
Seeker`nalioth: We weren't But we made up :)00:02
ajmitchsigh, I really want to have a channel registered00:07
ajmitchbut it's hard to actually get everyone kicked out so that *someone* can have ops :)00:07
ajmitchrelatively unrelated to ubuntu, I just wanted to moan00:08
PriceChildajmitch, what channel is it?00:09
PriceChildmost definitely not related to ubuntu then :P00:09
ajmitchNZ zope/plone users group, so doesn't even require linux, let along ubuntu :)00:09
ajmitchhey now, I use plone on ubuntu, so it counts :)00:10
PriceChildLjL, messaging zim (matched on /who)00:13
LjLPriceChild: his bot seems to be running as root, for the record.00:14
PriceChildhehe yes00:14
PriceChildeither that or he's just pretending to be l33t00:14
stdincan I get a factoid added:00:16
ubotuIn ubotu, stdin said: !no brokenkde4 is <reply> If you're trying to install KDE4 RC1 but getting errors about dependencies or files being overwritten, make sure you remove ALL of the KDE4 beta packages first. Try this in a !terminal « sudo apt-get --purge remove $(dpkg -l | egrep '(KDE 4|KDE PIM 4|-kde4)'|cut -d ' ' -f 3) kdebase-workspace kdebase-runtime »00:16
stdinit's an evil little hack, I know, I made it :p00:17
jdongstdin: bad bad boy :)00:17
LjLstdin: isn't that grep potentially a little dangerous?00:17
stdinbut it's going to be a popular one00:17
stdinLjL: no, I tested it myself, only removed KDE4 packages00:17
stdinand all kde4 package do need to be removed before RC1 installs00:18
jdongstdin: have you tested that grep against all the description tags in Packages.gz of Gutsy main restricted universe multiverse?00:18
jdongstdin: it would be awful it if managed to match something else and purged some other package00:18
LjL!brokenkde4 is <reply> If you're trying to install KDE4 RC1 but getting errors about dependencies or files being overwritten, make sure you remove ALL of the KDE4 beta packages first. Try this in a !terminal: « sudo apt-get --purge remove $(dpkg -l | egrep '(KDE 4|KDE PIM 4|-kde4)' |cut -d ' ' -f 3) kdebase-workspace kdebase-runtime »00:18
stdinjdong: erm, well no, I do see your point00:18
PriceChildHey pitoow, how can we help?00:19
PriceChildLjL, seems like zim doesn't wanna talk.00:19
jdongstdin: hopefully users have enough common sense to read apt's output before saying yes :D00:19
LjLstdin: i'll add it but there's some regex problem with the bot and that factoid00:19
stdinjdong: but not many that apt-cache show have "KDE 4 " that aeren't KDE 4 packages00:19
pitoowportuguese only00:19
stdinLjL: yeah, I had to use !no to get it to forward00:19
PriceChild!pt | pitoow 00:19
ubotupitoow: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:19
LjLstdin: added00:20
stdinjdong: in fact only okular and koffice2 would match that 00:20
jdongstdin: from an initial look I wouldn't expect it to match many erroneous packages :)00:21
stdinLjL: thanks, I can get on with building the rest of RC100:21
jdongI'd guessl ike a 1 in 25,000 chance :)00:21
stdinjdong: well the users are using my PPA, and they'll get a svn konversation build anyway :p00:21
PriceChildUuuu zim speaks!00:23
stdinand a new version of qtcurve, and smplayer00:23
PriceChildLjL, ok to lift ban if he agrees it won't happen again?00:25
LjLPriceChild: yes00:25
PriceChildIs r2d2 serious?00:42
PriceChildOk I call troll..00:42
PriceChildr2d2 is now known as donkeyofdarkness fyi00:43
PriceChildbit laggy :/00:47
ubotuYou have lag, I don't have lag00:47
PriceChildI got told.00:47
jdong!lagger is What's a lagger but the mispelling a really good drink?00:49
ubotuIn #ubuntu-ops, jdong said: !lagger is What's a lagger but the mispelling a really good drink?00:49
jdong(kidding) :D00:49
jdongof a.00:49
jdonggrr maybe I've had one too many of those00:50
Seeker`jdong: Thats a bit of a typo for "cider"00:50
jdongI'm not the decider of.... *urgh* forget it too many puns for one day00:50
PriceChildwow.... jdong is all punned out?!00:51
jdongPriceChild: that'd be a first, no? :)00:51
PriceChildwhat is the world coming to00:51
jdongPriceChild: I just wrote like 3 pages worth of revised backports documentation, my typing fingers are tired00:51
PriceChild<alber1> i made a group called firefox then, sudo chown :firefox /usr/bin/firefox, but chown doesn't have any effect... why is this?00:52
PriceChildhmmm time for bed00:52
jdongwow. This guy is amazing.00:52
PriceChildjdong, who?00:52
jdongPriceChild: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38598100:53
jdongPriceChild: the guy who wrote that thread and maintains the mentioned repo00:53
PriceChildgood amazing?00:53
jdongPriceChild: not only has he agreed to put inthe disclaimer that his repo isn't officially supported without a single hassle00:53
jdongPriceChild: but he has also taken an initiative to write a wiki page to outline the impact of 3rd part software00:54
jdongit's rare to find people so cooperative these days :-/00:54
PriceChildpretty amazing00:54
jdongit's definitely a good boost after the -devel-discuss getdeb megathread00:55
PriceChildI've spent the last hour in back and forth PMs (shut up) with two people over infractions and the jail00:55
PriceChild*wonders why he doesn't use ppas etc*00:56
PriceChildGrrr and they still haven't cleared my ppa :(00:57
jdongPriceChild: :(00:57
PriceChildi openned an answer question for it00:57
PriceChildthey deleted the binaries from the latest build immediately00:58
crdlbprobably because of the bad PR the PPA system got with that stupid compiz-core bug :)00:58
PriceChildthen said it was on a cron and it wouldn't be cleared till 03:00 and many days later they still haven't replied to my answer or anything :/00:58
jdongPriceChild: why not go into #launchpad and poke?01:00
PriceChildtried a time or two iirc but no answer01:00
PriceChildWill try tomorrow during work hours utc01:01
Hobbseecrdlb: compiz core?01:06
Hobbseehang on, let me read01:06
crdlbthe problem with Amaranth's compiz PPA for feisty01:06
crdlbwhere compiz-core would never stop wanting to upgrade01:06
Hobbseeyes, they found that bug, and it was in the publishing section.01:06
Hobbseeit was only found recently though.01:07
Hobbseei wonder if it got fixed01:07
Hobbseeppa people are busy.  but they may well need a LP admin to do it.01:07
* Hobbsee wonders if she coudl do it01:07
Hobbseeawn is in hardy now, too, i see01:08
Hobbseeoh, i see01:09
Hobbseeno, i cant.01:09
Hobbseebut why hasnt it nuked the package record, too?01:09
jdongHobbsee: I saw the accepted mail01:10
jdongI think I built it too locally. But the memory's a blur.01:11
Hobbseeah right01:12
jdongsomeone watch WhisperKiller in #ubuntu, they're providing instructions on manually installing fglrx and it looks like a freaking disaster03:10
jdongI'm in the middle of intense homework right now and dont' have time to explain this03:11
jdongbut they're gonna get LRM mismatch and he's ending up with an unbootable X down this road03:11
crdlbthankfully fglrx will boot without the kernel module03:32
crdlbunlike nvidia's03:32
crdlb... driver03:33
jdongcrdlb: agreed03:35
jdongit's unfortunate nvidia could not implement a fallback in a similar way.03:35
crdlbsupposedly fglrx can even work with the mesa libGL now03:36
jdongwouldn't be surprised03:36
jdongit' uses the DRI stack anyway03:36
JanCAFAIK fglrx uses mesa libGL in hardy  ?  ツ03:41
crdlbthat's fantastic :)03:42
crdlbyou have no idea how many times I've fixed peoples computers by having them remove fglrx03:42
crdlbbecause they installed it while using radeon (or intel sometimes O_o)03:43
jdongeveryone wants fglrx!03:43
JanCI have seen a lot of problems from people installing fglrx/nvidia drivers that don't come with Ubuntu...   :-/03:44
jdongJanC: agreed03:44
jdongquite honestly I think a lot of that is Ubuntu's fault with our LRM system03:45
JanCyou know "I saw this blog post fro ma guy that seemed to know what he was doing"03:45
jdongI've not seen any other distro with a persistently respawning kernel module system03:45
crdlbLRM is really fragile :(03:45
jdongapparently it's because of legal reasons or something03:45
jdongbut I'm not convinced, there's GOT to be a better way03:45
jdongI don't blame users at all, even experienced users from other distros, for falling into this trap with manually installed video drovers03:46
jdongthe idea that LRM will persistently override your kernel modules with its own versions sounds simply ludicrous to a non-Ubuntu user03:46
JanCactually, it's possible to have locally compiled modules in Ubuntu now, AFAIK03:46
jdongJanC: last I checked depmod's path thing places volatile before everything still.03:47
jdongJanC: you must blacklist the associated restricted driver in /etc/default/l-r-m-common03:47
jdongwhich is a ubuntu-ism.03:47
jdongno other distro comes close to this level of insanity03:47
JanCwell, that's not too complicated either?03:48
crdlbit's extremely prone to bugs03:48
jdongJanC: no it's not *complicated*, but is it intuitive?03:48
crdlbfor a while, "nv" failed to match nvidia_new03:48
JanCanyway, 99% of the people that I had to help after installing drivers themselves actually didn't need them...03:49
jdongJanC: there are definitely, however, cases where a manual install is the only solution03:49
jdongJanC: for example all AMD dual core users with nvidia mobo chipsets and nvidia cards who want to run compiz03:49
crdlbsuch as the gf8000's on feisty03:49
jdongall our nvidia.ko's softlock the kernel on SMP.03:50
jdongneed the new beta driver03:50
JanCwell, that sounds like a bug then?03:50
jdongbut anyway that's a digression03:50
jdongJanC: it is a bug but not ever going to be fixed in a stable release03:50
jdongbecause we'll need nvidia-glx-new*er*03:50
JanCeh, why not?03:50
jdongJanC: each new release drops support for some older cards, causes various regressions, etc03:50
crdlbubuntu likes to port changes back to older releases03:50
jdongcannot be QA'ed for a stable release03:50
crdlband you can't do that with proprietary drivers :(03:51
jdongbut anyway, back to my original point:03:51
JanCcan't go into modules-backports even ?03:51
crdlbevery nvidia release has a million regressions03:51
jdongNO other distro makes installing graphics drivers by hand so cumbersome.03:51
jdongit's only done by Ubuntu, and IMO unnecessary to be implemented in such an interruptive fashion03:51
jdongwhat's next? Will Ubuntu filter all unofficial binaries out of /usr/bin and require you to set a binary_whitelist variable in /etc/default?03:52
JanCwell, every kernel upgrade that changes the kernel ABI would break your local-built driver anyway, right?03:52
jdongJanC: yeah but that's expected03:53
jdongJanC: what's not expected is when I reboot to the same kernel, UBuntu startup scripts dump its bundled nvidia drivers into the module load path and overrides the modules that worked last boot03:53
crdlbjdong: lol I actually wouldn't be surpised by that03:53
JanCjdong: "expected" by experienced users maybe...03:53
jdongcrdlb: lol I was thinking that myself03:53
jdongJanC: well by expected I mean conforms to how all other distros will behave03:54
Hobbseejdong: only the closed source ones, of course.03:54
jdongHobbsee: right.03:54
JanCI don't care about "other distro's"  ;)03:54
jdongHobbsee: but isn't linux-backports-modules guilty of this too? (nver looked)03:54
jdongand l-b-m could definitely contain FOSS modules03:54
JanCanyway, I can see a need for a way to make sure local modules keep working after system updates03:55
Hobbseeno idea03:55
Hobbseei have a free driver :)03:56
JanCHobbsee: so have I -- I assembled this system to be 100% free :-)03:56
* crdlb has ath_hal :(03:57
crdlbsooo close :p03:58
JanCthis http://www.supermicro.com/products/motherboard/Core2Duo/G33/C2SBA+II.cfm mobo is cool  ツ03:58
JanCcrdlb: ath = atheros or what?03:59
crdlbit's open source except for the hal that talks to the hw itself04:00
crdlbthey claim it's because the chips can go outside of FCC regulations so they can't open it04:00
JanCah, that's what Intel claims about ipw3xxx too04:01
jdongcrdlb: that's being resolved though04:01
jdongath5k is going into the kernel04:01
crdlboh nice :)04:01
jdongand I guess it's a moral concern I agree with04:01
jdongthere's some sensitive communicatiosn equipment (the US military I know runs some) in the range that a wifi card hardware can broadcast on04:01
JanCjdong: it's a stupid thing04:02
jdongmeh there needs to be some way of regulating it04:02
jdongjust the unfortunate fact that software radios are defined in the drivers makes it a PITA for FOSS operating systems04:02
JanCit asks userspace for a location to regulate local policy04:02
jdongJanC: no I agree ipw3945d is utterly retarded, and that's why it's obsolete04:03
jdongor in the process of becoming such by next release04:03
jdongIntel has rewritten the driver because they don't feel ipw3945d is the right solution04:03
jdongthe new iwl3945 driver only uses a binary firmware/microcode like almost every other card out there, and completely FOSS drivers with no regulator daemon04:04
JanCwell, every attempt to regulate WiFi based on location (e.g. US vs. Europe) is flawed04:04
jdongJanC: I'd at least like it regulated to somewhere CLOSE to wifi frequencies, wouldn't you say?04:04
JanCit doesn't matter if that happens in a userspace daemon or in firmware04:04
jdongI'd rather not make it as easy as 3 lines of source code to make a generic 2-10GHz radio transmitter.04:05
JanCjdong: the main problem is that WiFi frequencies differ between countries04:05
jdongwhich I've heard from OpenBSD folks that Atheros lets you do04:05
jdongJanC: AFAIK they are all within designated spectrums though, 2.4+/-0.2Ghz, 5.8+/- similar range...04:06
jdongJanC: the most I've seen them deviate is another 100MHz above what the USA allows in 2.4's range04:06
JanCjdong: you know what's the funniest thing?04:06
jdongor no?04:07
JanCthis frequency range is open for amateur radio  ;)04:07
jdongJanC: yes but you need one of them license thingies to operate one of those things04:07
JanCand they have licenses for much larger broadcasting power than wifi allows04:07
jdongI'd hope people with such licenses are more responsible with the technology04:08
JanCso 1 licensed amateur radio-operator can easily destroy every WiFi network around their home04:08
jdongI wouldn't doubt that04:09
jdongradio communications are fragile by nature04:09
JanCespacially if someone can transmit with 100x power or something like that  ;-)04:10
jdongthe biggest threat is at least here in the USA interfering with radio communications carries bigger penalties than rape or running someone over with your car.04:10
jdongand that makes most people think twice before doign it04:10
JanCwell, in Europe, AFIAK, those frequencies are considered "free" for radio amateurs...04:11
JanCnot that they are used a lot though, and I never got any issues  ツ04:11
JanCwell, it's what one radio amateur told me, so I didn't check that myself04:13
JanCanyway, back on-topic... there probably should be a standard, documented way for third-party (local or not) module-packages to override official modules04:15
JanCmaking this way documented will also make it easier to detect possible issues with it (e.g. a script could detect the existense of such modules)04:16
Tm_Thello even04:18
Tm_Tgood morning too04:18
jdongJanC: agreed -- LRM should have a heuristic that detects this situation (i.e. foreign module installed matching same name) and alert the user04:18
jdongthen again, now I'm just waving magic wands and Hobbsee is gonna come in here and beat me with her long pointy stick any moment :D04:19
* Hobbsee beats jdong04:20
Hobbseenow, what am i beating you over?04:20
JanCwell, maybe there should just be pre-default module directory04:20
jdongHobbsee: waving my magic wand over LRM :)04:20
JanCthen any simple script could detect "duplicates"04:20
jdongJanC: or LRM should simply not be first in line04:21
jdongI don't know of a case where the LRM and regular module share the same name but LRM's provides more features04:21
* jdong just heard the words "add proprietary value" in his mind reading that back, and wants to strangle himself04:21
JanCjdong: in the past there was a time when upstream fglrx just plain didn't work with Ubuntu  ;)04:22
jdongJanC: history repeated itself on amd64 with latest release04:22
JanCand Ubuntu fglrx had _binary_ patches in Ubuntu to get it to work04:23
jdongwhich of course are illegal but *cough* shhhhh04:24
JanCCanonical did have an e-mail from ATI that said "it's okay"04:24
jdongoh ok, that changes it then04:24
Tm_Tpermission to do illegalities?04:25
jdongI know at the time I was warning people at the forums not to suggest things like that due to EULA violation04:25
JanCit was nasty at least04:26
JanCand only semi-official AFAIK04:27
JanCanyway, about kernel modules, I'm happy that now at least it's possible to "backport" modules without having to build a new kernel  ;)04:29
JanCit's something I proposed some time ago, and mdz made a blueprint from it  :-)04:30
jdongyeah that is nice04:30
ubotuInverse called the ops in #ubuntu ()04:39
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
Tm_Tnixternal: mmmm04:43
Tm_Tnixternal: you might like to keep an eye on #ubuntu04:43
Tm_Tlots of offtopic going on04:43
ubotuIn #ubuntu-motu, persia said: ubotu: sbuild is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto05:45
ubotuIn #ubuntu-motu, persia said: ubotu: sbuild is a system to easily build packages in a clean schroot environment.  To get started with SBuild, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto05:46
Hobbseeubotu: sbuild is a system to easily build packages in a clean schroot environment.  To get started with SBuild, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto05:52
ubotuBut sbuild already means something else!05:52
ubotusbuild is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto05:52
Hobbsee!no sbuild is a system to easily build packages in a clean schroot environment.  To get started with SBuild, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto05:53
ubotuI'll remember that Hobbsee05:53
ubotusbuild is a system to easily build packages in a clean schroot environment.  To get started with SBuild, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto05:53
Tm_THobbsee: thanks :)05:57
ubotuIn #ubuntu-in, slytherin said: ubotu: what is medibuntu08:54
persiaCould someone please push ubotu back into #ubuntu-motu?  We've had an accidental overflow09:36
* elkbuntu wants to stab everyone who condones 'does anyone know anything about ubuntu and $other' questions09:40
elkbuntunalioth, LjL ^^ see persia's request please09:40
naliothelkbuntu: is ubotu here?09:41
Jucatoheh ubotu's only in #kubuntu :)09:41
naliothlet it sync09:41
gnomefreaknalioth: \sh made ubotu flood out09:44
gnomefreakin motu09:44
naliothah, there it is09:45
gary4garhello people!09:45
gnomefreakyeah hes back in motu as well09:46
elkbuntunalioth, why does it seem that a 10 min sync is a little ... ridiculous09:46
gnomefreakhi gary4gar 09:46
naliothelkbuntu: do you know how many channels the bot is in?09:46
gary4gargnomefreak, :)09:46
gnomefreak~18-20 afaik09:46
ubot3Factoid 18-20 afaik not found09:46
elkbuntunalioth, it doesnt take *me* 10 mins to sync09:46
naliothtry over 60, gnomefreak 09:47
naliothelkbuntu: but you're not contantly parsing _every_ line of text for !trigger words09:47
gnomefreakok that too09:47
gary4gargnomefreak, unmark yourself away :p09:50
gnomefreaksorry ive been trying to go to bed but its already 5am09:50
naliothyeah, i've been staying up late, too09:51
elkbuntunalioth, so you're saying that ubotu parses text for triggers *more* than an irc client checks text for commands, color coding, etc etc etc?09:51
naliothelkbuntu: your irc client doesn't give a flip about anything but "elkbuntu" and the few other words you may have on highlight09:52
nalioththe bots have to parse each line for b u g numbers and !triggers and then they have to fetch them and spout them off09:53
gary4garcan i be unbaned from #ubuntu?09:54
gary4garin other words can my ban be cleared?09:54
gary4garelkbuntu, are you there?10:04
gary4garPlease clear my ban, i wanna use my own name rather than using some other name10:05
nalioththreatening to evade a ban isn't the best way to ask for it be removed10:06
gary4garnalioth, now man i didn't threatened anyone10:09
gary4garits just practical thing, that you can't restrict anyone on Internet 10:10
gary4garbut i am saying that Please Please remove my ban10:10
gary4garso its a request not a threatening :S10:10
naliothyou'll have to wait on the one who banned you, gary4gar 10:12
gary4garnalioth, frankly it was been long time so i don't remember you banned me10:13
naliothwell, i'll help you out.  it wasn't me.10:14
gary4garnalioth, aah thanks for telling that :P10:14
elkbuntugary4gar, the discussion the other day when you were using the name gaurish, isnt so long ago, so dont even bother trying that10:19
gary4garelkbuntu, i have a weak memory but i vaguely remember that it was on 13th nov, and you said ban can be after a week10:21
elkbuntugary4gar, you should vaguely remember that I, and the person who banned you, LjL, said that you need to wait for LjL to decide when your ban will be listed and that it would be *at least* a week10:22
gary4garelkbuntu, ok leave it, i don't want to argue but surely i will come back later :P10:23
Tm_Tmeh meh10:45
* jussio1 hugs Tm_T10:47
Tm_TI hope that was only a friendly hug10:47
jussio1Tm_T: totta kai10:52
Mezwas sixsigma just kicked from any ubuntu channels?12:54
PiciMez: did you get that message too? 12:55
Mezjust wondering where it came from12:55
Mezhe doesnt seem to be in any channel I'm in atm12:55
Tm_Tlike to share?12:55
Pici--- Log opened Wed Nov 21 07:45:56 200712:56
Pici07:45 >>>> Irssi: Starting query in freenode with sixsigma12:56
Pici07:45 <sixsigma> Free! Best Six Sigma Project Tutorial Just for you - Visit http://www.sixsigma123.net/12:56
Pici--- Log closed Wed Nov 21 07:50:08 200712:56
Mez<sixsigma> Free! Best Six Sigma Project Tutorial Just for you - Visit http://www.sixsigma123.net/12:56
Mezah, #ubuntu isn't +s12:56
Mezso probs a name call12:56
Meznalioth/etc, wanna do anything bout him12:56
PiciDave2, just saw you active in #freenode, can you scroll up here and take a look at this sixsigma fellow.13:42
Dave2Pici, he's been noticed, thanks. (Thought he'd been dealt with already, but obviously not - I shall poke people again. Thanks for reminding me.)13:46
PiciDave2: Thanks :)13:46
livingdaylighthi guys!13:55
livingdaylightcan someone test me and take me out of quarantine?13:55
livingdaylightis there an op here?13:58
pleia2livingdaylight: I can't help, but please hang around until someone who can shows up :)13:59
livingdaylightpleia2: sanx14:00
livingdaylighthttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit no pointers here for Opera-irc users, but i think i found it in preferences under Tools/Accounts14:03
Picilivingdaylight: been tested yet?14:11
livingdaylightPici: nope14:13
PiciWell, you look to be good.14:13
PiciHold on14:13
Picilivingdaylight: unbanned, have fun.14:14
livingdaylightPici: gracias amigo14:16
livingdaylightremember: we are because we all are! (or something like that)14:16
livingdaylighthehe ...14:16
LjLPici: i think at the end of the day he deserves it... but i'm not sure how exactly you ended up banning him :P15:12
PiciLjL: somehow I accidentally typed /ab d<tab> 15:13
Piciinstead of /lastlog15:14
LjLPici, given the million monkeys writing shakespeare etc...  you're a bunch of chimps with broken typewriters :P15:14
PiciI'll take that as a compliment15:15
LjLPici, north america is certainly not a country, but it's almost one when talking about telephone numbering, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Numbering_Plan15:18
PiciLjL: He asked "whats the country code for north america"15:20
LjLPici: well, in a way, the correct answer is "1". if for "north america" one considers the group of countries that are in the "north american" numbering plan15:20
LjLthat excludes mexico to begin with15:21
LjLthat "1" ("+1" if you prefer) is called a country code, even though it can dial out to more than one single country15:23
PiciI always think of country codes as the two letter country designations, but then again I rarely/never call outside the country.15:23
LjLPici, but the two letter designations have nothing to do with phones. country codes *in telephony* are things starting with "+", where the meaning of "+" really depends on what country you're in (in italy it's 00 for instance, i believe it's 011 in north america), that allow you to dial out to other countries15:25
LjLso to call italy from the US, you'd do 011 39, since +39 is italy's country code15:26
LjLto call from italy to the US, i'd do 00 1, since +1 is "north america's" country code15:26
LjLnot a country, but +1 is still a "country code" in telephony speak15:26
elkbuntuaustralia came in 61st place with that numbering15:32
elkbuntuwe got ripped off :(15:33
LjLto be exact, even the +39 "country code" doesn't really refer to one country15:33
LjLit dials out to italy *and* to the vatican :)15:33
LjLand i'd have though to San Marino too, but wikipedia doesn't say that15:33
LjLelkbuntu: but it's not really the "61st place", they go by zones. +6x is southern asia and oceania according to wp15:34
LjL+3x is europe (and so is +4x)15:34
elkbuntuLjL, i know... it's just fun to say that15:35
LjLwp also lists the various areas in the NANP as separate "country codes", but that's cheating really. the country code is +1.15:35
LjLthe three digits that follow are really a local area code15:35
LjLno matter the country15:35
PiciWaltzingAlong: How can we help you?15:36
Tm_T+358 is Finland <315:36
LjLelkbuntu: you could say that you came in the first place, given you're "1" in your geographical area which is "6" :)15:36
LjLTm_T, try to understand... nobody calls finland :P15:36
elkbuntuwho got 69? :Þ15:36
Tm_TLjL: I do15:36
WaltzingAlongPici: greetings. here to propose that the ubotu reply to the kubuntu !compiz also points to the compiz wiki at http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/  since questions like 'how do i get the cube' are answered there15:36
LjLelkbuntu: +69 800 o4o15:37
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion15:37
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion15:37
PiciWaltzingAlong: You dont think that the channel is enough?15:38
LjLWaltzingAlong, the stuff in the factoids should really only refer to what's officially supported... under Kubuntu, nothing is really officially supported, so it's a bit embarrassing to decide... but, if anything (if it's not a hack), it should be added to the wiki15:38
LjLand yeah, if one wants to do fancier things, they should ask in the right channel instead15:39
LjLWaltzingAlong: anyway, remember that you can just PM ubotu and say "something is blah", we'll see the proposed entry15:39
WaltzingAlongsure it is enough to point people to the compiz fusion channel. and first reply there is to check the wiki15:39
WaltzingAlongLjL: ok thanks for the info15:40
LjLWaltzingAlong: i think it would be best if you put wiki.compiz-fusion.org at the end of the help.ubuntu.com wiki page, in a "Further reading" or "External links" section (not sure what the standard for calling sections like that is on the ubuntu wiki, to be honest)15:41
LjL(could ask in #ubuntu-doc)15:41
WaltzingAlongok. it was in response to kubuntu users seeing the videos with the cube, expecting compiz to be the cube, then asking how to get the cube working.15:42
LjLWaltzingAlong: well the correct thing to say is that compiz is *not* the cube, but a window manager that uses the composite extension of X in order to handle window management using 3D hardware acceleration, while in addition providing (by means of plugins) various "special effects" that can be installed and enabled, with further help in #compiz-fusion15:43
WaltzingAlongLjL: ok so ubotu could have a !cube-#kubuntu reply with just that? :D15:44
LjL!composite is <reply> Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features.15:47
ubotuI'll remember that, LjL15:47
LjL!cube is <alias> composite15:47
LjLWaltzingAlong: ^15:47
WaltzingAlongLjL: thanks15:47
LjLlong factoid to be used sparingly especially in #ubuntu ... PMs ftw15:48
WaltzingAlongwill do15:48
LjLadded also "See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »". didn't add the opposite (i.e. a link to !composite from !effects and !compiz) on purpose.15:50
Tm_Tisaz: hi, how can we help you?16:16
jussi01Tm_T: hahahahah16:17
jussi01obviously not much16:17
Tm_Tokie, off ->16:21
=== jenda_ is now known as jenda
OldPinkCan I request being unbanned from #ubuntu-offtopic?18:03
OldPinkI was banned for repeating ubotu's "Kylie Minogue pitied Mr. T and now she has cancer" joke18:03
OldPinkAnd laughing at it18:03
OldPinkIf it wasn't put there, I wouldn't laugh. You put it there to be funny. 18:04
ubotuAn error has occurred and has been logged.18:05
MezYou'll have to wait for seveas to return for that, but with your ban evasion, and a few other things, I'd dooubt it18:11
OldPinkThat wasn't ban evasion18:11
OldPinkI didn't know of ubuntu-ops, and used /msg to contact Seveas many times, but he failed to respond18:12
OldPinkHence, I was forced to get back on. I didn't evade, I called myself the same nick, it was clearly me, just to tell Seveas to check his PMs18:12
OldPinkI then went in #ubuntu and asked how to contend an offtopic ban, and people told me of ubuntu-ops18:13
OldPinkWhen banned, you should be notified of ubuntu-ops, who banned you, where to contact them, and how long the ban will last, surely18:13
PriceChildubotu, btlogin18:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about btlogin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:16
Picitracker is up forme.18:17
PriceChildPici, it is... just me being silly18:18
OldPinkDamn Seveas. Banned me for repeating a ubotu @t joke. That's just lame.18:20
PiciI'm pretty sure that was just icing on the cake.18:20
OldPinkIt's not even icing though. If ubotu can say it, we should be able to say it18:21
PriceChildOldPink, I notice you were banned/muted the day before though...18:22
OldPinkWas I?18:22
PiciI think the timestamps are bit weird on that issue.18:22
OldPinkI mean, I don't even know how long it lasts! If it was a day or so, maybe fair enough, but come on.18:23
PiciBans do not auto-expire18:25
OldPinkSo it's when Seveas just happens to remember?! 18:26
ubotuIn ubotu, WaltzingAlong said: reinstalling is not really the answer18:27
Pici!bot > WaltzingAlong18:27
PriceChildOldPink, lets just be patient and wait for him to return please.18:27
mneptokreinstalling really is the answer. dude ... wait ... what was the question?18:29
PiciWaltzingAlong: can we help you? again?18:30
WaltzingAlongPici: i just received the message from you "[19:27] <Ubotwo> Pici wants you to know: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots" ; this was in response to the earlier issue about the cube and compiz18:31
PiciWaltzingAlong: Thats because:  <ubotu> In ubotu, WaltzingAlong said: reinstalling is not really the answer18:31
WaltzingAlongPici: ah ok. that went into the wrong window. thanks18:31
PiciWaltzingAlong: sure thing18:32
stdinhmm, how come Ubotwo sent that and not ubotu18:37
PiciHe probably got both18:37
PriceChildstdin, ubotwo is muted in here... but still hears commands18:38
PriceChildand tries to react18:38
PriceChildbest we address ubotu with his name rather than ! where possible i guess18:38
stdinwhen using > yeah18:38
ompaulubotwo you hate this :)18:58
OldPinkI'll be right back :) 18:58
* ompaul cringes18:58
OldPinkStill no sign of seveas?19:36
OldPinkHe hasn't used op powers for 3d 6h 57m 32s   19:37
ubotuAngeltronix called the ops in #ubuntu-ni ()19:39
OldPinkThere are only like 6 people in there though?19:40
OldPinkPlease unban me from #ubuntu-offtopic? 19:46
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
PriceChildOldPink, @t isn't availiable from -offtopic is it?19:59
OldPinkUntil then, then it was disabled19:59
OldPinkI don't know if it's been re-abled19:59
OldPinkI think it was disabled everywhere though19:59
PiciPriceChild: Seveas had turned it on for a little bit, then turned it off.20:00
PriceChildPici, ahhh20:00
PiciPriceChild: Can we help you?20:00
profanephobiahow can i hide my ip address?20:00
PriceChild!register | profanephobia 20:00
PiciI thought I fixed that tab complete before pressing enter...20:00
ubotuprofanephobia: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration20:00
ubotujoerlend called the ops in #ubuntu-no ()20:01
profanephobiaPriceChild, im registered pricey20:01
PriceChildprofanephobia, follow that (linked nick and email) then ask for an unafillitated cloak in #freenode20:01
profanephobiaPriceChild, btw assassins creed is amazing20:02
PriceChildI've only heard bad things.;20:02
PriceChildOldPink, Im' feeling generous, gimme a little to look over the logs fully.20:02
PriceChildhave only glanced over til now20:02
OldPinkPriceChild: Thanks20:05
PriceChildOk cool I think I've got a reasonable idea of everything that happenned.20:08
PriceChildOldPink, #ubuntu-offtopic is a channel for idle chatter. However it still has guidelines.20:09
PriceChildNickspam, botabuse etc. are still "not good".20:09
PriceChildBan evasion is still not good.20:09
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:10
PriceChildPlease read that OldPink ^ then say when done.20:10
OldPinkPriceChild: Done20:13
PriceChildThat was very quick.20:13
OldPinkYou know that thing about /away is wrong20:13
OldPinkI just tried it. Being away doesn't stop the message being sent to the channel20:14
OldPinkNor alert you that the user is away20:14
OldPinkAt least on my client? The only way I can see if someone is away is by doing /whois20:14
OldPinkWhereas on the link you sent me it says: "when someone uses your name they are told you are away and the channel is not disturbed."20:15
PriceChildopen a query with me, then direct a message to me, either in this channel or in pm20:15
PriceChild(i am /away)20:15
OldPinkI'll do both...20:15
OldPinkPriceChild: Hello20:15
PriceChildyou should get a little message saying I am away?20:16
OldPinkAh, there was an auto message on the /msg one. I'd never encountered that, sorry. 20:16
OldPinkJust tried it on myself and nothing happened, must've just needed two people 20:16
OldPinkOn the one starting with "PriceChild:" nothing happened, though20:17
PriceChildSo there we go.20:17
OldPinkSorry :) Did read it though. 20:18
PriceChildOk so to sum up... nickspam, botabuse, "colourful" (with a 'u' jdong) language and telling other users to "shut up" is not acceptable?20:19
OldPinkYes :) 20:20
PriceChildIf you are muted, you should assume it a temporary measure to get you to calm down. If he wanted you out the channel for good, he would have removed and banned you.20:20
PriceChildOldPink, seen as it has been a week, I have removed the ban. Please abide by the guidelines your have read at all times whilst in Ubuntu channels.20:21
OldPinkPriceChild: Thank you :) 20:22
PriceChildOldPink, anything else we can help you with here?20:24
OldPinkNo thanks :) 20:25
=== mc44_ is now known as mc44
FloodBot1Synced to #ubuntu, 1196 users present22:59
FloodBot2Synced to #ubuntu, 1200 users present23:03
FloodBot3Synced to #ubuntu, 1199 users present23:03
nixternalwth is this all about?23:06
crdlbLjL's new toy :)23:06
nixternalheh, floodbot is doing exactly what it name says :)23:06
LjLyeah. they have a problem with +v i suspect23:07
* Mez slaps floodbot23:07
LjLlet see if it does it again in... 5 seconds23:07
LjLnalioth: kill the bot, i have no idea why but it's thinking the other bots are being kept opped23:08
MezLjL, you playing?23:08
LjLMez, nixternal, these bots should end up opped in #ubuntu eventually, so they have to be trialled and monitored here for a while23:09
Mezthey set quite a high limit ;)23:09
nixternalwhat is the purpose of them? prevent ctcp floods or all types of floods?23:09
Mezjoin floods23:10
LjLMez, yes, initially they set a very high limit (users+30 currently), it's a safety measure23:10
naliothnixternal: are you familiar with 'debhelper' in #debian ?23:10
ompaulwhen they has skillz we will see them 23:10
nixternalnalioth: yes23:10
LjLMez: well, also ctcp floods actually23:10
naliothnixternal: same thing23:10
LjLand they can also auto-banforwards exploit victims23:10
Mez1209 = 47 + 30?23:10
LjLMez, nope, they *are* in #ubuntu and using the amount of users from there23:10
ompaulMez, look at #ubuntu 23:10
LjLthey're just changing the limit in here instead of doing it in there23:10
nixternalnalioth: so floodbot will help me create packages :p23:10
Mezah... lol - kk23:10
* ompaul desks heads23:11
* ompaul makes mez collide with a desk23:11
naliothwe've been trialing them in a private channel for a while, and now we'll watch them here (and polish them some more)23:11
* Mez headdesks wall23:11
ompaulsore head party23:11
naliothnixternal: whatever the bot in #debian is that monitors the channel levels23:11
* Mez dances23:11
MezI'm hungry23:11
nixternalderr, OK23:11
* Mez goes and grabs a tin of tuna23:11
nixternalheh, I was thinking of dh_* :)23:11
FloodBot1Synced to #ubuntu, 1175 users present23:24
Seeker`is it the same type of bot as ubotu?23:25
LjLSeeker`: no, it's no type of bot, it's custom code23:25
Seeker`ooh, scary23:26
LjLit's based on metabot... but then again metabot is custom code23:27
LjLok, now that they've finished joining (and hopefully last time's bug is fixed), only one will stay opped, and then it'll start to set a limit. initially, it will change it every minute, so causing a little more spam again23:28
Seeker`am I allowed to ask why there are 3 of them?23:28
LjLafter it's settled, it will only change the limit when the situation in #ubuntu actually warrants it23:28
LjLSeeker`: backup. we don't want a dangling limit to be left on, and we want to ensure the limit is removed ASAP on netsplits23:29
naliothSeeker`: backup bots23:29
LjLnalioth: your bot never gets +o :P23:29
naliothSeeker`: programmed to jump in the captains seat if the seat goes empty23:29
Seeker`what is the logic behind x+30? are the floods usually that bad?23:34
LjLSeeker`: they can be much worse than that... but anyway, the limit is not x+30, it's x+1123:34
LjLSeeker`: they *initially* set it at +30, when they join, just in case they're coming back from a dead server or such things23:35
Seeker`ah, ok23:35
naliothSeeker`: these bots have been designed to not bother normal users in the least23:36
LjLwhich they hopefully achieve, but in case they don't, that's why they're provisionally here so that y'all can check that they're doing their job correctly :)23:38
Seeker`how do they determine when "the situation in #ubuntu actually warrents it"?23:38
LjLSeeker`: if there are more than 4 users than at the previous checks, or there are less than 7 users, then the limit is changed. otherwise it's left alone.23:39
PriceChild*7 users less23:40
LjLyeah that23:40
LjLi'm tempted to say "more than 4 users joined" and "more than 7 users parted", but that's not accurate23:41
Seeker`so there is a limit of 11 people / minute joining if noone parts23:42
LjL[00:41:46] --> xargon has joined this channel (n=faggot@cpe-065-188-037-042.sc.res.rr.com).23:42
LjLjoined #gentoo as well23:42
LjLSeeker`: yes. i have gathered some statistics, and that's got almost 0% probability of happening23:43
LjLactually, there's about 0% probability that more than 7 new users join23:43
LjL(in one minute)23:43
LjL"join" always meaning that nobody parts, or n_joins - n_parts if you prefer23:44
Seeker`does that mean that you could end up with a slow drop in users, leaving the limit much higher than the number of users?23:46
Seeker`i.e. net change of -3 every minute23:46
naliothSeeker`: no, the channel is monitored and adjusted23:47
LjLSeeker`: nope, because after more than 7 have left since the last time the limit was adjusted, the limit is changed23:47
LjLif more than 7 users part *every minute*, then the limit could stay much higher23:47
LjLbut that just won't happen23:47
LjLunless everybody switches to Gentoo in a day or two :P23:47
LjLat most, the limit will be x+18, unless the bots are in "safe" mode (like when they join, x+30)23:48
naliothSeeker`: and don't worry, it is only set to ban you from #ubuntu on days that end in 'y'23:48
* nalioth runs23:48
Seeker`nalioth doesn't like me :(23:49
LjLnow for instance, i'm not entirely sure why it changed from 1173 to 116723:50
naliothSeeker`: nah, i don't like anybody23:51
LjLah yes it actually did it right.23:52
Seeker`LjL: so do you have a nice graph of how many popele there are in #ubuntu over the course of the day?23:53
LjLSeeker`: no, i have a graph that says how likely it is that the amount of users changes by N over the course of one minute23:54
LjLinformation about the total number of users isn't logged by most clients23:57
LjLbut i don't even really need it23:57
PriceChildLjL, btw.... if we manually deop the opped one... will they mind? What happens?23:58
LjLPriceChild: they won't care, and they'll stay all deopped23:58
PriceChildok cool23:58
naliothPriceChild: you'll just lose their functionality23:58
LjLof course they'll reop if they feel the need to set -l23:59
PriceChildWas just wondering whether they'd do the whole fight for ops thing... but if they don't then good :)23:59
LjLPriceChild: they'll fight for ops when they go into emergency/safe mode23:59
LjLactually, one minute after going there23:59
LjLlittle demonstration...23:59
FloodBot1Artificially lagging by 88 seconds due to debug command23:59

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