
LjL(by the way, commands like the one above are logged, and i urge you *not* to use them :)00:00
=== qmario__ is now known as QMario
PriceChildLjL, Any chance of only getting them listenning to ubuntu cloaks or so?00:06
LjLPriceChild, those debug commands will be removed completely when they get operational00:07
LjLand if someone without an ubuntu cloak somehow gets to know about them and uses them, well, we have plenty of free slots in the ban list :P00:07
Seeker`so anyone *with* an ubuntu cloak can use it and not be banned?00:11
LjLi didn't say that...00:11
LjLi said i urge you all to not use them :P00:11
naliothSeeker`: the bots will need 0 interaction once they're polished and rolling00:11
* Seeker` doesn't have an ubuntu cloak00:12
PriceChildSeeker`, really doesn't matter...00:12
PriceChildI was confused earlier.00:12
LjLSeeker`, the idea is, you use them, i LART you, ubuntu cloak or not :>00:12
Seeker`PriceChild: only earlier?00:13
Seeker`LjL:  :P00:13
PriceChildcs lart Seeker` 00:13
PriceChildgah damn / key.... just too far00:13
Seeker`woo for laziness!00:13
* Seeker` wonders if he should bother applying for membership00:14
mneptokwoo for laziness! (x2)00:16
Seeker`is there any benifit?00:17
LjLyou get a shiny email address, a shiny cloak00:17
Seeker`sounds tempting00:17
naliothand increased responsibility00:18
LjLhe asked about benefits00:18
Seeker`nalioth: What responsibility will it give?00:18
naliothSeeker`: it won't give any.  it will expect it00:19
Seeker`what expectations will there be then?00:19
naliothfor you to be an upstanding example of Ubuntu Community Member00:21
PriceChildAbide by the Codes of Conduct00:21
* Seeker` tries to do that anyway00:23
* ajmitch does that most days00:23
ajmitchor at least I try to00:23
Seeker`both of those things seem to be a subset of "behaving like a reasonable, decent person"00:25
ajmitchso, you need a significant & sustained contribution to Ubuntu in some fashion to get membership - I'm fairly sure you'll have that00:33
Seeker`ajmitch: I wrote mootbot, I'm an op in -uk, and i hang around in here00:36
ajmitchput your name forward on the CC agenda then & try & turn up at a meeting00:39
Seeker`is that enough to get membership?00:42
PiciOr show up at a meeting and watch who gets membership and what their qualifcations are00:43
LjLor get a gmail account, that's notoriously more l33t than an ubuntu account, and just respect the CoC anyway00:44
Seeker`LjL: I'm already l337 enough00:53
PriceChildI bet mneptok's been reading up on channel modes for the past couple of hours trying to figure out how to make that joke.... :P00:54
* Seeker` writes C and Assembler for fun (and, someday, profit)00:54
* LjL suspects mneptok is now thinking of a revenge00:56
PriceChildLjL, erm... why haven't the floodbots changed the limit :P00:57
LjLPriceChild, they keep track of limits *they* set, not that someone else sets00:57
PriceChildah right00:57
LjLthey'll change it when the number of users in #ubuntu changes enough00:58
Seeker`wouldn't it be a good idea to monitor the current +l?00:58
Seeker`rather than rely on an internal representation00:58
LjLSeeker`: why? if an op sets a different +l, they'll have their reasons01:00
Seeker`but it will be reverted by the bot as soon as the number of users changes by x01:00
Seeker`where x is small01:00
LjLwell yes01:01
LjLif the op doesn't want that to happen, they can deop the bot01:01
naliothand the bot will reop01:05
naliothand it'll be a nice tug-o-war01:06
PriceChildnalioth, they don't01:06
* ajmitch spots a mneptok 01:06
PriceChildLjL, said... :P01:06
PriceChild*waits a little*01:06
LjLnalioth, they only reop if they smell an emergency, otherwise they won't01:06
* mneptok ducks behind a nalioth 01:06
* Seeker` wonders what emergencies smell like01:06
LjLthey smell like...01:07
PriceChildWhats to stop someone flooding off a floodbot?01:07
PriceChildand then flooding #ubuntu01:07
PriceChild*wonders how easy that is01:07
LjLPriceChild, they don't reply to CTCPs, they mostly don't reply to anything01:08
Seeker`if a floodbot is flooded off, then the limit will remain the same01:08
Seeker`so it will stop lots of people joining01:08
PriceChildSeeker`, no.... the limit is removed01:08
LjLSeeker`: no, because the other bots will get +o and set -l01:08
PriceChildSeeker`, see above01:08
Seeker`PriceChild: Well, it depends on whether the flood one or many01:08
LjLSeeker`, feel free to try to flood them01:09
LjL(NOT using the debug commands, that's cheating, and those will disappear)01:09
Seeker`where are they hosted>/01:09
LjLSeeker`: like i'd tell you :)01:09
Seeker`LjL: I meant is it a personal net connection? or somewhere with a "proper" connection?01:10
LjLSeeker`: somewhere.01:10
naliothPriceChild: they're not irc bots at all.01:10
PriceChildnalioth, pardon?01:11
Seeker`LjL: If its a personal net connection, it would probably be easier to DOS the bots rather than flood them01:11
LjLSeeker`: if you know what host they're on perhaps.01:11
naliothPriceChild: the bots can't be attacked directly as they are not irc aware (like an irc client or supybot)01:11
PriceChildahhhh ok01:12
PriceChildso you would need to know their ip to directly attack them?01:12
naliothPriceChild: only by flooding their hosts01:12
PriceChildand then they're just as vulnerable as anyone else01:12
LjLPriceChild, maybe there is some way to flood them, but i can't think of any. people are generally flooded off IRC using CTCPs01:12
Seeker`does PING go via the IRC servers, or directly to the hosts?01:12
LjLbut these bots don't reply to CTCPs01:12
naliothbut there are multiple bots on multiple hosts01:12
PriceChildI know how irc works.... honestly :)01:12
Seeker`i.e. Can you find the IP by sending CTCP pings to the host, and monitoring the outgoing packets for a destination IP?01:13
LjLPriceChild, i'm just saying, i can't think of a way to flood them, given they don't reply to CTCPs. i might be wrong and there could be some trick. feel free to try and find one, it'll only be useful to know.01:13
LjLSeeker`, CTCP is just PRIVMSG01:13
LjL(or NOTICE)01:13
LjLnothing fancy, just an IRC message01:14
Seeker`so it goes via the servers then01:14
stdinonly dcc goes client<->client01:16
PriceChildfirst image on the right... Flameviper01:16
Seeker`ok, could you do what I suggested with DCC?01:16
stdinSeeker`: no, they'd have to accept the dcc connection (via ctcp)01:16
naliothSeeker`: these floodbots are written in php.  they do not conform to any irc standards01:16
LjLsays you >:01:17
nalioththey do a single task and once they get polished and into #ubuntu for real, they'll not be accessible from irc at all01:17
Seeker`nalioth: I was wondering if there was a "trick" to find out the IP address of someone that is cloaked01:17
naliothSeeker`: no tricks.01:17
stdinwouldn't be much point in a cloak otherwise :p01:17
LjLwell, if "someone" accepts DCCs...01:18
Seeker`stdin: No system is perfect01:18
* Seeker` doesn't know a huge amount about the inner workings of irc...yet01:21
LjLit's nothing special. what you type in the client is roughly the actual underlying protocol.01:22
Seeker`is there anything I can learn about to be more "useful"?01:27
stdinmulti-user telnet01:27
naliothSeeker`: learning is useful in itself01:27
Seeker`nalioth: agreed, but are there any specific topics that would make me more useful here?01:29
PriceChildNothing really... just doing stuff.01:29
PriceChildIts not like jobs get done in this channel...01:30
PriceChildWe just make decisions, and talk about things.01:30
ajmitchyes, 'things' :)01:31
PriceChildstuff, things, you know what I mean.01:32
* Seeker` does "stuff" then01:33
* mneptok stuffs Hobbsee with things02:04
mneptok"context is for wusses." - mneptok, on the Canonical quotes page02:05
* Hobbsee smacks mneptok02:05
Seeker`I really should go to bed - I have a lecture to be in in 7 hours.02:11
Seeker`But bed is so far away02:11
FloodBot2!ops | Mass join02:34
FloodBot2!ops | Mass join02:35
ubotuIn ubotu, nikosA said: What is that?02:36
ubotuAndrewB called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:36
ubotu_zach_ called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:36
ubotuAshfire908 called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:36
AndrewB/mode +d *w00t*02:36
AndrewBit will help02:36
Hobbseelet me join the fricking channel, you idiots.02:36
Hobbseeah well.02:36
naliothplease use +r and +R02:37
nalioth+m and +i are to be used only in extreme circumstances02:37
stdingood test for the floodbots, you know they detect the mas-joins02:38
nixternalumm, who made Pelo and op in #ubuntu?02:38
nixternalnever heard of him before, and he doesn't seem to understand what is going on02:39
naliothnixternal: didn't you get the memo?02:39
nixternalcan't say that I did02:39
nixternalor it is in the queue with the other 200 emails02:39
naliothmy question is "why isn't pelo in here?"02:41
PiciProbably because he disconnected..02:43
Pici..but he should have been in here before that, yes.02:43
naliothPici: no, he was in #ubuntu during this attack, but not here at all.02:43
Picinalioth: I know. 02:44
AndrewBPelo a new op?02:44
naliothAndrewB: yes02:45
* AndrewB nods then goes to bed02:47
Hobbseehad forgotten how nutty #ubuntu is02:50
LjLuhm why did ubotu ignore floodbot calling02:56
crdlbmaybe it ignores ubuntu/bot/*02:57
LjLas well as, why did the other floodbots set -l02:57
PiciWhy are you asking us? shouldnt you know this?02:57
no0ticLjL, has the number of users been under 1000?02:58
LjLno0tic, shouldn't matter02:58
no0ticif it happens should bot set -l or am I wrong?02:59
LjLno0tic: no, it just won't set the limit below that02:59
no0ticok, sorry, just searching an explanation :)03:00
LjLmore likely just that the difference between limit and number of users got bigger than 5003:01
LjLor 40, or whatever i've set it to now03:01
naliothyes, it exceeded 5003:02
LjLok then it's not a bug03:02
LjLif the limit were actually set on #ubuntu, no -l would have been set03:02
LjLsince it would never have reached that difference in the first place03:02
LjLotoh i still don't know why ubotu ignored the ops calls03:05
LjLah wait, ubotu probably has ubuntu/bot/* on ignore...03:05
* crdlb already said that :)03:05
LjLoh sorry missed it, i was mostly scrolled up to read the limits that were set...03:06
LjLthat's a nuisance03:06
crdlbadd an exception :)03:07
LjLdunno if it's possible03:07
crdlbof course it is, the question is how much work will it be :)03:08
LjLcrdlb: i doubt seveas would be willing to change supybot's ignore code :)03:10
crdlbwell you could ignore ubuntu/bot/ubot*03:13
LjLubotu is the only one that starts with ubot :)03:13
crdlbubotwo and ubot3?03:14
LjLright, ubotwo's got an ubuntu cloak... ubot3 doesn't though03:14
LjLbut there are others anyway03:14
LjLanyway, i'll check with seveas03:15
elkbuntuLjL, is the floodbot doing the limiting based on #ubuntu's current numbers?03:37
=== LongPointyStick is now known as LongPointyPony
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, eboyjr said: !arp is <reply> ARP is an acronym for Address Resolution Protocol04:19
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, Spaceman3750 said: !no arp is <reply> Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is the process by which computers resolve IP addresses to MAC addresses to address frames for transmission within the local area network (LAN)04:20
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, genii said: ubotu remember  arp is Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is the process by which computers resolve IP addresses to MAC addresses to address frames for transmission within the local area network (LAN)04:22
naliotharp arp arp04:23
ubotuJack_Sparrow called the ops in #ubuntu (deleriumz)05:01
ubotuJack_Sparrow called the ops in #ubuntu ()05:03
stdin[05:03] <deleriumz> im sorry bradv and pirate, i didnt know linux users were pussies   ^05:03
robhow come floodbot1 is flooding the channel?06:32
crdlb's running here as a test06:33
naliothrob: it only appears to be flooding because nobody is talking06:33
crdlbwhen it's in production, those mode changes will happen in #ubuntu06:33
robI noticed, well at least it is aptly named I guess :)06:33
crdlbwhere it will be dwarfed by the #u traffic :)06:33
robI'm guessing ljl owns that bot based on channel accesses06:35
naliothrob: he's coded it.  they are hosted on different servers06:36
naliothrob: you did see there are 3 of 'em, right?06:36
robwell yes I did, but was wondering who actually owned it as the details are pretty vague06:37
naliothit's hosted on mine, ljls and somebody elses box06:37
=== rob1 is now known as rob
naliothhi tnseditor1 07:03
tnseditor1I am a new OP07:03
tnseditor1and I am confused07:03
tnseditor1my regular name should be tnseditor, but in xchat it says my nickname is already in use.07:04
tnseditor1how do I fix that07:04
naliothtnseditor1: why are you in #ubuntu-ops ?07:05
nalioth  /msg nickserv help ghost07:05
tnseditor1I am trying to get help since I am new to being an op07:06
tnseditor1I also forgot that command07:06
crdlbwould someone like to remind marko that #ubuntu is not a place for random ranting about such topics as UFS and sudo?07:08
naliothmultiverse is a constant 07:09
ubotuMasterShrek called the ops in #ubuntu (marko)07:14
ubotuVarka called the ops in #ubuntu (marko)07:15
ubotumultiverse called the ops in #ubuntu (marko)07:16
=== jussi__ is now known as jussi01
ubotuVarka called the ops in #ubuntu (marko)08:07
Amaranthrob: aww08:10
Amaranthhey, you get a cooler force part message08:10
robhe was a bit annoying :)08:10
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx08:29
ubotubroadcom is <alias> wifi - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 00:18:1208:29
Amaranth!no broadcom is <alias> bcm43xx08:29
ubotuYou are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm08:29
Amaranth!no broadcom is <alias> bcm43xx08:29
ubotuI'll remember that Amaranth08:29
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx08:30
zorgluthere is a troller on #kubuntu named "test_" 08:32
zorglunot really an evil one, just to make you aware of it08:32
ubotujussi01 called the ops in #kubuntu ()08:32
zorgluMez: available to remove a troll from #kubuntu ?08:36
ubotujussi01 called the ops in #kubuntu (test_ is trolling)08:37
zorgluwell you got the info sleepy people :)08:38
Mezyeah yeah, lemme get rid of lag first08:39
naliothnobody pays attention08:40
jussi01nalioth: nope, sadly... everyones sleeping08:43
jussi01nalioth: happens sometimes in the morning - they need to get someone from gmt +2 or +3 08:44
=== GazzaK is now known as Gary
Amaranth!info firefox dapper09:37
ubotufirefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.dfsg+ (dapper), package size 7791 kB, installed size 23060 kB09:37
Garyis that floodBot in #ubuntu? (and just telling us here what it is doing?)09:38
Amaranthand it's not telling you what is going on, that's the server telling you the bot has changed channel modes09:41
Amaranthit's probably a test run to see how it handles #ubuntu traffic09:42
Garyahh, cool09:42
Garyseems to change the channel mode a lot, but that'd be lost in #ubuntu though09:42
naliothyes, it's here for a test period09:43
naliothnotice there are multiples for redundancy09:43
Garyit'd help a lot09:45
nalioththey're designed to pick up the slack if one lags off or splits09:46
FloodBot3Artificially lagging by 26 seconds due to debug command09:47
naliothand all these outputs from the bot will be removed when it goes 'live'09:47
Amaranthnixternal: Is the copyright on your blog post making fun of something? :P10:18
FloodBot3WARNING: ChanServ is not replying, removing limit12:00
Hobbsee...hi RichEd 12:04
RichEdhi Hobbsee ... can you help with a "doh" question ?12:05
RichEdi created #ubuntu-education some time ago ... but can't remember the password I used to register it12:05
RichEdany idea how i recover it ? need to get op status to create a topic12:05
* Hobbsee curses whatever just hardlocked her system12:10
HobbseeRichEd: good question12:10
RichEdHobbsee: wasn't me :)12:10
RichEdHobbsee: but also bear with me on this logic ...12:11
RichEdif the topic is "gone" that means the channel must have been empty at some stage12:11
Hobbseeor that freenode died since you last tried it12:11
RichEddoes it then fall away, or does it stay registered ?12:11
Hobbseeit's still registered12:11
RichEdhow do you find info about a channel ?12:11
Hobbseewhy do you need the channel password?12:12
Hobbsee /cs info #ubuntu-education12:12
RichEdto op myself so I can set a topic12:12
Hobbseeyou don't need the channel p/w so you can set the topic12:12
HobbseeRichEd: you can op yourself with /op, in xchat, i think12:13
Hobbseethe longhand way is /msg chanserv op #ubuntu-education RichEd 12:13
Hobbseeyou have enough power to add more ops, and to do so, you use /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-education add foobar 1012:14
Hobbsee(or similar, i think that's the synatax)12:14
Hobbseeyou would only need the channel password in the case of the channel becomming unregistered, etc, i think12:15
PriceChildRichEd, have you tried "/msg chanserv identify #ubuntu-education" without the password?12:31
PriceChildIt might just be linked to your nick instead of a password.12:31
RichEdPriceChild: I'm sorted ... thanks to Hobbsee ... ta12:31
Jucatoubotu: ping12:47
ikoniaassistanice in #ubuntu please "iank" starting to troll12:57
* Tm_T can't help12:58
ikoniaTm_T: your rubbish then ;)12:59
ikoniahe's calmed down any how12:59
Tm_TI am12:59
ikoniafloodbot ?13:32
PriceChildikonia, anti flood attack bots13:35
PriceChildikonia, they are doing here what they would do in #ubuntu13:35
PriceChildJust going to run it for a week perhaps in here, check there aren't any major problems.13:36
ikoniaPriceChild: thats quite clever13:37
ubotuikonia called the ops in #ubuntu ()13:42
ubotuastro76 called the ops in #ubuntu (geezuz)13:42
PriceChildikonia, by flood, i mean join flood... not flood like just happenned :P13:42
ikoniaPriceChild: I got you ;)13:43
LjLso did my bots behave tonight?14:24
LjLwell, tonight and this morning... and the part of the afternoon while i was sleeping?14:24
Tm_TLjL: in which channels?14:28
Tm_Tand what bots14:28
LjLthe floodbots, in here14:28
GaryLjL, they seemed to14:35
LjLaside, i see from the logs, from nalioth trying to give a demonstration of automatic failover, and failing :)14:36
Garywe could kick em to test it14:37
LjLhm no they disregard kicks14:38
LjLthey need to quit, or lag14:38
LjLGary: here's your demonstration14:56
FloodBot3WARNING: ChanServ is not replying, removing limit16:00
Mezhmmles-  spammage from floodbot16:08
ubotuikonia called the ops in #ubuntu ()17:38
ikoniapara in ops 200 line flood17:38
ubotuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu (Para93)17:38
ubotufyrestrtr called the ops in #ubuntu ()17:39
Tm_Ttomaw: hi17:39
Tm_Ttomaw: and welcome to our crew17:40
ubotuikonia called the ops in #ubuntu ()17:44
ikoniaSlomo232 idiot in#ubuntu spamming17:44
ikoniathank you 17:44
ikoniaMez: thank you sorry17:45
ikoniastand by on super_seag_sonic hedgohog for an outburst as he leaves17:47
Tm_Thow you did realname ban?18:10
MezTm_T, Realname ban is +d I believe ;)18:15
MezI just use /cs l for people like that18:15
Tm_Tany staffers on?18:23
Tm_TAndrewB: not funny18:24
twoshadetodHow long does a ban typically last for using unacceptable language?18:30
PriceChildDepends. What channel?18:30
Tm_Ttwoshadetod: depends how a banned person learns from it18:31
twoshadetodWell I haven't been able to get in there for 2 weeks and I need help, so I guess I learned my lesson18:31
Tm_Tthat doesn't mean it18:32
Tm_Tmore, you agree what you have done is not right?18:32
twoshadetodHmm I don't know.  I "learned" you can't speak like that in the channel, it18:32
Tm_Tand you promise it won't happen again?18:32
twoshadetodit's apparent now since I haven't been able to get in that if i use that language i will not be welcomed there18:32
twoshadetodyes i was wrong, and wont do it again18:33
Tm_TI'm happy with, PriceChild?18:33
PriceChild!guidelines | twoshadetod 18:33
ubotutwoshadetod: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:33
PriceChildPlease go read that.18:33
PriceChildSay when done.18:33
PriceChildAnd don't abuse the bot.18:33
Tm_TPriceChild: can't18:35
twoshadetodWho is SABDFL?18:38
ubotuMark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com18:38
twoshadetodI've read the guidelines and code of conduct and tried to sign it but it just redisplays the code, i don't see how i can sign it18:39
twoshadetodIs that required? Or just my thorough review and acceptance of them in front of you ok?18:40
Tm_Tno need to sign it18:40
Tm_Tyou need launchpad account and gpg key to signup18:40
twoshadetodok very good, thanks for giving me a second chance - the #ubuntu channel is probably the best resource I have found to date18:41
twoshadetodthe forum being a close second but the channel is real tiem18:41
twoshadetodam I good to go guys?18:41
Tm_Ttwoshadetod: best for all of us is no need to ban at the first place, second is that we can remove them without hassle18:41
Tm_Tin a minute18:42
Tm_Ttwoshadetod: can you join now?18:44
twoshadetodyes thanks alot18:44
twoshadetodPriceChild thanks for giving me a shot to even ask18:44
Tm_Tyou're welcome and have a good time in ubuntu irc18:44
twoshadetodOk guys take care18:44
Tm_T...there was no ban to remove?18:45
Tm_Toh, right18:46
* Tm_T is slow18:47
FloodBot3WARNING: ChanServ is not replying, removing limit20:00
PumpernickelWhy is the floodbot flooding the channel?20:01
naliothLjL: not my fault the random number generator picked a small number20:02
LjLnalioth: heh yeah :)20:29
LjL27 seconds is still above threshold20:29
LjLbut the other bots much catch it at the right time during the minute20:29
LjLi've changed the ping code anyway, i had done something kind of stupid, which increased ping response times20:30
LjLnalioth: can you send me your bot's logs? it seems to be lagging, but the other bots don't see it as lagging very much20:31
LjLuhm well actually chanserv did have a 10 seconds roundtrip time20:34
LjLguess your bot saw it as well higher because of that thing above20:34
FloodBot1Synced to #ubuntu, 1217 users present21:06
FloodBot1Synced to #ubuntu, 1219 users present21:08

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