficient right and something about missing plugins02:03
AutoscumPackage libxine1-ffmpeg is not available, but is referred to by another package02:03
stdinAutoscum: open adept manager and go to Adept->Manage Repositories  then enable them all02:04
stdindraik: make sure the account has sudo access02:04
draikstdin: How do I do that?02:04
stdindraik: try "sudo ls" in a terminal, or go to system settings > User Management and make sure they are in the admin group02:05
Autoscumstdin: there. got it. :)02:05
Autoscumit works ^^02:06
Autoscumyay :P02:06
hagabakai have fglrx 8.42.3 installed (fglrxinfo shows that it's working and the ATI control panel says the version is 8.42.3), but compiz still can't start. this is it's output: http://pastie.caboo.se/11929402:06
Autoscumthank you, stdin :)02:07
stdinAutoscum: no problem02:07
stdinhagabaka: you need Xgl (package: xserver-xgl)02:07
flaccidhagabaka: probably have to install xgl-xserver02:07
flaccidyeah thats the one02:07
hagabakai thought people said 8.42.3 didn't need xgl?02:07
vzduchsounds like ATI.. *urghs*02:08
stdinif you're using the new driver you need to make sure you've edited the /usr/bin/compiz script to not blacklist it02:08
flaccidim on ati too. i can't get it to work. xserver-xgl just makes it go all gluggy02:09
draikstdin: He is in the group02:09
hagabakai did edit it02:10
hagabakabefore i did that compiz would just quit and say it's not in the whitelist, now it tries to start02:10
draikflaccid: I had to uninstall xgl-xserver because it was causing a lag on my system02:10
flacciddraik: same. how frustrating.02:10
flaccidthing is should compiz work with flglrx or ati driver?02:11
draikflaccid: #compiz-fusion02:11
hagabakaeverywhere i read says fglrx 8.42.3 should work, e.g. http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide02:11
draikstdin: What should I be looking into so that I can get Kaffeine to play a standard DVD movie02:11
NickPresta!dvd | draik02:12
ubotudraik: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs02:12
AutoscumAdept broke :/02:12
stdindraik: libdvdcss202:12
NickPrestaAutoscum, how did it break?02:12
Autoscumwhen i start it, it launches 2 adepts and says that "another program is using the packaging system"02:12
Autoscumyeah, i was getting to that :P02:12
draikstdin: I libdvdcss2 installed02:12
Dr_willisyou do have any other programs closed?02:12
Autoscumafter which it won't run, and the other adept "fades" away02:12
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »02:13
Autoscumi restarted X to attempt to fix it02:13
Dr_willisIt may be a lock file. :) restarting X wont fix that.02:13
Autoscumyeah, that fixed it02:13
Autoscumthanks a lot :)02:13
stdindraik: it should work then, make sure you have libdvdnav4,  libdvdplay0 and libdvdread3 installed too02:14
jagcorvairstdin: libdvdplay0 is not found02:15
jagcorvairstdin: This is my friend's computer02:15
stdinthat one may be an older package for feisty...02:16
Dr_willis!find libdvdplay02:16
Dr_willisOnly time i play a dvd is when i rip them to hd. :)02:16
ubotuPackage/file libdvdplay does not exist in gutsy02:16
jagcorvairDr_willis: Nothing found with apt-cache search libdvdplay02:16
tekteen!info libdvdcss202:17
Dr_willis!find libdvd02:17
ubotuPackage libdvdcss2 does not exist in gutsy02:17
ubotuFound: libdvdnav-dev, libdvdnav4, libdvdread-dev, libdvdread302:17
vzduchlibdvdcss2 is neither in universe nor in multiverse.. you can find it in seveas or medibuntu02:17
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org02:18
Dr_willisor theres a script i recall in the /usr/share/docs/SOMTHING dir that can installit02:18
jagcorvairI have libdvdread3 and libdvdnav4 installed and current02:18
stdinsudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh02:18
Dr_willis:) was what it grabbed.. that was quick02:20
jagcorvairstdin: I just ran that command02:20
vzduch1.2.5?  a bit old imho..02:20
jagcorvairstill unable to play a DVD02:20
vzduchis that install script of Hoary fame? o002:20
Dr_willishow new would it need to be. :) they come out with some new dvds? :P02:20
ardchoillestdin: You can also add the medibuntu repo, install libdvdcss2 and it'll get updated automatically02:20
vzduchmedibuntu has 1.2.9.. which is already some 2 years old as well afair02:21
stdinardchoille: to get it updated, but not installed02:21
jagcorvairWith nosrednaekim's help, I was able to at least get it to recognize the DVD for the prompt. Data DVD still doesn't mount.02:21
ardchoillestdin: you can install it from medibuntu, I did02:21
stdinardchoille: yes, but you can install it with that script02:21
ardchoilletrue, but it won't be updated, right?02:21
jagcorvairardchoille: It got updated02:22
vzduchstdin: which is pretty pointless, if w/ the script you get an outdated version and need to update it anyway02:22
stdinyep, but there isn't much difference between the sources02:22
* stdin has looked and knows02:22
ardchoillestdin: and the version in medibuntu is more recent than what that script will install02:23
vzduchI think I remember that the last time the libdvdcss2 pkgs were rolled anew it was because of a security flaw02:23
hagabakadoes Load "glx" mean the same glx as xserver-glx?02:23
stdinthe actual algorithm is unchanged, so the older one works with everything the new one does02:23
tekteenstdin: It will not change because of old dvd players02:24
tekteenblueray on the other hand needs all new players for a reason (DRM) :-(02:25
* lavacano201014 disconnects [/ame]02:25
vzduchlavacano201014: amsgs are lame.. :D02:26
jagcorvairstdin: Dr_willis: This is the error message I get in details...02:31
jagcorvair06:31:14 PM: xine: cannot find input plugin for MRL [dvd:///dev/scd1]02:31
jagcorvair06:31:14 PM: xine: input plugin cannot open MRL [dvd:///dev/scd1]02:31
jagcorvair06:31:10 PM: xine: found input plugin : DVD Navigator02:31
stdintake off one slash02:32
stdinor two, not sure actually02:32
jagcorvairThat is there by default, no?02:32
stdinopen the URL: dvd://dev/scd102:33
jagcorvairI saw that as well and wondered about it, but figured it's probably nothing.02:33
jagcorvairstdin: bash: dvd://dev/scd1: No such file or directory02:33
stdin"open the URL" does not mean "run the command"02:34
stdinopen the URL in kaffeine02:34
mphstill having issues with systemsettings; any idea why?  here is part of the error:  kio (KSycoca): ERROR: No database available!02:34
jagcorvairstdin: Did it in Kaffeine as well. It was taking a while...02:35
jagcorvairstdin: Nothing. Still the same. I put / and // in front of dev02:35
stdinopening the URL (Ctrl-U)  "dvd://dev/scd0" in kaffeine works here02:37
vzduchstdin: 'dvd:///dev/scd0' is the correct syntax02:38
Autoscum!direct rendering02:38
Autoscumcan anyone tell me how i can check if i have direct rendering on?02:38
vzduchwith 'dvd://' being the protocol denominator, and '/dev/scd0' the path to the device02:38
stdinvzduch: seems both work (but local url should only have one slash)02:39
ardchoilleAutoscum: glxinfo | grep render02:39
stdinlike file:/ URLs02:39
jagcorvairvzduch: So do it as dvd:///dev/scd1 ?02:39
Autoscumyes, thank you :P02:39
vzduchjagcorvair: that would be the other drive, if you have 202:39
stdindvd:///dev/scd1 actually opens //dev/scd002:39
jagcorvairvzduch: first drive is CD burner, no DVD02:39
ardchoilleI know I can do  system:/  and  man:/  in konqueror. But, what other things can I do?02:41
Dr_willischeck out the kde help for 'kioslaves'02:41
Dr_willisit has info on them there. apt:/ is another and smb:/02:41
Dr_willisand proberly a dozen others i dont rember :)02:41
ardchoilleDr_willis: Ah, thanks02:41
stdinlots, help:/ audiocd:/ apt:/ smb:/ nfs:/ sftp:/ etc...02:42
ardchoilleWow, I need to be making bookmarks for these02:42
stdinno fish, just eaten :)02:42
Dr_willistheres no porn:/02:42
stdinapplications:/ is a good one if kicker dies02:43
jagcorvairWhat else could I be missing?02:43
stdinare you on gutsy?02:44
stdinif so, try installing "kubuntu-restricted-extras" to grab everything you can02:44
jagcorvairstdin: Already installed02:45
stdinthen you should have everything02:45
vzduchas far as my Fedora 7 is concerned, the only libdvd* files you need are libdvdread, libdvdnav and libdvdcss02:45
stdintry in another player maybe02:45
vzduchanother possibility would be that you just need to wait a little longer for the popup window to appear.. I have that w/ audio CDs02:46
jagcorvairCodeine didn't work02:47
stdinI'd say to try mplayer, if it doesn't play in that then VLC02:47
Nylewhat do you do with codeine is not good for you02:47
Nylei would say to try SMPlayer02:48
stdinyeah, mplayer02:48
Nyleits based on mlayer, and uses it, but is a full fledg media player02:48
jagcorvairgxine failed02:48
stdinit IS mplayer, it's just a GUI02:48
Nylesmplayer is awesome02:48
Nyleits better than a gui02:48
Nyleits a super gui02:48
Nylefo real02:48
stdinI know what it is, smplayer is a Qt3/KDE/Qt4 GUI to mplayer02:49
jagcorvairmplayer failed02:49
stdinmplayer should have posted a (rather verbose) error message, pastebin it02:50
jagcorvairKMPlayer states: Player xine not running02:50
[ka]killeryou may be having the same problem i had eariler02:50
[ka]killerjoin #xine for help with xine isues02:50
[ka]killerthey helped me out alot02:50
vzduchjagcorvair: you have it set to use the Xine backend.. set it to use the MPlayer backend02:50
jagcorvairvzduch: Set which? How?02:51
[ka]killeri just use kaffeine02:51
jagcorvairOn my computer, I use kaffeine without a problem. This is my friend's computer and it's a pain.02:51
[ka]killerhas he tried VLC?02:52
[ka]killersorry if this has already been asked, i r slowpoke02:53
ardchoilleDr_willis: Thanks for the kioslaves tip, lots of urls there :)02:53
Dr_willisYep - it pays to explore the Help docs. :)02:53
Autoscumhey, guys, i installed a package called "crystalspace" it's a 3d game development kit02:53
Dr_willistheres some FUSE addons that let you access the kioslaves stuff as if they were directories i hear also.02:53
Autoscumbut i cant find it in the menu02:53
Dr_willisbut ive never tried it.02:54
Autoscumwhere can i run it from? :/02:54
Dr_willis!info crystalspace02:54
ubotucrystalspace: Multiplatform 3D Game Development Kit. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 38139 kB, installed size 94956 kB02:54
Dr_willisAutoscum,  it may not be a actual runable game.02:54
Autoscumit's a game development kit...02:54
Dr_willischeck out apt:/  in konqueror to see what files it installed and check its docs.02:54
Autoscumignore the li..02:54
jagcorvair[ka]killer: VLC won't work02:55
Dr_willisor is it apt:\02:55
[ka]killerwhen xine gave me isues mplayer and vlc were the only 2 that worked02:55
vzduchgood night folks .)02:55
jagcorvairvzduch: How do I change the engine?02:55
jagcorvairTo KMPlayer02:55
vzduchhmm.. I don't have KMPlayer installed here.. can't tell out of my head :(02:56
vzduchanyway, I'm off for tonight02:56
Autoscumwhatever, i'm off too02:56
Autoscumit's 5 AM almost02:56
Autoscumso.. 'night all :D02:56
jagcorvairHow do I change the engine to Kmplayer?02:57
jagcorvair[ka]killer: Ok. I have a tab for xine and mplayer02:58
jagcorvairNone of which state which I want for default02:58
[ka]killerok.... no clue then02:58
jagcorvairIs there a way to change it on Kaffeine?02:59
[ka]killerive used mplayer, vlc and kaffeine02:59
[ka]killerkaffeine can use gstreamer02:59
[ka]killeri dont know how it works but ive seen the plugin02:59
biovoredepends kmplayer was designed orgional for mplayer.. xine was a easy add on they added..02:59
=== [ka]killer is now known as kak[ZzZ]
jagcorvairkak[ZzZ]: Thanks03:00
jagcorvairI just want to have Kaffeine working to play DVDs03:00
biovorejagcorvair: need dvd decss03:01
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:01
jagcorvairI have those.03:01
jagcorvairbiovore: I'm almost at the end of this.03:01
biovoreI use xine or mplayer for dvd's here..03:02
jagcorvairI use Kaffeine on my desktop03:02
jagcorvairI copied all of my packages to this computer03:02
jagcorvairEverything should be identical03:02
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages03:03
flakehas the samba repo been fixed yet03:04
stdinflake: should be, worked here03:05
flakethanks, was offline for a couple of days03:05
flakeit was03:06
jagcorvairbiovore: in kaffeine, should I have dvd.device (device used for DVD playback) pointed to /dev/dvd or /dev/scd1?03:06
biovoreI think /dev/dvd is a symlink to your dvd device..03:07
biovoreuse your actual device.. can't fail.. (if you have the correct permissions)03:08
biovoreIf you use a command line program like mplayer, if you don't have decss, it will complain alot and you get blocky video with green in it.03:08
jagcorvairbiovore: if you have the correct permissions? How do I check on that?03:09
boblenyIs there a way to reset Konqueror's file association settings?03:10
ubotuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.03:10
jagcorvairbobleny: That's for you03:11
jagcorvair!dolphin | bobleny03:11
ubotubobleny: please see above03:11
boblenyI have dolphin....03:11
boblenyI hate it...03:11
stdinread the info then03:11
jagcorvairbobleny: Follow the instructions from ubotu03:11
herofor some reason, when i try to configure the screensaver, the list is empty.  anyone know if that's a bug or not?03:12
=== ubuntu is now known as genii
boblenyThats great and all, but I need to reset the image file associations....03:14
* genii sips a coffee03:14
heroyeah, so if i go to the screensaver settings (using gutsy), the screensaver list is empty03:15
heroguess you have to be root03:16
heroor not?03:16
heroi tried to change the screensaver using kdesu kcontrol03:16
herodoesn't affect anything though03:16
SudoKingHow do I set the screen resolution?03:17
heroguess no one cares :~(03:18
alfonsohello! i just bought a dell inspiron 1420 and it came with vista (i had no choice), i formatted the hd and installed kubuntu gusty03:18
hagabakahero: you don't need to use kdesu for changing screen saver03:18
herohagabaka: well, if i just run the kcontrol for it, i have no list of screen savers.  if i run it kdesu i have the list. but changing it doesn't do anything03:19
heroso i'm not sure if it's a gutsy bug or not03:19
ardchoillehero: Knowing this channel, it isn't that no one cares, more likely no one has ever seen that problem and knows how to fix it.03:19
heroardchoille: yeah, i know. sorry for whining03:19
alfonsotwo things are still not working, the webcam is still not working03:19
heroit's just weird03:19
alfonsoits a mounted webcam03:19
heroi tried to reinstall the screen saver packages, but it makes no difference03:20
ardchoillehero: Wait, there are no scr's in the list when you view it as user but when you view it as root, they are there?03:20
heroweird, eh?03:20
ardchoillehero: Been playing with permissions on system files/folders?03:20
ardchoilleWel it sounds like the read perms on the scr's have changed03:20
herowhere are they located usually?03:21
ardchoillemine are in /usr/lib/xscreensaver03:21
ardchoilleNot sure if yours will be there too03:21
SudoKinghow do I set the screen resolution?03:21
heroardchoille: in that list, all entries have read permissions03:22
herofor example:  -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   43508 2007-06-11 18:01 penrose03:22
ardchoilleSudoKing: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg03:22
alfonsohow do i enable a fixed webcam on a dell inspiron 1420?03:22
ardchoillehero: It was just a guess03:22
heroyeah, it doesn't make any sense03:22
ardchoillehero: Yeah, it's weird03:23
heromaybe i should purge all the screen saver packages? and then reinstall?03:23
ardchoilleYou could try that03:23
Dr_williscould try making a new user - see if they have the proper settings.03:28
heroyea, i guess03:30
herowell purging them doesn't make any difference03:30
herokdescreensaver relies on xscreensaver, though, right?03:30
Dr_willisHmm.. My server just crashed.. ssh sessionis locked up.. other remote programs locked up..03:31
Dr_williswonder what did that. :(  Now i have to walk all the way downstairs to reset it. :P03:32
hagabakais the compiz and compiz-kde packages for "Compiz-Fusion"?03:32
ardchoilleDr_willis: yeah.. walking.. bummer :P03:32
Dr_willishagabaka,  yes  compiz in kubuntu/ubuntu is compiz-fusion03:32
vasilisawhy wont gparted finish scanning my devices??03:34
Dr_willisbrb.. got to walk all the way downstairs! :) heh .03:34
ardchoilleDr_willis: Why don't you just ssh.. oh wait03:35
SudoKingIs there a way for me to set the resolution to higher than 1024x768?03:35
ardchoilleSudoKing: That command I gave you should have allowed you to do that03:36
SudoKingI tried..but the screen stayed the same..03:36
SudoKingafter I changed it03:36
ardchoilleSudoKing: Did you restart xorg?03:36
SudoKingno how do I do that?03:36
ardchoillesave all your work, then do: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart03:37
ardchoilleSudoKing: That command wil restar x but kde will exit in the process03:37
heroi've never been able to get kdm to work03:38
heroi have to use gdm for some reason because everytime i use kdm, it always logs in to like an empty session03:38
sFEARsif i compile a driver under one kernel, will it work with a different version of the same kernel.. example 2.6.20-15 and 2.6.20-1603:39
sFEARsor i guess i should say should it work?03:40
ardchoillesFEARs: Would this be an nvidia driver?03:40
=== kevin is now known as Artificial
sFEARsno.. actually a driver to get some special keys to work on my laptop keyboard03:42
ardchoilleAh, ok03:42
sFEARsmy internal wireless needs to be turned on by a special key, and i can't seem to get header files for my low latency kernal to comiple the driver i found for it03:42
heroapparently kubuntu-desktop was never installed?03:43
ardchoillehero: That's odd. Did you initially install gnome and then kde?03:43
sFEARsi sucessfully compiled it and i have the binary file.. but i'm kinda n00b and i'm not sure what to do with the binary file03:43
heroardchoille: back in the day, yeah03:43
heroi used an ubuntu livecd to install initially, then switched to feisty03:44
ardchoillehero: It may be that you install kde instead of kubuntu-desktop03:44
herothen upgraded to gutsy03:44
sFEARsor if it is even configured to work with my -16 kernel since it was compiled on the -15 kernel03:44
heroardchoille: ?03:44
sFEARsany ideas?03:44
sFEARsi don't even know what the hell a kernel is.. but i've managed to get a couple things working so far03:45
ardchoillehero: That's one of the reasons I do't do upgrades, it just isn't as clean as a fresh install.03:45
heroi could use a fresh instal03:47
herobut i don't want to back up everything03:47
heroand i'm hoping downloading kubuntu-desktop won't break the system03:47
heroesp since it's getting linux-headers and such03:47
heromaybe it will get the boot splash to work, though03:49
sFEARsi can't get my boot splash to work either03:49
sFEARsi think it has something to do with the size of the mbr or something03:49
heroyeah, gutsy's is broken03:50
heroi'm sure there's a fix, but i've been too lazy to do anything about it03:50
sFEARssomething about needing to be 1k and actually being 4k or something03:50
heroi still can't figure out how to disable the bell in xchat03:50
heropisses me off03:50
sFEARswhat the bell?03:51
heroit's a *ding* sound03:51
heroor a *beep* sound03:51
sFEARssystem sounds?03:51
=== DivideZer is now known as _ooooooooo
ardchoillehero: Does xchat have a menu item to edit "notifications"?03:52
=== _ooooooooo is now known as DivideZer
ardchoilleThat would take care of the bell I would think03:52
sFEARsit's in there03:52
sFEARsmore specific... xchat/settings/prefs/chatting/sounds03:52
heroit has a sounds menu, but "beep" has no entry03:53
jasonagoanyone has experience installing xampp in kubuntu? Are there any "one-shot" installer for lamp?03:53
sFEARsgo thru and play each sound untill you find the one you don't like and turn it off03:53
ubotufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot03:53
ubuntui need help03:53
jasonagoubuntu: Just ask....03:54
sFEARsway to state the obvious ubuntu03:54
herosFEARs: they're all turned off03:54
ubuntuhow do i keep windows while installing Ubuntu?03:54
sFEARsthen it's not xchat causing the bell?03:54
jasonagoubuntu: create a seperate partition in your harddrive...one for linux, one for windows...03:55
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi
sFEARsif your using the live cd ubuntu it will prompt you to resize the partition manually.. resize leaving windows on one part and install linux on the addition partition and it will give you a dual boot system03:55
daffytheduckhi ive got a problem with my internett after about an hour or so It drops out and i have to open up the network config and refresh the connection can anyone help thnx03:56
sFEARsonce you have linux installed you may need to edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst file, but it's fairly easy and usually doesn't need done03:56
heroxchat is the only program that has a bell, though03:57
heroif i do a backspace in a terminal, i get a visible bell - which is good03:57
sFEARsif it's a sound xchat is sending i would imagine it would have to be in the xchat sounds prefs03:58
herobut it's not03:58
heroall the sound entries are empty03:58
sFEARstry changing the sound files directory04:00
daffytheduckhi ive got a problem with my internett after about an hour or so It drops out and i have to open up the network config and refresh the connection can anyone help thnx04:04
heroyeah, changing the beep to another sound makes no difference04:06
sFEARsdoes anyone know the /server command flag to connect to a separte network04:09
StingballSince I upgraded to Gutsey I seem to have taked a 40% hit in proformance can I get some help finding out why?04:09
sFEARsi used to use /server -m... but that doesn't seem to work anymore04:09
sFEARswhat did you upgrade from Stingball?04:10
StingballNow ever windoze si faster04:10
sFEARswindows has always been faster for me04:10
Stingballmy feistry was faster04:10
sFEARsis everything slower... or just boot, just opening apps?04:10
sFEARsmabey use a different kernel?04:11
Stingballthere used to be IDE dma settings cant find them04:11
wolsStingball: hdparm04:11
StingballI dont know I have upgraded other machines04:11
wolsalso dmeg|grep bm04:12
wolssFEARs: depends on the irc client. mine uses /connect04:12
Stingballwols: thanks04:12
sFEARsconnect by itslef for a separte network connection?04:12
mot_stupid question: how do you install a .deb by hand?04:12
mot_(sorry, used to rpm-based systems)04:12
sFEARs"/connect irc.whatever.com"?04:12
mot_sFEARs, some clients use "/server irc.whatever.com"04:13
wolsmot_: dpkg04:13
mot_.whois sFEARs04:13
sFEARswell if i use the /server command it disconnects my current server and connects04:13
Stingballwols: whats the best setting for hdpram04:13
mot_sFEARs, in xchat, hit CTRL + N (to open a new tab in xchat) and then type: /server irc.whatever.net04:14
sFEARsi used to the /server -m and the -m flag connected to separate04:14
wolsStingball: does not exist04:14
mot_hit ctrl + n to open a new tab in xchat04:14
mot_then do it.04:14
mot_ctrl + t04:14
sFEARsthat would work but i'd rather do it directally from the command line04:15
Stingballwols: dmeg not found04:16
sFEARsxchat/settings/prefs/chatting/alerts.. uncheck all make a beep sound on04:17
sFEARsthat sould take care of your bell issue04:18
Stingball   69.722139] ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0xf8816200 ctl 0xf8816238 bmdma 0x00000000 irq 1704:18
Stingball[   69.722143] ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0xf8816280 ctl 0xf88162b8 bmdma 0x00000000 irq 1704:18
Stingball[   69.722145] ata3: PATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0xf8816300 ctl 0xf8816338 bmdma 0x00000000 irq 1704:18
Stingball[   70.502490] ata4: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x0001e800 ctl 0x0001e402 bmdma 0x0001d400 irq 1904:18
Stingball[   70.502493] ata5: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x0001e000 ctl 0x0001d802 bmdma 0x0001d408 irq 1904:18
Stingball[   95.043118] /build/buildd/linux-source-2.6.22-2.6.22/drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-core.c: usb_submit_urb(ctrl) failed04:18
Stingball[33003.584000] /build/buildd/linux-source-2.6.22-2.6.22/drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-core.c: usb_submit_urb(ctrl) failed04:18
coreymon77!paste | Stingball04:18
ubotuStingball: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:18
sFEARstry booting up with a different kernel & see what happens04:19
Stingballgot the message04:19
heroyeah, still empty screensaver list.04:22
Stingballhero: apt-get install xscreensavee04:23
Stingballhero: apt-get install xscreensaver sorry04:23
heroit's installed already04:24
sFEARsis the xscreensaver separate from the standard screen savers?.. i have two separate screen savers on another computer.. black screen w/ a big x that floats around.. i can't figure out how to turn it off04:25
StingballsFEARs: I belive they are both listed in the gui04:26
heroi'm reading from this:  https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+question/548804:26
sFEARsi guess it's something different then.. you can't load 2 screen savers from the gui can you?04:26
wols!Stanton John Connolly - [Charlie Parker 01] - Every Dead Thing (com v4.0) [html, jpg].rar04:30
bobitohey, can anyone help me out?04:31
wolsbobito: sure. google for "smart questions"04:32
bobitothanks wols04:32
wolsalternatively workaround.org has a "how to get help on irc". sorely recommendede04:32
bobitosimple, claim i'm getting sick of linux users who don't help, and bitch about how much better windows was?04:33
sFEARsi would try the create a new user account.. log in..  and see if you have any screen savers04:33
heroi'm sure that will work04:33
heroi think it has something to do with xgl shit04:33
heroer, stuff04:34
sFEARsyou mean how much better windows is?04:34
sFEARsyou say was like it went somewhere.04:34
bobitonot on my computer anymore, so relatively speaking, yea04:34
bobitoit went away04:34
sFEARslinux is absolutely a pain in the ass04:35
bobitoi used to love it, just haven'y had time to play around since i got to college04:35
sFEARsyeah.. takes time04:36
bobitojust installed gusty, wondering why adept won't show me any packages that aren't already installed04:36
wolsbobito: that claim is an easy way to /ignore and depending on a ops mood, ban04:36
herothe screen saver list populates if i run kcontrol with root permissions04:36
herobut not if i do it myself04:36
heroand changing it with root permissions doesn't have any effect04:36
wolsbobito: pastebin your sources.list04:36
bobitoit was a bad attempt at a joke wols, sorry04:36
bobitonormal sources.list document, except for the bottom few lines, claimes installer commented out some gutsy security pages04:39
sFEARswhere can i change my user name in xchat04:39
sFEARscan't connect to a server becuase of an invalid user name but i can't find where to change it.. i remember setting it when i first opened04:40
herotry #xchat04:40
heroso is there a directory i can delete that lists the screensavers?04:40
herothat will repopulate or something?04:40
wolsbobito: either you do what I ask you to do or I can't/won't help you04:42
bobitowhat exactly is pastebin then?04:42
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:42
bobitookay, did it04:43
heroeven if i can login as another user and there is a list, that doesn't tell me how to get the list to populate in my user04:43
sFEARsfound it under network list04:44
bobito!paste http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/44976/04:45
herodamn it.  all i want to do is change the screen saver! i've tried everything and STILL NO LIST!04:47
heroand i wonder why even in the bug listings there is no real fix for it04:48
heroi can't believe no one else has had this problem04:48
wolsbobito: everything except your install cdrom is commented out. of course there are no packages04:48
heroi wish i had never upgraded to gutsy04:48
sFEARshero.. have you logged in as a new user?04:48
herowhat a worthless release04:49
bobitoyea, i just realized that04:49
sFEARsmight fix you right up04:49
bobitoare all of them supposed to be uncommented04:49
bobitoor only some of them?04:49
herowhat makes you think that will make any difference?04:49
wolspretty much04:49
herothe screen saver list works with another user.  i want it to work with MY user.04:49
bobitoso I should just go through deleting the lines "line commented out by...04:49
bobitoand getting rid of the # in front of all the URL ones04:50
wolsyou should go and delete the # in from of deb* lines too04:50
bobitowhat are those?04:50
wolsthose are youre repositories you want04:52
bobitonow, for hopefully my last stupid question, It won't let me delete anything, do I need to log in as root/admin or something?04:52
wolsto edit that file? yes04:53
wolsbecome root, or start your editor as root04:53
bobitosudo su04:53
bobitostill says permission denied04:54
bobitoya know what, this I can probably find online04:54
bobitothanks for all the help wols04:55
wolssudo bash04:55
wolsnano /etc/apt/sources.list04:55
bobitodid it, it worked.  what is nano?04:56
wolsan editor04:56
ectospasmnano sucsk, vim for the win!05:05
LinuxKeitarowhy does kubuntu 7.10 not have some way to add printers?05:11
vasilisa ~help~ :  I just reinstalled everything on this SATA, and im having a major partition crisis. My data partition (seperate from system) is 170 gigs. 110 gigs are in use... and 6 gigs are free? Thats not all. Gparted and parted in general freeze on startup. And what is this:::  Invalid argument while trying to resize /dev/sda105:13
LinuxKeitaroI figured it out, it's just in a different place than I expected05:15
=== ubuntu is now known as chojiro
herowhere does kcontrol store per-user prefs?05:19
wolsall user data is in ~05:20
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines05:20
herowols: THANKS! I DIDN'T KNOW THAT!05:20
* hero shakes his head05:20
wolsgood atitude. great way to entice people05:21
herogreat way to answer a question05:21
mot_any reason that by default all of my fonts in kde (specifically firefox) look huge?05:23
maduseryour fonts could be other then Sans Serif 905:25
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leafwwhat's up with feisty's "not authenticated" samba upgrade packages?05:30
leafwis that a known issue ?05:30
scienceboyfor some reason, my comp won't update. if i try, it says some other application is using it, and then it crashes, and i get the following message05:42
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)05:43
wolsastro76: use aptitude05:45
wolsscienceboy: ^^05:45
scienceboyastro76: k05:45
wolsthe astro76 was a typo05:45
heroso yeah.  what program acutally runs when you "lock desktop"?05:45
scienceboyum, wats aptitude?05:45
wolsscienceboy: a program05:46
scienceboywols: k05:46
scienceboywols: where can i get it05:46
wolsyou already have it05:46
scienceboywols: you mean adept update manager?05:46
scienceboyi don't see it under system05:47
scienceboyor utilities05:47
wolsit'S not there05:47
scienceboywhere is it05:47
wols /usr/bin/aptitude05:47
scienceboyi put that into konquerer and it asked me if i wanted to run it but nothings happening after i hit yes05:50
caslpikhello, anybody can help me?05:53
wolsscienceboy: open an xterm, run it05:53
caslpikI need run Photoshop CS05:53
scienceboywats xterm? consol?05:54
wolsany terminal05:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xterm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:59
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE05:59
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.06:02
scienceboyit told me  to do dpkg blah blah blah, so i did that and its running. told me to do some sort of developer's package thing, so i'm doin ghtat also. thanks for the help06:07
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.06:08
scienceboy!desktop environment06:09
vbgunzamarok is refusing to start. anyone know how to fix this?06:09
vbgunzjust trying to launch iot from command line to see if I could get any feedback I get this: Amarok: [Loader] Amarok is taking a long time to load! Perhaps something has gone wrong?06:10
hydrogenyes, the gutsy upgrade likes to break Amarok kind of regularly06:10
scienceboy[01:09] <ubotu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:10
vbgunzhydrogen: :(06:10
hydrogentry moving ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/ ~/.kde/share/config/amarokrc out of the way06:10
vbgunzmy amarok is busted :(06:10
hydrogenor delete them if you don't care that much about your collection statistics06:11
scienceboyyeah, one time it only accepted input into amarok - if i hit anything, it would interpritit it as an error06:11
scienceboywhy don't you try restarting your comp? that might help06:11
vbgunzheh, I'd use Windows if restarting meant the solution ;)06:12
vbgunzhydrogen: hmm. I did exactly as you said. now when I start amarok. I can see a blank placeholder for it in the system tray... but it appears it still doesn't load :(06:13
hydrogentry killall amarokapp06:13
hydrogenthen again06:13
vbgunzhydrogen: heh, I did, even apt-get install --resintall06:13
vbgunzI'll try again, one sec06:13
justin___hey all06:14
justin___Im new to this linux chat06:14
vbgunzarrgggh... amarok is busted :(06:15
vbgunzhydrogen: amarok is problematic on GUtsy huh?06:15
justin___can anyone tell me why some linux OSs still use command line part of the time for install and etc?06:16
NickPrestaAny way to resolve the problem of log_daemon_msg not being found?06:16
vbgunzhydrogen: figured it out06:18
justin___is anyone going to answer me?06:19
NickPrestaah nevermind. I solved my own problem. I'll just use echo -n instead of sourcing /lib/lsb/init-functions.06:19
vbgunzsomething about another account having mount dialogs open messed up the amarok and kaffeine... the only difference between those 2 is amarok wouldn't show up and kaffeine would... kaffeine would freeze though if I tried to play someting06:19
vbgunznevermind... amarok is still busted... it shows up but won't play... it now freezes... kaffeine plays it now.... damn...06:22
vbgunzforget it, amarok and kaffeine is busted... wow. I am burnt beyond compare06:24
vbgunzheh forget it. amarok is on crack along with the rest of ebverything else06:26
Daisuke_Laptopjustin___: because different distros target different crowds06:31
=== user__ is now known as genii
Tm_Tjustin___: something wrong with commandline?06:33
* genii sips apple juice06:33
geniiAnyone alive?06:44
geniiI'd like some recommendation for knetwork manager replacement06:44
pacmanwhat do I need to download to extract rar files06:49
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free06:50
MilitantPotatoWhat program should I use to make a backup of a DVD movie that will fit on a 4.7gb disc?07:01
MilitantPotatothank you :)07:03
MilitantPotatois getting gutsy proposed updates risky?07:05
ardchoilleThat word "proposed" keeps me away from it07:05
MilitantPotatosame here, but i've learned assuming anything in linux is a bad idea07:06
NickPrestawhere are gutsy proposed updates?07:06
ardchoilleI got burned by backports once too, I don't use them anymore either.07:07
MilitantPotatoyea I'm not even going to mess with the backports07:08
ardchoilleMy sources.list is 6 lines07:10
NickPrestaI have ~10 in my sources.list07:12
=== user__ is now known as bobrzloy
bobrzloyhi all07:15
mot_what's the package name for glib?07:15
wolslibglib propably07:15
NickPrestalibglib2.0-0, IIRC07:16
=== Igorots is now known as Knightlust
ardchoilleI have lines in my sources.list file that begin with "deb-src", do I even need those?07:18
NickPrestaonly if you want to ever download the source instead of the binaries07:20
NickPrestaI add those lines on a need-to-have basis07:20
ardchoilleAh, then my sources.list file is only threelines07:21
NickPrestaAh. so you have a fairly safe sources.list07:22
NickPrestacan you pastebin `apt-cache stats`?07:22
ardchoilleProbably one reason I've never had any problems with *buntu07:22
ardchoilleNickPresta: IS that good?07:24
NickPrestayou have the same number of packages that I have but I have more repos in my sources.list07:25
NickPrestaactually, i only have a couple more repos and they're small. I suppose it makes sense07:26
=== Aresilek|Videos is now known as Aresilek
ardchoilleWell, I need this box to be as stable as possible so I don't install anything outside of the official repos07:28
ardchoilleIs it possible to change the text that's in the titlebar of konsole?07:31
NickPrestaI know you can use escape sequences to do it (I've done it with C++)07:32
reldruhhello. I just did a fresh reinstall of Kubuntu from discs sent to me by shipit and now whenever I try and install a package, I get the error message that the changes could not be commited, possibly because of an error downloading the packages or because the commit would break packages. This happens from the adept updater. Does anybody know the cause and or a solution?07:36
ardchoillereldruh: Well, the first thing I would do is..07:37
ardchoillemake sure the sources are updated: sudo apt-get update07:37
ardchoillethen try updating: sudo apt-get upgrade07:37
MilitantPotatowhere are the k9copy config files located?07:37
ardchoilleand see if the error is still there07:37
ardchoilleMilitantPotato: ~/.kde/share/config07:38
MilitantPotatoreldruh: I was getting that error because of the samba bug07:38
ardchoilleThere are two of them: k9copy and k9copyrc07:38
reldruhardchoille: still there :-(07:38
reldruhMilitantPotato: a samba bug?07:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sambabug - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:38
MilitantPotatomust be gone :P07:39
NickPrestaMilitantPotato, it was fixed today07:39
ardchoilleI was told that the samba bug has been fixed07:39
reldruhit's odd, adept says the packages are installed, even after giving me the error07:39
reldruhand I checked to see if the files were there and they are07:39
reldruhcould I just be getting the message but the packages are still being installed? And would I be affected by the samba bug if I'm not using samba at all? This is a fresh install, I haven't done anything but try the adept updater07:40
ardchoilleMy adept notifier is running, has been running all day. But it doesn't pop up in the tray until I do sudo apt-get update. Why?07:40
MilitantPotatoardchoille: what was the command you used to find those files?07:41
ardchoilleMilitantPotato: (in $HOME) ls .kde/share/config | grep k9copy07:41
ardchoilleMilitantPotato: sorry, ls .kde/share/config | grep 907:47
ardchoilleI can't believe how quiet this channel is07:56
* NickPresta makes noise :)07:58
* Daisuke_Ido is too busy enjoying the soothing sounds of Sun Kil Moon07:59
ardchoilleHow do I configure adept updater?08:03
ardchoilleIt doesn't popup in the tray until after I do "sudo apt-get update"08:03
ComProhey, i'm trying to get dual head working. i almost have it, but the monitors are reversed. i cant swap the cables because i'm dual booting and windows reads it the other way. editing xorg.conf has led me nowhere. i can't seem to make the lefthand monitor the primary display.08:29
tuco_Hi all. Since upgrading to Gutsy my laptop won't turn off automatically, I have to press the rest button for a couple of seconds each time I want to turn the laptop off.08:35
Chrisalmost, but not quite08:53
ardchoilleAh, well, two people08:54
=== angelus is now known as _Angelus_
_Angelus_guys, i made a fresh kubuntu install and when i try to run wine the first time my pc is crashing, any help?08:57
jdlizardcan anyone help with a ndiswrapper problem09:04
GrahamAjdlizard: Yes... yes I can...09:04
[ifr0g]no i can...09:05
jdlizardok i upgraded to gusty now ndiswrapper makes my system lock up09:05
jdlizardnever did in feisty09:05
GrahamAjdlizard: Be specific09:05
GrahamALocks up when what happens?09:05
jdlizardmodprobe but maybe 30 seconds after that09:05
GrahamAIn adept, purge the packages and reinstall them.09:06
jdlizardi have done this09:06
jdlizardand i installed also from source09:06
jdlizarddidnt work either09:06
jdlizardi have feisty on another partition and it runs fine09:07
jdlizardim thinking maybe something to do with the kernel change09:08
jdlizardso what do ya think09:09
TAndyHi everybody. Suppose two installations, the old, used,  "A" and the fresh "B", on two partitions. Is there any way to get all what has been installed on A to automatically installed (via the package-manager) on B?09:15
ardchoilleTAndy: I've never tried it but others have said this works:09:16
ardchoilleTAndy: (get the package list) dpkg --get-selections > packagelist.txt09:17
ardchoilleTAndy: (install them on the other box) sudo dpkg --set-selections << packagelist.txt && sudo apt-get install09:18
ardchoilleTAndy: You should look those up in the man pages to make sure they are correct as I have never performed those commands, but it sounds like it would work.09:18
TAndyardchoille: Wow! I'll mumble on it instantly. Thanks!09:19
ardchoilleTAndy: Or you can make a disk image of box "A" and install that image on box "B" like I do. I use that method to make all 11 computers here identical.09:20
ardchoilleTAndy: You can use System Rescue CD for that (it has PartImage on it)09:21
ubotuSystemRescueCd is a Linux system on a bootable CD-ROM. It contains a number of admin tools including gparted and partimage. http://sysresccd.org/Main_Page09:21
ardchoilleMaking and restoring a disk image is much faster than installing packages via the package manager09:21
TAndyardchoille:The prerequisite is to have, finally, a clean reinstallation without "dust", so the first solution seems exactly to be what I'm searching for.09:23
ardchoilleAh, ok. Yeah, doesn't bring over the "cruft"09:25
ardchoille 09:27
ardchoille 09:27
ardchoille 09:27
ardchoille 09:27
ardchoille 09:27
ardchoille 09:27
ardchoille 09:27
ardchoille 09:27
ardchoille(ninja figlet)09:27
* ardchoille giggles09:27
ardchoilleOops, wrong channel.. sorry about that09:27
ardchoillehi niles09:30
=== josh_ is now known as cap601
cap601I'm trying to empty my deleted items but I don't have permission to delete some of the files.  How can I give myself them?10:05
TimScap601: You have to be sudo to do it on the comand line or open the folder as root10:07
TimSYou in dolphin?10:07
TimSClick open as root on the right hand side10:08
Ace2016Anyone here tried the ratpoison desktop environment?10:08
TimSNever heard of it :P10:08
Ace2016neither have i, i just found a link to it, and i'm wondering if anyone uses it10:09
Ace2016i want a good screenshot of it10:09
ardchoilleAce2016: iirc, ratpoison is a window manager, not a full desktop10:09
Ace2016they have 2 screenshots, not that helpful10:09
cap601@TimS - I've done that but the folder isn't there10:09
Ace2016is it just me or do you only need like xserver, kwin and konsole to run apps?10:10
TimScap601: It should be, are you in the same folder, and if its not there, maybe you deleted it :P10:10
Ace2016kwin to window manage and konsole to lauch apps and look at the output10:10
MilitantPotatowhats the default DVD size setting in k9copy?10:11
cap601It's not there10:11
jpatrickAce2016: by the looks of them I'm sticking with KDE10:11
cap601Root probably has its own deleted items folder10:11
TimSAce2016: Yes, sort of, many apps would have wider depenancies though10:11
ardchoilleAce2016: You don't even need xserver, some live cd's use kernel framebuffering and apps compiled against libsvga10:11
cap601I've just run sudo dolphin which did work10:12
Ace2016wow, thats slow isn't it? i just can't figure something like a web browser doing that10:12
cap601Thanks anyway10:12
ardchoilleAce2016: If you want a light but fast window manager that has menu capability, try out fluxbox10:12
TimSfluxbox is nice10:12
TimSAs is XFCE, thats fairly light10:13
TimSOr go for CDE :P retro :P10:13
Ace2016i'm proably going to try the one with the nicest screenshots first10:13
TimSKde :P10:13
ardchoilleTimS: How would I get CDE in kubuntu? I thought that was proprietary (Solaris)10:14
TimSHey WaltzingAlong10:14
Ace2016yea i run kde now10:14
TimSardchoille: I think your right, but I have seen it done.10:14
WaltzingAlongTimS: greetings10:14
Ace2016ardchoille: is CDE open source?10:14
TimSIt was most likely hacked, and I dont like it much anyway. Its not all solaris, is it? AIX uses CDE10:15
ardchoilleAce2016: I don't think so10:15
ardchoilleTimS: Ah, good point10:15
TimSardchoille: Solaris is moving/has moved to GNOME, by the way.10:16
ardchoillelol, says a lot about the usability of CDE10:16
TimSardchoille: You can download linux binarys, but it comes at a price :P10:16
TimSIts old, it was good at the time, not any more10:17
Ace2016grrr, i hate gnome, why is it spreading, oh for the love of god someone stop it spreading, kde4 where are youuuu????10:18
TimSPlasmoids =o10:19
TimSThey eat gnomes10:19
Ace2016i just hope the basic version is light and fast and featureless enough for gnome users to jump shipt to kde10:19
ardchoilleYou can bet the gnome devs are keeping tabs on kde410:20
TimSIt wont be, its looking fast, but light would be a strech, I dont see it as a problem, but its binarlies are a little bigger than KDE310:20
Ace2016we just need something that loads to the desktop as fast as possible, thats what people think of as speed10:21
Ace2016oh and easier themes and stuff are great10:22
TimSWell, plasmoids are widgets so themes should be easier and theres plenty of eye candy when you first start up10:22
TimSBut Kubuntu wont go KDE4 for another 12 months10:22
TimSAnyone know if theres a non-webpage strigi10:23
WaltzingAlongTimS: there is the applet10:24
Ace2016oh well yay for debian sid10:24
ardchoilleTimS: Thee is a strigi applet you can add to kicker10:24
TimSYes, but it still returns results in a webpage10:25
ardchoilleAh, ok. I haven't used strigi, can't get it to work10:25
TimSNah, its not as complete as beagle is10:25
TimSRight I gotta go out, Ill be back a bit later10:26
ardchoilleI dont think a web ui was the best choice10:26
TimSI agree10:26
JohnFluxsomething keeps adding  to /etc/resolv.conf10:28
JohnFluxany ideas what?10:28
JohnFluxevery 30 mins or so I have to edit the file, and remove that line :)10:28
ardchoilleJohnFlux:  removing that line does nothing anyway without restarting the network10:29
JohnFluxardchoille: uh10:29
JohnFluxardchoille: it changes things immediately10:29
ardchoilleThat's new10:29
Broken1Hi - anyone had problems with the latest additions to update manager in feisty 7.04 not being able to get 3 updates - libsmbclient, samba-common and smbclient? I get error 404 file not found on them.10:29
JohnFluxardchoille: do:   ping google.com    and while it is running, modify /etc/resolv.conf   - and it will stop pinging immediately10:29
ardchoilleBroken1: That was a recent bug in samba, have you updated your sources and done sudo apt-get upgrade?10:30
Broken1ardchoille. My bad. I will do that now.10:30
ardchoilleJohnFlux: Ok, well I haven't had to remove from resolv.conf since Dapper, so..10:31
Broken1ardchoille: Many thanks updates just installed from terminal perfectly!10:32
ardchoilleBroken1: yw :)10:32
llutzJohnFlux: have an eye on avahi-daemon, maybe it changes your dns-settings10:33
JohnFluxllutz: thanks10:35
ardchoille!ru | korex10:40
ubotukorex: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke10:40
FabioBrHi, I want to install kubuntu on a machine with intel core 2 duo processor and 4gb ram. I need the version for 64 bits. The correct version is amd64 isnt it?10:48
llutzFabioBr: you don't "need" 64bit, only if you have special needs on your PC. for 99% of users 32bit is ok on 64bit-mchines too10:49
backtickhi all, what's the correct wireless encryption type in knetworkmanager for an ASCII key ? (that i set on the command line by using iwconfig eth1 key s:something) ?10:50
backtickWEP 40/104-bit ASCII doesn't seem to work10:50
backtickeven if i limit my key size to 104 bits10:51
FabioBrllutz: I need... 32 bits can't map 4gb ram10:51
waylandbillanyone know if there is a guide for taking a kubuntu livecd and making a custom one that contains more software?10:52
WaltzingAlongJohnFlux: or you could run bind9 locally?10:53
JohnFluxWaltzingAlong: true.  killing avahi seems to be working so far10:53
JohnFluxFabioBr: the amd64 version works yes10:53
JohnFluxFabioBr: I used to have an amd64, and the replaced the motherboard +cpu for an intel one10:54
bobishhкакие библиотеки надо в вайн чтобы КС пошла ?10:54
FabioBrJohnFlux: Thanks!!! Ill download! The name (amd64) is strange...10:54
JohnFluxFabioBr: and the amd64 bit ubuntu install still just works10:54
bobishh sorry10:54
JohnFluxFabioBr: yeah10:54
bobishhwrong window =)10:54
JohnFluxbobishh: russian?10:54
FabioBrJohnFlux: Thanks... it was only to confirm!!!10:54
JohnFluxFabioBr: intel basically licensed the amd64 bit instruction set from amd10:54
bobishhyes, russian, sorry again )10:55
stamendid anybody use open office with enabled compiz11:01
stamenbecause I have strange bug there11:02
stamenI think11:02
_Angelus_do you knowa a programe to see tv on the pc from the video/capture card?11:07
ardchoille_Angelus_: mythtv11:11
hbl04028hola, soy nuevo por aqui11:12
hbl04028alguien me podria ayudar con el GRUB?11:13
ardchoille!es | hbl0402811:14
ubotuhbl04028: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.11:14
hbl04028ok, muchisimas gracias, lo hare11:14
=== keybashmaniac is now known as kbmaniac
simontraskwhen i do a configure on programs i get following error:configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables11:18
simontraskis there an easy howto on how to solve this one? im old slackware user recently installed kubuntu11:18
=== kbmaniac is now known as kbmaniac_
waylandbill!b-e | simontrask11:22
ubotusimontrask: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)11:22
waylandbill!info build-essentials | simontrask11:22
simontraskubotu: ok thanks for the link :)11:22
ubotusimontrask: Package build-essentials does not exist in gutsy11:22
waylandbill!info build-essential11:22
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB11:22
waylandbillsimontrask: ubotu is just a bot, but you are welcome. :-)11:23
* gukk_devel is away: Zur Zeit nicht da.11:24
=== gukk_devel is now known as gukk_devel-gone
simontrasklol thanks to you too11:24
waylandbillI used to use slack a long, long time ago myself.11:24
simontraskwaylandbill: build-essential was the package needed11:25
=== icewater1an is now known as icewaterman
tuxwulfNo idea what I did to make my panel disappear... anyone ideas how to get it back...?11:34
waylandbilltuxwulf: Alt-F2, kicker (if you are referring to the kicker panel)11:38
sarteckUpgrading to Gutsy right now, seems stuck on file 442 of 873.  >.<11:50
debianI need to play wav, mp3 and itunes, how?11:51
sarteckdebian, search for "Restricted Formats" at ubuntuforums.org.  It explains it in detail. :)\11:52
debianI only need one program?11:52
emilsedgh!mp3 | debian11:53
ubotudebian: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:53
BarbarelloHi, everybody. I have a problem with installation of kubuntu. After last error the grub problem was fixed by windows fixmbr application. And after that i cant install kubuntu else. (11:55
RytmenPinnenHi, how do I uninstall an app that I've installed with a .run?11:56
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:56
emilsedgh!mbr | RytmenPinnen11:56
ubotuRytmenPinnen: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:56
RytmenPinnen:o what have grub to do with .run apps? :o and I havent installed windows11:57
WaltzingAlongRytmenPinnen: it may have provided an uninstaller ... otherwise just delete the files it placed wherever11:57
tuxwulfwaylandbill: Eh m... Doesn't seem so... Seems my taskbar, with menu and buttons11:57
emilsedghaah, i mean Barbarello: ^11:58
MinnozzHi, does anybody know why radvd doesn't automagically start up?11:58
RytmenPinnenaha ok, but isn't the install spread over many many places?11:58
waylandbilltuxwulf: if it's the taskbar at the bottom of the screen, with the K menu and running applications and the clock, then that's kicker.12:01
WaltzingAlongRytmenPinnen: hard to know exactly12:01
tuxwulfwaylandbill: Ah I see.....12:02
waylandbill!info kicker12:02
ubotukicker: desktop panel for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 2030 kB, installed size 5876 kB12:02
tuxwulfwaylandbill: Yes, I got mine in the left hand side, but yes that is the one I mean12:02
tuxwulfwaylandbill: Thanks....! I got a step further....!12:03
RytmenPinnenrighty then, I havent installed the app yet, but some guy once told me that installing apps with .run files trashes my system12:05
sebbarhi, I just did a clean install of gutsy on my laptop but media doesn't work (can't access cd drive nor mount usb hard drive) any idea why?12:15
sebbarnevermind it seems to work now (at least the external hard drive...)12:17
sebbaronly problem now is the fan which is continuously spinning...12:18
bachirj'ai un probleme bizarre12:29
thomax_how can I find out on which port sendmail is listening12:29
bachira chaque fois que j'appuie sur le bureau averc le boutton gauche12:29
bachirla konsole s'affiche12:29
thomax_nestat -a | grep mail gives me this12:29
thomax_thomas@linuxbook:~$ netstat -a | grep mail12:30
thomax_tcp6       0      0 ::ffff:192.168.1.:43520 gmail-smtp-in.l.go:smtp TIME_WAIT12:30
thomax_unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     341670   /var/run/sendmail/mta/smcontrol12:30
jussio1!fr | bachir12:30
ubotubachir: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:30
bachirok thnks12:30
thomax_how can I find out on which port sendmail is listening12:31
bachirbut i can talk english too12:31
bachiri have a strange probleme12:31
[ifr0g]Why doest cp or mv have no progress bar ?? is there an alternative that does ?12:32
bachirevery time i clic with the left button12:32
bachirthe terminal appeare12:32
thomax_[ifr0g]: do mv -v /file /file12:33
thomax_gives verbose output12:33
thomax_so at least you can see whats been done12:33
nick_I'm trying to open a self installing .bin file, so I type ./filename.bin and it says permission denied...how do I get around this?12:35
thomax_nick_: chmod ugo+rwx ./filename.bin12:36
[ifr0g]thomax_, Yes i use that.. but i would like a progress bar.. for large files12:36
_Angelus_ i have a video recorder connected to my capture card , is there a way to see videos on my computer from the capture card?12:36
nick_thomax_: Just returned me to the prompt without any output12:36
nick_thomax_: and now it works...12:37
nick_thomax_: One other quick question, what directory do applications typically get installed in?12:38
=== keno is now known as keno_
keno_I've been installing kubuntu over the last few days.  I've managed to work through wireless networking and sound issues using the forums12:49
keno_but I can't seem to fix my graphics problem12:49
keno_is anyone here able to help me?  Many thanks...12:49
john-angelwhat kinda of problems?12:50
keno_The resolution is very poor.  When I try to change the settings it doesn't allow me to go higher than 800x600.  I have a unichrome pro onboard video ca12:51
john-angeldid you install ubuntu first or just k?12:52
keno_just kubuntu, with windows xp as a dual boot12:53
ubotuCanonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/12:54
john-angelgo to kubuntu trouble shooting page on fire for you have to modify a file.12:55
waylandbillkeno_: which unichrome card?12:55
keno_its the unichrome pro12:55
waylandbillthere's more than one of those... maybe pastebin the output of lspci.12:56
waylandbill!paste | keno_12:56
ubotukeno_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:56
keno_I should mention that I am a complete newbie.  The terminal and the commands are a bit alien12:57
keno_ok, here it is:12:58
keno_VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UniChrome Pro IGP (rev                        01)12:58
lovrehi all13:00
lovrei have an error when loading X on startup. It says the nvidia package is missing. How do i install it from console? apt-get what?13:00
pagsudo apt-get install nvidia-glx   probably13:01
lovresec, ill try13:01
keno_waylandbill: may I PM you the details?13:01
waylandbillkeno_: there isn't much on the community docs about S3 cards. You may try google as a place to start.13:02
keno_I've tried that without much success.  what about the 915resolution app?  Would that help at all?13:03
lovrethe problem occured when i installed nvidia-glx, and i suppose it owerwrited my configuration, so i uninstalled it later. ANd i couldnt boot then. Im restarting now to see13:03
lovreit stops loading on this line: "Running local boot scrips (/etc/rc.local)" and it just stays there. ANy help?13:04
risto_how to i can install docx support to open them in openofffice ?13:06
waylandbillkeno_: what driver is X currently using? vesa? pastebin output of: grep -C 5 Section..Device /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:08
keno_waylandbill:  I've just found a page describing my exact problem.  Going to explore that and see where it takes me.  Thanks for your help!13:08
waylandbillkeno_: oh ok. good luck13:08
* gukk_devel-gone is back.13:10
=== gukk_devel-gone is now known as gukk_devel
lovrecan some1 help with this please?13:10
yotuxsorry missing your question13:11
yotuxlovre: what is the problem?13:11
lovrefailed to initialise nvidia kernel module..13:12
lovreyotux: when i try to boot i get "Running local boot scrips (/etc/rc.local)" and it wont boot13:13
lovrewhen i goto console and startx, i get "Failed to initialise nvidia kernel module"13:13
lovreyotux, any idea?13:14
thomas_is there a way to do version upgrade in commandline?13:14
yotuxI don't have a fix to get the nvidia driver running for you13:14
yotuxI would say edit xorg.conf and set the driver to nv13:14
lovrethere are lots of stuff inside xorg.conf, what do i edit?13:15
yotuxlet me pop mine open I have edited xorg in the past13:15
TimSIs it right that 8.04 wont have a xorg.conf?13:15
wolslovre: you don't edit it.13:16
wolsyou run dpkg-reconfiguer xserver-xorg13:16
wolsthomas_: aptitude dist-upgrade for example13:16
lovrewols : what does that do?13:18
thomas_wols: can I manually unlock /var/lib/dpkg13:19
thomas_some other process is using it but I cant find which13:19
wolsthomas_: ps aux |grep apt13:19
lovrewols: when i do "dpkg-reconfiguer xserver-xorg" i get no such command13:20
thomas_wols: that gives me aptitude, but when I do killall aptitude and do the grep again it's still there13:20
wolsthomas_: paste the aptitude line13:21
thomas_got it13:21
wolslovre: dpkg-reconfigure13:22
wolsand you need to be root13:22
lovrewols: restarting....13:23
Ayabara_I have no sound on my HP Pavilion laptop. Any gurus about?13:30
lovrewols: seems to be working now, thank you13:31
Ayabara_anyone. I could really really use some help :-)13:32
gaerohy there13:32
gaeroi have a matrox G550 graphic card but the driver mga doesn't work somebody had the same trouble and solved it ?13:33
illuminatus23tpye "alsamixer" on a console13:33
Ayabara_illuminatus23: done13:34
Ayabara_It says I have HDA Intel, Realtek ID 268, and shows master and pcm levels that are the same as the ones in the volume control applet13:35
illuminatus23ok, do a "sudo apt-get install sox"13:36
illuminatus23and the ngo to a dir with some music or whatever in it and type "play somewhat.mp3"13:37
fernando_I need to know if my ati drivers are the version 8.42.3.. how can I get to know that???13:42
illuminatus23try " dpkg -l ati* "13:44
illuminatus23or if you mean the proprietary one called "fglrx" trx "dpkg -l fglrx*"13:45
hdevalenceif the kde4b4 is delayed due to archive issues, do we have any idea when these issues will be resolved?13:57
sebastian^hello folks :)14:02
walterdoes anybody know if ipod classic works on kubuntu 7.10?14:03
walterplease tell me!14:05
pagwalter, I don't know which one of them is 'classic' but most of them should work afaik14:05
walteripod classic is the 6th generation ipod14:06
sebastian^yes why not :)14:06
krughanhdoes any know if there is a freeware php debugger with single step that i can get for kubuntu ?14:06
walterpag, sebastian^ thank you for answering me14:07
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
krughanhare there any users here using a debugger with single step ?14:08
AyabaraI`m having sound problems on a HP Pavilion dv9525. No sound when I use the live cd, and no sound on my installed ubuntu.14:08
krughanhi guess not then14:09
walterbye bye14:09
Bondi007the internet is really slow in j#kubuntu but not in windows14:11
Bondi007any ideas why this is appening14:12
Bondi007can anybody help me14:12
Bondi007my internet is slow on kubuntu but not in windows14:12
Schuenemannhow can I know if a video capture card would work in kubuntu?14:13
Bondi007find out on the kubuntu wiki, shoulkd tell u14:13
milfhunterhello all14:14
sebastian^hi milfhunter14:14
milfhunterhas anyone installed tcsh in kubuntu?14:15
milfhunterapt-get returns no results14:15
milfhunteror even csh14:15
milfhunterany ideas?14:16
zblachhey. i killed smb.conf. can someone pastebin their default one?14:17
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NetersLandreauwhat is the repository for beryl? i'm getting 404 errors from  http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org..14:20
TimSzblach: Whats the path to it?14:20
TimSNetersLandreau: Why dont you go for Compiz Fusion14:20
NetersLandreauTimS: what are the benefits of that over beryl?14:21
fernando_how can see all my desktop making a sort of wall, with reflection over the surface using compiz14:22
TimSNetersLandreau: Alot better management, less bugs, its up to date and there are updates for it. Beryl is no longer being developed for, also, better support. #compiz-fusion answered all my questions14:22
TimSfernando_: Its a cplugin called desktopwall14:23
NetersLandreaugood answer TimS.. what is the source to download it from?14:23
TimSIt should be a default plugin if not add the unsupported repositores14:23
fernando_TimS: Do i need to download that plugin?? because isn't my options14:23
TimSLook in the reppos for the extra plugins package and unsuported extras14:24
fernando_TimS: ok.. just a moment14:24
TimSNetersLandreau: follow http://shame.tuxfamily.org/repo/?cat=1114:25
AyabaraI'm having sound problems on a HP Pavilion laptop. Output from "sound info collector" -> http://pastebin.ca/78008114:25
NetersLandreauthx TimS14:26
TimSNetersLandreau: Are you on feisty or gutsy?14:26
fernando_Tims: ok..I have, but I just can move between desktop ones each time..I can see all of them on a single wall with the reflection14:26
TimSOh, do you mean Ctrl alt down?14:26
fernando_Ctrl alt down doesnt work..14:27
fernando_at least doesn't anything14:27
fernando_I have enable desktop wall14:27
TimSLook in the compix fusion cube settings for unfold cube, I think its what you mean14:27
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TimSTheres a few different cube ones, but one has a unfold cube, It might be what you mean14:28
nevilleI had that cube problem14:28
nevilleWhat I did was14:28
nevilleEnable 'Rotate Cube'14:29
nevilleAnd set its button bindings to14:29
nevilleThen back, and it worked14:29
fernando_neville: but I down want rotate a cube.. I want to see all my desktop in a wall with reflection..14:31
TimSUnfold cube, I am pretty sure, is what you mean14:32
fernando_TimS: I have activate the unfold, but doesn't do anything..14:34
fernando_the default key is ctrl+alt+down14:34
TimSChange it to something else, see if that works14:34
sneg_hello people14:35
sneg_i ve got vista + kubuntu dual boot. i want to get rid of vista and get winxp installed, grub will bugger up, wont it?14:35
vandal2anyone know how to do a space in a for loop using bash?14:35
sneg_basically what steps should i take to restore my dual boot14:35
sneg_after winxp installation14:36
vandal2when i run the script i want to have spaces shown. at the moment i have to use a hyphen... can you help?14:37
nixternalsneg_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows14:38
floydHello Kubuntu community, first try at IRC here14:38
nixternalvandal2: space == '\ ' use the backslash before doing the space14:39
fulat2khi folks, i've got a dvdram installed in my pc.  howver, k3b doesn't recognize it.  any idea where i should start troubleshooting?14:39
vandal2cheers nixternal :)14:39
* nixternal heads to LUG meeting14:40
floydNewbie question here: I get some sort of error message right after GRUB during boot. Where can I see that message? It displays for less than a second and it's six or seven lines of text...14:40
nixternalhave a great day everyone!14:40
floydThanks you too!14:40
nixternalfloyd: warning messages14:40
nixternalPCI related?14:40
nixternalignore them, they are harmless14:41
floydit says somehing about PCI14:41
nixternalI get them on my laptop14:41
floydOh, Thanks!14:41
nevilleCan somebody tell me how to add the 'mem=' parameter to my boot thing?14:41
nixternalI only get them on my laptop as a matter of fact14:41
nevilleWhat I need to do it set it to 1024Mb from 2048Mb14:41
nixternalanywho, off I go for real this time :)14:41
floydI get them on my desktop, all works just fine, I was concerned about it, I'm glad to know that they are harmless14:42
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sneg_nixternal: thank you very much14:44
floydWell, off I go then, THANKS nixternal!!14:44
sneg_*off to winxp install*14:44
SmonkI messed up, I need some help please14:57
pagSmonk, be more specific, please.14:57
SmonkI decided to reboot my system (it had been a while) and it gets stuck on a black screen with a blinking cursor. When I go to safe mode, and I try to startx, it fails saying that (EE) Nvidia(0): Failed to read the NVIDIA Kernel modual14:59
SmonkI don't remember changing anything with my NVIDIA drivers..15:00
SmonkOh yeah, sorry, I'm using 7.1015:00
pagSmonk, how did you install those drivers?15:01
nevilleTry installing the driver using Envy?15:01
SmonkEnvy, that's the program15:03
pagooh... thet explains the problem...15:03
Smonkahh crap15:03
Smonklol, something told me that Envy couldn't be that easy15:03
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »15:03
MinatakuHm. It used to have a clever little message.15:04
MinatakuThey keep changing things in the bot to make it less useful and more boring15:04
nevilleI just install the driver by sh /home/name/Desktop/NVIDIA*.run15:04
nevillesudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --composite15:05
nevilleWorks fine from that point on15:05
pagneville, have you updated kernel lately? :P15:05
Smonkok, so what you're saying is, Reboot in safe mode.. Then use command sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --composite    ??15:06
nevilleYes, I just learnt to do it that way, and haven't bothered changing15:06
nevilleIf it can't find the kernel module, wouldn't you need to reinstall the driver first to clear that up?15:06
nevilleIf you want GUI back, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and setting video driver to vesa15:07
neville /etc/init.d/kdm start15:08
juacom04can somebody pese help me15:08
nevilleUnless you already knew that, and I just sound like the noob I am =)15:08
juacom04i think someon is usnig my registred nick :S15:09
nevilleFind out where they live15:09
Smonklol, no, it's ok15:09
nevilleAnd then15:10
nevilleMail them the head of Tux15:10
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Smonkok, I'll try that neville15:11
Dragnslcrjuacom04- kill them then15:11
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion15:14
sMonkHey, neville -- just wanted to say thanks.. it seems to be working15:27
sMonkso now I guess the correct way to install my Nvidia drivers is to use "restricted drivers" and go from there?15:30
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »15:31
nevilleWhat card do you use?15:31
debianWTF is envy? I want it!15:32
sMonkGeforce 6600 GT15:32
nevilleGo to the nVidia site, and get the driver that matches your card15:32
nevilleSame card!!!!!!!!!!!!15:32
nevilleThe latest driver will be fine15:32
pagsMonk, "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx"15:32
nevilleThen when it's downloaded15:32
nevilleSwitch to shell (control + alt + F1)15:33
nevilleLogin as root15:33
neville /etc/init.d/kdm stop15:33
nevilleSwitch back to same shell, then15:33
nevillesh /path/to/driver/NVIDIA*.run15:33
pag!enter | neville15:33
ubotuneville: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:33
nevilleSorry, it's bad habit15:33
patriciowhat can I use, to backup/synchronise my agenda on my mobile phone (Ericsson K800i) on kde(kubuntu gutsy gibbon)15:34
nevilleOnce that is done sMonk, do15:34
sMonkok, should I download off the site, or should I use the "sudo apt-get" line15:34
nevillesudo --add-argb-glx-visuals --composite15:34
nevilleGet it direct from their site15:35
pagsMonk, both work - latter works after kernel updates too15:35
nevilleThen /etc/init.d/kdm start15:35
nevilleLog in as yourself15:35
nevilleOpen konsole15:35
nevillesudo nvidia-settings15:35
nevilleThen select X Server Display Configuration, and set your resolution, refresh rate, etc15:36
nevilleThen Apply15:36
sMonkthe only thing I know, is then I was installing 7.10, I noticed that I didn't get a change to enter in a "root" password.. just my main login.. I've tried logging in as root before and using my regular password it wont log me in15:36
nevilleAnd Save to X config, then try rebooting and see if the driver sticks15:36
nevilleOpen Konsole15:36
nevilleAnd type15:36
pagneville, do *not* use sudo with graphical apps - that's why there's kdesudo15:36
nevillesudo passwd , then set the root password15:36
nevilleYou do not control my warped way of doing things, besides, it gets the job done15:37
sMonkwhen you say, "switch back to the same shell" what do you mean?15:39
pagneville, sure... it's just the fact, taht using sudo with graphical apps might result in a pretty broken system in a long run... same with using drivers from outside the repositories15:39
nevilleUsually closing KDM that way results in it sitting at a black screen with a flashing cursor, so using control + alt + F1 goes back to the shell you were in before you closed KDM15:40
sMonkgot ya15:40
sMonkso should I be using kdesudo??15:40
patriciowhat is the best tool to use, to backup/synchronise my agenda from my mobile phone (Ericsson K800i) on kde(kubuntu gutsy gibbon)?15:41
nevilleNot on the shell when you're logged in as root15:41
nevilleBut try it when the driver is installed, and sudo nvidia-xconfig -add-argb-glx-visuals --composite is done15:41
pagsMonk, IMHO you should use drivers from the repos... it's easier, and will save you from the problems after the next kernel upgrade15:41
seezerpatricio: tried kmobiletools?15:41
patricioseezer: no, thanks15:42
nevilleWhat problems, just reinstall the driver for the new kernel the same way, and off you go =/15:42
seezerpatricio: i'd suggest using the 0.5* release (via kmobiletools.kde.org)15:42
sMonkoh boy, lol -- two diffrent methods15:42
pagneville, umm.. yeah.. isn't it easier when it's done automatically for you?15:43
patricioseezer, thanks a lot15:43
seezerpatricio: still beta but way better than the release included in the kubuntu repositories15:43
nevilleNot for me15:43
nevilleI'm just not that sort of person15:43
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patricioseezer, yes, it's ... the same with imagemagick.. I wonder, why the repo versions are still older than releases from more than 3/4 year ago *g15:44
seezerpatricio: in case of kmobiletools it's just based on the fact that there is no official release since that version15:45
patricioah, ok15:45
BluesKajneville, you make it sound so easy , my experience taght me that when kernel update was installed , even the proprietary ATI driver no longer provided 3D or DRI on my setup ...so open source , if you can find one that works is prolly even more vulnerable. :(15:46
patriciois 1.7MB/s a normal speed for ethernet+usb2.0?15:46
patricioit seems to me a bit slow15:46
seezerethernet via usb? *uargh* ;)15:47
nevilleHey, I'm very very new to using this OS (Only started last year), and the way I learnt how to do things was from my girlfriend, who likes doing it this way too15:48
nevilleIt essentially just rubbed off onto me15:48
BluesKajaha neville , blame the GF :)15:49
nevilleI'm not15:49
BluesKajjust kidding15:49
nevilleWell, I am, but still, it's a great way!15:49
patricioseezer, no, I meant the connection: my laptop via ethernet cable to another server that has an attached usb harddrive :)15:51
nevilleIt's okay, I'll let her know how 'flawed' her way is tomorrow =P15:51
HarahuSee you guys later I am installing Kubuntu. Yay!!15:53
nick_I have a question about tsclient,  I'm trying to connect to my parents windows box back home and I've had them go through and make sure to allow remote connections etc, but here's my problem, I have their ip address, but they are behind a router, what do I put in the box to log in?15:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about remote - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:55
seezerpatricio: aah ;)15:56
nick_I know that since we are not using a vpn I'll need the actual ip address, but how do I direct to the router and then to the specific computer?15:56
seezerpatricio: i guess the bottleneck is still usb. but try to save to a local (sata/ide/scsi) harddrive at the remote target.15:57
patriciothere is an ide harddrive there15:57
patricioWIE GEIL! seezer, kmobiletools is friggin awesome :D15:59
seezerpatricio: finds auch nich schlecht ;)16:00
patricio:) :)16:00
patriciostrange thing though: all my contacts are listed twice *g16:00
patricioah, sim and mobile16:00
seezerthere definately _is_ still some work to do..16:01
patriciois it possible to change their location over hree?16:01
patricioawesome, all my sms :) :)16:01
seezersorry have no installation here. only on my laptop. and since i'm not actually chatting but learning for a test tomorrow.. *gna*16:02
patricioseezer: wait16:06
patricioseezer: the most important tool I haven't found yet: agenda options16:06
patriciodoesn't kmobiletools have that yet?16:07
newbeehs anyone been able to install ubuntu on a power pc16:08
newbeewe are looking to change from mac os x 10.216:09
seezerpatricio: hmm. i thought so..16:09
newbeeI understand the ubuntu will install but the wireless will not work16:09
patricioseezer: hm, I can't find that16:09
nevilleWell, the wireless not working isn't usually a given16:10
seezerpatricio: hm. perhaps someone in #kmobiletools could tell you more?16:10
nevilleSometimes it works without a hitch from the word go, other times it needs a bit of a push16:10
patriciogood idea! thx16:10
BluesKajnewbee, http://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org/kubuntu/ports/releases/7.10/release/16:10
seezerpatricio: would you mind notifying me about the result? ;916:11
oliver3Once KDE4 is released, will there be some kind of migration for 7.10 or will I have to wait for Hardy?16:11
nevilleWell, I'm going for a quick snooze16:11
nevillesorry for noobing this place up16:12
newbeeBlue, doe the airport work with that install16:12
BluesKajnewbee, dunno16:13
seezeroliver3: not that i really _know_ it but i guess there will be backports for gutsy.16:13
patricioseezer: of course not, how can I contact you?16:13
newbeeBlue, the article that I was ready was poted back in 2005.  so i was just woundering if they have it fixxed16:14
seezerpatricio: just send me a /msg or something. think i'm gonna be online the whole evening.16:14
seezerthanks in advance16:14
seezeranyway.. afk for a while16:15
andresjhello everybody, how can I print something from KPDF, but shifted to the right a little (or all the way)? The PDF has a page size smaller than US Letter (which are the pages I am printing on).16:18
HarahuI am having trouble running the Iso on my other computer, it says that the disk is corrupter or not a file type supported by windows.16:20
Harahu(Please Andres first)16:20
jhutchinsHarahu: You don't run iso's.16:21
HarahuIt is burned on a disk.16:21
BluesKajyou burn the iso to a cd , then you have to boot into it16:21
jhutchinsIf the md5sum of both the iso and the cd are good, then you boot to the iso.16:21
jhutchinsHarahu: boot to the disk that is.  If you load the disk in windows you may see readable files, but nothing executable.16:22
andy_123hi all16:22
andy_123have a problem with kaffeine and opengl16:22
jhutchinsHarahu: If windows can't see files on the CD, you may have a bad burn or a bad iso.16:22
andy_123keffeine tells me that it cannot use opengl driver. i'm using ati 8.42 driver and opengl is working16:23
Harahuhim the burn could be bad.16:23
andy_123is anyone using kaffeine with ati's 8.42 driver?16:23
newbeehas anyone gotten the mac airport wireless card working on an install of Ubuntu16:25
HarahuI might have burned it twice :s16:25
HarahuCan it be burned to DVD?16:25
Harahu(I have more DVDs then CDs)16:26
BluesKajno cdrw's16:26
andy_123kaffeine and xv driver with ati 8.42 driver kills the xserver16:27
andy_123nay resoltuion?16:27
BluesKajHarahu, which burning app do you have ?16:27
MarcoPauhow do I disable automounting?16:28
BluesKajandy_123, are you on gutsy ?16:28
HarahuThis is my parent computer so I have to look around.16:28
* Harahu goes to check16:28
andy_123BluesKaj: yes i'm using gutsy16:29
andy_123unfortunatly if using xv output x crsehs16:29
BluesKajandy_123, the 8.42 driver works ok on feisty , not very well on gutsy depending on how xorg is setup16:30
andy_123i just need it to use opengl16:30
HarahuThe CD-RW won't let me delete the old iso.16:31
BluesKajandy_123, the restricted driver in system settings advanced works not half bad on lower end ATI onboard cards like mine16:31
vit___gracias internet16:31
tekteenAnyone know how to change the kdm theme?16:32
andy_123well i need the latest one...have a 2600 chip16:32
mordauntis this the right channel to try and get help with kubuntu gutsy and compiz ?16:33
tekteenmordaunt: ask16:33
mordauntyay great =)16:33
mordaunti did compiz --replace and ever since compiz automatically starts on my system16:34
tekteenbtw I know nothing so someone else will have to answer it. Sorry16:34
rothchildevenin all, i'm making a real meal of sharing files using samba between gnome ubuntu on my laptop and kubuntu on my desktop, it's just not working (user error for sure!!) can anyone talk me through it?16:34
mordaunthowever, it does after the normal stuff loads... so there's a big flicker as it switches from normal window manager to compiz16:34
BluesKajandy_123, enable the restricted driver and your opengl will be enabled as well16:34
tekteen you need to make it the default window manager, mordaunt16:35
mordaunttekteen yea.. but how do i do that ? =)16:35
terraneuer Test16:35
andy_123BluesKaj, but then it wants to laod an older version of the driver, i need the latest one, will it enable opengl for kaffeine this way?16:35
tekteenI will look for u. if anyone else knows answer16:36
andy_123i mean i have opengl running16:36
mordaunttekteen thanks =)16:36
BluesKajandy_123, yes , kaffeine should work16:36
BluesKajandy_123, you could try the latest ATI proprietary driver  8.43...it might work16:37
HarahuTo answer the brning program question: it has Windows Media Player burner, Power2Go, DVD Solution,  Windows Explorer.16:37
tekteenmordaunt: I will google it (it will take time)16:37
andy_123BluesKaj, well, i have it installed already16:37
andy_123btw, where to get 8.43?16:38
mordaunttekteen that's ok.. i've been googling it and have only kept landing on instructions for gnome16:38
andy_123i only know 8.4216:38
mordaunti'll wait =)16:38
BluesKajon the ATI site , andy_12316:38
rothchildmordaunt once i'd done compiz --replace kde auto loads compiz on reboot now, didn't change any settings16:38
rothchilddoes anyone even just have a nice simple, working smb.conf I can get a look at?16:40
HarahuWhich should I pick to burn?16:40
Harahu(G-d I hate alll this.)16:40
begertanyone here running 64-bit Kubuntu?16:40
mordauntrothchild: i get a flicker.. basically i see kde load the default window manager.. and then it replaces it16:41
tekteen mordaunt: I think this site has the answer "http://developer.kde.org/~seli/kdewm/"16:42
BluesKajrothchild, try using smb in konq ..in the addressbar type smb:/16:42
mordaunttekteen: thanks taking a look16:42
BluesKajbegert, what's the prob ?16:42
rothchildmordaunt same here I just put up with it atm but if you find a more elegant solution please share it16:43
begertBug #16345716:43
mordaunttekteen i'm going to test it out16:43
rothchildblueskaj yeah i've been up and down that16:43
begertcurious if anone else can reproduce this16:43
mordauntit looks promising =D16:43
begertI can't on my laptop16:43
tekteenanyone know how to change the kdm theme? I am not a graphics person16:44
rothchildi don't see any shares in smb:/16:44
HarahuI am going to try itv agian, so how do I run it?16:45
Harahu(Just to make sure)16:45
rothchildrothchild@deathstar-desktop:~$ smbclient -L deathstar-laptop16:47
rothchildConnection to deathstar-laptop failed (Error NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME)16:47
rothchildand if I do it from the laptop looking for the desktop it asks me for a password (which I believe I have set) I get NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED16:48
BluesKajrothchild, i used smb4k successfully , it was a bit ambiguous to set up but it does work16:49
HarahuHow do I know when it is done burning?16:52
mordauntok it sort of works now tekteen16:55
tekteensort of?16:56
mordauntit seems that the old compiz --replace has written itself somewhere to load after kde starts... so it replaces the already running compiz.. again =)16:56
mordaunti'm using find to look for which files it's in purge it and then try again16:56
tekteenis it in ~/.kde/Autostart16:57
mordauntFilename:  ./.kde/share/config/ksmserverrc16:57
mordauntthat's one.. not sure if that's just in there during runtime..16:57
tekteenmordaunt: do u know how to change the kdm theme?16:58
tekteenI know nothing about graphics. lol16:59
mordauntit should be in the control center i think.. i haven't messed with themes16:59
tekteenI looked. It was not there.16:59
tekteenthanks anyway16:59
mordaunttekteen as far as i know kde does it in pieces17:00
tekteenwhat does that mean?17:00
mordauntit's window decorations, icon theme17:00
mordauntcolor scheme17:01
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mordauntit's in system settings>Look and Feel17:01
tekteenI am looking for selecting a install theme17:02
mordauntso when you get 'themes' from kde-look17:02
mordauntyou have to find one that has settings for all three components17:02
tekteenIt is preinstalled on kubuntu17:02
mordauntyea so you'll have to change all three to use the theme with the same name17:02
mordauntotherwise it'll look a little weird17:03
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tekteenyw? (do not know much im chat)17:05
tekteennm. I figured it out. lol17:05
mordauntnm? ;)17:06
tekteenIt still did not fix the problem17:06
eiccawhat is the best partitioning software for kubuntu?17:06
tekteenI guess I have to use a quick hack. (move kubuntu.xml from one theme to another)17:07
BluesKajrothchild, here's my /etc/samba/smb.conf file :  http://www.pastebin.ca/78061817:07
cap601Whenever I close Dolphin I get this error (http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/9615/temppc6.png).  I have plenty of disk space so how can I fix it?17:08
NickPrestacap601, it's a known error. Permissions are changed when ran as root. Just `chown` and `chgrp` that file in question to your username17:09
rothchildthanks blueskaj I'll give it a look17:10
tekteenBluekaj: what is roth's problem17:11
tekteenIs there a way to have the smb user and pass be the same as the system?17:12
tinohi, guys. i'm new to kubuntu, can you help me out pls? i have my pppoe connection via dsl running, but the konqueror browser won't show any web site a returns: "An error occurred while loading http://www.google.com:Could not connect to host http://www.google.com/." however it loads the favicon... pls help17:13
cap601@NickPresta - Thanks17:13
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BluesKajtekteen, rothchild , when i first ran smb:/ in konqueror it automatically detected the windows workgroup on our network17:14
mequick question, I always want my computer to resolve the name 'server' to something like '' so I don't have to type it up each time. Where can I specify this DNS entry?17:16
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tekteenme: add it to /etc/hosts17:16
nonname 17:16
meawesome, thanks a lot :D17:16
MinifigIS there a way to get Penguin Command for Kubuntu?17:17
MinifigI did a search and cannot find it.17:18
nonnamewhats upp17:18
cap601Is there anyway to make some programs (e.g. Kopete) load at startup only after my wireless connection is established.17:18
nonnamelotsa spam here huh?17:19
nonnamei dont mean you guys..17:19
nonnamenevermind :P17:19
nonnamegood luck17:20
MinifigDoes anyone know what Penguin Command is?  Its a game.17:20
nonnameno idea17:20
MinifigI was using it in Mandriva and wanna play it in Kubuntu.17:20
nonnamelooked for a pository for it17:20
MinifigI am new to LInux.17:21
nonnamei d0ont know much haha17:21
nonnamesame hee17:21
MinifigI don't know anything on LInux.  lol17:21
cap601@Minifig - Open adept and search for penguin.  Then just request install and it should work.17:21
MinifigBut I do know this Dell seems to like it more than WIndows.  lol17:21
kak[ZzZ]why is your I in Linux capitalized?17:21
=== kak[ZzZ] is now known as [ka]killer
MinifigI am a bad typist.17:22
MinifigI will try it.17:22
[ka]killerMinifig, well if your using gnome its less power hungry then windows, KDE is a bit more power hungry but still more effecient at managing your computers resources then windows will ever be17:22
MinifigI am running Kubuntu Linux 7.10 as far as I know.17:23
[ka]killeryah, kde is a bit more resource hungry then gnome, but its easier to adjust ot for recent windows converts17:23
MinifigI think I need to reboot.  Says there is another program using Package.17:23
nonnamedifferent resolutions?17:23
[ka]killerand you never really need to reboot linux17:23
[ka]killerjust restart X17:23
[ka]killerbut thats not a restart isue17:24
MinifigDo that now then?17:24
[ka]killerdam it whats the line, dpkg something17:24
[ka]killerone sec trying to remember >_<17:24
[ka]killertry running apt-get update17:24
nonnamekill it? lol17:24
[ka]killerit should tell you17:24
[ka]killerits a dpkg line and theres a -a in there... i just forget the rest of the line... havent had to use it in a while17:25
[ka]killerso Minifig did that help?17:26
[ka]killerif not try running apt-get17:26
[ka]killerif nothing else it will tell you how to kill whats using it17:26
andreas_does Gparted work in KDE? or is there a better program?17:27
MinifigAnother process is using the package system database17:27
tekteen!adeptfix| Minifig17:27
ubotuMinifig: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:27
tekteenhope that helps17:28
tinocan you tell me pls how to download firefox for kubuntu without using konqueror (which doen't work) ?17:28
Minifig!adeptfix event not found17:28
andreas_does Gparted work in KDE? or is there a better program?17:29
tekteentino: type "sudo apt-get install firefox" in the konsole17:29
eiccawhat is the best parition editor for KDE?17:29
hdevalenceandreas_: qtparted17:29
tekteentino: there is a graphical way but it is easy to cut and paste17:30
MinifigHow do I change resolution?17:30
andreas_hdevalence: Okay, is it GUI based?17:30
tekteen!resolution | Minifig17:30
ubotuMinifig: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto17:30
tinotekteen: i tried that.. it says:Package firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package. ..etc17:30
tekteen!info firefox17:31
ubotufirefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 8967 kB, installed size 26024 kB17:31
[ka]killertry a verbose to see whats using the package317:31
hdevalencetry running sudo apt-get update17:31
tekteenI do not know why17:31
=== [ka]killer is now known as kak[gone]
tekteenAccording to the bot it is in "main"17:32
nick_Does anyone know what port tsclient connects over by default?17:34
andreas_Can windows read Linux partisjons?17:35
khaije1anyone know when v0.9.7 of pulseaudio will be available in ubuntu repo's?17:35
utnubukandreas_: not natively17:35
* khaije1 is having trouble building it :-/17:35
tekteenandreas: yes17:35
tekteengusty does17:36
andreas_Hmm... 2 diferent answers:p17:36
utnubukhe asked if windows can read linux17:36
andreas_But windows read fat32?17:36
MinifigIts working, thank you17:36
vsudilovmy adept keeps crashing an is unable to install and updates/packages17:36
tekteenI thought other way around. lol17:36
vsudilovI've tried "sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a", it doesn't seem to help;17:36
andreas_But windows read fat32?17:37
tekteenandreas_ I use a fat32 as a swap between win and linux17:37
MinifigI did that and it did something and now I can use adept.17:37
tekteenwindows can read fat17:37
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MinifigSomething about vbox.17:37
MinifigI hope I can use that.17:37
andreas_Tekteen: Yeah. But fat32 can only be 512mb big17:38
MinifigHow do I get proprietary drivers for my video card?17:38
tekteenI have one that is 13 G17:38
andreas_Hmm.  Why cant i get them bigger than 512 in qtparted?17:39
* tekteen knows nothing about qtparted17:39
tekteenI use fdisk17:40
* bobrzloy use cfdisk ;)17:40
eiccawtf, qt parted: "PLEASE UNMOUNT ALL DEVICES" before I change the size of one partition in this hdd17:40
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=== Ansaguy is now known as ansaguy
MinifigBe back soon.  I am off to see what this Linux is all about.  lol17:41
eiccahow the hell can I unmount this hdd since im using qt parted on this17:41
jogglMucwie mounte ich eine firewire ext festplatte?17:41
MinifigMaybe cause a little mischief.17:41
=== ansaguy is now known as Ansaguy
tekteeneicca: use a livecd17:41
eiccakubuntu live cd?17:42
tekteenhold on a sec (looking it up)17:42
tekteeneicca: http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/17:42
tekteenIt has a live cd (like the kubuntu disk) that does only partitioning17:43
NetersLandreauwhen i run compiz --replace, the window decoration dies.. i see this is pretty common but am unable to find the fix/workaround.. can anyone point me in the right direction?17:43
nick_Does anyone know what port tsclient connects over by default? or how I can find out?17:43
tekteenwhat does :E mean?17:43
eiccadunno :D17:43
eiccaI'm too lazy to do any live cds right now17:43
eiccabut, is there a way to somehow change the transparency of a window in KDE?17:44
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sangelihi, I performed an update to my system, as usual, and have my system messed up. I do not have my home dir anymore and all my settings. I should have a link in /etc/fstab pointing to my home dir but all I have is /dev/root       /       unionfs defaults        0       0 tmpfs           /tmp    tmpfs   defaults,nosuid,nodev 0 0  All is changed and is wrong. What should I do to bring my pc back as before? I use kubuntu.17:45
tekteen!pastebin | sangeli17:45
ubotusangeli: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)17:45
sangelitekteen, for two lines I believe I can avoit it, don't you think so?17:46
tekteenlooks like more. Sorry17:46
sangelithat more is me writing for help17:46
sangeliany help, please?17:46
tekteendo u have a seperate /home partition?17:47
sangeliyes, I do17:47
=== user__ is now known as genii
sangelido I only need to add in fstab  a link to my home dir and reboot?17:47
sangelisomething like.17:47
* genii sips a coffee17:48
bobrzloyyes and "mount -a"17:48
sangeli/dev/sda5       /home   what should I add along with this ?17:49
sangeliperhpas defaults 0 0   ?17:49
sangelisome one could please give me a complete line for /fstab for home ?17:50
geniidefaults,users 0 0 should be fine17:50
bobrzloymy= /dev/sda8       /home           reiserfs        rw,exec         0 217:50
LinuxkeitaroJust curious, is it possible to set dolphine to open files/folders on double-click instead of single click?17:51
sangeliSo, this is what I added: /dev/sda5       /home   defaults,users 0 0   Is it OK?17:51
NickPrestaLinuxkeitaro, K Menu > System Settings > Keyboard and Mouse > Mouse > Double-click to open files and folders17:51
seezerLinuxkeitaro: system settings > keyboard & mouse > mouse > double click17:51
tekteensangeli: sounds right.17:51
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sangelishould I reboot or what?17:52
bobrzloysangeli type of file_system17:52
geniihmm: perhaps /dev/sda5 /home auto defaults,users 0 017:52
genii(no fstype in your line)17:53
sangelishould I reboot now?17:53
seezersangeli: no reboot needed. just type `sudo mount /home`17:53
lg188hello ???17:53
sangeliand log out and log in again_17:53
tekteenor "mount -a"17:53
geniimount -a is usually sufficient17:54
crsHello. Im about to install kubuntu 7.10 on my sisters laptop. Do i need to know enything? Oh, there is a thing. Does linux support ati mobility eadeon x300 well? No problem with playing videos?17:55
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* genii hands ScorpKing a coffee17:56
ScorpKingty genii :D17:56
tekteencrs: Is it going to be a dual boot?17:56
Linuxkeitarothanks Nick and seezer - I was looking in the dolphin's menus17:56
crstekteen: nope, only linux17:57
tekteenthen it will be easy17:57
tekteenr u going to use the live cd?17:57
geniicrs: With the ati you won't be able to use compiz-fusion well. You may want to look at the laptop testing wiki to see issues or so with the specific laptop model as well17:58
crstekteen: im quite literate in linux, im using gentoo for about 5 years now. I just havent use kubuntu before, and ati graphics card as well17:58
crsgenii: where can i find that?17:58
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khoda 17:58
geniilooking it up 1 second17:59
crsgenii: Thank you.17:59
khodahow would I make ion3 my window manager? I just did "sudo apt-get install ion3"  - what now?18:00
vyomanprinting looks awful, all the words run into each other is their something wrong with OO 2.3 or the new CUPS 1.3?18:00
sangeliI am back. it did not work. It mounted fine. I rebooted too and what I added to /etc/fstab disappeared. I have ALWAYS experienced issues when upgrading kde. what should I do? Reinstall all from scratch or what?18:00
nick_Does anyone know what port rdp connects over by default? or how I can find out?18:01
sangeliWith gnome I never heard any issue when upgrading it. With KDE it has always been hell18:01
sangeliPlease advice...18:02
tekteennick_: I think port 338918:02
khodaanyone know?18:02
tekteennick:_ I looked it up. I was right.18:02
nick_tekteen: Thanks, don't guess you'd know how to change that or where I could find the config file?18:03
tekteenhold on a sec.18:03
sangeliShould I have removed the old /home directory?18:03
tekteennick_: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/30675918:04
tekteenis the first thing that came up on google.18:04
nick_tekteen: I've been trying to use tsclient because my parents have windows, will rdp work between operating systems?18:04
nick_tekteen: I'm guessing so looking at the source of that article18:05
geniisangeli: did you edit with admin privelege eg: kdesu kate /etc/fstab or perhaps sudo nano /etc/fstab  also do you have usb drives etc (may need uuid and not /dev/sdX type entry) Also are you definitely booting to hd and not livecd18:05
tekteennick_: I use rdesktop18:05
khodaI searched on google but came up with nothing. Just want to test out ion3 - can anyone point me to a good tutorial or just tell me what steps I need to take?18:06
geniibah impatient (sangeli)18:06
nick_tekteen: I have one more question if you know, they are behind a router, so I need to have them forward the port 3389 on the router to the ip assigned to their computer right?18:07
tekteenhowever this is a security risk. (if u care)18:08
tekteenI have a computer as a router (on linux). so I use ssh port forwarding18:08
tekteenwith linux*18:08
nick_tekteen: and that gets you behind the clients router?18:09
tekteenif the router is a linux machine18:09
Silvianais there any sofware for managing an ipod??18:09
riccardo_ciao a tutti!18:10
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod18:10
nick_tekteen: Ah, I see, is there a workaround for the security hole other than having them check and uncheck the box in the router every time I need to log in?18:10
tekteennick_: No.18:10
tekteennick_: it also takes more then a click. :-(18:11
Daisuke_Laptophaving a tough time finding a model number for this dumb remote :\18:11
nick_tekteen: oh?  I don't understand?18:11
Daisuke_Laptopreceiver is recognized and going instantly, though18:11
geniiDaisuke_Laptop: X10 thingy?18:11
tekteennick_: I am a security freak. It should be fine. :-)18:12
Daisuke_Laptopit's a gateway media pc remote18:12
Daisuke_Laptopso lirc works fine with it18:12
riccardo_ciao a tutti18:12
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!18:12
tekteenI also use openvpn on my own system18:12
nick_tekteen: Ok, well, thank you so much for answer my questions :)18:12
geniiDaisuke_Laptop: Ah, no idea then. The X10 ones I have a few of hwever :)18:12
nick_tekteen: oh, yes, as do I...18:13
Daisuke_Laptopi just need to find the manufacturer/model number so i can get the right conf file to drop in in geexbox18:13
Daisuke_Laptop(so i don't have to use a keyboard anymore.18:13
nick_tekteen: Nope, edit that, I use openvpn to connect to the internet18:13
khodaI just installed kubuntu - how do I change the window manager?18:15
tekteenkhoda: u mean not use kde18:15
khodatekteen: yeah, I want to try out ion318:15
hdevalencekhoda: you want compiz?18:16
hdevalenceerr nvm18:16
tekteenfirst type "sudo apt-get install ion3"18:16
Rukusis there any reason my xpress 200m does not do DRI?18:16
tekteenthen logout.18:16
eljefe_is there a website or something where i can see the reasons behind updates to my system?18:17
tekteenwhen u log back in change the manager by ...18:17
ubotu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい18:17
tekteenclicking on the menu button (the same to shutdown) then you can chose ion318:17
ScorpKingeljefe_: on the project/homepage of the updated program.18:18
lg188eljefe_:  i dotn talk japanees18:18
tekteenkhoda: u still there?18:18
lg188eljefe_:   don not*18:18
lg188but if sombody knows what ラーメン means help always  thahnkfull18:18
eljefe_lg188: it was a guess :D   which language was that?18:18
Rukusis there any reason my xpress 200m does not do DRI?18:19
lg188eljefe_ it is but read my last sentence18:19
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* genii hands out coffees then heads for work18:22
* tekteen wants coffee but is not allowed to because of parents18:24
* lg188 like to eat ラーメン(it is a tip)18:24
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* tekteen is bored18:32
eiccaI created a 50gb big FAT32 drive to unallocated space, but now I cant open it, even after I mount it, wtf?18:33
ardchoilleeicca: What you created was a partition rather than a drive. Did you format it?18:35
pipegeekHi all18:35
NickPrestahi, pipegeek18:35
ardchoillehi pipegeek18:35
tekteenhey pipegeek18:35
pipegeekSo, I just installed kdebase-workspace on gutsy.  However, startkde is still not in my path..... am I just supposed to run /usr/lib/kde4/bin/startkde, or is something I need not installed?18:36
ardchoillepipegeek: Did you install kubuntu-desktop? That will get you the kubuntu kde desktop environment and it should set everything up for you18:37
pipegeekpipegeek: I don't want kde 3, though.  I want kde 4.18:37
nick_I thought the  max file size for fat32 was 32 GB?18:37
pipegeek(beta 2)18:37
pipegeekI'm following the instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta2.php , mostly, but modified, since they're written for feisty (wonder why they haven't been updated...)18:38
tekteennick_: I have one bigger18:38
ardchoillepipegeek: iirc kde4 is not entirely usable atm. Are you wanting to do testing and bug hunting?18:39
ctothejI want to set up an online calendar on my LAMP shared host and access it (read/write) via sunbird or another calendar on my system. Has anyone done something similar before?18:39
tekteennick_: mine is 67 GB18:39
pipegeekardchoille: more or less.18:39
nick_tekteen: I didn't know that was possible, but good to know, I'm getting an external HD soon18:39
BluesKajpipegeek, http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/KDE4#Required_Software18:40
pipegeekBluesKaj: I'm not building it.  It's in gutsy.18:40
tekteennick_: I am too. On black friday18:40
BluesKajpipegeek, svn is supposedly the best method, but i failed to get it installed properly , so goodluck18:41
pipegeekBluesKaj: as in, the packages in gutsy are not to be trusted?18:41
ardchoillenick_: I thought max file size for vfat was 4Gib18:41
BluesKajwell pipegeek . I wouldn't make such a broad statement ...it's beta afterall18:42
pipegeekBluesKaj: I just mean, why are you suggesting that I build the entire thing from scratch, when the kubuntu folks have already done that for me and it's already (mostly) installed?18:42
tekteenardchoille: I have a fat with 67GB18:43
BluesKajpipegeek, have you been able to make it work ?18:43
ardchoilletekteen: I was wrong, max file size for fat16 is 4GiB, max file size for fat32 is 8TiB18:43
pipegeekBluesKaj: workin' on it.  was using the wrong walkthrough :-\18:44
tekteenardchoille: I do not expect to break 8TiB any time soon18:44
BluesKajok pipegeek , it's just that i tried the instructions on the KDE4 page , but I couldn't get it to run ...I might have screwed something up , cuz the instructions are a bit hard for me to understand , not being a linux expert etc18:46
niespoohello. ;-)18:46
niespooIm new in kubuntu :)18:46
ardchoilleBluesKaj: Surely you jest18:46
ardchoillehi niespoo18:46
BluesKajno ardchoille , surely i don't jest :)18:47
pipegeekBluesKaj: :^)  Sorry, I was just confused18:47
tekteennirspoo: do u have a question?18:47
pipegeekBluesKaj: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php18:47
niespooi have seen small device icon in tray saying about ati drivers i should install to get better. I click on it, it ask me for password, i type in wrong password and that window disappear. How can i do this again?18:47
pipegeekBluesKaj: Was following the wrong instructions (google wasn't smart enough to find the right ones).  This worked for me.18:48
tekteengo to "system settings" in the k menu18:48
pipegeekBluesKaj: well... sort of.18:48
tekteenniespoo: then go to the advanced tab18:48
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tekteenniespoo: Then click on the "restricted drivers" button18:49
tekteenniespoo: hope that helps!18:49
BluesKajpipegeek, this is the instruction that wouldn't work for me:  To run it as a full session copy /usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/kdm/sessions/kde.desktop to /usr/share/xsessions/kde4.desktop, edit the Name entry in kde4.desktop to be called "KDE 4", put the four export lines at the top of /usr/lib/kde4/bin/startkde and start a new session in KDM with KDE 4.18:50
niespooit does but wneh im enabling that im getting error: the softwa re source for the package xorg-drive-fglrx is not enabled18:51
niespoowhat now? ;/18:51
tekteenno idea18:52
pipegeekBluesKaj: I'll test that shortly.... but to do that I'd need to restart gdm, so for now I'll just put the appropriate lines in my .xsession and start my second session using that.18:52
BluesKajright pipegeek , I'll be waiting for your result...but i won't be holding my breath :)18:53
rothchildhi can anyone just help me finish this off, Samba seems to be working but i keep getting 'tree connect failed NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED'18:54
rothchildwhat config am i looking for18:54
rothchildboth users are on each machine and they share a samba password18:55
tekteenAnyone know how to change the kdm theme.18:55
niespooehm, i cant do anything here ;/18:55
niespoohow to install mplayer?18:55
tekteenniespoo: type "sudo apt-get install mplayer" in the konsole18:56
tekteenniespoo: if you also want the plugin for firefox (for embedded media files) then do this command after: sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer.18:57
nick_tekteen: oh man...I'm going to miss black friday, I'm studying abroad this year and no Thanksgiving...18:57
ScorpKingrothchild: are the problem accessing the samba server on linux?18:57
tekteennick_: That sucks18:57
ScorpKingrunning on linux*18:57
tekteennick_: I am getting a new laptop18:58
niespooim gettong error:18:58
niespooE: Couldn't find package mplayer18:58
tekteenI have now learned NEVER to take a laptop to school18:58
nick_tekteen: Someone took it huh?18:58
tekteenlol :-)18:58
tekteenthey were messing with me and it fell.18:59
tekteenThey were friends though18:59
nick_ScorpKing: Hey, I fixed my internet...I just have to run everything through a VPN while I'm on Linux, and want to know the weirdest part, now that I've reinstalled Windows, my roommates computer works too19:00
coreymon77tekteen: i take mine to school and its completely fine19:00
tekteendidn;t mean it19:00
nick_tekteen: ouch sorry about that19:00
=== jake is now known as jawee_
pipegeekWell, I'm in kde4 now19:00
pipegeeksort of19:00
ScorpKingnick_: glad to hear that. thanks for sharing. :)19:00
tekteencorey: some of my other friends do to19:00
pipegeekMy display is at a different resolution than the one I was using in Xephyr earlier, and kde4 hasn't realized it, and is still drawing the desktop at 1280x102419:01
niespootekteen: what should i do now?19:01
pipegeekalso, there's no k menu, and the system tray is half broken.... I'd thought kde4 beat 3 was at least slightly usable :-\19:01
pipegeekoh well19:01
coreymon77pipegeek: well then set it to use a different one19:01
tekteenniespoo: what is the problem19:01
niespooE: Couldn't find package mplayer19:01
jawee_This is probably a stupid question... I set up KDE4 on Fiesty and I have now upgraded. I wanted to use that KDE4 install again, but I cannot for the life of me remember what the directory is for KDE4 apps19:01
niespootekteen: ^^19:01
pipegeekcoreymon77: you misunderstand me.  the screen resolution is 1600x1200---1280x1024 of which contains a background picture and taskbar, the rest of which is light grey.  I can still drag windows over it.19:02
ScorpKingrothchild: you still here?19:02
coreymon77pipegeek: besides, it is still a beta, id wait till rc atleast19:02
tekteentry this "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install mplayer" in the konsole19:02
pipegeekcoreymon77: I guess I should have expected this.... I just know some people are using it on their desktop already, which makes me wonder what I'm doing wrong19:02
coreymon77pipegeek: youre not doing anything wrong, its just still beta, thats all19:03
niespootekteen: looks like i have no repote repositories configured, only cdrom19:03
tekteenif u want u can copy mine.19:03
coreymon77niespoo: or you can use source-o-matic19:03
coreymon77!source-o-matic } niespoo19:04
tekteenor u can uncomment everything19:04
pipegeekcoreymon77: I need to find someone who's using it as their desktop environment, and ask 'em how they did it.  Because this is actually unusable, and I feel like that means misconfiguration19:04
pipegeekah well19:04
pipegeekback to gnome19:04
pipegeekta ta19:04
coreymon77!source-o-matic | niespoo19:04
ubotuniespoo: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic19:04
rothchildsorry scorpking I'm here but I'm also making dinner so I'm in and out ;-)19:05
BluesKajheh , another unsatisfactory KDE4 tryout :(19:05
rothchildI'm just trying to share files between my laptop running gnome ubuntu and my desktop running kubuntu19:06
niespootekteen: uncomment where?19:06
ScorpKingrothchild: oh ok. np. make sure you run sudo smbpasswd -a <user> so the xp users can get to samba on linux19:06
tekteenniespoo: just use the source-o-matic19:06
niespootekteen: where kubuntu keeps repos entries?19:07
tekteenniespoo: /etc/apt/sources.list19:07
rothchildno xp it's all linux19:08
draikI don't know whose sadistic joke this is, but how do I find a file on my computer?19:08
pipegeekOne other question: Has anyone encountered that weird issue with yakuake and compiz that causes x to crash if a process spits too much data into stdout in yakuake?19:08
* tekteen hungry. tekteen leave to make lunch19:08
pipegeekerr... by compiz I mean any compositing manager.  I get the same behavior with transperency enabled in kde319:09
boguhdraik find or locate19:09
ScorpKingrothchild: you still have to do it19:09
boguhdraik sudo updatedb && locate <file>19:09
niespootekteen: thanks, updating now :)19:09
draikboguh: Thank you. What happened to the GUI?19:10
boguhdraik which gui?19:10
rothchildoh ok, I think i did that, how do I check? I used sudo smbpasswd -L -e rothchild for the user names on both machines and set them the same password19:11
draikboguh: The one that was in Feisty19:11
rothchildlooking through the buffer I did that with -e and -a for both usernames19:12
BluesKajdraik, open konqueror , type 'locate:filename' in the addressbar19:12
boguhdraik I think there is a desktop search called strigi or so19:12
BluesKaj<---can't seem to get strigi to work , so i just avoid it19:13
draikboguh: Yeah, I don't care for strigi. No way of doing a search19:13
draikBluesKaj: I think it's a gamma app19:13
draikNo offense to the dev of strigi, but it seems that they held in a fart, let it go up their spine to their brain and then came up with this ishtty idea.19:14
=== frikisada is now known as Aoshi
BluesKajdraik, has anyone described here how strigi is supposed to work ...is it like google desktop or ?19:15
draikBluesKaj: I only read about people not liking it; just like how many don't like the dolphin replacement.19:17
beefjerkyHello all.  Have a problem: "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError"19:17
beefjerkyit seems i have compiled a different version than what's running, but how do i fix this?19:18
BluesKajnever liked dolphin either . dumped it19:18
postyanyone feel like handholding a newb through installing itunes in wine ?19:19
beefjerkyposty: you should just install songbird... similar, and supports iPod19:20
postybeefjerky: what i really need is to connect to itunes shares on my network thats all19:21
benpiccoamarok does, too19:21
ScorpKingrothchild: just annd the same passwd in smbpasswd for both users19:21
beefjerkyposty: gotcha: haven't installed iTunes on kubuntu.  sorry :(19:21
postybeefjerky: can songbird connect to itunes shares?19:22
beefjerkyposty: not entirely sure (i dont use itunes), but here is a good article http://digg.com/tech_news/If_You_Like_iTunes_You_ll_Love_Songbird19:23
ScorpKingrothchild: hope you get it fixed. ;)19:26
ScorpKingnite guys! have fun.19:27
beefjerkyso no one can help me with this error: "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError"  ??19:28
jhutchinsbeefjerky: That would appear to be a java error.19:28
fdovingbeefjerky: it also looks like you use some Unsupported Class Version.19:29
beefjerkyjhutchins: yeah, but what can i do to fix it?19:29
jhutchinsbeefjerky: Ask about it in a java support channel?19:29
beefjerkyi already uninstalled JRE5 and 619:30
beefjerkyreinstalled 6 only19:30
beefjerkyno dice :/19:30
beefjerkyjhutchins: i checked, but the jargon was too technical... something about classPATHS, -- i know *nothing* about that stuff19:31
=== ubuntu is now known as Barbarello
tekteenAnyone know how to make samba use the same users (and passwords) as the system automaticaly?19:33
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:33
kerryhow do i install drivers for my ati graph card?19:34
jhutchinstekteen: Can't recall off the top of my head, but I know it's in the samba docs somewhere.19:34
jhutchins!ati | kerry19:34
ubotukerry: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:34
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tekteenjhutchins: I can not find it.19:34
illuminatus1776@tekten: install webmin and enable smb / sys - users synchronisation ;-)19:35
jhutchinstekteen: Try the "winbind" options...19:35
andreas_How do i fix:  hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 1000??19:37
Daisuke_Laptopwoo!  turns out i was way too picky about trying to find out what my remote was19:37
Daisuke_Laptopmceusb, generic microsoft media center remote19:37
Daisuke_Laptopturns out it's awesome with lirc :D19:37
Daisuke_Laptopand this means no more keybaord in the living room, and a much more streamlined geexbox experience :)19:39
jhutchinsandreas_: mount it as root.19:39
kerryjhutchins: i dont see the System -> Administration -> Restricted Drivers19:39
Daisuke_Laptopi'm off to work, have a great day, and i may be around late tonight19:39
jhutchinskerry: You are reading the gnome docs.19:40
benpiccokerry: you may get the driver from ati.com, too19:40
andreas_jhutchins: how do i do that?19:40
eNiNjAi just wanted to say thankyou to the person that helped me with the xfce4-terminal xorg crash problem earlier19:40
postyevery time i try to install something with adept.. i get the commit error19:40
jhutchinssudo mount /device /mount/point19:40
eNiNjAafter i fixed it, my net went down, so i couldnt come back19:40
=== linuxmce is now known as azlon
kerrybenpicco: dont want it from ati.com more easyer to install it by not going to that website19:41
jhutchinsandreas_: That or configure it to be user mountable.19:41
azloni am trying to copy files into a folder for a different user19:41
BluesKajkerry , you can also enable the restricted driver in system settings/advanced , it will be the proper driver for your card .19:41
azlonhow can i do sudo -s in the gui to copy the files?19:41
ubotuIn KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)19:42
benpiccokerry: but the latest driver (the one with AIGLX support) is not jet avaliable through the ubuntu repos19:42
nerv203Hey everyone.19:43
kerryBluesKaj: settings/advanced?19:43
nerv203Earlier, I upgraded to Gutsy Gibbon, and I'm having a fair bit of trouble now.19:43
BluesKajsystem settings in the k-menu, kerry19:43
nerv203Dolphin isn't working at all, and many programs are returning 'Invalid URL' or 'No MIME Devices are installed' dialogues but otherwise functioning normally.19:44
kerryBluesKaj: yeah then u aid advace19:44
BluesKajadvanced tab yes19:44
kerryBluesKaj: its not in monitor display?19:44
kerryBluesKaj: witch option in advace?19:45
BluesKaj restricted driver19:45
kerryBluesKaj: i dont see that option there19:45
azloni get that i should use gksudo instead of sudo, but how do i launch the file explorer using gksudo? (sorry for the stupid questions, first day on linux)19:46
niespoohmm. How can I change the increments of my volume settings?19:46
BluesKajkerry , which kubuntu version are you running ?19:47
kerryBluesKaj: ??19:47
nerv203Is there any way for me to return to Feisty? :/19:47
BluesKajoh sorry, thought you were on gutsy19:47
kerryBluesKaj: mostly i tink only 30% users gone to gutsy19:48
fdovingnerv203: re-installing is the safest. you -can- downgrade, but it is not supported and you need to know dpkg/apt very well. it's one of those 'if you're asking,you probably don't want to do it'-things.19:48
nerv203Ah... well, this sucks slightly.19:49
fdovingnerv203: gutsy giving you trouble?19:49
=== TimS is now known as TimS|away
nerv203fdoving: Yeah, just a bit. Dolphin keeps giving me malformed url, unrecognized file type, and unrecognized MIME dialogues every time I try to access anything using it.19:50
BluesKajniespoo , 'alsamixer' in the konsole or open kmix by clicking on the speaker icon19:50
jhutchinsazlon: gksudo is for gnome, kdesudo or kdesu for kubuntu.  kdesudo konqueror will launch the browser.19:50
fdovingnerv203: yeah, dolphin isn't the best, right-click on a folder -> properties -> find the wrench on the right and click it -> move konqueror to the top of the list.19:51
jhutchinsazlon: You can also use the console and do sudo cp /source/files /target/folder19:51
jhutchinsniespoo: I think that's determined by the driver, which is determined by the sound hardware.19:52
jhutchinsniespoo: You'd probably have to change the code in the driver.19:52
jhutchinsniespoo: Or possibly use different hardware.19:52
niespoojhutchins: no chances to just set other value? now is 13% what is big difference ;/19:53
jhutchinsniespoo: You're talking about the smallest change in volume you can make, right?19:53
niespoojhutchins: yes, by using media keys builded in my laptop19:54
nerv203fdoving: Problem, I can't actually access any folders to right click on.19:54
jhutchinsYou'd have to look at the keyboard map file and see what command it's actually executing, possibly change that.19:54
nerv203Oh nevermind, I'll just make a new one on the desktop.19:55
niespoojhutchins: do you know where i have to look for it?19:55
=== kerry is now known as wii
fdovingnerv203: alt+f2 'kcmshell filetypes' -> expand inode -> directory - move konqueror to the top of the list.19:56
jhutchinsniespoo: Not really, how did you enable the media keys in the first place?19:56
wiihow do i know what card graph i have?19:56
niespoojhutchins: the just worked after installation19:56
coreymon77wii: you mean graphics card?19:57
niespoojhutchins: they, sorry for my english ;/19:57
jhutchinsniespoo: Well, dig around in the docs on keyboard selection, you can probably find which files it uses, and look in there.  I have this vague notion that there's an xaudio application that actually makes the changes.19:57
wiicoreymon77: yes19:57
coreymon77wii: try using lspci19:58
benpiccowii: lspci | grep VGA19:58
wiiok i have a Radeon Xpress 200G Series how do i install the drivers19:59
ardchoille!ati | wii19:59
ubotuwii: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:00
=== slayer is now known as slayer_
=== slayer_ is now known as slayer_123
Ax-AxIs it "I thought you meant x" or "I thought you meaned x"?20:02
BluesKajwii, feisty ?20:03
patricioAx-Ax: it is not X, it's Y20:03
wiiBluesKaj: yes20:03
kaminix^Messages I send with KMail are not sent.20:06
kaminix^Why? :s20:06
kaminix^No errors either.20:06
wiiBluesKaj: when i install the drivers do i have o config my server x?20:06
fdovingkaminix^: check your transport settings,do you use an smtp or a local sendmail?20:07
ubuntuHow to load an IMG file into floppy?20:08
=== ubuntu is now known as BArbarello
* Minataku meows20:09
=== BArbarello is now known as Barbarello
MinatakuBArbarello: You have a standard FDD, correct?20:09
wiiBluesKaj: when i install the drivers do i have o config my server x?20:09
Barbarelloyes, it is. An 1.44 mb20:09
Minatakusudo dd if=filename.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=147456020:10
MinatakuJust be careful with dd20:10
MinatakuIt's a very powerful command20:10
BluesKajwii, http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html20:10
MinatakuBut that there, when you replace "filename.img" with the filename of the image file will write it to the 1.44MB floppy in what is typically referred to as A:20:11
Barbarelloi've understood/ Thanks!20:11
BluesKajwii , it depends what you want to do on your pc20:11
MinatakuNo problem :320:11
=== osiris__ is now known as BluDog_Anchorite
BluDog_Anchoriteis it possible to hide join/part messages in konversation ?20:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aptana - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:15
ardchoilleBluDog_Anchorite: Yes, it's in the settings20:15
MinatakuHeya, Dr_Willis20:16
MinatakuGot the Amiga working20:16
MinatakuIt had a bad CPU20:16
MinatakuThe sound may also be bad, but I'm done messing with it for now20:16
ardchoilleBluDog_Anchorite: Behavior > Chat Window > second checkbox20:17
compilerwriterGreetings folks I have two issues:  HP printer on my kubuntu box and sharing it with XP.  I also have a problem with getting vmware up and running.  Anyone feel like helping me with either or both?20:17
BluDog_Anchoritefound it.  thanks20:17
compilerwriterThe issue with the printer sharing is perplexing me.  I followed the tutorial examples on the web and it seemed that when I went to install the printer on the laptop that it found the printer ok on my machine.  I, however, get no output from the printer.  Am I not holding my mouth properly?20:19
BluDog_Anchoriteardchoille: would you by chance know if fluxbox supports edge flipping (roll mouse to  next work space)20:19
ardchoilleBluDog_Anchorite: I haven't used fb is so long I can't remember.20:20
BluDog_Anchoritegotcha.  im working on a dapper laptop with very limited resources.  going for a small, fast, functional machine20:21
compilerwriterBluDog_Anchorite I think the whole idea about fluxbox is that you really didn't need much more than one workspace so I believe the answer is no.  But like ardchoille I have not used it in quite some time.20:21
BluDog_Anchoriteit has 4 workspaces by default.  just like the others20:21
fernando_I have the the g++-4.2 installed, but for bach files, the system doesn't recognize it.. how can I set the right variable for that?20:22
fernando_CXX=g++-4.2, but how..?20:22
fernando_any idea20:22
compilerwriterTrue BluDog-Anchorite, but I think the flipping feature would have added size and complexity.  Therefore it would be against the grain of fluxbox in general.20:22
Dr_willisBluDog_Anchorite,  i dont recall it having that feature either. But i would check the fluxbox docs to be sure. It may just be disabled by default20:22
Dr_willisHowdy Minataku20:22
MinatakuI got the Amiga working. It had a bad CPU. It may also have bad sound.20:23
boguhfernando_ update-alternatives?20:23
Dr_willisMinataku,  thats odd. Of course a 68000 cpu ran about $12 20 years ago. :)20:23
fdovingfernando_: export CXX=g++-4.2 ?20:24
MinatakuI dropped the other one in and it started working20:24
Dr_willisthen again the things have been sitting for about 10+ years.20:24
raultengo un problema al instalar nwn20:24
MinatakuThe sound is the next point of interest20:24
Dr_willisMinataku,  iw as going to suggest that yesterday the 'drop it a few in to reseat the cpu fix'20:24
Schuenemannis there a tutorial on how to install mysql and query browser on kubuntu?20:24
MinatakuWell, it's working now, except for sound (maybe)20:24
Dr_willisThat was a issue YEARS ago  - aparently a speed bump at the C= home caused a lot of cpus to unseat.20:25
MinatakuI also lack a mouse and pretty much any software20:25
compilerwriterThe problem I am having with vmware is that I need someone to help me get it up and running.  I tried an install and botched it. I tried vmware after I had no luck getting virtualbox to work in seamless windows.  God, but I wish there were a really good open source answer to Quickbooks and Quicken that had all the same functionality as they do.20:25
MinatakuLike Workbench20:25
SchuenemannI installed both through apt-get20:25
Dr_willisYou do have the sound out going into a stero ir somthing?20:25
ubuntucan some one help me?20:25
niespooHmm, how to enable xv video output in mplayer?20:25
Dr_willisMinataku,  :) actually I think some of the game disks had almost full workbenches on them.20:25
MinatakuI tried to feed it directly into my TV20:26
compilerwriter!ask ubuntu20:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask ubuntu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:26
enzo_What is the alternative to KRecordMyDesktop?20:26
MinatakuThe video works to my TV in glorious monochrome20:26
compilerwriter!ask | ubuntu20:26
ubotuubuntu: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)20:26
enzo_I want something that will record what I am doing.20:26
MinatakuThe sound seems to be a different issue20:26
Dr_willisMinataku,   heh. i got some amiga monitors.. some still work.20:26
MinatakuDirect to the TV, the sound didn't seem to work20:26
enzo_I try to do differnet things and the app won't record it. Only what my mouse does (where it goes on the screen)20:26
MinatakuGot an RF Adapter?20:26
Dr_willisI always had this sony brand radio tghat had aux in, that i always used.20:26
fernando_export CXX=g++-4.2 didn't work, the same with update-alternatives20:27
ubuntucan some one help me install Ubuntu on my Desktop here?20:27
Dr_willisAmiga to TV via RF. Hmm..  it had a composite out. or at least some of them did.20:27
MinatakuIt does, but it's monochrome only20:27
Dr_willisThats.. weird. should be color.20:27
compilerwriterubuntu what sort of problems are you having with the installation?20:27
MinatakuAt least not on the A500 it's not20:27
MinatakuIt explicitly says "MONO" over the plug20:27
ubuntui want to keep my Windows OS20:28
Dr_willisMinataku,  you sure thats not for the Stero?20:28
MinatakuConsidering it DOES output a video signal, I'm 100% sure20:28
Dr_willisI dont rember the amiga ever having a mono out.. the C128 did. heh.20:28
MinatakuVideo and audio signals are quite different20:28
Dr_willisBut there were a lot of vairations on the A500's when they came out and later20:28
compilerwriterubuntu there are several ways to do that.  How are you planning to seperate the two operating systems.20:28
ubuntuall i wish is to have both!20:29
fdovingfernando_: you need to export CXX=.. before running the script that depends on that version of gcc. you also need to make sure that variable is not overriden inside thescript,for example in Makefiles.20:29
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:29
MinatakuThere ya go, ubuntu20:29
MinatakuYou want the first link there20:29
compilerwriterThanks manataku.20:29
compilerwriterubuntu if you have questions after reading that then come back and we will try to help you further.20:30
niespooHmm, how to enable xv video output in mplayer? Im using ati drivers...20:32
biovoreniespoo: you probably can't, because most of the ATI cards don't support xvideo overlay..20:32
Dr_willisI recall having to select some other video out on mplayer for my laptop20:33
compilerwriterAnyone here able to help me with my printer sharing or vmware issues?20:33
biovoreprobably can output in openGL and get some better performance then software render20:33
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=== ubuntu_ is now known as ubuntu__
sn00zerhow can i install Gtk2::TrayIcon?20:34
dthackersn00zer: perl module?20:35
Dr_williscompilerwriter,  what vmware issues?20:35
biovoreI though that was in the gtk2 dev package..20:35
sn00zeri'm not sure, i need it for CheckGmail v1.1220:36
compilerwriterI have tried to install the blasted thing on Gutsy but seem to have bungled it.20:36
Dr_willisthe :: is a common used way of naming the varios perl modules20:36
biovoresn00zer: compiling from source.. or this a binary?20:36
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:37
sn00zeri compiled the gmail program from source20:37
sn00zerit worked for a long time until i updated with adept and it broke it20:37
=== paarth is now known as Alberio
biovoresn00zer: well probably need a -dev package..20:37
sn00zeris gtk2-dev in the repos?20:38
* dthacker nods20:38
Alberiohey, I'm having some trouble with the "open" on the download window for certain web browsers. The firefox family (firefox, swfitfox, swiftweasel) does anybody know how to fix this?20:38
biovoresn00zer: libgtk2.0-dev20:39
niespoobiovore: i cant set up xv and opengl video output in kaffeine ;/20:39
biovoreniespoo: ati's binary driver dosn't support xvideo thus no xv20:40
biovorewell on some cards anyway..20:40
sn00zerthanks all20:40
biovorethat work?20:40
dthackersn00zer: libgtk-trayicon2 is in the repository20:40
niespoobiovore: i have ati mobility radeon x30020:41
niespoobiovore: which output driver should i use to get best resuts?20:41
Alberio I'm having some trouble with the "open" on the download window for certain web browsers. The firefox family (firefox, swfitfox, swiftweasel) does anybody know how to fix this?20:41
biovoreniespoo: I had a ati card in my laptop and had all these weird problems as well..   I used openGL (-v GL2) with mplayer for best performance.. still wasn't very good..20:41
sn00zeryes it worked perfectly, thanks guys20:42
biovoreI replaced it with a nvidia card.. works better..20:42
niespooi cant replace a card ;/20:42
biovoreyup.. then your just screwed then.. :-(20:42
biovorecomplain to ATI..20:42
Dr_williswell its 'amd' now not ati right?20:43
Dr_willisI got a x200m in my laptop. - it cant handle a lot. But it does a good job for the low low low price.20:44
biovoreyou got xvideo working on that Willis..20:44
Dr_willisI watch videos. :)20:45
niespoohmmm. full screen quality is very bad ;/20:45
Dr_willisactually i tend to just use geexbox on it to watch videos more then anything else.20:45
niespoowhat can I do? please help me20:46
Dr_willisI have a grub entry that boots a geexbox 'mini install' on the front of the HD. :) a fast booting -videowathing  machine.20:46
PsycoshotHey guys.20:49
PsycoshotCan someone help me. I have an extra HD and I want to formot in.20:49
PsycoshotHow do I do that?20:49
nareshovpsychoholic, qtparted ?20:49
patricioPsycoshot: fdisk?20:50
nareshovoope, Psycoshot20:50
nareshovbah, do I need sleep >_>20:50
niespooSo, i cant do anything to get better video quality?20:50
nareshovniespoo, did you try gl2 ?20:51
Dr_willisfdisk the drive to partition it, then you format the partitions, then you mount the formated partitions :)20:51
niespoonareshov: no i havent. i tried it right now and seems to work better20:52
Dr_willisqtparted  or gparted is handy for the fdisk/formating part. :)20:52
PsycoshotThanks Dr_willis20:55
Dr_willisor course theres other things you may want to do. depending on wht you plan on doing with the new HD.20:56
PsycoshotWin XP20:56
PsycoshotPartition type for xp is Fat32?20:57
fernando_how can I set the variable CXX=g++-4.2 in the system??20:57
biovorePsycoshot: well if its formated fat32.. there is a ntfs partion type..20:57
biovorefernando_: export CXX=g++-4.220:58
PsycoshotI chose format drive then it asks for partition type20:58
biovorePsycoshot: format..you partion?20:58
Psycoshotext3, ext2 FAT 3220:58
fernando_biovore: doesn't work..20:58
biovorefernando_: you can always force it in the makefile probably.20:58
Psycoshotformat partition20:58
Psycoshotmy bad20:58
biovoreor just symlink /usr/bin/g++ to your other compiler20:59
andreas_When i try to watch divx movies in firefox it just freeses.  Why?  Have installed mplayer20:59
fernando_no..but I need it as variable, because is a problem for developing..20:59
biovorewell depends on what the make file is doing..20:59
biovoreyou can specify CXX= to something in the makefile..21:00
biovorenormaly they can pull the vars from the shell envrioment.21:00
biovoreCXX might be CPP though..21:00
Dr_willisPsycoshot,  if you are installing xp to the drive. you may want to let XP format it21:00
PsycoshotHeh alright21:01
fernando_biovore: the make file is made it automatically many times, I need it as a variable21:01
fernando_biovore: export did work on previous version of kubuntu, but now doesn't work..21:01
biovorefernando_: probably need to specify in the configure thing21:01
biovoreor in automake21:02
biovoredepending on how your source tree does it.21:02
=== neversfelde|mobi is now known as neversfelde
florianrwhat is the easiest way to install vmware player for gutsy? Is there a repository?21:03
jussio1!compiz > jussio121:03
biovorefear the bot lag21:03
Myrth[home]hi, from some point on, if i open any link in KDE apps it creates temporary file and then opens it in firefox... i remember before it was transfering link directly... is it a configuration value?21:03
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers21:04
florianrubotu: hmm I have multiverse enabled but I can't find/install vmware player, only server ...21:07
=== ubuntu is now known as blacksix
tekteenflorianr: ubotu is a bot21:09
blacksixhow do I resore my mbr on my dual boot xp kubuntu21:09
biovorerestore.. you mean put grub back on it?21:09
Dr_willisrestore grub? or the XP mbr?21:09
biovoreeather or.. not both..21:10
fernando_biovore: I create a file on /home/user/.bashrc, with the command and that finally work :)21:10
biovorefernando_: effects your user all the time though..21:10
biovorebut I guess its easy enough to just comment it out..21:10
blacksixno dual boot screen coming up on reboot21:11
biovoreblacksix: just booting into XP?21:11
biovoreok.. then you need to get grub back on the MBR21:11
biovoreyou have the kubuntu installer CD?21:11
biovorethe live cd one.. (boots into graphical enviroment)21:12
CugelGuys, I'm wondering what it means when dmesg gives me the message 'device eth0 entered promiscuous mode'. What does that mean?21:12
biovoreCugel: means your nic card is capturing everything that comes it.. not just stuff to your target IP.. use when sniffing a network or bridged connections..21:13
blacksixk  thanks21:13
CugelI wonder why it does that.21:13
biovoreblacksix: I think after you load the kubnutu cd21:13
biovoreblacksix: pop open a shell and type grub-install21:13
biovoreI think..21:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about grubfix - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:13
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:13
biovore^ yeah there you go :-)21:14
tekteengo to the first link21:14
biovoreI don't know what the ubuntu way is for that.. I just boot up and pop open a shell and do my own thing..21:14
=== zanimimotus is now known as animimotus
tekteenanyone know how to make the samba users/pass the same as the system21:23
Dr_willisI recall there being some 'password sync' settings.. But never have used them21:23
Dr_willissince i just have 2 users. i manually set the smbpasswd -a USER thepassword21:24
tekteensame here21:24
tekteenI am creating systems to be given to other people21:24
Dr_willisI seem to recall ages go when i used webmin (or was it swat) there being some sync setting. and the smb config mention it. but id have to say check that 'using samba' book thats in the repos to be 100% sure.21:25
Dr_willis!info samba-doc21:25
ubotusamba-doc: Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.2 (gutsy), package size 6816 kB, installed size 14752 kB21:25
Alarmhello, is there a way to get over or a workaround to the bug with the hal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused uid 1000  ?21:25
Alarmwhen i turn on my external usb hdd and try to enter the directory i get the above error. checked online and saw that it is a bug, is there somehow i could mount my drive every time i turn it on ?21:25
Dr_willisAlarm,  you could just manually mount it. or make an icon/use some mounting tool with a fstab entry21:26
Dr_willisIve not experienced the bug. ive seen a lot of people in here asking about it however.21:26
Alarmwell, i want my drive to be mounted automaticaly or to be mounted when i try to enter it, but not to mount it always from command line21:27
Dr_willismake an icon that runs the proper mount command, or use some of the other mounting tools.. No need t use the command line. But im old skool. :)21:27
Dr_willisI rember the days when there was NO automounting of anything.21:28
Alarmisnt there something to be done so that it will be mounted right after i plug it in ?21:29
Dr_willisThats what HAL and the automounting subsystem handles.. and as you said thers some bug.21:29
Alarmok something else then21:30
Dr_willisa fstab entry will override the auto-mounting i belive. But ya can always set it where a user can mount the device. and it may just appear on the desktop as 'unmounted' and you rightlcick/mount it.21:30
Alarmkind of different problem. it has to do with a usb flash21:31
myk_any of you guys tried doing any recording on a laptop with intel hda?21:31
Alarmwhen pluging it in i get the error: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1, missing codepage, or other error . the funny thing is that the same flash mounted without any problem on another kubuntu system21:32
Dr_willisthats just mounts generic 'error message'21:34
Dr_willisYou can mount it manually?21:34
Alarmif i do a pmount it works21:34
TQuid'allo folks.21:34
Alarmbut again i got to do it within a console21:34
Dr_willismake an icon that runs the mount command then.21:35
Dr_willisI cant say tht ive ever used pmount in 10+ years. heh. :)21:35
Dr_willisafuse - automounting file system implemented in user-space using FUSE21:35
Dr_willisHmm.. wonder how that works.21:35
TQuidI'm running Gutsy, and last night got my bluetooth headset going. But I'm having the same problem with it as I do with my minijack headset--the mic is very quiet. I see this problem noted in several places, but no solution. Anyone know anything about it?21:35
Alarmso again and icon :)21:36
Alarmdude , if i do that for every drive i got i will need 4 desktops just with icons hehe21:36
Dr_willisYou just said it was a problem with the usb drive. not all of them21:36
Alarmi am just kidding, yes it had to do with the hdd21:37
Alarmbut cant understand how the flash can mount without any problem on other kubuntu21:37
=== iain is now known as icheyne
icheynemedibuntu is slow :o(21:39
heinkel_111medibuntu slow? i get a "down" error message21:44
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mario25hay algun admin?21:44
tekteen!es | mario2521:45
ubotumario25: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.21:45
icheyneheinkel_111: works, but I was getting 5kps21:45
mario25gracias ubotu21:45
tekteenubotu es bot21:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about es bot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:45
tekteenno es persona21:45
mohihi all21:50
mohido you know a easter egg for kubuntu ?21:50
Dr_willisCant say that ive ever heard of any easter eggs for K/Ubuntu21:52
hydrogenapt-get moo21:53
Dr_willisapt-get install cowsay figlet21:54
=== andreas_ is now known as thylio
Dr_willisfortune | cowsay21:54
Dr_willisfortune | figlet21:54
draikDr_willis: !fortune?21:54
Dr_willismisfortune :)21:55
tekteenAnyone know of a way to automatically have samba create a share folder for each user. An example is how the home directory is created. However I do not want the folder to point to the home dir but instead a relative path.21:56
mohiDr_willis: yes! I've tried these things, I want to know if there is anything like "Free the fish" in gnome !21:56
Dr_willistime to hit the google i guess. :)21:56
tekteenalso, Dr_willis, I figured out how to do my previous question21:57
thylioI'm having problems watching divx videos i on internet. I have installed mplayer. when i press play, the screen (where the film shuld be) is black and in the upper left corner is sais "mplayer". after that firefox shuts down. Got the same problem in konqueror to, exept that it doesent shut down. Can anyone help me?21:57
mohiin gnome, when you hit alt+f2 and type that phrase, there would be a fish crossing your desktop!21:57
=== TimS|away is now known as TimS
florianrIf I use views with type full node the title is shown as link .....22:00
florianr... and not formated as normal nodes title ....22:00
florianrBut I want it to be shown as normal title. ...22:00
florianrhow could I change that?22:01
Dr_willistekteen,  the samba docs helped? :)22:01
thylioWhen i started konqueror from terminal i got:22:01
thylioASSERT: "!icon.isEmpty()" in /build/buildd/kdebase-3.5.8/./libkonq/konq_pixmapprovider.cc (81)22:01
thylioASSERT: "!icon.isEmpty()" in /build/buildd/kdebase-3.5.8/./libkonq/konq_pixmapprovider.cc (81)22:01
thylioIs it relevant?22:01
Dr_willisthylio,  i dont think so.22:02
thylioOkay. Damn22:02
Dr_williswhat site you watching divx video in anyway?22:02
thyliostage6.divx.com ;D22:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fortune - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:03
Dr_willisthylio,  i can watch stage6 stuff  - I normally download the videos however.22:04
thylioHmm...  Let work backwords. What is different in your software than in mine?22:04
Dr_willisNo idea.. You tell me. :)22:04
Dr_willisUsing firefox, and ive installed the kubuntu-restricted-extras package22:05
thylioI guess u have mplayer, kmplayer,22:05
Dr_willisI got about eveyrthing there is :)22:05
thyliohehe:p Okay,  That doesnt help me mutch^^,22:05
Dr_willis kubuntu-restricted-extras - would be the first thing to grab.22:06
thyliothink that was the first thing i did.22:06
Alberioin friefox, does anybody else's "open" button in the downloads window not work?22:06
AlberioI just updated to Gutsy yesterday, and installed firefox from the repos, but the open button doesn't do anything22:07
thyliowhat is the command of the super editor?22:08
Dr_willisEverything I got installed on this box --------> http://pastebin.com/m507f793322:08
Dr_willissuper editor?22:08
thylioDunno, just so i can edit a .conf file ^^,22:08
Alberioor does anybody know how to fix this problem?22:08
Dr_willisAlberio,  you mean the 'open/remove' links? Open works here . for my videos at least.22:08
Alberioyes, those22:09
Alberioand @thylio, just do sudo <text editor> <file>22:09
Alberiolike say, sudo pico xorg.conf22:09
thylioneed the command for the text editor:p22:09
Alberioor sudo kate xorg.conf22:09
thyliopico then?22:09
thyliookay, thx22:09
Alberioit doesn't matter what text editor you use22:09
Dr_willisuse whatever editor you like.22:09
Alberiojust need to do it with su priveledges22:09
* tekteen uses "nano -w"22:09
* Alberio is a kate fan22:10
* ubunturos points, nano is linked to pico. So, there's no pico22:10
Dr_willisI am able to watch http://stage6.divx.com/user/xchristox/video/1778519/New-Species-Discovered-That-Look-Like-Aliens!  inside the browser window.22:10
* tekteen uses "sudo nano -w FILE" or "kdesudo kwrite FILE"22:10
Alberiothe open link doesn't work in swiftfox or swiftweaasel either22:12
lovrehi all22:13
Dr_willisAlberio,  You have ubuntu-desktop installed as well?22:13
lovrecan any1 help me? When i plug in my USB memory key, it doesnt automount... How to fix this?22:13
AlberioI'm not sure22:14
Alberio*goes to check*22:14
Alberioand for lovre, would adding it to fstab work?22:14
draikI forgot who it was, but thank you for mentioning Uplink. I'm now addicted.22:14
BluesKajDr_willis, what plugin enables that video?22:14
ignoramusHello everyone.  Got a problem installing IPblock... when I try to enable it, i get an error telling me it can't find VERBOSE= -q.   Any ideas on how to fix?22:15
Alberioi only have kubuntu-desktop installed22:15
drxHello, i have difficulties with enabling mouse gestures in konqueror. I already looked in kControl (khotkeys), but there are no predefined settings.22:15
shad__I need download manager with gui22:15
Dr_willisBluesKaj,  no idea :) i pastebin'd everything i got installed.22:16
Dr_willisunless you can tell me how to check firefox to see what its using22:16
thylioBluesKaj: Then we have the same problem. Cant get divx videos working.22:17
drxBluesKaj: have you tried medibuntu repositories?22:17
thylioDr_willis: This is whats happes; http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/9731/skjermbilde2vc5.png22:17
BluesKajthylio, I'm DLing it ...pretty sure it'll play in vlc22:17
lovreAlberio: how to do that? if you could explain22:18
thylioBluesKaj: yeah. But the beauty of steaming is that i dont have to download :p22:18
Dr_willisIts often better to download then stream22:18
Dr_willisi download, save to disk.. watch at work. :P22:19
BluesKajI use konq web browser , so i dunno what plugin will play it22:19
Dr_willisif only i could get the names batter then 1243243242141324.divx22:19
Alberiolovre: do you have the mount point of the usb?22:19
lovrejust a sec22:20
Dr_willisaha - I seem to be using......  totem-plugin-viewer 2.20.0  Browser Plugin using GStreamer 0.10.1422:20
Dr_willisthats playign them. :)22:20
Dr_willisi played a video and did a rightclick/about22:20
thylioWhy did'nt i think of that?   -.-  totem, lol:D22:20
Dr_willistotem-mozilla                                   install22:20
BluesKajDr_willis, FF ?22:21
lovreAlberio: i dont know what mount point of the usb is..22:22
thyliowhen i am talking here. Got a issue when trying to mount my newlie partitioned hdd.22:22
Dr_willisIm using firefox22:23
Alberiolovre: go into /dev is there an sdb1?22:23
Dr_willislets see if it works in konq.22:23
Alberiolovre: how about an sdb222:23
drxIf anyone is interested: Here is how i managed to solve the mousegestures config: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3088120.022:23
=== milardovich_ is now known as milardovich
lovreAlberio: there is sdb and sdb122:25
rothchildok I've had my dinner and I'm still trying to sort samba out. I can't get the permissions right and keep getting NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED22:25
Alberiolovre: is the usb mounted atm?22:25
lovreAlberio: you mean like mounted to a directory?22:26
lovreAlberio: it is not22:26
thylioDr_willis: Did u use totem-plugin-viewer 2.20.0?22:26
lovreAlberio: the automount doesnt work22:26
Alberiolovre: alright, try this. lets see if we've got the right drive first22:26
Alberiolovre: go to /media22:26
Alberiolovre: mkdir test122:27
Alberiolovre: the usb drive is fat32 format?22:27
lovreits fat, but not sure if its 32. I suppose yes22:27
Dr_willisgrep totem ALL_I_GOT_INSTALLED      totem-mozilla totem-gstreamr  libtotem-plparser7 totem22:27
Alberiolovre: it probably is.22:27
Alberiolovre: next command22:28
Dr_willisis all the totem related packages I got it seems22:28
Alberiolovre: type sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/test1 -t vfat22:28
lovreAlberio: ok, that is the right drive22:28
Alberiolovre: great22:29
thylioDr_willis: I'll follow in your fotsteps22:29
vasilisai installed the restricted ATI driver and now everything's slower22:29
lovreAlberio: now what22:29
Alberiolovre: now we can either choose to add the drive to /etc/fstab, or we can add the mount command to the startup file22:29
vasilisabut without it nexuiz wont even go22:29
lovreAlberio: what startup file?22:29
Alberiolovre: give me a second to check something out, and I'll get back to you very soon22:29
lovreAlberio: ok22:29
escuterhey, can someone help me upgrade to 7.10?22:30
escuterapt-get dist-upgrade is doing nothing22:31
Alberiolovre: Well i've got one way, but it's a little unorthodox. I'll just ask something real quick for the other way22:33
AlberioHow would I get the UID of a drive?22:33
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:34
lovreAlberio: what do i need to do? Can i add the line in fstab?22:34
crimsunAlberio: vol_id -u22:34
Alberiocrimsun: thanks22:34
thyliojees. Why the hell is'nt the sound working in vlc now... -.-22:35
Alberiocrimsun: I get a "no device"22:36
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)22:36
Dr_willisseveral ways to get the uuid :)22:36
Dr_willisyou can even change the uuid if you want22:36
Alberioubotu is very useful22:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is very useful - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:36
Alberiolovre: do what ubotu said22:37
Dr_willisI got my uuids to be like 000-000-000-000-001  and 00-000-000-000-002 and so on. :P22:37
Alberiolovre: type in sudo blkid. Note down the UUID for /dev/sdb122:37
Dr_willisls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/22:37
Dr_willisalso shows the uuids22:37
lovreAlberio: done22:38
lovreAlberio: now?22:38
Dr_willisYou just asked how.. :) what were you trying to do? heh22:38
AlberioDr_willis: trying to find it to add the drive into the fstab file22:39
Alberiolovre: sudo <some text editior> /etc/fstab22:39
lovreAlberio: done22:39
Alberiolovre: notice the format that's in there22:40
thylioHow do i fint out what audio-output to use?22:40
lovreAlberio: i see22:40
Alberiolovre: I would just follow that format22:40
Alberioso I would add the line22:40
lovreAlberio: well, its not very consistent...22:40
Alberiolovre: well the first few lines22:40
Alberiolovre: well I would type in this22:41
Dr_willisAlberio,  you dont have to use the uuid. you can use the /dev/whatever name as well22:42
Alberiolovre: UUID=<your UUID> /media/test1 vfat defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       122:42
AlberioDr_willis: well don't I feel stupid XD22:42
Alberioalright lovre, looks like you can use /dev/sdb1 instead of UID22:43
Alberiothe UUID*22:43
lovrei see22:43
lovreAlberio: so it goes like this: /dev/sdb1 /media/test1 vfat22:43
lovreAlberio: or what?22:43
thyliohow do i restart x?22:44
AlberioDr_willis: would it have also worked to enter "mount /dev/sdb1 /media/test1 -t vfat" ?22:44
Alberiothylio: endx, startx I think would work22:44
lovrethylio: you can CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE22:44
Alberiolovre: yeah, but I would add the rest of the stuff I put in there22:44
Alberiolovre: not exactly sure if it's necessary, but it keeps with format *shrugs* maybe Dr_willis can explain again here22:45
lovreAlberio: ok, now what? restart or it should work now?22:45
Alberiolovre: that line should have it mount to /media/test1 though. so you might want to change teh name22:45
lovreAlberio: i changed22:46
Alberiolovre: ok. well since it's already mounted, you don't need to restart. just do the same thing we did for making /media/test122:46
Alberioand mount it there instead22:46
Alberioto the new folder22:46
Alberiowhen you restart, it should mount that drive to that point22:46
lovrethank you22:46
lovrei hope it works22:46
lovregna restart now, i mounted to /media/USB22:47
Dr_willislearning the ins and outs of how linux mounts drives - is a top 10 thing to become a Linux Leet Haxor. :)22:47
Alberiolovre: good luck22:47
biovorecow -- its not a animal if your a Linux Leet Haxor :-P22:47
AlberioDr_willis: speaking of which, I was exploring /dev yesterday, and noticed the file type "Character special"22:47
biovoredoes your kernel moo ?22:48
AlberioDr_willis: they seem to me to be streams, for handling devices22:48
Dr_willisAlberio,  everything is a file :) even devices.22:48
AlberioDr_willis: noting that my wacom tablet shows up as /dev/input/wacom which is a symbolic link to /dev/input/event4, and also stdin and stdout are character specials22:49
AlberioDr_willis: I'm trying to move out of my casual user stage ^^22:49
lovrenot working :(22:50
icheynehi all - how do I get the strigi daemon to start at boot? should I do that?22:50
lovreand theese flying icons that should be on kicker are annoying.22:51
lovrei hope some1 fixes that bug asap22:52
Alberiolovre: want to paste your /etc/fstab file in pastebin?22:52
Alberioor at least the part you added22:52
lovreAlberio: i changed it now, gna restart once more to see22:52
=== kak[gone] is now known as [ka]killer
smaxhi gang22:53
smaxwhen i reboot my computer,  previous programs that were running before i reboot automatcially restart.22:54
smaxhow can i prevent this ?22:54
smaxwhere in kcontrol ?22:55
Dr_willisThats 'session management' at work.22:55
stdinsmax: system settings > advanced > session manager22:55
Dr_willisclose the apps. and log out. and it should 'rember' that they were not running.22:55
Dr_willis'start with an empty session' basicially disables the feature.22:57
smaxstdin: thanx pal22:58
lovrei have changed fstab and now it autostarts. But some chars are ? and i cant acces those files and/or folders22:59
lovreshould i have left the utf8 in fstab?22:59
Alberiowell for all my fat 32 mounts, I have22:59
Alberioand they work22:59
Alberioso yeah, I guess try that22:59
lovrecan you paste me that line from earlier plz?23:00
Alberiolovre: UUID=<your UUID> /media/test1 vfat defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       123:01
Alberiolovre: /dev/sdb1 /media/test1 vfat defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       123:01
Alberiolovre: remember to change /media/test123:02
lovrei did. thank you again, ill try now.23:02
lovreit is not working with that line :(23:06
Alberiomaybe its the umask=007,gid=4623:07
lovreremove thoose parts?23:07
Alberiolovre: those could be particular to my machine23:07
Alberiolovre: try it, I don't know now23:08
lovredo i NEED to restart for this to work?23:09
AlberioI think so23:10
sourcemakerwhich kind of software do you use for IRC... ?Kopete?23:15
AlberioKonversation or xchat23:15
Alberiosometimes chatzilla23:15
sourcemakerAlberio: ok23:15
Dr_willisi normally use umask=000223:17
* Minataku meows23:18
BluesKajDr_willis, what was that divx URL again ? my klipbooard wasn't setup to save enuff text23:22
c0Ldhow can I pick different styles of login windows? I don't really like having the users' names listed23:24
[ka]killerdam it i lost The Game23:25
Dr_willisc0Ld,  Install some KDM themes, and use the kdm theme tool23:25
Dr_willis!find kdm23:25
ubotuFound: kdm, kde-kdm-themes, kdmtheme23:25
Alberioi lost too23:26
MinatakuWow. Quiet.23:33
MinatakuI guess everyone is watching Mythbusters23:33
Death_roW◑ ◔23:34
MinatakuWhat the hell character is that grid one?23:34
BluesKajDeath_roW, are we supposed to be impressed ?23:34
MinatakuI was moderately impressed23:35
Death_roWNot really23:35
MinatakuBroke the silence, at the very least23:35
Death_roWI'm bored, and as Minataku was talking about it being quiet23:35
BluesKajhehe yeah23:35
MinatakuHooray for UTF-8 shenanigans! :D23:35
BluesKajdivx plugins for FF, do they exist?23:35
BluesKajor even konq23:36
hcboxcant do cfisk on my new disk ... nontheless is correctly detected in dmesg23:36
MinatakuI don't play anything inside the browser23:36
Minatakuhcbox: Hrm.23:36
MinatakuBluesKaj: I use the "Media Player Connectivity" extension23:36
MinatakuWhich calls out to various configured media players with the locations of media23:37
Myrth[home]hm... i'm running kde but in firefox the cursor and font antialiasing is gnome's... why?23:38
hcboxata1.01: ATA-7: Maxtor 6L300R0, BAH41G10, max UDMA/133 . Well but it doesnt give me the identifier and i cant cfdisk /dev/hdb :D23:38
jackI can't raise the resolution ni KDE23:38
hcboxjack: check your x configuration23:39
jack edited the Xorg configs as I did in  7.123:39
jackI know23:39
MinatakuMyrth: Firefox uses GTK23:39
jackI removed them ALL but 1280 x 102423:39
jackand it still uses 1024 x 76823:39
jackhcbox: I don't know where its getting the config from23:39
Dr_williscould be its not getting the eide ? info from the monitor proplery23:40
jackhcbox: its obviously not that =\23:40
MinatakuIt's one of the few well-programmed GTK apps23:40
Minatakujack: Try XRandR23:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xrandr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:40
Myrth[home]Minataku: thanks, maybe you also know why when i click a link in kde apps (kontact, konversation, kopete, etc) it downloads to temporary file and shows it in firefox, instead of transferring the link directly to firefox?23:40
jackhaha :(23:40
MinatakuYou <the rest of this comment is highly censored>23:40
MinatakuDumbass bot23:40
* Minataku kicks ubotu23:40
jackScreen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1280 x 120023:40
jackVGA-0 connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right) 0mm x 0mm23:40
Minataku!info xrandr23:41
ubotuxrandr: X Rotation, Reflection and Resize utility. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.2.2-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 23 kB, installed size 84 kB23:41
jackits not listed in that list23:41
MinatakuAt least I can give you the package name23:41
jackIts installed23:41
MinatakuRead the manual page for it23:41
MinatakuThen try and change the resolution with it23:41
MinatakuThere used to be info on it, but hell if I know who did what with it23:42
MinatakuThey're always doing all kinds of stupid crap around here23:42
jackzrandr --size size/widthxhighth23:42
jackwhats Size?23:42
jackThats not something I use with monitors XD23:42
coreymon77ubotu censors stuff?23:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about censors stuff? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:42
coreymon77Minataku: or was that a joke23:42
MinatakuNo, they really do various idiotic things with the bot23:43
Dr_willis!find rand23:43
ubotuFound: libxcb-randr0, libxcb-randr0-dbg, libxcb-randr0-dev, libxrandr-dev, libxrandr2 (and 19 others)23:43
Dr_willis!find krand23:43
MinatakuRandomly deleting or changing sh*t for no good reason23:43
Minatakujack: One sec23:43
MinatakuI'm reading the manual page for it myself23:43
jackThanks Minataku23:43
jackoh lol23:43
ubotuFile krand found in nessusd23:44
jackI was going for its help :(23:44
jackMan would be using rescources23:44
Minatakuxrandr --fb <width>x<height>23:44
juan_does anyone know where the inittab file is?23:45
MinatakuThat's the syntax to change the resolution23:45
Minatakujuan_: It's in /etc23:45
MinatakuOr at least should be23:45
juan_i can't find it23:45
MinatakuIt might be in a subdirectory within /etc23:45
jackjack@evilsupercomp-linux:~$ xrandr --fb 1280x102423:46
jackI ran that23:46
jackDo I need to use the kde control panel thing now?23:46
=== claydoh__ is now known as claydoh
jackIt didn't change anything on its own23:46
MinatakuIs the resolution correct now?23:46
MinatakuSomething doesn't want you using 1280x102423:47
juan_just another question, i have installed on a kubuntu gusty a virtual box running xp, this might be a VERY SILLY qwuestion, but do you think it is necesaary to setup an antivirus within the virtual box?23:47
Dr_willisjuan_,  depends on what you are doing with it.23:48
jackI'm on 1024x768 and thers a widescreen one after it but nothign else in the kde control23:48
Dr_willisif its web surfing and doing other stuff.. then yes. i think so23:48
juan_it's for a university professor, he will be cheking student's papers23:48
jackMinataku: woudl runmning that with sudo help?23:48
MinatakuThis is perplexing23:51
jackKonquerer won't use my conenction23:52
jackCould not connect to host http://www.google.com/search?q=ssh+kubuntu&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8.23:52
* jack is dling firefox23:52
MinatakuYeah, if that idiotic KDE Network Whatever thing doesn't see the connection, then in a stroke of absolute idiocy, no KDE apps will have network access23:53
biovoreI think it has something to do with an interaction with knetwork manager..  I think /etc/resolve gets changed after konquer has started and then it can't resolve dns anymore.. (not sure)23:53
soberonGood Evening... How is possible to configure my google.talk chat account in kopete? Exist a how-to?23:54
MinatakuWhy the f***ing hell the f***ing DE has to see the f***ing internet connection just for it's own f***ing apps to have f***ing internet is so far beyond my comprehension, it f***ing hurts23:54
MinatakuKDE and GNOME need to leave the things that lie in the kernel TO THE F*CKING KERNEL AND NOT TRY TO TAKE OVER TASKS THAT BELONG TO THE OS23:55
crimsunuh what?23:55
biovorehes grumping abotu kde23:55
* Dr_willis gets out the Tranq darts.23:55
jackFirefox works23:55
Dr_willisHes going to Charge! look out!23:55
=== wolfger__ is now known as wolfger
biovoreyeah.. Not sure why that is.. I havn't ever had that problem here..23:56
biovoreBut I hear people have it alot..23:56
BluesKaj!shout | Minataku23:56
ubotuMinataku: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:56
biovoreyou sure.. Its so small and hard to read :-P23:56
MinatakuI think Canonical is funded by Microsoft to piss Linux hopefuls off23:56
oscar_alguien que me explique lo de automatix2 ??23:57
biovorewell knetwork manager is a suse thing.. so its sorta that way..23:57
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »23:57
BluesKajwell maybe the KDE dev team too ...that kde4 is awful23:57
biovorewell kde4 is still beeing worked on.. they don't even have the basics done yet..23:57
coreymon77kde4 is still beta23:58
jackAdapet doesn't give me an ETA23:58
jackWhat is this shit?23:58
MinatakuIt's KDE23:59
biovoreI think there is a deails thing..23:59
biovoreI use apt on the cmd line.. gui tools suck basicly..23:59

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