
lamontlifeless: practice makes perfect00:03
jdong\sh_away: just confirmed gaim is not affected by the pidgin <a> exploit00:17
ion_doko: Why was icedtea bootstrapped with gcj, btw? Because it was formerly bootstrapped with a non-free implementation?00:18
=== jamesh_ is now known as jamesh
sorenslangasek: Just for fun, I decided to see if I could figure out why the heck we log_success_msg the usage in the samba init scripts. All I've found out is that it's been that way since warty.00:39
slangaseksoren: I think we can chalk it up to lamont's bad influence00:40
lamontsoren: if it's been that way since warty, then it's probably crack.00:40
sorenlamont: Clearly :)00:40
lamontslangasek: it was a gentoo guy...00:40
lamonthe didn't work for canonical for very long....00:41
sorenThere's a changelog entry from a Nathaniel McCallum that says that he prettified the init script.00:41
sorenlamont: Him?00:41
slangasekoh, really? :)00:41
lamontjust long enough to "fix" all of desktop to do lsb-ish inits.  nevermind about that -e flag at the top and checking return values and such...00:41
slangasekyeah, I'm still bitter about having had to drop the -e from the samba init scripts :)00:42
sorenIs the name supposed to ring a bell?00:42
lamontyou know... change it to say start-stop-daemon .... ; lsb_<mumble> $? in a script that says #!/bin/sh -e ....00:42
* lamont doesn't discuss names00:43
lifelesslamont: changelog does that for you00:43
lamontlifeless: I will nether refute nor confirm that. :-)00:43
slangasek"never speak ill of the braindead"?00:44
lamont"what's an soname?"00:45
ScottKAh.  Him.00:45
lamont"I mean, if you just recompile everything, then you don't need multiple copies of the library"00:46
* lamont wonders if it would violate the CoC to say that some distros foster gentoo-esque thinking00:46
* soren goes to bed00:47
sorenGood night.00:47
NgAmaranth: yes. the fix is to make the window menu work00:47
ScottKlamont: As long as you don't explicitly define gentoo-esque, I think you're safe.00:47
NgAmaranth: imo :)00:47
ScottKgood night soren.00:48
NgAmaranth: in that all of the functions of the window menu are still entirely applicable to an undecorated window00:48
lamontScottK: heh00:48
lamontScottK: context can be a real bitch, you know.00:49
ScottKWhatever people choose to infer from that is not your responsibility.00:49
=== rob1 is now known as rob
* Hobbsee waves01:04
* lamont waves Hobbsee 01:06
Hobbseeheya lamont!01:06
pwnguinhey uh, who put thinkfinger in from my ppa?01:26
Hobbseepwnguin: it's not in the archive, unless it's in source new or something.01:27
pwnguini just got an email01:30
jdongwasn't my fault! I swear! ;-)01:30
Hobbseepwnguin: it's probably something bothced with LP01:31
HobbseeLP likes sending random email01:31
Hobbseeof course, ti doesn't help that people seem to like assigning bugs to groups with 100+ people in them01:32
RAOFYup.  There it is, sitting in NEW.01:32
lifelessI think you should not be able to assign01:33
lifelessonly accept01:33
pwnguinwell, i filed a sync request01:33
pwnguinpitti seconded it01:33
pwnguini thought it was gonna come from debian, not my ppa01:33
Hobbseepwnguin: so you got the accepted mail, for the sync.01:33
slangasekarr, not funny01:33
slangasekcjwatson: debian-installer has failed to build with mklibs errors, am hunting now01:34
Hobbseepwnguin: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10626425/thinkfinger_0.3-2_source.changes - isn't that from experimental?01:34
pwnguinHobbsee: im not sure, but the .dsc has my name on it01:34
Hobbseepwnguin: because of maintainer mangling01:34
Hobbseesee the spec.01:34
crimsunit is from experimental.01:35
pwnguinoh, heh01:38
pwnguinthe next email in line has the log from the sync ;)01:38
StevenKlamont: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10554595/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-hppa.libgpod_0.6.0-2_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz if you've not seen it01:57
StevenKlamont: Specifically, Inconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-fini.c: 180: _dl_fini: Assertion `ns != 0 || i == nloaded' failed!01:58
StevenKIt's PA-RISC hardware wonderful? :-)01:59
StevenKEr, Isn't01:59
lamontdoko: what did the new gcc-4.2 do to hppa????02:00
LaserJockwhat is hppa useful for?02:01
lamontLaserJock: it's useful for keeping lamont happy02:02
LaserJockuseful indeed02:02
lifelessits useful for finding bugs02:02
lamontStevenK: on the bright side, libgpod is the first such failure in a while.  so dunno... maybe I'll just give it back and see how it does..02:02
lifelessbecause its an anal platform02:02
lamontlifeless: and big endian02:02
lamontand can be told to throw a fit at unaligned loads/stores02:03
lifelessbig endian, weird alignment rules02:03
lifelessif only it had stayed slow02:03
lamont"This special 2-4 week Online program that will earn you a full non-accredited02:04
lamontdegree based on your work experience and past/present knowledge."02:04
* lamont rotfl02:04
LaserJockI shoulda tried that instead of 9 years of sweat and tears02:05
ScottKBlood. Don't forget the blood.02:07
zulLaserJock: its useful as a doorstop02:07
LaserJockScottK: I tried to avoid the blood02:08
LaserJockScottK: although i did crush a NMR tube and cut my hand once02:08
LaserJockwell, the bad part is it was a $180 1cm, quartz, flat-bottom NRM tube02:10
* ScottK figured there'd be blood. What with the lasers and all.02:14
LaserJocklasers tend to coagulate blood well02:14
ScottKDon't they also blow up sometimes?02:15
LaserJockwell ...02:15
LaserJockit didn't exactly "blow up"02:15
ajmitchLaserJock isn't human anymore, he's a grad student02:15
ajmitchargh to you too02:15
Hobbseedon't make me feel bad for finally taking a break from writing these pracs up.02:15
ajmitchyou deserve a break, don't you?02:16
* Hobbsee wants to get this stuff done!02:16
* Hobbsee was bad, procrastinating earlier in teh semester.02:16
* slangasek gives lamont a full non-accredited degree: ⁰02:17
RAOFThis is how you can tell Hobbsee isn't a grad student.  We procrastinate *all through* the semester.02:17
lamontslangasek: thank you so much.  remind me to by you $BEVERAGE next time we meet.02:19
HobbseeRAOF: i've got a deadline of friday, and i said i'd have it done by yesterday.02:19
slangasekso given how long it's taking bzr to pull down the debian-installer repo, I should probably ask sooner rather than later - is there anyone around willing to be my designated core-dev for this evening? :)02:20
LaserJockanother non-gradstudent remark02:20
Hobbseeno really. friday is the solid deadline02:20
LaserJocksaying you'd have *anything* done before a deadline?02:20
pwnguinyes, but why would it be done before the deadline?02:21
Hobbseethe deadline that they were quoting for it, during semester, was the 8th, iirc.02:21
slangasek(someone to merge changes to https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/debian-installer/ubuntu, and to upload the results)02:21
Hobbseewell, i didn't know the hard deadline until a few hours after when i got the phonecall saying "where's your stuff?"02:21
LaserJockHobbsee: ouch02:21
pwnguinyou're starting to redeem yourself ;)02:21
* TheMuso feels for Hobbsee, having been through something similar when he was at uni.02:21
ajmitchLaserJock: I'd say Hobbsee is quite qualified to be a grad student, don't you think?02:22
Hobbseeajmitch: nah, i don't have the patience02:22
* RAOF used to be able to hit deadlines.02:22
* ajmitch hits deadlines & keeps on sailing through02:22
lamontslangasek: if you need a core-dev-bitch, I suppose I could fill in02:25
lamontbut I'm gonna take back that $BEVERAGE02:25
slangasekthat's fair :)02:26
lamontslangasek: but only until 11PM your time.02:26
LaserJockajmitch: I just forget deadlines02:29
LaserJock"oh, there was a meeting today? huh"02:29
StevenKlamont: Heh, libgpod moves from chroot problem to dep wait03:18
lamontyep.  I was just going to say that03:18
lamontslangasek: so what are you breaking in debian-installer?03:28
tonyyarussohopefully something encryption-related03:29
slangaseklamont: I'm planning to break the FTBFS03:31
slangasekbut haven't had any luck yet03:31
slangasekit's a thrice-damned mklibs problem03:31
slangasekah, we may be in luck and it's just Debian bug #443248 surfacing because newt isn't merged yet03:35
ubotuDebian bug 443248 in newt "Please link with -ldl" [Normal,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/44324803:35
* StevenK tries some of his wife's "digestive helping tea"03:37
StevenKIt even looks insipid03:37
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jdongStevenK: ugh that stuff is all placebo and marketing03:38
lamontjdong: if it works, who cares?03:39
StevenKIf it helps my stomach get over lunch, I don't care. :-)03:39
* StevenK high fives lamont 03:39
StevenK/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Nonrepresentable section on output03:39
* StevenK sighs03:40
jdongStevenK: in China they use domperidone for that purpose.... I find that slightly unsafe though extremely effective :)03:40
StevenKI'm little bemused that the ingredients list was "Please refer to leaflet"03:40
jdongStevenK: lol that's to separate it from the "FDA says this is total BS" label they are required to affix.03:41
slangaseknot in Australia03:42
* StevenK sighs at XUL 1.903:43
jdongah, right you people aren't from the states03:43
* lamont got a kick out of update-manager's "this is gonna take forever, and you can't stop and restart it, ok?" question03:43
lamontjdong: slangasek is from portland.  that's not in the US>03:43
StevenKNow I get undefined reference to the gtkmozembed functions it's using.03:43
slangasekI was referring to StevenK, but thank you all the same03:43
lamontStevenK: are you racing slangasek to a solution?03:44
StevenKI'm from that island prison that the English keep03:44
StevenKlamont: I suspect slangasek and I are sighing about different things03:44
jdongStevenK: awesome, with the kangaroos! I learned about that in 4th grade geography!03:44
lamontah, ok03:44
* StevenK kicks jdong in the head03:44
slangasekyes, gtkmozembed is not used in d-i03:44
lamonthrm.. I need a fax/modem board with caller id03:45
StevenKAlthough, help with debugging linking against gtkmozembed gratefully accepted03:45
lamontslangasek: good.  I didn't want to have to hurt StevenK03:46
slangasekStevenK: which arch?03:46
slangasekStevenK: look for the bits built without -fPIC?03:46
slangasekor the system .a files being linked in03:47
StevenKslangasek: Last time I saw -fPIC problems, it told me. Here I'm just getting undefined references03:47
slangasekyou said "Nonrepresentable section on output", that's not an undefined reference03:48
StevenKI see both; http://paste.ubuntu.com/2339/03:48
slangasekoh, then, find where those functions are defined :)03:49
* slangasek <-- help with debugging03:49
* StevenK digs up the patch asac gave him for tinymail03:49
StevenKMaybe applying that to modest will help03:50
slangasekmodest mussorgsky?03:50
* lamont finally dist-upgrades his home hppa box from gutsy-stage0 to gutsy03:50
StevenKslangasek: There's a e-mail client called 'modest'03:51
slangasekStevenK: named after mussorgsky?03:52
StevenKNamed because it's designed for modest hardware03:52
StevenKslangasek: How can I determine which library defines those symbols?03:52
slangasekStevenK: with nm -D /usr/lib/library-I-suspect.so?03:53
StevenKI wonder what nm is supposed to expand to.03:54
StevenK(Like ls being list)03:54
StevenKThat seems too obvious. :-)03:55
slangasekNumber Muncher03:56
StevenKjdong: That tea has seemed to help, so nyah03:56
slangaseklamont: tada, d-i fixed.  I suppose you want a full-fledged merge request rather than me just dumping files somewhere? :)03:57
lamontslangasek: for you?  signed source.changes and files03:57
StevenKWhich you'll have to resign03:58
StevenKHeh, sorry03:58
lamontStevenK: I just want trackability...03:59
StevenKslangasek: Okay, I have the library that contains those symbols03:59
lamontStevenK: and it'll have some fixup that's not PIC, and you're building a PIC binary04:00
lamontapply sledge-hammer love to the library04:00
StevenKThe library in question is /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9b1/libxul.so, it has it's own sledge-hammers04:00
lamontStevenK: slangasek signing the changes lets me go 'he should know better' when cjwatson slaps me upside the head for uploading some silliness of slangasek's. :)04:02
lamontslangasek: unless you think I should review your changes....04:02
StevenKI'm just waiting for slangasek to upload a d-i to Ubuntu that installs Debian04:03
* StevenK hides04:03
StevenKslangasek: The final gcc command run contains -I<includedir>, but does not add -lxul or /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9b1/libxul.so to the command line04:04
lamontis it guilty of using gcc to link g++ binaries?04:05
StevenKI don't think so04:06
lamontI wonder if the hppa box will boot without me typing ctl-D this time04:06
Fujitsulamont: It won't.04:07
slangaseklamont: http://people.ubuntu.com/~vorlon/newt_0.52.2-11.1ubuntu1_source.changes04:07
lamontfsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'UUID=37b0a8ff-e4d7-40af-b7e7-597001b30bf6'04:08
lamontfsck died with exit status 804:08
lamont   ...fail!04:08
lamont * File system check failed.04:08
lamontand now I have the error message.04:08
* StevenK sprinkles some magic inside configure.ac and tries a rebuild04:12
slangaseklamont: do I still have your attention, or are you lost to the wonders of libuuid and udev? :)04:13
lamontstill fetching04:13
lamontdo I need to test this?04:13
lamontso, once it gets published and queue-mangler gets done, then the buildd will get to it.04:14
lamontI assume you can do the retry-a-thon on d-i once it's built/published?04:15
lamontotherwise, whack me.04:15
slangasekTTBOMK I'll need to whack you04:15
slangasekunless there's a dep-wait capability in soyuz04:15
lamont checkgrp04:15
lamontadmin: 109 10604:15
lamontcrontab: 106 10704:15
lamontlpadmin: 108 10404:15
lamontscanner: 104 10504:15
lamontssh: 107 10804:15
lamontI hate it when ldap and /etc/group disagree04:15
StevenKslangasek: Soyuz does automatic depwait stuff04:16
slangasekStevenK: automatic dep-wait isn't useful for this case04:16
slangasekthis is a "we know why it failed to build, we know which version fixes it, admin wants to set a manuall dep-wait on the fixed version"04:17
lamontslangasek: not that I've seen04:17
lamontI mean, one could do sql-foo if one had access, but that's not exactly "in launchpad"04:18
StevenKSigh, my magic had no effect04:18
lamont-rwxr-sr-x 1 root crontab 78472 2007-10-04 22:26 /usr/bin/ssh-agent04:21
lamontsee, because that's just wrong04:21
lamontslangasek: you're right.  I'll need to whack it04:23
lamontremind me when, eh?04:23
slangaseklamont: yep, I'm polling vigorously :-)04:24
lamontqueue-builder is a 30 min runtime, and then it sleeps 1800 before it runs again04:24
lamontso start polling at 20:44 PST, and you might get results04:25
lamontslangasek: how come your key doesn't have your ubuntu.com addr on it?04:25
lamontbecause /me didn't do --recv-keys recently04:26
* slangasek grins04:27
slangasekbetter question, why does dpkg-buildpackage not acknowledge that it has my ubuntu.com addr on it :P04:27
StevenKSigh. Nothing I do has any affect.04:30
RAOFStevenK: Move the package out of the globe of invulnerability; your magic will be more effective04:31
lamontDisabling interface: eth0 ... done.04:34
lamont * Reloading system message bus config...                                [ OK ]04:34
lamont * Restarting network connection manager NetworkManager04:34
lamontsomehow that do-release-upgrade run over ssh kinda hurt04:34
lamontmust. kill. network-mangler.04:38
ScottKThis is news?04:39
lamontI keep forgetting that it keeps sneaking back onto the machine and requires another application of the sledgehammer.04:39
* lamont will file a bug against update-manager to die horribly (or DTRT) if networkmangler is going to trash an sshed do-release-upgrade04:40
lamonton the bright side, it appears that the update-manager run finished.04:41
ScottKI've always had good luck with apt doing upgrades (even though I know it's 'wrong')04:41
lamontit's the whole remembering to remove the crap that shouldn't be there any more that got me to switch to playing mvo's game04:42
ScottKStill needed even with autoremove in apt?04:43
mdomschsudoers Defaults !env_reset is a good idea when running pdebuild and using sudo...04:46
mdomschthat was annoying to find...04:46
* calc uses dselect for package management :)04:49
Amaranthcalc: 1995 called, they want their package manager back04:50
calcdoes aptitude sort decently yet, last time i tried it was a bit pita to change sort order04:52
calcand i like to know what new packages are available each time i update04:52
calcwhich is extremely easy to do with dselect04:52
calchit 'o' a few times and it pops them up04:52
calcbesides the fact it is very easy to fix conflicts, etc in dselect by placing things on hold or back out if the archive is too screwed up04:53
calci'm sure using something like update-manager/aptitude/etc is great if you only run stable releases that don't change hourly04:54
calceg the last time i used aptitude you had to remember a bunch of arcane characters to change the format of the sort order, it didn't have an option to cycle through common ones04:55
Amaranthsynaptic shows new packages04:55
Amaranthand lets you hold things and such04:55
calcso it had a more powerful sort mechanism at the expense of being easy to do04:55
calcAmaranth: ah synaptic may be a good replacement for dselect (for me) then04:55
calcof course i am also an old fart that has been using dselect over 9 years now so why change... ;-)04:56
Amaranthby the time i learned what dselect was i'd already been using synaptic for a year :P04:57
StevenKI used dselect once when I installed hamm04:58
lamontnewt building as of a minute ago05:15
* slangasek nods05:15
slangasekI'm going to forego putting publisher on auto though, I'm too tired to properly attend it05:20
lamontso we did freeze for the CD burn?05:20
jdongaren't we not freezing but playing broken package roulette? :)05:22
slangaseklamont: see, I'm so tired I said "auto" instead of "manual"05:22
* lamont builds bind9 9.4.2-1 for debian05:33
lamont hardy amd64   Successfully built  (ACCEPTED)05:34
* lamont twiddles thumbs05:35
lamontUploaded By:  Steve Langasek05:35
lamontlaunchpad for the win05:35
lamontdear launchpad, is there any way to identify the signer of the source.changes file?05:36
jdonglamont: that'd be nice to have05:36
StevenKlamont: Grab the _source.changes file from the librarian and run who-uploads on it05:36
lamontStevenK: feh. boring05:37
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
StevenKlamont: It shouldn't misrepresent Changed-By like that, though05:37
lamontwow.  sig survived a cut/paste from the web site05:37
lamontbut how else can we blame slangasek ?05:37
StevenKChanged By: Steve Langasek ; Uploaded By: LaMont Jones05:38
lamontit should say that, yes.05:39
slangasekperhaps it misrepresents changed-by because he signed the .changes I sent him instead of re-rolling it?05:39
lamontUploaded By: Steve Langasek; Sponsored By: LaMont Jones05:39
* StevenK sighs at his rsync skills not sticking around, but disappearing into the ether five minutes after he uses them05:39
FujitsuChanged-By is meant to be the person in the changelog.05:39
lamontslangasek: I _SAID_ I was trusting you... :-)05:39
FujitsuNot the sponsor.05:39
StevenKFujitsu: slangasek did the work, lamont uploaded it. My line is correct05:40
slangaseklamont: well I hope you didn't expect me to build the changes file using your name :)05:40
FujitsuStevenK: Right. What is the Changed-By it gave?05:40
StevenKI daresay, slangasek05:40
StevenKBut I've not looked05:40
slangasekFujitsu: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/newt/0.52.2-11.1ubuntu1 currently shows an Uploaded By: me, which is not entirely accurate05:41
FujitsuChanged-By -> Uploaded By in LP speak.05:41
lamontslangasek: it's your upload... I just sponsored it... :-)05:42
slangasekfair enough05:42
lamontslangasek: I gave back d-i on the theory that it shouldn't noticibly hurt if I did it a few minutes early05:43
slangasekis it going to noticeably help, though?  I don't know what the timings look like for publishing05:44
cjwatsonthe publisher is running cron.germinate now, so the archive itself should be in place05:45
cjwatsonoh, except for mirrors, hmm05:46
cjwatsonbut buildds fetch directly off ftpmaster.internal (i.e. drescher)05:46
lamontcjwatson: what mirrors.05:46
cjwatsonso I think it should work05:46
cjwatsonright :)05:46
lamontas long as Packages is right05:46
slangasekso, the fact that newt is still listed in 'accepted'...?05:47
cjwatsonslangasek: means it needs another publisher run05:47
cjwatsonlibnewt-pic | 0.52.2-10ubuntu2 |         hardy | amd64, hppa, i386, ia64, lpia, powerpc, sparc05:48
cjwatsonsaith madison on drescher05:48
lamontand d-i rescored to 1000005:48
cjwatsonlamont: try again in an hour05:48
StevenKHeh is it really called madison?05:48
lamontof course it is05:48
StevenKHah, way cool05:48
lamontshe's been doing that job for a number of years05:49
cjwatsonwell. it's madison-lite05:49
lamontpost fen-fen then05:49
slangasekcjwatson: as opposed to daring to put things on manual at this point and shove it through?05:49
cjwatsonI just have it aliased to 'm' so I forget what it's really called05:49
cjwatsonslangasek: works for me if you're sufficiently awake05:49
StevenKcjwatson: Ah, and it just points directly at the Packages files that the publisher generates05:49
cjwatsonStevenK: right05:50
slangasekif we're looking at a full hour cycle more, I can probably be that awake05:50
cjwatsonthere's a sort of madison-a-like in the LP web output now mind you05:50
StevenKslangasek: As in, the coffee pot is just boiling?05:50
cjwatsonslangasek: depends how much we think that the result is going to work05:50
* StevenK waits for hildon-input-method, so he can do the next part of the dance.05:50
cjwatsonprobably a good time for me to sponsor evand's base-installer merge ...05:51
StevenKUgh. I had no idea it was that early in London.05:51
slangasekcjwatson: well, getting it in at least lets us do livecds05:51
slangasekand should give us alternate CDs to inspect05:51
cjwatsonto an extent, yeah. ubiquity will probably have to be uploaded before you can install live CDs05:52
slangasekand I'm planning to get to that point before falling off the network for the night05:52
slangasekoh, erm, ok05:52
cjwatsonbut being able to run them would be a mighty good start05:52
slangasekso what you're saying is that I failed to release-manage my manager in a timely manner... :)05:53
cjwatsonubiquity -> evand05:53
slangasekok :)05:53
* StevenK tries to remember the flags to get rsync to tell him just the files it's transferring05:55
lamontcjwatson: does it make sense to add slangasek to launchpad-buildd?05:56
lamontthat would at least let him rescore things05:56
lamontalthough that requires tech board or infinity05:59
lamontor a duck05:59
lamontStevenK: -avk06:00
lamonter, -avn06:00
lamontfat fingers06:00
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
lamontcjwatson: network challenges?06:00
* lamont throws bind9 9.4.2-1 at sid06:01
cjwatsonlamont: bloody router06:01
StevenKlamont: -n doesn't transfer though06:01
lamontquit bleeding on it then.06:01
lamont-n says just say what you're gonna do06:02
StevenKWhich spits out every file06:02
StevenKNot all of them have changed06:02
lamontcjwatson: since you went away... does it make sense to add slangasek to launchpad-buildd, so he can rescore things? (which would require tech-board, infinity, or a duck.)06:02
lamontStevenK: no. it spits  out every file it would change06:02
cjwatsonfine by me06:03
lamonteither by changing contents, or by changing times06:03
cjwatsonpitti is in launchpad-buildd-admins for basically the same reason06:03
lamontyeah - that group06:03
lamontI'll let you use your daylight hours to get TB/infinity/duck to do that for him then06:03
lamontStevenK: maybe you want -I in there to, so it'll ignore timestamp[s06:04
StevenKlamont: Mmm. I just wish I could remember rsync's runes06:05
lamontlike, say, that guy. :0)06:05
lamontStevenK: there aren't _THAT_ many...06:05
lamontand for everything else, there's "man rsync" :-P06:06
StevenKlamont: I know. I don't use it often enough.06:06
lamontdon't ask me to expand -a :-)06:06
lamontcjwatson: and if someone wants to make me an admin, I can be very good about saying 'no' :)06:07
slangasekah, evidently no need to publish on manual06:07
* lamont wants to never ever ever have a duck06:07
slangaseksince accepted seems to have been emptied for me in the meantime06:07
slangasek-a should expand to -dpr, or thereabouts06:08
lamontand more06:08
slangasekà la cp -a06:08
lamont-a expands to "what I want, for starters"06:08
slangasek-a is "yes, I'm using Unix already"06:08
StevenK-a isn't what I want in this case, though, since I want to ignore symlinks.06:09
lamontpiffle.  clearly you're not using Un*x06:09
StevenKClearly, I don't want to copy the build logs to rookery.06:09
lamontslangasek: so d-i didn't ftbfs on ia6406:10
StevenKLook at that optimism06:10
lamontwhen do we figure we want to give things back again?06:11
lamontStevenK: korofice and monotone are keeping ithe ia64 buildds busy still06:11
StevenKThey're just the distractions.06:11
lamontyeah, but people'd get upset if I cancelled the builds... :-)06:12
StevenKLike anyone uses KDE on ia6406:12
StevenKs/KDE on //06:12
lamontI'm pretty sure dannf uses gnome.06:12
lamontStevenK: I'm the one who copies build logs to rookery... :-)(06:13
StevenKNot stuff I'm building locally, you don't. :-P06:13
lamonthttp://p.u.c/~lamont/buildLogs/Test being the gutsy autotest of main06:13
cjwatsonI suspect these days most people fetch build logs out of LP06:13
lamontcjwatson: and we only copied the failures to rookery06:13
* cjwatson goes back to try to sleep again06:14
lamontbut it's already 6AM...06:14
slangaseklamont: we don't have the fixed newt in the Packages file yet, I'd think we should wait for that before bothering06:15
frostburnwhere can i find more information on how xchat was built in 7.10?06:15
lamontslangasek: yeah06:15
lamontyou're looking at drescher?06:15
lamontfrostburn: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xchat206:16
lamontfrostburn: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xchat06:16
StevenK /distros is old06:16
slangaseklamont: drescher, yes06:16
lamontfrostburn: which eventually gets you to http://launchpadlibrarian.net/9601818/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-i386.xchat_2.8.4-0ubuntu5_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz06:16
lamontslangasek: then I won't go fetch it from another DC machine to look myself.06:17
lamontStevenK: the link still works, and therefore my shortcut... so I haven't fixed it06:17
lamontStevenK: so I can drop the /distros?06:17
StevenKlamont: Right06:17
* lamont fixors06:18
frostburnlamont, ty06:18
lamontStevenK: mind you, the key for the shortcut is 'dap' :-)06:19
lamontand amd64 threatens to pass 98% on graph206:20
lamontfrostburn: alternatively, you can get pretty close to that with 'apt-get source xchat' on a gutsy system, and looking at debian/rules06:23
lamontassuming that xchat isn't one of the evil packages that believes that debian/rules should be a twisty little maze of makefiles, all different06:24
StevenK# automatically generated by dh_gtkmodules, do not edit06:24
StevenKCannot load module /build/steven/hildon-input-method-framework-1.99.23/debian/hildon-input-method-framework/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/hildon-im-module.so: libhildon_im_common.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:24
StevenKThank you dh_gtkmodules, you win.06:24
frostburnlamont, i'm just trying to figure out if aspell is statically compiled, it looks like it is06:24
lamontah, ok06:25
lamontStevenK: WIN!06:25
StevenKBut, how do I fix that. Grumble06:25
slangasekStevenK: where is libhildon_im_common.so.3?06:26
StevenKslangasek: /usr/lib/06:26
* lamont was gonna vote "disk"06:27
lamontyep.  definitely late.06:27
slangasekStevenK: I... don't believe you?06:27
slangasekStevenK: or is the problem that the error message is being output to some file at build-time?06:27
StevenKslangasek: Right.06:28
slangasekthen are the two bits in the same package?06:28
StevenKThe dh_ prefix should have given that away. :-)06:28
lamontStevenK: iz gtk bug06:28
lamont(that was a joke)06:28
slangasekStevenK: just wasn't clear on the context06:28
StevenKslangasek: Ah. And yes, they are.06:28
StevenKlamont: I figured. :-)06:29
lamontI was just worried you might have believed me, is al;l.06:29
slangasekStevenK: try setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./debian/$pkg/usr/lib when calling dh_gtkmodules06:29
StevenKslangasek: I was thinking that.06:29
minghuaStevenK: Heh.06:29
lamontand remember to make that LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./debian/$pkg/usr/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH06:30
lamontat least if there might be anything that needs fakeroot to work06:30
StevenKlamont: Surely $$ ?06:30
StevenKThis is in make, after all06:30
minghuaStevenK: Debian bug 427654.06:31
ubotuDebian bug 427654 in libgtk2.0-dev "dh_gtkmodules outputs garbage to immodule list files" [Important,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/42765406:31
lamontLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$$(pwd)/lib/isc/.libs:$$(pwd)/lib/isccc/.libs:$$(pwd)/isccfg/.libs:$${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} $(MAKE)06:31
lamontthat's from bind9's debian/rules06:31
StevenKdh_strip --dbg-package=hildon-input-method-framework06:32
StevenKOh, sigh.06:32
* StevenK rebuilds hildon-input-method-framework again.06:33
* StevenK plots evilness against lool.06:33
* lamont yawns06:34
* realist seconds that motion06:35
slangaseklamont: give-back please06:38
StevenKWay cool. I've been an ubuntu member for nearly two years06:40
lamontno d-i on lpia?06:41
StevenKMobile doesn't use it, currently.06:41
StevenKThat may change.06:41
* lamont does math..06:41
lamont2007.11-2004.03 == 3 2/3 years.  kewl06:41
StevenKchown: changing ownership of `debian/hildon-input-method-framework/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodule-files.d/hildon-input-method-framework.immodules': Operation not permitted06:42
lamontsee - you didn't keep fakeroot around06:42
StevenKI did, though.06:42
StevenKLD_LIBRARY_PATH=./debian/hildon-input-method-framework/usr/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PAT} dh_gtkmodules06:42
StevenKOH, BLAH06:42
StevenKExcuse me.06:42
* StevenK gets a brown paper bag.06:42
lamontdon't you mean 'O, BLA'?06:43
StevenKlamont: Shush06:43
* StevenK wipes the egg off his face06:43
lamontIRC is really fun when you're so tired you're punch-drunk06:44
dholbachgood morning06:48
* lamont decides to put in a little kobodeluxe time, in case slangasek needs anything else06:48
LaserJockmorning dholbach06:50
dholbachhi LaserJock06:51
StevenKWay cool. I think I crashed NetworkManager on my Q106:59
StevenKAh. Just the applet.06:59
pittiGood morning07:00
StevenKMorning pitti07:01
slangaseklamont: successfully built, go to bed :)07:03
lamontsir. yes sir.07:03
lamontand g'night07:03
slangaseknight, thanks for the help07:03
pittihey slangasek07:05
slangasekpitti: hi07:05
pittihardy_probs.html looks promising :)07:05
pittiso if the universe font dependency of tuxmath is solved, everything should be good enough, right?07:06
slangasekpitti: looks like it to me07:13
slangasekah, there we are, d-i published and just in time for the ubuntu cd cron.daily07:32
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pittidoko_: wrt. db4.4, do you care about keeping libdb4.4-java-gcj? Nothing uses it08:10
pittidoko_: we need to drop lamont's NTPL enabling (bug #153996), and if we drop libdb4.4-java-gcj we can just sync it again08:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 153996 in db4.4 "libdb4.4 in gutsy breaks postgrey and subversion" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15399608:11
MacSlowGreetings everybody!08:25
\shMacSlow, moins...btw..which app do you use for your screencasts? :)08:26
doko_pitti: no, as long as we have libdb4.6-java-gcj08:52
pittidoko_: that's what I thought; thanks for confirming08:52
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DktrKranzpitti: hi. I saw your comment in bug 103481. Is there anything I can do?09:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 103481 in strigi "[SRU] upgrade from edgy causes file overwrite error" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10348109:03
pittiDktrKranz: if you think it's urgent, you could do a no-change upload (just bump the version) straight to -updates09:03
DktrKranzpitti: it affects edgy -> feisty upgrade, so it is not that urgent09:04
\shDktrKranz, ping tikiwiki, I fixed at least gutsy and feisty...and it should be removed from the archive for hardy, as it is in debian09:10
DktrKranz\sh \o/09:14
popey\o/ xvidcap09:26
sorenWill the LiveCDPersistence stuff work if I put the loopback file on a USB device?09:26
=== leagris is now known as Bubulle
tkamppeterpitti, hi10:04
pittihey tkamppeter10:04
loolpitti: If you have a couple of minutes, and since you might be more interested in it than anybody else, do you think you could sync avahi from Debian unstable if you think it's suitable in Ubuntu?10:14
pittilool: sure, if you merged the interesting changes to Debian and there's nothing left we need to keep?10:14
loolpitti: It should have all changes we care about; one that has been dropped is the ".local check on ifup only" which was a mistake, but apart of that it should be fine10:14
pittiright, I saw the commits to the debian svn10:15
looli wanted to wait a couple of days in the archive, but it seems fine (no bug report received)10:15
pittilool: the SetHostName issue is negligible for the moment; indeed at_console would be better10:15
pittibut ATM nothing uses it (nm-applet is supposed to support it, but doesn't)10:16
pittiand eventually I'd like to see a proper CK integration into dbus to support at_console upstream10:16
loolFine with me; I guess you'll bring this up with upstream directly10:17
pittiyes, already in the works (I talked to Lennart yesterday)10:17
Keybukpitti: !10:17
* pitti takes a jump backwards; what did I screw up?10:18
Keybukpitti: "nma_dbus_init(): could not acquire its service.  dbus_bus_acquire_service() says: 'Connection "1:31" is not allowed to own the service "org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo" due to security policies in the configuration file"10:18
pittion current hardy for you? weird, WFM10:19
* pitti upgrades his laptop to the latest crack, but there haven't been changes in the last few days10:20
Keybukupdated just now10:20
pittiand nm on my desktop works well, too (just ethernet, though)10:20
pittiKeybuk: when did you update last, yesterday?10:20
Keybuknm-applet.conf still has at_console=true10:21
Keybuklast updated about 10 mins ago10:21
pittioh, wait10:21
pittiKeybuk: does ck-list-sessions output something?10:21
pittioccasionally gdm doesn't register my session with CK10:21
pittiso that few things work10:21
pittilool: synced10:21
Keybukpitti: is there an easy way to tell?10:22
Keybukck-list-sessions has me in it10:22
pittiKeybuk: if ck-list-sessions doesn't have your session (e. g. it's empty), that's that bug10:22
pittiok, let me dist-upgrade10:22
pitti"404 Impossibile trovare l'oggetto"10:23
pittiseb128, did you 0wn apt-get update now and translated everythihng to french?10:24
loolpitti: Cool, thanks10:24
pitticjwatson: current hardy alternate install fails with a debootstrap error10:25
cjwatsondoes it have current base-installer?10:26
slangasekpitti: that's Italian... :)10:26
cjwatsonoh, I bet bootstrap-base is missing10:26
cjwatsonpitti: do carry on though in case my snap diagnosis is incomplete10:27
pitticjwatson: sorry, nc doesn't seem to work for me today, and I forgot that anna-install package which gives me ssh10:27
cjwatsonyeah, missing bootstrap-base, I'll seed it10:27
cjwatsonanna-install openssh-client-udeb10:28
pittiah, -udeb10:28
seb128pitti: that's not french, somebody probably screwed the takeover change  ;-p10:28
cjwatsonpitti: seed fix committed, try rebuilding10:30
pittithanks, doing10:30
pitticjwatson: ok, I merge that to Ubuntu & friends10:35
pitti(or isn't that necessary?)10:35
cjwatsonpitti: it will be necessary; but also, could you NEW bootstrap-base?10:38
pittiwhoops, sure; I'll defer the CD rebuilds then until after the next publisher10:38
cjwatsonsorry, forgot we needed that; but we did need the new base-installer because a piece moved from debootstrap to base-installer10:39
cjwatsonand we already had the new debootstrap10:39
pittinewed, checking for other stuff in NEW10:40
pittishould be fine10:40
pittiKeybuk: hm, nm is happy after dist-upgrade and reboot, and I don't have any error like that in .xsession-errors10:43
pittiKeybuk: oh, that's from the daemon, not the applet, right?10:44
Keybukpitti: from the applet10:44
pittiif you start it from teh command line? or where do you see that?10:45
pitticjwatson: all seeds merged10:45
Keybukpitti: 5th reboot now, still failing10:47
pittiKeybuk: ah, do you have libpam-foreground uninstalled?10:47
cjwatsonpitti: ta10:47
Keybukpitti: Status: purge ok not-installed10:47
pittiI still had that, uninstalled, rebooting now10:47
pittiKeybuk: yep, confirmed, thanks10:50
* pitti fixes10:50
pittiKeybuk: I'll add libpam-foreground as a dbus dependency for now until at_console works with CK10:51
pittithat should do for alpha 110:51
Keybukis at_console expected to work with CK?10:54
pittinot right now, but eventually I hope so10:55
pittiI talked to Lennart about this yesterday, and discussion is ongoing with David10:55
Keybukso the reason it's using that is to decide whether it can take the bus name?10:56
Keybukthat seems like a long-term wrong design10:56
Keybukisn't nm-applet always supposed to work10:56
Keybukand network manager to use PK to decide whether to accept requests from it or not?10:56
Keybuk(so if I'm not the user on the console first seat, I can still see the wireless status, but if I try and change it I get an error)10:57
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loolasac: I think firefox slightly regressed on dual screen for me: it used to open on whatever screen my mouse pointer was in, but it seems it's now always opening on the left screen11:00
pittiKeybuk: I guess it is to avoid that a remote X11 session can start nm-applet and control the local daemon with it?11:00
loolasac: Could that be a regression in gnome-support stuff?11:00
pittiKeybuk: anyway, I think unbreaking at_console is safer for alpha 1 at this point, so I uploaded that workaround11:01
pittiKeybuk: changing the dbus access policies should be discussed anyway, of course11:01
pittimeh, our alternates exploded again11:02
pittiwe removed a lot of gnome help duplicates, upstream changelogs, etc., and still they grew by about 15 MB instead of shrinking11:02
asaclool: hmm11:03
asaclool: what kind of dual setup?11:03
asaclool: can you please verify that its really a regression of firefox (e.g. downgrade to ?11:04
loolasac: I think a xrandr or intel one, don't know how that's called: I use the intel driver and set a virtualsize and describe my monitor layouts11:04
loolasac: I'll try to downgrade to the gutsy version (.6) unless there's an easy way to downgrade which I don't know about11:05
asaclool: you can download the version from launchpad11:08
loolasac: Same behaviro from gutsy version; must be some GNOME or xorg change then :-(11:08
asacyeah ... that makes sense :)11:08
asacdo you have DISPLAY=:0.1 and DISPLAY=:0.2 in your setup?11:09
loolasac: No11:09
StevenKpitti: Can any particular package be blamed?11:10
seb128Mithrandir, StevenK: bluez-utils screws gstreamer at the moment, like totem hang on video playing, etc11:28
StevenKseb128: But ... how?11:28
seb128how what?11:28
seb128slomo: ^11:28
StevenKI'm curious how it does?11:28
slomoStevenK: it ships a2dpsink and that is broken :P11:28
seb128it sinks is overanked and broken11:28
StevenKAhh, right11:28
slomoit a) has primary rank, thus is tried as one of the first sinks by autoaudiosink11:28
StevenKCan I fix it tomorrow, please?11:29
slomoand b) it doesn't fail gracefully11:29
seb128StevenK: which means alpha1 with have audio and video playing broken11:29
slomolike all other sinks do... so people who have it can't play anything it seems11:29
StevenKseb128: My muscles have been aching for like ten hours and it's 10:30pm. I'd really really rather sleep.11:29
seb128StevenK: ok, go to sleep that's alright, that's only alpha1 and I'm sure we will manage to fix it anyway11:30
seb128StevenK: have a good night11:30
StevenKseb128: I'm just waiting for a build to fail11:30
StevenKIt's getting harder and harder to wait, though11:30
slomoseb128: just don't ship that gstreamer plugin then ;)11:30
loskoboskohi, anyone reading?11:31
seb128slomo: we could do that11:31
StevenKseb128: I've added looking at it to the top of my todo list11:31
seb128StevenK: I'll have a go at fixing it now, don't worry11:32
slomoStevenK: if you're bored you could forward that upstream though ;)11:33
StevenKseb128: Right. I'll have a poke and see if it's been uploaded tomorrow11:33
seb128StevenK: thanks11:33
loskoboskohi everyone, i know i'm pretty new here, but i would like to start a tiny project for ubuntu-linux.. or only give the idea, too :)11:35
loskoboskocan anyone read me? feel like i am writing on dev>null11:37
loskobosko\/dev/null, pardon11:37
persialoskobosko: Your text is transmitting, but you've perhaps not hit the right place.  What are you trying to do?11:38
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loskoboskodo anyone know where i can find the source of installation wizard used in the live-cd?11:41
pochupitti: apport added a retraced stacktrace to bug 172769 and then removed it with all the other files (coredump, registers...). Is that because it found it's a duplicate, or is this a bug in apport?11:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172769 in tracker "trackerd crashed with SIGSEGV (dup-of: 155424)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17276911:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 155424 in tracker "trackerd crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15542411:47
cjwatsonloskobosko: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallerDevelopment11:50
pittiStevenK: no idea, haven't investigated yet11:55
pittipochu: yes, because it's a dup and thus the same stacktrace11:56
* Hobbsee waves11:56
pochupitti: Ok, thank you. that's a new feature, isn't it?11:57
pittipochu: hm, not that new, we got it early in gutsy11:57
pochuIt's the first time I see apport removing all the attachments, including the retraces :-/11:58
pittihm; I thought it has always done this since we started auto-dup'ing11:58
persiaJust to make sure, does it only remove all the extra attachments when they are present for the dup?  I sometimes find a nice useful apport trace as a dup of a bug with only limited available information.12:00
pittipersia: it does not remove all attachments, only the apport specific ones (CoreDump.gz, stack traces, dependencies, etc.)12:00
persiapitti: Right.  I just wanted to make sure it only removed them when the master bug was an apport bug, as I've seen dupes where the master bug didn't have a stacktrace, or only a user-supplied stacktrace.12:01
pochupitti: for the above bug I mentioned it has removed all the attachments, including those it just attached :-)12:01
pochupitti: oh well, those are apport specific ones, sorry!12:02
pittipersia: well, that's not checked explicitly12:03
persiapitti: Could it be?12:03
pittipersia: but apport's dup database only has bugs which were filed by apport itself12:03
persiaThat works: I was afraid it was relying on the Malone dup markers.  Thanks for the clarification.12:03
pittipochu: hm, if you think there's a bug or an undesirable behaviour there, please file a bug against apport12:04
pittipochu: so far we just cleaned up the apport specific attachments to save space on LP, and they are usually completely redundant12:04
pochupitti: as long as it's a duplicate, it's fine with me.12:07
pochuand from a user POV, it's really nice.12:07
pittialright :)12:07
pochupitti: although it might sense not to attach the retraced stacktrace if it's going to remove it. Better check it first :-)12:09
pochuWant me to file a bug about it?12:09
pittipochu: right; please do, yes12:10
pittihm, current live CD misdetects screen resolution in vmware12:16
pittitjaalton, bryce: ^12:16
pittino xorg.conf on the live system12:18
tjaaltonpitti: what does it use?12:19
tjaaltonpitti: +resolution12:19
pittitjaalton: 800x600 (max resolution is 1024x768)12:19
pittiand displayconfig-gtk doesn't allow me to raise it either12:19
pitti'not using built-in mode 1024x76, hsync out of range12:21
tjaaltonmore interesting would be that why there is no xorg.conf12:22
tjaaltonI'll test the image myself12:22
tjaaltonon real hw12:22
pittiyeah, me too, but for an initial smoke test vmware is good12:23
pittitjaalton: if i force a h/v sync range manually, it doesn't help12:23
pittimight be a regression in the vmware driver12:24
pittiah, it's because dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg refuses to create a /etc/x11/xorg.conf if none exists yet12:26
tjaaltonpitti: sigh :)12:26
tjaaltonwell, more stuff to remove from the postinst then12:26
tjaaltonor preinst12:27
tjaaltonpitti: I'll take a look at it12:27
pittitjaalton: thanks a lot12:27
tjaaltonpitti: what's the deadline for an upload?12:27
pittitjaalton: no particular one12:28
pittiif it works on real hw and is a vmware problem, it's no biggie at all12:28
pittiif it happens on real iron, it would be, though12:28
tjaaltonsounds like it's broken logic12:28
pittiI just can't reboot my desktop right now, I have some stuff running12:29
tjaaltonI have plenty of machines to test on :)12:29
tjaaltontwo laptops and desktops12:29
tjaaltonbut lunch first, bbl ->12:30
* pitti tests it on his laptop12:31
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pittibrb, restarting desktop session12:32
pittihm, my background image is gone12:34
ion_Sorry, i borrowed it for a while.12:35
pittiseb128: hm, does nautilus-cd-burner work for you? I only see 'file image' in the dropdown12:39
pittiseb128: ah, nevermind, PEBCAK12:41
* pitti still had ide-cd blacklisted for test reasons12:41
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Mithrandirseb128: bluez-utils and gstreamer > do you have a bug report about it?12:44
pittitjaalton: resolution is fine on my latitude (intel driver), so it seems more like a vmware driver regressiosn12:58
tjaaltonpitti: do you have xorg.conf on the latitude?13:01
lamont,e waves13:01
* lamont , even13:01
pittitjaalton: no, I don't13:01
pittishould I?13:01
tjaaltonpitti: so that's a problem as well :)13:01
pittiwell, maybe it should have my keyboard configuration, but gnome papers over it13:02
pittior do you already use hal fdi input hotplugging?13:02
Amaranthahh apport got flipped back on13:11
tjaaltonpitti: hmm, preinst should create the config13:19
tjaalton: > "$XORGCONFIG"13:19
cjwatsonpreinst? odd place to do it13:19
tjaaltonwell.. :)13:19
tjaaltonit'll get cleaned up eventually13:20
* ogra wonders why he doesnt get LTSP clients booting into shell13:20
cjwatsonbryce: do you think you could send your xresprobe Intel workaround to Debian bug 430545?13:22
ubotuDebian bug 430545 in xresprobe "xresprobe breaks display at the middle of installation" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/43054513:22
cjwatsonI think it's the same deal13:23
ograhmm, looks like an oddness with the framebuffer in virtualbox ... weird13:24
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pittinew desktop images building13:25
* ogra checks whats wrong with asound-plugins 13:29
=== pitti changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: OPEN | Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with hardy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty/gutsy | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Please help testing the Alpha 1 images: https://iso.qa.stgraber.org
seb128Mithrandir: not sure, but I asked lool to look at the bug13:49
sorenUh, isos!13:52
pittiogra: edubuntu alternates are oversized13:54
ograpitti, i see that, worse is that libasound2-plugins has some issues ...13:54
ograhmm .... "Package libavcodec1d blacklisted in ship but seeded in server (libasound2-plugins)"13:55
ograGAH !13:56
ogra   * Drop unnecessary Ubuntu-specific change:13:56
ogra     - debian/control: drop libavcodec-dev build-dependency to save13:56
ogra       space [this Ubuntu delta didn't save significant space and13:56
ogra       removed a feature].13:56
lamontjdong: so about git-core to backports....13:57
MacSlowseb128, pitti, mvo: I've a backported (from gstreamer upstream) patch for gst-plugins-good (videobox crashing)13:59
seb128MacSlow: cool13:59
MacSlowseb128, pitti, mvo: I hand that over to whom best?13:59
seb128MacSlow: that would be me probably13:59
seb128or slomo if you wants it added to Debian but he's not around apparently14:00
MacSlowseb128, pitti, mvo: I can provide signed .dsc .diff.gz and .changes14:00
seb128MacSlow: good, just give me the url14:01
ograpitti, i'd need a rebuild with the fixed alsa-plugins i just uploaded to fix the uninstallables14:01
pitticjwatson_: d-i fails with 'couldn't find package busybox'14:01
* pitti also files bug 172807, but that has an easy workaround14:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172807 in debian-installer "automatic keyboard layout detection loops and messes up screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17280714:02
MacSlowseb128, http://people.ubuntu.com/~mmueller/gst-plugins-good0.10_0.10.6-0ubuntu5.dsc http://people.ubuntu.com/~mmueller/gst-plugins-good0.10_0.10.6-0ubuntu5.diff.gz http://people.ubuntu.com/~mmueller/gst-plugins-good0.10_0.10.6-0ubuntu5_i386.changes14:04
pitticjwatson_: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/syslog14:04
MacSlowseb128, these three are all you need right?14:05
seb128MacSlow: yes, thanks14:06
cjwatsonpitti: will investigate, thanks14:09
pittiogra: ok, please tell me when the fixed package is in; we need to wait with the rebuilds until d-i is fixed14:11
ograseb128, i see you will be working on pppoeconf-gui ? i used pppoeconf recently with the gdialog frontend (set the DIALOG variable in the pppoeconf binary) despite the warning in the code it worked like a charm, did you consider just using that ?14:11
ograpitti, well, since i think that might need an upload as well, i guess my package will be built by then14:12
seb128ogra: I don't plan to work on that if I can avoid doing so, I said I would look at pppoeconf-gui if we could use it14:12
seb128ogra: I didn't know about the gdialog (zenity you mean?) frontend but I'll have a look, thanks14:12
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ograseb128, adding a switch to the script that just changes DIALOG would be easy i think14:13
ograseb128, i didnt look deeper, there is a note in /usr/sbin/pppoeconf14:13
ograi couldnt find any bugs and didnt see any breakage regarding that comment though14:13
pittiargh, silly me; /me fixes PAM for dbus at_console to use libpam-foreground again14:15
seb128ah ah, pitti touched dbus, the merge is for him now :-p14:16
* seb128 hugs pitti14:16
pittioh, eww14:16
=== cjwatson1 is now known as cjwatson
seb128MacSlow: ah, your update is a gutsy one, gutsy is stable it requires a SRU if you want a change there, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates14:21
geserpitti: please give-back open.app. Thanks14:21
pittigeser: done14:22
pittioops, no, sorry (script doesn't work here)14:22
* pitti does it manually *clickfest*14:22
MacSlowseb128, yeah I did it for gutsy as I expect hardy to get this gstreamer-upstream stuff anyway14:22
tjaaltonpitti: I still don't understand why xserver-xorg fails to create a config14:22
MacSlowseb128, I mentioned it in my changelog-entry as "backport" what it actually is afaik14:23
tjaaltonpitti: casper.log doesn't show anything suspicious14:23
seb128MacSlow: well, SRU are complicated, they need a good rational, review for the sru team, testing for regression, etc14:23
pittigeser: done14:23
seb128MacSlow: that's not something we do for random bug fixes14:23
pittitjaalton: what should actually be in it? I thought we want to get rid of it in the long term?14:24
seb128MacSlow: do we have lot of angry users complaining on launchpad about this issue?14:24
tjaaltonpitti: of course, but not just yet :)14:24
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jdonglamont: I replied yesterday about that already, I said it would be fine by me14:26
ogradoes anyone here test on virtualbox ?14:26
MacSlowseb128, no... I just ran into it and was surprised about the regression... it used to work on feisty... I wanted to have that fixed14:27
MacSlowseb128, I admit that using videobox isn't usually something the "average user" does.14:27
MacSlowseb128, still it's an obvious bug-fix14:27
seb128MacSlow: right, you can read the wiki page I pointed, but I don't think it's worth the efforts to do a stable update14:27
lamontjdong: oh.  ok.14:27
MacSlowseb128, so what's the plan for it?14:28
* lamont missed that.14:28
* MacSlow reads14:28
cjwatsonpitti: did you file a bug about the busybox breakage? (if not, don't bother, since I've found it - just want the bug number if there is one)14:28
seb128MacSlow: we have been bitten by bug fixes creating regressions and that's why it's not trivial nowadays to do a stable update, there is regression testing, etc14:28
pitticjwatson: no, I didn't (only half-brain here, meeting going on)14:28
cjwatsonno problem, fix in the pipeline14:28
pitticjwatson: you rock, thanks14:31
cjwatsonpitti: also cdebconf-keystep's a bit broken14:38
pitticjwatson: is that bug 172807?14:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172807 in debian-installer "automatic keyboard layout detection loops and messes up screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17280714:38
cjwatsonsounds right14:39
cjwatsonI have a working theory and will investigate14:39
geserpitti: please give-back gphotocoll. Thanks.14:40
pittigeser: done14:41
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
pittitjaalton: nope, even with a manual xorg.conf and a Monitor section with exaggeratingly high rates I can't get 1024; I blame the vmware driver14:45
tjaaltonpitti: commit "Filter out default modes that are larger than the hardware" could have something to do with it14:50
pittitjaalton: hm, so far it worked fine with 1024 (that's what I configured in vmware)14:50
poningru_gaah :(14:51
poningru_trying to do alpha release notes14:51
poningru_need halp14:51
tjaaltonpitti: ok, if you can file a bug with Xorg.0.log and we'll take it from there14:52
pittitjaalton: sure, thanks14:53
tjaaltonreinstalling xserver-xorg touches xorg.conf, but still not properly configured14:53
pittitjaalton: same with vesa, BTW14:54
pittitjaalton: so should I file it against video-vmware or xorg-server?14:54
tjaaltonhmm, the server might be better14:54
tjaaltonhm, it's dexconf failing14:56
tjaaltonuh, my fault14:58
pittiah, wait, it seems to use vesa to begin with15:00
pittix.org's own autodetection apparently doesn't know about vmware15:00
tjaaltonoh, that's correct15:00
tjaaltonso add a Device section15:00
ograreally ?15:02
ograit works fine in virtualbox15:02
tjaaltonthe reason why dexconf fails was that extra_options was missing from xserver-xorg.templates :/15:03
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tjaalton..which is odd15:05
pittitjaalton: I wrote everything to bug 17282115:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172821 in xorg-server "[hardy] only get 800x600 in vmware" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17282115:07
slomodoko: ping?15:07
dokoslomo: contentless pong15:08
slomodoko: great, ok, i have a python package here (python-gst0.10) that has a file (pygst.py) that is different when building against different python versions. problem is now, that pycentral doesn't notice this and the 2.4 file is used always15:09
tjaaltonpitti: thanks15:10
slomodoko: see debbug #45340215:10
slomodoko: what can i do about that? :)15:10
tjaaltonpitti: I'll readd extra_options (lost during the first git-merge..) and upload a new xorg15:10
dokoslomo: Do not move the files to /usr/share/pycentral, or modify the file: import sys; _pygst_dir = '/usr/lib/python%s/site-packages/gst-0.10' % sys.version[:3]15:12
slomodoko: thanks15:12
pittitjaalton: hm, was that the bit I added for restricted-manager?15:13
slomodoko: can't pycentral get the same magic that python-support has for detecting such differences and handle them correctly? :)15:13
pittitjaalton: we don't actually need it any more, since r-m uses the guidance-backends now15:13
slomodoko: and does pycentral have something like a -X switch to ignore a file?15:13
pittitjaalton: so if you wish you can revert all those changes15:13
tjaaltonpitti: sweet, although it's not preseedable anymore?15:14
pittitjaalton: well, if it's good for something, you can leave it :), just telling that I don't depend on it any more in r-m15:14
tjaaltondoesn't matter15:14
tjaaltonnvidia should fix their driver ;)15:15
tjaaltonI'll rip it off then, thanks!15:15
dokoslomo: what would -X be good for?15:17
slomodoko: to let pycentral not move the files i want15:17
dokoslomo: DH_NOMOVE15:17
slomodoko: thanks again15:17
dokoslomo: why just one or more files? that doesn't make sense. either the package becomes version specific, or it stays version independent15:18
looldoko: Would be nice if pycentral would handle this transparently15:26
looldoko: Josselin just argued that python-support handles this, and I had to debunk switching to -support afterwards15:27
lool(I did switch to -support and reverted in the past, and nowadays I would feel the switch to be risky; but I'd prefer not to have to discuss it :)15:27
lamontjdong: where's the magic "gimme a backport of this" button on LP?15:28
pittilamont: it's called a 'backport request' bug15:31
dokolool: send a patch? otoh, there is a solution: DH_NOMOVE. just because things *can* be handled, you don't have to.15:31
lamontpitti: ah, ok15:31
lamontcan I do forward ports too?15:31
lamontafter I backport this to dapper and upload it, that version should build on edgy/feisty backports just fine.15:32
pittilamont: what does that mean? backport a feisty package to gutsy?15:32
looldoko: Well I'm not within the pycentral internals; I'd prefer NOT to have to learn about them15:32
cjwatsonlamont: the tools don't support that15:32
pittilamont: usually we fix the hardy package to be backportable and then do it for all requested releases15:32
cjwatsonlamont: though they do support backports to multiple targets, as pitti says15:32
lamontit's a hardy package, backporting to dapper-gutsy.  gutsy has a new enough dpkg that 'backport this' works.  the others require a little source love15:32
looldoko: And I'd fear regressions would I do the changes following my gut feeling, unless there's a complete testsuite nowadays?  I think it would make sense to have the functionalities on par overall15:33
lamontpitti: feisty and earlier require sourceful uploads... sounds like I want to do dapper/edgy/feisty source uploads then?15:33
pittilamont: hm, nothing that can be fixed in the hardy package?15:33
* pitti really doesn't like soure uploads to -backports, since someone has to maintain them15:34
lamontwell, there's a build-depends that probably fixes some subtle doc formatting issue that I'm kinda handwaving over, as well15:34
lamontand then it uses ${source:Upstream-Version} in debian control, which showed up in gutsy15:34
pittiright, that won't work in earlier releases15:35
* pitti bumps base-installer build score; we need you now15:35
lamontpitti: so it's 3 source uploads for me?15:39
cjwatsoncdebconf-keystep coming shortly15:39
pittilamont: apparently yes, if you really care about edgy and feisty?15:40
tjaaltonpitti: I'll upload xorg since now dexconf actually works :)15:40
pittitjaalton: alpha 1 appropriate changes only?15:40
pittitjaalton: thanks a lot for fixing15:40
tjaaltonpitti: yes, dropped the extra_options from there15:41
lamontpitti: well, only slightly.15:41
tjaaltonpitti: and monitor_identifier which was a leftover (and would also make dexconf fail since it's not in templates anymore)15:42
pittilamont: surprising how fast a release changes from "our highest pride" to "chained to our testicles for supporting" :)15:42
lamontpitti: and the tools won't let us promote  a package from dapper-backports to edgy-backports etc, right?15:42
lamontpitti: takes about what, 3 weeks?15:42
cjwatsontechnically they do15:42
pittilamont: is it a new packatge?15:42
cjwatsonas long as the binaries in dapper-backports work15:43
pittilamont: we could copy-package it15:43
cjwatsonpitti: right15:43
cjwatsonwe just can't copy only the source and rebuild15:43
pittilamont: what we cannot do is copy-package the source only, since the binaries need new version number15:43
lamontcjwatson: of course - that'd give us two diff debs with the same name15:43
cjwatsonbut we can pretend as if it was in dapper all along and got copied into edgy/feisty in the normal course of events15:43
* lamont will check that.15:44
davmor2ogra: edubuntu server is too oversized :(16:14
ogradavmor2, yep16:15
davmor2just letting you know couldn't burn it to cd so can't test it :(16:15
ogradavmor2, it wont install anyway16:16
ograthere are broken deps16:16
davmor2okay I'll let the testers know :)16:16
ogralibasound2-plugins was fixed and uploaded but is waiting for a rebuild ...16:16
ograit will still be oversized then though16:16
ograso they need to use a DVD or 800M CD16:17
davmor2np I'll pass it on16:17
Asusuhello. when programming Linux, are there functions to allocate memory from private heaps? (much like the win32 heapcreate and sort functions). It's for porting code to linux.16:21
ograthats probably a good question for #linux :)16:23
* ogra points at the topic16:23
Asusuops sorry16:29
Asusuwhere could I go ask for that?16:29
sorenAsusu: #linux as ogra just said :)16:30
Asusugee, I'm blind sorry :( and thanks.16:30
sorenAsusu: np16:30
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pitticjwatson: pam is in, I think I can already build desktops, and build alternates once cdebconf-keystep lands16:56
ograltsp in in alternate ?16:56
* ogra just saw it has the same report.html content)16:57
pittihm, in ship probably, why?16:57
ograbecause it wont work without linux-image-i38616:57
ograthat shuld be seeded as well then16:57
illovaehello :)16:58
cjwatsonpitti: debian-installer needs to build after cdebconf-keystep in order for it to be useful17:01
cjwatsonpitti: evand is preparing ubiquity too if you want to give that a shot17:01
pitticjwatson: oh, we need a new ubiquity? or is it a target of opportunity?17:02
cjwatsonwell, if you want the live CDs to be installable17:02
* ogra thought alpha1 is only about having a booting image ...17:03
cjwatsonin the past alpha 1 has been alternate-only sometimes17:03
cjwatsonso in that sense it's a target of opportunity17:03
pitticjwatson: hm, the current desktops install just fine17:03
pitticjwatson: they just break dbus's at_console, which kills network-manager applet, etc.17:03
pittibut in general...17:03
ograpitti, edubuntu has only amd64 -desktop apparently ...17:04
ogradid you cancel the build ?17:04
pittino, I didn't17:04
cjwatsonpitti: err. they have old choose-mirror so it's rather surprising that they end up with a correct sources.list17:04
cjwatson(the choose-mirror built into ubiquity)17:04
cjwatsonpitti: you sure they don't say gutsy in sources.list after install?17:05
pittihm, I didn't check sources.list, just that it installs17:05
cjwatsonworth checking that17:05
cjwatsonif that's correct then I guess you can go with it17:05
pittiok, booting that again17:05
* pitti invents a grub boot stanza17:06
pitticjwatson: sources.list is hardy; it's just all commented out because I installed without network17:09
pitti(my laptop)17:09
cjwatsonhm, ok17:09
pittiheno: when you installed the current hardy desktops, did you do a networkful install? do you still have one where you could check apt sources.list?17:09
Riddellsiretart: I believe your life may be in danger17:11
* pitti raises the shields around siretart17:11
Riddellmakeing xine depend on libxine1-gnome can have that affect17:12
Riddellnatually I'm a passifist quaker so no danger from me, but others might not be so forgiving17:13
cjwatsonpitti,seb128,Riddell,slangasek,Mithrandir: I'm going to accept linux 2.6.24 source so that it can build, but I recommend holding off on accepting the binaries until after alpha-1, since it provides a new linux-libc-dev17:14
seb128that's what you get for using xine instead of gstreamer ;-)17:14
ograjust fix KDE to use the right toolkit17:14
* ogra hides17:14
seb128cjwatson: noted17:14
pitticjwatson: acknowledged17:14
* pitti wants drescher:~/bin/make-build-records-NOW-dammit17:15
Mithrandircjwatson: good point.17:15
cjwatsonpitti: let me know when cdebconf-keystep binaries are publishing, and I'll upload d-i17:15
pitticjwatson: I will17:16
pitti(that's what I'm waiting for; source is there for 30 minutes, and it still doesn't have build recs)17:16
cjwatsonyou'd want s/drescher/cesium/ anyway17:17
cjwatsonprodding buildd stuff from drescher generally considered harmful AIUI17:17
pittiRiddell: curious; how can koffice-l10n still have a differing orig.tar.gz md5sum if the merge was a new upstream version?17:18
pitticjwatson: right, just whining17:18
Riddellpitti: it wasn't, we both had 1.6.317:19
pittiah, -0ubuntu1?17:20
Riddellyes, I packaged it before debian did17:20
pittiah, our kernel source is now just called 'linux'; nice and slick17:20
cjwatsonbinaries will still be versioned though17:22
cjwatsonpitti: do you object to a new ubiquity? evand has it ready17:22
pitticjwatson: no, I don't object to it at all17:22
cjwatsonslangasek: ^-- if you're up - noticed you were sort of late last night :)17:22
pittiI just wanted to know whether it's  critical path17:23
cjwatsonnot AFAICS17:23
pitticjwatson: I'm currently building new desktops, so it won't make it there, but we might have other reasons for rebuilding17:23
ograif we rebuild anyway i have a ltsp-client fix i'd like in (apparently pulseaudio-esound-compat doesnt depend on pulse anymore so i need a dep)17:24
ograpitti, would that be ok with you ?17:25
pittiogra: alternates need a rebuild, blocking on at least two publishers (probably three)17:25
pittiogra: so please go ahead17:25
ogragimme a sec17:25
lamontjdong: feel free to bless git-core_1:
geserpitti: please give-back cameleon. Thanks17:42
pittigeser: done17:42
cjwatsonpitti: cdebconf-keystep has build records now17:48
* pitti bumps up the score17:48
pitticjwatson: I'll delay the publisher for this if necessary; this has taken long 'nuff already17:48
cjwatsonis it possible for me to upload debian-installer source in the same publisher run?17:49
cjwatsonI know that in theory it ought to start building before the source is published17:50
pitticjwatson: but if it starts building before the cdebconf binaries are published it'll build against the old version17:51
pitticjwatson: so if you set proper build depends, you should do it now17:52
pittithen we can get build records17:52
pittihah, built everywhere17:52
pittiwell, except sparc17:52
cjwatsontechnically, it is used on sparc17:53
cjwatsonwe could decide not to care for this17:53
pitticjwatson: easy: we just build the server images last17:53
nxvl_worki need a given-back for gtoaster17:53
pitticjwatson: I don't care about sparc desktops/alternates at this point17:54
cjwatsonI'm happy to have a release note that says that on sparc you need to answer no to the detect-keys question17:55
pittinxvl_work: I'll do it; I just want to fix my magic buildd script which doesn't want to work for this case17:55
lamontmvo: so can I test upgrading yet?17:55
pitticjwatson: if it builds within an hour, we are good anyway (we build server images last)17:55
pittiif not, yes, release-note sounds appropraite17:56
cjwatsonorder of building images does not affect when d-i itself builds17:56
cjwatsonthough you could crank d-i's build score on sparc way down temporarily, and that would do the job17:56
pitticjwatson: but with versioned build-deps?17:56
cjwatsonnot so much on udebs, no17:56
pittiah, right17:56
pitticjwatson: sure, can do17:57
cjwatsonit builds with whatever's in the archive17:57
pittisetting it to 1 will make it build in two years approximately17:57
cjwatsonso how about I wait until this publisher run is nearly done and then upload d-i?17:57
mvolamont: no yet :(17:57
lamontpitti: and if it gets too close, just smack sparc into manual17:58
lamontpitti: not 2 years...17:58
lamontmvo: ok.  poke me when, eh?17:58
pittilamont: yep17:58
lamontmvo: btw, update-manager should really notice if network-mangler is going to change existance and not do that if I'm running over ssh17:58
lamontnot just warn me that it's problematic.17:58
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
mvolamont: n-m is *cough* I signed the CoC so I can't tell you what I think about the fact that it kills netowrks on upgrade17:59
* lamont ran into that last night when his daughter's computer picked up network-mangler as part of upgrading (do-release-upgrade) from feisty and it happily trashed the network, as it competed with dhcp3-client17:59
cjwatsonman, I love having the debian-installer source package in bzr at long last18:00
lamontmvo: if network-manager is not installed before the upgrade, don't install it in the upgrade, if the upgrade is being done over the network.18:00
cjwatsonmvo: you're lucky, it kills my keyboard on upgrade18:03
cjwatson(though I expect that's a kernel bug and am sort of hoping that 2.6.24 fixes it ...)18:03
mvocjwatson: network-manager? woah!18:04
mvoogra: is hwdb-client maintained in bzr?18:04
elmocjwatson: haha18:04
ogramvo, no idea ... Riddell took more care of it than i did the last year18:04
elmocjwatson: ng claims that the n-m in gutsy-proposed fixes his X driver18:04
ESphynxhi guys18:04
ESphynxHow can I use XRender on this 565 visual when XRender only support 555 format? :(18:04
cjwatsonelmo: have been running that or equivalent for a while18:04
cjwatsonit's certainly better in various ways18:05
ogramvo, if he has a branch that should be preferred18:05
ograESphynx -> #ubuntu please18:05
Riddellmvo: sure https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/hwdb-client/trunk18:05
ESphynxogra ok thanks.18:05
mvoRiddell: then the Vcs-Bzr is missing ;) let me fix it18:05
Ngit did fix it! clearly that makes no sense and I'm on crack, but my network manager doesn't break anymore and X stopped segfaulting on resume!18:07
ograNg, so you have the ubuntu-magic reop enabled eh ?18:07
mvoRiddell: checking it out now and bringing it in sync again, sorry18:10
cjwatsonpitti,slangasek: watch out, apparently ubiquity 1.7.0 actually doesn't work so well18:13
mvoRiddell: bzr updated18:14
pitticjwatson: ok, once it has build records I'll set it to low build prio18:14
Riddellmvo: thanks18:16
wasabihal is confusing me. it's refusing to start. but it prints out so much crud that I can't isolate why.18:17
wasabiand when it exists, it leaves it's addons running. =/18:17
wasabi*** [DIE] hald_runner.c:runner_died():202 : Runner died   no idea what a runner is, though.18:18
=== ogra1 is now known as ogra
brycecjwatson: sent18:25
brycecjwatson: you're right - same thing.18:25
pittinxvl_work: given back18:30
pittiMithrandir, LongPointyStick: FYI, I uploaded a new buildd.py which fixes version numbers with a + in it18:31
cjwatsonbryce: thanks18:32
brycewhen I see gravity online I'll encourage him to look at all the stuff we did for xresprobe; I think it'd fix a bunch of issues for them too18:33
brycehowever I know their plan is to excise xresprobe entirely, so it might be moot18:33
cjwatsonpitti,slangasek: debian-installer 20070308ubuntu22 uploaded; I notice sparc is now building cdebconf-keystep too18:34
pitticjwatson: hah, I just went back from dinner preps to ask you :) thanks18:38
pitticjwatson: crap; this time q-b fooled me, and ubiquity is already building; how bad is it?18:39
pitticjwatson: I can just reject the binaries if necessary18:39
cjwatsonpitti: might be best to reject the binaries - it'll break in clock-setup18:40
cjwatson18:03 <evand>  /usr/lib/ubiquity/clock-setup/clock-setup: 35: tzsetup not found18:40
geserpitti: please give-back sqlrelay. Thanks.18:41
slangasekponingru_: what kind of help are you looking for for the release notes?18:49
slangasekcjwatson: ack on linux-2.618:50
slangasekso the new ubiquity that's uploaded doesn't work so well, so we're better off not rebuilding desktop again?18:50
poningru_slangasek, what features you guys wanted to go on there18:50
cjwatsonslangasek: if pitti rejects the binaries, shouldn't be a problem18:50
poningru_I am currently looking at the blueprints downloading an image to install here18:50
poningru_and looking at gnome 2.20.2 release notes18:50
poningru_also what gnome release will be on here?18:50
slangasekcjwatson: ah, I see that now18:51
poningru_around what time do you think the release will happen?18:51
slangasekponingru_: I don't think gnome 2.20 is even all in yet, I have my doubts that it's worth mentioning for this round?18:53
slangasekthe one spec that has landed is Xorg 7.3, so that deserves a mention18:53
slangasekotherwise it's fine to be light on lists of features18:53
slangasekponingru_: I think we'll want more space for caveats than for lists of features (it's very alpha)18:54
pittislangasek: good morning18:55
slangasekpitti: morning18:57
pittislangasek, cjwatson: ubiquity lpia, i386 binaries rejected; amd64, powerpc, sparc disabled with build prio18:57
cjwatsonok, thanks18:58
pittislangasek: so, quick report: current desktops aren't too bad (they *should* fix nm-applet, haven't tested them yet), alternates need d-i which was uploaded a couple of minutes ago18:58
slangasekpitti: "aren't too bad" -> should be pushed for a quick QA round?19:03
slangasekwow, why is someone claiming on ubuntu-devel that dash isn't a POSIX shell?19:04
sorenpitti: Will you have time to look at source NEW tomorrow?19:04
sorenpitti: Never mind, I'll talk to you tomorrow.19:08
* soren vanishes19:08
geserpitti: please give-back sqlrelay. Thanks.19:12
cjwatsonslangasek,pitti: ubiquity 1.7.1 uploading, should actually work if you find yourself needing/wanting to let it through19:16
cjwatson(but 1.6.8 will be fine19:16
pittislangasek: yes, please (qa)19:20
pittislangasek: I tested the previous ones only, though; since then I fixed at_console for dbus (unbreaking network-manager), not much else happened19:20
pitticjwatson: thanks19:20
pittisoren: yep, archive day tomorrow19:20
* pitti -> back to oven19:21
slangasekpitti: ok.  I don't think I have access to the ISO QA site to make those live for testing?19:27
slangasekstgraber: ping19:29
slangasekstgraber: we have some new desktop CDs for alpha1 that I think should go on the ISO QA site, and I'm pretty sure I can't do that :)19:30
stgrabernow you can :)19:31
stgraberslangasek: https://iso.qa.stgraber.org/qatracker/addbuild19:31
stgrabertick the builds you want to add/update, put the version number and click add builds (the right milestone should have been set by default)19:32
slangasekah, interesting, ok19:32
slangasekogra: what's the state of edubuntu?  you have something that's worth testing for the alpha, or are you passing due to the reorg?19:32
ograwell, the next images should at least be installable ... oversized by some MB though19:33
slangasekok, probably best to not push oversized images as an alpha19:33
ograand since cjwatson and i still havent discussed the CD reorg i have to assume the status quo atm ...19:34
ograso let them test if tehy have DVDs to write to ;)19:34
ogra(or 800M CDs)19:34
stgraberyeah, I have Gutsy running on a 500Mhz computer with 128MB of RAM :) (and ~50MB free)19:39
ograstill no i386 builds for edubuntu desktop isos ?19:39
slangasekogra: I don't know that I see much value in releasing an alpha CD image that doesn't even fit on a CD.  any chance of getting these down to size?19:40
ograslangasek, well, we never treally cared for the first build in the past ... i'll take a look19:41
slangasekogra: so in the past there's been useful feedback on oversized alpha CDs?19:41
ografrom VM testers, and people using DVDRW, yes19:42
stgraberif that's about Edubuntu server, all the servers I use with Edubuntu (my test network or schools) all have DVD reader, that's not the same as the workstation, usually servers have recent hardware in them (and then tons of crappy hardware as client :))19:44
ograanyway, let me drop the langs19:45
ograslangasek, ok, changed the ship seed and dropped all langs but en, that needs a publisher run afaik19:45
ograwell, disabling the langs doesnt cost much ... (and is actually done now)19:45
ograi cant do that for the liveCD though ...19:46
ograand there is nothing to drop atm ...19:46
cjwatsonogra: the CD reorg is a spec like any other, and thus targeted for feature freeze19:48
cjwatsonogra: if it happens ahead of that, great19:48
cjwatsonogra: but it is not at present targeted for any particular milestone19:48
ogracjwatson, well, i'D like to discuss if we really want it in hardy as it will bring up heavy issues with LTS to LTS Cd upgrades19:49
cjwatsonyes, we do19:50
cjwatsonall it means is that CD upgrades require (at least) two CDs19:50
ograand the apps to know whats where19:50
cjwatsonI'm not entirely convinced that dapper->hardy CD upgrades will work with a single CD (as opposed to the DVD) anyway19:50
cjwatsonit would be great if they did, but I wouldn't like to guarantee it19:51
ograi mean synaptic or u-m dont know where they find what19:51
cjwatsonI'm sure they can be taught19:51
cjwatsonit's an issue that should be recorded in the spec, but I don't think it's as serious/hard as you're suggesting19:51
ograright, but thats a huge amount of work we'd save if we did it in hardy+119:51
cjwatsonit's not huge19:51
cjwatsonall the underlying technology supports media change requests19:51
cjwatsonit's just a matter of exposing it in the UI19:51
ograi'm not the one to judge here (mvo would)19:51
cjwatsonif it isn't already19:52
cjwatsonbear in mind that Debian has been doing multi-CD stuff for years and years19:52
ograi know19:52
ograbut we dont use their setup  ...19:52
cjwatsonand thus the package management system has built-in support for CD changing19:52
cjwatsonthe only place we have actually disabled multi-CD support is in the installer19:52
Keybukcjwatson: BUT THE SKY IS FALLING19:53
ograKeybuk, :P19:53
cjwatsonI'm not aware that it has been disabled for upgrades19:53
cjwatsonupdate-manager might not have been taught about it, but I really can't imagine it being rocket science19:53
ograit surely isnt19:53
Keybukit's probably a python function in the release upgrader bit19:53
cjwatsonupdate-manager definitely has at least stub support for it19:54
cjwatsondpkg -L update-manager | xargs grep mediaChange19:54
cjwatsonI imagine the only thing that needs to be done is for the process that starts the upgrade to prompt you for the second CD so that it can register it19:55
ograhow would it know it needs the second one ?19:56
ograi mean people will upgrade using ubuntu laternate but pieces are missing ...19:56
cjwatsonecho you need two cds if you are edubuntu, kthxbye > .disk/magic_file19:57
ograwill it just default to ask for a second one ? (that would break on ubuntu then)19:57
keescookKeybuk: race condition email> the example is a setuid program, no ptrace possible... ??19:57
ograah, cool19:57
cjwatsonit could special-case on edubuntu-desktop or something19:57
cjwatsonI'm sure it's not difficult19:57
Keybukkeescook: ah, that bit I didn't see19:57
ograi didnt say its difficult i just think its more work i hardy than doing it in hardy+119:57
ograbut well, we'll go for it :)19:58
cjwatsonif it isn't done in hardy, it's just another LTS to support19:58
slangasekkeescook: "I have incredible proof of this security vulnerability, but there's insufficient room to write it in the margin of this email" -- Scott James Remnant19:58
keescookslangasek: heheh19:58
Keybuktalking of which, whatever happened to that kernel update? :)19:59
keescooknow that 2.6.24 is landing in the archive, cjwatson, Keybuk: we need to resolve the procps conf file issue.  cjwatson: Keybuk recommended we exclude /etc/init.d/procps from configs because if we don't we have to carry the /usr/share/procps/procps.init-dist file forever.20:00
Keybukerr, 2.6.24 is landing?20:00
KeybukI thought that was missing alpha 120:00
cjwatsonkeescook: it's not going to be accepted before alpha-120:00
keescookcjwatson: right, I just mean, we'll have it soon, and I want to sort out the procps silliness.20:01
cjwatsonI don't understand the last sentence. "exclude /etc/init.d/procps from configs"?20:01
cjwatsonanyway, ask me tomorrow or something, I'm finishing for the day :)20:01
keescookcjwatson: okay20:01
keescookKeybuk: what is the actual mechanism to exclude an /etc file from dpkg config management?20:02
AmaranthI thought it was opt-in20:02
Keybukkeescook: just don't include it in conffiles20:02
Keybukexcluding it from debhelper sticking it in there requires giving joeyh a lobotomy20:03
cjwatsonno it doesn't20:03
cjwatsonyou have to not ship it in the deb20:03
Keybukpoint me to the line in debian-policy ;)20:03
cjwatsonif you ship it in the deb and exclude it from conffiles, you have a file in /etc that cannot be user-edited20:03
MithrandirKeybuk: how do you then preserve user changes?20:03
slangasekwhich is therefore either an FHS violation or a policy violation20:03
pittigeser: sqlrelay bounced20:04
slangasek(take your pick)20:04
Mithrandirslangasek: or both!20:04
keescookso, here's the issue...20:04
Keybukcjwatson: if you don't, you can't ever have it editable anyway20:04
Keybuksince dpkg is fucked20:04
keescookprocps.sh was obsoleted20:04
Keybuk(I was asked for a solution to get rid of the obsolete line)20:04
keescooker procps was obsoleted in favor of procps.sh20:04
keescooknow they've moved back to just plain procps20:04
Keybukcjwatson: given this is an init script, I REALLY DON'T CARE about it being user-edited ;)20:04
keescookbut dpkg won't create that file since it's obsolete now20:04
Keybukthey shouldn't be conffiles in the first place20:05
cjwatsonoh I thought you were talking about /etc/sysctl.conf20:05
cjwatsonbut still20:05
keescookno, /etc/init.d/procps{,.sh}20:05
MithrandirKeybuk: I disagree; I edit init scripts on a regular basis.20:05
slangasekkeescook: oh, ugh20:05
AmaranthI used to, then I realized I kept breaking things20:05
KeybukMithrandir: yes, but you also use evms, so you're hardy a common use case <g>20:05
cjwatsonregardless of your opinions about where /etc/init.d/ should be, they're in /etc and the promise that they're user-editable to at least some degree has been there for a very long time20:06
cjwatsonI do not think it is acceptable to break that without at least some care20:06
slangasekstgraber: what have I done wrong, that all of the edubuntu server disks list as invalidated on the iso tracker?20:06
keescookAmaranth: yeah, I had init-modification beaten out of me in the same way  :)20:06
Keybukeasy to unbreak20:06
Keybukmake them non-conffile but config files20:06
AmaranthSpeaking of breaking things, what happened to native upstart jobs? :)20:06
Keybukput the md5sum in postinst, and deal with it later ;)20:06
Mithrandirkeescook: rm the non-.sh file in the preinst if it matches something we've ever shipped?20:06
AmaranthIsn't that what X does?20:06
slangasekMithrandir: the problem is it'll already be gone due to previous upgrade handling20:06
cjwatsonthere are certainly plenty of ways to do it, such as openssh's vile preinst hack20:07
slangasekMithrandir: but dpkg will still know about it, and apparently refuse to reinstate it20:07
slangasek(as a conffile)20:07
keescookMithrandir: right, that's what the postinst does already -- it's handling everything correctly.  the hiccup is that with the file _missing_, dpkg will not create the fresh procps20:07
Mithrandirslangasek: ah, point.20:07
keescookbecause it was obsolete.20:07
Keybukas I said20:07
cjwatson(encode the intended contents of the conffile in the preinst and write it out there)20:07
KeybukI think this is bad20:07
Keybukand definitely a violation20:07
Mithrandirkeescook: check in postinst what version you're upgrading from and the cp it in if it's missing, then.20:07
Keybukbut it's just for one release20:07
Keybukthen it can go back to being a conffile20:07
Keybukotherwise we have to carry the PAIN! forever20:07
cjwatsonno you don't, the preinst hack would be just fine20:08
Keybukwhich preinst hack?20:08
Keybukany preinst hack I can think of will result in dpkg either failing to install the file, or conflicting it20:08
Keybukcopy in preinst => BOOM! YOU PUT A FILE THERE! I'M SULKING20:08
cjwatsonI have done this20:08
cjwatsonit worked20:08
stgraberslangasek: looking20:08
Keybukcjwatson: really?20:08
slangasekof course, that's a preinst hack that occasionally caused dpkg itself to segfault... :)20:09
keescookwas that dealing with a conf file marked "obsolete" ?20:09
Mithrandirif it's obsoleted, but not removed, then reinstated with the same contents, that'll just work on upgrades, won't it?20:09
cjwatsonkeescook: no, but I'm not convinced it's meaningfully different, and I definitely think somebody should try it20:09
stgraberslangasek: current version is 20071129.2 for edubuntu alternate ?20:09
Keybukthe obsolete case is pathological20:09
Keybukyou end up with20:09
slangasekstgraber: yes20:09
Keybuk /etc/init.d/procps.sh meaningfulmd5sum20:09
Keybuk /etc/init.d/procps obsolete20:09
slangasekstgraber: granted I haven't verified it's actually on the public cdimage mirror, so maybe I'm a slacker and should be looking before asking you20:10
Keybukyou need to remove procps.sh *in preinst* to make sure you don't get another obsolete line20:10
slangasekstgraber: nope, looks like it's there20:10
Keybukbut if you put procps back, even in preinst, dpkg will still sulk and think it's obsolete20:10
keescooksounds dpkg needs to ignore obsolete markings if the file is in the .deb20:10
cjwatsongiven that update-manager is going to upgrade with the new dpkg (thanks to mvo), we could just fix dpkg20:10
Keybukthe only way I found was to put it back in the package list as a non-conffile20:10
stgraberyes they are, I just re-enabled them on the tracker and I'm investigating why they have been disabled20:10
Keybukcjwatson: sounds platform to me ;)20:11
slangasekstgraber: ok, thanks20:11
slangasekKeybuk: haha20:11
keescookso is the sane solution "fix in dpkg" ?20:12
cjwatsonkeescook: it does sound like that's where the root bug is20:13
stgraberslangasek: edubuntu server ISOs have been added by pitti at 14:48, then disabled (no information about that)20:14
=== Kmos_ is now known as Kmos
cjwatsonbut, it would mean *everyone* would have to use update-manager, or something else that could use the new dpkg20:14
cjwatsonsince procps is priority: required20:14
cjwatsonor we could both fix dpkg *and* include some kind of workaround20:14
keescookworkaround: sed the package list.  :P20:15
stgraberslangasek: are you sure the current ISOs are .2 ? (.2 have been uploaded to cdimage at ~13:40)20:15
cjwatsonkeescook: unfortunately dpkg is probably running by the time you get to this, otherwise sedding /var/lib/dpkg/status might actually be viable20:16
Keybukkeescook: given we have a python upgrader, if this is a quick hack solution, it would work20:16
cjwatsonbut sedding status while dpkg is running is really not a plan20:16
Keybukcjwatson: we could sed it before running apt/dpkg inside update-manager ;)20:16
cjwatsonI think people are still going to upgrade in other ways, and while That's Not Supported And Don't Do That, it would be nice if we could come up with a way to make it work20:16
cjwatsonif it were a package that only some people had installed, then I'd agree that just doing it in update-manager was fine20:17
keescookcjwatson: right, sed + copy file in place from /usr/share20:17
cjwatsonbut for something that's priority: required it would be pretty unfortunate to *guarantee* breakage for everyone using apt20:17
keescookis there really no mechanism to force dpkg to drop an "obsolete" entry?20:17
slangasekstgraber: oh, well, edubuntu hasn't been respun; I don't know why they were disabled then, feel free to leave them disabled and I'll talk to him (or just respin gratuitously if that's faster)20:18
Keybukkeescook: obsolete needs more development work to complete20:18
ograslangasek, do a publisher run before respinning please ... i dropped tuxmath from live so i386 should actually build20:19
slangasekkeescook: taking a step back, why is this init script moving again?20:19
Keybukthe patches were written by us, so they might be readable to someone who understands C and fancies a challenge20:19
Keybuk(it's iwj-C, so drink about half a bottle of good red wine first)20:19
slangasekogra: not relevant for server, though?  I was only going to respin server at the moment20:19
stgraberok, just disabled them again20:19
cjwatsonslangasek: I haven't checked, but my guess is that the semantics of .sh and non-.sh are different in a way that's meaningful to sysvinit, and somebody wanted the other semantics back20:20
MithrandirKeybuk: why good?  You might just buy the cheapest whisky you can get.20:20
ograslangasek, i was told live images need a publisher run (usually i'd upload a new -meta, but live doesnt build any binary so publisher should suffice to re-read the live seed)20:20
Mithrandir.sh vs non-sh is sourced or not, iirc20:20
KeybukMithrandir: if you want to do a good job20:20
keescookslangasek: .sh is sourced, so exit kills things20:20
slangasekcjwatson: I understand the difference in semantics between the two :)20:20
Keybukmaybe that's why I stopped maintaining dpkg, I stopped drinking20:20
slangasekKeybuk: so put the bits in functions and call "return" instead of "exit"20:20
Keybukslangasek: .sh are sourced by sysv-rc so you can't call "exit"20:21
Keybukslangasek: that would be a divergence from debian though20:21
Keybukfor the world's most trivial package20:21
slangasekKeybuk: yes, I understand the difference in semantics, I want to know why *this* script is flip-flopping20:21
keescookthe changelog isn't clear, but basically they realized they didnt want .sh20:21
slangasekKeybuk: ok, but surely Debian has the same problem and will want to also fix it?20:21
keescook(after moving there one before)20:21
Mithrandirit'd be interesting to spend some time on hacking dpkg to support run-time file registration and such.  Features people have asked about for years and years.20:21
KeybukI don't think Debian released their last stable with obsolete support20:21
keescookI thought debian didn't have obsolete?20:21
Keybuk(and may not even have it)20:22
Mithrandirbut I think mdz would kill me if I spent a week doing that.20:22
ograMithrandir, dont you have holidays left ?20:22
slangasekKeybuk: damn, you're right :/20:22
slangasekKeybuk: er, wait, no - sarge and etch both shipped with procps.sh20:23
Keybukyes, but did they ship with a dpkg that had the "obsolete" support patches?20:23
Keybukwhich is what's tickling our internal organs in an upwards direction20:24
slangasekoh, that bit, hmm.  no idea20:24
KeybukI can't even find it mentioned in their changelog20:24
Keybukso it may be a patch we're carrying20:24
slangasek /etc/init.d/sudo 3ea7480674a8288c36fbac9ef3b26632 obsolete20:24
slangaseklike that20:24
Keybuk   * Improve processing of disappearing conffiles (Ian Jackson).20:25
Keybuk     This is part of the fix for #108587.20:25
KeybukI guess20:25
Keybukdpkg 1.13.1420:25
slangasekyah, I have obsolete conffiles even on a system that was installed as etch and never had non-stable dpkg on it20:25
slangasekso I think Debian has the same problem, and it's healthier to just make procps play nice as a .sh?20:26
KeybukDebian got the problem on 15 Feb 200620:26
slangasekI guess I don't see evidence of Debian ever having shipped /etc/init.d/procps, so there's no reason that would be recorded as an obsolete conffile20:27
slangasekso the move would be painless on Debian, but still gratuitous?20:27
Keybukyeah, I'm trying to find that too20:27
Keybukkeescook: when did we have /etc/init.d/procps ?20:27
cjwatson * When we take over a Conffile entry from one package to another,20:28
cjwatson   during unpack, we clear the disappearing flag.20:28
cjwatsonI wonder why the "from one package to another" qualifier is there20:28
keescookKeybuk: checking...20:28
* Keybuk grabs the dapper package20:28
Keybukit's procps.sh in dapper20:28
keescookit's .sh in all 4 releases20:29
* Keybuk downloads the warty package20:29
cjwatsonwarty had procps.sh20:29
Keybuksomeone hold kees down for the forfeit20:29
cjwatson(I'd already checked that on drescher :))20:29
keescookso perhaps this'll only be an issue for people that tracked gutsy?20:29
slangaseksome earlier gutsy had /etc/init.d/procps?20:30
Keybukit's procps.sh in gutsy20:30
cjwatson$ for x in /home/lp_archive/ubuntu/pool/main/p/procps/procps_*_i386.deb; do dpkg -c $x | grep etc/init.d/p; done20:30
cjwatson-rwxr-xr-x root/root      1080 2004-09-14 20:36:01 ./etc/init.d/procps.sh20:30
cjwatson-rwxr-xr-x root/root      1144 2004-12-08 10:36:04 ./etc/init.d/procps.sh20:30
cjwatson-rwxr-xr-x root/root      1144 2005-04-21 11:07:13 ./etc/init.d/procps.sh20:30
cjwatson-rwxr-xr-x root/root      1234 2006-01-23 16:10:19 ./etc/init.d/procps.sh20:30
keescookslangasek: at some point during gutsy it was procps20:30
cjwatson-rwxr-xr-x root/root      1226 2006-09-08 16:24:25 ./etc/init.d/procps.sh20:30
cjwatson-rwxr-xr-x root/root      1208 2007-03-07 21:41:40 ./etc/init.d/procps.sh20:30
cjwatson-rwxr-xr-x root/root      1208 2007-07-31 09:13:23 ./etc/init.d/procps.sh20:30
cjwatson-rwxr-xr-x root/root      1208 2007-11-10 16:41:40 ./etc/init.d/procps.sh20:30
cjwatsonthere were three procps versions in gutsy, total20:31
slangasek+  * Remove /etc/init.d/procps Closes: #5381820:31
slangasekI think that predates Ubuntu altogether though ;)20:31
cjwatsonin 199920:31
Keybukkeescook: so, I just grepped through all of the uploads to gutsy, ever :p20:31
Keybukthey all have procps.sh :)20:32
keescookwtf, how did I get an obsolete line then?20:32
slangasekkeescook: this must be on the box that you upgraded from slink20:32
slangasekkeescook: did you by any chance /downgrade/ procps at some point?20:32
keescookbut... wouldn't have obsolete tracking not existed then?20:32
Keybukslink -> gutsy? :)20:33
slangasekkeescook: oh sure, pick on /that/ detail of my absurd statement20:33
cjwatsonkeescook: one of the uploads to gutsy was yours - you didn't by chance test a broken version?20:33
keescookat this point, it must just be my own problem.  no one else has obsolete lines then, I take it?20:33
slangasekI have one in the opposite direction only20:34
cjwatson$ grep /etc/init.d/procps /var/lib/dpkg/status20:34
cjwatson /etc/init.d/procps.sh 01704631f74e171a0cbb2b084d7c38e820:34
Keybukkeescook: nope20:34
Keybukso all you have to do is remove procps.sh in preinst20:34
keescookjoy.  most wasted time evar.20:34
keescook*sigh* sorry for the (outstanding amount of) noise20:34
keescookI will go fix my status file and finish the procps merge.20:35
slangasekon the bright side, you don't have to get covered in preinst viscera20:35
keescookwell, I learned a huge amount during the investigation, that's for sure.20:35
KeybukNCC-2007-5678: Incorrect assertions by senior developers can result in significant time loss by the entire team20:35
keescookbut I'd rather not waste everyone's time on wildly theoretical problems.  :P20:35
cjwatsonwe probably should fix the obsolete conffiles thing before it actually bites us for real, though20:36
keescooka friend of mine calls this "Stupid Initial Thought"20:36
cjwatsonbut, really gone for the evening20:36
* slangasek waves20:36
seb128_geser: any reason you didn't send this gtk-engines change to Debian?20:38
Keybukkeescook: are you sure you hadn't just done a test upgrade to a version with /etc/init.d/procps20:39
Keybukthen downgraded again to a released version?20:39
keescookKeybuk: that must have happened -- it's the only way I can see getting that line.20:39
=== cprov is now known as cprov-out
keescookwhile we're still on procps: you have 2 changelog entries about inotify stuff20:40
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keescookthe 2nd seems to say "nah, nevermind", but I still see the max changed20:40
Keybukit says nevermind to one of the two20:40
Keybukfirst change adds two sysctl changes20:40
Keybuksecond removes one, and leaves the other20:40
Keybuk# Increase inotify availability20:40
Keybukfs.inotify.max_user_watches = 52428820:40
keescookah, okay, I never saw what happened in 1:3.2.7-3ubuntu620:40
Keybukis the current state20:40
keescookokay, merging...20:41
Kmoswhy there isn't libbluetooth2-dev ?20:41
KeybukKmos: libbluetooth-dev20:42
MithrandirKmos: why should there be?20:42
Kmosit comes from bluez-utils right? debian has it.. and we don't have version 2 ?20:42
KmosKeybuk: i know that one :)20:42
seb128_Kmos: why do you ask if you know?20:43
Kmosseb128_: i'm asking why ubuntu don't have version 2 ...20:43
seb128_that's how it's named20:43
seb128_because only the lib is versionned20:43
ograbut not the -dev20:44
seb128_Kmos: what is your issue exactly?20:44
geserseb128_: no, simply forgot20:44
ograKmos, so your apps can depend on -dev without caring for the version20:44
slangaseklibbluetooth2-dev is only in Debian stable.  the current dev package is libbluetooth-dev, which is much more reasonable20:44
seb128_geser: there is a bug open, could you attach the patch and tag it?20:44
seb128_geser: thanks20:45
Kmosi understand.. it's better to not have a version on it20:45
Kmosthe bad is debian keep it on version 220:45
slangasekno, they don't. read what I just said.20:45
Kmosslangasek: so packages in debian with version 2 need to cut the version ?20:46
Kmosin a near future20:46
seb128_Kmos: it's already done20:46
Kmosgnokii package on debian still uses version 2 and builds fine20:47
seb128_Kmos: the name you mention is only used in Debian stable20:47
MithrandirKmos: that's impressive given it's not in testing or unstable20:47
slangaseklibbluetooth-dev in Debian and Ubuntu Provides: libbluetooth2-dev20:47
slangasekwhat is the problem you're trying to solve?20:47
slangasekbecause I don't see anything broken20:48
Kmosslangasek: gnokii package in ubuntu need to uses without version20:48
Kmosin build-depends20:48
slangasekno, it doesn't20:48
slangasekit /should/, but it's not currently broken if it doesn't20:48
seb128_there is a Provides there20:48
Kmosapt-cache showsrc libbluetooth2-dev20:49
Kmosshould give something ?20:49
geserseb128_: for adding the tag, is adding "tags 374284 + patch" enough or need I cc control@bugs.d.o?20:49
Mithrandirgeser: don't Cc control@bugs, Bcc it instead.20:49
seb128_geser: adding that where?20:49
Mithrandirso it's not there when people do "reply to all"20:49
seb128_use the bts command line if you have a working mta installed20:49
brooniebut if you do *please* make sure you give it a comment.20:50
broonie(use BTS, that is)20:50
seb128_geser: easier is what Mithrandir wrote20:50
geserseb128_: I wanted to add the control command at the begin of the mail with the patch20:50
Mithrandirgeser: also, do add "thanks" or "kthxbye" to the line below "tags ..."20:51
Mithrandirso the control bot doesn't try to parse the rest of your mail20:51
geserMithrandir: I've seen it in many mails on the Debian MLs but never done it myself before20:55
Mithrandirgeser: sure.  "tags $number + patch\nthanks" is fine.20:55
geserthat's exactly what I've added to the begin of my mail20:56
Mithrandirand Bcc to control@bugs.d.o and you're set.20:56
Mithrandirif you screw it up, you can always fix it later.20:56
AmaranthWait, the 'fix' for tracker eating all the inotify watches was to make the watch limit half a million?20:57
MithrandirAmaranth: yes.  "fix".20:58
AmaranthI hope I never have half a million inotify watches20:58
AmaranthI mean, I know the kernel has some crazy list implementation but that'd still be painful20:58
Mithrandirno reason for it to be a list20:58
Mithrandir/dev/sda2                13M    802K     12M    7% /home20:58
Mithrandirthat's the number of inodes used on my desktop.20:59
Mithrandirgood think I don't use tracker.20:59
KeybukAmaranth: if you can come up with a better ... ?20:59
AmaranthKeybuk: I think we need to lock racarr in a room until he finishes his thing20:59
Keybukthere's already a patch for that on lkml21:00
Keybukit comes up most releases21:00
Keybukand never gets applied21:00
Keybuk(I pointed racarr at it at the time)21:00
AmaranthAh, right21:00
AmaranthIt never get applied because no one 'important' ever brings it up21:00
Keybukif tracker was changed to use it and demonstrate it works, then it might have more clout21:02
=== macd_ is now known as macd
slangasekhttps://iso.qa.stgraber.org/qatracker/build/All is looking a bit fuller22:22
Keybukslangasek: all 0/ ? :)22:23
ogrameh, not in firefox 3.022:23
* ogra sighs and digs into the guts of the certificate settings again22:23
slangasekKeybuk: the fact that there are images available which people can test, hint :)22:25
Keybukslangasek: I'm On Leave :-)22:25
Keybuk(from my senses)22:26
ogrammm, properly sized images :)22:26
stgraberogra: just import the CaCert root cert, then everything should go well :)22:38
ograstgraber, well, ff 3.0 dropped nearly all UI elements to do that22:38
ograthats my prob22:38
ograyou have to go deeply into the advanced settings to enable a cert22:39
KeybukI hate C22:42
Keybukprintf's %* thing should be type ptrdiff_t not "int"22:42
Keybukor size_t22:43
Keybukbut not int22:45
Keybukbecause then I have to cast ptr - str for 64-bit madness22:45
ChipzzKeybuk: well, I guess the probability of pointers being more than 2^32 bytes apart is quite slim22:45
KeybukI might want to printf a 4GB string22:46
KeybukI might22:46
Chipzzespecially in situations where it makes sense to compare them22:46
KeybukI'm more annoyed that22:46
Keybuk printf ("%.*s", ptr - str, str);22:46
Keybukfails to compile on amd64 with -Wall -Werror22:46
Keybuksince the * bit expects an int22:47
Keybukand ptr - str is long int on amd6422:47
Keybuk*BLAT* the printf!22:47
KeybukI blame doko ;)22:49
siretartRiddell: in dapper, we shipped ALL plugins in libxine1. We now seperated them, but for upgrade purposees, libxine1 must depend on libxine1-gnome to not introduce regressions and conform to policy22:51
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
slangasekKeybuk: you blame him for C, or for 64-bit archs?22:52
ografor every evil in the world ?22:52
nxvl_workdid the tribe 1 iso is somewhere to download it?22:58
somerville32Tribe 1 ISO? Why would you want that?22:59
nxvl_worksomerville32: testing proposes22:59
ogranxvl_work, https://iso.qa.stgraber.org/qatracker/build/All23:02
nxvl_workogra: thnx23:02
pawallsubotu, help23:03
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:03
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:06
Keybukoh god, it speaks ;)23:06
Keybuk(and is violating the IRC RFC there by replying in /MSG)23:06
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu-devel!23:07
ograwell, its used in #ubuntu mainly23:07
ograyou dont want in line replies with the heavy traffic over there23:07
Keybuk!ogra is looks like a pirate :-)23:07
Keybuk<ubotu> Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops.  Thank you for your attention to detail23:07
ion_keybuk: I’ve complained about the PRIVMSG thing before. :-)23:08
somerville32Some people have trouble having a conversation without ubotu23:09
Keybuk!ohmy somerville3223:10
ompaul!ohmy | somerville3223:10
ubotusomerville32: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:10
somerville32: O23:10
ompaulKeybuk, you got him speaking out of turn23:10
KeybukI wondered what that would do23:10
KeybukI just found a list of ! thingies23:11
ompaulKeybuk,  /msg ubotu search foo and have fun23:11
somerville32!botsnack | keybuck, you're23:11
ubotukeybuck, you're: Yum! Err, I mean, APT!23:11
Keybukwe should have a !notasupportchannel or something23:12
Keybukthough isn't the fact you have to say these things in public a bit of a silly thing?23:12
ion_Buck? :-)23:12
ion_Where does your nick come from, btw?23:12
Keybuksince then you may as well just say what you were going to say anyway23:12
Keybukinstead of getting the bot to say it on your behalf23:12
ChipzzKeybuk: how about: "please read the topic"23:12
Keybukthat's a bit like23:12
Keybukogra: please tell ubotu that this isn't a support channel23:12
somerville32Keybuk, !goaway takes less time to type :P23:12
ion_I’ve suggested making ChanServ tell people to read the topic on join.23:12
Chipzzion_: heh. excellent idea23:12
Keybuksomerville32: and this is why we got macros in our irc clients23:12
Keybukion_: google keybuk.com23:13
PriceChild!support-#ubuntu-devel The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Please be aware that this channel is for Ubuntu Development only. (also read /topic)23:13
ubotuI'll remember that, PriceChild23:13
PriceChildHow's that?23:13
ograKeybuk, i have no influence on the bot ...23:13
Chipzzion_: an even better idea imho: make channel moderated, have chanserv notice the users on joining, and give users voice after 30 secs or something23:13
pawallsIs this a bad channel to ping developers about untouched (security) bugs that include a patch?23:13
Chipzzor is that over the top? :P23:13
ion_keybuk: Ah, ok. :-)23:14
slangasekPriceChild: that is... an instance of the exact thing Keybuk is saying is silly?23:14
pawallsOr is it more of a "Yeah.. go wait at the end of the line" issue? ;)23:14
Keybukpawalls: not especially, though you might want to just ping keescook directly23:14
keescookpawalls: which one do you mean?23:14
pawallsubotu, bug 16423123:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 164231 in linux-source-2.6.22 "NFS regression causes subsequent mounts from same superblock to silently use previous mount options" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16423123:14
pawallskeescook, ^23:14
somerville32Ummm... Where is the Xubuntu desktop cd on Ubuntu QA?23:15
keescookpawalls: yup, we're aware of it -- the next kernel release will have it fixed most likely.23:15
pawallskeescook, Excellent! :)23:15
Keybukthere should be an opposite of +v23:15
pawallskeescook, Sounds great. Just was curious because no one had commented on the bug.23:15
keescookpawalls: I'll poke the kernel team again.23:15
pawallsKeybuk, mode +m ? ;)23:15
PriceChildKeybuk, +q23:15
pawallskeescook, Thanks a lot.23:16
pawallskeescook, Feel free to have them ping me here if they have any questions about the patch, or need help reproducing. I'm watching the bug like a hound, but just in case... ;)23:17
Keybukactually, that'd stop it working on bug replies, damn23:17
keescookpawalls: okay, thanks23:17
* ogra doesnt have a clue who maintains the bot since seveas is gone23:17
ion_pawalls: I got a chuckle out of the wording. :-)23:17
somerville32Seveas is gone?23:17
Keybukion_: there's a story attached, but it's not interesting23:17
ion_(Admittedly, i’m tired.)23:17
jdongion_: shhh not that kind of reproducing.... ;-)23:18
pawallsion_, Hahah... indeed ;)23:18
jdongbut... what's the patch for? :D23:18
PriceChildogra, sev still maintains him.23:18
pawallsjdong, Well, you can only reproduce *before* you've applied the patch ;)23:19
Keybuk!ogra is looks like a pirate :-)23:19
jdongpawalls: and also after it's been removed. Boy a patch like that would make you rich :)23:19
ubotuogra looks like a pirate!23:20
ograhmm, now you deletedt the entry they had set in #edubuntu for !ogra23:21
ogra(cant remember what that was though ... not important .. but apparently its changing it globally)23:22
Keybukblame mneptok ;23:22
ograhe's always good to blame :)23:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ogra-#edubuntu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:23
Keybukthere wasn't an ogra on there before23:23
PriceChildNothing was overwritten.23:24
ogramight have been the edubuntugirl bot then and i misremembered23:24
somerville32Who looks after QA - ISO Testing? Henrik?23:28
_MMA_somerville32: AFAIK yes.23:30
somerville32I noticed that the Xubuntu desktop images aren't listed on Ubuntu QA - ISO23:30
slangaseksomerville32: Xubuntu desktop CD isn't on Ubuntu QA because it's not had a successful build23:30
slangaseklivefs build failure, apparently23:31
slangasekI'll look into it in a few23:31
somerville32Where are the logs again?23:31
slangasekI don't know that the logs are mirrored publically23:31
ograthey are23:32
slangasekwell, it's a livefs build failure, and I don't know that those are mirrored publically :)23:32
somerville32Is there a notification system for build failures?23:33
Keybukyou get mailed them if you caused them23:33
Keybuk(package builds, anyway)23:33
somerville32mv: cannot stat `/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/xubuntu/daily-live/tmp/hardy-i386/CD1/casper/filesystem.kernel-generic': No such file or directory23:34
ograslangasek, right the livefs logs are not public ... i think they were once23:34
ograsomerville32, thats normal23:35
somerville32ogra, Pretty sure I saw them the other day23:35
slangasekE: Couldn't find package libgoffice-gtk-0-423:35
slangaseksomerville32: ^^ that's the livefs build failure on i38623:35
somerville32slangasek, Right, we changed the seeds to use 0-523:35
slangasekchanged when?23:35
somerville32Yesterday morning23:36
slangasekmorning by which timezone? :)23:36
ograand did you change it in the live seed or in desktop ?23:37
ogradesktop needs a -meta rebuild23:37
slangasekit had one23:37
slangasekjust checked that23:37
slangasekso I'll retry the livefs build, if it still fails we'll have to backtrack23:37
somerville32So the link you gave me is for what logs?23:39
somerville32These are different then the ones I saw yesterday23:39
slangaseksomerville32: the logs ogra linked to are the CD build logs, which show a failure because the livefs build failed before it23:42
somerville32I saw the livefs logs yesterday. Where are they located?23:43
slangasekI don't know23:43
slangaseka fresh livefs build has failed with the same libgoffice-gtk-0-4 error, though23:43
* slangasek tries something new23:43
somerville32http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs it seems23:44
slangasekhmm, well, the logs there are two cycles out of date, and I can't really help with that :)23:45
torahteenHey, who's here?23:46
torahteenI'm reading about buffer overflows23:46
torahteenSo I made a simple little program, and compiled it. The point of the program being to change the return address of a program to skip the statement after the call.23:47
torahteenI ran it... and got:23:47
torahteen*** stack smashing detected ***: ./example2 terminated23:47
torahteen-_- Any way to disable this?23:47
torahteenWhere? As a gcc arg?23:48
torahteenAh, ok... welp didn't get the right address apparently, but thanks anyway23:49
=== seb128__ is now known as seb128
torahteenOk, quick Q... my asm is rusty... MOV x,y will put the value of y into x?23:49
torahteenOr other way around?23:49
* ogra points to topic ....23:50
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
pawallskeescook, Crap.. I forgot to ask. Do you think there's any possibility that the fix will actually make it into Gutsy ever?23:50
torahteenOops... a'ight sorry23:50
keescookpawalls: yup, certainly -- that's what I meant by "update" (security update for feisty, gutys)23:51
pawallskeescook, Excellent!23:51
pawallskeescook, Thanks.23:51
keescooknp :)23:51
AlinuxOSყველას კარგი გამარობა!23:53
Fujitsukeescook: Did my attempted merge request on LP do any emailing?23:53
AlinuxOSკარგი გამარჯობა უფრო სწორედ :)23:53
pochuAlinuxOS: agreed.23:53
AlinuxOSpochu, ah good ძალიან კარგი :)23:54
keescookFujitsu: hurm, if so, it got very filtered...23:54
Fujitsukeescook: I'm not sure if it's meant to generate email, but I'm not sure I see the point of it otherwise.23:54
keescookFujitsu: it's possible I lost it, but I'll pull a merge regardless.  ;)23:55
Fujitsukeescook: Danke.23:55
slangasekAlinuxOS: uh, why are you expecting people in #ubuntu-devel to speak Georgian?23:56
AlinuxOSslangasek, simply test ;)23:57
keescookFujitsu: for future notes, prepend your nick, " Fujitsu> wordpress upstream has advised that their version is not affected."23:58
Fujitsukeescook: Sure, sorry. I noticed that people were doing that this morning after I got a lot of diffs in the mail.23:59

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