[00:00] WARNING: ChanServ is not replying, removing limit [00:05] Could we please discuss what has happenned with the US LoCo channel naming? I was not online last night and have only heard it from there point of view. [00:06] *their [00:46] (gnine asked me in pm about his ban in -offtopic) [00:46] yes [00:48] ping elkbuntu [00:51] !o4o [00:51] Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-ops. Controversial topics, which always turn into flamewars: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space or time travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) - Thanks. [00:51] s/-ops/-offtopic/ [00:51] !guidelines [00:51] The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [00:51] Could you read those two please GNine? [00:51] Ping me when done. [00:52] what am i looking for in those articles [00:53] GNine: You are expected to read them through [00:53] i broke the rule i got banned. fine. i want access. so am asking for it. [00:54] I suspect it is to help you understand how you should behave in ubuntu channels [00:56] i know how to behave in ubuntu channels. that i broke the rule according to whichever op is past tense now. i guarantee you i could dig up much worst violations that have not been 'prosecuted' for whatever reason. sort of like in real life. [00:56] GNine, I would rather you read the guidelines, to understand what we expect you to abide by in future. [00:57] am not upset though. i just want access to media. i , am a collabotator or, supporter , of the ubuntu cause , or movement. if i didnt have the system installed i wouldnt be around these servers [00:58] I'm not asking you to sign your life away... just five minutes to confirm that you have read the guidelines. [01:03] alright. done reading. [01:05] Woohoo... and wow 5 minutes 18 seconds... I'm psychic. [01:05] GNine, ok so if I let you into -offtopic again, you understand we expect you to abide by those guidelines etc. etc. and just use your common sense? Ie not testing the limits when an op is dealing with another user? [01:06] 10-4 [01:06] *isn't in the military or wherever you use those numbers* [01:07] thats Citizens Band code. also named 10-codes . and also use (in part) in law enforcement as well as in the military . [01:08] GNine, could you give me a linky to where they're explained? I've always wanted to know what they all mean. You may rejoin #ubuntu-offtopic [01:08] there are 200 10-code codes [01:09] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten-code [01:09] thats a start [01:09] and, thank you [01:10] thank you too GNine [01:19] * GNine is away: turkey dinner [01:22] * GNine is back (gone 00:03:10) [01:22] * GNine is away: [01:25] GNine: please turn that off :) [01:26] yah.. am trying. my mistake. am out [01:26] nalioth, been talking about it in -offtopic [01:53] nalioth, PriceChild, i don't quite agree though that we should have some channels with one naming convention and others with a different one. that doesn't help users, although it might make some loco people happier... [01:53] as i said yesterday [01:53] the world has many countries [01:53] said countries often are big enough to have regions [01:53] since there's about 200 countries each with its regions, name clashes just will occur [01:53] the US isn't the only country entitled to have sub-country loco channels i believe [01:54] besides, for those channels that *don't* clash, forwards can be and are set [01:55] Ok yes. [01:56] nobody's saying they just all have to do it overnight [01:56] not at all [01:56] That's pretty much the impression they've gotten though I think. [01:57] meh I can't remember what I was thinking a few hours ago. [01:57] PriceChild, for what i'm concerned, they have all rights to first arrange with the bot owners of any bots that are in their channel (such as ubotu to begin with) to move to the new channels, and they can do the move when they have time [01:57] but eventually i also think they should move [02:02] nalioth, the reason my bots kept spamming -unregged since 21 to 23 (and more) seems to be that chanserv wasn't replying to their pings. on the other hand, it must have replied to flootbot3, otherwise it would have dropped the limit... could there be any reason why chanserv started ignoring them? [02:04] no clue, LjL [02:07] oh, uhm, actually, i was grepping the logs incorrectly [02:07] i know why they did that. same reason as yesterday's apparent misbehavior [02:07] more than 50 users difference between channel and limit [02:07] and due to the "safe" algorithm i use, it takes a *long* time for the limit to catch up again with the users count [02:08] so they stayed in emergency mode all that time [02:11] Synced to #ubuntu, 1143 users present [02:47] !ping [02:47] pong [02:49] the bots cheat, they never miss returning the ball. [02:58] Dave2: they do. on netsplits. [02:59] In #ubuntu-offtopic, recon said: !no, recon is recon stands for reconnect. [03:02] !recon-#ubuntu-offtopic is recon stands for something related to lousy Internet service providers. [03:02] I'll remember that, LjL [03:02] Ubotwo: ping [03:02] ahh dude he forgots what it was he was [03:02] * ompaul goes back to sleep [03:02] missed that one :p [03:03] LjL, forget what I said - I need to sleep :) [03:03] * ompaul goes to the land of nond [03:03] nod [03:03] night ompaul :) [03:40] !ping [03:40] pong === Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee [04:04] hey Pici I think you mentioned once you have all your join/part messages set to anther window on your irc client [04:04] ? [07:41] astro76 called the ops in #ubuntu (multiverse) [07:41] multiverse called the ops in #ubuntu (astro76) [07:43] dealt with. [07:48] astro76 called the ops in #ubuntu (Imperium) [07:50] my god, the image that imperium posted was horrid [07:54] you should know not to click on random links by now : [07:54] *:p [07:57] nixternal: the scary thing is those who enjoy violence towards animals would likely enjoy violence towards humans [07:58] tritium: please don't bring that up...I watched the PETA movie on HBO today called "I am an animal" and I literally almost cried at some of the crap I seen [07:58] stdin: I click on them to see if they are ban worthy instead of taking someone elses word for it [07:59] nixternal: oh yeah? [08:00] WARNING: ChanServ is not replying, removing limit [08:00] dude it was horrible...they showed videos of skinners from like the 70s and 80s that was god awful man [08:01] I can only imagine. [08:01] worse than anything faces of death ever showed [08:02] is FloodBot* going to receive a name change before he goes live in a main channel? [08:03] I know if I was in a main channel and seen floodbot, I would get all of my 1337 5c|2ip7 k1ddi3z after um :p [08:03] both sounds like movies I'll avoid watching, then [08:03] faces of death was a hoax, but still showed some gruesom stuff === nixternal is now known as _nixternal [08:36] WARNING: Channel CTCP on #ubuntu (PING 1195893350 277874) [10:51] isn't it ironic that FloodBot* is flooding this channel? :D [10:51] haha [10:51] yeah [10:52] Gary: o/ [12:00] WARNING: ChanServ is not replying, removing limit [14:17] Juhaz called the ops in #ubuntu () [14:17] where is all ops [14:18] . [14:18] this is bit silly [14:18] hat here but not in #ubuntu(-offtopic) [14:20] stdin: I'm becoming frustrated [14:20] what's up Tim_T :p [14:21] Tm_T: you need ops? [14:21] Hobbsee: not currently [14:21] Tm_T: keep 'em anywya. [14:21] roger [14:21] Tm_T: and ask for permanent ones [14:21] Hobbsee: I have asked [14:22] and I did get [14:22] Tm_T, who'd you ask? [14:22] ...to here [14:22] seveas [14:22] Tm_T, seveas isn't the contact anymore [14:22] well he atleast had rights back then [14:23] Tm_T, fixed [14:23] thank you sir [14:24] Tm_T, are you not in ubuntu-irc? [14:24] I am [14:25] aha got you [14:26] PriceChild: :) [14:28] and I'm sorry if anyone felt that I'm complaining to us ops, it was towards spammers not you/us [14:36] who do you ask for permanent ops? [14:36] Seeker`: you don't. [14:37] hah [14:37] I so waited that answer [14:38] Hobb see told Tm_T to ask for permanent ops... [14:38] but he didn't [14:38] and neither should you [14:38] if he was going to, who would he ask? [14:39] Seeker`: prolly sabdfl [14:39] just to get k-lined or so [14:39] haha [14:39] I wonder if he btw has op rights at all anywhere [14:42] Tm_T, i'm pretty sure he doesnt [14:43] i suspect that if he wanted them he would get them [14:43] elkbuntu: that's what I assume [14:44] Seeker`, i doubt he wants/has time for them [14:44] yup [14:44] nor has needs [14:44] whats he doing at the mo? [14:45] Gary: ? [14:45] Mark Shuttleworth - whats he doing? ie what does he do each day [14:45] ah [14:45] Gary, he has lots of meetings and so forth most days [14:46] he works on world domination [14:46] stdin: aren't we all? [14:46] not for ubuntu, just for himself :p [14:46] nooooooooooooo [14:46] must be a boring life - full of meetings [14:47] i'd hate that [14:47] does he have any hobbies, not including overpriced commuting [14:47] well he does do some developing... [14:47] Gary: I think he collects stamps :) [14:47] Gary, go to markshuttleworth.com and read [14:48] And I think he's also into DIY Taxidermy [14:49] surely you're making stuff up now [14:49] haha [16:00] WARNING: ChanServ is not replying, removing limit === _nixternal is now known as nixternal [18:39] Hey guys [18:39] Hey poeloq. [18:39] what is the normal procedure to become a #ubuntu op? [18:40] poeloq: you start by not asking to become one [18:40] tritium: that is what I expected :) [18:40] You're asking about #ubuntu in particular... [18:40] You get asked by the Ubuntu IRC Council (the channel contact) to op. [18:41] yes, that is the only channel I am currently helping on [18:41] PriceChild: Thanks! [18:41] We normally choose new ops from those helping lots when we feel we need more ops. [18:41] PriceChild: yup, normally [18:41] cool, that seems like the best way. It doesn't seem like there is a big need for too many OPs as it is [18:42] not much silliness going on over there [18:42] it varies [18:43] Friday nights on school holidays noticably different. [18:43] PriceChild: I can imagine :) [18:43] Luckily private messaging is disable for unregistered users [18:43] On DalNet it is crazy [18:44] Is idling allowed/encourage on #ubuntu [18:45] There is no problem with idling, poeloq [18:46] cool [18:46] can you imagine if those 1200 people *weren't* mostly idling? :) [18:46] that would be quite crazy :) [18:46] That is one of the disadvantages of big IRC rooms [18:46] poeloq, no it isn't.... [18:46] poeloq, by default... you don't accept messages from unregistered users. [18:46] Ubuntu IRC ops are suggested to turn that "feature" off. [18:48] PriceChild: Of course, that seems like a reasonable thing. I would be annoyed if I couldn't contact any Ops by /msg. [18:48] And Freenode is a lot more grown up than many other networks [19:15] I am off [19:15] thanks guys [19:53] Hi jimmacdonald, can I help? [19:58] PriceChild: no man I am good... things are setup perfectly.... just lurking. [19:59] * tritium points jimmacdonald to the /topic [19:59] * jimmacdonald Lurks away. [20:00] I didn't _ask_ him to leave... [20:00] WARNING: ChanServ is not replying, removing limit === valles_ is now known as effie_jayx [20:22] nalioth, could you set me as contact for #ubuntu-us-ne please? [20:24] *thinks we should all poke a certain someone at once to get the gcf sorted* [20:25] I dread to think how many outstandings there are [20:25] PriceChild, New York has a squatter [20:26] also [20:26] :) [20:26] -us-ny [20:26] nalioth, could you give me #ubuntu-us-ny too please? [20:27] the gcf? don't you already have that? :) [20:27] crdlb, nope... [20:27] you need another GCF for #ubuntu-us* ? [20:28] crdlb, no [20:28] crdlb, the old gcf is in effect... is seveas [20:28] ah [20:28] crdlb, we're waiting for a new one to be approved, listing the 4 of us for #ubuntu,go,k.x.edu, [20:41] GCF? [20:42] group contact form [20:42] it's the only way to "repossess" # channels in a certain namespace [20:46] GCF sounds like some sort of video game faction [20:48] GameCube Forum [20:48] Ground Control Force [20:50] rr72 called the ops in #ubuntu-chicago () [20:50] nevermind that idiot [23:02] !info sunbird [23:02] sunbird: Sunbird stand-alone Calendar. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5-0ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 7506 kB, installed size 22304 kB [23:03] !info sunbird hardy [23:03] sunbird: Sunbird stand-alone Calendar. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5-0ubuntu4 (hardy), package size 7506 kB, installed size 22304 kB [23:23] macogw called the ops in #ubuntu (zejosh is being vulgar)