
ubotuNew bug: #165086 in bzr "bzr ls doesn't accept -V" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16508600:11
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lifelesspoolie_: down to 4 failures02:03
lifelesspoolie_: 2 with this CRC thing02:03
lifelesspoolie_: 2 with the one you are patching02:03
lifelesspoolie_: 6 tests to go04:16
lifelesscan run just upgrade repository_imp tests to see them04:16
lifelesspoolie_: I'm finishing now for the day04:19
poolie_have a good night04:20
lifelessyou too04:20
poolie_i am reasonably confident i will fix this today04:20
ubotuNew bug: #165106 in bzr "check that get_data_stream distinguishes annotated and unannotated knits" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16510604:51
vilamorning all06:52
poolie_hello vincent08:03
vilapoolie_: hi :)08:03
vilaworking on bug #165061 I get a traceback when branching a pack repository into a fresh branch (i.e. no repo sharing) mentionning bzr: ERROR: Revision {robertc@robertcollins.net-20050919044328-0205c679f3051340} not present in "<bzrlib.knit.KnitGraphIndex object at 0x990b78c>".08:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 165061 in bzr "bzr branch http:// with a pack repository takes too long" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16506108:05
viladoes that ring a bell ?08:05
poolie_vila, that might be bug 164637 that i was just working on08:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 164637 in bzr "hpss data_stream from pack repository has deltas out of order, fails with KnitCorrupt exception" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16463708:09
vilaok then, seems a bit surprising that robert did not encounter it, but it's not blocking for me (investigating the bug I mean), I'll watch for your patch anyway08:10
lifelessvila: that particular repo is unreconciled and buggy08:54
lifelessvila: so don't worry about that error at the end08:54
vilalifeless: ok08:54
lifelessvila: it wasn't relevant to the bg so I didn't mention it:)08:54
vilalifeless: what is your latency against that branch ?08:57
vilalifeless: well, not *yours* as such, your computer's (before fullermd made any remark ;)08:58
pittihi bzr rockers09:02
pittibzr-svn just stopped working for me and now complains about a "scheme are not unique" IntegrityError in sqlite; is that really due to bzr-svn, or did something change in bzr itself?09:03
pittiI filed it as bug 165136 for now09:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 165136 in bzr-svn "svn+ssh:// push: IntegrityError: columns max_revnum, min_revnum, path, scheme are not unique" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16513609:03
jelmerhi pitti09:06
jelmerpitti: what version of bzr-svn are you using?09:06
pittihey jelmer!09:06
* pitti is on current hardy09:06
jelmerpitti: you may be able to fix it by blowing away the relevant unique index09:07
* pitti tries to make a clueful face about what that means09:08
jelmersorry for for being vague :-)09:08
jelmerif you open the bzr-svn cache for the repository in question, you should be able to remove the index that is causing problems09:09
pittia workaround would be very much appreciated indeed :)09:09
jelmerthe simplest thing to do would be to remove ~/.bazaar/svn-cache/ and try again09:09
pittiah, in ~/.bzr/svn-cache09:09
jelmerassuming you've used different versions of bzr-svn on the same machine before?09:10
pittiyes, I did09:10
pittiat least 0.4.1 on gutsy, but probably older ones, too09:10
pittiyay, that helped09:10
pittijelmer: you saved my day, thanks; I'll mention the workaround in the bug report, for others who might have the same problem09:11
jelmerpitti: cool09:11
jelmerpitti: btw, now that you're here..09:11
jelmerI much appreciate the editmoin package09:11
* pitti loves it, too09:12
jelmerbut it's only included in Ubuntu, not in Debian yet - are you a DD?09:12
pittiyes, I am09:12
pittijelmer: indeed, I'll file an ITP now, and upload it in a bit09:12
jelmerpitti: Thanks, that would be very nice :-)09:13
pittijelmer: ITP sent09:21
pittithanks for the poke; it was on my list for a long time, but I forgot about it09:21
lifelessvila: home to uk09:29
lifelessvila: so lots, but we only do four reads, so it shouldn't be a significant factor09:29
vilayou do 62 requests, 4 of which are readv for the pack (one failing so that makes 5)09:30
vila# requests: 6209:31
vilaBytes read: 6843733309:31
vilaBytes written: 009:31
vilaAverage latency: 1588ms09:31
vilathat's for fr to uk with a ping of ~20ms, so the http server do quite some work before replying...09:32
vilathat's from transportstats plugin, but the 68M figure may be skewed by the retry09:33
ubotuNew bug: #165136 in bzr-svn "svn+ssh:// push: IntegrityError: columns max_revnum, min_revnum, path, scheme are not unique" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16513609:35
KinnisonMorning bazaaristas09:36
vilascratch that, the retry doesn't appear in the stats, so the 68M is correct and coherent with du -sk pack-branch-speed09:37
vilalifeless: reading your report again something strange appears, read my additional comment on the bug report09:48
vilalifeless: if you can mail me your .bzr.log it could help too09:49
vilalifeless: and tell me if you use pycurl or ulrlib09:49
lifelessvila: uhm, I dunno. whatever.09:55
lifelessvila: pycurl is installed09:56
vilaok, so it's used09:56
lifelessvila: so, I know a root cause of the problem10:03
lifelessvila: look in pack.py at make_readv_reader or whatever it's called.10:04
vilayes, and ?10:06
vilalifeless: ouch the retry request 55M10:07
jelmerlifeless: is there any hack to allow backslashes to be added to inventories but not considering them path separators?10:09
lifelessjelmer: I hope not.10:09
jelmerI'm trying to decide how to solve bug 16385810:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 163858 in bzr-svn "bzr-svn cannot check out lintian repository" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16385810:09
jelmerlintian contains filenames with a backslash in them10:10
jelmerso far, the only solution I can think of is ignoring such files10:10
lifelessas well as non utf8 chars10:10
lifelessmy opinion on this is that if you want stupid characters as test data, its appropriate to construct these at runtime, not version the fuckers10:11
vilaargh, and then, the transport remembering that a previous multiple range request failed stays on single range mode and issues one 57M request10:11
lifelessvila: and there we go, problem found10:11
vilalifeless: here is the problem10:11
jelmerlifeless: sure, but the problem is you can actual control what users can version whereas I can merely deal with what has already happened :-)10:11
lifelessjelmer: I would escape it10:12
mwhudsonjelmer: this affects ~vcs-imports fairly frequently too, of course10:12
lifelessjelmer: hex or otherwise encode everything that's not valid10:12
jelmerlifeless: that means I have to deescape as well10:12
lifelessthen a pair of plugins for tree operations can make them be as broken on disk as the user may desire10:12
jelmerlifeless: and potentially interpret filenames that were never escaped things at all10:13
vilalifeless: yup, problem found, the 4 readvs ends up transferring  5,8M, 25M, 55M and 57M10:13
jelmermwhudson: what does lp do? Escape?10:13
lifelessjelmer: there is a hard choice here. Either we allow any pathname, or we don't :). Converters naturally want the widest range of characters - no artificial limits.10:14
mwhudsonjelmer: fail10:15
jelmermwhudson: fail as in fail to import the branch? Or simply fail for that one file and skip it?10:16
mwhudsonjelmer: fail to import the branch10:16
lifelessjelmer: to date, our approach has been to require paths to be valid utf8 and not directory separators on any platform.10:21
lifelessjelmer: IIRC lintian's tree has more than just \'s that are a problem, which is why I'm not getting excited about it - because we need to handle the fact that we can't encode the other paths either10:21
jelmerlifeless: Sure, but there will be other repositories with just one file with a backslash or non-utf8 character in their name10:23
jelmerat the very least I'll make bzr-svn throw a comprehensible exception, but I'd like to fix it if possible10:25
lifelessjelmer: I think encoding is a decent answer. You can list all the encoded files in a rev in a rev property; so that you don't decode user files that happen to be encoded10:25
lifelesspaths with \ and non-utf8 chars are really unportable anyway10:25
jelmerlifeless: that's a nice idea10:27
jelmerwould require a mapping upgrade though :-/10:27
* jelmer sees another use for custom file properties, storing the original name of files that are encoded10:28
jelmeror maybe custom file properties are like a hammer to me..10:29
lifelessthey are10:29
jelmerI guess I've spent too much time working with svn where everything is stored in properties10:29
lifelessencoded_paths: {file_id:(path, orig_path)...} is all you need10:29
lifelessproperties are evil10:29
jelmerproperties are good10:30
jelmerwe could store them in extended attributes!10:30
* jelmer gets all excited10:30
lifelessat the core of the system, a dict like mechanism is a useful implementation strategy, but its a terrible API10:30
jelmerI agree they're a storage mechanism, not fit as an API10:32
mwhudson$ getfattr -n user.bzr-svn.original_name foo.txt10:35
mwhudson<<<< THIS10:35
lifelessjelmer: and svn's heinous mistake here is to expose them as an API.10:38
lifelessmwhudson: I'm a hurta youa10:38
jelmerlifeless: I think the main problem with svn is that exposes the property API as the primary UI and API for managing externals or ignores10:42
jelmerexposing the property API in general isn't a problem10:42
jelmernight lifeless10:42
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ubotuNew bug: #165151 in bzr "Silently ignores add of file "\\"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16515110:50
mwhudsonjelmer: btw, my second attempt at pushing to pydoctor worked fine11:39
mwhudson(not sure if i mentioned this last night)11:39
jelmermwhudson: ah, cool11:44
jelmerso it appears the ulimit was the problem?11:44
mwhudsonjelmer: i have no idea11:44
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mwhudsoncan lock_read() fail?12:56
abentleymwhudson: It can fail for working trees if they're already locked.  I don't think it can fail for branches or repos.13:13
abentleymodulo system-type errors like MemoryError...13:14
mwhudsonabentley: just looking at Merge3Merger.__init__ which will leave the working tree locked for writing if a lock_read fails13:14
abentleyThat would be a bug.  It was written before WorkingTree.lock_read was expected to fail.13:16
abentleygotta run.13:16
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* mwhudson stabs python's __ mangling13:38
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mwhudsonabentley: yay, i managed to get diff-as-merged to work using TransformPreview for a launchpad merge!14:20
mwhudson(took 4s vs 215s :)14:21
mwhudsoni had to comment out lots of stuff to do with conflict handling, mind14:21
* mwhudson goes back to look at that14:21
jelmerabentley: bundlebuggy's version is currently at 1.0 - are you sure it shouldn't be 0.x ?14:25
jelmer(just checking, otherwise I have to mess around with versions in Debian later on)14:26
gioeleis it me or bzr (0.92) does not respect my umask?14:46
gioeleI have a umask 077, it seems to me that bzr always applies umask 02214:47
* Nafallo spreads the love off bzr on the office :-)14:52
bialixabentley: hi15:12
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ubotuNew bug: #165215 in bzr "pull overwrite does not always find revisions after bind" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16521517:11
n[ate]vwhey all. I've been giving bzr a test drive vs. mercurial and have a couple questions18:52
n[ate]vwI'm primarily hoping to use one to enable home directory sync between a desktop and a laptop, and I'm wondering how soon bug #107967 will make it to a release?18:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 107967 in bzr "Using bzr mv --after on a directory (as opposed to a filename) fails" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10796718:53
luksn[ate]vw, version control systems are not a good way to do that18:54
luksthey are good at ... controlling versions of files, not syncing workspaces18:55
* dato recommends unison instead.18:56
n[ate]vwyeah, I don't really need the version history (although I can imagine scenarios where it'd be nice), and some of this stuff will be binary files (although I'll probably manage photos/music externally)18:57
n[ate]vwany suggestions for a painless sync system? don't want to pay for .Mac (rumored slow, still not enough space to be worth it) and am not sure how much of a pain it is to set up a Home Sync without OS X Server18:59
n[ate]vwto complicate matters, I really don't want my complete home directory synced. I'd like to keep separate desktops, and don't have room on the laptop for all my photos, etc19:00
n[ate]vwI'll check out Unison again, thanks, I'd forgotten about that.19:03
n[ate]vwI'm still a bit lured by the siren call of http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2005/01/06/svn_homedir.html, especially with the advantages of DVCS19:04
n[ate]vwon another note, is there anybody on who uses both bzr and Xcode? I'm wondering if there's a good way to take advantage of Xcode's SCM integration, although only CVS/svn have out-of-box support19:20
lifelessn[ate]vw: I'm not aware of a bzr/Xcode user, but we'd sure love someone to write the plugin for XCode :)19:46
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ubotuNew bug: #165255 in bzr-eclipse "NullPointerException in share project dialog" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16525520:21
lifelessvila: so, you hav figured out the problem; what next - whats the easiest way to download only what we need ?20:31
vilalifeless: fix still  not written (RL), but I've looked at the code and I may avoid rewriting response.py and just rewrite _readv20:32
lifelessseems to me _readv can act as a generator quite easily20:33
lifelesslet me know if you need anything for this20:34
vilaI'm to tired to do that this evening, but I think tomorrow will be ok20:34
lifelessbecause Martin wants to make packs default real soon (days)20:34
lifelessand IMO this would be a black eye for bzr :(20:34
vilathe actual implementation is correct but yes, http should behave :)20:35
vilafirst this bug, then getting rid of file in memory20:35
vilawill it be ok to keep 65K in memory and switch to a temp file above that ?20:36
vila65K being a class constant20:36
lifelesswhy the temp file? (you'll fragment disk and IO patterns)20:37
lifelessI'd really not want anything touching disk until we're downloading about 80% of main memory20:37
lifelessbetter still would be to just provide the data as you get it in reasonable amounts (note that if the caller used get_file_bytes we're asking for it in memory anyway)20:38
radixthat'd force everything out of my cache though20:38
lifelessradix: how much mem do yo uhave?20:38
vilalifeless: yeah, thanks for refreshing these bits, I lost context, I'll go to sleep with that in mind then ;)20:39
lifelessso, 1.6GB of version control history is needed for my statement; and if we did get a 1.6GB single pack and streamed it to disk, then read it back - what do you think will happen to your cache then ?20:40
lifelessradix: the OS has a swap file for exactly this reason; if our access pattern to 1.6GB of memory is the same as it would be to a 1.6GB temp file (it will be) then there's no basic difference, except our code is simpler.20:41
radixlifeless: ok :)20:41
lifelessreally though, buffering of any sort is the problem, and its that that we need to fix20:42
lifelessbecause waiting for 1.6Gb to download before we start processing is silly, and waits a whole lot of concurrency20:42
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AnMasterhey I need to help someone on windows to learn bzr, is there any good gui? the tortoise one seems rather incomplete?20:54
* AnMaster uses FreeBSD/Linux himself20:54
jelmerAnMaster: qbzr is quite good from what I've heard20:55
AnMasterjelmer, any link?20:56
jelmerAnMaster: http://bazaar-vcs.org/QBzr I think20:56
AnMasterqt? hm qt is for windows?20:56
lifelessqt is the kde toolkit20:56
AnMasterI know that20:56
datois multi-platform20:57
AnMasterdidn't know the window version was free though20:57
datolifeless: "the toolkit that kde uses", to be precise ;)20:57
AnMasterthought it was closed20:57
datonot since v420:57
lifelessdato: pedants of the world unite20:57
* AnMaster is a KDE user himself20:57
ubotuNew bug: #165259 in bzr-eclipse "Does not recognize branches sometimes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16525921:00
n[ate]vwluks: did a class-dump of /Developer/Library/Xcode/Plug-ins/XcodeSubversionPlugin.xcplugin/Contents/MacOS/XcodeSubversionPlugin, but might wait until http://lists.apple.com/archives/xcode-users/2007/Jan/msg00072.html comes true to invest much into it. plus I'm still testing Mercurial as well ;-)21:01
luksAnMaster, qbzr is not really a "bzr gui"21:08
AnMasterluks, I'm used to command line, the user I'm trying to introduce to bzr is not21:10
AnMasterso now what?21:10
luksthen qbzr is not what you want :)21:10
lifelessolive perhaps21:10
AnMasterluks, what do I want then?21:10
lifeless(the bzr-gtk gui shell)21:10
luksI don't think there is anything complete21:11
AnMasterhm :(21:11
luksI was tempted to build a GUI application around qbzr a couple of times, but bzrlib doesn't really make it easy to make something usable :(21:13
lifelessluks: huh? We've put quite some effort into making it wrappable; please do file bugs anywhere you find it hard to use the library directly.21:14
lukslifeless, it's blocking by design and it touches a lot of global objects21:15
lukswhich rules out either async event-based approach or threading21:15
luksand running a separate process is bit too much21:15
lifelessluks: we have one global, the ui_factory21:15
lukslifeless, configs, registries, locks, ...21:16
lifelessblocking by design is true, I ported bzr to twisted a couple of years ago but I got overrulled.21:16
lifelessconfigs are not global, they are instances21:16
lifelessregistries are meant to be static once loaded21:16
luksI had a lot of troubles when I tried to load log from a thread21:17
lifelesslocks are instances, where global state is used in a lock its to implement correct mutexing within a single process between instances and we'd love patches to make them thread correct if they are not today.21:17
lifelesscertainly LockDir locks do not need global state21:17
lifelessluks: please please please file bugs; we need feedback on this.21:17
lifelessthere's no point having a strict library separation if it's not usable.21:18
lukswell, it is usable21:18
lifelessfor guis I mean21:18
lifelessthats a major use case for the library21:19
lifelessweb apps is another, and they are often threaded21:19
AnMasteris there any way with bzr to force native line endings21:24
AnMasterlike the svn property21:24
AnMasterluks, any plans to add it?21:24
lifelesssomeone should write it as a plugin so we can evaluate it properly21:24
lifelessthen we'll probably fold it into a core21:25
AnMasterit is rather important for this project, compiler on either side will barf if native line endings are not used21:25
luksI don't think it will be possible to do from a plugin21:25
AnMasterso I guess I got to use svn for now then21:25
luksat least not easily (without reimplementing most of WorkingTree functionality)21:25
datoAnMaster: if you're the *nix guy, can't you just use an editor able to edit \r\n files?21:26
lifelessluks: its totally possible to do from a plugin21:26
lukslifeless, it would require a lot of code to trick dirstate21:26
lifelessAnMaster: ouch, thats really interesting. Could you perhaps edit the wiki page about this to note this scenario ?21:27
AnMasterdato, yes I can edit such files the problem is the compiler used for the project always want native line endings, it will error out if CRLF is used on linux and plain LF is used on windows21:27
lifelessluks: you don't need to trick dirstate21:27
AnMasternot ub to me21:27
datoAnMaster: ouch, baad compiler21:27
lukslifeless, well, then converting the files every time it has to compare them, but that would be much slower21:27
luks(compare == check if they are modified)21:27
AnMasterI can't give details about the compiler, it is internal to the company *growl*21:27
AnMasterand I can't fix that part21:27
lifelessluks: dirstate should always reflect reality21:28
AnMasterdato, I fully agree21:28
lukslifeless, that's the tricky party21:28
luksyou have two realities21:28
luksrepository and working three, both different21:28
AnMasterlifeless, and what wiki page?21:28
lifelessI don't think your particularly hard case is documented there today.21:29
AnMaster"The way mercurial recently implemented this seems like a good idea." <-- ah, *goes to look, at least that is better than svn, though I prefer bzr*21:30
lifelessluks: anyhow, basically it comes down to this: Someone needs to write the code, plugin or branch of bzr.dev, I don't care. We need code that does the job without changing the storage model; as a starting point to evaluate. From there we can look at how to version the setting and how it should work.21:30
luksAnMaster, the mercurial way is really bad21:30
lukse.g. it very often marks unchanged files as changed21:31
AnMasterluks, hm I see21:31
AnMastersvn's way seems to work well21:31
lukssvn works well because it enforces line endings in a particular way21:31
luksboth mercurial and git pretend they support LE conversions, but both suck at it for this reason21:32
lifelessand bzr has a pretty high bar in our qa and design process21:33
AnMasterhm ok21:33
lifelesswe're not happy with cruddy solutions :)21:33
AnMasterand git I can't stand, way too many different commands21:33
AnMasterI always get lost trying to do simple stuff21:33
lifelessAnMaster: I would say - use svn21:33
AnMasterlifeless, svk maybe then, kind of need distributed21:34
lifelessAnMaster: bzr-svn is really cool; you can use that on the linux side :). And when we get line ending support for you migrate to bzr.21:34
luksbzr-svn :)21:34
AnMasteralso a lot of windows editors have a habit of storing mixed line endings21:35
AnMasterso lines you edit or whatever gets CRLF and the rest if left as is21:35
malepthrm...is bzr-svn supposed to eat a lot of memory?21:36
luksyes, it's a known bug either in svn or the python bindings21:36
maleptah, that's right.21:37
maleptI had forgotten.21:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 54253 in bzr-svn "Excessive memory usage in bzr-svn" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:37
AnMastermalept, uups forget it then21:37
AnMasterrepo is like 5 GB iirc21:38
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AnMasterno wait, the source repo is 700 MB, the data repo is 5 GB21:38
maleptthere's a workaround in the bug.21:39
maleptI'm actually seeing 800MB+ memory usage in a 150MB svn repo.21:41
maleptI'm going to see if it persists with the workaround.21:41
lifelessfound it!21:50
lifelessbreakfast, then I fix hpss for packs21:50
malepthrm...I don't see much difference with the workaround.21:52
kikohey jelmer21:55
jelmerhi kiko21:56
kikojelmer, I want to help you out with your question -- what packages do you need to maintain which you don't currently? there may be a misunderstanding.21:57
jelmerkiko: I'm upstream and Debian maintainer for bzr-svn21:57
jelmerbut in ubuntu the package is synced from Debian21:57
kikojelmer, okay. and what is it that you want to do that you can't?21:57
jelmerso I can't actually change priority on bugs reported against the Ubuntu bzr-svn package21:58
jelmerI'm not sure whether this is how it's supposed to work either21:58
kikojelmer, gotcha.21:58
kikojelmer, this is an interesting second case of a problem I've seen before.21:59
kikojelmer, let me talk to brian murray. hang on.21:59
jelmerkiko: ok22:02
lifelessits correct22:09
lifeless you need to be in ubuntu-qa to change priority22:10
lifelessor in motu/core-dev22:10
lifelessjoin motu :)22:10
jelmeralready on the list :-)22:11
jelmerDebian Bazaar Maintainers is listed as maintainer though22:11
jelmerand I am in that team22:11
jelmerexcept that launchpad doesn't recognize it as a team22:11
jelmerthat's what my support Q was about22:11
lifelessjelmer: on the list != being a motu; you'd probably breeze through the acceptance process22:12
lifelessI think its correct as it is, because if you think about it it's not appropriate for someone outside the distro to say how important something is within the distro22:12
lifelessthats a function of the distro's qa and work practices.22:12
jelmerlifeless: I understand the theory behind it22:13
lifelessubuntu does not have maintainers22:13
jelmerI take that back22:13
jelmerthe maintainer field has no meaning?22:13
lifelessthe package maintainer field?22:13
jelmeryeah, as listed on the launchpad bug page22:14
lifelessurl me up22:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 79333 in bzr-svn "Use commit notifier in SvnWorkingTree.commit()" [Wishlist,Confirmed]22:14
jelmerhas a box in the bottom that says "bzr-svn" source package, and who the maintainer is, etc22:14
jelmerthat's the bit that suggested to me that being in "Debian Bazaar Maintainer" would allow me to change the bug22:15
jelmerbut I guess it's just the field imported from Debian?22:15
lifelessin Ubuntu, any motu can upload any package in universe; there is no concept of NMU22:17
lifelessand any core-dev can upload any package in main or universe22:17
lifelessthat said, people do specialise, and uploading e.g. a kernel when you have no idea about the kernels would be frowned upon, but the maintainer lock is well and truely gone.22:17
lifelessits one of the major social differences between ubuntu and debian package management22:18
lifelessteams are social grouping for people working on the same thing; we'd need to either a) only allow devs (core-dev + motu) into such teams, or b) ignore such teams for the purpose of access control, to do acl's sanely22:19
lifelesswe've chosen b) because that allows interested folk that are only prospective developers (aka going through NM) to participate more22:19
lifelessfrom ubuntu's perspective you are currently a prospective developer, you haven't passed the assessment to get upload rights & all that comes with that.22:20
jelmerah, k - thanks22:20
lifelessjelmer: and you totally should to that now!. kthxbye -> #ubuntu-motu22:20
lifelesskiko: ^22:21
kikoyean yean22:21
jelmerlifeless: I did know the bit about not having maintainers, it was the fact that it actually listed a maintainer (with clickable address) that confused me22:21
lifelesskiko: just making sure you'd seen it :)22:21
kikoyeah well22:22
=== kiko is now known as kiko-zzz
kiko-zzztime to enjoy the evening22:22
lifelessnight kiko-zzz22:26
lifelessNOW packs can run as default in terms of the test suite.22:38
lifelessthumper: you vant a kall?22:38
thumperlifeless: sure, gimmie a minute, skype?22:38
poolielifeless, jam: two minutes22:58
lifelesspoolie: are you going to ring-out?23:00
lifelesspoolie: or is it on the canonical conf server?23:00
lifelessalso, note that jam is not on IRC:)23:00
poolieon the conference centre today, i'll send mail about it23:00
abentle1Good evening, folks.23:08
abentle1poolie: ping23:08
lifelesshi abentle123:16
lifelessabentle1: poolie is on the phone with me23:16
abentle1Hi there.23:16
abentle1I was just going to ask about the diff refactoring.23:17
lifelesshe's promised to look at it.23:17
abentle1I don't think it's urgent for 1.0, I'd just like to know.23:18
lifelessI'd love to have it in23:18
lifelessbecause then we can write crazy stuff like an adapter to read/use gits path attributes and diff control stuff23:19
jam-laptoplifeless: your update and data size patches look good to me23:21
jam-laptop+1 on both23:21
abentle1lifeless: Yep, sounds crazy :-)23:21
jam-laptopabentle1: on this patch: http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/request/%3C1196112144.32300.184.camel@lifeless-64%3E23:22
jam-laptopI see a whole lot of commit messages23:22
jam-laptopIs BB just showing the full set of messages23:22
jam-laptopeven though the request was  a cherrypick?23:22
abentle1Yes, it shows all the revisions in the bundle.23:22
jam-laptopCertainly not critical, but it looked like I should have been reviewing a whole lot more from those messages23:22
abentle1I guess I still have a bit of work left on that code.23:22
abentle1No one used to cherrypick, so it didn't matter.  This is what I get for encouraging cherrypicking :-)23:26
lifelessjam-laptop: thanks23:31
lifelessabentle1: users huh.23:31
abentle1Yep.  If you just write crappy enough software, no one will bother telling you how to make it better.23:33
lifelesspoolie: ping23:33
lifelessI've filed bugs23:34
lifelessI think one or two are still going through the mail handler23:35
lifelessI tagged them packs; will let you judge if they are 1.0 relevant/important23:35
lifelessI think they are all critical, if we are changing the default.23:35
ubotuNew bug: #165290 in bzr "packs do not check for missing compression parents" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16529023:35
ubotuNew bug: #165291 in bzr "branching from hpss does not preserve format" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16529123:35
abentle1How can these be undecided, triaged?23:36
lifelessI filed them as triaged, because that stops the janitor fucking with them23:36
lifelessand I'm about to get poolie to eyeball them23:36
lifelessrouting around damage23:36
fullermdHm.  Who was the person with bits floating around in their head for inventory reworkings?23:37
fullermdPoor vila, so left out...23:39
fullermdIs there a spec or something somewhere to which capability requests can be added?23:39
abentle1I think poolie was taking point on inventory, all of us are thinking about it.23:39
abentle1There's a spec in the development docs, I think.23:40
ubotuNew bug: #165293 in bzr "collisions not handled correctly" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16529323:40
ubotuNew bug: #165294 in bzr "packs interactions with common plugins not assessed" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16529423:40
fullermdHmm.  Well, nothing jumping out at me.  I'll just put it to the list.23:46
lifelessabentle1: want to fix bug 164639 ?23:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 164639 in bzr "rich-root format should use packs" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16463923:48
abentle1lifeless: already have23:53
abentle1Just went in this morning and I forgot to update the tracker.23:55
abentle1I'm starting to think that post-merge reminders would be good.23:55

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