
* Pelo wants a myst-like game for ubuntu , preferably free 00:00
zakirs:) bbye all00:00
RoyKaPelo: whatever - I need 2.6.23 and that's not available in ubuntu packages. that's why I'm asking00:00
linux88anone know how to transfer java games with moto4lin00:00
PeloRoyKa, read up about compiling your own00:00
RequinB4i'd take a free game for windows over a paid game for linux00:00
RequinB4virtualbox ftl00:00
slimjimflimyou guys ever played that fps where you have rocket packs, and it's open source?00:00
RoyKaPelo: I've compiled a few hundered kernels in my time, and as was asking, where can I find those ubuntu patches?00:00
RoyKaPelo: the vanilla kernel doesn't have the driver i need00:01
PeloRoyKa,  should be listed in the links in the instructions from ubotu00:01
xenthroq: anybody know the usenet binary downloader "klibido"? Every time I open an nzb it opens a new instance of klibido instead of adding it to the existing running instance00:01
PeloRoyKa, I'm not familiar with that process myself which is why I gave you the links00:01
LtEmerpochey guys...00:01
RoyKaPelo: those links are just for newbies00:02
slimjimflimyes sir00:02
PeloRoyKa,  you might also find help in ##linux and stuff from debian should work aswell00:02
LtEmerpoccan someone help me with00:02
LtEmerpoccompiz fusion00:02
PeloLtEmerpoc, the ppl in #compiz-fusion probabaly can00:02
poeloqre - back again00:02
PMantis Ubuntu used to have /etc/iftab ... how chan I change my nic to eth0 in 7.10 ?00:02
LtEmerpocoh wow.. im an idiot..00:03
PeloLtEmerpoc,  youa re not , you just dind'T know00:03
RequinB4Pelo is your shift-T key broken >.>00:03
RoyKaPelo: whatever. I was asking a straight question - where can I find the ubuntu specific patches? if you can't answer me, please do not redirect me to idiot channels00:04
PeloRequinB4,  on this keyboard ' is a shift key ,  I have a lazy pinky finger00:04
PeloRoyKa, you are welcome00:04
slimjimflimpelo, so what's your " ' " key then?00:05
Peloslimjimflim,  french canadian keyboard,  ' is shift+,00:05
=== RoyKa is now known as RoyK
=== martin_ is now known as Slazer
Slazercan sb help me?00:06
PeloSlazer, not if we don't know the problem00:06
slimjimflimpelo, i assumed you to be a native spanish speaker00:06
SlazerI am tryin to print in console00:06
Sonjaaadoes ubuntu have good text to speech?00:06
Slazerusing lpr file00:06
Peloslimjimflim,  you were mistaken , I only know about 100 words of spanish00:06
Sonjaaasorry i meant speech to text!!00:07
Sonjaaafor interface00:07
Sonjaaai want to ta00:07
Slazerproblem is this: lpr: Error - no default destination available.00:07
Sonjaaatalk instead of type00:07
Sonjaaadoes ubuntu do this well?00:07
PeloSonjaaa, look for speach recognition in synaptic00:07
ompaulSlazer, lp filename if you have a printer configured and if it is an ethernet printer then you need to do lp -P lp17 foo where lp17 is the cups name for the printer and foo is the file00:07
PeloSlazer,  I think you need to setup lpr first to use your printer,00:08
PeloSlazer, man lpr for mor info00:08
* ompaul admits it is night time and goes away00:08
* Pelo tucks ompaul in 00:08
Slazerseen man already..I have to use -P argument00:08
* RequinB4 thinks that night time is the best time for computer work00:09
PeloSlazer, it's not someting I am familiar with,  the forum might be more help www.ubuntuforums.org00:09
NirevusI have a problem with my webcam in aMSN. Ubuntu picks up the cam, and I have tested it works using Cheese, however when I try and configure it in aMSN it gives me and error. This is the error I'm receiving: http://pastebin.com/m1227d781 I'm running Ubuntu 7.10 on an Acer Aspire 5630 using the built in Orbicam00:09
thinh_slim you there?00:09
ArinomiHow can I disable xgl in ubuntu_00:09
slimjimflim'de night time is de right time'00:09
slimjimflimthinh, so log into your router and get your public ip00:10
PeloSlazer, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel00:10
LoaxesIs there any app that replaces the function of Launchy?00:10
Slazerwhy you dont allowe it? it is somehow dangerous?00:11
PeloNirevus,  maybe the ppl in #amsn know how to fix this00:11
PeloSlazer,  it opens up extra window and it is annoying00:11
Slazeroo, I see00:11
thinh_check you email now00:12
sky`sunsetcan someone help me installing the compiz?00:12
PeloSlazer,  when you are an active helper as I am,  ppl think it is ok to pm you wthout asking and you can get up to one every tw0 minutes buggin you in private,  I don'T allow it anymore00:12
RequinB4Arinomi add a blank file titled DISABLE to00:13
Pelosky`sunset,  in gutsy compiz is instaslled by default , but only enable to what your comp and handle, check in menu > system > prefs< appearance,  advancd00:13
sky`sunsetthank u so much00:13
thursdayHmm Question folks.00:13
slimjimflimthinh, can't ping, but it asks me for username/pass when i ssh00:14
Pelothursday, ask00:14
thinh_what should i use ddclient or router dynamic dns00:14
slimjimflimthinh, have you updated your up w/ dyndns.com lately?00:14
thinh_yeah because i am on it that why it work00:14
NirevusPelo, tried #amsn, it's pretty dead.00:14
thursdayGKsu is broken it seems... as I have concurrently deduced by friends help, but there are two instances of libgksu installed 1.2 and 2.0... is this supposed to be like this? I have Gutsy installed.00:14
Centaur5Doesn't Gutsy have included winmodem drivers?00:14
thinh_it is the current00:14
slimjimflimddclient wouldn't hurt anything00:14
kanuhaHow would I open nautilus to a specific folder?00:14
* Pelo is gonna hve to get himself one of them life things one of these days 00:14
slimjimflimbut that's not the problem00:14
Slazerompaul: lp -P lp17 foo where lp17 is the cups name for the printer and foo is the file WONT WORK00:15
thinh_see when i leave the computer and it goes into sleep mode or whatever than the computer stop responding00:15
PeloNirevus,  you can also search the error msg in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org00:15
IdleOnePelo: dont! it is overrated00:15
PeloSlazer, ompaul  is gone for the night00:15
slimjimflimthinh_ edit your grub and put in the line noacpi00:15
PeloLoaxes,  got what working ?00:15
thursdayOn top of that I just bricked my two day old linksyswrt54g :) So... have to go to staples tomorrow... any info on the gksu problem?00:15
Slazerthanks for telling00:15
thinh_how i do that00:15
LoaxesPelo: My Wifi. er, It's Timi :P Theres a little switch on the from of my laptop that turns the wifi on and off, I had it on off00:15
NirevusPelo, did that as well. The only answer there isn't exactly the same, and the solution is very vague00:15
slimjimflimi forget how to do it from a shell, but you can hit escape at boot time and edit it there00:15
thinh_i mean where is it located00:15
ScuniziI uncommented the "send core events" section in xorg to get Gimp to recognize an "extended input device" however after doing that my pads scroll wheel and buttons ceased to function.  Anyone have any answers?00:16
emjadoes anyone know of a FAQ/HOWTO for NIS & NFS?00:16
=== Loaxes is now known as Timi
slimjimflimanybody where the grub configuration file is located?00:16
NirevusPelo, this is all google has on it, go down tot he last two posts: I have a problem with my webcam in aMSN. Ubuntu picks up the cam, and I have tested it works using Cheese, however when I try and configure it in aMSN it gives me and error. This is the error I'm receiving: http://pastebin.com/m1227d781 I'm running Ubuntu 7.10 on an Acer Aspire 5630 using the built in Orbicam00:16
NirevusOops, sorry00:16
Pelothursday, remvoe the olderone00:16
TimiLinux88 you alive?00:16
NirevusPelo: http://www.amsn-project.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=376700:16
thursdayIt tries to uninstall a crap load of stuff PELO...00:16
thursdayShould I make a list and re-install it?00:16
Confesscan someone lend me a hand installing ubunutu?00:16
slimjimflimthinh_ i actually just fixed this problem on my box00:16
sky`sunsetpelo, but i didnt c advance00:16
thursdayBoth try to uninstall maaaaaaany many programs.00:17
thinh_i c cool00:17
kanuhaHow would I open nautilus to a specific folder?00:17
PeloNirevus, it is not something I am familiar with , I would have expected a working webcam to be available in all apps00:17
IdleOneConfess: what issues you having00:17
Pelosky`sunset,  the last tab00:17
ConfessIm trying to install it via a netboot, and it wont detect the mirrors.00:17
thinh_just add noacpi and it should work?00:17
ConfessI tried this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WindowsServerNetboot00:17
slimjimflimthinh_ did for me00:17
ConfessIm a complete noob.00:17
IdleOneConfess: any specific error?00:17
slimjimflimi'm asking where that file is in some other channels00:17
slimjimflimhang on00:17
Pelosky`sunset,  my mistake, visual effects  you can also check in synaptic for  compiz config  there is an app for furter config00:18
thinh_okey let see if u can find where it is located00:18
ConfessThe specified ubuntu archive mirror ir either not available or does not have a valid realse file on it. Please try a different mirror.00:18
thursdayPelo, what do I do about all the stuff it's trying to uninstall?00:18
Confesssorry for the spelling erros00:18
ConfessI want to install Xubuntu, actually.00:18
Pelothursday, what stuff any specifics ? let me have a look in mine00:18
slimjimflimthinh_ /boot/grub/menu.lst00:18
thursdayone moment00:18
slimjimflimjust put `noacpi` at the end00:18
linux88timi hey00:19
slimjimflimwithout the `00:19
Pelothursday,  hold off on the unisntall00:19
linux88timi are YOU alive??00:19
slimjimflimhello setenca00:19
xenthroi just moved a 6gb  file to trash but its not there... every other file is also deleted... did i misplace it?00:19
IdleOneConfess: that is beyond my scope but it seems that you arent pointing to the correct mirror or there is a missing file on the server according to that error00:19
sky`sunsetpelo     but it said destop effects could not be enabled00:19
TimiLinux88: Yeah, I hate myself, and I think you hate me too.00:19
sentenzacan grub boot if /boot is on an extended partition?00:19
thinh_just add noacpi at the end ?00:19
ConfessThe archives do appear to be down.00:19
ConfessThin: You talking to me about noacpi?00:20
Pelothursday, I also ahve both 1.2 and 2 installed,  and I don't have any isse, something else mgith be broken on your system, what makes you think it gksu is broken anway00:20
TimiLinux88: There is, infact a wifi on/off switch. The only problem we actually had was the fact that I had the wifi switch set to off.00:20
world_citizencan any one tell me about downloading a ubuntu dvd00:20
slimjimflimconfess, i don't think so00:20
causticGot a huge problem.00:20
Pelosky`sunset,  your video card might not be strong enough for it to work and so it is disabled00:20
IdleOneConfess: point to archives.xubuntu.com without a country code perhaps that is the issue00:20
linux88Timi ,lol00:20
slimjimflimcaustic that sucks00:20
ConfessHave you used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WindowsServerNetboot ??00:20
ConfessWhat do I point?00:20
sky`sunsetno, my video card is gf 8600 gt00:20
IdleOneTimi: lol that is funny00:21
sky`sunset256 mb ram00:21
slimjimflimconfess, do you speak english?00:21
causticI recently upgraded to 7.10, and now my sound stopped workin, any suggestions?00:21
linux88Timi so your wireless card isnt internal? or it is and the switch is on your laptop?00:21
ConfessYes I do. :P00:21
Peloworld_citizen,  go to the ubuntu website, the dl section, and select a country mirror , you 'll get a list of file, look for the dvd one00:21
emjaTimi: I did exactly the same. rather embarassing00:21
sky`sunsetit is strong enough00:21
thinh_i have a strange thing on my laptop its a dell d63000:21
slimjimflimconfess, nm worng person00:21
Timilinux88: it's internal with a switch00:21
Pelosky`sunset,  you can try asking in #compiz-fusion also , maybe you need to isntall xgl or someting00:21
Timiemja: I poured over the problem for eight gorramn hours. Beat that.00:21
linux88TImi lol well how did you figure it out?00:21
emjaTimi: close. probably about 5 or 600:22
sky`sunsetwhat server will taht be?00:22
Pelosky`sunset,  this one00:22
slimjimflimcaustic do you know your sound card model?00:22
sky`sunsetthank u pelo00:22
Timilinux88: I gave up on it, decided to go back to windows. Wasn't getting any wifi there, so I checked the instruction manual, and there it was, plain as daylight.00:22
slimjimflim*model number00:22
IdleOneConfess: like I said i dont know about netinstalls perhaps someone else can help but if the archive is down then try using another archive. I have to get going. good luck00:22
thinh_my screen goes blank after grub and stays blank until x starts up, does the same thing when i exit x as well00:22
emjaTimi: plain as ledlight00:22
ConfessAnyone lend me a hand?00:22
causticslimjimfilm: ATI, I had this problem before whgen i first changed.00:22
joankihow come i cannot watch tv shows on my browser online?00:22
ConfessWell, idle..00:22
Timiemja: amen.00:22
ConfessI dont know how to make it use the other archive00:22
Confesstheres no option for that00:22
slimjimflimthinh_ as long as it starts up, that's normal00:22
MocheezeHey all, I'm having a problem with Gutsy. It seems that tooltips are being displayed even when there is nothing to populate them. So I constantly have a little empty yellow box popping up whenever I leave my mouse in one place for more than a couple seconds. I tried looking for some tooltip options, but nothing seems to fix my problem.00:22
joankiit says that the video player is only available for firefox mac00:23
joankiwhat does that mean?00:23
linux88Timi haha well thats nice. I knew that chipset worked out of the box, i forgot to ask about the switch. So did you reinstall linux?00:23
PMantissethk: Hey, I found that /etc/udev/rules.d/75-persis... has the rules for which cards get which name. Used to be in /etc/iftab00:23
TimiLinux88; question now, is there any way to play my music off an external hard drive? Because my music library is 85gigs and I have a 120 gig hard drive. It's a problem00:23
Timilinux88: yep, I sure did.00:23
emjadoes anyone know of a FAQ/HOWTO for NFS client on Ubuntu? I'm trying to connect to FC3 server but the mount fails during boot00:23
thursdayOne main thing it wants to uninstall is ubuntu-desktop, all my outside installed programs, like avant, automatix, istanbul, serpentine, python gnome extras, and some other unimportant things.00:23
thinh_yeah just sometime it takes forever i kind of know what going on because of the mount check, but i recall that after awhile when it doesnt starts up00:23
linux88Timi is the external harddrive connected to your computer00:23
ConfessAnyone mind lending me a hand one on one? lol00:23
linux88timi your laptop i mean?00:24
Timilinux88: yep00:24
causticany suggestions?00:24
linux88timi through usb?00:24
Timilinux88: yep00:24
slimjimflimcaustic ati makes video cards, not sound cards00:24
Pelothursday, ubuntu desktop is just a meta package don't worry about uninstallint it ,  for the rest I would be more carefull00:24
un33kg33kcan anyone help me with my dual display prob??00:24
causticReally? lemme check then.00:24
linux88timi have you mounted the drive yet?00:24
thinh_thanks slim00:24
thursdayshould I just go ahead and uninstall it, and re install it?00:24
threefcataanyone running gutsy on x31?00:24
slimjimflimcaustic, and i don't need the manufacturer, i need the model number00:24
Timilinux88: thats probably my problem.00:24
sp3000un33kg33k: I can take one of them, that'll solve it!00:24
Pelothursday,  what makes you think gksu is broken ?00:24
thursdayworse comes to worse, I back up my gnome and program settings and migrate.00:24
ConfessYes, the archive server appears to be down00:24
threefcatai want to set trackpoint scrolling to work?00:24
thinh_thanks slim for all the help hopefully this will resolve all my problems00:24
* sp3000 sleeps00:24
linux88timi do you know how to?00:24
causticslimjim SB450 HDA Audio00:25
Timilinux88: nevermind, mounted.00:25
slimjimflimthinh_ i think you'll be just fine00:25
thursdayBecause when I go into the menu and use a sudo requiring option, it'll ask for the password, but never load there after @ pelo.00:25
linux88timi k00:25
slimjimflim... np00:25
slimjimflimcaustic, look it up and find  a driver00:25
linux88timi ya i need to get me a external hd cover for my 160g internal00:25
Pelothursday, you do know that gksu is only for gui aps right ?00:25
un33kg33kok i have both ports ( VGA and svideo) working for an htpc i cant figure how to have two x11 sessions?00:25
threefcatado i need special configuration to get x3100:25
slimjimflimcaustic, remove the old one first00:25
ArinomiCan anyone tell me how I can put NetworkManager back into my top panel? The network applet on the list is just... lame.00:25
threefcata's trackpoint to work?00:25
Pelothursday,  and it is gksu not GKsu ,  linux is case sensitive00:26
Timilinux88: Externals are the most useful things ever.00:26
slimjimflimcaustic...if there is an old driver00:26
causticslimjim what would it be like?00:26
slimjimflimcaustic, what would what be like?00:26
RequinB4arinomi - right click and add to panel00:26
thursdaywhen I load synaptic from the menu option under adminstation it never finishes loading after hitting ok and entering password.00:26
linux88timi ya they are nice to have00:26
ConfessTHIS IS PISSING ME OFF =.-00:26
EstethWhere can i find the down arrow icon in Tango? I want to copy it into another directory, or at least symlink it00:26
RequinB4langugae plz confess00:26
causticslimjim: what would I be lookin for to remove?00:26
ilgbbbim trying to control fan speeds00:26
slimjimflimcaustic, the audio driver00:26
threefcatacan anyone tell me how i can set thinkpad x31 's trackpoint to scroll? it seems the same method worked before doesn't work under gutsy00:27
ilgbbbi can monitor speeds with sensors command00:27
ilgbbbbut pwmconfig fails00:27
Pelothursday, can get nautilus in root by typing   gksu nautilus in alt+f2 ?00:27
ilgbbbFailed to set pwmhwmon0/device/pwm1 to full speed00:27
ilgbbbSomething's wrong, check your fans!00:27
Pelothursday, try from the terminal and see if you get an error msg00:27
thursdayit asks for the pass pelo... but it never does...00:28
un33kg33ktry dpkg the synaptic app00:28
Odd-rationalePelo: You can type sudo nautilus in a terminal00:28
sasha_this is a good one.00:28
thursdayTried that earlier and it just said initializing mount, and never got an error message... but it didn't load either.00:28
PeloOdd-rationale,  we are investingating a malfunction of gksu00:28
ConfessHas anyone used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WindowsServerNetboot before??00:28
Odd-rationalePelo: Oh, I see. Sorry.00:28
Edulix> hi, how to change background color from white to black when starting gmplayer with -fs -zoom -vo x11 ?00:28
sasha__lspci in one terminal window says i have an intel sound card,  lspci in another terminal window says i have a via chipset00:28
Pelothursday,  try looking in the forum see if they have anything to say about it , it is not normal behavior or a known problem, best of luck00:29
RequinB4only pick the one that says audio00:29
thursdayWell I have libgksu 1.2 and libgksu 2.0 installed...00:29
causticI'm still lost.00:29
thursdayshould that cause a conflict? I have no idea how it happened.00:29
ArinomiRequinB4, this manager doesn't act like the pre-installed manager. I can't select wireless networks with it..00:29
Pelothursday,  i have both as well and they work fine00:30
professor_hey all00:30
Monkee_Of_Evildoes anyone have any in game screen shots of any Linux gaes they would mind sharing with the Houston Loco?00:30
sasha__duh me.... i was actually in a different box00:31
Pelolater folks00:31
Monkee_Of_Evil*Linux Games00:31
slimjimflimcaustic, have you googled     "   "SB450 HDA Audio" ubuntu  "00:31
Monkee_Of_EvilWe have a list of about 20-25 games, but would rather use community contributed screen shots instead of ones from the vendor websites00:32
causticslimjim yeah. i get forums.00:32
Confessanyone know where to find the netboot.tar.gz for Xubuntu?00:32
ConfessOr the latest ubuntu?00:32
slimjimflimconfess #xubuntu?00:33
Jack_SparrowI owe someone an apology.  I messed up when linking a file to help them with an ntfs drive. That was not the program I thought it was.00:33
slimjimflimhang on00:33
n08l3Jhello everyone00:34
ConfessAnyone know why the archive directory is missing a whole bunch of files00:34
professor_I was wondering I want to modify a game but where do I find the file to do so00:34
n08l3Janybody know what is the location of default gdm splash image00:34
ubotuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html00:35
ubotuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.00:35
professor_how do you go into game files and edit them00:36
n08l3Janybody know what is the location of default gdm splash image00:37
arang2hi guys, anyone could point me to a good how-to, to install pulseaudio in gutsy?00:37
Jack_Sparrowprofessor_: you get the source code and edit it00:37
Kibble_what's the command to delete a folder even if it's not empty?00:37
an0malistI installed KDE on ubuntu with apt but it put a ton of apps in my gnome menus.. I want to just reverse what I did when I installed KDE... apt-get remove KDE just seems to remove "kde" but not the whole slew of things it installed.. how do I reverse what I did?00:37
nanais it possible without using screen to take a terminal running on ssh and move it to the local tty's?00:37
Jack_Sparrown08l3J: See the link above00:37
Jack_Sparrowan0malist: kubuntu-desktop00:38
professor_Jack_Sparrow, How do I do that00:38
n08l3Ji don't see anything, i got disconnected Jack_Sparrow00:38
n08l3Jcould you post it again ?00:38
ubotuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.00:38
causticGahh, I'm -still- stuck.00:38
Jack_Sparrowprofessor_: do you know any programming?00:38
Kibble_what's the command to delete a folder even if it's not empty?00:39
jonnyrorm -rf ./00:39
an0malistJack_Sparrow: it says kubuntu-desktop is not installed :\00:39
jonnyro(beware the second one, as it does what you want, but if you mistype, bad)00:39
Kibble_isn't that recursive, jonnyro?00:39
Jack_Sparrowjonnyro: Who are you talking to00:39
professor_Jack_Sparrow, I am learning python00:39
jonnyrosorry, was directed at Kibble_00:40
slimjimflimcaustic,  have you reinstalled the driver?00:40
jonnyroKibble_, rm -rf ./ will recursively delete a folder, even if it's not empty00:40
Confessis there a way to make an OS install from the a computer instead of the internet>00:40
slimjimflim...it looks like a pretty common issue00:40
causticslimjim: I can't find it in the first place, I keep hittin forums.00:40
Jack_Sparrowprofessor_: start by reading the link on source...00:40
PanzerMKZ_Confess: from the computer vs net?00:40
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate00:40
* jonnyro is not looking forward to fixing my compiz issues00:41
Kibble_jonnyro: so a full command would be <sudo rm -rf ./ /opt/directory_name>?00:41
jifConfess: sure.  You mean like from a CD or DVD?00:41
Confessvia netboot00:41
jonnyroKibble_, in fact, yes00:41
PanzerMKZ_bam looks like the bot got in front of everyone00:41
jonnyroKibble_, that will completely delete the directory in question00:41
Kibble_jonnyro thank you00:42
Jmaxhi, i'm missing /dev/dvdrw.  What should I do?00:42
arang2hi guys, anyone could point me to a good how-to, to install pulseaudio in gutsy?00:42
professor_Jack_Sparrow, Where do I find that, I am a noob00:42
cellofellowJmax: never seen that before. /dev/dvd should be there though.00:42
jonnyroI should have never upgraded from feisty to gutsy, still having issues getting borders working with compiz effects turned on00:42
ubotuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html00:42
Jmaxit's not00:42
jonnyroI should just do a complete reinstall00:42
cellofellowJmax: what about /dev/cdrom?00:43
Jmaxno /dev/hd? either00:43
Jack_Sparrowprofessor_: Please direct further question to the #python room00:43
Siph0nhey, every time i open K3b it takes 3-5 minutes to load.... is this normal?00:43
ilgbbbi need help slowing fans down with pwmconfig00:43
cellofellowJmax: /dev/sd* ?00:43
sethkjonnyro, never upgrade just because the upgrade is available00:43
Jmaxnor /dev/sg* or /dev/scd*00:43
Jmaxwell, except for my hard drives00:43
cellofellowJmax: is there ANYTHING in /dev?00:43
Kibble_jonnyro: it returned "rm: cannot remove directory `./': Invalid argument"00:43
Jack_SparrowSiph0n: no, unless it is having a hard time identifying the drive00:43
cellofellowJmax: do you know how your DVD drive is attached to your system?00:44
Siph0nJack_Sparrow, ok, thanks! :)00:44
jonnyroKibble_, what directory do you want to delete00:44
ilgbbbFound the following devices:00:44
ilgbbb   hwmon0/device is w83627ehf00:44
ilgbbb   hwmon1/device is coretemp00:44
ilgbbb   hwmon2/device is coretemp00:44
ilgbbbFound the following PWM controls:00:44
ilgbbb   hwmon0/device/pwm100:44
ilgbbbhwmon0/device/pwm1_enable stuck to 100:44
ilgbbbFailed to set pwmhwmon0/device/pwm1 to full speed00:44
ilgbbbSomething's wrong, check your fans!00:44
cellofellowMine, for example, is hdc, so IDE Master 2.00:44
jonnyroKibble_, if i wanted to delete /opt/blah, i'd run "rm -rf /opt/blah"00:44
Jmaxwodim: No such file or directory. | Cannot open SCSI driver!00:44
Jack_SparrowKibble_: use gksudo nautilus     or better gksudo thunar00:44
thursdayI didn't understand your  request Monkee_Of_Evil00:44
Kibble_aha ok.00:44
jonnyroKibble_, so, actually, your suggestion above, which i said was okay, was in fact wrong00:44
jonnyro(sorry, distracted screwing around with compiz)00:44
Kibble_yes, i figured out that much already :)00:44
Jmaxcellofellow: it *should* be, and was, in debian, /dev/hda00:44
thinhslim u there?00:44
sux_daemonsomebody knows how to configure oidentd to use with x-chat?00:44
Kibble_jack - what're those?00:45
Jack_Sparrowfile managers  gui00:45
cellofellowJmax: which version of Debian?00:45
Jmaxcellofellow: wodim: No such file or directory. | Cannot open SCSI driver!00:45
Jmaxcellofellow: etch00:45
ilgbbbis there anyone who can use pwmconfig?00:45
thinhi get connection refuse now on my friends place00:45
Jack_SparrowKibble_: go to terminal    type gksudo nautilus00:45
Jmaxcellofellow: there is /dev/sg0, sg1, sg200:45
cellofellowJmax: well, I think in Gutsy they made it so that hd is no longer, replaced with sd. I may be wrong, but I upgraded from Feisty so I still have sd.00:46
Jmaxcellofellow: and my data /dev/sda sdb sdc00:46
Jack_SparrowKibble_: it will let you do whatever you want, just be very sure of what you ask it to do.. then get out of it00:46
Kibble_i wrote  gksudo thunar and it didn't seem to do anything jack00:46
thinhdo i have to open a port on my friends router to get the data to it?00:46
Swianjust upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10 very nice00:46
xav3s hi. I've just installed fglrx (using envy) and enabled the driver. But, when fglrxinfo, the output is mesa. I already rebooted the system. Any help?00:46
cellofellowJmax: `mount` will show what is mounted where.00:46
Jmaxcellofellow: right, i use lvm00:46
sasha__what is the sound config directive in ubuntu ?00:46
Kibble_how do I stop it jack?00:46
Jack_SparrowKibble_: you would need to install thunar with synaptic or apt-get00:46
cellofellowJmax: I haven't a clue how lvm works.00:46
Jack_SparrowKibble_: close it00:46
Jmaxcellofellow: lvm should not be related.00:47
slimjimflimcaustic idk00:47
Jack_SparrowKibble_: then close the terminal window when it returns to a prompt00:47
sasha__alsaconfig cant be found00:47
Jmaxmaybe i'm missinga  module00:47
cellofellowJmax: maybe you should point wodim at the actual lvm device file.00:47
professor_Jack_Sparrow, I dont have questions about python, I have questions about where to find the file to edit on my computer for the game00:47
Kibble_jack - no idea what that did, but thanks00:47
Kibble_thanks jonny - it worked00:48
professor_Jack_Sparrow, I dont have questions about python, I have questions about where to find the file to edit on my computer for the game00:48
Jmaxcellofellow: my optical drive doesn't use lvm00:48
Jack_Sparrowprofessor_: and once again.. the link I provided shows you how to get the source code for any program you want to edit.00:48
Kibble_(read in a man that rm -rf can erase entire chunks of your hd00:48
Jack_Sparrowprofessor_: When you install a program you do NOT automatically download the source code00:48
thinhwhat better to use ddclient or router ddns?00:49
Jack_SparrowKibble_: that is why I was directing you away from that option00:49
todkonDoes anyone know of a good run prompt program? something with like a history + tab completion?00:49
Jack_SparrowKibble_: You type that wrong and lose everything00:49
todkonI tried using the xfrun, its alright, it has history, but no tab completion00:50
thinhslim can u try to connect again on my ip should still be in your email00:50
todkonsomething gtk but like the Enlightenment Run Prompt :)00:50
Kibble_hmmm, i would think there was a safer option, no?00:50
thinhi get connection refuse when i am at a friends place00:50
todkonmaybe a little more minimal though00:50
causticcan anyone help me?00:50
Jack_SparrowKibble_: command line is very powerful.. but unforgiving00:50
Jack_SparrowKibble_: Use a gui file manager with gksudo00:51
Kibble_yes, thanks for telling me i could do that ;)00:51
causticanyone? o.o;00:51
allencI am trying to use samba to connect with windows box, when I type smb in term I get command not found.00:52
thursday... still no solution besides uninstalling 20 programs...00:52
Jack_SparrowKibble_: Please use with caution..00:52
Confesscan ANYONE lend me a hand installing ubuntu from a windows computer via netboot?00:52
causticMy sound refuses to work, and I have a SB 450 audio00:52
causticI was told I need the drivers, but I can't fuind them.00:53
Jack_Sparrowthursday: If you are trying to uninstall one piece of a meta package, I think there is a way.. I just dont remember it00:53
ArthurArchnixI've installed Gutsy a few times, but this time when I log in I get bugged for the loginkeyring, in order to open up my wireless automatically. I've never set it, and don't know what it is. What's the solution?00:54
spasticteapotHas anyone here had any luck with Qtella?00:54
Kibble_hey jack join me a minute in #kibble?00:54
spasticteapotI get this funny error message : ../include/GWebCacheManager.h:5:19: error: qlist.h: No such file or directory00:54
thursdayWell no... I am trying to fix my menu options.00:54
thursdayGksu or something sim is the culprit00:55
GuiriHi everyone! If I install a minimal WM like fluxbox on my server can I still adjust power management? I was told Gnome's power settings are best for this.. I'm a bit confused.00:55
TimiCan anyone tell me how to mount an external drive?00:56
spasticteapotthursday: For me?00:56
spasticteapotguiri: Most of the power management things can be done from the command line, if not all.00:56
thursdayNo... me... my problem is gksu.00:57
simplechathey, if my system freezes with an odd cursor (hand and pointer), which can move, but the keyboard (and mouse buttons) don't respond00:57
Guirispasticteapot, can you point me to the correct wiki? I'm fine reading up on this but I'm new to Ubuntu.00:57
AirBenderTimi, first of all you must check the device name /dev/xxx00:57
simplechatis there any way to fix it without restarting or controll alt backspacing? (which doesn't work with firefox)00:57
somerville32So, how does one get sound with flash in firefox? :P00:57
spasticteapotI know how to adjust power stuff from the CLI mostly because I've had so much trouble with XFCE (admittedly, an earlier version.)00:57
Jack_Sparrowsomerville32: How did you install flash00:59
somerville32Jack_Sparrow, The normal way.00:59
Jack_Sparrowsomerville32: Cute..  could you be more specific as to which repo00:59
sasha__how do i play sound from command line ?01:00
somerville32Jack_Sparrow, Isn't it in the Ubuntu repo?01:00
peacepipejvhelp with wine. i uninstalled a program I had runnign under wine, reinstalled it, now it wont run. It just sits in the taskbar.01:00
TimiAirbender: THanks01:02
=== kingrayray is now known as rayb0t
AirBenderTimi: have you done it?01:04
TimiNope, I haven't the faintest what you were talking about, but I figure that I'll work it out in time :P01:04
Jack_SparrowSorry, had to get the door.01:05
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash01:05
PeloJack_Sparrow,  what ? no script ?01:05
=== muir is now known as muir71
TimiIs there a replacement kind of thing for launchy?01:05
Timithat isn't katapult?01:05
Jack_Sparrowis how most people install it.  But the ones that install it in a different way are the ones that usually have problems01:05
PeloTimi, launchy ?01:06
Jack_SparrowHI Pele01:06
causticGah, still nothing...01:06
* Pelo 's is not a soccer god 01:06
linxehanyone here got a OLPC ?01:06
AirBenderTimi: get it out, and in again, and then type dmesg in a terminal. Then you will see some information regarding your disk, I hope...01:06
Jack_SparrowOk, I am officially exhausted.. goodnight all01:06
TimiPelo, you make a keystroke, say ctrl+space, it brings up a box that allows you to type in the name of the application you want, and presto01:06
Timiokay, will try airbender01:06
meoblast001when i try to enable desktop effects i get "Desktop effects could not be enabled." how do i fix this?01:07
Pelolinxeh, most ppl here aren't impoverished third world elementary school children01:07
spasticteapotSo...has anyone here used Qtella?01:07
allencPelo: I installed Samba (I think) but smb does nothing.01:07
PeloTimi,  alt+f201:07
causticany ideas...? No sound when i recently upgraded, I have a SB 450 audio card.01:07
Peloallenc,  sudo smb ?01:07
TimiPelo, thanks01:07
Peloallenc,  I'm not too familiar with samba I think smb is the command line but might be samba01:07
TimiAirbender, theres lots of info there.01:07
allencpelo: neither works.01:08
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:08
AirBenderTimi, yes indeed but at the end should be info about a recent connected hdd01:08
ma2i would like to know, what would happen if i force install command ?01:08
ConstyXIVwifi routers usually act as a halfway decent (for home use) firewall as well, right?01:08
Peloallenc,  read up a few lines that was for you01:08
allencpelo: that you aren't familiar?01:09
allencIs anyone here familiar with samba or another way to map windows directories?01:09
PeloConstyXIV,  depends on how you configure it , but firewall aren't needed in linux like they are in windows01:09
Pelo!samba > allenc check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu01:09
ConstyXIVPelo: mixed network here01:10
TimiAirbender: 1600BEVExternal?01:10
Pogonip_How can I see what processes are running.01:10
AirBenderTimi: may be, actually I haven't experience with external hdd, but may be it could be good idea to type: lsusb and identify your HDD, then, depending on the device number you can try mouting it as /dev/usbX01:10
GuiriIs there a (relatively) easy way to wipe all of Gnome/default programs to give me a headless server?01:11
PeloConstyXIV, I'm not an expert but most routers have safety / security settnigs , check for nat , firewall,  portforwarding and the likes,  there are also encryption options for wifi and ways of blocking other comps from connecting if they don't have a preassigned static ip01:11
dta948_2Pog command line.. ps aux01:11
Timiwhats the mount command?01:11
causticmy sound won't work on my recent update, and I have a SB 450 audio card, suggestions?01:11
somerville32So, how does one get sound with flash in firefox? :P01:11
PeloTimi, sudo mount /dev/****  /mountpoint01:11
MasterShreksomerville32, apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree01:12
PeloTimi,  if your external hdd is ntfs you'll need to use ntfs-3g for monting it01:12
ma2i would like to know would force install crash my system ?01:12
causticcan anyone help me...?01:13
=== alyx is now known as Alyxander
somerville32MasterShrek, not found01:13
Pelocaustic, what with ?01:13
causticmy sound won't work on my recent update, and I have a SB 450 audio card, suggestions?01:13
MasterShrek!info flashplayer-nonfree01:13
ubotuPackage flashplayer-nonfree does not exist in gutsy01:13
Pelo!sound | caustic  start with this01:14
ubotucaustic  start with this: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:14
Peloma2, what do you want to force install ?01:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about f - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:14
Alyxanderhey giys how do i install a new icon themem in xubuntu01:14
Bugsonhello any body there??01:14
PeloAlyxander, drag drop the tar.gz file on the theme manager01:14
linxehPelo: maybe you missed the way that the OLPC project is being run ?01:15
ma2Pelo:nvidia, but if i force install any app would it crash the system ?01:15
dta948_2what is a good replacement for Dreamweaver?01:15
MasterShrek!info flashplugin-nonfree | somerville3201:15
ubotusomerville32: flashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 17 kB, installed size 156 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)01:15
Cooner750Can I resize Windows NTFS partition while in Ubuntu?01:15
somerville32MasterShrek, flashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version.01:15
Peloma the nvidia drivers aren't apps,  you might screwup your system yes01:15
MasterShreksomerville32, running 64 bit by chance?01:16
PeloCooner750, yes but it must be unmounted and unused01:16
BugsonI have problem with usb, after a while of no problem working my mouse freeze and no usb port is responding, my keyboard though works fine, any idea???01:16
Cooner750Pelo: I can unmount it but still have no options?01:16
TimiOkay, problem, I'm getting an error creating child process for the terminal01:16
ma2Pelo:thankyou, what about if i force install to app that do the same function ?01:16
PeloCooner750, you might have to do it from the live cd , I'M notsure01:16
Peloma2,  no idea01:17
somerville32MasterShrek, nope01:17
thursdayStill trying to fix this super usr prob...01:17
Timiah well01:17
Timimust run01:17
threefcataCan anyone tell me how to set scrolling on thinkpad X31?01:17
Timibe back soon01:17
Cooner750Does anyone know about this glitch where the titlebar of a window becomes unreadable when maximized with Desktop Effects on01:17
Pelothursday, clean install01:17
thursdayI lose everything =/01:17
Pelothursday, backup01:17
Bugsonany help??01:18
ma2Pelo:thank you01:18
Pelothursday,  you only realy need to copy your /home folder to a seperate partition, and leave it there , you can use manual partitioning to use /home froma seperate partiton01:18
CreationistHow do I go about changing the resolution used by GDM?  It currently uses a distorted resolution (different from the one used when I login).01:18
thursdayI don't want to partition it.01:18
caustic!sound |01:19
ubotu: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:19
PeloBugson,  try to have your keyboard and mouse and other periferal on diferent usb hubs01:19
thursdayI guess I could put my home directory on my E drive.01:19
=== ketrox_ is now known as ketrox
thursdayIt's fat32... is that a problem?01:19
Pelothursday, only if you have files bigger then 4 gig01:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:19
BugsonPelo, my keyboard is on ps2, and mouse on usb ;)01:19
Pelothursday, partitionning in linux is much more prefereable then it is in windows, do not be afraid of it01:20
thursdayI have several files bigger than 4 gigs on there already...01:20
PeloBugson,  but you do know what I mean01:20
Bugsonso where to put it?01:21
peacepipejvhelp with wine. i uninstalled a program I had runnign under wine, reinstalled it, now it wont run. It just sits in the taskbar.01:21
PeloBugson,  it was just a suggestion I notice that when I plugged one usb flsh drive next to another one, the first one would disconnect I assumes this was aproblem with theway my mobo handled things and that it might cause issues on other comps01:22
PeloBugson,  but you might try looking in the forum for ppl with the same problem and how they solved it01:22
BugsonThere's a lot of the same issue but not on 7.1001:23
Bugsonand there, are no asnwers :/01:23
PeloBugson,  solutions would still apply01:23
* Pelo is defeated01:23
BugsonI've tried to change the usb ports, but it's still the same :/01:24
TimiI didn't mount it01:24
Timibut I rebooted and that worked.01:24
* Timi conqours Pelo01:24
DigitalNinjaWhich is better mbox or maildir?01:24
* Pelo fights Timi off with a broom stick up the ... 01:24
inversekinetixwhy does firefox crap out 3 times out of 5?01:24
johI'm having some trouble with NTP. For some reason, the ntp daemon never synchronizes my clock...01:24
Peloinversekinetix,  got flash on there ?01:25
inversekinetixPelo  yes01:25
Peloinversekinetix,  completely remove it , and instal it again01:25
TimiPelo: Up yours or up mine? I'm kind of confused there, because I can see it as you haveing a broom stick shoved up your rump, and still managing to fight me off, or you shoving a broomstick up mine in order to fight me off.01:25
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!01:25
Tm_Tinversekinetix: ?01:26
LjLinversekinetix: pray tell, what the heck?01:26
* Pelo just waits and see what ljl will do 01:26
LjLPelo: not a good example01:26
inversekinetixTm_T im scared by user Timi talking about sodomization with housejold items01:26
=== tehinternets is now known as r00tintheb0x
r00tintheb0xHello all01:26
CreationistHow do I go about changing the resolution used by GDM?  It currently uses a distorted resolution (different from the one used when I login).01:27
whyameyeis it possible to route audio internally to /dev/dsp?01:27
ma2is there a place that would teach about how to use the command and understand ubuntu better ?01:27
inversekinetixPelo I installed flash in the restricted extras package,  is there a way to remove only flash?01:27
ADemiG0Dhow do i start up from the live cd when I have ubuntu installed?01:27
johStopping the ntp daemon and running `ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com' works.01:27
ADemiG0Dit wasnt an option in the grub menu01:28
Peloinversekinetix,  in synaptic01:28
Cooner750Does anyone here expect Wine to get better over time?01:28
Alyxanderpelo that doesnt work01:28
PeloAlyxander, what doesn'T work ?01:29
PeloCooner750, most wine users do01:29
inversekinetixthanks pelo01:29
Pelowine deos get better with age after all01:29
GuiriDoes myphpadmin exist for Ubuntu?01:29
GuiriI can't find the package.01:29
Alyxanderdragging the icon .tar.gz into the theme manager it xubuntu pelo01:29
PeloADemiG0D, just boot from your cd rom01:29
robdigADemiG0D: you need to go into your BIOS menu and set it to boot off of CD. usually while BIOS info is up it is F12 or ESC or F8 depending on the bios...usually says on the screen01:29
GuiriIt may be a repo problem01:29
ADemiG0Dthanks again Pelo and Robdig01:29
PeloAlyxander, unpack the tar.gz once sometimes they get repacked to add instructions01:30
Cooner750i hope it does01:30
Cooner750Steam seems to be working well01:30
Cooner750Except instant messaging with friends01:30
Cooner750does not work at all01:30
PeloCooner750,  what issue are you having with it ? short version01:30
tafsenAre there themes, not just for metacity, but for the whole package? (the windows, panels, everything) ?01:30
TimiI have a question01:30
Timiif I save something to the desktop01:30
Timiand reboot01:30
Timidoes it magically disappear?01:30
Pelo!theme | tafsen01:31
ubotutafsen: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:31
Cooner750Is it ok for me to copy all of my fonts over to Ubuntu from Windows?01:31
inversekinetix!enter |Timi01:31
ubotuTimi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:31
Alyxanderpelo after unpacking still no01:31
Pelo!enter | Timi01:31
CreationistGuiri: If you've tried searching the repositories with Synaptic and didn't fine it, then it must not be there :)01:31
robdigTimi: shouldn't disappear01:31
CreationistGuiri: You can still install it manually, though.01:31
PeloAlyxander, in the theme managerdo you have an install button ?01:31
TimiRight, right, sorry. and okay.01:31
inversekinetixPelo, do you know a lot about linux?01:31
Alyxandernope xfce01:31
Peloinversekinetix, not realy, I use windows vista01:31
inversekinetixPelo, lol, ok thanks01:32
CreationistTimi: To answer your question, no, it shouldn't.01:32
RequinB4Pelo: xD01:32
PeloAlyxander, try asking in #xubuntu01:32
CreationistTimi: Unless you're using the Live CD :)01:32
Alucard85Hey, I was looking for some help with installing Ubuntu 6.06 on a HP dv9000 and it won't install right01:32
TimiI'm not using the live CD01:32
CreationistAlucard85: Can you elaborate?01:32
inversekinetixCan anyone recommend me a good linux starter book?01:32
Peloinversekinetix,  I'm your basic home user with a nack for problem solving , what is your issue ?01:32
TimiQuestion: Is there a recycling bin?01:32
RequinB4There is a trash can01:32
CreationistCooner750: Most windows fonts should work, but I could be wrong.  It won't hurt to try it :)01:32
Peloinversekinetix, http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php http://book.opensourceproject.org.cn/distrib/ubuntu/unleashed/ http://revision3.com/forum/showthread.php?t=84 http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty01:32
inversekinetixPelo, me too, just looking for a good book to get better acquainted01:32
robdigTimi: yup, lower right corner01:33
Peloinversekinetix,  I just gave you a few pretty descent links01:33
Alucard85I'm getting stuck on the live CD. I ran it twice and when it got to the "enterprise volume management systems" the first time it just froze up and the CD stopped. The Second time it stopped at configuring network interfaces01:33
TimiThanks, saved my ass there.01:33
inversekinetixPelo thanks, adding them now,  I just want a book to take around wit me too01:33
CreationistAlucard85: How much RAM does the PC have?01:33
Alucard852 gigs01:33
CreationistAlucard85: Ah, so it's a newer system?01:33
Cooner750What's the command I run to refresh the font cache?01:34
wastrelthat's a lot of ram01:34
Alucard85Yeah, a HP dv9000\01:34
Alucard85it's one of their newer laptops01:34
CreationistAlucard85: I apologize, I don't know system model numbers :)01:34
AirBenderwhen using dual Displays with VideoCards, is there a way to adjust each display view to compensate the separation of the screens due to the Edges thickness ??01:34
Peloinversekinetix, there is probably a linux for dummies out there somewhere01:34
Alucard85it's cool, I only know it cause it's right infront of me01:34
leslianHas anyone had any luck in getting wireless to work in gutsy?01:34
CreationistAlucard85: May I ask why you're going with 6.06 instead of 7.10?01:35
Pelo!wifi | leslian01:35
ubotuleslian: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:35
inversekinetixPelo.  i live in japan, have to buy everything off the innernets, i hate not being able to look before I buy01:35
Peloleslian,  and most ppl have it working01:35
leslianHey, thanks. :)01:35
Poul|RaiderSo anyone good at svn that could guide me with a few command lines. if i want to submit a folder to svn.lol/branches/raider what would i do then?01:35
Alucard85Because there is a sticky on the forums that the HP dv9000 does not like Gusty01:35
Alucard85they recommend that you do not use gusty on Hp 6000 and 9000 series laptops01:35
CreationistAlucard85: Ah, then I'd stay away from it.  But the problem with brand new systems is that the older versions of Ubuntu may not include device support for them yet.  You could try Edgy or Feisty too.01:36
inversekinetixwould it be possible to installed printer drivers to a WINE installation and print from there?01:36
Alucard85Well, it wont even finish booting from the CD at all01:36
Peloinversekinetix, possibly you'd have to ask the #winehq ppl01:36
dZen|n|Hello I have installed emerald and I have downloaded some themes how can I use the theme now ?01:36
tafsenPelo: Are there full themes at gnome-look.org? I can only find for metacity01:37
inversekinetixPelo, Im afraid of winehq, theyre not so friendly01:37
Alucard85and it's not consistant when it's stops01:37
leslianNot really, because from most versions of wine, you'd have to create the document in wine as well.01:37
Peloinversekinetix,  they are not htat bad01:37
ephemientdZen|n|: emerald-theme-manager01:37
allencwhat is a fstab file?01:37
Pelotafsen, gtk201:37
CreationistAlucard85: Right, then it's most likely an unsupported piece of hardware.01:37
dZen|n|ephemient: yeah and, when I oik the theme what should I do then ?01:37
tafsenPelo: Thanks01:37
Peloallenc, fstab is the file that automounts your drives at startup01:37
Alyxanderwhere is ~/.icons/?01:37
AirBenderallenc is a file where you define automatic mounting of devices in your system01:38
Alucard85So, anyone have a Linux distro that may support whatever it's that is not being supported?01:38
leslianI'm not sure, but if you type ls -a, that will bring up all your "hidden" files01:38
CreationistAlucard85: If you can't even get to the desktop, then I'd definitely recommend trying a slightly newer version.   Or you could run the disc check to make sure you have a good burn of Dapper.01:38
PeloAlyxander, in it is a hidden folder in /home/username    crtl+h to see hidden folders01:38
allencpelo: ok, it says to edit it and put a line in but I don't see it exists...01:38
Peloinversekinetix, please accept the files I am sending you01:38
lenchoalguien habla español???01:38
ephemientdZen|n|: I don't understand what you said.  "oik"?01:38
CreationistAlucard85: With the newest hardware, device support falls on the linux kernel (which ALL distros use)01:38
inversekinetixwhat are the pelo?01:38
Alucard85The disc check passed and we01:39
Alyxanderpelo im looking there but dont see it01:39
Alucard85- and we01:39
Peloallenc, in the terminal type gksu gedit /etc/fstab01:39
RequinB4lecho, por favor escuche a ubotu01:39
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.01:39
inversekinetixPelo I am not recieving any file transfer requests01:39
Alucard85So any recommendations for someone trying to avoid windows?01:39
dZen|n|ephemient: I open emerald theme manager and import the theme, but what next I can't apply or something only close01:39
Peloinversekinetix, how about now ?01:39
leslianDo you mean programs and things, Alucard?01:39
RequinB4de nada01:39
inversekinetixPelo got it but its stuck on starting01:40
Alucard85no, Linux OS's01:40
Peloinversekinetix, hmmm01:40
Cooner750Wine runs at native speed, correct?01:40
Cooner750"Wine Is Not An Emulator" ?01:40
leslianWell, Ubuntu is great, but so is Fedora core.01:40
Peloinversekinetix,  are you a registered user on this network ?01:40
Cooner750I used to have Fedora on here01:40
leslianI've also tried Mandriva, and I liked it, too.01:40
poeloqwhat is the fastest way to check if i have 3d support enabled and working?01:40
MasterShrekslackware ftw!01:40
CreationistCooner750: Wine runs at native Linux speed, yes.  The programs running THROUGH Wine do not quite run at native Windows speed ;)01:40
Alucard85Well, I'll try Fedora then. Does fedora use KDE or GNOME?01:41
ephemientdZen|n|: if the theme was imported correctly, it will show up in the themes list.  selecting a theme from the themes list should change the active theme01:41
Creationistpoeloq: Type this in the terminal:  glxinfo | grep direct01:41
MasterShrekgnome by default01:41
rbilpoelog: you could also open a terminal and run glxgears01:41
leslianHonestly, I don't remember the default- you can use either.01:41
Cooner750Steam seems to be doing pretty good01:41
baphsgood ppl I have the wierdest problem with rtl8139 anyone can help?01:41
ephemientpoeloq: glxinfo | grep direct01:41
Cooner750I copied my HL2 GCF file over from the Windows partition01:41
dZen|n|ephemient: okey, then it dosn't :D01:41
leslianIt may even come with both and you can choose.01:41
inversekinetixPelo, xchat stops responding when the file transfer dialog opens01:41
Cooner750so it dosen't have to download it01:41
emjacan anyone explain the difference between the rc#.d and rcS.d directories? if I have identical symlinks in each directory could that explain my problems with NFS starting correctly on bootup?01:41
dZen|n|I am using compiz01:41
Creationistpoeloq: Or what rbil said ;)01:41
poeloqCreationist: it says direct rendering: yes01:41
Peloinversekinetix, check the prefs , make it automaticaly accept01:41
ephemientdZen|n|: is emerald running?01:41
Creationistpoeloq: Then you're good :)01:41
Alucard85Well, thanks you guys for your help01:42
ephemientdZen|n|: if you installed it but haven't logged out and back in yet, it won't be started01:42
dZen|n|how can i chech that01:42
poeloqCreationist: thanks01:42
NSMI have 3 security/hardening problems I can't find an answer for.  1) accepting icmp redirection.  2) permitting transmission of ip packets w/ invalid addresses.  3) permitting source routing from incoming packets.  Would these be in /proc/sys/net?01:42
ephemientdZen|n|: ps x | grep emerald01:42
Peloemja,  different levels for different priorities01:42
inversekinetixPelo its already set to auto recieve01:42
poeloqwhere do i activate the new 3D effects 7.10 has?01:42
ephemientdZen|n|: or just run "emerald --replace &"01:42
allencpelo:gsku not found01:42
emjaPelo: yes, but rc2 vs rcS?01:42
dZen|n|ephemient: I have restarted gdm01:42
Peloinversekinetix, set another dl folder , like your desktop maybe01:42
Creationistpoeloq: Go to System->Preferences->Appearance... "Effects" tab.01:43
dZen|n|ephemient: I did that in alt - f201:43
Peloemja,  rc2 gets loaded before rc501:43
rbilallenc: try gksudo01:43
emjaPelo: not rc5. rcS01:43
inversekinetixPelo done01:43
Peloemja, no idea01:43
baphstcp connection is established but data wont flow on 2.6.22 kernel..now I dont have any fw or anything. clean 7.10 install..same laptop dual boots vista working no prob..01:43
ephemientdZen|n|: use a terminal to see the output of "ps x | grep emerald"01:43
emjaPelo: thx01:43
poeloqCreationist: the composite something thing not01:43
=== crdlb_ is now known as crdlb
RequinB4"advanced desktop effects" creationist poeloq01:43
poeloqand now it hangs01:43
baphsany one?01:43
wastrelCreationist: what mail client do you use?01:43
emjadoes *anyone* know the purpose of /etc/rcS.d? (note that is the letter S, not the numeric 5)01:43
inversekinetixPelo the transfer wont start01:43
Creationistwastrel: I use Gmail01:44
Peloinversekinetix, sent, if that doesn't work , try setting for manual accept , might solve the problem if you hve to say yes01:44
Peloinversekinetix, change the way you accept and tell me when you are done01:44
Cooner750Anyone here able to play any games via Steam?01:44
Cooner750in Wine01:44
CreationistCooner750: In Windows ;)01:44
ephemientemja: /etc/rcS.d/README tells you what that directory is for01:44
poeloqCreationist: it said something about composite  not working01:44
CreationistCooner750: The ONLY reason I keep window is gaming and video editing.01:44
RequinB4someone was on earlier talking about getting steam working01:44
emjaephemient: ahh rcap. thx. sorry01:44
inversekinetixPelo done01:44
Cooner750Creationist: I keep it for gaming, and I'd really rather not01:45
dZen|n|ephemient: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45743/01:45
inversekinetixPelo, working thanks01:45
Peloinversekinetix, there you go01:45
inversekinetixPelo not bad speed too01:45
inversekinetixwill do01:45
CreationistCooner750: Same here.  But I've tried running games with Wine and they either look terrible and play very slowly, or they don't run at all.01:45
ephemientdZen|n|: hmm, so emerald is running01:45
inversekinetixPelo whats your connection?01:45
RequinB4Actually wine is fine with games if the games are fairly old01:45
dZen|n|ephemient: yeah01:46
CreationistRequinB4: Right.... circa 1990's ;)01:46
Peloinversekinetix, 4mb/800kb01:46
Cooner750The only game I have ever got to run in Wine is GTA: SA01:46
r00tintheb0xRequinB4 Wine can play new games too... with some work.01:46
RequinB4creationist - don't dis my game shelf01:46
dZen|n|should I restart system ?01:46
baphsAnyone some help? ubuntu 7.10, net working but tcp sessions die unexpectdly -> no possilbe to browse or actually do anything except for ping...01:46
Cooner750And it worked except for some textures were severely screwed01:46
inversekinetixPelo, lol the window was hiding some of the dialog, i thought you were uploading at 2.6MB/s01:46
macksting...Okay. So I'm new to all this. How long is the FAQ?01:46
CreationistRequinB4: Not dissing it... just saying it totally differs from mine.  Besides, almost all Linux games appear to be from that era too01:46
Cooner750I'd like a connection with an upload speed of 2.6Mb/s :P01:46
wastrelthere's a faq?01:47
Peloinversekinetix, I can't afford that on a janitor's salary01:47
RequinB4what i've found is that newer games will work very well until you hit one previously unkown part of a game that requires windoze and it crashes01:47
ephemientdZen|n|: I don't know what the issue is, then01:47
inversekinetixluckily bandwidth is next to free here.  its actually only $10 a month more to get fibre than it is dialup01:47
Creationistinversekinetix: Wow... where?  I may need to relocate.01:48
emjaephemient: thx. deleting the symlinks from rcS.d seems to have fixed the problem01:48
inversekinetixPelo, np, Im grateful for any help01:48
inversekinetixCreationist: japan01:48
Creationistinversekinetix: Okay, nevermind ;)01:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pgp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pki - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:49
inversekinetixthis is actually the first to send something via irc01:49
mackstingWastrel: According to the topic, yes. I like the idea of getting to know Linux, but the topic might be scaring me off a touch.01:49
baphsdoes anyone here actually know anything except for directing ppl to manuals and helping on startup scripts? this supposed to be some support channel no?01:49
JessidHello. How can I make a usb mouse work in ubuntu 7.10? It used to work in ubuntu 7.06...01:50
Dr_willisbaphs,  its amazing what we know.. when someone asks a decent question01:50
Peloinversekinetix, well you are not getting pretty much as good as I can send,  ~80kB/s01:50
wastrelmacksting: i never read the topic :]  jump on in with your question if you've got one.01:50
Creationistbaphs: Yes, it is.  But many times you can learn a lot more a lot quicker by reading a manual.01:50
inversekinetixPelo, i dont know what youre talking about (8(|)01:50
Burlynnbaphs, yes, thats completely run by volunteers ..01:50
=== kal0_ is now known as kal0
ephemientbaphs: most people are not experts on everything either01:50
RequinB4baphs - everyone on here is a volunteer and the experts aren't on 24/7 ;)01:50
Creationistephemient: Huh?  You don't know everything about everything dealing with Linux and all it's intricate working parts?01:51
Cooner750HL2 works01:51
Creationistephemient: WHat good are you? ;)01:51
rbilbaphs: what are u seeking?01:51
ephemientCreationist: I'm usually pretty good at lurking.  shall I go back?  :D01:51
Creationistephemient: Nah, lurking is my domain and I prefer to remain a loner.01:52
Burlynnhide in the corner!01:52
allencpelo: it says that this line in fstab is bad...  //HAL-9000/Server C  /media/cristc  smbfs  credentials=~/.smbcredentials,dmask=777,fmask=777  0  001:52
baphsobviously and burlynn..obviously :) now does any of you good volunteering souls know why would clean 7.10 buntu let me establish tcp sessions but kill them randomaly?01:52
Dr_willisallenc,  ive seen issues in the past with spaces in share/machine names.01:52
rbilbaphs: going thru a router?01:53
baphsim on rtl8139, no fw or any filtering is on, it connects thru eci router01:53
Peloallenc, I realy don'T know enough about samba , Dr_willis seems to knwo more , there is also a #samba chanel01:53
mackstingI'm trying to get Rhythmbox to understand mp3s. Apparently there's a codec or something (I'm talking from my behind here) that's used by Rhythmbox, and a different one used by Aleph One.01:53
baphsive trying resetting the mtu or lowering the net to 10base ...no use.01:53
Dr_willisAll i know about samba - i learned by reading the 'using samba' book  - WHICH is in the 'samba-doc' package. :P01:53
baphssame laptop works with all other os/prev buntu versions01:54
Burlynnmacksting, got all the gstreamer codecs installed?01:54
marcelwhat is a root directory?01:54
mackstingI'm more interested in having mp3 capability in a music player than in a Marathon game; as long as the latter has sound, I'm fine.01:54
Cooner750my server keeps blocking Valve's servers01:54
Odd-rationalemacksting: did you try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras?01:54
MaryJanewhat does ubuntu mean?01:54
Odd-rationaleMaryJane: Humanity to others.01:54
Pelo!mp3 | macksting01:54
ubotumacksting: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:54
mackstingOdd: Tried via terminal. Got something telling me it's invalid.01:54
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com01:54
peacepipejvhelp with wine. i uninstalled a program I had running under wine, reinstalled it, now it wont run. It just sits in the taskbar.01:55
RequinB4ubuntu is swahili01:55
poeloqwhen trying to turn effects on, I get ""The composite extension is not available"" what does that mean?!?!01:55
mackstingWhen I tried to follow the instructions for gstreamer, it kept making assumptions about my knowledge and what files I possess. I ended up with about a dozen tabs open trying to string together something sensible. Failed.01:55
Dr_willispoeloq,  means you dont have your videocard/drivers set up properly01:56
thursdayThis issue is pretty comp it seems.01:56
mackstingI believe that was on the above-mentioned restricted formats page.01:56
ephemientmacksting: the RestrictedFormats page does offer a solution that does not involve the command-line01:56
mackstingThrow on top of this the fact that the sudo apt-get command failed, and I'm understandably at a loss.01:56
mackstingAh.I'm curious, though. Why wouldn't the terminal attempt work?01:56
poeloqDr_willis: do u know what i need to do?01:57
Cooner750Steam.exe became a Zombie01:57
ephemientmacksting: either you mistyped something, or you didn't enable universe and multiverse repositories first01:57
macksting...how do I do that?01:57
Dr_willispoeloq,  be sure you have the proper 3d video card drivers for your card installed for a start.01:57
Odd-rationalemacksting: try typing "sudo apt-get update" first01:57
ephemientmacksting: System > Administration > Software Sources01:57
Dr_willis!nvidia | poeloq01:57
ephemientmacksting: it should do the equivalent of "apt-get update" automatically, I believe01:58
ubotupoeloq: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:58
RequinB4wow lag Dr_willis01:58
poeloqDr_willis: the ones from restricted drivers are not enough?01:58
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Dr_willispoeloq,  i have no idea what you have done, and what card, or other things.. I normally use the 'restricted-manager' tool to install the video card drivers. ATI cards need extta work to get  compiz going i recall. I dont use ATI.01:59
mackstingEphemient: I follow so far, sorta. I tried that update thing a moment ago and after a lot of little 0 50 100%'s, it complained that I need to run sudo apt-get update...01:59
|trex|I'm trying to install Ubuntu Gutsy on an inspiron 1100 but gdm simply won't load from the live CD.  It complains about some low graphics resolution business.01:59
mackstingAs of now, I have Software Sources open.01:59
mackstingWait, no %s on that one.02:00
mackstingWhat is this mess...?02:00
ephemientmacksting: you need "restricted" checked; "universe" and "multiverse" are optional02:00
peacepipejvhelp with wine. i uninstalled a program I had running under wine, reinstalled it, now it wont run. It just sits in the taskbar.02:01
ephemientmacksting: it does give descritive names, does it not?02:01
mackstingIt's all checked except source code, which has a -.02:01
allencpelo: there are a ton of names in the samba channel but no one has typed anything... is there a time of day it is active?02:01
ephemientmacksting: okay, that's fine, you can hit "close"02:01
mackstingSadly, it was like that when I opened it.02:01
Odd-rationale|trex|: did you try booting in safe graphics mode?02:01
mackstingSo no quick fix there.02:01
ephemientmacksting: now go through Applications > Add/Remove Applications02:01
Klanticushow do I update a kernel module?02:01
RequinB4allenc - if people are idling might as well just leave a msg on02:02
mackstingSay, would you like a sample of the mess it gave me after I tried to do that apt-get update, but before complaining that I needed to do an apt-get update?02:02
ephemientmacksting: select "Show: All available applications" and type "restricted" into the search box02:02
Peloallenc, you'll have to find outon your own I'm affraid, i don't go there much02:02
mackstingOkay, *that* I shoulda noticed!02:02
allencpelo: ok thanks02:02
allencRequinB4: How do I leave a message?02:03
inversekinetixcan anyone understanding why resizing a MAME window would cause ubuntu to become totally unresponsive?02:03
mackstingWow... I can't help, Inverse, but that sounds really frustrating.02:03
RequinB4allenc - well, what has worked for me was to type into the input box and then press enter02:03
NSMAnybody familiar with editing  /etc/sysctl.conf and the files in /proc/sys/net?  I think this is where I have my problem.02:03
mackstingHey, Eph. I found it. Apply?02:03
RequinB4but depending on your IRC client it could be a button that says send :D02:03
RequinB4anyone idling will see your message when they come back to the comp02:04
ephemientmacksting: yes02:04
peacepipejvhelp with wine. i uninstalled a program I had running under wine, reinstalled it, now it wont run. It just sits in the taskbar.02:04
mackstingSo far so good. Still strange it didn't work with the terminal. I'm more comfortable learning command line.02:05
* macksting kinda grew up on Apple and MS-Dos 6.22.02:05
wastrelsudo apt-get install <package-name>02:05
allencRequinB4: oh i thought there was a special way to "leave a message"... ok, thanks02:06
mackstingCurious. Any idea why the help page didn't have the "install" bit?02:06
tim-laptopIm having problems with my Atheros Wi-Fi Driver. Can someone help me fix it?02:06
wastrelman pages are good for reference but not generally for tutorial purposes02:06
ephemientmacksting: I'm not sure.  I thought it used to be in there, but my memory might be faulty02:06
RequinB4allenc - yeah forgive th sarcm02:06
KI4IKL|LaptopFor some reason, my Power Manager isn't working properly on my laptop. It isn't showing the batter bar when it is unplugged, is there a sensor driver or something I need to install.02:06
mackstingWell, if it was supposed to say "install," and I copied it verbatim, that might be my problem!02:06
ephemientNSM: /usr/src/linux/Documentation/networking/ip-sysctl.txt documents those sysctl tunables (but Ubuntu doesn't install linux-sources by default)02:07
ephemientNSM: you should be able to find them online though02:07
tim-laptopCan someone help me fix my Atheros Wi-Fi?02:07
NSMephemient: thanks.02:07
ephemientmacksting: System Sources edited your /etc/apt/sources.list (and ran apt-get update after); Add/Remove ran "apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"02:08
mackstingSo I should ignore its complaints?02:08
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about voip - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about microphone - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:09
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gstreamer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about atheros - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:09
John_5how do I change the applications menu icon to the default gnome "foot"?02:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about networking - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:09
poeloqtim-laptop: what about atheros  u want to know?02:09
tim-laptopIm having issues with my internet drivers.02:10
tim-laptopIm fine on a wired connection like right now, but I have noticed that on laptops, Ubuntu doesnt come with Wi-Fi fixes to get online imemediately.02:11
mackstingNow for a more fascinating question. Anybody here know much about Aleph One? Apparently it needs to be compiled or something.02:11
Dr_willistim-laptop,  totally depends on the specific wireless card in the laptop. sadly.02:11
wastrelwhat's aleph one?02:11
tim-laptopIt is Atheros I think.02:11
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.02:11
mackstingWastrel: It's an update to a 1993 Macintosh game, a sorta spiritual predecessor to Halo. Actually, its plot is much more involved than Halo's.02:12
punsadtim-laptop: is there anything in /proc/net/wireless?  (do cat /proc/net/wireless)02:12
tim-laptoptim@tim-laptop:~$ cat /proc/net/wireless02:12
tim-laptopInter-| sta-|   Quality        |   Discarded packets               | Missed | WE02:12
tim-laptop face | tus | link level noise |  nwid  crypt   frag  retry   misc | beacon | 2202:12
mackstingThe third Marathon game (the 1993 Mac game in question) was called Marathon Infinity; infinity being Aleph Null, any sequel would have to deal with Aleph numbers such as Aleph One, etc.02:13
tim-laptopIt returns that.02:13
mackstingOh. You weren't really asking, were you.02:13
JT-04When I boot my laptop up I get a pop up about how my clock is wrong.  But when I click adjust time it tells me I don't have the permissions to do that and locks up till I restart x.  Is there a way for me to fix this?02:13
punsadtim-laptop: yeah... doesn't look like the module is installed02:13
toresn_i have a problem fetching mail... can i ask here?02:13
mackstingAnyway, darn, no shortcut to understanding. In that case, I'll just ask. Apparently I need a compiler. What can you tell me about Ubuntu and compilers?02:13
mackstingOh wait. Sorry, I should search the FAQ, shouldn't I.02:13
punsadtoresn_: is it pop mail?02:13
toresn_punsad: yes02:14
tim-laptoppunsad: So how do I fix it?02:14
wastrelmacksting: it's in the build-essential package02:14
Optimus55is there any way to get AWN to dock on the side instead of the bottom?02:14
wastrelsudo apt-get install build-essential02:14
mackstingbuild-essential. Got ya.02:14
punsadtoresn_: what sort of programs are you using?02:14
punsadtoresn_: fetchmail?02:14
punsadtim-laptop: is it builtin wifi?02:15
Klanticushow do I update my saa7134 module?02:15
Cooner750and Gmod works under Wine02:15
toresn_punsad: fetchmail, yes (with mutt)02:15
tim-laptopWhat do you mean?02:15
T1m0thy<Cooner750> and Gmod works under Wine <--- It does? :O02:15
punsadtoresn_: is it gmail?02:15
mackstingOh dear, I can't remember the command to get one's hard drive status and I can't think of what kinda keywords to man for.02:15
tim-laptopAre you asking if I have to insert an internet card?02:15
tim-laptopIf so, no.02:15
toresn_punsad: yes, sir, are you going for the million? :)02:15
mackstingBet I could just right-click something...02:15
Cooner750T1m0thy: Yes, I installed HL2 and Gmod in Steam.. works02:15
punsadtim-laptop: is it a pcmcia card you are using for wifi? or built-in wifi?02:15
ephemientmacksting: ?02:15
T1m0thyAwesome, Cooner.02:15
casio1374633hello ~~02:15
Cooner750T1m0thy: Some glitches02:16
Cooner750But that's to be expected02:16
ephemientmacksting: space usage, device properties, SMART, ...?02:16
mackstingSpace usage, mostly.02:16
ephemientmacksting: df, hdparm, smartctl02:16
tim-laptopIm not sure. All I know is that im on an Acer Atim@tim-laptop:~$ cat /proc/net/wireless02:16
tim-laptopInter-| sta-|   Quality        |   Discarded packets               | Missed | WE02:16
tim-laptop face | tus | link level noise |  nwid  crypt   frag  retry   misc | beacon | 2202:16
tim-laptopspire 431502:16
punsadtoresn_: I know setting it up was a pain.  had to set some TLS something or other.  I remmeber following instructions I found on google and they more/less worked02:16
tim-laptopAcer Aspire 431502:16
Cooner750t1m0thy: It helps to have the Linux drivers for your graphic card installed02:16
mackstingIf the main partition fills, Ubuntu won't boot. I found that out the hard way. Had to rescue using a lot of sudo stuff through the boot CD.02:16
Cooner750Ubuntu enabled my GeForce 7600GS automatically02:16
punsadtim-laptop: is there a *card* plugged into your laptop or not?02:16
toresn_punsad: i used the instructions from this site: http://people.aapt.net.au/~adjlstrong/mutt.html02:17
mackstingOooh. Thanks, Eph.02:17
ephemientmacksting: that's odd, usually ext2/3 reserves 1% of the disk for root-use only, so that unprivledged users can't completely fill the disk02:17
tim-laptopOnly a LAN Cable.02:17
Optimus55i'm looking for a good dock to replace AWN that can go on the right side of the screen, any suggestions?02:17
ephemientmacksting: I wonder if we turned that off?  or maybe it was a process running as root that filled up the disk.02:17
thursdayI still can't figure it out.02:17
n08l3Jhello ubuntu group,02:17
toresn_punsad: sending mail works great, but not quite fetching it02:17
Ryan_was_hereAnyone have any experience with acidrip?02:17
n08l3JI can not change the appearance in the system > prefernces anymore02:17
punsadtim-laptop: do I understand that you are trying to get wireless working?02:18
thursdayPlus my disc got all scratched02:18
n08l3Jwhat can i do to recover those settings back ?02:18
mackstingEph: I dunno. Any idea what we'd turn on? Or why I have to do everything as sudo in what was apparently set up to be an admin account?02:18
Ryan_was_heretim-laptop: whats your problem?02:18
ephemientn08l3J: did gnome-settings-daemon crash?02:18
n08l3Jthe last thing i remember was the installation of the gtweakUT02:18
punsadRyan_was_here: his module for his wifi isn't loaded correctly.  nothing even showing in /proc/net/wireless02:18
n08l3Jit just sits there doing nothing02:18
peacepipejvi uninstalled a program I had running under wine, reinstalled it, now it wont run. It just sits in the taskbar.02:19
n08l3Jhaving that loading glass thing kept moving, but i can't click on any of the button except the close02:19
tim-laptopWell, I cannot connect to the internet using wireless. It works fine on Vista.02:19
wastrelthe admin account is what lets you run sudo :]  non admin can't do that even02:19
Ryan_was_herepunsad: He load it with ndiswrapper?02:19
JT-04can anyone tell me how to disable ubuntu from checking if my clock is right or not on boot?02:19
mackstingThat makes a certain sense.02:19
punsadtim-laptop: can you answer Ryan_was_here's question?02:19
n08l3Jephemient: are you getting my problem02:20
tim-laptopI did.02:20
Ryan_was_heretim-laptop:  my second question :p02:20
n08l3Jits  kinda hard to explain02:20
tim-laptopRepeat it please?02:20
punsadtoresn_: I think I followed these instructions: http://www.linux.com/articles/4877102:20
poeloqubotu: !Atheros is is a developer of semiconductors for wireless communications commonly found in laptops. Atheros WiFi chips can be used in Ubuntu using the restricted drivers manager.02:20
Ryan_was_hereDid you load your driver for the wireless card with ndiswrapper?02:20
mackstingDarn. No manual entry for build-essential.02:20
tim-laptopIm not sute.02:20
punsadtim-laptop: did you load ndiswrapper?02:20
punsadtim-laptop: that means you didn't02:21
mackstingIs there a quick rundown on what I need to know when compiling using that?02:21
casio1374633hi , everyone , i' m looking for some documents which view by vim , like vim help . can you give me some help ?02:21
Ryan_was_herewhat version did you use for the driver?02:21
ephemientn08l3J: I have no idea what gtweakUT is or what it does02:21
tim-laptopMe? And which driver? My Atheros?02:21
RequinB4what is the advantage of using vi over nano or gedit02:21
punsadtim-laptop: did you *ever* have wifi working with this current linux install on that laptop?02:21
wastrelcasio1374633: vimtutor02:21
Ryan_was_heretim-laptop:  are you new to linux?02:21
ephemientcasio1374633: once you open vim, ":h" will bring you to its help pages02:22
Ryan_was_heretim-laptop: ok, well what is the model number of your card?02:22
n08l3Jephemient: I was reading one of the custimization guide and it prompted me to install gtweakui02:22
ephemientcasio1374633: also, like wastrel says, vimtutor is a good introduction to vim02:22
tim-laptopIm not sure.02:22
Dr_willisRequinB4,  there may come a time - whenyou have to use a rescue cd. and vi will be the only editor you can use. :)02:22
punsadRequinB4: less screwing around with mouse compared to gedit.  it's really good for editing config files.. lets you get in and out real quick02:22
n08l3Jseems like it screwed up something in the UI settings02:22
Ryan_was_heretim-laptop: join #linuxreality02:22
casio1374633sorry, maybe i says wrong about i mean02:22
Dr_willisRequinB4,  once ya learn vi.. you know somtghing ya can put on your resume! :p02:22
Ryan_was_herepunsad: join #linuxreality02:22
Ryan_was_hereits more quiet in there :p easier for me to talk02:22
r00tintheb0xmmmmmmmmmm vi02:22
Ryan_was_herenot so cluttered02:22
r00tintheb0xvi rocks02:22
poeloqIs it possible to use my Ubuntu laptop as a router? The laptop is connected via WiFi to the Internet and I want to connect my voipphone to the RJ45 and send over the WiFi. Possible?02:22
casio1374633i know :help . and i have an old computer02:22
punsadDr_willis: I wouldn't go that far02:23
casio1374633only can read documents in vim02:23
Dr_willisnote that the default ubuntu installs tiny-vi, you proberly should install the full vi :) for your vi-goodness needs.02:23
LtEmerpo1hey guys...02:23
casio1374633but lots of book are pdf02:23
Ryan_was_herepunsad: you want to join to help?02:23
RequinB4apt-get moo is still my favorite02:23
LtEmerpo1need massive help02:23
n08l3Jhey LTEmerpol02:23
RequinB4whats up LtEmerpol?02:23
Dr_willisRequinB4,  dont for get 'cowsay'02:23
wastrelmacksting: build-essential provides compiler and other utilities needed but normally each individual app will provide build instructions (README or INSTALL file)02:23
NSMRequinB4: Also, with ksh you can 'set -o vi' and have command line editing too.02:23
punsadRyan_was_here: sure ... sounds like he never had it working02:23
casio1374633i want download some documents which can read by vim02:23
casio1374633and it is read like read vim help02:24
punsadtim-laptop: did you say you never goit it working?02:24
Ryan_was_hereyeah he never got it working02:24
Dr_willisvimtutor is a very well done totoral program for vi :)02:24
Ryan_was_herejoin #linuxreality to pitch in there. its seriously cluttered here lol02:24
mackstingWastrel: Gotcha. I'll look for files with those names.02:24
r00tintheb0xcasio1374633 VIM can read anything plaintext02:24
LtEmerpo1i want compiz to work on 1280x1024.....02:24
tim-laptopNo, I didnt.02:24
punsadRyan_was_here: I was going to ask if it worked for him with a live cd.02:24
punsadtim-laptop: do you still have the vista partition on the laptop?02:25
LtEmerpo1well first i cant even get there because my screen resolution wont goto 1280x102402:25
LtEmerpo1i dont understand why02:25
ephemientmacksting: if you wish to compile a program which is already packaged in Ubuntu, use "sudo apt-get build-dep [package]" to install the dependencies needed to compile that package, and "apt-get source [package]" to download and unpack its source to the current directory02:25
iMacwhere can download the dock for ubuntu??02:25
punsadtim-laptop: you are going to need the windows drivers to get it to work02:26
mackstingPackaged in Ubuntu. What exactly does that mean, if you don't mind my asking?02:26
mackstingSo's I know if what I'm talking about is, in fact, packaged in Ubuntu.02:26
tim-laptopI have the SYS file on my desktop.02:26
LtEmerpo1this is what my xconf says... pastebin.org/927002:26
PeloLtEmerpo1,  could you get yoru screen to go to 1280x1024 without conpiz running ?02:26
casio1374633okay, i study latex , and my latex reading book is pdf , i want some books can be read by vim, where can i download it02:26
punsadtim-laptop: is this a dual boot system?02:26
Ryan_was_herepunsad: Join #linuxreality, we can both give him instructions there, cause if you tell him to do something over here, and I tell him to do something over there it will clash :P02:26
ephemientmacksting: if the package is on one of the sources listed in /etc/apt/sources.list02:26
tim-laptoppunsad: Yes, and please join #linuxreality02:26
LtEmerpo1yes... i did earlier in the day02:26
RequinB4casio - you want a .txt book?02:26
_dac_how does one go from one channel to another ?02:26
LtEmerpo1no i unchecked it once and now its back to the way it was..02:27
casio1374633yes ...!02:27
wastrelcasio1374633: you want plaintext ebooks?02:27
casio1374633right !02:27
ephemient_dac_: what IRC client are you using?02:27
RequinB4cascio http://www.eldritchpress.org/nh/sl.txt02:27
mackstingYeah, I'm afraid it ain't there. Would that it were.02:27
casio1374633because my computer is too old02:27
wastrel/usr/share/doc/  has a lot of documentation02:27
MdL054Hey guys I got an issue... It happens when i boot off the 7.10 cd and try to run/install... I wrote everything out here https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1865102:27
xristianhow can i convert avi to mpg .. any idea ?02:27
PeloLtEmerpo1, it is not impossible that using compiz is requireing more resources and that your card can't handle that rez under that load, didyou ask about it in #compiz-fusion ?02:27
MdL054the people in the forums haven't been able to help me02:27
casio1374633PII  233Mhz02:27
_dac_do you mean Ubuntu or xchat02:27
casio1374633thanks ~~02:27
RequinB4hi angel__02:28
LtEmerpo1yeah they said come here02:28
ephemient_dac_: if you are using x-chat, you should be able to join multiple channels and click on their tabs to switch between them02:28
PeloLtEmerpo1, lovely,  ps , don't post half links, post the whole thing02:28
mackstingHmm. A file says "INSTALL.Unix." Linux is Unix-related, right? So is that my file?02:28
xristianany video fan here ? i need to convert avi to mpg .. any idea ?02:28
marcelhow can I create a user?02:28
Peloxristian, avidemux02:29
MdL054xristian use virtualdub through wine02:29
tritiummarcel: System -> Administration -> Users and Groups02:29
MdL054or avidemux02:29
ephemientmarcel: System > Administration > Users and Groups02:29
_dac_okay, when I type/join #kubuntu, nothing happens02:29
wastrelcasio1374633: you could try pdftotext on your .pdf document02:29
xristiani got avidemux,, can u tell the whole route ?02:29
LtEmerpo1so am i screwed?02:29
PeloLtEmerpo1, got xgl installed02:29
LtEmerpo1do i?02:30
MdL054xristian - http://www.avidemux.org/admWiki/index.php?title=Main_Page02:30
LtEmerpo1i dont know02:30
PeloLtEmerpo1, what is your video card ?02:30
xristiani am lost in avidemux,, no idea where to go. can u help02:30
LtEmerpo19600xt ati02:30
RequinB4xgl is pretty system intensive02:30
ephemientLtEmerpo1: your video card is currently being driven by the "vesa" driver02:30
Peloxristian,  on the left side change copy to sometingelse02:30
ephemientLtEmerpo1: vesa has *NO* 3D acceleration02:30
LtEmerpo1so? whats that mean?02:30
LtEmerpo1so im screwed..02:30
marcelusing command line?02:31
ephemientLtEmerpo1: oh wait, I can't read02:31
ephemientLtEmerpo1: looks like you do have fglrx in your config too02:31
MdL054you need to change to fglrx02:31
PeloLtEmerpo1,  you got the vesa driver right now, that ' s a fall back during the install,  you need to get eitehr the restriected driver or the binary for vista02:31
ephemientLtEmerpo1: I can't tell which one is loaded though02:31
Pelothe binary for ati02:31
LtEmerpo1im confused..02:31
ephemientLtEmerpo1: even if you had fglrx working, the stable version packaged in Ubuntu does not run Compiz02:31
PeloLtEmerpo1,   goto  menu > system > admin > restrected drivers02:31
ephemientLtEmerpo1: fglrx is the binary video driver from AMD for AMD/ATi video cards02:31
MdL054so I take it no one has any solutions for my issue?02:32
xristianim following u , what else .. Pelo02:32
markybobanyone in here having problems with deluge 0.5.7rc1 with invalid handle error and not starting?02:32
ephemientLtEmerpo1: it has never run Compiz until very recently -- and that version is not packaged in Ubuntu stable02:32
LtEmerpo1ephemient i already have it clicked on.. it says its in use02:32
matthew_help!  I don't have any Window Border!!!  how do I get it back!?02:32
casio1374633wastrel: if i trans it from pdf to text , so can i  read it by vim as read it like by pdf ?02:32
Peloxristian, that's pretty much it, once you have selected the new format, (if hat is all youw ant to do ) , save as02:32
* macksting will assume so for the moment and just try it.02:32
ephemientLtEmerpo1: if you want fancy effects, Compiz on top of Xgl on top of fglrx works02:33
xristianok i ll try just the way u told me. and be back02:33
ephemientmatthew_: are you using compiz?02:33
casio1374633wastrel: PS:as well as ~~02:33
wastrelcasio1374633: assuming the conversion works02:33
ephemientmatthew_: (desktop effects)02:33
LtEmerpo1okay so how do i do that ephemient?02:33
werswhat's yakuake's gtk counterpart? :D02:33
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion02:33
matthew_ephemient:  No, I used to be, but I uninstalled it.  Now when I start my computer I don't have window borders.  But if I can go to the command line and type "metacity" it comes back sometimes.02:33
willytellhas anyone experienced with Certification Authority, PGP, etc.?02:33
MdL054"ata1.01: Exception eMask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 Action 0x0 Frozen"02:33
MdL054does anyone know02:33
MdL054what that means02:34
MdL054happens during boot off cd02:34
LtEmerpo1and remember.. i want my resolution to be 1280x1024 can that be done?02:34
MdL054when i try to install 7.1002:34
casio1374633wastrel: i tried it before by using software "fbgs " . but it doesn't work well02:34
ephemientmatthew_: what version of Ubuntu did you do this on?02:34
wastrelit depends on the pdf02:34
paragonci just installed 7.10 and i'm having trouble getting my RaLink RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI  to work02:34
paragoncit can see my network02:34
paragoncbut it can't connect02:34
marcelhow do I add user using the command line?02:35
matthew_ephemient:  gutsy02:35
mackstingUm... Okay. How do I tell if I already have SDL stuff installed?02:35
casio1374633not only need spend lots of time .but also can not read well02:35
markybobmarcel sudo adduser02:35
paragoncthe network doesn't use WPA02:35
wershow do I cd up one directory? :D02:35
MdL054cd /02:35
ephemientmatthew_: odd... gutsy installs compiz by default, only starts it on capable video cards, and automatically falls back to metacity...02:35
ephemientwers: cd ..02:35
PeloLtEmerpo1, short answer yes,  lonag anser Id ont, knwo how I'm not familiar enough with the ati restricted driver02:35
ephemientwers: ".." is "parent directory", "/" is "root directory"02:35
* macksting tried a few obvious ideas, but didn't find much useful.02:35
wersthanks ephemient  :D02:35
PeloLtEmerpo1, www.ubuntuforums.org  www.google.com02:35
MdL054ephemient is right02:35
MdL054i was wrong02:35
* macksting 's just a bucket of questions today...02:36
casio1374633wastrel: do plain-text book download free ? i mean by charge ~~02:36
MdL054i misread what you said02:36
WHATTHEHELLthe old cd.. for dos02:36
INTUwhy can't i unmount my Windows partition??02:36
ADemiG0Di have to reinstall grub..02:36
INTU:( i can't unmount it from GPARTED02:36
Pelo!who | EVERYONE02:36
ubotuEVERYONE: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:36
matthew_ephemient: i used to use it, but didn't like it so I uninstalled it.02:36
ADemiG0Dhow do i know what my root (hd x,x) should be?02:36
ubotuME: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:36
rbilINTU: unmount from desktop if there's an icon there for that drive02:36
werswhat's the best gtk yakuake-like app? :D02:36
ephemientmatthew_: hmm.  so the problem is that Gnome is set to load compiz by default02:36
MdL054ademi = fdisk -ls02:37
MdL054ademi - its usually hd0,102:37
PeloADemiG0D,  in grub , hdA,B means  A hdd, B partiton, the numbering starts with 0 ,  so sda3 would be hd0,202:37
systestcan anyone point me to a doc on disabling avahi?02:37
INTUthere is, and i tried, but it wont work: there is a message "unmount: /media/sda1 mount disagrees with the fstab"02:37
matthew_ephemient:  compiz isn't even installed.  so how do I get gnome not to load compiz by default.02:37
INTUi don't know what that error means02:37
WuGutsyClanhey where can I find the library containing ixmlRelaxParser?02:37
Pelowers, what doews yakuake do ?02:37
wersPelo, it02:37
werskde's terminal that hides on top of the screen02:38
PeloINTU, what are you trying to do and why are you trying to unmount your root partition ?02:38
INTUpelo: i want to format it so i can reinstall windows02:38
INTUoh that's my root partition?02:38
rbil!pastebin | INTU  ... paste your /etc/fstab there02:38
ubotuINTU  ... paste your /etc/fstab there: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gnupg - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:38
Pelowers, don'T know of one in gtk, I think you can get one as a screenlet or as a gdesklet but not much more02:39
Pelowers,  you can probably use yakukage or what ever in gnome, try and install it , see wht happens02:39
WuGutsyClanhey where can I find the library containing ixmlRelaxParser?02:39
xristianPelo, Im back. all what it did at the time i saved the file as mpg or vcd is create a short c file . any idea what happened ?02:39
INTUwhat was that?02:39
INTUwhat do i paste?02:39
INTUwhat's an fstab?02:39
wersok.. it's just that, I want to use a gtk app, Pelo02:39
rbilINTU: paste the contents of /etc/fstab file there02:39
PeloINTU,  I'm not garantiing it' your root partition but thereis a good hange02:39
ephemientwers: tilda?02:40
wersright, ephemient02:40
wersthanks :D02:40
casio1374633hi , does anybody knows where i can download plain-text ebooks by free ?02:40
* macksting hangs out and waits.02:40
Pelowers,  try this,   searchfor yaku... in synaptic,  check out the description,  pick out the right keywords and do a search on those02:40
wersthe best thing to do is to wikipedia. haha.. it's all there :D02:40
Pelocasio1374633, google02:40
INTUwhy can't i format my root partitioN?02:40
WuGutsyClanhey where can I find the library containing ixmlRelaxParser?02:41
rbilINTU: after you paste there, you'll go to a new url, paste that url here and others can look at what's in your fstab file02:41
Pelomacksting,  what is your issue ?02:41
INTUhow do i look at my fstab file?02:41
casio1374633Pelo: i google ~~~but lots of need charge02:41
PeloINTU, cause you are using it02:41
MasterShrekcat /etc/fstab02:41
mackstingPelo: I asked how I can tell whether or not I've got the SDL libraries, or whatever.02:41
INTUbut i'm in ubuntu now, not windows partition02:41
rbilINTU: gedit /etc/fstab02:41
PeloINTU, gksu gedit /etc/fstab02:41
WuGutsyClansomeone must know02:41
ephemientmacksting: "apt-cache search libsdl dev" comes up with several packages; if you are compiling something that uses Ubuntu, you want at least libsdl1.2-dev, and possibly a few more02:41
rbilPelo: why have him sudo? that's dangerous for a newbie02:42
Pelomacksting, menu > system > admin > synaptic package manager , search for sdl02:42
NSMcasio1375633: gutenberg.org has many.02:42
r00tintheb0xWHY do i have to be so elite?!02:42
mackstingSo sudo apt-get install that?02:42
casio1374633thank you ~~02:42
Pelorbil, force fo habit02:42
rbilPelo: he just needs to look at it02:42
MasterShrekrbil, why even gedit if he just wants to look at it?02:42
ephemientmacksting: yes02:42
mackstingAnd I suppose the worst case scenario is it'll tell me it has it. :)02:42
Pelomacksting,  pretty much ,  you might want to install  the related -dev packages if any are available02:43
PeloWuGutsyClan, what ?02:43
msseverWuGutsyClan: Saying "Please, someone must know" doesn't help those of us who've just joined or simply weren't watching. Please restate your question.02:43
WuGutsyClanhey where can I find the library containing ixmlRelaxParser?02:43
* macksting thinks his install attempt might be pinging out. Either that, or it's ****ing youge.02:43
Pelomacksting, you'll similarly named packages with a -dev at the end02:44
WuGutsyClansrry I cut and pasted my question 4 times before this02:44
ephemientmatthew_: gconftool-2 -s /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/current /usr/bin/metacity -t string02:44
mackstingSo I should apt-cache search libsdl dev?02:44
ephemientmatthew_: sorry, it took me a while to look it up02:44
rbilINTU: in a terminal, unmount that partition by doing .... sudo umount -a /media/sda102:44
PeloWuGutsyClan, synaptic,  do a search form ixml02:44
ephemientmacksting: either that, or use Synaptic's search02:44
mackstingOr synaptic package etc?02:44
mackstingAh, okay.02:44
msseverWuGutsyClan: What kind of file is that?02:44
Pelospoilt99,  we can read smallcase02:44
diaficTime for bed. zzz02:44
INTUrbil will it damage my unbuntu partition to unmount my root partition?02:45
Pelo!upgrade | spoilt9902:45
WuGutsyClanI am ./configuring ushare and it gives me this error: hey where can I find the library containing ixmlRelaxParser?02:45
ubotuspoilt99: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:45
msseverspoilt99: With the alternate CD, yes; with the desktop CD, no02:45
mackstingAh, it can't run while apt-get is doing its thing.02:45
ephemientmacksting: both "apt-get install" and Synaptic will show you "recommended" and "suggested" packages too02:45
RequinB4spoilt99 stop shoting02:45
mackstingOh! didn't know that.02:45
rbilINTU: once unmounted you should be able to use gparted to do what u want with that partition02:45
WuGutsyClansrry wrong clipboard item02:45
WuGutsyClanchecking for library containing ixmlRelaxParser... no02:45
spoilt99How do u download it???02:45
PeloWuGutsyClan, do a search in synaptic,  search for ixml ,  also install any related -dev package02:45
spoilt99phoenix_ hey02:45
Pelospoilt99,  get the dvd or the alternate cd from www.ubuntu.com02:45
phoenix_I need an op;)02:45
rbilINTU: your root is at /dev/sda2 according to your fstab02:46
spoilt99got it02:46
phoenix_or someone with the source for ubotu:)02:46
WuGutsyClanPelo: the only thing synaptic got me was a perl thing, I do not *beleive I need that, I may be wrong, and what XML related -dev package will give me that thing02:46
spoilt99cause my synaptic package manager wont update to 7.1002:46
Pelo!ubotu > phoenix_ check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu02:46
phoenix_Everywhere I look online for ubotu is dead.  Does anyone happen to have the source code or know where I can find it?02:46
matthew_ephemient:  thanks a bunch02:46
msseverWuGutsyClan: What language is this thing written in?02:46
threefcata_problem after installing gutsy gibbon!!02:47
Eyekonlooking for someone that could help me with a problem i am having with WoW running under Ubuntu ..02:47
WuGutsyClanUshare..  I beleive C.. http://ushare.geexbox.org/02:47
mackstingOh dear. Eph, I sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev'd and all I've got for it is a couple of timeouts.02:47
linxehWuGutsyClan: google suggests libupnp02:47
phreakshowvideo dies during liveCD run of ubuntu 7.102:47
rbilINTU: maybe u should backup and tell us what it is you're trying to accomplish :-) maybe gparted isn't the tool to use02:47
phreakshowanyone know why?02:47
Pelospoilt99,  what version are you on right now ?02:47
ephemientphreakshow: http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots/02:47
EyekonI do have it working with Wine.. i can get into WoW .. problem im experiencing is with my addons not working properly02:47
mackstingIt doesn't seem interested in trying to find another source.02:47
WuGutsyClanI will try that, I have libupnp-dev02:47
WuGutsyClanI will try the other libupnp packages02:47
phreakshowahh so this isn't a help chan, it's a bot chan?02:47
spoilt997.04 i am02:48
threefcata_fresh install 7.10 trackpoint doesn't work, anyone knows why?02:48
phoenix_whoa, that db is nuts02:48
Pelophreakshow, we have the bot to give links on common problems02:48
phoenix_but my database for my bot is no where ready for that format..02:48
phoenix_who runs the bot?02:48
msseverWuGutsyClan: If you can't find it in Synaptic, try googling it. You might be able to discover the package name that way. It's also possible that that library isn't in Ubuntu and you'll have to compile it yourself02:48
spoilt99it worked on the other pc02:48
WuGutsyClanyes I googled allot msserver, no luck02:48
Pelospoilt99,  did you read the links for upgrading ubotu gave you ?02:48
msseverphoenix_: I believe that Seveas runs it02:48
WuGutsyClanI will try compiling libupnp02:48
phreakshowi have ati radeon x1300 pci-e vid card...video dies during liveCD boot ver 7.1002:48
Pelophreakshow,  you need the alternate instal cd to install with a ati card02:49
phreakshowamd athalon 64 processor, 1.5gb ram, etc.02:49
LoaxesI have a USB-dongle mouse02:49
Loaxesany way to get that working?02:49
thjcHi all, is there a way of disabling the built in extensions for ubuntus xserver (gutsy, amd64) I dont seem to be able to disable composite and would like to to debug some video issues02:49
phreakshowPelo?  I do?02:49
phoenix_k, well, I can't find the source for the life of me, pretty much any link to the source is down..02:49
msseverWuGutsyClan: And the program's docs don't mention the name of the required library?02:49
lakinCan I use dd to write a .iso file directly to a partition?02:49
Pelophreakshow, cause ati doesnt, provide F0ss drivers02:49
threefcata_fresh install 7.10 trackpoint doesn't scroll, i tried editing xorg.conf as said online but no luck, anyone knows why?02:49
WuGutsyClanlibupnp, but I have that02:49
mackstingRevise: Not super-urgent, but I'd prefer to figure out what's wrong with this before I have to leave for my movie lest I forget where I left off. I'm trying to get SDL components and apt-get's failing to connect to the server or whatever it is. I don't know how to cancel.02:49
mackstingOr if I shou.d.02:49
spoilt99what is UBOTU?????02:50
=== amidaniel is now known as AmiDaniel_away
Eyekoni realize there is quite a few people in here and alot of "threads" going on all at once.. if you are familiar with running WoW on ubuntu, i could use some help getting my Addons working.. i have WoW working, just my addons arent working properly...  please send me a /msg02:50
phreakshowmaybe i should take this as a sign and stick to windows lol...ah well i'll try the alt cd..ty pelo02:50
ephemientmacksting: you can Ctrl-C to stop02:50
Pelophreakshow,   the alternate isntall cd will install a vesa drivere that will allow you a gui when you boot after that you can install restricteddriver for your ati card or the binary02:50
mackstingOkay. So *now* I'll try Synaptic.02:50
Pelospoilt99,  ubotu is a bot, we use it to give ppl links02:50
Pelo!upgrade | spoilt9902:50
ubotuspoilt99: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:50
msseverWuGutsyClan: So the file you're looking for is part of libupnp, but for some reason configure can't find it?02:50
Pelospoilt99, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel02:50
WuGutsyClanI will try compiling libupnp myself02:51
threefcata_fresh install 7.10 trackpoint doesn't scroll, i tried editing xorg.conf as said online but no luck, anyone knows why?02:51
fsufitchhey guys i got a problem02:51
RequinB4Pelo either get a new keyboard or say "do not" >.>02:51
mackstingDarn. Synaptic's come up short so far.02:51
fsufitchjust 30 mins ago all my X died for no apparent reason02:51
PeloRequinB4,  or you can learn to live with it02:51
fsufitchand it started complaining about libexpat.so.0 missing02:52
RequinB4Heh, just a little sarcasm02:52
RequinB4cool down02:52
INTURbil: i have a dual boot... i need to reinstall windows on my NTFS partion02:52
ephemientWuGutsyClan: libupnp 1.4.3 is packaged in Gutsy as libupnp2 and libupnp-dev; do you need to compile it?02:52
mssever!oneline | fsufitch02:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oneline - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:52
mssever!enter | fsufitch02:52
ubotufsufitch: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:52
INTUrbil, this is why i need to format my ntfs, to reinstall windows02:52
rbilINTU: that is a job since windows will overwrite your mbr02:52
* macksting shrugs.02:52
WuGutsyClanI am now compiling libup 1.6.102:52
fsufitchok thx02:52
mackstingNo better time to leave off and come back to it later.02:52
WuGutsyClanand i have 7.04 Ubuntu Server :(02:52
INTU?! why?? how do i avoid that?02:52
mackstingThanks for the brief tour, I'll try to retain it all!02:52
Pelomacksting, g'night02:53
rbilINTU: you don't need to format ntfs for the windows partition, as an install of xp will do that automatically02:53
WuGutsyClanI got libupnp-dev ephemient02:53
mackstingYeah, might be back later. Thanks again.02:53
rbilINTU: but you'll lose your mbr.02:53
dwxreaperubuntu: are you better than windows02:53
EdwardXPI need 2,000 dollars for computer upgrades..02:53
ephemientINTU: Windows install *always* overwrites the MBR02:53
EdwardXPplease donate to me lol02:53
ephemientINTU: unfortunately, there is no way around it02:53
INTUmbr = ??02:53
ephemientINTU: master boot record02:53
INTUi see02:53
rbiljoin me here and I'll give u direct help ... do a /join #rbiltalk and we'll open our own channel02:53
msseverWuGutsyClan: ephemient?02:53
casio1374633hi everybody ... thank you all ~~i need to offline now ...thanks .wastrel pelo. NSM~~~02:54
spoilt99there is no button in my update manager to 7.1002:54
WuGutsyClanephemient ** srry02:54
ephemientINTU: thus after installing Windows, you will be unable to boot Linux until you fix grub or lilo02:54
WuGutsyClanlol msserver02:54
phoenix_!seen Seveas02:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen seveas - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:54
EdwardXPUbuntu bots, and help desk... >> do you know a interactive client where both users connected via ip to ip can doodle voice chat, and send pictures?02:54
rbilINTU: just type in /join #rbiltalk02:54
threefcata_fresh install 7.10 trackpoint doesn't scroll, i tried editing xorg.conf as said online but no luck, anyone knows why?02:54
INTUi am sad... so should i just format the whole harddrive?02:54
WuGutsyClanyup compiling libupnp 1.6.1 myself worked for the ./configure part !! thnx!02:54
msseverWuGutsyClan: I don't know what you mean by ephemient; is that a package name?02:54
xwindersEdwardXP: here's 17 cents to your cause02:54
msseverWuGutsyClan: OK, good02:54
PeloEdwardXP, any irc clent can do that using DCC02:55
rbilINTU: i can walk u through if u want ... just come on over to this other channel02:55
phoenix_man, this code is HARD to get02:55
ToddEDMhey guys, im wondering if someone could help me... im trying to install ubuntu on a desktop, but i toss in the live CD and i select install and it just freezes02:55
EdwardXPxwinders, the shipping is 1899.00 USD lol02:55
xwinderslol j/p02:55
EdwardXPreally pelo?02:55
ephemientmssever: WuGutsyClan typed my name02:55
* mssever blushes02:55
EdwardXPwhich Irc client do you reconmend?02:55
Peloephemient,  apparently your nick is also the name of an app02:55
ephemientPelo: wow :)02:56
WuGutsyClanya before02:56
PeloEdwardXP, xchat is nice02:56
WuGutsyClanI got it working now! thanks!02:56
WuGutsyClanwait is anyone here familiar with uShare... I cannot get it to play my .avi videos!02:56
spoilt99 i cant upgrade to 7.10 in my update manager!!!02:56
fsufitchso... on one line: all my X server crashed about 1/2 hr ago; whenever i tried starting an xterm it complained about libexpat.so.0 not existing; the way i noticed something was wrong is i tried to restart my pidgin and it was just printing "Core Dump (0)"; now i rebooted my computer, and no X server will start up; i only have my 6 ttys available; thank goodness for irssi. can anybody help?02:56
ephemientEdwardXP: xchat-gnome is nice for a GUI client, and irssi is nice for a console client02:56
EdwardXPi know but i need a interactive client02:57
phoenix_Does anyone know what's the best time to see Seveas online at?02:57
phoenix_or know how I can get ahold of him?02:57
ADemiG0di cant reinstall grub02:57
msseverfsufitch: Anything interesting in ~/.xsession-errors?02:57
Pelofsufitch, try reconfigureing xserver ?02:57
ADemiG0di get error 21 every time02:57
EdwardXPtoo doodle and live voice chat02:57
fsufitchmssever: let me check02:57
ephemientfsufitch: maybe "sudo apt-get install --reinstall libexpat1"02:57
PeloADemiG0d, what partiton is ubuntu on ? the devtree ?02:57
fsufitchephemient, Pelo, i'll try mssever's xsession errors first02:58
ADemiG0dits on /dev/sda102:58
dahitokiriis there a version of ubuntu that's more "bleeding edge" than the standard?02:58
ephemientdahitokiri: see #ubuntu+102:58
msseverdahitokiri: Hardy02:58
linux88Ok, so i have an external harddrive, and i am trying to delete the contents, but it doesnt let me and it wont let me unmount it02:58
dahitokiriwhere can i get that?02:58
ephemientdahitokiri: no CD yet.  you can upgrade to it from an existing install02:58
msseverdahitokiri: /join #ubuntu+102:58
PeloADemiG0d, that would be  hd0,0,  when you get to the grub menu,  select the ubuntu entry in the list and hit e for edit,  then select the root line and hit e for edit,  change the hd... for hd0,0, then hit enter and b for boot02:59
ephemientlinux88: you should be able to right-click it on the desktop or Nautilus's sidebar and select "unmount"02:59
PeloADemiG0d,  adter that if you boot correctly go and edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to make the change permanent02:59
msseverlinux88: Why won't it let you unmount? Is it busy?02:59
fsufitchmssever: should i try looking at the bottom or top of the error log?03:00
ADemiG0di cant get into the grub menu w/o having an external HD attatched03:00
frost0when i replaced my toolbar on the bottom...i can no longer maximize minimized windows because they just disappear...no bar on the bottom....any ideas guys?03:00
PeloADemiG0d, is ubunutu installed on an external hdd ?03:00
linux88ephemient i did that. mssever i dont know, it says something is being used. but nothing is03:00
msseverfsufitch: dunno where th error would be. More likely to be at the bottom03:00
ADemiG0d(i installed ubuntu on an external Now i get grub error 21 when booting from internal with no external attatched03:00
mwilliam13how do you get rid of the "zoom follow mouse" if you inadvertantly press "super" + "r"?03:00
ADemiG0dyeah its installed on the external03:00
msseverlinux88: Well, that's why you can't unmount03:00
PeloADemiG0d, here is why ,  grub is in two parts03:00
fsufitchat the bottom it's just a series of QPainter errors, some about a begin() failing and some about an end() failing because the begin() failed03:01
linux88mssever nm  jsut rebooted it and now i can delete03:01
PeloADemiG0d, stage one on the boot hdd, stage 2 on the hdd with ubuntu on it,  stage one refers to the menu.lst on stage to to get you the boot menu03:01
frost0Pelo, when i replaced my toolbar on the bottom...i can no longer maximize minimized windows because they just disappear...no bar on the bottom....any ideas03:01
=== threefcata_ is now known as threefcata
msseverlinux88: For future reference, fuser will tell you what's using your partition03:02
ephemientlinux88: or lsof03:02
ADemiG0dthis is obviously bad, what do i need to fix it so i can boot from the internal hdd w/o an external?03:02
PeloADemiG0d, you need to dl the supergrub cd to change the mbr on your internal boot hdd back to the original windows mbr,  and then you can install a statge 1 on the external hdd, and boot from it when you nee dto start ubuntu03:02
masmotaanyone got svideo out working?  i see the computer "booting up" on the tv, but when X kicks in, the television "flashes" but stays blank.03:02
fsufitchmssever: any idea about the QPainter errors?03:02
ephemientmasmota: what happens after running "xrandr --auto" ?03:02
linux88mssever ephemient ok thanks03:02
Pelofrost0, right cilck on an empty space on the bottom panel, select add to pannel, and instll windows list03:03
mwilliam13 03:03
msseverfsufitch: Not a clue03:03
mwilliam13how do you get rid of the "zoom follow mouse" if you inadvertantly press "super" + "r"?03:03
masmotaephemient:  dunno, gimme like 2 mins and i'll tell ya :)03:03
ephemientmwilliam13: Super+103:03
ADemiG0dholy hell, Pelo, is there a site with instructions on that?03:03
mwilliam13i love you...  thank you!03:03
ADemiG0dI never had windows installed in the first place03:03
PeloADemiG0d, ubotu will give you a bunch of links,  last link, toward the bottom of the page03:03
Pelo!grub | ADemiG0d03:03
ubotuADemiG0d: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:03
fsufitchmssever: that's bad; i'll try the reconfigure stuff now03:03
frost0Pelo, thank you very much03:04
masmotaephemient:  it didnt produce any output03:04
masmotaephemient:  and no effect03:04
msseverfsufitch: have you tried typing startx from a console?03:04
msseverfsufitch: never mind, reconfiguring is a better option03:04
linux88how do i list my hard drives?03:04
Inversegrrrr, why does grub break and reset my bios if it gets interrupted during boot03:04
linux88so i can mount03:04
poseidonI'm trying to write an image file to a cd, how am I supposed to mount the cd though?03:04
aubreywhat software can i use to add music to my zune?03:04
ephemientlinux88: cat /proc/partitions03:04
poseidona cd image file .iso03:04
msseverlinux88: liik in /dev/disk03:04
spoilt99i cant upgrade to 7.10 in my update manager!!!03:05
spoilt99i dont know why03:05
ephemientposeidon: you can't mount the blank CD you're burning to03:05
linux88ephemient can i get more info with that command03:05
aubreycan somebody help me as to what software i should use for my zune? mp3, and video player?03:05
poseidonephemient, what am I supposed to do?03:05
ephemientspoilt99: try "gksu 'update-manager -d'" ?03:05
Rian-Davideis there any customized ubuntu distros like ubuntu mint that can support a broadcom wireless modem right off of th live cd and one that also has a bit torrent client?03:05
hockeyfan5000aubrey if someone knows the answer, they will get to you03:06
Peloaubrey,  if your zune mounts as a usb flash drive just drag drop to it03:06
fsufitchmssever: returns a few lines saying: "/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib/libexpat.so.0 is not an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start."03:06
ephemientposeidon: Gnome should have asked you if you wanted to burn a CD when you inserted the empty disc03:06
masmotaephemient:  what should xrandr --auto do?03:06
ephemientposeidon: if it didn't, right-click on the .iso and select burn03:06
Scunizispoilt99, try this at the terminal then back to synaptic to see if the upgrade button is there. sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:06
ephemientmasmota: it should try to enable all attached monitors03:06
Pelospoilt99,  did you got and look at the upgrade instructions ubotu provided ?03:06
hockeyfan5000I have a Zune, but have not tried it on linux yet03:06
ephemientfsufitch: it sounds like your /usr/lib/libexpat.so.0 got corrupted somehow03:07
ephemientfsufitch: please try reinstalling libexpat103:07
fsufitchephemient: i'll do that...03:07
poseidonwhen I insert the empty disk it shows up on the desktop, then when I go to burn the .iso to the disk, it acts as if the disk isn't there, ephemient03:07
Peloposeidon,  maybe the correct destination is not proveided in nautilus03:08
ADemiG0dwhen i type find /boot/grub/stage1 i get error 1503:08
ephemientlinux88: like mssever suggested, you can look in /dev/disk/03:08
Peloposeidon, try with gnomebaker03:08
spoilt99Scunizi Any other ones???03:08
Rian-DavideIs there a whats the link to ubuntu offtopic?03:08
poseidonpelo, how would I go about doing that?03:08
ADemiG0dcurse these errors, why cant it be like "your shit is f'd up! reinstall grub" or something, not error 1503:08
ephemientposeidon: if you are comfortable with the command line, wodim also burns CD images03:08
PeloADemiG0d, that's not how it works,  there is no stage 1 file, persay03:08
wastrelper se03:09
=== pyrak_ is now known as pyrak
=== spoilt99 is now known as ubuntu
Peloposeidon,  sudo apt-get install gnomebaker, it will then be in the menu under sound /video , in the menu uinder tools, burn cd image03:09
mwilliam13I have installed gutsy gibbion on a dell latitude d620.  I had a complete install working fine with fiesty fawn, including the wireless nic (a broadcom 43xx as a dell 1490).  I did the fresh install because the update manager kept failing when I was loading the bianaries for 7.10.  I did the fresh install, then using wireless windows drivers (the inf files) and the ndiswrapper 1.49 the same way as I had before, but this time it is fu03:09
mwilliam13bared.  I followed along an install from "frodob's" post on installing a broadcom 43xx wireless nic, on an Ubuntu community forum <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Broadcom_BCM4311_rev_01_(ndiswrapper)?highlight=(WifiDocs%2FDevice)> but had issues after i edited config files as instructed.  now i have no access to even view the wnic.  Does anyone have suggestion, or is willing to communicate about it?03:09
=== ubuntu is now known as spoilt99
fsufitchephemient: i'm dying here: I can't even get a lock for /var/lib/dpkg/lock with root permissions!03:10
spoilt99im dying here too03:10
ephemientfsufitch: ooh.  sounds like your system crashed03:10
wastrelfsufitch: you have another apt or aptitude or dselect or synaptic or adept or whatever running maybe03:10
* Pelo recommends mwilliam13 looks up the definition or succint in the closest dictionnary 03:10
ephemientfsufitch: if no other package managers are running, remove that lock file (sudo rm) and try again03:10
fsufitchwastrel: i don't have anything else running03:10
* Pelo probably spelled succint wrong 03:11
fsufitchephemient: i'll try that03:11
ephemientfsufitch: actually, you probably want to run "apt-get install -f"03:11
r00tintheb0xhi wastrel03:11
ephemientfsufitch: that will complete whatever installs apt was last running03:11
ADemiG0dall these articles are useless, i dont have windows03:11
r00tintheb0xHow's it going :)03:11
mwilliam13 briefly giving the gist of something; "a short and compendious book"; "a compact style is brief and pithy"; "succinct comparisons ...03:12
r00tintheb0xADemiG0d why are they useless, what are you trying to get done?03:12
ADemiG0di installed ubuntu on my external HD03:12
fsufitchephemient: "cannot remove /var/lib/dpkg/lock: read-only file system"03:12
ADemiG0dnow I cant boot to ubuntu on my internal without having the external hooked up03:12
fsufitchi think i really died03:12
PeloADemiG0d, get the supergrub cd , last link toward thebottom ofthe page, tehre is a link for it, you dl it you burn it ,and you boot from it,  it has menues in it with options for you to chose to restore the windows mbr and install stage 1 on the esternal hdd03:12
ADemiG0dgrub gives me error 21 when i boot w/o the external03:12
ephemientmwilliam13: I'm not familiar with this machine.  is there areason you are trying to use ndiswrapper rather than bcm43xx?03:12
ephemientfsufitch: oops03:12
ephemientfsufitch: are you booted into single (recovery) mode?03:13
spoilt99do u guys know how to install 7.10 from package manager?03:13
masmotaephemient:  any other suggestions?  im using an ati card if that helps03:13
PeloADemiG0d, you are not listening , and apparently neitherwas I03:13
mwilliam13um..  the post suggested it on the ubuntu community.  that is the only reason.03:13
spoilt99cause mine wont allow me to03:13
Pelo!msg ubotu grub03:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about msg ubotu grub - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:13
fsufitchephemient: no, should i try that?03:13
ADemiG0d!msg ubotu grub03:13
ephemientfsufitch: yes, and run fsck03:13
r00tintheb0xADemiG0d have you tried setting your primary master to LBA in BIOS?03:13
spoilt99Pelo, are you from paki ville?03:13
ephemientfsufitch: your system remounted the filesystem read-only after encountering errors03:13
fsufitchephemient: ok, cya soon, i hope03:13
PeloADemiG0d, that was a mistake on my part,  give me a minute to get you a link03:14
ephemientmasmota: ATI cards... multihead is only working on the older ones03:14
thinhwhat better ddclient or the builtin ddns on the router?03:14
masmotaephemient: its a radeon8500... using the "ati" driver03:14
ephemientephemient: odd, that is supposed to work, then03:15
ephemientmasmota: this wouldn't happen to be an old PowerBook or iBook?03:15
masmotaephemient:  no this is a desktop machine i built03:15
PeloADemiG0d,  you have ubuntu installed on your internal hdd right ? and on an external hdd is that correct ?03:16
ephemientmasmota: that's odd, it really is supposed to work.03:16
ADemiG0dits on a laptop, i'm on my desktop right now03:16
PeloADemiG0d, ok here is a link to the supergrug cd,  dl it and burn it,   http://supergrub.forjamari.linex.org/03:16
mwilliam13ephemient: better way to ask, "what is the best way to configure a dell 1490 (a/b/g) card to work on ubuntu 7.10?03:16
masmotaephemient:  well thats good, at least i know to keep trying03:17
ephemientmasmota: does "xrandr" output descriptions of the monitor and the TV?03:17
masmotaephemient:  all i tried was the --auto03:17
masmotaand no output03:17
PeloADemiG0d,  when you boot from it , you go into the gnu/linux section,  tell it to restore the stage 1 on the internal and make it point to the /boot/grub/menu.lst on the internal hdd03:17
ephemientmwilliam13: did you ever try to get wireless up and running without ndiswrapper?03:17
PeloADemiG0d,  you'll have to figure out the menus on your own I haven't done this in a while and I can't walk you through it03:18
Kanyone know where I can find a list of drivers for ATi cards? I'd like to know if a 1850 is supported.03:18
ephemientmwilliam13: I'm just not familiar with ndiswrapper, but bcm43xx works on my hardware03:18
masmotaephemient:  it just showed screen0 as vga03:18
nshhow do i find the most recently modified/created file with ls?03:18
Pelospoilt99,  what is that paki vile comment about ?03:18
mwilliam13ephemient: the windows wireless drivers?03:18
ADemiG0di'll check this out03:18
Pelok https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport03:18
toresn_when trying 'telnet localhost 25' i get:03:19
mwilliam13ephemient: no I have not.  I am not certain of a different tool to use.  What do you suggest?03:19
wastrelnsh: ls -t03:19
linux88any good task managers out there?03:19
ephemientmwilliam13: ndiswrapper converts the windows drivers to Linux drivers; bcm43xx is a project that wrote a Linux-native driver for the same hardware03:19
poseidonwhen I look at the properties->volume->size of me empty 700mb cd-rom it says 2kb?03:19
Pelolinux88, for automating tasks ? like av and stuff ?03:19
linux88Pelo no more like the windows version of task manager03:19
nshwastrel: so ls -t | head -1 will be the newest file?03:19
ephemientmwilliam13: can you unload and undo the ndiswrapper changes and try letting bcm43xx load?03:19
MdL054I have an issue: When booting the 7.04 or 7.10 cd and try to run it I get "ata1.01: Exception eMask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 Action 0x0 Frozen" and cannot procede. Any suggestions?03:20
wastrelnsh: looks right03:20
mwilliam13ephemient: ouch.  I am so trying to get off of the MS thing...  i am too noob.03:20
Pelolinux88,  command line only ,  open a terminal and type crontab -e ,  if you want to run something as root,  use  sudo crontab -e03:20
ephemientlinux88: System > Administration > System Monitor03:20
mwilliam13ephiment: but I am trying.03:20
poseidonWhy is it not able to right a .iso to my cd-rom?03:20
nshwastrel, thanks03:21
Peloposeidon, are you trying with gnomebaker ?03:21
Jack_Sparrowposeidon: right click and write to disk didnt work?03:21
Einstieinhey is there a good programming room I could get help in?03:21
randomoutbursti have ubuntu installed and i was wondering if there is anyway i could download all the programs that come on backtrack2?03:21
poseidonpelo, i can't get gnomemaker, not internet connection on that comp03:21
ephemientmwilliam13: ooh.  I just thought of something...03:21
ephemientmwilliam13: http://tirdc.livejournal.com/15224.html03:21
Peloposeidon, I think it is on the live cd ,  pop it in and add it as a repos, then run the command again03:22
poseidonjack_sparrow, once I do that and get to the initializing stage, it acts as though I don't have a cd in03:22
thinhwhich one works better router ddns or ddclient?03:22
poseidonpelo, my baby sister broke the live cd :(03:22
Pelog'night folks ,I'm off to bed03:22
Jack_Sparrowposeidon: odd...03:22
alienzhello please help to install compiz fusion in ubuntu 7.0403:22
AdemoSnight pelo03:22
buttercupsk, 1850 what?03:22
Jack_SparrowPelo:  same here03:23
mwilliam13ephemient: I don't see the connection.  that is video stuff...  :)03:23
alienzwhat the effect if install compiz03:23
MdL054I have an issue: When booting the 7.04 or 7.10 cd and try to run it I get "ata1.01: Exception eMask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 Action 0x0 Frozen" and cannot Install.03:23
Peloposeidon, www.getdeb.net  you can probabaly dl a gnomebaker.deb file from there and move it to your other comp with a flash drive ror something03:23
ephemientI got confused as to who I was talking to03:23
mwilliam13ephemient: no prob03:23
mackstingI assume if I've got 32-bit hardware, s'far as I can tell, and something says AMD64, I shouldn't try to use it?03:23
mwilliam13ephemient: I can come back when it is not so busy.03:23
Peloephemient,  I think you've been talking to the air for 2 hrs03:23
ephemientmasmota, still around?03:24
=== mssever is now known as mssever_______
Pelog'night folks03:24
=== mssever_ is now known as mssever
randomoutburstanyone know how i would do that?03:25
mwilliam13all:  where is the best place to find information on how to work with seemingly non-plug-and-play wireless nics?03:25
LtEmerpocim back.. but..03:26
Kbuttercups: ati x1850 it's a gt but a manufacturer overclocked version03:26
MdL054whats the deal03:27
MdL054people ignore me03:27
LtEmerpoccan i load ubuntu onto a laptop..03:27
MdL054not cool :(03:27
MdL054you can03:27
ephemientLtEmerpoc: yes03:27
mwilliam13i am doing that now03:27
LtEmerpoclike a sony vaio already loaded with vista03:27
AdemoSMan, trying to talk in #OpenOffice is getting me no response, they're dead over there03:27
mwilliam13all that suspense?03:27
MdL054No one wants to help me03:27
LtEmerpocwell i want to but i REALLY dont want to deal with all the silly stuff ive been dealing with on my tower...03:27
J_5does anyone know zimbra is included in apt-get?03:27
MdL054I've been waiting patiently for hours as people all around me get their questions answered03:28
MdL054im about to say screw it and go gentoo03:28
ephemientLtEmerpoc: Ubuntu installed without modifications on my laptop, but YMMV03:28
joshritgerI am using fiesty and beryl and I was wondering if there was a way to have a different desktop background on each of the 4 sides of the rotating cube that beryl creates?03:28
mwilliam13how is your memory situation, MdL054?03:28
MdL054I have 3gb03:28
LtEmerpocwhat do you mean ephemient?03:28
MdL054of pc320003:28
mwilliam13is it all good?  run mem tests?03:28
randomoutburstcan someone explain how i would download all the programs that come with backtrack 2 to ubuntu?03:29
MdL054yup its A-OK03:29
=== toresn_ is now known as ubuntuN00B
MdL054that was one of the first things I did03:29
ephemientMdL054: it sounds like a kernel problem, and apparently nobody here is familiar with it03:29
buttercupsk, look under support and drivers at amd.com, x1850 serious should be supported03:29
mwilliam13try pulling out like 2 gb, and test with different sticks...03:29
ephemientMdL054: what are your storage devices/drivers?03:29
LtEmerpocephemient.. ill show you the laptop i just got...03:29
LtEmerpoctell me if i will have some problems with loading ubuntu on it..03:30
MdL054i have all IDE drives, 1 80gb and 2 160gb drives03:30
atlfalcons866will i notice a speed boost with a dual core cpu03:30
ephemientMdL054: the storage controller, the chipset03:30
threefcatafresh install 7.10 trackpoint doesn't scroll, i tried editing xorg.conf as said online but no luck, anyone knows why?03:30
MdL054•mwilliam13• I tried that as well, I stuck just the 1 stick in there with the same issue03:30
ADemiG0dpelo, do i boot to this supergrub disk when i have it burnt?03:30
fosohey guys, got a couple questions about settings03:30
MdL054im running an abit is-7 board03:30
MdL054let me look up the controller03:30
mwilliam13atapi error?03:30
randomoutburstok guess not.....03:30
fosofirst off, how do i get beryl?03:31
ubotuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad03:31
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz03:31
mwilliam13oh ata error03:31
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion03:31
fsufitchephemient: i'm baaaack: fsck did a lot! i can now actually EDIT THE FILES on my hd! *gasp* anyway, aptitude is still unusable, complaining that dpkg was interrupted. it suggests "dpkg --configure -a" but that doesn't work due to some parse error03:31
LtEmerpocthats the laptop.. someone tell me about loading ubuntu on it.. if there will be problems?03:31
mwilliam13can you get any other disk to boot on the device?03:31
MdL054the chipset is Intel 865PE03:31
ephemientfsufitch: argh... really painful recovery :(03:31
fsufitchephemient: i would really like to know what i did to screw it up this badly...03:32
fosook, i guess i have compiz fusion since im running gutsy, how do i get the desktop cube?03:32
ephemientfsufitch: it might be the hard disk dying03:32
LtEmerpocmwillian13: are you talking to me?03:32
ephemientfsufitch: or other hardware issues03:32
a|ishahi guys03:32
mssever!ccsm | foso03:32
ubotufoso: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion03:32
ubuntuN00Bi'm having a problem fetching mail... here's (part of) my log:03:32
fsufitchephemient: so none of it is my fault? cuz now my parents are glaringi at me for not doing my homework and fixing linux instead03:32
a|ishai have to write a paper for school comparing ubuntu and mac in terms of security03:33
a|ishamy friend told me to ask here for help03:33
MdL054•mwilliam13• ubuntu 5.10 does install btw if that helps03:33
ubuntuN00B(i'm using fetchmail, mutt, procmail, msmtp)03:33
fosomssever, sorry, what does that mean?03:33
ephemientfsufitch: I don't know for sure03:33
mssevera|isha: That's pretty broad03:33
mwilliam13no it doesn't help..  it confuses.03:33
fsufitchephemient: lol; so what's next in recovering this?03:33
MdL054no one on the forums has been able to help thus far either03:34
msseverfoso: Ubotu told you what to install so you can enable the desktop cube03:34
wastrelubuntuN00B: fetchmail is trying to deliver mail to a running SMTP server on localhost03:34
mwilliam13did you verify the iso after download? the checksum?03:34
fsufitchephemient: fyi, fsck asked me if it can fix a lot of stuff such as overlapping things that i didn't really understand, but i hit "yes" for everything... it didn't seem like a good idea to leave anything _broken_03:34
msseverfoso: What I said before was siply a command to ubotu03:34
a|ishamssever yea im only looking for general input03:34
a|ishacomparing ubuntu and mac03:34
a|ishawhich one would be better and such03:34
MdL054•mwilliam13• yes and it passed. I also tried multiple mirrors03:34
wastrelubuntuN00B: you have to configure fetchmail to use procmail as the MDA instead03:35
fosomssever, ok, just making sure i didnt do something wrong03:35
mssevera|isha: Well, as I don't own a Mac, I can't say much03:35
mwilliam13how about using a different optical media reader?03:35
buttercupsa|isha, well both mac and ubuntu use sudo03:35
a|ishaim also inside the mac channel so im hoping to get feedback from both sides03:35
mwilliam13can you boot your 7.10 on a different computer?  just into live?03:35
ubuntuN00Bwastrel: hm, ok... how should i do this?03:35
a|ishawhat is sudo03:35
wastrelubuntuN00B: dunno i don't use fetchmail anymore :]03:35
MdL054•mwilliam13• unfortionatly I only have the 1 available to me so I'm unable to test.03:35
ephemientfsufitch: well, I'd run badblocks or similar tools from a LiveCD, because usually a power outage doesn't cause filesystem corruption that badly03:35
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:35
poseidonanybody know where I can download gnomebaker.deb via the internet03:36
fosook, my next question, how do i change the bg color of the splash screen?03:36
frost0anyone here familiar with ubuntu and nvidia?03:36
MdL054•mwilliam13• let me test the cd on another machine, I'll be back in a min.03:36
ubuntuN00Bwastrel: ok, i will try to search the web03:36
msseverposeidon: from synaptic?03:36
fsufitchephemient: i don't have a livecd... i'm going to have one on monday, but that's a bit late...03:36
ephemientposeidon: run "apt-cache show gnomebaker" and it will list a path on Ubuntu's archive servers03:36
msseverfoso: Which splash screen?03:36
frost0Pelo, when i play a game i will play lag free and then boom kicked out to desktop....my player is just timed out on the server....what is going on with my nividia?03:36
fsufitchephemient: why can't i run it from my laptop directly?03:36
fosomssever, right after login, i changed the little box that shows nautilus etc loading, but its still that nasty pink color03:37
ephemientfsufitch: badblocks does a surface scan of the disk by writing to the blocks on a disk03:37
ephemientfsufitch: can't do that to the filesystem you're currently booted off of03:37
fsufitchephemient: i see; i have a windows install on this machine, do u think i can use that to run badblocks?03:37
frost0anyone here use and nividia with a little gaming?03:38
msseverfoso: Look into the login window app (if you start from a terminal, gksudo gdm-setup)03:38
ephemientno, but the Disk Management mmc snap-in has a similar capability03:38
hdevalencewhy is it that you need to defrag ntfs but not ext2 ext3 ext4 reiserfs etc03:38
fosomssever i have tried that to no avail03:38
randomoutburstsoooo.....anyone know how i could download a set of programs that come on another distro?03:38
fosoim not real tech literate, so i dont use the teminal much03:38
mwilliam13was that ms windows there, ephemient???03:38
frost0mssever, when i play a game i will play lag free and then boom kicked out to desktop....my player is just timed out on the server....what is going on with my nvidia?03:38
fsufitchephemient: the what? also, wouldn't it bother windows that linux is ext3?03:38
msseverfoso: You must be running Gutsy, then03:38
fosoyes sir03:38
danforthcan anyone explain why my cd burning apps shut down?03:39
ephemientfsufitch: this is just a surface scan, Windows doesn't need to know anything about the actual filesystem, just what area on the hard disk it covers03:39
msseverfoso: I had that splash screen problem in Gutsy03:39
fosomssever: i couldnt figure it out in feisty either03:39
msseverfoso: One minute while I look up my solution03:39
mwilliam13So, I am getting out a shot gun to the ubuntu install on this laptop.  will reinstall, because I know that i have effed up my wireless and network config files03:39
poseidonephemient, it did not show couldnt' find any servers for it03:39
ephemientfsufitch: I think Windows has something like "\windows\system32\diskmgmt.mmc"?  I dunno since I don't use Windows on anything03:39
ephemientposeidon: archive.ubuntu.org/ubuntu03:40
fsufitchephemient: oh, it' sjust the windows disk management app?03:40
ephemientposeidon: oh wait, I might have misinterpreted you03:40
ephemientfsufitch: yeah03:40
fsufitchephemient: ok, i'll boot to windows and contact you further from there03:40
ephemientfsufitch: mmc -> microsoft management console, or something like that?  I worked for a company that wrote some custom snap-ins for that03:40
allenchow do I start the samba nmbd daemon to resolve netbios names to ip addresses?03:40
LtEmerpochey guys03:41
LtEmerpocback again03:41
LtEmerpocanyone answer my question03:41
fsufitchephemient: yeah, i think it's accessible from control panel > administrative tools03:41
LtEmerpocive got the sony and yeah03:41
fsufitchi'll see once i get on03:41
ephemientposeidon: do you have universe repositories?03:41
mwilliam13type mmc at run prompt.  there you can choose what snapins you need for the management of windows...03:41
LtEmerpocdifferent question03:41
fsufitchephemient: ttys then03:41
poseidonephemient, I'm trying to download it from on to my computer with windows, then transfer it to my ubuntu comp03:41
LtEmerpocit says my ati drivers are enabled by not in use03:41
LtEmerpocwhats that mean"??03:41
danforthIn gutsy all my cd burning apps shut down before starting to burn a cd any ideas????03:42
poseidonmy ubuntu comp doesn't have internet connection03:42
mwilliam13type mmc at run prompt.  there you can choose what snapins you need for the management of windows...03:42
ephemientposeidon: you should fix that :)03:42
ephemientposeidon: but in this case, it's a little easier03:42
=== Einstiein is now known as jinxed
ephemientposeidon: just go to packages.ubuntu.com, search for gnomebaker, and download the correct dist.03:42
a|ishawhat makes ubuntu so secure guys03:42
poseidonok thanks03:42
buttercupsa|isha, you might get better feed back over at #ubuntu-offtopic, busy in here =)03:43
a|ishacan anyone answer that, thats all i really need for my paper03:43
a|ishaoh ok03:43
=== ubuntu_ is now known as nanushka
fosohow do i get more then 2 desktops? i dont see the box in gutsy03:43
LtEmerpocsomeone tell me the sudo install get thingy command03:43
LtEmerpochelp alot03:43
somerville32sudo apt-get install03:43
infinitycircuitfoso, if you use compizconfig-settings-manager you can go to general settings and increase the number of desktops03:44
somerville32!cookie | LtEmerpoc03:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cookie - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:44
MdL054•mwilliam13• The CD didn't work on the other computer. I got the same issues. I also burned the ISO from another computer and tried it on both mine and on the other computer and had the same issue... this is getting weird now...03:44
poseidonephemient: how do I know which dist I have?03:44
ephemientLtEmerpoc: System > Administration > Restricted Drivers Manager -- this isn't related to apt anymore03:44
mwilliam13sounds like a bad burn03:44
mwilliam13the iso is probably good, but your burner is sad.03:45
ephemientposeidon: you don't know if you're on Dapper or Edgy or Feisty or Gusty?03:45
MdL054I tried the burn from another computer too though03:45
frost0ephemient, once you are done with poseidon...could you please help me with my nvidia graphics card?03:45
somerville32!md5 | MdL05403:45
ubotuMdL054: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:45
mwilliam13did you verify after the burn?03:45
LtEmerpocok well how do i install them now03:45
EdwardXPdo you guys know a good website to compare astrology signs ???03:45
EdwardXPlove hate money n that sort of thing?03:45
MdL054I didn't varify the burn03:45
somerville32!ot | EdwardXP03:45
ubotuEdwardXP: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:45
EdwardXPbah okay,03:45
MdL054When i try to use the one built in on the CD i get the same msg03:45
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)03:45
ephemientfrost0: I have no experience with binary drivers for graphics cards, so I'm kinda floundering around with LtEmerpoc :-/03:45
mwilliam13put it on a flash disk, then take it to your friend's house to burn.03:46
frost0ephemient, okay i understand...thx03:46
mwilliam13see if it changes the issue03:46
jinxedDoes anyone here know any Verilog?03:46
msseverfoso: See if this does the job: put the contents of http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45748/ into /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom; change the color code as you wish; then restart gdm: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart03:46
Kbuttercups: thanks.03:46
MdL054ok I have a computer downstairs I'm going to try it from. Thanks03:46
poseidonephemient: I got my live cd from here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download03:47
kasansweatWill idleness cause a wireless (router to pc) connection to drop, and if so, are there any tools/daemons etc that will help prevent this?03:47
ephemientposeidon: when?03:47
ephemientposeidon: Gusty was released last month03:47
kitchekasansweat: just send a ping out every so often and it should stay connected03:47
fosomssever, do i include the greeter thing?03:47
poseidona couple of months ago03:47
kasansweatkitche cool, thanks03:48
msseverfoso: yes, unless that section is already present; then put the rest in the greeter section03:48
kasansweatfsufitch : are you in tallahassee?03:48
thinhanyone knows which one is better router ddns or ddclient?03:48
ephemientposeidon: probably Feisty, then03:48
fsufitchkasansweat: no03:48
frost0anyone else having trouble with their nvidia card on gutsy?03:48
poseidonok, thanks03:48
infinitycircuitfrost0, no mine works fine03:48
frost0with compiz and metacity?03:48
ephemientposeidon: unless you went for LTS and got Dapper... :-/03:48
neilthereildeilhey all03:49
bluewolfknight0I'm having trouble with my belkin wireless card on gutsy03:49
frost0infinitycircuit, well when i play games mine runs great then randomly times out....03:49
fsufitchephemient: i'm on windows now, what was that program you said i should use?03:49
kasansweatfsufitch : aha, either way, if you're associated with the school feel free to join #fsulinux, we're trying to get a group going here03:49
neilthereildeili need help finding a new witreless driver for my wireless card03:49
kitchefrost0: no but with compiz running games are barely able to be played have to turn it off first03:49
fsufitchkasansweat: what's #fsulinux?03:49
neilthereildeilhow can i look for a newer driver?03:49
frost0kitche, i switch to metacity....then run my game...and it randomly kicks me back to the desktop03:49
frost0kitche, any settings i should look at?03:50
majykwhy doesn't Ubuntu ship the latest Firefox? I just installed Ubuntu and I have but is out.... why is there a lag?03:50
fsufitchkasansweat: my school has an extensive linux computer lab, there's bound to be interested people if there's something with a name that contains "linux"03:50
ephemientneilthereildeil: please specify what wireless card you have03:50
msseverfsufitch: FSU = Florida State University03:50
frost0kitche, meanwhile my player times out...03:50
infinitycircuitmajyk, is there a reason you need the newest version03:50
kasansweatfsufitch : are you at florida state?03:50
fosomssever the whole thing is already there03:50
neilthereildeili have the linksys wpc54g03:50
kitchefrost0: sounds like the game just crashes not really a video driver issue03:50
fsufitchkasansweat: no, i'm at tjhsst, in northern va03:50
EdwardXPanyone know a good server manager "that contains modules like" apache mysql, php and phpmyadmin... -- where fantasico is installed so i can even install more apps that are plugnplay on the server03:50
fsufitchkasansweat: high school, not college yet ;)03:50
ephemientmajyk: Ubuntu already patches Firefox with security fixes etc. between Firefox's official releases03:51
msseverfoso: so much for that idea... I know I fixed it somewhere :)03:51
EdwardXPthat integrate well into the ubuntu platform03:51
kasansweatfsufitch : aha, from your name I thought you were associated with florida state university03:51
somerville32EdwardXP, webmin?03:51
EdwardXPis there a .deb file for that one?03:51
frost0kitche, are you sure....it happens in other games also..03:51
Pici!webmin | EdwardXP03:51
ubotuEdwardXP: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system03:51
majykephemient, maybe so but the version numbering is confusing03:51
emily_I keep getting a phantom box on my screen. It looks like the same size as the "please enter your superuser password"...anyone?03:51
fosowhich leads me to another issue, somehow i dont have permission to edit things on my ubuntu partition03:51
majykwhy don't they just ship the latest official Firefox03:51
fsufitchkasansweat: i'd better come up with a better chat name then... i dont want people to get wrong impressions03:51
majykinstead of doing whatever it is they do03:51
fosoits read only and wont let me change it03:51
frost0kitche, i'm pretty sure that i have some settings wrong.....i just don't know whats right :)03:51
EdwardXPsomerville32, Pici  ... is this kinda like C_panel ?03:52
fsufitchephemient: so what windows utility am i supposed to use?03:52
ephemientmajyk: because Ubuntu does not ship the same Firefox binary that Mozilla produces03:52
EdwardXPthats' what im lookin for03:52
somerville32EdwardXP, yup03:52
zewbhow do you change the cursors in fluxbox?03:52
ephemientfsufitch: disk management... or something03:52
majykinfinitycircuit: is there a reason I shouldn't?03:52
EdwardXP:) cool thanks im going to try it out03:52
ephemientit's been years since I've used Windows03:52
wastrelmajyk: gutsy was released in october, it will have no software newer than that03:52
Bugsonis there any reason that my usb hangs off??03:52
Snowniaksomebody there wants to make a hacking sprint?03:52
wastrelmajyk: (barring backports)03:52
mssever!sudo | foso03:52
ubotufoso: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:52
emily_Also is there a way to change where my windows are created? It's always creating them at the top left of the screen, where the top of the window is under the toolbar. How do you change the default new window locatin?03:52
wastrelah i said gutsy :p03:52
* wastrel loses03:52
majykwastrel, that has always been my problem03:52
infinitycircuitmajyk, well if you don't need a feature in the latest incremental release of firefox there's no real reason why you would need the upgrade03:53
bluewolfknight0hey, I'm trying to install my belkin wireless card, can anyone help?03:53
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!03:53
majykfor instance Glade 3 is broke, will there be a fix for it?03:53
ephemientmajyk: well, Firefox has been known to break extensions on upgrades03:53
fsufitchephemient: i'm at the disk management thing, but there's nothing about scanning disks; the only thing it allows me to do is to delete the partition, and somehow i know that' swrong03:53
frost0infinitycircuit, could you walk me through what nvidia-settings i should have?03:53
zewbhow do you change the cursor in fluxbox? i apt-got the artwiz cursors and it automatically uses this ugly one and i want to change it03:53
kalpikmajyk, if you always need the latest and greatest, use swiftfox03:53
Rengwhat is a good program to convert mkv files to avi?03:53
EdwardXPPichu0102,  its not in the addremove programs should ii check out the snyaptic package manager, or so i have to refer to the main site?03:53
ephemientfsufitch: heh03:53
Bugsoneverything works but my usb is hanging after a while of using my pc ???03:53
ephemientfsufitch: that's annoying...03:53
PiciEdwardXP: ?03:53
Bugsonany idea??03:53
frost0infinitycircuit, please...:P03:53
LtEmerpocsomeone help alittle bit03:53
hwdykiwhat's the difference between the adm and admin group?03:53
ephemientfsufitch: sorry, I'm lost :-(03:53
wastrelfeel free to install the latest whatever it is you want.  i do.03:53
fsufitchephemient: you can say that again...03:53
LtEmerpochow do i fix my screen resolution03:54
infinitycircuitfrost0, i find that the restricted drivers manager sets it all up just fine for me.  if you want increased performance with your card you can try tweaking the xorg settings.03:54
fsufitchephemient: wow, that was awesome timing... anyway, i'll try to find it...03:54
phoenix_ummm, I don't know how you guys do it03:54
emily_augh come on...anyone?03:54
EdwardXPapt-get update?03:54
phoenix_theres so many freakin' topics I can't read em03:54
ivxhey i just set up a nfs server and i can mount it on a client but when i go to drag files over from my desktop they just dissapear from the desktop, and don't show up where i dragged them to. if i log off the client and back on the appear on my desktop again, does anyone know what is wrong03:54
infinitycircuitfrost0, check out www.sidux.com and go to the wiki -> system administration -> the perfect desktop and you will find a whole list of xorg tweaks03:54
zewbhow do you change the cursor in fluxbox? i apt-got the artwiz cursors and it automatically uses this ugly one and i want to change it03:54
fsufitchephemient: but can i have a good description of what's ACTUALLY wrong? i'm still sorta confused about that03:54
phoenix_zewb, it's not hard03:54
Hattyis the ca. APT server down?03:54
zewbi know03:54
zewbi just don't know where to do it03:54
phoenix_are you in 7.10?03:55
W1ZrDI need zlib >= 1.2.0 (for archivezip module), which package could that possible be?03:55
frost0infinitycircuit, thank you very much03:55
majykkalpik, I don't always need the latest but I don't understand this 6 month release cycle, software become really stale... this isn't windows where software evolves in the course of YEARS03:55
PiciW1ZrD: libzlib-dev03:55
ephemientfsufitch: your filesystem got corrupted. fsck fixed it so that it's in a stable state, but the files on disk may contain bad data03:55
phoenix_should be...03:55
EdwardXPPici, im performing an apt-get update >> and im going to look for webmin in the system03:55
fosomssever, sorry, im not real experienced at this and dont get how to apply that info to what im trying to do03:55
fsufitchephemient: and i have to find a way to recover my good data?03:55
PiciEdwardXP: Did you read the messave from ubotu?03:55
msseverivx: What happens when you move/copy them from the command line?03:55
Pici!webmin | EdwardXP03:55
ubotuEdwardXP: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system03:55
majykI'm holding out for the Ubuntu that evolves like Gentoo03:55
phoenix_cursor selection?03:55
kalpikmajyk, then probably u should run a rolling release distro like debiad sid/arch/gentoo03:55
ephemientfsufitch: sounds like your system was interrupted in the middle of an upgrade... and not really03:55
wastrelmajyk: debian's last release took 2 years03:55
W1ZrDPici: for feisty it says: zlib1g-dev, is that the one then?03:55
ivxmsserver, i don't know how up03:56
ephemientfsufitch: there's no way to tell good data from bad, since ext2/3 doesn't checksum data03:56
zewbcursor selection in fluxbox03:56
PiciW1ZrD: sure, sounds good03:56
pussfellerhow do you make a module autoload03:56
majykkalpik, I already do03:56
ivxmsserver, *hold up03:56
Hattyis the ca.archive.ubuntu.com APT server down?03:56
wastrelpussfeller: put it in /etc/modules03:56
ephemientpussfeller: add to /etc/mo03:56
msseverfoso: Basically, system files are owned by the root user and can only be written by that user; this is for security purposes03:56
PiciEdwardXP: Thats what I was trying to say earlier.03:56
zewbim not sure where apt-get even put the artwiz cursors03:56
fsufitchephemient: i see, so i just have to hope for the best... fyi, i was upgrading earlier, but i didn't interrupt it03:56
krielwhat is the hardware clock set to when using ubuntu? is it set to local time or GMT?03:56
ephemientpussfeller: add to /etc/modules <-- like wastrel sasid03:56
kalpikmajyk, then you just need to understand that Ubuntu is not like that :(03:56
majykI want a binary distro like Ubuntu that evolves not stagnates for 6 months03:56
pussfellerwastrel: the name of the module?03:56
fsufitchephemient: maybe it just crashed...03:56
ephemientfsufitch: did you system crash or power off?03:56
EdwardXPPici,  is there an alternative thats' just as good, can you reconmend me another distro?03:56
Picikriel: it asks when you install if you have it set to UTC or local.03:56
kalpikmajyk, tried archlinux?03:56
fsufitchephemient: no, not at that time03:56
fosomssever should/can i try it03:56
PiciEdwardXP: I don't know, sorry.03:56
infinitycircuitmajyk, tried the real debian?03:57
wastrelmajyk: debian testing or sid03:57
pussfellercool, thanks wastrel03:57
krielPici: I don't remember it asking... any way i can check that post-install?03:57
fosomssever, ie change the permissions ?03:57
fsufitchephemient: do you think it woul dbe a good idea to just get all of my ~, pack it up, take it away, then reinstall linux?03:57
msseverfoso: The sudo and gksudo commands allow authorized users (such as the account created when you installed) to temporarily gain root privileges03:57
ephemientfsufitch: yes, that would be my recommended plan of action03:57
LtEmerpo1im guessing everyone is pissed at me asking about my screen resolution.. lol03:57
Hattyis the ca.archive.ubuntu.com APT server down?03:57
Picikriel: I think its `sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata`03:57
fsufitchephemient: i've had a LOT of other problems because of upgrades and such in the past03:57
msseverfoso: Changing the permissions can break your system if you do it wrong03:57
majykanyway just don't realize why Ubuntu doesn't ship the latest version of Firefox03:57
kalpikmajyk, arch is probably THE most cutting edge distro03:57
darkentityis there a way to get a thumbnail view of pictures before u send them because evolution and pidgin i.m. have no options to do that03:57
jakelfenixalguien sabe como hacer un chroot de fedora en ubuntu?03:57
ephemientfsufitch: you could save a copy of /var/lib/dpkg/status as a list of what packages you have installed03:57
wastrelmajyk: perhaps it's in the process of being backported.03:57
LtEmerpo1how do i install the ati drivers..03:57
fsufitchedgy -> feisty -> gutsy wasn't very friendly on my computer03:57
fosomssever, ok i think i getcha03:57
Pici!es | jakelfenix03:57
ubotujakelfenix: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.03:57
mssever!es | jakelfenix03:57
krielPici: guess i'll find out soon enough. Thanks.03:57
neilthereildeilhow can i find the newest driver for my wireless card?03:58
ivxmsserver, i quick just right clicked and created file and dragged it over, and back and forth a few times and it worked fine, the other files i was trying where ubuntu iso's. why would it behave like that03:58
fsufitchephemient: actually i shouldn't, as i prolly have about 2 GB of worthless packages installed ;)03:58
zach382Hello.  Can anyone link me to a guide that tells me how to install the nvidia binary drivers from the nvidia website in ubuntu gutsy? Ive been googling but cant come up with anything.03:58
majykI mean is it really too much to ask to have the latest Firefox? Sure I could download a binary03:58
darkentitygo the manufucatures website neil03:58
buttercups!ati | LtEmerpo103:58
ubotuLtEmerpo1: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:58
neilthereildeildo they have linux drivers there?03:58
Picimajyk: I'm sure theres a reason why.03:58
kalpikmajyk, add the swiftfox repo..03:58
majykthe Ubuntu devs stick to this 6 month cycle like nazi's03:58
phoenix_WAY too many topics03:58
LtEmerpo1okay.. how about my sound blaster card..03:58
phoenix_*trots back to efnet*03:59
darkentityhow do u do that trick when u wanna answer someone back in this chatroom and the color turns red for them03:59
kitchehmm odd how my user can't start another X session03:59
Pici!language | majyk03:59
ubotumajyk: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:59
krielmajyk: do you want it to work, or do you want it to be up-to-date? usually the more up to date you are, the more likely things are to break.03:59
wastrelit is too much to ask to have the latest firefox.  especially because it's so easy to install it yourself03:59
infinitycircuitmajyk, dapper was released two months late for a reason03:59
Rengwhat is a good program to convert mkv files to avi?03:59
ADemiG0Dso i install ubuntu on an external HD, now i cant get Non-linux computers to boot to ubuntu from the external Drive03:59
kalpikdarkentity, prefix their name :)03:59
majykubotu, I am thanks03:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i am thanks - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:59
darkentitylol thanks kalpik03:59
Picimajyk: If you dont have any support questions and just want to complain, you are free to leave at any time.03:59
darkentitykalpik: does this work?03:59
fsufitchephemient: so, now i know what to do... it's going to be painful formatting that partition though... so many memories XD03:59
msseverivx: Dunno. I don't know if it's an issue with Nautilus (the file manager) or something at a lower level. You can use cp source/file destination to copy files from the command line and mv source dest to move or rename them03:59
kalpikdarkentity, yes, it does!03:59
darkentitykalpik: awesommme04:00
infinitycircuitmajyk, it makes no sense to ask for the newest firefox when the devs already patch firefox04:00
atlfalcons866is it possible to dual boot windoze vista and ubuntu04:00
Picimajyk: We don't need that kind of attitude here.04:00
majykPici, I'm not complaining04:00
darkentitykalpik: ur the man i love u!04:00
msseverivx: Without trying it from the command line, I don't know how to diagnose your problem04:00
atlfalcons866or is microsoft have properity stuff04:00
Pici!dualboot | atlfalcons86604:00
ephemientfsufitch: my G4 Powerbook used to run Gentoo.  it overheated and the hard disk crashed.  how's that for memories?  :)04:00
ubotuatlfalcons866: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot04:00
majykPici, I don't have an attitude04:00
kalpikatlfalcons866, yes you can04:00
fsufitchephemient: oooooh; that's a success story of gentoo -> ubuntu ;). actually i've been considering getting gentoo for my computer, but i just like apt so much i don't think i'll do it04:01
majykif is patched with all the crap in then why doesn't Ubuntu roll out rather than ?04:01
ephemientfsufitch: I still run Gentoo on my (more powerful and better-ventilated) desktop04:01
wastrelmajyk: it was released less than a month ago.  it's probably in the backports queue.04:01
fsufitchephemient: so i'll be doing the backing up and reinstallation of everything some other time, like tomorrow04:01
kalpikmajyk, maybe cause the problems fixed in do not apply to Ubuntu?04:01
Picimajyk: I'd tell you, but our issue/package tracking system (Launchpad) is currently down for planned maintenance.04:02
orion2Does anyone know how to change the default port on ssh to something else?04:02
fsufitchephemient: right now both of my parents are telling me to get some sleep; i guess i'll listen to them04:02
ephemientorion2: edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change Listen04:02
whisperkillercan someone tell me how to cd to Desktop?04:02
krielim actually in the process of dualbooting gentoo and ubuntu... strange. which is why im trying to figure out if my clock is local or gmt'd...04:02
bruenigwhisperkiller, cd Desktop04:02
krielwhisperkiller: cd ~\Desktop04:02
fsufitchephemient: and i'll consider gentoo for my desktop pc, which btw has issues with wireless (as all linux comps do)04:02
fosomssever, (or anyone) any other ideas on how to change the bg color of the splash screen from pink?04:02
bruenigkriel, / not \04:02
kalpikwhisperkiller, open terminal and do "cd ~/Desktop"04:02
fsufitchi may be in here some other time asking for hekp with that04:02
ephemientkriel: Windows *always* makes the hardware clock local time, never GMT04:02
whisperkilleri got it04:03
neiljmorrowhi all04:03
krielephemient: ... gentoo isn't windows, last i checked.04:03
whisperkillerbruenig: thanks04:03
ephemientkriel: oooh, I can't read04:03
ephemientkriel: well, then it's whatever you set it up to be, then04:03
fsufitchgood night, all04:03
HattyDoes anyone know why the Canada apt repo is down/how to switch to another repo04:03
krielephemient: cept i cant remember. x.x; i dont even remember it asking.04:03
kalpikHatty, system -> admin -> software sources04:03
bruenigHatty, edit /etc/apt/sources.list, change ca to uk or us or de or whatever country you want04:03
majykPici, I see most people see my words as a complaint which tells me that I am not the only one to mention this04:03
majykseems the version numbering is confusing04:04
ephemientkriel: /etc/conf.d/clock in Gentoo04:04
krieland im trying to chroot into it from the gentoo install disk... erf. i think this is getting to convoluted for my skill level.04:04
wastrelthe firefox version numbering?04:04
majykwhy does Ubuntu patch their FIrefox differently than the official release04:04
msseverfoso: I think that my solution didn't work for you. By the way, have you set the proper background color in the desktop config? Even if you have a wallpaper, the color might show through sometimes. Just a stab in the dark04:04
Hattykalpik: bruenig: Cheers04:04
majykseems like wasted effort really04:04
ephemientkriel: or /etc/rc.conf if it's really old Gentoo04:04
krielephemient: ubuntu is already set up, and im trying to configure gentoo to match.04:04
bruenigmajyk, because the original firefox has problems, all distros do it04:04
Picimajyk: I dont know right now.  I can't access the information.  But I'm sure that theres a logical reason why.04:04
ephemientkriel: oh.  hmm... I dunno where that setting is on Ubuntu04:05
mssevermajyk: Because open source often does things like that04:05
ephemientmajyk: Ubuntu's Firefox has much better Gnome integration04:05
bruenigephemient, not true04:05
krielephemient: buried in the deep, dark corners of /etc i'm guessing.04:05
orion2ephemient: what would be a good port number to change it to?04:05
majykfair enough04:05
ephemientmajyk: as well as being able to globally install extensions from Ubuntu's repositories04:05
ephemientorion2: why do you need to change the port number?04:05
bruenigfrom what I have seen on other distros, most of the patches deal with pango04:06
orion2ephemient: my computer keeps getting hitt by bots04:06
bruenigand text rendering in general04:06
majykjust seems like a confusion on version numbers then04:06
Picimajyk: If you want to look yourself in a bit, you can look at the firefox package's bug reports on bugs.ubuntu.com, but its scheduled to be down for right now.04:06
fosomssever, thanks for your help anyway, i do have it set as black under background color04:06
msseverorion2: some high port number isn't likely to conflict with anything04:06
danforthwhy do my cd burning apps shut down while converting mp3's to audio cd format????04:06
majykwhat does a normal person see? They see Firefox being at and Ubuntu being at and they say why does Ubuntu lag behind?04:06
ephemientorion2: you can run fail2ban or something04:06
bruenigmajyk, ubuntu always lags behind04:06
ephemientmajyk: ... what "normal person" looks at version numbers like that?04:07
orion2msserver: something like 64644?04:07
scguy318majyk: because Ubuntu repos strive for version freezes04:07
orion2ephemient: is fail2ban easy to set up?04:07
msseverorion2: sure. Probably will work04:07
Piciscguy318: was a security update.04:07
majykephemient, this normal person does04:07
orion2msserver: you think i should set up Fail2ban or just change to port?04:07
majykit's not that hard04:07
scguy318Pici: ah04:07
ephemientorion2: either way is okay04:07
francescohello guys... i've a problem with my gutsy... its a wireless problem04:08
ephemientorion2: personally, I just leave the port unchanged but disable password logins04:08
msseverorion2: I've never heard of Fail2ban so I don't know04:08
scguy318francesco: shoot04:08
bruenigmajyk, software rarely is updated except every 6 months04:08
ephemientorion2: that way only me, with my ssh key, can log in04:08
Picibruenig: This was a security update.04:08
francescook thx04:08
msseverorion2: I likewise disable password logins; I don't care how many bots hit me; they can't get in04:08
majykbruenig, yes I know and that is my biggest problem with Ubuntu.. I'm trying to get over it but it's difficult04:08
francescoi use wireless to connect to my home wlan04:08
ephemientorion2: fail2ban trawls the ssh logs and adds iptables rules to ban repeat offenders04:08
Picimajyk: Security updates almost always get through, I'm sure theres a logical reason why this didn't.04:08
majykLinux doesn't live in a 6 month vacuum04:08
ephemientorion2: there's other software that does the same thing04:08
ADemiG0Di cant seem to find the article to properly install ubuntu on an external HD can anyone help04:09
ephemientmajyk: but distros do04:09
bruenigmajyk, don't get over it, change distros04:09
scguy318majyk: if you want the bleeding latest, use a different distro04:09
francescobut when i connect all the programs slow down alot04:09
* Pici facepalms04:09
fosodoes compizfusion have the cool thing like in mac os that shows all windows?04:09
krielOh. Duh. x.x; I set my UTC to my local time.... argh. /me facepalms04:09
fosoi dont know what its called04:09
bruenigmajyk, that is why many distros exist. No reason to stick with one that you fundamentally dislike04:09
francescobut the interesting thing is:04:09
orion2msserver: i just changed the default port number and it let me ssh into my computer still using port 22. I also did this sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart04:09
ephemientfoso: yes, I think it's bound to alt-shift-up by default?04:09
ADemiG0Di cant seem to find the article to properly install ubuntu on an external HD can anyone help04:09
kitchefoso: it has a expose plugin might have to install it though04:09
orion2msserver: do you know why?04:09
francescoif i connect to other wlans the problem dont happen04:09
infinitycircuitADemiG0D, it shouldn't really be any different.  what is your trouble04:09
majykI've used plenty of distro's for the last 10 years and none suit my needs04:09
fosoephemient thanks, thats it :)04:10
majyksoftware doesn't live in a 6 month vacumme04:10
ADemiG0DI did the install, but i cant boot to the external04:10
ADemiG0Di wanna know how to properly format the external04:10
bruenigmajyk, what are you looking for04:10
scguy318francesco: what chipset?04:10
majyksomething like Gentoo but binary package based04:10
orion2msserver: this is the line of code that i changed is this correct?04:10
orion2#   Port 6464604:10
majykUbuntu that revolves04:10
bruenigmajyk, arch04:10
wastreldebian testing/sid04:10
Picimajyk: At this point the subeject is offtopic, please move to #ubuntu-offtopic :)04:10
msseverorion2: Apparently you didn't change it the way ssh-server wanted. I've never tried to change the ports myself, so all I can recoment is reading the man page for the config file04:10
bruenigthat is basically the definition of arch04:10
francescohmm.. intel pro wireless... the pc's an asus a6jm04:10
ephemientmajyk: Gentoo is only up to date when developers update the packages in its repository04:10
bruenigrevolving binary distro04:10
ephemientmajyk: same as in every distro04:10
majykPici, I am not going to continue this04:10
scguy318francesco: and what do you mean slow down?04:10
Picimajyk: okay :)04:11
francescowell, it takes about 10 seconds to open the shell or gedit04:11
PiciADemiG0D: Does your computer support booting from USB? Which I assume the drive is?04:11
ephemientmajyk: just that the Gentoo developers don't have to do as much work to bump the package versions :)04:11
msseverorion2: You have to uncomment it for it to work04:11
ADemiG0Dit should, its a new dell04:11
francescowhile some programs like calculator or system monitor run normally04:11
scguy318francesco: if you run top, any particular process hoarding CPU time or the like?04:11
EdwardXPdoes anyone know i can get ubuntu on a 1GB flash-disk04:11
francescono :(04:11
majykPici, the point is I like Ubuntu, I just don't agree with the 6 month release cycle, I think it's really outdated04:11
darkmattermajyk: arch is a rolling release derived from slackware. rolling release means that the packages are always "bleeding edge"04:12
EdwardXPthats' bootable of course04:12
majykarch is derived from Crux04:12
orion2msserver: i uncommented it and restarted ssh and it is still letting me connect :( ?04:12
mssevermajyk: Maybe you'd prefer debian unstable?04:12
francescomoreover, if i diconnect all returns "normal"04:12
bruenigdarkmatter, crux but yeah04:12
krielEdwardXP: you're missing a word. 'if i can get'... 'how i can get'... 'why i can get...'04:12
darkmattermajyk. and crux is slack. whats your point? :)04:12
msseverorion2: Can you connect on the new port?04:13
bruenigmajyk, everything you describe is arch so I don't know what you are waiting for exactly.04:13
francesco-but i must tell, now im not connected with my wlan -im with another04:13
scguy318francesco: hmm, I guess if you think the native Intel wireless module is the issue, you could try utilizing ndiswrapper04:13
majykdarkmatter, crux is not derived from slacware04:13
scguy318francesco: or could be a transient issue04:13
EdwardXPkriel,  how can i get ubuntu on a flash drive thats' bootable04:13
majykI've used it for a long time04:13
scguy318!install | EdwardXP04:13
ubotuEdwardXP: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate04:13
orion2msserver: i can still connect on port 22 idk i havent tryed connecting on the new port. Should i try?04:13
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:13
majykbruenig, I'm not waiting for anything04:13
msseverorion2: yes04:14
orion2msserver: no it doesnt let me connect on the new port04:14
francescoscguy318: hmm.. i don know... if the issue is the diriver i think the problem shoul happen with all wlans04:14
bruenigmajyk, don't complain about ubuntu when the distro you claim to want is out there04:14
msseverorion2: So the port difinitely didn't get changed04:14
EdwardXPthanks :) kriel04:14
Picibruenig: offtopic04:14
majykbruenig, I'm not complaining04:14
hahafahahi everybody! I have an external hard disk with ~100GB of data formatted with NTFS. I was writing stuff to it when the write operation was interrupted, and now any attempt to write to it (including rm) results in an I/O error04:14
hahafahawhat should I do?04:14
bruenigPici, k04:14
majykI could just download a tarball of a precompiled firefox04:15
francescoscguy318: anyway.. how can I install ndiswraper?04:15
msseverorion2: one minute while I look through my config04:15
ephemienthahafaha: run a filesystem check on it04:15
scguy318francesco: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SetupNdiswrapperHowto04:15
krielscguy318: thank you, as well. you were faster on the link...04:15
scguy318kriel: np04:15
orion2msserver: http://pastebin.ca/79655404:16
krielif i install ntp, the command to run it should be just 'ntp' or maybe 'ntpd', right?04:16
scguy318hahafaha: chkdsk your NTFS partition04:16
francescoscguy318: ok thx, il try this... bye for now .D04:16
scguy318francesco: g/l04:16
hahafahaephemient: I ran find /path/to/volume -print0 | xargs -0 ls -ld > /dev/null04:16
=== d110_ is now known as map777
hahafahareturned nothing04:16
hahafahaephemient: and fdisk f: under Windows returned something along the lines of ``encountered error, fixing''04:17
wastrelkriel: try  sudo /etc/init.d/ntp start04:17
scguy318hahafaha: why fdisk?04:17
RebelXhow do i turn on my compiz-fusion feature?04:18
hahafahascguy318: I mean chkdsk, not fdisk04:18
RebelXif it helps im running ver 7.1004:18
scguy318hahafaha: my apologies04:18
ephemienthahafaha: after Windows fixed it, did it work again under Linux?04:18
majykso if a package like Glade 3 has bugs will that be patched in this release?04:18
hahafahaephemient: no, it did not. I did not get the feeling like it fixed it, really04:18
majykit's not a security bug, but it's a show stopper04:18
msseverorion2: Have you read man sshd_config? You might want to try the ListenAddress directive instead of the Port directive04:19
krielwastrel: thanks. (ntp's not installed, btw)04:19
ephemienthahafaha: the ntfsprogs package contains a tool called "ntfsfix"04:19
scguy318hahafaha: you did specify the /f option for chkdsk? just checking :P04:19
atlfalcons866what else is wrong with vista04:19
orion2msserver: do you know where the config file for that is?04:20
majykI understand security bugs will be patched in Ubuntu, I just want to know if regular bugs will be patched04:20
RebelXyes majyk im pretty sure they will04:20
Bruno_sound juicer doesnt recognize -up04:20
orion2msserver: what we changed is what someone else said to do on a website i looked at04:20
Silouckcan anyone tell me the url to see the kubuntu patches?04:20
majykRebelX, that's good news04:20
jakelfenixsome know how do a bootstrapping of fedora 8?04:21
ephemientorion2: you are editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config, right?04:21
RebelXlol im still looking for a reply on how to turn on my compiz-fusion feature04:21
jakelfenixwith a chroot?04:21
Silouckwhere can i see the kubuntu sources=?04:21
msseverorion2: Oh, I see your problem!04:21
orion2ephnemient: yes04:21
caustictry goin into your alt f2 and type compiz --replace04:21
msseverorion2: You've been editing ssh's config, not sshd's config04:21
ephemientRebelX: if you are running 7.10, compiz is automatically enabled if your graphics card is known to run it04:21
causticanywho, I have my problem still. just upgraded to 7.10 and no sound.04:21
RebelXhow do i make it run then?04:21
ephemientorion2: ssh*d*_config, not ssh_config04:22
orion2msserver: ahh damn tab completions tricked me lol04:22
orion2i see04:22
orion2thanks sorry dumb me04:22
causticcan anyone help?04:22
Bruno_sound juicer doesnt recognize the artist or song name. Is there any other program i can use that will recognize the names?04:22
peterbiltRebelX: in System > Preferences > Appearance , choose 'visual effects tab options.04:22
hahafahaephemient: what is the proper way to use ntfsfix?04:22
RebelXthx peterbilt04:22
ephemienthahafaha: run it on the device, then run chkdisk from Windows04:22
peterbiltRebelX welcome04:22
AdemoShave a good night all04:22
hahafahaephemient: thanks, will try04:23
ephemientcaustic: did the sound documentation not help?  what's still wrong?04:23
causticI tried it, still nothing.04:23
causticchanged to alsa, everyhting/04:23
Silouckwhere can i see the kubuntu sources=?04:23
httpdsspeople Hi, im having problems trying to make snippetsEmu to work ... i created the after/ftplugin directory, opened the snippetEmu.vba and executed :so % .... then opened a python file, tried to make it work with tab, but it didnt, can anyone give me a hand to make this work ?04:24
ephemientSilouck: http://launchpad.com/ is currently down for maintainance04:24
RebelXnow umm how the hell do i make the desktop switcher like the ones in the youtube linux vids?04:24
pr0gr4mm3rcaustic, do you hear the "ready" sound when the login screen appears?04:24
Bruno_sound juicer doesnt recognize the artist or song name. Is there any other program i can use that will recognize the names?04:24
scguy318!ccsm | RebelX04:24
ubotuRebelX: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion04:24
ephemientSilouck: but if you are running (K)Ubuntu you can "apt-get source" to fetch the source of any package04:24
causticprogrammer: nope; nothing.04:24
RebelXwhat scguy318?04:24
scguy318RebelX: you'll need to install that to configure Compiz04:25
RebelXo so sudo apt-get install !ccsm04:25
ephemientcaustic: cat /proc/asound/cards -- does it exist, any lines or empty?04:25
scguy318RebelX: no04:25
Bruno_sound juicer doesnt recognize the artist or song name. Is there any other program i can use that will recognize the names?04:25
scguy318RebelX: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager04:25
ephemientRebelX: no, apt-get install ccsm (no !)04:25
pr0gr4mm3rI lost sound when I upgraded to 7.04.  It was a problem with a config file in my home folder.  Creating a new, fresh account and logging into that would tell you if it was a global or user-level issue04:25
Silouckephemient: i would like to for example see the kdebase patches, where can i see it?04:25
scguy318ephemient: ccsm is not a package in the repos04:25
ephemientyeah, oops04:25
smmagicAnyone know how I can check the name of this partition?04:25
ephemientmy bad04:26
julio3patasdoes klik work with ubuntu?04:26
scguy318ephemient: np04:26
ubotuklik is a simple way to run additional software without actually installing it. For instructions and more information see http://dot.kde.org/1126867980/04:26
majykwhat demographic is Ubuntu targeting with a 6 month out of date release cycle?04:26
ephemientSilouck: apt-get source kdebase will download the orig and the debian patches04:26
majykjust curious04:26
Silouckephemient: im not in kubuntu ATM04:26
ephemientSilouck: usually you can find the patches easier on launchpad but it's down temporarily04:26
RebelXOK its downloaded... NOW WHAT?04:26
Bruno_sound juicer doesnt recognize the artist or song name. Is there any other program i can use that will recognize the names?04:27
markybobmajyk out of date?  what company does more than a 6 month release?  microsoft 5-6yrs.  apple 9-15 months.04:27
ephemientRebelX: now you have an extra option in System > Preferences > Appearance04:27
SilouckRebelX: whats downloaded?04:27
causticephemerent: it's empty04:27
scguy318Silouck: ccsm04:27
RebelXo ok04:27
atlfalcons866am i safe from microsoft because linux is violating there patents04:27
Silouckephemient: yes?04:27
scguy318atlfalcons866: that's not true, just Microsoft FUD04:27
majykmarkybob, good point04:27
majykbut linux is different04:27
scguy318atlfalcons866: and Microsoft has yet to say WHAT patents ;)04:27
scguy318atlfalcons866: Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt04:27
markybobmajyk which is why you have 6 months.  no other linux distribution does shorter, either.04:28
Silouckephemient: so?04:28
atlfalcons866ok thanks =)04:28
RebelXok i clicked desktop cube... umm how do i make sure its working04:28
majykmarkybob, no other? I beg to differ04:28
Bruno_sound juicer doesnt recognize the artist or song name. Is there any other program i can use that will recognize the names?}04:28
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion04:28
markybobmajyk name a major linux distribution that does less than 6 month release cycle04:28
causticephemerent: no lines in it.04:28
RebelXok thx04:28
kitchemajyk: gentoo is a rolling release which is different04:29
ephemientBruno_: if your cd is not found in (free)cddb, none of the programs will get names from it04:29
kitchemajyk: which is offtopic anyways04:29
ephemientcaustic: do you know what your sound card is and which driver should be driving it?04:29
Bruno_ephemient: what is cddb?04:29
causticephemiment: don't know the driver, but SB450 HDA04:30
ephemientBruno_: a database of CD information04:30
kitcheWhy does ubuntu have a package for dwm since it's not meant to be packaged really04:30
Bruno_ephemient: how do i know if its there or not?04:30
KI4IKLFor some reason, my power management wont show my battery power that I have left, does anyone have any ideas?04:30
ephemientkitche: you can "apt-get source" it, modify it, "dpkg-buildpackage" it, and install it04:30
joseph_some know how do a bootstrapping of a fedora system? in ubuntu04:30
ephemientkitche: packaging still is convenient04:31
kitcheephemient: umm I'd rather download it from suckless.org myself since the one in ubuntu is broke with my config anyways04:31
ephemientkitche: did you miss my "modify it" step?04:31
causticephiemient: where could I find out what driver should be running it04:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about power - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:31
ephemientkitche: having it integrated with the package management system is just convenient04:31
ephemientcaustic: google?04:31
kitcheephemient: umm no the newer configs don't work with older dwm's04:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about powermanagement - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:31
trwwwI have all "Put Computer to Sleep" settings set to "Never" at "System -> Preferences -> Power Management", yet the monitor goes blank and some ssh connections disconnect after not touching the keyboard for ~10 mins.04:32
trwwwWill someone tell me where I can configure whats doing this? Thanks!04:32
causticephemient: All i get is forums with code04:32
Bruno_ephemient: how do i know if its there or not?04:32
ephemientBruno_: since Sound Juicer doesn't find it, it apparently isn't there04:32
kitcheephemient: so modifing won't work04:32
=== JohnM_ is now known as JohnMM
TetsuoShimaPMFEI'm somewhat of a noob, and I'm having a bit of a problem sharing files between Ubuntu and Windows.  I've got Samba set up and I can see the directory I'm sharing from my linux box, but it prompts for a username/password and the one I've got configured for that directory isn't working.  Am I doing something horribly wrong?04:32
MdL054did mwilliam go to bed?04:32
Bruno_ephemient: ok thanks04:32
ephemientkitche: ... there's nothing stopping you from updating the version as part of "modifying"...04:32
kitcheephemient: sure there is I don't do debian packages :)04:33
Silouckephemient: so you dont know where i can see the kdebase kubuntu sources like patches?04:33
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ephemientSilouck: like I said, https://launchpad.net/04:33
VulcanRidrAnybody using git?04:33
Silouckephemient: only there?04:34
kitcheVulcanRidr: used to04:34
AnthologyHi, can someone refer me to a good data recovery program to recover an old ntfs partition?04:34
KI4IKLWhen I run the command acpi -s it says that I have no battery in my batter slot, and I know for a fact I do. Anyone have any ideas why my acpi power management isn't working? It's worked before!04:34
VulcanRidrkitche: What do you use now?04:34
PiciSilouck: try packages.ubuntu.com too04:34
SilouckPici: thanks04:34
Jack_SparrowSilouck: You would have better luck in #Kubuntu04:34
kitcheVulcanRidr: nothing I used to use it when I worked on SourceMage04:34
SilouckPici: thats what i was talking all a long04:35
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ephemientSilouck: that's exactly what apt-get will give you... still, yeah, I forgot about that04:35
Silouckephemient: but i said im not using kubuntu aTM04:36
VulcanRidrkitche: Okay, quick and easy question. I am putting all my docs under source control...Using git. I want to only check out certain directories to my laptop. Can I do that if my docs directory on my workstation is one large repo?04:36
ephemientSilouck: doesn't matter, as long as you're on a system with apt/dpkg04:36
Silouckephemient: im not04:36
ephemientSilouck: fix that, then ;)04:36
kitcheVulcanRidr: let me check real quick git has changed sicne the last tiem I used it04:37
ephemientcaustic: sorry for going off on a tangent for a while... HDA sound devices seem to be kinda difficult in general04:37
causticephiment dammit, any suggestion at all?04:37
Silouckephemient: thats why i asked for an url04:37
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kitcheVulcanRidr: man git-checkout is probably what you want04:39
ephemientcaustic: so what was the vendor:subsystem of your card again?04:39
simplechathey, quick question, does rsync need to be root in order to do a full copy04:39
kitcheVulcanRidr: sicne I know git-clone does the whole repo which is not what you said04:39
kitchesimplechat: full copy of what?04:39
KI4IKLWhen I run the command acpi -s it says that I have no battery in my batter slot, and I know for a fact I do. Anyone have any ideas why my acpi power management isn't working? It's worked before!04:39
causticephemient: ATI  SB 450 HDA audio04:39
ephemientsimplechat: to preserve uid/gid, yes; in general, no04:39
VulcanRidrkitche: I looked at that earlier, but couldn't get it to find the repo on the workstation.04:39
q_a_z_steveVulcanRidr, can you help me with pidgin?04:39
simplechatkitche, /home04:39
trwww... I see a setting under "Screensaver Preferences" that says "regard the computer as idle after "10 minutes". I can change this to anything between 1 min and 2 hrs, but no way to turn it off?04:40
q_a_z_steveVulcanRidr, is there some googletalk irc channel?04:40
VulcanRidrq_a_z_steve: I can try...04:40
simplechatephemient, ok.04:40
threefcatacan anybody help me?04:40
VulcanRidrq_a_z_steve: Apparently not.04:40
kitchesimplechat: umm on ubuntu I don't think so since users can see other users /home04:41
bluefox83threefcata, not till you tell us what your problem is...04:41
bazhangthreefcata: what's your question?04:41
linux88threefcata with?04:41
Jack_Sparrowtrwww: what about the power mgmnt tab04:41
ephemientcaustic: I remember seeing a page about certain HDA devices that needed modified/updated ALSA drivers, but I can't find that right now...04:41
threefcatathx, i just upgraded to gutsy, but my trackpoint doesn't scroll but i did exactly the same configuration as i did in 7.0404:41
VulcanRidrq_a_z_steve: What are you trying to do with pidgin?04:41
causticephemient: crap... I didn't have this big of a problem before.04:41
simplechatkitche, ok, i'm rerunning it as root. also, it should copy over all the . files?04:41
ephemientcaustic: is this something that broke recently?04:42
kitchesimplechat: it might I m not sure about that04:42
trwwwJack_Sparrow: (11:32:05 PM) trwww: I have all "Put Computer to Sleep" settings set to "Never" at "System -> Preferences -> Power Management", yet the monitor goes blank and some ssh connections disconnect after not touching the keyboard for ~10 mins.04:42
q_a_z_steveVulcanRidr, http://www.google.com/support/a/bin/answer.py?answer=49147 Isn't helping. Whenever I click on the account is says "Connection Error MYADDRESS@gmail.com/Home disconnected Server requires TLS/SSL for login. No TLS/SSL Support found." So then I try all the options in Advanced, to turn on this or that, and it doesn't connect to googletalk04:42
bazhangthreefcata: that on a thinkpad?04:42
threefcataehh not exactly the same but almost the same, you know, those lines in xorg.conf04:42
causticephiemient: no, I upgraded to 7.10, thas it.04:42
threefcatayes X3104:42
ephemientcaustic: it worked before 7.10?04:42
bazhangthreefcata: have you seen think wiki?04:42
Jack_Sparrowtrwww: what about the bios settings for power mgmnt04:42
causticephemient: yeah.04:42
ephemienthttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gutsy_Intel_HD_Audio_Controller ?04:43
q_a_z_steveVulcanRidr, I built 2.2.2 for dapper since I couldn't find a repos, nor a .deb even though some say it was/is on getdeb.net .04:43
causticephemient: that04:44
caustic's the weird part.04:44
kitcheVulcanRidr: are you using http checkout or ssh? sicne I know how to sort of setup git for ssh access04:45
ephemientcaustic: does the PCI ID of your card match that of any of the ones on that page?04:45
VulcanRidrkitche: I was trying to...04:46
causticephemient: Nope :(04:46
trwwwJack_Sparrow: googling ubuntu bios power management yeilds http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193838 which says the same thing (chek bios settings).04:46
trwwwI have to reboot, right? brb...04:46
kitcheVulcanRidr: http://eagain.net/blog/2007/03/22/howto-host-git.html seems to be a good guide for debian systems04:46
q_a_z_steveVulcanRidr, ephemient, do I have SSL Support in dapper???04:47
VulcanRidrq_a_z_steve: specifically under pidgin? Did you compile the option in?04:48
q_a_z_steveVulcanRidr, probably not, was unaware.04:48
q_a_z_steveI had to pull things like libxml-perl and things to even compile, never opted for ssl04:49
VulcanRidrThanks for the link, kitche...Looking now.04:49
MdL054When I boot off the ubuntu install CD, it boots to Command Line (initrmfs). Anyone have any idea what that means now?04:49
ephemientcaustic: looking it up... your sound card is driven by the same module04:49
q_a_z_steveVulcanRidr, I don't know why I have to use SSL anyway, that page doesn't say anything about it at all04:49
ephemientcaustic: and it is true that the HDA part of ALSA is still in a bit of flux04:49
AnthologyHi, can someone refer me to a good data recovery program to recover an old ntfs partition?04:49
causticephemient It is? then what do I do?04:49
VulcanRidrq_a_z_steve: I didn't compile it, am using the one for gutsy from the repos.04:50
scguy318Anthology: testdisk04:50
mohkohnI have gutsy installed. It boots in single user mode but fails on "Loading acpi modules...04:50
Anthologythanks scguy31804:50
mohkohnHow do I fix? or can I?04:50
scguy318mohkohn: try booting with acpi=off04:50
cappizhow do i make a deb from source? the source tree has a debian folder04:51
ephemientcaustic: try updating ALSA; I'm looking for the best guide to doing so...04:51
causticephemient: thanks a ton.04:51
mohkohnwill do. I just put that at the end  of  the grub menlu.list line? scguy31804:52
JimmyTheNoseIs there any way to enable a restricted driver pre boot on a live cd/dvd? because if i try to enable a restricted driver using the restricted driver manager it tells me a reboot is necessary, which kind of sucks with a live cd ;)04:52
scguy318mohkohn: yeah04:52
ephemientcaustic: of the suggestions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gutsy_Intel_HD_Audio_Controller, probably Method G is the easiest to try out first04:52
mohkohnok will give it a go.04:52
kitcheJimmyTheNose: all you have to do is restart X really04:52
q_a_z_steveVulcanRidr, do you think there is a dapper repos which would have done this for me??? I don't need version
JimmyTheNosehmm, tried that several times, the 'in use' checkbox was actually never ticked ...04:53
fxfitzIs there a way to make my ubuntu installation primarily spanish??04:54
VulcanRidrq_a_z_steve: Why do you specifically want to run pidgin rather than gaim?04:54
q_a_z_stevedoes gaim do jabber?04:54
somerville32q_a_z_steve, yes04:55
ephemientfxfitz: System > Administration > Language Support04:55
fxfitzephemient, I have changed it, but I see no spanish! :-P04:55
ephemientfxfitz: did you reboot?04:55
q_a_z_stevesomerville32, that's the protocol for googletalk, right?04:56
fxfitzephemient, Err. Hmm. Lets try that.04:56
somerville32q_a_z_steve, yup04:56
navetzhow do i resize my partition?04:56
q_a_z_stevesomerville32, VulcanRidr this says I want to use TLS if available and Require TLS :@04:56
VulcanRidrq_a_z_steve: Pidgin is gaim relabelled.04:56
fxfitzephemient, Any idea what the difference between a check and a dash is in the Language Support window?04:57
nephlimhey gang04:57
wol1hi all, 1st time here04:57
q_a_z_steveVulcanRidr, so then why isn't pidgin working, is it because I didn't compile in? How to:...04:57
ephemientfxfitz: a dash probably means partial support04:57
bazhanghi wol104:57
wol1Is there anyone who can answer an apt repo question?04:58
somerville32q_a_z_steve, Why did you compile it yourself?04:58
somerville32!ask | wol104:58
ubotuwol1: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:58
ephemientwol1: on IRC, don't ask "can I ask a question", just ask04:58
nephlimwol1, what's the question? :)04:58
bazhangwol1: likely yes04:58
VulcanRidrq_a_z_steve: Possibly. Did you do a ./configure --help? Is there an ssl option?04:58
q_a_z_stevesomerville32, dapper has no repos, that I could find.04:58
q_a_z_steveVulcanRidr, is there a clean way of 'sudo make uninstall' if I get there?04:58
nephlimq_a_z_steve, did you try installing pidgin from apt-get?04:59
wol1I'm trying to upgrade from Dapper to Edgy (yeah, can't wait for 2008).  As of _right now_, ca.archive... is not up.04:59
wol1So, I edited my sources.list to remove the ca.04:59
q_a_z_stevenephlim, there's no repos for dapper that I can find04:59
nephlimq_a_z_steve, "sudo apt-get install pidgin" minus the " "04:59
wol1after learning that all canadian mirrors are very slow04:59
JordiGHHow's wengophone as a replacement for Skype? Love it, hate it?04:59
VulcanRidrq_a_z_steve: You should be able to install overtop of the existing one.04:59
bazhangwol1: have you heard of source o matic?04:59
ubotuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html05:00
q_a_z_steveVulcanRidr, I'm talking if I do just use gaim05:00
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:00
q_a_z_stevenephlim, what repos!!!05:00
trwwwJack_Sparrow: there is a power management section in the bios, but no option that says "Never Sleep" or anything like that.05:00
trwwwThe only thing I found was:05:00
wol1however, after all references for "ca.archive.ubuntu.com" has been changed to "archive.ubuntu.com", Synaptic and apt-get update STILL try to access it.  Can I make them totally forget about the existence of ca.archive.ubuntu.com?05:00
ephemientq_a_z_steve: I think we are all being confused by your usage of terminology here05:00
trwww"Serial  ATA DIPM"05:00
ephemientq_a_z_steve: of course Dapper has repositories: http://archive.ubuntu.com/archive/dists/dapper/05:00
nephlimq_a_z_steve, i'm not sure, i have gutsy installed, and the apt-get worked for me05:00
somerville32richardjc, hi05:01
ephemienterr, typo05:01
nephlimq_a_z_steve, have you tried downloading the package directly from the ubuntu apt-get page?05:01
richardjcdoes anyone know where the java SDK directory is?05:01
bazhangwol1: try this: http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/05:01
richardjci'm trying to install the WTK05:01
trwww"When enabled, the internal hard drive may initiate power management transition requests.05:01
q_a_z_steveephemient, show me a repository which will allow me to install pidgin for dapper05:01
wol1so the question in short is: can i totally remove a repository, making all the apt applications forget it?05:01
ephemientq_a_z_steve: oh, that's what you mean05:01
trwwwI have an E1505N Dellbuntu05:01
ephemientq_a_z_steve: pidgin is not available for Dapper05:01
q_a_z_stevenephlim, of what "page" do you speak?05:01
ephemientq_a_z_steve: Gaim is05:01
somerville32wol1, Yes. Remove the repository and type and reload05:02
nephlimq_a_z_steve, one sec, i'll see if i can find it05:02
somerville32*and reload05:02
bazhangwol1: you can reconfigure your sources list at that link--worth a look imo05:02
richardjchelp pls05:02
wol1"type and reload"?05:02
nephlimq_a_z_steve, http://packages.ubuntu.com/05:02
bazhangwtk richardjc what's that05:02
somerville32richardjc, packages.ubuntu.com/05:02
richardjcwireless toolkit05:02
osmosisI have so many wireless problems on gutsy. Even more then I used to have on fiesty.05:03
richardjci need to know the directory of the SDK05:03
bazhangnot in repos richardjc?05:03
richardjcwhat folder is it in?05:03
wol1my sources.list contains no reference at all to ca.archive.ubuntu.com, but the tools are still trying to access it.  Is there a reason?05:03
richardjcnot in repos05:03
somerville32wol1, Did you reload?05:03
somerville32wol1, apt-get update05:03
somerville32wol1, Or click "reload"05:03
richardjcThis application requires Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition (1.5 or later). Enter a path to a Java 2 SDK (For example: /user/jdk1.5/bin). You can type "exit" to cancel installation.05:03
bazhangwol1: source-o-matic will help you out--check the link05:03
ephemientwol1: yeah, apt-get update, also check if there's any /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list05:03
wol1problem is, "sudo apt-get update" fails05:03
somerville32wol1, Because it is looking for ca.archive.ubuntu.com??05:04
wol1Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/restricted Packages05:04
wol1Err http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com dapper-updates Release.gpg05:04
wol1  Could not connect to ca.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out05:04
wol1Fetched 6B in 2m0s (0B/s)05:04
wol1Failed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-updates/Release.gpg Could not connect to ca.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out05:04
wol1Reading package lists... Done05:04
nephlimq_a_z_steve, http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=pidgin&searchon=names&subword=1&version=gutsy&release=all05:04
wol1W: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.05:04
somerville32!source-o-matic | wol105:04
ubotuwol1: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:04
bazhangwol1: please check that link05:05
ephemientwol1: you're sure all references to ca.archive.ubuntu.com have been edited out of /etc/apt/sources.list & sources.list.d/*.list ?05:05
q_a_z_stevenephlim, did you happen to search that page, there's no mention of the word dapper05:05
scguy318richardjc: the question?05:05
wol1thanks...what i don't understand is...ok i'm checking sources.list.d/*list now05:05
scguy318wol1: just change the mirror in Software Sources05:05
somerville32richardjc, See http://packages.ubuntu.com05:05
nephlimq_a_z_steve, yes there is05:05
richardjcwhat folder is the JAVA SDK installed to??05:05
nephlimq_a_z_steve, the frist like i sent, it's the frist flavour mentioned05:05
somerville32richardjc, Visit http://packages.ubuntu.com to find out :)05:06
wol1argh, so just removing from sources.list is not enough, i have to remove from sources.list.d/*list05:06
ephemientnephlim, q_a_z_steve: there is no Pidgin for Dapper.  not in -updates, not in -backports, etc.05:06
q_a_z_steve!tell nephlim05:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about  tell nephlim - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:06
ephemientwol1: yes, because /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list are merged into sources.list05:06
scguy318richardjc: lemme look05:06
wol1alright, thanks all!  I think i can manage it from now on.  you guys are very helpful.  I came from slackware since slack 3.5 and i *thought* i knew everything i needed, lol05:07
MdSalihHello all05:08
nephlimsorry then, i thought there was05:08
bazhanghi MdSalih05:08
nephlimjust trying to help05:08
nephlimq_a_z_steve, what happens when you try to build via source?05:08
q_a_z_stevenephlim, I can build, now, but I'm looking through ./configure for ssl I guess.05:09
MdSalihI'm trying to get ubuntu (7.10) live disk running on my laptop... however when i select teh start/install book option... it does something.. then displays: 01428F0005:09
=== Modius_ is now known as Modius
MdSalihany idea what that could mean?05:09
bazhangMdSalih: is there a disk check option?05:10
MdSalihyes running that now05:10
scguy318richardjc: hmm, Synaptic wasn't particularly insightful05:10
scguy318richardjc: it just pointed me to /usr/share/doc05:10
q_a_z_steveVulcanRidr, ephemient nephlim http://q_a_z_steve.pastebin.org/928505:11
eyemeanhello all,05:11
bazhanghi eyemean05:11
q_a_z_steveVulcanRidr, ephemient nephlim should I use something like that?05:11
MdSalihdisk check does the same thing.. displays: 01428F0005:11
nonewmsgsi have just installed xp on pata disk 1, ubuntu on pata disk 2 and am using /home and general storage on sata disk 1.  grub is written to pata disk 1.  is there a way to move grub to the other disk or install it there05:11
eyemeanhas any1 notice how sometimes wen u delete large files, ubuntu 7.10 deletes them but doesnt actually free the space05:12
pwnCan wget download a file with multiple threads?05:12
nephlimq_a_z_steve, i'm not sure. If it's configured wrong, you could always try it again right?05:12
ephemientpwn: see gnome-freeloader or aria2 packages05:12
scguy318eyemean: I haven't noticed05:12
nephlimjust don't make install if it's borked05:13
q_a_z_stevenephlim, yeah, no problem, should I use one of those you think?05:13
eyemeanok, then i guess its just me, lol05:13
ephemienteyemean: if a file has link count greater than 1, deleting one link will free no space because it is still referenced by other links05:13
nephlimq_a_z_steve, try it out and see, worst that can happen is that you delete every file on your computer and then it catches fire05:13
scguy318pwn: not really, doing socket I/O for a single file doesn't really require a thread05:13
q_a_z_stevenephlim, I actually compiled all this from /Desktop/pidgin... any harm in moving that folder?05:13
eyemeanephemient, no i delete the files directly05:13
LtEmerpocsup again guy05:14
LtEmerpocsup again guys&&05:14
LtEmerpocback again lol05:14
q_a_z_stevenephlim, lol05:14
LtEmerpocto annoy people with my silly noob questions05:14
scguy318there are no noob questions :)05:14
nephlimq_a_z_steve, i usually make and cofig all that stuff in a /home/user folder05:14
nephlimq_a_z_steve, like, /home/dan/pidgin05:14
q_a_z_stevenephlim, I didn't think of that at first05:14
LtEmerpocso scguy you think you can answer my question05:15
nephlimq_a_z_steve, but if you wanted to move the folder, i can't see a big deal. just move it before you make install05:15
scguy318LtEmerpoc: well shoot05:15
pwnscguy318: Thanks :)05:15
nephlimq_a_z_steve, just wondering, why no upgrade to gutsy?05:15
Cpudan80Hello all05:15
LtEmerpochelp me fix my resolution back to 1280x102405:16
Cpudan80I need some help with my fstab file -- currently I have a FAT32 partition mounted, but nobody (not even root) can write to the partition05:16
scguy318LtEmerpoc: pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and tell me what your monitor is05:16
Cpudan80How can I change the fstab file so that at least root can write to the partition ?05:16
q_a_z_stevenephlim, older computer, want to install less, LTS is huge to me05:16
nephlimq_a_z_steve, ahh05:16
scguy318Cpudan80: whats the fstab entry? you may want to stick like umask=000 for mount option05:16
neil_d_with an exe file how do I find out what .so files it linking with ?05:16
mike_hey dose any body have trouble unloading ipw349505:16
_nix_Cpudan80: that partition is probably mounted read-only05:17
Cpudan80scguy318: UUID=0950-920C  /media/sdb4     vfat    defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       105:17
q_a_z_stevenephlim, sooner or later I'm probably going to refer people to my website who ask that, you're about the 50th...05:17
bruenigmike_, did you kill the daemon too or just unload the module?05:17
scguy318Cpudan80: change that umask=007 to umask=00005:17
Cpudan80okie dokie05:17
scguy318neil_d_: since EXE files are of the PE format, and .so shared object files are in ELF, your question doesn't make sense :P05:17
jayson_rq_a_z_steve: Gutsy and Dapper are both supported till 2009, so LTS is almost a moot point at this time05:17
q_a_z_stevenephlim, website contents would be the explanation and a counter lol05:17
Cpudan80scguy318: Can I somehow remount the stuff without rebooting the whole PC?05:17
scguy318Cpudan80: sure05:17
scguy318Cpudan80: sudo mount -a05:17
nephlimq_a_z_steve, i'm really not all about the latest and greatest. i havn't updated my mac yet either05:18
scguy318Cpudan80: sudo umount -a then that05:18
mike_well my laptop wont sleep. after dooing allot of poking aorund i discovers that it can't unload the module for my wireles card.05:18
K What's the best free media player for ubuntu? This program 'totem' that came preinstalled can't play dvds for some reason.05:18
scguy318Cpudan80: or just sudo umount the mount point05:18
scguy318K: VLC, mplayer05:18
bruenigmike_, oh so you haven't tried to unload the module, you have just realized that hibernation won't do it?05:18
LtEmerpocits a 19" widescreen..05:18
scguy318K: if the reason you can't play is because the DVD is CSS protected05:18
neil_d_scguy318, ok I used the wrong terminology I just complied a file with gcc, I want to know what .so files its using.05:18
scguy318!medibuntu | K05:18
ubotuK: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org05:18
scguy318neil_d_: ah, lemme look05:18
q_a_z_steveDOES anyone in here have a bunch of rhythmbox internet radio stations they can help me get configured? I somehow deleted mine!?05:19
Cpudan80scguy318: still no go05:19
_nix_neil_d: ldd <file> should give an output05:19
nephlimq_a_z_steve, www.somafm.com SFW05:19
mike_bruenig_, i did try to unload it once but i did not kill the daemon. how shoudl i go about dooing that.?05:19
eyemeansometimes i goto windows and check the ubuntu waste folder and still find items in it, even though i deleted the files in ubuntu, they were not links05:19
nephlimthe best 11 FREE streaming electronic radio stations out there05:19
LtEmerpocyeah scguy... its weird05:19
bruenigmike_, I think ipw3945d --kill05:20
Cpudan80Wait a minute05:20
ephemienteyemean: I meant hardlinks not symlinks... not what you were thinking of?05:20
Cpudan80It's just the one folder that is screwed up05:20
Kare many dvds protected by css?05:20
Cpudan80Damn windows file permissions05:20
scguy318K: commerical ones yes05:20
Kdoes mplayer come with a css reader?05:20
* Cpudan80 beats his computer05:20
neil_d_scguy318, thanks.05:20
scguy318K: you'll need to install libdvdcss205:20
=== |Aryn|_ is now known as |Aryn|
scguy318K: from Medibuntu05:20
eyemeanephemient, sorry im not sure wat u mean m805:20
mike_bruenig_, wow ok i will try that. now. i am on wired network so i wont go offline05:20
sergeany problems with turning trackerd off?05:20
Kscguy318:  ok thanks05:20
sergeon a laptop, that is.05:21
Kty all05:21
scguy318LtEmerpoc: have you pasted your xorg.conf yet? this channel is a flood05:21
bruenigmike_, you know they have new drivers for ipw3945 that don't require a daemon, iwl3945 is the name of the module05:21
bombHey everyone, I know this isnt ubuntu spcecific, but I would like to get my sprint treo 650 to verizon. I have checked out shadowmites site and it seems kinda out dated...is there ANYONE here that might be able to help me find what I need?05:21
bruenig!ot | bomb05:22
ubotubomb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:22
bombheh, thanks.05:22
pwnscguy318: I tried both those packages. freeloader doesn't say anything about mulithreaded downloads. Aria2 didn't even work. Anything else?05:22
MasterShrekbomb, look for a hack to unlock it05:22
neil_d_I am using gcc to compile a program is there anyway I can force it not to use any '.so' files, so it would be stand alone ?05:22
scguy318LtEmerpoc: have you pasted your xorg.conf yet?05:22
Kalamansigksu gedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config05:22
Kalamansi-bash: gksu: command not found05:22
LtEmerpocscguy yeah.. i did.. but i just noticed that.. there are more than one in the folder05:22
_nix_neil_d: you may want to pass the -static flag05:23
bombMasterShrek, I have been looking for days..I thought I would come here since there is the most people here and im sure ONE of you have done this hack. Thanks though05:23
scguy318pwn: you don't need multithreaded downloading05:23
ephemientneil_d_: -static05:23
scguy318pwn: for a download manager I would use d4x05:23
pwnscguy318: Yes I do05:23
neil_d__nix_, ephemient ok I will try.05:23
nephlimq_a_z_steve, what did you think of somafm?05:23
pwnscguy318: I have 2 internet lines with a load balancing router05:23
Kalamansigksudo gedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config05:23
Kalamansi-bash: gksudo: command not found05:23
q_a_z_stevenephlim, I'll have to take a look in a bit, looks okay, I'll be back in a bit.05:23
ephemientKalamansi: are you running a full Ubuntu desktop, or Kubuntu, or Xubuntu, or none?05:24
mike_bruenig_, well i can find ipw3945d-2.6.2 using tab completion but it says command not found when i try to execute it. even as root.05:24
Kalamansiephemient : ubuntu 6.06LTS server05:25
scguy318pwn: doesn't mean you need to thread, which is of questionable value anyway05:25
mike_bruenig_, where would i find that other driver you talked about05:25
pwnscguy318: If I don't then it'll only use either of my lines.05:25
MasterShrekKalamansi, without a gui youd have to use sudo vi or sudo nano05:25
ephemientKalamansi: ah. a) are you running X? b) what's your preferred editor?05:25
ephemientKalamansi: yeah.  just use "sudo $EDITOR /etc/ssh/sshd_config"05:25
Kalamansiephemient : i dont run X.pure console05:26
scguy318pwn: isn't that a matter of tweaking interface metric?05:26
osmosismike_: wireless issues ?05:26
neil_d__nix_, ephemient, well that worked but it sure made a quite simple program very big.05:26
scguy318pwn: not that I'm a networking expert, but perhaps take a shot at d4x05:26
_nix_neil_d: it packaged a lot of libraries into a single file.. that was expected05:27
Tornadochas3r01hi everyone05:28
osmosismike_: I have wireless issues. Just wondering if its the same thing.05:28
LtEmerpocscguy did you hear what i said?05:28
osmosisTornadochas3r01: hi05:28
linux88how do you unload xchat plugins? well scripts?05:28
scguy318LtEmerpoc: I didn't05:28
scguy318LtEmerpoc: if it was a PM you need to register05:28
mike_osmosis: no, suspend issues wireless works great. but my computer wont sleep because it cant unload the module for my card. i told it to ignore the fact that it can  not unload and it fails to resume from sleep. this was not a problem in fiesty. but i am using gusty now05:28
snausageis it possible to add mp3 playback for gusty 7.1?05:29
osmosismike_: stock wireless module, or custom ?05:29
scguy318!restricted | snausage05:29
ubotusnausage: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:29
ephemient!RestrictedFormats | snausage05:29
buttercupslinux88, window>Plugin and scripts05:29
LtEmerpocwell i pasted it05:29
ephemientI'mn too slow :)05:29
scguy318LtEmerpoc: linky?05:29
Tornadochas3r01now this is kinda off topic i dont know were else to ask it, i have a ubuntu server, and i have questiton about bandwidth, my download and upload speed is very slow for everyone ouside my router, how by any change do i make my connectiton faster ( sorry very long and dumb  questiton ) sorry05:29
mike_osmosis: it came with ubuntu it is just whatever ubuntu wanted to use.05:30
linux88buttercups I'm sorry. I don't know what you mean?05:30
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:30
scguy318Tornadochas3r01: might be an ISP thing, have you tried running speed tests?05:30
LtEmerpocin the X11 folder it says xconf1 and xconf205:30
ephemientTornadochas3r01: how fast *should* things be, and how fast are they?05:30
LtEmerpocthere are more than 205:30
snausagesorry <-- new  i have no idea what that means05:31
Tornadochas3r01o wetre ahould i go foe a speed test05:31
scguy318LtEmerpoc: probably xorg.con backups generated05:31
buttercupslinux88, you asked how to unload plugins in xchat, thats the location05:31
Tornadochas3r01oops bad spelling05:31
Tornadochas3r01were should a go for a speed test05:31
osmosismike_: what kind of wireless hardware do you have ?05:31
scguy318Tornadochas3r01: http://www.speedtest.net/ is an obvious choice05:31
linux88buttercups :P I feel so ashamed now.05:31
scguy318Tornadochas3r01: there are other sites05:31
scguy318Tornadochas3r01: keep in mind that results will vary with internet conditions05:31
Tornadochas3r01i will try that thnaks05:31
Tornadochas3r01thatnks byy05:31
scguy318LtEmerpoc: what is the make/model of your monitor?05:32
MinusSevenWith irssi, i can type a space, then hit enter, and it goes through05:32
snausageany idea why  with gusty 7.10 my laptop wont run off battery?05:32
MinusSevenis there a setting that stops that?05:32
scguy318!ops | twolazy05:32
ubotutwolazy: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!05:32
werswhat is oo.o based on?05:32
Tornadochas3r01Dam people stopfoding r spamming05:32
scguy318!ops | toolazy05:32
ubotutoolazy: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!05:32
mike_osmosis: i have intel 3945ABG05:32
osmosismike_: yah, thats what I have.05:32
mike_same problem?05:33
linux88buttercups, well... i searched there but the script is not there. I right clicked and did Load Plugin or Script. And thats how I installed it.05:33
osmosismike_: on a Inspiron 142005:33
osmosismike_: no, mine suspends just fine. But I have problems with wireles stop working frequently.05:33
scguy318LtEmerpoc: what is the make/model of your monitor?05:33
z0rzWhen I stream videos from my vista machine to my ubuntu machine they freezes up in full screen.. MPlayer seems to do fine, but Totem and VLC freezes up in full screen mode (My xbox is also able to stream fine) What's my solution?05:33
mike_osmosis: i have a sony vgn-txn27cn05:33
LtEmerpocthats all i know05:34
werswhat is oo.o based on? before, its UI fonts followed my .fonts.conf's setting. now, it does not follow my gnome's font setting05:34
scguy318LtEmerpoc: alright, can you also pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log?05:34
solidunithow do i keep startx from going straight to gnome ?05:34
ephemientsolidunit: create and put what you want to run into ~/.xinitrc05:34
LtEmerpocwell where do i find that?05:34
carbanmalright, i have a really noobish question05:35
tronyxwhat's up carbanm05:35
carbanmhow can i use a broadcom wifi card with ubuntu?05:35
cryonvI have many of those... ;)05:35
scguy318LtEmerpoc: in the location I just mentioned :P05:35
carbanmi'm using windows right now, so i have to find a way to download the needed files before booting to ubuntu05:35
scguy318carbanm: you can use Restricted drivers (not really working all that great) or use ndiswrapper05:35
solidunitthx ephemient05:35
mike_osmosis: yaa if you do unload the module it will often get messed up. if you never suspend it will work fine. thats how it was in fiesty. to fix the problem gusty did somthing to prevent it from beeing unloaded.05:35
carbanmdoes NDISwrapper work off the bat?05:35
scguy318carbanm: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SetupNdiswrapperHowto05:35
carbanmscguy318: thanks05:36
scguy318carbanm: off the bat as in just installing it, no05:36
scguy318carbanm: you also have to do a few steps05:36
osmosismike_: hmm..well, i know there is a new driver out now that isnt in gutsy yet.05:36
carbanmis there any easy fix that won't require ubuntu to have a connection?05:36
scguy318carbanm: the guide shows how to install ndiswrapper without internet05:36
carbanmthanks guys05:36
mike_osmosis: do you knwo where i can find this driver. :)05:36
snausagecan anyone point me to a page  for installs for a total newb to ubuntu?????05:37
scguy318!install | snausage05:37
ubotusnausage: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate05:37
ephemientcarbanm: and for the other method, you can find the sources it wants from googling bcm43xx-fwcutter05:37
Tornadochas3r01well its weird i have a 2mb upload for my isp and when someone downloads form my server its 20 kbs for them less than dail up05:37
snausagei dont mind reading just as long as i can follow :)05:37
osmosismike_: I haven't tried it. Let me know how it goes.  http://intellinuxwireless.org/05:37
cryonvWhat major issues are then when installing ubuntu on a USB drive...05:37
z0rzI had a bad install of mythbox on my ubuntu 7.10 desktop ... how can I remove mythbox completely and start over fresh?05:38
GuHHHis there any way i can use user's quota and group's quota if i just have one partition?05:38
scguy318Tornadochas3r01: might be something with his ISP, or something05:38
Tornadochas3r01o ok05:38
cryonvNot a flash drive... but an actual external USB hard drive...05:38
allencsuggestions for a program to play mp3's that will randomize play of files?05:38
mike_osmosis: i will let you know. how can i contact you? just come back here?05:38
Tornadochas3r01 well everyone isp does that it must be mine05:38
scguy318!player | allenc05:38
ubotuallenc: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs05:38
scguy318allenc: VLC is one05:39
scguy318allenc: mplayer05:39
scguy318allenc: lots of players to choose from05:39
allenclol... any preferences?05:39
scguy318allenc: I use VLC05:39
jediborgerDoes anyone know howto link two directories together?05:39
DigitalNinja_I would like to test clamassassin. Is there a place I can get a virus?05:39
osmosismike_: yah, sure.05:39
scguy318DigitalNinja_: sure, the EICAR test file05:39
Dr_willisjediborger,  you may want to clairfy that  a bit.05:39
jediborgerfor example the link from cdrom in / to /media/cdrom05:40
Centaur5Isn't Gutsy supposed to support winmodems out of the box?05:40
rbilwhat key combo is used during booting Gutsy so that it boots up showing the details of the boot?05:40
DigitalNinja_scguy318: Where do I get EICAR from?05:40
Dr_willisjediborger,  ln -s /one/place /other/place05:40
mike_osmosis: i wont be installing it tonight. it is 1:40 am where i am. but thanks for the help. and i will come back and report my findings05:40
jediborgerwhen I try to create links between directories using ln I get you can't create hard links, and symbolic tells me operation not permitted05:40
scguy318DigitalNinja_: that string05:40
scguy318DigitalNinja_: is the EICAR test file05:41
Wifi-PhreakCan anyone tell me how to go about setting up a nessused server and or creating a login?05:41
scguy318DigitalNinja_: their site has that string also05:41
Dr_willisjediborger,  crossing filesystems, you cant use hard links. Youmust use soft links.05:41
scguy318DigitalNinja_: http://www.eicar.org/anti_virus_test_file.htm05:41
DigitalNinja_scguy318: Do I add that to an email05:41
Dr_willisjediborger,  you may be just using the ln -s command inproperly.05:41
jediborgerI'm staying on one filesystem05:41
scguy318DigitalNinja_: it would be like in an attachment05:41
scguy318DigitalNinja_: or w/e05:41
scguy318DigitalNinja_: or file05:42
jediborgerI'm actually copying the install cd to a usb drive05:42
DigitalNinjaI see05:42
DigitalNinjaI'll give it a try05:42
snausageanyone have a good link for install most prog's for ubuntu 7.1005:42
jediborgerbut the symlinks didn't copy so I'm trying to recreate them and running into problems05:42
scguy318snausage: sure, Synaptic Package Manager or Add/Remove ;)05:42
scguy318LtEmerpoc: have you pasted? I'm probably missing all your messages :(05:42
LtEmerpochey scguy..05:42
bullgard4I have two laptop computers with Ubuntu 7.10. One has a directory /usr/src/linux- . Why doesn't have the other it as well?05:42
scguy318LtEmerpoc: thanks05:42
Dr_willisjediborger,  thers some extra options to cp one would normally use to do that. Or use some fancy tar command tomake a exact copy including the links.05:43
ltemerpocsusim still here scguy05:43
ltemerpocsusim on 2 computers05:43
scguy318LtEmerpoc: lemme edit your xorg.conf05:43
bigdissaveddoes anyoone know why zlib_inflate is not built on 7.10 server?05:43
linux_what's this mean :   C preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check05:44
allencok, vlc is playing it but won't stop...lol05:44
rbilis there a key combination that turns off the graphical boot loader and boots in text mode?05:44
jediborgercp -l source destination worked05:44
jediborgerthanks for the help05:44
Wifi-PhreakAnybody know of a good program to record music from my laptop as its playing?05:45
linux_what's this mean :   C preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check05:45
allenchow do I get vlc to stop playing?05:45
nephlimWifi-Phreak, i think xmms can do that with one of its plugins05:46
crazy6what's the boot option to force VESA instead of ATI? I get a blank screen with 7.10 install CD :(05:46
Wifi-PhreakDo you know which plugin?05:46
qball680audacity Wifi05:46
scguy318crazy6: safe graphics05:46
DigitalNinja_I got a virus!05:46
scguy318allenc: the stop button :P05:46
Wifi-PhreakYou know I tired that05:46
DigitalNinja_I guess clamassassin is working05:46
scguy318Itemerpocsus: k ive edited05:47
scguy318Itemerpocsus: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:47
allencscguy318: doesn't work... even closed the program.....  lol05:47
Wifi-PhreakI'm having trouble being able to play the song and record at the same time with audacity05:47
scguy318Itemerpocsus: http://www.pastebin.org/929005:47
rzimek78where can I find new visualizations of analyzer for Amarok? I can't find it05:47
scguy318allenc: strange05:47
allencscguy318: how do I show process and kill it?05:47
scguy318allenc: ps -A05:47
crazy6scguy318: as an option in the bootloader?05:48
scguy318allenc: then kill PID05:48
scguy318crazy6: well, no, its the menu option05:48
Wifi-PhreakHow do I config my computer to use the audio card for more than one program05:48
Wifi-PhreakI use to be able to do that05:48
scguy318crazy6: its not a bootloader thing05:48
raz0rpatrick whattup05:48
raz0rsome girls are just not fit for reality05:48
linux_what's this mean :   C preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check05:48
scguy318ltemerpocsus: http://www.pastebin.org/929005:48
allencscguy318: better, thanks!05:49
crazy6scguy318: uh, well, if I select Start or Install from the bootloader, it thinks are the kubuntu splash for a while, and then black screen; isn't there a video=vesa option for "F6 Other Options" at hte bootloader?05:49
simplyubuntuhello all!05:49
scguy318ltemerpocsus: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf paste that in05:49
scguy318ltemerpocsus: the text box at bottom has the text05:49
simplyubuntucan anyone recommend a good p2p client for ubuntu?05:49
scguy318!p2p | simplyubuntu05:49
ubotusimplyubuntu: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information05:49
cryonvAny Grub experts?05:49
scguy318crazy6: vga=... yeah, but that's for the boot phase I think05:49
scguy318crazy6: you're describing an X issue05:49
pakrattI just installed gutsy on a toshiba satellite a135 and I can't get grub to install05:49
simplyubuntuim tired of frostwire using up all my resources!05:50
scguy318crazy6: try the alternate CD if X doesn't want to work05:50
linux_what's this mean :   C preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check05:50
ltemerpocsusscguy i cant see what you pasted05:50
cryonvpakratt: That makes two of us...05:50
pakrattcryonv, what's the problem? I've been messing with it a lot recently05:50
scguy318linux_: have you installed build-essential?05:50
ubotuDirect Connect clients: Valknut (Qt), dcgui (GTK), dc-qt (Qt, alpha), rccp (terminal-based) - See also !P2P05:50
linux_yes,i'm sure i have05:50
ubotuSoulSeek clients: Nicotine (GTK), Museeq (KDE), Mucous (terminal-based) - See also !P2P05:50
Wifi-Phreaknephlim: Do you know what the plugin is?05:50
scguy318ltemerpocsus: http://www.pastebin.org/929005:51
scguy318ltemerpocsus: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf paste that in05:51
scguy318ltemerpocsus: then restart X05:51
crazy6scguy318: gah, it'd be alot easier if I could just get it working with a software / vesa driver first and then web update to get the restricted!05:51
cryonvpakratt: i'm installing on a DELL Inspiron XPS... and I can't get Gub to install on the primary drive to boot a USB drive05:51
z0rzI had a bad install of mythbox on my ubuntu 7.10 desktop ... how can I remove mythbox completely and start over fresh?05:51
nephlimWifi-Phreak, not off the top of my head, no. sorry05:51
scguy318crazy6: you could just install with alternate CD05:51
scguy318crazy6: on the LiveCD you MIGHT be able to switch to tty1 then login05:52
scguy318crazy6: Ctrl-Alt-F105:52
ltemerpocsusokay got it.. saved it.. now what do i do?05:52
Wifi-PhreakDo you know where I might find it?05:52
scguy318crazy6: then I guess edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf manually05:52
steven_http://pastebin.com/mf2b07cd : i am having a read write file error05:52
scguy318crazy6: or sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:52
crazy6scguy318: black screen prevented that... trying with no splash and seeing if that'll leave me at terminal05:52
crazy6scguy318: well, there is a console based installer too, no?05:53
allencany reason why ubuntu doesn't recognize (the ip) as the machine (host) name HAL-9000 ?05:53
ma2is there A WAY i can convert my .win games to play on linux ?05:53
Rich4Need help: Received error after attempt to add/remove program "song write" : "W: Failed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/tex-common/tex-common_1.9_all.deb, Could not connect to ca.archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (113 No route to host)"05:53
crazy6ha, video=vesa worked! schweet!05:54
Hirvinen!wine | ma205:54
ubotuma2: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.05:54
Cpudan80ma2: Sure, reprogram them05:54
scguy318Rich4: change your mirror in Software Sources05:54
ltemerpocsushey scguy05:54
ltemerpocsusdidnt work05:54
scguy318crazy6: yes, the alternate CD05:54
ma2cpudan80:how ? is there a program that would do that for me ?05:54
Cpudan80ma2: Apart from that, wine is your best bet (although it it doesn't do well for 3D intensive games)05:54
scguy318Itemerpocsus: why not?05:54
therealnanotubeCpudan80: heh good one05:54
scguy318Itemerpocsus: still not able to switch?05:54
ltemerpocsusi dont know05:54
scguy318Cpudan80: lies :P05:54
=== steven_ is now known as sayers
scguy318Cpudan80: it does some games very nicely05:55
Cpudan80ma2: Nope, you gotta use your blood sweat and tears man05:55
ltemerpocsusits running in low graphics again..05:55
ltemerpocsuslike its been doing for yeah05:55
ltemerpocsusthe last hour or so05:55
Cpudan80scguy318: Ok, let me rephrase that to say "Games which depend on DirectX"05:55
ma2cpudan80:way is there not any good games for linux?05:55
Cpudan80ma2: Because game developers want to make money, not enough *nix users05:55
Dr_willisma2,  i find quite a few good games..05:55
Cpudan80And Dr_willis is right, there a quite a few good games05:56
Dr_willisma2,  i wonder why theres so many over priced/overhyped games for windows/ps2/ps3/xbox/ect..05:56
ma2dr_willis:which games ? where can i get the full games ?05:56
scguy318Itemerpocsus: try this one http://www.pastebin.org/929105:56
Dr_willis'full' ? The ones im refering to are GPL/Free :)05:56
* Dr_willis is cheap.05:56
allenctoo bad WOW isn't one of them... :)05:56
Dr_willisWow Can (#*&@*  :)05:56
scguy318Cpudan80: I played some DX games that did better on Linux than Windows :P05:57
allenchahaha... sorry but I respectfully disagree!05:57
ma2dr_willis:ill do torrent games  if you have any05:57
Dr_willisI was playing 'Swords of the new world' (I think thats the name) its free.05:57
dn4how do I get the chat to start working in www.justin.tv using mozilla?05:57
allencis that like wow?05:57
Dr_willisallenc,  IRC is the ultimate MMORPG.05:57
ma2cpudan80:do you have any good games on your pc ?05:57
Dr_willisallenc,  a bit more diabloish in its gameplay. You do controll 3 players however.05:57
Dr_willisallenc,  and its free.:)05:57
Cpudan80ma2: no05:57
scguy318Dr_willis: there are some interesting games on the SDF Public Access Unix System05:58
scguy318Dr_willis: some MUDs and the like05:58
* dn4 don´s his tin foil hat for + 5 resistance to alien mind control05:58
ma2cpudan80:how do i find game that would work for this system ?05:58
scguy318!appdb | ma205:58
ubotuma2: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org05:58
allencanyone help me with why ubunto cant resolve a ip to a host name?05:58
z0rzI had a bad install of mythbox on my ubuntu 7.10 desktop ... how can I remove mythbox completely and start over fresh?05:58
Cpudan80allenc: Bad DNS setting05:59
Dr_willisThere was/is  the 'Free Colonization' clone out - thats great for you olt timers that rember Colonization by Sid Miers.05:59
bitbitHelp! I changed some settings in the "Screen and Graphics" dialog and now my screen res is stuck on 600x800 "low graphics mode"05:59
ma2cpudan80:which one would you use to play .win games ?06:00
rbilallenc: is the hostname assigned in the hosts file?06:00
ma2scguy318:what you use to play .win games ?06:00
scguy318ma2: theres nothing else other than Wine06:00
scguy318bitbit: check your /etc/X11 folder06:00
scguy318bitbit: Screens and Graphics should have generated an xorg.conf backup06:00
Cpudan80ma2: If it's that important to you, run windows as dual-boot06:00
allencrbil: I am a neewb... dunno....06:01
Cpudan80Unfortunately, nothing can totally replace Windows... yet06:01
rbildo a ...   cat /etc/hosts06:01
ma2cpudan80:ok sure, how ?06:01
scguy318Dr_willis: Cedega is horribly out of date :P06:01
excaliber27just curious if anyone's having any mounting issues in gutsy06:01
Cpudan80!dualboot | ma206:01
ubotuma2: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot06:01
ltemerpocsusnothing worked scguy\06:01
Dr_willisscguy318,  I boot up my C64 to play games.. :)06:01
scguy318Dr_willis: Wine probably surpasses it in many areas06:01
ma2cpuda80:why not just tell me ?06:01
ltemerpocsusi dont know whats going on06:01
allencI use my Vic20 and tape drive.06:02
scguy318Dr_willis: lol nice06:02
scguy318!ops | Manottt06:02
ubotuManottt: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!06:02
bitbitscguy318: what do I do with the backup files?06:03
ltemerpocsushey my friend scguy06:03
scguy318bitbit: copy from backup to xorg.conf06:03
neilmorrowhi all06:03
scguy318ltemerpocsus: yes?06:03
ltemerpocsuscan you just like...06:03
scguy318bitbit: like this06:03
ma2cpudan80:1 more thing i seem to be stuck on! do you know about graphic card ?06:03
* Dr_willis wonders why thats the Unofficial Sporks channel...06:03
ltemerpocsusremote desktop my shit06:03
scguy318bitbit: sudo cp /etc/X11/nameofthatbackupfile /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:03
scguy318Itemerpocsus: I could but I'm not sure if I want to06:03
Cpudan80!graphics | ma206:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about graphics - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:04
bitbitscguy318: sec06:04
Cpudan80!ati | ma206:04
ubotuma2: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:04
scguy318bitbit: then restart X by doing Ctrl-Alt-Backspace06:04
=== CaRtz is now known as CaRtz_
ma2cpudan80:you know why i ask because the 3D is not working06:04
scguy318ltemerpocsus: paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log again06:04
Cpudan80ma2: follow the directions that ubotu gave you06:04
scguy318ma2: you probably need restricted from Restricted Driver Manager06:04
ma2scguy318:is not in there06:05
scguy318ma2: what does glxinfo | grep rendering say06:06
=== CaRtz_ is now known as CaRtz
scguy318Itemerpocsus: in your xorg.conf06:08
scguy318Itemerpocsus: find a line that says Virtual06:08
scguy318Itemerpocsus: remove it, save, restart X06:08
ltemerpocsuswhat does restart x mean?06:08
scguy318ltemerpocsus: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace06:08
ma2scguy318:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45752/plain//did i do it right ?06:09
snausagecan someone let me know if there is anything wrong with ubuntu 7.10 gusty gibbon  and laptops??06:09
scguy318ma2: not really but that's ok06:09
scguy318ma2: looks like your DRI is off06:09
snausageor anything i need to change?06:09
jordanis there much of a difference between Linux Mint and Ubuntu?06:10
scguy318ma2: what's in your xorg.conf?06:10
ma2scguy318:i forgot how to find that?06:10
bitbitscguy318: does Screens and Graphics backups all xorg.conf?06:10
scguy318jordan: thats /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:11
scguy318bitbit: it should I think06:11
bullgard4I have two laptop computers with Ubuntu 7.10. One has a directory /usr/src/linux- . Why doesn't have the other it as well?06:11
scguy318bitbit: if not you can do it yourself06:11
scguy318bitbit: make sure to restart X of course when changing xorg.con06:11
bitbitscguy318: I did and it didn't change back to the way it was. I think it changed to one of my older attempts to get it back before I tried your method06:12
Teknomanceri've got compizconfig-settings (Advanced Desktop Effects) installed.. but I *still* cannot remove the workspace switch animation. If i remove "Desktop Wall", even the ability to switch workspaces are gone.  Is it possible to switch workspaces, and NOT have the sliding animation?? (without disabling effects completely)06:12
impulsivenew server irc.strat0.topircnet.com06:13
bitbitscguy318: I dont see any .bak file that looks like what I had before06:13
scguy318bitbit: you can run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:13
scguy318bitbit: to reconfigure06:13
scguy318bitbit: or paste it and I'll look06:13
bitbitscguy318: k i'll try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg first06:13
crazy6is it "wrong" to buy an apple keyboard?06:14
scguy318ma2: looks like you have an Intel card06:15
scguy318ma2: those should have DRI out of box, hmm06:15
buibuihello I want to share files to my XP network06:15
buibuiI've got samba installed, what now?06:15
scguy318!samba | buibui06:15
ubotubuibui: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT06:15
buibuiCan i go the opposite way around and share folders on this ubuntu install to my xp network06:15
buibui(to backup)06:16
ma2scguy318:am lost!06:16
scguy318buibui: yes06:16
scguy318ma2: pastebin06:16
buibuiis that info in the link?06:16
hwdykiwhat package do i install to get java developement tools?06:16
scguy318ma2: the command LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo06:16
scguy318hwdyki: like an IDE?06:16
scguy318hwdyki: or the JDK?06:16
scguy318hwdyki: JDK that would be sun-java6-jdk06:17
mohkohnIs partimage on the ubuntu livecd?06:17
scguy318buibui: should be I think06:17
snausageis ubuntu bad on a laptop???06:18
ToddEDMhey guys, how do i install a game on Linux, that is for windows... is it WINE i use?06:18
scguy318ToddEDM: yes06:18
bitbitscguy318: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45755/06:19
ybtu first howto use wine first06:19
ToddEDMdo i open the exe with wine?06:19
buibuihmmm... that link just shows me how to mount a share from my xp network, not the other way around06:19
buibuiDoes anyone know how i can get my ubuntu comp to act like a xp comp in a workgroup06:19
snausageis there something i need to change in ubuntu to have my laptop run cooler?  semms to run hot and wont run off battery ??06:20
scguy318ToddEDM: yes06:20
flash_hi, im first here! im a programming and im studying english here.06:20
bitbitscguy318: does that help you?06:20
scguy318bitbit: also paste /va/rlog/Xorg.0.log06:20
scguy318bitbit: /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:20
crazy6oh hell, this thing decided to fo an fsck on my 300gb data drive... this is going to take forever06:21
flash_any youth who would like to chat with me?06:21
snausageis there something i need to change in ubuntu to have my laptop run cooler?  semms to run hot and wont run off battery ??06:22
mackstingSecond day on Linux. There's a long command I've been using to open a program with, like, parameters and stuff. I know I'll be doing this regularly. I hear tell of "scripts," or something akin. First off, am I hallucinating? Second off, how do I make one if, in fact, they are not akin to Ogopogo? :)06:22
bitbitscguy318: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45756/   -- Xorg.0.log06:22
scguy318macksting: shortcut?06:22
buibuiDoes anyone know how i can get my ubuntu comp to act like a xp comp in a workgroup06:23
toresndoes anyone here happen to use MOC (music on console) ?06:23
mackstingscguy: I dunno. I've been punching it into the terminal up until now; something I could click would be nice.06:23
toresnif so, how do you use iconv?06:23
mackstingLike I said, second day.06:23
snausageis there something i need to change in ubuntu to have my laptop run cooler?  semms to run hot and wont run off battery ??06:23
crazy6macksting: you mean like for command line stuff? or just for starting programs?06:24
scguy318macksting: make a shortcut06:24
scguy318macksting: with the Terminal command as the, well, command06:24
ablyssmacksting: i use .bashrc for long commands i use a lot.  just edit .bashrc and add an alias, e.g. alias long_command="<actual command here>". Then run the alias next time06:24
mackstingAblyss: That's a thought. I might do both.06:25
mackstingscguy318: So do I kinda right-click somewhere?06:25
ablyssworks great for long custom scripts06:25
mackstingIt's not that long a command, really, just a line or two. More than I want to regularly type.06:25
scguy318macksting: yeah06:26
scguy318macksting: the desktop, should have create launcher or shortcut06:26
ma2how here knows what is DRI ?06:26
ToddEDMwow, right on , COD is installing06:26
ltemerpocsusyeah... nothing changed..06:26
ephemientmacksting: just put it into a text file with "#!/bin/sh" on the top, and "chmod +x" that file06:26
ltemerpocsusnothing scguy06:26
ToddEDMyes, the original06:26
ablyssyeah, if the command doesn't require a working directory then a shortcut launcher would be better06:26
bullgard4I have two laptop computers with Ubuntu 7.10. One has a directory /usr/src/linux- . Why doesn't have the other it as well?06:26
buibuiDoes anyone know how i can get my ubuntu comp to act like a xp comp in a workgroup06:26
ltemerpocsusi feel like an idiot06:26
bitbitscguy318: any idea how to fix this?06:27
mackstingHard to say, ablyss.06:27
ltemerpocsusand asking the right questions and getting the right help but i dont know06:27
snausageis there something i need to change in ubuntu to have my laptop run cooler?  semms to run hot and wont run off battery ??  anyone??06:27
scguy318bitbit: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45757/06:27
crazy6snausage: maybe do a dmesg | less in a terminal and see if acpi is loading?06:27
scguy318bitbit: ive edited it06:27
mackstingEph: Okaydium. scguy318: For some reason, I couldn't find any text on the desktop referring to that, nor anything obvious in right-click or other menus.06:27
scguy318bitbit: try using that06:27
scguy318ltemerpocsus: yes?06:27
ablyssmacksting: for instance I have an alias that adds a shadow to all the jpegs in my current directory so it would be impossible to do that via a shortcut06:28
snausagecrazy6   sorry i have no idea what that means06:28
crazy6snausage: and maybe try opening the systme monitor (depends what window manager you're using?) and see if your CPU is getting frequency scaled?06:28
jacobwhat is grep and find and how are they related?06:28
ltemerpocsuscan you maybe just do it once06:28
ltemerpocsusfor me06:28
scguy318jacob: grep applies a regex to its input06:28
crazy6snausage: oh, well, do you know how to open a terminal? there's a shortcut for it... somewhere06:28
ltemerpocsusremote desktop or whatver06:28
scguy318ltemerpocsus: sure I guess,06:28
snausageya i know that06:28
jacobscguy318: i don't get that06:28
scguy318ltemerpocsus: you'll have to reg to PM me, and you need to port forward 5900 of course06:28
snausagejust what would i type ( or paste in)06:28
scguy318jacob: what do you mean?06:29
toresndoes anyone here happen to use MOC (music on console) ?06:29
toresnif so, how do you use iconv?06:29
crazy6snausage: (keep in mind this is only a shot in the dark, I don't know how to fix anything)  open a terminal, type in "dmesg | less"  (that character is a vertical, shift + \)06:29
scguy318jacob: from the man page:        grep, egrep, fgrep, rgrep - print lines matching a pattern06:29
bullgard4buibui: 'to act as' is a rather fuzzy word. Re-word your question so that it becomes more precise. You probably want to install and configure Samba.06:29
buibuii need xp comp to be able to grab files from my ubuntu desktop06:29
ephemientjacob: grep is a (text) filter, find recursively searches for files06:30
snausageis there something i should be looking for now?06:30
buibuii know it something to do with samba06:30
scguy318macksting: using GNOME?06:30
scguy318macksting: or Xfce?06:30
crazy6snausage: thats the debugging messages that your kernel spits out as it is starting up, as individal modules (drivers) load. look around for a line that says "ACPI" (caps or not). you can search by pressing '/', typing in "acpi" and hitting enter06:30
buibuii got it working before, so i could see my ubuntu comp from my windows comp06:30
buibuibut i ve completely forgotten how06:30
jacobscguy318: ok, go on06:30
* macksting isn't even quite sure what those are. Should he wiki, or is there some terminal command he can paste to find out?06:30
scguy318macksting: tell me what Ubuntu you're using :)06:30
ComPromy fglrx driver doesn't work anymore. it's the one that came with gutsy.06:30
scguy318macksting: GNOME and Xfce are desktop managers06:30
scguy318       grep, egrep, fgrep, rgrep - print lines matching a pattern06:31
jacobthen how is find and locate different from each other06:31
ComProX will not start properly06:31
mackstingUbuntu 7.04, not particularly Kubuntu or anything s'far as I can tell.06:31
bullgard4buibui: Your wording still is not precise. So I cannot help you.06:31
scguy318jacob: find walks through the filesystem06:31
crazy6snausage: oh, the other easier thing is that you can open another terminal, and type "top" , it'll give you a live printout of what is loading up your system (look under CPU column)06:31
scguy318jacob: doing whatever is asked of it06:31
scguy318jacob: locate in contrast just searches an index06:31
scguy318jacob: generated by updatedb06:31
ToddEDMhey guys, im installing a game under WINE, and its asking for the second CD..... it wont let me eject it !!!06:31
snausage ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [C0C0] enabled at IRQ 1106:31
snausage[  174.596000] ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:01:00.0[A] -> Link [C0C0] -> GSI 11 (lev06:31
snausageel, low) -> IRQ 1106:31
jacobscguy318, ok that makes sense thx06:32
ToddEDMany solutions?06:32
scguy318ToddEDM: wine eject ...06:32
scguy318ToddEDM: wine eject thedriveletter06:32
crazy6snausage: eh, if it doesn't say there was an error, who knows. check "top"06:32
scguy318ToddEDM: thats a command to run06:32
buibuiI dont know how else i can explain. I need to access files on my ubuntu comp from xp comp through network, so since i am using workgroups, i need my ubuntu comp to act as a xp comp and join the workgroup so i can access its files06:32
scguy318ToddEDM: the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive in Wine, if you don't know run winecfg and look at Drives tab06:32
scguy318macksting: ok, I think I kinda left you in the dust there06:33
scguy318macksting: if you right click on the Desktop06:33
mackstingI'm afraid I'm easy to get dusty.06:33
ComProi need some help please. i rebooted and now my fglrx driver will not work. x will not start properly if fglrx is specified in my xorg.conf file06:33
scguy318macksting: you know, with the pretty background and all06:33
crazy6snausage: see if anything is sitting there using 50% or more of the CPU06:33
scguy318macksting: there should be a choice called Create Launcher06:33
scguy318macksting: that's how you create a shortcut06:33
bitbitscguy318: still doesnt work06:34
scguy318macksting: affectionately known as .desktop files, just ordinary text files06:34
scguy318bitbit: same thing?06:34
ToddEDMthganks scguy31806:34
snausageacpi: looking for dsdt in initramfs... error , file /dsdt.aml not found.06:35
mackstingscguy318: Ah! I'm starting to get the idea. Should I paste a copy of the command so's you can tell me how to fill in the blanks? It'd shed some light on the command process for me, too.06:35
snausagewould that be the problem?06:35
scguy318macksting: sure06:35
bitbitscguy318: yeah, same thing. listen when I isntalled Ubuntu a few days ago it made the screen res look okay all by itself, can I make it do is again somehow?06:35
snausagecrazy6   acpi: looking for dsdt in initramfs... error , file /dsdt.aml not found.06:35
scguy318bitbit: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg perhaps06:35
mackstingfrom terminal: ALEPHONE_DATA='/usr/local/share/AlephOne/M1A1' alephone06:35
crazy6snausage: interesting, not sure... google it06:35
crazy6snausage: or some subset of it06:35
scguy318macksting: you should be at the Create Launcher dialog right now06:36
CapaHHello all. I have a PCI NetGear RangeMax Wireless Wifi Adapter WPN311 --- Ubuntu sets up some restricted drivers, and when I iwconfig I can see two new interfaces: wifi0 and ath0 --- now, neither one "works" in that I cannot use either one to actually connect to a network. Using ath0 I can iwscan --- Can ANYONE help me on this?06:36
scguy318macksting: for the Name field, whatever you want06:36
scguy318macksting: the Command field what you just pasted for me06:36
* macksting feels kinda silly now.06:36
scguy318macksting: Comment whatever you want, its just additional information06:36
scguy318macksting: for the tooltip06:36
* macksting feels really silly now.06:36
ComProplease i need some help desperately. i rebooted and X will not start with fglrx set as my driver.06:38
RandomOutburstwhen i go into the terminal and type umount /dev/hd0, or any of my drives for that matter, it just says  not found. anyone know why?06:38
Fezzlerhow do I send a txt file or other out the ttyUSB0 in Ubuntu/Linux?  Is there a ProComm like terminal/modem program in Ubuntu?06:38
nguptaHi all, I am having a strange problem here. On battery my system starts hibernating after some time of inactivity. This is annoying while watching a video. How can I disable this? Hope somebody can help me.06:38
magic_ninjaE: /var/cache/apt/archives/language-pack-en_1%3a7.10+20071120_all.deb: files list file for package `foo2zjs' is missing final newline06:38
scguy318Fezzler: cat txtfile > /dev/ttyUSB006:39
scguy318Fezzler: probably doesn't work but random thought06:39
ma2how do i use this"$ git-clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/xorg/driver/xf86-video-intel" ?06:39
jbmigelComPro does X give you an error on startup?06:39
scguy318ma2: as it's written, without the prompt06:39
ma2what is prompt06:39
scguy318ma2: the $06:39
scguy318ma2: you need to install Git before running that of course06:39
ComProjbmigel: no it either loads to a black screen and i cant even switch to a terminal, or it will load with a low resolution and say that it couldnt properly detect my card06:39
bitbitscguy318: hey! it worked! thank you so much!06:40
nguptaHi all, I am having a strange problem here. On battery my system starts hibernating after some time of inactivity. This is annoying while watching a video. How can I disable this? Hope somebody can help me.06:40
ma2scguy318:how i do that ?06:40
scguy318bitbit: np06:40
scguy318ma2: sudo apt-get install git I think06:40
buibuiI need to access files on my ubuntu comp from my seperate xp comp through network, so since i am using workgroups, i need my ubuntu comp to act as a xp comp and join the workgroup so i can access its files. Anyone know how??06:40
jbmigelComPro you have set your driver = "fglrx" in your xorg.conf?06:41
mackstingCurious. The command works fine in the terminal, but doesn't work in the shortcut.06:41
mackstingI'm being asked to test something totally different right now. Be back in a few.06:41
ComProjbmigel: yes. if i set it back to vesa, i can get in just fine, but then i cant set up dual head or use compiz or anything.06:41
techIIok, how do i change the codec that the snd-hda-intel module uses?  /proc/asound/card0/codec#0 gives me "Codec: Generic 11c1 Si3054" while codec#3 gives me "Codec: Realtek ID 268"06:41
nguptaHi all, I am having a strange problem here. On battery my system starts hibernating after some time of inactivity. This is annoying while watching a video. How can I disable this? Hope somebody can help me.06:41
techIIbuibui, look at "samba", don't ask me about configuring it06:42
jbmigelComPro did you compile your own fglrx or use a package?06:42
scguy318macksting: oh06:42
ma2scguy318:am i doing is right i found this link from intel for is chip06:42
scguy318macksting: when you come back06:42
scguy318ma2: I'm not sure that's a good solution06:42
scguy318macksting: I forgot to mention this06:43
scguy318macksting: prefix the ALEPHONE_DATA with env06:43
ComProjbmigel: i went about it by enabling it in the restricted driver manager06:43
magic_ninjahow do i ls a dir yet only show files with certain characters06:43
magic_ninjafor instance only files starting with f06:43
un1xxenomg . i love the gutsy gibbon06:43
mohkohnvirtualbox or xen for running winxp as a vm?06:44
nguptaHi all, I am having a strange problem here. On battery my system starts hibernating after some time of inactivity. This is annoying while watching a video. How can I disable this? Hope somebody can help me.06:44
jbmigelComPro what ATI card do you have installed?06:44
* un1xxen loves you all 06:44
scguy318magic_ninja: ls /that/dir/f*06:44
* un1xxen is uber happy06:44
mackstingSo env ALEPHONE?06:44
scguy318macksting: like06:44
* un1xxen quits windows .. yay06:44
ComProjbmigel: i went about it by enabling it in the restricted driverjbmigel: ATI Radeon x165006:44
ere4simagic_ninja: try ls /dir | grep f06:44
scguy318macksting: env ALEPHONE_DATA="/usr/local/share/AlephOne/M1A1" alephone06:45
scguy318macksting: like that06:45
magic_ninjaere4si and scguy318 ty06:45
buibuieveryone told me too "look at samba"06:45
scguy318macksting: the shortcut command is kinda different from what bash takes06:45
buibuiI already have06:45
techIIabout my sound problem, "Caller ID" and "Off-hook" flags appear in alsamixer, along with a "Master" volume control, nothing else is there;  speakers work, but it seems like the mixer is dealing with a modem06:45
buibuithink i've found simpler method06:45
buibuieven has a youtube video06:45
ere4sibuibui: look at nfs :)06:45
techIIthe master volume control seems to work with the speakers06:45
nguptaHi all, I am having a strange problem here. On battery my system starts hibernating after some time of inactivity. This is annoying while watching a video. How can I disable this? Hope somebody can help me.06:45
mackstingscguy318: I'll try to bear that in mind. The shortcut works fine now!06:45
mackstingI'll make sure to copy that formula for further shortcuts, until such time as I've dissected this thing enough to know how to do more with it.06:46
scguy318macksting: np, there's probably docs for Freedesktop.org stuff06:46
scguy318macksting: that's a standard so to speak for Linux desktops06:47
scguy318macksting: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/06:47
magic_ninjanow the next step06:47
techIIngupta, the "inhibit panel" applet, or look under System>Preferences>Power Management06:47
techIIs/inhibit panel/inhibit applet06:48
magic_ninjamy proc runs at 1.1ghz right now, but it used to run at 1.4, for some reason it crashes when i run it at 1.4 but i never had a problem before, will linux still boot like normal if i simply reset the proc in bios or will i need a new kernel06:48
ComProdoes anyone know what would make the fglrx driver suddenly not work? i rebooted from a working configuration, no changes, and X failed to load again, no errors.06:48
scguy318magic_ninja: you wont need a new kernel06:48
jbmigelComPro have you tried editing only the device section of xorg.conf to fglrx and dont screw with compiz?06:49
nguptatechII, I've tried that. In my power preferences, I have put to sleep when : never06:49
techIIngupta, then i have no idea06:49
nguptaok, thanks.06:49
ComProjbmigel: yes, i've backed up my xorg.conf and started from scratch. the only thing changed right now from defaults is telling it that it's fglrx06:49
ma2scguy318:the thing is i dont know if am doing it right06:50
magic_ninjamy next question06:50
magic_ninjawhat are some probable things that would cause my cpu to overheat06:50
scguy318ma2: I'm not sure what you're trying to do is a good idea06:50
scguy318magic_ninja: inadequate cooling ;)06:50
magic_ninjai'm fairly certain its running cool enough, the only crashes i get are when running cs for more then an hour06:50
bullgard4I have two laptop computers with Ubuntu 7.10. One has a directory /usr/src/linux- . Why doesn't have the other it as well?06:50
ma2scguy318:am trying to fix dri and enable 3D on my graphic card06:50
scguy318bullgard4: perhaps linux-headers- isn't installed06:50
magic_ninjascguy318: it always ran fine before after i replaced the cpu fan06:51
jbmigelComPro can you pastebin your Xorg.0.log?06:51
magic_ninjascguy318: rusty on hardware i havn't done much of it for a few years, but i'm about to build a new comp so i need to brush up on it >.<06:51
bitbitanother problem: my screen is connected to the motherboard, when I try to connect it to my graphics card the screen goes into "power saving mode"06:51
kryptik_anyone here know of a channel on cracking vb progs?06:51
toresni need some help with mplayer06:51
scguy318kryptik_: cracking like?06:51
scguy318magic_ninja: hmm I'm no hardware expert myself06:52
magic_ninjabitbit: your graphics card isn't being detected06:52
scguy318magic_ninja: I'm still running stuff from like 2000 :P06:52
ComProjbmigel: where is said file, and what is pastebin?06:52
magic_ninjaxp 1700+06:52
Linki have a question about WUBI06:52
magic_ninjaathalon that is06:52
bitbitmagic_ninja: what should I do?06:52
kryptik_like debugging, disassemly06:52
magic_ninjabitbit: check your bios and make sure that your graphics card on the mobo is disabled and the one in agp or pci is enabled first off06:52
toresni need some help with mplayer... when i switched to an external monitor from the one on my laptop, mplayer suddenly stop working... i can only run it with mplayer -vo x11 <filename>  now06:52
kryptik_like they do with softice and smartcheck... only oldschool ways06:53
scguy318kryptik_: well, dunno if theres a channel specifically for VB, since a VB app is just a program that totally depends on msvbvm60.dll06:53
toresnand then it wont be fullscreen06:53
scguy318kryptik_: but im sure theres a channel for reverse engineering06:53
jbmigelComPro the file is /var/log/Xorg.0.log and pastebin.ca is a website that lets you paste stuff and let other people see it... go there and paste the file contents, then share the link06:53
bullgard4scguy318: linux-headers-2.6.22-14 is installed. I have checked that.06:53
ere4siI just installed the fluxbuntu rc and can't get past the login window - there's no way for me to type name and password - no cursor...06:53
ComProjbmigel: i cannot pastebin as i cannot get to a gui06:53
scguy318bullgard4: hmm dunno06:53
magic_ninjabitbit: its like having two soundcards, one on mobo and one in pci, you have to enable the pci one in bios06:53
kryptik_do you think it would be possible to crack a windows vb program under linux without the use of wine or the like06:53
bitbitmagic_ninja: k, brb06:53
tntCryplease any experts in networking and ports?06:54
crazy6I wish my sound worked06:54
scguy318kryptik_: sure, disassemble then anaylze06:54
jbmigelComPro use the vesa or ATI driver... or refer to the log file and find the error yourself06:54
magic_ninjatntCry: state the problem06:54
bullgard4scguy318: Ok. Enjoy Ubuntu!06:54
tntCrycrazy6, pc or laptop?06:54
scguy318kryptik_: *analyze06:54
Pir8Guys, is there a way to set two different wallpapers on dual monitor setup ?06:54
kryptik_ok ty06:54
scguy318bullgard4: wish I knew more06:54
scguy318kryptik_: if you're looking for help in reverse engineering I wish I knew :P06:54
tntCrymagic_ninja, at the university many things is blocked forexample i cant connect in IRC , but i can surf the web .. only . any help for routing like httptunnel in windows06:55
FezzlerGetting error: "Couldn't open /dev/ttyd0 - check permissions"  How do I do that?06:55
emjadamn openoffice takes tenb minutes to start06:55
kryptik_yeah... im doing this mod-x thing06:55
scguy318Fezzler: ls -l /dev/ttyd006:55
RandomOutbursthow do you unmount a hdd?06:55
scguy318RandomOutburst: graphically or wut?06:55
buzzsawits been a while sicne i used linux and i am a bit confused i just did a ./configure and it is telling me that i must have the png library installed06:55
kryptik_i cracked it before in windows... just that wine isnt handling properly06:55
tntCryemja, takes less then 4seconds for a p4 1.7 ghz 256ram and 16mb on board GFX06:55
toresni need some help with mplayer... when i switched to an external monitor from the one on my laptop, mplayer suddenly stop working... i can only run it with mplayer -vo x11 <filename>  now06:55
toresnand then it wont be fullscreen06:55
emjatntCry: 1GHz, 256Mb RAM06:56
RandomOutburstumm i dont know i guess, or with the shell06:56
scguy318kryptik_: read up on winedbg or VM :P06:56
kryptik_the forum suggested vmware.... but have no idea about it06:56
FezzlerWhat does this mean? "crw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 3, 224 2007-11-25 00:48 /dev/ttyd0"06:56
kryptik_and you do aswell06:56
tntCryemja, maybe you have a dead ram06:56
magic_ninjatntCry: use a proxy server with an okay port to connect to irc06:56
emjatntCry: something very wrong here. fresh ubuntu install, no openoffice settings in /home/user06:56
scguy318buzzsaw: sudo apt-get install libpng12-dev06:56
RandomOutbursthow would i unmount it?06:57
emjatntCry: good point. I will run memtest06:57
scguy318RandomOutburst: in Nautilus right click, Unmount06:57
scguy318RandomOutburst: CLI sudo umount /the/mnt/point06:57
tntCryanybody else know how to bypass university ports , coz i cant connect with IRC , and i cant start pidgins . however with xp i can run msn messenger in the uni06:57
RandomOutbursti need to format a partition and qtparted wont let me until its unmounted06:57
pakrattyou still around cryonv?06:57
tntCryemja, it can be even because u have compiz enabled and many other app's06:58
RandomOutburstim using backtrack 2 btw06:58
scguy318tntCry: SSH out?06:58
emjatntCry: no compiz. possible other apps from medibuntu repo06:58
scguy318tntCry: or Tor06:58
RandomOutburstbut it should more or less be the same as ubuntu yes?06:58
buzzsawso with ubuntu is my user root?06:58
tntCryscguy318, what do you mean?06:58
buzzsawis that why i need to sudo?06:58
bullgard1RandomOutburst: This is a security measure. Thank God that this security measure is built in.06:58
scguy318RandomOutburst: yeah06:58
emjabuzzsaw: no. sudo is because you're not root06:58
Renghey is screenlets.org down for you guys? i can seem to get to their site06:58
RandomOutburstwhen i try umount /dev /hd1 it just says not found06:58
buzzsawwell it asks me for MY password06:59
tntCryscguy318, with windows i can use msn messenger , but with ubuntu i cant login msn with pidgins however i can do surfing exactly like windows06:59
scguy318buzzsaw: yeah to elevate privileges to root, since your account is in /etc/sudoers06:59
emjabuzzsaw: yes, because you're authorised to run things as root with sudo06:59
buzzsawok :-)06:59
magic_ninjatntCry: set your protocol06:59
RandomOutburstwhat would be wrong?07:00
buzzsawits been a few years but if i remember correctley to install a tarball after i unzip it i   ./configure make make install  ?07:00
Rengcan you guy check if this site www.screenlets.org work?07:00
scguy318buzzsaw: yep, though one small tweak for the last thing07:00
scguy318buzzsaw: sudo make install, since make will write to directories owned by root07:00
peterbiltRandomOutburst - lose the space07:00
scguy318Reng: ditto her07:01
tntCryany app that can by pass uni ports in ubuntu :( comon its linux..07:01
buzzsawok so then   ./configure make    sudo make install07:01
RandomOutburstso umount/dev/hd1 ?07:01
scguy318RandomOutburst: umount /dev/hdd107:01
emjaRandomOutburst: umount  /dev/hd107:01
scguy318RandomOutburst: I don't think it's hd1 :P07:01
emjayeah, that too. ;-)07:01
RandomOutburstwhy not scguy318?07:02
kryptik_this winedbg thing might just work.... is the a way to set BP07:02
kryptik_or would i need to dissasmeble first or something07:02
RandomOutburstim a freakin idiot07:02
peterbiltRandomOutburst - it should be /dev/hdd  or /dev/sda  more likely07:02
scguy318kryptik_: its supposed to be modeled after gdb or something, I'm clueless at that so07:02
tntCryguys any app that can by pass university ports which stops people from doing things forexample slow loading on youtube vids , pidgin cant connect ,. but msn messenger* ( windows ) can..07:03
emjaRandomOutburst: welcome to the club07:03
* emja grins07:03
scguy318tntCry: SSH out to your home machine, use Tor07:03
kryptik_ok... ty for the advice though07:03
scguy318tntCry: though TOr is slow07:03
peterbiltRandomOutburst - it should be /dev/hdb for example07:03
scguy318tntCry: or find a SOCKS or HTTP proxy07:03
tntCryscguy318, what is ssh :?07:03
scguy318tntCry: Secure Shell07:03
scguy318tntCry: one of its features is TCP forwarding07:03
tntCryhow do we do that scguy31807:03
scguy318tntCry: you'll need another machine to run sshd07:03
Fezzlercrw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 3, 224 2007-11-25 00:48 /dev/ttyd0 ????07:03
tntCryTor from firefox07:03
sohihelo uys07:03
m0u5ehow do i start another xsession for a different display?07:03
toresni need some help with mplayer... when i switched to an external monitor from the one on my laptop, mplayer suddenly stop working... i can only run it with mplayer -vo x11 <filename>  now07:04
toresnand then it wont be fullscreen07:04
scguy318Fezzler: the device has permission 66607:04
sohihow can i connect to internet with dialup modem07:04
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up07:04
tntCryhow do i do it with a single machien scguy318 ?07:04
sohiplz pm me private07:04
scguy318tntCry: you don't07:04
scguy318tntCry: are you guys going through an HTTP proxy or wut?07:04
tntCrycant linux hack this lame university firewall?07:04
Fezzlerscguy318 How do I change so I have permission to open ttyUSB007:05
sohihey support plz help m e07:05
scguy318Fezzler: sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyd007:05
scguy318!sohi | dialup07:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sohi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:05
scguy318!dialup | sohi07:05
ubotusohi: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up07:05
RandomOutbursttntCry, yes and then you can go to prison :)07:05
tntCryscguy318, i dunno its a University proxy which has port blocking ect.. .. but only accepts surfing and MSN MESSENGER , however with pidgins and amsn and kopete cant connect ... i can do surfing tho07:05
mohkohn3 hours to apt-get xubuntu-desktop :(07:05
crazy6so, what's the deal with my sound not working?07:06
scguy318tntCry: on Windows is MSN Messenger set to go through a proxy or the like?07:06
sohithank you07:06
tntCryRandomOutburst, no prison in this university , if i can hack and get my degree's i might send you a gift07:06
m0u5ehow do i start another xsession for a different display?07:06
mohkohncrazy6, alsamixer?07:06
scguy318tntCry: at my high school, I just SSH home to my machine and browse as I please07:06
tntCryjust normal scguy318  , i installed msn messenger and then signed in and it worked in windows07:06
scguy318tntCry: hmm07:06
FezzlerIs ttyd0 a com port while I'm trying to open ttyUSB0.  Is that the problem?07:07
neil_dhi, I am trying to create a 'static' executable when using gcc normally my program compiles and links, when I add the '-static' keyword to the gcc link cycle, I get lots of error messages like "undefined reference to `pthread_mutex_lock'" how do I fix this ?07:07
scguy318Fezzler: change ttyd0 to ttyUSB0 or w/e07:07
scguy318Fezzler: in the command I mentioned07:07
tntCryyou think ssh home can work>07:07
crazy6mohkohn: everything is turned up...07:07
scguy318tntCry: sure07:07
scguy318tntCry: the home machine needs to run sshd07:07
tntCryhow do i connec to it? because i cant even connect with IRC in theyr07:08
sohiif i install some software in add/remove application ....  is my memory low speed?07:08
mohkohnok crazy6 I am just trying the obvious. It happened to me once.07:08
scguy318tntCry: use an SSH client, have the sshd listen on port 80 or 44307:08
Radi01How do I get root privileges for firestarter.07:08
scguy318tntCry: connect to the sshd through those ports07:08
FezzlerI'm running a ./teeny-linux program that copies a BASIC file from the com port to the RS232 on my other computer07:08
tntCrywill it load youtube quicker>?07:08
scguy318Radi01: why do you need that? its just a frontend07:08
crazy6mohkohn: yeah... hrm.. it's plugged in, speakers work (verified with PSP), I trying muting & unmuting everything that has that option07:09
crazy6wah wah07:09
bullgard4I have two laptop computers with Ubuntu 7.10. One has a directory /usr/src/linux- . Why doesn't have the other it as well?07:09
scguy318tntCry: hopefully sure07:09
tntCrydownload speed is down to 15 kb07:09
FezzlerBut I'm using a USB-to-Serial cable ttyUSB007:09
tntCryits weird in this university07:09
tntCrythey have technology up the A$$07:09
scguy318Fezzler: sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB007:09
scguy318tntCry: then after you connect in through SSH07:09
scguy318tntCry: add a dynamic port forward, thats your local SOCKS proxy07:09
scguy318tntCry: then point programs to that forward07:09
scguy318!ssh | tntCry07:09
ubotutntCry: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/07:09
scguy318and I'm tired07:09
scguy318so I don't feel like talking more :(07:10
FezzlerI think the problem is the ./teeny-linux is trying to open a com port (ttyd0) while the cable is on ttyUSB0??07:10
mohkohnIf it gets beyond the obvious I am not much help to you. There is a sound troubleshooting doc in the wiki07:10
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).07:10
tntCrybut i hope you could explain it to me quicker scguy31807:10
scguy318Fezzler: symlink it07:10
tntCryi add dynamic port on my ssh client to my ssh dedicated server?07:10
scguy318tntCry: yep07:10
scguy318tntCry: then point programs to that dynamic port07:10
scguy318and ubotu's tidbit is a slight lie, PuTTY works on Linux too07:11
tntCrysio i must go to my pidgin se  t tings and change it ?07:11
tntCryto my Ssh setting?07:11
scguy318Fezzler: yeah, like07:11
toresnhmm, i would like to have my xorg.conf cleaned up a bit... i've run the "Screens and graphics" tool a few times... can anyone help with this?07:11
tntCryyou mean all the app's > settings of my ssh and my ssh > to my dedicated SSH ?07:11
Fezzlercan I get ttyd0 re-mapped to ttyUSB0 temporarily?07:11
tntCryi hope it works07:12
scguy318Fezzler: yeah, through a symlink, you would do like07:12
Fezzlerso the ./teeny program think ttyUSB is ttyd0?07:12
scguy318Fezzler: ln -s /dev/ttyd0 /dev/ttyUSB007:12
scguy318Fezzler: like that07:12
demon_sporksomeone say my name please07:12
neil_dhi, I am trying to create a 'static' executable when using gcc normally my program compiles and links, when I add the '-static' keyword to the gcc link cycle, I get lots of error messages like "undefined reference to `pthread_mutex_lock'" how do I fix this ?07:12
scguy318tntCry: yeah07:12
CapaHIs there anyone here who knows how to get a Netgear PCI Wireless card to work? WPN311 --- Ubuntu "out of the box" sees the hardware, but I cannot connect to my access point. My access point is a linksys wireless router --- can anyone help me?07:13
scguy318tntCry: I'm too tired to speak more07:13
scguy318CapaH: what chipset? I guess you're my last question before bedtime07:13
tntCryyou need a hot tea on the balcony with a cig07:13
scguy318tntCry: no cigs for me that would be illegal :P07:13
RandomOutburstblack tea i would recommend07:14
jscinozUbuntu is completely hanging (ie. sysrq or ctrl-alt-bksp do nothing) whenever i open multiple programs without waiting between opening each, what causes this and how can i fix it?07:14
tntCryillegal scguy318 ? how old are you07:14
Fezzlerln: creating symbolic link `/dev/ttyUSB0' to `/dev/ttyd0': File exists ??07:14
scguy318tntCry: like 1507:14
Fezzlerstill no go07:14
tntCrydamn !!!07:14
scguy318Fezzler: sudo rm /dev/ttyd007:14
tntCryim impressed scguy31807:14
buzzsawum one last question how do i change my resalution?07:15
scguy318Fezzler: and I think I got the ln backwards07:15
Fezzlerstill getting I don't have permission for ttyd007:15
jscinozfezzler, try sudo su first, then rm /dev/ttyd007:15
tntCryyou could be a great hacker if you stick with linux07:15
neil_dbuzzsaw, in 7.10 from the System->Preferences->Screen Resolution07:15
scguy318Fezzler: then do like07:15
magic_ninjais agp backwards compatible, i wanna upgrade my card, but all the new agp cards are 8x and my mobo is 4x07:15
scguy318Fezzler: ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyd0 or w/e it was07:16
RandomOutburstjust upgrade your mobo magic_ninja07:16
magic_ninjaRandomOutburst: no reason too, i'm building a new computer in a few months, i just want to spend a couple hundred upgrading this one07:16
RandomOutburstspend about $110 and get a new mobo and vid card07:16
scguy318CapaH: ?07:16
Fezzlerrm: cannot remove `/dev/ttyd0': No such file or directory07:17
scguy318CapaH: um, if you dont know what chipset07:17
scguy318Fezzler: my mistake, that should be07:17
foureyes779Fezzler: try ttyD007:17
tntCryscguy318, i hope you all the best in the future , dont lose this opportunity and have some juice , i recommend Coconut juice with milkshake , or banana shake , they have magnisium and vitamines b1 b2 b6 and this gives the best relaxing aroma ,.. more better then nicotine feel07:17
toresnhmm, i would like to have my xorg.conf cleaned up a bit... i've run the "Screens and graphics" tool a few times... can anyone help with this?07:17
Fezzlerscguy: I'm nervous being in root07:17
scguy318tntCry: lol thanks :)07:17
Fezzlersudo su put me in root07:18
scguy318Fezzler: I know07:18
Fezzlercan I, should I get out of root now07:18
dinop007hi someone know how to delete dead links from applications?07:18
scguy318Fezzler: if you want, though we're not done yet07:18
Fezzlerok, now what07:18
scguy318Fezzler: rm /dev/ttyd0 no work? i have that device on my ting07:18
scguy318Fezzler: lemme go read the udev docs07:18
Fezzlerrm: cannot remove `/dev/ttyd0': No such file or directory07:19
dinop007hi someone know how to delete dead links from applications?07:19
RandomOutburstdinop007: what do you mean?07:19
buzzsawhum seems that it is auto refreshing when i change my vm screen size07:19
scguy318Fezzler: what did that error say before?07:19
Rengi have a core 2 duo and a geforce 7900gs, but when i watch 1080p res. video, it start skipping. why?07:19
RandomOutburstReng: what is your resolution set as?07:20
Fezzlerrm: cannot remove `/dev/ttyd0': No such file or directory07:20
scguy318Fezzler: i meant like the original one07:20
brainfaulthi all07:20
FezzlerCouldn't open /dev/ttyd0 - check permissions07:20
RengRandomOutburst, my desktop res. is 3360x105007:21
scguy318Fezzler: ok, just do07:21
dinop007i deleted program with synaptic but the short cut still exist and i want to delet him07:21
brainfaultis there any way to install ubuntu on a ultrasparc III i07:21
scguy318Fezzler: ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyd007:21
scguy318!sparc | brainfault07:21
ubotubrainfault: Have a look here for Docs http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/install/sparc/ KnownIssues and TODO are on the wiki.07:21
toresnhmm, i would like to have my xorg.conf cleaned up a bit... i've run the "Screens and graphics" tool a few times... can anyone help with this?  i'm running an external screen with my laptop whose screen is disabled when external monitor is connected07:21
brainfaultthere's a server for UltraSparc T1 architecture !07:21
crazy6man,I am going to have to reinstall gentoo just to get sound back, that's rough07:22
dinop007i deleted program with synaptic but the short cut still exist and i want to delete the dead short cut07:22
scguy318Fezzler: then go ahead and exit the root shell07:22
graelinREng: Do you have the NVidia new restricted driver installed?07:22
RandomOutburstdino007 click on it and hit delete?07:22
brainfaultubotu: thanks going to check07:23
Renggrarlin, yup i have direct rendering07:23
neil_ddinop007, so use the right-mouse button and delete it, or move to trash and empty it.07:23
scguy318!bot | brainfault07:23
ubotubrainfault: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:23
dinop007i dont have right click button07:24
scguy318Fezzler: success?07:24
scguy318Fezzler: im about ready to fall asleep07:24
neil_ddinop007, you don't have a right mouse button ?07:25
Radi01How do I get root privileges for firestarter.07:25
graelindinop007: Then drag it to trash (lower right)07:25
rhsRadi01: sudo firestarter07:25
Radi01k thanks07:25
neil_dRadi01, you can get a root terminal by using 'sudo su -' and enter password.07:25
bmt2hello to all07:26
|thunderofftopic: what music player is at the bottom of http://wubi-installer.org/screenshots.php  ?07:26
bmt2hey listen, I want to set up LAMP on my laptop....anybody got any ideas on how to go about it.....07:26
scguy318Radi01: gksudo firestarter07:26
impresiveHello people if you whant look my pussy or some video with me You must push the your mouse on this link http://sfera.axer.ru/trefer.php?31107:27
impresiveHello people if you whant look my pussy or some video with me You must push the your mouse on this link http://sfera.axer.ru/trefer.php?31107:27
impresiveHello people if you whant look my pussy or some video with me You must push the your mouse on this link http://sfera.axer.ru/trefer.php?31107:27
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khaimehello to all07:27
=== khaime is now known as bmt4
slavikanyone know the code to run a program in a new xsession?07:27
bmt4what happened ?07:27
dinop007still dont work btw i use 64 bit linux07:28
|thunderbmt2; lamp is just linux, apache, mysql, and php.07:28
Fezzlerscguy: That did it!07:28
graelinthunder: Thats Listen07:28
bmt4i was asking a question all of a sudden i was looking at a blank terminal07:28
CaptainMorganget these spammers and filth out of this channel07:28
|thundergraelin; thanks. wasnt sure07:28
bmt4|thunder: but how do you set it up..how do you comfirm that you have it set up ?07:28
dinop007i cant drug it to the trash it is on the applications up in the tools bar07:29
ActySoftscan anybody help me turn off the system beep in xubuntu? (on #xubuntu nobody answers)07:29
bmt4also does anyone know the difference in regards to LAMP "deployment" vs "development"07:29
CaptainMorganthank you ompaul07:29
Fezzlerscguy: Do I need to reset anything regarding ttyd0 or ttyUSB0?07:29
ComProcan anyone explain what would make the fglrx driver not function at all after a simple reboot?07:29
|thunderActySofts; i only know in gnome, its in prefs/sound07:29
RandomOutburstComPro: satan07:30
graelindinop007: Try reinstalling using synaptic then uninstalling it using the remove completely option07:30
CapaHI have a NETGEAR PCI Wireless card, and it wont work. Ubuntu says it recognizes/sees the hardware -- restricted driver "In use" and "Enabled" --- but I cannot connect to my network! Can anyone here, please, help? I have been trying to figure this out for three days.07:30
RandomOutburstno not really, sorry, i have no idea07:30
ComProhaha very funny07:30
raz0rit's all a barrel of monkies07:30
crazy6I can't seem to read data from my data drive (ext3); do I need to add a umask of some kind to fstab or is there a more kosher way of doing it?07:30
raz0ri just like to pick the ones that don't talk until they have to say something useful07:30
ompaulComPro, you got a new kernel?07:30
CapaHI type: iwconfig ath0 essid linksys3  -- then I type iwconfig and it shows ESSID: linksys3 but it says: "Not-Associated" also, I do not know how to fix this07:30
scguy318CapaH: use ndiswrapper07:31
ComProno. im running the latest ubuntu - gutsy07:31
whereswaldohey everyone! Im having a bit of a sound problem, its really quiet and static-y. I read about an Intel soundcard related problem, but I dont think mine is one07:31
scguy318CapaH: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SetupNdiswrapperHowto07:31
Fezzlerscguy: Do I need to reset anything regarding ttyd0 or ttyUSB0?07:31
scguy318Fezzler: reset? dont think so07:31
bmt4CapaH: i have integrated wireless on my laptop, and i had no problem...did you check on : system > administration > network ?07:31
ompaulComPro, well the other option is that it did not work before - sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg do that in a terminal and see what you get back07:31
Fezzlermeaning undo some of our synklinks?07:31
|thundercrazy6; see if you can read from it if mounting it manually. umount /dev/hda1 then mount -t auto /dev/hda1 /media/dataorwhatever07:31
mohkohnis there anywhere to get a precompiled 2.6.23 kernel?07:31
Radi01I have firestarter installed..but it keeps asking for root privileges to start it.07:32
mohkohnprepackaged I mean.07:32
Fezzlerokay, do I need to do anything to get out of root in Terminal or just close it?07:32
ompaul!rootsudo | Radi0107:32
ubotuRadi01: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:32
cdm10Does anyone here use Ekiga?07:32
graelincdm10: I have it installed and enabled, but never actually used it07:32
ComProompaul: i've run the reconfigure before. i reset it all back to defaults. when i first installed, it defaulted to vesa. it told me to install the restricted drivers. i did so. that worked fine. now today i reboot and i can work with vesa, but not fglrx anymore.07:33
cdm10graelin: and, it worked?07:33
cdm10graelin: like, you could log into your ekiga account and make a test call?07:33
crazy6|thunder: oh, actually, it's some freak file that has minimal permissions set on it... whoops!07:33
scguy318Fezzler: just exit07:34
neil_dhi, I am trying to create a 'static' executable when using gcc normally my program compiles and links, when I add the '-static' keyword to the gcc link cycle, I get lots of error messages like "undefined reference to `pthread_mutex_lock'" how do I fix this ?07:34
Fezzlergreat.  thanks so much07:34
ompaulComPro, and you tried the "restricted driver manager" again today - if it works you did install updates and they got in the way of whatever07:34
ompaulneil_d, ask in #gcc07:35
scguy318Fezzler: and you have nothing else to do, thats the only symlink we made anyway07:35
|thundercrazy6; :) chmod 755 ./file07:35
FezzlerNow I have my old Tandy Model 102 exchanging files with Ubuntu over a USB-to-Serial connection.  Awesome07:35
neil_dompaul, ok07:35
ComProompaul: yes, i have. and it doesn't work.07:35
GatestoneI use repo.freecreations.info but I don't find the signing key?07:35
ompaulComPro, so I guess you updated something that does not like it07:35
rhsFezzler: what's the use of this ?07:35
CapaHscguy318: Hey thanks for your help. Before I use ndiswrapper do I somehow have to disable Ubuntu's built in drivers for this? If so, how do I do so07:35
ComProompaul: i touched nothing.07:36
ompaulGatestone, ask the people who maintain that repo for instructions we don't support non ubuntu repos07:36
NaisenuWhat is the smallest size Ubuntu can take up on a drive?07:36
Gatestone...and that's why update manager complains. It is not really tell what repo is the problem, so the warning is kind of scary...07:36
scguy318CapaH: you will do that in the course of following the guide07:37
Fezzlerrhs: Tandy Model 102 only has 32k ram, so Ubuntu acts as huge storage device via the RS232 port07:37
scguy318Naisenu: minimum is like 2 GB, not really that usable07:37
scguy318Naisenu: 2.5 GB07:37
scguy318Naisenu: thats for the OS and packages07:37
NaisenuWhat is the smallest port of Ubuntu in any of it's related flavours?07:37
scguy318Gatestone: the warning can be ignored07:37
rhsFezzler: so much fun it seems ;)07:37
Gatestoneompaul: The update manager should anyway be fixed. It should tell, which repo is the problem, and allow me to install only those upgrades trhat are signerd07:37
scguy318Gatestone: it's a good idea to ask the repo maintainer for a key07:38
CapaHscguy318: Ok great, I will do that now thanks for your help -- hope it works07:38
ompaulGatestone, no it has to be flexable and your world view is broken cos sometimes packages are made without gpg keys07:38
GatestoneI was just wandering if I could fix it right noe07:38
Fezzlerrhs: yes, I enjoy retro computing as well as learning linux via Ubuntu.  I like making older technology useful today07:38
bmt4i just tried to upgrade to 7.10 and got this message : Failed to fetch http://www.debian-multimedia.org/dists/feisty/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found07:39
bmt4can anyone help ?07:39
scguy318bmt4: remove that repo from your sources.list07:39
Gatestoneompaul: basic desing criteria is always: be flexible in your input requirements, be conservative in your output specs..07:39
wersIn what ways is Abiword better than oowriter? :D07:39
scguy318!source-o-matic | bmt407:39
ubotubmt4: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic07:39
r4d10h4xne one know how to get reason 4 to work?07:39
scguy318wers: so much lighter07:40
NaisenuOne other question, are there any guides for "how to share a drive?"07:40
wersother than that scguy318 :D07:40
scguy318wers: it might actually conform to the look and feel of your desktop07:40
scguy318wers: you know, themes and all07:40
scguy318wers: OO doesn't07:40
wersyeah. that's the reason why it's what I'm using right now. hehehe07:41
rhsNaisenu: sharing with windows or linux ?07:41
ompaulGatestone, I don't agree with you that the program is at fault - if the repo builder had put in keys no worries would be had they did not - you need information and if you still feel that is a bug go to launchpad.net and report it as such07:41
wersI just want to know what to expect with Abiword07:41
bmt4the sources.list is located ?07:41
Naisenurhs: Linux.07:41
r4d10h4xreason 4. anyone?07:41
neil_dbmt4, /etc/apt07:42
ompaul!nfs | Naisenu07:42
ubotuNaisenu: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.07:42
Naisenurhs: If it wasn't apparent from the original question. Networked07:42
wersI mean, I want to know the features that Abiword has that oowriter doesn't and vice versa07:42
bmt4r4d10h4x: are you talking about the studio software ?07:42
bmt4neil_d: thanks07:42
r4d10h4xbmt4 yes07:42
NaisenuThanks. Considering I didn't know the terms to look for, I wasn't finding anything of use :)07:42
bmt4r4d10h4x:what OS are you using ?07:43
r4d10h4x7.10 64bit07:43
cdm10Does anyone know what I can do to fix this error message from ekiga?: Registration Failed: Forbidden07:43
bmt4r4d10h4x: damn didn't know they made reason for linux...interesting07:43
bmt4that new to me07:43
r4d10h4xcdm10: change ip07:43
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=== Nyl is now known as Nyle
bmt4then again i have not used reason in a while07:43
r4d10h4xit runs through wine and when i use keygen it says key is wrong format07:44
cdm10r4d10h4x: which IP?-07:44
r4d10h4xcdm10: the one u connect with07:45
bmt4r4d10h4x: is keygen a .exe file ?07:45
cdm10r4d10h4x: I can't change my IP.07:45
whereswaldoSo, hey my sound is really quiet and static-y, I read about a problem with Intel sound chipsets but lspci | grep audio -i gives me ¨nvidia¨07:45
kpxantalhi all, any openoffice expert onboard?07:45
r4d10h4xcdm10: call ur isp07:45
cdm10r4d10h4x: Is that supposed to be funny? My IP has nothing to do with whether I can connect or not...07:46
r4d10h4xtry reinstall07:46
cdm10r4d10h4x: i've gotten this error across 4 different Ubuntu releases, reinstalling won't help.07:46
r4d10h4xcdm10: i cant help you07:47
scguy318cdm10: might be something with the SIP07:47
bmt4can anyone give me that url to (re)generate the sources.list ?07:47
scguy318!source-o-matic | bmt407:47
ubotubmt4: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic07:47
cdm10r4d10h4x: well, at least you admit it.07:47
bmt4ubotu: thanks07:47
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)07:47
cdm10scguy318: ISP, or SIP? Both have the same letters, and both have something to do with what I'm trying to do :)07:48
scguy318cdm10: SIP07:48
scguy318cdm10: probably something up with your SIP, I can't elaborate further unfortunately07:48
cdm10scguy318: I don't have a SIP... I have a SIP client, and a SIP account... but no SIP.07:48
rhsscguy318: is there a list of commands to help others  somewhere ?07:49
cdm10I'm not sure what you mean by a SIP.07:49
cdm10!ubotu | rhs07:49
uboturhs: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:49
bmt4i just generated a new souces.list..i assume i am replacing the exact same sources.list file that located in the etc/apt area ?07:50
cdm10bmt4: yep, but I'd back up the old one first07:50
cdm10Ah, fixed it07:50
cdm10I changed my password... some guy in the forums said that changing the password helped, and it did.07:50
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Radi01ompaul: i am using kubuntu/I have firestarter installed/When i start firestarter it keeps telling me (wrong) pass word.07:53
malnilionI'm running with customized Desktop Effects and every time I log in my windows are skinned by default with emerald.  I can remedy this with running gtk-window-manager --replace, but I want a better solution.  Is there some configuration option somewhere to change it to start with gtk skinned windows in the first place?07:53
ompaulRadi01, your password - try that - if not I don't know how you set it up07:53
ompaul!firestarter | Radi0107:53
ubotuRadi01: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).07:53
Radi01It tells me I dont have root privys..and Ive done everything..oi.07:54
neil_dhi, I am trying to create a 'static' (.so files) executable when using gcc normally my program compiles and links, when I add the '-static' keyword to the gcc link cycle, I get lots of error messages like "undefined reference to `pthread_mutex_lock'" how do I fix this ?07:54
rhsRadi01: what have you done ?07:55
Radi01su/gksudo/sudo -i  U name it07:55
ompaulRadi01, how did you install it?07:55
Radi01add remove07:56
Radi01I have used Ubuntu and had no problems/Now I am trying Kubuntu it acts funky07:57
ompaulRadi01, use guarddog in its place07:58
Radi01Is it comparable?07:58
rhsRadi01: have you tried doing something that needs root privilege, like changing fstab ?07:59
kwtmHow do I know which file contains a font that I am interested in, such as "Sans Serif"?  (Not "Lucida San Serif" or "Bitstream Vera Sans", but just "Sans Serif".)  No file matches that exact name under /usr/share/fonts/truetype.07:59
rhsRadi01: see if you can do it07:59
emjatntCry: thx for your advice earlier. the openoffice problem ended up being rpc.statd not starting on the server.08:00
Radi01when i got root i  tried to start firestarter  and it says it needed a make install-08:00
rhsRadi01: how did you install it ?08:01
ompaulRadi01, you have not installed it correctly you are trying to compile it -- this is a package based distro you don't have to install from source. Do this: sudo apt-get install firestarter08:01
Arelis When i try to add a printer in the printers dialog of KDE, the add printer option is grayed out. Why is it grayed out, and what do i need to install? (I didn't install kubuntu-desktop, but kde-core)08:02
Arelis(#kubuntu is empty, no-one is answering)08:02
malnilionAh, it was probably asking for root privileges for the make install step :P08:02
Radi01add remove  because adept didnt respond..U think my disk might be bad?08:02
cdm10Can anyone here using SIP of any sort help me test Ekiga?08:02
raz0rwho likes to time travel08:02
Radi01il try brb08:02
scrapbunnyis there a way to run quicktime in ubuntu?08:02
ompaulRadi01, no idea you might have corrupted your install in some way - best thing there is to back up your data and install freshly if you you want to test08:02
ompaul!quicktime | scrapbunny08:03
ubotuscrapbunny: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:03
Radi01k ompaul/thanks...1 thing though..the first time i installed kubuntu it worked flawlessly..interesting08:03
scrapbunnyi am trying to run a program in wine that requires quicktime708:04
* malnilion thinks one can install quicktime codecs with wine08:04
ompaulRadi01, then something has broken and ehh you need to work out what it is - sounds like you are unsure of what you have so I would strongly suggest, back up your data and reinstall - if it breaks again randomly then consider a new disk08:05
Radi01E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.08:05
ompaulRadi01, you did break your system do sudo dpkg --configure -a and see how you are then08:05
malnilionscrapbunny, you might try installing quicktime alternative w/ wine08:06
scrapbunnythanks will do08:06
CapaHI just finished setting up ndiswrapper for my Netgear WPN311 PCI WiFi card. Unfortunately, it is still not working. ndiswrapper -l shows that it is installed correctly, device present -- however tail /var/log/messages says: ath0: Link not ready --- what do I do?08:06
whereswaldohey can anyone help me with my sound issue08:08
ubunturoswhereswaldo: post your issue, may be someone could help08:08
Whyvasanyone alive?08:09
whereswaldoubunturos: I have a few times haha08:09
* ubunturos wonders, is the channel silent or does he have a lot of bugs08:09
Radi01its a messed up disk..ill download another and get..thanks08:09
Whyvasinstalling gusty on a g408:09
ubunturoswhereswaldo: few times? or more issues than sound ?08:09
whereswaldohey my sound is really quiet and static-y, I read about a problem with Intel sound chipsets but lspci | grep audio -i gives me ¨nvidia¨08:09
ompaul!sound | whereswaldo08:09
ubotuwhereswaldo: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:09
Whyvasany howto's for gutsy on a g4?08:10
ubunturos s / bugs / lag08:10
whereswaldohey thanks, I´ve got ALSA mixer selected but I´ll check out this other stuff, thanks again08:11
malnilionHeh, great, I was looking for a g4 guide for him too, lol08:12
Whyvasnigga please!08:13
malnilionWhyvas, first of all, you know which CD iso to get, right?08:14
Whyvasdo you?08:14
malnilionThe powerpc-alternate install disc08:14
magic_ninjawhen i set my cpu to run at 1.47 ghz it doesn't restart itself from overheating like it used to when it overheated, however it does hang when the kernel begins to load08:15
malnilionWhyvas, from there I don't know offhand what to do because I haven't gone through installing linux on a G4 or any other mac08:15
malnilionBut I'm looking for a guide08:15
rhsWhyvas: found this http://pinguin.uni-psych.gwdg.de/~ihrke/wiki/index.php/Installing_Ubuntu_on_iBook08:15
ompaul!bootoptions | magic_ninja08:16
ubotumagic_ninja: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions08:16
Pyrobyteheya, i have heard there is a program that allows you to make use of the extra buttons on some mice, but i can't remember the name of it, does anyone know the name?08:17
magic_ninjaompaul: do you think its a config issue08:17
ompaulmagic_ninja, not booting is generally overcome by "noapic nolapic"08:17
ompaulmagic_ninja, as per that page08:17
magic_ninjaompaul: it freezes at the part, right after grub loads the kernel when it says "starting up" the blinking underscore sets there and blinks08:18
malnilionrhs, for Whyvas sake do you happen to know if gparted can resize an HFS or HFS+ partition?08:18
rhsmalnilion: nope08:19
ompaulmagic_ninja, as I said  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions08:19
z0rzIf I play any streamed (over the local network) in full scren (VLC, Toem, or MPlayer) ... it skips every 3 seconds (fora bout 1 minetu) ... how can I fix this?08:19
magic_ninjaompaul: when i set the proc to run at 1.1 in bios it runs fine, but when i set it to run at 1.47 it doesn't, just making sure this is a probable fix08:19
Whyvasmy toes smell like puss08:20
ompaulmagic_ninja, are you overclocking by any change08:20
whtaok i just reinstalled and i want to make sure i do everything properly here. first off, i enabled the restricted ATI driver and restarted. now compiz isn't working. what do i need to do to get it back on?08:20
magic_ninjaompaul: no sir my processor is supposed to run at 1.47 ghz, but in bios i get the options to run at 1.1 or 1.4708:20
Ubuntu_Rocksompaul: (Radi01): My disk was bad/Every time I installed kubuntu it always gave me errors on the 1rst update..sorry to take you through all that,and thanks for your help.08:21
malnilionWhyvas, according to this feature chart: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/features.php it appears you can resize your MacOS partition with Gnome Partition Editor.  Therefore when you run your installation CD you should be able to resize your partition and add a Linux partition to install Ubuntu on.08:21
campaalguien habla espa;ol_08:22
rhsWhyvas has been kicked08:22
ompaulmagic_ninja, well then I guess you don't want to run at 1.47 check your fans and stuff - but tbh that sounds more like hardware08:22
malnilion'cause his toes stunk I reckon08:22
ompaul!es | campa08:22
ubotucampa: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.08:22
malnilionOr maybe his attitude :)08:22
magic_ninjaompaul: not sure if its hardware it used to run fine but i let my comp set for a while then it wouldn't run at 1.4708:23
campaok, muchas gracias, que tengan buenas noches08:23
bullgard4I have two laptop computers with Ubuntu 7.10. One has a directory /usr/src/linux- . Why doesn't have the other it as well?08:23
ompaulmagic_ninja, then it looks like you got hardware issues, would you concur?08:23
magic_ninjaompaul: its a possibility, but if my cpu or mobo gets too hot my comp automatically reboots08:23
tongueroois there a way to make the change the load path, even for sudo, when i do a sudo which mongrel_rails it doesnt show up because the path is /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/mongrel_rails?08:24
z0rzIf I play any streamed video (over the local network) in full screen (VLC, Toem, or MPlayer) ... it skips every 3 seconds (for about 1 minute) ... how can I fix this?08:24
tonguerooive tried export PATH=/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin:$PATH in .profile and .bashrc08:24
magic_ninjaompaul: as long as noacpi will not affect that saftey feature i'll give it a shot08:24
tongueroobut sudo which mongrel_rails still shows up blank08:24
J_5I installed imagemagick, where does it install to? what is the path?08:25
CapaHCan anyone please help me? For over three days I am trying to get wireless to work on my desktop. I have purchased FOUR different wireless adapters, three of them USB and one PCI --- and NOTHING WORKS. The closest I can come is I can iwlist scan, and I can iwconfig ... essid linksys3 --- but I CANNOT CONNECT. Can anyone help me with this? please?08:25
emjaI read through the faq re audio problems (which ompaul pointed whereswaldo to) and found that my audio devices (dev/snd/* /dev/audio /dev/mixer) are owned by root.audio and perms 660. should I fix this in rc.local or is there a more 'correct' way of fixing this?08:25
rhsbullgard1: seems you have the kernel source on one and not the other, you can install it08:25
ompaulmagic_ninja, it turns off stuff at bios level I would not do it - and if your hardware is rebooting regularly due to too much heat you should get new fans08:25
ompaulemja, now I suggest you are ready for the alsa people in #alsa if you have that info to hand they can advise you better08:26
emjaompaul: many thanks08:26
rhsbullgard4: just install the kernel source on the other08:26
ompaulCapaH, the drivers being managed by either ndiswrapper or madwifi I suggest you look at the page the bot will send you and do some madwifi stuff08:27
ompaul!madwifi > CapaH08:27
* ompaul heads off to mapping party08:27
bullgard4rhs: There is no DEB program package 'kernel-source'. What DEB program package do you mean precisely?08:28
tongueroofunny, $ sudo echo $PATH08:28
CapaHompaul: I have tried both and both are not working08:28
tonguerooreturns: /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin:/usr/java/jdk/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games08:28
tongueroobut $ sudo which mongrel_rails, still doesnt show up mongrel_rails ...08:28
CapaHompaul: I have been struggling with this for days -- I have read everything I can read08:28
ompaulCapaH, I have to go - I will say, take a break and then do madwifi setup - it works when ndiswrapper fails08:29
MooCowsHello, I was thinking about setting up a dual boot , I have 2 partitions on this HD right now, one is a small 10 GB partition08:29
rhsbullgard4: it's called linux-source08:29
MooCowsWould that be good enough to install Ubuntu for testing08:29
magic_ninjaompaul: the good news: it bypassed the spot where it normally hangs, bad news: my comp restarts so ty i need a new heatsink08:30
MooCowsAlso, how would I set it up to dual boot?08:31
J_5I installed imagemagick, where does it install to? what is the path?08:31
MooCowsSo that it doesn't damange the windows side08:31
rhsMooCows: 10 GB is enough just for testing08:31
rhsMooCows: ubuntu detects your other OS and adds a menu at startup08:32
MooCowsrhs,  by itself ?08:32
rhsMooCows: yes08:32
MooCowsSo I don't have to do any fancy stuff with lilo (Or whatever) ?  I had to do a bunch of junk back in Mandrake for lilo to work out when I was dual booting Win98SE08:33
happy_broccolihow can i lock down a box so that only port 22 and port 80 are visible?08:33
happy_broccolifrom the linux box itself08:33
rhsMooCows: ubuntu installs grub (which replaces lilo) automatically08:34
CapaHHow can I utterly uninstall the madwifi drivers? They seem to be conflicting with ndiswrapper even when I blacklist ath_pci and ath_hal08:34
MooCowsOK , so pretty much all I should have to do is move the data off the other parition, go and install Ubuntu on the smaller partition , and make sure it's going to use it, and I should be fine for booting XP AND Ubuntu ?08:35
z0rzIf I play any streamed video (over the local network) in full screen (VLC, Toem, or MPlayer) ... it skips every 3 seconds (for about 1 minute) ... how can I fix this?08:35
rhsMooCows: read the documentation first for installing, and at installation choose to partition manually08:36
jimmy_Hi everyone, does anyone know how to forward ports in Ubuntu 7.10?08:36
rhsMooCows: I'm going to find some doc for you08:36
UnNaturalHighjimmy_, iptables08:36
gandhiiwhy is that when I check the ckeckbox to make a user part of a group that the setting doesn't actually set?  ie..  when I say ok and open it back up..  the checked user is no longer checked,,08:37
r4d10h4xmy window decorations just disappeared randomly. emerald themer not working either. and reboot says it is on time mode.... WTF!?08:38
jimmy_UnNaturalhigh, thanks! I have iptables installed, how do I use it?08:38
gandhiidoes the System/Adminstration/Users and Groups settings application not work?  Or am I not using it correctly?08:38
UnNaturalHighgandhii, you could manually add them to the group <ALT+F2>, in the run dialog type: sudo gedit /etc/group08:38
krimxIs there a way to adjust how often the time is synchronized? I synchronized this morning and it was an hour off, two hours later now I synchronize again and it was 4 minutes off. Setting it to do it automatically isn't often enough so I have to do it manually08:39
krimxUsing 7.10 with Gnome08:39
jimmy_when I type "iptables" in the terminal, nothing comes up :(08:39
UnNaturalHighgandhii, then proceed to locate the group name and add the username in a pattern consistent with the rest of the file08:39
gandhiiunnatural..   yea..  thanks.   But it would be ideal to use the simple gui app..08:39
UnNaturalHighjimmy_, you need to do some reading, iptables is not that simple but not that hard to learn08:40
ephemientkrimx: I believe that ntpdate runs every time you connect to the network08:40
UnNaturalHighjimmy_, google iptables tutorial08:40
Chousukekrimx: What makes your clock lag so much?08:40
UnNaturalHighjimmy_, google iptables ubuntu help08:40
rhsMooCows: there's the problem of the MBR08:40
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
krimxephemient: Ah that's the problem then since I'm connected pretty much all the time.08:40
UnNaturalHighgandhii, I suppose, but I a merely stating a solution to the problem you mentioned that takes close to the same effort that would take to click your way to the solution08:41
krimxChousuke: Not sure, it might be that I'm uploading at 10mb/s pretty much 24/7?08:41
Chousukekrimx: hmm08:41
Chousukekrimx: Never heard of network traffic causing lags like that, but I suppose it's possible.08:41
Chousukekrimx: try with another NIC? :)08:42
blackfoxokcan i ask question?08:42
krimxChousuke: Either that or it's the HD movies I'm watching.08:42
ChousukeI'd bet on the NIC in that case.08:42
UnNaturalHighblackfoxok, no, remain silent and wallow in self pity08:42
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:43
Chousukekrimx: is it integrated?08:43
eclipse7500shouldnt it be after you have alsa support enabled and the proper module loaded and the mixer settings set right, your audio should work?08:43
CapaHI just went through and utterly uninstalled everything remotely related to madwifi, I deleted the restricted drivers containing it, I removed madwifi-tools, etc --- When I ndiswrapper -l it no longer shows (Alternate driver...) --- and STILL when I modprobe ndiswrapper it sets ath0 ----- any, ideas, why ? What can I do to fix that?08:43
krimxChousuke: Yup, got a Gigabyte GA-G33M-S2H08:43
ephemientkrimx: odd, though.  2.6.22, it should be using hrtimers, I don't think any of those things would make it go off sync08:43
LtEmerpocsup face08:44
=== LtEmerpoc is now known as ineedhelps
ephemientCapaH: see /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules08:45
CapaHdoing now...08:45
r4d10h4xmy window decorations just disappeared randomly. emerald themer not working either. and reboot says it is on time mode.... WTF!?08:45
Chousukekrimx: Hm. Well, I suggest you try with another NIC and see if that solves your problem.08:45
ephemientCapaH: (or /etc/iftab on LTS)08:45
ineedhelpsi need help with my video card and my drivers can anyone help08:45
krimxephemient: Yeah. It was off by almost 5 hours when I first noticed that problem08:45
ephemientineedhelps: asking for help without first giving details does not work.  do it the other way around.08:45
CapaHYes I found a line there ephemient and I deleted it, hopefully it will work now (rebooting)08:46
Chousukekrimx: It's pretty much a shot in the dark, but I can't think of anything else that could cause your clock to lag that badly.08:46
CapaHephemient: What is "LTS" ?08:46
Chousukekrimx: it's probably either a buggy driver or buggy hardware.08:46
ephemientCapaH: Long Term Support, i.e. 6.06 Dapper08:46
CapaHah its Gutsy08:46
krimxChousuke: Well I'd hate to have to go buy more hardware for a brand new computer, especially if it's only to have the right time in the upper corner. Isn't there some setting I can change to update the clock every 6 hours?08:46
CapaHI have four totally different wireless adapters and I will be very happy if even one will work08:47
ephemientkrimx: you could install openntpd08:47
ineedhelpsok sry i have 9600 xt radeon ati with a computer runing ubuntu and i need help with the video card resultion08:47
Chousukekrimx: well you could find a friend willing to borrow you a NIC. :)08:47
ephemientkrimx: or set up a cron job to run ntpdate regularly but that seems icky08:47
Centaur5I just finished configuring a chillispot server but when my client is redirected after it accepts the certificates it pops up with a window to download hotspotlogin.cgi even though the browser should open it. How do I fix that?08:47
krimxephemient: I'll check openntpd out08:48
alimoehi all08:48
rhsMooCows: do you need more help ?08:48
Chousukekrimx: isn't openntpd an ntp server?08:48
MooCowsrhs, what problem of the MBR08:48
alimoehow do i connect wireless modem in ubuntu?08:48
Chousukekrimx: what you need is to run your ntp client regularly. cron is just fine for that :)08:48
MooCowsThe MBR in windows ?08:49
rhsMooCows: once grub is installed, you will always have a menu at startup, unless you reinstall windows08:49
ephemientntpd is good at keeping the system time synchronized08:49
blackfoxokubuntu can use beryl ?08:50
MooCowsrhs, that's what I want.  Or are you talking about if I was to format the parition which Ubuntu would be installing to, I STILL would have the grub menu ?08:50
blackfoxoki dont know how to use ^^08:50
CapaHOk I found a rule in udev rules that was stopping the wlan0 from coming up, it now comes up, now my var/log/messages says: wlan0: link not ready. I can iwlist scan. I can see all the networks and valid details. I can iwconfig essid and it sets the right essid. I cannot connect. Any ideas? Please?08:50
krimxI guess I'll check out both openntpd and cron then and see which one seems best :) Thanks for the help.08:50
ephemientblackfoxok: Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy has Compiz Fusion, which supercedes both Compiz and Beryl08:51
rhsMooCows: you would still have the menu, there's a workaround but it's complicated08:51
rhsMooCows: http://www.matthewjmiller.net/howtos/dual-boot-linux-and-windows/08:51
ephemientCapaH: after iwconfig essid, does it associate?  do you need a wireless key?08:51
MooCowsrhs, OK, so What are you talking about "The problem" ?08:51
blackfoxokok thank you for help08:52
CapaHephemient: I do not need a wireless key. However, the iwconfig shows: ESSID "linksys3" but it also says: Not-Associated --- ideas?08:52
rhsMooCows: hum, i made a mistake08:53
blackfoxokubuntu 6.06 can use beryl ?08:54
rhsMooCows: no the menu whouldn't be here and you coulndn't boot your windows08:54
ephemientCapaH: "not associated" is a showstopper, but I'm not an expert and I don't know how to fix that...08:55
hekamiahhola chazco08:55
ephemientblackfoxok: I do not believe that either Beryl or Compiz are supported on 6.06, but I could check08:55
MooCowsSo what do I need to do ?08:56
flamesrockanyone know how the good the Linux ATI drivers are now? I'm thinking of getting a 3850 over an 860008:56
hekamiahhi, someboby can help me please08:56
MooCowsJust go remove the data on the other partition , and set up Ubuntu on it ?08:56
chazcoHi... anyone able to help with: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608760 ?08:56
hekamiahi can't install beryl in ubuntu 7.0408:56
mediahuntercan anyone here help me figure out why my DVD-Rom will not burn08:56
CapaHDoes anyone here know how to get a NETGEAR WPN311 PCI to work?? Please? Or: A Belkin 7050, OR, a Airlink 101, OR a US Robotics MaxG ---- ANY OF THESE? Anyone? --- I have purchased four seperate WIFI devices and I cannot get any to work.08:58
mediahunterhello anyone in here08:58
ealxis there a c programmer ?08:58
rhsMoocows: yes, but please read the link08:58
ineedhelpsi need the helps with the video card drivers i have gusty 7.10 and i have a ati video card can anyone help me plz08:58
ephemientineedhelps: provide details08:58
mediahuntercapah have you trieded ndiswrapper08:58
mediahunteror madwifi08:58
ephemientineedhelps: oh, I see08:58
mediahunter<----DVD/CD RW drive will not burn08:59
mediahunterbut it reads disk08:59
CapaHYES I am using it now mediahunter and when I iwconfig wlan0 it says: ESSID "linksys3"  and it also says: Not-Associated08:59
ineedhelpsi want to change my creen reslution08:59
ephemientineedhelps: are you using the open-source ati/radeon drivers, or the closed-source fglrx drivers?08:59
mediahunterok what verson of Ubuntu you useing what flavor08:59
CapaHAnd I tried madwifi (Ubuntu set that up automatically when it detected the card) -- the problem is the same, I can iwlist scan, I can see the access points, but I cannot connect08:59
CapaHUbuntu Gutsy08:59
Dj^SmyL3how i see my internet ip?????09:00
Dj^SmyL3what is the code?09:00
hekamiahhi, can you help me with instalation beryl in ubuntu 7.0409:00
hekamiah<hekamiah> i recive this message:09:00
hekamiah<hekamiah> "Los siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas:09:00
hekamiah<hekamiah>   emerald-themes: Depende: emerald (>= 0.1) pero no va a instalarse09:00
mediahunterok...CapaH have you tried to upate both of the programs09:00
mediahunterok...hold on let me think09:01
ephemientineedhelps: I have never had a system with working fglrx, so I can't really help there... see if anybody else can help and ask again later09:01
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:01
ephemientineedhelps: that being said, 9600 is supported by the open-source drivers09:01
ineedhelpshow to do i get those?09:02
mediahunterCapaH the cards are on the list so I am not to sure why it is not working09:02
ephemientineedhelps: if you remove fglrx, your system should be back to using the open-source radeon driver09:02
mediahuntersorry i could not help CapaH09:02
ineedhelpshow do i remove?09:03
ephemientineedhelps: how did you install it?09:03
ineedhelpsi used terminal09:03
r4d10h4xhow i get art manager for 7.10 64?09:04
ephemientineedhelps: System > Administration > Restricted Drivers Manager09:04
CapaHmediahunter: I appreciate you trying :)09:04
josephhow do i make a file on my desktop a .zip?09:04
josephhow do i make a file on my desktop a .zip?09:04
ephemientjoseph: right-click, select "Create Archive"?09:05
josephi dont have that option09:05
ineedhelpssays driver, than ati accelatred graphics drive, then enable is checked, stats says not in use09:06
mediahunterCapaH you think you mite be able to help me get my drive to burn09:06
ephemientjoseph: do you have ubuntu-desktop or something else?09:06
josephubuntu desktop09:06
alimoedo i need an antivirus in ubuntu?09:07
rhsalimoe: if you're paranoid, yes09:07
josephwat do i do ephemient09:07
rhsalimoe: just joking, i don't have one09:08
Varkaalimoe, unless you are not exchanging files with windows-machines ... no09:08
ephemientjoseph: that's odd. file-roller should be installed in your case...09:08
alimoerhs: so no need?09:08
alimoewarka: thnx09:08
=== warlock is now known as warlock_handler
cloogonI want to know how to replace gdm with xdm on ubuntu system,who can help me?09:08
josephso i should install file roller?09:08
warlock_handlerhi guys09:09
alimoei want to must master LINUX, how do i?09:09
ephemientjoseph: it should be installed already, if you have ubuntu-desktop... I thought09:09
ephemientjoseph: but yes.  file-roller is the archive manager for Gnome09:09
ineedhelpshey ephemient what do i do now>09:09
alimoecan books work?09:09
josephok thanx09:09
warlock_handlerI am running uBuntu 7.10...  i see a trackerd application thats eating my CPU time09:09
warlock_handlerany solution to this??09:09
josephumm i alt+f2 and typed in "file roller09:10
josephand i have it09:10
Varkajoseph, zip ~/Desktop/<foo.zip> ~/Desktop/<foo>09:10
josephi just dont have an option to zip a file09:10
ephemientwarlock_handler: it is indexing your files.  you can configure this in System > Preferences > Indexing Preferences09:10
ephemientineedhelps: what does Restricted Drivers say?09:10
alimoeredhat v/s ubuntu???09:10
warlock_handler<ephemient>: ya dude i figured that... but since it was taking more of my CPU i deselected the indexing options...09:11
warlock_handler<ephemient>: but still it was running in the system processes...09:11
warlock_handlerso i simple stopped that process09:11
ineedhelpspropreity drivers do not have public source code09:11
josephhow do i force quit?09:12
Varkajoseph, quitting what?09:12
rhsjoseph: force quit what  ?09:12
Chousukecmd-alt-esc -> choose app -> force quit09:12
josepha program09:12
Chousukenever mind :D09:12
Chousukenot #macosx :<09:12
jhaigDoes anyone here know about nfs in gutsy?  Since upgrading to gutsy I have been having network problems which I think is due to nfs.  munin graphs at this moment show that a client is running nfs lookup requests at a rate of about 1000 per second, and has been doing so now for about 12 hours.  The hub shows high network contention and the machines run sluggishly.  This did not happen at all with feisty.09:13
Varkajoseph, Control+c09:13
ephemientineedhelps: in the box... there should be a line saying ATI something-or-other, is it enabled or not?09:13
ChousukeYou shouldn't use OS X terminology on Ubuntu channels :/09:13
josephthats from the terminal09:13
Chousukeon Linux, you "kill" applications09:13
warlock_handler<ephemient>: dude how do i remove it from the startup next time09:13
ineedhelpsit is checked so its enable but the status says its not in use09:13
buttercupswarlock_handler, tracker starts up on boot, remove the tracker start up entry09:13
weltschmerzhow can i change the order in which my sound cards load?09:13
ephemientwarlock_handler: System > Preferences > Sessions09:14
warlock_handler<buttercups>: how do i do this??09:14
Asathoorhow can I detect errors on a harddisk?09:14
abbehi channel09:14
warlock_handlerawesome guys... that helped :D09:14
buttercupswarlock_handler, system>preferences>sessions09:14
ephemientAsathoor: badblocks or fsck09:14
Asathoorephemient >> thanx09:14
abbewhenever I try to install any package via apt-get, I get this "warning: The following packages cannot be authenticated!" , any ideas how to fix this ? I'm on Ubuntu Gutsy09:15
ephemientabbe: which package is it?  it likely comes from an external repository09:15
abbeephemient: it is manpages-dev09:15
raz0rwhat's paranoid09:15
abbeephemient: I'm using only Ubuntu repositories (mirror: http://ubuntu.virginmedia.com)09:16
Varkaweltschmerz, http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Soundprobleme#head-b1e3ca67af9921c4598dc31e490b37ed3a376d4709:17
abbeephemient: ubuntu keys (FBB75451, 437D05B5) are also there in apt keyring09:18
eclipse7500i have the via82xx module loaded, mixer settings are right, and turned off my acpi reading that some people have had issues with the irq settings with the mobo and linux. anybody else have any ideas?09:18
ephemientabbe: yeah, I'm looking through that mirror09:18
hammsandanyone that can help me with a silly terminal question?09:19
ephemientabbe: I don't know why this error has occured; everything should have worked.09:19
eclipse7500oh, and sometimes my audio randomly did work... rarely, but it has worked outta the blue.09:19
abbeephemient: okay,09:19
eclipse7500hammsand: shoot09:19
abbeephemient: while trying to install 'glibc-doc' package I also get this warning09:19
ephemientabbe: it might be an intermittent error, the last refresh failed to fetch the signature, maybe09:19
ephemientabbe: you could ignore it or refresh and try again09:20
hammsandi have a folder on my ntfs drive "--=Lots of Stuff=--"   so it's located in  /media/sda04/--=Lots of Stuff=--/09:20
abbeephemient: so you mean, apt-get update will fix this09:20
ephemientabbe: likely09:20
hammsandwhy can i not changedir  (cd)  to this in terminal09:20
Varkaweltschmerz, http://alsa.opensrc.org/MultipleCards09:20
mohkohndoes xubuntu come with a bittorrent program?09:20
ephemientineedhelps: sorry, too many other questions...09:20
hammsandi've use quotes, everything grawr09:20
abbeephemient: thanks it is fixed, after "apt-get update"09:20
Varkamohkohn, yes it does09:20
mohkohnVarka, what is it called?09:21
ephemientineedhelps: please be sure to prefix your lines with the name of the person you are talking to, so that their IRC client highlights it09:21
eclipse7500hammsand: maybe it needs the backslash in there with the symbols?09:21
Varkamohkohn, just: bittorrent09:21
eclipse7500hammsand: as to signify a space in a name its "read\ this"09:22
Varkamohkohn, and graphically gnome-btdownload09:22
ephemientineedhelps: if it's not in use... could you paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log?09:22
eclipse7500hammsand: just try "cd /media/sda04/-\" then tab for auto completion09:22
mohkohnthanks varka. it did not seem to be in my Applications. so I might need to apt09:23
Varkamohkohn, its started automatically if you are klicking a .torrent or downloading one09:24
Asathoorany suggestions on GUI tools in order to check hardware?09:24
ubotuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P09:24
VarkaAsathoor, use CLI tools, lshw or hwinfo09:24
eclipse7500hammsand: --\=Lots\ Of\ Stuff\=--/          thats its name under linux, it uses backslashes to represent special symbols or something along those lines09:25
mohkohnVarka, thanks again09:25
Asathoorthanx Varka09:25
ephemienthammsand, eclipse7500: shell (and many other programming languages) uses \ to "escape", meaning "usually the following character has a special meaning, but don't apply that special meaning here"09:25
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eclipse7500ephemient: ahh gotcha09:26
eclipse7500thanks ephemient09:26
bullgard4"sudo apt-file update && apt-file search 'linux-'" does not output anything. What package produces the /usr/src/linux- directory?09:26
hammsandlol i just had to change my quotes09:26
ephemientbullgard4: linux-source09:26
ephemienthammsand: that works too09:26
hammsandbut thanks09:27
bullgard4ephemient: If it was true what you wrote, why does my command not show it?09:27
hammsandactually i just had to extend the directory in my command:   cd "/media/sda4/--=Lots of Stuff=--/"09:27
ephemient!info linux-source09:28
ubotulinux-source: Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 24 kB, installed size 52 kB09:28
eclipse7500anyone have any idea what could cause my audio not to work? i have the via82xx module loaded, mixer settings right, and disabled acpi due to me reading that sometimes it can interfer with the irq settings? it worked out of the blue a few times, nothing changed either09:28
ephemientbullgard4: because it is not installed by default and apt-file only searches installed packages?09:29
ephemient(I think?)09:29
mohkohnI need to torrent a system rescue cd and make a dvd backup before I do strange experimental things.09:29
ephemienterr, hmm.  I guess not.09:29
mohkohnunless of course the ubuntulivecd has partimage on it09:30
Varkabullgard1, you searched for linux-, but the current version is linux-2.6.22-1409:30
bullgard4ephemient: apt-file does not search only the installed packages. Rather, it searches much more.09:30
ephemientbullgard4: yes, I realized that after looking it up09:30
ephemientbullgard4: I don't know why apt-file doesn't find it.09:30
ephemientbullgard4: but linux-source is the package containing the linux source.09:30
riaalI need to check my uptime from the terminal, any ides?09:31
bullgard4Varka: Yes, this may be the reason. I will investigate.09:31
ephemientbullgard4: you could also "apt-get source [name of your kernel package]"09:31
ephemientriaal: there is a command named "uptime"09:31
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riaalephemient, lol, thanks09:31
blackfoxokubuntu can use format ntfs?09:34
eclipse7500yeah, it can read/write to it09:34
blackfoxokhow to format ntfs use ubuntu?09:35
_DTblackfoxok: yes, it can read ntfs volumes by default but you may need to install something for write access09:36
floodgeWhen upgrading to Gutsy im told im short 100mb of space, is there any way of clearing or adding space to my current installation?09:38
ephemientfloodge: you could remove some large packages, upgrade, and install them again09:38
floodgeSuch as?09:39
joosephow do i make my ntfs partition mount automatically in gutsy?09:39
eclipse7500edit /etc/fstab is one way09:39
joosepi have 2 partitions with ntfs, one mounts automatically at boot, i want the other one to do the same09:39
floodgeI've tried removing some packages, but it seems to make the amount I need to download to upgrade go up09:39
eclipse7500i dont know if ubuntu has a easier interface for it though..09:39
ephemientfloodge: if you remove packages that the upgrade was going to install anyways, it is futile09:40
joosepeclipse7500, the two partitions are set up in a different way i think09:40
bullgard4"Launchpad is off for maintenance." How long did such an outage last on the average in the past?09:40
AmLjoosep, it should find them automatically during installation09:40
ephemientfloodge: I can't think of anything really easy, though...09:40
mwansajoosep, gnome-volume-manager also mounts ntfs parts automatically09:40
eclipse7500joosep: read into editing the fstab, just google how edit fstab or something09:40
CapaH.... I am using MADWIFI on a Netgear WPN311 Wifi PCI card. I can iwlist scan, I can iwconfig essid linksys3 -- but I cannot connect. Can anyone help me?09:40
floodgeI dont mind repartitioning if you recommend a program for it09:41
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ares221hi ev'body09:41
eclipse7500floodge: gparted09:41
DJFatalErrorsorry for parting09:41
floodgeI know of gparted09:41
floodgebut Im stuck with 0.2.509:42
ephemientfloodge: parted (and gparted and qtparted) are very nice; unfortulately, you cannot edit the partition you are currently booted from09:42
floodgeLiveCd method?09:42
ephemientfloodge: that would work09:42
jayi used gparted's livecd and it worked great for me09:42
ephemientfloodge: gparted should be present on the LiveCD09:42
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Slartwill ext2/3 ever do "fsck while mounted without the world ending" ? are there other fs that support that?09:43
ephemientreally, any livecd will do09:43
mediahunteranyone here know anything about VM on linus09:43
Varkablackfoxok, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions/ThirdPartyNTFS3G09:43
ephemientSlart: not that I know of09:43
Asathoori'm trying to find out why an xubuntu mashine freezes, but cannot get it to the state of freezing... aheeem ... could the user just forget to turn on a router... an elderly lady is the user...09:43
rocketsIs there a reason I wouldn't have the setenv command09:43
cloogonI have somthing to ask, who can help me ?09:43
ephemientrockets: in Bourne-like shells (not csh-like shells), you do not have setenv09:43
ephemientrockets: just write "VAR=value; export VAR" instead of "setenv VAR value"09:44
rocketsephemient, oh . . . that sucks. now i have to do #!/usr/bin/ruby which is distro specific09:44
blackfoxokthank you <Varka>09:44
ephemientrockets: oh09:44
rocketsephemient, this is for a shebang.09:44
ephemientrockets: you have /usr/bin/env09:44
rocketsoh ok09:44
rocketssame difference09:44
rocketsso i can do #!/usr/bin/env ruby09:44
mwansamm how can i give user permisions to play dvd media, adding them to cdrom group doesnt cut it09:44
ephemientrockets: I've never heard of a #!setenv09:44
Slartephemient: hmm.. It's kind of annoying that this "never reboot" os can't check the root drive without rebooting09:44
ephemientrockets: but yes, #!/usr/bin/env [something other program] is very common09:45
rocketsephemient, #!/usr/bin/setenv ruby09:45
Asathoormwansa >> check users - and edit them09:45
rocketseither way09:45
rocketsthats fine09:45
Varkablackfoxok, if you are using gutsy you dont have to install anything, its included by default09:45
ephemientrockets: I've seen /usr/bin/env far more than setenv; in fact I haven't ever seen setenv on a Linux system09:45
rocketsephemient, regardless09:45
mwansaAsathoor, im using fluxbox so need to set it cli09:45
rocketsephemient, thats what the ruby folks told me to use so thats what i tried09:45
ephemientrockets: okay.  well, they were almost right :)09:46
rocketsmaybe they were solaris users :-P09:46
LifeisfunnyDoes anyone know the name of the service that interferes with the function of the Gnometris game?09:46
ephemientyeah :)09:46
DJFatalErrorfirst: sorry for my bad english.09:46
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Patchakjust a quick question please I'm trying to learn scp from the command line... and I'm not sure why this command fails...it goes crazy and seemsto copy the modules directory in a loop....09:46
DJFatalErrori'll join a channel in the ircnet, but the channel does not support modes. what can i do?09:46
Patchakscp -r /home/alexis/Drupal/GeekStuff/riddler alexis@IPHERE : /home/www/geekomatic.com/docroot/sites/all/modules09:47
CapaHCan anyone help me on this? I am trying to get wireless to work. I can iwlist scan. I can iwconfig essid, but I cannot connect to my network from my desktop. I am talking here using my laptop which is on the same wireless network just fine -- also using Ubuntu Gutsy. Anyone?09:47
Patchakso basically I want to upload my riddler folder to the server did I do something wrong in that command?09:47
revxwil somebody help me with this screen resolution...at first it went ok at 1024x1xxx but when i shifted to dual monitor..it chnages to 640x4xx something now i cant open my screen and graphics...09:47
wasabi_how do i fix flash 9 overlapping other layers?09:47
Lifeisfunnyspecifically the descend speed in the game hangs at times due to something and I'm thinking it's a background service09:47
revxi cant chnages my setting anymore09:48
crdlbwasabi_: you can't :/09:48
wasabi_crdlb, any other alternatives?09:48
wasabi_crdlb, to adobe's flash 9 i mean.09:48
livingdaylightSaludos Ubunteros!09:49
crdlbwasabi_: honestly I think the problem is with firefox (gecko)09:49
revxwil somebody help me with this screen resolution...at first it went ok at 1024x1xxx but when i shifted to dual monitor..it chnages to 640x4xx something now i cant open my screen and graphics...09:49
crdlbI'm not sure that even gnash would fix it, but don't quote me on that09:49
ephemientwasabi_: the way that Netscape-style plugins work, I don't think it is fixable09:49
wasabi_damn. maybe it will be address with firefox 309:50
ephemientwasabi_: not unless they invent a new plugin architecture :-/09:50
livingdaylightkomrades... i gotz prblem with pdigin... i cannot join chat. I create irc acc and initially it works but after logging off and now back on  i cannot join chat09:50
wasabi_so ie6 on ubuntu doesn't have that problem?09:50
revxwil somebody help me with this screen resolution...at first it went ok at 1024x1xxx but when i shifted to dual monitor..it chnages to 640x4xx something now i cant open my screen and graphics...09:50
ephemientwasabi_: it has other problems :)09:50
ephemientwasabi_: I've never tried it, but I don't think so...09:50
crdlbwasabi_: firefox in wine wouldn't have that problem :) (assuming you can get flash working in it)09:51
blackfoxokubuntu cant use exe file?09:51
wasabi_blackfoxok, wine09:51
ephemientrevx: xrandr --output=default --mode=1024x768 (or whatever is appropriate)09:51
wasabi_thanks for the help guys09:51
hammsandblackfoxok:  try www.winehq.org09:51
Kraklokdoes Ubuntu64 support 16Gb of RAM out-of-the-box ?09:51
ephemientrevx: give that a try09:51
livingdaylightAlso with Epiphany.... i install epiphany but dont' see it in applications menu... hten i install epiphany gecko and it is in menu list... then i remove epiphany gecko and it remains in menu list....09:52
newguyssHi, iam going to buy a virtual server now, any recommendation, I prefer ubuntu, so is there any company where they rent them?09:52
wasabi_blackfoxok, or sudo apt-get install wine09:52
livingdaylightwhen i remove something with apt it should reflect that fact in applications menu, no?09:53
ephemientlivingdaylight: it should, unless you've made changes to the menu yourself09:53
Lifeisfunnyto use wine won't you have to have the exe program installed in a windows partition ?09:53
wersbefore, the desktop icon of my flv file is a preview of the video. now, it looks like a blank paper09:54
livingdaylightephemient, all i've done is install epiphany... but it wasn't there in menu... then i remove something else and it continues to show in menu list...09:54
wershow do I make the flv icon look like a preview of the video again?09:54
ephemientlivingdaylight: odd. Gnome, Xfce, KDE, other?09:54
livingdaylightephemient, Gnome09:54
ephemientlivingdaylight: really odd. Gnome is the most agressive at making sure the menu matches what you actually have :-/09:55
livingdaylightephemient, yea... very disappointing09:55
AzraiLsystem farklý09:55
kr4LnasýL i$09:55
AzraiLsite ve09:55
ephemientlivingdaylight: I've never had that happen, and I'm not sure why it would in your case.  sorry...09:55
livingdaylightephemient, do you know anything about pidgin?09:55
kr4Lne sitesi Len09:55
AzraiLsite ver kapatayým09:56
AzraiLbak :D09:56
casio1374633hello , does anyone knows where can i download free etextbooks ? i mean : book with "**.txt" can be read in vim .09:56
AzraiL!dns www.google.com09:56
livingdaylighti gotz prblem with pdigin... i cannot join chat. I create irc acc and initially it works but after logging off and now back on  i cannot join chat09:56
Slartcasio1374633: in what language?09:56
ephemientlivingdaylight: sorry, I have never used Pidgin for IRC09:56
AzraiL!xpw  flort part 600309:56
Slartcasio1374633: http://www.gutenberg.org09:57
=== greencookie is now known as lado
casio1374633but i can't open it ~~09:57
ephemientcasio1374633: Project Gutenberg is a popular source of free texts :)09:57
casio1374633i live in china09:57
AzraiL:D dokunmadý bile09:57
Slartcasio1374633: projekt gutenberg is blocked in chine??09:57
LifeisfunnyMyth 4: "You need Windows anyway"   "...But you have to realize that because Wine is still far from completion many applications will indeed require Windows for some functionality that Wine does not yet provide itself."09:58
casio1374633on the morning , someone give some website, but all can't open09:58
casio1374633i don't know why09:58
toresnhmm, i would like to have my xorg.conf cleaned up a bit... i've run the "Screens and graphics" tool a few times... can anyone help with this?  i'm running an external screen with my laptop whose screen is disabled when external monitor is connected09:58
Slartcasio1374633: hmm.. let me check if they've got a mirrot09:58
AzraiLolm o09:58
AzraiLucmuþ zaten09:58
AzraiLConnection Problems09:58
AzraiLSorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.09:58
casio1374633thank you09:58
casio1374633 www.gutenberg.org i tried again , and ~~~ failed ~~09:59
casio1374633connet out of time ~~09:59
muir71anyone here wanna help a noob to linux really fast? :P10:00
casio1374633do i need proxy to open it again ?10:00
amidanielmuir71: What do you need?10:00
mohkohnmuir71, I am pretty new myself but the best thing is to just ask10:01
muir71something simple, i just need to know how to change the background color on the splash screen...it's the default brown10:01
Mely2I'm new!10:01
Mely2Just installed today!10:01
Mely2And I'm trying to fix my screen resolution and can't.10:01
AzraiLsen ipi kimden yazdýrýon10:01
Mely2Can anyone help me fix my screen resolution?10:02
kr4Lßir arakda$a10:02
AzraiLo ne tür  bot yapýo10:02
muir71yeah, i just installed 24 hr's ago lol10:02
amidanielmuir71: Erm .. that's exactly not so simple :)10:02
alimoeho do i install realplayer thru terminal?10:02
Mely2I just installed two hours ago.10:02
muir71darn...mind helping me?10:02
amidanielmuir71: Hunt around the ubuntu forums; I'm sure it's come up before, but I don't recall exactly.10:03
crdlbwasabi_: it appears to be fixed in firefox3 (gecko 1.9) however, flash needs to implement it too10:03
kr4LExe fiLan hepsi ßana ait.10:03
amidaniel!ops | kr4L10:03
ubotukr4L: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!10:03
wasabi_crdlb, wow nice to hear! thanks for looking into that10:03
crdlbwasabi_: see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13718910:03
AzraiLtmm az yokum ben10:03
amidanielmuir71: I believe it's a simple image file somewhere that you need to change10:03
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muir71well, everyone says go to the Longin Window manager and change the background color there, i have but it's still brown...10:03
amidanielty, Tm_T10:03
amidanielmuir71: Well, are you trying to change the splash screen or the log-in window?10:04
ephemientcrdlb, wasabi_: well, that's surprising.  to do that, you'd have to redirect the plugin to an offscreen drawable, and do compositing yourself...10:04
Tm_Tl3: english only10:04
muir71the background of the splash screen...i already have the image put in it, now i just need the background color changed10:04
ephemientcrdlb, wasabi_: and handle input forwarding, which is another pain to implement.  but props to them, for working on it :)10:04
Mely2Who can help me fix my screen resolution?10:04
wasabi_crdlb, ephemient, this is impressive. i'm a little excited10:05
Tm_T!resolution > Mely2 see msg from ubotu10:07
l3!resolution > afparsiane10:07
Mely2Does anyone know why running xchat from terminal prompted an error saying it was stupid?10:08
alimoehow do i install real player in UBuntu?10:08
caf2007hi there, I need help I'm a Windows user and would like to start using ubunto10:09
alimoecaf2007: jsut ask10:09
caf2007thanks alimoe10:09
wasabi_alimoe, http://www.ubuntux.org/how-to-install-the-realplayer-multimedia-player but try googling it first next time10:09
caf2007I have downloaded a life CD version yesterday10:10
Mely2I just installed Ubuntu Linux and am a first time user and need help with my screen resolution. Can anyone assist?10:10
alimoewasabi_: i hv been there!10:10
wasabi_alimoe, that doens't work?10:10
caf2007burned it on a CD and tried to intsall it on my older laptop10:10
alimoewasabi_: yeah10:11
wasabi_alimoe, gusty?10:11
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ascIs it possible to use TwinView and use a different device for each monitor?10:11
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alimoewasabi_: wats that?10:11
Mely2How do I fix my screen resolution?10:11
wasabi_alimoe, gusty gibbons10:11
caf2007it takes endless time to boot and then it took me the whole day just to get to the part where it says it is checking the disk to install10:11
Mely2I have Gusty Gibbons and need help with my screen resolution.10:11
alimoewasabi_: come on, im a new ubuntu user10:12
caf2007I tried several times to do it again and again it just doesn't get any faster10:12
scott__Hi all, I am trying to send email via SMTP and I am getting an error "must issue a STARTTLS command first".... does anybody know how to fix this?  (I am programming in Ruby)10:12
wasabi_alimoe, what exactly is the error you're getting?10:12
ephemientcaf2007: the LiveCD is much slower than a real install, because CDs are much slower at reading and seeking than hard disks10:13
mohkohnthe one really anoying problem with my laptop is the battery10:13
alimoewasabi_: package not found10:13
ephemientcaf2007: this only gets worse on underpowered systems, because the LiveCD has to temporarily load a lot more things into RAM10:13
mohkohnI can see it is charging or unplugged but not how much charge is left.10:13
ephemientcaf2007: if you find that the LiveCD is too slow, use the Alternate CD to install10:13
ascIt shouldn't be that slow though unless it's on really old hardware10:13
w7\s mesra.dal.net10:13
xcshello ppl !!10:13
mohkohnAny tips how to fix?10:13
ascI once had one that was very slow, and it turned out the CD was bad10:13
scott__The Live CD will naturally be slower than the installed version10:14
caf2007it is a Pentium 3 where I use windows 2000 without any problems10:14
mohkohnlsmod shows battery10:14
ascIt should not take "the whole day", however10:14
ephemientcaf2007, asc: true, especially if you can hear the CD continually seeking to re-read the same sectors, you may not have a "good" burn10:14
alimoewasabi_: "package has no installation candidate"10:14
caf2007I have also on this machine fedora but I don't like it10:14
Lumpy^hey, i got adsl connection and im looking for program that can handle the connection, is there somthing that i can define that once in a day it will change my ip or just disconnect and recoonect?10:14
wasabi_try this http://linux.about.com/od/ubuntu_doc/a/ubudg34t4.htm10:14
wasabi_alimoe, http://linux.about.com/od/ubuntu_doc/a/ubudg34t4.htm10:15
scott__Anybody know a thing or two about SMTP servers?10:15
caf2007okay I'm downloading the alternate version now10:15
alimoewasabi_, k10:15
ephemientalimoe: I thought that RealPlayer was in Canonical's Parter repository10:15
punzadaanyone here have any experience with a hauppage wintv pvr250 card and a regular coaxial cable connection? the card doesn't seem to be decoding the signal properly10:15
wasabi_alimoe, i see exactly what you're saying. i saw a guide for real player a while back. but i don't use it myself so i don't know where it is10:15
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wasabi_ephemient, i thought so too. but it doesn't work when you install with apt10:16
alimoewasabi_ doesnt matter anyway im just used 2 it, i'll try to adopt without it10:16
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wasabi_alimoe, if you just want the browser plugin10:16
wasabi_alimoe, you can install the helix mozilla plug in. sudo apt-get install mozilla-helix-player10:17
alimoewasabi_, i got all da plugins nw10:17
caf2007ephemient, thanks for your help so far I'm going to try what you suggested10:17
Lumpy^anyone knows about a name of app?10:17
wasabi_alimoe, kay10:17
alimoewasabi_, is that gud?10:17
wasabi_alimoe, gud?10:18
wasabi_alimoe, gud = good?10:18
ephemientLumpy^: man 5 crontab10:18
alimoewasabi_, gud=good10:18
wasabi_alimoe, it works for me.10:18
alimoewasabi_, k10:18
wasabi_give it a try. if not then i would search or make a post on the forum10:19
wasabi_that usually has everything you need10:19
ephemientLumpy^: I don't know if there's any graphical interface to it, but cron is installed by default, and exists to repeatedly run scheduled actions10:19
scott__Anybody know anything about SMTP, i've been searching Google and can't find what I'm looking for10:19
kane77scott__, what are you looking for?10:20
alimoescott_, SMTP for what?10:20
scott__i am writing a script in Ruby that sends an email message to myself whenever a certain action happens (namely a stock-price goes below a certain price)10:21
scott__and i am getting this error message: "must issue a STARTTLS command first"10:21
zasfscott__: ssmtp is what you're looking for10:21
zasf2.61-11ubuntu1 extremely simple MTA to get mail off the sys10:22
ephemientscott__: so the mail server you are using requires the use of SSL10:22
alimoeoutgoing email server???10:22
zasfbut there must be an easier way with ruby10:22
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ephemientscott__: see if you can find a Ruby library which can handle this, or set up a mail forwarder on your own system10:23
scott__ephemient:  well basically i am creating a script that crawls this stock webpage and finds the stock quote that i am looking for, and it will notify me whenever the price goes below a certain threshold10:23
brandon__quick question, how do i install themes in xfce?10:23
brandon__do i make a folder in home called .themes ?10:23
ephemientscott__: I don't really care what it does ;)10:23
scott__haha ok10:24
scott__pardon my excessive explanations10:24
ephemientscott__: your problems connecting to the mail server come from the mail server requiring SSL10:24
ephemientscott__: so either get a Ruby library which can handle this, or use another program which can handle this10:24
scott__ephemient: thank you i will try that10:25
caligarn1037hi guys, does anyone know anything about how to synchronize a nokia phone with your system? or a website to refer to?10:27
caligarn1037i want to get a nokia e51 but am not sure if it's easy to sync or not...maybe using wine?10:27
blackfoxokubuntu can use winamp software ?10:30
B3cc0i don't know10:31
damaltorblackfoxok: it can through wine.. but why shuld u use winamp in linux?10:31
caligarn1037oops...got disconnected...can anyone answer my cellphone questions...?10:31
ata4ixhi there10:32
mohkohnacpi -b gives no result10:32
damaltorblackfoxok: use XMMS instead10:32
B3cc0i don't know, but there are many software like winamp10:32
Goatzin a modeline what are -/+ hsync /vsync for?10:32
ata4ixpls, can you help me?.. i have one physical eth controller eth0, but want to use two ip adresses, how i can set this on th eubuntu?10:32
caligarn1037no thoughts on cellphone syncing?10:33
HapposadeHowto get on Konsole ctrl + b on centarim10:33
UnknownUniverseWhy does Ubuntu 8.04 come with libsdl 1.2.11 as of now?10:33
ubotuxubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels10:34
ata4ix?anybody knows?10:34
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!10:34
ephemient!info libsdl1.2debian-all10:34
ubotulibsdl1.2debian-all: Simple DirectMedia Layer (with all available options). In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.11-9ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 209 kB, installed size 512 kB10:34
UnknownUniverseephemient: Isn't that just wrong?10:35
alvaroholas alguien en espanol10:35
ephemientUnknownUniverse: what d you mean?10:35
ephemient!es | alvaro10:35
ubotualvaro: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.10:35
UnknownUniverse1.2.12 is the latest10:35
aileancan anyone point me in the direction of a list of ubuntu compatible mp3/mp4 players?10:35
mohkohnI appear to have nothing in cat /proc/acpi/battery/10:35
alvaroesta bien gracias10:35
keeganailean:  xmms , amarok10:36
krimxailean: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Linux_media_players10:36
whabohelp .. i had ubuntu .. created a new partition for Pclos using its liveCD .. installed Pclos.. but now i cant dualboot even tho ubuntu partition is still there i cant access it from the boot loader on PClinuxos HELP plz thx10:36
ephemientUnknownUniverse: ah.  bug its maintainer to bump the version... it should happen before the release, but there's a lot of time yet :)10:36
aileancan anyone point me in the direction of a list of ubuntu compatible mp3/mp4 players (i.e. hardware)10:37
ephemientlastlog Linux10:37
aileankeegan, krimx i mean hardware mp3 players10:37
keeganailean:  sorry i dont know10:37
UnknownUniverseephemient: :)10:37
Happosadehow to get ctrl commands off10:37
keeganwhabo:  wait ill paste u a link10:37
krimxailean: Oh sorry, I guess any player that doesn't need a special program to move songs to it. Ipod works fine too.10:38
HapposadeI have tested Settings -> shortcuts10:38
ephemientailean: generally, anything that works as a plain-old mass storage device works10:38
HapposadeOn Konsole10:38
pucciohello, do you know any morphing programm packaged for Ubuntu? In the packages list I don't find any one10:38
ephemientailean: anything you can install Rockbox on works :D10:38
caligarnwhew...computers weird..sorry im in vietnam behind a finicky firewall...does anybody have any cellphone sync resources?10:38
aileanephemient, what is rockbox?10:39
Jaymac1is there any way to automount an nfs share running on a server using dhcp?10:39
keeganwhabo:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351&highlight=recovering+grub perhaps this will help you10:40
Jaymac1can i do it by hostname or anything? or does it have to be IP?10:40
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Happosadeailean: iPod-Linux, after that you can copy songs from iPod to computer10:40
musikgoatJaymac: why is a server on dhcp?10:40
aileanHapposade, do the newer versions of ipod still work?10:40
Jaymacbecause i don't have control over the network10:41
Happosadeailean: I don't know. Only 5g iPod tested10:41
ephemientHapposade, ailean: Rockbox is not iPod-Linux10:41
krimxailean: I don't think they do yet but check out the gtkpod site, I think they were first to break whatever Apple had changed on the new models.10:41
Jaymaci just want to share files between my laptop and my pc... both of which use dhcp10:41
keeganailean:  on their site they have a list of hardware that works10:41
Happosadeephemient: Oh.. yeah.. :(10:41
ephemientailean: Rockbox is a free firmware for several hardware MP3 players, including some iPods and Archos products10:42
musikgoatsorry, assuming...   Jaymac I nfs should have hostname functionality, but i haven't tried it myself10:42
ephemientJaymac: by hsotname works, as long as name resolution is working at the time the mount is processed10:42
aileanso how good is this Rockbox ephemient ?10:42
e|64hi is it possible to change the labels on menubar ?10:42
ephemientJaymac: put _netdev in the options field of the fstab line for the mount, and it won't be mounted until after the network is brought up10:43
ephemientailean: pretty good on most hardware, pretty crappy on the iPod :-/10:43
Jaymacand then i can just add john-desktop (name of the pc) instead of its ip to fstab?10:43
aileanephemient, and i'd surely be voiding the warranty by using it, no?10:43
ephemientailean: not necessarily; it doesn't do anything permanent, and you can erase it before sending it back in for repairs ;)10:43
aileanahhhhh, buen idea10:44
musikgoatwarranties exist to be voided :-)10:44
ephemientmusikgoat: I like that :D10:44
ephemientman, though.  <gripe> Apple seems to make their products delibrately difficult to disassemble...10:44
aileanok then guys, can you recommend a good player for linux-compatibility?10:45
musikgoatcan you put linux on it?  yes,  do you need to, no... do it anyways10:45
ephemientailean: http://libmtp.sourceforge.net/ has a list of the devices it can handle10:45
mohkohnwould a new kernel be more likely to detect my laptop battery?10:46
ephemientailean: aside from that, there's iPods and anything that's a plain-old mass-storage device10:46
aileanexcellent, many thanks for your help ephemient10:46
weebledoes anyone know music site10:47
krimxweeble: What kind of music site?10:47
damaltorweeble: what musik site? no warez here sry10:47
weeble70 rock10:48
damaltorweeble: try musicload.com10:48
krimxweeble: You could check out last.fm10:48
mohkohnmaybe he is looking for something like streamtuner10:48
damaltorthere u can buy everything10:48
bazhangweeble: try deezer.com for streaming10:48
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mohkohnweeble, apt-get install streamtuner10:49
mohkohnfor internet radio10:49
weeblethanks people for the help!10:49
bazhangamarok and exaile iirc have shoutcast as well10:49
Jaymacwhen trying to add my laptop's hostname to the /etc/exports list i get the following error: exportfs: john-laptop has non-inet addr10:52
Jaymacthis is the line i added to the /etc/exports file: /home/john/ john-laptop(rw,no_root_squash,async)10:52
McMenacehi every110:52
raphhi, how can I find out the number of inodes on my external hd?10:53
McMenacewhen ubuntu automounts a usb fat32 drive the special characters for german do not work e.g.,äüö10:53
damaltorMcMenace: right. =)10:53
damaltorMcMenace: bist du deutsch? are u german?10:54
McMenacejup genau10:54
McMenacekannste mir da helfen10:54
McMenacebzw, erstmal ist deutsch in chanel erlaubt10:54
damaltortja.. das liegt an der eigenartigen codierung der win-systeme.. komm nicht auf die idee das zu ändern =)10:54
damaltorpasst scho10:54
damaltorwenn du das umbenennst dann gehts unter win nimmer10:55
damaltorentweder du änderst zu ae, oe, ue10:55
damaltoroder du ignorierst es10:55
McMenaceaber das ding is windoof hab ich hinter mir gelassen, aber eine platte stirbt grade und ich will die daten auf ne andere kopieren bekomme aber probleme wenn umlauten im dateinamen sind10:55
ChousukeStop speaking German10:55
damaltordann kanste umbennennen wie du willst10:55
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:55
damaltorwe both are german, im helping him... is that forbidden here?10:55
McMenacelooks like it10:56
Chousukedamaltor: yes. This channel is English only10:56
tntCryare germans professionals?10:56
damaltorMcMenace: wir gehen in #ubuntu-de10:56
McMenaceI am good with eng or changing chanals10:56
ChousukeYou can use private chat or -de though :)10:56
McMenaceok l8er10:56
tntCryi need help installing ubuntu on my Mercedes10:56
damaltortntCry: dunno, but it works for us two =)10:56
timobyou should know the world defaults to en :)10:56
damaltori do10:57
damaltorbut why should we make it harder fo us10:57
tntCrydamaltor, are you in a university?10:57
timobi dont know the rules....10:57
damaltortntCry: yes i am10:57
tntCrydamaltor, im in a university which blocks everything for me , i only can surf the web buttt when watching youtube videos it loads very veryy slow10:58
tntCryi get my ubuntu laptop with me damaltor10:58
damaltortntCry: ok.. and where isthe problem? :)10:58
tntCrymy friends who have windows they can do 1 thing better then me , is they can log in msn messenger while i cant log in pidgins :S damaltor10:58
damaltoru wont be able to change the university settings10:58
tntCrydamaltor, i want to by pass this university windows lame defense , am i right that linux can master it all and exceed the windows defense system10:59
damaltorhmm probably yes... maybe u should ask the university or you win friend what they did so we can find the linux alternative11:00
tntCrynothing they did its just that university allows msn messenger and internetexplorer /firefox11:00
tntCrybut in ubuntu theyr is no msn messenger i tried installing amsn stil cant login ..11:01
tntCryi thought about doing ssh damaltor11:01
damaltortnt so what do u want to do? if u use GAIM or kopete you will be able to unse messenger too11:01
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krimxtntCry: You could try meebo.org if you don't mind using msn through your browser11:01
tntCryis it like ebuddy?11:01
damaltorlike it yes11:01
kinroadtntCry: can you change ports or something to same as in MSN or install MSN messenger with wine11:01
tntCrycan msn 8.5 install by wine>11:02
damaltorbut meebo is nice11:02
tntCryi think its my ubuntu firewall ro something11:02
damaltorwill help though11:02
damaltorlokks like windws in the window =)11:02
tntCrymeebo ? i hate going in through sponsered sites which im afraid they steal my password or something11:02
tntCryi have a great email ;) nonick@hot...11:02
mohkohnI have been doing apt-get upgrade for about two hours. if I stop and interupt will it pick up from where I left off tomorrow?11:03
damaltortntCry: there is no registration needed.. using it for a relatively long time now, and never had probs11:03
mohkohnor do I need to spend two hours again?11:03
damaltormohkohn: depends on what it is doing...11:03
damaltorbut usualy yes11:03
tntCrywow their is a meebo plugin for firefox11:04
mohkohndamaltor, apt-get upgrading. It is working albeit slowly11:04
tntCry:( not compatible with my firefox build11:04
kinroadmohkohn: if it is downloading, then yes you can stop it, but if it is installing, then you can't11:05
damaltormohkohn: still downloading? installing?11:05
damaltorthen yes11:05
damaltorit starts from that place onnext start11:05
mohkohnthanks for that11:05
damaltorthe downloades packages will be shown again11:05
damaltorbut not downloaded agan11:05
mohkohnok damaltor understood11:06
mrmondayI have a partition on my PC labeled '11G Volume', and when I go to rename it I get told it is in use. How can I rename it?11:06
tntCrywow meebo is cool it has voice and video chat also11:06
damaltorunmount it before .. but i think it ought to be able to be renamed though mounted11:06
kinroadmrmonday: unmount it11:07
mohkohnone other thing. would compiling a kernel while apt-get is 'getting" cause any problems?11:07
damaltortntCry: dont try the video thing if you dnt have a high-end pc.. smashed my 2.7 ghz11:07
damaltorhad to kill x from console11:07
damaltorfriend of mie with some kinda dual core works correctly but on my oc there is no chance11:08
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tntCryis this a memory hog site damaltor ?11:08
damaltornot to bad11:08
damaltorbut thevideo chat thingy is11:08
tntCrythen how can it smash >11:08
CapaHHmm I cannot seem to watch any dvds, can anyone help me?11:08
CapaHdvds with menus11:09
damaltortried 3 times and alway hat to kill x11:09
tntCryso you mean if i do video chat i cant do multiple tasks or i will be on risk if i do video while doing an assignment in openoffice? right?11:09
damaltorCapaH: you need a special library.. dunno if i am allowed to name it here11:09
CapaHmsg it to me :)11:09
damaltortntCry: while working, you ought to considder only using chat =)11:09
damaltoror try before11:10
CapaHI have some dvds from netflix I want to watch and I can see the files and all fine, but I dont know how to actually play it -- I tried using vlc player but no success11:10
tntCrythanks krimx for meebo advice11:10
damaltorCapaH: ok... so you need a LIB. it is used to watch DVD. and it kills the CSS protection...11:10
krimxCapaH: libdvdcss11:10
CapaHI see11:10
damaltor!libdvdcss CapaH11:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libdvdcss capah - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:10
kinroadWhat is the problem? When I kill X with Alt+Sysrq+E or Alt+Sysrq+I my computer freezes and I cannot switch virtual consoles. but if I go to a textmode virtual console first and then kill all processes using Sysrq then it will restart getty and it works.11:10
damaltor!dvd CapaH11:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvd capah - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:11
tntCrydamaltor, i would like to make a conference 1 day with all my friends who left overseas that would be great you know11:11
damaltor!libdvdcss | CapaH11:11
ubotuCapaH: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs11:11
bazhangCapaH try the medibuntu repositories medibuntu.org11:11
tntCrydamaltor, where in germany you from ? munich ?11:11
damaltortntCry: you ought to try it out. maybe it works good for you but for me it doesnt11:11
krimxSilly question: Anyone know if it's possible to set MPlayer to open videos in half size instead of full size so I don't have to click twice everytime I start watching a HD movie?11:13
tntCrygo to options man11:13
damaltorkrimx: try man mplayer11:13
damaltorthere are thousands of options11:13
damaltortntCry: Jena11:14
damaltorin thuringia11:14
damaltorright in the middle =)11:14
tntCrynear bugonhousen big mountain slide?11:15
kinroadI have a problem. When I kill X with Alt+Sysrq+E or Alt+Sysrq+I my computer freezes and I cannot switch virtual consoles. but if I go to a textmode virtual console first and then kill all processes using Sysrq then it will restart getty and it works. seems like killing all processes locks the graphics card, but why does it do that?11:15
damaltortntCry: no, not nere there =)11:15
tntCrynear Europe park?11:15
damaltorno.. nere the barbarossa höhle11:15
tntCryok i dont know that11:15
tntCrybut i used to live in germany with many great friends we used to cycle like crazy lo11:16
damaltorkinroad: dont know, but you already know how the avoid the problem11:16
open_ladAnybody there who used JMF in linux?? I successfully installed but its not working in any linux distro. not even ubuntu11:16
kr00lAnyone know if Sandisk Sansa View 16GB MP3 Player will work with ubuntu?11:16
tntCryi hope ubuntu will release a mobile ubuntu version for imate or iphone or the new technology touchscreen mobile phones11:17
tntCrykr00l, you mean run ubuntu on the mp3 player?11:17
kr00ltntCry: i mean transfer music11:17
stojic_kr00l: if the player functions as a USB memory key without additional drivers then it should work11:17
tntCryok i think it will work11:17
damaltorkr00l: i have linux running on an ipod..11:18
kr00ldamaltor: great but that doesn't help me11:18
tntCrymany things work with ubuntu  , the only thing until now im surprised is that wacom touchscreen will not work from out of the box but must appoint the driver and have the common files to initiate and to load touchscreen11:18
tntCryits a bit hard tutorial tho11:19
tntCryok damaltor i gtg for lunch11:19
damaltortntCry: wacom is already in xorg.conf, should work good.. did for me though11:20
zejoshHi, how do I install flash player & shockwave with my terminal?11:20
stojic_kr00l: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608875   your player is listed there if I am not wrong11:20
tntCryhow come didnt work?11:20
tntCryoh damaltor its a tablet laptop touchscreen not a hardware touchscreen which you plugon a pc11:21
pcnet32damaltor: wacom tablet != wacom touchscreen  i guess11:21
tntCrytheir is a diffrence theyr11:21
damaltorzejosh: no shockwave. but flashplayer you can download from adobe.com and follow the manual11:21
zejoshI did that,11:21
damaltortntCry: yes, thought so11:21
tntCryok ifigazine11:21
zejoshbut when I went into terminal to run the ./flash thing11:21
damaltorzejosh: so that should be it11:21
zejoshit said,  it wasn't found11:21
damaltorzejosh: cd to the right folder11:21
damaltorand do "chmod a+x flash..."11:22
zejoshwhich would be? o.O11:22
damaltordunno where you downloaded it to..11:22
zejoshI done it to my desktop11:22
krimxzejosh: If you have the right repositories then do -> 'aptitude search flash' and after that 'sudo aptitude install *package*'11:22
pcnet32zejosh: cd ~/Desktop11:22
damaltorzejosh: follow the manual on the homepage exactly! you have to copy a file manually in the end11:22
eyyYoHello everyone. When i activate the nVidia drivers in the Restricted Drivers Manager and restart my computer, a "System is currently running in low-graphics mode"-message shows up. Apparently Ubuntu is unable to find the drivers "nvidia" ("nv" works fine though, but no desktop effects). I have done a driver update from the nvidia.com website, and thats what messed everything up. Is there a solution to this problem? Thanks.11:23
CapaHCan anyone here help me to get my wifi to work? I can see the networks, I can iwlist scan, I can iwconfig essid to the network I want, but I cannot connect. This is my own open network -- and a desktop pc (not a laptop)11:24
wraundzejosh: *wave*11:24
damaltorCapaH: you have to do dhclient wlan0 after connecting11:24
whabohelp here is teh thing . how can i get 2 linux distributions working together on 2 diffrent patitions ...i installed PClos and ubuntu .. but the grub only showed PClos .. i had to rewrite the grub MBR installation for ubuntu to be able to boot it... is there a way i can show both distros on grub when i boot my pc? THX11:24
damaltorwhabo: edit /etc/grub/menu.conf11:25
kraut`where can i find a list of all important config files11:25
kraut`i what to make a small backup script11:25
damaltorkraut: for what?11:25
kraut`anyone an idear11:25
whabothx man11:25
kraut`all ubuntu system config files11:25
whaboTHANK YOU11:25
damaltorthere are loots of files11:25
whaboill try it out11:25
damaltorwhabo: np11:25
kraut`i cant find anything at google11:26
timobkraut`: /etc ?11:26
whaboraj@raj-laptop:~$ edit /etc/grub/menu.conf11:26
whaboWarning: unknown mime-type for "/etc/grub/menu.conf" -- using "application/*"11:26
whaboError: no write permission for file "/etc/grub/menu.conf"11:26
whabothis is what i get :(11:26
CapaHdamaltor: I did, it just times out11:26
pcnet32kraut`: /etc is for system wide config files11:26
McMenacecan any1 name a bash tool taht tells the encoding of the given file11:26
kraut`timob: hm11:26
damaltorCapaH: thats not good.. is there a dhcp server in ur network?11:27
kraut`im stupid11:27
damaltorrouter or sth11:27
McMenacewant to change ancoding to utf-8 by using convmv11:27
timobMcMenace: file ?11:27
timobMcMenace: mplayer?11:29
ephemientMcMenace: iconv can convert encodings11:29
timobMcMenace: file gives me info on my divx (XVID) files11:29
whabois there a way u can boot 2 distros together what adjustments do i have to make .. to let grub recognize both distros on both partitions thx ...11:30
ephemientMcMenace: convmv changes the encoding of the filename, iconv is the standard tool for encoding text11:30
loguser1suddenty two of ntfs partitiions have disappeard...11:30
krimxwhabo: grub should detect both automatically11:30
McMenacefile /media/usbdisk-1/Uni/Langer\ Weg\ zum\ Wirkstoff/Pix/molek�hl.jpg11:30
McMenace/media/usbdisk-1/Uni/Langer Weg zum Wirkstoff/Pix/molek�hl.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.0211:30
timobyou are looking for text encoding ?11:31
ephemientMcMenace: what do you want? the encoding of the filename?11:31
McMenaceencoding of the filename11:31
bicycledaaveis anyone here who keeping learning note with some tools in ubuntu? is there any effective tools?11:31
ephemientMcMenace: Ubuntu treats filenames as UTF-8 by default, but this is obviously not the case here11:31
McMenacehave an older windows ddisk and need to copy the files11:31
CapaHCan anyone help me get my wifi to work? I can iwlist scan, I can iwconfig essid <to my network essid>, but when I dhclient it just times out, and I get this strange warning: "Unknown hardware type 801" - anyone?11:31
McMenaceget problems with special chars like äöü11:32
ephemientMcMenace: try mounting with -o iocharset=...11:32
McMenaceconverting the encding of the filename is my goal11:32
livingdaylightcan someone here help me connect to irssi?11:32
pcnet32McMenace: try to mount the windows disk with mount option iocharset=iso8859-111:32
loguser1suddenty two of ntfs partitiions have disappeard...11:32
damaltorCapaH: tied with wpa_supplicant?11:33
whabois there a way u can boot 2 distros together what adjustments do i have to make .. to let grub recognize both distros on both partitions thx ...11:33
livingdaylighti've also installed irssi so i could get real.... but don't know how to get going. Can someone tell me how to connect for starters... errrhum... sorry, :s11:33
dschaedHi there. I habe a problem starting a daemon on startup. I installed mongrel_cluster as daemon. I can start it with 'sudo /etc/init.d/mongrel_cluster' start. I added a symlink in rc2.d. But at boottime it is not run. What could be the Problem? (Ubuntu 7.10)11:33
livingdaylightAnyone else installed devilspie? just did so following the hack from ubuntugeek.com http://tinyurl.com/24e49t11:33
damaltorwhabo: edit /etc/grub/menu.lst11:33
ephemientwhabo: if they don't share the same /boot partition, you can make one grub chainload the other11:34
ephemientwhabo: or you could merge their /boot/grub/grub.conf's11:34
krimxlivingdaylight: check out the manual on irssi's page. (quickie -> /connect irc.freenode.net )11:34
whaboraj@raj-laptop:~$ edit /etc/grub/menu.lst11:34
whaboWarning: unknown mime-type for "/etc/grub/menu.lst" -- using "application/*"11:34
whaboError: no write permission for file "/etc/grub/menu.lst"11:34
whabothats is what i get11:34
whabohow do you do that?11:35
McMenacesudo mount -o iocharset=iso8859-1 -t vfat /dev/sda5 /media/TMP/11:35
krimxwhabo: try gedit11:35
McMenaceproblem with the file type11:35
McMenacewhats wrong here11:35
un_daveis it possible to access something in a directory that has been used as a mount point without unmounting the disk?11:35
bullgard4"Launchpad is off for maintenance." How long did such an outage last on the average in the past?11:36
Aaron_Masonhey all... how the hell are you supposed to download the dvd images when no filesystem on earth supports files that big?11:36
timobMcMenace: whare are u trying to do ? .... cant you access the file?11:36
whabogedit opens up note pad11:36
Aaron_Masonit was on fat32 but then it died cos the file got too big so I moved it to an NTFS partition, and it died there too11:36
Nickebullgard4: It was a planned maintenance11:36
McMenacetimob: never mind11:37
ephemientun_dave: mount --bind the directory under it to somewhere else11:37
krimxAaron_Mason: so use ext3?11:37
timobMcMenace: like was mentioned u can use iconv to convert the filename ...11:37
bullgard4Nicke: How long does a planned maintenance take on the average?11:37
Nickebullgard4: No idea.. probably depends on the reason as why the maintenance are being done :). This time it was to roll out a new release11:38
Nickebullgard4: "03.00 - 11.00 UTC" was the planned time now, fwiw11:38
bullgard4Nicke: ok11:38
livingda1lightYo Ubunteros!11:39
rahmenHi! I'm trying to fix ontv.. here's the how-to: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/ontv/trunk/README?view=markup but I don't really understand what to do.. "2. make" <-- wtf? can someone translate plz? =)11:39
KaurCould someone please offer solutions or at least take a guess on that: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=382660111:39
=== livingda1light is now known as sophtpaw
void^rahmen: run 'make'11:40
weltschmerzi have a problem.  when one user has sound on, like say music, another logged-in user cannot hear sounds.11:40
xen_caapni've added several themes to both .themes in home and /usr/share/themes , yet none are showing up in xubuntu's user interface settings. what could be the problem here?11:40
Aaron_Masonkrimx - i was using ext3 under coLinux but the kernel supplied doesn't have large file support11:41
rahmenvoid^: the file 'make'? there are 2 files with make in it's name: Makefile.am and Makefile.in11:41
Kaurxen_caapn: They are installed when u drag them to the theme window11:41
McMenaceproblem boild down to encoding is good and filenames are shit11:41
Kaurxen_caapn: nothing must be done manually11:42
McMenaceso i have files that look in the bash like this11:42
timobxen_caapn: can u use the install button on the apperence settings page11:42
McMenace�bung II.doc11:42
void^rahmen: the command make.11:42
McMenacei can not get hold of the files via the bash, no tab, no copy&paste works to do something with the file11:42
McMenaceusing nautilus i can rename the file fine11:42
xen_caapnKaur , you cannot drag and drop these themes, i'm on xubuntu by the way11:43
xen_caapntimob , what install button ?11:43
Kaurxen_caapn: Hm...11:43
McMenaceany ideas on renamng all files of the disk at once11:43
rahmenvoid^: "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop."11:43
bullgard4Kaur: May be the following observation will shed another view on your problem: I do not get a beep sound under all Ubuntu distributions when hard-installed. But the Ubuntu 7.10 desktop life installation produces the beep sound as expected.11:44
void^rahmen: you probably didn't (successfully) run configure before first.11:44
McMenaceanyone any ideas on how to rename my files?11:44
rahmenvoid^: ok.. where do I do the configure? in the ontv map or in home?11:44
timobMcMenace: um so u can access the files from the command line?11:44
Kaurbullgard4: What do u mean by 'life installation'?11:45
krimxMcMenace: I had the same problem with old files which had å ä ö in the filenames when I installed Ubuntu. Don't remember exactly how I solved it but I googled a bit and found a (command line if I remember correctly) program that fixed it.11:45
void^rahmen: in the directory you extracted the source to. there should be a script called configure there.11:45
rahmenvoid^: yep it's there11:45
ephemientMcMenace: maybe you should just copy them over first and convert the filenames second; I have to convert filenames to/from GBK/sjis/iso8859-1 all the time, from different sources :(11:45
bullgard4Kaur: A life installation is to use a life CD for booting and then operating an operating system.11:46
bazhanglife = live11:46
Kaurbullgard4: no, unfortunately I'm not using a live cd11:46
rahmenvoid^: found the error: "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"11:46
Kaurbullgard4: though it would definitely explain things:)11:46
ephemientMcMenace: convmv probably handles that case, but I've never used it; I just do (for i in *; mv -v "$i" "$(iconv -fiso8859-1 <<<"$i")"; done) or something similar11:47
void^rahmen: install build-essential, run configure, install any -dev packages for things it wants, repeat until it runs without errors.11:47
pcnet32McMenace: can you try this: http://phpfi.com/27873311:47
McMenaceephemient: the problem is that they will not copy11:47
McMenacebash sais it can not create the destination file11:48
ephemientMcMenace: are you copying from FAT to Linux, or what?11:50
tarelerulzBroadcom 802.11b/g wlan I have read a lot on it. downloading the driver her and stuff ndiswrapper says I should use the 32 driver for my card ,but when I download the drivers it don't say 32bit and then 64 and the bcmwl6.inf says something about 64 bit . I look for the driver my vista system use and it is bcmwl6.sys and I thought a bcmwl6.inf would do that trick don't it don't work ? I am lost11:53
ephemientMcMenace: let me clarify.  Linux-native filesystems treat filenames as nothing but a bunch of bytes, so encoding doesn't matter (except to tools that want to display the filename etc.), but other filesystems (FAT, NTFS, ...) don't work that way11:53
McMenacepcnet32: yes work and how to do it recursively11:54
chazcoWhats the best intermediate format for Vista/Linux? (e.g. a shared partition)11:54
McMenaceputting `ls -R` istaed of * dos not give the full path11:54
pcnet32McMenace: wait11:54
popaii have in mi PC 512 dual ceanel Geil DDR PC3200, and 1 slot free, if i put 512 PC320 module (to make 1024MB), will worck ?11:54
Amaranthchazco: vfat (fat32)11:54
chazcohmm... using FAT32 atm but having trouble using apache11:54
McMenaceephemient: ok and bash's cp ahs a problem with it so i thought renaming helps11:55
Amaranthpopai: that's more of a hardware question11:55
tarelerulzchazco , vista is ntfs  . I use ntfs-3g to mount it fine11:55
Amaranthpopai: if your machine can use that RAM then Ubuntu will use it11:55
McMenaceand problem is the encoding is utf-8 and its a ext3 volume11:55
Max0Hi i want to install ubuntu on a new pc i have... its a IB9 motherboard and it needs a ITE 8211F IDE driver for the setup. I can get windows to work with this driver but can anyone help me get ubuntu on there?11:55
McMenacethe problem came when coping from win drive11:55
Amaranthchazco: Why are you hosting files on  the fat32 partition?11:55
McMenaceand that is history11:55
coxhello all, i need to flash my bios, how i've got the utility & the rom, how do I add it to a cd and make that cd bootable11:55
chazcoYep... thought about that but i prefer a seperate area for files (either OS can break big style, a seperate partitio nmakes it safer)11:55
sinthey, when using apt i get the following message: "The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:" with a long list of packages. can i trust this and remove them?11:55
McMenaceso only renaming is an option11:55
chazcoIts where i develop my website Amaranth11:55
chazcoNot a live server11:56
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McMenaceso i need a way to rename all filenames on the volume11:56
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McMenaceand i have a problem using the � in regex or some like it11:56
pcnet32McMenace: http://phpfi.com/27873511:57
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pcnet32McMenace: caution, start the script in the right directory11:57
ephemientMcMenace: in this situation, I can't imagine why cp would give you the error that it did, though11:57
chazcoI think FAT32s lack of permissions etc causes Apache to fail11:58
tarelerulzDoes Ubuntu 7.`10 come with what is need to compile stuff or do you have to donwload if so what do I need to download . I wold ask on Ubuntu or look ,but I don't have net on it11:59
Amaranthtarelerulz: The default install comes with enough to compile kernel modules11:59
Amaranthtarelerulz: But afaik it can't build regular apps without a couple more things11:59
stefg!build | tarelerulz12:00
ubotutarelerulz: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)12:00
AmaranthThe last bit of that is wrong, iirc all repos are enabled by default in gutsy12:00
AmaranthIf you did a clean install, anyway12:00
tarelerulzHave you ever had wireless card work for stuff like irc ,but not work for web pages ?12:00
Amaranthtarelerulz: can't say I have12:00
AmaranthThat's pretty weird12:01
AmaranthBut I'm pretty clueless about networking so...12:01
Enselictarelerulz: how do you know it doesn't work for web pages?12:01
pcnet32tarelerulz: i think that's not a wireless issue, but a an mtu issue12:01
tarelerulzWierd and fun all at the same time. I mean if it did not work I would under stand more12:01
pcnet32tarelerulz: try sudo ifconfig your_wireless_interface mtu 120012:01
tarelerulzWell, Under Vista  web works  abit slow ,but it woulds .  ON Ubuntu it times out12:01
tarelerulzWhat is mtu?12:02
pcnet32tarelerulz: maximum transmission unit12:02
pcnet32tarelerulz: i guess some routers on the way to the web server do not properly report icmp fragmentation needed12:02
tarelerulzI think I am going to build  the stable ndiswrapper , then find the bcmwl6.inf and see if it works12:04
tarelerulzThe lame part is I do the normal thing and the wirelss card don't show up in ifconfig12:04
rahmenvoid^: Hi again.. :] I get this error now: "configure: error: could not find Python headers" and I was thinking I should dl the requirement stuff.. but then I got the same error when I tried configuring them.. so what to do to get rid of that error?12:05
void^rahmen: did you install python-dev?12:05
whileimhereHi. When I use the sudo lshw command in the terminal it reports several areas that read " To Be Filled By O.E.M." Can anyone tell me where I can change these?12:06
coxdoes anyone know how to make a bootable cd?12:07
pcnet32whileimhere: you can't unless you flash your bios. those strings are read from the bios.12:08
whileimhereI see. That does help out and I dont want to go to all that hassle of flashing the bios for something like that.12:08
pcnet32whileimhere: the manufacturer of your pc/notebook simply didn't change these strings12:08
whaboi tried to install ubuntu and Pclinuxos .. on my new HP pavillion dv6636nr laptop... WITH no luck at all .... the same liveCD runs and installs just fine on my old compaq presario laptop. Is it possible that this specific laptop is blocking liveCD to initiate? i have had more than 15 attempts with 2 diffrent distros. ubuntu and pclinuxos. any help would be appreciated. btw the CD runs .. i go to teh main menu ... when i click on start/in12:08
whabostall ubuntu it gives me several [ok] but then an error/failur pops up.... thx..12:08
whabothe laptop that im having difficulties with is teh NEW laptop : HP pavillion dv6636nr......12:08
whaboit runs fine on my old ( 4 years old) compaq presario.. thx  (this is the error that i get) (248.708000) bcm43xx: Error: Microcode "bcm43xx_mircocode5.fw" not available or load failed12:08
tarelerulzWhabo I fell you on that I have a HP Pavilion dv660cl  and I have hard time getting the wireless to work right . In fact it times out on web pages all the time12:10
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pcnet32IMHO broadcom wireless cards are a piece of sh**12:11
whileimhereOkay here is a tough one. Is there a program that will help me discover what video modes are available on my laptop?12:12
whabotarelerulz: no solution ??? :(12:12
deadhi i need help to get working 041e:4036 Creative Technology, Ltd Webcam Live!/Live! Pro webcam and cheese ?12:12
tarelerulzWell, I get irc and stuff ,but the net pages just time out and I am lost as to way whabo12:13
pcnet32tarelerulz: can you at least try lowering the mtu size as i suggested?12:13
tarelerulzI try use bcmwl6.inf to set it up . That is what I think vista use ,but I have no way of find that out vista's files layout is hard to understand12:13
whabotarelerulz: ow wow so i bought the wrong laptop .. shhot its only 2 weeks old12:13
deadlight is on and no camerafound in cheese12:14
tarelerulzI would not say that . I have learn from LInux you get stuff working.  It is very cool when you do12:14
tarelerulzpcnet32, I will do what you said it could not hear. I do have to say when I   remove ndiswrapper the setting will get lost right.  SO if that don't work I could start over12:15
whabotarelerulz: ill get an external adapter i dont care .. but the prob is i cant boot the CD i cant install ubuntu period ... been like that for a week now :S12:15
tarelerulzWhabo , I get Ubuntu 7.10 installer cd/live cd and it worked ,but 7.04 did not work at all .12:16
stefgwhabo: so where and how does installation fail exactly ?12:17
robinhelp! am trying to play a dvd and for some reason, with the vlc player, and with the ogle dvd player, as soon as i start playing the disc the program closes. has anyone had that problem?12:17
stefg!dvd | robin12:18
uboturobin: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs12:18
pcnet32stefg: from what i get out of his description, the live-cd does not finish booting to the desktop12:19
whabostefg ... i get this error while installing (248.708000) bcm43xx: Error: Microcode "bcm43xx_mircocode5.fw" not available or load failed12:19
pcnet32whabo: that's just a warning, the system should continue booting there12:19
whabotarelerulz: the CD i have is 7.10 :S lol12:20
stefgwhabo: that means that the (proprietary) firmware for the wifi isn't found. but that should not cause a boot failure, just the wifi not to work12:20
whabopcnet32: nope tried for a week now would boot at all ..12:20
whileimhereWhere can I change the color depth of my screen?12:21
pcnet32whabo: so the bcm43xx... message is the last thing you see?12:21
whabostefg: it keeps giving me teh same error over and over when i press enter to continue wouldnt boot at all12:21
stefgwhabo: you probably need some additonal boot parameters ("cheat-codes") to make the kernel work with your chipset12:21
whabopcnet32: yup12:21
stefg!boot | whabo12:21
ubotuwhabo: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto12:21
pcnet32stefg: i guess it is one of those buggy acpi bioses again...12:22
whabostefg: im nota programmer :S lol i cant do add things to teh kernal12:22
stefgwhabo: i'd try to boot with 'noacpi noapic nolapic' first to see if it succeeds. then leave out one after the other to determine which parameter it is exactly12:22
pcnet32whabo: giving boot options has nothing to do with programming12:23
coxhello all12:23
coxcan anyone tell me how to make a bootable iso?12:23
stefgwhabo: you just have to write some words at the boot prompt. see ubotus link for instructions12:23
whabostefg: so if i go to link it will tell me what to do?12:23
robinthanx. i have the lib3dvd thingy, installed, have just reinstalled it in the package manager. i keyed the sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh command into the terminal like stated in the ubuntu help page, but the terminal reacts with "comman not found"!!!12:23
stefgwhabo: right12:23
whabostefg: aight ill be back then let me check it out thx12:24
Lenny1729Hi, does anyone know how to tell Gnome in Gutsy to luksOpen and mount an encrypted external drive? All it does is LuksOpen but I need to mount it manually, is this normal or did I miss something?12:25
saper_hola hoy estoy contento porque a partir de ayer tengo inx12:25
loguser1my storage partitions just disappear... some times 2 ntfs drives. some times all.... why. iam using dolphin , k 7.10 ?12:25
pcnet32!es | saper_12:25
saper_y hoy logre configurar mi plca de video correctamente12:25
ubotusaper_: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.12:25
saper_solo estoy contento12:26
saper_y lo comparto12:26
robincan anyone please help me? am trying desperately to play a dvd!!12:26
robinthe ubuntu help command "sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh" won't work, it says command not found12:27
pcnet32robin: does the file /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh exist?12:27
* sayoko o12:30
* sayoko test12:30
* sayoko test12:30
pcnet32sayoko: ...failed12:30
robinthanx for the help! i've managed it! :-)12:30
loguser1my storage partitions just disappear... some times 2 ntfs drives. some times all.... why. iam using dolphin , k 7.10 ?12:31
stefgloguser1: inspect dmesg if it's on the kernel or hal level, or if it's a KDE problem. KDE support is in #kubuntu12:33
guhhow can i make a script on /etc/skel thats is executed automatically everytime a user is created? i want to add a quota to the users automatically.12:36
SchwarzeKrauseHi, all. Somebody, please, say me, what are the current kernel and alsa in Ubuntu12:36
loguser1what is the past bin addres12:36
rskSchwarzeKrause: kernel12:36
ephemientguh: man adduser12:36
rskand alsa 1.0.1412:36
guhephemient: i dont use adduser12:37
rskwhy do you wanna know SchwarzeKrause ?12:37
SchwarzeKrausersk: Damn. I guess they won't switch to 2.6.23 and alsa 1.0.15 till the next release. I can only get my hardware working under this versions in Arch or alikes.12:38
rskwhy do you guess that12:38
pcnet32SchwarzeKrause: you could compile your own 2.6.23 kernel on ubuntu12:39
ephemientSchwarzeKrause: you can build and upgrade ALSA yourself without changing the kernel, I think there's instructures for that too...12:39
ephemienton the wiki somewhere...12:39
PowerJCwould i be able to run ubuntu on this computer: amd k6-2 450 384mb ram, 4gb hard disc     geforce 2 mx40012:40
loguser1stefg: http://pastebin.ca/79679412:40
SchwarzeKrauseephemient: Is there no package for alsa-lib, alsa-utils and alsa-driver 1.0.15 somewhere in 3rd party repos? And how about that "sid-like" branch for Ubuntu?12:40
ephemientSchwarzeKrause: we don't know about 3rd party repos here ;)12:40
rskSchwarzeKrause: use hardy for that12:41
rskask in #ubuntu+112:41
stefgPowerJC: yes, that meets the min. requirements. But for a better experience and more free disk space i'd recommend xubuntu for that box12:41
PowerJCwhats the difference between xubuntu and ubuntu?12:41
ubotuxubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels12:42
SchwarzeKrauseephemient: ))) OK. Hardy is the next version? I've heard there should be a branch which won't ever be released, which is always unstable. Am I mistaken?12:42
ephemient!info alsa-base hardy12:42
ephemienthmm, doesn't work like that?12:42
ubotualsa-base: ALSA driver configuration files. In component main, is important. Version 1.0.15-2ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 190 kB, installed size 380 kB12:42
rskthere you go then SchwarzeKrause12:42
ephemientSchwarzeKrause: Hardy does have ALSA 1.0.1512:42
SchwarzeKrauseOh, that's nice12:42
ephemientSchwarzeKrause: Ubuntu doesn't have a "sid" branch though12:42
coxcan anyone give me a hand making a bootable cd12:43
coxits driving me crazy12:43
kinroadI have problem with wine+guildwars. When I start 'wine gw.exe -opengl' , the game runs fast but i cant see the characters12:43
rskcox: get imgburn12:43
rskcox: and you dont have to worry about a thing12:44
ephemient!appdb | kinroad12:44
ubotukinroad: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org12:44
rskkinroad: what wine version?12:44
rskkinroad: run wine --version12:44
coxrsk: does that create a bootable image including the files i want on it?12:44
kinroadrsk: 0.9.4612:44
SchwarzeKrauseephemient: I don't get the policy of Ubuntu. Will things like gnome 2.20.2 ever get into Gutsy? Or would they appear in next major version only?12:44
rskcox: um no tought you just had problems burning ubuntu..12:44
stefgloguser1: looks quite normal. my guess is that it is a problem with KDE/KDE's implmentation of hal or dolphin/d3lphin. so i'd head for #kubuntu12:45
rskkinroad: winehq.org/download upgrade.12:45
rskto 0.9.4912:45
bmwerksim trying to get wine to run a program which needs a dll file which is in the same folder but ti says i need to import what can i do??12:45
coxrsk: unfortunatly not, i need to flsh my bios, i have the files just cant make a bootable cd12:45
rskSchwarzeKrause: no not unless it's really needed. or it's a security fix included in the release12:45
loguser1stefg:  i got it. it is showing all in /media. but when i click storage folders. it only shows the ext3 and fat files. and some times shows nothiing why. is that12:45
kinroadrsk: what is the apt line for it?12:46
rskkinroad: read what is said12:46
rsk13:45 < rsk> kinroad: winehq.org/download upgrade.12:46
stefgloguser1: don't ask her about KDE.... this is ubuntu (read: GNOME) channel. haven't used KDE for years12:46
SchwarzeKrausersk: Oh, I guess Debian enny is my choice then) Although they still didn't switch to kernel 2.6.23, but otherwise they are reasonably up2date12:47
stefgloguser1: and clean your partition layout. your have a primary partition past an extended one, that might be related to the problem12:47
zylcheI think my respitories are broken... is there any way to get them fixed?12:47
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ephemientSchwarzeKrause: Gnome is on a 6-month release schedule, Ubuntu is on a 6-month release schedule.  Ubuntu releases will always pick up the latest stable Gnome (I don't think this is written anywhere, though)12:47
rskzylche: no not without you asking a question that can be answeared12:48
stefg!easysource | zylche12:49
ubotuzylche: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:49
loguser1what are the drivers for ntfs?12:49
rskloguser1: ntfs-3g12:50
loguser1rsk:  i have those but my partition is not showing up12:50
loguser1rsk:  it is mounted . present in media. but now showing any files.12:50
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larson9999what happened to kuickview?  it's my favorite photo viewing app12:52
bmwerksim trying to get wine to run a program which needs a dll file which is in the same folder but ti says i need to import what can i do??12:52
stefgloguser1: delphin is a new and immature piece of software. so if you can manually mount those partitions 'sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/<yourpartition> /mnt' then it's a kde problem12:52
rskbmwerks: put it in .wine/drive_c/system3212:52
djfmis it possible for a user to have no password?12:52
funtohi all12:53
ephemientdjfm: yes. they will be unable to log in through many services, however12:53
Slartdjfm: have you tried?12:53
stefgdjfm: no12:53
djfmI tried, it always says "password is too short" or so12:54
ephemientdjfm: passwd -d12:54
stefgdjfm: you can have a 'passwordless' login, but that means just it's not asked for. it still exists12:54
funtoI've got a problem concerning ATI drivers : I've installed them, and it seems my Radeon X600 Mobility's hardware acceleration works, but my OpenGL version is stuck to 1.3 (while I should have 2.0) and glxinfo | grep direct says I don't have direct rendering...12:55
funtoany idea?12:55
ephemientdjfm: deletes a password. this disables login...12:55
djfmOk this is passwordless login that I want, how do I do this?12:55
djfmthis is for a beginner user12:55
ephemientdjfm: gdm? kdm? other?12:55
djfmthat has nothing to hide :)12:55
djfmI didnt see the option12:55
ephemientdjfm: System > Adminstration > Login Window > Security > Enable Automatic Login12:56
ephemientdjfm: not quite the same as passwordless, but it's close12:56
djfmbut autmatic login will log in the user automatically wont it?12:57
ephemientdjfm: for real passwordless, you can edit /etc/pam.d/gdm, but if you don't know what you're doing, don't touch that12:57
zylchethanks stefg!12:58
zylcheThat's fixed my problem.12:58
_Garbage_hi all12:59
funtonobody has an idea for my ATI driver problem?13:02
stefgfunto: that problem seems quite common, you should be able to find help on the forums.13:03
DanaGThat's odd: only one of my volumes on my desktop shows its size.13:03
DanaGCruzer, RECOVERY, XP, and Vista (60.0GB)13:04
hypn0how do I install realplayer in 7.10, the download linux at real.com/linux seems to be broken, can I use 7.04 realplay package13:04
DanaGEach of those is a partition with a label, but only the last one shows its size.13:04
rskhypn0: what do you need realplayer for13:04
DanaGI'd like to either show it on all or not show it on any.13:04
funtostefg: I've already tried to find out this...13:04
neopsycheusser: you home?13:04
hypn0to play streaming files rsk :-/13:05
funtobut I wondered if someone on IRC already had the response, which could make me lose less time ^^13:05
neopsycheCan anyone help me access my cellphone memory via usb on ubuntu?13:05
hypn0rsk: what else can I use :-/13:05
rskhypn0: mplayer?13:05
hypn0that plays all real streaming formats rsk?13:06
stefgfunto: http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1287113 ? (don't understnd french too well13:07
ephemienthypn0: installing win32codecs, it does play real's streaming formats13:07
Victor```where do I make a bug report13:07
DanaGvlc does streaming, too.13:07
Victor```one that is amazingly necessary13:07
Victor```as it's a pathetic typo13:07
osiris__Good afternoon all13:07
hypn0okay, I will try mplayer or vlc then, thanks13:07
funtostefg: ok, I take a look at this13:08
funtoand I'm french :p13:08
osiris__Can anyone tell me if the large fonts issue is a gnome problem?13:08
funtostefg: thanks ^^13:08
neopsycheHow do i see what devices i have connected to system?13:10
neopsychecan anyone help me detect my phone?13:10
DanaGneopsyche: hal-device-manager13:10
DanaGcan't help with the phone, though.13:10
stefgosiris__: System->Settings->Appearance->Fonts->Advanced> dpi (top left corner) play with the dpi value13:11
DanaGActually, it's bettter to make sure DPI is correct, and then change font size.13:11
DanaGgoogle for 'javascript dpi' for a thingy to calculate DPI.13:11
Pir8Folks, can ubuntu server be installed on a compact flash card? Anyone done it?13:11
osiris__I thought there was a bug with gnome that was causing this problem?13:12
stefgDanaG: true... someone should have told this to the ubunt-devs which decided to put in 88 dpi by defaul, while standard should be 9613:12
XzenomePir8, It should be possible, but you'd need one that was big enough. And no I haven't tried it.13:12
alch3mistwhat does this message means ? " Xine extra plugins cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)"13:12
Pir8Xzenome,  2GB ?13:12
Pir8or more ?13:12
neopsychenobody know how to read phone via usb?13:13
alch3mist<neopsyche> wammu13:13
Klanticusneopsyche, what phone do you have?13:13
Pir8I acquired a MicroClient JR. PC and want to convert it into a small scale server for the purpose or web/dev13:13
neopsychealch3mist: i can use that to access phone memory and add files?13:13
XzenomePir8, according to the Dapper (Desktop version though) you need at least 2GB of disk space, might be less for the server version.13:14
neopsycheKlanticus: P910i  a nice phone.13:14
DanaGWell, if you screen is 88 DPI, then 88 DPI is correct.13:14
Xzenome*Dapper CD13:14
Klanticusneopsyche, is it sony ericsson?13:14
neopsycheKlanticus: yes13:14
neopsycheKlanticus: I want to add files to it .. like game roms etc..13:14
ZeuGiRDoRanybody knows about a dvd decrypter for Linux? (not a dvd ripper)13:14
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs13:14
alch3mist<neopsyche> : usually u don't need any software at all depends on your phone model... sony-eric integrates well13:15
neopsycheKlanticus: Need to be able to access the file system on the phone13:15
Klanticusneopsyche, I have a sony ericsson phone and it worked as a pen drive13:15
neopsychealch3mist: im an ubuntu noob / media person .. with little to no linux guru type experience13:15
funtostefg: the link you gave me wasn't about the same problem13:15
alch3mist<neopsyche> : what phone model do you have?13:15
neopsycheKlanticus: I have plugged in my usb cradle and it says .. "unknown device"13:15
Klanticusneopsyche, don't it ask you to enter phone mode or file transfer mode (in the phone) when you plug the cable?13:15
alch3mist<neopsyche> : does it have memory stick on it?13:16
funtothe guy doesn't have "used" indicated in the GUI for proprietary drivers13:16
neopsychealch3mist: its a sony ericsson p910i, yes it has a memory stick in it.13:16
CapaH2Can anyone help me with a wifi issue? # route add default gw dev ath013:16
CapaH2SIOCADDRT: No such process13:16
neopsycheKlanticus: what should i do to check if the file system is accessible?13:17
neopsychealch3mist: why do you ask about the memory stick?13:17
alch3mist<neopsyche> : u can use wammu and if you try to use it using usb it will autimatically mounted in your desktop13:17
neopsychealch3mist: apt-get wammu?13:17
alch3misttry add/remove programs and install all the phone utility you see in there...13:18
alch3mistwammu works well on sony13:18
loguser1_what is the partition editor utility for kubuntu. as gparted is for ubuntu ?13:18
Klanticusneopsyche, when you plug the cable, take a look at your phone. Mine ask to enter file transfer mode13:19
neopsychealch3mist: you mean as soon as USB is plugged in it will show mounted.13:19
neopsycheKlanticus: is that on wammu?13:19
chazcoHi... whats the best way to control my Ubuntu laptop from my Ubuntu desktop (better keyboard / screen)?13:19
alch3mist<neopsyche> : try add/remove programs and install wammu , xgnokii and bitpim all works well with sony mobile and yes.. it will mount in your desktop13:19
Klanticusneopsyche, no... just plug the cable and look to your phone13:19
lobaman2hi everyone. i have a problem in my usb drive. i have a 1gb usb. ubuntu does recognize it, but i cant write anything to it. cause "properties" says that it is full. even thought it isnt. it said i only have 1.4mb left in my usb.13:20
Klanticusneopsyche, select to enter file transfer mode13:20
loguser1_ how to unmount and mount again , a partition ?13:20
Klanticusneopsyche, then linux will auto mount the filesystem for you13:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about remote - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:20
neopsychealch3mist: i typed apt-get and its installing13:20
max__hi..can someone tell me what packages are required to play dvd films using vlc?13:20
alch3mistlobaman2 : something wrong with your usb may try to reformat it to fat32 but back your data first...13:20
neopsycheKlanticus: you mean i need to select transfer mode on the phone? or on ubuntu?13:21
lobaman2something wrong? but i have it working in windows.13:21
max__For now i can only see a few frames at the beginning and then black screen..13:21
Klanticusneopsyche, on the phone13:21
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alch3mistneopsyche : if your newbie like me... i would recommend " add/remove " you can find it in Applications - Add/Remove...13:21
neopsycheKlanticus: where would that be .. control panel?13:21
lobaman2do i have to format it to fat32?13:21
CapaHHere is a pastebin of dhclient ath0: http://www.pastebin.ca/79681413:21
alch3mist<lobaman2> : fat32 is widely supported in any platform so i guess it's usually like that13:22
Klanticusneopsyche, I have a w300i and it automaticaly ask the mode when I plug the cable13:22
lobaman2i can see my files and folder on my usb drive. but when i check the properties. it says i only have 1.44mb left.13:22
neopsycheKlanticus: you mean wammu would ask?13:23
Klanticusneopsyche, I don't know.. I've never used wammu13:23
neopsycheKlanticus: oh13:23
Klanticusneopsyche, try it... shold work too13:23
lobaman2this is what it says. "Filesystem Type : vfat"13:23
neopsycheKlanticus: ok13:23
=== peony is now known as krim
alch3mistlobaman2 : i have a problem like that what i did is i copied all my files form my usb and transfered it somewhere safe and then I remormat my usb drive and checked if it has errors then retransfered my files again13:24
neopsychealch3mist: can wammu auto detect my phone?13:24
lobaman2does it work? what your usb "Filesystem Type : " then?13:24
alch3mistlobaman2 : i think there's something wrong with the partition so you should reformat it again but don't forget to back all your data13:24
lobaman2alchemist : ok i will reformat it. can you guide me.13:24
neopsycheDo torrents normally take so long??? my torrent says 1 day to go!13:25
alch3mist<neopsyche> : yes...... most sony erricson but if you just wanted to access the memorys stick you don't have to install wammu just plug your phone and wait for it to mount in your desktop13:25
jacksterneopsyche: torrents usually take a while if there's a bad seeder to leecher ratio13:25
alch3mistneopsyche : yes......13:25
Sharpiehow can i cancel startup programs?13:25
neopsychealch3mist: I plugged it in but no mount on desktop?13:26
lobaman2alch3mist : how can i format my usb drive ?13:26
sparklinghi all13:26
alch3mistneopsyche : hmmm wait13:26
alch3mist<lobaman2> : you can use gparted... install it first if you don't have it13:27
loguser1_how to unmount and mount again , a partition ?13:27
neopsychealch3mist: wait? you mean wait for it to load?13:27
asathoorhow do you burn the Ubuntu installation to another media - i'd like to save my setup13:27
asathooreg on an installable DVD13:27
alch3mistneopsyche : does it show up?13:27
hanshow can i get ubuntu server to connect to a wireless at boot?13:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ipw3945 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:28
asathoorhans >> configure it manually13:28
neopsychealch3mist: it shows unknown device in device manager13:28
hansasathoor: im doing that with iwconfig but how can i get it to do it automatically at boot?13:28
asathoorhans >> sudo iwconfig essid NAMEOFACCESSPOINT13:28
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Pir8if I downloaded a movie and it was extracted to ~/Video/Movie/VIDEO_TS with bunch of files under there, how can I watch that movie ?13:29
Sharpiehow can i cancel startup programs?13:29
hansasathoor: yes but it wont remember that after a reboot13:29
asathoorhans >> yes, it ought to wort13:29
cloogonwho can tell me how to change  the size of xterm fonts  larger13:29
loguser1_how to unmount and mount again , a partition ?13:29
asathoortry > system > network - and check the setiings here13:29
larson9999is jconserv down or is it just me?13:29
hansasathoor: me?13:30
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/13:30
asathoorhans >> yep13:30
lobaman2alchemist. if i format my usb here in ubuntu. can i still use my USB in windows?13:30
alch3mist<neopsyche> :  there's must be somthin' wrong a moment13:30
neopsychealch3mist: ?13:30
sparklingis it possible to install ubuntu using a dvd-rom sata?salve13:30
sparklinghi all13:30
sparklingbecouse i obtain always "job control turned off" error13:31
hansasathoor: i dont have a GUI, its the server edition13:31
sparklingi tried to use acpi=force acpi=off irqpoll but nothing change13:31
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asathooris it possible to save my Ubuntu as an installable DVD?13:32
asathoorhans >> do u have X?13:32
stefgsparkling: your problem seems not acpi related, but that the kernel does not find the root filesystem on the sata-dvd.13:32
alch3mist<neopsyche> :  i you have no choice you have to install wammu13:33
neopsychealch3mist: it shows unknown device.. on the device manager13:33
Xzenomeasathoor, it won't make an installable CD, but it might be of interest http://www.linux-live.org13:33
hansasathoor: nope13:34
loguser1_how to chang my host name?13:34
asathoorXzenome >> thanx13:34
larson9999i'm in the twilight zone.  none of my machines are working today.  it's like they're conspiring to 'get' me.13:34
alch3mistneopsyche : just open the wammu and try connect from there...13:34
sparklingstefg, so do you know if is possible to install ubuntu from a dvd rom sata?13:34
neopsychealch3mist: wammu says wammu config not found.13:34
rahmenvoid^: Hi :] you know how to start ontv?? can't find the command :S13:34
loguser1_how to chang my host name?13:34
loguser1_how to chang my host name?13:34
hansloguser1_: /etc/hostname for permanent or type "hostname youhostname"13:35
hansloguser1_: and stop spamming its not helping13:35
_nix_loguser: sudo hostname <new_hostname> should do..13:35
neopsychealch3mist: i told wammu to search for usb devices it appears to be searching for blue devices!?13:35
loguser1_hans:  thx13:35
alch3mistneopsyche : how did you install wammu?13:35
Sharpiehow can i cancel startup programs?13:36
neopsychealch3mist: sudo apt-get install wammu13:36
loguser1_hans:  is the host name =pc name  or the name coming after @ in terminal ?13:36
hansSharpie: System -> Settings -> Gnome Session13:37
alch3mistneopsyche : did you try the phone wizard?13:37
hansloguser1_: its all of them13:37
Sharpiehow can i cancel startup programs that don't appear in Sessions?13:37
neopsychealch3mist: yes13:37
stefgsparkling: i can't tell, because i don't know which driver would be needed, and how the Live CD kernel is configured. The usual procedure would involve a 'insmod <some_module> at the prompt you are dropped to (to load the missing driver), and then continue booting (be typind Ctrl-d to leave the shell)13:37
neopsychealch3mist: Gammu/Wammu supports Sony Ericsson 901a - is that similar? http://cihar.com/gammu/phonedb/sony-ericsson/13:37
hansloguser1_: like the after @ is your hostname and your pc name13:37
alch3mistneopsyche : you have 3 options to connect your phone ir / blue / and cable13:37
neopsychealch3mist: i know..13:37
neopsychealchemist: i am using cable13:37
neopsychealchemist: says no phone detected?13:38
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sparklingstefg, ok thanks..i will try to use the forum so...maybe there i find someone that know the correct module13:38
alch3mistneopsyche : Sony Ericsson phones13:38
krimWhere it says "/^msg nickserv ident pass;wait 2000" at http://irssi.org/documentation/startup#c3 is "ident" supposed to be my nick or is it "ident"?13:38
blackestAny idea's why I cant reboot a remote system I have tried sudo reboot sudo shutdown -r now and sudo init 6 and its still up :(13:38
stefgsparkling: an easier workaround would probably be to use a USB thumbdrive ...13:38
rahmenHow do I start OnTV?13:38
stefg!install | sparkling13:38
ubotusparkling: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate13:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ontv - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:39
alch3mistneopsyche : it means it should be able to connect but not all features maybe available ... features depends on supported hardware/firmware13:39
sparklingstefg, so with an usb dvd drive is possible?13:39
neopsychealch3mist: where do i see my memory card?>13:39
alch3mistneopsyche : is it already connected?13:39
alch3mistneopsyche : is it already connected? in wammu?13:39
neopsychealch3mist: NO13:40
stefgsparkling: no... i mean using one of the methods outlined in ubotus factoid. use a CD image on a USB stick to install13:40
neopsychealch3mist: you said.. it means it should be able to connect?13:40
alch3mistneopsyche : connect it first using wammu13:40
neopsychealch3mist: how?13:40
cloogonI wanna know how to change the size of xterm larger,who can help me?????????13:40
rahmenHow do I start OnTV? What is the command?13:40
stefgcloogon: man xterm13:40
rskcloogon: do you have a middle mouse button?13:40
sparklingoh ok i will try13:41
Pir8Guys I have a huge problem, I just rebooted and when I went to the boot screen I only saw the server kernel to boot into...my regular 7.10 kernel wasn't listed in there. What do I do to get that back so I can boot in normally?13:41
alch3mist<neopsyche> : try phone wizard and follow the instruction from there.. after that.. connect your phone using the "connect" in the menu13:41
rskthen click and draw the mouse13:41
rskand hold ctrl13:41
neopsychealch3mist: it says guided etC? which one do i take?13:41
hansPir8: sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic13:41
larson9999any recommendations for a tool that helps you find large files/directories on your system?13:41
[swb]larson9999, yeah13:42
alch3mistuse the default "auto"13:42
[swb]in applications->accesories ther is adisk usage analyser13:42
Pir8hans is it possible that the generic is there, but not visible in the boot menu?13:42
[swb]and its awesome13:42
neopsychewhats the command for devices again?13:42
hansPir8: can be, then just "sudo grub.update13:42
alch3mist<neopsyche> : i think you know the rest ...13:43
hansPir8: sudo grub-update13:43
coxanyone here know how to make a bootable cd?13:43
neopsychealch3mist: actually I need someone to help me through this but anyway.13:43
Pir8hans no grub-update command13:43
SHRIKEEhey all :)13:43
alch3mist<neopsyche> : i mean try the phone wizard first and read the instruction there.. it will help you.. and you will know the rest from there... that's what i mean13:44
SHRIKEEquick question, is there a proper-ish driver for ubuntu and ati cards yet?13:44
Pir8Which file contains the boot menu settings?13:44
neopsychealch3mist: look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=283766  It seems more complicated than you make out to detect the USB13:44
alch3mist<neopsyche> : look just because p900 isn't listed but wammu clarifies it "sony ericson phones" which means most phone all you have to do is try before you complain... it his problem is connecting the modem which is very different that yours13:46
CapaHCan anyone here please help me get this wifi to work? I am using MadWifi (included in Ubuntu) --- on a NETGEAR PCI card in my desktop. I can iwlist scan fine --- I cannot connect to anything. Does anyone know why? please? anyone? help? I have been struggling with this for FOUR DAYS. Please?13:46
SHRIKEEquick question, is there a proper-ish driver for ubuntu and ati cards yet?13:47
neopsychealch3mist: whats the command to see device manager again13:47
CapaHWhen I iwconfig ath0 essid linksys3 -- and then I type iwconfig it shows: ESSID "linksys3" and it also shows "Not Associated" ?13:47
alch3mistbye peps... i need to rest for now be sure to try everything first before asking for any help...13:48
Sharpiehow can i cancel startup programs that don't appear in Sessions?13:49
asamiwhat's the apt command that downloads a package but does not install it?13:49
fulldI installed ubuntu-desktop as a requirement to upgrading dapper->edgy. This was a mistake, as I will not have enough to upgrade now. How do I uninstall all the things this package installed? apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop removed only one package.13:49
neopsychealch3mist: how do i check what port the usb is connected to?13:50
r1990ya quelqun ?13:51
stefgfulld: in the situation you are in i'd consider to backup the personal data and settings and do a fresh install, probably feisty.13:51
neopsychedoes anyone know how i can find out what port a USB device is connected to ?13:52
cloogonhey!I need someone for help........13:52
loguser1i cant access ntfs partitions since upgrade to 7.10 . any help?13:52
neopsychealch3mist: Thanks for the help, apologies if you were insulted.13:52
wershow do I open a macromedia flash freehand file? :D13:53
larson9999maybe i wasn't in the twilight zone.  maybe /home was just at 100%.13:53
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neopsycheHow do i mount a usb device?13:54
=== tseter is now known as krim
DivideZerwhy firefox have "netscape" navigator id ?13:54
thorneopsyche: it should happen automatically....are you sure it isn't already mounted?13:55
neopsycheim a noob.. does this mean anything: /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_0_0_0000_00_1d_313:56
neopsychethor: /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_0_0_0000_00_1d_313:56
blahblahxwhere is the apt cache kept?13:56
neopsychethor.. i need to mount / find out if mounted.. usb device for phone13:57
neopsychethor: really frustrating .. i found one guide how to do it in russian.. and another in german AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARHG!13:58
thorneopsyche I don't think a phone will show up as 'mounted'. It is like a mouse...will show up as a usb device. in a terminal type 'lsusb' and see if you spot the phone13:58
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Klanticusthor, some phones (like mine) works will mount13:59
Klanticusthor, some phones will mount*14:00
neopsychethro: yup .. its there.. ;-) but wondering .. what do i put into wammu now?14:00
neopsyche*thor: see above14:00
neopsychethor: Bus 004 Device 002: ID 0731:0528 Susteen, Inc. SonyEricsson DCU-11 Cable14:00
thorI stand correct14:01
FalandAmy ubuntu always show new update14:01
rskFalandA: ok14:01
cloogonI don't wanna change the size of xterm every time I open it,how can i do ?14:01
FalandAe2fsprogs , initscripts , volumeid14:01
FalandAi always update them,14:01
rskFalandA: what about it ?14:01
FalandAupdater say again new updates..14:01
rskok maybe they failed?14:01
neopsychethor: ??14:01
loguser1i cant access ntfs partitions since upgrade to 7.10 . any help?14:02
thorcloogon: in .bashrc define an alias for xterm like 'alias xterm=xterm -g 15x40'14:02
Phrane35Hey everyone!!14:02
rskPhrane35: let's hope not everybody replies :P14:02
rsk1000k saying hi :D14:02
Phrane35hehe... i was thinking just that ;-014:02
thorcloogon....it is -gemoetry for xterm14:03
neopsychehow do i properly enter information for a usb port on wammu?14:03
vidsanHi! Need help fixing my direct rendering for ATI X1600 pro 512 mb. Anyone know a channel or a guru?14:03
neopsychewhat is it that i need to put ?14:03
thorneopsyche: I am not sure how to determine the device....was waiting for the phone guys to respond14:03
neopsycheBus 004 Device 002: ID 0731:0528 Susteen, Inc. SonyEricsson DCU-11 Cable14:03
thoryou will need /dev/??? I believe14:03
neopsycheso.. /dev/tty/S02 ?>14:03
neopsycheim a noob14:03
thorneopsyche I am not sure how to determine what the ./dev of the phone is....would just have to do some googling and some playing around with values14:04
thorneopsyche let me have a couple of minutes to see what I can find for you14:05
vidsandirect rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)14:05
vidsanOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect14:05
vidsanhelp! :)14:05
neopsychethor: cool thanks14:05
CapaHI am trying (for four days now) to get a wifi pci card to work. Can anyone please look at my iwconfig and ifconfig (pastebin) and tell me if they can help me? This is a NETGEAR WPN311 PCI card. http://www.pastebin.ca/796837 Please someone help me on this.14:06
thorneopsyche try this just for fun....in a terminal type 'ls /dev/ph*' and see if there is a /dev/phone14:06
neopsychethor: er.. nope?14:07
thorneopsyche ok...hang on14:07
LavrI do not use Ubunto but I am writing an install doc for a CGI based app. I need a simple info. What is the default user and group that httpd runs as in Ubunto. Is it www-data like debian?14:08
neopsychethor: this is so confusing .. its advanced14:09
thorneopsyche: I agree...linux still has a way to go to be as user friendly as that other thing14:09
CapaHThis is an OPEN NETWORK, no keys, no encryption---- I just need to get this to work14:10
thorneopsyche: what exactly are you trying to do...a skype phone?14:10
CapaHCan anyone help me?14:10
neopsychethor: connect SE p910i to pc so it detects and allows me access to the filesystem so i can add files to the phone internal memory and memory card.14:10
neopsychethor: using USB cradle14:10
thorneopsyche: oh...ok, then it will mount....14:11
neopsychethor: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.t3.co.uk/__data/assets/fp_auto_layout_image/60314/varieties/6.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.t3.co.uk/reviews/communication/mobile_phone/sony_ericsson_p910i&h=368&w=450&sz=25&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=fAyD0CpqJ_PzRM:&tbnh=104&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dp910i%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG14:11
thorneopsyche: with the phone plugged into the usb port open a terminal and type 'mount' and see if the phone shows up14:11
thorneopsyche: it will probably show as /media/something14:12
neopsychethor: i only see my cdrom and external hd on media14:12
thorneopsyche: if it doesn't the next step is really neat <smile>14:12
neopsychethor: ok14:12
thorneopsyche: ok....try this.....14:12
thorneopsyche: unplug the phone....14:12
neopsychethor: ok its out14:13
LavrCan someone do a ps -ef | grep httpd and tell me what user their httpd runs at so I can get my install doc for TWiki to be correct for Ubunto as well.14:13
thorneopsyche: open a terminal and type this....'tail -f /var/log/messages'...14:13
neopsychethor: ok?14:13
thorneopsyche: then plug the phone back in and watch what happens in the terminal...you should see several lines of information as the  system recognizes the phone14:13
neopsychethor: it just shows.. Nov 25 16:12:27 futuretech -- MARK --14:14
neopsyche as the last message?14:14
tntCrydoes any1 use a laptop here?14:14
tntCryany ubuntu laptop users here?14:15
thorneopsyche: the tail command will 'follow' the end of the log file and will show the new lines as they are added....14:15
thorneopsyche: there should be several new lines as linux determines the phone and mounts it14:15
neopsychethor: it doesnt apear to be tailing.14:15
vidsanNeed ATI x1600-help!! No direct rendering14:15
neopsychethor: perhaps the machine isnt determining the phone and mounting it .. which is the problem i think14:15
tntCrywho is using ubuntu on a laptop?14:15
thorneopsyche: if no new lines showed up then linux isn't recognizing the phone at all...then it will be a major project to get it to work14:16
picard_pwns_kirktntCry: me14:16
tntCryvidsan, i need x1600 help also on my other laptop14:16
neopsychethor: no no new lines?14:16
tntCrypicard_pwns_kirk, ok 1 question 1 answer , hows battery life?14:16
thorneopsyche: first step will be to determine what modules have to be loaded for the phone (look at the insmod command)14:16
thorneopsyche: once you have the modules loaded try plugging it in again and see if you get anywhere.14:17
neopsychethor: theres this How to guide .. but its in GERMAN .. AARGH! :-)14:17
vidsantntCry: What's your problem? I have X1600 Pro 512PCIe on a stationary14:17
picard_pwns_kirktntCry: I couldn't tell you, the battery was shot on the laptop when I loaded Ubuntu onto it14:17
alexanderhello. I have a strange login response when I mis-enter a password. After the incorrect password is entered, the two fields (user and passwd) are greyed out. I cannot enter any text, otherwise the GUI is responsive. Has anyone seen this before?14:17
Klanticushi ppl... I need to update my v4l dirvers in order to my card work. I got them from repositories but I can't insmod them. What should I do?14:17
neopsychethor: and theres even another one in russian! but heres the german one.. http://www.deimeke.net/dirk/blog/index.php?/archives/491-P910i-und-Linux-2.html14:17
tntCrypicard_pwns_kirk, on windows it stays 4 hours for powersave mode , and Full Throttle for 2 hours and 40 minutes , but with Linux Ubuntu it doesnt have those options and its very hott hott it gets overheated from the feel of it from down under and laptop stays only for 1 hour and a half :S14:17
tntCryvidsan, i have x1600 pro 512mb on a Laptop Acer14:17
picard_pwns_kirktntCry: lemme look at that for you14:18
neopsychethor: do you understand what they are doing here.. http://www.deimeke.net/dirk/blog/index.php?/archives/491-P910i-und-Linux-2.html because it looks doable.. just wish i could understand the guide?14:18
thorneopsyche: don't speak any german....and haven't done russian since college...so sorry, can't help with that14:18
picard_pwns_kirkgimmie a minute14:18
tntCrybut picard_pwns_kirk this problem occurs on both of my laptops toshiba and acer14:18
neopsychethor: perhaps if you just looked at the info in the machine commands .. would htat help?14:18
thorneopsyche: do you have the syncml plugin installed?14:18
tntCryvidsan, i have no problems actually its just battery life it doesnt stay long with ubuntu14:18
neopsychethor: the main question is.. can it add files ? or is that for calendar only?14:19
bOOyzzzanyone can help me for installing google earth in gutsy????????????????????14:19
bOOyzzzhelp me plizzzz14:19
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tntCrygoogleearth ? get autmatix14:20
neopsycheAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! I give up... Im going back to windows.14:20
tntCrywait neopsyche14:20
picard_pwns_kirktntCry: perhaps someone here will be better than me... but Debian has this power management system that draws a graph of battery usage, and regulates power, maybe Ubuntu has something like that14:20
tntCrywhat is the problem>?14:20
picard_pwns_kirkneopsyche: you got me14:20
neopsychetntCry: wait for what?14:20
picard_pwns_kirkneopsyche: allow me to help14:21
Pici!automatix | tntCry14:21
ubotutntCry: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »14:21
vidsanNeed graphics help. ATI anyone?14:21
Jvalldomhow can i find out my integrated web can model on my pc??14:21
neopsychepicard_pwns_kirk: I dont think ANYONE can help with an easy guide for this: wammu + p910i14:21
Klanticushow do I update v4l drivers?14:21
picard_pwns_kirkneopsyche: never heard of either14:21
Jvalldomanyone knows about gspca??14:21
tntCryit does picard_pwns_kirk and it shows a scary graph its like my battery is burnt lol its a new laptop comon ,,. i boot windows and left it for a full 4 hours until it turned off ,... ubuntu stands 1hour and 55 minutes only :S the minutes goes down similar to seconds14:21
picard_pwns_kirktntCry: are you using Gutsy?14:22
neopsychetntCry: what are you talking about?Q14:22
tntCryPici, my laptop battery doesnt stay long but with a window boot it stands for about 4 hours ,. .. ubuntu 1 hour and 55 minutes and it is very hot from down under the laptop14:23
vidsan Hi! I need help with my ATI X1600. I can't get 3D hardware acceleration. ---> v@vidars:~$ glxinfo | grep direct14:23
vidsandirect rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)14:23
vidsan(15:13:00) vidsan: OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirec14:23
tntCrypicard_pwns_kirk, yes gutsy14:23
tntCryneopsyche, !ask14:23
PicitntCry: Please ask one question at a time, and no need to hilight everyone.14:23
picard_pwns_kirktntCry: do you have PowerTop?14:23
neopsycheI NEED A REPLACEMENT FOR THIS: http://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/support/products/p900?cc=gb&lc=en14:23
picard_pwns_kirkor I think that's what it's called14:23
tntCryPici, i downloaded powertop and disabled many things which made my laptop unusable :S14:24
tntCryyes picard_pwns_kirk14:24
neopsycheI NEED A WORKING REPLACEMENT FOR THIS: http://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/support/products/p900?cc=gb&lc=en  Or do i have to go back to windows?14:24
picard_pwns_kirktntCry: well, that's beyond me. Sorry14:24
rskneopsyche: maybe it can run in wine14:24
neopsyche: I NEED A WORKING REPLACEMENT FOR THIS: http://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/support/products/p900?cc=gb&lc=en  Or do i have to go back to windows?14:24
tntCryneopsyche, type dmesg see if its detected first14:24
neopsyche: I NEED A WORKING REPLACEMENT (not emulation) FOR THIS: http://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/support/products/p900?cc=gb&lc=en  Or do i have to go back to windows?14:24
rskneopsyche: dont spam14:25
tntCryneopsyche, why you dont want to emulate it?14:25
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience14:25
ghostknifehow can i attach shortcut keys to launchers on the panel/menu?14:25
psykidellicHi....how do you find all files in a directory containing a particular text? I did: ls * | cat xargs | grep text14:25
psykidellicbut it didnt quite work :)14:25
neopsychetntCry: windows proprietary software code deems that an emulated system requires a registered licence. Which was under my laptop.. Which was stolen.14:26
neopsyche I NEED A WORKING REPLACEMENT (not emulation) FOR THIS: http://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/support/products/p900?cc=gb&lc=en  Or do i have to go back to windows?14:26
vidsanvidsan: Hi! I need help with my ATI X1600. I can't get 3D hardware acceleration. ---> v@vidars:~$ glxinfo | grep direct vidsan: direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)14:26
vidsan(15:21:55) vidsan: (15:13:00) vidsan: OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirec14:26
tntCryneopsyche, its just a small thing that you are interested in and this is not a majority call so i guess if you get virtualbox !virtualbox and install windows xp and have it loaded from virtualbox14:26
LavrNoone here that knows what user their httpd daemon runs as??14:26
picard_pwns_kirkLavr: www-data14:27
neopsychetntCry: so in other words.. go back to windows.14:27
tntCryno neopsyche14:27
hughI'm trying to print and ebook in acrobat reader from inside wine to cups-pdf.  All I get is postscript jiberish rendered in pdf.  Does cups-pdf or printers in general have a temp postscript file I can look at?14:27
vidsanAnyone know a channel for graphics questions?14:27
tntCryin other words use virtualbox when u want to use such thing i dont believe you will sleep with that program all night wil you? neopsyche14:27
neopsychetntCry: whats the difference between using it on windows box .. or using it in vmware?14:27
neopsychetntCry: that is illegal though?>14:28
tntCryneopsyche, you will still be in ubuntu :) , and believe me i never want to go back to windows again14:28
neopsychetntCry: isnt that illegal?14:28
neopsychersk: since when did asking a question become spam?14:28
tntCryillegal? is it illegal to play football in your house?14:28
neopsychetntCry: what does football have to do with the windows EULA14:28
tntCryimprovise my example14:29
FalandAhow can i install counters trike 1.6 to ubuntu ?14:29
zejoshHi, i'm currentely attempting to install NVU, But I cannot find it in the repositories?14:29
FalandAyes i hate sony ericsson too14:29
tntCryi hate that phone aswell :)14:30
neopsycheBUT DAMMIT.. why is there no phone being sold that runs on linux!Q!!!!!14:30
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tntCryim selling myne today i have the K810i14:30
snk00sjneopsyche: there are14:30
FalandAmy sony ericsson still in technic services... they are waiting me since 2 weeks14:30
tntCrywell maybe not today14:30
zejoshHi, i'm currentely attempting to install NVU, But I cannot find it in the repositories?14:30
neopsycheThe phone is actually VERY NICE>.. but the software is all proprietary.. EVEN THE BIBLE ebible you have to PAY FOR or your bible 'expires' because you dont have alicence to use the bible.? WT?14:30
tntCryim buying the new japans touchscreen phone called tPhone14:31
snk00sjisnt the new nokia N810 running linux ?14:31
tntCryyou have a bible inside your phone neopsyche ??14:31
neopsychesnk00sj: can you show me a PDA with all the features of SE p900 including running games like vrally .. GPS software like TOMTOM and able to use webcam etc?14:31
PeterPan_i can read ntfs files but cant write them. i have ntfs-3g...   why?14:31
snk00sjyou said "phone"14:32
wraund!offtopic | snk00sj14:32
ubotusnk00sj: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:32
neopsychetntCry: yes but its EXPIRED lol!14:32
tntCrywhy you want a bible on your phone~!14:32
zejoshHi, i'm currentely attempting to install NVU, But I cannot find it in the repositories?14:32
neopsychetntCry: look up stuff.14:32
Klanticushow do I update v4l drivers?14:32
tntCryall 70 books?14:32
neopsychetntCry: havent counted them14:32
tntCryneopsyche, cant it be obvious that book of numbers have mistakes?14:33
neopsychetntCry: thats besides the point.14:33
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)14:33
tntCryneopsyche, well i was a Christian but now im a revert14:33
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience14:34
wraund!offtopic | tntCry14:34
ubotutntCry: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:34
neopsychetntCry: I was using the bible as an example of how rediculous the proprietary thing has gotten.. but I think if you want to discuss religion .. you should take it somewhere else.. regarding the misteaks etc.. check out this ebook.. http://www.tractsforfree.com/Fossilized_Customs.pdf I found it interesting.. (but talk about this stuff somewhere else other than #ubuntu 'support channel')14:36
ghostknifeIs anyone familiar with the custom keybindings in gconf-editor, under apps->metacity->global_keybindings?14:36
meta4icalGood morning #ubuntu14:36
wraundmeta4ical: mornin'14:36
Klanticushow do  I update v4l drivers? The ubuntu version do not support my card14:37
FalandAhow can i install babylon dictionary to ubuntu ?14:37
AsterixWhat does the dpms option in the monitor section of xorg.conf mean?  Is it okay to also have SyncOnGreen enabled with it if my monitor supports it?14:37
linxehAsterix: does your card provide syncongreen? I suspect not unless you are using an SGI or Sun workstation14:39
linxehAsterix: dpms = display power management signalling14:40
linxehAsterix: ie, do you want your pc to turn your monitor to standby when you arent using it ?14:40
Asterixlinxeh: I'm not sure if it does...  I was looking at my new monitor spec sheet and it did so I was curious about getting it all squared away in xorg14:40
antonhi, sagtmal funzt der drucker ip4200 von canon native14:40
Asterixlinxeh: okay, so it's power management...  my card is an nvidia 6800 so it probably doesn't have the syncongreen then14:41
linxehAsterix: your PC will support it if it is a half decent one, your graphics card will use separate horizontal and vertical syncs on dedicated pins. older sun and sgi workstations created a composite sync and multiplexed it onto the green component of the video14:41
void^!de | anton14:41
ubotuanton: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:41
Asterixlinexeh: okay, so dpms is the default for any current hardware... thanks!14:42
ActySoftsDoes anyone know how to turn off the system beep in xubuntu?14:42
rskActySofts: rmmod pcspkr14:43
magnetronHow do i enable CPU frequency scaling? i have Ubuntu 7.19 and a Pentium414:43
MolePrinceHowdy, I've got a really old pii300 128m ram laptop that I use mostly as a typewriter and network security tool.  Would ubuntu-server be a good choice for that please?14:44
dgjoneszejosh, did you get an answer about nvu? if not, its changed its name now to Kompozer14:44
dgjones!nvu | zejosh14:45
ubotuzejosh: kompozer is WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project. It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy, !Backports on !Feisty, and from  Â« deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tonyyarusso/ubuntu edgy universe » for Edgy.  (Dapper still pending)14:45
kakooniahey, if i run "ifconfig" should i see my wireless card listed there ?14:45
PeterPan_i can read ntfs files but cant write them. i have ntfs-3g...   why?14:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wlan0 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:45
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:45
meta4icalAnyone think may want to take a go at helping me get the drivers working for my Radeon x800 pro, i've been trying for literally a week and a bit non stop ><14:45
MolePrincekakoonia: In theory yes, but you may need to try ifconfig -a to show all installed interfaces.  Also iwconfig shows network cards with wireless extensions.14:45
kakooniaMolePrince: thanks.14:46
toresnhow do i configure fglrx ?14:46
ActySoftsrsk: thanks!14:47
kakooniaMolePrince: how do i look for available wireless networks through the terminal?14:47
norbswhat about init 3 ?14:47
MolePrincekakoonia: iwlist scanning14:48
Klanticushow do I update v4l drivers?14:48
kakooniathanks budd!14:48
kakooniamoleprince ^14:48
bewstEver since I upgraded my server to feisty, something really screwy keeps happening with the network14:48
kalunatoresn: for dual monitors?14:48
bewstI can ssh in from some machines and not from others14:49
bicycledaavehi all, I cannot get the wireless work after upgraded to gutsy.  the LED on the card blinks showing that it's drived and in searching for wireless network, but i just cannot ifup it. Any idea?14:49
toresnkaluna: yes, well, i'm running an external monitor and laptop screen is turned off14:49
bewstThe server can't browse the web14:49
bewstclues anyone?14:49
PeterPan_ i cant see opera in kubuntus package manager. why?14:49
kalunatorsen: I always had trouble with the fglrx drivers and dual screens. That is why I use the xinerama setup.14:50
wonderwaldoes ubuntu livecd/install cd ship with memtest utility?14:50
rskwonderwal: yes14:50
wonderwalrsk: where about?14:50
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rskwonderwal: in the bootup14:51
toresnkaluna: how does that work?14:51
ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser14:51
zoomhello !! my gutsy is very long to boot is anybody have the same pb ?14:52
rskzoom: how long?14:52
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ToddEDMif i download from synaptic, where do the files go if i select to downnload only14:52
kakooniaMolePrince : i tried iwlist scanning , but it doesnt show me the list of wireless networks, it shows me only the current wireless im connected to..14:52
franzmaximilianjust installed kubuntu 7.10 on a laptop and everything seems to work fine (including wifi) BUT the sound sysyem: i can't get any sound! never had any sound problems before in Linux, so I dunno where to start from....  any help?14:53
erUSUL!sound | franzmaximilian14:53
ubotufranzmaximilian: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:53
kalunatorsen: there is a good help if setup, search dual display ubuntu forums. Also If you ur using an ATI card, it works for me . It's kinda built into the default ubuntu. I'm using dual display now,ati video.14:53
zoomrsk, about 3 min in black screen i have remove the quiet mode in grub14:54
flav_u#join #ubuntu-fr14:54
ToddEDMDoes anyone know where the files get downloaded to in synaptic?14:55
franzmaximilianInfo from the ubotu bot is useless in my case: only option under mixer File menu is.... exit!14:55
alexanderhello. I have a strange login response when I mis-enter a password. After the incorrect password is entered, the two fields (user and passwd) are greyed out. I cannot enter any text, otherwise the GUI is responsive. Has anyone seen this before?14:56
AsterixOkay, I put into xorg.conf my new refresh rates of 30-82 horizontal and 50-85 for vertical but when I go to the Screen Resolution app it only shows 50 and 55 for refresh.  Is there another file to edit to change it here?14:56
SharpieAsterix: the app is always wrong14:56
SharpieAsterix: you should check out what your screen tells you in it's menu14:57
SharpieAsterix: its*14:57
HarimaKenjihi, I'm using truecrypt to keep my partitions safe, however they get mapped to different device nodes while booting from time to time so my mount script has become ineffective. I believe the uuid is the key to solve this but i can't query it from the devices, it says "unknown volume type". Any ideas?14:57
AsterixSharpie: the screen info thing says 65 for horizontal and 60 for vertical..  I want to get it higher though.14:57
SharpieAsterix: the entire ubuntu screen managing program is useless, like, it tells me my ref rate is 55hz but it's really 7514:58
AsterixSharpie: also, my video card ramdac supports some outrageously high number of 2048x1530 at 85hz so I don't think that card is limiting me.14:58
SharpieAsterix: actually, your screen probably doesn't support that resolution14:58
SharpieAsterix: unless you have like a 23" screen or something14:59
stefanoAsterix, is seems possible though, that your card supports that resolution14:59
AsterixSharpie: I have a 22 inch wide that supports 1680x105014:59
stefanovia duallink14:59
rhsanbornIf I may ask, what is a restricted driver?14:59
AsterixSharpie: I'm just curious how to reach this max of 85 vertical refresh14:59
SharpieAsterix: try and change it in your screen menu15:00
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
void^Sharpie: that's a "feature" of nvidia's driver, it reports incorrect refresh rates. set Option "DynamicTwinView" "false" to make it report actual rates.15:00
stefanorhsanborn, it's a driver that is not open source15:00
SharpieAsterix: or pick the maximum value in the screen settings program15:00
AsterixSharpie: max showing is only 55 :-/15:00
SharpieAsterix: try and see if you can change it in ur screen's menu15:00
stefanorhsanborn, the ubuntu developers can't access these drivers and improve it, so youre depending on the support of the original manufacturer15:00
rhsanbornstefano: thanks. trying to get a new hp laptop to work, have had hell with the graphics card (Beforce Go 7150)015:01
ToddEDMcan someone help me, im trying to setup Ubuntu on my desktop, but thewifi card is not working.... what do i do first to troubleshoot???15:01
calamity1244hi are there good theme for gnome :s15:01
Sharpiecalamity1244: use glossy, it's nice =P15:01
stefanorhsanborn, what seems to be the problem? usually, nvidia drivers are very well integrated15:02
calamity1244glossy :S15:02
ToddEDMmy Gforce go6100 works great15:02
rhsanbornstefano: Actually, I had to completely reinstall the lappy with Vista. The last time I tried it (several weeks ago) it wouldn't work with any nvidia driver. I had to use the generic vesa driver15:03
rhsanbornX server couldn't start with any combination of drivers.15:04
BlackDiamondsIs there a check list of things to do when one installs Ubuntu ? Like expanding the repos list, etc etc etc. I want my fresh install to have all of that done15:04
BlackDiamondsor can all of this be done via the GUI now ?15:05
stefanorhsanborn, i'm 90% sure your card is supported. allthough it may be possible that you have to set up something manually, you may want to take a look at the nvidia website and download the driver directly. it's not so hard15:05
rhsanbornstefano: I just found an article on the unbuntu forums. It is a bit manual, which is fine. But a few weeks ago, I'm pretty sure it was impossible15:05
rhsanbornI just wanted to check the restricted driver thing15:05
stefanorhsanborn, well i hope you get it to work. if you want to use the power of your graphics adapter you might want to check out "warsow" and "openarena" :-)15:06
rhsanbornI certainly will...I'm not very impressed by it's power though :P15:07
toresnkaluna: hmm,,, xinerama seems kinda advanced... isn't there an easier way? i guess i should note that running   mplayer -vo x11 <filname.avi>   works, but not in fullscreen15:07
stefanorhsanborn, well you ought to be impressed by it's power consumption ;)15:07
rhsanbornstefano: aye15:08
=== toolskyn is now known as Toolskyn
=== Soulripper_ is now known as soulripper
alexanderhello. I have a strange login response when I mis-enter a password. After the incorrect password is entered, the two fields (user and passwd) are greyed out. I cannot enter any text, otherwise the GUI is responsive. Has anyone seen this before?15:10
ToddEDMcould someone help me getting my wifi working on a desktop i just installed Ubuntu on15:10
ToddEDMi havent alexander15:10
alexanderthanks. do you know where I might find some help on this?15:11
kalunatorsen: xinerama is not. it's just rewriting the xorg.conf file to use 2 monitors. If you install the fglrx drivers & config util from synaptic, there is a gui menu available after, i think in system/administration. But for me it never ran 2 monitors properly and I ended up with no xserver running.15:11
ToddEDMnot too sure alexander15:11
alexanderthanks again15:12
=== Gekone is now known as Gekone_Out
stefanoalexander, did you made any major changes to your gdm configuration15:12
alexanderi have not15:12
alexanderby the way, i am a linux noob15:12
alexanderwhat is gdm15:12
stefanogdm is the program that asks you for your password and login15:12
stefanowell, i only have one field there not two15:13
alexanderon my login i have a list of users on the left.15:13
alexanderi highlight one and the user and password show   up15:14
stefanoalexander: try this command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm15:14
BlackDiamondsdoes the live CD automatically mount partitions ?15:14
stefanoand follow the instructions15:14
alexanderif i misenter the paswd15:14
alexanderthen i am unable to clear the fields by selecting a dif. user15:14
stefanoalexander, open up a terminal and try that command15:14
stefanosudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm15:15
stefanothis one15:15
overclockerhi, i'm using 7.10 in a dell with a 945gm video card, i want to export to a video beam and deactivate the output in the notebook, the FN+crt doesn't work15:15
alexanderit looks like i don't have it installed15:15
stefanoalexander, do you have ubuntu or kubuntu?15:15
stefanooverclocker, 815rotate or something? there was some command15:15
stefanoalexander, i have no clue, please join as Sharpie said, #kubuntu15:16
nicolah[what about a moviesontv substitute for ubuntu ?]15:16
alexanderthanks again15:16
zoomflav_u, is it ok with free drivers ?15:16
grrrdo you guys know anything in recent updates that would flush hamachi and open ssh from working?  I was able to ssh and ping a box until I ran these updates.  now I can see the box in hamachi as connected but can't ssh or ping it15:17
grrrany ideas?15:17
stefanogrrr, what is hamachi?15:18
stefanogrrr, it could have something to do with certificates15:18
Sharpieit's a virtual LAN program15:18
stefanodoes that mean VPN?15:18
Sharpiein a way15:18
Sharpieit also means FU =D15:18
automanvirtual private network15:19
grrrsomething with certificates?15:19
grrrwhy would I not be able  to ping?15:19
grrrI did nothing with my firewall15:19
stefanobridge devices?15:19
stefanomaybe that program is crap and messed up something.15:19
grrrhamachi is considered crap free15:20
grrrwell, I guess I'll ask somewhere else15:20
grrrthanks guys15:20
stefanois it from the official repositiries?15:20
stefanoi see..15:20
grrracquired through apt-get15:20
stefanowell thats complicated15:20
grrrI believe15:20
Sharpiethere's no hamachi in the repo15:20
stefanodid you set up the tun/tap devices yourself?15:20
grrraccording to instructions on ubuntuguide.org15:21
grrrand it worked like a charm for months15:21
grrrthen *poof*15:21
grrrthe updates had nothing to do with ssh, firewall, or hamachi15:21
hexdhow you buy music with linux?  all the apps are for windows15:21
grrrthey were general ubuntu updates15:21
stefanosorry grr, i dont know :\15:21
hexdnapster, itunes, rhapsody..15:21
stefanohexd, allofmp3.com is great15:21
grrrstefano: np, thanks for atleast engaging15:21
hexdstefano, ok ill check it out15:22
hikenbootgreetings ! I have a dell latitude D620 and get very low volume sound thru ubuntu...the volume on the machine is turned all the way up and system preferences sound shows me using all the ALSA settings I test it and get low volume anyone know why15:22
stefanohexd and you can also get a ton of free music at jamendo.com15:22
stefanojamendo is great *advertise* :D15:22
hexdstefano, thank you, ill check those out15:22
FlyingSquirel32I just installed gutsy on my new laptop with dual-core 64bit processor, it was running fine, but now, my system monitor panel shows the processor as maxed out, even after a reboot.15:23
FlyingSquirel32It seems just one of the cores is maxed15:24
stefanoFlyingSquirel32, i have heard about that problem. i dont have a solution thought, but i'm sure if you google a bit you find a solution, sry15:24
matttisWhere do I find the configuration files of kdm ?15:24
Jack_Sparrowmatttis: we use gnome.. the #Kubuntu room will help you with that15:25
stefanomatttis, i dont know this is the ubuntu channel (as opposed to #kubuntu) but i suppose they are in /etc/kdm/15:25
matttisthey dont help me :-(15:25
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
RainCThow can I let windows pass behind panels instead of colliding with them?15:25
pakmancaHello everyone. I am having a hell of a problem with my sound drivers after uninstalling VirtualBox15:25
Jack_Sparrowmatttis: and we dont use kde15:25
stefanojust look for them in /etc/kdm or something similar15:25
Jack_Sparrowpakmanca: please watch the language15:25
pakmancaWho would be the pro here who could help me15:25
pakmancaMy apologies.15:26
granhow do i change the name of my AP on ubuntu?15:26
stefanogran, AP = AccessPoint?15:26
pakmanca3 am until now searching forums for answers to no avail.15:27
granyes stefano15:27
stefanogran just as you would in any other os. open up a browser and type in the IP-Adress of  your accesspoint and then log in15:27
BlackDiamondsAP is managed by the router and not ubuntu15:27
BlackDiamondsdo what stefano suggested15:27
BlackDiamondslog on to your router and change the settings15:27
stefanonot onto the router, onto the AP15:28
granget page not displayed, i'll just do it in windows :(15:28
HaoleBoy31Does anyone know any alternitive drivers that can be used for a wireless Linksys pci card?15:28
HaoleBoy31I have contacted linksys and they say they dont support it yet15:29
pakmancaVirtualBox had some errors before I uninstalled it, and since the sounds devices are no longer found15:29
Jack_Sparrowpakmanca: it appears to be a common problem with virtualbox drivers.. nothing to do with Ubuntu15:29
stefanoHaoleBoy31, you can use the windows drivers with ndiswrapper15:29
RayBrittonHi, how can I find out if Ubuntu will work with my pc? (could just putting a cd in damage my pc?)15:29
stefanothis works good for me15:29
HaoleBoy31I couldnt find it installed on the HD15:29
LiMaORayBritton: try the livecd. it won't write a single byte to your hard drive.15:29
HaoleBoy31though I dont know much about installing anything via Linux15:29
stefanoRayBritton, absolutely not, it doesnt touch your hard drive at all nor does it change anything else15:29
RayBrittonok thank you15:30
HaoleBoy31so I deleted it and got WinXP back which I hate with a passion15:30
stefanoHaoleBoy31, installing software in ubuntu is easy as pie. just open up "synaptic", choose your programm and click apply. you'll get it :)15:30
pakmancaMaybe reinstaliing Vbox will do the trick.. This is a bit frustrating. This didnt happen under Fiesty.15:30
HaoleBoy31Unbuntu works fine with everything else though15:30
HaoleBoy31I feel so stupid with Linux15:31
pakmancaI also experienced some Video issues, but reinstalling the restrcited drivers fixed that issue.15:31
HaoleBoy31im sure its simple but I grew up in the computer world with microsfot15:31
stefanoHaoleBoy31, use it for one month and you feel like a genioius15:31
HaoleBoy31I just requested a free CD15:32
magnetronHaoleBoy31: it takes time to learn a new OS15:32
CrazymethjesusHuge cunt in most orifices15:32
Jack_SparrowHaoleBoy31: I dount you were much more comfortable when you first used XP15:32
magnetronstepunk: hai15:32
stefanoHaoleBoy31, i had the same experience, and now i dont want to use anything else15:32
HaoleBoy31think my friend must have gotten a bad copy of it downloading who knows15:32
Jack_SparrowCrazymethjesus: Stop or leave15:32
HaoleBoy31I am a programmer though so I feel very stupid15:32
stefanome too15:32
HaoleBoy31where are you from stefano?15:33
stefanofrom western germany15:33
HaoleBoy31ah cool15:33
Jack_SparrowHaoleBoy31:  I have programmed in over 20 languages over 25 years... You will love it15:33
confreyhi everybody15:33
stepunki've just installed Gusty on my laptob (dell 6400, ati x1400, core 2 duo 2ghz) but i can't start compiz fusion :( any suggestion?15:33
HaoleBoy31its all good15:33
stefanocool? as if15:33
CrazymethjesusMachinecontrolled cock15:33
stdin!ops | Crazymethjesus bad language and abusive15:33
ubotuCrazymethjesus bad language and abusive: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!15:33
Jack_Sparrowstefano: start with checking video driver/res.....15:33
confreyin my 7.10 amule crashes on first run, while loading server list; is it a way to solve it?15:33
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto15:34
stefanooriginally i am from italy, but i live in germany. and by the way germany is horror deluxe15:34
HaoleBoy31its not that I dont want to enjoy it but also the main reason I have stuck with windows so long is more because of gaming15:34
Jack_SparrowAmaranth: thanks15:34
pakmancaThe largest problem I have found in Linux is when I use it home for fun... I use it at work as my DC and My desktop... but default installs work wonderful. This is the first driver or device issue I have experienced in nearly a year of using Linux.15:34
HaoleBoy31I bet it is15:34
Jack_SparrowHaoleBoy31: I still dual boot for that15:34
stefanoHaoleBoy31, i play some games on the side, i have set up a seven gigabyte windows partition for that.15:34
Jack_SparrowHaoleBoy31: Plus I still get paid to support windows "Stuff"15:34
HaoleBoy31Ya I tried the WINE driver wasnt impressed15:34
HaoleBoy31took double the time to install games15:34
HaoleBoy31and then got serious errors loading15:35
stefanowhen it comes to games, wine isnt impressive a t all15:35
HaoleBoy31ya I learned that fast lol15:35
HaoleBoy31I play wow on free servers now15:35
stepunkI've installed the ati drivers from the RESTRICTED DRIVER MANAGER15:35
rayb0tccp's cooperation with transgaming to make EVE run on linux is pretty nice15:35
bulmerwho is running ldap and using it as a single sign-on authentication for a centrally manage network of computers? how do you tell linux now you will be using ldap instead of passwd or shadow?15:36
stepunkand the 3d acceleration is ok15:36
Jack_Sparrowstepunk: More importantly, have you setup refresh for you monitor15:36
stepunkumm no15:36
stepunkhow can i do that?15:36
Jack_Sparrowstepunk: People always forget the second part15:36
HaoleBoy31I wish more companies would support linux based OSes so people like me could get out of Microfuck15:36
Jack_Sparrowstepunk: Check out your xorg.conf15:36
stepunkyes, i' have to add somethin near the resolution?15:37
Jack_Sparrowstepunk: If you hose up your setup and get stuck at a black screen, use sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:37
mzanfardinorunning gutsy with intel pro wireless on lenovo T40 lappy.  Using ipw2100 driver.  My wireless signal continually drops, but only sporatically and then it reaquires (I can watch it with wavmon).  Any ideas?15:37
stefanoHaoleBoy31, microsoft itself supports linux very well15:37
HaoleBoy31how so?15:37
Jack_Sparrowstefano: No way15:37
stefanoyou can even run unix apps on windows vista15:37
stefanoi heard...15:37
HaoleBoy31well my point to get out of windows15:38
stepunkbut how I can know the refresh rate of my monitor?15:38
stefanoi dont say it's good, it's not, it's horrible, but microsoft supports linux15:38
HaoleBoy31I am not insatalling Vesta lol15:38
HaoleBoy31id rather be shot15:38
RainCTanyone knows how to let windows go behind gnome panels instead of colliding with them?15:38
Jack_Sparrowstefano: Even if they can run you are not secure,15:38
HaoleBoy31ya I want secure15:38
ankithi guys15:38
stefanome too15:38
ankithow to work bluefish15:38
RayBrittonstepunk. try 6015:39
HaoleBoy31dont wanna have to duel boot if I can help it either15:39
Jack_SparrowHaoleBoy31: Like any programmer, I have a ton of systems around...  I kvm between dedicated systems15:39
RainCThi ankit. what do you mean?15:39
stepunkok, and how i have to insert it, something like "1680x1050@60" ?15:39
mzanfardinothe problem appears most prevelent when downloading files.15:40
RayBrittonno idea15:40
ankitactually i want to know what is bluefish and hot it;s work in open source15:40
Jack_Sparrowstepunk: please use the pastebin to post your xorg15:40
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:40
ankithow it's work*15:41
Jack_Sparrowankit: if it is not in our repo, you will need to google up your answers15:41
stefanoi have to go, wish you all a very nice day bye15:41
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:41
bulmermzanfardino-> is it your AP? how far? any metals in between or large objects shielding one over the other?15:41
Jack_Sparrowstegood luck15:41
HaoleBoy31later stefano15:42
pakmancaNM I am goingt o just reinstall the entire system and go back to fiesty. It was more stable it semas15:42
tabberhi, anybody knows how to set the default wireless network network manager connects to? at startup it connects to the wrong network always15:42
stepunkhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45788/ i think that i have to insert here, right?15:42
bulmertabber-> look in your /etc/network/interfaces to set it15:43
pakmancaThank you for attempting to help me15:43
Jack_Sparrowstepunk: looking now15:43
tabberbulmer: that was the file i was looking for, thanks!15:43
bulmeryou're welcome15:43
mzanfardinobulmer: distance: <50ft (from living room to back bedroom where router is).  I have installed the longer antenne to improve range.  I have another lenovo running on windows in the same room with no loss of connectivity, but I'm not sure that is significant (different hardward).  This is running on 802.11b and the router is mixed mode.15:43
Jack_Sparrowstepunk: thats fine, but there is another section above that for your monitor settings, look for dpms "I think"15:44
Jack_Sparrowstepunk: around line 9515:44
Sven_hi Ihave a problem with my wireless here. whilst the device works in this configuration with most wireless-LANs it doesn't with WPA encrypted connections using TKIP and PSK15:45
stepunki've pasted all my xorg :)15:45
mzanfardinobulmer: I'd like to test whether or not it's the internal nic by getting my pcmcia linksys wpc54g v2 up and running, but I can't seem to get it to respond.  The light is on when plugged in and I've installed ndiswrapper and the windows driver, but I can't find it on any list and don't know how to activate it.15:45
bulmermzanfardino-> there is really no guarantee of sustained rate in wireless..anyhow what is mixed mode?15:45
HaoleBoy31was nice to meet you jack_sparrow15:45
mzanfardinobulmer: the router will operate on 802.11a/b/g15:45
Jack_Sparrowstepunk: Your entire xorg is 9 lines?15:45
Jack_SparrowHaoleBoy31: nice to meet you as wel15:45
HaoleBoy31if I ever get back with my other hd on Ubuntu maybe we can figure out how to get the win drivers to work but ill wait on the Ubuntu cds to show up15:46
bmt2hello to all15:46
HaoleBoy31have a great week15:46
stepunkJack_Sparrow, no it's 110.. i've just edited the paste bin! soory :P15:46
smacky_you guy's happen to know where i can get a deb file for tovid ?15:46
Jack_Sparrowneed a new link15:46
mzanfardinobulmer: the issue isn't sustained rate, it's sustained connectivity.  I can watch the connection cycle between connected and dropped over the course of any given time frame.  It's worse when I'm transfering files, but it happens all the time15:46
bulmermzanfardino-> oh okay, typically you set it to one and then let it drop back to a stable mode, i dont know of any AP that goes back up to full throttle15:46
Sven_Is there a way to find out how to configure wpa_supplicant to be able to use WPA with PSK and TKIP?15:47
Sven_and all that with a belkin device?15:47
bmt2i think i upgraded to 7.10 successfully..but my resolution is different, and i can't get to 'screen resolution' to change it for some reason15:47
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto15:47
bulmermzanfardino-> which brand of AP do you have?15:47
mzanfardinobulmer: if I'm not mistaken in this context it means that it will accept 802.11a, b and g connections from different devices... For instane, my wifes lappy maintains her g connection (54mb) whilst I'm at 11mb.15:47
zekleyop !15:47
Jack_Sparrowmzanfardino: are you running a bcm43xx15:48
mzanfardinobulmer: linksys15:48
mzanfardinobulmer: ipw210015:48
bulmermzanfardino-> they all drop to a common denominator lowest speed it can sustain,15:48
poeloqre - hi everybody, back again15:48
smacky_you guy's happen to know where i can get a deb file for tovid ?15:48
Flummoxed`chanel movement15:49
kexhi, i think i have problems with alsa15:49
SatManUKhow do i modify grub to detect windows?15:49
sgtmattbakerhello, I am trying to write a bash script to clone XP.  I want it to compress while copying.  I think I have it right, but I want to make sure15:50
bulmermzanfardino-> at least on my experience..thats how they worked, i dont think one stayed at 54g while the others at 11g...they seem to settle for 11g mostly15:50
sgtmattbakerhere is the code:15:50
sgtmattbaker"ntfsclone /dev/sda1 -s -O /media/Windows_XP_backup2/Windows_XP_full | bzip2 -"15:50
mzanfardinobulmer: here is my lspci http://rafb.net/p/f4ETiG31.html , dmesg to follow15:50
* N3bunel saluta15:51
Sven_smacky_: did you go there: http://tovid.wikia.com/wiki/Installing_tovid ?15:51
_nix_!grub | SatManUK15:51
ubotuSatManUK: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:51
UndertakerX2is it possible to do a triple boot of ubuntu,win xp,and fedora core 8?15:51
mzanfardinobulmer: well, the g refers to the speead... g is 54, b is 11, but I see what you are saying.  I will verify the speed issue, but I'm really more concerned with either 1) figuring out how to maintain a consistant connection and/or 2) figuring out how to test the nic against my pcmcia nic15:52
_nix_UndertakerX2: yes15:52
UndertakerX2ok thanks guys15:52
MolePrinceunbeatabl: Main concern would be number of partitions you have.15:52
apex`on my ubuntu in maple 11 dont work upper numpad, equal symbol15:52
UndertakerX2I will have 3 partions15:52
UndertakerX2one for win xp, one for ubuntu and one for fedora15:52
kexhi, i think i have problems with alsa. can anybody help me?15:53
onlinerwhat make partions in ubuntu15:53
apex`on my ubuntu in maple 11 dont work upper numpad, equal symbol15:53
onlinerkex: alsa what is this15:53
apex`how can i fix it?15:53
ttt-hi, how do i change the values in ulimit?15:54
MolePrinceHowdy, I've got a really old pii300 128m ram laptop that I use mostly as a typewriter and network security tool.  Would ubuntu-server be a good choice for that please?15:54
ttt-specifically, the limit on number of open files15:54
Jack_SparrowUndertakerX2: and a swap and you should have a spare ext3 for home15:54
kexonliner: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture15:54
mzanfardinobulmer: here is my dmesg output.  As you can see, there appears to be a large frequency of "[25284.664000] ipw2100: Fatal interrupt. Scheduling firmware restart." messages at the tail... so it appears that something is not right with the ipw2100 I'd guess, but I don't know what.15:54
Jack_SparrowMolePrince: not enough rem for ANY server15:55
apex`any1 work with maple15:55
UndertakerX2Jack_sparrow, yes i know :)15:55
ToeKneeWhat to do when you run  "sudo fsck.reiserfs /dev/hdc4 --rebuild-tree" and get the error ".Not enough allocable blocks, checking bitmap...there are 0 allocable blocks, btw out of disk space"?15:55
Jack_SparrowToeKnee: I run live cd  mount the ext and make room15:56
Jack_SparrowToeKnee: /var/cache/apt/archives can be saved to a disk and pulled from the drive15:56
onlinerkex: what your problem15:57
kexonliner: alsa does not work15:57
ToeKneeI have, but I'm not sure how to make room, I can't mount /dev/hdc4.15:57
onlinerwhat you mean can't install15:57
bmt2is there a way to invoke 'screen resolution' thru terminal ?15:58
bulmermzanfardino-> i look at what you pasted, did the ipw2100 firmware succesfully loaded at all?15:58
Jack_Sparrowbmt2: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:58
sgtmattbakerhello, I am trying to write a bash script to clone XP.  I want it to compress while copying.  I think I have it right, but I want to make sure "ntfsclone /dev/sda1 -s -O /media/Windows_XP_backup2/Windows_XP_full | bzip2 -" is wrong, but I dont know what to do.15:58
onlinerkex : you is installed driver15:59
Jack_Sparrowsgtmattbaker: never used that... I do use the dd command, same as in backup..15:59
kexonliner: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45790/15:59
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning15:59
onlinerkex : what url this is15:59
tabberi can't install the package libpam-keyring because it says it is not available, anybody knows which repo it belongs to?15:59
sgtmattbakerJack_Sparrow: thanks man, you know you could always just tell me yourself instead of getting a bot to tell me to read stuff.  I need help with the bash syntax.15:59
kexonliner: its the error message i get16:00
MolePrinceJack_Sparrow:  It's my personal laptop, not an actual server, more a terminal for them.  But I don't use X or any desktop environment or anything, so I was wondering if ubuntu-server would eb good for that.16:00
onliner_hari_ : you are indonesian people16:00
ToeKneeit was originally on  /dev/hda7 (mounted as /home) and was 99% full when it had an error.  I have bought a new HD and dd'd the partition to a bigger partition (nearly twice the size) then tried to  "sudo fsck.reiserfs /dev/hdc4 --rebuild-tree" but it still says it can't allocate blocks...16:00
Jack_Sparrowsgtmattbaker: We type those to keep from repeating ourselves.  I have never used that tool you are using so I would not want to comment on it16:00
onlinerkex: ok i can open that url16:00
mzanfardinobulmer: I'm not sure how to answer that.  I can say that I am currently online with the wireless nic which identifies itself as using the ipw2100.  If the firmware didn't load I'd guess (and it's just a guess) that that nic would not work.  I'm also guessing that the repeated messages are probably in sync with the loss of connectivity that I'm experiecing, though I can't prove it as I don't have a timestamp on the dmesg16:01
bmt2how do i restart X ?16:01
snausagehey anyone have a plam treo?16:01
kexonliner: mm check it out16:01
Jack_Sparrowsgtmattbaker: If you want bash help.. they have a room  #Bash16:01
snausagei know its not the channel but i have just a quick question16:01
MdL054I'm trying to install ubuntu 7.10 and when I boot off the disk and when I hit run/install it just brings me to Command Line (initrmfs) wtfff?16:01
bmt2Jack_Sparrow: thanks for the help!16:01
Jack_Sparrowsgtmattbaker: np16:01
Jack_Sparrowbmt2: np16:01
bulmermzanfardino-> i believe the intel error starts here  nsc_ircc_open(), can't get iobase of 0x2f816:02
sgtmattbakeralright I wil head to bash16:02
poeloqanybody got one of the cheap generic Chinese webcams working on Ubuntu?16:02
bmt2how do you restart X16:02
Jack_Sparrowbmt ctrl alt backspace16:02
bmt2Jack_Sparrow: thanks again16:02
Jack_Sparrowany time.. welcome to ubuntu16:02
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras16:02
bulmermzanfardino-> but somehow it recovered and loaded it via ndiswrapper? i dont know..16:03
MdL054I'm trying to install ubuntu 7.10 and when I boot off the disk and when I hit run/install it just brings me to Command Line (initrmfs)..... It SHOULD boot like live CD right?16:03
c0reyfHelp with Samba?16:03
Jack_SparrowMdL054: did you do the selftest for errors, and were there any.... did you md5 the download16:03
MdL054yes the md5 worked16:03
MdL054and the selftest brings me to the same prompt16:03
MdL054every option i choose brings me to that prompt16:04
NewUserrhi guys i cant make run satelite Tv for PC because its a windows program does anyone in here know a similar program runnung on ubuntu?16:04
Jack_SparrowMdL054: there are options.. use F6 at the start menu then options like noapic  etc  there are many to try.. else you will need the alt cd16:04
c0reyfDuring copy I keep getting error message that I don't have permission to read certain files and I'm root.16:04
MdL054ok thats much16:04
onlinerkex: may be you insstall trisl version16:04
kexonliner: are you still there?16:04
MdL054im gonna give it a shot16:04
MdL054appreciate it16:04
kexonliner: ok16:04
kexonliner: let me try that16:04
Jack_SparrowMdL054: the self test took you to the same prompt?16:04
HapposadeHello, how to get ctrl of normal cmd in Konsole16:05
NewUserrhi guys i cant make run satelite Tv for PC because its a windows program does anyone in here know a similar program runnung on ubuntu?16:05
bulmerNewUserr-> just a guess..have you tried vmware and load xp on that then run your sat tv on the guest os ?16:05
Happosade*ctrl back to normal use in konsole apps16:05
HapposadeNeed it in centerim16:05
onlinerkex: can i know mhat do you come from16:05
SatManUKhow can i detect which partion (hd0,0 etc) windows is located on?16:05
bulmerNewUserr-> however am not sure if vmware can detect your sat tv device for decoding16:06
SatManUKi tried 0,0 but its not working - says invalid media16:06
kexonline: i dont find a trisl package, why do u want to know where i come from? :s16:06
HapposadeNewUserr: Wine?16:06
Jack_SparrowSatManUK: it would be 0,1 then if windows was on first16:06
onlinerkex: what country may be16:06
NewUserrbulmer ok thanks but doesnt it exist a similar program on linux16:06
kexonliner: sweden16:06
bulmerSatManUK-> when you fdisk -l  it should tell you what partitions are windows like16:06
Jack_SparrowSatManUK: try terminal and fdisk -l  to list partitions16:06
bulmerNewUserr-> umm maybe there is like tivo, but its all customized?16:07
NewUserrHapposade : u think it works on wine?16:07
HapposadeNewUserr: always can test :)16:07
NewUserrbulmer ok thnx16:07
ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV16:07
onlinerkex: can our talk about another topic16:07
bulmeroh yeah thats the correct name mythtv16:07
kexonliner: are you able to help me with my alsa problem?16:08
SatManUK/dev/sda1   *           2        9729    78140160    f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)16:08
SatManUK/dev/sda5               2        2550    20474811    7  HPFS/NTFS16:08
HapposadeJack_Sparrow: How to get Mythtv database to works.. :/ That really is problem.. =(16:08
Ashfire908!pastebin | SatManUK16:08
ubotuSatManUK: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:08
bulmeri have been eyeing that lil mini-itx myself to play with linux on it. i just dont have the  200 bux yet..hehehe16:08
c0reyfanybody help with samba problem on Gusty16:08
snausagehey just wondering if anyone know if a palm treo will turn on with a power cable attached if the battery is dead? sry for asking here but i figure someone might know..16:08
SatManUKtwo lines for paste bin..16:08
Ashfire908eh you made it 316:08
Jack_SparrowHapposade: some people have no problem, others have a nightmare.  I personally have never tried it16:08
bullgard4What is the function of the kjournal?16:08
HapposadeJack_Sparrow: Ok. So I have to go to google16:09
SatManUKwell sorry i am trying to make a quick fix - im not posting an essay anyway.. windows - ntfs - is sda 5 so how do i configure that in to grub?16:09
onlinerkex: i dont know solve your problem, this is the reason i offer you some topic16:09
Jack_SparrowHapposade: SOmetimes people here can help, but not many use it16:09
kexonliner: but i dont have another problem16:09
NewUserrHapposade : but Wine isnt safe right?16:09
Jack_SparrowSatManUK: super grub repair cd16:10
onlinerkex: ok thanks, i am sorry i can't help you16:10
mzanfardinobulmer: sorry, system crash.  did you respond to my last message about the firmware?16:10
Jack_SparrowNewUserr: wine is safe,16:10
kexonliner: ok bye ^16:10
bulmermzanfardino-> but somehow it recovered and loaded it via ndiswrapper? i dont know..16:10
HapposadeNewUserr: ??? It's just like Windows, just on Linux :)16:11
NewUserrJack_Sparrow: What about viruses on Wine?16:11
SatManUKok i have the grub editor in terminal - now what?16:11
Jack_SparrowNewUserr: they can not effect the linux part of your os.16:11
bulmermzanfardino-> thats the experience am getting, anything network i/o get stucked, my system halts so i have to reboot16:11
mzanfardinobulmer: sorry, just got that last message,but I suspect you wrote something before it.  However, to provide backgroud, I only recently loaded ndiswrapper to support the pcmcia linksys nic.  I've since unloaded it.16:11
NewUserrJack_Sparrow: Ok thanks16:11
Jack_SparrowNewUserr: At worst you would apt-get wine and reload it16:12
kitcheJack_Sparrow: well they can but they have to be a very badly written virus or written specifically for wine :)16:12
bmt2how do i do a search using apt-get ?16:12
bmt2trying to install flash player....16:12
bulmermzanfardino-> i believe the intel error starts here  nsc_ircc_open(), can't get iobase of 0x2f8 <-- i thought this could have caused the original error16:12
HapposadeNewUserr: Just open only files, what is your installations16:12
bmt2i want to basically install everything and anything i need thru apt-get16:12
Jack_Sparrowkitche: I would imagine there might be a way, but have never seen one16:12
sergio_alguien me puede ayudar acerca de unos plugins de firefox?16:12
mzanfardinobulmer: ok, so like right now that I've rebooted I have no issue with my connectino and my dmesg does not reflect any firmware issues with ipw210016:12
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.16:12
mzanfardinobulmer: ok, that's a start16:12
NewUserrHapposade : trying out now16:13
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash16:13
bulmermzanfardino-> yeah, sometimes the system recovers..a reboot is all it takes :)16:13
kitcheJack_Sparrow: well you haven't played around to much with wine then :)16:13
mzanfardinobulmer: now, i bet if I start an scp file transfer between my server and this machine I will see the connection cycle as before and I bet I will see the firmware issues in the dmesg output16:13
stuart-hm, how do i browse .hidden files?16:13
Jack_Sparrowkitche: I have no use for it, but I am in here most of the time and have not seen others with virii that did anything to linux16:13
sui_ls -a16:14
bulmermzanfardino-> before you download, just for kicks  check if ipw2100 related modules are loaded or not..  via  lsmod|grep ipw210016:14
Jack_Sparrowstuart-: there is a pulldown menu option to show hidden16:14
stuart-Jack_Sparrow, cool, thanks.16:14
bmt2could i do : sudo apt-get install flash 9 ?16:14
kitcheJack_Sparrow: or they don't notice it16:14
Jack_Sparrowbmt2: did you read the link above16:15
bulmermzanfardino-> then also do a tail -f /var/log/messages  before downloading and you can spot the event while it records it16:15
Jack_Sparrowkitche: let me know when you can document that issue16:15
bmt2Jack_Sparrow: i saw the link , tried to click on it and got nothing16:15
Jack_Sparrowbmt2: try again it works16:15
Monkee_Of_EvilGood morning comrade leenoocks users ;)16:16
NewUserrkitche:there was a guy who tried out different virus on Wine but they didnt harm Linux16:16
Monkee_Of_EvilAre there any gamers in?16:16
RPG_Every time I boot up Ubuntu, it defaults to "Low Graphics Mode", despite the fact I've installed the NVIDIA driver multiple times, and ran nvidia-xconfig also.16:17
MolePrinceDoes Ubuntu have support for vesa framebuffers?16:17
RPG_It started happening after I installed a custom kernel16:17
sergio_me podriais decir como meterme en el canal ubuntu españa16:17
RPG_but since then, i've moved back to the vanilla kernel16:17
Jack_SparrowRPG_: have you setup your monitor refresh info and not just the video card16:18
erUSULRPG_: restricted-modules want work with a custom kernel16:18
mzanfardinobulmer: as I suspected, as soon as I started the file transfer, in this case with scp, my connectivity started to cycle from connected to disconnected and back and sure enough I got messages in dmesg output reflecting the firmware error.  I will attach the last 30+ list of message so you can see.16:18
kitcheNewUserr: you mean http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72598&page=4?16:18
RPG_erUSUL, so, I cannot expect to have NVIDIA support if I compile my own kernel?16:18
erUSULRPG_: you need to custom compile the driver against the custom kernel16:18
kexcan anybody please help me with my alsa sound card? :( http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45790/16:18
D4rkB34nhi there, any one can help me w/ubunut 7.1016:18
erUSULRPG_: right16:18
kitcheNewUserr: and it sorta did since it copied all over the place the guy didn't have Z drive mapped so it didn't bust out of wine home16:18
Jack_SparrowerUSUL: good morning...   Time for me to go, play nice everyone16:18
erUSULRPG_: if you use your own kernel you have to compile your own drivers as well16:19
erUSULJack_Sparrow: good morning ;)16:19
mzanfardinobulmer: http://rafb.net/p/ZjKjNZ63.html  this is timed with when I started the file transfer (tail of /var/log/message)16:19
Monkee_Of_EvilAre there any gamers in?16:19
bulmermzanfardino-> how about the beginning part, thats more interesting when the firmware gets reloaded rather than the tail end16:19
erUSULMonkee_Of_Evil: just a fast ET:quake wars demo from time to time...16:20
RPG_erUSUL, since then, i've uninstalled the kernel and quit using it because it didn't fix the hardware problem I had, and now i'm back to Ubuntu kernels, and the problem persists16:20
mzanfardinobulmer: take a look at what I've pasted and you tell me if you need more.  I tried going back before any firmware messages appeared16:20
Sharpiethe my-ip daemon opens on startup. how can i stop it from doing so?16:20
D4rkB34nhi there, any one can help me w/ubunut 7.1016:20
MolePrinceSharpie: apt-get rcconf16:20
erUSULRPG_: then i do not know what may be happening...16:20
sproingiehow do i replace the search button on the top panel with the actual search bar?16:20
Monkee_Of_EvilerUSUL: Ah, I'm looking for community contributed screen shots for the ubuntu houston team Linux Gaming page16:20
Monkee_Of_EvilAnd was wondering if anyone in here has any they would be willing to share with us16:21
bulmermzanfardino-> yeah some messages before what you pasted,  btw what is the name of your nic? eth0 or eth1 or wlan0 ?16:21
mzanfardinobulmer: eth116:21
bulmermzanfardino-> and you also have eth0?16:22
ToddEDMhey can someone help me set up my WMP54G wireless Adapter , im trying to get it work on a desktop that i just installed Ubuntu 7.10 on16:22
D4rkB34ni can't open ppt files (microsoft power point) on Impress 2.3.016:22
b52laptopppl when jdk package have been installed  where are they by default ?16:23
Monkee_Of_EvilWhat version of ppt were the files made in?16:23
erUSULMonkee_Of_Evil: i do not have any screenshots :(16:23
bulmerSharpie-> you can look around /etc/init.d   for my-ip daemon and  stop that, and then look for /etc/rcN.d where those links are that calls that daemon and remove them via update-rc.d16:23
FalandAhow can i copy any file to /usr/share directory ?16:23
Monkee_Of_EvilerURSUL, that's ok... feel free to check out our page though and give feedback: http://groups.google.com/group/ubuntu-houston-team/web/linux-gaming16:23
bulmerFalandA-> must be root?16:23
D4rkB34nwith sudo16:24
FalandAbulmer: yes but how i m in ubuntu16:24
FalandAD4rkB34n: what is the command?16:24
bulmerFalandA-> eay with cp command16:24
mzanfardinobulmer: here's the complete /var/log/messages since the reboot http://rafb.net/p/mQWJMr43.html16:24
chazcohi... when i use Nautilius to connect to an FTP server I get a different directory than if i use Firefox... Any ideas? It has a login16:24
c0reyfIn Samba I'm getting the following error for some files "cannot be copied because you do not have permissions to read it" I'm root using Gusty, any help?16:24
caligarn1037any tips on syncing a nokia e51 with gutsy?16:24
FalandAbulmer: give me an example command please16:24
Ashfire908with the alternate/server cd's recovery mode, what would "reinstalling grub" do?16:24
ToddEDMdoes anyone know how to get a WMP54G to work on Gutsy16:24
D4rkB34nsudo cp yourfile /usrshare16:24
D4rkB34nsudo cp yourfile /usr/share16:25
FalandAok i ll try now16:25
usehey can someone explain this error for me im trying to upgrade from feisty to gutsy Failed to fetch http://lb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)16:25
actionsugarhello there. does anyone have a moment to assist me with a Logitech wireless mouse config issue? Wheel is not scrolling. I have xorg.conf open as root as we speak.16:25
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd16:25
erUSULAshfire908: reinstall grub ?? ;) i guess it set ups ggogle on your mbr (for example what you need to do after installing windows)16:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:25
jimmacdonaldOK I am missing something here... trying to create an NFS share on my desktop Ubuntu box. when I try to connect to the mount I get the following error in my system log:16:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wmp54g - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:25
jimmacdonaldNov 25 07:20:55 minion mountd[4795]: mount request from unknown host for /media/JMACDONALD (/media/JMACDONALD)16:25
ubotuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP16:26
ToddEDMplease someone, i dont like to beg, but i will16:26
sproingiewow, do the gnome folks hate us?  they destroyed the deskbar now.16:26
D4rkB34ni can't open ppt files (microsoft power point) on Impress 2.3.0. any one can help me?16:26
cooli am trying to get a Splash Image with update-grub, but i am missing something, i get a error "Searching for splash image ... none found, skipping .........."16:26
jimmacdonaldI have identified the host in hosts.all and hosts what am I missing?16:26
caligarn1037no luck on e51?16:27
c0reyfThe samba error is over the network16:27
kinroadwhats wrong with www.gnu.org? I cannot ping or connect16:27
linxehjimmacdonald: is that exported in /etc/exports ?16:27
c0reyfubuntu to ubuntu16:27
kitchekinroad: how are we suppose to know what's wrong with it16:27
jimmacdonaldLinuxeh: yes16:28
jimmacdonaldlinxeh: yes16:28
Ashfire908erUSUL, no clue what you just said. i'm trying to install grub to a jump drive to avoid installing it on the computer. (this is only going to be used temporaryly)16:28
D4rkB34ni can't open ppt files (microsoft power point) on Impress 2.3.0 it hangs. Any one can help me?16:28
MolePrinceactionsugar: Find the InputDevice section regarding your mouse. Make sure your protocol is "ImPS/2" and that ZAxisMapping is "4 5"16:28
linxehjimmacdonald: and did you start all of the nfs services? I take it that the mount failed?16:28
MolePrince10 seconds on google found that.16:28
erUSULAshfire908: maybe it is better to use a grub flppy disk? (if the machine still has floppy ;))16:29
jimmacdonaldlinxeh: not sure if the processes are started. The mount did fail.16:29
jimmacdonaldlinxeh: where would I start them?16:29
Ashfire908erUSUL, nope no floppy (#%^#% WHY DO THEY NO LONGER PUT FLOPPY DRIVES IN???)16:29
bulmermzanfardino-> if you look at around 34.792000  eth0 and eth1 not ready but yet you are able to use eth1 as your wifi nic?16:30
linxehjimmacdonald: whats in /etc/exports ?16:30
actionsugarThanks MolePrince. I'll give that a try.16:30
MolePrinceAshfire908: supergrub boot usb?16:30
usehey can someone explain this error for me im trying to upgrade from feisty to gutsy Failed to fetch http://lb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)16:30
linxehAshfire908: because obody uses floppy. use a usb stick or a cd16:30
erUSULAshfire908: or boot with the livecd (it has an option called boot from hard drive)16:30
Ashfire908linxeh, what do you think i'm going16:30
ghostknifeI just tried to install Tomcat, but it failed saying No JDK found, please set JAVA_HOME. I have javac command, where should I set JAVA_HOME, or what should I install?16:30
sproingieuse: that usually means it failed to download the packages list16:31
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre16:31
cooli am trying to get a Splash Image with update-grub, but i am missing something, i get a error "Searching for splash image ... none found, skipping .........."16:31
Ashfire908erUSUL, which is pointless because it does the same thing as not haveing the cd in the drive in the first place16:31
kitcheuse: seems like Packages.gz does not exist but if your trying to upgrade to gutsy then why not use a gutsy repo instead of a feisty one?16:31
jimmacdonaldlinxeh: please see the pvt window16:31
mzanfardinobulmer: that might be a result of 1) eth0 not being connected (that's the wired nic) and 2) eth1 being turned off by default (I haven't set it to autostart yet).16:31
Ashfire908MolePrince, huh?16:31
D4rkB34ni can't open ppt files (microsoft power point) on Impress 2.3.0 it hangs. Any one can help me?16:31
ghostknifeerUSUL: but I have javac command, which is a java compiler. Doesn't that mean I have jdk installed16:31
sproingieuse: sometimes you can just try again.  see if you have network, try to wget that url16:31
MolePrinceAshfire908: Google for it.16:31
Monkee_Of_Eviluse: I had problems upgrading from Fiesty to Gutsy16:32
MolePrincesupergrub is a set of boot menus for Grub that add many options16:32
Monkee_Of_EvilI ended up having to replace my sources.list with the default one16:32
Monkee_Of_Evilso if you've used automatix16:32
Ashfire908MolePrince, i don't need fancy options...16:32
bulmermzanfardino-> i should have asked first, what interfaces you have and connected to which network? also what kind of pnp or usb plugged devices you have in?16:32
regeyaokay!  when one is using emerald with compiz-fusion, or at least some of us, unresponsive windows (like k9copy running a job) get "ghosted" and nothing will unghost it.  when the system is under a load, whatever window that is in focus is ghosted out for a random period of time.  after searching the forums I have learned that there IS an option somewhere, but the person who posted that they found it also failed to share what it16:32
Monkee_Of_Evilthen you should try replacing your sources.list with the sample provided @ ubuntuforums.org16:32
ghostknifethis sucks16:33
Jack_SparrowMonkee_Of_Evil: if he has used automatix...  he has more problems than just his source list16:33
stuart-woo ride it ride it16:33
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!16:33
usesproingie; i tried it many times didn't work16:33
usealways get the same error16:33
ghostknifeBan all joins16:33
Monkee_Of_EvilJack_Sparrow: I've had relatively few problems with AX16:33
regeyaghostknife, that's no way to deal with a split16:33
stuart-eh? i keep trying to add volume control to taskbar but it won't16:33
kitcheregeya: that was not a split16:34
ghostknifeWas that a split?16:34
useMonkee_Of_Evil; where is the sources list please the flood messed it up16:34
Flummoxed`that was a flood16:34
sproingiecrapflood attack from bots16:34
Ashfire908join/part flood16:34
chazcoDoesnt look like a netsplit, mass-joiins16:34
Monkee_Of_Eviluse: /etc/apt/sources.list16:34
ghostkniferegeya: check the names, it join/leave join/leave the whole time. with random nicks16:34
Flummoxed`how nostalgic.16:34
Monkee_Of_Evilfrom a terminal16:34
Ashfire908easy to do with /cycle lol16:34
Monkee_Of_Evilsudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list16:34
regeyaok, ghostknife...any pattern to the ips of the random bots/users?16:34
jimmacdonaldlinxeh: sorry IRC client crashed16:34
useMonkee_Of_Evil; the default sources list16:34
usefrom where do i get it16:35
Monkee_Of_Eviluse: http://www.ubuntuguide.org16:35
sproingieregeya: you can see them in the join msg.  they're dynamic ips.  probably zombies16:35
Monkee_Of_Evilthere is oen for fiesty that works16:35
ghostknifeNone, just making the channel restricted will prevent anyone new from joining, until the bot hopefully stops. so lame16:35
=== kex is now known as sveakex
sveakexcan anybody please help me with my alsa? :( http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45790/16:35
regeyaokay!  when one is using emerald with compiz-fusion, or at least some of us, unresponsive windows (like k9copy running a job) get "ghosted" and nothing will unghost it.  when the system is under a load, whatever window that is in focus is ghosted out for a random period of time.  after searching the forums I have learned that there IS an option somewhere, but the person who posted that they found it also failed to share what it16:35
stuart-uh, there's no volume control up there at my menu nemore, how'd i get it back? i tried re-adding but it doesn't appear16:36
useMonkee_Of_Evil; thanx:)16:36
Ashfire908MolePrince, linxeh, erUSUL, lost anything i didn't respond to. the join part flood knocked it out of the buffer16:36
Flare183regaya:> it's a compiz-fusion bug16:36
cooli am trying to get a Splash Image with update-grub, but i am missing something, i get a error "Searching for splash image ... none found, skipping .........."16:36
regeyaah.  a bug.16:36
mzanfardinobulmer: you recover from the flood?16:36
bulmermzanfardino-> am still here16:36
Monkee_Of_EvilJack_Sparrow: I'm cururious to know why so many people have a problem with AutoMatix16:36
regeyadamn.  and I'm rather hooked on various eyecandy as well as avant.16:36
* regeya grumbles and kills compiz dead16:36
bulmermzanfardino-> i should have asked first, what interfaces you have and connected to which network? also what kind of pnp or usb plugged devices you have in?16:37
Monkee_Of_EvilJack_Sparrow: I think overall it does a good job of simplifying the install of a lot of packages16:37
ToddEDMi need help getting my WI-FI to work on this desktop, would someone be kind and help me?16:37
Flare183regaya:> there is not shortcut to up the saturation16:37
sproingieMonkee_Of_Evil: it's technical and political.  technically, it screws with core system files without using the package system, so it hoses future upgrades16:37
ghostknifeCan anyone give me a reason why apt doesn't try to resume failed downloads?16:37
=== ST47_ is now known as ST47
sproingieMonkee_Of_Evil: politically, it's because the admins of that project carry on like 13 year old tyrants when people come to them with problems16:37
Monkee_Of_Evilsproingie: Hmm.. Well Justin is still a teenager16:38
sproingieMonkee_Of_Evil: it's still no excuse16:38
coolMonkee_Of_Evil, auto mix is known to break installs16:38
Jack_SparrowMonkee_Of_Evil: It is EVIL.. what it does can not get undone easilly or reliably.  see the link for full info on how bad it is..16:38
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »16:38
Monkee_Of_EvilI see...16:39
chazcohi... when i use Nautilius to connect to an FTP server I get a different directory than if i use Firefox... Any ideas? It has a login16:39
coolLjL-Temp, , whats FloodBot for ?16:39
Sharpieis there any way to remove the "rotate image" option from the nautilus-image-converter plugin?16:39
sproingieautomatix is totally written off, i'm not sure about EasyUbuntu16:39
ToddEDMhey guys, i see someon is on my network, is there a way i can send a message to them????? yes i have no wep or wpa16:39
levanderDoes the Add/Remove Programs application just give you like an english version of package names, and not the version of the package name that you would use on the command line with apt-get?16:39
=== use is now known as us3
LjLcool: nothing particularly interesting.16:39
* Monkee_Of_Evil reads link from ubot16:40
sproingiei don't think easyubuntu is officially recommended either because it uses medibuntu which isn't entirely legal everywhere16:40
stonemanhi there, is there any tutorials on the ubuntu forums for a beginners to using the terminal to tar(compress) and untar files?16:40
Kevin`ToddEDM if it's windows you could try sending a netsend message to them16:40
sproingiebut it otherwise does use the packager i believe16:40
coolLjL, still16:40
Jack_Sparrowsproingie: easyub  was simplified and does not do the horrible things other scripts do.. but really, it still is not needed16:40
regeyasproingie: for that reason it shouldn't be :->16:40
ToddEDMkevin, how do i do that >?? its prolly a windows user16:40
Jack_Sparrowstoneman: > !backup16:40
=== blan_ is now known as blan
jesperhello, i have a slight problem with ubuntu if someone has time...16:41
levanderstoneman: 'tar xf <filename>' extracts from a tar file - x is for extract16:41
bulmerToddEDM-> is it your AP? you can frustrate them by having the signal go in and out...till they decide not to use your free service anymore16:41
phanto1I'm having problems with opengl flickering and not displaying fonts correctly.  anyone know how to fix this?16:41
Kevin`ToddEDM i'm trying to find the program again, I can't remember the name16:41
cooli am trying to get a Splash Image with update-grub, but i am missing something, i get a error "Searching for splash image ... none found, skipping .........."  . and anyone please take the pain to help :)16:41
regeyaI don't know.  As long as a tool that installs restricted codecs warns the user first as to WHY it's restricted, I think that should be fine (though ianal)16:41
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork16:41
kitchecool: you need a splash image to be used :)16:41
levanderstoneman: 'tar cf <filename> <files...>' Creates a tar file named <filename>.  That tar file contains <files...>16:41
ToddEDMKevin`: thanks buddy16:41
levanderstoneman: For more, check 'man tar'16:41
stonemanlevander ah cool tyvm !16:42
FalandAnobody use Stardict in here?16:42
jesperit seems my window manager has been changed to xfce somehow, how do i change it back to the default one?16:42
levanderstoneman: one more16:42
warlock_handlerhi guys16:42
sveakexcan anybody please help me with my alsa? :( http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45790/16:42
Jack_Sparrowjesper: sessions when you startup16:42
bulmerToddEDM-> you know well that if a use gets on internet and can download stuff or fails because of poor connectivity, they move somewhere else :)16:42
coolkitche, Jack_Sparrow  done that i installed grub-splashimages :)16:42
Kevin`ToddEDM smbclient -M can do it16:42
bullgard4gregarei: My /etc/fstab shows two ext3 partitions. This corresponds to two kjournald processes. But why shows dmesg 5 lines: "kjournal starting. Commit interval..."?16:42
levanderstoneman: 'tar xzf <filename>' extracts from a tarr'd and gzipped file. tar has no compression - it just puts all files in one big tarball.  You gzip the tarball to compress it (make it smaller).16:42
MolePrinceIs there a more efficient method of stopping/restarting services than sudo /etc/init.d/foo bar ?16:43
bullgard4My /etc/fstab shows two ext3 partitions. This corresponds to two kjournald processes. But why shows dmesg 5 lines: "kjournal starting. Commit interval..."?16:43
levanderstoneman: and, 'tar czf <filename> <files...>' creates the tar file, and compresses it16:43
stonemanlevander ah excellent! hey there should be a stick in the forums for this!16:43
kitchecool: you still need to tell grub about the splash images16:43
Tm_TMolePrince: invoke-rc.d foo bar ?16:43
ToddEDMbulmer: i could just block thier MAC adress but i want to send them some messages first16:43
Tm_TMolePrince: with sudo perhaps16:43
levanderstoneman: you can't have a stick for everything16:43
MolePrinceTm_T: Awesome, thanks.16:43
stonemanlevander true16:43
Kevin`ToddEDM at least, I think that's the same..16:43
warlock_handlerhi guys.. how do i chk my HDD partitions.. from the command line??16:43
Jack_Sparrowfdisk -l16:43
bulmerToddEDM-> have fun with them, frustrate them a little, hehehe16:43
MolePrincewarlock_handler: fdisk -l16:43
warlock_handler<MolePrince>: thnx dude16:44
levanderstoneman: you may benefit from a basic UNIX command line (probably bash shell) tutorial.  I'm sure there are plenty on the internet.  That's where you'd find stuff like tar.16:44
warlock_handler<Jack_Sparrow>: thnx dude16:44
druggisti'm new to networking, when i put in a wep key, do i do the colons too?16:44
damg_is it possible to have more than one roaming connection with network-manager at the same time? (got wifi, ethernet and pptp vpn over ethernet)16:44
coolkitche, i did " sudo ln -s /boot/grub/splashimages/my_image.xpm.gz /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz16:44
cool and after this i did " sudo update-grub"16:44
jimmacdonaldlinxeh: you still there?16:44
bullgard4warlock_handler: You can use hdparm -tT16:44
otmanhow i can install firefox on gusty gabon ?16:44
druggisti'm new to networking, when i put in a wep key, do i do the colons too?16:45
druggistwhat format should it be in16:45
druggistdoes that look right16:45
Piciotman: You wait for Ubuntu to release their own package.16:45
bullgard4otman: You cannot. There is no 'gusty gabon'.16:45
levanderDoes the Add/Remove application not give you the form of the package name that you would use on the command line, with apt-get?16:46
bulmerdamg_-> but that would be difficult to maintain a route table unless you are running gated or whatever dynamic routing daemon16:46
mzanfardinobulmer:  your last questions where:  i should have asked first, what interfaces you have and connected to which network? also what kind of pnp or usb plugged devices you have in?  I'm not sure how to answer the first one as I'm not quite sure what you mean (sorry).  As to pnp or usb devices, it's a lappy, so the only devices I have plugged in atm is my usb mouse and no pnp devices at all16:46
cooli am trying to get a Splash Image with update-grub, but i am missing something, i get a error "Searching for splash image ... none found, skipping .........."  . and anyone please take the pain to help :)16:47
mzanfardinobulmer: if by interfaces you mean eth0, eth1, etc, that's it. eth0 is wired nic (not connected0 and eth1 is wireless nic (ipw2100).  oh, and standard lo16:47
bulmermzanfardino-> you are only using a wifi to connect right? and not also wired at same time?16:47
bmt2how can i tell if my upgrade was successful ?16:47
mzanfardinobulmer: yep, just the wireless16:47
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell16:47
nicolahany slideshow+music creator for ubuntu ? (no kde libraries)16:48
bulmermzanfardino-> hang a sec..let me look at my dmesg where it acquires the ip address16:48
druggisti'm new to networking, when i put in a wep key, do i do the colons too?16:50
druggistwhat format should it be in16:50
ubotuWEP is totally insecure, don't use it, the full Wireless Documentation for Ubuntu can be found at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:50
ArthurArchnixHelp, I can't rip cd's to mp3 format. I'm trying to use soundjuicer which came installed, but it won't let me choose mp3 as an output format.16:50
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:51
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto16:51
Flare183ArthurArvhnix:> use soundconverter to convert ogg to mp316:51
tad<3 ubotu16:51
mzanfardinobulmer: np.  clearly something is happening with the nic and firmware when I start a transfer, though I don't know why it wouldn't happen with non-sustained connections...16:51
stonemanlevander well i tried tar cvzf, however it only compressed the file(size of 700mb) to 680mb, is there a way to compress even further?16:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about porn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:52
ArthurArchnixstdin, that's not my problem. I can play mp3 and have all necesssary codecs installed. tad, same, I can burn dvds and cds, my problem is ripping. Flare, I don't want to trascode. That's a bad idea.16:52
mrh_Hi all16:53
ubotuFor information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping. To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar16:53
mrh_Question: Gnome is mega slow16:53
stdinArthurArchnix: yeah, but you usually have to get some encoder for the application to use16:53
tadthats a statement16:53
Ernstanyway to configure my webcam upsidedown16:53
t4m1n0!internet explorer16:53
mrh_how do I make it snappy?16:53
rskturn it upside-down? Ernst16:53
ubotuFor Irish whiskey and ubuntu support, visit #ubuntu-ie, Ta an uisce beatha agus cuidiú Ubuntu ar #ubuntu-ie, Béag fáilte ort16:54
tadmrh: ?16:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ie4linux - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:54
bulmermzanfardino-> i didnt see the acquisition of ip address recorded in /var/log/messages  i was hoping it will give me a clue.. I cant really say whats going on once you do a sustained download..it loads a firmware?16:54
levanderstoneman: bzip compresses more than gzip, but not much more.  bzip just isn't as commonly used, and so you can't share the file with other people as easily.  But, for bzip, just use a j instead of a z in tar's command line options.16:54
caneca_suggested a book about ubuntu in embedded system ?16:54
caneca_suggested a book about ubuntu in embedded system ?16:54
juano__t4m1n0: ie4linux is the internet explorer for linux16:54
Ernstrsk, yes somehow my webcam is upside down in the screen of my laptop16:54
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents16:54
mrh_How do I go about fixing this16:54
mzanfardinobulmer: although my last statement my not be entirely accurate.  I've just run another dmesg and I've found a third Fatal error, but I haven't attempted any file transfers.  So I'm thinking that it's just more prevelent when transfering files.  Maybe I'm hitting some sort of buffer overflow that causes the firmware failure16:54
t4m1n0juano__,  ya?16:54
bulmermzanfardino-> but even if that fails..the connection remains right not disconnected at all?16:54
stdin!msgthebot > t4m1n016:54
levanderstoneman: I'd remake the whole tar file.  Don't bzip the gzip file you already made.  Make a new tar file, and bzip that.16:54
mrh_This PC is pretty fast on windows XP - I dual boot16:54
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.16:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:55
bulmermzanfardino-> okay your statement confirms it, it continues on16:55
stonemanlevander cool ty16:55
juano__t4m1n0: yes, i downloaded it once, there is a .package file that installs it automatically , let me check16:55
D4rkB34ni can't open ppt files (microsoft power point) on Impress 2.3.0 it hangs. Any one can help me?16:55
t4m1n0juano__, that would be great16:55
stonemanlevander tar cvjf = correct?16:55
mzanfardinobulmer: yes, it's as if the wifi nic simply turns off and the on again.  the transmission is paused while it's off but resumes when the wifi comes back.  this is no doubt a function of TCP (maintaining a stalled connection that is)...16:55
poluskD4rkB34n, try ooo (openoffice) ...16:56
mrh_tad: I believe I once read somewhere, that one can compile X for one's video card16:56
bulmermzanfardino-> i suspect same, but am not sure how to remedy that16:56
Flare183LjL:> What do you do if someone is abusing a bot?16:56
levanderstoneman: yeah16:56
juano__t4m1n0: http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Installation:Ubuntu16:56
flamesrockhi... is there anyone here who knows about overclocking?16:57
t4m1n0juano__, thanx16:57
bazhangD4rkB34n: is that ms office 2007?16:57
levanderflamesrock: #hardware16:57
Jack_Sparrowtad: you may be looking for sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:57
tadi didnt ask a question16:57
bulmermzanfardino-> what files  do you have in   /proc/drivers/  ?16:57
sveakexcan anybody please help me with my alsa? :( http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45790/16:57
Jack_SparrowFlare183: they get a warning, then a smack16:57
D4rkB34nno is a ppt 200316:57
juano__t4m1n0: anytime16:57
poluskie4linux ?!?16:57
levandertad: but, that is what you wee looking for, isn't it?16:57
poluskomg :X16:58
ArthurArchnixtad, I read your link but I can't install lame0.8 it's not in either the universe or multiverse repositories.16:58
shansmb: \> put /home/shan/test.tar  /home/shan/test.tar does not exist  ,  Why can like this, this document be the existence16:58
mzanfardinobulmer: rtc and snd-page-alloc16:58
mrh_Jack_Sparrow: were you answering my question?16:58
stefgflamesrock: the only thing you need to know is that you shouldn't do it. Linux works your hardware more efficiently than win, so you might destabilize your system16:58
Jack_Sparrowmrh_: yes16:58
flamesrockahh k tx16:58
juano__t4m1n0: dont forget in the repos part to change edgy for fiesty or gutsy16:58
bulmermzanfardino-> sorry /proc/driver/16:58
mrh_Jack_Sparrow: thanks16:58
mrh_Jack_Sparrow: so just run that command?16:59
juano__t4m1n0: though i still think it works anyway16:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:59
ghostknifeWhen I try to install the java documentation it wants me to download the docs + the japanese docs, how can I get it to not want the japanese docs. I am not going to use it, and it's an additional 57MB ?16:59
bulmermzanfardino-> no ipw2100 stuff in /proc/driver/   ?16:59
Jack_Sparrowmrh_: after that startx to test or reconfig again.16:59
t4m1n0juano__,  do I really need to install this with souraces ? since I allready have wine on gutsy16:59
mrh_Jack_Sparrow: startx?16:59
mzanfardinobulmer: nope, just those two16:59
juano__t4m1n0: if you have wine, just be sure that you have cabextract installed16:59
Jack_Sparrowmrh_: agfter you reconfigure from cli16:59
t4m1n0juano__, ok16:59
JessidHello. What can i do to make usb ports work in ubuntu 7.10? They used to work in 7.04. Thanks17:00
juano__t4m1n0: and then keep following the wget part to get ie17:00
mrh_Jack_Sparrow: ok17:00
mrh_Jack_Sparrow: will try that now - thanks17:00
kitcheJessid: they should work in gutsy also unless you blew the fuse to the ports17:00
Jack_Sparrowmrh_: try to include your monitor refresh rates...17:00
mrh_Jack_Sparrow: ?17:00
juano__t4m1n0: yea i think just sudo apt-get install cabextract17:00
juano__t4m1n0: then wget17:00
ArthurArchnixI can't rip a cd into mp3 format. Trying to use both soundjuicer or rythymbox opens up the same "gnome audio properties" dialog box, where I cannot select mp3 as an output. Directions on the web say to install gstreamerlame0.8 from the universe repos, but it's not in any of the universe, multiverse, repos/.17:00
Jack_Sparrowmrh_: vesa mode to get back if you have troubel17:00
bulmermzanfardino-> thats odd, thats where the kernel tells you that the driver for your wifi is loaded17:01
mrh_Jack_Sparrow: ok17:01
Jack_SparrowArthurArchnix: lame encoder...?17:01
t4m1n0juano__, what a pitty... looks like server id down or smth..17:01
sam__I'm a n00b looking for help17:01
=== sveakex is now known as kex
sam__the fan on my computer wont turn off or slow down17:01
sam__when i run ubuntu17:01
juano__t4m1n0: you cant wget ?17:01
Googaalgum brazuca on?17:01
Jessidkitche no man, they dont work. I have to boot all devices plugged from the very begining. If i try to connect any device after a while,  they just dont work!17:01
ArthurArchnixJack_Sparrow:  I did an apt-cache search for lame and installed all the non dev/doc stuff.17:01
=== kex is now known as sveakex
kitcheJessid: then it's a hardware issue not really a Ubuntu issue17:02
juano__t4m1n0: works here for me17:02
mzanfardinobulmer: hmm... well, it's a pretty standard install.  I used the Kubuntu Alternate CD in order to install lvm and encrypt my drive, but beyond that I haven't done anything special (at least not insofar as the wifi is concerned)17:02
bulmeranyone else running a wireless connectivity, can you kindly verify  /proc/driver  is where your wifi driver settings are located?17:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lame - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:02
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages17:02
whereswaldohey my screen res wont change, even when I change it in the options? It´s stuck at 1024x768 and when I try and change it it doesnt do anything17:02
t4m1n0juano__,  Connecting to www.tatanka.com.br||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found17:02
Jessidnoup, i dont think so...everything was working fine before 7.1017:02
ArthurArchnixJack_Sparrow: Sound recorder can record in mp3. So it's not a codec issue.17:02
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto17:02
Flare183!search ie4linux17:02
t4m1n0juano__,  now it works..17:02
mzanfardinobulmer: in my case I can locate ipw2100.ko in /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2100.ko17:02
bulmermzanfardino-> also look in  /lib/firmware/`uname -r`/   is the ipw2100 here?17:02
juano__t4m1n0: ok17:03
Jack_SparrowArthurArchnix: then you need to make sure whatever you are ripping with can find an encoder17:03
kitcheJessid: the usb ports should not be effected by what operating system you run unless you either turn the ports off in the bios or you have bad usb ports17:03
Flare183!search usb17:03
ubotuFound: palm, udev rules17:03
juano__t4m1n0: Connecting to www.tatanka.com.br||:80... connected.17:03
mrh_Jack_Sparrow: thanks, going to do it now.17:03
Jack_SparrowFlare183: that is a horrible idea17:03
Jack_SparrowFlare183: Ask about it in #Wine.. they will NOT help ou if you use it17:03
Flare183Jack_Sparrow:> Yeah i know now17:03
kitcheJessid: since they work before you boot the machine up, and the machine is able to see the devices that you have connected17:03
Jessidkitche you are right, but i dont know what is the reason that ubuntu 7.10 make them work bad...beter said: make them not to work!17:04
ArthurArchnixJack_Sparrow: I found the solution. You need to uncheck "make active" in the profile and restart soundjuicer. Then you nee to make it active and restart again. Then it's available for selection. Crazy.17:04
=== toph is now known as ntemis
ArthurArchnixJack_Sparrow: I appreciate the assistance.17:04
lvdave_Hi! Am trying to upgrade a headless server from 7.04 server to 7.10 server via the suggested upgrade-manager-core/do-release-upgrade, and I keep getting a weird error.. Should I post it on paste?17:04
Jack_Sparrowwelcome to Ubuntu17:04
Jessidkitche i am running ubuntu in a dv6338 laptop17:04
Flare183lvdave:> yes17:04
mzanfardinobulmer: three files in /lib/firmware/$(uname -r): /lib/firmware/2.6.22-14-generic/ipw2100-1.3-p.fw, /lib/firmware/2.6.22-14-generic/ipw2100-1.3-i.fw, and /lib/firmware/2.6.22-14-generic/ipw2100-1.3.fw17:04
ntemisi need help17:04
Jack_SparrowI really need to spend some time with the wife.. Take care people17:04
lvdave_ok doing so now..17:04
Flare183lvdave:> use ubuntu's pastebin17:05
ntemissee you ppl thanks17:05
Flare183!pastebin | lvdave17:05
ubotulvdave: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)17:05
stefglvdave: you should rather reconsider if you really need/want the upgrade :-)17:05
Morgan555has anyone got Google calendar to intergrate with the AWN Applet?17:06
mynymlanyone knows of a terminal command to copy something to the clipboard?17:06
laawok i need some serius help with installing nVidia drivers for my 8800GTS in ubuntu 7.04.  Could someone please help me?17:06
bulmermzanfardino-> okay thats where the driver sits and the config for the kernel is supposedly at /proc/driver/17:06
Happosademynyml: Sift + Insert?17:06
Monkee_Of_Evilmy daughter just dumped coffee all over me17:07
Jessidcould anybody tell me how can i make usb ports work in 7.10? they used to work in ubuntu 7.0417:07
mynymlHapposade: i'm looking for a command17:07
lvdave_Ok its posted under LVdave...17:07
Flare183control + shift + insert17:07
mynymlHapposade: cat some_text.txt | send_that_to_clipboard17:07
coolmykilx, ctrl + shift + c17:07
bulmerMonkee_Of_Evil-> she is a hacker on the making..drinks caffeine at early age...hehehe17:07
Jack_SparrowMonkee_Of_Evil: You would think her oposable thumbs would keep that from happeneing17:07
stefglaaw: /serious/ help isn't free, so you better buy one of canonicals support plans :-)17:07
mainhi all17:08
Jack_Sparrow!res > laaw17:08
levanderoh hello main, how's it going?17:08
ADemiG0Dif i have ubuntu installed on my external HD, do i need GRUB installed on every computer i want to use this external on?17:08
toresn_in vlc... why is it that the subtitles get crazy big in fullscreen mode?17:08
draremack, my brain is on fire..  i want to make wxGTK or GTK type apps, using integrated gtk designer and IDE, can someone make recommendations?17:08
mainjust messin with my amd64 and my ubuntu17:08
Monkee_Of_Evilugh she wants me to go sit with her while she "cooks"17:08
sveakexcan anybody please help me with my alsa? :( http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45790/17:08
levandermain, just ask your question already17:08
mynymli was just reading about pbcopy on OSX actually and was wondering if there was a linux compatible equivalent app17:08
Flare183sveakex:> yeah I have the same problem17:09
bazhangwhat does it do mynyml17:09
Flare183sveakex:> only on some apps17:09
RayBrittonWould a WPA Pre-Shared Key TKIP be WPA Personal or WPA Personal 2?17:09
mainwill the raised 3d windows be put backin to ubuntu on the roatating cube in compiz?17:09
Flare183main:> hope so17:09
sveakexFlare183, exactly! esound works, but alsa or oss dont :s17:09
RayBrittonWPA2 Personal*17:09
mainme 217:09
lvdave_Flare183: Did you see the paste post for LVdave?17:10
mynymlbazhang: cat a.txt | pbcopy  .... cat's ouput it copied to the clipboard17:10
bazhangI see17:10
draremthis morning i dreamt i had a brand new apple on my desk but had to use my credit card to purchase the tiger OS to install it, but came with generic ubuntu install cd - like am I playing with this too much?17:10
sveakexFlare183, btw, on firefox i get all flash sound except from youtube, is it the same for you? :s17:10
Morgan555has anyone got Google calendar to intergrate with the AWN Applet?17:10
Flare183sveakex:> no firefox for linux, i get sound17:11
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall17:11
Flare183!search ports17:11
ubotuFound: gtalk, java-#kubuntu, java, xen, flash, #ubuntu, backports, packaging, offtopic-#kubuntu <reply> #kubuntu, imap4rev117:11
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com17:11
Flare183lvdave:> no17:11
stefg!msgthebot > Jessid17:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botnet - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:11
sveakexFlare183, okej17:11
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.17:12
lvdave_Oh ok its posted at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45796/ ... Sorry..17:12
Flare183lvdave_:> no17:12
Flare183lvdave_:> problem (sorry about the enter)17:12
nooberhey guys!17:12
nooberi have a problem maybe someone can help me17:12
lvdave_Flare183: Oh ok its posted at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45796/ ... Sorry.17:12
mediahuntercan anyone tell me how i can run a linux iso inside of another linux17:12
TremosHi @  all17:12
laawNeed some help with installing nVidia drivers on ubuntu 7.04. When i follows the "restricted device manager" nvidia install metod for 7.04 i ends up with a reboot that tells me that the gui wont work, and then i have to install ubuntu all over. Could anyone plz help me?17:12
gordonjcp!ask | noober17:12
ubotunoober: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)17:12
etiennem 17:13
mediahunterI belive VMachine is the anwser but what version do i need17:13
mediahunteror player17:13
bazhangmediahunter: virtualbox17:13
stefg!virtualizers | mediahunter17:13
Flare183lvdave_:>try redownloading the upgrade tool17:13
mediahunterwhat program can i use for a virtualbox17:13
ubotumediahunter: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications17:13
Flare183!enter:> mediahunter17:13
bazhangmediahunter: that is the program17:13
nooberI booted with a knopix from cd, but it does not work.... the monitor is blank17:13
Flare183!enter | mediahunter17:13
ubotumediahunter: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:13
nooberlike it does not support the refresh rate or resolution17:14
lvdave_flare183: was afraid you were going to say that.. tried removing/reinstalling via apt-get... same-same error..17:14
nooberwhat can i do?17:14
Flare183lvdave_:>oh snap17:14
Flare183lvdave_:>not good17:14
stefglaaw: the trouble with 8800 and feisty is that the driver in feisty might be too old. are you using nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new ?17:14
gordonjcpnoober: you could ask in #knoppix, if that's what you're using17:14
lvdave_Flare183: I would normally do a cd upgrade but the machine is headless and about 40 miles away..17:14
Flare183lvdave_:>had the same problem once trying to remember to how i fixied it17:15
fyrmedic I have a 100gb hd. I have backed up all of my data and am going to do a fresh install of 7.04. I want to partition a /home and /data and / any suggestions on sizes for each?17:15
laawstefg: in not sure, how do i find out?  How to I do it?17:15
nooberim trying to boot from knopix cause my partition went dead and I want to try to find it with  linux (knoppix to be exact) but i cant and noone replys on knoppix room17:15
Flare183get the source package for the do-release-upgrade; build it and see if that works17:16
Flare183lvdave_ talking to you17:16
stefg!info nvidia-glx-new feisty17:16
ubotunvidia-glx-new: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1.0.9755+ (feisty), package size 4719 kB, installed size 14400 kB17:16
lvdave_Flare183: Ok will try that... ty!! The systems working fine in 7.04 but I alway like to run the latest/greatest... ty!!17:17
Flare183lvdave_:> no problem17:17
stefglaaw: ok... doesn't matter anyway. you need a 100.x series driver for that card17:17
stefglaaw: and that's not in feisty by default17:17
vasuvi_I've been reading that Firefox 3.0 is much better with its memory usage; think it's stable enough to use yet?17:17
axisys!virtualbox > axisys17:18
anascan i run flash in ubuntu ?17:18
Flare183anas:> yes17:18
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anasflare183 : how?17:18
laawstefg: ok thanks for the help. You would`t happen to know how I could get the drivers in feisty?17:18
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox17:18
stefglaaw: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia#seealso17:18
Flare183anas:> making sure; umm... Using firefox?17:18
=== chris___ is now known as Duxter
anasflare183 : i mean adobe flash17:19
Flare183anas:> You can try using wine, but wine is a little wacky so try it.17:20
Flare183anas:> It's been done17:20
anasflare183 : thanx17:20
Flare183anas:> np17:20
Duxtercan i ask something about ubuntu 7.1017:20
poeloq!ask | Duxter17:21
ubotuDuxter: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)17:21
mynymlis there an undo mechanism in nautilus?17:21
mrh_Jack_Sparrow: you there?17:21
Duxterim on live cd17:22
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:22
mainim watching Duxter17:23
Flare183When is the class for the ppa going to be at17:23
mainask it17:23
Duxterand i d like to type in greek in openofices wordprocceor can i do it17:23
mediahunterok i got qemu but it keeps giving me a fatal error17:23
mediahuntercan anyone help17:23
maingood question.....anyone?17:23
mediahunterI want to try out Sabayon i have the ISO but i do not want to install it and really dont want to wast a dvd-r on burning17:23
mrh_Question: I ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and after naming the graphics card, I get a screen, but it just sits there . . .17:23
Flare183mediahunter:> try virtualbox or vmware17:24
mediahunterok thanks17:24
mediahuntercan virtualbox run on GNOME even tho it is KDE based17:24
DellGuyhey guys, wheres the user list like on the windows version of xchat?17:24
mediahunterVmware what do i need to get flare183 just the player or what17:25
Duxterhow can i do it?17:25
Flare183mediahunter:> just the player17:25
mediahunterand for linux that should be free right17:25
maini would try to type in english then translate it\17:25
Duxtertranslate how?17:25
Flare183mediahunter:> yes17:25
Jock1I disabled the restricted driver for my graphics card, but now the screen is a mess, like a noncompatible driver is used instead. I've now started Ubuntu in recovery mode, but how can I reconfigure my graphics driver from here? (I think the generic vesa driver would work)17:25
atmatzidisCan someone help convert mpeg/vod and avi files to m4v ?17:26
maini might copy and paste it into bablefish17:26
mainthen copy and paste the output to openoffice17:26
mediahunterFlare183 it says i can not install VMWare on a I386 machine17:26
Duxterthats bad translation17:26
mediahunteri actaully have a 686 machine so how can i fix this17:26
ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.17:26
wckdkl0wnwhat would i use in ubuntu to edit a flash file?17:26
bazhangDuxter: you want greek language support for open office? and you have a greek keyboard--should be no problem--just install the appropriate language pack17:26
Duxterthere isnt anyway to do it?17:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:26
Duxtercan u show me how?17:27
RoC_MasterMindHow do I get telnetd not to show my last login?17:27
mediahunterCanonical Ltd. provides technical support and security updates for VMware Player17:27
mediahunterThe use, modification and distribution of VMware Player is restricted by copyright or by legal terms in some countries.17:27
mediahunterVMware Player cannot be installed on your computer type (i386). Either the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type.17:27
bazhangDuxter: for gutsy?17:27
Flare183!paste | mediahunter17:27
ubotumediahunter: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)17:27
d4ef6splease somebody know a aplication for ubuntu or debian for monitorize and save clipboard content in a editable file17:27
d4ef6sor how i can make klipper save his clipboard history in a .txt file17:27
maini was just looking17:27
maingoogle translation software17:27
axisyswhats the preferred virtualizer for hp nc6220 laptop with 1.5G and 1.6ghz intel centrino running gutsy?17:27
mainubuntu translation software17:28
hassehey, i have kubuntu 710 installed on my thinkpad, and everything has worked perfectly , but now it looses wifi connection, and cannot get up again until i reboot the laptop17:28
stefgd4ef6s: that's for #kubuntu . this is ubuntu, so we are all running Gnome (don't we? )17:28
bazhangDuxter: currently you are using a english version of ubuntu?17:28
popdog123hello, i've just installed Ubuntu 7.10 and i try to access my other partitions(NTFS). I see them in the "media folder" but they appear as folders and when i try to access them they're empty17:28
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE17:28
jacobhow do i use the grep command with the brackets?17:28
bazhangin the preferences/settings can you see the item for language/region17:29
stefgjacob: man grep17:29
jacoband what does iot do?17:29
whereswaldohey I fixed my resolution problem, but now all of the borders for my programs are cut off so I cant move them or anything :/17:29
Flare183!ntfs | popdog12317:29
ubotupopdog123: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE17:29
jacobstefg: i prefer to have somebody tell me cause i don't understand the manuals for these commands17:29
qfour21Hello, everyone.  I have a favorite project (xwax) that I'd like to contribute to by maintaining ubuntu packages for.  Where would I start looking for information about what maintaining a package entails as well as how to get this package included in [uni|multi]verse repos?17:30
jacobstefg: i know how to use it, but not with the brackets17:30
stefgjacob: good luck in finding someone to read the man page to you :-)17:30
jacobstefg ok17:30
nooberi nead help with KNOPPIX... anybody can help????17:31
bazhangDuxter: can you see the language region settings in the gnome menu?17:31
matttisnoober: whats the problem ?17:31
stefgjacob: http://www.panix.com/~elflord/unix/grep.html17:32
nooberI boot but the screen is blank it does not support the resolution or refresh17:32
nooberso i dont see anything17:32
mediahunterflare you still here17:32
nooberafter loading17:32
bazhangDuxter: could you take a look?17:32
Flare183mediahunter:> yeah man i'm here17:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vmplayer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about virtualizer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:33
matttisnoober: isnt there a failsafe boot option ?17:34
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers17:34
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox17:34
matttisnoober: try that one17:34
Duxteri dont see it can i do sth with apt-get or synaptic?17:34
chrisgdoes anyone else think it's a bit odd to specifically allow root login in the ubuntu openssh-server dist config17:34
whereswaldohey, none of my windows have borders so I cant move them or anything, what´s going on?17:35
chrisgafaik it's normally something that's disabled, for good reason17:35
bazhangDuxter: open up synaptic and search for greek, and check the ones you want installed17:35
robertjchrisg: its fine17:35
levanderwhereswaldo: did you remove the borders somehow?17:35
robertjchrisg: if someone enables root then they probably would like to use it17:35
bazhangDuxter: they will likely be related to openoffice, though you could also turn your own system into a greek system afaik17:35
Duxterthank u17:35
mediahunterflare it has been a while since i have installed from a tar file17:35
bazhangno problem17:35
mediahunterwhat are the cmd again17:35
chrisgsurley logging in as a normal user and using sudo is much better ...17:36
`RiffRaffdoes anyone know if the issues around nVidia drivers and Gutsy have been resolved?17:36
chrisgit's generally accepted as bad practice to PermitRootLogin17:36
noobermattis: I dont know I was booting from a cd.... is there a vga or someother mode?17:36
Flare183mediahunter:> to extract a tar file?17:36
bulmermediahunter-> you tar -xvzf tarfile.gz17:36
Duxterhow can i do that?17:36
stefgchrisg: by default there is no root account in ubuntu, so any login attempts (over ssh or on the console) will fail anyway17:36
bulmermediahunter-> then you read the README file17:36
levander`RiffRaff: there will always be issues with the nvidia driver and any Linux. Is there a specific issue you have with it?17:36
chrisgyou mean there's no password?17:36
chrisgthe root user always exists17:36
chrisgor the password is locked17:37
levander`RiffRaff: nvidia doesn't put enough effort into that driver for it to ever be bug-free17:37
`RiffRaffhave tried all the "fixes" and nothing works17:37
stefgchrisg: ok, technically there's no password, so login is disabled17:37
vasuvi_noober: yeah, one of the commands lets you force X to use VESA instead of the default nv/ati drivers17:37
chrisg:), i just think it's a bit odd to allow root user logins via sshd17:37
`RiffRaffso its either get a new card or go back to fiesty17:37
chrisggranted openssh-server isn't installed as standard17:37
whereswaldolevander: I dont think so, at least not to my knowledge17:38
chrisgor it wasn't in the -alternative disti installed from. but it still seems non standard to permitroot :)17:38
bazhangDuxter: when you want to get someone's attention--best to use their nickname in your reply :}17:38
stefgchrisg: THINK....  no root password, no login....17:38
ubotuIf you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking to, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages17:38
=== omega_ is now known as hamburger
=== hamburger is now known as omega_
noobervasuvi_: how do I do that?17:38
levanderwhereswaldo: did you change your theme recently?  you're not using TV out are you, it's just a regular monitor right?17:38
bulmerwho is running ldap and using it as a single sign-on authentication for a centrally manage network of computers? how do you tell linux now you will be using ldap instead of passwd or shadow?17:38
chrisgbut some of us change the password and unlock the root user17:38
bazhangthanks bruenig :}17:38
levanderchrisg: why do you unlock the root user?17:39
Duxterbazhang ok ;) how can i do that u suggested?17:39
stefgchrisg: being smart/dumb enough to that means taking responsibility for a root sshd tehn17:39
chrisgi don't know, habit logging into consoles as root, and ssh as unpriv'd users17:39
brueniglevander, the root user is needed for some applications17:39
whereswaldolevander: no I didnt, and no it´s not TV out. I just changed some config stuff because I couldnt change my res, so now that´s fixed17:39
chrisgbruenig: yeah but technically i could ``sudo su -`` as the user i created at install17:40
levanderwhereswaldo: what config stuff?17:40
bazhangDuxter: open up the synaptic package manager and then in the search field type greek17:40
bruenigchrisg, not for slim17:40
bruenigchrisg, I mean you may not technically need it for your setup, but it still is needed for some things17:40
chrisgslim =?17:40
vasuvi_noober: I don't remember offhand; when you are on the boot screen, hit F2, F3, F4, etc...; that will give you the list of options17:40
bruenigchrisg, Simple Log In Manager17:40
levanderwhereswaldo: have you tried restarting X since your window borders went away?17:40
`RiffRaffok then does anyone have the link to hardware compatibility?17:40
bulmerbruenig-> does single user mode require root password? i forgot17:41
levanderbulmer: no17:41
vasuvi_noober: (I *think* it's something like xmodule=vesa, or there might be an option called "safe graphics mode" or something like that)17:41
Duxterbazhang: thank you very much17:41
bruenigbulmer, single user mode just puts you in a root console from init17:41
noobervasuvi_: thnax ill try that...17:41
bazhangDuxter: you all set now?17:41
whereswaldolevander: I´ll try that right now, and I reconfigured X17:41
chrisgyeah linux S doesn't ask for a password, i think it's stuff like solaris that does that17:41
vasuvi_noober: good luck!17:41
Duxterbazhang:  ill go try and post back17:41
levanderwhereswaldo: you may have just messed up your video mode configuring it while it was running, restarting may "reset" the video mode.  If that doesn't work, reconfigure X again.17:42
RoC_MasterMindFound it, to make telnetd not show your last login information, comment out "session    optional   pam_lastlog.so" in /etc/pam.d/login17:42
mike22hey. im having trouble logging in. i just did a fresh install. i think this might be because i mounted a separate partition to /home. anyways, heres the exact problem im having: http://pastebin.com/m5c185e7017:42
`RiffRaffok thanks17:43
sjovansome one here that can help me with ssh tunneling?17:43
sproingieis there a way to change the sudo timeout without recompiling?17:43
Jessidhello. does anybody could help me to make the usb ports of my laptop work under ubuntu 7.10? they used to work in ubuntu 7.04....and i have not changed any hardware configuration...the usb ports only work if i have connected the devices from the begini, when i turn on the laptop...thanks17:43
stefgmike22: your /etc/fstab seems broken, the path /home/mike seems not to be there17:43
levandermike22: copy your old /home/mike to the new /home17:44
levandermike22: then, relogin17:44
* SatManUK i would like to apologise if i appeared annoyed earlier the problem was not grub it was windows..17:44
bulmerJessid-> it does not work when you plugged in usb devices after the reboot?17:44
stefgas usual17:44
Jessidbulmer devices work only if i have them plugged in at me boot time, after that i can not connect any thing in the usb ports because they dont work, for example a usb mouse or a usb external hd17:46
bulmerJessid-> did you wait long enuff, sometimes usb devices takes a while to wake up.17:46
Jessidbulmer and it does not have a lot of sense to restart the computer every time i want to usb a usb memory...17:46
kitcheI find irssi now so boring sicne I got my multitail setup correctly so ii can be used like I want it :(17:46
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions17:46
Jessidbulmer yes i have waited for more than 1 hour17:47
IanLiuWhat command should I run to find a file in a directory tree? If I `find foo', it will search only in current dir, right?17:47
=== mesasina is now known as confused
MolePrinceIanLiu: try locate or find ./\17:47
bulmerJessid-> after a system rebooted, did you monitor /var/log/messages once you plug in a usb devices, does it show detection?17:47
stefgJessid: does 'sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart'  make the devices appear (when you plug them in after boot) ?17:48
dfcarneyIanLiu: find . -name "foo"17:48
IanLiuty, I will try17:48
dfcarneyIanLiu: type "man find" for the manual17:48
bruenigfind . -type f if you want to only match files17:48
Jessidbulmer give me a moment i check17:48
solhi, what analogue of ipconfig is in ubuntu?17:48
confusedhow to repair .. broken mounting on cdrom17:48
dfcarneysol: ifconfig, probably17:48
MolePrincesol: ifconfig17:48
confusedany one help me17:48
stefg!please | confused17:49
ubotuconfused: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience17:49
bulmersol and there is the iproute2 tool  called ip17:49
whereswaldolevander: restarting X didnt work but enabling then disabling my graphics drivers did just so ya know17:49
bulmersol  ip is more powerful than the older ifconfig17:49
d4ef6syes , klipper is for kubuntu but it work well in ubuntu ,im using ubuntu right now and  try gkliper first but  the same problem i can save the clipborbar history17:49
Jessidstefg what do you mean?17:49
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:49
solbulmer ifconfig suffices me, tnx!17:50
Ax-AxMy TTYs still doesn't work :(17:50
bulmersol where is the linux hacker in you? hehehe..17:50
ghost_Anyone know where i can see the Kim Kardashian video?17:50
Jessidbulmer nothing is shown when i plug or unplug the device17:50
stefgJessid: boot normally, then plug your devices in, run 'sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart'  in a terminal and check if your devices are there then17:51
rskghost_: on the internet17:51
mike22levander, i have a partition. that contains one parent directory called 'mike'.. and i always mount that partition to /home during install.. so im not sure what im supposed to do now.17:51
Jessidstefg ah ok...yes they are shown when i do that17:51
solbulmer, sorry my english=)17:51
bulmerJessid-> also rerun dmesg after you plugged in the device..if it detected it, it is added at the end17:51
stefgJessid: so we know that hal is to blame ....17:51
mike22levander, maybe the problem is that partition isnt getting mounted for some reason? i dunno17:51
stefgJessid: what does 'uname -r' turn up ?17:53
Jessidstefg:  2.6.22-14-generic17:53
=== mike22 is now known as Tarkus
Jessidbulmer man i dont know what you are talking about17:54
solhehe, my internet goes through router, becouse  i can not see it real ip through ifconfig=)17:54
stefgJessid: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+bug/2593117:54
sammyF_can I create a user who can't connect to internet, nor do anything but write and read stuff to its home and stdin/stdout?17:54
Jessidstefg let me check...17:54
solhow me know real ip17:54
bulmerJessid-> on a terminal type dmesg  the most recent detected usb devices should be listed at the end17:54
IanLiuhow do I pass the 'find' output to the rm (remove) command? I don't get it...17:56
mediahunteranyone know how to setup a new vmachine in vmware player17:56
dfcarneyIanLiu: you want to delete a list of files?17:56
ThugLifehi RootMe17:56
IanLiuI can do it directly17:56
Jessidbulmer i have found some lines with usb word...do you want me to send you any? i mean, do you have to see what the result is?17:56
=== ThugLife is now known as Thug-life
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dfcarneyIanLiu: something like: find . -name "foo" | xargs rm17:56
stefgmediahunter: http://www.easyvmx.com/index.shtml17:56
dfcarneyIanLiu: be careful with that command17:57
DziustinoHello, I got intel core 2 duo 7400 processor, it's better for me to  install 32bit or 64bit ubuntu?17:57
bulmerJessid-> no you dont need to send me, am just saying if it is detected, it should show up via the command dmesg17:57
stefgDziustino: stick with 32bit17:57
IanLiuyeah, I will17:57
dfcarneyIanLiu: "xargs" takes the output of one command and uses it as arguments past the pipe17:57
IanLiuhmm, thank you17:57
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions17:57
dfcarneyIanLiu: you could also use 'exec', but the syntax is a bit trickier17:58
Dziustinostefg , reasons?17:58
CyberaiI'm having an interesting problem. I have a SanDisk m230 mp3 player. I used to be able to mount it with "mount /dev/sda1 /media/<mount point>". This just stopped working today. I haven't made any system updates. fdisk accurately shows the device on /dev/sda1. But mount says "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock" etc.17:58
stefgDziustino: convinience.... flash, codecs, wine ... some stuff isn't available for 64bit, and the speed gain on an average desktop by using 64 bit is marginal17:58
MolePrinceIanLiu: Try sommat like rm $(find . -name "foo")17:58
CyberaiCan anyone help?17:58
IanLiuI can do 'rm -r *.jpg', cant I?17:58
MolePrinceIanLiu: Absolutely17:59
Dziustinook, thank you17:59
krimDziustino: Read the 64-bit section in the Ubuntu forums and see if the problems apply to you. I'm using Ubuntu 64 bit with no problems but then I don't use the software that can be problematic with it, might be different for you.17:59
IanLiuhmm, thats simpler =)17:59
dfcarneyIanLiu: yup.  the nice thing about xargs is that it lets you pipe things together17:59
bulmerCyberai->can you play the mp3 still without it being plugged in toyour puter?17:59
Cyberaibulmer, can't tell, no music on it18:00
bulmerCyberai-> possibly it gone bad?18:00
Jock2In Evolution, how can I mark all messages as read without right-clicking every top folder?18:00
Cyberaibulmer, possible18:00
bulmerCyberai-> i have purchased one of those china cheap ones, lasted for about a month..18:01
IanLiudfcarney: true. I never understood very well these arguments concats.. Sometimes I only see COMMAND `another command', sometimes with pipe, and so on18:01
Cyberaibulmer, had this one about 2 years, worked great til noqw18:01
Cyberaibulmer, had this one about 2 years, worked great til now18:01
flowI'd like some help with my sound issue .. aoss teamspeak18:02
flowit used to work, but I seem to have changed a setting18:02
bulmerCyberai-> dont forget, flash memory like the ones used on usb drives dont last forever...18:02
flowand can't find what I need to revert back to18:02
dfcarneyIanLiu: hehe, well if you're going to get into command-line stuff i *highly* recommend that you read up on the pipe operator.  *nix is based around it18:02
Cyberaibulmer, true dat18:02
mediahunteri have qemu how do i creat a vmx in it to play back in vmware player18:02
IanLiudfcarney: I will ;)18:03
wimdowshi all, any command line util that will list all my HDD devices?18:03
mynymlit seems that anything i play in mplayer has its audio desynchronized .. is there a way to reset it?18:03
bulmerCyberai-> how to recover? i have not done it on my mp3 player yet..but i assume gparted will recognize it then you can format it, but to get back the mp3 playing capabilities...ummm that would be tuff18:03
Cyberaiwimdows, "df -h"18:03
stefgwimdows: sudo fdsik -l18:03
sammyF_wimdows: ; try df18:03
ymorinhi, what means erro$ in /etc/fstab, I don't seem to find it inside standard man page of fstab...18:03
Tomcat_mynyml: move the ~/.mplayer dir somewhere else.18:03
warlock_handlerguys if i get a I/O Buffer error in my /dev/hda3 what does that mean18:04
warlock_handlerand can i fix this??18:04
stefgwarlock_handler: a problem !18:04
warlock_handler<stefg>: what problem??18:04
stefgwarlock_handler: how old is that drive ?18:04
bulmerwarlock_handler-> does it happen often enuff or only once in a while?18:04
mynymlTomcat_: ?18:05
warlock_handler<bulmer>: one in a while18:05
Tomcat_mynyml: If you move the ~/.mplayer directory, all mplayer settings get reset.18:05
warlock_handler<stefg>: about 4 to 5 yrs old18:05
newguys2hi, where is python located?18:05
Tomcat_newguys2: "locate python" :)18:05
flownewguys2: locate python18:05
wimdowshmm - is it normal that my just connected PATA drive doesn't show up using df?18:05
Tomcat_newguys2: /usr/bin/python usually.18:05
wimdowsMain drive is SATA18:06
DruleSo hey18:06
Drulewhat do I need to do in order to set up a wired network between my Vista comp and Ubuntu?18:06
DruleDo I need an application for Vista?18:06
DruleUbuntu is currently searching for a network connection or something18:06
stefgwarlock_handler: i'd runn badblocks and install smartmon-tools to check if your drive is ok. This can be the signs of a slowly beginning death18:06
flowany help on my aoss issue would be appreciated18:06
CyberaiDrule, how does your Vista system connect to your wireless?18:07
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE18:07
warlock_handler<stefg>: i should install a smartmon-tools ??18:07
mynymlTomcat_: ohh. thats a good idea. then i guess i could just dpkg -P and reinstall18:07
DruleI'm not trying to set up a wireless LAN18:07
stefgwarlock_handler: yes, to be able to read the smart messages from your disk18:07
kakooniahey all18:07
CyberaiDrule, are you trying to get your ubuntu system connected to your AP or doa peer-to-peer between the ubuntu and vista systems?18:08
warlock_handler<stefg>: cool will do that right a way18:08
DruleCyberai what does AP and doa mean18:08
warlock_handler<stefg>: is there any way to avoid using the bad sectors in the HDD18:08
DruleI am pretty new to Ubuntu and its terminology.18:08
kakooniahow do i set a scanner?18:08
Tomcat_Drule: Access Point18:08
DruleI see.18:09
CyberaiDrule, AP = wireless access point, doa = "do a" typod18:09
DruleI'm just trying to connect the two via a network cable.18:09
stefgwarlock_handler: badblocks will give you sector numbers, and you can use the relating filesystem tool (tune2fs, reiserfstune or whatever) to mark them as unusable18:09
warlock_handler<stefg>: it says cant find smartmon-tools... why this error?18:09
kakooniaive got a canon PIXMA MP170 (printer+scanner) how do i configure/install the scanner ?18:09
WorkingOnWiseis there a way to link into a pdf. I want to make an OO document with links to specific locations in a pdf. Any ideas?18:09
CyberaiDrule, wireless or cabled? You're not being particularly clear?18:10
flowcabled I read18:10
DruleWell that's what I meant by wired18:10
flowDrule: IP-addresses all set ... have you got a DHCP running?18:10
Drulecabled yes18:10
rawbif I install a program from gutsy-proposed and it then gets moved to gutsy-updates two weeks later, will my system be able to figure out the package moved when a new version comes out and I do an 'aptitude update'? or will I have to tell it it moved?18:10
DruleI am wondering if I will need any additional applications for any of the systems18:10
Drulefor starters!18:10
CyberaiDrule, no18:10
stefg!info smartmontools | warlock_handler18:11
ubotuwarlock_handler: smartmontools: control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.37-5ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 280 kB, installed size 684 kB18:11
stefgwarlock_handler: so its without '-'18:11
DruleOkay well it found an unidentified network I think.18:11
DruleSo I don't know, flow18:11
warlock_handler<stefg>: yup googled it.. and got it... thnx dude18:11
ToddEDMhey guys im back... im still looking for something to mess with this goof who is connected to my LAN18:11
CyberaiDrule, set your vista system to a static IP of something like, and the ubuntu to Then share a folder on the vista system. With any luck it should pop up after a couple minutes in the network folder of the ubuntu system18:12
SmashCatHi, I'm on a server running  dapper, it's got pureftpd installed which doesn't appear to allow directory aliases (though the docs claim it does for some reason). Is there a good alternative that supports users going outside the home directory?18:12
warlock_handler<stefg>: will now install reiserfstune18:12
flowmy call to "aoss teamspeak" no longer gives a microphone ... I've been battling with some sound-capturing recently ... whatever I toggled I can't remember, help me fix this please :)18:12
ReK_my gutsy refuses to boot now, it hangs after execing /etc/rc.local, yet the only thing in that file is the default 'exit 0'...18:12
CyberaiToddEDM, someone is connected to your WAP?18:12
DruleAlright Cyberai, I'll give that a try. Thanks.18:12
bulmerToddEDM-> it looks like you're the one that got frustrated and not those leachers..hehehe18:12
ToddEDMim not frustrated18:13
CyberaiToddEDM, first think you should do is scan him using NMAP -P018:13
ToddEDMwhat is nmap -po18:13
mus_durtürkçe bilen varmı18:13
MolePrinceToddEDM: Or just enable WEP/WPA :P  Or at least a MAC whitelist.18:13
ReK_my gutsy refuses to boot now, it hangs after execing /etc/rc.local, yet the only thing in that file is the default 'exit 0'...18:13
CyberaiToddEDM, it will show you every open port on his PC, and with any luck what OS he is using18:14
ToddEDMMolePrince:  i will later18:14
* flow only comes in here when RTFM hasn't helped in hours ... always get's ignored ... but it gives him new energy to RTFM18:14
flowso long .. thanks for nothing (yet again)18:14
warlock_handlerok guys i am out of here... will catch you guys later... peace18:14
ReK_my gutsy refuses to boot now, it hangs after execing /etc/rc.local, yet the only thing in that file is the default 'exit 0'...18:15
bulmerflow come again for more..hehe18:15
SmashCatReK_: Yes, so you said.18:15
ReK_yes, yes i did18:15
ompaul!tr | mus_dur18:16
ubotumus_dur: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.18:16
Jock2Where do I click to add a new e-mail account in Evolution? I just can't find the button...18:16
campino_how can i talk to my leds on my notebook18:17
GMWeezelis there a program i can use to convert my *.sh scripts to HTML so i can post them online?18:17
bulmercampino_-> leds? lite emitting diodes?18:17
ReK_whats the path to xorg.conf?18:18
Linuxascan anyone help me with installation of mppe_mppc on feisty?18:19
toresncan anyone help me with mplayer... to make it run i have to do it with -vo x11 (but no fullscreen then).. i'm running an external monitor connected to my laptop whose monitor is disabled... the video card is a ati mobility radeon 970018:19
bulmercampino_-> any particular one?18:19
ReK_campino_: it completely depends on the make of your laptop. if you have an acer, try acer_acpi. otherwise, google :)18:19
toresncan anyone help me with mplayer... to make it run i have to do it with -vo x11 (but no fullscreen then).. i'm running an external monitor connected to my laptop whose monitor is disabled... the video card is a ati mobility radeon 970018:20
toresnhere's my xorg.conf:18:20
Linuxasmppc_mppe please? there are .deb packages for edgy and dapper but not for feisty18:20
bud_hello, im having trouble starting vmware server on ubuntu gutsy, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic, can anyone help?18:20
ReK_my gutsy refuses to boot now, it hangs after execing /etc/rc.local, yet the only thing in that file is the default 'exit 0'...18:20
bud_ when i start it i get these messages http://paste.lisp.org/display/51386, and nothing happens after that18:20
Ax-Axi want my TTYs back :(18:20
bud_i have downloaded vmware server on offical webpage, and installed it in usual way, ./vmware-install.pl18:20
foughow do i open samba18:20
bud_during install everything went ok, without errors18:20
Linuxasor is there any other possibility for installing VPN18:21
hangthedjis there a way to turn of the password protection for when my computer comes back from suspend?18:21
fougI try installing samba-common and it tells me I allready have it. How do I open it to set it up and configure it? I'm trying to put a hard drive on the network18:21
DruleHow do I add the local IP of my Ubuntu comp in Vista?18:21
bulmerReK_-> umm how do you know it has not moved to /etc/rc2.d/S* ?18:21
toresncan anyone help me with mplayer... to make it run i have to do it with -vo x11 (but no fullscreen then).. i'm running an external monitor connected to my laptop whose monitor is disabled... the video card is a ati mobility radeon 970018:21
toresnhere's my xorg.conf:18:21
LinuxasPLEASE MPPE_MPPC does anyone know???18:21
Ax-Axis there any fix for the blank TTYs yet?18:21
Ax-Axwastrel: Ctrl-Alt-F1 shows a black screen only, but commands work. But I can't read the output :(18:22
bulmerDrule-> i assume vista has its own  equivalent to /etc/hosts file18:22
xzasedhiya all18:22
dfcarneyDrule: what do you mean?  you want your Ubuntu box to show up in VIsta's list of computers?18:22
xzasedI need some help capturing video in ubuntu18:22
dfcarneyDrule: you'll need to set up Samba18:22
ReK_bulmer: i dont, but with all my laptops i had to get some acpi project working to change them18:22
Ax-AxCtrl-Alt-F1 shows a black screen only, but commands work. But I can't read the output :(18:22
xzasedis there any hardware that works with linux?18:22
dfcarneyDrule: pretty straight forward, just make sure that the PCs are in the same workgroup18:22
ReK_Can someone help me with my gutsy, it isnt booting anymore, it simply stops the boot process after running /etc/rc.local, yet all that file contains is the default 'exit 0'....18:23
xzasedI mean< video capture hardware18:24
bulmerReK_-> i dont follow you, is acpi one of the very first scripts run in the levels 2-5?18:24
fougI try installing samba-common and it tells me I allready have it. How do I open it to set it up and configure it? I'm trying to put a hard drive on the network18:24
Druleand bulmer18:24
ymorinok, I found what erro$ means.. the user is incapable doing copy/paste....18:24
DruleI pretty much want my Ubuntu comp to appear in the Vista network location list18:24
KeyseirIs there an open source program that reads text / converts it to audio?18:25
DruleI can't share this folder if I don't give it access first18:25
dfcarneyDrule: yeah, so Samba is the way to go.  i'm sure there are ubuntuforum pages about it18:25
DruleUbuntu can locate the windows comp thogh18:25
bud_Keyseir: festival18:25
dfcarney!samba | drule18:25
ubotudrule: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT18:25
ReK_bulmer: i dont know, the acpi program just adds the laptop's features (LEDs, buttons, etc) to some interfaces it creates18:25
=== j_ack_ is now known as j_ack
DruleDo I have to use Samba?18:25
arash_Hi, I would like yo be automatically logged in when i start my computer, is that possible with Ubuntu? I know I could with Kubuntu18:26
bulmerDrule-> you have to have the ubuntu side running samba so it will appear in the windows side18:26
DruleWell this is going to be tricky18:26
bulmerReK_-> is this a new install? has it run before?18:26
Drulemy Ubuntu comp doesn't have an internet connection anymore18:26
Druleis samba the only way to go?18:26
Ax-AxCtrl-Alt-F1 shows a black screen only, but commands work. But I can't read the output :(18:26
dfcarneyDrule: yup.18:26
bulmerDrule-> why it lost the internet connectivity?18:26
dfcarneyDrule: at least, as far as I know.18:27
ubuntuhi there18:27
DruleI switched to mobile internet18:27
Drulebut it's not linux compatible18:27
ReK_bulmer: yeah, just installed. ran once after taking out the livecd. i changed the settings to use my 2nd monitor and rebooted, then this happened18:27
DruleAlso alright.18:27
DigitalNinja_Drule: What kind of mobile internet?18:27
DruleWhat kinds are there18:27
bulmerReK_-> i dont know what settings you changed, you may as well re-install to get a fresh start18:28
DigitalNinja_Drule: I was thinking of the cell phone type18:28
ubuntuI encounte problems by using grub with raid something but I do not succeed to find what ? any helps ?18:28
DigitalNinja_Drule: EVDO18:28
DruleIt has a modem.18:28
bulmerDrule there is the pay type and the once you leached for free..lol18:28
Drulethat accesses the 3G net18:28
ReK_bulmer: whats the path to xorg.conf, i might be able to use vim to reset it to single monitor18:28
DigitalNinja_Drule: I see.18:28
NobleI'm trying to do a raid installation using the alternative cd, expert mode... it always fails on 'select and install' on a gstreamer package... says the hash is bad... other than reburning the cd, is there any way I can manually exclude that package or force it to download it during install?18:28
bulmerReK_-> /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:28
DruleYa I have the free kind too bulmer ;-)18:28
DigitalNinja_Drule: Do you have any info on the card18:29
jerbearhow do i set the windows key to be a key modifier?18:29
DruleWell, it is possible to set up with Linux according to some pages I've read18:29
Drulebut apparently it's a huge hassle18:29
Druleand I'll probably have to download stuff18:29
Drulebasically you have to install the usb device manually or something18:29
Druleand recompile the kernel18:29
DruleI don't know. I'm new to Linux, so I didn't understand all of it.18:29
neilmorrowhi all18:30
dfcarneyDrule: for new drivers, recompiling the kernel is typical.  it's not that bad, once you get used to it.  best to have someone guide you through the steps however (first time i did it, about a decade ago, i totally screwed up my system)18:30
blublobluhow do I get mediawiki to appear in /var/www?18:30
ubuntuSetting up cups-pdf (2.4.6-3ubuntu10) ...18:30
ubuntu * Reloading Common Unix Printing System: cupsd                          [ OK ]18:30
ubuntuPassword for root on localhost?18:30
DruleI see dfcarney18:30
ubuntuwhat should I answer from livecd18:30
Drulejust installing a new kernel seems to have screwed up my system18:31
DruleI think I'll pass on that for now :-)18:31
dfcarneyDrule: you *may* be able to get away with just recompiling the driver, if the source files are available and properly referenced against the kernel headers18:31
Druleidk that's probably overkill for me18:31
Drulebut good to know at least.18:31
fougI try installing samba-common and it tells me I allready have it. How do I open it to set it up and configure it? I'm trying to put a hard drive on the network18:32
Ax-AxCtrl-Alt-F1 shows a black screen only, but commands work. But I can't read the output. Any fix?18:32
dfcarneyDrule: well, good luck :)18:32
arash_Hi, I would like yo be automatically logged in when i start my computer, is that possible with Ubuntu? I know I could with Kubuntu18:32
DruleThanks bud.18:32
dfcarney!samba | foug18:32
ubotufoug: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT18:32
blublobluanyone here know anything about installing mediawiki or other server stuff?18:32
wimdowshi - I got a SATA main drive, using AHCI, and now added a 2nd drive, PATA - which gets recognised by the AHCI program, yet I can't see any sign of it under Ubuntu (and gparted just hangs)18:33
dfcarneyblubloblu: i haven't installed mediawiki, but isn't it just a collection of PHP scripts running on an Apache server?18:33
Noblehey, what happened to that media distribution of ubuntu? the one for musicians and had a realtime kernel?18:33
Noblewas that not official?18:33
munk_whenever i try to boot and it gets at the disk check i get [ #####] Buffer I/O error on device hda3 logical block ### can someone please help me?18:33
fougdfcarney: pretty simple looking guide, and this will allow me to share a hard drive over the network? From a linux comp to a windows comp, will it work wirelessly? My windows desktop connects to my network through wi-fi18:34
blublobludf: well, my problem is that i've installed media wiki via apt-get but it's not in my /var/www18:34
flowFYI: my sound issue was solved when I found a backup of my ~/.asoundrc I'd missed before18:34
dfcarneyfoug: do you want to mount a windows disk in Ubuntu, or the other way around?18:34
wimdowscan I simply use IDE and SATA mixed?18:35
stedy hello.. is there a way to compile only one kernel module as ati_remote.ko and just update this one.  culd i use make module or somthing for this?18:35
fougdfcarney: it's just an external hard drive18:35
haffouffhello all18:35
eth01wimdows: ya18:35
dfcarneyfoug: but where is it attached? to your windows PC or your Ubuntu PC?18:35
fougdfcarney: it will be hooked up to my ubuntu pc18:35
haffouffmy load_cycle_count is at 14837218:35
haffouffand it's not stopping growing :(18:36
boulbahow to set a wallpaper with fluxbox ?18:36
dfcarneyfoug: you'll need to install a samba server and configure a share that points to the disk's mount-point18:36
eth01when you do apt-get install mediawiki (or whatever it is) it doesn't go directly into /var/www .. i think its in /etc/ or usr/share18:36
dfcarneyfoug: basically, you'll need to do a bit of reading on samba :)18:36
dfcarneyfoug: it's not tricky18:36
Ax-AxCtrl-Alt-F1 shows a black screen only, but commands work. But I can't read the output. Any fix?18:36
=== linux88 is now known as AngelsOfDestiny
flowto be explicit: I /think/ it's the uncommented "capture.pcm: dsnoop" line inside the pcm.duplex settings18:36
fougdfcarney: reading isn't too hard, getting use to it i suppose18:36
newguys2hi, if anybody used tilechache before, what is this error? #!/usr/bin/env python  from TileCache import Service, cgiHandler, cfgfiles  if __name__ == '__main__':     svc = Service.load(*cfgfiles)     cgiHandler(svc)18:36
boulbahow to set a wallpaper with fluxbox ?18:36
dfcarneyfoug: haha.  welcome to linux.18:36
fougdfcarney: ya it shouldn't be too hard, will it be able to connect through wi-fi?18:37
haffouffneed help please18:37
MeTrOiD014|KevinWhere do you download ubuntu live?18:37
fougdfcarney: ha ya right on, been using ubuntu since 7.04 came out, not too long but i'm still a noob i'd say18:37
dfcarneyfoug: if both computers are on the same network, then sure.18:37
flowso, enjoy your ubuntu everyone ... damn, I REALLY need to fall back to a GOOD distro, like pure debian, much nicer community!18:37
fougdfcarney: they will be, awesome18:37
robdigMeTrOiD014|Kevin: www.ubuntu.com18:37
MeTrOiD014|KevinTheres different download links18:37
dfcarneyfoug: it's just information.  the fact that you're using wired connections or wireless connections doesn't matter from samba's point of view -- all it knows is that there's a network18:38
AngelsOfDestinyHas anyone used Moto4lin before?18:38
fougdfcarney: awesome, i like that18:38
fougdfcarney: does NFS work the same way?18:38
robdigMeTrOiD014|Kevin: the downloads are the live cd18:38
robdigMeTrOiD014|Kevin: and the installation disk18:38
Ax-AxCtrl-Alt-F1 shows a black screen only, but commands work. But I can't read the output. Any fix?18:38
dfcarneyfoug: it had better :)18:38
infinitycircuitAx-Ax, if commands work what if you type reset18:39
MeTrOiD014|Kevinrobdiq: When I downloaded the .iso it wouldnt boot and I didnt see any files  Icould load18:39
fougdfcarney: well i know it doesn't connect to windows pc, that's why i'm having to use Samba18:39
jacobwho in here has bmp?18:39
Ax-Axinfinitycircuit, nothing18:39
dfcarneyfoug: oh, i see what you're saying.  not sure about NFS, having made only light use of it.  i think that you need to flip a switch in windows to enable an NFS server or something18:39
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.18:40
robdigMeTrOiD014|Kevin: did you burn it as an iso file? You need an add on to windows to do that...give me a few and i'll let you know what i used18:40
jacobi'm having difficulties making some mp3 visible in the program from a folder18:40
infinitycircuitAx-Ax, when you boot, do you see the framebuffer splash screen, or do you get a blank screen then as well?18:40
jacobit only imported 2 songs18:40
haffouffmy load_cycle_count is at 14837218:40
MeTrOiD014|Kevinrobdiq: no I my cd burner like extracts it for me18:40
haffouffand it's not stopping growing :(18:40
haffouffneed help please18:40
fougdfcarney: i see, thanks for the help18:40
slavikany idea why a user would not be allowed to create a session?18:41
Ax-Axinfinitycircuit, usplash works18:41
dfcarneyfoug: no problem...and good luck.18:41
bulmerslavik is it a valid user? has correct permissions?18:42
NobleI'm trying to do a raid installation using the alternative cd, expert mode... it always fails on 'select and install' on a gstreamer package... says the hash is bad... other than reburning the cd, is there any way I can manually exclude that package or force it to download it during install?18:42
blublobludfcarney: do you know how to get mediawiki to appear in /var/www?18:42
arash_Hi, I would like yo be automatically logged in when i start my computer, is that possible with Ubuntu? I know I could with Kubuntu18:43
dfcarneyblubloblu: nope :)  like i said, i've never set it up myself18:43
kakooniaive got a canon PIXMA MP170 (printer+scanner) how do i configure/install the scanner ?18:43
slavikbulmer: it is me (I want to open a second xsession) and what permissions should there be?18:43
Noblearash_: yes, its possible18:43
blubloblu:( anyone?18:43
arash_Noble: how ?18:43
Noblearash_: can't remember how, i'm at work at the moment18:43
arash_Noble: ok thanks, but its possible from the GUI right?18:44
Noblearash_: but its an option under administration somewhere18:44
dfcarneyblubloblu: have you seen this? http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Running_MediaWiki_on_Ubuntu_GNU/Linux18:44
Noblearash_: yep, you can do it with a few clicks from the gui18:44
ubotuScanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR18:44
robdigMeTrOiD014|Kevin:  i used iso recorder from isorecorder.alexfeinman.com. when you boot, you may need to tell your bios to boot from the cd-rom18:44
slavikbulmer: I've been trying to figure out how to launch an xsession for just one app (a game)18:44
trekkme hi i got a ubuntu 7.10 as host and a winxpprof as guest, installed vmwaretools and spezified and activated a shared folder in host system, but cannot connect to the shared folder via guest, guest and host are pingable from both sides...18:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bitlbee - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:44
bulmerslavik-> right now are you using like gnome or kde?18:45
slavikgnome, of course :P18:45
slavikbulmer: just tell me where to go :)18:45
slavikhmm, that came out wrong ...18:45
dfcarneyHas anyone noticed a considerable performance hit after upgrading to Gusty?  In particular, Firefox now runs about 10x slower for me...  Any ideas?18:45
slavikdfcarney: how is firefox slower?18:46
bulmerslavik, i cant i dont have my Xwindows notes here with me to reference..sorry18:46
bulmeri have to google18:46
dfcarneyslavik: lag and response time.  in particular, pages heavy on javascript take *forever* to respond18:46
kitchedfcarney: probably due to that it's using gcj instead of java18:46
infinitycircuitdfcarney, try turning off ipv6 and use noscript to selectively stop javacript18:46
slavikbulmer: damn it :( ... I remember someone had code somewhere where it would start a session with just wine running WoW ... that is essentially what I want to do ...18:47
gerghi all18:47
MeTrOiD014|Kevinrobdiq: so I go into my bios and tell it too boot from cd?18:47
toresncan anyone help me with mplayer... to make it run i have to do it with -vo x11 (but no fullscreen then).. i'm running an external monitor connected to my laptop whose monitor is disabled... the video card is a ati mobility radeon 970018:47
toresnhere's my xorg.conf:18:47
dfcarneyinfinitycircuit: how do i disable ipv6?18:47
juano__dfcarney: ipv6 probably18:47
gerghow do I troubleshoot a wireless connection that was setup improperly?18:47
dfcarney!ipv6 | dfcarney18:47
robdigMeTrOiD014|Kevin: yup18:47
kitcheslavik: umm that's not hard let me write the code right out for you18:47
juano__dfcarney: a fast solution only for firefox is to type in url about:config , search for ipv6 and turn the variable to false18:48
MeTrOiD014|Kevinrobdig: if that doesnt work could you think of anything else that could be the problem?18:48
Noblewhat "more options" can i pass during install?18:48
juano__dfcarney: but if you never use ipv6 for nothing, just turn it off globally18:48
slavikI've went through google and forums and couldn't find it (even though it is simple)18:48
dfcarneyjuano__: hehe -- i just did.  need to restart, apparently18:48
robdigMeTrOiD014|Kevin: did you check the md5 checksum of the downloaded file to what is on the website? if the download got messed up, you may encounter other problems18:49
MeTrOiD014|Kevinmd5 checksum?18:49
MeTrOiD014|KevinI feel stupid now18:49
kitcheslavik: http://pastebin.ca/797060 is one way to do it or you could make a file so you can login though gdm each time18:50
MasterShrekslavik, use a minimal window manager like fluxbox or blackbox and have the window manager run a startup script that will start wow, then when u login from gdm pick that window manager18:50
juano__dfcarney: yep, if it doesnt work probably you need to run gksudo firefox, (set the variable to false with sudo permissions) close it, and then continue using it normally18:50
robdigMeTrOiD014|Kevin: aw, don't do that, its just an opportunity to learn, we all have to do that every day. keep going, and if you have other questions, just ask18:50
Guest16155hello, i got today new computer and i want to clone my ubuntu from the old computer to the new, what is the best way to clone hdd on ubuntu system ?18:50
slavikhere's another thing, I don't want to login from gdm18:50
MasterShrekGuest16155, dd18:51
Juanhow can i watch asx video streams?18:51
MasterShrekdd if=/dev/hda1 of=/dev/hdb1  (for example hard drive device names)18:51
slavikI am already logged in through gdm to my regular environment, and I just want to have a script that starts an xsession with wine/doom3/ut2k4/ut3 in it and such18:51
levanderJuan: http://pastebin.com/m5c185e7018:51
juano__Juan: installed ubuntu-restricted-formats ?18:51
Juanyeah, i have everything18:52
levanderjuano__: wrong place, hold on18:52
MasterShrekJuan, medibuntu too?18:52
Juanw32 and stuff18:52
MeTrOiD014|Kevinrobdig: ok first what is md5checksum18:52
Guest16155MasterShrek: can i make this command from the ubuntu ? or i must use an LIVE CD ?18:52
slavikthat or I would like to find out how to get compiz to place windows over the panels (stuff that is supposed to be fullscreen)18:52
MasterShrekgstreamer bad and ugly?18:52
POHi all ubuntu users!18:52
Juanits all in18:52
MasterShrekGuest16155, either way18:52
levanderJuan: follow that link18:52
Juanwill do18:52
slavikor have different panel configuration depending on the desktop within compiz18:53
juano__Juan uruguayo ?18:53
Juancomo va18:53
Juanacá en inglés che18:53
kitcheumm just put what you want in a .xinitrc then then do startx18:53
robdigMeTrOiD014|Kevin: it computes a checksum of the file so that you can verify its integrity. most unix and linux systems come with it, with windows you have to download it.18:53
abbehi channel18:53
MeTrOiD014|Kevinrobdig: kk18:54
Guest16155MasterShrek: sorry about all the questions ... how i can see my primary drive name ? (so i will not make mistake and erase my system) ?18:54
robdigMeTrOiD014|Kevin: no problem, hope it goes well18:54
gerghow can you reset/remove any wireless network connections you've created?18:54
MeTrOiD014|Kevinrobdig: I installed it I see this compare thing what do I do here?18:54
MasterShrekGuest16155, are you logged into your ubuntu system right now or using a livecd?18:54
abbedoes 'virtualbox-ose' package (gutsy/amd64) contains i386 version of VirtualBox, hmm... ? I'm thinking to install that.18:54
ibanezi can't seem to get my wireless on the net using ubuntu feisty, how can i scan for networks ?18:55
Guest16155MasterShrek: i am now logged into my ubuntu ..18:55
kitcheabbe: yes ose just means open source edition18:55
MolePrinceibanez: iwlist scanning18:55
abbekitche: so thats 32bit or 64bit ?18:55
ibanezeth1 says no scan results18:55
kitcheabbe: both18:55
ibanezbut im like 2 feet away from the router18:55
MasterShrekGuest16155, type mount in a terminal and it will show you what is mounted where, whatever is mounted at / is your root partition (put this device at if=/dev/xxxx)18:55
MolePrinceibanez: check iwconfig eth1 and see if it reports it as having wireless extensions.18:56
abbekitche: you mean if I install openbox-ose on my amd64 installation, I'll get both virtualbox executables (one for 32-bit and one for 64-bit), hmm... ?18:56
juano__ibanez: in the gnome desktop you have the network nm-applet , if your wireless is in roaming mode it should scan all available networks there18:56
ibanezwell it has IEEE 802.11b/g18:56
robdigMeTrOiD014|Kevin: don't know which program you're using, but it either wants the checksum from the download website for ubuntu so it can do the comparison for you or it is wanting the path to a file with that info18:56
theravingsocietyibanez: eth1 is not likely the device name of your wireless card. should be atho, wlan0 or something like that18:56
MeTrOiD014|Kevinrobdig: that one18:56
pudlandneed help patching kernel for bluetooth headset18:57
abbekitche: I'm currently running Gobuntu (amd64/7.10)18:57
slaviktheravingsociety: eth is possible though18:57
immolo_heya, I have an nvidia 8500 GT and I'm trying to get tvout working with svideo but ubuntu isn't seeing it18:57
robdigMeTrOiD014|Kevin: give me just a moment18:57
juano__ibanez: System ---> Admin ---> network, check if eth1 is in roaming mode18:57
ibanezit is18:57
ibanezi just checked for that18:57
Guest16155MasterShrek: so in this command  dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/dev/hdb1 - my source drive is "if=/dev/hda1" .. and the target drive is "of=dev..etc." ?18:58
slavikI've been told that bcm43xx works with WEP (the one in gutsy)18:58
kitcheabbe: no you will get whatever arch you use18:58
juano__ibanez: clicked nm-applet on desktop ?18:58
abbekitche: okay, thank you very much18:58
slavikGuest16155: if = input file, of = output file :)18:58
ibanezcorrect Juan18:58
Juanjuan needs help too18:58
ibanezbeside wireless connection, instead of having a check mark, i have a -18:58
slavikGuest16155: you might also want to add bs=8MB (bs = buffer size)18:59
Juanwith asx video streams18:59
juano__ibanez: does it see the available networks ?18:59
MasterShrekGuest16155, yep, make sure the partition scheme is right on your destination drive, including a swap partition18:59
ibanezit doesn't see any juano__18:59
ibanezit is a bcm43xx18:59
Juanhow can i watch asx video streams?18:59
ibanezi knwo there has been problems with restricted drivers in gutsy18:59
juano__ibanez: in terminal sudo iwlist scan what does that output ?18:59
ibaneznow it says it dosn't support scanning19:00
ibanezNo Such Device19:00
MasterShrekibanez, do you have the firmware for it?19:00
ibanezi do not19:00
MasterShrekyou need firmware for bcm43xx cards19:00
Guest16155MasterShrek: how can i check if my partition scheme is right on my destination drive, including a swap partition?19:00
ibanezill google for it19:00
Noblecan anyone help me setup a new raid1 installation? It seems to refuse to let me partition my new md0 device with BOTH an ext3 partition AND a swap partition19:00
MasterShrekibanez, http://www.mediafire.com/?bqn8x4eancv19:00
MasterShrekibanez, extract that file to /lib/firmware19:01
ibanezthanks MasterShrek19:01
=== ArabEyes is now known as Arabi
pudlandhelp with kernel pls.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45811/19:01
Juanhow can i watch asx video streams? (i have all of the codecs)19:01
rskJuan: mplayerplug-in19:01
juano__ibanez: ahh no installed driver19:01
MasterShrekGuest16155, sudo fdisk -l  (pastebin the output if you want me to have a look at it)19:01
buzztuin order to connect to my wifi network with wpa i need to restart my router19:01
tovellaNoble: why not put your swap partion somewhere other than md0?19:02
Noblei can do that, but i read that if the drive with the swap partition fails, the system will crash19:02
ibanezthank god for flash drives ;p19:02
popernIs it possible to upgrade to Ubuntu from Debian?19:03
slavikpopern: you can't really upgrade between distributions19:03
ibanezjuano__ may i ask a slighter dumb question ?19:03
juano__ibanez: sure19:03
ibanezhow do i extract it to /lib/firmware ?19:03
slavikpopern: it would better be to reinstall from scratch ... which is easy if you separated your root and home partitions :)19:03
popernslavik: I know, but ubuntu is based on debian right? ^^19:03
juano__ibanez: tar.gz ?19:03
slavikpopern: yes19:04
infinitycircuitpopern, the repositories are too different to allow an "upgrade" really19:04
pudlandhelp with kernel patch pls.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45811/19:04
Guest16155MasterShrek: what should i look for in the output ? (sorry i cant past the output becouse i am not surfing from the same computer)19:04
juano__ibanez: sudo tar -xvzf yourtarfile.tar.bz2 /lib/firmware19:04
infinitycircuitpopern, i do know someone who took damn small linux -> knoppix -> breezy badger -> etch19:04
infinitycircuitpopern, but that is very unlikely19:04
RebelXubuntu 7.10 only has 2 workspaces how do i add more?19:04
tovellaNoble: if that happens, replace the failed drive and reboot.  i have never put a swap partition raid, and my main server has been running for about 3 years.19:04
krimRebelX: Right click on them and choose preferences19:05
mrmondayhow can I make ubuntu automatically mount the swap partition when it starts? It doesdn't seem to do it any more19:05
MasterShrekGuest16155, well, just that your hdb looks similar to your hda, the desitination partion on hdb should be at least as big as the source on hda, and you should have a swap partition on hdb19:05
theravingsocietyRebelX: krim was faster ;-)19:05
ibanezsays gzip: stdin: not in gzip format19:05
popernIts just that the Ubuntu install CD won't work on my computer, but the Debian CD works ;o19:05
Puaffplease, does anyone know when will wmware-player be available in 7.10?19:05
ibaneztar: /lib/firmware not found in archive19:05
Jooleshi all. Anyone know how long it'll be until Xorg 7.3 is gonna be in the ubuntu packages?19:05
Noblepopern: have you tried the alternative cd?19:05
RebelXThx krim apparently im a real newb19:05
popernNoble: yes19:05
juano__ibanez: go to /lib/firmware first19:05
MasterShrekibanez, its a bzip2 file isnt it?19:05
slavikMasterShrek: any idea if there is a filesystem aware dd?19:05
astevensmrmonday, make sure its set in your fstab19:05
theravingsocietyPuaff: why don't you use virtualbox?19:06
Noblepopern: how does it not work?19:06
MasterShrekslavik, im not sure, i guess thats probably something to look at too19:06
Puafftheravingsociety, please, what's that?19:06
Guest16155MasterShrek: does there is other simple way to clone ubuntu ? (i mean like on graphic mode ? like norton ghost on windows systems) ?19:06
krimRebelX: It's all so obvious once you know it :)19:06
MasterShrekGuest16155, also make sure your filesystems are the ame, i dont know if its totally nesicarry but its soemthing i would make sure of19:06
slavikGuest16155: there is a linux distribution made for that19:06
MasterShrekGuest16155, probably, but this is easy to do, if you know what you are doing19:06
mrmondayastevens, what do I need to add to make it auto mount it?19:06
juano__ibanez: sudo tar -xvf <routetoyourtarfile> , do that inside /lib/firmware19:07
theravingsocietyPuaff: pretty much the same, but open source software19:07
ZaqioHey, anyone know how to run WOW on linux?19:07
Puafftheravingsociety, could I use my vmware machines in virtualbox?19:07
astevensmrmonday, you need to have it set in your fstab. you can find examples on google for enabling swap19:07
slavikGuest16155: the destination drive, do you want to keep any information it has or do you want it to be the exact copy of the source drive?19:07
theravingsocietyPuaff: afaik no19:07
ibaneztar: /lib/firmware: Not found in archive19:07
krimZaqio: I've seen some guides, try and search the Ubuntu forums or maybe the official WoW forums. Anyway, shouldn't be too hard to find.19:07
robdigMeTrOiD014|Kevin: copy the md5checksum for the file you downloaded from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes and paste it into the box in your md5checksum tool. That's a nice one, btw...19:08
Jack_SparrowGuest16155: are the partitions on the destination the same?19:08
ScuniziDoes anyone have a functional IMAP access to their Gmail account? I've got POP working but can't get IMAP.19:08
Puafftheravingsociety, I will have a look at it, thx a lot19:08
MasterShrekibanez, tar -xf bcm4311_firmware.tar19:08
theravingsocietyno problem19:08
Guest16155slavik: in my old computer i have hdd of 500gb , and in the new one i also have 500gb hdd , (just 1 partition)19:09
MasterShrekibanez, then: sudo mv bcm43xx* /lib/firmware19:09
slavikGuest16155: and you want both to be identical?19:09
astevensmrmonday, sent you an example, change to reflect where your swap is19:09
Guest16155slavik: yes19:09
ibanezthat worked MasterShrek19:09
Jack_Sparrowslavik: what about dd copy19:09
ibaneznow it should read my card ?19:09
slavikGuest16155: you can do ghost's version of "disk to disk" by doing 'dd if=/dev/firsthd of=/dev/secondhd bs=4MB'19:09
Hilikushey guys, i have a smb share that i mount on windows and it works fine, i mount it persistently so next time i reboot windows the drive still shows up there, but it says "network drive disconnected" even though the smb computer is fully functional, so the drive does show there but if i try to run something from it (like mp3s) it wont work, i have to go to windows explorer and double click on the drive and then i gets "mounted". cou19:09
MasterShrekibanez, yes, try: sudo modprobe bcm43xx19:10
slavikJack_Sparrow: ddcopy?19:10
lucio123Ciao to all of you19:10
Jack_Sparrowsee what he said19:10
Hilikushas anyone experienced this?19:10
ScuniziCiao lucio12319:10
MasterShrekHilikus, ive noticed the same issues, never really foudn a fix for it...jsut scrap windows would prolly work best :P19:10
juano__MasterShrek: ibanez there is also the possibility your card is listed in restricted drivers19:10
Jack_Sparrowslavik: I did not want to talk over his help to you19:10
ibanezMasterShrek juano__, i am very greatful19:10
ibanezwell it sees my card now !19:10
juano__ibanez: good19:10
HilikusMasterShrek hehe, im glad im not the only one19:11
ibanezit saw a cell 01 in iwlist scan19:11
Jack_Sparrowslavik: the other way around actually19:11
slavikJack_Sparrow: feel free to PM me then?19:11
kitcheHilikus: yes that's how it's suppose to work, you have to make windows connect to the drive at boot19:11
spazhey there :)19:11
astevensHilikus, you want a persistent mount. windows can set a permanent mount, otherwise you need to add it everytime you boot19:11
juano__ibanez: now from nm-applet you should see your router19:11
Jack_Sparrowslavik: I'm fine.. thanks, mostly lurking while watching football19:11
popernNoble: says hdd not available or something. It won't go into the live cd et.. I have tried 4 different cd's, amd64 and alterate, i368 and alternate19:11
AlanBShepard70Every few boots of my computer my login screen freezes and forces me to reboot. When the login screen doesn't freeze sometimes after I login while the computer is loading my user settings the monitor flicks off and I have to reboot. This happens on and off. Any ideas on how to remedy this? My hardware is in good order. Everything works flawlessly with windows and with the previous ubuntu release 7.0419:11
slavikfootball has too many stopages but that's for ot19:11
lucio123scunizi ciao, I have a little problem when I install the emulator ZSNES19:11
Scunizilucio123, sorry, I don't know anything about it.19:12
Hilikusastevens just like i said, i made it persistent already, the drive shows up in my drives under my computer, so it IS persistent, but its not automatically connected19:12
ibanezjuano__ yes it does, i am connected19:12
Hilikuskitche how do i do that19:12
popernNoble: or HDx. as X in some letter or number, don't realy remember19:12
lucio123if somebody can give me a little help???19:12
ibanezty juano__ and MasterShrek you guys rock19:12
MasterShreklucio123, whats the problem? also there is another snes emulator in the repos if i remember correctly19:12
juano__ibanez: MasterShrek rocks19:12
popernNoble: hda maby19:12
juano__ibanez: hehehe19:12
popdog123hello! i have a problem: i cannot see the titlebar of any window. I tried changing the appearance but it didn't work. I don't see the edges of any windows either so i can't resize nor move them. (i have ubuntu 7.10)19:12
ibaneza distro that works19:12
astevensAlanBShepard70, do you see any issues in dmesg?19:12
mrmondayastevens, is /dev/sda5  swap  swap  pri=42  0 0 right, where /dev/sda5 is my swap file?19:13
Jack_Sparrowlucio123: This isnt really the place for snes help19:13
ibanezi know it's that ubuntu sticker on my monitor !19:13
kitcheHilikus: remap the drive and check connect at boot or whatever it states19:13
lucio123this is the error that I get "Error: "/tmp/ksocket-root" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0."19:13
Scunizipopdog123, sounds like you turned on "effects" right?19:13
MasterShrekibanez, thats not a distro-specific thing, the bcm43xx driver in the actual linux kernel is much better supported these days19:13
juano__ibanez: im wondering that it should of prompted you on boot time for a driver for your broadcom19:13
Hilikuskitche i did that already19:13
lucio123but I don't understand19:13
AlanBShepard70astevens: not that I know of. Where can I check?19:13
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Jack_Sparrowlucio123: You running Kubuntu?19:13
ibanezi never got a prompt juano__19:13
astevensmrmonday, i believe that looks good to me.19:13
ibanezhowever on19:13
kitcheHilikus: no you made it persistent which is different19:13
popdog123should i turn them off?19:13
MasterShrekjuano__, is the not the driver, its the firmware, iirc some intel chips require the same sort of process19:13
ibanezgutsy gibbon19:13
ibanezit was under restricted drivers19:14
lucio123no, I run Ubuntu 7.1019:14
astevensAlanBShepard70, type    dmesg  and then enter19:14
ibaneznever could get it working19:14
ibanezso i installed slack 1219:14
ibanezquite a few others19:14
Hilikuskitche i checked that chekbox in the frontend to mount it, thats the only setting there is19:14
ibanezthen i was like, ill try feisty19:14
MasterShrekibanez, slackware ftw!19:14
Scunizipopdog123, you need to download and install the config prog for compiz.  You'll find it in synaptic. Search for Compiz and you'll recognize the name. It's long. Once loaded put a check mark next to 'decorations'19:14
Jack_Sparrowlucio123: Is that from Ubuntu repos or some other site19:14
ibanezi like slack MasterShrek19:14
MasterShrekibanez, its even better supported in gutsy19:14
ibanezhad great success with slack 11.o19:14
Hilikuskitche i also tried from the command shell using /persistent:yes19:14
slavikGuest16155: you can read more about dd by ussuing 'man dd' command19:14
juano__MasterShrek: ahh i see, cause a friend has a dell inspiron with broadcom and it prompted for the driver, after that he specified the driver and it just worked19:14
MasterShrekibanez, im running slamd64 12.019:14
AlanBShepard70astevens: I'm checking now.19:15
ibanezmine is an inspiron19:15
kitcheHilikus: as I states persistent != connect19:15
lucio123I get it from the site Zsnes19:15
ibaneznice MasterShrek you like ?19:15
MasterShrekjuano__, yea i think there are some broadcom firmwares in the repos, but they dont always work afaik19:15
ScuniziAnyone using IMAP with gmail?19:15
MasterShrekibanez, i love =D19:15
juano__MasterShrek: i see19:15
ibanezawesome man19:15
ibanezooo i like compiz19:15
Hilikuskitche ok, i understand that, but what im saying is, where's that option. i havent seen it in the frontend nor in the command shell19:15
astevensHilikus, create the mapped share from the windows tools menu19:15
juano__compiz rules19:15
mrmondayastevens, i'll try that now, thanks19:15
Scunizipopdog123, that's it.. if you don't use my nick you're messages will get lost in the noise.19:15
lucio123but I have the same error if I install it from Ubuntu19:16
Jack_Sparrowlucio123: Then that is the place to get help19:16
astevensmrmonday, np :)19:16
popernWhen I instert the Ubuntu Install CD and choose "Install ubuntu" the loading screen comes, and after a while it says: "hda?? is not availible" ?? = some number.19:16
TheJedi2When I select "start or install" ubuntu from cd the screen gets and nothing more happens19:16
popernwhats wrong?19:16
juano__even better now that beryl joined compiz19:16
kitcheHilikus: on the frontend fi you don't see it then you must be blind or something I don't have a windows machine infront of me to see but it's in advance I believe19:16
Jack_SparrowTheJedi2: does it do the self test?19:16
ibaneznow i just gotta set up the package manager woo19:16
TheJedi2I see some message about "kernel is alive"19:17
theravingsocietypopern: ubuntu cannot recognize your harddisk19:17
Guest16155how can i view my ports on ubuntu ? and open new port ?19:17
slavikGuest16155: I do suggest using the buffersize as big or bigger as the size of cache on the hard drives for faster transfers ... or even more if you have plenty of RAM :) (DMA is awesome)19:17
lucio123What means for you: "/tmp/ksocket-root" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.19:17
MasterShrek!firewall | Guest1615519:17
astevensHilikus, go to a windows channel. they will walk you through it. or hit google and it will have screenshots. cant remember exactly what/wher eto click, but its easy.19:17
ubotuGuest16155: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).19:17
ubotuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview19:17
Parsihow can i install a .deb package?19:17
Hilikusastevens wheres the windows tools menu19:17
MasterShreksudo dpkg -i file.deb19:17
ScuniziParsi, double click it.19:17
juano__Parsi: double click it19:18
popdog123Scunizi, well, it's checked but i see no difference19:18
slavikor by using debi ... (double click)19:18
Parsianother one19:18
popdog123Scunizi, do i have to restart or something?19:18
Scunizipopdog123, you might have to restart gdm.. ctrl+alt+backspace19:18
astevensHilikus, up on the top menu, with file, etc. you really need to dig around or google it.19:18
Parsii look for codecs to play mp3 and divx19:18
Parsifor my friend19:18
PeterPan_can any one recomend an antivirus and firewall that is goog but most low on system resources ?19:18
Hilikusastevens cool, ill try that, thanks a loh19:18
Arabihow do i install Dependencies !!19:18
Parsihe has not access to the internet19:18
TheJedi2When I select "start or install" ubuntu from cd the screen gets and nothing more happens. I see a progress bar briefly and some message about "kernel is alive" but then nothing more19:18
MasterShrek!codecs | Parsi19:18
ubotuParsi: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:18
Jack_SparrowPeterPan_: not needed.19:19
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).19:19
lucio123thank you for your help.... Ciao again to all of you19:19
MasterShrek!virus | PeterPan_19:19
ubotuPeterPan_: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2119:19
ScuniziPeterPan_, routers have firewall built in.. antivirus is unneccessary unless you're just being nice to your windows friends.19:19
juano__Parsi: install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:19
Arabii want to install skype on ubontu , any idiea !!19:19
Parsifrom dvd?19:19
ScuniziArabi, getdeb.net19:19
Jack_SparrowArabi: synaptic19:19
popdog123Scunizi, nothing....19:19
MasterShrek!medibuntu | Arabi19:19
ubotuArabi: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:20
lucio123I have skype in ubuntu19:20
juano__Parsi: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:20
Parsihis pc has not dvd rom19:20
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto19:20
MasterShreknvm, i thought skype was in medibuntu19:20
Parsi juano__19:20
ferronicaOn Ups Power, I check off Enable Ups Discharge Alarm then I hit close.. when I reopen that same menu the option is not checked.. what's going on? I have restarted the apc service a couple of times.. but it's still unchecked whenever I look at it19:20
juano__Parsi: or from synaptic package manager19:20
MasterShrekmust be googleearth im thiking of19:20
TheJedi2When I select "start or install" ubuntu from cd the screen gets blank and nothing more happens. I see a progress bar briefly and some message about "kernel is alive" but then nothing more19:20
Scunizipopdog123, try #ubuntu-effects, they will have more specific info.. Are you running Ati or Nvidia and are you using the propriatory driver?19:20
theravingsocietybye folks19:20
popdog123Scunizi, i'm running nvidia and i have the driver19:20
poperntheravingsociety: And what can I do about that?19:21
Scunizipopdog123, ok.. try /join #ubuntu-effects19:21
Parsihm...there is a problem, he has only live cd and no internet connection!19:21
MeTrOiD014|Kevinrobdig: I could not find a setting in my bios allowing my computer to boot the cd drive on start up19:21
neilmorrowanyone have blackbox running19:21
PeterPan_Scunizi:  MasterShrek    ok. but i have wine installed. if i get a windows virus and clicked it. wine will run it and it can cause damage19:21
slaviknot really19:22
Jack_SparrowMeTrOiD014|Kevin: some machines want you to hit F10  like my toshiba laptop to select boot order19:22
slavikthe only thing it can really break is the wine install19:22
xzased I need help capturing video on ubuntu19:22
ferronicaOn Ups Power, I check off Enable Ups Discharge Alarm then I hit close.. when I reopen that same menu the option is not checked.. what's going on? I have restarted the apc service a couple of times.. but it's still unchecked whenever I look at it19:22
MasterShrekPeterPan_, possibly but very doubtful19:22
ScuniziPeterPan_, only within the wine prog. most will just spinn uselessly and do nothing to the system.19:22
ibanezpackage manager cannot even find xchat19:22
pudlandhelp with kernel patch pls.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45811/19:22
slavikbecause wined apps don't have admin access to system stuff19:22
robdigMeTrOiD014|Kevin: hmm, normally you just have to hit a function key to get into that menu at boot time, on mine it is f12...while the bios info screen is up it should tell you what to press19:22
zazeemCan someone please help me, i just installed ubuntu and before i enabled the nvidia restricted drivers my screen was crystal clear (crt monitor) and after i restarted with nvidia restricted driver its fuzzy kinda like a layer of some sort is in front of my screen its killing my eyes how do i get rid of this?19:22
Jack_SparrowPeterPan_: Only within the wine folder19:22
ScuniziPeterPan_, what are you using in wine that has internet access?19:22
MrPink_Hey can someone help me "install" my Card Reader under Ubuntu (Gutsy) I plug it in and then I get the Icon under Computer for the Cardreader, but when I try to open it it says "Unable to Mount"   any ideas?19:23
juano__Parsi: ahh.. try downloading the deb file from there and take it in a pendrive to your friends comp19:23
ScuniziMrPink_, did you plug a memory card into it?19:23
Guest16155how can i see list of all the proccess with the ports on my ubuntu system ?19:23
juano__Parsi: if he is nearby, that is19:23
MrPink_Scunizi: lol yes I did :)19:23
TheJedi2When I select "start or install ubuntu" from cd the screen gets blank and nothing more happens. I see a progress bar briefly and some message about "kernel is alive" but then nothing more. Ideas anyone?19:23
ScuniziMrPink_, :)  had to ask19:24
Parsibut there is no deb file for gstream or Mplay...19:24
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).19:24
juano__Parsi: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/19:24
bruenig!alternate | TheJedi219:24
ubotuTheJedi2: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal19:24
MrPink_Scunizi: I guess so :-P19:24
zazeemanyone :(19:24
ScuniziParsi, get both of those directly from synaptic19:24
pfakI'm building a kernel using the Ubuntu debian/rules script, is there an easy way to change the kernel version override?19:24
Andre_GondimTheJedi2, if you had a ATI, there´s a bug, put in safe mode19:24
Jack_Sparrowzazeem: did you setup your monitor type as well as JUST the video drivers19:24
PeterPan_MasterShrek:  Scunizi Jack_Sparrow some windows apps.           but if i have write rights to a partition and wine runs a virus. cant it delete all in that partition?19:24
void^Guest16155: netstat --ip -alnp19:25
ParsiScunizi http://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/free/m/mplayer/mplayer-doc_1.0~rc1-0ubuntu13+medibuntu2_all.deb is this right file?19:25
TheJedi2I have nVidia19:25
mandrillis there a script to install Apache, Mysql ad PHP on Gutsy yet?19:25
slavikalso, how can I fix the meta stuff so that .exe stuff launches with wine?19:25
PeterPan_Scunizi:  some apps i like in windows19:25
Jack_SparrowPeterPan_: It does not have a REAL partition...19:25
mandrillall in a oner19:25
zazeemjack_sparrow, no i did not set the monitor type19:25
MrPink_Any other ideas ?19:25
zazeemjack_sparrow, in nvidia settings it has my monitor though19:25
PeterPan_Jack_Sparrow:  but it has rights to folders say.19:25
Jack_Sparrowzazeem: Most people forget they need to setup both for the best results19:25
slavikwithout giving me the stupid error that it is a DOS/Windows executable and poses a security risk?19:25
zazeemjack_sparrow, how do i set up my monitor?19:26
w__hey-hey-hey! Got a problem: my 'one touch mini' is now vfat vs ntfs like it was before b/c of the f... Windows. Hate Windows. Hate it... AAAHHH. Ok. Now the UUID changed on the mini. I go ahead and put this UUID into the Fstab thinking that it'll work out. I've put this: UUID=4749-C774 /mnt/mini. I didn't specify any options [-o umask=000 or anything like it]. Now, however, when it tries to auto mount it, it gives out that "You are not privileged to mount this vo19:26
w__lume." What's wrong?19:26
ScuniziParsi, why are you downloading from there.. do you have medibuntu loaded?  Otherwise "System/Administration/Synaptic"19:26
Jack_SparrowPeterPan_: this is not the place for discussions, but it does not have access outside the wine environ19:26
ScuniziPeterPan_, like what?  Me too... just curious.19:26
ibanezhey juano__ , under package manager, how come it never finds xchat or beryl ?19:26
pussfelleri ws upgrading to gutsy and i ran out of space and the upgrade stopped in the middle, what do i do know to make it restart andfinish19:26
ubotuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:26
Jack_Sparrowzazeem: you will need your monitor refresh and add it to the xorg19:26
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes19:27
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal19:27
slavikw__, sudo mount -a19:27
zazeemjack_sparrow, how do i do find it?19:27
juano__ibanez: beryl no longer exists, search for compiz, now beryl and compiz are 119:27
ibanezi can't get xchat either19:27
Andre_Gondimmandrill, http://andregondim.eti.br/?p=47 it's in portugues, but do just the steps19:27
Jack_Sparrowzazeem: you also need to know sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg if you get stuck at a black screen19:27
zazeemjack_sparrow, how do i find my monitors refresh rate?19:27
juano__ibanez: enable repos19:28
Scunizizazeem, you might have to referance it on the Mfg. site.19:28
Jack_Sparrowzazeem: you can make any changes in there, then try to   startx   and if it dosent work try another config   if all else fails.  set it to vesa for basic gui access19:28
w__slavik: mount: unknown filesystem type ''19:28
juano__ibanez: settings ---> repositories, check all the boxes in the first window and leave source code to a "-"19:28
Jack_Sparrowzazeem: google you monitor info..19:28
ibanezthanks mate19:28
zazeemthanks :)19:28
ComProi was having problems with FGLRX, so i decided to reformat and start from scratch. the only things I have done is enable the restricted driver and run ubuntu updates. after a reboot, I'm getting the same issue as before the reformat where it will not load X correctly with FGLRX enabled.19:28
ibanezyou are a life saver really19:28
ComProany help would be much appreciated.19:28
juano__ibanez: then click reload at main window, do not click revert in the repos window, click close after checking the boxes and then click reload in the main synaptic window19:29
ScuniziComPro, does it load at all?19:29
slavikw__, can you mount ntfs partitions?19:29
ComProScunizi: it loads saying that it can't properly detect my screen or video card and defaults to a low graphics mode.19:29
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:29
juano__ibanez: np heh19:29
pudlandhelp with kernel patch pls.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45811/19:29
ScuniziComPro, was this a fresh install?19:29
ibanezlol source code is unchecked19:29
ibanezand doesn't have a - in it19:29
slavikUUID=... /mnt/point fstype ....19:29
ComProScunizi: Yes, fresh install, finished no more than 10 minutes ago.19:29
juano__ibanez: ok leave it19:29
juano__ibanez: nevermind sourcecode19:30
ScuniziComPro, what kind of card do you have.19:30
ComProScunizi: ATI Radeon x1650 PCI Express19:30
juano__ibanez: just make sure the others are checked19:30
ibanezaye they are19:30
w__@slavik=> I can, manually. Nothing mounts automatically.19:30
pussfellerthe upgrade manager said my install was in an unusable state and blink box was closing, and something about running dpkg again19:30
RoC_MasterMindCould someone test my telnet server?19:30
ScuniziComPro, have you looked at /etc/X11/xorg.conf yet?19:30
ibanezall the files do not download19:30
ibanezcould not download all respository indexes19:30
ComProScunizi: Yes, I have. It's a generic xorg.conf file with the change to it being FGLRX19:31
ibaneznetowrk is down ;p19:31
ferronicaOn Ups Power, I check off Enable Ups Discharge Alarm then I hit close.. when I reopen that same menu the option is not checked.. what's going on? I have restarted the apc service a couple of times.. but it's still unchecked whenever I look at it19:31
juano__ibanez: try another server19:31
ScuniziComPro, and have you reset xorg using the line contained in the first "text" portion of the file?19:31
ComProScunizi: Yes I have.19:31
PeterPan_Scunizi:  Jack_Sparrow . if i have write righst to some folders. a viri run by wine has the same rights. so it can destroy those files.......19:32
PeterPan_Scunizi:  Jack_Sparrow . no matter the are out side of the wine folders19:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about third-party - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:32
ArthurArchnixAnyone know how to get either Drivel Journal editor or BlogGtk to connect to blogger.com?19:32
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource19:32
ScuniziComPro, ok.. this might be an ATI issue for that particular card.  I run nvidia so I'm not the best person to diagnose this. ATI can be a pain.. Hopefully someone else will pick this up that knows.. Anyone?19:33
Jack_SparrowPeterPan_: Simple solution.. stop using windows GARBAGE...   or show me a working example to porve your point19:33
w__I got this in fstab: UUID=4749-C774 /mnt/mini vfat 0 0. It still says that I'm not privileged.19:33
nkbreauhey all, i have a unit test in java i'm trying to run as my current user, cant run as root which makes a web http request, but i get the following - java.net.SocketException: Invalid argument or cannot assign requested address  - i think its a permission thing, anyone have any suggestions ? It's just an http fetch on port 8019:33
ComProAnyone, help would be greatly appreciated. After a fresh install and setting my driver to FGLRX, X will not load properly, defaulting to a low graphics mode.19:33
kitcheJack_Sparrow: ubuntuforums has tons of working examples on it I posted an url earilier to the thread :)19:33
slavikw__: you need to make it ntfs-3g (I think), I haven't mounted ntfs partitions in a long time :)19:33
sawq           Hey. I was told to install Vista then XP then Ubuntu if I wanted to triple boot. And that is what I did. However, now that I attempt to boot up the machine, it gives the grub boot loader with only vista as a choice, and when I choose vista the computer says missing hal.dll cannot continue. and I backed up up the hard drive before I installed Ubuntu.19:33
w__but it's vfat now19:34
LtEmerpochey guys19:34
ScuniziPeterPan_, If you have an legitimit copy of winXX maybe you should load it in Vmware server so the whole thing is isolated.. runs great in vm by the way.19:34
LtEmerpocim bakc19:34
arash_!vfat | w__19:34
ubotuw__: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE19:34
PeterPan_Jack_Sparrow:  a friend of mine got viri running with wine. it started 1. sending mails. 2. deleted folders that were writeable according to the presend user rights.19:34
LtEmerpocsup guys anyone here thats not like idle?19:34
Jack_SparrowPeterPan_: This is NOT the place for this discussion.19:34
ScuniziComPro, you might also check in #ubuntu-effects19:34
LtEmerpocmeaning can someone help me lol19:34
w__Ayayay! It's not NTFS! It's VFAT!19:34
stefanowhats ul LtEmerpoc19:35
arash_!question | LtEmerpoc19:35
ubotuLtEmerpoc: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)19:35
LtEmerpocok lol19:35
juano__has anyone tried the third party so called "partner" ?19:35
PeterPan_Scunizi: Scunizi a friend of mine got viri running with wine. it started 1. sending mails. 2. deleted folders that were writeable according to the presend user rights.19:35
juano__in synaptic19:35
Jack_SparrowPeterPan_: But it did NOT change or harm the Ubuntu environ.19:35
LtEmerpocmy xconf is messed up to the point where i cant uncheck my ati video card drestricted driver...19:35
PeterPan_Scunizi:  consumes double resources too19:35
stefanoLtEmerpoc, just run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:36
LtEmerpoci would like to know how to 1. fix that.. and then 2. uninstall19:36
sky`sunsetcan someone help me? how can i save changes to my usb drive while i am using live cd?19:36
ScuniziPeterPan_, saw that above.. strange.. must have been running his email within wine otherwise it'd be difficult to find a registry with email programs listed.19:36
trosephLtEmerpoc: install envy19:36
PeterPan_Jack_Sparrow: my files are more important than ubuntu19:36
RequinB4hello dad19:36
LtEmerpocinstall envy? whats that...19:36
sawqHey. I was told to install Vista then XP then Ubuntu if I wanted to triple boot. And that is what I did. However, now that I attempt to boot up the machine, it gives the grub boot loader with only vista as a choice, and when I choose vista the computer says missing hal.dll cannot continue. and I backed up up the hard drive before I installed Ubuntu.19:36
ComProhey everyone. i just reinstalled by copy of ubuntu gutsy, and the only things I did was run the updater, and enable the restricted FGLRX driver. The FGLRX driver, when enabled, causes X to load in a low graphics mode, saying that it can't properly detect my screen or card. any thoughts?19:36
Jack_SparrowPeterPan_: Stop running windows programs...19:36
trosephLtEmerpoc: JFGI19:36
LucianIndyLtEmerpoc: Do what stefano said -> dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:37
kitche!jfgi | troseph19:37
ubotutroseph: Acronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.19:37
ScuniziComPro, try the vesa driver.19:37
sky`sunsethow can i save changes to usb drive while i am using live cd????19:37
arash_envy is not supported by this channel, though I must say I personally REALLY recommend it19:37
ComProScunizi: VESA works, but I don't want to use the vesa driver.19:37
kane77stupid question, but what is the "Local zeroconf network" setting?19:37
MixxComPro - install Envy.  it is great19:37
ComProMixx - what is envy?19:37
trosephkitche: gotcha19:37
Jack_SparrowMixx: Wrong  and evil19:37
Jack_SparrowComPro: Dont do it19:37
sky`sunseti dont wanna install ubuntu into my usb drive19:37
MixxComPro - it's a script to instal nvidia drivers.   works for me each time a ubuntu upgrade hoses my config19:37
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »19:37
ubotuaudacious is included in !Feisty. A !repository also exists for !Edgy: see http://audacious-media-player.org/Downloads19:38
ScuniziMixx, he's on ATI19:38
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/19:38
ComProMixx - I'm running an ATI card, so it wouldn't work for me.19:38
=== DRPP is now known as D_ReaL_PuNiShEr
MixxComPro - it's a script to instal nvidia  OR ATI drivers.   works for me each time a ubuntu upgrade hoses my config19:38
ComProMixx - Oh, ok.19:38
sky`sunsetcan someone help me?19:38
Jack_SparrowMixx: Please do NOT recommend that in here19:38
Boohbahubuntu 8.10: indignant ibis?19:38
ScuniziComPro, the problem with envy is when you upgrade later.. breakage19:38
MixxJack_Sparrow - why not?19:38
RequinB4!ask | sky'sunset19:38
ubotusky'sunset: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)19:38
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »19:38
FlayI'm doing an ls -l on a directory in xterm and the filenames are all colored green and the directory names are all blue on a green background. Does anyone know what this means?19:38
ScuniziMixx see above your last post19:38
sky`sunsethow can i save changes to my usb while i am using live cd?19:39
Jack_Sparrowsky`sunset: set it up in persistent mode19:39
ComProScunizi - I don't know what to do right now though. It's a fresh install and I can't even do anything unless I use the VESA driver, and then I can't set up my dual head or compiz or anything, and that is what I want to do.19:39
MixxI've tried that with no luck.  envy has always made it easy to install restricted drivers.19:39
PeterPan_Jack_Sparrow: some programs of windows can be replaced. e.g msn messenger.19:39
sky`sunseti just learned how to use linux19:39
sky`sunseti am a noob19:39
w__now i got this: UUID=4749-C774 /mnt/mini vfat user,noauto 0 0. we'll see how it goes.19:39
Jack_Sparrowsky`sunset: google up ubuntu persistent it is in our wiki19:39
AngelsOfDestinyWhere can I get some screensavers for Ubuntu?19:39
arash_sky`sunset - chanes to what?19:39
Jack_SparrowPeterPan_: STOP.. this is OFFTOPIC19:39
arash_sky`sunset - changes to what? *19:40
sky`sunsetchanges to my usb19:40
=== nadie is now known as Rest
sky`sunsetwhile i am using live cd19:40
ScuniziComPro, I understand... there are many threads on ubuntuforums.org about ATI and setup.. it doesn't sound like you're new to linux. Am I right?19:40
Jack_Sparrowsky`sunset: it is easy to do19:40
ferronicaOn Ups Power, I check off Enable Ups Discharge Alarm then I hit close.. when I reopen that same menu the option is not checked.. what's going on? I have restarted the apc service a couple of times.. but it's still unchecked whenever I look at it19:40
sky`sunsetcuz every time i reboot19:40
sky`sunseti lose my files19:40
ComProScunizi - I'm fairly new, but I pretty much know what I'm doing.19:40
PeterPan_Jack_Sparrow: o19:40
PeterPan_Jack_Sparrow: ok19:40
kane77what is the "Local zeroconf network" setting?19:40
sky`sunsetcan someone give me the link?19:41
Jack_SparrowWhen you boot the live you will type F6   then persistent  <enter>19:41
arash_sky`sunset - you are not supposed to use the Live CD as your operating system -.-19:41
zazeemjack_sparrow, in the xorg config can i just overwrite the resolutions that are there under screen with the ones my monitor recommends with the @ symbols like Modes"1024x768@85hz" "800x600@85hz" "640x480@85hz" ?19:41
joukeMy gnome keeps restarting at random intervals, is there a log file I can check for errors?19:41
Jack_Sparrowsky`sunset: but you need to preconfig the usb as casper..19:41
sky`sunsetwhat is casper?19:41
PeterPan_Jack_Sparrow:  Scunizi  THANKS.. GREAT HELP19:41
sawqHey. I was told to install Vista then XP then Ubuntu if I wanted to triple boot. And that is what I did. However, now that I attempt to boot up the machine, it gives the grub boot loader with only vista as a choice, and when I choose vista the computer says missing hal.dll cannot continue. and I backed up up the hard drive before I installed Ubuntu. I really need someone to help me here19:41
_nix_jouke: there are logs in /var/log/19:41
ScuniziComPro, I've got an idea that you might not have tried yet.  Try running the reconfiguration script again from ctrl+alt+F2 then ctrl+alt+F7 to go back to the gui and restart.19:41
Jack_SparrowPeterPan_: NP19:42
sky`sunsetwhat is  casper?19:42
jouke_nix_: and what are the gnome logs?19:42
Jack_Sparrowsky`sunset: PLEASE GOOGLE UP THE TUTORIAL19:42
_nix_sky`sunset: casper.. is a codename19:42
Jack_Sparrowsorry for the caps19:42
sky`sunseti did19:42
_nix_jouke: dunno.. I don't run gnome.. sorry19:42
ComProScunzi - I've done that. I can load X just fine if I reconfigure it and set it to use VESA. If I run the reconfigure and choose FGLRX, I get the same problem.19:43
Jock2Does Ubuntu (Like Windows) get slower or something after installing and uninstalling several applications, such as VirtualBox, Wine etc?19:43
LtEmerpochey im configuring or whatever.. what do i do about this keyboard layout thingy19:43
TheJedi2can I use text based install from the normal live/install cd or do I need another cd?19:43
w__it works. Thanks.19:43
PeterPan_btw, is there something better that wine ? crossover .. i heard. is it?19:43
joukeheh >_<19:43
zazeemjack_sparrow, what would they appear as? there are 2 things under monitor section it has identifier "SAmtron" and option "DPMS" there are no rates what are the commands?19:43
LtEmerpocso what do i type in?19:43
ScuniziComPro, what I mean is to do the reset from within a direct TTY not a terminal from within the gui.19:43
FlayI'm doing an ls -l on a directory in xterm and the filenames are all colored green and the directory names are all blue on a green background. Does anyone know what this means?19:43
arash_peterpan_ do you mean visualisation?19:44
Jack_Sparrowsky`sunset: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=989319:44
_nix_jouke: :-)19:44
ComProScunizi - I know. I've done that.19:44
AdriaanHey, where can I find a package download page for ubuntu or debian?19:44
Jack_Sparrowzazeem: they will go just below dpms19:44
atlefAdriaan: getdeb19:44
robdigLtEmerpoc: what's your question?19:44
Jack_Sparrowzazeem: let me try and post an example19:44
jcsteeleis anyone having problems with the forums?  I have tried to post a reply about 4 times now, and restarted firefox twice with no luck...usually just times out.  other pages are working fine.19:44
_nix_Adriaan: packages.ubuntu.com19:44
zazeemjack_sparrow, thanks :)19:44
kane77why can't I set password shorter than 6 chars?19:44
LtEmerpocim configuring my xconf right now...19:44
LtEmerpocand its asking me about my keyboard layout or something19:45
ScuniziComPro, ok.. sorry.. I'm at a loss at this point.19:45
krimJock2: I don't know about synaptic but I install everything in the terminal with aptitude and when you uninstall programs with aptitude later it removes all the other stuff that were installed alongside.19:45
PeterPan_arash_:  no19:45
_nix_kane77: I'd recommend against it but you can try sudo passwd <user>19:45
ComProScunizi - I opened my xorg.0.log and it says it was loading xorg.conf.failsafe19:45
Adriaan_nix_, atlef, thanks19:45
mtinocodoes anyone know if it is possible to install Safari on Ubuntu?19:45
Jock2krim: ok thanks for telling me!19:45
bruenigmtinoco, it isn't19:45
void^Flay: green files means executable, directories with green background is world writable19:46
Jack_Sparrowzazeem: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45820/19:46
ScuniziComPro, that happened to me when I did a direct upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy.. I ended up reinstalling fresh. fortunatly I had my /home in a different partition.19:46
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:46
LtEmerpocso what do i say if its a usb mouse?19:46
kane77_nix_, well yeah.. I try to use long and hard passwords where it is neccessary, but this is for my dad and he hates to remember long passwords.. besides he would only use it for internet browsing :)19:46
joukedmesg shows some printk surpress mesages: printk: 6 messages suppressed. anyone an idea what that could be?19:46
sawqHey. I was told to install Vista then XP then Ubuntu if I wanted to triple boot. And that is what I did. However, now that I attempt to boot up the machine, it gives the grub boot loader with only vista as a choice, and when I choose vista the computer says missing hal.dll cannot continue. and I backed up up the hard drive before I installed Ubuntu.19:46
sawqAnd I need help19:47
zazeemjack_sparrow, thanks how do i know what mine are though?19:47
zazeemjack_sparrow, ill just try these19:47
_nix_kane77: oh boy..19:47
LtEmerpocsweet answer19:47
Jack_Sparrowzazeem: It is your hardware, it will be online somewhere19:47
Flayvoid^: Thanks much! I was having trouble finding any details on that.19:47
=== a7x is now known as ibanez
ibanezthere we go19:47
ScuniziComPro, have you checked out the following..it has a section on res fix for ATI  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:47
ibanezmuch better ;p19:47
Jack_Sparrowzazeem: you need to be SURE of those values19:47
kane77_nix_, I consider this to be a success to persuade my father to use linux ;)19:48
zazeemjack_sparrow, ooh ok, how can i find these i barely found basic specs for this old cube lol19:48
Jack_Sparrowzazeem: If you are running an old CRT, you REALLY need to be careful.. else leave it alone19:48
_nix_kane77: that would be nice.. long and hard passwords are no use windows anyway ;-)19:48
Jack_Sparrowzazeem: You can burn up an old crt in a flash...19:49
zazeemjack_sparrow, is thisa the only way to get rid of blurry text then?19:49
Jack_Sparrowzazeem: or just run vesa19:49
zazeemjack_sparrow, on windows yesterday it was crystal clear19:49
_nix_Jack_Sparrow: burn an old crt.. oh yeah.. try *that* in windows.. another place where linux wins19:49
Jack_Sparrow_nix_: same difference, you can set the video output in windows and fry a crt...19:51
=== jimmacdonal is now known as os2mac
ComProScunizi: Yes, I've pretty much gone through all of that19:51
Jack_Sparrowwindows must have the refresh rate19:51
NewUserrhi guys need your help when i try to install my printer it doesnt work and it crashes what should i do19:52
_nix_Jack_Sparrow: oh.. k never did that in windows (sigh)19:52
ScuniziComPro, I'll be going through the same thing when I set my son's computer up with a 9600pro card.19:52
LtEmerpocokay guys19:52
Jack_Sparrow_nix_: We had hundreds of users at my old ofice.  Never ceased to amaze me what they could do19:52
LtEmerpoci guess it rewrote my xconf...19:52
LtEmerpocnow what do i do about it.. restart x?19:52
NewUserrhi guys need your help when i try to install my printer it doesnt work and it crashes what should i do19:53
Jack_SparrowNewUserr: do you have the printer on when you power up?19:53
AngelsOfDestinyis anyone having problems with the brightness applet. I believe that is what is giving me a problem.Everytime I dont have my laptop powered by AC, it turns the screen completely black, but once i plug it back it the screen goes back to normal, but it doesnt shutdown my comp completely. Can anyone help?19:53
WorkingOnWisemyubuntu 7.10 laptop auto mounted an sd card a few days ago, now it doesnt even see it so i cant even mount i manually. any ideas?19:53
NewUserrJack_Sparrow: yes19:53
SegheHOk. Who wants to help someone new? I would like to install Ubuntu but have a multi boot set up for xp as well.19:53
NewUserrJack_Sparrow: and connected over usb port19:53
_nix_Jack_Sparrow: people can be really amazing.. I'm only 18.. haven't seen much myself19:53
Jack_SparrowWorkingOnWise: have you been careful to umount it before removing it?19:54
Jack_SparrowNewUserr: what printer19:54
NewUserrhp printer19:54
Jack_SparrowNewUserr: they made 1000's of models19:54
WorkingOnWiseJack_Sparrow: i dont think i did actually.19:54
Jack_SparrowWorkingOnWise: does gparted see it or fdisk -l19:55
NewUserrJack_Sparrow: my printer was working well before had to install again ubuntu and now it doesnt work anymore :(19:55
popAnyone who can take a look at my errormsg when I instert the ubuntu install CD and choose "start or install ubuntu" ?19:55
RequinB4can anyone tell me the difference between a drive and a mount19:55
ComProhow can i check the version of the fglrx driver?19:55
NewUserrJack_Sparrow: HP Photosmart C318019:55
capiiraanyone know where i can dl the tangerine icons ?19:55
sawqHey. I was told to install Vista then XP then Ubuntu if I wanted to triple boot. And that is what I did. However, now that I attempt to boot up the machine, it gives the grub boot loader with only vista as a choice, and when I choose vista the computer says missing hal.dll cannot continue. and I backed up up the hard drive before I installed Ubuntu.19:56
Jack_Sparrowcapiira: gnome-look19:56
threeseasanyone have a good link to setting up LAMP for local use and dev?19:56
sawqive waited 15 minutes and still no response...19:56
capiiraJack_Sparrow, nothing there!19:56
LiMaOthreeseas: apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql19:57
NewUserrJack_Sparrow: when i try to configure my printer it is not possible to read Printers database19:57
LiMaOthreeseas: oh, and don't forget to install the php mysql module19:57
Jack_Sparrowsawq: You can try super grub reair cd19:57
Jack_SparrowNewUserr: then you didnt get a clean install19:58
Jack_Sparrowif it cant find the cups database something isnt right19:58
NewUserrJack_Sparrow: what should i do then?19:58
crazy6how odd, if I leave "splash" as a boot param, X doesn't start properly (black screen), but if I take i tout, it's fine!19:58
threeseasLiMaO: that simple? I was looking for a web link19:58
AngelsOfDestinyIs there ways to add simple applets like weather and RSS feeds and such the way Mac OSX does?19:58
NET||abuseMy housemate is trying to image a drive, he's using dd,, but that is taking ages,, if he's used just 3.5 GB of a 40GB is that going to create a 40GB image file?19:58
ubotuScreenlets are little widgets for your !desktop. Note you must have !Compiz Fusion, !Beryl, xcompmgr, or KWin to run them. You can get them at http://www.screenlets.org/19:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:59
Jack_SparrowNewUserr: You can try reinstallng cups, or reinstall base system again, if one piece is missing, you may be missing other things as well19:59
LiMaOthreeseas: don't need such a weblink. install those and you're ready to go. as i told you, search synaptic for php mysql module and install it too.19:59
biatche1Say I have one modem-router ( which connects to the net via PPPOE (dynamic ip). I point DMZ to (a router) and I setup NAT on the router. Well, any NAT would have to point to since it won't know the public IP. Does traffic still get NAT'd in this case?19:59
Jack_SparrowNET||abuse: depends on the command line he used19:59
LiMaOthreeseas: then just configure stuff in /etc/apache2 - such as which port to listen to, where is your web server directory19:59
ScuniziAngelsOfDestiny, to add weather right mouse click the bar at the top of the screen and click add.  You'll see the appelate.19:59
NewUserrJack_Sparrow: and how does that work?20:00
Jack_SparrowNET||abuse:  >!backup20:00
AngelsOfDestinyscunizi ok thanks, but isnt there some kind of applet manager where i can add more?20:00
Jack_SparrowNewUserr: as in full install.20:00
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows20:00
NewUserrJack_Sparrow: thnx20:01
LtEmerpoccan someone please tell me the command to uninstall my video card drivers20:01
ScuniziAngelsOfDestiny, rss can be handled by FF. other stuff in gnome.. try the previous link (that isn't currently working) www.screenlets.org..20:02
chymeraI'm getting an fdisk exit status 8 on startup, any ideas what that means?20:02
tjl11anyone know canonical's email or Mark's20:02
Jack_SparrowLtEmerpoc: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg20:02
LtEmerpocalready did that..20:02
AngelsOfDestinyscunizi thanks20:02
WorkingOnWiseJack_Sparrow: gparted only shows my sda hard drive.20:02
LtEmerpocbut then again i dont really know what im doing..20:02
Tikiman49I need a hand, when someone has a second20:02
regiushi i can't install X11::GUITest in perl, I get the error "/usr/bin/make -- NOT OK"20:02
Jack_SparrowLtEmerpoc: so... it is what you set it to..  vesa is the generic driver20:02
regiusit's a fresh ubuntu installation20:03
Duxtercan someone guide me on how to make a localized ubuntu 7.10 live cd?20:03
Jack_SparrowWorkingOnWise: you will need to know what the partition type was on that card/drive20:03
=== Tikiman49 is now known as Tikiman
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)20:03
D4rkB34nwhat is better: 1. Install OpenOffice from the official download at openoffice.org or 2. Install from Synaptic?20:03
LtEmerpocjack you know what the problem has beenn... its my resolution.,. i want to change it.. but i want it to be 1280x102420:03
regiusD4rkB34n, synaptic20:03
LtEmerpocearlier yesterday it was at 1280x102420:03
tjl11the reason I ask for their email is because of this toolkit(http://universitytoolkit.org/) which is based on Xubuntu, but no source availble.20:04
D4rkB34nWhy Synaptic?20:04
LtEmerpocand now it just wont go back20:04
WorkingOnWiseJack_Sparrow: it is fat. windows xp and vista can both see and rw the card.20:04
Jack_SparrowLtEmerpoc: You need to setup your video card AND your monitor info using that command, try to run it with startx   and if it dosent work try another setting20:04
chymerai'm getting fdisk exit status 8 on startup and can't mount any of my drives except my filesystem.... any ideas how to fix that?20:04
sasukehow can i install a programm (like eclipse) without apt?20:04
WorkingOnWiseJack_Sparrow: on a different laptop20:04
TikimanRight, so I'm trying to install linux for the first time. I've got the ubuntu 7.10 cd and have already unallocated 30gb on my OS hdd... but when I go to Start/Install Ubuntu.... it either freezes on an orange screen or goes to black after a few mins20:04
sasukewhen i already downloaded it and dont find an install?20:05
LtEmerpocstartx is what?20:05
NET||abuseJack_Sparrow, sorry, i didn't get a message from ubotu there..20:05
Zta_Anyone here use scolily?  And can tell me how to make the abc-plugin work?20:05
Jack_SparrowWorkingOnWise: do a scandisk on it or also look into your fstab to make sure something isnt messed up there20:05
stefanoJack_Sparrow, what's scandisk?20:05
Jack_Sparrowstefano: windows prog..20:05
LtEmerpocwhat is startx?20:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tsclient - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:06
stefanoi like fsck, i like the name20:06
Jack_Sparrowstefano: if he can see the drive with windows, want to check it with windows, since it is handy20:06
stefanoyes that makes sense20:06
Jack_SparrowLtEmerpoc: it is how you Start X  ie your gui... wm... etc20:07
Tikimananyone? installation problems D:20:07
Jack_SparrowOk, I need a break, play nice....20:07
=== chryss_ is now known as chryss
chymerai'm getting fdisk exit status 8 on startup and can't mount any of my drives except my filesystem.... any ideas how to fix that? anyone?!20:08
Patchakhey all... how can I update firefox on ubuntu it seems taht the update for firefox section is greyed out on my system and I can't see how to force it to update??20:10
=== turIututu is now known as turlututu
atlefPatchak: you get it when it is updated in the repositories20:11
bruenigPatchak, wait for the package manager to update it if it ever does20:11
bruenigit might not20:11
bruenigPatchak, or get the tarball from firefox20:11
Patchakbruenig, there is no other way to force it?? I would have to reinstall or there is an updater?20:11
bruenigPatchak, it is installed in /usr/lib, which requires root...20:12
c0reyfNeed help with samba, anybody?20:12
Jack_SparrowPatchak: see what bruenig said....20:12
chymerai'm getting fdisk exit status 8 on startup and can't mount any of my drives except my filesystem.... any ideas how to fix that?20:12
Patchakbruenig, ok I'll try to update myself, thanks20:13
* Tikiman sighs20:13
Tikimani'm having dumb installation problems20:13
AngelsOfDestinyhow do i completely uninstall a .deb package?20:13
Tikimani'm trying to install linux for the first time. i've already unallocated enough hdd space on my os drive... but when I launch "Start/Install Ubuntu"... after a few mins it either freezes on an orange screen or the monitor goes black20:13
TikimanI checked the disc for errors, and it came up ok20:14
chymera.... is anyone at least noticing what i'm typing?20:14
Tikimanlol chymera20:14
rskTikiman: tried to verify the disc is fine?20:14
bruenigAngelsOfDestiny, apt-get remove --purge package20:14
Tikimanaye, rsk20:14
chymeratikiman, yes, what?20:14
AngelsOfDestinybruenig even if i didnt use apt-get to install it20:14
bruenigAngelsOfDestiny, yeah20:14
Tikimanchymera, yes I see what you're typing.20:14
bruenigAngelsOfDestiny, you can do it with dpkg too if you want20:14
LtEmerpocwhat is startx20:14
TikimanI just know jack shit about linux ;)20:14
chymeraaham that's good news20:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about startx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:14
bullgard4 http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/18750/ shows a log of my restart. Why does the dmesg time stamp jump in line 59 from [ 0.000000]  suddenly to [ 18.110675]?20:15
AngelsOfDestinybruenig ok thans alot. do i add in the .deb too?20:15
chymerastartx is a command20:15
chymerait starts x20:15
bruenigAngelsOfDestiny, package name only20:15
c0reyfAny samba help links for gusty20:15
LtEmerpocwhat does that mean20:15
davenullTikiman: sounds like a kernel panic, when you pop the disk in, press alt-f1 as soon as the orange bar comes up, look for errors20:15
AngelsOfDestinybruenig thanks20:15
chymerait means20:15
Tikimanmmk I'll try that20:15
tonyyarusso!samba | c0reyf20:15
ubotuc0reyf: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT20:15
chymerait starts your graphic interface20:15
chymerai'm getting fdisk exit status 8 on startup and can't mount any of my drives except my filesystem.... any ideas how to fix that?20:15
ravingDoes anybody know where I can find the key file for archive.ubuntu.org?20:16
AngelsOfDestinybruenig hm sudo apt-get remove --purge avant-window-navigator_0.1.1-1_i386 didnt work20:16
drezhi ppl, how to deal with .rar files?20:16
bruenigAngelsOfDestiny, that isn't the package name20:16
karl_Hey. I was told to install Vista then XP then Ubuntu if I wanted to triple boot. And that is what I did. However, now that I attempt to boot up the machine, it gives the grub boot loader with only vista as a choice, and when I choose vista the computer says missing hal.dll cannot continue. and I backed up up the hard drive before I installed Ubuntu.20:16
davenullchymera: no idea, havent run into that one yet20:16
dstadulisI am trying to repartition my drive that I have ubuntu installed on, when I boot up the gparted livecd and try to resize the partition it says that the drive is in use but I haven't mounted it.   Who knows why e2fsck spits back that it's accupied20:17
ravingerr, archive.canonical.com20:17
bruenigAngelsOfDestiny, package name only, not packagename followed by the package version, followed by the package architecture20:17
AngelsOfDestinybruenig ahhh20:17
D4rkB34nopen office impress hangs -> ubuntu 7.1020:17
AngelsOfDestinybruenig k worked but got this   dpkg - warning: while removing avant-window-navigator, directory `/root/.gconf/apps' not empty so not removed.20:17
D4rkB34nopen office impress 2.3.0 hangs -> ubuntu 7.1020:17
ijerrylylem: * Users on #ubuntu: kupesoft Tatster lakin ijerry stefano AlexUbuntuBcn c0reyf pcweirdo migster Iradigalesc Chimpo turlututu Patchak norra ketrox libwilliam sven_ sea4ever ompaul AddyK kaluna hoarycripple Nixcheese__ blan S3r1 FunnyLookinHat Tikiman Roger45 regius tjl11 oobe LtEmerpoc mcscruff kevin__ chymera Gunirus Duxter madmax314159z kritzi absum SmrtJustin joris_ Ax-Ax _hari__ _Stalker KrashTh20:18
ijerryeMighty Ashex ComPro_ threeseas bamsamba kostadin Phlogi NetIds20:18
ijerry* Users on #ubuntu: Thecks KIAaze das_maze FloodBot2 FloodBot1 RaceKondition kha_dim sasuke WorkingOnWise ziwerliz IVBela preaction ares221 NewUserr dimitris asininity pilgrim jayson_r _aluminium_23_ ekiczek Pogonip_ ibanez Centaur5 Bhaal Prez_ SoteriouLoucas mtinoco driffter animimotus [Danux] fluf pop acidx karmelek beterraba kane77 assasukasse sky`sunset ianmcorvidae raph shinao1 miip_ nkbreau tonyyaru20:18
ijerrysso RequinB4 eitreach jannen ComPro steven_laptop Broc22320:18
bruenigAngelsOfDestiny, don't worry about it, avant-window-navigator should not be installing stuff in there20:18
ijerry* Users on #ubuntu: jedusor jif sauvin drew mandrill shiaukai ankur Ex-Cyber xzased MrPink_ lostblur ferronica wilsud reVis PeterPan_ JussiRemastered os2mac soneil LyleM jimmacdonald NET||abuse shishio FrancoGG qaldune _Adramelech_ PriitM bruenig kruvalig Biohazard HellDragon thomax__ oharra win-X-perts D_ReaL_PuNiShEr skal Puaff tomm1 zejosh ipx_laptop popern buzztu Arabi ChaosMachine damaltor pyrak Jann20:18
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!20:18
ibanezthanks for that lol..20:18
damaltorwtf was that?20:18
shishiowhat the20:18
AngelsOfDestinybruenig oh ok, so it uninstalled everywhere it installed it20:18
ubotuThere are many different channel and user modes on Freenode (see !freenode). Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml20:19
RequinB4hello oobe20:19
stefanohello oobe20:19
bruenigAngelsOfDestiny, yes it did, that package is a poor one which is the only reason that error exists20:19
davenullthats the help bot telling you commands20:19
D4rkB34nopen office impress 2.3.0 hangs -> ubuntu 7.1020:19
RequinB4i wonder...20:19
=== karl_ is now known as karlito
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:19
D4rkB34nanyone can help.....20:19
chymerai'm getting fdisk exit status 8 on startup and can't mount any of my drives except my filesystem.... any ideas how to fix that?20:19
D4rkB34nopen office impress 2.3.0 hangs -> ubuntu 7.10; anyone can help.....20:19
ray_is there a way to resize a partition with out loosing what is on the partition to be resized?20:19
dstadulisI am trying to repartition my drive that I have ubuntu installed on, when I boot up the gparted livecd and try to resize the partition it says that the drive is in use but I haven't mounted it.   Who knows why e2fsck spits back that it's occupied20:19
AngelsOfDestinybruenig lol what a better one? synaptic?20:19
RequinB4ray_ backups?20:20
drezhow do i add rar to ubuntu 7.0420:20
=== karlito is now known as btard
buzzsawhow do i go about searching for what programs are avalable for apt-get20:20
bruenigray_, if you take stuff off of the end of the partition usually you can do that20:20
juano__drez: sudo apt-get install unrar20:20
bruenig!info unrar | drez20:20
RequinB4drez - you want to unrar things or make rar20:20
graulicherm, what's swiftweasel's command?20:20
soundrayD4rkB34n: you need to supply a bit more information20:20
bruenigAngelsOfDestiny, whoever packaged that did a poor job20:20
ChimpoIs there any irc channels for programming in linux? (c++ in particular)20:20
ubotudrez: unrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.7.3-1.1 (gutsy), package size 94 kB, installed size 232 kB20:20
AngelsOfDestinybruenig the avant window navig?20:20
ray_no, i got rid of the windows partition on my hdd and now i want to resize my linux to the full hdd20:20
bruenigAngelsOfDestiny, not the software itself, just the package20:21
Jock2When running Project64 under Wine, I get the error "err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection ..." when opening a ROM. Anyone who knows what can be wrong?20:21
juano__ray_: use gparted20:21
TrixseyWhat's the difference in uploading Binary or ASCII to an FTP?20:21
bruenigAngelsOfDestiny, it should not be installing things into a home directory20:21
btardHey. I was told to install Vista then XP then Ubuntu if I wanted to triple boot. And that is what I did. However, now that I attempt to boot up the machine, it gives the grub boot loader with only vista as a choice, and when I choose vista the computer says missing hal.dll cannot continue. and I backed up up the hard drive before I installed Ubuntu.20:21
AngelsOfDestinybruenig ya, it didnt even work, thats why i uninstalled20:21
D4rkB34nsoundray, nothing happens it only show the startup splash screen20:21
drezrequinb4: i want to unrar20:21
AngelsOfDestinybruenig do you know if this would work for gutsy   http://awn.wetpaint.com/page/Ubuntu+Feisty+Repository?t=anon20:21
RequinB4!unrar | drez20:21
ubotudrez: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free20:21
soundrayD4rkB34n: can you open other OOo programs, e.g. oowriter?20:22
musashiI have set up RAID 1 (using nvidia onboard controller) and have installed the gutsy. However, i can't set the raid array to boot (there is an option but it's grayed out) and the system won't boot. any suggestions?20:22
bruenigAngelsOfDestiny, I don't know, I wouldn't deal with third party debs myself20:22
davenullchymera: status 8 means that one of your drives didnt report itself, fsck will quit in that mode till you fix the drives20:22
D4rkB34nsoundray, yes, i can open calc and writer20:22
AngelsOfDestinybruenig for what reason?20:22
MillerLitewhy is my wifi card coming up as eth1? i have a dell latitude d420, and my wifi card wont work, can anyone hellp?20:22
bruenigAngelsOfDestiny, dangerous20:22
Tidusmusashi, nvidia's controllers are wha'ts called fake-raid controllers.20:23
chymerayes davenull, that was my question, how can i fix it?20:23
Tidusthey are hardware, but they need the windows driver to boot it20:23
chymerai got this after a system lockup20:23
dstadulisI am trying to repartition my drive that I have ubuntu installed on, when I boot up the gparted livecd and try to resize the partition it says that the drive is in use but I haven't mounted it.   Who knows why e2fsck spits back that it's occupied20:23
TidusMillerLite, mine comes up as eth1 too20:23
bruenigMillerLite, it doesn't matter that it is eth120:23
noerknharhi :D20:23
AngelsOfDestinybruenig as in how?20:23
btardHey. I was told to install Vista then XP then Ubuntu if I wanted to triple boot. And that is what I did. However, now that I attempt to boot up the machine, it gives the grub boot loader with only vista as a choice, and when I choose vista the computer says missing hal.dll cannot continue. and I backed up up the hard drive before I installed Ubuntu.20:23
Ashfire908i need help with reinstalling grub via th reconvery disc20:23
bruenigAngelsOfDestiny, malicious scripts20:23
musashiTidus, does that change how i should set it up20:23
ZEAany recomendations for a bittorrent client?20:23
bruenig!info transmission | ZEA20:24
dstadulisZEA: I use ktorrent20:24
ubotuzea: transmission: free, lightweight BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.72.dfsg-1 (gutsy), package size 7 kB, installed size 56 kB20:24
MillerLiteTidus do u have a dell latitude d420?20:24
bruenig!best | ZEA20:24
ubotuZEA: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.20:24
rskZEA: rtorrent20:24
atlefZEA: deluge20:24
musashiTidus, or explain why it's not working?20:24
soundrayD4rkB34n: try this: quit all OOo programs, open a terminal and run 'ooimpress' from there. See if it logs any errors in the terminal.20:24
AngelsOfDestinybruenig oh...now you got me scared,lol20:24
TidusMillerLite, Dell inspiron 510020:24
bruenigdeluge is very unstable20:24
ZEAubotu: I know. just doing a sort of survey :)20:24
RequinB4ZEA: at this point its all about your preferred UI20:24
davenullchymera: check your  drive connects and get back to me20:24
MillerLiteTidus, does your wifi card work?20:24
Tidusmusashi, is ubuntu's setup seeing the array?20:24
Ashfire908every time i tell it to do it on /dev/sdb1, it fails with error code "1"20:24
TidusMillerLite, yes it does20:24
AngelsOfDestinybruenig should i scan my box?20:24
juano__Ashfire908: pastebin :  sudo fdisk -l  , and your /boot/grub/menu.lst20:24
RequinB4ZEA - ubotu is a program20:24
bruenigAngelsOfDestiny, no, it will either happen during install or not at all20:24
MillerLitehow did u get it to work?20:24
RequinB4!ubotu | ZEA20:24
ubotuZEA: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:24
btardI'm starting to think people are just ignoring me, cause I have been trying to get the irc working for an hour now20:25
AngelsOfDestinybruenig oh20:25
musashiTidus, during install it sees sda and sdb but no mention of raid - should there be?20:25
ZEAlol :x20:25
MillerLitebruenig, can u help me please?20:25
Tidusmusashi, a true raid controller would only be showing sda ...20:25
Ashfire908juano__, results might be intresting... i'm on a live cd (but on the same comp20:25
arash_btard, the irony?20:25
bruenigAngelsOfDestiny, if you get through a deb and your system isn't hosed, then you have nothing to worry about, but debs come with preinstallation and post installation scripts that can run arbitrary code, so it could easily rm -rf /* if it wanted too20:25
dstadulisI am trying to repartition my drive that I have ubuntu installed on, when I boot up the gparted livecd and try to resize the partition it says that the drive is in use but I haven't mounted it.   Who knows why e2fsck spits back that it's occupied20:25
chymeradavenull haow do i check that?20:25
bruenigAngelsOfDestiny, if you stick with official stuff though, you don't have to worry about that20:25
arash_btard , how come it isnt working when u are writing here?20:25
MillerLitewhy is my wifi card coming up as eth1? i have a dell latitude d420, and my wifi card wont work, can anyone hellp?20:25
TidusMillerLite, what chipset is your ethernet card?20:26
bruenigMillerLite, get your mind passed it being named eth1, the naming scheme doesn't matter20:26
AngelsOfDestinybruenig ya true, but avant is only 3rd party20:26
btardI'm on a second comp20:26
RequinB4MillerLite - it should work as eth120:26
Tidusbroadcom 43xx or 44xx ?20:26
soundraybtard: you're not saying what you want. People aren't ignoring you, it's just hard to answer that type of question.20:26
RequinB4thats no the gproblem if it doesn't work20:26
davenullchymera: open the computer, look for loose plugs, happens more than i care to think about20:26
btardarash_: second computer20:26
musashiTidus, short of buying a true raid controller, is there a simple way to make this work? i just want a mirror for backup20:26
juano__Ashfire908: is your root partition mounted ?20:26
Tidusmusashi, software raid20:26
arash_btard , ok, what client isnt working?20:26
MillerLitehow do i find out chipseT?20:26
btardwait a secon.20:26
RequinB4btard - use Xchat not pidgin20:26
TidusMillerLite, go to a terminal, type sudo lspci20:26
=== _hari__ is now known as _hari_
MillerLiteits a dell laititude d420,20:26
bruenigAngelsOfDestiny, I would build it from source if I had to, a package is included on the distro I use so I don't have to worry about that20:26
chymeradavenull lol no, it's not the case....20:27
ravingI've got a fresh alternate CD install of gutsy and am unable to get apt to authenticate packages from archive.canonical.com. Does anybody know where I can acquire a key file for that repository?20:27
musashiTidus, meaning i should scrap the nvidia raid, set up normally and then install software raid? or would i still keep the nvidia setup set up?20:27
MillerLiteits a wlan-minipci?20:27
AngelsOfDestinybruenig oh.20:27
Ashfire908juano__, is now...20:27
davenullchymera:  try running fsck20:27
btardWhat do I need to change in order to get all 3 of the working correctly. I am willing t try anything as my disk is backed up as an image completely.20:28
Tidusmusashi, scrap the nvraid stuff.  during setup you can set up software raid fairly quick and painless20:28
ComProwhat would cause fglrx to stop working? last night after a reboot, it wouldn't load X properly, so today, i reformatted and started from scratch, and fglrx still will not load X properly. it falls back to vesa.20:28
TidusMillerLite, lspci will tell you the chipset of the card20:28
btardand I am so sorry, im exhausted and I didnt even notice i forgot to finish the question20:28
juano__Ashfire908: which is your root partiion, /dev/hd?20:28
MillerLite00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 Mobile PCI Bridge (rev e1)20:28
MillerLite00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82801GBM (ICH7-M) LPC Interface Bridge (rev 01)20:28
MillerLite00:1f.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) IDE Controller (rev 01)20:28
MillerLite00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) SMBus Controller (rev 01)20:28
MillerLite02:01.0 CardBus bridge: Ricoh Co Ltd RL5c476 II (rev b4)20:28
MillerLite02:01.1 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Ricoh Co Ltd R5C552 IEEE 1394 Controller (rev 09)20:28
MillerLite02:01.2 Generic system peripheral [0805]: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro Host Adapter (rev 18)20:28
MillerLite09:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5752 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express (rev 02)20:28
MillerLite0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 01)20:28
btardive been working on getting these thing fixed since wensday20:28
MillerLitetidus do u see it20:28
Ashfire908!pastebin | MillerLite20:28
ubotuMillerLite: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)20:28
juano__MillerLite: pastebin20:28
MillerLitesorry for scrolling20:28
ComProwhat would cause fglrx to stop working? last night after a reboot, it wouldn't load X properly, so today, i reformatted and started from scratch, and fglrx still will not load X properly. it falls back to vesa.20:28
TidusMillerLite, you'll need ndiswrapper and the windows drivers to make that one work20:28
arash_btard:  still I want to know what client you are using, maybe you should cahnge client20:28
bruenigMillerLite, broadcom20:28
TidusMillerLite, my wlan card is based on the BCM430020:29
musashiTidus, shoot. i was hoping the nvidia stuff would be simple and cool - just doing it in the background. okay, are you saying that while installing gutsy i can also set up software raid? i've never seen an option for that.20:29
chymeradavenull, here20:29
Tidusmusashi, it's on the alternate cd20:29
MillerLiteTidus, is mine a broacom?20:29
TidusMillerLite, yes it is20:29
ray_gparted wont let me resize my partiton for linux, because it is mounted any other options?20:29
soundraybtard: that dll thing is a Windows problem. Ask in a Windows channel. To get a grub boot entry for XP, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add a boot entry for it. There is a sample for Windows at the top of the file.20:29
TidusMillerLite, 0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 01)20:29
chymeraray_ unmnount it20:29
btardarash_: what do you mean client20:30
davenullchymera: that sucks20:30
MillerLiteso i should download the xp drivers for it, and run it with wine and it will work?20:30
nirglethis worked a couple weeks ago for me and suddenly now is giving me this error message on a fresh install:20:30
nirglenirgle@ubuntu:~/icarus$ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev20:30
nirgleReading package lists... Done20:30
nirgleBuilding dependency tree20:30
nirgleReading state information... Done20:30
nirgleE: Couldn't find package libncurses5-dev20:30
Tidusno, you'll download the xp drivers, and set it up thru ndiswrapper.20:30
raphhi, the ext3 fs on my external hd is partly broken. Some files i could simply copy to a backup partition, others stop copying with an error msg (something like "reading of file not possible"). Is there a way to get the corrupt data back?20:30
AllNicksAreTakenhi folks20:30
musashiTidus, is that the only way or can i install normally and then add the raid stuff afterwards? seeing as how it's already installed and i don't have the alternate cd :)20:30
ComProwhat would cause fglrx to stop working? last night after a reboot, it wouldn't load X properly, so today, i reformatted and started from scratch, and fglrx still will not load X properly. it falls back to vesa.20:30
nirgledid the package change names or?20:30
Tidusit's under system -> Administration -> Windows wireless drivers20:30
ray_that partition is what i am running right now20:30
btardsoundray: ok i'll try that20:30
chymeradavenull, the drives are still there... any ideas?20:30
ray_if i were to use the live cd would that work?20:30
davenullchymera: have anything important on them?20:30
Tidusmusashi, you won't be able to add it later because it requires certain type of partitions...20:31
arash_btard: what program do you use for irc? ,eh, one second. what'r ur problem? isn't it that irc isn't working for you?20:31
btardoh, XChat20:31
MillerLiteTidus:  so i should download the xp drivers for it, and run it with wine and it will work?20:31
btardit isn't the irc that is the problem20:31
TidusMillerLite, no, you wont use wine20:31
chymeradavenull of course, not anything but everything, their intact, as far as i know its the table that got fucked up20:31
btardI'm fine. Soundray helped me.20:31
btardThanks tho20:31
arash_btard: then dont say that that is your problem. It just causes confusion20:31
MillerLitewhat should i use?20:32
TidusMillerLite, you'll use the windows wireless drivers tool that i pointed to you.  system -> Administration -> windows wireless drivers20:32
soundraybtard: make sure you add any new entry after the line that begins ### END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC...20:32
chymeradavenull, i started discussing this case on the forums but somewhy my partner died out, ahve a look http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62240420:32
soundray*begins with20:32
musashiTidus, okay. guess i'll be downloading the alternate cd. one last question, is the software raid an okay way to go? i mean is it relatively stable and problem free running in the background or will i need to "mess" with it a lot?20:32
Tidusmusashi, i've got a headless server with 3 disks in software raid5... been stable for a year now20:33
AllNicksAreTakencan anyone help me getting my wireless connection to work? I was using Ubuntu/Xubuntu 7.04 before and my wireless connection worked fine. After a clean install of Ubuntu 7.10 I am unable to connect to my network20:33
Tidusmusashi, software raid is done in the background by the linux kernel... so if the kernel's relatively stable... then so will your raid :)20:33
TidusAllNicksAreTaken, what chipset is your wireless card?20:34
chymeraany ideas davenull ?20:34
flithmhey everyone... anyone know what package the opengl man pages are in?20:34
AllNicksAreTakengood question. I forgot what chipset it had. Is there a way to find out?20:34
TidusAllNicksAreTaken, lspci20:34
soundrayD4rkB34n: how are you getting on?20:34
davenullchymera: this could be a bad day for you, fsck -v, pastebin me the output20:34
Ashfire908juano__, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45833/20:34
musashiTidus, cool. thanks for the help. i guess the raid controller on my edubuntu server at work is a fancy hardware controller. should have known that a $200 mobo wouldn't have the same20:35
Tidusmusashi, most sata raid chipsets aren't true raid.20:35
MillerLiteTidus: so i should download the broadcom Corp BCM94311MCG  , then run the windows wifi installer?20:35
killroy_2question: I want to buy either a USB or PCMCIA NIC for my lappy.  I am looking for recommendations for a product that is known to work well with gutsy20:35
chymerasame thing davenull, blabla bad format on the same lines20:35
MeTrOiD014|KevinCan someone help me with permissions in ubuntu?20:35
Tiduskillroy_2, the netgear FA120 usb wired ethernet works fine20:35
soundrayMeTrOiD014|Kevin: you need to say what the problem is.20:36
AllNicksAreTakenTidus: oh yeah, it's an USB wifi stick. lsusb gives me: id 0b05:170620:36
killroy_2Tidus: sorry, I meant to state that I need wireless20:36
soundrayTidus: what's "true raid"?20:36
Tiduskillroy_2, oh.  my linksys WPC54GS works fine with ndiswrapper20:36
MeTrOiD014|KevinI want to edit some files on my ipod but it says I dont have the permission to do so20:36
davenullchymera: well, never used it, but fsck -p is automatic repair, might kill the part table, might fix it. my best guess20:36
chymerathe fact davenull, that is i changed some things in my fstab, uncommented the lines of the partitions and deleted the UDII tags or what their called, so i won't get the error at startup.... but it still didn't fix my mount problem20:36
Tidusit's pcmcia20:36
musashiTidus, i suppose you would need to buy a fancy controller. i'll go software and see what happens20:36
TidusAllNicksAreTaken, i guess you'd have to use ndiswrapper with the windows drivers for it20:36
flithmMeTrOiD014|Kevin: permissions isn't an ubuntu thing... try #linuxhelp maybe or google "unix permissions"20:36
D4rkB34nsoundray, bad.... nothing happen20:36
soundrayMeTrOiD014|Kevin: open the editor with sudo or gksudo, e.g. 'gksudo gedit'20:37
juano__Ashfire908: hd0,4 for your linux partition20:37
davenullTidus: what kind of card, and what ubuntu version?20:37
juano__Ashfire908: and for ntfs partition if its xp hd0,120:37
Tidusdavenull, my wireless card?20:37
chymeradavenull, what happens if i kill the partition table?20:37
chymerado i loose the data?20:37
MeTrOiD014|Kevinsoundray: kk20:37
Ashfire908juano__, i know the it's incorrect20:37
chymeraor just the partitioning?20:37
Tidusdavenull, Linksys WPC54GS (Wireless-G with SpeedBooster), ubuntu gutsy20:37
davenullchymera: lol, total annihilation20:38
soundrayD4rkB34n: something may be wrong with your user configuration. Try 'mv ~/.openoffice.org2 ~/oooconfig-backup' and try again. This will start over with a new config.20:38
juano__Ashfire908: sda5 is your / partition right ?20:38
killroy_2Tidus: see, now, my lappy has an Intel PRO wireless 2100 but I'm getting a firmware issue, so I have a WPC54G ver 4.0 PCMCIA but I can't get the system to recognize it.  I've installed drivers with ndiswrapper and ran the modprobe, but I never get a device.  Of course, I haven't turned off the internal nic.  What might I be doing wrong?  Can you recommend a link to assist with setup?20:38
AllNicksAreTakenTidus: the default drivers on Ubuntu 7.04 worked fine though. Are there any known wlan0 problems with Ubuntu 7.10 ?20:38
juano__Ashfire908: that would be hd0,4 in grub20:38
davenullTidus: is it a broadcom chipset, lspci20:38
Tiduskillroy_2, that should be TI ACX chipset20:38
Tiduswhich has linux drivers20:38
giciao a tutti20:38
TidusAllNicksAreTaken, i haven't had issues20:38
juano__Ashfire908: are you able to boot into ubuntu or ntfs/windows ?20:38
MillerLiteTidus: so i should download the broadcom Corp BCM94311MCG  , then run the windows wifi installer?20:38
TidusMillerLite, yes20:38
=== Amigo59717 is now known as _Christian
Tiduskillroy_2, my other pcmcia wlan card is a WPC54G version 420:39
MillerLiteTidus: where do i find driver?20:39
Tidusand this one's a WPC54GS v220:39
tapasi'm installing ubuntu here on a friends computer.. ii upgraded from the gutsy beta cd i had to current gutsy20:39
tapasand installed the nvidia driver20:39
TidusMillerLite, i'd say try broadcom's website20:39
AllNicksAreTakenis it possible that IPv6 might be giving issues?20:39
TidusAllNicksAreTaken, not entirely sure20:39
tapasand now 3d acceleration works.. yay..20:39
tapasbut resolution is gone down to 640 x 48020:40
fougWhen I order something from the Ubuntu, where does it ship from? And it can ship to the states, correct?20:40
killroy_2Tidus: are you saying that I shouldn't need to ndiswrapper then with the WPC54G v4.0 PCMCIA?  And if not, how do I get it to be recognized in gutsy?  I've got the power light lit, so clearly it's powered up, but when I ifconfig I only see eth0 and eth1 (my wired and internal wireless) and no additiona devices...20:40
soundrayAllNicksAreTaken: I've got trouble with wifi on 7.10, too. Disabling ipv6 improved it a bit.20:40
tapasalso i cannot find te ndiswrapper module for the 2.6.22-14-generic kernel20:40
tapasit should be installed, but cannot be found...20:40
AllNicksAreTakensoundray: great you just got my hopes up. I'll be checking it out right now20:40
soundray!ipv6 | AllNicksAreTaken20:41
ubotuAllNicksAreTaken: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv420:41
D4rkB34nsoundray, nothing again, i'll install from the original download, first i'll remove from synaptic20:41
Tiduskillroy_2, yeah, you shouldn't need ndiswrapper.  it should be a Texas Instruments ACX111 chipset which is supported by default in gutsy20:41
fougWhen I order something from the Ubuntu, where does it ship from? And it can ship to the states, correct?20:41
soundrayAllNicksAreTaken: I still get the occasional dropped connection, though.20:41
AllNicksAreTakenthanks. I was just searching on google20:41
soundrayD4rkB34n: hold on20:41
D4rkB34nsoundray, i'm downloading ooo_2.3.0_linuxintel_install_deb.tar.gz20:42
AllNicksAreTakensoundray: do you happen to have a Linksys WRT54G ?20:42
davenullTidus: ive got a few different chipset cards, never needed to go to ndiswrapper20:42
MillerLitetidus, broadcom doesnt make a  BCM94311MCG20:42
soundrayAllNicksAreTaken: I do indeed20:42
juano__Ashfire908: something like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45836/20:42
killroy_2Tidus: ok, then shouldn't I see the device in my network device list?20:42
YoungBallswhat up with it20:42
D4rkB34nsoulrider, i tryed to reinstall from synaptic, but crashes20:42
dstadulisI am trying to repartition my drive that I have ubuntu installed on, when I boot up the gparted livecd and try to resize the partition it says that the drive is in use but I haven't mounted it.   Who knows why e2fsck spits back that it's occupied20:43
Tiduskillroy_2, lspci it and see what chipset it's using20:43
soundrayD4rkB34n: if you suspect your installation, the first thing you should try is "sudo apt-get --reinstall install openoffice.org-impress"20:43
killroy_2tidus ok, will do20:43
D4rkB34nsoundray, yap.... thanks20:43
Ashfire908juano__, you don't understand do you. i'm trying to install grub on a jump drive via the grub reinstall in the recovery mode on the alternate cd.20:43
killroy_2Tidus: but assuming it is the TI chipset, is there anything I need to do to get the device initiated?20:43
SmileyChrisso if I'm installing an app just for my own user, where's the normal place to keep it?20:43
AllNicksAreTakensoundray: I've been searching around on the internet and found out a lot of people have issues with it. It's some sort of firmware problem. I decided to put the DD-WRT (micro) firmware on it and it's been working fine since.20:44
davenullSmileyChris: usr/bin20:44
Tidusgoogle is your friend on that one. i'm not entirely sure on the steps to fix tiacx20:44
Ryan_was_herehey, can anyone direct me to some gkrellm skins? My theme is black/green and it just doesn't wok. I have checked gnome-look.org and art.gnome.org and google, but can't seem to find any.20:44
AllNicksAreTakenHad to power cycle the router everyday before20:44
juano__Ashfire908: ok, should of told me first :P20:44
juano__Ashfire908: thought you were trying to install grub back on mbr20:44
Ashfire908juano__, lol no20:44
soundrayAllNicksAreTaken: I've got OpenWrt firmware on it, but it's a bit outdated. I'll try upgrading that -- thanks for the tip!20:44
juano__Ashfire908: and that you couldn't boot20:44
chymeradavenull, still here?=20:44
davenullchymera: yup20:45
Jock2Newest version of Wine is 0.9.49 but I have version 0.9.46. However, when I right-click my Wine installation in Synaptic Package Manager the "Mark for upgrade" is greyed out. Does that mean I can't upgrade?20:45
PeterPan_ can any one recomend a good dictionary to install ?20:45
AllNicksAreTakensoundray: you're welcome. You better do some good reading about DD-WRT first. Only DD-WRT micro works on it unfortunately (at least, on my WRT54G v5.1)20:45
chymeradavenull i reverted to my commented fstab file20:45
chymeraheres the output20:45
chymerafsck -v20:45
Tupsikwhat's the current version of ubuntu?20:46
joshua__http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45837/  hey all I have a problem with my sudo command20:46
RequinB4!enter | chymera20:46
ubotuchymera: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:46
soundrayAllNicksAreTaken: I have an older one with more memory, so it'll be fine. I'll get a newer version of OpenWrt -- don't feel like switching to DD quite yet.20:46
SmileyChrisdavenull: so eg, eclipse: I put the whole eclipse folder in usr/bin?20:47
AngelsOfDestinyonce installed, how does one get avant window navigator to work20:47
Ashfire908juano__, i'm getting error code 1 when it trys to install grub on the flash drive20:47
davenullchymera:well, im at a loss20:47
crashoverridei need some help getting my webcam to work20:47
crashoverridein ubuntu20:47
sauvinjoshua__, pastebin your /etc/sudoers file20:47
SmileyChrisAngelsOfDestiny: applications > accessories20:47
davenullSmileyChris: no, put it in your home folder20:47
ComProwhat would cause fglrx to stop working? last night after a reboot, it wouldn't load X properly, so today, i reformatted and started from scratch, and fglrx still will not load X properly. it falls back to vesa.  http://pastebin.com/m1b146ca2 <-- here is my Xorg.0.log file20:47
Jack_SparrowJock2: It means it has not been brought back.. If you MUST have the latest you need to get it outside20:47
soundrayJock2: Ubuntu packages are well tested with the distribution, but they aren't always the latest. You can install a more recent version by adding the winehq repository for debian-based distributions to your sources.list20:47
Tupsikwhat's the current version of ubuntu?20:47
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras20:47
AngelsOfDestinysmileychris ya i clicked on the icon for it, but nothign happens20:47
juano__Ashfire908: where is the flash drive located ? /dev/sdb1 ?20:48
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases20:48
SmileyChrisdavenull: so I just leaving all your stuff in /usr/[me]/* is the normal way?20:48
crashoverrideim in the latest version20:48
Tupsikis there internet accelerator for Ubuntu?20:48
soundray!gutsy | Tupsik20:48
ubotuTupsik: Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - New Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents20:48
joshua__I am having a problem with my sudo command anyone help me edit the file sudoers?20:48
Ashfire908juano__, yes20:48
soundrayjoshua__: what's the problem?20:48
SmileyChrisdavenull: thought there might be some sort of folder which is the norm to put it in20:48
Ashfire908juano__, updated menu.lst http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45839/20:48
joshua__soundray,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45837/20:49
Jock2Jack_Sparrow and soundray: Thanks for explaining!20:49
soundrayjoshua__: please run 'visudo' and paste the contents of the file20:49
davenullSmileyChris: thats what i do, dont know if thats the best way, but if you go to nautilus and in view select view hidden, lots of apps are installed there20:49
juano__Ashfire908: sudo grub-install /dev/sdb20:49
Tupsikif I upgrade from 7.04 directly, how much MB will be downloaded?20:49
juano__Ashfire908: tried that ?20:49
SmileyChrisAngelsOfDestiny: so run avant-window-navigator from terminal and see what the error is - probably you're not using a compositing manager20:49
juano__Ashfire908: that give you error code 1 ?20:50
soundrayTupsik: that depends on how many and which packages you have installed.20:50
AngelsOfDestinysmileychris i was under the impression it works with compiz20:50
wickedsmaat!HELLO -- I'm using "Synaptic Package Manager", trying to uninstall things that "couldnt" be taken out with "Add/Remove Programs" app. Some things I'm trying to take out say they'll also uninstall the "Ubuntu-Desktop". Is this going to crash my system, or is this nothing to worry about???20:50
joshua__soundray,  I get the same error20:50
SmileyChrisAngelsOfDestiny: it should20:50
Joe90Anybody with ltsp experience 7.10?20:50
Tupsiksoundray: I have default installation from CD20:50
sauvinjoshua__, pastebin your /etc/sudoers file20:50
Ashfire908juano__, let me try20:50
joshua__sauvin, I cant get access to it20:50
bluefox83wickedsmaat, ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage, it wont hurt anything to remove it20:50
AngelsOfDestinysmileychris ya there ya go it works in terminal and not wit the icon for some reasob20:51
soundrayTupsik: it'll be something between 300 and 500 MB then, I reckon20:51
crazy6ok, so, when I open a torrent via firefox, there isn't an option to open it with ktorrent, and I always have ot type in /usr/bin/ktorrent .. is tihs fixable?20:51
SmileyChrisAngelsOfDestiny: weird20:51
crashoverrideapparently my webcam isnt supported20:51
crashoverrideso i cant really do anything?20:51
ibanezhey you guys know that command like gxgears20:51
wickedsmaatBLUEFOX83 ==> So, various things can "Remove" it and I'm not going to loose my system???20:51
elementzhi everybody20:51
ibanezthat shows you frames per second ?20:51
danny3793_How can i setup MythTV to recognize my happauge card?20:51
sauvinjoshua__, you may have to boot a livecd then, in order to mount the partition that file is on.20:51
juano__ibanez: yes20:51
Jack_Sparrowcrashoverride: they are not expensive, sell yours off20:51
ibanezthanks :D20:52
AngelsOfDestinysmileychris ya20:52
soundrayjoshua__: try booting in recovery mode then (grub boot option) and fix it with 'nano /etc/sudoers'20:52
Ashfire908juano__, ok got a chroot set up. what command?20:52
crashoverridelol, mine was $120:52
elementzaccidentally deleted a few files on my desktop, is there a way to easily recover them from the console?20:52
=== eth01 is now known as eth01`
juano__Ashfire908: sudo grub-install /dev/sdb20:52
=== eth01` is now known as eth01
soundrayelementz: no20:52
joshua__ sauvin  soundray , is there a way I can login into x as root?20:52
dstadulisI am trying to repartition my drive that I have ubuntu installed on, when I boot up the gparted livecd and try to resize the partition it says that the drive is in use but I haven't mounted it.   Who knows why e2fsck spits back that it's occupied20:52
crashoverridewell thanks mucho20:52
Jack_Sparrowelementz: look in ./Trash20:52
sauvinin ubuntu? I don't think so, not without heroic surgery.20:53
wickedsmaatBLUEFOX83 ==> So, various things can "Remove" it and I'm not going to loose my system???20:53
juano__joshua__: if the root account is enabled yes, username root and root pass20:53
joshua__ sauvin  soundray , Im not quite sure how to fix the sudoers file20:53
bluefox83wickedsmaat, correct20:53
Ashfire908juano__, i'm already root :). i get an error which i assume is caused by the device map20:53
=== Granis is now known as Sinarg
=== Sinarg is now known as Granis
wickedsmaatBLUEFOX83 ==> great, thanks!20:53
sauvinjoshua__, I'd do it from a livecd.20:53
soundrayjoshua__: no, but if you follow sauvin's live CD suggestion, you can fix it from a graphical environment20:53
chazcoHi... anyone able to help with: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608760 ?20:53
IndyGunFreakdstadulis: thats an odd problem.. i've used partedmagic a lot, never had that issue.20:53
snamayou must allow root to login through gdm in login window settings20:53
windego40hello all20:53
snamabut there its called system administrator20:54
dstadulisIndyGunFreak: Thanks I'll try that out20:54
joshua__ sauvin  soundray , I see just copy the livecd sudoers file into the old one?20:54
juano__Ashfire908: post the error20:54
soundrayjoshua__: if you can get internet access from the live system, you can pastebin your sudoers and ask for help here.20:54
windego40anyone here know how to mount a usb scandisk?20:54
IndyGunFreakdstadulis: parted magic/gparted are basically the same thing.20:54
soundrayjoshua__: no20:54
* sauvin mounts his ubuntu partition and has a look20:55
PeterPan_ can any one recomend a good dictionary to install ?20:55
joshua__ sauvin  soundray , Ok I will boot the livecd and come back20:55
IndyGunFreakdstadulis: why don't you just use the installer to partition your drive?20:55
soundrayjuano__: please don't ever recommend enabling root, and especially running X as root.20:55
juano__soundray: i didnt recommend, i answered his question20:55
=== Granis is now known as Sinarg
milkahow can i update amsn ?20:56
Ashfire908juano__, let be try somethingnfirst20:56
soundrayjuano__: that boils down to the same thing.20:56
juano__soundray: is it possible ? yes i said20:56
sauvinwow, the ubuntu sudoers file is simple enough: %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL20:56
juano__soundray: he didnt ask should i ? he asked if it was possible20:56
AngelsOfDestinysmileychris does awn start at bootup?20:56
dstadulisIndyGunFreak: are you talking about the ubuntu install disk?20:56
juano__Ashfire908: ok20:56
IndyGunFreakdstadulis: yes.20:56
Jack_Sparrowsoundray: juano__ has been told he is on thin ice with that20:56
soundrayjuano__: I was in a conversation with him, and you barged in with advice that would have been very bad if he had followed it.20:56
IndyGunFreakdstadulis: as you're going through the install process, it will allow you to partition the drive before installing20:57
joshua__ sauvin  soundray , juano__  I did ask I figured that I could acceszs the /etc/sudoers file that way20:57
SmileyChrisAngelsOfDestiny: nope20:57
sauvinjoshua__, in what way?20:57
Ashfire908juano__, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45840/20:57
IndyGunFreakmilka: is the current version in the repositories?20:57
dstadulisIndyGunFreak: I'm running ubuntu studio20:57
milkahoi don't know20:57
juano__soundray: i didnt barge in in anything dude, nice attitude by the way20:57
IndyGunFreakdstadulis: oh ok, sorry, can't help you.20:57
milkabut how can i uopdate20:57
sky`sunsetcan some one tell me how to save changes to my usb while i am using live ubuntu7.10 cd?20:57
dstadulisIndyGunFreak: and it doesn't have a livecd20:57
IndyGunFreakdstadulis: oh ok.20:58
milkasudo apt-get update amsn ???20:58
SmileyChrisAngelsOfDestiny: system > preferences > sessions, put it in startup programs20:58
juano__soundray: just helpin out didnt mean to hurt your feelings sheesh20:58
joshua__ sauvin  soundray , juano__  Well I can't get access to the sudoers file without root permission20:58
ActySoftsis there an official torrent containing an ubuntu i386 iso?20:58
AllNicksAreTakenI'm considering to switch back to 7.0420:58
IndyGunFreakmilka: i doubt it.20:58
soundrayjuano__: I take it very badly when people spoil my good advice with bad.20:58
sauvinjoshua__, are you in the livecd yet?20:58
AngelsOfDestinysmileychris thanks20:58
sky`sunsethow can i save changes to my usb while i am using ubuntu 7.10 live cd?20:58
Jack_Sparrowmilka: If synaptic does not have it then you need to do it manually..  but please backup everything if you are new to linux20:58
soundrayjoshua__: use gksudo gedit20:58
IndyGunFreakmilka: if the updated version isn't int he repositories, then running the update command, won't do anything20:58
dstadulisIndyGunFreak: I just downloaded the last versions of both gparted and partedmagic, going to give new version of gparted one last chance and then try partedmagic thanks for you hel[20:58
joshua__ sauvin  soundray , juano__  In other words booting as root wqould allow me to pastebin the contents20:58
Jack_Sparrowsky`sunset: I linked a line by line tutorial earlier..20:58
IndyGunFreakdstadulis: np, hope you get it worked out.20:58
milkaok .. thx Indy --20:59
joshua__ sauvin  no I am still looking for the cd20:59
sky`sunsetit didnt work20:59
sauvinjoshua__, ubuntu doesn't ship with the root account formally enabled.20:59
sky`sunsetnot f620:59
sky`sunseti tried20:59
juano__soundray: what do you know about advice beeing good or bad ? plus i didnt give anyone bad advice on anything dude, i just told him it was posible i didnt say it was right or wrong ok ? if he would of asked to do it i would tell him to !sudo20:59
sky`sunseti mean i didnt want to install the ubuntu into my usb20:59
D4rkB34nsoundray, nothing happens20:59
joshua__sauvin i see20:59
krielis this user error, or did i forget to install something?   kriel@rea:~/code$ gcc hello.cpp20:59
Jack_Sparrowsky`sunset: did you setup your usb stick?20:59
krielgcc: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory20:59
sky`sunseti just use my usb to save the changes20:59
danny3793_is there a way to get my happauge card to work so i can record TV/Gaming?20:59
mandrillcam I reinstall Ubuntu over VNC?20:59
ActySoftsIs there an official torrent for the Ubuntu i386 ISO?20:59
soundrayjuano__: I appreciate you have your own opinion about this, and I will refrain from continuing this discussion.20:59
Jack_SparrowThen you didnt bother reading ANYTHING20:59
sky`sunseti just want to boot from the cd20:59
sky`sunsetand save the changes to my usb21:00
sauvinsoundray, spoken like a true diplomat :D21:00
IndyGunFreakActySofts: sure there are.... http://www.ubuntu.com has lists of servers w/ torrents21:00
joshua__soundray,  I get the same error when attempting gksudo edit21:00
sky`sunseti searched online already21:00
hangthedjhow do i turn off the password protection for when i come back from suspend?21:00
soundrayD4rkB34n: sorry, I don't have any other suggestions.21:00
Jack_Sparrowsky`sunset: Right, and you were given instructions which you ignore.. and come back again21:00
juano__soundray: same here.. i hate it when people think they know it all and start stomping on others21:00
juano__soundray: btw21:00
soundrayjoshua__: gksudo gedit is for when you're on a live system.21:00
juano__soundray: for no particular reason that is21:00
sauvinjuano__, why don't you go get yourself another beer?21:00
joshua__soundray, ok21:01
joshua__be back21:01
sauvinsoundray, do you know if the livecd will automatically mount his installed partition?21:01
Joe90Any ltsp folks out there?21:01
juano__sauvin: lol you too ?21:01
juano__sauvin: yea right..21:01
krielis this user error, or did i forget to install something?   kriel@rea:~/code$ gcc hello.cpp21:01
krielgcc: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory21:01
ActySoftsIndyGunFreak: thanks! I found it in release notes21:01
soundraysauvin: I know that it won't. But I'm hoping he can ask again once he's on the live system.21:01
Jack_Sparrowsky`sunset: here is the how to do it   one, two three   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=989321:01
IndyGunFreakActySofts: np21:01
sauvinkriel, try that with g++21:01
elementzJack_Sparrow, lol I shift/del ed those files21:02
krielsauvin: gpp...? what would the cmd be.21:02
sauving++, actually.21:02
sky`sunsetthank u jack_sparrow21:02
nietoyfacehellp i come from caracas21:02
krielsauvin: since when can commands have non-alpha... ... oh, nevermind. thank you.21:02
Jack_Sparrowsky`sunset: that is the same info I gave you an hour ago that you did not read21:02
Jack_Sparrowsky`sunset: It is simple...21:03
sauvinkriel, valid question, but not all diacritical marks are shell metacharacters.21:03
sky`sunsetcuz u just told me to preconfig the usb21:03
sky`sunsetand i didnt have the link21:03
sky`sunseti did search it, but i couldnt find it21:03
Jack_Sparrowsky`sunset: and told you to boot then F6..21:03
sky`sunseti did21:03
sky`sunsetbut nothing happen21:04
sky`sunseti just tried it just now21:04
Jack_Sparrowwhat did you type after F621:04
sky`sunsetit gave me the same menu like what i had b421:04
juano__Ashfire908: yea21:04
ubunt-usermay i ask a question please ?21:04
Jack_Sparrowsky`sunset: no it did not21:04
sauvinubunt-user, you just did. Ask another.21:04
juano__!ask | ubuntu-user21:04
ubotuubuntu-user: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)21:04
Jack_Sparrowsky`sunset: You need to read that one simple page.21:05
ubunt-useri have a problem with my ubuntu edgy homebox21:05
sky`sunseti am reading21:05
ubunt-useri was installing qmail mail-server21:05
btardhow do you edit the menu.lst21:05
ubunt-userthe problem is21:05
btardit says read only, how do i negate that temporarily21:05
juano__btard: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst21:05
ubunt-userduring the installing of qmail and specifically imaps-courier package21:05
ubunt-userelectricity went off21:05
Ashfire908juano__, what do i do21:05
B-rabbithi guyz i followed the instructions from this site http://www.ubuntugeek.com/send-and-receive-your-hotmail-messages-through-evolution.html to set up evolution to receive mail from my hotmail account....afterwards i get his message "Unable to connect to POP server Error sending username: -ERR Command not implemented Please enter the POP password for xxxxxx@hotmail.com on host"  and i am not sure what to21:05
B-rabbit do net i know that i am sapose to put in a password...but i tried my root...and my user password...it doesn't seem to work..plz help me.(new to linux) thnkx21:05
SirBob1701is there a way to reset the audio "service" or to at least unlock it if a process ended without freeing it?21:05
davenullubunt-user: keep typing on one line, like this21:05
ubunt-userelectricity went off21:05
* AutoMatriX Hi folks21:05
Jack_Sparrowbtard: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst21:05
ubunt-userand after restarting the box .. it didn't want to start21:05
bruenig!hi | AutoMatriX21:05
ubotuAutoMatriX: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:05
ubunt-userit gave me the following errors21:06
tonyyarussoB-rabbit: you need to configure it to use Hotmail21:06
Tupsikis there an internet accelerator for Ubuntu?21:06
tonyyarussos POP server settings21:06
juano__Ashfire908: post the error in pastebin21:06
tonyyarussoTupsik: what do you mean?21:06
bullgard4 http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/18750/ shows a log of my restart. Why does the dmesg time stamp jump in line 59 from [ 0.000000]  suddenly to [ 18.110675]?21:06
ubunt-user./etc/event.d/supervise/status: 'exec' or 'script' must be specified21:06
Ashfire908juano__, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45840/21:06
sky`sunsetbtw, if i config the usb format that the linux understands, can i still save files to my usb in windows vista?21:06
ubunt-userthis is the error /etc/event.d/supervise/status: 'exec' or 'script' must be specified21:06
Ashfire908juano__, already gave that to you21:06
ubunt-userany help ?21:06
TupsikI mean compressors21:06
AutoMatriXI defenitely should learn that command by heart, good evening bruenig21:06
sky`sunsetwill the vista understands the format?21:07
bruenig!sorry | AutoMatriX21:07
ubotuAutoMatriX: It's ok, I can't stay mad at you.21:07
sauvinsky`sunset, what is the usb device?21:07
tonyyarussoB-rabbit: your hotmail password21:07
AutoMatriXbruenig, :D21:07
Jack_Sparrowsky`sunset: No. not unless you add a second partition on the same usb21:07
juano__Ashfire908: missed it.. ok.. mm doesnt seem to be able to find a place to install on sdb21:07
Raff7hi ubunt-user21:07
davenullubunt-user: can it boot?21:07
Ashfire908juano__, huh21:07
sky`sunsetgot u21:07
AutoMatriX!test | AutoMatriX21:07
Jack_Sparrowsky`sunset: NOt trying to be a pin..21:08
Ashfire908juano__, that error refers to array 0, drive 0, partition 1.21:08
sauvinsky`sunset, I just tuned in (sort of) to what you're asing. What is your usb device, and what are you trying to do with it again, please?21:08
sky`sunsetusb is kinston21:08
Jack_Sparrowsauvin: check the link about persistent on usb21:08
Ashfire908juano__, i moved this stuff from a server that i own21:09
sauvinJack_Sparrow, that link scrolled off.21:09
B-rabbittonyyarusso: i did that when i first opened evolution....it filled in all the configuration and stuff.....i also put in my hotmail password...it doesn't seem to work :(21:09
Jack_Sparrowsky`sunset:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=989321:09
Tupsikhow do I sync time from internet with ubuntu?21:09
sky`sunsetcan u read my pm ? sauvin?21:09
* sauvin reads21:09
sauvinsky`sunset, I didn't get any pm from you.21:10
robdig_Tupsik: ntpd21:10
stefgTupsik: sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com21:10
metalfanTupsik: google doesnt know?21:10
sky`sunsetcan u send me pm sauvin?21:10
juano__Ashfire908: is it a flash memory key ?21:10
Jack_Sparrowsauvin: here is another  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence21:10
juano__Ashfire908: sdb ?21:10
sauvinsky`sunset, I'm reading.21:10
chester_martinscan anybody play iunes at ubuntu??21:10
chester_martinsi can with wine, but it's slow :S21:10
Tupsikone more question - is there a fast but feature-rich graphics viewer?21:11
B-rabbitdoes anyone know how to change the POP(protocol) password...can it be done?21:11
sauvinsky`sunset, Jack_Sparrow, as I understand it, what's being discussed here is reformatting a USB device to ext2, no?21:11
Ashfire908juano__, i want grub on the the flash drive, sdb21:11
juano__Ashfire908: http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/grub_intro/ that could be usefull21:12
sky`sunsetthen the windows can't understand the format anymore21:12
sauvinsky`sunset, Jack_Sparrow, I believe fs.org has ext2 FS drivers for Windows.21:12
joshua__cd cuts off half of my desktop21:12
sky`sunsethow can i put the name b4 the msg?21:12
stefg!ext3 | sky`sunset21:13
ubotusky`sunset: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org21:13
Tupsikis there a fast but feature-rich graphics viewer?21:13
joshua__in other words I hope this is a quick fix I dont want to have to configure xorg.conf just to fix my sudo problem21:13
sauvinstefg, YES, thank you.21:13
sauvinjosh, regardless of the state of your desktop, you should still be able to open an xterm.21:13
Jack_Sparrowsauvin: Sorry had to get the door..21:13
joshua__sauvin: sounds good21:13
sauvinJack_Sparrow, don't be sorry. Life, like doodoo, happens.21:14
Jack_SparrowYes, it nees to be setup specifically for that purpose21:14
sky`sunsetstefg, how can i put the name b4 the msg?21:14
Jack_Sparrowsauvin: you can add a second partition on there for windows if you must.21:14
Tupsikthen tell me guys, is it possible to compile Ubuntu kernel with optimizations for my system?21:14
joshua__so at the the promtp type gksudo edit?21:14
sauvinJack_Sparrow, of course you can, if the usb device is large enough to manage it.21:14
sky`sunsetcan config the formats taht both linux and windows can understand?21:14
Jack_Sparrowsauvin: It works quite well...  I have an iso of a basic usb in persistent.. I think base is 42 meg21:15
stefg!kernel | Tupsik21:15
ubotuTupsik: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages21:15
davenullTupsik: yes, look up in google, too long to tell you here21:15
Jack_Sparrowsauvin: I just got frustrated telling him to look and he kept wining about not being able to find anything21:15
Tupsikso doesn't this speed up the Ubuntu?21:16
sauvinJack_Sparrow, who?21:16
joshua__soundray sauvin, nopw that I am in the live environment what should I do ?21:16
Jack_SparrowSkygge_: No you cant21:16
Jack_Sparrowsorry wronk sky21:16
sauvinjoshua__, if your desktop is messed up, I'd open a terminal and try to use nano to edit the /etc/sudoers file.21:16
Skygge_Jack_Sparrow, np21:16
sauvinMind you, you'll have to FIND it, first, joshua__; it'll be on a /dev/hd* or /dev/sd* partition.21:17
uberryo. what are the defaults for grub when booting xp and vista21:17
stefg!grub | uberr21:17
ubotuuberr: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:17
joshua__sauvin: We are really testing my shell command knowledge today21:17
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT21:18
sauvintesting? Heck, no! We're EXPANDING it!21:18
Jvalldomx-server has no dga support21:18
Jvalldomwhat is that?21:18
killroy_2Tidus: I have my lappy available now, so if you have a few minutes maybe you can direct me to a few answers.21:18
sauvinMan, the current state of the Linux art is such that you'll find it REALLY really REALLY handy to have a good working knowledge of the shell environment.21:18
chazcoHi... I'm using Nautilus to connect to FTP... on other FTP clients i get automatically sent to the correct directory (it varys) on the site... but nautilius just drops me into its root... any ideas?21:19
Rudd-Ohullo guys.  what's the set of steps I have to do to build a package if I have an old version of a package with its .dsc file, and the latest tarball of the source?21:19
matttiswhich /proc is for the screen reslolution or refresh rate ?21:19
joshua__sauvin: what is the quick way to mount drives in root21:19
* sky`sunset slaps sauvin around a bit with a large trout21:19
killroy_2Tidus: firstly, lspci does review that the pcmcia nic (the wpc54g v4 is using the TI chipset21:19
Rudd-Osauvin: .dsc is what I get when I apt-get source21:19
ubotupackaging is The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports21:19
Rudd-Ook lemme read that21:20
killroy_2Tidus: and the internal wifi nic is the Intel PRO Wireless 210021:20
sauvinjoshua__, do you know what partition your installed ubuntu is on?21:20
Rudd-Oits really slow, the site doesnt load21:20
Ctrl_is intel X3100 completable with gutsy?21:20
Rudd-OCtrl_: I'm not sure if gutsy may complete intel X310021:20
ComProwhat would cause fglrx to stop working? last night after a reboot, it wouldn't load X properly, so today, i reformatted and started from scratch, and fglrx still will not load X properly. it falls back to vesa.  http://pastebin.com/m1b146ca2 <-- here is my Xorg.0.log file21:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about proc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:20
Rudd-Ocompro lemme read your file21:21
Rudd-Ohang on a sec21:21
Tupsikdoes a self-compiled kernel speed the system up?21:21
joshua__I think I better just reboot into safemode ? I have three harddrives with about five partitions I think its hdc121:21
Ctrl_when i installed gutsy my card was working fine but after playing with xorg its working anymore21:21
killroy_2Tidus: here are two issues I have right now: the Intel wifi is no longer even scanning for connections.  I'd made a change to knetworkManager and set the wifi to DHCP and autostart and now it just doesn't scan at all21:21
=== cnorman is now known as naynay
sauvinTupsik, *sometimes*, but not usually perceptibly.21:21
Ctrl_its not working anymore*21:21
sky`sunsethow can i put ur name b4 my msg?21:21
killroy_2Tidus: that being said, the linksys (wpc54g v4) doesn't even show up.21:21
Rudd-Othat is certainly a library that got upgraded and has a bug, or the fglrx driver has a bug itself21:21
Rudd-Oyou need to report the backtrace in your log to bugs.launchpad.net21:21
naynayHey people, ca someone help me....i'm just suffered a major data loss21:22
Rudd-Onaynay: state your question21:22
sauvinTupsik, the problem with rolling your own kernel is that distros often have their own patchsets and configs; if you don't acknowledge those, you risk breaking things.21:22
sky`sunsetcan someone tell me how to ut the name b4 the msg ?21:22
Rudd-OI'm building pulse 0.9.8, if anyone wants the debs, just let me know21:22
Ctrl_any1 suggest if i should reinstall gutsy?21:22
killroy_2Tidus: so, firstly do you have any idea how to get the linksys to start such that I can scan and connect, and secondly, what happened to my intel (if you have any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it)21:22
sauvinsky`sunset, what do you mean?21:22
AllNicksAreTakenjust wondering, can I start Ubuntu 7.10 in the LiveCD environment? When I boot from the CD I am only able to install it via Text Mode21:22
Rudd-OCtrl_: doing the same thing over and over is the definition of insanity21:22
joshua__sky sunset begin typing the name and press tab21:22
ComProRudd-O: the driver worked yesterday. i rebooted today and it failed. i had nothing to lose, so i reformatted, and i'm still getting that problem. what could have happened?21:22
sky`sunsetlike i wanna specify ur name21:22
a-arschi Pelo hat den Raum ubuntu betreten.21:22
a-arschikillroy_2Tidus: so, firstly do you have any idea how to get the linksys to start such that I can scan and connect, and secondly, what21:22
sky`sunsetand everytime i need to ur the person's name21:22
juano__Ctrl_: pastebin your xorg.conf21:23
robdig_sky`sunset: with the keyboard21:23
sky`sunsetis there a shortcut?21:23
sauvinsky`sunset, what irc client are you using?21:23
juano__Ctrl_: what card model ?21:23
Tupsiksauvin: " but not usually perceptibly" - can u give more details please?21:23
sky`sunseti used the old one21:23
Ctrl_INtel gm956 x310021:23
sky`sunsetbut i updated it just now21:23
sky`sunsetlike , u talked to me, and u can put my name b4 ur msg21:23
lu_i'm having some problems getting my ubuntu machine to browse shares on a windows machine.  can someone help?21:23
Rudd-Osee comment about insanity before21:23
sky`sunsethow can u do that?21:23
sauvinsky`sunset, what irc client are you using?21:23
killroy_2!de | a-arschi21:23
ubotua-arschi: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:23
Rudd-Obut you should try to move to the ati driver first, see if that works21:23
a-arschianux] hat die Verbindung unterbrochen. (Client Quit)21:23
naynayI had 21GB of work data on an external HDD and it has been deleted by an unwitting family member.....unfortunately, that were haveing a good clean out and removed it from the trash bin aswell21:23
Ctrl_nothings works with it (compliling new kernel + getting intel drivers + mesa + glx + dri+ everythings i could think about)21:23
Peloa-arschi, I beg your pardon ?21:24
joshua__sky`sunset: Just begoin typ[ing the name and press tab to autoicomplete]21:24
sky`sunsetsauvin 6.3121:24
sauvinsky`sunset, 6.31 of what?21:24
AllNicksAreTakennevermind my last question21:24
Rudd-Ochange vesa for ati, see if it starts using the command sudo X :4, then paste us /var/log/Xorg.4.log21:24
a-arschihad 21GB of work data on an external HDD and it has been deleted by an u21:24
joshua__sauvin:  What is the best way to mount a harddrive in live mode?21:24
sky`sunsetoh, just like using linux21:24
matttiswhich /proc is for the screen reslolution or refresh rate ?21:24
MeeKsi just got this laptop for my dad, hes very very very computer "retarded" i want some opinions on what version of linux to run on this for him.  http://global.acer.com/products/notebook/as3680.htm21:24
meoblast001hello, ive been trying to get help from #C++ but they just critisize me, so ill ask here since other Ubuntu users might have experienced this..... i need a way for resources to be copied through the build script?... i checked the internet and cant find anything21:24
sauvinjoshua__, do you know what partition your installed ubuntu is on?21:24
Rudd-OCtrl_: you're better off not compiling stuff manually, unless you can build a debian package.  trust me, it is better for your long-term mental health :-D21:24
joshua__sauvin: I think its hdc121:24
Rudd-Oahahaaha! its finishing pulseaudio deb21:25
ComProRudd-O, the vesa driver works. fglrx doesn't.21:25
sauvinjoshua__, it's not likely to be hdc1.21:25
Jock2Sometimes Ubuntu freezes, such as when trying to run a  particular application in full-screen mode in Wine. I can't move the mouse cursor, and ctrl+alt+del doesn't work. Do I have to restart the computer, or is there another way?21:25
Rudd-OComPro: NOT fglrx.  ATI.21:25
adacif I want that a python script is executed at first when an user shuts down the system...were do i have to put it or how do i solve this?21:25
Ctrl_Rud , Ubuntu isnt the first linux distro that i use belieave me ;)21:25
joshua__sauvin:  I have an unconventional partition set-up21:25
Rudd-OJock2: control alt del never works on Linux X Window System, but you can try Control Alt BACKSPACE21:25
juano__ComPro: enabled restricted drivers ?¡21:25
sauvinjoshua__, do you have a /media directory?21:25
Rudd-OJock2: the freeze is most likely not a freeze but a windowing system hang21:25
Jock2Rudd-O: didn't work either :(21:25
AllNicksAreTakensilly alternate iso is supposed to have LiveCD, but it doesn't. *shrugs*21:26
joshua__sauvin: Yes but there is nothing listed there21:26
ComProjuano_: i enabled restricted drivers. that's when it broke.21:26
Jock2Rudd-O: ok, I see.21:26
Rudd-Oif you have sysrq enabled (I'm not sure if thats the default) you can try the sysrq magic key combo that kills the X server21:26
Rudd-Olemme fetch you a guide21:26
sauvinjoshua__, try this (in the terminal): mkdir /media/mystuff21:26
* sauvin is going to play merry hell trying to figure out how to mount stuff on a livecd system if that doesn't work21:26
juano__ComPro: and you install anything before that ?21:26
ComProjuano_: no, it's a clean install21:26
joshua__sauvin:  Permisision denied21:26
sauvinjoshua__, try sudo mkdir /media/mystuff21:27
juano__ComPro: i see.. what video card ?21:27
saruzzociao a tutti21:27
ComProjuano_: ATI Radeon x1650 PCI Express21:27
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!21:27
joshua__sauvin:  that worked21:27
sauvinjoshua__, try sudo mount /dev/hdc1 /media/mystuff21:27
juano__ComPro: followed the !ati guide ?21:28
=== ibanez is now known as a7x
Ashfire908juano__, grub says it can't mount.21:28
Ctrl_I guess i am going to remove this stupid distro , i never like debian and i didnt know why i though i would ;)21:28
sauvin(now, the question I have is: on what partition is the ubuntu livecd mounted?21:28
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:28
juano__ComPro: if the restricted one doesnt work, try installing the binary one21:28
Rudd-Osauvin: use the mount command to figure out21:28
juano__ComPro: follow that guide21:29
Rudd-OCtrl_: I have the same quibbles you have21:29
sauvinRudd-O, I'd have to find my freaking livecd and reboot on it :\21:29
RequinB4can anyone tell me the difference between a drive and a mount21:29
a-arschihad 21GB of work data on an external HDD and it has been deleted by an u21:29
Rudd-Osauvin: the livecd is mounted on a fictitious loopback filesystem, not on a real partition21:29
juano__Ashfire908: u follow the guide in that link ?21:29
Ctrl_really? prove it21:29
stefgRequinB4: a drive is raw hardware. when yo have a filesystem on t you can mount it to a directory tree21:30
sauvinRudd-O, what would the livecd's device node be?21:30
Jvalldomdga support? need help21:30
sky`sunsetdoes this channel allow pm  ?21:30
B-rabbitdoes evolution need imap(Internet message access protocol) to work21:30
NET||abusehey guys.. is it possible to save a divx that's being streamed by totem-plugin?21:30
Rudd-ORequinB4: a drive is the physical machine with platters inside.  a volume is a partition with data and format inside the drive.  a mount is a place on your filesystem where the volume shows up.21:30
RequinB4stefg - ah that makes more sence - just confused people use the two interchangably21:30
sauvinsky`sunset, if you can't pm, I suspect it's because your nick isn't registered or you're not identified.21:30
Rudd-ONET||abuse: honestly dont know, I suggest usinv VLC21:30
stefg!pm | sky`21:30
ubotusky`: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.21:30
Rudd-Osauvin: try ls -l /dev/scd021:31
sky`sunsetbut i joined the other server21:31
sky`sunseti can send pm21:31
NET||abuseRudd-O, is there something i can do to use vlc as a plugin instead?21:31
Rudd-Oor whatever your drive is, it might be /dev/hdb or something21:31
sauvinRudd-O, so, joshua__ should be OK with this.21:31
Ashfire908chester_martins, rm -R21:31
chester_martins_THE OPPOSITE OF MKDIR21:31
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.21:31
Rudd-Ochester_martins_: use rm -rf /path/to/dir21:31
a-arschi :)21:31
RequinB4!caps | chester_martins21:31
ubotuchester_martins: please see above21:31
juano__chester_martins sudo rm -r mydir21:31
=== bruenig is now known as Navi__
killroy_2chester_martins: rm -r <directory)21:31
ComProjuano__: i cann't install the binary drivers. they break things past version 8.3721:31
a-arschi '<  :'(21:31
Ctrl_ches but rmdir for empity folders21:31
Rudd-ONET||abuse: you cant plug vlc into totem.  totem uses gstramer, vlc uses its own internal machinery21:31
Ashfire908juano__, grub says it can't mount.21:31
a-arschi :|  :)  :|  '<21:31
ComProjuano__: i did follow the instructions for the restricted driver21:32
Ctrl_funny , each one suggest how to remove dir by his own way ;)21:32
sky`sunsetsauvin : but i can send pm in other servers21:32
Rudd-Obut -i guess you could in theory hack the totem pipeline to output a copy of the stream to disk21:32
bullgard4 http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/18750/ shows a log of my restart. Why does the dmesg time stamp jump in line 59 from [ 0.000000]  suddenly to [ 18.110675]?21:32
Rudd-Oyou're better off building a gstreamer pipeline manually and executing that pipeline21:32
sauvinsky`sunset, freenode servers have their own irc server software.21:32
Rudd-Obullgard4: because time is a relative construct?21:32
sky`sunsetsauvin i c21:32
sauvinsky`sunset, if I wasn't clear on this point, you're on a freenode server now.21:33
Rudd-Oor maybe because after 18 seconds give or take, the klogd is started and extracts data from the kernel log ringbuffer into userspace21:33
sky`sunsetsauvin, i know wut u r saying.21:33
chester_martins_can anybody help me? i'm trying doing a custom of ubuntu for one school use... who can help me talk me pvt :)21:33
Jvalldomproblemas /dev/video0 con el camorama alguien lo ha pasado ya?21:33
bullgard4Rudd-O: Since the days of Einstein time is a relative coordinate. Still it does not jump.21:33
MeeKsi just got this laptop for my dad, hes very very very computer "retarded" i want some opinions on what version of linux to run on this for him.  http://global.acer.com/products/notebook/as3680.htm21:33
juano__ComPro: break things ?21:33
sauvin!es > Jvalldom21:33
killroy_2okay, I've just turned off my internal wifi and have installed a pcmcia linksys wpc54g v4 wifi card.  It has power (the light is on).  How do I configure it to work?21:33
hdevalenceso if I format an externat drive with ext3, will the journal protect against accidental unplugging?21:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pcmcia - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:33
joshua__sauvin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/45847/21:34
a-arschiOfficial Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org21:34
Rudd-Oshit I cant get the pulseaudio package to build21:34
ComProjuano__: i get a garbled, multicolored display that totally locks the system. happens in linux, xp, and vista unless i use an older driver21:34
Ashfire908juano__, nvm i think i got it...21:34
Jvalldomsauvin:  que??21:34
Rudd-Oit doesnt specify where its attempting to install files21:34
juano__Ashfire908: ah good21:34
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com21:34
Jvalldomsauvin:  como lo resolviste?21:34
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!21:34
Rudd-OComPro: get a new video card.21:34
ComProRudd-O: i'm working just fine in windows, and i was working fine in linux. i'm not going to shell out money when i dont have to.21:35
juano__ComPro: im familiar with nvidia more than ati... and what happens with a lower version ?21:35
stefgbullgard4: it does jump.... you go to bed at 0:00, but the next thing you notice is looking at the clock at 8:00 in the morning... or whenever you rise :-)21:35
Rudd-OComPro: dont you just say that the vid is also scrambled on windows?21:35
ComProjuano__: with a lower version, i work just fine in windows, and i was working fine in linux until today21:35
ComProRudd-O - only if i use a newer driver21:35
sauvinJvalldom, I don't speak Spanish well enough to be able to help you. You'll have to find a Spanish-speaking channel. I thought there'd be an #ubuntu-es channel.21:35
ifcohey guys21:35
* ifco says hi21:35
juano__Rudd-O: with the binary driver he had that issue only version 8.37 or ^^21:35
a7xMeeKs, keep your father on windows21:35
Rudd-OComPro: then its definitely, DEFINITELY, a bug in the driver21:35
RequinB4!es | Jvalldom21:35
ubotuJvalldom: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.21:35
chester_martins_%C12can anybody help me? i'm trying doing a custom of ubuntu for one school use... who can help me talk me pvt :)21:36
joshua__sauvin:  did you get my pastebin?21:36
sauvinjoshua__, I don't know sudoers well enough to be able to help with that file. Something called SMB4K borked it.21:36
Rudd-OUSE THE ATI driver momentarily,21:36
nightdragonhello everybody21:36
bullgard4stefg: I will do that soon...21:36
Ashfire908juano__, let me attempt to boot21:36
juano__ComPro: then disable the restricted driver and install the lower version of the binary again21:36
juano__Ashfire908: sure21:36
Rudd-Osauvin: sudoers format can be consulted in sudoers manpage21:36
ifcocant find how to actually install the plugins i downloaded!!21:36
ComProRudd-O: But what could explain it working yesterday, but not today, even after a complete reformat and reinstall of ubuntu?21:36
sauvinCan anybody help joshua__ with his b0rked sudoers file?21:36
Jvalldomasuvin: i do speak english. sorry i have the spanish channel open either21:36
* ompaul fatfingers the keyboard21:36
Rudd-Obut honestly, I didnt understandt he manpage21:36
RequinB4nosotros solomente podemos hablar un poco aqui :D21:36
sky`sunsetdoes anyone here use backtrack 2?21:36
Rudd-OComPro: because perhaps the card has developed a GLITCH?21:36
RequinB4lol Jvalldom21:36
Rudd-OI have seen it happen21:36
kanuhawhats the best email client that docks in gnome?21:36
joshua__I can delete that entry with vi?21:36
MdL054Guys, when I boot up off of the ubuntu CD it bring me to a (initramfs) prompt... This is after selecting the run/install option21:36
B-rabbitOMG!! guyz i am trying to use evolution(first timer) and when i put in my password....this window pops up and it says "Error sending password: -ERR Hotmail said you must pay money to have WebDAV access"...does this mean i have to pay to hotmail  to access my account via evolution!21:36
nightdragonis there anyone that can help? i am no longer able to access my windows partition from unix (sda3 i think)... and i cant seem to find the disk manager to mount it! help!21:36
sauvinJvalldom, so that I'll understand better what you're trying to ask, can you repeat your problem in English?21:37
sky`sunsetdoes anyone here use backtrack 2?21:37
Rudd-Okanuha: evolution.  it has a dock icon plugin in the preferences plugins.21:37
chester_martins_can anybody help me? i'm trying doing a custom of ubuntu for one school use... anybody could help me??21:37
Rudd-OB-rabbit: hotmail is not compatible with evolution in any shape or form21:37
nightdragonchester: edubuntu?21:37
Rudd-Oyou need to use gotmail to automate getting mail from htomail into a local folder and use the local folder21:37
emmaB-rabbit -- I am sorry I cannot help you and I realize this may not be a productive comment but in all honesty I truely believe you would be better off just not using hotmail.21:37
stefg!boot | MdL05421:37
ubotuMdL054: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto21:37
davenullB-rabbit: yes, hotmail is a pay for pop3 acces21:37
Rudd-Ouse gmail21:37
kanuhaRudd-O, does it still show in the taskbar when minimized?21:37
* sauvin ne se rit de personne qui parle une langue etrangere mais doit exiger qu'on parle anglais dan les parages21:37
juano__gmail rulez21:37
emmaB-rabbit,  ubuntu and everything else aside using Hotmail just makes no sense in this day and age.21:38
Rudd-Okanuha: the notif area plugin makes a mail icon appear on the notification area when yo ahve mail21:38
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!21:38
sauvinemma, I use hotmail, yahoo mail and gmail.21:38
nightdragongmail does rule.21:38
Rudd-Oemma: hi there!21:38
emmasauvin -- You are 2/3rd sane.21:38
sauvinWell, I don't use hotmail for much :\21:38
Jock2Rudd-O: I looked that up, and doing Alt+SysRq+REISUB reboots the system. That's probably better than just pressing the power button.21:38
kanuhaRudd-O, thx21:38
Rudd-OJock2: you should just do alt sysrq K21:39
nightdragon(jesus christ)21:39
Rudd-Othat should kill and make X restart21:39
joshua__sauvin:  since I logged out I lost the page where soundray gave me a command for visudo If ican get that shell command I can just delete the smb stuff21:39
Rudd-OSAK rules21:39
ifcoheyy guys does anyone know how to install the pidgin/gaim plugins after downloading them?21:39
Jvalldomi have installed ubuntu 7.10. Everything went find except the integrated webcam that was not and still is recognized. So i read on the web about gspca, did instalation, but still have problem with /dev/video0. seems that it is not created21:39
sauvinjoshua, I don't use vi for editing. I use nano.21:39
emmaWhy not use emacs?21:39
stefg!webcam | Jvalldom21:39
joshua__sauvin: can you scroll back and repaste the sudoers file has a note that says it must be edited with visudo21:39
Rudd-OJvalldom: if /dev/video0 is not created automatically, then thev ideo card driver does not support the card.  test using dmesg to see if when you plug the card, the deriver picks it up21:40
sauvinemma, because I never troubled myself to learn it, and it's not needed for small jobs.21:40
Undead_Zeu1This is very annoying, my sound sometimes likes to randomly stop working. First it stops working in a java webstart application21:40
emmasauvin - I see.21:40
Undead_Zeu1then it ceases working altogether, how can I avoidt his?21:40
ubotuJvalldom: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras21:40
Rudd-Oemacs ise vil21:40
sauvinjoshua__, I don't know what that warning is about. I've never used vi for anything, and I HAVE edited the sudoers file. With nano.21:40
emmaI'm gonna tell #emacs you said that.21:40
Rudd-OUndead_Zeu1: check the dmesg command output, see if there are driver errors21:40
Jvalldomi have downloaded the ati drivers already21:40
PhillHow do I rekey my mouse? I have a spare key that I want it to behave like a "middleclick" how may I do this?21:40
ompaulplease quit with the flame wars21:40
Jvalldombut gonna see about dmesg21:41
sauvinemma, you go right ahead and tell #emacs I said that. I'll argue that the tool that serves a particular individual best is the best one to use.21:41
stefgRudd-O: http://bash.org/?79577921:41
Rudd-OPhill: check the xorg.conf file in /etc/X11.  You can remap mouse buttons21:41
deadlockalguien que hable español? uso ubuntu 7.10 y cuando añado un programa inicio de la sesion no arranca el progrma21:41
ompaulsauvin, emma please quit with the flame wars21:41
Rudd-Ostefg: whats your name?21:41
jscinozUbuntu is randomly crashing for me (in such sysrq combinations or ctrl-alt-bksp do nothing) this occurs when i open multiple programs without waiting for the previous one to open before starting the next. This is definitely not hardware related as it occurs on two different machines, and doesn't happen in windows, what is causing this and how can i fix it?21:41
ompaul!es | deadlock21:41
ubotudeadlock: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.21:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-es - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:41
PhillRudd-O: X11 can be configured by hand?21:41
sauvinompaul, I'm done with "flame wars" :D21:41
emmaNo problem. I don't think we are really arguing or flaming eachother though.21:41
chester_martins_can anybody run iTunes on UBUNTU??21:41
emmaWe love eachother.21:41
eth01no you cannot run iTunes on ubuntu ...21:42
jscinozchester_martins_ i belive it runs perfectly using WINE21:42
Rudd-Ojscinoz: two machines may have hardware issues, you know?  anyway, what is COMMON factor on those two machines?21:42
ompaulsauvin, emma lets call it preemptive on my part21:42
Rudd-Oeth01: itunes < amarok21:42
juano__chester_martins_: with wine you can21:42
sauvinchester_martins_, I've read in various places that recent versions of iTunes on wine is a Bad Idea.21:42
emmaSure no prob :P21:42
eth01jscinoz: it's very slow.21:42
sauvinompaul, in a busy channel like this, nobody can blame you.21:42
chester_martins_it's slow with wine :S21:42
juano__chester_martins_: yep21:42
Rudd-OPhill:  ROFL!21:42
eth01Russ-O: it's not iTunes .... read questions properly.21:42
juano__chester_martins_: i prefer amarok or rhythmbox or listen21:42
PhillRudd-O; I've had bad experiences with X11 configuration files -,-21:43
stefgchester_martins_: it's called amarok on ubuntu :-)21:43
Rudd-Odamnit, I want pulseaudio 0.9.8 and I have no idea how to build it!21:43
eth01or, you could just create a windows VM using XEN ;)21:43
sauvinIs the iTunes question because of a recent iPod?21:43
michal__Hi, I bought Creative Zen, and i want to connect it to my computer. How can i do it?21:43
Rudd-OPhill: me too.  just back the file up21:43
Jvalldomv4l-conf says v4l-conf: using X11 display :1.021:43
JvalldomWARNING: Your X-Server has no DGA support.21:43
Rudd-Oback the file up21:43
Jvalldommode: 1280x800, depth=24, bpp=32, bpl=5120, base=unknown21:43
Jvalldomcan't open /dev/video0: No such file or directory21:43
Rudd-OSTOP the gdm service21:43
Oni-Draculaanyone know what the heck this means ?"Failed to create pipe for communicating with child process (Too many open files)"21:43
chester_martins_juano__ but one thing that others don't do is organize music directory automaticly21:43
Rudd-Oand then start X manually once21:43
a-arschia-arschi hat sich am So 25 Nov 2007 22:16:01 CET eingeloggt und ist seit 1 Minute und 19 Sekunden21:43
Rudd-Othat way you can quickly revert without your system randomly blinking the login screen21:43
nightdragonumm... does anyone know the parition manager for linux? what its called?21:44
Rudd-Ochester_martins_: amarok does organize stuff if you tell it to21:44
a-arschia-arschi hat sich am So 25 Nov 2007 22:16:01 CET eingeloggt und ist seit 1 Minute und 19 Sekunden21:44
Rudd-Onightdragon: there are several.  what is it that you intend to do?21:44
sauvina-arschi, who cares?21:44
chester_martins_really...and i don't need an extra plugin?21:44
juano__chester_martins_: yes , in listen it does organize your music21:44
stefg!info amarok | chester_martins_21:44
ubotuchester_martins_: amarok: versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.7-0ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 9618 kB, installed size 31020 kB21:44
michal__nightdragon: qparted or q-parted21:44
Rudd-Oits an autoannuncer script21:44
juano__chester_martins_: what i havent been able to do is make my rokr phone sync its itunes in linux21:44
chester_martins_i used listen...but it didn't organize :S21:45
sauvinompaul, like I said, in a busy channel like this, nobody can blame you :D21:45
Rudd-Orokr = failr21:45
juano__chester_martins_: but who cares, i can listen to music with my 512 memory in the rokr using normal mp3s21:45
kanuhaOni-Dracula, don't know, I had that before as well when copying files, unfortunately I reinstalled Ubuntu and it went away21:45
Undead_Zeu1Rudd-O: I don't see driver errors21:45
* michal__ requests libraries to connect Creative Zen in Gnomad21:45
PhillRudd-O: wtc can I change?21:45
juano__chester_martins_: so itunes = pooh21:45
chester_martins_amarok runs well with gnome?21:45
Rudd-Oitunes: 8=D21:45
Rudd-Oamarok: 8==========D21:45
chester_martins_never! itunes is the best music organizer!!21:45
Rudd-Ochester_martins_: you honestly haven't organized music with amarok before, have you?21:46
juano__its the slowest program ive ever seen21:46
jscinozRudd-0, both are laptops running ubuntu, thats the only thing in common, and my current one has had the mobo, gpu and cpu replaced already, and memtest returns no errors.21:46
chester_martins_amarok runs wel with gnome???????21:46
jscinozrudd-O, so i'm quite sure its related to ubuntu21:46
Rudd-OI meant any common hardware among the laptops, jscinoz21:46
Undead_Zeu1this is BS, Ubuntu has been giving me annoying problems ever since I installed it, I am going back to Windows XP21:46
Rudd-OI was an easytag freak, until I discovered the amarok tag editor and musicbrainz thang21:46
killroy_2I'm trying to get my linksys wpc54g v4 wifi NIC to mount in ubuntu but it's a now go.  Anyone working with PCMCIA able to help?21:46
sauvinAmarok is a pretty ambitious project; it's not the simplest thing you can use, but the little monster certainly has lots of CAPABILITY.21:47
juano__best music player is audacious21:47
Rudd-OUndead_Zeu1: good luck with the journey. I left windows XP because it gave me annoying problems, and so has kubuntu, but the difference is in kubuntu I can actually FIX21:47
juano__by far21:47
Ashfire908juano__: nope21:47
Rudd-Ojuano__: audacious = lame xmms clone21:47
jscinozRudd-O, alright... CPU, one was centrino solo, one centrino duo, first had 1gb of 333mhz ram, other has 4gb of 666, old had nvidia gefore 5200M, new has 8400m GS21:47
Rudd-Omaybe related to video?21:47
Rudd-Ocan you try vesa driver?21:47
chester_martins_i need a good music organizer!!21:47
juano__Rudd-O: can you play midis, spc, nsf  with amarok ?21:47
Rudd-Osee if it goes away21:47
Undead_Zeu1I haven't been able to fix any of my problems in Ubuntu, and Windows XP actually gave me no problems21:47
Ashfire908juano__: i told it to boot the flash drive and i got this: "GRUB "21:47
jscinozRudd-O, vesa or the non accelerated nvidia?21:48
Rudd-Ojuano__: not midis, but I think scp and nsf yes, if xine plays it, amarok plays it21:48
Rudd-Ojscinoz: vesa and nv if you can21:48
jscinozRudd-O, alright, brb restarting X21:48
Rudd-OAshfire908: grub is just the computer's way of saying it wants food.21:48
juano__Rudd-O: a player that cant play midis just is way bad21:48
Rudd-Oshort, sweet, to the point grunt21:48
Rudd-Ojuano__: a man who listens to midis is plain sick21:48
sauvinWell, if you don't like Amarok, why don't you browse the repos? I thought I saw several.21:48
juano__Rudd-O: yep ;)21:49
juano__Rudd-O: hehe21:49
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs21:49
Rudd-OI thought steg was gonna request a list of playaz in the channel21:49
Rukusanyone have any suggestions on a flashfxp alternative? i tried gftp, but i cant get it to do what i want21:49
stefgcan we have mediaplayer wars in #ubuntu-offtopic and concentrate on support in here ?21:49
Rudd-Oit probably would have said Rudd-O as the first list element21:49
Rudd-ORukus: Konqueror?21:49
juano__Ashfire908: so you tried booting with pendrive ?21:49
Rukusdoes it do SSL?21:49
Rudd-OI used weex to push shit through FTP.  it was fantastic21:49
juano__Ashfire908: and it gave you an error ?21:50
juano__Ashfire908: what error ?21:50
Rukusi need it ti do auth TLS21:50
micohi therre21:50
Rudd-ORukus: not really sure if it does SSL FTP21:50
PriceChildUse sftp instead of ftp.21:50
=== SmoothOp is now known as Beowulf
Rudd-Oyou're the owner of a topsite, arent you?21:50
sky`sunsety do we have to unmount the usb drive b4 formatting it?21:50
Ashfire908juano__: none. just "GRUB "21:50
killroy_2support question: how do I get my wifi device to scan for my network.  My wifi was working and now it doesn't scan for a network.  Is there a way to reconfigure wifi?  remove drivers and reinstall or something?21:50
sky`sunsetbtw does anyone here use backtrack 2?21:50
Rudd-Osftp requires ssh, which isnt exactly compaible with the needs of a topsite operator21:50
Ashfire908with the space21:50
RukusRudd-O ?21:51
juano__Ashfire908: just that at bootime ?21:51
sky`sunsety do we have to unmount the usb drive b4 formatting it?21:51
Rudd-Okillroy_2: either use the systray icon of network manager, or install wpa_supplicant and configure it , which is a PAIN but works every time21:51
sauvinsky`sunset, you can't format a filesystem that's currently in use.21:51
nightdragonlol this is a MADHOUSE21:51
Rudd-Osky`sunset:  because if you dont umount it, the kernel gets REALLY CONFUSED as to what data is on disk21:51
sky`sunsetthank u21:51
Rudd-Oof course, this is a known fact of every operating systme21:51
Rudd-Onot just linux21:51
RukusRudd-O  is who the owner of a topsite?21:52
Rukuswhy do u say that21:52
Rudd-OI didnt mean owner, I just meant operator21:52
Rudd-Oflashfxp is typically the software of choice for topsite ops21:52
Rukusno, i got leech access if u wanna know21:52
boguhhi, i just installed windows after ubuntu and now im trying to restore my mbr. i booted the live cd and chrooted to my system partiton. but now there are no /dev/sda devices to install grub. what can i do?21:52
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
Rudd-Oit'd be great to have leech access to a topsite carrying dance music.21:52
ciaconhi all - I have a Q - what is the best way to find out what kind of Sound System I use?? I just installed the Kubuntu 7.10 and am experienceing some sound problems - all command line apps seem to have problems accessing the soundcard and I also have the feeling, that Kopete does not notify me of new messages thaks to sound-problems - can someone give me some advice??21:52
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:52
Ashfire908juano__: yep21:52
killroy_2Rudd-O: I think I managed to break it with the KNetworkManager - I tried to enable it to autostart and DHCP and since they it doesn't even scan for the network.21:52
stefg!grub | boguh21:53
ubotuboguh: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:53
poeloq!offtopic | Rudd-O21:53
ubotuRudd-O: please see above21:53
Rudd-Ociacon: you use ALSA as a sound system, and ARTSD as sound server for KDE and Kopete21:53
kst-i'm running gutsy gnome but want to give KDE a shot, (how) can I just install KDE and test it? will I screw up my system by that? what's the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu anyway, just GUI and the software that ships with it?21:53
jscinozRudd-O, doesnt occur with either vesa or nv, vesa results in the screen being distorted, nv doesnt, so atm using nv, however this is not a solution, as i  need hardware accel21:53
mnuaimathi guys, i have 17" LCD monitor, is there anyway i can enable something like microsoft's clearType on my ubuntu 7.10 in order to improve appearance of fonts?21:53
Rudd-Ojscinoz: install nvidia-glx-new package see how it goes21:53
Ashfire908juano__: i'm going to try now again. i put device.map file on there now21:53
Slartkst-: why not just try the live cd.. it ought to give you an idea of what it's like21:53
jscinozRudd-O, thats the one i was using21:54
Rudd-Oinstall nvidia-glx plain21:54
Rudd-Oor try with nvidia-glx-legacy (doubt it will work)21:54
ciaconRudd-O: how can it happen, that the simplest of programs (for eg mpg123) can't access the sound-card?? is this due to a malconfiguration?21:54
Slartmnuaimat: yes.. there is something similar.. hang on.. I'll see what it's called21:54
jscinozRudd-O, would trying nvidia without all of the added Option lines in xorg.conf be a good idea?21:54
mnuaimatSlart: ok , i am waiting21:54
PhillAnyone know how to remap a key currently recognized by xev as "0x7a" to be a middle click? Rudd-O suggest xorg.conf; but... I have no idea how to edit that properly.21:54
sauvinciacon, do you get a "/dev/dsp busy" error?21:54
Rudd-Ohow can I find out if someone has built pulseaudio 0.9.8 for gutsy?  google is no help.21:54
Rudd-Oa KEYBOARD key?21:55
killroy_2ok, how about this: I'm fed up with struggling with this, so, can any recommend either a USB wifi NIC or PCMCIA that will work "out of the box" with Gutsy?21:55
Rudd-Onot thatI know of21:55
Rukusi'll reword, i need a FlashFXP alternative for linux that supports SSL, specifically auth TLS.  any suggestions?21:55
Rudd-Okillroy_2: it's hit and miss, but I have gotten every card I tried to work with ndiswrapper and the windows driver inf21:55
stefgciacon: 'lspci | grep audio ' or 'aplay -l' will tell you what soundchip you have21:55
Slartmnuaimat: in system, preferences, appearance.. under fonts.. there's subpixel rendering at the bottom21:55
jscinozkillroy_2, anything with an intel chipset seems to work pretty well, i got wpa and everything out of the box.21:55
mnuaimatSlart: thank you i will try it now , brb21:55
Rudd-Oor cat /proc/asound/cards for sound cards21:55
ciaconRudd-O: know what it is --> "  00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)  "21:56
PhillRudd-OL a mouse key.21:56
stefg!intelhda | ciacon21:56
Rudd-ORukus: no idea.  tried googling for linux ftp client auth starttls21:56
ubotuciacon: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto21:56
Rukusmaybe i should have just stuck with windows... ;)21:56
mnuaimatSlart: wow, that really works, thank you my friend :)21:56
=== yharrow_ is now known as yharrow
PhillRudd-O: It's a mouse key that I want to reconfigure as a middle click.21:56
jscinozRukus, what did flashfxp do?21:56
Rudd-Oich7?  it works and it works fine, I just setup a machine with exactly the same audio controler21:56
Slartmnuaimat: you're welcome21:56
sauvinOh nonononono, not the W-word again!21:56
Rukusit did SSL21:56
killroy_2jscinoz: ok, now, when you say anything with an intel chipset, can you recommend either PCMCIA or USB specifically?  That is, I don't know which has which chipset (though I suppose it will be labeled) and would love a place to start.21:57
ComProjuano__: I tried an older driver. it still failed.21:57
Rukuswhat do you mean21:57
sauvinthis is a family-friendly channel; we're not supposed to say cuss words like W*ndows.21:57
Rudd-Othe option you want is zaxismapping in xorg.conf to remap the mouse keys21:57
ComProjuano__: actually, i couldn't even run aticonfig after installing the 8.36 binary21:57
Rudd-Ofuck no!21:57
Rudd-Odon't ever say w***ws here21:57
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:57
Bruno1i get this error when runing configure21:57
Bruno1configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables21:57
jscinozkillroy_2, i'm not sure, im using a mini pci intel 2200AGN, it worked perfectly21:57
ComProi'm strongly considering forgetting linux and going back to a single boot Windows XP box.21:57
Rukusjscinoz flashfxp did SSL21:57
* sauvin wonders how much trouble he'd get into for using really foul language like V?sta21:57
PriceChild!offtopic | Rudd-O sauvin21:57
juano__ComPro: did you disable restricted drivers first ?21:57
ubotuRudd-O sauvin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:57
Rudd-OBruno1: you need to install gcc?21:57
mnuaimatguys, i have a USB webcam, i dunno its type, is there anyway i can check if its supported or not, working or not, can i make it work or not ??21:58
SlartBruno1: have you done this? "sudo apt-get install build-essential"?21:58
ComProjuano__: yes i did.21:58
a7xComPro, ati is a pain21:58
killroy_2what is frustrating me most of all is that when I set my wireless device to autostart and DCHP in KNetworkManager it now no longer even scans for my wireless network.  I'd love to just get it back to finding the network so I can work on resolving the initial problem with the firmware21:58
a7xreal big pain21:58
_btmnuaimat: plug it in and type lsusb at the command line21:58
stefg!webcam | mnuaimat21:58
ubotumnuaimat: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras21:58
sauvinWhich ATI?21:58
cthulfuegoBruno1: ./configure writes to a file called configure.log with info in it.21:58
mnuaimat_bt: brb21:58
ComProi hate ATI. the only reason i bought this card is because it was a cheap, halfway decent PCI-e card21:58
a7xAti is great21:58
Rudd-Okillroy_2: thats because it was written out in /etc/network/interfaces21:58
a7xin my opinion21:58
a7xi like them21:58
jscinozrukus, according to the appdb, flashfxp runs reasonably in wine.21:58
Rudd-Oyou need to remvoe references to it in the /etc/network/interfaces file and you will have again net scanning21:59
mnuaimat_bt: no it's not mentioned in the lsusb output21:59
Bruno1Slart: no, i do it now21:59
ComProfor christ's sake, i can't even load a mandriva install CD. it craps out trying to load X.21:59
Rudd-OI discovered that after five hours of mucking around21:59
a7xmodel name: Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.60GHz21:59
a7xcpu MHz: 600.00021:59
goodhabitHello. I have Ubuntu 7.10 and I looking for set-up VPN PPTP connection. How I can do it?21:59
Rudd-OComPro: you have a vid card glitch man try another video card, a borrowed one21:59
PhillComPro: Ahh; X crashing - one of the truly reliable things found in nature.21:59
sauvina7x, ATI is a problem child with respect to linux drivers. My laptop has ATI, and its driver doesn't support 3D acceleration. Worse, using the driver wipes out my VCs.21:59
SlartBruno1: that installs the basic stuff needed for compiling... always a good start21:59
juano__ComPro: nvidia is the best i think21:59
a7xmy laptop has ati22:00
jscinozRukus, if you want something native, try iglooftp http://iglooftp.com/linux/22:00
killroy_2Rudd-O: you are right.  I was able to see the flaw in interfaces and have since corrected it (thank you)22:00
mnuaimat_bt: should i give up? or try something else ?22:00
a7xi don't need to install the card really though22:00
Rudd-Ointel is in fact the best22:00
ComProjuano__: i want an nvidia card. i'm just not going to buy one as long as this card still works, which it works in windows.22:00
a7xi mainly chat22:00
Rudd-Obut nvidia is the fastest22:00
a7xand use aircrack and kismet22:00
a7xthat's about all i do22:00
cthulfuegogoodhabit: apt-cache search pptp - it will find the server and the networkmanager plugin (GUI client)22:00
a7xi use my desktop for gaming22:00
_btmnuaimat: anything in dmesg?22:00
Rudd-OComPro: it IS possible that a glitch affects linux but not windows. I have experienced it.22:00
jscinozRudd-O, so now that we know my problem only occurs with the nvidia driver, what can i do to run nvidia without the problem22:00
Rudd-Oeventually the card starts to crap out in windows as well.22:00
a7xjuano__, and MasterShrek are still my heroes22:00
mnuaimat_bt:  dmesg|grep cam gives nothing22:00
juano__ComPro: yea. i think to buy another card is a bit overreacting but, i have an nvidia never had trouble what so ever with any linux distro neither windows22:00
goodhabitcthulfuego, I have installed it, but it seems the icon doesn't added. How to start it?22:01
cthulfuegogoodhabit: You probably need to restart networkmanager22:01
jscinozRukus, does iglooFTP suit your needs?22:01
Rudd-Ojscinoz: if you tried nvidia-glx-legacy, nvidia-glx-new and nvidia-glx and none of them worked... you need a new card.  it might also be a problem with the agpgart22:01
_btmnuaimat: just try dmesg and look towards the bottom22:01
ComProi still have my old AGP nVidia card. sadly, my new mobo doesnt do AGP22:01
Rudd-Othe icon appears once you restart your graphical session22:01
Rudd-Oprobably reboot the machine for good measure, but you can always restart just networking22:01
Rudd-OComPro: same problem over here, stuck with a 8mb integrated ati adapter22:02
cthulfuegosudo /etc/init.d/NetworkManager restart22:02
mnuaimat_bt: what should i look for, in the bottom of dmesg ?22:02
cthulfuegoRebooting is in no way necessary.22:02
jscinozRudd-O, but is AGP even used in PCI express cards?22:02
juano__ComPro: sell the agp card and ati card and get a newer nvidia card22:02
_btanything that might look like its related22:02
MilitantPotatowhat does $ stand for?22:02
Rudd-Octhulfuego: thats why I said for good measure22:02
Rudd-Ojscinoz: I understand it is.22:02
cthulfuego`NetworkManager restart' even - no init script.22:02
juano__ComPro: hehe22:02
sauvinMilitantPotato, in what context?22:02
MilitantPotatocthulfuego: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart22:03
killroy_2ok, that taken care of, has anyone see an issue with an Intel wifi where the wifi cycles between connected and disconnected and dmesg reports "ipw2100: Fatal interrupt. Scheduling firmware restart" each time the connection is dropped?22:03
jscinozRudd-O, also the same thing happend on a much older card, and this is a laptop so changing the GPU isnt an option22:03
cthulfuegoMilitantPotato: Usually it indicates a root shell.22:03
MilitantPotatosauvin: in a terminal22:03
goodhabitcthulfuego, I have not NetworkManager there.22:03
Rukusjscinoz: flashfxp locks at the listing of files, using both latest version wine and flashfxp. also isnt iglooftp NOT free software? kind of the reason i came to linux, so i could find alternatives to those kind of problems.22:03
sauvinMilitantPotato, are you talking about the command prompt?22:03
Rukusor am i wrong?22:03
MilitantPotatosauvin: yea22:03
stefg!ftp | Rukus22:03
ubotuRukus: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd22:03
BeckHow do I change the screen brightness in Ubuntu 7.10?22:03
mnuaimat_bt: i think i am lost, i dunno what i am looking for, sorry but i am still a newbie22:03
Rudd-ORukus: what does the standard output say when you run wine flashfxp on the console?22:03
Rukusdo any of those do SSL22:03
mpetersRukus: You tried Filezilla?22:03
sauvinMilitantPotato, in a terminal, many shells use a default $ prompt to show you're in a normal user account; a root account would use a # instead.22:03
Rukusno not yet22:04
sauvinMilitantPotato, I believe korn shell uses % for that purpose.22:04
cthulfuegogoodhabit: Yeah, correct. Just 'sudo NetworkManager restart'22:04
mpetersRukus: Filezilla does SSL22:04
Bruno1Slart: i now get this configure: error: GTK+-2.10 is required to compile aurora. How do i install gtk 2.10?22:04
Rudd-Omy shell only shows a blank line.  I'm above the user/root duality.22:04
Rukusok i will try firezilla22:04
SlartBeck: the knob on the monitor?22:04
RazzoRzHey folks..22:04
juano__ComPro: probably if you just installed ubuntu, you can try installing again from scratch and installing the binary driver without enabling the restricted one22:04
BeckSlart: I have a laptop22:04
Rudd-OBruno1: it's odd, gtk 2.12 is now the default, so it shouldn't require an older version.22:04
MilitantPotatoAh cool.  I was following a guide that said run "$ python flyback.py" and I wasn't sure if the $ ment as root or as a user22:04
jscinozRukus, also kftpgrabber apparently supports SSL/TLS22:04
RazzoRzhas anyone delt with Innotek Virturalbox?22:04
BeckSlart: Well, what do you know, the actual keys work with Ubuntu. o_O22:04
SlartBruno1: there is probably a package called libgtk sometihng.. try looking in the documentation and use apt-cache search to search for the package to install22:05
sauvinMilitantPotato, don't type the $ :D22:05
cthulfuegoBruno1: it requires the gtk 2.10 or higher headers.22:05
Rudd-Odon't give out $ indiscriminately22:05
cthulfuegoBruno1: You need the libgtk-2.0 something -dev package for those.22:05
Rudd-Opeople will take you for a ride22:05
MilitantPotatoyea I gathered that, i wasn't sure if it ment run it as root or not :)22:05
jscinozrukus, i'd go with filezilla though :P22:05
SlartBeck: oh... didn't think of laptops... but it's nice to know those keys aren't software based =)22:05
Bruno1cthulfuego:  thanks22:05
Rudd-Oyes, compiling usually requires the -dev modules of the packages it says22:05
ComProjuano__: maybe later i'll try that. i'm too frustrated now.22:05
stefgBruno1: and remember that you need the packages with teh *-dev suffix for compiling22:05
jscinozRudd-O im going to try the nvidia module but without all the extra options, brb22:05
Rukusok i will try filezilla22:06
sillystringhow do you list your drives and partitions in linux?22:06
Bruno1stefg: ok thanks22:06
sillystringthrough the console22:06
Rudd-Omay I suggest a cold sixpack, ComPro?  It doe the trick for me.  OK, actually two and a half sixpacks do the trick for me.22:06
sauvinsillystring, I do a sudo fdisk -l22:06
RazzoRzhas anyone delt with Innotek Virturalbox?22:06
Rudd-ORazzoRz: I have22:06
Rudd-ORazzoRz: it's VERY NICE, but the networking is a PAIN22:06
juano__ComPro: lol22:06
goodhabitRazzoRz, yep.22:06
Rudd-OI reverted to vmware because of it22:06
RazzoRzwell no22:06
robdig_sillystring: df22:06
RazzoRzI have mine worked out just fine22:06
JJtechanyone here familiar with wine??22:06
juano__ComPro: fglrxinfo22:06
mnuaimat_bt: i have disconnect it , then connect it again, then dmesg, it gives usb 1-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 622:06
Rudd-OI needed bridged networking due to the topology of my home network.22:07
juano__ComPro: type that in terminal22:07
sillystringwhat does sudo do to change fdisk -l?22:07
Rudd-Oand the instructions were EXTREMELY complicated22:07
PhillRudd-O: After reading the entire xorg man entry; I have found no reference on zaxismapping - am I blind?22:07
sillystringi had been trying fdisk to no avail22:07
goodhabitRazzoRz, just choose NAT networking, that's all.22:07
Rudd-Omind you I've been on Linux for 10 years now.22:07
Rudd-Oyou will find it on the x config file22:07
RazzoRzMy Networkin is just fine22:07
ComProfglrxinfo crashes whenever i run it22:07
PhillRudd-O: But the question is; how to use it?22:07
jscinozRudd-O, problem doesnt occur with nvidia driver and no extra options, so now i just have to go through the ~7 options i have set and find which one breaks it. thanks for the help22:07
RazzoRzi want to know about my MIC22:07
ipx_Can I somehow mount .mdf/.mds-files and bypass copyprotection as I did in daemon tools in windows, and make that cd appear as a real cd for the computer, and therefore act as a mini-image and let my game launch? I've lost my diablo 2 cd and cant get any nocd to work :(22:07
stefgsillystring: fdisk -l needs root-privs, so you have to run it with sudo22:07
Rudd-OComPro: can you run gdb fglrxinfo then type run in the command line it says?22:07
Rudd-Oipx_: not sure, honestly22:08
sauvinsillystring, unless I'm mistaken (I'm not in ubuntu right now), fdisk is in /sbin, which isn't in a normal user's path.22:08
RazzoRzand.... about installing 120 on my host xp? not sure if the cd drive is seen by 12022:08
Phillipx_: Can you get daemon tools to work under emulation? =/22:08
Slartipx_: you can use mount -o loop /path/to/iso/file /path/to/mount/point/22:08
ComProRudd-O, sure hang on just a sec22:08
ipx_Phill: I seriously doubt it?22:08
Phillipx_: So do I =P22:08
Rudd-OPhill: you can get daemontools working just fine under a vmware or virtualbox XP machine22:08
ipx_Slart: It will not act the way i want22:08
ipx_Phill: =P22:08
goodhabitcthulfuego, I have done, but nothing is changed.22:09
Rudd-OSlart: I don't think .ms? files can be mounted loop22:09
Rudd-Othey aren't isos22:09
cthulfuegogoodhabit: Alright, logout and log back in.22:09
Phillgtg peace22:09
goodhabitcthulfuego, I am restarted x server now.22:09
sauvinDo a file command on your .ms? file and see what it says.22:09
goodhabitAnd then entered again.22:09
Slartipx_: oh.. then you might be out of luck I think..22:09
ipx_Slart: i think so too :(22:09
sillystringPartition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.22:10
sillystringIs that bad?22:10
Rudd-Othat's a harmless warning22:10
SlartRudd-O: I've managed to convert the cd's I've needed for wine22:10
ComProRudd-O: Error: unable to open display :0   Program exited with code 033722:10
goodhabitcthulfuego, so I am just logouted.22:10
Rudd-OSlart: awesome22:10
RazzoRzso what i am doin is i am trying to install alcohol 120 so i can load a image file,22:10
sauvinRazzoRz, what's the image file?22:10
RazzoRzneed for speed carbon22:10
RazzoRzMDS file22:10
Rudd-OComPro: what command are you running?22:10
ComProgdb fglrxinfo22:11
RazzoRzHave you ever use 120??22:11
Rudd-Othat just means that fglrxinfo somehow for some reason cannot connect to your local display.22:11
sauvinYes, but only on Windows.22:11
Rudd-Owhich is ODD22:11
Bugsonanybody knows where I can found network monitor icons??22:11
Rudd-OBugson: /usr/share/pixmaps and /usr/share/icons22:11
nfuscoAnyone here using the Broadcom 4306 (Rev 2) chipset for wireless?22:11
Rudd-Ounder icons there are a lot of subfolders with icons in different styles22:11
Rudd-Oand I mean a LOT22:12
BugsonI was looking there but I couldn't find it22:12
Rudd-Oyou want an icon for a folder full of naked babes?  There IS ONE.22:12
Rudd-Oof course it's not a porn icon, it's a folder icon :-D22:12
RazzoRzthat's odd22:12
* sauvin would be more turned on by a folder full of pictures of naked motherboards22:12
BugsonRudd-0 I'm not speeking off network manager22:12
Bugsonbut network monitor22:13
sauvinBugson, you're just looking for an ICON? A grahic?22:13
BugsonI want to change them22:13
sauvinBugson, have you tried Rudd-O's suggestion?22:13
bitbitHi guys, I have a geforce 8600gt that isnt being detected, how do i fix this?22:13
Bugsonyes I was looking there22:14
sauvinBugson, if you don't see what you like, why don't you create one?22:14
chester_martins_what is the best GUI for a pc with 128mb of RAM?22:14
rskchester_martins_: e22:14
Tikimanach! my computer died on me22:14
JJtechbitbit: enable restricted drivers22:14
Bugsonsauvin but the program have some defaults, I just want to change them22:14
Bugsonand I can't find the defaults one :/22:15
Centaur5How can I start postgresql as an unprivileged user id?22:15
Slartchester_martins_: well xfce is kind of lean22:15
Tikimani just tried to install unbuntu. went fine, no big issues. partitioned ok... GRUB looked like it set up fine, but now when I boot it just says BOOTMGR is missing. how do i rebuild my boot?22:15
sauvinBugson, what, precisely, are you trying to edit?22:15
chester_martins_Slart, don't exist a lighter ?? :p22:16
bitbitJJtech: you mean system > admin > restricted drivers manager?22:16
phaedra!grub | Tikiman22:16
ubotuTikiman: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:16
BugsonI want to exchange the default network monitor icons for the one that i like22:16
chazcoHi... Nautilus doesnt appear to follow redirects when using FTP... any ideas?22:16
ciaconhi all - I've just run through a guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto .... I rebooted and now I'm up the following step: "cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec" which returns "cat: /proc/asound/card0/codec#*: No such file or directory"... I'm stuck - can anyone help?22:16
JJtechbitbit: yes22:16
sauvinBugson, what desktop environment are you using?22:16
NetIdshello all22:16
Slartchester_martins_: well.. I guess twm might be even lighter.. but you have to decide how far to go.. you could even go with the command line if you really wanter =)22:17
bitbitJJtech: it says "Your hardware does not need any restricted drivers"22:17
NetIdshow are get openftd on ubuntu 7.10 ?22:17
RazzoRzRudd-o: do you know much about how the mic works in Virtualbox?... what do i need to add to the vmx file??22:17
JJtechbitbit: aren't you in gutsy?22:17
sauvinBugson, I'm running KDE, so your mileage may vary. When I want to change an icon in a menu item or on the desktop, I RIGHT CLICK on it to 'edit item'.22:17
chester_martins_Slart, lol...so you think that XCFE it's fine? :)22:18
sauvinBugson, there's an icon there to click on so you can change the icon that appears on the desktop or in the kicker menu.22:18
bitbitJJtech: gutsy = 7.10? yes22:18
Bugsonsauvin but I'm talking about tray icon22:18
ericI have some mpg videos that don't play correctly. sometimes I only see the first few seconds and it freezes... other times I see the first frame and it freezes22:18
ericwhat can I do to fix this?22:18
jack-desktopI restarted my computer and started getting these errors (http://rafb.net/p/NO3VdG25.html) and now I have to run in failsafe and I can't get compiz fusion to work in gutsy.22:19
sauvinBugson, tray icons can also be edited. Click around.22:19
chester_martins_yes bitbit22:19
Slartchester_martins_: I use xfce on my server at home.. it's ok22:19
JJtechbitbit: we have same nividia graphics card bitbit, i don't see why it is not being detected..22:19
dxdteric: probably the wrong codecs or something like that.  Do you have the gstreamer good, bad, and ugly installed?  They may help.22:19
RazzoRzanyone know much about innotek virturalbox?...22:19
chester_martins_thanks Slart22:19
Bugsonsauvin I think they can't in gnome :/22:20
dxdtIf you want to run Windows XP in Ubuntu, and you have a winxp cd, is there a way to do this for free or is this something where I need to buy additional software like VMware?22:20
ericdxdt, no, not that I know of22:20
sauvinBugson, I seriously doubt that, but you may have better luck asking in #gnome or some similar channel; I'm not going to log out and back in to research this.22:20
bitbitJJtech: when I restart my comp the screen is black, even before ubuntu loads22:20
Bugsonok thanks a lot22:21
dxdteric: I would check out those in synaptic and install them.  It may help a lot.22:21
RazzoRzdxdt: use innotek virtualbox in add n remove ... you will see it tehre22:21
stefg!virtualizers | dxdt22:21
ubotudxdt: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications22:21
jack-desktopI restarted my computer and started getting these errors (http://rafb.net/p/NO3VdG25.html) and now I have to run in failsafe and I can't get compiz fusion to work in gutsy.22:21
RazzoRzmore stable then vmware22:21
Slartdxdt: I don't think you can use  windows xp to run games inside ubuntu... but qemu works for standard windows apps22:21
cvd_where the hell can i download more compiz plugins?22:21
dxdtVirtualbox, eh.22:21
ericdxdt, ah, apparently they are installed22:21
neutraledomanda: per emulare un programma windows importante come flash e dreamweawer cosa mi consigliate?22:21
dxdtOh yeah I'm not looking to run games, I'm actually looking to run Netflix's Watch Now service which is not only windows only, but IE only.  :(22:21
Slartcvd_: you can check the damn repos =)22:21
ericdxdt, could I convert the video perhaps?22:22
Slart!info compiz-plugins-extra22:22
ubotuPackage compiz-plugins-extra does not exist in gutsy22:22
dxdteric:  I think it would be easier to try the new codecs first.22:22
RazzoRzand dont forget to install the guest additons it helps22:22
brocohello together22:22
phaedra!it | neutrale22:22
ubotuneutrale: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!22:22
Slart!info compiz-fusion-plugins-extra22:22
ubotucompiz-fusion-plugins-extra: Collection of extra plugins from OpenCompositing for Compiz. In component main, is extra. Version 0.5.2+git20070928-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 2020 kB, installed size 4628 kB22:22
brocogot one question... i got only the strange problems i don't find anything about in google....22:22
sauvinNeutrale, I don't know anything about dreamweaver; are you looking for a FLASH plugin?22:22
RazzoRzWELL GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SASK RR..... game about to start.. PEACE ALL22:23
ericdxdt, but I do have good bad and ugly installed22:23
brocoi use compiz fusion with ubuntu 7.1022:23
chazcoHi... Nautilus doesnt appear to follow redirects when using FTP... any ideas?22:23
=== scarter_ is now known as spence
jack-desktopI restarted my computer and started getting these errors (http://rafb.net/p/NO3VdG25.html) and now I have to run in failsafe and I can't get compiz fusion to work in gutsy.22:23
ciaconhi all - I've just run through a guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto .... I rebooted and now I'm up the following step: "cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec" which returns "cat: /proc/asound/card0/codec#*: No such file or directory"... I'm stuck - can anyone help?22:23
JJtechbitbit: sorry bitbit did'nit get your last message.. what was that again?? (i went to the bathroom)22:23
brocoand sometimes the visual effects turn to "none"22:23
cvd_but i want mor22:23
dxdteric:  Hmm I'm not totally sure then.  Perhaps someone else in the channel can help.  I'm not that great with the multimedia problems.22:24
brocoif i click "custom" then they return to custom normally and effects are back again22:24
bitbitJJtech: when I restart my comp the screen is black, even before ubuntu loads ( < last message)22:24
dxdtHow is Xen different than VirtualBox?22:24
brocoand everything works fine until it jumps back to none22:24
Slartciacon: I think you're supposed to change the # to a number.. 1, 2, 3 etc22:24
brocothis happens sometimes when i close windows and not EVERYTIME22:24
micocan anyone point me the direction to configure both server and client ldap ?      (I have already follow some toturials that I found on the net, but didn't work )22:24
bitbitJJtech: BIOS gives the pci-e priority over the internal mb plug22:25
jack-desktopI restarted my computer and started getting these errors (http://rafb.net/p/NO3VdG25.html) and now I have to run in failsafe and I can't get compiz fusion to work in gutsy.22:25
ciaconSlart: I did some research "cat /proc/asound/cards" gives me"--- no soundcards ---"22:25
cvd_there nothing in the repos22:25
Cpudan80Hello all22:25
Cpudan80How do you sync an iPod with Rythmbox?22:25
saftsackhi, do you get pidgin lockups too?22:25
Slartciacon: oh... so alsa doesn't detect your soundcard.. that's a problem.. what kind of soundcard do you have?22:25
ericdxdt, then what tools could I use to convert the video?22:25
Cpudan80The iPod was previously synced with Windows22:26
saftsacki heard that pidgin 2.2.1 doesnt run very well ... does somebody have the same experiences?22:26
dxdteric: mencoder?  I dunno.  YOu'll have to google and such or ask others in the room.22:26
joeb3_Cpudan80, just plug it in. You won't see the windows stuff though.22:26
bitbitJJtech: any idea?22:26
ciaconcan't tell you 100% sure - I have a Intel® Desktop Board D975XBX --> http://www.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop/d975xbx/sb/CS-022036.htm22:26
JJtechbitbit: hmmm...22:26
RequinB4hello ogre202022:26
primaryHello. I need to reinstall Ubuntu, but I don't know how to back up my personal files22:27
Cpudan80joeb3_: I did plug it in... it didn't sync...22:27
JJtechbitbit: what mainboard you use?22:27
dxdtCpudan80: I just plugged it in and I saw old files, etc.  I dunno it just worked for me.22:27
joeb3_Cpudan80, do you see it in rhythmbox?22:27
Cpudan80I can see the files - and the device22:27
Slartsaftsack: runs nicely here.. no problems with amd 64bit, ubuntu7.1022:27
=== Jannita is now known as bekersito_
Cpudan80Hell i can even play the files off it22:27
sauvinCpudan, what is this iPod?22:27
jack-desktopI restarted my computer and started getting these errors (http://rafb.net/p/NO3VdG25.html) and now I have to run in failsafe and I can't get compiz fusion to work in gutsy.22:27
ericI just lost my bottom panel!22:27
ericI don't know what I hit!!22:28
saftsackSlart, do you use icq over pidgin?22:28
ericwhat do I do?!?22:28
JJtechbitbit: anyway, try to set BIOS to default...22:28
sauvineric, do you mean the kicker?22:28
Slartsaftsack: yes.. icq and msn22:28
Cpudan80eric: Get it back?22:28
bitbitJJtech: not sure... how do i check?22:28
erichow do I get my bottom panel back??22:28
Deus101Important question22:28
Cpudan80eric: Right click the top panel, hit add panel22:28
saftsackSlart, ok thanks :)22:28
Cpudan80or new panel22:28
bitbitJJtech: the mobo22:28
Deus101im about to reinstall ubuntu gutsy22:28
=== bekersito_ is now known as Jannita
Deus101and i got some lvm partitions i want to save22:28
ericCpudan80, the panel is blank!!!!!!22:29
Deus101my home is on those partitions22:29
Slartciacon: looks like a general on board audio thingy.. those usually work... no errors in dmesg? "dmesg | grep -i error" or something22:29
Cpudan80eric: So add stuff to it!!22:29
ericCpudan80, I don't know what stuff was on it!!22:29
Deus101i see in thins installation that i use allready existing home accounts22:29
Bruno1i want to copy a file from my computer to a friends using scp, how can i do it?22:29
Cpudan80oh dear god22:29
sauvineric, so add stuff you WANT to it!22:29
Slartciacon: perhaps a "dmesg | grep -i audio" might print some info too22:29
B-rabbiteric: right click on the top pannel and add pannel22:29
Deus101but lvm isnt opened yet, it hasent been enabled on the live dvd so my question is, how can i enable the lvm partitions for my new installation?22:29
Ogre2020how do I navigate to my cd-rom non-gui i can get to the directery but not to My Disk22:29
Cpudan80eric: The trash can applet, the search applet, window switcher, show desktop and window selector I think22:30
JJtechbitbit: i assume that you r PC based systemm.. in that case, once PC restarted (booting) press either F2, F11 or del key...22:30
MagicMushroomWhere do I put my 'xmodmap.dvp' and how do I give it a "code" such as us, se, uk..? (for xorg.conf)22:30
eth01cioalodd: do NOT run that command.22:30
sauvinOgre2020, what's "My Disk"?22:30
JJtechbitbit: be right back...22:30
B-rabbiteric: did it work22:30
ciaconSlart: the error --> "[   30.909659] ACPI: Looking for DSDT in initramfs... error, file /DSDT.aml not found." the audio returns nothing22:30
SlartOgre2020: cd /media/dvd or something.. could be /media/somethingelse too..22:30
herubahow do i get rid of this god awful beep?22:30
bitbitJJtech: BIOS gives the pci-e priority over the internal mb plug, i checked22:30
cioaloddi already have22:30
Bruno1 i want to copy a file from my computer to a friends using scp, how can i do it?22:30
chester_martinsi'm using AMAROK at GNOME, but it don't play mp3...can anybody help me?22:30
* eth01 *sighs*22:30
Slartciacon: hmm.. that doesn't look soundcard related to me..22:31
Ogre2020the name the gui file browser gives for the cds location /media/My Disk22:31
Arnaldis gutsy supposed to be able to resize ntfs partitions during install?  that's on XP BTW22:31
SlartOgre2020: tried tab autocompletion?22:31
sauvinOgre2020, what's in /media?22:31
btardhow do you use .run applications?22:31
B-rabbiteric: sorry it should be right click on the existing pannel and then add pannel22:31
bitbitJJtech: and my mb is msi 945gcm522:31
btardor files22:31
SlartOgre2020: or cd /media/My\ Disk22:31
ciaconSlart: "Intel® High Definition Audio codec (SigmaTel* STAC9221D)"     (that's what I found on that Intel site I posted)22:31
chester_martinsi'm using AMAROK at GNOME, but it don't play mp3...can anybody help me?22:31
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beep - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:32
sidncokehello ppl. Anyone got a recommendation for a good Torrent client under ubuntu?22:32
Slartciacon: that looks right.. I've got an on board sound device too.. don't remember if I had to do something special to get it working...22:32
kanuhais there a way to get evolution to dock?22:32
Ogre2020well .. ummm, i saw that My\ Disk in their somewere22:32
Bruno1 i want to copy a file from my computer to a friends using scp, how can i do it?22:32
Slartsidncoke: azureus is popular.. ktorrent too22:32
Tidussidncoke, i normally use azureus or ktorrent22:32
mpetersBruno1: scp myfile username@friendspc:/some/path/22:32
saeedhi all22:33
sidncokeSlart: Cheerz mate22:33
ciaconSlart: I dunno - this HD nonscense in all fassets of life is driveing me nutts ;-)22:33
DeviantSolution@sidncoke Transmission22:33
sidncokeTidus: Cheerz22:33
jahwellhey anybody know how to install ati radeon 9200 driver ? i got x.org but it does'nt work...22:33
Ogre2020im lost, one sec22:33
saeedhow do I add myself to the virtualbox user group?22:33
Tidussaeed: gpasswd -a <user> <group>22:33
Slartciacon: try dmesg | grep -i intel   or dmesg | grep -i HDA .. there has to be either an error or some line about it being detected...22:33
Tiduswithout the brackets22:33
saeedTidus: thanks man22:33
Bruno1mpeters: i tried that, but it came back ssh: cannot connect to host: connection refused22:33
brocohey guys, got a problem... my visual effects in gutsy gibbon sometimes change to "none" automatically and i don't know why... some kind of crash i think. this doesn't happen in the same way it differs everytime and mostly when i close tabbed windows22:34
gan|y|med i am compiling my own kernel. however, it cannot find root. fs support and ata driver are compiled in. i suppose, it is the fact that the old ata driver is used and therefore /dev/hda instead of /dev/sda. does anybody know how to make /dev/sda the default?22:34
sidncokeDeviantSolution: never heard of transmissions22:34
primaryHello. Is there any way to relocate WINE out of my home directory?22:34
mpetersBruno1: is sshd running on the remote pc22:34
Bruno1mpeters: i dont know, how can i tell22:34
saeedTidus: it tells me permission denied22:34
PriceChildgan|y|med, why are you compiling your own kernel/22:34
DeviantSolution@sidncoke Just go to Add/Remove and search for Transmission. No s. ^_^22:34
Tidussaeed, forgot to use sudo ...22:34
mpetersBruno1: is it a Linux box?22:34
saeeddo u know how to fix this?22:34
Bruno1mpeters: yes22:35
saeedI used sudo22:35
Tidussaeed, sudo gpasswd -a blah blah22:35
saeedand it still doesn't work22:35
sam_heyy i need nhelp...every time i open synaptic or update manager or anything it says this...E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.22:35
sam_E: _cache->open() failed, please report.22:35
mpetersBruno1: sudo netstat -atnp22:35
Ogre2020in the media directory their is cdrom and cdrom0 and they look empty22:35
B-rabbitsaeed: use "sudo" before the command and type your password22:35
saeedgot it22:36
ciaconSlart: http://pastebin.ca/79732922:36
saeedthanks guys22:36
Al2O3hello ubuntu folks :)  1240 strong :)22:36
kanuhasaeed, use users and groups under system> administration22:36
B-rabbitsaeed: no problem22:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pcspkr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:36
Al2O3Slart: you can use http://pastie.caboo.se also22:36
chester_martinshow can amarok organize my music folder auto??22:36
a7xbrb restart22:36
ericI cannot understand the mencoder docs AT ALL22:36
kanuhais there a way to get evolution to dock?22:37
ericthey are over 1000 lines long even22:37
SlartAl2O3: huh??22:37
Bruno1mpeters:  what should it say22:37
Tiduseric, it's terrible, i know22:37
chester_martinshow can amarok organize my music folder auto??22:37
sam_Hey can someone help me22:37
Ogre2020hey, how dose one access a cdrom22:37
ericTidus, all I want to do is convert an mpg to say, a mov... anything else22:37
Al2O3anyone know of where I can get the gPC Everex computer in a formfactor that is a lot smaller than http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=775461422:37
ericTidus, my problem is that my mpg are not playing correctly22:37
mpetersBruno1: Look for sshd in the last column of the output22:37
Tidusis it mpeg-1 or mpeg-2 ?22:37
Al2O3the http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=7754614 comes with gOS, or a versionized Ubuntu.22:37
ericTidus, how do I tell?22:38
d1n0im having problems with my two logitech bluetooth units, works fine in xubuntu, but only one of them works in ubuntu, and when both connected its the dinovo edge working... but this is not a problem in xubuntu! anyone have any ideas?22:38
Bruno1mpeters: nope, there is no sshd anywhere22:38
chester_martinshow can amarok organize my music folder auto??22:38
sam_everytime i open synaptic or update manager i get this error: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.22:38
sam_E: _cache->open() failed, please report.22:38
Tiduseric, try playing the file through mplayer on the terminal and watch the flood of text that goes by22:38
desertcFor $200 you can purchase a PC from Walmart with hardware that is all supported by the Linux kernel, so you can load any Linux-based operating system onto it.  http://www.everex.com/products/gpc/gpc.htm  Can buy them customized online at http://www.zareason.com/shop/home.php22:38
mpetersBruno1: then you need to start sshd /etc/init.d/sshd start22:38
Bugsonmaybe someone now where is the folder with network monitor tray icons?22:38
mpetersBruno1: but you'll possibly need to install it first22:38
Radi01sam: run it/it fixes it22:38
Slartciacon: wow.. that's a lot of errors about the soundcard.. something's not right here.. have you tried googling those errors?22:39
sam_run it?22:39
chester_martinshow can amarok organize my music folder auto??22:39
In_Silicohowdy all22:39
desertcIsn't your time worth more than $200 when you bang your head against you keyboard trying to get your computer or your friends' computers working, which were not designed for the Linux Kernel?22:39
Radi01and hit (y) and it will fix the problem22:39
Bruno1mpeters: ok. When writing the command, do i type friendsusername@his-ip or @his-computer's-name22:39
ericTidus, mpeg-122:39
ciaconSlart: not yet - I have never tried22:39
free1Is it possible for my modprobe.conf file to be missing?22:39
free1as in deleted somehow?22:39
JJtechbitbit: im back22:39
dkulchenkosam_: go to a terminal and type dpkg --configure -a22:39
sam_i did22:40
Tiduseric, it should work just fine...22:40
Radi01dpkg --configure -a      run that and hit (y) when it asks  sam22:40
ciaconSlart: another idea - I assume that I could just "simply have my old sound back"22:40
sam_it says i need like super something power22:40
Tidusbut .mov is quicktime22:40
chester_martinshow can amarok organize my music folder auto??22:40
towliehave any of you installed the autumn theme in ubuntu22:40
Tidus.mpg works great in linux, but .mov is going to require openquicktime22:40
mpetersBruno1: his-ip will always work, name will only work if you have DNS set up or an entry in your /etc/hosts file22:40
ericTidus, mplayer said it could not open some sort of out device22:40
Slartciacon: your "old sound"? what was your "old sound"?22:40
Tiduseric, video or sound?22:40
ericTidus, and totem freezes after a few seconds in the video22:40
* sauvin tunes back in22:40
free1I go into /etc and I do not see the modprobe.conf file22:40
sauvineric, what device?22:40
ericTidus, video22:40
chester_martinshow can amarok organize my music folder auto??22:41
TidusO.o ... ?22:41
desertcAl2O3: You can find configuration options in the links I provided above.22:41
bitbitJJtech: BIOS gives the pci-e (geforce there) priority over the internal mb plug, i checked22:41
bitbitJJtech: and my mb is msi 945gcm522:41
sam_it sys ¨ dpkg --configure -a¨22:41
Tidusmplayer -vo x11 <file> ... try that22:41
ericsauvin, the video out device... that is all it says22:41
Bruno1mpeters: ok, if we both have sshd running it should work right? or is there anything else we have to do first?22:41
Radi01clear the terminal and put that in sam22:41
towliehave any of you installed the autumn theme in ubuntu22:41
ciaconSlart: that was the sound that I could at least partly hear, before I went through this tutorial off the ubuntu help pages .... -->  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto       one of the guys in this chan was as nice as to let ubot let me know this link ;-)22:41
sam_sorry it say: requested operation requires superuser privilege22:41
ericTidus, hey, it played fine :D22:41
sauvineric, do an mplayer -vo help to see a list of video out options.22:42
Tiduslol np22:42
Al2O3desertc: do you know of a package/case solution that has a small footprint that is same price.  The size of a standard desktop anchor is not apealing.22:42
Tidussauvin, already got him runnin :P22:42
Radi01it is broken then  try your password22:42
dkulchenkosaM_: do the same thing but type sudo dpkg --configure -a22:42
sauvinOh, in that case, never mind :D22:42
Ogre2020how do i view the contents of a cd-rom via the comand prompt /media22:42
desertcAl2O3: You can find configuration options in the links I provided.22:42
JJtechbitbit: no problem about ur pci-e ... when inside BIOS press F9 to set setting to default22:42
ciaconSlart: I got as far as the "reboot" mentioned - after that all was downhill....22:42
sam_ahh thanks! =]22:42
Al2O3desertc: customize :)22:42
Slartciacon: but that page is kind of old.. they ought to have fixed this by now..22:42
sauvinOgre2020, what's in /media?22:42
nicolahis there a software that let me stream audio over the internet and control it (the software) from remote ?22:42
mpetersBruno1: only the remote machine needs sshd, provided firewall rules (if you have one between the machines) allow the connection on port 22, that should be all you need22:42
ciaconSlart: sh1t22:43
free1is it possible for the modprobe.conf to have been replaced by another file?22:43
Radi01now hit (y) and let it do its thing.22:43
free1I see modprobe.d22:43
Slartciacon: hang on.. let me read that page through.. see if it really is that old22:43
atlfalcons866WHats the difference bewteen dvd and cd version of ubuntu22:43
Bruno1mpeters: ok, thanks for your help22:43
ciaconSlart: thx22:43
Tidusatlfalcons866, the dvd contains more packages.22:43
chester_martinshow can amarok organize my music folder auto??22:43
towliedo you guys have a menu named Advanced Desktop Effects Settings under System>Preferences ?22:43
mpetersBruno1: no problem22:43
Al2O3desertc: don't see an option for case configuration/optiosn22:43
sauvinfree1, iirc, modprobe.d is the directory you want to go into if you need to tinker with modprobe stuff.22:43
andi5Tidus: how does that to relate to repository inclusion?22:43
bitbitJJtech: k sec22:43
Ogre2020tis were the gui file browser says my cd-rom is /media/My Disk22:43
Al2O3net, memory, monitor, literature, quantity, not much else.22:44
sauvinOgre2020, try cd /media/My\ Disk22:44
Ogre2020ok, one sec22:44
sauvin(@#$@%#@#%@#% people who put spaces in names!)22:44
Tidusandi5, it doesn't.  the same packages are available on both versions.  just the cd version will have to go out to the net for more packages.22:44
towliedo you guys have a menu named Advanced Desktop Effects Settings under System>Preferences ?22:44
desertcAl2O3: http://www.zareason.com/shop/home.php  There are a dozen options there.22:44
free1sauvin: so modprobe.conf is no longer in service?22:44
chester_martinshow can amarok organize my music folder auto??22:44
andi5Tidus: ok... (i have never tried the dvd)22:44
dkulchenkochester_martins: stop22:45
sauvinfree1, I'm on debian right now and don't seem to have a modprobe.conf.22:45
Ogre2020it says no such file or directory22:45
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs22:45
Al2O3actually I see 11, and only one is the gOS system, and clicking on customize of that system provides only 4 options non of which are case options.22:45
sauvinOgre2020, try this: cd /media22:45
free1sauvin: I'm on gutsy, but I'm sure of it that fiesty had a modprobe.conf22:46
Ogre2020im their now22:46
sauvinOgre2020, Then try this: cd My<TAB><ENTER>22:46
andi5modprobe.conf sounds linux2.4'ish to me, but well...22:46
desertcAl2O3: They will load whatever OS you want on there.22:46
Al2O3Its kinda a neat idea, to promote and help liux that way, but folks need to package into media center boxes not home under-desk PC configurations.  The idea of an empty box is silly.22:46
Ogre2020no suhc file or directory22:46
Al2O3desertc: I think you are missing my point bro, I'm looking for the gOS system in a smaller footprint/box.22:46
nicolahis there a way to remote-control a streaming server ?22:46
Al2O3not some other OS on it.22:47
sauvinMy ubuntu partition also has no modprobe.conf.22:47
desertcAl2O3: They will load the gOS on the smaller form factor.22:47
Nedt__Hello, is this a place ( and maybe a time ) to get help on issue with Ubuntu+dvb tv card ?22:47
sauvinOgre2020, you're currently standing on /media ?22:47
Al2O3I'm not after gOS, I'm after the computer with a different form factor.22:47
Al2O3Thanks anyway.22:47
wckdkl0wnwhat program would i use in linux to edit a flash file?22:47
desertcAl2O3: Do you not see the two small form factor PCs on the page I linked?22:47
sauvinOgre2020, do an ls22:47
ToddEDMhey guys, i got Kubuntu installed, but i cant get the wireless card to work, what can i do to get it going?????22:48
ikoniaToddEDM: tell us more about the problem22:48
desertc!wifi | ToddEDM22:48
ubotuToddEDM: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:48
* sauvin thinks22:48
Ogre2020cdrom cdrom022:48
towliehave any of you installed the falling leaves plugin22:48
Ogre2020in two different blues22:48
sauvinOgre2020, is there anything in cdrom or cdrom0?22:48
Slartciacon: seems like this is a known problem with gutsy.. many laptops apparently use the same sound chip22:49
hal9k2010hello all22:49
NIMBY Hi, has only started using linux 2 days ago, and have been following lots of guides on how to get my Hauppauge dvr-1110 dvb card to work but can only get an analog picture and no sound, could anyone help ?22:49
JJHathowayI recently got a 22 inch monitor and tried to edit the available resolutions, but the native 1680x1050 resolution still wont appear  (I used dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to try this but it did not work) any suggestions?22:49
Ogre2020not for doing dir checks, ill lok with ls real quick22:49
ciaconSlart: how can I revert that install??22:49
sauvinOgre2020, I don't understand.22:49
Slartciacon: there are people reporting success by compiling alsa from source.. but that's not really recommended..22:49
gan|y|medPriceChild: cause the default one is too slow. and i wanna use cfs22:49
ikoniaNIMBY do you get sound on anything else other than TV's is that card fully supported ?22:49
andi5JJHathoway: i suppose your graphics card supports that resolution?22:50
Slartciacon: what have you done so far? done any "sudo make install" ?22:50
NIMBYsound eleswhere works fine22:50
JJHathowayyes...i am actually in windows right now in the native 1680x1050 resolution22:50
ciaconSlart: sadly =(22:50
Ogre2020no, they look empty22:50
desertcNIMBY: What do you mean, that there is no sound, but it works fine?22:50
Nedt__If anyone has time to check out my probelm , I have up to date  info posted here>> http://futuremark.yougamers.com/forum/showthread.php?t=67921   , I'll hang around and wait for any replies here, with fingers n toes crossed :-)22:50
Slartciacon: in that case you can just do "sudo make uninstall"22:50
ibanezmy desktop cube went away :(22:50
sauvinOgre, as a regular user, do a mount22:51
k9hiya :p when i did like to apt-get install anything, there is an error " E: impossible de trouver le paquet xxxxx ( no way to find paquet )22:51
andi5JJHathoway: have you looked at /var/log/Xorg.0.log?22:51
desertcNedt__: Post the same to the Ubuntu Forums22:51
sauvinOgre2020, as a regular user, do a mount, see if /dev/hdc is mounted.22:51
ZEAis anyone able to download from sourceforge?22:51
k9anyone could help? Ubuntu 7.1022:51
ikoniaZEA: yes22:51
ToddEDMikonia:  the wireless just doesnt work, its a linksys wmp54g wireless card22:51
ikoniak9: ask the question22:51
Ogre2020what do you mean as a regular user22:51
desertc!ask | k922:51
ubotuk9: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)22:51
ciaconSlart: cool - let's see - I hope to be back in 3 mins or so - I'll keep you posted22:51
Nedt__I have desert :-)22:51
Slartciacon: I'll be here22:51
sauvinOgre2020, I thought I saw you logged in as root.22:51
andi5ZEA: there are a lot of sf mirrors, so i doubt that sf is down :-)22:51
NIMBYthere is no sound on the anaolg picture and I cant get any digital channels either22:51
ikoniaToddEDM: come on, more info, does it show up as a device ? how are you trying to configure it, are you using encyption, what version of ubuntu, etc, give us info22:51
sauvinOgre2020, what's your command prompt look like?22:51
ciaconSlart: ;-)   and off I go ;-)22:51
d1n0im having problems with my two logitech bluetooth units, works fine in xubuntu, but only one of them works in ubuntu, and when both connected its the dinovo edge working... but this is not a problem in xubuntu! anyone have any ideas? i am registred so i can be /msg'ed if anyone wants to help22:52
desertcNIMBY: Is the channel muted in ALSA?22:52
PriceChildgan|y|med, I'm willing to bet 95% of any performance increase you would get would be placebo22:52
sauvinOgre2020, type exit22:52
=== ibanez is now known as ibanez_
ikoniad1n0: what does bluetooth manager show ?22:52
JJHathowayandi5:  no i havent, what does that tell me?  (i am actually in the process of upgrading to 7.10 by downloading the new image because the regular upgrade failed every time for me, so i wont be able to check it)22:52
ikoniad1n0: do you get asked to pair ?22:52
sauvinOgre2020, are you still in the terminal?22:52
Ogre2020ahh, my lil window is gone22:52
PriceChildgan|y|med, and if you use a custom kernel, please don't get support here as it WILL cause unforseen problems we can't predict unless you know exactly what you're doing.22:52
sauvinOgre2020, you need to find a regular terminal.22:53
Ogre2020im at the gOS desktop22:53
sauvin(what's gOS?)22:53
ikoniaOgre2020: why are you trying to get GOS support ?22:53
ToddEDMi dont know if it shows up as a device no encryption and im using 7.10 kubuntu, it didnt work in ubuntu either22:53
d1n0ikonia: i dont have ubuntu installed because of this, i had xubuntu before getting some new hardware, but i only had it because unbuntu couldnt handle my bluetooth devices together22:53
NIMBYtbh not sure on that point, I would like to get the dvb part sorted, so have been concentrating on that more than the sound22:53
TidusgOS is essentially a google branded ubuntu22:53
Ogre2020becase its built on ubuntu22:53
d1n0but seriously, anyone who know what i can do, please msg, i cant pay attention to everything in here22:53
ikoniad1n0: then we cannot help if you can't trouble shoot22:53
xcasexTidus: it has nothing at all to do with google22:53
ikoniaOgre2020: its not ubuntu thoiugh, this channel is for ubuntu support22:53
sauvinUm, I don't know a damn thing about a 'google-branded ubuntu'22:54
andi5JJHathoway: it may list your supported modes, error messages and stuff like that... just start there :)  you may also add your resolution into /etc/X11/xorg.conf directly if you know how22:54
xcasexi repeat, gOS has nothign at all to do with google.22:54
Ogre2020and gOS suport says reinstall22:54
Toma-gOS doesnt even run gnome either22:54
gan|y|medPriceChild:  see, if u cannot help me, fine. but don't exclude me cause sth is non-standard. i get this enough with another os22:54
desertcOgre2020: The gOS computers have 24/7 telephone support.22:54
ikoniaOrfeous: then follow gOS advice22:54
sauvinToma-, what DOES it run?22:54
ciaconSlart: time for the reboot - be right back - I hope ;~)22:54
Slartciacon: let's hope so22:54
Toma-sauvinâž” âž” e1722:54
brocowhere can i post code with that link stuff?22:54
brocodid it once but forgot22:54
Ogre2020they wont tell me how to work out of their gui, and its broke22:54
ikoniagan|y|med: if you use a custom kernel, this is not the best palce to get support22:54
PriceChildgan|y|med, I'm not excluding you. Please take into account what I have said. Making your own won't make things faster. Making your own will make things break.22:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)22:55
ikoniaOgre2020: thats not our problem22:55
Cpudan80Is it possible to format your iPod with Ubuntu?22:55
sauvinWhat the blue slobbering frack is e17?22:55
ikoniaCpudan80: sure22:55
Nedt__NIMBY - Looks like you have similar problem to me >>  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3837323#post383732322:55
Cpudan80ikonia: How?22:55
Toma-sauvinâž” google it22:55
ikoniaCpudan80: ahhh sorry, miss-read, no22:55
JJHathowayandi5: Yeah i will try to manually edit once I get 7.10 installed, but isn't that essentially what dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg does?  (maybe the upgrade will magically fix it...)22:55
jonaskoelkerquestion: I have two ogg files, song.ogg and guitar.ogg, that I want to mix together to one ogg files containing them both played simultaneously; how can I do this?22:55
ikoniaCpudan80: ubuntu is an OS, not a file system22:55
phaedrasauvin, Enlightenment 1722:55
TidusPriceChild, actually... making my own kernel made some of my games run better.  almost 10% fps increase due to me removing some scheduler latency22:55
Slartjonaskoelker: try audacity22:55
Cpudan80ikonia:  What I mean is, can you use Ubuntu to format an iPod22:55
Slart!info audacity22:55
ubotuaudacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.3-1build1 (gutsy), package size 2321 kB, installed size 6832 kB22:55
Cpudan80I have an iPod with a bunch of junk on it - want to get rid of it all22:55
sauvinPriceChild, rolling your own kernel does not necessarily break things BUT there are some caveats and some cautions.22:56
D4rkB34nsoundray, r u there?22:56
ikoniaCpudan80: you can put a file system on it, but it may not work with itunes anymore22:56
LjLjonaskoelker: use any multitrack audio editor. Audacity is multitrack.22:56
ikoniasauvin: it breaks ubuntu controll and supportabtiliy22:56
gan|y|medyou know how much time we are wasting by telling each other what we can't do22:56
D4rkB34nopen office impress 2.3.0 hangs -> ubuntu 7.10; anyone can help.....22:56
xcasexyou know if someone could just put the libXm.so.3 file up for download i'd become a very happy camper22:56
ikoniagan|y|med: the don't argue, don't ask for support22:56
Tidusjonaskoelker, use audacity22:56
k9-Ubuntuapt-get install courier-base courier-authdaemon courier-authmysql courier-imap courier-pop < have no way, could help me?22:56
sauvinOne of the things I miss about ubuntu now that I'm running mostly debian is the fact that ubuntu supplies a low latency kernel in its repos. Debian doesn't.22:57
gan|y|medpls don't answer22:57
ciaconSlart: I'm back - I'll start a post mortum22:57
rbs-titoIs there a way to create a connection in network-manager (gnome, gutsy) with a static IP address?22:57
desertcRolling your own kernel goes against the idea that Ubuntu will provide a simple solution that is easy to use and easy to support.  There are other distros that cater more specifically to the "roll your own everything" ideal.22:57
xstDoes anyone know when the latest ATI drivers (the ones released last night with support for kernel 2.6.23) will be available for the "restricted manager"?22:57
Slartciacon: still no sound I guess =)22:57
Jack_SparrowD4rkB34n: Is that the latest from the Ubuntu Repos?22:57
NIMBYNedt I've managed to find the firmware but after that I couldnt understand what was needed, as it refers to folders that ubuntu doesnt use and it doesnt say what to do, it talks about editing the modprobe.conf file but it doesnt say where its located etc22:57
ikoniagan|y|med: please don't ask22:57
andi5rbs-tito: sure22:57
rbs-titoandi5: How does one go about it?22:57
Tidusdesertc, simple and easy != performance...22:57
D4rkB34nJack_Sparrow, yes22:58
Slartxst: don't hold your breath.. ubuntu is faster than debian but things are still tested before release.... (I hope) =)22:58
Bugsonmaybe someone now where is the folder with network monitor tray icons?22:58
rbs-titoSchool has a wireless network, no encryption but my MAC address has been assigned to an IP, but there is no DHCP server22:58
Nedt__NIMBY- yes i found the firmware too,,i have it in my post on ubuntu, outdated guide made things tricky :-)22:58
ciaconSlart: I am running Kubuntu22:58
Jack_SparrowD4rkB34n: Or was it from outside synaptic etc?22:58
Bruno_mpeters: how did you start sshd again?22:58
gan|y|medit was a ubuntu specific qu btw. it was about how ubuntu sets up /dev/sda instead of hda. but i guess u just read custom and then refused to read the rest-22:58
desertcTidus: I won't argue with you that the Ubuntu OS isn't the fastest one.22:58
PriceChildrbs-tito, then ask the network administrator what ip/gateway etc, you should be using.22:58
Tidusyes, it 'just works' and it's a "good thing" but still the kernel leaves a lot to be desired.22:58
mpetersBruno1: /etc/init.d/sshd start22:58
Tiduson every distro i always custom the kernel22:58
Slartciacon: ok.. shouldn't make any difference I supposed.. both ubuntu and kubuntu use alsa I think22:59
Patchaknewbie question : when I install a new program from download manager in ubuntu, where does it install?22:59
ciaconSlart: sofar it tells me, that it can't open libraries in arts - is that a case of apt-get install arts-thingemagig??22:59
rbs-titoPriceChild: I will get the settings, I just don't know how to do it in network manager22:59
PriceChildPatchak, different bits go in different places22:59
desertcTidus: Ubuntu isn't like every other distro.  Thankfully.22:59
D4rkB34nJack_Sparrow: was from synaptic, i upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 today and openoffice doesn't work22:59
jonaskoelkerok, thanks to all of you who suggested audacity -- I will try it out :)22:59
PriceChildPatchak, documentation in one place, executables in another, icons in another etc.22:59
k9-Ubuntuapt-get install courier-base courier-authdaemon courier-authmysql courier-imap courier-pop < have no way, could help me? plz..22:59
PatchakPriceChild, hummm ok... how can I find where the executable is?22:59
Tidusi know.  it's closer to debian testing than anything else.22:59
Slartciacon: don't know, haven't used arts before.. but it sounds like a reasonable solution22:59
Jack_SparrowD4rkB34n: thanks... I dont have an answer. It answered a question I had earlier.22:59
PriceChildPatchak, what program is it?22:59
andi5rbs-tito: ahh, i did not understand that you meant a wireless connection... i am not sure then22:59
Tidusbut it dont matter what distro i use... slackware, suse, mandriva... i'll always roll my own kernel for latency reasons23:00
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:00
mpetersBruno1: actually that should be "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start"23:00
D4rkB34nJack_Sparrow: i will re install from the original pack23:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sshd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:00
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)23:00
SlartBugson: have you checked in /usr/share/icons or something like that?23:00
Tidusto install sshd: sudo apt-get install openssh-server23:00
sauvintidus, ubuntu DOES provide a low latency kernel in the repos.23:00
Tidustried it.23:00
PriceChild!info openssh-server > Bruno_ (see the pm from ubotu)23:00
rbs-tito:( Sucks. I'm probably going to have to reconfigure my connection every time I change networks23:00
dasosI pressed the [windows key + r], now my screen is kinda fuzzy and the desktop moves around as i move my mouse, how do i revert this? (7.10 using standard gnome desktop)23:00
BugsonSlart yes but maybe I missed it23:00
SlartBugson: or try a "find /usr | grep -i icon"23:00
Tidusstill compiled optimized for size, not speed.23:00
Bugsonoki I'll try it23:01
PatchakPriceChild, deluge bittorrent23:01
=== ibanez_ is now known as ibanez__
sauvinSlart, what's Bugson after now?23:01
bugSmasherHow do i file bugs on universe - launchpad.net or with whoever produced the package?23:01
Bruno_PriceChild:thanks, but i want to know how i start it...23:01
PatchakI need to assing torrent links to that program, don,t know where it is23:01
PriceChildPatchak, applications > internet > deluge bittorrent23:01
Slartsauvin: icons for network manager something23:01
PriceChildPatchak, or deluge-torrent from the command line23:01
PriceChildBruno_, if its installed, its started23:01
Bugsonthe same23:01
=== ibanez__ is now known as ibanez_
mpetersBruno_: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start23:01
PatchakPriceChild, but when the downlaod manager asks which program to use... I guess it looks for the path of the executable??23:02
Bruno_PriceChild: thanks23:02
andi5rbs-tito: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/5364 might have some info, i have not read it (completely)23:02
Bruno_mpeters: thanks23:02
PriceChildPatchak, a handy hint... type in "deluge" into a terminal then press the <tab> key... it should autocomplete it or show you possible options23:02
PriceChildPatchak, /usr/bin/deluge-torrent23:02
NewUserrhe guys i am using ubuntu now, is it possible to install windows on my computer too or do i have to remove ubuntu first?23:02
ciaconSlart: I have an screen-shot img on my srv in a sec...23:02
PriceChildPatchak, the command "whereis deluge-torrent" tells you where a few things are.23:02
ikoniaNewUserr: dual boot is fine23:02
PriceChild!dualboot | NewUserr23:03
ubotuNewUserr: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot23:03
PeloNewUserr,  you just need to make a new partiton on your hdd for windows,  but you'll have to reinstall grub afterwards23:03
BugsonI got ot :D23:03
Bugsonfinaly :D23:03
doctormoAnyone got a Blackberry phone23:03
Jack_SparrowNewUserr: dual boot is fine.. it is a bit easier to have xp on first... especially, when it usually needs to be reinstalled more often23:03
Bugsonsauvin, Slart, /usr/share/icons/Human/24x24/status  thanks guys for help ;)23:04
heddyfranGood lord, this is a busy channel23:04
NewUserrJack_Sparrow yes i know thats why i am asking but i try out dual boot thnx23:04
Peloheddyfran,  you should see it when it is realy hoping23:04
heddyfranOh lordy!  hehe23:04
doctormoheddyfran: too many joinings and leavings23:04
ciaconSlart: http://ciacon.dyndns.org:8001/arts-prob.png23:04
Slartciacon: looking...23:05
sauvinSome IRC clients can mask joins and parts.23:05
heddyfranWell I've just installed Ubuntu 7.10 over RH Version 9.0....I have a dual boot machine here23:05
NIMBYcan I mask join/parts etc in xchat ?23:05
Peloheddyfran,  congradulations,  welcome to the madhouse23:06
ciaconSlart: 13x downloaded... I hope someone can help out..23:06
sauvinNimby, maybe.... let me look.23:06
PatchakPriceChild, weird, cause when I type whereis deluge-torrent itdoes not return anything23:06
Panzerboy__anybody running hardy ?23:06
PeloNIMBY,  right click the channel tab , select hide join/part23:06
doctormoNow, I need folks who have a Blackberry to give me a hand23:06
=== NIMBY is now known as Nimby
PriceChild!hardy | Panzerboy__23:06
ubotuPanzerboy__: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu23:06
PeloPanzerboy__,  there is no hardy yet23:06
heddyfranThank you Pelo, so far, it's a very nice install.  :)23:06
Bruno_mpeters: it still says connection refused23:06
josephesauvin: they just dont tell you23:06
sauvinNimby, Settings->Advanced->Text Events23:07
Slartciacon: well.. I'm just guessing now.. it's telling you a library is missing and then tells you to remove the library mentioned.. you would perhaps be better off asking someone that's using KDE23:07
Panzerboy__okay, the reason i asked is that i wanted to see what kernel is hardy running at the moment23:07
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:07
josepheNIMBLY: look in config for "dont show joins/parts"23:07
infinitycircuitPanzerboy__, there is a thread in the forums from a couple of weeks ago about hardy and updating your sources23:07
mpetersBruno_: does "sudo netstat -atnp show sshd" as running on the remote machine?23:07
ciaconSlart: am just about to post in the #kubuntu - you might like to join ;-)23:07
PeloPanzerboy__, thre is no hardy atm,  it's too soon23:07
Panzerboy__i need 2.6.24 in gutsy and i'm too lazy to compile my own :P23:07
infinitycircuitPanzerboy__, just compile it.  it's really simple23:07
ikoniaPanzerboy__: why do you need it23:08
Peloheddyfran, don'T do that again23:08
Panzerboy__infinitycircuit: well, that's the problem, my shitty wireless usb stick doesn't work with the gutsy kernel23:08
infinitycircuitPanzerboy__, do you need to force enable hpet?23:08
Nimbythis is the ubuntu version and it doesnt seem to have those options, just preferences23:08
ikoniaPanzerboy__: there is no need for that language !23:08
Slartciacon: *shudder*... join kubuntu.. but those guys are crazy.. ;)23:08
andi5ciacon: have you installed libasound2?23:08
MasterShrekPanzerboy__, then just compile it yourself, dont be lazy if it something you really want23:08
sauvinNimby, are you running xchat-gnome?23:08
ciaconandi5: haven'23:08
Panzerboy__ikonia: sorry, but it is s****y :)23:08
infinitycircuitPanzerboy__, oh in that case just compile it yourself.  i'm using 2.6.24-rc3-mm1 now and it's fine23:08
somerville32Does WoW run on Ubuntu?23:09
Bruno_mpeters: how can i tell? i know he has sshd running23:09
heddyfranSorry Pelo, just have not been on IRC in a while.  I learnt IRC commands back in the early 90s23:09
initit's pretty easy to wine WoW on ubuntu23:09
Slartsomerville32: as the people in #winehq or check the wine application database.. appdb.winehq.org or something like that23:09
MasterShrek!wow | somerville3223:09
andi5ciacon: it is probably easier to just install arts..., well23:09
ubotusomerville32: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php23:09
mpetersBruno_: If you know sshd is running then it's most likely firewall that's stopping you23:09
Peloheddyfran, this is a support channel,  pinging msging etc ppl whitout asking is rude and disruptive , stick to the in channel stuff23:10
Panzerboy__infinitycircuit: tim gardner has it compiled on his ppa :P23:10
Nimbysauvin yes, its xchat-gnome23:10
Panzerboy__infinitycircuit: too bad it's only amd6423:10
heddyfranThank you Pelo.  :)23:10
=== ibanez_ is now known as ibanez
ctphi folks. anyone here can explain me the difference between desktop and alternate installation cd?23:10
* Pelo is getting grouchy in his old age 23:10
Bruno_mpeters: how can i m,ake it so that the firewall doesnt block scp23:10
sauvinNimby, you might be happier with regular xchat. Try sudo apt-get install xchat23:10
Panzerboy__ctp: the alternate is not a live cd23:10
amasonhi guys, i've broken my samba install accidentally by removing the /etc/samba dir, but neither sudo apt-get install --reinstall samba or dpkg-reconfigure seem to restore the directory and it's contents back to the default23:10
MasterShrekctp, nothing really except the alternate uses a text installer and the desktop is a live cd with a gui installer23:11
Panzerboy__ctp:  and iirc it has only a text mode installer23:11
=== ibanez is now known as ibanez_
mpetersBruno_: you need to open up TCP Port 2223:11
=== ibanez_ is now known as ibanez
infinitycircuitamason, what if you try apt-get remove --purge samba smbclient and then apt-get install samba smbclient23:11
Peloctp,  desktop will let you try out the distro as if it was installed,   alt cd only has a text based installer on it , generaly lightter on resources during the install23:11
Nimbythanks sauvin, I'm used to mirc so its all new to me :) will download the regular verion23:11
MasterShrekthe end result of the install will be the same ctp23:11
juano__amason: sudo dpkg -l | grep samba23:11
Bruno_mpeters: how do that?23:11
andi5amason: go to /var/lib/dpkg/info and search the files for /etc/samba, then reinstall those packages23:11
Panzerboy__Bruno_: it's better to change the port on which ssh is listening, than to open 22, IMHO23:11
sauvinI remember mirc. HATED the script language.23:11
ctpPanzerboy__ + MasterShrek: ok, so alternate is my choice ;-)23:11
Bruno_mpeters: ok so how do i do that, change the port?23:12
Panzerboy__a lot of dictionary attacks on 2223:12
ibanezgot me nick23:12
amasoninfinitycircuit: juano__ andi5i will try that thanks23:12
* sauvin ponders installing mirc under wine23:12
* Tidus thwaps sauvin.23:12
* Pelo thinks sauvin needs to take a vacation 23:12
ctpkubuntu and ubuntu only differ in kde vs gnome? i'm a kde user so i think kubuntu alternate cd is the right one for me23:12
Jack_Sparrowsauvin: Sad... so so sad23:12
sauvinhee hee23:13
Peloctp, sounds about right23:13
MasterShrekctp, go for it, kde is better btw =)23:13
niereis anyone here using fusesmb with feisty or gutsy?23:13
rbs-titoandi5: Thanks for the link. It looks like I'll just have to switch backends three times per day!!]23:13
ciaconandi5, Slart: #kubuntu ist tellimt nort - andi5 - you thought apt-get arts is the thing to do??23:13
* Pelo thinks MasterShrek is gunning for a kick 23:13
sauvinTruthfully, I looked high, low, left, right and upside down for a decent IRC client for Windows. There don't seem to BE any such critter. XChat for Windows comes... close.23:13
mpetersBruno_: In /etc/ssh/sshd_config, edit the line "Port 22" to the port you want and then restart sshd "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart"23:13
dahitokirihow far behind is xubuntu from ubuntu in terms of development?23:13
Tidussauvin, you can use irssi on windows :P23:13
world_citizencan one scan a text page and convert it into text in ubuntu23:14
andi5ciacon: if arts is missing, then "sudo apt-get install arts" should help, yes23:14
sauvinMasterShrek, the choice of desktop is a matter of personal choice. I use KDE but recognise that many folks vastly prefer gnome.23:14
zeus21hi all23:14
world_citizenI can scan but cannot convert it to text23:14
Bruno_mpeters: to what port should i change it to? which one is allowed?23:14
rbs-titodahitokiri: Big features seem to be one release behind.23:14
mpetersBruno_: The firewall will still need to allow the port which you change ssh to listen on though.23:14
Pelodahitokiri, it's not a qustion of being behind,  xubuntu is made to use less resources, it runs xcfe instead of gnome23:14
ctpMasterShrek: definitely it is. i have to setup 16 boxes at one time. kubuntu installing via fai is my goal23:14
andi5rbs-tito: i am sorry.... you might rather try to hack your configuration into /etc/network/interfaces23:14
d1n0sauvin: why do you prefer KDE?23:14
Panzerboy__Bruno_: anything above 102423:14
Peloworld_citizen,  you need to instal OCR or whatever it is called, check in synaptic23:14
sauvindln0, it's what I've used for years, starting way back in the RH days.23:14
nierei'm having trouble with fusesmb when i config it to use a username/password on a specific server23:15
mpetersBruno_: and it's probably the firewall at your friends end which will need changing.23:15
dahitokiriPelo, i understand that. but there are certain apps that ubuntu offers that xubuntu might not. i think it's just easier to install ubuntu and switch to xfce4 from there23:15
rbs-titoandi5: Not really worth it, I switch networks way to often. No need to be sorry, it is as much my fault as it is yours. I'm going to see if I can lend a hand to the network-manager guys23:15
=== NIMBY_ is now known as Nimby
nierewithout that fusesmb works just fine (anonymously), but not with a username23:15
Bruno_Panzerboy__: ok23:15
Tidusdahitokiri, the repos are the same23:15
world_citizenPelo thank for that23:15
sauvindln0, I like KDE for the way it "looks" and "feels", nothing more concrete than that.23:15
Bruno_mpeters: so i should tell him to change his sshd-config file too?23:15
Bruno_mpeters: to the same port as me?23:15
dahitokirisauvin, familiar like windows, maybe?23:15
world_citizenBut can you tell me the name of the OCR that would work in Ubuntu23:15
Pelodahitokiri, defaults apps are one thing but you can run all gnome /kde aps in xubuntu , it doesn'T realy matter,  required libs will be installed to let you run them23:15
sauvindahitokiri, I hated Windows.23:15
Tidusdahitokiri, all you have to do is enable universe and you have the same vast amount of software23:16
dahitokiriPelo, Tidus alright, thanks23:16
voraistosHey. I am using edubuntu from a thin client. (with the integrated ltsp support). It wouldnt work so i found out how to force a vga config from it. (something like xserver=vga in lts.conf). thing is, it kinda gets on my nerves. the graphics card is an sis550 (SoC) graphic family sis315, there are good drivers out there, i just wonder how to use them ?23:16
Peloworld_citizen,  jsut do a search for OCR in synaptic, and the appropriate pacakges will be listed23:16
ciaconandi5: It already is installed... should I remove and install it - or is there another way?23:16
trosephUnable to get DVD to play. Could it just be the disc? Here is my log from VLC http://pastebin.com/f142f4c2423:16
D4rkB34nhi there23:16
D4rkB34nany one can help....23:16
mpetersBruno_: whether you change the port or not, you'll still need to change the firewall. The actual port doesn't make much difference.23:16
andi5ciacon: does the same hold for the library that your screenshot complained about (libasound2)?23:17
Panzerboy__night guys23:17
world_citizenPelo thank for this, but one or two more things23:17
rbs-titoandi5: I didn't know nm was a gnome project23:17
voraistosVLC doesnt read certain discs23:17
Panzerboy__time to sleep :)23:17
juano__is there any repository for audacious-skin package ?23:17
juano__audacious-skinS that is23:17
Pelovoraistos, I think what you need can be acheived by  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg23:17
world_citizenMy screen saver jams that computer what to do23:17
andi5rbs-tito: otherwise you had not tried to use it? ;-)23:17
sauvintroseph, what is this DVD?23:17
=== golan_ is now known as octete
Pelo!dvd | troseph23:17
ubotutroseph: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs23:17
ciaconandi5: libasound.so.223:17
world_citizenAlso when an application jams the computer what to do?23:17
voraistosPelo: that wouldnt work. All i want is to reconfigure the thin clients, not the actual xserver23:17
D4rkB34ni reinstall openoffice 2.3.0 on ubuntu 7.10 from synaptic, but i don't have the shortcuts at applications -> office23:17
Bruno_mpeters: panzerboy_ said anything above 1024 is allowed, so if i change it to 1025 it should work without changing the firewall right?23:18
Panzerboy__Bruno_: you still need to allow incoming traffic to that port23:18
john_priestwhat would chmod 000 do to a file?23:18
Jack_Sparrowworld_citizen: select single screen saver not all at random.. it may just be a few that are a prob23:18
Panzerboy__from the firewall23:18
D4rkB34nhow can i refresh the menu bar?23:18
rbs-titoandi5: This is strange, the upstream bug is marked as resolved23:18
john_priestwho would have permissions to that file23:18
voraistostroseph: stop it with the bot, VLC comes with libdvdcss hardcoded23:18
mpetersBruno_: It's not nescessarily the case that above 1024 is allowed23:18
D4rkB34ni reinstall openoffice 2.3.0 on ubuntu 7.10 from synaptic, but i don't have the shortcuts at applications -> office, how can i refresh menu bar?23:18
Peloworld_citizen, for the screensaver try another one, or check that is isn'T monitor off that is enable and causing the trouble , for dejamming,   alt+f2  type xkill  , then click on the app with the mouse23:18
ExalleRis it possible to run Ubuntu and Windows simultaneusly?23:18
rbs-titoandi5: And the screenshots on the NM homepage have a "VPN connections" menu23:19
Peloworld_citizen,  also use the name of the person you talk to in each line, it makes it easier to follow23:19
rbs-titoExalleR: As in, at the same time or on the same machine23:19
NimbyI gave up on vlc in 7.10 it was so jumpy23:19
troseph!not helpful | pelo23:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about not helpful - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:19
mpetersBruno_: In fact I would hope that's not the case.23:19
sauvinExalleR, do you have two or more computers? :D23:19
D4rkB34nExalleR: yes23:19
Bruno_Panzerboy__:  ok, how can i do that?23:19
DeviantSolutionD4rkB34n: System/Preferences/Main Menu23:19
Panzerboy__ExalleR: not at the same time without one of them running in a virtual machine :)23:19
D4rkB34nExalleR: you need vmware23:19
Bruno_mpeters:  no he just clarified i still need to allow it23:19
andi5rbs-tito: yes, as obsolete.... i have not checked the version numbers23:19
octeteHi guys, for a Intel Core 2 Duo, is it better to install the 386 version or the amd64? (I am worried about compatibility issues or lack of some packages for amd64)23:19
trosephsauvin: Kill Bill vol 223:19
Bruno_mpeters:  to allow incomming traffic23:19
gatenim unable to copy a file larger than 4gb. the error i get is:  "File size limit exceeded (core dumped)" (using cp). how can i get around this (i was thinking about splitting the file into 2 seperate chunks (its 6gb), then copying the chunks to the desired disk and merging them)23:19
ciaconandi5: libasound.so.2... the shot was @ file:///home/ciacon/Desktop/arts-prob.png23:19
rbs-titoandi5: That bug is years old23:19
ExalleRokey.. thx!23:19
andi5rbs-tito: maybe the backports repository has something for you?23:19
sauvintroseph, I don't have that DVD, but it's recent enough it might be copy protected.23:20
doctormogaten: what kind of file systems are you using?23:20
rbs-titoandi5: nm 0.7 /23:20
mpetersBruno_: iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT23:20
voraistosoctete: i thought those cpus were 32 bits ?23:20
gatendoctormo: ext2 and copying to fat3223:20
ciaconandi5: libasound.so.2... the shot was @ http://ciacon.dyndns.org:8001/arts-prob.png     dammn;-)23:20
Pelooctete, always better to install i386,   amd64 is missing some support for some propriatary drivers and flash and some other stuff23:20
mpetersBruno_: iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 22 -j ACCEPT23:20
andi5ciacon: why do you flood me?23:20
octetevoraistos, well, they support the 64 bit extensions, no?23:20
doctormogaten: fat32 doesn't support files bigger than 4GB23:20
trosephsauvin: It's an original, do you mean it might just be encrypted?23:20
andi5ciacon: have you checked libasound2?23:20
octetePelo, thanks, That's what I was worried about23:20
ciaconandi5: apt-get that?23:20
voraistosoctete: if they are 32 bits cpu, 64 bits wont do much :P23:20
DeviantSolutionoctete: Intel. AMD. Does not compute. ^_^23:20
gatendoctormo: well that explains it. meh, thanks23:20
Nimbycore duo is 64bit23:21
sauvintroseph, I mean it might be copy protected. I DO have movie DVDs I can't watch without doing something underhanded because the manufacturers deliberately introduced bad sectors.23:21
octeteyeah, core duo is 64 bit23:21
TidusNimby, no, the core 1 duos aren't23:21
voraistosthen its all god23:21
Do``could someone help with a crash? when i try running deluge (v0.5.6.96) it crashes instantly. the deluge dev guys said i should reinstall the python packages, because it's an ubuntu issue, but that didn't help :/23:21
Tidusc2d is23:21
voraistosdamn it!23:21
doctormogaten: It's because it's 32bit addresses thus 4GB, it's the same reason you can only have 4GB of ram in a 32bit machine (not accounting for paging)23:21
Bruno_mpeters: Panzerboy__: thanks23:21
PeloDo``,  try utorrent on wine or some other bittorrent client23:22
_polto_hello all23:22
ciaconSlart - are you still with us?23:22
Do``http://pastebin.com/m41cb4acb this is what deluge says when i start it23:22
gatendoctormo: yeah, i remember that now that you mention it.23:22
Do``Pelo: i want deluge23:22
Tidusoctete, core 1 duo isn't 64 bit.  core 2 duo is23:22
Slartciacon: still here.. anything new on the arts thingy?23:22
trosephsauvin: Ahh I think I'll just rip it to Mpeg an watch it that way. :)23:22
doctormogaten: so even if you chop it up you couldn't put it back together on that file system anyway23:22
andi5doctormo: you can have as much ram as you want in your 32bit machine, but i suppose at max 3gig of them will be addressable (pci-e bus and whatever...)23:22
voraistosif you cat /proc/cpu it might say something about it.23:22
octeteTidus, sorry, I forgot to put the "2" there, I have the Core 2 Duo, but thanks anyway, I am going to stick to i386 as I don't want any compatibility issues23:22
gatendoctormo: yeah looks like im going to copy it to a ntfs fs23:23
sauvindln0, I'm answering in public because the answers may help somebody else. As far as I'm aware, the differences between ubuntu, xubuntu and kubuntu would be in the desktop level; the base ubuntu system would be the same. I wouldn't expect to see hardware issues to differ between these different ubuntu dialects.23:23
doctormoandi5: er no, 4GB is addressable, anything more requires CPU memory paging support.23:23
NimbyI was under the impression the 32bit cpu's couldnt see beyond 3gb23:23
MasterShrekoctete, i run 64 bit with no problems23:23
sauvintroseph, yes, that's kind of what I meant by "underhanded". How do you rip to mpeg?23:23
ciaconandi5: I found an arts package... problem is, when I try to install it - it tells me that it is already installed... is "apt-get remove arts" and "apt-get install arts" the way?23:23
octeteMasterShrek, what about flash and all that stuff?23:23
andi5Nimby: ack... that is what i just said23:24
doctormoNimby: that seems like a silly number, something to do with some machines specifically?23:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about purge - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:24
trosephsauvin: acidrip23:24
octeteas in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#head-ff0a19a9ff23537e36b3cf9d40b2d8747bd45cd423:24
PeloDo``, remove all pyton and pyton libs completely ( that will get rid of config files)  remove deluge as well, then reinstall deluge and let it select which python files to install23:24
sauvinciacon, ubuntu comes with ARTS installed.23:24
rbs-titoNimby: The 3gb memory limit is a windows thing23:24
Bruno_mpeters: why did you not recommend to use port 22?23:24
ciaconsauvin: my one seams faulty23:24
ciaconslart: I found an arts package... problem is, when I try to install it - it tells me that it is already installed... is "apt-get remove arts" and "apt-get install arts" the way?23:24
Do``Pelo: i just did all that23:24
Xsylottehow to convert avi file to divx or something with less sie ?23:24
MasterShrekoctete, work fine for me, nspluginwrapper for flash, and im using an old version of blackdown java, which isnt really maintained anymore, but it works fine23:24
sauvintroseph, can you rip subtitles and/or subcaptions with it?23:24
Do``removed half system with it23:25
Slartciacon: try adding the -purge switch when doing the uninstall.. it will delete all config files and such so you can make a fresh start23:25
gregareiXsylotte: mencoder23:25
PeloDo``,  did you remove or remove completely ?23:25
mpetersBruno_: personally I would use 22, Panzerboy__ was against it23:25
Xsylottegregarei, more info please.23:25
Do``Pelo: completely, including residual config23:25
PeloDo``,  that's all I have for you23:25
ciaconSlart: Jolly good - the VERY THING we were looking for ;-)23:25
Slartciacon: but that seems like a good thing.. I think you can even do a reinstall using synaptic23:25
andi5rbs-tito: are you sure about that?23:25
gregareiXsylotte: http://www.google.com/search?q=mencoder&sourceid=mozilla2&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-823:25
Bruno_mpeters: isnt it dangerous?23:25
PeloDo``, did you try the verson of deluge that is in the repos or the one from the site ?23:25
rbs-titoandi5: Sure about what?23:25
Xsylottegregarei, i've meant is it in synaptic, how to use it..etc etc..23:25
Xsylottebut thx23:26
saerosI have problems iptables23:26
Do``Pelo: the one on their site, built for ubuntu 7.1023:26
andi5rbs-tito: that linux can use 4gb for ram?23:26
Xsylotte!ubotu mencoder23:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mencoder - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:26
Nimbyin the guide to getting the dvb card to work it says "In order that the saa7134-svb module gets loaded at startup add following line"23:26
PeloDo``,  try theone from the repos23:26
mpetersBruno_: not using 22 will cut down on some noise in your logs, but it will not provide real security23:26
rbs-tito!ask saeros23:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask saeros - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:26
MasterShreksaeros, how can we help you if you dont tell is whats wrong23:26
morphinexhey folks, I can't seem to get my upgrade to gutsy to work23:26
Pelosaeros,  we need better questions23:26
Nimby"nstall saa7134 /sbin/modprobe  --ignore-install saa7134 && { /sbin/modprobe saa7134-alsa; } && { /sbin/modprobe saa7134-dvb;}"23:26
morphinexIt keeps crashing in the middle of installing packages23:26
mpetersBruno_: make sure you use strong passwords and disable root logins23:26
Pelomorphinex, get the alt install cd and upgrade from that23:26
Nimbyin modprobe.conf  but this file doesnt exist23:26
ikoniaNimby: thats not an upragde command23:26
rbs-titoandi5: I've used it in the past, and have never used 64bit Linux. I was told that it was a limitation on Windows operating systems23:27
saerosI have londing modules/23:27
rbs-titoandi5: EG) Vista 32 can use more than XP 3223:27
mpetersBruno_: if possible use key authentication instead of passwords23:27
saerosin iptables23:27
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
trosephsauvin: not sure. I am just tryinh it now... I think I missed the libdvdcss libraries for playbacl23:27
saerosour no23:27
Bruno_mpeters: how do i do all that? (sorry for the trouble.. )23:27
Pelosaeros, pay attention , we can only answer cmplete questions and keep them to one line,  using the enterkey for punctuation makes you impossible to floow23:27
andi5rbs-tito: hm... i was under the hard impression that part of the 4 billion addresses are reserved by the hardware, but i am too lazy to google right now ;-)23:28
ciaconSlart: I'll go for that dreaded reboot ....23:28
linux88How can you REALLY protect your computer form someone going on to it with a live cd. I mean how can you stop that?23:28
Do``Pelo: kthx23:28
Nimbyit says that modprobe.conf in is in /etc/modprobe.conf but I cannot find it anywhere23:28
rbs-titoandi5: Sounds logical, but doesn't explain the steppings in Microsoft OS.23:28
sauvintroseph, you need to install something, forgot what it was, and navigate to /usr/share/something to run an sh to actually install libdvdcss.23:28
Slartciacon: what's the worst that can happen.. no sound again? you're used to that =)23:28
mpetersBruno_: in /etc/ssh/sshd_config -  "PermitRootLogin no"23:28
trosephsauvin, I'm getting it from the Medibuntu repo, it "should" work. :)23:29
andi5rbs-tito: oh, i think you can tweak even an XP system to make more mem accessible... but i do not use that a lot (only 2gb anyway)23:29
Slartlinux88: sleep next to it.. use a shotgun =).. or encrypt the harddrives and keep the shotgun to keep them from kidnapping you23:29
rbs-titoandi5: Meh, not sure, I'm sure I read that they were artificial limits23:29
* sauvin is also looking at acidrip23:29
rbs-titoandi5: I'll let you know when I can afford 4gb of RAM23:30
gregareilinux88: No way. Put sensitive data on an encrypted fs23:30
mpetersBruno_: for ke authentication follow - http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/excerpt/ssh_8/index.html23:30
andi5rbs-tito: all right =)23:30
sauvinWhat DVD do I have here that I was unable to play normally....?23:30
D4rkB34nDeviantSolution: how can i do it automatically?23:30
linux88Slart haha good one. Thats true, but when you say encrypt the harddrive. Do you have to decrypt it everytime you want to access it.23:30
RequinB4I read vista only takes 2GB RAM23:30
D4rkB34nDeviantSolution: i mean, fresh the menu automatically?23:30
andi5to boot at all?23:30
Pelosauvin, we won't tell you,  you need to keep track of your stuff on your own23:30
Nimbyvista is making me feel ill :)23:30
rbs-titolinux88: The hard drive is decrypted when it is mounted at boot. You need the key every time you boot23:30
gregareilinux88: You dont need to encrpyt whole HD.  you can encrypt just folders with fuse, just requires passphrase to unlock23:31
Nimbythats why I'm here in the rabbit hole23:31
Radi01vista is adjar.23:31
sauvinPelo, if I get irritated enough, I'll POSTGRESQL it!23:31
* troseph puts his sensitive data in /var/www23:31
rbs-titolinux88: Ah, fuse, sorry23:31
ciaconSlart: It is crying for a reinstall =((23:31
Slartlinux88: well.. yes.. but you can have it just prompt you for a password when you log in.. and do the decrypting on the fly23:31
mpetersBruno_: actually this link is probably easier to follow - http://sial.org/howto/openssh/publickey-auth/23:31
YouKnowMeI'm trying to install an assortment of things but bash keeps telling me:23:31
YouKnowMeMedia change: please insert the disc labeled23:31
YouKnowMe 'Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)'23:31
YouKnowMein the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter23:31
YouKnowMeMost times it wont ask but it is this time and I can't find my cd, plus I don't wanna have to burn a new one. WHat can I do to bypass this?23:31
gregareiEncryptiing hd is a solution, it is A LOT of overhead23:31
Slartciacon: reinstall? any specific error messages?23:31
Bruno_mpeters: if i disabled root login i dont have to change my rot passwd to a stronger one?23:31
rbs-tito!paste | youknowme23:31
ubotuyouknowme: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:31
linux88rbs-tito i see. Ive used a program I downlaoded when i was on XP. Does it take something liek that for linux23:31
ciaconSlart: still no change - I have the feeling, that that, what is missing is the Kernel-module, which was manipulated / switched / removed with that install...23:31
completeN00bHi: I'm trying to install a new Soundblaster X-Fi sound card (sb0790), does anyone know where i should begin?23:32
Bruno_mpeters: ok i'll follow thse tuts23:32
andi5YouKnowMe: deactivate your cd set as package source, just download everything from the net23:32
rbs-titolinux88: Sorry, all I know about is encrypting whole volume23:32
PeloYouKnowMe,   menu > sytem> admin> software sources,  first tab , uncheck the cd at the bottom , reload and install again23:32
gregareicompleteN00b: opensource.creative.com23:32
Slartciacon: does a live cd give you working sound?23:32
mpetersBruno_: It still should be strong as a user could su to root, but it's not as important23:32
ciaconSlart: sure - the original sys also gave me sound...23:32
YouKnowMerbs-tito: Because I've never been here and I don't know the rules. I'm a loose cannon.23:32
completeN00bgregarei: thanks, is it true that they only have drivers for 64 bit?23:32
andi5Pelo: there is no sytem menu, ha! ;-)23:32
Pelo!sound > completeN00b check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu23:33
sauvinHrm... acidrip certainly does make the drive knock a bit.23:33
Slartciacon: then perhaps a reinstall is the easiest way to go23:33
sauvinI HAD been using a Windows thing under wine, hope this works.23:33
ubuntu_Hello! I'm installing Ubuntu right now. I have a disk with 4 partitions: 1 is for Windows, 1 is a backup partition I created a long time ago. 1 is one that I hope I can use for Ubuntu, and I want to have another backup partition. I'm formatting the Ubuntu partition in ext3 with mount point "/", and I want the new backup partition to be fat32. Do I need to put anything special for the mount point for the backup?23:33
Bruno_mpeters: anything else i can do to have more security?23:33
Bruno_mpeters: regarding sshd23:33
rbs-titoYouKnowMe: Don't worry about it, the ubotu warnings are just to let you know. Nobody will hold it against you :)23:33
gregareicompleteN00b: Not sure, it will certainly say there23:33
Peloandi5,  is he running kubuntu ?23:33
jadomansalut à tous, je fais un essais car c'est la première fois que je chatte23:33
andi5Pelo: i have no clue, was just a bad joke... please ignore me :)23:33
Slartubuntu_: don't think so.. I think ubuntu will even add it to fstab automagically.. not sure about it though23:34
Slart!fr | jadoman23:34
ubotujadoman: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.23:34
Pelo /ignore andi523:34
ciaconSlart: I was as clever  (  ;-)   ) as to put my old home dir on a seperate partition - after the fresh install - are all my old KDE settings & still there?? it'd be a shame to loose stuff like my contactslist in kopete...23:34
ubuntu_Slart: Alright :) The main thing is that I want this partition to be accessable in Windows, too. I assume fat32 will do that?23:34
Slartubuntu_: yes23:34
YouKnowMePelo: Thanks!23:34
Nimbycan I set xchat to let me know if I get a msg even when it doesnt have focus ?23:34
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mpetersBruno_: you can restrict logins to only certain users with "AllowUsers user1, user2" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Also the same with AllowHosts23:35
sauvinAcidrip isn't working. It just makes the drive make noise :\23:35
Slartciacon: nice.. I don't know where KDE stores all it's settings but lots of stuff are in hidden, dot-folders, in your home folder... you might be so lucky.23:35
YouDoNotKnowMeYouKnowMe: !23:35
=== YouDoNotKnowMe is now known as troseph
ciaconSlart: they are all in my home-dir...23:35
Bruno_mpeters: what should i change that to? his ip?23:35
ciaconSlart: ;-)23:35
Slartciacon: you can always copy /etc to your home folder just to be sure23:35
YouKnowMeYouDoNotKnowMe: >_< ^_^23:35
ciaconSlart: that sounds like a great idea... ;-)23:36
mpetersBruno_: yes, for connections from him to you.23:36
ubuntu_Slart: How much do I want to set aside for swap?23:36
SlartNimby: yes.. mine beeps and pops up little things when I get messages23:36
rbs-titoubuntu_: About 512mb or 1gb23:36
nikin_i have some problems with samba.. the loading of directory s and like... a right click on the file.. makes a teribble lagg i mean.. using fuesmb.. if i click right on a file.. it takes about 30 seconds to bring up the menu23:36
Peloubuntu_,   2xram23:36
Slartubuntu_: my grand grand grand dad told me twice the physical memory.. but that might have changed since then =)23:36
ubuntu_Is there any benefit to setting aside a larger amount?23:36
rbs-titoubuntu_: It is the memory used when you run out of RAM23:37
bebbiragazzi funziona23:37
Peloubuntu_, not unless you run a butload of apps at the same time23:37
rbs-titoubuntu_: If you have lots of RAM you won't need much23:37
mpetersubuntu_: twice physical ram up to a max of 1Gb is a decent rule of thumb23:37
sauvinI've been told that recent distros just use a swap file if it can't find a swap partition.23:37
andi5but you need swap nonetheless, someone told me23:37
rbs-titosauvin: Windows style?23:37
Slartubuntu_: not really... up to 1G would be more than enough.. it will just get terribly slow if you need more swap23:37
sauvinrbs-tito, maybe. I don't know.23:38
ciaconSlart: I just thought of it - might be a brilliant idea to backup mysql ;-)23:38
rbs-titosauvin: That would save a few people headaches, but a separate partition is better practise23:38
Slartciacon: well.. the databases.. you don't need to backup the sql binaries.. =)23:38
sauvinrbs-tito, no argument on this end.23:38
Bruno_mpeters: i cant find the allow users part23:38
Bruno_mpeters: in fact i search for it in the file and its no there23:39
ubuntu_Do I set my backup partition as "primary" or "logical"?23:39
mpetersBruno_: it won't be there by default, you can just add the line23:39
electrofreakI have a huge list of package that apparently are no longer required... but reading through it... I believe many are required. It tells me to run apt-get autoremove, but I'd pretty much rather not do that. How do I go about fixing this?23:39
ciaconSlart: I hadn't guessed ;-)23:39
andi5Bruno_: you may need to add a line to the file then... the manpage should tell you the expected format23:39
Slartubuntu_: primary I'd think23:39
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Bruno_mpeters: what do i type then?23:40
Nimbyso many of the guides refer to "modprobe.conf" being in "/etc/modprobe.conf" but none tell you where it or it's equivalent is now :-(23:40
Bruno_andi5: ok i'll check23:40
ubuntu_Slart: I don't know what the terms mean :( I've set up the partition I'm installing Ubuntu onto as primary23:40
mpetersBruno_: AllowUsers bruno23:40
ciaconSlart: I'd like to say thanks for my help - although it had a snag, you deffo were more helpful to me than the rest... thx23:40
rbs-titoubuntu_: Primary23:40
andi5Nimby: just create a file named local in /etc/modprobe.d and enter the commands there23:40
kane77argh.. why does my desktop doesn't hibernate? the disk works for a while and then the display comes back on... it hibernated ok yesterday...23:40
Slartubuntu_: primary partitions are single partitions, you can only have 4 per drive I think.. logical partitions can have more partitions inside so you can have more than 4 partitions23:41
rbs-titokane77: Hibernation is a pretty dusty area23:41
Slartciacon: you're welcome23:41
ciaconSlart: =)23:41
kane77rbs-tito, yeah, I know...23:41
andi5servers do not hibernate ;-)23:41
kane77andi5, how do you know? :)23:41
rbs-titoI don't use it myself, my laptop boots like lightning23:41
Bruno_mpeters: and i have to write AllowUsers alonso (my friend)?23:42
Gneaokay, stupid ALSA-related question: i have 2 sound cards and a TV-tuner in my desktop, but I want to be able to switch the default output device on the fly with a simple .asoundrc file for dmix.  XMMS can output to the device just fine directly, but alsaplayer won't do it, neither will aplay. i'm stumped...23:42
andi5kane77: at least i hope so :-)23:42
mpetersBruno_: yes, on a line on its own.23:42
Bruno_mpeters: and the ip?23:42
MasterWittI have a question. How do I make it where I don't have to input my password when I come back from a suspend mode?23:42
kane77rbs-tito, the suspend however works :/23:42
Gneaand the howtos that i'm finding aren't providing any help on that23:42
rbs-titokane77: Yeah, but I bet resume doesn't!!23:42
mpetersBruno_: AllowHosts
MichealPWShould I create a password for root? Is it a good idea to use a user that has Administration permissions?:/23:42
MichealPWI'm use Ubuntu v7.1023:42
kane77rbs-tito, it does...23:43
Bruno_mpeters: ok23:43
Radi01My windows hibernated itself to the trash can.23:43
ignoramushey all- running kde with knetworkmanager... it won't auto-connect, but after 2 or 3 tries of manually connecting, it finally does.  WTF?23:43
Bruno_mpeters: thanks23:43
GneaMichealPW: just use sudo23:43
Slart!sudo | MichealPW23:43
ubotuMichealPW: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.23:43
ExalleRI have an internal HDD, how do I access it?23:43
digitalskyHi all. has anyone experienced this problem?23:43
PeloMichealPW, there isn'T an actual root in ubuntu,  only super user priviledge23:43
kane77rbs-tito, but for night I like hibernate better.. in case the power's out..23:43
rbs-titokane77: Then you are a very lucky person23:43
Pelo!root | MichealPW23:43
ubotuMichealPW: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:43
GneaExalleR: Places->Computer23:43
MasterWittHow do I take the password off from when I come back from suspend mode?23:43
MichealPWGnea: In order for sudo to work, your user must have the Administration permissions correct?23:43
kane77rbs-tito, yeah.. i haven23:43
Nimbyandi5 there is a file in there called options, could I added the required lines to that ?23:43
SlartMichealPW: nope.. read the links ubotu told you23:44
andi5Nimby: you might, but you can also create an own file (eases upgrades)23:44
mackstingHiya. Trying to get Ubuntu 7.04 to work with my Nvidia card so's I can use OpenGL effectively. I'm being told to grab nvidia-glx from the package manager. On the offchance that something disagrees with my system, is there a way to back up my current configuration so's I can restore it?23:44
kane77rbs-tito, yeah.. i haven't managed to make it work on laptop though... (wher it would be very useful)23:44
Pelodigitalsky, what problem ?23:44
GneaMichealPW: no, they just need to be allowed to use it, which it is by default. check the link that ubotu gave ya23:44
MichealPWAlright then.23:44
SlartMichealPW: you write in your user password when sudo asks you23:44
mackstingNote, actually, a way to back it up without a CD writing device?23:44
Nimbyandi5 and just called it local ?23:44
digitalskyI put an NTFS drive and mounted it in ubuntu, and i use samba to share it so I can access it from my XP boxes.  But after a few days when I turn on my XP, it would say fail to connect to the shared drive.  I would then restart ubuntu and the sharing is good again.23:44
andi5Nimby: yep, but any other name is ok as well23:44
ToddEDManyone know of some firmware i need to get a linksys WMP54g Wifi card working?....23:44
MichealPWGnea: Would allowing users access to sudo be a risk?:/23:44
Pelo!backup | macksting23:44
ubotumacksting: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning23:44
Nimbythanks andi523:44
PeloMasterWitt, anybody what ?23:45
Slartdigitalsky: you could try just restarting samba, "sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart"23:45
drmikecrowehey folks, I need somehelp.  Trying to install (and giving up) gforge.  I now need to re-install postgresql 8.2.  However, installing isn't creating /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.223:45
electrofreakI have a huge list of packages that apparently are no longer required... but reading through it... I believe many are required. It tells me to run apt-get autoremove, but I'd pretty much rather not do that. How do I go about fixing this?23:45
Gnea!ntfs-g3 | digitalsky23:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs-g3 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:45
Slartdigitalsky: at least saves you a reboot23:45
digitalskySlart: ok... but is that a known problem?23:45
Gnea!ntfs-3g | digitalsky23:45
ubotudigitalsky: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions23:45
joeb3_MasterWitt, preferences-screensaver. untick the lock option.23:45
digitalskyyes that's what i use ubotu.23:45
MasterWittjoeb3: hmmmm lemme check that23:45
GneaMichealPW: yes, so read the link23:45
Pelo!ubotu | digitalsky23:45
ubotudigitalsky: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:45
Slartdigitalsky: nope.. not that I know23:45
rbs-titodigitalsky: Ubotu is a bot...23:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botsnak - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:46
andi5damn, i knew it...23:46
picard_pwns_kirkPelo: botsnack23:46
* Pelo is a miserable failure23:46
digitalskyhmm then it's weird.... my ubuntu is on 24/7, and i turn off my XP everynight. and only 1 PC shares that drive23:46
Gneadigitalsky: try restarting samba - /etc/init.d/samba restart23:46
ToddEDManyone know of some firmware i need to get a linksys WMP54g Wifi card working?....23:46
tyronepollerihi how can I refresh the wine Start Menu? because I have uninstalled some aplications but they still apear in the wine star menu23:46
Pelo!wifi | ToddEDM23:46
ubotuToddEDM: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:46
rbs-titoToddEDM: Depends what chip is in it23:46
MasterWittjoeb3: It is unchecked. But it still prompts me for a password when I come back from suspend mode23:46
digitalskyyea i'm sure that would probably work, but then I want to find out what is wrong that it would stop working all of a sudden23:47
MichealPWGnea: Thank you, I'll read it.23:47
sauvindigitalsky, whta's up, again, please?23:47
PeloToddEDM, also check in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport23:47
GneaToddEDM: i do believe that it's a broadcom chipset, you'd need the right driver for it23:47
electrofreakI have a huge list of packages that apparently are no longer required... but reading through it... I believe many are required. It tells me to run apt-get autoremove, but I'd pretty much rather not do that. How do I go about fixing this?23:47
digitalskysauvin: I put an NTFS drive and mounted it in ubuntu, and i use samba to share it so I can access it from my XP boxes. But after a few days when I turn on my XP, it would say fail to connect to the shared drive. I would then restart ubuntu and the sharing is good again.23:47
Slarttyronepolleri: the wine start menu works a little now and then.. all of a sudden you get a bunch of new programs.. then nothing until 2 versions later..23:47
rbs-titoelectrofreak: What makes you think they are rquired?23:47
Slarttyronepolleri: be happy when it works.. but don't expect it to work all the time =)23:47
Peloelectrofreak, what makes you think they are still needed23:47
scragaranyone got a recommendation on guides for bridging an Internet connection?23:47
tyronepolleriSlart: so the aplications will be there allways?23:47
digitalskyGnea: yes yes. thanks for the suggestion of a solution.23:48
Slartdigitalsky: check the logs.. samba and system logs.. there might be a reason there23:48
digitalskyI do, however, wnat to know the cause of the problem.23:48
lapisdecorI do force reload of all items on ubuntu panel?23:48
digitalskyok Slart23:48
electrofreakrbs-tito, they are mostly gnome related... which I'd like to have installed23:48
andi5scragar: you mean vpn?23:48
Peloscragar, what do you mean by bridging ?, sharing one computer's connection with another ?23:48
Slarttyronepolleri: yes.. the applications can always be run from the command line.. it's just the menu that's a bit moody23:48
sauvinStill... why is samba doing that?23:48
rbs-titoelectrofreak: They are probably just pointless dependencies23:48
Gneadigitalsky: you might want to check your samba options - do you have SWAT installed?23:48
scragarPelo: that's what I want to do23:48
INTUi have a dual boot... how do i format C from bios?23:48
INTUformat the c drive23:48
tyronepolleriSlart: Can I deactivate it?23:48
GneaINTU: you don't23:48
INTUi need to reinstall XP23:48
digitalskycan you remind me what SWAT is again?23:49
digitalsky(probably not?)23:49
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT23:49
Slarttyronepolleri: I don't know.. I've never looked into it.. there might be a switch somewhere in regedit23:49
Peloscragar, I know there are some guides on this,  you'll probably need to use samba to do i it but that is all I know23:49
INTUi don't wanna just write over it, i want to format23:49
Pelolater folks23:49
dfcarneyINTU: let the installer format it for you.  Be careful -- it'll overwrite your boot partition and linux will "disappear"23:49
rbs-titoINTU: I've never seen a BIOS that can format drives. You should use the Windows or Ubuntu live cd to do it23:49
GneaINTU: fat32 or ntfs?23:49
digitalskyok Gnea: reading23:49
INTUwindows is on ntfs23:49
dfcarneyINTU: do you want to re-install, or just blow it away?23:49
andi5scragar: is openvpn for you?  i do not really understand your plan :)23:49
tyronepolleriDoes anyone know hot to deactivated  the wine Start Menu?23:50
INTUi want to format C, then install XP again on it23:50
Nimbyso am I right in believing that instead of one modprobe.conf there is now a folder called modprobe.d with multiple config files in ?23:50
GneaINTU: then you need to do it with a windows cd23:50
scragarI have 2 boxes, and 1 net connection, I just want to split it between the two.23:50
INTUshould i delete the C partition, then install on unused space?23:50
rbs-titoscragar: Internet Connection Sharing is what you need23:50
dfcarneyINTU: like Gnea said, with the windows CD.  Make sure you have a linux boot disk handy too23:50
INTUor should i just overwrite the C23:50
Slarttyronepolleri: perhaps that question is better asked in #winehq  they are the wine specialists after all23:50
rbs-tito!ics | scragar23:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ics - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:51
Mozulanyone want to private message me? I have a need to set a lot of files from read only to read/write23:51
FrogzooNimby: yes, but modprobe.conf is still read23:51
GneaINTU: reinstallation requires rewriting the C23:51
INTUokay, thanks23:51
rbs-titoscragar: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137023:51
SlartMozul: chmod with the -R switch does recursion on folders23:51
juano__Mozul: chmod +w yourfile23:51
GneaMozul: chmod -R 666 dir/*23:51
ndcapois it possible to install winXP after ubuntu ?23:51
NimbyFrogzoo, I searched for modprobe.conf and found no file23:51
GneaMozul: actually...23:51
andi5Mozul: chmod g+w $PATH -R .... that sets a all files in $PATH writable for members of the group they belong to23:51
FrogzooNimby: make that '/etc/modules'23:51
dfcarneyINTU: no, the windows installer will ask you where you want to install it.  if you're just overwriting it, then don't worry.  Like I said, reinstalling windows will screw around with the boot partition.23:51
GneaMozul: find /path -type f -exec chmod 666 {} \;23:52
Bruno_mpeters: to unallow a port whats the command. sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 1025 -j REJECT ?23:52
tyronepolleriSlart: there is no one in the winehq channel23:52
dfcarneyndcapo: not in my experience.  i don't think so...23:52
andi5Gnea: this seems to be overkill and i wonder why you restrict the search on files only ... hmmm :-D23:52
Nimbyis there a channel for help with tv cards ?23:52
Mozulthere is no GUI that can do recursion and set permissions?23:53
Slarttyronepolleri: there are 197 people in there.. they might be sleeping though.. it happens.. not all channels are as lively as #ubuntu23:53
hvgotcodesI have a free agent external driver; how do I write to it?23:53
Gneaanyone here experienced with alsa and dmix? i just want to send all default sounds out of hw:3,023:53
mpetersBruno_: replace "REJECT" with "DROP"23:53
Gneaandi5: because directories need to be executable23:53
electrofreakrbs-tito, ok, well... thanks. I fixed the problem.23:53
ndcapobugger on 56k took me awhile to get this system how I want it but found I need XP for a few things wine won't cut it23:53
Bruno_mpeters: ok thanks23:53
SlartMozul: I don't know if midnight commander or similar apps can do it.. perhaps23:53
Gneaandi5: otherwise you can't access them23:53
MichealPWWouldn't it be a bad idea to allow the user that I use recreationally access to sudo? If so, wouldn't it simply make sense to have all users Users,23:53
juano__ndcapo: yes although keep in mind microsoft ntldr overrites gurb23:53
MichealPWand enable the root user account?:/23:54
andi5Gnea: oh, yes... so i wonder why you set the mask completely and do not chmod with +/- , but hey :)23:54
Gneaandi5: find /path -type d -exec chmod 777 {} \;  would take care of those23:54
Gneaandi5: because i know the numbers better .. and they work :)23:54
electrofreakHow do I make gdm not automatically startup at boot? I know how to do this in other distros, I'm just not sure how to properly do it in ubuntu.23:54
FrogzooMichealPW: if you're paranoid, only give admin users sudo rights23:54
ExalleRwindows programs aren't compatible to Linux.. (unless Wine) but is Linux programs compatible with windows?23:54
rbs-titoMichealPW: New users aren't sudoers by default. the user created at install is23:54
dfcarneyExalleR: no23:55
Gneaelectrofreak: update-rc.d remove gdm23:55
rbs-titoMichealPW: You can switch from sudo to su if you prefer23:55
electrofreakExalleR, you might get some compatibility with use of cygwin23:55
MichealPWAh, interesting.23:55
dfcarneyExalleR: you could use cygwin for some things, however...depending on what you're looking to do23:55
ExalleRokey.. yhx!23:55
FrogzooExalleR: take a look at cygwin - it's pretty ugly23:55
lapisdecorI do force reload of all applets on ubuntu top panel?23:55
SlartExalleR: depends on the dependencies.. =) I think a standalone program can be recompiled for windows without problems.. but few programs are really standalone23:55
Pir8Is there a way to change the background that appears before the gdm login window comes up?23:55
SlartPir8: you mean the nice light brown/orange thingy? not that I've heard of.. many people ask that question.. haven't seen a quick solution yet23:56
andi5Pir8: do you mean the gray X (i think default root window)?23:56
Pir8the light brown orange one23:57
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:57
FrogzooPir8: sys -> prefs -> login23:57
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MichealPWSo then, the user created during the installation should be my 'Admin' user, and the other users as least privileged users? I then use su to switch to the 'Admin' user?23:57
Pir8Frogzoo,  thanks mate.23:57
SlartMichealPW: why not just use sudo?23:58
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Pir8also how do you get the Applications drop down menu to have the same type of animations as compiz ?23:58
Bruno_mpeters: when i restart ssh it says AllowHosts is misconfigured23:58
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Nimbyis there a way to take ownership of a drive that was windows vista so I can set folders for sharing etc ?23:58
MichealPWSlart: Wouldn't that mean you'd only need any user's password to gain superuser privileges?:/23:58
Chewy954Can someone help me with BMPx? I get a "gst-stream-error-quark / 1" error.....23:58
SlartMichealPW: well.. to be picky.. you need the user password for the user that runs the command.. but yes23:59
andi5Nimby: yes, specify user=$uid in /etc/fstab as mount option, where uid is your user id (id -u)23:59
zloog420Hi, I just got a new soundcard. Whats the install process like in general?23:59
zloog420do you do a kernel compile and then insmod the driver or what23:59
zloog420i cant remeber23:59
MichealPWSlart: Indeed, so, wouldn't that be a risk?:/23:59

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