
asacfine ... unmodified epiphany crashes the same way (built against ffox)00:00
asacdamn ... why did i start to develop against trunk epiphany in the first place00:06
asacUbulette: does miro need xul 1.9?00:11
Ubulettenot yet, i'm waiting for your python patch00:11
asachmm miro is in sid00:12
asacso is it in hardy as well?00:12
Ubulettegutsy too00:12
Ubulette!info miro00:12
ubotumiro: GTK+ based RSS video aggregator. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 555 kB, installed size 3012 kB00:12
Ubulette!info miro hardy00:12
asacis it just python?00:12
ubotumiro: GTK+ based RSS video aggregator. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 555 kB, installed size 3012 kB00:12
Ubulettefta@ix:~ $ apt-cache madison miro00:13
Ubulette      miro | 1.5~svn20071122r5782-0ubuntu1~fta1 | http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy/main Packages00:13
Ubulette      miro | | http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy/universe Packages00:13
asacthat doesn't answer my question :)00:13
asaclets see00:13
Ubulettei have a miro-xul1.9 branch with 30_use_xulrunner_1_9.patch00:14
Ubulettemiro 1.0 has been released ~2 weeks ago00:15
asacUbulette: whats the state of that branch?00:15
Ubulettein progress00:16
asacwhy do you need XPCOM_GLUE_USE_NSPR00:17
asacwhere do you define XPCOM_GLUE?00:17
asacdo you run pkg-config somwehere?00:17
asachmmm does it work?00:18
Ubulettelibxul-embedding-1.9, yes, no00:18
asacah you split/join ... you can run pkg-config --cflags --define-variable=includetype=unstable libxul-embedding-1.9 to get the unstable cflags directly00:19
asacbut you probabyl know00:19
asacbut still ... why NSPR?00:20
Ubulettebecause it ftbfs without00:21
asacwhat is 1.5?00:21
asacUbulette: i don't have a suitable orig for the branch00:23
asaci took the 1.0 orig from your ppa00:23
asacthat had a version mismatch and now a patch fails00:23
Ubuletteor new-orig for today's head00:24
Ubuletteget-orig builds for sure00:24
Ubuletteor http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10519383/miro_1.5%7Esvn20071122r5782.orig.tar.gz00:25
Ubulettemy ppa has miro - 1.5~svn20071122r5782-0ubuntu1~fta100:25
asacyeah it chokes on broken .pc files:00:25
asacPackage config error:00:25
asacpkg-config --list-all outputted the following error:00:25
asacVariable 'datarootdir' not defined in '/usr/lib/pkgconfig/osso-af-settings.pc'00:25
Ubuletteosso ? what's that ?00:26
asacdoesn't matter much --list-all isn't garantued to work ... so better don't rely on it ;)00:26
asacits something for mobile project00:26
UbuletteI used  --list-all ?00:27
Ubuletteoh, it's upstream, not me00:27
asaci saw it somewhere00:28
asacmaybe its upstream yes00:28
asacUbulette: the build appears to succeed00:28
asacso what is the problem=00:28
Ubuletteusing the 1.9 branch ?00:29
Ubulettewell, i don't remember, it was 3 weeks ago, didn't have time since00:29
asaci get ImportError: /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/miro/MozillaBrowser.so: undefined symbol: _ZN12nsCharTraitsIcE12sEmptyBufferE00:30
asacmaybe its because of the wrong python binding used?00:30
Ubulettethat rings a bell. it's where i stopped00:32
UbuletteI thought you worked on fixing that00:32
asacyou don't look xpcom00:33
asacwhere do you load the Gre?00:33
Ubulettei clearly said it's incomplete00:33
Ubulette02 Nov 2007 16:3400:34
Ubulettedescription: * Temptative port from firefox-dev (moz 1.8) to xulrunner-1.9.00:34
Ubulette  It is incomplete.00:34
Ubulette  - add debian/patches/30_use_xulrunner_1_9.patch00:34
Ubuletteasac, is gnomefreak really mad ?00:38
Ubuletteasac, feel free to fix miro01:07
asacUbulette: gnomefreak isn't here anymore. hope he just takes a time off01:10
Ubulettei hope it's not that seamonkey thing01:10
asacmost likely it iw01:10
asacmaybe was wrong to do it the way it was done. but nothing unfixable imo.01:12
Ubulettei'm sorry it turned that way01:13
asacmiro explicitly uses INTERNAL_API01:17
asacthats a bad thing01:17
asaconce it builds without that ... it should work :)01:17
asac... in setupMozillaEnvironment one has to gtkmozembed.startup_push() ... and one has to import gtkmozembed _before_ importing the MozillaBrowser python lib/module.01:19
Ubuletteasac, I guess i don't need to tell you how quilt works ? :)01:32
Ubuletteyou seems to have the fix01:39
Ubuletteanyway, i'm done with merging our last changes and fixing trunk ftbfs into my head branches. i'm running those now. it's all fine (just the python errors on startup)01:41
Ubulette37 min ?01:55
asacno idea ... seems long but who knows02:05
asacUbulette: i don't have the fix ... its not yet frozen linkage ... so it won't work02:06
armin76asac: mozilla bug 40578614:27
ubotuMozilla bug 405786 in XPCOM "1.9 doesn't detect powerpc correctly" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40578614:27
asacarmin76: don't we ship that already?14:29
asacor is that for ffox 2?14:29
armin76that's for xulunner-1.914:30
asaci know it is14:30
asaci thought we already had something like that ... nm14:30
armin76afaik you already apply that patch14:31
armin76but i thought it should go upstream, since right now it won't build on ppc under linux14:31
asacarmin76: ask timeless for review14:33
asace.g. edit the patch attachment14:36
asacusually he complains about patches not produced by cvs diff :)14:40
asaclets see14:40
* armin76 does a cvs diff14:47
armin76you didn't told me that with the ia64 patch :P14:48
asaccvs diff -Nup8 i think14:48
asacis what they want14:48
asaccvs diff -u8pN14:49
armin76okay, fixing...14:51
armin76asac: now?14:56
* asac break15:07
armin76how are you supposed to add a file to the cvs checkout so you can make a diff?15:15
armin76it's explained in the docs :D15:19
armin76[reed]: please re-add the reviewers to mozilla bug 287150 :)15:25
ubotuMozilla bug 287150 in XPCOM "parisc-linux support for xpcom" [Major,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28715015:25
armin76i added a patch using cvs diff15:25
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
asacmozilla bug 10125221:20
ubotuMozilla bug 101252 in XPCOM "proxied objects require threadsafe impl of nsISupports" [Normal,Resolved: wontfix] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10125221:20
asacon another front i made epiphany trunk with xul 1.9 start and work more or less OK21:47
asacUbulette: there are exciting things todo for epiphany ;)21:49
asac_work (TM)_21:49
Ubuletteasac, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/ff3b2pre-gnome.png22:06
asacUbulette: is that broken or what?22:32
Ubuletteno, just evolving every day toward gnome22:32
Ubulettesmall glitch, the open folder no longer has an "opened" icon22:33
asaccan you switch back to old theme?22:33
asacor is that gone forever now?22:33
Ubuletteit's the default, matching my (also default) ubuntu theme22:33
Ubuletteseems it ignores the theme though22:35
Ubulette<asac> or is that gone forever now?22:37
Ubulette<Ubulette> it's the default, matching my (also default) ubuntu theme22:37
Ubulette<Ubulette> seems it ignores the theme though22:37
asac_anything after22:37
asac_23:33 < Ubulette> it's the default, matching my (also default) ubuntu theme22:37
[reed]just checked-in 5-6 Linux-only patches22:51
UbuletteI build daily at 7pm (CET)22:52
=== asac_ is now known as asac
Ubuletteso i'll see that tomorrow22:54
[reed]Ubulette: so, I get that22:54
[reed]in your screenshot22:54
[reed]if I click22:54
[reed]and then just stay there22:54
[reed]it doesn't have the depressed state22:55
[reed]until I move my mouse22:55
[reed]then it has it22:55
Ubulettebefore, the folder was also open wider22:56
[reed]file a bug, please23:02
Ubuletteis there a plan to let firefox follow the gnome theme (ie dynamically like all othe gtk apps) ?23:05
asacUbulette: i think the idea is that it does it23:08
asacdo you refer to a "repaint" ?23:08
asacor isn't the theme honoured at all?23:08
UbuletteI mean, changing the global theme in gnome (still) doesn't change ff323:09
Ubuletteso if my gnome is blue or green, ff3 is still orange23:09
asaceven after restarting ffox?23:09
Ubulettei don't care myself as my theme is orange23:09
Ubulettehmm, i don't know. all the other apps don't need to be restarted23:10
asacb1 follows theme for me23:11
asace.g. widgets et al23:11
asacicons should do so as well i guess ... if not its a bug?23:11
[reed]icons weren't changed until after b123:12
[reed]to use stock icons23:12
[reed]check a nightly23:12
asacyes... but they should use the themed stock icons23:12
asacUbulette: please try ... if it works after restart :)23:13
Ubulettenot ff theme, i mean gnome theme (as in System / Preferences / Appearance -> Theme)23:13
asaci know :)23:14
asacplease see if restart updates the icons :)23:14
asaclooks not too bad23:19
Ubulettenot exactly the same but close enough23:19
[reed]the arrows _just_ got fixed23:20
[reed]mozilla bug 40449323:20
ubotuMozilla bug 404493 in Widget: Gtk "Native GTK style for arrows" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40449323:20
[reed]like, I just landed the patch 30 min. ago :)23:20
[reed]so, tomorrow's nightly should have native arrows23:20
Ubuletteasac, prism is still waiting in REVU :(23:35
asacUbulette: ping persia?23:37
Ubulettei did, 3 times. he's busy + network issues23:37
Ubulettei guess he'll come back to it23:38
Ubulettebut i'm having a hard time finding a 2nd23:38
asacUbulette: ask dholbach to assign someone ... at best not me :)23:38
Ubuletteyes, i wanted people not from here ;)23:39
asacyeah :) .. tell him thats the reason :)23:39
asache will be helpful ... i am sure23:39
Ubuletteasac, why dholbach ?23:42
asacUbulette: he coordinates sponsoring et al23:44
Ubuletteoh, ok23:44
asachow long do you wait now?23:51
asacif its just 2 days you might wanna wait another :)23:51
Ubulette~5 days23:52
Ubulette+ stuck 1 day because of the gpg keyring23:52
asac5 days since last upload?23:53
asacor total?23:53
asaclast upload?23:53
Ubulettei've fixed all "issues" the day they've been reported23:54
asacthen wait another day at least ;)23:55
asacfocus on other things :) ... this upload will land soon i would bet23:55

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