
Riddellstdin: all new koffice2 on its way00:19
jjessehello Riddell00:20
Riddellhola chico00:21
jjessehapp turkey day :)00:22
jjessefor those crazy americans that celebrate thanksgiving00:23
Tm_TI see00:23
stdinjust because I can, I just finished a script that should convert users from my ppa to -backports (when all the packages have been backported)00:23
nixternalhola everyone!00:23
jjessehola rich00:23
stdinshould work, right now it just echo's the commands it would run at the end00:23
Riddelljjesse: isn't this just the first turkey fest of two before the end of the year?00:25
jjesseRiddell: yes, thanksgiving day we eat lots of turkey and watch football00:26
jjesseand for christmas we eat a lot of turkey and do the same :)00:26
nixternalI think I ate 3 or 4 pumpkins :)00:26
jjessei ate several pieces of pie00:27
Riddelljjesse: those poor old fitba players00:28
* stdin dgetlp's koffice2_1.9.95-0ubuntu1.dsc00:38
Riddellstdin: pst, while you're doing that, put the latest webkit package in your archive00:44
Riddelljust, y'know, incase it's needed00:44
ryanakcain Please upload merge <sourcepackagename><version> (repository) from Debian <repository> (<component>) ... is <version> the Ubuntu or Debian version?00:45
Tm_Twho is our marble guy?00:45
Tm_Tmarble: error while loading shared libraries: libgps.so.15: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory00:45
Tm_Tit should be libgps.so.16 I assume00:47
Riddellryanakca: what's the context?00:49
ryanakcaRiddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging#head-32f94fb74efce0c3a0123e984fc5292245272e3200:51
ryanakcait could be either or... if I had to guess, I'd say debian, but... *shrugs*00:52
Riddellryanakca: it's the debian version (since it has no XubuntuY in it)00:55
Riddellryanakca: but if it's unclear, feel free to edit00:55
ryanakcaRiddell: *nods*, thanks...00:56
ryanakcahmmm... aptitude's almost done... *twiddles*01:04
* ryanakca knocks on wood01:04
stdinuhh, it'll take about 40mins to upload koffice2...01:05
stdinthe .orig.tar.gz is 62.2MB01:05
Riddellstdin: it's big (but still a fraction of openoffice)01:06
stdin18% done01:06
stdinplease don't ask me to do openoffice, my modem will die :p01:07
Tonio_hi there !01:09
stdinthis time i've put the version number to -1~ppa1 (it'll be 1.9.95-0ubuntu0~ppa1), so when it get's in to -backports it should just update from that01:09
stdinas ~ppa1 is less than ~gutsy101:09
stdinerm, greater than01:09
Riddellstdin: so it won't update01:17
stdinRiddell: so it will01:17
stdinit wouldn't before because ~ppa1 was greater than ~gutsy101:17
stdinbut I took 1 off the ubuntu revision this time01:18
stdinso I don't have to add it to my insane "move-from-ppa-to-backports" script  http://stdin.me.uk/code/revert.tar.gz01:19
stdin65.3085% done upload btw01:19
stdinand 3.3 seconds lag01:19
* Riddell uploads webkitkde and goes to bed01:22
stdinkoffice2 just finished uploading01:31
nixternaljjesse: I updated Games.xml to include KSudoku and added all of the apps people would like more information on to the kubuntu-extras.xml in our hardy bzr repo, so remember to bzr up when you run in there next02:01
Jucato huh wha? O.o02:02
Jucatohappy turkey night nixternal!02:02
nixternalmmm, turkey02:02
nixternalyou made me hungry aga02:02
JucatoHobbsee!!!!!! *cough* !!!!!!!02:02
nixternalHobbsee!*!*! :)02:02
* DaSkreech blinks02:03
DaSkreech Did I miss something?02:03
Jucatoyeah. you missed Hobbsee entering in all her glory and awesomeness02:04
* Hobbsee waves02:04
Tm_Thi kids02:04
DaSkreechnixternal: that's just disturbing02:06
Jucatotsk tsk... that chicken should be dressed02:07
ryanakcacan someone take a look at/sponsor bug 164616 please?02:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 164616 in aptitude "Please upload merge aptitude aptitude 0.4.9-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16461602:30
Hobbseeryanakca: ask mvo to sponsor that, methinks02:30
ryanakcaok, will do :)02:30
stdinheh, I'm hogging all the ppa buildds :)02:37
DaSkreechhow many machines do they have for ppa ?02:38
stdinnot sure how many physical machines02:39
stdinthe ppa buildds are xen based02:39
Jucatothat's another -10010110101101 for stdin... just for hogging ppa builds02:39
Tm_Tstdin <302:40
Hobbseehm, i should throw more of kde thru02:40
Jucatothru the window?02:40
Tm_THobbsee: marble familiar?02:40
HobbseeTm_T: not really02:40
Tm_Tcan you run it?02:41
DaSkreechhas anyone used KVM ?02:41
Jucatonixternal: I don't think you can use GNOME panel applets on Kicker, just as you can't use kicker applets on gnome-panel02:41
nixternalI didn't think so, but someone told me they did/could02:42
nixternalI wanted to be nice and not tell him bs02:42
HobbseeTm_T: i dont have kde4 installed02:42
Tm_THobbsee: no, not kde4 version02:42
Jucatonixternal: yeah. you can let other people just do it for you :)02:43
vorianhello :)  what's the branch for extragear-plasma?02:43
Tm_THobbsee: Package: marble02:43
nixternaltrunk/extragear/plasma <- vorian02:44
vorianty ty ty nixternal :)02:44
Tm_Tvorian: heh02:44
Hobbseekdetoys-kde4 4:3.96.0-1ubuntu1 FTBFS.  someone, pleasefix02:45
Hobbseeas did i386 build of kdemultimedia-kde4 4:3.96.0-1ubuntu1 in ubuntu hardy RELEASE02:46
Hobbsee(on all arches, i expect)02:46
Hobbseeeverything else is pretty much dones.02:46
stdinI told Riddell about it a while ago02:48
stdinsame for multimedia02:48
=== LongPointyPony is now known as LongPointyStick
=== LongPointyStick is now known as GoldenPony
* DaSkreech chuckles02:53
DaSkreechGolden :)02:53
Jucatogolden fried :)02:55
DaSkreechOr barbqued :)02:56
ubotuI phear the stick so shhhhh02:59
stdinthis one's my favourite:03:01
ubotuEvery time you install hardy, Hobbsee pokes a kitten with the long pointy stick of doom!03:01
DaSkreechdang it I don't like kittens :(03:01
DaSkreechbut I don't have that many computers to install hardy03:02
* nixternal is running hardy and it is a slow beast right now03:02
Hobbseemine's fine, but i'm only selectively upgrading03:03
Jucatostill gutsy KDE4 :P03:03
Jucatoit's purring like a cat :D03:03
Hobbseebesides, i'm partial to kittens.03:05
ryanakcayay! FF crashed! :D03:06
coreymon77guys, can anyone here help me out with mounting an osx partition on a dapper livecd in the support channel?03:06
DaSkreechryanakca: Pffft03:06
Hobbsee...why dapper?  gutsy should do that by default, i expect03:06
DaSkreechI can get Alt+ctrl+del to crash in Vista03:06
Hobbseecoreymon77: man mount should help you03:06
ryanakcaDaSkreech: hehe03:07
nosrednaekimJucato: you using KDE4? SVN?03:12
Jucato(need to update later though... 2 days old...)03:13
nosrednaekimJucato: yeah, as soon as my dad goes back to work after Thanksgiving vacation... i'm getting RC1 :D03:13
Jucatoget svn :)03:13
nosrednaekimJucato: svn+dialup doesn't work well03:14
nosrednaekimI tried once XD03:14
DaSkreechsvn up03:14
DaSkreechbeep beep Boop boop schhhhwwwwwiing Bong bong03:14
stdinonly one big d/l with svn, that's why it's so good03:15
Jucatothe initial checkout is a beast... co'ing kdebase took longer than compiling it :)03:15
DaSkreechStill thinks gentoo with distcc is rad03:15
Tm_Tbut it's fun to wait!03:15
nosrednaekimyeah.... I did it at a freinds house...03:15
stdinyou can use distcc (and icecc) on kubuntu too03:15
* nosrednaekim <3 cmake03:15
stdinused it last time I compiled kde svn03:16
stdin(2 laptops and 1 desktop)03:16
stdinand the icecc-monitor kept me happy with status info03:16
DaSkreech!info icecc03:17
ubotuicecc: distributed compiler (client and server). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.0-2 (gutsy), package size 291 kB, installed size 1040 kB03:17
DaSkreechWhat's the claim to fame for icecc?03:17
Jucatoused by KDE?03:17
Jucatoduring hackfests/meetings (I think)03:17
DaSkreechah that's ice cream03:18
Jucatounless I'm mistaken (which I usually am)03:18
* DaSkreech smiles at Jucato03:19
* Tm_T goes compiling KDE403:22
* Jucato goes for lunch03:23
Tm_TJucato: you're not on #ubuntu-ops ? or #ubuntu-irc ?03:24
nixternalTm_T: what is -irc?03:25
DaSkreechI was too stunned to ask03:25
nixternalI have heard of -ops, but not -irc03:26
* DaSkreech is astounded by working on a KDE project where the stuff doesn't work in KDE03:26
DaSkreechWhich reminds me I need to report that konqueror bug that stops me from reporting konqueror bugs03:26
nixternalwhat project is that?03:26
Tm_Tfor irc ops in ubuntu space, loco channels etc, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/ChannelOperators03:28
nixternalTm_T: so the -irc is pretty much the same as -ops then i take it..nothing special about it03:30
Tm_T-ops is only for channels that IrcCouncil can handle03:31
Tm_T(they are not running any loco channels etc)03:31
Tm_Tnamely, for these people (excluding xubuntu?) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCOperators03:32
nixternalahh, OK03:36
Tm_Tlike, you don't really see users asking ban to be removed in -irc, because it's not for that really03:40
stdinwooh, koffice2 seems to have built03:44
stdinugg, why do these language-pack people insist on locking the i386 buildds for hours at a time?03:46
stdinwith nearly 300 packages....03:47
Hobbseebecause they like to03:48
CPrgmSwR2stdin: did you ever get kdenetwork to build?03:51
Hobbseekdenetwork wont build yet03:51
stdinI'd have to backport libvncserver-dev to my ppa, and I'd have to make sure it'll be backported for real too03:52
CPrgmSwR2Oh its a ppa issue?03:52
CPrgmSwR2So you can compile it from source just fine?03:52
Hobbseemay as well get it from hardy, when it goes thru NEW03:52
Tm_TCPrgmSwR2: I'll look at it03:53
CPrgmSwR2okay thnx03:53
CPrgmSwR2Tm_T: would you like the error message I get?03:53
stdinCPrgmSwR2: the package needs libvncserver-dev from hardy, but I'd need to make sure that it get's backported to gutsy-backports too. don't want to risk conflicting too bad with ubuntu's repos03:53
Tm_Terr you get errors?03:54
Tm_Twhy didn't you say so03:54
CPrgmSwR2Tm_T: wouldn't their be an error if something didn't build03:55
CPrgmSwR2Or in otherwords how could something not build without an error03:55
Tm_T0551 < CPrgmSwR2> I don't have the error message but basically it will not compile03:55
=== huahua is now known as Lige
Tm_TCPrgmSwR2: you sorta fooled me :p03:56
Tm_TCPrgmSwR2: but yes, show me the error03:57
Tm_Taah, is that it?03:57
CPrgmSwR2It looks like from #kde4-devel that QCA is out of date03:58
=== Lige is now known as lige
CPrgmSwR2which is a kubuntu issue03:58
CPrgmSwR2I think I will just wait until kde4 is released to continue development of kollagame03:59
Tm_Tnot needed03:59
CPrgmSwR2I relize its not needed03:59
Tm_Tdon't say that04:00
CPrgmSwR2I am just having issue finding a good setup04:00
stdinhmm, now why is "0~svn27674-0~ppa1" less than "0~svn27674"04:00
stdinsurely the -0 make's it greater than04:00
stdinhuh, it's the ~ppa1 that makes it less...04:01
CPrgmSwR2the 1 mabye04:01
Hobbseesarah@LongPointyStick:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 0~svn27674-0~ppa1 lt 0~svn27674-0 && echo true04:02
Hobbsee~ is less than any other character04:02
stdinyeah, but I thought the -0 would make it greater than no revision04:02
Hobbseetrue, yes.04:03
Hobbseeoh, hang on04:03
stdinit's 0~svn..., that's why (I think)04:03
CPrgmSwR2is kubuntu going to release a kde4 cd on December 12 or not until hardy is released?04:03
stdinnot 0.???~svn04:03
Tm_TCPrgmSwR2: yes04:03
Hobbseesarah@LongPointyStick:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 1-0 eq 1 && echo true04:04
CPrgmSwR2which one?04:04
HobbseeCPrgmSwR2: we'll see04:04
Hobbseestdin: "-0" is equal to ""04:04
stdinI see04:04
Hobbseesee the terminal output04:04
stdinyeah, I'm using dpkg --compare-versions to check too (ever since I saw you do it a while ago :p)04:05
DaSkreechCPrgmSwR2: release04:09
CPrgmSwR2DaSkreech: ?04:11
DaSkreechCPrgmSwR2: you asked if there would be a reelase when KDE4 ships ?04:12
CPrgmSwR2will I asked if their would be a cd-rom release04:12
CPrgmSwR2or a very easy way to install kde4 because I am having all sorts of issues with finding a good kde4 setup04:13
GoldenPonydamn hardy.04:14
=== GoldenPony is now known as Hobbsee
stdinwell, at least I got koffice2 built04:16
CPrgmSwR2oh cool04:16
Jucatooooh GoldenPoney morphed into Hobbsee!!!04:17
CPrgmSwR2stdin: how about amarok?04:17
stdinhmm, I wonder04:18
coreymon77you guys know anything able target disk mode and firewire in here, if so, please help me out in the support channel04:18
stdinCPrgmSwR2: looks like that'll fail anyway https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/amarok2/+builds04:19
Hobbseei didnt think ssh was so painless!04:19
* stdin <3 ssh04:19
stdinand especially sshfs :D04:19
CPrgmSwR2CMake Error: Could not find Ruby04:22
CPrgmSwR2I get this error for amarok04:23
CPrgmSwR2I installed libruby04:24
Jucatoruby-dev package (forgot the name04:24
Jucato!info libruby-dev04:24
ubotuPackage libruby-dev does not exist in gutsy04:24
Tm_Tapt-get build-dep amarok ?04:25
Tm_Tthat works too04:25
Tm_Teither way04:25
stdinCPrgmSwR2: the real error is "/build/buildd/amarok2-2.0.0~svn693037/po/ar/CMakeLists.txt:2: Unknown CMake command "kde4_create_po_files"."  and I don't know enough about cmake to attempt to fix that04:27
CPrgmSwR2I can't get paste the ruby error here04:28
CPrgmSwR2so I can't figure that next part out04:29
stdinCPrgmSwR2: install ruby? (ruby1.8-dev)04:29
Jucatoyay for naming conventions :)04:30
stdinI just ran "dpkg -l|grep ruby|grep "\-dev"" to get that04:30
stdinif it's a -dev package, I probably have it installed04:31
Jucatoah, libruby1.8, ruby1.8, ruby1.8-dev... nice :)04:31
CPrgmSwR2I got past it finally04:31
CPrgmSwR2CMake Error: Could not find REQUIRED package Kcddb04:31
CPrgmSwR2now I am stuck on this error04:31
JucatoCPrgmSwR2: if what you're compiling usually complains about missing packages, try looking for the -dev version of those packages04:31
Jucatoautomake is usually more specific, it says missing headers instead of package04:32
CPrgmSwR2there isn't a folder called kcddb04:32
Jucatobut in this case.. hm...04:32
stdin!find kcddb04:32
ubotuFound: libkcddb104:32
JucatoI ran into that 2 months ago.. forgot how I did it04:32
CPrgmSwR2svn up I think solved the problem04:32
CPrgmSwR2Oh... I need to install kdemultimedia04:33
* CPrgmSwR2 goes to compile kdemultimedia04:33
Jucatoand libcddb2-dev needs to be installed in order to build libkcddb I think04:33
CPrgmSwR2kdemultimedia is at 11%04:34
* Jucato wished he had better luck w/ kdenetwork...04:34
CPrgmSwR2its a QCA issue04:34
CPrgmSwR2someone needs to update that package in ubuntu04:34
Tm_Tstdin: ohoy04:35
CPrgmSwR2stdin: can you update QCA04:35
CPrgmSwR2Can you update the package QCA for kdenetwork04:36
stdinI can't touch the ubuntu repos04:37
Tm_Tstdin: did you build kdenetwork with qca?04:37
stdinTm_T: well it build-deps on libqca2-dev04:38
CPrgmSwR2stdin: can you provide the newest qca package in your ppa archive04:38
stdinso guess so04:38
Tm_Tstdin: yes, which doesn't build on current svn it seems04:38
stdinbesides, it needs libvncserver-dev (>= 0.9.3.dfsg.1-1ubuntu1)04:39
CPrgmSwR2stdin: kdemultimedia is now compiling04:39
CPrgmSwR2or amarok I mean04:39
CPrgmSwR2I didn't get that error about kde4_create_po_files or whatever it was04:39
CPrgmSwR2did you install kdepim04:39
CPrgmSwR2I mean kdepimlibs04:40
Tm_Tit must be installed before anything else except kdeliba04:40
CPrgmSwR2stdin: do you have amarok2 depending on kdemultimedia?04:40
stdinCPrgmSwR2: I'm sure the debian guys know what packages depend on what :p04:41
stdinhttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/amarok2/+builds < not my built04:41
stdinthat's from hardy04:41
stdinI'll tell you it's build-deps in a sec...04:42
stdinBuild-Depends: cdbs, cmake, debhelper (>=5), quilt, kdelibs5, kdelibs5-dev, libstrigiqtdbusclient-dev, libtag1-dev (>> 1.4), libmysqlclient15-dev, libpq-dev, libxine-dev, libsdl1.2-dev, libvisual-0.4-dev, ruby, ruby1.8-dev04:43
stdinthat's amarok204:43
CPrgmSwR2yep no kdemultimedia04:44
CPrgmSwR2Thats the issue04:44
CPrgmSwR2where is kdebase?04:44
stdinso "kde4_create_po_files"  is defined in kdemultimedia?04:44
CPrgmSwR2I think its defined in kdebase04:45
CPrgmSwR2looking for it now04:45
CPrgmSwR2going to take a while04:46
CPrgmSwR2using grep -R kde4_create_po_files *04:46
CPrgmSwR2I cannot find it04:48
stdinwell that needs to be fixed before we can try to build it04:50
CPrgmSwR2I cannot find that declare anywhere on my system04:52
CPrgmSwR2Oh I know why04:53
DaSkreechJucato: google search for krushdays04:53
CPrgmSwR2that has to do with language stuff04:54
JucatoDaSkreech: tomorrow04:54
CPrgmSwR2And I don't have po = polish encoding installed04:54
DaSkreechJucato: It's a 4 second query :)04:54
CPrgmSwR2stdin: still here04:54
stdinI'm always here04:54
stdineven when I'm not04:55
CPrgmSwR2anyways its a translation thing04:55
stdinI know04:55
stdinpo = translations04:55
* Jucato thinks that's what the "po" means04:55
Jucatobah.. need to type faster04:55
CPrgmSwR2stdin: it probably requires a translation package04:55
stdinwell, if you find what one I can get it to build :p04:56
Hobbseeit be borken.04:57
stdinI have a feeling that will be but one of many errors for amarok2 anyway04:58
CPrgmSwR2stdin: amarok2 should build just fine for you05:01
DaSkreechWhat's Ampache?05:01
stdinI'm sure I could get it to build on my pc, but that's not the point ;)05:01
CPrgmSwR2# ome/kde-devel/kde/src/KDE/extragear/multimedia/k3b/libk3b/videodvd/k3bvideodvd.cpp:29:32: error: dvdread/dvd_reader.h: No such file or directory05:02
CPrgmSwR2okay where do I get dvd_reader.h05:02
stdin!find dvdread/dvd_reader.h05:02
* stdin guesses libdvdread-dev05:03
ubotuFile dvdread/dvd_reader.h found in libdvdread-dev05:03
stdinlet's see05:03
DaSkreechHa ha ha ha ha ha05:04
stdinguess google gets a lot of searches for "kde 4 crashes"05:05
CPrgmSwR2http://fbsd.za.net/2007/06/04/kde4-crashes-applications-beautifully/ <--- this is interesting05:06
DaSkreechCPrgmSwR2: indeed05:07
DaSkreechCPrgmSwR2: Problem is when the program fixes itself05:07
CPrgmSwR2Oh oops05:08
CPrgmSwR2it could peice itself back together05:08
CPrgmSwR270% on amarok05:09
DaSkreechdoes anyone know if the *buntu kernels have linmodem support ?05:10
CPrgmSwR2I didn't know linmodem exists05:10
CPrgmSwR2yeah 95% on amarok05:16
DaSkreechI hate telling people they have to recompile the kernel just to go online05:16
DaSkreech :-(05:16
CPrgmSwR2they need to have a standard for modem communication05:17
DaSkreechthere is05:18
DaSkreechit just only works with Windows05:18
CPrgmSwR2and linux can't use it?05:20
DaSkreechLinmodem :)05:20
CPrgmSwR2does it work well05:20
DaSkreechFor some chipsets05:22
=== Hobbsee is now known as GoldenPony
CPrgmSwR2wow amarok2 rocks05:22
Jucatoyay! here comes the pony!!05:22
* GoldenPony nickers05:22
* Tm_T hides05:22
GoldenPonyback to gutsy05:22
Jucatoheh :)05:22
GoldenPonywhere all this stuff is not installed.05:23
DaSkreechThat's got to be the silliest name for a team every05:23
JucatoHobbsee!!!!! *chokes* *coughs* *swallows* !!!!!!!!!05:25
* DaSkreech waves at Jucato05:26
* Jucato drowning in the waves05:26
DaSkreechHobbsee: wave wave!!05:27
Jucato__/+\___  here lies Jucato...05:28
* DaSkreech throws a surfboard05:28
Jucato_o/ \o/ \o_  DaSkreech's cheering squad05:29
DaSkreechOh you underlined everything05:31
* DaSkreech hula dances05:32
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
DaSkreechNiht all05:42
Simeis it just me or is mounting USB sticks etc really screwed up.07:07
SimeI'm seeing two popup windows. One of which is coming from root, while the other is from my login.07:08
Tm_Tnixternal: yo07:46
nixternalyo yo07:47
Tm_Tnixternal: "Umm, I thought you were already a member!?!?" made me smile wide :))07:48
Tm_Twe have surprisingly many non-members here :)07:49
nixternalno doubt07:49
Tm_Tlike me07:49
Jucatoand non-functioning members like me :)07:50
Jucatonixternal?!?! O.o07:50
Jucatowhat are you doing up this late/early?07:50
nixternalI just got lost in KDE 4...and I did the freakin' unthinkable08:00
Hobbseewhat, replaced vista?08:01
Tm_THobbsee: stop reading my mind08:01
nixternalno, thank god :p08:01
=== huahua_ is now known as Huahua
Jucato_nixternal: seems like I was a bit wrong. or at least according to hydrogen, building with BUILD_TYPE=release should be faster than debugfull08:07
Jucato_I built w/ no BUILD_TYPE, which according to wiki.kde.org, defaults to relwithdebinfo..08:07
Jucato_does feel faster...08:08
Jucato_but I don't have benchmarks :O)08:08
Jucato_oops! I did an mhb.. I meant :)08:08
Tm_Thi stdin08:10
Jucato_yo stdin08:10
stdinoh joy, I love waking up to failed to build emails  :p08:10
stdinhmm, now that is strange...08:11
stdin"libqtwebkit-dev: Depends: libqtwebkit0d (< 0~svn27674-0~ppa1.1~) but 0~svn27674-0gutsy1 is to be installed"08:11
stdinwhy is the -dev older than the lib?08:12
stdinI suppose a better question would be "why wasn't the new -dev built?" :/08:13
* stdin is flummuxed and gets coffee08:13
stdinand the language pack people are *still* blocking the i386 ppa buildds...08:19
stdinonly another 60 to go08:20
Hobbseestdin: what were you looking boosted?08:24
stdinHobbsee: huh?08:25
Hobbseeor you're just whining about the state of ppa in general?08:26
stdinHobbsee: well, that :p and I have no clue why the lib and lib-dbg packages were built but not the lib-dev08:28
stdinand all I did was bump the version08:28
stdinAHH, I know why now08:37
stdinthe -dev is an _all.deb, those are built on i386 and the i386 version hasn't built because the language pack people have hoarded it for the last few hours08:39
* stdin feels better now he's solved the puzzle08:39
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miloshello, i have a bug to report, who do i turn to?09:23
milosall right, i`ll just write it down here, then paste it to the ubuntu-devel - because the same thing happens in both distro variants09:25
milosSo, my box is: asus nforce2 mobo, nvidia geforcefx5600 (asus), 512mb ram etc09:25
miloswhen i boot from the desktop installer cd, and try to install using the first option, the screen filckers when the installer goes into X09:26
milosso, i tried to set the resolution to something lower - like 800x600x16 in the first prompt, and choosing "safe vga mode"09:26
milosbut the same thing happens!09:26
milosresolution is 1920xsomething (i can check that on my monitor OSD menu)09:27
JJtechmy box is AMD64bit athlonFX 4000+ , 1.5g RAM, 2 SATA 80gb, 1 EIDE 40gb, nforce430 mainboard, geForce 8400GS video card       what shud i do to take full effects and optimal settings??09:37
* Jucato huggles Hobbsee10:02
Hobbseewhy would we have a bug tracker, just to report bugs on irc instead?10:02
Tm_THobbsee: I can sing bugreports!10:06
Hobbseeoh no...10:06
* Tm_T likes singing10:08
stdinHobbsee: \sh set him it the direction of launchpad anyway10:14
\shHobbsee, most people don't know anything about reporting and bugs and bugtracker...consumers only...if it's broken, they want to give it back ,-)10:15
Hobbseeyeah, but most consumers wont try to return a bought piece of clothing at the individual register - instead, they do it at the big register marked "customer service"10:18
Riddellmhb: what's that key called that the -fvisibility patch broke in qt 3?10:57
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=== stdin_ is now known as stdin
stdinnow that was odd11:26
stdincouldn't login as stdin then, had to get a staffer to help :p11:27
Riddellapachelogger__: is there a recent snapshot of amarok2 we could package?11:31
Riddellstdin: you're now giving away that you're from somewhere in England :)11:33
stdinB'ham actually11:33
Riddellstdin: not another one of these wolveslug people I've actually met?11:36
stdinno :p11:36
stdinI'd be in sblug (if i was in a lug that is)11:36
Mezstdin, didnt know you were a brummie11:44
MezRiddell, to answer your amarok2 question11:44
Mez<markey> there is none11:44
Mez<markey> it's too unstable still11:44
stdinMez: yeah, have been all my life :p11:44
RiddellMez: meh11:44
Mezstdin, same here till I moved to Reading11:45
Mezand why are you not part of sblug ?11:45
stdinjust never joined11:45
Mezaw :( but it's a nice lug11:45
stdinI may join up one day11:46
Mezlol - I'm freenode's contact for them11:46
stdinheh, so I see11:46
Mezwe might have to meet up for a drink at some point when I head back up ;)11:47
stdinyeah :)11:47
RiddellHobbsee: could you give back kdebase-workspace 4:3.96.0-1ubuntu2~gutsy1 on mad64?11:47
Riddellamd64 too11:47
MezRiddell, I think mad64 is a better name11:52
HobbseeRiddell: done.12:03
HobbseeRiddell: how'd our gutsy ones do?12:03
MezHobbsee, so you now have your ubuntu-archive powers?12:05
HobbseeMez: i've had ubuntu-archive for a while, but can do close to nothing with them.12:05
Hobbseethese are buildd-admin12:05
Mezah ... lol12:06
RiddellHobbsee: gutsy is just stuck on that amd64 one12:08
Hobbseehm, doesnt look like much of hardy is left to go12:09
Riddellhardy is mostly done12:09
RiddellI still need to backport the rest to gutsy though12:09
apachelogger__Riddell: I'll drop an alpha release as soon as amarok is somewhat useable12:16
apachelogger__but as of now we are missing a lot of stuff in the playlist section12:16
Meznixternal, ping12:34
Riddellmotu Q&A in 15 mins in #ubuntu-classroom12:46
Riddellspeaking of which, apachelogger__ when will you apply for MOTU?12:46
apachelogger__Riddell: soon12:47
apachelogger__maybe 2 weeks12:48
* apachelogger__ is quite busy with exams right now12:48
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
stdinWaltzingAlong: yeah the "+ #3214" is the svn version14:48
WaltzingAlongstdin: ok. thanks14:48
stdinRiddell: are you planning on backporting libvncserver (0.9.3.dfsg.1-1ubuntu1) to gutsy for kdenetwork-kde4 ?14:50
Riddellstdin: if that's what's needed14:51
stdinRiddell: well it says "Missing dependencies: libvncserver-dev (>= 0.9.3.dfsg.1-1ubuntu1)" so if you're ok I'll put that in my ppa14:52
stdin*ok with that...14:52
Riddellstdin: please do14:53
Jucatohm.. PPA's don't have components/sections do they?14:56
HobbseeRiddell: please do some archive new, in particular for the libvncserver stuff, if it's not already done14:57
Hobbseethen we can have kde 4 :)14:57
Hobbseeunfortunately, hardy's so unstable at the moment that i suspect i'll use the gutsy variant14:57
stdinJucato: no, just release14:58
Jucatostdin: okies :)14:58
stdinJucato: they have sections, like "libs" and "kde", but no -backports or the like14:59
RiddellHobbsee: nothing about vnc in hardy New14:59
HobbseeRiddell: oh, so libvncserver got cleared from binary new?  cool.15:00
Jucatostdin: ah no, I meant something that would be like: deb http://stdins_godly_repo/ubuntu gutsy kde4, and then deb http::/stdins_godly_repo/ubuntu gutsy konversation15:00
Jucatojust wondering coz, everyone who's going to use your ppa for kde4 rc1 will have everything else that you put up there :)15:01
stdinJucato: ahh, no, nothing line that. there was main/restricted/universe/multiverse, but someone decided to splat them app together15:01
Jucato(which could also limit what you could upload to your ppa...)15:02
JucatoI see...15:02
stdinJucato: I did put all the other stuff in universe so I could keep them separate, but that got rained on by LP15:02
Jucatooh well. just wondering :)15:02
Jucatolovely :)15:02
stdinI have made a "tool" to remove all my ppa stuff, replace it with the proper version and convert the kde package to the -backports version when it's all done tho :)15:03
stdinand it's not even *that* complicated :p15:04
Jucatotoo bad though, it would have been nice :)15:05
Jucatocustom repo components...15:05
RiddellHobbsee: did you give back kdepim_3.5.7enterprise20070926-1ubuntu3.dsc ?15:05
stdinwould have made things easier15:05
Riddellerm no15:05
RiddellHobbsee: did you give back kdebase-runtime/4:3.96.0-1ubuntu1~gutsy1 ?15:05
Jucatoeasier, safer, more stable :)15:05
HobbseeRiddell: if tha'ts hwat you asked me to give back before, yes.15:05
HobbseeRiddell: did it not work?15:05
stdinJucato: but not "simple" enough apparently ;)15:06
Jucatohahah :)15:06
RiddellHobbsee: it's still failed to build, not needs building15:06
* Hobbsee tries again15:07
HobbseeRiddell: give me a yell if it falls over again.  sometimes soyuz loses info, etc.15:10
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jpatrickapachelogger__: you should have put a Conflicts: libk3b-mp3 for -extracodecs!15:36
DaSkreechstdin: can you mail me that script?15:41
DaSkreechassuming no passwords :)15:41
stdinthe "move to -backports" script?15:42
stdinDaSkreech: just download it :) http://stdin.me.uk/code/revert.tar.gz (it's a script and some other text files)15:43
RiddellHobbsee: can you give back kdebase-kde4 in gutsy-backports?16:52
HobbseeRiddell: what, again?16:52
Hobbseeoh, that was -runtime before16:54
RiddellHobbsee: -runtime done16:56
Riddellthis one was in main, sigh16:56
HobbseeRiddell: given back16:58
Riddelllets hope that works, we may have to wait until publisher runs and really puts it into universe16:58
nixternalMez: pong?17:53
Jucatonixternal!!!! :)17:54
nixternalheh, 5 minutes to noon :)17:55
Jucatohaha :)17:55
Jucato5 minutes to 2am :)17:55
DaSkreechHa ha17:56
nixternalisn't it past your bedtime?17:56
JucatoI finally got system sounds in KDE4.. but lost all icons... and I consider that a lot worse :/17:56
DaSkreechI got system sounds in KDE4 :)17:56
Jucatowaaaay past...17:56
* nixternal does too17:56
Jucatono wait.. lately I've been sleeping around 3am...17:56
JucatoI just updated today. before that, no system sounds17:57
Jucatono startup, minimize, maximize, etc. sounds17:57
nixternalahh, I hate them sounds..that is so winme17:57
DaSkreechYeah I can see sound packs shipping soon17:58
DaSkreechMan I hope themes are easier under KDE4 :(17:58
nixternalhow is it I have never had a problem with themes?17:58
Jucatocoz you know what to do? :)17:58
nixternalthey have always just worked for me17:58
nixternalevery tarball usually comes with a readme that tells you exactly what to do17:59
Jucatothe kde theming system (specially the theme manager) needs a lot of work to be usable for mere mortals.17:59
Jucatothat's coming from the guy who wrote the doc for theming :)17:59
Jucatoheh you just got the good tarballs..17:59
Jucatooh and kde-look isn't helping either... practically no QA :/18:00
DaSkreechHe probably made them :-P18:00
Jucatowouldn't be surprised :)18:00
nixternalI suck at artwork, so you will never see a theme from me18:00
Jucatobetter? :)18:00
nixternalnow that I have done18:00
nixternalbut only to share it with the rest of the world18:00
nixternalya ya yo yo wheeeeeee18:05
nixternaloh, looks like I am a Linux+ editor now :)18:07
nixternalso, start paying $15 USD to read my articles!18:07
nixternalI can wait for this semester to be over with already...I will have so much free time I won't know what to do with myself :)18:08
Jucatodon't do anything with yourself. do something for ________ :D18:08
jpatrickRiddell: bug 164724 awaiting upload18:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 164724 in k3b "k3b-extracodecs missing conflicts and replaces" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16472418:09
Riddelljpatrick: looks good, uploading18:15
jpatrickRiddell: thanks18:39
DaSkreechNight Jucato18:40
Jucatogoing to bed DaSkreech?18:40
DaSkreechAren't you?18:41
Jucatonot yet18:41
innovatiI've noticed an ubuntu color palette in inkscape and I'm wondering if this is an official colour palette and if so, how important it is to kubuntu artists?18:55
rouzichi all18:56
rouzicTm_T: ping19:00
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Tm_Trouzic: ?19:31
rouzicTm_T: i have a kopete's bug :)19:32
rouzicTm_T: kopete crashes 5 times today19:34
rouzicTm_T: in 2/3 hours19:34
Tm_Trouzic: and if you disable nowlistening plugin...19:36
rouzicTm_T: crashes with the plugin disconnect19:39
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi
Tm_Trouzic: and trace of that?19:43
rouzicTm_T: kopete with the plugin enable19:46
Tm_Trouzic: no, I need trace of crash without plugin19:47
rouzicTm_T: okas :)19:49
rouzicTm_T: now xD19:50
rouzicTm_T: crashes without plugin now19:50
rouzicTm_T: arg, sorry, no disable :s19:51
ryanakcawow... 55.4% of those surveyed use an Ubuntu variant... http://www.surveymonkey.com/sr.aspx?sm=WE9PoU_2bO_2b9Incc1aPjQTMvqIHQ7sZ6Y5sA1yP920aDE_3d19:51
ryanakca(at work... 56.1% at home)19:52
jpatrickRiddell: since we've added support for LUKS in kdebase, could you get kryptomedia past NEW?20:53
buzjpatrick: did you actually get it to work on hardy?20:54
buzor gutsy for that matter20:54
Tm_TJucato: poke20:54
Jucatogoing to bed in a minute20:54
Tm_TJucato: yes, quickie20:54
jpatrickbuz: the cryptosetup thing ruined my usb.20:54
Tm_TJucato: you used KDE4 with and without debug?20:55
buzjpatrick: what do you mean by ruined20:55
JucatoTm_T: debugfull and release20:55
Tm_TJucato: real difference?20:55
jpatrickbuz: couldn't do anything to it20:55
Jucatorelease is a bit faster. haven't checked the size of the dirs20:55
buzthats really weird20:55
buzit might break usb storage detection but other than that?20:55
jpatrickhad to format to get it back20:55
Tm_TJucato: okie, I have massive loads all the time without cpu or disk usage20:55
JucatoTm_T: I really don't have benchmarks or metrics to prove it. but it feels faster20:56
Tm_Tand sluggggish20:56
buzjpatrick: well obviously you would ;)20:56
* Jucato didn't use debug.. used "release"20:56
buzwithout kryptomedia or pmount, the system wont even know theres something on there20:56
buz(which is the whole point of encrypted storage)20:56
Tm_TJucato: anyway, there's some weird going on I afraid, but I don't know what20:56
Jucatoperfect for #kde4-krush :)20:57
Tm_Talmost like software accelerated desktop20:57
DaSkreechJucato: Sun come up yet?20:57
Jucatoin an hour or so20:57
Tm_TJucato: thanks and have good sleep20:57
JucatoTm_T: my laptop only uses Mesa for OpenGL :)20:58
Tm_TJucato: well I have proper acceleration, and as said, no cpu usage20:58
Tm_Tthere is20:58
Tm_Tin spikes20:58
buzTm_T: what graphics card20:58
Tm_Tnvidia fx570020:59
buzoh, i had kinda hoped you'd use intel :P21:00
buzbecause so far, i havent been able to get it to do much at all in kde421:00
Tm_Tumm no, actually nvidia 6600GT21:00
Tm_Tbut Xorg seems to hog cpu in spikes, but still, that wouldn't explain all sluggers...21:01
buzwhat scheduler21:03
buzi find that going to a kernel with low-latency desktop scheduler has helped my system in fringe cases21:03
buzthe standard scheduler is sort of not really desktop oriented ;)21:06
buzi swear i have had enough of this lousy cable21:07
buzfor months now it stops working about 5 times a day for 1minute21:08
buzfirst thing on monday i'm going to get vdsl21:08
Tm_Twhat I can do with this scheduler issue?21:14
Tm_TI'm not familiar with it21:14
buzbasically you can force the kernel to distribute cpu power more "fairly" (i think time slices are shorter that way)21:16
buzor maybe its just placebo21:16
Tm_Tbut that would not solve the root of this issue21:17
Tm_Toh well21:23
Tm_Tback in KDE321:23
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hungerWhere can I get the Qt4 SQL plugins? They are not in libqt4-sql:-(21:51
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Riddellhunger: /usr/lib/libQtSql.so.4.3.2 not enough for you?22:29
hungerRiddell: Nope. That is the lib that loads plugins. Not much use without them.22:31
hungerRiddell: I'm building qt4 myself. I'll provide a diff if that works out.22:31
Riddellhunger: but it links against libpq and libmysqlclient22:32
hungerRiddell: Dunno. I tried using QtSql to open a sqlite DB and got an error about the plugin not being installed.22:33
hungerRiddell: On my other linux system there is /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/sqldrivers and that is missing in ubuntu, so I assume that is the problem.22:34
hungerOTOH my code might be broken;-)22:35
hungerRiddell: You might be right: ubuntu's libQtSql links to all kind of DB libs, the libQtSql in gentoo does not. Maybe the stuff is builtin.22:37
hungerRiddell: You *ARE* right:-( Damn... that implies that my code is buggy:-(22:53
=== GNUro is now known as GNUton
ryanakcahmm.. RC1 still in progress?23:14
nixternalhunger: I am trying to build Decibel 0.5 but it crashes out at the end -> http://pastebin.com/m2966dbb1 if you get a chance to take a look at what I might be missing23:32

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