
Amaranthcbx33 is following me :P02:33
LaserJockhe is?02:33
AmaranthEither he was in the wrong place or he is learning vala too02:34
yotuxcan I use a usb scanner on a thin client?03:54
Burgundaviayotux: yes03:56
yotuxwhere can I a find out how to do this03:56
yotuxhow would I enable my scanner on a thin cleint06:36
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joe_How do I add users on a network install globally instead of just one machine?14:27
=== ogra1 is now known as ogra
LaserJockogra: is the LiveCD oversized as well?19:47
ograno idea, amd64 isnt ...19:47
ograi386 is nonexistent19:47
LaserJockbdoin: hi19:53
LaserJockbdoin: I think I've got translations fixed up and we have the new gstreamer in Hardy19:55
bdoinI got another complaint on the broken Ubuntu French translation :/19:55
LaserJockbdoin: I think it might take a while to get the translations all the way through to users19:56
LaserJockbut I did everything I can on my end19:56
LaserJockwe're just waiting for the lang pack system to pick everything up19:56
bdoindoes your fix means you will take upstream translations instead of rosetta ?19:58
LaserJockthat I'm not really sure of19:58
LaserJockbdoin: are the translations not there or just incomplete for Gutsy?20:02
ogragcompris-sound-fr is in the archive20:03
bdoinLaserJock: very very incomplete20:04
bdoinogra: it's not a sound file issue, it's a po file issue20:04
LaserJockbdoin: hmm, well I don't quite get how there would be *any* translation20:05
LaserJockor wait20:05
LaserJockbdoin: is it using the translation from Feisty maybe?20:06
bdoinwell perhaps but I think I double checked that. hum no, I really checked20:07
bdoinI think the translation gcompris.mo file is part of the gnome language pack20:09
bdoinapt-file search /usr/share/locale-langpack/fr/LC_MESSAGES/gcompris.mo20:11
bdoinlanguage-pack-gnome-fr-base: usr/share/locale-langpack/fr/LC_MESSAGES/gcompris.mo20:11
LaserJockhmm, well then I don't understand that problem20:12
LaserJockI know I fixed one problem20:12
LaserJockbut I wonder if your incomplete translations are a different problem20:12
bdoinso that's it. would it be possible to update the translation from the upstream po file and provide an updated language-pack-gnome-fr-base20:12
ograwell, do the right .po files end up in rosetta^WLP translations20:13
LaserJockogra: I believe not because a .pot wasn't shipped20:13
LaserJockI sent carlos the Gutsy .pot20:13
ograthats where the langpacks get generated from20:13
LaserJockbut as far as I understand it I would think that Gutsy should have Feisty's translations then20:14
LaserJockbut on launchpad both feisty and gutsy are fully translated in French20:19
bdoinI have another question, there are 2 GCompris projects on launchpad:20:20
bdointhat's confusing, there are bugs under both20:21
ograone is a project (should actually be owned by you as upstream) the other is a ubuntu source package20:23
johnnymoquist, hi, are you about?20:23
ograhttps://launchpad.net/gcompris is the actual upstream project page20:23
ogranot sure who registered the project page though20:24
bdoinok I see20:25
stgraberogra: I have Edubuntu running quite well on 128MB of ram :) even OpenOffice takes less than a minute to open, so the minimum ram thing is really only a problem of LiveCD20:27
ograbdoin, seems it was registered by Lutin (he's in #ubuntu-devel it seems)20:27
ograstgraber, well, i wouldnt dare to pull out 128M off the classmate :)20:27
ograso yes, the suqashfs needs a lt extra space20:27
stgrabermy main problem with that computer is the HDD speed (crappy 6GB hdd), everything is fast even KDE apps :)20:28
ograthats a problem ?20:28
ogra"damned my computer is to fast i need slower hardware"20:29
stgraberoh, and I installed iTalc in the school I have my test classroom, I'll let them use for some days so I can fix details I forgot about and have the package ready20:29
stgraberwell, I would have thought KDE libs would have taken the remaining megs of RAM but that wasn't the case, was quite surprising20:30
LaserJockogra: hehe20:30
stgraberI didn't try to install the school specifc tools (running on wine) though, I don't think those would work correctly and I hate swapping especially with such a crappy hdd :)20:30
ograLaserJock, crappy HW ... btw ... did you try the gutsy classmate image ?20:31
stgraberI'm currently installing on a same computer but with a 15GB 7200RPM hdd and will check how long takes OpenOffice to open (1min on the other)20:31
ograon the classmate it took 2.520:32
LaserJockogra: not yet, getting there20:32
LaserJockogra: perhaps this weekend20:32
LaserJockI've been sick, on holiday, busy with work, and forget my crossover cable20:32
stgraberogra: I have L2 cache here :), CPU is good20:32
LaserJockso I've been having a heck of a time getting everything together for it :-)20:33
LaserJockbdoin: ok, got it figured out I think20:56
LaserJockbdoin: turns out we've been using the Dapper translations20:57
bdoinouch, reeaaally deprecated then20:58
LaserJockyep :(20:58
LaserJockbdoin: have only people running Gutsy complained?20:59
LaserJockbdoin: I'm told that the upstream translations get priority over what is in Launchpad now, so I think we are in good shape for Gutsy and Hardy21:01
bdoinyes but perhaps it was not so bad before21:01
LaserJockdapper was 7.2 and Feisty 8.2.221:01
LaserJockGutsy is 8.3.2 and now Hardy is 8.4.221:02
bdoinat some point we had a large review of the english. well my english has been translated in official english and thus broke many strings21:03
bdoinbut translators worked fine after that21:03
LaserJockwell, I'll talk to the Launchpad guys about Feisty and see if it's practical to update that too21:05
LaserJockwe've got Gutsy and Hardy covered at least21:06
LaserJockbdoin: really sorry for all this :(21:06
bdoindoes that mean we will see an update soon for gutsy ?21:14
LaserJockbdoin: as soon as new lang packs are sent out21:19
bdoinI'll open a bottle of champagne that day21:20
LaserJockthey are supposed to go out monthly21:21
LaserJockbut I'm not sure when the next one is scheduled21:21
LaserJockI'll try to track that down21:21
ubotuogra looks like a pirate!23:21
johnnyogra is a pirate23:27

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