
ScottKtxwikinger: You still around?00:05
ScottKtxwikinger: I've run into this exact issue before.00:05
txwikingeryes ScottK00:06
ScottKDoes the package include the full text of any of the licenses that apply (there are 3)?00:06
txwikingerNo.. only a reference to perl00:06
ScottKYou will have to repack the tarball to include a copy of the license.00:07
ScottKI'll get you some references.00:07
ScottKAlso, "Same terms as Perl" covers at least 3 licenses:00:07
ScottKPerl Artistic License00:07
ScottKGPL v200:07
ScottKGPL v100:07
txwikingerI think it is GPL and Perl Artistic00:07
ScottKIf it's "Same as Perl" then it's both GPL v1 and v2.00:08
txwikingerThis package is free software and is provided "as is" without express00:08
txwikingeror implied warranty.  You can redistribute it and/or modify it under00:08
txwikingerthe same terms as Perl itself.00:08
ScottKAll three will need to be covered in debian/copyright.00:08
txwikingerthat is in the readme file00:08
ScottKAt least one needs to be in the tarball, so you have to repack.00:08
txwikingerI have created the debian/copyright00:09
ScottKWith all three licenses discussed?00:09
txwikingerand there given the reference to the folders in which those licenses are in ubuntu/debian distro00:09
txwikingerI think just gpl and perl artistic00:09
txwikingernot explicitly gpl v1 and v200:10
ScottKYes.  Perl is explicitly v1 and v2.00:10
ScottKhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+source/libnet-dns-resolver-programmable-perl/0.002.2-0ubuntu1 is a package I did.00:10
txwikingerand I copied the COPYING file from perl to the package top directory00:10
ScottKSome of the rules on how you document repacking have changed a bit, so you'll want to read up on that.00:10
txwikingerok.. I haven't repackaged the orig tarball I think00:11
ScottKhttp://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/developers-reference/ch-best-pkging-practices.en.html#s-bpp-origtargz talks about how you repack the tarball00:11
ScottKThe package I showed you above can mostly be used as a reference.00:11
ScottKfor what has to go in.00:12
slangasekjust because upstream explicitly makes something available under GPLv1 (in addition to GPLv2) doesn't mean redistributors have to extend the same license to users00:15
txwikingerThanks ScottK00:16
ScottKslangasek: True, but unless there's a reason not to, I think packagers should preserve upstream's preferences in licensing.00:17
lifelessScottK: we can't limit upstream's preference, but we can patch it with something not compatible with upstreams entire preferences00:18
ScottKtxwikinger: More info here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Basic?highlight=%28get-orig-source%29#head-4bb01b3c07548aaf98e85ac7eb7983e632f8eb38 - particularly on making a get-orig-source rule.00:18
ScottKlifeless: I agree that we can.  I also think that we shouldn't without a good reason.00:19
slangasekI think not having to hunt down the text of the ancient GPLv1 is a good enough reason, myself :)00:19
* ScottK was just typing that I thought it not. Google is easy enough, but OK.00:19
slangasekScottK: ok, more concretely, the GPLv1 is old enough that I don't know it has ever even been reviewed by a body such as debian-legal to check whether it imposes unreasonable obligations on distributors such as Debian and Ubuntu00:25
ScottKThat's definitely more concrete, although Ubuntu doesn't have such a body, so it'd be a better Debian point than an Ubuntu one.00:26
slangasekwell, I'm saying that no one has done such a review, and I wouldn't want to be the one packaging something like that without reading the license carefully00:26
* ScottK has wondered why Perl is still distributed under GPL v1.00:26
ScottKThat certainly makes sense.00:27
txwikingerScottK: maybe they can't get all authors to agree to the change to GPL v2 or is all copyright transfered?00:27
ScottKIt's GPL v1 and 2, so they can drop 1 if they feel like it.00:28
StevenKScottK: Perl is special, being GPLv2 or Artistic00:28
ScottKStevenK: Except it's really GPLv1, GPLv2, or Artistic, so it's even more special than that.00:28
ScottKpitti or Mithrandir rejected my first new package because of this.00:29
=== zakame__ is now known as zakame
imbrandonwtfpl ftw:)00:30
minghuaScottK: Is it "GPL v1 or v2", or "GPL v1 or later"?  In other words, is it GPL v3 compatible?00:30
* ScottK would need to look. Last time I was required to care, there wasn't a v3 yet.00:30
txwikingerthe GNU General Public License as published by the Free00:32
txwikingerSoftware Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any00:32
txwikingerlater version, or00:32
lifelesstxwikinger: thats the licence, not the grant.00:32
lifelesstxwikinger: you have to have a grant statement to decide what licence a package is under00:32
txwikingerlifeless: I have no idea what this means00:34
ScottKtxwikinger: It means you were quoting from the GPL, not the bit where Perl says how it's licensed00:34
norsettog'night all00:34
minghuaScottK: The /usr/share/doc/perl-base/copyright says GPL v1 or later.00:35
* minghua can't find anything definitive on perl.org though.00:35
ScottKThen it's be v3 too I guess.00:35
txwikingerScottK: I was quoting from perl's readme file which declares under which terms you are allowed to redistribute00:35
ScottKThat's consistent with my recollection from January00:35
ScottKtxwikinger: The part you were quoting from is part of the GPL though.00:36
txwikingerScottK: True it is inside the GPL also00:36
superm1jdong, when did it ever?  i didn't recall making such a change, and looking through bzr history on debian/control, i don't see any dependencies directly on it00:37
superm1actually hmm.  can't remove it without removing mplayer00:40
superm1something about mplayer wants to keep it00:40
superm1some other dependency00:40
jdongsuperm1: I could've sworn...00:40
FujitsuWhich dependency?00:40
superm1i'm not sure.00:40
FujitsuWhich package are you trying to remove?00:40
jdongsuperm1: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/graphics/mplayer00:40
jdongsuperm1: on [powerpc] there's a binary dep on mp4v200:40
superm1oh interesting.00:40
jdongFujitsu: not trying to remove, chasing after an API migration00:40
jdongsuperm1: could be a shlibdeps phenomenon?00:41
superm1well if its only on ppc, then why is it sticking around for i386?00:41
jdongwhere phenomenon is polite speak for bug?00:41
superm1its a dependency of libfaac000:43
superm1which is a dependency of mplayer00:43
jdongsuperm1: oh so it gets pulled in anyway00:43
jdongsuperm1: lovely, well faac is definitely going to be hit by the mpeg4ip transmition00:44
superm1what transition?00:44
jdongsuperm1: mp4v2 will be provided by mpeg4ip instead of faad00:44
jdongyeah what crimsun said :)00:44
superm1bug 17286300:45
crimsunother one.00:45
crimsunbug 17268300:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172683 in gtkpod-aac "libmp4v2 API migration" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17268300:45
superm1bug 68300:45
jdongsuperm1: with regards to mplayer, I think if we deal with faac mplayer should remain unaffected00:46
jdong(famous last words)00:46
superm1well except on powerpc i guess?00:46
jdongsuperm1: I don't understand what the difference with ppc is?00:46
superm1i didn't think there was a [powerpc] build depend even though00:46
superm1that doesn't seem right00:46
jdongsuperm1: I didn't see it in my Sources.gz grep00:46
superm1so p.u.c is on crack?00:46
somerville32superm1, I was looking for you in x-devel00:47
jdongMaintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>00:48
jdongOriginal-Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Media Team <motumedia@tauware.de>00:48
jdong^^ is that _really_ necessary? :)00:48
ScottKjdong: Per the spec, yes.00:48
ScottKSince tauware.de is not in ubuntu.com00:48
jdongwell technicality wise, I guess00:49
Fujitsudebuild gets cranky, so it's best do mangle it.00:49
ScottKMay as well.00:49
* jdong wonders why motumedia doesn't get a @lists.ubuntu.com?00:49
Fujitsujdong: That takes a loooong time.00:50
jdongah, lovely00:50
crimsun(not to mention prior to USD-Boston, there was some discussion of dissolving the team)00:50
Fujitsucrimsun: That's true.00:50
* jdong uploads a rebuild of faac to motumedia-ppa and hopes nothing explodes... again.00:51
* Fujitsu explodes.00:51
ScottKFujitsu: Save the exploding for the CC meeting tomorrow.00:51
jdongwhat's going down there?00:51
ScottKA certain somebody who tends to be somewhat unpopular in these parts has listed himself as a membership candidate.00:52
* Fujitsu isn't amused.00:52
* jdong looks at the list and guesses...00:52
* Fujitsu wonders if he can convince a sysadmin to make him disappear from that list.00:52
ScottKFujitsu: It'll be more fun to have a public fight about it.00:53
FujitsuScottK: I guess.00:53
ScottKActually, I think more necessary.00:53
FujitsuEw, 3am tomorrow...00:53
FujitsuI'll have to watch, though.00:53
FujitsuI haven't been to a CC meeting in aages.00:53
crimsunsounds like I've missed a thoroughly rousing devel cycle ;)00:53
Fujitsucrimsun: That you have.00:54
* ajmitch wonders who this certain someone is?00:54
Fujitsuajmitch: I'm sure you can guess...00:54
* minghua didn't know that he is not a member yet.00:54
ScottKajmitch shouldn't have much trouble figuring it out.00:54
ajmitchnope, i can't00:54
* jdong feels out of the loop00:55
ajmitchat least I don't see any recent changes to the CC agenda00:55
somerville32When is the next CC?00:55
ScottKHe's been on the list for a whlie.  It's just been quite some time since the last meeting.00:55
ajmitchit must have been00:55
jdongI guess that means look towards the top00:55
ajmitchabout 6 weeks or so since the last one?00:55
ScottKsomerville32: ~20 hours00:55
ajmitch5AM local time00:56
somerville32Are you guys talking about kmos?00:56
ScottKOr less.00:56
superm1who is representing him?00:56
* ajmitch shrugs00:56
Fujitsusomerville32: What gives you that idea?00:56
ScottKsomerville32: None of us said that.00:56
ajmitchjust say it :P00:56
* Fujitsu invokes the CoC.00:56
jdongok while we are paying keep-jdong-in-suspense, anyone want to comment on pulling faac from debian-multimedia again?00:57
jdongit looks like trying a merge from d-m will be easier than patching our old-ish version00:57
ScottKjdong: I'd so go for it.  Your track record on such things is reasonably good.00:57
minghuaWow, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntumembers/+members really has a long applicant list.00:57
* somerville32 thought kmos would look different.00:58
jdongScottK: I will start experimenting and try to poke/ambush slomo the next time he comes on just in case this is a bad idea (tm)00:58
ajmitchI should apply to be a member00:58
ajmitchI think i'm only in the team indirectly00:58
crimsunteehee, expired on 2007-08-1601:00
=== rob1 is now known as rob
ajmitchah no, I am still a direct member01:02
ajmitchmust have only been MOTU I expired from01:02
* Fujitsu wonders if GetDeb people can be automatically excluded.01:02
jdongthere she is01:03
FujitsuHi Hobbsee.01:03
minghuaOh, my membership will expire soon, it seems.01:03
ajmitchFujitsu: no, they should be given a chance, at least01:03
minghuaajmitch: Can automatix people be auto-excluded then? :-P01:04
StevenKminghua: Do you have some time to explain how GTK input methods work?01:04
ajmitchminghua: noone can, really :)01:04
jdonghehe I'm ex-automatix :)01:04
ajmitchI know :)01:04
minghuaStevenK: Sure.  Glad to see you are interested in it.01:04
StevenKminghua: I'm trying to get Hildon Input Method working, and I'm getting nowhere slowly.01:05
minghuaStevenK: I assume you understand the general idea of input methods?01:05
ajmitchand it's taken many long years of rehabilitation01:05
jdongajmitch: lol ;-)01:05
StevenKminghua: I understand it in the mobile case - click on a text widget and get the input method to pop up a keyboard so you can type01:06
minghuaStevenK: Oh.  Then you probably don't.01:06
minghuaStevenK: The point of an IM is to convert keystroke sequences to character/string.01:07
minghuaStevenK: For some languages keymaps can do this, for the East Asian languages keymaps are not powerful enough.01:07
* StevenK nods01:07
* jdong looks at slomo's comment on bug 8082501:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 80825 in faac "Version bump to 1.25 request" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8082501:09
minghuaStevenK: So first there was X input method (XIM), which is some part (I don't know which) in X that take the keyboard input from X server, send it to some external conversion program, get the character/string back, and send that to X client.01:09
minghuaStevenK: XIM has many limitations, and is generally hard to code for X client programmers, and error-prone.01:09
jdonghmm better get his opinion on this -- he felt strongly enough 1.5yrs ago to package from scratch and diverge from marillat01:09
StevenKminghua: Which lead to SCIM, I'm guessing01:10
minghuaStevenK: So GTK+ redesigned/reimplemented the input method stack, and have something (again, I don't know what) in the GTK+ system which handles the conversion.01:11
minghuaStevenK: Not yet. :-)01:11
ScottKHobbsee: Did you see the message I left for LongPointyStick about the CC meeting tomorrow.01:11
LordKowis breezy (5.10) long past being supported?01:12
minghuaStevenK: This is commonly called GTK IM, as a well known environment variable to control this part of GTK+ is GTK_IM_MODULE.01:12
StevenKBreezy is long dead, yes01:12
minghuaStevenK: So obviously most existent conversion programs works for XIM, and GTK+ don't want to throw them away.01:12
StevenKminghua: I knew that bit from my web searching yesterday01:12
LordKowso conflicts/replaces on a package that has been removed from the ubuntu repositories since breezy no longer needs to be included as a conflict/replace in hardy?01:12
* effie_jayx remember when breezy was hype 01:12
jdongbreezy was the roughest Ubuntu release I've used01:13
crimsunLordKow: correct.01:13
LordKowk one step closer to being able to sync01:13
minghuaStevenK: Therefore GTK+ can defer to XIM to handle the conversion, which is what GTK_IM_MODULE=xim mean.01:13
StevenKLordKow: If they needed for an upgrade *to* Dapper, they can go; if they're needed for an upgrade *from* Dapper, they stay.01:13
StevenKminghua: Yup.01:13
LordKowStevenK, considering the conflict/replace in question is not in dapper they should be safe to remove01:14
minghuaStevenK: My understanding is that different modules of the GTK IMs are quite independent.  You can see the files in /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/, and the module (essentially the conversion method) in the right click menu's "Input Methods".01:15
HobbseeScottK: not yet, but i will01:15
StevenKminghua: Right.01:15
minghuaStevenK: Again, this is controlled by the GTK_IM_MODULE variable.01:15
minghuaStevenK: This is basically about IM.  I take it that you are interested in SCIM as well?01:16
StevenKminghua: Not particularly, I'm interested in how to debug IM because I can't get Hildon Input Method working01:16
minghuaStevenK: What input method is Hildon using?  I'm not familiar with it at all.01:17
slangasekpresumably the "hildon" one :)01:17
minghuaIs it a special GTK IM module?01:17
StevenKIt's own, http://live.gnome.org/Hildon/HildonInputMethod01:17
StevenKActually, the input method is called "hildon-input-method"01:17
minghuaStevenK: Does hildon-IM run on vanilla GTK now?01:21
StevenKI've not been able to determine that.01:21
StevenKAlthough I suspect the answer is "No" since I can't get it working01:22
minghuaIt looks like an GTK IM module to me.  Is there anything in /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/ that looks like hildon?01:22
minghuaThe problem is, Debian/Ubuntu's GTK IM stack is not vanilla either...01:22
StevenKHold on, just booting the device01:23
slangasekminghua: in what sense, and why?01:23
minghuaStevenK: If you've been following http://live.gnome.org/Hildon/HildonInputMethod/Building, I can seen something would not work...01:24
minghuaslangasek: Let me dig up the reference for you.01:24
StevenKminghua: Oh?01:24
minghuaslangasek, StevenK: http://lists.debian.org/debian-gtk-gnome/2006/10/msg00045.html01:25
minghuaslangasek, StevenK: I can't find a better reference, so I'll elaborate a bit more:01:27
minghuaGTK uses /etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules to register all the available IMs.01:28
minghuaSo individual IMs need to update that file after they are installed/uninstalled.01:29
minghuaYou can see it would cause some problem as it's a conffile.01:29
StevenKJust throwing hildon-input-method into /etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules has made it hit the list of input methods.01:30
minghuaSo in Debian after 2.10 it is changed to use individual files in /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodule-files.d/ instead.01:30
minghuaAnd /etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules become useless.01:31
StevenKdh_gtkmodules ah01:31
minghuaStevenK: That's why I say following the Hildon upstream instructions would not work.01:31
StevenKminghua: It certainly helped01:31
minghuaThis change is not in GTK+ upstream AFAIK.01:31
minghuaslangasek, StevenK: Debian bug 419314 is an example how input method packages should adapt to this change.01:32
ubotuDebian bug 419314 in scim-gtk2-immodule "Switch to dh_gtkmodules for the gtk 2.10 transition" [Serious,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/41931401:32
minghuaLoïc Minier should know better than I do, as that change is his.01:33
minghuaAnd I think he is also an MOTU now?01:33
StevenKI can talk to Loïc about it01:34
StevenKNow, how do I set a gconf key01:34
minghuagconftool if you are hardcore, gconf-editor is a saner alternative.01:35
StevenKFrom a command line, hopefully01:35
crimsunStevenK's hardcore!01:35
minghuaStevenK: gconftool-2, actually it seems, as gconftool is a symlink to it.  It's command-line.01:36
StevenKRight, got it.01:39
LordKoware there any policies with regard to putting Homepage: <whatever> in a package description?01:42
jdongLordKow: I was last told to start using the Homepage: tag (paraphrasing) though Homepage: is a valid way on its way to being deprecated01:43
StevenKWhat? Homepage as a field has only just started existing01:43
RAOFI think he meant "using Homepage: foo in the package description", not the shiny new dpkg field.01:44
LordKowokay, this particular package has the Homepage set properly but (in regards to homepage) we deviated from debian by adding Homepage: <link> to the package descriptions to01:44
LordKowi take it I can safely remove the homepage link from the description?01:44
RAOFWell, there's a nice easy divergence to drop :)01:44
minghuaIf those two URLs are the same. :-)01:46
TheMusoStevenK: In what context do you need to set a gconf key?01:46
TheMusoStevenK: Is it just for your own use, or within a package?01:46
StevenKTheMuso: Within a package01:46
* StevenK has figured it out, too01:47
TheMusoStevenK: Are you aware of the gconf-defaults mechanism available?01:47
StevenKTheMuso: Nope. Can you spit out more information?01:50
TheMusoStevenK: Sure. What you can do is create a file called debian/packagename.gconf-defaults, and you can list the keys you want to set in it like this:01:51
TheMuso/path/to/gconf/key value01:51
TheMuso/path/to/other/key false01:51
TheMusoThen, in debian/rules, you run dh_gonfdefaults with a priority number in the binary stage of the build, whic copies the file to /usr/share/gconf/defaults, and does postinst/prerm magic to run update-gconf-defaults.01:52
LordKoware there any limitations to merges when the merge involves new packages added by debian?01:52
TheMusoHope that makes sense01:52
TheMusosorry, dh_gconf01:52
StevenKTheMuso: Sure it does, I'll add dh_gconf as something to look at. :-)01:52
RAOFLordKow: You mean the same source package now builds new binary packages?01:54
LordKowit adds a new package (but doesnt rename or remove any others)01:55
RAOFI can't think of anything special at the moment.01:56
minghuaProbably checking that there is not package name collision.01:56
LordKowk. it was added by debian but I will still mention it in the changes for future reference01:56
LordKowminghua, yep gcrystal does not exist in any of our repos right now01:57
minghuaLordKow: Sounds good.01:57
jdonghmm convention question:02:06
jdongIf I work on a package by testing in a PPA and go through ~ppa1 -> ~ppa3, and then am ready to upload to Ubuntu, should I (A) Consolidate the ~ppa* changelog entries into one final entry, or (2) Preserve that changelog history and use -v to make them all show up in .changes?02:07
jdongerr I just used (A) and (2)02:07
* Fujitsu would go with A.02:08
jdongI'm leaning towards A, too02:09
jdongexpecially since (2) exposes more embarassing details of my incompetence than I'd like to discluse ;-)02:09
* Fujitsu is glad that the .changes are stored for eternity for all to see.02:12
FujitsuYou can't hide them forever!02:12
lifelesspossible attack vulnerability with reused binaries there02:13
Fujitsulifeless: The .changes?02:13
FujitsuWhere are the binaries reused?02:14
lifelessI've mailed the soyuz folk.02:15
lifelessIf I'm wrong I'll explain it to you tomorrow when they correct me.02:15
lifelessIf I'm right, I'd rather not say more just yet.02:16
jdongdun dun dunnnnnnn02:20
* Fujitsu notes there is another much, much worse vulnerability.02:21
somerville32Really? Do share.02:22
Hobbseeyou don't want to know.02:22
FujitsuYou really don't want to know.02:22
* ajmitch really does02:22
FujitsuIt is a most nasty one.02:23
* somerville32 always wants to know.02:23
AmaranthI want to know02:27
AmaranthSo I can exploit it and find the hidden GNOME 3.0 packages02:27
AmaranthI know seb128 has been keeping them from me02:28
jdongnice, marillat's faac builds and as does an unleashed gtkpod-aac.... now the question is, did I just start another revdep chain with faac?02:35
jdong(almost certainly a yes... :-/)02:35
bddebianHeya gang02:37
imbrandonheya bddebian02:37
bddebianHi imbrandon02:38
crimsunjdong: never fear the rdep chain.  Fear the morning after.02:44
crimsun(yes, I know you're procrastinating.)02:44
bddebianheh, heya crimsun02:44
jdongcrimsun: shhhhhh ;-)02:45
crimsunheya bddebian02:45
jdongwhen's our first tribe?02:45
jdongor flock02:45
jdongor gaggle02:45
jdongwhat do herons come in?02:46
StevenKjdong: "Alpha"02:46
minghuaI thought we abandoned that naming system for hardy.02:46
jdongother than crates of refrigerated styrofoam trays02:46
jdongminghua: ah I didn't get that memo then02:46
jdongok, "Alpha" it is.02:46
RAOFAnd the answer is now, approximately.02:46
jdongwhen is the freezing fun scheduled?02:46
somerville32jdong, no freeze02:47
imbrandonno freeze02:47
jdongsomerville32: I know but I'd rather not put anything in that MIGHT break parts of the multimedia stack02:47
RAOFjdong: A self-imposed freeze.02:47
jdongin ways that would affect "users" (read: insane testers :D)02:47
imbrandonjdong: your a MOTU now you really should read more email :)02:47
* RAOF hunts the ubuntu-devel message about this...02:47
jdongimbrandon: it's been a hellish week after getting back from thanksgiving...02:47
* somerville32 hugs jdong 02:47
StevenKRAOF: Freeze!02:47
StevenKRAOF: Okay, go on.02:47
imbrandonheheh i totaly understand, i was just messing with ya02:47
jdongimbrandon: I will catch up on the 300-whatnot messages after friday :)02:47
* somerville32 has 5k02:48
jdongsomerville32: I actually read mine normally ;-)02:48
somerville32jdong, me too :P I just got so much02:48
somerville32And no spam :(02:48
* somerville32 wishes he could get spam he could just easily delete.02:48
RAOFjdong: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-November/000351.html02:48
* jdong set up squirrelmail just to get mail on his iPod Touch02:48
StevenKNote to self: Patches work better if you list them in 00list02:48
crimsunsomerville32: I could sub you to a few LP teams as the bug contact...02:49
* StevenK does the whole dance again02:49
somerville32crimsun, sub?02:49
imbrandonStevenK: hehe02:49
crimsunsomerville32: add/subscribe02:49
jdongRAOF: thanks :)02:49
somerville32crimsun, I already get enough bug mail :P02:50
jdongStevenK: ah, yes, that was infinite loop #2 of mpeg4ip02:50
superm1jdong, why not use apple mail on it?03:20
superm1jdong, apple mail works really well actually on mine03:20
superm1jdong, the only problem is that google's imap doesn't refresh all my labels03:20
imbrandonis there a python function to escape/convert a html strings from like < to &lt; and &quote; etc ?03:22
slangaseknot as part of the standard library, ttbomk03:24
nxvlimbrandon: i don't know any, but you can write one03:24
slangaseknxvl: and forget one of the chars that need escaping and cause XSS vulns ;)03:24
imbrandoni'm barely past page one on dive into python :)  i dont think writing my own is worth it03:25
ScottKimbrandon: I think not as it's come up as a problem with REVU comments.03:25
imbrandonat this point03:25
StevenKUm, sure there is.03:25
slangasekStevenK: called?03:25
StevenKIt's in urllib, I think03:25
imbrandoni'm already importing urllib so i'll see03:25
* imbrandon looks03:25
nxvlhow is a sync done?03:27
nxvlonly download the debian package and upload it?03:27
StevenKnxvl: A sync is done by the archive admins03:28
nxvlStevenK: so if one packages is marked as merge and it need a sync y only ask for it on #ubuntu-devel?03:29
jdongsuperm1: haven't bothered to jailbreak/EULA-rape mine yet03:30
jdongsuperm1: gonna use it the way apple intended (tm or else) for a few weeks before hacking it03:31
imbrandonnxvl: no you file a sync request bug03:31
imbrandonfollowing the guidelines03:31
LordKowalright given the amount of deviation required for this merge in debian/control i give this src package ~90% chance of FTBFS-ing03:33
ScottKLordKow: Did you build it yet?03:34
LordKownope, if i did then i would give it a 0% chance of FTBFS'ing this time ;)03:34
LordKowokay well apt likes everything in the control file so far so good03:35
ScottKAh.  OK.03:35
jdongok, nice, first pass through the revdep chain of mp4v2 all builds, now to go to the gym and come back and walk down the faac chain03:35
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LordKowpbuilder might run out of disk space just trying to compile this heavily dependent package heh. 3 gigs left on my HDD at the start, 232 new packages including some huge libs like gtk203:38
LordKowthat # may include base packages im not exactly sure how pbuilder works03:38
LordKowah yep all the gnome libs too03:39
* Fujitsu fails to see how GNOME libs are base packages...03:39
LordKowsorry, i was rambling. I meant to say 232 new packages may include the base packages. the gnome libs statement is one of the packages but not a base package.03:40
LordKowconfigure: "libgoffice-0.4 < 0.5.0" well duh if that statement is ever false then someone messed up in packaging03:42
nxvli used requestsync script, where do i check if it was correctly send?03:43
jdongLordKow: is that something like J2RE 6 SE Version 1.6.0_01b21?03:44
nxvlRAOF: on the package bugs?03:44
nxvli will wait a little, it must take some time03:44
LordKowjdong, im working on gnome-chemistry-utils. that previous statement was in the configure but if this candidate is correct then that statement is now "libgoffice-0.5 >= 0.5.0" with no max version03:45
jdongwhoo looks like only ~5 revdeps to deal with for faac03:46
jdonggrr what am I doing, gym time...03:46
LordKowthe devs of gnome-chemistry-utils dont specify any version requirements on their website so i figure it should always build against the latest version03:46
LordKowi guess its possible that libgoffice may be updated and break gnome-chemistry-utils but setting max version restrictions are nasty.03:47
jdongLordKow: yeah don't worry about max restrictions03:47
FujitsuNo, do worry about max restrictions.03:48
jdongLordKow: just make sure you set minimum to the hardy version if the hardy version has not built binaries across all arches yet03:48
* somerville32 sneezes 03:48
RAOFLordKow: That's the responsibility of the library maintainer.03:48
somerville32I forgot to take my allergy meds :(03:48
* jdong pets somerville32 and tells him to stop whoring for attention ;-)03:48
LordKowthe proper way would be to notice that gnome-chemistry-utils will no longer build from source due to new libgoffice, therefore gnome-chemistry-utils should be fixed :)03:48
Fujitsug-c-u was a big problem for quite some time, as we had a newer libgoffice, which didn't work with it.03:48
jdongLordKow: ha, how many people actually test the reverse deps ;-)03:48
jdongthis would all be so much easier by a drive-by API change mechanism ;-)03:49
LordKowjdong, well the most testing i do is build the packages, install them... and run 'em03:49
jdong*BANG* (run before anyone notices broken revdeps)03:49
TheMusowrong tab03:49
jdongLordKow: hehe this multimedia stuff I'm working on seems to always uproot a mesh of revdep problems :)03:50
jdongbut it builds character :)03:50
LordKowhehe, and frustration03:50
LordKowah yep FTBFS, time to see why03:50
LordKowoh bless descriptive gnome changelogs, this shall be an easy fix03:52
LordKowand its an issue of the package not building against the latest goffice... i sense upstream bug reports03:52
LordKowhttp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/goffice/0.5/goffice-0.5.1.changes look at all of those headers they moved... eeeuuwwwwwwwww03:52
LordKowchange build-dep to >= 0.5.1 and go with it i guess03:53
LordKowokay i think i'll cancel the g-c-u 0.8.x merge and file a request in debian to -> 0.9 because the g-c-u devs fixed FTBFS against goffice 0.5.1 and that is what we have in hardy03:57
FujitsuLordKow: Does Debian have that goffice yet?03:59
LordKowyea in fact we should be merging with it, they use 0.5.303:59
LordKowso, i wonder how long before debian g-c-u maintainers realize 0.8 doesnt compile against goffice >= 0.5.104:00
LordKowah, thats why they require 0.404:01
LordKowso for us i guess the question is: what do we do about the g-c-u merge? :p04:01
crimsunhmm, well, 6.06 -> 8.04 using apt-get hitches on initramfs-tools.04:02
LordKowwe could always push libgoffice-0.4 into hardy but the package would possibily be obsolete before hardy is even released in april04:03
LordKowand it would conflict with 0.5. too messy04:04
LordKowbut our current version wont compile against 0.5 :-/04:04
LordKowso g-c-u is dead in the water right now04:04
crimsunhmm, and on libx11-data.04:12
crimsunok, so bug 56008 is moot.  It's definitely installable due to xutils existing in 8.04.04:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 56008 in gsfonts-x11 "gsfonts-x11 depends on uninstallable transitional package xutils" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5600804:15
jcastrohi guys, the US LoCo teams are running an educational session on friday at EST2000 to get LoCo people involved in becoming MOTUs, triaging bugs, etc. Are any US-based MOTUs willing to hang out in ubuntu-us and help point people in the right direction?04:15
crimsunwhat's that, 3 PM?04:15
crimsun(EST)  I'd still be @work.04:16
crimsunerr, I totally misparsed that.04:16
crimsunyeah, I can do that, jcastro.04:16
jcastrocrimsun: so, to give you more details04:17
jcastrochrister wants to seriously leverage LoCo people to become MOTUs04:18
jcastroso he's running his own LoCo-driven "open week"04:18
jcastroand if reaching out to volunteers04:18
jcastrothe idea is to have MOTUs on stand by to deal with volunteers that might be interested04:18
jcastrocrimsun: totally crap too dude, I only got to say hi, we never got a chance to sit down and talk about stuff04:19
crimsunjcastro: 'sokay, you guys were jamming04:20
jcastroI hope you got a chance to meet some of the other .edu people there04:20
Burgundaviajcastro: jorgey!04:22
jcastroBurgundavia: COREY!04:23
ScottKPeople interested in Universe and security stuff might want to look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda and then discuss with Burgundavia...04:23
LordKowhow did a package like g-c-u which is under heavy heavy development make it into ubuntu? :P04:32
FujitsuScottK, Burgundavia: hah, I was thinking about requesting that last night.04:32
FujitsuBut we need reasonable security support first, which \sh and I are working on organising.04:32
ScottKThought you'd like it.04:32
ScottKFujitsu: We do some now and it's reasonable (I think) to document what we are doing.04:32
ScottKBTW if you want help on the security organizing thing, let me know.04:33
FujitsuScottK: Sorta, I guess.04:33
ScottKMy favorite was one security upload I did for a perl package in 4 releases.  It was in Main for two and Universe for two and so the USN only discussed the Main releases and was silent on the rest.04:34
FujitsuScottK: That's understandable.04:34
FujitsuWe need UUSAs at some point, particularly with the recent removal of a certain bug/feature.04:35
FujitsuI'd like them to be in place before Hardy, at least, and I will do whatever it takes to get them happening.04:35
ScottKFujitsu: It's understandable to me since I'm involved in the process, but it totally violates the principal of least suprise04:35
LordKowbug 172717 im not sure anyone here right now wants to tackle this but just in case.04:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172717 in gnome-chemistry-utils "[hardy] G-C-U FTBFS and Possible Merge" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17271704:36
FujitsuBurgundavia: Kees commented in the -security announcement bug that he wanted them back, so I suspect we'll get them soon.04:36
BurgundaviaFujitsu: right, that would rock04:37
FujitsuDo we have a date for the meeting yet?04:37
Burgundaviathe TB one?04:37
keescookFujitsu: Supposedly it's scheduled for 1.1.12 LP roll-out04:37
FujitsuBurgundavia: What would?04:37
FujitsuYeah, TB.04:37
Burgundavialook, I only deal with on train wreck of a meeting schedule, the CC one04:37
Fujitsukeescook: Hi. That's good.04:37
FujitsuBurgundavia: Heh.04:37
Fujitsukeescook: You don't have any horribly violent objections to us doing USAs for universe (UUSAs?) to some universe-security or similar mailing list, do you?04:39
keescookUUSN, maybe to share more of the acronym?  no objection at all, I think it's a fine idea.04:40
keescookI've long wanted a place for UUSNs to go, which is why I was so annoyed to discover that they stopped going to the -changes list04:40
FujitsuErm, yes, N, I meant.04:40
FujitsuI've been looking at more DSAs late,y.04:41
FujitsuHence the A.04:41
keescookFujitsu: also, it's still pushing, but it should be available in about 15 minutes: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-cve-tracker/04:41
* keescook nods04:41
Fujitsuubuntu-universe-security@l.u.c, perhaps?04:41
Fujitsukeescook: Who owns the branch?04:41
keescookwhile long, u-u-s-announce matches the u-s-announce list04:42
keescookFujitsu: who-ever pushes one.  I figure there would be a motu-swat owned branch04:42
Fujitsukeescook: OK, best to have consistency.04:42
keescookand I could merge it to "master" which is under the ubuntu-security group04:42
Fujitsukeescook: Makes sense, I think.04:42
keescookYeah, that doesn't work out, we can just redefine ownership (yay bzr!)04:43
FujitsuRather `yay LP', but yep.04:43
keescookwell, I mean, we can just aim at a different branch and call that one "HEAD".  :P04:43
keescookanyway, I spent a bunch of time to day (after PHP) working on some graphs04:44
keescookwhich is my first step to some better reporting and visualization04:44
Fujitsukeescook: I do hope you wrote them in PHP.04:47
FujitsuJust to add to the fun.04:47
keescookFujitsu: heheh.  nope, so far, python and gnuplot love04:47
Fujitsukeescook: Are the current results anywhere public?04:47
keescookFujitsu: not yet04:48
LaserJockanybody know any way to debug why a binary can't find a shared library, even though it's clearly there?05:24
LaserJockno such file or directory :/05:28
LaserJockit's in /usr/local/lib/ dang it05:28
RAOFIs /usr/local/lib in the ldpath?05:32
RAOFLaserJock: Checked /etc/ld.so.conf{,.d}?  Run ldconf?  Does it work with LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib <binary>?05:33
RAOFIt's not the wrong architecture (IA32/x86-64?)05:34
LaserJockok, LD_LIBRARY_PATH worked05:38
LaserJockwhy the heck wouldn't /usr/local/lib be in my path05:38
RAOFI've seen a couple of people wondering thate.05:39
RAOFI've not tried it myself.05:39
RAOFIs /usr/local/lib somewhere in one of the /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ files?05:39
LaserJockRAOF: it's in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc.conf05:40
RAOFYeah, that's the one.05:41
LaserJockok, I ran ldconfig and now it works05:41
RAOFThat's odd.05:41
LaserJockgo figure05:41
LaserJockI don't get it, but whatever05:42
RAOFI thought ldconfig was run at essentially each pakcage install?05:42
RAOFOh, well.05:42
RAOFHm.  I know nouveau doesn't resume from suspend.  How about hibernate :)05:43
* RAOF shuffles off home.05:43
ScottKLaserJock: How're the ponies coming?05:55
LaserJockScottK: not well I'm afraid05:57
* ScottK has enjoyed reading them in the past, but I guess I'll have to wait then.05:58
LaserJockI'm really trying, but lots of things are not going well this week05:59
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ScottKSure.  I'll read them when you get to them.  No pressure.06:07
RAOFYay, apport's back on.06:44
dholbachgood morning06:48
imbrandonmoins dholbach06:48
dholbachhey imbrandon06:50
TheMusoHey dholbach.06:58
dholbachhey TheMuso06:58
LaserJockwow, I'm about to expire07:10
pwnguinimbrandon: did anyone from ACM get in touch with you?07:10
imbrandonforgot his name but yea07:11
pwnguinthey can be kinda not on top of the ball07:11
StevenKLaserJock: I renewed my membership in members about an hour ago07:11
pwnguinassociation for computing machinery07:11
LaserJockStevenK: lol07:11
StevenKLaserJock: I have this vague feeling we hit members during the same meeting07:12
LaserJockperhaps so07:12
* pwnguin hacked his router today07:12
pwnguinit seems linksys stores network keys in cleartext on nvram07:13
LaserJockI wish the Americian Society of Mechanical Engineers would leave me alone07:13
FujitsuOh wow, 793 proposed members... that's impressive.07:13
LaserJockI got to one little conference and they think I'm an engineer07:13
pwnguinproposed members to what?07:14
Fujitsupwnguin: ~ubuntumembers07:14
pwnguinis that a disjoint set of -developers?07:14
LaserJocknow I get a "Join ASME Today!" letter like every month07:14
StevenKpwnguin: Nope, membership is completly different07:15
Fujitsupwnguin: It's general contributors.07:15
FujitsuDevelopers are a subset of members.07:15
pwnguinStevenK, Fujitsu: one of you is wrong07:15
LaserJockno, they are both right07:15
imbrandonthey are both right07:15
pwnguinworld explodes07:15
LaserJockand now imbrandon and I are both right07:16
LaserJockphew, we got this one nailed down07:16
slangasekno, only one of you is right07:16
pwnguinonce you have a contradiction, you can claim anything07:16
LaserJockwhere's the contradiction?07:16
LaserJockubuntumembers is not about developers07:17
imbrandonwell when you get to be a developer your automaticly a member if you werent already, but membership is give for other reasons too07:17
pwnguinbut every developer is a member07:17
StevenKpwnguin: But not every member is a developer.07:17
pwnguinwhich means they are related :P07:17
LaserJockpwnguin: well not in purpose07:17
LaserJockonly in membership07:17
pwnguinanyways, what was the last thing ubuntu-members voted on?07:18
LaserJockso I would say "completly different" would be correct07:18
LaserJockpwnguin: I think they only have ever voted on Community Council memebership07:18
Fujitsupwnguin: The CC elections.07:18
FujitsuWell, the last CC election.07:18
imbrandonand you get a spiffy @ubuntu.com email addresss :)07:19
* Fujitsu swishes his cloak.07:19
pwnguincan you put the logo on your business card? ^_^07:19
imbrandonyea, and a cloak07:19
Fujitsupwnguin: You are authorised to carry Ubuntu business cards.07:19
pwnguinanyways, why's it surprising to see so many members?07:20
slangasekbut only core-dev are allowed to carry Ubuntu business cards with poison tips07:20
Fujitsuslangasek: Haha.07:20
Fujitsupwnguin: Proposed members.07:20
FujitsuTwice as many as real members.07:20
imbrandonslangasek: ohhhh where do i order mine ?07:20
pwnguinimbrandon: well, you have to pick them up at the ninja council07:20
imbrandonis that in skeltors castle ? heh07:21
imbrandonugh, if its not one thing its another ...... brb07:21
* Fujitsu sneaks another nasty onto imbrandon's plate.07:21
LaserJockwhere the heck is my Battle Cat?07:22
imbrandonhe's cringer right now, and hiding behind orko07:22
FujitsuLaserJock: Only ubuntu-release gets Ubuntu Battle Cats.07:22
LaserJockbut I'm in the MOTU trinity :(07:22
FujitsuLaserJock: They get Golden Ponies.07:24
LaserJockthen how come I've never gotten one? :(07:24
* imbrandon forgets whom the original trinity was07:24
imbrandoncrimsun, LaserJock, and ajmitch ?07:25
LaserJockyou, bddebian, and myself I think07:25
LaserJockoh hmm07:25
LaserJockI don't remember07:25
imbrandonahh i thought we were the second comming of the trinity07:25
LaserJockbut I'm in it dang it!07:25
imbrandonno idea, been to many nights of sleep since then07:25
Fujitsuimbrandon: s/of/of no/?07:26
imbrandoncrimsun coined it, ask him later :)07:26
LaserJockand he has a photographic memory07:27
LaserJockwhich means he can remember our IRC chat07:27
imbrandonhrm is there a way to remove non-ascii chars from a string without also stripping the linebreaks etc ?07:30
imbrandon( python )07:31
lifelesslinebreaks are ascii07:31
lifelessord(char) < 128 gives you ascii IIRC07:31
slangasekbut maybe that's not what you mean by "non-ascii"?07:33
imbrandonwell there is some chars that look like blocks with numbers i need to remove07:33
imbrandonrss hates them07:33
lifelesssounds like you just need to encode your unicode string appropriately; whack a utf8 coding on your rss feed and encode as utf807:34
lifelessyou'll need /some/ entity escaping but thats easy enough07:34
imbrandonsee the char on col 0, line 441 in http://rss.ubuntuwire.com/xml/ubuntu-universe-sponsors.xml07:37
imbrandon( no idea what it is )07:37
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RAOFHm.  Google reader seems to handle those OK: ஆமாச்சு is what it spits out.08:09
imbrandonall of them work but the ubuntu-universe-sponsors.xml one, liferea and firefox both choke on it08:13
imbrandonbout to hit the sack though, i'll figure out why in the morning08:13
imbrandontried the utf-8 encoding08:13
imbrandondident seem to matter08:13
BugMaN 08:23
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SikonPPA can't build for hardy, can it?09:28
sorenSikon: Sure it can.09:31
huatsmorning all09:39
\shargl..fck...cacti.net is not even recovered09:42
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\shgmrpf...starting to fix wireshark10:14
* Fujitsu returns.10:49
FujitsuHi \sh.10:50
Fujitsu\sh: ubuntu-cve's main branch is now on LP.10:51
effie_jayxhello all10:59
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* Hobbsee waves11:57
\shFujitsu, cool :)12:23
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magicfabHobbsee, :)12:40
Hobbseehey magicfab12:41
magicfabWhen I add the "partner" repo, (deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu gutsy partner) to my sources list, it gets ignored at update time and I don't see any of its applictions. any reason why ?12:42
Hobbseemagicfab: where are you looking for it's applications?12:42
magicfabHobbsee, synaptic, etc..12:43
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Hobbseemagicfab: what's "etc" in this instance?12:43
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magicfabapt-get update output indicates this:12:44
magicfabIgn http://archive.canonical.com gutsy/partner Translation-en_US12:44
magicfabIgn http://archive.canonical.com gutsy/partner Packages12:44
magicfabHit http://archive.canonical.com gutsy/partner Packages12:44
magicfabetc. is Add / Remove... under the Apps menu12:44
Hobbseeit'll ignore it if there's nothing new12:44
magicfaband apt-cache search and other similar tools12:44
Hobbseemagicfab: erm, when did you guys get -partner up and running?12:44
Hobbseedoes mvo's script looking for desktop files even cover partner?12:45
magicfabok, but if I browse to the URL I see several packages which I don't see in any package mgmt tool12:45
Hobbseenot even "apt-cache madison <packagename>" ?12:45
magicfabHobbsee, ~nov 6 according to the URL files dates12:45
magicfabAn example:12:45
magicfabI am asking here becasue I figured it must be something I don't understand about general packaging12:46
Hobbseemagicfab: does opera show up?12:46
magicfabyes it does12:48
Hobbseemagicfab: good.  for some reason, vmware-server, etc, aren't showing up in http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/partner/binary-i386/Packages.gz, so this is why your package manager is not finding them.12:48
FujitsuHobbsee: app-install-data-commercial or similar does partner. It's separate.12:48
magicfabI am thinking all the others are just the latest version under feisty, that's why they don't show up12:48
Hobbseemagicfab: as for why, you'll have ot ask the soyuz guys why it's showing up in /pool/, but not in the package.gz's.12:49
FujitsuHobbsee: It's only in Feisty.12:49
persiaWas there maybe not a binary copy from feisty to gutsy during the archive transition?12:49
Hobbseepersia: it got removed from the standard archive.12:50
Fujitsupersia: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vmware-server says no.12:50
HobbseeFujitsu: oh, feisty.  right.12:50
persiaThat would do it.12:50
FujitsuBug #15536212:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 155362 in vmware-server "vmware not present in gutsy" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15536212:50
Hobbseeoh, hang on, vmware-player got removed from the archive12:50
persiaHobbsee: Right.  libssl0.9.7 issues.  That was -player though.12:50
magicfabheh - no hardy-partner in http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/ yet12:51
kenkkuhello dear ubuntuers12:51
persiamagicfab: That likely won't appear until at least 14th December, as everything might need lots of rebuilds.12:52
FujitsuHmmmmm, partner is special. It appears as the release pocket on the page I referenced.12:52
FujitsuOh, woops.12:52
FujitsuIt's a component now, of course.12:52
persiaIsn't that the difference between -commercial and -partner?12:53
Fujitsupersia: Yes. (therefore partner shouldn't be referenced with a leading hyphen)12:54
magicfabthere is no more -commercial, AFAIK, only "partner"12:54
persiaErr.  Right -commercial vs. partner.  Nomenclature reset :)12:54
Fujitsumagicfab: hardy partner is published... It's a component, so is just under hardy/, not hardy-partner/12:54
kenkkuI have been reading the ubuntu basic packaging guide. what's not clear to me is how one creates source packages12:55
magicfabI knew I knew nothing about this :)12:55
persiamagicfab: Well, gutsy/hardy have partner, whereas dapper/edgy/feisty have -commercial.  It'll be another 41 monts before -commercial is completely gone.12:55
kenkkuI have sources for an app I'd like to package - but they're just in a tarball12:55
persiakenkku: Are you starting with an upstream release package?12:55
Hobbseemagicfab: right, so what you're seeing is that the package isn't in gutsy, which is why you can't find it.12:55
kenkkupersia: probably not, since I don't know what that is12:56
kenkkuI'd like to distribute it to a small group, not submit it to ubuntu reps or anything12:56
kenkkumaybe PPA12:56
magicfabHobbsee, ok, I jumped to conclusions when seing the content inhttp://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/partner/12:56
persiakenkku: That's perfect.  You'll want to unpack the tarball, rename the parent directory to packagename-version, add a debian/ directory, and create four files: changelog, copyright, control, and rules.  The packaging guide starts with an example using the GNU hello package.12:56
persiakenkku: An "upstream release package" would be the upstream tarball.12:57
Hobbseemagicfab: yeah - that just relates to "that stuff exists in any one or more of the distros referenced in the other directory"12:57
magicfabtx to all, I force my self to believe you're all in different timezones, not in EST where it's 8AM (too early for me)12:57
persiamagicfab: We're in a variety of timezones, but hours are also odd sometimes :)12:57
kenkkupersia: about the rules, can I just run the configure script (qmake in this case) on my own computer and use the makefile it generates?12:58
magicfabpersia, leave my fantasies intact, would you :) ?12:58
persiakenkku: You'll want to have debian/rules run ./configure and then run make.  That means it will configure for the standard environment, rather than your personal workstation.12:59
persiakenkku: Take a look at the example debian/rules in the packaging guide12:59
kenkkuwell, there is no ./configure script for this application13:00
kenkkuso I should have rules run qmake and then make?13:00
persiakenkku: Right.  Sorry.  debian/rules would run qmake :)13:00
kenkkuok, now I get it13:00
kenkkuit was a bit confusing since the example in the package had the makefile in the debian/rules file13:00
persiakenkku: The idea is to have debian/rules have all the steps that a human would normally do, so that it can be done automatically.13:01
kenkkuexample in the tutorial I mean :P13:01
persiaErg.  hello is a nice standard tutorial package, but that sounds confusing.13:01
kenkkuyes, i see now. good thing I came here to ask you :P13:01
kenkkuwell, I guess it's time for a brief lunch now. thanks persia :)13:02
* persia enjoys licenses like "Use this code however you wish. Public Domain. No warranty." :)13:02
persiakenkku: No problem.  If the package works well, please consider submitting it for inclusion in Ubuntu.13:02
RiddellFujitsu: I need your help13:03
RiddellFujitsu: this gnome-chemistry-utils I'm down to merge has defeated me13:04
Riddellthe goffice library is doing wonky things with version numbers13:04
FujitsuRiddell: Aha, hi. I saw a bug filed on that earlier.13:04
FujitsuBug #17271713:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172717 in gnome-chemistry-utils "[hardy] G-C-U FTBFS and Possible Merge" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17271713:04
Riddellit needs something like this http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/gnome-chemistry.diff13:05
Riddellbut there's also API changes needed13:05
FujitsuRiddell: See the last three comments on that bug.13:05
Riddellmeh, all too complex for me, I think I need to leave it to the gnome experts13:07
effie_jayxI got the man page ready for bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ghc6/+bug/95985 ... can anyone help me as what to do next? .. I have read the man page for dh_installman and several other things. but I am still uncertain as to what next13:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 95985 in ghc6 "no manpage for runghc / runhaskell" [Wishlist,New]13:14
persiaeffie_jayx: Put the manpage in debian/, add debian/manpage.1 (or whatever it's called) to debian/manpages (or debian/package.manpages depending on the existing packaging style).  Make sure dh_installman is being called in debian/rules.  Update the changelog.  Build a source package.  Build a binary package.  Check the binary to see if the manpage was installed correctly.  If so, generate a debdiff, attach it to the bug, and subscribe the sponsors13:16
effie_jayxthe package has a manpage ... but it does not have a manpage for a specifi porgram in the package13:19
persiaeffie_jayx: Right.  Same procedure applies :)13:19
persiaeffie_jayx: More verbosely, the package likely already has dh_installman and debian/manpages, so you should be able to just add to debian/manpages to get it to work, but it's always best to check things carefully.13:20
effie_jayxthere is no debian/manpages13:21
effie_jayxnor the likes13:21
persiaeffie_jayx: Is there any mention of manpages in debian/rules?13:21
effie_jayxther is a docs/man13:21
persiaeffie_jayx: That's upstream manpages though.13:22
effie_jayxlet me check13:22
persiaErrr..  maybe.  Is it debian/docs/man?  Also, what does debian/rules do with docs/man?13:22
effie_jayxit is upstream doc13:23
effie_jayxnot in debian13:23
effie_jayxlet me get you the bit that rules says13:23
effie_jayxhttp://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/46217/ <--- rules bit that mentions manpages13:24
effie_jayxthis debian rules usas debhelper13:24
=== asac_ is now known as asac
persiaeffie_jayx: That's a really annoying way for it to be done: the packager is updating files in debian/ in debian/rules.  By my reading, it should grab any section 1  manpages in debian/ and stick them in the binary package, making your edit easier.  On the other hand, I think this is broken packaging, and recommend manually creating debian/ghc6.manpages containing the suggested line to make this explicit and clear.13:26
persiaFor extra points, manually expand debian/*.1 to include the specific manpages to be installed.13:27
effie_jayxI haven't the expretice to do this ... is there any doc that can help me?13:28
* persia looks for a second opinion that this is really broken packaging, as otherwise effie_jayx will be performing unnecessary work13:28
effie_jayxpersia,  I have a knack for getting tough stuff, don't I13:29
persiaeffie_jayx: Other than the dh_installman man page, I don't know of any docs for how to make it work.  It's just creating a text file, and altering the rules to not overwrite the text file during the build.13:29
persiahey RainCT13:30
effie_jayxpersia, I read the man page... and it does not tell me how to do it... it tells me the rationale behind it.. but not how it works...13:30
effie_jayxis it just me doing.... dh_installmanpage manpage.1 <sourcedirectory>?13:31
persiaeffie_jayx: Yeah: debhelper manpages can be opaque.  There's the source as the ultimate origin of behaviour description: it's just a perl script.13:31
effie_jayxpersia,  ok13:31
effie_jayxI am checking man debhelper13:31
persiaeffie_jayx: dh_installmanpages is deprecated.  Please use dh_installman.  If you run it without arguments, it collects arguments from debian/package.manpages (debian/ghc6.manpages in this case)13:31
effie_jayxit was a typo13:33
effie_jayxpersia,  you mentioned broken packaging...13:34
effie_jayxwhat should I do then...13:35
persiaeffie_jayx: Right.  I think it's inappropriate to alter the contents of debian/ (excepting the build directories) at build-time.  This is done by auto-generating debian/ghc6.manpages (which I believe should be a static file).  On the other hand, I don't know that this is policy: it may only be my opinion.13:35
effie_jayxI follow you opinion13:36
persiaeffie_jayx: For minimal adjustment, just copy your manpage to debian/ and everything should work.  If you think I'm right, you could edit debian/rules to not do that, and hand-generate debian/ghc6.manpages.13:36
effie_jayxpersia,  I don't know what to put in debian rules to stop the autogeneration, is it just removing something13:38
persiaeffie_jayx: OK.  Are you familar with shell scripting and make files?13:38
persiaHmm...  That makes it trickier then :)  Are you willing to follow a detour?13:38
sorenpersia: AFAIK, there's not really any policy about what may or may not happen (within reason) during the build. The policy says that debian/rules should be a makefile with a few mandatory targets, and then it says something about what the resulting deb should be like. Anything in between is grey area.13:39
persiaOK.  Let me find a couple resources.13:39
sorenThere a conventions that new packages should uphold and such, but no actual policy afaik.13:39
persiasoren: That matches my understanding of policy.  What's your opinion about debian/rules creating debhelper helper files?13:39
sorenpersia: Such as?13:39
sorenpersia: Oh, .install, .docs and such?13:40
persiasoren: "echo debian/*.1 > debian/ghc6.manpages" in debian/rules13:40
sorenI might frown, but that's it.13:40
persiasoren: Would you think it worth fixing if working on the package anyway?13:41
sorenI wouldn't reject anything based on that. Were it a new package, I would tell the person who did it that it might cause people to be surprised, which is bad, but in itself, I don't consider it a problem.13:41
sorenpersia: I wouldn't carry a delta because of that, no.13:42
maiatodayas a test to try to get my head around pacaging python I tried running the setup.py install for my python package but it doesn't work due to some missing modules it seems. This has to be fixed before I can package?13:42
persiasoren: Thanks for the second opinion.13:42
sorenpersia: any time.13:42
sorenmaiatoday: That's what build-depends are for.13:42
sorenmaiatoday: Most programs have certain requirement that need to be fulfilled for them to be able to build properly. We put them in debian/control and the various tools will make sure they're installed when we try to build the package.13:43
persiaeffie_jayx: Just add the manpage to debian/ and check to make sure it works, and don't attempt to fix debian/rules.  For an understanding of what echo debian/*.1 > debian/ghc6.manpages", http://steve-parker.org/sh/bourne.shtml may be helpful.13:43
maiatodayI have all build depends installed, if I run the script in the subdirectory I untarzipped it it works fine but it isn't installed in the system13:44
effie_jayxpersia,  I think I can read what it does13:44
maiatodayso looking at the setup.py it seems to have some modules missing which are part of the app13:44
sorenmaiatoday: Oh, when you install the package afterwards, you don't get the right packages pulled in? Is that it?13:44
persiaeffie_jayx: Now I'm confused.  My apologies if I misinterpreted "I don't know what to put in debian rules to stop the autogeneration".13:45
maiatodayI tried doind a install from the unzipped dir before packaging13:45
maiatodayso as better to understand what the rules should be doing in the first place13:45
RiddellHobbsee: have you poked geser about scons?13:45
persiascons is broken again ?13:45
effie_jayxpersia,  mmm... ok no problem... I shall fetch another bug and lay this one to sleep13:46
HobbseeRiddell: i did a while ago, he said OK, then did nothing13:46
maiatodaysoren: so yes the not all .py modules provided by the developer are in the setup.py13:46
HobbseeRiddell: is it poke-about-main-merges-day?13:46
sorenmaiatoday: Ok, that's what Depends are for :)13:47
effie_jayxjdong,  ping13:47
sorenmaiatoday: You need to look at the documentation of the software and see which python modules it needs and add them to debian/control under the package's "Depends:" field.13:47
RiddellHobbsee: I'm in that sort of a mood yes13:48
jdongeffie_jayx: yep?13:48
HobbseeRiddell: i see.  well, feel free to merge scons, if you're feeling in a masochistic mood.13:48
effie_jayxjdong,  could you look at this for a sec... it is the contents for the debian/rules manpage section  http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/46217/13:48
effie_jayxjdong,  how could I include my man page13:49
jdongeffie_jayx: I'm about to head out to class, perhaps someone else can review for you13:49
persiaeffie_jayx: You just need to copy it to debian/ : it will get collected automatically (because debian/ghc6.manpages collects debian/*.1)13:49
effie_jayxpersia, but the autogeneration won't block it13:50
persiaeffie_jayx: Let's look at this step-by-step.  What does the autogenerated ghc6.manpages contain?13:50
effie_jayxtwo manpage entries... dhc and dhci13:51
effie_jayxis that what you meant?13:51
maiatodaysorry for being thick soren, I already found the depend packages for the app and added to depends, things like gnome-python etc what I am talking about is the app consist of multiple developer written .py modules and I  if I try to install it doesn't put them where the main script can see them13:51
persiamaiatoday: That's a different issue.  You may have to temporarily set an alternate search path, or otherwise patch setup.py.13:52
sorenmaiatoday: Oh.. I guess I'm the one being thick :)13:52
persiaeffie_jayx: OK.  Now, how does it determine which files to list there?13:52
maiatodayMmm  maybe this is too big a task for a first one ...13:53
effie_jayxpersia,  I haven't found any .1 files nor the like... can't really tell13:53
persiaeffie_jayx: OK.  Looking at debian/rules again, what happens before the autogeneration?13:53
effie_jayxpersia,  link to a source library?13:54
persiaeffie_jayx: I think you're going too far above.  Let's go through the pastbin together.13:55
effie_jayxahh ok13:55
persiaWhat's line 3 do?13:55
effie_jayxit takes each m (manpage??) in ghc or ghci and generates a manpage in debian/13:57
persiaeffie_jayx: Close enough (it actually appears to generate man links, but that's not important).13:58
persiaNow, what does line 4 do?13:58
effie_jayxmoves the contents in debian/tmp/usr/man/man1/ghc.1 to debian/ghc6.114:00
persiaeffie_jayx: Right (creating another manpage).  How about line 5?14:00
effie_jayxcopies the file in  utils/hp2ps/hp2ps.1  to debian/hp2ps-ghc6.114:01
persiaYep (creating yet another manpage).  So, what does line 6 put in gch6.manpages (roughly)?14:02
effie_jayxit grabs all the *.1 files in debian/14:02
persiaSo, when dh_installman runs, what happens?14:02
effie_jayxit builds the manpages in the directory14:04
persiaeffie_jayx: Right.  So, if you wanted to get an extra entry into ghc6.manpages, what's the easiest way to get it there?14:04
effie_jayxleave it in debian/14:04
effie_jayxlike you said14:04
effie_jayxand know I know why14:04
persiaeffie_jayx: Now, for the last bit: check the clean: rule.  If the manpages are being deleted, you'll need to name your manpage so as not to be deleted, and add a copy statement to the manpage collection portion.14:05
persiaDoes anyone know if CC-BY-SA 2.5 is GPLv2 compatible?  I know CC-BY-SA 3.0 is GPLv3 compatible, but don't remember when things changed.14:09
effie_jayxpersia,  rm -f debian/*.1  in the clean section14:09
effie_jayxso no problem there14:09
effie_jayxit'll erase the manpage...14:10
persiaeffie_jayx: Except that it would delete your manpage if you named it debian/mymanpage.1, and so it wouldn't be there later :)14:10
persiaYou'll want to give it a name like executablefile.man, and then mv debian/executablefile.man debian/executablefile.1 in the manpage aggregation section.14:11
geserRiddell: you mean merging scons? see the last comment on bug #15766814:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 157668 in scons "[Merge] scons 0.97.0d20070918-1ubuntu1" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15766814:11
Riddellgeser: ah hah, thanks14:12
persiageser: Is "wontfix" best?  How about "Incomplete"?14:12
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persia(thinking about bug reuse for when the new upstream is available)14:13
geserpersia: perhaps it's really better to set it to "Incomplete" so others can also see it14:14
persiageser: That too :)14:14
effie_jayxi am all set to begin changelog and building packages14:15
geserI hope that it doesn't get sponsored14:15
persiageser: Request a sponsor to unsubscribe in #ubuntu-devel14:16
geserdholbach: can you unsubscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors from bug #157668?14:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 157668 in scons "[Merge] scons 0.97.0d20070918-1ubuntu1" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15766814:18
dholbachgeser: done14:18
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effie_jayxpersia,  pbuider gives me this error E: Could not satisfy build-dependency. E: pbuilder-satisfydepends failed.14:34
persiaeffie_jayx: OK.  Which package couldn't it find?14:34
effie_jayxpersia,  W: Unable to locate package haddock14:34
gesereffie_jayx: which arch are you on?14:35
jdongI think I found a bug in pbuilder-satisfydepends though I don't have time to reproduce14:35
gesereffie_jayx: hardy?14:35
effie_jayxgeser,  my pbuilder is updated for hardy14:36
persiaeffie_jayx: Odd.  I show that built for both gutsy and hardy (and up to date).  Is it a versioned dependency?14:36
gesereffie_jayx: have you universe enabled inside the pbuilder?14:36
effie_jayxgeser,  how could  Icheck14:36
kenkkuI think I'm getting an inch closer to a package :o14:36
gesereffie_jayx: the easiest way would be to login into the pbuilder and check /etc/apt/sources.list14:37
jdongsoren: if you have a chance, can you confirm bug 125107 with the default Hardy pbuilder-satisfydepends variant too?14:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 125107 in pbuilder "[gutsy] pbuilder-satisfydepends-gdebi can't resolve pure virtual build-depends" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12510714:37
jdongsoren: I had the default dummy variant say it can't satisfy a depends because "it's a virtual package" but the old slow method did it fine14:38
persiajdong: Some people would say that was a bug in the package, and that the package should prefer a real package, and only have the virtual package as a backup.14:38
sorenpersia: And I would agree with them.14:40
jdonglol ok, it's PEBKAC on my side then ;-)14:41
jdongslomo: just the man I needed....14:41
persiajdong: Perhaps not.  Last I know that was still a bug against debian policy, and hadn't been included yet.  Still :)14:41
sorenOtherwise the resulting build depends on whichever implementation of the virtual package the dependency resolver chooses to go with, which is quite undefined.14:41
effie_jayxgeser,  tried login in... id: cannot find name for group ID 12214:41
slomojdong: yes? :)14:41
jdongslomo: what are your feelings on marillat's packaging of faac 1.26? I noticed back in breezy days you didn't like it?14:42
jdongslomo: I'm chasing up that wonderful dependency tree from mpeg4ip :)14:42
gesereffie_jayx: shouldn't matter, you should be now root inside the pbuilder environment14:42
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slomojdong: no idea, iirc the packaging wasn't beautiful but i don't care anymore :)14:42
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slomojdong: be warned that 1.25 or 1.26 changed ABI without soname change14:42
jdongslomo: yeah I realized that'd happen14:42
geserjdong: is it still a tree or already a forest?14:43
jdongslomo: so yay I'll have to check all of faac's rdepends too :)14:43
jdonggeser: this is when I hope deforestation would go faster!14:43
effie_jayxgeser,  you were right... I only got main14:43
jdongslomo: ok, thanks for your time :)14:44
slomojdong: np ;)14:44
gesereffie_jayx: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto#head-5e61fa0f52f7f2442fb20f074813bd691744460b14:45
effie_jayxgeser,  it reads etch... contrib non-free ...14:47
effie_jayxI add the ubuntu sources?14:48
effie_jayxlike main universe restricted multiverse?14:48
geserthe important line is COMPONENTS="main restricted universe multiverse"14:49
geserI've added it to my /etc/pbuilderrc but ~/.pbuilderrc should also work14:49
ScottKmaiatoday: Did you get your setup.py problem sorted out?14:51
maiatodayScottK: not yet, I'm messing with it and I have also mailed the developer14:52
ScottKmaiatoday: From reading the scrollback, it's not clear you did all the steps for a normal setup.py installation.14:52
ScottKmaiatoday: First you have to run python setup.py build14:52
maiatodayaah maybe that will help me, I am also learning python, yes I did setup.py build14:53
ScottKmaiatoday: Then you have to run python setup.py install.14:53
maiatodayyes that's what I did14:53
ScottKmaiatoday: The install has to run as root (sudo)14:53
ScottKFrom the scrollback I missed that you'd built it.14:53
maiatodayOK I'll wipe things and try again, I didn't say so explicitly14:53
maiatodayI am reading docs on distributing python  modules at docs.python.org14:54
ScottKAlso if you run python setup.py it should give you all the options you can run it with.  Perhaps something there is needed.14:54
ScottKmaiatoday: Good luck.  They're a bit thin IIRC.14:54
maiatodayI have added all modules to setup.py now it feels better about the modules but it is moaning about glade and icons and there is no data_files bit in the setup.py14:55
* ScottK can't help you much there as the stuff I've done doesn't use glade.14:56
* maiatoday hasn't either but that's part of the fun :)14:56
kenkkuwhere can I find information on where to put all the files?14:58
kenkkuI need to find a place for the data files14:59
kenkkuis there a guide on what to put where?14:59
ubotuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview15:00
geserkenkku: data files are usually below /usr/share/<packagename>15:00
kenkkugeser: ok, and thanks for the link15:00
kenkkuI'm starting to get this. so in the rules file I should also move the data files and documentation and so on to their correct places?15:01
effie_jayxgeser,  I thought I did a pbuilder update to hardy... but I see this line in /etc/pbuilderrc   "# specifying the distribution forces the distribution on "pbuilder update" DISTRIBUTION=gutsy15:01
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effie_jayxcprov-lunch,  that's mean... I am hungry and I won't get to eat for another hour and a half...15:04
effie_jayxgeser,  thanks15:13
* dholbach hugs nixternal15:58
bddebianHeya gang16:19
somerville32Hiya bddebian :)16:23
bddebianHi somerville3216:23
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/16:29
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somerville32Can multiverse is non-free right but does it still have to be open-source?16:34
ScottKsomerville32: It has to be distributable16:34
somerville32Ok, so I can upload a binary blob in the source package and all is good?16:35
ScottKThat said, most MOTUs are reluctant to add stuff there without good reason.16:35
somerville32Well, I really enjoy playing Gate88 and I'd love to share it with people, lol16:35
ScottKIf it's distributable, it's allowed, but finding a MOTU willing to hold their nose and do it is another matter.16:35
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geserHi bddebian16:51
bddebianHeya geser16:51
norsettoanyone knows where is the cc meeting?17:17
norsettooh right, was joining #ubuntu-meetings ;-)17:18
ScottKnorsetto: I mentioned your Debian RFS to POX_ on #debian-python and he said he'd have a look at it this weekend.  You might want to hang out there (on OFTC).17:18
norsettoScottK: sure, thanks for that17:18
ScottKnorsetto: No trouble.  I'm pleased you're taking the trouble to push stuff back up into Debian.17:19
norsettoscottk: most probably debichem will take it on board too17:19
nxvl_worknorsetto: the bootcd DM write to me, i have updated the bug #16503017:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 165030 in bootcd "bootcd FTBFS on hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16503017:19
ScottKOK.  Well discuss it with POX_ about who should sponsor.17:20
norsettonxvl_work: yeah, I just looked at it, seems the debdiff is against your. dsc not the ubuntu one :-)17:20
LaserJocknorsetto: welcome to debichem ;-)17:21
norsettoLaserJock: heya17:21
nxvl_workoh! yes, i forget where the original one was17:21
nxvl_workmaking a new one17:22
norsettoLaserJock: I didn't know you were in debichem :-)17:22
POX_norsetto: how about this: gelemental in debichem and pyelemental in DPMT?17:22
proppywhat is debichem ?17:22
proppyfound it17:23
nxvl_worknorsetto: done17:23
proppyhop fixed python-biopython will get into it :)17:23
norsettoPOX_: the only problem is that pyelemental depends on libelemental-dev, so they have to keep a version sync17:23
norsettoPOX_: if that is possible with these packages being in two teams, I have no problem of course17:24
POX_they're two separate source packages, right?17:24
norsettoPOX_: yes17:25
POX_well, we can only take pyelemental so if you want to keep them together, choose debichem17:25
POX_but we know more about python then debichem ;-P17:25
norsettoPOX_: I can imagine :-)17:26
norsettoPOX_: can you talk with Daniel Leidert about it? If it works to have the two in two separate teams I'm for it17:28
POX_I didn't look at them yet, but if they're two separate source pacakges, I don't see a problem17:33
POX_it's up to you where do you want to keep your package17:33
LaserJocknorsetto: I am indeed, although I haven't contributed all that much17:33
norsettoPOX_: for me, as long as they are in Debian, I'm happy17:34
nxvl_workScottK: why it isn't any TODO on the MOTU/Python team?17:37
ScottKnxvl_work: Because there isn't a lot of actual doing going on.  It's more of a dive in and work on what you feel like.  Also because ajmitch and I are both pretty bitter.17:37
norsettoPOX_: I need to talk with Daniel anyhow tonight; I expect he doesn't particularly want to deal with a python binding package himself, in that case I'll be happy if you can consider it for your team17:39
affluxdholbach: updated the gdecrypt package to fix the issues raised by emmet: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=78617:39
POX_norsetto: your or *our* team?17:39
dholbachafflux: rock and roll - in a meeting right now, so I hope you find somebody else to look at it right now17:40
POX_norsetto: do you want to join?17:40
POX_just give me you alioth account name and read our policy17:40
affluxdholbach: okay, sorry to disturb you ;)17:40
norsettoPOX_: should be norsetto_guest, let me check17:40
dholbachafflux: no problem17:40
norsettoPOX_: well, norsetto-guest17:41
MenZaRainCT, congrats on the membership---impressive wikipage.17:42
POX_norsetto: I'll add you in a minute17:42
norsettoPOX_: thanks17:42
affluxI'd like to get my package in universe, so could any motu please have a look at it: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=786 ? Thanks!17:43
RainCTthanks MenZa :)17:43
* RainCT is overjoyed :)17:43
somerville32afflux, I'll take a look.17:43
ScottKRainCT: Congratulations.17:43
affluxsomerville32, thanks17:43
norsettocongrats rainct!17:44
huatsRainCT: congrats again... you deserves it... really :) (in fact I was really suprised to see you on the agenda)17:44
geserRainCT: Glückwunsch17:45
geserif you still understand some german17:45
RainCTthanks all again :D17:45
RainCTheh danke geser :)17:45
RainCTverstehen schon.. das problem ist schreiben ;)17:45
dholbachRainCT: now you need to start blogging on planet ubuntu about how you become a MOTU :)17:49
RainCTdholbach: heh :)17:50
KmosRainCT is a MOTU now ?17:50
RainCTdholbach: well, I'm planning to write something about merging :)17:50
RainCTKmos: no, Ubuntu Member17:51
RainCTKmos: uh.. didn't you want to apply today too?17:51
KmosRainCT: that's nice.. i don't know it was today.. but i'm not at home during the day until 11th december17:51
kenkkuit is just a matter of seconds if my thing works now..17:53
kenkkuI managed to create a package :)17:54
POX_norsetto: you're new DPMT member, welcome :)17:55
norsettoPOX_: hey thanks!17:56
LaserJockheh, that was easy17:56
proppyahah doctor norsetto17:56
kenkkuwhoa, this is actually fairly easy.17:57
POX_I will be leaving office soon (10h is enough for today) and my motherboard burned so I cannot take a look at your package today17:57
somerville32Kmos, It is still on going17:57
norsettoPOX_: np, let me know when you can, I'm looking forward to receive your comments17:57
POX_join #debian-python and ask there once you will svn-inject you package or wait till Saturday (I will have another computer for the weekend)17:57
somerville32Kmos, If you want a chance for your membership, get in #ubuntu-meeting17:57
Kmossomerville32: thank you very much18:00
somerville32Kmos, np :)18:00
somerville32Good luck Kmos18:02
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
Kmossomerville32: thanks18:04
somerville32afflux, Ok, lets go through your package18:07
somerville32+XSBC-Original-Maintainer: Kjell Braden <fnord@pentabarf.de> <-- Not needed.18:09
affluxsomerville32: I think *something* complained, when I removed it, but I'm not very sure.18:10
somerville32dh_installdocs changelog.gz <-- Changelog isn't a doc :P18:11
affluxsomerville32: okay, so just dh_install?18:13
somerville32I assume you added that because of Persia's statement about the upstream changelog not being installed18:13
somerville32Use dh_installchangelogs18:14
affluxsomerville32: does the changelog has to be gzip compressed then?18:15
somerville32The changelog is already gzip compressed it appears from upstream18:16
somerville32Just use dh_installchangelogs to install the changelog18:16
affluxsomerville32: okay. about the original-maintainer thing: should I just ignore "dpkg-source: warning: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but there is no XSBC-Original-Maintainer field"?18:18
somerville32afflux, Correct.18:18
=== ogra1 is now known as ogra
affluxsomerville32: should I upload a fixed package right now?18:21
somerville32afflux, not yet. Still slowly looking at it18:21
affluxsomerville32: no hurry ;)18:22
LaserJockdholbach: six months?18:22
dholbachLaserJock: hum18:23
LaserJockdholbach: sorry, Mark's comment in -meeting. It used to be 2 months of contribution18:24
geserthen it has tripled since I applied for membership (it was 2 months back at that time (which is only little over a year back))18:25
imbrandongeser: same here18:25
LaserJockmethinks Mark make a mistake or something18:26
* somerville32 doesn't think so.18:27
somerville32afflux, There is a problem with your debian/control :)18:27
gesersomerville32: do you know when it changed? I don't follow CC meetings regularly18:28
somerville32geser, No but it make sense to me that the time will be increases the project grows.18:28
LaserJockif it took 2 months of sustained involvement back then it should take 2 months now18:28
somerville32Ubuntu was smaller then18:29
LaserJockwhy does that make a difference?18:29
LaserJockthat would just be punishing people who came later18:29
somerville32Universities used to let you redo courses now they don't tend to18:29
somerville32It is the credibility of the ubuntu membership18:30
gesersomerville32: afaik it's possible to become a motu in less than 6 months18:30
LaserJockthat doesn't make any sense to me18:30
LaserJock2 months for memeber, 3 months for MOTU, that should work fine18:30
affluxsomerville32: what kind of problem?18:30
LaserJockif people take longer fine18:31
LaserJockbut it should be doable18:31
somerville32afflux, You need a XS-Python-Version ad XB-Python-Version18:31
affluxsomerville32: /usr/share/doc/python-support/README.gz line 40-42 tells different18:31
* somerville32 goes to look18:32
geserXS-P-V and XB-P-V is only used by python-central, python-support doesn't need it18:32
somerville32Yea, that just started to dawn on me18:33
somerville32afflux, Looks fine to me18:33
affluxsomerville32: okay, uploading18:34
somerville32I meant the source, I haven't tried building it yet18:34
somerville32Although I think pysupport is a build-dep and not a build-dep-indep18:35
affluxsomerville32: that was from http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPython/NewPolicy: "Add a Build-Depends (or Build-Depends-Indep if the package is arch: all) on python-support (>= 0.5.3)."18:36
somerville32Alright. I just brought that up because p-s/README.gz had said build-dep18:37
kenkkuwhere can I find information on how the version numbering goes in the ubuntu repositories? I can see things like package-1.0.0-0ubuntu118:49
somerville32afflux, +118:53
somerville32kenkku, <packagename.version>-<debian revision><ubuntu revision>18:54
affluxsomerville32: thanks. It's uploaded as http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=78718:54
geserkenkku: I don't rememeber if we have a page for it, but it's not difficult: -XubuntuY where X is the debian revision (0 if there is no Debian package for this package or version yet) and Y the Ubuntu revision (starting at 1)18:54
effie_jayxthepumpkin_w, sup18:55
kenkkuthank you geser and somerville3218:56
maiatodaywhy would one choose to use python-support rather than python-central or vice versa?18:57
gesermaiatoday: personal preference18:58
thepumpkin_weffie_jayx: everything is fine. i'm preparing some content.18:58
maiatoday:) thanks18:58
thepumpkin_wwhat about you?18:58
effie_jayxgod that building is taking long19:34
effie_jayx(3 hours now)19:34
effie_jayxmy first build :D19:35
effie_jayxI think it will work19:35
effie_jayxI have to install as well right?19:35
gesereffie_jayx: what are building?19:35
effie_jayxgeser,  that ghc6 packages with a manpage fix19:35
effie_jayxI would like to see if the manpage is taken correctly19:36
effie_jayxthere is a script in the manpages section in debian/rules that was making really confusing the whole thing19:36
effie_jayxso I just wanna be sure19:36
gesereffie_jayx: you build should finish soon (the buildds needed around 2h)19:37
effie_jayxI learned ALOT with this bug19:37
geserthat's good19:38
effie_jayxthank you guys19:40
effie_jayxI feel a little less noob19:40
=== Kmos_ is now known as Kmos
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=== Spec is now known as x-spec-t
Kmossomeone knows why soren changed the dependency when it builds fine in hardy pbuilder ?21:03
norsettokmos: libbluetooth2-dev is a virtual package (provided by libbluetooth-dev)21:04
Kmosso there is no reason to continue to do merge of gnokii21:05
ajmitchwasn't this just covered in -devel?21:05
Kmosajmitch: yes.. but i want to make sure with motu's =)21:05
Kmosand because soren does an upload to hardy recently and changed again the build-depends21:06
KmosI see that after the -devel discussion21:06
ajmitchand it's definitely a good idea to build-depend against the real package - I can't recall if it'll even work on the buildds against a virtual package21:06
ajmitchso yes, soren was right21:07
Kmosi can send it to PPA to test21:07
imbrandonello ajmitch and norsetto21:08
* imbrandon yawns21:08
slangasekajmitch: yes, building against a virtual package has always worked; it's just wrong if the virtual package has more than one provider because you have no guarantee of which one gets picked21:09
norsettohiya imbradon, nice color of the higher intestine21:09
imbrandonnorsetto: huh?21:09
ajmitchslangasek: right, wasn't sure21:09
norsetto* imbrandon yawns21:09
Kmosslangasek: i'll test it with ppa..21:09
ajmitchhi imbrandon21:09
StevenKslangasek: I am too late to fix bluez-utils?21:10
slangasekStevenK: ?21:10
slangasekStevenK: you mean for alpha-1?21:10
StevenKslangasek: Right21:10
slangasekStevenK: yes, go away :)21:10
imbrandonuploads of things that arent supose to be on the cd should be "OK" in this self imposed freeze correct ?21:11
slangasekimbrandon: yes21:11
imbrandonk, just double checking21:11
StevenKslangasek: It impacts video playback for pretty much everyone, though...21:11
imbrandonStevenK: bluez-utils does ?21:11
StevenKimbrandon: Right, it installs a sink at too high a priority21:13
imbrandonummm errm ok21:14
StevenKslangasek: Sorry, I'm on the phone, but trying to deal with this21:14
slangasekStevenK: the standard for alpha-1 is "can boot it, can install it, hard drive doesn't catch on fire."  I think you can see that video playback is a lower priority.21:14
KmosStevenK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/SupplementaryFiles -> .desktop file fails validation:21:15
KmosStevenK: the command doesn't work21:15
imbrandonslangasek: are you the RM for all hardy also ? or just gutsy ?21:15
KmosStevenK: or it's supposed to show only the ones that fails validation..21:15
StevenKslangasek: Okay, then I'll fix it, but not upload it21:15
Kmosand not the warnings/errors21:15
slangasekimbrandon: for hardy, yes21:15
StevenKKmos: How doesn't it work?21:15
slangasekimbrandon: it's an open-ended employment... :)21:16
imbrandonahhh ok, i thought you did gutsy and it was changed every release, not that i care, just curious :)21:16
slangasekimbrandon: that's not actually been the /intent/, that's just how it's worked out historically :)21:16
KmosStevenK: forget.. i'm thinking in another type of function.. like to show the errors/warnings from desktop-file-validation21:16
imbrandons/it/the\ RM21:16
StevenKKmos: I'm a little busy right now21:16
imbrandonslangasek: rockin , well hope everything keeps going as smooth as can be :) dident realize that wasent the intent , glad to hear actualy21:18
KmosStevenK: np =)21:18
imbrandonafter one or two and the processes are smoothed i'm sure the previous experinces makes it easier21:19
slangasekone hopes. :)21:19
* imbrandon gets back to the weatherreport21:19
StevenKKmos: Now, explain the problem to me, in small words.21:24
KmosStevenK: i thought the script was wrong.. but it reports only the files that have problems and not the output of desktop-file-validate.. there isn't a problem with it =)21:27
* RainCT is still wondering why «dpkg-source -x» sometimes doesn't do anything until I Ctrl+C and try again, with Debian packages21:28
StevenKKmos: That was the point of it.21:28
KmosStevenK: yeah =) i understand it, thx anyway21:29
Kmosi think i change it to me to show the output =)21:29
jdongRainCT: probably a GPG related lock21:30
jdongonce I've had a stale GPG lock that "broke" dpkg-source -x21:30
geserbroonie: re bug #157668: the status change was done so others can see the status of it and don't try to merge it (won't fix isn't shown by default). the sponsoring team got unsubscribed from it, so there should be little danger that someone uploads it.21:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 157668 in scons "[Merge] scons 0.97.0d20070918-1ubuntu1" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15766821:32
RainCTjdong: how did you solve that?21:33
jdongRainCT: use ps to search for stale gpg processes, then if all else fails dive into ~/.gnupg deleting lock files21:33
lifelessthere is a bug on evo21:36
lifelessit creates stale locks21:36
* RainCT doesn't use evolution21:38
* somerville32 decides to do some merges21:39
* RainCT is also doing merges :)21:39
* somerville32 decides to do harvestman21:40
jdongit's cheating to count myself as a verification towards my own SRU, right?21:45
ScottKjdong: Yes.21:45
effie_jayxhey norsetto  that bug was jinxed... hehe21:58
norsettoeffie_jayx: the man pages?21:58
effie_jayxthe man pages in debian/rules had a generating scripts for the manpages21:59
norsettowhich was bugged or?21:59
effie_jayxit involved a script for generating the manpages22:01
imbrandonheya jono22:01
effie_jayxI am currently building the package22:01
effie_jayxnorsetto,  whay do you say desktop bugs are Darkside?22:02
norsettoeffie_jayx: just jocking with daniel22:02
effie_jayxbut they are tougher bugs to fix I imagine22:03
norsettoeffie_jayx: I wouldn't think so22:05
norsettoeffie_jayx: the first bug I fixed was a desktop bug actually :-)22:05
effie_jayxmmm ... I might give it a try22:06
=== macd_ is now known as macd
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172926 in harvestman "Sync harvestman 1.4.6-6 from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,New]22:14
norsettoeffie_jayx: you could do bug 15894122:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 158941 in rhythmbox "can't browse jamendo collection from rhythmbox plugin" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15894122:15
norsettoeffie_jayx: its a patch for upstream, just needs to be debdiffed22:15
RainCTuh.. why has ebview priority "extra"?22:15
RainCTshouldn't it be optional?22:15
effie_jayxnorsetto,  I'll give it a look...  thanks ...22:15
effie_jayxnorsetto,  so basically I just have to build a package from that debdiff and try it out?22:22
norsettoeffie_jayx: first, check if the patch from upstream correct the issue which is reported22:23
effie_jayxnorsetto,  I apply the patch22:23
norsettoeffie_jayx: then implement it (check if there is a patch system already, if not, add it), add a changelog entry, change maintainer (if needed)22:24
norsettoeffie_jayx: its a desktop applicationa and its in main, so you have your challenge :-)22:24
norsettoeffie_jayx: check if that has been fixed in debian too and remember that we fix it for hardy22:26
TheMusonxvl_work: Lanmap fix uploaded.22:26
norsettoeffie_jayx: once you are happy, do a debdiff, attach it and subscribe u-m-s22:26
nxvl_workTheMuso: thnx22:27
* nxvl_work *HUGS* TheMuso22:27
norsettoTheMuso: you are looking for accessibility bugs, right?22:30
effie_jayxnorsetto,  funny how I can't reproduce the bug22:30
TheMusonorsetto: If you know of any, I'll take a look, but I do my best to track all accessibility related packaes.22:31
norsettoTheMuso: yes, I saw one this morning, let me check if I can find it, it was about fish :-)22:31
TheMusonorsetto: Sure22:31
norsettoTheMuso: bug 17275122:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172751 in fish "I am visially impaired, i can't increase the font size in wanda" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17275122:32
TheMusonorsetto: Thanks. I'll have a look.22:33
norsettoeffie_jayx: hmmm, so, you can't reproduce? This is bad ... there was a comment that this wasn't easy to reproduce22:33
TheMusonxvl_work: For your latest bootcd debdiff, is having quilt in build-depends and build-depends-indep intensional?22:34
nxvl_workTheMuso: not, i made a mistake22:35
TheMusoOk thanks.22:35
effie_jayxsome funky music in jamendo :D22:35
effie_jayxbetter find me another bug :D22:35
* effie_jayx fetches sumthing from LP22:36
nxvl_workTheMuso: fixed and uploaded22:36
TheMusonxvl_work: Thanks.22:37
nxvl_workTheMuso: thank you for sponsoring them :D22:37
TheMusonxvl_work: You're welcome.22:37
TheMusonxvl_work: Have you tested this fix?22:39
nxvl_workTheMuso: yep22:39
TheMusonxvl_work: Great.22:40
nxvl_workTheMuso: it doesn't work there?22:40
TheMusonxvl_work: I haven't tried it. I was looking at the syntax change, and just wanted to be sure it had been tested.22:41
nxvl_workTheMuso: oh, yes it has, i make the patch and build the package22:41
nxvl_workusing pbuilder22:41
TheMusonxvl_work: BTW, don't worry about it now, but please make sure you create debdiffs between two packages in the same directory. I had to manually tell patch where to patch files when attempting to apply your latest diff.22:41
RainCTcool, I see Launchpad Janitor is again at work :P22:42
nxvl_workTheMuso: yes, i usualy do it, but in this specific case i don't know why i changed the original .dsc so i have to use another one :(22:42
TheMusonxvl_work: Ok thats fine, just letting you know.22:43
nxvl_workTheMuso: thnx for the tip :D22:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about build-queue - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:43
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)22:43
nxvl_work!build queue22:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about build queue - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:44
nxvl_work!launchpad-buildd-admins queue22:44
nxvl_workwhere is the build queue on LP?22:44
TheMusonxvl_work: bootcd uploaded22:45
nxvl_workTheMuso: thnx again22:45
nxvl_workStevenK: it isn't there22:46
StevenKWhat isn't there?22:46
StevenKMore context would be helpful.22:46
nxvl_workStevenK: the queue on that link22:46
jpatrick"Page not found"22:46
DarkMageZapachelogger, have you managed to test if the fix for pm 1.0 works for you? https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=464823822:47
nxvl_workStevenK: thnx22:47
TheMusonorsetto: Thanks for that bug, unfrotunately since it uses ncurses, nothing can be done to change font size other than use it in a GUI terminal, and change the terminal font size.22:48
StevenKThat's the what's about to hit the archive, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+builds is what's going to build next22:48
norsettoTheMuso: yes, I'm contagious :-)22:49
apacheloggerDarkMageZ: *trying*22:49
TheMusough typing22:49
apacheloggerDarkMageZ: doesn't work for me... gotta investigate tomorrow22:52
* apachelogger heads off to bed22:52
TheMusoRainCT: Why did you mark bug 172922 incomplete?22:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172922 in ebview "Please merge ebview-0.3.6-3.1 from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17292222:53
RainCTTheMuso: because it's using no patch system, so the patch there isn't being applied22:54
TheMusoRainCT: Do you need helpin getting dpatch working22:55
RainCTTheMuso: I've a new debdiff where I apply that patch directly to the source ready, but I'm trying to pbuild it before I attach it22:55
norsettook, I better go to bed22:55
RainCTgood night norsetto :)22:56
TheMusoRainCT: IMO, a patch that big should not be applied inline in the .diff.gz. A patch system is much better and safer.22:56
norsettorainct: g'night (and listen to TheMuso :-))22:56
nxvl_workdid the tribe 1 iso is somewhere to download it?22:57
RainCTnxvl_work: afaik it's not ready yet22:57
RainCTah tribe 122:57
nxvl_workRainCT: on the release shedule it says it will be up today22:58
slangasekhttps://iso.qa.stgraber.org/qatracker/build/All for anyone who'd like to help test alpha 1 ISOs22:58
RainCTis it also called tribe for hardy?22:58
nxvl_workit also called tribe for every version i think22:58
slangasekit's called "alpha"22:58
TheMusoWhich IMO makes more sense.22:59
effie_jayxa tribe is for primates22:59
* RainCT thinks that it was "herd" previously22:59
imbrandonits been alot of things22:59
StevenKIt's been multiple things, it changed for every release22:59
TheMusoRainCT: You also need to resolve a conflict in src/ebview.c22:59
effie_jayxit'll be a flock again22:59
effie_jayxsince it flies22:59
Fujitsueffie_jayx: No it won't, but `again'?23:00
TheMusourm sorry you probably did that23:00
imbrandonugh, i hate when you find usefull patches for software AFTER you just make a major update23:00
nxvl_workit was funny to see 3 "no"'s one after the other23:00
effie_jayxFujitsu,  sorry I made a mistake ... I remember edgy being flight...23:00
effie_jayxnot flock23:00
effie_jayxnooo it was dapper23:00
FujitsuNewts don't fly too well.23:01
RainCTTheMuso: Debian applied the same fix as Ubuntu there23:01
RainCT(but commenting with // instead of /* */)23:01
nxvl_workit is alpha 1 iso up there to download it or do i need to install gutsy and upgrade it?23:01
TheMusoRainCT: Right.23:01
imbrandon17:58 < slangasek> https://iso.qa.stgraber.org/qatracker/build/All for anyone who'd like to help test alpha 1 ISOs23:01
imbrandonnxvl_work: ^^23:01
somerville32On DaD, some are marked as No need to sync. Why?23:01
RainCTTheMuso: what's the problem then? should I note that on the bug report?23:02
nxvl_worki didn't see that23:02
effie_jayxi just finished the building of the package with pbuilder... :D. what next... I install ?23:02
TheMusoRainCT: The only problem I see so far, is that there is no patch system set up to make the patch apply.23:02
slangaseknxvl_work: note that these are still the images for /testing/ prior to posting them as an alpha23:03
Lutinsomerville32: usually means that the debian changes are not worth merging23:03
TheMusoJust including the patch like you did is not going to work.23:03
RainCTTheMuso: so you think it's better to add dpatch then directly patching?23:03
RainCTTheMuso: (for Debian, the bug is already reported and a link the the patch provided)23:03
TheMusoRainCT: Considering how big the patch is, and that it touches more than one file, yes I do.23:03
nxvl_workslangasek: i will install it on a VM only for testing purposes23:03
RainCTTheMuso: ok23:03
TheMusoRainCT: When is debian likely to include the patch?23:03
RainCTTheMuso: the bug report received no answer yet23:04
TheMusoRainCT: How old is the report?23:04
crimsunimbrandon: jordan, you, and barry comprise the trinity.23:04
imbrandoncrimsun: ahhh okies , couldent quite rember :)23:05
KmosRainCT: can you try to finish vips package to upload it.. so nip2 can be synced after that :-))23:05
RainCTTheMuso: 08 Nov 200723:05
TheMusoRainCT: Ah ok, so its not that old.23:05
imbrandoncrimsun: so i guess Laserjock was correct :)23:05
somerville32Lutin, Why not do it anyhow?23:06
* RainCT wonders if it wouldn't be better to just sync and let the patch enter when Debian includes it, as it doesn't seem to be anything really important, TheMuso23:06
TheMusoRainCT: Well if you are up to adding the patch system and making sure the patch does apply, I'd say we go ahead, and we add a bug watch for the Debian bug, so we know when we can get it synced.23:06
RainCTTheMuso: okay then23:06
RainCTKmos: I've that one pending :). you are not looking at it, or?23:07
KmosRainCT: no.. just waiting for you :p23:07
Lutinsomerville32: because merging for 'change my email adress' or 'orphaning this package' debian uploads is just pointless ?23:07
RainCTKmos: okay. what was missing there? just checking if new debian version works?23:07
Lutinsomerville32: or in some case, if the debian upload fixes only a part of the ubuntu changes ... no real point merging either23:08
KmosRainCT: i need version .5 of vips to have nip2 synced.. just waiting you to finish the debdiff23:08
TheMusoRainCT: On the other hand, if you are happy to wait for the update in Debian, we'll sync then. However, if its not done in a month or so, I'd say we merge.23:09
effie_jayxafter one is done building a package with pbuilder .. what does one do next? I install it?23:10
TheMusoeffie_jayx: Yes, install it in the version of Ubuntu that its meant for. I would then test the fix you have applied to ensure it works.23:11
effie_jayxTheMuso,  how can I do this23:11
effie_jayxI am running gutsy and the pacage is for hardy23:11
effie_jayxwhat do I install?23:12
TheMusoeffie_jayx: You need a hardy chroot of some sort.23:12
TheMusoSOme people use pbuilder, but how they do so, I don't know.23:12
effie_jayxTheMuso,  the file I use to install... is it a .deb?23:12
TheMusoYes it is.23:13
effie_jayxi don't see one in the folder...23:14
effie_jayxnow I am confused23:14
effie_jayxTheMuso,  Thanks23:14
TheMusoeffie_jayx: THe debs appear in /var/cache/pbuilder/result unless settings have been changed23:14
RainCTTheMuso: I've followed this http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ap-pkg-eg.en.html but I get «No rule to make target `clean-patched', needed by `clean'»23:14
TheMusoRainCT: You following the dpatch example?23:15
RainCTTheMuso: yep23:15
TheMusoRainCT: Actually, I would advise just reading the dpatch and dpatch.mk manpages.23:16
TheMusoSorry, just the dpatch manpage.23:16
TheMusoah its dpatch.make23:16
TheMusoThe dpatch.make manpage gives you info on how to make use of it.23:17
* RainCT is pbuilding23:20
imbrandonhrm /win 2123:26
effie_jayxI need to test a package for hardy... I am using gutsy... what can I use...23:28
jdongeffie_jayx: your pbuilder as a chroot23:29
jdongi.e. the login command23:29
effie_jayxjdong,  how can I use the .deb file in that environment23:29
jdongeffie_jayx: you need to set a --bindmounts /some/shared/dir and then that path will be available inside your chroot23:29
effie_jayxok cool23:30
effie_jayxlet me give it a try23:30
RainCTTheMuso: I've replaced the debdiff in bug 17292223:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172922 in ebview "Please merge ebview-0.3.6-3.1 from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17292223:32
TheMusoRainCT: Thanks.23:33
effie_jayxjdong,  where do they get mounted?23:33
effie_jayxsame path?23:33
nxvl_workRAOF: ping23:34
effie_jayxjdong,  nevermind... smane path23:34
RainCTgood night :)23:35
RAOFnxvl_work: Pong?23:40
nxvl_workRAOF: did you mind if i merge apt-proxy? or you want to do it?23:41
effie_jayxI tested the package23:44
effie_jayxwhat next23:44
effie_jayxmake debdiff and upload23:45
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
RAOFLet's try that one again.  nxvl_work: pong?23:50
somerville32[19:40] <nxvl_work> RAOF: did you mind if i merge apt-proxy? or you want to do it?23:51
effie_jayxI just attaeched the debdiff23:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 95985 in ghc6 "no manpage for runghc / runhaskell" [Wishlist,New]23:54
effie_jayxI know I have to assign the bug to someone...23:54
effie_jayxbut who?23:54
somerville32No, don 't assign23:55
somerville32Is ghc6 a universe package?23:55
somerville32If so, subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors23:55
nxvl_workeffie_jayx: at your left it is a menu entry "suscribe someone else" get in there and suscribe the ubuntu-universe-sponsors23:56
nxvl_workeffie_jayx: then assign the bug to no one and change status to confirmed23:57
effie_jayxnxvl_work,  should I change importance?23:58
effie_jayxit sas wishlist23:58
nxvl_workeffie_jayx: you can't23:59
nxvl_workand you don't need to change it, just leave it the way it is23:59

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