
ubotuAshfire908 called the ops in #ubuntu ()00:29
=== vorian is now known as vorian_afk
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
LjLhm the bot in #gentoo seems to ban some exploit attempts automatically01:16
BourneHello requesting a cloak, https://launchpad.net/~j.bourne01:16
Seeker`LjL: what sort of exploits?01:16
PriceChildLjL, wasn't that a normal person?01:17
LjLPriceChild, no. well, the normal person banned hoperator (but that was a NOTICE, which the bot probably doesn't parts), but the bot banned... another clueless guy who asked what that command would do :)01:17
LjLSeeker`: /server mail specifically01:17
nalioththat guy caught the k-train01:18
LjLi know01:18
PriceChildSeeker`, wait rej is a bot?01:18
LjLerr no01:18
LjLmzbot is a bot01:18
PriceChildahhh missed that one :D01:19
naliothBourne: please type /msg nickserv set master Bourne 01:22
Bourne /msg nickserv set master Bourne01:22
* Bourne done01:23
* ST47 stares at +l 119001:24
PriceChildST47, what's up?01:24
* ST47 ponders idly the use of such a high limit01:24
PriceChildST47, the bot is in testing... that's what it'll be setting in #ubuntu some time soon perhaps01:24
ST47ah :)01:25
tonyyarussoST47: nah, we're just really popular on weekends01:25
Dave2If someone tries to flood with 1141 bots, they will be thwarted!01:35
tonyyarussothat would be seriously impressive01:38
Seeker`i think they would probably deserve to flood the channel if they had that many bots :P01:40
somerville32"Botnet, I choose you!"01:42
Seeker`pffft, Pikachu wins!01:43
FloodBot1Synced to #ubuntu, 1185 users present01:49
FloodBot31182 users in #ubuntu - limit at 119101:56
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
=== vorian is now known as vorian_afk
FloodBot31176 users in #ubuntu - limit at 119102:01
FloodBot3!ops | Mass join02:05
FloodBot3WARNING: Channel CTCP on #ubuntu (ACTIO)02:05
ubotukahrytan called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:05
somerville32That was colourful02:06
PiciLjL: <3 floodbot02:07
PriceChild* BaD_CrC has quit (K-lined)02:08
PriceChild* BaD-Laptop has quit (K-lined)02:08
LjLwas there actually a CTCP ACTIO, or was that the bot acting up?02:08
LjLyeah weren't those legitimate?02:08
PriceChildseen those for some time... was that intentional?02:08
LjLseen them around02:08
PiciHes a 'usual' in offtopic02:08
LjL!staff | the above two nicknames might have been k-lined mistakenly02:09
ubotuthe above two nicknames might have been k-lined mistakenly: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2 or Christel,  I could use a bit of your time :)02:09
naliothLjL: are you sure?02:09
PriceChildLjL, I don't see any ctcp02:09
LjLnalioth: i'm sure they were k-lined, and i'm also pretty sure they weren't part of the botswarm. they were in other channels too (#debian for instance), and they've been around for some time. then if there were other reasons to k-line them, i don't know them02:10
naliothLjL: unklined02:10
Seeker`I didn't get any messages about a CTCP ACTIO02:15
LjLperhaps clients interpret it as an ACTION anyway02:15
LjLin which case my bots are ok02:15
PiciI think thats what it was trying to say02:15
LjLbut perhaps my bots stripped the last characters for some reason02:15
LjLin which case that would be a Very Bad Thing (tm)02:15
Seeker`but aren't actions usually sent to the whole channel?02:16
naliothSeeker`: not always02:16
LjLwell if you're in a query, you send them in the query02:16
LjLbut it's the only kind of CTCP that's normally tolerated in channels02:16
Seeker`why did the bot detect that one then?02:17
LjLhmm anyway, i think it was the bots. and i think it happened because their read buffer overruns when there's too much stuff coming... which might also explain the mis-count yesterday after the splits02:17
LjLsomerville32, /me *is* the command that causes a CTCP ACTION02:17
LjLSeeker`: because there were a lot of CTCP ACTIONs sent to the whole channel. the bot is programmed to ignore them. only, it detected a CTCP "ACTIO"02:18
LjLwhich it is not programmed to ignore, but which never really happened02:18
Seeker`I bet once the bots are in use properly, there wont be any mass joins for ages :P02:19
LjLSeeker`, they'll !ops | mass join anyway when the limit is hit02:20
PiciPlus I'm betting that the bots have some sort of throttling that causes them to retry a join if that happens02:21
LjLnope, they don't. legitimate users being left out should just not happen02:22
LjLif it happens (at least more than once a week) the parameters should just be re-tuned02:22
Seeker`LjL: I think Pici meant the spam bots02:23
PiciI did.02:23
LjLPici, Seeker`: ah well, in that case they'll still fail, when there's more than 10 or so of them already in02:24
Picioh, and while we're talking about modes, can we keep +z in #ubuntu? I think someone keeps removing it.02:24
LjLPici, +z is "bad" because, when +R is set, people who aren't registered cannot realize that they aren't being heard02:25
* PriceChild smiles at <l00st>02:25
tonyyarussoLjL: aren't we usually paying attention and telling them then anyway?02:26
PiciLjL: its also bad when we're trying to mute for paste floods and not knowing when they're over02:26
LjLtonyyarusso, err... you /whois everyone who speaks and check whether or not they're registered?02:26
LjLPici, i just kick, and i think that's better. still, you can set it when doing that...02:26
PiciI'll just keep note of it.02:27
Seeker`sleep time02:27
tonyyarussoLjL: point02:28
PriceChildLjL, #ubuntu is yours02:28
LjLif i left +r set for two more minutes i'd insult the idiots in -unregged.02:29
PiciDid that person who joins -unregged before we get bot attacks show up?02:30
PriceChildLjL, I wouldn't -r until nalioth says its cool and quietenned down.02:30
LjLuhm nope02:30
LjLwell i'm not seeing k-lines in the other big channels i'm in02:31
FloodBot1Synced to #ubuntu, 1173 users present03:02
FloodBot1EXCEPTION: Line without linefeed ()03:02
FloodBot1Synced to #ubuntu, 1170 users present03:07
FloodBot1Synced to #ubuntu, 1170 users present03:11
mneptokLjL: *please* do something to reduce the channel mode spam in here?03:17
naliothmneptok: /ignore the bots03:18
naliothmneptok: we'll let you know when they quit crying wolf03:18
naliothso you can unignore them03:18
mneptokthe ChanServ and LjL mode changes will still be seen. is there a reason this pre-deployment testing is happening on a channel we actually use?03:20
LjLmneptok, like stop fixing bugs in them?03:20
LjLmneptok, so that everybody can spot problems.03:20
jdongcan't this be tested in #ubuntu-bots?03:20
mneptokLjL: like get them off public channels until you're reasonably certain the bug count is low?03:20
LjLmneptok, how can i be reasonably certain the bug count is low if the only guy trying to spot bugs is the programmer i.e. myself?03:21
mneptokLjL: ask people to help rather than recruiting help through forced spamminess?03:21
FloodBot1Exiting due to debug command03:22
mneptokit's a great idea, and i think they'll be very useful. and it rocks you're dealing with it. but at this point 75% of this channel's traffic the past week has been bet mode changes.03:23
somerville32It isn't like this is a high traffic channel, mneptok  :P03:23
LjLmneptok: not to mention that the "!ops | mass join" in here actually helped me, and i guess others, react quickly to the attack earlier.03:23
jdongsomerville32: yeah because everything said here tends to be important and needs to be read by all ops03:23
jdongmeh I'm pretty neutral on this03:24
LjLsaid != mode change03:24
* Hobbsee would just use ignores03:24
jdongslightly bothered by a modechange every 5 minutes03:24
LjLanyway, please join #ubuntu-ops-monitor if you want to help and/or receive warning messages from the bot. nalioth, please either restart your bot in that channel or wait a minute for new code (you should, there's plenty of changes)03:24
mneptoki think /ignore-ing bots is a bit more risky than having to /join a special channel to interact with them. they *are* useful, so an /ignore is something i'd do lightly03:26
mneptokNOT do03:26
LjLthey're muted in #ubuntu anyway, so they'd hardly do anything in there03:26
* mneptok goes to write his "Murray Cumming Is A Bigger Ass Than Is Jeff Waugh, But I Am A Bigger Ass Than Murray Cumming So There" blag post03:27
=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu-ops to: Welcome to the home of the Ubuntu IRC Team operators | This channel is for operator/abuse questions only | Support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc... | IRC team info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam | Operators, please join #ubuntu-ops-monitor and help hunting down bugs in the FloodBots | The IRC council reserves the right to remove idlers from the channel
* ajmitch looks at the topic & wonders if he counts as an idler03:40
LjLreserve the right != do it always03:42
jdongajmitch: nah it's more of a problem for trolls who will lurk in here to gather info to call out ops in realtime03:48
* ajmitch de-trolls03:50
LjLlike that pesky jdong troll03:50
ajmitchI only tend to troll in special places03:50
jdongwhat's up with GNOME recently?03:50
ajmitchnothing new in GNOME03:50
no0ticlol, so what about me? :)03:51
jdongno0tic: can we help you?03:51
no0ticuhm...<ironic> why did you nazi operators have banned me out of #ubuntu?!!</ironic> :)03:53
ajmitchdid you deserve it? :)03:54
jdongno0tic: one moment please, let me check the ban tracker.03:54
no0ticlet me check my logs, you ba***rd03:54
no0ticok, I stop here03:55
jdongno0tic: I noticed you said envision, which is almost like envy. This is unacceptable. Come back in 40 years and ask again please.03:55
jdonglol that's enough parody for one night ;-)03:55
jdongif Pricey were here I'd add a few britishisms.03:55
* ajmitch looks for a banhammer03:55
* jdong cowers03:55
no0ticjdong, I think I would not understand them :)03:57
mneptokjdong: re: GNOME. the murrayc vs jdub bit?03:57
jdongmneptok: yeah I've been noticing a bit of clamoring in that dept03:59
ajmitchsome leakage onto planet ubuntu03:59
ajmitchmneptok: you should get them all together for a group hug04:00
mneptokfrom GIMPnet:04:00
mneptok16:46 <@mneptok> hooboy - http://www.murrayc.com/blog/permalink/2007/11/26/gnome-board-2007-candidates-the-bad/04:00
mneptok16:46 <@mneptok> remain in your isolation cocoons until the green smoke is released.04:00
* ajmitch nods04:00
mneptokyou know that "i'm going to not make eye contact, and back up *veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery* slowly" reaction a LOT of people have with me? i'm hawing that feeling now.04:01
jdongmneptok: is that your public or private life?04:02
mneptokat the same time, i'm not leaving visual range of the intersection until i'm sure there's not going to be a pile-up.04:02
mneptokjdong: my privates are pubic.04:02
* jdong tries to figure out if that is a typo or pun04:03
* mneptok woggles an eyebrow04:03
mneptokand in case you think i'm some sort of aberration, i got this from my sister tonight:04:03
mneptokEmma will be dancing in the Nutcracker this weekend, so we've been looking at, talking about and singing tunes about nutcrackers.04:03
ajmitchyou, an aberration? never!04:03
mneptokTonight at bedtime, I turned off the light and told the story of the ballet to her by soft night light - subbing in names of those she knows... sorta'...  The little girl was "Clemma" - her brother was, "Davitz" - Uncle Drosselmeyer became Uncle Kurtlemeyer, the prince became the Dince (Daddy-prince - since he's been dancing with Emma).04:03
mneptokGoing through the story, I got to the part where the Nutcracker and soldiers battle the mouse king and mice...04:04
mneptokMe (quite voice, hint of mystery/awe):  "And the Nutcracker and all his soldiers won the battle.  And because he was so brave and defeated the mouse king, the Nutcracker turned into a real prince."04:04
mneptokEmma:  "Did they slice the skin off the mice?"04:04
mneptok(Emma is my 4yo niece)04:04
mneptokyes. four.04:04
mneptokshe takes after Uncle Kurt, it seems. :)04:04
ajmitchyou've corrupted the child04:04
somerville32Kurt is such a nice name :]04:05
mneptokcorrupted, or liberated?04:05
somerville32I'm going to name my child Kurt.04:05
ajmitchthat poor child04:06
* Hobbsee pokes mneptok with the crazy-stick.04:32
* nalioth watches the crazy-stick go from 'crazy' to 'BSI'04:34
Hobbseeoh, batshit insane, i presume.04:38
Hobbseemaybe i should use that on my customers.04:38
jdong"Sir please try the BSI line"04:40
=== crdlb_ is now known as crdlb
somerville32Who was that person that I used to talk to here that was from #gaygeeks?05:09
jdongis #gaygeeks quite literally what the channel name describes?05:09
tonyyarussosomerville32: GazzaK/Gary ?05:09
somerville32jdong, Yea.05:10
somerville32Didn't mneptok hang out there too?05:10
somerville32Maybe it was Garry05:10
jdongsomerville32: probably Gary05:12
jdongare there a lot of gaygeeks? :)05:13
somerville32I would imagine, lol05:13
somerville32A number of them hang out at #gaygeeks05:13
jdongdo you have to be gay to lurk? :)05:14
somerville32I don't think so05:14
stdinyou do to lurk in -ask tho05:15
stdinnot ask :p05:15
* jdong goes pop into #gaygeeks05:15
somerville32I wish Scott would idle in there so I'd feel better about trying to hit on him :/05:17
tonyyarussowhy can't I find the package linux-kernel-devel with apt?05:20
jdongtonyyarusso: linux-headers-generic?05:20
jdongl-k-d is a debianism05:20
stdin!info linux-kernel-devel05:20
ubotulinux-kernel-devel: Linux kernel hacking dependencies. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.22-14.46 (gutsy), package size 45 kB, installed size 72 kB05:20
tonyyarussojdong: It's listed on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile?highlight=%28kernel%29 and http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/devel/linux-kernel-devel05:21
jdongoh it's build-essential for kernels05:21
jdonggot it05:21
jdongforgot about that05:21
tonyyarussoseems it's missing in my mirror05:22
ubotugordonjcp called the ops in #ubuntu (a-arschi)10:05
=== GazzaK is now known as Gary
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
PiciPriceChild: why -z?13:03
PriceChildbecause it gets very confusing in bot attacks when we do +rR13:04
PriceChildHey Bourne.13:04
* Bourne Hello PriceChild.13:04
Hobbseeoh, is *that* why the -z's never seem to be in the channels?13:08
PriceChildHobbsee, whatcha mean?13:08
PriceChildare you secretly +z'ing during the day then me fighting back in the night?13:08
Hobbseewell, i keep having to turn them on when i want to use them13:08
* Pici too13:08
Hobbseenot usually13:08
PriceChildah for when you mute a troll?13:09
PiciPerhaps I'll just make it part of my mute/unmute script13:09
Picior just kick them.13:09
PriceChildI remember several months ago +m'ing a random reasonably active channel... then getting completely confused when people kept talking. :P13:10
PiciYou +m'ed a random channel??13:13
Garyhow random?13:14
PriceChildby random I mean something probably not to do with ubuntu, can't remember13:14
* jussi01 has visions of #ubuntu +m'ed...13:14
PriceChildI've had to +m #ubuntu before.13:14
PriceChildand it was all -z'd and nice :)13:15
Sharpieuh, why am i here?13:43
PriceChildTake a wild stab in the dark.13:44
Sharpielol, it was the nigger wasn't it?13:44
Sharpieok, can u unban me? :{13:45
Sharpiei'll be a good boy =[13:45
PriceChild!guidelines | Sharpie 13:45
ubotuSharpie: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines13:45
PriceChildPlease go and read them.13:45
SharpiePriceChild: yeah i know, read them, it was a random act of thoughtless malfeasance =[13:46
PriceChildSharpie, go read them again.13:46
SharpiePriceChild: won't do it again =[13:46
ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/13:46
PriceChildRead that too.13:46
Sharpieis this #library? :|13:46
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:47
PriceChildNo, this is Ubuntu.13:47
Sharpieare you serious?13:47
PriceChildLinux for Human Beings.13:47
Sharpiewtf can be "what the fruit"13:47
Sharpieor "what the fudge"13:47
PriceChildAnd along with that tag line, we try and back it up, lowering barriers to entry and attempting to make it open to all.13:47
PriceChildBut it wasn't.13:48
PriceChildit was what the fuck!13:48
Sharpieyes it was.13:48
Sharpiewait, what?!13:48
Sharpieyou just passed the rules worse than i did >_>13:48
Sharpieok, Price, i'm sorry, can i go back? :{13:49
PriceChildno you can't13:49
Sharpiewhy not?13:49
PriceChildBecause I don't think you've changed one bit.13:49
Sharpiepeople don't change.13:49
PriceChildsucks to be you then I guess.13:50
Sharpiecome on >_<13:50
PriceChildNo you come on.13:50
Sharpiei will if you unban me13:50
PriceChildI'm not bargaining here.13:50
Sharpieok, what do I need to do to get unbanned?13:51
PriceChildI've already suggested you go and read those pages. That's a start, to realise what is acceptable in ubuntu channels.13:51
Sharpiei've read them13:52
PriceChildFor some reason I really don't believe you.13:52
Sharpiequiz me.13:52
PriceChildThose pages are quite long... go and read them instead of looking at them.13:53
Sharpiebut i already read them13:53
PriceChildThen please come back in 72 hours.13:54
Sharpiecomon you gotta be kidding >_<13:54
Sharpie72 hours is like...more than 71.5 hours13:54
SharpiePriceChild: "After staying in #ubuntu for a while, ops tend to get a bit trigger-happy. Don't forget that accidents happen and forget that accidents happen. Please don't put too severe punishments on accidental mishaps."13:58
Sharpieseems like the case13:58
PriceChildAhh you decided to go read it :)13:58
Sharpiei read it13:58
Sharpiethen i went to the mod guidelines >_>13:59
Sharpiei've already finished reading when you sent me when i told you i did13:59
Sharpie-anyway-, /unban is a rly 1337 function =[14:00
Hobbseedepends what you alias it to14:01
* jussi01 hi fives Hobbsee!14:02
SharpieHobbsee, would you consider the word "nigger" to be offensive when said without a target?14:02
Hobbseehey jussi01!14:02
HobbseeSharpie: i'm fairly certain if you said that in some locations in my country, it would get you beaten up, so, yes.14:02
jussi01hiya Hobbsee :D Nice to see you again :)14:02
Sharpienono, but it wasn't said to anyone14:03
Sharpieit was just like....thrown in the air14:03
mc44it's still offensive14:03
Hobbseethen it tneds to refer to everyone, no?14:03
Sharpieno it doesn't14:03
mc44if you can't see the problem wi14:03
mc44th saying it, then don't expect to be unbanned14:04
Sharpieok, but speaking generally here, if i were a black guy, saying nigger would be completely appropriate. right?14:04
Sharpiehave you ever listened to a rap song? 14:04
PriceChildGod I hate rap14:04
mc44The #ubuntu channels are not a rap song14:04
Sharpieme too14:04
PriceChildand no it doesn't make it any different depending on your ethnicity14:04
Sharpiei listen to death metal14:05
Sharpiebut regardless...=\14:05
Sharpieok, then i was disciminated for having Tourette's syndrome14:07
mc44the thing about tourettes is it doesn't involve involuntarily typing out things14:07
Sharpiei have textual tourette's syndrome.14:08
Sharpieand i have to live with the shame every day, and still get banned from irc channels14:08
Sharpieoh the suffering14:08
mc44come back with a doctors not14:08
Sharpietempt not a desperate man!14:08
PriceChildI thought this was -offtopic for a second...14:08
PriceChildSharpie, 72 hours, I'll then unban you if your attitude has changed and you agree to abide by the channel guidelines.14:09
Sharpiebut i already have14:09
Sharpiecomon, lindsey lohan was in jail for far less for uh..was it drugs or alcohol, i can't recall14:10
PiciPriceChild: Thanks for taking on these issues, I'm really distracted by work today.14:21
PiciAlso, are we forwarding to here for quit messages now? 14:22
PriceChilderm.... up to you14:23
PiciOkay. :)14:24
PriceChildAnything else we can help you with Sharpie?14:28
Sharpiestop acting like a cock (and when i say cock, i mean a male chicken, not a male genital)14:29
Sharpiepointing to arrogance o=14:30
PriceChildI hope I didn't offend him by removing him... :/14:30
vorianhe called you a cock14:30
* Pici wonders when that became an insult like that.14:31
jdongPriceChild: stop acting like a male chicken man.....15:12
PriceChildI'm sorry.15:15
Hobbseejdong: what are your thoughts on backporting poppler?15:16
PriceChildHehe popplers as in the crunchy food from futurama?15:19
jdongHobbsee: is it ABI/API compatible?15:19
jdongPriceChild: no I think it's some sort of male chicken too....15:19
Hobbseejdong: with what's currently in the archive?15:21
jdongHobbsee: right15:21
Hobbseeuh, no15:22
Hobbseeit's needed for kde415:24
jdongHobbsee: would the backport not break evince and whatever else uses it in Gutsy without a recompile?15:43
Hobbseejdong: eparse.  double negative.15:43
Hobbseejdong: i think youd' have to rebuild it all15:43
jdongHobbsee: that's what I thought.... it is a messy and also slightly risky backport15:44
jdongHobbsee: in that poppler's had a history of needing security patches15:44
jdongand I'm not sure how easy dealing with those would be in the future should something bad happen15:44
Hobbseespeak to stdin 15:44
ubotuIn ubotu, soren said: foo is bar15:51
stdinjdong: evince works fine with the new poppler (had to install it to test)15:55
=== os2mac is now known as jimmacdonald
* jussio1 is trying to get used to irssi...18:38
jdongjussio1: it's well worth it IMO :)18:40
PiciI have trouble using gui clients now18:40
PiciI like my slash commands18:40
Piciand alt-#keys18:40
jussio1yeah, im liking that. 18:41
jussio1how does it work wit double figures though?18:41
jdongit's also not bound to a GUI18:41
jdongjussio1: qwerty should be somewhat bound18:41
jdongjussio1: and /win commands are your friends too18:41
Picijdong: alt-q through alt-p  (on qwerty)18:41
Seeker`jdong: Mine goes to "q, w, e..." after 018:41
PiciI dont usually have more than 15 windows open18:42
jussio1:D ahh, i see...18:42
jussio1hmmm, and there is no nicklist?18:42
crdlbalt+a is also helpful :)18:42
jdongjussio1: /names?18:42
* jussio1 was a konversation user.. 18:43
crdlbyou can also do stuff like /names -ops18:43
jdongctrl+n/p go next/previous too18:43
Piciand alt-left alt-right, but that is bugged in gnome-terminal18:43
Piciworks fine in putty on windows though18:43
jussio1jdong: /names could e interesting in #ubuntu ...18:44
jdongjussio1: it's not terribly bad18:44
* jussio1 is on konsole18:44
jdonga bit nasty to your scrollback, but not as bad as /who ;-)18:44
Pici/names -ops 18:44
jdongwho let the ops out?18:45
naliothi only use /names -count18:45
PiciI have the count on my irssi status bar18:45
jdongnalioth: is there a way to swap alt and ctrl keys in irssi?18:45
naliothjdong: you can keymap anything you like18:46
Picihttp://nullcortex.com/upload/desktop/091807.png  (although I fixed the missing symbols)18:46
jussio1hmmm... so what benefit is screen to me? there is an option in konsole's menu for a new screen session... Im using that now. but why?18:46
jdongnalioth: I'm interested in remapping all the alt-N to ctrl-N, wouldnt' keymapping be very tedious?18:47
jdongjussio1: screen allows you to reattach to your irssi over any terminal, any ssh session, etc18:47
naliothjussio1: with screen, you can log out (or suffer xorg failure) and still have a functioning irssi client (or whatever console app is running in screen)18:47
naliothand that, too (logging into your irssi from across town is cool)18:47
Picijdong: probably not check out /bind18:47
Pici75% of the time I'm sshed through screen into irssi18:48
jussio1hmmm, is there a way to get it to display chnnel names as well as the numbers?18:52
crdlbyeah there's a script18:53
crdlbsee the bit about awl18:55
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines18:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about guideline - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:58
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:58
jussio1hmmm, anyone remember the mac install factoid? i coudnt find it with !search ... :(18:59
jussio1crdlb: thats a great guide. thanks a million18:59
naliothmac install?19:00
jussio1nalioth: yeah, how to install on a macintosh - there is one with a link to the  wiki...iirc19:00
crdlbjussio1: yw :)19:03
naliothjussio1: ah. i can help you if you need the help19:03
jussio1nalioth: no, im fine, but thank you. there is just one guy asking in #ubuntustudio and I was trying to find the guide/factoid.19:04
naliothi seem to remember it from long ago19:05
stdinjussio1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/PowerPC ?19:06
stdingot that from the page linked to in !install19:06
jussio1stdin: hmmm, yeah, but this is for an intel mac. 19:07
jussio1stdin: i think that is in !ppc19:07
ubotuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ19:07
naliothjussio1: intel mac install is the same as any x86 (providing you know how to play with boot camp)19:08
jussio1nalioth: really?? I thought there was some special stuff... well thats cool then. (hugs nalioth )19:09
Garynot on my mbp is isn't :'(19:09
stdinthere's a guide for the mbp too19:11
pete83Hi, any ops in town?21:03
naliothpete83: nope, we're all on vacation21:04
pete83ok, well, I am in a rather tense argument in #ubuntu right now21:04
ikoniapete83: no-one is arguging, just asking you to stop using WTF21:04
ikoniayou are arguing saying you won't21:04
pete83they are telling me that I violated the Code of Conduct by saying "WTF" as an expression of surprise21:04
pete83no, I am arguing saying that it was no code violation21:05
ikoniapete83: people are asking you to not use bad language21:05
ikoniathats it21:05
ikonianothing more21:05
pete83ikonia, you told me to ask the ops. Stop interupting now21:05
ikoniapete83 please don't use phrases like WTF21:05
ikoniathat was the exact message21:05
ikoniano problem21:05
pete83ikonia, why did you tell me to come to #ubuntu-ops if you are just going to bicker with me here the same as over there? I want a real Op's opinion21:06
ikoniayes, no problem21:06
TheSheeppete83: ikonia is right and discussing this on #ubuntu is offtopic too21:06
pete83is it a violation, or is it not? that is all i care about. I think the way I used it, it was not disrespectful21:07
Tm_Tpete83: it is21:07
Tm_Tit's unpolite21:07
pete83all it meant was "Wow!"21:07
Tm_Tpete83: then say wow21:07
pete83Tm_T: what's the diff?21:07
somerville32WTF stands for "What the fuck"21:07
* TheSheep rolls eyes21:07
Tm_Tpete83: What The FUCK21:07
pete83Tm_T: but it is not referring to a real sexual act.... it's an expression21:08
Tm_Tpete83: it's still rude21:08
somerville32People say fuck all the time without referring to a real sexual act21:08
somerville32It doesn't make it any more socially acceptable21:08
pete83somerville32: my point exactly21:08
ikoniapete83: well I guess now your happy, you've found out it is a breach and you can stop using it21:08
pete83somerville32: and yes, among those people it obviously IS socially acceptable21:08
pete83yeah thanks a lot guys21:09
TheSheeppete83: it's a swear word, it doesn't matter what it refers to21:09
somerville32pete83, Well, our point is that it is NOT acceptable here. ok?21:09
Tm_Tpete83: it is not acceptable in ubuntu channels21:09
pete83OK, I get it. You should write it into the Code of Conduct, however, because as it is, you are just making up the "no swearing" rule on your own, but i'll respect it21:09
Tm_Tpete83: it's part of "respecting others"21:10
naliothpete83: 'no swearing' is no swearing21:10
pete83no, because words do not inherently inply a lack of respect, it is their intent and meaning that imply that21:10
ompaulpete83, the CoC requests respect for others - in some of the the company I keep it would not be socially acceptable21:10
naliotha non-swear for you is a swear for others21:10
pete83socially acceptable!=disrespectful21:11
ompaulpete83, ehh care to do that again21:11
ompaul!socially acceptable = disrespectful21:11
pete83eh, you know what i meant21:11
ompaulanyway game over 21:11
somerville32Ok, what ever, thanks for the understanding pete83 :)21:11
somerville32pete83, We just try to keep #ubuntu appropriate for all age groups so we try to keep stuff like "wtf" out of there.21:12
somerville32pete83, Plus it creates a warmer environment! :)(21:12
pete83ok, all I'm saying is that why can't somebody put that in the CoC21:12
* mjr notes as a dissenting opinion of one who isn't listened to anyway that indeed disrespectful is not the same as not socially acceptable, and adds that pushing one's nose into other people's wordings is disrespectful particularly when said wordings are not21:12
LjL(PM from kick in -offtopic)21:13
LjL[22:12:00] <thepumpkin_w> hi, what did you do that?21:13
LjL[22:12:51] <LjL> perhaps you mean "why"? because... well, because since when did we stop kicking people who gratuitously give terribly dangerous commands as bad taste jokes? answers, we never did21:13
somerville32pete83, Because the CoC isn't a set of rules. Just a code of conduct.21:13
somerville32pete83, Plus there is also an IRC code of conduct type thing that might go into more details - try checking that.21:13
pete83somerville32: from the CoC "and this code of conduct lays down the "ground rules" for our cooperation..."21:14
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:15
somerville32pete83, :) Maybe you should take this up with the Community council then. Nothing we can do. It is just a accepted norm that swearing is not within the Ubuntu spirit :)21:15
ompaulLjL, I would concur with that21:16
naliothsomerville32: you going up two steps?21:17
Seeker`Tm_T: Isn't there somewhere between this and the CC?21:17
naliothsomerville32: have you forgotten about the Ubuntu Irc Council?21:17
somerville32nalioth, I'm just saying that if has a problem with the CoC he should take it up with the people who maintain the document. Not suggesting he escalate this incident for review with the CoC.21:18
naliothsomerville32: escalation goes to the next level (otherwise, we should all email Mr. Shuttleworth for our problem solving)21:19
pete83nalioth: I think I will phone him21:19
TheSheepmaybe there should be a 'simple guide to Coc, aka common sense for users'? ;)21:20
pete83Tm_T: do you know something about Shuttleworth that I don't?21:20
Tm_Tpete83: don't even ask...21:20
somerville32nalioth, I wasn't suggesting he complain to the CC about this incident but instead that if he wishes to make a change to it that he speak with them.21:20
Tm_Tanyway, to me this discussion is just big sillyness21:20
mjrsomerville32, besides, clearly you can read the CoC more or less fussily and with a predisposition of interfering with people's communication21:21
somerville32I guess my point was is that the IRC team/Council doesn't maintain the CC and that complaining in here about it isn't going to change it21:21
mjrthe IRC team's interpretations form channel policy21:22
somerville32And we've already told pete83 how it is interpreted :]21:22
pete83somerville32: are you the IRC council?21:23
somerville32pete83, No sir.21:23
mjrsomerville32, since you aren't, clearly the next logical escalation point would be to appeal to the council to re-examine its meddlesome interpretations21:24
mjrmind you, not suggesting it either21:24
mjrsince I don't think it'd work :]21:24
LjLpete83, the IRC council has laid down *guidelines* that explain how they implement the CoC on these channels. just read them. have fun.21:24
jussio1pete83: did you read the IRC guidelines I posted? they address this quite clearly! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:25
pete83ahh, it is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines  ...under the section "Language and subject"...21:25
LjLmjr, somerville's point was in response to "why doesn't the CoC mention this and that" (and the obvious answer is, it doesn't because it's not in its scope). but if one think that the CoC *should* mention this and that, then that's not the IRC council's business.21:25
ompaulmjr, that would be interfering with their right to formulate within the bounds granted to them by the CC what goes or not as the case may be, strange catch22 like situation given that the CC had a huge hand in the Guidelines being approved as such and that the making of an IRC team conditional on such guidelines being in place21:26
mjrBut of course. And I do think there's an apparent need for the CoC to mention that its enforcers should also respect people and their (sub)cultures, including the typical formulation of communication thereof when it's not aggressively pointed toward anyone. Since otherwise the enforcers seem to forget that. But what the hey, it wouldn't be a popular addition.21:28
somerville32mjr, Right, we're not arguing that21:28
pete83Hi Iconia, What The FeistyFawn are you up to these days?21:28
somerville32mjr, I simply told pete83 who he should talk to him if he wishes to modify the CoC21:28
mjryes, and I said the problem is not as much CoC as the meddlesome readings of it.21:29
pete83somerville32: it's ok, it was in the IRCGuideLines.... it just wasn't evident right away that that is where I should be looking21:29
mjrthough obviously the CoC could overrule those as well, if the council wanted to21:29
somerville32Ok, thanks for your input mjr :)21:30
somerville32pete83, np :)21:30
TheSheepgosh, it still continues :)21:31
pete83somerville32: maybe a direct link to the IRCGuideLines in the topic would be more immediately useful than the IRCResourcePage (how many people reading the topic of the channel still need to find an IRC client, for example?) 21:31
somerville32pete83, Thats a good idea to bring up with LjL 21:32
somerville32pete83, LjL manages #ubuntu21:32
ubotustdin called the ops in #ubuntu ()21:33
ubotubruenig called the ops in #ubuntu ()21:33
LjLpete83, the irc resources page *is* useful, because it lists many useful things such as for example all the official Ubuntu channels21:36
LjL*and* it includes a link to the guidelines21:36
LjLwhich is why the direct link to the guidelines was removed from the topic to begin with21:37
LjLmultiverse, let me check why you were banned21:39
multiverseHello, can someone help me with a ban21:39
multiverseI was banned by astro76 because I was promoting the use of Automatix221:39
stdinyou wern't banned by astro7621:40
multiverseThe IP Address I was coming from is not the IP Address that I am currently coming from.21:40
Seeker`LjL is psychic!21:40
multiverseHe was the person who reported to !ops21:40
stdinyou were banned 1) promoting unsupported software and 2) abusing the ops trigger21:41
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »21:41
stdinand bot abuse..21:41
ompaulyou should read that url multiverse 21:41
multiverseI did.21:41
multiverseThat's why I'm back trying to make amends.21:41
multiverseI was only trying to help.21:41
multiverseI didn't realize everyone was so Draconian.21:42
ompaulwho owns the ban?21:42
ompaulit is not draconian21:42
pete83ompaul: it sounds rather draconian21:43
ompaulit is more like preventing windows level stability occurring to users machines21:43
LjLmultiverse, i've checked the logs, and you're quite clearly a troll. bye21:43
multiverseompaul:  your last comment is fair.21:43
multiverseI don't mean to troll21:43
multiverseI promise to cut back on that type of advice.21:43
multiverseI'm new to irc, and it felt like I was being tolled.21:44
ompauls/cut back/cut out21:44
LjLmultiverse, nevermind the advice.21:44
LjLdon't joke with me.21:44
LjL2007-11-24T08:38:34 <multiverse> http://www.getautomatix.com/21:44
LjL2007-11-24T08:38:51 <multiverse> http://www.getautomatix.com/21:44
LjL2007-11-24T08:39:09 <multiverse> Automatix2 has Ubuntu's blessing.21:44
LjLyou. are. a. troll. bye.21:44
pete83haha lol21:44
multiverseThat's how I understood their web page.21:45
multiverseNow that I know how the ops feel about it, I'll refrain from those posts.21:45
stdin"2007-11-24T08:33:20 <multiverse> Windows roxors" ?21:45
multiversetee hee21:45
LjLyeah sure21:46
ompaulmultiverse, care to put down the shovel and walk away21:46
LjLfor your convenience, here's the logs from some minutes before the ban, with "multiverse" grepped21:46
ikoniaha ha ha21:46
pete83multiverse: on the Automatix site, on the left side, it has a list of the TWO distros that endorse it (Uberyl and UCE)21:46
multiversethanks pete21:46
LjLplease, as i said, don't joke with us and waste our time, and go troll #defocus or something.21:46
ompaulLjL, you did not mean that21:46
LjLompaul: i don't "do" mean, i "am" mean21:47
pete83How long do bans last?21:48
pete83even if they are justified?21:49
multiverseI'm not going to spend my time kissing ass.  I'm here for a real apology, and I know you guys don't often get that.  I want to help, and now that I understand how the culture works you'll see that I can live up to this promise:  I won't troll.21:49
LjLpete83, no set time21:49
stdinpete83: as long as the ops see fit21:49
LjLmultiverse, well no, we get logs of sincere, real apologies.21:49
ompaulpete83, there are some that have lasted over a year21:49
LjLexcept their are neither sincere nor real21:49
pete83The ban length sounds like something that should be set and standardized21:49
stdinpete83: depends on the circumstances and the person involved21:49
ompaulpete83, depends on who/what etc 21:49
LjLpete83: that suggestion sounds like something that would scare me21:49
pete83well, there has to be some hope of.. rehabilitation21:50
* ikonia fills his pants21:50
LjLpete83, not for professional trolls.21:50
ompaulpete83, and there are some who do it as much as others add to the kernel21:50
ompaulor code desktops21:50
pete83hmm, but isn't that like the death penalty, IRC version21:50
multiverseYou can see I'm not a professional troll.  Visit my website, where I have to deal with the same crap you do.  It was my misunderstanding.  www.multiverse.org21:51
LjLpete83: like life imprisonment if anything, though i don't think any comparison like that makes much sense.21:51
multiverseTo all ops:  please accept my sincere apology.21:51
PriceChildpete83, as a personal rule, I lift bans when I believe the users' attitude has changed, and that they won't be breaking the guidelines of the channel again.21:51
ompaulpete83, if you let them in they show no remorse - I have seen one guy do a full turn about - but I have seen a couple who no matter how much you ask them they behave in a channel disrupting fashion 21:52
pete83PriceChild: how can you decide that they've changed when they aren't allowed in to talk?21:52
LjLTo multiverse: we don't.21:52
somerville32: (21:52
LjLnow, please come back in a month or so for your ban to be reviewed.21:52
multiverseDo you speak for all the ops LjL?21:52
ompaulmultiverse, he can 21:52
PriceChildpete83, by talking with them during their appeal here or in pm.21:52
pete83ompaul: if you give them a 30day ban, then you only have to deal with it once every 30 days, even for the worst offenders21:52
somerville32multiverse, You can still hang out in the other channels though21:53
ompaulpete83, and for some that would be too much21:53
ikoniapete83: hang around and see how many bans you get in a day21:53
multiverseI'm only interested in the #ubuntu channel, at least for now.21:53
pete83ompaul: ok what about 30 days first time, 60 seconds time, etc, etc.21:53
LjLmultiverse: i speak for myself, other ops have had a chance to express their opinion as well, actually, we've been talking for 15 minutes already.21:53
pete83ompaul: errr. 60 DAYS21:53
ikoniapete83 seems to work well as it is where it is down to the banners disgretion21:53
ikoniapete83: you can mostly tell a users intent, wouldn't you agree ?21:54
ompaulpete83, na - been there done that21:54
ompaulpete83, there are three in total who will *never* be allowed back in 21:54
multiverseDo you guys treat Automatix Windows trolls differently than abusive profane users?21:54
pete83ikonia: some times.... but still, I like to be forgiving.21:54
ompaulpete83, not without a gpg signed email saying they will behave where the key has a path of trust21:54
multiverseWhy punish a difference in culture with a rational person rather than some vomit mouth?21:54
* ikonia is bored of multiverse 21:54
PriceChildmultiverse, we don't differentiate between different types of trolls.21:55
stdinAutomatix Windows trolls are different than abusive profane users??21:55
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:55
multiversePriceChild:  so, put to death the traffic violator and the murderer?21:55
* ikonia yawns21:55
ompaulmultiverse, this is not life - nor is it death21:55
multiverseThis is life.21:56
pete83multiverse, do you have some stake in automatix? (i.e. contributed code or anything?)21:56
multiverseI used it to good effect.21:56
PriceChildpete83, have you been banned from somewhere to?21:56
multiverseBut you know what?21:56
ompaul!worksforme | multiverse 21:56
ubotumultiverse: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/21:56
multiverseI should have offered my advice offline.21:56
pete83PriceChild: not for many years21:56
PriceChildpete83, can we help you?21:56
LjLmultiverse, i request that you leave for the time being21:56
pete83PriceChild: ouch you really don't like me do you?21:57
LjLompaul requests louder though21:57
ikoniaha ha a21:57
PriceChildpete83, I'm just wondering how you happenned about this channel.21:57
ikoniathank you, he was becoming tedious21:57
ompaulLjL, you had asked more than once21:57
stdinpete83: "The IRC council reserves the right to remove idlers from the channel" < from the topic ;)21:57
pete83stdin: luckily I haven't shut up yet21:58
PriceChildAll I've seen so far is the questioning of our current practices... which isn't necessarily a bad thing of course.21:58
stdinPriceChild: pete83 came in here to resolve a dispute from #ubuntu about the use of "wtf" in there21:58
Tm_TI think that is done21:59
PriceChildThankyou stdin.21:59
pete83yes, and you are proving my original point by using that phrase in your comment stdin, since you know it is not offensive the way you are using it21:59
ikoniasheesh, this again22:00
* jussio1 sighs22:00
LjLpete83, this is #ubuntu-ops for starters, not #ubuntu22:00
ompaulpete83, Oi! I think you lost that debate already22:00
stdinpete83: this isn't exactly an open channel...22:00
PriceChildstdin, oh its open... just occasionally selective.22:00
ompaulin fact it is not a debate22:00
LjL"family friendly" applies to #ubuntu (although we try to be family friendly everywhere i guess, but this is still a very special-purpose channel)22:00
stdinI meant it's doesn't have >1000 different users 22:00
* ompaul goes to look at some code22:01
* jussio1 wonders if you can get coloured nicks in irssi...22:01
stdinpete83: and my use of it in here to describe why you are here would not excuse you or me using it in #ubuntu or an other ubuntu related channel22:01
LjLpete83, one thing is things being "offensive", another thing is things being not "polite", "family friendly" or what you prefer to call it. both things are not acceptable in #ubuntu.22:01
ompauljussi01, you need irssi for that :)22:01
* ompaul runs22:01
* jussio1 slaps ompaul 22:02
Tm_Tjussio1: that's not family friendly22:02
jussio1ompaul: I have irssi - not the double nicks22:02
* jussio1 tickles Tm_T :P22:02
ompauljussi01, talk with nalioth he knows some script for irssi - I don't use that 22:02
Tm_Tjussio1: and that definately ISNT!22:02
* ompaul is a lot more gnomish than that22:03
PriceChildjussio1, pretty sure there's one on irssi.org's script page22:03
pete83why would you want to remove idlers from this channel anyways?22:03
* jussio1 goes to look22:03
PriceChildWhat he said.22:03
Tm_Tpete83: why not?22:03
ikoniaask "super-sonic-sega" he is the script master....apparantly22:03
PriceChildpete83, because this channel can contain time sensitive information when we attempt to take action against botnets for example.22:03
pete83Tm_T: I mean, they are allowed in the main channel.. why not this one?22:03
pete83PriceChild: ah ok22:04
* ompaul kills a process22:04
PriceChildpete83, another reason being trolls frequently like to come in here.. create endless discussion and debate, put us against each other and question everything wasting our time and patience.22:04
ompaulPriceChild, NO THEY DON'T (chuckle)22:04
pete83PriceChild: ok, good bye. Thanks for your patience22:04
LjLPriceChild: well, as for putting us against each other, that's just because we're stupid.22:04
LjLoh wait i just trolled22:05
ompaulLjL, you can't talk to PriceChild like that ....22:05
ikoniaompaul: Tm_T said they did, are you calling him a liar ?22:05
Tm_TLjL: can I be against you? (very closely that is)22:05
PriceChildikonia, oh yes he can22:05
PriceChildwhoops, ompaul ^22:05
ompaulohh ohhh22:05
ikoniaPriceChild: he's behind you22:05
PriceChildOhhhh no he isn't!22:05
* Tm_T hides22:05
ompaulikonia, great call22:05
LjLTm_T: oh, uhm, it's warm enough right now, perhaps when it goes below 19C22:05
PriceChildI'm going to see "Sinbad the Sailor" at the panto in a week or so I think...22:05
ompaulPriceChild, rather you than me22:06
ikoniaPriceChild perhaps you should keep that gem to yourself22:06
PriceChildhaha :D22:06
ompaulokay peeps I have to hit the airport in 35 mins22:06
ompaulback later (maybe)22:06
jdongwireshark for someone with active net traffic, then clone their MAC and IP22:09
jdongI mean... err.... have fun at the airport!22:09
jussio1bed time... 22:18
LjLjdong: for even just suggesting that, i will... i will... uhm, trick you into disconnecting from IRC with some psuedo-exploit that really only works on mIRC, possibly.22:19
LjLhi dean, bye dean22:20
LjLnice hostname you've got dean22:20
ikoniamerlin the happy pig ?22:20
ikoniaor merlin the magician22:20
LjLi'm sure he's a magician22:20
ikoniashame, I like the happy pig22:20
PriceChildnot in any other -s channels :/22:20
LjLisn't this weird?22:21
LjLns info dean22:21
PriceChildHe's just hidden things?22:21
LjLPriceChild, in that case the nick would show up as private, i think. also, the dean who joined here isn't identified22:22
PriceChildoh wait it doesn't even give online or last seen status. :/22:22
LjLperhaps it's just that after 3 years, ns has forgot the last seen address and quit message and stuff... dunno22:22
LjLyeah that's what i found strange22:23
jdongLjL: haha what's a pseudo-exploit on mIRC? getting someone to parrot you, then saying /part?22:31
LjLjdong: well that's an universal one22:32
LjLjdong: the one i had in mind was /disco22:32
somerville32What does that do?22:32
jdong:) I've heard its success rate is higher than I would expect22:32
Seeker`I need a really good geeky quote for the back of a tshirt22:32
LjLsomerville32: give you easter-egg disco music of course.22:32
somerville32Does it work in Xchat? :P22:32
LjLnot sure :)22:32
LjLjdong: then there's yesterday's one, /server mail22:33
LjLthough that's also not mIRC-specific22:33
jdongwhat does that do?22:33
Seeker`jdong: tries to connect to a server "mail"22:33
LjLjdong, err do i have to tell you?22:33
Seeker`which disconnects you from this server22:33
naliothjdong: c'mon dude22:33
jdonglol I'm an IRC idiot remember? :)22:33
LjLSeeker`: well, on my konversation it wouldn't - it would just open a new connection - but on other clients, yeah22:34
Seeker`mIRC is silly though :)22:34
Seeker`I cant remember if /j #20,000 works on irssi, and I dont care to find out atm22:34
somerville32What do it do?22:34
LjLit joins #2000 on konversation :)22:34
Seeker`the syntax for /j is /j <chan>,<chan>22:34
Seeker`so it trys to join channels #20 and 00022:35
somerville32Whats the problem with that?22:35
Seeker`but trying to join 000 on some clients makes you part all channels22:35
* somerville32 tries.22:36
Seeker`it does work on mIRC, or it did last time I tried22:36
jdongROFL ROFL  it worked22:36
LjLseems so22:36
naliothit should work on all clients22:36
jdongchannel 000 automatically disconnects?22:37
LjLnalioth, on mine /join #20,00 joins #2000, and /join 0 joins #022:37
PriceChildjdong, one 0 works22:37
LjLwhich exists22:37
LjLalthough it shouldn't22:37
LjLcody-somerville_: congratulations22:37
Seeker`nalioth: doesn't seem to work in irssi22:38
stdinyep, saw you in #000 :p22:38
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as somerville32
LjLwhich reminds me22:40
somerville32000 not #000, eh?22:40
LjL!test | LjL called the ops in #ubuntu-,00022:40
ubotuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu-,000: Failed.22:40
LjLyou still have that disabled huh :(22:40
jdongLjL: nice ;-)22:40
LjLjdong knows :)22:41
jdongsomerville32: LjL's just trying to exploit my auto-join-on-ops script22:42
somerville32oh, haha22:42
jdongsomerville32: not as bad as Se.veas who tried to join me to #horseporn22:42
* somerville32 goes to visit.22:42
mc44jdong: you don't need to . his name when he isn't here :P22:42
jdongmc44: how do I know he isn't here :P22:43
Jack_SparrowPardon the intrusion..  what is the official position on supporting the program aircrack in channel?  22:43
mc44true, he might be behind the curtains22:43
naliothJack_Sparrow: we don't condone illegal activities, however they're presented22:45
Jack_SparrowJust wanted to check..  a guy in channel insisted that because it was in the repo we support or tollerate it22:45
LjLwe definitely support all sorts of programs22:47
LjLjust don't ask "how to crack a network"22:47
LjLask specific questions about a program, without mentioning illegal activities you're going to use it for22:47
Jack_SparrowFine line if we have it in the repo22:48
LjLany program can be used for perfectly fine purposes22:48
LjLJack_Sparrow, there's no fine line, we have john in the repos for that matter, is it supported? yes of course it is22:48
Jack_Sparroweven the description in synaptic says it can be used to attack a system22:48
LjLjust don't ask "how do i crack my colleague's password?"22:48
LjLask something sane about john, and you're fine22:48
LjLJack_Sparrow: yes, that's what security testing tools do.22:49
PriceChildLjL, dude so close with the ops thing ;)22:49
Jack_Sparrownp, agreed, they can be used for good or evil22:49
Jack_Sparrowthanks and sorry for the intrusion22:49
LjLJack_Sparrow: and since we aren't mindreaders, we go based on what the folks tell us22:49
PriceChildJack_Sparrow, when someone asks me how to rip music from a .bin iso they have... I tell them to stop pirating, and to buy the music legally.22:49
LjLif they state they're going to do something illegal, we ask them to take it somewhere else or abstain from it altogether22:50
somerville32PriceChild, What if it is legit? :P22:50
LjLif they ask a legitimate question about a program, they're fine22:50
PriceChildsomerville32, then they have the original cd and all is easier22:50
somerville32PriceChild, Backups are legal22:50
PriceChildIn my mind its the same kind of idea.22:50
PriceChildsomerville32, surprisingly that wasn't the excuse.22:50
LjLPriceChild: they might use it as a backup though. unlikely, agreed, and you're perfectly free to abstain from helping them, but as long as they don't say "i want to pirate a cd"...22:50
somerville32Thats like saying: "I'm not going to help you install Ubuntu because only hackers install Ubuntu" :P22:51
stdinmany hackers work for canonical22:51
stdinthey hang out in #ubuntu-devel22:51
stdinnice people too22:51
somerville32stdin, your point? :S22:52
stdinit's "hacker != cracker"22:52
stdinpet hate :p22:52
somerville32Hence the quotes :P22:52
stdinand that's my quote response to anything with "hacker" (meant as cracker) as a question22:53
* somerville32 yawns and continues.22:54
Jack_Sparrowwould it be appropiate to simple send them to the aircrack channel?22:55
ubotuIn ubotu, kitche said: !beryl is Beryl has been merged with Compiz-Extras to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz22:56
ubotuIn #ubuntu, santor said: ubotu: what is it that women want?23:06
mneptok"more ammo"23:08
LjLmneptok, a tranquilizer?23:09
LjL(not an answer to what women want)23:09
PriceChildthe keys to the emp cannon?23:10
mneptokLjL: yes, please! :)23:10
* LjL charges at 2000V23:11
LjLmneptok: he *is* a troll. he's been asked like 10 times what he's trying to install, and never answered, including now, where at the very direct questions he went with "nevermind".23:18
LjLif he doesn't quit with his own feet, he's on his way out as soon as he says something even so slightly compromising23:18
Seeker`LjL has an itchy trigger finger :P23:21
ikoniaLjL: loving you more each day23:22
LjLi shouldn't give such shows in #ubuntu really, i should have banforwarded to here (or just banned since he deserved it)23:23
LjLikonia: now see something sneaky23:24
ikoniaLjL: ?23:24
LjLikonia: #ubuntu :)23:25

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