
gnomefreakUbulette: ok now icons appear as they should00:10
gnomefreakwhat did you change?00:10
Ubulettethe order of some dh_ calls00:11
Ubulettegnomefreak, could you check that icons are ok in nautilus and ff, and that you have only one candidate app for those files (both in n and ff too)?00:13
gnomefreaki did00:13
gnomefreakwait no00:14
gnomefreakff still is borked00:14
Ubulettehow ?00:14
gnomefreakand yes just restarted firefox00:14
gnomefreakthey are paper looking icons00:14
Ubulettetry ff300:14
gnomefreakno icons at all00:15
gnomefreakaddress bar has a folder type icon but the page itself has noone00:15
gnomefreakff2 had icons just crappy ones00:16
gnomefreakmaybe gnome-support packages?00:16
gnomefreaksince i have none installed00:16
Ubuletteyou don't see anything like http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/firefox-prism.png (ff3) ?00:17
Ubuletteoh, try with gnome-support00:17
gnomefreaknope nothing close00:17
gnomefreakff2 had gnome-support installed but they looked like they did before (just peice of paper with folded corner)00:18
gnomefreakinstalling xulrunner firefox-3.0 -gnome-support packages00:19
gnomefreaknot cool it shouold work with ff2 shouldnt it?00:19
gnomefreak2.0 still paper icones00:20
gnomefreakstill no icons in ff300:20
Ubulettei don't think so. ff2 is very primitive with file:// urls00:20
gnomefreakwell it didnt change for anything so far00:21
Ubuletteyou restarted ff3 right ?00:21
Ubulettemime type is right ?00:21
Ubuletteclick on one webapp00:21
gnomefreakit opens gdebi screen00:22
gnomefreakchoose screen00:22
gnomefreakstill no icons00:22
Ubuletteshould not open gdebi00:22
gnomefreakif you click on it it should00:22
Ubuletteshould only show Prism00:22
gnomefreakfile:///usr/share/prism/apps/ click on one of the files there it will open dialog to ask save open with gdebi ect...00:23
gnomefreaksorry yes it is prism00:24
gnomefreakwas reading something else00:24
gnomefreakyes same00:25
gnomefreakwithout icons00:25
gnomefreakthose look like my ff2 icons00:25
gnomefreakthey dont have the colors on the right of them like in nautilus00:25
gnomefreakbut ff3 doesnt even have that much00:26
Ubuletteyes, i don't have anything else for ff2 too. anywhere on my disk. just white papers and folders00:26
gnomefreakyes but you got icons in ff300:26
Ubuletteas long as you click and the right webapp is launched, it's a real progress00:27
gnomefreakyes clicking on it asks to open with prism00:27
gnomefreakand works00:27
Ubuletteyou see the right webapp right ? not just always the same thing00:28
gnomefreakassuming you mean when i open the file with prism it opens what i want it to00:29
gnomefreaklike clicking on twiddle opens twiddle00:29
gnomefreaknot gmail00:29
Ubulettemaybe the ff3 icons are not in b1. I'm runner pre b2 with the new gtk theme thing00:29
gnomefreaktwitter even00:29
Ubuletteyes, that's what I mean (click gmail, get gmail, click foo, get foo)00:30
gnomefreaklets find out00:30
Ubulettefirefox-3.0 | 3.0~beta2~cvs20071119t0915+bbot-1 | http://www.sofaraway.org firefox-minefield/ Packages00:30
Ubulettefirefox-3.0 | 3.0~b1~rc3+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy/universe Packages00:30
Ubulettefirefox-3.0 | 3.0~alpha9~cvs20071105t0828-0ubuntu1~mt1~fta1 | http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy/main Packages00:30
Ubulettei'm using my daily debs so b2~cvs00:31
gnomefreakyour ppa isnt up to date00:31
gnomefreakneither is mozillateam00:32
Ubulettethat's expected.00:32
gnomefreakis your branch up to date00:32
Ubulettebranch yes. you want to build that ?00:32
gnomefreakis that the one00:32
gnomefreaki might as well than i can test tomorrow00:32
Ubuletteyou want to push a fresh one to ppa ?00:33
gnomefreaki will if it builds ok here00:33
gnomefreak5 days ago was last update to branch?:00:34
Ubulettenot really, you need the temporary .head branch (xul) as asac didn't want me to touch the .dev branch until final b100:34
gnomefreakok so ill build that than install it than build ff00:34
Ubuletteand you'd better not push to mt-ppa either, same reason, users will never use real b1 if you do that00:35
Ubuletteyou can also try my daily build :)00:35
gnomefreaki will push to mine00:35
gnomefreakas normal :) mine is a dumping ground until i can remove packages00:35
Ubulettetry mine, you can remove them anytime00:36
gnomefreaki cant push to your PPA and i cant remove them yet00:36
gnomefreakis that xul the .head?00:38
Ubuletteall head00:38
Ubuletteread the README :)00:39
gnomefreakthere is no readme until i grab packages00:39
Ubulettethere is, in the url above00:39
gnomefreakoh i didnt see it00:40
gnomefreaknss nspr dont need to be upgraded right?00:42
Ubuletteyes, upstream keeps bumping nss00:44
Ubulettenspr is kind of staled00:44
Ubulettei'm running those and i've never had any issue with anything00:45
gnomefreakok ill work on getting these done should be tomorrow sometime00:47
=== IR9927 is now known as Supersayano
gnomefreakUbulette: i get the right icons in ff3 after building and installing it, its b205:30
* gnomefreak off to bed05:30
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gnomefreakUbulette: when do you plan on getting sm1 into hardy? once that is ready i need to file a bug report12:34
Lord_IllidanHi, anyone trying out Firefox Beta here?12:50
gnomefreakLord_Illidan: yes12:51
gnomefreakLord_Illidan: its in gutsy repos12:52
Lord_IllidanI have an issue with font handling. Namely it looks v. jagged12:52
Lord_IllidanAnd in the repos, there is the alpha, not the beta12:52
gnomefreakLord_Illidan: the person you should talk to isnt here. if you built it yourself or running upstreams we are not responsible for that. get it from here https://edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive12:53
Lord_IllidanI got it from mozilla's build.. well the ppl at #ubuntu directed me here12:54
Lord_Illidanas for that link, I can only see alpha versions12:54
gnomefreakLord_Illidan: for mozilla builds you would need to talk to mozilla we only build for ubuntu12:54
Lord_Illidanfirefox-3.0 - 3.0~alpha9~cvs20071003t0648-0ubuntu1~mt112:55
gnomefreakoh yeah we didnt update it yet waiting on more space12:55
gnomefreakwe are at our limit on ppas12:55
Lord_IllidanI tried Gran Paradiso from Gutsy repos, same problem12:56
gnomefreakUbulette: Lord_Illidan file a bug on it from our packages and please provide screenshot of problem12:57
Lord_Illidansure, ok12:58
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=== asac_ is now known as asac
powerfoxHey, folks! Is anybody here? I'm building qt_firefox and can't do that19:06
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Ubulettehi everyone19:53
powerfoxUbulette, did you build ff?19:56
Ubuletteff3, yes19:56
powerfoxAnd ff2?19:56
powerfoxA'm playing with 2 version. I'm interesting in qt_mozilla19:56
powerfoxAnd also, what gtk does it use by default? 1 or 2?19:57
powerfoxDemn ((( I was looking through gtk1 sources19:58
Ubulettewell, i don't build ff2 as someone else is already taking care of it but that's not a problem either19:58
powerfoxDid you build qt_ff3?19:58
powerfoxI need some non_gtk2 ff to test some bug.19:59
powerfoxAnd non-windows of cource19:59
Ubuletteno sorry, i've never even heard of qq_ff20:00
Ubuletteff2 uses libgtk2.0-dev (>= 2.8)20:01
powerfoxUbulette: thanks a lot20:01
Ubulettepowerfox, if you tell me what's wrong, i may be able to help. depends20:06
ubotuMozilla bug 69230 in Keyboard: Navigation "Accelerators should not be affected by keyboard group/level" [Normal,New]20:06
gnomefreakasac: im gonna run dist-upgrade atm and i was informed that networkmanager broke but i think its just knetworkmanager20:07
powerfoxI decide to try myself in it. And first of all to locolize it. If everything in windows is ok, so it's a gtk bug (on the page they wrote about gtk1, but know it's on the gtk2 with the same bug).20:07
gnomefreakwasnt that a no fix as it was a feature or was that something else that im thinking of20:08
gnomefreakif i leave suddenly get asac to fix it20:08
powerfoxIt was. But I want to play with the code20:08
Ubulettepowerfox, the bug started in 2001 so it was gtk1 at that time.20:09
powerfoxI'm building debug version rigth now. So, maybe is says somethnig.20:09
Ubuletteand it's a damn long bug to read20:09
powerfoxUbulette: just skip it - nothing interesting20:09
powerfoxJust chatting. Only few guys were talking a deel20:10
Ubulettehow come is it related to QT ? i don't anything like that in there20:10
powerfoxIf there is no such bug in qt version, so it's 100% that it is in the gtk2 directory20:10
powerfoxBut if windows version have the only difference in GUI (I mean hotkeys), so it's in the gtk220:11
powerfoxI'm shocked nobody have fixed it. It shouldn't be so difficult20:13
powerfoxI thing it's a little localization mistake20:13
powerfox* think20:13
powerfoxBut, devil knows what it is :)20:14
Ubulettegnomefreak, wtf with nspr/nss in your ppa ?20:16
gnomefreakUbulette: i screwed something up but also seems like glibc is messed up20:17
Ubuletteyour diff is empty20:17
gnomefreaknss i can fix but everything is still gonna FTBFS20:17
Ubulettenspr diff20:17
* gnomefreak can fix the diff issue but glibc needs to be fixed as well20:17
gnomefreaknspr didnt build20:18
gnomefreaknspr FTBFS on glibc20:18
gnomefreaknss is my fault20:18
gnomefreakit built locally but PPA and hobbsee it both failed on with glibc errors. nss is my messup20:19
gnomefreakit will be fixed tonight or tomorrow20:21
Ubuletteasac, ping20:22
gnomefreakUbulette: is he off this week?20:22
gnomefreaki havent seen him in like 3 days20:22
Ubuletteyes, he said so20:23
gnomefreakhe is off?20:23
* gnomefreak hasnt heard this but good to know 20:23
Ubulette"Firefox 3 Beta 1 is available for download" :)20:25
powerfoxAre you build-team? Or bugfixing too?20:25
gnomefreakUbulette: can we get them pushed to repos there is a bug i think agaisnt gutsy to upgrade firefox-gp20:26
gnomefreaki saw it in email a bit agao20:26
Ubulettei'm preparing the package, but i'll need a sponsor20:26
gnomefreakUbulette: join the crowd20:26
gnomefreaki have 2 that need to be pushed and motus dont like to test moz apps. i havent seen bluekuja or asac to ask them to push them20:27
Ubuletteyep, i realized that too. I have sm1 and xul1.8 waiting20:28
gnomefreakmaybe ill ask jdong as a new motu to push them20:28
gnomefreaki might contact dh in the next day or 2, i wont be around much if at all on thursday20:29
Ubulettegnomefreak, Nov 14 12:19:39 <asac>  i start holiday tomorrow till nov 2320:31
gnomefreakok ty i missed that20:34
gnomefreaksee what i mean20:35
gnomefreaki build it it doesnt go anywhere20:35
gnomefreaknext release comes out20:35
Ubulettesame here20:35
* gnomefreak gonna contact daniel tomorrow20:35
gnomefreakwe havent put out 9 yet20:36
gnomefreaki guess ill do iceape for gutsy now20:36
gnomefreakare you sure its released?20:37
Ubuletteff is still in QA, kind of RC1, iirc20:37
gnomefreakseamonkey hasnt been released anywhere20:37
Ubulettebut cvs is taggued anyway20:38
gnomefreaki see source in nightly20:38
* gnomefreak might wait till tomorrow incase there is something they missed20:39
rhelmeryeah we've been turning around a lot or security releases lately :(20:39
Ubuletterhelmer, i don't see any new cvs tag for ff3b1. is that expected ?20:40
rhelmerUbulette: no there should be one20:41
* rhelmer cheks20:42
rhelmerer, checks20:42
gnomefreakrhelmer: whats the chances of seamonkey staying the way it is for 1.1.7?20:42
UbuletteI need xulrunner sources matching ff3b120:42
rhelmershould be a FIREFOX_3_0b1_RELEASE tag20:42
* gnomefreak makes a list of contacts for when i get home if i can still see20:43
rhelmergnomefreak: well we always hope there's one RC but that's not always the case :)20:44
gnomefreakoh Ubulette btw i have eye dr. appy. tomorrow so i might not beable to see for some time20:44
gnomefreakFile: seamonkey-1.1.7.source.tar.gz20:44
rhelmergnomefreak: seamonkey releases are done by robert kaiser (kairo) but he usually only respins for core changes20:44
Ubuletterhelmer, so it's the same  tarball as RC3 ? FIREFOX_3_0b1_RELEASE was already there when I did RC3 here.20:45
UbuletteI'm puzzled20:45
* gnomefreak needs to figure out how to do multiple servers20:45
Ubulette        FIREFOX_3_0b1_RC3               (revision: 1.352.2.2)20:45
Ubulette        FIREFOX_3_0b1_RC2               (revision: 1.352.2.2)20:45
Ubulette        FIREFOX_3_0b1_RC1               (revision: 1.352.2.2)20:45
Ubulette        FIREFOX_3_0b1_RELEASE           (revision: 1.352.2.2)20:45
gnomefreaksame change for all releases?20:46
rhelmerUbulette: yeah it's kind of weird, what we do is re-apply _RELEASE every time there is a new RC20:46
gnomefreakthat would mean nothing has changed i find that hard to believe20:46
rhelmerUbulette: the reason why has to do with tool limitations mostly (client.mk, tinderbox, etc)20:47
Ubulette8 days ago, it was already revision: 1.352.2.220:47
Ubuletteso you says it's okay to just use FIREFOX_3_0b1_RELEASE.. hmm. I can try and compare with my rc3 tarball20:48
rhelmerUbulette: which file are you looking at?20:48
rhelmerUbulette: yeah the rc3 tarball should be a CVS checkout of FIREFOX_3_0b1_RELEASE20:48
Ubulettestatus from client.mk20:48
rhelmerwhich at the time of the tarball's creation would be equiv to RC320:48
gnomefreakwhat is the chatnet for irc.mozilla.org20:49
Ubuletteok, i'm trying that.20:49
Ubulettetoo bad I can't copy urls from prism20:50
rhelmergnomefreak: er not sure what a chatnet is :(20:50
rhelmerUbulette: really? i was able to, although i'm booted on livecd right now (hdd died) so i don't have it installed :)20:51
gnomefreakrhelmer: me neither20:51
gnomefreakok im gonna try this out in a sec20:51
rhelmerUbulette: there was "copy link location" on the context menu iirc20:51
Ubuletteyes, i see it but using the greader webapp, if one feed is a google group one, if i click on one article, instead of going to the browser, i get a new prism window (i'd like not to) and in that new window, I have no control20:54
Ubuletteoh wait, i can copy the link now (i had a selection active)20:55
Ubulettegnomefreak, http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.apps.seamonkey/browse_thread/thread/985bc94f0f5aef2a/6dd333d0afc8e2c6?#6dd333d0afc8e2c620:56
gnomefreakok think i got this set up im going for smoke21:07
gnomefreaknow i need to figure out what channels are good to be in on mozilla.org im in seamonkey and mozilla atm21:22
Ubuletterhelmer, a diff between b1rc3 (got using FIREFOX_3_0b1_RC3 ~9 days ago) and b1 (using FIREFOX_3_0b1_RELEASE just now) shows absolutely nothing.21:24
Ubuletteboth browser and xulrunner21:24
rhelmerUbulette: yeah that sounds right21:35
Ubuletterhelmer, so what was rc3 about ? just packaging ?21:36
rhelmerUbulette: no it's an RC so it should be identical21:36
rhelmerto release21:36
rhelmerUbulette: maybe i am misunderstanding the question?21:36
rhelmerRC is literally a release candidate, if QA passes and noone finds anything then we post them21:36
rhelmerthe files do get renamed and signed afterwards in some cases which is a bug imho21:37
rhelmerbut the sources of the latest RC should match the RELEASE21:37
Ubulettei'm just trying to understand what happened in the last two weeks21:37
rhelmerUbulette: you could diff RC1 and RC2 versus RC321:37
Ubuletteso ok, i'll take for granted that no blocker was found and sources remained untouched21:37
UbuletteI can't, tags are pointing to the same thing now21:38
rhelmerUbulette: well RC1 and RC2 should be different, not sure i understand?21:38
rhelmerUbulette: RELEASE and RC3 should be the same21:38
rhelmerRC1, RC2 and RC3 should not be the same21:38
Ubulette<Ubulette>         FIREFOX_3_0b1_RC3               (revision: 1.352.2.2)21:38
Ubulette<Ubulette>         FIREFOX_3_0b1_RC2               (revision: 1.352.2.2)21:38
Ubulette<Ubulette>         FIREFOX_3_0b1_RC1               (revision: 1.352.2.2)21:38
Ubulette<Ubulette>         FIREFOX_3_0b1_RELEASE           (revision: 1.352.2.2)21:38
rhelmerUbulette: which file is that?21:39
Ubulettesame revision ?21:39
rhelmerUbulette: yeah but it's CVS so every file has a revision21:39
rhelmerUbulette: and since we retag _RELEASE client.mk does not need to be bumped21:39
rhelmerUbulette: you need to diff the whole tree to see the changes21:39
rhelmerUbulette: does that make sense or am I missing something? certainly possible :)21:40
Ubuletterhelmer, i'm just troubled to release rc3 and release with the exact same sources but a new name. well, if it's expected, i don't minf21:41
* gnomefreak wonders if i can use 2 different ~/.irssi/config21:46
gnomefreakthis way i get 2 windows21:46
\shgnomefreak, for what? ;)21:47
gnomefreakthis single window is hard21:47
gnomefreak\sh: for 2 servers21:47
\shgnomefreak, use a proxy21:47
\shgnomefreak, and setup window creates in config21:47
rhelmerUbulette: yeah it's literally a "release candidate", once we have one we like we ship it :)21:48
gnomefreakthat sounds harder than opening up irssi killing it and joining other server21:48
Ubuletterhelmer, good enough. I take it :)21:49
\shgnomefreak, no..actually...you setup your dircproxy e.g. and have all channels online...you connect via irssi to your proxy on a special port and setup irssi to create the necessary windows21:49
\shgnomefreak, or use a graphical client ;)21:49
gnomefreakeh i use xchat when i have to and only when i have to ;) irssi is easier to use for general things21:52
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gnomefreakits so damn hard to get an answer on this damn server :(22:14
Greeneryanswer on what?22:14
gnomefreakGreenery: anything on mozilla.org server22:14
Greeneryoh heh22:15
tonyyarussognomefreak: so true....22:15
gnomefreakthey dont give cloaks22:17
gnomefreakthey cloak part of it by default22:18
gnomefreakkind of strange but works22:18
gnomefreaknow i just need to learn to set up a pause for mozilla.org22:21
Ubulette"a pause" ? what's that ?22:23
gnomefreakwait -freenode 100000";22:23
gnomefreakserver pauses before joining channels22:24
gnomefreakok lets seee if this works22:25
Ubuletterhelmer, did you have the time to check prism ? I think all that mime/icons stuff is fixed.22:28
rhelmerUbulette: well my hard drive is dead so i am on a livecd right now :) i can try installing it though but not much space :)22:30
Ubuletteprism alone is tuny but you need xulrunner-1.922:30
gnomefreakxulrunner is huge22:30
rhelmerUbulette: i'll try to pick up a drive today and i can look once i get reinstalled22:32
rhelmeror maybe if my wife lets me use hers, it has gutsy also22:33
rhelmerbut she does not like me screwing around on her computer :)22:33
gnomefreakrhelmer: who was it that maintains seamonkey again?22:36
gnomefreakall the quits i lost it22:36
rhelmergnomefreak: robert kaiser (kairo) does releases22:36
Ubulettegnomefreak, him: http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.apps.seamonkey/browse_thread/thread/985bc94f0f5aef2a/6dd333d0afc8e2c6?#6dd333d0afc8e2c622:37
gnomefreakUbulette: i have him in channel22:37
gnomefreakwell hes there but he might be afk22:37
Ubulettegnomefreak, what do you need from him ?22:38
gnomefreakUbulette: if todays nightlies would be final22:38
gnomefreak.win 2522:38
gnomefreaklol it was canadates i was looking at anyway :(22:40
rhelmergnomefreak: yeah he is in austria or something iirc22:42
rhelmergnomefreak: you can join #build to hang out with mozilla build and release if you like as well :)22:43
gnomefreakeveryone always trys to cofuse the hell out of me :(22:43
gnomefreakthere is a #build/22:43
rhelmergnomefreak: yeah on irc.mozilla.org22:44
gnomefreakUbulette: where did you read about 1.1.7 released22:46
Ubulettebug 16412323:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 164123 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox 3 Gran Paradiso need upgrade" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16412323:24
Greenerylol what a fanatic23:35
Jazzvawow... what a car. a bit scary, though :)...23:42
Greeneryi'm very much concern abt the windshield23:43
JazzvaNaaah... I suppose it's safe enough :P... just kidding :)23:44
Ubulettenot a very green car23:46
Greeneryas in environmentally friendly?23:48
Greenerymost sports car aren't green, kinda sad23:50
Ubulettethis is greener: http://www.velectris.com/catalog/electric-bike-electra-townie-pi-96.html23:52
JazzvaSo is this: http://www.teslamotors.com/23:53
JazzvaAnd it's named "Tesla" :)...23:53
Jazzvas/named/made by/g23:54
Greenerywow nice cars they got there23:56
GreeneryUS company?23:56
JazzvaI think it is...23:56
[reed]Ubulette: see, that was easy!23:56
Ubulette[reed], what ?23:57
[reed]Ubulette: getting your patch reviewed and committed :)23:57
Ubulettewell, sort of23:57
UbuletteI think i would have waited a long time without asac 1st check and 2 or 3 calls for review in the motu channel. Good thing it's finally done *before* the next upstream release23:59

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