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maiatodaywhat is the protocol for asking questions, please?12:11
dholbachmaiatoday: the MOTU Q&A session will start in 42 minutes - just ask questions in the channel then :)12:18
dholbachMOTU Q&A Session in in 20 minutes12:40
dholbachWelcome everybody to another MOTU Q&A session!13:00
dholbachHow are you all doing?13:00
dholbachLet's start with our usual round of introductions? Who do we have here?13:00
* dholbach is Daniel Holbach, MOTU for quite a while already, has been working in a couple of other teams but is now trying to make MOTU as straight-forward and as fun as possible.13:01
dholbachCome on... don't be shy :)13:01
* persia is a MOTU active with crash triage, games, and audio13:01
persiaErr.  And my name is Emmet Hikory :)13:01
* mgdm is Michael Maclean, he hangs around #ubuntu-uk but is interested in doing something more productive13:01
* dholbach high-fives persia13:01
huatsMy name is Christophe Sauthier, I am around for a while. I am a MOTU Hopeful...13:01
* maiatoday is really new command line comfortable but package oblivious and willing to learn13:01
kelmoKel - maintain some stuff in Debian, want to know more about what MOTU is all about13:02
dbmoodbis it ok to sit in and watch ?13:02
* stdin is an io stream ;)13:02
dholbachdbmoodb: absolutely13:02
dholbachwe're just going through a round of introductions13:02
cooldbmoodb, did you say anything :p13:02
dholbachwho of you started playing around with packaging and packaging tools already?13:03
maiatodayi installed pbuilder and built bc13:03
mgdmI read a bit about it, linked from Jono's blog a week or two back13:03
dholbachmaiatoday: nice13:03
dholbachmgdm: great13:03
dholbachif you haven't read it already, I'd like to point to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted13:04
dholbachit contains the most important information on how to become a MOTU and where to start looking first13:04
warp10I did something :)13:04
stdinI've done kde4 rc1 (with help from riddell)13:05
stdinit was an "experience" to be sure13:05
* dholbach spotted a bunch of MOTUs in the crowd: norsetto, \sh, Hobbsee, persia13:05
dholbachdo you have some questions for them?13:05
dholbachstdin: experience in what way? baffling? intimidating? easy?13:05
stdindholbach: all of the above :p13:06
dholbachI guess it depends on the package :)13:06
Riddellstdin: aww, but you did great13:06
stdinwas fun, a bit confusing, but fun13:06
dholbachstdin, Riddell: what did you guys do? mostly updating packages?13:06
pvandewyngaerdei compiled KDE4 from source13:07
\shstdin, set the default to XRandR for the next upload for more blink stuff:)13:07
stdinwell Riddell uploaded them to hardy and I backported them to gutsy from my ppa13:07
dholbachpvandewyngaerde: WOW - did you also touch the packaging of it?13:07
* norsetto wonders if he should screw up his kde 3.513:08
dholbachin case you're trying to update existing packages, you might want to take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/PackageUpdate - it's an example of how to do it13:08
pvandewyngaerdenorsetto:  i have them next to each other13:08
effie_jayxdholbach,  i don't know if you had a chance to see the package Iwas trying to update13:08
* persia will be editing that page tomorrow, so it's worth checking again later as well :)13:08
dholbachnice to see some more Kubuntu hackers here :)13:08
effie_jayxquestion here?13:08
dholbacheffie_jayx: no, which one was that?13:08
dbmoodbjust a q - MOTU need to be able to program right (just out of interest)13:08
dholbacheffie_jayx: sure13:09
dholbachdbmoodb: it's not a strict requirement at all13:09
dbmoodb...... runs for hills13:09
persiadbmoodb: It helps to be able to read code, but you don't need to write.13:09
* effie_jayx checks his plan13:09
pvandewyngaerdewhat is MOTU ?13:09
* mrsno waves from the back of the classroom13:09
dbmoodbwell... doesn't that pose security problems ?13:09
dholbachmuch more important than programming skills is:13:09
persiapvandewyngaerde: The Masters Of The Universe repository13:09
stdinpvandewyngaerde: they take care of universe/multiverse13:10
\shdbmoodb, nope...13:10
persiadbmoodb: No: as long as you can read the code, you'll likely not do something dangerous.13:10
dholbach    * being a good team player13:10
dholbach    * learning by reading documentation, trying things out and not being afraid to ask questions13:10
dholbach    *13:10
dholbach      being highly motivated13:10
dholbach    *having a knack for trying to make things work13:10
dholbach    *      having some detective skills13:10
\shdbmoodb, it would be cool if you can speak some languages like python or a bit C or shell code...13:10
* persia can't speak any of those: the punctuation gets in the way :)13:10
dbmoodbthis freaks me out some what lol13:11
cool\sh, you called me? :p13:11
dholbachand you'll definitely learn a lot along the way13:11
dholbachdbmoodb: why does it freak you out?13:11
effie_jayxdholbach,  I was trying to update a package called p3scan folloing this bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/p3scan/+bug/13380213:11
dbmoodbas .... i would have hoped the motus would need some programming experience - to look out for problems13:11
\shdbmoodb, well, most of the upstream developers are not able to speak the language they're coding in13:11
dholbacheffie_jayx: we can take a look it together13:11
dbmoodbwhat ?13:11
dbmoodbthat made no sense sh13:11
dholbachdbmoodb: of course it's great if you do speak C++, Python, Perl, Java or PHP13:12
\shdbmoodb, it was a joke...but look at all bugs and vulnerabilities, nobody is perfect and in time you learn more then the usual languages when you work on packages13:12
persiadbmoodb: It certainly helps, but there's lots of work to be done that doesn't require much (or even any) programming.13:12
effie_jayxas I try to update that packages ... I found some very interesting changes in the code it self ...13:12
dholbachdbmoodb: but the things I mentioned in the bullet points are what I'd call requirements for members13:12
propeatdbmoodb: and you can also learn hacking in any langage on the fly13:12
dbmoodb- does debian have similar things ?13:12
dholbachdbmoodb: similar things?13:12
\shdbmoodb, nope...not in this way...13:13
dholbachin Debian you can become a Debian Developer13:13
dbmoodbi found the ubuntu page and this irc room easier13:13
\shdbmoodb, they have debian maintainers (per package) and debian developers (which are package maintainers and distro developers like joey hess e.g.)13:13
kelmothere are Debian Maintainers now, as opposed to Debian Developers13:13
dholbachthe process in Debian might take longer and takes a different approach13:13
kelmoor you can find sponsors13:13
kelmovia debian-mentors13:13
dholbachkelmo: we have the sponsorship process in Ubuntu too13:13
dbmoodbok good- was getting worried about the state of the debian uploaders13:14
dbmoodb- not that the ubuntu model is wrong - just different13:14
dholbachthat's another page worth pointing to: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess13:14
persiaDebian is much more focused on mentoring and sponsoring people.  Ubuntu is more oriented towards pieces of work.  It's easier to get good work into Ubuntu and get credit, but it's easier to get a new package into Debian.13:14
dholbachit describes how you, who are not MOTUs (yet) can get changes, patches and packages uploaded13:14
warp10I have a question: when I have a bugfix that is useful to Debian I send to BTS. If after a long time the fix is not applied to the code upstream, what I am supposed to do about this?13:14
dbmoodbeasier to get a package into debian ?13:14
persiawarp10: Relax, and make sure the work is in Ubuntu13:15
dholbachwarp10: the page I just mentioned above explains how to get it included in Ubuntu13:15
dbmoodbah dude .... want to make a bet - try get a package into etch - stable13:15
\shwarp10, bump it...and raise it again , write a another mail to the bts and the maintainer personally13:15
kelmowarp10: \sh, as someone who has sent a few patches to debian BTS, i would say that is a common frustration13:15
dbmoodb- i guess for testing and unstable - your right tho13:15
dholbachbasically you file a bug, attach the patch and subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors (if the package is in main/restricted) or subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors (if the package is in universe/multiverse)13:15
persiadbmoodb: Sure.  If you package something, and maintain it, Debian may sponsor the upload (it only takes one).  For Ubuntu, you have to pass REVU, which may require more effort (but gets a better package).13:15
dbmoodb- your the boss lol13:15
norsettowarp10: if all fails scream and vent your frustration, kill a whale, that kind of things13:15
persiadbmoodb: stable (for both) is different.13:16
dholbachI think that both Debian and Ubuntu have seen packages that took very short / very long to get included13:16
dbmoodbwill go check out the other rooms for the other distros- just interested in how this works13:16
dholbachand both have seen packages of varying degrees of quality13:16
dholbachok... I believe that effie_jayx had a problem he wanted to discuss with us13:17
dholbachhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/p3scan/+bug/133802 - right?13:17
\shkelmo, well you need to know: if the maintainer in debian thinks, that it's not worth, or he/she is working on a different approach, so it's his decission13:17
effie_jayxdholbach,  yes.13:17
effie_jayxI was trying to update this package13:17
dholbacheffie_jayx: what was the problem you encountered?13:17
effie_jayxthe new package didn't build13:17
effie_jayxthere are differences in the coding... some classes have been renamed13:17
dholbacheffie_jayx: do you have the portion of the build log somewhere?13:18
dbmoodbwhat is p3scan used for btw ?13:18
dholbachdbmoodb: transparent POP3-proxy with virus- and spam-scanning13:18
effie_jayxdholbach,  http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/45215/13:18
kelmo\sh: that implies at least a response, which is often lacking for > months. and yes, you are correct13:18
effie_jayxit was something I was trying just for kicks ... after having read the talk on packaging13:19
effie_jayxI wanted to try some real things13:19
effie_jayxand I found a bug that looked simple but had its things..13:19
dbmoodb- p3scan on ubuntu lacks ssl currently ?13:20
\shkelmo, well, social problems can't be solved technical, my PoV :)13:20
stdineffie_jayx: looks like you need to add the build-dependency libssl-dev for a start13:20
effie_jayxdepends line... right... in the file debian/control ??13:21
dholbachthe problem is: p3scan is GPL13:21
stdineffie_jayx: yeah, to the Build-Depends: line13:21
dholbachit can't be built with openssl and redistributed easily13:21
* effie_jayx takes notes13:22
dbmoodbwhat ?13:22
\sheffie_jayx, you need an ack that upstream allows the linkage to openssl13:22
dbmoodbwhat is openssl under ?13:22
\shdbarnett_, apache style13:22
dbmoodb-sorry for popping up so much13:22
\sheffie_jayx, you can try to link against gnutls13:22
\sheffie_jayx, but this could lead to other problems...13:22
\shdbarnett_, sorry.13:23
dholbach\sh: no, doesn't seem to have gnutls bits included13:23
\shdbmoodb, apache license...this is not compatible with GPL13:23
kelmoref for openssl vs GPL: http://www.gnome.org/~markmc/openssl-and-the-gpl.html13:23
dholbachthanks kelmo13:23
dbmoodbwell i was just reading the exceptions13:24
kelmo(which is part of ftp-master REJECT faq, http://ftp-master.debian.org/REJECT-FAQ.html)13:24
\shdholbach, so, I think it's easier to ask upstream maintainer to grant the rights to link against openssl13:24
dbmoodbon the wikipedia page13:24
dholbacheffie_jayx: did you try to build in a pbuilder?13:24
effie_jayxdholbach,  yes13:24
* dholbach takes a quick look at the source package13:25
effie_jayxwhile he is at it...13:25
effie_jayxto the rest... you can check the whole story on this package in my motu journal13:25
dbmoodb- just a comment - could you not do a sneaky thing (would not encourage this) and package wget with this pop proxy thing and then cross link them- or just go well we can now distribute openssl due to the wget exception13:25
effie_jayxwhere I documented the whole process13:25
effie_jayxhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/EfrainValles/MOTUJourney <----- lesson 513:26
dholbachdbmoodb: what do you mean?13:26
dbmoodbwell the apparently the GNU wget has a special exception i think13:26
dholbach"In addition, as a special exception, the Free Software Foundation13:26
dholbachgives permission to link the code of its release of Wget with the13:26
dholbachOpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it13:26
dholbachthat use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), ...."13:26
dholbachthat unfortunately is not part of the p3scan COPYING file13:27
dbmoodbwait what ?13:27
dbmoodbyou missed the licence part13:27
dbmoodbthe gnu wget is still gpl ? no13:27
dholbachyes it is13:27
dholbachbut it has this added section I quoted in parts13:27
dbmoodbok so ....13:28
effie_jayxdholbach,  where did you ckec for this13:28
dbmoodbyou could invoke wget lol as a way around it13:28
dbmoodb- sneaky and you could get permission from the maintainer probably anyway13:28
\sheffie_jayx, p3scan upstream13:28
dholbacheffie_jayx: I read the LICENSE file in the source I downloaded with    apt-get source p3scan13:28
dholbachdbmoodb: it's always important to speak to the upstream maintainers, especially in cases like this one13:29
cooleffie_jayx, say?13:29
dbmoodb- as i said - sneaky and don't do it13:29
jonoeffie_jayx: rock on with the blog posts :)13:29
dholbachcool: the joke gets old now :)13:30
effie_jayxjono,  I am trying but I am stuck in a conferences... feeling very jono-like13:30
* dholbach hugs cool13:30
* effie_jayx with sucky internet conections13:30
maiatodayeffie_jayx: just found your blog, this will help me get out of my hesitant state13:30
* cool hopes that was a friendly hug :p13:30
coolnot the other one13:31
dholbacheffie_jayx: to be honest, I have trouble finding out how to fix this one13:31
dholbacheffie_jayx: it might be worth sending this log to the upstream mailing list or something similar and ask for advice13:31
effie_jayxdholbach,  no problem... but I am keen on finding one I can fix13:32
effie_jayxdholbach,  the important stuff is ...13:32
dholbacheffie_jayx: a usual way would have been to add something like    --disable-ssl    to a ./configure script13:32
effie_jayxI learned interdiff for checking the code diferences13:32
dholbacheffie_jayx: unfortunately this source does not contain such a script13:32
effie_jayxand finding stuff13:32
dholbacheffie_jayx: nice, interdiff is a very useful tool, especially now that we have persia's interdiff guide13:32
nenolodoh hey, the packaging Q&A is going on =)13:33
dholbacheffie_jayx: I think it'd be worth pointint out that there's a build problem regarding this update and that we need to contact upstream on the bug report13:33
* persia requests feedback if the guide is confusing to anyone13:33
dholbachthat's important about working with bug reports: as soon as you have more info: provide to everybody who might be interested in it13:33
dholbacheffie_jayx: sorry, if I couldn't help you out with this one13:34
effie_jayxdholbach,  yes... My intention was to learn13:34
kelmopersia: could you please let me know where the interdiff guide is located?13:34
effie_jayxand I did learn a bit...13:34
dholbacheffie_jayx: if you're determined to fix this one, take the upstream route13:34
dholbacheffie_jayx: if not, there's a lot of other 'upgrade' bugs you can probably help out with13:34
dholbachwelcome nenolod13:34
nenolodhi dholbach13:34
dholbachdo we have any more questions? packaging problems? process questions?13:35
effie_jayxdholbach,  thanks ...13:35
persiakelmo: It's currently at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Sponsorship/Interdiff, but will be moving to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Interdiff in around 15 hours.13:35
* huats I have a question : I have build a library update in my pbuilder, and I need that update to be able to build another package . Is there anything to configure in my pbuilder so that it will take into account my library ?13:35
nenolodhuats, just add a local apt repository that your pbuilder can pull from13:36
persiahuats: There are a couple local repository hook scripts, but the easiest way is to build a local repository first, and then add that to pbuilder.13:36
stdinmini-dinstall is good for that13:36
dholbachor just apt-ftparchive13:36
nenolodfor instance, the backports.dereferenced.org pbuilders receive a self-update signal every time a new package is installed into the archive13:36
nenolodand they depend on both gutsy/universe from canonical, and an overlay'd version13:37
huatsI'll have a look at that so13:37
dholbachnenolod: it'd be nice to have that information on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto13:37
nenoloddholbach, yeah, i'll have to add it13:37
dholbachso it'll turn more and more in a pbuilder knowledge database13:37
huatsthanks all13:37
dholbachany more questions?13:38
dholbachor are things crystal clear? everybody knows where to get started and what to do next? :)13:38
nenolodbut, the simple way is to pbuild the updated depends and add them to your local repo, and then update then build your new package13:38
effie_jayxdholbach, about debdiff's ... they are reffered to as patches...13:38
* effie_jayx double checks13:38
dholbacheffie_jayx: yeah13:38
persiaeffie_jayx: A debdiff is one of many ways to generate a patch.13:38
dholbachin most cases you can simply apply debdiffs by running           patch -p1 < ../bla.debdiff      just as other patches too13:39
persiaMore generally, a patch consists of a file containing a set of changes to a directory tree.  debdiff generates a patch to show the differences between two packages.13:39
effie_jayxdholbach,  can one upload a debdiff directly to a bug report in lauchpad13:39
dholbacheffie_jayx: yeah, just attach it to the bug page13:39
dholbachlike you'd normally add a comment13:40
dholbachbelow the huge text box13:40
stdinsomething I always wanted to know, why do some package have a number:version format version string? (like 3:2.1-1ubuntu1 for instance)13:40
dholbachwhen persia explains things, you could just quote him and print it in books, he's awesome!13:40
kelmothe dreaded epoch13:40
dholbachkelmo: want to explain?13:40
norsettostdin: thats when upstream scrwed up ;-)13:40
* maiatoday is stuck between step 3 and 4 of the getting started13:40
kelmodholbach: could try13:40
dholbachkelmo: fire away13:41
persiastdin: The format is epoch ":" upstream-version "-" debian-revision "ubuntu" ubuntu-revision13:41
kelmostdin: an epoch (the leading number) can allow a ner version that would otherwise have a lower version of package that already exists to enter the archive as an "update"13:41
dholbachkelmo: exactly13:41
stdinso when/why would that be used?13:42
dholbachlet's say that in the beginning of the cycle I upload    gedit 2.21.0  because I think it might be ready by release time13:42
* persia notes that in general, it's worth trying everything else first before adding an epoch13:42
norsettoquoting the debian policy: It is provided to allow mistakes in the version numbers of older versions of a package, and also a package's previous version numbering schemes, to be left behind.13:42
dholbach4 weeks before I realize: this is not going to work13:42
persiastdin: A good example is for X: the old version was 7.something, but now it's modular, and the parts are 1.something.13:42
dholbachthen I can upload the old 2.20.2 version that works well as     1:2.20.213:43
dholbachwhich will be considered as a higher version number by dpkg13:43
stdinahh, I think I get it now :)13:43
* persia prefers 2.21really2.20.2 for the gedit example, as it will be fixed in the next release, and one can never undo an epoch13:43
dholbachbut as everybody else said before: do everything else before you use an epoch :)13:43
dholbachbecause we can't sync from debian anymore (until they introduce an epoch)13:43
dholbachgreat, another problem solved13:43
dholbachwho adds it to UbuntuDevelopment/FAQ? :)13:44
stdin^ that one had been bugging me for a long time13:44
dholbachmaiatoday: talk to us about it - what is causing you trouble between steps 3 and 4 on  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted ?13:44
effie_jayxdholbach,  why is there no recipe for merging?13:44
* effie_jayx remembers there used to be one...13:44
persiaeffie_jayx: Each merge is different, so a recipe is hard.13:44
maiatodaywell I am running the tools but have trouble choosing a useful task to get my teeth into13:45
dholbacheffie_jayx: persia might want to answer this one13:45
dholbachmaiatoday: did you look at MOTU/TODO and the bugs linked from there? anything that caught your attention?13:45
dholbachmaiatoday: any programs you're interested in yourself?13:45
persiaMore explicity, merging is a human-intelligence task: the merger needs to understand the changes in Debian and the changes in Ubuntu, and the workflow required depends on the nature of the changes.13:45
=== propeat is now known as proppy
persiaWe're working to make the merging guide cover the most common cases, but I'm not sure we'll reach Recipe status anytime soon; it would require singifiant logic upgrades to MoM.13:46
proppybug #158605 up to review13:46
maiatodayI so a request to package gogh https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/164390/ but that's probably too advanced for me13:46
effie_jayxpersia,  a quick question... MoM or DaD?13:46
nenolodi added some of my tricks to PbuilderHowto just now. As for the autosync from local repository to pbuilders, I'm going to have to come up with a good way to describe it ;)13:47
proppydholbach: I set it back to In progress right ?13:47
persiaeffie_jayx: MoM has better intelligence, DaD has a nicer interface, I don't use either.13:47
dholbachproppy: please add a link to the source package13:47
\sheffie_jayx, use MoM for the grab-merge workflow if you want and add only the bug on DaDs frontpage...13:47
dholbachmaiatoday: let me take a look at goph13:47
norsettopersia: having packages pulled from experimental for merging doesn't seem very intelligent to me13:48
maiatodayI thought it might be useful as I have equipment to test and use it myself13:48
proppydholbach: not revu ?13:48
effie_jayxpersia,  are there at least a couple of steps to follow to beging merging?13:48
effie_jayxsome general notes of some sort13:48
\sheffie_jayx, but remind yourself, sometimes it's easier to see last ubuntu version and latest debian version in a clean environment without having MoM or DaD put their heads in...13:48
dholbachmaiatoday: it might be an easy one13:48
* effie_jayx is headed towards merging as an easier way to contribute13:49
persianorsetto: MoM should only be doing that when the last merge/sync was from Experimental (according to Origin).  It tries to follow the last path as closely as possible.  As I said, it's a human-intelligence task.13:49
dholbachmaiatoday: I'd suggest to check out a few reference packages: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Lists/ReferencePackages13:49
dholbachmaiatoday: it looks to me like it could be similar to the jokosher package13:49
persiaeffie_jayx: I'd recommend making another change in a package, and watching MoM and DaD.  When your package comes up, you'll be in good shape to work on the merge.13:49
dholbachmaiatoday: if you want to look at that one first and see if you can understand the bits and pieces in debian/13:49
persiaeffie_jayx: Also, take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging13:50
proppyoups it's #classroom here I thought it was #motu sorry13:50
dholbachmaiatoday: also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Basic should explain the different relevant portions in debian/ directory13:50
maiatodaydholbach: ok I'll try build jokosher13:50
proppydholbach: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=juce13:50
* norsetto kicks proppy out of the room :-)13:50
\shnorsetto, if the last package was synced from experimental and someone was fixing something on this package for ubuntu, it's quite ok to use the path from experimental again...I think it's written in the list of sync magic and MoM Merlin Magic13:50
dholbachproppy: add it to the bug report please13:50
dholbachwhat other advice can we give maiatoday?13:51
proppydholbach: I've already done that :)13:51
dholbachmaiatoday is looking for easy tasks to get started with13:51
dholbachproppy: good, then it's ok as 'In Progress'13:51
proppydholbach: ok :)13:52
dholbachmaiatoday: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages is also relevant when packaging new stuff13:52
* maiatoday bookmarking links for late night reading :)13:52
dholbachrock and roll13:52
effie_jayxpersia, so changes in packages through an upgrade ?13:52
persiamaiatoday: For easy tasks, you might look at http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/lintian/reports/tags.html.  Some of these are fairly easy, and there's usually a few of each, so you can get some practice with them.13:53
persiaeffie_jayx: If the context is a merge, yes.13:53
dholbachpersia: is that linked from MOTU/TODO?13:53
persiadholbach: I'm not sure: I'm still compiling the QA list, and haven't merged with MOTU/TODO yet.13:53
dholbachpersia: it'd be nice to have13:54
persiadholbach: It's in the queue :)13:54
dholbachPARTY ON13:54
* norsetto wears a funny hat13:54
dholbachmaiatoday: let me know how you do with goph13:54
dholbachwhich brings me to another topic: letting the world know about what you do!13:55
dholbachwhat would be great, now that you're all starting to become MOTUs is blogging13:55
dholbachif you take a leaf out of effie_jayx's book and blog about your MOTU process, that'd be awesome13:55
dholbachyou can easily get added to http://ubuntuweblogs.org/13:56
effie_jayxdholbach,  it's hard when internet reeks in this part of venezuela13:56
dholbachhttp://ubuntuweblogs.org/submit.html explains how13:56
* effie_jayx looks into getting added there too13:56
dholbacheffie_jayx: thanks for your MOTU entries :)13:56
effie_jayxdholbach,  more on the way chief13:56
dholbachrock on13:56
dholbachany final questions?13:57
mrsnodholbach could you kindly explain the difference between planet ubuntu and ubuntuweblogs? is weblogs for motu only?13:57
dholbachmrsno: you can get on Planet Ubuntu only if you are an ubuntu member13:57
effie_jayxplease try to document your succeses and failures13:57
dholbachmotu membership includes ubuntumembers membership, so it might take a while until you get on planet13:57
effie_jayxand make them available somewhere...13:58
effie_jayxmaybe a forum?13:58
dholbachand up until then ubuntuweblogs is a good place13:58
mrsnook great, never heard of the weblogs one before so ill add to my growing list of tabs, thanks :)13:58
* fredo had problems to build gst-plugins-bad from source package.13:58
dholbachmrsno: it's a great planet13:58
dholbachfredo: what happened?13:58
fredoBut I'm really new to packaging, so maybe I made silly mistakes.13:58
dholbachfredo: the guys dealing with gstreamer hang out on #ubuntu-desktop - maybe they can help you get started too13:58
fredoThere was a infinite list of gconf errors at the end, after compiling.13:59
fredodholbach: Ah, that's good, maybe I'll contact him.13:59
dholbachit might have been a missing build-depends13:59
dholbachfredo: great13:59
dholbachthanks everybody for coming to the session13:59
dholbachwe'll have it again next week, same time13:59
dholbachso hope to see you there13:59
dholbachthanks for your excellent questions14:00
nenolodalso if you're working on new packages, you should try to put them in debian =)14:00
mrsnothx dholbach + all14:00
effie_jayxdholbach,  thanks again for the support14:00
* dholbach hugs y'all14:00
huatsthanks dholbach14:00
effie_jayxwe are on the road to MOTUness14:00
maiatodaythanks dholbach and all14:00
dholbachyeah :-)14:00
dholbachany more questions can go to #ubuntu-motu14:00
kelmothanks, n814:00
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corevettewhat is the command for an md5sum17:48
corevetteto check an iso for example17:48
ubotuTo verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more17:49
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
coolMikeMeilleur, hello19:30

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