
=== doko_ is now known as doko
arthur-doko: can I send a gcc-defaults diff to aurel32, for gdc? now that gdc-4.2 is comming...13:01
arthur-doko: because some package build-dep on gdc which is a virtual package, which is bad, and when we'll switch to gdc-4.2 it would be good to be able to keep 4.1 as the default on some archs where 4.2 would be problematic, for example13:04
dokoarh, why send them to aurel32?13:06
arthur-doko: oh, I was just thinking you wouldn't have time to take care about this, and aurel32 told me he could commit himself if you were ok13:07
arthur-doko: so as you prefer... :-)13:08
dokojbailey: please don't drop the glibc patch which debian did drop (see #453072)15:24

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