
crimsunregardless, pulseaudio is the Real Thing and needs testing whether it becomes default.00:00
crimsunI'll formalise these points and post to ubuntu-devel-discuss@.00:00
Toma-Ill signup to it ^_^00:01
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LiMaOProcessing DCC SEND request from ano [n=dsfa@CPE0018c07a5ca3-CM001a66830af2.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] (DCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 0)01:13
LiMaOsomeone is being an asshole01:13
gnomefreakLiMaO: its known01:18
dgimsei think its because the anthony freenode server is down01:20
elkbuntuLiMaO, you really shouldnt repeat those lines either01:27
LiMaOelkbuntu: LjL has informed me of that already in #ubuntu01:27
LiMaOelkbuntu: i also read more about that thing on the net, and am now aware of its risks :)01:27
BotLobstacan anyone help me with my nvidia kernel module problem?01:51
scizzo-BotLobsta: think you want to ask in #ubuntu if you are not running hardy...and if you are running hardy then well its testing still and very very unstable01:54
BotLobstai am running hardy but its either a problem with the bash shell or something in my setup got screwed up01:54
BotLobstaevery time i restart my machine i have to rebuild/reinstall the kernel module from source01:56
scizzo-BotLobsta: you mean like dpkg -reconfigure or something?01:57
BotLobstano, i run "make install" from the "/usr/src/modules/nvidia-new-kernel/nv/" directory01:58
scizzo-BotLobsta: sounds like the driver for the kernel is not "written" correctly01:58
BotLobstascizzo-, what do you mean?01:59
scizzo-BotLobsta: that the install you have done for the nvidia drivers are not stored/saved02:02
scizzo-like it does not read the install02:02
BotLobstathe module gets installed to /lib/modules/2.6.22-14/kernel/drivers/video02:04
scizzo-BotLobsta: sounds strange02:06
BotLobstaalso, since the latest gcc package is newer than the one used to build the latest kernel when i try to build the module i get a gcc version check error02:12
BotLobstaive been able to get around that by using the IGNORE_CC_MISMATCH environment variable, but that stopped working a few days ago02:12
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kaddydoes anybody know how to fix this problem..... my native linux games in ubuntu 7.10 minimise to a small window during gameplay and will not let you do anything. any fixes?09:26
ke-You should try #ubuntu instead, this is for 7.10+109:27
kaddycheers. there not much help, but thanx. lol09:28
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ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.13:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about docx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:00
LiMaOis there a way of adding info to the bot?14:01
rskmost likely14:01
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:32
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attunixWhere can I get a look at the new Hardy theme?18:35
rskit's just mokups sofar18:36
rskno one has been choosen18:36
attunixrsk: where can I see the mockups? :)18:36
rskthe wiki18:36
rskthis is one http://blog.slyon.de/?p=15418:36
attunixthanks :)18:37
attunixI went to the wiki yet found nothing on themes :(18:38
attunixWhat's the wiki page for the Hardy themes mockups?18:40
rski think18:40
cafuegoDid you know the wiki is searchable?18:40
attunixcafuego: yes. I searched it. found nothing18:41
attunixrsk: thanks :)18:41
attunixI like that one! :P18:42
=== marko-_-_ is now known as marko-_-
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