
* PriceChild discovers ted.com00:16
ubotuneverblue called the ops in #ubuntu ()00:53
jribugh I need to get to work on the weechat script...00:54
LjLjrib: which does?00:56
jribwell for one I had an irssi script to automatically ban-forward those people to -read-topic, but I can't even op, ban, deop00:57
LjLjrib, if you were in #ubuntu-ops-monitor you'd know you won't need that :)00:58
=== rob1 is now known as rob
ubotuIn #ubuntu, xzased said: ubotu: actually, it is not a digital camera, its a picture frame, but I thought the procedure would be similar.01:05
krimHi I would like to be tested for the DCCExploit01:11
PriceChildkrim, you may rejoin #ubuntu.01:11
krimGreat, thanks01:12
jugheadHello, may I be tested please?01:34
PriceChildjughead, you may rejoin #ubuntu01:36
jugheadthanks PriceChild 01:36
somerville32Barbecue just dcc send spammed me01:39
Picidid that just starT?01:39
naliothhe's been klined01:40
elkbuntusomerville32, we've done all we can, we need someone with kline powah now01:40
* somerville32 tries to get over the trauma01:41
elkbuntusomerville32, if that was traumatic, i think the internet is the wrong place for you :Þ01:43
* somerville32 suffers from severe PTSD :P01:43
LjLcan we k-line everyone in #ubuntu who comments on people who've been k-lined?01:43
jdongcan we kline everyone who's seen someone klined?01:44
jdongthat would be fun01:44
naliothi think we should kline forums mods who write stickies about villanous folk01:44
jdongI think we should kline staffers that keep finding bugs in torrent apps :)01:45
JanCsomerville32: I got several tries to DCC-send me mirc.ini too   ;)01:46
somerville32I'm like doing CDBS kung-fu and then these windows start flying out of no where :(01:46
JanCyou can probably disable that01:47
LjLis PFA supposed to be banned from -offtopic by any chance?01:48
PiciNot to my knowledge... but that might be before my time01:49
LjLwell i know tor is kind of suspicious01:50
LjLwell, not tor, ircatwork01:50
mneptoknalioth: ping01:51
naliothmneptok: pong01:53
mneptoknalioth: my co-worker is concerned about #ubuntu-co. he's a co-admin, and the founder is *way* AWOL.01:54
mneptoknalioth: any chance you can bump up his access level?01:54
elkbuntunalioth, magicfab is trustworthy01:55
* nalioth points out to mneptok that #ubuntu-irc is the place for this business01:55
mneptokhe sits 3 feet behind me. if he misbehaves, i can punish him in meatspace.01:56
mneptokand yes, that the mnep definition of "punish" >:)01:56
mneptokhe's active now if you want to /msg01:56
no0tic"meatspace", nice01:57
Picimy connection is doing weird things, so someone keep an eye on bef in -offtopic while my connection bounces a few times01:59
mneptokPici: roger roger01:59
jdongmneptok: "meatspace"01:59
jdongmneptok: "Proprietary Kernel Extension"01:59
mneptokjdong: it feels like real flesh!02:01
jdongmneptok: it really grows on you :)02:03
* somerville32 cuddles with mc44 02:51
* jdong slowly backs out of the room...02:51
ajmitchhow random02:51
* jdong points out he's not getting any love...02:52
* somerville32 looks to ajmitch for jdong.02:52
ajmitchyou chased away elkbuntu02:54
no0ticby jdong 02:54
* LjL cuddles with ubotu02:56
* Seeker` doesn't02:56
LjL!sorry | Seeker`02:57
ubotuSeeker`: It's ok, I can't stay mad at you.02:57
* Seeker` does go to bed though02:57
Seeker`I have to be in a lecture in 6 hours02:57
LjLoh and jdong, don't act like the one who "backs out of the room"... we have the other day's logs :P02:59
* ajmitch at least always behaves :P03:00
jdonguh oh they're on to me ;-)03:14
pjeideGreetings ops. I was flagged for having a vulnurabilty causing me to be disconnected.  I've taken the steps to try to prevent this from happening.04:33
pjeideI am already on port 8001 and I have the latest firmware revision.04:34
pjeideI believe that I may have been flagged in error? Would someone be willing to assist me in rejoining?04:34
pjeide!ops | Is anyone available to provide assitance?04:36
ubotuIs anyone available to provide assitance?: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!04:36
ubotupjeide called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (Is anyone available to provide assitance?)04:36
Amaranthpjeide: You're not on port 800104:38
pjeidehmm Konversation is configured that way04:38
pjeideAmaranth: I apologize, you were correct. I had manually /connected without specifying the port, although the client was configured properly.04:42
Amaranthok, seems alright04:42
pjeideI am not connected appropiately, and hope not to be vulnurable?04:42
Amaranthwhere you you banned from?04:43
Amaranthfree to enter04:43
pjeideAmaranth: thank you for your assistance04:43
pjeidewhat is the root of the vulnurability?04:43
pjeidewhat function does it utilize that updated firmware for the router or a different port would utilize?04:44
pjeideand how would they get my IP in the first place? it is a DCC string vulnurability?04:44
no0ticthe last you said04:45
MadpilotIt's a fault in how some routers handle DCC stuff coming thru the standard IRC port, I think04:45
pjeidewhy would my client accept a dcc connection to the point of it being a flaw in the router?04:46
pjeidedcc connection starts as a ctcp string which is just a privmsg surrounded by special characters04:46
pjeidethey have no access to my router without an actual connection04:47
jdongpjeide: your faulty router thinks a specially crafted DCC string sent over normal IRC port 6667 is an "exploit" and disconnects your TCP connection to freenode04:47
no0ticjdong, so it becomes an exploit :)04:47
jdongpjeide: many routers have this fault and as a result a kiddie typing this sequence in a busy channel leads to pages of people leaving so it "looks entertaining"04:48
pjeidejdong: i see04:48
pjeidejdong: I wasn't aware the router was filtering traffic on that level04:48
AmaranthIt may also be a bug in the router's code?04:48
AmaranthI mean, an overflow or something04:48
jdongpjeide: to be honest, it really shouldn't be.... but what control do we have over what our router mfr's want to do to our traffic :)04:48
jdongAmaranth: yeah, that's certainly a possibility. I'm more leaning towards an overzealous IDS type rule04:49
Amaranthyeah me too04:49
jdongI recall Norton's spectacle with the startk***ger thing04:49
pjeideif it was an overflow bug why would it not be effective on port 8001?04:49
jdongpjeide: your router doesn't look for this "exploit" on port != 6667 :)04:49
jdongpjeide: it's not smart enough to detect IRC traffic -- it just thinks port 6667 = IRC04:49
pjeidethe fact that it is vulnurable on 6667 implicates that the offending traffing comes directly through a privmsg or channel message04:50
pjeidejdong:  right04:50
jdongpjeide: it's normal text. AFAIK you can wget an HTML page from a webserver on port 6667 with this special plaintext string and your router will abort the connection04:50
jdongthough I'm not 100% certain on that04:50
jdong(Norton hilariously would ban the "offending IP" i.e. IRC server for 24 hours)04:51
pjeidejdong: There was a technique similar to that which I fiddled around with back in the mid 90s04:51
pjeideInvolving MS winsock04:51
jdongpjeide: I'm not surprised at all -- history riddles us with all kinds of packet-of-death type exploits :)04:52
* tonyyarusso deeceecees a small dancing GIF of the Grim Reaper to jdong 04:52
AmaranthI thought switching to 8001 made freenode lock you with +C04:52
Amaranth(block CTCP)04:52
pjeidejdong: I invented this technique just playing with my modem so I could pick up the line and listen in through the computer speakers hooked to a stereo and record the conversation :)04:52
jdongpjeide: apparently there are still dialup modems vulnerable to the +++ATZ "hack" :D04:53
jdongs/still/people still using/04:53
pjeidejdong: +++ATH004:53
jdongpjeide: ATZ works just as well (reset rather than hangup line 0)04:54
pjeideat least it was04:54
jdongpjeide: actually +++ would work alone -- it would escape the modem to command mode and then the connection will of course time out after 120s04:54
pjeidejdong: I was about 13 when I figured it out over a decade ago..  :) I stopped at ATH0 lol04:55
jdongpjeide: since then modern modems have carrier guards for that so this technique is largely useless04:55
no0ticjdong, how do you send AT commands to remote modems?04:55
jdongdefinitely if you have a 56K modem you're fine04:55
jdongno0tic: +++ in the data stream escapes to data mode04:56
jdongno0tic: err, command mode rather04:56
no0ticjdong, ah ok, raw datas :)04:56
jdongno0tic: and depending on where the buffer is cleaved the ATH0 part might get shoved in, too :)04:56
jdongeither way your connection is toast without a carrier guard04:56
pjeidejdong: At the time I was also able to convert the string to hex and send with an icmp packet04:57
ubotubruenig called the ops in #ubuntu (Enslaved)04:57
jdongpjeide: I've heard LAND packets work on XP SP2 and all later versions of Windows04:57
jdongincluding Vista04:57
jdongit's the bug that never dies :)04:57
jdonggot killed as far back as Windows 9504:57
jdongbut they keep on bringin it back04:58
tonyyarusso!rules is <alias> etiquette04:58
ubotuBut rules already means something else!04:58
jdongVista is more secure because it has a rewritten TCP stack, huh?04:58
no0ticwhere could I make me a culture on these topics?04:58
tonyyarussoAll right, who beat me to it?04:58
jdongno0tic: haha script kiddie land? ;-)04:58
jdongactually script kiddies have been my best source of information on these things04:58
jdongnothing beats firsthand04:59
no0ticjdong, :) something like "know your enemies" :)04:59
jdongindeed :)04:59
pjeidejdong: I love the perspective I've gained as a director in the IT industry coming from an experimental childhood during the big boom of the internet04:59
no0ticpjeide, where are you from?05:00
no0ticI had no doubt :)05:00
pjeideno0tic: for why?05:01
jdongthe land of the free and the home of the big mac :)05:01
no0tichere in italy such thing is simply impossibile05:01
pjeideno0tic: I'm curious, when you say such things, what are you referring to?05:02
no0ticpjeide, become "director in the IT industry" when you said before "I was 13..a decade ago"05:03
pjeideno0tic: I see.05:03
pjeideI weasel.05:03
pjeideAnd got lucky, I suppose.. right place at the right time with the right people kind of deal.05:03
jdongboy it feels good to download at 89mbit05:04
no0ticpjeide, here no one get direction roles being as young as us two05:04
pjeidejdong: that as well has me curious :)05:04
no0ticpjeide, yes :)05:04
jdongpjeide: we own bandwidth on the east coast man ;-)05:04
pjeidejdong: Where're you at?05:05
jdongpjeide: :)05:05
pjeide *stump*05:05
jdongsurely the director of IT can look up a whois database ;-)05:05
no0ticjdong, wow, mit :)05:06
jdongno0tic: the one and only Hell on east coast :)05:07
pjeideshoot, you got there first05:07
pjeideI was simply trying to rephrase an earlier statement05:07
pjeidewhen I say director in the IT industry05:07
jdongno0tic: the limits to my bandwidth are (1) the number of network cards I have (2) the number of cables I can find :)05:08
no0ticjdong, lol05:08
no0ticjdong, University of Pisa, where I study, owns a large part of italian bandwidth and controls italian backbone, I can imagine :)05:09
pjeideIs "a director in the IT industry" an inappropriate way to describe yourself when you are IT Director for a an operation of 80 people in 2 states that manufacture business cards enmass but employ a total network of 60 workstations, 7 servers and over 400 databases? 05:10
jdongno0tic: awesome, you probably  also have practically unlimited bandwidth at your hands :)05:10
jdongpjeide: I believe that's well qualified05:10
jdongpjeide: as long as you're not the guy telling me how to set up a SMTP server starting with "Well you choose the Exchange icon from MMC's left pane...."05:10
jdong(yes I've got that once)05:11
pjeidejdong: The majority of my work since I took the position about 4 months ago has been software development to interface with our databases05:11
pjeideour proprietary software is inept and malnourished.. we've tons of data and few tools to access it efficiently and intuitively05:12
pjeidejdong: plus a few tools to save the typesettings a few thousand keystrokes a day :)05:12
jdongsounds like fun :)05:12
pjeideit beats a sharp stick in the eye, for certain.05:13
pjeidejdong: What has you at MIT?05:13
jdongpjeide: an undergraduate degree in electrical eng and comp sci :)05:14
jdongpjeide: hopefully follow up with a PHD in the same should this institute accept :)05:15
pjeidejdong: congratulations, good work05:15
jdongha don't congratulate too early ;-)05:16
pjeideEE/CS combined major or double?05:16
jdongit is a single major here (Course VI as we refer to it)05:16
jdongeverything around here gets a number05:16
pjeidehow old are you?05:16
jdongit's a weird place of culture -- you never hear cdr and car used as verbs anywhere else :)05:17
pjeidejdong: Boston is a very fun city05:17
pjeidemy brother had a place up in Rockport and a little apartment in Slummerville05:17
jdongbut weeks into my first term, I had someone ask me casually to "cdr down this list of pizza places to find one open at 4AM"05:17
no0ticjdong, so you could car there?05:18
jdongno0tic: with the pun intact, yeah :P05:18
jdongthough I am sadly currently without car.... and dearly miss it too :)05:19
pjeidedamn you using acronyms that I am not familiar with in sentences casually :\05:22
pjeidei must inquire05:22
pjeidecdr? car?05:22
jdongpjeide: LISP commands :)05:23
jdongpjeide: CAR returns the first item of a list, while CDR returns all but the first items of a list as another list05:24
pjeidejdong: ty05:24
jdongpjeide: so a recursive combination of CDR and CAR is used to go down and retrieve items from a list :)05:24
pjeideIs LISP MIT prereq? :P05:25
jdongpjeide: for half a decade, the majority of the programming theory classes were done in LISP05:25
jdongpjeide: that is slowly changing though -- this year we officially started using Python for the introductory 6.01 class05:26
pjeideI'm sure you get to see all types of creative implimentations on campus there05:26
jdongpjeide: the previous 6.001 (LISP/SCHEME) class's final project was to actually write a SCHEME interpretor05:26
jdongin SCHEME.05:26
jdongthe new 6.01 class is cool because it's much more of a hybrid between EE and CS05:27
jdongwe work with Python controlled robots :)05:27
pjeidejdong: that is sweet05:27
pjeidetoo sweet05:27
pjeideDid you know python walking onto campus?05:27
jdongyeah, first term students get everything: learning python, OOP, resistor networks, op-amps, feedback controllers, stochiastic hidden-markov model decision making....05:27
jdongpjeide: I did, mostly from Ubuntu related work05:28
jdongof course it's *very* lightly touching on each topic...05:29
jdongbut it is great at giving you a 8-week taste of EECS05:29
no0ticah :)05:29
jdongso you can decide if it's a good major for you or not05:29
pjeidevery interesting05:29
pjeideno doubt ;-)05:30
jdongit's really a nice school, nice curriculum, interesting faculty05:30
=== jussi__ is now known as jussi01
Tm_Tpjeide: hi09:05
pjeideTm_T: hello09:09
Tm_Tpjeide: something still we can help you with?09:11
naliothTm_T: something still we can help you with?09:13
Tm_Tnalioth: sure09:15
Tm_Tcan you hug me, it's bit chilly out here09:16
* nalioth sets Tm_T on fire09:17
Tm_Tthank you sir09:17
* nalioth wraps an aluminized survival blanket around Tm_T 09:18
pjeideTm_T: I was conversating earlier, should I not idle in the ops channel?09:18
naliothpjeide: we don't recommend it09:19
* pjeide waves09:19
pjeidenalioth: to be clear, do you not recommend it, or do you recommend against it?09:22
pjeideI found stimulating conversation here and enjoy the stay.09:22
pjeideThen again, stimulating conversation on a channel for operator/abuse questions only may be slight OT?09:23
pjeidesorry to be a bother09:23
naliothpjeide: see the /topic please09:23
* Seeker` wonders if jdong could have gotten away with "(print (eval ( read)))" for a SCHEME interpreter written in SCHEME09:35
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:47
DGJhi, just a quick message to let you know that overnight, somebody called "barbecue" has been offering files called "mirc.ini", not sure what it is, but, just thought i'd let you know, it may not have been somebody in #ubuntu, but i'm only in that channel and #ubuntu-uk, i'm assuming its something unwanted and deleting anyway12:39
Tm_TDGJ: IIRC dealt with12:42
=== Pumpernickle is now known as Pumpernickel
PiciDGJ: Yes, it was dealt with when it happened last night12:43
DGJTm_T, ok, thanks, just found that looking through the logs, thanks anyway12:43
jussi01can someone remind me how to make chanserv not veto my mode settings? ie. in my own channel (#dib5sn) I just set to -c and chanserve turned it back on again?15:21
Picijussi01: hav you asked in #freenode?15:24
jussi01Pici: nope.. not yet... ;)15:24
PriceChildjussi01, chanserv set channel mlock15:50
jussi01PriceChild: thanks. I got the info from #freenode :D15:51
PriceChildJust had an interview for "computer repair guy" and I'm so glad I use linux after some of the questions given...15:53
jussi01I can imagine...15:53
MezPriceChild, examples? 16:11
PriceChildHe was just giving such vague questions...16:12
PriceChildWhat would you do if a computer just endlessely rebooted?16:12
Mezand your answer?16:12
PriceChildI didn't know where on earth to begin... it depends completely on at what point in the process it reboots16:13
Meztoo true ;)16:13
Mezgood answer16:13
PriceChildNever gonna get the job though.16:14
PriceChildat least I got to the interview stage though woo!16:14
PriceChilduu CC meeting16:15
* Hobbsee has given scottk her ammunition for it.16:16
PriceChildHmm a couple of people asked me for cheerleading... *looks through list*16:16
Hobbseeno, i'm anti-cheerleading.16:16
PiciThat was an odd mass-join16:16
PriceChildHobbsee, sarcastically?16:16
PriceChildPici, where?16:16
PiciPriceChild: #ubuntu, about 5 people from came in at once16:17
Picispoke some spanish, I !es-ed them and they left.16:17
Picifloodbots announced it though16:17
PriceChildThere's a lot more than 516:17
HobbseePriceChild: absolutley not16:18
PriceChildPici, pick up your shield and emp cannon16:18
PiciPriceChild: hm.  I guess I misread my log16:19
PriceChild*wonders if any of them are still left inside*16:19
PiciJust one, retsam 16:19
* ikonia hugs pici 16:59
Seeker`ikonia: erm...?17:03
ikoniahe's a saviour in #ubuntu today17:03
Seeker`ah, ok17:03
Seeker`ikonia: how are you today?17:03
ikoniaabout to leave for home17:04
PiciWell, theres a rash of crazy people today17:04
Seeker`ikonia: cool. I've got another hour of lectures, and then I need to try to get home. The bus queues aren't nice.17:04
ikoniano, wave if you see me drive past and I'll give you a lift17:05
Garymore crazy people?17:05
Seeker`I may just walk down widcombe hill17:05
GarySeeker`, I'm int he bar already - left site office and too late to go to the main office17:06
Seeker`heh, pub may be a good idea :)17:06
* RainCT would like a cloak :D17:41
PriceChildRainCT, hey there :)17:42
RainCThi :)17:42
PriceChildWe'd appreciate it if you could wait until you're accepted into ubuntu-members on launchpad.. which they probably haven't done yet?17:42
RainCTok, np. how much does this take usually?17:43
PriceChildpoke one of the CC members17:45
PriceChild793 proposed members17:52
PriceChildin the mean tmie17:54
PriceChildRainCT, make sure you have two registered nicknames, linked together with an email set.17:54
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration17:54
RainCTPriceChild: yeh, I've RainCT, RainC1 and UbuCat (#ubuntu-cat's IRC bot)17:56
RainCTwhy should it be two?17:56
PriceChildDON'T link the bot.17:56
PriceChildBots should *never* be seen wearing the ubuntu/member cloak.17:56
PriceChildapproved bots get an ubuntu/bot cloak17:57
PriceChildtwo so that if you forget the password on the first, you can identify with the second, /nick, and set the password to recover.17:57
PriceChildthe email so that if you forget both passwords, you can get a staffer to reset it.17:57
PriceChildbut we'd rather not bother a staffer17:58
RainCTah ok17:58
PriceChildbecause secretly they have a list... which they put you on if you have to bother them with password resets.... and you don't want to know what happens if you get put ont he list twice! :O17:59
PriceChildno0tic, did you get it too? :)18:00
no0ticyes :)18:00
PriceChildwooo congrats no0tic.18:01
no0ticthanks :) LjL spent a word for me :)18:01
RainCTgratz no0tic :)18:02
no0ticyou too18:02
no0ticPriceChild, all requirements are met for the cloak, now ;)18:04
PriceChildno0tic, not quite... has launchpad caught up?18:04
no0ticPriceChild, ah, yes I'm one of the 793 pending members :)18:04
PriceChildSorry but you'll have to be patient until that's sorted :)18:04
no0ticPriceChild, I'll wait :)18:04
RainCThow can I unlink the bot (if possible without having to login as him)?18:08
no0tic/ns unlink nick password18:08
* RainCT forgot to say that the bot is now unlinked18:27
RainCTPriceChild: :D19:13
* Seeker` wonders if he should apply for membership19:15
* RainCT pings whoever ;P19:35
PiciRainCT: Were you accepted into the launchpad group?19:36
RainCTyeh :)19:36
ompaulSeeker`, which group?19:37
Seeker`ompaul: huh?19:37
ompaulSeeker`, you could be asking for ubuntu-irc19:38
Garynah, thats just me ompaul 19:38
Seeker`ompaul: I mean "Ubuntu" membership - I'm already a member of -irc19:38
RainCTPici: yes19:42
PiciRainCT: I can't approve you anyway, just asking 19:43
RainCTPici: ah lol19:44
Garycool, we can talk about pricey now19:46
Davieyhe's teh suck, apparently19:47
Garyshh, he is back now19:47
Pici14:46:51 <Gary> cool, we can talk about pricey now19:47
Davieycheers Pici 19:47
* Gary throws a pie at Pici for grassing him in19:47
DavieyPici is now off my xmas card list...19:48
PriceChildno0tic, you want a member cloak too?19:48
ompaulDaviey, was he ever on it?19:48
GaryI want a superman cloak19:48
ompaul /cs  k gary - fly like the wind -19:49
Garyyay, we can talk about old uncle ompaul now19:49
crdlbGary: that wasn't very nice!19:49
Daviey!- Gary [n=clark_kent@superhero/superman] has joined #ubuntu-ops19:50
Garycrdlb, he loves me really19:50
* Gary watches Pici 19:51
* Daviey watches Gary watch Pici 20:11
* Seeker` watches Daviey watching...20:12
* RainCT is still waiting :)20:22
PriceChildRainCT, for cloak?20:24
RainCTPriceChild: yep20:24
PriceChildRainCT, sorry, gotta wait on freenode to sort out our new group contact form, until then we've got a bottleneck with nalioth who's afk.20:25
Garyyou can have a colchester-lug/member cloak if you like :p20:25
RainCTGary: lol20:25
* jussi01 takes a picture of Seeker` watching Daviey watching Gary watching Pici20:26
RainCTPriceChild: oh, well..20:27
* RainCT hasn't understood much of what Price said but it sounds bad heh20:28
Seeker`RainCT: There is a lot of red tape around at the moment. nal ioth  could fix it (i think), but he is AFK20:29
RainCT«I'm away, messages are logged, screen is detached.  How do you detach a screen? Visit http://www.gnu.org/software/screen to find out.» lol20:30
PriceChildRainCT, basically, the "IRC Council" (4 of us) isn't yet recognised by freenode... until that happens I can't get random staffers to do my evil ubuntu bidding, has to go through nal20:32
Seeker`PriceChild: They just dont want to give you any power :P20:32
* ompaul screams20:34
* ompaul roars20:34
RainCTah, that's stupid -.-20:34
* ompaul goes nuts20:34
Seeker`ompaul: whats wrong?20:34
jussi01ompaul: did dublin lose the hurling? :P20:35
ompaulSeeker`, the fact that PriceChild et al are not recognised20:35
ompaulSeeker`, the fact that dublin in hurling is not a great prospect20:36
ompaulSeeker`, the fact that it is 7oC and raining outside20:36
jussi01ompaul: and grey?20:37
ompauljussi01, no - it is night time20:37
jussi01ompaul: yeah... but it would be...20:37
ompauljussi01, I am listening to The Clash London Calling (live) so outside don't matter ;-)20:38
jussi01ompaul: :D20:39
ubotuIn ubotu, Paddy_EIRE said: PICNIC is Problem in chair not in computer! ;)20:48
ubotuIn ubotu, pike_ said: recover is Deleted or lost files can be recovered from failed or formatted drives and partitions, cdroms and memory cards using the free-libre software available in the Ubuntu repositories. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery20:48
ubotuIn ubotu, Profanephobia said: !sexy is bow chicka bow wow20:48
juliankAs I am a Member now, could I get a Member cloak? 20:52
Davieyyou'll have to paypal me $3020:54
jussi01juliank: I beleive there are a few small issues atm. I suggest coming back in at least a few hours.20:56
ompauljussi01, the thing is that unless PriceChild et al know about it which people can do by saying stuff here they don't need to be here for this20:59
ompauljuliank, I strongly suggest you go to the freenode faq and use the nick setup stuff so that you can use the cloak no matter what 20:59
ompauljuliank, this includes setting up a private email address other than your ubuntu.com one, so staff can be contacted if you need a password changed for IRC access21:00
jussi01ompaul: I was just trying to convey what PriceChild said earlier... :(21:01
PriceChild!register | juliank 21:01
ubotujuliank: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration21:01
PriceChildjuliank, set up two registered nicknames linked together and an email21:01
* ompaul clicks on PriceChild 21:01
juliankPriceChild: I currently have 3 nicks registered: juliank, juliank0 and jak-software, all linked. None has been identified to the ubuntu.com adress yet. Do I need to have one nick registered with the ubuntu.com adress? (@ubuntu.com e-mail is not working yet)21:05
PriceChildjuliank, nope just a standard email is fine.21:05
naliothjuliank: it takes a bit of time after a CC meeting for these things to happen21:06
PriceChildnalioth, they've all been added to ubuntu members. The CC is speedy this time around.21:06
naliothas was mentioned earlier, taking the dog out to the park for a bit might be in order21:06
PriceChildnalioth, pardon?21:08
somerville32PriceChild, He is saying that it takes time for things to happen, might as well take your dog for a walk :P21:10
PriceChildsomerville32, i'm not sure what needs to happen...21:11
somerville32PriceChild, They are talking about cloaks21:11
PriceChildsomerville32, I'm on the IRC Council... I can authorise cloaks.21:12
somerville32PriceChild, Good for you? :P21:12
PriceChildsomerville32, what I am trying to say, is that everything is there that I can see for one of us to get the cloak set up... no blockers on launchpad. I am confused what nal is referring to.21:14
PriceChildWe'll get the cloaks done asap.21:19
somerville32Why is Freenode so anal anyhow?21:20
ompaulsomerville32, you should really bring your common sense to IRC 21:21
somerville32ompaul, What is wrong with that question?21:21
ompaulyou assume way more than is credible21:21
somerville32I would just assume that Freenode staff would be able to look at the website as a credible source of info and trust the members of the IRC Council and act upon their requests.21:22
somerville32But for some reason, it doesn't work like that.21:22
PriceChildsomerville32, we're working on it, it will get sorted as soon as it can be done.21:23
PriceChildUntil then, the current system has coped for several years, and will continue to cope for a short while longer.21:23
ikoniaevening chaps21:39
ompaulikonia, I say21:41
ikoniahello ompaul 21:41
ompaulhow the source code are you21:41
* ompaul gets spooky enough to scare himself21:42
somerville32Xchat is using 90% CPU, time to restart it :/21:42
ikoniaompaul: void_main();21:43
ompaulI could say something bitter and twisted21:43
ompaullemon with gin21:43
ikoniaha ha ha21:45
ikoniaI'm drinking mojito 21:45
effie_jayxikonia,  envy... :(21:47
ikoniaeffie_jayx: its great, I'm almost out though21:47
effie_jayxI know it's great... 21:47
ompaul!envy  | effie_jayx 21:48
ubotueffie_jayx: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »21:48
jdongoh screw you all... I can be drafted anyday yet I can't have a nice drink :P21:48
ikoniacan someone step in and give adan6 a kick please, a/s/l style chat21:48
ikoniaadnan6 21:48
ikoniaI want girls etc21:49
effie_jayxI'm gonna fix me a drink... 21:49
ikoniahe's back as adnan721:50
ompaulikonia, so I sat back and knows he would be puzzled by not able to send to channel21:50
ompaulthen got rid of him 21:51
ompaulikonia, any comment on the pretenders?21:51
ompaulwoops wrong place21:51
ikoniaha ha ha21:51
jdongaww and it wasn't even that privately revealing of an -ECHANNEL21:52
jdongI recall that time when Eric Sandeen of XFS fame pasted his entire boarding pass into #xfs21:52
tonyyarussowhat's private about a boarding pass?21:53
tonyyarussounless you don't want people to know you're going somewhere21:53
naliothtonyyarusso: it was inadvertant spam21:54
tonyyarussoWell that's true21:55
jdongtonyyarusso: it has frequent flier number, confirmation number, name, e-tkt number, etc21:57
jdongtonyyarusso: I'm quite sure it's not hard to bypass security given this information, at least in the USA21:57
tonyyarussojdong: mine didn't have our FF # - hmm21:57
tonyyarussojdong: It's not hard to bypass security regardless ;)21:57
jdongtonyyarusso: well it's harder to get behind the gate and onto a plane without this information21:57
jdongtonyyarusso: but I'd expect if you had a valid boarding pass barcode, a bit of photoshop or even PDF-editing can easily get you onto a plane.21:58
jdongtonyyarusso: no guarantees what will happen when the real guy shows up ;-)21:58
tonyyarussojdong: They don't check it for accuracy - you just need a boarding pass that looks real.  The numbers / barcodes are never checked / scanned.21:58
ompauljdong, do they not do mag strip ones?21:58
jdongompaul: no, they're barcoded these days so you can print them online21:58
jdongtonyyarusso: recently I've had all mine scanned at the boarding gate21:58
jdongtonyyarusso: TSA's checkpoint doesn't use any electronic scanners though.21:59
jdongtonyyarusso: a spoofed name will get you through TSA21:59
tonyyarussojdong: The barcodes are checked by the airlines prior to boarding, yes, but never by airport security to get past the clearance21:59
jdongtonyyarusso: and then pull out ANOTHER boarding pass with the original person's name for the boarding gate21:59
jdongI think this is failproof21:59
jdongunless the original guy shows up demanding to know why he "boarded" already21:59
jdongthen you're screwed21:59
* jdong gets out large Nike bag and club from trunk... ;-)22:00
tonyyarussojdong: a terrorist can easily scrounge up the $300 for a legitimate plane ticket - the security checkpoint is the only concern.22:00
jdongtonyyarusso: I've just recently taken a concerning number of things through as carry-on.... the whole situation scares me22:01
jdongtonyyarusso: but they *DID* notice my toothpaste was 5oz!22:02
jdongthank god.22:02
jdongwho knows what I could've done with an extra ounce of toothpaste.22:02
tonyyarussojdong: Have I mentioned yet the time I went through the largest airport in Canada and boarded a good-size plane on an international flight into one of the largest airports in the USA and never had security check my passport, boarding pass, or anything else, other than noting that I was white and waving at me?22:02
tonyyarussojdong: 2oz - the limit is 3 lately.22:02
jdongtonyyarusso: not surprising at all22:03
jdongtonyyarusso: is that 3oz or 3 fl. oz? ;-)22:03
jdongboy that'd be a fun argument for the gate.22:03
tonyyarussohehe, dunno22:03
tonyyarussoMy latest customs check did actually look at the passport, but the entire conversation consisted of this:22:04
jdongtonyyarusso: I once inadvertently brought a diamond-coated endmill through an entire plane ride...22:04
jdongtonyyarusso: and when I got myself I shredded my fingers while trying to figure out what that pointy thing in the side pocket was...22:04
tonyyarusso"How long were you in Canada?"  'Since Wednesday'  "What were you doing there?"  'Visiting friends'  "How long were you there again?"  'Err, that's what, five days?'  "Okay, have a nice day"22:04
tonyyarussoThat's flying though.  Driving across the border is way more fun.22:05
jdong"fun" :)22:05
tonyyarusso"So, any bodies or anything in the back there?"  'Nope'  "Okay, carry on"22:05
jdongtonyyarusso: that's because you're white :)22:06
tonyyarusso(The back seat was piled high with stuff so they couldn't tell)22:06
tonyyarussojdong: yup22:06
jdongtonyyarusso: my experiences with driving across the border are quite different :)22:06
jdongtonyyarusso: I had to produce an MIT admissions document for them to let me through from MI -> MA22:06
jdongI didn't see why it was relevant to compare my admissions letter to my ID.22:06
jdongbut you know the drill... argue with them and you're sitting in a little questioning cell for the rest of that day.22:07
tonyyarussoI also once had a conversation with a border guard about how it would be silly for me to bring pot into Canada, because it's cheaper there, practically legal, and of higher quality, so bringing it from the US would make no sense.  Those are the border guard's words, not mine.22:07
tonyyarussojdong: err, MI > MA?22:07
Seeker`jdong: lo22:07
jdongtonyyarusso: yeah, fastest way from MI to MA, I thought, was through canada22:08
jdongtonyyarusso: turns out I was sorely wrong22:08
tonyyarussojdong: what do you mean by MI?22:08
jdongtonyyarusso: next time I will take the domestic long way.22:08
tonyyarussooh, right, I see.22:08
* tonyyarusso was trying to figure out what border you meant22:08
tonyyarussowhat's your citizenship?22:09
jdongtonyyarusso: USA22:09
jdongtonyyarusso: but that doesn't matter when you don't look American :)22:09
tonyyarussoThen they shouldn't have made you produce the admissions letter at all.  If you hold a passport, that's all you need to re-enter.22:09
jdongtonyyarusso: noooo, they need to check why I'm entering the great country of moose and eskimos....22:10
tonyyarussoYou could definitely have made a stink about that if you wanted to22:10
tonyyarusso"To visit" is all you need to say to enter Canada.22:10
jdongand I was stupid enough to say "on my way to school"22:10
Seeker`jdong: You were talking about a SCHEME interpreter written in SCHEME earlier - would (print (eval (read))) have worked?22:10
jdongSeeker`: ha. no. :)22:10
tonyyarussootherwise they think you mean a Canadian school, and then you do need different documentation22:10
tonyyarusso(btw, Canada defines a "visit" not needing additional docs as anything under 6 months)22:11
tonyyarussoI have a four-hour break between classes, so I usually just chill on campus in the room my earlier class met in.22:14
tonyyarussoPeople wander in and think I'm faculty.  :P22:14
jdonghaha you should pretend to be :)22:14
tonyyarussoThat'd be awesome.  I could set up an internship or something.22:15
* mneptok and woo now just get waved through at the tiny Quebec crossings22:17
mneptok"Oh, it's those Americans again. He gets chatty. Just smile and wave them past."22:17
somerville32Which direction are you going?22:18
mneptokboth ways.22:18
mneptokif we ever have trouble, it's usually enterig the US, oddly.22:19
tonyyarussomneptok: lol22:19
somerville32mneptok, Did you just enter or leave Quebec?22:19
mneptoksomerville32: we cross back and forth a few times per month.22:19
tonyyarussoThe US guards like to do things for show.  Like take the apple out of my lunch.  And ignore the ax and cans of explosives in the back.22:19
somerville32mneptok, I'm trying to make a joke, dammit! :P22:20
mneptokwe had a US guard get pissy about the 2 of us bringing >US$10K in.22:20
mneptoksomerville32: i need a better breadcrumb trail.22:21
tonyyarussoWhy?  Did you not have the paperwork you needed?22:21
mneptokwe don't need paperwork22:21
mneptokwe each had <US$10K22:21
mneptokthe total is irrelevant22:21
PiciWe're americans, we dont need no stinkin paperwork22:21
somerville32I was going to say that they're probably thinking "Oh, c'est ces Américains encore. Il obtient bavard. Juste sourire et les onduler le passé. " and not "Oh, it's those Americans again. He gets chatty. Just smile and wave them past."22:21
tonyyarussomneptok: you're right in that case.22:21
mneptoksomerville32: peut etre. mais je pense la femme je connait est Anglophone.22:22
somerville32Etait-elle attrayante ? 22:23
mneptoktonyyarusso: yup. and when the "RESPECT MAH AUTHORITAY!" uniform-ape got a bit of push-back, accompanied by the "you realize this is actianable?" question, he backed right down.22:24
tonyyarussomneptok: muahaha.  I love making US gov't officials feel dumb.22:24
mneptoksomerville32: moyen age. cinquante-cinq? soixante?22:25
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat22:25
tonyyarussoPriceChild: ??22:25
* tonyyarusso is slow22:25
somerville32tonyyarusso, We're talking French :P22:25
tonyyarussoI was in Canada again last week - I guess I got used to seeing both22:26
* somerville32 loves Canada.22:26
mneptoki stand on guard for cheese.22:27
mneptoki wonder what i should sing for the first line?22:27
mneptok"o canada! my home and ... place i have a work permit ..."22:28
ompaulmneptok, mneptok, mneptok, so tell me if it is swiss cheese it comes in two varieties there and not there or 1 and 0 so it is the binary cheese as it comes in lumps we could could them blobs you can see where this is going22:28
tonyyarussomneptok: haha22:28
tonyyarussomneptok: Can you get me one?  ;)22:28
ompauls/could could/could call/22:29
tonyyarussoActually, I have a study permit that lists its expiration as April 30 2010, so I can get past border folks and whatnot easily enough, even though I'm not actually fulfilling the stipulation that I remain at the institution listed on it at the moment22:30
mneptokompaul: "Can I have your cheese recipe?" "Check that EULA."22:30
effie_jayxohhh god22:45
effie_jayxhehhee no spacebar time in offtopic22:45
ompaulmneptok, cheese for Freedom Lovers!22:58
ompaulmneptok, and so was born the food labelling industry22:58
ubotuIn #ubuntu-devel, Keybuk said: !ogra is looks like a pirate :-)23:07
Keybukcan we make ubotu not answer factoids on ubuntu-devel/23:08
PriceChildnot easily23:08
PriceChildwe'll live ;)23:08
jdongKeybuk abusing the bot ;-)23:08
PriceChildDoes he have a cutlass?23:08
PriceChildjdong, that's not an excuse for you to ;)23:08
Keybukhmm, 23:10
Keybuk/msg chanserv kick #ubuntu-devel ubotu23:10
naliothanyone know a batch image processor that reduces pix to web colors only?23:10
ompaulnalioth, imagemagik - function called mogrify iirc23:12
ompaulman mogrify for detail (or removing detail)23:12
naliothompaul: i use mogrify to resize now (guess i need to read more about it to reduce the data)23:13
* Keybuk notes that his factoid didn't get added :-(23:19
PriceChildTry resubmitting it.23:19
ubotuIn #ubuntu-devel, Keybuk said: !ogra is looks like a pirate :-)23:19
mneptokubotu: ogra is <reply>ogra looks like a pirate!23:19
ubotuI'll remember that, mneptok23:19
ubotuogra looks like a pirate!23:19
jdongha and we start with the random factoid season again :)23:20
mneptokjdong: you've obviously never met ogra23:20
ubotu<Hobbsee> jdong: yes, but you're FULL OF CRACK!23:20
mneptokit's hardly random23:20
Keybukbot abuse is basically IRC sport23:21
Keybukit's going to be in the 2012 olympics23:21
* somerville32 hugs Keybuk 23:22
mneptokit was going to be in the next Olympics, but bots were denied PRC visas23:22
mneptokubotu: .tw?23:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tw? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:22
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk23:22
mneptokand that's why the visas were denied23:22
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk23:26
ubotucn aliases: zh, tw, chinese, china - added by ompaul on 2006-06-18 00:52:4523:26
nalioth您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk23:26
jdong*grins* taiwan is aliased to china :)23:26
naliothქართული ენაზე დახმარების მიღებისთვის გთხოვთ შემობრძანდით #ubuntu-ge -ზე ~ For Georgian language support, please join #ubuntu-ge23:26
Seeker`putty REALLY doesn't like that23:27
Seeker`you broke my title bar :(23:28
tonyyarussoserves you right Seeker` 23:28
Seeker`tonyyarusso: :(23:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about load - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:36
RainCTgood night23:37

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