
thegodfatherhi ivoks 09:21
ivoksis there any chance to include drbd module into ubuntu kernel?09:21
ivoksthegodfather: hi :)09:21
thegodfatherivoks: i did add a new patch to the bug.. any luck with that one?09:22
ivoksthegodfather: i have to wait night to test that patch :)09:22
thegodfatherivoks: ok cool. thanks09:22
thegodfatherivoks: drbd isn't exactly stable and portable.. last time i checked at least09:22
ivoksnot stable?09:23
ivokshm... :)09:23
thegodfatherwell it didn't use to be09:23
thegodfatherand didn't build on many arches09:23
thegodfatherivoks: i think i might know why you were not able to reproduce the problem on vmware too09:24
thegodfatherthere is a specific algo to select the source address of an outgoing connection09:24
ivoksyou do? i was thinking that it could be driver related stuff :/09:24
thegodfatherwhen the IP's are all in the same subnet09:25
thegodfatherit matters only the last octet09:25
thegodfatherlet say:09:25
thegodfathernode1: x.y.z.10109:25
thegodfathernode2: x.y.z.10209:25
thegodfathernode3: x.y.z.10309:25
thegodfatherand you slam the VIP's in the range from 1 to 10009:25
thegodfatheri don't remember if the lower is privileged09:25
thegodfatheror the higher is09:25
thegodfatherso perhaps you want to compare the real ip's on the running cluster09:26
thegodfatherwith the vmware setup09:26
thegodfatherif you understand what I mean09:26
thegodfatherperhaps on the running cluster the VIPs are below or up the real IP's09:26
thegodfatherand in the vmware setup they are inverted09:26
ivokson these nodes i have two addess on every node09:26
ivoksone is private and one is public09:26
ivoksso, one range is 192.168.0.x, and the other is xx.xx.xx.x09:27
hytham__hi every one ...can some one help me in this issue (after compinilng a new kernel i recievd the following error "run-init:nuking initramfs contents:directory not empty" and kernel panics ???09:27
ivoksi tried with the same setup on vmware, but all ips were from the private range09:27
thegodfatherivoks: right.. that can change a lot09:27
thegodfatherbecause of the selection algo09:27
ivoksyeah, probably09:27
thegodfatherdo you have a chance to test the exact copy on vmware?09:28
thegodfatherincluding real ips?09:28
ivoksnot really at the moment09:29
thegodfatherif so.. you might be able to reproduce the issue without a patched kernel09:29
ivoksi'll test the patch on real systems tonight09:29
thegodfatherit was just to avoid you any more troubles09:29
thegodfatherwith the production system09:29
thegodfatherivoks: otherwise is there a way i can get the real config with real ip's?09:30
ivokswell, system is still in alpha stage, so i can get along with it :D09:30
thegodfatherof course as NDA or something09:30
thegodfatherthat way i can set it up here in my vmware environment09:30
thegodfatherthat case.. it's all good :) 09:30
ivoksit the patch doesn't work, i think we can't talk about providing real config09:30
ivokssorry... can09:31
ivoksnot can't :)09:31
thegodfathertake into account that the new patch sucks in all changes in lowcomms.c that have been done to fix issues up till today09:31
thegodfatherif this isn't working, we are probably experiencing another bug that we think09:31
thegodfatherso that will require much more debugging09:31
ivokswell, i'll do everything i can to help you out09:32
thegodfatheri really appreciate09:32
ivoksit's in my intrest to make it work too 09:32
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ivoksthegodfather: cross your fingers :)10:31
* thegodfather crosses his fingers...10:31
ivoksi hate rebooting system in testing kernel10:34
ivoksspecially when they are thousands of kilometers away :)10:34
ivoksthey're up!10:37
ivoksand printk shows stuff gets executed10:37
ivoksthegodfather: :* works for me :D10:41
thegodfatherivoks: rock on10:43
thegodfatherivoks: please report it in the bug report10:43
ivoksi'm doing last test just to be sure...10:43
ivokswill do, of course...10:43
ivoksyes, it works... kudos to thegodfather :)10:48
thegodfatherthanks for testing man10:51
ivoksthegodfather: funny thing... bringing old kernel back results in oopsing :)11:16
thegodfatherwell no idea.. sorry11:18
ivoksdlm_lock crashes on one node, not both... well, never mind, if patched one works, that's all i need :)11:18
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