
TheSheepinferno: linux has firewall build in into the kernel00:24
TheSheepinferno: all linuces come with it00:24
wg111_withhi all, installed 7.10 on a dell 7000 laptop, no problems except the wifi drops out after 2 mins and sometimes won't reconnect , dongle is the WG111 v202:49
neru1was it you who had a link to a sound module for a ibm 600e?03:38
dddddim not03:40
somerville32What kind of link?03:44
somerville32To a website?03:44
neru1no, it was just a link that if you go to it it would start a download03:45
somerville32http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Hardware/Sound_on_the_Thinkpad_600E ?03:46
neru1close but this link would just go directly to a download the guy said he wrote the script03:50
kwhkneru1, what do u want to have?03:55
neru1wanted to fix my sound03:57
neru1it was a script I think03:57
somerville32You might try those directions to see if they work03:58
kwhkneru1, i installed xubuntu 7.10 recently on my 600e.04:03
kwhkneru1, u may check a few links to fix your sound problem04:03
kwhkneru1, here is one:  http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_7.04_Feisty_Fawn_on_a_ThinkPad_600E04:03
neru1how's it running for you? did you upgrade any ram . . .04:05
kwhkneru1, no, i didnt.  mine has only 228.8M04:06
kwhkneru1, here is another one.  http://www.mueller.ch.vu/misc/tp600e_en.html04:07
neru1stock mine had 160 I added 128 but it's so sloww . . .04:08
kwhkneru1, everything's slow?04:09
neru1like when I scroll the browser page up and down it studders04:10
kwhkneur1, take a look at the "video" session on the webpages i told u. it resolved the problem easily.04:11
kwhkneur1, change color 16-bit.04:13
kwhkneru1, to 16 bit.04:13
neru1o.k. I'll try that04:17
neru1right now I'm useing a puppy live CD04:17
neru1anyone got compiz working good in Xubuntu?04:19
neru1thanks for the halp I gotta go try some things04:20
kwhkhi, anyone using vnc viewer applications on xubuntu?04:25
Magillahi guys. I'm setting up a digital photoframe based on xubuntu, and I have a couple of questions04:55
Magillafirstly, I want to be able to start feh (my chosen slideshow program) from cron04:56
Magillathe problem is that when I try to do that, it can't find the correct display and dies04:56
MagillaI'm unsure whether this is a standard cron thing or specifically feh, but does any one  have an idea?04:57
magic_ninja E: var/apt/archives/foo2zjs_20070625-0ubuntu1.1_i386.deb: files list file for package `foo2zjs' is missing final newline05:10
bigfuzzyjesushey whats everyones favorite feed reader05:16
docgnomeDoes xubuntu have problems with compiz fusion?05:18
QuetzalcoatlSomeone recommend me a newsreader06:57
ere4sitry pan :)06:59
ubotuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu!06:59
maristoWhat pakage I have ti install to play mpeg's on Xubuntu 7.10 with totem?06:59
maristolibxine-mpg? or... somthing similar...07:00
ere4siyou have to enable all the repositories07:01
maristoI've enable07:03
ere4siopen sybaptic - click on settings - then repositories and check all the boxes in the first tab except source cod - close that - then click an mp3 file and totem will ask to download the right codec. :)07:03
maristooh, I'll try07:03
ere4siwhat happens when you click a mp3 file then?07:04
PeckaHcan someone tell me why I don't find Stellarium with synaptic?07:28
ere4siPeckaH: have you enabled all the repositories? - stellarium will be in universe I think07:37
PeckaHyes, it says it's in the universe07:40
ere4sibest of luck then :)07:41
PeckaHI must have done something wrong with the sources :/07:41
ere4sioops - PeckaH - just to check - xubuntu has different repositories and one is called universe - did you know that...?07:42
ere4sistellarium ... universe  just making sure :)07:42
PeckaHah, yeah, I knew that :F07:43
PeckaHor I didn't understand your sentence07:44
PeckaHso "ubuntu universe" ~ "xubuntu universe"07:44
tarnto1I have installed xubuntu but once the after loading of the xubuntu progress bar the screen would go blank leaving a little red box with 'out of range 60hz/64khz' ...would that mean I should start from save mode and reconfigure the xserver or is it something else...i have never encountered this situation before with previous versions of xubuntu07:45
ere4siyep - apart from the window manager they are about the same - core wise07:45
ere4sivideo card driver I would think07:46
=== nixternal is now known as _nixternal
nessmukI've tried numerous install of Xubuntu, and everytime I end up with this bug, where09:59
nessmukI've tried numerous install of Xubuntu, and everytime I end up with this bug, where when09:59
nessmukI've tried numerous install of Xubuntu, and everytime I end up with this bug, where when I try to open a Terminal, it logs out into the boot scripts and them back to login....but I can't open and use a Terminal normally. Is this a bug? Is there a fix for this?10:00
DebaserHello everyone11:09
Debaseri tried installing fiesty on my sis's pc a pentium 3 150 somthing ram...but the installation gets stuck on some lib file11:10
Debaseri checked the integrity on my computer and it was fine :/11:10
ZuLuuuuuuHi people, anyone knows how I can change the DPI settings in xubuntu?11:21
filippoI have installed xubuntu 7.10 on a pentium 2 (btw, great!).With generic kernel it doesn't shut down, with 386 one it shuts down, and i don't undertand why...12:54
dmndwhere can i find installation direction for xubuntu 7.10 and beryl? i'm getting all edgy wiki's :)14:08
jiutian_who know chinese?14:30
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:48
acalbazaanyone know how to get xterm running with vncserver?  my ~/.vnc/xstartup script does not seem to kick in?15:51
magic_ninjaPumpernickel: are you around16:59
ochosihi, for some reason since i upgrade from feisty to gutsy my xfwm4-window-titles just show strange rectangles instead of characters, any idea why that could be?17:00
ochosiactually regardless of what theme i use17:01
magic_ninjaprobably missing the graphic file it calls for17:01
magic_ninjaor the font17:02
ochosia graphic file for the window title? (i mean it should say something like "Mozilla Firefox")17:02
ochosihmm, the font... could be17:02
magic_ninjaochosi: not sure what the window tiles were bro, but yea, alter the font that it calls for17:03
ochosimagic_ninja: ok, actually you were right, thanks man!17:03
Pumpernickelmagic_ninja: hm?17:06
ochosimagic_ninja: if you're still there, i have another major problem17:07
ochosimagic_ninja: each time i log out of xfce it forgets everything (this problem is new, only since yesterday). regardless whether i change window-manager config or configure any program17:08
ochosimagic_ninja: something must be wrong with my session but i can't figure out what17:08
ochosior anyone else on this problem?17:11
PumpernickelIt was saving your session properly before yesterday?17:13
ochosiPumpernickel: yep, it's really not just about the session. e.g. gmusicbrowser forgets the library settings and deluge forgets my torrents. both progs are empty on x-session restart17:14
PumpernickelSounds like a permissions problem on their config dir.17:15
ochosiPumpernickel: could be. but also stuff like changing the window-titles font-size is not being remembered17:16
ochosiPumpernickel:  it rather seems like a huge permission mess... and i dont even have any clue why that is17:17
PumpernickelAgain, sounds like a permissions problem.  If they can't write out the changes to their config files, they can't keep the settings.17:17
PumpernickelWere you doing anything with 'sudo' yesterday?17:17
PumpernickelYou may have accidentally overwritten something.17:18
ochosiPumpernickel: hm, well to be honest i didn't do anything specific yesterday. business as usual. didn't install anything and didn't do any major changes.17:18
ochosiPumpernickel: so it must be one small thing i did17:19
ochosiPumpernickel: i also had a look into the users and groups interface but couldn't find anything suspicious there17:19
ochosiPumpernickel: is there a way to easily reset my user privileges?17:19
PumpernickelEasily?  Nope.17:22
ochosifunny. now if i try to run users and groups it says "Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file."17:23
D--Is there a way to install only kdebase and not all the junk that goes with it like kate? I was thinking of just doing a dpkg --remove --force on each of the other package, but worried it could break stuff17:23
D--really only need access to kcontrol :-/17:24
=== joetheodd_ is now known as joetheodd
TheSheepD--: is qt3-qtconfig not enough17:24
D--TheSheep: sadly, nope, it's not :-/17:24
taishi21004hey I have a quick question, I am trying to install Xbuntu on the Eee PC and I was wondering where I need to go to make it where I can drag the windows up past the edge of the screen so I can see the buttons17:25
D--there's a couple things qt3-config didn't really handle, specifically icons and some of the extra features of the qt theme17:25
taishi21004sorry if I interrupted anything17:25
TheSheeptaishi21004: buttons?17:26
taishi21004like on the install screen, to go forward and backwards17:26
* TheSheep blinks17:26
TheSheeptaishi21004: ah, screen too small to fit the windows?17:27
taishi21004because the screen is so small I can't see them, and in Ubuntu there was a simple way of moving windows up past the edge of my screen and leaving there there, I did it by disabling graphical effects17:27
TheSheeptaishi21004: I'm afraid you can't move windows over the top edge17:28
TheSheeptaishi21004: try setting smaller default font in the user interface settings17:29
taishi21004one more question, people on the Eee user forums are saying that you should use ext2 instead of ext3 when installing to minimize disk writes due to a flash hard dirve17:31
taishi21004however there seems to be a lot of debate17:31
taishi21004any advice there?17:32
TheSheeptaishi21004: not sure, there are some options to tweak commit time and such17:32
TheSheeptaishi21004: you'll want to mount tmp as tmpfs though17:32
TheSheeptaishi21004: I have one box with flash drive (a thin terminal) and I use home directory mounted in ram and unpacked at boot there17:33
taishi21004ah okay17:34
taishi21004that makes sense17:34
TheSheeptaishi21004: works fine as long as you don't want to tweak settings or save anything :)17:34
TheSheepit would be probably possible to make something better using unionfs17:35
taishi21004alright well thanks for all of your help, I'm sure I will be back on in an hour or so with another question17:36
D--as per my earlier kdebase question17:39
D--easy solution17:39
D--copy kcontrol to /usr/local/bin17:39
D--then remove kdebase :)17:39
D--it works fine even without it installed17:39
ActySoftsHow do I disable the system beep? It's getting annoying.17:43
ActySoftsAlso, Abiword is installed yet the add/remove thingy says it's not. I don't need it since I installed OOo (OpenOffice.org), so how do I uninstall it?17:45
ActySoftsanyone home?17:47
=== _nixternal is now known as nixternal
jaybird7is xubuntu under the GPL?18:33
vinzejaybird7, partly18:33
vinzejaybird7, some of it's applications are, others use other open source licenses, and some parts (drivers and stuff) aren't open source18:34
vinzeHi centzon|-_-18:34
jaybird7vinze : okay, the drivers and stuff that aren't open source, do i need to read those licenses too? is it legal to use those in this manner?18:35
jaybird7in the US18:35
=== centzon|-_- is now known as centzon
vinzejaybird7, yes, it's legal to use everything in Xubuntu18:35
jaybird7vinze : okay thanks18:36
jaybird7alright, thank you :) have a nice time18:36
jaybird7bye now18:36
vinzeBye :)18:36
centzonis it ok if i just ask a question right here?18:37
vinze!ask | centzon18:38
ubotucentzon: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)18:38
centzonwell, i was that in and of itself is a question..........but you know, a xubuntu one18:38
vinzeSo yes :)18:38
centzonwhats teh best way to install ubuntu in an old system18:38
vinzecentzon, you mean Xubuntu I suppose?18:38
vinzecentzon, how much RAM does that system have?18:38
centzoni have an old windows me computer with 128mb ram18:39
acalbazareally annoying residual graphics above my system tray... have anyone else experienced this?  running xfce w/o compositor18:39
centzonand a 1.5 ghz p418:39
vinzecentzon, hmm, you could use the Alternate Install CD or add the boot parameter "only-ubiquity" when starting from the Desktop CD18:40
centzondoes the alternate cd use less resources?18:40
vinzecentzon, yes (compared to the desktop cd without only-ubiquity)18:41
acalbazawhat was that all about?18:41
vinzecentzon, but it is a text bsaed interface18:41
centzonthast fine, if theres a guide somewehre i dont mind reading18:41
centzonor would i be all on my own?18:41
vinzecentzon, I suppose a quick search will turn up plenty of results, Xubuntu's installation works the same as Ubuntu's, so... :)18:42
centzongot it18:42
vinzenp :)18:42
acalbazadamn, that's racist...18:43
vinzeacalbaza, ?18:44
acalbazavinze : bad joke...18:44
RandyboYCould anyone tips me of a player with winamps medialibrary-abilities? Meaning that i can play mp3 "remotely" and dont have to download them to the xubuntu machine20:24
vinzeRandyboY, I believe XMMS is very WinAmp-like20:24
somerville32RandyboY, Almost any of the players can listen to a stream20:24
vinzeRandyboY, if "remotely" means DAAP then I know Rhythmbox does that too20:24
RandyboYOk, different answers here :-) Maybe i didnt express myself good enough :-) What i meant was i want to play mp3 files located on another machine on my network. Not a stream20:26
vinzeRandyboY, how are they shared on the network?20:26
RandyboYOh, sorry, on a windows xp machine20:27
somerville32You could use samba20:27
somerville32and than just play them like they were local20:27
RandyboYso youre saying there isnt players able to play windows shared mp3's?20:28
vinzeRandyboY, depends on how you share them on Windows, mostly it is possible20:29
vinzeRandyboY, for example, Limewire and iTunes share using DAAP, and I can play those songs on my brother's Windows XP pc with Rhythmbox20:30
RandyboYvinze, all the mp3's are in a shared folder on the win xp machine20:30
RandyboYok, ill try rythmbox then :)20:30
vinzeRandyboY, I don't know Windows terminology, is "shared folder" using SMB or something? somerville32 mentioned Samba20:30
somerville32If you share the folder, you can access it on linux with Samba20:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shares - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about share - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:31
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT20:31
RandyboYok, ill try that too if rythmbox doesnt solve the issue :)20:31
vinzeRandyboY, most likely Rhythmbox won't if you haven't set your music up to be shared with DAAP20:31
vinzeRandyboY, so I'd try somerville32's advice first20:32
XwarlokX82hey guys22:15
zeroflagsometimes (30-50% chance to happen...) when I stop playback in a media player or some sound finished playing I get rather loud white noise on the sound channel. this noise can only be stopped by a) playing another sound and hoping it goes into the other 50% or b) by playing a sound in a media player and instead of stopping the track, just pausing it. any suggestions on how to fix that? currently using HD onboard sound on a nforce630a board (giga22:29
somerville32Ask crimsun :]22:30
The-Kernelsup all23:01
jiutianwho know chinese?23:25

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