
Ubulettehmm, i've hit a dpkg bug for the 3rd time00:00
Ubulette[reed], oh, you're talking about another patch, the nss one, right ?00:04
Ubulette[reed], yes, this one was easily accepted. I'm surprised, and I'm happy :)00:04
Ubulettei have do undo my patches here now00:06
Ubuletteasac, I got sick of that dpkg bug so i just filled bug 16422800:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 164228 in dpkg "upgrade/migration from a directory to a link broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16422800:52
Ubuletterhelmer, I wanted to use the fullerscreen extension in prism, it doesn't work.01:47
Ubulettei tweaked install.rdf to let prism recognize it01:48
Ubulettebut after restart, it's not there (ie no icon in status bar)01:49
Ubulettein the addon ui, i can see but when I click on preferences (of that addon), i get: Error: undefined entity01:50
UbuletteSource File: chrome://fullerscreen/content/fs_prefs.xul01:50
UbuletteLine: 97, Column: 1101:50
UbuletteSource Code:01:50
Ubulette          <label value="&menubar.label;" control="FStoolbarsWhenHit"/>01:50
rhelmerUbulette: hmm that makes sense because the full firefox chrome is not loaded02:37
rhelmerso there is probably no &menubar.label02:37
Ubulettethe error is on "label"02:37
Ubuletterhelmer, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/prism+fullerscreen-2.3.png02:39
rhelmerUbulette: i don't think prism has a menubar either though :)02:53
rhelmerone sec..02:53
Ubulettestatus bar, not menu bar02:53
rhelmerUbulette: hey where can i get your prism package from again? i see the bzr branch but don't you have a .deb uploaded?03:03
UbuletteI do, in my ppa. hold on03:04
rhelmerUbulette: hmm so you aren't hitting the statusbar overlay in that screenshot, see fs_prefs.xul line 10303:05
Ubulettetake ~fta503:05
rhelmer          <label value="&statusbar.label;" control="FSstatusbarWhenHit"/>03:05
rhelmer          <checkbox label="&showWhenHit.label;"03:05
rhelmer                    preference="FSpref-showStatusbarOnPointerHit"03:05
rhelmer(sorry for the flood)03:05
rhelmer                    id="FSstatusbarWhenHit"/>03:05
rhelmeri don't know where the menubar one is supposed to be used, i don't see it03:06
rhelmerin the ui03:06
rhelmeroh, i think that is for the view menu03:07
rhelmeroh wait duh this isn't even an overlay this is the prefs pane xul03:08
rhelmerUbulette: you know what i get that error in Firefox as ewll :)03:08
rhelmerer, as well03:08
rhelmerUbulette: sorry i misunderstood what you were saying, i assumed this was an overlay on browser.xul03:08
rhelmerbut i get the same error attempting to bring up prefs in ubuntu firefox 200903:08
Ubuletteer, me too in ff3 trunk03:09
Ubulettebut at least the addon is working in ff303:09
Ubulettei have a small icon the status bar that I don't see in prism03:10
Ubulettewell, I don't see the ad block + one either, yet it's working03:10
rhelmeryeah the addon works in fx2009 as well03:12
rhelmerUbulette: yeah the prism status bar might be different not sure03:12
rhelmerok i need to run to the store back later03:13
Ubulettegnomefreak, u there ?07:38
gnomefreakyeah sort of07:38
gnomefreakUbulette: i have nspr nss and xulrunner but cant do anything with them yet07:38
Ubulettedid you try ff3 b1 on win ?07:38
gnomefreakthey are built and no i havent let it upgrade yet07:38
gnomefreaki will in morning well later this morning its 2:38am atm and cant sleep07:39
gnomefreaki fixed nss nspr07:39
gnomefreaki just need the one nss and nspr on my PPA removed since it was a tarball issue and the md5sums dont match07:39
Ubulette? in your ppa ?07:39
gnomefreaki just asked in #lp if admins can remove packages yet and havent heard back yet so i figured i would go lay downa nd try to get some sleep before my eye appt.07:41
gnomefreakif your around in ~4 hours you can let me know than what you need tested on windows b107:41
Ubulettego lay down. I wish I could ;)07:42
* gnomefreak wonders if i should make a new LP page or team to push these too07:42
gnomefreaklike a mozilla-devel team07:42
gnomefreakbut ive been up for well over 24 hours its about 30 hours straight so i would have to rethink it when i can think clearly07:43
Ubulettehmm, don't bother, admins will react soon (assuming they're in uk)07:43
gnomefreakUbulette: thats if they can remove them (should beable to since the preseeded/older packages have been removed07:44
Ubuletteyes. they should07:45
gnomefreakok im pretty much gone for a few hours07:46
gnomefreakafter i speak to daniel07:47
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gnomefreakUbulette: i talked with daniel and he gave me the sponsorship like (pretty much file a bug and give link to revu or PPA that you need pushed and it will get done i just filed 2 of them so lets see08:09
Ubulettepersia wants you to use interdiff apparently ;)08:15
gnomefreaki see08:23
gnomefreakits a first so we will see how it turns out08:23
* gnomefreak not really sure what im doing but will try real fast08:23
UbuletteI'm having a hard time finishing ff3 b1 with the right branding.08:37
UbuletteI'm hitting mozilla bug 40374308:37
ubotuMozilla bug 403743 in Toolbars "Bookmark toolbar items don't show up even though they are accessible in the Bookmark Toolbar Folder" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40374308:37
[reed]Ubulette: a current nightly should have a fix for that bug08:51
Ubuletteyep, b2pre is fine. I'm just suprised to hit that in b1 final08:52
Ubuletteand that there's bug still open.08:53
[reed]bug open?08:53
[reed]I don't see a bug open08:53
[reed]on that08:53
[reed]and you shouldn't see that in b108:53
Ubulettei do. unless my tarball is wrong08:54
[reed]you build yourself, or did you get the tarball from mozilla.com?08:55
UbuletteI build a ff3 with system libxul08:56
Ubuletteit used to work but seems there's a regression in b108:57
Ubuletteor it's caused by something else08:57
[reed]hmm, weird09:02
Ubulettehmm. the rc3 in hardy is doing the same thing.09:47
Ubulettemaybe it's my profile09:47
Ubulettestarting with no profile is okay09:49
Ubulettegnomefreak, where is your branch ?10:17
gnomefreakUbulette: for?10:18
gnomefreakim asuming sunbird10:19
Ubulettegnomefreak, you'll never do nobinonly no CVS with the rules file10:19
gnomefreakits already done10:20
* gnomefreak not getting it10:20
Ubulettewhere ? he took the tarball from upstream10:20
gnomefreakif 0.5 is in repos and i didnt change anything we are talking about what is the issue10:20
gnomefreakUbulette: the update-orig in rules wasnt made for sunbird it was made for iceape, firefox, tbird10:21
gnomefreakthat is it10:21
Ubuletteyou need to update the rule to do everything automatically, otherwise, it's messy10:22
gnomefreakit really shoudlnt matter if its there or not IMHO since we dont use it10:24
gnomefreakif we relied on it than yes fixing is needed10:24
gnomefreakUbulette: if you update it please merge my brnach to MT branch so i can than merge from there to update both branches10:25
gnomefreakhttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/sunbird/ubuntu-0.x is the MT page for branch10:25
gnomefreakbut doesnt matter most motus dont have a clue on mozilla apps anyway, we dont build/upgrade/merge the same way since we dont merge from debian for any of our apps10:27
gnomefreakbut its time for me to lay down for a little while before eye dr10:27
Ubulettei wont do it now, i'm busy with my real job, i should not even be here10:30
Ubulette[reed] could be something in my profile but I can't find the patch that fixed this post-b1. I'm not sure it's wise to push that release in ubuntu.11:23
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