
RainCTgood night00:06
bddebianHeya gang00:16
zulhey Hobbsee00:25
Hobbseehey zul!00:25
zulno one here but us goats00:26
* Hobbsee is no goat00:27
NafalloHobbsee: can you prove that? :-)00:31
HobbseeNafallo: yeah - people hav eseen me00:31
FujitsuNafallo: Everyone knows she's a green alien. Duh.00:32
* Hobbsee says "nyah. try harder" at the cars outside.00:32
* Nafallo ponders if "people" are trustworthy enough though ;-)00:33
Hobbseewell, they upload software that you're currently using, so...00:33
zulFujitsu: i though we established the fact that Hobbsee is a zombie00:34
Fujitsuzul: Oops, so we did.00:34
imbrandona zombie alien ?00:40
imbrandonbtw hiya *00:41
Hobbseeimbrandon: a *green* zombie alien!00:42
FujitsuIt's an ajmitch! Run!00:53
* ajmitch runs00:53
Hobbseeoh noes!00:53
* Hobbsee attacks ajmitch with the Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ™00:54
* Hobbsee coattacks Burgundavia with it, too.00:54
* ajmitch scurries off back into his corner00:54
imbrandoni love packages that seem intresting but have no help or man or documentation whatsoever, even on the project website00:55
zuli think there is a manpage for ls00:55
imbrandonmach is what i was speaking of00:55
imbrandonits supose to create rpm chroots, like debootstrap, replaces rpmstrap00:56
* Fujitsu is glad that its secrets shall remain locked away forever.00:56
BurgundaviaHobbsee: apparently women hate me today. My gf was beating me up as well ;(01:03
HobbseeBurgundavia: awww01:04
* Hobbsee hugs Burgundavia01:05
* slangasek beats up Burgundavia too, so he doesn't feel cheered that it's not a gender thing01:07
slangasekhmm, s/doesn't/can/01:07
BurgundaviaI hate you all01:08
BurgundaviaI am going to run Gentoo now01:08
ajmitchour work here is done then01:08
StevenKWell, our job is done.01:08
* StevenK grins, and high fives ajmitch 01:08
LaserJockhmm, I wonder why you need to agree to the Debian Machine Usage Policies to be a Debian Maintainer01:08
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
* Hobbsee attacks slangasek and bddebian with the Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ™ to make it appear random01:08
LaserJockis that just because of the buildds?01:08
slangasekHobbsee: it may appear random to some, but the pattern is perfectly clear to me!01:10
Hobbseeslangasek: oh yes?01:10
* Hobbsee wonders if you're better at patterns than those she was playing with mao are01:10
Hobbsees/with mao/mao with/01:11
slangasekyou're clearly poking people who IRC!01:11
LaserJockman, I suck at mao01:11
LaserJockalthough I played it at like 2 or 3am in a foreign country01:11
LaserJockand I was sick01:11
LaserJockso we'll blame it on that01:11
LaserJocksoren can attest to how bad it was01:12
slangasekLaserJock: I think those are considered standard operating conditions for Mao, sorry :)01:12
* Fujitsu wonders what this Mao thing is.01:12
HobbseeFujitsu: come to a UDS and find out01:12
FujitsuHah, like that's going to happen.01:13
StevenKThen come to Sydney and find out01:13
FujitsuMaybe one day if I can convince my parents. Which isn't likely.01:14
slangasek... maybe one day you'll be allowed to travel without parental approval?01:15
slangasekaside from the green alien zombies among us, people are known to age01:15
Fujitsuslangasek: That's a while off yet.01:15
bddebianSome of us faster than others :-(01:16
slangasekI did say age, not grow up01:16
TheMusoWell. I've just satisified my government election duties...01:17
StevenKTheMuso: Did you have to?01:17
TheMusoStevenK: Of course.01:17
StevenKVoting just encourages them01:17
StevenKTheMuso: Was the form in Brallie?01:17
FujitsuWith any luck our beloved Mr. Howard will be gone soon...01:17
TheMusoStevenK: I think not.01:17
bddebianslangasek: Aye, and I'm already old.  I'll never grow up :-)01:18
TheMusoStevenK: I would use electronic voting, but I heard that it wasn't open source, so wasn't interested.01:18
StevenKFujitsu: It's just a question if he gets replaced by Peter Costello or Kevin Rudd?01:18
FujitsuStevenK: That's true.01:18
* bddebian liked Howard01:18
* StevenK prefers the latter, Peter Costello seeming like a jerk01:19
* slangasek draws a correlation between bddebian's last two statements01:19
PriceChild!packaging | LaserJock01:19
ubotuLaserJock: packaging is  The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports01:19
Fujitsuslangasek: Haha.01:19
FujitsuStevenK: I don't particularly like either, but would prefer the latter. But I don't have to vote until next time.01:19
PriceChildLaserJock, did you mean to remove the / before NewPackages on that second link?01:20
TheMusoStevenK: Do you mind if I take care of openmovieeditor?01:22
StevenKTheMuso: Not overly01:22
bddebianslangasek: Right, I'm old and experienced enough to know that I don't want the government running my life..01:26
* bddebian hides01:26
frenchyDid you see the "Kirribilli house for sale" joke? Rudd did say that he was going to come and live with me, in Canberra.01:27
slangasekyou mean that you don't want the /Australian/ government running your life, right, you'd rather have the American government running your life?01:27
frenchyWell he'll be in The Lodge and I'll still be slumming it.01:28
frenchyMaybe I'll catch him at the local pub, or strip joint ... *** frenchy laughs at his own joke.01:29
bddebianslangasek: I am an American.  And I don't want to live in a nanny state, no. :-)01:33
slangasekoh, so you like Howard because he's Somebody Else's Problem01:35
StevenKslangasek: Would you mind checking why my gutenprint upload got rejected?01:35
HobbseeStevenK: you forgot to sacrifice a goat to soyuz.01:35
slangasekoh, is that why Hobbsee's insistent that she isn't a goat01:36
* Fujitsu normally uses goats for SCSI, but they might be useful for Soyuz too.01:36
slangasekStevenK: do I have a clue where to look for rejects?01:36
StevenKslangasek: There's a log on drescher01:37
StevenKThat I have no clue about01:37
FujitsuThe directories with the upload bits should be in /srv/launchpad.net/ubuntu-queue/rejected, I think. Rejections should be logged to the lp_archive mailbox.01:38
Hobbseeslangasek: er, is there a new kernel upload planned before the alpha?01:39
StevenKFujitsu: And how do you know that? :-)01:39
persialamont: Sent.  Thanks01:40
slangasekHobbsee: I haven't heard.01:40
FujitsuStevenK: I don't quite recall.01:40
persiaHobbsee: It's still important to have a Rationale for syncs after DIF to explain why we're importing after the freeze (Freeze Exception Process)01:40
slangasekhmm, the lp_archive mailbox is rather Large01:40
persiaAnyone using `debuild -k`: please only do this if you are a sponsor: it's far better to get your changelog identity entity to match your GPG keyring identity.01:41
Fujitsuslangasek: I'm not surprised. How many gigabytes?01:41
slangasekStevenK: wrong .orig.tar.gz referenced01:42
slangasekFujitsu: 1.9 \o/01:42
StevenKThere was no .orig.tar.gz in the .changes file01:42
slangasekStevenK: no, but there would have to be one in the .dsc01:42
slangasekand the checksum doesn't match the existing one01:42
Fujitsuslangasek: Nice.01:42
StevenKAh, duh.01:42
StevenKI forgot about that01:42
StevenKslangasek: Danke, I'll sort that out soonish01:43
TheMusoStevenK: Did you not get an upload rejection email?01:43
slangasekthat's just what I was going to ask, the mail I was peeking at is rather uploader-oriented01:44
slangasekactually, it looks pretty much identical to a dak reject :)01:44
StevenKI did, I just couldn't make sense of why it was talking about things in the archive.01:44
StevenKOh wel01:44
StevenKwell, even01:44
TheMusoIs it just me, or is requestsync getting the version number incorrect in the email subjects it produces, yet it gets the correct changelog?01:55
persiaTheMuso: I don't think it's just you: I've seen a bunch of things in the sponsors queue with that issue.01:56
TheMusopersia: Ok, thats good to know.01:58
ubotupackaging is The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports02:27
LaserJockhmm, looks like he fixed it02:28
HobbseeLaserJock: ponies!02:30
LaserJocktrying to find a screw I lost in my grandfather's laptop02:31
imbrandonLaserJock: get it all sorted i see02:46
LaserJockgoodness sakes02:56
LaserJockI was gonna say something and my laptop just turned off02:56
LaserJockapparently somebody unplugged me02:56
LaserJockon reboot I had a ton of fsck problems02:56
LaserJockhad run fsck manually and there was a lot of stuff02:57
LaserJockhopefully I didn't lose too much data02:57
imbrandonprobably only what you had open02:57
LaserJockwell, that's fine then02:58
imbrandonwow someone actualy sugested use qemubuilder to build a i386 package on a x86_64 instead of a i386 chroot/pbuilder03:05
slangasekyes, let us bow our heads in shame03:05
TheMusough wront tab03:13
HobbseeTheMuso: c is right in any tab?03:13
* persia suspects /c is useful to avoid gibber03:13
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
DoYouKnowI am new03:55
persiaDoYouKnow: Hi.03:55
somerville32Now that I've started doing packaging on my server (dunno why I didn't do this earlier), I can get a lot more done quicker04:04
somerville32AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ VS. Pentium II (Deschutes)04:04
pwnguini should set up ccache and maybe distcc04:06
pwnguinis distcc the only way to get pbuilder to hit multicores?04:06
persiapwnguin: You don't want to do that: it means that your build won't match the buildd build, and may not work.04:07
pwnguinis there a problem with not matching the buildd build?04:08
Hobbseepwnguin: yes.04:08
pwnguinI'm thinking that question deserves a two part answer04:09
persiapwnguin: Essentially, the main reason we bother to build things locally is to make sure that they will build on the buildds when they get uploaded.04:10
persiaIf you are just playing for private use, you'd do better to do a local build with `debuild`.04:11
persiaIf you want to build something as a candidate for the repositories, you'd do best to run a full Soyuz implementation, but that's annoying, and pbuilder does most of it.04:11
pwnguinare there cases where things would build in parallel but not in pbuilder?04:12
persiaThe reason debuild is better for local use is that it takes advantage of the installed system, and so ./configure will often pull in libraries that may normally be excluded (depending on the build system).04:12
somerville32interdiff doesn't work that great04:12
persiapwnguin: Yes.  If there is accidental timestamp skew, make -j can become very confused.04:13
persiasomerville32: How doesn't it work?04:13
pwnguinpersia: then it would fail in parallel04:13
somerville32persia, I get hunking errors all the time04:13
persiapwnguin: Not necessarily: maybe it works in parallel because it can catch up, but breaks in serial due to the skew.04:14
persiasomerville32: What's your command line?04:14
somerville32interdiff -z -p1 diff1 diff204:14
persiasomerville32: You get "hunking errors" from running interdiff, or trying to use that interdiff?04:15
somerville32I get hunking errors while running it04:15
somerville32Sometimes, I can't get any meaningful ouput at all04:16
persiasomerville32: Could you put your diffs somewhere?  I've never seen that.04:16
somerville32I have two examples that I'll post in a second04:16
imbrandonpwnguin: distcc isnt very nice with pbuilder as it needs source/package changes ( -j X ) but ccache works well if setup right04:19
imbrandonwith pbuilder04:19
pwnguini thought maybe pbuilder was smart about that stuff04:19
imbrandonheh no04:19
pwnguinbut still, im thinking if it works in parallel04:19
pwnguinit works in series04:20
imbrandonplus there are programs that just fail peroid with distcc04:20
imbrandonpbuilder or not04:20
pwnguini know distcc has limitations04:21
imbrandonAND icecream is better imho :)04:21
pwnguinwell, i did ask if distcc was the only way04:21
imbrandonkde* is notorious for useing icecream vs distcc, never heard of it being used with pbuilder though04:22
Hobbsee[15:09] <pwnguin> I'm thinking that question deserves a two part answer <-- persia already answered the latter half.04:22
* persia wonders if somerville32 encountered a grue04:25
Hobbseehe encounted a GoldenPony, i expect04:26
persiaDon't GoldenPonies shiine in the dark, lighting the way to a happier place?04:26
* somerville32 coughs something about Debian.04:27
imbrandonbah nuff $work for one night04:27
imbrandontime for a new theme04:27
somerville32What is this a sign of?04:28
somerville32Installing: /usr/share/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/notecase.mo04:28
somerville32/bin/sh: /tmp/buildd/notecase-1.6.9/debian/notecase: Permission denied04:28
somerville32I'm using CDBS04:28
somerville32(It says that for everything it tries to install)04:28
imbrandonthat, cdbs = magic ?04:28
persiaNot using fakeroot?04:28
persiafilesystem full?04:29
somerville32I'm using pbuilder04:29
* persia suspects /tmp is tmpfs and only 1/2 RAM, and can't build big things04:29
* Hobbsee wonders if it's somethinga bout executability04:30
Hobbseelike, debian/rules not being executable04:30
somerville32debian/rules is executed04:31
somerville32I do see this: DEB_MAKE_CHECK_TARGET unset, not running checks04:31
persiaHobbsee: That's cause an error much earlier in the process.04:32
Hobbseepersia: ahhh04:32
Hobbseepersia: it's been so long since i've done it :)04:32
persiasomerville32: the lack of running make check isn't a real error04:32
persiaErr.  by "isn't a real error", I mean "is safe to ignore"04:34
somerville32It built on my other computer IIRC04:35
persiaDoes your other computer have more RAM?04:35
somerville32I don't see dh_checkperms or w/e it is called being run. Is there a CDBS setting for that?04:35
persiasomerville32: Likely: there's a CDBS setting for everything.  On the other hand, your problem is not dh_fixperms: you're either running out of space or trying to write to a directory that doesn't exist (maybe you need a notecase.dirs file?)04:38
somerville32Most likely04:38
somerville32Well, I gotta jet. bbl04:38
persiasomerville32: Please post your interdiff example when you can: that really sounds like a combinediff error, and I'd like to make sure it doesn't happen often.04:39
somerville32Sure thing04:40
warp10Hi all!06:19
=== LaserJock is now known as LaserRock
imbrandonpwnguin: btw if you havent seen it here is the info on http://en.opensuse.org/Icecream , its pretty KDE centric, but iirc it can be used for anything , its kinda a distcc-ng by suse06:47
nixternalit can be used by whatever you want, the only thing kde centric with I think is the client status window06:55
pwnguinwell, distcc will probably be enough06:56
pwnguini guess you can't really hack in parallel builds to a package after the fact though06:56
pwnguinnot distcc,06:56
pwnguinfrom a time standpoint, perhaps i should just figure out debuild06:58
imbrandondebuild is essentialy the same as pbuilder only not preformed in a chroot, i.e. apt-get build-dep <package>; debuild <options>; ( from the main package directory )07:02
persiaEr. No.  debuild doesn't pull build-deps.07:02
imbrandoncommon options are -S -sa for a source only ( REVU ) upload , just plain debuild if you were the last to make a change and -us -uc if you were not07:02
imbrandonpersia: yea i added the apt-get build-dep bit :)07:03
persiaimbrandon: to debuild?  Why?07:03
imbrandondebuild is essentialy the same as pbuilder only not preformed in a chroot, i.e. apt-get build-dep <package>; debuild <options>; ( from the main package directory )07:03
imbrandon00:58 < pwnguin> from a time standpoint, perhaps i should just figure out debuild07:04
persiaimbrandon: Further how are you parsing the build-deps?  Will it pull the build-deps from the apt-cache or from debian/control?07:04
* persia attempts to calculate timezones and reviews backscroll07:04
imbrandonthey way i did it it will get them from the debian/control of the last one in the archive :)07:04
persiaimbrandon: Please don't do that: that completely breaks NBS processing.07:05
imbrandonpersia: we're not talking about for something to be uplaoded07:05
imbrandonhe is talking about using it for a personal build07:05
persiaimbrandon: Ah.  OK.  No worries then :)07:05
* persia still likes dpkg-checkbuilddep07:06
pwnguini do a lot of writing of new patches07:06
pwnguinpbuilder / debuild are helpful in that they already know the build process07:07
imbrandonoh wow , spam is getting worse, not just web 2.0 but "gibLink is a web 2.5 ..."07:10
* imbrandon rolls eys07:10
imbrandoneyes even07:10
pwnguingmail let through a spam that claimed to be from myself07:10
imbrandoni complain about spam but gmail catches 90% of it07:10
imbrandonstill a ton though07:10
imbrandonthat makes it to my inbox07:11
pwnguingmail's gotten better about catching russian spam07:11
pwnguinit used to not flag russian and japanese spam07:11
pwnguini get maybe one a week07:11
imbrandoni just hate when you get 100000 returned emails for your domain becouse someone forged spam from your domain07:11
pwnguinbut then i dont host a domain or place my email on my website07:12
imbrandongmail still handles my domain email but still07:12
pwnguinthere's a backport of compiz?07:13
imbrandonyea, few days ago07:13
pwnguinoh, screensaver security type patches in it07:13
warp10Hi lionel. You are the last uploader for sword. May I request the sync for it?07:16
Hobbseewarp10: which version is currently in ubuntu, and which version is in debian?07:18
warp10Hobbsee: 1.5.9-6ubuntu1 and 1.5.9-707:18
Hobbseewarp10: have you seen the changelog entry for the ubuntu version?07:19
warp10Hobbsee: yep!07:19
Hobbseewhat does it say?07:20
warp10Hobbsee: just the sync request and Maintainer: change07:20
imbrandonthe changelog has a sync request? was it a fakesync ?07:21
Hobbseeimbrandon: yeah, it's a fakesync.07:21
warp10imbrandon: fakesync indeed.07:21
* Hobbsee remembers it07:21
Hobbseewarp10: that means that you cant sync it, as the debian and ubuntu tarballs are different.07:21
FujitsuWhy was it fakesynced?07:21
warp10Hobbsee: mmm... but shouldn't it be anyway synced after a version change?07:22
Hobbseewarp10: the tarballs don't get synced across, if the tarball name is the same.07:23
Hobbseeyou have to apply the debian changes to the ubuntu package07:23
warp10Hobbsee: well, ok. I never met a fakesync before. Thanks for your hints!07:25
Hobbseeno problem07:25
imbrandonhte next sync can happen at 1.5.10/1.6 ( when a new tarbal is released upstream )07:26
imbrandonassuming there are still no ubuntu specific changes07:26
imbrandonthat cant be dropped07:27
=== nixternal is now known as _nixternal
geserStevenK: can I ask you about your changes to pdftk? I was looking at it and my changes are included in the Debian changes but I'm not sure if some of your changes are still needed.08:27
StevenKHum, wha? I made changes to pdftk? :-P08:27
StevenKgeser: Do you mind waiting until I sort out abiword?08:27
StevenKgeser: Okay, let me have a look while it builds.08:31
geserDebian builds now also with gcj-4.2 and g++-4.2 and it builds in a hardy pbuilder. So I don't know if those changes to the Makefile are still needed.08:34
geserOtherwise the package can be synced.08:34
StevenKgeser: My only change for pdftk was a rebuild08:38
StevenKI only added a changelog entry08:38
geserStevenK: http://patches.ubuntu.com/p/pdftk/pdftk_1.40-2ubuntu3.patch lists you also for -2ubuntu108:40
geserand the second patch has also ## general-fixes.dpatch by Steve Kowalik <stevenk@ubuntu.com>08:41
StevenKOh, ubuntu308:43
StevenKHrm. If I recall this a was a hard fix08:44
StevenKgeser: Right, I'm not certain that the Makefile patches are required anymore - if the compiler can find the paths itself, then drop it08:46
StevenKgeser: If I recall, doko asked it was built against 4.208:47
geserok, thanks. I'll request a sync then.08:47
StevenKgeser: Basically, the patch was to fix a build failure since it wasn't finding other class files referenced08:48
geserDebian changes in their build-gcc-4.2 patch the classpath for the GCJH calls. I guess for the same purpose08:49
StevenKFair enough, sync it08:49
imbrandonRAOF: ping09:33
imbrandonwelp i'm gonna call it an early night and see if i can get some sleep09:41
imbrandongnight all09:41
imbrandonthanks slangasek09:41
RAOFimbrandon: pong!~10:16
* persia encourages the use of Post-It™ notes when playing simulated table tennis10:18
RAOFGah, missed lordkow.10:19
persiajpatrick: About styleclock: I was just adding a watch file, and noticed the rpath and shlibs issues.  Do you remember why this package sets a private library?10:35
jpatrickpersia: nop10:36
jpatrickI think upstream's dead anyway10:36
persiajpatrick: Should we drop the package?  I'm just trying to clean up missing watch files for Ubuntu-only packages.10:37
jpatrickwith KDE4 it should be ok to drop10:37
persiajpatrick: OK.  I'll file a removal request.  Thanks.10:38
jpatrickit this not a valid .install file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45682/ ?10:48
persiajpatrick: Below ----- only?10:49
jpatrickabove is the error I keep getting10:49
persiaOK.  Is there a $(CURDIR)/usr/ ?10:50
jpatrickusr/ should be debian/tmp/usr10:50
jpatrickhmm, I could leave out the usr/ since there is no other package made10:51
persiajpatrick: Should be, but I'm not sure you can mix the "move bits from debian/tmp into subpackages" with raw installs (then again, I could be wrong).10:51
persiaAh, if you've only one package, then dh_install isn't in multipackage mode, and that won't work at all.  That's it.10:52
persianext, is there really a $(CURDIR)/tmp/buildd/tork-023... ?10:52
persiaThat just looks wrong to me.10:52
jpatricklintian reports file-in-unusual-dir and dir-or-file-in-tmp for those files10:53
jpatrickI'm getting to get them into the right place10:53
persiaI suspect there's something funny with your build system.  That's just not a good rule, as it will break for local builds, and will break for a version upgrade.10:54
jpatrickI have mailed upstream about it and he's very confused about what's happening10:54
DaveMorriscan someone review my package please. http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=libserial10:55
persiajpatrick: The part that confuses me is why debian/tork/usr/share/man/man1/... is the wrong place.10:55
jpatrickpersia: that's the thing :>10:56
persiajpatrick: Could you pastebin `dpkg --contents` for the binary if you don't have those funny lines (and get the lintian error)?10:56
jpatrickpersia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45683/10:58
persiajpatrick: Thanks.  That's clearly wrong :)  How about a buildlog?11:01
persiaAlso, this should really be three packages: tork-tsocks, libtorksocks1, and libtorksocks-dev11:03
persiaHrm.  With this many icons, I'd check the size: it might even deserve a tork-common as well...11:07
persiajpatrick: OK.  I think I have it.  Could you paste upstream Makefile (after patching)?11:08
jpatrickpersia: upstream will be estatic if you do :) being trying to get this to package for two months now: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45686/11:10
persiajpatrick: That looks like Makefile.in : is that really the Makefile?11:12
jpatrickit's a Makefile.am11:12
persiaAh.  Could you run a build that doesn't delete afterwards, and also paste Makefile.in and Makefile?11:12
jpatrickhow do you pbuild so it doesn't delete?11:14
* persia doesn't use pbuilder and seeks support from others11:15
pochuyou can login into pbuilder and then build it, but you will have to manually copy the files into /var/cache/pbuilder/buildd.../home/11:16
persiapochu: Thanks11:16
jpatrickI copied the src somewhere else ran "debian/rules build" from there11:17
persiajpatrick: Is this CDBS, or hand-built rules?11:20
persianevermind.  I just checked the build-deps (headsmack)11:21
james_wShould merging of packages in main be left to -core-dev?11:35
persiaslangasek: Regarding Alpha 1: how does that affect universe?  Should we be targeting wiping the NBS list, or is it not as critical?  As universe doesn't really affect the CD, would you prefer a universe freeze, or is it not essential?11:36
Hobbseepersia: soyuz will force it all to freeze, if it's like usual, universe gets a manual shove11:36
persiajames_w: It depends.  If you know the package well, and have worked with it before, you can go ahead.11:36
Hobbseeerm.  which i still can't do.  bugger.11:36
persiaHobbsee: Not based on the recent mail to u-d@11:36
james_wpersia: no I don't/haven't.11:37
persiajames_w: If you're not a previous contributor to the package, it's best to leave the merge, unless you're working with a previous contributor.11:37
james_wpersia: that makes sense. However I didn't notice until I'd actually done the work.11:37
persiajames_w: In that case, best to leave it.  Sponsoring into main can take a while, and the packages are all assigned to specific developers.11:37
Hobbseepersia: oh, ignore me.  i havent actually read teh mail yet.11:38
persiaHobbsee: I try, but somehow I find it difficult :)11:38
persiahey RainCT11:38
pochujames_w: or ask the last uploader to review it if he can11:38
Hobbseepersia: :P11:38
persiaHmm.  I have a main merge.  Oops!11:39
RainCTI'm merging classpath and it has the following Ubuntu specific changes: * Add /usr/include/xulrunner to CLASSPATH_INCLUDES in configure  * And MOZILLA_CFLAGS       are those required for something or might just be needed for it to build?11:39
persiaRainCT: Those are required to get the mozilla classes in the classpath.  I'd check in #ubuntu-mozillateam to get a better understanding about them11:40
james_wthanks persia11:40
Hobbseeslangasek: where can i find the information on what was discussed w.r.t the release team, at UDS?11:41
persiajames_w: No problem.  Thanks for asking.11:41
persiaIs KDE4 targeted for hardy, or will it still be KDE3.x?11:43
RainCTpersia: ok, thx11:43
Hobbseepersia: it'll be there, but not by deafult11:43
persiaRight then.  I shan't remove styleclock, just fix it.11:43
jpatrickpersia: aha, I got the Makefile http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45690/11:46
jpatrickeven tho it says Makefile.in...11:47
persiajpatrick: Makefile.in isn't Makefile, but it's closer :)11:48
jpatrickthat was the Makefile in /tmp/build/obj-linux-thingy/src/tsocks11:48
persiajpatrick: Now I'm confused.  This is Makefile or Makefile.in?11:49
* persia hopes '*' doesn't indicate shell expansion :)11:50
jpatricknop, correction :)11:50
persiajpatrick: Found it: line 66 sets the install directory to $(DESTDIR)$(torksocksmanpagedir), and line 412 sets torksocksmanpagedir to $(DESTDIR/$(mandir)/man1, which is a clear duplicate.11:56
persiaThe next step is to look at Makefile.in, to try to figure out why that happens, and the final step is to adjust Makefile.am to make it not happen.11:56
jpatrickpersia: ok, will do11:57
persiajpatrick: Good luck, and thanks for tracking this down rather than trying to work around it with dh_install.11:58
persiaDaveMorris: still about?11:58
LucidFoxHobbsee> Out of curiosity, will KDE4 be in universe or main?12:00
DaveMorrispersia: for around 10 mins12:01
persiaDaveMorris: You win then :)  Looking at libserial now...12:01
persia(and it will likely take longer than 10 minutes: no need to wait)12:03
HobbseeLucidFox: universe, probably12:04
Hobbseeit's unsupported12:04
DaveMorriswell I'll bee back in around 10 then12:06
persiaDaveMorris: Commented12:13
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DaveMorrispersia: any manuals I can read regarding the manpage problems?12:30
persiaDaveMorris: I can't find one offhand.  Please let me know if you encounter one: it would be a valuable addition to the packaging guide.12:34
DaveMorrisyeah, since I know nothing about manpages (except how to use them)12:35
persiaDaveMorris: That's about where I stand :)  There might be something useful in /usr/share/doc/man-db/man-db-manual*, but I've not read it.12:37
DaveMorrisAfter working on these packages I know why so many ppl just have packages on there site rather than putting them into the distros.  Because going from a package which can be installed and works to getting past revu is actually quite a big jump12:40
persiaDaveMorris: It depends on how one defines "works", but I'd agree that the policy hurdles are often more difficult than just wrapping the package.  Thanks for trying: I think it's better for everyone when the package are in the distributions.12:48
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LucidFoxhttp://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=libhiglayout-java <-- please nuke/archive, I've filed a sync request from Debian instead13:40
persiaLucidFox: Archving.  Thanks.13:41
LucidFoxI've uploaded an updated package for review: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=qdvdauthor , and would also appreciate a review of http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=avidemux13:53
persiaLucidFox: avidemux and qdvdauthor generate lintian output from the source: please adjust, check the binaries, and reupload.14:02
LucidFoxhow do I check lintian output from the source?14:03
persiaLucidFox: lintian -iIv on the .dsc.  Alternately, look at the lintian link on the URLs you provided when requesting review.14:04
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
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james_whi \sh.14:34
james_wcould you give me some information on why http://patches.ubuntu.com/a/asc/asc_1.16.3.0-3ubuntu1.patch was necessary please?14:34
\shphew..starting engines for the day just now :)14:35
\shjames_w, without it, it was FTBFSing in gutsy these days..14:35
StevenHarperUKHi, how can I add translations to : https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/easycrypt14:36
james_w\sh: so you don't know what dependencies changed to make that necessary?14:36
\shjames_w, feisty..sry14:37
\shjames_w, nope..I'm just checking what the source is telling me, what it needs, and it gets it14:37
persiaStevenHarperUK: How do you mean?  Do you want to add more .po files?14:37
\shjames_w, most likely a diff in libsdl1.2* deps...between debian and ubuntu these days...14:38
StevenHarperUKI have a PO file I want to use the launchpad feature to get more translations14:38
james_w\sh: thanks. I was talking to the games team about applying it themselves, and they wanted to understand why it was different.14:38
\shjames_w, if debians version works now, sync it14:38
james_w\sh: yeah, I'll try a test build of current sid in hardy.14:38
persiajames_w: The reason was that there was massive library skew for feisty.  It's all sorted now.14:38
\shjames_w, bah...all build-dep changes are coming mostly from changed deps in build-deps of ubuntu...those changes are mostly shortliving changes14:39
james_wpersia: so we should be able to drop the Ubuntu changes now?14:39
persiajames_w: Always test build to check for sure, but usually that type of change isn't worth preserving (unless the changelog says something like "add aalib-dev to build-depends to support ASCII output).14:40
\shjames_w, try the debian version ... build it, if it's building without FTBFS it's ok to sync..if not, stay with it14:40
persiajames_w: Also, if Ubuntu depends on a newer version of something, always preserve that, as it is usually related to some transition that has to be handled differently due to Ubuntu's frequent release cycle: many things get finished and dropped in Debian that need to be supported in Ubuntu due to massive user distribution.14:41
james_wyeah, of course I'll check, I was thinking more about pushing upstream.14:41
StevenHarperUKpersia: what I want is to use launchpad to get translators to add new translations, the tab is greyed, how do I change that14:42
james_wStevenHarperUK: I think you might have to set it up for a project, rather than a source package. I'm just speculating though.14:42
james_wStevenHarperUK: also #launchpad is probably a more appropriate location for this question.14:43
StevenHarperUKI have uploaded a PO in the project, but its been sat in the Queue for ages (over a month)14:43
persiaStevenHarperUK: I'm not sure about that.  I think only Ubuntu main is translated automatically, and for the rest you'd need to register a project in Launchpad, and enable Rosetta.  I may be wrong: it's worth looking at the Translations pages in Launchpad directly (I didn't find anything from a quick search).14:43
StevenHarperUKOK thanks14:43
StevenHarperUKpersia: I have another Question - now that easycrypt is past the NEW queue : do I use REVU as the upload location for new VERSIONS : and just do the Bug raising as specified in the contributing pages?14:45
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
persiaStevenHarperUK: You want to open a bug, and subscribe the sponsors.  For new upstreams, use an interdiff please, as debdiff is confusing.  Be sure your watch file works (or your get-orig-source).14:45
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
persia\sh: Is that a scripted away change?14:46
StevenHarperUKpersia: do I just submit the new version -as I am upstream or do I have to make the diffs?14:47
\shpersia, I think it's new ati binary only aixgl support drivers fcking with my computer somehow14:47
persia\sh: Ah.  Sorry to hear that :(14:47
persiaStevenHarperUK: The interdiff of the diff.gz files is useful, as it represents the new candidate revision for upload to the repository.  I'd expect you'll be making most changes upstream, so likely only debian/changelog would differ (making a small diff).  The sponsors will use the watch file to download your new upstream tarball.14:48
LucidFoxI reuploaded qdvdauthor14:49
\shFujitsu, why did you set the status to invalid for bug #162385 ?14:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 162385 in drupal "[Security] Several Security Issues for drupal 5.x before 5.3" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16238514:49
persia\sh: It's really late there: you may wait ~8 hours for a response (although I may be mistaken)14:49
Fujitsu\sh: Note the extra task, to properly represent status.14:50
* persia is mistaken14:50
\shFujitsu, ah ok...14:50
Fujitsupersia: That you are. I'm about to go to bed, though.14:50
\shFujitsu, sleep well :)14:50
StevenHarperUKpersia: so to conclude, I make sure my watch file is correct (which it is), upload to REVU , and follow the bug raising guide and subscribing.14:50
\shwell, working on a python bug14:50
persiaStevenHarperUK: Skip the REVU step: no need.  Just make sure your watch file is correct: make sure you have updated packaging (new .dsc, new .diff.gz), and attach the interdiff to the bug.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing for instructions.14:51
StevenHarperUKpersia: ta14:52
geserHobbsee: Hi, are you doing give-backs?15:00
Hobbseegeser: bribes accepted.15:00
* Hobbsee can do givebacks, yes.15:01
Hobbseewhether i'm going to at this time of night is an interesting question :P15:01
geserHobbsee: can you give-back advi on all arches for nxvl?15:02
Hobbseegeser: where?15:03
Hobbsee(gutsy, hardy)?15:03
\shoh wow...how do someone create a patch for python without knowing with patch is applying first?15:04
Hobbseegeser: all given back15:04
norsettohello folks15:10
persiagood evening norsetto15:10
norsettohiya persia15:10
persiaI hope I was stepping on your toes in my response: I think yours was much more concise.15:11
geserHi norsetto15:11
norsettohey geser15:11
persiaErr..  s/was/wasn't/15:11
norsettopersia: lol15:11
\shdoko_, can you explain your patch system in python2.5? how are the patches applied, reading in which logical order ?15:12
LucidFoxWhat's the difference between ${source:Version} and  ${binary:Version}?15:15
james_wLucidFox: they can differ in a binNMU.15:15
james_wi.e. it's possible to build new binaries with an increased version number without making a new source upload and building arch: all packages.15:16
persiajames_w: Actually, we don't have binNMU in Ubuntu (but, yes).15:17
persiaLucidFox: use (= ${binary:Version}) for arch:any depending on arch:any,  (= ${source:Version}) for arch:any depending on arch:all, and (>= ${source:Version}) for arch:all depending on arch:any.15:21
james_w\sh: there's an explicit list in debian/rules15:23
\shjames_w, yeah I just realized how crazy this is ...15:24
Ubulettewho assigned bug 164123 to MOTU ? it should be mozillateam. In fact, i have the package ready for review.. just waiting for asac to come back.15:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 164123 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox 3 Gran Paradiso need upgrade" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16412315:24
\shUbulette, as it seems, that this package is in universe, it's motu land so it's correct...you need to catch those reports and push them to your team15:25
persiaUbulette: There's actually tons of bugs in universe randomly assigned to MOTU.  Feel free to reassign.15:25
persiaUbulette: If you have a working watch file or get-orig-source, sending it to the sponsors queue might get it uploaded faster (and yes, I know we've had this discussion before :) )15:26
Kmosubotu: how about firefox for gutsy ?15:27
KmosUbulette: how about firefox for gutsy ?15:27
Ubuletteno security fix in this one so no.15:27
\shKmos, i thought there was a report to -security15:27
persiaKmos: That'd be a backport, no?  Not something done by the mozillateam, eh?15:27
Kmospersia: can't be a SRU ?15:28
Ubulettemaybe in a few days15:28
\shUbulette, is this .jar exploit not fixed?15:28
persia!sru | Kmos15:28
ubotuKmos: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates15:28
* Kmos follow the link15:28
persiaKmos: Pay special attention to the criteria for SRU: it needs to be completely broken in some way.15:28
Ubulette\sh, I'll check but asac usually prefers to do ff2 himself. I do ff3.15:30
\shUbulette, reading the release notes of there are no sec fixes inside...15:31
Kmospersia: if it has a security vuln. ubuntu-security team should handle it from -security repository, and can't be a SRU15:31
persiaKmos: Right.  And if it works for most people, it also can't be SRU.15:31
\shKmos, security vulnerability != completly broken ,-)15:31
soothsayerHow should a package deal with a file superceding a file from another package? That is, package-2 needs to a different version of a file provided by package-1.15:31
Kmos\sh: yeah.15:31
Kmospersia: thanks15:32
persiasoothsayer: There are a number of solutions, depending on the nature of the target file.  Could you share a little more context?15:32
StevenHarperUKpersia: I have done all the stuff (moved all my SVN round) to make building the diff automated - but the diff file seems to have Date and times of the files in the diff and it mentions every file : is this correct?15:32
Kmos2.0.0.9 isn't at hardy.. so can't be backported yet15:32
persiaKmos: No problems: you've not annoyed me lately, so you get good answers to questions :)15:32
StevenHarperUKpersia: can I PM you the text15:32
james_wsoothsayer: are these two binary packages built from one source?15:32
soothsayerpersia: I'm happy to share context but I don't know very much about the internals of the two packages.15:33
soothsayerjames_w: No.15:33
Kmospersia :) i hope i continue this way15:33
james_wsoothsayer: what sort of file is it? (binary, config, docs?)15:33
soothsayerjames_w: They are two libraries15:33
soothsayerNeither are packaged, I'm trying to build packages for them.15:34
james_wsoothsayer: ah, that's tricky.15:34
UbuletteKmos, I can easily prepare for hardy but it's useless, is almost out15:34
james_wsoothsayer: are you just packaging the libraries, or dependent binaries?15:34
soothsayerjames_w: Just the libs15:35
james_wsoothsayer: and is it necessary to package both?15:35
\shmore important is, how do we get the sec fixes from .10 to gutsy ;)15:35
KmosUbulette: ok =)15:35
soothsayerjames_w: I don't need to package either. Packages are just to make my life easier15:35
\shreading about those .jar crap..it's important15:35
james_wsoothsayer: yes, but why two versions?15:36
james_wsoothsayer: do they have the same soname?15:36
persiaStevenHarperUK: Could you pastebin it?15:37
StevenHarperUKpersia: I have never used that, ill go try thou15:37
persia!pastebin | StevenHarperUK15:38
ubotuStevenHarperUK: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:38
soothsayerjames_w: The conflicting files are header files. I'll post a diff of the files, just a sec.15:38
brandonperrydid anyone in here package hardinfo for gutsy?15:38
StevenHarperUKpersia: http://pastebin.com/d44468f915:38
persiabrandonperry: No.15:39
brandonperryor was it just moved from the feisty repos to the gutsy?15:39
james_wsoothsayer: ah, then these are -dev packages we are talking about, that's slightly different. It is possible to have two versions of a library installed at once, but headers are a lot more tricky.15:39
StevenHarperUKpersia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45702/15:40
persiaStevenHarperUK: What command did you use to generate that?15:40
james_wsoothsayer: if the two versions are incompatible then you are a bit stuck.15:40
soothsayerjames_w: Ah made a mistake. One library is already packaged and provided by Ubuntu. The other is not yet packaged and has the aforementioned conflict.15:40
StevenHarperUKpersia: diff -urN debian.old debian > easycrypt.debian.patch15:40
\shbrandonperry, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hardinfo/15:40
\shbrandonperry, so you can see it came from debian15:40
soothsayerjames_w:  http://www.pastebin.ca/79588315:40
soothsayer^ Diff of the files15:40
james_wsoothsayer: thanks15:41
persiaStevenHarperUK: Ah.  I was hoping for the output of `interdiff -z easycrypt_0.2.1.11-0ubuntu1.diff.gz easycrypt_0.2.1.12-0ubuntu1.diff.gz`15:41
StevenHarperUKpersia: ok that will be done15:42
StevenHarperUKpersia: back soon15:42
persiabrandonperry: Now, why did you ask?  If you have a question about the hardinfo packaging, we may be able to answer?15:42
soothsayerjames_w: The two packages are 'gmp' (already packaged) and Linbox (which I'm trying to package)15:42
brandonperrywell, it is completely unstable on gutsy15:42
brandonperrybut is fine on feisty15:42
james_wsoothsayer: so linbox uses a copy of gmp?15:43
LucidFoxreuploaded avidemux: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=avidemux15:43
brandonperrythat is it15:43
persiabrandonperry: Hmmm...  It looks like it's a newer version on gutsy.  You'd likely do best to file a bug report.15:43
brandonperryit isn't really a question as much as an observation15:43
james_wsoothsayer: they don't look incompatible to me, so the solution would be to make linbox use the system gmp.15:44
soothsayerjames_w: What do you mean exactly? It uses gmp and apparently needs a modified header file. It doesn't provide another version of gmp apart from the header15:44
james_wsoothsayer: (also most people use diff -u, I personally find it much more readable)15:44
james_wsoothsayer: it just has the header file? That's a little odd.15:45
* persia suspects a private implementation15:45
james_wsoothsayer: is your /usr/include/gmp++/gmp++.h the one from the packages gmp++?15:46
soothsayer^ diff -u15:46
soothsayerjames_w: I believe so. I'll verify it...15:47
james_wsoothsayer: thanks.15:47
james_wsoothsayer: it may well be, but things like __GIVARO_GMP_VERSION_3 stick out.15:47
james_wsoothsayer: also, I can't find /usr/include/gmp++/gmp++.h in Ubuntu.15:50
soothsayerjames_w: You are right it is from Givaro.15:50
soothsayerjames_w: Still, same problem only now neither library is already packaged.15:50
james_wlibgmp3-dev provides /usr/include/gmpxx.h15:51
james_wsoothsayer: you should see how the versions you have differ with that file.15:51
james_wsoothsayer: is it http://ljk.imag.fr/CASYS/LOGICIELS/givaro/ ?15:52
soothsayerjames_w: Yes. The other package is at linalg.org15:53
james_wsoothsayer: ok, this is quite odd, but it looks to me that you could package givaro, and then the other lib, but make it use givaro's copy of that header.15:57
james_whowever the copyright situation of the givaro library might be a little shaky.15:58
RainCTdavromaniak: ping15:59
soothsayerjames_w: Are you sure that the two headers are compatible?15:59
davromaniakRainCT, pong16:00
james_wsoothsayer: not *sure*, but the first diff you showed looks like they should be.16:00
soothsayerjames_w: Alright, thanks.16:00
james_wsoothsayer: maybe I was a bit quick on the copyright warning, I would check it carefully, but it looks like it might be ok.16:01
RainCTdavromaniak: someone is asking me about dvdstyler, are you still working on this?16:01
davromaniakyes, but I don't a big amount of spare time to work on it16:02
davromaniakand the upstream tgz is not clean16:02
soothsayerjames_w: Yeah, okay. I'll check out the copyright situation if I manage to get it packaged.16:02
StevenHarperUKpersia: I have done the interdiff : and automated it all - does this look correct now please http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45704/16:02
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
persiaStevenHarperUK: The format is correct.  I've a few comments about the content: firstly, why doesn't upstream adopt the manpage?  secondly, since and were never released as official .dsc, you don't need debian/changelog entries for them, thirdly it's preferred to state "New Upstream Version" rather than "no packaging changes": remember that when you edit debian/changelog, you do it with your distribution maintainer hat, rather th16:06
StevenHarperUKpersia: What does adopt the manpage mean16:09
persiaStevenHarperUK: Move the manpage from debian/ into the upstream sources, so it ends up in orig.tar.gz, and is installed by the upstream build system.  This way, if the package is used in another distribution, that distribution also gets to use the manpage.16:10
StevenHarperUKpersia: can I please do that for
soothsayerjames_w: If it turns out that they are not compatible, what are my options?16:11
persiaStevenHarperUK: Certainly.  It's not a sponsorship block, just advice :)16:11
StevenHarperUKpersia: its sound like good advice too16:11
soothsayerIt's upstream's mistake right?16:11
persiaStevenHarperUK: For the upload, I would prefer the removal of the extra changelog entries, and the use of "New Upstream Version" though.16:11
StevenHarperUKpersia: Already done : please check - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45710/16:13
Ubulettewhat's the path to get a new package in hardy ? I have Prism ready for a while. https://edge.launchpad.net/prism/   (It's a SVN release so far)16:13
james_wsoothsayer: well, that would be why they were shipping a private copy, but as it's just the header file that would be a really bad idea.16:13
StevenHarperUKpersia: hold on that s nto it16:13
StevenHarperUKpersia: Not it16:13
james_wsoothsayer: the best solution would be to modify linbox so it is compatible.16:13
persiaStevenHarperUK: you're too late, but I'll wait :)16:13
soothsayerjames_w: Okay thakns16:14
StevenHarperUKpersia: Here you go : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45711/16:15
james_wsoothsayer: no problem.16:18
persiaStevenHarperUK: From a visual scan, that looks pretty good.  Please attach it to a bug and subscribe the sponsors team to request upload.16:19
StevenHarperUKpersia: I will but should I not test it first?16:19
persiaStevenHarperUK: I thought you already did that :)16:20
RainCTman-di: ping16:21
StevenHarperUKpersia: doing it now, ta16:21
* persia encourages abstention from contentless pings16:21
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StevenHarperUKpersia: Tests Pass ill get it submitted, thanks for you as usual superb help16:26
persiaStevenHarperUK: No problem.  Thanks for taking the trouble to maintain your software in Ubuntu.  Now that you've done it once, I suspect future upgrades should go smoothly.16:27
StevenHarperUKVery smoothly : I have automated it all with scripts16:27
StevenHarperUKAll in SVN if  your interested16:27
StevenHarperUKpersia: http://www.squeezedonkey.com/svn/linux/branches/easycrypt/
persiaStevenHarperUK: I tend to use dpkg-parsechangelog to get the current version, and then pull from VCS using that version as a tag with a get-orig-source rule in debian/rules.  Further, by using the VCS-* tags in debian/control, one can identify the branches for the debian revisions.  You may also be interested in the pristine-tar package.16:30
StevenHarperUKpersia: ill add it into my list of things to investigate16:31
persiaStevenHarperUK: Good luck.  My mechanisms may not be ideal for you, as I touch lots of software, whereas you're also doing the development, but there are more tools that support VCS* and get-orig-source which you could leverage int he future :)16:34
Ubuletteso, noone for my question about getting Prism into hardy ?16:35
persiaUbulette: which question again?16:36
Ubulettepersia, what do I have to do to 1st get it in there ?16:37
persiaUbulette: All new packages should go to REVU.  Once it's clean, and it gets two advocates, it gets uploaded.  You can get it through REVU faster by trying to make it as clean as possible and running all the automated checks before each upload.  Further, ask for review here once a day, and more often on Mondays to encourage people to look at it.16:39
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
StevenHarperUKpersia: I have Subscribed the ubuntu-universe-sponsors team to my bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/easycrypt/+bug/164880 : is that the last step for now?16:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 164880 in easycrypt "Candidate revision easycrypt_0.2.1.14-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:41
persiaStevenHarperUK: I usually recommend adding a short summary of the upstream changelog in the description of the bug to explain why the upgrade is a good idea, but at this point you wait.  The sponsors usually provide a response within a day or so.16:42
StevenHarperUKOK ill add that to  the bug16:42
StevenHarperUKand Ill mark it as passed, when it get uploaded And  builds for all16:43
StevenHarperUKpersia: Ok i'm off to entertain kids now16:44
StevenHarperUKpersia: Cya16:44
Ubulettepersia, so I need to register to yet another system. damn. you guys know how to make life harder than it should be :P16:46
Ubuletteok, I joined w-w-c, now i wait ?16:47
persiaUbulette: No registration required.  Just join ~ubuntu-universe-contributors in LP.16:47
Ubulettedamn fingers16:47
persiaUbulette: Right.  Unfortunately, I've forgotten how to resync the keyring, so we'll have to wait for another REVU admin16:47
* DktrKranz should ask a REVU admin to add him to the reviewers group...16:48
* persia looks for docs, hoping someone appears to provide guidance...16:50
\shDktrKranz, there are bugreports on LP for tikiwikipikisikiklicki, right?16:56
\shhooray..I just learned how dokos selfmade patch system is working for python16:57
DktrKranz\sh, only one open for tikiwikipikisikiklicki (bug 163833), but several CVEs16:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 163833 in tikiwiki "[tikiwiki] Multiple vulnerabilities possibly resulting in the remote execution of arbitrary code" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16383316:58
persiaRight.  DktrKranz, Ubulette: I must apologize, but I don't seem to be able to figure out how to perform the tasks.  Please look for another admin in a few hours.16:58
ScottKMaybe imbrandon is awake?  I'm pretty sure he knows how.16:59
DktrKranzpersia, No problem. Thanks for trying,16:59
\shDktrKranz, ah cool...I'll assign it to me  and fix it after I won the fight with python :)16:59
Ubulettehmm; ok. it says it's also autosynced nightly. depends on when nightly is...16:59
DktrKranz\sh these one are for sure: CVE-2006-6457 CVE-2007-4554 CVE-2007-542317:00
ubotutiki-wiki_rss.php in Tikiwiki 1.9.5, 1.9.2, and possibly other versions allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information (MySQL username and password) via an invalid (large or negative) ver parameter, which leaks the information in an error message. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2006-6457)17:00
ubotuCross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in tiki-remind_password.php in Tikiwiki (aka Tiki CMS/Groupware) 1.9.7 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the username parameter.  NOTE: this issue might be related to CVE-2006-2635.7. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-4554)17:00
ubotuEval injection vulnerability in tiki-graph_formula.php in TikiWiki 1.9.8 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via PHP sequences in the f array parameter. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-5423)17:00
\shhmm.why are 6457 and 4554 not added to the bug then?17:01
DktrKranz\sh, which fight? I like fighting, even if I usually lose...17:01
\shDktrKranz, just fixing python2.5 (CVE-2007-4965)17:01
ubotuMultiple integer overflows in the imageop module in Python 2.5.1 and earlier allow context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) and possibly obtain sensitive information (memory contents) via crafted arguments to (1) the tovideo method, and unspecified other vectors related to (2) imageop.c, (3) rbgimgmodule.c, and other files, which trigger heap-based buffer overflows. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-17:01
\shDktrKranz, and fighting with dokos patch system17:02
DktrKranzanother patch system to learn? Is it complex enough to be loved? :)17:02
\shDktrKranz, it's one of those systems, you want to forget...but I know doko, so there is always a reason for this17:03
DktrKranzIs it in python2.5? I'm curious to see it, just for my reference17:04
\shDktrKranz, yepp...apt-get source python2.517:05
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
* DktrKranz loves quilt now...17:05
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
\shmy workstation fcks around with me...always crashing17:10
man-diRainCT: pong17:11
=== asac_ is now known as asac
DktrKranz\sh, that's the main issue with developmet releases :)17:13
\shDktrKranz, running gursy17:13
\shthink more a hardware problem...well nextmonth there is new hardware coming17:14
DktrKranzwhat about early upgrade, then? :D17:14
\shwhat is a good mp3/ogg player for the console?17:14
persia\sh: mpg123?17:15
RainCTman-di: about classpath, does the ./configure file still need to be patched in Ubuntu or are the changes in Debian now?17:15
\shpersia, looks like that mpg123 doesn't handle ogg somehow17:15
man-diRainCT: what is patched in Ubuntu?17:16
man-diRainCT: was this about the mozilla headers?17:16
RainCTman-di: yes. * Add /usr/include/xulrunner to CLASSPATH_INCLUDES in configure, * And MOZILLA_CFLAGS17:16
persia\sh: ogg123?17:17
\shPackage ogg123 is not available, but is referred to by another package.17:17
\shThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or17:17
\shis only available from another source17:17
\shE: Package ogg123 has no installation candidate17:17
RainCT\sh: I used xmms2 for a while17:18
persiaRainCT: on the console?17:18
* persia didn't know it did that17:18
man-diRainCT: I need to check17:18
RainCTit runs in the background so you can close the terminal and it continues playing, and switch songs from any window, etc. :)17:19
persia\sh: ogg123 is provided by "vorbis-tools".  Don't you have command-missing (or whatever it's called) installed?17:20
\shpersia, it doesn't matter ogg123 is broken somehow17:23
\shogg123 *.ogg17:23
\shCreating link /home/shermann/.kde/socket-acer-p4-home.17:23
\shcan't create mcop directory17:23
persia\sh: Ah.  Sorry about that: I haven't tried it in a while.17:23
\shbut why the hell it has kde support?17:24
persiaI'm really not sure why it pokes .kde though.17:24
\shthis bastard had ogg123 -d arts17:24
\shas default17:24
persiaThat's not right.17:25
persiaI don't suppose you're uploading the fix now?17:25
\shpersia, it's gutsy17:28
persia\sh: Ah.  Not much we can do about that for gutsy, but maybe we can prevent annoying people in 5 months?17:28
\shyepp...but first let me finish this python stuff17:29
persia\sh: Thanks.17:31
\shhmmm...how is vorbis determine the default device if it's not alsa?17:38
\shhmm...it's libao17:41
\shfirst ogg123 tries config file setting, then it tries libao default device....17:42
persia\sh: libao2 should point to ALSA, and libao-pulse should point to pulseaudio.  Where do you want it to point?17:42
\shpersia, yes it should, but it doesn't point to alsa, as I saw just now17:43
\shwhen you start ogg123 it wants arts17:43
* persia grabs code, as this doesn't make sense17:43
\shpersia, right...17:43
persia\sh: And ogg123 -d alsa doesn't work?17:44
\shpersia, ogg123 -d alsa works,17:45
\shbut ogg123 -> points to arts by default...17:45
\shso ao_default_driver_id is at fault it seems17:45
\shhey jono17:46
=== LaserRock is now known as LaserJock
jonohey \sh :)17:46
LaserJockhi jono17:48
jonoheya LaserJock :)17:48
\shpersia, ok.../etc/libao.conf tells me that the default_driver=alsa09 is17:49
* persia hunts an .ogg file17:49
LaserJockpersia: looks like you been doing some wiki work today17:50
persiaLaserJock: Not as much as I ought :(17:50
LaserJocksomething anyway17:50
LaserJockwas that Launchpad page new?17:50
persia\sh: I think it's local: when I try it, it hits ALSA by default.17:51
\shpersia, do you have kde installed next to gnome?17:51
persiaLaserJock: That LP page was ancient: early feisty: my first attempt at fulfilling your desire for process documentation.17:51
persia\sh: No.17:51
\shpersia, add kubuntu-desktop to your installation and try again17:52
\shLaserJock, do you have kubuntu installed next to gnome=?17:52
* persia doesn't have that much free disk space, and seeks a Kubuntu tester for ogg123 to replicate \sh's issue.17:52
LaserJock\sh: yes17:52
persiaLaserJock: Do you have an ogg file?17:52
LaserJockhmm, surely somewhere, let me locate17:53
\shLaserJock, ok...can you try ogg123...and tell me what it uses as output device? alsa or arts?17:53
* persia points at http://www.vorbis.com/music/ for easy download if you have trouble17:53
persia(package is vorbis-tools)17:53
LaserJockah sweet lots of .oggs17:53
LaserJock\sh: how would I tell what the output device would be? and should I do it in gnome or kde?17:54
\shLaserJock, in gnome :)17:54
persiaLaserJock: run it in a terminal: it prints the output device when it starts17:54
LaserJockok, it says alsa17:54
persiaOK.  Now try it in KDE, just in case (if you don't mind)17:55
LaserJockyep, gutsy17:55
LaserJockok, one sec17:55
persia\sh: Have you already checked /etc/libao.conf?17:55
\shpersia, yepp it says default_device=alsa0917:55
\shshermann@acer-p4-home:~$ cat /etc/libao.conf17:56
persia\sh: Try deleting the "09".  I'm fairly certain gutsy has the 1.0 API.17:56
\shpersia, hmmm..it was a new install earlier for this gutsy17:56
\shpersia, yepp...the 09 was the problem17:57
\shpersia, now I can listen to http://www.jamendo.com/album/5172 :)17:58
persiaHmmm...  I wonder how that happened.17:58
persia\sh: Is that your guitar & electronica experiment?17:58
\shpersia, nope...that a french group...playing a mixture of trance and  j.m-jarre17:59
LaserJockok, back17:59
LaserJockit's arts in KDE17:59
\shpersia, it's in the source file of libao-0.8.817:59
persiaLaserJock: Interesting...17:59
mok0I think several packages, that have been modified in Ubuntu, are merely adding desktop entries and the like. Wouldn't it make more sense to let the package go unchanged, but with a companion package that supplies the Ubuntu-specific files. Just a thought.18:00
LaserJockmok0: actually, it makes the most sense to send the changes upstream18:00
persiamok0: No, because that would require extra infrastructure.  Amusingly, we have a package that contains all the .desktop files painfully extracted from each package to which we add them, but those .desktop files are excluded from view by default.18:01
LaserJockpersia: does that include Universe packages?18:01
LaserJockI guess it might18:01
* persia agrees with LaserJock, but encourages also passing to Debian because some upstreams take years to add them (even when you help with other patches to their code)18:01
LaserJockwell sure18:01
persiaLaserJock: Yep: app-install-data includes everything, which is one of the reasons I believe we need more desktop files.18:02
* \sh grabs something to eat18:02
LaserJockI'm just saying making changes in Ubuntu are usually fine as long as you're sending stuff upstream18:02
mok0... and, there may be several formats of desktopf files (?)18:02
persiamok0: There's only supposed to be one, but not everything is compliant.18:02
\shpersia, please change it in libao2 ,-) just change the libao.conf in debian/ dir18:02
* persia encourages everyone to run http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~persia/find-missing-desktop and submit fixes.18:03
mok0It's just because I just looked at an entry where the only change as an added .desktop file18:03
mok0It got me thinking18:04
=== _nixternal is now known as nixternal
persia\sh: In 0.8.8-3 in hardy, I see alsa: Clint made it all better 1st July, but someone forgot to include it for gutsy :(18:04
LaserJockmok0: yes, they are trivial18:05
persiamok0: They are small, but if they are missing, the application doesn't show in Add/Remove programs, which isn't ideal.18:05
LaserJockmok0: but since debian traditionally doesn't emphasize .desktops because they have their own menu system18:05
\shpersia, would this be a case for an SRU?18:05
persia\sh: I don't think so: let me check the criteria again18:06
ubotuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates18:06
LaserJockmok0: but as persia said, if there isn't a .desktop it won't show up in the menu or Add/Remove18:06
nxvlhi folks!18:06
persiaLaserJock: As Debian gets more f.d.o compliant WMs, .desktop files are becoming more popular.18:06
nxvlwhere can i find the installer team?18:06
mok0But it would still be there if it was added in a xxxx-desktop package.18:06
\shpersia, it's not covered18:07
persia\sh: It's not a security issue, and there's no data loss.  Could we call it a "severe regression"?18:07
\shpersia, but "Bugs which may, under realistic circumstances, directly cause a security vulnerability" is wrong there too..because security issues are handled totally different...and aren't handled through -proposed...18:07
persiamok0: Right, but app-install-data wouldn't associate it with the right meta-data, and it wouldn't work properly.18:07
mok0persia: agreed. It would need some rules to be implemented when packages are installed18:08
persia\sh: The policy came before the new -security policy.  Go compain to TB if you want, but I don't think it matters much.18:08
LaserJockpersia: that's what I hope18:08
persiaLaserJock: which?18:09
\shpersia, tbh, I can't decide this..the problem is I don't know how many other apps are hit by this issue18:09
LaserJockpersia: about Debian picking them up more18:09
persia\sh: 30 of them18:09
LaserJockmok0: that would certainly be doable, but my complaint about that would be that it really belongs upstream18:09
persiaLaserJock: Ah, yes.  It's getting easier, and when they pick them up, they even install them in the right place these days.18:09
LaserJockmok0: so we should invest in things that shouldnt' be our problem18:10
LaserJockpersia: yes, most at least see the usefulness of them, even if they don't use them directly18:10
persiaLaserJock: What do you think about libao not using the correct output by default in gutsy as a "severe regression"?18:10
mok0LaserJock: As persia said, you can't expect upstream to service ubuntu. Plus, UI and desktop environments change all the time18:10
LaserJockmok0: it's not just Ubuntu18:10
ScottKpersia: Did it work in Feisty?18:10
LaserJockmok0: it's the freedesktop.org standard18:11
persiamok0: Actually, the whole point of the f.d.o spec is so it won't change.18:11
persiaScottK: Yes.18:11
mok0LaserJock: Ok18:11
\shpersia, well, then its a severe regression18:11
LaserJockmok0: it's just that Ubuntu really cares about things showing up in Gnome/KDE menus18:11
* \sh needs some food18:11
mok0But one solution doesn''t rule out the other...18:11
* persia checks one more thing18:12
mok0We could have extra packages as long as they are needed18:12
LaserJockmok0: right, but there's really no advantage18:12
LaserJockmok0: merging .desktops is pretty trivial18:12
mok0less maintenance18:12
LaserJockbut we'd have to maintain the giant database of .desktops18:12
LaserJockand worry about getting out of synce, etc.18:12
mok0LaserJock: :-) true18:13
persiamok0: No, because we still have to merge/demerge everything to match Debian, and if it's all in one package, we have a higher chance of conflicting timing18:13
LaserJockmok0: and actually, I think the maintanece pain is a good thing18:13
mok0LaserJock: what?18:13
LaserJockmok0: it encourages MOTUs to send things upstream so they get rid of it18:13
persiaLaserJock: Would you be willing to process an SRU to make libao work on gutsy?  It's a 2 character change to the default configuration file.18:13
persiaNot just MOTUs: Contributors too, as the Contributor gets assigned the merge.18:14
LaserJockpersia: why me? :-)18:14
persiaLaserJock: You can?18:14
LaserJockwhat's the current policy?18:14
persia!sru | laserjock (main)18:14
ubotulaserjock (main): Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates18:14
LaserJockpersia: oh, you need a core dev?18:16
* LaserJock wondered why you couldn't just do it ;-)18:16
persiaLaserJock: RIght :)18:16
ScottKDo we have a PDF tool that will let me fill out an encrypted PDF (the .deb from Adobe's site will do it)?18:16
LaserJockpersia: bug #?18:17
persiaErrr.  \sh: did you file a bug?18:18
\shpersia, I'll do just now18:18
\shgive me a sec18:18
LaserJockpersia: so you guys got a different result than I did?18:18
persiaLaserJock: No, your result is correct.  The problem is that it only works by accident in GNOME and it doesn't work in KDE.  It's calling the wrong ALSA API, and fails, so it drops to the fallback, and in GNOME that's ALSA, so one doesn't notice, but in KDE that's aRts, which is not what one expects.18:19
LaserJockwhat does one expect?18:20
LaserJockalsa both cases?18:20
persiaLaserJock: Right, because it should be using the libao default driver, which should be "alsa", but it's set to "alsa09"18:21
\shLaserJock, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libao/+bug/16489918:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 164899 in libao "libao.conf in gutsy is wrong. (alsa09 is set as default)" [Undecided,New]18:21
LaserJockbut does it still output?18:22
LaserJockalbeit with the wrong driver18:22
persiaLaserJock: Only if the client app has a fallback.  ogg123 has three methods: local, libao, and raw.  Not every app is so flexible.18:22
LaserJockso libao is screwed18:23
LaserJockand we're just relying on the depending apps to fallback18:23
persiaLaserJock: Right, because we didn't grab the bugfix from Debian before release.18:23
persiaDebian bug #42790318:24
ubotuDebian bug 427903 in libao2 "change default driver in /etc/libao.conf" [Normal,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/42790318:24
\shLaserJock, if you set it directly to alsa it plays, but not by default18:26
LaserJockok, but as far as whether this is SRU, what goes wrong for the user?18:26
persiaIf the client app doesn't have a fallback, there's no audio.18:26
LaserJockok, and how many are there?18:26
LaserJockthat don't have a fallback18:26
persiaErr.  That'll take some research.18:27
LaserJockit just seems hard to determine the importance18:28
LaserJockbut possibly breaking 27 deps is pretty darn big18:29
\shLaserJock, I think they are broken now18:30
LaserJockwell, ogg123 isn't, do you have a few examples of some that are?18:31
\shLaserJock, ogg123 is18:32
\shLaserJock, defaults to alsa09 and tries arts first18:32
\shLaserJock, mpg321 e.g.18:32
\shmpg321 *.ogg18:32
\shCreating link /home/shermann/.kde/socket-acer-p4-home.18:32
\shcan't create mcop directory18:32
LaserJockit falls back to something else18:32
\shLaserJock, yes to arts18:32
\shbecause libao finds arts, if there is arts on it..18:32
LaserJockI'm saying that to the user is that broken?18:32
LaserJockI realize it's broken in that it's not picking up alsa18:33
persiaFrom a quick hunt, the following don't have fallback: waon, shell-fm, pytone (and likely other python-pyao rdeps), mpg321, mpc123, liquidsoap (unless you count icecast as a fallback), possibly libao-ruby1.8 clients, possibly libao-ocaml clients, gnomoradio, flac123, d4x, aldo, cdrdao18:33
LaserJockok, excellent18:34
LaserJockthat's what we need to se18:34
LaserJockand this is fixed in Hardy, right?18:35
persiaMind you, that's just grabbing apps that have no other sound libraries as reverse depends.18:35
persiaYes, it's fixed in hardy due to autosync.18:35
LaserJockpersia: seems fairly reasonable18:35
persiaLaserJock: Right, but it's a minimal case: for instance I don't know what the default sound output for quake2 is: perhaps the user needs to tweak something internal to make it not use libao.18:37
LaserJockI just need some at least some estimate of immportance18:38
* persia looks to \sh who has more experience with main SRUs18:38
LaserJockso I think that bug needs to get filled out with the necessary info and a patch and get Ubuntu SRU to approve18:40
LaserJockbut it sounds like a reasonable SRU to me18:41
\shpersia, lol...I never did main SRUs :)18:52
\shLaserJock, I'll give you more infos...as discussed here with a patch as well....and a debdiff for -proposed18:52
LaserJock\sh: well, with Main you need to follow the wiki page18:53
\shLaserJock, yepp18:53
LaserJockand provide the info and subscribe the Ubuntu SRU team18:53
LaserJockonce it's approved you can upload to -proposed18:53
persia\sh: Weren't you core?18:53
LaserJockand I can do that18:53
LaserJockif you like18:54
\shpersia, I was yes, but I never did SRUs for main or universe...18:54
persiaAh....  slacker!18:54
\shpersia, I never found something which is really so important that it had to be fixed asap :)18:54
bmk789__dfgjg          aeri tft19:06
bmk789__sorry, 4 year old found the keyboard19:08
mok0bmk789__: dfasdfk sf wer sfpåpu9ij asdfasd q asfa19:10
\shgrmpf...bloody phone19:19
scorpioxyHey guys. I have a question regarding a python panel applet package. Where does the whole pycentral and pysupport fall in a package where i have already defined its dependencies(which are minimal), is it needed?19:28
LaserJockscorpioxy: you need dh_pycentral or dh_pysupport in debian/rules19:43
LaserJockscorpioxy: if you're converting an old packge look for dh_python and replace it19:43
\shpersia, I just cound 27 apps which are using libao219:45
scorpioxyLaserJock: Yes, but i still don't understand what it does. I read the manpage...but didn't understand it. Can you point me somewhere for a meaningful description? Or perhaps an explanation please...19:45
ScottKscorpioxy: What you want to look at is the Debian Python policy.  That'll explain why those are wanted.19:51
avoinewhat could be my mistake if when I build the package the files of the software are copie to debian/Myprog/ but the DEBIAN directory is not create?19:52
scorpioxyScottK: I already did that, but let me take a look again, perhaps i missed something19:52
LaserJockavoine: how did you build the package?19:52
avoinedebuild -b -uc -us19:52
avoinemaybe its setup.py that delete the DEBIAN folder19:54
LaserJockis that from a source package?19:54
LaserJockand it has a debian/ directory?19:55
avoinethis is my debien/rules file: http://pastebin.ca/79611719:56
scorpioxyScottK: Ok, i just read it again. And here's my problem. I don't think its relevant to what i'm building. You see it talks about modules and byte compiling modules. My app is a simple panel app so its dependencies are well know. Just python, and the gnome panel deps and so on...19:57
ScottKscorpioxy: What will your package do when the default Python changes from Python 2.5 to 2.6 and both are installed in the system?19:59
scorpioxyScottK: Nothing! It uses env for default python...Is it supposed to do something?20:00
ScottKFor a Python application it might not be needed.  But you do need to make sure you correctly support multiple Python's installed and version transitions.20:02
\shscorpioxy, it could fail to run20:02
* RainC1 wonders why the Liberation fonts aren't in the repo20:03
LaserJockRainC1: they aren't?20:04
LaserJockavoine: hmm, that seems at least reasonable20:04
=== RainC1 is now known as RainCT
LaserJockavoine: where were you looking for the DEBIAN folder?20:04
scorpioxyScottK: Well, ok. I am not sure how and why though. If i depend on python >=2.5. Thanks anyway.20:05
RainCTLaserJock: no, unless they've renamed them :P. couldn't find them neither in Debian nor Ubuntu.. :S20:05
avoinein debian/penguintv/20:05
ScottKscorpioxy: I'd have to give you app a detailed review that I don't have time to to know for sure.  You may not need pycentral or pysupport.  Most of the policy is written for Modules.20:06
scorpioxy\sh: It doesn't do anything particularly complex. How do you think it could fail?20:06
scorpioxyScottK: Yes that's what i understood from the policy. thanks20:06
LaserJockRainCT: actually I do think it's could be in a different package name20:06
\shscorpioxy, syntax changes whatever...not necessary, but could happen..20:07
* RainCT also searched in descriptions, btw20:07
LaserJockRainCT: I can't keep all the fonts straight. Are they the ones that Red Hat did?20:07
scorpioxy\sh: ok thanks anyway20:08
scorpioxyOne more general question. What do some people use as alternatives(if any) to the horrible autotools?20:10
\shwasn't scons an alternative?20:12
LaserJockRainCT: I sure thought they were ar least in Hardy20:12
\shSCons is a make replacement providing a range of enhanced features such20:13
\sh as automated dependency generation and built in compilation cache20:13
\sh support.20:13
scorpioxy\sh: Yup, scons, cmake, rake....there are a lot...i was interested in seeing if anybody is actually using something else20:13
LaserJockI've used cmake20:14
scorpioxy\sh: althoug, for me at least, scons sounded to focus on directed compilation much more than a general build tool20:14
\shscorpioxy, well, dunno....when I have to use something, its auto*crap20:15
valles_hello all20:15
\shscorpioxy, I'm an old m4 junky, spending lots of hours hacking sendmail m4 files  etc20:15
RainCTLaserJock: bug 11388920:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 113889 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Ubuntu needs the Liberation Fonts" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11388920:15
LaserJockscorpioxy: I think most all KDE4 stuff is cmake these days20:16
scorpioxyLaserJock: yes, that's right...i am following some modules in kde..20:16
scorpioxy\sh: Well, the "used-to" factor plays a lot here20:16
=== valles_ is now known as effie_jayx
scorpioxyalthough i was considering just how difficult it would be to move away from autotools because of all that legacy work already out there20:17
scorpioxyspecifically debian and debian based systems i guess20:17
\shok...finished all python2.5 versions from edgy to gutsy...now I have to fix all python2.4 versions down to dapper, and several python2.3 and python2.2 versions :(20:18
\shscorpioxy, for distros it's not important what build systems upstream uses...20:18
\shscorpioxy, we are building packages with auto*foo, scons, cmake, whatever you can think of..there are some pitfalls, but this will be handled nicely by our buildd admins.20:19
scorpioxy\sh: So from these other systems, which one would you prefer...personally and technically? any opinion on that?20:22
\shscorpioxy, nope...rake looks like ruby crap, scons has the power of python behind it, cmake is special for kde, auto* is quite balanced...20:24
scorpioxy\sh: very old school... thanks for the help20:26
scorpioxyLaserJock: thanks20:26
LaserJockI like some things about cmake20:26
LaserJockI think it might be a bit more limited than auto*20:26
\shLaserJock, it's just like finding the right partner for life :)20:28
LaserJockI'm not sure my wife would like being compared to build systems ;-)20:28
LaserJock"You are lovely like cmake, but have the versatility of autotools"20:29
scorpioxyOne more comment...i am so glad that they will finally deprecate bonbo for gnome-panel....there are some things in there that nobody knows anything about. they were written by micheal meeks and probably never changed since then...20:29
scorpioxyLaserJock: why not? efficiency, automation, no mistakes, speed...these are all great attribute for a human being20:30
LaserJockscorpioxy: I think she likes to think she's better than software :-)20:30
\shLaserJock, hehe20:31
scorpioxyI think that there's few things better than a good piece of running code...but then again, i am not married....wonder why...20:32
scorpioxywell, that's all the time i have for hacking on packaging...thanks all20:36
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
\shhmmm..the handling of CVE  bugs are really crap regarding launchpad20:54
TheMusoHey folks.21:09
\shdoko_, I won the fight with your python* patch system ;)21:17
LaserJock\sh: yes, there are several bugs open about LP's CVE handling21:22
LaserJock\sh: Fujitsu is, I think, working on some stuff to help the situation21:22
\shLaserJock, I think some logical issues needs to be fixed...when you check bug #163845, e.g.21:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 163845 in python2.5 "[python] Multiple integer overflow vulnerabilities possibly resulting in the execution of arbitrary code or DoS" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16384521:23
\shthe CVE is valid for all major python versions we have, but only for python2.5 in gutsy, feisty and edgy21:23
\shso I can't nominate for python2.5 just those three releases..because I have to include python2.4 for dapper21:24
slangasekpersia: freezing universe is not essential at all, I don't think you need to worry about it21:36
LaserJockI hope this new "freeze" will work21:54
LaserJockI think it sounds more appealing21:55
Fujitsu\sh: That's bug #110195.22:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 110195 in malone "Nomination for a release on one source package shouldn't affect any others" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11019522:06
FujitsuLaserJock: Can you please approve those tasks on \sh's bug? You have superpowers, don't you?22:07
\shFujitsu, I confirmed it ...22:19
Fujitsu\sh: Thanks.22:22
Ubulettehow can I know if REVU synced my gpg key ?22:28
somerville32Ubulette, You see your upload :P22:33
Ubulettewell, I'm waiting for this sync to push for the 1st time there.22:34
Ubuletteso, what ? should I just push and wait ?22:36
* somerville32 nods.22:36
somerville32Should show up in 5 mins or so22:36
\shno risk no fun ,-)22:36
FujitsuAhhh, so it was bug #136634 that wiped out 60GB of mirror. Nice of it, really.22:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 136634 in libcompress-zlib-perl "Unable to download packages using Gutsy debmirror" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13663422:36
\shhmm...can someone confirm that tix8.1-dev suddenly disappeared from dapper?22:45
Fujitsu\sh: Packages can't disappear from stable releases.22:46
LaserJockFujitsu: which bug do I need to approve?22:46
FujitsuLaserJock: Bug #16384522:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 163845 in python2.5 "[python] Multiple integer overflow vulnerabilities possibly resulting in the execution of arbitrary code or DoS" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16384522:47
\shLaserJock, gutsy, feisty, edgy for python2.5, dapper for python2.5 is invalid22:48
\shLaserJock, gutsy, feisty, edgy, dapper for 2.422:48
\shLaserJock, dapper for python2.322:48
LaserJocksame for 2.3?22:48
\shand give me a sec to add python2.2 for dapper22:49
\shLaserJock, ok...python2.2 for dapper , too :922:49
LaserJockonly dapper for 2.3?22:49
LaserJockand 2.222:50
\sh2.3 and 2.2 for dapper only22:50
\sh -> Considering build-dep tix8.1-dev (>=
LaserJockwell crap22:50
FujitsuLaserJock: You have no choice, you'll get all tasks for everything.22:50
\shdoesn't give me anything22:50
LaserJockit won't separate by package22:50
FujitsuLaserJock: Corrrrrrect. Bug #110195, as above.22:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 110195 in malone "Nomination for a release on one source package shouldn't affect any others" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11019522:51
LaserJockright ....22:51
* LaserJock kicks LP22:51
Ubuletteok, upload to revu seemed fine.22:51
\shLaserJock, so push it back with dapper22:51
LaserJockshall I just approve them all for now?22:51
\shanyways, if this is right, that tix8.1-dev is not in dapper anymore, where is it then?22:52
Fujitsu\sh: What were you trying to build that wants it?22:52
LaserJockand I'll add a "me too" and motu tag to that bug22:52
\shFujitsu, python2.2 in dapper22:53
FujitsuLaserJock: Thanks.22:53
Fujitsu\sh: Oh dear...22:53
\shFujitsu, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/tix8.1/ is empty22:53
RAOFimbrandon: Pong?22:53
Fujitsu\sh: Any tix8.2?22:53
LaserJockthat's a really annoying bug22:53
FujitsuLaserJock: But it would be confusing otherwise! We couldn't possibly have an accurate representation of bug infestation...22:54
LaserJockwell, this is why bug tasks are sometimes insufficent22:55
LaserJockwe *should* be able to separate out what particular packages the bug affects, even if it is in different sources22:55
FujitsuLaserJock: They're actually very useful for this sort of thing22:56
FujitsuBut that bug makes things annoying.22:56
LaserJockI agree22:56
LaserJockthey are nice for this, but I don't know how exactly they would fix that bug22:56
Ubulettehow long does it take for a package to appear on revu ?22:57
LaserJockwouldn't it make search results be off?22:57
somerville325 minutes22:57
FujitsuLaserJock: The search results are already stuffed, they can't get much more broken.22:57
FujitsuAnd I don't see how fixing it would make them off.22:57
LaserJockmaybe not, but that's the only reason I could see for not fixing it22:58
Ubulettesomerville32, hmm, 8min already. will I get an email if it failed ?22:58
FujitsuLaserJock: Bug #163241 for an example of the stuff.22:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 163241 in malone "Searching distribution series bugs by component shows bug reports multiple times" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16324122:59
FujitsuWhere stuff = braindead search results.22:59
StevenHarperUK How long does a translation po take to get processed? Mine has been queued for ages https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/easycrypt/trunk/+imports23:00
FujitsuStevenHarperUK: That is abnormally long, but there is a bit of a backlog at the moment. It shouldn't normally take more than a couple of weeks.23:01
StevenHarperUKFujitsu: thanks, after that do updates take as long?23:01
StevenHarperUKFujitsu: or is there a steamlined process?23:03
LaserJockFujitsu: so as a workaround should we just Invalid the tasks we don't need?23:05
Ubuletterevu hates me23:05
FujitsuLaserJock: Correct.23:06
FujitsuStevenHarperUK: I think they only need to be reviewed once.23:07
Fujitsu(apologises, X died on me)23:07
FujitsuI make too many typos lately :(23:07
LaserJockok Fujitsu and \sh, have another look at bug #16384523:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 163845 in python2.5 "[python] Multiple integer overflow vulnerabilities possibly resulting in the execution of arbitrary code or DoS" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16384523:12
FujitsuLaserJock: Shudder.23:14
LaserJockyeah yeah23:14
FujitsuThere are a couple of tasks that I need to modify, but that looks right.23:14
LaserJockok, enough from me though?23:14
FujitsuI believe so.23:17
LaserJockFujitsu: would it be possible to do some distributed rebuilding?23:17
LaserJockwould that mess up anything by just giving people difference chunks of Universe to do?23:18
FujitsuLaserJock: Ideally. pkern was doing some stuff with rebuildd, I believe.23:18
FujitsuThat would be the plan.23:18
LaserJockcause I've got an extra machine now23:18
LaserJockI could dedicate it to rebuilding for a while I guess23:18
LaserJockis just a matter of 1) get source 2)pbuild it 3) log results ?23:19
FujitsuProbably saner to use sbuild, or whatever rebuildd uses.23:22
Fujitsurebuildd is designed for just this sort of thing.23:22
FujitsuIt replaces the wanna-build/buildd mess.23:22
LaserJockhmm, rebuildd looks great from the description23:23
Ubulettehmm, package is still not visible on revu, could someone help me ?23:25
LaserJockFujitsu: you a revu admin now?23:25
FujitsuLaserJock: No, but I can have a look at what's wrong.23:25
\shLaserJock, looks very good the bugreport...could you set the importance to high, too? :)23:25
UbuletteFujitsu, plz plz plz :)23:25
Fujitsu\sh: I can set that if you want.23:26
FujitsuUbulette: Looking.23:26
FujitsuUbulette: Which package?23:26
FujitsuRight, it was rejected.23:26
* Fujitsu looks.23:26
LaserJockFujitsu: I added the "motu" tag to that bug23:26
LaserJockhopefully we can get something going there23:26
FujitsuAh, of course, I don't have permission to view the .changes.23:27
FujitsuLaserJock: Within a couple of years, hopefully.23:27
LaserJockfile bugs now for Launchpad 5.023:27
FujitsuUbulette: You need to build with -sa.23:27
Fujitsudebuild -S -sa or so.23:27
UbuletteFujitsu, I did with -S -sa (but with dpkg-buildpackage, like I always do)23:28
UbuletteFujitsu, http://paste.ubuntu.com/2202/23:29
FujitsuUbulette: I can't see it...23:29
FujitsuTHe .orig.tar.gz isn't in the incoming directory.23:30
FujitsuOh, there it is.23:30
FujitsuI'm blind.23:30
FujitsuPossibly a lack of key, but I can't do anything about that.23:30
Ubuletteok, thanks23:34
RainCTgood night23:53
FujitsuNight RainCT.23:53
\shok time to go to bed23:56
\shgood night guys23:56
FujitsuNight \sh.23:56
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
LaserJockgoodnight \sh_away23:57

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