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atlfalcons866is hardy alpha out now02:34
berniertomorrow I think02:37
bernierdoes anyone know if hardy alpha will be using 2.6.22 or 2.6.23 kernel?02:46
RAOFSince it's out today/tomorrow (depending on your timezone).02:49
bernierwell what's the exact time if there's one02:51
RAOFWhen it's done.02:51
RAOFNone of the Ubuntu releases have an *exact* time, IIRC.02:51
RAOF"Thursday, GMT+0" is about all you'll be getting :)02:52
crdlbthe release time is always an exact multiple of pi02:52
RAOFNo, it's not.02:55
RAOFUnless by 'exact multiple' you don't mean 'integer multiple'.02:55
RAOFIrrational numbers never appear in reality.02:56
bernieronce it will be released, it will be available through dist-upgrade?02:57
RAOFYou mean, from Gutsy?03:00
RAOFAs in: will "update-manager -d -c" work?03:01
crimsunmm, time for another `./pbuilder-dapper create`03:01
RAOFI don't know.  You can already dist-upgrade by changing gutsy -> hardy in /etc/apt/sources.list03:02
RAOFcrimsun: For dist-upgrade checking?03:02
bernieroh, it's already released?03:02
crimsunRAOF: yeah, I'm working on bug 5600803:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 56008 in gsfonts-x11 "gsfonts-x11 depends on uninstallable transitional package xutils" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5600803:02
RAOFcrimsun: Yay, fun.03:02
bernierim updating03:02
RAOFbernier: The archives have been open for some time.03:03
RAOFRepositories.  Sources.  Whatever you want to call them :)03:03
crimsun(the place from which your Ubuntu install will be updated)03:03
IdleOnecrimsun: would that be the universe or the multiverse?03:05
crimsunthe archive contains them all.03:05
IdleOneyes but you must get the key from the keymaker03:05
ToxinPowebernier , hardy is not for beginner, its alpha yet03:05
crimsunah, but I have a key.  As does RAOF.03:06
crimsunhis key is more shiny, though.03:06
IdleOnebernier: wait another month or so before upgrading03:06
bernier<ToxinPowe> i know, but i love fixing stuff03:06
IdleOneI have a key also03:06
crimsunIdleOne: cool, may I have yours?03:06
IdleOneno!!! it is mine and has no shine03:06
IdleOnehey that rhymes03:07
IdleOneI'm a poet and didnt know it03:07
IdleOnehow do I get my fingers to stop clicking the right mouse button?03:08
bernierremove your hand from the mouse03:08
IdleOneit worked03:09
clustyis there currently a  java problem with hardy?03:09
crimsunclusty: ...more precisely?03:09
clustyfirefox plugin stopped working and matlab wont start03:09
clustysome lock issue with libxcb-xlib03:10
RAOFclusty: Yes, there is.03:10
clustygoogled around and there is some problem between AWT and java (dont really understand)03:11
clustytime will fix?03:11
RAOFclusty: The java vm statically links in an (old) copy of xlib (which is built without threading support).  The new xcb based xlib hates this.03:11
RAOFclusty: Use icedtea-java703:11
clustyinstead of what?03:11
crimsuninstead of jre[56]03:12
clustywill try now03:12
RAOFRemember to update-alternatives03:12
masqueradehey look! nvidia-glx installs now! :)03:13
RAOFHas done for some time.03:14
IdleOneicedtea-java7? what's is this beautiful mix of my two favorite drinks?03:14
RAOFEver since the last l-r-m upload, in fact :)03:14
masqueradehmm, perhaps I've been forgetting to check for a few days then :)03:14
* RAOF was using nouveau before then. It's pretty good, now.03:15
crimsunwhat, you run Hardy and your update && dist-upgrade isn't cronned for every hour?!  =]03:15
masqueradepssh, I do it by hand twice a day03:15
masqueradeits more exciting that way03:15
crimsunyou're way behind, then.03:16
clustylost mplayer03:16
masqueradewell, actually, it may be more exciting to have stuff break and you have no idea why cause it was done in the background03:16
ToxinPowecrimsun, I dont run updates, my sources links to 18.04 version now03:16
clustywhy does mplayer depend on sun-java03:16
crimsun18.04?  Impressive.03:16
ToxinPoweyes, not a mistake, only the trust X_)03:17
ToxinPoweupdate are for beginners :)03:17
crimsunclusty: it doesn't.  It's due to a dependency, libungif4g, that was in conflict with one of icedtea's.03:17
crimsuncrimsun@Box:~$ apt-cache show libgif4|grep ^Conf03:18
crimsunConflicts: giflib3g, libungif4g03:18
clustycrimsun: ok. firefox plugin works now03:18
clustycrimsun: ok. matlab has its own jre03:18
crimsuncrimsun@Box:~$ apt-cache show mplayer-nogui|grep ^Dep|grep ungif  ->  eex1 (>= 1.1.8), libstdc++6 (>= 4.2.1), libsvga1, libtheora0, libungif4g (>= 4.103:18
clustycrimsun: which i did not install03:18
clustycrimsun: any ways to downgrade the other stuff that makes java choke?03:18
crimsun..."downgrade"?  To what?  Why?03:19
RAOFclusty: Not really.  You'd have to pull back all of X & stuff.03:19
clustymain goal is to get matlab working again03:19
RAOFThe solution for matlab is probably the use of Gutsy.03:19
crimsunbah, be brave.  Create a Gutsy pbuilder/schroot and run matlab from it.03:19
crdlbRAOF: that was my point :)03:20
clustywhats pbuilder?03:20
RAOFOr maybe cast around the matlab stuff to look for where it's picking it's JVM from.03:20
clustyor run a whole virtual machine03:21
clustyvmware or something03:22
ToxinPowe... or or or use windows...or...03:23
clustyi sense some irony...03:24
IdleOnenahh it's sarcasm03:25
clustywell, curiosity killed the cat03:25
IdleOneand satisfaction brought him back...hence the 9 lives03:26
IdleOnewhat si the update-alternatives command exactly for java?03:28
RAOFsudo update-alternatives --config java ?03:29
RAOFI think.03:29
IdleOnethank you03:29
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GuthinLiMaO pvt! brother!04:17
GuthinLiMaO help-me04:17
LiMaOGuthin: already messaged you. are you registered?04:18
GuthinLiMaO nopz04:18
LiMaOGuthin: join #ubuntu-br04:18
RAOFOk.  So the answer to "how badly does nouveau handle suspend" is "as badly as possible"04:26
RAOFActually, I lie.  It *could* corrupt stuff.  Instead it just doesn't resume from suspend :)04:27
FunnyLookinHatHibernate still sucks on my gutsy install    : P04:27
FunnyLookinHatOne day it'll work I suppose...04:28
RAOFMaybe.  Unless you've got a new ATI card.04:30
crdlbI should really try nouveau on my NV4 and NV1104:33
RAOFYeah.  I'm sure ahuillet would love some old-school XV testing.04:33
crdlbthe nvidia driver is so buggy on both chips that I just use nv nowadays04:33
RAOFIn which case nouveau is a step up.04:34
crdlbjust annoying stuff, like with nvidia on my NV11 (a laptop card), I get a weird distorted screen the first time X starts04:34
RAOFAs far as 2D goes, it's currently better (faster) than nv on lots of cards.04:34
crdlbonly fixed by ctrl+alt+bksp after 10 seconds04:34
RAOFBlobs FTW04:35
crdlbat least fglrx can use mesa now ^_^04:36
AmaranthRAOF, crdlb: NV04 doesn't have 2d acceleration with nouveau04:44
Amaranththe hardware is not compatible with EXA04:45
AmaranthNV11 should have EXA and Xv though04:45
* Amaranth stabs libusb and iPod Touch04:46
RAOFAmaranth: I always forget the arcanae about those ancient cards :)04:59
SikonWhen is alpha 1 coming out?07:51
Sikonthe wiki says it's scheduled for today07:51
RAOFAnd ubuntu-devel-announce says that it's late, and will likely be coming out tomorrow07:54
RAOFSorry, u-d-discuss.07:54
SikonHas the name for alpha releases been decided? Like Flight, Knot, Herd, Tribe...07:55
crdlbI believe it's plain old alpha this time07:55
crdlbcould be wrong though07:56
RAOFIt's Alpha, yeah.07:57
crdlbthat's so sad :(07:57
RAOFWe're not doing flocks this time.07:57
RAOFWe should totally do rooks sometime.  Then our alphas could be "parliaments" :)07:57
crdlbthere should be a "mighty microsoft" release with the alphas called "release candidates"07:59
RAOFPulseaudio does a pretty good job of network streaming.08:05
RAOFIt handles my torrenting with aplomb.08:05
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databuddysup RAOF08:41
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=== Apostrophe is now known as LucidFox
BUGabundosince today comes out alpha 1, is it safe to tried it on a controled envoriment?10:01
WormBUGabundo: See the topic.10:02
BUGabundolol Worm. x breakage10:03
BUGabundoand I was considering to do an update-manager to Hardy10:04
WormYou can do what you want, but be sure about what you're doing before upgrade.10:05
nekostar BUGabundo if you like broken stuff and trying to fix it this is for you ;)10:05
nekostarotherwise wait till tribe 2-3 probably10:06
nekostaras for me10:06
nekostari'm gonna give er a shot on friday ;)10:06
nekostarbeen toying with gOS as i saw that stuff on the cheap wallmart machines10:06
nekostarjust had to see what that was all about10:06
nekostarbit simplistic but quite kewl ;)10:07
nekostarand ive heard there's gonna be lots of new stuff in hardy10:07
nekostarzomg linux is getting SO awesome hehe10:07
nekostarok i think i need food bbl10:07
BUGabundogreat nekostar10:07
nekostaroh and BUGabundo10:07
nekostardont be put off by the its not for you stuff10:07
nekostarjust make sure to have seperate home partition10:08
nekostarand backup all data's10:08
nekostarjust in case it wipes out a partition or two10:08
nekostar[things happen now and then]10:08
nekostarshould have seen what happened with dsl-n via flashdrive10:08
nekostarcorrupted my cmos lol10:08
nekostarand ive still no idea how it managed to do that10:08
nekostaroh btw10:09
BUGabundoone of the things we need to have fixed is trackerd!10:09
nekostarcorsair 2gb flash voyager's work great - i would imagine all the sizes of that line should - but the live iso + casper-rw10:09
nekostaroh i tend to just disable that at first10:09
nekostaranyway bbl10:09
* nekostar runz10:09
BUGabundoI leave it on10:10
BUGabundoits great to find stuff10:10
BUGabundobut I have allways to run cpulimit on it10:10
BUGabundocpulimit -e tracker -l 5-1010:10
embrace-Ubuntualpha 1 is not out yet??10:23
BUGabundocheckout cdimage.ubuntu.com/live embrace-Ubuntu10:25
embrace-UbuntuBUGabundo: thx10:25
Amaranththey probably don't work10:26
BUGabundothe images, Amaranth?10:26
BUGabundoI've been doing some packages upgrade to hardy, and already have a lot of breakages!10:27
Amaranthat this point in the release cycle daily snapshots will almost always be broken10:27
BUGabundoI've read it Amaranth10:27
BUGabundoas I said, only a few packages!10:28
BUGabundonot the whole system10:28
BUGabundostuff like k3b won't even install10:28
BUGabundodue to dependicies10:28
BUGabundoor kate10:29
BUGabundoit seams to be dependig too much on kde libs not ready yet10:29
=== HM2 is now known as HM2K
BUGabundobad pidgin!!! bad!10:46
BUGabundohya again11:17
BUGabundowhat does this mean:11:17
BUGabundo** (synaptic:16396): WARNING **: no statusfd changes/content updates in terminal for 120 seconds11:18
BUGabundo** (synaptic:16396): WARNING **: TerminalTimeout in step: Preparing to configure libpurple-bin11:18
LunksJava is not working for me, and it's not the xcb stuff. Running java --version outputs: Could not create the Java virtual machine.12:17
void^it's "java -version", not "java --version"12:19
Lunkswhoops =P12:19
LunksI thought that would be easier to debug, but running a java app is not working as well.12:21
Lunksrunning java jSMS-253.jar (a well known java app), outputs: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jSMS-253/jar12:22
seiflotfyguys need help here12:22
Lunkshmm seems to be something with the program itself, not hardy12:24
Lunksweird =P12:24
Hobbseeseiflotfy: for future reference, it would alawys be nice to provide a bit of context on what your pastebin is about12:27
void^Lunks: err, how are you running it? looks like you forgot -jar12:32
Lunksjust had to use java -jar to run it, btw.12:32
Lunksyeah =P12:32
LunksI hadn't run it for a long time, looks like I forgot it. :P12:32
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Lunksubuntu+1 is much quieter than ubuntu, nice. ;)13:01
LunksThere isn't a localized #ubuntu+1, is it?13:04
HobbseeLunks: and this isn't a replacement #ubuntu, either13:08
LunksI know, did I said the opposite? =P13:08
Hobbseeno, but i'm unsure if you were inferring it :)13:09
LunksNo, I'm running hardy indeed. :)13:09
IdleOneBug #10975413:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 109754 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Webcam image for my ZC0302 is upside down and of poor quality. This is a regression from Edgy " [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10975413:23
IdleOnewon't fix? does that mean it can not be fixed or will not be fixed?13:24
Hobbseewill not fix.13:25
Hobbsee(in feisty/gutsy)13:26
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poorenglishhi, is alpha 1 available now?13:33
Tomcat_poorenglish: No, will be tomorrow.13:34
Lunkslive cds are already available? where can we see what have been changed?13:35
Tomcat_Lunks: The current LiveCDs are not the alpha. You can see changelogs in Launchpad.13:37
BUGabundoI'm on edge14:09
BUGabundoand something really strange is going on14:09
PiciBUGabundo: This channel is for Hardy (version after Gutsy) support14:09
BUGabundothere's no text box to insert the package for bug submits!14:09
BUGabundowrong window14:10
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wasabiHowdy. My hald has ceased working. Basically the hal initscript fails. If you run hal manually, it starts, briefly, starts some addons, then terminates.15:36
wasabiaddons keep running15:37
LunksMy pen drives are not automatically mounting.15:37
webjamesHi what's this i hear about a now look for hardy?15:55
IdleOnewebjames: yup they are going to make it look just like Windows 95. blue screen and all15:58
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webjamesblue screen, or bsod?15:59
IdleOnewebjames: I was just kidding. I havent heard anything about a new look15:59
IdleOnewhat is your source?15:59
webjamesIdleOne, http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20071101-hardy-heron-visual-theme-planned-at-the-ubuntu-developer-summit.html16:00
IdleOnewebjames: guess they will be working on a new look for hardy16:04
IdleOneif that source is reliable16:04
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OwnatikHi, when I log in, desktop starts to load and I can see my things, but then screen turns white and stays white17:00
LiMaOOwnatik: are you using hardy?17:13
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Ownatiksorry unplugged my modem by acccident :p17:16
Ownatikyes im using hardy17:18
wethi where can i get the firs lpha of hardy??? (its 11.29.07)17:30
poorenglishwet, tomorrow17:31
wetkk thx17:31
wetisnt released yet??17:31
wetkk but 1 day late is ok :D17:32
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webjamesthese' not a whole lot of blueprints for hardy19:43
webjamesi guess it's early stages19:44
webjamesdoes anyone know about the pulseaudio thing?20:10
khermansis Hardy Alpha1 released yet20:24
h3sp4wnkhermans: No20:28
khermansh3sp4wn, is it planned?20:28
h3sp4wnkhermans: I presume its planned - no idea when for though20:28
h3sp4wnwebjames: What do you want to know about it - I know what it is20:33
h3sp4wnAnd finally as of oss-4.1 the envy24 driver will be GPL/CCDL'ed20:33
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webjamesh3sp4wn, sorry i was just cooking, i was just wondering what it was. an audio driver of sorts?21:40
webjamesi've just installed them on gutsy i htink21:41
h3sp4wnwebjames: They are audio drivers yes - But if pulse audio is implimented as the standard then whether alsa or oss is used should not make any difference (given any unconformant apps are fixed to work with pulseaudio)21:42
webjamesthanks h3sp4wn, how would i override esd in gutsy?21:45
h3sp4wnWith pulseaudio ? dunno only machine I have with good quality speakers uses oss (with solaris though) my laptop has hardy but I have not messed with it much21:47
webjamescool, i'll just have a play around. thanks again21:48
webjameswhat else major is going into hardy?21:55
webjamesthere is few blueprints21:55
h3sp4wndunno - most of the interesting ones never seem to be implimented anyway21:56
h3sp4wnmultiarch - the wonderfully great /etc/event.d full replacement (slated for edgy+2)21:58
webjamesi know i'd like to see a fresh look to complement compiz21:58
webjamesi might give hardy a look see if i can suggest anything22:00
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h3sp4wnwebjames: If you want something it better either a) be easy to do or b) you are going to do it22:16
tonyyarussoWhat kernel is hardy at today?22:16
webjamesyeah, i'm an idea's man. it might spark inspiration in someone who has the time to do it.22:17
h3sp4wntonyyarusso: not seen a 24 one in the repos yet (I just built one)22:17
tonyyarussoRAOF: That's the same as Gutsy, right?22:17
tonyyarussoah, ok22:17
h3sp4wntonyyarusso: use the one from git22:17
* tonyyarusso just upgraded a box and found that curious22:17
h3sp4wnwebjames: oh - the grumpy groundhog distro - I was interested in that also22:24
* webjames looks22:25
webjamesseems a good idea, did it ever get off the ground?22:26
h3sp4wnwebjames: I don't expect anything anymore just see what I get (Not costing me anything) however if I was involved with RedHat / Suse / Debian I would be a bit irritated22:27
webjamesyou pay something?22:27
h3sp4wnwebjames: No - but most of the GPL code is paid for by RedHat / Suse (and others IBM / SGI / Sun) - most of the packaging is done by Debian22:29
h3sp4wnBut ubuntu is marketed as it is (and spends comparively nothing on stuff for everyone else - even mandriva is 50% paid oss developers)22:29
webjamesi see, i didn't realise that. canonical pays for some of it to though?  argh, is it just me or is half the internet not working. softpedia.com linuxmint.com22:30
h3sp4wnwebjames: It doesn't really (in any substantial way) that is the problem22:30
webjamesit's popular though22:31
h3sp4wnwebjames: And that wouldn't be an issue were Canocial as a commercial entity not involved with it22:32
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webjamessurly commercial back is a good thing22:33
h3sp4wnwebjames: In some ways (if they act as the other big vendors do)22:34
webjameshow are they acting differently? not sharing?22:35
h3sp4wnwebjames: Look at the stuff that is coming out of those companies that is not directly related to themselves22:36
h3sp4wni.e for Linux as a whole - or releasing expensive programs they bought etc22:36
h3sp4wn(as gpl)22:37
webjamesi see, i'd like to see more gpl'd programs22:37
webjamesi understand what you mean, i guess as ubuntu gets more success then more will be required, and expected22:38
h3sp4wnI would like to see more of the hard stuff that Debian wants to do done (that ubuntu wants but is waiting for Debian to do)22:38
h3sp4wnthrowing cash at that could get it done for the benefit of all (more than sending out CD's that need more than 600MB of updates by the time someone gets around to using them()22:38
IdleOneh3sp4wn: such as?22:38
h3sp4wnIdleOne: multiarch22:39
h3sp4wnIdleOne: upstart actually being completed (and being comparable in quality to Solaris SMF)22:39
webjamesyou mean stopping duplicate packages?22:40
h3sp4wna filesystem / lvm that is like ZFS for Linux - tons of stuff probably that could be implimented for the cash that is spent on sending out cd's22:40
webjamesi would like to see ZFS22:40
webjamesor similar22:41
h3sp4wnWith indiana the advantages of Linux might be gone anyway (for me) - and as they are modelling it on ubuntu's business model it could work22:42
h3sp4wn(Sun even sends out the dvd's in a proper jewel case and more promptly - I think that was a direct rip off)22:43
webjameswhat do you mean?22:43
webjamesi didn't know ubuntu shipped cd free?22:43
h3sp4wnwebjames: Its the opensolaris kernel - with a package manager and a gnu userland22:43
h3sp4wnwebjames: shipit.ubuntu.com (costs millions I think)22:43
webjamesoh yeah. look at that22:44
IdleOneh3sp4wn: I just did a quick google on multiarch if I understand correctly it is the abilty to take packages from different architectures such as pc or mac and run on linux or vice versa?22:45
webjamesi guess it's advertising. think how much companies spend on that22:45
h3sp4wnIdleOne: you can mix packages from anything your processor can use (i.e lib32 and lib64) and just use 64 bit when it makes sense22:46
h3sp4wnwebjames: Yeah but no R&D ?22:47
RAOFh3sp4wn: The trouble with implementing multiarch before debian is that universe would die.22:49
webjamesi would like to see canonical develop something like ZFS22:50
RAOFWe have ~16K source packages (and ~20K binary packages IIRC), and about 20 or so active MOTUs.22:50
RAOFThere's no way we could carry such a broad divergence from debian.22:51
RAOFwebjames: Or just use ZFS, since it already exists :)22:51
webjamesyeah, wrong licence though22:51
h3sp4wnfuse zfs is not a solution22:51
RAOFAsk them nicely to add GPLv2?22:52
h3sp4wnI think Sun would complain if ubuntu just integrated it using that runtime linking hack they use for nvidia & co22:52
h3sp4wnThere is parts of it in grub under GPL2 anyway22:53
webjamesproblem is it's gplv222:53
RAOFYou mean v3, right?22:53
h3sp4wnzfs is ccdl22:54
webjamesdual licence gplv222:54
h3sp4wnbut sun uses grub as a bootloader so it has had to put parts of into grub (to boot from zfs)22:54
webjamessorry no22:54
RAOFwebjames: Again, v3.  If it were dual licensed as gplv2, it'd already be in the kernel.22:54
webjamesyeah sorry22:54
webjamesit's not gpl anything just on this website it said it was, but i think it was what he was hoping for, not what was actually true22:55
h3sp4wnwebjames: It will be in freebsd 7 (and probably the desktop oriented bsd's) there is nexenta (ubuntu with opensolaris kernel)22:57
webjamesi think opensolaris was going gplv3, but the linux kernel is gplv222:57
webjameslook: http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/0,1000000121,39287520,00.htm22:58
webjamesthing i don't understand is why it would be a one way street?23:00
h3sp4wnAfaik nothing could go either way (other than Linux people specifically re licensing their stuff under GPLv323:02
webjamesi mean assuming sun went gplv3, and linux went gplv323:03
webjamesthat artical seems to imply that it would be one way from linux to sun.23:03
h3sp4wnLinux cannot (some people are dead with claims on Linux)23:03
webjamesi think you don't need 100% of the copyright holders, just around 95% with the 5% not objecting.23:06
h3sp4wnNo way you can do stuff like that23:07
webjamesaparently thats how mozilla was able to relicence in 200323:07
h3sp4wnIf you contribute to firefox who keeps the copyrights ? (I would presume mozilla gets them)23:08
webjamesi don't know i think it was split?23:08
h3sp4wnI don't know either (a binary only firefox would be fine for me anyway)23:09
webjamesi like the open source, look at all the add-ons that have been created23:09
RAOFh3sp4wn: Unless they've got a policy whereby you need to assign copyright to mozilla to contribute (like GNU have), you'd retain the copyright.23:09
h3sp4wnRAOF: I was presuming they did (Sun has the same for Openoffice afaik)23:10
webjameswhat they should do it devs should licence to gpl, and future versions23:10
webjameshave a read of this: http://fsfe.org/en/fellows/ciaran/ciaran_s_free_software_notes/about_gplv3_can_the_linux_kernel_relicense23:13
webjamesokay, it's been interesting chatting with you h3sp4wn and RAOF, see you around. night.23:13
h3sp4wnRAOF: Is there a mailing list for scientific software in universe ?23:14
h3sp4wnoctave:1> doc23:14
h3sp4wninfo: /usr/share/info/octave2.9.info: No such file or directory23:14
h3sp4wnI want to sort out some of this sort of thing (prior to hardy getting out) trying to use alot of this stuff is a pita (and fixing it for gutsy might be good for me but its wasted effort probably)23:15
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF

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