
Burgundaviaplease remember to email fridge-devel on all new meetings04:14
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dholbachgood morning06:47
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MithrandirStevenK: --disable-obex and --enable-obex does the same thing, so you can just use --enable-obex to reduce the delta.10:17
StevenKHaha. Yes, okay.10:18
Mithrandirat least for quite a while10:18
StevenKMithrandir: I'll just sanity check the new debdiff10:22
StevenKMithrandir: bluez-utils debdiff updated10:24
Mithrandirlooks good to me10:25
StevenKMithrandir: Okay, I'll upload the both of them.10:31
MithrandirStevenK: you saw the patch sent to tinymail-devel about tinymail-sans-conic?10:37
StevenKI did not, actually.10:43
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StevenKMithrandir: Right, that patch looks great.10:57
* StevenK daresays he provoked that patch by sending his patches to Philip10:58
StevenKMithrandir: What's the rationale for the 3.0 -> 3.12 bluetooth bump?10:59
Mithrandirnew symbols introduced.10:59
StevenKFairy nuff.11:00
StevenKMithrandir: bluez-libs uploaded, and bug with patch filed.11:22
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MithrandirStevenK: cheers11:59
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ToddBrandtasac, is the following statement true: nm-applet = network-manager-gnome = network-manager-applet, they're all the same, they just get renamed from time to tim19:12
ToddBrandtraji, I just posed the question to asac19:12
asacToddBrandt: from what i know its true ... yes.19:12
ToddBrandtok, raji, post your link, and ask asac19:13
ToddBrandtif that's the latest19:13
rajiasac: http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/gnome/sources/network-manager-applet/0.6/, does this link have latest source code?19:13
asacraji: how do you define "latest source code" ?19:14
ToddBrandtasac: latest viable source code, i.e. that will work on a moblin environment19:14
asacraji: its the latest stable release yes ... but its more or less official that distributors should also consider using all commits done on the 0.6.x branch after the final release.19:14
asaci think we have almost all commits in the package19:15
asacToddBrandt: yes, use that branch + patches or use 0.6 svn branch ... which is just a maintenance branch without any unstable development.19:16
rajiasac: I have another question, apt-get source doesnt fetch network manager applet code. It only fetches NetworkManager daemon code. are not they bundled together?19:16
asacno its a separate source package19:16
asacsay: apt-get source network-manager-gnome19:17
rajiasac: apt-get source network-manager-applet does not fetch applet code either19:18
asacthe command above works for me19:19
asacwhat are you planning to do ? fork for mobile?19:19
rajiasac: we have to fork it for moblin, yes.19:19
asacwhat features are missing?19:20
rajiasac: nm applet does not connect to wep encrypted networks, it has problem working with SDIO WLAN driver we use on moblin19:21
asaccould you track down the bug?19:22
asachow are the symptoms?19:23
rajiasac: I will root cause it today, Just downloaded front end source 19:23
asacits likely that its just a driver bug ... does the driver support wext?19:23
rajiasac: when I enter password, network manager timesout 19:23
asacraji: why don't you start with the ubuntu package? and develop the fix against that one?19:25
rajiasac: Driver supports it, we verified, we thought something must be wrong in the front end code . I have captured the logs for the failure, would you like to see?19:25
rajiasac: How do I send the log to you?19:26
asacshouldn't be confidential so just use paste.ubuntu.com i guess19:26
rajiasac : ok, 19:27
rajiasac: URL is http://paste.ubuntu.com/2260/ , please look at the activity 1225-1247, at 1243 NetworkManager timesout.19:37
asacraji: when it times out is the device in state associated in iwconfig?19:40
asacraji: does WPA and open net work?19:40
rajiasac: It was not associated in iwconfig. Sorry I didnt get your other other question19:41
asacraji: 1. is the interface associated right before the timeout kicks in19:43
rajiasac: 1. No19:43
asac2. can you connect to WPA or open-networks19:43
asacraji: ad 1. ok is the right essid set at that point?19:44
rajiasac: I can connect to unencrypted networks, moblin wlan driver doesnt support WPA yet.19:44
rajiasac: Yes.I see in the logs that the NetworkManager tries to connect to 'correct' network name. (in the log 'Netgear-Raji')19:45
asacraji: ok, but manually using wpasupplicant works?19:46
asacdo you have the .conf file for that?19:46
rajiasac: No, wpasupplicant didnt work. It gave some errors19:47
asacraji: well ... network manager needs a working supplicant19:49
rajiasac: Is wpasupplicant needed for WEP encryption also? But  logs explained that supplicant was able to connect to global socket and looked like it didnt have problems. 19:53
asacraji: yes ... everything needs wpasupplicant19:54
asaci would try track the issue by manually configuring wpasupplicant19:55
rajiasac: do you know of any help page for trouble shooting wpasupplicant, 19:56
asacraji: if its wext then its most likely a driver bug19:56
asacraji: how did you manage to verify that wep works?19:56
rajiasac: My colleague, verified it. He used commandline iwconfig to connect to WLAN AP.19:58
asacraji: trouble shooting wpasupplicant is like: run wpasupplicant with -dd to get full debug output19:59
rajiasac: he was able to connect to WEP encrypted wireless network with iwconfig, but not with nm-applet. so the bug is somewhere in the networkmanager. 20:01
asacwell as long as wpasupplicant alone doesn't work, you cannot be sure about that20:03
rajiasac: I will run the wpasupplicant and see why is it failing. Are you going to be online tomorrow around same time? 20:03
asacthe stack is: nm-applet -> nm-daemon -> wpasupplicant -> wext20:03
asacraji: well usually i prefer to have finished my day at this time ;)20:04
asac3 hours earlier would be perfect :)20:04
rajiasac: ok, that will work for me, thanks a lot,20:05
asacraji: fine20:06
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