
somerville32: (00:45
jdongit no likey you.00:45
somerville32Make it like me :(00:46
ompaultonyyarusso, please check your client00:46
ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.00:46
jdongsomerville32: sorry, I don't think you and him are ever destined to be together ;-)00:46
somerville32: (00:47
Piciwait, ubotu is a him?00:47
ompaulPici, if you want him to be00:47
* ompaul blinks00:47
LjLPici: it was a her in portuguese until someone changed it to a him00:47
jdongPici: {s}he is whatever you want h{im,er} to be.00:47
PriceChildjdong, I wasn't going to be the one to say it...00:47
jdongPriceChild: don't worry I won't make the ultimate joke in here ;-)00:48
PriceChildI think i got kicked for it before...00:48
somerville32Make it : P00:48
PriceChildOh no.00:48
* somerville32 chants.00:48
mneptoki like to picture ubotu as a hermaphrodite.00:48
* jdong shudders00:49
jdongisn't bisexual good enough?00:49
LjLthat was the ultimate joke?00:49
jdonglol no.00:49
* somerville32 doesn't get it.00:49
mneptokthere's something about a raging erection *and* lactating breasts while i'm being told how to reinstall GRUB that's really, really compelling.00:49
PriceChildjdong is not making the ultimate joke.00:49
* somerville32 still doesn't get it.00:50
no0ticI know a bot whose name's anna00:50
jdongmneptok: pics?00:50
mneptokjdong: http://www.geekasaurus.com/clint/images/20050512grizzlybear.jpg00:50
jdongdo I dare....00:50
jdongOH GODDDDD00:50
LjLyou did.00:51
jdongI prefer a bit less hair on my men.00:51
jdongNot that I ... urgh never mind00:51
jdongthis channel isn't logged, right?00:51
PiciI am so no clicking.00:51
PriceChildOh it is.00:51
* LjL points jdong to ubuntulog00:51
no0ticjdong, I am bloggin this00:51
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/00:51
jdongoh crap :)00:51
PriceChildYou're all going straight to hell via google.00:51
jdongPriceChild: nothing straight about this hell ;-)00:51
PiciI wonder if we could get topyli to do one of his comic strips of this00:51
PriceChildIt'll index you to death.00:51
LjLjdong: that pun was ompaulish.00:52
* somerville32 doesn't get it.00:52
* LjL seems to understand that somerville32 doesn't get it.00:53
ompaulso why laugh?00:53
jdongompaul: no soap, radio.00:53
mneptokjdong: picture it, though. you can play "English Gentleman Big Game Hunter" and machete your way through the back hair. "Dr. Livingston, I presume. And aren't *you* the strapping lad!"00:53
Picijdong: ahahahaha00:53
ompauljdong, whole different order of broadcast - see multicast - after several broken bones00:53
ompaulwow even I find that hard to follow00:54
ompaulmneptok, you are the one - one what we don't know but the one none the less00:54
* LjL thinks at this stage jdong's so ruined he could just make the ultimate joke too00:54
jdonglol no, I still have a slight bit of a conscience00:55
* mneptok broke jdong!00:55
jdongthough this channel is eroding it fast ;-)00:55
jdongmneptok: oh I was broken far before you came along ;-)00:55
mneptokoh? cool, i'll get the hand cream and tile grout.00:55
jdongI get the cream, but what's the grout for?00:55
ompauljdong, you had to ask00:55
jdonguh oh this might not be good...00:56
mneptokdo you have insurance?00:56
* ompaul rofl00:56
jdongerr.... for me or for my bathroom?00:56
mneptokoh ... and is your will up-to-date?00:56
ompaulmneptok, you are what we refer to as a sick puppy00:56
mneptokthe grout is most certainly NOT for the bathroom. how .... uninspired.00:56
mneptokompaul: i'm in good company ;)00:57
ompaulmneptok, there is that and then there is this: Scorpions – Suspender Love00:57
jdonghaha. he said "in".00:57
mneptokall the way to the base.00:57
mneptokompaul: ROCK YOU LIKE A HURRICANE!00:58
tonyyarussogrr - ever had one of those professors that feels the need to blather on about things that aren't covered by the book, b/c they aren't really relevant to the intended curriculum but he likes them anyway?00:58
mneptok(wait, was that Scorpions?)00:58
ompaulmneptok, actually got to go --- speedy's coming00:58
PriceChildtonyyarusso, I kinda like those moments...00:58
PriceChildtonyyarusso, they're normally slightly interesting.00:58
jdongtonyyarusso: *sigh* my bio professor invented cancer and the tests, homeworks, and lectures are basically turning into his life memoirs.00:58
ompauljdong, don't you have like a young professor for any subject?00:59
jdongompaul: I wish....00:59
mneptoktonyyarusso: "Can we please cover the material I paid for?"00:59
tonyyarussoPriceChild: it's a computer science course taught by a guy who probably witnessed the invention of the punchcard.00:59
jdongompaul: they're all old and not good for daydreaming during lectures.00:59
ompaulright I am gone00:59
mc44jdong: isn't he a bit ashamed he invented cancer00:59
mc44you know, it's not something I'd boast about00:59
PriceChildoh don't get jdong started on this...01:00
jdonglol he discovered the first oncogene and tumor suppressor genes01:00
jdongso I think it evens out01:00
mc44sure "discovered"01:00
jdonga wrong and then a right makes a forgotten wrong.01:00
jdonghe also lamented al gore getting the nobel peace prize....01:00
jdongfortunately no notes for that lecture ;-)01:01
mneptokjdong: does that mean Germany gets a pass on the Holocaust because of Technoviking?01:01
* Hobbsee thinks mneptok is just plain insane.01:01
jdongmneptok: nah the german fetish stuff already made up for it ;-)01:01
jdongwow I'm losing it01:01
* jdong wonders if people actually read the log to this channel01:02
mc44jdong: only your mother01:02
mneptokPriceChild: http://www.break.com/knockedupdvd/all-hail-technoviking.html01:03
mneptok^^ Technoviking ^^01:03
tonyyarussoOh lordy, this should be interesting01:03
tonyyarussoNow he thinks he's qualified to talk about brain structure01:03
Seeker`aparently one of my lecturers worked with bourne for a while01:04
jdongdunno. forgot.01:04
mc44don't encourage him with laughter01:07
PriceChildWait... doesn't MikeB- use TechnoViking as his nick on irc now?01:08
PriceChild*imagines MikeB dancing like that*01:08
jdongerr that's yes.01:08
PriceChildjdong, not qwerty?01:08
LjLnot dvorak either01:10
jdongPriceChild: offset -1 key and a dyslexic swap01:10
LjLthe only thing that's offset -1 is the s, and even if you swap the other two, "ye" doesn't come up :P01:11
PriceChildLjL, which channels for ubotu?01:15
LjLPriceChild: ah, i thought my watchlist changing would mean something.01:15
PriceChildLjL, pardon?01:15
LjLPriceChild: [Watched nicks] dutchman is now online01:15
tonyyarussowait, you can watch for nicks?01:17
somerville32Do you watch for me? :)01:17
ubotuchoudesh called the ops in #ubuntu (oobe)01:23
tonyyarussoLjL: err, how do you set a forward in mlock?01:46
LjLtonyyarusso: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/MovingChannels01:47
LjLplease forward to any other contacts who may need to move01:47
tonyyarussoLjL: yeah, that's what I did.  /cs info #ubuntu-minnesota though - it shows a +f, but not the channel it's supposed to go to.01:47
LjLtonyyarusso: well, it does forward to the right channel01:48
LjLit's just that chanserv doesn't show it01:48
tonyyarussoall righty01:48
naliothchanserv never shows it01:50
naliothjust +f01:50
naliothand whatever else01:50
LjLomg wii01:59
Tm_Tjust kickban him02:00
* Tm_T cant02:00
Tm_Tunless you allow me02:00
crdlbwhere and with what nick?02:01
Tm_Tcrdlb: erm?02:02
Tm_Tcrdlb: who are you?02:02
Tm_TLjL: pretty please02:02
* crdlb is an op in #compiz-fusion02:03
Tm_Tnot that02:03
Tm_Tbut thanks :)02:03
* mjr wrote up a short piece on Censorship, IRC and the Ubuntu Code of Conduct for fun, profit, and future efficiency of arguing about it. Those interested, http://mjr.iki.fi/ubuntu/coc_censorship02:03
LjLTm_T, seems he's begging for me to.02:03
Tm_Twhere his ban is from there?02:04
LjLTm_T: he's not banned, but ompaul removed a lot of bans earlier because the banlist was full, let me check02:05
Tm_The was banned twice from there I'm sure02:06
LjLone of them was removed02:06
crdlbI thought he was k-lined :(02:06
Tm_Tcrdlb: twice atleast02:07
tonyyarussomjr: That seems like a reasonable argument for society in general, but not so much for Ubuntu-land.02:07
LjLTm_T, both bans were removed on oct 15 by pici pruning bans. on one of them, he states in the comment that there is another banmask covering the same ban, however it seems he removed that one by mistake too02:08
LjLso, i say it's a ban02:08
Tm_TLjL: if and when you are sure that we can remove him again, please let me ;)02:08
Hobbseemjr: nice essay02:08
somerville32mjr, Do you mind if I blog about it?02:09
tonyyarussomjr: My post from a while back is somewhat relevant as well (see http://blog.tonyyarusso.com/politics/what-free-speech-isnt/)02:09
mjrsomerville32, go ahead02:09
Hobbseemjr: of course, i'd be interested to see #ubuntu-offtopic actually have a conversation about politics, which didn't turn into a mega-long rant about the state of politics, where nothing else could be said at all.02:09
Hobbseemjr: which is why the politics stuff was added in there02:09
LjLTm_T: sorry, i had already switched to -offtopic02:10
tonyyarussomjr: I agree that it would be nice if enforcement were more uniform, but frankly I think that's hard to do without making it automated by bots, which I think would be far scarier.02:10
tonyyarussomjr: btw - most of that stuff was added, as Hobbsee pointed out, due to past experience.  The channel used to be much more allowing to various topics, but unfortunately restricted out of necessity as it grew.  (Things are very different with 150 people compared to 25)02:11
Hobbseemjr: also, #ubuntu-offtopic isn't really a great place to get psychatric help.02:11
Tm_Tmjr: what essay?02:11
Hobbsee"we're a linux distribution.  not a psychiatric ward"02:12
Tm_THobbsee: sure?02:12
HobbseeTm_T: last i checked.02:12
Hobbseemjr: also, i find it unhelpful when people rant about women in the channel - it's often mroe discouraging to women to see that, than to have it not beign discussed at all.02:13
Hobbseemjr: the aim of -offtopic is so that everyone can have a say, and can have multiple conversations at once if they wish.  if you're having a massive flamewar on some subject, ti's very hard to do that.02:13
Hobbseemjr: of course, one could then go and write another rant, saying that because stuff like politics *is* allowed, it was too busy to discuss what they wanted to, and that they didn't care about a particularly country's politics, and so it's a violtaion of their free speech to talk.02:15
Hobbseeer, to have that in there.02:15
* Hobbsee is still a big fan of forwarding #ubuntu-offtopic to ##offtopic, so it has no relevance to ubuntu at all.02:15
* LjL is still a big fan of the idea that #ubuntu-offtopic should at least in theory be considered a channel where the main topic is Ubuntu, just not Ubuntu *support*, while digressions are allowed to some extent02:17
mjrHobbsee, not an entirely bad idea02:17
* jdong sides with LjL on this02:17
mjrTm_T, see above02:17
Tm_TLjL: agreed02:17
HobbseeLjL: yeah well.  that'd be even nicer.02:17
jdongthere needs to be an IRC place for Ubuntites to just chill and get to know each other...02:17
jdongbut not rage political war ;-)02:17
LjLHobbsee: that happens. there's a lot of Ubuntu-related talk in -offtopic, although there's also a lot of unrelated talk.02:18
Hobbseeas an australian, i don't overly care about american politics.  why should i not be able to talk in there about what i want, due to an hour long discussion on something i'm not interested in, which is very busy?02:18
mneptokjdong: may i suggest #debian ?  >:)02:18
Hobbseedo you actually have a good solution to that?02:19
jdongmneptok: meh but what if I'm bidistro? :)02:19
mneptokHobbsee: as an American, i'm not quite sure what this "Australia" you speak of actually *is*.02:19
Hobbseemneptok: :P02:19
LjLmneptok wins02:19
jdongall in all, I think it's an impossible line to draw :)02:19
mneptokHobbsee: oh! wait! "Koala England," right?!02:20
jdongI think the policy should be worded roughly like the ops are fully within their rights to stop any discussion02:20
Hobbseejdong: that won't stop the paranoi02:20
LjLjdong: what, it isn't?!02:20
Tm_Tmjr: interesting02:20
jdongLjL: well technically it is, but without an explicit policy you'll get a lot of bickering when you do it02:20
HobbseeLjL: it actually specifies what some of the inappropriate stuff is02:21
LjLjdong: tss, says you. remember the changes we made to the guidelines during the last meeting?02:21
jdongI'd say "Ubuntu-related topics are fair game, you can try other topics but don't whine if you're asked to take it outside"02:21
mneptokhttp://www.mneptok.com/staticpages/index.php?page=unixirc  <--- feel free to appropriate any parts of "The Rules" that would be helpful.02:21
Hobbseejdong: "ubuntu-related topics are fine, anything else goes to ##offtopic"02:22
Tm_THobbsee: jdong LjL I would also say that all "op games" should be kept out from -offtopic02:22
LjLhe asked for it02:23
Hobbseesince when have they been in -offtopic anyway?  not for a while.02:23
Hobbseemneptok: those look good.02:23
LjLoh, uhm, err.02:24
Hobbseei'm starting to think all the ops should quit from -offtopic, stick people like somerville32 and mjr in there, and let them deal with it - and see hwo they do.02:24
mneptokHobbsee: are you recruiting for Fedora or something? ;)02:25
Hobbseewe'll see what they end up doing, and whether they'll take an ideological stance, or a practical one, after they've had some experience.02:25
mneptoktalk about trial by fire ...02:25
Hobbseemneptok: well, they want to change it, they think they can do a better job, and they think we suck at it.02:25
no0ticI don't get the point. Why out there are people that whine about op's "censorship" on #ubuntu-* channels? Nobody forbids them to join ##offtopic or to open a new channel in which they would be kings of their realm. 02:26
Hobbseegive 'em a trial, see fi they change their tune.02:26
* mjr notes how some counterarguments for censorship by subject have been presented, while nobody has counterargued by vocabulary. Interesting :]02:26
Hobbseeno0tic: because ##offtopic is apparently scary, and doesn't have the same people02:26
Hobbseemjr: you probably have a point aobut the vocabulary.  to a point.02:26
no0ticHobbsee, then.. create a new channel and invite every user you want, what's the problem?02:26
HobbseeWe believe in free speech ... to a point. A well-placed epithet can often be used to great effect. But excessive profanity is silly. Ad hominem abuse (personal attack) is a no-no. Trolling is a no-no. Use of your client for CTCP, DCC and other actions is also covered by this. Don't engage in client abuses. What constitutes each of these things? When an op asks you to cut it out, you'll know you've gone too far.02:27
Hobbseesums it up quite well02:27
mneptokmjr: official Ubuntu IRC channels are censored. deal with it.02:27
mneptokmjr: trust me, you're glad they are.02:27
Hobbseeno0tic: people's lazyness.02:27
Hobbseemneptok: and you yourself are censored in them :P02:27
mjr_Of course_ I deal with it. Why do you think I'm still there?02:27
mneptokHobbsee: oh, i self censor. trust me.02:27
mneptokmjr: so what is your issue?02:28
mjror does "dealing with it" mean not pointing out hypocrisy?02:28
somerville32Personally, I've came to the conclusion that I'll never feel the same way about IRC policy as some of the ops and I've come to accept that.02:28
mneptokmjr: such as?02:28
mjrmneptok, such as noted in the essay02:28
no0ticYou want to join ubuntu community? well, there are rules to follow, period. You dislike ops' behaviours? Think about why they became ops 02:29
mneptokmjr: kees can commit security patches directly to the repos. MOTUs can't. is this "hypocrisy?"02:29
mjrmneptok, of course not. But being arrogant, petty and disrespectful while pounding on the CoC is.02:29
LjLsomerville32, indeed. different channels are run in many very different ways... and i don't have a prejudice against those channels that are run in opposite ways from the ones we run ours.  they've chosen a different path, and each may work fine, if there are the conditions02:29
mneptokmjr: the fact is, IRC is not a democracy. it's not a republic. it's a meritocracy in the best cases, and despotism in the worst.02:30
mjrmneptok, please keep telling me stuff I've known probably for longer than you've been online02:30
mneptokmjr: if you have specific examples, and logs, the IRC Council wants to talk to you.02:30
mneptokmjr: *now* who's being arrogant, petty, and disrespectful?02:31
somerville32My biggest tift about the IRC council is the lack of equal representation.02:31
mjrmneptok, I freely admit I answer to those in kind pretty quickly02:31
Seeker`mjr: how long *have* you been online?02:31
mneptokmjr: i said nothing petty, arrogant, or disrespectful.02:31
somerville32mneptok, Who are you kidding? :P You _are_ arrogant and disrespectful :P Thats why we love you.02:32
mneptokmjr: i stated my opinion. you find it repetetive. it's no good reason to be insulting.02:32
mjrmneptok, you were stating and restating obvious things to me as if I'm an idiot, all the while staying clear of all relevance to the actual matter, which isn't if it's a democracy, but if it's a hypocracy02:32
Hobbseesomerville32: who else would you want on there?02:33
Hobbseesomerville32: why is it not equal?02:33
mneptokmjr: "hypocrisy"02:33
mjrmneptok, it's a "play on words". Look it up.02:33
somerville32Hobbsee, The IRC Council mainly represents the management of the three (four?) main support channels and their offtopic equivs and that the IRC Council should have a seat for each group.02:34
Hobbseesomerville32: the point of a council is that it isn't huge.  02:34
* tonyyarusso sighs at that point, yet again02:34
Hobbseesomerville32: presumably you're upset that you didn't get a chance to be on it, so are bringing all this up?02:34
mneptokmjr: as i'm weary of your attitude, i'm going now.02:35
mjrmneptok, good.02:35
somerville32Hobbsee, I wouldn't be interested in being on it but I wouldn't mind seeing another xubuntu op on it.02:35
mneptokmjr: you might get better results after a juice box and a nap.02:35
jdongsomerville32: do you feel there's times your interests were underrepresented in decision making?02:35
* jdong thinks there doesn't have to be a rep from each group on the council to have that group's needs addressed02:36
Hobbseesomerville32: for one, i'm glad that you're *not* on it - as you don't appear to be able to keep your jealousy separate from the issues at hand - like the running of *ubuntu* related channels.02:36
Hobbseesomerville32: who would your suggestion be for an xubuntu-related op?02:36
mjrmneptok, well, you go get those and then reread your lines and consider carefully whether you might've been a tiniest bit condescending02:36
Hobbseesomerville32: and have you seen the council behave badly towards kubuntu, as there is no kubuntu-based op on the council?02:36
somerville32I wouldn't know and I wouldn't even know if the current setup works. I'm thinking purely about why there is the IRC and how I think it should be composed fairly.02:37
somerville32Since the IRC is a body of power.02:37
Seeker`as far as i can see, the problem with mjr's argument is the apparent assumption that everyone has rights on all ubuntu channels and that it is a democracy. But it isn't - it is a "private" network, where certain people have been chosen to run it. What they say goes - end of story02:37
mneptokmjr: if you found my opinions repetitive, sorry. it's still no excuse for the "i'voe been online longer than you" swordfight02:37
mjrSeeker`, get better glasses02:37
Seeker`its not like anyone is forced to be here, they can set up unofficial ubuntu  channels on this server, or other servers02:38
Hobbseesomerville32: all i seem to see from you is how it doesn't work, consistently, yet you offer little-to-no solutions on how it can be fixed - apart from creating more beaurocracy.02:38
mneptokmjr: stop the caustic comments. now.02:38
somerville32But I'm not sure I want to get into this discussion because we often fight and I'd rather have a good working relationship with you.02:38
Seeker`and IRC isn't the end of the world. Fair enough if it was Real Life, but its just a chat system02:38
Hobbseesomerville32: i have no interest in fighting with you - all i'm doing is suggesting why your comments are not taken entirely seriously.02:38
jdongguys, can we please move this political discussion to #offtopic?02:38
mjrSeeker`, the point is that the operator practices on major ubuntu channels are disrespectful, arrogant, and petty, whiles _supposed_ to being governed by the CoC02:38
Hobbseesomerville32: and why you didn't get asked to be on the council.02:39
mjrmneptok, you mean comments like "deal with it"? You know, your opener02:39
Seeker`mjr: I have not seen any actions like that, and I have been hanging around here for quite a while02:39
Hobbseebloody hell.02:39
* jdong blinks02:39
mneptokwhuddeye do?02:39
Hobbseemneptok: see /query02:39
* Seeker` hopes he didn't do anything wrong02:40
LjLok, i suggest that this discussion is stopped now. continue in #ubuntu-irc if you feel the need to. this is a flamewar now, actually it's been a flamewar for the last 20 minutes at least, with personal attacks and everything.02:41
Hobbseehave you never heard the logic of bashing kid's heads together when they keep arguing, so they both step down and think about what they're doing?02:41
Hobbsee(independant of who's right and wrong?)02:41
mneptokHobbsee: can i go ride bikes now?02:42
jdongmneptok: put on your helmet!02:42
jdongprobably too late though02:42
mneptoki always wear a helmet.02:42
mneptokand i'm not on any teams. :/02:42
jdongI was going to say put on your protective gear, but thought better of it :)02:43
Hobbseeof course..02:43
mneptokthat's like asking Miami to buy snowplows.02:43
* Hobbsee fully realises that that will be used in mjr's or somerville32's next essay on why ubuntu censorship is evil - the kicking of both of them, to restore general channel sanity.02:44
Hobbseeone gets blasted for acting, or one gets blasted for not acting.  pick your poison.02:44
* Seeker` => bed02:45
somerville32I rather focus my efforts on packaging than the politics of Ubuntu IRC02:45
mneptokHobbsee: sounds like a case of Jdub Syndrome02:45
Hobbseemneptok: how so?02:45
mneptokHobbsee: not been folowing the GNOME soap opera the past 48 hours?02:45
Hobbseeonly vaguely02:47
mneptok21:43 < Hobbsee> one gets blasted for acting, or one gets blasted for not acting.  pick your poison.   (sounds like something jdub would be thinking)02:47
Hobbseeah yes, true02:48
jdonghas that drama calmed down yet?02:48
jdongor is Gentoo Now Hiring?02:49
mneptokemerge sanity02:49
jdongsorry, hard-masked ~arch :)02:49
LjLthe gentoo guys certainly look 200% saner than us from what i can see.02:49
LjLperhaps 2000%, although perhaps i just haven't seen enough.02:49
mneptoki'd rather have an insane community than an insane build system.02:51
mneptokbut that's me.02:51
* jdong used to be deep into Gentoo-dom :)02:51
jdongit was a bit hectic and flaky at times...02:52
LjLcan't say i disagree, but while i have nothing to contribute to the build system, i deal with the community to some extent.02:52
Hobbseemneptok: our build system is already crackful enough as it is.  it doesn't need more crack, thanks.02:52
mneptokHobbsee: what we need are binary packages for *every configure option the app has*02:53
* Hobbsee kills mneptok02:54
mneptoksudo apt-get install apache2-with-threads-no-ssl-no-persistent-with-cgi02:54
Hobbseehehe :)02:54
mneptokwooo! we'll show those --fomg-fast Gentooists!02:54
Dave2argh. I shouldn't've looked at this channel when I'm this tired and...that...is being "discussed". my mind's natural defences to such things are in a weakened state.02:55
* mneptok configures Dave2 with --background-enabled02:56
* Dave2 looks behind him, sees his wall replaced with an Ubuntu logo02:56
mneptokDave2: don't. turn. around.02:57
naliothDave2: are you following me?02:57
ajmitchoh man, did I miss a nice long debate again?02:57
ajmitchthat's just not fair02:58
Dave2nalioth, I couldn't if I tried!02:58
LjL"nice long debate"02:58
LjLuhm, yes02:58
ajmitchah, nalioth... just the one I wanted to hunt down :)02:58
* nalioth didn't do it02:59
ajmitchunregistered (non-ubuntu) channel, ~10 people, noone has ops03:00
ajmitchwhat can I do?03:00
naliothdepends on the channel03:00
crdlbask them all to leave? :)03:00
ajmitchasking them all to leave works if people aren't idling03:01
ajmitchwhich is a popular pastime on IRC03:01
mneptokajmitch: set +l 1 and wait for /quits and /parts and splits to do the work03:02
mneptokduh. sorry. brain fart.03:03
* mneptok goes back to cleaning his brain with meth03:03
ajmitchif I could, it wouldn't be a problem03:03
naliothmneptok: no ops  :|03:03
mneptokoo! i know!03:05
mneptokfiglet 'YO YO YO HOMIES' | cowsay03:05
mneptokthen paste paste paste until everyone can't stand it anymore and leaves03:05
ajmitchwe could always do it the efnet way03:05
Amaranthvorian: +m only makes people not able to change nicks, it doesn't keep them from talking in other channels03:51
vorianAmaranth: it's the +i i was worried about03:52
voriani i  :)03:52
Amaranthsame with +i03:52
Amaranthit just means they can't go there03:52
Amaranthvorian: Also, do you run some loco group?03:53
vorianyep :)03:53
vorianyou should move here03:53
AmaranthNo, I meant some overarching group03:53
voriandifficult to explain03:54
vorianAmaranth: this will explain better than I could https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams03:55
Amaranthbtw, i would but the buckeyes suck :P03:56
vorianI was going to say you should move here because it's always dreary03:56
vorianand flat03:56
AmaranthIt's pretty flat in nebraska too03:58
vorianpfft, and you say the buckeyes suck03:59
* vorian hides03:59
mneptokAmaranth: since when are you in .ne?04:02
Amaranthvorian: I hate the cornhuskers too04:03
crdlbnebraska has its own TLD? :o04:03
Amaranthmneptok: Well as far as the government is concerned I'm still in Iowa, at least until after the primaries :P04:03
AmaranthYay voter fraud04:03
mneptokAmaranth: please use the term "gubmint" as long as a Texan is in the White House04:04
vorianAmaranth: don't you have to pay to vote in Iowa primaries?04:04
crdlbmneptok: he's from Connecticut :)04:04
Amaranthwas too young last time04:04
mneptokcrdlb: no, he's not.04:04
Amaranthvorian: I'd say no04:04
mneptokcrdlb: being born in New Haven does not make you "from Connecticut"04:04
mneptokcrdlb: and you can spell Connecticut. are you from Connecticut?04:05
crdlbno, just a somewhat good speller :)04:06
* mneptok is ;)04:06
crdlbI could tell...04:06
mneptokborn in NJ, but from CT04:06
vorianmneptok: I lived in Groton for a very shot time 04:08
crdlbyou shot time?04:08
mneptokvorian: EB?04:11
mneptokor USN?04:11
vorianIt was actually New London04:12
mneptokyeah, it's still all EB-related04:12
mneptokas there's jack-all else in the area ;)04:13
ubotuxsacha called the ops in #kubuntu ()04:37
=== vorian is now known as vorian_afk
naliothhi davidrawson 04:48
naliothdavidrawson: is there something we can help you with?04:49
davidrawsonI am banned from #ubuntu, I've never even been to that channel04:50
naliothi don't show any bans in #ubuntu 04:52
naliothanything else we can help you with, davidrawson ?05:02
naliothwe discourage idling in here  :)05:04
Hobbseenalioth: you missed mez's ban05:06
somerville32mez was banned?05:06
Hobbseehe set david's ban.05:07
naliothHobbsee: i didn't see it as an IP or nick ban05:07
Hobbseenalioth: *!*@161-151-58-66.gci.net05:08
Hobbseeoh, i see.05:09
Tm_Tnow that you kids have got your kick-play, can we just try to be "as an example to others, sirs05:14
* Tm_T is old and boring05:14
Hobbseethe guy's going to get nuked from all the channels, soon05:57
* Hobbsee bans from -motu06:01
Hobbseeoh, davidrawson, who was here already06:01
Tm_Tok, don't know him06:02
* Tm_T check logs06:04
somerville32Hi Gary07:38
GazzaKnaughty peer07:42
=== GazzaK is now known as Gary
Tm_TGary: I am08:26
GaryI think, therefore I am...08:27
ubotucool called the ops in #ubuntu (andreles)08:33
somerville32needhelp keeps spamming random channels08:51
somerville32* [needhelp] (n=andreles@81-7-78-206.ip.zebra.lt): andrelesss08:52
Tm_Tsomerville32: what channels?08:52
somerville32-motu and -devel08:53
Tm_Tcall !ops there?08:53
Hobbseehe's already quit...08:53
Hobbseewhat's the point?08:53
Tm_The actually do it in maaany channels08:54
GazzaKand -offtopic, freenode, defocus, etc etc08:54
Tm_Tand +1 and #kde*-devel08:54
GazzaKit needs a k-line, not channel bans08:54
Tm_Tyou got the point08:54
Tm_Ttomaw: thank you sirss08:54
tomawwasn't me :)08:55
Tm_Tsee ss09:00
=== rob1 is now known as rob
=== GazzaK is now known as Gary
Picino floodbots?13:17
stdinthey're in -ops-monitor13:18
ubotuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)14:12
ubotuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)14:12
ubotuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)14:12
ubotuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP attack)14:13
ubotuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP attack)14:13
ubotuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP attack)14:13
ubotustdin called the ops in #ubuntu ()14:13
tonyyarussothat was absurd....14:15
LjL-Tempcool, i was missed from the k train14:16
AmaranthI guess the bot works14:16
AmaranthNever seen that many klines before though14:16
AmaranthThat was pretty awesome :D14:17
PiciLjL: great job on the bots14:17
AmaranthI've got like 3 screens of nothing but K-lined14:17
Piciour bots, that is14:17
Amaranthif FloodBot would have been in #ubuntu it would have stopped that14:17
* Hobbsee ponders requesting logs14:18
stdinthey all quit with excess flood soon after 14:18
LjLPici, i have no idea how it behaved, i just joined14:19
LjLdid it warn?14:19
Amaranth<ubotu> FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)14:19
Amaranth<ubotu> FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP attack)14:19
stdinLjL: quick log dump http://stdin.pastebin.com/d5fe3f7cd14:20
LjLAmaranth: is that just a snippet and they really made redundant calls, or is that actually all?14:20
Amaranthso the fact that it knew a mass join was happening means if it was controlling #ubuntu it would have stopped it, no?14:21
LjLAmaranth: yes14:21
AmaranthAll 3 bots said those 2 things14:21
Amaranthhrm my nick completion is broken again14:21
tonyyarussoLjL: are the bots on separate hosts?14:21
LjLtonyyarusso: two of them are on the same host currently, but that's the plan14:21
LjLAmaranth: ok, just wanted to know that (that won't be a problem though once they're all +q'd, now they aren't to let me debug stuff)14:22
RichiHi would suggest you guys set +J on #ubuntu 14:22
RichiHit would help during those floods14:22
RichiH(not that we take long to nuke them ;)14:22
AmaranthWe've actually got something else we're testing14:23
LjLRichiH, +J has been discussed at length, used, then removed, then used, then removed, now we're experimenting with bots that set +l14:23
RichiHbut still, hammering -unregged is a lot less fun for botrunners14:23
PriceChildWhy would they have removed the channel limit?14:23
RichiHah, k14:23
RichiHeggdrops can do that14:23
RichiH#debian uses debhelper14:23
LjLPriceChild, dunno yet, but since two bots quit with excess flood, the other bot will have set -l because of that14:23
RichiHkeep in mind that +l hurts during netsplits14:23
RichiH+J does not14:24
LjLRichiH, +l doesn't hurt during netsplits if it's set with care14:24
AmaranthNot if the bot detects netsplits?14:24
RichiHLjL: 'with care' meaning choosing a threshold so high as to not have any effect ;)14:24
LjLRichiH: uhm, no, it means detecting netsplits and lifting +l when they happen14:25
RichiHAmaranth: if the bot sets -l during splits, that is fine, yah14:25
Amaranthbut +J always either caught users or left us wide open14:25
LjLRichiH, they set -l as soon as they detect that anything is not quite right.14:25
RichiHLjL: ah, cool14:25
PiciRichiH: We're running our limiter bots right now, but they arent setting the +l in #ubuntu until we iron out all the bugs14:25
LjLactually, they're so careful that they can probably be exploited by an attacker who wants to set -l, somehow14:25
AmaranthMost of our users would not even realize they'd been bumped to -unregged and just assume we hate them14:25
LjLPici: err no we aren't running them, they've excess flooded :)14:25
RichiHLjL: you could hand the source to dondelelcaro, he might like to run it in #debian, as well14:25
PiciLjL: er, well we were14:26
RichiHdo they set modes only?14:26
LjLRichiH: maybe, currently they're still doing test runs and aren't quite ready though14:26
LjLRichiH, no14:26
LjLRichiH: join #ubuntu-ops-monitor please14:26
LjLwas there a DCC exploit attempted during the attack?14:38
Picikind of14:42
LjLthen why aren't they logged14:42
GaryI saw lots of "Received a CTCP keys.exe from DeaTHClowN (to #ubuntu)14:42
Gary" type attempts14:42
tonyyarussoI think they actually intended to send a real file and screwed up14:42
LjLGary, not that, DCC SEND or DCC CHAT14:42
Pici"requested unknown CTCP keys.exe from #ubuntu"14:42
LjLthe old one14:42
stdindidn't get any DCC messages14:42
Picinone of the stuff that we typically test for14:43
LjLthe bots banforwarded some people to -read-topic14:43
LjLyet they didn't register any attack, either14:43
LjLthat is any dcc send exploit kind of attack14:43
PiciI would think that they wouldnt try that method of attack since these zombie machines' routers probably arent patched against it14:44
tonyyarussogood point14:44
PriceChildIf they have half a brain between them they would connect on a non-standard port14:44
LjLanyway, why did my darn bots get triggered by NO attack14:45
Garythats asking a lot PriceChild 14:45
LjL(the reason they flooded out, on the other hand, is quite obvious and all in all expected)14:45
PriceChildLjL, maybe they flooded out before they reported the attack?14:45
LjLPriceChild: nope, that sort of attack is only shown in the logs, not reported to the channel14:46
LjLexcept that it isn't14:46
ubotuArelis called the ops in #ubuntu ()14:49
* Pici headdesks14:50
tonyyarussobots > human14:50
PiciI for one welcome our floodbot overlords14:51
LjL[16:33:53] <weisswursts> /exec cat /dev/urandom15:34
LjLour wursts are back15:34
LjL[16:35:19] <weisswursts> wait15:35
LjL[16:35:23] <weisswursts> why did you ban me?15:35
PiciI dont even have a witty comment for that.15:36
LjL[16:35:46] <LjL> you know why pretty well15:36
LjL[16:36:03] <weisswursts> what's the problem with /exec cat /dev/urandom?15:36
ikoniaLjL: did he really say that ?15:36
LjLhe did indeed15:37
LjLi think i know this guy, this time he's "wursts" in the plural, but still versanet15:37
ikoniawhite sausage 15:39
LjLon ##windows:  [16:38:35] <weisswursts> i love windows  [16:38:40] <weisswursts> i think bill gates is sexy15:39
ikoniaI think that translagtes as15:39
LjLkeep an eye on other ubuntu channels, i'm pretty sure he'll join15:39
ikoniaooh my word15:39
Garydo we have to wait till he says something?  or ban on sight?15:40
ikoniaha ha ha15:41
Garywe could do a pre-emtive banforward? :p15:41
stdin"S_L_U_T_Boy" should be kicked now :p15:41
ubotuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP attack)15:42
ubotuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP attack)15:42
ikoniawhos pinnging ubuntu15:42
ubotuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP attack)15:42
ubotutomasko called the ops in #ubuntu ()15:42
ubotuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP attack)15:42
ubotuFunnyLookinHat called the ops in #ubuntu ()15:42
ubotuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP attack)15:42
ubotuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP attack)15:42
MezI likes the CTCP flooding stuff15:44
Mezdoes it detect DCC exploits too LjL ?15:44
LjLMez: yes15:44
LjLMez: it doesn't say anything about them, just banforwards everyone who quits15:45
PiciWhats the !ignore the mess factoid?15:45
PriceChildLjL, quits, or quits with certain messages?15:45
Picinevermind, I remember15:45
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!15:46
* Gary hides from all the factoids15:46
Pici!feeding the troll15:46
ubotuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.15:46
Mez!factoid | Gary15:47
ubotuGary: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:47
Garygot me worried there15:47
PiciAre we clear for -r?15:53
ikonialooks good15:55
PiciLjL: -r?15:55
Piciikonia: I think so too, but I'm not a good judge of this yet15:56
LjLwe'll have another i suspect, but yeah15:56
ikoniaPici: looks like your a good judge :D15:57
LjLthey'd just wait until we -r anyway to make another attack, so it really makes no sense to keep +r for too long15:57
=== jussi__ is now known as jussi01
Garyargh, why do people have to try to be so smart...16:06
PiciLjL: Whats the escalation path for a user who is spamming not only #ubuntu with stuff, is it worth a (!)staff, or do we go to #freenode or what?16:06
LjLPici, it was already reported in #freenode, if you're talking about arsirc16:06
DaSkreechOh wait16:06
PiciDo you think thats the right place to do it?16:06
LjLi've never used any escalation path16:06
LjLi don't know16:06
DaSkreechthis isn't about the wiki16:06
PiciOkay ;)16:06
PiciDaSkreech: No, its not.16:07
DaSkreechwhich chan would be the wiki chan?16:07
Pici-doc or -docs iirc16:07
* Pici shakes head at 'escalation path'16:07
PiciI've been spending too much time at work16:07
Garygordonjcp is annoying16:08
LjLPici, basically i've mostly only been in ubuntu channels, so i've never quite been able to tell whether a troll was network-wide trolling. now i'm exchanging some information with the gentoo operators at least, seems they know how to handle this :)16:09
GaryI asked him in #ubuntu to not use rude words, and he has spent the last 20 minutes telling me how "it's only particularly offensive to Orcadians, and at that only Orcadians from Twat"16:09
LjLGary: what a tobolostear you are16:10
Garyright, thats it, I'mm off to eat a dictionary16:10
LjLGary, i made that word up :)16:10
Garyyeah, just figured that out16:11
Gary"gordonjcp> bear in mind that there are a lot of people in the channel who don't necessarily know English as a first language, and are maybe not as well-versed in its rude words" - trolling anyone?16:11
Garyanyways, work16:11
ikoniaGary: if they are asked to stop they should just stop16:20
ikoniain terms of language16:20
ikonianot argue it16:20
ikoniaits not offensive where I am etc etc16:20
ikonialike pete83 was16:20
Garyhe did stop the language in the channel, just argued it in pm16:22
stdinthat's what /ignore was invented for16:22
PiciI don't use ignore16:23
PriceChildWe shouldn't use ignore, silence at the most.16:23
LjLand i still wonder why we would, arguing with trolls is fun16:24
stdinI mean for abuse in /msg, /ignore for a couple mins and they stop, so you can remove the ignore16:24
LjLand if you don't want to argue, just seeing them talking to themselves and saying nonsense in your PMs is still fun16:24
PriceChildstdin, use silence in that case, and don't bother removing it.16:24
stdindo all clients have that?16:25
PriceChildfreenode feature I thought?16:25
LjLstdin, /ignore affects channels too, so it shouldn't be used by ops16:25
LjLyeah it's a freenode feature16:25
stdinooh, didn't know that 16:25
stdinabout /silence16:25
PiciI just switch windows away from the troll if I dont want to listen to them16:25
PiciPlus whatever they're saying probably is good to have logged anyway.16:26
LjLplus, as i said, it's better than sunday comics.16:26
GaryI did ignore (not /ignore) him in the end, and yes it was funny16:32
LjLtold you so :)16:35
jussi01ikonia: is that code for something? :P17:53
naliothyes, it is.17:53
jussi01nalioth: code for "my 3 year old kid just hit the keyboard randomly"??17:54
ikoniastupid machine was lagging off the chart17:54
ikoniaso keypresses from another sesion appeared in this window randomly17:54
ikoniasorry guys17:55
ikoniabetter in here than #ubuntu though 17:55
jussi01ikonia: its all good ;)17:55
PriceChildSilly man.18:02
PriceChildFrom #ubuntu18:02
Piciyes, I missed most of his issue, my ISP appears to want me to yell at them18:02
ubotuIn #ubuntu, daemon3 said: ubotu, where is volume control?18:02
Picijimmacdonald: I know I asked you this already, but I'm still not sure why you are here.18:09
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!19:10
ikoniaevening guys20:09
ikonianalioth: thank you for your advice on apple the other week, I purchased the ipod touch for the gift. Your input was appriciated20:09
tonyyarussoikonia: what kind of advice did you get?20:13
* tonyyarusso has a nano, but is kind of sad it can't run rockbox20:13
ikoniatonyyarusso: nalioth talked through the iphone/touch with me and gave me some opinons and links20:14
ikoniaI had to buy a gift for someone and was torn between touch and iphone20:14
ikoniaI don't like either so was not the best person to ask 20:14
PriceChildHey kane77, how can I help?20:15
naliothikonia: let's hope it's appreciated  :)20:15
kane77hi.. pici told me I could ask here...20:15
Picisure, blame me right off the bat...20:15
kane77sorry :)20:15
naliothkane77: ask what?20:16
kane77I realised that #ubuntu-sk just forwards to #ubuntu-cz.. could there be #ubuntu-sk?20:16
kane77(sk stands for slovak)20:16
tonyyarussoIs there a loco team with a designated contact for Slovakia?20:17
naliothtonyyarusso: it shouldn't matter (it shouldn't forward to the Czechs)20:17
PriceChildI blame jenda.20:18
tonyyarussonalioth: Ah, ok20:18
* jenda pleads guilty20:18
PriceChild-ChanServ-      Contact: rejden << ONLINE >>20:18
kane77tonyyarusso, yes there s...20:18
jendathe slovaks decided to forward it themselves20:18
mc44jenda was trying to reunite the two countries20:18
jendarejden is the contact of the slovakian team20:19
mc44jenda: when will you let it go!"20:19
jendamc44: well, that's what the army in my back yard is for, not this :)20:19
naliothPici: #ubuntu-irc is the better channel to guide folks to in regards to #ubuntu channels20:19
kane77jenda, i'm not saying it's bad, but it'd be nice to have one ;)20:19
Picinalioth: I didn't even know that existed.20:20
jendaso, kane77: yes, there could be an -sk, but the SK team decided not to have one.20:20
Picinalioth: I've noted it.20:20
kane77jenda, well ok, but at least set ubotu to speak slovak on !sk :)20:27
* jenda blames PriceChild20:28
jendaPriceChild: who can do that? :)20:28
PriceChildjenda, hmm?20:28
PriceChildask rejden to suggest it?20:28
jendaPriceChild: suggest it to whom?20:29
Picikane77: Ubotu doesnt speak anything... its factoids are just text that we put it in.20:29
PriceChildjenda, erm.... me?20:30
jendaI s'pose kane77 could make the factoid for us20:30
kane77Pici, of course, I know.. :)20:30
PriceChildthat then20:30
Picikane77: oh, you meant for !sk?20:30
kane77Pici, yes20:30
Picikane77: Ah, I misread.20:30
mneptokholy kark. it's jenda!20:30
jendakane77: make us the factoid for it to say20:31
PiciTheres already enough people in #ubuntu who try to talk to ubotu, so I don't assume anything.20:31
jendakane77: my slovak is hardly good enough for that :)20:31
jendaholy lark, it's mneptok!20:31
jendamneptok and mc44 - the only two people I really am afraid of even over IRC.20:31
* Tm_T hides20:31
mc44I'm nowhere near as scary as mneptok20:32
jendamc44: true20:32
Picimneptok is pretty scary.20:32
jendaI mean, it took me a while to overcome my fear of nalioth and Seveas, but with them, you at least know you're safe if you behave :)20:32
mneptokubotu: sk is <reply>prepacte, hovorite po anglicky?20:32
ubotuIn #ubuntu-ops, mneptok said: ubotu: sk is <reply>prepacte, hovorite po anglicky?20:32
jendamneptok: :D20:33
kane77just a sec...20:33
kane77(and lol)20:33
tonyyarussoErr, does that say something along the lines of "What, you don't like English?" ?20:34
jendatonyyarusso: nope, it's more like "do you speak English?"20:35
tonyyarussojenda: ah20:35
tonyyarussoWell, I got two words.20:35
* jenda has just finished cooking a huge pot of goulash20:35
* mneptok just finished cooking a huge pot of Hungarians20:35
Tm_Tjenda: is that an invite?20:36
jendamneptok: our Slovakian friends would love you :)20:36
jendaTm_T: no, this one is for my classmates :)20:36
jendaThe Charles University Notor Club, to be precise.20:36
PriceChildjenda, "classmates"?20:36
mneptokjenda: it's also quite a popular dish in Austria and Romania :)20:36
mc44he's going to poison all his classmates so he moves up the curve. jenda will be an excellent lawyer20:37
jendamneptok: some people just have talent to upset their neighbours :)20:37
jendamc44: not at all, these are avid supporters ;)20:37
* mneptok feigns innocence20:37
mc44jenda: careful, it might be a coup!20:37
jendaAlthough they still prolly lost me them elections by voting for the other guy /too/20:37
jenda(the downside of having two votes each)20:38
jendamc44: on second thought, poisoning might not be a bad idea :)20:38
* jenda thinks he'll have to protect the pot of goulash so as to prevent the drunkards from spicing it with some dope.20:39
somerville32eww dope20:40
somerville32jenda, Can you make #ubuntu-fredericton fwd to #ubuntu-ca?20:42
jendasomerville32: I'd need a request either from the channel contact, or from the IRC council...20:43
PriceChildWhat is fredericton?20:44
somerville32A city I live in :P20:44
somerville32Some of the ubuntu users here created it20:45
PriceChildwhy does sk forward to cz if they are different languages?20:45
PriceChildSo what's wrong with fredericton staying dead? :/20:45
jdongjenda: you spoke!!!20:49
jdongthat's like amazing20:50
PriceChildjdong, i've been watching him speak another language... how much more amazing is that!20:50
somerville32PriceChild, Whats wrong with forwarding it to -ca so people don't get lost? :P20:50
PriceChildsomerville32, I'm confused as to how someone would be finding -fredericton20:51
jdongPriceChild: meh the fact that he's alive and not <censored girlfriend activities>ing is pretty amazing in its own20:51
PriceChildjdong, he's cooking for "classmates"20:51
somerville32PriceChild, I often try random #ubuntu-xxx channels20:51
PriceChildno comment20:51
jdongPriceChild: O_O didn't know he's a groupie guy....20:51
somerville32PriceChild, The channel exists when it shouldn't so why not just forward it to -ca where it should be?20:52
PriceChildwho says it shouldn't?20:52
somerville32Well, I founded the group :/20:52
PriceChildThe contact's active, have you talked with him?20:52
somerville32PriceChild, Yea20:52
somerville32and he said "oops, I guess we'll hang out in #ubuntu-ca then"20:52
PriceChildyou founded the fredericton group?20:52
PriceChildWell then if he agrees he can set the forward or just plain drop it?20:53
somerville32PriceChild, Yes, he can do that when he logs in. I just happened to remember it and asked Jenda to do it.20:53
* somerville32 doesn't really care either way20:53
naliothsomerville32: get the chanown to do it, please20:53
PriceChildhammer time!20:53
* jdong smacks PriceChild 20:54
jdongno hammer time.20:54
PriceChildThankyou jdong.20:54
jdongheh and he likes being smacked up....20:54
jendajdong: I've been <cga>ing just before I spoke ;)20:55
jenda21:51 < somerville32> PriceChild, I often try random #ubuntu-xxx channels20:55
jenda21:51 <+PriceChild> no comment20:55
jdongjenda: lol ;-)20:55
jendaIf it weren't so internal, it'd be bash-worthy :D20:55
jdongjenda: err.... that's what she said?20:56
PriceChildoh gah I didn't mean that one in that way.....20:56
PriceChildI guess the way it appeared though is better so I take full credit.20:56
jdonglol isn't it too early in the day for this to become #ubuntu-innuendo?20:56
PriceChildBut yes no reason to be stepping on people's toes... especially over such a dead channel.20:56
jendaPriceChild: wow, you're really getting professional ;)20:57
PriceChildjenda, hmm?20:57
jendaPriceChild: well, just praising the approach of not unnecessarily stepping on people's toes :)20:58
kane77Žiadame slovenských používateľov aby v kanáli #ubuntu hovorili po anglicky. Slovensky a Česky sa dohovoríte v #ubuntu-cz.20:59
kane77^^ the !sk factoitd...20:59
ubotuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.20:59
ubotusk is <alias> cz - added by jrib on 2007-11-20 14:31:3921:00
PriceChild!no sk is <reply> Žiadame slovenských používateľov aby v kanáli #ubuntu hovorili po anglicky. Slovensky a Česky sa dohovoríte v #ubuntu-cz.21:00
ubotuI'll remember that PriceChild21:00
PriceChild!sk | kane77 21:00
ubotukane77: Žiadame slovenských používateľov aby v kanáli #ubuntu hovorili po anglicky. Slovensky a Česky sa dohovoríte v #ubuntu-cz.21:00
kane77cool thanx21:00
mneptokwait ... that says "Please submerge your fingertips in the invigorating acid. The words #ubuntu and #ubuntu-cz are here to fool the ops."21:01
jendaPriceChild: lowercase č, please :)21:01
PriceChildjenda, Česky ?21:01
jendathe second case21:02
PriceChild!no sk is <reply> Žiadame slovenských používateľov aby v kanáli #ubuntu hovorili po anglicky. Slovensky a česky sa dohovoríte v #ubuntu-cz.21:02
ubotuI'll remember that PriceChild21:02
kane77yeah.. I wasn't too sure about that...21:02
PriceChildjenda, you have editors access you idle person :)21:02
LjLjenda, are the accents strictly necessary by the way? as a rule those factoids avoid anything non-ASCII, for languages which absolutely need it (such as non-latin ones) a double transcription is used21:08
ubotuПожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke21:08
jendaPriceChild: I do?21:09
jendaLjL: well, in the internet world, you often see Czech without diacritics, but it is certainly not correct. Much more so than in french, for example. It can totally change the meaning :)21:09
LjLPriceChild: uhm why did you un-alias is?21:09
PriceChildLjL, because cz and sk are different?21:10
LjLjenda, does it change the meaning in *that* factoid? understandability is a priority over correctness, for language factoids21:10
PriceChildcz is saying "come here"21:10
PriceChildsk is saying "we're not here, but go there instead"21:10
PriceChildin different languages?21:10
LjLPriceChild: ah their loco channel doesn't do support?21:11
PriceChildLjL, no, just forwards to the cz channel21:11
jendaLjL: e.g. "Zaprášen" means dusty, while "Zaprasen" means filthy ;)21:11
jendaLjL: no, it doesn't change the meaning, but it belongs to the language. It's easier to read and understand if properly diacritic'd21:12
LjLso #ubuntu-cz is bilingual?21:12
LjLjenda: unless you aren't on utf-821:13
jendaoften, accents are the only difference between Czech and Slovak :)21:13
jdongjenda: meh same thing21:13
jdongjenda: so do the words for LISP and SCHEME also differ by two accents?21:13
jendaLjL: you could say so... the languages are nearly identical and all Slovaks speak Czech, 99% of Czechs at least understand Slovak.21:13
jendajdong: O_o21:14
LjLjenda: i see. well in that case i find it a good thing that the support channel is unified21:14
LjLcontrary to, say, -pt and -br :)21:14
mneptokit's a good idea to keep Brasilieros in their own Cube Of Exuberance21:22
mneptokoh, never mind. you have your period.21:23
jdongmneptok: I AM THE TOMATO MONSTAH!!!21:23
jdongNO.. I .. AM... BEOWULF!!!!!21:24
PriceChild* jdong has quit (Excess Flood)21:24
mneptoki'm Grendachi. the Pokemon Grendel.21:24
mneptokso i herd u liek mudkips ...21:25
jdongI watched beowulf with my friends when I went back home... still could not decide whether it was serious or a parody of 300.21:25
PriceChildjdong, never heard the story of beowulf before?21:27
jdongPriceChild: of course I have, I was referring specifically to the presentation of the 2007 film.21:27
ubotuKenSentMe called the ops in #ubuntu ()21:44
* kane77 thinks it's dangerous to be in this channel - it's full of ops!22:11
jsoftwAhh hello.22:16
jsoftwI am for some reason banned from #ubuntu.22:16
jsoftwAnd I dont know why.22:16
jsoftwI hardly even go into it22:17
LjLlet's check22:17
LjLuhm, jsoftw, you might not join often, but you're not nice when you do22:18
LjL2007-11-07T03:45:53 *** jsoftw has joined #ubuntu22:19
LjL2007-11-07T03:46:00 <jsoftw> eww.22:19
LjL2007-11-07T03:46:11 <jsoftw> It smells of smelly nerds in here.22:19
LjL2007-11-07T03:46:26 <jsoftw> Have a shower, you guys.22:19
* somerville32 smells jsoftw 22:20
jsoftwI think you must have taken that entirely the wrong way.22:20
somerville32jsoftw, It is definitely you, by friend :P22:20
ubotuclarjon1 called the ops in #ubuntu ()22:20
somerville32lol @ LjL 22:21
tonyyarussowhat was that about?22:21
* LjL headdesks22:21
somerville32LjL, That was amazing.22:21
LjLtonyyarusso: "wrong channel"22:21
tonyyarussowhat channel was it supposed to be I wonder?22:21
somerville32LjL, You're like superman.22:21
LjLdunno, he's in #pclinuxos and ##linux22:21
jsoftwSo. Any chance of getting un banned.22:22
somerville32LjL, One moment you're Lorenzo, the next you're Super-Op LjL :P22:22
LjLjsoftw, well, you said we took it the wrong way, but what's the right way to take it?22:22
LjLsomerville32: i was going to be ljl-smoking-a-cigarette, but i guess that'll wait =P22:22
jsoftwWell most the other channels im in we mostly give each other cheek all the time22:22
somerville32LjL, Smoking is bad for your health :P22:23
jsoftwSo I guess I thought I would get some back, not a ban.22:23
somerville32jsoftw, The jokes on you. LjL is just teasing you :P haha. funny, eh?22:23
LjLjsoftw: uhm, well i see, but please do keep in mind that #ubuntu is a busy channel which we intend for support *only*. offtopic chatter is not allowed, and what you said was perceived (by me) as an attempt to insult.22:23
LjLi'll unban you, but please check out the following22:23
LjL!etiquette > jsoftw    (jsoftw, see the private message from Ubotu)22:23
LjLespecially the guidelines and CoC22:24
jsoftwOk, thanks22:24
ikoniaughhhh why are people calling ubuntu ubun223:01
jdongikonia: it saves a letter!23:04
LjLikonia: call them youbuntu in response23:04
jdongikonia: and one letter means a million pounds of carbon which means 5 million dead penguins a year23:05
ikoniait kills me23:05
tonyyarussoWell, and numbers are easier to process, so really it's like 1.6 letters.23:06
ikoniaplease autoban on the phrase ubun223:13
tonyyarussoI wish ikonia 23:14
ikoniaplease please please23:14
tonyyarussoubonto too23:14
ikonia$10 23:14
ikoniaooh yes23:14
tonyyarussoikonia: Make it $499 to cover a new digital camera and you might have yourself a deal ;)23:14
tonyyarusso+6.5% sales tax23:15
ikoniaha ha ha ha23:15
ikoniaI know you have taste so $200 and you make up the rest23:15
ikoniaI know it eats you too ;)23:16
ikoniasorry "I no it eats U 2"23:17
mneptokikonia: o o i c u r 2 n-gr33!23:36
ikonian-gr23 ?23:37
ikoniacan't work that one out23:37
mneptok"angry" ;)23:37
Seeker`you need to lose the 2nd "3" then23:37
mneptokand yeah, "FU" is pretty much the dead-on response to something like that23:37
ikoniaha ha ha23:38
ikonianice 23:38
ikoniaI hate that sort of chat23:38

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