
LaserJockryanakca: should I just add it to the end of the current topic?03:03
ryanakcaLaserJock: sure, or before the Open Week blurb... up to you. Knock off the transcripts part if you need to and I'll add it back Thursday.03:04
LaserJockryanakca: darn, I need ops to change the topic03:09
LaserJockryanakca: can you take ops?03:09
Hobbseeyou should have been able to do that yourself, LaserJock03:10
LaserJockHobbsee: I can't remember the command and I'm still in irssi03:10
=== LaserJock changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Please join #ubuntu for support | This channel used for scheduled classes and invitational tutoring | Ubuntu Open Week info: Information and Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek | Ubuntu classroom transcripts: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts | Next class: PPA 101 at 11/28 15:00 UTC
=== LaserJock changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Please join #ubuntu for support | This channel used for scheduled classes and invitational tutoring | Ubuntu Open Week info: Information and Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek | Ubuntu classroom transcripts: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts | Next class: PPA 101 on 11/28 at 15:00 UTC
LaserJockis that all right or we need more description03:11
Hobbseeah yes, true03:11
LaserJockHobbsee: I did try once though03:12
LaserJockmwuahahaha, I figured it out03:13
LaserJockyes, I am an IRC newb ;-)03:13
* ryanakca wonders if opping someone else shows who it's from... LaserJock... you'll mind being the guinea pig? No? Thanks :D03:13
Hobbseeryanakca: no it doesnt, as i op'd him first03:14
ryanakcahmmm... what's the deop command03:14
ryanakcaAh... I thought he had figured that out himself03:14
Hobbseewell, depends if you use the op/deop thing on screen, or msg chanserv for it, i think03:14
ryanakcaAh, I see see. So, if you're ops, and use /op or /deop, it shows from you... but chanserv is by chanserv.03:15
ryanakcaHmm... But I would think that ChanServ might want to show who sends the command... that way some rogue corrupt person on the access list can't take over the channel without anybody knowing who the rogue person is.03:15
Hobbseewell, my /op and /deop are aliases - no idea what yours do03:16
* ryanakca shrugs... irssi defaults... maybe /mode +o nick or /mode #channel -o nick... *shrugs*03:16
IdleOneryanakca: a person could not take over the channel because there is a registered "owner" with chanserv who could always just take it back03:40
IdleOneunless that person had the owner password and changed the ownership03:41
IdleOnenot to mention this channel is reg'ed to nalioth who is a Staffer so forget about taking the channel03:42
ryanakcaIdleOne: yeah, but, the "owner" would have to question each and every person on the list to find out who at least kick-banned everybody, right?03:43
ryanakcaIdleOne: no, but in general...03:43
IdleOnechanserv logs all that03:43
ryanakcaeh, I guess :)03:43
IdleOneopers can check and see if they needed to03:43
IdleOnewell the services admin could check03:44
IdleOnenot just any staffer03:44
Hobbseethe channel, in practice, belongs to the irc council03:44
ryanakca₥e nods03:44
ryanakcawow... fancy /me there... herm. wonder how that happened.03:44
* ryanakca nods03:44
IdleOneHobbsee: the ubuntu irc council?03:45
IdleOnehmmm interesting03:45
Hobbsee(because it falls in the #ubuntu* namespace03:45
IdleOnetakeovers are a thing of the past anyway even on networks like EFnet where there is no chanserv if a channel for some reason loses all ops there is a service that will join and give ops to the last know ops in that channel according to the logs03:48
Hobbseeirc council is known to take over "official" channels that don't follow the COC (and are not helpful to anyone - troll channels, basically)03:51
Hobbseebut apart from that, yes.03:51
IdleOneofficial troll channels? that makes no sense how did they get permission to start an official channel and then become trolls03:52
Hobbseeanyone can register a channel on freenode03:53
Hobbseethey didn't get permission - they registered it anyway03:53
IdleOneI see03:56
naliothryanakca: IdleOne: we have logs of _everything_ that goes on04:18
naliothnobody can get away with any hijinx04:18
IdleOnenalioth: I did not doubt it. freenode is way to well organised to let some packet kiddies mess things up from what I can tell04:21
naliothwell, only ubuntu members can get ops here04:22
naliothand select others04:22
IdleOnesuch as?04:22
naliothso it's not likely that there will be any troubls04:22
naliothIdleOne: the access list is public04:22
IdleOnedoes canonical staff get ops auto?04:22
naliothnobody gets auto ops04:22
IdleOneor do they have to apply04:22
IdleOnewell I mean are they added to the list of ubuntu ops04:23
IdleOnejust because they work for canonical04:23
IdleOnebesides Mark lol04:24
naliothIdleOne: does the janitor that works for canonical need ops in here?04:24
IdleOnenalioth: if he comes on irc perhaps04:24
IdleOneI get your point04:24
naliothor, how about anyone who manages to piggyback on canonicals wireless ?04:24
HobbseeIdleOne: canonical people often don't need, nor want ops.  they're quite busy, and likely not interested in the operation of irc04:25
IdleOneI guess so04:25
Hobbseethey're not out to get you04:26
IdleOneout to get me?04:27
IdleOnethat is a strange comment04:28
Hobbseeas in, out to stop you doing sane things04:29
IdleOneHobbsee: I am not exactly sure what you mean. I was not trying to imply that the staff of canonical was trying to stop me from doing anything. was just a question04:31
HobbseeIdleOne: oh.  staff of canonical have nothing to do with irc.  none of them are on the council, and only one of them has ops in #ubuntu, and the like.04:31
HobbseeIdleOne: i've seen lots of paranoia from various people04:31
IdleOneHobbsee: lol nahh Im not like that04:31
IdleOnemnemtok right?>04:32
IdleOneor something like that04:32
IdleOnethats it04:32
IdleOnehe rarely uses the @ though04:32
Awe_Schittwho is here?08:04
Awe_Schitto well08:08
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