
javaJakeI just need to figure out which kernel options mean which modules00:00
RAOFYou'll be wanting the ieee1394 modules, or somesuch.00:01
RAOFIf your firewire drive is mounted now, run lsmod | grep ieee to get some sort of list. :)00:01
javaJakeAll are set to =m00:01
javaJakeMmm, yes yes00:02
javaJakeI got three modules...00:02
RAOFI'd guess sbp2, ohci1394, ieee1394 at least.00:02
javaJakeOK, so...00:03
javaJakeI'm finding that ohc and sbp2 have their own modules00:03
javaJakeDo I just "hey whatever, include them"?00:03
javaJakeThey all come down to five to seven modules: sbp2, scsi_mod, sg, sd_mod, ieee1394, ohci139400:05
javaJakeI think I'll just drop them all into the modules file00:05
RAOFWon't hurt.00:05
javaJakeOK, cool!00:06
=== AlienX__ is now known as AlienX
javaJakeI have only one concern at this point. When I run update-initthingy I don't want it to use the LiveCD version, since it is probably tailored to the needs of a LiveCD session00:09
javaJakeI want it to understand that it needs to generate initrd for a mounted disk, not the LiveCD00:10
javaJakeupdate-initramfs -k asks for version number, but that isn't a path necessarily.... is it? Well, guess it won't hurt to try, since it should say if it doesn't like the "version".00:11
javaJakeForgot the -k bit. XD00:13
RAOFEh, won't be hurting anything.00:13
javaJakeNow it's generating a /boot version00:13
javaJakeYea, I know00:13
javaJakeJust hope the swap for LiveCD holds up...00:13
javaJake1044M free. *Whew*00:14
javaJakeBy George, this takes far too long.00:15
* javaJake is tempted to hit Ctrl+C00:15
javaJake"cannot touch `/boot/initrd.img-/media/disk/boot/initrd.img-2.6.20-15-powerpc'"00:15
javaJakeDidn't work. :)00:15
javaJakeSo, at this point, I have an installation that only needs a new initrd.img file and it goes. And yet, the utility won't let me generate one00:16
javaJakeRAOF, what if I copied the configuration from the installed version into the LiveCD, generated a version, and copied it back?00:16
javaJakeIs there anyhting outside of /etc/initsomething that it'll need?00:17
RAOFYou could mount the target /boot on the livecd?00:19
javaJakeHowever, that would mean overriding the /boot currently in use00:21
javaJakeIs that possible?00:21
RAOFAny problem there?00:21
javaJakeIsn't it going to be "busy"?00:21
RAOFWell, probably not.  /boot isn't going to be a separate partition.  Just mount your real /boot on /boot :)00:22
javaJake /boot contains things00:23
javaJakeAnd /boot is mounted under /00:23
javaJakeDo I just go mad with rm? :D00:23
RAOFsudo rm -r /boot && sudo mkdir /boot00:23
javaJake*brrr* If you say so...00:23
javaJakeWhat could go wrong, r-right? *gulp* ;)00:23
RAOFAlthough you could just mount on /boot anyway.  It'll only hide the underlying files.00:24
RAOFThere's no reason you can't mount something on a non-empty directory.00:24
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javaJakeI just dumped the whole mount thing and symlinked to /media/disk/boot :P00:28
javaJakeOK, so /boot is there, now I need /etc/initrd stuff... *copies furiously*00:29
javaJakeSo, /etc/initrd and /boot both match my install. is there anything else initrd might take a fancy too?00:31
javaJakeGuess not...00:37
javaJakeBesides the kernel I can't think of anything else00:37
javaJakeAdding all sorts of modules00:41
* javaJake loves good ol' reliable Mr. -v00:42
javaJake /boot goes back to its spot I assume00:44
javaJakeOK, done00:45
javaJake(I backed up the original boot for good measure)00:45
javaJakeLadies and gentlemen, if this works, I'll be writing a HOWTO-Boot-Mac-Off-Firewire-Easily HOWTO. :P01:19
javaJakeMAC-PARTS: LOAD (noninterposed) not supportedload-size=0 adler32=1 \n LOAD-SIZE is too small01:45
javaJakeSomething didn't boot right01:46
javaJakeThis will have to wait until another day01:50
javaJakeThanks for the help, bye everyone01:50
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crimsunRAOF: :)06:31
RAOFAlthough the master volume doesn't persist across sessions.06:32
crimsunhmm.  I'll have to look at that over Thanksgiving.  No time now, though.06:33
pwnguinso i just upgraded, and got a wierd nvidia error09:08
pwnguinnvidia appeared to crash, then the failsafe crashed09:09
scizzo-pwnguin: usually helps more to get the exact error you are getting....09:11
pwnguinfailsafe said it couldnt find get-edid09:12
scizzo-nice...have no idea why that happens...09:13
pwnguini cant seem to find that error though09:13
scizzo-pwnguin: maybe check in the logfile09:14
pwnguini checked in a few09:14
scizzo-but as you may know.....the hardy state is _unstable_09:14
pwnguinyes yes09:15
pwnguini just thought it was strange that it would error on a package not being installed09:15
scizzo-well not sure what is going on there09:16
pwnguinwhere does the failsafe mode log to?09:16
scizzo-pwnguin: best is to check the /var/log/ files09:22
pwnguini am09:23
pwnguini only see two from today09:23
pwnguin-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root  39627 2007-11-20 02:48 Xorg.0.log09:25
pwnguin-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root  15643 2007-11-20 02:47 Xorg.0.log.old09:25
pwnguin.old has a nvidia crash09:26
pwnguinthe other one is from the current (working) session09:26
pwnguinwell, the root cause is nvidia-glx not being installed09:34
pwnguinbut its also clear read-edid needs to be a depenency somewhere09:35
emanuelezwhen i use netstat -n the ip addresses i get are truncated... something like ::ffff:83.95.179.:6374309:37
scizzo-emanuelez: looks like the IPv6 adress09:48
emanuelezbut still a truncated one09:48
scizzo-what happens if you use netstat -ntpa?09:49
emanuelezstill truncated, like this one: ::ffff:208.70.29.:4790409:55
pwnguin fe80::218:deff:fe06:8419/6409:55
scizzo-thats really cool10:15
pwnguinnvidia-glx: Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 1:0.99.0-1) but it is not going to be installed10:18
pwnguinxserver-xorg-core: Installed: 2:1.4.1~git20071105-1ubuntu310:18
scizzo-pwnguin: tried nvidia-glx-new or something simular?10:26
pwnguinhave you seen people with this "authentication failed" bug?10:26
pwnguingdm is going nuts10:27
pwnguini get the same error for nvigia-glx-new10:27
xst_Has the ubuntu developers stopped looking at the bugtracker in launchpad? I am wondering why even serious bugs are kept unreplied. E.g. bug #162378 and #162889. Also quite a lot of laptops seems to have problems with brightness adjustments in gutsy, but this isn't fixed either. Is it completely waste of time to report the bugs or are they indeed considered?10:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 162378 in ubuntu "Gutsy/Kubuntu: Display Settings > Apply button disabled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16237810:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 162889 in ubuntu "X crashes upon screen saver configuration" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16288910:29
pwnguinof course they havent stopped looking10:30
pwnguinthey're just focused on hardy now :P10:31
pwnguinplus, i think the kubuntu people pay more attention to kde 410:31
xst_pwnguin: Yes, that's my point. In general it seems that the developers are mostly focused on (k)ubuntu+1, leaving many bugs in the current ubuntu version unfixed. The result is a very buggy distribution.10:32
pwnguini dont think theyve ever committed to fixing every bug in a current release10:33
pwnguinif you expect to get developer attention and fixed bugs, I can only suggest you report bugs against the development version, or pay canonical a fee10:34
pwnguinthe bigger problem is that there's far more bugs being reported than people triaging them10:36
pwnguinit should be simple to get someone to confirm 16288910:37
xst_Does it make any difference if a bug has been confirmed though?10:38
pwnguina little bit10:38
pwnguinover half of bugs reported are still "undecided"10:38
pwnguinif you think its buggy now10:39
pwnguinyou should have seen it at the start of the version freeze10:39
xst_pwnguin: I mean: Of course every bug can't be fixed. Not even closed. But a broken GUI for X-config, broken brightness display adjustment in many laptops, broken Strigi K-menu link, broken screen saver configurator, broken foo and broken bar is - for me - not just sporadic bugs, it is a malfunctioning distribution.10:40
xst_Read "not even close" instead of "not even closed"... :-)10:40
pwnguinim willing to blame canonical's focus on lpia ;)10:41
scizzo-actually I belive that the discussions for hardy release is being done that is why its a bit quite on the front of gutsy now11:02
pwnguintheres just too many bugs versus people hacking the code11:04
pwnguinin the grand scheme of things, a gl screensaver crashing isn't so bad11:05
pwnguinits not "critical"11:05
pwnguinits "unfortunate"11:05
pwnguin#164039 might not even be critical11:07
pwnguinbug #164039,11:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 164039 in gdm "GDM "Authentication Failure" infinite loop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16403911:07
displaguehas anyone been using the latest xorg in hardy on an intel card?  My scroll speed in firefox/thunderbird/any large window has greatly suffered. 3d effects of compiz however seem normal.15:03
Hobbseecorevette: ?15:38
Xemanthheh i tried the latest fx3 and it broke all compatibilty backwards to my extensions15:39
Xemanthnot phun15:39
Xemanthnot this the newest15:39
Xemanthweek ago15:39
PiciYes, that tends to happen.15:40
corevetteyes hobbsee?15:41
Hobbseecorevette: the question was "your point?"15:42
corevettehobbsee: i'm saying you should try it out?15:43
Hobbseei'ts wokring nicely.  at least the rc3 is.15:43
XemanthHobbsee: what extensions do you use?15:56
Hobbseelets see...15:57
Hobbseeadblock plus, greasemonkey, image zoom (which i can probably remove now), i was using nightly tester tools for a bit, pdf download, search keys, stop autoplay, swift tabs, user agent switcher15:58
HobbseeXemanth: just a few :)15:58
* Hobbsee forged the extension string, to force the new extensions to work15:58
XemanthHobbsee: tab mix plus?16:13
HobbseeXemanth: i was.  i stopped16:14
WorkingOnWiseare the alpha releases comparable to the herd releases of fiesty?17:06
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pwnguinwhat's a good way to reset the gdm configuration to default?18:46
pwnguindpkg-reconfigure is slightly not good at the moment =(18:46
alonHello all,18:57
alonI've just taken the plunge into hardy, and I'm in deep :) I've lost my fonts.. I can elaborate - is there anyone with a similar problem / solution?18:57
alonany takers?18:58
pwnguinmaybe after i figure out what happened to gdm18:59
alonAre your fonts missing (actually too small)?18:59
pwnguinmissing or too small?19:00
alonpwnguin: yes, that's the problem I have, and it happens for gdm, anything using glib (afaik) and qt, but not xterm for example.19:00
alonpwnguin: I tried opening another X under X (Xephyr specifically), and in it everything works ok (tried gnome-terminal, konqueror).19:01
pwnguinits probably a DPI setting19:01
alonpwnguin: So I figured it is something not related to missing fonts.19:01
alonpwnguin: I thought so too, so I tried setting it via ~/.Xresource, but it didn't help.19:01
pwnguinhit up system019:01
pwnguinhit up system->appearances->fonts->advanced19:02
alonpwnguin: yes, running gnome. But xdm also has this problem.19:02
alonpwnguin: I think xdm uses glib.19:02
pwnguinhit up system->preferenes-.appearance->fonts->details19:02
alonpwnguin: I can't actually see any fonts - so I can't really navigate 4 menues :(19:02
alonpwnguin: I just see lines. Maybe I can send you a screenshot?19:02
pwnguindonno what to say there. just wait i guess19:03
pwnguincheck xorg.conf logs19:03
alonpwnguin: I understand your problem is something else?19:04
pwnguini broke gdm pretty good i guess19:04
pwnguinworked fine, then i rebooted19:04
alonpwnguin: your playing with /etc ?19:04
pwnguinthat was a mistake i think19:04
alonpwnguin: if you don't try, how can you learn :)19:05
pwnguinhardy is not a learning environment :P19:05
pwnguinits a bit frustrating because without login rights i cant access the net19:06
pwnguinhave to unset up network manager19:06
alonpwnguin: you know you can just login via console and do a startx, or even X & and then run whatever window manager you use.19:06
alonpwnguin: if you run X & don't forget DISPLAY=:0.019:07
pwnguinwell, that part worked19:11
pwnguinnow to reinstall gdm19:11
pwnguinwell, it seems removing and reinstalling gdm fixed whatever terrible things i had done19:13
alonpwnguin: if only it was that simple. pwnguin+119:20
pwnguinalon: ok19:24
pwnguinalon: can you log into a VT?19:24
alonpwnguin: yes, not a problem. I just can't see the fonts..19:36
alonpwnguin: in X I mean - the console is fine. The fonts in it are fine.19:36
pwnguincheck out the xorg logs19:37
pwnguintheres a font dir setting in xorg.conf that could be the problem19:39
pwnguinalon: also, try creating a new user and see if that one has trouble with fonts19:39
alonpwnguin: yeah, I think a new user could help. Also, I see enlightenment is not affected (figures - the guy wrote everything from scratch, no gtk or qt I think)19:40
pwnguinthey probably dont use pango / font servers19:41
bardyr!info get-ecid20:04
ubotuPackage get-ecid does not exist in gutsy20:04
bardyrcan you search for what cmd a package provides?20:06
Pici!find get-ecid20:14
ubotuPackage/file get-ecid does not exist in gutsy20:15
alon!find me20:28
ubotuFound: abiword-gnome, abiword-plugins-gnome, alacarte, app-install-data-commercial, bluez-gnome (and 1535 others)20:28
aloncool :)20:28
Tm_T!ubotu > alon20:29
alonanybody on the channel with missing fonts under X for all gtk and qt apps?20:29
alonTm_T: thanks20:30
Tm_Tmissing fonts is <320:30
alonnot exactly missing - they are there, I just can't see them.. To be more percise: If I run {konqueror, gnome-terminal, gdm} under X running on real hardware, I get no fonts, but if I run the same (actually minus gdm - didn't check) under Xephyr, all is well.20:32
alonTm_T: from the topic "X breakage" I assumed I came to the right place...20:32
Tm_Talon: well sort of, more like it's expected20:33
Tm_Tnot that you would get much help of it20:33
alonTm_T: do you know the logic behind font loading in qt and gtk (which seem to be the two affected libs)?20:33
Tm_Tsort of yes20:33
alonTm_T: lay it on me man20:34
Tm_Talon: nah :(20:34
Tm_Tdon't have time nor patience20:34
alonTm_T: didn't mean to bug.20:34
bardyr!find me20:35
ubotuFound: abiword-gnome, abiword-plugins-gnome, alacarte, app-install-data-commercial, bluez-gnome (and 1535 others)20:35
AmaranthStop that20:35
Tm_Talon: I know20:35
Amaranthalon: sounds like you uninstalled the fonts20:36
alon!search font20:37
ubotuFound: font, mplayer-fonts, fonts, msfonts, vncfix20:37
alonAmaranth: but under Xephyr everything is okie-dokie.20:37
Amaranthalon: I guess you should maybe not use hardy20:38
alonAmaranth: besides, xterm and enlightenment are ok. No - I like breakage! I remember when I had to learn some pam.d stuff to get debian unstable to boot. That was fun!20:38
alonAmaranth: boot->login. typo.20:38
AmaranthOk then, your fontconfig is broken20:39
alonAmaranth: The only suckiness is that the app I'm currently developing is using gtk, so I'm fucked too.20:39
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:39
alonAmaranth: oops!20:39
alonAmaranth: I'll try to unbreak it then. Thanks for the tip.20:40
Amaranth(that's a thing, not a configuration)20:41
alonAmaranth: so I should install a previous version?20:41
Amaranthtry it20:41
alonAmaranth: trying dpkg-reconfigure.20:41
alondidn't help much. didn't restart X, maybe that will do it.20:43
alonhi mirak20:43
mirakwhy are applications not separated from the Ubuntu Operating System Core in the release cycle ?20:43
alonoops - maybe I was too polite. I don't answer questions here, I ask them.20:44
mirakI mean there should be a release each year of all the core programs, the kernel and such, with security upgrades.20:44
mirakbut I think apllications should be release each time an upstream versions major number comes out20:45
mirakAmaranth: it's incredible to see how talking about that just hurt the average linux user20:45
Amaranthmirak: I don't think you know what stable means20:46
AmaranthIt doesn't mean bug free, it means not changing20:46
pwnguinmirak: the truth is that upstreams are terrible at release engineering20:46
AmaranthUbuntu releases are stable20:46
mirakAmaranth: I don't see why we should wait 6 months to have an upgrade of an application that is not vital to the system20:46
Amaranthmirak: In that case try to get a backport20:46
mirakAmaranth: no they are not, they are less and less stable20:47
Amaranthmirak: I don't think you know what stable means20:47
AmaranthIt doesn't mean bug free, it means not changing20:47
mirakAmaranth: I think backport should be the standart repository for applications20:47
AmaranthNo, someone has to request the backport20:47
pwnguinmirak: its a matter of man hours20:48
mirakexept the kernel, X gdm, network manager and such things that are really needed to bot the OS20:48
AmaranthBecause it's a lot of work to do a backport so it makes no sense backporting things that no one wants20:48
mirakAmaranth: you argument are not making sens20:48
Amaranthmirak: Doing a backport is not free, it takes time.20:48
mirakAmaranth: I just don't think there should be a backporting20:48
AmaranthSo you want debian unstable20:49
AmaranthBye then20:49
mirakAmaranth: no20:49
AmaranthYes, that's what you're asking for20:49
PriceChildUbuntu has a "Stable Release" structure...20:49
mirakAmaranth: no it's not20:49
AmaranthWe do not have the manpower to do packaging for more than one release at a time so we either have our current system or Debian unstable20:49
pwnguinmirak: then you've explained it very carefully20:49
PriceChildit produces "Stable Release"s every 6 months20:49
pwnguinvery poorly20:49
AmaranthI know what he really wants but I'm telling him what he can get20:50
mirakno I think you just don't want to hear something else that what you know20:50
AmaranthHe wants 6 month or one year releases but have us work on multiple versions to put new stuff in20:50
pwnguinthats not it at all20:50
mirakAmaranth: no you didn't described corectly what I wanted20:50
pwnguini used to run debian unstable20:50
pwnguinits exactly what you're looking for20:50
mirakAmaranth: no !!!!20:50
mirakpwnguin: no !20:50
Amaranthmirak: Then stop and explain _in detail_ what you mean20:50
* pwnguin places his bet on gimp final20:51
mirakwell I think that first, the ubuntu releases are getting tried by more and more users. I think that six months release is not enough since more users means more bugs. You can disagree with that, but don't say it now, just let me finish. So I think the base release cycle seems to short.20:52
mirakThat's the first point.20:52
mirakThe other point is that I don't see a reason to have to wait 5 months if firefox 3 gets out just 1 months after a ubuntu release. And I think this for pidgin, thunderbird, apache, well most of applications20:54
AmaranthExcept we don't do a lot of bug fixing, that's what upstream is for20:54
AmaranthSo frequent releases means you get the latest stuff from upstream that is hopefully better20:54
pwnguinMore users != more bugs. more users == more bugs _found_, and possibly more bugs _fixed_20:54
pwnguinand for things like firefox, it's a developers call. someone has to want to do the backport, even if it's filed20:55
mirakpwnguin: == less time to fix bugs20:55
pwnguinmirak: but more users means more community developers,20:55
AmaranthThings like firefox are core to the system20:55
pwnguinubuntu has pushed out release candidates in anticipation of a six month lag20:55
mirakAmaranth: no they are not, or you don't know what is an operating system20:55
Amaranthmirak: Hi, I'm an Ubuntu developer20:56
pwnguinthey are core to the Ubuntu system20:56
Amaranthmirak: Lots of things use firefox20:56
Amaranthdevhelp, epiphany, yelp, etc20:56
pwnguinyelp uses ff?20:56
AmaranthYes, for gecko20:56
mirakAmaranth: well you can, but the fact firefox is important to ubuntu doesn't really mean it's as vital as a kernel or upstart or Xorg20:56
Amaranthmirak: It is20:57
mirakI do the distinction on the technical level here20:57
AmaranthIt's infrastructure20:57
mirakAmaranth: not on a technical level20:57
AmaranthIt's infrastructure20:57
AmaranthIt's not just an end-user application20:57
mirakAmaranth: linux is not windows.20:57
AmaranthThat was getting annoying20:57
pwnguinand the dude totally wants testing/unstable21:00
AmaranthNo, he wants regular releases but with us doing extra work to package for multiple versions21:00
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AmaranthHe must have been banned before :P21:20
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theunixgeekHow do I change the Ubuntu logo to the GNOME foot in the Applications menu?22:05
theunixgeekAnyone know where I can get the official GNOME wallpaper? Demonstrated here: http://www.gnome.org/start/2.20/notes/en/22:11
bardyrtheunixgeek, the gnome source tar balls?22:12
theunixgeekbardyr: good idea :) where in the tarballs would it be though22:13
bardyrunder pictures ;)22:14
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* nickrud wants a 2 month cycle23:04
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